
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-mythtv.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== Topic for #ubuntu-mythtv: "Welcome to #ubuntu-mythtv:: Mythbuntu 7.10 Alpha 2: http://www.mythbuntu.org :: Paste logs @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org :: See our wiki for setting up and troubleshooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV"
=== Topic (#ubuntu-mythtv): set by superm1 at Tue Jul 3 00:45:59 2007
=== OpenMedia [n=sellis@60-234-129-166.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== bjweeks_ [n=bjweeks@unaffiliated/bjweeks] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== foxbuntu [n=nfoxqci@12-216-24-171.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
foxbuntuevening superm106:17
foxbuntusuperm1, hows it going?06:17
=== tgm4883_laptop [n=tgm4883@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, what are the chances of PPC mythbuntu?06:21
=== foxxbuntu [n=nfoxqci@12-216-24-171.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
foxxbuntutgm4883_laptop, you pervert06:32
tgm4883_laptopYou should see the size of my Hard Drive06:33
tgm4883_laptopit's a good thing I got rid of my 3 1/2 inch floppy06:33
foxxbuntuok, what is your HDD cap?06:34
tgm4883_laptopnah, i only have 80Gb here, 160 on my desktop, 400 on my mythtv box and 700Gb on my server06:35
foxxbuntuI dont have a server to add the extra space in yet06:36
tgm4883_laptoponce .21 comes out though, watch out06:36
foxxbuntuIm running 520 on an LVM on my myth box06:37
foxxbuntunot HD06:37
foxxbuntuit blows06:38
tgm4883_laptopi agree06:38
foxxbuntuaround here HD is crap anyways06:38
tgm4883_laptopwhere at?06:38
foxxbuntupretty much stuck with crap ass cable or really crappy dish06:40
foxxbuntuand OTA06:40
foxxbuntuand I am waiting until I finish working on my house to get a really big ass TV to go HD06:42
=== bjweeks- [n=bjweeks@ip72-201-248-48.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883_laptopHD rocks, blows analog away.  (dont get me started on the "Next Gen" DVD formats though)06:44
tgm4883_laptopReally depends on what you want to watch though06:44
foxxbuntuoh I know06:44
foxxbuntuI am however about to add a 32" LCD to my collection, and build a frontend for it with HDMI06:45
tgm4883_laptop32 is a good size06:45
foxxbuntuI found a good price on one too06:45
foxxbuntu$599 for a hyundai06:46
foxxbuntuwith dual HDMI in06:46
tgm4883_laptopmy brother has a 92in projection screen, its ok for movies and such, but i couldn't imagine watching everything on that06:46
foxxbuntuand a built in ATSC/QAM tuner06:46
tgm4883_laptopgood price, i have a 37in vizio that I think was about 80006:47
foxxbuntuI am wall mounting this one, so 32 is all the bigger we can do06:48
foxxbuntuI can do*06:48
tgm4883_laptopoh yea, wall mounting is nice06:48
=== tgm4883_laptop wants to wall mount his, but not in an apartment :(
foxxbuntutgm4883_laptop, how long you had that Vizio TV?06:53
tgm4883_laptopsince january06:53
foxxbuntuyou liking it?06:53
tgm4883_laptopits pretty nice, quick response time, colors look good.  Only complaint is the volume from the mythbox to the tv, but im not sure if thats the tv or the mythbox06:54
foxxbuntuI had that with my myth too for a bit, but then found out it was my cable box06:55
foxxbuntuvolume on it got turned way down somehow so the recordins where all reall quite06:56
tgm4883_laptopeverything is quiet.  I ended up outputing sound from the tv to a stereo06:56
tgm4883_laptopoh one more thing, the volume i noticed from 0 to 50 had pretty good range, but from 50 to 100 didn't seem to increase as much.06:58
tgm4883_laptopI dont know if it's a feature of the tv or what, but when I turn off my mythbox, the tv shuts off06:59
tgm4883_laptopits hooked up through vga06:59
tgm4883_laptopi suppose its just detecting the signal06:59
foxxbuntuwell, I worked for Best Buy a long time back, and one thing I learned is it the store brand or generic electronics usually are crap, but sometimes they are just a rebranded version of the higher end stuff06:59
tgm4883_laptopyea, i read somewhere that the vizio's are rebranded07:00
tgm4883_laptoplet me see if i can find that again07:00
superm1tgm4883_laptop, very possible07:01
superm1only problem is on most ppc machines, xorg doesn't properly autoconfigure07:01
=== varka [n=varkatop@p54A5FF6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, just had somebody asking about it in the forums07:15
tgm4883_laptopyou know how I love those forums07:16
superm1tgm4883_laptop, can you ask them if a standard ubuntu disk works?07:16
superm1on their machines?07:16
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-58-82.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== yigal [n=yigal@pool-71-118-39-68.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
yigalhey what is a cheap card for a desktop that will work with mythtv?  I have an old system p4 1.7ghz 1.25gb ram  nvidia fx 5200 graphics card07:27
yigali just want to watch cable, and if possible record a show now and then07:27
superm1well whats your definition of cheap?07:34
superm1across the board - i'd say go hauppauge pvr-150 for the cheaper variant, or pvr-500 if you wanted to spend a few and get two tuners07:35
yigalsuperm1: ill check it out07:36
yigalsuperm1: the 150 is for $72 at newegg, sounds good07:37
yigalsuperm1: i just want to make sure it is compatible with linux07:38
superm1yes it is07:38
yigalsuperm1: good07:38
yigalsuperm1: im making the order now then07:38
superm1great.  its supported out of the box on feisty and later07:38
superm1earlier releases you'll have to install a driver07:39
yigalsuperm1: no problem if its just a driver07:39
yigalsuperm1: im using Feisty and Deb unstable07:39
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=== Tari_ [n=Tari@mke-66-97-121-224.milwpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== claydoh_ [n=claydoh@66-252-59-76.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== bjweeks- is now known as bjweeks
=== claydoh__ [n=claydoh@66-252-59-76.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== DaveMorris [n=dave@cubert.itri.bton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
DaveMorrissuperm1: when you wake up, you got time to package a lib I found if it meets the criteria, if not I'll package it up for my own use (but I prob do them wrong and not the ubuntu way)12:09
=== claydoh_ [n=claydoh@66-252-58-165.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== jeffcster [n=jeffcste@mallorn.informatics.jax.org] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
jeffcsterdoes anyine have time to answer a couple of mythbuntu questions?12:54
jeffcsterI was wondering how I can get to a terminal window. I can't seem to find the right keystrokes or a way to do it.12:55
lagajeffcster: are you logged in as your normal user?12:56
jeffcsterthis is my first time to freenode so not really a normal user to irc12:58
lagano, i was talking about your mythbuntu box. do you see mythfrontend now or do you see the administration desktop?12:58
jeffcsterit  logs in as mythtv user and goes to the main myth screen autimatically. I did manager to log in to the administration screen last night.01:00
lagajeffcster: jsut exit mythfrontend and log in to the administration screen. then you can right-click and start  a terminal01:01
jeffcsterok! thanks so much.  My last question is about recordings. I have 2 hard drives on my system and mythbuntu was set up on the 40gig drive. I want to save recordings to the 120gig drive. What is the easiest way to accomplish that?01:03
lagayou wait till 0.21 is released :P01:03
lagaor you use this script as an user job: http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/browser/branches/release-0-20-fixes/mythtv/contrib/myth_archive_job.pl01:04
jeffcsterok, I'll look this over. thank you for your time. :-)01:11
lagano problem :)01:12
laga2007-07-18 13:12:24.796 RingBuf(/GetPlaybackURL/UNABLE/TO/FIND/LOCAL/FILE/ON/screwless/3009_200707180120001:12
laga0.mpg): Could not open /GetPlaybackURL/UNABLE/TO/FIND/LOCAL/FILE/ON/screwless/3009_20070718012000.mpg.01:13
lagaoops, sorry. wrong window.01:13
=== Kenz1 [n=jesper@4306ds2-ar.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
DaveMorrisjeffcster: mount the 2nd dive on something like /recordings01:18
DaveMorristhen in myttv-setup set the path for recordings to /recordings01:18
DaveMorristhen all of your recordings go onto the larger disk,01:19
jeffcsterDave,  that is sort of how my friend said to do it but he siad I would need to re mount each time I rebooted the machine. right?01:20
lagai assumed you wanted to use both drives ;)01:20
Kenz1any news on the usbstick/ install brainstorm?01:21
lagai haven't tried it yet ;)01:22
DaveMorrisjeffcster: not if you stick the detials into the fstab. /etc/fstab01:24
=== DaveMorris off for lunch
jeffcsterDaveMorris: ok. I'll have to try that later and see how it works.  I'm assuming your saying to make a directory called recordings on the bigger drive and then just point mythtv to it. That correct?  well you can answer me after lunch. thanks.01:27
=== Hugolp [n=jo@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== Kenz1 [n=jesper@4306ds2-ar.0.fullrate.dk] has left #ubuntu-mythtv []
DaveMorrismake a dir called recordings on your root filesystem - sudo mkdir /recordings02:22
DaveMorrismount the 2nd hdd onto this dir                                - sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /recordings02:22
DaveMorrisuse mythtv-setup to tell it to record to /recordings02:22
DaveMorrisedit /etc/fstab to auto mount the 2nd drive              - sudo gedit /etc/fstab02:22
DaveMorrisadding -  /dev/sdb1       /recordings     xfs     defaults        0       302:22
DaveMorrisI'd also reommend using the xfs filesystem instead of ext3 on the 2nd drive, as it better for large files - sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb102:22
DaveMorrisjeffcster: ^^02:22
jeffcsterDaveMorris: thanks that makes it very clear. :)02:28
DaveMorrisit'll be in the manual for release, as its the setup I'd recommended02:29
DaveMorrissince mythtv seems to eat disks due to constantly writing/deleting large files02:29
lagajeffcster: mind you, mkfs.xfs will delete anything on that drive ;)02:29
lagaor let's say partition02:29
jeffcsterthat's fine, there is nothing on the disk I need anyway. :)02:30
DaveMorrisyeah, your partions might be wrong, and wrong disks etc02:30
DaveMorrisDaviey: what do I need to buy to allow me to use IR remotes via a usb/serial connection?02:43
=== jeffcster [n=jeffcste@mallorn.informatics.jax.org] has left #ubuntu-mythtv []
=== SalvaConNome [n=mattia@host66-163-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
SalvaConNomehi to all03:07
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SalvaConNomehi to all03:53
SalvaConNomeCan i make an ot question?03:56
SalvaConNomefor dvb-s03:56
=== foxbuntu [n=nick@67-41-244-37.desm.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
DaveMorrissure, however I've not used dvb-s before04:00
=== Hugolp [n=jo@] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
SalvaConNomehi dave04:04
SalvaConNomedo you know sasc--ng?04:04
DaveMorrisafraid not, I'm in Europe so I just know dvb04:07
SalvaConNomeok thanks04:08
DaveMorrishowever I'm guessing superm1 will be up soon04:08
DaveMorrisand he'll know04:08
=== DaveMorris shouts across the 'pond' for superm1 to wake up
SalvaConNomei'll wait04:09
=== foxbuntu looks groggy eyed after rudely awaking by DaveMorris shouting from across the pond
laganow he's gone04:11
lagaDaveMorris: sasc-ng is a "softcam"04:11
DaveMorrisand how do you use it?04:12
superm1man i had a hard time sleeping.  i had this dream someone kept yelling for me :)04:24
superm1what's up?04:24
lagawell, my point was that it's usually illegal and often used for illegal things ;)04:24
superm1ah a softcam04:25
foxbuntusuperm1, what was the name of that irish beer?04:32
lagaguiness, kilkenny?04:34
foxbuntuits made by guiness though04:34
foxbuntuits and irish ale04:34
superm1oh Smithwicks04:36
foxbuntuwas gonna try to find it, but couldnt remember the name04:37
foxbuntusuperm1, I bought a truck last night04:37
superm1another one?04:37
foxbuntuwell same one04:38
foxbuntubrought it home04:38
superm1why would you pay for the same truck twice?04:38
foxbuntuwhy did i indeed?04:38
=== foxbuntu thinks superm1 needs to stop trying to be so literal around foxbuntu
superm1did you get a high quality truck for 2x the cost of a low quality truck then?04:39
=== foxbuntu the only literal statements foxbuntu wants to hear from superm1 right now are of the pyparsing kind, Literal("SUXOR").suppress
foxbuntuon that front04:41
foxbuntuI may have found a way to not parse the entire file out04:41
superm1to not?04:42
foxbuntupyparsing allows you to do dictionaries, so I can just look for Vol+ and have it know that its VolumeUp04:42
foxbuntuect ect04:43
superm1right, you can make a dictionary of such items and easily run each thing through that dictionary04:43
foxbuntuthen I will just use the results to insert the function into the lircrc04:43
foxbuntuso there will be a premade lircrc to use, and I will add a preset of replacement words like VolUpIns = Volup04:44
foxbuntuor whatever it is in the lircrc04:44
superm1premade eh04:44
superm1what if the remote doesn't support some buttons in the premade lircrc04:45
foxbuntuand then have pyparsing look for the ins word and replace with the found dic language04:45
foxbuntuwell I am only going to program for required buttons04:45
foxbuntu0-9 Guide, Play, Pause, ect04:46
foxbuntueverything else the user will be on their own04:46
superm1well in a first iteration that will be fine04:46
superm1but that will have to be improved upon04:46
foxbuntuthats fine04:46
foxbuntubut to get things rolling thats the way I think I will handle it04:47
foxbuntuthen we can drop a patch in there later as I get better with pyton04:47
foxbuntuI am slowing picking the programing stuff backup04:50
foxbuntuI had lost alot of the basic concepts since I hadn't wrote anything in like 3 years04:50
foxbuntuand even then it wasnt much04:51
superm1well keep on trucking along :)04:51
superm1DaveMorris, are you here?04:51
superm1DaveMorris, http://mythbuntu.org/~supermario/mythbuntu/7.10-screenshots/mythbuntu-live-autostart/04:52
superm1that's where i'm headed with the autostart so you can get an idea of what it will be looking like before i've got it in and fully functional04:53
DaveMorrisI'll take a look04:53
DaveMorrisbtw how can a use configure wireless ?04:54
superm1there is no easy way right now04:54
superm1there is a manual method you can do04:54
superm1but we'll need something better than that likely04:54
foxbuntusuperm1, nice04:54
superm1foxbuntu, i've got the python backend for it coded, it's just a matter of binding everything to the gui i built now :)04:55
foxbuntuthat will save allot of pain for users04:55
superm1well its going to be something only applicable for a live disk04:57
superm1to add more functionality in live mode04:57
=== Tari__ [n=Tari@mke-66-97-117-11.milwpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
foxbuntuwell either way04:58
foxbuntunice work04:58
superm1thx.  i'll be back in a bit04:58
=== rogue780 15 @ 1337 h@x0r!
foxbunturogue780, what did you do?05:04
=== superm1 [i=malimonc@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
=== claydoh_ [n=claydoh@66-252-58-165.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
rogue780foxbuntu, I configured my mythbox so that whenever the twilight zone is on tv the lights in my computer room will flicker on and off05:30
rogue780behold! the power of the transistor and the parallel port@05:30
=== laga blinks
superm1rogue780, maybe you need to put a few moments more towards artwork :)05:32
rogue780lol. maybe. I'll admit I've hit a setback...I'm still trying to figure out SVG and such. the GIMP is much easier05:34
superm1do you know what ever happened with riku ?05:37
=== foxbuntu rflmao at rogue780
superm1that other guy who had the pretty nice exapmles?05:38
rogue780not a clue. to be honest once he sent those over I kinda gave up a little too...they were (IMO) *perfect*05:40
superm1well i'll send an email out the mailing list and see if he responds.  he is subscribed05:41
foxbuntusuperm1, rogue780, (IMO) mine were crap05:41
superm1if he doesn't respond, then I say you, dave johnson, and foxbuntu just take where he started from those and keep going05:41
rogue780rgr that05:41
superm1there are still plenty of other UI related things that need cleanup05:41
superm1like the gtk theme05:41
superm1for sure05:42
foxbuntuoh yea05:42
foxbuntuI will look into that when I have a moment05:42
rogue780superm1, FYI I'm still trying to buy a house. now I'm sifting through all my files trying to find my tax documents for the last 3 years. argh...05:42
foxbuntuthats alot of work to buy a house05:43
foxbuntuI didn't have that much trouble05:43
rogue780yeah, well it takes a bit of work when you want Maryland to pay most of your closing costs05:44
rogue780We've got almost no cash so we're getting grants...and that takes a bit extra work unfortunately05:45
foxbuntuI bought mine at 0 down05:45
foxbuntuI actually paid nothing to move in05:45
foxbuntuno grants05:45
rogue780And the rent we're paying for military housing is about $300 more/month than this home is with twice the sq/footage05:45
rogue780on the 31st when we close the deal we'll actually be getting about $400 in credit back which we'll put towards the principle05:46
rogue780foxbuntu, you didn't use that carlton sheets method did ye?05:46
foxbuntuI got the sellers to pay the closing costs on my house plus the first yr's insurance and a few other things05:47
foxbuntuI just played the numbers to get the house at my price but made it look like the sellers were getting their price05:47
foxbuntuI offered them only a little below the price of the house but then had them pay closing and actual costs to a certian percent05:48
rogue780nice. unfortunately for us Maryland has just transferred from a sellers market to a buyers market....but a lot of sellers don't realize it yet. the seller is paying $1,500 in closing, we're getting $5,800 from MD and my realtor is giving a $1,800 credit05:48
rogue780we're getting it for $175k the list price was $179,90005:48
foxbuntuyea...Iowa is a buyers market right now too, has been for about 10 months now05:49
foxbuntuits been a depressed market here for a while05:50
rogue780Colorado is a great place to buy right now. possibly best in the country.  I kinda wish I were there, you can get houses for dirt cheap especially around colorado springs05:50
rogue780superm1, have you considered switching to #mythbuntu at all?05:52
superm1rogue780, considered it, but it's so much trouble05:52
superm1it was hard enough to get a lot of the things in this channel active05:52
superm1ubotu, ubuntulog, controlling the topic, channelserv05:52
superm1next time Ompaul is around, maybe can request #mythbuntu to redirect here05:53
rogue780I'm in #mythbuntu ... have been for a while with tgm4883. I put in the topic to come here05:53
superm1ah i see :)05:54
rogue780a lot of people were going there instead of here to ask questions05:54
superm1good call then05:54
lagathat's great05:54
rogue780well, I'm off to see a man about a dog. adios05:55
tgm4883superm1, I asked that guy about the live disk and ppc05:56
superm1and what'd he say?05:56
tgm4883aparently there isn't a live disk for it05:56
superm1for PPC05:56
superm1yes there is05:56
superm1my roomate ran it05:56
tgm4883but I have a buddy that has a mac in the #ubuntu-oregon, so when he gets on i'll ask him if his is ppc05:57
tgm4883ill also send the guy a link to the live disk05:57
superm1the problem with my roomate's emac was that it wouldn't detect X properly05:57
superm1the timing is very very finicky on those monitors05:57
superm1and you need to pull it from the edid, which isn't done automatically05:57
=== PhilKC [n=PhilKC@freenode/staff/philkc] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1Hi PhilKC06:07
superm1we've had a few folks headed over to #mythbuntu for questions regarding mythbuntu, but since it's the same guys (us) working on ubuntu for mythtv or mythbuntu, it would be easier if they just redirected here06:08
DaveMorristhere is a #mythbuntu06:10
superm1DaveMorris, as rogue780 and tgm4883 pointed out, people have been headed over there (i had no idea)06:11
=== lashmoove [n=Tommy_Bo@adsl-065-015-057-251.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== nalioth [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883I guess its fixed then06:28
tgm4883 What language is this?06:29
nalioth #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk06:29
naliothwho knows?06:30
=== nalioth [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has left #ubuntu-mythtv []
superm1PhilKC, it appears to be active now, not sure if it was you or nalioth that got it taken care of, but thanks :)06:30
superm1ah did he join #mythbuntu and let you guys know?06:31
tgm4883not exactly06:31
tgm4883* nalioth (i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth) has joined #mythbuntu06:32
tgm4883* nalioth sets mode +P #mythbuntu06:32
tgm4883* nalioth sets mode +m #mythbuntu06:32
tgm4883* nalioth sets mode +i #mythbuntu06:32
tgm4883* nalioth sets mode +f #mythbuntu #ubuntu-mythtv06:32
tgm4883* nalioth has kicked rogue780 from #mythbuntu (nalioth)06:32
tgm4883* You have been kicked from #mythbuntu by nalioth (nalioth)06:32
tgm4883Dang it06:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:32
tgm4883i always forget06:32
superm1ah okay06:33
tgm4883there is also a #mythbuntu-dev channel, but i dont think anyone usually goes there.  You would have to ask rogue78006:33
superm1man when did all these channels get made?06:33
superm1were they registered?06:33
tgm4883just joined06:33
tgm4883just like #superm1isthecoolest06:34
tgm4883sorry buddy, you only have 1 fan06:34
foxbuntuwhat about #foxbunturocksyourworld ?06:40
tgm4883thats even worse, you have 0 fans06:44
=== seabag [n=seabag@70-101-97-67.dsl1-field.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
seabaghey everyone07:28
seabagdoes anyone here have the hauppauge PCI pvr 150 mce?07:28
superm1well i've got a 500, but its the same thing as 2 150s07:29
superm1what's your trouble?07:29
superm1seabag, ^?07:32
=== claydoh_ [n=claydoh@66-252-58-165.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
seabagi put my pc to sleep and after waking it up from either suspend or hibernate, the card doesn't respond.07:36
seabag(sorry i was typin something just now :)07:36
superm1have you tried to unload and reload the ivtv modules before/after suspend07:37
seabaghm no i haven't. how do i do that?07:37
superm1edit /etc/default/acpi-support07:37
superm1and add ivtv to the lists of MODULES07:38
superm1that are unloaded and reloaded07:38
superm1additionally, you might need to unload some of the components that ivtv loads, saa7134 and a few others07:38
superm1but try with just ivtv for now07:38
=== seabag excited
seabagok hangon i'll try it!!07:39
superm1keescook, I assembled a patch that should handle parsing the /dev/v4l/by-id directory last night, when do you think you will have the udev rule in so i can test with it?07:40
keescooksuperm1: it's on my list, but it requires more than a rule update -- the "path_id" helper scripts needs updated too.  bleh.07:41
superm1well whenever it's in, ping me and i'll play with the patch to make sure things work as expected07:41
keescooklet me finish it up so you can test with it.  I need to run it by the udev maintainer just so he doesn't slap me in the head for doing something dumb.  :)07:41
superm1of course :)07:42
superm1one thing that i had thought of though, if you have two of the same device, they do have the same pci id07:42
superm1don't they?07:42
keescookpci id yes, but not pci _path_.  (i.e. bus, slot, etc)07:43
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superm1right, that would make sense07:43
superm1g'afternoon mkrufky07:43
mkrufkyhello superm107:44
superm1mkrufky, there are other pieces of firmware that can be obtained via the script shipped with the kernel from various places.  Do you know if an effort to get these other pieces into the ubuntu packge would be worthwhile?07:45
superm1or the licenses on said pieces will forbade such things07:45
mkrufkysuperm1: i have been trying, VERY HARD to get those firmware images into ubuntu07:46
mkrufkyand i, apparently, did the wrong thing up till now07:46
superm1well someone within the mythbuntu team was going to do a python app for grabbing firmware for devices07:46
superm1if they weren't going to be making it into the kernel for gutsy07:47
mkrufky..... for example, Launchpad Bug #9072307:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 90723 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Please include bluebird firmware for dvb-usb devices" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9072307:47
mkrufky*I* released that firmware image to the public07:47
mkrufkyand i'd love it if ubuntu would package it07:47
seabagaha!! well i added ivtv and it wakes up the card now! but, i may need to add some of those others too, because the card doesn't actually show anything.07:47
superm1great seabag :)07:47
seabagsaa7134, and any others you recommend?07:48
mkrufkyno python app necessary -- we have linux/Documentation/dvb/get_dvb_firmware inside the kernel source07:48
superm1mkrufky, given that you had released that firmware, that's pretty shocking.  i would worry about the other not 'public domain' pieces07:48
mkrufkydont you think i should start with my own?07:48
superm1mkrufky, right, but something more 'user' friendly pygtk ish07:48
superm1was the goal07:48
superm1seabag, look at dmesg, you'll see between the START IVTV and END IVTV blocks07:49
superm1what was loaded07:49
mkrufkywhat do you want to know about saa7134, seabag ?07:50
seabagsuperml, where is dmesg located?07:50
seabagmkrufky, well basically my pvr 150mce pci won't wake up after suspend, so i'm in acpi-support trying to get it to wake the card up07:50
mkrufkysuperm1: is that script going to read the firmware dependencies the same way that modinfo does?07:51
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superm1seabag, if you type 'dmesg | tac | sed -n '/=\ \ END INIT IVTV\ \ =/,/= START INIT IVTV =/p;/= START INIT IVTV =/q' | tac'  in a terminal you will get the information i'm referring to07:51
superm1without the starting and ending ' of course07:51
superm1mkrufky, well it was going to be initially just against a db of known firmware07:51
seabagand in acpi-support i should separate them like this?   MODULES= "ivtv","saa", "foo"07:52
superm1starting from get_dvb_firmware, and other things not listed i nit07:52
pepsimankeescook: how can I find the cause of bug 97599?07:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 97599 in mythplugins "MythWeb sessions no longer working" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9759907:52
superm1seabag, in acpi-source it would be like this MODULES=" ivtv saa7134 " etc07:52
mkrufkysuperm1: the page you pointed me to says that it's going to look for required firmware based on subsystem id07:52
seabagohh gotcha. i tried "foo, bar" and that didn't work... ok07:52
mkrufkysuperm1: so, im suggesting also to compare against the loaded module's modinfo output for firmware depency07:53
keescookpepsiman: not sure.  I suspect someone will need to do some kind of VMware install of edgy and do the upgrade, if there are no clues in the apache logs07:53
superm1would the module be loading though if the firmware wasn't present07:53
superm1or would it just provide an error07:53
=== DaveMorris [n=dave@host-212-158-244-26.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
mkrufkymodule would load with an error07:53
pepsimankeescook: what's it got to do with apache?  mythweb works fine except for the session stuff07:53
keescookpepsiman: ah, perhaps I misunderstood.  what's is the problem you're seeing?07:54
pepsiman"MythWeb doesn't remember recorded program sort order, upcoming recordings display settings, etc."07:54
superm1this sounds like a bug that was reported a bit back07:55
keescookyeah, I must have totally misunderstood it.  Can you add some details on what you'd expect and what happens to that bug report?07:55
pepsimanI reported it in March07:55
superm1mkrufky, i see okay07:55
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superm1but the more firmware that gets into the kernel, the less of a need for this spec in the first place07:56
mkrufkysuperm1: even still -- you dont need the module to be loaded --  you can cross ref the subsystem ids against the module tables, and then just use modinfo without even having to load the module07:56
mkrufkyfirmware doesnt "get into the kernel"07:56
superm1well kernel package :)07:56
superm1ship "with" the kernel07:57
mkrufkyok, thats better :-) ...07:57
pepsimankeescook: done08:00
seabagok superml, i did the dmesg tac and the response shows ivtv, ivtv0, sda, etc... i don't even see the saa713408:01
seabag* superm108:01
superm1seabag, you sould have seen cx25840, wmv 8775, tunre, tveeprom,08:03
superm1and probably a few others08:03
seabagah ok i see those. toss 'em all i n?08:04
superm1as long as nothing else is using them, it wouldn't hurt08:04
superm1you can check with lsmod08:04
seabaggotcha. brb!08:05
superm1DaveMorris, did you ever submit bug 83884 upstream?08:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 83884 in mythplugins "Mythfrontend crashes after MythMusic completes a music database scan" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8388408:08
seabagsuperm1, stupid question but should i include sda, usb, tuner...?08:09
superm1No don't use those first two08:09
superm1tuner is fine08:09
DaveMorrisposs not, I've been kinda sleeping on that job08:09
superm1well it needs a backtrace first anyway08:10
superm1but if that mp3 file on the tracker can reproduce it, a backtrace is easy to make08:10
DaveMorrisif I had it'll be added to the bug report08:10
DaveMorrisdid you guys sort out those apport stack traces08:10
superm1oh right.  i had forgotten about that spec08:11
superm1laga, once you finish up the trunk packaging lets sort that out okay?08:11
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seabagsuperm1, still same as before. mplayer /dev/video0 shows up now but still blank window08:21
superm1seabag, did you restart after the first failed attempt?08:21
superm1seabag, you might want to bring your question up to the ivtv mailing list then, see if any of them have some further suggestions08:23
superm1i'm parched08:23
seabagwell thank you very much, you helped me get halfway!08:24
seabagi've been glaring at this PC since eh, january or so :D08:25
keescooksuperm1: bug #126812 has the debdiff for by-path handling of v4l devices.  I'll get it confirmed by the maintainer.08:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126812 in udev "video4linux devices have no static mapping" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12681208:25
superm1good luck :)  if you get the second half sorted out, please let us know so we can add it to the wiki and tell others :)08:25
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seabagaha ok definitely. i was going to ask you how i could help out in this matter. will do!!08:25
superm1alright keescook, i'll build this and my patch later this evening08:26
seabaghere goes nothin. cya!08:26
superm1cya seabag08:26
superm1i'll let you know how things turn out08:26
keescookcool, this looks good08:30
superm1keescook, do you know how to process the rules after reinstalling udev on a live box?08:31
keescookroot@cube:/dev/v4l/by-path# ls -l08:31
keescooktotal 008:31
keescooklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2007-07-18 11:28 pci-0000:01:06.0-cx8800 -> ../../video008:31
keescooklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2007-07-18 11:28 pci-0000:01:07.0-ivtv -> ../../video2408:31
keescooksuperm1: I don't.  :(  I rebooted.  :P08:31
superm1because i'll likely have to do this off a live cd08:31
superm1that does look very good08:31
keescooker, actually08:31
keescookvideo24 should be video1 ... hmm08:32
superm1oh right. hm08:32
keescookI wonder how I give preference?08:32
superm1also, what about the vbi devices08:32
keescookthe rule currently ignores them (just check for video*, I think I'll switch to video[0-9] )08:33
superm1so won't work work with more than 10 cards :)08:33
keescookright.  any idea how the video24 is built?08:34
keescooki.e. how ivtv decides to start counting at 24 for the other bits?08:34
superm1ivtv creates i think 4 device minors08:34
keescookbetter yet, what _is_ video24?08:34
superm1i have a video0, video24, and video3208:34
superm1from a pvr-15008:34
superm1the pvr350 makes one more08:35
superm1video24 is for radio08:35
superm1keescook, http://ivtvdriver.org/viewcvs/ivtv/branches/0.10/doc/README.devices?view=markup08:36
keescookwow.  there isn't a sane way to handle all that.  ugly v4l.08:38
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, talking to my buddy with the ppc, says the live disk works fine on his ibook.  Everything works but the wireless OOB.08:39
tgm4883_laptopThis is one instance though and i suppose other models could be different08:40
superm1tgm4883_laptop, okay great.  i'll bug my roomate to install debootstrap (he's a gentoo guy, so he'll have to give me a chroot to work with) to build it08:40
superm1i wonder if gentoo has a pbuilder/sbuild ebuild.  if so, then i can even build ubiquity and such through it08:41
tgm4883_laptopstill waiting on the guy from the forums to get back to me, then we will have a survey of 208:41
mkrufkyguys, sorry... . been very busy here08:43
mkrufkyvideo24 is RGB, as opposed to mpeg08:44
mkrufky( i think )08:44
mkrufkyi get them confused08:44
superm1mkrufky, it's in that readme i linked keescook to08:44
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, perhaps the problem was with the ati vid card, and not the ppc08:44
superm1i was a bit confused too08:44
tgm4883_laptopor a combination of the two08:44
superm1tgm4883_laptop, the problem is the monitor timing typically08:44
mkrufkypvr350 adds a video48, that is raw video input to the decoder (tv out) ... video16 is mpeg input to the decoder (tv out)08:44
mkrufkyoh, oops... readme's are better than a babbling mkrufky ;-)08:45
keescookthe only way I can work around this is to ignore video10 and higher.  :(08:45
mkrufkythat sucks08:46
superm1well actually that should be an okay solution for the problem attempting to solve08:46
mkrufkywhat id somebody actually had 16 raw capture devices attached?08:46
keescooksuperm1: yeah.08:46
superm1if someone really has more than 10 video capture devices, i'd like to see how their IO in the system takes to that in the first place08:47
mkrufkyim not an expert on how those sysfs paths work....  but wouldnt it be better to fix the v4l core code to create those paths instead of patching udev, distro-specific?08:47
mkrufkysuperm1: i've read of people with > 12 DVB capture devices....  i couldnt imagine any need for that many raw video devices, but just because i dont see the need doesnt mean somebody else might try it08:48
superm1well dvb i can see - but raw capture no.  ivtv has a strict limit at 10 cards anyhow08:49
keescookmkrufky: yeah, this is limited only to video[0-9]  devices for the moment.08:50
mkrufkyivtv has a limit of 10 cards?  any idea why?08:50
mkrufky(yeah, i havent seen any motherboards with 10 pci slots, but besides that...)08:50
superm1well but you can have a pvr-50008:51
superm1which provides two cards08:51
superm1er actually the hard limit is 1208:51
superm1not 1008:51
mkrufkyyeah, 12 makes more sense, then08:51
superm1not sure why its there, but its listed in the readme08:51
superm1why does 12 make more sense?08:51
mkrufkyi'll ask hans when i see him next08:51
mkrufky12 makes more sense, because i have seen mb;s with up to 6 pci slots08:51
mkrufky10 just seemed to be a random number08:52
keescooksuperm1: debdiff updated: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8519911/udev_113-0ubuntu6.debdiff08:52
mkrufky.... but then again, there are those pci extenders...  not that they would work well at all08:52
=== superm1 really thinks someone who has 12 cards actively recording, needs to find a new hobby
keescookroot@cube:/dev/v4l/by-path# ls -l08:52
keescooktotal 008:52
keescooklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2007-07-18 11:48 pci-0000:01:06.0-cx8800 -> ../../video008:52
keescooklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 2007-07-18 11:48 pci-0000:01:07.0-ivtv -> ../../video108:52
keescookthere, that gives us sane symlinks in a sane configuration.  :(08:53
keescooker :)08:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:53
=== tgm4883_laptop hi pot, this is kettle. Your black
mkrufkyi agree with you, superm1 ... except for the fact that linux does exist so that those people can built whetever they want out of their pcs08:53
keescooktgm4883_laptop: heh.  I figured 4 lines wasn't08:56
keescook"large text"08:56
tgm4883_laptopyour fine with that08:57
superm1well i think i know how i'll test this later.  i'll just kill two birds with one stone, and rebuild a new mythbuntu disk to test a few other changes with these added in08:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:58
foxbuntuwell its large text on my 640x480 res laptop08:59
superm1foxbuntu, 640x480. are you kidding?08:59
lagasuperm1: yup08:59
superm1laga, did that change of adding the prefilled sql value translate over well to trunk?09:00
superm1or will it need to be reworked for additional items that are added09:00
lagasuperm1: i have not tried them on a vanilla install of mythbuntu. :(09:00
lagalet's take a look...09:00
superm1i don't know how sql values are stored for the storage groups09:01
superm1rather than the recordings directory09:01
superm1so i'd expect some level of breakage there09:01
lagalooks like epgdata.com has data for germany, austria, switzerland, netherlands, UK, spain, france and italy. not all channels, of course, but at least the main channels09:01
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lagasuperm1: i don't expect breakage.09:06
lagasuperm1: there's a "DBSchemaVer" entry in the settings table.09:07
lagai believe your sql file has it, too.09:07
superm1well so it would upgrade the first time *any* myth app is ran?09:07
superm1or just mythtv-setup09:07
lagalooking at the code right now...09:08
lagawell, still grepping :)09:08
superm1the idea was supposed to be that you can install mythtv, and not have to run mythtv-setup unless you wanted to add a tuner09:08
superm1so someone only wanting to use mythvideo or mythmusic could09:08
lagalibs/libmythtv/dbcheck.cpp handles database upgrades09:09
laga(personally, i would not use mythtv for mythvideo or mythmusic only, but OK)09:10
lagai guess it'll be fine.09:10
superm1well probably not mythmusic only09:10
superm1more likely mythvideo only09:10
superm1i've seen a few forum posts about people wanting to do that09:10
superm1which is what pre-empted the idea09:10
superm1now if some method of automatic tuner detection could be added, then this can probably be taken a step further09:10
superm1someone would literally be able to install mythtv, and then watch tv from it.  if they wanted guide data, or to change defaults they could open mythtv-setup09:11
lagai'll try to get mythweb sorted out ASAP, but the grabber is taking up a lot of my time as well09:12
superm1i'm surprised my changes didn't transliterate right over09:12
lagayou're forgetting about channel tuning info09:12
superm1oh right.09:12
lagasuperm1: i must have broken something during the merge, i guess.09:12
superm1what's happening to you now?09:12
lagait's still hanging ;)09:13
lagasame as before09:13
lagai should try on a fresh install09:13
superm1and you made sure that you caught my #DEBHELPER# tags09:13
superm1and my extra . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule09:14
lagai'll keep that in mind when i review the merge again, thanks09:14
lagai've gotta run now, lady's waiting ;)09:15
superm1laga, can you push really quick09:15
superm1before you leave?09:15
superm1i'll see if i catch it09:15
lagawill files in "unknown" state be committed as well?=09:17
superm1bzr add09:17
superm1and then they will09:17
superm1don't forget to bzr commit; bzr push if your not bound to the branch (i'm not sure if you are)09:17
superm1rather than just bzr commit09:17
lagai believe i'm bound to i09:18
lagaFYI, mythweather-revamp was merged back to trunk09:18
superm1okay so then when we switch, my patch can be dropped09:18
lagai'm pushing now09:20
superm1okay great09:20
lagamy mythplugin tree is not bound to the launchpad branch09:21
superm1well i'm glad i mentioned that then :)09:21
lagano worries, i notice when it asks me for my password for my private key09:22
superm1to push?09:22
laga(i almosed pushed the mythtv tree instead of mythplugins, that's why i got confused)09:22
lagatoo lazy to set up ssh-agent09:22
superm1why would it09:22
lagamy private key is protected with a password09:22
superm1if you weren't kde based, you could get seahorse09:22
lagasuperm1: FYI, i commented out some stuff in those mythweb.* files during debugging09:23
superm1well i'll see if i can catch it09:23
lagathanks, it's much appreciated09:24
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keescooksuperm1: whoa, what a weird error from PPA09:49
superm1So what is the use of PPA, if i'm not able to use it for test builds.....09:51
superm1that's very annoying09:51
superm1hey Kenzu_09:57
Kenzu_i'am testing boot times on my 2gb mythbuntu stick and my 512mb larch stick09:58
Kenzu_so far larch is 2.30min fra power on to playing tv09:58
superm12.30min fra power?09:59
Kenzu_and mythbuntu 4.10min from power on10:01
Kenzu_and the 2gb stick has better read times than the 512mb10:01
superm1similar performance on both though?10:01
Kenzu_almost... on mythbuntu it crashes when exiting the guide when xvmc is active... but it works fine om larch with xvmc10:02
superm1that's interesting10:03
Kenzu_and 4.10 was wrong10:05
Kenzu_it was 4.3710:05
superm1Kenzu_, did you install bootchart?10:05
Kenzu_just stopwatch in my hand10:06
superm1well bootchart will explain where the hold up is10:07
superm1it generates a graph10:07
superm1showing the slow parts10:07
superm1in /var/SOMETHING/bootchart10:07
superm1dont remember where in var10:07
superm1but its i nthere10:07
Kenzu_hdparm -t on 2gb is 15,29mb/sec10:08
Kenzu_hdparm -t on 512mb is 10,96mb/sec10:08
Kenzu_the slow part is loading initrd.img10:09
Kenzu_on mythbuntu it's the first 2.30 min10:09
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Kenzu_I could make a dd of larch and put the image on my server if you will test it10:11
superm1wow 2.3 minutes for the initrd??10:12
superm1that would be the effect of usb 1 loading it i would say10:12
superm1how long is larch's initrd load10:12
Kenzu_1.30 ca10:13
superm1can you compare the size of the two initrds?10:13
Kenzu_initrd on larch is 2,2mb and mythbuntu i 6,7mb10:14
Kenzu_so that's the primary problem10:14
superm1okay so then there is the hold up10:14
superm1now how that can be resolved is another problem10:15
Kenzu_a special mythbuntu initrd?10:15
superm1well what do you take out of it?10:15
superm1because its supposed to be generic enough to handle a large variety of hardware10:15
Kenzu_or maybe a special mythbuntu-usb initrd10:15
superm1my guess would be the larch initrd won't work on such a large variety of boxes10:16
Kenzu_larch used udev in the initrd10:17
superm1what does ubuntu do?10:17
Kenzu_it's pretty smart...10:18
Kenzu_don't know10:18
Kenzu_it's called mkinitcpio on larch10:18
superm1wow that looks pretty neat10:19
Kenzu_ya... it's made by an archlinux developer10:20
superm1perhaps you should propose a spec on this for ubuntu to use this (which would mean mythbuntu too)10:21
superm1that would help the boot process across the board on a variety of boxes10:21
Kenzu_I like arch linux so much, but I also like ubuntu (because everything just works and is a full desktop from start)10:21
Kenzu_archlinux is simple as hell10:22
superm1what is arch's advantages then outside this?10:22
Kenzu_speed... and simple config files10:22
Kenzu_and simple package making10:23
superm1well package making is simple in ubuntu10:23
superm1you just need to read a little about it :)10:23
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports10:23
Kenzu_the problem with ubuntu is that it's hard to get under the hood... becuase it has to fit everybodys needs10:25
superm1well i'm not sure what you mean by under the hood?10:26
Kenzu_commandline stuff and boot stuff10:26
Kenzu_it's hard to strip down and make a custom boot10:27
superm1well i would have to disagree there10:27
superm1all the init scripts are customizable10:27
superm1in different run levels10:27
Kenzu_or maybe i'am not that smart10:27
superm1if you want to customize the initrd, that is doable as well10:28
superm1its a conf file and one command10:28
superm1to change whats loaded in it10:28
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV10:29
Kenzu_hmm... maybe it's just me10:29
superm1Kenzu_, see /etc/initramfs-tools10:31
superm1you can list exactly what modules you want in initramfs.conf10:32
superm1and then run update-initramfs10:33
superm1and it will regenerate based on what you change10:33
superm1keescook, the weird thing is it was accepted to ~superm110:34
keescooksuperm1: yeah, did it just auto-retry, or did you do something special?10:34
superm1well the first time i submitted it to ~ubuntu-mythtv10:34
superm1the second time i submitted it to ~superm110:34
superm1i think that ~ubuntu-mythtv's ppa needs to be activated manually or something10:35
keescookhunh.  but you're in the ubuntu-mythtv group...10:35
superm1whereas ~superm1 had it activated automatically10:35
superm1sometime back10:35
superm1now ideally - it would be really cool to use these ppa's for building mythbuntu applications before they hit the archives, or possibly for 0.20-fixes weekly builds.  depending how clean this build process is with ppa .10:45
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DaveMorrissuperm1 where on line are those screen shots you passed me before?11:59
superm1DaveMorris, http://www.mythbuntu.org/~supermario/mythbuntu/7.10-screenshots/mythbuntu-live-autostart/12:00
superm1for the three plugins pages, there will be 3 types12:00
superm1NONE, NFS, SMB12:00
superm1if NFS or SMB is activated, share and server are editable12:00
superm1if SMB is activated "Use Authentication" is editable12:01
superm1if "Use Authentication" is activated, User name and password are editable12:01
mkrufkywowow ... is that stuff in the current mythbuntu release?12:01
superm1on the master backend tab, either "Successful" or "Failure" will be output underneath the botom of the MySQL Server box12:02
superm1mkrufky, that is going to be in alpha 3 provided i have the gui working right :)12:02
superm1the python command line code for it works as expected12:02
mkrufkythat looks great...  i'll have to give that a try once ready12:02
superm1but you will be able to use the disk as a live frontend and save changes to a flash drive12:02
superm1eg, plug inthe flash drive, boot the cd, and it starts everything for you12:03
superm1mounts shares etc12:03
DaveMorrisno, the ones you showed me ages ago12:03
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mkrufkythats exactly what i'd like ....  except that i'd use a CF disk instead12:04
superm1mkrufky, as long as it mounts by gnome-volume-manager in /media12:04
mkrufkyi'd love to rip that hard disk out of my mythfrontend box and replace it with CF12:04
superm1does it?12:04
mkrufkyit would just boot as a regular IDE disk12:04
=== DaveMorris wants to make it easy for net booting of mythbuntu next summer
superm1well you can do it that way too, but that prettified gui is for live cd boot- something a little different is planned for the install version12:05
mkrufkyi wrote this howto a few years ago:12:05
mkrufkythis was before i got involved with v4l/dvb ... but it works very well12:05
superm1looks pretty straightforward too12:05
superm1DaveMorris, which screenshots are you talking about?12:06
mkrufkyVERY simple12:06
superm1you can look a directory up above that one12:06
superm1for my last set12:06
superm1that i took12:06
DaveMorrissuperm1 the screenshots of the splash screen, and ubquity12:06
DaveMorristhat looks like the ones12:06
superm1look a directory above12:07
superm1and see if those are what you mean12:07
DaveMorrisI'm lazy, whats the wget syntax to get *.png from a url dir ?12:09
mkrufkyok, i gotta run ... cu guys later12:09
superm1cya mkrufky12:09
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superm1DaveMorris, don't know off hand12:09
superm1just click them12:09
superm1and see if those are it12:09
DaveMorristhey are12:09
DaveMorrisbut I'm too lazy to click on them all to download12:10

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