=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Main FROZEN for Tribe 3 | Please test the Tribe-3 candidates: https://isotesting.stgraber.org/ | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by pitti at Tue Jul 17 22:10:41 2007 | ||
=== #ubuntu-devel [freenode-info] please register your nickname...don't forget to auto-identify! http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup | ||
=== AndyP [n=andyp@ubuntu/member/welshbyte] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== maniacmusician [n=maniacmu@24-151-1-004.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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FireRabbit | are people from the desktop team going to be at ubuntu live next week? | 02:18 |
kylem | a few will be. | 02:18 |
FireRabbit | will there be interest in a BoF to hack on stuff? I am thinking about organizing something. | 02:19 |
kylem | according to the schedule, dholbach will be there, maybe ask him who else is going. | 02:20 |
FireRabbit | okay. | 02:20 |
FireRabbit | (I assume he comes in here?) | 02:20 |
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@186.Red-81-32-9.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== hoora_ [i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-c2fcf70212f5e9c4] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== RAOF [n=Chris_@matht464.maths.unsw.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Main FROZEN for Tribe 3 | Please test the Tribe-3 candidates: https://isotesting.stgraber.org/ | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by pitti at Tue Jul 17 22:10:41 2007 | ||
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calc | getting ooo 2.3 m221 to build is er fun | 06:38 |
=== ajmitch wonders if it's an improvement over 2.0 for stuff at work | ||
=== ijuz__ [n=ijuz@p54ABFE58.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
fabbione | morning | 06:45 |
ajmitch | hi fabbione | 06:48 |
calc | ajmitch: no idea yet, its still a pita to build apparently | 06:57 |
calc | its looking for nspr in the wrong dir :< | 06:57 |
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calc | is canonical down? | 07:15 |
calc | i can't get to the servers | 07:15 |
=== ajmitch can get to launchpad, but others can't | ||
Burgundavia | calc: certain pieces appear to be down for some | 07:15 |
Burgundavia | I can still get to the wiki | 07:15 |
calc | mail and irc is down for me | 07:15 |
Burgundavia | calc: WORKSFORME | 07:16 |
Burgundavia | clearly you have no paid your tax to Mark for this month | 07:16 |
calc | heh | 07:16 |
calc | he can take it out of my paycheck ;P | 07:17 |
Burgundavia | heh | 07:17 |
=== calc can't access his ubuntu email now, grr | ||
calc | hmm security.ubuntu.com seems down for me as well | 07:17 |
=== calc wonders if the whole DC is down | ||
calc | or maybe just one of the racks | 07:18 |
ajmitch | calc: routing, I'd say | 07:18 |
ajmitch | since I can reach everything that I know of | 07:18 |
calc | hmm ok | 07:18 |
calc | yep its routing | 07:19 |
ajmitch | mtr tells all? | 07:19 |
calc | level3 in dallas is dead | 07:19 |
calc | not sure if the next hop after dallas is london or not | 07:19 |
=== milli [n=milli@famfrit.acmeps.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
calc | i forgot the nicks of the IS/IT staff so i can't ping them either :\ | 07:20 |
Burgundavia | calc: whose? level3? | 07:21 |
calc | canonical is/it | 07:21 |
Burgundavia | ahh | 07:21 |
bryce | elmo | 07:21 |
calc | he's asleep probably | 07:21 |
calc | 6:21am there | 07:21 |
bryce | likely | 07:21 |
Burgundavia | I go seattle --> london, so I would suspect you probably go that as well | 07:21 |
Burgundavia | you could try #canonical-sysadmin | 07:21 |
calc | started working as soon as i complained in there, lol | 07:26 |
calc | it had been down an hour | 07:26 |
=== yigal [n=yigal@pool-71-118-39-68.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
calc | grr my fiance keeps editing pictures of her wedding dress and tells me not to look at the computer screen, lol | 07:28 |
calc | we get married on sat | 07:28 |
yigal | hey is this the place where I can express my interest in using bob marly and quotes from Mahatma Gandhi in 7.10? | 07:29 |
calc | yigal: huh? | 07:29 |
yigal | wouldn't that be the best | 07:29 |
yigal | huh a palindrome | 07:30 |
yigal | if it were a word | 07:30 |
calc | its american english ;) | 07:30 |
yigal | i dig it | 07:31 |
calc | ooo is melting my brain | 07:31 |
yigal | open office? | 07:32 |
calc | yigal: yea | 07:32 |
calc | i'm trying to build 2.3 m221 | 07:32 |
yigal | hmm, I really don't like using ooo its to bulky | 07:32 |
yigal | for my needs | 07:33 |
yigal | abiword/gnumeric | 07:33 |
calc | its a bit large yea | 07:33 |
yigal | its not the size, its just that on my machine its noticeably slower than using other tools for the same purpose, who knows | 07:34 |
calc | mostly due to it being huge probably, heh | 07:34 |
StevenK | calc: Any earth shattering changes from 2.2 to 2.3 m221? | 07:34 |
yigal | probably that it breaks more often | 07:35 |
calc | StevenK: it doesn't build yet for me | 07:37 |
calc | StevenK: which with 2.2 it didn't build randomly now it always doesn't build :) | 07:37 |
StevenK | That's an improvement. :-P | 07:38 |
calc | i know why it fails currently but not sure how to fix it | 07:38 |
calc | its looking for nspr in /usr/include/firefox/nspr | 07:38 |
calc | which is not where it is at | 07:38 |
calc | i probably need to look at what all patches debian is using with it and move them over for ubuntu | 07:39 |
calc | rene is asleep i think so i will have to ask him tomorrow | 07:39 |
yigal | calc: symbolic links? | 07:40 |
calc | yigal: well that could solve it but its probably not the right answer overall | 07:41 |
yigal | calc: why not? | 07:41 |
calc | because it should be looking for nspr where it normally is | 07:41 |
yigal | calc: is there a configure flag to tell it where it is? | 07:42 |
calc | not in a firefox subdir | 07:42 |
calc | not certain, i don't think so, i couldn't determine where it was combining the directory yet | 07:42 |
yigal | calc: so no simple search like, "configure --help | grep -i nspr" does anything | 07:42 |
calc | nope | 07:42 |
yigal | calc: owell | 07:43 |
yigal | :( | 07:43 |
yigal | :) | 07:43 |
minghua | yigal: Also because you can't do symbolic links in /usr/include/ when building on buildds. | 07:43 |
calc | minghua: well if the solution longterm was symlinks they could be added to the firefox-dev package (maybe, unlikely since it would be dangling in some cases) | 07:44 |
minghua | calc: Yes sure. But I think you agree that it doesn't look like a long-term solution. :-) | 07:45 |
yigal | minghua: I mean there are symbolic links in /usr/include though? | 07:46 |
yigal | minghua: already | 07:46 |
calc | not right now | 07:46 |
calc | hmm it probably should be using nspr-config to get the includedir from | 07:46 |
yigal | minghua: at least on my debian OS there is, im in unstable not ubuntu right now | 07:46 |
calc | which is set correctly | 07:46 |
calc | yigal: there isn't even a firefox-dev on sid | 07:47 |
minghua | yigal: Do you mean symbolic links in general or /usr/include/firefox/nspr/ in specific? | 07:47 |
calc | i installed iceape-dev and it has no symlinks in /usr/include/iceape -> nspr | 07:47 |
calc | what package in sid has /usr/include/firefox ? | 07:47 |
yigal | calc: no what I said before, there are symbolic links in /usr/include | 07:47 |
yigal | :) | 07:47 |
calc | oh ok, nm | 07:47 |
calc | i need to go to bed, have a good few hours :) | 07:48 |
calc | night/day/evening/morning/etc ;) | 07:48 |
ajmitch | night calc | 07:48 |
yigal | night calc | 07:48 |
yigal | sleep tight | 07:48 |
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Hobbsee | greetings all | 08:26 |
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=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h52n9c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
mneptok | Hobbsee! | 08:34 |
Hobbsee | mneptok! | 08:34 |
mneptok | http://mneptok.com/beer.pl | 08:34 |
Burgundavia | Hobbsee: how long until release? | 08:35 |
Hobbsee | Burgundavia: over 24 hours | 08:35 |
Burgundavia | ok | 08:35 |
Hobbsee | Burgundavia: we need testers, so if anyone's interested... | 08:35 |
Burgundavia | don't have the hardware | 08:36 |
Hobbsee | i meant of people you knew | 08:36 |
=== Shely [n=huahua@] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Burgundavia | right | 08:37 |
Burgundavia | all the millions whom I share an apartment with | 08:37 |
Hobbsee | i meant in whatever channels you're in | 08:37 |
mneptok | Hobbsee: did you check that Perl? | 08:41 |
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mneptok | (maybe so, you went suddenly quiet) | 08:42 |
Hobbsee | mneptok: no, i didnt | 08:42 |
Burgundavia | mneptok: that is wrong | 08:43 |
mneptok | insta-brainfry | 08:44 |
=== Czubek [n=Damian@k133d.ac.pwr.wroc.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | mneptok: heh :P | 08:46 |
mneptok | some people ... | 08:46 |
=== amitk_ [n=amit@a81-197-135-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
soren | SRU's should be based on the newest security version, right? | 08:55 |
Hobbsee | yes, i think so.. | 08:55 |
soren | Thought so. Thanks. | 08:56 |
StevenK | SRU and security updates are different. | 08:58 |
soren | StevenK: Indeed, but it seems like at lot of useless work to apply a patch to the originally released version, have it tested an uploaded to -updates and then afterwards have to go through the security patching again and push that to -security. | 09:04 |
soren | StevenK: What would be the purpose of maintaining an insecure version along with a secure version? | 09:04 |
soren | How can I tell dpkg-source that it's ok that the Maintainer is does not contain "ubuntu" even though the version string does? | 09:06 |
soren | -W does not help at all, it seems. | 09:06 |
StevenK | soren: Why not just do -security then? | 09:08 |
soren | StevenK: Because it's not a security fix? | 09:08 |
=== hunger_t [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
StevenK | In which case both fixes can be put in an SRU | 09:09 |
soren | StevenK: That's what I suggested to begin with? | 09:09 |
StevenK | It seems so, so I'll shut up now. :-) | 09:09 |
soren | StevenK: :) | 09:10 |
=== jinty [n=jinty@145.Red-83-56-156.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== TheMuso chuckles at d-i offering my irda device as a network device. | ||
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=== Hobbsee now remembers why she was going to change the name of this machine to OnFire | ||
pitti | Good morning | 09:16 |
Hobbsee | morning pitti! | 09:16 |
=== StevenK waves to pitti | ||
pitti | hey StevenK | 09:17 |
=== StevenK thinks he has run out of NBS work to do. | ||
pitti | StevenK: great! so the remaining ones are just unsolvable? | 09:18 |
StevenK | pitti: | 09:19 |
StevenK | Oops. | 09:19 |
StevenK | pitti: libspandsp1 is the exception, it's waiting for a new asterisk-spandsp-plugins to hit Debian. | 09:19 |
pitti | ah | 09:19 |
StevenK | pitti: The others either FTBFS completly, or the API has changed completly and upstream hasn't fixed it. | 09:20 |
StevenK | Actually, libatlas-cpp-0.6-0c2a will be done when a new sear hits Debian | 09:21 |
pitti | soren: do you have some time to give a spin to the server CDs? | 09:24 |
StevenK | Hrm. I think the reason graphicsmagick blows up on ia64 is the same reason ps2pdf does. | 09:24 |
=== cjwatson [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
soren | pitti: Sure. The current dailies? | 09:25 |
StevenK | pitti: And those 3 libgcj7-0 packages blow up due to Java changes. | 09:25 |
=== RAOF [n=chris@123-243-65-41.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pitti | StevenK: ok, so let's not care | 09:27 |
pitti | soren: right, the ones mentioned in the iso tracker (still /current) | 09:27 |
pitti | soren: congrats for being the only European server team member :) | 09:27 |
pitti | soren: don't do them all, of course, let some to mathiaz and dendrobates as well | 09:27 |
soren | pitti: <g> | 09:28 |
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doko | pitti: please approve freetds, changed b-d to avoid sucking in libglib1.2-dev from universe | 09:30 |
soren | pitti: "upgrade" is from Feisty, I presume? | 09:30 |
pitti | soren: right | 09:31 |
pitti | doko: ah, evil; libglib-dev | 09:31 |
soren | pitti: I'll do it when my ISO's are done rsyncing . I'm pushing a mysql upload the other way through my poor internet connection, so everything is a bit slow. | 09:31 |
pitti | soren: oh, new mysql orig.tar.gz? | 09:32 |
pitti | doko: hm, that doesn't seem to be on the CDs | 09:32 |
soren | pitti: Actually and old one. :) | 09:32 |
soren | pitti: I'm using my PPA to test a patch for a Dapper SRU and that apparantly required the orig.tar.gz too. | 09:35 |
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=== aquo [n=aquo@dslb-088-073-223-231.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
soren | pitti: Where are the testing procedures described? I'm not sure whether I should just 'apt-cdrom add && apt-get dist-upgrade' or I should use update-manager-core ? | 09:42 |
=== pitti_ [n=pitti@p54B33D7E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
soren | pitti_: (resending as I'm guessing you lost your connection?) Where are the testing procedures described? I'm not sure whether I should just 'apt-cdrom add && apt-get dist-upgrade' or I should use update-manager-core ? | 09:43 |
Hobbsee | soren: use the update-manager-core, usually | 09:44 |
soren | Hobbsee: Alright. _ISO_-testing just confused me. :) | 09:45 |
Hobbsee | soren: well, most of it is iso's :) | 09:45 |
Hobbsee | soren: wait, are you testing a dist upgrade, or a cd? | 09:45 |
Hobbsee | soren: as in, dist-upgrade, or clean install | 09:46 |
=== pitti___ [n=pitti@] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== pitti___ is now known as pitti | ||
soren | Hobbsee: It just says "upgrade", which pitti says is an upgrade from Feisty. | 09:48 |
Hobbsee | oh right, yes. | 09:48 |
Hobbsee | then it's a dist-upgrade, with the upgrade manager | 09:49 |
soren | "do-release-upgrade -d" says "Checking for a new ubuntu release\ncurrent dist not found in meta-release file\nNo new release found". | 09:49 |
Hobbsee | i thought it was update-manager -d | 09:50 |
soren | That's the graphical thing. I'm testing the server ISO's. | 09:51 |
pitti | soren: hm, maybe try with good ol' apt-get dist-upgrade? | 09:51 |
pitti | that should still work IMHO | 09:51 |
soren | pitti: Probably. | 09:52 |
Hobbsee | soren: okay, where's the duncecap. duh. | 09:52 |
soren | Hobbsee: :) | 09:54 |
Hobbsee | i knew that, i'm sure i did. | 09:54 |
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stgraber | morning | 10:03 |
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Hobbsee | morning stgraber | 10:06 |
pitti | hi stgraber | 10:07 |
=== dholbach [n=daniel@pD9E27ECD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
dholbach | good morning | 10:09 |
Hobbsee | morning dholbach! | 10:09 |
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach | ||
dholbach | hi Hobbsee | 10:10 |
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee back | ||
stgraber | morning dholbach | 10:10 |
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dholbach | hey stgraber | 10:13 |
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=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@linagoraberri.pck.nerim.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
cjwatson | soren: 'DEBEMAIL=somethingelse@example.com debuild' will suppress the maintainer check | 10:24 |
soren | cjwatson: Ah, great. Thanks. | 10:30 |
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dholbach | Riddell: what do you think about bug 112414? | 10:42 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 112414 in kdeedu "Error: Could not find service 'kfmclient' using Gnome" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112414 | 10:42 |
dholbach | Tonio_: can you take a look at bug 113972? | 10:42 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 113972 in ktorrent "wrong link in .deb summary" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113972 | 10:42 |
dholbach | bryce: if you have a sec for bug 117939 - that'd be nice | 10:44 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 117939 in inkscape "tutorial-basic.svg has wrong text" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117939 | 10:44 |
Tonio_ | dholbach: oki that'll be fixed today | 10:46 |
Tonio_ | dholbach: seems to be a veeeeeeeeeeeeery old issue :) | 10:46 |
Riddell | dholbach: hmm, tricky, that would require edubuntu to ship konqueror, which they wouldn't want | 10:46 |
Riddell | dholbach: ideally we should port kstars or the method it runs to call xdg-utils | 10:47 |
dholbach | rock on Tonio_ | 10:47 |
dholbach | Riddell: ah great - idea - can you add that comment to the bug? maybe somebody picks it up... in the meantime, I'll un-assign it from ubuntu-main-sponsors | 10:47 |
dholbach | doko: do you know anything about what's happening with bug 122442? | 10:48 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 122442 in sun-java6 "Memleak in Sun Java 6 on ubuntu feisty" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/122442 | 10:48 |
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doko | dholbach: no, didn't look at it | 10:50 |
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infinity | Riddell: a) soprano is dep-wait on a library not in feisty, b) why is it in main in fesity-backports, when it's in universe in gutsy? | 11:00 |
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Riddell | infinity: libqt4-dev (>> 4.3~beta~) is in feisty-backports | 11:03 |
infinity | Wait, two tildes in a version? Is that a typo? | 11:03 |
Riddell | could be, it comes from debian | 11:03 |
=== dholbach hugs infinity | ||
infinity | Riddell: So, the more curious question, though, why was it accepted to main? | 11:04 |
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Riddell | infinity: does soyuz put backports into main by default? | 11:05 |
infinity | Riddell: Anything NEW is ain main by default... One needs to override it. | 11:05 |
infinity | And I assume it was NEW, cause it wouldn't have been in the feisty overrides. | 11:05 |
pitti | cjwatson: ooh, oem install now skips gdm and has that new icon; shiny! | 11:05 |
=== Yasumoto [n=Yasumoto@cpe-75-84-49-174.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | infinity: yes, it was, I'll add a note to the documentation | 11:06 |
=== Nicke [n=niclasa@h161n2fls31o808.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
infinity | Riddell: Anyhow, I'll move the source package to universe now. | 11:06 |
infinity | Riddell: And I suspect that soyuz is choking on that bizarre version comparison and not clearing the dep-wait, so I'll have to fiddle with it by hand in the DB... (ph34r!) | 11:07 |
Riddell | infinity: I can upload a fixed version if that's easier | 11:07 |
soren | infinity: I have a mysql question for you.. AFAICS the mysql-server (unversioned) package is there to depend on the preferred mysql-server-x.x package, but it also does all sorts of black magic in its maintainer scripts.. Any work needed to migrate to e.g. m-s-5.1 should be in m-s-5.1's postinst, surely? | 11:07 |
infinity | soren: The black magic is specifically for people who are tracking "default versions"... People who install a specific version most likely want that, and will never be auto-updated... | 11:08 |
soren | infinity: So if I have 4.1 installed, and I install 5.0.. What would happen? | 11:09 |
soren | infinity: How is it different from e.g. what our linux-meta package is supposed to do? | 11:09 |
infinity | Oh, I see... | 11:12 |
pitti | a-haa | 11:12 |
pitti | it seems that esd is responsible for a large portion of session hangs | 11:12 |
infinity | soren: The "black magic" in the mysel-server preinst is for migration from before mysql-server packages were versioned. | 11:12 |
soren | I see the sense in having a meta package, but the migration bit belongs in the actual packages, I think. | 11:12 |
infinity | soren: 4.1->5.0 should, in theory, be covered by the 5.0 scripts (and same for 5.1)... This is for 3.xx and 4.0, which were just "mysql-server". | 11:12 |
soren | infinity: Ah, so it should just be removed? | 11:13 |
infinity | soren: I'm not keen on removing it, no. :) | 11:13 |
soren | gah.. | 11:13 |
infinity | soren: You may be surprised to know that I still have a MySQL 3.xx installation somewhere. :) | 11:13 |
infinity | And a few 4.0 | 11:13 |
infinity | (Okay, anyone who knows me won't be surprised by that at all) | 11:14 |
infinity | I think I still have a potato box behind a firewall somewhere. | 11:14 |
soren | infinity: Well, since Ubuntu has had versioned mysql-server packages since Hoary, I don't see any harm in removing it here. | 11:15 |
infinity | Riddell: It's just as easy for me to fiddle with the DB. Besides, I'm waiting on a publisher run for the override change to commit anyway, so it's not like there's a rush. | 11:15 |
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@3-192.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
infinity | soren: Err... | 11:15 |
infinity | soren: Default mysql in breezy was 4.0, and it was unversioned. | 11:15 |
infinity | soren: The versioned "4.1" was in universe. | 11:16 |
soren | infinity: Aw, crap. | 11:16 |
=== luisbg_ [n=luisbg@p54BE333A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
soren | infinity: You're right. | 11:16 |
infinity | soren: Is the preinst causing you grief, or are you just offended by its continued existence? | 11:16 |
soren | infinity: The former. | 11:17 |
infinity | soren: (And people complaining about preinsts stopping daemons doesn't count as "grienf") | 11:17 |
soren | infinity: It stops the running mysql. It's pointless. | 11:17 |
infinity | Or grief. | 11:17 |
soren | infinity: If it doesn't start it again, it counts. | 11:17 |
soren | infinity: Which it doesn't. | 11:17 |
infinity | "OH NOES, WHILE UPDATING MY DATABASE SERVER, IT WENT OFFLINE FOR A FEW MINUTES!" has never been a convincing argument to me. | 11:17 |
infinity | soren: It gets started in postinst... | 11:17 |
soren | infinity: Yes, mysql-server-5.0's postinst. | 11:18 |
infinity | soren: Oh, hrm. Which would be a problem if youonly updated the metapackage for some bizarre reason. | 11:18 |
soren | infinity: So if you have mysql-server-5.0 installed and later install mysql-server, you're left without a running mysql. | 11:18 |
infinity | soren: Okay, see, now we have a real bug, rather than "why is that there/" | 11:18 |
infinity | soren: And, yet, it's been like this for ages, and I've never seen anyone complain about it going down and never coming back... | 11:19 |
soren | infinity: There's a debian bug about it too. | 11:19 |
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soren | http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=415124 | 11:20 |
ubotu | Debian bug 415124 in mysql-server "transitional package mysql-server stops server in preinst" [Normal,Open] | 11:20 |
infinity | "At least I guess that it's not a grave issue as it's unlikely that | 11:21 |
infinity | mysql-server gets upgraded at a different time than mysql-server-5.0." | 11:21 |
infinity | I'm inclined to agree with that, from an "is this RC" perspective... | 11:21 |
infinity | But it should be fixed, yes. | 11:21 |
soren | At least Ubuntu doesn't have a "we-only-fix-grave-bugs" policy :) | 11:21 |
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infinity | I could just toss a version check in the preinst, so we only bother with upgrade magic if upgrading from an ancient MySQL. | 11:22 |
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soren | That's what I'm doing, too. | 11:22 |
infinity | soren: We have no such policy, but we certainly do have a policy that looks a lot like that as we approach release. :) | 11:22 |
soren | infinity: But if you do it in Debian, that's even better. | 11:22 |
infinity | soren: I prefer not to diverge from Debian with MySQL. The few times I did, it became a headache almost instantly, which is why I joined the Debina MySQL team in the first place, to keep us in sync. :) | 11:23 |
pitti | doko: libquicktime-dev has the same problem | 11:23 |
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soren | infinity: Oh, I thought you were on the team since the dawn of time. | 11:23 |
pitti | doko: I think the dependency can just be dropped, it was probably due to .la files in libdv-dev | 11:24 |
infinity | soren: Didn't have commit access until 2 years ago or so. Had plenty of code in the packages since 3.23 or so, but never bothered to "join a team". | 11:24 |
infinity | soren: Team maintenance is a reasonably new concept in Debian, after all. :) | 11:24 |
soren | infinity: Ah, right. | 11:24 |
infinity | soren: (New, from the point of view of someone who's been contributing for a decade) | 11:25 |
soren | infinity: So... You'll fix it in Debian? | 11:25 |
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infinity | soren: Yeah. I shall. | 11:25 |
infinity | soren: And then I'll just sync. | 11:26 |
infinity | soren: After this candidate release, that is... This bug isn't RC. :) | 11:26 |
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soren | infinity: Sure, sure. | 11:27 |
soren | infinity: Thanks! | 11:27 |
infinity | soren: I do have the attention span of a gnat on speed, though. Can you mail me a reminder, so I get around to uploading to Debian later today? | 11:27 |
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soren | infinity: Sure. Would assigning the Ubuntu bug to you be sufficient, or would you rather have "regular" e-mail? | 11:29 |
doko | pitti: fixed | 11:30 |
infinity | soren: Real email. My Malone bugmail can get lost in the flood off.... Ohter Malone bugmail. | 11:30 |
soren | infinity: Just as I thought. :) | 11:30 |
soren | infinity: done | 11:32 |
pitti | seb128: I'm experiencing a lot of hangs when starting the sessions on live CD and installed systems; did you notice them, too? | 11:33 |
pitti | seb128: I'm starting to blame esd again, as soon as I killed it it continued to start | 11:33 |
pitti | seb128: (the other half is compiz/mesa/aiglx crashing kernel) | 11:33 |
seb128 | happened a few minutes ago on my laptop, desktop applications were frozen | 11:34 |
seb128 | killing esd make them work again | 11:34 |
seb128 | but that was after suspend, I don't think it happened on boot | 11:34 |
seb128 | did we have any esound patch before? | 11:35 |
pitti | no, esound didn't change for ages | 11:35 |
seb128 | there is a new version which has been uploaded not too long ago and the update has been made by one of the new contributors | 11:36 |
seb128 | well, it did | 11:36 |
seb128 | I'm just wondering if a patch might have been dropped or something | 11:36 |
pitti | seb128: I have to look | 11:37 |
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pitti | seb128: erk, indeed; current version does not have *any* ubuntu patches | 11:39 |
pitti | grrr | 11:39 |
ogra | throw it out ! | 11:40 |
pitti | ogra: fixing libgnome is not *that* trivial, but it's still on my wishlist | 11:41 |
ogra | ++ | 11:41 |
ogra | there was this patch back then :) | 11:41 |
pitti | ogra: oh? | 11:41 |
ogra | seb128, what was the bug # for the gstreamer patch ? | 11:42 |
infinity | Hobbsee: freeze exception for a new livecd-rootfs to make Xubuntu builds happy? | 11:42 |
ogra | pitti, its for an old version | 11:42 |
pitti | ogra: hm, I hoped for something simple, like using aplay or so | 11:42 |
infinity | Hobbsee: (Doesn't touch anything but Xubuntu) | 11:42 |
ogra | not sure it would work with recet libgnome | 11:42 |
pitti | infinity: go ahead (Hobbsee is on phone, and we need that urgently) | 11:42 |
ogra | and it was never completely finished | 11:42 |
infinity | pitti: Well, I could have approved it myself too, I was trying to use proper channels. :P | 11:42 |
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pitti | infinity: I still have an RM hat :) | 11:43 |
infinity | pitti: So do I. :) | 11:43 |
seb128 | pitti: did we use to have ubuntu patches to esound? | 11:44 |
pitti | seb128: yes, we did | 11:45 |
pitti | seb128: one was the mutex to fix the session start hang | 11:45 |
seb128 | ah | 11:45 |
pitti | seb128: I'll reapply them now | 11:45 |
seb128 | ok, thanks | 11:45 |
pitti | what a mess... | 11:45 |
seb128 | dholbach: I think it's you who sponsored the update, do you know if there was a reason to the change? | 11:46 |
infinity | pitti: Uploaded. I may go for a smoke, want to make sure it's accepted before the hour? | 11:47 |
pitti | infinity: yep, will | 11:47 |
pitti | thank you | 11:47 |
pitti | doko: weird change for libquicktime-dev; can't the glib dependency be dropped entirely? | 11:48 |
pitti | :q | 11:49 |
pitti | whoops | 11:49 |
doko | pitti: didn't look too close ... | 11:49 |
infinity | And when that fails to kill IRC... | 11:49 |
infinity | :q! | 11:49 |
infinity | :q!!!! | 11:49 |
infinity | :argh! | 11:49 |
infinity | (And I believe I've just described ever new vi user's first experience....) | 11:50 |
=== pitti disables focus-follows-inadvertent-mouse-movement | ||
=== soren -> lunch | ||
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StevenK | Well, so much for the theory that eating something hot for dinner would warm me up. | 11:54 |
pitti | seb128: oh dear, the Debian patches to this are a mess as well... | 11:55 |
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infinity | Oh, wow, I spelled "gutsy" correctly on that upload. I'm learning. | 11:59 |
dholbach | seb128: no, I don't know - sorry | 12:00 |
infinity | (I could have an entire maildir dedicated to "rejects of uploads to gusty") | 12:00 |
pitti | infinity: trust vim's highlighting :) | 12:01 |
Hobbsee | infinity: that's why you run gutsy - so you never have to type it | 12:02 |
infinity | Yeah, I'm offended by the new behaviour of dch, to be honest. | 12:03 |
infinity | The old "use the last dist in the changelog" behaviour was much saner for my workflow. | 12:03 |
infinity | Since I develop in chroots, but use helper tools in the base system. | 12:03 |
infinity | I can't be alone in that, but I can't be bothered to argue the point either. | 12:04 |
StevenK | infinity: I'm with you on that one. | 12:04 |
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pitti | stgraber: can you please invalidate the ubuntu and edubuntu lives and alternates? we need to fix bug 21915 | 12:16 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 21915 in esound "esound causes desktop session to hang" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21915 | 12:16 |
pitti | ogra: ^ actually, why do you still install esound by default? I thought you were using pulse now? | 12:16 |
ogra | pitti, gnome-session dep | 12:16 |
Hobbsee | pitti: i should be able to do that | 12:16 |
pitti | ogra: edubuntu-desktop pulls it in, too | 12:17 |
ogra | oh, i'll drop that | 12:17 |
pitti | ogra: and no, gnome-session does not depend on it | 12:17 |
ogra | it did | 12:17 |
ogra | something in there did at least | 12:17 |
pitti | ogra: hm, it B-deps on esound; how weird | 12:18 |
ogra | we're waiting for the livefs tools anyway, dont we ? | 12:18 |
pitti | dependencies are just ubuntu- and edubuntu-desktop and ... system-config-cluster??? | 12:18 |
ogra | i can quickly fix the seeds | 12:18 |
pitti | ogra: just for xubuntu | 12:18 |
ogra | ah | 12:18 |
pitti | ogra: yeah, that might be even more beneficial to you | 12:18 |
fabbione | pitti: feh yes :(( one gnome python module pulls esound in indirectly | 12:18 |
pitti | ogra: if you can upload a new edubuntu-meta quickly? | 12:18 |
fabbione | pitti: it is used but no Depends: | 12:18 |
pitti | fabbione: shouldn't it just depend on libesd? | 12:19 |
fabbione | pitti: i can personally drop it is system-config-cluster even now.. but somebody needs to fix pysomething | 12:19 |
pitti | fabbione: don't worry about it for now | 12:19 |
fabbione | pitti: let me check | 12:19 |
stgraber | pitti: sure | 12:19 |
pitti | fabbione: for tribe-3 I'll reapply the esound fix | 12:19 |
StevenK | Fix pysomething hrm? | 12:19 |
pitti | in the future we should really get rid of it, though | 12:19 |
fabbione | pitti: it's something i meant to look at but always forgot | 12:19 |
stgraber | pitti: ok, they are now disabled, ping me when the new ones are available | 12:21 |
infinity | Riddell: My hammer appears to have been applied successfully... Overriding to universe and accepting the binaries. | 12:22 |
fabbione | pitti: looks like the python module has been fixed. i can drop the Depends at the next upload | 12:22 |
fabbione | pitti: if you want i can do it right away | 12:22 |
fabbione | your call | 12:23 |
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pitti | fabbione: sure, it doesn't affect the CDs (or does it affect server?) | 12:23 |
Riddell | infinity: thanks | 12:23 |
pitti | fabbione: uploading is always fine, btw | 12:23 |
fabbione | pitti: it should not affect CD's | 12:23 |
pitti | esound uploaded | 12:24 |
=== seb128 hugs pitti | ||
seb128 | that was quick | 12:24 |
pitti | seb128: well, only the two critical patches to fix the session hang | 12:24 |
pitti | seb128: 98% of the diff are still missing :/ | 12:25 |
fabbione | pitti: done | 12:25 |
pitti | seb128: but instead of investing a large amount of work there, I'd rather spend it on libgnome TBH | 12:25 |
seb128 | maybe easier to use the previous gutsy package as a base and update this one to the new version | 12:25 |
pitti | ogra: so you are going to change the seeds/ | 12:25 |
pitti | ? | 12:25 |
seb128 | right | 12:25 |
cjwatson | seb128: if nobody has already, can you talk to the uploader of esound and make sure he understands the negative consequences of dropping patches like that? | 12:25 |
ogra | pitti, done already, waiting for the ./update run to finish | 12:26 |
pitti | ogra: cool, thanks | 12:26 |
seb128 | cjwatson: the uploader is dholbach I think, the updated is one of the new contributors, will check and talk with him | 12:26 |
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Hobbsee | seb128: take a large hammer :P | 12:26 |
seb128 | s/updated/updater | 12:26 |
cjwatson | seb128: sorry, I meant the changed-by | 12:27 |
ogra | pitti, do you do ubuntu or shall i do that as well | 12:27 |
ogra | ? | 12:27 |
pitti | ogra: no, we won't change ubuntu seeds | 12:27 |
ogra | ok | 12:27 |
seb128 | cjwatson: right | 12:27 |
cjwatson | though possibly dholbach should have double-checked too :) | 12:27 |
pitti | ogra: I just uplaoded a fixed esound (hopefully) | 12:27 |
ogra | well, lets drop it asap if we can somehow | 12:27 |
=== cjwatson wonders whether it'd make sense to ship a .bzr tree for the corresponding seeds in the -meta source packages so that ./update runs more quickly | ||
ogra | good idea, but that requires some discipline to not get out of sync with the real seeds | 12:29 |
dholbach | seb128, cjwatson, pitti: I'll add esound to my list | 12:29 |
seb128 | dholbach: list of what? | 12:29 |
pitti | dholbach: what list in particular? 'packages to kill'? | 12:29 |
dholbach | todo list | 12:29 |
ogra | dholbach, we'll need soe patch that replaces esound with aplay in libgnome or so ... | 12:30 |
dholbach | pitti said that things in the diff were missing | 12:30 |
pitti | dholbach: WDYT of spending the effort on libgnome instead? that makes much more sense IMHO | 12:30 |
ogra | *some | 12:30 |
pitti | dholbach: well, the entire diff was missing :) | 12:30 |
dholbach | I'll check if I didn't upload the wrong package or something :-/ | 12:30 |
cjwatson | ogra: nope, ./update could still bzr update it | 12:30 |
cjwatson | ogra: it'd be exactly as much in sync as the other files in the -meta source packages | 12:30 |
ogra | cjwatson, ah. right | 12:30 |
dholbach | pitti, ogra: I don't really know much about esound and libgnome - I'd prefer if somebody else did that | 12:31 |
pitti | dholbach: right, I meant, do you agree to the general approach? | 12:31 |
ogra | given that anyone who changes the metapackages has a local branch anyway you could also use a variable to point to it :) | 12:31 |
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pitti | esound is and remains a PITA with and without our an Debian's patches | 12:31 |
ogra | and is unmaintained | 12:32 |
dholbach | pitti: I don't know anything about it - I merely wanted to make sure that patches which were dropped because I did not review it properly are back in the package | 12:32 |
dholbach | I'm happy if we can drop it, but I don't see myself contributing much to that | 12:32 |
Hobbsee | ogra: have you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/126736 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/126735 yet? | 12:32 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126735 in Ubuntu "edubuntu 2007.07.17.1 live cd's stay on gdm" [Undecided,New] | 12:32 |
ogra | Hobbsee, i saw stgrabers ping ... just rsyncing the last image | 12:33 |
dholbach | in the meantime, I'll get back to preparing my talk for ubuntulive | 12:33 |
cjwatson | ogra: there actually is one, in update.cfg ... | 12:33 |
cjwatson | ogra: though you have to remember to change it back before uploading | 12:33 |
pitti | dholbach: right, that's fine | 12:33 |
=== dholbach hugs super-pitti | ||
ogra | hum | 12:34 |
ogra | Hobbsee, could it be that your edubuntu-meta upload stil sits in the queue ? | 12:35 |
cjwatson | ogra: also if the seed change was more than 15 minutes or so ago you can just change sftp to http; sftp is used because it doesn't have a propagation delay | 12:35 |
pitti | ogra: no -meta in unapproved | 12:35 |
Hobbsee | ogra: that was days ago | 12:35 |
Hobbsee | ogra: as in, days before i asked pitti to freeze | 12:35 |
ogra | my source appraently wants to add it with a freshly pulled -meta source package | 12:35 |
=== ogra scratches head | ||
ogra | did the update script change ? it seems my change was just added to Hobbsee's changelog entry | 12:37 |
ogra | instead of producing a new one | 12:37 |
Hobbsee | ogra: possibly because there were no changes | 12:37 |
Hobbsee | ogra: i found that when i tried to update edubuntu meta | 12:37 |
Hobbsee | sorry, ubuntu-meta | 12:37 |
ogra | well, there is a change it properly adds to the changelog | 12:37 |
ogra | but it doesnt seem to use the -i switch for dch | 12:38 |
pitti | hm, maybe germinate-update-metapackage changed recently? | 12:38 |
Hobbsee | it hsould be using dch -Ui | 12:38 |
ogra | at least -i :) | 12:38 |
=== ogra checks if his germinate is up to date | ||
pitti | ogra: fix /usr/bin/germinate-update-metapackage, line 316 | 12:38 |
pitti | cjwatson: ^ I think this is a recent regression | 12:39 |
pitti | os.system("dch -U 'Refreshed dependencies'") | 12:39 |
pitti | should be -iU | 12:39 |
ogra | yeah | 12:39 |
pitti | ogra: just change it locally for now, or first do a dch -i 'foo' and ./update | 12:39 |
pitti | ogra: or, just manually fix the changelog :) | 12:39 |
ogra | pfft ... always the easy way ... | 12:39 |
pitti | ogra: yeah, it's just, you are in the critical path now :) | 12:40 |
ogra | sadly it overwrote the timestamp already | 12:40 |
pitti | ogra: you can get the old changelog from the old diff.gz | 12:40 |
pitti | erm, tar.gz | 12:40 |
ogra | i know | 12:40 |
ogra | fiddlsy | 12:40 |
ogra | *fiddly | 12:40 |
infinity | Or just unpack the source and try again? :P | 12:41 |
cjwatson | pitti: wha? -U has always been equivalent to -iU for me | 12:42 |
pitti | cjwatson: oh? never for me... | 12:42 |
pitti | cjwatson: maybe you have a secret alias or so? | 12:42 |
cjwatson | $ type dch | 12:42 |
cjwatson | dch is /usr/bin/dch | 12:42 |
cjwatson | oh, hmm | 12:43 |
cjwatson | I have this in ~/.devscripts: | 12:43 |
cjwatson | DEBCHANGE_RELEASE_HEURISTIC=changelog | 12:43 |
cjwatson | infinity: ^-- which might be closer to what you want ... | 12:43 |
=== infinity kisses cjwatson;. | ||
cjwatson | ok, I'll fix germinate, sorry about that. | 12:43 |
ogra | pitti, uploaded | 12:44 |
pitti | yay | 12:44 |
ogra | heh, neat http://www.artecgroup.com/thincan/ | 12:45 |
pitti | ogra: diff looks fine, accepted | 12:46 |
ogra | i wonder if US customs would let you in with such a thing in your hand luggage | 12:46 |
=== ogra goes for some coffee | ||
pitti | ogra: looks really cool | 12:51 |
infinity | Yeah, I want 12. | 12:52 |
pitti | "A sixpack of thincans, please" | 12:53 |
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Hobbsee | heno! | 01:10 |
pitti | hey heno | 01:10 |
heno | hey Hobbsee and pitti! | 01:11 |
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stgraber | heno !!! :) | 01:27 |
heno | stgraber: hey :) I've been on the road a bit ... | 01:29 |
heno | (now in London) | 01:29 |
pitti | seb128, dholbach: I got libgnome working with aplay \o/ | 01:32 |
=== seb128 hugs pitti | ||
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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dholbach | pitti: WOW!!! | 01:35 |
pitti | debian/patches/11_aplay_fallback.patch -> hacks'r'us | 01:35 |
pitti | I let that run on my box for a while | 01:36 |
stgraber | Yeah, going to a world without esd :) | 01:37 |
Hobbsee | as long as you dont pick one with arts instead... | 01:37 |
StevenK | Here's hoping artsd dies with KDE 3 | 01:40 |
lamont | StevenK: kde dying? dare we hope? :- | 01:40 |
=== maniacmusician [n=maniacmu@24-151-1-004.dhcp.nwtn.ct.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
lamont | ) | 01:40 |
stgraber | perfect world would be everything working just fine with alsa and pulseaudio or similar for networked sound | 01:40 |
pitti | dholbach: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/11_aplay_fallback.patch, I mean | 01:40 |
=== lamont ducks | ||
ogra | pitti, sweet, thats all ? | 01:41 |
pitti | ogra: well, we should still these nasty "/bin/sh: /usr/bin/esd: not found" warnings | 01:41 |
=== ogra cant belive we didnt use that since ages | ||
pitti | I don't know exactly where they come from | 01:41 |
pitti | ogra: it's the smallest possible patch I can see, and it's not terribly evil | 01:42 |
ogra | not at all | 01:42 |
=== mantiena-baltix [n=ubuntu@ctv-84-55-4-28.init.lt] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
mantiena-baltix | hi asac | 01:42 |
asac | mantiena-baltix: hi | 01:42 |
pitti | ogra: the evilness is that it always starts a process for every plop, so it's quite resource hungry compared to esounds' cached samples | 01:44 |
ogra | pitti, well ... | 01:44 |
pitti | OTOH, if our only default sound events are login and logout, that doesn't matter at all | 01:44 |
pitti | if we enable menu clicks by default, then it's worse | 01:45 |
ogra | thats what i was about to say | 01:45 |
=== Hobbsee makes LamontPudding | ||
=== simira waits for UPS to come and take away her laptop :( | ||
Hobbsee | simira: it broken? | 01:46 |
simira | there they are.... | 01:46 |
=== lamont likes being pudding | ||
simira | Hobbsee: mm | 01:46 |
Hobbsee | simira: darn | 01:46 |
=== Hobbsee serves it to everyone at the next UDS. | ||
mantiena-baltix | asac: I've applied patch debian/patches/23_nm-monitor-eni.diff from n-m from gutsy (see bug #61089 ) agains feisty's network-manager but it seems manual network configuration still doesn't work as should, at least on LiveCD :( I've Noticed, that when I download some file to desktop then I still don't see this file on desktop, I must press CTRL+R manually if I use LiveCD | 01:47 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 61089 in network-manager "NM should notice changes to /etc/network/interfaces automatically" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61089 | 01:47 |
Riddell | !CoC | lamont | 01:47 |
ubotu | lamont: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 01:47 |
pitti | hm, except that login and logut sounds don't actually seem to work | 01:47 |
pitti | ogra: confirmed, on a fresh profile there's just these two, no menu plopps | 01:47 |
mantiena-baltix | asac: maybe inotify doesn't work on LiveCD ? | 01:47 |
ogra | pitti, yup, does it stutter or something if you enable all soundss ? | 01:48 |
ogra | -s | 01:48 |
asac | mantiena-baltix: hmmm ... actually i have no idea about how livecd works in detail | 01:48 |
lamont | Riddell: ?? | 01:49 |
=== mrsno [n=mrsno@cpc3-blfs6-0-0-cust294.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
asac | mantiena-baltix: the patch just makes network manager reread interface file after you modified it. | 01:49 |
asac | mantiena-baltix: what fix did you expect? | 01:49 |
pitti | ogra: stutter? no, why? aplay introduces latency, not stutter | 01:49 |
=== mrsno [n=mrsno@cpc3-blfs6-0-0-cust294.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
ogra | ah | 01:50 |
mantiena-baltix | asac: I expect to fix important problem, described in https://bugs.launchpad.net/baltix/+bug/5364/comments/22 ? Users never understand. why they have manually to deactivate and, later, activate again network interface after they setup static IP configuration :( | 01:50 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 5364 in network-manager "Can't use static ip address with network-manager (and thus no VPN connections menu for static users)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 01:50 |
=== ogra should stop working with 200MHz/64MB HW ... there a bit of latency equals stutter very often :) | ||
pitti | stgraber: the edubuntu server-addons will be rebuilt as well, btw | 01:52 |
pitti | stgraber: noone tested them so far, so that won't hurt | 01:53 |
=== gizmo [n=gizmo@p578b708f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | pitti: ok, will mark as such | 01:53 |
stgraber | ok | 01:53 |
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ogra | we should propapby start testing them, even though LaserJock's changes are pending | 01:53 |
ogra | *probably | 01:53 |
ogra | bryce, already around ? | 01:54 |
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=== alleeHol [n=ach@lapex-hydra.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pitti | ogra: bug 126735? | 01:58 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126735 in Ubuntu "edubuntu 2007.07.17.1 live cd's stay on gdm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126735 | 01:58 |
=== dholbach [n=daniel@pD9E27ECD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
infinity | pitti: Testing xubuntu build on i386 to make sure it's vaguely sane... | 01:59 |
pitti | infinity: oh, ok | 02:00 |
pitti | infinity: I schedule new ubuntu and edubuntnu livefs builds in 50 minutes | 02:00 |
ogra | pitti, still waiting for rsync to finish, will check shortly, smells like casper has a prob | 02:00 |
pitti | infinity: do you do for-project xubuntu cron.daily, too? | 02:00 |
pitti | infinity: if they work, we may as well publish them | 02:00 |
infinity | pitti: Looks like it's doing the right thing. I just triggered it manually on terranova. I can do the other arches too. | 02:01 |
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pitti | infinity: ok; please do xubuntu builds right now, so that they are finished in < 50 minutes | 02:02 |
infinity | pitti: Sure thing. We're only worried about live here, right? install was fine? | 02:02 |
pitti | infinity: I'm heading off for lunch and supermarket, so I started the publisher now and a "sleep 50m && <build images" | 02:02 |
pitti | infinity: right | 02:02 |
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pitti | infinity: hm, it's not yet there, should I maybe just include it in my && chain? | 02:04 |
infinity | pitti: "it"? | 02:05 |
pitti | xubuntu live builds | 02:05 |
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infinity | pitti: I'm doing the livefs builds right now. If you want to do the live image builds later, that's cool. | 02:05 |
pitti | infinity: ah, good; nevermind me, then | 02:05 |
infinity | pitti: Or I'll do the image builds before you get back. Pick one. | 02:06 |
pitti | infinity: I didn't see an ssh for this on lithium, so I guess you are working directly on terranova :) | 02:06 |
infinity | Yeah. | 02:06 |
pitti | infinity: please trigger the cron.daily_live once its finished then | 02:06 |
infinity | Will do. | 02:06 |
pitti | infinity: cheers | 02:06 |
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-14-123.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
dholbach | evand: I commented on your gok udpate: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5998 | 02:09 |
asac | mantiena-baltix: do you see in syslog that network manager rereads interfaces after you edit it? | 02:10 |
=== lamont wonders if there's a way to tell network-mangler to leave an interface alone yet | ||
=== hggdh [n=hggdh@165.sub-70-216-117.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
ogra | hmm, i see a lot of "grep: /var/log/Xorg.6.log: No such file or directory" in my thin client session .xsession-errors | 02:14 |
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
ogra | is that something the compiz code uses ? | 02:14 |
stgraber | ogra: indeed it'd be pretty hard for the server to access the thin client /var/log :), that's maybe used by compiz to know if AIGLX is available | 02:15 |
ogra | well, on my i910 client compiz works just fine, it seems to do no harm ... | 02:15 |
ogra | it just spams the log a lot | 02:16 |
mantiena-baltix | asac: it seems no, in /var/log/syslog I see lots if things, maybe you could tell me exactly which string I should search in /var/log/syslog | 02:16 |
mantiena-baltix | ? | 02:16 |
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stgraber | ogra: so they should check if LTSP_CLIENT is set and if yes not try to access the /var/lob/Xorg.6.log (parsing Xorg.6.log can still be done on the client and result put in a variable when connecting with ssh) | 02:18 |
ogra | stgraber, do you happen to have a running edubuntu live session around ? somehow my rsyncs fail today still didnt get the live iso down | 02:18 |
ogra | stgraber, exactly ... | 02:18 |
stgraber | ogra: I've it on CD just next to me yes | 02:18 |
ogra | it happens after the session is started, so easy to inject via ldms new rc scripts ;) | 02:19 |
stgraber | ogra: I can give you a ssh access on it if you want | 02:19 |
ogra | could you just check if "AutomaticLoginEnable=true" is set in /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf ? | 02:20 |
ogra | thats what casper should add from an initramfs script | 02:20 |
asac | mantiena-baltix: hmm ... 'nm_info ("/etc/network/interface changed: rebuilding the device list.");' | 02:21 |
asac | mantiena-baltix: search for changed | 02:21 |
ogra | i see no changes in the casper code and edubuntu-artwork didnt change since ages, so the file should be there and casper suld have modified it | 02:21 |
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mantiena-baltix | asac: ok, I will disconnect for a while | 02:21 |
ogra | if thats the case my only idea is that gdm doesnt read it anymore | 02:21 |
asac | pitti: can you take a quick look if ffox is building in edgy and feisty security network? | 02:22 |
stgraber | ogra: AutomaticLoginEnable=false in gdm-cdd.conf | 02:22 |
stgraber | ogra: then an empty AutomaticLogin= the line after | 02:22 |
ogra | aha | 02:22 |
stgraber | ogra: but AutomaticLoginEnable=true and AutomaticLogin=ubuntu in gdm.conf | 02:23 |
ogra | bad ... | 02:23 |
stgraber | gdm-cdd.conf pointing to /etc/alternatives/gdm-cnfig-derivative | 02:23 |
stgraber | gdm-cdd.conf pointing to /etc/alternatives/gdm-config-derivative | 02:23 |
ogra | right | 02:24 |
ogra | which should point to /usr/share/edubuntu-artwork/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf | 02:25 |
ogra | i wonder why casper isnt using it for adding the username | 02:25 |
=== zul__ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | elmo: ping | 02:29 |
ogra | stgraber, i assume you see the edubuntu theme on gdm | 02:29 |
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=== Czubek [n=Damian@k133d.ac.pwr.wroc.pl] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
stgraber | ogra: yes | 02:30 |
ogra | hmm, the code uses if [ -f /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf ] ... | 02:31 |
ogra | heh | 02:32 |
ogra | which doesnt work on broken links | 02:32 |
ogra | (the test is not running chrooted, so /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf points to nothing existing) | 02:33 |
ogra | i guess we need to change that to "if [ -L /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf ] ..." | 02:33 |
ogra | seems not to break even on broken links | 02:34 |
ogra | sigh | 02:34 |
ogra | why did that work before | 02:34 |
ogra | we're using alternatives since -artwork exists for that ... | 02:35 |
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=== mantiena-baltix [n=ubuntu@ctv-84-55-4-28.init.lt] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
ogra | hmm, coreutils changelog doesnt indicate any change to the test binary | 02:40 |
ogra | i really wonder why that ever worked | 02:41 |
=== ogra pokes cjwatson about http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/casper/trunk/revision/cjwatson%40canonical.com-20070703095403-ukwkjxe6hnfa9jse?start_revid=ogra%40ubuntu.com-20070718124705-jvoqav0uevn5nilh | ||
ogra | ... and points him to http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/casper/trunk/revision/ogra%40ubuntu.com-20070718124705-jvoqav0uevn5nilh?start_revid=ogra%40ubuntu.com-20070718124705-jvoqav0uevn5nilh | 02:49 |
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ogra | alright then, i'm pretty sure that breaks on xubuntu as well ... | 02:55 |
ogra | Hobbsee, any opinion from the release manager POV ? Bug #126735 will prevent both, edubuntu and xubuntu form doing autologin ... | 02:56 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126735 in casper "edubuntu 2007.07.17.1 live cd's stay on gdm" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126735 | 02:56 |
Hobbsee | ogra: ubuntu too, surely? | 02:56 |
ogra | pitti, as well ^^^ | 02:56 |
Hobbsee | he's out | 02:56 |
ogra | Hobbsee, nope | 02:56 |
cjwatson | ogra: sigh, oops | 02:57 |
ogra | Hobbsee, only distros using gdm-cdd.conf | 02:57 |
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@linagoraberri.pck.nerim.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
cjwatson | sorry, that hadn't occurred to me - my bad | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | ogra: ah right, which i assumed was all gdm-based flavours | 02:57 |
ogra | cjwatson, not sure we need an || [ -e ... ] | 02:57 |
ogra | currently all derivatives should use alternatives ... | 02:57 |
ogra | but if not it would break | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | cjwatson: please accept that, then, and restart any builds for xuubntu, edubuntu. | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | bah. it'd help if i could spell | 02:58 |
cjwatson | ogra: maybe it would be better to just revert my change | 02:58 |
cjwatson | once you have to do two tests, there's no saving in not just chrooting | 02:58 |
ogra | cjwatson, hmm indeed | 02:58 |
cjwatson | and stick a comment above it explaining why it chroots | 02:58 |
Hobbsee | ah, point | 02:58 |
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ogra | well, we shouldnt have any derivatives using the file directly | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | oh bleh, i'ts not even in the archive yet, so ignore my statement. | 02:59 |
ogra | as long as we can rely on that it will work | 02:59 |
ogra | and save a bit | 02:59 |
cjwatson | ogra: I do think it would be better to revert my change and add a comment. That old code was tested | 02:59 |
ogra | oki | 03:00 |
Hobbsee | ogra: with my RM hat on, i'll say that we ahvent actually lost a lot, as xubuntu is currently building (i think, based on what was said here), and edubuntu needs rebuilding anyway. | 03:00 |
Hobbsee | so we havent actually lost much time, and it does look like something that needs fixing. | 03:01 |
ogra | oki | 03:01 |
Hobbsee | ogra: as for the best way to do it, discuss that with cjwatson :) | 03:01 |
ogra | i'll care fr casper | 03:01 |
ogra | (have to revert my change as well ) | 03:01 |
Hobbsee | yep | 03:01 |
=== giskard [n=giskard@81-208-125-39.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pitti | ogra: that fix looks sane, if cjwatson has ack'ed it? | 03:09 |
ogra | pitti, nope | 03:09 |
ogra | wait a sec | 03:09 |
ogra | puching the right fix | 03:10 |
ogra | *pushing | 03:10 |
ogra | pitti, http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/casper/trunk/revision/ogra%40ubuntu.com-20070718130803-e985fi9vvj1byqh2?start_revid=ogra%40ubuntu.com-20070718131036-zkx95c53il1s94nm | 03:11 |
ogra | and http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/casper/trunk/revision/ogra%40ubuntu.com-20070718131036-zkx95c53il1s94nm?start_revid=ogra%40ubuntu.com-20070718131036-zkx95c53il1s94nm | 03:11 |
Hobbsee | looks sane | 03:12 |
ogra | pitti, that actually reverts the change completely to feistys behavior | 03:12 |
pitti | ogra: ok | 03:12 |
ogra | (is it feistys or feisties ?) | 03:12 |
pitti | ogra: out of interest, why don't you commit the changelog and the change in the same revision? | 03:12 |
Hobbsee | ogra: feisty's | 03:12 |
ogra | ok building the source pkg | 03:12 |
pitti | ogra: feisty's | 03:13 |
ogra | ah :) | 03:13 |
Hobbsee | yay, english! | 03:13 |
pitti | genitives FTW! | 03:13 |
ogra | pitti, i somehow got used to that in ltsp ... | 03:13 |
ogra | collecting changes before bumping the native version | 03:13 |
pitti | ogra: but changelog and change should be together for clarity; how is that related to the version? | 03:14 |
ogra | i see cjwatson uses UNRELEASED instead ... i should probably switch to such a beahvior as well :) | 03:14 |
pitti | ogra: right, that's what I use as well; and I commit the s/UNRELEASED/x.y.z/ as "release as x.y.z to gutsy" | 03:14 |
=== hoora_ [i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-a378959acc976e2e] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pitti | so that you can get any upload from the history and bzr log | 03:14 |
ogra | pitti, not at all ... its just the way i did it until now :) | 03:14 |
ogra | i usually collect the bzr logs and assemble a changelog right before a release | 03:15 |
ogra | silly extra work, but i dont miss anything from people who didnt do changelog entries in tehir branches | 03:16 |
pitti | stgraber: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20070718/ (new ubuntu alternate) and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily/20070718/ (new edubuntu alternate) with updated esound love | 03:17 |
pitti | Hobbsee: ^ | 03:17 |
Hobbsee | hooray! adding | 03:17 |
ogra | pitti, uploaded ... should be in the queue | 03:18 |
pitti | in two minutes | 03:18 |
asac | pitti: will this esound love help my laptop to boot livecd without switching to console and killing esd? | 03:19 |
ogra | asac, thats the plan | 03:19 |
pitti | asac: hopefully :) | 03:19 |
pitti | asac: tests heavily appreciated | 03:19 |
=== asac hugs pitti | ||
asac | if i would have time i would instantly test | 03:19 |
asac | but well ... | 03:19 |
=== cr3 [n=marc@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
stgraber | pitti: done | 03:20 |
Hobbsee | oh bah. | 03:20 |
Hobbsee | stgraber: i may have killed it then | 03:20 |
stgraber | Hobbsee: well, one of us did :) | 03:21 |
stgraber | we can't add the same build twice anyway :) | 03:21 |
Hobbsee | ahhh | 03:21 |
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Hobbsee | i was trying to figure out how to specify the build - or does it automatically go to the latest build on cdimage? | 03:21 |
pitti | ogra: I would have appreciated a bug number in the changelog, but so be it | 03:22 |
=== pitti accepts and pushes through the publisher | ||
stgraber | at the bottom of the addbuild page, you can specify the milestone (default is Tribe 3) and the "Version number" which is in fact the build | 03:23 |
ogra | pitti, yeah, i alwas miss that, i closed bug #126735 manually | 03:23 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126735 in casper "edubuntu 2007.07.17.1 live cd's stay on gdm" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126735 | 03:23 |
pitti | thanks | 03:23 |
Hobbsee | stgraber: ah right, so leaving the version number blank will break it? | 03:23 |
stgraber | it won't add anything IIRC | 03:23 |
Hobbsee | ah right | 03:23 |
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pitti | ogra: right, anything else that you need for edubunt ATM? | 03:24 |
ogra | testing :) | 03:24 |
pitti | great, so let's build new CDs | 03:25 |
ogra | nothing i'm aware of yet | 03:25 |
=== pitti starts publisher | ||
Hobbsee | pitti: yay! \o/ | 03:25 |
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ogra | <- break | 03:27 |
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pitti | stgraber, Hobbsee: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20070718/ | 03:28 |
Hobbsee | pitti: stgraber adding | 03:29 |
stgraber | done | 03:30 |
stgraber | now, let's wait on Xubuntu desktop and Edubuntu desktop (gdm autologin bug) | 03:31 |
stgraber | Xubuntu alternate i386 has now been entirely tested (4/4) without any bug or failure reported so far | 03:32 |
Hobbsee | surprising | 03:32 |
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Hobbsee | ogra: were you able to reproduce http://launchpad.net/bugs/126736 ? | 03:35 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126736 in Ubuntu "edubuntu 2007.07.17.1 live cd's ubiquity/grub problem on install" [Undecided,New] | 03:35 |
Hobbsee | oh, stgraber did. | 03:35 |
=== Hobbsee remembers to wait for the bug to load *first* before asking | ||
cjwatson | looks like it crashed midway through installing grub | 03:41 |
cjwatson | 15 : File not found | 03:41 |
cjwatson | This error is returned if the specified file name cannot be found, | 03:41 |
cjwatson | but everything else (like the disk/partition info) is OK. | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | oh neat. | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | oh, that's on the tab i didnt read yet. duh. | 03:42 |
cjwatson | and since it doesn't display the final dialog, that supports the theory of a crash | 03:42 |
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pygi | siretart, I'll try to give my thoughts on your mail later today when I'm back home | 03:43 |
Hobbsee | pygi! | 03:45 |
siretart | pygi: thanks! | 03:45 |
pygi | siretart, if you get that mail that joerg sent to him, please do forward | 03:45 |
pygi | hey Hobbsee ... sorry, been busy recently :( | 03:45 |
Hobbsee | pygi: no problem. who hasnt? :P | 03:45 |
pygi | Hobbsee, is there anything we need to fix on k3b more? I saw that patch was uploaded | 03:45 |
siretart | pygi: done | 03:46 |
pygi | siretart, thanks | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | pygi: unsure. havent looked. there's still mroe bugs open. ask Tonio_ | 03:46 |
pygi | Hobbsee, k, thanks | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | pygi: oh, btw - Tonio_ ended up committing that patch, but didnt close the bug. i only found that out when trying to sponsor, and it telling me that that patch was already applied. | 03:47 |
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Hobbsee | pygi: you left before i could tell you otherwise - i think i was at dinner | 03:47 |
pygi | Hobbsee, dont worry | 03:47 |
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Tonio_ | Hobbsee: hum isn't the bug supposed to close automatically reguarding to the changelog ? :) | 03:49 |
Chipzz | hrrrrm | 03:49 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: only if you use the correct syntax - vi will colour it specially | 03:49 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: seems to me that the syntax is correct, but I'll have a look | 03:49 |
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Chipzz | pitti: you were working on getting gtk+ 1.2 demoted, right? | 03:50 |
pitti | Chipzz: it happened yesterday | 03:50 |
pitti | (and glib1.2) | 03:50 |
Chipzz | pitti: uhu | 03:50 |
Hobbsee | hiya BenC | 03:50 |
Chipzz | pitti: but you are not working on eliminating gtk+ 1.2 from as much packages as possible? | 03:51 |
pitti | Chipzz: only from the main ones | 03:51 |
Tonio_ | Hobbsee: rahhhhh, # is missing.... sorry for this | 03:51 |
Chipzz | (ie packages in universe/multiverse) | 03:51 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: ahhh, that'll do it. | 03:51 |
Hobbsee | Tonio_: no problem, i closed it a few days ago | 03:51 |
Chipzz | pitti: I was just checking out lame source code, and noticed it still bd's on gtk+1.2 | 03:51 |
pitti | Chipzz: a lot of stuff still does | 03:51 |
ScottK | Tonio_/Hobbsee: There was an LP regression for a bit where automatic bug closing wasn't working. Maybe that's why it didn't close. | 03:52 |
ScottK | Ah. Nevermind. Read to the bottom before responding. | 03:53 |
Tonio_ | ScottK: well in that case that's a "myfault" issue :) | 03:53 |
Chipzz | pitti: I can look into rebuilding lame with gtk+2.0 (but I won't be putting too much time in it); would a patch be accepted? | 03:53 |
pitti | Chipzz: I'm sure it will | 03:53 |
pitti | Chipzz: if lame is actually ported to gtk 2? | 03:53 |
pitti | Chipzz: upstream would certainly appreicate this, since gtk 1.2 is obsolete and unmaintained | 03:54 |
Chipzz | pitti: I can just try a recompile against gtk+ 2.0 and see how much breaks; if not too much, I can try to fix it possibly | 03:54 |
pitti | ah, the optimistic approach :) | 03:55 |
BenC | Hobbsee: hi ya | 03:55 |
Chipzz | pitti: well, did that with mplayer once ;) | 03:55 |
Chipzz | it actually wasn't all too bad getting that ported to gtk+2.0 :P | 03:55 |
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cjwatson | Chipzz: it can be a lot harder. putty upstream is working on a gtk2 port (I did some initial work on it), but there are still several problems there that are a good deal of work to fix | 04:15 |
cjwatson | notably, putty cares about fonts | 04:15 |
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=== kylem chuckles. | ||
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mjg59 | So, uh. | 04:29 |
mjg59 | Why did Launchpad just send me email thanking me for my contribution to INVALID? | 04:29 |
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ogra | i got the same here | 04:30 |
ogra | but with a date from yesterday | 04:30 |
Hobbsee | mjg59: if my system is often coming on with full speed fan, where should i check for the problems? syslog, ps aux for any processes eating cpu...anything else? | 04:30 |
Hobbsee | i believe that's your domain? | 04:30 |
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ogra | Hobbsee, amitk as well ;) | 04:31 |
ogra | (if he's around indeed) | 04:31 |
mjg59 | Hobbsee: Can you define it a bit more? Also, is there anything in /proc/acpi/fan ? | 04:32 |
Hobbsee | mjg59: almost about half the time now, my gutsy system comes on with full speed fan, about 5 seconds after grub. i'll remove teh quiet later, and check what is actually starting at that section. the machine seems to be running at about half speed indefinetly, until i reboot | 04:33 |
Hobbsee | it's not happening now, i'll check next time | 04:33 |
agoliveira | Something you might want to know. In my notebook, an Asus G1, suspend and hibernate are working perfectly with Gutsy but I had to update the nvidia driver to the latest version (100.14.11) which is not in the repositories yet. | 04:34 |
cjwatson | mjg59: don't know yet, but it happened to quite a few of us. pitti got several thousand | 04:34 |
ogra | urgh | 04:34 |
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Hobbsee | mjg59: i've only got a syslog from when that happened this morning. no idea if it's of any use. | 04:42 |
mjg59 | Hobbsee: Hm. Sounds like the hardware thinks it's overheating. | 04:44 |
Hobbsee | mjg59: acpi -V said it was 25C, when i got to a VT. | 04:45 |
Hobbsee | mjg59: FWIW, http://rafb.net/p/0hWyWE69.html is the syslog | 04:46 |
mjg59 | Hobbsee: Is there anything in /proc/acpi/fan ? | 04:47 |
Hobbsee | mjg59: there isnt now. i'll check the next time it happens | 04:47 |
=== Hobbsee has rebooted since then, to not have to wait forever for anything to load | ||
mjg59 | Hobbsee: That means the fan control is handled by your firmware, not Linux | 04:51 |
Hobbsee | mjg59: right. which presumably means that linux is telling the firmware that it's far too hot, or something? | 04:52 |
=== Hobbsee wonders if it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15/+bug/48395 | ||
ubotu | Launchpad bug 48395 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 "ipw3945 produces 99% cpu, making my laptop unusable" [High,Confirmed] | 04:52 |
mjg59 | Hobbsee: No, it's likely to be done entirely in the firmware | 04:52 |
Hobbsee | ah right | 04:53 |
mjg59 | So yeah, one possibility is that something is actually using all the CPU | 04:53 |
mjg59 | bootchart ought to be an easy way to see that | 04:53 |
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Hobbsee | mjg59: right. | 04:53 |
=== Hobbsee will check later then | ||
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cjwatson | mjg59: Spads has turned off outgoing mail from that system while it's looked into | 04:57 |
mjg59 | cjwatson: Ta | 04:57 |
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=== Hobbsee waves to seb128 | ||
seb128 | hey Hobbsee | 05:08 |
calc | who is in charge or firefox work? | 05:09 |
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Hobbsee | calc: asac | 05:10 |
calc | ok | 05:10 |
calc | asac: are you here, i found some annoying firefox packaging bugs | 05:10 |
=== calc might as well determine which files are buggy before telling asac | ||
=== calc bets at all of the pkgconfig files being buggy | ||
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asac | i doubt so :) | 05:13 |
asac | calc: what is the problem? | 05:13 |
calc | wow only the two i need are broken :) | 05:14 |
asac | which are? | 05:14 |
calc | /usr/lib/pkgconfig/firefox-nspr.pc and firefox-nss.pc both refer to invalid include locations | 05:14 |
calc | they either should refer to the right locations(?) or there should be symlinks in /usr/include/firefox to nspr and nss | 05:14 |
calc | i'm guessing anyway... | 05:14 |
evand | dholbach: fixed and reuploaded | 05:15 |
pitti | hm, my expert instal doesn't mount /home with the reason that /dev/disk/by-uuid doesn't exist | 05:15 |
asac | calc: those are old ones ... which should go away | 05:15 |
pitti | what would be to blame for that? | 05:15 |
dholbach | evand: party on - will check it out in a sec | 05:15 |
asac | calc: use the ones provided by libnspr4-dev and libnss3-dev | 05:15 |
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Hobbsee | morning mdz_ | 05:16 |
calc | asac: yea except that programs use those and fail to build | 05:16 |
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calc | typically people don't use pkgconfig files, other programs do | 05:16 |
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calc | i'll try deleting them and see if it magically works :) | 05:16 |
calc | asac: should i file a bug to have those two invalid pkgconfig files removed? | 05:16 |
asac | calc: create a link to the proper files | 05:16 |
asac | calc: i guess thats the real fix | 05:17 |
asac | calc: yes ... please test link fix ... and post bugs with your findings | 05:17 |
asac | calc: schedule those for tribe-4 | 05:17 |
calc | ok symlink firefox-nspr.pc to nspr.pc ? | 05:17 |
asac | calc: actually it should not fail to build with latest upload ... as i installed compatibility .so files now | 05:18 |
asac | calc: but that upload is stuck because of freeze atm | 05:18 |
calc | ok | 05:18 |
asac | calc: anyway ... its a bug | 05:18 |
calc | ok i will verify it works then file the bug, thanks for the help :) | 05:19 |
asac | calc: yes ... link firefox-nspr.pc to nspr.pc and firefox-nss.pc to nss.pc | 05:19 |
asac | calc: no problem ... thanks for pointing out | 05:19 |
asac | calc: which firefox-dev version are you building against? | 05:19 |
asac | calc: actually the current one in gutsy already has the compatibility links to the new .so files | 05:21 |
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asac | calc: do you have a specific problem? | 05:21 |
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ogra | hmm, the pulldown in ubiquitiy's partitioner didnt offer me any mountpoints | 05:24 |
ogra | adding / manually works though | 05:24 |
Hobbsee | ogra: i didnt find that | 05:24 |
ogra | i'm installing to a usb drive ... probably its that | 05:25 |
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ogra | bah, it locked up ... | 05:27 |
calc | asac: ooo 2.3 was failing to build since it was looking in the wrong dir | 05:27 |
ogra | seems 256M rae not enough anymore nowadays ... | 05:27 |
ogra | *are | 05:27 |
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asac | for ooo? ... most likely not | 05:30 |
elmo | if anyone got a bizaare old dak-style ACCEPTED mail recently, please ignore it - it was the archive rebuild dak instance gone insane and it's been fixed not to do that again | 05:30 |
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pygi | a | 05:31 |
Hobbsee | b | 05:31 |
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pygi | Hobbsee, accident :) | 05:31 |
ion_ | c | 05:31 |
Hobbsee | :P sure sure | 05:31 |
=== pygi feels hungry, so he shall eat Hobbsee | ||
Hobbsee | no! | 05:32 |
dholbach | evand: can you reupload your old source? it seems that gnome-speech is broken | 05:32 |
dholbach | evand: it should depends on its library package - I'll fix that instead | 05:32 |
Hobbsee | heno: ping? | 05:33 |
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pygi | Hobbsee, o well, I'll leave you for now :) | 05:36 |
=== Hobbsee does nto wish to be eaten. | ||
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b-tommy | hello | 05:44 |
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evand | dholbach: ah, I thought that might be a possibility after poking around a bit. Uploaded. | 05:54 |
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Hobbsee | hiya evand, mvo | 05:56 |
dholbach | evand: super - I'll do the update of gnome-speech now at the same time | 05:56 |
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evand | thanks dholbach | 05:59 |
evand | hi Hobbsee | 05:59 |
cjwatson | evand: hmm, tasksel didn't get its sponsored upload last night | 06:01 |
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evand | cjwatson: I figured it was because main is frozen and it's not urgent. | 06:02 |
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cjwatson | evand: I've uploaded it now. Did you commit those changes to a branch? | 06:03 |
cjwatson | evand: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/tasksel/ubuntu/ is the base | 06:03 |
evand | whoops, will do now | 06:03 |
cjwatson | evand: ta | 06:06 |
=== mvo waves to Hobbsee | ||
Hobbsee | mvo: :) | 06:07 |
simira | mvo :) How's guadec? | 06:07 |
mvo | simira: very good! | 06:07 |
=== doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-074-019-057.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
ogra | mvo, i get a lot of grep erros on thin client sessions trying to access the Xorg log (which indeed resides on the client) is that from the compiz changes ? | 06:08 |
ogra | (in .xsession-errors that is) | 06:09 |
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mvo | ogra: can you please put that file online somewhere? | 06:11 |
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pitti | hi mvo | 06:14 |
heno | Hobbsee: pong | 06:14 |
Hobbsee | heno: maniacmusician is looking for you, w.r.t. to cd testing, i think | 06:14 |
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maniacmusician | Hobbsee: heno hi | 06:15 |
heno | hi maniacmusician, how can I help? | 06:15 |
maniacmusician | heno: not a big deal, I sent you a PM on UF. | 06:15 |
heno | ok | 06:16 |
maniacmusician | heno: just stickying a thread | 06:16 |
heno | right | 06:16 |
ogra | mvo, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30352/ ... i just see i'm missing displayconfig-restore ... | 06:16 |
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pitti | heno: do you know some folks who could help out with CD testing? | 06:18 |
pitti | stgraber, Hobbsee: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/daily-live/20070718.1/ | 06:19 |
pitti | stgraber, Hobbsee: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/20070718.1/ | 06:19 |
pitti | ogra: ^ | 06:19 |
Hobbsee | pitti: i referred forums people to test | 06:19 |
stgraber | ok | 06:19 |
pitti | that should be everything now | 06:20 |
swimmerino89 | hello to evrebody...i am a crazy boy...i'd like to do a thing but i don't know if i will complete it!i'd like to do a distribution based on ubuntu...i am searching for some packages(i am reading a guide to do it),but i don't find this packages! | 06:20 |
stgraber | pitti: done | 06:20 |
pitti | stgraber: thanks | 06:21 |
heno | pitti: it's a bit thin on #ubuntu-iso ATM | 06:21 |
=== pitti is still experiencing random hangs with not even VT commands working | ||
heno | bdmurray: around? | 06:21 |
heno | I have just 1 laptop with 0 CD drives ATM :( | 06:21 |
ogra | pitti, rsyncing, thanks ... | 06:22 |
swimmerino89 | anyone can help me?i am trying to take the developer packages | 06:22 |
swimmerino89 | what is the developement package for bzip2???? | 06:25 |
evand | cjwatson: http://people.ubuntu.com/~evand/bzr/tasksel/ | 06:25 |
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bdmurray | heno: yes | 06:27 |
pitti | ogra: I'd appreciate if you and maybe someone else could boot the edubuntu lives several times on real hw | 06:27 |
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pitti | ogra: on ubuntu we experience random hangs (and commands in VTs just block) | 06:28 |
pitti | ogra: one theory is that it is still esound | 06:28 |
heno | bdmurray: can you help out with some install testing of tribe 3? | 06:28 |
ogra | pitti, i usually test on a thin client with usb devices attached :) | 06:28 |
ogra | so i can test on real hw | 06:28 |
pitti | cool | 06:28 |
pitti | ogra: does edubuntu have compiz? | 06:28 |
ogra | but i can also note that 265M with shared videoram isnt working out | 06:28 |
bdmurray | heno: yes, I'll need to download the isos though | 06:28 |
ogra | yes | 06:28 |
ogra | ubiquity usually hangs at some point with this ramsize | 06:29 |
swimmerino89 | are you reading me????? | 06:29 |
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bdmurray | heno: any particular tests? | 06:30 |
bdmurray | or images rather | 06:30 |
heno | bdmurray: see https://isotesting.stgraber.org/ for the untested ones | 06:30 |
pitti | bdmurray: I'd appreciate some ubuntu live tests, since these seem to be the most fragile ATM | 06:30 |
=== Hobbsee gets out the sticky tape and chewing gum | ||
heno | i386 alternate, amd64 desktop | 06:30 |
bdmurray | pitti: cool, I have that iso already. ;) | 06:30 |
pitti | heno: I do amd64 desktop already | 06:31 |
cjwatson | evand: thanks, pulled | 06:31 |
cjwatson | swimmerino89: it's not at all clear what you're asking for. You either want 'apt-get source bzip2' or 'sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev'; I don't know which. | 06:32 |
swimmerino89 | cjwatson: i am trying to find 10 packages....all 10 must be for develolp it!all the developement packages are called lib_PACKAGE_NAME-dev??? | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | swimmerino89: they usually have -dev in the name, yes | 06:36 |
pitti | swimmerino89: that's the common practice, yes | 06:36 |
swimmerino89 | ok | 06:36 |
=== ogra dances | ||
Hobbsee | ogra: it works? | 06:42 |
=== sivan [n=sivang@bzq-84-108-254-19.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
ogra | edubuntu-server-i386 install went fine, just booting the first time | 06:42 |
swimmerino89 | I can't find all the dev packages...who can help me please? | 06:42 |
ogra | (that takes a while from usb stick ;) ) | 06:42 |
pitti | swimmerino89: #ubuntu, please | 06:43 |
=== sivan is now known as sivang | ||
swimmerino89 | #ubuntu | 06:43 |
Hobbsee | ogra: yay! | 06:43 |
=== ogra grumbles about fsck | ||
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soren | ogra: xfs ftw! | 06:48 |
=== ogra was a big xfs user until he had the first disk where the fs just wrote beyond the partion end ... | ||
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=== ogra2 [n=ogra@p548AE237.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== ogra2 waves to Hobbsee from the fresh install | ||
ogra2 | all fine :D | 06:50 |
Hobbsee | ogra2: yay! | 06:50 |
=== Hobbsee ^5's | ||
=== ogra2 ^5s back | ||
Hobbsee | ;0 | 06:51 |
Hobbsee | * :) | 06:51 |
ogra | hmm, why do i see gdm with teh gnome theme for a second on shutdown ... ? | 06:52 |
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seb128 | ogra: how do you shutdown? | 07:03 |
ogra | seb128, from gdm | 07:04 |
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seb128 | would be a gdm bug then | 07:04 |
ogra | it restarts and shows the default gnome theme for a second ... then it shuts down | 07:04 |
seb128 | I didn't notice and I don't fancy trying now ;) | 07:04 |
ogra | heh | 07:04 |
ogra | indeed | 07:04 |
seb128 | open a bug, I'll have a look later | 07:04 |
=== shac1 [n=shackan@85-18-14-13.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
ogra | yep | 07:05 |
shac1 | anybody on gutsy? I need someone to tell me if 'import cairo' in python dies with a library error | 07:05 |
shac1 | just open python and run import cairo | 07:05 |
bdmurray | does anybody have the live cd running at the moment? | 07:06 |
bdmurray | my ttys seem misnumbered | 07:06 |
stgraber | shac1: no error here | 07:06 |
Hobbsee | bdmurray: yes | 07:07 |
Hobbsee | bdmurray: way cool. they are. | 07:08 |
bdmurray | okay, I'll submit it then | 07:08 |
bdmurray | any idea about what package that would be? | 07:08 |
Hobbsee | none at all | 07:08 |
ogra | seb128, bug #126797 for you | 07:08 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126797 in gdm "gdm shows the default gnome theme for a second on shutdown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126797 | 07:08 |
seb128 | k | 07:09 |
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cjwatson | shac1: works fine here too | 07:10 |
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pitti | does anyone notice ubuntu live system hangs? | 07:10 |
=== Hobbsee raises hand | ||
pitti | so, mostly it is just painfully slow, but appears eventually | 07:10 |
mneptok | pitti: there may be more conference registrations in the next week. | 07:11 |
mneptok | oh ... not what you meant | 07:11 |
mneptok | >:) | 07:11 |
pitti | but in one case where it seems to be completely stuck (VTs, too), I noticed that there was a lot of I/O and apport action going on | 07:11 |
pitti | mneptok: :) | 07:11 |
pitti | which was due to the fact that dmesg had tons of 'modprobe: segmentation violation rip:0x234blabla' and modprobe segfaults | 07:12 |
bdmurray | pitti: is there any special compiz testing to be done on the live CD? | 07:12 |
Hobbsee | pitti: each time i get to gnome on that (on the few times that i do), i get a "hal failed to be initialized" error. | 07:12 |
Hobbsee | if that helps, at all | 07:12 |
pitti | bdmurray: only in the sense of 'does it the right thing on your hw' | 07:12 |
pitti | Hobbsee: right, that could actually be related | 07:12 |
ogra | the initscript changed, didnt it ? | 07:13 |
pitti | Hobbsee: can you try to reproduce this, and if it really hangs, use a vt and check dmesg for these modprobe issues? | 07:13 |
pitti | Hobbsee: I think the commands will eventually run, it just takes awfully long | 07:13 |
Hobbsee | pitti: i can already reproduce the initialising hal error, every time that it actually boots without locking the entire machine | 07:13 |
shac1 | stgraber, cjwatson: could you try importing zlib too? sorry | 07:13 |
Hobbsee | pitti: if it really hangs, i cant get to a VT. | 07:14 |
pitti | Hobbsee: if it really doesn't run anything, switch to VT during build and repeatedly 'sudo killall gdm' until you actually killed it | 07:14 |
pitti | Hobbsee: "can't get to a VT" -> uuh, I never saw that | 07:14 |
pitti | Hobbsee: that might indeed be a compiz related problem then | 07:14 |
ogra | pitti, i was blaming the low ram config over here ... but i also see hardlocks | 07:14 |
Hobbsee | sorry, can get to a VT, but cant actually get any commands typed in | 07:14 |
Hobbsee | as in, hitting enter on the command freezes it | 07:14 |
pitti | Hobbsee: right; maybe just wait for a while | 07:14 |
pitti | Hobbsee: I had the same once | 07:15 |
pitti | however, I could just reproduce the modprobe segfaults once in four boots | 07:15 |
Hobbsee | i either get that, or it booting fully into gnome, with the hal initialisation error | 07:15 |
pitti | Hobbsee: hm, the hal thing is something separate, I think | 07:15 |
=== pygi could reproduce the hal problem on a few machines he tried it on | ||
bdmurray | Hobbsee: I submitted bug 126800 if you want to confirm it | 07:17 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126800 in casper "[gutsy] 20070718 Live CD ttys are misnumbered" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126800 | 07:17 |
pitti | pygi: can you 'sudo /etc/init.d/hal start' manually? | 07:17 |
pitti | pygi: and confirm that 'pidof hald' really didn't show anything before? | 07:17 |
pygi | pitti, don't have those machines here :-/ | 07:17 |
pygi | pitti, but I'll poke people who have the same problem | 07:17 |
pitti | Hobbsee: can you try this? | 07:17 |
Hobbsee | trying | 07:18 |
=== Hobbsee waits at the orange screen | ||
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Hobbsee | pitti: that loaded normally...no hal error either. | 07:20 |
stgraber | shac1: works | 07:20 |
pitti | Hobbsee: yay heisenbug :) | 07:21 |
Hobbsee | pitti: it's still happening a little too much for my liking, though | 07:22 |
pitti | Hobbsee: for mine, too :/ | 07:22 |
pitti | Hobbsee: I would welcome if we could verify that the modprobe crash occurs somewhere else, too, and is not just sun rays | 07:22 |
Hobbsee | bdmurray: done | 07:22 |
stgraber | pitti, Hobbsee, ogra: Please think to put the bugs you've found on the tracker once reported on LP (so other testers will know that's a known bug and won't file a dup on LP :)) | 07:23 |
bdmurray | I haven't used the Ubuntu Desktop CD in a while but is Firefox supposed to ask you to create a user profile? | 07:23 |
pitti | stgraber: right, I filed one for missing /dev/disks/by-uuid, but not for that hang, since I cannot even remotely describe it | 07:23 |
ogra | stgraber, indeed :) | 07:23 |
pitti | bdmurray: certainly not; you see that on the live system? | 07:23 |
stgraber | bdmurray: It should : Just work | 07:24 |
shac1 | stgraber: thanks, no idea why it fails here, I'm pulling my hair off | 07:24 |
bdmurray | pitti: yes, I see that on amd64 | 07:24 |
pitti | you guys are seeing stuff! stop inventing bugz!!!11!!!one!! | 07:24 |
pitti | bdmurray: ubuntu? | 07:24 |
pitti | bdmurray: hm, I never had that; asac, still here? | 07:25 |
bdmurray | pitti: yes, and I can't make a profile either so no browsing for me | 07:25 |
=== pitti tries that, too | ||
Hobbsee | pitti: havent noticed it, but have been running with the splash screen | 07:25 |
stgraber | bdmurray: do you have a ~/mozilla/firefox directory ? | 07:26 |
Hobbsee | ogra: can you round up some people to test your edubuntu cds please? | 07:26 |
ogra | i'll try | 07:27 |
Hobbsee | thanks | 07:27 |
stgraber | Hobbsee: I'll do edubuntu server i386 as usual and then workstation (alternate) | 07:27 |
stgraber | ogra: ^ | 07:27 |
bdmurray | stgraber: I have a .mozilla/firefox directory yes | 07:27 |
Hobbsee | stgraber: great, thankyou | 07:27 |
stgraber | bdmurray: try moving it to say : .mozilla.bak | 07:27 |
bdmurray | and multiple profiles are there | 07:27 |
stgraber | and launch firefox again (I just don't understand why you'd have a buggy .mozilla in /home/ubuntu/ ...) | 07:28 |
=== bdmurray can't even submit apport bug reports | ||
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pitti | bdmurray: confirmed here; darn | 07:32 |
pitti | asac: ^ help, please | 07:32 |
stgraber | pitti: so that should also be the case for all others desktop isos ? | 07:33 |
pitti | right | 07:34 |
stgraber | (except if Kubuntu uses Konqueror instead of firefox) | 07:34 |
pitti | and for installs | 07:34 |
pitti | it also affects a fresh profile, I just checked | 07:34 |
pitti | bdmurray: is there already a bug for it? | 07:34 |
stgraber | :( | 07:34 |
bdmurray | pitti: not yet | 07:34 |
bdmurray | do you want to submit it or shall I? | 07:34 |
stgraber | pitti: so that means we'll need a rebuild of all isos ... | 07:35 |
cjwatson | Kubuntu uses konqueror | 07:35 |
pitti | bdmurray: please do, you already have the information about ~ | 07:35 |
=== pitti phones asac | ||
=== Hobbsee sigh | ||
Hobbsee | i agree with pitti - you guys, stop seeing bugs! | 07:35 |
cjwatson | http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/kubuntu-gutsy/desktop | 07:35 |
ogra | hrm, had another hardlock ... | 07:36 |
=== ogra starts to wonder if its just to warm and the machine dies | ||
pitti | ogra: wait, please, for debugging | 07:36 |
pitti | ogra: VT, dmesg? | 07:37 |
ogra | pitti, not even caps lock | 07:37 |
pitti | asac is already away, darn | 07:37 |
ogra | its a real hard lockup ... | 07:37 |
pitti | ogra: hm, that's again something new | 07:37 |
xhaker | ogra, what cpu? | 07:37 |
ogra | via | 07:37 |
ogra | its a thin client with usb DVD and usb disk attached | 07:38 |
soren | Did any of you guys try the plain i386 server install? | 07:38 |
pitti | bdmurray: hm, seems we need to figure this out without asac :/ | 07:38 |
ogra | 256M 1Ghz | 07:38 |
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stgraber | pitti, bdmurray : last firefox upload was on 2007-07-03 | 07:40 |
Hobbsee | pitti: that'll be https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/123917 | 07:40 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 123917 in firefox "Can't start Firefox" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 07:40 |
Hobbsee | pitti: why, asac's not around? | 07:43 |
Hobbsee | oh, already away | 07:43 |
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Hobbsee | pitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/124262 | 07:47 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 124262 in firefox "[gutsy tribe-2] firefox doesn't create profile if not present (dup-of: 123917)" [Undecided,Invalid] | 07:47 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 123917 in firefox "Can't start Firefox" [High,Incomplete] | 07:47 |
pitti | Hobbsee: yup, just saw it | 07:47 |
Hobbsee | i wonder why it tries to create a file, instead of a folder. | 07:47 |
pitti | well, that's the bug :) | 07:47 |
stgraber | pitti: were you able to reproduce on an already installed Ubuntu ? I tried moving my .mozilla to .mozilla1 and starting firefox, it works just fine ... | 07:49 |
pitti | stgraber: yes, I am | 07:49 |
pitti | stgraber: I created a clean user profile | 07:49 |
pitti | and get the same | 07:49 |
Hobbsee | why is firefox not on patches.ubuntu.com? | 07:49 |
pitti | stgraber: do you have ubufox installed? | 07:50 |
stgraber | pitti: yes | 07:50 |
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pitti | 8289 open("/home/test/.mozilla/firefox/jrum9hee.default", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0777) = 4 | 07:52 |
pitti | 8289 open("/usr/lib/firefox/defaults/profile", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) | 07:52 |
pitti | 8289 close(4) = 0 | 07:52 |
pitti | 8289 mkdir("/home/test/.mozilla/firefox/jrum9hee.default", 0700) = -1 EEXIST (File exists) | 07:52 |
pitti | now that looks strange | 07:52 |
pitti | aah | 07:53 |
pitti | may the dangling symlink /usr/lib/firefox/defaults/profile might have somethign to do with it? | 07:53 |
bdmurray | launching firefox seems to create lots of proviles | 07:53 |
pitti | stgraber: ^ does that dangle for you? | 07:53 |
pitti | stgraber: i. e. do you have /etc/firefox/profile? | 07:54 |
stgraber | yes | 07:54 |
pitti | ah, I don't | 07:54 |
bdmurray | nor do I | 07:54 |
pitti | so, current firefox doesn't ship it any more | 07:54 |
stgraber | I tried with/without ubufox and removing .mozilla unable to reproduce on my laptop (update Gutsy Tribe-1), so that could be that /etc/firefox thing | 07:55 |
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pitti | stgraber: dpkg -S /etc/firefox/profile? | 07:56 |
stgraber | yeah, firefox not working if I rename /etc/firefox/profile !!! | 07:56 |
Hobbsee | i'd expect that we copy /etc/firefox/profile to ~/.mozilla in the firefox build process, somewhere | 07:56 |
pitti | Hobbsee: no, that's done at runtime | 07:56 |
stgraber | pitti: not found | 07:56 |
pitti | stgraber: right, so the recent version forgets to ship it | 07:57 |
Hobbsee | pitti: oh, sorry, i meant when it's very first started. i meant runtime. | 07:57 |
pitti | right | 07:57 |
stgraber | pitti: indeed | 07:57 |
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Hobbsee | bdmurray: your firefox bug will be a dupe of that other one, i expect | 07:58 |
bdmurray | Yeah, I guess so. I wasn't sure if it was different for the Live CD. | 07:58 |
=== Hobbsee wonders why it creates a file then. | ||
Hobbsee | bdmurray: shouldnt be. i think it's just clean install in general stuff | 07:59 |
pitti | Hobbsee: I guess it just does the wrong thing when trying to copy the symlink as a directory, when it's dangling | 07:59 |
Hobbsee | pitti: hmmm...yeah, i guess. | 07:59 |
=== Hobbsee was never terribly good on firefox build structures and such. | ||
pitti | stgraber: what is in that dir? | 08:00 |
stgraber | pitti: some kind of default firefox profile : | 08:01 |
stgraber | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28K 2007-06-01 18:00 bookmarks.html | 08:01 |
stgraber | drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K 2007-06-25 18:24 chrome | 08:01 |
stgraber | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 153 2006-09-14 19:13 localstore.rdf | 08:01 |
stgraber | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 287 2004-11-30 22:26 mimeTypes.rdf | 08:01 |
stgraber | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 347 2004-07-28 23:20 prefs.js | 08:01 |
stgraber | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.3K 2005-02-01 18:36 search.rdf | 08:01 |
pitti | stgraber: hm, none of these files are in the current source | 08:02 |
pitti | stgraber: can you please send me a tarball? | 08:02 |
stgraber | sure | 08:02 |
Hobbsee | pitti: i wonder if htey're expected to be in ubufox | 08:02 |
pitti | Hobbsee: possibly | 08:02 |
pitti | and I'd much prefer to upload ubufox than firefox, in terms of buildd time :) | 08:02 |
cjwatson | moving conffiles between packages => possible pain though | 08:03 |
Hobbsee | pitti: http://hobbsee.mailbolt.com/Ubuntu/profile/ | 08:03 |
pitti | first that, and second, firefox doesn't depend on ubufox | 08:03 |
stgraber | http://www.stgraber.org/download/ubuntu/firefox-profile.tar.gz | 08:03 |
stgraber | :(, Hobbsee was faster | 08:03 |
Hobbsee | stgraber: amazingly, even with my uplink. | 08:04 |
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Hobbsee | pitti: that's definetly an empty profile | 08:04 |
stgraber | Hobbsee: my .tar.gz is 11kB large, so even with a 56k uplink :) | 08:04 |
pitti | well, it does have the Ubuntu bookmarks and such, which we want | 08:04 |
cjwatson | http://patches.ubuntu.com/by-release/atomic/ubuntu/f/firefox/firefox_2.0.0.4+2-0ubuntu3.patch has: | 08:05 |
cjwatson | -debian/tmp/usr/lib/firefox/defaults/profile etc/firefox/ | 08:05 |
cjwatson | in debian/firefox.install | 08:05 |
Hobbsee | cjwatson: why on earth is that under atomic? | 08:05 |
pitti | cjwatson: aah | 08:05 |
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cjwatson | Hobbsee: atomic has the version-to-version changes | 08:05 |
pitti | cjwatson: curious, though, upstream tarball hardly has the ubuntu bookmarks and such | 08:06 |
cjwatson | hmm, isn't that code in bzr? | 08:06 |
=== cjwatson grovels through codebrowse | ||
Hobbsee | cjwatson: ah, i've been looking in the ubuntu folder there. | 08:06 |
pitti | cjwatson: for now, my idea is just to take that standard profile, put it as it is in debian/, and add it to firefox.install again | 08:07 |
pitti | cjwatson: that might not be how asac wants it to be, but should certainly work | 08:07 |
Hobbsee | pitti: that'll work, yes. | 08:08 |
cjwatson | * debian/firefox.install: don't install defaults/profile to /etc/firefox anymore | 08:08 |
cjwatson | appears to have been intentional ... | 08:08 |
cjwatson | http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~asac/firefox/ubuntu-2.0.0.x/revision/asac%40jwsdot.com-20070619172408-7f0yy7g9riwnkb8e?start_revid=asac%40jwsdot.com-20070703083705-8p9r0bgw8x6mowkm&file_id=firefoxtrunk.install-20070321172126-hx4btlytc64jyo4n-15 | 08:08 |
=== soren -> dinner | ||
Hobbsee | but why would you use a firefox.ubuntu-prefs.js ? | 08:09 |
cjwatson | pitti: if you wanted to revert that change, just reverting the change to debian/firefox.install ought to do it | 08:09 |
pitti | cjwatson: right, but with asac not being available, it's hard to tell why | 08:09 |
cjwatson | I don't think it's been removed from the package | 08:09 |
cjwatson | Hobbsee: that I don't know | 08:09 |
cjwatson | s/package/source package/ | 08:09 |
=== heno -> hotel | ||
Hobbsee | firefox.cfg is...odd | 08:10 |
pitti | cjwatson: ah, indeed, there's a patch that adds Ubuntu links to the bookmarks | 08:10 |
pitti | TODO -> migrate bookmarks fix together with original bookmarks fix in look-and-feel patch to distromods | 08:11 |
pitti | so, I think he eventually wanted this to move to ubufox, but didn't | 08:11 |
Hobbsee | oh yes, you certainly wouldnt be able to have ubufox as the default thing, and have /e/f/profile | 08:12 |
Hobbsee | i'll bet ubufox only works on a "new" profile | 08:12 |
pitti | Hobbsee: ubufox doesn't ship profiles | 08:13 |
Hobbsee | pitti: yet. | 08:13 |
Hobbsee | pitti: it'll be shipping some changes, to go into profiles, i think | 08:13 |
pitti | Hobbsee: right. but not for T3 | 08:13 |
pitti | I do consider this a T3 blocker | 08:14 |
Hobbsee | oh, indeed. i'm just thinking of why he would have done it that wya at all. | 08:14 |
Hobbsee | which then impacts on hwo this gets fixed for t3 | 08:14 |
Hobbsee | this is a t3 blocker, yes, of course. | 08:14 |
pitti | Hobbsee: eventually it makes sense; firefox would be clean upstream, and ubufox the mods to it | 08:14 |
pitti | I tested that resurrecting /etc/firefox/profile fixes the bug, and it has been like that in the past, so it's safer than trying to do the conffile migration in ubufox now | 08:15 |
Hobbsee | pitti: the other thing to test then - does ubufox break, if e/f/p is there? | 08:15 |
pitti | I have the updated firefox here, test-building now | 08:15 |
pitti | Hobbsee: dpkg -L ubufox -> it's very harmless | 08:15 |
stgraber | Hobbsee: no, I've ubufox installed here | 08:16 |
Hobbsee | i'm assuming not, but... | 08:16 |
stgraber | Hobbsee: and works on old and new profile | 08:16 |
pitti | Hobbsee: I have ubufox installed, and fresh profile now works, also my own profile still works | 08:16 |
Hobbsee | good. just checking. | 08:16 |
pitti | Hobbsee: I'm reasonably sure that this works; what about saving some time and let me beat the new source through the publisher already | 08:16 |
pitti | Hobbsee: if it fails, then we can upload a new source without having lost time | 08:17 |
pitti | but if it works, we save a lot of time | 08:17 |
Hobbsee | pitti: that'd be good. | 08:17 |
stgraber | so reverting this /etc/firefox/profile change + rebuild + wait 1h30 (firefox build time) should do it | 08:17 |
Hobbsee | should do | 08:17 |
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Hobbsee | i suggest just changing to konqueror. | 08:18 |
=== Hobbsee ducks | ||
pitti | http://paste.stgraber.org/2171 | 08:18 |
Hobbsee | pitti: looks good | 08:19 |
pitti | erk, since when does my mouse cursor stutter when I build something like firefox? | 08:20 |
bdmurray | pitti: without a working firefox how should I go about submitting apport crash reports | 08:20 |
pitti | bdmurray: which crash did you get? | 08:21 |
stgraber | bdmurray: you can copy /var/crash/ content | 08:21 |
pitti | bdmurray: you can copy over the .crash file to a working box and use '/usr/share/apport/apport-gtk -c /path/to/crash/file' | 08:21 |
Hobbsee | bdmurray: file it manually. some of us still do :P | 08:21 |
bdmurray | totem receved an X Window System error | 08:21 |
ompaul | mdz http://photos.jonathancarter.co.za/uds-gutsy/PICT0414web that is something spooky you are doing there | 08:22 |
bdmurray | . . . The error was 'BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)' | 08:22 |
pitti | Hobbsee: 1:30 hours?? | 08:27 |
pitti | Hobbsee: last time it took less than an hour on my desktop | 08:27 |
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Hobbsee | pitti: i didnt say that, bdmurray did | 08:27 |
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Hobbsee | sorry, stgraber | 08:28 |
=== pitti prepares for a night shift | ||
=== Hobbsee has inadvertantly already been doing one :P | ||
pitti | ok, needs pretty exactly 1 hour on buildds | 08:28 |
=== ScottK isn't buying inadvertently. | ||
pitti | stgraber: can you please invalidate everythign but server and kubuntu? | 08:29 |
Hobbsee | pitti: then go do something else for that hour, and make sure that bdmurray and stgraber stop looking for bugs. | 08:29 |
Hobbsee | pitti: even upgrades? | 08:29 |
=== pitti is still interested in people who experience desktop session hangs on the live CD | ||
pitti | stgraber: right, upgrades are still valid, too, I think | 08:29 |
pitti | does xubuntu use firefox? | 08:30 |
=== pitti looks | ||
Hobbsee | pitti: yes it does | 08:30 |
pitti | yes, it does | 08:30 |
Hobbsee | pitti: no, upgrades wont have a problem - wont have a new profile | 08:30 |
pitti | Hobbsee: also, feisty still has that directory, so shipping it again shouldn't break it | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | pitti: done | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | pitti: true that | 08:31 |
pitti | bdmurray: so, did you hear about or experience any other OMGSIF bug so far? | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | pitti: dont ask, and you wont find out.... | 08:31 |
pitti | bdmurray: thanks a lot for discovering this; what a shame | 08:31 |
stgraber | pitti: I also disable Edubuntu server as it installs edubuntu-desktop as well | 08:31 |
pitti | stgraber: right, I meant Ubuntu server | 08:31 |
stgraber | pitti: are you rebuilding edubuntu server add-on as well ? (this one shouldn't change) | 08:32 |
pitti | stgraber: yes, it's integrated into the build process and a bit fiddly to rescue | 08:32 |
pitti | stgraber: it has no tests so far anyway | 08:33 |
stgraber | ok | 08:33 |
stgraber | https://isotesting.stgraber.org/isotesting/build/All | 08:33 |
pitti | *sniff* | 08:34 |
bdmurray | pitti: No, I haven't heard about anything else. I'm looking at totem crashing atm. | 08:34 |
pitti | Go back to start. Don't draw 4000$. Don't get dinner nor sleep. Start all over. | 08:34 |
pitti | bdmurray: ok, that doesn't sound like a blocker | 08:34 |
kylem | we're allowed to sleep? | 08:34 |
pitti | bdmurray: how did compiz behave for you? | 08:34 |
Hobbsee | kylem: no | 08:35 |
bdmurray | no problems with compiz but I did have a hang like you described 1x | 08:35 |
pitti | bdmurray: eternal, or it just took very long? | 08:35 |
pitti | bdmurray: and how often did you try it? seems to occur in roughly 1/4 cases for me | 08:36 |
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pitti | not that we would have an even remote idea what causes it, so we cannot fix it on the spot anyway | 08:36 |
bdmurray | I've only booted it 3 times and it happened 1x | 08:36 |
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pitti | ok, sounds like a prominent release note | 08:39 |
stgraber | bdmurray: on ubuntu desktop i386 that's ? | 08:40 |
pitti | amd64 as well | 08:40 |
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bdmurray | I'm working with amd64 atm | 08:42 |
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stgraber | downloading | 08:44 |
=== pitti grabs some dinner while firefox builds and the source publishes | ||
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bdmurray | Where does the stuff in ~/Desktop/Examples come from? | 09:03 |
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pitti | ah, I got asac on the phone | 09:04 |
pitti | he said that our approach is basically ok | 09:04 |
pitti | bdmurray: example-content, I think | 09:04 |
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Kmos | firefox v2.0.0.5 is out :) asac should be here :D | 09:04 |
pitti | Kmos: it is already in the unapproved upload queue | 09:04 |
pitti | Kmos: but not for tribe-3 | 09:04 |
Kmos | already? nice :-) | 09:05 |
Kmos | tribe will have v3.0 right ? | 09:05 |
pitti | | 09:06 |
bdmurray | pitti: apport-gtk -c requires the gutsy version of apport right? | 09:06 |
pitti | bdmurray: right | 09:06 |
pitti | bdmurray: in feisty you would put the file into /var/crash | 09:06 |
pitti | bdmurray: but that would give wrong results for Dependencies:, package version etc. | 09:07 |
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pitti | oooh, firefox built | 09:08 |
Kmos | :) | 09:10 |
pitti | ... and even works | 09:10 |
=== pitti bounces | ||
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j1mc | cjwatson: are the tribe 3 testing isos being rebuilt because of the FF problem? | 09:20 |
j1mc | anyone can answer that, really ^^ :-) | 09:20 |
stgraber | j1mc: they are | 09:21 |
ScottK | pitti: Do you have time for an archive admin licensing question? | 09:21 |
pitti | j1mc: yes | 09:21 |
j1mc | Hobbsee had come into xubunt-devel saying we had to test within 12 hours. does that still stand? | 09:22 |
pitti | ScottK: I'm not a license expert at all, but you can try | 09:22 |
ScottK | OK. | 09:22 |
pitti | j1mc: I estimate that we will have new xubuntu images in about 3 hours | 09:22 |
ScottK | The dkim-filter/dkim-milter package is licensed under the Sendmail license for copyight. | 09:22 |
Kmos | pitti: and time for one or two syncs already ACK'ed ? :) | 09:22 |
pitti | Kmos: if they are universe, that's ok | 09:23 |
j1mc | pitti: thanks. so we'll test them after that for release of tribe 3 tomorrow? | 09:23 |
ScottK | Yahoo! claims a patent on their IP in DKIM and our (Debian's) package does not comply with said license. | 09:23 |
pitti | j1mc: you are of course welcome to test the current images to check for critical bugs | 09:23 |
pitti | j1mc: the new images will just have a new firefox | 09:23 |
Kmos | pitti: yep | 09:23 |
ScottK | pitti: So, are we required to care about patent licenses or do we just worry about copyright? | 09:23 |
pitti | j1mc: so, the new images need to be tested, of course, but testing the current ones is very helpful, too | 09:23 |
j1mc | ok. thanks. i'm at work now, so . . . :) can't test from here. i will get the word out to others, though. | 09:24 |
j1mc | i will test the new iamges this evening (i am utc -500) | 09:24 |
pitti | ScottK: ugh, I don't feel qualified to answer that; can you please mail ubuntu-devel@? | 09:24 |
pitti | j1mc: thanks | 09:24 |
ScottK | pitti: Will do. | 09:24 |
j1mc | yw. ... thanks for your help. | 09:25 |
Kmos | can someone add !karma with https://help.launchpad.net/KarmaCalculation | 09:31 |
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ScottK | pitti: Sent. | 09:42 |
bdmurray | Does anybody else have Documents and Desktop 2x in their Places menu? | 09:46 |
lemsx1 | bdmurray: on Gutsy? | 09:46 |
bdmurray | Yes, the Gutsy Live CD. | 09:47 |
lemsx1 | bdmurray: ok. i just found the question odd... i've not played with gutsy yet | 09:48 |
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evand | bdmurray: yes | 10:14 |
bdmurray | pitti: still around? | 10:14 |
evand | on 20070717 | 10:14 |
pitti | bdmurray: yes, waiting for firefox on buildds :) | 10:14 |
bdmurray | How long have you waited for the amd64 desktop cd? | 10:15 |
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pitti | bdmurray: a minute or so | 10:21 |
bdmurray | I'll stop then. | 10:22 |
bdmurray | Too bad I can't ssh to the system. | 10:23 |
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xhaker | bdmurray, my turion x2 hangs on loading acpi modules.. on an older kernel though.. i have the current image here to test later | 10:37 |
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bdmurray | xhaker: could you provide some context for me? | 10:39 |
xhaker | bdmurray, weren't you talking about the desktop cd boot time? | 10:39 |
xhaker | amd64 cd | 10:39 |
bdmurray | We were talking about it ocassionally locking up. I was curious how long pitti had waited for it to do anything. | 10:40 |
bdmurray | evand: I submitted 126848 if you want to confirm it | 10:41 |
xhaker | Heh. I have a friend that uses feisty. his Sempron laptop locks up on him every time, with no apparent reason | 10:42 |
evand | bdmurray: done, thanks | 10:42 |
xhaker | I've tryed to debug it, but the machine freezes completely. You have to remove the battery. | 10:42 |
bdmurray | thank you | 10:42 |
xhaker | It's not heat. It's not random either i presume, but it sure seems so. | 10:43 |
bdmurray | Have you tried Gutsy at all? | 10:43 |
xhaker | Not on his laptop. He prefers running the stable stuff. (not so stable though) | 10:46 |
agoliveira | BenC, will the patch to load custom DSDT files be added any time soon to Gutsy kernel? | 10:47 |
bdmurray | Still testing with the Live CD would be helpful as it is easier to get the development kernel fixed. | 10:48 |
bdmurray | pitti: Did you want to be pinged about odd apport stuff? | 10:49 |
pitti | bdmurray: sure | 10:49 |
bdmurray | bug 124285 seems quite odd | 10:50 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 124285 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124285 | 10:50 |
bdmurray | Are the dpkg messages part of the crash report or user submitted? | 10:51 |
pitti | bdmurray: hm, I think bug 126805 is really a dup of 123917; do you agree? | 10:52 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126805 in firefox "[gutsy] Firefox on 20070718 Live CD asks which user profile to use" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126805 | 10:52 |
Kmos | bug 123917 | 10:53 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 123917 in firefox "Can't start Firefox" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123917 | 10:53 |
pitti | bdmurray: that was given by the user as a description | 10:53 |
pitti | bdmurray: that has nothing to do with the compiz crash; I guess he had more than one crash and might have mixed the tabs or so | 10:54 |
Kmos | xhaker: the /var/log/messages doesn't show anything wrong on your friend laptop ? | 10:54 |
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keescook | bryce: looking at the mdetect stuff now | 10:54 |
bdmurray | pitti: yes, that is a dup. apport -> that makes some more sense then. | 10:55 |
bryce | keescook, thx | 10:55 |
pitti | bdmurray: thanks, marked so | 10:55 |
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keescook | bryce: the tree of .deps/* files appear in the diff.gz, I would have expected those would get cleaned up during "distclean". | 10:58 |
bryce | that is one of the things I had a lot of trouble with | 10:59 |
bryce | advice on handling that better would be appreciated | 11:00 |
keescook | also, why is mdetect.c in both the toplevel and src dirs? | 11:00 |
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xhaker | Kmos, I tryed to wait for it to crash with a tail /var/log/messages | 11:13 |
xhaker | Kmos, ssh from a different pc | 11:14 |
xhaker | It doesn't show anything. I was betting on the rt2500 wireless driver but it crashes without the pcmcia card! | 11:15 |
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Kmos | xhaker: there isn't any file at /var/crash ? | 11:17 |
Kmos | firefox failed to install adobe flash player on gutsy | 11:18 |
Kmos | says to install it manually | 11:18 |
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pitti | hi Burgundavia | 11:19 |
bdmurray | Is Super+M supposed to do something? | 11:19 |
bdmurray | In compiz. | 11:19 |
Burgundavia | hey pitti | 11:20 |
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stgraber | pitti: Has firefox been built ? (I see nothing on LP) | 11:22 |
pitti | stgraber: yes, it has, debs currently publishing | 11:22 |
stgraber | ok | 11:23 |
asac | Kmos: everything is already uploaded ... i am doing some QA for another two hours now ... if no regressions are found they should go out soon | 11:23 |
Kmos | pitti: at gutsy, when the apport open the browser (in this case, firefox), it's add "file:///home/kmos/%22" before the https://launchpad.net ... | 11:24 |
pitti | Kmos: ah, known bug in python's webbrowser module; it's filed with countless dups | 11:24 |
Kmos | ah ok =) | 11:24 |
pitti | Kmos: that only happens for custom browsers in 'prefered applications', though | 11:25 |
Kmos | maybe when you got some time, fix that module | 11:25 |
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pygi | siretart, any chance you'r still here? | 11:32 |
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pitti | stgraber: how do I add new CDs? | 11:39 |
pitti | stgraber: ubuntu alternate should be ready soon | 11:39 |
stgraber | https://isotesting.stgraber.org/isotesting/addbuild | 11:40 |
pitti | stgraber: I see how to disable/re-enable a CD | 11:40 |
stgraber | tick the ones which are ready, put the build number in "version number" | 11:40 |
stgraber | check that milestone is Tribe-3 and validate | 11:40 |
pitti | stgraber: aah, I see | 11:41 |
pitti | thanks | 11:41 |
stgraber | they'll be put as active again once you submited the new ones | 11:41 |
stgraber | np | 11:41 |
soren | Stupid question alert: I'm just looking at the debian/rules of apache2. It calls "dh_installinit -a -r --init-script=apache2 debian/apache2.2-common.init.d -- start 91 09". The -a is supposed to mean "do this for all arch-dep packages", isn't it? | 11:41 |
pitti | stgraber: ok, so if you want, I'll add them directly, so that we can reduce the IRC pingpong | 11:41 |
soren | So, that command tells dh_installinit to install that init script for all the arch-dep packages in the source package? | 11:42 |
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pitti | soren: seemingly, although this doesn't seem to make much sense | 11:43 |
soren | pitti: That's what I thought. | 11:43 |
stgraber | pitti: sure, just ping if you have any problem | 11:43 |
ajmitch | morning | 11:43 |
stgraber | moin ajmitch | 11:43 |
soren | pitti: It doesn't actually do that, though. | 11:43 |
soren | pitti: From what I can tell, it acts just as it would have without the -a. | 11:43 |
bhale | hi ajmitch | 11:49 |
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pitti | hi ajmitch | 12:00 |
pitti | soren: ah, wait | 12:00 |
soren | pitti: I just got it :) | 12:00 |
pitti | soren: it only acts on <package>.init | 12:00 |
pitti | soren: so even if it is called for other packages, there is no .init script for them | 12:01 |
soren | pitti: Yeah, so that debian/apache2.2-common.init.d argument isn't used at all. | 12:01 |
pitti | soren: I guess it'll actually install debian/init to all packages | 12:01 |
soren | pitti: Yes, I imagine it would. | 12:01 |
pitti | soren: right, that is bogus | 12:01 |
cjwatson | soren: debhelper scripts sometimes only apply files specified on the command line to the first package being acted on. There's a -A argument (documented in debhelper(1)) to change that. | 12:02 |
cjwatson | -A, --all | 12:02 |
cjwatson | Makes files or other items that are specified on the command line take effect in ALL packages acted on, not just the first. | 12:02 |
soren | cjwatson: Regardless, I'm almost certain that in this particular case, that extra argument isn't used at all. | 12:02 |
pitti | soren: at least it is used in an incorrect way | 12:03 |
cjwatson | soren: easy way to tell is to run that single command with DH_VERBOSE=1 | 12:03 |
pitti | soren: it's supposed to be a name, not a path, AFAIU the manpage | 12:03 |
cjwatson | (and any DH_COMPAT from debian/rules, if there's no debian/compat) | 12:03 |
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soren | cjwatson: The output is exactly the same if I pass "foobar" instead of debian/apache2.2-common.init.d :) | 12:04 |
cjwatson | heh | 12:04 |
soren | Oh, well. Lesson to be learned: Don't trust everyone else's maintainer scripts to make sense. | 12:05 |
soren | What I needed it for was a quick and simple way to create the init.d dir, install an init script (from the orig.tar.gz, so not in debian/), do the debhelper magic to put update-rc.d into post{inst,rm}, and all that jazz.. | 12:06 |
soren | Looking at the dh_installinit source, it looks like I'm SOL. | 12:07 |
soren | ...unless I just copy the init script into debian/, but that doesn't feel right either. | 12:08 |
pitti | new ubuntu/edubuntu/xubuntu alternates up, please test | 12:08 |
pitti | ogra, bdmurray, mr_pouit, gpocentek ^ | 12:08 |
pitti | stgraber: I added them, worked fine | 12:09 |
soren | And symlinking it works, but can't be represented in the diff.gz. | 12:10 |
pitti | new ubuntu desktop images up | 12:10 |
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