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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | ||
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by fdoving at Wed Jul 11 20:35:07 2007 | ||
(intelikey/#kubuntu) ok. so is that needed when specifying the addy on the ifconfig command to bring up an interface or will it default to something reasonable for a lan ? | 01:12 | |
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(bordy/#kubuntu) Any ideas as to why my bouncy cursor would freeze when I start up, and then my Home Folder stalls out on me making it unreachable? | 01:12 | |
Biovore | ifconfig <interface> <ipaddress> netmask <netmask> | 01:12 |
strungstephen | hello just started using kubuntu wonder how this works | 01:12 |
jerware | i have libnet1 installed, yet the make fails when i attempt to install Perls interface to libnet | 01:12 |
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NickPresta | strungstephen, how what works? | 01:12 |
Biovore | strungstephen: ban spanking new to linux/unix ? | 01:12 |
strungstephen | having problem logging on as root anyone help | 01:13 |
Biovore | there is no root | 01:13 |
savetheWorld | Biovore: And I'm in! | 01:13 |
Biovore | yay!!! | 01:13 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | !sudo | 01:14 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 01:14 |
NickPresta | strungstephen, you don't login as root for security reasons and because the account doesn't exist by default | 01:14 |
savetheWorld | Biovore: thank you for the help. Its appreciated. | 01:14 |
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Biovore | np | 01:14 |
intelikey | Biovore ok. i think i understand all that. so for a two box lan ifconfig eth0 netmask will that work? | 01:14 |
savetheWorld | (or the account exists but has no password set on it so you cant login) | 01:14 |
strungstephen | some things that i want to do is says i must be in administratormode | 01:14 |
Biovore | might want | 01:14 |
cdnpenguin | actually root does exist by default | 01:14 |
Biovore | need space for a broadcast | 01:14 |
NickPresta | !sudo | strungstephen | 01:14 |
ubotu | strungstephen: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 01:14 |
Biovore | and a default gw | 01:14 |
intelikey | oh ok. | 01:14 |
savetheWorld | sudo su - ^-^ | 01:15 |
intelikey | savetheWorld or sudo -i | 01:15 |
savetheWorld | Biovore: route picked it up immediately | 01:15 |
Biovore | route -n to see your routing table | 01:15 |
cdnpenguin | ip route | 01:15 |
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intelikey | Biovore will it hurt anything to make it .16 say or will that just add fluff ? | 01:16 |
Biovore | intelikey: if your on an isolated lan.. who cares.. have fun.. | 01:16 |
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strungstephen | thanks for the link. since im new to linux could you tell me a good source for learning to use the command line | 01:17 |
intelikey | heh that would be like having the whole internet in the lan but nothing actually there ??? tons of addresses to one place ? or am i talking through my hat again? | 01:18 |
NickPresta | strungstephen, linuxcommand.org | 01:18 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | strungstephen: If you want a good podcast for linux beginners, check out Linux Reality. http://www.linuxreality.com/ | 01:19 |
strungstephen | i noticed when i installed dapper drake it told me security updates were not installed what does this mean | 01:19 |
Biovore | intelikey: basicly.. are non routable networks you can use as lan network IP's | 01:19 |
Biovore | everyone seems to pick the 192.168 address but you could use 172.16.xx.xx or 10.xx.xx.xx address as well | 01:20 |
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intelikey | right i knew the 10 172 192 ranges are reserved but that's about the end of what i knew. | 01:21 |
Biovore | Infact, alot of ISP's uses the ip's for there internet network.. (like comcast cable users) | 01:21 |
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Biovore | You will also notice that there are no IP address on the net.. | 01:21 |
Minataku | 192.168.0.XXX and 192.168.1.XXX are safe, and personally I don't think there are any 192.168.XXX.XXX out there at all | 01:22 |
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intelikey | Minataku there can't be, they are reserved | 01:22 |
cdnpenguin | you can use anything in the | 01:22 |
Biovore | yup | 01:22 |
cdnpenguin | behind a NAT you can use them | 01:22 |
Minataku | Ah, that /16 at the end I didn't quite understand | 01:22 |
Biovore | yeah.. are non-routables.. meaning internet routers will not route them.. | 01:23 |
cdnpenguin | - | 01:23 |
=== Minataku nods | ||
Biovore | also applies to 10.xxx.xxx.xxx and 172.16.xxx.xxx | 01:23 |
cdnpenguin | another way of expressing a netmask of | 01:23 |
cdnpenguin | Sorry, that is part of my day job | 01:24 |
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Minataku | I knew it was that, but I've never known what the numbers applied to | 01:24 |
Minataku | cdnpenguin: Oh, I don't mind at all | 01:24 |
cdnpenguin | a good explanation is the tcpip guide | 01:24 |
Minataku | I wouldn't have expressed interest if I didn't care :3 | 01:24 |
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intelikey | cdnpenguin link ? | 01:25 |
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cdnpenguin | http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_IPClasslessAddressingClasslessInterDomainRoutingCI.htm | 01:25 |
intelikey | ty | 01:25 |
cdnpenguin | was already working on it :) | 01:25 |
cdnpenguin | np | 01:25 |
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Biovore | or look up RFC1918 | 01:26 |
cdnpenguin | the guide is much nicer read | 01:26 |
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cdnpenguin | my 65 year old dad can read it | 01:26 |
Biovore | rgr | 01:26 |
Minataku | cdnpenguin: Yes, but can he understand it? | 01:27 |
cdnpenguin | I bought the book, and yes he can | 01:27 |
Minataku | I can read a book on theoretical physics, doesn't mean I'll get it ;3 | 01:27 |
Minataku | XD | 01:27 |
Minataku | Sorry, just being pedantic :3 | 01:27 |
intelikey | they wont allow dl | 01:27 |
cdnpenguin | I got a free copy from my LUG to review. Like it so much I bought the PDF+another copy for the office | 01:27 |
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cdnpenguin | For such a dry topic the book he wrote (and the web site) is easy to read with out sacrificing technical accuracy | 01:28 |
BluesKaj | cdnpenguin, I'm almost 64 will it put me to sleep if I read it in bed ? :) | 01:29 |
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cdnpenguin | It depends if you are interested or not :) | 01:29 |
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intelikey | the website is unreadable in links lines are too long text is cut off | 01:29 |
Biovore | At 64, your wife next you puts you to sleep :-P | 01:29 |
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BluesKaj | at 64 wife has her own bedroom :) | 01:29 |
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cdnpenguin | the one complaint is that the site is not CLI friendly | 01:30 |
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intelikey | cdnpenguin yep | 01:30 |
cdnpenguin | I find the GUI navigation awkward, but it is a goldmine of info | 01:30 |
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cdnpenguin | assuming of course that you are interested in this stuff | 01:30 |
Biovore | www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1918.html <-- Address Allocation for PRivate Internets | 01:31 |
cdnpenguin | I personally find http://lartc.org an interesting read... but I am aware that I am not exactly in the middle of the bell curve on this one | 01:31 |
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intelikey | Biovore cli friendly too :) | 01:34 |
Biovore | text always is.. | 01:34 |
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savetheWorld | BluesKaj: at 64, 50% of wives have their own house.. :-) | 01:35 |
cdnpenguin | heh heh | 01:35 |
intelikey | heh it's all text only the format changes | 01:36 |
cdnpenguin | Not if you are married to a divorce lawyer | 01:36 |
BluesKaj | yeah , she has 50% :) | 01:36 |
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intelikey | two story home ? you have your story and she has hers | 01:36 |
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intelikey | that's my story and i'm unnimus about it. | 01:37 |
savetheWorld | If she's a lawyer shee gets 80% and then bills you her fees for the remain 25% (yes it adds up to 105%) | 01:37 |
BluesKaj | nope , 2 level backsplit ...but I do have my own window :) | 01:37 |
intelikey | yeah divorce is a bad thing. shouldn't be any such thing. | 01:38 |
BluesKaj | my daughter divorced a lawyer | 01:38 |
cdnpenguin | unfortunate | 01:39 |
james | can anyone help me manually mount a sata drive | 01:39 |
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intelikey | well ok, maybe there shouldn't be any such thing unless someone maries a lawyer | 01:39 |
james | i have been reading the faq but get errors at gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 01:39 |
james | gedit is for ubuntu | 01:40 |
cdnpenguin | james do you at least know the device name | 01:40 |
intelikey | james sudo mount </dev/something> </mount/point> <-o args.if,needed> | 01:40 |
Biovore | james: kdesu kate /etc/fstab | 01:40 |
cdnpenguin | ie. /dev/sdc | 01:40 |
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intelikey | example; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/windows/ -o umask=000 | 01:41 |
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cdnpenguin | sudo aptitude install ntfs-3g | 01:42 |
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cdnpenguin | then you can have write access to ntfs | 01:43 |
cdnpenguin | I would modify intelikey's command slightly: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/windows/ -o umask=000,ro | 01:44 |
genii | Back briefly from other work. Did x89x make any progress/get any help compiling the Unichrome driver? Just curious mainly ... | 01:44 |
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=== genii sips a coffee and tries not to think about much | ||
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james | ok now what would i change in that command if the file system were ext3? sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1/ -o umask=000 | 01:46 |
Biovore | add a -t ext3 | 01:46 |
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intelikey | genii idk i talked with him quite a while yesterday but don't know if it was before or after that issue (wasn't about it) | 01:46 |
genii | waylandbill: You alive? | 01:46 |
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intelikey | james you drop from - onward | 01:47 |
genii | intelikey Ah OK. Earlier today was trying to help him with an S3 Unichrome driver install/compile. Tedious | 01:47 |
intelikey | james sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1/ | 01:47 |
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intelikey | genii ah. havent seen him today. | 01:48 |
genii | thanks | 01:48 |
intelikey | james the reson, umask= is a fs specific argument which only applies to M$ file systems (because they don't have permissions bits you have too mask them) | 01:50 |
intelikey | my a key is not accepting every stroke | 01:50 |
BluesKaj | waylandbill, was here earlier | 01:50 |
intelikey | aa << pressed 5 times | 01:50 |
BluesKaj | an hr or so ago | 01:50 |
genii | BluesKaj: Hi :) Still here I see | 01:50 |
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BluesKaj | in and out , genii | 01:51 |
james | ontelikey it took the command sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1/ | 01:51 |
james | is there anything else that needs to be done ? | 01:51 |
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james | from here for me to access the data on the drive? | 01:51 |
genii | BluesKaj: Yeah me too. Just curious if x89x got some help compiling that driver. Long and convoluted etc | 01:51 |
BluesKaj | been busy around the yard but check in every once in a while :) | 01:51 |
intelikey | james that was a one time mount. if you want it permanant you put an entry in the fstab | 01:52 |
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intelikey | /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1/ auto defaults 0 0 | 01:52 |
intelikey | james that line ^ | 01:52 |
BluesKaj | musta worked genii , haven't seen him since | 01:52 |
james | many many thanks intelikey i will try now | 01:53 |
intelikey | welcome | 01:53 |
genii | BluesKaj: Well, in 12 hours I'll be back for extended times... I told him if he got no help tonight be here after then and I'd see what I could do | 01:54 |
james | intelikey | 01:54 |
james | dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1/ auto defaults 0 0 | 01:54 |
james | bash: /dev/sdb1: Permission denie | 01:54 |
intelikey | james that line belongs in the /etc/fstab file not executed from the console | 01:54 |
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intelikey | james kdesu kate /etc/fstab | 01:55 |
intelikey | execute that ^ and copy/paste the line into it | 01:55 |
james | just at the bottom? | 01:56 |
intelikey | yep | 01:56 |
intelikey | save and exit, you're done | 01:56 |
james | ok now that all that is done, how the heck do i get to the drive? | 01:57 |
genii | AFK, smoke break :) | 01:57 |
james | i go to /media and it is empty | 01:57 |
intelikey | james file manager navigate to /media/sdb1 | 01:58 |
james | ya that is empty | 01:58 |
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intelikey | james and it's not supposed to be ? | 01:58 |
james | i have data on the drive | 01:59 |
intelikey | note file:///media/sdb1 is not the same as media://sdb1 | 01:59 |
james | 50 gb worth | 01:59 |
james | intelikey the owner is root | 02:00 |
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intelikey | james so give your self permission sudo chown `whoami` -R /media/sdb1 | 02:01 |
Minataku | genii! :D | 02:01 |
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intelikey | run that and you'll own it | 02:02 |
Huas | sup niggaz, i did a sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and it messed up all my menues so i did a sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop and tha shitz is still messed up--- what gives? | 02:02 |
james | it worked perfectly | 02:02 |
james | and now shows as a drive and not a folder | 02:02 |
intelikey | Huas removing the meta package changes nothing | 02:02 |
Huas | intelikey yeah it seemed a little to easy | 02:03 |
Huas | is kde still on ma disk but messed up now? | 02:03 |
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Huas | :( | 02:03 |
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genii | Back | 02:03 |
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genii | Minataku: Hi | 02:04 |
intelikey | still there, messed up would depend on many things, but your removing the meta package is not one of them | 02:04 |
Minataku | :D | 02:04 |
intelikey | @ Huas ^ | 02:04 |
Huas | can i add the meta package again? | 02:04 |
Huas | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop <- do that again? | 02:04 |
james | thanks again intelikey | 02:04 |
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intelikey | you can but why would you. all it's for is to "depend on other packages" which are already there so adding the meta package will do nothing, as removing it does nothing | 02:05 |
Huas | intelikey so everything is the same? | 02:06 |
Huas | ok niggaz that calms me down a bit:) | 02:06 |
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NickPresta | Huas, could you please stop using that word. It's annoying and I'm sure it is offensive to at least one person in this channel. | 02:07 |
Huas | nickpresta oh foe shoe.... im black myself so no offence bro | 02:07 |
Huas | hello? | 02:10 |
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intelikey | that's it. i'm going to build a cross over cable and connect these two boxen now. i'll be back, probably asking for help to get a LAN setup, later | 02:13 |
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ounsa | hello | 02:24 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | !hi | ounsa | 02:25 |
ubotu | ounsa: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 02:25 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | ... became quiet all of a sudden... | 02:27 |
Schuenemann | a plane just crashed here | 02:27 |
Biovore | where is here? | 02:28 |
Schuenemann | brazil | 02:28 |
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=== WhtWolfTeraDyne wonders if it's on CNN, but doesn't want to interrupt the DVR | ||
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roch | hola | 02:30 |
Schuenemann | !hola | roch | 02:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hola - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:30 |
roch | hablas espaol !!! | 02:31 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | !es | 02:31 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 02:31 |
Schuenemann | !es | roch | 02:31 |
ubotu | roch: please see above | 02:31 |
roch | si pero esta en ingles :( | 02:31 |
Schuenemann | ? | 02:32 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | ? | 02:32 |
Schuenemann | /join #kubuntu-es | 02:32 |
roch | ok | 02:32 |
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kgx | can someone tell me how can i prevent the "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" error when using ssh? | 02:37 |
kgx | i need this for one host only, the rest should still warn me | 02:37 |
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sjck | kgx I thought it warn only first time? | 02:39 |
kgx | nah it doesnt even let me connect, i need to remove the key from my known_hosts file before i can connect | 02:40 |
stdin | kgx: see message like "offending host is on line # of ~/.ssh/known_hosts" ? | 02:41 |
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kgx | stdin: yeah i know :) i've removed that line and then it works. but i was wondering if its possible to do it without manually removing that line? | 02:42 |
stdin | kgx: not really, it's a security feature | 02:43 |
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kgx | ok, thanks | 02:43 |
stdin | kgx: do you own the host? | 02:44 |
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kgx | yeah | 02:44 |
stdin | kgx: is it dual-booting 2 linux distros then? | 02:45 |
kgx | its my home computer. it happens when i switch between windows and liux. | 02:45 |
stdin | ahh | 02:45 |
stdin | ssh server on windows? | 02:45 |
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kgx | yep | 02:45 |
kgx | openssh on cygwin | 02:45 |
=== ZaZaTux [n=ZaZaTux@mai59-1-82-241-159-227.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | kgx: you could just copy the cygwin directory "/etc/ssh" to the linux one (or vise-versa), then they'd have the same ID | 02:46 |
kgx | stdin: thanks...didn't think it'd work. cheers :) you're always the one to answer questions in this channel! | 02:47 |
=== CaBlGuY [n=user1@cpe-071-068-076-032.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | heh, seems that way :) | 02:47 |
CaBlGuY | !win32 | 02:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about win32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:48 |
CaBlGuY | !codecs | 02:48 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:48 |
stdin | !w32codecs | 02:48 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 02:48 |
stdin | CaBlGuY ^ | 02:48 |
CaBlGuY | word.. ;) | 02:48 |
word | curses! | 02:48 |
CaBlGuY | lol | 02:48 |
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=== stdin sleeps, as it's 01:50 and he's just read 100 pages of his C++ book | ||
blackjeebus | Whenever I insert this Sprint Aircard [Merlin S620] into the PCMCIA slot on this laptop [Latitude D520] , the system locks and I have to do a hard reboot....Anyone ever have problems with any kind of PCMCIA card? | 02:51 |
=== Smooph [n=Smooph@e180161067.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
Dragnslcr | 100 pages of a C++ book? How can anyone not fall asleep after that | 02:57 |
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blackjeebus | No one having PCMCIA troubles eh? | 03:07 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | Very quiet tonight. It's unusual. | 03:11 |
clouder | i have 232gb hard drive. How smart is it to make my home directory 200gb and leave 32gb to everything else? | 03:11 |
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Schuenemann | as smart as locking yourself on the fridge to check if the light really turns off when the door closes | 03:12 |
roch | hola | 03:12 |
clouder | what would you recommend? | 03:13 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | clouder: I use a 10 GB partition for system stuff and 48 GB for my home directory, so... | 03:13 |
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roch | suport in spanish? | 03:13 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | !es | 03:13 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:13 |
Schuenemann | !es | roch | 03:13 |
ubotu | roch: please see above | 03:13 |
Schuenemann | you did it again | 03:13 |
roch | ok perdon, es q reinicie | 03:13 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | And sadly enough, I'm making my bed at the same time. | 03:14 |
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jhutchins | clouder: Wherever you partition your space, you're going to need it on the other partition. I recommend that you make one partition and do backups. | 03:18 |
jhutchins | (well, one for / and one for swap) | 03:19 |
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jhutchins | clouder: If you do as you suggested, you'll most likely discover some app that wants to put a bunch of stuff in /usr/share, or maybe buffer large downloads in /var/cache. | 03:20 |
jhutchins | clouder: Or you'll do something that writes a flood to the log files. | 03:20 |
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne uses seperate home and root partitions, and backs up to another computer | ||
jhutchins | If you have a current backup of /home, you don't need it on a seprate partition, just install and restore. | 03:21 |
jhutchins | Anyway, dat's my advice. | 03:21 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | jhutchins: That's probably what I'll do once Gutsy comes out | 03:24 |
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agracey | has anybody had problems with the SATA dvd burners | 03:30 |
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agracey | when I install mine my computer will not POST | 03:30 |
litwell | hello | 03:30 |
agracey | hi | 03:31 |
litwell | I want to clear everything on /tmp on shutdown, but it's an ext3 fs. so I have this problem | 03:31 |
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litwell | I can't (shouldn't :) delete lost+found | 03:32 |
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litwell | how do I redirect this command "ls -a /tmp | sed -e '/lost+found/d'" to "rm" so I can put it on /etc/init.d/syslogd ? | 03:33 |
=== padrote [n=keteimpo@201-167-87-236-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Theresa [n=theresa@216-14-236-31.static.blackfoot.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Theresa is now known as Bearcat | ||
padrote | Theresa, are you a girl? | 03:36 |
Bearcat | nope, this is Bearcat. I'm working on Thersa's computer trying to fix stuff | 03:36 |
Bearcat | Bearcat == male (for what that matters) | 03:37 |
Minataku | It matters a lot | 03:37 |
Minataku | Now you'll get 90% less help | 03:37 |
Minataku | XD | 03:38 |
Bearcat | my first frustration of the night is that i can't get adept to run. It claims that something else is using it's resources and all the ps-ing and grepping doesn't show me what it is | 03:38 |
Bearcat | O.o | 03:38 |
=== Bearcat looks down and tucks himself. | ||
Bearcat | better? | 03:38 |
Minataku | lol | 03:38 |
Minataku | !adeptfix | 03:38 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 03:38 |
Bearcat | whooo | 03:38 |
=== Bearcat tries that | ||
padrote | lol Minataku | 03:39 |
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Bearcat | much better! | 03:40 |
Bearcat | thank you Minataku | 03:40 |
Minataku | np | 03:40 |
Bearcat | now i can get back to the problem i've been working on for weeks now | 03:40 |
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Minataku | http://nekobooru.net/post/view/3111 << Ubuntu wallpaper :3 | 03:41 |
clouder | So after what jhutchins said I'm thinking I should make a large fat32 partition (in case I need access to it from windows) put all my porn and music on there. Then create an average size home partition that I can backup easily, and then drop ~10-15gb on system. Does that sound like a decent plan? | 03:43 |
Minataku | Someone linked me to that particular post | 03:43 |
Bearcat | ugh...downloading 58 mgs of updates on my friends dial-up is no fun!! | 03:43 |
Minataku | Be careful, other parts of the site are decidedly NSFW | 03:43 |
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne saves linked wallpaper and goes off to find more | ||
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=== WhtWolfTeraDyne decides to go look on deviantArt and Flickr instead | ||
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Minataku | I just got the link, don't look at me for the rest of the site's content | 03:47 |
Minataku | lol | 03:47 |
Minataku | It's all anime pics, though | 03:47 |
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Bearcat | ok. i | 03:49 |
=== asdf is now known as raylu | ||
Bearcat | i'm at a bit of a loss here. I've got the latest kubunu install on this thing. When i load up the live disk i can scan on thier scanner with kooka. When i use thier machine sans live disk. i can't Kooka can't find the scanner. This has to be a configuration issue. I have deleted all of the kooka settings so they could be re-gened and nothing has worked. | 03:50 |
Bearcat | Any ideas? Could it actually be a sane problem? | 03:50 |
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mneptok | clouder: i'd do it differently | 03:53 |
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intelikey | don't ya need some sort of a 'dhcp' program to use dhcp addressing ? or am i all wet ? | 03:55 |
mneptok | intelikey: DHCP client is built-in and ready | 03:55 |
intelikey | mneptok built into what ? | 03:55 |
mneptok | *ubuntu | 03:56 |
intelikey | then i probably need to install it | 03:56 |
mneptok | you don't need to install anything to get a DHCP address. | 03:56 |
mneptok | lease. blah. | 03:56 |
mneptok | sudo dhclient $interface | 03:57 |
mneptok | sudo dhclient eth0 | 03:57 |
mneptok | or whatever | 03:57 |
intelikey | like i said i'll hve to install it | 03:57 |
mneptok | dhclient is already installed | 03:57 |
intelikey | tty1 [root@~] dhclient | 03:57 |
intelikey | -root: dhclient: command not found | 03:57 |
intelikey | no it's not | 03:57 |
intelikey | care to retract ? | 03:57 |
mneptok | [mneptok@ra] mneptok :: which dhclient | 03:58 |
mneptok | /sbin/dhclient | 03:58 |
raylu | it is with most distros of ubuntu... | 03:58 |
mneptok | not really | 03:58 |
raylu | how do i set up a simple network boot? | 03:58 |
raylu | i dont want a thin-client that works with 8 different operating systems; i just want a remote boot | 03:58 |
intelikey | tty1 [root@~] which dhclient | 03:58 |
intelikey | tty1 [root@~] | 03:58 |
mneptok | care to put /sbin in root's path? or use sudo? | 03:58 |
intelikey | it's there | 03:58 |
intelikey | tty1 [root@~] echo $PATH | 03:58 |
intelikey | ./:/opt/firefox/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbintty1 [root@~] | 03:58 |
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mneptok | try "locate dhclient" | 03:59 |
clouder | mneptok: what would you do briefly? I'm just trying to get a few ideas/scenarios before I start slicing up my drives | 03:59 |
intelikey | locate is not installed either | 03:59 |
mneptok | uname -a ? | 03:59 |
intelikey | tty1 [root@~] uname -a | 03:59 |
intelikey | Linux zeos486 2.4.27-2-k6 #1 Wed Dec 21 11:27:37 UTC 2005 i586 GNU/Linux | 03:59 |
intelikey | are we through playing now ? | 04:00 |
intelikey | i'll go install dhclient | 04:00 |
=== tupa [n=tupa@201-167-87-236-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mneptok | what version of Ubuntu is *that*? | 04:00 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | mneptok: I'm starting to wonder... | 04:00 |
intelikey | dapper | 04:00 |
raylu | o.0 | 04:01 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | ... wow... | 04:01 |
intelikey | installing dhcp3-server and client | 04:01 |
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mneptok | [mneptok@hypnotoad] mneptok :: uname -a | 04:01 |
mneptok | Linux hypnotoad 2.6.15-28-amd64-k8 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 13 20:57:54 UTC 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 04:01 |
mneptok | [mneptok@hypnotoad] mneptok :: which dhclient | 04:01 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as chaotic | ||
mneptok | that's Dapper | 04:01 |
mneptok | /sbin/dhclient | 04:01 |
chaotic | man gnome recently sucks and so does debian | 04:02 |
chaotic | i tried to have debian and kubuntu | 04:02 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | Linux feralnet 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux < That's Feisty | 04:02 |
chaotic | i just removed debian | 04:02 |
intelikey | mneptok please act your age. and thanks for answering my question, it's dhcp-client that i was asking about | 04:03 |
chaotic | i dont kno y ppl like gnome | 04:03 |
chaotic | its annoying having two bars | 04:03 |
mneptok | intelikey: please, stop the personal comments | 04:03 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | chaotic: It can be customized to only have one, but... meh... KDE\Fluxbox\WindowMaker for me. | 04:04 |
mneptok | intelikey: did you configure DHCP networking during install? and is this desktop or server? | 04:04 |
intelikey | no | 04:05 |
Bearcat | i'm trying to uninstall sane and it's associated programs completly so i can reinstall in case this is a config problem. However, adept tells me i can't do so as it would break things. Any ideas on what i can do? Pretend i am a newbie (i am to debian/kubuntu). I just want to get this scanner working and it works on the live disk so i am at a loss. | 04:05 |
mneptok | did you use static networking or no network at all? | 04:05 |
tupa | does sources.list has all the packages available or I have to add some extra lines? | 04:05 |
raylu | Bearcat, pastebin what apt says? | 04:05 |
tupa | in debian you have to add contrib and non-free | 04:06 |
tupa | is it the same un ubuntu? | 04:06 |
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raylu | tupa, yes; i think restricted and backports | 04:06 |
intelikey | no | 04:06 |
=== raylu never knows, i just enable them all :P | ||
Bearcat | raylu: which paste bin? | 04:06 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | Minataku: For your wallpaper, I now give you one that I've found > http://flickr.com/photos/renanbirck/386721909/ | 04:06 |
raylu | !pastebin | 04:06 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 04:06 |
raylu | or http://pastecode.org | 04:07 |
raylu | because it's urls are nicer ^^ | 04:07 |
=== progress [n=jane@c-24-3-228-196.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tupa | raylu, what are restricted packages? I'm taking a guess and say backports are previous releases packages | 04:07 |
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Minataku | WhtWolfTeraDyne: Oooh, nice | 04:07 |
raylu | restricted are the ones with legal strings | 04:07 |
raylu | but intelikey might be saying "no" at me | 04:07 |
tupa | mmm, it would be like non-free in debian | 04:07 |
Bearcat | raylu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30292/ | 04:08 |
raylu | non-free just means...non-free | 04:09 |
raylu | free things can have legal issues | 04:09 |
raylu | Bearcat, oh...i thought it mentioned specific pacakges | 04:09 |
Bearcat | nope | 04:09 |
raylu | *packages; if it's just one line, you can paste it in here | 04:09 |
Bearcat | i wish | 04:09 |
raylu | you might want to try: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 04:09 |
=== Bearcat tries that | ||
=== raylu watches as Bearcat's computer explodes in firey mushroom | ||
Bearcat | O.o | 04:10 |
raylu | lol; what'd it do? | 04:11 |
Bearcat | raylu: it says "now loading Vista" | 04:11 |
raylu | ... | 04:11 |
raylu | what? | 04:11 |
Bearcat | neverming | 04:11 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | XD | 04:11 |
Bearcat | that would be the equivilant of an explosion to me | 04:11 |
raylu | lol | 04:11 |
Bearcat | no dice. | 04:11 |
BluesKaj | it prolly releases pending installs or removals that are stalled | 04:11 |
Bearcat | it's still not removing those packages | 04:12 |
raylu | Bearcat, are you using aptitude or apt-get? | 04:12 |
Bearcat | i went to update the system, saw that it was gonna downlload 58 megs and canceled. | 04:12 |
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne saves the funny part to his "kubuntu_funny_chat" file | ||
BluesKaj | Bearcat, try sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 04:12 |
Bearcat | now i'm just trying to *completely* reinstall sane | 04:12 |
Bearcat | and i'm using adept | 04:13 |
Bearcat | BluesKaj: done | 04:13 |
chaotic | is there any way to remove the temporary root access and have it always on like debian has | 04:13 |
intelikey | Bearcat sudo apt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install <package names here> | 04:13 |
raylu | Bearcat, try it with "sudo aptitude remove sane" or whatever package you wanted to get rid of | 04:13 |
raylu | chaotic, "su" or "sudo -s" | 04:14 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | chaotic: "sudo passwd root", IIRC. | 04:14 |
Bearcat | intelikey: it's complaining about The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 04:14 |
Bearcat | sun-java6-bin: Depends: sun-java6-jre (= 6-00-2ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed | 04:14 |
intelikey | ummmm hmmmm there's the issue. | 04:15 |
Bearcat | intelikey: yeah, and i'd really rather not take the time this eveing to download the 58 mgs tonight. | 04:15 |
=== gwildor [n=gwildor@c-68-43-77-121.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | umkay | 04:15 |
Bearcat | it's not that i'm impatient it's that it's dial-up and i don't get the opportunity to be over here to fix this very often. Her husband is very sick so my windows of opportinuty are narrow, | 04:16 |
Bearcat | right now this scanner issue is the last major hurdle and she is up and running. | 04:17 |
intelikey | ooops dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/dhcp3-server_3.0.3-6ubuntu7_i386.deb (--unpack): | 04:17 |
intelikey | trying to overwrite `/etc/init.d', which is also in package x11-common | 04:17 |
intelikey | i guess i'll have to rm /etc/init.d and mkdir /etc/init.d a symlink to /dev/null has confused dpkg | 04:17 |
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intelikey | ah shoot, it seems that the package doesn't do dependancy checking | 04:19 |
intelikey | Setting up dhcp3-server (3.0.3-6ubuntu7) ... | 04:19 |
Bearcat | alight, i'll just tell them to let it run overnight and then come back tomorrow | 04:20 |
intelikey | /var/lib/dpkg/info/dhcp3-server.postinst: 24: adduser: not found | 04:20 |
Bearcat | thanks folks | 04:20 |
intelikey | if adduser is a dependancy then why doesn't the package depend on adduser ? | 04:20 |
intelikey | i'll call that a bug. | 04:20 |
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tek | just out of curiousity, are there any recommended IM clients besides Kopete and GAIM that do Jabber+ standard IM services? | 04:21 |
=== Bearcat [n=theresa@216-14-236-31.static.blackfoot.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
NightBird | intelikey: you don't have adduser installed? I thought that was included by default.. | 04:22 |
intelikey | NightBird default is mearly a starting point on the long road to "right" | 04:22 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | intelikey: You should file a bug report on that dependency problem at Launchpad. | 04:23 |
intelikey | NightBird after install i did something like for Q in `dpkg -l | cut -d' ' -f3` ;do apt-get remove -y $Q ;done and went to bed... crude but affective! next day i had a clean base system on which i added what i wanted | 04:25 |
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rrbiz | windows codecs ? | 04:25 |
=== tackat [n=tackat@p5493F215.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | !codecs | 04:25 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:25 |
=== usuario__ [n=usuario@88.Red-83-59-71.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | WhtWolfTeraDyne, what good will that do , launchpad never issues any fixes ...what PITA it is on google ...it would be nice not have to commiserate with others that have the same problem , but that does help fix it ...google should be shot for having launchpad at the top their query list | 04:26 |
rrbiz | ty | 04:27 |
intelikey | WhtWolfTeraDyne yeah i probably should, but probably wont, i'm not regestered, don't want to reg. and that bug most likely will never affect anyone else. | 04:27 |
BluesKaj | er doesn't help fix | 04:27 |
=== intelikey immagines that he's the only one running linux without passwd and useradd installed .... (just a guess) | ||
=== sebastian__ [n=sebastia@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
WhtWolfTeraDyne | BluesKaj: Sadly, it's the only real way to file bugs for *buntu, even if it isn't exacly the best way. | 04:30 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | intelikey: Whatever you think is best... | 04:30 |
=== intelikey often opts for convienant rather than best. sad but true | ||
=== hitmanWilly [n=hitman@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== se7en [n=se7en@125-24-155-165.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | intelikey, so you don't have the annoying dialog box asking for your password when you want to run apt or ...whatever ? | 04:34 |
BluesKaj | er adept | 04:34 |
intelikey | BluesKaj nope. i don't have a password | 04:35 |
intelikey | all accounts are locked | 04:35 |
rrbiz | intelikey: those instructions are for ubuntu not kubuntu, i'll have to figure it out | 04:35 |
=== linuxwizard [n=masterse@74-141-160-82.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-141-171.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
damien_ | Hi guys, Anyone know a good Imageresizer in Adept? | 04:39 |
=== Agrajag` [n=Agrajag@c-67-163-214-103.hsd1.oh.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
=== voidmage-away [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hitmanWilly | damien_: gimp does that well | 04:39 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | damien_: digiKam has a resize option if you have it in an album. | 04:40 |
intelikey | krita ? | 04:40 |
=== blackjeebus [i=w0rd@cpe-24-29-57-191.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
blackjeebus | When I plug my Sprint Connection Card into the PCMCIA slot on this laptop [Dell Latitude D520] , the system immediately locks. But my Verizon one works perfectly. Is there something special I need to do for the Sprint card [Merlin S560] ? | 04:41 |
=== [GuS] [n=Gustavo@] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
=== gtgt1234567 [n=gowanter@c-76-111-5-208.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | rrbiz what exactly are you trying to do ? | 04:41 |
K-Ryan | blackjeebus: It should be in when you start your laptop, don't plug it in while it's booted. | 04:43 |
blackjeebus | If I have it in while booting, it locks the system | 04:43 |
blackjeebus | Right in the middle of boot | 04:43 |
K-Ryan | Under loading hardware drivers? | 04:43 |
blackjeebus | Lemme check; its usually when its assigning the memory address to the device | 04:44 |
=== gtgt1234567 [n=gowanter@c-76-111-5-208.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== K-Ryan wouldn't know what to do, but is trying anyway. | ||
intelikey | K-Ryan no plugging pc cards while running ? sense when ? | 04:44 |
=== ebbu [n=ebbu@36-189.adsl.lpoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
K-Ryan | intelikey: I dunno, I thought it was like a hard drive kind of deal. | 04:44 |
K-Ryan | More like a USB kind of deal I guess? | 04:45 |
intelikey | yeah | 04:45 |
K-Ryan | Oh, cool | 04:45 |
K-Ryan | Didn't know that | 04:45 |
intelikey | in mandrake there was an app for umounting/disconnecting/unsyncing the card first but you didn't have to use it... i haven't messed with a pc card in several years now. | 04:47 |
=== freddy is now known as posingaspopular | ||
blackjeebus | Yeah it locks up on boot right after "pcmcia: parent PCI bridge Memory window blah blah blah | 04:47 |
K-Ryan | Hrmm | 04:48 |
intelikey | was kinda like using "eject" on a cdrom good but not always needed, sometimes you can just push the button | 04:48 |
K-Ryan | Might want to look around in !wifi | 04:48 |
K-Ryan | !wifi | 04:48 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 04:48 |
K-Ryan | There is a section about supported cards, look in there for your card. | 04:49 |
K-Ryan | With the card there will be a short guide on what is needed. | 04:49 |
hitmanWilly | K-Ryan: nah, this wouldn't be in there... | 04:49 |
=== HaSH is now known as Kernel | ||
K-Ryan | hitmanWilly: What if a card caused freezing if the laptop wasn't setup beforehand? | 04:50 |
hitmanWilly | K-Ryan: its basically a DSL modem that connects with a cell signal | 04:50 |
K-Ryan | Couldn't a card need presetup? | 04:50 |
intelikey | it sounds more like the wrong driver is black listed | 04:50 |
rrbiz | intelikey: i was just try'n to get w32codecs, had to add the medibuntu rep and apt-get it, those instructions from the bot are for ubuntu's package manager | 04:50 |
blackjeebus | yeah | 04:50 |
=== tupa [n=tupa@201-167-87-236-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #kubuntu | ||
blackjeebus | my verizon one works PERFECTLY | 04:50 |
K-Ryan | So why not use that? o.O | 04:51 |
blackjeebus | well its not really mine; I needed another card to test | 04:51 |
K-Ryan | Ah | 04:51 |
=== sebastian__ [n=sebastia@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tupa | how do I install xserver-xorg-video-unichrome. I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it is not listed | 04:51 |
hitmanWilly | blackjeebus: they use different protocols, and the sprint ones have multiple protocol support iirc | 04:51 |
tupa | how do I install xserver-xorg-video-unichrome?. I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it is not listed | 04:51 |
intelikey | rrbiz the instructions are for synaptic yes but the other info like what to put in the sources.list and where to find the packages are there did you get things working ? | 04:51 |
BluesKaj | rrbiz, i find adding the repos to the sources list and updating is easier and more effective than using adept or synaptic to do it | 04:52 |
=== vbgunz [n=vbgunz@217-98.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
blackjeebus | hitmanWilly: Meaning I would have to enable something extra? | 04:52 |
hitmanWilly | blackjeebus: or it could act as a softmodem, which would suck for you :) | 04:53 |
intelikey | !find xserver-xorg-driver-unichrome | 04:53 |
ubotu | Package/file xserver-xorg-driver-unichrome does not exist in feisty | 04:53 |
BluesKaj | getting close to my sacktime folks ...take care , and nite all | 04:53 |
=== hitmanWilly messed around with one of those on windows once, never tried it in nix | ||
=== zig-away [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | !find unichrome | 04:54 |
ubotu | Found: xserver-xorg-video-unichrome | 04:54 |
=== snookum [n=snookum@63-231-72-74.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | tupa sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-unichrome | 04:54 |
=== ariel_ [n=ariel@dsl-5-25.tncphl.united.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tupa | intelikey -_- | 04:55 |
tupa | I already know that, and how do you make it work !! | 04:55 |
=== ShockValue [n=shockval@c-71-227-142-84.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== keisangi [n=keisangi@221x117x88x251.ap221.ftth.ucom.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | never messed with that... don't know what kind of module it is, if it's supposed to be a driver just edit the xorg.conf and put unichrome where vesa was | 04:56 |
intelikey | be prepaired to fix it in the dark though | 04:56 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | !info xserver-xorg-video-unichrome | 04:57 |
ubotu | xserver-xorg-video-unichrome: X.Org X server -- VIA display driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (feisty), package size 83 kB, installed size 248 kB | 04:57 |
K-Ryan | intelikey: CLI is fun =) | 04:57 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | it might be listed as "via", or something that's not "unichrome". | 04:57 |
intelikey | K-Ryan preching to the quiour | 04:57 |
mneptok | "via" is the default Unichrome driver from Main | 04:58 |
K-Ryan | ? | 04:58 |
mneptok | anything with a Unichrome chipset should get "via" during installation. | 04:59 |
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=== dr_willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | mneptok there is a driver via yes what is that packge ^ ? | 05:00 |
mneptok | intelikey: no idea. never messed with it. | 05:00 |
intelikey | :) | 05:01 |
=== jesus005 [n=jesus005@cpe-24-174-247-118.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | that's what i said.... lol | 05:01 |
rrbiz | intelikey: BluesKaj: yeah i added manually, i'm all good, but those instructions wouldn't pertain to kubuntu | 05:01 |
rrbiz | at least not right off i spose | 05:01 |
mneptok | i could install it, but the "via" driver is working fine. and that's the girlfriend's machine. | 05:01 |
intelikey | blueskaj already left. | 05:01 |
=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@ppp-] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== dewey [n=dewey@c-67-168-51-149.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tupa | mneptok I think you are wrong, I'm using vesa, via driver doesn't work | 05:03 |
tupa | it freezes | 05:03 |
mneptok | tupa: the Unichrome i have is not recent | 05:04 |
tupa | ok | 05:04 |
=== robb_ [n=robb@adsl-69-234-36-175.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tupa | well, then freezes for newer unichrome chips :) | 05:04 |
tupa | just an incomplete truth | 05:04 |
mneptok | i know there's a Unichrome is the machine, and i know the "via" driver works. | 05:05 |
=== Noldoaran [n=robb@adsl-69-234-36-175.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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mneptok | other that that ... pray to whatever gods you worship. | 05:05 |
mneptok | *than | 05:06 |
tupa | rrbiz do you have unichrome? | 05:06 |
hitmanWilly | is there an actual 'unichrome' driver? | 05:06 |
intelikey | if i use a car battery to test this cat5 cable i can just contact each end of each wire to each post and watch for a spark to make sure it's not open circut right ? | 05:06 |
hitmanWilly | intelikey: yeah, you try that :P | 05:07 |
mneptok | intelikey: wait for lightning | 05:07 |
intelikey | hitmanWilly i'm fixing to. | 05:07 |
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne imagines intelikey being blown halfway across a football field... | ||
tupa | wish me luck | 05:07 |
hitmanWilly | actually, that might even work... | 05:07 |
=== Tolli [n=robb@adsl-69-234-36-175.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tupa | I'm trying unichrome in xorg.conf | 05:07 |
intelikey | it's 20m there is enough resistance it won't over heat | 05:07 |
=== mneptok waves | ||
=== khaije1 [n=khaije1@dsl093-056-093.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== hitmanWilly shorts out jumper cables to test car batteries all the time | ||
hitmanWilly | or at least the cables | 05:08 |
intelikey | light duty cables that works. but you don't want to do that with 6ought welding leads | 05:09 |
hitmanWilly | no, not that dumb | 05:09 |
=== intelikey supposes that most people don't use that heavy of a jumper cable... | ||
intelikey | probably not even 2 ought | 05:11 |
=== sandbug [n=anubis@nat-1.elb.vectranet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== thunderbolt [n=ryan@c-75-70-244-190.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== Noldoaran [n=robb@adsl-69-234-36-175.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ShockValue | anyone know what i need to install to get NNTP support for python? | 05:14 |
=== sjck [i=sjck@c196035.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | !find nntp | 05:15 |
ubotu | Found: cyrus-nntpd-2.2, libnews-nntpclient-perl, nntp, openntpd, phpgroupware-nntp | 05:15 |
=== tupa [n=tupa@201-167-87-236-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tupa | does anyone here know how to setup xserver-xorg-video-unichrome? | 05:15 |
thunderbolt | ShockValue: at one time, there was an NNTP library with python. | 05:16 |
tupa | I removed vesa and wrote unichrome and it didn't work | 05:16 |
intelikey | i don't see anything on it ShockValue freshmeat.net ? | 05:16 |
rrbiz | tupa: i used to, now use i810 | 05:16 |
thunderbolt | ShockValue: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-nntplib.html | 05:16 |
ShockValue | http://docs.python.org/lib/module-nntplib.html | 05:16 |
=== thunderbolt grins | ||
tupa | rrbiz, do you actually used xserver-xorg-video-unichrome? | 05:16 |
tupa | or via | 05:16 |
thunderbolt | Python: Batteries included! | 05:16 |
tupa | you said you had an older unichrome | 05:16 |
ShockValue | yeah, thats what im readying, but im not sure how to add that.. currently my python doesnt recognise the NNTP thing | 05:16 |
intelikey | there ya go | 05:16 |
rrbiz | use to b4, and it would sometimes work ok | 05:16 |
tupa | rrbiz, how did you set it up? | 05:17 |
=== se7en_ [n=se7en@125-24-157-98.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tupa | is there a developer or something that can help me out? | 05:19 |
rrbiz | tupa: would have to settle for vesa most of the time | 05:19 |
tupa | rrbiz, why? | 05:19 |
tupa | that's dumb, unless unichrome doesn't work appropriately | 05:20 |
rrbiz | wasn't easy | 05:20 |
dr_willis | i recall hearing some bad things about unichrome in the past. | 05:20 |
dr_willis | not used them myself. | 05:20 |
tupa | dr_willis, well I can't configure it | 05:21 |
rrbiz | unlesss things are better for it now, i guess it easier, dk | 05:21 |
=== BlackBsd [n=brian@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== rustalot [n=rustalot@bas9-toronto12-1177700534.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== intelikey doesn't even know the differnce in monochrome and unichrome | ||
dr_willis | When in doubt. check the wiki/forums i guess. | 05:22 |
dr_willis | I got an apple2c thats Monocrome. :) | 05:22 |
intelikey | :) | 05:22 |
dr_willis | the good old days! playing ultima2 on a Amber Monitor! | 05:22 |
dr_willis | :) | 05:22 |
=== srowe [n=srowe@72-161-185-10.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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ardchoille | lol! | 05:23 |
=== Jack33 [n=michael@pool-71-115-240-76.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | or selling lemonade on the C64 even | 05:23 |
dr_willis | M.U.L.U | 05:23 |
dr_willis | M.U.L.E | 05:23 |
BlackBsd | how do i turn on the sshd and allow remote logins on the install disk? | 05:23 |
dr_willis | Sell that Smithore! and Crystalite! | 05:23 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | Marathon... | 05:23 |
intelikey | BlackBsd install ssh | 05:24 |
BlackBsd | also dont i have to set a root password or a sudo password? | 05:24 |
intelikey | BlackBsd no just use the sudo command | 05:24 |
dr_willis | you can go to the console on the live cd and run rooty commands also i think. | 05:24 |
intelikey | with sudo | 05:25 |
intelikey | sudo -i | 05:25 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | It's 22:25... I'm off to bed. Night everyone! *sets away* | 05:25 |
=== HanzZ [n=HanzZ@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | BlackBsd you will have to set a passwd for "guest" or is it "ubuntu" which ever account is setup | 05:25 |
intelikey | or sshd will not allow connection iirc | 05:26 |
intelikey | TeraDyne sleep well | 05:27 |
hitmanWilly | is sshd even installed on the livecd? | 05:27 |
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intelikey | you can install it | 05:27 |
intelikey | just install ssh | 05:27 |
intelikey | it's the meta package gets server and client | 05:28 |
srowe | hi room. i'm having some issues with my NVIDIA drivers causing my system to freeze. would this be the right room? | 05:28 |
hitmanWilly | srowe: what card and what driver? | 05:28 |
intelikey | srowe actually probably #ubutnu-effects | 05:28 |
BlackBsd | i want to remotely ssh into the box and run fdisk | 05:28 |
=== dustin [n=dustin@65-101-165-195.desm.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | srowe but ask anyway | 05:28 |
dr_willis | BlackBsd, why? heh | 05:29 |
srowe | it's the NVIDIA 7300 LE card, and the latest driver installed through Envy | 05:29 |
dr_willis | cant get to its console? no screen? | 05:29 |
srowe | thanks intelli | 05:29 |
BlackBsd | guess i can just do this from the laptop... | 05:29 |
intelikey | BlackBsd install ssh set a password for the user and go for it | 05:29 |
srowe | i thought at first it was something to do with wine, but it has locked up on me just browsing the web | 05:29 |
BlackBsd | im on the live install cd | 05:29 |
intelikey | yes i know | 05:30 |
hitmanWilly | intelikey: he'll have to set up ssh to allow running root cmds iirc | 05:30 |
intelikey | hitmanWilly no sudo works | 05:30 |
BlackBsd | does the installer create extended partitions? | 05:30 |
intelikey | BlackBsd it can | 05:30 |
BlackBsd | is that what is calls logical partitions | 05:30 |
hitmanWilly | sudo works under ssh? ugh, there's a security hole... | 05:30 |
intelikey | BlackBsd it is | 05:30 |
thunderbolt | hitmanWilly: huh? | 05:30 |
thunderbolt | Why shouldn't sudo work under ssh? | 05:31 |
Biovore | hitmanWilly: well you can run commands though ssh running the -c argument | 05:31 |
dr_willis | it the user logging in has sudo access.. | 05:31 |
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Biovore | so ssh username@box -c sudo ifconfig eth0 | 05:31 |
Biovore | ^ that would work.. | 05:31 |
hitmanWilly | thunderbolt: think about it, allowing remote access to root cmds, bad idea imho | 05:31 |
Biovore | as dr willis said | 05:31 |
BlackBsd | no, i want to set up an extended partition so i can install in. | 05:31 |
intelikey | hitmanWilly welcome to my world of despising the "root jr. approach" | 05:31 |
thunderbolt | hitmanWilly: How am I suppose to manage my server in Australia if I can't use root commands? | 05:32 |
BlackBsd | is therw a kubuntu from scratch | 05:32 |
BlackBsd | there | 05:32 |
dr_willis | BlackBsd, hmm.. No. | 05:32 |
hitmanWilly | BlackBsd: try the server cd, its probably the closest | 05:32 |
intelikey | BlackBsd you can use [ctrl] +[alt] +[f1] console sudo cfdisk or sudo fdisk /dev/blah | 05:33 |
BlackBsd | assuming you know the username | 05:33 |
=== dewitt [n=dewitt@75-120-17-140.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | BlackBsd no | 05:33 |
intelikey | try it. | 05:33 |
=== nosrednaekim [n=michael@pool-70-18-186-109.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hitmanWilly | thunderbolt: well, that's a special case, but most people manage their machines locally | 05:34 |
=== hara [n=hara@dsl-tregw2-feeedf00-132.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rustalot | How do I copy photos in one album into another album in DigiKam? I looked around, but it seems that you can only import from file when you do "add photos". | 05:35 |
intelikey | remote admin is not so uncommon, just less secure imo | 05:35 |
hitmanWilly | intelikey: definately less secure | 05:35 |
thunderbolt | I'd say slightly less secure, but very convenient. | 05:35 |
thunderbolt | Especially if you're using SSH with strong keys, passphrases, etc. | 05:35 |
BlackBsd | i think i have to install ssh.. | 05:35 |
intelikey | thunderbolt and your user passwd is secure enough | 05:36 |
BlackBsd | is it not on the install DVD already? | 05:36 |
BlackBsd | which sshd | 05:36 |
BlackBsd | opps wrong terminal | 05:36 |
=== hitmanWilly actually has his system set up with no sudo period | ||
intelikey | hitmanWilly :) | 05:36 |
intelikey | me too | 05:36 |
BlackBsd | ssh is pretty safe.. | 05:37 |
intelikey | tty3 [greg$~] pastebin /etc/sudoers | 05:37 |
intelikey | http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/38277 | 05:37 |
hitmanWilly | the app is still there for dependency issues, but no user accts are actually in the group | 05:37 |
intelikey | hehhe looks can be decieving :) | 05:37 |
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hitmanWilly | lol | 05:39 |
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srowe | do you know of any other channels that might know something about nvidia drivers? | 05:39 |
intelikey | #ubuntu-effects | 05:39 |
hitmanWilly | srowe: im not sure about envy, but nvidia-glx is the pkg you want for that card | 05:40 |
intelikey | !ati | 05:40 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:40 |
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please. | ||
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intelikey | hmm no trace* i thought i had tracepath installed | 05:46 |
tek | anyone familiar with setting up wifi with bcm43xx-fwcutter? | 05:47 |
srowe | tek, i actually just did that. just a sec and i'll tell you what you need to do | 05:47 |
tek | srowe: well I got it working but after a reboot it no longer works :( | 05:48 |
srowe | http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/329 | 05:48 |
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=== Knightlust [n=dax@ubuntu/member/knightlust] has joined #kubuntu | ||
srowe | tek: may be a stupid question, but did you click on the icon and select the wireless connection? it seems to default to the ethernet connection if you don't | 05:48 |
Guest_578_ | i am having a proble with installing wine anyone got any suggestions?? | 05:49 |
dr_willis | Guest_578_, clarify the problem for a start | 05:49 |
Guest_578_ | it cant create the executables | 05:49 |
intelikey | what's normal if you tracepath your own ip ? one hop out one back ? | 05:49 |
dr_willis | sudo apt-get install wine -- works for me. | 05:49 |
dr_willis | You mean problems COMPILING wine? | 05:49 |
Guest_578_ | i dont have internet accesse on it | 05:49 |
Guest_578_ | yeah cause i am using the wineinstalll that came with the package | 05:50 |
=== dr_willis thinks the whole problem needs further clarification... :) | ||
=== Kernel is now known as HaSH | ||
Minataku | Heya, dr_willis | 05:50 |
intelikey | Guest_578_ install build-essential | 05:50 |
dr_willis | ive never used wineinstall, I just yuse the upstream wine repo. | 05:50 |
dr_willis | deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt feisty main | 05:50 |
dr_willis | and then apt-get it | 05:50 |
tek | srowe: disabled eth0 each time i reboot, enabled eth1 each time... double check its route settings... it seems ONCE it works and I reboot for any reason I no longer see wireless networks | 05:50 |
dr_willis | Minataku, i got a whole table of junk to send you.. :) sorting through it slowly. | 05:51 |
Minataku | I just emerge whichever is the most recent in Portage | 05:51 |
Minataku | dr_willis: Kickass! :D | 05:51 |
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Minataku | Care to rattle off some of the stuff :3 | 05:51 |
Guest_578_ | do i have to have inetaccess to use the debian stuff?? | 05:51 |
intelikey | Guest_578_ build-essential is on the install disk | 05:51 |
intelikey | i think. | 05:51 |
dr_willis | Minataku, so far a lot of amiga books. (abacus) and disks, and disks, and disks... | 05:51 |
Guest_578_ | ok | 05:51 |
hitmanWilly | intelikey: nope, not on feisty | 05:52 |
dr_willis | and some amiga parts. :) slowly working around the room to the amigas | 05:52 |
Minataku | Cool :D | 05:52 |
Minataku | Awesome :3 | 05:52 |
Guest_578_ | i am a newb so you will have to explain pretty well | 05:52 |
intelikey | you can't compile anything without gcc and gcc is part of build-essential nd the error message implies that you don't have gcc | 05:52 |
intelikey | so | 05:52 |
intelikey | Guest_578_ install build-essential | 05:52 |
srowe | tek: that's about the extent of my knowledge on the subject. sorry. :( | 05:53 |
Guest_578_ | is build essential on the os installation or the wine installation | 05:53 |
tupa | no luck with xserver-xorg-unichrome :( | 05:53 |
Guest_578_ | disk | 05:53 |
intelikey | now. i do concure with dr_willis on the fact that you are doing it the hard way by building the source. | 05:53 |
intelikey | Guest_578_ the ubuntu disk | 05:53 |
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Guest_578_ | ok | 05:54 |
damien | Hey guys. Does Kopete automatically log chats? | 05:54 |
dr_willis | wine needs a bit more then just build-essential - would be my guess | 05:54 |
intelikey | dr_willis me too but he can't get far enough to know that without b-e | 05:54 |
Minataku | Hm | 05:55 |
Guest_578_ | ok | 05:55 |
Minataku | I wonder if I could see what Portage demands for WINE | 05:55 |
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Minataku | It won't be exact | 05:55 |
intelikey | and the wine.deb will have deps too so either way... it won't be fun without networking | 05:56 |
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Minataku | But it'll give a good overview | 05:56 |
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hitmanWilly | Minataku: should be enough to get moving in the right direction, tho | 05:56 |
Minataku | But really, the best thing to do is get networking | 05:56 |
Minataku | hitmanWilly: Indeed | 05:56 |
=== Guest_578_ is now known as kurtis | ||
illDecree | kurt, you gettin the help you need? | 05:56 |
=== intelikey declares, *ubuntu expects every computer to be on the internet and is next to worthless if it isn't. | ||
kurtis | kinda | 05:56 |
Minataku | http://www.gentoo-portage.com/app-emulation/wine/Dep#ptabs << Here ya go | 05:57 |
kurtis | ok i have no way of connecting it to the internet | 05:57 |
=== hitmanWilly only declares variables and constants :) | ||
Minataku | Go down past the list of available versions | 05:57 |
dr_willis | Only thing i do with pc's athat are not on the network.. is.. err.. Hmm... not a lot.. | 05:57 |
illDecree | anyone know of another good/reliable kubuntu support channel anywhere? or forums....anything...i just need resources | 05:57 |
Minataku | Heh | 05:57 |
dr_willis | Play FreeCol? ... tryed that yet? its a good game | 05:57 |
Minataku | Those are all hobby machines for me | 05:57 |
Minataku | Oh, dr_willis | 05:57 |
Minataku | I got a DEC Personal DECstation 5000/33 :D | 05:57 |
=== kurtis is now known as Kdawg532 | ||
dr_willis | illDecree, theres the official ubbuntu/kubuntu forums | 05:58 |
Minataku | MIPS R3000A + R3010 FPC @ 33MHz :3 | 05:58 |
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dr_willis | more stuff to get your dad mad at you. :) | 05:58 |
miles | yo yo | 05:58 |
illDecree | dr_willis....is it on the ubuntu page? is there a good IRC channel you know of, or is this it? | 05:58 |
Minataku | dr_willis: Damn straight :D | 05:59 |
dr_willis | Ill stick with my Emulators.. | 05:59 |
miles | minataku, language! | 05:59 |
dr_willis | illDecree, this is about as good as it gets. :) | 05:59 |
Minataku | miles: It's well within PG | 05:59 |
miles | oic | 05:59 |
dr_willis | PG13+ | 05:59 |
dr_willis | :) | 05:59 |
miles | i misread | 05:59 |
tek | srowe: thanks... I just tried rerunning the bcm install (recutting the firmware...) still no luck... I dont even get the "wireless entworks' option under my NetworkManager menu anymore... | 05:59 |
illDecree | damn, that sucks | 05:59 |
Minataku | dr_willis: pmax _is_ emulated by gxemul :D | 05:59 |
hitmanWilly | illDecree: you could try #ubuntu, but they're even worse than we are | 05:59 |
miles | "is this a god dam?" - beavis and butthead do america | 05:59 |
intelikey | Minataku pg maybe. not G | 05:59 |
tek | maybe ill try bringing my laptop back into the wired port and reinstalling a few things | 05:59 |
Minataku | PMAX was the codename of the first machine of the line | 05:59 |
dr_willis | Im just annoyed that the vice emulator for Ubuntu has a bug in it that makes it unuseable. :( | 05:59 |
illDecree | i mean, i haven't been here long enough to form an opinion, but i'm just trying to build a resource list, ya know? | 06:00 |
Minataku | intelikey: I typically follow the guidelines for primetime programming set by one of America's most oppressive organizations... the FCC | 06:00 |
Minataku | lol | 06:00 |
dr_willis | illDecree, theres ooodles of google hits. :) but the official ubuntu/kubuntu wiki/forums are the best to start with. | 06:00 |
Kdawg532 | is there a package installer for wine that would just install it for me?? | 06:00 |
Minataku | Kdawg532: Yes | 06:00 |
illDecree | alright, ill check into that | 06:00 |
Minataku | apt-get | 06:00 |
Minataku | Or adept | 06:00 |
Minataku | Or synaptic | 06:00 |
Minataku | et al | 06:00 |
dr_willis | deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt feisty main | 06:00 |
dr_willis | is the unofficial latest wine repo. | 06:01 |
Kdawg532 | i need to have internet access on the pc tho | 06:01 |
illDecree | i'm here just helping someone else in this channel who is new to linux...and im pretty new to ubuntu/kubuntu,....im a long time gentoo user | 06:01 |
Minataku | Kdawg532: Do it now while you're online here | 06:01 |
tek | bah, of course X11 wont let me turn off dual support on the fly (or I dont know how :P) | 06:01 |
Kdawg532 | i am using a verizon aircard and cant use it on there | 06:01 |
intelikey | Minataku i generaly try to show that i can talk without offending people but for some reason i always make exceptions for you :) | 06:01 |
dr_willis | illDecree, then ubuntu/kubuntu should be trivial.. You are used to reading the docs! :) | 06:01 |
Minataku | Kdawg532: Set up a bridge | 06:01 |
illDecree | yeah...haha | 06:01 |
Minataku | intelikey: It's my addictive personality :3 | 06:01 |
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Kdawg532 | last time i did that it ruined my car | 06:01 |
Kdawg532 | d | 06:01 |
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intelikey | maybe. something about you ticks me off :) | 06:02 |
Minataku | Kdawg532: How? A crossover cable should work fine | 06:02 |
Minataku | intelikey: Haha | 06:02 |
Minataku | intelikey: I try my best | 06:02 |
Minataku | XD | 06:02 |
intelikey | :) | 06:02 |
K-Ryan | Anyone feel like letting me SSH to them, just to test this out? | 06:02 |
illDecree | hey, question on that aircard kdawg is using....how hard would it be to take a box running winxp MCE '05 sp2, and run it thru a router to share the connection? never tried anythhing quite like that.... | 06:02 |
Minataku | Sorry, though, I don't ACTUALLY try | 06:02 |
Kdawg532 | that ruined it to i spent five hours getting it to work again | 06:02 |
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K-Ryan | By this, I mean SSHing | 06:02 |
Minataku | It just happens :3 | 06:02 |
Kdawg532 | ics doesnt work | 06:02 |
Minataku | K-Ryan: Set up SSH on another machine | 06:02 |
illDecree | i figured a crossover woudl be fine, but he tells me the last time he tried that, he fuct it all up badly.... | 06:02 |
Minataku | Or SSH to something you don't own | 06:02 |
Kdawg532 | it will kill the air card | 06:02 |
K-Ryan | Minataku: Don't have one | 06:02 |
illDecree | Kurt, imma come up there and make it all work for ya man | 06:02 |
illDecree | haha | 06:02 |
illDecree | :-D | 06:02 |
hitmanWilly | K-Ryan: yeah, ok, the address is | 06:03 |
Minataku | BUT DON'T LOGIN | 06:03 |
intelikey | K-Ryan try ssh `whoami`@ | 06:03 |
Minataku | lol | 06:03 |
K-Ryan | hitmanWilly: Did it already actually | 06:03 |
Minataku | K-Ryan: What's the issue you're having with SSH? | 06:03 |
K-Ryan | Not like, fooled | 06:03 |
hitmanWilly | lol | 06:03 |
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K-Ryan | Minataku: None, I just want to SSH | 06:03 |
K-Ryan | Playing with my new toys | 06:03 |
tk | ok wired works... | 06:03 |
Minataku | lol | 06:03 |
Minataku | K-Ryan: Set up sshd | 06:03 |
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=== K-Ryan just got SSH | ||
K-Ryan | sshd? | 06:03 |
Minataku | Then ssh to yourself | 06:03 |
K-Ryan | I already ssh-ed to myself! | 06:03 |
illDecree | you need to get that fuckin kubuntu box online somehow | 06:03 |
Minataku | Then stop complaining XD | 06:04 |
illDecree | i got something for ya kurt | 06:04 |
illDecree | brb | 06:04 |
Kdawg532 | yeah ok | 06:04 |
K-Ryan | I wanna ssh to someone else | 06:04 |
Minataku | Heh | 06:05 |
Minataku | K-Ryan: Set up a LAN | 06:05 |
K-Ryan | I have a LAN | 06:05 |
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Minataku | I had a Sun box on my network that I SSH'd to | 06:05 |
K-Ryan | Except the other box is useless and using Windows | 06:05 |
K-Ryan | I know ssh works with it | 06:05 |
Kdawg532 | Nova Tel Usb 720 | 06:06 |
K-Ryan | But there's not much of a point, it's next to me... | 06:06 |
K-Ryan | Although... | 06:06 |
Kdawg532 | minataku can you find a chipset for a nova tel usb 720 | 06:06 |
Minataku | Kdawg532: Have you tried using ndiswrapper? | 06:06 |
Kdawg532 | no i havnt | 06:07 |
dr_willis | I told my wife to Sshhhhhhhhh once... she smacked me. | 06:07 |
Minataku | Then try that | 06:07 |
Minataku | dr_willis: Heehee | 06:07 |
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illDecree | the aircard he is talking about is cellular wireless...i think... | 06:07 |
Kdawg532 | yes it is | 06:08 |
Kdawg532 | its through verizon wireless with software from smith micro | 06:08 |
Minataku | Screw Verizon :P | 06:08 |
illDecree | yeah,....haha, especially for me, i work for Comcast....FUCKEMALL | 06:09 |
illDecree | haha | 06:09 |
Minataku | Comcast is even WORSE | 06:09 |
illDecree | believe me, i KNOW.... | 06:09 |
Kdawg532 | when i get verizon fios you'll really be sayin that | 06:09 |
Kdawg532 | 15 meg down 2meg up | 06:09 |
illDecree | i have to deal w/stupid ass people all day, who are "Tier 2 IP Support" and they call me ALL DAY LONG trying to set up they're email in Outlook....seriously, if you cant figure that out, you shouldn't support people and there're connection, ya know? | 06:10 |
=== K`zan [n=vw@c-76-22-74-207.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
illDecree | tis funny tho, b/c when i get into IRC channels. most people are connecting from a comcast server somewhere | 06:10 |
Kdawg532 | or maybe i will get the 30 meg down and the 5 meg up | 06:10 |
BlackBsd | hi does anyone got a dell that came with ubuntu? | 06:10 |
BlackBsd | im looking for a kernel config file that will match this hardware | 06:10 |
BlackBsd | or come close to it... | 06:10 |
K`zan | rsync -rpv --progress nimitz:/home/vw/public_html . <<--- That should backup *everything* from the target directory, right? | 06:11 |
illDecree | :-D....more people that make my life miserable...although, i can't complain, we have 16 meg down, and 3 meg up here, and i don't pay a dime for it | 06:11 |
illDecree | that part is nice | 06:11 |
BlackBsd | without having all thoes other options set. | 06:11 |
illDecree | how are those dell ubuntu boxes? | 06:11 |
dr_willis | illDecree, a bit over priced last i looked. | 06:11 |
dr_willis | there was a stink about them last week.. | 06:11 |
Minataku | It's still better than Windows | 06:12 |
dr_willis | The equilient windows offer. included free extra memory + bigger HD. for about the same price.. | 06:12 |
Minataku | They probably have to find Linux-capable HW | 06:12 |
Minataku | Though it is Dell | 06:12 |
intelikey | pretty simple really. just outputing to your tty | 06:12 |
Kdawg532 | i dont know i might just wate and take my box to my friends house and get it all of the deb servers | 06:12 |
illDecree | yeah, i noticed, and read a few things, that they are only $50 cheaper than one w/M$...which is sad, you would think they would knock off like 100 or so, to make it worthwhile, even tho they have to only be paying like 60-70 or so, per license, ya know? | 06:12 |
Minataku | So it's more likely that they're just assholes :P | 06:12 |
dr_willis | the windows/linux machines (this may of been just the laptops) HW were identical. | 06:12 |
Minataku | Ah | 06:12 |
Minataku | Then they're just assholes | 06:12 |
Minataku | :3 | 06:12 |
dr_willis | Then theres the case of.. what will ya do in 2 years.. give the box to some kid/cousin/sister.. they proberly will want windows on it... | 06:13 |
illDecree | yeah, HW is ident....but the OS makes a 50 buck difference.....sad... | 06:13 |
BlackBsd | i bought the laptop before dell anounced linux support | 06:13 |
Kdawg532 | if i bought a new dell i would get linux cause i hate vista | 06:13 |
Minataku | They can use Linux or piss off | 06:13 |
Minataku | :D | 06:13 |
dr_willis | 'support' for linux from dell = means what exactly? :) | 06:13 |
dr_willis | Expect them to teach you the shell? | 06:13 |
illDecree | now they are makin money on the linux people too! haha, i htought i might buy one tho, just to support the linux thing..... maybe it's just me, and im stupid tho, :-D | 06:13 |
BlackBsd | but mine has all the same components.. | 06:13 |
BlackBsd | and it all pretty much works | 06:13 |
BlackBsd | but i lost my custom kernel conf file | 06:13 |
Minataku | "Support? #ubuntu" | 06:14 |
BlackBsd | with only my hardware stuff enabled | 06:14 |
Minataku | X3 | 06:14 |
Kdawg532 | i am using kubuntu in a dell box that originally came with xp prof | 06:14 |
Kdawg532 | it works great | 06:14 |
BlackBsd | i have been trying to google for it with no luck | 06:14 |
illDecree | 'support' from dell for linux means: "is you're computer turned on? common mistake..... is you're monitor plugged in...another common mistake..... umm...check the forums on ubuntu's website, have a good day" :-D | 06:14 |
Minataku | I'm using Gentoo on a Toshiba laptop | 06:14 |
=== dr_willis is using CP/M on a Rock! | ||
dr_willis | :) | 06:15 |
Minataku | lol | 06:15 |
dr_willis | Soon will have Rock 2.0! | 06:15 |
illDecree | i'm using gentoo on a dell 1.8 p4, ill tell ya, it runs GREAT! | 06:15 |
dr_willis | I did find my C64 CPM cartridge today! | 06:15 |
Minataku | Awesome! :D | 06:15 |
Kdawg532 | i am going to get a slave disk in my lappy and put kubuntu 64 bit on it and see how it runs | 06:15 |
dr_willis | i just got no software for it. | 06:15 |
illDecree | Minataku: did you have 802.11 in you're laptop? | 06:15 |
dr_willis | :) | 06:15 |
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illDecree | i had a linksys adapter, i couldn't find drivers for | 06:15 |
BlackBsd | well its like the openmoko phone. | 06:16 |
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BlackBsd | i cant wait till i get one. | 06:16 |
BlackBsd | gentoo has been on this dell laptop for about a year now. | 06:16 |
dr_willis | BlackBsd, looking forward to those also. | 06:16 |
Minataku | illDecree: Yes, fully supported, too | 06:16 |
dr_willis | Got a GP2x right now. :) handheld/game thing. thats running linux. | 06:16 |
Minataku | My laptop ("Piyoko") was purchased in 2003 | 06:16 |
illDecree | wow.... thats awesome | 06:17 |
Minataku | She's got an orinoco_cs card | 06:17 |
raylu | oh god | 06:17 |
Minataku | Fully open chipset | 06:17 |
raylu | first boxen, now "she" for laptops? | 06:17 |
BlackBsd | on thing is that my wireless works in ubuntu and not in gentoo.. | 06:17 |
BlackBsd | must be a config isue | 06:17 |
Minataku | raylu: I have systems with male names that are "he"s | 06:17 |
BlackBsd | issue | 06:17 |
raylu | that's why i say "it" | 06:17 |
BlackBsd | i got built in 3945 | 06:17 |
illDecree | damn, you ever play w/the linksys WRT54GL models? | 06:17 |
Minataku | raylu: Personal preference | 06:17 |
illDecree | i have one of the older ones that worked fine before they release the "L" series | 06:17 |
Minataku | Heh | 06:18 |
BlackBsd | dr_willis, they got the developer phones ready to go... | 06:18 |
BlackBsd | but i want the model with the built in wifi | 06:18 |
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dr_willis | BlackBsd, wee... :) The new lPhone! | 06:18 |
dr_willis | :) | 06:18 |
Minataku | My router is fine, that's just a regular old router, 802.11b | 06:18 |
dr_willis | like i need one... | 06:18 |
BlackBsd | i want dell to support freebsd also | 06:18 |
BlackBsd | that would be cool | 06:18 |
Minataku | Don't bother with the iPhone, it's a piece of crap | 06:18 |
Minataku | brb, bathroom | 06:19 |
illDecree | have you heard of the linux s/w for the linksys routers? pretty cool....but nothing too major..it basically makes a home router more commercial....kinda.... | 06:19 |
dr_willis | I want dell to quit trying to shove extra crud i dont need down my throat when i go to buy a pc. | 06:19 |
miles | hey | 06:19 |
dr_willis | :) | 06:19 |
miles |, hack me | 06:19 |
raylu | lmao | 06:19 |
=== miles laffs at his own joke | ||
dr_willis | "Want a fast Quake Server! Try '/server' " | 06:19 |
dr_willis | :) | 06:19 |
BlackBsd | i had the iphone for 4 days | 06:19 |
BlackBsd | i took it back | 06:19 |
intelikey | miles i already own joo | 06:19 |
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miles | haha | 06:19 |
intelikey | :) | 06:19 |
illDecree | yeah, i broke an iPhone last week, i was playing w/ a guy from work's iPhone, and i fuct it up, i'm not sure how....but somehow, i managed to make it shutdown, and never boot again......strange | 06:19 |
K-Ryan | Whoa whoa whoa | 06:19 |
BlackBsd | the openmoko is going to kill it with features | 06:20 |
K-Ryan | You stole my IP? | 06:20 |
=== K-Ryan grins. | ||
dr_willis | Hay! thats MY ip! | 06:20 |
=== Penguiniator [n=scott@ip70-189-242-136.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miles | iPhone is weak because apple didnt release a SDK | 06:20 |
miles | for the public | 06:20 |
intelikey | and to think i could have locked his box up.... | 06:20 |
dr_willis | iPhone is weak because of apple | 06:20 |
dr_willis | :) | 06:20 |
BlackBsd | iidecree, that was only one model where they used linux firmware | 06:20 |
miles | pwn | 06:20 |
BlackBsd | i think they stopped making that model | 06:21 |
illDecree | the other routers, you could flash it w/linux firmware...thats what i did...its not bad, but i wish i could go back to the OEM simplicity, to be honest w/ya | 06:21 |
miles | are you talking about dd-wrt? | 06:21 |
Minataku | Back | 06:21 |
dr_willis | I got a Linksys NSLU2 'unslung' that runs Linux. ... somewhere.... | 06:21 |
dr_willis | wonder where i put that. | 06:21 |
illDecree | they made a few that supported it, had to do w/the size of the chips, and some other shit...but then they released the "L" series...(WRT54gL) that went back to the old specs so people could flash it w/linux | 06:21 |
miles | i recently flashed my wrt54gs with dd-wrt | 06:22 |
miles | its pretty sweet | 06:22 |
miles | wireless bridge is nice | 06:22 |
illDecree | i never got into it too badly, i just flashed it, played w/it a lil, configured it the way i wanted it, and honestly, thats the last time i was even logged into that router for anything other than to add another MAC to the filter list.... | 06:22 |
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tk | srowe: well its working now... hopefully it stays working this time | 06:29 |
tk | i still dont see the wifi stuff like I did before though in the network manager | 06:29 |
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intelikey | computius say "word is four letter word" | 06:31 |
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ubuntu__ | Could anyone help me with a complicated partition problem? I've messed up my partition table, apparently...and fdisk and cfdisk can no long see two partitions that are actually still there. I used a partition doctor program on windows, and can see that they still exist. However, it';s only a demo so it wont let me repair the problem. | 06:36 |
intelikey | ubuntu__ testdisk | 06:37 |
intelikey | !info testdisk | 06:37 |
ubotu | testdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.5-1build1 (feisty), package size 550 kB, installed size 1784 kB | 06:37 |
ubuntu__ | testdisk? ok thank you | 06:37 |
intelikey | can be installed on the live cd and ran from there... | 06:38 |
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ubuntu__ | excellent, im on the livecd so good | 06:39 |
ubuntu__ | hehe | 06:39 |
ubuntu__ | ill try that | 06:39 |
ubuntu__ | thank you | 06:39 |
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intelikey | it's usage is pretty streight forwaard but you probably want to read about it first so it doesn't frighten you. | 06:39 |
intelikey | yeah your nick kinda gave that away | 06:39 |
lunar-raven | oh duh | 06:40 |
lunar-raven | sorry | 06:40 |
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lunar-raven | Lol | 06:40 |
hitmanWilly | lol | 06:40 |
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Kr4t05 | I have a rather silly question that probably belongs in -offtopic, but... Why isn't Firefox in Kubuntu by default? | 06:41 |
intelikey_hidden | cause konqueror is | 06:41 |
Kr4t05 | Right... | 06:42 |
sfire | firefox = barf | 06:42 |
hitmanWilly | Kr4t05: its a gtk app and doesn't fit into the whole kde/qt look and feel thing | 06:42 |
sfire | IMHO | 06:42 |
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Minataku | Because KDE demands on idiotic reimplementations | 06:42 |
lunar-raven | wow | 06:42 |
Minataku | ala Konq and KOffice | 06:42 |
lunar-raven | that program sees them | 06:42 |
lunar-raven | =) | 06:42 |
klobster | any idea why kaffeine is crashing? it's only on my user, other users are fine | 06:42 |
Kr4t05 | Well, IMHO, Konqueror is a mediocre file manager that pretends to be a web browser in it's spare time. | 06:42 |
Minataku | Kr4t05: Congrats, you win | 06:43 |
sfire | klobster: try deleting the configuration files in your user account and let it re-create (assuming you have no important settings) | 06:43 |
Minataku | lol | 06:43 |
hitmanWilly | klobster: are you in all the necessary groups? | 06:43 |
Kr4t05 | Why not just ditch Konqueror and use Kommander as a file manager and use something else? | 06:43 |
=== hitmanWilly has yet to find a web browser he really likes | ||
Kr4t05 | Or, it Konq the only QT-based browser out there? | 06:44 |
hitmanWilly | right now konq is the closest *ducks* | 06:45 |
lunar-raven | intelikey that's amazing, it fixed it. | 06:45 |
lunar-raven | thanks so much | 06:45 |
Kr4t05 | Why I'm asking this is because I just re-installed in the hope it would fix a disk issue, all of my settings are beautifully preserved, thanks to my separate /home partition. | 06:46 |
Kr4t05 | However, none of my favorite apps exist, anymore. | 06:46 |
Kr4t05 | So, apt to the rescue!! | 06:46 |
Kr4t05 | Dun Du-Daaaaa! | 06:47 |
Kr4t05 | *Ahem* | 06:47 |
sfire | isn't that how everyone does it? | 06:47 |
Kr4t05 | I dunno... But, I'm off to bed whilst I wait for Apt to do it's magic. | 06:48 |
Kr4t05 | Night folks. | 06:48 |
hitmanWilly | later Kr4t05 | 06:48 |
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Miltos | hi ppl:-) | 06:58 |
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raylu | !ntfs | 07:00 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 07:00 |
raylu | wow =\ | 07:05 |
raylu | fmask=0111,dmask=0000 | 07:05 |
raylu | what are f and d? | 07:05 |
raylu | becuase that just solved all my problems. | 07:05 |
crimsun | file & directory. | 07:07 |
raylu | er... | 07:07 |
raylu | so it sets all the files to 0111 | 07:07 |
raylu | which is octal for...? | 07:07 |
raylu | and it looks to me like no one has access to directories that way | 07:08 |
NightBird | 7 | 07:08 |
NightBird | er... wait, 0111 is the octal format? | 07:08 |
raylu | that's what i thought too | 07:08 |
raylu | it should be 0777 | 07:08 |
raylu | at least that's what i'm used to seeing | 07:08 |
Minataku | *mask is in 8's complement | 07:09 |
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Minataku | A value of 0777 in *mask will return (7)000 | 07:10 |
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Minataku | 0111 will make everything (7)666 | 07:10 |
Minataku | Which is hardly desireable | 07:10 |
Minataku | 666, BTW, rw-rw-rw- | 07:11 |
Minataku | You need execute permissions on directories | 07:11 |
Minataku | Otherwise they can't be traversed | 07:11 |
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HanzZ | hi.. after qt4.3 feisty update i have problem with system tray icon | 07:15 |
HanzZ | it has broken transparency (the background is black) | 07:15 |
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HanzZ | can someone confirm it? | 07:16 |
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heiths | hola? | 07:27 |
Miltos | hi ppl:-) again... i've got a minor problem: "eject" cd rom works only when i type "sudo eject" in the bash, the right click asks for sudo preveleges...strange? any help? | 07:27 |
heiths | hey, I'm trying to get my MCSE for a job... (trust me, not looking forward). I wanted to get some advice from some Microsoft people. Problem is, I've never seen an irc for microsoft. Maybe its because I never wanted to. But does anyone know what server they are hiding out on? | 07:27 |
heiths | add yourself to the cdrom group | 07:27 |
klobster | heiths: try #mcse | 07:28 |
heiths | nice, thanks | 07:28 |
heiths | I swear there wasn't any ms rooms last time I looked here on freenod | 07:29 |
heiths | bah, its dead... I guess people don't like to talk about microsoft much | 07:30 |
klobster | ok, so i went into .kde/apps/kaffeine/ and deleted the xine.conf and some other thing, but kaffeine is still crashing. | 07:30 |
klobster | what is the command that lets me watch how a program loads and calls out? | 07:31 |
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heiths | verbose mode? | 07:32 |
klobster | actually, I think it's a xine issue... gxine gives a segfault | 07:32 |
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heiths | what are you trying to play? | 07:32 |
klobster | it's file agnostic | 07:32 |
klobster | even dvd's die | 07:33 |
klobster | oh yeah, strace | 07:33 |
heiths | so it crashes before you attempt to play anything? | 07:33 |
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=== Fr0de [n=frode@ppp121-71.static.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
klobster | yup | 07:34 |
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heiths | compiled or binary install | 07:34 |
HanzZ | how can i set focus on mainwindow which i show() | 07:34 |
klobster | .deb | 07:34 |
HanzZ | ? | 07:34 |
HanzZ | klobster: ubuntu? | 07:34 |
klobster | sorry, HanzZ not for you | 07:34 |
klobster | HanzZ: show() ? what language please? | 07:35 |
HanzZ | oh | 07:35 |
HanzZ | sorry :) i'm in bad channel :) | 07:35 |
HanzZ | i want to be in #qt :) | 07:35 |
klobster | I thought as much | 07:36 |
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HanzZ | hm.. when i'm here.. i'm installed some packages from backports and i want to downgrade it to the normall feisty packages. can i do it somehow? | 07:38 |
HanzZ | *i installed | 07:38 |
klobster | yeah, remove backports from your server list, then open adept (or whatever) and choose reinstall | 07:39 |
klobster | for those packages | 07:39 |
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Miltos | hi ppl:-) again... i've got a minor problem: "eject" cd rom works only when i type "sudo eject" in the bash, the right click asks for sudo preveleges...strange? any help? | 07:40 |
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Daisuke-Ido | it's mounting your cdrom as root. why, i haven't a clue. hope that gives you a place to start, i'm off to bed :\ | 07:43 |
heiths | add yourself to the cdrom group | 07:43 |
heiths | daja vu | 07:43 |
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K`zan | I'm being told that cdrom0 is busy and gives a pid which doesn't exist, how can I unmount it without rebooting? TIA! | 08:05 |
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K`zan | Can't even unmount it as root! | 08:06 |
K`zan | Time for the BRS or a paperclip :-/. | 08:07 |
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jukebox_ | buenos dias | 08:10 |
powertool08 | \list | 08:12 |
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=== conorkirkpatrick is another converted linux user | ||
conorkirkpatrick | Can anybody tell me where .xinitrc lives? (and not the one in my home folder) | 08:39 |
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Miltos | hi ppl:-) again... i've got a minor problem: "eject" cd rom works only when i type "sudo eject" in the bash, the right click asks for sudo preveleges...strange? any help? | 08:58 |
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sfire | Miltos: yep | 09:04 |
Miltos | sfire: any solution? | 09:04 |
sfire | you need to give yourself permission to do it in the fstab file | 09:04 |
sfire | let me check on that file name | 09:05 |
sfire | may not be fstab... just 1 moment | 09:05 |
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sfire | yep it is | 09:05 |
sfire | this is my line | 09:06 |
sfire | /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 09:06 |
sfire | I believe the word "user" is what allows it to be ejected and mounted by users | 09:07 |
sfire | I've had to modify that file for hard drives before | 09:07 |
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Miltos | sfire: thanks...just a moment... | 09:11 |
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Yz85Racer | hey everyone, when I install the jdk of Java, how do I know if it worked? | 09:16 |
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purpleposeidon | what's a command to get stats like processer speed, amount of RAM....? | 09:41 |
stephen | i think its sysinfo | 09:42 |
stephen | but you need more than that | 09:42 |
stephen | i think... | 09:42 |
sfire | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 09:42 |
sfire | cat /proc/meminfo | 09:42 |
stephen | lol | 09:42 |
stephen | almost | 09:43 |
sfire | model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5600 @ 1.83GHz | 09:43 |
sfire | hehehehe | 09:44 |
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stephen | is that a good one? | 09:44 |
stephen | i dunno | 09:45 |
stephen | is it core duo? | 09:45 |
sfire | core2duo | 09:45 |
stephen | sfire do you have any clue how i could update alsa? | 09:46 |
sfire | update? | 09:46 |
stephen | no one is in #alsa | 09:46 |
stephen | yes | 09:46 |
sfire | how so? | 09:46 |
stephen | in gutsy my sound works | 09:47 |
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stephen | in feisty it doesnt | 09:47 |
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stephen | gutsy has a codec for my ati ac97 driver | 09:47 |
stephen | modprobe snd-atiixp model=ac97_codec=0 | 09:48 |
stephen | when i type that in on gutsy it enables my sound | 09:48 |
sfire | ahh so you need the module for it | 09:48 |
stephen | yes i think | 09:48 |
stephen | :) | 09:48 |
sfire | have you looked for snd-atiixp in the available software? | 09:49 |
stephen | nope | 09:49 |
stephen | lol | 09:49 |
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stephen | it pakage manager? | 09:49 |
stephen | in* | 09:50 |
kraut | moin | 09:50 |
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sfire | stefan: yea | 09:50 |
stephen | stefan??? :O | 09:50 |
sfire | I didn't actually look myself but you never know | 09:50 |
sfire | oops stephen | 09:50 |
sfire | if not http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?module=atiixp | 09:51 |
sfire | that guide looks geared exactly for it | 09:51 |
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stephen | brb | 09:53 |
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ryjin | Hey folks | 10:27 |
SlimeyPete | hi | 10:27 |
ryjin | I am some what of a newb | 10:27 |
ryjin | Can you help me with getting Limewire running? | 10:28 |
pag | !limewire | ryjin | 10:28 |
ubotu | ryjin: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative. | 10:28 |
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ryjin | wow, thank you | 10:28 |
ryjin | that was pretty fast | 10:28 |
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jlund | What is the best way to check disk integrity? | 10:29 |
sepeda`Tua | wew | 10:29 |
SlimeyPete | fsck | 10:29 |
gesture | had anyone found a way to improve the performance (fps) for the ati graphical cards ? | 10:29 |
sepeda`Tua | where i am? | 10:29 |
SlimeyPete | sudo fsck /dev/<disk-device-name> | 10:29 |
pag | sepeda`Tua, Kubuntu support channel | 10:30 |
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dude1 | any women here wanna chat? | 10:30 |
gesture | ^^ | 10:31 |
gesture | lol ? | 10:31 |
pag | !coc | dude1 | 10:31 |
ubotu | dude1: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 10:31 |
jlund | SlimeyPete: So theoretically will fsck let me know if I have a bad disk? | 10:31 |
ryjin | Java runtime eviroment? | 10:31 |
pag | ryjin, probably yes. I guess it's the only thing you need | 10:31 |
SlimeyPete | jlund: should do | 10:32 |
SlimeyPete | jlund: check "man fsck" for various option - you can control the level of checking, make it look for bad sectors etc | 10:32 |
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gesture | so , no one knows how to improve the frame rate in kubuntu (fps) for graphical design etc. | 10:32 |
jlund | SlimeyPete: And I assume I must do this from a recovery console right? | 10:32 |
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pag | gesture, ATI cards can be really problematic... you could try installing closed ati drivers, but there's a slight chanse they'll mess your system up even more | 10:33 |
SlimeyPete | jlund: it's usually best to do so if you are planning on checking your main disk | 10:33 |
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jlund | SlimeyPete: Thanks | 10:34 |
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x_link | Hi | 10:34 |
x_link | I just installed Kubuntu. | 10:35 |
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x_link | Why can't I change channels with Alt+number? | 10:35 |
pag | x_link, which client? | 10:35 |
x_link | pag: Irssi. | 10:36 |
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x_link | This worked just fine before. | 10:36 |
ryjin | for some reason java is not wanting to install | 10:36 |
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pag | x_link, and what terminal emulator are you using? | 10:37 |
x_link | de] has joined #debian | 10:37 |
x_link | 10:33 -!- unknow990 [n=medianet@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)] | 10:37 |
x_link | pag: Konsole. | 10:37 |
x_link | pag: This has alwats been working before. | 10:37 |
pag | x_link, hmm... pretty strange then... works for me just fine... have you changed any settings in either of them lately? | 10:38 |
pag | ryjin, does it give any error mesg? | 10:38 |
x_link | pag: No | 10:38 |
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x_link | Damn this is really strange. | 10:39 |
x_link | I can't work like this. | 10:39 |
ryjin | no | 10:39 |
ryjin | well | 10:39 |
x_link | So it's not possible to change channel with Alt+number in kubuntu? | 10:39 |
ryjin | If I didn't make it executable it says , the file is corrupt | 10:39 |
TiMiDo | ryjin, what file is it? | 10:39 |
pag | ryjin, what file? :P | 10:39 |
pag | !java | ryjin | 10:40 |
ubotu | ryjin: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 10:40 |
TiMiDo | grrr | 10:40 |
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ryjin | the name of the file is | 10:40 |
ryjin | j2re-1_4_2_15-linux-i586-rpm.bin | 10:41 |
hilary | Hi, im going to sound really stupid (Im really new to Linux) But how do you change the screens resolution? lolz | 10:41 |
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pag | ryjin, just enable the Multiverse and install with adept / apt-get | 10:41 |
TiMiDo | ryjin, chmod a+x j2re-1_4_2_15-linux-i586-rpm.bin | 10:41 |
TiMiDo | then ./j2re-1_4_2_15-linux-i586-rpm.bin | 10:41 |
TiMiDo | but just download the other file | 10:41 |
TiMiDo | from java | 10:41 |
pag | TiMiDo, is it really that smart to install from outside the repos? | 10:42 |
TiMiDo | ryjin, get this one Linux (self-extracting file) filesize: 18.22 MB | 10:42 |
TiMiDo | pag, yeah. i do not see nothing wrong with that. | 10:42 |
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ryjin | alrighty | 10:43 |
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ryjin | I'm extremely tired so i might have to say it for tommorow | 10:45 |
pag | TiMiDo and ryjin; it's of course up to you, but I'd really suggest not to install anything from outside the repos, especially when the newest version is in there | 10:45 |
TiMiDo | pag, .. says who? | 10:47 |
ryjin | Good night folks, I'll do this tommorow when I'm fully awake and functional | 10:47 |
Lynoure | TiMiDo: common sense? | 10:47 |
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TiMiDo | hmm okey | 10:48 |
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ma | hallo | 10:59 |
runlevelten | hello ma | 11:00 |
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ma | Hallo run... first time here in irc..... | 11:01 |
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praecox | hey guys | 11:38 |
praecox | how am I suppose to permanently change ulimit -n for specified user? | 11:38 |
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ardchoille | !coc | 11:55 |
ubotu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 11:55 |
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MidMark | hi guys someone else has big problems with qt 4.3 released for feisty-backports? | 12:00 |
MidMark | I have a lot of visual problems with skype 1.4 for example | 12:01 |
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OlliK | Hi, all! | 12:04 |
SlimeyPete | hi | 12:04 |
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OlliK | Can someone help me with upgrading? I'd like to update few packages, and I used to have this adept-updater on which I closed and can't find anymore (it's different from adept manager). Anyway, now when I plan to update all packages to newest version, I noticed that I can also probably do it in Adept Manager, but there are two options: "Safe Upgrade" and "Full Upgrade". Can someone tell me the difference? I didn't find anything from google/ubuntuforums and al | 12:06 |
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OlliK | I'm using Feisty so I'm not upgrading to a newer version, I only want to get the latest versions of the software | 12:07 |
OlliK | If no one knows the difference, also helpful would be if someone could help me to find a way to start this "adept updater" program | 12:10 |
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Haus | sup hoes | 12:17 |
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liebeloca | hola | 12:18 |
liebeloca | :-) | 12:18 |
liebeloca | halloo... | 12:19 |
liebeloca | ?? | 12:19 |
Haus | :) | 12:20 |
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liebeloca | :-) | 12:21 |
liebeloca | haallo haus | 12:21 |
Haus | :P | 12:22 |
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liebeloca | ?? | 12:22 |
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Ind[y] | Although "Update Notifier" is enabled to run at the start of the session, it does not display me the updates. I have to manually run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" in order to update my software. Why? I mean, it does not appear an orange box at the system tray when there are updates available, so I can click on it and update-manager will start. | 12:28 |
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Jjohn | Ind[y] , happens for me like that too dont know the answer thugh :( | 12:30 |
Jjohn | though | 12:30 |
Ind[y] | Jjohn: :-( | 12:30 |
Ind[y] | Maybe we should report it as a bug at launchpad. | 12:30 |
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Jjohn | Ind[y] , Maybe BTW if you do dist-upgrade it is a bit smarter than upgrade | 12:31 |
Ind[y] | Jjohn: why? | 12:32 |
Jjohn | Ind[y] , Not sure that is what I read in "ubuntu unleashed" so I do it that way now | 12:32 |
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Ind[y] | Jjohn: ok :P | 12:33 |
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Dufresn3 | anyone uses wengophone? | 12:46 |
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Dufresn3 | query me | 12:47 |
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Dufresn3 | ...please! | 12:47 |
Miltos | my cd rom ejects only when i type "sudo eject", the right click doen't work...any solution? | 12:48 |
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Lynoure | Miltos: usually it's a matter of the cd being read by something, e.g. user being on the path | 12:49 |
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Lynoure | Miltos: but I'm not on kubuntu at the moment, so I cannot check and compare | 12:49 |
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Miltos | Lymoure: i've checked the fstab and seem Okey... | 12:49 |
Lynoure | Miltos: what about lsof | grep cdrom ? | 12:50 |
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FSHero | Hi all: In KMix, I see two bars on the output tab: "PCM" and "PC speaker". | 12:50 |
FSHero | I want PCM to be the 'default'... but when I single-click KMix's icon and drag the slider, it changes the PC Speaker (which is useless). | 12:50 |
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Miltos | Lymoure: just a minute | 12:50 |
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Miltos | Lynoure: nothing happens... | 12:52 |
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Dufresn3 | anyone uses wengophone? query me please | 12:54 |
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svq41 | nick eem24 | 12:55 |
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emm24 | exit | 12:55 |
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Haus | what do you use to play *.wma files? | 01:05 |
stephen | !wma | 01:05 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:05 |
Haus | wtf? i have these files in wma!! i dont give a shit about ogg or anything else | 01:06 |
Haus | ogg theora | 01:06 |
stephen | !language | 01:06 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:06 |
Haus | omg | 01:06 |
stephen | lol | 01:06 |
Haus | yeye | 01:06 |
Haus | u and your !! ! ! ! | 01:07 |
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runlevelten | What a fool. | 01:07 |
stephen | me a fool? | 01:07 |
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runlevelten | Of course not :P | 01:07 |
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Haus | runlevelten ofcourse you are a fool. you dont contribute shit | 01:08 |
runlevelten | Oh, don't I? | 01:09 |
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runlevelten | haha | 01:09 |
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Haus | i love these hoes who come from nowhere and act all einstein and stuff | 01:09 |
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runlevelten | Well, I'm sure you're a contributive chap. We must compare patch activity some time. For now though, let's go back to our respective tasks. | 01:11 |
runlevelten | For me, that will be fixing bugs today. For you, oh, I don't know, watching sport? | 01:11 |
runlevelten | thanks for the kind words ;) | 01:11 |
Haus | runlevelten lol u sound like a porno bot | 01:11 |
Haus | :) | 01:11 |
amdiak | Morning | 01:12 |
Lynoure | Haus: ? | 01:12 |
amdiak | how can I join the french chainnel? | 01:13 |
Haus | Lynoure do you need medication aswell? | 01:13 |
Lynoure | Haus: !ops | 01:13 |
Lynoure | oops :) | 01:13 |
Lynoure | !ops | Haus | 01:14 |
ubotu | Haus: Help! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild! | 01:14 |
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ | ||
Hobbsee | Haus: | 01:14 |
Hobbsee | dont be a pain | 01:14 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@] by Hobbsee | ||
=== Haus was kicked off #kubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee) | ||
amdiak | Haus can you help me to join a french channel? | 01:14 |
Hobbsee | amdiak: type /join #kubuntu-es | 01:14 |
meuhlol | amdiak: /join #kubuntu-fr | 01:14 |
=== Briareos1 [n=madcrax@83-64-38-97.static.adsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
meuhlol | Hobbsee: he ask for french not for spanish xD | 01:15 |
runlevelten | Gah :@ | 01:15 |
stephen | lol | 01:15 |
meuhlol | !fr | amdiak | 01:15 |
ubotu | amdiak: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 01:15 |
Hobbsee | er...oops | 01:15 |
=== shad-99 [n=shad-99@90-229-131-168-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | brain is a bit shattered | 01:15 |
meuhlol | ahahaha | 01:15 |
shad-99 | Hi | 01:15 |
Hobbsee | and i've been to spain recently, so... | 01:15 |
meuhlol | ehehehe ;) | 01:15 |
shad-99 | Any one knows why my login screen won't show? | 01:16 |
amdiak | thanks | 01:16 |
runlevelten | Someone has been spreading their stupid sauce everywhere, closing bugs willy nilly :( | 01:16 |
=== eborges [n=eborges@200-140-10-42.bsace706.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
shad-99 | i have a webserver apache2 and it works but when i restart it i can't manage to get to login screen? | 01:17 |
eborges | oi | 01:17 |
shad-99 | Pls some help me? | 01:17 |
runlevelten | what, an ssh login or something shad-99? | 01:17 |
shad-99 | me? | 01:18 |
eborges | this is a web chat online?? | 01:18 |
Lynoure | eborges: this is a support channel | 01:18 |
eborges | good | 01:18 |
Hobbsee | eborges: basically. | 01:18 |
Lynoure | eborges: the chat channels are #ubuntu-offtopic and #kubuntu-offtopic | 01:18 |
runlevelten | shad-99: are you saying that when you restart your webserver your ssh doesn't start? | 01:19 |
runlevelten | *sshd | 01:19 |
shad-99 | everything starts | 01:19 |
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eborges | the support channel is a good idea to me | 01:19 |
shad-99 | but i can't get to login screen | 01:19 |
vbanait | hi | 01:19 |
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runlevelten | what login screen are you trying to get to? | 01:19 |
runlevelten | what, the GUI thing? | 01:19 |
vbanait | i am installing kubuntu. some issues with network. | 01:19 |
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vbanait | pl help | 01:19 |
shad-99 | the normal kubuntu dapper login screen | 01:19 |
stephen | vbanait try to enable the ethernet | 01:19 |
stephen | ifconfig eth0 up | 01:20 |
shad-99 | it shows the loadin bar but that's it? | 01:20 |
eborges | somebody knows a todo list to Ubuntu? | 01:20 |
vbanait | installer identifies firewall card, but not network card. both are same | 01:20 |
eborges | I use to-do list from Kontact | 01:20 |
Lynoure | eborges: I use Basket for mine, but there are other apps as well. | 01:20 |
stephen | sudo dpclient eth0 i think | 01:20 |
vbanait | network area donot show ethernet | 01:20 |
stephen | oh | 01:21 |
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vbanait | stephen: pl hlp | 01:21 |
eborges | Lynoure... thanks I will try | 01:21 |
stephen | go to sytem settings and then network setting check whether your card is found | 01:22 |
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vbanait | I did lspci. It identifies the hardware. i am chatting using same hardware on windows | 01:22 |
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runlevelten | shad-99: can you get at the logs? | 01:23 |
vbanait | even the live cd fails to detect the network (wired network0 | 01:23 |
shad-99 | how to do that? | 01:23 |
shad-99 | Im stupid newbie ;) | 01:23 |
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vbanait | Stephen: i had to install windows as network card was not identified by ubuntu and kubuntu. Do you think other linux distros will help | 01:25 |
shad-99 | i manage to run a ssl apache2 server and it works great.. -But i turned it of yesterday.. and now i can't to login.. cos login screen seems to hang? | 01:25 |
vbanait | Stephen; r u there | 01:26 |
stephen | vbanait i dunno what to do | 01:26 |
meuhlol | after Feisty Fawn, what distro will be (what name?) and for what date is? | 01:26 |
stephen | ive only had linux for 4 days | 01:26 |
stephen | gutsy and october 2007 | 01:26 |
stephen | gutsy something | 01:26 |
stephen | i cant remember | 01:26 |
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vbanait | oh. i am senior to you in this respect | 01:27 |
vbanait | 8 days | 01:27 |
meuhlol | Gutsy Gibbon Tribe 2 actually, second alpha lol | 01:27 |
vbanait | :-D | 01:27 |
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stephen | its 7.10 too | 01:27 |
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meuhlol | yep | 01:28 |
stephen | im running the tribe 2 cd now | 01:28 |
stephen | lol | 01:28 |
meuhlol | need to know what changes it would be ;) | 01:28 |
stephen | well its a lot better | 01:28 |
vbanait | what is tribe 2 | 01:28 |
stephen | there is a better tar.gz pakage installer | 01:28 |
meuhlol | vbanait: tribe 2 is the second alpha version of (K)ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon (so 7.10) | 01:29 |
stephen | in kubuntu there is finally a resolution gui | 01:29 |
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vbanait | alpha version. means lots of bugs isnt it | 01:29 |
meuhlol | stephen: you test Gutsy Gibbon now? So what's changes you see? | 01:29 |
meuhlol | vbanait: yes :) | 01:29 |
vbanait | my god. you people have great courage | 01:30 |
meuhlol | vbanait: last stable is Feisty Fawn :) | 01:30 |
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vbanait | i tried it with network card remaining undetected | 01:30 |
meuhlol | i'm on :) but wanna be in courses for Gutsy Gibbon :D | 01:30 |
meuhlol | vbanait: you ethernet card is not detected? | 01:30 |
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vbanait | yes. it is not detected | 01:31 |
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vbanait | installer identifies firewall card but not eth card | 01:31 |
vbanait | O:-) | 01:31 |
meuhlol | vbanait: what is mark & model of your card? | 01:31 |
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vbanait | i AM on windows machine now. dual boot. pirated windows | 01:32 |
stephen | meuhlol: there is a new package manager, Xterm, UXterm a partition manager built in | 01:32 |
stephen | vbanait: how did you set up a dual boot? | 01:32 |
vbanait | Chinghou microelectronics Inc | 01:32 |
vbanait | install windows first and then ubuntu | 01:33 |
meuhlol | vbanait: try lspci under konsole when you are on nux | 01:34 |
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vbanait | i did. it identifies card | 01:34 |
vbanait | but network donot show it | 01:35 |
meuhlol | vbanait: also you can try this: http://hardinfo.berlios.de/web/HomePage | 01:35 |
meuhlol | after you can google it for "howto" install your card drivers | 01:36 |
vbanait | Realtek RTL8139 PCI fast Ethernet Adapter Properties | 01:36 |
stephen | i have that | 01:37 |
stephen | it works fine | 01:37 |
stephen | reinstall kubuntu | 01:37 |
vbanait | did thrice | 01:37 |
stephen | i was having problems with it too | 01:37 |
stephen | ok | 01:37 |
vbanait | how did you sort it out | 01:37 |
stephen | try ifconfig eth0 in terminal | 01:37 |
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vbanait | ok | 01:37 |
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stephen | the sudo dpclient eth0 | 01:37 |
vbanait | then | 01:37 |
stephen | then sudo dpclient eth0 | 01:38 |
vbanait | ok | 01:38 |
stephen | does it work? | 01:38 |
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vbanait | i will have to boot out of windows and login again on linux | 01:39 |
stephen | lol | 01:39 |
vbanait | :-D | 01:39 |
meuhlol | vbanait: i found it for you: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14&PFid=6&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false | 01:39 |
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stephen | ill brb | 01:39 |
stephen | booting into feisty | 01:39 |
stephen | lol | 01:39 |
meuhlol | vbanait: just follow the link that i gave you... d/l drivers, install & be happy :p | 01:40 |
vbanait | thanks | 01:40 |
meuhlol | you're welcome :) | 01:40 |
vbanait | Linux driver (driver has built-in the kernel) N/A 2007/3/12 0k - - | 01:41 |
eddyspagetty | hi, is it possible with a script to in/decrease the mastervolume about 5% ? | 01:41 |
vbanait | is the massage | 01:41 |
=== stephen [n=stephen@82-43-200-221.cable.ubr09.nmal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stephen | right back | 01:42 |
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vbanait | meuhlol: linux drivers not avilable | 01:43 |
vbanait | :-( | 01:44 |
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meuhlol | hein? | 01:44 |
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meuhlol | try packet driver vbanait :) | 01:45 |
vbanait | okay | 01:45 |
vbanait | how do i install them | 01:45 |
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vbanait | Are they for linux | 01:46 |
vbanait | there is a exe file | 01:46 |
meuhlol | read "readme.txt" joined into... | 01:46 |
meuhlol | aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oO | 01:46 |
meuhlol | wait | 01:46 |
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vbanait | meuhlol: ? | 01:51 |
meuhlol | vbanait: re | 01:51 |
=== ToyMan [n=Stuart@user-12lcqol.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
meuhlol | vbanait: try this in terminal "ls /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/net/ | grep 8139too" (without " & replace * by your kernel version) | 01:52 |
vbanait | i have fiesty fawn | 01:53 |
vbanait | what kernel version | 01:53 |
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meuhlol | vbanait: or you do that: ifdown eth0 | 01:53 |
meuhlol | after modprobe -r 8139too | 01:54 |
meuhlol | after: modprobe 8139too | 01:54 |
meuhlol | after: ifup eth0 | 01:54 |
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vbanait | okay i try it and will be back thanx | 01:55 |
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meuhlol | and try to add to /etc/network/interfaces this lines: | 01:56 |
meuhlol | auto eth0 | 01:56 |
meuhlol | iface eth0 inet dhcp | 01:56 |
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meuhlol | and on ubuntu you have: gksudo network-admin | 01:57 |
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stangi | Hi @ all | 01:59 |
meuhlol | hi | 02:00 |
stangi | someone her who speak german?! I`am a N00b in English and Linux :/ | 02:00 |
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god | Hello all, is there anyone out there who could give me a hand with my new kunbuntu install, i need to get my ATI drivers up and runing ( newbie ) | 02:01 |
meuhlol | !de | stangi | 02:02 |
ubotu | stangi: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 02:02 |
stangi | thx :) | 02:02 |
progreSS | hi ALL | 02:02 |
meuhlol | !ati | god | 02:02 |
ubotu | god: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:02 |
god | thank you very muchly | 02:02 |
progreSS | hey people... | 02:03 |
meuhlol | stangi: i don't speak deutch, just know how to say "kleine sweine" "hitler kaput" "dunken" xD | 02:03 |
progreSS | are there any JAVA programmers in here??? | 02:03 |
dasnipa | everyone bow in my presence, I just ordered my new license plates... and I managed to get 'KUBUNTU' | 02:03 |
meuhlol | !java | progreSS | 02:03 |
ubotu | progreSS: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 02:03 |
meuhlol | ops :s | 02:04 |
progreSS | <ubotu> what?? | 02:04 |
progreSS | <ubotu> well.. i guess you are a bot )) | 02:04 |
meuhlol | !ubotu | progreSS | 02:04 |
ubotu | progreSS: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 02:04 |
dasnipa | !bot | 02:04 |
dasnipa | erm ya | 02:04 |
progreSS | 02:04 | |
progreSS | 02:04 | |
FSHero | !Multiverse | 02:04 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 02:04 |
progreSS | )) | 02:04 |
meuhlol | progreSS: it's an bot :p but you are at kubuntu support forum xD | 02:04 |
progreSS | <meuhlol> are you a bot as well? ) | 02:05 |
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meuhlol | progreSS: no! me im real :p | 02:05 |
progreSS | =) | 02:05 |
progreSS | nice | 02:05 |
progreSS | <meuhlol> so i need you help, please ) | 02:05 |
progreSS | <meuhlol> do you know any programmers' channels?? pleeease | 02:06 |
meuhlol | I know an bot, she's name is Anna Basshunter xD | 02:06 |
progreSS | =) | 02:06 |
meuhlol | progreSS: just do /list ;) | 02:06 |
progreSS | no... there's a huuuge list.. | 02:06 |
progreSS | =) | 02:06 |
progreSS | and it downloads for about an hour )) | 02:06 |
meuhlol | progreSS: you will se a list of all available channels here, so if they are one in this network for programmers... i dunno... i stopped programming some years :) | 02:07 |
progreSS | =) | 02:07 |
meuhlol | progreSS: /join #java | 02:07 |
progreSS | <meuhlol> ok, thanks man | 02:07 |
progreSS | oh | 02:07 |
progreSS | really? | 02:07 |
progreSS | THANKS!! | 02:07 |
progreSS | =) | 02:07 |
meuhlol | http://www.javachannel.net/ | 02:08 |
meuhlol | :) | 02:08 |
progreSS | damn | 02:08 |
progreSS | it says.. | 02:08 |
meuhlol | xD | 02:08 |
progreSS | [17:07] [Channel] You need to be identified to join that channel | 02:08 |
progreSS | =( | 02:08 |
meuhlol | so /msg NickServ REGISTER <yourpass> :) | 02:08 |
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=== gir_ is now known as gir22222 | ||
progreSS | oh, just a sec | 02:09 |
progreSS | =) | 02:09 |
progreSS | let me try | 02:09 |
progreSS | ) | 02:09 |
meuhlol | progreSS: after /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <yourpass> | 02:09 |
gir22222 | Help, i'm using kubuntu 7.04. Where is the restricted devices manager located? | 02:09 |
progreSS | [17:09] [Notice] -NickServ- The nickname [progress] is already registered | 02:09 |
meuhlol | and after /join #java | 02:09 |
meuhlol | xD | 02:09 |
progreSS | ((( | 02:09 |
meuhlol | ahahaha | 02:09 |
progreSS | let me chose another nickname.. | 02:09 |
progreSS | =) | 02:09 |
progreSS | *choose | 02:09 |
meuhlol | so: /nick progreSS1 | 02:09 |
meuhlol | xD | 02:09 |
=== progreSS is now known as prog | ||
prog | damn | 02:10 |
meuhlol | :) | 02:10 |
prog | it's also registered ) | 02:10 |
=== prog is now known as progreSSive | ||
progreSSive | =) | 02:10 |
meuhlol | lol /nick Boten Anna xD | 02:10 |
meuhlol | or /nick UnregisteredJavaProgrammer :D | 02:11 |
progreSSive | ))))) | 02:11 |
progreSSive | lol | 02:11 |
progreSSive | nice | 02:11 |
progreSSive | =) | 02:11 |
meuhlol | you're welcome ;) | 02:12 |
progreSSive | thanks man :) | 02:12 |
progreSSive | well now.. let me join the channel. | 02:12 |
progreSSive | oh, here i go! | 02:12 |
progreSSive | )) | 02:12 |
gir22222 | Anyone? where is the restricted devices manager located? | 02:12 |
progreSSive | <meuhlol> thanks man! appreciate! | 02:13 |
progreSSive | =) | 02:13 |
meuhlol | gir22222: not under Kubuntu :) | 02:13 |
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gir22222 | ah it doesnt have it, ok thanks | 02:13 |
meuhlol | gir22222: what you need from restricted manager? | 02:13 |
gir22222 | install nvidia drivers | 02:13 |
meuhlol | gir22222: what is your nvidia model? | 02:13 |
gir22222 | i downloaded and ran as they say, but X exits with an error loading the module | 02:13 |
meuhlol | progreSSive: package my.brain.cs; | 02:14 |
gir22222 | geforce2 mx400 | 02:14 |
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meuhlol | import my.brain; do xD | 02:14 |
meuhlol | gir22222: wait | 02:14 |
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meuhlol | gir22222: lspci | grep VGA | 02:14 |
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gir22222 | VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 MX/MX 400] (rev b2) | 02:15 |
meuhlol | gir22222: before installing drivers do that in konsole: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.backup | 02:15 |
=== shad-99_ [n=shad-99@90-229-131-168-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
meuhlol | gir22222: after, also in konsole tape that: | 02:16 |
meuhlol | sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-legacy nvidia-xconfig nvidia-settings | 02:16 |
meuhlol | sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 02:16 |
meuhlol | sudo nvidia-xconfig | 02:16 |
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gir22222 | meuhlol: yeah its done. the problem is after installing them, X doesnt run, and I get stuck, so I need to take the old xorg.conf back again, and reboot, because X gets stuck. I don't know how to rerun it when it has failed. you know it? | 02:17 |
progreSSive | <meuhlol> what? | 02:17 |
meuhlol | gir22222: after press [Ctrl] +[Alt] +[<--] (backspace) | 02:17 |
gir22222 | meuhlol: thats for when its running... but its not running, just black screen with blinking cursor | 02:17 |
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=== meuhlol at tel | ||
gir22222 | meuhlol: i tried init 1, and then 2, but that kubuntu splash appears and I can't see any console anymore | 02:18 |
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shad-99_ | After rebooting dapper drake i can't get to login screen.. otherwise it works with web server and shit? | 02:19 |
meuhlol | re all | 02:19 |
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meuhlol | gir22222: yes | 02:19 |
shad-99_ | any one knows about this bug or what ever it is causing it? | 02:19 |
meuhlol | gir22222: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:19 |
meuhlol | boot your PC, after at booting press ESC (escape) to be in Grub menu | 02:20 |
meuhlol | gir22222: once in GRUB menu choose Recovery Mode | 02:20 |
gir22222 | meuhlol: linux-restricted-modules didnt download anything | 02:20 |
meuhlol | gir22222: in recovery Mode (console) tape sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:21 |
meuhlol | to restore your xorg.conf backup | 02:21 |
meuhlol | after boot in normal mode | 02:21 |
gir22222 | meuhlol: is that right, aptitude didnt get the restricted modules. | 02:21 |
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meuhlol | what version of kubuntu you have gir22222? | 02:22 |
meuhlol | or try the same but replace "aptitude" by "apt-get" | 02:22 |
gir22222 | meuhlol: An another anooying thing here... Kde puts 1280 resolution on monitor, I want it 1024, so I change it on sys settings. After that, restarting X gives me 640! so I have to cp the original xorg.conf so it can return to 1280. | 02:22 |
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gir22222 | meuhlol: now it said is already installed, wtih apt-get | 02:23 |
gir22222 | ok let me try it | 02:23 |
meuhlol | gir22222: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-legacy etc | 02:24 |
meuhlol | gir22222: listen | 02:24 |
meuhlol | boot in recovery console mode | 02:24 |
meuhlol | rofl | 02:24 |
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=== meuhlol don't like to speak in the air... | ||
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progreSSive | <meuhlol> xaxa ))) | 02:27 |
meuhlol | progreSSive: have an another question about nux? :) | 02:28 |
progreSSive | meuhlol: not yet :) | 02:30 |
progreSSive | meuhlol: thanks man, appreciate! | 02:30 |
meuhlol | progreSSive: you are always welcome :p /me sing a song: I know an bot, she's name is Anna... tatatata xD | 02:32 |
progreSSive | meuhlol: btw, who's Anns?? =) | 02:33 |
=== StoneNewt [n=snewt@stonenewt.demon.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
meuhlol | progreSSive: if you want to know, get an tour to youtube.com and tape: Basshunter - Boten Anna in a search fields :p | 02:34 |
StoneNewt | why can't I change the kdm login screen from the kubuntu default? | 02:35 |
meuhlol | progreSSive: it's an dude 23 years old who make this tube in FL Studio (i'm also music composer :p) and this dude sing in his song: I know an bot, she's name is Anna, she can kick & ban you, blah blah... really stupod words in the song, but the music is eurodanse style, and good rythm :p | 02:36 |
StoneNewt | I've changed in in the settings but once kdm is fully loaded it flashes to the kubuntu screen and then onyl goes to the config I've chosen AFTER I log in | 02:36 |
meuhlol | StoneNewt: how do you try do the change? | 02:36 |
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StoneNewt | in the "system settings" app | 02:37 |
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meuhlol | StoneNewt: try to do that by this way: open up a terminal & write that: sudo systemsettings -caption "%c" %i %m (follow by your super user pass) | 02:37 |
progreSSive | meuhlol: =) let me find it.. | 02:37 |
=== gir_ is now known as gir2222 | ||
gir2222 | meuhlol: didnt work. xorg log tells me: Failed to load NVIDIA kernel module! | 02:38 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: which is strange since I used to have another distro here, and the nvidia drivers from nvidia website worked. but not with kubuntu now | 02:38 |
meuhlol | gir2222: you leaved channel before i finish :s | 02:38 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: ah sorry | 02:39 |
StoneNewt | "unexpected argument %i | 02:39 |
meuhlol | gir2222: listen please (i will make an notice: [finish] when i will finish, ok?) | 02:39 |
gir2222 | ok | 02:39 |
meuhlol | before all | 02:39 |
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meuhlol | take care of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup | 02:40 |
meuhlol | the first one | 02:40 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: you mean keep it? | 02:41 |
meuhlol | after: restore your first backup xorg.conf | 02:41 |
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meuhlol | after that do an: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-legacy nvidia-xconfig nvidia-settings | 02:41 |
meuhlol | do sudo apt-get remove for all nvidia concerning files | 02:42 |
meuhlol | after that | 02:42 |
StoneNewt | meuhlol: if I drop the caption part it works and I have all my settings I ask for and see for a split second before the kubuntu login screen is revealed | 02:42 |
meuhlol | reboot your Xorg server by pressing ctrl+alt+backspace | 02:42 |
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meuhlol | gir2222: after all that open up an console and tape that: | 02:43 |
meuhlol | sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-legacy nvidia-xconfig nvidia-settings | 02:43 |
meuhlol | sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 02:43 |
meuhlol | sudo nvidia-xconfig | 02:43 |
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meuhlol | gir2222: after that do an: sudo nvidia-settings | 02:44 |
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meuhlol | gir2222: manage your params and reboot Xorg | 02:44 |
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meuhlol | this should be helpful for you | 02:44 |
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meuhlol | if you don't see a Nvidia logo at startup do that: sudo nvidia-xconfig --logo | 02:45 |
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meuhlol | and | 02:46 |
meuhlol | gir2222: after installing drivers do that before reboot: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 02:46 |
meuhlol | that's all i [finish] | 02:46 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: after nvidia-settings ? | 02:46 |
meuhlol | after installing gir2222 | 02:46 |
gir2222 | the last thing is nvidia-xconfig. ok | 02:47 |
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meuhlol | [14:42] <meuhlol> sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-legacy nvidia-xconfig nvidia-settings | 02:47 |
meuhlol | [14:42] <meuhlol> sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 02:47 |
meuhlol | [14:42] <meuhlol> sudo nvidia-xconfig | 02:47 |
meuhlol | after that you reboot | 02:47 |
meuhlol | and do: sudo nvidia-settings | 02:47 |
meuhlol | that's all :) | 02:47 |
gir2222 | ah right | 02:47 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: thanks, gonna try it | 02:48 |
gir2222 | leaving | 02:48 |
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meuhlol | gir2222: see ya faster :p | 02:49 |
StoneNewt | meuhlol: any ideas how to get the log in box to hold to my options? | 02:49 |
meuhlol | huh | 02:49 |
=== stephane [n=stephane@ADijon-151-1-63-87.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
meuhlol | what i told you before, don't works? | 02:50 |
StoneNewt | nope | 02:50 |
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meuhlol | don't work at all? | 02:50 |
progreSSive | meuhlol: xaxaxa cool music ))) | 02:50 |
meuhlol | !logon | 02:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about logon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:50 |
StoneNewt | I see my kdm settings for a split second then the kubuntu screen overwrites them | 02:50 |
=== [4K^Javax] [n=javax@163.Red-217-125-198.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
meuhlol | !login screen | 02:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about login screen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:50 |
Hugs70 | Hello world | 02:50 |
progreSSive | hi | 02:50 |
Hugs70 | Am I the only one from France | 02:51 |
progreSSive | meuhlol: anna, anna bot... blya blya blya | 02:51 |
progreSSive | )) | 02:51 |
progreSSive | Hugs70: congrats )) | 02:51 |
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Hugs70 | sorry that was a question ! | 02:51 |
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meuhlol | Hugs70: salut :) | 02:52 |
meuhlol | !fr | Hugs70 | 02:52 |
ubotu | Hugs70: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 02:52 |
meuhlol | xD | 02:52 |
Hugs70 | thanks ubotu are u french ? | 02:53 |
meuhlol | Hugs70: ubotu is an bot (c'est un bot lol) | 02:53 |
meuhlol | Hugs70: va sur kubuntu-fr | 02:53 |
meuhlol | Hugs70: /join #kubuntu-fr | 02:53 |
Hugs70 | meuhlol u speak english ? it is not a problem for me | 02:53 |
meuhlol | Hugs70: if you want to know: i'm russian, but i live in france, and i speak: russian, french & english, so xD | 02:54 |
progreSSive | meuhlol: wow, respect man! | 02:55 |
meuhlol | Hugs70: but if you want to speak in french and have support in french so join #kubuntu-fr channel. Here (at #kubuntu) we speak only english :) | 02:55 |
progreSSive | meuhlol: you know russian?! )) | 02:55 |
Hugs70 | Spassiba meuhlol | 02:55 |
meuhlol | progreSSive: yes, im russian xD | 02:55 |
progreSSive | meuhlol: )) | 02:55 |
meuhlol | progreSSive: )) lol | 02:55 |
progreSSive | meuhlol: ! )) | 02:55 |
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Hugs70 | moi ossi parle russe, english, french | 02:55 |
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meuhlol | progreSSive: don't write in cyrillic, don't see what you write, see only )) | 02:56 |
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progreSSive | meuhlol: =) okay | 02:56 |
progreSSive | meuhlol: so, what are you doing in france?? | 02:56 |
progreSSive | ) | 02:57 |
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meuhlol | progreSSive: i live in :p (9 years already) | 02:57 |
meuhlol | progreSSive: ti russkiy chto li? | 02:57 |
progreSSive | nu.. ne sovsem russkiy konechno | 02:58 |
progreSSive | =) | 02:58 |
meuhlol | ahahahahaha | 02:58 |
progreSSive | no russkiy znayu ne ploxo ))) | 02:58 |
meuhlol | hohol? xD | 02:58 |
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progreSSive | neeet | 02:59 |
progreSSive | _ | 02:59 |
progreSSive | =) | 02:59 |
progreSSive | xuje | 02:59 |
progreSSive | ))))) | 02:59 |
praecox | o boze, tylko nie po rusku... | 02:59 |
arun | I can't believe I'm asking this, but is there any way to arrange files in groups in Konqueror? | 02:59 |
arun | As in one cluster of image files, one cluster of text files, etc | 02:59 |
arun | In the same folder | 02:59 |
meuhlol | arun: what? | 03:00 |
meuhlol | ahahahaha a ya tatrus (mat tatarka a otets russkiy :p) | 03:00 |
=== saucisson [n=viking@ANice-151-1-17-85.w83-113.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
meuhlol | kakoy mir malenkiy hahaha vse russkoyazichnie uzhe v linuxe, a pridurki frantsuzi v vista xD ahahaha ya seychas obossus ot mseha:p | 03:01 |
arun | meuhlol: Like in Windows, you can arrange files in groups? | 03:01 |
progreSSive | =) | 03:01 |
arun | according to their type | 03:01 |
meuhlol | sure arun | 03:01 |
progreSSive | xaxaxaxa | 03:01 |
progreSSive | loooool | 03:01 |
progreSSive | )))))))))))) | 03:01 |
progreSSive | padstalom | 03:01 |
meuhlol | aga xD | 03:01 |
arun | meuhlol: how do i do that? | 03:02 |
arun | i dont mean a simple 'sort by type' | 03:02 |
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gir2222 | meuhlol: apparently it worked but now I'm in a very low resolution and can't raise it | 03:03 |
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gir2222 | meuhlol: also where do I disable programs from running where kde starts? | 03:04 |
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=== meuhlol BRB (im on tel) | ||
gir2222 | where do I disable programs from running when kde starts? | 03:04 |
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arun | gir222: system settings | 03:05 |
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gir2222 | arun: where there? | 03:05 |
arun | system settings > advanced > session manager | 03:05 |
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gir2222 | arun: dont see the programs there. you mean write the names of the programs there? or empty session? | 03:06 |
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arun | gir222: you want to disable all programs from running when kde starts, right? | 03:08 |
arun | so, in the 'On Login' section, select 'Start with an empty session' | 03:08 |
arun | if you want to select specific programs go to System settings > Advanced > Service manager | 03:09 |
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arun | did you get my messages gir222 | 03:10 |
gir2222 | arun: no sorry, what was it? | 03:10 |
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arun | gir2222: you want to disable all programs from running when kde starts, right? | 03:11 |
arun | so, in the 'On Login' section, select 'Start with an empty session' | 03:11 |
arun | if you want to select specific programs go to System settings > Advanced > Service manager | 03:11 |
gir2222 | arun: no not all, just a couple | 03:11 |
arun | then go to service manager | 03:11 |
gir2222 | arun: they didn't ran, but after I opened them for the first time they run everytime and they have no settings for that on them | 03:12 |
meuhlol | re all | 03:12 |
meuhlol | so... people re-answer your problems, cus' i was at phone and don't read your problems | 03:13 |
gir2222 | arun: no they're not there | 03:13 |
arun | which programs | 03:13 |
meuhlol | gir2222: what after restart? | 03:13 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: nvidia probably worked, but now im on very low resolution | 03:13 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: and cant change it | 03:13 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: actually I can change it to even lower ones | 03:14 |
meuhlol | gir2222: can you do sudo nvidia-settings ? | 03:14 |
gir2222 | arun: konversation, kopete, so far | 03:14 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: yes | 03:14 |
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gir2222 | meuhlol: but theres almost nothing there | 03:14 |
meuhlol | gir2222: and when you click at "roll down" menu of resolution select, what you see? | 03:14 |
arun | gir2222: if you go to session manager and select 'start with an empty session' those programs wont open | 03:15 |
arun | just select that option | 03:15 |
gir2222 | arun: hmm ok then thanks | 03:15 |
arun | your other services will run properly | 03:15 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: theres no roll down menu on nvidia settings window | 03:15 |
meuhlol | gir2222: open an terminal and write that: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 03:16 |
meuhlol | gir2222: what it says? | 03:16 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: i read on some forum that nvidia-glx improperly detected modelines, to add use edid false on conf, but didnt help | 03:16 |
=== stangi is now known as Stangi|futtern | ||
gir2222 | meuhlol: it just backs up conf and writes a new one | 03:17 |
meuhlol | ok, after that write this: sudo nvidia-settings | 03:17 |
gir2222 | nothing | 03:17 |
gir2222 | same window | 03:17 |
meuhlol | okey an window is opened, right? | 03:17 |
gir2222 | yes | 03:17 |
meuhlol | go to X Server Screen Configuration at your left | 03:18 |
gir2222 | there no option like that | 03:18 |
meuhlol | wait | 03:18 |
gir2222 | just a blank white box, just written nvidia-settings configuration on top | 03:18 |
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meuhlol | gir2222: did you see something like that after sudo nvidia-settings? : http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/5598/loljx6.png | 03:19 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: oh and when I run nvidia-settings I get some errors and fails on konsole | 03:19 |
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meuhlol | gir2222: something like: | 03:20 |
meuhlol | ERROR: Error parsing configuration file '/home/ziko/.nvidia-settings-rc' on | 03:20 |
meuhlol | line 35: '0/RedBrightness=0.000000' (Trailing garbage). | 03:20 |
meuhlol | ? | 03:20 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: no not like that at all the screen | 03:20 |
meuhlol | gir2222: don't good installation of drivers | 03:20 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: ERROR: NV-CONTROL extension version 1.6 is too old; the minimimum required version is 1.9 | 03:20 |
=== Stangi|futtern is now known as Stangi|theN00b | ||
gir2222 | meuhlol: ERROR: Unable to determine number of NVIDIA GPUs on ':0.0'. | 03:21 |
gir2222 | etc | 03:21 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: but when I restarted X I did see for a sec the nvidia logo | 03:21 |
meuhlol | you must to sudo apt-get remove all nvidia concerning files like nvidia-glx etc | 03:21 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: all? which are all? the same as before? | 03:22 |
meuhlol | gir2222: all that you instaled | 03:22 |
gir2222 | and after reboot? | 03:22 |
meuhlol | did you have AMD64 or not? | 03:22 |
gir2222 | no | 03:22 |
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gir2222 | 32 it is | 03:22 |
meuhlol | after removing, reinstalling drivers | 03:22 |
meuhlol | gir2222: okey, try that | 03:23 |
meuhlol | first DL this: http://www.nvidia.fr/content/license/driver_license.asp?language=fr&url=http://fr.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run | 03:23 |
meuhlol | after do that: sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run | 03:23 |
=== saucisson_ [n=viking@ANice-151-1-43-118.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
meuhlol | for exemple DL a .run file to /home/yourusername directory, after open an terminal and do "cd /home/yourusername" | 03:24 |
meuhlol | after sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run | 03:24 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: file not found he | 03:24 |
meuhlol | and read that: http://fr.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/HTML/chapter-03.html | 03:25 |
gir2222 | in french hee | 03:25 |
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gir2222 | it has to be 9755? | 03:26 |
meuhlol | no | 03:26 |
gir2222 | im downloading it | 03:26 |
gir2222 | but I have here | 03:26 |
meuhlol | the page is in english | 03:26 |
gir2222 | 9639 | 03:26 |
gir2222 | and 7185 | 03:26 |
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gir2222 | and I tried both of them, no success | 03:26 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: its in french here, see the url starts with fr | 03:27 |
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meuhlol | yeah i know that the uri is starting with .fr | 03:27 |
meuhlol | but the text at page is in english :s | 03:27 |
meuhlol | lol | 03:27 |
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micman | hello superkiddo r u there? | 03:28 |
gir2222 | meuhlol: when I tried running the drivers from nvidia site... it installs ok, but then X wont run, and xorg tells failed nvidia kernel module | 03:29 |
micman | i have an open question. | 03:29 |
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meuhlol | gir2222: hmm sorry, i've told you all what I know :s | 03:31 |
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gir2222 | meuhlol: so you know how to disable certain programs from opening at startup on kde? | 03:33 |
gir2222 | gir2222: like konversation, it just started running at startup after I first ran it | 03:33 |
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gir2222 | meuhlol: like konversation, it just started running at startup after I first ran it | 03:33 |
meuhlol | gir2222: sudo systemsettings | 03:34 |
meuhlol | gir2222: after go to Advanced configs tab | 03:34 |
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meuhlol | after search for Applications & Services something like that (iml on french kubuntu so) | 03:35 |
meuhlol | and after you have an list of processuses running at load | 03:35 |
meuhlol | you deactivate what u want | 03:35 |
blob_ster | G'day | 03:35 |
=== saucisson [n=viking@ANice-151-1-96-170.w86-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gir2222 | meuhlol: there is service managaer but none of the programs are listed there | 03:36 |
CapaH | Can anyone here tell me how I can force the audio output from wine applications through my USB Headset? | 03:36 |
BluesKaj | gir2222, perhaps you didn't close konverstion complately when you shutdown , then when starting your pc back up, konversation automatically will as well | 03:38 |
BluesKaj | 'scuse the mixed tenses | 03:38 |
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blob_ster | I have a question too :-) Whenever I try running "konsole --types" from a root konsole, I get "konsole: cannot connect to X server". Worked beforehand, and nothing is changed as far as I know. | 03:39 |
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berkes | does anyone know if krita is supposed to be able to open PSDs out of the box? | 03:39 |
berkes | I recall it being able to do so, but it fails now. | 03:39 |
BluesKaj | oops | 03:40 |
BluesKaj | gir2222, perhaps you didn't close konverstion complately when you shutdown , then when starting your pc back up, konversation automatically does as well | 03:40 |
miles_ | loves konversation | 03:41 |
=== miles_ wonders, how do i fix my name? | ||
BluesKaj | yeah miles_ so do I , but the lack of an automatic server list turns some ppl off ...I'm willing to put up with it tho :) | 03:42 |
BluesKaj | miles_, fix? | 03:42 |
genii | BluesKaj: Me too | 03:42 |
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gir2222 | im having problem compiling a program, i get the error checking for glib-2.0 >= 2.4 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4 gaim >= 1.0... configure: error: glib | 03:43 |
BluesKaj | hi genii :) | 03:43 |
miles_ | yea, usually im just <miles> but now im <miles_> | 03:43 |
genii | BluesKaj: Mornin' | 03:43 |
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margem | i | 03:43 |
progreSSive | bye people! ==) | 03:43 |
blob_ster | miles_: that's because someone else took your nick | 03:43 |
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BluesKaj | methinks gir2222 is running gnome | 03:44 |
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miles_ | :-/ | 03:44 |
BluesKaj | registered miles? | 03:44 |
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miles_ | i dunno | 03:45 |
Dufresn3 | anyone uses ekiga? query me | 03:45 |
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miles_ | i guess not, i dont know what tha tmeans | 03:45 |
gir2222 | BluesKaj: no, kde | 03:45 |
genii | miles_: If you register your nickname here, you put a password on it and you can boot anyone else who is using it | 03:46 |
BluesKaj | miles_, did the text in the server box say that the the nick was registered to someone else ? | 03:46 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | !register | miles_ | 03:46 |
BluesKaj | when you joined | 03:46 |
ubotu | miles_: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 03:46 |
CapaH | I have USB Headphones however when I run any wine application it uses my laptop speakers. Can anyone tell me what I need to do in order to cause the audio output from a wine application to use my USB Headset instead? Anyone? | 03:46 |
miles_ | thank you | 03:47 |
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persen | !subversion | 03:47 |
ubotu | subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion | 03:47 |
=== rand_acs [n=rand_acs@dsl-240-115-96.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miles_ | omg i was just messing with subversion | 03:48 |
miles_ | persen: what are you trying to do with subversion | 03:48 |
tinin | <CapaH> #winehq | 03:48 |
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persen | just setting up a simple repo for a single project, access it via a subversion client in eclipse. | 03:49 |
miles_ | what version of ubuntu u running? | 03:49 |
=== margem_ [n=margem@87-196-148-236.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu | ||
persen | running kubuntu feisty | 03:49 |
margem_ | i ppl | 03:49 |
miles_ | i found a great tutorial yesterday, finally got it running | 03:49 |
miles_ | one sec ill go get it for you | 03:50 |
margem | ola tostas | 03:50 |
margem_ | hi | 03:50 |
genii | persen: For small things which do not have revisions, maybe falcon | 03:50 |
persen | !falcon | 03:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about falcon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:50 |
margem_ | need help pvt me plz | 03:50 |
miles_ | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion | 03:50 |
persen | i need revisision anyway, thats what a code repo does. | 03:50 |
genii | persen It is in the seveas repos | 03:50 |
margem_ | only nc girld with big tittes | 03:50 |
margem_ | girls* | 03:50 |
margem_ | and nc ass | 03:51 |
margem_ | :) | 03:51 |
margem | loool | 03:51 |
margem_ | private me :) | 03:51 |
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persen | miles_, link? | 03:52 |
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persen | to that good tutorial | 03:52 |
miles_ | yea | 03:52 |
miles_ | i sent it | 03:52 |
jagunso | mae: oi | 03:52 |
miles_ | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion | 03:52 |
=== maluko is now known as helloooo | ||
persen | !subversion | 03:53 |
ubotu | subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion | 03:53 |
persen | Thats the same tutorial i've found | 03:53 |
miles_ | o, wow | 03:53 |
miles_ | yea, it works though | 03:53 |
miles_ | apt-get install subversion apache2 libapache2-svn | 03:53 |
miles_ | then config 1 file and thats pretty much it | 03:54 |
miles_ | im willing to try and help, although im far from a subversion expert though | 03:54 |
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BluesKaj | what does one use subversion for anyway..to save older versions of apps etc ? | 03:56 |
CapaH | Can anyone help me on this? "asoundconf list" shows me: ICH6 and Headset as two choices. I run this: asoundconf set-default-card Headset --- and *most* applications now are heard through my headset. The problem is, any Wine application I run still comes out of my laptop speaker. I want a way to cause the sound from Wine applications also to go through my headset. Does anyone here know how to do this? | 03:56 |
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god | can somone point me in the right direction here, on Kunbuntu 7.04 how do you open the "restricted device manager"? ( reguarding Ati driver install https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI) | 03:57 |
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BluesKaj | playing games in wine CapaH ? | 03:58 |
genii | BluesKaj: Basically, yes. So you have a complete history of development | 03:58 |
CapaH | BluesKaj: Yes | 03:58 |
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BluesKaj | god , with a nick like that why are you asking us ? but seriously open adept/manage repositories and check the 4 boxes under the Kubuntu Software tab | 04:02 |
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CapaH | BluesKaj: So... playing games under wine, wanting sound from headset, tips? :) | 04:02 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | XD | 04:02 |
blob_ster | Another question: where is my Panel setting from my System Settings in Kubuntu 7.04(64bit) | 04:02 |
stephen | BluesKaj: does Gutsy have java plugin support? | 04:02 |
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne goes off to vacuum the rest of the house | ||
BluesKaj | stephen, dunno , sorry | 04:03 |
stephen | lol | 04:03 |
Dufresn3 | anyone uses ekiga? query me | 04:03 |
stephen | it has flash support but im not sure bout java | 04:03 |
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zzl | who can tell me | 04:05 |
genii | zzl What exactly is the question? | 04:06 |
TheGateKeeper | Dufresn3, can't get ekiga to work on kubuntu, but I have got it working on gentoo (~x86) | 04:06 |
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BluesKaj | CapaH, open alsamixer while you have wine open , check your settings ...make sure aux , duplicate ,external aren't muted or turned down | 04:06 |
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CapaH | ok.. | 04:07 |
zzl | I don't know how to use irc! | 04:07 |
BluesKaj | zzl , you got here ...ya did something right :) | 04:07 |
genii | zzl Well, you are here using it right now :) So you are doing OK | 04:07 |
zzl | I see a tool, konversation | 04:08 |
genii | zzl Basic things to remember are not to paste in large amounts of things, don't be abusive or type all in capitals. | 04:08 |
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zzl | then I enter into this room! | 04:08 |
god | BluesKaj, that is done, should i do a full upgrade or are there certian pacakage's i need to fast track the driver install | 04:08 |
miles_ | BluesKaj - kinda late i know, but my work uses subversion to maintain changes done to our code | 04:08 |
CapaH | BluesKaj: In alsamixer, when I see "MM" I assume that means "Mute/Off" --- how do I turn that on? just hitting the up arrow doesn't do the trick | 04:09 |
miles_ | it adds revision numbers to the code, like im working on 2.4.11 right now or something | 04:09 |
BluesKaj | ahh IC miles_ ..interesting | 04:09 |
zzl | what is irc? for chatting? | 04:09 |
miles_ | irc is for knowledge | 04:09 |
tzanger | zzl: complianing, mostly | 04:09 |
BluesKaj | CapaH, use M on the KB to unmute , the result will be 00 in the box | 04:10 |
zzl | thanks | 04:10 |
nodesert | i installed compiz but when i run it all window borders lost | 04:10 |
CapaH | BluesKaj: Yes | 04:10 |
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BluesKaj | BTW, MM means muted CapaH | 04:11 |
CapaH | BluesKaj: Ok but this is affecting only the IHC6 card -- the headset is its own 'card' (USB Headset) | 04:11 |
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stephen | BluesKaj: im going to update to gutsy Tribe 2 when th full release comes out can i update straight to that? | 04:11 |
CapaH | i.e. when I asoundconf list -- I see: ICH6 and Headset | 04:11 |
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BluesKaj | dunno stephen , I'm not brave enuff to try gutsy yet | 04:12 |
stephen | lol | 04:12 |
CapaH | BluesKaj: So the real issue I have is, wine is using ICH6 when I want it to use: "Headset" -- how do I do that? | 04:12 |
BluesKaj | CapaH, beyond me I'm afraid ,,, genii ...anyone ? | 04:13 |
BluesKaj | CapaH, you have 2 soundcards ? | 04:14 |
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genii | Soundcard stuff is not my strength :( | 04:14 |
CapaH | BluesKaj: technically yes, the USB Headset functions as though it is its own sound card | 04:14 |
genii | <- Networking guy mainly | 04:14 |
BluesKaj | where does the signal come from tho ...it has to be processed first , so it must be coming from the default soundcard , right ? | 04:16 |
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nodesert | i installed compiz but when i run it all window borders lost | 04:17 |
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CapaH | BluesKaj: I dont understand | 04:17 |
BluesKaj | well, neither do i ...sorry I'm confused | 04:18 |
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CapaH | BluesKaj: The headset I have is USB so it doesn't plug in the headset jack of the normal sound card, -- as far as Ubuntu is concerned, these are two seperate "sound cards" | 04:18 |
BluesKaj | BBIAB , got some stuff to do .... garbage day today | 04:19 |
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persen | Trying to start apache2 and get: "Unkown DAV provider: syn", syntax error on line 56 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf. Any clues/ideas? | 04:23 |
persen | just added subversion | 04:23 |
tzanger | hmm | 04:23 |
tzanger | apparently i have bluez-utils installed but sdpd does not exist | 04:23 |
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aaroncampbell | Has anyone had a problem with kpdf trying to print duplex even if it's not set in the printer dialog? I can't seem to print from kpdf because my printer keeps saying it doesn't have the duplex attachment. However, I can open PDFs in kghostview and print just fine | 04:25 |
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ksivaji | ms announced that after five year vista will be the top os is it so? | 04:30 |
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blob_ster | Another question: can you prioritise repositories in apt? For example, if I have a file in my local repository, install from there instead of downloading from other sources? | 04:31 |
blob_ster | Adept and apt seems to be happy to download everything :-( | 04:31 |
CapaH | Is there anyone here who can help me? I have "two sound cards" --- My laptop has a built in sound card, and then I have a USB "sound card" (which is actually a headset, but Ubuntu considers it a sound card under asoundconf list) --- My problem is simple: I want the SOUND to come out of the HEADSET and not the Internal Speakers (ICH6) --- Can anyone here help me with this? I tried: asoundconf set-default-card Headset --- No success. Anyone? | 04:31 |
dr_willis | ksivaji, from what i recall.. XP will be no longer be sold after the end of this year. (i think thats what the news said) | 04:31 |
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ksivaji | !defragmentaion | 04:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about defragmentaion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:36 |
jd_ | 230 this mourning sorry | 04:36 |
blob_ster | !defragmentation | 04:36 |
ubotu | defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units. | 04:36 |
blob_ster | ;-) | 04:37 |
ksivaji | thank you | 04:37 |
dr_willis | !spyware | 04:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about spyware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:37 |
dr_willis | :) | 04:37 |
blob_ster | Having fun :-) | 04:38 |
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne watches as his mouse cursor moves on it's own | ||
blob_ster | !repository prioritisation | 04:38 |
blob_ster | Nada | 04:38 |
stephen | oooooooh there are 9 new updates available :) | 04:39 |
ksivaji | i dont find any .html page only .asp pages are used why ? | 04:39 |
blob_ster | WhtWolfTeraDyne: does it do any work on its own? | 04:39 |
blob_ster | WhtWolfTeraDyne: I might borrow it then | 04:40 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | blob_ster: not yet. Maybe with some training... | 04:40 |
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=== WhtWolfTeraDyne is starting to wonder if it's his trackpad... | ||
dr_willis | !apt | 04:41 |
ubotu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 04:41 |
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@c220-237-190-248.richm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
persen | god damn | 04:41 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | yup. it's the touchpad. | 04:41 |
persen | why must everything be so hassleish | 04:41 |
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DaSkreech | persen: What is hasselish? | 04:41 |
genii | WhtWolfTeraDyne: If you have something like a tablet or laptop touchscreen, if you leave a stylus laying on a table, or somepiece of debris on the touchscreen it will cause that mouse-wandering | 04:41 |
=== DaSkreech thought that was only a word where he lived | ||
blob_ster | WhtWolfTeraDyne: my graphics tablet does funny things when it's near the monitor | 04:41 |
genii | *stylus on a tablet* | 04:42 |
persen | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion done everything explained here, but get error messages i dont understand | 04:42 |
blob_ster | David Hasslehoff ;-) | 04:42 |
persen | Trying to start apache2 and get: "Unkown DAV provider: syn", syntax error on line 56 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf. | 04:42 |
Baxtor | i think ive messed up my kubuntu, is there a way to load up kubuntu with the default drivers (the ones from the first install) im currently on the live cd | 04:43 |
DaSkreech | persen: What are you trying to do? | 04:43 |
persen | hazzleish = hard to do, much "hazzle" | 04:43 |
blob_ster | dr_willis: the docos only say how to add your own repository. They don't mention actually prioritising it :-( | 04:43 |
persen | DaSkreech, just set up a simple subversion repo | 04:44 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | blob_ster: No touchscreen, just the touchpad. I do want a Wacom Graphite, though... | 04:44 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | and genii | 04:44 |
blob_ster | WhtWolfTeraDyne: I have a Wacom at work, but a Tevion here at home | 04:44 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | $199.99 for a Wacom Graphire4 6x8... hmm... | 04:45 |
genii | persen: change line 56 to read svn instead of syn | 04:46 |
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blob_ster | WhtWolfTeraDyne: pretty expensive... my 12x9 Tevion cost me AU$89 (US$50-60) | 04:47 |
persen | genii, holy s**', no errors at least :D | 04:47 |
blob_ster | Although I can't get pressure sensitive brush in Gimp :-( | 04:47 |
dr_willis | blob_ster, check the full apt docs perhaps.. ive never tried that. | 04:48 |
genii | persen :) | 04:48 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | blob_ster: That's something I'd probably need. | 04:48 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | How is the wacom support on Linux, anyway? | 04:48 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | !wacom | 04:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:49 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | ,,, | 04:49 |
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blob_ster | WhtWolfTeraDyne: apparently Wacoms are good... Aiptek (Tevion) works fine except that bit :-) | 04:49 |
_4strO | WhtWolfTeraDyne: it should be ok because i see several line in xorg.conf | 04:49 |
genii | work, AFK 3-5 mins | 04:49 |
_4strO | !baddevices | 04:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about baddevices - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:49 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | Hmm... | 04:49 |
_4strO | !baddevice | 04:49 |
ubotu | If you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors | 04:49 |
blob_ster | dr_willis: I'm reading the man for sources.list, maybe it sheds some light | 04:50 |
aaroncampbell | Has anyone had a problem with kpdf trying to print duplex even if it's not set in the printer dialog? I can't seem to print from kpdf because my printer keeps saying it doesn't have the duplex attachment. However, I can open PDFs in kghostview and print just fine | 04:50 |
_4strO | those errors usually provide by some lines in the xorg.conf about wacom peripherals | 04:50 |
dr_willis | blob_ster, thers also a few large apt 'documention' web sites | 04:50 |
dr_willis | theres a lot of nifty things apt can do. | 04:50 |
ksivaji | is there any software to create a pdf file | 04:51 |
dr_willis | ksivaji, thers a print to pdf option. :) | 04:51 |
dr_willis | thats all ive ever used. | 04:51 |
_4strO | ksivaji: openoffice | 04:51 |
blob_ster | dr_willis: It says "The file lists one source per line, with the most preferred source listed first" | 04:51 |
blob_ster | dr_willis: apparently it ignores the order :-( | 04:51 |
dr_willis | blob_ster, first to last is the order.. :) it seems. | 04:51 |
dr_willis | then again.. its also checking the version #'s and other things. | 04:52 |
ksivaji | ok | 04:52 |
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dr_willis | older one first, gets ignored.. i guess | 04:52 |
blob_ster | dr_willis: would make no sense, but how would I know ;-) | 04:52 |
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dr_willis | if an older version of program foo is on the local repo.. it will go download the newer ones in any case. | 04:54 |
persen | miles_, how do you access your repository with the svn:// protocol? | 04:54 |
dr_willis | I also recall several ways to have a local machine be an 'apt file' cacher to hold the packages for the rest of the lan. | 04:55 |
blob_ster | Problem is, it seems to download everything from online | 04:55 |
dr_willis | blob_ster, it may be evyerhting is outdated. :) | 04:55 |
dr_willis | or the cache got cleaned.. | 04:55 |
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blob_ster | I just copied my /var/cache/apt/archives to my local repo, tried to install on another PC from this repo, but apt still downloads stuff... weird. | 04:56 |
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DaSkreech | persen: Ok did an apt-get install svn | 04:57 |
DaSkreech | persen: sorry Phone ran | 04:57 |
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miles_ | persen: you still here? | 04:58 |
miles_ | sorry i was afk | 04:58 |
dranas | i got a quick question about kubuntu fiesty | 04:58 |
dranas | i cant seem to change the login manager at all | 04:58 |
persen | yes | 04:58 |
=== dr_willis wakes up | ||
miles_ | i tried to access it via svn://, but never could | 04:59 |
persen | think i've installed it now, just need to verify i can access it | 04:59 |
miles_ | i do this: | 04:59 |
miles_ | http://hostname/<<path to repos>> | 04:59 |
dr_willis | dranas, tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm | 04:59 |
genii | blob_ster: For trying to clone what packages from system to system dpkg-get-selections and set-selections are better to use. Just dump the selections into a file, copy it over then use the set-selections to use it | 05:00 |
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dr_willis | !info aptcache | 05:00 |
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ubotu | Package aptcache does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 05:00 |
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dr_willis | apt-cacher - caching proxy system for Debian package and source files | 05:00 |
dr_willis | apt-proxy - Debian archive proxy and partial mirror builder | 05:00 |
dr_willis | On my home lan -i had setup where the main fileserver was also the 'apt-cacher' for the rest of the lan. | 05:01 |
dr_willis | they all got the packages from it. | 05:01 |
persen | DaSkreech, no package called "svn", but i have subversion installed | 05:01 |
blob_ster | dr_willis: that's what I'm trying to do as well. | 05:01 |
blob_ster | genii: I might try that | 05:01 |
genii | debconf not dpkg , rather | 05:01 |
dr_willis | blob_ster, i recall there being several ways to do it. :) not sure what was the best.. i aint got it going at this time. | 05:02 |
genii | blob_ster: Sorry was debconf-get-selections etc etc not dpkg-get-selections | 05:02 |
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miles_ | persen: did you get it cooking? | 05:02 |
persen | nah | 05:02 |
DaSkreech | persen: Yeah sorry subversion | 05:02 |
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blob_ster | Great, looks like I have some stuff to try :-) Thanks all the help. | 05:03 |
stephen | genii: can i use usb speakers instead of a soundcard? | 05:03 |
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redha | hello I need some help with Beryl on Ubuntu | 05:04 |
redha | or rather Kubuntu | 05:04 |
genii | stephen: I would imagine so. But soundcard troubleshooting is not my area of expertise, not much help there. Networking yes :) | 05:04 |
dr_willis | !beryl | 05:04 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:04 |
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dranas | i be back after it does or does not work, ill let you know | 05:05 |
stephen | genii: :) | 05:05 |
redha | dr_willis: is that for kubuntu also? | 05:06 |
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BluesKaj | ok back, CapaH so you're running games of the cdrom drive then sound must coming directly off the cd being converted to analog on the drive dac (I guess there is such a thing) and sent to the USB port to your headset. | 05:08 |
DaSkreech | persen: Phone rang again :) you got it sorted? | 05:08 |
persen | nah :/ | 05:08 |
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persen | hm, trying to start svnserve but it says "adress already in use", but i cant find any processes with "svn" in its name. | 05:10 |
persen | Think i should kill that process and start "svnserve" first | 05:10 |
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persen | And program i can use to kill the process using port XX ? | 05:11 |
DaSkreech | Which address ?/ | 05:11 |
persen | port 3690 i think | 05:11 |
persen | which is the default for svnserve | 05:12 |
persen | nvm , it was the inetd that was using it | 05:13 |
DaSkreech | kk | 05:13 |
persen | yay, think it works! | 05:14 |
persen | "Checked out revision 0." may indicate success ? | 05:15 |
genii | persen Yes | 05:15 |
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dranas | it still doesnt work | 05:16 |
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dranas | it keeps the default login screen and stuff | 05:16 |
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miles_ | god are you there? its me, miles_ | 05:19 |
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BluesKaj | miles_, pray ! | 05:20 |
miles_ | hahaa | 05:20 |
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=== genii contemplates the Church of Coffee | ||
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=== BluesKaj has finished the Folgers ...what do you recommend genii...I'm looking for something new ? | ||
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genii | BluesKaj: I like to get the cans of Tim horton's coffee to make at home... but it may be unavailable where you are :) Otherwise Melitta coffee and Maxwell House are not bad | 05:28 |
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genii | BluesKaj: If there is a coffee specialty place around, try to get some Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee | 05:28 |
BluesKaj | Tim Horton's is ok , we have 2 outlets in the area , but I'm not a fan...Melitta might be a consideration | 05:29 |
genii | BluesKaj: Melitta is good if you like strong coffee (I do) | 05:29 |
BluesKaj | yup same here | 05:29 |
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genii | Hmmm 1/2 hr til lunch | 05:32 |
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genii | At lunch I put up a sign saying "LUNCH! Don't bug me til 1PM!! Or ELSE" | 05:32 |
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Aquilas | Hi everyone... I have a problem I need help with... | 05:32 |
genii | !ask | Aquilas | 05:33 |
ubotu | Aquilas: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:33 |
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Aquilas | my clam av just updated and now the apt-get updater cannot update... says theres another process running | 05:34 |
Aquilas | I don't know what process clam av is running... | 05:36 |
genii | Aquilas: Likely the automatic update (not for clamav but the general update program) is chugging away in the background | 05:36 |
Aquilas | I tried to kill that too but didn't work | 05:36 |
genii | Aquilas: Thats it then. You need to wait til it's done, then apt-get commands will work again | 05:37 |
StoneNewt | 9~ | 05:38 |
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hellooooo | oi | 05:38 |
Aquilas | is there some way to find out what process is running apt-get? | 05:38 |
genii | Aquilas: The clamav is likely NOT what is the issue. More like because the adept updater is running, no other programs which use dpkg or so on can run til it is finished. | 05:38 |
genii | Aquilas: apt-get uses dpkg as the backend. Same as all the other package managers like adept,synaptic,aptitude etc | 05:39 |
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genii | Aquilas: When any one of those are running you cannot use any of the others at the same time | 05:40 |
Aquilas | but this has been going on for a week now | 05:40 |
genii | Aquilas: Are you on dialup? | 05:40 |
Aquilas | surely something would have finished by now... on DSL | 05:40 |
pag | !aptfix | Aquilas | 05:41 |
ubotu | Aquilas: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 05:41 |
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genii | Aquilas: Yes, pag may be right. Occasionally if you force one of those to close, it will leave a remnant lockfile which prevents a new instance of anything which will use the package managing system | 05:42 |
miles_ | so im just wondering | 05:42 |
miles_ | how many of you guys are at work right now | 05:42 |
BluesKaj | yup, bet there some broken pkg messages in auto-update that are stalling the pkg manager. | 05:42 |
genii | miles_: I am. If you can call it work, really | 05:43 |
miles_ | laugh | 05:43 |
Aquilas | running the konsole now | 05:43 |
miles_ | me too | 05:43 |
Aquilas | Setting up adobereader-enu (7.0.9-1) ... | 05:44 |
Aquilas | ln: creating symbolic link `/Reader/intellinux/lib/libldap.so' to `/usr/lib/libldap.so.2': No such file or directory | 05:44 |
Aquilas | ln: creating symbolic link `/Reader/intellinux/lib/liblber.so' to `/usr/lib/liblber.so.2': No such file or directory | 05:44 |
Aquilas | dpkg: error processing adobereader-enu (--configure): | 05:44 |
Aquilas | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 05:44 |
Aquilas | Setting up ktorrent (2.2-0ubuntu1~feisty1) ... | 05:44 |
Aquilas | Errors were encountered while processing: | 05:44 |
Aquilas | adobereader-enu | 05:44 |
BluesKaj | adept auto-update should be banned it's nothing but a PITA after the first 2 updates or so after a new install | 05:44 |
genii | Aquilas: Please do not flood the irc channel | 05:44 |
runlevelten | Aquilas: use fuser to see what program's doing it | 05:45 |
Aquilas | not flooding... just posting what the konsole told me... | 05:45 |
pag | !paste | Aquilas | 05:45 |
genii | BluesKaj: I'm inclined to agree | 05:45 |
pag | hmm.. ubotu's slow :( | 05:45 |
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runlevelten | just omit the k given above. | 05:45 |
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ubotu | Aquilas: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 05:46 |
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genii | Aquilas: There is a website you can paste large amounts of text to and then report back the URL here so ppl can go see it | 05:46 |
genii | pag Thx :) | 05:46 |
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Aquilas | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30344/ | 05:48 |
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pag | "adobereader-enu" Somehow I'm not even wondering, that it was the closed-source app that messed the dpkg up | 05:48 |
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Aquilas | so what do I need to do to fix this? | 05:49 |
pag | Aquilas, I found one solution on xandros forums, so I can't guarantee that they'll work. We can try if you want though | 05:50 |
Aquilas | ok | 05:51 |
pag | Aquilas, open konsole and type: sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo dpkg -P adobereader-enu | 05:51 |
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bitchchecker | hi | 05:52 |
bitchchecker | gimme your internet address | 05:52 |
pag | Aquilas, in fact; don't use && instead just split that to two commands | 05:52 |
bitchchecker | i hack u | 05:52 |
bitchchecker | i have hacking program | 05:52 |
bitchchecker | its elite | 05:52 |
bitchchecker | gimme your address it hacks u | 05:52 |
bitchchecker | u be dead | 05:52 |
Aquilas | like how? | 05:52 |
bitchchecker | like cuz | 05:53 |
BluesKaj | !ops | bitchchecker | 05:53 |
bitchchecker | it hax you | 05:53 |
pag | bitchchecker, thank you. You really made my day :D | 05:53 |
persen | is it possible to setup a cronjob to copy a folder (my subversion repo) to a samba share on another box ? | 05:53 |
persen | as a backup mechanism | 05:53 |
bitchchecker | yes | 05:53 |
bitchchecker | it is | 05:53 |
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ubotu | bitchchecker: Help! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild! | 05:53 |
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@cpe-76-190-151-10.neo.res.rr.com] by Hobbsee | ||
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philw | hi | 05:53 |
persen | !backup | 05:53 |
ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 05:53 |
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pag | Aquilas, sudo dpkg --configure -a then wait till it's ready and then only write sudo dpkg -P adobereader-enu | 05:53 |
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Hobbsee | thanks BluesKaj | 05:54 |
BluesKaj | thx Hobbsee | 05:54 |
BluesKaj | ;0 | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | :) | 05:54 |
philw | I have a problem with kopete, if i open it my cpu has 100% and that 3 minutes. After these 3 minutes kopete connects with icq and so on | 05:54 |
pag | Hobbsee, thank you :) | 05:54 |
Hobbsee | :) | 05:54 |
persen | !cloning | 05:54 |
ubotu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade - See also !automate | 05:54 |
philw | i don't know why | 05:54 |
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Aquilas | it didn't like it | 05:54 |
hasan | how can i decrease font size of characters send to my printer from konsole??? | 05:54 |
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runlevelten | give me j00r address pleas! _sigh_ You would have though step one in developing those 1337 /\/\/\|) 5|<1Llz would have been getting his/her around the "ping" command. | 05:55 |
runlevelten | *his/her head | 05:55 |
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BluesKaj | !automate | 05:56 |
ubotu | Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning | 05:56 |
Aquilas | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30346/ | 05:56 |
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pag | Aquilas, yup. just what I thought.. try only the latter command ( sudo dpkg -P adobereader-enu ) | 05:57 |
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Aquilas | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30347/ | 05:58 |
pag | Aquilas, now try: sudo apt-get install -f | 05:59 |
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Aquilas | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30348/ | 06:00 |
pag | Aquilas, congratulations. now you have the working dpkg again :) | 06:01 |
Aquilas | Great!!! Thanks Pag | 06:01 |
pag | Aquilas, sudo apt-get upgrade would probably be quite nice command to run now (no need to paste the output, it should go well) | 06:01 |
stephen | pag: how do you install realplayer in kubuntu? | 06:02 |
genii | !helpersnack | pag | 06:03 |
ubotu | pag: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 06:03 |
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pag | stephen, from the packages ;) Since your next queston will be "Where can I get those packages" I'll answer it now: Not in any of those repos I have | 06:03 |
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pag | genii, wow! didn't know about that factoid. Thank you :D | 06:04 |
amundsen | hi | 06:04 |
pag | amundsen, hello :) | 06:04 |
SlimeyPete | !helpersnack | SlimeyPete | 06:04 |
SlimeyPete | damn | 06:04 |
SlimeyPete | it's too clever for me | 06:04 |
jd_ | just got done with the radio show | 06:04 |
amundsen | does anybody know what's goin on with 7.04 update? i get errors from apt-get upgrade | 06:04 |
Aquilas | Thanks again Pag... it is working. | 06:04 |
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pag | amundsen, what kind of errors? (use pastebin to paste them, please) | 06:05 |
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genii | pag :) | 06:06 |
amundsen | pag: pastebin? what's that? | 06:06 |
pag | !paste | amundsen | 06:07 |
ubotu | amundsen: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 06:07 |
amundsen | pag: done | 06:08 |
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amundsen | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30349/ | 06:08 |
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pag | amundsen, clearly not the whole output... you can gett all the output to a file by commanding: sudo apt-get upgrade > file | 06:10 |
amundsen | pag: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30350/ | 06:11 |
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amundsen | pag: problem seems to be with ttf-opensymbol | 06:12 |
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pag | amundsen, yup. | 06:12 |
amundsen | any solution ? | 06:12 |
pag | amundsen, I can only help by providing couple of links: http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist%40lists.debian.org/msg266900.html and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=369841 | 06:14 |
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BlueLaguna | How can I install compiz without installing gnome? | 06:15 |
sparrw | Is there a way to make konqueror automatically open sftp://*.php in kate, without affecting its handling of http://*.php ? | 06:16 |
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pag | BlueLaguna, Compiz has some Gnome depencies, so it's pertty hard (and really not adviseable) to bypass those. | 06:17 |
BlueLaguna | :-/ | 06:17 |
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sparrw | BlueLaguna: is your hard drive so small that you cant have gnome installed? | 06:20 |
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BlueLaguna | sparrw: it seems redundant to me to have both window managers installed | 06:20 |
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sparrw | BlueLaguna: i have over a dozen installed | 06:21 |
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pag | BlueLaguna, err.. iirc compiz does pull some gnome libraries, but not the whole DE | 06:21 |
sparrw | pag: depending on gnome libraries isnt really a good excuse for "depending" on gnome | 06:21 |
BlueLaguna | pag: you're right, thanks | 06:24 |
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pag | np :) | 06:24 |
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visham | hi folks | 06:26 |
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visham | how to change the default console font ? | 06:27 |
visham | or how to enable console-setup to run at boot time | 06:27 |
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pag | visham, do you mean those that appear on ctrl-alt-fX ? | 06:28 |
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visham | ya thats right | 06:29 |
nixternal | you change those in /boot/grub/menu.lst iirc | 06:29 |
nixternal | vga=such and so | 06:30 |
pag | visham, that's pretty strange solution; stick that command to change fonts in your .bashrc | 06:30 |
visham | i want my font to be changed before i login | 06:30 |
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redha | could anybody help me on Beryl with Kubuntu | 06:30 |
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visham | during the boot up process | 06:31 |
pag | redha, official support channel for beryl/compiz is #ubuntu-effects | 06:31 |
nixternal | there is a trick to setting them right...you boot with an alternate CD, go in to the setup a bit, hit escape and go to a command line..then you run some tool or something..there is a howto I think somewhere in the forums visham | 06:31 |
redha | I have it installed and all, but there are some quirks here and there | 06:31 |
redha | and besides no body is on there helping | 06:32 |
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pag | redha, you can of course ask your questions here... I just think it might be harder to get answers here... but ask ahead if you want | 06:33 |
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visham | any direct help nixternal | 06:34 |
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nixternal | I can't remember it off hand, so I am affraid I may be useless at this time | 06:35 |
redha | some windows (alerts) have nothing in them, plus sometimes adept icon on the taskbar pops out and becomes on the top of the screen :S | 06:35 |
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aaroncampbell | Has anyone had a problem with kpdf trying to print duplex even if it's not set in the printer dialog? I can't seem to print from kpdf because my printer keeps saying it doesn't have the duplex attachment. However, I can open PDFs in kghostview and print just fine | 06:36 |
jhutchins | visham: What do you want to change about your font? | 06:36 |
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visham | thanks folks | 06:37 |
nixternal | redha: the adept thing is Beryl's fault of course, the same thing happens with compiz...nothing you can do about that one except get rid of adept alert | 06:39 |
redha | It just bugs me how Beryl doesn't like KDE..it runs flawlessly on Gnome :S | 06:40 |
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visham | hi folks again | 06:46 |
visham | how do i change the permisions in the fstab file for windows partitions that are mounted such that only root can write & read but all others can only read | 06:47 |
visham | sorry if my english is poor | 06:47 |
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aleksanteri | what package has libdl? | 06:47 |
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BluesKaj | aleksanteri, check in adept | 06:48 |
aleksanteri | . | 06:48 |
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visham | how to change permission is /etc/fstab | 06:54 |
vzduch | !ntfs | 06:54 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 06:54 |
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vzduch | !ntfs-3g | 06:54 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 06:54 |
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visham | !fuse | 06:56 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 06:56 |
caris_mere | I'm having a problem with Amarok...It doesn't start up on account, but it does on my wife's account. | 06:56 |
visham | thanks folks | 06:56 |
evilmm | i've never had a problem with ntfs-36 | 06:57 |
OlliK | Hi, all! | 06:57 |
vzduch | sure.. there is no such thing as ntfs-36 :) | 06:57 |
OlliK | Can someone help me with upgrading? I'd like to update few packages, and I used to have this adept-updater on which I closed and can't find anymore (it's different from adept manager). Anyway, now when I plan to update all packages to newest version, I noticed that I can also probably do it in Adept Manager, but there are two options: "Safe Upgrade" and "Full Upgrade". Can someone tell me the difference? I didn't find anything from google/ubuntuforums and al | 06:57 |
evilmm | 3g damn | 06:57 |
OlliK | I'm using Feisty so I'm not upgrading to a newer version, I only want to get the latest versions of the software | 06:58 |
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astrophoenix | my friend with a dual booting laptop was able to use ntfs-3g in ubuntu to restore a known good registry on her windows partition, enabling her to boot windows again. :) but as soon as she got that fixed, we set her win partition back to read only. | 06:58 |
OlliK | Also helpful would be if someone could help me to find a way to start this "adept updater" program | 06:58 |
caris_mere | I need some help with Amarok, it won't load...though it used to work | 06:58 |
vzduch | any error msg? | 06:58 |
tmske | caris_mere: does it start and then crash? | 06:58 |
pag | OlliK, kdesu adept_updater | 06:59 |
caris_mere | tmske: no, it just get's stuck, never the icon hops around, but that's all | 06:59 |
OlliK | pag: command | 07:00 |
vzduch | caris_mere: try to start amarok from commandline, should output some useful info | 07:00 |
astrophoenix | Ollik: hit alt-f2, run adept_notifier, that will give you a little icon in the system tray. | 07:00 |
OlliK | pag: command 'adept-updater" not found. | 07:00 |
pag | OlliK, notice the underline it's _ not - | 07:00 |
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OlliK | pag: Thanks, it works | 07:01 |
tmske | caris_mere: do what vzduch says and paste that info: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 07:01 |
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BluesKaj | OlliK, you are actually fortunate that adept updater is missing , it's buggy ..upgrading in adept will work just as well , but beware of spme pkges that may break due to unmet dependencies , so the sfe upgrade is your best bet | 07:01 |
BluesKaj | safe upgrade | 07:02 |
caris_mere | tmske: ok, I did it | 07:02 |
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vzduch | caris_mere: pastebin URL please | 07:03 |
tmske | caris_mere: post the link | 07:03 |
OlliK | astrophoenix: alt-f2 didn't have any effect, but when I ran the adept_notifier in "Run Command", it seemed to work | 07:03 |
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OlliK | BluesKaj: Thanks for the tip | 07:03 |
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OlliK | astrophoenix: Thanks also to you | 07:03 |
astrophoenix | oh, alt-f2 is the default short cut to get the "Run Command" box :) | 07:03 |
pag | OlliK, alt+f2 is the default shortcut to run command | 07:03 |
caris_mere | tmske: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30356/ | 07:03 |
OlliK | So updating packages through adept updater basically does the same thing as "safe upgrade" would do? | 07:04 |
evilmm | i like katapult | 07:05 |
OlliK | how about apt-get update | apt-get upgrade, is that same as safe-upgrade or full-upgrade? | 07:05 |
tmske | caris_mere: you could try to delete your amarokrc (~/.kde/share/config/amarokrc) and try again (first update it though) | 07:05 |
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OlliK | Am I right if I assume that apt-get upgrade = "Safe Upgrade" in adept, and apt-get distro-upgrade = "Full upgrade" in adept? | 07:06 |
caris_mere | tmske: what do you mean by "first update it though"? | 07:06 |
BluesKaj | no safe upgrade is just that it make sure that there are no unmet dependencies that can lead to broken pkges , in case you have "unofficial repos" . the notifier ignores that and tries to upgrade everything available unless you specify in adept itself | 07:06 |
vzduch | caris_mere: doesn't help much.. I suggest you locate /home/yourWifesAccount/.kde/share/config/amarokrc and replace your /home/yourAccount/.kde/share/config/amarokrc with it | 07:07 |
tmske | caris_mere: I meant backup it first | 07:07 |
vzduch | tmske: or that | 07:07 |
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tmske | vzduch: yeah replacing it could work too :-) | 07:08 |
vzduch | well.. the essential difference is that deleting (or moving) it would cause Amarok to create a fresh one on next startup, copying a known-to-work one would be another option, it'd duplicate the settings | 07:09 |
OlliK | Does it matter if I'm running the program that is being upgraded, for example Firefox? | 07:09 |
TheInfinity | no | 07:10 |
vzduch | OlliK: normally that's no problem.. that's also the way you update your KDE or X or kernel.. only the program(s) that is/are updated need to be restarted for the update to take effect | 07:10 |
OlliK | ok, good.. | 07:11 |
aleksanteri | how can i make an Tk element span 2 grid columns? | 07:11 |
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caris_mere | tmske and vzduch: I replaced, now I try to run it again, right? | 07:12 |
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tmske | caris_mere: yes | 07:12 |
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aleksanteri | dang, wrong channel | 07:13 |
vzduch | *gg* | 07:13 |
caris_mere | tmske: didn't do anything | 07:13 |
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tmske | caris_mere: have you changed or installed anything since amarok stopped working for you? | 07:14 |
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eduardo | could someone help me installing MySQL in my Ubuntu? | 07:15 |
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Lynoure | eduardo: What kind of problems are you having with it? | 07:16 |
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caris_mere | tmske: I don't remember installing or changing anything...I don't understand why it would work for my wife and not for me, though | 07:16 |
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Jack2142 | hello people im having a problem with grub.... i see the boot loader and i have the kubuntu option and the windows option(windows works fine,) but kubuntu doesnt load...the changed the SLOT the IDE cable goes into (i have 2 in my mobo) so nows its on the secondary IDE becacuse the first one ripped a few pins.. however what should i do now to get kubuntu to load? | 07:18 |
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caris_mere | tmske: Maybe this...one time my external hd had problems, I unplugged and replugged and it was called MYBOOK1 instead of MYBOOK, and then I listened to music...Maybe that changed some setting in amarok? | 07:18 |
tmske | caris_mere: you can also try to move your complete folder ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok and try again | 07:18 |
tmske | caris_mere: if some settings were changed, removing that folder and your amarokrc should solve the problem (be sure to backup) | 07:19 |
rrbiz | which kde version did kubuntu come with ? | 07:19 |
rrbiz | 7.04 | 07:19 |
caris_mere | tmske: ok, thanks...I'll try it | 07:19 |
Jack2142 | what do i do in grub loader so that i point my kubuntu to the correct IDE channel please help | 07:20 |
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rrbiz | Jack2142: u trying to make kubuntu default ? | 07:20 |
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Lynoure | eduardo: Got it working already? | 07:21 |
Jack2142 | rrbiz yes | 07:21 |
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rrbiz | so u already have kubuntu installed ? | 07:22 |
vzduch | I wonder why Windoze would boot up fine when changing the IDE bus the hdd is on.. to my knowledge the chainloader also points to the physical device designation | 07:22 |
vzduch | rrbiz: are you reading? | 07:22 |
Jack2142 | yes i have it installed | 07:22 |
Jack2142 | but i moved the IDE cable to secondary | 07:22 |
Jack2142 | when i installed the IDE cable was pluggd into primary on the mobo | 07:22 |
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rrbiz | ahh | 07:22 |
Jack2142 | now i moved it | 07:22 |
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Jack2142 | windows boots.. kubuntu doesnt | 07:23 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2142: What's plugged into the primary now? | 07:23 |
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Jack2142 | nothing | 07:23 |
Jack2142 | it broke | 07:23 |
vzduch | Jack2142: assuming you moved from primary master to secondary master, my best bet is that what you need to change is entries like 'hd(0,x)' to 'hd(2,x)' | 07:23 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2142: Windows is selecting the first bootable device then. | 07:23 |
caris_mere | tmske: that worked...thanks | 07:23 |
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rrbiz | vzduch, nah i didn't catch it all and just thought modifying menu.list would do | 07:23 |
caris_mere | vzduch: thanks also for your help | 07:23 |
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Jack2142 | well im using livecd now | 07:24 |
rrbiz | perhaps menu.list would be the place though | 07:24 |
Jack2142 | what should i do in grub | 07:24 |
vzduch | Jack2142: as I told you | 07:24 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2142: sudo fdisk -l might give you some useful information. | 07:24 |
genii | vzduch Jack2142 Yes the hd(2,x) thing. But also after you will need to change old /etc/fstab to reflect hdc or sdc instead of the hda or sda from before | 07:24 |
vzduch | genii: yes, that too | 07:25 |
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Jack2142 | rrbiz | 07:25 |
Jack2142 | can i msg you | 07:25 |
Jack2142 | i will paste | 07:25 |
rrbiz | sure | 07:25 |
Jack2142 | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 07:25 |
Jack2142 | /dev/hdd1 * 1 3321 26675901 7 HPFS/NTFS | 07:25 |
Jack2142 | /dev/hdd2 3322 3737 3341520 f W95 Ext'd (LBA) | 07:25 |
Jack2142 | /dev/hdd5 3322 3737 3341488+ 83 Linux | 07:25 |
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vzduch | that's secondary slave.. so you'd put 'hd(3,x)' in the menu.lst | 07:26 |
genii | hmm yes | 07:26 |
vzduch | Jack2142: and be sure to modify your /etc/fstab accordingly | 07:26 |
jhutchins_lt | vzduch: Did you get your console font fixed? | 07:26 |
wamty | Hey peoples - I'm d/ling the newest version of Pidgin to install. Since I'm on kubuntu, I assume I have to get the source version, yes? | 07:26 |
vzduch | jhutchins_lt: ? | 07:26 |
Jack2142 | can you walk me through it im not a linux wiz yet :/ | 07:27 |
jhutchins_lt | vzduch: I thought it was you who was asking about that earlier. | 07:27 |
genii | likely the old fstab entries were hdb not hda as well | 07:27 |
pag | wamty, getdeb has packages for pidgin iirc. | 07:27 |
Jack2142 | can somoene tel me what to do step by step please? | 07:27 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2142: sudo mkdir /mnt/hdd | 07:27 |
Jack2142 | ok | 07:27 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2142: sudo mount /dev/hdd5 /mnt/hdd | 07:27 |
vzduch | jhutchins_lt: no.. only thing I'd want to know about that is how to put a different console font in the init scripts to be loaded.. the one used by *buntu by default is dead ugly ;) | 07:27 |
Jack2142 | ok | 07:28 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2142: kdesu kate /mnt/hdd/boot/grub/menu.list | 07:28 |
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jhutchins_lt | Jack2142: kdesu kate /mnt/hdd/etc/fstab | 07:28 |
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jhutchins_lt | vzduch: I don't think there's much choice about the font, it's not like you're running a GUI there. | 07:29 |
_michael | hello I am having trouble with a demuxer error in kaffeine "xine: couldn't find demux for >" any ideas? | 07:29 |
eduardo | wow | 07:29 |
eduardo | sorry | 07:29 |
jhutchins_lt | vzduch: I belive you can change size, and you can make some changes by changing the codepate, but the default console font is, I think, stored in the hardware of the card. | 07:29 |
jhutchins_lt | codepage | 07:29 |
vzduch | jhutchins_lt: well no, but there _is_ a choice.. the font that'd show w/o a PCF loaded is totally different | 07:29 |
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Jack2142 | well jhutchins_lt i did "kdesu kate /mnt/hdd/boot/grub/menu.list" now it opened a blank text file | 07:30 |
manu_ | hi | 07:30 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2142: Herm. | 07:30 |
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manu_ | someone here who knoews why kmid is not working with kubuntu? | 07:30 |
vzduch | Jack2142: ls -la /mnt/hdd/boot/grub/ | 07:30 |
manu_ | i need the program and everytime i'm asking none can help :( | 07:30 |
vzduch | manu_: define 'not working' | 07:31 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2142: Sorry, it's menu.lst | 07:31 |
Jack2142 | oh | 07:31 |
Jack2142 | wait | 07:31 |
Jack2142 | ok | 07:31 |
Jack2142 | menu.lst is open | 07:31 |
Jack2142 | what do i edit | 07:31 |
vzduch | Jack2142: search & replace -> 'hd(1' for 'hd(3' | 07:32 |
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rrbiz | wouldn't it be (hd1,1) now ? | 07:32 |
rrbiz | for secondary | 07:32 |
_michael | I can still play some avi files in kaffeine but about half of them won't play | 07:33 |
Jack2142 | there is nothing found as hd(1 | 07:33 |
jhutchins_lt | rbrunhuber: It's hdd. | 07:33 |
vzduch | rrbiz: no, that would be primary slave | 07:33 |
Jack2142 | heres what i have | 07:33 |
Jack2142 | i will paste | 07:33 |
jhutchins_lt | NO! | 07:33 |
Jack2142 | titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic | 07:33 |
Jack2142 | root(hd0,4) | 07:33 |
Jack2142 | titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-generic (recovery mode) | 07:33 |
Jack2142 | root(hd0,4) | 07:33 |
vzduch | ah, wrong syntax | 07:33 |
Jack2142 | titleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional | 07:33 |
Jack2142 | root(hd0,0) | 07:33 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2142: Please don't paste more than a couple of lines. | 07:34 |
vzduch | replace '(hd0' w/ '(hd3' | 07:34 |
tmske | Jack2142 use: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 07:34 |
Jack2142 | ? | 07:34 |
Jack2142 | thats what is in the file,i didnt edit anything yet | 07:34 |
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KrevedKo | vsem preved! | 07:35 |
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jhutchins_lt | KrevedKo: Gesundheit. | 07:35 |
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vzduch | hrhr | 07:36 |
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rrbiz | Jack2142: here's a good link about menu.lst info > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1319395 | 07:36 |
pag | !ru | KrevedKo | 07:36 |
ubotu | KrevedKo: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 07:36 |
Jack2142 | ok 7 replacments made | 07:36 |
Jack2142 | i save and exit now? | 07:36 |
jhutchins_lt | pag: Good call! Do you speak russian? | 07:36 |
vzduch | pag: you sure that was Russian? | 07:36 |
pag | jhutchins_lt, yup. :) | 07:36 |
Jack2142 | kdesu kate /mnt/hdd/etc/fstab | 07:37 |
Jack2142 | should i edit that also? | 07:37 |
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pag | vzduch, looked pretty much like it | 07:37 |
vzduch | pag: was too short for me to recognize it beyond it being a Slavic language | 07:37 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2142: Only if you want the system to know where the hard drive is once it boots. | 07:37 |
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Jack2142 | what do you mean jhutchins? | 07:37 |
genii | Jack2142: In that file you want to replace everywhere it has hda to hdd | 07:38 |
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wamty | It doesn't have the most recent pidgin. | 07:38 |
wamty | It still lists it as gaim last I checked. | 07:38 |
vzduch | wamty: WhereWhat? | 07:38 |
Jack2142 | ok i replaced 'hda' with 'hdb' | 07:39 |
wamty | Hey peoples - I'm d/ling the newest version of Pidgin to install. Since I'm on kubuntu, I assume I have to get the source version, yes? | 07:39 |
Jack2142 | now i will save/reboot | 07:39 |
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genii | Jack2142: No, hdd not hdb | 07:39 |
wamty | thats my initial question | 07:39 |
wamty | <pag> wamty, getdeb has packages for pidgin iirc. | 07:39 |
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Jack2142 | ah yes hdd | 07:40 |
Jack2142 | ok now i save/reboot? | 07:40 |
genii | Jack2142: hda=master, primary IDE hdb=slave,primary IDE hdc=master second IDE etc etc | 07:40 |
wamty | so? | 07:40 |
wamty | any ideas please? | 07:40 |
pag | wamty, http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=Pidgin | 07:40 |
genii | Jack Is there some other HD on that ribbon that is master? | 07:41 |
pag | wamty, if you want to compile, then you'll have to use sources | 07:41 |
genii | Jack2142: ^^ | 07:41 |
manu_ | vzduch: ok i have a working timidity server and i choose it in kmid, when i want to paly i get nothing (clicking doesnt make a visible change of kmid) and in terminal i get player could not play something with port 20:0 but timidity is receiving at 128:x | 07:41 |
wamty | thanks | 07:42 |
Impy^ | hi does anyone here have nethack working on linux? | 07:42 |
manu_ | pmid and timidity are working | 07:42 |
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Jack2142 | ok i will reboot and say here if it succeed | 07:42 |
Jack2142 | thx everyone | 07:42 |
Jack2142 | brb | 07:42 |
pag | Impy^, I'd guess it should work just fine... what problems are you experiencing? | 07:42 |
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=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about bootloaders on tertiary hard drives | ||
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Impy^ | everytime i try load it | 07:43 |
Impy^ | it just closes | 07:43 |
wamty | pag, I don't WANT to compile.. | 07:43 |
wamty | any other way? | 07:43 |
=== jhutchins_lt wonders how you break an IDE connector. | ||
Impy^ | i've installed all the nethacks off of add/remove but none of them work :( | 07:43 |
pag | wamty, download from getdeb... I pasted the link just few minutes ago | 07:43 |
vzduch | manu_: ah, that goes beyond my knowledge of JACK, sorry.. I basically know how to start and stop JACK, but no idea about its ports.. tried asking in #ubuntustudio yet? | 07:44 |
jhutchins_lt | !info pidgin | 07:44 |
ubotu | Package pidgin does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 07:44 |
genii | jhutchins_lt: Jamming it in the reverse way when no little keying tab on it and bending over the pin where the other way there is no pin | 07:44 |
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manu_ | vzduch: no, should i? do i need jack for kmid? | 07:47 |
genii | jhutchins_lt: I've actually seen this now quite a few times (bent/broken middle IDE pin on motherboard) | 07:48 |
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vzduch | manu_: at least I have yet to see a soundcard whose on-board MIDI sounds would play in Linux.. so you'd need JACK as the softsynths for Linux run on that | 07:48 |
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Jack2143 | hey guys | 07:50 |
Jack2143 | rrbiz: | 07:51 |
manu_ | vzduch: i have a realtek chip and i get midi output so i think JACK is working, but i dont have all soundfonts, some midis ply only with few ones :( | 07:51 |
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rrbiz | yea | 07:51 |
Jack2143 | when i reboot i get grub menu, any selection i make now it says ERROR 21: Selected disk does not exist | 07:51 |
=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about bootloaders on tertiary drives | ||
=== GrahamA [n=graham@cpc2-hart3-0-0-cust431.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jack2143 | ? | 07:52 |
pag | I think I know what's the prob here... | 07:52 |
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genii | pag He has cable select on? | 07:53 |
Jack2143 | all i did was take the cable from the master, to secondary master slot on the mobo | 07:53 |
pag | it's not the hd3 but hd2 probably | 07:53 |
Jack2143 | so i should try to replace hd3 with hd2? | 07:53 |
pag | genii, didn't think that far :) | 07:53 |
Jack2143 | whats the command to bring up the menu.lst | 07:53 |
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=== miles_ hums a tune | ||
genii | Jack2143: So your cdrom is on the same ribbon as that hard drive? | 07:54 |
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Jack2143 | yeah | 07:55 |
Jack2143 | the CDrom is the primary, the HD is secondary | 07:55 |
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Zolar | Hello all | 07:55 |
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genii | Then hd3 should be right | 07:55 |
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Jack2143 | so why everything says disk does not exit | 07:55 |
Jack2143 | exist* | 07:55 |
Zolar | I would like to thank those who helped me in getting Kubuntu installed. works great | 07:55 |
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Jack2143 | zolar from pcr? | 07:56 |
genii | Jack2143: Did you make some bios change to try and make it boot specifically from that hd? | 07:56 |
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mimic | ciao anna.... | 07:56 |
Jack2143 | hmmm nop | 07:56 |
Zolar | PCR? | 07:56 |
Jack2143 | just first boot device is CDROM- then hd | 07:56 |
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Jack2143 | nevermind | 07:56 |
genii | Jack2143: Did you make some bios change to disable the primary IDE channel? | 07:56 |
Jack2143 | no | 07:56 |
genii | then in grub hd3 should be right and in fstab hdd should be right | 07:57 |
anna_ | hei | 07:57 |
anna_ | eccoti | 07:57 |
mimic | si | 07:57 |
anna_ | in privato non mi fa scriverti | 07:57 |
mimic | si.. | 07:57 |
mimic | ho visto... | 07:57 |
anna_ | dice che mi devo registrare | 07:57 |
Jack2143 | isnt there soem grub auto-installed | 07:57 |
mimic | o che ci registramo... | 07:57 |
pag | !it | 07:57 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 07:57 |
Jack2143 | so why is nothing booting | 07:58 |
Jack2143 | says disk does not exist | 07:58 |
genii | Jack2143: I am suspecting a typo when you edited the files now. | 07:59 |
Jack2143 | hmm | 07:59 |
Jack2143 | whats the command to bring them up | 07:59 |
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vzduch | hoi Kite_DH | 08:00 |
Jack2143 | genii: whats the command to bring up the menu.lst and fstab files | 08:01 |
Kite_DH | vzduch: hoi | 08:01 |
genii | Jack2143: You need to do the same process as previously, eg: sudo mkdir /mnt/hdd then: sudo mount /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd then kdesu kate /mnt/hdd/boot/grub/menu.lst or kdesu kate /mnt/hdd/etc/fstab | 08:01 |
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genii | Jack2143: If you had /boot under some separate partition then you need to mount that one instead of hdd1 of course | 08:03 |
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jhutchins_lt | This is one of the bad things about grub, it uses different notation than the rest of the system. | 08:03 |
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jhutchins_lt | Is there a way, within grub, to list available devices? | 08:03 |
michael-3142 | hello | 08:03 |
genii | jhutchins_lt: Yes but I haven't used it for so long i dunno | 08:04 |
Jack2143 | genii: menu.lst is coming up empty | 08:04 |
jhutchins_lt | That's one of the tough things about bootloaders, you set 'em and forget 'em. | 08:04 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2143: When you specify a file that doesn't exist, kate assumes you want to create a new one. Mis-typing the path or filename means you've specified a file that doesn't exist. One way to avoid this is to use tab to complete each part of the path. | 08:05 |
Jack2143 | well after /hdd/b there is no boot | 08:06 |
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jhutchins_lt | Jack2143: Tab twice to see what's available. | 08:06 |
genii | work, AFK 2-3 mins | 08:07 |
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Jack2143 | nothing avialable in /mnt/hdd | 08:07 |
vzduch | did you mount it? | 08:07 |
Jack2143 | yes | 08:07 |
Jack2143 | as you said | 08:07 |
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Jack2143 | sudo mkdir /mnt/hdd | 08:07 |
Jack2143 | sudo mount /dev/hdd1 /mnt/hdd | 08:07 |
Jack2143 | did those 2 | 08:08 |
vzduch | guess that was the error.. iirc it wasn't hdd1, but hdd5 | 08:08 |
miles_ | !tftp | 08:08 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tftp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:08 |
Jack2143 | so should do 'sudo mount /dev/hdd5 /mnt/hdd' | 08:08 |
Jack2143 | ? | 08:08 |
genii | back | 08:08 |
vzduch | yes, but first sudo umount /mnt/hdd | 08:08 |
genii | Jack2143: Yes, my mistake on partition number there | 08:09 |
Jack2143 | ok now i got menu.lst open | 08:09 |
jhutchins_lt | Jack2143: Remember that fdisk -l listed your partitions. 1 is windows, 5 is linux. | 08:09 |
genii | It might be informative to paste those files to pastebin so we can look for un-obvious typos | 08:10 |
Jack2143 | first one for ubuntu is "root(hd3,4)" | 08:10 |
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genii | eg: hd(0,2) might now just be hd(3) | 08:10 |
Jack2143 | oh | 08:10 |
Jack2143 | ok | 08:10 |
kaba | hi! just installed Kubuntu :) since my TFT's resolution is 107 dpi all appears too small. How can I fix this plz? | 08:10 |
Jack2143 | what is the link again please | 08:10 |
genii | !paste | 08:10 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 08:10 |
Jack2143 | thanks, one moment please | 08:11 |
jhutchins_lt | genii: 0,2 would be hda3 | 08:11 |
Jack2143 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30363/ | 08:11 |
jhutchins_lt | hdd5 would be (3,4) | 08:11 |
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genii | jhutchins_lt: I'm thinking of when he edited grub to change hd(0) instances to hd(3) instances | 08:11 |
luca | hi everyone | 08:12 |
luca | I have a focus problem with compiz fusion .( | 08:12 |
Jack2143 | i pasted my menu.lst to pastebin, heres the link genii http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30363/ | 08:12 |
luca | menus of the tray icons stay UNDER the windows, they are unfocused | 08:12 |
genii | reading | 08:12 |
jhutchins_lt | luca: compiz is nothing but problems. #ubuntu-effects please. | 08:12 |
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Chelo | je | 08:13 |
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jaime | wilches | 08:13 |
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jaime | victor | 08:14 |
equipo3 | iogeygwpoujreh | 08:14 |
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equipo3 | dsgsd | 08:14 |
equipo3 | +uy | 08:14 |
equipo5 | jaime tu mama es mia | 08:14 |
equipo3 | habla cvara de tabla | 08:14 |
Chelo | dfhg | 08:14 |
Chelo | dlfjdf | 08:14 |
Chelo | fhgf | 08:14 |
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equipo3 | julian y carolina | 08:14 |
Chelo | hey que la vuelta | 08:14 |
Jairo | victor marica | 08:15 |
jaime | el nayib estaba con heiser | 08:15 |
equipo3 | Seres Vacos entre Mundos Habitados | 08:15 |
jaime | el nayib estaba con heiser | 08:15 |
genii | menu.lst looks OK. Did he run update grub (or similar) ? | 08:15 |
equipo3 | 05 NOVIEMBRE, 2005 | 08:15 |
equipo3 | 08:15 | |
equipo3 | EL RAYO DE LA MUERTE Y ARQUMEDES | 08:15 |
jaime | el nayib estaba con heiser | 08:15 |
equipo3 | Arqumedes de Siracusa (287- 12 a.C.) es un matemtico, fsico y astrnomo de primer orden. En el mundo de las matemticas contribuy al estudio de las esferas y los cilindros, las parbolas y las espirales, proponiendo mtodos en geometra que anticipan el clcu | 08:15 |
jaime | el nayib estaba con heiser | 08:15 |
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jaime | el nayib estaba con heiser | 08:15 |
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jaime | el nayib estaba con heiser | 08:15 |
Jairo | en la micro | 08:15 |
jaime | el nayib estaba con heiser | 08:15 |
jaime | el nayib estaba con heiser | 08:15 |
jaime | el nayib estaba con heiser | 08:15 |
ja | jajaj | 08:15 |
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jaime | no alla abajo | 08:15 |
=== genii puts on his spam goggles | ||
Jairo | juan dy y yamile | 08:15 |
jhutchins_lt | !ops | troll jamie | 08:15 |
ubotu | troll jamie: Help! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild! | 08:15 |
jaime | hoyyyyyyyyy | 08:15 |
equipo3 | julian y carolina | 08:15 |
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equipo3 | julian y carolina | 08:15 |
equipo3 | julian y carolina | 08:15 |
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jhutchins_lt | Thank youy Hobbsee | 08:16 |
Hobbsee | sigh | 08:16 |
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Hobbsee | no problem | 08:16 |
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Jack2143 | genii: find anything? | 08:17 |
genii | Jack2143 jhutchins_lt vxduch Would it be neccesary to run grub-update (may not be exact commandname) ? The menu.lst looks OK | 08:17 |
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genii | ^vzduch | 08:17 |
=== jhutchins_lt does lilo. | ||
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oleg | hello | 08:18 |
Jack2143 | genii: do you want to see the fstab file as well? | 08:18 |
genii | Jack2143: Yes please | 08:18 |
Jack2143 | genii: one moment please. | 08:18 |
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Jack2143 | genii: heres the fstab file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30364/ | 08:19 |
genii | OK, reading | 08:19 |
genii | I see the issue | 08:20 |
genii | Well, issues | 08:20 |
genii | old CD was hdd. Needs to be now hdc | 08:20 |
genii | also, the uuid references need to be removed now | 08:21 |
Jack2143 | genii: so which line am i editing | 08:21 |
genii | Jack2143: Wait and I will just make another one for you to cut/paste. | 08:22 |
Jack2143 | ok thanks | 08:22 |
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genii | Jack2143: Replace your fstab with paste from here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30366/ | 08:24 |
sy135 | is there an tooltip function on ubuntu that shows filesize, exifs or a preview by coming over an fileicon? | 08:25 |
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aaroncampbell | My computer seems to accept ssh connections from my local network, but not from anything in the "outside world" ...I tried sudo iptables -L and it shows 3 empty chains, defaulted to ACCEPT. Is there anything else that may cause the issue? | 08:25 |
Jack2143 | genii: ok done, now i reboot? | 08:25 |
vzduch | genii: ? | 08:25 |
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genii | Jack2143: I would say yes :) | 08:26 |
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Jack2143 | ok i will post back :) | 08:26 |
genii | vzduch: Yes? | 08:26 |
Jack2143 | be right back thanks for the help genii | 08:26 |
vzduch | [20:18:07] < genii> ^vzduch | 08:26 |
rbrunhuber | aaroncampbell: do you have any restrictions in sshd config? | 08:26 |
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genii | vzduch Ah :) the ^^ means to look up to previous post where I spelled your nick wrong | 08:26 |
aaroncampbell | good question...I didn't even know there was a config | 08:27 |
raymond | what is a good command line music player | 08:27 |
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vzduch | genii: '^^' != arrows! :D | 08:27 |
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genii | vzduch I got lazy, sorry LOL | 08:27 |
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Suppressor | ok, I have a display based question... I was running Kubuntu Dapper, and last night I started upgrading to Feisty... today, after like 10 or 12 upgrade attempts, everything seems to be working but the way it displays on my screen... | 08:28 |
Suppressor | my screen is huge now... do I just install one of the nvidia drivers? | 08:28 |
rbrunhuber | aaroncampbell : it is located under /etc/ | 08:28 |
sy135 | is there an tooltip function on ubuntu that shows filesize, exifs or a preview by coming over an fileicon? | 08:28 |
fdoving | raymond: i find mpd and ncmpc very good. | 08:28 |
fdoving | raymond: those are package names. | 08:28 |
raymond | ok ill give those a try | 08:29 |
rbrunhuber | aaroncampbell : what do you mean with connections from the outside? | 08:29 |
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aaroncampbell | rbrunhuber: from outside my local network | 08:30 |
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aaroncampbell | rbrunhuber: I looked in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and I don't see anything that would limit it | 08:30 |
rbrunhuber | how is your setup? has you computer two network cards? Are you connected to "outside" via a router? | 08:31 |
rbrunhuber | aaroncampbell : se above | 08:31 |
fdoving | aaroncampbell: what was your initial question? | 08:31 |
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genii | aaroncampbell: There are a few things not linux related which could be causing this. Mostly to do with having a router etc | 08:31 |
aaroncampbell | rbrunhuber: Computer has multiple network adapters, but only one is in use. It is connected to a linksys router, which connects to my DSL modem | 08:32 |
aaroncampbell | fdoving: My computer seems to accept ssh connections from my local network, but not from anything in the "outside world" ...I tried sudo iptables -L and it shows 3 empty chains, defaulted to ACCEPT. Is there anything else that may cause the issue? | 08:32 |
rbrunhuber | aaroncampbell : and you can't get connections from clients behind the router? | 08:32 |
fdoving | aaroncampbell: have a look at portforwarding on your routers configuration web-interface. | 08:33 |
aaroncampbell | rbrunhuber: Correct, however...port 22 IS forwarded (tcp and udp) to this system ( | 08:33 |
genii | fdoving Exactly my thought | 08:33 |
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Jack2143 | hey genii | 08:34 |
Jack2143 | genii: i also get error selected disk does not exist :/ | 08:34 |
fdoving | aaroncampbell: if the port fortwarding is set in the router check that the modem forwards connections, some of them does restrict that. | 08:34 |
genii | Jack2143 Hmm | 08:34 |
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aaroncampbell | fdoving: I checked that too, it has port 22 forwarded to this computer (tcp). | 08:34 |
genii | Jack2143: Please pastebin the results of the command: fdisk -l and also blkid | 08:35 |
Jack2143 | ok one moment | 08:35 |
Jack2143 | !pastebin | 08:35 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 08:35 |
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Jack2143 | genii: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30368/ | 08:36 |
fdoving | aaroncampbell: ok, i can only tell you this is not a linux-misconfiguration if connections from the local network are accepted, it has something to do with your internet connection and/or some of the components that make that connection happen, or your ISP. | 08:36 |
genii | OK, reading | 08:37 |
aaroncampbell | Thanks fdoving | 08:37 |
fdoving | aaroncampbell: you're welcome :) | 08:37 |
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genii | Jack2143: Did you have 6.10 or 7.04 installed on it? | 08:38 |
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Jack2143 | 6.10 | 08:38 |
genii | 6.10 = hdX 7.04=sdX syntax | 08:38 |
genii | OK | 08:38 |
vzduch | genii: not necessarily | 08:39 |
genii | Jack2143: I will make another fstab change for you to put in the proper uuid. You need to do the entire deal with mkdir /mnt/hdd and so on now again | 08:39 |
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genii | work, 2-3 mins | 08:39 |
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Jack2143 | can you repost the commands, im running a livecd and there is no logging :/ | 08:40 |
invader_ | hello | 08:40 |
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vzduch | Jack2143: paper & pen ftw :D | 08:40 |
Jack2143 | :) | 08:40 |
Jack2143 | got them handy now | 08:40 |
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vzduch | sudo mkdir /mnt/hdd ; sudo mount /dev/hdd5 /mnt/hdd | 08:41 |
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Jack2143 | ge | 08:42 |
Jack2143 | genii: ? | 08:42 |
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vzduch | Jack2143: [20:40:25] < genii> work, 2-3 mins | 08:42 |
Jack2143 | ok mounted | 08:43 |
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Jack2143 | genii: mounted, where is the new fstab file | 08:43 |
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Jack2143 | vzduch: does that mean he is coming back? | 08:46 |
genii | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30371/ | 08:46 |
Jack2143 | ah :) | 08:46 |
Jack2143 | one moment pleas | 08:46 |
vzduch | as we speak of the devil :D | 08:46 |
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Jack2143 | whats the command for the fstab | 08:46 |
Jack2143 | so i can write it down and not keep buggering for it ;) | 08:46 |
genii | Jack2143: kdesu kate /mnt/hdd/etc/fstab | 08:47 |
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genii | Jack2143: I am thinking now we may also want to update grub but i need to look for the exact syntax | 08:48 |
Jack2143 | genii: ok i pasted/saved | 08:48 |
Jack2143 | grub grub-install grub-reboot grub-terminfo | 08:48 |
Jack2143 | grub-floppy grub-md5-crypt grub-set-default | 08:48 |
Jack2143 | genii: those are commands for grub | 08:48 |
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genii | Jack2143: OK, try reboot then. If not working still, we will try the update-grub way | 08:50 |
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Jack2143 | genii: ok rebooting now | 08:51 |
Jack2143 | brb | 08:51 |
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raymond | how do i point mpc at my music directory? | 08:53 |
Cocytus | Openoffice/mozilla and some other defaults to US units, even though KDE is set up with norwegian units. Could this possibly be because GTK apps uses US units? Where to change this? | 08:53 |
ricercia | raymond: u hav to edit config files | 08:53 |
ricercia | in /etc somewhere | 08:53 |
Cocytus | Also: Local CUPS can print, and apps using CUPS directly. I cant however print from KDE apps even though the KDE apps find the printer just fine (and get status:ready) | 08:53 |
genii | Getting coffee, AFK maybe 5 mins | 08:54 |
raymond | ok | 08:54 |
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tmske | can somebody help me getting kubuntu mount my ntfs partition with ntfs-3g automaticly? | 08:54 |
vzduch | !ntfs-3g | tmske | 08:54 |
ubotu | tmske: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 08:54 |
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tmske | vzduch: problem is I have 2 external harddisks with ntfs so I don't know always where they will be and I always want them mounted to the same place | 08:56 |
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BluesKaj | hmm Discovery Broadband channel doesn't support Linux ...booo, some and they pretend to be uptodate techtypes , what a joke ! | 08:57 |
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MaTiAz | Nowadays being up to date means supporting Vista | 08:57 |
miles_ | does anyone here love iptables? | 08:58 |
PhinnFort | YEAH! | 08:58 |
Jack2143 | genii: also same error. selected disk does not exist | 08:58 |
PhinnFort | <3 iptables <3 | 08:58 |
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miles_ | a fresh ubuntu install has the iptables locked down correct? | 08:58 |
BluesKaj | BBC is knuckling under to MS as well their Iplayer is the ms mediaplayer in disguise | 08:58 |
miles_ | meaning everything is blocked | 08:59 |
Jack2143 | genii: also same error. selected disk does not exist | 08:59 |
Jack2143 | ahh sorry to repeat | 08:59 |
ricercia | i h8 the BBC | 08:59 |
PhinnFort | miles_: I don't think it has any iptabless rules by deffault | 08:59 |
PhinnFort | !iptables | 08:59 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 08:59 |
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genii | Back | 08:59 |
PhinnFort | BBC is foolish | 08:59 |
PhinnFort | but I like Little Britain | 08:59 |
miles_ | see, i typed iptables -L, and it seemd like it didnt have any rules, i thought i read somewhere that ubuntu came locked down as default | 08:59 |
ricercia | i have to pay my license fee for their propaganda | 08:59 |
genii | Jack2143: OK, then from kosole issue: sudo update-grub | 08:59 |
PhinnFort | miles_: no need to lock down | 09:00 |
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genii | Jack2143: Sorry, not yet | 09:00 |
PhinnFort | miles_: there's nothing to hide | 09:00 |
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genii | Jack2143: First, need to do the mkdir /mnt/hdd and so on, mount it. THEN sudo update-grub | 09:00 |
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Jack2143 | ok one moment | 09:00 |
MaTiAz | BTW, how to force a resolution to an external screen? My TV resolution is 1360x768 but the laptop outputs only 1024x768 in Linux | 09:01 |
PhinnFort | !xorg.conf | 09:01 |
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ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 09:01 |
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MaTiAz | PhinnFort: Thanks :) | 09:01 |
PhinnFort | yw;) | 09:01 |
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Jack2143 | hey genii | 09:03 |
Jack2143 | Searching for GRUB installation directory ... | 09:03 |
Jack2143 | No GRUB directory found. | 09:03 |
Jack2143 | To create a template run 'mkdir /boot/grub' first. | 09:03 |
Jack2143 | To install grub, install it manually or try the 'grub-install' command. | 09:03 |
Jack2143 | ### Warning, grub-install is used to change your MBR. ### | 09:03 |
genii | Jack2143: Hopefully update-grub will correct any weirdness in the mbr | 09:03 |
Jack2143 | i get an eror genii look up | 09:03 |
Jack2143 | no GRUB directory found | 09:03 |
Jack2143 | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /mnt/hdd | 09:04 |
Jack2143 | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/hdd5 /mnt/hdd | 09:04 |
genii | Jack2143: Is the hdd5 mounted under /mnt/hdd ? | 09:04 |
Jack2143 | genii: and i mounted as you said | 09:04 |
genii | OK, let me think then | 09:04 |
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PhinnFort | !paste | 09:04 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 09:04 |
vzduch | either you need to indicate to Grub that /mnt/hdd5 == /, or use chroot | 09:04 |
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Jack2143 | how? | 09:04 |
vzduch | my guess | 09:04 |
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genii | Jack2143: Yes, chroot as vzduch says | 09:05 |
Jack2143 | how do i do that | 09:05 |
Jack2143 | im really new to this :) | 09:05 |
genii | No syntax in update-grub man page for directory specifying :( | 09:05 |
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vzduch | genii: kopt=root=/dev/hdd5 maybe? | 09:06 |
vzduch | see man update-grub | 09:06 |
Jack2143 | ok i did that, now what? | 09:06 |
genii | Jack2143: issue: sudo chroot /mnt/hdd then you can do again the sudo update-grub | 09:06 |
Jack2143 | ok seems to have updated | 09:07 |
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Jack2143 | genii: should i paste the output? | 09:07 |
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genii | Jack2143: ok.So: exit | 09:07 |
Jack2143 | ok now i reboot? | 09:08 |
roland | hi | 09:08 |
genii | If no errors, then paste un needed | 09:08 |
genii | Jack2143: Yes. the menu.lst and fstab you have already now should be good if the grub is fixed | 09:08 |
Jack2143 | ok i will reboot | 09:08 |
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Jack2143 | genii: i will reboot and post back results, BRB | 09:09 |
Jack2143 | brb | 09:09 |
vzduch | genii: from man update-grub: | 09:09 |
vzduch | These are the options passed to the linux kernel: | 09:09 |
vzduch | # kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro | 09:09 |
vzduch | Everything after "kopt=" is passed to the kernel as parameters. See bootparam(7) for more information. | 09:09 |
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vzduch | or would that be for building a menu.lst entry? | 09:10 |
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genii | vzduch Yeah that would be the menu.lst default I believe | 09:11 |
arun | Does anyone here know a lot about wikis? | 09:11 |
vzduch | !anyone | 09:11 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 09:11 |
genii | vzduch: Tho it's not often I use those commands so not totally certain | 09:11 |
Cocytus | KDEPrint does not work.. jobs seems to be spooled in /tmp/kde-username/xxxxxx, but CUPS doesnt seem to get the job at all. | 09:12 |
vzduch | neither do I :) | 09:12 |
genii | Cocytus: Remove spooling and print raw or direct | 09:12 |
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arun | vzduch: I just saw a wiki and wanted to know whether it is running on an open source wiki, or a proprietary one | 09:12 |
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vzduch | arun: should be indicated somewhere there | 09:12 |
arun | vzduch: it's not | 09:13 |
vzduch | if not they're probably violating publication laws | 09:13 |
arun | which is why i'm asking | 09:13 |
genii | arun Look at the page source code | 09:13 |
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vzduch | going to the window, for a change, to have a smoke.. brb | 09:15 |
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Jack2143 | genii: still same problem.... selected disk does not exist :( | 09:16 |
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Cocytus | genii: uh.. where do I do that? You mean dont print through cups directly? | 09:16 |
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arun | i think it's proprietary, thanks anyway | 09:17 |
Jack2143 | genii: ? | 09:17 |
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Jack2143 | genii? | 09:19 |
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vzduch | !patience | Jack2143 | 09:19 |
ubotu | Jack2143: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 09:19 |
Jack2143 | oh ok | 09:20 |
Jack2143 | i wait then :) | 09:20 |
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genii | Back | 09:20 |
Jack2143 | ok | 09:21 |
Jack2143 | so still same error genii | 09:21 |
Jack2143 | selected disk does not exist | 09:21 |
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genii | Jack2143: I'm pretty much out of ideas then. Other than just experimenting in the menu.lst with perhaps hd(2 instead of hd(3 | 09:22 |
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vzduch | make that '(hd2 instead of (hd3' :) | 09:22 |
Jack2143 | genii: in fdisk -l i see "/dev/hdd5 3322 3737 3341488+ 83 Linux" | 09:23 |
Jack2143 | so shouldn't it be hd5? | 09:23 |
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genii | vzduch: Yes, you're right :) I forget from commandline hd(x,x) to conf file (hdx,x) | 09:23 |
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Jack2143 | so what should i change ? | 09:24 |
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genii | Arg capslock | 09:24 |
persen | whats the port numbers used for sshd and free nx? Just so i can open it up in my router | 09:25 |
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genii | Anyhow, grub hd0 = hda hd1=hdb and so on | 09:25 |
vzduch | persen: http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers | 09:25 |
jonnylinuxnerd | ssh port 22 | 09:25 |
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genii | Jack2143: Well, could try grub-install. this is what i would consider a last resort tho before just a clean install | 09:26 |
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genii | Jack2143: It needs to be done same way as when we did chroot | 09:27 |
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Jack2143 | sudo grub-install | 09:28 |
Jack2143 | install_device not specified. | 09:28 |
Jack2143 | oh | 09:28 |
Jack2143 | whats chroot command | 09:28 |
genii | Jack2143: eg: the entire mkdir /mnt/hdd thing, then: sudo chroot /mnt/hdd then: grub-install /dev/hdd | 09:28 |
Jack2143 | first i mount the drives | 09:28 |
Jack2143 | ok one moment pleasre | 09:28 |
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Jack2143 | grub-install /dev/hdd | 09:29 |
Jack2143 | /dev/hdd: Not found or not a block device. | 09:29 |
rrbiz | so which kde version is the latest stable release ? | 09:29 |
genii | Jack2143: Ah OK. no dev entry in chrooted environment :) type: exit | 09:30 |
shadowhywind | hay all, i am trying to resize my linux partition, with 5 gigs of unpartitioned space directly infront of it, and a livecd of qtparted wont do it it sees everything, but wont let me resize | 09:30 |
evilmm | rrbiz: 3.5.6 | 09:30 |
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Jack2143 | ok i type exit | 09:30 |
Jack2143 | now what | 09:30 |
genii | Jack2143: 1 minute, need to look up syntax from different drive booted | 09:30 |
Jack2143 | ok | 09:31 |
rrbiz | evilmm: ok tks, thats what i have now, thought mebbe 3.5.7 was | 09:31 |
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evilmm | rrbiz: well, wikipedia lists 3.5.7 so | 09:31 |
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genii | Jack2143: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hdd /dev/hdd | 09:32 |
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evilmm | 3.5.7 looks like just an addition to translations | 09:32 |
Jack2143 | sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hdd /dev/hdd | 09:33 |
Jack2143 | /dev/hdd does not have any corresponding BIOS drive. | 09:33 |
genii | ! | 09:33 |
Jack2143 | cant i just use 'grub' | 09:33 |
Jack2143 | to bring up the grub shell.. | 09:33 |
genii | no | 09:33 |
Jack2143 | oh | 09:33 |
purpleposeidon | is there a way to ssh into a computer, and `export DISPLAY=hostname:0` and run X programs off that computer? | 09:33 |
Jack2143 | so am i hosed genii? | 09:34 |
genii | Jack2143: please pastebin what: ls -l /dev/hd* produces | 09:34 |
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Jack2143 | !paste | 09:35 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 09:35 |
genii | Jack2143: My current suspicion is that your bios stops looking for any hard drives if it does not find one on the IDE0 channel | 09:35 |
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Jack2143 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30376/ | 09:35 |
genii | reading | 09:35 |
yeniklasor | My usb flash memory didn't mount automaticly. How can I mount it? | 09:35 |
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Jack2143 | no genii my bios all it has about ide is one setting like Which to boot first, cdrom/hd/floppy | 09:36 |
Jack2143 | other than that no | 09:36 |
rrbiz | evilmm: so from 3.5.6 to 3.5.7 is no biggie ? | 09:36 |
genii | Jack2143: OK, the right entries are there in /dev. So linux knows about the drives. But it looks like your bios does not | 09:37 |
evilmm | rrbiz: i dont think so | 09:37 |
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Jack2143 | well my bios doesnt have any settings of what ur speakin about | 09:38 |
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rrbiz | ok cool | 09:38 |
Jack2143 | all it has is like which device to boot from first, and i have CDROM (so i can boot form my livecd) | 09:38 |
vzduch | evilmm, rrbiz: if you mean KDE, the upgrade goes w/o problems | 09:38 |
genii | Jack2143: Maybe try this. Reboot, go into bios. Put all hd settings to "auto" so it tries to autodetect on both IDE | 09:38 |
Jack2143 | it IS on auto | 09:38 |
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genii | Jack2143: Maybe the first 2 say "not installed" ? | 09:39 |
Jack2143 | what? | 09:39 |
Jack2143 | the error says on ALL of them (kubuntu, safemode kubuntu, memtest86, windows XP) ... selected disk does not exist | 09:39 |
rrbiz | vzduch: just wondering if it's worth upgrading from 356 to 357 | 09:39 |
genii | Jack2143: Yes, that is software. I am speaking of how the computer hardware bios sees the drives which are connected or not and then reports them to the software so it knows where to look in grub for instance for hd0 or hd1 etc etc | 09:40 |
yeniklasor | My usb flash memory didn't mount automaticly. How can I mount it? | 09:40 |
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Jack2143 | nop i have no options like that... | 09:40 |
shadowhywind | does anyone know how to resize a ext3 partition | 09:40 |
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Jack2143 | i have both my cdrom and hd on AUTO in bios | 09:41 |
genii | Jack2143: OK let me think a minute. there may be some kernel option at boot to use a different way for seeing the HD hardware/disk numbers | 09:41 |
Jack2143 | genii: how do i unmount the drives i mounted | 09:43 |
genii | Jack2143: On livecd I am not sure how to insert boot options before load | 09:43 |
genii | Jack sudo umount /mnt/hdd | 09:44 |
Jack2143 | so tell me i will write them down and do them when grub boots up | 09:44 |
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genii | Jack2143: I would try the option: pci=routeirq | 09:44 |
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Cocytus | genii: How do i use raw printing? (You said earliser that my "kdeprint does not seem to add print jobs to the cups system" problem might be solved if I didn't use spooling, raw printing) | 09:45 |
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genii | Cocytus: In printer config area | 09:47 |
genii | work, afk | 09:47 |
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genii | back. Let me look where exactly for print settings. brb | 09:49 |
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amundsen | hi | 09:49 |
amundsen | which is the package that i should install in a ubuntu server machine to look like kubuntu ? | 09:50 |
frenris | is there anyway to graphically mount a partition, or do I have to go back to the CLI? | 09:50 |
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fdoving | amundsen: kubuntu-desktop | 09:50 |
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sparrw | Is there a way to make konqueror automatically open sftp://*.php in kate, without affecting its handling of http://*.php ? | 09:51 |
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geniiComputer | Cocytus: System Settings > Computer Administration area.. Printers > choose printer, go to Properties. Should be there somewhere | 09:51 |
geniiComputer | Bleh | 09:51 |
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genii | Cocytus: System Settings > Computer Administration area.. Printers > choose printer, go to Properties. Should be there somewhere | 09:52 |
genii | Sorry for dbl post | 09:52 |
hasan | hi guys | 09:52 |
hasan | i ve got question | 09:52 |
hasan | i use bash shell and in vi mode | 09:52 |
hasan | but i want to clear screen whenever i press ctrl +l button | 09:53 |
hasan | like in emacs mode | 09:53 |
hasan | how can i assign that ? | 09:53 |
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vzduch | !enter | hasan | 09:54 |
ubotu | hasan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:54 |
fdoving | sparrw: yes, just assign kate to the filetype. as for local filemanagement files. websites are not affected as that is a webserver thing. | 09:54 |
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sparrw | fdoving: if only. | 09:54 |
hasan | i dont use enter key in fact i use ctrl+j | 09:55 |
hasan | ;) | 09:55 |
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sparrw | fdoving: try that, then visit a php page | 09:55 |
sparrw | the html will load in kate | 09:55 |
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mbaydoun | is anyone here access superpass (realplayer) content from ubuntu? | 09:56 |
fdoving | sparrw: i did, works nicely. | 09:56 |
sparrw | fdoving: very weird. i did too, and now php on the web opens in kate :( | 09:56 |
fdoving | sparrw: then try view -> viewmode -> khtml in konqueror. | 09:56 |
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sparrw | i dont have that, what version of kde? | 09:57 |
sparrw | im using 3.5.6 | 09:57 |
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WalterCool | hi there... someone know how fix a corrupted ext2fs partition? | 09:57 |
frenris | is there anyway to graphically mount a partition, or do I have to go back to the CLI? Or how would I mount an ext3 partition of hda3 to /media/ (the manpage is confusing)? | 09:58 |
fdoving | sparrw: 3.5.6 too, i might have hacked the menus. | 09:58 |
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vzduch | frenris: sudo mount -t ext3 -o defaults /dev/hda3 /media | 09:58 |
Cocytus | genii: thanks, but did not solve the problem :/ | 09:59 |
sparrw | fdoving: once you do that, then it will load non-http in the file association and http in the browser | 09:59 |
sparrw | ? | 09:59 |
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fdoving | sparrw: i didn't have to do it. | 09:59 |
fdoving | sparrw: it just works for me after selecting kate as the editor for .php files. | 09:59 |
vzduch | WalterCool: umount the partition, then 'fsck -C /dev/insertDeviceNodeHere' | 10:00 |
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sparrw | fdoving: :( | 10:00 |
genii | Cocytus: Did you try some test page after changing it to raw/direct ? | 10:00 |
WalterCool | lets me try... | 10:00 |
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frenris | vzduch: ty, I have discovered that I have not borked my data like I did my edgy install (feisty upgrade) | 10:02 |
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frenris | question: what is the command to check a drive for errors? it is something like e2fks. My windows partition is currently unable to read my ext3 ones. | 10:03 |
genii | Cocytus: The previous jobs which got sent will not print off, but if you send a new print job it should go | 10:03 |
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genii | Cocytus: You should also be able to clear out any printing queue from that same area of printer config in System settings | 10:04 |
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vzduch | frenris: do you have Ext2 drivers installed in Windows? | 10:04 |
genii | In Jobs section | 10:04 |
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vzduch | frenris: for checking -> 'sudo umount /dev/hda3', 'sudo fsck -C /dev/hda3' (assuming it's hda3 you want to check) | 10:06 |
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frenris | vzduch: yes, they are the ext2 drivers | 10:07 |
frenris | are there any ext3 drivers for windows? | 10:07 |
genii | fs-driver.org | 10:07 |
vzduch | frenris: I've heard there are, but they are said to be cr*p | 10:08 |
vzduch | frenris: the Ext2 drivers available normally have no problem reading/writing Ext3 | 10:08 |
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fdoving | hasan: did you figure out the ctrl-l thing yet? | 10:08 |
genii | vzduch I dunno :) fs-driver.org ext driver has been good for me | 10:08 |
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hasan | nope | 10:09 |
hasan | fdoving: nope i havent | 10:09 |
evilmm | hmmm after i install beryl and beryl-manager...the mamger wont run | 10:09 |
evilmm | just times out | 10:09 |
jono | does anyone know how to get 3 taskbars in KDE? | 10:09 |
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vzduch | 3? o0 | 10:09 |
jono | i have 3 screens | 10:09 |
fdoving | hasan: ok put 'Control-l: clear-screen' in your ~/.inputrc file and restart bash. | 10:10 |
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jono | i want one for each screen | 10:10 |
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frenris | vzduch: after the botched upgrade to feisty making my edgy partition unbootable, my windows partition is unable to mount either my ext3 system or data partitions | 10:11 |
fdoving | hasan: for more info on the topic 'man readline' you can customize that to the moon and back :) | 10:11 |
frenris | although my dapper partition is able to mount and read my data one | 10:11 |
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hasan | but it does not clear screen completely | 10:11 |
hasan | in emacs it clear screen and also line too | 10:12 |
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fdoving | hasan: the commandprompt will remain, it always does. | 10:12 |
frenris | vzduch: do the ext2 drivers need to be "turned on" or anything after start up? Or they naturally part of the kernel after? | 10:12 |
raymond | can i copy files via ssh? | 10:13 |
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conorkirkpatrick | Is there anyway that I can change the resolution that my screensaver runs at? | 10:13 |
teryance | does anyone know how to install avant window lancher | 10:13 |
conorkirkpatrick | raymond: scopy | 10:13 |
frenris | fsck finished with no errors | 10:13 |
teryance | im a newbe | 10:13 |
hasan | fdoving : ok thx | 10:14 |
vzduch | frenris: depends on which you have.. installation instructions should be available where you got them from | 10:14 |
raymond | *scopy | 10:14 |
raymond | !scopy | 10:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about scopy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:14 |
teryance | and i need help getting my desktop lookinggood | 10:14 |
vzduch | what's scopy? | 10:14 |
raymond | conorkirkpatrick: what is scopy | 10:15 |
raymond | never heard of it | 10:15 |
vzduch | teryance: try http://kde-look.org/ | 10:15 |
conorkirkpatrick | raymond: It is a command, it should come standard with every *nix distro | 10:15 |
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teryance | ok | 10:15 |
conorkirkpatrick | raymond: It will let you copy things over the network | 10:15 |
vzduch | conorkirkpatrick: could it be you mean scp? | 10:16 |
conorkirkpatrick | vzduch: oh, my bas, it is scp :D | 10:16 |
raymond | oh | 10:16 |
conorkirkpatrick | raymond: It is scp, not scopy | 10:16 |
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teryance | well how would i install these | 10:16 |
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vzduch | never used it myself though, just know that it exists | 10:17 |
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genii | jono: I'm pretty sure you can just rightclick on the bar, go New Panel. then move that to whatever screen you want it on | 10:17 |
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genii | external taskbar | 10:18 |
=== genii hums scopy scopy doo where are you | ||
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jono | genii: you're right you can load an external taskbar...but after one is loaded the option is greyed out and i need two extra ones | 10:19 |
lied | hello | 10:19 |
lied | how to install vmware.rpm? there is a tool called alied, but i dont know how to use it | 10:19 |
hasan | is there a way to sync motorolo mpx 220 with kubuntu? | 10:19 |
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vzduch | lied: why install a VMware rpm? | 10:20 |
[GuS] | people... is have some weird visual issued with latest update of qt4 in qt4 apps | 10:20 |
[GuS] | since today | 10:20 |
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genii | jono I'll google around to see if there is some .kde setting for taskbar limits | 10:20 |
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lied | vzduch: to have an .deb file. so i can easly uninstall it when i need it anymore | 10:20 |
[GuS] | example, qt4-designer works to bad... many visual/graphics defects | 10:20 |
[GuS] | and with other apps that uses qt4 as well | 10:20 |
jono | genii: thats what i was trying to do but didn't find anything yet | 10:20 |
vzduch | lied: vmware is available as an *buntu pkg in the repos | 10:21 |
vzduch | at least vmware-server is | 10:21 |
lied | vzduch: hm i only see the vware player | 10:21 |
lied | i need workstation ... | 10:21 |
birdy__ | hallo | 10:21 |
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vzduch | the workstation is buyware | 10:21 |
lied | and? | 10:21 |
vzduch | buy it & ask them if they have a deb :) | 10:21 |
birdy__ | na wie isses bei euch denn so? | 10:21 |
vzduch | !de | birdy__ | 10:22 |
ubotu | birdy__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 10:22 |
lied | vzduch: i have a 30days trial version ... | 10:22 |
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birdy__ | wird hier denn kein deutsch gesprochen? | 10:22 |
lied | birdy__: nein, ist ein englischer channel | 10:22 |
vzduch | birdy__: nein, dieser Kanal ist English-only | 10:22 |
lied | hm can i install a rpm file with alien or not? | 10:22 |
genii | jono Is it greyed out when you rightclick on the newly-created panel? | 10:22 |
vzduch | 'course you can | 10:23 |
birdy__ | ah! alright, sorry, i just stop thinking for 5 minutes... | 10:23 |
lied | if yes, can someone help or do i have to read man files for hours ... | 10:23 |
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birdy__ | merci @ lied & vzduch | 10:23 |
vzduch | never used it myself.. or else it's been 4 years since.. but should be a no-brainer | 10:23 |
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jono | genii: the newly created external taskbar does not have a big menu...it has the option to remove and configure | 10:23 |
genii | jono Yes, I'm experimenting with it now actually | 10:24 |
lied | oh :) | 10:24 |
lied | this is easy i think | 10:24 |
lied | alied -d foobar.rpm | 10:24 |
lied | :) | 10:24 |
vzduch | hehe | 10:25 |
lied | i hope it work so ;) | 10:25 |
vzduch | s/alied/alien/ | 10:25 |
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lied | vzduch: alias alied="alien" :D | 10:25 |
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teryance | vzduch how do i install these | 10:26 |
lied | gr school sucks. there where no exams during the whole year but tomorrow the *peep* has to write 2 exams on one day | 10:27 |
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vzduch | teryance: install what? | 10:28 |
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vzduch | s/what/what exactly/ | 10:28 |
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teryance | the app lancher | 10:29 |
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hero | vzduch: looks like you have a couple extra fingers :) | 10:29 |
vzduch | hero: ? | 10:30 |
hero | just watching all the typos - teasing | 10:30 |
miles | teehee u silly | 10:30 |
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vzduch | what typos? | 10:30 |
hero | ah, nevermind. | 10:30 |
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teryance | i need to know where to get a app lancher and install it | 10:34 |
teryance | and how to install it | 10:34 |
vzduch | what's an app launcher? | 10:34 |
teryance | like avant windows lancher | 10:35 |
vzduch | never heard of | 10:35 |
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=== jriachi [n=jriachi@229.Red-83-44-117.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
teryance | its like the tool bar on the mac os | 10:35 |
=== LeeMcC [n=lee@r74-193-42-54.nacdcmta01.ncgdtx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
teryance | at the bottom of the screen | 10:36 |
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vzduch | in MacOS I only know such a thing on one side of the screen.. and I heard a name the other day but can't remember | 10:37 |
genii | testing something, brb | 10:37 |
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teryance | u can run ur mouse over it and all the icons are there to lanch | 10:38 |
teryance | apps | 10:38 |
=== vzduch has no use for such a thing :) | ||
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teryance | lol | 10:39 |
teryance | ok well what do u have set up | 10:39 |
teryance | on ur desktop | 10:39 |
vzduch | the standard KDE menu | 10:39 |
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teryance | ok whats the easy way of installing something i just downloaded | 10:43 |
McBee | hello... how can i change the tag of a file m4a? (sorry for my english :P ) | 10:43 |
vzduch | teryance: the easiest way is not to download anything in the first place.. check if it's in the repos, if it is you don't need anything else | 10:44 |
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teryance | whats the repos | 10:44 |
teryance | im sorry im a newbe | 10:45 |
vzduch | !repos | 10:45 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 10:45 |
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jono | genii: no luck so far? | 10:46 |
vzduch | jono: [22:38:41] -!- genii [n=user@host6411912762.biz.tor.fcibroadband.com] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] | 10:47 |
jono | vzduch: i guess i would have been waiting for a while...thanks | 10:48 |
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alejandro_ | Hi, I have installed Kubuntu, and I would like to know if I can use a Fedora/Mandriva/Suse program pack on Ubuntu, i don't know how to install Avermedia DVB-T program | 10:57 |
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hasan | how can assign ctrl+p to go 1 in command history and ctrl+n to go down iin command history in .inputrc? | 10:59 |
hasan | what should i written there? | 10:59 |
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evilmm | alejandro_: what is it..an rpm? | 10:59 |
frax | #kubuntu-it | 11:00 |
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=== vla_ [n=vla@201-42-164-45.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miles | is there a certain ftp server you guys prefer? | 11:00 |
=== humbolto [n=elias@213-147-185-150.ADSL.ycn.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miles | all i know is proftpd | 11:01 |
fdoving | hasan: Control-p: previous-history, Control-n: next-history | 11:01 |
alejandro_ | joder, tanta gente y nadie quiere echar un cable? | 11:01 |
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fdoving | miles: prefer not to use ftp at all, something encrypted is nice, like sftp. | 11:01 |
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fdoving | miles: proftpd with some ssl/tls magic maybe. | 11:02 |
vzduch | !es | alejandro_ | 11:02 |
ubotu | alejandro_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 11:02 |
fdoving | miles: but installing ssh is easier than mesing around with proftpd to get tls/ssl to work. | 11:02 |
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miles | i got openssh-server, i got a samba share set up, i got people to use samba inside the network firewall, if they want to access it outside the firewall, i wanted to set up a ftp server so they could put files on the share or take files from the share | 11:07 |
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=== Hc\\ [n=toffe@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ryjin | hey folks | 11:09 |
miles | and these are all windows heads so they dont even know what ssh is | 11:09 |
litwell | hello | 11:09 |
ryjin | Do you know where i can get a mp3 decoder? | 11:09 |
=== miles feels bad for them | ||
vzduch | !mp3 | ryjin | 11:09 |
ubotu | ryjin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:09 |
vzduch | miles: give them PuTTY & some instructions :> | 11:09 |
=== Allysan [n=Allysan@24-241-233-134.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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miles | hahaha..... | 11:10 |
=== miles cries | ||
miles | o well, thanks for your guys input | 11:10 |
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hasan | join #kubuntu-es | 11:11 |
litwell | how can I change the "LANGUAGE" setting for locale? | 11:11 |
ryjin | Whats the pass for sudO? | 11:11 |
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litwell | I have set en_GB.UTF-8 with dpkg-reconfigure localeconf but it doesnt change LANGUAGE... | 11:11 |
ryjin | everytime i try to use sudo it's awlays asking me for a password | 11:12 |
vzduch | ryjin: that's what it's supposed to | 11:12 |
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vzduch | !sudo | 11:13 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 11:13 |
Allysan | The pass is whatever password you entered when you installed | 11:13 |
litwell | ryjin: it's your login password | 11:13 |
ryjin | ohh. thank you | 11:13 |
Allysan | its meant to do that so non-root users can't make system changes | 11:13 |
lied | hm how can i activate beryl? | 11:14 |
lied | i thouht there is a menu in the kmenu... | 11:14 |
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litwell | any hint on how to set up "LANGUAGE" in locale environment? | 11:15 |
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=== plukin [n=kai@ppp-62-216-203-189.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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fadey | hi,everyone. | 11:19 |
=== Hc\ [n=toffe@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fadey | does anyone know what does "rc" in dpkg -l output means? | 11:20 |
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ryjin | What does Autio output unavialble; the device is busy mean? | 11:21 |
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ryjin | audio* | 11:21 |
vzduch | it means what it says | 11:22 |
=== oscar [n=oscar@215.Red-88-22-246.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ryjin | How can I solve the problem? | 11:23 |
vzduch | quit the program that is currently using the sound device | 11:23 |
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=== WhtWolfTeraDyne just got home and going to have some "fun"... | ||
braulio_ | hi | 11:30 |
=== braulio_ is now known as chuky | ||
WhtWolfTeraDyne | Two desktops, one with a virus, and one that "might" have one. I've got to check them both out... | 11:30 |
ryjin | The music is still not playing | 11:31 |
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ryjin | Anyone can help me? | 11:34 |
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BluesKaj | ryjin, do you have your system settings/sound system all setup, kmix ctrls enabled and turned on | 11:36 |
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ryjin | yes | 11:36 |
BluesKaj | WhtWolfTeraDyne, one pc is windows I assume | 11:37 |
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vzduch | two PCs are Windows, I assume :> | 11:37 |
BluesKaj | ryjin, are you using alsa and amarok? | 11:37 |
ryjin | amarok | 11:38 |
BluesKaj | do you have alsamixer setup ? | 11:38 |
ryjin | I don't thnk so | 11:38 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | Yup. both are 3-4 yrs old, and Windows. Thankfully they're not mine. | 11:39 |
Allysan | Try going into Konsole and typing alsamixer | 11:39 |
Allysan | then tab around until you see a bar with MM at the bottom | 11:39 |
Allysan | press M when that bar is highlighted to unmute it | 11:40 |
=== gaytano [n=gaytano@adsl-ull-174-66.41-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Allysan | then press the up key to turn it up | 11:40 |
BluesKaj | ryjin, system settings / sound system/ hardware /select the audio device/ choose: advanced linux sound architecture | 11:40 |
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=== Diable is now known as DieuFactice | ||
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BluesKaj | WhtWolfTeraDyne, wife's pc is windows , 8yrs old but she uses it for email some research on the net and pretty good solitaire..mostly :) | 11:42 |
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=== Marabou is now known as meuhlol | ||
vzduch | BluesKaj: nothing she couldn't do on Linux :) | 11:42 |
BluesKaj | well ,pretty good soltaire is her fav game and the pc behind a router and AV installed and she pretty net savy | 11:44 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | BluesKaj: The owner of these two is blind. She uses the JAWS screen reader. The latest one outdoes Orca and Fesitval combined. | 11:44 |
fadey | hi,all. I can't install vim-full (package versions don't match http://pastebin.com/m5ee3269b ). Could anyone help? | 11:45 |
BluesKaj | don't want to make wifey run wine on linux ...it's her pc , windows "works for her " :) | 11:45 |
ryjin | Blue I tried that but the media player keeps freezing | 11:46 |
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Allysan | Ahhh Windows "worked" for me too | 11:46 |
vzduch | <-- going to bed, gotta get up ridiculously early tomorrow.. | 11:46 |
vzduch | night :) | 11:46 |
=== Ryaren [n=chatzill@adsl85.pool.banknet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ryaren | sby can help me in wine? | 11:47 |
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BluesKaj | ryjin, amarok is freezing ? | 11:49 |
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ryjin | Yes | 11:49 |
BluesKaj | does it play at all or just won't open | 11:49 |
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ryjin | it opens | 11:49 |
ryjin | then when I click to find audio cd | 11:50 |
ryjin | it freezes | 11:50 |
ryjin | right now | 11:50 |
ryjin | it's frozen | 11:50 |
BluesKaj | ryjin, do you have any music on your HDD , if so try that pls | 11:50 |
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ryjin | none that I know of | 11:51 |
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ryjin | kaffeine also freezes | 11:51 |
ryjin | dang this is frustrating | 11:52 |
BluesKaj | ok have yo recently upgraded you dektop or OS ? | 11:52 |
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BluesKaj | err desktop | 11:52 |
ryjin | Yes, when I first installed it yesterday | 11:52 |
BluesKaj | you upgraded from edgy ? | 11:52 |
ryjin | Edgy? | 11:53 |
BluesKaj | kubuntu edgy | 11:53 |
sfire | ryjin: did you run the memtest? | 11:53 |
BluesKaj | what did you install ? | 11:53 |
ryjin | no | 11:53 |
ryjin | I installed Kubuntu | 11:53 |
ryjin | from a live cd | 11:54 |
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BluesKaj | so you updated using adept notifier, after installation? | 11:54 |
=== genii sips a coffee | ||
ryjin | Yes | 11:55 |
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genii | Wow, a lot quieter than an hour ago | 11:57 |
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ryjin | Mp3 Audio Decoder plugin not found. | 11:59 |
ryjin | K3b could not load or find the Mp3 decoder plugin. This means that you will not be able to create Audio CDs from Mp3 files. Many Linux distributions do not include Mp3 support for legal reasons. | 11:59 |
ryjin | Solution: To enable Mp3 support, please install the MAD Mp3 decoding library as well as the K3b MAD Mp3 decoder plugin (the latter may already be installed but not functional due to the missing libmad). Some distributions allow installation of Mp3 support via an online update tool (i.e. SuSE's YOU). | 11:59 |
ryjin | thats what it tells me | 11:59 |
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BluesKaj | ok, ryjin try this in the konsole: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 12:00 |
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BluesKaj | !mp3 | 12:00 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:00 |
=== razor__ [n=razor@81-208-83-237.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ryjin | and those links didn't help | 12:01 |
ryjin | kk i put those in the console | 12:02 |
=== lerum| [n=lerum@cpc2-amer1-0-0-cust407.watf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== McBee [n=Brian@24-64-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | ryjin, also i think you might try reinstalling amarok with adept ..uninstall , do a 'sudo apt-get update' in the konsole , then install it again | 12:02 |
jhutchins | Use purge | 12:03 |
jhutchins | Oh- wait. | 12:03 |
BluesKaj | yes jhutchins agreed .. | 12:03 |
jhutchins | ryjin: Just remove .xine | 12:03 |
ryjin | .xine? | 12:03 |
jhutchins | ~/.xine | 12:03 |
BluesKaj | ok dinnertime for me ...BBL | 12:03 |
jhutchins | Known mode of failure. | 12:03 |
=== claydoh_ [n=claydoh@66-252-58-165.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ryjin | where is .xine located? | 12:04 |
=== COONiA [n=COONiA@APointe-a-Pitre-103-1-4-181.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Ryaren_ [n=chatzill@adsl153-104.pool.banknet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
COONiA | salut la room. | 12:06 |
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=== lex_ [n=lex@pool-72-94-207-150.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
WhtWolfTeraDyne | I know this isn't really for hardware. However I need some advice... | 12:06 |
jhutchins | ~/.xine | 12:07 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | I've got a CD\DVD burned in my desktop that pretty much refuses to eject most of the time. Is there any way to clean it, or should I just use my external burner, backup, and take it back to BestBuy and have them fix it? | 12:08 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | burner* | 12:08 |
ryjin | Ok I got rid of it | 12:08 |
jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: Blow it out with compressed (canned) air or take it back if it's <1yr old (and in warantee). | 12:08 |
=== ofir [n=ofir@bzq-84-109-26-220.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
WhtWolfTeraDyne | !fr | COONiA | 12:09 |
ubotu | COONiA: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 12:09 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | jhutchins: It's more than 1 year old, but we got the 3 year extended one with it. | 12:09 |
=== shadowhywind [n=shadowhy@user-0c93gca.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
WhtWolfTeraDyne | I'll try the compressed air, first, though. | 12:09 |
=== ofir [n=ofir@bzq-84-109-26-220.red.bezeqint.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
WhtWolfTeraDyne | Thankfully, if things go my way, I'll be giving it to my uncle soon, and getting me a dellbuntu machine. | 12:10 |
jhutchins | A three year warantee on a DVD... oookay. | 12:10 |
genii | WhtWolfTeraDyne: I find the curtain attachment for vacuum works well too. I steer away now from compressed air, it jams little things under surfacemount chips | 12:10 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | jhutchins: the machine, not just the burner | 12:10 |
=== xerosis_ [n=kieran@cpc2-shep5-0-0-cust722.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
WhtWolfTeraDyne | genii: thanks for the warning, but I don't have a vacuum with a hose. Just a little Dirt Devil. | 12:11 |
jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: Well, that makes more sense. Do some googling on the web and read up on extended warantees before you buy another one though, you may want to skip it. | 12:11 |
=== lex_ [n=lex@pool-72-94-207-150.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
jhutchins | WhtWolfTeraDyne: MAKE BAKUPS BEFORE YOU TAKE IT IN!!! | 12:11 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | jhutchins: I always make backups. As for warantees, next computer will be a dellbuntu machine, so... | 12:12 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | I'll look into it... | 12:12 |
ryjin | Ok, the sound is up and working | 12:13 |
ryjin | that's one problem out a handful | 12:13 |
COONiA | ok sorry | 12:13 |
=== martin_ [n=martin@217-210-182-98-no68.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ryjin | Is there a command I can type in the konsle to see how much memory i have? | 12:14 |
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