
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes | Use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdubuntuFAQ as starting point for questions
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Thu Jun 28 18:33:29 2007
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Phrozen_Onehow can I remove the local X server, but keep it working for the thin clients?03:01
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes | Use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdubuntuFAQ as starting point for questions
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Thu Jun 28 18:33:29 2007
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sbalneavMorning all03:47
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moquistsgonzalez: hey there04:22
moquistsgonzalez: I was just about to ask. :)04:22
moquistI intermittently have trouble with Feisty install CDs. I get dropped to the (initramfs) prompt with the message "Can't access tty; job control turned off".04:22
sgonzalezmoquist: just sent you an email. looks like I need the LSI card. The adaptec does RAID with software and is troublesome.04:23
moquistOne time I got that on a TC, and the problem was that it couldn't mount root ('cuz I'd screwed up the server).04:23
ograit doesnt find the cd drive04:23
moquistsgonzalez: oy04:23
moquistogra: makes sense. any idea why it would happen sometimes and not others, when you don't change the hardware? i.e., I reboot a few times and eventually it works.04:23
ograsounds liek a race condition04:24
moquistAlso, I read somewhere that you can select the "additional drivers CD" option and leave the install CD in there, and that makes it work. sometimes.04:24
ograif the Cd initiaizes fast enough it works ...04:24
moquistogra: yeah, it does.04:24
ograif it is delayed due to whatever it doesnt04:24
moquistso is there anything better to do about this than reboot over and over until it works?04:24
moquistI had *just* gotten started poking around in the init scripts in the initramfs when the system worked the next time I rebooted, so I stopped messing with it.04:25
ograwell, its the installer ... thats something different04:25
cliebow_is the problem the high compression in the cd?04:25
ograi really think its just related to spin-up speed04:26
moquistOK, so perhaps a different burn could be better.04:26
moquistA slower burn on a good-quality CDR would probably do better.04:26
moquistsgonzalez: you following?04:26
moquist(sgonzalez had this trouble this morning)04:27
ograwell, you shouldnt burn bootable CDs faster than 8x anyway04:27
cliebow_moquist:what are you working on these days? unh prep?04:27
sgonzalezmoquist: yes. I will try the original cd that actually installed. if that's the case, then it might be Dave's cd.04:28
moquistcliebow_: unh is done. I'm working on pam-ssh (a project scottie and I cooked up) and getting schools up and running.04:28
moquistsgonzalez: Yeah, Dave is *terrible* about burning CDs too fast.04:28
sbalneavogra: Hey, how's the tooth!04:29
moquistsgonzalez: Unless there's a reason not to, I always burn CDs as slow as possible (I usually type 4 and get 8x).04:29
sbalneavget my patches to jetpipe?04:29
sgonzalezmoquist: evil Dave!! I have drives formatting right now. When that's done, I'll get my CD and try.04:29
ograsbalneav, the tooth was fine yesterday already ... the rest is dizzy and on drugs ....04:29
moquistogra: thanks; that makes perfect sense and is probably what is going on. This should be googleable somewhere...04:29
ograsbalneav, yes, but i'm totally into iso building/testing/fixing atm04:29
sbalneavOK, I'll leave you to it.04:30
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cliebow_moquist: i have umpteen laptops to reimage..four labs torn to hell..04:31
cliebow_315 lab->316  312 lab->315 208 lab->312 308 lab->208 plato lab ->313..04:32
moquistblee. sounds grand.04:34
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sgonzalezmoquist: after formatting the drives and using another CD, things are progressing. might even work *gasp* I'll let you know. I do get error when loading the installer, but googling tells me that a lot of people get the same ones.05:08
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moquistsgonzalez: sounds good06:02
moquistsgonzalez: BTW, I forgot to recommend XChat, which is my preferred IRC client for Winders(TM).06:02
sgonzalezmoquist: I'm actually using xchat... I feel like such a pro ;) So edubuntu is installed. I'm testing with a client right now. So far a really slow boot, but there's the login screen just now.06:11
sgonzalezI forgot to partition during install. Can I do it now or do I need to reinstall for that?06:12
moquistsgonzalez: Yeah, that's going to require a reinstallation.06:18
moquistsgonzalez: how slow is a "really slow boot"?06:19
moquistsgonzalez: and FWIW, you're in exactly the right place to discuss it. :)06:19
sgonzalezNot sure.. I'll time it next time, but it's a few minutes. Thought it was going to crash when loading X.  Second login is quicker. Installing updates now. Then I'll winbind it to ADS and try with non-local users. That'll be the real test.06:22
moquistThen try it with a user whose account is in AD and whose home directory is on your Edubuntu+winbind server.06:28
moquistogra: surely it would be possible to munge about at the (initramfs) prompt to re-initialize the installer, re-init the CDROM, and try again?06:31
ograbut you get that propmpt in various other cases as well06:32
ograthat would ecome a long text ;)06:32
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=== Athanasius [n=ath@c-68-61-11-224.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
Athanasiuscan somebody help me with a login problem on a thin client?07:06
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AthanasiusI am not able to log in on the thin client07:09
ogradid you change any IP settings of the server after you set up ltsp ?07:09
ograif so, run sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys07:10
AthanasiusI just make users like normal right?  Like on a regular desktop?07:11
ograyou make them on the server ... just use the gui tool ;)07:12
Athanasiussystem>admin>Users and Groups right?07:13
Athanasiusdoes the server and the clients have internet by default?07:17
Athanasiuseverything is working fine now, do I have to update the sshkeys every time I add a new user?07:21
ograonly if you change the ip settings of the interface the clients are connected to07:23
ogra(which usually never heppens ;) )07:23
moquistsgonzalez: Edubuntu TCs will boot more slowly than K12LTSP TCs for now. The next release of Ubuntu (October) will see a big improvement in TC boot time.07:25
moquistsgonzalez: remember when I said that was the only significant drawback of Edubuntu? :)07:25
=== mode/#edubuntu [+o ogra] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes | Use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdubuntuFAQ as starting point for questions |
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes | help testing tribe3 candidates: https://isotesting.stgraber.org/isotesting/build/Ed
ograsorry for the noise ... one more07:29
=== ..[topic/#edubuntu:ogra] : Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released, see http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | help testing tribe3 candidates: https://isotesting.stgraber.org/isotesting/build/Edubuntu
=== mode/#edubuntu [-o ogra] by ogra
ogralooking for amd64 testers specifically ;)07:30
stgraberogra: I posted in #ubuntu-iso as well, let's see if some of our amd64 testers are available07:32
ograi386 server worked fine for me btw ...07:32
stgraber(my only amd64 computer is my laptop and I never do testing on it)07:32
stgraberok, I'm downloading the iso, will have it in ~10 min07:32
ograsame here ... with the difference that i'd do testing but ran out of diskspace to do so07:33
ograand it doesnt boot from usb :/07:33
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mcsddoes xorg.conf get read at every boot? m08:28
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Shadow31Hey, all. I've been having problems with Firefox on my LTSP thin client network. Firefox boots fine off of the server, but on the thin client it opens and then immediately closes. Running it from the terminal, the error message is: "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". I tried reinstalling Edubuntu, and the problem still occurs. I am using XDMCP to connect to the thin clients. Ideas, anyone?08:35
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sbalneavShadow31: How much ram on the thin clients, and do you have network swap turned on?08:59
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LaserJockis the meeting over?10:08
juliuxLaserJock, there was no meeting yet;)10:08
LaserJockoh, really?10:09
juliuxno traffic in -meeting sind 20:0510:09
Knightlustheh, i just logged in.10:10
moquistLaserJock: hey!10:10
Knightlustso will the meeting push through?10:10
LaserJockogra: are we having a meeting?10:10
=== Knightlust will hunt for bugs in the mean time
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LaserJockhi pips110:18
pips1hi LaserJock10:18
pips1isn't there a meeting?10:18
LaserJockI don't see RichEd10:19
LaserJockand I haven't heard anything from ogra yet10:19
pips1I heard you are taking some time off?10:19
LaserJockI guess that means we get to run our own meeting!10:19
pips1in what way?10:19
LaserJockI just dropped by for the meeting (to bug ogra about some stuff) :-)10:19
LaserJockwell, I gotta get my PhD done real soon10:20
pips1I notice you still post to the mailing list...10:20
LaserJockand I've been neglecting family, house, etc.10:20
LaserJockyes, I'm basically just using email10:21
LaserJockand getting rid of projects10:21
pips1irc is a time sucker10:21
LaserJockhanding things off to other people10:21
LaserJockit is10:21
LaserJockand I keep ending up volunteering for things when I'm on IRC :-)10:21
LaserJockso I'm taking a bit of a vacation10:22
LaserJockto get real life in shape10:22
pips1well, everyone does what they can... I've also been very busy with RL10:22
LaserJockI think I was fairly close to loosing my PhD, which isn't good10:23
pips1no good10:23
LaserJockwell, I put in 50+ hrs/week on Ubuntu for almost 1.5 years10:23
LaserJockyou just can't do research and write, etc. with that10:23
pips1that's a lot of time investment!10:24
LaserJockespecially when it's volunteer10:25
LaserJockas I can't do "but I'm getting paid for it" to justify it ;-)10:25
pips1I hear you10:25
pips1I do wonder what's up with RichEd and ogra10:26
LaserJockI wonder if they had a conf call or something10:26
LaserJockor another meeting10:27
pips1is ogra travelling? he was attending a sprint, no?10:27
LaserJockI thought he was back10:28
LaserJockanybody got news worth discussion?10:28
pips1btw, I will start teaching a course at my uni next semester in web engineering... I'm preparing for that10:28
LaserJockwhile we're waiting10:28
pips1well, did you see my post about the Intel joins OLPC ?10:29
LaserJockI saw something about it the other day10:30
LaserJockI'm a little puzzled as to what the point is10:30
LaserJockwell, Intel joins the OLPC board but continues to make ClassmatePC10:30
LaserJockdoes Intel joining the OLPC board do anything other than nice "We love each other"  PR boost?10:31
pips1well, do you know if they continue with the classmatepc for sure? I suppose they wont drop it, since it must have been quite an investment... and they already started selling them...10:32
LaserJockI believe I read that they were continuing with the ClassmatePC, "business as usual"10:33
LaserJockI wonder if the ClassmatePC will get an XO interface or something10:33
LaserJockI did see that OLPC will be using Intel processors for the OLPC server10:34
pips1olpc has a server ?10:34
LaserJockwell, you can't just have a million OLPC laptops running around a country10:34
LaserJockyou gotta be able to flash the hard drives10:35
LaserJockprovide infrastructure, etc.10:35
=== pips1 reads http://wiki.laptop.org/go/School_server
LaserJockI think they had a logo thingy that went, "One laptop per child, one server per classrom"10:36
LaserJockhighvoltage and I had some ideas about classroom servers10:38
LaserJockwhen we were in Sevilla10:38
pips1go on10:38
LaserJockwell, it seemed like a thin client might be an interesting starting point for one of these servers10:39
pips1I don't understand10:39
LaserJockthat is, the thin client hardware, not a thin client in general10:39
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LaserJockwell, these schools are going to need low spec servers as well10:40
LaserJockthey need to be cheap, quiet, light, and low energy10:40
pips1but what about storage?10:40
LaserJocksimilar to the Classmate PC10:41
LaserJockbig flash disks10:41
LaserJockperhaps you could get away with one of those small hardrives10:41
LaserJockbut you probably could make one without a fan10:41
LaserJockprobably battery powered even10:42
LaserJockcourse I'm no hardware expert so I could be just full of crap ;-)10:42
LaserJockbut it is something that Intel will need to figure out for the Classmate10:43
pips1change of topic: what do you think about os on a usb stick?10:43
LaserJockas in running the whole OS off of a stick?10:44
pips1yes, i.e. you just "borrow" the keyboard, screen... from wherever you are.10:44
pips1and carry your personal os, with your configuration and data, in your pocket?10:45
LaserJockwell, at least at this point, it seems like you need pretty minimal or specialized OSs to do it well10:45
LaserJocksome people have put Ubuntu on USB sticks10:45
pips1backup would need to be solved somehow... but other than that?10:45
KnightlustI've been using Puppy linux while travelling since i dont want to lug around a heavy laptop.10:46
LaserJockI've wanted to do it before when I've gone to my parents10:46
pips1Knightlust: right!10:46
stgraberWorks fine on USB HDD, on flash memory you have the maximum number of rewrite which will cause problem10:46
stgraberwith swap and tmp for instance10:46
LaserJockwhat'd be nice is if it was more like a portable OS10:46
LaserJockwhere you had your home machine10:47
LaserJockthen you plug in your USB disk and sync up10:47
LaserJockgo wherever, do whatever10:47
LaserJockcome back, plug it back in, and it syncs from the stick10:47
stgraberInstalling on a laptop IDE HDD inside one of those USB IDE box works really fine, 20GB with swap+/+home, usb bootable and no problem with Xorg as xorg.conf is no longer needed with gutsy10:47
pips1LaserJock: so you would prefer os and configuration on stick, but data remote... hmmm. but what if you don't have network access to your data?10:47
LaserJockpips1: no, data on stick too, but easily syncable when I get back10:48
pips1stgraber: interesting10:48
LaserJockI want to be able to use a stick when traveling, etc. but I don't want to use it *all* the time10:48
LaserJockstgraber: yeah, I'm worried about the max, rewrites on the ClassmatePC10:49
LaserJockit's not like you can just drop in a new drive10:50
LaserJockat least I don't think so10:50
LaserJockyou can use the SD slot though and do most stuff there10:50
Knightlustbtw, i assume that the meeting is cancelled then.. there isn't any outstanding stuff to discuss on anyway, right?10:52
Knightlustexcept for tribe310:52
LaserJockwell, I assumed we'd get a tech update from ogra on Tribe 3 stuff10:52
LaserJockI'm waiting on oli to look at a new meta-package I made10:53
Knightlusti see, hehe. ayt then, better get back to work.10:53
pips1yeah, I will wonder off too, it's late here..10:53
LaserJockpips1: any status on edubuntu.org?10:54
pips1stgraber: you don't feel tired, do you?10:54
pips1LaserJock: same. no progress whatsoever :-(( I haven't heard anything from highvoltage either10:55
LaserJocksounds like we are all in the same boat10:55
pips1rowing RL10:55
LaserJockamen to that ;-)10:55
stgraberpips1: well I didn't sleep much with this tribe-3 testing :)10:55
stgraberpips1: but as I'm on holiday it helps10:55
pips1stgraber: oh, you are testing... nice!10:56
stgraberpips1: yep + fixing reported bugs for isotesting.stgraber.org, writing spec+bug report, usual work ... :)10:56
pips1btw, I was mightily impressed with your test-tracking-website :-)10:56
stgraberwhen I've some time I'm also working on a reworked version of the thin-client-manager10:57
stgraberwith less buggy VNC and better classroom overview (installing it in a secondary school here for testing)10:57
pips1nice one10:58
pips1is your testing low-profile / below the radar ... or do have support from the school?10:59
stgraberit's just "private" testing in my father's classroom, goal is then to present a working classroom to the RPN11:00
stgraberComputer School network for the canton of Neuchatel11:00
LaserJockstgraber: excellent11:00
pips1stgraber: very nice11:00
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LaserJockwell, I guess I better be off before I volunteer myself for something ;-)11:01
stgraberLaserJock: :)11:01
LaserJockit was nice to drop in and see you all11:01
LaserJockand I *do* check email so if you do need something from me that's the way to go11:02
pips1stgraber: if you need help convincing the authorities... when we were down in Seville, we visited the local governments ICT management center, where they manage the whole district's school network...11:02
pips1LaserJock: alright. nice to talk to you too11:03
pips1stgraber: ... I was thinking that our swiss educational / ict authorities should go an visit them..11:03
pips1they can provide data about their experiences... costs, benefits, problems and their solutions...11:04
stgrabergoal so far is to end up with an official test project in a primary or secondary school to evaluate the real costs, usability, needs for a ubuntu/edubuntu based installation11:05
stgraberwith or without thin clients11:05
pips1good goal11:05
stgraber(as I only have one 2Ghz server and 6 <500Mhz clients for the current classroom, I was almost force to use thin clients here :))11:05
stgraberand the 2Ghz really has problem handling 6 clients, I'll add 1GB of ram next week and hope things will go better11:06
stgrabera dual-core system when it's about running hundreds of processus11:07
stgrabera dual-core system is so much faster when it's about running hundreds of processus11:07
pips1I wouldn't know11:08
pips1good luck with your project !!11:08
stgraberat least we now have kerberos/ldap/local account syncronisation working which was the first main problem, the rest being details like reseting students accounts every time they log in, Microsoft Terminal Server access (rdesktop) and things like that11:08
stgraberand of course for the teachers to actually use it :)11:09
pips1If you think I might be able to help, don't be shy to get in touch11:09
pips1re kerberos/ldap ... I assume you configured all that manually yourself then?11:09
stgrabereven had to write a small PAM module for local account creation11:10
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pips1stgraber: sounds like you are quite determined and with the technical wits to steam ahead! :-)11:11
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pips1stgraber: it's encouraging to hear that you are going for it. I figured that the swiss are too rich, happily throwing their money around, paying those license fees.. ;-)11:15
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pips1hi ogro11:15
pips1hi ogra11:15
pips1we were hoping for a tech update from you.. :-D11:15
pips1ogra the bot11:19
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pips1stgraber: aren't there any problems with course materials (flash, director) that only work on windoze or mac, in Neuchatel?11:24
stgraberpips1: reason why they have a Windows link on their desktop opening a rdesktop on a Windows Terminal Server11:26
stgraberfor Win-Only application11:26
stgraberpips1: anyway, the most used ressources are simple website, so a firefox+flash plugin is enough in most cases11:27
pips1so the flash content is fairly old (flash 7)...11:28
stgraberthey have the flash 9 plugins + a custom librairy in order to have sound working on the thin clients as well11:29
stgraberso they could even use some of those language flash software I've seen using speaker/microphone without any problem11:29
stgraberfirst they = thin clients11:30
stgrabersecond = students11:30
pips1the the proprietary flash plugin is available at version )?11:31
pips1*version 9?11:31
=== pips1 goes and checks
stgraberFirefox says : Shockwave Flash 9.0 r3111:31
stgraberfeisty already has a 9.0 version IIRC11:32
stgraberor it's in feisty-backport11:32
pips1I kept putting off my dist-upgrade from dapper (!) ... but dapper is real old.. so I gotta do it11:33
stgraberI'm also starting to have some hardware issue when installing dapper on fresh hardware11:34
stgraberhopefully gutsy+1 should be LTS11:34
pips1so the school's got a windows terminal server. what will your "sales pitch" for edubuntu be?11:35
stgraberthe terminal server I'm using is one used by another school with some Linux terminals11:37
stgraberall the others computers have local Windows XP Pro installed11:37
stgrabermain advantage of Edubuntu as I currently do it (thin clients), is the easy maintenance and update it provides11:38
stgraberyou just configure and update a single server11:38
stgraberalso way more customizable than what they can do with Windows, for primary schools they'd also have tons of funny software11:39
stgraberto learn numbers, vocabulary, ...11:39
stgraberfor the secondary level it's more focused on the science tools (ok, we have LaserJock so ...) :)11:39
pips1so you would do a demo and then try to convince them to replace the windows workstations with linux thin clients?11:40
pips1the question is: replace? or add?11:41
pips1if you *add* the linux thin client solution, there is even more software to maintain...11:41
stgraberthey won't easily switch a 4000 computers network from Windows to Linux (4000 is a fictive number, but that's all school computers of the canton of neuchatel)11:44
pips1unless there is a clear political decision made11:45
pips1based on facts about benefits...11:46
stgrabercurrent goal is to show to their techs that it's actually possible to switch, let them play with it and hope they'll enjoy Linux/Ubuntu and want to switch schools11:47
pips1please don't think I'm discouraging you. I think a pilot test is a great first step11:47
stgraberthe only quick way to have things to change is by a political decision, but It's not likely to happen yet11:47
pips1yeah, winning the techie stakeholders is important11:48
stgraberLooks like guys here don't have any problem depending on Microsoft and other proprietary softwares/standards11:48
pips1nah, it's easier to swim with the big stream11:48
Burgundaviahttp://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS7064252512.html <-- useless Windows software comes to Linux11:50
pips1nobody likes to take "unnecessary" risks, especially not school authorities... and in switzerland, the pain (from proprietary stuff/license costs) is just not big enough, me thinks11:51
stgraberBurgundavia: I heard of that thing, is this the one that simply restore a disk image, downloaded from the network every time you boot the computer ?11:52
Burgundaviastgraber: doesn't do it from the network, it does it from a special partition11:52
Burgundaviathe issue is that you need do backflips to update it11:52
stgraberwe have more or less similar system at school with local ghost images on all computers, in case of problem you put a restore CD which simply runs ghost and 5 minutes after you have a clean system, but reseting it every-time you boot it is just stupid in my opinion11:54
stgraberthat just means that you have bad sys admins who are unable to configure correctly your system :)11:54
pips1stgraber: just to let you know. i canton zurich, one of the showstoppers is one particular required course material, a 'director' authored french language cd-rom commissioned by the canton itself.11:58
pips1good talking to you12:03
pips1i'm off, see you!12:03
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