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elpargo | mwe, please give proper advice. | 12:01 |
skollie | Cubey: Do you have your system sounds enabled? | 12:01 |
younghacker | mwe: Ok I've pasted it into the bin | 12:01 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl297.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | elpargo: well gnome doesn't do that | 12:01 |
Cubey | skollie, yes | 12:02 |
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elpargo | askand, are you referring to the save state? | 12:02 |
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Cubey | I'm in the setting window where you set the system sounds and when I click on the play button, no sound | 12:02 |
mwe | younghacker: URL? | 12:02 |
elpargo | mwe, honestly for a DE it does very good. | 12:02 |
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younghacker | uhhh | 12:02 |
younghacker | lol | 12:02 |
Cubey | on the devices tab, the test buttons work | 12:02 |
mwe | elpargo: I see | 12:02 |
younghacker | what should it be? | 12:02 |
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somian | No idea then, mwe? | 12:03 |
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elpargo | mwe, bets the crap out of lousy windows... and IMO it's better then KDE | 12:03 |
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younghacker | oh man, i didn't even know i had to do that | 12:03 |
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younghacker | well what should i set the URL to? | 12:03 |
askand | elpargo: hrm..when I unmaximize a window..and resize it with the mouse..it doesn remembering the size after restarting | 12:03 |
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mwe | younghacker: I'll just go there. usually you paste something and get and URL like paste.ubuntu-nl.org/XXXX and paste it here | 12:03 |
younghacker | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30277/ | 12:04 |
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younghacker | i see,, never mind me i just came home from work my brain is dry | 12:04 |
Cubey | hmm | 12:04 |
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mwe | younghacker: don't worry | 12:04 |
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younghacker | I only pasted the immediate output after the dist-upgrade line | 12:05 |
mwe | elpargo: good then | 12:05 |
elpargo | askand, umm is it keep as maximized? I don't see why the mouse resize will be different. | 12:05 |
Cubey | skollie, it seems like it's an ESD problem? not sure.. | 12:05 |
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askand | elpargo: hrm..it seems to revert to "standardsize" after I restart=a little bit lessthan maximized | 12:06 |
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SmokeyD | Hey does anybody know how the power consumption of a standard ubuntu feisty installation compares to a windows XP install with similar software? | 12:06 |
Cubey | and also possibley a problem with alsa | 12:06 |
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SmokeyD | Just stand by time and some typing in a text editor | 12:07 |
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younghacker | Vista is work of Satan | 12:07 |
Cubey | humm | 12:07 |
Cubey | it was find until i upgraded to dang 7.04 | 12:07 |
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elpargo | SmokeyD, you mean if your battery will last longer? | 12:07 |
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Phrozen_One | on the livecd is there a file with version information? | 12:07 |
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Pelo | SmokeyD, I belive I've seen a report saying that running anything other then vista will drive your electricity bill up by 60% each year, MS paid for the research | 12:08 |
elpargo | askand, weird indeed , why don't you try #gnome on gimp.net maybe there is a setting you need to toggle | 12:08 |
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elpargo | Phrozen_One, version of the OS? | 12:08 |
somian | Hmm diddly hmm hom hmm. | 12:08 |
askand | elpargo: okok thanks | 12:08 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by mneptok at Sat Jul 14 02:58:51 2007 | ||
(mhz`-/#ubuntu) (system > administration > synaptics | 01:12 | |
(mhz`-/#ubuntu) then search | 01:12 | |
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(kitche/#ubuntu) macogw: gnewsense is a different project then gobubuntu from what I read | 01:12 | |
(hpstg_/#ubuntu) Jack_Sparrow, I use it with XGL. I have to run every 3d app with DISPLAY=:0 in front, in order to have 3d acceleration, and that is what I did for the game, but when I quit, it crashes the pc | 01:12 | |
(nickrud/#ubuntu) CTho, then apt-get source linux-source-2.6.20 , and use the config from /boot for the image you want | 01:12 | |
(mhz`-/#ubuntu) kahrytan, http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/desklinux/ | 01:12 | |
(kahrytan/#ubuntu) macogw: fyi, I prefer commercial over oss | 01:12 | |
CTho | nickrud: cp /boot/config-whatever ./.config ? | 01:12 |
macogw | kitche: well the answer is no, because so far intel's firmware is closed source, so though there was recently a thing about the fcc saying firmware can be open so that may happen (would be awesome) | 01:12 |
Drakeson | mhz`-: it's quite strange. apt-cache search wine gives me only kde-guidance | 01:12 |
hpstg_ | Only the cursor moves, no CTRL+ALT+Backspace, nothing | 01:12 |
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macogw | kahrytan: why? | 01:12 |
=== Haggy [n=Haggy@host86-145-213-73.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kahrytan | macogw: Better | 01:13 |
CTho | nickrud: and then "make && make install && make modules_install" ? | 01:13 |
macogw | kahrytan: why? | 01:13 |
mhz`- | Drakeson, try updating? i use synaptics most of the time | 01:13 |
mhz`- | so not too sure about apt | 01:13 |
kahrytan | macogw: People are actually investing in the project and putting money on the line | 01:13 |
macogw | kahrytan: find a bug in commercial, cant fix it. find a bug in oss, can either fix it or tell them and have it fixed within like a week | 01:13 |
Drakeson | mhz`-: are you on feisy or gutsy? (me on gutsy) | 01:13 |
mhz`- | fiesty | 01:13 |
nickrud | CTho, then read the documentation for make-kpkg (and it'd be /boot/config-2.6.20-15-lowlatency , for example) | 01:13 |
kahrytan | macogw: But you can report it. | 01:13 |
PriceChild | Drakeson, #ubuntu+1 please. | 01:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | hpstg_: All of my video cards are nvidia and I played it on a few different systems with no problem.. SOrry I cant help more. But I dont have the game any more... | 01:13 |
macogw | kahrytan: that doesnt mean much | 01:13 |
rsc___ | when is gusty coming out? hehe.. | 01:14 |
macogw | rsc___: october | 01:14 |
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kahrytan | macogw: It's same thing in OSS | 01:14 |
kitche | macogw: doesn't mean much with open source either but anyways it's offtopic :) | 01:14 |
kahrytan | macogw: You report bugs in OSS and Commercial. | 01:14 |
hpstg_ | Jack_Sparrow: Thanks anyway man! | 01:14 |
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Drakeson | PriceChild: I haven't removed feisty from my sources.list; Yet I don't get anything out of apt-cache search wine | 01:14 |
macogw | kahrytan, kitche: but you can find someone to fix it in oss if the maintainers dont do it. you cant just get some friend from work to fix it if it's commercial | 01:14 |
gordonjcp | hpstg_: I'm playing sauerbraten | 01:14 |
sunken | hpstg_: download alsa and install? | 01:15 |
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nickrud | CTho, ubuntu uses the package kernel-package for building kernels | 01:15 |
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rsc___ | is it easy to upgrade from one vresion of ubuntu to another? | 01:15 |
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PriceChild | Drakeson, gutsy is not supported here _at all_. Please go to #ubuntu+1 | 01:15 |
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rsc___ | or would a clean install be preferred? | 01:15 |
PriceChild | !upgrade | rsc___ | 01:15 |
ubotu | rsc___: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 01:15 |
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macogw | rsc___: on release day the update manager will offer to upgrade it | 01:15 |
hpstg_ | sunken: Ido not have a problem with sound, another one did | 01:15 |
rsc___ | oh, wow. | 01:15 |
rsc___ | alright. :) | 01:15 |
Mr680x0 | is 7.0.6 called Fiesty? | 01:15 |
hpstg_ | gordonjcp: Do you use XGL? | 01:15 |
sunken | hpstg_: mkey, trying | 01:15 |
hpstg_ | 7.04 is feisty | 01:15 |
CTho | nickrud: so i'm going to have to find the initrd image used right now, i assume | 01:15 |
gordonjcp | hpstg_: probably not | 01:15 |
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Mr680x0 | that's what I meant | 01:15 |
Mr680x0 | thanks | 01:16 |
gordonjcp | hpstg_: I used to use Beryl, but it screwed up anything that wasn't a plain ordinary window | 01:16 |
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hpstg_ | gordonjcp: I guessed so much :S | 01:16 |
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Drakeson | PriceChild: sure, but before that, when I have both feisty and gutsy in my apt/sources.list, does it only lookfor the new distro or consideres both? | 01:16 |
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hpstg_ | gordonjcp: You have an Ati card? | 01:16 |
PriceChild | Drakeson, It looks for the latest version... please move to #ubuntu+1 | 01:16 |
Mr680x0 | the current version is 7.0.6, right? | 01:16 |
gordonjcp | hpstg_: basically you need to disable XGL for any opengl stuff to work properly | 01:16 |
Mr680x0 | the current shipping one? | 01:16 |
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PriceChild | Mr680x0, 7.04 | 01:16 |
gordonjcp | hpstg_: somewhere, gathering dust in the back of the server room I have an ATi card | 01:16 |
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nickrud | CTho, probably. I'm only gonna be able to point you in the right direction, I stopped making kernels around 2.6.3 or so. If you want to build an ubuntu kernel (with a patch) you're gonna want to be intimately familiar with make-kpkg. | 01:17 |
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CTho | :-( | 01:17 |
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macogw | nickrud: right so core dumps dont have any info that i can actually read like "this library made it freak out" | 01:17 |
rockets | is it ok to delete everything in /var/apt/cache/archives | 01:17 |
CTho | i've build plenty of unpatched kernels the old-school way, and now i have to learn make-kpkg :( | 01:17 |
rockets | or rather /var/cache/apt/archives | 01:17 |
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astro76 | rockets, yes apt-get clean will do that | 01:18 |
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hpstg_ | gordonjcp: That is what I do. For instance, to play Open Arena, I don't run ./open-arena, but rather DISPLAY=:0 ./open-arena. That sends the game to a display that has pure opengl acceleration. It works with all the games end stuff, including Sauerbraten. The problem is that when I quit Sauerbraten, the pc hangs. I can only move the cursor, and not even CTR:+ALT+Backspace works | 01:18 |
rockets | astro76, thanks | 01:18 |
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macogw | rockets: yes | 01:19 |
CTho | hpstg_: FYI, ctrl+alt+bksp can be disabled | 01:19 |
rockets | CTho, hpstg_ but its a bad idea | 01:19 |
nickrud | macogw, for gurus, sure :) There are things that interpret core dumps; I just happened to know where it went, not how to interpret | 01:19 |
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CTho | rockets: i agree | 01:19 |
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hpstg_ | CTho: The problem is that the computer can only move the cursor after I quit the game, I would be happy if CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE worked | 01:20 |
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hpstg_ | rockets: The problem is that the computer can only move the cursor after I quit the game, I would be happy if CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE worked | 01:20 |
CTho | hpstg_: and you're sure ctrl+alt+bksp is not disabled, right? | 01:20 |
hpstg_ | Yep | 01:20 |
CTho | k | 01:20 |
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TiMiDo | !alsa | 01:21 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 01:21 |
lousygarua | after installing a new package that one does not know how to use, does it install any quickstart guide or readme or anything? or do one have to start looking in /usr/share/doc and guess what's the right man page for the package? | 01:21 |
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CerebroJD | lousygarua, tried man pages? | 01:21 |
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hpstg_ | CTo: I'm not excactly new in linux, but I can't seem to be able to figure out why after Sauerbraten quits, the display it runs on won't stop | 01:22 |
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lousygarua | CerebroJD: sure. i had such experience with drupal for example. installed from synaptic, and had no idea how to start, where were base-drupal-system the files installed, nothing | 01:22 |
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lousygarua | CerebroJD: but drupal has no man page :) | 01:22 |
tapH20guru | zenoss or zabbix ? :) | 01:22 |
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astro76 | lousygarua, dpkg -L packagename will list all the files in the package | 01:23 |
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lousygarua | astro76: like right-click/properties on synaptic. well i guess there *should* be some quickstart guide that can be attached to .deb packages. Ubuntu can be a nice place to start doing that | 01:25 |
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[Ex0r] | grr, is there a logical reason why ubuntu does NOT come with compilers already available ? | 01:26 |
nickrud | [Ex0r] , it's a desktop (ducks) | 01:27 |
[Ex0r] | I've just had to manually find and download over 30 deps in order to get the build-essentials package installed | 01:27 |
[Ex0r] | and there are still more I need | 01:27 |
astro76 | [Ex0r] , sudo apt-get install build-essential... err that shouldn't be necessary | 01:27 |
[Ex0r] | I CANT | 01:27 |
nickrud | [Ex0r] , why not just install build-essential? | 01:27 |
astro76 | [Ex0r] , then something is wrong with your sources.list | 01:27 |
jrib | [Ex0r] : why? just download the alternate cd or the dvd and use it as a repository | 01:27 |
[Ex0r] | I don't have internet access on the machine, it's a wireless nic, and I can't install ndiswrapper because there are no compilers installed. | 01:27 |
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[Ex0r] | That's why. | 01:28 |
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kitche | [Ex0r] : so you can't grab the nsdiswrapper package either? | 01:28 |
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[Ex0r] | nope | 01:28 |
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[Ex0r] | I downloaded the source but I cant compile it because there are no compilers | 01:28 |
kitche | rather download the package for ndiswrapper instead of build-essential but anyways build-essential should be on your install cd | 01:28 |
PriceChild | [Ex0r] , install build-essential from the cd | 01:28 |
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[Ex0r] | i looked on the cd, I didn't find it | 01:29 |
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[Ex0r] | and that wouldn't work anyways, as it still looks for the other dependencies | 01:29 |
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kitche | [Ex0r] : the cd has all of build-essential dependencies | 01:29 |
NemesisD | lol excellent, 5th try to boot and install from this livecd | 01:29 |
kitche | [Ex0r] : just have to apt-cdrom so the cdrom can act like an apt repo | 01:30 |
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aussietrias | is it working | 01:31 |
aussietrias | test | 01:31 |
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PriceChild | aussietrias, yes | 01:32 |
aussietrias | PriceChild, oh thanks this channel had some kind of nickname lock on it | 01:33 |
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kitche | aussietrias: yes you must be registered and identified to talk | 01:33 |
kitche | hich most people probably don't know yet :) | 01:34 |
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NemesisD | alright all have a bit of a problem, im trying to install ubuntu on one of my machines w/ a livecd and for some reason the mouse and keyboard work fine all the way up until when ubuntu is just about finished loading, but as soon as the panels and icons load, the keyboard and mouse become unresponsive | 01:34 |
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aussietrias | kitche, ok i was fine yesterday must be a new rule i suppose it will stop ppl getting help unless they already know how irc works | 01:34 |
sunken | oh, my sound device does play music at all | 01:34 |
=== Torahteen [n=torahtee@c-67-172-140-84.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | aussietrias: it probably a protective measure against the bots | 01:35 |
[Ex0r] | hmm | 01:35 |
[Ex0r] | after I install ndiswrapper using apt, how do I use it? | 01:35 |
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jrib | !ndiswrapper > [Ex0r] (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:35 |
sunken | tried google on Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01) and all 'fixes' does not work | 01:36 |
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NemesisD | truthfully i don't even know if its my mouse and keyboard that aren't responsive or if x has just frozen, any ideas? | 01:36 |
Torahteen | Ex0r, I've been told that the ndiswrapper in the repositories are old | 01:36 |
Torahteen | Really old | 01:36 |
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Torahteen | Anyway, I just ran lsusb, will it give me the name of the chipset or drivers I need? | 01:36 |
Torahteen | For my wireless card | 01:36 |
=== ShackJack [n=nate@c-65-96-48-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wizek | i installed beryl, and my windows' heads disappeard O.o (that bar which shows the title, X _ and maximize... what can i do for make it appear? | 01:37 |
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Neronious | i need a wysiwyg HTML editor and im having issues finding a good one can anyone direct me in the right direction? | 01:38 |
osxdude|laptop | wizek: turn on window decorations in visual effects in the settings manager | 01:38 |
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Torahteen | Hey everyone | 01:38 |
Torahteen | Using ndiswrapper, it says that my drivers are installed | 01:38 |
kitche | wizek: how did you start beryl? | 01:38 |
Torahteen | for wusb54gs v2 | 01:38 |
NemesisD | Neronious, dreamweaver on wine :) | 01:38 |
aussietrias | I am having trouble installing the flash firefox plugin (32 bit on 32 bit ubuntu) the synaptic says it installs but looking at details i get the file downloaded but this at the end "md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9.tar.gz The FLASH plugin is not installed" | 01:38 |
kitche | Torahteen: ok does it say hardware present also? | 01:38 |
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Neronious | nemesisd: im broke lol but it almost seems like thats the only good one.. | 01:39 |
Torahteen | device (13B1:0014) present | 01:39 |
Torahteen | That it? | 01:39 |
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NemesisD | Neronious, i also heard about bluefish but i dont much care for it | 01:39 |
Torahteen | The power and link light on my device are both solid | 01:39 |
kitche | Torahteen: yep your wireless hardware is working | 01:39 |
Xago | I'mk looking for a tool similar to MS-Visio! | 01:39 |
Torahteen | But I heard that it needs to be blinking | 01:39 |
Neronious | nemesisd: if its better then nvu or kompozer then im sold | 01:39 |
Torahteen | Oh, and should it appear in network settings? | 01:39 |
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kitche | Torahteen: depends if you setup networkmanager or not to use the device but the blinking part depends | 01:40 |
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NemesisD | Neronious, i haven't tried either, its pretty basic, but the good thing about linux is that most of the software is free so you might just want to give it a try | 01:40 |
Torahteen | Well | 01:40 |
Neronious | nemesisD:thanks | 01:40 |
Torahteen | I followed the instructions for installing networkmanager | 01:40 |
NemesisD | Neronious, np | 01:40 |
Torahteen | But I don't see anything like that | 01:40 |
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Torahteen | What menu should network manager be under? | 01:41 |
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[Ex0r] | hmm | 01:41 |
Torahteen | I used apt to install network-manager-gnome | 01:41 |
Torahteen | Oh wait | 01:41 |
Torahteen | I'm not using gnome | 01:41 |
Torahteen | I'm using xcfe | 01:41 |
NemesisD | ugh i might have to grab the alternate install cd i guess, nobody here seems to know whats up with my livecd | 01:41 |
[Ex0r] | ndiswrapper only supports wep ? | 01:41 |
NemesisD | i checked it for errors and it came back clean | 01:41 |
Torahteen | xfce? | 01:41 |
Torahteen | Hehe | 01:41 |
ShackJack | !enter | Torahteen | 01:41 |
ubotu | Torahteen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:41 |
Torahteen | Nemesis, how much RAM? | 01:41 |
Torahteen | Sorry guys | 01:41 |
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@rrcs-24-172-161-4.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NemesisD | Torahteen, 1gb | 01:42 |
[Ex0r] | my network is setup for wpa... | 01:42 |
Torahteen | Nemesis, nm | 01:42 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : wpa-supplicant | 01:42 |
Torahteen | Anyway, should I install network-manager-xfce? | 01:42 |
NemesisD | i can move the mouse for as long as the first screen of ubuntu is there, as soon as the panels load it stops :| | 01:42 |
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[Ex0r] | xjkr- is that a package ? | 01:42 |
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NemesisD | ooooh | 01:43 |
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aussietrias | I am having trouble installing the flash firefox plugin (32 bit on 32 bit ubuntu) the synaptic says it installs but looking at details i get the file downloaded but this at the end "md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9.tar.gz The FLASH plugin is not installed" | 01:43 |
NemesisD | GREAT SUCCESS, it seems to have worked after the 6th try | 01:43 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo :-) | 01:43 |
scottDkoDer | Has anyone experienced power management control problems using Xgl with fusion on feisty? My screen blanks after 10 mins and canNOT change it. Tried everything. Any help? | 01:43 |
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Torahteen | network-manager-xfce isn't a package. What is the right package to install network manager in xfce? | 01:43 |
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Torahteen | Hey, I just ran iwconfig, and my network card isn't showing... could that be part of my problem? | 01:44 |
w30 | I have compiz on my box and would rather have beryl, Do I just remove the compiz packages and then add the beryl ones? | 01:44 |
NemesisD | ok i spoke too soon, ive now gotten as far as the "keyboard input" section of the installation and then everything freezes | 01:44 |
rolfen | how do i make my normal gnome session look exactly like the failsafe session | 01:44 |
rolfen | what's the difference between the 2? | 01:44 |
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kitche | Torahteen: what does ifconfig -a show | 01:45 |
Torahteen | Same as iwconfig | 01:45 |
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Torahteen | With more info for the two interfaces | 01:45 |
[Ex0r] | lmao i cant even understand this page | 01:46 |
=== Torahteen is sorry, he did the enter thing again | ||
kitche | Torahteen: lo and what? | 01:46 |
Torahteen | eth0 | 01:46 |
Torahteen | I have a wired card in here | 01:46 |
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rolfen | ok got it | 01:46 |
kitche | ok then it's not showing up do sudo modprobe ndiswrapper | 01:46 |
Torahteen | Gah, I gotta stop the enter thing! Sorry, I'm too used to doing it | 01:46 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : well, do you have network manager? if you have feisty, you do | 01:47 |
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Torahteen | Ok, now I'll do it again | 01:47 |
[Ex0r] | xjkr- I have ubuntu 6 | 01:47 |
Torahteen | Ok, still, same output for iwconfig and iconfig -a | 01:47 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : life would be easier 100x if you had 7.04 | 01:47 |
kitche | Torahteen: did the modprobe error out or anything | 01:47 |
[Ex0r] | lmao, except it doesn't install on my machine | 01:47 |
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[Ex0r] | keeps telling me the cpu locked up | 01:48 |
Torahteen | kitche, No, it all went fine | 01:48 |
scottDkoDer | yea. get 7.04 | 01:48 |
[Ex0r] | I CANT | 01:48 |
Torahteen | lsusb shows my card is recognized though | 01:48 |
[Ex0r] | it won't install. | 01:48 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : okay, sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant | 01:49 |
kitche | Torahteen: ok do this dmesg|less and see if it sayds anyhting about usb you might have to find out what device name it gave it | 01:49 |
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aussietrias | I am having trouble installing the flash firefox plugin (32 bit on 32 bit ubuntu) the synaptic says it installs but looking at details i get the file downloaded but this at the end "md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9.tar.gz The FLASH plugin is not installed" | 01:49 |
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Torahteen | kitche, ok, one second | 01:49 |
xjkr | assuming you have some wired internet access | 01:49 |
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[Ex0r] | xjkr- is wpasupplicant on the cdrom? If not I can't get it because I don't have a net connection | 01:49 |
Zambezi | If I'm going to use Ubuntu as a repos and router, which packages should I use for the router? Shorewall? Iptables takes to long time to learn. | 01:49 |
rolfen | I guess i'll just delete my session file | 01:49 |
genii | shorewall is good | 01:49 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : you can download it, pop it on a usb flash drive and install it by double clicking it | 01:49 |
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Torahteen | Ok, I have 4 lines here | 01:50 |
[Ex0r] | xjkr- i tried that with build-essential and it needed 40,000 dependencies | 01:50 |
Torahteen | usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs | 01:50 |
kitche | !paste | Torahteen paste it | 01:50 |
ubotu | Torahteen paste it: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:50 |
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Torahteen | usbcore: registered new interface driver hub | 01:50 |
scottDkoDer | <Torahteen> Are you absolutely sure that card works? Have you had it working before on same config with different OS /distro?? | 01:50 |
Torahteen | scottDkoDer, no, I haven't used it on any other computers | 01:50 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : lies, theres about 8. not that many! | 01:51 |
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[Ex0r] | lol | 01:51 |
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scottDkoDer | <Torahteen> What card is it? What's your cpu? | 01:51 |
kitche | scottDkoDer: umm ndiswrapper sees the card fine by the way | 01:51 |
[Ex0r] | hmm it says wpasupplicant is installed | 01:51 |
jstarcher | how do I restart CUPS? | 01:51 |
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xjkr | wpa is such a pain with anything before 7.04, it might be quicker getting that working! | 01:51 |
xjkr | it is? | 01:51 |
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xjkr | good | 01:51 |
[Ex0r] | it says it is when I try installing it | 01:51 |
Torahteen | scottDkoDer: It's a Linksys Wireless-G USB Network Adapter with Speedboost. WUSB54GS | 01:51 |
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Torahteen | scottDkoDer: Oh, and I have a p2 | 01:52 |
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astro76 | jstarcher, sudo invoke-rc.d cupsys restart | 01:52 |
kitche | jstarcher: /etc/init.d/cups maybe never looked into that the cups script is named | 01:52 |
scottDkoDer | <Torahteen> What driver are you tyrying to use? | 01:52 |
scottDkoDer | tyrying trying | 01:52 |
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[Ex0r] | xjkr- I got ndiswrapper to install the driver, now I just need to get it to connect to wpa instead of wep | 01:52 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : good, run "wpa_passphrase ESSID" | 01:52 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : but put your network (essid) name in it instead | 01:53 |
[Ex0r] | lol | 01:53 |
[Ex0r] | reading passphrase from stdin | 01:53 |
scottDkoDer | gpoing to get a haircut. laterz | 01:53 |
Torahteen | scottDkoDer: Well, I'm using the drivers provided in a tutorial I read. rndismp.sys and usb8023.sys | 01:53 |
xjkr | so type in your passphrase | 01:53 |
Torahteen | Gah | 01:53 |
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Torahteen | He left?! :( | 01:53 |
[Ex0r] | k | 01:53 |
=== osxdude|desktop is away: I'm away. | ||
bruenig | osxdude|desktop, turn that off | 01:53 |
[Ex0r] | now it left some info. ESSID, passphrase, and a psk | 01:53 |
osxdude|desktop | why | 01:54 |
xjkr | and copy and paste the result into a text file | 01:54 |
osxdude|desktop | bruenig: why? | 01:54 |
bruenig | osxdude|desktop, imagine 1055 away messages | 01:54 |
[Ex0r] | k | 01:54 |
osxdude|desktop | oh... | 01:54 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : done? | 01:54 |
=== osxdude|desktop is away: I'm away. | ||
[Ex0r] | should that #psk= have a # in it ? | 01:54 |
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[Ex0r] | or should it be psk= | 01:54 |
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bruenig | !ops | osxdude|desktop told to turn of away script, continues anyways | 01:55 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : its correct as it is | 01:55 |
ubotu | osxdude|desktop told to turn of away script, continues anyways: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 01:55 |
=== osxdude|desktop is away: I'm away. | ||
[Ex0r] | yes, it's copied and pasted | 01:55 |
Torahteen | Maybe I should be looking into buying a new wireless card known to work on ubuntu? | 01:55 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : actually, delete that line anyway | 01:55 |
[Ex0r] | k | 01:55 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : is your network hidden usually? | 01:55 |
[Ex0r] | wait | 01:55 |
[Ex0r] | there are two | 01:55 |
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osxdude|desktop | bruenig: I done | 01:55 |
[Ex0r] | #psk=passphrase | 01:55 |
[Ex0r] | and psk=a huge hash | 01:55 |
[Ex0r] | which one do I delete ? | 01:55 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : yeah, delete the a #psk one | 01:55 |
=== osxdude|desktop is away: I'm away. | ||
PriceChild | !away > osxdude|desktop (please turn it off) | 01:56 |
[Ex0r] | and no, it's not hidden xjkr | 01:56 |
xjkr | okay | 01:56 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %osxdude|desktop!*@*] by nalioth | ||
PriceChild | grr | 01:56 |
=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about 40,000 dependancies | ||
xjkr | [Ex0r] : underneath put proto=WPA on one line, then key_mgmt=WPA-PSK next | 01:56 |
[Ex0r] | alrighty | 01:57 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : put them inbetween the ssid= and psk= lines | 01:57 |
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Torahteen | Anyone have any suggestions about which wireless cards work the best? | 01:57 |
Torahteen | With linux that is | 01:57 |
[Ex0r] | k | 01:57 |
Torahteen | USB or PMCIA | 01:58 |
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[Ex0r] | done | 01:58 |
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pushpop | is there remote desktop for linux/ubuntu I want to access my linux desktop remotly | 01:59 |
pushpop | <pushpop> i know such a noob | 01:59 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : save the file | 01:59 |
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[Ex0r] | as ? | 02:00 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : call it err.. wpa_supplicant.conf | 02:00 |
curio_ | i'm having an install problem off the live cd, i can't get any networking going any one care to help? | 02:00 |
[Ex0r] | done | 02:00 |
qnyc | pushpop, system>preferences>remote desktop | 02:00 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : then, bring up a terminal, and ' sudo cp wlan_supplicant.conf /etc ' | 02:00 |
lousygarua | apache function for checking syntax of .conf files before restarting? | 02:00 |
Torahteen | Who here has working wireless with feisty on their laptop? | 02:00 |
qnyc | pushpop, apps>internet>terminal server client a client | 02:00 |
sunken | lucky me to have dual boot so I can use sound device when booting to MS Vista | 02:01 |
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=== Tama00 [n=tama@CPE-203-144-17-226.dsl.OntheNet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tama00 | hey whats the command to list all active modules again? | 02:01 |
curio_ | lsmod | 02:01 |
kitche | Tama00: lsmod | 02:01 |
Tama00 | thats the one | 02:01 |
Tama00 | thanks | 02:01 |
[Ex0r] | xjkr- done | 02:01 |
curio_ | any networking wizards here? | 02:02 |
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sunken | Torahteen: I do | 02:02 |
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kitche | !caps | Torahteen | 02:02 |
ubotu | Torahteen: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 02:02 |
sunken | Torahteen: had to put the roaming down | 02:02 |
Torahteen | Well, it doesn't seem to get peoples attention | 02:03 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : okays, give this a try ' wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -D ndiswrapper -d ' | 02:03 |
xjkr | Torahteen: i do too. | 02:03 |
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[Ex0r] | wpa_supplicant.conf ? | 02:03 |
bruenig | Torahteen, wireless configuration is so varied | 02:03 |
[Ex0r] | you told me to call it wlan_supplicant | 02:03 |
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Torahteen | I just want names of some brands that have a tendancy to work in linux | 02:03 |
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Torahteen | I'm on newegg, and want to know what to look for | 02:04 |
kitche | Torahteen: depends on the chipset | 02:04 |
bruenig | I have it working on my laptop, I have another distro installed, but it would work with ubuntu I am sure | 02:04 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : bugger. typo! not that it matters. just use ' -c /etc/wlan_supplicant.conf ' in that line | 02:04 |
unix4me | Which is more comptressed? .tar.gz or .tar.bz2? | 02:04 |
bruenig | Torahteen, ipw3945 is what I have | 02:04 |
kitche | Torahteen: but most intel would work | 02:04 |
ShackJack | Torahteen: Intel wireless works great :) | 02:04 |
bruenig | Torahteen, it has native open source drivers | 02:04 |
xjkr | Torahteen: anything with a ralink chipset | 02:04 |
[Ex0r] | errors | 02:04 |
Torahteen | Intel is good? | 02:04 |
Torahteen | Ralink | 02:04 |
Torahteen | Ok... | 02:04 |
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bruenig | Torahteen, three intels, one ralink suggestion | 02:04 |
sunken | Torahteen: I have ralink chip in my | 02:04 |
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=== unix4me doesn't know which compressed file type he should use: tar.gz or tar.bz2 ..... | ||
xjkr | Torahteen: i also have a broadcom 4318 working perfectly with ndiswrapper | 02:04 |
Torahteen | Any sites around that have the names of cards with ralink | 02:05 |
bruenig | xjkr, don't suggest that | 02:05 |
[Ex0r] | xjkr- I am getting No such device errors | 02:05 |
Torahteen | xjkr, I've had bad experience with broadcom | 02:05 |
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bruenig | Torahteen, just get intel pro wireless 3945 | 02:05 |
Torahteen | granted, I finally got it working | 02:05 |
Torahteen | But I think I got lucky | 02:05 |
xjkr | Torahteen: well i've had good :-) | 02:05 |
[Ex0r] | and some Driver did not support SIOCSIWENCODEEXT | 02:05 |
sunken | Torahteen: what did it for you? | 02:05 |
Torahteen | So intel and ra | 02:05 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : is ndiswrapper working fine? whats the interface name? wlan0 // eth1? | 02:05 |
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pushpop | ma | 02:06 |
sunken | Torahteen: they should work | 02:06 |
Torahteen | Sunken I have a wireless PCI card working in ubuntu dapper on this comp | 02:06 |
[Ex0r] | ra0 | 02:06 |
curio_ | i'm having networking problem on the live cd, i can't get any networking going any one care to help? | 02:06 |
cafuego | And where, pray, does one get an 3945 to go in an amd laptop? | 02:06 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : use that instead of wlan0 | 02:06 |
bruenig | curio_, ethernet, wireless, what | 02:06 |
Torahteen | Where can I find which cards have RAlink or Intel chips in 'em? | 02:06 |
[Ex0r] | Starting AP Scan | 02:06 |
cafuego | Or a desktop for that matter? | 02:06 |
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emet | unix4me, bz2 offers slightly better compression at about 5-6x slower compression speed | 02:06 |
[Ex0r] | Resource temporarily unavailable | 02:06 |
sunken | curio_: try to unactivate roaming and configure manualy | 02:07 |
unix4me | emet: thank you | 02:07 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : er, try with sudo | 02:07 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : :S | 02:07 |
rockets | Whats the easiest way to get 2.6.22 running in Feisty | 02:07 |
bruenig | Torahteen, search for intel pro wireless 3945, here is its sourceforge page for the driver if you do not believe it: http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/ | 02:07 |
[Ex0r] | I am already using sudo | 02:07 |
rockets | Do I have to compile or can I install gutsy packages | 02:07 |
bruenig | it works flawlessly | 02:07 |
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cafuego | Torahteen: I doubt you can get pci or pcmcia intel cards. mini-pci, probably. | 02:07 |
kitche | Torahteen: what laptop is this if that's what your on what is the processor of it? | 02:07 |
curio_ | sunken im trying to config manually, there is nothing to configure | 02:07 |
uberspaced | what's the name of the program I should use to install iniit scripts again? | 02:07 |
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[Ex0r] | ioctl[SIOCGIWSCAN] : Resource temporarily unavailable | 02:08 |
uberspaced | i know i need to link them to the rc.x dirs | 02:08 |
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Torahteen | kitche this is a Dell latitude with a P2 | 02:08 |
[Ex0r] | Scan results: -1 | 02:08 |
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[Ex0r] | Failed to get can results: try scanning again | 02:08 |
sunken | curio_: you can not see any netw cards? | 02:08 |
[Ex0r] | scan* | 02:08 |
uberspaced | but i forget the name of the thing where i just give it run levels and it does the linkng for me | 02:08 |
Torahteen | kitche I think I've made up my mind to ditch the linksys card and buy a $20 network card off of newegg that is known to work | 02:08 |
uberspaced | I think i'm supposed to use hard links too | 02:08 |
cafuego | Torahteen: Then you'll need a cardbus or pcmcia card, I doubr you have usb2, so > 1Mb/sec usb networking is out too. | 02:08 |
Torahteen | Ah | 02:09 |
curio_ | sunken dmesg binds my module to eth0, udev makes a rule for eth0 but ifconfig and cat /proc/net/dev show on lo as available | 02:09 |
cafuego | Torahteen: So you should be looking for a ralink pcmcia/cardbus card. | 02:09 |
qnyc | uberspaced, update-rc.d | 02:09 |
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Torahteen | Thanks cafuego | 02:09 |
[Ex0r] | Torahteen- I am using an airlink 3026t that has ralink chipset and even than I am having trouble getting it to work | 02:09 |
uberspaced | qnyc ahh thank you | 02:09 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : okay, well thats about as much as my experience goes, try this info : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 | 02:09 |
Torahteen | cafuego, Any idea which companies use ralink chips in their products? | 02:09 |
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sunken | curio_: ok and dhclient? tried it? | 02:09 |
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cafuego | Torahteen: no idea; I only have atheros and broadcom 802.11g stuff | 02:09 |
cafuego | their range isn't great, but they do both work without ndiswrapper. | 02:10 |
curio_ | sunken device not found | 02:10 |
curio_ | sunken same as ifconfig eth0 | 02:10 |
xjkr | my ralink chipset (budget no name pci card) works out of the box. scans, and with network manager wpa works too | 02:10 |
cafuego | Torahteen: Do you need 54Mbit and/or WPA? | 02:11 |
cafuego | xjkr: that's not useful for a laptop. | 02:11 |
Torahteen | Hmm... | 02:11 |
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sunken | curio_: ok, what does dmesg tell reg. net devices? You know what nic you have? | 02:11 |
uberspaced | qnyc, again, thanks | 02:11 |
Torahteen | I'm really not sure cafuego | 02:11 |
uberspaced | worked like a charm. | 02:11 |
xjkr | cafuego: then with ndiswrapper my acer's builtin bcm4318 works just fine too! | 02:11 |
cafuego | Torahteen: Of all you need is 11Mbit/WEP, see if you xna score a second hand orinoco | 02:11 |
taime1 | release and renew command? | 02:11 |
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Torahteen | cafuego, I don't intend to do any serious gaming | 02:12 |
sunken | taime1: ifdown ifup | 02:12 |
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[Ex0r] | this is seriously pissing me off. For this card having native support, it sure does seem to be a load of crap. | 02:12 |
NemesisD | how would i go about making a bootable feisty livecd from a 1gb usb drive | 02:12 |
Torahteen | cafuego, Let's see... I have a linksys router | 02:12 |
sunken | taime1: or dhclient | 02:12 |
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Torahteen | cafuego, I think our router is a WEP card | 02:12 |
cafuego | Torahteen: the main concern would be security, wep is easily crackable and those orinoco cards don't usually do WPA. | 02:12 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : it'd probably be easier getting feisty to work | 02:12 |
curio_ | sunken yes, i have intel pro 100, and wireless intel 3945, modules are loaded, but nothing in /proc/net/dev or ifconfig eth0 eth1, iwconfig | 02:12 |
[Ex0r] | I can't get it to work | 02:12 |
taime1 | sudo dhclient ethX? | 02:13 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : why though? | 02:13 |
Dinde | Hi | 02:13 |
Torahteen | cafuego, Hmm... not sure what to look for :( | 02:13 |
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[Ex0r] | i've tried three discs from 3 different machines, and the official ubuntu disk | 02:13 |
[Ex0r] | disc* | 02:13 |
sunken | curio_: is it roaming in net manager | 02:13 |
[Ex0r] | xjkr- Your guess is as good as mine. It locks up when it's loading and says Detected CPU lock at CPU #0 | 02:13 |
curio_ | sunken this totally baffles me | 02:13 |
Torahteen | cafuego, I don't think 11bmit is even a choice on newegg lol | 02:13 |
Dinde | When I try to install a festy on a thinkpad x60 through a DVD, it keeps freezing on loading /install/initrd.gz I tried 2 cd the desktop install and the alternate. Any suggestions ? | 02:13 |
Torahteen | 1 card fits that category | 02:13 |
sunken | curio_: k, makes too of us then | 02:14 |
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cafuego | Torahteen: I've been using an atheros here as of late, the netgear WG511T (The T model *sometimes* means it uses an atheros chip) which is reasonably well supported via madwifi. | 02:14 |
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curio_ | sunken : lol, thanks for your time :) | 02:14 |
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sunken | Dinde: have you checked cd at boot? | 02:14 |
cafuego | Torahteen: No, newegg wouldn't be selling orinococos.. check ebay for those. | 02:14 |
sunken | curio_: np, GL | 02:14 |
CTho | man, non-parallel kernel compiles are slowwwwww | 02:14 |
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[Ex0r] | xjkr- Feisty just won't load on my machine. | 02:14 |
Dinde | sunken: CD is booting correctly, i've got the first splash menu when i press Install | 02:15 |
Torahteen | Could someone go here: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2050260034+1154410292+4093&name=%2410+-+%2425 | 02:15 |
Dinde | It just freeze | 02:15 |
Dinde | :x | 02:15 |
cafuego | Torahteen: Thing is, the external wifi chipsets all compee on price, which means they're all kind of cheap and nasty. | 02:15 |
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Torahteen | And see if they can see anything which they know has the right chipsets in 'em? | 02:15 |
macogw | nickrud: so you know, core doesnt go in /var/crash. those are ubuntu's crash logs for the crash reporter bug buddy thing, it looks like. core is turned off by default ("ulimit -c" says 0) and to turn it on and get full size cores, you need to do "ulimit -c unlimited" | 02:15 |
sunken | Dinde: well at 'first splash' check cd | 02:15 |
Dinde | Freezing | 02:15 |
Dinde | Burned 2 CDs both the same | 02:15 |
sunken | Dinde: at cd check? | 02:15 |
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cafuego | Torahteen: I just PMed you | 02:15 |
Dinde | Yes sunken | 02:15 |
Dinde | Let me try with another box | 02:16 |
sunken | Dinde: k, burn again and use slower speed when burning | 02:16 |
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sunken | Dinde: k | 02:16 |
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cafuego | Torahteen: sorry, that is a mini-pci actually, which would be sueless to you | 02:16 |
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Torahteen | Hehe | 02:16 |
Torahteen | NP | 02:16 |
dissection | Hi, what is the command to run Mozilla thunderbird from the terminal? | 02:17 |
[Ex0r] | anyone had those experiences? Trying to install fiesty and every time it locks up no matter what | 02:17 |
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cafuego | if you can find a cheap orinoco gold pcmcia, that would be your best bet | 02:17 |
=== BlueEagl2 [n=blueeagl@ti541210a340-3900.bb.online.no] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
cafuego | they've been supported forever and do 128bit Wep. 11Mbit max though, 802.11b. | 02:17 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : appears to be related to a wireless switch on your laptop? | 02:17 |
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[Ex0r] | xjkr- ? It's not a laptop | 02:17 |
Torahteen | Pros: Works great with Linux. Plug it in and your ready to go. Comes with drivers (for Windows or Linux) but you don't really need them. | 02:17 |
Torahteen | That was in a review for an ASUS card | 02:18 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : whats the manufacturer model? | 02:18 |
[Ex0r] | of the computer? It's custom built | 02:18 |
Torahteen | his card worked right out of the box on the dual boot laptop with XP and Ubuntu 7.04. I had both operating systems working with this card in 5 minutes! Signal strength is excellent and I don't think there is a better 54mbit/sec card out there. Linux users enjoy!! | 02:18 |
Torahteen | Same card | 02:18 |
Dinde | sunken: My CD is working correctly on another computer .. | 02:18 |
[Ex0r] | it's an amd athlon 64 and an asus motherboard | 02:18 |
=== WisdomWolf [n=wisdomwo@cpe-075-181-171-138.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | Torahteen: most likely an atheros then. | 02:18 |
Torahteen | Ah | 02:18 |
sunken | Dinde: k, updated bios on non-working computer? | 02:18 |
Torahteen | Hmm... | 02:18 |
Torahteen | I'll keep looking then | 02:19 |
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Torahteen | Thanks guys | 02:19 |
Torahteen | Wish me luck XD | 02:19 |
cafuego | Torahteen: They're not fantastic in terms of range, but they do work. | 02:19 |
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[Ex0r] | and the wireless nic is an AirLink101 AWLH3026T | 02:19 |
Dinde | sunken: BIOS is up to date, cpu is core2duo ... | 02:19 |
[Ex0r] | which uses an ralink chipset | 02:19 |
sunken | Dinde: k, eject cdtray and insert it again, bad connectors perhaps? | 02:20 |
cafuego | o-o-o | 02:20 |
=== samitheb1rber [n=stb@dsl-062-241-236-78.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cafuego | proxim orinoco gold a/b/g | 02:20 |
Dinde | o_O | 02:20 |
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Dinde | USB Connected and natively supported by this Laptop | 02:20 |
Dinde | I also tried acpi=off acpi=noapic floppy=thinkpad pci=off | 02:20 |
Dinde | same shit | 02:20 |
sunken | Dinde: k | 02:20 |
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[Ex0r] | i'm tempted to go back to vista. It may crash every hour or so but at least I can actually surf the net with it. | 02:21 |
sunken | Dinde: so it is an usb cd device... Did not knew that, sorry. Out of ideas | 02:21 |
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Dinde | Ok sunken, no problem, thanks anyway for your time | 02:21 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : can you scan with your wireless card? | 02:21 |
Dinde | Wasted 2 cd ... | 02:21 |
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sunken | Dinde: could be that it is a USBcd device, should search for it at google | 02:22 |
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[Ex0r] | xjkr- when I go to System>Administration>Network Options and select ra0 than select options, it shows all the wireless networks in my area | 02:22 |
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qnyc | dissection, this will tell you: dpkg -L mozilla-thunderbird | grep bin | 02:22 |
dissection | Is there some program that can look for unwanted files taking up disk space? I ran a DVDripper and now I have 5GB less space than what I had.. I don't know where those junk files are | 02:22 |
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Dinde | Actualy this device is recognized like an internal one when plugged @ boot ;) | 02:22 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : okay, and are your running 6.10 or 6.06 ? | 02:22 |
[Ex0r] | umm, I believe it's 6.10 | 02:23 |
DjViper | dissection: uhm... where you put the dvd img? | 02:23 |
[Ex0r] | 6.0.6 | 02:23 |
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[Ex0r] | LTS | 02:23 |
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[Ex0r] | 6.06** | 02:23 |
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sunken | Dinde: talking to a buddy see if he have some ideas, k | 02:23 |
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Dinde | i'll try to disable multi processing sunken :) | 02:24 |
dissection | DjViper: I set it to use a cache for ripping the DVD but I stopped the process since it was taking way too long. It said the cache was in /tmp so I deleted the file there but it was a small file. I don't know where it *really* is | 02:24 |
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hanasaki | metacity has died.. how can i restart it? there is no windowmanager running | 02:24 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : can you hook up a wired network connection to the computer at all? | 02:24 |
[Ex0r] | nope | 02:24 |
[Ex0r] | no wired nic | 02:24 |
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hanasaki | /exec | 02:25 |
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sunken | Dinde: k, report back l8er | 02:25 |
[Ex0r] | is there a way I can put the ubuntu 7 fiesty cd in and use package manager to install all the packages, making it ubuntu 7 ? | 02:25 |
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Nyle | 02:26 | |
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Nyle | oops | 02:26 |
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xjkr | [Ex0r] : okay, amd64 or 32bit? | 02:26 |
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dissection | lol, Nyle | 02:26 |
[Ex0r] | I have 32bit installed | 02:26 |
ThanatosDrive | Should I get Opera and just get rid of FireFox? | 02:26 |
dissection | Nyle: Its scag here | 02:26 |
[Ex0r] | but I have a 64 bit processor | 02:26 |
TheWheat | hey guy im wondering if there is a way to find out which wireless driver my wireless usb dongle is using. i'm trying to compile the driver for a fedora install but i need to know what driver i am using | 02:26 |
Nyle | dissection: scag? | 02:26 |
Dinde | sunken: multi processoring and vt disabled, same result it keeps freezing @ Loading /install/initrd.gz ....... | 02:26 |
dissection | Nyle: From DALnet | 02:26 |
irotas | i have a really stupid question .. i downloaded a '.deb' file off the internet to my Feisty box, but I have no clue how to install it .. I've only installed software with Synaptic in the past | 02:26 |
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Nyle | dissection: you have the wrong person. | 02:27 |
irotas | if someone can at least refer me to a doc/manual to install this | 02:27 |
dissection | Nyle: Oh, sorry. | 02:27 |
ShackJack | irotas: Double click :) | 02:27 |
[Ex0r] | irotas- double click it, it will install itself. | 02:27 |
jrib | irotas: double click on it, but what are you trying to install? | 02:27 |
Nyle | dissection: oh wait... scag... goat something.. indian guy, from #ganja in dal.net? | 02:27 |
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dissection | Nyle: Yeah | 02:27 |
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ShackJack | irotas: It might have dependencies which you'd have to install before you can do that - package installer will tell you so.. | 02:27 |
Nyle | dissection: hey buddy, long time nos ee | 02:27 |
TheWheat | ThanatosDrive: just try it out and if you like it i guess you could get rid of firefox | 02:27 |
Dinde | i'm gonna give up ... | 02:27 |
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Zemus | I have a *really* stupid question. | 02:28 |
cafuego | Nyle: don't deny it! Yuo're on dalnet! | 02:28 |
=== cafuego goes off to spread nasty rumours | ||
Nyle | nope | 02:28 |
Zemus | I downloaded the Warsow (game) tar.gz | 02:28 |
Nyle | cafuego: I left dal.net a long time ago | 02:28 |
dissection | Nyle: Yeah not been on IRC like I used to before | 02:28 |
Zemus | And extracted it... and I can't figure out how to play it. :| I don't need to compile it or anything. I just can't figure out how to get the game to run. :| | 02:28 |
xjkr | [Ex0r] : /msg'd you three links to deb packages, install the 2nd, then 1st then 3rd. | 02:28 |
[Ex0r] | xjkr- did you get that? I have a 64 bit cpu, but a 32bit install | 02:28 |
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LDZ420 | I am trying to use cron and it doesn't seem that any of my cron jobs are working | 02:28 |
Nyle | dissection: I only do freenode/oftc now. | 02:29 |
irotas | jrib: Zero Debugger | 02:29 |
ThanatosDrive | TheWheat: I'm wondering because flash manages to cripple FireFox about once a day | 02:29 |
ShackJack | Zemus: Check out - http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=warsow | 02:29 |
[Ex0r] | k, hold on | 02:29 |
jrib | LDZ420: pastebin your crontab | 02:29 |
ThanatosDrive | TheWheat: Is that fixed with Opera? | 02:29 |
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irotas | ShackJack, [Ex0r] : thanks! | 02:29 |
dissection | Nyle: I've been coming here after I switched to Ubuntu ;p | 02:29 |
Zemus | thanks | 02:29 |
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Nyle | dissection: good for you. I am still in love with debian, however I also use ubuntu these days. I heard 7.04 is good, so I'm giving it a shot. However I am LOVING debian sid amd64 | 02:30 |
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bastid_raZor | what would be the package name for the mp4 codec for movie player? | 02:30 |
TheWheat | ThanatosDrive: flash support in Opera is a bit iffy in my experience. if you load the page it is fine, you close/open a few pages the embedded flash just disappears :( | 02:30 |
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sunken | Dinde: k, perhaps usb cd boot flag or something, google it | 02:30 |
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nomin | ThanatosDrive: have you tried the 'noscript' plugin for firefox? | 02:31 |
Dinde | allready did | 02:31 |
dissection | Nyle: I haven't tried any other distros yet. I'm using 7.04 and its everything I expect from an OS. Should have made the switch earlier but its never too late I guess. | 02:31 |
[Ex0r] | need libnl=1.6 | 02:31 |
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sunken | Dinde: k | 02:31 |
Nyle | dissection: your first time on linux? | 02:31 |
dissection | Nyle: Yeah. | 02:31 |
Dinde | Nothing about it sunken ... | 02:32 |
Nyle | dissection: welcome. ubuntu is a great distro for newcomers | 02:32 |
Zemus | ShackJack: Cool. I actually already have it installed, I just can't figure out how to run it. And I'm using debian 4.0 (etch), but I stay out of #debian. It is a room of trolls with oper. :) | 02:32 |
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Zemus | So, any ideas how I might run the app? | 02:32 |
dissection | Nyle: Defenitely. I've overcome my phobia of Linux ;D | 02:32 |
Nyle | Zemus: feel free to gossip about other channels elsewhere. | 02:32 |
Dinde | Btw i'm gonna try a slackware CD to know if i got the same probleme | 02:32 |
Nyle | Zemus: this is not the place for it. | 02:32 |
ShackJack | Zemus: Try typing war <TAB> in terminal? | 02:32 |
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sunken | Dinde: k, I'm out of ideas but it look related to usb cd boot issue | 02:32 |
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ShackJack | Zemus: you sure it's installed and not just unpacked? | 02:33 |
elpargo | anyone knows why nautilus burner is so slow? | 02:33 |
aoeuhtns | the volume/mute media buttons on my laptop seem to have no effect - a graphical volume indicator pops up but the volume doesn't actually change | 02:33 |
Zemus | ShackJack: it might only be unpacked. | 02:33 |
aoeuhtns | I think it worked when I first installed but I don't know what might have changed...any ideas? | 02:33 |
Zemus | Nyle: sorry, didn't mean to gossip, just explaining why I'm asking ubuntu when I'm running debian. xD | 02:33 |
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LDZ420 | jrib: here the paste bin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30280/ | 02:34 |
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ShackJack | Zemus: Usually an installed proggie will put an icon in your menu for starting, or you can try from command line... Getdeb.net is a great place for pre-built ubuntu intall debs.. | 02:34 |
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nomin | dissection: you can install konqueror which has a 'view by file size' option. I've found that to be very handy when trying to clean up my hard drive, but it's a kde app and you'll need to install kde libs along with it if you want it. | 02:34 |
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ShackJack | Zemus: (Game looks fun though :)) | 02:34 |
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Talcite | was there a fluxbox version of ubuntu being developed? | 02:35 |
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dissection | nomin: Okay, I'll try that, thanks. | 02:35 |
[Ex0r] | what the hell, this thing tells me I need libc6 but I already have libc6 installed | 02:35 |
[Ex0r] | grrr | 02:35 |
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jrib | Talcite: #fluxbuntu | 02:35 |
Talcite | jrib: sweet, thanks | 02:35 |
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kitche | [Ex0r] : it wants the -dev package most likely | 02:36 |
elpargo | ohhh nice let me go check it out | 02:36 |
[Ex0r] | I already have that too | 02:36 |
ThanatosDrive | nomin: noscript plugin? Sorry for the late response -.- I had to scroll down. | 02:36 |
Zemus | ShackJack: Yeah. It didn't put anything there, but it's only extracted. I've got some files, I'm just not sure what to do with them. And again, this is debian, not ubuntu. | 02:36 |
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=== FFForever [n=chris@pool-71-108-119-99.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dissection | nomin: So searching for *.* will show up in Konquerer? | 02:36 |
qnyc | Zemus, any sort of readme in the .tar.gz ? | 02:36 |
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nomin | ThanatosDrive: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/722 | 02:36 |
ShackJack | Zemus: Those debs should works, though... | 02:36 |
[Ex0r] | kitche- I already have that. In fact, I have every libc installed that synaptic found | 02:36 |
Zemus | qnyc: I checked for one, didn't see it :/ | 02:36 |
FFForever | what shipping company does ubuntu "shipit" use? | 02:37 |
jrib | LDZ420: you need to set $DISPLAY if you want to start a gui program | 02:37 |
WisdomWlf | has anyone successfully connected to a remote machine via logmein on ubuntu? | 02:37 |
Zemus | shack: I don't know which one to get xD | 02:37 |
WisdomWlf | I keep getting a java error | 02:37 |
Zemus | Plus, I'd like to know what to do with my extracted files. | 02:37 |
FFForever | and where does it ship the cds from? | 02:37 |
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LDZ420 | jrib: thx i read that and completely did not pay attention | 02:37 |
nomin | ThanatosDrive: with that plugin, websites block javascript by default (which is required for flash apps). When you want javascipt enabled on a site, just click on the plugin icon at the bottom right of firefox and tell it to TEMPORARILY allow that site. I like this plugin alot since some sites would slow down my computer with dynamic stuff. | 02:38 |
FFForever | !shipit | 02:38 |
ubotu | shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Feisty (7.04) CDs | 02:38 |
[Ex0r] | this is really getting on my nerves. | 02:38 |
ThanatosDrive | nomin: Does this prevent FireFox from freezing when running flash? (For example, youtube.) | 02:38 |
nomin | ThanatosDrive: I meant to say *the plugin on firefox blocks javascript by default | 02:38 |
ShackJack | [Ex0r] : What's getting on your nerves? | 02:39 |
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[Ex0r] | ShackJack- nothing installing | 02:39 |
TomasuAway | is there a howto on getting composite/beryl/compiz working with the mesa r300 driver? | 02:39 |
[Ex0r] | first my nic not working, now dep's telling me I need dep's installed that are already installed. | 02:39 |
WisdomWlf | I'm sorry if i asked the question twice, I kept getting an error about registering, so I hope my question only went through once | 02:39 |
ShackJack | TomasuAway: What's mesa r300 - ATI? Nvidia? | 02:39 |
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FFForever | anyone? | 02:40 |
Nyle | dissection: think about using debian at all? | 02:40 |
nomin | dissection: everything under a directory you choose will be displayed in one window. There will be squares which are files which will be sized proportionally to how much space they take up in that directory. It even shows subdirectories and everything in it. | 02:40 |
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ShackJack | FFForever: Did you see the link above re: !shipit? | 02:40 |
TomasuAway | ShackJack: mesa is the GL clone lib that linux uses, r300 is a range of cards around the 9300-9800+ level | 02:40 |
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TomasuAway | ShackJack: the r300 driver gives me dri with my 9600xt, and I dont have to use the ati drivers | 02:41 |
Nyle | dissection: I don't even know why I'm using ubuntu :( | 02:41 |
FFForever | yeah..., it does not give any data on who is shipping it, where from, and or a tracking number (lol) | 02:41 |
Zemus | Here's the folders and files. | 02:41 |
Zemus | basewsw BattlEye docs libs warsow warsow.x86_64 wsw_server.i386 warsow.i386 wsw_server wsw_server.x86_64 | 02:41 |
FFForever | it just says 4-6 weeks lol | 02:41 |
Zemus | I'm just not sure what do do with them. | 02:41 |
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ThanatosDrive | nomin: Well that's not exactly what I'm looking for. It seems to just block code, instead of fixing it =/ | 02:41 |
nomin | ThanatosDrive: yes. I've noticed that youtube, for some reason, keeps a process going in the background just for having a video open. | 02:41 |
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[Ex0r] | screw this, i'm going back to vista | 02:41 |
ShackJack | TomasuAway: So 3D acceleration is enabled, then? | 02:41 |
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TomasuAway | yup. | 02:41 |
TomasuAway | googleearth is quite snappy ;) | 02:41 |
dissection | Nyle: Not really. I was thinking about Fedora so I could use Maya for Linux. I just happened to install Ubuntu after I got it bundled with a Magazine. | 02:42 |
ThanatosDrive | nomin: Thanks though! I'll keep asking around. Surely there's some way to fix such a serious problem. | 02:42 |
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ShackJack | [Ex0r] : Sorry you're having initial difficulty, but it's worth the effort ;) | 02:42 |
nomin | ThanatosDrive: yeah, but it works for me. I noticed firefox slowing down alot for some sites and when this blocks javascript I can have like 40 tabs in firefox and it's just fine. | 02:42 |
dissection | nomin: But the thing is I don't know the location of those temporoary files I need to get rid of. | 02:42 |
dissection | *temporary | 02:42 |
TomasuAway | all I really want is window drop shaddows that aren't slow as butt. | 02:42 |
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[Ex0r] | Thanks for the help for everyone who has helped, but it's not worth the time to bother trying to get it working. | 02:42 |
Nyle | dissection: try debian. redhat is useless, fedora and all. in my book, its Debian #1, and Ubuntu #2 | 02:42 |
WisdomWlf | Ex0r, Vista is not something worth running to | 02:42 |
JakeQ | does anyone know how to show server tab(consol) in xchat ? i closed it mistakenly and i dont know how to get it back lol | 02:42 |
ShackJack | TomasuAway: So is it just a matter of following the XGL/Compiz intructions? | 02:42 |
nexous | I installed ubuntu server, ended up wanting the desktop, so I installed ubuntu-desktop package in server edition, now when I go to set transparency of gnome panels, it its black and white scribbled in the bar | 02:42 |
ThanatosDrive | nomin: That's impressive, but currently just ONE window open in FireFox, with a flash application going, tends to break it down | 02:43 |
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ShackJack | [Ex0r] : It is, but suit yourself :) | 02:43 |
TomasuAway | ShackJack: well, I'm not sure. | 02:43 |
nomin | dissection: the bigger a file is, the easier it will be to notice it with the 'view by file size' option. Which temporary files are you looking for? | 02:43 |
qnyc | Zemus, is warsow in your paste a file or folder? | 02:43 |
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Zemus | The first four listed are folders, the rest are files. | 02:43 |
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ShackJack | TomasuAway: I personally have never seen instructions specifically to that driver... | 02:43 |
TomasuAway | which is why I'm asking ;) | 02:43 |
qnyc | Zemus, it's probably warsow if I had to guess, do ls -l in there and see if it's set +x | 02:44 |
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nomin | ThanatosDrive: it sounds to me like you have an older computer. I have a 2.8 Ghz P4 with 500MB RAM. I noticed flash slowing way down on an old 400 Mhz computer I installed ubuntu on. | 02:44 |
dissection | nomin: Thats the thing. I don't know what the file is named or where they are. All I know is that somewhere on my hard disk, there're unwanted file(s) taking up about about 4GB of space. According to AcidRip, the default temporary directory it uses is /tmp but there was only one file there which I removed. I don't know where else it would have saved files. | 02:45 |
Zemus | I don't think it's set to +x, but I might just be looking wrong. What should I do to run it? Double clicking it does nothing. | 02:45 |
ShackJack | Zemus: I'm fairly certain if get that deb file and click it, it will install in Debian... | 02:45 |
Zemus | ShackJack: probably so, but I'd like to learn how to do it. | 02:45 |
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nomin | dissection: with the 'view by file size' option, you'll be able to add up the squares to account for all the disc space. I used it to find where an extra 6GB was hiding on my windows installation. | 02:46 |
qnyc | Zemus, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 02:46 |
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dissection | nomin: Ah I see, that makes sense. I'll try that. | 02:46 |
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qnyc | Zemus, run it in a terminal, ./warsow if you're currently in that dir | 02:47 |
nexous | http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/3757/screenshotbi6.png Server edition installed ubuntu-desktop package. Any Ideas? | 02:47 |
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acefrahm | I've got a new PCI Express LAN card, how do install it as the 2nd interface, eth1? | 02:47 |
sunken | Dinde: tried alternative cd and some flags at loading kernel? | 02:47 |
Zemus | man | 02:47 |
Zemus | whoa | 02:47 |
Zemus | that totally screwed up my resolution | 02:47 |
nexous | ^^ Above screen is with transparency on gnome panel, if it's set to solid, its fine, but I want transparency. | 02:47 |
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Dinde | sunken: yes | 02:47 |
Zemus | I can't see what I'm typing, but I can see it come up on the screen | 02:47 |
Zemus | o_O | 02:47 |
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sunken | Dinde: k | 02:47 |
ShackJack | !enter | Zemus | 02:48 |
ubotu | Zemus: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:48 |
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Zemus | sorry, I was just panicked, my screen's gone totally haywire. I'm restarting x | 02:48 |
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Dinde | Actualy tried : noapic pci=noacpi floppy=thinkpad | 02:48 |
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dissection | I have another question. I found out that I needed to type "mozilla-thunderbird" to start thunderbird from the terminal. Can I make some kind of alias/shortcut that'll let me type just "thunderbird" to start Thunderbird? | 02:50 |
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martianul` | hello | 02:50 |
martianul` | i have a question of linux arhitecture ... if someone can help me :D | 02:51 |
sn0 | heya martianul` , just ask :) | 02:51 |
jrib | dissection: create an alias with: alias thunderbird='mozilla-thunderbird' Add this to your .bashrc (read the comments about aliases too!) to make it permanent | 02:51 |
ShackJack | dissection: You can make aliases in your .bashrc file (in your home dir) Look for alias sestion... | 02:51 |
martianul` | thanks | 02:51 |
ShackJack | jrib: Dang - beat me to it :) | 02:51 |
acefrahm | I've got a new PCI Express LAN card, how do install it as the 2nd interface, eth1? | 02:51 |
martianul` | what is the difference between i386, i586, x86 and x86_64 | 02:51 |
nomin | dissection: this is what you'll see with 'file size view': http://linuxreviews.org/screenshots/kde_3.4.x/konqueror_browser_and_filemanager/tn/008_Konqueror_File-size-view.jpg.index.html | 02:51 |
lousygarua | martianul`: it's different CPU architectures | 02:52 |
IndyGunFreak | martianul`: your processor | 02:52 |
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martianul` | because i want to download an linux free version and i don`t know what to choose for my computer | 02:52 |
qnyc | dissection, put this in your .bashrc: alias thunderbird='mozilla-thunderbird' | 02:52 |
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IndyGunFreak | martianul`: what kind of processor do you have? | 02:52 |
sn0 | martianul` compilation options for the type of cpu/architecture in use, x386 means any x86 compatible cpu as far back as the pentium, x86_64 is amd64 bit and intel 64bit architecture etc | 02:52 |
martianul` | my processor is AMD Athlon XP 1800+ thouroughbred B at 1533 mhz | 02:52 |
IndyGunFreak | martianul`: generally, i386 is the safest bet, 64bit has some hassles newbs may not want to deal with. | 02:52 |
sn0 | in your case martianul` you would use x86 :) | 02:52 |
IndyGunFreak | martianul`: use i386 | 02:52 |
dissection | nomin: Thanks for the screenshot | 02:53 |
martianul` | but i586 ? | 02:53 |
qnyc | dissection, lol, sorry to be redundant ;) | 02:53 |
martianul` | will work with i586 ? :D | 02:53 |
IndyGunFreak | martianul`: why do you care? | 02:53 |
dissection | jrib, ShackJack, qnyc thanks :) | 02:53 |
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sn0 | i586 was the pentium | 02:53 |
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martianul` | ok | 02:53 |
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lousygarua | martianul`: which distro gives u the i586 option? | 02:53 |
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martianul` | if i download the x86_64 will work? :D | 02:53 |
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sn0 | k7 actually you would use ideally martianul` | 02:53 |
sn0 | not x86_64 | 02:53 |
IndyGunFreak | martianul`: are you beign a troll? | 02:54 |
IndyGunFreak | we've already told you what will work with your processor | 02:54 |
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lousygarua | martianul`: x86_64 is for 64-bit processors | 02:54 |
nexous | I have ubuntu server edition i installed ubuntu-desktop package onto it, is it fine to run sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop in desktop? | 02:54 |
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martianul` | sry but this was the single and faster answer ... i`m asking because i want to download the mandriva 2007 free edition :) | 02:54 |
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sn0 | LoL | 02:54 |
martianul` | and that distrogives me the i586 :D | 02:54 |
pike_ | nexous: itll only remove the metapackage | 02:54 |
nomin | dissection: acidrip is a great DVD ripping app, btw. I've never noticed it creating any extra files. That is my preferred program for compressing a DVD for my hard drive. | 02:54 |
nexous | pike_: how can I get back to my server-edition install with gui/desktop | 02:54 |
larson9999 | linux rocks! | 02:54 |
dissection | jrib: By default they won't be permanent if I add it to .bashrc? Will it be gone after i reboot? | 02:55 |
sn0 | martianul` you understand this is #ubuntu :) | 02:55 |
pike_ | nexous: something like sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg might work :) | 02:55 |
martianul` | i know :D | 02:55 |
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martianul` | mandrive does not have mirc support :) | 02:55 |
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IndyGunFreak | martianul`: troll | 02:55 |
astro76 | dissection, adding it to .bashrc makes it permanent | 02:55 |
martianul` | and i just asking about arhitectures :D | 02:55 |
jrib | dissection: they will be permanent if you add them to .bashrc. They won't be permanent if you just enter your alias command in your current shell and press enter | 02:55 |
lousygarua | sn0: we ARE known as nice guys after all :) | 02:55 |
lousygarua | sn0: ubuntu channel, that is | 02:55 |
JFr3ak | hi everybody please somebody help me, my super key doesn't works, i setting in keyboard preferences but still doesn't works... | 02:55 |
sn0 | lousygarua indeed :-) | 02:55 |
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pike_ | nexous: normally what i do is apt-get the base xfonts and then xserver-xorg and then my window manager. that keeps things light on the server install | 02:55 |
martianul` | the last question please :D | 02:55 |
|thunder | !fuse | 02:55 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 02:55 |
sn0 | i had a gentoo user the other day join ubuntu chan on quakenet | 02:55 |
sn0 | and various windows users | 02:56 |
martianul` | when i want to download the 32 bit version it sends me to i586 version ... so i`ll download i586? :D | 02:56 |
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lousygarua | martianul`: yes. | 02:56 |
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martianul` | ok | 02:56 |
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Nyle | i just installed ubuntu yesterday. Amarok is now telling me that it cannot play mp3 files because it has no mp3 support. Please advise | 02:56 |
martianul` | thanks for the answers | 02:56 |
martianul` | have a nice day! | 02:57 |
Dinde | sunken: I'm gonna try to install from an USB Key | 02:57 |
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ShackJack | Nyle: Check out gstreamer packages in add/remove software... | 02:57 |
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sunken | Dinde: k, good luck | 02:57 |
intelikey | anyone know what module this needs http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/38275 ??? | 02:57 |
nexous | pike_: I removed ubuntu-desktop, xserver-xorg, gdm, what else you think? | 02:57 |
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IndyGunFreak | !codecs | Nyle | 02:57 |
ubotu | Nyle: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:57 |
intelikey | driver info ? | 02:57 |
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Nyle | ShackJack: isn't amarok supposed to pull in the dependencies? | 02:57 |
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dissection | jrib: I'm sorry but could you give me that line that I need to add to .bashrc, again? I just realised I had disabled scrolling in irssi ;[ | 02:58 |
ShackJack | Nyle: No those aren't dependencies, they're restrcited formats you have to install.. | 02:58 |
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pike_ | nexous: well the key is normally to remove a common dependancy. id say everything is dependant on xserver-xorg but ive never done it so not sure | 02:58 |
JFr3ak | hello everybody | 02:58 |
jrib | dissection: create an alias with: alias thunderbird='mozilla-thunderbird' Add this to your .bashrc (read the comments about aliases too!) to make it permanent | 02:58 |
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Phrozen_One | how can I remove the local gui but keep X serving thin clients on edubuntu? | 02:58 |
ShackJack | dissection: You can see example in current bashrc | 02:58 |
Nyle | ShackJack: could you tell me the package names? I dislike using gui programs. I'd rather install them by hand | 02:58 |
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intelikey | pike_ a lot of gui apps are not dependant on xorg | 02:58 |
|thunder | is there an easier way to enable fuse write support than what !fuse proposes? I had it working before and didnt have to do all that crap. | 02:58 |
nexous | Nevermind, I'll just download minimal cd and just install server over again | 02:59 |
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ShackJack | Nyle: Dunno offhand but sudo aptitude search gstreamer | 02:59 |
nexous | nexous: didn't want to because of dualboot, but I'll do it | 02:59 |
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Nyle | ShackJack: I don't see any mp3 stuff there | 02:59 |
pike_ | nexous: well intelikey is prob right. i guess id remove some libs for gnome and gtk then? | 02:59 |
JFr3ak | can somebody help me?? i setting my super key to use with compiz in keyboard preferences but still doesen't works, can somebody help me please... | 02:59 |
dissection | jrib: I added it but it didn't work. Does it require a restart? | 02:59 |
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Nyle | this is a load of garbage. Ubuntu doesn't even have mp3 support by default? | 03:00 |
jrib | dissection: you can either open a new terminal or just do 'source ~/.bashrc' on your current one | 03:00 |
Stormx2 | Nyle: Correct. | 03:00 |
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Nyle | utterly useless | 03:00 |
ShackJack | Nyle: No - MP3 is a propietary format - it's not garbage... | 03:00 |
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astro76 | !medibuntu | Nyle there's a build of amarok here with mp3 enabled | 03:00 |
ubotu | Nyle there's a build of amarok here with mp3 enabled: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 03:00 |
kitche | Nyle: copyright laws and etc | 03:00 |
intelikey | sorry disconnected... | 03:00 |
ShackJack | Nyle: If you try to play MP3 in movie player it will pop up window and install codec for you :P | 03:00 |
Nyle | ShackJack: I've never had to do this in debian | 03:00 |
Nyle | EVER | 03:00 |
intelikey | anyone know what driver i need for this http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/38275 | 03:00 |
Stormx2 | Nyle: Well, a lot of thought went into that decision. if you can't be bothered to run one command to enable it, perhaps ubuntu isn't for you. | 03:00 |
weas3l | !ftp | 03:00 |
geem | ftp://meklort.isa-geek.com user:star + pass:star | 03:00 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 03:00 |
ShackJack | astro76: Like it's that hard to install gstreamer :) | 03:00 |
dissection | jrib: I need to do that only this time, right? | 03:01 |
sn0 | Nyle fyi debian doesn't come with mp3 codecs either. | 03:01 |
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astro76 | true | 03:01 |
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jrib | dissection: right | 03:01 |
astro76 | Nyle, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 03:01 |
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Stormx2 | Nyle: During the time you've complained about it here, you could have enabled it :-D | 03:01 |
Nyle | Stormx2: I've been maintaining packages for debian for a while. I've been using linux since 1995. Try not to tell me whats for me and what isn't. astro76 thank you :) | 03:01 |
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ShackJack | Nyle: Like I said, if you try to play restricted formats in Ubuntu (default apps) it nicely tells you they are proprietary and then offers to install them... | 03:01 |
lousygarua | on apache, i'm trying to set some options for several dirs at once but it won't work, i tried <Directory ~ "/var/www/drupal(.*)"> and also DirectoryMatch but without success... what am i doing wrong? | 03:01 |
dissection | jrib: Its working now, thanks! | 03:02 |
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intelikey | no body ? | 03:02 |
Nyle | the way ubuntu is laid out is extremely different from debian | 03:02 |
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Stormx2 | Nyle: Yeah? Well people pick up different ethics, so stop whining about it. | 03:02 |
milllmannn | has anyone here installed MYSQL by compiling from source? | 03:02 |
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kitche | milllmannn: yes on ubuntu no | 03:02 |
Nyle | in debian, I install amarok, sqlite, alsa and run alsaconf and boom. mp3 works without having to do any of this crap | 03:02 |
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jrib | milllmannn: best to just assume someone has and ask your next question | 03:03 |
ShackJack | Nyle: At any rate the gstreamer "ugly" "bad" and ffmpeg plugins are the most useful for ppl... | 03:03 |
Nyle | its not whining, but then again, I'm NOT responsible for YOUR perception. | 03:03 |
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Nyle | ShackJack: thanks for the help :) | 03:03 |
kitche | Nyle: quit complaining this is not Debian | 03:03 |
Stormx2 | lousygarua: I think apache runs as its own user. You want to use a full path to your home dir, instead of ~.... I think. | 03:03 |
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Music_Shuffle | Nyle, if you like Debian so much, stay there. Quit being negative in here please. Thanks. | 03:03 |
Stormx2 | !restricted > Nyle | 03:03 |
nomin | Nyle: this isn't debian, this is an offshoot from debian. it's a seperate distro and behaves differently. | 03:03 |
milllmannn | anyone have a good resource on how to do it? I am trying to install mysql and postfix using compiled and cant find many sources | 03:03 |
Nyle | you know | 03:03 |
pike_ | Nyle: with etch recently out im not sure what advantage ubuntu has at present unless you just wanted to familiarize yourself with it | 03:03 |
Nyle | only ShackJack and Stormx2 has really helped me with anything. All you other ones are just telling me to stop complaining instead of helping me. | 03:04 |
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Nyle | maybe you should concentrate on support like these two fine gentlemen here | 03:04 |
chowmeined | Nyle: two things | 03:04 |
kitche | milllmannn: mysql website does but I usually just do ./configure | 03:04 |
astro76 | Nyle, what am I chopped liver? :p | 03:04 |
ShackJack | Nyle: You like me!! You REALLY like me!!! :) | 03:04 |
lousygarua | Stormx2: on the Directory directive ~ means regex instead of unix dir name (notice the space between the actual folder expression and the ~, but thanks anyway | 03:04 |
Nyle | astro76: and you too buddy :) | 03:04 |
intelikey | when you fellows get done correcting nyle some one educate me as to what driver i need for this http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/38275 | 03:04 |
chowmeined | Nyle: ill help you, also... these people are volunteers, not your paid support slaves | 03:04 |
Stormx2 | Nyle: Take your own advice. Whining about ubuntu's default packages isn't support. bring it to #ubuntu-offtopic. | 03:04 |
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milllmannn | kitche: ill try it, but that seems too easy to work :) | 03:04 |
xtknight | intelikey, ne2k-pci? | 03:05 |
kitche | Nyle: after a while you get ssick of people complaining which you were doing and comparing two different distros as if they were the same which is zealotism | 03:05 |
astro76 | intelikey, sorry no clue | 03:05 |
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Laibsch | I am looking for a small, easy to use, preferably packaged in ubuntu CMS for the website of my mom's rental apartment | 03:05 |
intelikey | xtknight testing | 03:05 |
Nyle | I am not whining, I'm asking. I expressed my feelings that this is upsetting to me. This isn't whining. Anyway, continue... | 03:05 |
chowmeined | Nyle: whats wrong? | 03:05 |
dissection | Okay so the alias I created works from the terminal. I'm using "proxychains" to enable proxy support for applications and it requires me to type proxychains <application>. It works if I type proxychains mozilla-thunderbird, but not if I type proxychains thunderbird. Any way I could I make it recognize my aliases? | 03:05 |
chowmeined | it couldnt be codecs... its all auto-downloadable now | 03:05 |
Nyle | tell me I'm wrong, tell me I'm complaining, then have the last word and feel better about yourself. Then let me know when you're done so I can discuss ubuntu. thank you | 03:05 |
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jrib | milllmannn: why do you want to compile it? | 03:06 |
Stormx2 | Nyle: Okay. In future, a simple "How do I enable MP3 support in ubuntu?" would suffice. If you want to get into the reasons, try #ubuntu-offtopic ^_^ | 03:06 |
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intelikey | xtknight show time. :) eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:40:F6:D4:DF:97 | 03:06 |
intelikey | inet addr: Bcast: Mask: | 03:06 |
xtknight | intelikey, just a simple google on the modelname :) | 03:06 |
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xtknight | intelikey, add it to /etc/modules/modprobe.d if you need to | 03:06 |
intelikey | xtknight simple for you, google hates me. | 03:06 |
chowmeined | the reason is simple | 03:06 |
xtknight | lol | 03:06 |
chowmeined | its illegal | 03:06 |
Nyle | Stormx2: I installed ubntu restric extras p ackage and no mp3 yet | 03:06 |
milllmannn | jrib: because I am installing a rails stack and i have to compile apache from source and it just seems like everytime i think i can use apt-get, it end up messing things up | 03:06 |
intelikey | xtknight and yeah i can handle the setup thank. | 03:07 |
dissection | geekboy07: Try asking your question in the channel so someone who knows the problem to your issue can assist you. | 03:07 |
kitche | Nyle: you need to install liblame which is needed for mp3 support | 03:07 |
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Stormx2 | !restricted | Nyle | 03:07 |
ubotu | Nyle: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:07 |
Nyle | Stormx2: how do I enable mp3 support in ubuntu 7.094? | 03:07 |
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dissection | Doesn't Amarok use xine? | 03:07 |
Stormx2 | Nyle: Check the page :) | 03:07 |
xtknight | intelikey, i mean /etc/modules | 03:07 |
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Stormx2 | Nyle: There's a nice fix-all-media command there. | 03:07 |
astro76 | Laibsch, dunno, but if you want to see what's available, apt-cache search content management | 03:07 |
intelikey | xtknight i don't use that file but yeah thanks dude. :) | 03:08 |
xtknight | !mp3 | Nyle | 03:08 |
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ubotu | Nyle: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:08 |
Stormx2 | Nyle: Also note that not all applications use gstreamer, and that your specific media player may use libmad, or xine, or something. | 03:08 |
jrib | milllmannn: k, I'll admit I don't know what a 'rails stack' is. is that more than what the 'rails' package provides? | 03:08 |
dissection | Nyle: You need xine for Amarok | 03:08 |
xtknight | Nyle, what media player do you need mp3 support for? | 03:08 |
milllmannn | jrib: its just rails + mongrell :) | 03:08 |
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Nyle | and this is why ubuntu has pissed me off every single time in the past and now. Everytime I honestly try to give it an honest shot, because others recommend it, I end up pulling my hair out, because it doesn't "just work" out of the box. I am not complaining, just saying that I'm not a newb, and I am not afraid of reading a lot, but still, mp3 support is like... fsck it man. whatever... | 03:09 |
ShackJack | Nyle: et al - while we're on the subject on media players, I fine Exaile SVN very good and better integrated with GNOME :) | 03:09 |
Nyle | xtknight: amarok | 03:09 |
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xtknight | gstreamer for amarok i think | 03:09 |
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xtknight | maybe fluendo codc | 03:09 |
Stormx2 | Nyle: I'll do a google search for you. | 03:09 |
dissection | I'm using Amarok | 03:09 |
chowmeined | Nyle: i dont understand this is feisty right? it should auto-prompt you to install codecs... | 03:09 |
Nyle | chowmeined: nothing. | 03:10 |
xtknight | chowmeined, totem does, i dont know about amarok. | 03:10 |
chowmeined | oh amarok | 03:10 |
kitche | Nyle: how hard is it to sudo apt-get install liblame? | 03:10 |
Stormx2 | Nyle: You need this package: gstreamer0.8-mad | 03:10 |
chowmeined | i dont touch kde stuff | 03:10 |
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ShackJack | chowmeined: Not with Amarok - just with like Movie PLayer and gnome-ish stuff... | 03:10 |
Nyle | kitche: its not hard... it just doesn't work | 03:10 |
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xtknight | Nyle, try playing it in Totem. it will prompt you to install something when you play an mp3. install that, and Amarok should also work | 03:10 |
Stormx2 | Nyle: I assume you're familiar with apt-get, seeing as you're from a debian background | 03:10 |
Nyle | kitche: anything else? | 03:10 |
chowmeined | i use rhythmbox | 03:10 |
jrib | milllmannn: alright, well the easiest way to recompile something is to do http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html . Just modify debian/rules as you need to before rebuilding the package. Also, it's nice to edit debian/changelog and describe your change and up the version | 03:10 |
Nyle | Stormx2: you are correct sir | 03:10 |
Stormx2 | kitche: LAME is an MP3 encoder, I hope you realise. | 03:10 |
Stormx2 | Nyle: And it doesn't work? | 03:10 |
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=== unagi [n=unagi@015-988-706.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nyle | Stormx2: not yet | 03:10 |
=== Jimbob [n=scott@81-6-227-253.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== pp [n=pp@201-220-104-216.bk9-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Laibsch | astro76: quite a bit, thanks. | 03:11 |
=== lazaro [n=lazaro@h-68-165-63-141.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | Stormx2: it's also a decoder | 03:11 |
xtknight | amarok is kde though, #kubuntu migth be better for that | 03:11 |
Stormx2 | kitche: Really? I never knew that :O | 03:11 |
xtknight | so that's why we don't have the answer right off | 03:11 |
Nyle | Setting up libxine-main1 (1.1.4-2ubuntu3) ... | 03:11 |
Nyle | Setting up ogle (0.9.2-5) ... | 03:11 |
Nyle | er.. | 03:11 |
Nyle | oops | 03:11 |
=== mrjack [n=mrjack@office.smart-weblications.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | !enter | Nyle | 03:11 |
ubotu | Nyle: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:11 |
=== Sanctusorium [i=none@adsl-69-152-169-11.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
=== pike_ stabs Nyle with a spork | ||
Stormx2 | haha. | 03:12 |
Nyle | *sigh* | 03:12 |
Nyle | alright | 03:12 |
=== Stormx2 stabs pike_ with a fpoon | ||
=== Pensa`BrB [n=pensacol@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nyle | I'm gonna throw in the towel | 03:12 |
astro76 | Nyle, as I mentioned earlier you might consider amarok from medibuntu (libdvdcss2 and w32codecs are also in their repo) | 03:12 |
xtknight | feel free | 03:12 |
xtknight | linux is all about choice :D | 03:12 |
Nyle | fsck ubuntu, and fsck it good. I'm going back to debian. | 03:12 |
Nyle | stupid moronic distro | 03:12 |
=== Nyle [i=stoned@cpe-24-193-147-226.nyc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
xtknight | lol | 03:12 |
=== ShackJack doubt the veracity of Nyle 's claim of using linux since 1995 if he makes such a fuss about putting mp3 codecs in Ubuntu... | ||
=== astro76 shakes head | ||
=== SoB [n=dave@c-71-233-167-108.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | Uhg. | 03:13 |
Stormx2 | I was just writing him a solution | 03:13 |
dissection | lol | 03:13 |
=== compwiz18 [n=adam18@metarb3-pool3-64.mtco.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChazGreymane | seriously, I've been a windows user for YEARS and I got ubuntu working great on my laptop, and it was one that had issues with both video and wifi out of the box. | 03:13 |
Stormx2 | But seriously. Linux since 1995 and he a) Can't understand the free software ethic and b) Can't follow the ubuntu wiki. | 03:13 |
ShackJack | Dang - Nyle left the room b4 he saw my IM :( | 03:13 |
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ShackJack | Stormx2: Yeah, right ;) | 03:13 |
=== Kaao [n=kaao@dyn-cbm-bn-216-168-112-79.nexicom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Darigaaz[Magic] [n=raphael@m109.net81-64-127.noos.fr] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
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astro76 | so moving on then :p | 03:14 |
dissection | I'm using Linux since 15 days :) | 03:14 |
Stormx2 | I've been using ubuntu since hoary :D | 03:14 |
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=== brando [n=brand0co@71-210-136-235.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dissection | hoary? | 03:14 |
ShackJack | dissection: Two years here - 12 if you count my server :) | 03:14 |
Stormx2 | dissection: Hoary Hedgehog. | 03:14 |
ShackJack | Hoary Hedgehog FTW!!! | 03:14 |
=== azslande [n=azslande@c-68-46-136-102.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dissection | Stormx2: No idea what that is | 03:14 |
ShackJack | dissection: Old version of Ubuntu.. | 03:15 |
Stormx2 | dissection: Version 5.04 of ubuntu. | 03:15 |
dissection | Ah, I see | 03:15 |
ChazGreymane | I've had ubuntu since sunday night. lol | 03:15 |
astro76 | I started with redhat 5 | 03:15 |
Stormx2 | This channel is quiet tonight. | 03:15 |
ShackJack | I've been using Ubuntu since version 1.0 - Agitated Asp | 03:15 |
Stormx2 | Lawl | 03:15 |
IndyGunFreak | Stormx2: i was just thinking that | 03:15 |
IndyGunFreak | lol, Agitated Asp? | 03:15 |
ShackJack | IndyGunFreak: Yeah, and was using Debian for 50 years before that... | 03:16 |
aricz | 7 months here.. bibi microsoft :) | 03:16 |
ShackJack | Yeah, that's the ticket... | 03:16 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 03:16 |
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TomasuAway | ShackJack: thanks for the help. It seems I can't do beryl or compiz on my setup due to a 2048 texture size limit. my display is 2880 wide :( | 03:16 |
ShackJack | My girlfriend, er... Morgan Fairchild taught me... | 03:16 |
IndyGunFreak | aricz: i've just hit a year of Ubuntu Only.., couldn't be happier. | 03:16 |
Stormx2 | I still dual-boot into WinXP for graphics work, but that's it. | 03:16 |
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ShackJack | TomasuAway: Eww.. yeah, time for an upgrade :) | 03:16 |
dissection | Stormx2: Same here. My HP scanner doesn't work on Linux so thats another reason why I still need Windows. | 03:17 |
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=== big_kahuna [n=jbielich@netblock-68-183-145-140.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TomasuAway | heh, I hope within the next couple weeks, if not it'll be a couple months :( | 03:17 |
TomasuAway | my 9600xt won't let me do many things I'd like to do. like play with more advanced shaders :o | 03:17 |
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=== Stormx2 is on a pre-geforce nvidia card that sucks. | ||
TomasuAway | and ATI sucks. so meh. | 03:17 |
tyrano | can i grab apache 2.2.3 from 7.04 and pin it in the 6.06 LTS release somehow? | 03:17 |
=== thsnkcisoriginal [n=dave@c-71-233-167-108.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | dissection: Scanners are cheap these days :) | 03:17 |
Stormx2 | !backports | tyrano | 03:17 |
ubotu | tyrano: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging | 03:17 |
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aricz | do anyone know how many people use open sourced OS' today? is it rising? | 03:18 |
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tyrano | that was the first place i checked :( | 03:18 |
Stormx2 | aricz: Yeah, it's rising. Percentage-wise, it's slowly rising. | 03:18 |
thsnkcisoriginal | Is kristian here? | 03:18 |
kitche | Stormx2: hmm seems like lame doesn't do mp3 decoding but it does other decoding I haven't used lame in quite some time | 03:18 |
ShackJack | aricz: It's rising - though hard to get accurate # - I think Ubuntu claims over 8 million users... | 03:18 |
Stormx2 | kitche: It'll decode WAVs to encode into MP3s ;) | 03:18 |
=== ketrox_ [n=ketrox@Xd354.x.pppool.de] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
aricz | good :) | 03:19 |
dissection | ShackJack: I was gonna buy another one when I buy a new PC :) | 03:19 |
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kitche | Stormx2: anymore I usae just vlc anyways :) | 03:19 |
=== ketrox [n=ketrox@Xd354.x.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tyrano | no one backports apache 2.2.3 so i have to do it myself Stormx2, but i was reading about apt-pinning and i think it can be done that way? | 03:19 |
ProfessorTom | . | 03:19 |
Stormx2 | Ubuntu is definately gaining. When breezy came out we were hoping to break the 400 IRC users barrier. Now its consistantly over 1000 :D | 03:19 |
tyrano | frankenbuntu style | 03:19 |
ProfessorTom | YAY!!! | 03:19 |
aricz | congrats =) | 03:19 |
aricz | ubuntu, great achievement | 03:20 |
ShackJack | Stormx2: And relatively little IRC support requests given the user base - which should also tell you something... | 03:20 |
ProfessorTom | what's up with having to register in order to chat? | 03:20 |
ShackJack | aricz: THanks, I made it myself! | 03:20 |
Stormx2 | kitche: The torrent site I use releases a lot of lossless stuff. It's super-easy to just encode into MP3 from command line in ubuntu :D | 03:20 |
=== bulmer [n=kana_kan@adsl-69-232-240-245.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | ProfessorTom: stops attacks | 03:20 |
=== farkewie [n=tyron@d58-110-217-25.rdl4.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aricz | I've installed several distros since '95 .. but never stuck with it.. but ubuntu.. :) | 03:20 |
aricz | ShackJack : ;) | 03:20 |
ProfessorTom | kitche: makes sense | 03:21 |
ProfessorTom | ok, I have two questions | 03:21 |
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Stormx2 | ProfessorTom: It isn't normally like this. | 03:21 |
=== Phlosten [n=andrew@CPE-143-238-78-61.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | Maybe that's why its so quiet tonight? | 03:21 |
ProfessorTom | the first is about ubuntu and apache2 | 03:21 |
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=== Branden [n=Branden@pool-72-72-52-98.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ProfessorTom | the other is an IRC question | 03:21 |
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Stormx2 | ProfessorTom: Fire away :D | 03:21 |
ShackJack | !enter | ProfessorTom | 03:21 |
ubotu | ProfessorTom: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:21 |
=== ShackJack is the enter Nazi | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by nalioth | ||
aricz | nothing new about this chan being nazi ;) | 03:22 |
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Branden | Is my text being seen? | 03:22 |
Stormx2 | Branden: No. | 03:22 |
ShackJack | Branden: Yep... | 03:22 |
Branden | ... | 03:22 |
Littlegator | Is my text being seen? >_> | 03:22 |
Branden | Hello, I hope someone can help me, on my Ubuntu server, I just isntalled, the | key wont work. | 03:22 |
Music_Shuffle | lol. | 03:22 |
=== ajmorris_ [i=mofaav@static-ip-85-25-147-217.inaddr.intergenia.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | Branden: No - it's being read hahaha | 03:23 |
=== Vsop_vsop_vsop [n=chatzill@S010600400554cebc.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Littlegator | Seriously, is my text being seen? <_< | 03:23 |
ProfessorTom | I installed apache2 today on my Dapper box. It has no httpd and Apache runs fine...expect when transmitting files larger then 255 bites. I read that I need to modify the httpd.conf file, but as I am not running httpd.... where do I make this change? | 03:23 |
kitche | Littlegator: now it is | 03:23 |
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Vsop_vsop_vsop | Hey folks | 03:23 |
Littlegator | thank you god... | 03:23 |
dissection | Littlegator: Yes | 03:23 |
kitche | Littlegator: you haf to be identified before | 03:23 |
=== seraphangel [i=WinNT@rrcs-64-183-21-209.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | Littlegator: No problem, my child ;) | 03:23 |
ShackJack | !hi | Vsop_vsop_vsop | 03:23 |
ubotu | Vsop_vsop_vsop: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:23 |
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kitche | bah my typing is getting bad now lol | 03:23 |
ProfessorTom | Littlegator: I felt the same way mere moments ago | 03:23 |
Littlegator | How would I delete a partition from terminal? | 03:23 |
fdaf | what's latest vmware workstation in ubuntu | 03:24 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | just jack... hey for laughs whats the cmd to reg my nick? | 03:24 |
brando | Vsop_vsop_vsop | 03:24 |
m1r | professortom /etc/apache2/httod.conf | 03:24 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | hey brando... | 03:24 |
brando | can you see that | 03:24 |
Branden | Hello, I hope someone can help me, on my Ubuntu server, I just isntalled, the | key wont work. | 03:24 |
brando | hey | 03:24 |
brando | am i finally on the public chat? | 03:24 |
Stormx2 | Branden: We saw the first time, and don't know | 03:24 |
m1r | httpd.conf , sry | 03:24 |
=== mark432 [n=mark142@201-14-191-211.fnsce701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vsop_vsop_vsop | i ment to say hey jack.... not just jack.. sorry | 03:24 |
Branden | Aint this support? | 03:24 |
Branden | I'm guessing now... | 03:24 |
kitche | !register | Vsop_vsop_vsop | 03:24 |
ubotu | Vsop_vsop_vsop: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 03:24 |
Branden | Dicks. | 03:24 |
aricz | damn nickserve.. tsk tsk | 03:24 |
aricz | serv.. | 03:24 |
ShackJack | Stormx2: Is there dedicated channel for Ubuntu Server? Just curious? | 03:24 |
ProfessorTom | *facepalm* | 03:24 |
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ProfessorTom | I'm such a dumba$$ | 03:25 |
Stormx2 | ShackJack: I don't *think* so. | 03:25 |
brando | can someone help me with ndiskwrapper | 03:25 |
=== ReX0r [n=rex@dD577697D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sanctusorium | Hey guys. I got a few questions before i install ubuntu on my laptop. | 03:25 |
ShackJack | Stormx2: Branden got peeved and *strormed* out - patient guy... | 03:25 |
sunken | Dinde: status? | 03:25 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | well thank you mr bot man.. | 03:25 |
Littlegator | How would I delete a partition from terminal? | 03:25 |
Stormx2 | ShackJack: bwahaha. I just realised he quit. Sucks to be him, I guess. | 03:25 |
Dinde | i'm preparing the key actualy sunken | 03:25 |
ProfessorTom | other question: what is a way that I can share my music via an IRC script via XChat via Dapper? | 03:25 |
sunken | Dinde: k | 03:26 |
farkewie | Hello, im new to linux trying to setup a file server with a torrent web interface. what is a good torrent cliet? i use utorrent with weui ATM | 03:26 |
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl297.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | Littlegator: man parted | 03:26 |
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ShackJack | !ask | Sanctusorium | 03:26 |
ubotu | Sanctusorium: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:26 |
Stormx2 | !torrent | farkewie | 03:26 |
bulmer | Littlegator: you can try to use fdisk | 03:26 |
ubotu | farkewie: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 03:26 |
mark432 | how can i mount my ntfs partitions back in the ubuntu 7.04 ? | 03:26 |
Cubey | if there a way to disable the grouped tasks in the panel in XFCE? | 03:26 |
=== RibaldJester [n=Ribald@74-134-235-246.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | !ntfs-3g | mark432 | 03:26 |
ubotu | mark432: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 03:26 |
NemesisD | where could one find syslinux.cfg? | 03:26 |
ShackJack | Cubey: You might want the #xubuntu channel, but you should be able to right-click on handle to do it... | 03:27 |
mark432 | thanks | 03:27 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | do ya.. back in the day when i first installed ubuntu... i had a cmd that would disable that silly ctrl backspace log out thing.. anyone have that handy?? | 03:27 |
Stormx2 | NemesisD: For what app? | 03:27 |
Sanctusorium | Hmm... I guess I got another question first! Does any one know if Core 2 duos are 64 bit or not? | 03:27 |
Sanctusorium | I don't know if mine is. | 03:27 |
=== brotherJohn1234 [n=brotherJ@p5483E563.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cubey | thanks, but right clicking doesn't do any good. i'll check at #xubuntu | 03:27 |
=== fsckr [n=rich@pool-71-100-42-63.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elpargo | how can I run gparted without a liveCD? | 03:27 |
=== SmoothOp [n=no@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
asc | Sanctusorium: They are. | 03:27 |
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m1r | elpargo > apt-get install gparted | 03:27 |
Sanctusorium | Thanks ;) | 03:28 |
Stormx2 | Vsop_vsop_vsop: Ctrl + Alt + Bksp is the X restart keyboard shortcut. Why do you need to disable it? It's pretty hard to hit accidently. | 03:28 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-61-150-59.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NemesisD | Stormx2, trying to install feisty from a usb drive | 03:28 |
fsckr | is esd and artsd suppose to startup by default? | 03:28 |
ShackJack | elpargo: You can install via apptitude... | 03:28 |
fsckr | makes my sound sound like crapola | 03:28 |
asc | Sanctusorium: Or so I've been lead to believe. My understanding is that the 'Core' procs aren't, but 'Core 2' ones are. | 03:28 |
elpargo | ehhh I know that. | 03:28 |
Pelo | Sanctusorium, doesnT' realy matter, unless you have a specific use for 64 bit you should install the x86 since there isnT' 64 bit support for flash and a few other things | 03:28 |
fsckr | and i have to kill the process everytime restart x or reboot | 03:28 |
=== Marcucho [n=marcucho@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sanctusorium | Oh | 03:28 |
Sanctusorium | Ok | 03:28 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | storm: every time i hit it... and i sorry its shift backspace... | 03:28 |
elpargo | but in order to actually do something I can't have the partition mounted... | 03:28 |
=== Born_In_Xixax [n=dstaudt@adsl-70-241-246-145.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sanctusorium | Thanks peo and asc ;) | 03:28 |
asc | Sanctusorium: 'Core 2' is said to be 64-bit on the Wikipedia pages for 'Core 2' and '64-bit processors' | 03:28 |
Marcucho | Hola a todos | 03:28 |
=== klobster [n=The@c-71-229-248-134.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | !enter | fsckr | 03:29 |
ubotu | fsckr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:29 |
ProfessorTom | yeah Core2 is 64bit | 03:29 |
brando | register c23ative) | 03:29 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | <<< stull use windows and has to caps now and then... habbit for the most part | 03:29 |
ShackJack | !esp | Marcucho | 03:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about esp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:29 |
asc | Pelo: Out of curiosity, what are the few other things? | 03:29 |
fsckr | sie | 03:29 |
=== kidbuntu [n=kidbuntu@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mark432 | Stormx2: can i send you an error message i received in pvt? | 03:29 |
milllmannn | I have my domains on register.com, so in order to point the domain to my VPS, I just set the DNS server for the domain to the IP address of my VPS.. Correct? | 03:29 |
kidbuntu | why can't I load my update manager after upgrading to feisty? | 03:29 |
Stormx2 | mark432: Sure. | 03:29 |
=== randomwalker [n=me@visnet-22.csl.sri.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | asc, can'T realy tell you, I know there are a few but flash always seems to be the one ppl complain about, I think there is some hardware driver issues as well | 03:29 |
kitche | milllmannn: yes but hte vps needs to be running a dns server | 03:29 |
Dinde | sunken: i'm getting a boot error may be i did badly the key | 03:29 |
brando | brando c23ative) | 03:29 |
=== wireman [n=wireman@inresco.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rolfen | elpargo: it is better to highlight your replies by writing the name of the user you're replying to | 03:30 |
=== goban [n=goban@ip68-107-157-9.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
asc | Pelo: Okay, thanks anyway. | 03:30 |
Stormx2 | mark432: Wait, you'll need to be identified to services in order to send PMs. /msg nickserv register help | 03:30 |
randomwalker | how do i disable F1 from bringing up help in gnome? its pretty annoying | 03:30 |
milllmannn | cool, thanks! | 03:30 |
unagi | anyone know if its possible for ubuntu to automatically put the icons on the right? | 03:30 |
brando | set email brandoconnor@gmail.com | 03:30 |
=== pubo [n=david@204.pool80-103-168.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Biohazard [i=mahdi@blfd-4db5167f.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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ShackJack | kidbuntu: I dunno - might try for command line: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude -f upgrade to fix any potentially broken dependencies, missing progs... | 03:30 |
goban | hi, i am using feisty, but want the latest in software updates. would it hurt anything if i just added the debian repos? | 03:30 |
kitche | milllmannn: setting up a dns server can be fun I have done it twice so far and will never forget how to | 03:30 |
sunken | Dinde: ok | 03:30 |
Pelo | randomwalker, try in menu > system > prefs > keyboard shortcuts | 03:30 |
brando | identify c23ative) | 03:30 |
elpargo | rolfen, I know that but I could get mlr completed maybe that's not an "m" | 03:30 |
Stormx2 | unagi: Haven't heard that one before. It might be a gtk-rc setting, perhaps. Ask in #gnome | 03:30 |
kitche | goban: well the software will probably not work | 03:30 |
=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming] | ||
kitche | brando: might want to change your pass | 03:30 |
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astro76 | goban, yes, severely | 03:31 |
brando | shit | 03:31 |
randomwalker | Pelo: if you mean the 'launch help browser' shortcut, its already disabled | 03:31 |
rolfen | elpargo: ah ok | 03:31 |
brando | thx | 03:31 |
ShackJack | unagi: I don't think so - there might be a way - you can ask over at #gnome | 03:31 |
goban | ah :\ whys that | 03:31 |
Stormx2 | !ohmy | brando | 03:31 |
ubotu | brando: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:31 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | storm: that cmd for that disable shift backspace... do you know it... | 03:31 |
brando | i cant tell whats public here | 03:31 |
unagi | ty | 03:31 |
jayde_drag0n | really dumb newbie question.. i just entirely switched to ubuntu.. and i know that gaim switched to pidgin.. but when i go on their site.. i don't see the linux version.. is there a way to update in gaim.. or does anyone know the direct url so i may install it? | 03:31 |
brando | sry | 03:31 |
Stormx2 | Vsop_vsop_vsop: no, sorry. | 03:31 |
ProfessorTom | I've got an HP Pavillion dv6000. It's an X2...neither the Dapper 32 or 64 bit live CD will run nor will the Fiesty 64 Live CD. Any thoughts? | 03:31 |
jrib | !shift-backspace-#ubuntu-effects > Vsop_vsop_vsop | 03:31 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | its the worst when your in the middle of something and you hit it by misstake and not saved anything.. | 03:31 |
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ShackJack | jayde_drag0n: Check out getdeb.net :) | 03:31 |
Sanctusorium | Ok, I am installing linux on a laptop. Its a HP Pavillion 9335nr. Will I need special drivers for the mouse and such? | 03:31 |
jrib | Vsop_vsop_vsop: it's an xgl "feature" but ubotu should have sent you what you need | 03:31 |
jayde_drag0n | thank you :-) | 03:31 |
Sanctusorium | Nice, Tom ;) | 03:31 |
ShackJack | jayde_drag0n: Pidgin not in the repos yet.. | 03:31 |
unagi | gaim switched to pidgin? | 03:32 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | jrib: i do know that.. its been a few since i had seen it... | 03:32 |
Stormx2 | Sanctusorium: Try it on the live cd. If they work there, they'll work when its installed. | 03:32 |
ShackJack | unagi: Yep - where you been :) | 03:32 |
astro76 | jayde_drag0n, current version of pidgin really doesn't add anything that's not in feisty's gaim | 03:32 |
elpargo | so is there a way I can "boot" into gparted? | 03:32 |
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jayde_drag0n | oohh... so its still just gaim for ubutntu? | 03:32 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | thats all... you got it handy or a site for it.. | 03:32 |
petafile | I've got a gfx card issue. My laptop can handle 1280 x 800 resolution, and I was running 1200 x 800 and changed it. Now the sides of my screen are messed up, windows wrap across the screen etc. Has anyone dealt with this before? Its an ati x600 mobility radeon using the FOSS driver w/ beryl in UB Studio | 03:32 |
rolfen | elpargo: yeah you're right, cant work on a mounted partition | 03:32 |
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astro76 | jayde_drag0n, until gutsy | 03:32 |
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dissection | elpargo: Just download the gparted ISO | 03:32 |
unagi | ive never heard of pidgin | 03:32 |
jrib | Vsop_vsop_vsop: ubotu sent it to you, check your private messages | 03:32 |
ShackJack | astro76: I wouldn't say that exactly :) But it's not a huge leap forward... | 03:32 |
elpargo | rolfen, I know | 03:32 |
Sanctusorium | Storm, thanks ! | 03:32 |
=== cockaigne [n=dlhead@c-76-21-105-196.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | jayde_drag0n; You can install pidgin from their website of course. I do that. | 03:32 |
astro76 | elpargo, boot the livecd | 03:32 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | yo thanks dude.. got it... you rock | 03:32 |
elpargo | dissection, umm interesting didn't knew they had one let me take a look | 03:32 |
=== NeoGeo64 [n=nine11@adsl-068-209-123-016.sip.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | jayde_drag0n: The get deb has the click to install downloadable deb | 03:33 |
jayde_drag0n | storm: i only saw.. windows, source, fedora and something else i didn't understand | 03:33 |
elpargo | astro76, first thing I said is that I don't have the CD | 03:33 |
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astro76 | elpargo, then gparted livecd or sysresccd, they're small | 03:33 |
dissection | elpargo: I just used it 2 weeks ago. | 03:33 |
Stormx2 | jayde_drag0n: Yeah. I compile from source, which isn't hard. I use checkinstall too, so it shows up as a package under synaptic and stuff :D | 03:33 |
ProfessorTom | Sanctusorium, was that "nice Tom" for me? | 03:33 |
jayde_drag0n | ooooooh i like the get deb site | 03:33 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | jrib.. do i need to be sudo?? | 03:33 |
Sanctusorium | You got a Pavillion too :) | 03:34 |
jayde_drag0n | yeay!!! sites that cater to newbies!! | 03:34 |
ProfessorTom | yeah | 03:34 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | i should say root | 03:34 |
brando | im having problems running both ndiskwrapper and the gui ver ndisgtk can someone help | 03:34 |
jayde_drag0n | so many toys!!! | 03:34 |
Littlegator | Stormx2, I try 'sudo rm /dev/hda4' but it says it doesn't exist... when I sudo fdisk -l it says /dev/hda4 exists... | 03:34 |
Stormx2 | Littlegator: You have the wrong person. | 03:34 |
=== padrote [n=keteimpo@201-167-87-236-cable.cybercable.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | jayde_drag0n: Ever seen a "blood red dragon on a field of green?" :) | 03:34 |
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NemesisD | Stormx2, any idea? i did syslinux /dev/sdb1 but i dont see that file | 03:34 |
brando | trying to set up a belkin wireless g but it wont configure correctly | 03:34 |
kitche | brando: what is your exact problem? | 03:34 |
dingonet | hello | 03:34 |
Stormx2 | NemesisD: No idea | 03:34 |
Stormx2 | o.O | 03:34 |
Stormx2 | I'm totally unhelpful | 03:35 |
ShackJack | !hi | dingonet | 03:35 |
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ubotu | dingonet: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:35 |
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brando | i try to associate the driver with the proper pci identification and it shows the association but never shows up on my network settings | 03:35 |
Stormx2 | I haven't actually slept in about 40+ hours, so I'm going to sleep. Night night all! | 03:35 |
brando | ill show you waht i get when i launch the gui | 03:35 |
Sanctusorium | Ok, I know linux will install a bootloader, but I want to keep NTLDR that came with windows. How can I reinstall that once I have set up Linux? | 03:35 |
brando | Traceback (most recent call last): | 03:35 |
=== boyam [i=boyam@166-82-81-31.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brando | File "/usr/bin/ndisgtk", line 309, in <module> | 03:35 |
brando | NdisGTK() | 03:35 |
brando | File "/usr/bin/ndisgtk", line 111, in __init__ | 03:35 |
brando | self.setup_driver_list() | 03:35 |
brando | File "/usr/bin/ndisgtk", line 140, in setup_driver_list | 03:35 |
kitche | !paste | 03:35 |
brando | self.get_driver_list() | 03:35 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:35 |
brando | File "/usr/bin/ndisgtk", line 168, in get_driver_list | 03:35 |
Pelo | nighty night Stormx2 | 03:35 |
brando | driver_name = p.search(line).group()[:-1] # strip trailing space | 03:35 |
brando | AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group' | 03:35 |
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elpargo | ok thanks dissection | 03:35 |
=== bulmer [n=kana_kan@adsl-69-232-240-245.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Littlegator | I try 'sudo rm /dev/hda4' but it says it doesn't exist... when I sudo fdisk -l it says /dev/hda4 exists... | 03:36 |
brando | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/ndisgtk", line 309, in <module> NdisGTK() File "/usr/bin/ndisgtk", line 111, in __init__ self.setup_driver_list() File "/usr/bin/ndisgtk", line 140, in setup_driver_list self.get_driver_list() File "/usr/bin/ndisgtk", line 168, in get_driver_list driver_name = p.search(line).group()[:-1] # strip trailing space AttributeError: 'NoneType' | 03:36 |
kitche | brando: use a pastebin next time | 03:36 |
dingonet | I have pro blems while config jsp on my machine | 03:36 |
dissection | elpargo: You're welcome. | 03:36 |
kitche | Littlegator: don't use rm on a deive | 03:36 |
brando | ugh sry im kinda a noob here | 03:36 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | jirb: thanks .. works just fine.. | 03:36 |
brando | thats not the format you wanted either tho | 03:36 |
Pelo | Littlegator, rm is to remove a file, it can't remove a partition as far as I know | 03:36 |
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nomin | Sanctusorium: I think the windows bootloader won't be affected. When you choose the windows option in the grub bootloader, you'll be forwarded to the windows bootloader. I'm not completely positive on this one but I think that's what would happen. | 03:37 |
NemesisD | Stormx2, i think i got it but heres another question, theres a parameter for ramdisk_size=1200, it says the size may be adjusted depending on the iso, ive got a 700mb iso here, do you have any idea what units that 1200 may mean? | 03:37 |
=== Erothyme [n=Rai-Rai@c-71-62-114-123.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brando | thats trying to launch the windows wireless drivers gui | 03:37 |
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Littlegator | Arghhh... okay >_> So how do I remove a partition with terminal without overwriting it? | 03:37 |
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dingonet | Can Someone HELP me? | 03:37 |
ShackJack | Littlegator: umount ? | 03:37 |
unagi | whats new in gutsy vs fiesty | 03:37 |
Sanctusorium | Nomin, I don't want grub, I want NTLDR =b | 03:37 |
bulmer | Littlegator: what do you mean remove? remove as in erasing it? | 03:37 |
Littlegator | shackjack, I meant delete a partition, sorry | 03:37 |
Stormx2 | unagi: Check out blueprints.launchpad.net for that :D | 03:37 |
Pelo | Littlegator, man parted you should have the instuctions for the parted ( cli parittion manager ) in there | 03:38 |
unagi | ty | 03:38 |
kitche | Littlegator: fdisk or cfdisk | 03:38 |
Sanctusorium | thats what I meant. I know I can still boot into windows | 03:38 |
ShackJack | Littlegator: parted should do it .... man parted for deets... | 03:38 |
Sanctusorium | I am just more familiar with Ntldr. | 03:38 |
Littlegator | I checked man parted, and it said rm device to remove a device | 03:38 |
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u007try2 | hi, may i know where can i get termcap for ubuntu 7? | 03:38 |
Stormx2 | Littlegator: sudo cfdisk | 03:39 |
kitche | mm ok well the man is way wrong :) | 03:39 |
nomin | Sanctusorium: maybe this could help, although it looks old: How to dual-boot Windows NT/2000/XP and Linux using NTLDR | 03:39 |
ShackJack | Littlegator: P.S. Use tabs in IM to autocomplete names and buzz owners ;) | 03:39 |
thebigham | is it possible to play counter strike source on ubuntu? | 03:39 |
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nomin | Sanctusorium: http://jaeger.morpheus.net/linux/ntldr.php | 03:39 |
astro76 | Littlegator, rm is an option to parted, e.g. parted rm /dev/whatever | 03:39 |
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=== thinksInCode [n=jattardi@c-24-128-242-180.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | u007try2, termcap ?? | 03:39 |
thinksInCode | hey guys | 03:39 |
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brando | bcmwl5 : driver installed device (10EC:8139) present (alternate driver: 8139cp) device (1799:700F) present bcmwl5a : invalid driver! bcmwl5.ntf : invalid driver! blkwgdv7 : driver installed device (10EC:8139) present (alternate driver: 8139cp) device (1799:700F) present rt2500 : invalid driver! | 03:39 |
thinksInCode | anyone in here know anything about ddclient? | 03:39 |
kitche | thebigham: yes with wine | 03:39 |
kitche | !paste | brando quit pasting in here | 03:39 |
ubotu | brando quit pasting in here: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:39 |
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ShackJack | thebigham: I've heard tales told of people doing that... | 03:39 |
Pelo | brando, quit pating to the channel | 03:39 |
Sanctusorium | Thanks nomin, I got Vista, but I think NTldr is about the same as always | 03:39 |
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Pelo | pasting | 03:39 |
astro76 | Littlegator, or something like that | 03:39 |
Sanctusorium | I'll look at that | 03:39 |
Stormx2 | brando: You've been warned twice about pasting already. Once more and we call ops | 03:39 |
scane | Hi. Will I need Edubuntu if I only want to use one thin client on a server? Or ist it possibel to use LTSP5 with ubuntu serer 7.05 also? | 03:40 |
thebigham | does wine installs stuffs in the windows partition? | 03:40 |
Stormx2 | UHG I'm meant to be asleep *tries again*. | 03:40 |
kitche | brando: go to pastebin.ca and paste there or the paste.ubuntu one then paste link here | 03:40 |
Pelo | Stormx2, sudo goto bed | 03:40 |
=== bGeorge [n=andrew@c-68-82-122-207.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unagi | when is gutsy released? | 03:40 |
ShackJack | thebigham: Nope... | 03:40 |
Stormx2 | thebigham: Nope. ~/.wine/drive_c | 03:40 |
brando | ok i dont know what to do m8 i went to your service and pasted it there and gave you what it formatted it in | 03:40 |
kitche | Stormx2: go asleep you :P | 03:40 |
brando | :( | 03:40 |
thebigham | my windows partition only have 40Gb and ubuntu 140GB | 03:40 |
ShackJack | unagi: October | 03:40 |
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Littlegator | astro76, I tried 'parted rm /dev/hda4' and it said rm was not a device =\ | 03:40 |
kitche | brando: umm it gives you a link you paste the link | 03:40 |
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ShackJack | unagi: Of course if you're feeling "Gutsy" you can upgrade now :) | 03:40 |
Pelo | brando, and further down it gives you a link to paste here | 03:40 |
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brando | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30285/plain/ | 03:40 |
unagi | will i have to reformat again or just upgrade | 03:41 |
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astro76 | Littlegator, yeah that's not quite the syntax but rm is a part of the parted command | 03:41 |
Pelo | ther you go | 03:41 |
ShackJack | unagi Just upgrade, but if you're fairly new , I would recommend it... | 03:41 |
brando | thx for the clairification i just didnt think you wanted the line to line pasted | 03:41 |
astro76 | Littlegator, parted [options] [device [command [options...] ...] ] , where command is rm | 03:41 |
u007try2 | Pelo: yes, termcap-compat | 03:41 |
=== ztomic [n=bruce@adsl-65-70-214-101.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unagi | ive just spent alot of time setting this one up | 03:41 |
u007try2 | Pelo: i'm not sure which package, has it become obsolete and no longer available? | 03:41 |
Pelo | u007try2, still don'T know what you are talking about, but try searching in synaptic for related keywords, that might help | 03:42 |
ShackJack | unagi: Yeah it won't nuke anything but Gutsy is not ready for general consumption... so unless you know what you're doing... | 03:42 |
brando | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30286/plain/ | 03:42 |
Pelo | u007try2, what does it do | 03:42 |
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u007try2 | Pelo: okay, i need it because i'm trying to install enterprisedb | 03:42 |
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unagi | should i expect integrated DUN w/ bluetooth and integrated dock? | 03:42 |
Pelo | brando, is anyone actualy helping you on this ? put their nick at the begining of each line | 03:42 |
=== jozefildo [n=mark142@201-14-191-211.fnsce701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
brando | nope | 03:42 |
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lufis | Does the ubuntu DVD version come with more software installed by default, or is the extra stuff just available on the disc? | 03:42 |
brando | idk how to get help her tbh | 03:42 |
brando | ok | 03:43 |
kitche | brando: ok so ndiswrapper has your card all setup drivers and everything so what's th problem your having exactly | 03:43 |
osxdude|lapto1 | what do I come up as | 03:43 |
osxdude|lapto1 | ? | 03:43 |
Pelo | brando, maybe you should state your problem and wait for someone to answer you on it | 03:43 |
=== leafwiz [n=tossi@cD1364BC1.dhcp.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | lufis: available on the disk | 03:43 |
astro76 | lufis, more stuff on the disk | 03:43 |
=== Zenerek [n=z@netblock-208-127-160-239.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lufis | ok, thanks | 03:43 |
Pelo | osxdude|desktop, | 03:43 |
Pelo | osxdude|lapto1, | 03:43 |
jozefildo | someone had the problem that the ntfs partitions don't show up when installed the program to write on them? | 03:43 |
osxdude|lapto1 | thanx | 03:43 |
osxdude|lapto1 | pelo | 03:43 |
leafwiz | Hi, I would like to run a program, when I start the windowManager.. I have tried adding it to /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc, but nothing happend when the wm started.. :/ | 03:43 |
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unagi | sorry caps | 03:43 |
Littlegator | astro: I really have no idea how this works.. what would I type to remove hda4? | 03:44 |
brando | Pelo, ndisgtk wont launch and when i open my network settings my wireless doesnt show up | 03:44 |
astro76 | leafwiz, gnome? | 03:44 |
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leafwiz | FluxBox | 03:44 |
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Pelo | jozefildo, it's happened to me, I think it might be related to the vmware install I did, I think it borked my window install | 03:44 |
leafwiz | started when I start a the vncserver | 03:44 |
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ShackJack | Littlegator: parted rm /dev/hda4 ? | 03:44 |
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Littlegator | shackjack, it doesn't work... | 03:44 |
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Pelo | brando, I can'T realy help you with wifi stuff , maybe you can try adding ndisgtk to menu > system > prefs > sessions, that should lanuch it | 03:45 |
kitche | brando: well you don't have to worry about ndisgtk at all since ndiswrapper sees the driver and the device but wha does ifconfig -a show? | 03:45 |
Littlegator | shackjack: it says that rm isn't a device (sorry for 2 lines in chat) | 03:45 |
ShackJack | Littlegator: Course you gotta resize and stuff -- might be easier to boot live cd ... use gparted after unmounting volume to manipulate... | 03:45 |
astro76 | Littlegator, from the syntax I pasted (from the man page), at the least the device comes before the command | 03:45 |
kitche | Pelo: nah ndisgtk is puking on startup | 03:45 |
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Littlegator | shackjack, I am in livecd trying to delete an unmounted partition... | 03:45 |
Pelo | kitche, no one else was helping him so I gave it a shot | 03:46 |
Zenerek | hey guys i came in here to ask if anyone's had had gedebi stop working on them like me after a recent update, i tried to fix it by reinstalling but the gui won't show on screen when i click a package | 03:46 |
astro76 | Littlegator, then go to system>admin>gnome partition editor | 03:46 |
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Littlegator | is gprated what's used in the installer? | 03:46 |
Pelo | Littlegator, meny > system > prefs > gnome paritition editor , just rightclick and remove | 03:46 |
ShackJack | Littlegator: Yeah, if that's not working I'm not sure what the problem could be... | 03:46 |
astro76 | Littlegator, no | 03:46 |
kitche | Pelo: well I was but his driver and such is seen so I went on to the ifconfig -a to see what it showed he hasn't replied to me yet | 03:46 |
Littlegator | okay | 03:46 |
ShackJack | Littlegator: not anymore... | 03:46 |
Pelo | Littlegator, unmount first | 03:46 |
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ztomic | hmm,gnome partition editor isn't there. | 03:46 |
thebigham | !beryl | 03:46 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 03:46 |
astro76 | ztomic, where? | 03:47 |
thebigham | !wine | 03:47 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 03:47 |
ztomic | astro76: system>admin> | 03:47 |
ari_stress | !pdc | 03:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pdc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:47 |
ShackJack | ztomic: might have to sudo aptitude install gparted | 03:47 |
brando | Pelo, treid launching it through the menu system, but the window crashes immediately with the error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30288/ same error will happen at start up i anticipate | 03:47 |
astro76 | ztomic, on an install? I can't remember which, but you either have to right click, edit menus... and enable it | 03:47 |
petafile | I'm running the studio and I have a laptop w/ a screen that can handl 1280 by 800, but when I set my resolution to that the sides of the screen wrap and are messed up, for example icons from the notification area of the panel wrap around etc. . anyone know how to fix this? | 03:47 |
thebigham | where does wine downloads and installs files to | 03:47 |
Pelo | brando, pay attention to kitche | 03:47 |
brando | is anyone else familiar with wireless | 03:47 |
astro76 | ztomic, or install it as ShackJack suggested | 03:47 |
petafile | My mouse knows the right boundaries, and can't go further than it should, but things are drawn on the screen wrong | 03:47 |
petafile | I restarted X with no luck | 03:48 |
brando | kk | 03:48 |
jrib | Vsop_vsop_vsop: you shouldn't need sudo | 03:48 |
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ShackJack | astro76: Yeah, I can't remeber if it was on Feisty or not (using Gutsy now) | 03:48 |
kitche | brando: /join #kitchetech it's a little less crowded | 03:48 |
ztomic | ShackJack, astro76: I'm just kidding | 03:48 |
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=== astro76 smacks ztomic | ||
astro76 | :p | 03:49 |
ztomic | ouch! | 03:49 |
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=== Pelo gets some popcorn and watches the bitchfitght | ||
Zenerek | petafile : i think i've had this happen before, only thing i can tell you to try is to try another resolution | 03:49 |
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petafile | Zenerek, that's a pretty weak solution | 03:49 |
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petafile | it works fine at 1200 x 800 but it doesn't look very good | 03:50 |
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petafile | because that's not what my monitor was designed for | 03:50 |
Pelo | petafile, lcd ? | 03:50 |
petafile | pelo laptop lcd | 03:50 |
astro76 | petafile, what's the native res? | 03:50 |
Pelo | petafile, in menu >`system > prefs > fonts, try setting the hintting to subpixel | 03:50 |
petafile | astro76, 1280 x 800 | 03:50 |
astro76 | petafile, you can change it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:51 |
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Pelo | petafile, also check the restricted driver thingy in system> admin | 03:51 |
petafile | Pelo, no help | 03:51 |
Zenerek | petafile yeah i know but i had my hands full recently with trying to get widescreen on my lcd tv so that's all i was worried about, in windows there are those tools to tweak the visable bounderies of the screen, does anyone one know of such a tool for linux? | 03:51 |
=== tinin [n=tinin@224.Red-83-41-162.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ztomic | I've found that Beryl and Compris are memory hogs on low-end computers. | 03:51 |
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petafile | Pelo, I don't want to do that becuase I'm running beryl w/ aiglx | 03:51 |
itisi | how do i change the default movie player program in ubuntu? | 03:51 |
petafile | astro76, what do I need to change? | 03:52 |
ShackJack | ztomic: More like CPU hogs more than anything :) | 03:52 |
petafile | my resolution is listed, it just doesn't work right | 03:52 |
astro76 | petafile, change all instances of "1200x800" with "1280x800" | 03:52 |
Pelo | petafile, maybe the ppl in #beryl can help they are pretty good with graphic stuff, they have to be | 03:52 |
petafile | okay, thanks | 03:52 |
petafile | astro76, why would that help? | 03:52 |
matthew1429 | is there a projected date for gutsy? | 03:52 |
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kitche | matthew1429: October | 03:52 |
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Vulg4r | I'm having difficulty installing. Everytime I boot the live CD, it loads the GUI I get to the desktop, and then my system restarts. I know my PC can support the OS I have installed it before, can anyone help? | 03:52 |
astro76 | petafile, that's where X gets the available resolutions, yours probably only lists 1200x800 for whatever reason | 03:53 |
ztomic | ShackJack: I have a Radeon 7000 on a Intel 2.5ghz and Compriz only works at low res. | 03:53 |
m1r | . | 03:53 |
petafile | astro76, the resolution I want is listed in sys>prefs>screen resolution | 03:53 |
ShackJack | Vulg4r: Might want to try command line install... | 03:53 |
Pelo | Vulg4r, maybe you should give the alternate install cd a try, it is text based | 03:53 |
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astro76 | petafile, ahh | 03:53 |
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ShackJack | ShackJack: Really? You have composite disabled? | 03:53 |
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Vulg4r | I will give the command line/ text base install a shot thank you for your help. | 03:54 |
matthew1429 | is there a blog or something where i can learn what they are trying to implement in gutsy? | 03:54 |
ShackJack | ztomic: : Really? You have composite disabled? | 03:54 |
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Pelo | matthew1429, ask in #ubuntu+1 | 03:54 |
ztomic | nope | 03:54 |
elpargo | ok so with the liveCD how can I make it go directly to gparted? | 03:54 |
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elpargo | do I have to boot and run it? | 03:54 |
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astro76 | elpargo, you have to boot it | 03:54 |
Pelo | you need to boot the live cd yes | 03:54 |
dissection | elpargo: Yes | 03:54 |
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xjdriver69_ | matthew1429: not sure about a blog but i found that it has compiz fusion, and gimp 2.3 | 03:54 |
elpargo | found an old 6.06 or something like that | 03:55 |
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ztomic | ShackJack: I'm tellin you... 32M of vid memory aint enough for gl on your desktop. | 03:55 |
nexous | How do I create a new admin user and have it create a home directory for that user? | 03:55 |
osxdude|laptop | yes boot | 03:55 |
ShackJack | matthew1429: Newer GNOME, linux kernel, pidgin, etcc.. | 03:55 |
astro76 | elpargo, if the partition is unmounted, you can run gparted from your system as we mentioned | 03:55 |
bguebert | anyone have any advice on how to get started with helping code for an open source project? | 03:55 |
elpargo | ztomic is right. | 03:55 |
ShackJack | ztomic: Yeah 32M and an ATI driver that's the kiss of death :) | 03:55 |
sault_me | Is it possible to create a desktop launcher to logout? Google offered "/usr/bin/gnome-session-save kill". But it wouldn't logout if an app was running. | 03:55 |
Pelo | nexous, I beleive you can do that in menu > system > admin > users | 03:55 |
elpargo | bguebert depends on the project mostly on how big it is. | 03:55 |
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ShackJack | ztomic: You could get a cheap Nvidia 6 series or better and you'd be smokin;... | 03:56 |
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osxdude|laptop | ya hav to boot | 03:56 |
nexous | Pelo: I'm running server-edition | 03:56 |
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ShackJack | sault_me: There's a panel app for that.. | 03:56 |
ztomic | ShackJack: I have TV-IN on this card and I love it! | 03:56 |
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bguebert | well I'd probably like to start with a smaller project | 03:56 |
kitche | nexous: useradd | 03:56 |
ShackJack | ztomic: Yeah, but c'mon time to step into the 21st century... and ATI rots anyway... | 03:56 |
nexous | kitche: I ran sudo adduser avio, sudo useradd avio admin | 03:57 |
ztomic | ShackJack: hehehehe! | 03:57 |
nexous | kitche: but I don't get a home directory for the user | 03:57 |
=== ShackJack said ShackJack from his ATI powered laptop.. | ||
Zenerek | so does anyone know why gedebi would just stop working? | 03:57 |
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astro76 | sault_me, it's --kill not -kill, or you could try adding --silent | 03:57 |
thugren | hey guys.. I need some help here getting my wireless card working with this new ubuntu's 7.04? I can't seem to get it to pick up on my wireless router? | 03:57 |
sault_me | ShackJack: I know. I removed it and want it to stay gone. I'm trying to take away the option to reboot or shut down this machine. Only offering the ability to logout. | 03:57 |
kitche | nexous: well adduser should ask you couple of questions but not sure if ubuntu actually has it | 03:57 |
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Pelo | Zenerek, because it 's called gdebi not gedebi ? | 03:58 |
nexous | kitche: alright, well i'll man adduser and useradd | 03:58 |
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kitche | nexous: since adduser will ask you for the home directory for useradd you have to use a switch for it to be created | 03:58 |
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Pelo | !wifi | thugren | 03:58 |
ubotu | thugren: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:58 |
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sault_me | astro76: Thanks, I'll give that a go. | 03:58 |
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ztomic | ShackJack: that was funny. i was laughing all th way back from the pissroom. | 03:59 |
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thugren | Hey thanks.. | 03:59 |
nexous | kitche: a switch? | 03:59 |
astro76 | sault_me, you could see if removing the groups admin and adm from the user does the trick, you will have to do that anyway to disable sudo | 03:59 |
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osxdude|laptop | sorry bout the login and outs. pidgin problems | 04:00 |
Siph0n | hey, i checked the ubuntuforums, but i cant seem to find how to reload my /etc/network/interfaces file? anyone have any idea? :) | 04:00 |
ShackJack | ztomic: In all seriousness graphics cards are cheap enough where you can upgrade and enjoy the lovliness that is Fusion... | 04:00 |
kitche | nexous: yes useradd -d /home/avio avio | 04:00 |
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Sanctusorium | Whee... Time to install linux. | 04:00 |
nexous | kitche: oh okay, terminology is different from me :D | 04:00 |
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Sanctusorium | Hopefully | 04:00 |
Sanctusorium | Laters | 04:00 |
ShackJack | Sanctusorium: Have fun | 04:00 |
sault_me | astro76: "/usr/bin/gnome-session-save --kill" brings up the normal "Quit" menu. I will look into removing the groups. | 04:00 |
ztomic | ShackJack: I hear you. | 04:00 |
yimmmy | hello | 04:00 |
Foxhacker | what is the difference between LTS and the original iso? | 04:00 |
Zenerek | Pelo: nope, i'm talking about gdebi the package app, it's stoped working, i think it might have happened after an update to my system | 04:00 |
yimmmy | dose any one here use cinelerra?? | 04:01 |
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ShackJack | Foxhacker: LTS - long tern support from Canonical... | 04:01 |
kitche | Foxhacker: LTS just means Long Term support | 04:01 |
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astro76 | Siph0n, sudo invoke-rc.d networking reload | 04:01 |
Dezine | I have 2 hard drives and can't seem to access the second, the drives shows up but says "The Folder Contents Can Not Be Displayed". | 04:01 |
astro76 | Siph0n, or restart instead of reload if that doesn't work | 04:01 |
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Pelo | Zenerek, just go into synaptic and reinstall it | 04:01 |
Foxhacker | ShackJack: and why would i use one over the other? | 04:01 |
yimmmy | dose any one here use cinelerra?? | 04:01 |
asc | Dezine: Is the drive FAT? | 04:01 |
Foxhacker | besides long timer support that is | 04:01 |
yimmmy | video editing program | 04:01 |
Dezine | no | 04:01 |
ShackJack | Foxhacker: If you need a lot of help or uber-stable system... | 04:01 |
Siph0n | astro76: ok thx i will try it | 04:02 |
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kitche | nexous: you need to use the -m switch for the home directory to be created | 04:02 |
GamingX | Hello everyone | 04:02 |
ShackJack | Foxhacker: I preffer newest Ubuntu possible! | 04:02 |
ShackJack | !hi | GamingX | 04:02 |
ubotu | GamingX: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 04:02 |
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Dezine | the drive is ntfs I believe | 04:02 |
GamingX | I have problems with XChat, can anyone help me? | 04:02 |
Zenerek | Pelo: i tried that and it still does not work | 04:02 |
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asc | Dezine: Hum, with that sort of thing they ususally are. It sounds like you have a permissions problem, in any case. | 04:02 |
Pelo | Zenerek, remove it completely | 04:02 |
Foxhacker | ShackJack: so the newest ubuntu has the cutting edge unstable stuff? | 04:02 |
Dezine | alright | 04:02 |
nexous | kitche: okay. | 04:02 |
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ShackJack | GamingX: Dunno - does Xchat have there own dedicated IRC channel? | 04:02 |
GamingX | I dont know.. | 04:03 |
asc | Foxhacker: Unstable is too strong a word. | 04:03 |
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bill_ | anyone used a dell perc 5/i sata raid controller in ubuntu? | 04:03 |
Pelo | ShackJack, it does #xchat | 04:03 |
ShackJack | Foxhacker: no, it's not unstable... really it's not... Canonical just has to commit to LTS for one at a time.. | 04:03 |
wilberfan | any ssh problem-solvers in here?! | 04:03 |
asc | ShackJack: There are 118 users in #xchat | 04:03 |
sault_me | What I am trying to achieve is a "guest" account with only web and openoffice access, and the ability to logout only. No reboot, shutdown. | 04:03 |
ShackJack | Pelo: Might be better source if problem is not ubuntu specific :) | 04:03 |
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wilberfan | i can't connect from one feisty box to the other...! | 04:03 |
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ShackJack | GamingX: #xchat Might be better source if problem is not ubuntu specific :) | 04:04 |
asc | wilberfan: The other has an ssh server installed, yes? | 04:04 |
GamingX | ok I will try it, thanks | 04:04 |
Zenerek | Pelo: in synaptic is that the option that says mark for complete removal? i always thought that removed that package from the archives | 04:04 |
kitche | GamingX: are you sure it's xchat or xchat-gnome | 04:04 |
wilberfan | "You can stop this operation by clicking cancel." is all I see for about 60 seconds then that message window just closes... | 04:04 |
Pelo | wilberfan, you need samba I beleive but that is all I can tell you | 04:04 |
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=== blof [n=pain@p548658C8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | ShackJack: always ask if they are on xchat-gnome or xchat since Xchat hates xchat-gnome | 04:04 |
wilberfan | i've gotten ssh to work great before... | 04:04 |
Dezine | how can I change the permissions from the Terminal? | 04:04 |
wilberfan | grrrrrr | 04:04 |
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Pelo | Zenerek, also removes config files if any | 04:04 |
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Pelo | Dezine, sudo chmod 755 /path | 04:05 |
Dezine | ty | 04:05 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | so whats the best way to get the libxine-extracodec ???? | 04:05 |
=== GoodniteJane [n=progress@c-24-3-228-196.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leafwiz | Anyone know how to start a program with vncserver ? | 04:05 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | for my amark.. | 04:05 |
ShackJack | Dezine: chmod options file | 04:05 |
kitche | ShackJack: just so you know don't want people to be banned from #xchat :) | 04:05 |
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Foxhacker | I'm trying to get a slimline version of ubuntu so i can put on my compact flash thin client | 04:06 |
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Foxhacker | any ideas? | 04:06 |
ShackJack | kitche: SO there's two different xchat projects? | 04:06 |
kitche | ShackJack: yes | 04:06 |
Pelo | Foxhacker, there is a ubuntu-miminal I think you can install that fromt he alternate install | 04:06 |
asc | Vsop_vsop_vsop: 'sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs' | 04:06 |
ShackJack | brb | 04:06 |
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Vsop_vsop_vsop | asc: thanks | 04:07 |
bruenig | Isn't xchat-gnome just a different compile option | 04:07 |
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Pelo | bruenig, xchat-gnome is an abomination | 04:07 |
bruenig | I suppose not | 04:07 |
bruenig | I don't even understand it | 04:07 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | asc: Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 04:08 |
bruenig | what could possible be seen as advantageous | 04:08 |
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bruenig | possibly* | 04:08 |
=== Pelo thinks xchat-gnome is intended to teach ppl how to remove programs in gnome | ||
asc | Vsop_vsop_vsop: New one on me. Have you enabled the universe/multiverse/restriected repositories? | 04:08 |
sarmiento | hello evreone | 04:08 |
bruenig | I would really like to pick the developers mind on that one | 04:08 |
azslande | Anyone know anyone good with aticonfig for ATI Cards? | 04:08 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | i am sure i have.. let me check.. | 04:08 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | my bad | 04:08 |
flush | hey can i use a wireless router as a wireless card, like to receive from another wireless router | 04:08 |
bruenig | no | 04:09 |
Pelo | !ati | azslande | 04:09 |
ubotu | azslande: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:09 |
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azslande | Yea, I have the drivers installed, just had a question reguarding resoltuons | 04:09 |
Pelo | azslande, but first start with the restricted driver thingy in menu > system > admin | 04:09 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | oopps.. looks like it was not checked.. | 04:09 |
=== nexous [n=chatzill@plns-208-111-228-119-pppoe.dsl.plns.epix.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | azslande, it's a better option to state your problem then to ask for someone who knows about ... | 04:09 |
azslande | Yea, thats how its installed right now Pelo... | 04:09 |
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azslande | ok lol | 04:10 |
asc | Probably enabling them, hitting 'reload' and then trying the install again would work, then. | 04:10 |
sarmiento | anyone knows | 04:10 |
=== freebooter [n=freeboot@S0106000ea625141b.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sarmiento | how can i configure my target sound | 04:10 |
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Pelo | !sound | sarmiento | 04:10 |
ubotu | sarmiento: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 04:10 |
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damian_ | Hey guys! | 04:10 |
bonesss | hi guys | 04:10 |
freebooter | heyas | 04:10 |
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=== Pelo waves the new ppl hello | ||
lazellama | flush, yea...use the method this guy used on his cell phone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnDk9KLezt4 | 04:11 |
=== ShackJack [n=nate@c-65-96-48-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
azslande | Basically I am trying to use aticonfig to adjust my screen resolution, but I cant seem to get it to recognize my screen, can anyone help? | 04:11 |
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Esper_S | um, hello | 04:11 |
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freebooter | So is x-chat the better irc client or are there better ones for linux? | 04:11 |
bonesss | anyone knows the name of program that install programs easyly? | 04:12 |
GamingX | Guys can you use IRC from the terminal mode? | 04:12 |
=== Branden [n=Branden@pool-72-72-34-137.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | freebooter: I like Pidgin :) | 04:12 |
osxdude|laptop | ShackJack: so do I | 04:12 |
Alex-The-ATLien | freebooter: I prefer VNCing into a windows box for mIRC | 04:12 |
Pelo | azslande, a much better question, , you can also try asking in #ubuntu-effects and #beryl those ppl have a lot of expericence with graphic cards , if no one here can answer | 04:12 |
Alex-The-ATLien | GamingX: check out bitchx | 04:12 |
azslande | Thanks | 04:12 |
Pelo | bonesss, synaptics, | 04:12 |
ShackJack | azslande: You can also edit xorg.conf | 04:13 |
GamingX | thanks | 04:13 |
freebooter | thanks for the suggestions ) | 04:13 |
damian_ | Question: I followed that stupid advise from Lifehacker about using nautilus -q for searching files form ANautilus, and all the icons in my desktop dissapeared and Nautilus doesn't work correctly, How can undo that? | 04:13 |
Branden | Ok. I tried A LOT of steps, and still haven't got it to work. I when I press the | key, A comes out. What can I do to fix this? | 04:13 |
bonesss | Pelo, not | 04:13 |
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Vsop_vsop_vsop | Pelo ... what do you want to know? | 04:13 |
azslande | where would I locate that Shack? | 04:13 |
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bonesss | Pelo, i remember | 04:13 |
bonesss | it's automatix | 04:13 |
bonesss | =) | 04:13 |
capitalist | hey i am trying to recover files from a fat32 filesystem | 04:13 |
Pelo | Vsop_vsop_vsop, I'm the one who answers the questions, I donT' generaly ask them, they never get answered anyway | 04:14 |
Alex-The-ATLien | azslande: /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:14 |
azslande | thankyou Alex | 04:14 |
ShackJack | Branden: You press pip key and A comes out? | 04:14 |
capitalist | is there a utility i can use? | 04:14 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | AHh gots ya.. | 04:14 |
Branden | If | is the pip key, then yes. | 04:14 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | well i never have issues.. just have wait sometimes | 04:14 |
Branden | Shift + \ | 04:14 |
Scunizi | !file recovery | 04:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about file recovery - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:14 |
ShackJack | capitalist: There's something called testdisk | 04:14 |
capitalist | thanks | 04:14 |
Pici | !rescue | 04:14 |
ubotu | To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system" | 04:14 |
Pelo | capitalist, there is but I donT' know how, ask periodicaly or check in the forum | 04:14 |
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FFForever | what is defined as a broken system? | 04:15 |
ShackJack | capitalist: Has a photorec thing in it.. one sec... | 04:15 |
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damian_ | alo? | 04:15 |
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ShackJack | capitalist: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk | 04:15 |
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Pelo | FFForever, a system that doesn'T work | 04:15 |
FFForever | what does not work :) | 04:15 |
ShackJack | capitalist: Thought you want to use photorec | 04:15 |
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SoulPropagation | So I'm on the 7.04 liveCd, running ddrescue. buttttttt, the screen went blank, backlight is stilll on and when I close and open the hinge it does this weird thing where it ... it kinda looks like the screen turned into a scanline-thing | 04:16 |
FFForever | can ppl really hack linux passwords? | 04:16 |
ShackJack | Branden: Any other keys mixed up? | 04:16 |
hendrixski | those mobile ubuntu projects coming out... are they for like cell phones and stuff or would they also work well with a DVR or that kind of an appliance? | 04:16 |
SoulPropagation | FFForever: of course | 04:16 |
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capitalist | ShackJacl: should i use photorec or testdisk? | 04:16 |
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ianm_ | within the last hour I've been seeing some very unusual 3-5 second pauses in random apps. dmesg and tail /var/log/messages shows nothing odd-- anywhere else I can look? | 04:16 |
FFForever | why is linux so "secure" if ppl can hack the passwords and exploit it? | 04:16 |
Branden | Yes. [ ] ' ; (includeing Shift) | 04:16 |
ShackJack | capitalist: it's the same package (install testdisk) but photorec is what recovers files.. | 04:16 |
leperkhanz | Hi, one of my hard drives randomly showed up unmounted, and now it won't let me mount it in gparted. | 04:16 |
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leperkhanz | any ideas? | 04:16 |
jayde_drag0n | okay so i'm probably going to be asking a lot of questions today... but i would like something comparable to itunes.. so i can still use my ipod.. and play all my music... any suggestions for this newbie? | 04:17 |
=== lombra_ [n=lombra@BHE201062136195.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FFForever | leperkhanz, what file system? | 04:17 |
leperkhanz | reiserfs | 04:17 |
vip3rousmango | I was in the middle of a youtube vid when my sound cutout. Thight it was odd, tried XMMS player to see if an mp3 would play and got: "Please Check Your Sound Card is Configured, corrent plugin selected, or check that another program isn't blocking the sound card" | 04:17 |
ShackJack | Branden: I trust you;ve been in keyboard settings to make sure proper layout, et al is selected.. | 04:17 |
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hendrixski | FFForever, why are safes so secure if anyone with a key can get in and steal from them? | 04:17 |
kitche | jayde_drag0n: banshee prehaps | 04:17 |
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Branden | How can I get to that? | 04:17 |
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FFForever | what key :) | 04:17 |
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FFForever | i only see thumb print scanners :D | 04:17 |
leperkhanz | the combination. | 04:17 |
dissection | ;] | 04:17 |
vip3rousmango | FFForever: those are easy to crack.. | 04:18 |
=== phuson [n=phuson@ip68-101-121-185.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leperkhanz | they better check for a pulse too then. | 04:18 |
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ShackJack | Branden: (and others) address people when responding so their IM beeps or they may miss your response... | 04:18 |
leperkhanz | i'll get you a thumb by 3 o'clock. It's not pretty but there are ways. | 04:18 |
hendrixski | does anyone know if the mobile versions of Ubuntu being worked on intended for small things like cell phones, or would also be bigger on larger linux appliances, like a DVR for example? | 04:18 |
=== sedkar8 [n=sedkar8@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FFForever | well my safe needs 3 keys....., but i don't wanna tell ppl how 2 crack my safe so ill leave it @ that :D | 04:18 |
ShackJack | Branden: Under prefs... Keyboard | 04:18 |
leperkhanz | so anyone know why I'm suddenly missing the reiserfs partition with all my mp3s? | 04:18 |
vip3rousmango | ..how many safes have 3 keys? | 04:19 |
Branden | ShackJack: I'm on Ubuntu Server | 04:19 |
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vip3rousmango | thats really odd | 04:19 |
=== leperkhanz is about to start freaking out. | ||
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ShackJack | Branden: Ahh.. then you might want to look at your xmodmao in /usr/share | 04:19 |
leperkhanz | It says it's unmounted, but there's no option to mount it. | 04:19 |
ShackJack | Branden: xmodmap | 04:19 |
vip3rousmango | I was in the middle of a youtube vid when my sound cutout. Thight it was odd, tried XMMS player to see if an mp3 would play and got: "Please Check Your Sound Card is Configured, corrent plugin selected, or check that another program isn't blocking the sound card" | 04:19 |
hendrixski | FFForever, passwords are like keys, your safe is only as secure as the person who holds the keys | 04:19 |
leperkhanz | There is an option to format it though, but I REALLY don't want to do that. | 04:19 |
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leperkhanz | or the thumbprint. | 04:19 |
Branden | ShackJack - How do I do this? | 04:20 |
weltschmerz | why does this say 24 and not 255? | 04:20 |
weltschmerz | For Full Read Write Permissions allowing any computer from through | 04:20 |
weltschmerz | ./files,no_root_squash,async) | 04:20 |
kitche | weltschmerz: /24 is the subclass | 04:20 |
Scunizi | !ieee1394 | 04:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ieee1394 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:20 |
weltschmerz | kitche ? | 04:21 |
ShackJack | Branden: You might to google for more info, but you can edit whatever xmodmap you're set to use so the keys work right... cat /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.us-101 as an example... | 04:21 |
bulmer | rather /24 is the mask | 04:21 |
SoulPropagation | !1394 | 04:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 1394 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:21 |
weltschmerz | bulmer what's that got to do with 255? | 04:21 |
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astro76 | weltschmerz, /24 is another way of representing a bitmask of | 04:21 |
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astro76 | weltschmerz, it's the nuber of 1s | 04:21 |
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ShackJack | Branden: I'm afraid I'm not intimately familiar with server setup (i.e. if it has config)... beside dpkg xmodmap --reconfigure ? | 04:21 |
bulmer | weltschmerz: it has got to do when subnetting..separating network from hosts | 04:21 |
=== crysalys [n=chatzill@c-68-42-102-11.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FFForever | can i do an exact disk copy? | 04:21 |
kitche | bulmer: yeah :) | 04:21 |
jayde_drag0n | okay no matter what i try to install i get the error "dependancy is not satisfiable" | 04:22 |
FFForever | (even copy bad spots of a disk) | 04:22 |
vbabiy | Hey does any one know how to edit Filters in Evoulution | 04:22 |
blackjeebus | When I plug my Sprint Connection Card into the PCMCIA slot on this laptop [Dell Latitude D520] , the system immediately locks. But my Verizon one works perfectly. Is there something special I need to do for the Sprint card [Merlin S560] ? | 04:22 |
Branden | ShackJack - It don't seem to have any directories, when I cd home or anything it don't work. | 04:22 |
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leperkhanz | I have zero idea what to do with this suddenly missing reiserfs partition. | 04:22 |
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GamingX | Guys can you tell me any other IRC client for Ubuntu other than XChat, I am not able to start it up... | 04:22 |
leperkhanz | I'm open to ideas. | 04:22 |
FFForever | mount it? | 04:22 |
weltschmerz | astro76 interesting. | 04:22 |
=== NickPresta [n=nickpres@CPE000625f47ed2-CM0011e6c456e3.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leperkhanz | yeah, how? | 04:22 |
ShackJack | Branden: Ermm.. yeah, they're there :) try using forward slash cd /home | 04:22 |
=== emid [n=david@c-71-196-103-126.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leperkhanz | there's no mount option in gparted. | 04:23 |
FFForever | !mount | 04:23 |
jayde_drag0n | gamingX: i'm using GAIM it seems to work beautifully .. but i'm a newbie | 04:23 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 04:23 |
weltschmerz | anyone know what i would put in the blanks "network" and "netmask" to share something via nfs from nautilus's automated sharing system? | 04:23 |
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weltschmerz | i'm assuming the mask is just | 04:23 |
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leperkhanz | it's grayed out, where the mount should be. | 04:23 |
ShackJack | Branden: Also sudo dpkg-reconfigure xmodmap something something.... don't know exactly.. | 04:23 |
=== OSTENICUS_ [n=arman@c-69-251-243-15.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leperkhanz | in gparted. | 04:23 |
kitche | bulmer: I probably meant subnet mask instead of subclass | 04:23 |
FFForever | !diskmounter | 04:23 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 04:23 |
Scunizi | GamingX, irssi | 04:23 |
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ProfessorTom | I've got an HP Pavillion dv6000. It's an X2...neither the Dapper 32 or 64 bit live CD will run nor will the Fiesty 64 Live CD. Any thoughts? | 04:23 |
Branden | ShackJack Ok thank you, I'll see what I get with the info you have given me. | 04:23 |
bulmer | kitche right o | 04:24 |
GamingX | I dont know how to install the plugin since I am a newbie too.. | 04:24 |
=== davey [n=davey@149-225.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | Branden: Also maybe dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:24 |
FFForever | what gfx card? | 04:24 |
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riotkittie | ProfessorTom: elaborate on "won't run".... how far do you get? can you boot the CDs? | 04:24 |
FFForever | (tom) | 04:24 |
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dissection | GamingX: In Terminal, type "sudo apt-get install irssi" | 04:24 |
freebooter | So far i am loving ubuntu linux | 04:25 |
ProfessorTom | riotkittie: yes it will "boot" it got as far as loading the swap space and then quit, even when using the SafeMode | 04:25 |
ShackJack | O.K. I gotta go pick my kitchen floor tile - laters! | 04:25 |
GamingX | Gaim requires an IRC plugin, from what I have heard.. | 04:25 |
ShackJack | GamingX: Nope... | 04:25 |
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ShackJack | ProfessorTom: Did you check disk for defects or MD5 checksum? | 04:25 |
ShackJack | ProfessorTom: Could just be bad burn... | 04:26 |
=== thebigham [n=daniel@pool-68-237-111-22.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GamingX | does Gaim allow file transfers etc.? | 04:26 |
=== varioust [n=varioust@CPE-72-133-56-132.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thebigham | How do i install counter strike to ubuntu with a CD? | 04:26 |
=== Aaron_ [n=xjsjxasj@c-67-191-40-190.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dec0de | anyone installed the ALSA drivers for a Intel AC '97 sound card? | 04:26 |
ProfessorTom | maybe...but it's happened with all the discs...yet other CDs/DVDs I burn with that drive work. Very odd | 04:26 |
kitche | thebigham: wine /path/to/setup.exe | 04:27 |
ShackJack | GamingX: Check out http://pidgin.im/pidgin/home/ for deets (Pidgin is new Gaim) if you want pidgin - getdeb.net | 04:27 |
riotkittie | ProfessorTom: all the discs? you have burned multiples? | 04:27 |
=== TiMiDo [n=xjsjxasj@c-67-191-40-190.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leperkhanz | it has no flags, does it need a flag? | 04:27 |
leperkhanz | which flag? | 04:27 |
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riotkittie | ProfessorTom: were they burned from the same source file ? | 04:27 |
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cafuego | a dutch flag. | 04:27 |
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leperkhanz | why would I be unable to mount it in gparted? | 04:28 |
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nephish | anyone here use 64bit ubuntu with an AMD 64 ? | 04:28 |
thebigham | kitche: in the terminal? | 04:28 |
riotkittie | it's probably a hardware issue, though. rather than a bad burn. but check the MD5 to be sure. | 04:28 |
ProfessorTom | riotkittie: I burned the Dapper 32 and 64 bit versions along with the 64 bit version of Fiesty | 04:28 |
kitche | thebigham: yes | 04:28 |
jayde_drag0n | anyone who can help (and i know its annoying but pleas pm me.. i get lost trying to find your response) no matter what i try to install i get the error "dependancy is not satisfiable" and i am too new to figure this out on my own from what i'm researching... if someone can walk me thru what i need to do it will be much appreciated | 04:28 |
ProfessorTom | riotkittie: will do | 04:28 |
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nephish | What is your take on 64 bit ? stuff in the forums is kinda dated | 04:29 |
riotkittie | ProfessorTom: if youve burned three different versions and this is a recurring issue across the board, i'm going to say the MD5 is fine and its a hardware issue | 04:29 |
blackjeebus | No one with knowledge on PCMCIA issues? | 04:29 |
stewlatin | Can someone help me, I'm trying to update to 7.10 herd 2 and i get this message in my terminal "warning: could not initiate dbus | 04:29 |
stewlatin | current dist not found in meta-release file" | 04:29 |
riotkittie | you can install using the alternate CD, but i dont think there's a workaround that will work with the live discs :\ | 04:29 |
r33ddl3r | I have a weird issue w/my CPU fan after updating to feisty... it... stops spinning as soon as the os starts to load. Havent really doen any extensive troubleshooting but wondering if anyone here observed the same behavior | 04:30 |
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kitche | stewlatin: #ubuntu+1 for gusty support | 04:30 |
leperkhanz | should I try to mount the partition in the terminal? If so what is the command? | 04:30 |
riotkittie | gusty? dear god. :X | 04:30 |
stewlatin | thanks | 04:30 |
thebigham | kitche: wats the path to the cd? =( | 04:30 |
dec0de | make *** [compile] Error1 ... anyone got any insight why im getting this error? | 04:30 |
kitche | thebigham: umm whever it's mounted to :) | 04:30 |
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Zambezi | Can anyone mention a torrentclient using libtorrent? rtorrent is one, but I need a name of another. I know there's a page, but can't find it. | 04:30 |
kitche | dec0de: that's not the error the error is before that | 04:30 |
bulmer | leperkhanz: what you trying to do? | 04:30 |
thebigham | what you mean mounted | 04:30 |
=== leperkhanz is morbidly afraid of text input, but if I can get my mp3s back. | ||
ProfessorTom | riotkittie: I think so to. What I'm wondering is if I use the text version of the CDs, will it actually install? | 04:30 |
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thebigham | i have the actual CD | 04:31 |
leperkhanz | my reiserfs drive is unmountable in gparted. | 04:31 |
kitche | Zambezi: rtorrent is the only one that is active I believe the other ones died | 04:31 |
dec0de | kitche: thanks i didn't realize that | 04:31 |
r33ddl3r | thebigham, it is probably in /media/cdrom | 04:31 |
crysalys | what is gusty? | 04:31 |
kitche | thebigham: you most mount the cdrom first before getting the path to exe | 04:31 |
kitche | !gutsy | crysalys | 04:31 |
ubotu | crysalys: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+1 | 04:31 |
Sensae | I just installed ubuntu server, and cannot install anything because aptitude and apt-get both try to install / update a bunch of packages, no matter what I try, and fails on the first. | 04:31 |
=== cables [n=caleb@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bulmer | leperkhanz: what you trying to do? with gparted? | 04:31 |
thebigham | how do i mount it? | 04:31 |
leperkhanz | it just suddenly disappeared from the desktop, and now I can't mount it in gparted. | 04:31 |
riotkittie | ProfessorTom: it *should*. everyone i've seen with issues with the live disc has been able to install with the text install just fine, and get it running, for the most part | 04:31 |
r33ddl3r | insert the CD.. it should automount it for you.. if not... "man mount" | 04:32 |
kitche | thebigham: if your on gnome double click the cdrom image on your desktop should auto mount it | 04:32 |
Zambezi | kitche, Oh. Cause a guy is looking for a webgui and I'm pretty sure there is one, but he can't find it. | 04:32 |
bulmer | leperkhanz: which partition is it you're referring to? | 04:32 |
r33ddl3r | ugh... "desktop" | 04:32 |
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leperkhanz | bulmer any idea why it would have disappeared, /dev/sdb2 | 04:32 |
thebigham | when idouble clicked it on the desktop, it opens up with file broweser | 04:32 |
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thebigham | cdrom0 | 04:32 |
r33ddl3r | thebigham, do you see yer files there? | 04:32 |
leperkhanz | my reiserfs partition with all my mp3s. | 04:32 |
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bulmer | leperkhanz: is that a usb drive or usb device? | 04:32 |
thebigham | yeah | 04:33 |
thebigham | all of them | 04:33 |
riotkittie | r33ddl3r: why are you "ugh"ing "desktop"? | 04:33 |
Sensae | Anyone know why aptitude would try to update the system and fail on a clean install? | 04:33 |
leperkhanz | nope, SATA drive | 04:33 |
r33ddl3r | thebigham, then it is /media/cdrom0 | 04:33 |
leperkhanz | internal. | 04:33 |
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tupa | how do I setup xserver-xorg-video-unichrome driver, I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but unichrome is not listed in the driver section | 04:33 |
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r33ddl3r | riotkittie, ever heard of ratpoison? | 04:33 |
entropie | can anybody explain me how to set up the fstab (with UUID) after a manual feisty setup (from chroot). I dont have a /dev | 04:33 |
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bulmer | leperkhanz: cat /etc/fstab and see if that sata drive has an entry | 04:33 |
ProfessorTom | ok. Now I have an IRC question. If this is the wrong place to ask, just tell me where to go ask. How can I share my files such that people can do an @find and !nick filename ? is that a mIRC specific thing, or can that be done with XChat on Ubuntu? | 04:33 |
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kitche | r33ddl3r: ever heard of dwm :) | 04:33 |
leperkhanz | OK. | 04:33 |
Maurox | Where do i can find the channel of differents OP ? | 04:34 |
riotkittie | ratpoison.... uhhh, err... uhmm. window manager, r33ddl3r ? | 04:34 |
jayde_drag0n | please can someone help me?? i can't install anything | 04:34 |
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leperkhanz | # Entry for /dev/sdb1 : | 04:34 |
leperkhanz | UUID=96FE0261FE023A4F /media/sdb1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 1 | 04:34 |
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bulmer | jayde_drag0n: what are you trying to install? | 04:34 |
r33ddl3r | riotkittie, right.. no "clicking" :) | 04:34 |
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cables | jayde_drag0n, if you're more specific, we can help you a lot better :) | 04:34 |
leperkhanz | is the problem that it thinks it's a ntfs drive? | 04:34 |
Sensae | I can't install anything either. When I try to apt-get, it tries to update the system and fails | 04:34 |
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bulmer | leperkhanz: you need to prefix a nick to your response or else it will be missed | 04:34 |
riotkittie | ah. no clicking. i vaguely remember that. i didnt use it for a long period of time. i thought it was.... ugly :x | 04:35 |
r33ddl3r | kitche, yeah... i'm using fluxbox now.. but its getting tooo... outdated | 04:35 |
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ProfessorTom | Sensae: did you sudo apt-get install packagename ? | 04:35 |
Sensae | Yes, I did | 04:35 |
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cables | Sensae, sounds like a package failed to install | 04:35 |
leperkhanz | bulmer: OK. Is it a problem with ntfs-3g? | 04:35 |
cables | Sensae, what happens when you do sudo dpkg --configure -a? | 04:35 |
bulmer | leperkhanz: sudo mount -a | 04:35 |
r33ddl3r | Sensae, tried sudo apt-get install | 04:35 |
riotkittie | does anyone know off hand if the ati drivers (not the open source, but *ati* driver) will work with a x300 or whatever? i'm getting a "new" computer :o | 04:35 |
Sensae | ProfessorTom: I can do something simple like sudo apt-get install ee, and it will try to install about 80 xorg packages, and fails on the first | 04:35 |
riotkittie | and i want multimonitor goodness under linux. :| | 04:36 |
IndyGunFreak | riotkittie: its hard w/ ATI.., but i think it can be done.. | 04:36 |
kitche | riotkittie: so you mean fglrx it should | 04:36 |
IndyGunFreak | much easier w/ Nvidia | 04:36 |
cables | leperkhanz, if you're trying to use NTFS drives under Linux, try the graphical NTFS Configuration Tool (available in add/remove, not sure what the package name is) | 04:36 |
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Sensae | cables: Processing was halted because there were too many errors. | 04:36 |
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riotkittie | yea, kitche. thats what i mean. thankies :D | 04:36 |
cables | Sensae, I'm not much of an APT guru so I'm afraid I can't help you. | 04:36 |
r33ddl3r | kitche, dwm - is that your choice? | 04:36 |
riotkittie | IndyGunFreak: yea i know :\ my husband hates his current nvidia card so maybe i can steal it | 04:37 |
Sensae | :/ | 04:37 |
kitche | r33ddl3r: yeah I like how I have my desktop setup with three xterms and one firefox xterms on the bottom and firefox all the way across the top | 04:37 |
IndyGunFreak | riotkittie: lol, now you're thinking | 04:37 |
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ProfessorTom | Sensae: what error message do you get when apt-get fails? | 04:37 |
m1r | has anyone worked with sabayon ? | 04:37 |
leperkhanz | bulmer, cables: No, I'm just missing this one drive for some reason. | 04:37 |
Sensae | ProfessorTom: Processing was halted because there were too many errors. | 04:37 |
kitche | m1r: wrong channel to ask that :) | 04:37 |
m1r | :) | 04:37 |
leperkhanz | bulmer, cables, just tried sudu mount -a. Status unchanged. Failed to mount several in use disks. | 04:38 |
m1r | srys | 04:38 |
cables | m1r, how 'bout trying... #sabayon :) | 04:38 |
r33ddl3r | riotkittie, I had an issue w/nvidia during the install.. it was erring, complaining it couldnt find any [Screens] | 04:38 |
ProfessorTom | for a minute there, I thought m1r was talking about Sybian LOL! | 04:38 |
bulmer | leperkhanz: reboot and see if it recovers | 04:38 |
m1r | ye lol | 04:38 |
leperkhanz | still no /media/sdb2 in my media directory. | 04:38 |
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blackjeebus | When I plug my Sprint Connection Card into the PCMCIA slot on this laptop [Dell Latitude D520] , the system immediately locks. But my Verizon one works perfectly. Is there something special I need to do for the Sprint card [Merlin S560] ? | 04:38 |
leperkhanz | bulmer: tried that. | 04:38 |
riotkittie | mmm, lack of screens. that sounds like fun. | 04:38 |
leperkhanz | will try again. | 04:38 |
ProfessorTom | Sensae: were there any other errors before that error? | 04:38 |
m1r | well i uninstaled it, but now i cant access tty1-ttyx | 04:38 |
crysalys | sweet! i just got Feisty! and now a new animal comes along!! I love ubuntu | 04:39 |
Sensae | ProfessorTom: Looks like normal operation, it's trying to install xubuntu-desktop plus all the dependencies | 04:39 |
bulmer | leperkhanz: yeah tryi it again..and maybe this time itll recover :) | 04:39 |
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ProfessorTom | Sensae: have you tried this on another machine? | 04:39 |
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oem | hola hay alguien de espaa o mexico por aca ? | 04:40 |
Sensae | ProfessorTom: Tried which? Apt-getting in general or installing xubuntu-desktop as a package? | 04:40 |
oem | o alguien que hable espaol | 04:40 |
r33ddl3r | riotkittie, i'm sure your MB comes w/some type of on-board video chip (i860?).. just boot up w/that screen..then dlaod the nvidia drive, configure your xorg and kick-off the install | 04:40 |
cables | !es | oem | 04:40 |
ubotu | oem: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 04:40 |
thebigham | when installing counter strike source with a CD, it asked me to insert the disk 2, but i cant eject the disk 1 from the cd-rom, it says that disk is currently mounted, and could not be unmount because the device is busy | 04:40 |
Maurox | Is here an admin or op that could ban in other ubuntu channel ? | 04:40 |
ProfessorTom | Sensae: installing xubuntu-desktop as a package | 04:40 |
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oem | ha ok | 04:40 |
oem | muchas gracias | 04:40 |
cables | Maurox, if you need an op, go to #ubuntu-ops | 04:40 |
Maurox | cables:thnks | 04:40 |
r33ddl3r | oem, de nada | 04:40 |
Sensae | ProfessorTom: Yes, I did it on the same machine and it worked. Then I wiped it and reinstalled to set up a RAID, and now it doesn't | 04:40 |
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ProfessorTom | Sensae: That's a bummer man! | 04:41 |
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GamingX | Guys I looked up pidgin what version must I download | 04:41 |
Sensae | :/ Guess I'll have to reinstall with a xubuntu cd | 04:41 |
cables | GamingX, I'd recommend sticking with Gaim until Gutsy is released, but there's a good .deb from http://getdeb.net | 04:41 |
m1r | sabayon ppl sleep at this time :) | 04:41 |
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ProfessorTom | Sensae: and I take it that you're using the same version of the OS that you had on the machine before? | 04:42 |
Sensae | Yup | 04:42 |
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entropie | anyone can explain how to get the UUID of a partition wihtout /Dev? | 04:42 |
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ProfessorTom | :( | 04:42 |
cables | GamingX, you can get it here (you need both pidgin and pidgin-data, both are on this page. Don't use the Album plugin or it'll cause crashes in this version) http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=1045 | 04:42 |
FFForever | how do i burn an iso in ubuntu? | 04:42 |
ProfessorTom | you may get stuck reinstalling. Double bummer | 04:42 |
cables | FFForever, right click in and hit "write to disc" | 04:43 |
Sensae | ProfessorTom: Not the end of the world, this install is half an hour old | 04:43 |
ProfessorTom | Sensae: there's some good news | 04:43 |
cables | FFForever, however, if you notice reliability problems with that burner, there's something you can do that may fix it. | 04:43 |
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FFForever | what is that? (if there are any) | 04:44 |
Sensae | Now for a more general question. Is xfce light enough for a system with half a gig of RAM to run a server, or should I go with something lighter? (It needs to be able to surf the net, preferably firefox, and run a LAMP, svn server, samba, ftp) | 04:44 |
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cables | FFForever, you mean the way to improve reliability? | 04:45 |
FFForever | yeh | 04:45 |
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cables | FFForever, alt-f2 and type "gconf-editor" | 04:45 |
capitalist | i am dual booting on a mac and want to mount the other partitions, but i don | 04:45 |
capitalist | 't | 04:45 |
asc | Sensae: xfce is light enough for a system with 128 MB to run a server, but it kinda depends on how much you want to server. | 04:45 |
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cables | FFForever, when that's open I'll tell you more | 04:45 |
capitalist | think i see it with fdisk -l | 04:45 |
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FFForever | ok lemme write this disk real fast :P | 04:45 |
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cables | FFForever, don't | 04:45 |
Sensae | asc: As in how much usage it will get? | 04:45 |
cables | FFForever, hold on | 04:46 |
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cables | FFForever, you haven't fixed the reliability thing yet, so let's do that first | 04:46 |
asc | Sensae: Probably 256 would be good if you want to use firefox as well. | 04:46 |
crysalys | is there widescreen support for Feisty? | 04:46 |
=== who_cares [n=cameron@71-12-166-197.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cables | !res | crysalys | 04:46 |
ubotu | crysalys: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 04:46 |
=== bulmer [n=kana_kan@adsl-69-232-240-245.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FFForever | i am on a slow computer so it might take a few mins 2 load..... | 04:46 |
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FFForever | 126mb of ram :D | 04:46 |
cables | FFForever, okay, when the gconf-editor thing pops up just tell me and we'll continue | 04:46 |
cables | FFForever, have you tried Xubuntu? | 04:47 |
FFForever | i like gnome :) | 04:47 |
FFForever | and no | 04:47 |
cables | FFForever, ah, ok. | 04:47 |
Sensae | It feels almost the same as gnome, aalmost. | 04:47 |
FFForever | i don't like xcfs | 04:47 |
ProfessorTom | Sensae: I'm running SSH, Samba, Apache, Opera, Firefox, shells, XChat, as well a a print server on my Ubuntu box that is running 512 MB of PC 2800 on a Celeron | 04:47 |
asc | Sensae: Not sure about actual ram usage, probably 32-50ish on 128 MB, without paging a lot. | 04:47 |
FFForever | Sensae, xcfs is nothing like gnome...., and it "feels" noting like it lol | 04:47 |
cables | FFForever, you clearly haven't tried KDE. Now THAT'S different from Gnome. | 04:48 |
FFForever | ok its opened :) | 04:48 |
FFForever | i like kde :) | 04:48 |
cables | FFForever, if you like certain elements of Gnome, you can mix and match | 04:48 |
FFForever | reminds me of xp :P | 04:48 |
jayde_drag0n | is there anyone here who has a few minutes to spare for me and my problem??? please pm me... i get lost trying to find responses... and i am multi-tasking so i navigate from the window.. then i don't know if anyone is helping me.... but please.. i can't install anything... all i get is the error "dependancies not satisfiable" | 04:48 |
Falstius | I'm trying to find information about compatibility problems between the nvidia driver, a 7800gs and ubuntu 7.04. Has anyone heard anything? | 04:48 |
Sensae | ProfessorTom: Gnome or XFCE, or neither? | 04:48 |
jayde_drag0n | i'm a girl, a newbie, i'm nice and follow directions well i promise | 04:48 |
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ProfessorTom | Sensae: Gnome. My bad | 04:49 |
cables | FFForever, now, in the configuration editor window, go to /apps/nautilus-cd-burner | 04:49 |
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Sensae | ProfessorTom: Well that's even better, leaves me without worries :p | 04:49 |
FFForever | ok | 04:49 |
cables | FFForever, in the right panel you should see a few options. You should then check off Burnproof and then exit the config editor | 04:49 |
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tupa | how do I install xserver-xorg-video-unichrome driver?? | 04:49 |
FFForever | burn proof is off :P | 04:49 |
tupa | I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but its not listed | 04:49 |
cables | FFForever, turn it on then | 04:49 |
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ProfessorTom | Sensae: I'll tell you what I've been thinking about: getting a CoreDuo2 with the 4MB L2 cache and 2 GB of DDR2 | 04:50 |
FFForever | cables, thanks | 04:50 |
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cables | FFForever, not so fast | 04:50 |
milllmannn | anyone know a good resource for setting up MYSQL and Postfix on Dapper? | 04:50 |
ProfessorTom | that'd run Ubuntu just fine | 04:50 |
elpargo | I know this is not windows but I think this happens a lot here, anyone knows how I can make the windows installer skip the MBR part | 04:50 |
asc | tupa: 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-unichrome' | 04:50 |
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Sensae | ProfessorTom: That's the current setup on my desktop | 04:51 |
crysalys | sorry i didnt catch that link. is there support for widescreen in Feisty | 04:51 |
cables | FFForever, once you exit the config editor, hit alt-f2 and type < nautilus -q && nautilus > (yes, there are supposed to be 2 &s) | 04:51 |
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ProfessorTom | Sensae: really? How does Ubunut run on that? | 04:51 |
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Falstius | ProfessorTom: yeah, vista feels sluggish though with that setup. | 04:51 |
cables | FFForever, when that's done, you can go and burn your CD. | 04:51 |
ProfessorTom | Vista will always feel sluggish | 04:51 |
Sensae | ProfessorTom: I couldn't tell you, probably extremely smooth. It's running Vista. | 04:51 |
bign88 | newbie here - need some help | 04:51 |
FFForever | kk, ill just reboot :P | 04:51 |
noiesmo | elpargo: not really but heres a guide to fix http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/ | 04:51 |
=== korrrrrrnn [n=korrrrrr@c-76-107-163-81.hsd1.la.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FFForever | i need 2 put ram in neways :P | 04:52 |
ProfessorTom | just like every other version of their ***** OS | 04:52 |
elpargo | noiesmo: I know that it's just that windows won't install | 04:52 |
ProfessorTom | Sensae: pop in a Live CD when you got the time and report back | 04:52 |
crysalys | is there Feisty suppport for widescreen | 04:52 |
bign88 | I want to install Umbutu, but I seem to have only the live CD | 04:52 |
Sensae | ProfessorTom: Sure | 04:52 |
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elpargo | noiesmo: since the start of the disk is not windows it won't write the MBR in the first plac | 04:52 |
cables | bign88, that's all you need | 04:52 |
bign88 | am I an idiot? | 04:52 |
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elpargo | place* | 04:52 |
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noiesmo | elpargo: windows likes to be on the primary drive and first partition are you trying to install to secondary drive | 04:53 |
conorkirkpatrick | What is the (apt-get) package name for sdl? (also sdl_mixer and image | 04:53 |
cables | bign88, just start the LiveCD and when it's booted up hit the Install button and go through the installer. It's pretty simple, if you need help just ask us. | 04:53 |
bign88 | I want Winblows to go away | 04:53 |
ProfessorTom | bign88: there should be an "installl" shortcut on your Live CD desktop | 04:53 |
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korrrrrrnn | ne 1 know where i can install drivers for geforce 6200.....it downloaded but only lets me run in 800*600 | 04:53 |
bign88 | yeah, but I am left with a no-flash cursor | 04:53 |
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korrrrrrnn | if i try to go higher it freezes | 04:53 |
conorkirkpatrick | korrrrrrrrnn: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new | 04:53 |
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cables | bign88, if you want to wipe out Windows, there's an option in the installer to wipe the drive. However, I recommend not doing that until you're used to Ubuntu. | 04:54 |
elpargo | noiesmo: yes it's moronic but I can't move my partitions so I'll have to reinstall the whole thing... ****** OS... | 04:54 |
Sensae | I'd probably be running ubuntu on my main if I didn't game, I'm thinking of picking up an acer laptop, nuking it and installing ubuntu | 04:54 |
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cables | bign88, until you're sure you can do everything in Ubuntu that you want to do, I'd recommend dual-booting for a while | 04:54 |
noiesmo | elpargo: :( | 04:54 |
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elpargo | Sensae: I was over it but got into a game so I need that **** again. | 04:54 |
bign88 | I am a gambler and a tinkerer | 04:54 |
=== Hail_Spacecake [n=greg@adsl-68-121-166-196.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GamingX | I finished downloading pidgin, how do I install it? | 04:54 |
conorkirkpatrick | What is the (apt-get) package name for sdl? (also sdl_mixer and image | 04:54 |
conorkirkpatrick | !sdl | 04:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sdl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:54 |
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Hail_Spacecake | does ls -l tell you the filesize of the files in a directory? | 04:55 |
bruenig | GamingX, what is the extension on the thing you downloaded? | 04:55 |
cables | GamingX, double click the pidgin-data .deb file and go through the installer | 04:55 |
cables | bruenig, I got this, I pointed him to a .deb | 04:55 |
bruenig | Hail_Spacecake, yes, ls -lh however will give you a more readable output | 04:55 |
bruenig | cableroy, k | 04:55 |
cables | GamingX, when that's done, do the pidgin .deb package the same way | 04:55 |
noiesmo | conorkirkpatrick: you can use apt-cache search packagename to find available packages | 04:55 |
bruenig | s/roy/s/ | 04:55 |
cables | bruenig, heh, I'm untabbable | 04:55 |
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Who_ | s anyone have any idea why I might be getting very slow data transfer rates for two USB2 hard disks transferring data between them? | 04:56 |
cables | Who_, well, if they're on the same USB controller, twice the data has to go through | 04:56 |
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exul8891 | Hey, i just installed ubuntu for the first time (on a new laptop). My video card is not support (nvidia geforce 8400m G), so the X video driver is not loading up. My wireless card intel wifi 4965 AGN is also no supported. Anyone know of any ways i can get drivers for my wireless and graphics card? | 04:56 |
conorkirkpatrick | noiesmo: thnx :D | 04:56 |
cables | Who_, also, one may be slow | 04:56 |
Who_ | hmm...and the odds are I just have one USB controller, right? | 04:56 |
Who_ | (I am just using the ports on my mb, cables) | 04:57 |
ProfessorTom | Who_: with USB the ports slow down to the speed of the slowest device | 04:57 |
PJ | Alguem do Brasil ai ??????? | 04:57 |
noiesmo | conorkirkpatrick: np | 04:57 |
cables | Who_, well, I think you can check in System>Preferences>Hardware Information | 04:57 |
Who_ | So if I had _any_ 1.1 device connected it would bring the hard drives down? cables, ProfessorTom? | 04:57 |
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GamingX | thanks can someone tell me how to make changes to the Ubuntu Bootloader | 04:58 |
ProfessorTom | Who_: 'fraid so. Welcome to USB. | 04:58 |
cables | Who_, definitely, because how can it write data to one faster than it can read from the other and vise-versa? | 04:58 |
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IndyGunFreak | GamingX: what kind of changes? | 04:58 |
cables | Who_, even with 2 controllers you'd have the same problem really | 04:58 |
Falstius | Who_: ProfessorTom: I don't think that is true. | 04:58 |
dissection | I didn't know about this, about USB. Glad I'm lurkidling in the channel. I learn something new every now and then :D | 04:58 |
ProfessorTom | I say that because I was reading a thread on USB vs. Firewire yesterday | 04:58 |
Sensae | Does gparted support setting up RAID? | 04:58 |
GamingX | I have dual boot I need to change the default option to windows... | 04:59 |
Who_ | cables: I was meaning - 1 usb 1.1 card reader, and THEN the two hard disks between each other... cables, ProfessorTom | 04:59 |
systemd0wn | Question, how do i update my kernel in feisty to the latest ( | 04:59 |
Dinde | sunken: i think i'm damned, i did an usb key wich works well on my desktop computer when i try to boot it on my thinkpad it just display Boot Error | 04:59 |
noiesmo | GamingX: /boot/grub/menu.1st | 04:59 |
GamingX | what does it do? | 04:59 |
noiesmo | GamingX: is the menu list you can make changes there | 04:59 |
cables | Who_, well, either way, if one is 1.1, it's going to be slow whether they're on 2 controllers or 1. But with 1 it's even slower | 04:59 |
noiesmo | GamingX: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.1st | 04:59 |
cables | GamingX, to edit it hit alt-f2 and type < gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst > | 04:59 |
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cables | GamingX, you probably want to read the comments in the file because I'm not sure how to set the default | 05:00 |
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dec0de | anyone installed the cisco vpn client? | 05:00 |
aKKiLLa | USB vs FireWire all comes down to FireWIre being DMA (Direct Memory Access) which means it doesn't have to go through the CPU to access memory | 05:00 |
Falstius | systemd0wn: build your own kernel. If you have to ask here, most like you're going to break your system trying to do it. | 05:00 |
=== Cryorus [n=cryorus@209-9-194-96.sdsl.cais.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Who_ | cables: I have 3 nforce2 USB Controllers listed - but I notice that I've got both disks on the same one. WOn't do that again :) | 05:00 |
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Sensae | ProfessorTom: I'm burning a disc right now, once it's done I can throw in a liveCD | 05:01 |
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Who_ | ProfessorTom: can I confirm - do you think that just USING a USB1.1 device (I.E having it plugged in) on a controller but not transferring any data between it and a disk will reduce all devices on that controller to 1.1 speed? | 05:01 |
dissection | noiesmo: in menu.lst is it harmless to only change the title of the OS's? | 05:01 |
=== korrrrrrnn [n=korrrrrr@c-76-107-163-81.hsd1.la.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
LDZ420 | In the scope of performance is there a best practice when it comes to the "location" of your swap partition? | 05:01 |
systemd0wn | Falstius, eh' i was just hoping that someone would have a link to a tutorial that has already been done. If i do break it i can always boot with a live cd and restore the old kernel | 05:02 |
ProfessorTom | Sensae: can't wait! | 05:02 |
ProfessorTom | Who_: I think so, but that is just my limited understanding. Let me google it for you | 05:02 |
dr_willis | LDZ420, Best = fastest access. would be across several hard drives. at the start of the drives (i think) or would it be at the end... | 05:02 |
sayers | !amd64 | 05:02 |
ubotu | AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information. | 05:02 |
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Who_ | ProfessorTom: don't let me get so lazy! I'll do it! | 05:02 |
dr_willis | LDZ420, i forget. :) I tend to keep mine on its own not used a lot drive. | 05:02 |
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Who_ | ProfessorTomL Thanks though! | 05:02 |
Who_ | ProfessorTom: - got name wrong - thanks | 05:03 |
noiesmo | dissection: you can change the title no probs | 05:03 |
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Falstius | systemd0wn: you can leave the old kernel installed and just select it in grub (hit esc when grub is loading to see a list of kernels). Assuming you don't accidentally wipe the old kernel. | 05:03 |
ProfessorTom | Who_: a blogging buddy of mine always posts links to google.com or wikipedia.com without linking the article. Pisses me off | 05:03 |
ProfessorTom | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB | 05:03 |
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systemd0wn | Falstius, eh' i should be that stupid... *crosses fingers* | 05:04 |
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LDZ420 | dr_willis: thx Doc | 05:04 |
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dr_willis | LDZ420, with a decent amount of ram. you should be rarely hitting swap | 05:04 |
Who_ | ProfessorTom: lol - _really_ annoying, isn't it. SOmetimes I wonder thogh - I think the first few 'www.google.com' responses I got probably helped me learn stuff... | 05:04 |
bign88 | what prep work beside file back ups should be done before install? | 05:05 |
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jayde_drag0n | professorTom: did you run out of time to help me? | 05:05 |
ProfessorTom | what's really aggervating about him is that he does it on LJ in threaded comments where we're DISCUSSING The ISSUE | 05:05 |
ProfessorTom | jayde_drag0n, no, I never got a PM from you | 05:05 |
LDZ420 | dr_willis: yeah.. currently not an issue but I was thinking about if creating a server.. if there was a best practice | 05:05 |
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bign88 | heh | 05:06 |
jayde_drag0n | weird.. i typed in there | 05:06 |
dr_willis | LDZ420, if you spread the swap out over several drives its suppose to be more efficient/faster. i hear. | 05:06 |
ProfessorTom | could me XChat. Let me try something | 05:06 |
bign88 | faq | 05:06 |
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jayde_drag0n | i can see you typing just fine | 05:07 |
jayde_drag0n | buit i don't think you can see me | 05:07 |
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ProfessorTom | no....don't know why...let me hop on mIRC | 05:07 |
Who_ | Righty: Can anyone help me get a decent bug report done on problems my SATA and RAID controller causes. I get hard (_really hard) crashes if using the sata drive | 05:07 |
jayde_drag0n | do you have AIM, msn or yahoo.. if thats not too much of an imposition? | 05:07 |
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ProfessorTom | sure AIM | 05:07 |
jayde_drag0n | those seem to work fine with all of my contacts | 05:07 |
ProfessorTom | I'll put it in the PM window | 05:08 |
jayde_drag0n | thank you | 05:08 |
ProfessorTom | yw | 05:08 |
crysalys | what do I use to make MP3's from a music cd? | 05:08 |
Who_ | crysalys: soundjuicer is installed by default on ubuntu | 05:08 |
exul8891 | hey im installing ubuntu and the installer seems to be stuck 'installed br1tty-x11' is the screen its on. Any idea what i should do? just let it sit? | 05:08 |
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exul8891 | been on that % for atleast 10 minutes | 05:08 |
aubade | You need to set up a profile for it to rip to MP3s if I remember correctly, defaults are for FLAC and Vorbis. | 05:08 |
Who_ | crysalys: but you might need to add tools for encoding mp3s - are you familiar with the package manager for installing software? | 05:09 |
LDZ420 | dr_willis: well if I decide to dig further on this issue I will create a wiki on it | 05:09 |
crysalys | Who: soundjuicer will create mp3's? | 05:09 |
noiesmo | !mp3 | 05:09 |
elmo40 | WinAmp not running | 05:09 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:09 |
Who_ | crysalys: yes - if you talk to it nicely first: ubotu might have just helped you - have a look at the restricted formats page :) | 05:09 |
Branden1 | Ok. I tried A LOT of steps, and still haven't got it to work. I when I press the | key, A comes out. What can I do to fix this? (Other keys that are wrong are: \ | ] } [ { ; : ' " | 05:10 |
Who_ | anyone help with the totally hard lockups with sata disks? | 05:11 |
Falstius | crysalys: soundjuicer will, but you need to install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse (for lame) and add a profile for mp3. The important bit is this line in the profile: audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc preset=1002 | 05:11 |
=== Scout [n=jeff@adsl-76-209-233-52.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Scout | Can anyone tell me about xgl and compiz. | 05:11 |
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Who_ | Scout: what do you want to know ? | 05:11 |
Scout | Minimum requirements. | 05:11 |
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Who_ | Scout: xgl is not used very much anymore. festy has 'aiglx' extension to the xserver. Min reqs are hard to define but you need a graphics card with good 3d support/drivers | 05:12 |
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Who_ | Souct: it runs fine on my GF4 mx400 AMD XP 1900+ w 512mb ram -m if that helps | 05:13 |
Who_ | Scout: see above - typod your name | 05:13 |
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tupa | does anyone here actually knows how to set up xserver-xorg-video-unichrome | 05:14 |
rohman | hi | 05:14 |
tupa | somebody actually told me to change vesa for unichrome in xorg.conf but it didn't work at all | 05:15 |
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rohman | can any1 tell me why I can't boot into any os. I installed wubi and it worked fine for 2 days, then crash and my laptop keeps restarting after os selection screen | 05:16 |
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bullgard4 | libcurl3 is a Multi-protocol file transfer library. What stands 'curl' for in its name? | 05:16 |
Who_ | Scout: anything else? | 05:16 |
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milllmannn | how do i test postfix? | 05:18 |
milllmannn | i just installed it | 05:18 |
thebigham | wats the best torrent program on ubuntu | 05:18 |
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Falstius | thebigham: utorrent | 05:19 |
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Who_ | sata_promise module is loaded for me. I get HARD crashes - how can I troubleshoot them? | 05:19 |
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thebigham | utorrent is for linux too???? | 05:19 |
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exul8891 | Hey i just installed ubuntu for the first time, and when i tried to load it up - i get an X Server isnt working. And im stuck in some commant prompt thing. Any idea's or suggestions? | 05:19 |
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kernco | thebigham: It works under Wine, but there isn't a native linux version | 05:20 |
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Falstius | thebigham: I run it with wine | 05:20 |
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scottDkoDer | ubuntu comes with a default torrent client. | 05:20 |
kernco | exul8891: did you look at the errors that X gave you? | 05:20 |
dr_willis | command prompt thing = the shell. | 05:20 |
leperkhanz | Nope, still missing this damned reiserfs drive. | 05:20 |
dissection | thebigham: I'm using BitTornado, its alright, but doesn't let you create torrents. | 05:20 |
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Falstius | scottDkoDer: which is very slow | 05:20 |
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Branden1 | Ok. I tried A LOT of steps, and still haven't got it to work. I when I press the | key, A comes out. What can I do to fix this? (Other keys that are wrong are: \ | ] } [ { ; : ' " | 05:20 |
GamingX | Hello guys, Can u do file transfer in Gaim as in mIRC? | 05:21 |
bobtheawesum | omg how cum itunes and MSN messenger and AOL arent in ur big huge software reposutry thingy???? u should put them in ther every1 will think that lunix sux if u dont have them!!!!!!!!!111 | 05:21 |
thebigham | i like using utorrent on windows | 05:21 |
thebigham | how do i get it work on ubuntu | 05:21 |
dr_willis | thebigham, use wine with it, or try ktorrent. | 05:21 |
leperkhanz | lol@bob | 05:21 |
=== troopperi_ [n=antti@dsl-mlibrasgw1-febcc000-95.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leperkhanz | utorrent works under wine | 05:21 |
exul8891 | kernco: i dont think it recognizes my graphics card (brand new laptop) | 05:21 |
osxdude|palmTX | thebigham: use wine (www.winehq.org) | 05:21 |
scottDkoDer | <Falstius>Is wine running utorrent faster? | 05:21 |
leperkhanz | that's what I use too, but beware the latest version. utorrent is evil now. | 05:21 |
bobtheawesum | Thank you, thank you! That was purely for your enjoyment. You all rock! | 05:21 |
thebigham | i'm downloading ktorrent rite now | 05:21 |
elpargo | leperkhanz: deluge is great. | 05:21 |
rohman | can any1 tell me why I can't boot into any os. I installed wubi and it worked fine for 2 days, then crash and my laptop keeps restarting after os selection screen. Any clue as to why it is happening? | 05:22 |
leperkhanz | elpargo: Not compared to utorrent. | 05:22 |
=== flyvapnet [n=flyvapne@c-76-27-215-58.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falstius | thebigham: sudo apt-get install wine && wine-config && wine utorrent.exe | 05:22 |
scottDkoDer | <Falstius>I've had experiences where no other client could connect to the net except the one using utorrent.' | 05:22 |
elpargo | leperkhanz: why not? they are only missing the webUI | 05:22 |
Falstius | scottDkoDer: yes, I think it is mostly because there is a hole in the firewall for it though. | 05:22 |
leperkhanz | What can I do about this mysteriously missing reiserfs partition? | 05:22 |
elpargo | anyone knows if I can move the start of a partition? | 05:22 |
thebigham | falstius:command not found =( | 05:23 |
leperkhanz | elpargo: Not even close. | 05:23 |
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elpargo | leperkhanz... ok | 05:23 |
r33ddl3r | leperkhanz, there's no such thing as mysteriously missing... | 05:23 |
=== NimRod [n=nimrod@cpe-74-79-30-251.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falstius | thebigham: oops, that should be winecfg | 05:23 |
r33ddl3r | ... check it w/fdisk | 05:23 |
r33ddl3r | ... see if its there | 05:23 |
elpargo | leperkhanz: as in not showing in gparted and/or cfdisk and/or fdisk? | 05:24 |
bullgard4 | elpargo: You could try the program gparted. But be careful and read its instructions for use. | 05:24 |
leperkhanz | it shows, but I can't mount it. | 05:24 |
scottDkoDer | <Falstius> Frostwire work great with all local clients and compiz-fusion. | 05:24 |
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r33ddl3r | leperkhanz, how do you mount it? | 05:24 |
dr_willis | leperkhanz, and if you mount it manually what happens? | 05:24 |
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elpargo | bullgard4: i'm there but it only lets me make it smaller/bigger not move it to the front or back. | 05:24 |
Falstius | scottDkoDer: yeah, wine utorrent and beryl don't get along well. I would really like a native replacement. | 05:24 |
thebigham | Falstius: can you please give me the whole command again | 05:24 |
scottDkoDer | You can install it with Automatix, a very nice app to help insall / uninstall other apps | 05:25 |
leperkhanz | how do I mount it manually? | 05:25 |
dr_willis | automatix = PUKE | 05:25 |
dr_willis | :) | 05:25 |
dissection | Guys, my sound just got screwed. All I can hear is noise, and it isn't stopping. What do I do? | 05:25 |
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=== elpargo agrees with dr_willis | ||
biotrox | can't mount dvd-rom | 05:25 |
elpargo | it may be | 05:25 |
dr_willis | leperkhanz, sudo mount -t reiser /dev/whatever /media/whever (or similer) | 05:25 |
r33ddl3r | mount /dev/sdb2 /somedir | 05:25 |
biotrox | halp | 05:25 |
bullgard4 | elpargo: What do you mean with 'move it to the front'? | 05:25 |
biotrox | help | 05:25 |
Falstius | sudo apt-get install wine && winecfg && wine Desktop/utorrent.exe | 05:25 |
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elpargo | "nice" but it's messy | 05:25 |
Falstius | thebigham: assuming you downloaded utorrent to the desktop. | 05:25 |
biotrox | it said "no medium found" | 05:25 |
meatwad64 | has anyone had audio problems here with a ad1986a...i keep losing the audio but was working fine and can confirm the speakers work in windows | 05:25 |
dr_willis | I dont even see automatix being needed much these days | 05:25 |
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Branden1 | Ok. I tried A LOT of steps, and still haven't got it to work. I when I press the | key, A comes out. What can I do to fix this? (Other keys that are wrong are: \ | ] } [ { ; : ' " | 05:26 |
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r33ddl3r | u sure its /dev/sdb2 ? | 05:26 |
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elpargo | bullgard4: diskwise I got a small partition at front I want to "merge" with the other. | 05:26 |
r33ddl3r | do "fdisk -l" | 05:26 |
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Falstius | my backup finished, time to break my system. later. | 05:26 |
dr_willis | elpargo, merging 2 data partitions to a larger one = not a good idea, or doable (i think) | 05:26 |
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elpargo | dr_willis: don't worry I got backups of everything. | 05:27 |
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dr_willis | elpargo, you might be able to copy the data from #1 to #2, then delete #1, then resize #2 | 05:27 |
panfist | I just installed xubuntu feisty on my laptop and everything's working fine, except it never returns from a suspend state. anyone have any ideas...? | 05:27 |
dr_willis | elpargo, dosent help if its not doable at all. :) so... | 05:27 |
thebigham | Falstius: yeah utorrent.exe is on the desktop | 05:27 |
helloman | Hi, I'm about to install ubuntu on my sister's computer (god bless ubuntu), and I just want to make sure her wireless card is supported. "Intel Pro/Wireless 2915ABG" Can someone confirm this? | 05:27 |
elpargo | dr_willis, yup a good rsync is what I was thinking. | 05:27 |
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leperkhanz | mount point does not exist | 05:27 |
elpargo | helloman, best support around :) | 05:27 |
dr_willis | leperkhanz, then make it... | 05:27 |
r33ddl3r | mkdir /tmp/tmp | 05:28 |
=== lobster [n=godt_lob@ip68-3-201-153.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dr_willis | 'the directory you are mounting a partition TO - MUST MUST MUST exist beforhand" :) repeate everyone! | 05:28 |
lobster | Does anyone know how to apply the same effect to a mass amount of files in Gimp? | 05:28 |
leperkhanz | you mean sudo mkdir /tmp/tmp | 05:28 |
helloman | elpargo, I'm a long time Ubuntu user, I <3 the #ubuntu irc. :) | 05:28 |
dr_willis | lobster, the gimp has a scripting language that can proberly do it. | 05:28 |
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leperkhanz | unkown filesystem type reiser | 05:29 |
r33ddl3r | leperkhanz, whatever... just that /tmp is writable by anyone | 05:29 |
r33ddl3r | drop -t reiserfs | 05:29 |
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r33ddl3r | ... let it autodetect | 05:29 |
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exul8891 | Hey i just installed ubuntu and i get a message X server failed, then i go to commant prompt. I tried to use 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx' and now its telling me to insert 'ubuntu 7.04 _feisty fawn_ - release i386 (20070415)' so i inserted my ubuntu live cd, and nothing is happening. Any idea's? | 05:29 |
bullgard4 | elpargo: As far as I know gparted allows you also to merge two partitions. So you should be able to move in effect a partition to the beginning of a disk. But I repeat: "Be utmost careful when using the program." | 05:29 |
leperkhanz | wait, I might've got it working! | 05:29 |
elpargo | helloman, I was talking about the card, intel drivers are provided by them thru an opensource project.. | 05:29 |
leperkhanz | sudo mount -t reiserfs /dev/sdb2 /media/mp3z | 05:29 |
Who_ | When my system has crashed how can I look at the syslogs from before the crash? | 05:29 |
leperkhanz | is what did it. | 05:30 |
biotrox | anybody... i can't get my DVD mounted help' | 05:30 |
dr_willis | exul8891, edit the /etc/apt/sources.lst and comment out the cd entry. then do a apt-get update , then install the packages | 05:30 |
helloman | elpargo, sorry, "best support around", what do you mean by that? | 05:30 |
r33ddl3r | exul8891, edit your apt sources, comment out the first line | 05:30 |
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elpargo | bullgard, any links as to how to merge I can't find it on the docs. | 05:30 |
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jetscreamer | exul8891: wht he said | 05:30 |
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thebigham | How do i install utorrent on ubuntu | 05:30 |
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exul8891 | k | 05:30 |
elpargo | helloman, intel wifi | 05:30 |
Nutubuntu | exul8891, that's "sources.list" | 05:30 |
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leperkhanz | and BAM shared on the network. | 05:30 |
helloman | thebigham "wine" | 05:30 |
leperkhanz | Will it automount on reboot now? | 05:30 |
dr_willis | thebigham, doqwnload the exe some where,,, use wine /whaeverthe/exe/iis/utorrent.exe | 05:30 |
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jetscreamer | thebigham: look at azureus, but i think i heard utorrent works in wine | 05:30 |
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r33ddl3r | leperkhanz, did you add the entry to /etc/fstab ? | 05:30 |
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leperkhanz | ummm.... what? | 05:31 |
helloman | elpargo, so it WILL work out of the box? :) | 05:31 |
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thebigham | is azureus better or utorrent?? | 05:31 |
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helloman | thebigham, check out "deluge" | 05:31 |
r33ddl3r | leperkhanz, if you want it automounted.. you need the entry in that file | 05:31 |
dr_willis | thebigham, try them both. | 05:31 |
dr_willis | !torrent | 05:31 |
=== sshock [n=sshock@c-24-10-140-191.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 05:31 |
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jetscreamer | thebigham: azureus runs on java, so it's kinda native | 05:31 |
helloman | a native GTK torrent app. | 05:31 |
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elpargo | thebigham, depends on who you ask. | 05:31 |
helloman | !deluge | 05:31 |
ubotu | deluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or http://download.deluge-torrent.org/stable/ubuntu/feisty/ for downloading. | 05:31 |
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jetscreamer | apt-cache search torrent | 05:31 |
Who_ | anyone - advice on syslog reading? | 05:32 |
biotrox | !automount | 05:32 |
j9 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
z49 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
n8442 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:32 |
-n8442:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-z49:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-j9:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
thebigham | i have been using utorrent on windows, never try azureus | 05:32 |
-j9:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-z49:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-n8442:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
j9 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
z49 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
n8442 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
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j9 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
n8442 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
z49 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
-j9:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-z49:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-n8442:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-j9:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-n8442:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-z49:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-j9:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-n8442:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-z49:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-j9:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-n8442:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-z49:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-j9:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
astro76 | !ops | 05:32 |
elpargo | !ops | 05:32 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 05:32 |
-n8442:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
-z49:#ubuntu- hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 | |
j9 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
n8442 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
z49 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
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j9 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
n8442 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
z49 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
j9 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
n8442 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
z49 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o numist] by ChanServ | ||
j9 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
n8442 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
z49 | hey thar linux nerds | 05:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+m] by numist | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+rR-m] by numist | ||
numist | no problem | 05:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
numist | tell me when it shuts up | 05:32 |
Sensae | o.o | 05:32 |
sshock | I'm installing Feisty Fawn. Would you recommend installing amd64, or stick with x86? | 05:32 |
Amaranth | !staff | 05:32 |
ubotu | Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :) | 05:32 |
barosl | sshock, use x86 | 05:33 |
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dr_willis | sshock, you got a need for 64? if not use x86 | 05:33 |
numist | Amaranth: nalioth knows about it | 05:33 |
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panfist | I just installed xubuntu feisty on my laptop and everything's working fine, except it never returns from a suspend state. anyone have any ideas...? | 05:33 |
Nutubuntu | sshock, unless you have a specific and compelling reason to go 64 bit, stay with 32 bit | 05:33 |
sshock | cool, thanks guys | 05:33 |
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chowmeined | well | 05:35 |
biotrox | /joiin #kubuntu | 05:35 |
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chowmeined | until i have my next machine with 8GB of ram, im not going 64bit | 05:35 |
Sensae | That's a compelling reason XP | 05:35 |
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Who_ | cables: You still there? | 05:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by nalioth | ||
Who_ | cables; I just noticed this in my syslog: LOADS of repeats of the follwing line: | 05:36 |
chowmeined | ram needs to be a lot cheaper | 05:36 |
Who_ | Jul 18 04:31:16 localhost kernel: [12743.219588] usb 2-5: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3 | 05:36 |
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=== sarixe [n=sarixe@pool-68-239-219-42.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
helloman | Is the Intel PRO Wireless card natively supported by Ubuntu? (Out of the box?) I'm using an IBM machine, and hoping to switch over. | 05:36 |
chowmeined | id like to have 32GB of ram | 05:37 |
=== moyer [n=moyer@ool-4353b9bd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sarixe | ... | 05:37 |
biotrox | anyone won't help me..? | 05:37 |
helloman | why, chowmeined? | 05:37 |
moyer | just because i can see my screen right now doesnt mean i have the | 05:37 |
moyer | correct video drivers installed does it? I have intel 82865G and | 05:37 |
moyer | have read on wiki that its choppy and well, its not choppy now, but | 05:37 |
moyer | if i run beryl or compiz it gets very choppy... i guess what im | 05:37 |
moyer | asking is how do i find out if i have the right driver installed.. | 05:37 |
moyer | or find out what driver is installed | 05:37 |
elpargo | will ubuntu bark if I move /boot from hda1 to hda3? | 05:37 |
moyer | shit sorry. | 05:37 |
Dezine | I have a drive that I can't access.. I tried changing permissions but it says: chmod: changing permissions of `disk': Read-only file system and I still can't open it, opening the folder says "the folders contents could not be displayed". | 05:37 |
moyer | i meant that to be on one line | 05:37 |
dr_willis | elpargo, not a good idea | 05:37 |
dissection | helloman: I've not used it with Ubuntu but when I installed other distros, it worked out of the box. I didn't need to do anything. | 05:37 |
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chowmeined | helloman: so i can have all my stuff in ram | 05:37 |
Who_ | Can anyone suggest why my USB hard disk keeps resetting itself? or getting reset? | 05:37 |
elpargo | Dezine, is that a removable media? | 05:37 |
=== metalac [n=dejan@dsl254-025-029.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dr_willis | elpargo, you will have to tweak the menu.lst and reinstall grub . | 05:37 |
metalac | hey guys i have some serious networking problem | 05:38 |
dr_willis | elpargo, well perhaps tweak the menu.lst :) | 05:38 |
Dezine | no it's another hard drive in the system it's self | 05:38 |
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metalac | fresh install and i can't connect wireless or WIRED | 05:38 |
pike_ | elpargo: go crazy. move it to a flash drive | 05:38 |
bullgard4 | panfist: This is a complicated issue. Post at least the relevant error messages of dmesg. Even this is often not enough information for a knowleable person to help you. | 05:38 |
elpargo | dr_willis, I'm out of good ones. I really don't want to reformat everything because of winblows. | 05:38 |
metalac | tried 2 different cards, dhcp and static and nothing works | 05:38 |
exul8891 | anyone know what command do i use to edit, i did 'sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.lst/' and i get 'cannot open display'. | 05:38 |
elpargo | dr_willis, I did that on gentoo worked great, moved my install from a 5gb to a 10gb disk. | 05:38 |
metalac | i'm no newbie, but i am new to ubuntu | 05:38 |
chowmeined | helloman: i believe it is compatible | 05:38 |
helloman | Is the Intel PRO Wireless card natively supported by Ubuntu? (Out of the box?) I'm using an IBM machine, and hoping to switch over. | 05:38 |
helloman | oh, sorry. | 05:38 |
dr_willis | elpargo, with the use of uuid in the files it may not mind. but you may have to rerun update grub and fix where its to find the boot/kernel files. | 05:38 |
elpargo | pike_: sure ship me a 34Gb drive and I will. | 05:38 |
chowmeined | helloman: its not really a compatible with ubuntu thing | 05:38 |
Dezine | the folder is inside media instead of mnt for some reason | 05:39 |
chowmeined | helloman: its built into the standard kernel | 05:39 |
dissection | exul8891: I think you have an extra "/" at the end | 05:39 |
dr_willis | elpargo, if you know grub.. go for it! :) | 05:39 |
helloman | the wierless card, chowmeined? | 05:39 |
chowmeined | the driver, i believe so | 05:39 |
elpargo | dr_willis, yea grub is my baby :p | 05:39 |
exul8891 | dissection: i tried w/o the extra '/' too its the same thing | 05:39 |
dr_willis | elpargo, so you can change its poopy diaper then whenit has a fit after ya move it. :) | 05:39 |
astro76 | exul8891, try gksudo instead of sudo (should always do this for gui apps) | 05:40 |
helloman | Can anyone confirm that? | 05:40 |
pike_ | helloman: best bet is to search ubuntuforums.org. a google search like site:ubuntuforums.org cardmodel will yield best results typically | 05:40 |
pike_ | helloman: or use livecd to test | 05:40 |
elpargo | in case someone is wondering this is what I'll do. I'm going to move /boot from primary 3 to primary 1 (which was swap), then merge sda3,4 and 5, and then split it in two. | 05:40 |
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=== sabdfl is now known as XiXaQ | ||
exul8891 | astro76: now i get a new warning '(gksudo:5660): Gtk-Warning ** : cannot open disklay:' | 05:40 |
XiXaQ | heh | 05:40 |
exul8891 | display* | 05:41 |
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moyer | how do i see what video card linux is using? | 05:41 |
Dezine | If I unmount it it shows it as "74 GB Volume" so I try to open and it mounts and gives the error | 05:41 |
elpargo | exul8891, are u running that on a terminal? | 05:41 |
pike_ | exul8891: are you at cli? command line? :) | 05:41 |
exul8891 | i jsut tried to install ubuntu, and my x server failed so im at some commant prompt | 05:41 |
astro76 | exul8891, sudo nano | 05:41 |
Dezine | Do I need to set mount settings? | 05:42 |
pike_ | moyer: lspci -v or sudo lshw you can lspci -v | grep -i vga if youre lazy | 05:42 |
Dezine | or mount point? | 05:42 |
chowmeined | helloman: why dont you just try out the livecd? | 05:42 |
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helloman | Is the Intel PRO Wireless card natively supported by Ubuntu? (Out of the box?) I'm using an IBM machine, and hoping to switch over. I've asked, but I haven't gotten a concrete answer. | 05:42 |
moyer | pike_ : thanks a hellof a lot i appreciate it | 05:42 |
exul8891 | astro76: thanks aton, im brandnew to ubuntu | 05:42 |
chowmeined | helloman: you dont have to install anything, you can just test it to see if it works | 05:42 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by mneptok at Sat Jul 14 02:58:51 2007 | ||
=== g0dd3ss [n=euphoria@ip-58-28-142-115.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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(exul8891/#ubuntu) Hey if it asks me to enter to the 'ubuntu 7.04 _Feisty fawn_ - release i386 (20070415)' is that just the ubuntu live cd? | 05:47 | |
GamingX | Hello Guys Is there any package that can open .rar archives | 05:47 |
g0dd3ss | hai everyone can someone tell me if there is an easy way to get boot screen / login screen for feisty other than default poo brown | 05:47 |
metalac | anyone? | 05:48 |
scottDkoDer | <exul8891> The cd you used to install ubuntu with, or the livecd of the session you are running | 05:48 |
metalac | my network connection just won't work no matter what card i use, wireless or wired | 05:48 |
metalac | wired doesn't work static or dhcp | 05:48 |
chowmeined | g0dd3ss: yes | 05:49 |
exul8891 | scottdkoder: okay because i tried that and its not working | 05:49 |
dr_willis | g0dd3ss, install some of the other gdm login themes | 05:49 |
astro76 | GamingX, unrar-free, unrar, or p7zip-full | 05:49 |
osxdude|palmTX | metalac: is it compatible | 05:49 |
scottDkoDer | <metalac> What OS hardware are you using? | 05:49 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: i'm using the card I used in another linux box that works just fine. | 05:49 |
scottDkoDer | <exul8891> May be a corrupt disk, ie scratches ect | 05:49 |
metalac | it's one of the el cheapo Netgear ones that have kernel driver | 05:49 |
scottDkoDer | metalac> with the same distro? | 05:50 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: no with Gentoo | 05:50 |
g0dd3ss | dr_willis, thanks i will look 8-] | 05:50 |
scottDkoDer | metalac> what distro was the other one? | 05:50 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: gentoo | 05:50 |
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=== Sinistral_ [n=tlot@d055106.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dinde | No one can help me to deal with this freezy install of feisty over a thinkpad x60 laptop ? | 05:51 |
scottDkoDer | metalac> You said it ran on another system. Were you running the same OS as the one you are having trouble with now?? | 05:51 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: no i was running gentoo | 05:52 |
scottDkoDer | <Dinde> What? | 05:52 |
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Branden1 | Thanks for the help everyone. :| | 05:52 |
Dinde | scoot | 05:52 |
scottDkoDer | <metalac> You are going to have to be much more specific for me to help you. | 05:52 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: what do you mean? what do you need? | 05:52 |
elpargo | dr_willis, what should I do with the UUID? | 05:52 |
dr_willis | elpargo, change it to the proper one. :) or use the /dev/hd## entry instead. | 05:53 |
Dinde | scottDkoDer: I'm trying to install Ubuntu 7.04 to my laptop with an usb cd drive. It's booting then i choose install and the computer freeze @ loading initrd.gz | 05:53 |
elpargo | dr_willis, how can i get the UUID? | 05:53 |
scottDkoDer | metalac> Describe your problem in detail, including OS and hardware or any other applicable info. | 05:53 |
dr_willis | elpargo, use ls -l /dev/disks/by-uuid to get them :) | 05:53 |
Dinde | I tried with live and alternate x86 | 05:53 |
dr_willis | i was allready typing that when you asked.. heh | 05:53 |
dr_willis | !uuid | 05:53 |
ubotu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 05:53 |
elpargo | dr_willis :) tx | 05:53 |
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scottDkoDer | <Dinde> Did you check the cd for defects? | 05:54 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: got the 7.04 Ubuntu loaded it recognizes the card just fine, but it won't connect to my house network. static config doesn't work, dhcp doesn't work | 05:54 |
Dinde | Same problem but it freezes @ Loading Kernel btw the CD is working nice on another computer | 05:54 |
scottDkoDer | <metalac> So you can 'see' your card but cant connect? | 05:54 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: correct | 05:54 |
scottDkoDer | <metalac> Do you know for a fact that the hardware you are using works? ie under a different OS/distro? | 05:55 |
Dinde | I also tried floppy=thinkpad noapic etc ... | 05:55 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: yes I pulled it out of the box running gentoo | 05:56 |
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scottDkoDer | <metalac> Ok. So you are trying to use a known working card, but are both computers running GENTOO? | 05:56 |
Dezine | back again fighting my drive issue.. so.. I got it to mount and there's nothing there? It now says "unreadable". | 05:57 |
Dinde | I give up | 05:57 |
Dinde | Good night | 05:57 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | hhaha most do | 05:57 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: no the one where it doesn't work is Ubuntu, thus i'm in this channel | 05:57 |
=== Superkuh_ [n=dieSuper@c-24-245-51-158.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vsop_vsop_vsop | just.... one step at a time.. everything can be worked out | 05:57 |
=== ajmorris_ [i=uwdbbm@static-ip-85-25-147-217.inaddr.intergenia.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scottDkoDer | <metalac> Ok. Now we are getting somewhere. | 05:58 |
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Dezine | arg | 05:58 |
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scottDkoDer | <metalac> So your System->Prefernces->Network shows how many network interfaces | 05:59 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: 4 there are 2 onboard Nics, one onboard wifi and one pci one i put in to test | 06:00 |
scottDkoDer | <metalac> I'm sorry. can you be more informative? | 06:00 |
scottDkoDer | <metalac> What's a nic? | 06:00 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: Nic = Network interface card | 06:01 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | LOL | 06:01 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | now thats funny | 06:01 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: I have 2 wired ones onboard, one wired one in PCI slot and one onboard wifi | 06:01 |
Tama00 | can i host wireless networks on wmaster0? | 06:01 |
scottDkoDer | <metalac> Ok. There may be a hardware conflict. | 06:01 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: then it wouldn't show up as working | 06:02 |
scottDkoDer | <metalac> And you are using a desktop I'm assuming? | 06:02 |
=== holycow [n=hello@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalac | scottDkoDer: correct | 06:02 |
=== voidmage [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scottDkoDer | <metalac> "then it wouldn't show up as working" That's where you are wrong. | 06:02 |
=== g0dd3ss [n=euphoria@ip-58-28-142-115.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalac | scottDkoDer: well let me disable them | 06:03 |
holycow | i have one of those usb sticks with a protected partition. on the other ubuntu box both partitions are detected and mounted, on this box only the protected one is detected and mounted | 06:03 |
=== [Cz] S_p_or_t_o [n=Adam@c-67-177-156-235.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nutubuntu | dr_willis, I seem to remember you've been using VMware - is it possible to boot a newly-created virtual machine from a usb device rather than a cdrom? | 06:03 |
g0dd3ss | hi again so i got some new login theme thingys for feisty is there some way i can change the acutal boot screen? or maybe disable it so I only see the writing scrolly stuff? | 06:03 |
scottDkoDer | <metalac> You said its not working. Just because the computer can pull info from your hardware doesnt mean its functioning correctly. | 06:03 |
holycow | anyone else run into this? | 06:03 |
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osxdude|palmTX | holycow: 2 partitions? on a usb stick? | 06:04 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: but it usually means there is no conflicts | 06:04 |
holycow | 2 partitions on a usb stick. they come like that from the factory. they are for windows retards as it contains encryption nonsense | 06:04 |
scottDkoDer | Disabling the interfaces through software wont do it. | 06:04 |
GamingX | I downloaded unrar 2.71. I dont know how to install | 06:05 |
astro76 | holycow, any reason you don't want to reformat it? | 06:05 |
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scottDkoDer | <metalac> Usually. | 06:05 |
=== kyja [n=kyja@c-75-68-187-223.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
holycow | astro76, it cannot be reformatted | 06:05 |
astro76 | ich | 06:05 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: ok i dissabled the 2 onboard ones and no go | 06:05 |
elpargo | dr_willis, I forgot how to tell grub which file it needs to reinstall. | 06:05 |
=== Jordan_U [n=Jordan_U@h-68-164-92-235.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dr_willis | Nutubuntu, never tried that.. setting up vmware to use actual hardware devices/disks is somthing ive never done. | 06:05 |
holycow | yup | 06:05 |
scottDkoDer | <metalac> Is there anyway for you to test each peice of hardware by itself? | 06:05 |
elpargo | dr_willis, wsa it with a chroot? | 06:05 |
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dr_willis | elpargo, i always run 'update-grub' | 06:05 |
osxdude|palmTX | holycow: just delete the 2nd partition, and resize the 1st | 06:05 |
Nutubuntu | t/y dr_willis ... it's exPERimentin time, I guess | 06:05 |
holycow | you can't delete the partition | 06:05 |
metalac | scottDkoDer: well the PCI card I have works 100% | 06:05 |
elpargo | dr_willis, umm but I'm runnin this of the livecd | 06:06 |
holycow | its burned into the chipset | 06:06 |
dr_willis | elpargo, from a live cd, chroot over, then perhaps run update-grub, may need to set up the right /proc and /dev also | 06:06 |
holycow | err flash chip i mean | 06:06 |
scottDkoDer | <metalac> I would recomend trying a live cd and removing some of the cards, if not all but one. | 06:06 |
=== iMayKnow [n=maino82@c-24-4-69-190.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scottDkoDer | Having 4 interfaces trying to do the same thing is just asking for trouble. | 06:06 |
=== GeekChick| [n=GC@unaffiliated/geekchick/x-389545837] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osxdude|palmTX | holycow: Try. Any kind of a disk (except CDs)can have partitions. | 06:07 |
holycow | uh | 06:07 |
GamingX | Guys How do I install unrar? | 06:07 |
holycow | c'mon work with me here | 06:07 |
holycow | i'm not anoob :) thank you for that advice i appreciate it but i assure you it cannot be removed | 06:07 |
holycow | its burned into the flash chip, not 'recorded' on it | 06:07 |
astro76 | GamingX, use synaptic package manager or sudo apt-get install unrar | 06:07 |
holycow | you physically cannot reflash it | 06:07 |
osxdude|palmTX | open it up, holycow :P | 06:08 |
osxdude|palmTX | no...dont | 06:08 |
elpargo | umm I'll have to do a lot of stuff better just load grub manually then fix it on the live system | 06:08 |
astro76 | holycow, what kind is it out of curiosity? (partly so I don't get one ;)) | 06:08 |
dr_willis | !rar | 06:08 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 06:08 |
g0dd3ss | hi again so i got some new login theme thingys for feisty is there some way i can change the acutal boot screen? or maybe disable it so I only see the writing scrolly stuff? | 06:08 |
holycow | astro76, i took it away from our staff because of that ... its a ... | 06:09 |
dissection | Is there a program in Linux similar to Adobe Imageready that'll let me slice images and save into HTML? | 06:09 |
holycow | huh its rubbed off, astro76 pretty much anything from scandisk i stay away from | 06:09 |
dr_willis | g0dd3ss, you mean the 'splash' screen. i alwasy disable that by dedinging the menu.lst file and using the 'nosplash, nofb' options | 06:09 |
bullgard4 | What stands 'apt' for in /var/cache/apt/archives? | 06:09 |
dr_willis | g0dd3ss, in /boot/grub/menu.lst --------> # defoptions=nosplash nofb | 06:10 |
osxdude|palmTX | holycow, buy the same flash stick and compare | 06:10 |
dr_willis | g0dd3ss, then rerun 'sudo update-grub' | 06:10 |
holycow | osxdude|laptop, i have 3 i took off of them | 06:10 |
g0dd3ss | dr thanks alot!! 8-] | 06:10 |
dissection | dr_willis: http://wobzip.filetap.com/ <--- I use this, to unrar small files (online) | 06:10 |
dr_willis | dissection, i tend to use 'unp' :) im lazy | 06:10 |
dr_willis | !info unp | 06:10 |
ubotu | unp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.10 (feisty), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB | 06:10 |
holycow | trust me i've tried, its a great idea but its a protected partition to prevent windows bozos from screwing up their encrypted files | 06:10 |
astro76 | bullgard4, Advanced Package Tool (as in apt-get) | 06:11 |
dissection | dr_willis: Ah, I see ;] | 06:11 |
bullgard4 | dissection: Ah, thank you for explaining. | 06:11 |
dr_willis | dissection, hmm not sure that unp can handle rar's heh..never tried it.. | 06:11 |
osxdude|palmTX | holycow: holy cow! well then the version of the box that on;y shows one partition mustt be old... | 06:11 |
osxdude|palmTX | *only/must | 06:11 |
holycow | osxdude|laptop, feisty | 06:11 |
holycow | its very odd, thats why i thought to ask | 06:12 |
holycow | i guess i'm the only one thats run into this | 06:12 |
holycow | i'll poke around some more | 06:12 |
bullgard4 | astro76: Ah, thank you for explaining. | 06:12 |
Who_ | Wow - I have a hard disk filling up dmesg with Jul 18 04:56:00 localhost kernel: [14225.389531] usb 2-5: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3 | 06:12 |
dissection | dr_willis: I tried it from the GUI and it couldn't unrar. I didn't try installing anything after I found the online tool to unrar since I needed it for really small files anyway. | 06:12 |
Who_ | every minute | 06:12 |
Who_ | any thoughts!? | 06:12 |
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osxdude|palmTX | holycow they are both fiesty? | 06:12 |
dissection | bullgard4: You're welcome | 06:12 |
=== K`zan [n=vw@c-76-22-74-207.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
K`zan | rsync -rpv --progress nimitz:/home/vw/public_html . <<--- That should backup *everything* from the target directory, right? | 06:12 |
holycow | no the desktops that work are dapper, i run nothing but ltsp for production desktops | 06:12 |
osxdude|palmTX | itsp? | 06:13 |
holycow | you mean ltsp? no | 06:13 |
astro76 | holycow, I'm reaching here, but I wonder if you ran dosfsck on the partition that isn't showing up | 06:13 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Bad usb port /device | 06:13 |
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Who_ | scottDkoDer: damn - it is a new external hard disk caddy | 06:14 |
dr_willis | dissection, i never use the gui to unarvhive stuff. | 06:14 |
=== vexati0n [n=vex@host-69-145-49-173.csp-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Who_ | but tbh - I suspect the disk inside | 06:14 |
holycow | astro76, i've never heard of that command so ... :) actually its funny you mention that, this is reminiscent of how ext3 behaves when it doesn't have a gracefull shutdown | 06:14 |
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Who_ | scottDkoDer: it's incredible it can actually copy stuff with that resetting every minute | 06:14 |
astro76 | holycow, I had a firewire drive with fat32 partition not automount in feisty until I fixed some minor errors | 06:14 |
holycow | ah really? | 06:15 |
holycow | ohhh thats interesting | 06:15 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> It may send messages out. Or it may be a driver issue. | 06:15 |
astro76 | holycow, though I was still able to mount it manually | 06:15 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: buckups must happen somehow! | 06:15 |
holycow | you know i wonder if its running an fsck in the background before mounting? | 06:15 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: drivers for usb mass storage surely pretty standard and working by now? | 06:15 |
astro76 | holycow, not that I'm aware of | 06:15 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> What distro | 06:15 |
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osxdude|palmTX | i'm sleepy. good night. | 06:16 |
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Who_ | scottDkoDer: feisty. I think the killer clue is that this disk used to bring the whole system to complete freeze when used via onboard SATA, with usb it just resets every minute | 06:16 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Why are you worried about dmesg? It works doesnt it? | 06:16 |
scottie7 | are there any known problems with slow external network access on Ubuntu 7.04? | 06:17 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Why did you switch from sata to usb?? | 06:17 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: it works VERY slowly. 4 hours to copy 8 gig is too long! it's a USB2 plus SATA disk | 06:17 |
holycow | Who_, i've seen similarly strange behaviour, i'm putting my money on the hd is nearly dead | 06:17 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: cos I got hard freezes trying to get data off the disk using sata. | 06:17 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: I put money on that too but Maxtor/Seagate MacBlast said it was all fine!? | 06:18 |
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scottDkoDer | <Who_> Yea I would recover everything off of that disk and not use it anymore | 06:18 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: that's what I'm doing - I just hoped I'd be able to do it faster than I am at the mo :) | 06:18 |
bullgard4 | Are there alternatives to the gwget program to be preferrred? | 06:19 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> It sounds like its limping. | 06:19 |
=== towlieban [n=towlie@pool-71-104-99-22.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Who_ | scottDkoDer: but a usb reset is MUCH better than a kernel freeze - really, it means I can get stuff off! | 06:19 |
towlieban | hi i need help with something ive got ubuntu installed on my laptop and every so often in gnome, it seems like the keyboard and mouse dont work and after a little while like 30 seconds it starts to work again. my right click doesnt work at all. how can i troubleshoot this type of problem ? | 06:19 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Of course they would say that about their own product.! | 06:19 |
astro76 | towlieban, wouldn't happen to be an HP laptop with a dead battery? | 06:20 |
towlieban | no | 06:20 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: I guess so - but it is designed to help them triage supprt requests - for real business with big orders - I doubt theyd fake it | 06:20 |
astro76 | lol ok | 06:20 |
towlieban | its a macbook pro | 06:20 |
scottDkoDer | <towlieban> When and how did you install ubuntu? feisty? | 06:20 |
towlieban | i installed feisty | 06:20 |
towlieban | from the livecd | 06:20 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> I wouldnt. | 06:20 |
Who_ | probably the problem is higher level than their scan checks - so disk is fin but perhaps partition or something is busted - seem feasible? | 06:20 |
scottDkoDer | <towlieban> When did you download th cd? | 06:21 |
scottDkoDer | the | 06:21 |
towlieban | a week ago | 06:21 |
bullgard4 | towlieban: Report the relevant dmesg message. | 06:21 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: I'm 1 yr into a 5 yr warranty - so I'll be sure they give me what I have paid for! | 06:21 |
towlieban | ok 1 sec | 06:21 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Well most definitely. | 06:21 |
=== SEJeff [n=jeff@adsl-76-208-138-113.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Who_ | scottDkoDer: I almost feel sorry for it, watching my syslog keep turning up the messages! | 06:22 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Hopefully it is a faulty drive, cause I wouldnt know what the problem was else wise | 06:22 |
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Who_ | scottDkoDer: yea - I hope so too - cos otherwise the linux Sata promise driver is bad too! | 06:23 |
g0dd3ss | ok so I have disabled the "splash" screen when I boot up with feisty is there some way to disble the splashy screen when I go to shutdown ? | 06:23 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Is there a way to test it on another computer? | 06:23 |
=== alecwh [n=alec@71-213-30-105.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Who_ | scottDkoDer: not another one with a SATA connection | 06:23 |
alecwh | How do I restart Apache using the Terminal? | 06:23 |
GamingX | Is there an ebook reader .lit for ubuntu? | 06:23 |
Who_ | I can check the usb on a mac or many other Ubuntu machines - but not till this data copy has finished | 06:23 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Usb? | 06:23 |
Who_ | and GOD KNOWS how long that will take | 06:24 |
Who_ | yea, usb whereever | 06:24 |
dr_willis | g0dd3ss, cant say taht i even notice a shutdown slpash screen... i dont recall disablng it, but i sure dont have one | 06:24 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Oh. lol | 06:24 |
dr_willis | !splash | 06:24 |
ubotu | To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. | 06:24 |
dr_willis | !bootsplash | 06:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bootsplash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:24 |
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g0dd3ss | dr_willis well not really a splash screen but the thing with the progress bar | 06:24 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: thanks for the help :) | 06:24 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Tranfering using samba? | 06:24 |
alecwh | !apache | 06:25 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 06:25 |
g0dd3ss | thanks i go read 8-] | 06:25 |
dr_willis | g0dd3ss, since i dont see such a thing.. :) no idea what you mean. heh | 06:25 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer:...? go on? how would that work? | 06:25 |
dr_willis | that sounds like the bootsplash to me. | 06:25 |
g0dd3ss | dr_willis, ok thanks 8-] | 06:25 |
GamingX | Guys an ebook reader for .lit files | 06:25 |
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scottDkoDer | <Who_> What are you transfering your data to? or where? | 06:25 |
dr_willis | kernel boots.. bootsplash -> gdm login -->ya have fun | 06:25 |
Who_ | g0dd3ss: you're talking about usplash - that's what is responsible for the shutdown screen | 06:26 |
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Who_ | scottDkoDer: oh - just to another hard disk of my Dad's temporarily | 06:26 |
erov | any ideas on a good, robust featured.. but SLIM (ie. older machine) bittorrent client? Azureus, bittornado.. no | 06:26 |
=== dibblego [n=nobody@CPE-61-9-214-69.static.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dibblego | is there any software to convert VOB files to a DVD iso image? | 06:26 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Yea, better just let it finish. | 06:26 |
Who_ | (scottDkoDer: also on USB but NOT constantly resetting itself/getting reset | 06:27 |
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scottDkoDer | <Who_> Hmm... | 06:27 |
Who_ | If I'd known it would take this long I'd have done ESSENTIALS not media | 06:27 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Ha ha | 06:27 |
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Who_ | I think I have a recent backup of most of it anyway - but I don't want to risk the photos and documents | 06:27 |
astro76 | heh I have my photos backed up in 4 places | 06:28 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Yup. So if one drive's working and the other well, its probably that drive | 06:28 |
Who_ | astro76: I iwsh I was that organised - tonight I struggle because it was the 'master backup drive' that is limping and struggling | 06:28 |
Who_ | ohh..up tow resetting USB every 30 seconds now :S | 06:29 |
=== Branden [n=Branden@pool-72-72-101-176.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Branden | Can someone please tell me how to open ports on Ubuntu Server? | 06:29 |
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AzMoo[w] | Hey, is there some kind of hardware compatibility database? eg, I want to know how well ubuntu supports motherboards on the nforce5 chipset. | 06:30 |
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dr_willis | !hardware | 06:30 |
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ubotu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 06:30 |
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scottDkoDer | <Who_> Burning like the brightest flame. | 06:31 |
GamingX | Guys an ebook reader which can read .lit file? | 06:31 |
Branden | Can someone please tell me how to open ports on Ubuntu Server? | 06:31 |
dr_willis | !firewall | 06:31 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 06:31 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: yea - I'm tryinhg a desk fan to cool it now - see if that makes the reset less common - that would be mighty interesting (yes, I'm out of _real_ ideas :) | 06:32 |
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dr_willis | Branden, depending on what you are doing.. iptables is the command that handles all that stuff | 06:32 |
Branden | dr_willis I just want to open ports. | 06:32 |
rhoruns | hmm.. why aren't my windows brought to the front when an application opens, or an existing application opens a new window/dialog? | 06:32 |
peeps_work | so I installed java 5 sdk, but I can't figure out what the dir is for it | 06:32 |
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dr_willis | Branden, thats rather 'vague' - as far as i know no ports are closed by default. | 06:33 |
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dissection | Is there a program in Linux similar to Adobe Imageready that'll let me slice images and save into HTML? Sorry I don't know if someone had responded to this question already. I don't have scrolling enabled. | 06:33 |
Branden | dr_willis I saw that all ports were closed by default | 06:33 |
AzMoo[w] | hrm, wiki.ubuntu.com isn't responding to my request :( | 06:33 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Is the "time left" going up or down? | 06:33 |
rhoruns | dissection, GIMP may be your answer. but im not sure :) | 06:33 |
dr_willis | Branden, not exactly.. No 'services' run accepting stuff.. thus none are 'open' in that theres nothing running on them.. they are not blocked. | 06:33 |
asc | Branden: That's correct. Generally, the way to open a port is to use a program that listens for connections on that port. | 06:34 |
nomin | dissection: did you try gimp? | 06:34 |
dr_willis | Branden, you may want to clarify exactly what ports/services you are refering to... | 06:34 |
peeps_work | where did my JDK go? | 06:34 |
asc | blocked, closed... whatever. Non-open by default. | 06:34 |
GamingX | How do we install firestarter? | 06:34 |
Madpilot | dissection, I think the gimp can do something similar - not sure, though. | 06:34 |
dissection | nomin: Yes, I use that already but I didn't see any option for slicing images | 06:34 |
Branden | I want to use Putty (SSH) to access my computer | 06:34 |
Madpilot | GamingX, via Add/Remove or Synaptic | 06:34 |
dr_willis | 'not open for business' vs ' road blocked' :) | 06:34 |
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dissection | Are there any other alternatives? Perhaps even a commericial software? | 06:34 |
dr_willis | Branden, then install the ssh service. | 06:34 |
dissection | *commercial | 06:35 |
Branden | Ok. Thank you. | 06:35 |
dr_willis | Branden, simple eh? :) | 06:35 |
astro76 | Branden, install openssh-server | 06:35 |
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Branden | Yes. | 06:35 |
Branden | Thank you. | 06:35 |
dr_willis | Its amazing how good an answer ya get when ya ask the right question. | 06:35 |
xoRock | need help, is there a ink counter reset-er for epson printer, something like this in windows http://www.ssclg.com/epsone.shtml | 06:35 |
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kyja | Branden, you can also use the terminal to ssh | 06:35 |
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Madpilot | dissection, the gimp has pretty good documentation - have you had a look thru it? | 06:35 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: it's FINISHED! | 06:35 |
peeps_work | i need to know the directory that a package was installed to | 06:36 |
Branden | How? | 06:36 |
Fedman | Can anyone help me set the mac address for my lan card | 06:36 |
astro76 | !mtink | xoRock | 06:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mtink - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:36 |
Fedman | I tried the guide from here: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-your-network-card-mac-address-on-ubuntu/ | 06:36 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Great. | 06:36 |
DarthShrine | dissection, There's the "Py-Slice" filter in The GIMP which may do what you're looking for.. | 06:36 |
astro76 | !info mtink | xoRock | 06:36 |
ubotu | xorock: mtink: Status monitor and configuration tool for Epson inkjet printers. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.14-2 (feisty), package size 154 kB, installed size 608 kB | 06:36 |
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Newbie_Dude | I just downloaded OpenArena 0.7 but not really sure how to install it. It's a ".deb" file, how to I open and install a ".deb"? | 06:36 |
dissection | DarthShrine: Okay :) | 06:36 |
Fedman | but it doesn't work | 06:36 |
kyja | Branden, you do ssh <user>@address | 06:36 |
Madpilot | Newbie_Dude, try just double-clicking on it. | 06:36 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: bedtime now, really! | 06:36 |
xoRock | astro76, nice dude, thx! | 06:36 |
Who_ | scottDkoDer: thanks | 06:36 |
astro76 | Newbie_Dude, it's available in ubuntu's repos | 06:36 |
rhoruns | can someone help me get my windows to quit playing hide and seek? :) when ever i open a new application, or when ever window is opened, it doesn't bring itself to the front | 06:36 |
Branden | I want to access the computer, not the computer acess another computer | 06:37 |
scottDkoDer | <Newbie_Dude> Use dpkg -i pkg.deb | 06:37 |
scottDkoDer | <Who_> Later | 06:37 |
astro76 | xoRock, FYI, I found it with apt-cache search epson | 06:37 |
kyja | Branden, it will then connect and propt for password. also you can ftp with terminal... do ftp and then get help to find out the commands to connect and work it | 06:37 |
Bogaurd | everytime i try to modify paritions on a drive, using gparted, ubuntu decides to automatically mount the partitions midway through, and the operation fails. how can i disable this automounting? | 06:37 |
astro76 | !info openarena | Newbie_Dude | 06:37 |
ubotu | newbie_dude: openarena: A fast-paced 3D Ego-Shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-2 (feisty), package size 747 kB, installed size 1652 kB | 06:37 |
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xoRock | astro76, okay ^^ | 06:38 |
Newbie_Dude | astro76: That's the older version I downloaded 0.7 :) more player models and maps | 06:38 |
kyja | Branden, true, putty will do the same if your not on another machine with bash | 06:38 |
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Newbie_Dude | astro76, Madpilot, scottDkoDer: Thanks, I got it to work :) I thought I had to type "chmod" or somethin like that :P | 06:38 |
astro76 | Newbie_Dude, ok you can double-click it, or dpkg -i | 06:38 |
Madpilot | Newbie_Dude, not for debs | 06:38 |
kyja | bedtime, but I hate to leave beryl it is so purty :) | 06:38 |
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kyja | night | 06:38 |
Branden | Ok. So what do I need to get on the Ubuntu Server machine so I can acess it with my Putty on a remote machine? | 06:39 |
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Newbie_Dude | Madpilot: i think i like debs, so easy to install :O | 06:39 |
astro76 | Branden, openssh-server | 06:39 |
nomin | dissection: http://websiterepairguy.com/ebooks/gimp/How_Slice_Image.html | 06:39 |
kyja | Branden, search "ssh" in the synaptic pachage manager look for openshh | 06:40 |
kyja | yes or sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 06:40 |
kyja | nigfht | 06:40 |
Branden | I did that. | 06:40 |
nomin | dissection: I use google alot to find out how to do things on linux. Also search ubuntuforums.org with google to find lots of good stuff. | 06:40 |
Branden | And, it still don't let me connect to the machine | 06:40 |
kyja | Branden, the server may not have started. you might have to restart, or perhaps there are firewall issues | 06:41 |
Madpilot | Branden, you might need to tweak your router settings | 06:41 |
ThanatosDrive | Is anyone else having issues sending files over gaim? | 06:41 |
Branden | Ugh! My router... I hate it! lolz | 06:42 |
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astro76 | Branden, can you ping the ubuntu machine from the windows machine? | 06:43 |
wastedfluid | I'm at a loss. I can not get alsamixer to work to save my life on 7.04 w/ an acer 5100. is there other programs I could use to handle sound.. outside of alsa, for say mplayer, and etc? | 06:43 |
Branden | OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!! | 06:44 |
Branden | I got it | 06:44 |
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astro76 | Branden, cool, you can also do sftp or scp now (for windows filezilla or winscp) | 06:45 |
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ThanatosDrive | Speed seems choppy on Ubuntu. Probably my lack of RAM and a better GPU, probably? | 06:47 |
astro76 | ThanatosDrive, more details? what's choppy? | 06:47 |
Madpilot | ThanatosDrive, how much RAM is a 'lack of RAM'? | 06:48 |
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ThanatosDrive | astro76: Wow it seems you're always around to help! Anyway, it just seems slow. Programs take some time to open, flash applications don't run well on FF, gaim seems...funky. In fact the only program I find that rivals the speed of opening/running the same in Windows is VLC. | 06:48 |
word | on ubuntu how do you tell what version you have? | 06:48 |
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Madpilot | word, System->About Ubuntu | 06:49 |
ThanatosDrive | Madpilot: I'm on 3x128MB RAM. That makes 384MB, but they're all different brands, so speed issues between RAM could cause some slowing down. | 06:49 |
astro76 | word, lsb_release -a | 06:49 |
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ThanatosDrive | Madpilot, astro76: I'm on Feisty Fawn, with a GNOME desktop, BTW. | 06:49 |
word | Thanks, tryin to help a guy running ubuntu while i sit on kubuntu heh | 06:49 |
Madpilot | ThanatosDrive, 384 isn't a lot these days. Gnome is getting faster all the time, but still... you might want to consider switching to Xubuntu, if adding a chunk more RAM isn't an option. | 06:50 |
ThanatosDrive | Madpilot: I'm hoping to grab dual 256's (my mobo can only handle 512MB). Do you think 512MB is adequate to smoothly run GNOME or KDE? | 06:50 |
rhoruns | anyone know how i can set my windows to auto-bring-to-front whenever i open an application? | 06:50 |
astro76 | ThanatosDrive, I'd say it's the minimum | 06:51 |
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Madpilot | ThanatosDrive, I'd say 512 is the minimum for either - do you have a swap partition too? | 06:51 |
Newbie_Dude | wow open arena 0.7 is great, much better than the repository 0.6 | 06:51 |
ThanatosDrive | astro76: Dang. Looks like I'll have to wait for college to get some kind of decent PC. | 06:51 |
ThanatosDrive | Madpilot: Yeah I do. Don't know how large it is though. | 06:51 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: 384 is plenty. Gnome works fine on 256. | 06:51 |
ThanatosDrive | asc: It may work fine, but I'm looking for fast, as well. | 06:52 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: Well, if you open too many programs it will get slow. :p | 06:52 |
ThanatosDrive | After all, I swiched to Ubuntu just to learn C, because I hear it's a better environment and most programming occurs on Linux. | 06:52 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: The system can take up to 400 MB of RAM if you have enough to spare, but it can get down to like 64 before it starts paging much. | 06:52 |
Madpilot | ThanatosDrive, a /swap partition should be around twice the size of your RAM - that said, I run with 1GB of RAM and no swap at all, and don't often even fill up all the RAM... | 06:53 |
asc | I have 768 and it never touches the swap. | 06:53 |
astro76 | ThanatosDrive, type free -m | 06:53 |
rhoruns | i have 2GB of ram, does that mean i should have 4GB of swap? | 06:53 |
TaJMoX | rhoruns: heavens no | 06:53 |
rhoruns | haha ok | 06:53 |
TaJMoX | twice the ram is not a good idea for swap anymore | 06:53 |
astro76 | yeah starting at 1GB -2GB ram you don't really need swap | 06:53 |
asc | <-- Thinks there's no reason to have more than 384 swap. | 06:54 |
rhoruns | ok :) | 06:54 |
astro76 | although if you want to hiberate you do | 06:54 |
asc | except hibernating | 06:54 |
ThanatosDrive | astro76: You want me to paste? | 06:54 |
asc | :p | 06:54 |
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astro76 | ThanatosDrive, sure | 06:54 |
ThanatosDrive | total used free shared buffers cached | 06:54 |
ThanatosDrive | Mem: 376 371 5 0 25 109 | 06:54 |
ThanatosDrive | -/+ buffers/cache: 236 140 | 06:54 |
ThanatosDrive | Swap: 839 78 760 | 06:54 |
TaJMoX | My rule of thumb for swap is: 2GB - RAM = Swap | 06:54 |
astro76 | sorry, should have mentioned | 06:54 |
astro76 | !paste ThanatosDrive | 06:54 |
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ThanatosDrive | pastebin, I assume? | 06:54 |
astro76 | !paste | ThanatosDrive | 06:55 |
ubotu | ThanatosDrive: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:55 |
TaJMoX | depends on what you're doing though. if you're rendering or doing math, then have more | 06:55 |
astro76 | ThanatosDrive, so you're swapping, that's the problem | 06:55 |
rhoruns | now, can someone kindly point me to the app that'll let me force new windows to be brought to the front? :) | 06:55 |
ThanatosDrive | astro76: How do I get to fix this problem? If there is a fix. | 06:55 |
astro76 | ThanatosDrive, more ram ;) | 06:55 |
Newbie_Dude | Anyone use Pidgin? How does it compare to GAIM? Better/Worse? | 06:55 |
ThanatosDrive | astro76: Gah. Okay. | 06:55 |
astro76 | ThanatosDrive, and maybe try xubuntu as Madpilot suggested | 06:56 |
ThanatosDrive | astro76: I'm planning on adding an ATI Radeon 9300 as well, do you think that'd help? | 06:56 |
astro76 | in the interim | 06:56 |
astro76 | not at all | 06:56 |
ThanatosDrive | ? | 06:56 |
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ThanatosDrive | Is that directed to me? The 'not at all' | 06:56 |
TaJMoX | Newbie_Dude: i like pidgin more - less buggy | 06:57 |
astro76 | yes, that will only improve 3d graphics | 06:57 |
TaJMoX | Newbie_Dude: plugins are cooler too | 06:57 |
astro76 | ThanatosDrive, and with your ram games fancy games probably won't do too well | 06:57 |
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ThanatosDrive | TaJMoX: What bugs does gaim have? | 06:57 |
TaJMoX | <3 ubuntu | 06:57 |
Newbie_Dude | TaJMoX: thanks i'll check it out | 06:58 |
TaJMoX | ThanatosDrive: on several computers i run, gaim closes unexpectedly during heavy use | 06:58 |
ThanatosDrive | astro76: Do I need to install Xubuntu, or can I just gra the xfce4 desktop environment? | 06:58 |
rhoruns | ok, if my window problem can't be fixed, then can someone help me get my sound working? apparently SB Audigies support ALSA, but i'm not getting any sound what-soever | 06:58 |
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TaJMoX | ThanatosDrive: i installed the xfce4 package - i love xfce | 06:58 |
astro76 | rhoruns, have you checked mixer levels/mute settings? | 06:58 |
rhoruns | yes | 06:58 |
rhoruns | they're all at max, and unmuted | 06:59 |
TaJMoX | ThanatosDrive: that includes thunar, the file browser, and the xfce4-terminal and stuffs | 06:59 |
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TaJMoX | installing xubuntu-desktop package will take like hundreds of un needed megabytes | 06:59 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: Either works, but Xubuntu will use less disk space, if that's a concern. | 06:59 |
Frawgie | anyone know how to get xchat to show the list of people in a given room? | 07:00 |
ThanatosDrive | TaJMoX: Will that affect my already set GNOME settings? | 07:00 |
asc | (rather than having gnome-desktop /and/ xfce4) | 07:00 |
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rhoruns | yes Frawgie, drag that little thin baige line on the right :) | 07:00 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: xfce4 uses a different settings daemon than GNOME. Your gnome settings should remain the same, but they won't be used. | 07:00 |
Frawgie | oh, lol, thanks | 07:00 |
rhoruns | :D np :) | 07:00 |
TaJMoX | rhoruns: you get sound with esd or oss ? | 07:01 |
rhoruns | have not tried, i will now | 07:01 |
ThanatosDrive | asc: So basically I lose the settings, etc? | 07:01 |
ThanatosDrive | asc: I mean, they're still there, but none is used...that's about the same as not having them, yeah? | 07:01 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: Yeah, pretty much. | 07:02 |
TaJMoX | ThanatosDrive: nope - you just run the xfce session at login and it works perfectly - run all your gnome/kde apps too - that's what i always do is install regular ubuntu then install xfce4 for my main desktop manager. its way faster and minimalistic | 07:02 |
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asc | ThanatosDrive: Xfce has equivalent control panels for most things. | 07:02 |
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TaJMoX | you wont lose anything... you'll lose your gnome panels you know | 07:02 |
ThanatosDrive | asc: Will I have to reinstall things such as ntfs-3g, or Java Desktop Environment? | 07:02 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: No. | 07:02 |
ThanatosDrive | asc: Can I choose which environment to boot into/ | 07:03 |
TaJMoX | yes | 07:03 |
ThanatosDrive | Ah. | 07:03 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: Yes. You can select at the login screen. | 07:03 |
TaJMoX | at the login screen choose session | 07:03 |
ThanatosDrive | I'm at the download screen now, but I'm not sure where to go from there. | 07:03 |
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scottie7 | are there any bonafide network gurus here? | 07:03 |
scottie7 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/126711 | 07:03 |
ThanatosDrive | I assume the graphical installer? | 07:03 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: You can do 'sudo apt-get install xfce4' in a terminal. | 07:04 |
astro76 | ThanatosDrive, just like installing any other package | 07:04 |
Frawgie | emm, ok, im tryin to install this here package and it tells me i dont have the kernel source installed....anyone know what package that is right off the top of your head? | 07:04 |
bobgill | What does totem use, xine or gstreamer? | 07:04 |
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varka | bobgill: you can choose | 07:04 |
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ThanatosDrive | astro76: I've come to realize Ubuntu is all about ease of installing. Everything I need is all in 'sudo apt-get' | 07:05 |
bobgill | varka: how ? | 07:05 |
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Frawgie | nvm, found it | 07:05 |
varka | bobgill: depends on what package you install, totem-gstreamer or totem-xine | 07:05 |
cozby | ok, i just ran apt-get install nfs-server etc.. and now I haven't a clue where it installed to? | 07:05 |
cozby | is there a defualt location for apt-get installs? | 07:06 |
cozby | like BSD ports puts everythin in /usr/local/, what does ubuntu do? | 07:06 |
bobgill | varka: ah ok I see it in Synaptic now I have gstreamer, thanks :) | 07:06 |
Bob_le_Pointu | => /var/cache/apt | 07:06 |
rhoruns | dangit.. i cant get any of my sound crap to work | 07:06 |
Bob_le_Pointu | => /var/cache/apt/archives maybe. | 07:07 |
cozby | Bob_le_Pointu: um ok | 07:07 |
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reed026 | hello, is ubuntu.com down for everyone? | 07:08 |
reed026 | I did a ping test and it says the server is offline | 07:08 |
rhoruns | working for me :) | 07:08 |
astro76 | works | 07:08 |
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asc | Not for me. rhoruns, ping it and give us the ip? | 07:09 |
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rhoruns | how do i ping in linux? lol | 07:09 |
astro76 | ping | 07:09 |
Bob_le_Pointu | ping | 07:09 |
astro76 | :p | 07:09 |
reed026 | that is weird. I can visit everything else so I figured the server is down | 07:09 |
asc | applications->utilities->terminal, 'ping ubuntu.com' | 07:09 |
Bob_le_Pointu | 64 bytes from arctowski.ubuntu.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=46.0 ms | 07:09 |
rhoruns | | 07:09 |
rhoruns | works :) | 07:09 |
asc | nothing | 07:10 |
rhoruns | weird | 07:10 |
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reed026 | think it's an IP Ban? | 07:10 |
asc | Not for this many people. | 07:10 |
reed026 | Or something to do with out ISPs? | 07:10 |
Lazureus | what's the command again that lets you change video drivers from console? | 07:10 |
asc | Some sort of network error in any case. | 07:10 |
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asc | Lazureus: Probably 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 07:11 |
Lazureus | yeah that | 07:11 |
reed026 | Very odd. I was going to try to download a fresh copy of Ubuntu Server for my old machine, as I was attempting to install it from my old 7.04 cd and it gave me checksum errors | 07:11 |
Lazureus | and what's the command to attempt to start x again when it didn't make it in after changing video card? | 07:12 |
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BlackChaos | wonder y i had 2 register | 07:12 |
BlackChaos | anyways | 07:13 |
BlackChaos | i need hlp | 07:13 |
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Madpilot | BlackChaos, ask an actual question if you want actual help... | 07:14 |
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BlackChaos | i just installed Ubuntu on my vista box but at start up when grub boot menu starts up i get all these things and all i want it 2 say is windows Vista preimum and Ubuntu | 07:14 |
Lazureus | hmm what's the command that lets me restart x or whatever when stuck as root in console mode? | 07:14 |
oldude67 | startx | 07:14 |
BlackChaos | lol 1st time ive seend this channel so quiet | 07:14 |
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|GraBBer| | Lazureus, /etc/init.d/?dm restart | 07:14 |
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BlackChaos | usually its flooded wit ppl needing hlp | 07:15 |
r00723r0 | i have ubuntu 64-bit and i need to install flash | 07:15 |
r00723r0 | how do i do this | 07:15 |
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BlackChaos | i know that i have 2 open the grub boot menu txt but wats the command | 07:15 |
Lazureus | there it goes | 07:15 |
Madpilot | BlackChaos, the various grub options are mostly for recovery if something goes wrong - you probably want to leave them in place... | 07:15 |
Lazureus | startx got me in x but it was using default themes and stuff | 07:15 |
davina | BlackChaos, u need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and take out the extra ones, then run grub, type in root (hd0) then setup (hd0) then quit and reboot | 07:15 |
reed026 | r00724r0 if you want a flash player, just download it through Firefox | 07:15 |
RAOF | r00723r0: In Gutsy, it's "sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-gnash" | 07:15 |
r00723r0 | no no not gnash | 07:16 |
BlackChaos | hmm i under stand but here is the thing | 07:16 |
slavik | anyway for grub to be able to see sata drives? | 07:16 |
r00723r0 | gnash is a horrible replacement to flash | 07:16 |
|GraBBer| | Lazureus, Because you're in X as root now. =) | 07:16 |
RAOF | r00723r0: Heh, not in gutsy. Works for youtube :) | 07:16 |
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BlackChaos | im new 2 linux and im scared that if i do something wrong in the grub menu txt thing that i will mess my pc up | 07:16 |
r00723r0 | hmm | 07:16 |
Lazureus | oh lol | 07:16 |
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r00723r0 | and how do i upgrade to gutsy? | 07:16 |
shingouz | hmm.. who's the bot i can bomb with questions? | 07:16 |
RAOF | r00723r0: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=191205 is what you're after | 07:16 |
Lazureus | ok, so beryl is broke, how do i get it to work with the new drivers i'm using? | 07:16 |
Madpilot | BlackChaos, then leave grub alone... | 07:16 |
=== rockets [n=rockets@pool-68-160-236-146.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lazureus | any time i tell it to use beryl window manager, it constantly and instantly goes right back to metacity | 07:17 |
r00723r0 | but how do i upgrade to gutsy? | 07:17 |
Lazureus | and does nothing | 07:17 |
reed026 | !bot | 07:17 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 07:17 |
davina | black chaos, dont worry, u can recover any mistakes by booting from the Ubuntu Live CD | 07:17 |
rockets | Anybody played project starfighter? It seems to get laggy on me all of the sudden | 07:17 |
shingouz | reed026: thanks | 07:17 |
BlackChaos | but i dont want it 2 say all those things cause my mom uses this and she is not very pc friendly so i want it 2 be easier 4 her | 07:17 |
BlackChaos | i already know wats the differ but she dont | 07:17 |
RAOF | r00723r0: You don't, not yet. It's in development, and not guaranteed to not kill babies | 07:18 |
r00723r0 | i hate babies | 07:18 |
BlackChaos | kill babies huh | 07:18 |
BlackChaos | wtf | 07:18 |
BlackChaos | u hate abies | 07:18 |
BlackChaos | lol | 07:18 |
r00723r0 | and i used to have gentoo ~amd64 | 07:18 |
cozby | Bob_le_Pointu: /var/apt/cache/archive/ only contains the .debs of installed pkgs | 07:18 |
r00723r0 | i'm fine with trollips eating my CPU | 07:18 |
slavik | BlackChaos: here's what you do: set ubuntu to boot by default, disable menu and set timeout to 0. DONE! | 07:18 |
RAOF | BlackChaos: Saying "destroy your data" is less punchy | 07:18 |
reed026 | Grub is a bootloader that gives you the option to choose which Operating System you wish boot. If she wants to use Vista at bootup she can choose Vista, if Ubuntu then Ubuntu. | 07:18 |
Madpilot | BlackChaos, if she only ever uses one of the OSes, you can set grub to just automtically boot to that - then you have to hit "esc" to get into the grub menu for the other options | 07:18 |
BlackChaos | yes but i want it 2 look neat | 07:19 |
BlackChaos | and organize | 07:19 |
slavik | BlackChaos: what does your mother use the PC for? | 07:19 |
Bob_le_Pointu | cozby: Sorry then, I didn't understand your question, what do you want ? | 07:19 |
BlackChaos | i want to hide all the other things and 2 just say windows vista and ubuntu | 07:19 |
ThanatosDrive | To restart in xfce4, I can't just click 'Switch user' huh? Do I need to Ctrl+Alt+Bckspce? | 07:19 |
slavik | BlackChaos: please see my previous suggestion | 07:19 |
BlackChaos | my mom uses mostly for just browsing the net, shopping and email | 07:20 |
slavik | ThanatosDrive: no | 07:20 |
cozby | Bob_le_Pointu: I want to find out where/if my apt-get install nfs-user-server got installed? I don't see the nfsd binary anywhere | 07:20 |
slavik | BlackChaos: she doesn't need vista | 07:20 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: Use the 'logout' option in the shutdown screen-thing. | 07:20 |
ThanatosDrive | Also i noticed switching users has the nice function of continuing playing of music. Cool =D | 07:20 |
BlackChaos | thats the only thing she knows how 2 use | 07:20 |
=== slavik 's mother can't tell the diff between windows and ubuntu :P | ||
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slavik | BlackChaos: I am sorry but I am getting very angry ... just show her where the firefox icon is and be done with it | 07:20 |
BlackChaos | and she's not good wit pc so im not gonna force her to learn a new os when it took her like a freaking year to learn how to use windows | 07:21 |
metrix | where do I set my language and lc_all variables? | 07:21 |
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|GraBBer| | Lazureus, /etc/init.d/?dm start|stop|restart starts X normally, startx starts X as the user you execute it as. =) Well, depends on what version of Ubuntu you run. If Edgy I must say I personally don't know of any good howto as I haven't changed the driver in Edgy. | 07:21 |
reed026 | The only difference my mother can tell between XP and Ubuntu is that Ubuntu doesn't have Spider Solitary and I can't seem to find a "free" copy for linux | 07:21 |
slavik | BlackChaos: she has to learn a new OS either way, unless she already knows how to use vista, besides, what does she have to learn? how to click on things to get firefox open? please tell me you are kidding | 07:21 |
varka | reed026: run it with wine | 07:22 |
Bob_le_Pointu | Ah... | 07:22 |
r00723r0 | you said that gnash actually works in gutsy? | 07:22 |
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tupa | I'm having trouble with xserver-xorg-video-unichrome, I tried setting via, and unichrome instead of vesa in xorg.conf but X doesn't work | 07:22 |
scottDkoDer | <reed026>aislerot solitar has all kinds of solitare | 07:22 |
BlackChaos | how do u get angry when ive been trying 2 do this and i cant so im the one that should be angry ur just sitting there typing while im trying to fiqure this out cause ive never used linux before in my life so im trying 2 adapt 2 this | 07:22 |
rockets | ah fixed it | 07:22 |
rockets | fulscreen is lame | 07:22 |
yigal | stir it up little darling | 07:22 |
RAOF | r00723r0: Yes, it does. It's still not a complete flash replacement, but it's pretty good | 07:22 |
tupa | I also tried using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-conf and setting via as the driver, but no luck | 07:22 |
r00723r0 | rockets: for a second there i thought your name was "root sex" | 07:22 |
rockets | lol | 07:22 |
r00723r0 | RAOF: plays games? | 07:22 |
andrupal | Having ubuntu installation woes: The Grub installer keeps hanging. This is attempt at dual boot, Feisty and Windows XP. Anyone know why this is happening or how to fix? | 07:22 |
scottDkoDer | <reed026> Applications->Games->aislerot. Check it out | 07:22 |
astro76 | |GraBBer|, ahh now I see the utility of invoke-rc.d | 07:22 |
Madpilot | BlackChaos, please use English, not AIMglish. It's "to", not '2'... | 07:23 |
BlackChaos | k so can ya just give me the command 2 bring up the grub boot menu txt | 07:23 |
holycow | BlackChaos, its hard to do tech support, burnout sets in quickly | 07:23 |
Bob_le_Pointu | cozby: you can see that with synaptc, I don't know how to do it in terminal. | 07:23 |
r00723r0 | rockets: oh well, the two things i think about most | 07:23 |
tupa | it is supposed that xserver-xorg-video-unichrome replaces via, but I got no luck | 07:23 |
slavik | BlackChaos: what exactly are you trying to figure out (NOTE: you need to have a REALLY good reason to mess with the grub menu) | 07:23 |
holycow | thats probably the best explanatin | 07:23 |
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RAOF | r00723r0: Don't know, haven't tried :) | 07:23 |
reed026 | wow it has Spider too. Hehe thanks scott. Never even realized it :) | 07:23 |
yigal | r00723r0: definately | 07:23 |
BlackChaos | i do | 07:23 |
slavik | BlackChaos: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 07:23 |
BlackChaos | k thx slavik | 07:23 |
slavik | BlackChaos: I can prove that you don't :) | 07:23 |
|GraBBer| | astro76? | 07:23 |
cozby | Bob_le_Pointu: k, thx | 07:23 |
BlackChaos | dont wat | 07:23 |
davina | u might want to save to current version first tho BlackChaos | 07:23 |
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ThanatosDrive | I never got the option to pick xfce4 | 07:24 |
ThanatosDrive | Booted straight into GNOME | 07:24 |
astro76 | |GraBBer|, it doesn't matter what display manager you have, invoke-rc.d servicename restart, although I like your ?dm also ;) | 07:24 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: Did you login at any point? | 07:24 |
slavik | have a good reason ... changing the way the menu looks for someone when you don't have a good grasp of what it is supposed to do and why it has extra things is not a good reason | 07:24 |
ThanatosDrive | asc: Yes. | 07:24 |
g0dd3ss | hi everyone, in gnome, is there a way to make the hide panel buttons, and desktop switcher transparent? | 07:24 |
|GraBBer| | astro76, Aaahhh... =) | 07:24 |
davina | ThanatosDrive, install xubuntu that run xfce as default | 07:24 |
varka | ThanatosDrive: you have to go to the menu at the loginscreen on the lower left corner and choose xfce as session | 07:25 |
ThanatosDrive | davina: I don't want to lose everything I've already done. | 07:25 |
BlackChaos | i just want 2 hide those other options | 07:25 |
asc | ThanatosDrive: Look for a 'sessions' menu on the login screen. Xfce will be an option there. | 07:25 |
slavik | because once you upgrade the kernel or run grub-update (or is it update-grub?) explicitly, it will get reset. :) | 07:25 |
ThanatosDrive | varka: Ahh, thanks. | 07:25 |
ThanatosDrive | Brb (hopefully), everyone! | 07:25 |
BlackChaos | i dont want to chg it completly | 07:25 |
astro76 | |GraBBer|, although that actually doesn't make sense.... me thinks it's time for bed | 07:25 |
slavik | BlackChaos: has your mother even tried to use ubuntu? | 07:25 |
BlackChaos | no | 07:25 |
slavik | BlackChaos: there is a first time for everything | 07:26 |
|GraBBer| | astro76, which doesn't make sense? LoL | 07:26 |
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asc | slavik: You don't want to make the tech illiterate do new things. They don't appreciate it. | 07:26 |
BlackChaos | but i want two be the only to use it cause i want to learn how 2 code so windows 4 her and Ubuntu for me | 07:26 |
Lazureus | it seems beryl is not compatible with nvidia=/ | 07:26 |
bruenig | Lazureus, that is incorrect | 07:26 |
rhoruns | yes it is | 07:26 |
Lazureus | cuz i reloaded beryl, and it 'worked' but made my entire screen solid white and i had to hard reset | 07:26 |
Lazureus | cuz i coudln't see | 07:27 |
rhoruns | you probably didnt install it right | 07:27 |
Lazureus | all i could see was mouse cursor | 07:27 |
Madpilot | BlackChaos, if all she does is web & email, why not just move your mom to Ubuntu too? | 07:27 |
bruenig | Lazureus, probably some misconfiguration somewhere | 07:27 |
slavik | asc: I already told him why it isn't a good, but I am not the admin on his system :), I don't have to fix it if it breaks. :) | 07:27 |
=== [Cz] S_p_or_t_o [n=Adam@c-67-177-156-235.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lazureus | do i have to get official nvidia drivers to get it to work? | 07:27 |
RAOF | !beryl > Lazureus <---- check the PM from ubotu | 07:27 |
rhoruns | no | 07:27 |
astro76 | |GraBBer|, I'm not sure if you can pass ?dm to invoke-rc.d, if not the old style way is better | 07:27 |
Lazureus | cuz right now i'm using whatever ubuntu came with | 07:27 |
slavik | Madpilot: because she "doesn't know how to use it" | 07:27 |
bruenig | Lazureus, yeah you need drivers | 07:27 |
Madpilot | BlackChaos, then you could nuke Virusta and do something useful with that HD space | 07:27 |
Frogzoo | Lazureus: not so - you need to run aiglx - for more -> #ubuntu-effects | 07:27 |
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bruenig | Lazureus, you don't need the ones from nvidia.com but you can't use vesa or nv | 07:27 |
BlackChaos | she also uses lots of apps that r not compatible wit linux | 07:27 |
bruenig | or whatever it defaults too | 07:27 |
|GraBBer| | astro76, Did mean the ? as a wildcard as it could be ie. gdm or xdm | 07:28 |
Lazureus | oh i'm using nv right now | 07:28 |
slavik | BlackChaos: like what? | 07:28 |
|GraBBer| | astro76, Or did you mean pass ie. gdm to invoke? =) | 07:28 |
slavik | BlackChaos: want to learn more about linux? try to get the apps to work with wine :) | 07:28 |
Madpilot | slavik, for my money, 'only does web & email' == 'doesn't really know how to use any OS' - but then, I'm a geek. | 07:28 |
BlackChaos | got no idea ill have to ask her | 07:28 |
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|GraBBer| | astro76, I must admit I have never used invoke-rc. Am reading up on it atm. =) | 07:28 |
ThanatosDrive | Success! Although this feels very different... | 07:28 |
BlackChaos | dam im so used to writing how i write | 07:28 |
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ThanatosDrive | And my keyboard shortcuts are gone. Shoot. | 07:28 |
slavik | Madpilot: I agree with your definition (my mom knows firefox ... no matter the OS) | 07:28 |
BlackChaos | and now i cant | 07:28 |
crysalys | anyone know how to make soundjuicer rip mp3's? | 07:29 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | so whats the myth that linux dont suport yahoo voice servers?? | 07:29 |
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crysalys | i dont have ogg support so i cant use ogg files | 07:29 |
Javid | is there a decent linux torrent client similar to utorrent? | 07:29 |
slavik | Vsop_vsop_vsop: pidgin doesn't have voive/video yet :P | 07:29 |
Javid | wine + utorrent just isn't doing it for me | 07:29 |
slavik | Javid: there is azureus | 07:29 |
BlackChaos | but its me and im really good wit a computer and im having trouble understanding the way linux wrk | 07:29 |
xoRock | need help, i have 2 flash disk, 1 one of them i want to format, how do i see the list of disks so i know which one which, like /dev/sda1 etc | 07:29 |
Bob_le_Pointu | wine+torrent | 07:29 |
Madpilot | crysalys, install the various MP3 codecs for Ubuntu, and SJ should have an mp3 ripping option | 07:29 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | Slavik: any talk about it latley?? | 07:29 |
xoRock | need help, i have 2 flash disk, 1 one of them i want to format, how do i see the list of disks so i know which one which, like /dev/sda1 etc | 07:29 |
slavik | Vsop_vsop_vsop: v3 last I read anything about it | 07:30 |
astro76 | |GraBBer|, yeah it's a good way to run init scripts, but I just tested it and ?dm doesn't work, so you have to do your way for restarting ?-display-manager | 07:30 |
Madpilot | BlackChaos, 'knows Windows' != 'good with computers' - sorry, dude. | 07:30 |
slavik | BlackChaos: are you a college student by chance? | 07:30 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | slavik: v3?? | 07:30 |
BlackChaos | im a senior in HS | 07:30 |
crysalys | madpilot: where do I get them? | 07:30 |
slavik | BlackChaos: here's a hint, linux works the way that unix does, which has been developed for over 30 years ... (the way, not the code) | 07:30 |
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Madpilot | ubotu, mp3 | crysalys | 07:31 |
ubotu | crysalys: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:31 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | slavik: is there not a yahoo for linux?.. | 07:31 |
slavik | BlackChaos: thinking of going for computer science in college? | 07:31 |
xoRock | sorry if its a repeat Q, just disconnected, need help, i have 2 flash disk, 1 one of them i want to format, how do i see the list of disks so i know which one which, like /dev/sda1 etc | 07:31 |
|GraBBer| | astro76, Just took a quick look at its help doc. Will have to check more into it, looks nice. =) | 07:31 |
slavik | Vsop_vsop_vsop: pidgin is the only one I know/use | 07:31 |
ThanatosDrive | slavik: I certainly am =D | 07:31 |
BlackChaos | look i just came here 2 see if there is a way to hide the other options like recovery and all that other stuff | 07:31 |
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slavik | ThanatosDrive: do yourself a favor, take a unix class | 07:31 |
g0dd3ss | Vsop_vsop_vsop, you could try gyache | 07:31 |
holycow | xoRock, fdisk -l | 07:31 |
BlackChaos | yea i am slavik | 07:31 |
astro76 | |GraBBer|, check out update-rc.d too for adding init scripts | 07:31 |
slavik | BlackChaos: there isn't unless you remove them completely which is not a good idea either way | 07:31 |
rhoruns | baah, still cant get any of my sound working :( | 07:31 |
BlackChaos | i am thinking in going 4 computer science in college | 07:31 |
|GraBBer| | astro76, Thx! =) | 07:32 |
ThanatosDrive | slavik: My school doesn't even offer a CS class. | 07:32 |
BlackChaos | dam | 07:32 |
slavik | BlackChaos: take a unix class | 07:32 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | godd3ss: not sure that i want to if there is not voice!! | 07:32 |
slavik | ThanatosDrive: I meant college | 07:32 |
xoRock | holycow, nice thx | 07:32 |
Madpilot | BlackChaos, there is, but those options exist for a good reason - namely, recovery if you scrag your system. And messing with grub is a good way to scrag your system... | 07:32 |
slavik | Vsop_vsop_vsop: v3 of pidgin | 07:32 |
holycow | denada | 07:32 |
BlackChaos | i will when i get 2 college | 07:32 |
BlackChaos | but im not | 07:32 |
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@rrcs-24-172-161-4.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | Madpilot: unless you use lilo, then you can mess up the BIOS ... | 07:32 |
BlackChaos | dam wat to do | 07:32 |
g0dd3ss | Vsop_vsop_vsop, they claim to support voice 8-} dunno if it really works or not, but worth a shot | 07:32 |
ThanatosDrive | Is there a way to uninstall xfce4? | 07:32 |
|GraBBer| | astro76, /etc/init.d/? start|stop|restart has always worked for me and I have done the hard way to add init scripts. If I get this right it would ease up a bunch. =) | 07:33 |
ThanatosDrive | I'm going back to GNOME. This desktop environment is just...not for me. | 07:33 |
Bob_le_Pointu | apt-get remove xfce4 ? | 07:33 |
ThanatosDrive | Thanks Bob_le_Pointu! | 07:33 |
g0dd3ss | Vsop_vsop_vsop, "supports almost all of the features you would expect to find on the official Windows Yahoo! client: Voice chat, webcams, faders, 'nicknames', audibles, avatars, display images, and more. " | 07:33 |
peeps_work | ThanatosDrive, apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop | 07:33 |
g0dd3ss | lol | 07:33 |
slavik | ThanatosDrive: sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop | 07:33 |
ThanatosDrive | BRB everyone. | 07:33 |
peeps_work | beat ya | 07:33 |
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peeps_work | ;-) | 07:33 |
slavik | go aaway | 07:33 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | godd3ss.. have you tryed it? | 07:34 |
peeps_work | me? | 07:34 |
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ThanatosDrive | ...How do i logout of xfce4? | 07:34 |
crysalys | ubotu: sorry neuby! wont it give me probs down loading in some countries? | 07:34 |
g0dd3ss | i have used gyache before yes, i did not try the voice/webcam features tho | 07:34 |
benbruscella | is it possible to copy the ISO image to a USB key and install from that? | 07:34 |
peeps_work | ThanatosDrive, there should be a power button in the corner | 07:34 |
Madpilot | crysalys, ubotu is a bot... | 07:34 |
BlackChaos | thx 4 the hlp | 07:34 |
slavik | !botsnack | 07:34 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 07:34 |
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slavik | rofl | 07:35 |
g0dd3ss | 8-] | 07:35 |
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crysalys | madpilot: sorry neuby! wont it give me probs down loading in some countries? | 07:35 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | g0dd3ss: see getting back to knowig if it works | 07:35 |
Madpilot | crysalys, won't what give you problems? | 07:35 |
Frawgie | is there a way to get beryl to load on startup instead of clicking the icon every time? | 07:35 |
g0dd3ss | Vsop_vsop_vsop, i can think of one good way to find out for sure 8-] | 07:36 |
crysalys | madpilot: downloading "illegal" codecs | 07:36 |
Madpilot | crysalys, that's up to you. If they're illegal where you llive, you can still download them - the servers won't block you... | 07:36 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | g0dd3ss:let me guess... Install it | 07:36 |
xoRock | holycow, fdisk is not showing my harddisk partition, or is there a way? | 07:37 |
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holycow | yes run it as sudo | 07:37 |
xoRock | okay | 07:37 |
g0dd3ss | Vsop_vsop_vsop, you're onto it -] | 07:37 |
holycow | fdisk run as user will only show you partitions ou can play with as that user, say usb disks | 07:37 |
crysalys | madpilot: this is understood. but i dont want my ip traced | 07:37 |
crysalys | madpilot: not sure if they are legal where i live or not to be honest | 07:38 |
|GraBBer| | benbruscella, https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html | 07:38 |
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Madpilot | crysalys, there's always the option of using an out-of-country repository. | 07:38 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | g0dd3ss: cmon now .. not that much of a newbie... just like to ask the silly questions ... let the Real geek's tell me ( i use that term lightly ) | 07:38 |
=== BlackChaos [n=blackcha@ool-182cd42d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
BlackChaos | k i did it | 07:39 |
ThanatosDrive | Is there a way to get gaim to automatically join channels on servers, and to automatically identify me? It's getting to be a pain. | 07:39 |
|GraBBer| | Frawgie, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/XGL#Adding_Beryl_to_an_Existing_Session | 07:39 |
crysalys | madpilot: how do i access out of country repositories? | 07:39 |
Frawgie | thanks | 07:39 |
BlackChaos | thx guys i was able 2 remove | 07:39 |
|GraBBer| | Frawgie, Yvw =) | 07:40 |
n2diy | Can I use my wireless router to sniff for hot spots? | 07:40 |
BlackChaos | the other options and just keep the things that i wanted | 07:40 |
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BlackChaos | but i did keep a copy of the original just in case | 07:40 |
Madpilot | crysalys, you can use the main Ubuntu repos just by editing your sources.list and removing the country code from the URLs... | 07:40 |
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ThanatosDrive | Which version of pidgin do I get? | 07:40 |
dissection | Do most people here use dnsmasq to cache nameservers? Is it recommended, or are there any problems of using it? | 07:41 |
slavik | elbwhat about conv_im_send_with_flags and using the raw flag, would that do what I think it does? | 07:41 |
benbruscella | cheers | 07:41 |
crysalys | madpilot: ok, understood. then when i apt-get it will pull them from any other available repository? | 07:41 |
|GraBBer| | n2diy, Depends on the router. It's not a Ubuntu specific thing as it aint a computer hardware like a card, but runs its own little OS. | 07:41 |
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Madpilot | crysalys, it'll use the main Ubuntu repos (the ones in the UK) then | 07:42 |
crysalys | madpilot: do i need to edit my source.list? | 07:42 |
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varun0 | does anyone have any recommendations for an X FTP client? | 07:42 |
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crysalys | madpilot: sorry you already said that. | 07:42 |
Madpilot | crysalys, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:43 |
Madpilot | variant, Filezilla | 07:43 |
benbruscella | typical - ubuntu users are sooo helpful! why cant I get an answer from fedora users? sigh | 07:43 |
bruenig | hmmm | 07:43 |
BlackChaos | is there a way 2 set xchat so that i dont have 2 keep on entering the password | 07:43 |
crysalys | madpilot: got it. gksudo ... and then delete country code. anything else? | 07:43 |
bruenig | BlackChaos, when you get to the screen that you click connect on, go to edit and put the password | 07:44 |
ThanatosDrive | Anyone? What version of pidgin do I get? | 07:44 |
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bruenig | ThanatosDrive, latest | 07:44 |
BlackChaos | oh ok thx bruenig | 07:44 |
Madpilot | crysalys, that's about it - then restart Synaptic and hit the Reload button so it checks the edited sources.list | 07:44 |
eboyjr | BlackChaos: You can goto XChat > Network List, goto Ubuntu Servers server thing and click edit. There is a spot for NickServ Password | 07:44 |
crysalys | madpilot: thanks for helpin a neub. | 07:45 |
ThanatosDrive | bruenig: I mean from here http://pidgin.im/download/ | 07:45 |
bruenig | ThanatosDrive, source | 07:45 |
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|GraBBer| | varun0, Personally I use gftp. But only way to know what one likes is to test (apt-cache search ftp) and check what they are like via google (ie. linux x ftp clients). =) | 07:45 |
=== Sanctusorium [n=anonon@adsl-69-152-169-11.dsl.kscymo.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
BlackChaos | yes thx eboyjr im doing this at the moment | 07:46 |
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Javid | I use gftp too, it's functional | 07:46 |
varun0 | |GraBBer|: fair enough :-) I could/will do the google search, but it's always useful to see what people recommend | 07:46 |
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eboyjr | What screen capture program can record videos/photos of the desktop? | 07:46 |
eboyjr | A good one? | 07:47 |
|GraBBer| | varun0, I think this was for you too, but that tab got the one answering: <Madpilot> variant, Filezilla | 07:47 |
astro76 | eboyjr, press print screen key | 07:47 |
Sanctusorium | Hey there all. I got a question. In Ubuntu, whenever I use the button to turn my touchpad on and off (its a laptop) the ubuntu help window appears. How can I turn that off? | 07:47 |
kapace | helllo, i have a corrupted hard-drive which i'd like to save, what tool are available in ubuntu to help me? | 07:47 |
astro76 | eboyjr, just photos of course | 07:47 |
Sanctusorium | Its rather annoying XD | 07:47 |
varun0 | |GraBBer|: haha........totally missed that. thanks! and thanks Madpilot Javid | 07:48 |
astro76 | Sanctusorium, heh, doesn't happen with mine | 07:48 |
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eboyjr | astro76: Ok, I was just about to ask you if that did video. Thx, I do that with Windows too. ( used too ) | 07:48 |
Sanctusorium | Aw, lucky ;) | 07:48 |
Madpilot | |GraBBer|, varun0 - missed that I'd had a tab-complete error. Nice catch | 07:48 |
Javid | when I want software I apt-cache search for the basic term of it then grep that for whatever else | 07:48 |
astro76 | Sanctusorium, I have a help key which works properly (brings up the help) | 07:49 |
Javid | like search ftp | grep ssl | 07:49 |
Javid | or whatever | 07:49 |
ThanatosDrive | bruenig: I have the .tar.bz on my desktop. Now what? | 07:49 |
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|GraBBer| | Sanctusorium, I would recommend you to check for your brand here and look if the touchpad key is supported: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam | 07:49 |
bruenig | ThanatosDrive, extract and compile | 07:49 |
ThanatosDrive | bruenig: Compile? | 07:49 |
sauvin | Is 12 GB large enough to hold a decently featureful install of ubuntu? | 07:49 |
astro76 | Sanctusorium, if you go to system>prefs>keyboard shortcuts, you can turn off the key for the help | 07:49 |
bruenig | !compile | ThanatosDrive | 07:50 |
ubotu | ThanatosDrive: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 07:50 |
varka | sauvin: absolutely, about 3GB would be enough for most needs | 07:50 |
sauvin | I'm a pig. :D | 07:50 |
eboyjr | How does a 3GB operating system fit on a 700MB CD? | 07:50 |
Sanctusorium | I am guessing it is supported, because it turns the pad off. Just brings up the help center each time I turn if off. I will try what Astro just said and check the page | 07:50 |
kapace | compression | 07:50 |
Madpilot | eboyjr, massive compression | 07:51 |
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eboyjr | Madpilot: Whoah | 07:51 |
sauvin | Partly, and party because that 700MB CD contains code to allow you to grab stuff off external repositories. | 07:51 |
kapace | what is that, like 3:1 | 07:51 |
varka | eboyjr: its packed and you're able to install severyl things over the internet | 07:51 |
kapace | ya.. | 07:51 |
ThanatosDrive | uTorrent (running off WINE) isn't closing. Is there a way to Force Quit it? | 07:51 |
eboyjr | varka: cool, good idea | 07:51 |
Madpilot | eboyjr, Ubuntu installed is actually closer to 2GB - maybe just under. | 07:51 |
sauvin | Depending on options :> | 07:51 |
astro76 | ThanatosDrive, killall wine | 07:51 |
Bob_le_Pointu | ThanatosDrive: kill wine | 07:51 |
kapace | i have a corrupted hard-drive which i'd like to save, what tool are available in ubuntu to help me? | 07:52 |
|GraBBer| | Sanctusorium, Aaahhh... Ok, if it works what astro76 said should do the trick. =) The laptop testing team also has a channel here #ubuntu-laptop | 07:52 |
astro76 | something funky is going on for sure | 07:52 |
klobster | I think I am having libc issues | 07:52 |
astro76 | that button should simply turn off the touchpad | 07:53 |
rhoruns | i can't get my sound to work at all. i've been messing around with the options, i've unmuted everything, and maximized volume. here's my -class sound: http://pastebin.com/dbe37511 | 07:53 |
klobster | gxine (or the xine engine in other apps) keeps crasing while accessing libc.so.6 | 07:53 |
ThanatosDrive | astro76: Didn't work. WINE is closed but uTorrent isn't. | 07:54 |
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|GraBBer| | astro76, Yepp, but can be someone has sometimes set it to go to the helppage before they got it to work properly and now it has both the functions (or something similar). Well, life is... LoL =) | 07:54 |
astro76 | ThanatosDrive, type xkill, then click on the window | 07:55 |
Sanctusorium | Astro and grabber, that worked ;) | 07:55 |
|GraBBer| | Sanctusorium, Goodie! =) | 07:55 |
Sanctusorium | I don't see my laptop on that list at all though. | 07:55 |
Sanctusorium | Should I report how linux is working for me with mine? | 07:55 |
astro76 | what do you have? | 07:55 |
Sanctusorium | HP Pavilion dv9553 (Note sure on the last three numbers) | 07:56 |
Sanctusorium | Its a 9000 series | 07:56 |
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Sanctusorium | Ah | 07:57 |
Sanctusorium | Found a couple of 9000 on that list | 07:57 |
Sanctusorium | But its neither of those | 07:57 |
Vsop_vsop_vsop | hey whats that progy that records your desktop.. i had it for windows.. whats a good one for ubuntu? | 07:57 |
kapace | im wokring on a toshiba satallitem30... | 07:57 |
kapace | *satellite | 07:57 |
kapace | works ok.. | 07:57 |
|GraBBer| | Sanctusorium, Sure helps the developers if you have the time to put in the info about your laptop. =) The closes to yours I find is /HPPavilionDV9297ea | 07:58 |
kapace | VLC? | 07:58 |
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|GraBBer| | Sanctusorium, Yepp =) | 07:58 |
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rhoruns | try Istanbul :P | 07:58 |
Sanctusorium | I was right | 07:59 |
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Sanctusorium | Its a 9335NR | 07:59 |
|GraBBer| | kapace, Working on a Toshiba TecraS1 and a T40, both work fine. But always find some small bugs to put on the testing page. Helps others too with the same problems. ;) | 07:59 |
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Sanctusorium | Works almost perfectly to be honest... Other than that crazy touchpad button, it works fine in every way. | 08:00 |
n2diy | |GraBBer|: Roger that, well, it will be Ubuntu specific, If I can determine if a router can talk to a hotspot. My concern is both the hotspot and router are servers, or at least the router is. Wireless routers/servers only talk to clients, no? | 08:00 |
astro76 | Sanctusorium, HP laptops are odd, I have a zd8250, it's a known problem if you have a dead battery but on ac nonetheless, the touchpad stutters and the keyboard misses keys unless you take the battery out | 08:00 |
Sanctusorium | <.<; thats incredibly odd/ | 08:01 |
ThanatosDrive | I've unzipped the pidgin-2.0.2.tar.bz2 Now what? | 08:01 |
ThanatosDrive | I don't understand this whole configure deal. | 08:01 |
astro76 | dead as in dead, not just discharged, yeah still odd | 08:01 |
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|GraBBer| | n2diy, Depends on how they are set up. You can also set them up to talk to eachother and buil a system with roaming. =) | 08:01 |
|GraBBer| | buil=build | 08:02 |
rhoruns | anyone here an expert with setting up sound? :P | 08:02 |
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Sanctusorium | ThanatosDrive, I just did this a couple of hours ago :) | 08:02 |
Sanctusorium | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Pidgin_2.0_.28former_GAIM.29 | 08:02 |
Sanctusorium | That helped me A LOT | 08:02 |
=== chohmann [n=chohmann@cpe-76-80-179-68.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sanctusorium | sudo dpkg -i pidgin_2.0.2-1_i386.deb | 08:03 |
j4ne | can you help me ? when i'm under xwindow and go back to console, i cannot anything .... the console is black ... (with intel driver provided by xserver-xorg-video-intel) | 08:03 |
|GraBBer| | rhoruns, Not really, was ages ago I had to poke around with ALSA and OSS. =p | 08:03 |
Sanctusorium | Try typing that | 08:03 |
rhoruns | bah | 08:03 |
j4ne | can you help me ? when i'm under xwindow and go back to console, i cannot anything .... the console is black ... (with intel driver provided by xserver-xorg-video-intel and my card is 965 (x3100)) | 08:03 |
Sanctusorium | You cannot anything? | 08:03 |
varun0 | j4ne: I'm not sure I understand your problem. how do you go back to the console from xwindows? | 08:03 |
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|GraBBer| | j4ne, Have you tried ctrl+F1 ? | 08:04 |
j4ne | sorry, i cannoty see anything on the console | 08:04 |
Sanctusorium | Ah. | 08:04 |
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Sanctusorium | Do you have your text set as black? | 08:04 |
j4ne | but i can back to Xorg and that work (but no console) | 08:04 |
|GraBBer| | Errmmm j4ne, mean ALT+F1 ofcourse! | 08:04 |
levander | From X-Windows to the console of Ctrl-Alt-F1 | 08:04 |
j4ne | Sanctusorium: no and the probleme going after the first launch of GDm or Xorg | 08:05 |
j4ne | levander: yes | 08:05 |
Sanctusorium | I seriously did that <_<; Had back text on a black background. | 08:05 |
n2diy | |GraBBer|: Roger that, I have two Linksys BEFW11S4 wireless routers, that won't talk to each other, and I haven't found a way to bridge them. So I can't experiment locally. But I know there is a hotspot 1/4 mile away. So, I guess I need to install sniffer software to see if I can "see" the hotspot? | 08:05 |
=== |GraBBer| slaps himself some more! | ||
varun0 | could the monitor resolution/centering be off? so that the prompt is off screen? | 08:05 |
|GraBBer| | levander, Please slap mesome too, lease. *sigh* | 08:05 |
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levander | j4ne: just type reset a couple of times and hit enter maybe | 08:05 |
j4ne | levander: reset the console not working | 08:05 |
levander | j4ne: you typed it more than once? | 08:06 |
j4ne | levander: yes | 08:06 |
levander | j4ne: sometimes there's already some typing on the command prompt, typing it twice ensures the reset command makes it to the shell | 08:06 |
varun0 | j4ne: just to get this straight.........you log out of xwindows, but all you see is black? how do you get back into xwindows? do you reboot? | 08:06 |
j4ne | levander: i can too start another x session with : startx -- :1 | 08:06 |
varun0 | j4ne: where do you type that? | 08:07 |
j4ne | varun0: just console is black | 08:07 |
|GraBBer| | n2diy, It is not that easy as the routers are their own "computers". Like if you link a windows machine and a linux together... I would suggest you search for "BEFW11S4 linux sniffing" on google. | 08:07 |
levander | n2diy: I think most wireless hardware has some kind of configuration menu that will tell you what wireless networks it sees. | 08:07 |
j4ne | varun0: when i going console from xorg (with ctrl+alt+fX) | 08:07 |
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levander | n2diy: don't think you need a sniffer | 08:07 |
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varun0 | j4ne: oh.....I see.......when you do a ctrl+alt+fX, the screen is blank? Try hitting enter a few times, see if something scrolls up | 08:08 |
levander | j4ne: has the console ever worked on this install of Ubuntu you're working with? | 08:08 |
P1r4t3 | i have installed ubuntu 64bit (feisty), and i would like to run a 32bit program (avast antivirus). how do i do that? | 08:08 |
=== ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-67-180-70-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThanatosDrive | How do I uninstall gaim? | 08:08 |
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levander | P1r4t3: i think you do that with some ndiswrapper programer | 08:08 |
levander | P1r4t3: but, 64 bit Linux is still a pain. Unless you have a specific requirement and know you need 64 bit, I'd definitely go 32-bit. | 08:09 |
P1r4t3 | levander ,can i pm u? | 08:09 |
asc | varun0: It should give you a terminal rather than a blank screen if x is in [1-7] | 08:09 |
asc | (and X if it's 8 | 08:09 |
levander | ThanatosDrive: "sudo apt-get remove --purge gaim" | 08:09 |
P1r4t3 | k | 08:09 |
levander | P1r4t3: yes | 08:09 |
ThanatosDrive | Thanks levander! | 08:09 |
|GraBBer| | n2diy, If it is only the strength you want that should be available through the web maintenance on a linksys. =) | 08:09 |
varun0 | asc: right. but I'm just wondering if the monitor is misconfigured......maybe the prompt is off the screen? | 08:09 |
=== ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-67-180-70-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
j4ne | levander: yes the console work, unless startx or gdm running | 08:09 |
asc | varun0: Don't know if that's possible. It is possible to disable the ttys though. | 08:10 |
j4ne | varun0: yes that's the problem. type enter change nothing | 08:10 |
n2diy | |GraBBer|: levander, ok, I'll need to do some experiments then. | 08:10 |
asc | varun0: do a 'ls -la' and see if anything shows up? | 08:10 |
varun0 | asc: my bad. thought it was a possibility | 08:10 |
asc | er, after logging in | 08:10 |
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varun0 | asc: j4ne has the problem, not me :-) but that's a good suggestion | 08:10 |
Cart^ | hello | 08:10 |
asc | ah | 08:11 |
levander | j4ne: Doesn't sound like anyone in here can help. I'd post on message boards. I dunno one X-specific though, I'd try UbuntuForums.org - but you're question might be too advanced for that board. | 08:11 |
varun0 | greetings Cart^ | 08:11 |
asc | yeah, I just jumped in at random. | 08:11 |
j4ne | varun0: asc: no nothing print | 08:11 |
Cart^ | anyone using asus m2v mobo? | 08:11 |
j4ne | levander: ok no problem, thank for answer ;) | 08:11 |
varun0 | j4ne: hm. I'm not sure man. I'd do some hardcore google searching if I were you. sorry :-\ | 08:12 |
j4ne | anyone have X3100 with the driver provided by intel that working with console AND xorg ? :o) | 08:12 |
n2diy | |GraBBer|: I don't see any maintenance option in the Linksys menu. | 08:13 |
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Cart^ | i have a problem, when using usb, load average jumps to 1.00, any ideas? | 08:13 |
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Nutubuntu | Gnight all | 08:13 |
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varun0 | Cart^: tail -f /var/log/syslog .........what does that say? | 08:14 |
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Cart^ | varun0: nothing special.. | 08:14 |
Cart^ | usb-devices works fine | 08:14 |
Cart^ | also looks like dma/umask doesn't work with this mobo | 08:15 |
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Cart^ | if i set -u1 -d1 with hdparm, hdd corrupts :) | 08:15 |
varun0 | Cart^: when you say "using usb", do you mean when a mouse is plugged in? or when you have an external hdd or something? | 08:15 |
|GraBBer| | n2diy, Well, can't be sure about every linksys, but the last one I played with had a place where one could check out available networks... | 08:15 |
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Cart^ | well, I have had a LCD, HDD and now 2 smartcard readers and everytime someone are accessing one of these, load jumps | 08:16 |
=== ThanatosDrive [n=edward@c-67-180-70-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThanatosDrive | Installing pidgin and removing gaim is a giant headache -.- | 08:17 |
varun0 | ThanatosDrive: why do you want pidgin? | 08:17 |
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ThanatosDrive | varun0: Because gaim loosk horrible, is slow for me, and there's plugins I want in pidgin. | 08:17 |
MrTsunami | ThanatosDrive: how are you performing such a task? | 08:17 |
ThanatosDrive | I admit, the looks thing is a matter of perspective | 08:17 |
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n2diy | |GraBBer|: Ok, let me look some more, haven't seen anything like that, but I wasn't looking for it either, thanks. | 08:18 |
varun0 | ThanatosDrive: no that's cool man.......you gotta do what you want to do. are you compiling from source? or apt-getting? | 08:18 |
ThanatosDrive | MrTsunami: wget http://download.ubuntu.pl/_Feisty_Fawn/pidgin/2.0.2/pidgin_2.0.2-1_i386.deb and then sudo dpkg -i pidgin_2.0.2-1_i386.deb | 08:18 |
ThanatosDrive | varun0: See above | 08:18 |
pikeshouse88 | ThanatosDrive: gaim :is: pidgin | 08:18 |
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varun0 | pikeshouse88: gaim is old pidgin | 08:19 |
pikeshouse88 | yes | 08:19 |
ThanatosDrive | pikeshouse88: I'm aware of that little twist. But you know what I mean. | 08:19 |
MrTsunami | ThanatosDrive: I assume you went ahead and removed gaim? | 08:19 |
|GraBBer| | n2diy, Np. =) | 08:19 |
ThanatosDrive | MrTsunami: hat's actually where my troubles start. I tried it on Add/Remove Applications, which tells me to go to Synatpci | 08:19 |
=== MrTsunami just did sudo apt-get remove gaim | ||
ThanatosDrive | And I'm in Synaptic now, and it says nautilus and ubuntu-desktop will also be removed. | 08:20 |
MrTsunami | I did the exact same thing today | 08:20 |
ThanatosDrive | sudo apt-get remove gaim will work fine? | 08:20 |
=== MrTsunami remembers it working fine | ||
MrTsunami | it does say that ubuntu-desktop will be removed | 08:21 |
ThanatosDrive | Hopefully the next time I'm here, I'll be on pidgin 2.0.2. Thanks MrTsunami, varun0, pikeshouse88! | 08:21 |
Flannel | MrTsunami: that's expected | 08:21 |
pikeshouse88 | ok | 08:21 |
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pikeshouse88 | i wish meebo had irc | 08:21 |
MrTsunami | but I did it, so it should work again. | 08:21 |
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Cart^ | linux probably doesn't support k8t890 and vt8237a fully?? | 08:21 |
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Eleaf | I'm getting some soft lockups with nvidia and nvidia-glx-new. | 08:22 |
Eleaf | Like the mouse will move, but everything becomes unresponsive, compiz also does not run very well (will freeze every 5 seconds or so) | 08:22 |
Eleaf | nvidia normally works great. | 08:23 |
Eleaf | this is all happening after I had to move to nvidia-glx-new to get X working again. | 08:23 |
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=== ThanatosDrive [n=thanatos@c-67-180-70-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MrTsunami | ThanatosDrive: things work out? | 08:26 |
rhoruns | has anyone experienced problems with sound blaster audigy ZSs??? | 08:26 |
ThanatosDrive | No dice. Apparently gaim-data is still obstructing my install of pidgin. | 08:26 |
ThanatosDrive | Any clues now, MrTsunami? | 08:27 |
MrTsunami | Hm. | 08:27 |
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MrTsunami | My best idea would be to let it remove what it needs to remove in synaptic and then reinstall what you need once it uninstalls gaim | 08:27 |
MrTsunami | but I don't really know how that would work | 08:27 |
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ThoMan | hello all | 08:29 |
ThoMan | testing | 08:29 |
=== damo22 [n=dczammit@203-214-101-2.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
damo22 | whats the command to run Login Window? | 08:29 |
damo22 | i need to run it as root | 08:29 |
bruenig | login window? | 08:29 |
ThoMan | gksudo nautilus | 08:30 |
bruenig | nautilus is not login window | 08:30 |
damo22 | as in configure login window preferences | 08:30 |
bruenig | damo22, gdmsetup | 08:30 |
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bruenig | damo22, gksudo gdmsetup probably | 08:30 |
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scottDkoDer | <damo22> Ctrl+Alt+F1 and then sudo su ,startx ect | 08:30 |
ThoMan | dont really know | 08:30 |
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damo22 | thanks bruenig | 08:31 |
scottDkoDer | <damo22> Why do you need to run as root? | 08:31 |
Jordan_U | damo22, Why are you logging in as root? | 08:31 |
bruenig | he just wanted to edit the preferences | 08:31 |
bruenig | which takes root | 08:32 |
bruenig | loggin in as root is easier sometimes, rarely in gui though | 08:32 |
Jordan_U | Ok, came in late sorry | 08:32 |
bruenig | logging* | 08:32 |
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damo22 | for some reason, upgrading from feisty xubuntu to ubuntustudio the prefs werent right for gdm | 08:32 |
damo22 | gdmsetup is exactly it | 08:33 |
damo22 | thx | 08:33 |
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jasonagogo | Hey I know I found a chart of wireless cards with a cross reference of the drivers and radio's used. I should have bookmarked it when I found it but I guess i didn't. I think it was somewhere on the wiki. Anyone know what I'm talking about? | 08:33 |
bruenig | !wifi | 08:33 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:33 |
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towlieban | has anyone had luck with power management in ubuntu ? | 08:34 |
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towlieban | ive got a problem where when i enable power management have set ubuntu to suspend my system when i close the lid of my laptop, when i try to resume i see a black screen with the mouse cursor but thats it | 08:35 |
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levander | towlieban: There are a lot of problems with Ubuntu power management. I tried to fix it on my machine, saw all the problems, and said screw it. | 08:35 |
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bruenig | what | 08:35 |
towlieban | yea | 08:36 |
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towlieban | i have disabled it for now | 08:36 |
bruenig | suspend is sketchy on most distros | 08:36 |
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levander | But, having it on a laptop is more important than having it on a desktop. | 08:36 |
towlieban | i know | 08:36 |
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levander | It might be more worth it for you. | 08:36 |
ThanatosDrive | I still get an error. | 08:36 |
levander | bruenig: I should have said Linux in general. | 08:36 |
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bruenig | even then, it won't really serve much purpose I don't think | 08:36 |
levander | It saves battery life on a laptop, if it works. | 08:37 |
towlieban | i wish there was an automated way to install compiz fusion | 08:37 |
bruenig | I guess it will allow you to keep the state without turning it off, so that can save some battery but any significant amount of time, might as well turn it off | 08:37 |
ThanatosDrive | MrTsunami: I ran into errors while installing pidgin. The errors are: Package tcl8.4 is not installed., and Package tk8.4 is not installed. | 08:37 |
towlieban | i spent hours configuring it and getting it to work.... | 08:37 |
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bruenig | on arch they have a kernel specifically for suspend, I haven't tried it but that might be an easier route | 08:37 |
towlieban | if some more things like that could be automated, i think ubuntu could become a real alternative to windblow | 08:37 |
levander | bruenig: suspend/hibernate is so nice on a laptop, you turn the computer on and off so much more with a laptop | 08:38 |
jetscreamer | apt-cache search tcl8.4 and add to the aptitude install line for pidgin | 08:38 |
jetscreamer | -_- | 08:38 |
bruenig | right but when do you need to hibernate it? | 08:38 |
bruenig | if you aren't using it, turn it off | 08:38 |
=== ThanatosDriv1 [n=edward@c-67-180-70-7.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThanatosDriv1 | What a giant pain. | 08:38 |
levander | bruenig: but, when you turn it back on, you have to wait for boot, hibernate/suspend doesn't take nearly as long to boot up(at least on Windows) | 08:38 |
bruenig | ThanatosDriv1, still hammering at it | 08:38 |
levander | I've never used it on Linux. | 08:39 |
ThanatosDriv1 | bruenig: yeah | 08:39 |
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bruenig | boot takes some 30 sec max | 08:39 |
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ThanatosDrive | Well at least I gt my own nick back. | 08:39 |
ThanatosDrive | Ugh. | 08:39 |
bruenig | I don't know, I might need it later, I have a 12 cell battery so generally I am good to go | 08:39 |
Sonicadvance1 | I love how everyone compares a distro of Linux to Winblowz | 08:39 |
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ThanatosDrive | Sonicadvance1: Windows isn't that bad. | 08:39 |
rhoruns | why won't my sound work! ahhh! i'm about to stab my self in the FACE | 08:39 |
Sonicadvance1 | Compare two distros to each other damnit | 08:40 |
towlieban | i wasnt comparing it to windows | 08:40 |
bruenig | windows drives me insanse | 08:40 |
bruenig | insane* | 08:40 |
towlieban | yea | 08:40 |
towlieban | vista has driven me to stop using windows almost entirely | 08:40 |
bruenig | I stopped cold for a year and then got my laptop with vista on it and it was just ridiculous | 08:40 |
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towlieban | same hrtr | 08:40 |
towlieban | here | 08:40 |
n2diy | Windows is the biggest virus ever written, imho. | 08:40 |
towlieban | after i used vista for 4 months i sold my laptop and bought a macbook pro | 08:41 |
=== Almighty_Henaro [n=henaro@c-24-98-20-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | I had intended to dual boot just to be safe, I even got home premium basic ultimate or whatever they called the mid range one, but ended up formatting everything | 08:41 |
levander | yeah well, at least pwoer management works on windows | 08:41 |
ThanatosDrive | It certainly sets up easier than Ubuntu, so that's a good reason. | 08:41 |
jetscreamer | those damn windows admins.. they suck | 08:41 |
towlieban | bruenig, i ran ultimate :p | 08:41 |
bruenig | it was just awful | 08:41 |
ThanatosDrive | I mean Ubuntu doesn't even come with NTFS editting, or Java/Flash | 08:41 |
rhoruns | i bet atleast 35% of all PC users would switch to linux if directX was ported lol | 08:41 |
bruenig | I don't see myself ever being able to use that again | 08:41 |
bruenig | ThanatosDrive, windows doesn't come with java or flash | 08:42 |
bruenig | ThanatosDrive, ntfs is not a linux fs, I could say windows doesn't come with ext3 editing | 08:42 |
rhoruns | it doesnt come with it, but there's a few programs that can edit it :P | 08:42 |
bruenig | but it isn't supposed to because that is not a native filesystem | 08:43 |
bruenig | same with linux | 08:43 |
bruenig | !ntfs-3g | 08:43 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 08:43 |
bruenig | you need to get a driver for both | 08:43 |
levander | being able to download *and* install java and flash with apt is a lot easier than how it's done on Windows. | 08:43 |
bruenig | well firefox makes it pretty simple in windows, just click on puzzle piece | 08:43 |
rhoruns | i'll pay someone $1 on paypal to help me get my sound working before i kill myself lol | 08:44 |
jetscreamer | !ntfs3g | 08:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:44 |
Sonicadvance1 | what sound card rhoruns ? | 08:44 |
jetscreamer | doh | 08:44 |
rhoruns | Sound Blaster Audigy ZS | 08:44 |
bruenig | 1 dollar is not enough | 08:44 |
jetscreamer | !find ntfs3g | 08:44 |
rhoruns | :( | 08:44 |
ubotu | Package/file ntfs3g does not exist in feisty | 08:44 |
ThanatosDrive | bruenig: It's certainly easier to obtain both Java and Flash in Windows | 08:44 |
bruenig | !ntfs-3g | jetscreamer come on now | 08:44 |
jetscreamer | snd_emu10k1 i think | 08:44 |
ubotu | jetscreamer come on now: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 08:44 |
Sonicadvance1 | He already have one taker =o | 08:45 |
Sonicadvance1 | $1 is plenty enough | 08:45 |
bruenig | ThanatosDrive, they are about the same, on ubuntu, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree sun-java6-plugin | 08:45 |
bruenig | done | 08:45 |
towlieban | all these tings should somehow be automated | 08:45 |
rhoruns | i'm really poor, that's part of the reason im using linux in the first place | 08:45 |
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bruenig | that is actually much quicker | 08:45 |
jetscreamer | rhoruns: damn good reason :) | 08:45 |
rhoruns | >.< | 08:45 |
towlieban | a lot of cool programs have to be compiled manually which isnt that easy for the average user | 08:45 |
Sonicadvance1 | rhoruns, what does "aplay -l" return? | 08:45 |
ThanatosDrive | rhoruns: Hrm. =D | 08:45 |
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rhoruns | dang | 08:46 |
rhoruns | a lot of stuff lol | 08:46 |
rhoruns | pastebin? | 08:46 |
Sonicadvance1 | nah | 08:46 |
rhoruns | k | 08:46 |
Sonicadvance1 | as long as it's a lot of stuff | 08:46 |
magic_ninja | hey, if i want to set up my linux box that i'm using at the moment as a workstation and router could it be done with two nic cards | 08:46 |
jetscreamer | yes | 08:46 |
jetscreamer | to one box | 08:47 |
Sonicadvance1 | okay system-> pref -> sound at the bottom there is a devices pulldown, is the correct one selected? | 08:47 |
rhoruns | yup | 08:47 |
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magic_ninja | jetscreamer: you talking to me? | 08:47 |
varka | magic_ninja: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/sharing-internet-connection-in-ubuntu.html | 08:47 |
rhoruns | Audigy 2 ZS (alsa) | 08:47 |
jetscreamer | sure | 08:47 |
varka | magic_ninja: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing | 08:47 |
Sonicadvance1 | hrm | 08:48 |
Sonicadvance1 | Double click on the volume icon on the panel to bring up the window and click everything? :D | 08:49 |
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A[D] minS | !ubuntu-user | 08:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-user - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:49 |
rhoruns | lol, it's all max/unmuted. | 08:49 |
Sonicadvance1 | damn | 08:50 |
Sonicadvance1 | I dunno :D | 08:50 |
rhoruns | bah >.< lol | 08:50 |
RAOF | !sound > rhoruns <------ check the pm from ubotu | 08:50 |
A[D] minS | after i create user how i configure it as configuration of default user which created in installation | 08:50 |
rhoruns | kk | 08:51 |
bruenig | !english | A[D] minS | 08:51 |
ubotu | A[D] minS: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 08:51 |
magic_ninja | varka: if one comp is running windows will that make a difference? | 08:51 |
A[D] minS | lol | 08:51 |
ThanatosDrive | So I've been hearing Ubuntu is amazing for programmers. That is, better than Windows is. To what lengths? Can anyone say? | 08:51 |
Sonicadvance1 | that it be | 08:51 |
Sonicadvance1 | It's easy as sin to install librarys | 08:51 |
bruenig | that has to be one of the most incoherent statements I have ever seen | 08:51 |
bruenig | no one on earth could understand that | 08:51 |
ThanatosDrive | bruenig: Really? | 08:51 |
varka | magic_ninja: no | 08:51 |
bruenig | <A[D] minS> after i create user how i configure it as configuration of default user which created in installation | 08:51 |
ThanatosDrive | Oh haha. | 08:52 |
n2diy | ThanatosDrive: You have access to the source code! | 08:52 |
Sonicadvance1 | I understood my babbling just fine =o | 08:52 |
A[D] minS | bruenig ok again " how i can configure user to have permissions of default user which created in installation ? | 08:52 |
bruenig | makes my brain hurt | 08:52 |
ThanatosDrive | n2diy: You mean because of open-source? | 08:52 |
Sonicadvance1 | How I mine for fish? | 08:52 |
n2diy | ThanatosDrive: Yep. | 08:52 |
A[D] minS | bruenig "sorry my english bad ... i will study english next time. | 08:52 |
ketrox | A[D] minS try to do it from gui | 08:52 |
magic_ninja | varka: so basically i just set up a nat router system on my box and use my computer as the default gateway for the home network using an ethernet or usb cable as the connection between the two? | 08:53 |
ketrox | you have an option in the user profile | 08:53 |
bruenig | A[D] minS, you would need to set the files to be 775 and 664 or whatever and then put the new user in the group of the old one | 08:53 |
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A[D] minS | OK Thanks | 08:53 |
ThanatosDrive | n2diy: But you can do that in Windows. | 08:54 |
A[D] minS | bruenig: sorry for da bad english but anyway i know that i don't know english because this is not my first or even 2nd language | 08:54 |
bruenig | it is my 8th language | 08:54 |
rhoruns | lol | 08:55 |
A[D] minS | ok then u r smart | 08:55 |
dissection | Any program in Linux that'll show me how much I've uploaded/downloaded everyday, week, month, year, etc., similar to DU Meter on Windows? | 08:55 |
A[D] minS | but am not | 08:55 |
varka | A[D] minS: sudo adduser <username> admin | 08:55 |
n2diy | ThanatosDrive: Really, show me the source code for a Microsoft Keyboard? | 08:55 |
bruenig | I forgot languages 3-6 though | 08:55 |
A[D] minS | thx varka | 08:55 |
Flannel | ThanatosDrive: You'd be hearing that Linux is better than Windows. Not specifically Ubuntu itself. And with Linux, more of the regular OS stuff is more useful to programmers. | 08:55 |
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ThanatosDrive | Flannel: Ah. | 08:56 |
ThanatosDrive | n2diy: ? | 08:56 |
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bruenig | dissection, on conky you can set it to display how much you have dl and ul, but only for as long as the computer has been up | 08:56 |
n2diy | ThanatosDrive: Really, show me the source code for a Microsoft Keyboard driver? | 08:56 |
Flannel | ThanatosDrive: of course, most programmers in windows install some portion of the standard *nix toolchain when programming on windows anyway. | 08:56 |
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dissection | bruenig: I can do that with netspeed too, but I was looking for something that saves the info so I can check it out later by the end of month to see how much i've downloaded and uploaded. | 08:57 |
[M] Fox | !ping | 08:57 |
ubotu | pong | 08:57 |
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ThanatosDrive | n2diy: I can't. In fact I don't even know how to do that in Linux | 08:57 |
ThanatosDrive | What's the command to get the purple plugin pack for pidgin? | 08:58 |
n2diy | ThanatosDrive: You can't do that, because it is MS's secret!!! | 08:58 |
chowmeined | ThanatosDrive: sudo aptitude install libpurple | 08:58 |
chowmeined | ? | 08:58 |
ThanatosDrive | chowmeined: Thanks! | 08:59 |
ThanatosDrive | Whoops. Can't find libpurple. | 08:59 |
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magic_ninja | varka: instead of using ethernet can i do what i was talking about via usb, i don't have ethernet cable :-( | 09:01 |
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varka | magic_ninja: you mean via usb-cable between the two PC's? | 09:02 |
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Selrach | Question: is there any software for something like VNC but also with sound channeled to the client? (windows server, linux client) | 09:03 |
bruenig | no | 09:03 |
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chohmann | Selrach: what about the terminal server client? | 09:04 |
xy77 | vmware-server? | 09:04 |
Selrach | terminal server client? | 09:05 |
Selrach | isn't that text only? | 09:05 |
magic_ninja | varka: yes sir, internet connection sharing via USB network interfaces | 09:05 |
chohmann | Selrach: mENU>nETWORK>tERMINAL sERVER cLIENT | 09:05 |
|GraBBer| | Selrach, Nope, has vnc in it too. ;) | 09:05 |
magic_ninja | varka: i got the nic, just not the cable | 09:05 |
chohmann | whoops | 09:05 |
Selrach | doesn't that only work if both systems are running the same OS? | 09:06 |
Selrach | I don't know if theres a proper windows server setup that would work with that | 09:06 |
n2diy | chohmann: :) | 09:06 |
varka | magic_ninja: buy one! | 09:06 |
Selrach | for sound support that is | 09:06 |
varka | magic_ninja: nothing else to say at this point | 09:06 |
chohmann | Selrach: no, I RDP into my windows workstation at work from my home ubuntu box all the time | 09:06 |
magic_ninja | varka: lol g2 get a job, just wondering if it would work | 09:06 |
chowmeined | you should be able to pipe the sound across ssh? | 09:06 |
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Selrach | choh: i do not have windows XP or 2003, its windows 2000 on the box | 09:07 |
chowmeined | too bad you dont have plan9, then you could just export your sound card | 09:07 |
varka | magic_ninja: there are propietry solutions connecting two PCs via usb-cable and with windows-drivers, but they are crap and not supported under linux afaik | 09:07 |
chohmann | Selrach: oic. in that case, i would go with chowmeined's suggestion | 09:08 |
chowmeined | oh, windows? | 09:08 |
chowmeined | no windows isnt robust enough | 09:08 |
Selrach | meh | 09:08 |
varka | magic_ninja: if you want to connect another pc directly without using a hub or switch inbetween you will have to buy a "crossover-cable" | 09:08 |
Selrach | there goes my idea to use a network PC to replace any windows apps I might need to use | 09:09 |
chohmann | chowmeined: what about a Cygwin install (with OpenSSH) on the windows box? That may be an option. | 09:09 |
chowmeined | vmware | 09:09 |
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chowmeined | Selrach: virtual box, vmware, qemu, xen (if you have the extensions) | 09:09 |
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Selrach | xen - my hardware does not support it | 09:10 |
claybaron | anyone here using gaim for irc? | 09:10 |
bruenig | no | 09:10 |
chowmeined | Selrach: luckily, you have 3 other options | 09:10 |
scottDkoDer | no | 09:10 |
magic_ninja | claybaron: xchat | 09:10 |
bruenig | no one is that stupid | 09:10 |
dissection | no | 09:10 |
chohmann | claybaron: i am | 09:10 |
Selrach | qemu, vmware player, virtualbox? | 09:10 |
n2diy | claybaron: not anymore,. | 09:10 |
chowmeined | Selrach: they can all run windows | 09:10 |
chowmeined | Selrach: not vmware player, that is fairly useless | 09:10 |
magic_ninja | varka: aight man, that shouldn't be that much, and if i can't find one locally i'll just go into my old network classes and make me one lol | 09:10 |
chowmeined | Selrach: vmware server is free beer (not freedom) | 09:10 |
claybaron | cool...i was just wanting to test gaims/pidgins encryption plugin :-P | 09:11 |
n2diy | Beer? | 09:11 |
Selrach | I know, I just thought it would be faster if I could setup a link with a network PC running windows | 09:11 |
chowmeined | Selrach: virtual box is free beer questionable freedom | 09:11 |
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Selrach | isnt VB partly closed source? | 09:11 |
chowmeined | it has some funky license thing | 09:11 |
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rhoruns | am i supposed to have an asound.conf?? | 09:13 |
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tupa | what has newer packages, ubuntu feisty or debian testing | 09:13 |
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tupa | ?? | 09:15 |
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Flannel | tupa: debian testing is rolling. Feisty is frozen. So testing would | 09:16 |
claybaron | tupa: That is relative. No definitive answer I would say, but I wouldn't use debian packages in ubuntu unless they are stated to work with ubuntu you can run into some conflicts | 09:16 |
Bob_le_Pointu | I bet on debian. | 09:16 |
xtknight | tupa, probably debian testing. i think debian unstable roughly == ubuntu feisty. why not check yourself using http://packages.ubuntu.com and http://packages.debian.org | 09:16 |
scottDkoDer | <tupa> Packages are normally controlled by your sources.list file entries. For the latest ubuntu check out feisty. | 09:16 |
xtknight | (and testing is newer than unstable) | 09:16 |
__doc__ | Howdy. Anybody else got that with virtualbox, that upon startup it just sort of consumes CPU for 20 seconds and then dies? | 09:16 |
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scottDkoDer | <xtknight> ubuntu unstable == gutsy gibbon | 09:17 |
scottDkoDer | tupa is over whelmed with suggestions | 09:18 |
claybaron | bet he wishes he didn't put those ??? ;-) | 09:18 |
tupa | scottDkoDer, I don't think so, the alpha is the newer version, but quite unstable as I've read | 09:18 |
tupa | 7.10 | 09:18 |
scottDkoDer | <tupa> I thought you were asking. Not telling. | 09:18 |
tupa | gutsy | 09:18 |
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tupa | scottDkoDer, my question was different from my statement | 09:19 |
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scottDkoDer | ok | 09:19 |
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Throdne | hello, i'm having troblem coping data from the desktop to a removable drive | 09:21 |
Throdne | i get an error | 09:21 |
bruenig | Throdne, cp data /path/to/removable/drive | 09:21 |
tupa | is ubuntu copied from debian unstable everytime a new development version starts, or ubuntu just did that at the beginning | 09:22 |
tupa | ? | 09:22 |
Throdne | just to tell you all then exp i have using linux uis the time i installed it | 09:22 |
tupa | let's say, if debian dies, ubuntu dies? | 09:22 |
tupa | or does ubuntu just used debian to start in the beginning | 09:22 |
bruenig | tupa, might check #ubuntu-motu | 09:22 |
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bruenig | !pm | Throdne | 09:23 |
ubotu | Throdne: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 09:23 |
Throdne | ok | 09:23 |
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Throdne | what do you mean by cp | 09:23 |
bruenig | use that command | 09:23 |
Myrtti | ehrm | 09:23 |
Throdne | ok | 09:24 |
Myrtti | *sigh* | 09:24 |
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Throdne | what whould i put in for data | 09:25 |
bruenig | Throdne, whatever you are copying over | 09:25 |
Goc_ | When I run Ubuntu from the LiveCD, it runs so incredibly slooooow, that the device manager takes 3 minutes to load, and the System Monito seems to require so much that it just freezes. Any idea what might be wrong? It's a 2.2 Ghz Celeron with 256 MB memory | 09:25 |
Throdne | ok if it is on destop | 09:25 |
bruenig | Goc_, it will be slow, the entire computer is running off the cd drive and ram, calm down | 09:25 |
Throdne | cp hlds_v1120.exe /media/Throdne/ | 09:26 |
bruenig | sure | 09:26 |
Throdne | whould that be right | 09:26 |
bruenig | well make sure you are in the Desktop | 09:26 |
bruenig | cd Desktop | 09:26 |
tupa | Goc_ the normal CD is just painful | 09:26 |
bruenig | change directory Desktop if you don't know what that means | 09:26 |
Throdne | o | 09:26 |
tupa | Goc_ the alternate CD is nice | 09:26 |
Throdne | ok | 09:26 |
bruenig | cp means copy by the way if you didn't pick that up | 09:26 |
mwe | Goc_: well I don't think 256 MB ram is much for the live CD | 09:26 |
Throdne | yeah | 09:26 |
Goc_ | SO, if I download the non-liveCd-installer, it should run fine? | 09:27 |
bruenig | Goc_, yes, they both should run fine, you just need to bear with the live cd long enough to get it installed | 09:27 |
mwe | probably. I'd consider not running gnome with only 256 MB of ram, though. | 09:27 |
scottDkoDer | feisty live cd will run on 256 MB. | 09:28 |
tupa | Goc_ yes, the alternate CD is better, I just did a fresh install yesterday with the same RAM but 3.0 GHZ P4 | 09:28 |
bruenig | I would certainly go for xfce or lighter | 09:28 |
bruenig | hell I use xfce on 2gigs | 09:28 |
Goc_ | Oh, but installing won't even work :( I started the installer and waited for 24 hours. Nothing happened - except for Ubuntu freezing | 09:28 |
ThanatosDrive | Is anyone else having issues using 'Send File' on pidgin? | 09:28 |
mwe | scottDkoDer: run, yes. run good? probably not. | 09:28 |
Throdne | ok it didn't work | 09:29 |
Throdne | i need promission to copy to the dior | 09:29 |
Throdne | dir | 09:29 |
scottDkoDer | <mwe> Well I got compiz running on a live feisty cd with an intel celeron 700 mhz and 256 ram with an nVidia GeForce 400. | 09:29 |
mwe | scottDkoDer: I see | 09:29 |
bruenig | if you have an external video card, beryl and compiz don't consume much ram | 09:30 |
scottDkoDer | Just had to install the drivers for acceleration which was a breeze using the restricted drivers manager. | 09:30 |
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Throdne | ok how would i get promission to copy data to that drive | 09:31 |
bruenig | Throdne, what was the error | 09:31 |
magnetron | Throdne: is it a NTFS drive? | 09:31 |
Throdne | cp: cannot create regular file '/media/Throdne/hlds_v1120.exe': read-only file system | 09:32 |
Throdne | yep | 09:32 |
scottDkoDer | Throdne: What is your trouble? | 09:32 |
Throdne | does it not work with NTSF | 09:33 |
Throdne | NTFS | 09:33 |
bruenig | !ntfs-3g | Throdne | 09:33 |
ubotu | Throdne: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 09:33 |
scottDkoDer | Throdne: Do you have fuse installed or ntfs3g? | 09:33 |
bruenig | not fuse | 09:33 |
bruenig | ntfs-3g | 09:33 |
scottDkoDer | bruenig: My bad | 09:33 |
bruenig | ntfs-3g is just better | 09:34 |
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Throdne | no i just install ubuntu about 12 hours ago i have not installed anything | 09:34 |
bruenig | Throdne, follow ubotu's link | 09:34 |
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ThanatosDrive | Can someone help me out with pidgin? | 09:36 |
scottDkoDer | Throdne: What are you trying to do? | 09:36 |
bruenig | ./configure make make install | 09:36 |
bruenig | ThanatosDrive, ^ | 09:36 |
Throdne | i downloaded a big file with my server (ubuntu computer) and i was going to put it on my 120 gb portable drive. | 09:37 |
scottDkoDer | ok | 09:37 |
bruenig | Throdne, you should format that drive with ext3 | 09:37 |
Throdne | but i don't have the promission to copy it over | 09:37 |
weboide | Hi, i'm trying to set up my two screens with seperate xscreens but the second screen is displaying weird (as if frequencies were wrong) | 09:37 |
Throdne | no i use it more with windows computer | 09:37 |
scottDkoDer | Throdne: And I'm assuming it's a usb drive? | 09:37 |
bruenig | Throdne, windows supports ext3 read write with fs-driver.org | 09:37 |
Throdne | yes | 09:37 |
Throdne | usb WD 120 passport drive | 09:38 |
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scottDkoDer | Throdne: Do you know how to use synaptic? | 09:38 |
Throdne | yeah | 09:38 |
bruenig | Throdne, did you go to ubotu's link | 09:38 |
Throdne | a little | 09:38 |
Throdne | yes still looking at it | 09:38 |
bruenig | just follow that | 09:38 |
Throdne | a little hard to under stand | 09:38 |
Throdne | but ok | 09:39 |
scottDkoDer | Throdne: Try System -> Administration -> Synaptic | 09:39 |
=== bruenig strongly suggests against gui instruction | ||
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scottDkoDer | Throdne: Then search for ntfs. Do you have the internet working on the ubuntu system | 09:40 |
scottDkoDer | ? | 09:40 |
bruenig | just let him follow the tutorial | 09:40 |
ThanatosDrive | bruenig: How does Music Messaging work? | 09:40 |
Throdne | yea it my server | 09:40 |
scottDkoDer | ok | 09:40 |
bruenig | ThanatosDrive, what is that | 09:40 |
ThanatosDrive | Actually does anyone know? 'Cause I got no results in #pidgin | 09:40 |
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ThanatosDrive | It's a plugin for pidgin. | 09:40 |
Throdne | ok i see ntfs-3g | 09:40 |
bruenig | install the plugin | 09:40 |
Throdne | install that? | 09:40 |
ThanatosDrive | Yeah now how do I use it? | 09:40 |
bruenig | ThanatosDrive, there should be some sort of preferences dialog | 09:41 |
mwe | aren't you supposed to install ntfs-config? | 09:41 |
bruenig | or some other explanation | 09:41 |
bruenig | you must really love pidgin, it's been like 2 hours since you embarked on this install | 09:41 |
bruenig | gaim + different ui = pidgin | 09:41 |
Throdne | ok i'm done installing ntfs-3g | 09:42 |
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mhz`- | anyone know of a way to regenerate /etc/fstab? | 09:42 |
ThanatosDrive | I don't really love it. I just like solving problems. | 09:42 |
bruenig | mk | 09:42 |
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scottDkoDer | Throdne: Now /etc/fstab or I mean follow ubuntuguide.org and search for ntfs | 09:42 |
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bruenig | lol | 09:43 |
kaushal | Hi | 09:43 |
Odo | Hi Folks | 09:43 |
ThanatosDrive | bruenig: Nothing. Nothing on google either. | 09:43 |
magnetron | scottDkoDer: please do not direct people to ubuntuguide.org | 09:44 |
bruenig | weird ubotu gives him a full tutorial on the wiki, then scottDkoDer interrupts ubotu and sends him to a different tutorial of likely less quality | 09:44 |
kaushal | I have a HTML Code | 09:44 |
bruenig | very odd indeed | 09:44 |
kaushal | can i discuss it here | 09:44 |
bruenig | ThanatosDrive, those things are annoying anyways | 09:44 |
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kaushal | I am facing some issues | 09:44 |
magnetron | kaushal: Is it about ubuntu? if not try #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:45 |
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kaushal | thanks | 09:45 |
Throdne | Click Applications System Tools NTFS Configuration Tool | 09:45 |
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bruenig | ThanatosDrive, do you need to edit a score of music simultaneously with a group of people over IM? | 09:45 |
scottDkoDer | <magnetron><bruenig> what? What?? | 09:45 |
weboide | i need help fixing a "seperate xscreen" problem, if anyone knows xorg well | 09:45 |
Throdne | i don't see a system tools | 09:45 |
mhz`- | anyone know of a way to regenerate /etc/fstab? | 09:45 |
ThanatosDrive | bruenig: It'd be very handy considering my life and my friends. (We're all musicians) | 09:45 |
bruenig | mhz`-, just type it in, how many drives do you have that would make regeneration necessary, twenty/. | 09:45 |
mwe | Throdne: I'd install ntfs-config if I were you | 09:46 |
bruenig | they all use pidgin/. | 09:46 |
bruenig | ? | 09:46 |
mwe | Throdne: you need that first | 09:46 |
Throdne | y is that | 09:46 |
ThanatosDrive | No. But I can persuade them. | 09:46 |
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mhz`- | just type it in? | 09:46 |
mhz`- | i deleted the UUID's | 09:46 |
mhz`- | now my shit is messed up | 09:46 |
mwe | Throdne: or that menu wont appear | 09:46 |
Throdne | ok thanks | 09:46 |
Throdne | ill do that now | 09:46 |
Frogzoo | mhz`-: no probs - use tune2fs to recreate the label | 09:46 |
bruenig | mhz`-, fstab config is pretty straight forward, drive mountpoint fs options 0 0 | 09:46 |
mwe | Throdne: system->administration->software soureces, enable universe if you haven't | 09:47 |
magnetron | scottDkoDer: he already got a link to the ubuntu wiki - don't direct people in this channel to ubuntuguide.org. it recommends automatix and a bunch of other risky moves, like enabling the root account etc. | 09:47 |
Throdne | ok done installing ntfs-config | 09:47 |
mhz`- | i'm stuck in the failsafe terminal | 09:47 |
mwe | Throdne: good now you should have the menu mentioned | 09:47 |
mhz`- | due to the fact the stuff is messed up | 09:47 |
mwe | Throdne: Applications System Tools NTFS Configuration Tool | 09:47 |
scottDkoDer | magnetron: That's how I got shite done. | 09:47 |
bruenig | ThanatosDrive, it appears that they need to be using linux too | 09:48 |
mhz`- | of course, i had backed up a copy of it to my /home/brendan | 09:48 |
mhz`- | that's deleted | 09:48 |
mhz`- | :/ | 09:48 |
mhz`- | so yeah.. | 09:48 |
magnetron | !worksforme | scottDkoDer | 09:48 |
ubotu | scottDkoDer: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 09:48 |
ThanatosDrive | bruenig: Ah. Thank you then. I'll stop at my endeavors. | 09:48 |
Throdne | ok i opened it and enable both | 09:48 |
Throdne | and i still can't copy it | 09:48 |
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mhz`- | can tune2fs automatically rebuild the listings? | 09:48 |
bruenig | all the paths are in linux, I don't know if that is changeable or not, but just on the surface | 09:48 |
mwe | Throdne: you probably need to remount | 09:48 |
magnetron | scottDkoDer: use ubuntuguide.org as much as you want, but don't give other user trouble by recommending it. | 09:49 |
mwe | Throdne: what's the mount point? | 09:49 |
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scottDkoDer | magnetron: Are you an anadmin or what? | 09:49 |
kraut | moin | 09:49 |
bruenig | gui instructions are a bad idea as well | 09:49 |
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bruenig | unless someone asks a gui question | 09:50 |
Throdne | ?/ | 09:50 |
scottDkoDer | Throdne: Reboot. | 09:50 |
bruenig | like how do I change the wallpaper | 09:50 |
magnetron | scottDkoDer: this is just the irc guidelines. | 09:50 |
mwe | Throdne: where is it mounted? | 09:50 |
bruenig | Reboot? | 09:50 |
bruenig | this isn't windows | 09:50 |
Throdne | is that what you are looking for | 09:50 |
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Throdne | /media/Throdne | 09:51 |
bruenig | Throdne, have you set everything up, editing /etc/fstab and all that good stuff/. | 09:51 |
bruenig | ? | 09:51 |
mwe | Throdne: open a terminal and type 'sudo mount -o remount /media/Throdne' | 09:51 |
Throdne | i installed ntfs-3gt and config | 09:51 |
mwe | Throdne: I think it needs to be remounted | 09:51 |
bruenig | it certainly does | 09:52 |
mwe | Throdne: since it was already mounted | 09:52 |
scottDkoDer | Throdne: Reboot. | 09:52 |
bruenig | scottDkoDer, you don't know what you are talking about | 09:52 |
mwe | scottDkoDer: why would he reboot? | 09:52 |
mwe | scottDkoDer: remount is sufficient | 09:52 |
Throdne | pl | 09:52 |
Throdne | ok | 09:52 |
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bruenig | he must have been in the wrong IRC tab, this is not ##windows | 09:52 |
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Throdne | mount: can't find /media/Throdne in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 09:53 |
xjkx | while installing tomcat5.5: Installing /var/lib/tomcat5.5/conf/tomcat-users.xml. * no JDK found - please set JAVA_HOME invoke-rc.d: initscript tomcat5.5, action "start" failed. | 09:53 |
mwe | Throdne: you must have chosen a different mount point in the ntfs-config then | 09:53 |
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bruenig | xjkx, do you have jdk installed/. | 09:54 |
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bruenig | ? | 09:54 |
Throdne | ?? | 09:54 |
mwe | I must admit I don't use the gui tool but I think it alters fstab | 09:54 |
Throdne | mwe ?? | 09:54 |
mwe | Throdne: Applications System Tools NTFS Configuration Tool | 09:54 |
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bruenig | mwe, it sounds like a hal mount, not an fstab mount | 09:54 |
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xjkx | bruenig: ii sun-java6-jdk 6-00-2ubuntu2 | 09:54 |
Throdne | ok | 09:54 |
Throdne | i have it opened | 09:54 |
m3m0r3xXx | could you tell me video editing program ? pls | 09:54 |
bruenig | Throdne, do "grep ntfs /etc/fstab" pastebin output | 09:54 |
mwe | Throdne: check all settings | 09:54 |
bruenig | or just paste it | 09:55 |
Throdne | both of the are enabled | 09:55 |
bruenig | Throdne, do "grep ntfs /etc/fstab" paste output | 09:55 |
Throdne | internal and external | 09:55 |
mwe | Throdne: both of what? | 09:55 |
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mwe | Throdne: and mount point? | 09:55 |
bruenig | for the love of god, paste the damn output | 09:56 |
Throdne | ?? | 09:56 |
bruenig | this is why gui instructions suck | 09:56 |
Throdne | ok | 09:56 |
bruenig | what does this box say, did you check this | 09:56 |
Throdne | hold | 09:56 |
bruenig | did you pull the slider all the way to the left | 09:56 |
xjkx | while installing tomcat5.5: Installing /var/lib/tomcat5.5/conf/tomcat-users.xml. * no JDK found - please set JAVA_HOME invoke-rc.d: initscript tomcat5.5, action "start" failed. (my path is /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- but i dont know how to set java_Home to it) | 09:56 |
bruenig | !repeat | xjkx | 09:56 |
ubotu | xjkx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 09:56 |
xjkx | bruenig: read again, thats not repeating | 09:56 |
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Selrach | question: is it possible to setup a server on windows 2000 to stream all soundcard output to a remote client, say my linux box? | 09:57 |
bruenig | !repeat | xjkx ok | 09:57 |
ubotu | xjkx ok: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 09:57 |
bruenig | !repeat | xjkx ok this is not repeating either, see I changed some words | 09:57 |
ubotu | xjkx ok this is not repeating either, see I changed some words: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 09:57 |
xjkx | !thats not repeating, there are more informations in this one | 09:57 |
bruenig | !repeat | xjkx ok this is not repeating either, see I changed some words more words | 09:57 |
ubotu | xjkx ok this is not repeating either, see I changed some words more words: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 09:57 |
Selrach | SPAM... | 09:57 |
m3m0r3xXx | could you tell me video editing program ? pls | 09:57 |
xjkx | It's specifically saying what i need, the other one was not | 09:57 |
xtknight | !kino | m3m0r3xXx | 09:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kino - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:58 |
bruenig | m3m0r3xXx, avidemux | 09:58 |
Throdne | ok i unmounted my drive | 09:58 |
m3m0r3xXx | ty | 09:58 |
xtknight | m3m0r3xXx, well anyways Kino is a kde-based video editor. apparently ubotu doesn't know | 09:58 |
Throdne | but right clicking the icon on the destop | 09:58 |
bruenig | Throdne, wtf, do "grep ntfs /etc/fstab" in the terminal and paste the output | 09:58 |
Throdne | let me restart my computer | 09:58 |
mbone | I can't write to xorg.conf, because I don't have write permission. but how can I change this ? :) | 09:58 |
m3m0r3xXx | ty bruenig, xtknight | 09:58 |
Throdne | i don't see it | 09:58 |
bruenig | Throdne, there is no output? | 09:59 |
xtknight | mbone, type "gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" to edit in root mode | 09:59 |
Throdne | i only see my windows protision | 09:59 |
xjkx | does anyone know how to set my java_home for gods sake | 09:59 |
Throdne | partition | 09:59 |
xtknight | !alternatives | xjkx | 09:59 |
ubotu | xjkx: To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal. | 09:59 |
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xtknight | xjkx, or, export JAVA_HOME=VALUE | 10:00 |
bruenig | copy and paste this, here more help, highlight these words in the quotes, then press control +c or perhaps right click and choose copy and then go to the terminal and press ctrl + shift + v or right click and paste, then when letters and numbers come after it, do the same thing but in reverse: "grep ntfs /etc/fstab" | 10:00 |
mbone | yeah, thank for your help :) | 10:00 |
bruenig | do they not have copy and paste in windows | 10:00 |
xtknight | xjkx, you will have to do this each time, or put it in abashrc | 10:00 |
Throdne | ok my irc is on my windows computer | 10:00 |
xjkx | xtknight: doing each time doesnt make sense, where is abarshrc | 10:00 |
bruenig | then write it | 10:00 |
xtknight | xjkx, ~/.bashrc | 10:00 |
Throdne | and ubuntu is on another computer | 10:00 |
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mbone | Do someone use Virtual Box to emulate WinXP or Vista on Ubuntu ? | 10:00 |
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bruenig | type it out | 10:00 |
xtknight | xjkx, in other words, /home/user/bashrc | 10:00 |
Throdne | I CAN'T | 10:00 |
bruenig | 19 characters? | 10:01 |
mwe | .bashrc, not? | 10:01 |
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bruenig | you can't type 19 characters | 10:01 |
Throdne | the uuid? | 10:01 |
xtknight | ya sorry, /home/user/.bashrc | 10:01 |
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bruenig | linux might not be fore you, if 19 characters throws you | 10:01 |
bruenig | for* | 10:01 |
Throdne | i see my windows partition | 10:02 |
Throdne | the /media.hda1 | 10:02 |
Throdne | and that is it | 10:02 |
=== bruenig wonders why people com in here and then don't follow instructions | ||
bruenig | come* | 10:02 |
mwe | Throdne: so did you try going to /media/hda1 in the file manager? | 10:02 |
mwe | supposing it's mounted | 10:02 |
mhz`- | hmm | 10:02 |
macogw | mbone: i put Vista in Virtual Box on my friend's lappy after her WinXP partition BSOD'd and i thought full ubuntu (instead of dual boot) with a VM might be a better plan...no rebooting for Excel | 10:03 |
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Throdne | UUID=FABC871EBC86D493 /media/hda1 ntfs-3g defaults, locale=en_us.UTF-8 0 1 | 10:03 |
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Throdne | i don't want is on my hda1 | 10:03 |
bruenig | there should not be a space between defaults, and locale | 10:03 |
mwe | Throdne: what is that | 10:03 |
bruenig | fstab output | 10:03 |
mhz`- | i gotta figure out how to rename the hda1, hda7, and local disk | 10:03 |
mhz`- | but won't let me | 10:03 |
Throdne | MY WINDOWS partition | 10:03 |
xtknight | that's a pretty short uuid | 10:03 |
bruenig | Throdne, gksudo gedit /etc/fstab, delete the space | 10:04 |
mwe | Throdne: yes so go there. or you want to mount it else where? | 10:04 |
xtknight | i didn't think NTFs drives had uuids anyhow | 10:04 |
Throdne | yes my removable drive | 10:04 |
bruenig | that space will cause it to fail, fstab uses white space to determine options | 10:04 |
mhz`- | any ideas on how to rename my hda1, local disk? | 10:05 |
weboide | Hello! i need help fixing a "seperate xscreen" problem (looks like frequencies are bad but i can't get it to work), if anyone knows xorg well | 10:05 |
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mwe | Throdne: I think you need to plug it in before you run the config tool. I'm not that familiar with the gui tool though | 10:05 |
Throdne | hold | 10:05 |
bruenig | mhz`-, you can mount it at localdisk but you can't rename the device | 10:05 |
Throdne | i'm restarting the computer | 10:05 |
bruenig | why | 10:05 |
mhz`- | i get the error: unmount: /media/hda1 mount disagrees with the fstab | 10:05 |
bruenig | did you edit out the space/. | 10:05 |
bruenig | ? | 10:05 |
mhz`- | i really just wanna rename it to a more descriptive name | 10:05 |
bruenig | Throdne, did you edit out the space? | 10:06 |
mwe | mhz`-: yeah unmount first, though | 10:06 |
Throdne | hold the computer is starting | 10:06 |
mhz`- | won't let me | 10:06 |
Throdne | and what space | 10:06 |
mwe | mhz`-: or it gets confused | 10:06 |
mhz`- | mwe, i get that error | 10:06 |
bruenig | Throdne, why did you restart? | 10:06 |
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Throdne | i could not remount the drive | 10:06 |
mwe | mhz`-: sudo umount /dev/hda1 I think might work | 10:07 |
bruenig | that is because of the space | 10:07 |
bruenig | Throdne, no space should be between defaults, and locale | 10:07 |
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XimDev | hey there | 10:07 |
bruenig | Throdne, gksudo gedit /etc/fstab and edit that out | 10:07 |
Throdne | i know that | 10:07 |
AnRkey | hi all | 10:07 |
mhz`- | command not found | 10:07 |
mhz`- | :/ | 10:07 |
XimDev | I have one question | 10:07 |
xjkx | * Starting Tomcat servlet engine tomcat5.5 [ OK ] (but then no port was opened here, whats wrong?) | 10:07 |
bruenig | so what does restarting do? | 10:07 |
Throdne | UUID=FABC871EBC86D493 /media/hda1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_us.UTF-8 0 1 | 10:07 |
XimDev | I want to install a program | 10:07 |
xtknight | XimDev, which one? | 10:07 |
Throdne | IDK | 10:07 |
bruenig | Throdne, is that what it looks like in fstab or did you just change it | 10:07 |
mwe | Throdne: but that's the windows partition you want the external drive, no? | 10:08 |
XimDev | but it doesn't have a deb or not available in synaptic | 10:08 |
Throdne | yes i want to put the file on my ext drive not the hda1 | 10:08 |
XimDev | so i will build it from source | 10:08 |
bruenig | !compile | XimDev get the deb | 10:08 |
ubotu | XimDev get the deb: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 10:08 |
bruenig | get the tarball* | 10:08 |
xjkx | !tomcat | 10:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tomcat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:08 |
mwe | Throdne: so plug it in and run Applications System Tools NTFS Configuration Tool again | 10:08 |
Throdne | hda1 is my windows partition and /media/Throdne is my exxt drive | 10:08 |
mwe | Throdne: I think | 10:08 |
xjkx | !tomcat5.5 | 10:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tomcat5.5 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:08 |
bruenig | mwe, stop that | 10:08 |
mhz`- | mwe, says unknown command...any ideas? | 10:08 |
mwe | bruenig: what | 10:09 |
bruenig | mounting in linux is very transparent and straight forward don't confuse it with guis | 10:09 |
mwe | mhz`-: what did you type? | 10:09 |
mhz`- | like you said, sudo unmound /dev/hda1 | 10:09 |
xtknight | umount * ^^^ | 10:09 |
mwe | mhz`-: umount | 10:09 |
mhz`- | ahh | 10:09 |
mhz`- | i can't read | 10:09 |
XimDev | thanks a lot | 10:09 |
xtknight | but you can copy :) | 10:09 |
bruenig | Throdne, ok so what is the name of the device that mounts to /media/Throdne | 10:09 |
mhz`- | different boxes | 10:09 |
MindOfChaos | hey | 10:09 |
mhz`- | can't copy over the lan | 10:10 |
mhz`- | :) | 10:10 |
=== xtknight has no rebuttal :( | ||
MindOfChaos | Ubuntu only seems to run one of my speakers | 10:10 |
MindOfChaos | I have 6 speakers | 10:10 |
MindOfChaos | 5.1 channel | 10:10 |
mhz`- | there we go, that worked | 10:10 |
MindOfChaos | I want it to run like stereo through all of them | 10:10 |
mwe | bruenig: appearently many new users have great difficulty with the CLI even spelling things right seems to be hard | 10:10 |
Throdne | if it is mounted should there be an icon thats says Throdne | 10:10 |
Throdne | i see one for hda1 | 10:10 |
bruenig | mwe, it is hard on us also to figure otu what is going on | 10:11 |
bruenig | and help them | 10:11 |
bruenig | they surely can copy commands | 10:11 |
Throdne | on the destop i mean | 10:11 |
mwe | yes ;) | 10:11 |
bruenig | and report back what happened | 10:11 |
Throdne | well, i only see hda1 no throdne drive | 10:11 |
xtknight | MindOfChaos, unfortunately this varies a lot per sound card. but to get started, try "gnome-volume-control" and enable all the options and switches. see if anything works. dont forget to unmute stuff | 10:11 |
bruenig | Throdne, unplug the external drive, then plug it in again | 10:11 |
Throdne | ok | 10:11 |
xtknight | MindOfChaos, you can reveal more options in gnome volume control by going to Edit->Preferences. beyond that, i really cannot help you | 10:12 |
magnetron | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound MindOfChaos | 10:12 |
Throdne | ok | 10:12 |
bruenig | Throdne, if it mounts do grep Throdne /etc/mtab | 10:12 |
Throdne | done | 10:12 |
mwe | Throdne: the GUI tool does not see the external drive? if not you need to edit fstab by hand | 10:12 |
mhz`- | which way do you suggest remounting the drives w/ a diff name? | 10:12 |
Throdne | ok i got an error | 10:12 |
Throdne | cannot mount volume | 10:12 |
bruenig | Throdne, ok do sudo fdisk -l | 10:12 |
mwe | doing what? | 10:12 |
bruenig | see what it is called | 10:12 |
Throdne | unable to mount the volume 'Throdne'. | 10:12 |
bruenig | I just want a dev name | 10:12 |
bruenig | that is all I need | 10:12 |
bruenig | and we are done | 10:12 |
mwe | mhz`-: did you umount? | 10:13 |
mhz`- | yeah | 10:13 |
Throdne | looks like | 10:13 |
Throdne | /dev/sda | 10:14 |
mhz`- | the 3 drives are unmounted | 10:14 |
mwe | mhz`-: if so just edit fstab. sudo nano /etc/fstab | 10:14 |
bruenig | Throdne, it needs to have a number /dev/sda1 perhaps | 10:14 |
Throdne | 1 | 10:14 |
Throdne | yeah | 10:14 |
Throdne | sorry | 10:14 |
mhz`- | last time i did that i messed shit up | 10:14 |
scottDkoDer | Throdne: Reboot. | 10:14 |
Throdne | pressed enter to soon | 10:14 |
mwe | mhz`-: well you need to create the mount point as well | 10:14 |
Throdne | druenig, now how do i mount it | 10:15 |
dawn | eclipse 3.3 (europa) is already out.. when can we download and install it through Synaptic? any idea? | 10:15 |
bruenig | Throdne, ok so do "gksudo gedit /etc/fstab" and add this line: /dev/sda1 /media/Throdne ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_us.UTF-8 0 1 | 10:15 |
mwe | mhz`-: change the name then make sure the directory exists | 10:15 |
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rancidlm | hey all kind of a off topic question is there a way to password protect NFS shares? | 10:16 |
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rancidlm | i would rather use NFS then samba and just looking for a way to properly authenticate | 10:17 |
Throdne | ok done | 10:18 |
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bruenig | you can set them to not mount at boot and then mount them yourself so that a password would be necessary | 10:18 |
mwe | dawn: next ubuntu release | 10:18 |
bruenig | rancidlm, or you can change the permissions on the drive so that only a particular user can write or read or execute | 10:18 |
bruenig | Throdne, sudo mount -a | 10:18 |
dawn | mwe: when is that? | 10:18 |
dawn | september, right? | 10:18 |
mhz`- | see, before i when i went to ntfs config tool it showed me the 2 drives with the option of editing the mount point label | 10:19 |
mwe | dawn: yeah. unless it's back ported | 10:19 |
bruenig | mhz`-, mount point label is different from device label | 10:19 |
mwe | dawn: program versions don't change until the next release | 10:19 |
rancidlm | bruenig: hmm but theres no way of saying.. u must provide a Username and password to access the share like a SMB share? | 10:19 |
dawn | mwe: i'm sorry.. i didn't understand that.. | 10:19 |
mhz`- | hmm, i just wanna change what its listed on the desktop | 10:19 |
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mhz`- | to a more descriptive name | 10:19 |
bruenig | I have never used either, I know nfs decently but samba not at all | 10:19 |
Throdne | ok | 10:20 |
bruenig | you can always set generic linux partitions on nfs | 10:20 |
bruenig | so just make sure others can mess with it, or ensure that only a particular group of people can edit | 10:20 |
bruenig | etc | 10:20 |
XimDev | i am not sure if i am allowed to ask that in here | 10:20 |
Throdne | failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Operation not supported | 10:20 |
bruenig | Throdne, is it good/. | 10:20 |
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XimDev | but any idea of a php IDE with a deb package or works on ubuntu? | 10:20 |
MaDiNfO_ | quanta | 10:21 |
MaDiNfO_ | bluefish | 10:21 |
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bruenig | Throdne, there are a few reasons that can happen, but since I don't know what you have or haven't actually done because of the obsession with gui instructions, I feel uncertain advising | 10:21 |
martii | hi guys | 10:21 |
martii | does anybody use opera | 10:21 |
martii | win ubuntu | 10:21 |
martii | with | 10:21 |
martii | I get so ugly fonts | 10:21 |
martii | is there any way to improve that? | 10:22 |
martii | opera 9.21 downloaded from opera.com | 10:22 |
martii | it's not the distro one | 10:22 |
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Throdne | ok | 10:22 |
alecwh | I'm looking for a program that will wake me up in the morning with music, does anyone know of one? | 10:23 |
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XimDev | thx madinfo | 10:23 |
jonathan_ | hello | 10:23 |
jonathan_ | anybody here? | 10:23 |
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magnetron | alecwh: install the package gnome-schedule , with it you can schedule any command | 10:24 |
magnetron | we are here, jonatham_ | 10:25 |
alecwh | magnetron, thanks a lot! What command would I use to play an MP3 file in rythmbox? | 10:25 |
magnetron | alecwh: i am not sure | 10:26 |
mwe | martii: change the fonts in the settings? | 10:26 |
alecwh | ok, I'll ask in a second (to the channel) | 10:26 |
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alecwh | Is it possible to launch a song (in Rythmbox) using the command-line? | 10:27 |
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|GraBBer| | alecwh, rhytmbox filename (if insa | 10:30 |
|GraBBer| | alecwh, rhytmbox filename (if in same folder where file is, otherwise rhytmbox /folder/to/file/FILE) | 10:30 |
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alecwh | ok, that's it?? :) | 10:30 |
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|GraBBer| | alecwh, Yepp, to start rhytmbox with a song file. Wouldn't it be easier just to add it via rhytmbox though? | 10:31 |
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alecwh | I'm trying to schedule a song to launch for an "alarm clock." | 10:31 |
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|GraBBer| | alecwh, Aaaahhh... | 10:31 |
Xsylotte | question: how to connect nokia n70 in ubuntu ? | 10:31 |
Xsylotte | any software for it or ? | 10:32 |
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|GraBBer| | alecwh, rhytmbox FILE works for me, but a friend just said he has to do "rhytmbox --playlists-file PLAYLISTFILE" to get it to work, so better test before relying on that alarm clock... | 10:34 |
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alesan | I have a monitor 1440x900 do you have an idea how to set the graphics card this way? | 10:35 |
alesan | I also installed the 915resolution program | 10:36 |
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alecwh | ok, thanks | 10:36 |
alecwh | got it GraBBer | 10:36 |
magnetron | alecwh: you could use commandline music player, like mpg123 | 10:36 |
alecwh | I'm going to experiment right now. | 10:36 |
xjkx | /etc/init.d/tomcat start returns [ok] but /etc/init.d/tomcat status returns "its not running" wtf? i could never make tomcat work on ubuntu, that sucks | 10:37 |
alecwh | I'll try that... | 10:37 |
alecwh | magnetron, how do I launch it (with a song) after installation? | 10:37 |
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-205-228-241.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|GraBBer| | True as magnetron says, would be easier. =) | 10:37 |
magnetron | mpg123 filename | 10:37 |
DanaG | Does anybody have any recommendations for a good Linux-compatible webcam? | 10:37 |
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magnetron | !hardware | DanaG | 10:38 |
ubotu | DanaG: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 10:38 |
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Xsylotte | question: how to connect nokia n70 in ubuntu with usb cable ? | 10:38 |
DanaG | I can see what's supported, but I'd like to know what people can attest to being good. | 10:38 |
alecwh | arg... I've got a music file deep in my directory... is there a way to easily just get a "copy and paste" location of my file? | 10:38 |
|GraBBer| | alecwh, pwd in a shell | 10:39 |
alecwh | /home/alec/Desktop/alec/Music/Counting Crows/Films About Ghosts : I got that, but do I need to escape the whitespaces? | 10:39 |
magnetron | locate | 10:39 |
alecwh | locate? | 10:39 |
magnetron | locate filename in a terminal | 10:39 |
|GraBBer| | alecwh, Yes, like this: /test\ test/ | 10:40 |
|GraBBer| | alecwh, and if in a filename, ofcourse no / at the end... | 10:40 |
alecwh | wow... that locate thing is bringing up THOUSANDS of files | 10:40 |
alecwh | :P | 10:40 |
alecwh | still going | 10:40 |
alecwh | just cancelled it... | 10:41 |
=== dissection [n=death@c-68-47-120-150.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alecwh | locate 02 - round here.mp3 | 10:41 |
alecwh | gave me LOTS of results | 10:41 |
|GraBBer| | alecwh, locate is a searchtool, to search for files. =) | 10:41 |
magnetron | alecwh: escape your whitespace | 10:41 |
alecwh | Ok | 10:41 |
|GraBBer| | Looks for 02 AND - AND round AND here.mp3 | 10:42 |
|GraBBer| | So no wonder you got alot of results ;) | 10:42 |
xjkx | ubuntu is sucking at tomcating | 10:42 |
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alecwh | guys | 10:43 |
alecwh | found a better way | 10:43 |
alecwh | mpg123 '/home/alec/Music/Counting Crows/Films About Ghosts/02 - round here.mp3' | 10:43 |
alecwh | just the ''s | 10:43 |
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|GraBBer| | Now I need a shower and lunch. bbiab =) | 10:44 |
alecwh | wait | 10:45 |
alecwh | what time is it there | 10:45 |
alecwh | it's 2:44 here... | 10:45 |
alecwh | am | 10:45 |
magnetron | "there" | 10:45 |
magnetron | the world | 10:45 |
magnetron | 10:46 | 10:45 |
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alecwh | magnetron, do I need to start "schedulr" on bootup? | 10:47 |
alecwh | with session manager? | 10:47 |
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Kagemaro | Hi | 10:50 |
SlimeyPete | hi | 10:50 |
Kagemaro | Does anyone know if Ubuntu is tested with a Toshiba A100? | 10:51 |
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Kagemaro | Satellite A100* | 10:51 |
Kagemaro | I'm looking for a distro for my notebook that I can install in a couple of hours | 10:51 |
Lorne_Kun | Kagemaro, download the livecd and find out :3 | 10:51 |
SlimeyPete | not sure about the A100, but I use kubuntu on a Satellite L30-105 | 10:51 |
alecwh | It's always spooky and lonely here at this time Kagemaro, you best check tomorrow if you want more responses. :) | 10:51 |
Kagemaro | if the LiveCD works, can I install straight off it? | 10:52 |
Lorne_Kun | Kagemaro, yep | 10:52 |
Kagemaro | :) Tomorrow I'm abroad with no Internet | 10:52 |
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alecwh | yes, you can. | 10:52 |
alecwh | !install | 10:52 |
SlimeyPete | Kagemaro: yep. That's the official installation method. | 10:52 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 10:52 |
SlimeyPete | though there are others, as above ^^ | 10:52 |
alecwh | !download | 10:52 |
ubotu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 10:52 |
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Kagemaro | And it will install over my current OS (FreeBSD) without issue? | 10:53 |
Kagemaro | You can do all the partitioning etc from the LiveCD? | 10:53 |
magnetron | yes, Kagemaro | 10:53 |
alecwh | it should. Make sure you have yoru boot order list as "CD/DVD" first. | 10:53 |
alecwh | and, again, yes, gPartitioner | 10:53 |
alecwh | I think... | 10:53 |
alecwh | gparted. | 10:53 |
magnetron | gparted | 10:53 |
Javid | is there a quick command to mount an iso as a virtual drive? | 10:54 |
Kagemaro | Hmm, I'm not sure if my chip is 64 bit | 10:54 |
Kagemaro | Core 2 Duo | 10:54 |
alecwh | probably 32 bit | 10:54 |
dawn`chorus | !iso | Javid | 10:54 |
ubotu | Javid: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 10:54 |
alecwh | how much RAM do you have? | 10:54 |
Kagemaro | 1.5GB | 10:54 |
Javid | yaaaaaay thanks | 10:54 |
alecwh | you're most likely running 32 bit. | 10:55 |
Lorne_Kun | the Core(x) chips are all 32Bit except for the server chips | 10:55 |
Lorne_Kun | Xeons | 10:55 |
Kagemaro | Thanks | 10:55 |
magnetron | Kagemaro: use the 32bit version if unsure. not all packages are availiable for 64bit ubuntu | 10:55 |
alecwh | I'd start the download now if you want to use it by tomorrow... | 10:55 |
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alecwh | !download | Kagemaro | 10:55 |
ubotu | Kagemaro: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 10:55 |
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Kagemaro | Also how hard is setting up my wireless network card likely to be? | 10:55 |
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Lorne_Kun | !wireless | 10:55 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:55 |
magnetron | Kagemaro: depends on if your nic is supported | 10:55 |
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Kagemaro | its onboard one | 10:56 |
alecwh | goodnight all. | 10:56 |
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ferronica | hi all | 10:56 |
Lorne_Kun | Kagemaro, do you happen to know what it is? | 10:56 |
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Kagemaro | I'm looking for detailed spec | 10:58 |
bobsomebody | question, if someone is accessing my apache2 port, and my page does not log anything on that IP, and it repeats every 30 mins, would this qualify as something worth chasing down | 10:58 |
bobsomebody | Kagemaro, detailed spec on what? (sorry i just joined) | 10:58 |
magnetron | !hardware | Kagemaro | 10:58 |
ubotu | Kagemaro: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 10:58 |
r00723r0 | how do i remove my glchess config settings? | 10:58 |
bobsomebody | ah | 10:59 |
Kagemaro | Satellite A100-225 | 10:59 |
bobsomebody | toshiba is win | 10:59 |
bobsomebody | i think i have that one too | 10:59 |
Kagemaro | I'm wondering if ubuntu is going to make it difficult to use my wireless card | 11:00 |
bobsomebody | nah | 11:00 |
bobsomebody | it shouldng | 11:00 |
bobsomebody | *shouldnt | 11:00 |
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Kagemaro | Networking | 11:00 |
Kagemaro | Networking: Network adapter | 11:00 |
Kagemaro | Wireless LAN Supported: Yes | 11:00 |
Kagemaro | Wireless NIC: Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG | 11:00 |
Kagemaro | Data Link Protocol: Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11g | 11:00 |
Kagemaro | Compliant Standards: IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11g, Wi-Fi CERTIFIED | 11:00 |
r00723r0 | does anyone know how do i remove my glchess config settings? | 11:00 |
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Kagemaro | Does that help? | 11:00 |
bobsomebody | Kagemaro, you still got windblows on it right? | 11:00 |
Kagemaro | No, I have freebsd on it | 11:00 |
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bobsomebody | oh | 11:01 |
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Kagemaro | Which totally doesn't agree with the graphics card | 11:01 |
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Myrtti | Kagemaro: thank you for using pastebin or supplying link to the necessary info in the future | 11:01 |
bobsomebody | well.. i think it should have the Atheros line of integrated wireless cards in it | 11:01 |
bobsomebody | mine has one | 11:01 |
Myrtti | Kagemaro: instead of pasting the stuff here | 11:01 |
magnetron | Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG works great https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsIntel | 11:01 |
Bogaurd | how can I disable automounting in ubuntu? I'm trying to work with gparted, and ubuntu keep mounting partitions once they're created, which causes gparted to fail on the next operation in the queue... | 11:02 |
pirx | hi! i have added "birger ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" to /etc/sudoers, and still ubuntu asks for a password when user birger wants to usesudo, howcome? | 11:02 |
bobsomebody | Kagemaro: if it has issues u can always get a PMCIA (or whatever its called) Linksys wifi card | 11:02 |
bobsomebody | those work well w/ linux | 11:02 |
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Bogaurd | pirx: you must use the command 'visudo' do modify your sudoers | 11:02 |
Bogaurd | to*, rather | 11:02 |
Kagemaro | Which is the stable release? | 11:03 |
Kagemaro | 7.04 or 6.06 lts? | 11:03 |
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sinthetek | pirx: did you logout and back in? | 11:03 |
pirx | Bogaurd: ok, so visudo does a little more than just check syntax? | 11:03 |
magnetron | both are stable, Kagemaro, but the lts have a longer support cycle | 11:03 |
pirx | sinthetek: yes i sshd in and tried | 11:04 |
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Kagemaro | OK I'm on my Windblows machine, could anyone recommend a free application for writing ISO's to disc? | 11:04 |
Bogaurd | pirx: that's why the /etc/sudoers file says 'This file MUST be edited with the visudo command' ;) | 11:04 |
bobsomebody | Kagemaro, i have an ISO writter for windows if you want it | 11:05 |
sinthetek | pirx: you do know it will always ask for the user's pass the first time they use sudo, right? | 11:05 |
magnetron | http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/df/Ubuntusupport.svg Kagemaro | 11:05 |
SlimeyPete | Kagemaro: isorecorder. Google it :) | 11:05 |
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bobsomebody | Kagemaro, hang tight and let me put it on my server for you | 11:05 |
bobsomebody | its freeware btw | 11:05 |
Kagemaro | ty | 11:05 |
bobsomebody | np | 11:05 |
sinthetek | Bogaurd: all visudo does is prevent possible race conditions, afaik | 11:05 |
Kagemaro | 15 min left on download | 11:05 |
novato_br | this is incredible: the linux update is so very fast | 11:06 |
sinthetek | pirx: sudo only remembers the pass for a few min, after which it will prompt for your pass again | 11:06 |
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Bogaurd | sinthetek: the syntax he is entering will disable password requests | 11:06 |
Kagemaro | Can you get VMware Workstation off apt-get any more? | 11:06 |
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Bogaurd | how can I disable automounting in ubuntu? I'm trying to work with gparted, and ubuntu keep mounting partitions once they're created, which causes gparted to fail on the next operation in the queue... | 11:07 |
pirx | Bogaurd: bah! details:) | 11:07 |
bobsomebody | Kagemaro, http://x.jaywebdesigns.com/flashiso.exe | 11:07 |
Kagemaro | thanks | 11:08 |
bobsomebody | has a nag box, but its lightweight and burns pretty stable | 11:08 |
bobsomebody | np man, let me know when your done so i can clear the file from my public server | 11:08 |
Kagemaro | its cool i only plan to use it once ;) | 11:08 |
magnetron | Bogaurd: system > preferences > removable media | 11:08 |
sinthetek | Bogaurd: ahh, didn't know it disabled passwd completely, sorry | 11:08 |
Kagemaro | This comp is awful | 11:08 |
sinthetek | never messed with sudo much | 11:08 |
bobsomebody | Kagemaro, lol, yeah i barely use win stuff, but i keep them around for testing websites, so now i have this HUGE archive of win installers | 11:09 |
bobsomebody | for diff progs | 11:09 |
bobsomebody | god i cant type tonight | 11:09 |
Kagemaro | i love using a 400mhz computer with 64mb ram :/ | 11:10 |
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magnetron | Kagemaro: i don't think that will be enough to run ubuntu with gnome.... | 11:11 |
Kagemaro | This is my windows box | 11:11 |
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magnetron | kk | 11:11 |
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@rrcs-24-172-161-4.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kagemaro | Ubuntu's going on my Core 2 Duo laptop | 11:11 |
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Kagemaro | I cant get wireless working on the laptop under FreeBSD | 11:11 |
bobsomebody | Kagemaro, did the download finnish yet? | 11:11 |
Kagemaro | Im checking | 11:11 |
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bobsomebody | Kagemaro, k, | 11:12 |
Kagemaro | where does IE7 download to by default? | 11:12 |
Kagemaro | Anyone know? :P | 11:13 |
m0sand | Desktop? | 11:13 |
Bogaurd | magnetron: thanks. sinthetek - no probs ;-) | 11:13 |
bobsomebody | IE7 should download straight to trash | 11:13 |
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bobsomebody | but thats imho | 11:13 |
bobsomebody | :) | 11:13 |
m0sand | hehe | 11:13 |
m0sand | :) | 11:13 |
Kagemaro | :) | 11:13 |
Kagemaro | I'd have to agree | 11:13 |
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Kagemaro | but I cant be bothered to download firefox, just to download stuff :P | 11:14 |
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Kagemaro | on a comp i dont use | 11:14 |
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bobsomebody | Kagemaro, yeah, i have IE 6 + 7 on 2 computers | 11:15 |
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m0sand | How come I have to run insmod /lib/modules/kernel/misc/fglrx.ko every time I boot my computer ;P Thought it would just stay installed and working.. :P | 11:16 |
bobsomebody | Kagemaro, but like i said, thats just to test my sites | 11:16 |
bobsomebody | those comps have Opera and FF on them also | 11:16 |
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bobsomebody | lol, my linux boxes have like 12-13 browsers on them | 11:16 |
m0sand | hehe | 11:16 |
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bobsomebody | Kagemaro, did that file ever finnish? | 11:17 |
bobsomebody | my host dosent allow hosting exe's so i gotta delete it off the disk when your done | 11:17 |
ThanatosDrive | How can I open .rar files? | 11:18 |
bobsomebody | winrar | 11:18 |
bobsomebody | lol, j/k | 11:18 |
m0sand | winrar? unrar perhaps ;) | 11:18 |
bobsomebody | unrar seems a little better imho | 11:18 |
bobsomebody | winrar gets pissy alot for me | 11:18 |
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ThanatosDrive | I'm surprised 7zip doesn't work. | 11:18 |
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Kagemaro | lol no, IE7 stopped it because it obviously knows more about my security needs than I do :( | 11:19 |
bobsomebody | Kagemaro, i lol'ed myself so hard | 11:19 |
bobsomebody | haha | 11:19 |
bobsomebody | oh hey | 11:19 |
Kagemaro | It should've stopped me downloading IE7 lol | 11:19 |
Kagemaro | Since I've had it this comp has halved in speed | 11:19 |
bobsomebody | u guys wanna read something funny? linux related kinda | 11:19 |
m0sand | yeah | 11:19 |
Kagemaro | OK download is done, thanks Bob | 11:19 |
=== domster [n=dominic@125-238-115-23.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobsomebody | look for free services | 11:20 |
bobsomebody | use FF | 11:20 |
Kagemaro | I actually had to download Getright in order to get it :/ | 11:20 |
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Kagemaro | Getright to download at 700k/sec | 11:20 |
Kagemaro | Thats sobering | 11:20 |
bobsomebody | Kagemaro, ok, cool, enjoy L:) | 11:20 |
ThanatosDrive | How do I install unRAR? | 11:20 |
pirx | sinthetek: yes, but it shouldnt ask me for more passwords once i have entered the correct line into /etc/sudoers | 11:20 |
Kagemaro | ty again | 11:20 |
novato_br | i'm trying to make ubuntu's instalation disk with my pendrive, but i cant copy the file "filesystem.squashfs" to pendrive, why ? | 11:21 |
bobsomebody | Kagemaro, its all good, figure i could save u google-time :) did u see that link i poseted? go read free services at the bottom | 11:21 |
bobsomebody | will make everyone laugh | 11:21 |
Kagemaro | Windows is a bit like a virus | 11:21 |
=== thefoxx [n=janek@brln-4db11b4b.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kagemaro | Spreads really fast and slows down comps | 11:21 |
m0sand | ThanatosDrive: you should be able to just apt-get it I guess | 11:21 |
bobsomebody | lol | 11:21 |
=== Wodger [n=wodger@80-195-176-54.cable.ubr01.nmal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ThanatosDrive | m0sand: Giving it a try | 11:21 |
bobsomebody | ThanatosDrive, do apt-cache search unrar | 11:22 |
bobsomebody | if apt-get install unrar dont work | 11:22 |
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bobsomebody | in case its under a diff name, or has unrar-install or whatever | 11:22 |
ThanatosDrive | Why won't 7zip work BTW? | 11:22 |
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bobsomebody | alright guys n gals, i got some PHP to do.... | 11:24 |
m0sand | bobsomebody: Nice site, they can install linux for free on my comps | 11:24 |
bobsomebody | m0sand, thats my site | 11:25 |
m0sand | right | 11:25 |
m0sand | :) | 11:25 |
bobsomebody | i do free linux installs for local customers who have windows on there comp | 11:25 |
m0sand | ;) | 11:25 |
bobsomebody | i will be more than happy to mail you a CD if you send me a SASA | 11:25 |
bobsomebody | :) | 11:25 |
macogw | SASE you eman | 11:26 |
macogw | *mean | 11:26 |
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bobsomebody | actually... dang i dotn even have the UPS-Box open yet | 11:26 |
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zanaga | m0sand: they will install linux on your broken computers for free | 11:26 |
bobsomebody | i was supposed to do that yesterday, Lol, and yeah SASE :P | 11:26 |
macogw | bobsomebody: linux wasnt around in the 70s. linus started in 1991 | 11:26 |
Goc_ | How do I force Ubuntu to display a resolution higher than 1024? I'm assuming I need to install a driver for my screen, but I can't find where I'd do such a ting | 11:26 |
macogw | Goc_: intel graphics? you need 915resolution | 11:26 |
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bobsomebody | macogw, noted | 11:26 |
=== bobsomebody changes that | ||
macogw | bobsomebody: if you mean GNU, that was the early 80s | 11:27 |
macogw | '82 or '83, i think | 11:27 |
Goc_ | SOme integrated junk, so I'm assuming Intel | 11:27 |
bobsomebody | cool, i put it to 80's | 11:27 |
macogw | Goc_: k then yeah "sudo aptitude install 915resolution" | 11:27 |
macogw | bobsomebody: change the phrasing to "GNU/Linux" then | 11:27 |
erUSUL | !fixres | Goc_ | 11:28 |
ubotu | Goc_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:28 |
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=== bobsomebody changed to 80's | ||
bobsomebody | macogw, i dont want to scare ppl with complex looking lingo on the site | 11:28 |
bobsomebody | remember this targets windows users | 11:29 |
macogw | you could put GNU + Linux... | 11:29 |
macogw | i'm just sayin, linux started in 1991, not the 80s | 11:29 |
macogw | GNU is from the 80s, and we use them together, but one is about a decade older than the other | 11:29 |
Throdne | dodsomebody, what is your site? | 11:29 |
Throdne | bob | 11:29 |
bobsomebody | Throdne, | 11:29 |
bobsomebody | is test site | 11:29 |
macogw | no domain name? | 11:29 |
bobsomebody | http://x.jaywebdesigns.com is current public page | 11:30 |
Throdne | yeah that is the same with mine | 11:30 |
macogw | gonna be a bit hard for customers to remember your ip address, dont ya think? | 11:30 |
bobsomebody | i dont have a "my".com | 11:30 |
=== Busata [n=Busata@d54C4433F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobsomebody | i use a free host, i know the owner so he makes sure my page is up, even if the free host goes offline | 11:30 |
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bobsomebody | jaywebdesigns.com is the EPIC WIN of free webhosts | 11:30 |
bobsomebody | oh, if your looking at my site @ my test server, use FF | 11:31 |
bobsomebody | nothing else will render yet, | 11:31 |
bobsomebody | i think this is the most action port 80's seen in ages :P | 11:31 |
=== bobsomebody has log's go to a dedicated screen ;) | ||
m0sand | haha | 11:32 |
=== bobsomebody has too much stuff in this room http://x.jaywebdeigns.com/i_win.avi | ||
bobsomebody | is the flash working right for everyone? | 11:33 |
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m0sand | Yeah it came up nicely | 11:33 |
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bobsomebody | cool | 11:33 |
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bobsomebody | thats WYSIWYG flash too, lol | 11:33 |
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m0sand | all good ;) | 11:33 |
bobsomebody | yeah this page is a monster of code | 11:34 |
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Qodosh | Anyone know why I might not be able to install updates, I click install, and it begins reading the package but it doesnt install | 11:34 |
bobsomebody | u notice the redirect when u went to the page right? | 11:34 |
ThanatosDrive | How do I make a file hidden? | 11:34 |
Qodosh | and I cant seem to open users and groups | 11:34 |
Qodosh | it just tries to load | 11:34 |
Qodosh | and stops | 11:34 |
bobsomebody | that sends screen size to the PHP so i can adjust the site for OS, Browser, and Screen Res | 11:34 |
cartesian1984 | bobsomebody: Ouch. Your flash broke my firefox. | 11:34 |
bobsomebody | ? | 11:35 |
bobsomebody | that has to be a local issue | 11:35 |
cartesian1984 | Flash in FF can cause random crashes :\ | 11:35 |
mat1980 | ThanatosDrive you have to put . as prefix to its name | 11:35 |
cartesian1984 | One of the many reasons I hate flash. | 11:35 |
ThanatosDrive | mat1980: Will that permanently change its name? | 11:35 |
macogw | ThanatosDrive: name it with a . at the beginning | 11:35 |
mat1980 | ThanatosDrive yes | 11:36 |
ThanatosDrive | mat1980: Because I need the file names to stay the same. | 11:36 |
macogw | Qodosh: try doing it in the terminal | 11:36 |
ThanatosDrive | cartesian1984: Why not hate FF instead? | 11:36 |
bobsomebody | cartesian1984, i test in FF, the site works in FF on windows and linux, even FF on windows on 1.8ghz/128mb ram | 11:36 |
jdr | hey: anyone a solution for the problem: Starting cups: cupsd: symbol lookup error: cupsd: undefined symbol: _httpReadGNUTLS (Centos5 x86_64) ? | 11:36 |
m0sand | bobsomebody: oh okey.. Yeah worked like a charm ;D | 11:36 |
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ThanatosDrive | And how do I get rid of the .trash/username folder that's created? | 11:36 |
macogw | .trash/username? | 11:37 |
macogw | created by what where? | 11:37 |
mat1980 | ThanatosDrive on Linux (and I guess all other unix-like system) hidden files are created with . as prefix. I don't know other way. | 11:37 |
macogw | it should be /home/username/.Trash | 11:37 |
Qodosh | macogw: the upgrade worked in terminal | 11:37 |
ThanatosDrive | macogw: Created by Linux on my MicroSD | 11:37 |
bobsomebody | alright #ubtuntu's | 11:37 |
bobsomebody | im out | 11:37 |
macogw | ThanatosDrive: oooo that | 11:37 |
macogw | ThanatosDrive: empty your regular trash can | 11:37 |
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bobsomebody | qwerty on my brotha's | 11:37 |
ThanatosDrive | macogw: I did. The folder is still there, but it's empty. | 11:37 |
macogw | ThanatosDrive: they're linked up kinda | 11:37 |
cartesian1984 | ThanatosDrive: I'm getting to hating that too, but it doesn't happen without flash. | 11:38 |
Qodosh | macogw: but I am also trying to get into user and groups gui, might you know why it wont load? | 11:38 |
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macogw | ThanatosDrive: oh well if its empty, whats teh problem? | 11:38 |
macogw | ThanatosDrive: if you just dont like seeing it, delete it | 11:38 |
macogw | Qodosh: nope | 11:38 |
ThanatosDrive | macogw: It's unsightly. And how do I see this hidden folder in Linux? | 11:38 |
ThanatosDrive | macogw: Terminal? | 11:38 |
macogw | ThanatosDrive: ls -a in terminal or ctrl + h in nautilus | 11:38 |
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Qodosh | i dont have a root directory | 11:41 |
cartesian1984 | Qodosh: that's not possible in UNIX. | 11:41 |
SlimeyPete | Qodosh: the root directory is / | 11:41 |
TiMiDo | hey im having issued | 11:42 |
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ferronica | what is the purpose is EasyTag Application ubuntu fiesty fawn ? | 11:42 |
SlimeyPete | unless you mean /root, which is the root user's home directory. | 11:42 |
Qodosh | no arg, i mean i had a user root dir | 11:42 |
Qodosh | sorry lol | 11:42 |
cartesian1984 | Oh :) | 11:42 |
macogw | ferronica: id3 tags on mp3s | 11:42 |
Qodosh | slimeypete thats what i meant | 11:42 |
Qodosh | :p | 11:42 |
macogw | ferronica: i prefer audio tag tool though | 11:42 |
SlimeyPete | Qodosh: so create it :) | 11:42 |
Qodosh | heh i did | 11:42 |
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Qodosh | I am justr trying to figure out what the heck went wrong with users and groups gui in ubuntu | 11:42 |
gypsymauro | hi | 11:42 |
gypsymauro | I've problems printing to an hp laserjet 5000 if I try to print it says E [18/Jul/2007:11:46:29 +0200] [Job 12] No %%BoundingBox: comment in header! | 11:43 |
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ferronica | macogw: id3 = ? | 11:43 |
gypsymauro | any hint? | 11:43 |
Qodosh | this is what I get with trying to figure how to do the whole chroot jail thing | 11:43 |
Qodosh | arg | 11:43 |
ferronica | macogw: changing name of mp3 | 11:43 |
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macogw | ferronica: the parts of the mp3 that store artist, track number ___ of ____, album, album artist, comment, etc | 11:44 |
Slipknot | im gettnig this error while doing apt-setup and setting up the mirrors Failed to access the Ubuntu archive # | 11:44 |
Slipknot | 11:44 | |
Slipknot | While trying to access the Ubuntu archive using the information you | 11:44 |
Slipknot | provided, the Ubuntu package management tool, apt, returned the | 11:44 |
Slipknot | following error. The questions will be asked again. | 11:44 |
Slipknot | any ideas/ | 11:44 |
macogw | you didnt post the error | 11:44 |
macogw | you posted a thing saying "the error will be next" | 11:44 |
erUSUL | !paste > Slipknot | 11:44 |
Slipknot | W: Couldn't stat source package list http://security.ubuntu.com hoary-security/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary-security_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 11:45 |
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Slipknot | it says i need a key | 11:47 |
pirx | the deal that sudo remembers the password for a while, is that actually a sudo thing, or is it ubuntu that somehow remembers it? | 11:47 |
gordonjcp | pirx: it's sudo | 11:47 |
pirx | must be a new thing, dont remember that from other dists i have used | 11:48 |
AutumnCat | pirx: sudo -k | 11:48 |
Slipknot | erUSUL, any ideas why im gettnig this error | 11:48 |
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macogw | Slipknot: did you just add a new repo to your sources.list? | 11:48 |
Kagemaro | OK, the live CD is booting :D | 11:49 |
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AutumnCat | macogw: maybe his ubuntu is too old.. | 11:49 |
macogw | AutumnCat: if its asking for a key though, that sounds like adding a new repo and not adding the pgp key | 11:50 |
macogw | AutumnCat: they didnt delete the repos for the old dists | 11:50 |
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macogw | he should upgrade though | 11:50 |
macogw | heck if thats hoary....dang | 11:50 |
Slipknot | nope macogw i havent touched it | 11:50 |
macogw | Slipknot: never got around to upgrading? | 11:50 |
AutumnCat | http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ <-- it seem that there's not a repo for hoary .. | 11:50 |
Slipknot | nope | 11:50 |
dev_0 | ola, I want to install new windows xp in my hardisk, but I'm afraid it will overwrite by MBR so my ubuntu cannot start again, how to avoid this problem | 11:50 |
Slipknot | i wanted to installed feisty | 11:51 |
macogw | ok, and? | 11:51 |
Slipknot | !feisty | 11:51 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents | 11:51 |
macogw | change your sources.list to all say breezy, upgrade to that | 11:51 |
macogw | then dapper, dist-upgrade to that | 11:51 |
macogw | then edgy, dist-upgrade to that | 11:51 |
macogw | then feisty, dist-upgrade to that | 11:51 |
macogw | or reinstall | 11:51 |
macogw | but you cant skip | 11:51 |
Kagemaro | OK I've booted off the Live CD, my res has defaulted to 1024x768, how do I change i? | 11:52 |
Kagemaro | it*? | 11:52 |
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Slipknot | blah | 11:52 |
AutumnCat | maybe I was wrong :P http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/indices/ | 11:52 |
Slipknot | macogw, what if i just put feisty? | 11:53 |
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macogw | you cant skip | 11:53 |
Peaker | why does apt lock in download-only mode? | 11:53 |
macogw | itll break | 11:53 |
Slipknot | why not? | 11:53 |
Slipknot | are you sure? | 11:53 |
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Slipknot | well i did that. | 11:53 |
macogw | if you skip that many versions at once, itll break | 11:53 |
Slipknot | badly? | 11:53 |
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Kagemaro | OK I've booted off the Live CD, my resolution has defaulted to 1024x768, how do I change it? (I'm on a widescreen) | 11:53 |
Lorne_Kun | Kagemaro, do you have ATI or NVIDIA or some onboard graphics? | 11:54 |
Kagemaro | ati radeon x1300 mobility | 11:54 |
macogw | because so many different programs had things change and different config file that they might not be able to understand the old ones and they get fixed each time (it asks on some "do you want to rewrite this config file?") and its in general a bad idea to skip lots of versions, from what ive heard | 11:54 |
Slipknot | i've done from woody to sid | 11:54 |
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Slipknot | and it has broken but not badly | 11:55 |
Slipknot | that i've have to reinstalled everything again | 11:55 |
macogw | i dont know how badly | 11:55 |
macogw | ive never tried because TFMs says "dont do it" | 11:55 |
Slipknot | i'll do it =) | 11:55 |
macogw | idk if you've noticed, but ubuntu has a rather "fragile" dist-upgrade process | 11:55 |
Slipknot | and i'll tell you | 11:55 |
AzMoo | Hey guys, I just got a new monitor. I don't really want to set up my xorg.conf manually though, so is there any way I can get it to auto-detect? | 11:55 |
macogw | AzMoo: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 11:56 |
macogw | AzMoo: itll ask questions | 11:56 |
AzMoo | macogw, wicked, thanks :) | 11:56 |
AzMoo | macogw, it's not asking me questions :\ | 11:57 |
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AzMoo | xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration | 11:57 |
AzMoo | file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20070718192656 | 11:57 |
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macogw | AzMoo: ok...so? | 11:57 |
macogw | AzMoo: its just telling you thats its gonna config your xorg.conf and if you did stuff the changes will be lost | 11:58 |
AzMoo | macogw, yeah, but then it doesn't do anything else. | 11:58 |
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macogw | AzMoo: oh. try without -phigh then. i mightve spelled that wrong | 11:58 |
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macogw | AzMoo: the flag bit is to make it STFU and not ask about keyboard, but i might not remember it right, so you have to sit through the keyboard questions | 11:59 |
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AzMoo | macogw, yeah, that's working, thanks :) | 11:59 |
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rancidlm | hey all quick question.. i have a laptop with a broken cdrom drive.. and it has no option to boot from usb.. so my question is .. is there a way to do a ftp install using boot disks.. OR is there a way to take the hardrive out and do some sort of install using my external enclosure? | 11:59 |
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=== Ooooops is now known as AutumnCat | ||
gordonjcp | rancidlm: probably the latter | 12:00 |
macogw | ive installed from a different comp and shoved it in before | 12:00 |
macogw | might have to reconfigure X if you have different graphics cards | 12:00 |
macogw | other than that, should be fine | 12:00 |
Kagemaro | I did that on my old libretto | 12:00 |
macogw | well, wireless too | 12:00 |
gordonjcp | rancidlm: I've had best results from using a 2.5" to 3.5" adaptor and sticking the laptop drive in my desktop | 12:00 |
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gordonjcp | Kagemaro: yeah, that's how I put NetBSD on my libretto | 12:01 |
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Kagemaro | I can never get X to work on NetBSD :/ | 12:01 |
rancidlm | gordonjcp: well i have a working laptop i can just shove in and use it to do the install | 12:01 |
rancidlm | but this is good at least i know i can install it that way lol | 12:02 |
Kagemaro | make sure you dont do what i did :P | 12:02 |
Kagemaro | install on a 64bit then put it back in a 32bit machine | 12:02 |
rancidlm | OR .. (convoluted idea time) is there a boot loader that i can copy ISO's to and it will boot the ISO's as if the cdrom was in the pc? | 12:02 |
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hamedv90 | hello | 12:03 |
Slipknot | let's see macogw | 12:04 |
Kagemaro | That would be a fat-assed MBR | 12:04 |
Slipknot | is going well so far =) | 12:04 |
Kagemaro | an ISO :D | 12:04 |
Slipknot | i need 5 more minutes, | 12:04 |
flupzor | rancidlm: the device name will probably change for grub so you will probably have to change that first time you will boot | 12:04 |
macogw | 5 minutes? | 12:05 |
macogw | damn fast server! | 12:05 |
Slipknot | yeap | 12:05 |
Slipknot | ;X | 12:05 |
gordonjcp | rancidlm: yup, that'll work | 12:05 |
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alesan | re | 12:06 |
Kagemaro | Can anyone help me get this working at my native 1280x800 widescreen res? | 12:06 |
alesan | do you have any idea how to set my monitor at 1440x900? | 12:06 |
P1r4t3 | thank you all for everything, good night.:) | 12:06 |
Slipknot | Kagemaro, edit you're xorg.conf at /etc/X11/xorg.conf or whatever you're xorg.conf is called | 12:06 |
Kagemaro | lol alesan - your question is startlingly similar to mine :P | 12:06 |
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alesan | Kagemaro, :) | 12:07 |
Kagemaro | I dont know if Linux is different but under BSD my KDE ignored my Xorg.conf completely | 12:07 |
Kagemaro | And sat stubbornly in 1024x768 | 12:07 |
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alesan | which graphic card do you have? | 12:07 |
Kagemaro | Radeon X1300 Mobility | 12:07 |
alesan | mh | 12:08 |
AzMoo | macogw, it worked! Thanks :D | 12:08 |
AzMoo | although now beryl is broken :p | 12:09 |
Slipknot | is it? | 12:09 |
Slipknot | ;X | 12:09 |
Slipknot | used compiz | 12:09 |
Slipknot | i've heard it was better, | 12:09 |
Slipknot | i'll try compiz right now | 12:09 |
Slipknot | when i finish with my update | 12:09 |
Kagemaro | If your update doesnt slaughter your OS :P | 12:11 |
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Kagemaro | 54% installed | 12:12 |
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Kagemaro | Has anyone used the successor to Gaim? | 12:14 |
Slipknot | macogw, done with the update nothing happend (: | 12:15 |
Kagemaro | Until you restart ;) | 12:15 |
Slipknot | huh | 12:15 |
rancidlm | Kagemaro: pidgin? | 12:15 |
Kagemaro | I managed to Slaughter a debian install with apt-get update | 12:16 |
Kagemaro | Rancid - yes | 12:16 |
Kagemaro | Is it any good? | 12:16 |
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Kagemaro | (any better than Gaim?) | 12:16 |
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rancidlm | Kagemaro: i like it better then gaim.. but that being said still lacks alot of msn protocols.. it would be nice if it could do what amsn can | 12:16 |
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macogw | pidgin is new gaim | 12:17 |
Kagemaro | does skype work under linux yet? | 12:17 |
macogw | oh whoops | 12:17 |
rancidlm | Kagemaro: oh heck yes.. theres been a few version out too | 12:17 |
macogw | skype has worked for a while | 12:17 |
macogw | but it lacks video | 12:17 |
rancidlm | yup | 12:17 |
macogw | its skype 1 | 12:17 |
Kagemaro | i dont use video | 12:17 |
Kagemaro | Just voice | 12:17 |
macogw | windows and mac have version 3 | 12:17 |
macogw | then what do you need skype for? | 12:17 |
macogw | use SIP | 12:17 |
macogw | heck, with video, use SIP | 12:18 |
Kagemaro | friend is on windblows :P | 12:18 |
macogw | yeah and? | 12:18 |
macogw | MSN = a SIP client | 12:18 |
Kagemaro | He only has skype and teamspeak | 12:18 |
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Slipknot | nice first error macogw =) | 12:18 |
macogw | Slipknot: what is it? | 12:18 |
Kagemaro | Does Teamspeak work under Linux? | 12:18 |
rancidlm | yes | 12:18 |
Slipknot | trying to overwrite `/usr/X11R6/bin', which is also in package rdesktop | 12:18 |
rancidlm | there is a native linux client | 12:18 |
rancidlm | for teamspeak | 12:18 |
macogw | he doesnt have msn? its built into windows | 12:19 |
rancidlm | as for ventrillo.. i have spent many of nights trying to get that to work in linux :S | 12:19 |
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Kagemaro | He doesnt use MSN | 12:20 |
Slipknot | any ideas macogw | 12:20 |
Kagemaro | I'm sure he has that awful windows messenger client :P | 12:20 |
macogw | nope | 12:20 |
Slipknot | nice | 12:20 |
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FreakyTallKid | hello? | 12:21 |
Sonicadvance1 | yes? | 12:21 |
slytherin | FreakyTallKid: hi | 12:21 |
Kagemaro | Linux has come on a long way since I last used it :S | 12:21 |
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FreakyTallKid | hey cool, i got it to work. soory im a little new to IRC | 12:21 |
Kagemaro | All we need now is WoW for Linux :P | 12:23 |
Kagemaro | And I will no longer require a Windows partition | 12:24 |
=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-276945.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
macogw | Kagemaro: it works with wine, doesnt it? | 12:24 |
Kagemaro | Does it? | 12:24 |
macogw | Kagemaro: there's a lot of WoW talk on the forums | 12:24 |
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Kagemaro | I havent used Wine for about 2 years | 12:24 |
Kagemaro | I've always used VMWare | 12:25 |
macogw | if it didnt, i doubt itd be such a common topic on there | 12:25 |
eddmendonca | after I did apt-get lapack3, I can't compile with -llapack (not found??) | 12:25 |
Kagemaro | Unless they all use virtual boxes | 12:25 |
Ind[y] | Although "Update Notifier" is enabled to run at the start of the session, it does not display me the updates. I have to manually run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" in order to update my software. Why? | 12:25 |
slytherin | Kagemaro: wine is not virtual box | 12:25 |
Kagemaro | No I know | 12:25 |
Kagemaro | vmware is :) | 12:25 |
Kagemaro | can you get vmware workstation via apt-get still? | 12:25 |
TiMiDo | damn macogw any ideas with the error im slipknot | 12:26 |
TiMiDo | i should have listen to you | 12:26 |
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macogw | i dont know | 12:26 |
eddmendonca | -llapack can't be found! can anyone help? | 12:26 |
_Johny | Does anyone of you use MOC player on Ubuntu? | 12:26 |
macogw | i told you not to | 12:26 |
macogw | i suppose it has to do with Xorg upgrades | 12:26 |
TiMiDo | right. | 12:26 |
macogw | but i dont know how to fix it | 12:26 |
TiMiDo | yeap it does. | 12:27 |
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slytherin | eddmendonca: What are the arguments passed to gcc? | 12:27 |
slytherin | _Johny: What is MOC? | 12:27 |
eddmendonca | #c++ -g -Wall -pedantic -o main -DTESTE_2 -llapack | 12:28 |
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Ind[y] | Although "Update Notifier" is enabled to run at the start of the session, it does not display me the updates. I have to manually run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" in order to update my software. Why? I mean, it does not appear an orange box at the system tray when there are updates available, so I can click on it and update-manager will start. | 12:28 |
_Johny | slytherin, It's a music player on console (MOC means; Music on console) | 12:28 |
Kagemaro | Does Winamp work with Wine? lol | 12:29 |
eddmendonca | slytherin: gonna try to install lapack3-dev maybe thats the problem (someone told me in boost channel) | 12:29 |
slytherin | eddmendonca: Install lapack3-dev and use pkg-config to retrive the include & library values. | 12:29 |
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berent | hi all | 12:29 |
_Johny | !wine | Kagemaro | 12:30 |
ubotu | Kagemaro: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 12:30 |
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berent | !nvidia | 12:30 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:30 |
jatt | !paste | 12:30 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:30 |
eddmendonca | slytherin: thanks ;) | 12:30 |
slytherin | Kagemaro: You don't need Winamp. There is this beautiful player called rhythmbox. :-) | 12:30 |
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slytherin | !rhythmbox > Kagemaro | 12:31 |
berent | can someone help me in installing nvidia drivers | 12:31 |
_Johny | or "Amarok" | 12:31 |
erUSUL | !nvidia | berent | 12:31 |
ubotu | berent: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:31 |
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jatt | how can I fix the following? | 12:31 |
jatt | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30310/ | 12:31 |
jatt | (I am using Dapper) | 12:31 |
berent | erUSUL : I am on character mode now unable to start x server | 12:31 |
Ind[y] | Although "Update Notifier" is enabled to run at the start of the session, it does not display me the updates. I have to manually run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" in order to update my software. Why? I mean, it does not appear an orange box at the system tray when there are updates available, so I can click on it and update-manager will start. | 12:32 |
_Johny | Kagemaro, If you're used to using winamp, I'd recommend you to try "xmms" | 12:32 |
erUSUL | berent: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' to get a working xorg.conf (with the nv driver for example) | 12:32 |
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slytherin | Ind[y] : Search on launchpad.net. Looks like there is already bug for that | 12:32 |
eddmendonca | slytherin: how do I should use pkg-config? | 12:33 |
Kagemaro | I have tried xmms in the past, I'll check it out but last time I used it, it was more like 'oldschool' winamp than the modern one | 12:33 |
berent | erUSUL: do you mean that will take care of installing the required drivers | 12:33 |
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Ind[y] | slytherin: ok. thank you. | 12:33 |
slytherin | eddmendonca: Wait | 12:33 |
flupzor | i have just restored a system backup using tar and everything seems to be working fine. But is there a way (using apt or aptitude) to verify if nothing is missing | 12:33 |
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erUSUL | berent: usually the nv driver and a hanfull of others are already installed the nv driver is an opensource driver for nvidia that only supports 2D | 12:34 |
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Kagemaro | erUSUL: How does one install a 3D capable driver for an ATi Radeon? | 12:34 |
erUSUL | berent: once you get to X you can install the 3D drivers | 12:34 |
SlimeyPete | !fglrx | kag | 12:35 |
ubotu | kag: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:35 |
erUSUL | Kagemaro: follow the instructions on the page ubotu told berent | 12:35 |
=== Kinks [n=Kinks@wnklmb01dc1-209-35.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
enyc | ?is /etc/iftab a "ubuntu" file -- not used in debian ? | 12:35 |
erUSUL | Kagemaro: or see above ;) | 12:35 |
berent | erUSUL:ok .i will come back if it doesn't work since i have to log out for that | 12:35 |
erUSUL | enyc: nope afaik | 12:35 |
enyc | erUSUL: erm.. you mean "correct" ?? | 12:35 |
enyc | erUSUL: im confused by "nope" in this circumstance | 12:36 |
=== Gecko [n=allan@80-243-112-28.vl24-cph.dhcp.dansketelecom.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | berent: use virtual consoles ALT + F2 to switch | 12:36 |
erUSUL | enyc: no, iftab it is a "generic" file any distribution can have it (udev usas it iirc) | 12:37 |
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slytherin | eddmendonca: Try something likeSomething like gcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs lapack3` -o test filename.c | 12:37 |
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enyc | erUSUL: right i see | 12:39 |
Kagemaro | OK my system is installed now | 12:39 |
enyc | erUSUL: Apparently /etc/iftab is uned on 6.06 6.10 7.04 ... | 12:39 |
Lorne_Kun | you've gotten farther than i did on my MacBook pro then :p | 12:40 |
enyc | erUSUL: and /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules on 7.10 onwards | 12:40 |
Kagemaro | !wifi | 12:40 |
erUSUL | enyc: see here http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/502 | 12:40 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 12:40 |
Kagemaro | is wifi easy to set up? | 12:40 |
Lorne_Kun | Kagemaro, is your card detected in the network manager? | 12:40 |
Kagemaro | how do i check? | 12:40 |
eddmendonca | slytherin: No package `lapack3' found... I tryed it with lapack3-dev and the got the same msg. | 12:40 |
enyc | erUSUL: aha ;-) ifrename ;-) | 12:41 |
enyc | erUSUL: thankyou ;-) | 12:41 |
Lorne_Kun | Administration --> Network | 12:41 |
Lorne_Kun | or | 12:41 |
macogw | Kagemaro: click the network manager applet in the top right corner | 12:41 |
Kagemaro | Oh, yeah I see it | 12:41 |
Kagemaro | Is there any way to find the network key? | 12:41 |
Lorne_Kun | you dont know it? | 12:41 |
Kagemaro | I never presumed I'd have to use it again :P | 12:41 |
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macogw | get on the computer thats wired to it | 12:42 |
Kagemaro | I haven't connected a new PC to it for about 2 years | 12:42 |
macogw | and go to the router config page | 12:42 |
erUSUL | enyc: no problem next time ask in the debian channel jeje ;D | 12:42 |
macogw | and read it | 12:42 |
sunken | Hi, I can not play music and lspci gives me: Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01). Can someone help me please? | 12:42 |
=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-276945.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
enyc | erUSUL: the reason i ask here is because i have an etch system with no 'iftab' and a feisty system with 'iftab' so I came here to ask about it ;-) | 12:43 |
Ind[y] | I can't see how it could be related to update-notifier, but will this solve my problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115005 | 12:43 |
Ind[y] | (the first post) | 12:43 |
HEP85 | can somebody recommend a good IDE? | 12:44 |
erUSUL | enyc: :D | 12:44 |
erUSUL | HEP85: language? | 12:44 |
HEP85 | erUSUL: C/C++ and if possible Java, too | 12:45 |
slytherin | HEP85: anjuta/eclipse | 12:45 |
HEP85 | slytherin: Thanks! | 12:45 |
erUSUL | HEP85: kdevelop (kde/qt) anjuta (C,C++/Gtk), eclipse (java and with CDT c & C++) etc. and then you have emacs ;) | 12:46 |
thexx | I'm having a strange prob with my serial device on feisty server. I connected two PCs with nullmodem cable. I can send FROM the feisty machine, but I don't receive anything I send TO the machine | 12:46 |
Ind[y] | HEP85: vim | 12:46 |
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enyc | thexx: how are you talking over the serial | 12:47 |
enyc | thexx: ? | 12:47 |
Ind[y] | I can't see how it could be related to update-notifier, but will this solve my problem? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115005 (the first post) | 12:47 |
thexx | enyc: via minicom or just echo and cat | 12:47 |
HEP85 | erUSUL: Thank you. I will try anjuta and eclipse | 12:47 |
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enyc | thexx: minicom both ends? | 12:47 |
thexx | yes | 12:47 |
thexx | baudrate the same | 12:47 |
thexx | all settings via stty the same | 12:48 |
HEP85 | Ind[y] : vim is a terminal based text editor, no IDE | 12:48 |
enyc | thexx: possibly there is an interrupt problem? try observing "cat /proc/interrupts" | 12:48 |
thexx | enyc: checking... | 12:48 |
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Kagemaro | My router's page shows 'under construction' on the other computer o_o | 12:48 |
Ind[y] | HEP85: I know, but it's the best for programming. | 12:48 |
HEP85 | Ind[y] : Are you kidding? | 12:49 |
Ind[y] | HEP85: not at all | 12:49 |
macogw | im with Ind[y] | 12:49 |
macogw | vim's da sh** | 12:49 |
thexx | enyc: strange, I can't find anything there resembling serial port | 12:49 |
HEP85 | Ind[y] : How do you compile with vim? How do you debug? | 12:50 |
macogw | you hit ZZ | 12:50 |
macogw | then do "javac" or "gcc" or whatever | 12:50 |
Ind[y] | HEP85: I don't compile with vim. I compile with a compiler. | 12:50 |
thexx | enyc: setserial tells me /dev/ttyS0 is on IRQ4 | 12:50 |
erUSUL | Ind[y] : looking for a flame fest with some member of the church of emacs XD ?? | 12:50 |
macogw | and you debug with print statements, like you do with anything... | 12:50 |
Ind[y] | HEP85: I debug according to the compiler's error messages and with breakpoints in the code. | 12:50 |
Ind[y] | erUSUL: :P | 12:51 |
HEP85 | Ind[y] : Really? I mean how do you start the compiler from within vim? | 12:51 |
thexx | but I can't find that on proc/interrupts | 12:51 |
macogw | i just do printf's or System.out.println() to see what's broken | 12:51 |
Ind[y] | HEP85: I don't. Why should I. | 12:51 |
Ind[y] | ? | 12:51 |
macogw | HEP85: why would you want to? | 12:51 |
macogw | besides IDE's want mice...eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww | 12:51 |
HEP85 | Ind[y] : Because it is faster | 12:51 |
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macogw | vim is awesome | 12:51 |
macogw | NO FARKING MOUSE | 12:51 |
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macogw | and no stupid GUI getting in the way | 12:52 |
erUSUL | !caps | 12:52 |
ubotu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 12:52 |
macogw | it wasnt at you | 12:52 |
HEP85 | macogw: Yes no mouse. I don't think one can work productively with terminal apps | 12:53 |
macogw | i dont think one can work productively with mice | 12:53 |
macogw | theyre slow | 12:53 |
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macogw | type a command, done in an instant | 12:53 |
TiMiDo | good i've fixed that error | 12:53 |
macogw | GUIs involve menus and dialog boxes.... | 12:54 |
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TiMiDo | you're smart macogw | 12:54 |
Gecko | ehm, stop lying. Vim has mouse support | 12:54 |
Gecko | you can start apps from within vim too | 12:54 |
Ind[y] | If sometime I have to work outside the console, I prefer a plain source editor, as Gedit. IDEs are just a waste of time. | 12:54 |
macogw | Gecko: doesnt that require turning something on in xorg to let the mouse go in the terminal? | 12:54 |
Gecko | macogw: no, don't think so | 12:55 |
Gecko | nope | 12:55 |
Gecko | just :set mouse=a | 12:55 |
macogw | there's some 3 letter name for using a mouse in the terminal | 12:55 |
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Gecko | gpm | 12:55 |
macogw | maybe in a tty you need that but not in an xterm? | 12:55 |
berent | thanks erUSUL: I am back and it has worked | 12:55 |
HEP85 | magocw: I bet I'm faster | 12:56 |
Gecko | you need to :set mouse=a under all circumstances | 12:56 |
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berent | !nvidia | 12:56 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:56 |
Kagemaro | anyone - how do i change the default resolution? | 12:56 |
Gecko | I haven't tried it in a tty, as I haven't really coded in a tty for some years | 12:56 |
Kagemaro | !resolution | 12:56 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:56 |
Kagemaro | This bot is pretty smart :P | 12:56 |
macogw | GUIs are for web browsing, because text-based browsers aren't so fun and text-browsers don't support YouTube | 12:57 |
TiMiDo | !your factoid | 12:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about your factoid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:57 |
Gecko | Kagemaro: yes, and you can actually query it in a private message, so you don't spam this channel :) | 12:57 |
wizek | How can I use that bot? :-P | 12:57 |
wizek | !bot | 12:57 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 12:57 |
wizek | :D lol | 12:57 |
macogw | anyone miss ubugtu? | 12:58 |
macogw | oh this one was fun but they got rid of it | 12:58 |
macogw | !anything | 12:58 |
ubotu | So, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone. | 12:58 |
Kagemaro | lol | 12:58 |
macogw | it DID used to say it didnt know anything about anything | 12:59 |
macogw | !nothing | 12:59 |
ubotu | Saying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail. | 12:59 |
macogw | aw | 12:59 |
Kagemaro | !linux | 12:59 |
ubotu | Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux | 12:59 |
macogw | !life the universe and everything | 12:59 |
Kagemaro | !computers | 12:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about computers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:59 |
Kagemaro | :D | 12:59 |
HEP85 | macogw: If terminal is so cool, why are so few people using it? | 12:59 |
Lorne_Kun | ask if the bot knows about sex :P | 12:59 |
Kagemaro | !teh s3xingz | 01:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about teh s3xingz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:00 |
TiMiDo | !sex | 01:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:00 |
Gecko | terminal or text-mode? | 01:00 |
Kagemaro | No, it doesnt | 01:00 |
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macogw | HEP85: theyre too lazy to learn the commands even though itd make them work faster | 01:00 |
ubuntu-rocks | hi guys, i'm looking on info on how to script installation of several pieces of software. e.g java, phpymadin,mytop etc | 01:00 |
TiMiDo | !tell Kagemaro about dick | 01:00 |
TiMiDo | ;X | 01:00 |
macogw | !botabuse | 01:00 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 01:00 |
TiMiDo | !bots | 01:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bots - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:00 |
Kagemaro | !IRC | 01:00 |
ubotu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines | 01:00 |
TiMiDo | !mirc | 01:00 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mirc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:00 |
macogw | ubuntu-rocks: just do "sudo apt-get install" then list them all | 01:01 |
TiMiDo | !xchat | 01:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xchat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:01 |
Gecko | Will you stop already!? | 01:01 |
Kagemaro | lol | 01:01 |
macogw | Gecko: like i said, !botabuse | 01:01 |
Gecko | exactly | 01:01 |
floating | !anything | 01:01 |
ubotu | So, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone. | 01:01 |
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ubuntu-rocks | macogw, cool thanks | 01:01 |
Ind[y] | !hi | 01:01 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 01:01 |
macogw | !botabuse > TiMiDo | 01:01 |
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TiMiDo | wtf | 01:01 |
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=== TiMiDo listening to the gathering | ||
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=== Seoke [n=heath@24-116-216-16.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
macogw | HEP85: or they're so hunt-n-peck that they manage to be faster with a mouse because it takes 2 minutes for them to type 3 letters | 01:03 |
Seoke | Whats a good multiplayer game on linux? | 01:03 |
floating | 01:03 | |
js_ | irssi | 01:03 |
js_ | :p | 01:03 |
jatt | Seoke: eboard | 01:03 |
macogw | Seoke: of what type? i like battle for wesnoth. it's a turn-based strategy game. you can play against the computer or online | 01:03 |
SlimeyPete | Seoke: enemy territory | 01:03 |
SlimeyPete | or unreal tournament | 01:03 |
TiMiDo | okey the update wasn't bad, | 01:03 |
Seoke | SlimeyPete: You can play ET and Unreal on Linux? | 01:04 |
metbsd | it's like asking, what's a good musical software on linux? | 01:04 |
HEP85 | macogw: You forget that not all people who work with a computer, are computer geeks which can type with ten finger system | 01:04 |
macogw | Seoke: yeah sure, why not? | 01:04 |
erUSUL | !jp | 01:04 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-jp #kubuntu-jp | 01:04 |
TiMiDo | nice | 01:04 |
HEP85 | macogw: So why are their no GUI apps which also have these nice keyboard shortcuts? Wouldn't that be the best of both worlds? | 01:04 |
macogw | that couldve been japanese | 01:04 |
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macogw | HEP85: they do have them, on non-mac systems at least | 01:04 |
SlimeyPete | Seoke: yep. They both have linux clients. | 01:04 |
macogw | HEP85: alt + a letter to open menus | 01:04 |
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macogw | HEP85: though theres still menus in use | 01:04 |
Seoke | SlimeyPete: Awesome I didnt know that o-o | 01:04 |
SlimeyPete | Seoke: as do the Quake and Doom games | 01:05 |
Seoke | SlimeyPete: Thanks! | 01:05 |
SlimeyPete | np | 01:05 |
macogw | HEP85: the direct keyboard tricks are unfortunately usually rather limited as compared to the options in the menus | 01:05 |
macogw | wow i meant to say that couldve been chinese not japanese | 01:05 |
Kagemaro | :( i think i typo'd my root pass twice | 01:05 |
TiMiDo | dumb ass | 01:06 |
TiMiDo | ;X | 01:06 |
Kagemaro | lol | 01:06 |
macogw | ooo wait | 01:06 |
macogw | hha | 01:06 |
TiMiDo | Water | 01:06 |
Kagemaro | is there a way to hack my own root? :/ | 01:06 |
macogw | that was a response to the multiplayer game question on linux | 01:06 |
Kagemaro | Or do I have to reinstall? | 01:06 |
Kagemaro | lol | 01:06 |
TiMiDo | has anyone have heard of a band called the gathering? | 01:06 |
macogw | since there's Go | 01:06 |
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TiMiDo | Kagemaro: do sudo passwd | 01:06 |
TiMiDo | if you're in the sudo group of course | 01:07 |
HEP85 | macogw: OK. I believe with some exercise you can be faster than using mouse. But what is with the display disadvantage in text-mode? | 01:07 |
HEP85 | *what about | 01:07 |
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Kagemaro | you win :D | 01:07 |
macogw | display disadvantage? | 01:07 |
macogw | i already said that for youtube and a lot of websites GUIs are needed | 01:08 |
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macogw | HEP85: example of keyboard v. mouse would be hunting through synaptic for all the packages you need, saying "yes mark the others too" over and over versus "sudo aptitude install -y thing thing1 thing2 thing3" | 01:09 |
Sonicadvance1 | Oi, anyone know of NIC cards that work out of the box in Ubuntu? | 01:09 |
HEP85 | macogw: I mean it is difficult to display graphics in textmode | 01:09 |
macogw | Sonicadvance1: most all of them | 01:09 |
Sonicadvance1 | Ones they sell on Newegg hopefully :P | 01:09 |
Kagemaro | OK using a Radeon X1300, my display driver should be 'radeon', 'ati' or 'vesa'? | 01:09 |
Sonicadvance1 | ah, but the one I bought for my computer I'm currently on isn't supported :P | 01:09 |
macogw | HEP85: uh huh...i dont get it? other than the internets, where do you use graphics? | 01:10 |
HEP85 | macogw: If you know the package names before it indeed is much faster | 01:10 |
erUSUL | Kagemaro: ati | 01:10 |
Sonicadvance1 | damn network everywhere crap | 01:10 |
macogw | aptitude search <word> | 01:10 |
Kagemaro | OK did that in single user mode | 01:10 |
Kagemaro | Now rebooting | 01:10 |
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p54A1F81E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HEP85 | macogw: To display a class diagramm for example. Or charts like in OO Calc | 01:11 |
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Sonicadvance1 | Also, this Network Everywhere card is said to be supported by the latest tulip driver but I either don't have the latest or ... | 01:11 |
g[r] eek | hi guys im trying to install dapper server lts on my REALLY OLD laptop. it installs fine. but when it reboots for the first time, it says loading GRUB menu in 3,2 ,1... and then as it passes that the very next thing it does resets the laptop | 01:11 |
g[r] eek | so its in a perpetual reset loop | 01:11 |
macogw | HEP85: ok yeah that stuff i guess you need it, but thats not really everyday stuff. ive done like 10 charts EVER | 01:12 |
macogw | what do you mean by class diagram though? UML? | 01:12 |
macogw | do people actually USE UML diagrams? | 01:12 |
macogw | i could never figure out their usefulness | 01:13 |
HEP85 | macogw: of course they do | 01:13 |
Kagemaro | I have an error with X | 01:13 |
Kagemaro | And all I did was change vesa to ati | 01:13 |
macogw | i mean, theyre always in text books | 01:13 |
Kagemaro | Do I have to do anything else? | 01:13 |
HEP85 | macogw: they are useful in very complex projects. | 01:13 |
macogw | id think a regular flowchart would be more useful | 01:13 |
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jatt | g[r] eek: just a thought: could you try to use pass the acpi=off option to the kernel? I have an old laptop too (DELL Inspiron 8200) and I had a problem with hardware which was fixed that way (it could be your problem is different and the acpi=off trick doesn't help at all) | 01:14 |
Kagemaro | Fatal Server Error: no screens found | 01:14 |
HEP85 | macogw: maybe, maybe not. I can't judge it | 01:14 |
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macogw | because if its complex, a listing of every single variable in the method isnt nearly as useful as step 1) do X 2) do Y 3) do A or if y do B | 01:14 |
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macogw | those always end up on paper with me | 01:15 |
macogw | pens are faster than mice too | 01:15 |
macogw | *especially* macbook touchpads | 01:15 |
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macogw | slow like molasses, those things... | 01:15 |
macogw | even on the fastest speed setting | 01:15 |
macogw | and they like to hang | 01:15 |
Kagemaro | Anyone? | 01:15 |
=== bullgard4 [n=detlef@p54BF1E4A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magic_ninja | how do i change from 32 to 16 bit ? | 01:16 |
macogw | magic_ninja: in xorg.conf set default depth to 16 | 01:16 |
macogw | i think | 01:16 |
martyyyr | I'm planning on setting up an ubuntu server (at home). Which directories would you recommend giving their own partitions? | 01:16 |
jatt | martyyyr: home | 01:17 |
=== MeRodent [n=eric@ppp121-44-208-189.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jatt | martyyyr: var | 01:17 |
jatt | martyyyr: eventually tmp | 01:17 |
magic_ninja | macogw: is that located in /etc/Xorg/Xorg.conf right? | 01:17 |
MeRodent | Can anyone help with beryl? | 01:17 |
magic_ninja | i havn't had to do it manually forever | 01:17 |
martyyyr | jatt: How big would these var and tmp partitions have to be? | 01:17 |
macogw | /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:17 |
magic_ninja | martyyyr: how big is ur hdd | 01:18 |
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martyyyr | Well, I have 2HDs, one of 120Gb and one of 180GB. The server will be installed on the 120GB one, while using the other one for data storage. | 01:18 |
Kagemaro | Anyone - I can only get X to load with vesa driver, which can't display the correct resolution. I am running an ATi Radeon Mobility X1300. What should I do to get my res to 1280x800? | 01:18 |
jatt | magic_ninja: that depends on your machine | 01:19 |
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magic_ninja | simply restarting x will cause the depth to go to 16 right? | 01:20 |
macogw | think so | 01:20 |
magic_ninja | ok lets try this | 01:20 |
Kagemaro | Anyone - I can only get X to load with vesa driver, which can't display the correct resolution. I am running an ATi Radeon Mobility X1300. What should I do to get my res to 1280x800? | 01:20 |
macogw | radeon X1300 is newish isnt it? | 01:21 |
=== alesan [n=user1@pD9E5989F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kagemaro | The laptop is about 8-10 months old | 01:21 |
alesan | hi | 01:21 |
macogw | as in, the radeon driver wont work because its for cards that are > 5 years old | 01:21 |
martyyyr | maginc_ninja: Unless the config file says 32. | 01:21 |
macogw | martyyyr: just modified it to default to 16 | 01:21 |
alesan | how can I find if some computer has the same IP in my network? | 01:21 |
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berent | is there any 3d game to be played which can test my mobo and graphic card capability on ubuntu | 01:21 |
Kagemaro | I tried the ATi driver too | 01:21 |
TiMiDo | alesan: w | 01:21 |
martyyyr | oh ok. | 01:21 |
Kagemaro | 'ati' | 01:21 |
Kagemaro | didnt work either | 01:22 |
macogw | Kagemaro: go to system > admin > restricted driver manager and use fglrx | 01:22 |
alesan | TiMiDo, ? | 01:22 |
Lorne_Kun | you're lucky you get a GUI at all :) | 01:22 |
TiMiDo | Nothing. don't listen to me | 01:22 |
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Lorne_Kun | when i boot the fiesty live, x fails to start :P | 01:22 |
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martyyyr | So, anyone? How big should I make my var and tmp partitions for my home server? | 01:22 |
macogw | Kagemaro: there a thread on ubuntuforums (linked to from the absolute beginners section) about ATI X**** cards | 01:22 |
alesan | martyyyr, why you need seperate partirions? | 01:22 |
alesan | I think if you have no idea about the size of the partition you don't need separate ones :) | 01:23 |
Kagemaro | in restricted drivers | 01:23 |
Kagemaro | it shows | 01:23 |
g[r] eek | jatt: thanks where would i set this option acpti=off? | 01:23 |
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Kagemaro | 'ATI accelerated graphics driver' not in use | 01:23 |
Kagemaro | Should I enable that? | 01:23 |
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martyyyr | alesan: Perhaps, but that's what I'm trying to find out. Everyone talks about seperate partitions, I'm trying to find out why. | 01:23 |
g[r] eek | jatt: btw, i tried booting in recovery mode and it also resets the same way | 01:23 |
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=== Seoke [n=heath@24-116-216-16.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seoke | How do I install a .run file? | 01:24 |
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alesan | martyyyr, on a *busy* server, a separate partition better if on a separate disk can help performance | 01:24 |
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alesan | and make the administrator's job a bit easier... | 01:25 |
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alesan | but on a "small/home" server you won't see any difference in performance | 01:25 |
Kagemaro | in restricted drivers it shows 'ATI accelerated graphics driver' but when I click enable on the dialog, the box stays unticked | 01:25 |
Seoke | How do I install a .run file? | 01:25 |
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@rrcs-24-172-161-4.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vhaarr | When I boot up and it starts X, my system just freezes for more than 5 minutes while it waits for some dbus connection to time out (I think), and it happens every time I boot - anyone know how I can prevent this? | 01:25 |
jatt | g[r] eek: hmm very strange. You can put the acpi=off option in the /boot/grub/menu.lst file. If you can boot from a live cd maybe you can modify that file. Or you could try to boot with the live cd and pass the option to it... can you boot from a live cd or it resets the machine? | 01:25 |
martyyyr | alesan: Well, the server will be pretty busy, even tho it's a home server. | 01:26 |
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vhaarr | Or fix it somehow. | 01:26 |
jatt | !acpi | 01:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:26 |
Kagemaro | in restricted drivers it shows 'ATI accelerated graphics driver' but when I click enable on the dialog, the box stays unticked ;; also in system > prefs > screen resolution there is no mention of 1280x800, just 1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480; even though 1280x800 is the ONLY entry in xorg.conf | 01:26 |
Lorne_Kun | strange. | 01:27 |
m3m0r3xXx|n\a| | !usb | 01:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:27 |
m3m0r3xXx|n\a| | how can i mount my irda device | 01:27 |
martyyyr | alesan: It's going to have to download/upload a lot of files from/to clients in the network regularly (read: A LOT). And there will be a few databases on it as well. | 01:28 |
m3m0r3xXx|n\a| | http://pastebin.ca/624563 | 01:28 |
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Seoke | How do I install from a .run file? | 01:29 |
Gecko | Seoke: open a terminal, run chmod +x filename and then run the file with ./filename | 01:29 |
alesan | martyyyr, I see, maybe you should consider using a separate hard disk. for the size of the partition... try to estimate how much space you're going to need and multiply that 3x :) | 01:29 |
wizek | I tried to install network between a WinXP and an Ubuntu 7.04, i see the XP's shared files, and i even can vrite or reed them, but from XP, it sees ubuntu, as a shared pc, but when i double-click on it, i have to write an username andpassword, and if i write there good username and password the windo only flashes one, then appear again... it doesen't let me see it's files, or log me in, et not even tells me that wrote a good pass or not... it | 01:29 |
Kagemaro | in restricted drivers it shows 'ATI accelerated graphics driver' but when I click enable on the dialog, the box stays unticked | 01:30 |
martyyyr | alesan: "for the size of the partition"? I'm not sure what you mean by this? | 01:30 |
martyyyr | alesan: nevermind. | 01:30 |
Seoke | Gecko: Said "bad trap" | 01:30 |
Kagemaro | in restricted drivers it shows 'ATI accelerated graphics driver' but when I click enable on the dialog, the box stays unticked ;; also in system > prefs > screen resolution there is no mention of 1280x800, just 1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480; even though 1280x800 is the ONLY entry in xorg.conf ** Anyone? | 01:30 |
Lorne_Kun | wizek, for me at least, i dont have to specifcy a password to access the shares on my ubuntu box | 01:30 |
alesan | martyyyr, I simply mean "about the size etc..." | 01:30 |
Lorne_Kun | that is, i leave them both blank | 01:30 |
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g[r] eek | jatt: ill get back to you regarding the livecd once i find one, one sec | 01:31 |
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ZeroA4 | wizek, if its only for you... the easyest way to access files is with ssh + winscp | 01:31 |
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martyyyr | alesan: Yeah, I should read more carefully :) I'm still lost btw...do I need var en tmp partitions or not? | 01:31 |
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alesan | martyyyr, wher do you plan to "copy" those files you were talkng about? | 01:32 |
m3m0r3xXx|n\a| | how can i mount my irda device plz | 01:32 |
alesan | on which directory? | 01:32 |
m3m0r3xXx|n\a| | it not finds the device | 01:33 |
Kagemaro | in restricted drivers it shows 'ATI accelerated graphics driver' but when I click enable on the dialog, the box stays unticked ;; also in system > prefs > screen resolution there is no mention of 1280x800, just 1024x768, 800x600 and 640x480; even though 1280x800 is the ONLY entry in xorg.conf ** Anyone? | 01:34 |
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martyyyr | alesan: I'm not really sure about that yet either. (I know, I suck) Most of those files are video files,20+ MB each. I was thinking about having them reside in the home directory. | 01:34 |
alesan | martyyyr, then don't use separate partitions for /var and so on. | 01:34 |
alesan | that is my humble advice. | 01:35 |
wizek | ZeroA4, what do u mean? -.- What should i exactly do to access my ubuntu files from xp? pls explain me clearly... :) | 01:35 |
martyyyr | alesan: but why? | 01:35 |
martyyyr | alesan: and what if I plan on installing a webserver and database server eventually? Basicall what I'm asking is, when would I need seperate partitions for var and tmp and the likes? | 01:37 |
alesan | martyyyr, if you're not going to use /var and /tmp *a lot*, there are no reasons in my opinion to mount those directoryies in a separate partition | 01:37 |
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martyyyr | alesan: That makes sense. | 01:38 |
wizek | ZeroA4, what do u mean? -.- What should i exactly do to access my ubuntu files from xp? pls explain me clearly... :) | 01:38 |
alesan | martyyyr, and you can switch to separate partitions "on the fly" in the future if you realize you need them | 01:39 |
Kagemaro | OK I've found out Vesa 2.0 doesn't actually support wide resolutions, anyone know how to install a working ATI driver? | 01:39 |
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alesan | Kagemaro, maybe ask in #ati they gave me some useful hint few days ago' | 01:40 |
Kagemaro | ty | 01:40 |
martyyyr | alesan: I can? You mean, if I'd still have free disk space by that time, right? | 01:40 |
alesan | martyyyr, sure, but the best then would be to use a new hard disk | 01:40 |
berent | is there any 3d game to be played which can test my mobo and graphic card capability on ubuntu | 01:40 |
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wizek | ZeroA4, are u here?? | 01:40 |
ZeroA4 | wizek, yes | 01:40 |
wizek | I tried to install network between a WinXP and an Ubuntu 7.04, i see the XP's shared files, and i even can vrite or reed them, but from XP, it sees ubuntu, as a shared pc, but when i double-click on it, i have to write an username andpassword, and if i write there good username and password the windo only flashes one, then appear again... it doesen't let me see it's files, or log me in, et not even tells me that wrote a good pass or not... it | 01:40 |
wizek | ZeroA4, what do u mean? -.- What should i exactly do to access my ubuntu files from xp? pls explain me clearly... :) | 01:41 |
ZeroA4 | wizek, i was away sorry | 01:41 |
wizek | ZeroA4, ok nvm | 01:41 |
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leafwiz | Anyone familiar with VMware? I'm just wondering how to autologin at localhost when starting vmware | 01:42 |
Kagemaro | Is there a way to test sound playback? | 01:42 |
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g[r] eek | jatt: i managed to press pause at the bootup phase just before it reset (haven't tried live cd yet) - it resets after "savedefault - boot" | 01:42 |
ZeroA4 | wizek, If it only for your access... you can use ssh server on ubuntu and winscp as client to access files on ubuntu from windows | 01:42 |
Kagemaro | Is there a way to test sound playback? | 01:42 |
g[r] eek | jatt: which is right near the beginning of the "booting ubuntu kernel" | 01:43 |
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ZeroA4 | wizek, you just need to install openssh-server on ubuntu (using apt-get) and winscp on windows(its opensource)... | 01:44 |
berent | Kagemaro : open sound under system-preferences | 01:44 |
=== guardian [n=Guardian@mar44-1-87-90-32-28.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jatt | g[r] eek: can you see a message saying grub or something similar, it does show that you can press the ESC key to enter the grub menu (this is before booting) | 01:44 |
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wizek | ZeroA4, ok, min and i'll do it | 01:45 |
guardian | hi, i'm exporting display to a remote machine on the network using $DISPLAY=host:number , would it be possible to have the application displayed both on the local display and on the remote one ??? | 01:45 |
Kagemaro | works, ty | 01:45 |
ZeroA4 | guardian, no... just one display | 01:45 |
guardian | ok | 01:46 |
guardian | too bad | 01:46 |
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ZeroA4 | guardian, what you need to do? | 01:46 |
ZeroA4 | guardian, maybe you can use vnc | 01:47 |
tim__b | Hi, anyone can help me with some bash: for i in */; do cd "$i" && my_custom_command && cd .. ; done it should enter every dir in the dir executet and do a command in there. when execuding i get the error, that the dir hasn't been found | 01:47 |
guardian | use my n800 nokia tablet, and record a video for screencasting purposes :) | 01:47 |
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guardian | yeah i'm investigating vnc on the device | 01:47 |
the9a3eedi | Hi #ubuntu. At some point, I got way too hyped up for compiz fusion, so I used a thread in ubuntu forums to install compiz fusion. This includes having to remove the "GL Desktop" feature that comes with Fiesty. I didn't like compiz fusion, so I removed it. How can I get the GL Desktop feature back? | 01:47 |
g[r] eek | jatt: yup. and i left that to count down to 0, and then straight after it clears screen and says "Booting 'Ubuntu, kernel 2.6 etc", next line "root (hd0,0)" then one or two more lines, and then at "savedefault" followed by "boot" it resets. | 01:47 |
TiMiDo | hey | 01:48 |
TiMiDo | how come i do not have sound? | 01:48 |
sunken | TiMiDo: since you have same problem as me | 01:48 |
=== Soth [i=eric@c-24-98-115-12.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TiMiDo | nice | 01:49 |
magic_ninja | !pastebin | 01:49 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:49 |
=== avp[en-ru] [n=avp@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fyrestrtr | the9a3eedi: [1] uninstall compiz fusion [2] remove the extra repos from your /etc/apt/source.list [3] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compiz-gnome | 01:49 |
sunken | TiMiDo: I have asked but no answer since 1h ago so... | 01:49 |
Frogzoo | TiMiDo: for i in */; do cd "$i" && my_custom_command ; done | 01:49 |
jatt | g[r] eek: could you try to press ESC before it reaches 0? Then in the grub menu you can modify the command line parameters for the kernel and add the acpi=off option (acpi=off is just a guess, but with old laptops acpi turned on can have problems) | 01:49 |
the9a3eedi | fyrestrtr: ah.. so the package is called compiz-gnome? I see | 01:50 |
the9a3eedi | thanks :D | 01:50 |
sunken | TiMiDo: luckily I have dualboot and a working MS Vista installed | 01:50 |
fyrestrtr | the9a3eedi: there is a wiki entry for it too. | 01:50 |
tim__b | thanks Frogzoo, i thought i had to leave the directory | 01:50 |
the9a3eedi | fyrestrtr: wait.. compiz-gnome is already installed o.O | 01:50 |
TiMiDo | Frogzoo, ? | 01:50 |
fyrestrtr | the9a3eedi: you need to remove the other repo first. | 01:50 |
avp[en-ru] | hi all | 01:50 |
g[r] eek | jatt: ok ill try that | 01:50 |
tim__b | TiMiDo, the msg was for me | 01:51 |
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ZeroA4 | sunken, TiMiDo you have no sound at all ? or can you play the samples files ? | 01:51 |
TiMiDo | ZeroA4, no sound at all | 01:51 |
sunken | ZeroA4: no sound at all | 01:51 |
TiMiDo | i've open my mozilla and play a video on youtube and no sound | 01:51 |
TiMiDo | 0 [V8235 ] : VIA8233 - VIA 8235 | 01:51 |
TiMiDo | VIA 8235 with CMI9761 at 0xdc00, irq 22 | 01:51 |
Frogzoo | TiMiDo: for i in */; do my_custom_command $i ; done | 01:52 |
the9a3eedi | fyrestrtr: well.. I commented those repos. That means that they are disabled right? | 01:52 |
ZeroA4 | Frogzoo, it tim__b you want to msg to! | 01:52 |
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fyrestrtr | the9a3eedi: you need to run apt-get update | 01:52 |
TiMiDo | any ideas ZeroA4 on how to fixed the sound? | 01:52 |
Frogzoo | TiMiDo: argh, soz | 01:52 |
g[r] eek | jatt: ok ive got the command line "grub> " do i just type it there and press enter? | 01:52 |
the9a3eedi | well.. I did it before. I used the same thread to undo all that I did. but in the end I didn't get GL Desktop back | 01:53 |
sunken | TiMiDo: please be patient | 01:53 |
sunken | :P | 01:53 |
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ZeroA4 | TiMiDo, sunken at a terminal the comand " lspci | grep Audio " returns something? | 01:53 |
TiMiDo | 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50) | 01:53 |
sunken | ZeroA4: posted that erlier, but again: 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01) | 01:54 |
the9a3eedi | fyrestrtr: well.. I did it before. I used the same thread to undo all that I did. but in the end I didn't get GL Desktop back | 01:54 |
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jatt | g[r] eek: hm. don't you get e menu similar to the following? That's the only grub menu I know if you are getting grub> you need to write grub commands directly and that would be pretty difficult: | 01:54 |
jatt | http://www.kanotix.com/images/grub2.png | 01:54 |
ZeroA4 | TiMiDo, sunken is there something mute at alsamixer ? | 01:54 |
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sunken | ZeroA4: just my mic | 01:54 |
TiMiDo | ZeroA4, mines two | 01:54 |
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g[r] eek | jatt: i get the e menu but in order to alter command line arguments (which is what i think you suggested with acpi=off) i have to press 'c', which gives me that grub> prompt -> check your image, the 'c' option is there too | 01:55 |
fyrestrtr | the9a3eedi: there is also a package called 'desktop-decorations' or something similar, it adds a menu enty under system administration that will turn on the effects for you. | 01:55 |
g[r] eek | jatt: im sure ive misunderstood you | 01:55 |
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ZeroA4 | sunken, TiMiDo at System - Preferences - Sound you can choose among some sound systems and test then ... does anyone produces sound? | 01:56 |
the9a3eedi | fyrestrtr: Maybe you are referring to desktop-effects? I installed it again. The menu entry is there, but it doesnt do anything if I try to switch it on in XGL | 01:56 |
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sunken | ZeroA4: no | 01:57 |
Bubble | TiMiDo: Try adding 'options snd-hda-intel model=3stack' in your /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base file. | 01:57 |
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TiMiDo | Bubble, done | 01:58 |
Bubble | TiMiDo: Then reboot your system and see if it works. | 01:58 |
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menisk | I recently installed fiesty on a compaq presario V2000, I put Compiz fusion with XGL on, and it all ran nicely. All of a sudden it has slowed to a crawl, any ideas? | 02:00 |
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sunken | ZeroA4: still no sound | 02:00 |
imran_ | hey, can any1 tell me the server for compiz/beryl questions please? | 02:00 |
ZeroA4 | sunken, try follow this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 02:01 |
Bubble | imran_: Join #ubuntu-effects | 02:01 |
the9a3eedi | Also. I got this problem with apt-get. everytime I install something/remove something, it tells me a list of packages that is no longer needed and autoremove would remove them. Problem is, some of these packages look essential | 02:01 |
imran_ | Bubble, thanks :) | 02:01 |
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sunken | ZeroA4: I've done it before, still no sound | 02:02 |
ZeroA4 | sunken, the page tells how to compile the sound system... but maybe is better to follow "Manually Specify Module Parameters" before compiling... to test the atual sound system | 02:02 |
Bubble | TiMiDo: Is it working? | 02:02 |
naroays | I have ubuntu 7.04 installed. when I run "sudo watch free" as soon as I start ubuntu, it shows that it uses 248mb of memory. Does the Ubuntu OS really use that much memory? | 02:03 |
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TiMiDo | yeah | 02:04 |
TiMiDo | now it is | 02:04 |
the9a3eedi | naroays: a lot of the memory is used as buffers in order to allow programs and other things to load faster | 02:04 |
Bubble | TiMiDo: Wonderful | 02:04 |
naroays | ok, thanks the9a3eedi | 02:04 |
ZeroA4 | sunken, have you tried what Bubble said? | 02:04 |
Bubble | TiMiDo: Is it a laptop? | 02:04 |
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the9a3eedi | naroays: linux tries to put all the free memory into good efficient use. When programs demand more memory, the buffer can always reduce to give the programs the memory they need | 02:05 |
sunken | ZeroA4: yes | 02:05 |
ZeroA4 | sunken, i ran out of options... :( | 02:07 |
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sunken | ZeroA4: mm | 02:07 |
sunken | ZeroA4: thank you | 02:07 |
the9a3eedi | I got this problem with apt-get. everytime I install something/remove something, it tells me a list of packages that is no longer needed and autoremove would remove them. Problem is, some of these packages look essential.. such as gnome-cups-manager | 02:07 |
naroays | the9a3eedi: ok. I have 256 mb ram on my comp. When I used two or more programs simultaneously, (like Kile, evince and firefox), I found that my comp slows down drastically, and is inoperable. That's why I asked the question. | 02:07 |
sunken | I'm stuck to MS Vista then | 02:08 |
the9a3eedi | naroays: if you run "top" in the terminal, you can see all the programs running, along with the amount of CPU power and memory they are using . no need for sudo. or you can use gnome-system-monitor if you want gui | 02:09 |
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=== TheBest saluta | ||
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stefg | naroays: 256 MB is tight. So try to avoid running qt- and gtk-stuff at the same time. Giving xubuntu a try might be a good idea too, if you aren't able to upgrade to 512 MB | 02:10 |
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naroays | Ok. Thanks for the information | 02:12 |
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m3m0r3xXx | could you tell me easy partition editor for ubuntu ? | 02:12 |
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royel | I need someone to possibly redirect me or google something for me, I am trying to set up password protected directories on my apache server, what I want is to protect the parent/top directory but selectively protect lower level directories, What I am getting now is a prompt on ALL directories.. Can someone help? ;) | 02:12 |
stefg | naroays: check what services you actually need. HPIJS is often not necessary, or CUPS altogether if you don't print from that machine | 02:12 |
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Lorne_Kun | m3m0r3xXx, gparted | 02:13 |
Lorne_Kun | it can be installed from synaptic or add/remove programs | 02:13 |
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zeroC | halllo | 02:16 |
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sunken | ZeroA4: will reboot with model=test parameter | 02:16 |
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rolfen | royel: AllowOverride AuthConfig | 02:20 |
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rolfen | then i think Allow from all | 02:21 |
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rolfen | something like that | 02:21 |
rolfen | not sure about the 2nd line | 02:21 |
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sunken | ZeroA4, no success | 02:21 |
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rolfen | royel: if you add AllowOverride AuthConfig in your top-level htaccess file, it should allow the nested htaccess files to override the security configuration | 02:22 |
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sunk|away | d | 02:23 |
Kagemaro | Wireless networking question - It asks me for what type of passkey it is | 02:23 |
Kagemaro | But I don't know | 02:23 |
Kagemaro | Whats the norm? | 02:23 |
royel | rolfen: thanks, I'm not using .htaccess, but I think that will still apply to my .conf files :) | 02:23 |
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Lunar_Lamp | Kagemaro, is it a 16 digit one like a1 b2 c3 etc, or is it a word that you made up? | 02:24 |
rolfen | royel: i'm not sure it works though! | 02:24 |
Kagemaro | its a number | 02:24 |
Kagemaro | 10 digits | 02:24 |
kyja | Kagemaro, wap is realy common | 02:24 |
royel | rolfen: I won't hunt you down a sue you then if it don't ! :) | 02:24 |
Kagemaro | It offers wep 128 bit | 02:24 |
kyja | or that was not your question at all lol | 02:24 |
Kagemaro | wep 64/128 bit ascii | 02:24 |
Frogzoo | nice tat: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1640583,00.html | 02:24 |
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Kagemaro | and wep 64/128 bit hex | 02:25 |
rolfen | royel: ok :) | 02:25 |
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Kagemaro | ok works as Hex ^^ | 02:26 |
Frogzoo | oops, mt | 02:26 |
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bullgard4 | After startup Linux 7.04 will mount my 2 Windows partitions (hda1 und hda5 in http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/12842/). This will reflect in two Disk Mounter applets. How can I persuade Linux not to mount them automatically but rather only after I click on an Disk Mounter applet context menu entry? | 02:27 |
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_imran_ | can someone tell me the server for compiz fusion/beryl questions please? | 02:31 |
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thrilla | hey | 02:31 |
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thrilla | can someone help me out? | 02:31 |
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_imran_ | thrilla, what do you need help with? | 02:32 |
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_imran_ | can someone tell me the server for compiz fusion/beryl questions please? | 02:32 |
zorlin | http://opencompositing.org | 02:32 |
zorlin | :) | 02:32 |
DjViper | _imran_: #opencomposing | 02:32 |
DjViper | or something | 02:32 |
thrilla | installing trebuchet | 02:33 |
zorlin | oh, channel. | 02:33 |
zorlin | #compiz-fusion for cmp:f, or #beryl for... beryl | 02:33 |
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unix4me | does anyone know of a good Blender tutorial? | 02:33 |
kyja | gosh I love beryl !! :) but I noticed one game it destroys. planeshift fonts are garbage once beryl is in use. but oh well | 02:33 |
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zorlin | kyja: Beryl kills Freedroid RPG and World of Warcraft for me. | 02:34 |
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zorlin | destroys them with evil flickering, that is. | 02:34 |
kyja | oh my. so there is more | 02:34 |
zorlin | At least for me | 02:34 |
zorlin | I mean, my WoW isnt configured totally right, I don't think... | 02:34 |
zorlin | bad FPS too... | 02:34 |
zorlin | thats *with* all the tweaks and beryl turned off. | 02:34 |
DjViper | unix4me: http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/blender_3d/ | 02:35 |
unix4me | DjViper: thank you. I'll check it out | 02:35 |
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thrilla | hmmm | 02:35 |
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Max_- | Little question for you guys : I have a computer which doesn't serve much... I'll turn it into a web server and company production database server... But I also need it for testing some programming on Gnome and KDE, so is that more dangerous to make my server from the desktop version instead of the server version, since I'll already have gnome/kde and everything I might need? | 02:39 |
fevel | does anyone play vegastrike? | 02:39 |
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wizek | how can i set my screen resolution to 12**x1024 ? (maybe 1248x1024) And my refresh rate to 75Hz? these options aren't incloded by default | 02:39 |
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SlimeyPete | Max_-: the server edition is just the desktop edition without X. | 02:40 |
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SlimeyPete | they're practically identical. | 02:40 |
Max_- | Really?! | 02:40 |
Max_- | Good. | 02:40 |
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Max_- | I hope there are not more security issues on the desktop version! | 02:40 |
Max_- | Loading it right away. | 02:40 |
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linuxor | Hi, I was configuring my ubuntu theme, then the system crash and when restarting the system does not work, I mean it starts until getting the starting sound of ubuntu, and after I can not see any icon , any toolbares ... So wwhat to do please? | 02:40 |
Max_- | Thanks! :) | 02:40 |
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SlimeyPete | Max_-: shouldn't be. They share the same packages. | 02:40 |
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whonicca | is there some sort of man reader for ubuntu so I dont have to read man pages through the console? | 02:40 |
Max_- | Great :) | 02:41 |
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jatt | whonicca: xman | 02:41 |
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whonicca | jatt, thanks | 02:41 |
whonicca | xman manpage? | 02:41 |
imran__ | can any1 tell me if i need to update ubuntu in order to run compiz fusion? | 02:41 |
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Max_- | SlimeyPete, It's 699 MB?! Wasn't it a DVD? | 02:42 |
Frogzoo | imran__: why compiz? beryl works | 02:42 |
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imran__ | Frogzoo, i heard that compiz is newer and better | 02:42 |
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Frogzoo | imran__: yes, but you can't run the latest compiz | 02:43 |
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Kagemaro | is there a way to increase mouse sensitivity? | 02:43 |
imran__ | Frogzoo, why not? | 02:43 |
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genii | whonicca: Also tkman is pretty good | 02:43 |
Frogzoo | Kagemaro: sys -> prefs -> keyboard | 02:43 |
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imran__ | Frogzoo, why not | 02:44 |
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Seoke | Is there a built in firewall with ubuntu? | 02:45 |
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imran__ | Frogzoo, why can't i run the latest version of compiz? | 02:45 |
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tinin | Hi, is there something like katapult for gnome? | 02:47 |
Seoke | Is there a built in firewall with ubuntu? | 02:47 |
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Fufy | Hi people | 02:48 |
jrib | !firewall > Seoke (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:48 |
Fufy | help me please | 02:48 |
jrib | !helpme | Fufy | 02:48 |
ubotu | Fufy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:48 |
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SlimeyPete | Max_-: no, it's a CD | 02:48 |
SlimeyPete | there's a DVD version floating around the web but it's not necessary | 02:49 |
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evil_marty | anyone get working a geforce 8600gts? I've installed the driver etc and X works until reboot | 02:49 |
polarheat | hi, anyone here knows what is the name for that kind of program where one could "record" sessions on your computer so it would be played back again later for demo? for example, if i want to record a "video" showing how i clicked certain gui settings so that i can show it to others later.? | 02:49 |
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Fufy | I using Ubuntu 7.04 x86 i have came Canon powershot A430 and when i import photos he stuck and i cant import :(( what can i do // | 02:49 |
SlimeyPete | polarheat: "screencast recorder" or similar | 02:49 |
Max_- | SlimeyPete, okay, I hope it still have the Live thing.... | 02:49 |
Fufy | camera* | 02:49 |
Seoke | jrib: Thanks | 02:49 |
SlimeyPete | Max_-: yep | 02:49 |
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Max_- | Woohooo | 02:49 |
whonicca | i changed the port of my ssh server to something other than 22, i opened this port in my router but still am unable to access my pc through it, does ubuntu have a default list of blocked ports/firewall installed? | 02:49 |
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jrib | whonicca: no | 02:50 |
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whonicca | weird | 02:50 |
SlimeyPete | whonicca: you did restart sshd, yes? | 02:50 |
whonicca | yes | 02:50 |
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SlimeyPete | just checking :) | 02:50 |
bullgard4 | wizek: May be installing the xresprobe packet will help you along. | 02:50 |
mqueiros | hello! Can anyone tell me how do I check what modules are installed/loaded ? Thanks! | 02:50 |
polarheat | SlimeyPete, thanks, | 02:50 |
jrib | whonicca: you can check with: sudo iptables -L | 02:50 |
SlimeyPete | polarheat: np | 02:50 |
SlimeyPete | mqueiros: sudo lsmod | 02:50 |
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Frogzoo | whonicca: you need to forward the new port from the routers | 02:50 |
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tinin | <Fufy> try to configure your camera, somewhere it must have a menu to configure connectivity or usb ports | 02:51 |
Seoke | Anyone know why when I start up America's Army the screen shows up black? | 02:51 |
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Fufy | tinin, hmm w8 | 02:51 |
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bullgard4 | mqueiros: lsmod | 02:52 |
mqueiros | Yes... that's it... thanks SlimeyPete and bullgard4 ! | 02:52 |
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whonicca | could it be that the machine i ran putty on to connect to my server at home doesnt allow connections to be made to the port i specified? it worked well when i had my server set to 22 | 02:52 |
royel | Seoke: using beryl/compiz also? | 02:52 |
Seoke | royel: I have no idea what that is xD Do I need them? | 02:53 |
Fufy | tinin, no i dont have these functions .. | 02:53 |
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Kagemaro | Anyone - when compiling the source for Pidgin (./configure stage) my command line said: 'checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables' | 02:53 |
royel | Seoke: it's the desktop eye candy effects, the 3d desktop | 02:53 |
Fufy | i pressing iport but nothing happens | 02:53 |
Fufy | . | 02:53 |
Kagemaro | How do I fix this? | 02:53 |
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Seoke | royel: Yeah I have it turned on should I turn it off? | 02:53 |
weeebl | Hello, I have a USB disk which is devided into two partitions (NTFS) and when I go to "Computer" it detects both harddisk as " 104.5 GB volume" then i rightclick it and try to mount but it says I don't have the access to mount it. So can anybody give me the command to mount /dev/sda6 on /media/sda6 ? | 02:54 |
royel | Seoke: wouldnt hurt to disable an try once, could be the issue | 02:54 |
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Seoke | Alright I'll be back in a few | 02:54 |
jrib | !compiling > Kagemaro (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:54 |
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Fufy | first he loading camera driver after he show error "PTP PROTOCOL error,data expected" | 02:54 |
capitalidea | Erh, I have done this several times: set up my audio to be shared using alsa.... but I have no idea how to I and don't remember the link on the Ubuntu info pages | 02:54 |
capitalidea | Anyone know what I mean? | 02:54 |
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weeebl | nvm i fixed it | 02:55 |
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Seoke | Who was it that just helped me with that Americas Army thing? | 02:55 |
weeebl | just sudo mount /dev/sda6 | 02:55 |
weeebl | thank you anyway | 02:55 |
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krinns | hi all | 02:55 |
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enyc | thexx: IRQ4 0x3F8 makes sense for ttyS0 | 02:56 |
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krinns | i have installed external Serial US robotics modem | 02:56 |
krinns | its plug n play? | 02:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fufy: what is your native language? | 02:56 |
Kagemaro | That doesnt fix my problem | 02:56 |
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Fufy | Jack_Sparrow, sorry for my bad english ) | 02:56 |
Kagemaro | Its saying that my C compiler can't create executables | 02:56 |
krinns | now ma dial through wvdial and gnome-ppp | 02:56 |
enyc | thexx: however do any interrupts actually go off (/proc/interrupts) -- you sdould see a 'count' of interrupts | 02:56 |
Fufy | i from latvia .. | 02:56 |
Fufy | Latvia | 02:56 |
Fufy | tb | 02:56 |
Kagemaro | Anyone - when compiling the source for Pidgin (./configure stage) my command line said: 'checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables' | 02:56 |
krinns | it connects and immediately pppd[5704] : Connection terminated | 02:56 |
krinns | why? | 02:56 |
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jrib | Kagemaro: did you read the page ubotu gave you? | 02:57 |
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tinin | Fufy, search google, it seems a bug, but maybe theres a way to fix it | 02:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fufy: That is fine but there are many different Ubuntu rooms for different countries that may be able to help you in your native language | 02:57 |
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Fufy | Jack_Sparrow, ohh ;/ sorry but it is biggest ubuntu channel )) | 02:58 |
Kagemaro | jrib - yes | 02:58 |
Fufy | and i think anibody can help me .. | 02:58 |
kev_b | anyone know a good resource for info on moving an ubuntu installation to a different pc? | 02:58 |
Frogzoo | Kagemaro: install build-essential | 02:58 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Fufy: np | 02:59 |
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Kagemaro | Apt couldn't find build-essential | 02:59 |
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jrib | Kagemaro: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:59 |
Fufy | tinin, at google i cant find ;/ | 02:59 |
jatt | krinns: pastebin the whole plog output | 02:59 |
capitalidea | Anyone know how I can make applications all interface to a common layer on my sound card and be able to access my sound card simultaneously while other applications access my sound card? There should be a howto or faq thing I remember reading it once before... | 02:59 |
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capitalidea | Anyone at all? | 03:00 |
valehru | Is there a way in ubuntu to display the bios details | 03:00 |
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Frogzoo | capitalidea: configure all apps to use alsa - not oss | 03:00 |
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Frogzoo | valehru: sudo lshw | 03:00 |
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tinin | Fufy, I found a lot of results for your problem | 03:00 |
valehru | Frogzoo, thx | 03:00 |
capitalidea | Frogzoo: Some are, but I still get an error when I try to run audacious while JACKd is running. | 03:01 |
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kbrooks | !ifind bios | 03:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ifind bios - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:01 |
kbrooks | !find bios | 03:01 |
Frogzoo | capitalidea: well don't run jackd | 03:01 |
tinin | fufy, it seems a bug http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg321066.html | 03:01 |
ubotu | Found: biosquid, biosquid-dev, bochsbios, cbios, libsmbios-bin (and 7 others) | 03:01 |
kbrooks | !more | 03:01 |
Kagemaro | jrib - http://www.pastebin.ca/624649 | 03:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about more - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:01 |
capitalidea | Frogzoo: I need to run both for my work :/ | 03:01 |
kbrooks | @more | 03:01 |
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kbrooks | @more kbrooks | 03:02 |
Frogzoo | capitalidea: well maybe having everything use jack, but it might not be supported on all your apps | 03:02 |
tinin | Fufy, and if you are lazy enough, just get a cheap card reader | 03:02 |
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CTho | where do I put allowoverride all, to get .htaccess files to work? | 03:02 |
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capitalidea | Frogzoo: The best I can manage is getting audacious to use its JACKd output plugin but I need other things that use alsa at the same time | 03:03 |
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koki | guys anyone can help me with 3D acceleartion problem? | 03:03 |
jrib | Kagemaro: pastebin your command as well as all the output from: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install build-essential | 03:03 |
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bluefox83 | capitalidea, why do you need both for work? | 03:03 |
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capitalidea | What video card do you have koki? | 03:04 |
koki | im running nvidia 6200, and 3D acceleartion is not working | 03:04 |
capitalidea | bluefox83: I do sound editing | 03:04 |
ZeroA4 | capitalidea, may be you can get some apps to use ESD or PulseAudio and not interfere with the ALSA ones | 03:04 |
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koki | all other things are though | 03:04 |
Ind[y] | How can I edit the information about a song (eg: the artist, year, etc.)? | 03:04 |
jrib | CTho: try #apache if no one here knows | 03:04 |
koki | i've got driver though envy | 03:04 |
koki | through* | 03:04 |
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capitalidea | !pastebin > koki | 03:04 |
jrib | Ind[y] : you can use cowbell | 03:04 |
bluefox83 | capitalidea, i have a freind that does sound editing, he says he runs alsa and jackd at the same time but that it has problems... | 03:04 |
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Ind[y] | *the information of a sound file | 03:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | !envy | 03:04 |
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ubotu | envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 03:04 |
capitalidea | bluefox83: :S | 03:05 |
jatt | Ind[y] : easytag | 03:05 |
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krinns | jatt here http://pastebin.com/m111e9926 | 03:05 |
Ind[y] | jrib: cowbell? is a separate program necessary? in other OSes it doesn't require such a thing | 03:05 |
koki | capitalidea: so what should i do now? | 03:05 |
jrib | Ind[y] : I don't know if it is necessary | 03:05 |
Ind[y] | Just right click and write new text in the input boxes. | 03:05 |
bluefox83 | capitalidea, according to my friend, jackd is missing some hardware support and i think some software integration stuff... | 03:05 |
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Ind[y] | On Ubuntu, a separate utility is necessary? | 03:05 |
Ind[y] | Oh, ok. | 03:05 |
capitalidea | ew :/ | 03:05 |
kbrooks | how do I install ntfs r/w supporrt in case I need it | 03:05 |
Ind[y] | thx :/ | 03:05 |
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capitalidea | koki how did you install the driver? | 03:06 |
jrib | !ntfs-3g > kbrooks (see the private message from ubotu) | 03:06 |
koki | capitalidea: simply, ran envy | 03:06 |
capitalidea | Did you reboot since then? | 03:06 |
kbrooks | jrib, thanks | 03:06 |
koki | of course | 03:06 |
capitalidea | type "glx-info" into the terminal | 03:06 |
Kagemaro | Oh, it works after aptitude update | 03:06 |
Kagemaro | Thanks | 03:06 |
koki | k | 03:06 |
CTho | ah, sites-enabled/ | 03:07 |
koki | i'll just return to linux, brb | 03:07 |
capitalidea | no I mean glxinfo | 03:07 |
capitalidea | sorry | 03:07 |
capitalidea | Yeah that would help. | 03:07 |
krinns | jatt | 03:07 |
krinns | got any thing ? | 03:07 |
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koki | brb | 03:07 |
whonicca | firestarter is just a frontend to iptables correct? | 03:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | yes | 03:07 |
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Frogzoo | whonicca: 5 points | 03:07 |
asjdafds | hello, i've a lil problem with installing ubuntu 7.04. 1st i boot the cd and it shows a screen with some options. I choose install ubuntu then it loads and after that it writes me "invalid compressed format (err=1) -- system halted | 03:07 |
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Joko | hello, i've a lil problem with installing ubuntu 7.04. 1st i boot the cd and it shows a screen with some options. I choose install ubuntu then it loads and after that it writes me "invalid compressed format (err=1) -- system halted | 03:08 |
Joko | some ideas ? | 03:08 |
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virako | Ola | 03:08 |
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stefg | !verify | Joko | 03:08 |
ubotu | Joko: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 03:08 |
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Joko | stefg | 03:09 |
virako | Hi | 03:09 |
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sturgman | Hello, I need help installing a printer in Ubuntu | 03:09 |
Joko | ive been requested the cd's from ubuntu's site | 03:09 |
toryl__ | !hi | virako | 03:09 |
ubotu | virako: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 03:09 |
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sturgman | Printer: Xerox N2125 Port: Network Printer | 03:09 |
virako | I'm Spanish | 03:09 |
bullgard4 | valehru: | 03:09 |
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Joko | stefg ? | 03:10 |
virako | i don't know english good | 03:10 |
stefg | Joko: this is a read error ... if the CD is alright, your drive may have problems | 03:10 |
jrib | !es | virako | 03:10 |
ubotu | virako: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:10 |
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Joko | how can i check the cd ? | 03:10 |
koki | ok | 03:10 |
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koki | i'm in linux now | 03:10 |
bullgard4 | valehru: download the DEB program package acpidump | 03:10 |
virako | gracias, ubotu | 03:10 |
stefg | !verify | Joko | 03:10 |
ubotu | Joko: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 03:10 |
Joko | 10x | 03:10 |
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valehru | bullgard4, wrong person | 03:10 |
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Kagemaro | OK, now it says 'You must have the GLib 2.0 development headers installed to build' - whats the apt package for these called? | 03:11 |
kbrooks | !info ntfsfix | 03:11 |
ubotu | Package ntfsfix does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:11 |
kbrooks | hmmm | 03:11 |
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incorrect | can i configure a network interface in passive mode from interfaces? | 03:11 |
koki | capitalidea: you want me to pastebin whole output of glxinfo? | 03:11 |
koki | or just some lines | 03:11 |
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kkd | i need help installing printer canon imageclass mf5730, i am trying all kind of models in the list but nothing seems to work. any idea someone ? | 03:11 |
stefg | Joko: how much Ram does the machine have? | 03:11 |
capitalidea | yes, whole output pls | 03:12 |
Joko | 1gb | 03:12 |
jrib | Kagemaro: 'sudo apt-get build-dep gaim' should get you the deps you need... I think this is on the page ubotu linked you to | 03:12 |
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koki | capitalidea: http://www.pastebin.ca/624665 | 03:12 |
stefg | Joko: then either the CD isn't properly made, or the drive can't read it properly | 03:12 |
Joko | okay | 03:12 |
Joko | im gonna check the cd | 03:13 |
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Kagemaro | jrib - 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed | 03:13 |
bullgard4 | valehru: Didn't you ask at 15:00 h "Is there a way in ubvuntu to display the bios details"? | 03:13 |
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valehru | bullgard4, Frogzoo replied right after with details, no need for an extra package...sudo lshw | 03:13 |
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capitalidea | Anyone else hearing a lot of graininess in their audio BTW | 03:14 |
jrib | Kagemaro: apt-cache policy libglib2.0-dev | 03:14 |
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Kagemaro | Installed: (none) | 03:15 |
Kagemaro | Candidate: 2.12.11-0ubuntu1 | 03:15 |
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amorillo | k | 03:15 |
amorillo | k | 03:15 |
amorillo | hil | 03:15 |
amorillo | jhglgjklgkl | 03:15 |
Kagemaro | ? | 03:16 |
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stefg | !intelhda | capitalidea | 03:16 |
ubotu | capitalidea: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto | 03:16 |
amorillo | hola | 03:16 |
incorrect | i have a number of ubuntu boxes, is there a method i can monitor updates for them all? | 03:16 |
jatt | !es | amorillo | 03:16 |
ubotu | amorillo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:16 |
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jrib | Kagemaro: install libglib2.0-dev for the other deps just search for the corresponding -dev package | 03:16 |
Kagemaro | OK that worked jrib, now it wants gtk2.0 development headers | 03:16 |
capitalidea | Thank you stefg | 03:16 |
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stefg | !pm | JokoKoko | 03:16 |
ubotu | JokoKoko: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 03:16 |
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amorillo | nadie habla espaol | 03:17 |
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koki | capitalidea: any ideas? | 03:17 |
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jatt | !es | amorillo | 03:17 |
ubotu | amorillo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:17 |
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emmanuelux | LO | 03:17 |
capitalidea | koki where is the link to the pastebin? | 03:17 |
Kagemaro | Thanks for all the help, and sorry for looking like a noob | 03:17 |
JokoKoko | stefg i cant understand how to check the cd with this md5sum | 03:17 |
koki | capitalidea: http://www.pastebin.ca/624665 | 03:17 |
koki | capitalidea: i've already posted it though | 03:17 |
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amorillo | ok gracias | 03:18 |
jrib | Kagemaro: np, that's why we're here | 03:19 |
JokoKoko | stefg | 03:19 |
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Kagemaro | I should rtfm a little more often ;) | 03:20 |
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capitalidea | koki: try to run glxgears from terminal | 03:22 |
koki | and pastebin as well? | 03:22 |
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koki | oh | 03:22 |
koki | yeah it shows 3 spinning gears | 03:22 |
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koki | 122 frames in 5.0 seconds = 24.383 FPS | 03:22 |
rapflap | Anyone know how i fix ImportError: No module named gnome.ui in easycam2 ? I didnt find much more then french support since thats where the developer is from | 03:23 |
koki | well, but when installing cedega, all tests were succesfully done, apart from 3D acceleration | 03:23 |
koki | shown as "Failed" | 03:23 |
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kkd | does anyone know how to install canon imageclass laser printer ? | 03:23 |
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Kagemaro | I have 400FPS but glxinfo still shows direct rendering as 'no' :/ | 03:24 |
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rapflap | 25fps, that not much from glxgears | 03:24 |
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_Lucretia_ | Kagemaro: what card? | 03:24 |
rapflap | i got 5000fps on my laptop | 03:24 |
koki | heh | 03:24 |
koki | well | 03:24 |
=== Ireal [n=marnix@cc219927-b.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
koki | seems there is no acceleration | 03:24 |
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capitalidea | koki which driver is shown in your xorg.conf ? | 03:24 |
rapflap | yeah, thats kinda what i meanty ;) | 03:24 |
jrib | rapflap: probably python-gnome2 | 03:24 |
koki | capitalidea: i have to open xorg.conf | 03:25 |
koki | or can i see it in xorg configuration gui as well | 03:25 |
kbrooks | so, seems i have an average of 15,770 FPS. | 03:25 |
Kagemaro | whats an 'SSL' library, and how do I install one? | 03:25 |
kbrooks | cool | 03:25 |
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jrib | Kagemaro: apt-cache search -n lib ssl dev | 03:26 |
koki | Section "Device" Identifier "nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] " Driver "nvidia" | 03:26 |
capitalidea | koki, less /etc/X(press tab)/xorg.conf | 03:26 |
koki | EndSection | 03:26 |
capitalidea | oic | 03:26 |
_Lucretia_ | Kagemaro: what card? | 03:26 |
capitalidea | koki I would search the forums now | 03:26 |
kbrooks | Kagemaro, secure sockets layer, a way for encrypting data sent and decrypting data received to/from connections | 03:26 |
capitalidea | especially anything to do with envy | 03:26 |
koki | capitalidea: should i make a post? | 03:26 |
capitalidea | perhaps | 03:26 |
koki | ok, thanx for help | 03:26 |
koki | also, what info should i include | 03:27 |
xjkr | pirates. | 03:27 |
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kbrooks | question. | 03:27 |
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kbrooks | how do i disable the nvidia driver without rebooting?- | 03:27 |
xjkr | cheese! | 03:27 |
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xjkr | kbrooks: remove the nvidia references from x.org and reboot x (ctrl alt backspace) | 03:28 |
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kbrooks | xjkr, typoed | 03:28 |
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kbrooks | i meant ati, i dont know what driver is the open src one | 03:28 |
kbrooks | included by default in Ubuntu | 03:29 |
xjkr | kbrooks: well, replace fglrx in x.org with ati | 03:29 |
kbrooks | ah ok | 03:29 |
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genii | Or possibly radeon | 03:29 |
xjkr | ati and radeon are the free ones | 03:29 |
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ryuk | kbrooks, the "ati" driver is the os one, fglrx is prepitory.. | 03:29 |
Kagemaro | I installed libssl0.9.7 but Pidgin still doesn't like it | 03:29 |
Kagemaro | and wont connect my msn account | 03:29 |
xjkr | ati will simply load radeon if its appropriate in my experience | 03:30 |
not_a_k | does xrandr work for anyone here using xinerama? | 03:30 |
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Kagemaro | Anyone who knows pidgin, what ssl library should I install? | 03:30 |
rami | I need help to install java. | 03:30 |
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xjkr | not_a_k: not for me! :( | 03:30 |
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younghacker | i need help | 03:30 |
not_a_k | xjkr: do you have a radeon by any chance? | 03:30 |
rami | it doesnt seem to work. | 03:31 |
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xjkr | not_a_k: no.. nv | 03:31 |
ryuk | rami when u say it doesnt work, what do u mean | 03:31 |
xjkr | Kagemaro: wget http://download.ubuntu.pl/_Feisty_Fawn/pidgin/pidgin_2.0.0-1_i386.deb | 03:31 |
younghacker | my apt-get is not working | 03:31 |
not_a_k | ok, so it seems to be general problem | 03:31 |
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rami | i cant install it directly into firefox | 03:32 |
genii | younghacker: If the scheduled update is running you need for it to finish before trying to install other things | 03:32 |
jrattner1 | Question: How do I setup a .forward file in someones directory that saves a copy in the local mailbox AND forwards one to another e-mail address | 03:32 |
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xjkr | not_a_k: for dual screen things we should wait a couple of months. 7.10 actually does dual screens well! | 03:32 |
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ryuk | rami as in using it as an add on | 03:32 |
rami | nor can i install it via terminal | 03:32 |
ryuk | rami srry scrap that.. wrong ref.. | 03:32 |
rami | ok i'll try | 03:32 |
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ryuk | rami, so what have u tried?? | 03:33 |
rami | i tried the manual at the java site | 03:33 |
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ryuk | rami, does the manual cover ubuntu?? i personally havnt used it.. i just installed the sdk on my comp and it covered the run time environment in that.. | 03:34 |
Kagemaro | xjkr 404 | 03:34 |
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rami | it covers ubuntu, yes | 03:34 |
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rami | but the biggest problem is that 'im 13 and i dont understand most of it;) | 03:34 |
ryuk | rami, so what happened when u followed tha manual (what error did u get) | 03:34 |
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xjkr | Kagemaro: wget http://download.ubuntu.pl/_Feisty_Fawn/pidgin/2.0.2/pidgin_2.0.2-1_i386.deb | 03:35 |
xjkr | Kagemaro: it's slightly different! | 03:35 |
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Kagemaro | ty working | 03:35 |
Kagemaro | how do I get vmware workstation? | 03:35 |
rami | uh oh | 03:35 |
rami | kagemaro | 03:35 |
rami | try and get it via add/remove | 03:36 |
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xjkr | Kagemaro: you know how to install debs and all that? | 03:36 |
CapaH | Can anyone here tell me how I can force the audio output from wine applications through my USB Headset? | 03:36 |
rami | ubuntu didnt support java | 03:36 |
Kagemaro | I downloaded it off of tucows but it shows 'unexpected end of file' | 03:36 |
Kagemaro | xjkr - yes, I used to use debian | 03:36 |
sangeetha | hello all | 03:36 |
masus | hi all doas anyone know a good linux distibution with only a browser on it .. thanks | 03:36 |
xjkr | Kagemaro: cos there are some pidgin extras at http://download.ubuntu.pl/_Feisty_Fawn/pidgin/2.0.2/ | 03:36 |
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kduboi1 | Kagemaro: try virualbox. its better, and you dont have to buy it | 03:36 |
xjkr | plugin debs etc | 03:36 |
ryuk | rami, do u have a link to the manul there?? if yes send it through and i will have a look at it... | 03:37 |
kbrooks | umm.. | 03:38 |
Kagemaro | can you get virtualbox off of apt? | 03:38 |
kbrooks | ping. | 03:38 |
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ryuk | sangeetha, u can try tiny linux.. | 03:38 |
kbrooks | need help. | 03:38 |
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kbrooks | i want compiz fusion or something more cooler than desktop effects | 03:38 |
ryuk | sangeetha, srry should be "damn small linux" | 03:38 |
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sangeetha | ryuk, what is tiny linux | 03:39 |
rami | http://www.java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#selfextracting | 03:39 |
ryuk | kbrooks, what is your level of knowledge of linux | 03:39 |
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kbrooks | ryuk: i don't know | 03:39 |
rami | first of all su isnt working | 03:39 |
rami | and i have really great problems doing this. | 03:39 |
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ryuk | sangeetha, a name i made up tryin to rememer damn small linux.. which is just that damn small.. i think that there are a few others as well (puppy linux i think is one) | 03:40 |
Kagemaro | can you get virtualbox off of apt? | 03:40 |
ryuk | rami, dont use su.. in ubuntu use sudo.. | 03:40 |
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rami | ok | 03:40 |
jrib | !java > rami (see the private message from ubotu) | 03:40 |
kbrooks | i want compiz fusion or something more cooler than desktop effects | 03:40 |
kbrooks | anyone willing to help | 03:41 |
kbrooks | ??? | 03:41 |
jrib | rami: don't download java from the web, use the repositories | 03:41 |
rami | ok | 03:41 |
genii | If you don't mind a commandline browser, toms root boot boots from floppy and has a text based browser | 03:41 |
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kbrooks | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | 03:41 |
jrib | kbrooks: /join #ubuntu-effects | 03:41 |
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ryuk | kbrooks, is this your first time using linux or have u used it for a while, or are u saying u have no idea about linux.. also are u willing to break your sys | 03:41 |
sangeetha | ryuk, I am getting an error while compiling iceweasel | 03:41 |
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kbrooks | ryuk, lol, i have been on it for three years | 03:41 |
PriceChild | kbrooks, #ubuntu-effects | 03:41 |
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ryuk | sangeetha, yea.. never used it so i cant help ya | 03:42 |
Kagemaro | Can you get virtualbox off of apt? Also, please name an SSL library that I can use with Pidgin to get off MSN (the deb didn't work as it's already installed) | 03:42 |
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jrib | !virtualbox > Kagemaro (see the private message from ubotu) | 03:43 |
ryuk | Kagemaro, u can check out the ubuntu guide on how to install pidgin here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Pidgin_2.0_.28former_GAIM.29 | 03:43 |
sangeetha | ryuk, ok | 03:43 |
=== OldPink [n=matt@host81-159-75-36.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OldPink | Installing 7.04 on my new Dell Latitude L400 :D | 03:43 |
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osxdude|laptop | OldPink: are you just installing now? | 03:44 |
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ThoMan | whats the topic | 03:44 |
chadeldridge | good morning everyone, i am having a problem with firefox automatically opening when i click links. Per say if i click a link outside of FF like the ones in the MOTD in IRC nothing happens. | 03:44 |
osxdude|laptop | ThoMan: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 03:44 |
OldPink | osxdude|laptop : "Scanning Disks.... 60%" | 03:44 |
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OldPink | Also had it on this PC for over a year now | 03:44 |
osxdude|laptop | OldPink: Good, good. | 03:44 |
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osxdude|laptop | chadeldridge: you have to right click links in X-Chat and choose "Open Link in Browser" | 03:45 |
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chadeldridge | osxdude|laptop: didnt used to have to, but even doing that doesnt spawn ff | 03:46 |
MorrisonHotel | pause clope les enfants | 03:46 |
tinin | Hi, does gnome-launch-box work with compiz for you? | 03:46 |
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gir2222 | help, im trying to compile a plugin, but I get: checking for glib-2.0 >= 2.4 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4 gaim >= 1.0... configure: error: glib | 03:47 |
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osxdude|laptop | chadeldridge: Restart your computer. FF may be already running a process but is not responding. You may also kill the process, if you know how. | 03:47 |
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chadeldridge | osxdude|laptop: yeah thats not it either, FF is not running the spawn is just broken some how | 03:48 |
wizek | how can i Which is my <super> button in my kyboard? :/ | 03:48 |
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chadeldridge | wizek: its your windows key | 03:48 |
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jrib | !compiling > gir2222 (see the private message from ubotu) | 03:48 |
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=== genii scraped off the windows and put a Letraset penguin there | ||
wizek | thx | 03:49 |
chadeldridge | Anyone know why FF would not spawn when you click a link? | 03:49 |
osxdude|laptop | chadeldridge: Then it is officaly firefox. Go to another application and find a website link. See if firefox opens there. | 03:49 |
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Seoke | Is there a way to change the color of the title bar at the top of the windows? | 03:50 |
chadeldridge | osxdude|laptop: doesnt work in any app ... yeah i am sure the issue is firefox, but uninstalling and reinstalling it didnt fix it, its borked | 03:50 |
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Pierre_N | ello | 03:51 |
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Pierre_N | how do I reinstall gnome from scratch? | 03:51 |
ryuk | Seoke, check out http://gnome-look.org/ and look at the metacity link.. there are plenty of themes to choose from | 03:51 |
OldPink | chadeldridge, what does spawn instead? | 03:51 |
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OldPink | chadeldridge, anything? | 03:51 |
chadeldridge | nothing | 03:51 |
chadeldridge | zip | 03:51 |
chadeldridge | nada | 03:51 |
chadeldridge | lol | 03:51 |
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coolbeans | Hi all. How would I burn a DVD from an ISO image from the ubuntu command line? | 03:52 |
osxdude|laptop | chadelbridge: it may be a plugin you have. Put a list of plugins in the pastebin. | 03:52 |
OldPink | chadeldridge, lol. Hm. Ask at Ubuntu forums. I'm sure there's somewhere you can edit what handles links | 03:52 |
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chadeldridge | osxdude|laptop: sure 1 sec ... but i think all i ahve is adblock | 03:53 |
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genii | coolbeans: man cdrecord may be enlightening | 03:53 |
wizek | How can i zoom in with beryl? I sow it in videos, but i can't find it in the bind list... | 03:53 |
rami | !limewire | 03:53 |
ubotu | limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative. | 03:53 |
coolbeans | genii: It says it doesn't have the DVD+R/DVD+RW support code, contact the author. | 03:53 |
chadeldridge | osxdude|laptop: yeah all i have is adblock and the stadard totem plugins | 03:53 |
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rami | !frostwire | 03:53 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 03:53 |
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ryuk | wizek, hold down alt and scroll your mouse. | 03:54 |
genii | coolbeans: DVD+R/DVD+RW is not burning a DVD from an ISO file. You would use a regular DVD-R | 03:54 |
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wizek | ryuk, does nothing | 03:54 |
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Seoke | Is there a way to password protect a folder? | 03:54 |
ryuk | do u have beryl installed?? | 03:54 |
coolbeans | Thanks for the help. How would I burn to DVD+R from an ISO image? | 03:54 |
ootm | does anyone know if evolution supports multiple identities per email account? I cant find any information about it :S | 03:54 |
ryuk | wizek, and do u know if it is running | 03:55 |
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wizek | ryuk, but its good with super button, insteed of alt | 03:55 |
g[r] eek | jatt: sorry was on lunch break - ok so im at this grub menu and i want to specify that apci=off | 03:55 |
genii | coolbeans: You only have DVD+R around and no regular -R ones? | 03:55 |
thexx | enyc: only when i send from the device. If I just do cat /dev/ttyS0 and send to it from the other side, the count stays the same | 03:55 |
osxdude|laptop | chadelbridge: Adblock Plus? or normal adblock? | 03:55 |
lasse | ootm what do you mean by identities ? | 03:55 |
Seoke | Is there a way to password protect a folder? | 03:55 |
ryuk | wizek, lol it is super.. oops.. srry | 03:56 |
g[r] eek | jatt: i can press 'e' to edit the commands or 'c' to go to command line | 03:56 |
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coolbeans | genii: Unfortunately, lol. Sucks. | 03:56 |
wizek | ryuk, np... | 03:56 |
Slaj_R | How can I check to see which program is using the soundcard? | 03:56 |
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CapaH | Can anyone help me on this? "asoundconf list" shows me: ICH6 and Headset as two choices. I run this: asoundconf set-default-card Headset --- and *most* applications now are heard through my headset. The problem is, any Wine application I run still comes out of my laptop speaker. I want a way to cause the sound from Wine applications also to go through my headset. Does anyone here know how to do this? | 03:56 |
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ryuk | wizek, it shouldbe under input enabled zoom to change it if u want.. | 03:57 |
genii | coolbeans: Ah, OK... sorry, not much help then. Far as i know cdrecord is the commandline app which is most advanced so if no code in there yet, likely nothing else will have it either | 03:57 |
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coolbeans | Thanks. | 03:57 |
ootm | lasse, one single email account provider, multiple "from" names, so i would want to send one email as, say, "sales" and one as "support" but all my email is in one single imap account | 03:57 |
igge | what is a nice graphical tool to configure iptables? | 03:58 |
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lasse | oots - well if you have several accounts you can choose from a drop down menu which one to use when you are writing the mail - if that's what you mean ? | 03:58 |
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lasse | igge - none ... unfortunately | 03:58 |
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igge | lasse: bugger | 03:59 |
chadeldridge | does anyone know if they plan to port safari to linux ? | 03:59 |
ootm | lasse, no, thats not what I mean. I have one single account, but I want to send from it as either "sales" or "support" etc... | 03:59 |
lasse | oots ahh ... uhm hang on two secs | 03:59 |
ootm | lasse, I can do it in thunderbird, but would like to use evolution as it has calendaring etc | 03:59 |
igge | lasse: anything semi nice then? | 03:59 |
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g[r] eek | anyone here know how i set apci=off at grub menu | 04:00 |
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g[r] eek | jatt was helping me but i believe he is afk | 04:00 |
ootm | igge, ive used webmin for detailed config and firestarter for basic stuff in the past if thats any help | 04:00 |
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chadeldridge | g[r] eek: couldnt you just turn off the service in x ? | 04:00 |
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igge | ootm: ah firestarter.. i remember that one when you mention it.. it will do i think... | 04:01 |
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genii | g[r] eek: You want to do it only 1 time for testing, ot make it permanent? | 04:01 |
stephen | does the Tribes 2 cd have javascript? | 04:01 |
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ootm | igge, https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/internet/C/networking.html#networking-firestarter | 04:02 |
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lasse | ootm: i would say that it's not possible without multiple accounts... | 04:03 |
scane | Hi. Installing vmware on feisty-server, i get "module vmnet is not loaded". What kind of module is this? How can I get / load it? | 04:03 |
ootm | lasse, hmm thats what I thought as I cant find anything in the docs about it :( | 04:03 |
genii | g[r] eek: You want to do it only 1 time for testing, or to make it for every boot? (acpi=off in the grub) | 04:03 |
ootm | lasse, thanks for looking for me :) | 04:03 |
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lasse | ootm: np :) | 04:04 |
Montaro | scane: modprobe vmnet ? | 04:04 |
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egWK | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30335/ | 04:06 |
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_6StringKng_ | how do I set a default media player in ubuntu? can you do it fromt he terminal? | 04:06 |
stephen | egWK if your having problems with alsa go to #alsa | 04:07 |
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egWK | ok. | 04:07 |
g[r] eek | genii: permanent. the laptop fails to boot otherwise | 04:07 |
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stephen | egKW: they are very cleveer in there | 04:07 |
ryuk | _6StringKng_, u can find the type of file and right click, select properties and then go to the open with tab | 04:07 |
egWK | thnx :) | 04:07 |
g[r] eek | genii: its a really old laptop. it just resest everytime it tries to boot (just after the grub menu part) | 04:07 |
dalibor | is there a way to get rid of compiz again? | 04:07 |
_6StringKng_ | yeah, but will it open the right media player when I hit my media button my keyboard? | 04:07 |
igge | ootm: hm... firestarter doesn't let me configure anything... | 04:08 |
g[r] eek | genii: how do i set it do you know/ | 04:08 |
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ryuk | _6StringKng_, ahh.. not sure | 04:08 |
_6StringKng_ | see, thats what I need, lol | 04:08 |
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ootm | igge, what are you wanting to do? | 04:08 |
scane | Montaro, I found a moudle vmnet.ko | 04:08 |
scane | What else could I do? | 04:08 |
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igge | ootm: i just want to block a port | 04:08 |
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ootm | igge, ok.. sec.. | 04:09 |
igge | ootm: ok | 04:09 |
age6racer | hey all, I'm having trouble with permissions on a new hard disk partition. I just deleted an old 10gb NTFS partition and created a new ext3 one using gparted. | 04:09 |
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g[r] eek | is it pci=off? | 04:09 |
age6racer | for some reason the system mounts it as root owned and nothing I do can change it | 04:09 |
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age6racer | it's really annoying me | 04:09 |
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lasse | igge: if you just want to block one port let's say port 21 = iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 21 -j REJECT | 04:10 |
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age6racer | the partition is /dev/sda1 and the mount point is /media/sda1 I have tried the following to change permissions | 04:10 |
igge | lasse: ah ok... thanks.. will try that | 04:10 |
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genii | g[r] eek: Well, firstly this may not be an acpi thing. But since you cannot get past the grub load, to see if it will be the thing which makes it boot, hit ESC key when grub begins. this takes you to the menu. You then use "e" to edit the default line which loads. Type in the acpi=off at that time. Then make sure it takes (I forget exact key then but it should be telling you on the menu) | 04:11 |
lasse | igge: just note that it will block all traffic on that port so be sure you know what you are doing :) | 04:11 |
ootm | lasse, you can also use ( in firestarter ) "policy" - select "editing outbound traffic policy" then click "add rule" | 04:11 |
age6racer | sudo chown, sudo chmod, running chown and chmod from a root terminal and I've even tried recreating the partition from a gparted live cd so it was not runnign as root | 04:11 |
g[r] eek | genii: ok one sec | 04:11 |
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igge | lasse: yep that's what i want... all incoming and outgoing? the reason is that i want to provoke a socket timeout situation for debugging a server | 04:12 |
HEP85 | age6racer: paste your /etc/fstab | 04:12 |
genii | g[r] eek: This will do it for 1 time. If ubuntu loads after this, you can make it permanent from in htere by editing the right file. | 04:12 |
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g[r] eek | genii: i pressed e, ive got a few lines there already. must i open a new line using 'o'? | 04:12 |
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lasse | ootm: :) okay duly noted - I just never liked that - too many things i wanted to do i couldn't - but then again it has been quite a while since i've used it... | 04:12 |
g[r] eek | genii: like, the first line says "root (hd0,0) | 04:12 |
ootm | igge, oops - that was for igge | 04:13 |
age6racer | oh yeah I shoudl mention that I removed the /dev/sda1 line from my fstab to rtry to stop it automatically mounting it as root. ( | 04:13 |
ootm | igge, you can also use ( in firestarter ) "policy" - select "editing outbound traffic policy" then click "add rule" | 04:13 |
genii | g[r] eek: No, just go to the end of the line which ends with something like quiet splash and put in the acpi=off part | 04:13 |
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ootm | lasse, yeah it does seem very basic | 04:13 |
g[r] eek | genii: ah i see that - its in the "kernel /boot...." lines | 04:13 |
genii | g[r] eek: Yes :) | 04:13 |
lasse | ootm: :) | 04:13 |
age6racer | http://pastebin.com/me31a1e6 | 04:13 |
igge | lasse: it seemed to do the trick... | 04:14 |
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sober-winux | hi , in ubuntu 6.06 my ide disk is named /dev/hda ,but iin 7.04 it is named /dev/sda , do you know why ? | 04:14 |
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g[r] eek | genii: ok its added, acpi=off. now i just reset laptop? | 04:14 |
rustalot | how do I make it so that when I press the CapsLock key it sends "ESC" and when I do ESC it sends "CapsLock"? | 04:14 |
lasse | igge: perfect :) | 04:14 |
g[r] eek | or press b to boot | 04:14 |
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igge | lasse: yep now let's see how my server behaves.. it still thinks the connection is open... :) | 04:15 |
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igge | but it will be surprised soon i guess.. | 04:15 |
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Seoke | Is there a way to add more workspaces? | 04:15 |
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lasse | igge: depending on what you are trying to do you could get all sorts of responses :) | 04:15 |
OldPink | Seoke: Right click the workspaces and click Preferences | 04:15 |
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OldPink | Seoke: Then there are options there, fiddle with them :P | 04:16 |
g[r] eek | genii: still resets :/ | 04:16 |
Seoke | OldPink: Thanks ^_^ I needed that =P | 04:16 |
age6racer | HEP85: any advice? I can add a new line for sda4 | 04:16 |
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igorgue | I have a intel centrino duo... should I intall Ubuntu for 64 bits? | 04:16 |
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genii | g[r] eek: No, it has some descriptions underneath (I hope) which say which key to press to exit or save, you need to do that and boot the changed line without powering off/on | 04:16 |
OldPink | Seoke: Any time :D | 04:16 |
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HEP85 | age6racer: Thought it was an /etc/fstab issue, but since it also occurs when mounting manually, I have no clue | 04:16 |
Seoke | OldPink: I'm loving this whole new 3D thing =o | 04:16 |
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igge | lasse: do you know how long it takes before a socket timeout happens? | 04:16 |
age6racer | HEP85: any advice? I can add a new line for CORRECTION - sda1 | 04:16 |
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igorgue | I have a intel centrino duo... should I intall Ubuntu for 64 bits? | 04:17 |
genii | g[r] eek: If you powered off/on after the change it will not be taking effect | 04:17 |
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OldPink | Seoke: Beryl? Or Compiz? They do look amazing, unfortunately I don't have the graphics card for it in this otherwise amazing desktop, but I'm installing Ubuntu on a laptop to my right and will try it out soon | 04:17 |
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lasse | igge: depends if there is a timeout -- normally i'd say 30 seconds but some programs will wait forever to get a response and therefore just seem to hang without doing anything... | 04:17 |
nodesert_ | i installed compiz but when i run it all window borders lost | 04:17 |
Seoke | OldPink: Which one is it that makes the windows wavy? | 04:18 |
evoluter | nodesert_: I know your problem and how to fix it! | 04:18 |
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OldPink | Seoke: Compiz, I guess :P | 04:18 |
HEP85 | age6racer: I'm sorry, but the default options should mount it okay normally | 04:18 |
Seoke | OldPink: Then that'd be the one xD | 04:18 |
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OldPink | Seoke: Check out my system: http://www.clevo.com.tw/products/L295N.asp - has everything but support for that :( :P | 04:18 |
ryuk | Seoke, beryl, compiz, compiz-fusion =, ubuntu "desktop effects" | 04:18 |
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age6racer | I've done this before and its worked fine. But this time nothing I do will change the permissions. or even if they appear to, when I reboot they have changed back | 04:19 |
car_watt | Hi all I have ubuntu Hoary but the server was hack I need to upgrate the version but I dont have internet conection In this server, I use the CDrom but I has any issuas with that | 04:19 |
igge | lasse: ok.. | 04:19 |
evoluter | nodesert_: Add "Option "AddARGBGLVisuals" "True"" to your Device section in xorg.conf | 04:19 |
rapflap | Ive been trying to get my webcam working, installing different drivers and such, and always tested with /dev/video0, but there is no video under dev at all, is it possible i have to use something else due to it being a embeded usb cam ? | 04:19 |
rapflap | or am i lacking something | 04:19 |
genii | g[r] eek: How much ram does this laptop have? | 04:19 |
g[r] eek | 128m | 04:19 |
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Seoke | OldPink: xD that sucks I had to turn it off to play AmericasArmy and even know I wasnt using it just knowing it wasnt there was making me sad xD I love this thing | 04:20 |
g[r] eek | genii: but dapper server says it can support minimum of 64mb | 04:20 |
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genii | g[r] eek: Yes, 6.06 is fine with that much. | 04:20 |
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dr_willis | theres 'running' then theres 'running at a useable speed' :) | 04:20 |
rustalot | igorgue : IMO, no. A bunch of things are buggy for 64-bit, such as Flash. | 04:21 |
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genii | dr_willis: Well, this P2-400 with 128 runs 7.04 fine :) | 04:21 |
=== dr_willis agrees with rustalot | ||
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dr_willis | genii, i had gentoo running on a Pent I - 100 Laptop. | 04:21 |
Seoke | I'm happy windows fucked up on my computer... It forced me to reinstall ubuntu.. I like it much more now then before.. even more then windows =x | 04:21 |
dr_willis | it wasent fast.. :) but it ran | 04:22 |
genii | dr_willis: Must have been hell to setup | 04:22 |
g[r] eek | genii: it just keeps resetting :( | 04:22 |
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g[r] eek | genii: even in recovery mode | 04:22 |
rustalot | oh yeah, that's nothing, I compiled a kernel that ran on my WRISTWATCH! | 04:22 |
dr_willis | genii, i just let it install over night. :) | 04:22 |
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Skrypt | Anyone care to help me setup my nf3 sound card with working ALSA drivers? | 04:22 |
dr_willis | rustalot, i set up CPM on a ROCK! :) | 04:22 |
rustalot | haha | 04:22 |
dr_willis | Waiting for ROck 2.0! | 04:23 |
ryuk | Seoke, do u do any gaming?? | 04:23 |
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weebl | I have made two partitions, both ext2 and now i want to write them, but it only gives me read access, how can i set it so I can write to the disk? | 04:23 |
genii | g[r] eek: Well, the way we were going about trying to get it to boot is the correct approach. To interrupt grub, make some change in the line which loads, then try to use that change and see if there is a difference. | 04:23 |
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dr_willis | weebl, you mean as a user you can only read them? or as root? | 04:23 |
Seoke | ryuk: Yup that was the only downfall I'm looking for a decent game for linux to play now... I reinstalled americas army xD but I'm looking for something better.. any suggestiosn? | 04:23 |
weeebl | both | 04:23 |
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dr_willis | weeebl, what do you intend to do with the partitions? | 04:23 |
kuha | i need record stream video software | 04:23 |
weeebl | just use them as filespace | 04:23 |
genii | g[r] eek: The trick would be to deduce which of the many possible kernel options may be useful in this case | 04:24 |
kbrooks | ping | 04:24 |
dr_willis | weeebl, i set up my extra 'data' partitions, with a directory in them, that i then chown, to be owned by the user i intend to let use the datapartition. | 04:24 |
weeebl | but i cannot create a directory in it | 04:24 |
kbrooks | Pleaswe support IRC+, http://www.irc-plus.org/ | 04:24 |
dr_willis | weeebl, the users dont have full access to the root of the partition, just their own dir. | 04:24 |
rustalot | hey, does anyone know how to edit the keeyboard layout? If I have a QWERTY, can I set it so that the Caps lock sends "Esc" and the "Esc" sends Capslock? | 04:24 |
ryuk | Seoke, nup.. apart from the ols school games and snes / nes emulators... no.. cant really recommend any thing for linux (unless u like any of the quake / doom variants) | 04:24 |
dr_willis | weeebl, then you got somthing else going on oddly. if root cant write to the partition. | 04:25 |
g[r] eek | genii: ok thanks for your help | 04:25 |
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dr_willis | weeebl, check the mount commands output. see if they are mounted read only for some reason | 04:25 |
Seoke | ryuk: I tried installing Unreal Tournament but it wouldnt install it just said something like "Bad trap" | 04:25 |
weeebl | i think they are mounted for read only but i don't know how to mount them as write too | 04:25 |
valehru | Anyone know how I could update a bios from ubuntu with an exe? | 04:25 |
valehru | Anyone know how I could update a bios from ubuntu with an exe and no floppy? | 04:25 |
dr_willis | weeebl, edit the fstab file, mount them from there. | 04:25 |
OldPink | Installing Ubuntu (7.04) on a laptop. It's been "Detecting File Systems.... 66%" for a while now, and the CDs just stopped spinning. Should I reboot? :( | 04:25 |
valehru | !bios | 04:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bios - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:25 |
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dr_willis | valehru, good luck with that. :() | 04:26 |
Seoke | OldPink: My laptop did that then when I finally got it to work after the 10th try it wouldnt boot -_- | 04:26 |
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Seoke | OldPink: Not to destroy your hopes xD | 04:26 |
Kagemaro | Does anyone know how to interface Linux with an Archos media player? | 04:26 |
OldPink | Seoke: How you fix it? | 04:26 |
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weeebl | will try | 04:26 |
ryuk | Seoke, yea i leave my deesktop for gaming (with windows) but use my lappy for everything else (and am now dedicated to linux on here) mind u it has recindled a love of emulators.. | 04:26 |
Seoke | OldPink: I just kept trying and each time it would go a little further | 04:26 |
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ryuk | OldPink, i gather your disk isnt scratched etc?? | 04:27 |
Seoke | ryuk: Emulators rock xD Yeah I'm straight linux now I need to start learning command lines again =x I havent used linux for like 3 years | 04:27 |
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ryuk | OldPink, and u dhould make sure u r running it on ac power.. | 04:27 |
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kbrooks | laptops are so cool :P | 04:27 |
kbrooks | byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 04:27 |
weeebl | and also, is there a way to write to ntfs disks from ubuntu? | 04:27 |
kbrooks | see you on my laptop | 04:27 |
=== TheBest Asculta Radio HackFM Cu DjDieless In Emisie URL: http://Asculta.HackFM.Ushells.Ro:8000/listen.pls Muzica :=-> Rapp ~ Hip-Hop ~ Dance ~ breackDance ~ House Nu Bag Manele. For Eggdrop Join #8&8 , pt dedicati #HackFM ==> www.HackFM.Tk <== Pofta La Ascultat .By Dieless | ||
Seoke | kbrooks: You only like to play with its nipple and you know it =P | 04:28 |
kbrooks | !ntfs | weeebl | 04:28 |
ubotu | weeebl: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 04:28 |
OldPink | ryuk: Brand new. Not scratched. Checked at boot, fine. Installed from it before. And yes, AC power | 04:28 |
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weeebl | !ntfs-3g | 04:28 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 04:28 |
genii | valehru: Probably a better way is to use some dos bootdisk as a boot image to make a bootable CD with then put the exe on there | 04:28 |
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Kilroo | !fuse | 04:28 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 04:28 |
ryuk | Seoke, yea.. was always weary of the command line.. till i stared using my lappy mouse is evil.. command line to some extent all the way.. | 04:28 |
kbrooks | weeebl: don6t follow these intructions | 04:28 |
Seoke | OldPink: How many times have you tried and does it keep stopping at the same point? | 04:28 |
jatt | ? it is not unsafe | 04:28 |
Kagemaro | Does anyone know how to interface Linux with an Archos media player? | 04:28 |
kbrooks | weeebl, go to applications > add/remove | 04:28 |
OldPink | Seoke: First | 04:28 |
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Till | what? | 04:28 |
kbrooks | weeebl, search for ntfs | 04:29 |
ThoMan | what was ubuntu software similar to Microsoft Project | 04:29 |
jatt | NTFS writing is stable with ntfs-3g | 04:29 |
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Seoke | OldPink: Retry and see what happens =P | 04:29 |
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kbrooks | weeebl, install the ntfs configuration tool | 04:29 |
kbrooks | weeebl, from there | 04:29 |
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ryuk | OldPink, yea.. jsut keep tryin.. but may i suggest if it stops again.. go away and leave it running... make sure it is NOT WRITING TO THE HDD when u turn it off.. | 04:29 |
Seoke | Ryuk: Yeah I love command line saves me a lot of time, I just need refresher courses xD I even forgot chmod today =x | 04:29 |
OldPink | Hm | 04:29 |
HEP85 | weeebl: install the package ntfs-3g and then go to System-->Admin-->Users & Groups and set the FUSE file system permissions for your user account | 04:30 |
ThoMan | what was ubuntu software similar to Microsoft Project | 04:30 |
weeebl | does not find ntfs configuration tool | 04:30 |
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OldPink | I have plans :P | 04:30 |
YingFan | Anyone who has experience with getting kmldonkey to "see" mlnet (feisty distro) | 04:30 |
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Kagemaro | Does anyone know how to interface Linux with an Archos media player? | 04:30 |
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weeebl | im on 6.06 not 7.04 though | 04:30 |
jatt | YingFan: it works per default | 04:30 |
weeebl | so i guess i will need ntfs-3g? | 04:30 |
sunken | ZeroA4: did it, my sound is working | 04:30 |
Kagemaro | I think its just USB mass storage device | 04:30 |
Showtime | Hi everyone | 04:30 |
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ryuk | Seoke, yea.. my command line is very basic.. do really need to get into more "scrpting" type stuff.. manly cause some of my stuff wont ork at startup.. | 04:30 |
OldPink | I'm formatting and starting again | 04:30 |
dr_willis | Kagemaro, if its like 90% of all the otehr media players out there.. it shoudl show up as a usb drive.. if not.. may want to check the wiki/forums on the ubuntu sites.. | 04:30 |
Kagemaro | but how would i work out how to mount it? | 04:30 |
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YingFan | jatt, no , mlnet is running fine, but kmldonkey doesnt attach to it so to speak | 04:30 |
HEP85 | weeebl: yes, though I do not know how to process on 6.06 | 04:31 |
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ZeroA4 | sunken, great! what you did ? | 04:31 |
jatt | weeebl: just add | 04:31 |
jatt | deb http://flomertens.free.fr/ubuntu/ dapper main main-all | 04:31 |
jatt | to /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:31 |
Seoke | ryuk: that sucks >_< Right now for scripting I think I'm going to start working on learning python... I used to use Turbo Delphi but thats not an option for linux ._. | 04:31 |
CapaH | Is there anyone here who can help me? I have "two sound cards" --- My laptop has a built in sound card, and then I have a USB "sound card" (which is actually a headset, but Ubuntu considers it a sound card under asoundconf list) --- My problem is simple: I want the SOUND to come out of the HEADSET and not the Internal Speakers (ICH6) --- Can anyone here help me with this? I tried: asoundconf set-default-card Headset --- No success. Anyone? | 04:31 |
OldPink | If this fails I'll text based installer it | 04:31 |
ryuk | OldPink, it is possible that it has coppied the files from the CD and is now installing them as i said b4.. check HDD usage when it appears to stop.. go away and leave it for a few minutes.. get a cup of t and watch some TV or somethin | 04:31 |
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kuha | please | 04:32 |
Seoke | OldPink: ryuk may be right >> | 04:32 |
dr_willis | Seoke, there used to be 'kylix' for linux that was delphi. Not sure if it still exists or not. | 04:32 |
jatt | CapaH: what does cat /proc/asound/cards say | 04:32 |
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Seoke | dr_willis: Really I'll have to look into it | 04:32 |
CapaH | jatt: Headset is 1 and Internal is 0 | 04:32 |
dr_willis | Seoke, it was a big deal a few years back.. Not sure if its even still around.. since it wasent GPL'ed as far as i know. | 04:33 |
ryuk | Seoke, ye.. i have the problem of really bad CPU scaling support and underclocking my vid card for battery.. all of which can be done from the command line (a group of about 5 ish commands.. but i dont want to have to do that every time i start the comp.. | 04:33 |
Seoke | dr_willis: It doesnt seem to be | 04:33 |
OldPink | OldPink, there's no chance that's happened. I never got to click install. It was before the partitioning | 04:33 |
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OldPink | LOL I just addressed myself | 04:33 |
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OldPink | ryuk, there's no chance that's happened. I never got to click install. It was before the partitioning | 04:33 |
ryuk | OldPink, ahh.. that sucks.. | 04:33 |
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Kagemaro | dr_willis - I have plugged it into the USB drive, the Archos is showing a connection, where would I see a USB storage device? | 04:33 |
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Seoke | ryuk: Cant you create a file that will run the scripts for you just by double clicking it? | 04:33 |
dr_willis | Seoke, it was a big hypped thing.. that everyone said.. 'nifty' then ignored... :) | 04:33 |
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CapaH | 0 [ICH6 ] : ICH4 - Intel ICH6 Intel ICH6 with AD1981B at 0xb0040800, irq 16 | 1 [Headset ] : USB-Audio - Logitech USB Headset Logitech USB Headset at usb-0000:00:1d.0-2, full speed | 04:33 |
Seoke | ryuk: .bin? | 04:33 |
dr_willis | Kagemaro, check 'dmesg' output when ya plug/remove it. | 04:34 |
ryuk | Seoke, yea that is where i get stuck.. how does one go about doin that?? | 04:34 |
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Seoke | dr_willis: xD I would have loved it >_< I <3 delphi xP | 04:34 |
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dr_willis | Kagemaro, some of those gizmos have a 'usb mode' they have to be in also. | 04:34 |
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mdmkolbe|ubuntu | In the "Network Manager" what is "Enable Roaming Mode"? I have to run a VPN over my wireless connection (IPSec/L2TP) is "Roaming Mode" compatabile with doing that or would it cause multiple IP changes that could confuse the VPN server? | 04:34 |
dr_willis | Seoke, i seem to recall it had a lot of... issues... | 04:34 |
Seoke | ryuk: I'm not sure but I was actually looking into learning and I'm a quick learner so when I do I can tell you =P | 04:34 |
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dr_willis | Seoke, and of course Not being GPL = a death warrent. :) | 04:34 |
Seoke | dr_willis: that sucks ._. Oh well I'll just learn python or something... or would you reccomend something else xD and that is true | 04:34 |
OldPink | Wish I'd gone text based from the beginning. LiveCD is SLOW on this system | 04:34 |
CapaH | jatt: I also tried asoundconf set-default-card Headset --- and no success, upon restarting X all sound still comes from the speakers | 04:34 |
dr_willis | Seoke, Python is very nice. Ruby is handy... learn them all. | 04:35 |
ryuk | Seoke, lol.... yea.. i will look also im pretty sure it is easy.. ust cant rem how to do it.. | 04:35 |
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dr_willis | dont limit yourself. | 04:35 |
Kagemaro | [6804.100000] usb 5-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2 | 04:35 |
Kagemaro | Is it that, dr_willis? | 04:35 |
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genii | mdmkolbe|ubuntu: Roaming Mode will normally just latch onto the first open network it finds which will give it an IP | 04:35 |
Seoke | ryuk: I think its just like programming open a text editor, write the command lines, and save it as a .bin but it cant be that easy xD | 04:35 |
dr_willis | Kagemaro, looks like it saw the gizmo. it shoudl mentiuon some sda sdb sdc, or similer address a few lines below that. | 04:35 |
Seoke | dr_willis: Gotta learn one at a time xD | 04:35 |
swmiller6 | oldpink how much ram do you have and is it shared with the video card | 04:35 |
genii | mdmkolbe|ubuntu: (for being in cafes etc which have complimentary internet for instance) | 04:35 |
dr_willis | Seoke, bah! learn them all at once | 04:35 |
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OldPink | swmiller, not shared, 256mb | 04:35 |
CapaH | jatt: I even went to Preferences | Sound -- and set everything under Devices to USB Audio --- and STILL all sound comes from the built in speakers. | 04:35 |
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Seoke | dr_willis: well once you know one language you know them all just gotta learn the new syntax | 04:36 |
CapaH | jatt: If I click 'test' next to devices - the sound clearly comes from the headset | 04:36 |
Kagemaro | dr_willis, the only line below that is [6804.232000] usb 5-5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice | 04:36 |
ryuk | Seoke, yea.. it is close though.. open text editor, add a line of text describing shell.. input commands.. then save it as bin (i think from what i have bin able to put together) | 04:36 |
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mdmkolbe|ubuntu | genii: ah, I see. Yeah, I have to connect to a specific network for the VPN so I'll leave it off. Thanks for the info | 04:36 |
OldPink | Oooh | 04:36 |
genii | mdmkolbe|ubuntu: np | 04:36 |
Seoke | ryuk: I'm on forums looking up info right now | 04:36 |
OldPink | I'm going to stick a Ubuntu sticker on my laptop lid. :O | 04:36 |
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ryuk | Seoke, lol.. i was about to put a post up | 04:37 |
kuha | Please any one i need some streaming record software anyone can recommend? | 04:37 |
Seoke | OldPink: I'm going to stick one on my forhead and run around town | 04:37 |
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Seoke | ryuk: xD Just do a search =P | 04:37 |
dr_willis | Kagemaro, unplug/plug it again check again.. then perhaps check the 'sudo fdisk -l' output see if a device is seen. If the system isent seeingit as a usb har drive.. i got no idea what else to do with it. since i dont have one. Check the ubuntu wiki/forums would be the next step | 04:37 |
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Seoke | ryuk: Still no luck here >_< | 04:38 |
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Kagemaro | All I see on the fdisk list is /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda5 | 04:38 |
wizek | How can i use Wine emulator to open .exe files?? | 04:38 |
OldPink | wizek: Wine Is Not an Emulator | 04:38 |
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royel | OldPink: lol | 04:39 |
Seoke | wizek: ~/wine /path/to/exe (I think >>) | 04:39 |
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CapaH | wizek: Just type: wine <name of exe> | 04:39 |
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jatt | OldPink: no? | 04:39 |
Seoke | wizek: that works too xD | 04:39 |
Seoke | OldPink: Then what is it good sir | 04:39 |
CapaH | jatt: so any ideas? | 04:39 |
stephen | i love wine | 04:39 |
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=== stephen slurps some wine | ||
OldPink | jatt: That's what wine stands for :P | 04:39 |
stephen | :) | 04:40 |
royel | !wine | Seoke | 04:40 |
ubotu | Seoke: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 04:40 |
OldPink | Seoke: I don't know! It's just what it stands for ;) | 04:40 |
CapaH | I love wine except for one thing --- no sound through headset! ugh | 04:40 |
_Lucretia_ | woo, built a nehe sample for 32-bit under 64, pity the libs aren't set up properly | 04:40 |
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Seoke | OldPink: xDDD | 04:40 |
stephen | there are 9 new updates :O | 04:40 |
Seoke | royel: -glare, glare- xD | 04:40 |
royel | Seoke: :) | 04:40 |
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CapaH | Is there *anyone* here who knows how to do this? I have a USB Headset, and ICH6 internal speakers (laptop). All sound goes through ICH6 and I want all sound to go through my headset. Using ALSA. --- Anyone? | 04:41 |
wizek | it prints error messages | 04:41 |
shavex | how do i make compiz fusion start on start up? | 04:41 |
Seoke | I now officially have a better cleaner looking desktop then all of you >>;; -cough cough- | 04:41 |
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dr_willis | CapaH, you sure the usb headset is even supported at all under linux? | 04:41 |
wizek | CapaH, it prints error messages | 04:41 |
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CapaH | dr_willis: Absolutely yes, it works fine under skype | 04:41 |
royel | Seoke: no chance | 04:41 |
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Seoke | royel: let me see yours then =P | 04:41 |
CapaH | dr_willis: It works fine under ANY application just not wine | 04:41 |
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wizek | CapaH, err:ntdll:NtQueryInformationToken Unhandled Token Information class 10! | 04:41 |
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dr_willis | CapaH, ahhhhhhh.... not working under wine.... | 04:42 |
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OldPink | Wine sucks | 04:42 |
dr_willis | >hic< | 04:42 |
Seoke | CapaH, Did you just say skype works with wine? | 04:42 |
CapaH | wizek: Not *all* exes work under wine -- if it doesn't work, your next best bet is to google for the specific application you are trying to run some work, some dont | 04:42 |
=== prosper882 [n=prosper8@bau06-3-82-234-137-249.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dr_willis | or try the latest wine, or perhaps cedega | 04:42 |
CapaH | Seoke: No, the skype I use is native linux | 04:42 |
swmiller6 | Oldpink: you could try this.. http://mihai.bazon.net/blog/installing-ubuntu-linux-on-a-low-ram-machine | 04:42 |
OldPink | Why not just find a native linux app that does the same? | 04:42 |
Seoke | CapaH, I was going to say theres a native linux version xD | 04:43 |
CapaH | yes :) | 04:43 |
wizek | OldPink, If Wine sucks, than could u recommend a better Win Emulator? | 04:43 |
swmiller6 | worked for me on a desktop with low ram but it was shared | 04:43 |
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CapaH | I was merely citing Skype to show that the headset in general *does* work, its also listed under asoundconf list | 04:43 |
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royel | Seoke: http://pengserv.servegame.com/pix/desktop.jpg | 04:43 |
Seoke | CapaH, Oh well /sarcasm Excuuuuuse /endsarcasm me | 04:43 |
antonyo14 | can anyone point me in some sort of direction with configuring a multiport serial card | 04:43 |
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OldPink | wizek: I escaped Windows by coming to Linux. Running a Win emulator is not what I'm here to do, so no, I couldn't. This PC is win(e)-free | 04:43 |
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antonyo14 | i've read the howtos and have scoured google | 04:44 |
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CapaH | dr_willis: Yes, not working under wine --- ideas? :) | 04:44 |
Seoke | royel: mines prettier >> | 04:44 |
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CapaH | Seoke: In response to someone who said "Are you sure the headset is supported at all" - thats all :) | 04:44 |
royel | Seoke: you can't get any prettier than what I just showed you! :) | 04:44 |
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kbrooks | hi | 04:44 |
kbrooks | on my lapto | 04:45 |
Seoke | CapaH: I know =P I was just playing around | 04:45 |
CapaH | .. why must these issues be so frustrating :) | 04:45 |
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Seoke | royel: xD bet me | 04:45 |
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Seoke | kbrooks: rub that nipple =x | 04:45 |
OldPink | swmiller, thanks | 04:45 |
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OldPink | I already have a 512MB swap stick | 04:45 |
OldPink | I'll just stick it in and swapon it | 04:45 |
CapaH | ---- Anyone? Is there anyone here who knows how I can get sound from wine to play out of this headset instead of my internal laptop speakers? Anyone? I would hate to have to go buy a cheap headset so I could use the headset jack on the side of the laptop -- I like these headphones! :) | 04:45 |
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kbrooks | OldPink, swapoff it before you unmount, if at all. | 04:46 |
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Seoke | royel: uploading... | 04:46 |
CapaH | I have been trying to figure this out for the last three days and no success | 04:46 |
OldPink | kbrooks, sure :D | 04:47 |
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shoot^ | fellas- i am trying to patch notification-daemon with a .diff file, but dont really know where to start. is anyone able to give me a pointer? | 04:47 |
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Seoke | royel: http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/2327/screenshothr1.png | 04:47 |
Theory | CapaH: have you tried running wineconfig and playing with the audio tab? | 04:47 |
dr_willis | CapaH, time to go ask the Wine experts? | 04:47 |
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dr_willis | :) | 04:47 |
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CapaH | Theory: Yes, wineconfig does not let you CHOOSE which sound card -- it merely lists both | 04:47 |
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Theory | you have a laptop with multiple sound cards? | 04:48 |
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Seoke | -_- Wine sucks but is almost a necessity >>;; | 04:48 |
Ice_Wewe | my server had a defunct process, so I tried to reboot it using the 'reboot' command, but, it had an NFS partition mounted from another computer (that computer was now off) and now I'm stuck. It's hasn't rebooted, and ssh (and telnet) are off... is there anyway I can kill power? | 04:48 |
dr_willis | Games are for the weak. | 04:48 |
dr_willis | :) | 04:48 |
CapaH | Theory: Sort of --- I have a USB headset which to Ubuntu is a sound card | 04:48 |
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Theory | CapaH: is this specific to wine? | 04:48 |
Seoke | dr_willis: I beg to differ havent you ever played pong fool? | 04:48 |
chewbacca | anyone here installed fuse-zfs? wondering how stable / reliable it is | 04:48 |
dr_willis | Seoke, IRC is the Ultimate MMORPG! | 04:49 |
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=== dr_willis roots Seoke with a +10 club of the Wombat! | ||
CapaH | *mostly* --- at any rate, wine is the only thing I care about at present :) | 04:49 |
Seoke | dr_willis: Oh touche | 04:49 |
CapaH | I can get other applications (such as Skype) to use the headset fine | 04:49 |
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dr_willis | Seoke, i rember seeing years ago a 'mechanical' pong game. :) | 04:49 |
royel | Seoke: missing one important factor, no CLI !! | 04:49 |
Seoke | royel: Yes but thats easy enough to get to if I need/want it =P | 04:50 |
CapaH | I go to sound devices under skype, two are listed, one is called "Logitech USB Headset" -- I choose that one for audio out, restart skype, and then skype audio perfectly comes from the headset | 04:50 |
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Seoke | dr_willis: A who what O-o | 04:50 |
dr_willis | I wonder if the Cedega forums have mention of Wine and USB headsets. | 04:50 |
Theory | CapaH: what you probably want to do is change your default alsa device | 04:50 |
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OldPink | Guys it's just locked up | 04:50 |
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CapaH | Theory: I agree | 04:50 |
Theory | this doesn't sound wine specific to me | 04:50 |
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OldPink | Trying to choose language on the map, clicked cancel, clicked sure to abort, mouse won't move, working away at nothing | 04:50 |
CapaH | Theory: I tried this: asoundconf set-default-card Headset --- then I restarted X, but there was no change, even the ubuntu startup sound came from the default speakers | 04:50 |
royel | Theory: dont think it is myself | 04:50 |
RainCT | hi | 04:50 |
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patient | salut | 04:51 |
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mxy | tgg | 04:51 |
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CapaH | If I could set my default ALSA card that would help | 04:51 |
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dbft | <dbft> hey, my computer won't load some websites (specifically rentacoder.com) which I know are up, what commands should i use to try to figure out why? | 04:52 |
Seoke | I want to play FFVII with some cheats anyone know a place to find the rom? | 04:52 |
dbft | <dbft> I recently install moblock but have uninstalled it thinking that may be the problem, the problem still occurs tho | 04:52 |
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RainCT | since the last update of Qt I get something like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30341/ when I run a Qt program, any idea what it can be? | 04:52 |
OldPink | Trying to choose language on the map, clicked cancel, clicked sure to abort, mouse won't move, working away at nothing. CD spinning, HD light flashing..... | 04:53 |
Theory | CapaH: does your ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf and ~/.asoundrc files look sensible? | 04:53 |
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CapaH | .. looking | 04:53 |
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viden | is there a package to install opera ? | 04:53 |
bobsomebody | hey, how do i mount a volume to in gnome through multiple ssh tunnels? | 04:53 |
paulm | hi, anyone been able to setup a custom live cd with a static ip address? | 04:53 |
bobsomebody | viden: sudo apt-get opera | 04:54 |
Seoke | viden: firefox is better xP | 04:54 |
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OldPink | Power off. Gone | 04:54 |
antonyo14 | to connect a serial printer to a serial device using adapters and cat5 line, should i use a straight through or a crossover cable? | 04:54 |
viden | seoke: yeah i know that but firefox is also fu%@ed up right now and wont install | 04:54 |
Seoke | viden: that sucks ass >_< | 04:54 |
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bobsomebody | lol | 04:54 |
bobsomebody | so is it possible to do what i want to do? | 04:54 |
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bobsomebody | does anyone have a clue? | 04:54 |
dvs01 | anyone here sucessfully installed turbovnc in ubuntu? | 04:55 |
viden | bobcomebody: Package opera is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 04:55 |
viden | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 04:55 |
viden | is only available from another source | 04:55 |
CapaH | first lines of asoundrc.asoundconf : (Line 0) !defaults.pcm.card Headset (Line 1) defaults.ctl.card Headset (Line 3) defaults.pcm.device 0 (Line 4) defaults.pcm.subdevice -1 ... etc | 04:55 |
bobsomebody | hm | 04:55 |
Seoke | bobsomebody: I have no clue mate sorry | 04:55 |
bobsomebody | viden: i guess go to opera.com i though it was there | 04:55 |
CapaH | everything looks reasonable Theory | 04:55 |
viden | yeah .. no web browser atm .. so im kinda screwed | 04:55 |
erUSUL | antonyo14: if you do not use a hub or a switch --> crossover | 04:55 |
CapaH | Why is all of my sound coming from ACH6 instead of "Headset" --- that is perplexing to me | 04:55 |
bobsomebody | viden: use galeon | 04:55 |
bobsomebody | its built on FF engine | 04:55 |
viden | is it preinstalled ? | 04:56 |
bobsomebody | should be in ad/remove | 04:56 |
Theory | and .asoundrc references .asoundrc.asoundconf ? | 04:56 |
CapaH | yes Theory | 04:56 |
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bobsomebody | nah, on cd, or get from app list | 04:56 |
viden | gotta have something so i can get this fixed ... cause im not going back to lynx .. lol | 04:56 |
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antonyo14 | erUSUL: thanks | 04:56 |
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erUSUL | antonyo14: no problem | 04:57 |
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=== Seoke Throws his now non-gaming computer up against a wall hoping somehow it will cause every game he has to turn linux-capable | ||
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OldPink | Seoke, get over it, games are a waste of time | 04:58 |
Theory | CapaH: have you looked at bug 45786? | 04:58 |
antonyo14 | erUSUL: pins 2 and 3, an 1 and 6 right? | 04:58 |
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osxdude|laptop | Seoke: why didn't it quit? | 04:58 |
viden | it actually looks like my apt database is hosed . i cant even start update manager now "software index is broken" | 04:58 |
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Theory | it sounds similar to what you are experiencing | 04:58 |
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CapaH | Theory: looking now.. | 04:58 |
Seoke | OldPink: xD to each their own.. cant play them anyways they're all in Minnesota I'm in Nebraska >_< | 04:59 |
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OldPink | Right. Laptop back on. Attempt #2. | 05:00 |
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Seoke | OldPink: Goodluck | 05:00 |
CapaH | Theory: This might be what I needed, (fingers crossed) | 05:01 |
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OldPink | I'll swapon asap, then try, hopefully with a bit of speed | 05:01 |
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FFForever | i have been seeing a lot about keyloggers and how they gather info for others...., can ubuntu contract one of these key loggers and if it does does it work? | 05:01 |
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royel | bobsomebody: give this howto a look, might be something that can help you: http://www.debuntu.org/2006/03/30/11-how-to-mount-a-remote-filesystem-using-ssh-sshfs-and-fuse | 05:02 |
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GNUtoo | hello, i have a problem with firestarter...is there any alternative GUI for sharing the internet connection? | 05:02 |
iosh | server/ irc.recycled-irc.net | 05:02 |
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CapaH | *yes* | 05:03 |
CapaH | worked! | 05:03 |
bobsomebody | royel, looks helpful thanks :) | 05:03 |
CapaH | now let me try wine | 05:03 |
=== bobsomebody must go study page | ||
royel | bobsomebody: gl | 05:03 |
bobsomebody | ty | 05:03 |
CapaH | (The solution was alsa-base changing snd-card-0 with snd_<name of card as shown in proc/asound blah) | 05:03 |
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berent | can i convert my ata disk drives into raid partitions | 05:03 |
=== Seoke goes to shower ._. | ||
Seoke | Ciao! | 05:03 |
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CapaH | argh | 05:04 |
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CapaH | worked *except* for wine :) | 05:04 |
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OldPink | Orange Screen... Cursor... Bzz bzz bzz bzz CD spinning... | 05:04 |
CapaH | wine still using internal speakers... | 05:04 |
OldPink | Woohoo wallpaper! | 05:04 |
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OldPink | Cursor says somethings happening | 05:04 |
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royel | OldPink: quick, press the power button! | 05:05 |
OldPink | royel, why? | 05:05 |
royel | OldPink: lol, j/k :) | 05:05 |
dr_willis | 'backup~! its going to blow!' | 05:05 |
OldPink | ... not funny. | 05:05 |
OldPink | ;) | 05:05 |
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dr_willis | :0 | 05:05 |
OldPink | :P | 05:05 |
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OldPink | It's getting louder. Which so obviously suggests "closer" | 05:06 |
royel | OldPink: might be too close | 05:06 |
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NIC | dmlv | 05:06 |
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sunken | ZeroA4: options snd-hda-intel model=3stack >> /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base | 05:06 |
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OldPink | Loaded with no top/bottom panels | 05:07 |
OldPink | .... | 05:07 |
royel | give it time | 05:07 |
sunken | ZeroA4: did it before and it did not work, after a while it did... | 05:07 |
dbft_ | so does anyone have any idea what i should do? | 05:07 |
royel | loading a liveCD I assume? | 05:07 |
dbft_ | my computer will not connect to rentacoder.com | 05:07 |
dbft_ | but everything else works fine | 05:07 |
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dbft_ | --- rentacoder.com ping statistics --- | 05:07 |
dbft_ | 711 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 710372ms | 05:07 |
OldPink | royel, what if I alt+f2 gnome-panel | 05:07 |
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CapaH | Theory: Ok, this is more frustrating... Wine continues to use the internal speakers --- yet clearly the default is the USB Headset, if I type: alsamixer --- it defaults to the headset configuration, so ... ideas? | 05:08 |
royel | OldPink: why? | 05:08 |
Theory | CapaH: you have wine set to use alsa right? | 05:08 |
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OldPink | ... | 05:08 |
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OldPink | royel, to make them load? | 05:08 |
andrewss | Hi, I have a mailscanner+spamassassin+postfix config and get valid mails with "X-Spam-Status: Yes" (even though if I run them through spamassassin -D they don't show up as spam. How can I debug this ?? | 05:08 |
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CapaH | Theory: Yes wine is set to use alsa | 05:09 |
royel | OldPink: this is with a LiveCD? | 05:09 |
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OldPink | royel, yes | 05:09 |
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andrewss | Hi, I have a mailscanner+spamassassin+postfix config and get valid mails with "X-Spam-Status: Yes" (even though if I run them through spamassassin -D they don't show up as spam. How can I debug this ?? | 05:09 |
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royel | OldPink: hard to say, if you just booted it, I'd wait a few moments, assuming this is on a slower PC it may just be overwhelmed or low amounts of ram | 05:10 |
CapaH | ok this might be important | 05:10 |
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OldPink | royel, it's quiet/not doing anything. How do I call a terminal without Applications > | 05:10 |
CapaH | under "Wave Out Devices" under ALSA under winecfg --- it says: dmix:0 and USB Audio | 05:10 |
OldPink | royel, Ctrl+Alt+F1 doesn't help | 05:10 |
CapaH | is dmix:0 something important? | 05:10 |
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Theory | CapaH: have you tried | 05:11 |
Theory | http://wiki.winehq.org/UsefulRegistryKeys | 05:11 |
OldPink | royel, help me out here, hit CTRL+ALT+F1, entered the swap stick. How do I swapon it from purely terminal? | 05:11 |
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Theory | in particular, the DevicePCMn key | 05:11 |
royel | OldPink: Alt+F2? | 05:11 |
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ctx144k | hello all | 05:11 |
ctx144k | im using ubuntu 7.0.4 | 05:11 |
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profanephobia | congrats | 05:12 |
WaterFoX | Can anyone here tell me if Ubuntu is worth it over Windows Vista? | 05:12 |
CapaH | trying now Theory | 05:12 |
profanephobia | hell yeah its worht it | 05:12 |
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ctx144k | and have changed the distro to ISO-8859-1 support: http://blog.arlandt.com/archiv/325 | 05:12 |
WaterFoX | Even if I game alot? | 05:12 |
WaterFoX | Is it compatible with most games? | 05:12 |
profanephobia | well if you game alot than niether are good choices | 05:12 |
ctx144k | now i changed my console-font via "dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" | 05:12 |
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ctx144k | and it works great | 05:12 |
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valdyn | WaterFoX: no. | 05:13 |
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profanephobia | for gaming i would use 2000 or xp | 05:13 |
ctx144k | but after rebooting all console-font-settings are away, so that i must recall dpkg-reconfigure console-setup | 05:13 |
royel | OldPink: you work it out? | 05:13 |
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OldPink | royel, nope | 05:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | WaterFoX: USe XP for your games and dual boot to Ubuntu for safe surfing | 05:13 |
profanephobia | and dev | 05:13 |
profanephobia | nothing better than linux for developing | 05:14 |
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royel | OldPink: I dont think there is a shortcut defined for bringing up a terminal window, however, you can use ALT+CTRL+F1-F6 to attain a virtual terminal, F7 should return you to the X server when you finish | 05:14 |
ctx144k | anyone knows how to set console-font right? | 05:14 |
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dr_willis | ctx144k, consolechars -f fontname | 05:15 |
OldPink | royel, I know that, but I can't run gparted or gnome-panel in that | 05:15 |
dr_willis | ctx144k, they are set by default from some config file in /etc/ | 05:15 |
profanephobia | ctx144k you can also right click the terminal and edit current profile i think | 05:15 |
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royel | OldPink: roughly what are the specs on this machine? | 05:15 |
ctx144k | dr_willis, which config-files? | 05:15 |
dr_willis | ctx144k, you refering to the CONSOLE, or the gnome-terminal | 05:15 |
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ctx144k | CONSOLE | 05:16 |
profanephobia | oh | 05:16 |
profanephobia | nm ten | 05:16 |
profanephobia | then | 05:16 |
IntuitiveNipple | With Feisty doing a suspend/resume. How to disable gnome-power-manager from causing the screen-saver login upon resume? (I've tried changing /etc/default/acpi-support but that is only for console suspends, not g-p-m) | 05:16 |
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dr_willis | ctx144k, i alwaysa have to look for it - its in /etc/ somewhere. console-setup/ console-tools/ looks rather Obvioius | 05:16 |
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OldPink | royel, bum this, I'll just retry the install, it was doing OK | 05:16 |
OldPink | royel, 700Mhz, 256MB, 6GB | 05:16 |
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royel | OldPink: an your using a fiesty livecd? | 05:17 |
OldPink | royel, yes | 05:18 |
dr_willis | ctx144k, a read of the /etc/init.d/console-setup script is handy also. I think it can set the font for you to some defaults | 05:18 |
alesan | where can I find the executable "bindkey"? | 05:18 |
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OldPink | royel, installer is suprisingly fast without gnome-panel | 05:18 |
alesan | on debian it seems it is in the csh package | 05:18 |
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royel | OldPink: it may just be too much for that system, I think min reqs are in that ranges, perhaps try the alternate install disc? | 05:18 |
royel | !alternate | OldPink | 05:18 |
ubotu | OldPink: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 05:18 |
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OldPink | royel, it's 25% downloaded, I'm just trying LiveCD whilst it downloads | 05:18 |
royel | OldPink: got ya | 05:19 |
branden | Hi all | 05:19 |
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OldPink | royel, I have been with Ubuntu over a year, I do know some stuff :P | 05:19 |
ctx144k | dr_willis, ah, ok | 05:19 |
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profanephobia | i have the worst video card ever (ATI xpress 200M) and cant get my VGA out to work...any help? | 05:20 |
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DeadLocked | I'm having problems burning DVD's. I get errors when i try to start the burning process. | 05:20 |
OldPink | royel, it's faster than last time. further than last TIME, I'm hopeful | 05:20 |
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OldPink | royel, you can get an idea of my experience: http://www.mbhoy.com/category/linux | 05:21 |
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Ind[y] | I made a bug report at launchpad, about the update-notifier problem. | 05:22 |
Ind[y] | It doesn't work at all. | 05:22 |
royel | OldPink: if you give it enough of time, it might actually load it up, without seeing it I can only guess, but the churning you mentioned, sounds to me like a slow CD-Rom an low system memory are just kicking it's butt :) | 05:22 |
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OldPink | royel, slow CD Rom is accurate :P It's actually plugged in via some nondescript cable. It's not even in the laptop :P | 05:23 |
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OldPink | royel, partitioning complete, starting install, fast. *touchwood* | 05:23 |
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OldPink | royel, Migrate Documents and Settings.... none :D | 05:24 |
swmiller6 | oldpink: the thumb drive as swap did not help then ... | 05:25 |
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royel | OldPink: Yeah, sounds like one of those machines that at this point your afraid to look over at it in fear you might offend it an it will spite you by blowing up! | 05:25 |
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OldPink | swmiller, I didn't get to try it, gnome-panel wouldn't load and I couldn't be bothered doing it in terminal without gparted. | 05:25 |
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OldPink | royel, it's actually a lovely little laptop. 12", only 1Kg, tiny little dell :D | 05:26 |
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royel | OldPink: ultra portable | 05:26 |
royel | OldPink: how big is your thumb drive? | 05:27 |
OldPink | By the way, anyone who feels they helped me with this laptop thing (royel, swmiller, some others) can IM me a link and I'll link you in someway when I blog about this (on http://mbhoy.com) | 05:27 |
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bobsomebody | hey, who sent me the link to FUSE / SFSSH | 05:27 |
bobsomebody | ?? | 05:27 |
bobsomebody | sorry i forgot nick | 05:27 |
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OldPink | royel the swap? 512mb. My current one? 2GB | 05:27 |
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royel | OldPink: could have just loaded this iso to your thumb drive then | 05:27 |
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ctx144k | in which directys is "consolechars -f <FONT>" searching for fonts? | 05:27 |
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alex__ | anyone know how i can get a login in text based style ( eg tty1 style) but when i enter my pasw and login i go to gui?? | 05:28 |
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OldPink | royel, true, but probably equally slow, I'm sticking with this | 05:28 |
royel | OldPink: oh, maybe not.. bios support wouldnt be there I guess | 05:28 |
royel | OldPink: oh sure, too late to stop now, just food for thought | 05:28 |
OldPink | royel, boot USB from bios was there, I almost booted DSL just to try it | 05:28 |
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OldPink | royel, you got a blog? I'll link you in partial return for all this help :) | 05:29 |
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bobsomebody | anyone good with FUSE or SFSSH? | 05:29 |
sahil | hey anyone know how i can get Pidgin on Ubuntu? | 05:29 |
bobsomebody | keep getting a missing mountpoint error | 05:29 |
PriceChild | sahil, Could you tell me why first? | 05:30 |
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OldPink | sahil, http://www.mbhoy.com/14-06-2007/pidgin-201 | 05:30 |
sahil | PriceChild, just bcuz it is newer | 05:30 |
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royel | OldPink: I dont, but I certainly appreciate the kind offer | 05:30 |
PriceChild | sahil, newer does not mean better | 05:30 |
tehtechman | Got a question... My 13y/o sis in law wants linux. Shes only used linux at my house. Also she isnt technically minded at all.. think ubuntu would be good for her? | 05:30 |
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royel | OldPink: I'm too geeky to spend time writing on a blog, I prefer reading others :) | 05:31 |
OldPink | royel, it's the least I could offer. Just waiting for the password box to light up so I can type | 05:31 |
PriceChild | sahil, gaim in the ubuntu repositories is supported by ubuntu... and stable etc. If you install from other repos, on your head be it | 05:31 |
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GigaClon | tehtechman, yeah | 05:31 |
royel | OldPink: ps, bookmarked yours | 05:31 |
PriceChild | sahil, there aren't that many more features in pidgin... all i can think of is a different appearance | 05:31 |
OldPink | royel, wow thanks :D | 05:31 |
sahil | yeah, the looks matter when i show ubuntu to other people | 05:31 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | hello. I am trying out linux due to a university course and want to set up a linux network. How can I get the individual workstations to do centralized authentication? Any pointers? | 05:31 |
IntuitiveNipple | With Feisty 32-bit doing a suspend/resume. Notebook immediately resuming from the suspend... any ideas? (I've tried disabling wakeup on USB devices, unloading various modules, suspending PCCard sockets, etc) | 05:31 |
swmiller6 | oldpink: me too | 05:32 |
tehtechman | whats easier to use KDE or Gnome. I havent used either in a very long time | 05:32 |
royel | OldPink: I like the clean layout, an seen a few articles I will be back to browse | 05:32 |
PriceChild | sahil, I said different appearance, not better appearance | 05:32 |
sahil | i am also writing my first school newspaper article about it and its coming out in a week so lots of ppl will come to look at it | 05:32 |
tprzepiorka_ | Hey, I'm new here. Trying to install Ubuntu on a new computer. I was wondering what "Use the largest conitinous free space" meant? I want to dual boot and leave part of the XP partition alone | 05:32 |
OldPink | PriceChild is right, sahil. Read my blog post I linked you to, it's very much featureless. | 05:32 |
OldPink | swmiller, thanks alot :D | 05:32 |
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IntuitiveNipple | gundam_rx78nt1: See Samba (smb) it can be configured like a Windows domain server for central authentication | 05:32 |
GigaClon | tehtechman, if she is used to windows then KDE but both are good | 05:32 |
OldPink | royel, seconds away from clicking "> Install" | 05:32 |
PriceChild | sahil, personally i prefer gaim... it tells you what protocol users are on in buddy list which pidgin doesn't. | 05:32 |
tehtechman | GigaClon, okay thanks | 05:33 |
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sahil | i am going to keep both on my comp | 05:33 |
OldPink | sahil, also Pidgin 2.1.0 is 5 days late out, why not wait for that? Although that in itself is merely a bug fix, really :P | 05:33 |
roachmmflhyr | tehtechman: I personally prefer GNOME. I think the layout and organization of everything is more comfortable | 05:33 |
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OldPink | royel, thanks for the compliments :) "Installing System.... 10%" | 05:33 |
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OldPink | ... 15% | 05:34 |
sahil | and i think Pidgin sounds better than GAIM | 05:34 |
gundam_rx78nt1 | IntuitiveNipple: is that all there is? Using Samba will permit to use wins and linux together on a network, what about 'pure linux' options? | 05:34 |
royel | OldPink: what software did you use to set up your blog? | 05:34 |
tehtechman | roachmmflhyr: May I could install both and just ler her choose | 05:34 |
lasse | sahil: I dont hope you choose software based on the name ;) | 05:34 |
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roachmmflhyr | tehtechman: yeah | 05:34 |
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IntuitiveNipple | gundam_rx78nt1: It is pure linux, Samba implements the protocols needed to do it | 05:34 |
OldPink | royel, http://www.wordpress.org if you have your own hosting, http://www.wordpress.com if you want them to host it for you :D | 05:35 |
royel | OldPink: oh, guess I should scroll down some, right at the bottom | 05:35 |
tprzepiorka_ | I'm trying to create a partition in Gparted and I keep getting an error that is something like this: ntfsresize -P --Force --force /dev/sda1 -no-action | 05:35 |
tprzepiorka_ | I am confused :( | 05:35 |
CapaH | I have two sound cards. How do I utterly disable one of them (thus forcing the other to work) ? | 05:35 |
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OldPink | CapaH, get a screwdriver :P | 05:36 |
CapaH | :) | 05:36 |
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CapaH | How can I cause asoundconf list *not* to list the one I dont want? | 05:36 |
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lancerdragoo5 | Hey guys, does anyone know where to get Feisty *.debs for Gaim 2.0 beta6? Note that I don't want the Pidgin debs, just Gaim. | 05:36 |
swmiller6 | CapaH: diable it in the bios | 05:37 |
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tehtechman | CapaH: are the two onboard or cards or what? | 05:37 |
CppIsWeird | i just booted up, and every time i clicked anything to open it, it would close immidately. how come? | 05:37 |
swmiller6 | lancerdragoo5: Automatix | 05:37 |
CapaH | tehtechman: One is a USB headset (which is a soundcard as far as ubuntu is concerned), and the other is onboard laptop speakers | 05:37 |
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aubade | lancerdragoo5: Edgy repos have 2.0.0+beta6. | 05:37 |
ubuntu-rocks | i'm run feisty and upon bootup, i'm getting "Loading hardware drivers [fail] " after a few minutes. The bootup continues but is very slow. How do i troubleshoot this? | 05:38 |
aubade | http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/gaim | 05:38 |
lancerdragoo5 | aubade: Thank you! | 05:38 |
CapaH | tehtechman: I am TRYING to get Wine to use my headset, and even setting modprobe.d/alsa-base to use ONLY the headset works for every single application EXCEPT Wine, so my new approach is --- how can I force so that ONLY the headphones are enabled, and then try | 05:38 |
lancerdragoo5 | aubade: These will work with Feisty, right? | 05:38 |
tehtechman | CapaH: I havent used ubuntu in a while but, you can probably use alsaconf to choose between the two | 05:38 |
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aubade | lancerdragoo5: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/gaim <-- Actually, make that feisty. lol | 05:39 |
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CapaH | tehtechman: Tried that, no success --- so long as the internal speakers exist, wine uses them | 05:39 |
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lancerdragoo5 | Oh lol | 05:39 |
CppIsWeird | i just booted up, and every time i clicked anything to open it, it would close immidately. how come? | 05:39 |
sdloo | tach auch | 05:39 |
lancerdragoo5 | aubade: thanks again! | 05:39 |
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tehtechman | CapaH: have you tried disableing in the bios. I would tryt that unless you need to use them sometime | 05:40 |
OldPink | royel: http://www.filehive.com/files/0718/Image016.jpg - dead window :P sounds like it's doing something though | 05:40 |
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CapaH | tehtechman: I do need them sometimes | 05:40 |
CppIsWeird | i no one minds, i'd like to know what freaky thing is going on with my computer. | 05:40 |
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CapaH | tehtechman: Is there some way to do it without disabling it in bios? | 05:40 |
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Wolfwalker | Quick question: Is there anything better than Feather for a computer with 64 megs ram? | 05:42 |
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b-tommy | hi folks | 05:42 |
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OldPink | wolfwalker: Damn Small Linux? | 05:42 |
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b-tommy | i have a very important question and no solution at the moment :-/ | 05:42 |
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OldPink | wolfwalker: Fluxubuntu? | 05:42 |
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Wolfwalker | Tried DSL. Works well at what it does, but doesn't really do anything :P | 05:43 |
b-tommy | i am a cd/dvd-editor form a german linux magazine | 05:43 |
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Wolfwalker | !fluxubuntu | 05:43 |
ubotu | fluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/ | 05:43 |
CppIsWeird | i just booted up, and every time i clicked anything to open it, it would close immidately. how come? I also cant alt+crtl+F** | 05:43 |
tehtechman | CapaH: hmm only thing i can think of is building the drivers a modules and not in the kernel, and then only load the ones you need | 05:43 |
SlimeyPete | Wolfwalker: tried Vector? I haven't used it recently but it used to be good | 05:43 |
OldPink | wolfwalker lol, true :P but 64megs of RAM doesn't really do anything ;) | 05:43 |
b-tommy | and we would like do two differeent ubuntu-editions on one dvd | 05:43 |
Wolfwalker | ? | 05:43 |
Wolfwalker | !Vector | 05:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vector - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:43 |
fruitbatJim | how do I run a task in the background? I thought it was just with a '&' at the end of the command but it doesn't work | 05:43 |
b-tommy | if there any way, i can do taht? | 05:43 |
tehtechman | CapaH: are they built in or modules? | 05:43 |
CapaH | ... why is it this hard just to get Wine to play through my USB headset... | 05:43 |
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OldPink | Google fluxbuntu, try that? Wolfwalker | 05:44 |
Wolfwalker | So what is Vector? | 05:44 |
Wolfwalker | Thanks, looking up flux now | 05:44 |
CapaH | the end result of what I want is simple, I just want the sound from Wine applications to go through my USB Headset -- I have wine set to use ALSA, I have ALSA default card set to my Headset, and --- no success | 05:44 |
B-rabbit | hi does any on know the command to load the nessus plugin before you login | 05:44 |
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OldPink | Any help with this? http://www.filehive.com/files/0718/Image016.jpg got to around 20% through installation and been like that since, HD still writing, disk still spinning, let it go? | 05:45 |
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CppIsWeird | i just booted up, and every time i clicked anything to open it, it would close immediately. how come? I also cant alt+crtl+F** | 05:46 |
swmiller6 | oldpink: how much coffee have you had today? | 05:46 |
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Cubey | hello | 05:46 |
Till | hinogi, with wich irc- programm can i wrote alwasy in culour? sorry bad englsih :-) | 05:47 |
tehtechman | CapaH: dont really know what to say srry. ive had only limited experience with multiple sound devices. | 05:47 |
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ubuntu-rocks | i'm run feisty and upon bootup, i'm getting "Loading hardware drivers [fail] " after a few minutes. The bootup continues but is very slow. How do i troubleshoot this? | 05:47 |
gosh | hello, i am new to ubuntu and now I am wondering how to configure my touchpad so that I can scroll down with it at the right border.. how do I open the synaptics config, or is there an other way? | 05:47 |
OldPink | swmiller6, one decent sized cup. :P why? | 05:47 |
Cubey | I seem to have some launchers stuck on the desktop that won't delete. it's a folder with a large arrow on it. | 05:47 |
giesen | I'm having issues with the ATI binary drivers on Feisty-AMD64 | 05:47 |
giesen | when X starts, all I get is a black screen | 05:47 |
swmiller6 | oldpink: you seem hyper | 05:47 |
SlimeyPete | ubuntu-rocks: there may be more detail in the logs (/var/log/) | 05:47 |
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swmiller6 | lol | 05:47 |
OldPink | swmiller6, new laptop :P | 05:47 |
giesen | using an ATI X1300 | 05:47 |
giesen | can anyone lend a hand? | 05:48 |
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swmiller6 | oldpink: what kind of laptop | 05:48 |
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All | Hello | 05:48 |
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CppIsWeird | i just booted up, and every time i clicked anything to open it, it would close immediately. how come? I also cant alt+crtl+F** | 05:48 |
OldPink | swmiller6, I say "new" - it was 70 :P they thought it was screwed because a DLL was missing and Windows wouldn't boot. I'm ubuntuing it. A Dell Latitude L400 | 05:48 |
swmiller6 | oldpink: love your blog btw | 05:48 |
OldPink | swmiller6, thanks alot :D | 05:48 |
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Wolfwalker | Right, fluxubuntu is out. Says they just ditched feisty altogether to get around the permanent 3-month delay. Their homepage doesn't give anywhere to get previous versions either. | 05:49 |
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swmiller6 | oldpink: my favorite kind of new "Cheap" | 05:49 |
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OldPink | swmiller6: Exactly. :D | 05:49 |
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OldPink | swmiller6: Plus it's ultra portable. Only 12", weighs nothing, awesome find | 05:50 |
OldPink | swmiller6: They go for 150+ on eBay with working 98 installations and no hinges. lol | 05:50 |
swmiller6 | oldpink: yeah I got 2 laptops one has 17" monitor never leaves the dask | 05:50 |
swmiller6 | *desdk | 05:51 |
swmiller6 | *desk | 05:51 |
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OldPink | swmiller6: :D great, I love how Ubuntu can make an old system new | 05:51 |
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jaimeco | /server irc.undernet.org | 05:52 |
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swmiller6 | oldpink: well I am off to lunch.. looking forward to reading how this turns out on your blog post.. | 05:52 |
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OldPink | swmiller6: Thanks, look forward to you reading it, enjoy lunch :D | 05:53 |
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tite1 | hi guys, I want to use beryl but now I'm finding out that this is not possible with my graphic card (integrated uniChrome) does anyone know any work arrounds? | 05:56 |
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Wolfwalker | uniChrome? | 05:56 |
Wolfwalker | Yeah. Get a better graphics card. | 05:57 |
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pppoe | hello everyone! | 05:57 |
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CppIsWeird | i just booted up, and every time i clicked anything to open it, it would close immediately. how come? I also cant alt+crtl+F** | 05:57 |
tite1 | Wolfwalker, :) , not relly fitting my budget at the moment | 05:57 |
tite1 | Wolfwalker, any other suggestion? | 05:57 |
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CppIsWeird | i just booted up, and every time i clicked anything to open it, it would close immediately. how come? I also cant alt+crtl+F** | 05:58 |
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osxdude|laptop | CppIsWeird: It is either your shell, the placing of your Home folder, or a seg fault (core dumped) | 05:59 |
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CppIsWeird | why would something like that happen all the sudden? | 05:59 |
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CapaH | Does ANYONE here know how to force Wine (ALSA) to use my USB Headset? Try as I might, it always uses my internal laptop speakers? | 06:00 |
CppIsWeird | and why can i not alt+crtl+F**? | 06:00 |
ubuntu-rocks | the only thing I can find in dmesg is the following. [ 133.246547] ATA: abnormal status 0x7F on port 0x00010177 | 06:00 |
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osxdude|laptop | CppIsWeird: what does that do again? | 06:00 |
royel | OldPink: lol, thats a nice pic :) | 06:00 |
CppIsWeird | ... | 06:00 |
Wolfwalker | My question is, why a USB headset? Doesn't your computer have those miniheadphone jacks? | 06:00 |
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Benwin | hello | 06:01 |
Benwin | quick question | 06:01 |
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Benwin | I have a Compaq TC1000 tablet PC | 06:01 |
osxdude|laptop | !ask | benwin | 06:01 |
ubotu | benwin: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:01 |
stifler | hi | 06:02 |
Benwin | and i'm interested in putting linux on it... | 06:02 |
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CppIsWeird | i just booted up, and every time i clicked anything to open it, it would close immediately. how come? I also cant alt+crtl+F** | 06:02 |
Benwin | and since Dell chose Ubuntu, i'm assuming you've got a good thing going... | 06:02 |
Benwin | question is.... | 06:02 |
=== MrMakey [i=makey@d54C2817F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kevinl-- | does ubuntu have a live cd that is not also an installer? | 06:02 |
kevinl-- | im looking for an ubuntu live system that can boot over nfsroot/pxe | 06:02 |
Benwin | does ubuntu support stylus and writing inputs? | 06:02 |
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dvs01 | is it possible to have freenx attach to an existing desktop? | 06:02 |
tehtechman | Will dell ship linux laptops? I was thinking either to get a dell or a mac loptop | 06:03 |
stifler | has anyone got an nvidia GO 7600 or a nvidia go *? i have problem with this card | 06:03 |
dxdt | Benwin: ummm linux in general does, but I can't tell you how easy it will be to use or setup. | 06:03 |
dxdt | tehtechman: yes | 06:03 |
dxdt | tehtechman: dell.com/linux | 06:03 |
Till | hinogi, with wich irc- programm can i wrote alwasy in color? sorry bad englsih :-) | 06:03 |
tehtechman | dxdt: oh sweet... thanks | 06:03 |
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Wolfwalker | |Till:| try Xchat. | 06:03 |
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pppoe | i'm facing a DSL problem! i turned on my pc this morning and i wasnt able to connect to the internet! i tried pppoeconf and went through the configuration but this time it detected eth0 and eth0: avah (even though i only have one nic) and when it tries to scan the nics for dsl connection and settings! it doesnt find any even though its working perfectly fine! im on the same pc now which has dual boot (on xp right now) | 06:04 |
dvs01 | i need the best possible solution for viewing my desktop remotely. this it a crucial obstacle in my migration of my comm machine from windows to linux | 06:04 |
Till | Wolfwalker: this worls but i will alwasy write in color not only once | 06:04 |
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pppoe | could anyone help out plz! | 06:04 |
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dvs01 | i can use realvnc and have xorg.conf load vnc.so, or use the version of vnc that attaches to an existing desktop.. however, i hear that nx is a much better protocol. can freenx attach to an existing desktop? | 06:04 |
osxdude|laptop | pppoe: Reboot your DSL router by unplugging and plugging back in the power. | 06:04 |
kevinl-- | dvs01: um, vnc? | 06:04 |
pppoe | osxdude|laptop i did! no luck | 06:05 |
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pppoe | osxdude|laptop besides am on the same pc/connection right now | 06:05 |
kevinl-- | if your running gnome on your desktop, you can simply go to desktop/preferences and turn remote desktop on | 06:05 |
kevinl-- | and vnc to your IP on port 5900. | 06:05 |
kevinl-- | works pretty dang good for me | 06:05 |
stifler | has anyone got an nvidia GO 7600 or a nvidia go *? i have problem with this card | 06:05 |
osxdude|laptop | pppoe: reboot into ubuntu now. | 06:05 |
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osxdude|laptop | pppoe: maybe you just needed to reboot | 06:05 |
pppoe | osxdude|laptop i only have this pc! and if i do so! i wont b able to connect to here | 06:05 |
pppoe | osxdude|laptop i rebooted so many times | 06:06 |
CppIsWeird | i just booted up, and every time i clicked anything to open it, it would close immediately. how come? I also cant alt+crtl+F** | 06:06 |
osxdude|laptop | pppoe: it may be ubuntu. I can't help you there | 06:06 |
pppoe | after running the pppoeconf and finishing it (without finding the connection) i get " siocsifflags: cannot assign requested adress | 06:06 |
stifler | uscito (Client Quit) | 06:06 |
stifler | <Till> Wolfwalker: this worls but i will alwasy write in color not only once | 06:06 |
stifler | * Bain (n=Mark@ entrato in #ubuntu | 06:06 |
stifler | * sn0 uscito (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | 06:06 |
stifler | <pppoe> could anyone help out plz! | 06:06 |
stifler | * Littlegator uscito (Connection timed out) | 06:06 |
stifler | * Bassetts (n=Bassetts@unaffiliated/bassetts) entrato in #ubuntu | 06:06 |
stifler | * kyler (n=kyler@h46095629.area4.spcsdns.net) entrato in #ubuntu | 06:06 |
stifler | <dvs01> i can use realvnc and have xorg.conf load vnc.so, or use the version of vnc that attaches to an existing desktop.. however, i hear that nx is a much better protocol. can freenx attach to an existing desktop? | 06:06 |
stifler | <osxdude|laptop> pppoe: Reboot your DSL router by unplugging and plugging back in the power. | 06:06 |
stifler | <kevinl--> dvs01: um, vnc? | 06:06 |
stifler | <pppoe> osxdude|laptop i did! no luck | 06:07 |
stifler | * anilomkar (n=anil@ entrato in #ubuntu | 06:07 |
stifler | * anilomkar (n=anil@ ha abbandonato #ubuntu ("Leaving") | 06:07 |
dvs01 | wtf | 06:07 |
stifler | <pppoe> osxdude|laptop besides am on the same pc/connection right now | 06:07 |
stifler | <kevinl--> if your running gnome on your desktop, you can simply go to desktop/preferences and turn remote desktop on | 06:07 |
Bassetts | what on earth | 06:07 |
osxdude|laptop | !ops | 06:07 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 06:07 |
pppoe | stifler ! | 06:07 |
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stifler | <kevinl--> and vnc to your IP on port 5900. | 06:07 |
stifler | <kevinl--> works pretty dang good for me | 06:07 |
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Myrtti | wha | 06:07 |
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kevinl-- | doh. | 06:07 |
osxdude|laptop | thanks | 06:07 |
Bassetts | thanks Hobbsee | 06:07 |
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Hobbsee | ....okay then. | 06:07 |
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Benwin | dxdt hmmm i want it to just *work* lol | 06:08 |
pppoe | osxdude|laptop do u think i should install it again! | 06:08 |
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Egonzalez | Hello | 06:08 |
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dxdt | Benwin: that I can't gurantee as I've never tried it :-/ you should google your tablet and Ubuntu and see if you other posts by people saying it just worked and was awesome | 06:08 |
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Egonzalez | I need to install openmosix in ubuntu 6,06, somebody can help | 06:09 |
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dvs01 | heh, with beryl enabled, vnc is using up 1.8MB/s of bandwidth | 06:10 |
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MrChicken | I'm trying to get Icewm running... I've added exec /usr/bin/icewm-session to /etc/X11/Xsessions and so far I have had no luck | 06:14 |
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MrChicken | Sorry Forgot to say hi | 06:15 |
MrChicken | Hello :) | 06:15 |
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Bassetts | anyone who knows about the BBC iPlayer and would like to campaign to stop them making it for Windows SP2 only and using Microsoft DRM look here: http://blog.paladine.org.uk/?p=14 | 06:15 |
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abhi | is there any command to retain the super user status rather than using sudo each time? | 06:17 |
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PriceChild | abhi, sudo has remember the password for some time. | 06:17 |
PriceChild | abhi, you only have to enter it if it times out | 06:18 |
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PriceChild | abhi, I suggest you dont' make it any easier for sudo than it already is | 06:18 |
abhi | PriceChild, : yah that is where problem lies? | 06:18 |
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nikin | abhi : sudo -i | 06:20 |
abhi | PriceChild, :I run a script which uses the sudo while I am away ? so the script stop executing when it face sudo ? | 06:20 |
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nikin | abhi: it is like a root login | 06:20 |
PriceChild | abhi, add it to a root's cron maybe....? | 06:20 |
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abhi | nikin: sudo -i : how to use this? | 06:20 |
Egonzalez | I need to install openmosix in ubuntu 6,06, somebody can help | 06:20 |
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HEP85 | abhi: don't use sudo in the script. just start the script with sudo | 06:21 |
oscurochu | How do I reinstall grub? | 06:21 |
MrChicken | I'm trying to get Icewm running... I've added exec /usr/bin/icewm-session to /etc/X11/Xsessions and so far I have had no luck | 06:21 |
DeadLocked | Is there a way to speed up K3B's burning, or a better DVD burner? | 06:21 |
nikin | abhi: jut write this in a console and yoou get a root terminal | 06:21 |
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nikin | and that works until you type exit | 06:22 |
HEP85 | why are so many people still using edgy 6.06? | 06:22 |
abhi | HEP85, : will it work with out any time limit? | 06:22 |
oscurochu | How do I reinstall grub? | 06:22 |
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HEP85 | abhi: they way I said yes | 06:23 |
abhi | nikin: thanks, I am look for this for a while..... | 06:23 |
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nikin | HEP85: 6.06 is dapper.. and people use it coz it has LTS, edgy is used by those who had problems using .20 kernel | 06:23 |
nikin | abhi: np | 06:23 |
HEP85 | nikin: I see | 06:23 |
abhi | thanks HEP85 for your tip............ | 06:23 |
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HEP85 | abhi: np | 06:24 |
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nikin | HEP85: on my dual P3 desktop maschine i use 7.04 ... but on my notebook it makes some strange bugs about the CPU temperature (7600 C > halting) and such things so i wait till .21 or .22 in Gutsy | 06:25 |
tehtechman | oscurochu: you can usually find good grub tuts on the net. basically you try grub-install | 06:25 |
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tehtechman | oscurochu: you could do that in knoppix i think | 06:25 |
oscurochu | tehtechman: when I try to boot my computer, grub says something like, "could not load grub bootloader" | 06:26 |
oscurochu | so would that help? | 06:26 |
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ubuntu-rocks | fyi, I replace my ide cable and the computer boots in approx 5 secs! :) | 06:26 |
abhi | I am using res. of 800*600, so buttons are quite large. can I make the buttons small at the same res... | 06:27 |
tehtechman | oscurochu: yeah boot with a linux cd, and just reinstall grub from there. usually to the MBR. | 06:27 |
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ajas | ajas | 06:27 |
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ajas | good for hall | 06:27 |
oscurochu | tehtechman: which directory do i install it to? /boot? | 06:27 |
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mike1234 | hi guys, i have accedintley deleted all my panels on my desktop and i cant seam to get them back, does anyone know of any easy way i can get them back | 06:28 |
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tehtechman | oscurochu: well in your /boot youll have yout kernel and grub config stuff | 06:29 |
napster_ | i have a conexant fusion 878A 25878-13. It also says lifestyle on it. Where can i get the drivers for it for ubuntu? | 06:29 |
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oscurochu | so thats where it goes? | 06:29 |
abhi | mike1234, : right click on desktop and add a new panel... | 06:29 |
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oscurochu | tehtechman: so is that where i install it? | 06:30 |
mike1234 | abhi, i do that but i dont have any option to add a new panel | 06:30 |
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tehtechman | oscurochu: I think this may be what you want http://lists.netisland.net/archives/plug/plug-2005-03/msg00127.html | 06:30 |
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abhi | mike1234, : are you using 7.04? | 06:31 |
mike1234 | abhi, yep | 06:31 |
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abhi | mike1234, : it is there in 6.04 | 06:31 |
dmakalsk | Hi all, my gnome session went all crazy on me after a while, and I had to create a new user to get my system usable again. Is there a way to restore a users session settings to default? | 06:31 |
mike1234 | abhi, so i dont quite know what to do | 06:32 |
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osxdude|laptop | *coughs*Hobbsee*cough*is still*cough*ops | 06:32 |
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Hobbsee | osxdude|laptop: indeed. | 06:33 |
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Hobbsee | osxdude|laptop: my script doesnt auto-deop | 06:33 |
abhi | mike1234, :just 2 days back I installed the 7.04. let me find if there is some way.. | 06:33 |
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dmakalsk | in particular I need to restore the wireless internet applet | 06:33 |
dmakalsk | and the battery meter | 06:33 |
abhi | I am using res. of 800*600, so buttons are quite large. can I make the buttons small at the same res... | 06:33 |
HEP85 | mike1234: run gnome-panel | 06:34 |
mike1234 | abhi, before i lost my windows i could right click on the panel and an add new panel option would come up but its a bit hard when you dont have any lol, but thanks for looking into it | 06:34 |
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mike1234 | HEP85, how can you get into a terminal if you dont have any panels | 06:34 |
osxdude|laptop | Hobbsee: just makin' sure you knew | 06:35 |
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Hobbsee | osxdude|laptop: thanks - working on other stuff at the moment | 06:35 |
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noob741 | Hallo Leute, ist dies ein deutscher IRC-Chat? | 06:35 |
abhi | mike1234, use gnome-panel in run command ( alt+f2) | 06:35 |
napster_ | where can i get drivers for a tv card? | 06:35 |
tehtechman | mike1234: You could crtl+alt+F2 or something like that | 06:36 |
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HEP85 | mike1234: you can rightclick on the desktop and create a new starter | 06:36 |
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larusa314 | buenas stardes | 06:37 |
mike1234 | HEP85, gotya | 06:37 |
dmakalsk | Hi... can someone please acknowledge that my messages are being received? | 06:37 |
mike1234 | thanks guys | 06:37 |
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mike1234 | ill give that a goo | 06:37 |
larusa314 | algn espaol en la sala? | 06:37 |
OldPink | Hi dmakalsk :D It's all good! | 06:37 |
mike1234 | and let you know | 06:37 |
noob741 | Is there anyone who can hep me installing a NVIDIA driver? | 06:37 |
dmakalsk | OldPink: thanks | 06:37 |
mike1234 | see you in a sec | 06:37 |
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mjsilva | ls | 06:37 |
dmakalsk | can I trouble someone to help me fix my session? | 06:38 |
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OldPink | !anyone | dmakalsk | 06:38 |
ubotu | dmakalsk: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:38 |
larusa314 | hola hola hola | 06:38 |
dmakalsk | a bunch of applets disappeared (wireless applet, battery meter) | 06:38 |
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mjsilva | hello!! | 06:38 |
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HELP-Mey | could you help me? > http://s1.bg.bitefight.org/c.php?uid=23183 | 06:38 |
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mjsilva | how can I know if a USB disk is using USB1 or USB2? | 06:39 |
mjsilva | from shell | 06:39 |
abhi | I am using res. of 800*600, so buttons are quite large. can I make the buttons small at the same res... | 06:39 |
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HELP-Mey | could you help me? > http://s1.bg.bitefight.org/c.php?uid=23183 PLS! | 06:39 |
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mjsilva | windows | 06:40 |
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HEP85 | !spam | HELP-Mey | 06:40 |
ubotu | HELP-Mey: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-) | 06:40 |
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mjsilva | IRSSI could be tricky at fist use :P | 06:40 |
noob741 | OK, here we go... I have a brandnew Computer and I installed Kubuntu on them. Everything works fine. But I don t know how to install the Nvidia Driver. It is a GeForce 6200 LE Card inside. Is there anybody here who can help me please? | 06:40 |
oscurochu | which partition is my boot partition? | 06:40 |
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OldPink | !nvidia | noob741 | 06:41 |
ubotu | noob741: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:41 |
mjsilva | pop | 06:41 |
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mike1234 | ah no luck guys, i ran gnome-panel as a launcher but i could see no icon or nothing changed | 06:42 |
mjsilva | anyone? how can I know if my usb external disk is on USB1 or USB2? | 06:42 |
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tehtechman | noob741: I always install the driver straight from the vendor... never had luck with a distrobutions installer (ubuntu, debian, gentoo, etc...) | 06:43 |
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abhi | what is best theme for lower resolution? | 06:43 |
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HEP85 | mike1234: select start in terminal to see what the output is | 06:43 |
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kindus | Hello there ... me and my friend are having an argument on whether it is at all possible to install ubuntu from the commandline using the default CD. Can anyone help us settle this please ? | 06:43 |
jrib | kindus: no, not really. use the alternate cd if you need a text-mode install | 06:44 |
HEP85 | noob741: "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" | 06:44 |
mike1234 | HEP85, i dont quite get what you mean | 06:44 |
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PriceChild | kindus, no you can't | 06:44 |
PriceChild | !alternate | kindus | 06:44 |
ubotu | kindus: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 06:44 |
Lurchtoke | hello people | 06:44 |
Lurchtoke | can I get someone to help me for a minute with this ubuntu webserver? | 06:44 |
jrib | !someone | Lurchtoke | 06:44 |
ubotu | Lurchtoke: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:44 |
royel | Lurchtoke: be more specific | 06:44 |
swimmerino89 | hello to evrebody!i have a little problem...i have to search 12 dev files...i am reading a guide,and in it,they are called with a name,but i can't find them in adept who can help me to find them? | 06:45 |
leon_ | feels odd using seamless RDP very Eerie | 06:45 |
HEP85 | noob741: run this command in a terminal "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx && sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" | 06:45 |
kindus | Thanks ... so there is no way to get to text-mode install, or run "ubiquity" without loading GNOME in the "default" live cd ? | 06:45 |
Lurchtoke | stupid question....but what config file do I usually have to edit to change the static IP info? | 06:45 |
Lurchtoke | the nic card cfg file? | 06:46 |
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hypl | hello | 06:46 |
Lurchtoke | this thing has three nic cards in it | 06:46 |
napster_ | ?? | 06:46 |
hypl | i want to update my linux kernel how can i go about doing this on ubuntu | 06:46 |
jrib | !kernel > hypl (see the private message from ubotu) | 06:46 |
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leon_ | use the GNOME network config app | 06:46 |
OldPink | !kernel | hypl | 06:47 |
ubotu | hypl: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 06:47 |
OldPink | ;) | 06:47 |
hypl | thanks | 06:47 |
Lurchtoke | actually....a better question....what is the command to list all network interfaces and the ips that are programmed into them? | 06:47 |
leon_ | ifconfig | 06:47 |
Lurchtoke | i haved terminal root access | 06:47 |
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royel | Lurchtoke: ifconfig -a | 06:47 |
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Lurchtoke | is there a switch I have to use? or just | 06:48 |
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Lurchtoke | thanx rayel; | 06:48 |
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Lurchtoke | err royel | 06:48 |
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royel | yw | 06:48 |
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Lurchtoke | brb | 06:48 |
leon_ | ifconfig lists all nics then just ifconfig eth0 | 06:48 |
mike1234 | HEP85, thankyou for your help i got it working finaly :-) | 06:48 |
=== TheBest Asculta Radio HackFM Cu DjDieless In Emisie URL: http://Asculta.HackFM.Ushells.Ro:8000/listen.pls Muzica :=-> Rapp ~ Hip-Hop ~ Dance ~ breackDance ~ House Nu Bag Manele. For Eggdrop Join #8&8 , pt dedicati #HackFM ==> www.HackFM.Tk <== Pofta La Ascultat .By Dieless | ||
Lurchtoke | ok | 06:48 |
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jrib | TheBest: don't do that here | 06:48 |
HEP85 | mike1234: good to hear that. what was wrong? | 06:48 |
TheBest | sorry | 06:48 |
hypl | whats the newest kernel source version ? | 06:48 |
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TheBest | this xchat send to all | 06:48 |
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sergey | hi | 06:49 |
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mike1234 | HEP85, im not quite sure before when i was creating the launcher it did not come up, i did it again and this time it worked | 06:49 |
mike1234 | HEP85, computers ahh lol | 06:49 |
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OldPink | hypl: http://kernel.org | 06:49 |
hypl | whats the newest kernel source version ? | 06:49 |
hypl | ok thanks | 06:49 |
tehtechman | hypl: | 06:49 |
hypl | thank you | 06:50 |
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swimmerino89 | anyone can help me to find these packages please??? | 06:50 |
HEP85 | mike1234: ^^ | 06:50 |
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jrib | swimmerino89: what are you trying to do? | 06:50 |
sergey | hey men, are you all using ubuntu? | 06:50 |
younghacker | t is impossible to install or remove any software. Please use the package manager "Synaptic" or run "sudo apt-get install -f" in a terminal to fix this issue at first. | 06:50 |
=== Solidays [n=thereals@host86-135-80-180.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
swimmerino89 | jrib:don't smile!!!!i am trying to create a LFS | 06:50 |
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younghacker | i get this error when trying to update | 06:51 |
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jrib | swimmerino89: do you need certain packages on ubuntu? | 06:51 |
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swimmerino89 | jrib:yes about 11 | 06:52 |
tehtechman | sergey: I use gentoo, but i'm looking into ubuntu for my sis in law | 06:52 |
jrib | swimmerino89: ok, tell me one and we'll work through that one. Then it should be clear what to do | 06:52 |
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napster_ | !drivers | 06:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:52 |
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Solidays | I've been looking at the minimum requirements for Ubuntu and I was wondering if it's possible to install it on a 1GB USB stick | 06:53 |
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Solidays | Obviously it would need to be a dramatically cutdown version | 06:53 |
t2_ | Hi, does anyone have syntax highlighting in vim on Feisty ? When i try to set ":syntax on" vim tells me "E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version"... any idea why this could be as i have default vim | 06:53 |
royel | Solidays: I believe it's been done a few times. | 06:53 |
swimmerino89 | jrib:ok tank you....so...in the guide it is written to install the -dev packages these are the names: bash-2.05a,Binutils-2.12, Bzip2-1.0.2 | 06:53 |
jrib | t2_: install vim-full | 06:53 |
royel | Solidays: might try searching around the ubuntu-forums | 06:53 |
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Solidays | Alright I will do, thanks, royel | 06:54 |
t2_ | jrib:ok ill do thanks | 06:54 |
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max01 | does ubuntu have a virus/spyware scanner? | 06:55 |
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OldPink | !virus | max01 | 06:55 |
ubotu | max01: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 06:55 |
kduboi1 | max01: you really dont need it... | 06:55 |
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jrib | swimmerino89: installing build-essential should get you binutils. If you actually need the dev packages, it would be binutils-dev. You should have bash already and bz2. If you need the -dev packages for bz2, try 'apt-cache search -n lib bz2 dev | 06:55 |
jrib | ' | 06:55 |
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max01 | yeah i know most virus etc attack windows machines | 06:56 |
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swimmerino89 | jrib:Coreutils-5.0,Diffutils-2.8,Findutils-4.1.20,Gawk-3.0,Fcc-2.95.3,Glibc-2.2.5, Grep-2.5,Gzip-1.2.4 and the last one is...linux kernel-2.6.x/having compiled with GCC-3.0 or greater) | 06:56 |
OldPink | max01, actually, all viruses attack win machines. Linux viruses are yet to exist | 06:56 |
brono | kindus: you should be able to change the init run level, start XFCE and run ubiquity | 06:56 |
max01 | well thats good news | 06:56 |
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max01 | what about root kits and hackers etc | 06:57 |
jrib | swimmerino89: after build-essential, you should have most of those. Just do 'apt-cache search -n NAME' to look for relevant packages and add -dev if that's what you want | 06:57 |
kindus | thanks | 06:57 |
OldPink | max01 you're safe from them. To do anything harmful to your system, a hacker would need your root/sudo password, keep that safe and you'll stay safe | 06:57 |
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OldPink | max01, also, it's very hard for a hacker to access a personal system, especially behind a router | 06:57 |
swimmerino89 | jrib: ok i will do that...have ever do a LFS? | 06:58 |
jrib | swimmerino89: gawk you probably need to install and I don't know what Fcc is | 06:58 |
jrib | swimmerino89: nope | 06:58 |
nikin | i ame using xFce4 on 7.04 on a dual 800Mhz system, with a TNT2 32Mb videocard , and movin and resizing windows eats a lot of CPU.. player is lagging althrou, mplayer just eats 37% of one CPU.... there are no composite extensions enabled | 06:58 |
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adrian | hi | 06:58 |
Genomsaren | Do you know a good Video player? better than Movie player? | 06:58 |
max01 | yeah thats true i know a bit about secuirty but i was wanting to enable ssh to i could log into my box from work | 06:58 |
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tehtechman | max01: just dont be stupid and run any fork bomb installers as root | 06:58 |
nikin | Genomsaren: VLC or Mplayer come in mind | 06:58 |
jrib | Genomsaren: I like Mplayer. VLC and gxine are nice too | 06:58 |
lasse | Genomsaren: VLC | 06:58 |
nikin | i prefer mostly VLC | 06:59 |
Genomsaren | thanks very much!!! | 06:59 |
swimmerino89 | jrib:do you know if i register to launchpad they can know these things? | 06:59 |
adrian | someone could configure a hauppage hvr-1110? | 06:59 |
max01 | fork bombs? | 06:59 |
jrib | swimmerino89: what do you mean? | 06:59 |
=== Usrl [n=feba@c-69-247-164-232.hsd1.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
swimmerino89 | jrib:know the packages' names | 06:59 |
Usrl | Quick question, I've seen the answer before but I didn't think to bookmark it. How do I have Firefox ignore non-IE browser redirects? | 07:00 |
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max01 | do they just eat up memory/cpu by running lots of processes? | 07:00 |
tehtechman | max01: its a program that keeps filling up the process list untill there are no more process slots left. after that you cant to anything. they are fun to write | 07:00 |
Usrl | Like, when a site loads fine in firefox, but the company has the page set to redirect any browser that isn't IE to a "USE IE" page | 07:00 |
HorD | hello | 07:00 |
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max01 | hehe does kill -9 not work | 07:00 |
Usrl | http://www.silkroadonline.net/userenv.htm this site, specifically | 07:00 |
jrib | swimmerino89: well it's volunteers answering same as here, so I guess. But those are pretty standard packages, grep comes in the "grep" package, binutils is the "binutils" package, findutils is the "findutils" package, etc... | 07:00 |
tapas | Usrl: you adjust the browser identification | 07:01 |
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tehtechman | max01: if you can run it, it does, but if the bomb is running as root then you cant start any new processes | 07:01 |
Usrl | tapas: the question is how ^^ | 07:01 |
tapas | Usrl: search through the options | 07:01 |
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max01 | are they common? | 07:01 |
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max01 | ive neard heard of one | 07:01 |
Usrl | tapas: I have, and I don't see anything | 07:01 |
nikin | i ame using xFce4 on 7.04 on a dual 800Mhz system, with a TNT2 32Mb videocard , and movin and resizing windows eats a lot of CPU.. player is lagging althrou, mplayer just eats 37% of one CPU.... there are no composite extensions enabled | 07:01 |
swimmerino89 | jrib: i hope to do my lfs ahahah :-) | 07:01 |
max01 | i guess a reboot would get rid of it? | 07:01 |
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Alex_ | hi everyone | 07:01 |
kindus | brono: can you please elaborate on that ? | 07:01 |
max01 | s/one/them/g; | 07:02 |
tapas | Usrl: taking a look. one moment | 07:02 |
tehtechman | max01: common yeah... but you arent going to get infected with one unless someone actively installes it as root | 07:02 |
napster_ | where can i get tv card drivers? | 07:02 |
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max01 | ok thanks | 07:02 |
iqon | where can i find a good javascript api reference? | 07:02 |
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max01 | just need to set samba up correclty and order some new drives and ditch windows for good | 07:03 |
comodo | can anyone tell me how to remove windows from a dual boot | 07:03 |
comodo | i want my 20gig partition back :D | 07:03 |
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tapas | Usrl: hmm, the setting seems to have gone.. | 07:04 |
kindus | iqon: try the mozilla one.http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey/apidoc/sparse-frameset.html and | 07:04 |
tehtechman | comodo: you could just mkfs on it | 07:04 |
Alex_ | im having some problems installing xubuntu, would be happy if anyone could help me. Atm i have Ubuntu 7.04 installed and when i boot up xubuntu with the livecd and choose to install everything runs smoothly untill its about to create the new partitions. At this point i get a message saying that partations could not be created and that i dont have permition to access the disk. where do i go from here? | 07:04 |
Solidays | Looks like a patched version of the ISO is needed because of a bug in Feisty | 07:04 |
Usrl | tapas: Which is why I was asking | 07:04 |
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comodo | whats that tehtechman | 07:04 |
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Lurchtoke | how does one go and change the root password if the previous idiot admin forgot it? | 07:04 |
tapas | Usrl: maybe an addon has taken its place. i use konqueror most of the time these days | 07:05 |
nikin | what would be the next LTS release of ubuntu? | 07:05 |
Usrl | So, does anyone know how to have Firefox ignore pages that redirect nonIE browsers, or none MS OS? Preferably, just ignore the redirects, identifying as another browser could work although I hate doign that | 07:05 |
andylockran | gutsy | 07:05 |
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Anlar | I haven't rebooted in almost month, now I did.. nothing works. 915resolution was entirely broken by a package update and / gets mounted as read-only no matter what.. making everything fail :) | 07:05 |
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tehtechman | comodo: lets say your win partition is at /dev/hda1... type mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda1 and now your dpartition is formatted as an ext3 | 07:05 |
OldPink | Anlar, why hadn't you rebooted in a month? :P lol | 07:05 |
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tapas | Usrl: search for "user agent switcher" | 07:06 |
Lurchtoke | i have a user password to login to it..i dunno if it has admin rights.....but if i log on to the box in terminal mode...can i change the root password? | 07:06 |
Anlar | OldPink: the acpi S3 suspend has worked... so I have just slapped the lid down :) | 07:06 |
Usrl | tapas: Again though, I'd prefer to ignore it than switch it | 07:06 |
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Anlar | I did xfs_repair and nuked the journals as well, but all I still get is a read-only root at boot, no errors or explanation for that | 07:06 |
tapas | Usrl: ? | 07:06 |
tapas | ignore it? | 07:06 |
lasse | Lurchtoke: what system ? normally you should be able to just go $ su - | 07:06 |
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Lurchtoke | yeah...it prompts me for a password | 07:07 |
Lurchtoke | i dunno.... | 07:07 |
Usrl | tapas: ignore whatever scripts they are using to redirect non-IE browsers | 07:07 |
lasse | Lurchtoke: do you have direct access to the computer ? | 07:07 |
m1r | anyone know how i can restrict user from accessing "filesystem" ? | 07:07 |
Lurchtoke | the reference sheet the previous admin left me is crap.....the root password doesnt work | 07:07 |
tapas | Usrl: ah ok, then get greasemonkey and no-script maybe | 07:07 |
Lurchtoke | i have direct terminal access | 07:07 |
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comodo | .../dev/hda1 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here! | 07:07 |
comodo | ? | 07:07 |
cyberphaz | any easy to use firewall GUI in gnome available? | 07:07 |
lasse | Lurchtoke: the during boot - just go INIT 1 | 07:08 |
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comodo | then when i go to unmount says disagrees with fstab | 07:08 |
lasse | Lurchtoke: and you'll log in with root priv. then just change the password | 07:08 |
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Gartral | umm, is there a way to map two keyboards to totally different tasks (like a usb keyboard for general, and a ps/2 one for gaim specifically? | 07:08 |
Lurchtoke | ok..i have never used that bypass function | 07:08 |
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Lurchtoke | do i press a key? | 07:08 |
Carlo-00xyz00 | c' ancora quel genio che mi ha consigliato prima??? | 07:08 |
Lurchtoke | how do you INIT 1? | 07:08 |
tehtechman | comodo: what it mounted as NTFS? fat32? | 07:08 |
tgelter | exit | 07:08 |
comodo | ntfs | 07:08 |
ShackJack | Hi all - having so "no sound" issues with a GateWay notebook... I have the output of tsalsa here http://pastebin.ca/619864 .... aplay -l reads a modem as a subdevice on card0 [HDA ATI SB] I suspect maybe the sound is being routed there vs. the speakers... Any thoughts? (Have dumps of alsactl store and name if needed, too.. - tried over in #alsa but everyone's sleeping) | 07:09 |
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lasse | Lurchtoke: you can probably with $ go "reboot -now init 1 | 07:09 |
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tapas | Usrl: problem is: this has mostly nothing to do with javascript | 07:09 |
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Lurchtoke | ok...one sec | 07:09 |
Gartral | Carlo-00xyz00: !spanish | 07:09 |
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kduboi1 | Gartral: i dont know for sure, but i don't beleive so. there is a multiple pointer system for X that _may_ support multiple keyboards | 07:09 |
tapas | Usrl: the browser redirection works with a simple refresh request in most cases | 07:09 |
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tehtechman | comodo: umount /dev/hda1 && mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda1 | 07:09 |
Gartral | what is it? | 07:09 |
Lurchtoke | "reboot -now init 1" | 07:09 |
Lurchtoke | ?? | 07:09 |
lasse | Lurchtoke: go here :) http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/custom-guide/s1-rescuemode-booting-single.html | 07:10 |
comodo | still says disagrees with fstab | 07:10 |
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noob597 | Hi, I am the guy with the noob problems with may video card. I have installed nvidia-glx and made the command sudo nvidia-glx-enable (or so). Now, after Reboot a NVIDIA Screen came but my Resolution is now 800 x 600. I made the Prompt sudo nvidia-xconf and now I am in the NVIDIA Settings. But where can I set my Resolution 1280 x 1024???? Please help me | 07:10 |
tehtechman | comodo: are you root? | 07:11 |
OldPink | !resolution | noob597 | 07:11 |
ubotu | noob597: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:11 |
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swimmerino89 | jrib:i can't fin the dev of bash | 07:11 |
lasse | noob597: you should be able to change the res in "System"->"Preferences" -> "Screen resolution" | 07:11 |
kduboi1 | Gartral: http://wearables.unisa.edu.au/mpx/ They've able to use that for a while like micro$oft's "new" multiple pointer system for touchscreen tables | 07:11 |
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comodo | no i'm not | 07:11 |
noob597 | I have done a Restart | 07:12 |
Gartral | kduboi1: ty... | 07:12 |
kduboi1 | no problem | 07:13 |
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comodo | ok i got it | 07:14 |
tehtechman | comodo: become root, then you and unmount and mkfs... | 07:14 |
comodo | just had to type sudo :D | 07:14 |
tehtechman | :) | 07:14 |
younghacker | I have a broken package and it is hendering my updating process, i have tried several ways to remove the package but it always returns errors, the package is listed as from a main repo and not a mulitverse or universe | 07:14 |
ShackJack | Hi all - having so "no sound" issues with a GateWay notebook... I have the output of tsalsa here http://pastebin.ca/619864 .... aplay -l reads a modem as a subdevice on card0 [HDA ATI SB] I suspect maybe the sound is being routed there vs. the speakers... Any thoughts? (Have dumps of alsactl store and name if needed, too.. - tried over in #alsa but everyone's sleeping) | 07:14 |
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Lurchtoke | crap | 07:15 |
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Gartral | kduboi1:ok... this is way over me... is there anything in main repos? | 07:15 |
Milos_SD | hello ... | 07:15 |
nafik_ | hi, I'm using ubuntu 7.04 and I've got Umax Astra 3450 and I've an issue - when i try to scan a picture in xsane, the preview result is black - and why? because the lamp didn't switched on... - don't you have any idea? I'm using backend plustek | 07:15 |
OldPink | ... is there anybody in there? | 07:15 |
Materials | is there a guide that explains the default apache set up under kubuntu? | 07:15 |
Lurchtoke | when I do a reboot -now init 1///it tells me im not root and doesnt reboot | 07:15 |
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Milos_SD | How can I change my default audio player to be amarok in Ubuntu, so when I press audio button on my keyboard, it launches amarok? | 07:16 |
HEP85 | nafik_: This is a known bug with USB_SUSPEND functionality in the new kernel | 07:16 |
Lurchtoke | if I physically reboot...can i force init 1 ? | 07:16 |
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viden | can anyone recomend a good GUI based backup program ? | 07:17 |
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nafik_ | HEP85: I am using, should i try to update kernel version? | 07:17 |
root__ | Hi, I've got a Nokia 3200 cell-phone and a Nokia data cable. What should I do to synchronize it with my ubuntu-PC? | 07:17 |
OldPink | !backup | viden | 07:17 |
ubotu | viden: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 07:17 |
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Gartral | Milos_SD: are you in kde, or gnome? | 07:17 |
viden | thanks | 07:17 |
Milos_SD | GNOME | 07:17 |
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HEP85 | nafik_: no. only manual recompilation with USB_SUSPEND turned off would work | 07:18 |
Gartral | ok, | 07:18 |
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Milos_SD | In KDE, default audio player is amarok ... but I want it to be default in GNOME too . | 07:18 |
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HEP85 | nafik_: but there are some script on the internet which poll the scanner for some time as a workaround. | 07:18 |
SchighSchagh | Hi. Does anyone know anything about the iPhone on Ubuntu? | 07:18 |
comodo | thanks for the help man | 07:18 |
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nafik_ | cat /usr/src/linux/.config | grep USB_SUSPEND -> CONFIG_USB_SUSPEND=y -> this should i turn off and recompile kernel? | 07:19 |
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SchighSchagh | Has anyone tried to use iPhone with Ubuntu? | 07:19 |
kduboi1 | SchighSchagh: dubious. go ask on #iphone for better results | 07:19 |
selene_ | lachicabigbang@hotmail.com | 07:20 |
AboSamoor | i have a pdf file with root ownership, the print option is disabled when i try to open it with evince or adobe acrobat ? | 07:20 |
kduboi1 | also, repeated questioning is discouraged.... | 07:20 |
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HEP85 | nafik_: I think yes, but let me check | 07:20 |
cyberphaz | anyone would suggest a firewall gui under gnome? | 07:20 |
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OldPink | !firewall | cyberphaz | 07:20 |
nafik_ | HEP85: ok, thank you... with current debian version were no problems with sane and this scanner | 07:20 |
Milos_SD | cyberphaz, Firestarter is a good one... | 07:21 |
ubotu | cyberphaz: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 07:21 |
cyberphaz | ah firestarter | 07:21 |
cyberphaz | thanks :) | 07:21 |
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lousygarua | cyberphaz: another vote from me to firestart :) | 07:21 |
HEP85 | nafik_: Yes this configuration is new and has to do with suspend/resume functionality (eg. for laptops) | 07:21 |
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ShackJack | cyberphaz: Plus if you're using a router, you should have a hardware firewall -- see your router docs... | 07:21 |
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logd | hi - except driver fglrx there's a way to enable tv-out of a ati card (radeon 9250) ? | 07:22 |
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Noodlesgc | is there anything like a ubuntu packages iso where i can get lots of packages in one file? | 07:22 |
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HEP85 | nafik_: The option you need to deactivate is "USB selective suspend/resume and wakeup (experimental)" | 07:22 |
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sharadg_ | hi... has anybody upgraded to linux kernel 2.6.22 in fiesty | 07:22 |
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sharadg_ | if so.. can somebody tell me how to go about it | 07:22 |
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troopperi_ | !repositories | 07:23 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:23 |
HEP85 | nafik_: But this can break suspend functionality, I think. Maybe you want to check some of the workaround scripts | 07:23 |
royel | Noodlesgc: about the closest thing you'd get in that form would probably be the dvd version .iso | 07:23 |
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AboSamoor | i have a pdf file with root ownership, the print option is disabled when i try to open it with evince or adobe acrobat ? | 07:23 |
nafik_ | let me check menuconfig in /usr/src/linux, i will try to find it there | 07:23 |
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royel | AboSamoor: you might do better if you rephrased your statement, are you trying to ask something by that? | 07:25 |
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HEP85 | nafik_: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/+bug/85488/comments/200 | 07:25 |
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root__ | Could somebody solve my problem? | 07:25 |
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AboSamoor | yes, i want to print the pdf file but the print option is disabled , one of the information i know that it's with root ownership , how i can re-enable the print command in file menu ? | 07:26 |
foo-- | hello, how do I get 1280x800 in ubuntu 7.04? | 07:26 |
HEP85 | root__: "sudo apt-get install gammu" | 07:26 |
OldPink | !resolution | foo-- | 07:27 |
anurag_mishra | foo-- do u use intel gma | 07:27 |
ubotu | foo--: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:27 |
foo-- | !resolution | 07:27 |
armonde | good afternoon, I'm setting up Ubuntu for the first time and having problems with networking - wireless specifically. I have gone through the documentation and it appears as if my integrated card was detected, however even though I've set the connection up for my network (ssid, wep password) it does not connect | 07:27 |
OldPink | !wifi | armonde | 07:28 |
ubotu | armonde: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 07:28 |
kevinl-- | a usplash pro? | 07:28 |
nafik_ | HEP85: thanks, i am going to try new compilation of kernel | 07:28 |
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OldPink | Armonde, you're going to need the correct drivers for your card/stick | 07:28 |
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royel | AboSamoor: I don't see why it being owned by root would make any difference, but thats easy enough to correct, type at a command: sudo chown <yourusername> /location/to/pdf/file.pdf | 07:28 |
younghacker | in you guys opinion, which install is the easiest? live or manual ? | 07:28 |
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neo | hello | 07:28 |
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sung_ | hi | 07:28 |
HEP85 | nafik_: you're welcome | 07:28 |
younghacker | Im going to install in a VM | 07:28 |
neo | marhaba | 07:28 |
sung_ | emmm | 07:29 |
neo | yasou | 07:29 |
neo | namaste | 07:29 |
neo | bon sour | 07:29 |
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lasse | younghacker: I'd say live - but im unsure of what you mean by manual | 07:29 |
NixMan | ~http://techystuff.info/?p=68 Does this tutorial make sense? Is it well written I mean? | 07:30 |
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younghacker | lasse: you know popping the CD in and going step by step as a pose to popping the Cd in booting live and answering a few simple questions with GUI | 07:30 |
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younghacker | I think I'm going to do live for some reason that worked out faster for me | 07:30 |
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lasse | younghacker: well first time you'd probably prefer the live install - but it's basically the same thing in both cases.... so much of a muchness | 07:31 |
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enyc | thexx: thats odd... tells me something weird is going on then ;-) are you sure your cable is working correctly? try plugging the nullmodem in the other way round | 07:31 |
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neo | I have a question.. I am using ubuntu 6.11... and cannot login to user root but forgot or must have mistyped my password.. anyone, please? | 07:32 |
younghacker | right,,, this would actually be like the 4th or 5th install for me, I have a broken software index,, smh I can't seem to fix and i can't seem to update either,,, my data is trivial so I'll just reinstall | 07:32 |
toryl__ | !root > neo | 07:32 |
younghacker | I've only used live install once,, it worked like a charm,,, I just went and messed it up | 07:32 |
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younghacker | lol | 07:32 |
armonde | OldPink - thank you | 07:32 |
atxsyndicate | join #storm | 07:32 |
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neo | toryl ? yes? | 07:33 |
NixMan | ~http://techystuff.info/?p=68 Does this tutorial make sense? Is it well written I mean? | 07:33 |
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HEP85 | neo: type "sudo -s" | 07:33 |
root__ | HEP85: so, after each command it prints: | 07:33 |
root__ | Warning: No configuration file found! | 07:33 |
root__ | Unknown connection type string. Check config file. | 07:33 |
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AboSamoor | <royel> chown: changing ownership of `file.pdf': Operation not permitted | 07:34 |
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lasse | NixMan: it seems fine -- it's like 4 steps ... only thing (depending on who your audience is) is that you might want to indicate that step 1 takes place in the terminal .... | 07:34 |
neo | toryl can we chat in private? | 07:34 |
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gesker | Do I need the 64bit version of Ubuntu in order to see all 8GB of ram in my machine? | 07:34 |
HEP85 | root__: I forgot the graphical backend. Its name is "wammu" | 07:34 |
toryl__ | neo: sure thing | 07:34 |
HEP85 | root__: sudo apt-get install wammu | 07:35 |
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Brahmana | hello | 07:35 |
AboSamoor | <royel> did you answer me , sorry i was Dc-ed | 07:35 |
neo | ok.. how do we go about doing that? | 07:35 |
HEP85 | gesker: with 32 Bits only 2^32 = 4 GB are adressable. so yes | 07:35 |
NixMan | lasse: I thought of that, however my thought was that anyone wanting to use irssi in terminal would have somesort of knowledge of termina. does that make sense? | 07:35 |
Brahmana | A friend of mine accidentally deleted the init.d | 07:35 |
neo | sorry I'm still learning | 07:35 |
Brahmana | Is there anyway it can be generated again? | 07:35 |
gesker | HEP85: Thank you, sir. | 07:35 |
lasse | NixMan: it does :) | 07:35 |
Brahmana | Without going for a reinstallation? | 07:36 |
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NixMan | lasse: if i get any complaints about not understanding, i'll change it.. | 07:36 |
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arngrim | what app could I use on linux for designing web pages? I use dreamweaver in windows | 07:36 |
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HEP85 | gesker: You're welcome! | 07:36 |
AboSamoor | <arngrim> you can use Kompozer | 07:36 |
lasse | arngrim: eclipse with phpeclipse and subclipse plug-ins ;) | 07:37 |
magnetron | quanta plus, arngrim | 07:37 |
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harkyman | usb drive mounting question: i have fstab set to mount a usb HD (/dev/sdf1) on startup which works most of the time; sometimes though, ubuntu puts that drive on a different device (/dev/sda1) and borks my whole system of mounts. anyone know what's going on? | 07:37 |
ThinkBuntu | Shouldn't HAL take care of this without needing fstab? | 07:37 |
HEP85 | arngrim: screem | 07:38 |
arngrim | 4 people and 4 suggestions :-) | 07:38 |
arngrim | no clear winner then? | 07:38 |
lasse | arngrim: or continue to use dreamweaver with wine-doors ? | 07:38 |
harkyman | ThinkBuntu: HAL does the actual mounts? the problem is that the assigned device changes sometimes on boot which seems odd to me | 07:38 |
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asphyxia | is there any way to use wpa and system->administration->network? | 07:39 |
root__ | Starting /dev/ttyS0 - ['at19200', 'fbusdlr3', 'fbus', 'mbus'] | 07:39 |
root__ | Starting /dev/ttyS1 - ['at19200', 'fbusdlr3', 'fbus', 'mbus'] | 07:40 |
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root__ | Starting /dev/ttyS2 - ['at19200', 'fbusdlr3', 'fbus', 'mbus'] | 07:40 |
root__ | Starting /dev/ttyACM0 - ['at19200', 'fbusdlr3', 'fbus', 'mbus'] | 07:40 |
root__ | Neither GNOME Bluetooth nor PyBluez found, not possible to scan for bluetooth devices | 07:40 |
root__ | Finished /dev/ttyS2 - ['at19200', 'fbusdlr3', 'fbus', 'mbus'] | 07:40 |
root__ | Finished /dev/ttyS1 - ['at19200', 'fbusdlr3', 'fbus', 'mbus'] | 07:40 |
root__ | Finished /dev/ttyACM0 - ['at19200', 'fbusdlr3', 'fbus', 'mbus'] | 07:40 |
root__ | Finished /dev/ttyS0 - ['at19200', 'fbusdlr3', 'fbus', 'mbus'] | 07:40 |
root__ | All finished, found 0 phones | 07:40 |
savetheWorld | !paste | 07:40 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:40 |
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OldPink | Hey, just downloaded the alternate.iso to install as the LiveCD is proving troublesome on the legacy laptop. What speed should I burn at? 4x? | 07:40 |
arngrim | lasse, sounds good | 07:40 |
Brahmana | anyone any idea please? | 07:40 |
rustalot | I'm having problems compiling using make. | 07:40 |
Brahmana | How can i recover my init.d ? | 07:41 |
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toryl__ | neo: I guess pm isn't working, but check for me anyway to see if you got something. | 07:41 |
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Brahmana | init.d is deleted.. is there any way i can get all those scripts back again? | 07:42 |
OldPink | Hey, just downloaded the alternate.iso to install as the LiveCD is proving troublesome on the legacy laptop. What speed should I burn at? 4x? | 07:42 |
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d2leo | I reinstalled windows, and now I am having trouble restoring GRUB. Can anyone help? | 07:42 |
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rustalot | Why am I getting these errors? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30357/ | 07:43 |
xtknight | is there a way to tell ubuntu what an unknown device is? i know it is a generic USB storage device, i need some way of telling it. | 07:43 |
AboSamoor | the print command in evince {document viewer } was disabled, so i can't print the pdf file, can anyone help me ? | 07:43 |
royel | Could someone take a look at this an advise please, http://pastebin.com/m35509d96 | 07:43 |
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AboSamoor | ? | 07:43 |
lasse | OldPink: burn at the max speed of the disc you are using or the max of the drive whichever is lowest .... | 07:43 |
armonde | this feels like the dumbest question I have ever typed... but does System - Administration- Networking as is referenced in all the online documentation now refer to System - Administration - Network in 7.04? none of the screenshots or descriptions are matching up | 07:44 |
askand | Hi! Im trying to install ubuntu on a computer..the livecd works but after installation and reboot I cant get into X..help? :( | 07:44 |
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MFen | has anyone else seen "error while opening sound device" from Audacity, while trying to play sound? | 07:44 |
MFen | the Playback device list, in the Audacity preferences, is empty | 07:44 |
HEP85 | AboSamoor: Does this happen with every document or only with a specific one? | 07:44 |
MFen | sound otherwise works flawlessly here | 07:44 |
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AboSamoor | only with specific one | 07:45 |
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HEP85 | askand: in GRUB press F6 and add bootoption xmodule=vesa | 07:45 |
lasse | armonde: they changed some of the GUI administration when going from 6. to 7 so you can be unlucky and see doc. that are not showing correct screen shots - overall the info should be the same though.... | 07:45 |
dxdt | xtknight: you could try looking at lusb and seeing if the device is listed and then maybe doing a manual usb mount following the google hits on the subject. That would be my best guess. | 07:45 |
HEP85 | askand: this will try to use the generic video driver | 07:45 |
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askand | HEP85: ok ill try one sec | 07:46 |
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xtknight | dxdt, yea it is listed there, it is identified as SanDisk corp. i think the USB ID just needs to be added to a list. it works in Windows which i'm sure has nothing but generic usb storage drivers | 07:46 |
HEP85 | askand: if it does not help you can reconfigure x with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 07:46 |
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franga | ola k tal | 07:46 |
xtknight | dxdt, when i try and manually mount /dev/scd0 or /dev/scd1, it says there is no media | 07:46 |
rustalot | royel: try apt-get install --reinstall | 07:46 |
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chadeldridge | It seems my firefox can no longer lookup site certificates correctly, every page i go to ask me to accept the cert because its unable to verify the authority. Has anyone seen this? | 07:46 |
armonde | lasse: I'm trying to config my wireless networking, a run of lspci shows that it was detected on install (Intel Pro/wireless 2200bg) the documentation refers to opening the network properties and enabling, I see no option to enable on any of the detected network devices | 07:46 |
root__ | HEP85: it still doesn't work | 07:47 |
d2leo | I cant restore GRUB after my windows install. Can anyone help? | 07:47 |
lasse | armonde: is it a laptop ? | 07:47 |
HEP85 | chadeldridge: seems as if your root certificates have been deleted | 07:47 |
armonde | lasse: yes | 07:47 |
chadeldridge | HEP85: yep .. any idea on restoring them | 07:47 |
HEP85 | root__: can you post the full output from the commands you used (including the command line itself) | 07:48 |
neo | nothing yet toryl... | 07:48 |
neo | did you get my info? in pm | 07:48 |
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lasse | armonde: on one of my dells it disabled the wifi either under/during or after install of ubuntu and i had to re-enable it in bios -- have you tried that ? then it should be listed automatically .. | 07:48 |
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IntuitiveNipple | With Feisty 32-bit doing a suspend/resume. Notebook immediately resuming from the suspend... any ideas? (I've tried disabling wakeup on USB devices, unloading various modules, suspending PCCard sockets, etc.) | 07:48 |
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neo | how do you direct a message to a specific person? | 07:48 |
armonde | lasse: I'll reboot and try, this is an HP but we'll hope for similar results | 07:48 |
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lasse | armonde: :) | 07:48 |
ShackJack | When I type "sound aplay-l " in I get *two* devices listed ... a STAC92XX Analog and an Si3054 Modem... Both listed as Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 -- not getting any sound - is there a fix for this, please? | 07:49 |
MilitantPotato | Hey all | 07:49 |
toryl__ | neo: depends on the client, but basically all I was going to tell you is that the root account is disabled in ubuntu. | 07:49 |
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nickrud | IntuitiveNipple, I found a clue in /var/log/syslog ; for me it was too small of a swap partition | 07:49 |
Ind[y] | Although adding the EuroSign to the "E" key through System->Preferences->Keyboard, AltGR+E does not produce the EuroSign. Any help, please? | 07:49 |
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MilitantPotato | I have a quick question regarding rezolutions | 07:49 |
askand | HEP85: hrm :( now I reconfigured xserver and my mouse dont work | 07:49 |
HEP85 | chadeldridge: first check if they are really missing. it was only a guess | 07:49 |
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toryl__ | in order to execute a command as root, you use sudo, and when it asks you for a password you use your own. | 07:49 |
chadeldridge | HEP85: do you know where they are stored ? | 07:49 |
IntuitiveNipple | nickrud: This is suspend-to-ram, not hibernate, and unfortunately so far no clues anywhere, grrr :) | 07:49 |
royel | rustalot: http://pastebin.com/m43e2ffbe | 07:50 |
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root__ | HEP85: | 07:50 |
root__ | root@saturn-desktop:~# wammu | 07:50 |
root__ | Debug log created in /tmp/wammu0kQaI_.log, in case of crash please include it in bugreport! | 07:50 |
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HEP85 | chadeldridge: no, but you can open the firefox settings and goto advanced tab | 07:50 |
nickrud | IntuitiveNipple, I gotta learn to read better ;) | 07:50 |
numique | huhu =) | 07:50 |
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neo | so there is no actual "logging in" as root user??? | 07:50 |
numique | cu^ | 07:50 |
IntuitiveNipple | nickrud: no problem - many people confuse suspend and hibernate :) | 07:51 |
lasse | neo: no | 07:51 |
HEP85 | root__: so what's in that log? | 07:51 |
MilitantPotato | allbert: What do I need to change this to to get 85hz ? | 07:51 |
chadeldridge | yeah all the root certs are missing | 07:51 |
MilitantPotato | Section "Monitor" | 07:51 |
MilitantPotato | Identifier "Generic Monitor" | 07:51 |
MilitantPotato | Option "DPMS" | 07:51 |
MilitantPotato | Horizsync 28-64 | 07:51 |
MilitantPotato | Vertrefresh 43-60 | 07:51 |
MilitantPotato | EndSection | 07:51 |
neo | darn | 07:51 |
royel | rustalot: not sure if it will help you understand or not, but I just performed an upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 and this is the only issue that arose. | 07:51 |
nickrud | neo, you can use sudo -i to get the same result ... | 07:51 |
HEP85 | askand: you must have selected the wrong mouse driver | 07:51 |
neo | I have done that in terminal. | 07:51 |
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d2leo | I cant restore GRUB after my windows install. Can anyone help? | 07:51 |
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askand | HEP85: now I got it to work..im installing restricted drivers right now..lets hope and see! | 07:52 |
OldPink | !grub | d2leo | 07:52 |
ubotu | d2leo: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:52 |
armonde | lasse: that was it thank you for your help | 07:52 |
=== nickrud regrets the times he logged into gdm as root, because of the last time | ||
neo | One I use the sudo -i in terminal I can go and manipulate the hdd's using the gui filesystem?? | 07:52 |
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root__ | HEP85: OK, i just logged in as a root, and all begun to work! Thanks a lot! | 07:52 |
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toryl__ | neo: so what is your real problem? What are you trying to do, ultimately, and what is going wrong when you try to do it? | 07:52 |
d2leo | Thanks OldPink | 07:52 |
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lasse | armonde: you're welcome | 07:53 |
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magnetron | !noroot | 07:53 |
ubotu | Regardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo | 07:53 |
OldPink | d2leo: It's fine mate :D | 07:53 |
nickrud | neo, if you want to use the file manager to write outside of your home, you can use gksudo nautilus (be careful, of course) | 07:53 |
MilitantPotato | !rootsudo | 07:53 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 07:53 |
HEP85 | root__: You're welcome | 07:53 |
neo | problem: logging as root (forgotten my password/ or whatever) | 07:53 |
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Ind[y] | Although adding the EuroSign to the "E" key through System->Preferences->Keyboard, AltGR+E does not produce the EuroSign. Any help, please? | 07:54 |
neo | In order to access and move files from my other (knoppix) Hard drive | 07:54 |
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nafik_ | HEP85: compilation of kernel is complete, i am going to reboot system | 07:54 |
HEP85 | nafik_: good luck! | 07:54 |
Meyvn | Ind[y] : I guess you're trying to making it work in a certain application? | 07:55 |
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toryl__ | neo: so your real problem is that you cannot mount this other drive, or it is only mounting read-only, or what? | 07:55 |
MilitantPotato | Anyone have a moment to help me with a xorg.conf setting? | 07:55 |
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Meyvn | MilitantPotato: which one? | 07:55 |
lasse | MilitantPotato: shoot :) | 07:55 |
MilitantPotato | Section "Monitor" | 07:56 |
MilitantPotato | Identifier "Generic Monitor" | 07:56 |
MilitantPotato | Option "DPMS" | 07:56 |
MilitantPotato | Horizsync 28-64 | 07:56 |
MilitantPotato | Vertrefresh 43-60 | 07:56 |
MilitantPotato | EndSection | 07:56 |
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HEP85 | neo: once your root type: passwd <yourusernamehere> | 07:56 |
MilitantPotato | 1280x1024 at 65 hz is giving me a pounding headache | 07:56 |
MilitantPotato | 60hz* | 07:56 |
neo | it's mounting read-only ... but even when I try to double click and open it using the gui filesystem it says "cannot open, this is not a directory" | 07:56 |
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royel | MilitantPotato: get a better monitor :) | 07:56 |
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MilitantPotato | i *know* my monitor can do 85hz at this rez | 07:56 |
MilitantPotato | roy It's not the monitor | 07:57 |
ShackJack | !pastebin | MilitantPotato | 07:57 |
ubotu | MilitantPotato: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:57 |
magnetron | !fixres | MilitantPotato | 07:57 |
ubotu | MilitantPotato: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:57 |
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Meyvn | MilitantPotato: look up your monitor specs | 07:57 |
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royel | MilitantPotato: I know, was just giving another reason for your head to hurt :) | 07:57 |
HEP85 | MilitantPotato: you have already posted the right settings section | 07:57 |
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MilitantPotato | hep yea, what do I change the rez's too? | 07:57 |
HEP85 | MilitantPotato: know you just have to look up the right values in your monitor's manual | 07:57 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: and edit the Horizsync and Vertrefresh rates (although this does not guarantee to work) | 07:57 |
MilitantPotato | ah ok | 07:57 |
MilitantPotato | one second while I google :) | 07:58 |
ShackJack | When I type "sound aplay-l " in I get *two* devices listed ... a STAC92XX Analog and an Si3054 Modem... Both listed as Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 -- not getting any sound - is there a fix for this, please? | 07:58 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: in the same file, under Display and Depth 24 are your screen res rates, you can manually add the file to support higher resolutions (but make sure your monitor supports them) | 07:58 |
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MilitantPotato | Meyvn the rez I want is showing, the refresh isn't | 07:59 |
Absenth | is there an article on how to add windows shares to the fstab? | 07:59 |
neo | so I'll try to switch users and login to root & try passwd for the password. | 07:59 |
andrewkk | How do I make a bash script wait with a countdown for the user to press a key, similar to what grub does? I want a program to run after some amount of time when I log in, but there should be a period where I am able to cancel it. | 07:59 |
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neo | good? | 08:00 |
IntuitiveNipple | ShackJack: What hardware? ICH7 HDA ? | 08:00 |
MilitantPotato | how do you direct messages at people? | 08:00 |
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Absenth | I've used the places->connect to server wizard, but that doesn't appear to map the remote drive to the local file system | 08:00 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: and under System > Preferences > Screen Resolution 65 Hz is listed as your max? | 08:00 |
IntuitiveNipple | andrewkk: A for loop maybe? | 08:00 |
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MilitantPotato | Yes meyvn | 08:00 |
GigaClon | MilitantPotato, type the first couple of letters of the name then hit tab | 08:00 |
MilitantPotato | GigaClon: ty | 08:00 |
HelpM1 | I need help | 08:00 |
HelpM1 | I neeed help | 08:00 |
GigaClon | ask the question | 08:01 |
Cromag | !ask | 08:01 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:01 |
Meyvn | HelpM1 | !ask | 08:01 |
HelpM1 | I cant enab le desktop affect, but i could befour | 08:01 |
IntuitiveNipple | Don't we all? | 08:01 |
andrewkk | IntuitiveNipple: any idea how I'd check for input? | 08:01 |
neo | brb | 08:01 |
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GigaClon | HelpM1, which effects? | 08:01 |
IntuitiveNipple | andrewkk: Call readln with a 1 second timeout or similar inside the loop? | 08:01 |
HEP85 | Meyvn: He just has to change Horizsync and Vertrefresh in the monitor section of xorg.conf | 08:01 |
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HelpM1 | GigaClon: ya | 08:02 |
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Meyvn | HEP85: but that might not work | 08:02 |
andrewkk | IntuitiveNipple: k.. i | 08:02 |
andrewkk | IntuitiveNipple: ...'ii play with that. thanks | 08:02 |
HelpM1 | GigaClon: and whenever i try to switch my maneger to beryl, it just switches back to compiz | 08:02 |
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GigaClon | !beryl | 08:02 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:02 |
electro | whats the next release after feisty? | 08:02 |
GigaClon | HelpM1, you want #ubuntu-effects | 08:03 |
HEP85 | Meyvn: yeah, but it is the first step and sometimes the only one needed | 08:03 |
Alex_ | does anyone know why i get a error message when im installing ubuntu that it cant create the partitions? | 08:03 |
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askand | HEP85: pft..now its totally broken...I get blackscreen after boot.. | 08:03 |
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neo__ | damn.. still didn't work. | 08:03 |
HEP85 | Meyvn: are you sure you were using the right values? | 08:03 |
Meyvn | HEP85: I have set xcorg.conf to reflect my monitor's specs but they aren't recognized properly | 08:03 |
IntuitiveNipple | andrewkk: You could also have a timeout on a readline but just prior to it spawn a separate background process that prints the countdown on the screen | 08:03 |
Meyvn | HEP85: like my monitor runs at 85 Hz and it is displayed in ubuntu as being 50 Hz | 08:04 |
MilitantPotato | HEP85: do i need both vertical and horiz | 08:04 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: yes | 08:04 |
HEP85 | MilitantPotato: Yes. Did you only change one? | 08:04 |
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MilitantPotato | no | 08:04 |
askand | HEP85: any suggestions? | 08:04 |
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MilitantPotato | let me boot XP and see what the monitor reports for 1280x1024 @ 85 hz | 08:05 |
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Meyvn | MilitantPotato: wait a sec | 08:05 |
MilitantPotato | ok | 08:05 |
HEP85 | askand: Well. What did you change? Maybe you set the resolution to high | 08:05 |
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ShackJack | Hi - sorry who just answered me on this - I aciddentlly closed my windows - can you repost? When I type "sound aplay-l " in I get *two* devices listed ... a STAC92XX Analog and an Si3054 Modem... Both listed as Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 -- not getting any sound - is there a fix for this, please? | 08:05 |
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Meyvn | MilitantPotato: if setting the hsync and vsync doesnt work, you can always set your refresh rate manually on the monitor menu (provided your monitor has one) | 08:06 |
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askand | HEP85: i reconfigured xorg to use vesa and then restarted gdm...then installed updates and installed propriratydrivers for my graphicscard..rebooted and..yeah | 08:06 |
MilitantPotato | Meyvn: there's no manual settings for refresh on the monitor | 08:06 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: alright | 08:06 |
MilitantPotato | If editing the xorg fails, am I SOL? | 08:06 |
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MilitantPotato | fails to allow 85hz | 08:07 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: SOL? | 08:07 |
MilitantPotato | s**t out of luck | 08:07 |
HEP85 | Meyvn: The monitor settings only show 50 Hz for me, too, but if I don't touch it, optimal resolution is used | 08:07 |
neo__ | "cannot access.. not a folder" no crap.. it's my Hard Drive! | 08:07 |
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Meyvn | MilitantPotato: heh, no you're not out of luck. But editing xorg.conf is your best bet. | 08:07 |
MilitantPotato | Ok | 08:08 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: see if that works for you | 08:08 |
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MilitantPotato | so I'd change it to something like... | 08:08 |
HEP85 | askand: proprietary graphic drivers are the problem. how did you install them? | 08:08 |
IntuitiveNipple | andrewkk: try playing with this: read -t 20 -s -n1 -p "Hit a key " keypress; echo "key: $keypress" | 08:08 |
MilitantPotato | tSection "Monitor" | 08:08 |
MilitantPotato | Identifier "Generic Monitor" | 08:08 |
MilitantPotato | Option "DPMS" | 08:08 |
MilitantPotato | Horizsync 28-88 | 08:08 |
MilitantPotato | Vertrefresh 43-84 | 08:08 |
MilitantPotato | EndSection | 08:08 |
IntuitiveNipple | ShackJack: What hardware? ICH7 HDA ? | 08:08 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: just google your monitor name and look up the recommended refresh rates | 08:08 |
MilitantPotato | I did, but nothing lists the actual v and h refresh | 08:08 |
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askand | HEP85: the manager told me to install them when I rebooted the first time | 08:09 |
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MilitantPotato | Ok, be back in 5-10 | 08:09 |
MilitantPotato | thanks for the help :) | 08:09 |
neo__ | sudo -i .. then I entered my password.. Check. still cannot open my hard drive because "it's not a folder" | 08:09 |
HEP85 | askand: "Manager for restricted drivers?" | 08:09 |
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askand | HEP85: yep.. | 08:09 |
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neo__ | anyone? | 08:09 |
=== Cassae [n=idc@91.pool80-103-129.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HEP85 | askand: there is a backup of your xorg.conf in /etc/X11. try copying it over the current settings and reboot | 08:10 |
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HEP85 | askand: I remember that I had the same problem when I first activated the restricted driver | 08:10 |
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askand | HEP85: now I choosed vesa again and gdm starts with failed to initilize HAL error :S | 08:10 |
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HEP85 | askand: Unfortunately I am not sure what exactly I did | 08:10 |
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jmazikowski | i have a java problem, i installed jdk1.6.0_u2 but it doesnt show any components when i run an app. i tried a program i wrote and frostwire, neither show anything more than a blank frame | 08:11 |
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=== pi-J_ [n=paul@dslb-084-060-144-071.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
HEP85 | askand: can you paste your xorg.conf? | 08:11 |
askand | hrm | 08:11 |
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jmazikowski | askand: pastebin.org | 08:11 |
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=== ewltra [n=ewltra@31.80-202-63.nextgentel.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
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jmazikowski | or | 08:12 |
jmazikowski | !paste | 08:12 |
Cassae | hello | 08:12 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:12 |
=== Zexter [n=zexter@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
toryl__ | neo: I'd check to see if you are mounting it correctly and with the correct permissions by checking your fstab. Beyond that you'll need to be more specific in order to get any meaningful help I imagine. | 08:12 |
jmazikowski | anyone have any idea about my java problem? | 08:13 |
Kjellviz | hi, dunno if this is the right place to ask but anyways, can anyone recommend a good free emailservice that allows pop3 access (other than gmail)? | 08:13 |
askand | HEP85: hrm I dont have internet for some reason on the computer with problems right now :S | 08:13 |
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jmazikowski | askand: an no thumbdrive or anything? | 08:13 |
askand | jmazikowski: ah smart..ok | 08:14 |
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jmazikowski | askand: yeah, just copy it over and pastebin from the pc you are on | 08:14 |
luca | hi everyone | 08:14 |
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=== boyToy79 [n=guancio@host-84-221-198-94.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luca | I have a problem with compiz...menus of ex. tray icons stay UNDER the windows | 08:15 |
luca | quite annoying :( | 08:15 |
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luca | using compiz fusion and ccsm | 08:15 |
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royel | http://pastebin.com/m35509d96 | 08:15 |
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royel | someone mind looking at that pastebin above an telling me if theres anything that I can do at this point? | 08:16 |
nafik | HEP85: i wasn't succesful | 08:16 |
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=== filthpig [n=carl@084202057033.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
filthpig | hi | 08:16 |
HEP85 | royel: first thing would be to append the -f option to the apt-get command line | 08:16 |
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xtknight | royel, sudo dpkg --configure -a | 08:16 |
filthpig | a friend of mine is having troubles with his Ralink RT2561/RT61 wlan card | 08:16 |
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filthpig | he can't use WPA | 08:17 |
filthpig | only WEP | 08:17 |
=== |capirra [n=capiira@dslb-088-065-205-074.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
filthpig | any ideas? | 08:17 |
xtknight | !wpasupplicant | 08:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wpasupplicant - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:17 |
xtknight | filthpig, you might need wpasupplicant, i think | 08:17 |
askand | jmazikowski: HEP85 no it doesnt work :( why did the livecd work just fine? | 08:17 |
filthpig | aha | 08:17 |
royel | HEP85: http://pastebin.com/m2143090b | 08:17 |
HEP85 | nafik: Strange. Maybe it is another problem. You could still try one of those polling scripts | 08:17 |
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royel | HEP85: I just upgraded a 6.06 server to 6.10, this is the results of that upgrade | 08:18 |
jmazikowski | askand: what doesnt work? putting xorg.conf on a usb drive? | 08:18 |
MilitantPotato | Section "Monitor" | 08:18 |
MilitantPotato | Identifier "Generic Monitor" | 08:18 |
MilitantPotato | Option "DPMS" | 08:18 |
MilitantPotato | Horizsync 28-91 | 08:18 |
MilitantPotato | Vertrefresh 43-85 | 08:18 |
MilitantPotato | EndSection | 08:18 |
=== nanda [n=nanda@pool-71-178-220-94.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
filthpig | xtknight: is it a package, or do you ahve to tinker with it? | 08:18 |
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MilitantPotato | ctrl+alt+bkspc right? | 08:18 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: yep | 08:19 |
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MilitantPotato | wish me luck. | 08:19 |
jmazikowski | good luck | 08:19 |
HEP85 | royel: ok. next thing would be to remove the problem package and install it again afterwards | 08:19 |
askand | jmazikowski: yeah..usbdrive is kind of gone..hrm..I try to reinstall maybe.. | 08:19 |
xtknight | filthpig, that's a package. im not sure exactly, i just know it exists, that's about it ;) | 08:19 |
forngren | When I installed winxp on my ubuntu box it screwed up my internet. DNS/host/ ping seems to be responding and fast but any traffic is slow (i.e. http, apt-get, anything). Suggestions | 08:19 |
MilitantPotato | i just need to sudo mv my .bak over the current if this fails correct? | 08:19 |
xtknight | !wireless | filthpig, maybe this will further help you | 08:19 |
ubotu | filthpig, maybe this will further help you: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:19 |
nafik | HEP85: I will try. I will write you, where was problem if i solved that. | 08:19 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: correct | 08:19 |
MilitantPotato | k | 08:19 |
royel | HEP85: I'm not able to do that now | 08:19 |
xtknight | royel, did you try "sudo dpkg --configure -a" | 08:20 |
jmazikowski | is it showing up under COMPUTER? you may just need to mount it | 08:20 |
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=== Arkian [n=migger@2404ds1-ksa.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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royel | HEP85: yes | 08:20 |
xtknight | royel, the problem is, the post-remove script for that package is damaged. thus, the debian database is damaged. the package is not even removable, so you must rebuild the debian database by "sudo dpkg --configure -a" | 08:21 |
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MilitantPotato | success :D | 08:21 |
Absenth | is there an article on how to add windows shares to the fstab? The Places --> Connect to server wizard works, but doesn't appear to create a local filesystem mapping | 08:21 |
HEP85 | royel: do what xtknight says | 08:21 |
=== cables [n=caleb@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gilo2 | !pastebin | 08:21 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:21 |
MilitantPotato | now to sort out a dual monitor config | 08:21 |
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MilitantPotato | instead of cloned :) | 08:21 |
royel | xtknight: yes, your right, this all started after upgrading from 6.06 to 6.10 | 08:22 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: congrats! | 08:22 |
MilitantPotato | First day on linix, I love it. | 08:22 |
royel | xtknight: HEP85: http://pastebin.com/m1887c52e | 08:22 |
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MilitantPotato | managed to fix my mouse and monitor and video card today | 08:22 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: this is my way of giving back to the community | 08:22 |
jmazikowski | MilitantPotato: glad to hear you like it | 08:22 |
MilitantPotato | Meyvn: I'm very greatful you and the others help. | 08:23 |
Absenth | <--- Windows Server Admin, using Ubuntu 7.04 AMD64 :) | 08:23 |
jmazikowski | askand: any luck? | 08:23 |
Meyvn | MilitantPotato: welcome to the club :) and no problem | 08:23 |
kalleth | hey guys - i just installed ubuntu but half of the system tools won't load. I've narrowed it down to an issue with gksu because when i type gksu into a root console it gives me an error message of: "/usr/bin/gksu: cannot execute binary file" | 08:23 |
MilitantPotato | I read Linux has a strong user backing, it wasn't a lie. | 08:23 |
kalleth | any ideas? | 08:23 |
xtknight | royel, sudo dpkg --purge --force-all courier-authlib-userdb courier-authlib courier-ssl courier-base courier-imap courier-authdaemon courier-pop courier-pop-ssl courier-imap-ssl | 08:23 |
MilitantPotato | wow. | 08:24 |
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HEP85 | !smbfuse | Absenth | 08:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smbfuse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:24 |
=== Froek [n=mark@S0106000acd0f8876.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Absenth | xtknight: I suspect that would have fixed my host Orbis... which bombed halfway into a 6.10 to 7.04 upgrade. | 08:24 |
=== ljsmithx [n=black-da@C-59-100-156-250.ade.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ljsmithx | hellp | 08:24 |
Absenth | xtknight: I just backed up the important stuff, and rebuilt it. | 08:24 |
ljsmithx | hello* | 08:24 |
=== PointyThingsHurt [i=realmx@dasher.sh3lls.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Absenth | HEP85: So I should research SMBFUSE? I can do that. | 08:25 |
HEP85 | !fusesmb | Absenth | 08:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fusesmb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:25 |
taime1 | hola ljsmithx | 08:25 |
xtknight | !smb | Absenth | 08:25 |
ubotu | Absenth: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 08:25 |
ljsmithx | hey | 08:25 |
toryl__ | !ask > ljsmithx | 08:25 |
ljsmithx | ? | 08:25 |
ljsmithx | wth | 08:25 |
xtknight | Absenth, i also describe it in depth here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ComprehensiveSambaGuide | 08:25 |
taime1 | i kniow | 08:25 |
kalleth | anyone? ;\ | 08:25 |
albertmk | #aaragon hi | 08:25 |
Absenth | xtknight: thanks. | 08:25 |
royel | xtknight: http://pastebin.com/m7b16387e | 08:26 |
askand | jmazikowski: no.. :( it seems like it doenst like radeon? | 08:26 |
taime1 | know*... people in this channel think its their duty to !whatever us | 08:26 |
ljsmithx | ubuntu on my mac | 08:26 |
xtknight | royel, okay, now "sudo dpkg --configure -a" again | 08:26 |
filthpig | ! ubuntu.no | 08:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu.no - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:26 |
ljsmithx | !lolwtf | 08:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lolwtf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:26 |
Absenth | HEP85: thanks to you also :) | 08:26 |
ljsmithx | ? | 08:26 |
ljsmithx | :) | 08:26 |
ljsmithx | :D | 08:26 |
taime1 | haha | 08:26 |
=== Karotte [i=sebastia@gpf.v6.karotte.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jmazikowski | askand: what do you mean? can you not get to the other computer to get the file on the drive? | 08:26 |
ljsmithx | !anything | 08:26 |
ubotu | So, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone. | 08:26 |
=== truthfatal_ [n=truthfat@h163.119.141.64.cable.gldn.cablerocket.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
royel | xtknight: hmm | 08:26 |
ljsmithx | HAHAHAH | 08:26 |
taime1 | i think only ops should be allowed to use bot attitude | 08:26 |
HEP85 | Absenth: no problem. unfortunately the bot doesn't know fusesmb | 08:27 |
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xtknight | royel, we're getting there, i tihnk | 08:27 |
ljsmithx | sorry ill stop | 08:27 |
royel | xtknight: something "didn't" happen :) | 08:27 |
royel | xtknight: I think so | 08:27 |
taime1 | not referring to you | 08:27 |
forngren | how do I debug a network? | 08:27 |
xtknight | royel, well good, post the output though | 08:27 |
ljsmithx | y is the ubuntu for powerpc live cd slooowww | 08:27 |
ljsmithx | ? | 08:27 |
HEP85 | Absenth: I haven't tried it but I've heard it's faster than normal smb | 08:27 |
Meyvn | !sanity | ljsmithx | 08:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sanity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:27 |
neverblue | ljsmithx, system specs? | 08:27 |
jmazikowski | askand: if it is that you just cant get x to load, you can still get the file using another tty | 08:27 |
royel | root@pengserv:~ # dpkg --configure -a | 08:27 |
royel | root@pengserv:~ # | 08:27 |
ljsmithx | NEVERRR!!!! | 08:27 |
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filthpig | ! wireless | 08:27 |
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ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:27 |
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xtknight | royel, oh, even better :P. type "sudo apt-get -f install" now to see if any errors occur | 08:28 |
ljsmithx | neverblue, 600MHz G3, 320Meg ram, 40 g hd | 08:28 |
ljsmithx | hdd* | 08:28 |
neverblue | ljsmithx, drive reads at how fast? | 08:28 |
royel | xtknight: :( | 08:28 |
ljsmithx | dunno | 08:28 |
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royel | xtknight: back to the previous errors | 08:28 |
=== taime1 wants a mac to dualboot | ||
xtknight | royel, heh well post em i guess | 08:28 |
neverblue | ljsmithx, which ubuntu release? | 08:28 |
askand | jmazikowski: im reinstalling right now..when I have installed and rebooted the computer wont start..what do you want me to do then? | 08:28 |
xtknight | royel, it should at least be a bit different | 08:28 |
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=== sauvin [n=sauvin@74-139-33-39.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ljsmithx | is tehre a way to make it install without going live? | 08:28 |
royel | xtknight: actually, thats correct, sec I'll paste | 08:29 |
neverblue | ljsmithx, alternative CD | 08:29 |
ljsmithx | yeah | 08:29 |
royel | xtknight: http://pastebin.com/m3b06317b | 08:29 |
ljsmithx | things are liek goingbad for me | 08:29 |
neverblue | ljsmithx, yeah what? | 08:29 |
=== walla_ [n=alex@68-187-86-83.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jmazikowski | askand: what do you mean it wont start? does it give you any kind of errors or just not powering up at all? | 08:29 |
ljsmithx | i got tghe iso and burnt it | 08:29 |
sauvin | I have successfully installed ubuntu. Zippy little thing. How do I log into an xterm as root? | 08:29 |
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neverblue | ljsmithx, 'the ISO' ? | 08:29 |
ljsmithx | it stuffed up | 08:29 |
d2leo | I still can't get GRUB restored...this is very irritating. | 08:29 |
ljsmithx | ISO | 08:29 |
xtknight | royel, well, try "sudo apt-get --reinstall install courier-authdaemon" | 08:29 |
ljsmithx | disk image | 08:30 |
neverblue | ljsmithx, which ISO | 08:30 |
ljsmithx | alternate | 08:30 |
walla_ | so i keep getting import errors whenever it seems something traces back to python, and have no idea where to start | 08:30 |
=== Enselic_ [n=martin@kr-lun-58-151-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neverblue | ljsmithx, please be more clear | 08:30 |
askand | jmazikowski: if it will be the same as last time..and it probably will..I will get a message tellin me it cant get into X and then drop me of to a terminal | 08:30 |
ljsmithx | it told me things were corrupt | 08:30 |
taime1 | omg.... i think he was pretty clear | 08:30 |
xtknight | !root | sauvin | 08:30 |
ubotu | sauvin: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 08:30 |
jmazikowski | thats fine, you can still login and go from the terminal | 08:30 |
neverblue | ljsmithx, good luck, troller | 08:30 |
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MilitantPotato | ljsmithx: there's two-3 alternates per ubuntu version AFAIK, and there's 4 of those | 08:31 |
jmazikowski | askand: are you familiar with basic terminal functions? | 08:31 |
royel | xtknight: it's a vicious never-ending cycle.. http://pastebin.com/m265f6df8 | 08:31 |
ShackJack | d2leo: You've seen this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 08:31 |
=== Solidays [n=Windfyre@host86-135-80-180.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
askand | jmazikowski: yep | 08:31 |
jmazikowski | askand: ok, then you should be good | 08:31 |
MilitantPotato | I tried Kubuntu, but either my burn was bad or it did not like my PC | 08:31 |
ljsmithx | neverblue, u got pmed | 08:31 |
sauvin | Grrr. No root account? | 08:31 |
askand | jmazikowski: i then reconfigured xorglast time.. | 08:31 |
ljsmithx | pmd* | 08:31 |
xtknight | royel, that's ok. try "sudo dpkg --purge --force-all courier-authdaemon" now again..the errors are getting less each time | 08:31 |
d2leo | ShackJack: Yes, I tried those methods | 08:31 |
neverblue | MilitantPotato, you can check the CD for any errors | 08:32 |
jmazikowski | askand: and once we have your xorg.conf, someone can diagnose your problem and get you up and running! | 08:32 |
Enselic_ | MilitantPotato: to find out, do a checksum check, it's in the boot menu | 08:32 |
Agrajag | sauvin: of course there's a root account | 08:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: Can I suggest that after you get this fixed that you make a backup of your mbr... It is easy | 08:32 |
Agrajag | sauvin: you use sudo to get into it | 08:32 |
Solidays | Is it possible to remove the HDD from a laptop (3.5") put it in a caddy and then boot from it on another machine? I tried it but I got "error 17" from GRUB. | 08:32 |
askand | jmazikowski: ok so I will get the conf before reconfiguring? | 08:32 |
=== opus` [n=user@wsip-70-165-31-4.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MilitantPotato | jmazikowski: I'll be doing that once I get ubuntu configured | 08:32 |
=== Kilroo [n=Kilroo@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sauvin | I don't want to have to type in a pile of sudo this and sudo that to do stuff when I have to! Wah! | 08:32 |
Enselic_ | Agrajag: no, sudo handles the permission | 08:32 |
walla_ | _PyGObject_API = gobject._PyGObject_API, anyone know what would cause this error? | 08:32 |
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=== taime1 just loves elitism | ||
HEP85 | sauvin: there is a root account, but there is no password set for it. you can set one with "sudo passwd", though it is not recommended | 08:32 |
d2leo | ShackJack: When I do the first one it all seems fine, but then GRUB doesn't come up | 08:32 |
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ljsmithx | The alternate cd during the install told me afew of these files are corrupt | 08:32 |
luismica | wenas | 08:32 |
ljsmithx | wtf? | 08:32 |
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onechard | sauvin sudo bash | 08:33 |
Agrajag | Enselic_: run sudo whoami | 08:33 |
HEP85 | sauvin: It may be easier to just type "sudo -s" | 08:33 |
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: Will do | 08:33 |
jmazikowski | askand: yes | 08:33 |
MilitantPotato | is there a guide for setting up a dual monitor setup? | 08:33 |
luismica | kien abla en spanish | 08:33 |
luismica | fa plis | 08:33 |
royel | xtknight: http://pastebin.com/m3265a715 | 08:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: Do you need instructions..? | 08:33 |
blizzow | what's the best way to upgrade my current feisty install to gutsy? | 08:33 |
MilitantPotato | on ubuntu | 08:33 |
taime1 | ljsmithx: probably need to burn it at a slower speed | 08:33 |
jmazikowski | askand: if you do that, we can find out what the problem is and you can fix it from there | 08:33 |
Agrajag | !es|luismica | 08:33 |
ubotu | luismica: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:33 |
Enselic_ | ljsmithx: rewrite cd but sloer | 08:33 |
xtknight | royel, i think the problem is you have conflicting packages. see what happens when you then type "sudo apt-get install courier-authlib" tjere | 08:33 |
sauvin | What does sudo -s do? | 08:33 |
neverblue | ljsmithx == troller | 08:33 |
askand | jmazikowski: or maybe you want the conf from after activated restricted drivers? | 08:33 |
Solidays | I guess nobody knows the answer to mu question then? | 08:33 |
neverblue | !troll | 08:33 |
Enselic_ | Agrajag: hmm, interesting :) | 08:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:33 |
HEP85 | sauvin: it makes you root | 08:33 |
ShackJack | d2leo: But does it boot into O/S | 08:33 |
neverblue | hmm, too bad | 08:33 |
=== jottrich [n=jotti@e176014135.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
taime1 | dont abuse the bot | 08:34 |
ljsmithx | Enselic, i did then it told different files were corrupt | 08:34 |
d2leo | ShackJack: when I try it through manual partitions method on the bottom, it tells me i need to format the drive | 08:34 |
sunken | ljsmithx: burn it right | 08:34 |
jmazikowski | askand: does activating those drivers allow you to start X? | 08:34 |
sauvin | Kk, in that case, it's not as straightforward as in other distros, but it could be usable... | 08:34 |
=== hume [n=magnus@h161n1c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enselic_ | ljsmithx: then please redownload | 08:34 |
ljsmithx | sunken, DERR! | 08:34 |
ljsmithx | ok | 08:34 |
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: Yeah I will probably need instructions :p | 08:34 |
=== Dragnslcr [n=scott@c-24-63-105-9.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MilitantPotato | ljsmithx: are you on windows? | 08:34 |
sunken | ljsmithx: order a cd | 08:34 |
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ljsmithx | right now i am | 08:34 |
d2leo | ShackJack: It boots into Vista, but I want to be able to get into Ubuntu as well. | 08:34 |
ljsmithx | i think im gunna snap | 08:34 |
MilitantPotato | Compair the MD5 hash | 08:34 |
MilitantPotato | if it differs, your download is corrupt | 08:35 |
=== ant00n [n=ant00n@h18011.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MilitantPotato | Also, burn at 2-4x | 08:35 |
taime1 | yeah | 08:35 |
sauvin | Yup. Ubuntu officially rules. It's faster than $other_distro. | 08:35 |
MilitantPotato | if on a DVD | 08:35 |
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ShackJack | d2leo: Can you push esc when starting the computer? That should go into grub selection screen... | 08:35 |
royel | xtknight: yeah, I think it was a bug that if I had been aware of prior to upgrading to 6.10, I could have removed this package first and avoided all this mess | 08:35 |
MilitantPotato | 12x if a CD-R/RW | 08:35 |
askand | jmazikowski: no but I get different error.. | 08:35 |
=== Martinofdoom [n=martin@ti112210a080-2488.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== FancyP [n=hank@c83-249-25-212.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sauvin | Question: packages not specifically on Ubuntu repositories: problem? | 08:35 |
ljsmithx | Potato, so u think i should download the alternate again? | 08:35 |
royel | xtknight: http://pastebin.com/m20031d76 | 08:35 |
ferronica | DELUGE new version released ??? | 08:35 |
=== reliantfc3 [n=Merinda@cpe-075-178-037-178.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enselic_ | ljsmithx: only if your download is corrupt | 08:36 |
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Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: sudo su then enter your password then cd <space> Desktop then dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.backup bs=462 count=1 then copy that file to a usb stick or another media | 08:36 |
ljsmithx | how do i know? | 08:36 |
MilitantPotato | Sure, or run the self test, I'd check the Hash on your ISO first | 08:36 |
ljsmithx | im a n00b | 08:36 |
MilitantPotato | If the ISO hash is different, re-download | 08:36 |
d2leo | ShackJack: I will try that, will I have to do that everytime I want to use Ubuntu? | 08:36 |
ljsmithx | plz explain | 08:36 |
xtknight | royel, yeah it's pretty weird.. hmm. start "gksu synaptic", and search for courier. set "complete remove" on every package that starts with courier | 08:36 |
ljsmithx | wth? | 08:36 |
reliantfc3 | um hi | 08:36 |
ljsmithx | hey | 08:36 |
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reliantfc3 | I have a question, i guess this is the place to ask? | 08:36 |
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: Thanks, I'll be sure to do that once this all gets fixed | 08:36 |
royel | xtknight: this is CLI only server | 08:37 |
Enselic_ | !ask | reliantfc3 | 08:37 |
ubotu | reliantfc3: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:37 |
askand | jmazikowski: hrm.. It says the processor is "AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+" should I use different ubuntuversion for that? | 08:37 |
Martinofdoom | I have a previous installation of Ubuntu on my computer, but due to driver issues (I put the hard-drive into a completely different computer with different hardware), I want to reinstall Ubuntu. Will the migration assistant help me copy the entire content of my home folder? | 08:37 |
ljsmithx | yes | 08:37 |
ShackJack | d2leo: No, I think you can change boot options, but you can at least see if you get the proper grub screen... ESC option comes up quick so watch out for it :) | 08:37 |
reliantfc3 | and i'm a complete newbie | 08:37 |
sauvin | Wow... ubuntu IS fast...!! | 08:37 |
kalleth | hey guys - i just installed ubuntu but half of the system tools won't load. I've narrowed it down to an issue with gksu because when i type gksu into a root console it gives me an error message of: "/usr/bin/gksu: cannot execute binary file".. anyone got any ideas? | 08:37 |
ferronica | above 0.5.1 version ? | 08:37 |
reliantfc3 | new laptop, compaq presario, broadcom 4311 card...how do i get the wireless to work | 08:37 |
ShackJack | d2leo: Vista is a pig though and stomps on GRUB - if at all possible always install Ubuntu second :) | 08:37 |
ljsmithx | reliantfc3, that makes two of us | 08:37 |
FancyP | I installed Feisty yesterday and everything worked - including the wifi - except sound | 08:37 |
hume | i have a problem with sshfs between two feisty machines - i get the error "fusermount: mount failed: operation not permitted" - anyone got advice? | 08:37 |
Enselic_ | kalleth: could be a corrupt download | 08:37 |
ferronica | Can any one here who can help me regarding DELUGE ? | 08:37 |
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kalleth | Enselic_: the CD verifies itself on the startup prompt | 08:38 |
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Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: to restore boot the live cd then copy the file to your Desktop from terminal cd Desktop then type dd if=mbr.backup of=/dev/sda bs=1 | 08:38 |
kalleth | i checked | 08:38 |
ljsmithx | this is confusing | 08:38 |
ljsmithx | how do i check the hash thing? | 08:38 |
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reliantfc3 | I was trying to follow online and it wasn't working so i thought i'd ask here | 08:38 |
akos | hello! what command can I use to compare two directories? or get the number of files in the directory tree? | 08:38 |
ljsmithx | what is the hash thing> | 08:38 |
kalleth | i've also done apt-get update gksu and it still doesn't work after that, Enselic_ | 08:38 |
Enselic_ | ljsmithx: google for md5 hash | 08:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | reliantfc3: LEt me find the link I used.. it was easy and did not use ndiswrapper | 08:38 |
xtknight | royel, ah okay then try "sudo apt-get --purge remove courier*" | 08:38 |
ljsmithx | yeah | 08:38 |
Enselic_ | ljsmithx: download a program that can do it, then run that program on your c | 08:38 |
apprado | alex339 | 08:38 |
Martinofdoom | I have a previous installation of Ubuntu on my computer, but due to driver issues (I put the hard-drive into a completely different computer with different hardware), I want to reinstall Ubuntu. Will the migration assistant help me copy the entire content of my home folder? | 08:38 |
reliantfc3 | Jack_Sparrow: thats what i couldn't get to work, so thank you! | 08:39 |
apprado | alex339 | 08:39 |
Enselic_ | ljsmithx: cd then compare that with the one provided by the download place | 08:39 |
d2leo | ShackJack: I wish I didn't have to install Vista back on, I honestly can't stand it. But I need to use this program that there is no Linux alternative for school. | 08:39 |
=== dts_ [n=dennis@adsl-71-141-104-233.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ljsmithx | Enselic, what? an MD5 hash checker? | 08:39 |
neo__ | QUESTION: in ubuntu filesystem where do I go to access the Hard Drive Folders??? | 08:39 |
royel | xtknight: http://pastebin.com/m47f93aff | 08:39 |
kalleth | d2leo: wine/winex/whatever? | 08:39 |
=== isleshocky77 [n=isleshoc@68-71-140-98-st.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enselic_ | ljsmithx: yes | 08:39 |
ShackJack | d2leo: Just curious - what proggie? | 08:39 |
ljsmithx | ok | 08:39 |
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isleshocky77 | How do I change the default text editor for bash? | 08:39 |
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smt6k | anyone know how to force your video card into a certain resolution? i'm using this kvm and for some reason the video card thinks that 800x600 is the only appropriate resolution even though when it's plugged directly into the monitor, it works fine | 08:39 |
xtknight | royel, hmm okay well here's what you can do. you can just remove it from the status file yourself so it will stop complaining | 08:39 |
ljsmithx | how do i know what the original hash is? | 08:40 |
royel | xtknight: lol, good enough | 08:40 |
=== kitche [n=dragon@pool-70-18-113-20.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: do you want a new shell? | 08:40 |
isleshocky77 | ie, when I commit something in svn it comes up with one editor for the message versus one I want to use. | 08:40 |
walla_ | is it possible to reinstall ubuntu without a cdrom drive? | 08:40 |
Martinofdoom | smt6k: Try xrandr in terminal | 08:40 |
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MilitantPotato | smt6k: type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:40 |
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MilitantPotato | in this line: | 08:40 |
xtknight | royel, this is semi dangerous, just make a backup | 08:40 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: I want to use nano versus ee | 08:40 |
Enselic_ | ljsmithx: there are hash sums at releases.ubuntu.com | 08:40 |
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xtknight | royel, sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status.bak | 08:40 |
ljsmithx | Enselic, how do i know what the original hash is? | 08:40 |
ljsmithx | ohh | 08:40 |
ljsmithx | sorry | 08:40 |
ljsmithx | kk illbe back | 08:41 |
d2leo | ShackJack: It's this MatLab program for my Calculus class. | 08:41 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: just run nano at the shell to start nano | 08:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | reliantfc3: it will be another minute it is on another machine | 08:41 |
=== Mr_Pan [n=marcopan@host63-218-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShackJack | walla_: Yep - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick?highlight=%28install%29 | 08:41 |
reliantfc3 | okay, i'm patient, thank you | 08:41 |
MilitantPotato | smt6k: Section "Monitor" | 08:41 |
MilitantPotato | Identifier "Generic Monitor" | 08:41 |
MilitantPotato | Option "DPMS" | 08:41 |
MilitantPotato | Horizsync 28-91 | 08:41 |
MilitantPotato | Vertrefresh 43-85 | 08:41 |
MilitantPotato | EndSection | 08:41 |
FancyP | can anyone help me with getting some sound on my little laptop? | 08:41 |
=== gianni [n=gianni@f70-70.fdsl.aegean.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gianni | r | 08:41 |
ShackJack | d2leo: Might run under wine :) | 08:41 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: I know how to get to nano, but when I do `svn ci` It comes up with ee for editing the commit message, I want it to be nano. I can seem to find out how it's choosing ee | 08:41 |
MilitantPotato | wait, my fault copied the wrong bit SMT | 08:42 |
ShackJack | !pastebin | MilitantPotato | 08:42 |
ubotu | MilitantPotato: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:42 |
ferronica | Can any one here who can help me regarding DELUGE ? | 08:42 |
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xtknight | royel, you know how to use nano? "sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/status". now press Ctrl+W to do a Search. Enter your query: "Package: courier". it should come up. what you're going to do is remove the whole Package: courier-authdaemon paragraph block. | 08:42 |
xtknight | royel, after backing that ifle up, of course | 08:42 |
royel | xtknight: yeah, looking for it now | 08:42 |
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Enselic_ | isleshocky77: ah you mean like that do export EDITOR=nano | 08:42 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: put that at the end of your ~/.bashrc to keep it the next session | 08:42 |
moot | Enselic_: depending on his shell, of course | 08:42 |
d2leo | ShackJack: Yeah, I was thinking about trying that out once school started, but I didn't want to get behind at the beginning of the semester tinkering with it. | 08:42 |
=== [Silver] [i=Silver@adsl-75-33-37-27.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Martinofdoom owns all! :-D:-D | ||
Martinofdoom | I love the /me command | 08:42 |
isleshocky77 | thanks. | 08:43 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: Thanks. | 08:43 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: you're welcome | 08:43 |
=== oasisfai [n=root@n23z176l158.broadband.ctm.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ljsmithx | Enselic, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/feisty/release/ dosnt contain the hash thing | 08:43 |
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royel | xtknight: I keep getting package not found ... | 08:43 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: this is in man svn btw ;) | 08:43 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: oh, sorry. | 08:43 |
walla_ | ShackJack, how? | 08:43 |
ljsmithx | Enselic, ohh | 08:43 |
Andy80 | hi | 08:43 |
askand | It says the processor is "AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+" should I use different ubuntuversion for that? | 08:43 |
ljsmithx | Enselic, yes it doest | 08:44 |
royel | xtknight: got it | 08:44 |
ShackJack | walla_: Um.. see link? | 08:44 |
MilitantPotato | smt6k: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30370/ | 08:44 |
Andy80 | my Gnome-Terminal shell is all black and white... how do I enable colors? | 08:44 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: actually, it wasn't... | 08:44 |
taime1 | askand: only if you want a 64bit OS | 08:44 |
=== smt6k takes a look | ||
MilitantPotato | smt6k: that's the code for mine, allowing different rezs | 08:44 |
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isleshocky77 | Enselic_: lol | 08:44 |
askand | taime1: oh okej..I can live witout | 08:44 |
ShackJack | walla_: Also see: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html | 08:44 |
Enselic_ | Andy80: edit profiles | 08:44 |
taime1 | you are better off | 08:44 |
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taime1 | heh | 08:44 |
Martinofdoom | andy80: Try right-clicking in the terminal and choose "edit active profile" | 08:44 |
ljsmithx | Enselic, thanks | 08:45 |
MilitantPotato | Sorry about the code spam :) | 08:45 |
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ShackJack | MilitantPotato: No problem - just use pastebin in the future :) | 08:45 |
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askand | jmazikowski: hrm im not sure I know how to put a file on usb from terminal? | 08:45 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: That didn't seem to work. Is there something I'm missing beside the export EDITOR=nano | 08:45 |
isleshocky77 | lol | 08:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | reliantfc3: I did two of those yesterday with this link... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174 | 08:45 |
d2leo | ShackJack: Windows Boot Manager comes up when I press ESC, with only an option for Vista. | 08:45 |
kenny | hi | 08:45 |
MilitantPotato | ShackJack: bookmarked it :) | 08:45 |
jmazikowski | is the usb mounted? | 08:45 |
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smt6k | MilitantPotato, thanks, but mine already looks like that :P | 08:45 |
jmazikowski | askand: if it is not mounted, you need to do that first | 08:45 |
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Andy80 | Martinofdoom: ok, I'm editing... | 08:45 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: did you put it in ~/.bashrc, wrote it at the shell, or both? | 08:45 |
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isleshocky77 | For now just in the shell. | 08:46 |
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royel | xtknight: thanks for all your time, greatly appreciated :) | 08:46 |
isleshocky77 | I didn't want to have to restart | 08:46 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: what does echo $EDITOR give you? | 08:46 |
jmazikowski | askand: the command should be something like "sudo mount /media/usbdisk" | 08:46 |
ljsmithx | Enselic, problem | 08:46 |
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isleshocky77 | nano | 08:46 |
MilitantPotato | smt6k: did you try using the up arrow on the screen rezolution settings window? | 08:46 |
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MilitantPotato | it wouldnt let me scroll with the mouse to higher rezs | 08:46 |
ljsmithx | the md5 hasher program dosnt wanna open the disk image | 08:46 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: you need to run svn ci at the same shell you did the export, did you do that? | 08:47 |
jmazikowski | askand: then you can just "cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /media/usbdisk" | 08:47 |
Enselic_ | ljsmithx: what does it say? | 08:47 |
MilitantPotato | that, and i had to get unsupported video drivers installed | 08:47 |
askand | jmazikowski: ok ill try | 08:47 |
ljsmithx | Enselic, dont worry | 08:47 |
Martinofdoom | smt6k: Have you tried running xrandr in terminal? It should display the possible resolutions you can run! | 08:47 |
ljsmithx | iclicked the wrong thing | 08:47 |
gnuCLoS | anybody know if that bug with compiz removing your window borders and title bars has a work around yet? only on some nvidia cards.. | 08:47 |
isleshocky77 | yes | 08:47 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: I'm at the same shell. | 08:47 |
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Enselic_ | isleshocky77: strange what does svn say? | 08:47 |
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YazzY | hi guys | 08:48 |
isleshocky77 | What do you mean? | 08:48 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: It just goes directly into ee | 08:48 |
smt6k | Martinofdoom, Yeah I just ran it.. | 08:48 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: what is ee? | 08:48 |
=== FancyP wants some Kool And The Gang, somebody needs to help him get sound in Ubuntu | ||
smt6k | I'm gonna reboot and see if that will work | 08:48 |
smt6k | thanks guys | 08:48 |
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Solidays | I wouldn't know where to begin to look for a resolution to my problem on the forums. I have tried a few queries but none of the topics I found are what I'm after. | 08:48 |
isleshocky77 | It's a crappy editor. | 08:48 |
YazzY | have any of you /dev/tun ? I cannot run vpnc, i get following error message in dmesg: VMBlock warning: DentryOpRevalidate: invalid args from kernel | 08:48 |
traff | Hi where can I find which version of Ubuntu I am running? | 08:48 |
d2leo | ShackJack: If I had Samba set up on my computer, could I still connect to it from another computer while it's running the live CD? | 08:49 |
ferronica | how to do port forwarding in DELUGE to get better download speed ? | 08:49 |
MilitantPotato | Code to make a backup, is it sudo cp path/filename.bak | 08:49 |
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YazzY | and i suspect it is becouse of /dev/tun not being there | 08:49 |
xtknight | royel, oh, cool | 08:49 |
=== Uzuul [n=arno@vig38-2-81-56-113-154.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xtknight | royel, so "sudo apt-get -f install" has no more errors? | 08:49 |
ShackJack | d2leo: Should be able to as it runs it as a service... | 08:49 |
xtknight | royel, if you need courier i guess you can try reinstalling it, im not sure if itll work | 08:49 |
kitche | !version | traff | 08:49 |
ubotu | traff: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 08:49 |
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ljsmithx | ARRR | 08:49 |
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taime1 | a pirate | 08:49 |
sauvin | In the list of available software from a fresh ubuntu install, I don't see mysql or postgresql. How to get these things without going behind the package manager's back? | 08:49 |
ljsmithx | i just want a linux that works! | 08:50 |
taime1 | o.O | 08:50 |
d2leo | ShackJack: Okay, I think I might just grab all the files I need off of it and do a fresh install of Ubuntu. | 08:50 |
ljsmithx | :( | 08:50 |
gnuCLoS | whats some other good channels?? jus for talkin when your bored at work?? | 08:50 |
=== Silver [i=Silver@adsl-75-33-37-27.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnuCLoS | lol im new to IRC | 08:50 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: what does echo $SVN_EDITOR say? | 08:50 |
ljsmithx | :D | 08:50 |
=== stephen_ [n=stephen@82-43-200-221.cable.ubr09.nmal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: Can I suggest something | 08:50 |
Martinofdoom | andy80: Have you edited your gnome terminal to look like something fancy pulled out from The Matrix yet? ;-) | 08:50 |
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: I'm all ears | 08:50 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: nothing. | 08:50 |
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=== kagemaro is now known as Kagemaro | ||
=== _Johny [n=johny@81-208-106-67.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: what does echo $VISUAL say? | 08:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: copy var/cache/apt/archives to a cd... it will save you from downloading all the updates again | 08:50 |
royel | xtknight: No, no more errors, yeah not sure what to do about courier yet, need to see if the mail server is borked from this | 08:51 |
Kagemaro | Hi, can anyone help me? My sound is really quiet | 08:51 |
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Enselic_ | isleshocky77: svn first looks in SVN_EDITOR, then VISUAL, last EDITOR so it should work if you export to SVN_EDITOR instead | 08:51 |
ljsmithx | i dont wanna download again | 08:51 |
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ljsmithx | :'( | 08:51 |
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Martinofdoom | Kagemaro: Run alsamixer and check the settings | 08:51 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: nothing for visual | 08:51 |
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=== FancyP has no sound | ||
traff | sauvin, you could get the server version of the ubuntu install cd, it has all the server type stuff on it, | 08:51 |
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Enselic_ | isleshocky77: was the hash wrong? | 08:51 |
isleshocky77 | and looking at export of all vars, ee is nowhere. | 08:51 |
Enselic_ | ljsmithx: was the hash wrong? | 08:51 |
gnuCLoS | kage.. what kinda soundcard? | 08:51 |
YazzY | any of you have /dev/tun and can do ls -l on it for me? | 08:51 |
=== gopperhopper [n=ethan@cpe-70-123-214-120.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnuCLoS | is it a laptop or desktop | 08:51 |
=== _Johny says hello | ||
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: Would I be able to copy it to a cd if I have the Ubuntu install disk in there? | 08:52 |
Kagemaro | laptop | 08:52 |
=== Cyberkepper [n=alex@171.Red-83-43-205.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnuCLoS | oo sometimes the speaker volume is in the bios | 08:52 |
MilitantPotato | Code to make a backup, is it sudo cp path/filename.bak ? | 08:52 |
sauvin | Traff, but it can't be done from the "desktop" version? | 08:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: You can copy it to a usb stick or anywhere... | 08:52 |
MilitantPotato | Anyone? | 08:52 |
gnuCLoS | set that to the max then control it from ur os.. | 08:52 |
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Enselic_ | isleshocky77: maybe you changed it in the svn config file | 08:52 |
askand | jmazikowski: well now I booted up and it wants me to install these drivers..what todo? | 08:52 |
Kagemaro | Master shows as '00' in alsamix? | 08:52 |
gnuCLoS | and u cant put it up?? | 08:52 |
Kagemaro | no | 08:52 |
=== hobbsc [n=hobbsc@ip70-178-55-100.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: look for it in /etc/subversion/config | 08:53 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: it's editor-cmd | 08:53 |
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_Johny | I'm about to make a link from /home/xxx/Download dir to ../Download. Unfortunatly neither mc nor "ln" does...:( Any ideas? | 08:53 |
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: Okay, is there anyway to make a backup of my settings and everything. I have Beryl running, and I don't really feel like tweaking everything again. | 08:53 |
jmazikowski | MilitantPotato: "cp file_to_be_coppied.ext file_to_be_coppied.ext.bak" works fine | 08:53 |
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gnuCLoS | hmm what kinda laptop?? did u search google yet?? | 08:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: I keep a fat32 on my system for music, pics and stuff I want to access from both systems | 08:53 |
MilitantPotato | jmazikowski: thanks | 08:53 |
=== rainvoice_ [n=rainvoic@pD952A0A4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kagemaro | Searched google, didn't bring much relevant up | 08:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: save /home for user settings | 08:53 |
Kagemaro | Toshiba A100-225 | 08:53 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: editor-cmd is edited out. | 08:53 |
jmazikowski | MilitantPotato: no problem | 08:53 |
royel | xtknight: yeah, it's dropping after trying to login a user to check mail now :( | 08:53 |
FancyP | I searched the whole net for solutions to SB450-quietness but nothing works | 08:53 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: uncomment it and set it to nano | 08:53 |
gnuCLoS | sorry i dont know much, im a linux newbie, had that prob wit my vaio though it was jus i had to turn it up in the bios though | 08:53 |
=== Ischte [n=ischte@dslb-088-070-229-224.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: if that doesn't work I think we are on the wrong track | 08:54 |
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Kagemaro | I'll reboot and check the bios | 08:54 |
Kagemaro | ty | 08:54 |
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: Okay, thanks. | 08:54 |
Martinofdoom | kagemaro: Wait! | 08:54 |
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Kagemaro | Martinofdoom - yes? | 08:54 |
Martinofdoom | kagemaro: You have checked alsamixer in the terminal, right? | 08:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: np also you should make a full backup | 08:54 |
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gnuCLoS | no doubt.. sorry i couldnt help u with more info.. it doesnt sound like thats it, cus alsa wont let u put it up | 08:54 |
Kagemaro | Yes, Master is 00 and can't be changed | 08:54 |
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Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: three lines in a terminal.. | 08:54 |
Martinofdoom | Wait, I | 08:54 |
Martinofdoom | I'll check myself | 08:55 |
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isleshocky77 | That worked. | 08:55 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: That worked. | 08:55 |
d4rkmonkey | !gutsy | 08:55 |
ljsmithx | i hate gentoo | 08:55 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+1 | 08:55 |
Martinofdoom | kagemaro: Have you tried pressing M? It toggles mute | 08:55 |
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: will a full backup return everything to the way it was? | 08:55 |
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xtknight | royel, heh no surprise. we really ripped out every last bit of it | 08:55 |
d4rkmonkey | damnit doesn't give exact release and I'm too lazy t go to the site... | 08:55 |
reliantfc3 | Jack_Sparrow: did you find that thing? | 08:55 |
xtknight | royel, youll have to reinstall the thing | 08:55 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: I'm guessing I would like to not have to use that file, so I'll try to set the other vars you mentioned. | 08:55 |
ljsmithx | the live cds sloow, the alternate cds corrupt | 08:55 |
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ljsmithx | what should i do? | 08:56 |
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Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: IF you backup your ext3 it will restore ext3.. I backup that and my mbr and do well with that.. | 08:56 |
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FancyP | I need some help with sound too | 08:56 |
ljsmithx | ohh well | 08:56 |
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riotkittie | ljsmithx: either grin and bear it with the live cd, or reburn the alternate | 08:56 |
_Johny | I'm about to make a link from /home/xxx/Download dir to ../Download. Unfortunatly neither mc nor "ln" does...:( Any ideas? | 08:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: sudo su enter pass then cd <space> Desktop then tar cvpzf backupdell.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backupdell.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --exclude=/media -- / | 08:57 |
Martinofdoom | kagemaro: If that doesn't work, check your BIOS, like gnuCcos said | 08:57 |
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traff | sauvin - I'm not sure, but I would guess the DT version is full of desktop apps. I have installed a full AMP server from the server CD | 08:57 |
MilitantPotato | Does anyone know a gude for doing two monitors not cloned? | 08:57 |
Riley | hey, i have a few questions....is there a way to disable the gui-look of ubuntu, and mke it more command-lineish? | 08:57 |
Kagemaro | Martin - it isn't off | 08:57 |
MilitantPotato | guide* | 08:57 |
Kagemaro | Its just very quiet | 08:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | You will end up with your backup in root / | 08:57 |
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ljsmithx | riotkittie, the live cd dosnt | 08:57 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: great! | 08:57 |
=== [Silver] [i=Silver@adsl-75-35-246-86.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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OldPink | !backup | 08:57 |
ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 08:57 |
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: Okay...I'll do that now | 08:57 |
ljsmithx | !kill | 08:57 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 08:57 |
=== andrew33 [n=andrew@lvps87-230-5-81.dedicated.hosteurope.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnuCLoS | webdevelopers... is there an autocomplete plugin or anything like that for bluefish?? | 08:57 |
ljsmithx | :d | 08:57 |
FancyP | !sound | 08:57 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 08:57 |
jmazikowski | _Johny: so you want /Downloads to take you to ~/Downloads? | 08:57 |
ljsmithx | !macintosh | 08:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about macintosh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:57 |
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Martinofdoom | kagemaro: Ok, then I can't help, other than asking you to check BIOS, like gnuclos said. Sorry :-( | 08:58 |
ljsmithx | dang | 08:58 |
andrew33 | hello | 08:58 |
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d4rkmonkey | Does anyone know if the next gutsy release is July 19? I think it is but I'm not sure... | 08:58 |
Rickzs | hello all | 08:58 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: Could it be that it would have to be export EDITOR=`nano` or export EDITOR='nano' ?? | 08:58 |
ljsmithx | hello andrew | 08:58 |
jrib | d4rkmonkey: 7.10 == 2007 october | 08:58 |
askand | jmazikowski: or should I do it some other way? | 08:58 |
riotkittie | Riley: change the init? kill gdm? switch to a tty? | 08:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: If you dont change partitions and install a base Ubuntu you should be able to restore that backup and have a system just the way it was | 08:58 |
OldPink | !gutsy | 08:58 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+1 | 08:58 |
_Johny | jmazikowski: Not really. Just /home/xxx/download/ to ../Download | 08:58 |
d4rkmonkey | jrib, not full release. Notice how I said *next* release | 08:58 |
eddie | Is there anyway to run Gedit as root without having a console window with it? | 08:58 |
andrew33 | i have a problem with newsgroups | 08:58 |
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Enselic_ | isleshocky77: sorrounding with `` replaces that with the output of the command, and '' simply quotes exaclty what is in between them | 08:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: You are only installing Ubuntu to fix grub right | 08:58 |
d4rkmonkey | OldPink, I know theres the site but I don't want to check that :( | 08:58 |
d4rkmonkey | I'm kinda lazy... | 08:58 |
OldPink | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | 08:58 |
Riley | oh, yea, thanks. Also, is there a away to interface with xbox360s? | 08:58 |
OldPink | Urgh | 08:58 |
=== Silver [i=Silver@adsl-75-35-246-86.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnuCLoS | eddie... there is something you can install with automatix that lets you do that | 08:58 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: kk | 08:59 |
d4rkmonkey | OldPink, I know but I'm lazy and half to go really soon | 08:59 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: echo nano is the same as echo 'nano' from a program point of view | 08:59 |
OldPink | It's october the 19th I think | 08:59 |
d4rkmonkey | *have | 08:59 |
_Johny | jmazikowski: Both dirs are within the same FS and partition | 08:59 |
eddie | gnuCloS: Cheers | 08:59 |
jrib | !gutsy > d4rkmonkey (see the private message from ubotu) | 08:59 |
=== bliss [i=andyp@77-101-58-22.cable.ubr04.nmal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andrew33 | pan work fine, but now i can not get newsgroups from the newsserver | 08:59 |
d4rkmonkey | OldPink, Thats full release. | 08:59 |
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: Yes, only to fix grub. | 08:59 |
riotkittie | eddie: alt + f2 ... ? | 08:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: After the basic reinstall save your boot/grub before the restore | 08:59 |
jmazikowski | _Johny: ln -s ../Download /home/xxx/download | 08:59 |
eddie | : | 08:59 |
eddie | :) | 08:59 |
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andrew33 | it doesnt matter which news program i use | 08:59 |
bliss | hi | 08:59 |
OldPink | d4rkmonkey, what are you after? Just check the site! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | 08:59 |
gnuCLoS | you can right click files and edit them in gedit as root.. check your automatix.. | 08:59 |
riotkittie | eddie: alt + f2... then gksu gedit | 08:59 |
d4rkmonkey | jrib, and OldPink how many times to I have to say this. I am not going to the site because I have to go REALLY FAST. I need to knoe the tribe 3 release really soon | 08:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: You can run that backup command even while you are here talking | 08:59 |
riotkittie | !automatix | 08:59 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 08:59 |
napster_ | where can i download drivers for a tv card? | 08:59 |
eddie | Cheers guys | 08:59 |
jrib | d4rkmonkey: click on the site | 08:59 |
ljsmithx | y cant i get ubuntu powerpc shiped to me? | 08:59 |
bliss | How to get audio working in kde ? | 08:59 |
d4rkmonkey | jrib, Do you even read my messages? | 09:00 |
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d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: I'm on 2 computer right now | 09:00 |
Enselic_ | ljsmithx: do you have a powerpc? | 09:00 |
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Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: np | 09:00 |
jrib | d4rkmonkey: yes, but I'm not about to go read a web page for you because you don't have time | 09:00 |
ljsmithx | yeah | 09:00 |
jmazikowski | askand: sorry, could you repeat that, i cant find what you said jsut a minute ago | 09:00 |
eddie | *loves ubuntu* - | 09:00 |
d4rkmonkey | jrib, I'm not telling you to read it for me | 09:00 |
gnuCLoS | lol second that | 09:00 |
=== Bulli [n=janis@dyndsl-080-228-195-032.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== jmazikowski argees with eddie | ||
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: oh, I just thought of something.. | 09:00 |
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ljsmithx | Enselic, powerpc macintosh | 09:00 |
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d4rkmonkey | jrib, I dunno why you're even responding if you don't know. I asked if anyone knew it. | 09:00 |
_Johny | jmazikowski: Hmm I thought about doing the exact opposite | 09:00 |
Netham45 | !ntfs | 09:00 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 09:00 |
=== saucisson_ [n=viking@ANice-151-1-11-176.w83-113.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: ya? | 09:00 |
Netham45 | !fuse | 09:00 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 09:00 |
gnuCLoS | i been using ubuntu for about 3 months now.. switched the home pc, work and laptop over to it | 09:00 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: If I run something as sudo, does it use roots profile or my own. | 09:00 |
ep2011 | Whats everyone's favorite way to view rss feeds? Is there a program that notifies you when a new one is posted? | 09:00 |
jrib | d4rkmonkey: you would have verified the date already | 09:01 |
askand | jmazikowski: now I booted and the thing in right corner wants me to install the ATI drivers... | 09:01 |
Netham45 | !ntfs-3g | 09:01 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 09:01 |
OldPink | d4rkmonkey, you could've been on the site and off by now, grow up and click: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | 09:01 |
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eddie | Out of all distros iv tried (lots!) ubuntu is the most user friendly and hardware compatible IMHO | 09:01 |
gnuCLoS | waitin on the openmoko final release.. and ill be linuxed out :-D | 09:01 |
gnuCLoS | lol | 09:01 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: :d but why on earth do you run svn as root? | 09:01 |
isleshocky77 | so if I do export EDITOR=nano and then sudo svn ci would that not work? | 09:01 |
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d4rkmonkey | jrib, and OldPink sending me the same link over and over again won't help me | 09:01 |
jmazikowski | _Johny: with ln -s, the first argument you give it is the source, the second is the destination | 09:01 |
ljsmithx | passwd root | 09:01 |
OldPink | d4rkmonkey https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | 09:01 |
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Enselic_ | isleshocky77: appearently not | 09:01 |
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isleshocky77 | For what I'm doing right now my user doesn't have permissions do change the files. | 09:01 |
=== NimRod [n=nimrod@cpe-74-79-30-251.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jmazikowski | askand: install them and see what happens, it should work for you | 09:01 |
ljsmithx | Enselic | 09:01 |
n00b123 | any obe here from israel | 09:01 |
riotkittie | if you actually read it, it might help | 09:01 |
d4rkmonkey | OldPink, I've refrained from saying this but you don't seem to get my message. IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO LISTEN TO MY MESSAGES FUCK OFF. | 09:01 |
Chousuke | isleshocky77: no need to use sudo with svn | 09:01 |
_Johny | jmazikowski: Can we just talk private for a minute, please? | 09:01 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: if the root has it's own subversion/config that would overide | 09:01 |
askand | jmazikowski: it didnt last time :( | 09:01 |
riotkittie | if you elaborate why that link isnt helping, if it doesnt, it might help | 09:01 |
jrib | d4rkmonkey: please watch your language here | 09:02 |
OldPink | d4rkmonkey just wasting your precious time ;) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | 09:02 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: that's because you checked out with root too | 09:02 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: that is unnecessary | 09:02 |
ompaul | d4rkmonkey please dont do that language stuff | 09:02 |
OldPink | !flaming | d4rkmonkey | 09:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about flaming - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:02 |
d4rkmonkey | jrib, I have been until now because both of you are being assholes. | 09:02 |
OldPink | Darn | 09:02 |
ep2011 | !rss | 09:02 |
=== guardian [n=Guardian@ANantes-252-1-23-3.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:02 |
gnuCLoS | oo eddie.. i found what you were looking for under automatix.. its called Nautilus Scripts under Misc... | 09:02 |
ljsmithx | whats the gentoo channel | 09:02 |
ljsmithx | ? | 09:02 |
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Martinofdoom | Does anyone know if migration assistant copies the home folder of an earlier ubuntu installation? | 09:02 |
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ljsmithx | ? | 09:02 |
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ljsmithx | ? | 09:02 |
traff | Feisty 704 installer doesn't see my existing partitions, there seems to be much discussion about this but no solutions, anyone had any luck? | 09:02 |
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ljsmithx | anyone? | 09:02 |
isleshocky77 | Well I believe it's because I have the file access to www-data so that svn webdav can change them. | 09:02 |
jmazikowski | askand: well, i am running an nvidia card, so im not too sure about the ati drivers, sadly | 09:02 |
ljsmithx | gentoo? | 09:02 |
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Enselic_ | ljsmithx: sorry, whatis your problem again? | 09:03 |
ljsmithx | dontworry | 09:03 |
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Martinofdoom | traff: What kind of partitions do you have? | 09:03 |
isleshocky77 | Enselic_: Well I believe it's because I have the file access to www-data so that svn webdav can change them. | 09:03 |
riotkittie | "if you arent going to hold my hand, and do things for me, please dont talk to me" ... oh my | 09:03 |
bliss | ompaul: hi nice summer were having | 09:03 |
gnuCLoS | anybody in here get that neo developers edition??? | 09:03 |
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n00b123 | any israelis here? | 09:04 |
gnuCLoS | openmoko | 09:04 |
askand | After I activate ATI accelerated graphics driver I get only a black screen after boot..why? | 09:04 |
traff | martinofdoom I have a working dual boot win2K server and Ubuntu 510, single drive on laptop, with around 9 partions. | 09:04 |
n00b123 | need help with connecting to the net | 09:04 |
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n00b123 | with feisty | 09:04 |
riotkittie | wee. i cant wait to get my "new" computer. its total overkill for what i do in linux, but ... yAY! | 09:04 |
Enselic_ | isleshocky77: ok, well I've never used webdav, but I can't see why you can't checkout a wokring copy in your home dir for ecample | 09:04 |
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isleshocky77 | I can, and I do. | 09:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | traff: I think there is a limit to the number of partitions | 09:05 |
Martinofdoom | traff: How many hard-drives do you use? | 09:05 |
OldPink | gnuCLoS: http://www.mbhoy.com/index.php?s=openmoko | 09:05 |
isleshocky77 | This is just a special instance right now. not the norm. | 09:05 |
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zekopeko | anybody know a repository for MetaTracker? | 09:05 |
jmazikowski_ | _Johny: sorry, irc was giving me trouble | 09:05 |
gnuCLoS | yea pink... i want one!! lol | 09:05 |
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uga | hi there guys, can anyone test clamscan speed? it's insanely slow on ubuntu. around 1 minut and half for scanning a simple file like .bashrc | 09:05 |
MilitantPotato | Argh | 09:05 |
gnuCLoS | im trying to wait till the october release though.. but its soo tempting | 09:05 |
uga | it used to take seconds at most on my gentoo machine | 09:05 |
bliss | ompaul: top ad d morning to ya | 09:05 |
traff | martinofdoom - just the single drive in a laptop | 09:05 |
uga | this doesn't amke any sense | 09:06 |
eddie | I have to pc's with ubuntu..... how can I connect to one with SSH? Do I need an SSH server on one of them? | 09:06 |
MilitantPotato | I need sleep, I can't sort out how to install this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup#head-4b0be1138833ec5dba26ca0e458f3ee8acbe35de | 09:06 |
FancyP | why is Ubuntu trying to make me believe that my modem is my soundcard? | 09:06 |
jatt | eddie: yes | 09:06 |
traff | jack_sparrow do you know what the limit is? | 09:06 |
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Jack_Sparrow | traff: Not sure I though it was five on a single drive | 09:06 |
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Martinofdoom | traff: I don't think it's possible to have 9 partitions on one hard-drive, I think the limit is 5 or 6 or something, so maybe you have a virtual partition table | 09:06 |
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magnetron | eddie: you would need to install the ssh server (package name ssh) on the computer you would like to connect to | 09:06 |
gnuCLoS | yea eddie.. | 09:06 |
Enselic_ | uga: what does clanscan do? it's not in the reps | 09:06 |
gnuCLoS | sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 09:06 |
eddie | oh cool | 09:06 |
eddie | cheers guys again | 09:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | traff: Sorry I dont remember but that might be your problem.. | 09:07 |
gnuCLoS | eddie: then ssh username@server.com to connect to it | 09:07 |
uga | Enselic_: oh oups! it must come from another repository then. It's an antivirus | 09:07 |
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magnetron | eddie: sudo apt-get ssh is enough | 09:07 |
gnuCLoS | from the client** | 09:07 |
napster_ | !tv card | 09:07 |
ubotu | http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out | 09:07 |
uga | Enselic_: the most known antivirus for linux | 09:07 |
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askand | After I activate ATI accelerated graphics driver I get only a black screen after boot..why? | 09:07 |
magnetron | uga Enselic_: clamav | 09:07 |
bliss | DBO: still at the coffee? | 09:07 |
gnuCLoS | oo thanx mag.. didnt kno that either | 09:07 |
bjames | hi all, when using tar is there an option to delete the source archive while untarring? | 09:07 |
traff | martinofdoom could be I use acronis diskdirector to partition my drive. I just tried gparted now on by Ubuntu 510, and it only shows a single disk, no partitions | 09:07 |
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bjames | tar -xf archive.tar | 09:07 |
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bjames | and? | 09:07 |
jmazikowski | _Johny: you still there? it seems to be giving me some trouble going private... do you have aim? | 09:07 |
jatt | ; rm archive.tar | 09:07 |
bjames | jatt: is there no switch? | 09:08 |
MilitantPotato | Guys, is this correct? sudo apt-get install hubackup | 09:08 |
Martinofdoom | traff: I think that must be the problem. Acronis probably didn't write to the physical partition table, ie. Ubuntu cannot read it! | 09:08 |
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Enselic_ | bjames: you could script it pretty easily though | 09:08 |
OldPink | !backup | MilitantPotato | 09:08 |
ubotu | MilitantPotato: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 09:08 |
traff | jack_sparrow, I suspect we are on to something here. I guess I should go look up on gparted and see what the limitations are | 09:08 |
bjames | jatt: I can always do it manually, but it would be cleaner | 09:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | bjames: DO you not have enough room for the archive and the uncompressed data on that partition.. | 09:08 |
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Martinofdoom | traff: Of course, I'm no expert, and I'm just pulling this off the top of my mind, but I believe that is the problem | 09:08 |
MilitantPotato | OldPink: Yea, I'm at the homeUserbackup site, can't figure out how to install it | 09:08 |
bjames | regardless of why, is there a switch? | 09:08 |
bjames | if not I'll manually remove it | 09:08 |
Enselic_ | bjames: not that I know of, man tar would tell | 09:09 |
jatt | bjames: don't know of any, but ; rm archive.tar will delete the source archive | 09:09 |
bjames | jatt: yes I know ;) | 09:09 |
jatt | :) | 09:09 |
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traff | jack_sparrow do you know if the partitioner used by the installer is just a commandline version of gparted, or is it a different utility? | 09:09 |
bjames | cheers then | 09:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | bjames: I was only going to suggest you not have the tar file on the target partition | 09:09 |
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acke_ | hey i have a mac mini g4. i have a problem with flash in firefox. is there a way to play stuff froom myspace in a webbrowser? | 09:09 |
bliss | how to get sound/audio in kde fisty | 09:09 |
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Jack_Sparrow | traff: No idea.. | 09:10 |
gnuCLoS | acke.. did u try installing flash using automatix?? | 09:10 |
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Music_Shuffle | !sound | bliss | 09:10 |
ubotu | bliss: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 09:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | gnuCLoS: bad idea | 09:10 |
gnuCLoS | yea?? | 09:10 |
Music_Shuffle | !automatix | gnuCLoS acke_ | 09:10 |
kagemaro | My sound is SO quiet | 09:10 |
ubotu | gnuCLoS acke_: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 09:10 |
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gnuCLoS | lol | 09:10 |
traff | jack_sparrow, thanks for tip, at least I have something to follow up cheers! | 09:10 |
kagemaro | It wasn't in the bios, gnu | 09:10 |
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OldPink | !automatix | 09:10 |
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_Johny | jmazikowski what nick are you under? | 09:11 |
gnuCLoS | sorry... noob | 09:11 |
gnuCLoS | here | 09:11 |
gnuCLoS | lol | 09:11 |
OldPink | I wouldn't recommend automatix | 09:11 |
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_Johny | .seen jmazikowski | 09:11 |
kagemaro | This is the only problem I have left | 09:11 |
Martinofdoom | kagemaro: Did you say you used a laptop? Try turning up the sound with the physical buttons on the laptop | 09:11 |
epistis | hey, can anyone help me find proper information on upgrading the lowlatency 2.6.20 kernel to 2.6.22? kernel upgrading scares me :\ -- i installed using wubi (i am a lamo) | 09:11 |
gnuCLoS | i try not to use it as much as possible but some of the programs ive only been able to get to work thru it | 09:11 |
Music_Shuffle | kagemaro, did you open a music program? | 09:11 |
gnuCLoS | apt-get 99% of the time works though | 09:11 |
Martinofdoom | kagemaro: Like FN+Page Up or something | 09:11 |
kagemaro | Yeah the master volume on the physical buttons is 100% | 09:11 |
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Music_Shuffle | kagemaro, have you used...Amarok or XMMS or something lately/at all? | 09:12 |
kagemaro | xmms | 09:12 |
Music_Shuffle | kagemaro, is it open now? | 09:12 |
kagemaro | right now | 09:12 |
eddie | Is the SSH server package on the Ubuntu Disc? ( 7 ) because I dont have direct access to the internet to the pc | 09:12 |
kagemaro | yes | 09:12 |
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bliss | thanks to all for audio/sound problem | 09:12 |
hanasaki | k | 09:12 |
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Music_Shuffle | kagemaro, whats the volume set to in XMMS? %-wise? | 09:12 |
kagemaro | its about 20% of the volume I get on Windows | 09:12 |
kagemaro | 100% | 09:12 |
ompaul | !away > d2leo|away | 09:12 |
Music_Shuffle | bliss, GL :) | 09:12 |
Martinofdoom | kagemaro: Check the PCM switch in alsamixer | 09:12 |
kagemaro | 100% | 09:12 |
soyporti | anyone knows how to solve the white screen in beryl? | 09:12 |
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ompaul | soyporti, #ubuntu-effects | 09:12 |
kagemaro | 100% on laptop, 100% on xmms, 100% pcm | 09:12 |
soyporti | yes | 09:13 |
Music_Shuffle | kagemaro, did you open any OTHER music/audio/video players? | 09:13 |
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bliss | ompaul: top of d morning to ya | 09:13 |
kagemaro | Not yet | 09:13 |
ompaul | bliss, hi | 09:13 |
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soyporti | ompaul: yes | 09:13 |
Music_Shuffle | kagemaro, Amarok/Banshee/Totem/anything? Aside from XMMS. | 09:13 |
ompaul | soyporti, that is where you should ask | 09:13 |
kagemaro | I'm using Intel HDA and I heard its a trouble chipset though | 09:13 |
Martinofdoom | soyporti: You need proper drivers for your video card. You probably have an ATI card. I found a solution to this, but I can't remember how I did it. Try googling it | 09:13 |
acke_ | gnuCLoS automatix seems to not support ppc. am i wrong? | 09:13 |
Anlar | kagemaro: it is not. intel hda is just awesome for most | 09:13 |
soyporti | ompaul | 09:13 |
ShackJack | HI - anyone know how I can upgrade my alsa to latest versions on this site: http://www.alsa-project.org/ ?? Is this a stardard make/install etc...? | 09:13 |
gnuCLoS | as far as that automatix thing.. should i uninstall everything installed with it?? and then how would i go about getting all the codecs it installed.. flash.. and all the multimedia ones? | 09:13 |
gnuCLoS | i dont even know what ppc is... sorry | 09:14 |
soyporti | ompaul:thnks | 09:14 |
Music_Shuffle | I'd suggest opening every audio/video program, turning the volume to max, and then closing them each, then seeing what its like. | 09:14 |
Music_Shuffle | gnuCLoS, PPC = PowerPC. | 09:14 |
ompaul | soyporti, your welcome | 09:14 |
bliss | ompaul: do you remember me? | 09:14 |
ljsmithx | ppc=powerpc | 09:14 |
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acke_ | anyone knows how to make flash work with ppc? | 09:14 |
Martinofdoom | quit Finding new irc client | 09:14 |
ljsmithx | dud | 09:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | gnuCLoS: Simply uninstalling what it installed will not fix the problems automatix causes.. | 09:14 |
gnuCLoS | thnx.. not sure if it does acke | 09:14 |
traff | what is the commad line partitioner included with ubuntu | 09:14 |
ompaul | bliss, yes, and I would point out we have 1k + people here chat in #ubuntu-offtopic :0 | 09:14 |
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ljsmithx | atleast u got that far | 09:14 |
libervisco | Why can't I authenticate to my router from Ubuntu? | 09:15 |
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libervisco | while it works on windows? | 09:15 |
soyporti | <Martinofdoo: thanks | 09:15 |
gnuCLoS | lol o well.. reinstall :-D i always luv that | 09:15 |
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Music_Shuffle | gnuCLoS, sometimes you end up just reinstalling. | 09:15 |
magnetron | acke_: your best option would be to install gnash | 09:15 |
ompaul | traff, parted | 09:15 |
ljsmithx | i couldent even install it on my powerpc mac | 09:15 |
kagemaro | Are there any codecs that I might have to download? | 09:15 |
kagemaro | Most of these players wont play mp3 at all :S | 09:15 |
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acke_ | magnetron thanks | 09:15 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !restricted | 09:15 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:15 |
gnuCLoS | yea i dont mind, get to customize everything again.. but its my work comp.. o well.. | 09:15 |
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acke_ | magnetron would it matter what browser i use with gnash? | 09:15 |
ljsmithx | ' | 09:16 |
magnetron | acke_: it works with the mozilla-based ones | 09:16 |
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acke_ | magnetron: like firefox? | 09:16 |
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kagemaro | anyone? | 09:16 |
bjames | what's wrong with the following: | 09:16 |
bjames | *.tar) | 09:16 |
bjames | check_exists tar | 09:16 |
bjames | tar -xf "${1}" | 09:16 |
bjames | if [ ${REPLACE} == 1 ] | 09:16 |
bjames | then | 09:16 |
bjames | rm "${1}" | 09:16 |
bjames | fi;; | 09:17 |
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kagemaro | Which codecs are normal for playing mp3? | 09:17 |
Music_Shuffle | !pastebin | bjames | 09:17 |
ubotu | bjames: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | !mp3 | 09:17 |
elmo40 | WinAmp not running | 09:17 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:17 |
magnetron | yes, acke_, firefox and epiphany | 09:17 |
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ompaul | bjames, DONT paste see the pastebin linl | 09:17 |
gnuCLoS | anybody kno when bluefish 2 is suppost to release? | 09:17 |
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gnuCLoS | suppost to have autocomplete.. | 09:17 |
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bliss | bjames: use patebin | 09:17 |
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Daimoso | hi | 09:17 |
Music_Shuffle | Hi :) | 09:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | kagemaro: Please read restricted formats info... | 09:17 |
Daimoso | :) | 09:18 |
bjames | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30375/ | 09:18 |
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bjames | can anyone tell me why the following complains about the [ ? | 09:18 |
bjames | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30375/ | 09:18 |
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hanasaki | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=503307 | 09:18 |
hanasaki | Just installed feisty. typing "date" in the root account gives the right date on the console. Doing this under any regular account gives the time + ~ 16 hrs. Gnome also reports the time what root gets + 16 hrs or so.... | 09:18 |
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osxdude|laptop | hey there is a ban %osxdude|desktop*!*@* | 09:18 |
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osxdude|laptop | it does not work | 09:19 |
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acke_ | magnetron: well when i use gnash with firefox.. the flash part of the page shows the buttons. but nothing more. and the buttons only blinks.. | 09:19 |
kitche | osxdude|laptop: talk with the ops your away message got you banned | 09:19 |
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kitche | osxdude|laptop: but evading a ban can also get you banned longer most likely | 09:20 |
chuck | hinogi, I'm using an Apple iBook G4, and I'm wondering, is it possible to get rid of that annoying "Tap the Trackpad to click" feature and the other quirky trackpad gestures? | 09:20 |
bjames | ./unpack: line 93: [: =: unary operator expected | 09:20 |
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acke_ | magnetron: i also have both the gnash and the plugin for firefox installed. might that be a problem? | 09:20 |
jatt | bjames: if [ "${REPLACE}" == "1" ] | 09:20 |
hanasaki | why would a user account show a date diffent than the root account? | 09:20 |
Martinofdoom | Martinofdoom: Ohnoes! :-O | 09:20 |
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kitche | hanasaki: no clue but do this date+ %c and it should set the correct time I had that issue myself | 09:21 |
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bjames | jatt: I don't want to convert them to strings first though | 09:21 |
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magnetron | acke_: gnash is not 100% yet, but it's getting better by the day. expect it to be in a better shape when gutsy is released. no, you are supposed to install both packages | 09:21 |
osxdude|laptop | ktche: The thing is...the ban didn't work | 09:21 |
bjames | I have used: | 09:21 |
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Jack_Sparrow | hanasaki: Could it be a time zone issue | 09:21 |
bjames | if [ $? == 1 ] | 09:21 |
bjames | and it worked | 09:21 |
osxdude|laptop | *kitche | 09:21 |
acke_ | magnetron: okay thanks | 09:21 |
kitche | osxdude|laptop: I think the ban was just +q wwhich is mute | 09:21 |
bjames | so why not what I posted? | 09:21 |
hanasaki | what is %c kitche | 09:21 |
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hanasaki | Jack_Sparrow: hmm could a user account have a diff timezone than root? | 09:21 |
chuck | anyone know how to get rid of mouse gestures? | 09:21 |
gnuCLoS | hana: check all those configuration files in your home directly.. ls -all | 09:21 |
Absenth | when creating sn smbcredentials file. | 09:21 |
Netham45 | need help disabling a framebuffer | 09:22 |
gnuCLoS | and see if something stands out for timezone settings | 09:22 |
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misstajah | Question: I have installed the nvidia-new drivers so I could run my Asus F3SC T7100/1GB/160GB SATA/DVD+-RW, but everytime my X tries to start, the computer reboots. why is that? :S | 09:22 |
Absenth | if the username needs to include a domain name (ie. mywindowsdomain | 09:22 |
nickLessS | c.de | 09:22 |
hanasaki | chuck in firefox? | 09:22 |
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Absenth | if the username needs to include a domain name (ie. mywindowsdomain\username) would I do something like [username="mywindowsdomain\username" | 09:22 |
gnuCLoS | hanasaki: prob has a user specific time zone setting or something... | 09:22 |
kitche | hanasaki: it makes date use locale time | 09:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | hanasaki: Only takes a second to check | 09:22 |
chuck | hanasaki, no in the entire operating system | 09:22 |
Netham45 | !framebuffer | 09:22 |
ubotu | If you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer | 09:22 |
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MilitantPotato | How do I give myself default ownership of hard drives? | 09:23 |
chuck | i'm not sure if it's called mouse gestures, but that's what someone told me it was called in ##nonlogic | 09:23 |
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saturn04 | Hello! Now I've got an HP iPAQ rx1950 PPC, data cable for it and my ubuntu PC. How could I synchronize them? | 09:23 |
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bjames | jatt: fixed it | 09:24 |
usikker | hallois. | 09:24 |
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royel | Absenth: that doesn't sound familiar at all, but if you need to use a domain name, it would be username="username@mywindowsdomain" I would think | 09:24 |
Martinofdoom | Could anyone recommend a good IRC Client for Ubuntu? I am using X-Chat, but I find the interface boring and dull | 09:24 |
hanasaki | kitche: and Jack_Sparrow its almost liek the user has a differnet timezone than the system.... but how / hwere to tell the user accounts to use the same system timezone as the root? kitche plms messg me in private? I am not sure what you are asking me to type... "date %c" litterally? date: invalid date `%c' | 09:24 |
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misstajah | Martinofdoom: xChat is a good one | 09:24 |
misstajah | or maybe gaim/pidgin | 09:24 |
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royel | Martinofdoom: irssi | 09:25 |
saturn04 | Could anybody help me? | 09:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | hanasaki: Go to system admin date and time and change the user time zone and see if that changes the difference you see... | 09:25 |
bjames | date +%c | 09:25 |
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syntux | guys, I'm putting an alias in my .bashrc but it's not working, any idea? | 09:26 |
hanasaki | bjames: thanks.. what is %c.. hmm reading man by the way.. that gives the wrong time too | 09:26 |
usikker | Can the e-mail services included in Ubuntu Server Edition be used to sort incoming e-mails by white-, gray- and black-listing? | 09:26 |
usikker | Where white listing will be addresses the user have added (or users who have added themselves), black is from addresses that has been marked as spam and gray for those undecided ones (maybe let the server mark the subject of these e-mails with "Gray-Subject" ? | 09:26 |
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nalioth | syntux: did you type source ~/.bashrc <enter> ? | 09:26 |
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szachista | hello | 09:26 |
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chuck | anyone know how to fix this annoying tap to click on the trackpad thing? | 09:26 |
szachista | could you recommend me some quake-inspirated terminals? | 09:26 |
szachista | i mean sth like yakuake and quake | 09:26 |
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kitche | hanasakiBRB: then if date +%c does then you have the wrong locale setup on your system you need to change the timezone's for your system | 09:27 |
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hanasaki | Jack_Sparrow: there is no date time under system/admin in gnome | 09:27 |
syntux | nalioth, yes | 09:27 |
nalioth | syntux: check your syntax, then | 09:27 |
szachista | i have alsa tried tilda, is there anything elese? | 09:27 |
szachista | also* | 09:27 |
syntux | nalioth, ok it's just alias grep='grep --colour=always' | 09:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | hanasaki: system admin does not have time and date ? | 09:27 |
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misstajah | Question: I have installed the nvidia-new drivers so I could run my Asus F3SC T7100/1GB/160GB SATA/DVD+-RW, but everytime my X tries to start, the computer reboots. why is that? :S | 09:28 |
toryl__ | chuck: try the second post in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=421236 | 09:28 |
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randY | hi from Bend Oregon marketstone.comet | 09:28 |
anurag_mishra | Opengl apps(eg xscreensaver) dont work correctly after enabling beryl. that is when i move the app, the app doesn't move and stays at its place. now when i leave the mouse button, the app reappears on new place. any help. ( using intel g965) | 09:28 |
bullgard4 | I am asked to attach the complete output from dmesg -s64000 or serial console capture with "debug" on cmdline. What is meant with 'debug on command line'? | 09:28 |
hanasaki | Jack_Sparrow: nope.. just network keyring etc | 09:28 |
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Jack_Sparrow | hanasaki: If it isnt there then there is a bigger problem | 09:29 |
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hanasaki | Jack_Sparrow: ya.! what package to install and ensure its there | 09:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | Can someone here verify that System... Admin... shows an option for time and date to be set | 09:30 |
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bulmer | Jack_Sparrow: roger that | 09:30 |
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Jack_Sparrow | hanasaki: How did you install your system, have you run any scripts to install things.. automatix or envy.. (bad ideas both) | 09:31 |
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PocketIRC | hello all | 09:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | blumer thanks.. Wanted to make sure I was not dreaming | 09:31 |
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hanasaki | Jack_Sparrow: base system and aptitude for some extra packages .. nothing seemed to have been removed in the process | 09:31 |
shadowhywind | hay all, i am trying to resize my linux partition, with 5 gigs of unpartitioned space directly infront of it, and a livecd of qtparted wont do it it sees everything, but wont let me resize | 09:31 |
pkpk | Question: I just installed Ubuntu 7.04, but i have problems with my Display Resolution. My display has a native resolution of 1280x1024, but i can only get 1024x768 with the restricted graphics driver for my ATI Radeon 9600. Does anybody know a solution for that problem? | 09:31 |
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Absenth | I'm using the guide ubotu gave me regarding mounting windows SMB shares. I have two complications. First my username has a space in it, second, my username requires the domain name precede it ie "domain\user name" do I need to include quotes inside my .smbcredentials file? or no? | 09:32 |
bulmer | bullgard4: it meant you run debug on the command line..results will be displayed on the command line..so run script before hand to capture all or redirect it to a file | 09:32 |
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royel | !resolution | pkpk | 09:32 |
ubotu | pkpk: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 09:32 |
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ep2011 | What are some good rss clients? | 09:32 |
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surviver | !x | 09:33 |
Puppy_ | Is there a way to change the volume in different apps? | 09:33 |
gnuCLoS | any nono's for using webmin on an ubuntu server?? | 09:33 |
hanasaki | Jack_Sparrow: | 09:33 |
hanasaki | ? | 09:33 |
web_knows | ep2011, I'm used to use Google Reader :) | 09:33 |
jrib | ep2011: liferea is nice | 09:33 |
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gnuCLoS | cus its not in the repos.. i dont think.. but its easy enough to install... | 09:33 |
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web_knows | ep2011, but there's a plugin for firefox, called Wizz RSS | 09:33 |
web_knows | works good | 09:33 |
pkpk | Thank you, will check ist | 09:33 |
foug | hi does ubuntu have a default program that lets me put mp3's on a cd? | 09:33 |
foug | aka cd burner | 09:33 |
ep2011 | Thanks | 09:33 |
jamiejcumbria | Can any one tell me how to change the default home page for firefox. So when a new user gets an account it get ie. google. not file://use///// | 09:34 |
OldPink | !gnomebaker | foug | 09:34 |
Music_Shuffle | !k3b | foug | 09:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gnomebaker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:34 |
ubotu | foug: k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto | 09:34 |
bullgard4 | bulmer: Thank you very much for explaining. | 09:34 |
OldPink | !brasero | foug | 09:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about brasero - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:34 |
gnuCLoS | foug: serpentine.. | 09:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | hanasaki: look to see if you have tzdata installed | 09:34 |
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misstajah | Question: I have installed the nvidia-new drivers so I could run my Asus F3SC T7100/1GB/160GB SATA/DVD+-RW, but everytime my X tries to start, the computer reboots. why is that? :S | 09:34 |
MilitantPotato | whats a good program to format from ubuntu? | 09:34 |
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gnuCLoS | gParted | 09:34 |
foug | thanks guys | 09:34 |
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royel | gnuCLoS: depends who you ask and what your server will be doing, I've used it myself, I don't think you'd want to use it on a server where sensitive information is kept. | 09:34 |
gnuCLoS | militant: use gParted | 09:35 |
MilitantPotato | Thattle allow me to format a drive to fat32 so it's useable in XP and Ubuntu? | 09:35 |
gnuCLoS | i guess besides security though does it mess with your config files in a crazy way or no? | 09:35 |
yeniklasor | My usb flash memory didn't mount automaticly. How can I mount it? | 09:35 |
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^tiNee^ | when u leave ur computer on a few days.. ubuntu gets all sluggish.. is there a way to speed it up ? | 09:35 |
^tiNee^ | besides rebooting | 09:36 |
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royel | gnuCLoS: I never noticed that, if security is not an issue I think it's a pretty good web tool | 09:36 |
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MattJ | ^tiNee^, that's not normal | 09:36 |
MattJ | ^tiNee^, any idea what is making it act like that? | 09:36 |
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gnuCLoS | cool thanx.. as far as security u could always change the port.. and not allow like root to get in.. | 09:36 |
MilitantPotato | gnuCLoS: Thattle allow me to format a drive to fat32 so it's useable in XP and Ubuntu? | 09:36 |
^tiNee^ | i have no clue | 09:36 |
gnuCLoS | dont know if theres other holes though besides the obvious stuff.. | 09:37 |
gnuCLoS | yea it should militant | 09:37 |
MilitantPotato | Sounds good, thanks | 09:37 |
^tiNee^ | i just have a few firefox up and conky | 09:37 |
tego | i setup wine and install xp programs how can i use it run exe and use it like normal program on linux | 09:37 |
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Puppy_ | Is it possible to have a different volume for different apps? | 09:37 |
^tiNee^ | and gdesklets but even that stopped working today so i uninstalled it | 09:37 |
gnuCLoS | no prob.. i think it might come already installed.. if not i think the package is called gparted | 09:37 |
Martinofdoom | tego: You could try Wine | 09:37 |
royel | gnuCLoS: I think people have suggested it having more problems than that, but you know there's always someone who will not be happy with anything :) | 09:38 |
Martinofdoom | tego: That can run a number of Windows programs | 09:38 |
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MilitantPotato | Add/remove has locked up X( | 09:38 |
gnuCLoS | lol yepp | 09:38 |
royel | gnuCLoS: I myself thought it was a pretty good tool, I dont think I'd trust to use it on something that needs to be kept secure, but for personal use or new people to *nix, it's pretty good stuff | 09:38 |
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MattJ | ^tiNee^, see if RAM, swap usage, or CPU is high next time it gets like that | 09:39 |
^tiNee^ | no its normal | 09:39 |
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^tiNee^ | i was looking at conky | 09:39 |
Martinofdoom | tego: Is it working for you? | 09:39 |
hanasaki | Jack_Sparrow: ok.. root is in EDT and users are in UTC as reported by "Date" how is that? and what is the best for an all unix system? how do i change the user to EDT or the root to UTC? | 09:39 |
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napster__ | how do i install the jdk? | 09:40 |
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Jack_Sparrow | hanasaki: Did you look to see if you have tzdata installed | 09:40 |
gnuCLoS | at work we got rackspace for our live server and they use it.. and thier super anal about security.. i guess you could also block the port that webmin is on though from the outside or to only certain IPs like they do if u still want to use it on secure servers | 09:40 |
yeniklasor | My usb flash memory didn't mount automaticly. How can I mount it? | 09:40 |
shadowhywind | does anyone know how to resize a ext3 partition | 09:40 |
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napster__ | ?? | 09:41 |
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tego | winrar is run nurmaly i wanna use program like netcut or my own translation program its donet work in all program i need | 09:41 |
Pici | !java | napster__ | 09:41 |
ubotu | napster__: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 09:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | shadowhywind: Did you unmount it before trying to resize it | 09:41 |
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shadowhywind | i tried to use a live cd of qtparted | 09:41 |
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dispanser | ha | 09:41 |
dispanser | da bin ich | 09:41 |
gnuCLoS | shadow u mean gParted? | 09:41 |
misstajah | Question: I have installed the nvidia-new drivers so I could run my Asus F3SC T7100/1GB/160GB SATA/DVD+-RW, but everytime my X tries to start, the computer reboots. why is that? :S | 09:41 |
Pici | !de | dispanser | 09:42 |
ubotu | dispanser: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:42 |
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royel | gnuCLoS: well, considering it's a web app, kinda difficult to close those ports up an still have a server that can communicate on those ports. | 09:42 |
Kilroo | If anyone here has experience with XP/Ubuntu dual-boot systems and has used both NTFS-3g and Ext2IFS in fairly recent incarnations, I'd appreciate any opinions they might care to offer on which would be preferable to deal with. | 09:42 |
shadowhywind | gnuCLos no qtparted | 09:42 |
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hube | #ubuntu.pl | 09:42 |
unagi | hello everyone | 09:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | Kilroo: I keep a fat32 and keep data there.. I dont like either OS writing to the home partition of the other | 09:43 |
gnuCLoS | royel: u could jus close port 10000.. still leaving 80 open... | 09:43 |
kagemaro | Hey everyone, I tried all of the MP3 players and they're all quiet - is there any way to use OSS instead of ALSA? | 09:43 |
royel | gnuCLoS: this is where the holes come in :) | 09:43 |
gnuCLoS | webmin dont go thru reg http port | 09:43 |
tarzeau | kagemaro: tried opencubicplayer too? | 09:43 |
gnuCLoS | well i thought unless its doin other shit i dont kno wof :-D | 09:43 |
gnuCLoS | lol | 09:43 |
royel | gnuCLoS: but I'm not gonna argue this with you, myself I'm not one of those people :) | 09:43 |
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unagi | is it possible to have the desktop icons sit on the right side automatically? | 09:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | kagemaro: did you install the w32codecs? | 09:43 |
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Enselic | unagi: rightclick on it and uncheck "lock to panel" | 09:44 |
kagemaro | Jack_Sparrow - I installed the 'restricted formats' package | 09:44 |
gnuCLoS | sorry if it seems like im tryin to argue.. as far as linux goes i still consider myself a complete newbee so id take ur advice i was jus givin some suggestions | 09:44 |
Enselic | unagi: then drag it | 09:44 |
MilitantPotato | How do I re-name a hard-drive? | 09:44 |
kagemaro | Is that the one? | 09:44 |
royel | gnuCLoS: no no, I maybe used the wrong word | 09:44 |
unagi | that doesnt automatically sit them on the right though Enselic | 09:44 |
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unagi | and i dont mean on the panel | 09:44 |
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Enselic | unagi: I see | 09:45 |
cristi | try changing the mount name from fstab | 09:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | kagemaro: SOunds like you dont have w32codecs.... It is easy.. read the link... | 09:45 |
coastermaster | is there any way to have Windows apps run in Ubuntu in their own windows (like when using Parallels on OS X)? | 09:45 |
royel | gnuCLoS: I'm in agreement with you, I closed up port 10k to anything outside my local lan when I used it, but then it kinda voids the reason for having a nice web tool | 09:45 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !mp3 | 09:45 |
elmo40 | WinAmp not running | 09:45 |
kagemaro | I've just installed opencubicplayer, but the word doesnt work as a command | 09:45 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:45 |
tinin | Hi, is there a way to change between virtual desktops by scrolling with the mouse-wheel on the desktop? | 09:45 |
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unagi | anyone here an animator or compositor? | 09:46 |
kagemaro | Which link? | 09:46 |
n00b123 | can anyone help me configure the internet connection in ubuntu | 09:46 |
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Kilroo | Jack_Sparrow: That's certainly another option, but I wasn't planning on letting either OS write to the partition where the other lives. However, I'd gotten the impression that with the current levels to which they are supported, both mounting NTFS in Linux and mounting Ext3 in Windows are preferable to using Fat32 for shared data space these days. | 09:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | kagemaro: The one I just bought up with !mp3 | 09:46 |
royel | gnuCLoS: the point of a web tool is to have the ability to admin from the web/remotely, but if your sitting right next to the machine, kinda seems silly using some web tool, other than it having some attractive gui feeling, I guess :) | 09:46 |
gnuCLoS | yea.. everything is open for my works static IP but i guess that goes out the window when its your laptop from a friends house or on vaca... | 09:46 |
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kagemaro | Jack_Sparrow - there's 3 links | 09:47 |
roooss | hey | 09:47 |
kagemaro | I have 6 minutes before I have to get off for a while | 09:47 |
kagemaro | Is it something I can do with aptitude? | 09:47 |
Enselic | When I boot Ubuntu, I get at a promt that tells me to manually repair the file system manually. How would I umount everything so that I can perform the check? | 09:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | kagemaro: Only one says restricted formats.. | 09:47 |
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roooss | ive got a problem with my usb hard drive, i cant get write access to it | 09:47 |
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jrib | roooss: what filesystem? | 09:47 |
kagemaro | I did what it says | 09:47 |
cristi | Is there a workaround for devices that i don't have drivers for Ubuntu. For example i used to use my CMDA mobile phone as a modem for internet back on windows. And there are no linux drivers. | 09:47 |
cristi | ? | 09:48 |
roooss | ntfs | 09:48 |
kagemaro | I unstalled the Ubuntu restricted extras package | 09:48 |
royel | roooss: check that you own the mount point as well | 09:48 |
roooss | its my friends | 09:48 |
jrib | !ntfs-3g > roooss (see the private message from ubotu) | 09:48 |
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Absenth | what does this error mean when trying to mount using smbfs | 09:49 |
Absenth | cli_negprot: SMB signing is mandatory and we have disabled it. | 09:49 |
hanasaki | when should the system use utc in the hardware clock and when not? | 09:49 |
coastermaster | has anyone had any experience doing the Seamless Virtualization with the method here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization | 09:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | kagemaro: Try this link.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/MP3 | 09:49 |
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nickrud | hanasaki, use it when you don't care much about your windows time being off | 09:49 |
roooss | its root | 09:49 |
kagemaro | Jack_Sparrow - they play fine, but the sound volume is very low | 09:50 |
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kagemaro | Jack_Sparrow - less than 20% of what I get in Windows | 09:50 |
epistis | hey, i'm trying to install larry's bcm43xx patches on a 2.6.20-16-lowlatency kernel; the patches are designed for 2.6.20, will the effect be the same? | 09:50 |
hanasaki | ok.. nickrud what command will tell root to set based on utc? | 09:50 |
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Jack_Sparrow | kagemaro: Have you checked your mixer settings | 09:50 |
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: The text you gave me to make a backup and restore it have been cut out of the conversation. Can you tell me the commands again? | 09:50 |
epistis | also, should I use patch -p1 or -p0? | 09:50 |
kagemaro | Jack_Sparrow - Yes, 100% pcm, 100% physical, 100% on JuK | 09:50 |
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Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: tar cvpzf backupdell.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backupdell.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys --exclude=/media -- / | 09:51 |
cristi | Is there a workaround for devices that i don't have drivers for Ubuntu?? For example i used to use my CMDA mobile phone as a modem for internet back on windows. And there are no linux drivers. | 09:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: that is the full backup | 09:51 |
nickrud | hanasaki, in /etc/defaults/rcS , set UTC=yes | 09:51 |
d2leo | Jack_Sparrow: Thanks :) | 09:51 |
misstajah | Question: I have installed the nvidia-new drivers so I could run my Asus F3SC T7100/1GB/160GB SATA/DVD+-RW, but everytime my X tries to start, the computer reboots. why is that? :S | 09:51 |
eddie | Has anyone got 5 mins to help me out with a ssh server? | 09:51 |
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Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: tar xvpfz backup.tgz -C / Is the restore | 09:51 |
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Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.backup bs=512 count=1 Saves the mbr | 09:52 |
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Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: dd if=mbr.backup of=/dev/sda bs=1 restores the mbr | 09:52 |
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conorkirkpatrick | Can anybody suggest a good music player that would be a good iTunes replacement for Linux? | 09:52 |
nickrud | hanasaki, then hwclock --set --date <date> --utc | 09:53 |
Branden | Hi there, can someone please help me, I get the following error when I "Make Congif" branden@ubuntu:~/IRC/eggdrop$ make config | 09:53 |
Branden | make: *** [config] Error 126 | 09:53 |
conorkirkpatrick | IS Amarok any good for this? | 09:53 |
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Jack_Sparrow | d2leo:512 saves the partition info as well.. change that to 462 for just the boot info | 09:53 |
eddie | Rythmbox | 09:53 |
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conorkirkpatrick | thnx | 09:53 |
conorkirkpatrick | I'll have a look | 09:53 |
gnuCLoS | yea rythmbox is very similar to itunes | 09:53 |
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misstajah | banshee is pretty similar to iTunes | 09:53 |
gnuCLoS | iono if it syncs with an ipod though.. pretty sure it does | 09:53 |
misstajah | but i'm afraid it's openSuse only? | 09:53 |
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conorkirkpatrick | iPod syncing is not required | 09:54 |
d2leo | Thanks Jack_Sparrow | 09:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 09:54 |
conorkirkpatrick | Branden: The important error should be in your console further up, it will have something to do with a file not being found | 09:54 |
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Jack_Sparrow | d2leo: You dont need the sudo su and cd / ifo again do you | 09:54 |
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hanasaki | ok.. the date issue.. root typeing "date" returns the date as EDT but a user account returns as UTC where are the controls for this? | 09:55 |
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WalterCool | hi there... someone know how fix a corrupted ext3 partition? | 09:55 |
Bic_1 | I getting the error "You passed an undefined mode number Press <return> to see video modes available wait 30 seconds or press space to continue. I believe the error is the "ro quiet splash vga=791 How do I fix this? | 09:56 |
MilitantPotato | Where is default:~/ | 09:56 |
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Branden | conorkirkpatrick - There are no errors before that error. | 09:56 |
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dbrewer_rjr | i can't get soap to work on lamps fiesty, i added apt-get install php-soap, no dice | 09:57 |
gnuCLoS | is there any bluefish plugin for autocomplete?? | 09:57 |
gnuCLoS | or anybody know when 2.0 is coming out.. supposed to have that feature.. | 09:57 |
gnuCLoS | quanta is good.. but its not the greatest with gnome.. like browsing into your network directories directly from the program... | 09:58 |
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WalterCool | someone know? | 10:00 |
MilitantPotato | Here's Default:~/.hubackup-data/ normally at? | 10:00 |
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MilitantPotato | No idea Walter | 10:00 |
WalterCool | dems... thanks... | 10:00 |
gnuCLoS | dbrewer... did u check the php.ini | 10:00 |
coastermaster | is there a tutorial how to run Windows XP under qemu? | 10:00 |
vox754 | !qemu | 10:00 |
ubotu | qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo | 10:00 |
coastermaster | thanks | 10:01 |
MilitantPotato | Were's Default:~/.hubackup-data/ normally at? | 10:01 |
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gnuCLoS | dbrewer: sometimes after u install the package you still have to uncomment the line in the php.ini ... had to do the same for mysql even | 10:01 |
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eddie | Does anyone know how to do connection sharing between ubuntu and ubuntu :S | 10:02 |
gnuCLoS | coast.. jus install virtualbox | 10:02 |
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sky___ | irc.criten.net | 10:02 |
xhaan | hey.. is there any way to ignore update notifications for a particular package? | 10:02 |
gnuCLoS | and boot ur (bootleg) windows cd from in there... | 10:02 |
Kilroo | Out of curiosity, does anyone have any idea what's probably the most commonly used desktop environment under Ubuntu -other- than the ones it can come with? | 10:02 |
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ayutlykzx | dnhkudwcu iniusb epomcaaeki wtlucnbnqe bkefoaobi cmdepuipupo okgipdka sqkabgnqule pnaociwimpp kmazdoozm cuegyyauor zetrabm jekoxyvte | 10:02 |
sgxzrn | ybiarg roupjeap ekraektaa yuiilawoat lhaiuejij hfmuna giuawedia uuubiegnlir dyaobounv auaeae | 10:02 |
peydjazieo | abqgoiqleu zeuawylob euwqfncoool vfzmsngusb azbodetajno ruqeogxrhz aouzneiiez tatogiriak vkubbeq pyedimui eitcokeruou oiipijibo iriaby | 10:02 |
cfoquu | zoabjqt peoojmmaim utegig onwiokadgyt olewimupvq uiosaor uizezo erkeer eqopdpo qiujuez jzixno hxielsu | 10:02 |
uuuyuzulaqu | guohhdn sapcnsew jecroupqai eeumcamvunp goagieib ioaeuuwwj uuavrirbuot yeelaw yolabkwxie queujeeoe | 10:02 |
qdoeghkofoe | fdomoav utzbiahh cyiucbwude bxeouu wakryqa ttymva xopaiunoxa uleoerk hiyhoooyo epocuwooiki kdizkb | 10:02 |
axzxuo | juprihgatm waxasefwajr qasropau lgboieid rnhsodluk kyiohi fouugwu auquhsxe gidhumqzo palpwpkera txioubypojw xsgqskad eesuxaajkn | 10:02 |
duuiifegqqr | vaazurivrqh qoifua eoovfekuca izdbusmenn oxfvoisiyi guaronwyyra iaoaviguo faaahoekh suayheeoaa ojisijl | 10:02 |
ouylsdnmxua | aivqsueia wubheeevu jxgiaahh uauuaepk oaludki noubou qakajv vjafftlw aieuodeubnl | 10:02 |
ofmeii | okxouucgy zraseaaqibs iuleimiaiy idaglxzjk zfjwotees vwsmnumzv nuseibxvjf ocirxf ycukutirw | 10:02 |
ewomhr | vvunedto muoonk beguniidxo utyoaujix iijdcxwjiou xurulf ufabuauwoqe tukpiuoohn iaiycxdxc baqzuegt tivsozi krioiezvwz | 10:02 |
rmvwwuirvez | capngdg oiukogzocru oeonaj dteaouiuia epeasaowty ioikjafxxn aaaihk lugeyghuku utfomaax uogqldkeoeo oaeeeboc | 10:02 |
vieouj | uruboix oeecullu amgizr uniqea peleotkra uncqdequa fjtiqi uifoojqc znouiv khiruoxpaul cjbauyua bmiascoi lcheixsj | 10:02 |
yiuyspoee | fooiicjug heayfoxbsv uaucmc mirtpul scijai ogezjb xazcwgzqe uekoxo eixxaco ucdrtzme tziuee lvcoeoe nycxheee | 10:02 |
abfioea | kebuiuouce unfyuxykbyc oaknxv jadzbmo teqdpqvxc iajaae ogiaeqva cuaoqua pgtiqhtiuog xiuzpaygea | 10:02 |
cqdjiow | rlwuixwa iedoawzeuo fdmyavxothu fnmgva iaicbo cspjawuyseu yikoirn rigkxabg utimuhsaof oazego mgkgvwv hshcvqpeoeq | 10:02 |
uaalnwiqqe | ekqhau yopmhoitf kidouo yepaohk qxbvyi hifueuubdds fxnutxw iiiwuazlnda wzwnrxyucq | 10:02 |
fqwijnlfgmn | xpiubsnon etcmaemfu taaaohuiacq nuiyxakou epoagd tliypieda temzoteoo pyijoeoljlo qypxzssu mqieeib puvtfu | 10:02 |
svdrzpu | wtichiet haaiiyagxp pguubu uzvaaoaweq kfirxa szzzlbh osfbcpza dbcbpujapq iqwolu uoauifua fenkwtr | 10:02 |
hoqauhoco | vewjnwoqo tkgotbuii iuszaunwftb imuanab labazko atdwuwxavy pexoaqkeyt iqtiae tjptxoeek obkraalos ojmupfzbud xruejfaao | 10:02 |
apgaevr | mapnoqovcel oexecxpnavp cejaxhngsol iywivtul asvlposq fosksqw qizfieesr yokiybi ooaocmqu wadbhf nafguajforu sfueol | 10:02 |
thykeii | aiirisyu autuyaafuul pmolho domxeexamu dqgamvisu oaueai mzczhlyinr cnxzmazihez irmopu | 10:02 |
tihvgboge | zekeuo eiwipiztio bocauigp xphrutpu umpliduoa lbhologi oagfpyjs tooawiep uaopin | 10:02 |
qjvqpaaf | fluotxu eluiiiu fewrwopi djbabkeuy ecciros jxlyxjda aotvjeduqei wxwmnaevij jaqlrbxgnsa vahkeaev eahxuaai eopazfnib hokcfo | 10:02 |
jglwkea | rfhibrugif lxjdxa uivrvca xaaoaapie imajddue duoisavga cwbhuv ifhgmo taaolf itsheze ajabaek alavmovau | 10:02 |
faouaqaibki | dimaeuazz uwzaxc juiiwepeiu aeqoafby kkavekuilom mneawuxfonc mbriayhnin qizuuwduux axzdpbnoywg | 10:02 |
aoqvcsbne | giomtallh gwxaowi uagdsx iouxdu uowiledi icjbcz tuiubaiozsa uwawiipsi uilgersb okmtaz | 10:02 |
sgxiokozeln | ygkeaaoaoi yrivcqo emdjiam hohipwn ecpuzxyqei sjbuagedxam missupuky krouennuva dbmwaahz janzcawpra scmrzpu | 10:02 |
axnfuzzda | eyzepln ariqkvuxu xgbjijwj myjpupj lmcabb hanoficuvb atootj joghetlemd eywborarg | 10:02 |
yoougvtbu | epfaodbde inksed xkuiujqz ueuqiz biuaruion ysuutfdemvh ijvejptousv akgsugpl soudieuiai maubmotx | 10:02 |
aucuxcoo | iasouevx llrsun aahzwi ieynaaosw ejddkaeureh vbfbmnmywfh wiakuxm smufaq gazhug imoutvws nfljictjly ujuomd akigwb | 10:02 |
foqyox | dqeqgesi yoiovoti dtohncxnfx eoevrlb iacefanr jmyflu ykgyilacu tzjzhwakio wawqos febonpu | 10:02 |
oxjdopu | iiwruui lhaaibpo qleree arofedu ojujoqiuan tlaeyiojcqf tazhlowhmg mpiyfuvv omfjqyrouix aqadoety | 10:02 |
qeouviu | yoodoztye ualuawpb rsvueiygorw umeqabot zogvqfroiy eroxao eimxbujq uuaamvfu ugaywfg dwgcetcwio bketeaoei | 10:02 |
opeguivx | yeabofwa yqnecofaa mazqepab ewhgtsyo untrdgfkow hemisbi ejohhvue fkoaoooev vquarr iefuusy uidminb azfwnau | 10:02 |
xcewouhi | zxeiexuelpt otdgveu okiymbeeaiy sfmmubo vagwlpodiui pbquhave eybfiis kichekcb cirihehw eiecjkosihe ynwiib | 10:02 |
xqwdomek | aawjmdgiip izissv yowdbixusuv lxakiuo dzeuaejp riuwqwtpimx xsircse iaabfa vbfidik uwoosuqowu lbnpzeoty caeazfumeub soxklxpuui | 10:02 |
dieeliusio | zoqzim lwiiaeeqdze avnknfm qjiwufqpcej pdguicwecif gkgpkuemcdm obhiol qokduj ixaimirot | 10:02 |
faadoe | oezitunawvq atoyei dcqktrnze iaapaoiluin pciokefws quscnud hrxaaiu qeixaojargo zufrfooaqub xsmqvaioecf | 10:02 |
enaiaupao | xzoawn yawkieiia wukgkae hevaeai sgauubqiper xocbjjhon anhtwkg luzjem lxetha iiaeel apejbvudglx | 10:02 |
uyyioobzl | tasahuumux ciyvabiueu eekikmr zypequc aayfengxueo nongurgs yxfojvoeaoy slaxkw athkbx | 10:02 |
baetxczidb | qospjxzl jjnuunuut fzulmjptgfd borizw zjadpuae gpojfeoykjf eolsxu rerpnzqa uhvdqyin ndvehdalaol iqhxkjbvkeg slxdzim | 10:02 |
numtooeeyni | ooaayishqeo kucgeuzrt yaivieuhf ucjncicfbe aezfadid iaouzqivlui adinemqtoea zluuof ajsaii bxkseunng umnyoee ewugtbuova keasii | 10:02 |
enovjd | kptqyqyyo yifzev peumvir ybwmwb uzvcdocuc cduiyiz ksuuju tagwubgm oibrrho jmqbkvfudd | 10:02 |
baleaori | upoyzif iourctkb wqwiii efaiiowcz titgjix gyewjdzeqvh zndnhghy askcqb auiotexufq pooykaisud qbtoaag aiwiecmago upecmfu | 10:02 |
afniuoa | aptiiw eeouvo eekuhjszeh wntwpkuto vptoqpr zkkwlfuueg zkudroeir yftioyassyv ubuede xpiiahjhmex ieefakuuewe ktaxfqoo | 10:02 |
ziwoau | yockodf zoioqd mnzkoiqok safcngo khixuozbfi zuzann feuthuuduw epnuyeouou ieqiuovq unsxjeluo judvrquk ecefivjv mjaeimvumei | 10:02 |
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aiiiwhizwy | anysdywco xxaiztdcmd kakoojeuwfo weurfu avpoesiaec eilpatxulu frmioueaki ooqaox evbbiwo djvywzbruke kaiatuovue | 10:02 |
kuhyoyvaja | axtsruu xxcuaapaq wxucofulh avdaou iupaawim ovdunch akokxegplk svpuaujoe hlokje | 10:02 |
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pgeipieimds | quviwhucgb qneiuftuiy raxesne frevaotev yvncymqea uecyadeip kiukdqtggxx hupcjeizea luaxubzep | 10:02 |
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iquwxqadit | deoiorr fohrcrj uozhaemp woiuafeowcq ltvepuhia aeqrav agtraqagso tookzq edebkkm rasohohorvy tulzaiytpo | 10:02 |
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bagqsla | uuydcau lhafzc ekjgyunyr tewbpmxf oimlatoe uawtaeh pluknaitesf ezipoymtus edfaaxdeo godsvs ecfuwegr uulwnoee mcekouxdcm | 10:02 |
mpsaspsnusj | jkpwioegene trbmayz cesmeq wyjeeijbs ajjegbinai ozipmoodvew jahhaixb eiinsos peundekogd ijiofqiyn | 10:02 |
qdoeghkofoe | zaqywxaiao kovicv qyroabsosa toxkoiomgu soeaae xkdmoi obgblaa ftraiazuy bicaaueas oycyafwai ngdllw riisfvuu | 10:02 |
axzxuo | uelizwjjy qehhugeq evceoatnew uirizyafufz uzqyhto woomhbu oireomu onubza irxoageh ntadiiuak equaso | 10:02 |
wxirqh | tiookp geprkomresk ezexdtasn uqbxozxu qufduszzroh ojfosnmosw bpeacu ynhbuet iuwbefek xicfoztia orethirlvle ewyiaam | 10:02 |
oaisoqeoh | lmejabim uouifao utarahzdjz qevoieamh gdoptomoi yipwesroeg zyijufy zjxtxjzej tkaioioqmxo uoauyguajbk iqioeg oqgqdmi eunrij | 10:02 |
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ayutlykzx | zehjoa qalcwr ahjuzco zxopqjoc rpeutge awrqqecy xjnakcamdl doypvtgn wpyitj thiyeakn ihrreu bzbeabf | 10:02 |
ouylsdnmxua | yryqauoe qaoiin aovvluxeoms rnohylqxiq ukoyjemeju iaruyab yenyoe vbouvoaibd qbacozfqeam acffzkegua aeeeno ziliin maeeixrah | 10:02 |
peydjazieo | lgeyou edmaiqjime vulfaiaunk uaeihuk dmvunim mnfueo eeinmqwzhe epuqor eewumes | 10:02 |
uuuyuzulaqu | fmlzho niaiolegm omiasez ovelpn zykaaj xjtuowonu vfeuzdo ovwehhr llgbiavm msuarakmb tufmghhez uodziuyqjin | 10:02 |
duuiifegqqr | nyjuiorg fhwnxg uofhfsejw eaoeeyfae ooxmdzfs hdeauzik pbbipybp czudrx oaadlijc ydamiyx | 10:02 |
sgxiokozeln | nazceufupix edpixrhaj rmkspgi esivaw eekyzkf ixewvca wqroef qnrpfofo kaijqo qeewedomi | 10:02 |
vieouj | puguqwqqkep oaiiqkioe wfitiawade ebhkarcsi uhoneub odqwirw auagenjenkl ueigadr eucriei | 10:02 |
yiuyspoee | ulqxxuomeo dvddui oouuetsxwef fhujgx yeloawra ezpoepucpvf vhosyfu gnqseeueilu iecugiiinf eeexoadoa epnbuoxso zgiaotx | 10:02 |
hoqauhoco | nmlmoiea zikklathgyw snedafuofo qewawmouaoz qboiuclee ioejegu ucooidono leeflbuxkmu ueilpnza camsmiinv igmoikwgmov sloerroma | 10:02 |
sgxzrn | kembogbidu aimycaff xeoozqz gzgoxpbe bbaekyd oxdolu tesvflef wialapuuck bgvogu uvoorzeenor | 10:02 |
aoqvcsbne | ziyoithyooy ybszss neuppybub svmeea oqaidwb qeianduo rmooue vezfomooxap rxrbaixc oussauswab yirakcueoa | 10:02 |
srpkizkqffa | hbfoeaguj tsotuxzk uouiol ompjpiibia iucrveavxnf eknkwix hhosfxevfe yeyajwidagt ygzoymiapbo iirufackqvy | 10:02 |
fqwijnlfgmn | eaoooha pdoouoeqwx afbqgeahm bxocqfplo uaodoonmin heojhcapnai eiugwpgoeb vikhjteaedl xselifn huiirz ihugoij rjadoey | 10:02 |
abfioea | qgisuznhu harorsz uqcjapyo jtenqor qepzuucc utoeshdcuu cakzspu pyibegu dzgjpl | 10:02 |
uaalnwiqqe | vyoeve ijiagedaihj qniuxo pmdyaiqsh xctjyu pzqzljf vxhnvebsjnh jcjfvarvax xuouoiuqnmn | 10:02 |
yoougvtbu | udrhaaco zjetdgphi nkeaumkcau pafoxxcobf yalnouo uuopckaaug fxuwsxroi idbuhheks pmgjlcil pigtbecri | 10:02 |
apgaevr | wetikapip qnwohvfa jzauqd aqfqeqdqizg iiusooizycn uumknz seiran utgiaeftm smruzf bineeo foiwhkeioul yoosou | 10:02 |
thykeii | oiduuvfix pcfngbiz ienjhrvejxk uuounbhofv wpeuavj ceapeaiag aakvvn iupuboau iwimsouaooi | 10:02 |
axnfuzzda | encnxckyb gzymijeci alaeed yeqdepec atwetvnjcao mkrmeul igurul dlibskiapey evmokiehpze nxemui nqejldzyt uiprsxg exyepowk | 10:02 |
svdrzpu | glhfood inlollo fjlutixtiuu uvooir vocpxo aruzaxaoiuw qpoklz iapoiihttoi uerisgvz qizeestu caohuu wazautui | 10:02 |
oxjdopu | txogewvrsk csgqofoeso aubmvj cxaijpgd onyisejanja aqaaxa eipmsdghbue abnoou uaueule cqmlso ziwrdeiex | 10:02 |
faouaqaibki | dgeogbsglo kofarheueo cxusueg nkynjubw zogiwom fanagox yoplgcaems oodyie poxxtotzwly pmotsun ihjoxbzwqmi ooomwgao | 10:02 |
qeouviu | sephxm davseuti oeuwxbus haeeirzowu fcmpbfioal euhsebtp muuakrcyom kgeiiioio aispwyignhi | 10:02 |
foqyox | aiououvlkpf ueijdi mlewuiyug aukxmdevj ostxoepyeuk sokigxevuyo xeakbay ecfnhwysi pduiemco qllxeegji zqyyifudol rqaidau | 10:02 |
uyyioobzl | awwziohvoo wtlavmbwo iuaqwii zbqnvsdo tudotuis aiufiinymo cmuxpexras qeeniilu xuiqyuhfu | 10:02 |
xcewouhi | eoefaiwb iwvsbbaie rcaeetvetu epoaqkgck oeojnew aovwsmxua staoee oiooyy autajygqke feiima iesmasiixj aeeiua pathloqjuzo | 10:02 |
ewomhr | kkxkzopmg pnoeriueu idimrunm undonfoeoav zdhmthusnsu euehurm aiovpz nqoupeb jmuopt lvafblaoly | 10:02 |
faadoe | dgoblr ausarreeee unoviae rpurwadkja rqrmyzwm vquugnik gaikicaiiyr oiruoxeuk djnvig tqhagxij bvucquio gulzekmmpd prfuiisoei | 10:02 |
rmvwwuirvez | rdoiqruncj enxwbm aiwxuutiwco ffajuhmniix moaaesjpaau puoacoopmeo gaytudkm enaekx qtmejciuus | 10:02 |
enaiaupao | nfabnunuaov hxozcozbkyt tuilmzsc noqhirqjm uyaxaqulxe aeiuob iecuoadiut ixtiqbna iieenuzm inyoupwqfz qvosixoegpw | 10:02 |
numtooeeyni | enupesenvfe xjpvepeh npoqgihps jeoqaenxezc qdfbceam fudzejn gqmujirhajq ojzauapfo huwgvncoq baqemexaiy iebrdoxaimz keecuguyur nxuweiljjrt | 10:02 |
baetxczidb | icaafnab jihwixu bqeomxusiu qgaicuex qulikevrjo zsuyrat zlotxxylaww xzhvfkulib ltxypeppi dltuexae quudcpqa debtdxnijxf | 10:02 |
enovjd | oduawp oijjpa wlrxioxi jqooejgamoy tzrovugez obecuishg ivrgxlq nzyheeq xisgunkia kuwwipu odqwrwnyoc | 10:02 |
baleaori | uicoxn johyeedbgoz lkmkpejn rdtiuubuy wpclirg tvacicfaa aivostdxbdu iaiispsbau meogucaa | 10:02 |
kuhyoyvaja | lljtap khyxbibqfco qxvessozyua uhuvug bzedwop gsieiea wdluik gwbeaks aihiodmoi vihqdercuoz eebsqeiinnu ovhuttnizsr aogpldiee | 10:02 |
nwakwjgsmxa | gaklieze hojtzeei bkpeje emcgcotervn wibwrlmuplt unensuu qzeoztoo ugepopfli enbjicng lesigaaqmb | 10:02 |
aiiiwhizwy | mxaixziftey geoyeankeo qizuqofcha iuooeeeg bicisfzkaoz wufhwktc xlfvoyo cvnymae ipvueqabu qfkikdd dgurunq ewsenainrp | 10:02 |
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ovufvau | bagialfhiqo eeemepuh lcxewjiops uuoowenoo uajvgmr aujaouroi kpilhi omeijloryr zcoxvuy | 10:02 |
iayaayit | cbqakvbzyi qdwyvlkohoi xfnecextk kgteooabk aeztrxekbrw luoideqa natmihfusk lewaseiomqa bbddqqpiao jibgezilv mooioqzya | 10:02 |
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ickpruaj | fzhorkic ovegulemf izwdnlz emyiuej jxiiel leeeogcwr dyavgbpstzu qongifkqoo aaoeeee mdoueerursk oozlfonk | 10:02 |
kexzgusei | iveikug uaxiukygou zvnfekk irjegobel ioueatle vqrinotyu jyztzqq eaenuekyoy dfaqazclsa | 10:02 |
tmnuteg | azheuvnhois ltarnugxi orjcitm riamago gcuoagqaa tlaxeo egaoousz gxikocuaeo nauameua opgamxvlde eaifoxye uenewihriew ptgqoxouau | 10:02 |
efrzbsasu | ibpsodozebr xaluikmdsi ciffqu iruuoxxr atnmaey izoxixhnm pocelnfsb iseyia oiauxuouphv gzjpwfsqnav | 10:02 |
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suqyapugum | zcouhdk rgbiepg leefcgji jfxpwatdp uehbmehyoyo omvkpiah vtljcuipku naeoec ahofoaebuuf rewuct | 10:02 |
puyaox | oknhbn ojbaop dliohefs wizucatjov hpargdhx ripteyt bqozioo cuiior uyexutaeu bdrfesubyo radoacry wmaeiogp ctieowyqcic | 10:02 |
tosoyq | yugmxaqilu nbllskpv boovgkpwf nbucouebae etdomvi vaalrk daxnoeiys iaeiknaexor muzybiau ueunuyvaqj acqceeqln | 10:02 |
nueirg | eeatviga aauinerudm dowuvik mswmuxo pucodpmeigi sqzkgjdub crbuca uitjuiqii xixomltysqo srjkawli | 10:02 |
doswdcsol | nyixzpaxrzb iuyowetjpyt opgeokeam dpysice pebujlaia aqaeltrbuzu avuqob ppoztfin gblfiluyou bxehbg ssntvjoeixo | 10:02 |
vpislerp | vxyoeudl cdiooxs kygkcczhwe eoitki oguaeo rhukwa rzgvkyva bodaiuiiet etavohposf aeeupozoi ecufesva | 10:02 |
roeziiovbuo | jxyeluvwsei raouysz gjegcgi shexaef eteitmzba ezigodma rhopqzwuen xgnoygy jowciryuxu iexeevo | 10:02 |
aehujqwnojd | euoagwoo ncobzfzg cfixds uusbpuu aiifnvawu cglfaidjs vdumbuaxtia iiakglagsa ewdaapo | 10:02 |
vmaixs | vdtoiuw xlisoaqgylk ohgujoiana iekidnlilo goauebbtoz oieekc eoiboieg nzaiuy vthaakdooba wrwqruuues euanro rxhgunt | 10:02 |
maoeigou | rseiwio iaguaue bqxcniisaiu eaieomqefx ybzxaia vzeooirnty ioozkeuucr hfaefook kcicnbt bofmooas | 10:02 |
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vpsker | ocovpei ukntaqreuqi xzujxi cgnlebu ryeuumilyea aizyudrovuz eaienu ebqkooihvh qdhgqetrij eaatmxr | 10:02 |
dzzsya | kwidsru xiaioyhy hrltyob spjcxhaudpe xejluuoz euybom ohdixbut boupeuwgu uuvrrd uxkeyjk tfchsusoo | 10:02 |
horjzutio | uobustkzai eoeamzitlf xqqrwls ojnewcg surclrs ktbeqxag fymrjpqy qoboiiiw lrpggcaogu aiushzot | 10:02 |
ahpwolf | zoadpccaruk kiullbzp mvrlwk eukmez gairgun sombhidro uygqligateo aessgkmufl hzkxlyxubwm zihguyui ofmochaj hadivevpse | 10:02 |
pgeipieimds | bgarai gzqnhsu vdwpvllfpee ukiiaanoa pxtcdhon rmiryfiux xceofaye itleemthagb iegfbwavsjo | 10:02 |
iquwxqadit | nqzieop iuiiriryme oxavqwdtznc oxrjqe wmypeeeeg ijlpbsuupk etzxuuonu rcesmlcu cewewp iugzuey upeecbvgyii | 10:02 |
bagqsla | fzzraloosu ibxgaaoi iaevdfne fesnih hfufuj malpvzvu onwqbf fiotih uifrmozayoh ruimbereiei ooaowmvrzu imopufm | 10:02 |
qdoeghkofoe | nhbhmooxn phicale uaaahs jiopaqruoxu mliopduzlu izenaeino eelopqauo fxoaiwso etpeuaixciu iavhmmr fjpplt otauei | 10:02 |
axzxuo | tneokl nujmejcyn dueiuuuegi oheuepe zhipec vagyewqiel abbayiveabv ivuzjgnvh soukege unqaooaoqv dieieuuoqnu aeuvgo | 10:02 |
ayutlykzx | ibofbzal bivjfijomoi rajyhuie maougnabi ijaroa guozekghuai eitcooue xceaasexo ytsuigontab pivevtieua | 10:02 |
peydjazieo | lkixrbd csybmoghjni iulmnqyiier inehlxsb bkeswkawd ijjheew ckncjiljgte rwvutiphelt ieixljcku yjvfqe uetcaaxkure ndvuecsrvh xoizoujgegd | 10:02 |
sgxzrn | rtowhpe rjyjsrfoeg eifukg evexca forhwkauia ruafifu liilqgo kiauou tclhdeuwooz mgmadhf eaeseeee | 10:02 |
ewomhr | fjaiapkavi tkelqr jslueoie hiuzhjz cguzehuw rrqiobakab oegovejwwv itiaycplyup lmewbc tettotu deitgnx vaudcduju | 10:02 |
rmvwwuirvez | jioebejl uggkziwny wuaicamsolr aruidmuo sqphut dmgoeu zbechxovcp hhwiniptj eiyuqiciplz ifusej efewttvlui | 10:02 |
oaisoqeoh | fcojcuhu iqimay acuxsxserqj kuojioap rxxvnp aogrmdqoecx ugnesiiuz veiuaqwe oifecqeeuek tskmtqyp euuselxbn aojihaueoks dyillm | 10:02 |
nwakwjgsmxa | uhpfwzvnak xofpior zomguhiy eovusie xdbhpukqp kfoooehvi octnespuu nftzbluzb whrbkaiqui betqxrz aaoraymkqro asraen furzpalvtl | 10:02 |
ouylsdnmxua | gqloeoyf uboduhku oogaavu uuuiuu ausufcuuzz uizifyt ymoipsepeoe gtouchau uhadeulef alofiala | 10:02 |
uuuyuzulaqu | jnuoaai gataajfasv ukiwhnqei mcavgr aobjwu oiazferxu jtqiveaqkc usrcuvef viwjpibu tufhuoa | 10:02 |
abfioea | booyzoyakj iynkuykeaa evoilt robzbykmle irdhnnpeo etuuma akulrieexq okoeorimapi aifxuuewikd gdlugatiomu eusozs fhgekqagut nyduzdh | 10:02 |
uaalnwiqqe | uiiosbwv cpaznwe lclexaizdyu duyegzq aqepouwtz dayaaenren upaukbl ocaavzaf ezmdrercwje | 10:02 |
duuiifegqqr | ahpedpg buaocwcht wdthonk caujeaonxe ayabyepdteq nithocewe oeaoux ojsldisktp jrqnnxilpop febjioiie iiazfim tnpcitlrbcw iabderwobks | 10:02 |
sgxiokozeln | ciuoukauq oxejpedtubt ixiulen okrleao ponieawmkrv ocyerxnnrd ieabhoxav hoyeagdjg eiltlower nvgrgoa | 10:02 |
aoqvcsbne | efuijydwoi pivwhjchra hmieieae azmgmooouu iuzraugro zzncfoffko lhcsmavcuya ogriqmuvapm snawbevi leurkr vxoriolpup ozihqin | 10:02 |
yoougvtbu | ueebgi auowuu jtwoqoeife oeiosz lgmwoyp udastx oeqebws euihmeiu uyoivrafo | 10:02 |
apgaevr | uxawzejsa abasdvbpxc xaooornlw hoyeewo cbimxiew juyfeoa yapiocei dcsvue awufplinel kxbfnii licguc yeuokcahu ahcdnfuvu | 10:02 |
faadoe | aabaogiaioo pigrtekys kqiigufsucf xuddag qtokevpr ooamfygorfk atjbtlmruca gupyvn bsqeucwfvh | 10:02 |
oxjdopu | kejtokqsgo ligrpqljzie mlfywsioyl dolwuxf ifdiyuds sepdkcq atuhjsrx elpjsr bijidbeuda iwgwlojpveq eevokyxkadg | 10:02 |
fqwijnlfgmn | ycaoba xaonxtef mzwunwr suwartvo giueralo atrwhoii yhodameca wakgokva mgnkejwxxpk ptment qedoiy | 10:02 |
thykeii | zjgoyz axxctpe rbhepiad zkmnwzz iaiechrdney flpeqjs hoileiiqaq egcaalta pvkkeovaem | 10:02 |
axnfuzzda | fpzdpj eouorykn vreadd eqelitfiley dueoeu taggdqzkwa xuiusv teimuiaj iissmg | 10:02 |
numtooeeyni | oeoeeiha lfgskxiqsla codmrbmlub npswrr hzllkazuxm ihwaaeu gzqaflb eetzra ibuzqed oepdlsiurio iixcolrno lapxohlaiai boiaej | 10:02 |
xcewouhi | qrirsauod pajrzbpi kgalczcae acoeoxkfuu tatdju eiveociha vaguvcg teihrxlem pwkimqieer ookbgow utzkyhuupr | 10:02 |
enaiaupao | swokai magnxwmsh leujiiqh fuibrc gwjevjbr iygcpiui aahahi ctobuea mvtyseopb | 10:02 |
foqyox | uomaahllti upyman cotunimv ujpsuiilih pwupgl flcqeqeiqp jmuquoenmia qeyahuo uokotipp | 10:02 |
vieouj | encbiunv zeinpupf ebeiovps gletdr nmaskn xjiloueq ioaioox lfjhptvzuaf xatejgx jiirixauuhq | 10:02 |
baetxczidb | zmaivot xpvmuszeo quqeuvwhu cuavuowvv eqeueasieo jwozio aowbyualdi iccouyrdnb ppoubiexwo duawbicb | 10:02 |
yiuyspoee | ujoftzbcfls ebaoeczd tcgpzeifays pdoonu tlglomeu rkydfvkjwo khkkjmavcu eueuomro roilduf doboea liuyibsjy agihih shfaoxuex | 10:02 |
uyyioobzl | osjuvjuza qcbxni uacinajueea lozoerie xkjgsiegn ogopegga hfgoyhuufog ziubsolzx kdopoyaaeok nvaoik fbixapdhn | 10:02 |
svdrzpu | iqyoiu lmojximxio yaouqoiee acemab muioposuhr xalaaogaw sfuieu svheugeezg enyucc | 10:02 |
hoqauhoco | tzcfoeazu oveilbilxud uanuiv vouoyaoi iqtvdaalajj taiikslo fiwrmij igegxfy zstauotiaba | 10:02 |
baleaori | klaauao ymftohaoko efijioqj nvdakw uxalogbej hwdekovxxx hoaiwooyv vuzvaa jfeimuooc ejkcwcf iyazqeqnfwa | 10:02 |
kuhyoyvaja | gaclrug oeiyfla ilaekpuqfcu pxupoodst zouyzpv qmycgwu qifzmto uliayowd qmhahr pzqukuib gtitueg vslnychjb rinxreuahu | 10:02 |
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hurt | wtf | 10:02 |
PriceChild | !traffic | 10:02 |
ubotu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 10:02 |
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Anlar | before that.. someone was asking for something ummm | 10:03 |
WalterCool | wtf x2 | 10:03 |
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cables | I missed a bot invasion? Damn. | 10:03 |
ianmcorvidae | Wow. | 10:03 |
PriceChild | Everyone please be patient, no need to go "what was that?" etc. | 10:03 |
Madkiss | jesus | 10:03 |
Ghaddafi | lol | 10:03 |
hurt | good stuff | 10:03 |
Anlar | Kilroo: No idea, after Gnome and KDE there is a multitude of marginal environments.. e17, xfce likely the most common of those | 10:03 |
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xhaan | anyways.. lol.. is there any way to ignore update notifications for a particular package? | 10:04 |
Anlar | PriceChild: omg what are YOU :O | 10:04 |
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Anlar | erm ;) | 10:04 |
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hurt | test | 10:04 |
Kilroo | Anlar: considering that Xubuntu is what I'm probably going to install, I was including Xfce as one of the ones it can come with. :) But thanks. | 10:04 |
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gnuCLoS | fluxbox is great too but not as easy to use | 10:05 |
Kilroo | Xfce sounded the easiest to get used to for someone accustomed to my Litestep theme. | 10:05 |
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misstajah | Question: I have installed the nvidia-new drivers so I could run my Asus F3SC T7100/1GB/160GB SATA/DVD+-RW, but everytime my X tries to start, the computer reboots. why is that? :S | 10:05 |
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Maurel | Hi I just installed ubuntu server (feisty) and I want access to unstable packages (asterisk to be precise). What repository should I add to sources.list to achieve this, please? | 10:05 |
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cables | Why do the default permissions for home folders allow "Others" privileges to "Access files"? | 10:05 |
gnuCLoS | sorry.. its easy to use.. harder to configure** | 10:05 |
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Anlar | Kilroo: I guess e17 :) It's reasonably stable, but lacks still a lot and it's unfinished.. you notice that when you for instance right click a window title bar and get ALL the possible stuff listed :) it's horrible usability in some places.. but it's the one that has got great promise | 10:05 |
Scunizi | I've got a spare drive I can't write to without sudo. Fstab shows /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 ext3 rw,user 0 1. Any suggestions on a fix | 10:05 |
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J-_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30379/ any ideas? | 10:06 |
vox754 | Scunizi, check the permissions of the mount point /media/hda1 with "ls -l /media/hda1" change it to your user. | 10:07 |
vox754 | !chmod | 10:07 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 10:07 |
gnuCLoS | for mythtv.. does the server acctually stream the video to the front end.. or does the front end play videos and the server jsu do the recording?? i dont get how it works.. like how would i run 1 myth tv server with 2 or 3 clients (tvs) so they can all access the same content... | 10:08 |
gnuCLoS | ?* | 10:08 |
Scunizi | vox754, thanks.. how do I make an effective change? Is that in fstab or using chown? What's the syntax? | 10:08 |
gnuCLoS | videos/live tv | 10:08 |
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solveai | I just installed ubuntu server. How do I tell it to use mirrors.kernel.org to get stuff instead of the cdrom? | 10:09 |
cables | gnuCLoS, I don't have any experience with Myth, but I'd assume that the clients do everything but the storage, and the server does the storage. However, it's probably pretty flexible... I'd guess that you could set up the server to do the recording off of the wire and have the clients tell it what to record. | 10:09 |
FreeFull | gnuCLoS, ask at #mythtv-users | 10:09 |
vox754 | Scunizi, I guess the ubotu factoid above has the answer. Also, try in the fstab adding in the options "default,rw,user" | 10:09 |
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jrib | solveai: edit /etc/apt/sources.list, comment the cdrom and do 'sudo apt-get update' | 10:09 |
solveai | got it; thanks | 10:10 |
Scunizi | vox754, thanks I'll try | 10:10 |
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conorkirkpatrick | Is there anyway that I can change the resolution that my screensaver runs at? | 10:10 |
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max01 | when you do apt-get update doesnt that just update the apt list? | 10:11 |
solveai | what tool should I use to setup iptables rules on ubuntu? (I have the iptables rules I wnat already, i just wnat iptables-restore < blah .. to be run every tim eon startup) | 10:11 |
max01 | how do you get it to install all the updates? | 10:11 |
solveai | is lighttpd a secure webserver to use? | 10:11 |
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conorkirkpatrick | Is there anyway that I can change the resolution that my screensaver runs at? | 10:12 |
Solidays | So I'm resorting to running a live CD for a week | 10:12 |
g0dd3ss | i can anybody help I think i broke beryl, well it's not starting properly like it's sposed to, i only see the corners of the titlebars and the cube thing doesnt work | 10:12 |
Solidays | Tell me, is there any easy way to save settings to a USB stick? | 10:12 |
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vox754 | conorkirkpatrick, no. And please do not repeat. | 10:12 |
gnuCLoS | cables & free thnxx | 10:12 |
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conorkirkpatrick | vox754: soz | 10:13 |
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MilitantPotato | meh | 10:13 |
vox754 | Solidays, what exactly do you want. I think the Knoppix live CD would more useful for that. | 10:13 |
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MilitantPotato | its in home/militantpotato/.hubackup-data | 10:14 |
MilitantPotato | but going to home, or militantpotato doesn't show it | 10:14 |
Solidays | I just want to carry on using Ubuntu while my laptop's having it's LCD hinges repaired | 10:14 |
Solidays | I wanted to boot directly off my laptop HDD but apparently that isn't possible with a clean install | 10:14 |
dropety | hi, i'm trying... md5sum /dev/scd0 but get an i/o error. how do I check the DVD md5sum? | 10:15 |
=== wastedfluid [n=tom@c-71-57-212-247.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Solidays | I only have a 1GB USB stick so it's not really up for running Ubuntu off of it | 10:15 |
CheesyMonkey | MilitantPotato, ctrl + h in nautilus :) | 10:15 |
MilitantPotato | CheesyMonkey: You're my Hero. | 10:15 |
MilitantPotato | I was going insane. | 10:15 |
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wastedfluid | ubuntu 7.04 fiesty here. i left my wireless networks range.. where it couldn't find the network anymore, and i brought it back home.. and now my laptop cannot find my normal wireless networking. i know the ssid is still broadcasting because my xp laptop picks it up. any ideas?? | 10:15 |
gnuCLoS | Soliday.. u tried knopix? | 10:15 |
MilitantPotato | Shows hidden folders I take it? | 10:15 |
Solidays | Nope | 10:16 |
vox754 | Solidays, I'm confused. Did you take out the laptop hard drive? | 10:16 |
Solidays | Yep | 10:16 |
CheesyMonkey | MilitantPotato, yep | 10:16 |
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Solidays | It came with a 40gig HDD which I replaced with a 100gig HDD | 10:16 |
MilitantPotato | lets hope i can move it | 10:16 |
Solidays | Ubuntu's on the 100gig one and now it's going in for repair I switched the 40gig one back in | 10:16 |
dropety | dd if=/dev/scd0 | md5sum fails too; Any suggestions? | 10:16 |
gnuCLoS | Knoppix should be able to run off usb.. but you can def boot it off cd.. | 10:17 |
gnuCLoS | ubuntu live cds also.. | 10:17 |
conorkirkpatrick | Does anybody know how I can view the shared folder from my Windoze computers? (I am on the network with them) | 10:17 |
CheesyMonkey | !samba | conorkirkpatrick | 10:17 |
ubotu | conorkirkpatrick: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 10:17 |
Solidays | I know I can run Ubuntu off of the live CD | 10:17 |
Solidays | The thing about that is I'm stuck with the programs that are installed on the live CD, right? | 10:17 |
gnuCLoS | conor: Places > Network | 10:17 |
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gnuCLoS | oo.. yes soliday... | 10:18 |
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wastedfluid | anyone know of a way to restart the networking applet .. so it'll refresh networks?? it's not picking up my normal network.. | 10:18 |
Solidays | Solidays is a take off of Holidays >_> | 10:18 |
Polygon89 | Can someone point me to a script or some website with instructions on how to convert youtube .flv files to a format like ogg theora or xvid? | 10:18 |
Solidays | Sol is the nick I use on another server. So the nick isn't as weird as it looks | 10:19 |
Polygon89 | that works and doesnt give me staticy sound? | 10:19 |
FreeFull | Polygon89, why do you want to convert? They should work fine... | 10:19 |
Solidays | The thing about using the live CD is I won't have programs like VLC, WINE, etc. | 10:19 |
Polygon89 | FreeFull, one i cant skip through the songs, two half of the time .flv videos lockup mplayer, three i really dont wnat to have to install a flv player on every computer in my house | 10:20 |
MilitantPotato | hmm | 10:20 |
gnuCLoS | soliday im not sure there is a way to do what you are saying besides creating your own live cd so it has the apps and settings you want.. | 10:20 |
vox754 | Solidays, Knoppix was specially designed as a Live CD so it has numerous applications installed. Maybe you could try it. And that about your nickname is off topic. | 10:20 |
MilitantPotato | no way my backup is only 17 megs | 10:20 |
Solidays | Alright vox754. I'll take a look, thanks. | 10:21 |
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Cubey | is there a way to edit the settings for urgent hints? | 10:21 |
vox754 | Solidays, I think wine is included, VLC not sure. But Knoppix is also based on Debian, like Ubuntu. So I suspect you'll find it familiar. It includes Gnome, KDE, and other desktop managers. | 10:22 |
FreeFull | Polygon89, it's possible to convert using ffmpeg | 10:22 |
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Polygon89 | FreeFull, i tried using ffmpeg2theora and the video converts fine but the sound is all static-y | 10:23 |
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turt1e | Hi all, does anyone have a web link to a page explaining what is different about Fiesty vs Edgy | 10:25 |
syntux | if I have some custom aliases and functions in .bashrc do I have to 'source .bashrc' every login ? | 10:25 |
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turt1e | having a hard time locating release notes on ubuntu's site | 10:26 |
jrib | syntux: no | 10:26 |
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@cpe-72-190-96-243.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
syntux | jrib, so maybe each time I add new alias, function ? | 10:26 |
gesker | Anyone having difficulty downloading the ubuntu-xen-package in feisty? | 10:26 |
jimcooncat | I'm buying a UPS -- APC or Tripp Lite? Will they shut down Ubuntu through USB? | 10:26 |
Sayeh | Hey somebody knows why all the program you have installed while using ununtu live cd isent there when you restart /: | 10:26 |
jrib | syntux: yeah, anytime you modify .bashrc because .bashrc only gets read when you start the terminal | 10:27 |
jacknn | Anyone can help with HP network printing using jetDirect? | 10:27 |
bruenig | Sayeh, because it is a live cd and nothing is being saved to disk | 10:27 |
syntux | jrib, ah cool, thanks :-) | 10:27 |
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koki | guys | 10:27 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, I got it working | 10:27 |
koki | card GeForce 6200 FX | 10:27 |
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koisoooo | hi. how do i make services such as ssh to stop loading during boot? | 10:27 |
koki | is it 6 series | 10:27 |
koki | or FX series | 10:27 |
koki | codename is N6200 | 10:27 |
Solidays | Neither the CD or the DVD version includes VLC :( | 10:27 |
=== Ravenndude` [n=m@dynamic-acs-24-239-118-177.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MilitantPotato | Sayeh: It's all running in ram, it gets cleared when you reboot. If you do an install it works | 10:28 |
syntux | any idea how display file permissions in number with ls -l ? | 10:28 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, please help... I've been at it for days now. | 10:28 |
MilitantPotato | Solidays: go too Add/Remove under applications, type in VLC | 10:28 |
Solidays | On a live CD? | 10:28 |
jacknn | Jimbob, I've got the printer on a desktop (server machine). | 10:28 |
Sayeh | okay thanks Militantpotato | 10:28 |
Sayeh | how do i install ? | 10:28 |
MilitantPotato | yea Soliday, you can download it :) | 10:28 |
Solidays | I thought Live CDs didn't allow you to install things on them | 10:29 |
=== Bosambo [n=tes@cpc2-lewi1-0-0-cust62.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | syntux, you can't just glance at it and convert? | 10:29 |
Jimbob | eh? | 10:29 |
Solidays | I feel stupid now | 10:29 |
Sayeh | isent ubuntu only a live cd | 10:29 |
Sayeh | ? | 10:29 |
MilitantPotato | Mmm you might be able to bundle programs on the live CD? | 10:29 |
syntux | bruenig, why I can't? | 10:29 |
jacknn | Jimbob, sorry, it was for jimcooncat | 10:29 |
MilitantPotato | I ment install it to your hard drive :) | 10:29 |
syntux | Sayeh, no, it's live and install | 10:29 |
bruenig | Sayeh, no, see that button on the desktop that says install | 10:29 |
Solidays | oh | 10:29 |
Sayeh | yeah :) | 10:29 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, I've got the printer on my desktop (server machine). | 10:29 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, I have a Color-Laserjet-3600. Connection: Network Printer, HP JetDirect, Host: (manual setup on printer lcd), Port: 9100 | 10:29 |
Jimbob | np :) lol | 10:29 |
Solidays | Gah | 10:29 |
Sayeh | i try that thanks | 10:29 |
bruenig | syntux, no I mean, what is the point, can't you read the permissions and quickly convert to octal | 10:30 |
Solidays | I'll work something out | 10:30 |
Solidays | Thanks for your help | 10:30 |
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jimcooncat | jacknn, I thought you meant a standalone printer, not hooked to pc | 10:30 |
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uga | btw, found the response here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/clamav/+bug/117988 | 10:30 |
uga | Fixes slow load times seen in earlier 09.x versions" | 10:30 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, what I think I need and don't know how to get is the printer's IP. Do I need it? How to get it? | 10:30 |
uga | where are those packs meant to go? 0.90.3 | 10:30 |
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jrib | syntux: you can use 'stat' if you want | 10:30 |
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uga | aren't bugfixes ported to stable versions? | 10:30 |
bruenig | uga, why are you using clamav | 10:30 |
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Sayeh | nothing happens when i press the install button /: | 10:30 |
syntux | bruenig, no, I'm not fluent at it else I wouldnt think of that | 10:31 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, first, how do you have wiring hooked up? | 10:31 |
uga | bruenig: what should I be using instead | 10:31 |
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syntux | jrib, yeah I know but having numbers with ls -l is useful | 10:31 |
bruenig | syntux, do you understand how the numbers work? | 10:31 |
bruenig | uga, nothing | 10:31 |
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jrib | syntux: why? | 10:31 |
bruenig | uga, unless you are hosting windows boxes | 10:31 |
uga | bruenig: ever heard of wine? | 10:31 |
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jacknn | jimcooncat, OK. printer Deskjet 5740 hooked up to PC, server machine. Then, laptop, in a network with the PC Can ping the PC, can surf with the laptop... | 10:32 |
bruenig | uga, wine is contained in a directory, nothing gets out of that directory | 10:32 |
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syntux | bruenig, not all but hmm, where can I read about the text and numbers | 10:32 |
uga | bruenig: so what. I don't want that dir to get infected | 10:32 |
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syntux | jrib, i just find it easier. | 10:32 |
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bruenig | syntux, I read somewhere once that was very helpful but do you know binary? | 10:32 |
uga | bruenig: and I don't want to forward this stuff to any friend if it's infected | 10:32 |
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bruenig | uga, I doubt clamav even deals with wine | 10:32 |
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=== vox754 wants to install Windows virus with wine | ||
uga | bruenig: clamav deals with windows executables | 10:33 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, how did you get the printer's IP (10.0...)? | 10:33 |
uga | bruenig: and wine does too | 10:33 |
gnuCLoS | i luv this Gnu/linux way of doing things.. there was NEVER any type of windows chat or channel you could go to and get so many people that will actually try to help | 10:33 |
syntux | bruenig, no but I'd love to learn. | 10:33 |
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gnuCLoS | lol @ installing a virus with wine | 10:33 |
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CheesyMonkey | gnuCLoS, im afriad there was ..... ##windows =) | 10:33 |
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savetheWorld | gnuCLoS: Well there is, but .. (grins) its hosted on freenode - a Linux oriented netwrok.. :-) | 10:34 |
uga | gnuCLoS: there's certain stuff that is worth scanning before running under wine. And I bet you know those cases ;) | 10:34 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, I don't know then, my physical connection is ethernet cable | 10:34 |
bruenig | syntux, ok well decimal which you are probably familiar with counts up to 9, then starts over at 0, well binary is like that except it counts up to 1 and then starts over at 0 | 10:34 |
Allex | can anyone tell me what directory xorg.conf has? | 10:34 |
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unagi | /etc/X11 Allex | 10:34 |
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jimcooncat | jacknn, do you have an ethernet cable running straight from the printer to the server? | 10:34 |
Allex | tnx | 10:34 |
unagi | np | 10:34 |
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bruenig | syntux, so it goes 0 1 10 11 100 101 110 111 1000 | 10:34 |
fumo | hi, how can I install a package without installing its dependencies? | 10:34 |
gnuCLoS | lol i never used wine.. the whole point i switched to linux is so i wont have to use windows apps anymore | 10:34 |
uga | gnuCLoS: rather than worrying about my box, it's about not forwarding it to any windows users | 10:34 |
gnuCLoS | haha | 10:34 |
bruenig | syntux, once you get to one you carry over | 10:34 |
=== surviver [n=alex@cust-218-27.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jvolkman | freenode.net isn't linux-oriented, just open software oriented | 10:35 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, no, it's a USB cable, I think our setup is the same, except for this detail, which doesn't affect the question. | 10:35 |
unagi | why would you want to do that fumo | 10:35 |
bruenig | syntux, does that make sense? | 10:35 |
valdyn | fumo: not. | 10:35 |
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surviver | what s the command to reconfigure x? | 10:35 |
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jrib | !xconfig > surviver (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:35 |
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gnuCLoS | uga what r u talking about?? sorry i dont know how we even got into this convo | 10:35 |
uga | gnuCLoS: well, unfortunately there's still proprietary software that is required for certain operations on devices and gadgets | 10:35 |
gnuCLoS | lol | 10:35 |
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unagi | i finally wrote a series of scripts to do what i wanted bruenig | 10:35 |
fumo | unagi: I want emacs-goodies, I build emacs from cvs | 10:35 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, sorry, I can't help -- I don't know how you'd set up an IP address if it's hooked up with USB | 10:35 |
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syntux | bruenig, lol not much | 10:35 |
gnuCLoS | have u tried virtualbox.. install xp in that and then whatever windows apps u wanna run from there?? | 10:36 |
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dbrewer | I have a question regarding PHP and Ubuntu servers... I have an ubuntu dapper server (providing PHP 5.1.2) which I need to upgrade to PHP 5.2.3. What is the most pain-free way to accomplish this? I've tried using the dotdeb repositories but ran into dependency hell (not surprisingly). I also tried using prevu to backport 5.2.3 from gutsy to dapper, but I can't get the prevu-init step to complete... | 10:36 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, how did you find yours (10.0...), or is it that you have a printer server gizmo? | 10:36 |
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uga | gnuCLoS: the root was... ubuntu's clamav is real slow for some strange reason (1 min and half to scan .bashrc!). There's a bugfix I believe, but it's not backported it seems | 10:36 |
uga | to stable versions | 10:36 |
surviver | jrib, thx :) | 10:36 |
bruenig | syntux, it took me a while to get it, you are used to counting up from 1 to 9, and then starting back over at 0 right? | 10:36 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, my print server is inside the printer | 10:36 |
dbrewer | Next step would be to compile from source but I was hoping to avoid that since I'll have to do this on several servers. | 10:36 |
syntux | bruenig, right | 10:36 |
gnuCLoS | uga: clamav is slow even in windows though... | 10:36 |
uga | gnuCLoS: so instead of getting a response, I get a "wtf do youw ant clamav for" ;) | 10:36 |
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Sayeh | How much space does the install version of ubuntu fill ? | 10:36 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, OK, and how do you get the printer's IP address then? | 10:37 |
phaidros | hi, anybody pulseaudio with skype 1.4 (no oss, just alsa) running ?? | 10:37 |
CheesyMonkey | Well most people dont think about anti virus on linux cause theres no real point for most of us | 10:37 |
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uga | gnuCLoS: 1 minute and half to scan a single 4kB file??? that's not slow, that's a 186 at 1MHz ;M) | 10:37 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, the default IP can be viewed from the printer's LCD | 10:37 |
phaidros | CheesyMonkey: on servers there is :) | 10:37 |
gnuCLoS | well i havent seen your question.. i was joking about installing a virus using wine.. i would assume though u could use clamav like on an email server so ur windows clients dont get win viruses | 10:37 |
CheesyMonkey | phaidros, 'for most of us' | 10:37 |
uga | gnuCLoS: it only happens under my ubuntu box. gentoo boxes never had that issue | 10:37 |
=== nightfreak [n=odeiko@e178081118.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sayeh | is the istall ubunto version 66 GB big :O | 10:37 |
uga | it's this clamav pack | 10:37 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, Oh I see. I don't *have* an LCD... | 10:37 |
jacknn | Oh, well. BTW, how do you make your lines red? | 10:38 |
phaidros | Sayeh: what? | 10:38 |
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jimcooncat | jacknn, then maybe it's not a jetdirect, just a USB connected printer | 10:38 |
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jimcooncat | jacknn, can you print from the server? | 10:38 |
Sayeh | i will install ubuntu but i says that its 66 GB big | 10:38 |
bruenig | syntux, well instead of starting over at 9, you start over at 1, so here is decimal side by side with binary 0 = 0, 1 = 1, 2 = 10, 3 == 11, 4 == 100, 5 = 101, 6 = 110, 7 = 111 | 10:38 |
Sayeh | it * | 10:38 |
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gnuCLoS | hmm.. and removing and installing it again didnt do anything? | 10:38 |
MilitantPotato | sayeh, you'll need a 512-2.5gb swap partition | 10:38 |
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MilitantPotato | aswell as a linux partition around 5-10gb set to / | 10:39 |
Sayeh | what does partition mean ? | 10:39 |
uga | gnuCLoS: I'll give it a try. uhm... I only practised reinstallations on windows so far. Never had to reinstall anything on linux to make it work ;)) | 10:39 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, Yes I can print from the server. As to jetDirect, I've seen it as being the protocol to use with my machine. It's pathetic, I've been at it for days, on the forums and here. It should be simpler... but there it is. | 10:39 |
Allex | does anyone know how to log in as root in xubuntu? i get a message saying the administrator can not log in via the loginscreen @ startup? | 10:39 |
uga | gnuCLoS: should I also reboot after installing??? =))) | 10:39 |
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gnuCLoS | yea..?? give it a try.. | 10:40 |
jrib | !root > Allex (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:40 |
gnuCLoS | i never used clam in ubuntu | 10:40 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, you need to skip the jetdirect idea then. Share your printer with CUPS (for linux clients) and SAMBA (for windows clients) | 10:40 |
gnuCLoS | had it on my win machine for a while and it took HOURS to scan | 10:40 |
uga | gnuCLoS: the "reboot" comment was meant to be a joke... :P | 10:40 |
uga | (a windows joke) | 10:40 |
MilitantPotato | Sayeh http://searchstorage.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid5_gci212750,00.html | 10:40 |
=== HelpMe [n=luke@70-41-237-140.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnuCLoS | lol.. | 10:40 |
HelpMe | Hi | 10:40 |
HelpMe | I'm having a problem | 10:40 |
vox754 | Sayeh, you really need to understand some concepts before you install. Otherwise you'll end up borking your current installation, and that will make you very sad. | 10:40 |
syntux | bruenig, didn't get it :( | 10:40 |
gnuCLoS | u kno i still try that sometimes | 10:40 |
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syntux | bruenig, how are you counting it ? | 10:40 |
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CheesyMonkey | !helpme | HelpMe | 10:40 |
gnuCLoS | old habit | 10:40 |
gnuCLoS | hah | 10:40 |
ubotu | HelpMe: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:40 |
Allex | jrib: im kinda new to linux, what do you meen? | 10:40 |
HelpMe | ok | 10:41 |
CheesyMonkey | HelpMe, I couldnt resist the urge :) | 10:41 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, otherwise you'd have to make your server a JetDirect server, which I don't know if you can do with Ubuntu | 10:41 |
jrib | Allex: my message just instructs ubotu to send you some information. You should have a private message from ubotu. Do you see it? | 10:41 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, well, I started off with CUPS. It wouldn't work, which is when I saw the reference to jetDirect in the forums. CUPS would just show both printers fine, then print nothing. | 10:41 |
HelpMe | When I try to enable Desktop Effects, it says "Desktop effects could not be be enabled" And whenever I try to switch to Beryl manager. it just switches back to compiz. I Need to know how to fix these problems! Thanks! | 10:41 |
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CheesyMonkey | !beryl | HelpMe | 10:41 |
ubotu | HelpMe: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:41 |
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HelpMe | noones there | 10:41 |
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bulmer | jacknn: which printer brand and model? | 10:42 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, You seem to be saying that jetDirect only works with an HP server. | 10:42 |
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koki | hello, how do i know if my graphic card requires a legacy driver? | 10:42 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, as far as I know, yes | 10:42 |
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jacknn | bulmer, HP Deskjet 5740. | 10:42 |
BeNdITo | ayuda para suse linux? | 10:42 |
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jacknn | jimcooncat, well maybe I'm wrong then, I'll look it up. That might be very hopeful. | 10:42 |
jrib | BeNdITo: /join #suse | 10:42 |
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uga | gnuCLoS: unfortunately it didn't quite work </shocked> | 10:43 |
tehtechman | koki: what vid card u using? | 10:43 |
bruenig | syntux, maybe there is a better explanation online, maybe thinking about this will make you better understand, why do we go to 9 and then start over? why not go to 4 and then start over? so then it would go 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 20 | 10:43 |
BeNdITo | thanks | 10:43 |
bruenig | where 10 is actually 5 | 10:43 |
bruenig | and 11 is 6 and so forth and so on | 10:43 |
gnuCLoS | lol @ uga.. i dont know.. sorry | 10:44 |
tont | I have of the problems with sudo, when start of the programs type adept, wassistant says su has given back an error to me. what I can make? | 10:44 |
jimcooncat | anyone familiar with automatic shutdown from a UPS? | 10:44 |
Sayeh | somebody got a good guide on how to install ubuntu ? :) | 10:44 |
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HelpMe | CheesyMonkey: Theres nobody there at Beryl | 10:44 |
syntux | bruenig, cool, then why 7 = 111 ? | 10:44 |
=== uga rebuilds from source and kicks the clamav package maintainer on his *****se | ||
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gnuCLoS | sayeh.. jus put in the disc and restart | 10:44 |
=== Greyscale [n=Grey@host81-152-79-253.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jacknn | jimcooncat, I'll look it up again, to verify. | 10:45 |
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Sayeh | yeah but i want to install it not just to use it as a live cd | 10:45 |
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jacknn | bulmer, any help? | 10:45 |
bruenig | syntux, just start counting up, everytime you get to carry over into the next column, like in decimal you would get to 9 and then carry over into the next column to the left, do the same thing but do it at 1, you will see that the seventh digit you come up with is 111 | 10:45 |
gnuCLoS | double click the "install" icon on the desktop | 10:45 |
mos | i sell runescape stat editor add my msn mas_mas91@hotmail.com if you want it. | 10:45 |
gnuCLoS | after you go thru the whole thing jus make sure you remove the disc | 10:45 |
=== Froek [n=mark@S0106000acd0f8876.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jimcooncat | jacknn, from the client point of view, a Samba server might be simplest (but not necessarily setting up the server itself) | 10:45 |
Sayeh | yeah but all that partition things confuse me | 10:46 |
CheesyMonkey | mos, Sorry runescape is just crap | 10:46 |
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tehtechman | Oh is this a binary lesson? | 10:46 |
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gnuCLoS | oo.. choose guided partion.. use entire disk.. (especially if u got win installed) | 10:46 |
bruenig | tehtechman, yeah help out if you can | 10:46 |
syntux | bruenig, thank you :-) I guess I should read more about it and maybe I should buy a binary watch. | 10:46 |
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gnuCLoS | lol.. hold up ill get you a link | 10:46 |
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Sayeh | ah okay thanks i try that | 10:46 |
bruenig | I am bad at explaining it | 10:46 |
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dbrewer | Is there by any chance a better channel for asking server-related questions? | 10:46 |
dbrewer | I don't see any #ubuntu-server | 10:47 |
gnuCLoS | guided is def the easiest if u dont mind whipping your harddrive | 10:47 |
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gnuCLoS | guided- use entire disk | 10:47 |
tehtechman | 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 | 10:47 |
syntux | dbrewer, like what ? | 10:47 |
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ketzerei | How do I host folder/directory | 10:47 |
tehtechman | that help? | 10:47 |
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Sayeh | how much space does it require | 10:47 |
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anurag_mishra | how do i enable gnome control centre in feisty | 10:47 |
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red` | hello | 10:47 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, good idea. I'm gonna try it, as I mean to set up samba anyway, for the Windows partition on my client. But I should be able to print simply between two Ub machines.... | 10:47 |
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ketzerei | anurag: I dont know if there is one. Did you install it? | 10:48 |
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dbrewer | syntux: I have a question regarding PHP and Ubuntu servers... I have an ubuntu dapper server (providing PHP 5.1.2) which I need to upgrade to PHP 5.2.3. What is the most pain-free way to accomplish this? I've tried using the dotdeb repositories but ran into dependency hell (not surprisingly). I also tried using prevu to backport 5.2.3 from gutsy to dapper, but I can't get the prevu-init step to complete... | 10:48 |
bruenig | syntux, ok well once you understand binary, just think about permissions like this, rwx = 111 because they are all full, 110 would be rw- because you see the last one is empty, so since 7 = 111 and 111 = rwx, chmod 7 means chmod it to rwx | 10:48 |
haxorjoe | is it possible to use a blackberry pearl as a bluetooth modem in ubuntu? | 10:48 |
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red` | did someone have a ibm t60? | 10:48 |
teryance | hey does anyone know how to get a app launcher | 10:48 |
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rustalot | hey guys, what's a good place to get small motherboards? I'm looking for something less than 3.5" x 6", to make a small, portable network storage device with 3 or 4 drives. | 10:48 |
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ketzerei | How do I host folder/directory | 10:48 |
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anurag_mishra | how do i enable gnome control centre in feisty | 10:49 |
jacknn | bulmer, would you know how i get the printer's IP? | 10:49 |
ketzerei | anurag: I dont know if there is one. Did you install it? | 10:49 |
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anurag_mishra | ketzerei: do i have to install which package | 10:49 |
gnuCLoS | Ubuntu is available for PC, 64-Bit and Mac architectures. At least 256 MB of RAM is required to run the desktop install CD. Install requires at least 4 GB of disk space. | 10:49 |
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gnuCLoS | http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/desktopedition | 10:49 |
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Sayeh | ii try to install it on the bigfoot thing | 10:49 |
ketzerei | I dont thinks so. If you havent installed a controll center, there isnt one. | 10:49 |
syntux | dbrewer, the best would be grabbing the new debs from feisty repos and work on it's dependencies, it would be much easier to control than using dotdeb. | 10:50 |
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Sayeh | hope it works | 10:50 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, try http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Print_Server_.28cupsd.29 | 10:50 |
ketzerei | How do I host folder/directory | 10:50 |
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_`XeOn_ | how to recover my windows boot is ubuntu grub was missed and partition containing ubuntu formated? | 10:50 |
aaron_ | Can anyone help me get my dual monitors set up properly? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=487345&highlight=twinview | 10:50 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, though I haven't tried it myself | 10:50 |
rustalot | teryance: is Alt+F2 what you want? | 10:50 |
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ketzerei | How do I host folder/directory | 10:50 |
Sayeh | but hey when i have installed ubuntu i still can enter windows right ??? | 10:51 |
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ketzerei | Sayeh, yes if grub detected it | 10:51 |
vox754 | _`XeOn_, use the legally purchased Windows CD to boot into the recovery console and repair the master boot record. | 10:51 |
anurag_mishra | ketzerei : can you tell me name of package to install: see this http://lunapark6.com/new-gnome-control-center-for-ubuntus-feisty-fawn-gnome-217.html | 10:51 |
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nickrud | anurag_mishra, install gnome-control-center | 10:51 |
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Sayeh | i hope so if not my father gonna kill me | 10:51 |
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ketzerei | anurag, I dont know. I dont use it. | 10:51 |
_`XeOn_ | vox754<|> thats the problem i didnt make security copies | 10:52 |
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Lunar_Lamp | I have an avi that I can't open - I assume as the codec is missing (though other avi's work ok). how can I tell which codec I need? | 10:52 |
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anurag_mishra | nickrud: ill try and be back in moment | 10:52 |
Lunar_Lamp | !mp3 | 10:52 |
elmo40 | WinAmp not running | 10:52 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:52 |
chadeldridge | is there a way to get the net-snmp librarys without installing all of net-snmp ? | 10:52 |
ketzerei | !samba | 10:52 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 10:52 |
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koki | tehtechman: well i already found out | 10:52 |
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koki | its normal driver, not legacy one | 10:52 |
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imbecile | just curious what sort of search string i would use to find cpu chipset for gatweway mx6920 and to find what temp it should be running at.. i got bsod in m$ due to heat and gateway is giving me the run around so i want to sound more like i know what i'm talking about | 10:53 |
_`XeOn_ | !divx | 10:53 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:53 |
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Noodleman | ok, interesting problem someone has probably already seen | 10:53 |
teryance | no avant window navigator | 10:53 |
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anurag_mishra | nickrud: the package is already installed. How can I use it( some terminal comaand or something like that) | 10:53 |
teryance | but what do u use that for | 10:53 |
Noodleman | sometimes when i boot up, i have eth0 and eth1, and sometimes eth0 and eth2 | 10:53 |
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nickrud | anurag_mishra, gnome-control-center | 10:53 |
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Noodleman | how do i make that consistent? | 10:54 |
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dbrewer | syntux: I tried that, using the gutsy repositories... (5.2.3 is not available in feisty, either) | 10:54 |
anurag_mishra | nickrud - ok | 10:54 |
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ketzerei | How do I host folder/directory | 10:54 |
dbrewer | syntux: ran into dependency hell there as well. But maybe I'll give it another shot | 10:54 |
Cubey | what syntax is it for using a Makefile? | 10:54 |
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dbrewer | syntux: since I imagine the dependency hell on compiling PHP is likely to be just as bad or worse | 10:54 |
nickrud | anurag_mishra, a useful trick to find out what executables come in a package is dpkg -L <package> | grep bin | 10:54 |
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anurag_mishra | nickrud: got it. Sorry for mis-communication :) | 10:54 |
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bruenig | Noodleman, I suggest writing your own init networking script, I did on my arch box and am very happy with the results | 10:55 |
ketzerei | How do I host a folder/directory | 10:55 |
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_`XeOn_ | is anyways to recover windows boot using knoppix live cd? | 10:55 |
anurag_mishra | just had to type at terminal : gnome-control-centre :) | 10:55 |
Scunizi | vox754, I read up on chown & chgrp as well as chmod. Unfortunately I'm confused. I want to make my ide/hda1 read/write-able by all who access it. Which is the right way? | 10:55 |
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tehtechman | Cubey: like writing a Makefile? or using make (man make) | 10:55 |
Noodleman | bruenig: well, i'm thinking this is something screwy in how the kernel is assigning interface names, but i really don't know | 10:55 |
ketzerei | How do I host a folder/directory | 10:55 |
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Cubey | hm, using | 10:56 |
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bruenig | Noodleman, oh you mean to say that the same interface is given different names? | 10:56 |
_`XeOn_ | !es | 10:56 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 10:56 |
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blizzow | Is doing apt-get dist-upgrade fairly clean process or will there be a lot of detritus on my gutsy system after migrating from feisty? | 10:56 |
anurag_mishra | ubotu: how do u work ??? :) | 10:56 |
tehtechman | Cubey: usually just type "make" for more info type "man make" | 10:56 |
Noodleman | bruenig: sometimes when i boot up, it's called eth1 and sometimes eth2 | 10:56 |
Cubey | thanks | 10:56 |
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Sayeh | i hope 4 GB is enough space for ubuntu | 10:56 |
Noodleman | nothing changes in between those times, that i know of | 10:56 |
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bruenig | Noodleman, how many interfaces do you have? | 10:56 |
vox754 | Scunizi, probably "sudo chmod a+rwx /media/hda1" I also mentioned to put the default option in fstab. | 10:57 |
ketzerei | sayeh it is | 10:57 |
Noodleman | bruenig: two interfaces | 10:57 |
Sayeh | okay thanks :) | 10:57 |
ketzerei | np | 10:57 |
bruenig | Noodleman, no dial up interface hanging around anywhere that you don't use? | 10:57 |
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likwidtek | hey all. | 10:57 |
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likwidtek | I am getting a solid white screen when enabling desktop effects in fiesty. Fresh install with integrated graphics | 10:57 |
Noodleman | bruenig: nope, no modems or anything | 10:57 |
syntux | dbrewer, it's not easy to avoid dependency hell if you want to stay up to date. | 10:57 |
likwidtek | any suggestions? | 10:57 |
Scunizi | vox754, I did the default option and just did a ctrl-alt-bkspace to no effect. Maybe I should have just rebooted. I'll try the sudo cmd. | 10:57 |
ketzerei | How do I host a folder/directory | 10:57 |
ketzerei | !php | 10:58 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 10:58 |
Noodleman | bruenig: i do have an ieee1394 card, but it doesn't show up as an interface when i do 'ip a l' | 10:58 |
Sayeh | Python is nice | 10:58 |
bruenig | Noodleman, that is weird, I was thinking that maybe the dial up interface was not being recognized on occasion causing it to bump the third one to eth1, I could see that happening on my laptop | 10:58 |
MilitantPotato | imbecile: 55C max | 10:58 |
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bruenig | ip a l? | 10:58 |
bXi_ | okay that was less painfull then i hoped :P | 10:58 |
bXi_ | installed ubuntu on my dell latitude 120L | 10:59 |
Noodleman | bruenig: same as ifconfig | 10:59 |
vox754 | Scunizi, yes. This may sound awkward in Linux, but rebooting sometimes gives the desired results. Also to apply changes to mount points you usually do not need to reboot, just "sudo umount -a" and "sudo mount -a" | 10:59 |
bXi_ | and everything just works | 10:59 |
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bXi_ | (cept for the bcm43xx | 10:59 |
likwidtek | bXi_ cool man | 10:59 |
bruenig | Noodleman, that just means that it hasn't been brought up | 10:59 |
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bXi_ | even got compiz fusion running | 10:59 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, OK, am taking a look at it. | 10:59 |
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MilitantPotato | imbecile: If you're getting to 50C or over, a fan either died, your heatsink needs the dust taken out, or the heatsink needs re-seated. There are some chips that run really hot though. | 10:59 |
Felipe_ | teste liXOOOOO | 10:59 |
bruenig | Noodleman, I have eth0 and eth2 on my machine because my dial up interface is never brought up | 10:59 |
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Noodleman | bruenig: no, the interface is there, it's just got the wrong name | 10:59 |
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likwidtek | bXi_ I am trying to get compiz working. I just get a solid white screen tho | 11:00 |
bruenig | which is eth1 | 11:00 |
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Noodleman | bruenig: i need to be able to tell it to use the same name every time, so my boot scripts work | 11:00 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, the Ubuntuguide reference seems a good basic reference, but, strangely, it refers to /etc/cups/client.conf, which doesn't exist in Feisty... | 11:00 |
Scunizi | vox754, sudo cmd worked. I should do it again recursively as there are files there that are locked. should that be sudo chmod a+rwx -r /media/hda1? | 11:00 |
likwidtek | it's an integrated video card tho | 11:00 |
likwidtek | does that matter? | 11:00 |
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vox754 | MilitantPotato, are you talking about a dual core? I saw one running at almost 80 C | 11:00 |
Noodleman | bruenig: there is no eth1 | 11:00 |
MilitantPotato | vox754: 80C is close to thermal break down on CPUs | 11:00 |
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CppIsWeird | my CPU usage is low, my ram usage is low, and my CPU temp is normal, yet my computer keeps lagging and hanging, how come? | 11:01 |
bruenig | Noodleman, you just said you had another card, how many do you have actually, not how many show up in ifconfig | 11:01 |
MilitantPotato | Anything over 55-60C shortens the life quickly | 11:01 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, I guess I could create it, but I don't know if just one line it it, that required by Ubuntuguide, will do. | 11:01 |
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MilitantPotato | CppIsWeird: any chance your bios is configured wrong? | 11:01 |
CppIsWeird | MilitantPotato: i sure hope not, ubuntu fucks up from hibernation and didnt re-enable my laptop fan, got the CPU to over 85C | 11:01 |
Noodleman | bruenig: i have 2 ethernet controllers, and i use 'ip a l' because it shows all interfaces, whether they are up or down | 11:01 |
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vox754 | MilitantPotato, for sure. The PC I mentioned shut down several times. But still the BIOS allowed to shut down at even 110 C. What CPU would run at that temperature safely?! | 11:02 |
CppIsWeird | MilitantPotato: probably not, i've been running this setup for about a month now, this is sudden reaction. | 11:02 |
MilitantPotato | CppIsWeird: I'd not put it into hybernate if that happens. | 11:02 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, not surprising that the client conf doesn't exist | 11:02 |
bruenig | Noodleman, what package is ip part of | 11:02 |
Noodleman | bruenig: iproute2 | 11:02 |
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vox754 | Scunizi, yes, try it. I think you are doing great reading the manual pages. | 11:02 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, Ubuntu doesn't expose servers by default | 11:02 |
CppIsWeird | MilitantPotato: yeah, no kidding. | 11:02 |
ChazGreymane | actually I have an old P3 dell Laptop that the fan only comes on when the cpu hits 72 degrees C | 11:02 |
MilitantPotato | vox754: Pentium Ds got pretty hot, but 80C is extremely hot | 11:02 |
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Lunar_Lamp | !webcam | 11:03 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 11:03 |
teryance | whats a good window app lancher | 11:03 |
bruenig | Noodleman, ok so that would go back to my original theory, the dial up interface is seen sometimes and other times not | 11:03 |
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Sayeh | !install gz files | 11:03 |
bruenig | Noodleman, which is causing the different names | 11:03 |
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Scunizi | vox754, Thanks. they are not always the easiest to understand. I typically need examples. The command I listed worked only after replacing the -r with -R | 11:03 |
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Pili | is it possible to update to 7.04 fro 6.10 from the iso as my linux pc doesnt have internet yet | 11:04 |
schatan | hello - i have a question how can i set a proxy in xchat-gnome ? | 11:04 |
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vox754 | Pili, no. You need the alternate CD. | 11:04 |
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bruenig | !info xchat | schatan | 11:04 |
ubotu | schatan: xchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 295 kB, installed size 796 kB | 11:04 |
Pili | ok thanks | 11:05 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, Yes, I see. So what do I do? Is it necessary? Precisely, this policy has me wondering about the server side. As it is Jetdirect on the client side, I can't use the GUI on the server side, as it open port 631 automatically... | 11:05 |
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Noodleman | bruenig: ok, but i don't have a modem | 11:05 |
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Noodleman | bruenig: i just plain don't | 11:05 |
Rollera | Hi! I've got a Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2) and it works just fine, apart from the mic | 11:05 |
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qrt | I'm thinking about buying a new computer and I have an idea which I'd like to know if it is possible. I want a server in the basement which is on 24/7 which lets me watch hd movies on my tv (like a htpc) through some kind of thin client (I don't know if that's the right word), and I want it to replace my normal computer by another "thin client" so I only have the screen, keyboard and mouse... | 11:05 |
qrt | ...in the bedroom. Possible? Expensive? | 11:05 |
Rollera | I can't record sounds | 11:05 |
bruenig | Noodleman, you have something in there | 11:05 |
crippler | I just recently installed ubuntu 7/04 desktop vershion on my desktop and things were going good, then after a software update and a reboot the login screen would show but when i logged in it wouldnt show anything but the way the mouse theme was set. any suggestions? | 11:06 |
Rollera | Anyone got any poiters? I've ran alsamixer -V All and made sure that nothing's muted | 11:06 |
crippler | 7.04* | 11:06 |
AutoMatriX | Hi | 11:06 |
Pili | vox, do you have a link to the alt cd? | 11:06 |
Noodleman | bruenig: is there a way to statically assign the interface names? | 11:06 |
vox754 | !alternate | Pili | 11:06 |
ubotu | Pili: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 11:06 |
bruenig | Noodleman, I don't think so | 11:06 |
schatan | how can i setup a proxy in xchat-gnome ? | 11:06 |
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jimcooncat | jacknn, I'd forget about jetdirect as well as the CUPS web GUI, and just give the ubuntuguide a shot. | 11:06 |
vox754 | Pili, sorry. You'll find it. Trust me. | 11:06 |
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teryance | any one | 11:07 |
Pili | oki | 11:07 |
schatan | privat massege pls because my english is very bad and i cant read so fast | 11:07 |
jimcooncat | If you want to find out more about client.conf, you can "man client.conf" | 11:07 |
crippler | 7.04* | 11:07 |
sunken | Rollera: check alsa documentation | 11:07 |
crippler | I just recently installed ubuntu 7/04 desktop vershion on my desktop and things were going good, then after a software update and a reboot the login screen would show but when i logged in it wouldnt show anything but the way the mouse theme was set. any suggestions? | 11:07 |
crippler | 7.04* | 11:07 |
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teryance | im newbe just switched from windows | 11:07 |
jacknn | jimcooncat, that would mean setting up a client file with only one line in it, but why not. Will try. | 11:07 |
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Rollera | sunken, which part of it? I've browsed around the site.. If you don't have anything more specific than that, it's not uber helpful | 11:08 |
teryance | but i want a windows app lancher | 11:08 |
teryance | any one | 11:08 |
gnuCLoS | crippler that happened to me once before too.. i just reinstalled and it hasnt happened again | 11:08 |
CheesyMonkey | crippler, Id look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log thats an X error by the sounds of it :) | 11:08 |
vox754 | qrt, sound pretty cool. I would say it is very possible, but I don't know how you would do it. | 11:08 |
Pili | oh der, lol i found it thanks vox | 11:08 |
jimcooncat | jacknn, your client will print through cups to the server, which will then pass the job directly to the printer. No jetdirect involved as far as anyone sees | 11:08 |
gnuCLoS | crip: but sure thats not he answer u wanna hear though | 11:08 |
Sayeh | thanks for the help guys im think its working now !! bye bye | 11:08 |
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crippler | i am reinstalling. May take longer but It is bound to be succesful, aswell as efficent | 11:09 |
zweiundzwei | hello, i have a very persistent problem with my screen resolution, would anyone be willing to help me out there? | 11:09 |
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qrt | vox754, guess I'll keep looking :) | 11:09 |
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sunken | Rollera: I edited /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base and for my sndcard I needed this line at the end; options snd-hda-intel model=3stack | 11:09 |
qrt | Anyone know a _good_ forum for hardware questions? | 11:09 |
solveai | runlevel tells me "N2", I look into /etc/rc2.d ... and I don't know what starts networking. (I need to start iptables before that, so I don't know what number to start iptables at) | 11:09 |
CheesyMonkey | crippler, Yep, so long as you have nothing to loose | 11:09 |
sunken | Rollera: then I did a reboot | 11:09 |
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Rollera | sunken: It's not an intel tho :/ It's an nVidia with a realtek chipset | 11:10 |
Enselic | I cannot add the user test, does anyone know why? | 11:10 |
Noodleman | bruenig: /etc/udev/rules.d/25-iftab.rules | 11:10 |
Enselic | I can add e.g. test2, but not test | 11:10 |
Noodleman | bruenig: i think that's what i'm looking for | 11:10 |
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crippler | ChessyMonkey, I dont this is my 233mhz laptop with DSLinux i just installed ubuntu 3 days ago | 11:10 |
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schatan | how can i setup a proxy in xchat-gnome ? | 11:10 |
zweiundzwei | I have a nvidia geforce 6100 video card and the resolution won't go over 1024x786, even after editing xorg.conf or installing the official nvidia driver. any ideas? | 11:10 |
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eddie | Hello, does anyone know how to use SCP to copy a HOLE folder? | 11:11 |
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vox754 | zweiundzwei, mail the nvidia developers for not developing working drivers. | 11:11 |
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gdb | What's a hole folder? | 11:11 |
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eddie | a Folder instead of a single file | 11:12 |
solveai | gdb: it's a folder with a seg fault in it | 11:12 |
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noodles12 | what's a good video editting program for linux to make music videos? like adobe premiere? WOuld something like kino be best or is there a better alternative/ | 11:12 |
gdb | I mean, is it like a sparse file? | 11:12 |
noodles12 | ? | 11:12 |
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gdb | I didn't think one could create directories with holes in them. | 11:12 |
teryance | and i cant get my wireless card to work | 11:12 |
eddie | whole* | 11:12 |
qrt | gdb, he obviously means whole | 11:12 |
zweiundzwei | vox754, or ubuntu, for not supplying me with a working driver either? ;) | 11:12 |
gdb | oh | 11:12 |
solveai | u can on this OS I once used, I think it was called on windows | 11:12 |
sunken | Rollera: yeah, thats why you need to read about alsa to make right options | 11:12 |
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schatan | schatan | 11:12 |
gdb | qrt: No, it's not obvious, and yes, I'm pedantic. | 11:12 |
eddie | Stupid spelling :p | 11:13 |
gdb | eddie: scp folder_name user@host:destination | 11:13 |
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schatan | how can i setup a proxy in xchat-gnome ? | 11:13 |
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tehtechman | noodles12: Ive heard cinelerra is good but has a learning curve. | 11:13 |
eddie | gdb: tried that... didnt work | 11:13 |
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eddie | ill try again | 11:13 |
phaidros | hi, anybody pulseaudio with skype 1.4 (no oss, just alsa) running ?? | 11:13 |
gdb | eddie: sorry add a -r | 11:14 |
gdb | scp -r | 11:14 |
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Rollera | sunken: Then I ask you again, which part of the docs did you read to figure that out ? | 11:14 |
gdb | eddie: This is documented in the man page. | 11:14 |
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acke_ | i attached pocket pda and this was written in dmesg. usb 3-1.3: PocketPC PDA converter now attached to ttyUSB0 how would i do to mount it? | 11:14 |
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sunken | Rollera: Hmm, do not remember. Please w8 | 11:15 |
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schatan | how can i setup a proxy in xchat-gnome ? | 11:15 |
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noodles12 | tehtechman: is that in the repos? | 11:15 |
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TiMiDo | hey how do you mount an external hard drive? | 11:15 |
tehtechman | noodles12: not sure about ubuntu, but i know many other ditsros have it | 11:15 |
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tiax | schatan: you'll have to edit the configuration file yourself because xchat-gnome doesn't provide a settings interface for that. Did you consider switching to normal xchat instead? | 11:16 |
metalfan | hi | 11:16 |
metalfan | envy kicks ass | 11:16 |
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acke_ | TiMiDo: it depends on what filesystem you have on it i guess | 11:16 |
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TiMiDo | acke_, i do not know =) | 11:16 |
sunken | Rollera: /alsa-driver-1.0.14rc3/alsa-kernel/Documentation/ALSA-Configuration.txt | 11:16 |
joshritger | can someone please tell me which plugin I need to play MMS (Microsoft Media Server) content? | 11:17 |
acke_ | TiMiDo: external usb usually are found at /dev/sda* | 11:17 |
Nalleman | Is it possible to open rar archives in ubuntu? | 11:17 |
metalfan | ive just installed the latest nvidia driver with envy, what values do you get from "glxgears" ? me: ~11000 (3800+, 8600gt) | 11:17 |
vox754 | !rar | Nalleman | 11:17 |
ubotu | Nalleman: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 11:17 |
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misstajah | Question: I have installed the nvidia-new drivers so I could run my Asus F3SC T7100/1GB/160GB SATA/DVD+-RW, but everytime my X tries to start, the computer reboots. why is that? :S | 11:17 |
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tiax | Nalleman: yes but you will have to install it from multiverse repos first | 11:17 |
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acke_ | TiMiDo: then you do the regular mount -t typeofusedrivesystemsomething /dev/sda* /media/myusbdrive | 11:18 |
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Rollera | sunken: Oh I'm not compiling alsa from source.. | 11:18 |
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Rollera | Then I rather go back to Windows | 11:18 |
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Nalleman | !info unrar-free | 11:18 |
metalfan | misstajah, try "envy" | 11:18 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB | 11:18 |
acke_ | TiMiDo: or you could try sudo mount -a | 11:18 |
misstajah | envy? | 11:18 |
acke_ | TiMiDo: and hope to be lucky | 11:18 |
preaction | !envy | misstajah | 11:18 |
ubotu | misstajah: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 11:18 |
Rollera | sunken: Thanks for your effort tho | 11:18 |
flashbak | Does anyone use Edgy and xawtv4 with ivtv that wouldn't mind offering some advice reguarding an mpeg ts error? | 11:19 |
metalfan | misstajah, its a program who fights ubuntus "awesome" nvidia support | 11:19 |
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metalfan | misstajah, search with google: envy ubuntu | 11:19 |
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misstajah | whatever | 11:19 |
misstajah | :P | 11:19 |
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coastermaster | if I use qemu to run windows apps seamlessly, will I be able to access my home directory/ | 11:19 |
Murrlin | afternoon all. | 11:20 |
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eddie | Use Wine.... works great with ubuntu | 11:20 |
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coastermaster | I thought Office 2007 doesn't work with wine | 11:20 |
coastermaster | and I really like that ribbon :) | 11:20 |
fadey | does anyone know what does "rc" in dpkg -l output means? | 11:20 |
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bee2643 | 1) it doesnt work with wine | 11:21 |
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vox754 | flashbak, is xawtv4 different from xawtv and what is exactly ivtv? | 11:21 |
eddie | oh Office 2007 | 11:21 |
bee2643 | 2) the ribbon is stupid :p | 11:21 |
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eddie | 3) 2007 is bulky and ewww | 11:21 |
bee2643 | ^agreed | 11:21 |
kduboi1 | MilitantPotato: my brother's pentium D ran constantly at 85 *C until i got a better fan | 11:21 |
Murrlin | for gnome, and seperately, for kde, which of the dot-files/dirs on my home partition do I need to delete, to redo the OS on my root partition | 11:21 |
schatan | how can i write a proxy support in the xchat config ??? | 11:21 |
misstajah | metalfan envy 6.0 ? is that it? | 11:21 |
schatan | how can i write a proxy support in the xchat config ??? | 11:21 |
metalfan | i have disabled cpu frequency manager below services, but my cpu is again clocked to 1ghz...whats going on? | 11:21 |
eddie | I just use gedit or open office :P | 11:21 |
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sunken | Rollera: get a look at that document, you 'will' find information in it. It is realy big. Not gonna read it for you | 11:21 |
metalfan | misstajah, read the page | 11:21 |
tiax | I want to use a 1440x900 screen next to my 1400x1050 built-in laptop screen. I read about MergedFB which will still let me have DRI. But some say it can't cope with the resulting 2840x1950 resolution when I want a "big" desktop, is that true? | 11:21 |
coastermaster | does open office support equations in text? | 11:21 |
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Murrlin | changing from ubuntu to debian, or other such distros | 11:21 |
misstajah | ok | 11:22 |
bee2643 | wine's website has a whole archive of all the windows apps that work with wine. | 11:22 |
MilitantPotato | kduboi1: Yea I dont doubt it :) They where made to get pretty warm, but thats pretty hit | 11:22 |
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bee2643 | maybe try office 2000 | 11:22 |
coastermaster | i know I could use LaTeX, but I don't know it and I haven't had the time | 11:22 |
MilitantPotato | hot* | 11:22 |
coastermaster | office 2k doesn't have built in equation support | 11:22 |
Murrlin | which dot dirs/files are safe to delete before the reinstall and which arent? | 11:22 |
eddie | PC-PC connection via ethernet... 11megs/sec ... is that good :| | 11:22 |
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=== _`XeOn_ [n=rotten@pool-70-111-227-27.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bee2643 | 11mbps direct connection...no | 11:22 |
metalfan | eddie, 100mbit | 11:22 |
kduboi1 | tiax: i had the same problem. many ati cards only support a max texture resolution of 2048x2048. its a hardware limitation. i had to buy an nvidia card because of it | 11:22 |
_`XeOn_ | how to fix this? | 11:22 |
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_`XeOn_ | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 11:22 |
beni | Is there any program to clone dvd's? | 11:22 |
eddie | ah okay | 11:22 |
bee2643 | eddie: you should get at least 100mbps | 11:22 |
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coastermaster | beni: i use dvd95 | 11:23 |
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tiax | kduboi1: well I can't to that with my laptop, there's no other way? | 11:23 |
metalfan | bee2643, hes getting 100mbits, he means 11mbyte/s | 11:23 |
flashbak | Noone's using xawtv4 on Edgy? | 11:23 |
bee2643 | oh ok | 11:23 |
eddie | Megabits or megabytes ?:P | 11:23 |
tupa | how can I make grub recognize my secondary master hdd automatically? | 11:23 |
=== Folcan [n=kvirc@cha92-2-81-57-123-111.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
schatan | tiax i have the same problem but in windows it wasnt | 11:24 |
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schatan | now in ubuntu with catalyst it is | 11:24 |
schatan | in big screen mode | 11:24 |
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schatan | i cant make one size for ech screen | 11:24 |
kduboi1 | tiax: with the high resolutions you're using, theres no way to have dri on both. You might be able to have two x servers running though, wiht the main screen dri-enabled, second one not dri enabled. i've never tried that though. it sounds like a bloody mess :-) | 11:24 |
nickrud | Murrlin, nearly all should be compatible distro to distro, it's more a matter of which release of each app you're using, and has that app changed the way it stores info? | 11:24 |
Murrlin | I see | 11:25 |
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tiax | kduboi1: from what I read it think this will not let me move windows between the two desktops, right? | 11:25 |
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tiax | nor will it let me use beryl | 11:25 |
schatan | in kubuntu is was no problem to set two different sizes | 11:25 |
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d2leo | Can someone help me setup my partitions, I want to make sure I'm doing it right. | 11:25 |
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vox754 | flashbak, is it in the repositories? I only use xawtv, but not xawtv4. | 11:25 |
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flashbak | xawtv4 is required for ivtv according to xawtv's home page. Ubuntu xawtv 3.9.x will not work | 11:26 |
kduboi1 | tiax: yeah, thats a side effect. do a glxinfo -l | grep TEX ( i think thats the command i use, i'm not at my home computer now) and it should tell you your maximum 3d texture size | 11:27 |
puppe | Would like to be able to stop the "ls" command (and others) to stop printing text to the screen when it reaches the end of the screen. Something like the dos "dir /p" command | 11:27 |
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vox754 | d2leo, just ask. | 11:27 |
holycow | which folder can i remove to reset the gnome settings ... i thought it was .gnome but .gnome2 is there as well as .gnome-desktop and .gnome-private? | 11:27 |
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eusoutacc | Hi | 11:27 |
kduboi1 | flashbak: i think its the other way around. ivtv are the drivers | 11:27 |
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toryl__ | puppe: you can use |less | 11:28 |
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puppe | toryl_: oh, that is how to do it?! oki, will try | 11:28 |
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flashbak | Yes, ivtv are the drivers for an ivtv card. Xawtv4 is required to use them. Xawtv4 gives an mpeg ts error in Edgy only and worked fine in the last dist. | 11:28 |
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d2leo | vox754, i had ubuntu installed, with a seperate partition for music movies etc, but now i have an external so this is unneeded. Do I only need an ntfs for windows, ext3 for linux, and swap? | 11:29 |
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Murrlin | thanks. *departs to mull over things some more* | 11:30 |
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vox754 | d2leo, sounds fair. You could mess a little your system if you like by creating partitions for /boot and /usr. But it is not necessary. What file system will the external hard disk have? | 11:30 |
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NickPugh | Can someone please tell me how i can check what my graphics card is please | 11:31 |
twocarlo | i dont want to experiment on that | 11:31 |
kduboi1 | flashbak: try compiling from source. perhaps they made two different builds for edgy and fiesty or whatever you used to use. i take it you're using a digitial card then | 11:31 |
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twocarlo | as i use ubuntu, i have to buy another hard disk for it | 11:32 |
flashbak | There is no xawtv4 package, it must be done from source and compiles fine. Everything is fine but the mpeg transport layer. | 11:32 |
twocarlo | its fun using ubuntu | 11:32 |
Logikos | i setup my ubuntu server a couple months ago, got everything working, then i havent touched it, today i tryed to log into it from the councel or ssh, and it doesnt let me, if i give any password except one specific password it says 'access denied' then reprompts for a password, if i give the one specific password it tells me the version number, date, programs included are free software and a copywrite path and last login then kicks me out | 11:32 |
d2leo | vox754, what would the /boot and /usr partitions do? Just shortcuts? And I was thinking of leaving the external fat32 so I could use it on windows as well and not mess around with ntfs-3g | 11:32 |
Logikos | i know my password, i didnt forget it ... but i cant get in ? | 11:33 |
d2leo | vox754, although i might change my mind about the fat32 | 11:33 |
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Asathoor | hi | 11:33 |
kduboi1 | flashbak: have you tried other ways to verify the drivers are working/not working? | 11:34 |
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kduboi1 | like vlc? | 11:34 |
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NickPugh | Has any1 heard about the latest terrorist attacks that they have done on the internet about the root virus or something like that how can i get rid of one | 11:34 |
moDumass | morning all, hey i did an update and now "bittorrent" is used to open all torrent files, whereas i used to use Ktorrent, how do i get ktorrent to open torrent files as the default app | 11:34 |
Asathoor | suddenly my gdm does'nt work... | 11:34 |
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scorp123 | NickPugh: "root virus" ??? | 11:34 |
kduboi1 | NickPugh: i think that was an article on slashdot or digg today concerning macs | 11:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | rootkit | 11:34 |
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scorp123 | d2leo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard | 11:35 |
kduboi1 | not linuxes | 11:35 |
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Junecy | Hello. | 11:35 |
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vox754 | d2leo, you could use ext3 on the external and use the ext3 driver in Win XP, however it may not work for Vista. The /boot folder holds the boot loader and the kernel so it could be treated separately. The /usr is just in case you want to have the separate partition only for applications. As I said, they are not really needed. | 11:35 |
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Asathoor | xdm and kdm works - but not gdm | 11:36 |
pjotter | good evening everyone | 11:36 |
Asathoor | hi | 11:36 |
Junecy | Is there a comprehensive list of WINE programs? I.E. what I can use in wine? | 11:36 |
scorp123 | vox754: .... but highly recommended :-) | 11:36 |
pjotter | I have a serious question about this chat | 11:36 |
scorp123 | vox754: putting everything on one single root partition is just silly | 11:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | !rootkit | 11:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rootkit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:36 |
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sunken | how do I find out what codec chip my snd card have? | 11:36 |
d2leo | vox754, if i made a /boot partition, what would be a good size? | 11:37 |
Asathoor | wine :: as long as they are pretty simple an don't use active x the will work.... | 11:37 |
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NickPugh | Jack_Sparrow: Yea Root kit viruses i just switched back from windows and i think i have one how would i get it off my hardrive | 11:37 |
pjotter | I just discovered that all discussions in this chat are being logged and are publicly accesible on internet. | 11:37 |
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scorp123 | d2leo: 100 M would be enough .... but such a partition would have to be on the beginning of the harddisk or else it won't make much sense :-) | 11:37 |
beni | How can i literally CLONE a DVD in Ubuntu? I Need help dudes :) | 11:37 |
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spy80us | suggestion for zen vision m? any player that i can use? | 11:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | NickPugh: Not sure.. never really knew anyone that had it.. | 11:38 |
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Asathoor | beni > perhaps by creating an iso image...? | 11:38 |
Junecy | Well I have WineTools. it offers DirectX9...if I installed that would I be able to use a program such as Windows Media player? | 11:38 |
vox754 | d2leo, it would be ext2 and like 100 MB to be on the safe side. Actually there are some issues with upgrading that needed the /boot folder to have at least 50 MB of free space, so beware. Thanks to scorp123 for the advices. Anything you can contribute is welcomed. | 11:38 |
beni | Asathoor: And how? I'm not familiar with the whole dvd thingy | 11:38 |
aeg37 | i'm trying to install conky and when I run ./configure I get the following error message: "configure: error: Could not find XDamageQueryExtension in -1Xdamage" | 11:38 |
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kduboi1 | NickPugh: !virus | 11:39 |
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NickPugh | Jack_Sparrow: A friend of mine told me to go to avg and get their root kit virus killler thing but i think that that is just for windows so does any1 know what i should do | 11:39 |
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pjotter | Maybe it'snot such a big deal..still... the loginnames are being logged too. Maybe that is something some poeple would want to keep private? | 11:39 |
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Cyber_Stalker | hi guys... | 11:39 |
scorp123 | NickPugh: I think you are dreaming | 11:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | NickPugh: Why do you think you have a problem? | 11:39 |
Pici | NickPugh: look uo chrootkit | 11:39 |
Junecy | NickPugh, avg makes products for linux OS as well. | 11:39 |
royel | NickPugh: linux doesn't have virii.. so it would have to be for windows | 11:39 |
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aeg37 | anyone? | 11:39 |
z0rz | What's a good CLI audio player that supports A2DP? | 11:39 |
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scorp123 | NickPugh: I use Linux since 1996 and *NEVER* *EVER* had a "Linux virus" ... that's just hysteria. | 11:39 |
d2leo | scorp123 , vox754: this is really a pain to resize partitions with the ubuntu install disc. I did this before with some program and it was way easier. | 11:39 |
Cyber_Stalker | what exactly does sudo apt-get upgrade do? will it update me to the latest ubuntu release? OR will it just update to the most current release of my current version being Dapper | 11:39 |
NickPugh | Jack_Sparrow: i keept getting the blue screen of death | 11:40 |
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juano__ | hello all | 11:40 |
aeg37 | d2leo get gparted | 11:40 |
kduboi1 | scorp123: me neither (2002 though) | 11:40 |
aeg37 | they have a live cd | 11:40 |
aeg37 | it's really simple and easy | 11:40 |
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TACC_adams | I'm having issues installing 7.04 on my Inspiron 1520. I've tried text install and also tried "noapic nolapic" boot options but with no luck | 11:40 |
juano__ | can someone help me ? i just installed ubuntu 7.04 fiesty fawn and im having an error with repositories ? | 11:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | NickPugh: That dosent mean anything | 11:40 |
tiax | Cyber_Stalker: as long as you don't change your /etc/apt/sources.list file to something else than dapper, it will stay dapper | 11:40 |
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TACC_adams | Is installing 6.10 and upgrading to 7.04 the only way to do it? | 11:40 |
Cyber_Stalker | ok | 11:40 |
scorp123 | NickPugh: and "root kits" are *NOT* a virus ... it's a backdoor a human hacker left behind. But as a home user your chances of encountering such a thing are rather small .... | 11:40 |
d2leo | aeg37: i think i might have used that, not sure. It let me drag a line to show how big I wanted a partition to be. | 11:40 |
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Cyber_Stalker | tiax: if i change it to fiesty? it will upgrade me to fiesty right? | 11:41 |
spy80us | any suggestion for zen vision m? banshee or amarok or other? | 11:41 |
Logikos | its been a couple months since i loged into my ubuntu box, its version 6.06.1 LTS server, i've tryed multipal logins, if i get the wrong pass, it says login failed, if i get the right pass it tells me crap about the programs included are free, and a path to a copyright file, and that ubuntu has no warranty, and my last login day and time, then says ttyl then prompts for login again ..... help please | 11:41 |
royel | scorp123: I think there is only 2 or 3 known virus that have been able to attack linux | 11:41 |
vox754 | d2leo, the ubuntu CD uses GParted, which is a front end for parted. You may also try QTParted. Mostly is the same program. I don't think is is a pain. Just remember that bigger partitions take more time. | 11:41 |
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d2leo | aeg37: unfortunately right now, im in the process of reinstalling ubuntu, so id have to mess with that later | 11:41 |
scorp123 | royel: in *LABS* ... yes. But *NONE* in the wild :-) | 11:41 |
aeg37 | d2leo: that sounds like gparted. it's really intuitive and fast | 11:41 |
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NickPugh | Jack_Sparrow: that is exactly what happened to a friend of mine and he said he had a root kit virus just going by what he said so srry for the trouble | 11:41 |
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Jack_Sparrow | np | 11:41 |
blizzow | anyone here know if apt-get dist upgrade will automagically deal with encrypted / partition? | 11:42 |
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aeg37 | aeg37: well if you're still partitioning you haven't changed anything yet right? | 11:42 |
scorp123 | blizzow: encrypted how? | 11:42 |
pjotter | does anyone here know someone called fabionne? | 11:42 |
spy80us | any suggestion for zen vision m? banshee or amarok or other? | 11:42 |
aeg37 | d2leo: and gparted is a livecd | 11:42 |
scorp123 | blizzow: I am asking because there are various ways to do it ... | 11:42 |
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Junecy | Here's a challenge for someone. I have a HP iPaq H3800 series; I do NOT have the cradle for it. How (without cables) can I install linux onto it? | 11:42 |
aeg37 | d2leo: are you doing graphical or console? | 11:42 |
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blizzow | scorp123: LuKS cryptsetup. | 11:42 |
juano__ | can someone help me with fiesty ? i installed it recently and it sais that there is an error with indexes in my repos | 11:42 |
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royel | TACC_adams: thats one way to do it, personally I think I'd look at the alternate install disc first | 11:43 |
d2leo | vox754: the way im doing it is with that prepare partitions step in the ubuntu cd | 11:43 |
juano__ | whats that all about ? | 11:43 |
royel | !alternate | TACC_adams | 11:43 |
ubotu | TACC_adams: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 11:43 |
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d2leo | aeg37: im graphical | 11:43 |
scorp123 | blizzow: aaaaah ... that might be tricky. Sorry but I don't have enough knowledge. | 11:43 |
tiax | Cyber_Stalker: to do the whole upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade would do that | 11:43 |
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Cyber_Stalker | tiax: are you still around? if i change my sources to fiesty will it upgrade me to fiesty? and if so how big will the updates be? | 11:43 |
Logikos | help please, its been a couple months since i loged into my ubuntu box, its version 6.06.1 LTS server, i've tryed multipal logins, if i get the wrong pass, it says login failed, if i get the right pass it tells me crap about the programs included are free, and a path to a copyright file, and that ubuntu has no warranty, and my last login day and time, then says ttyl then prompts for login again | 11:43 |
blizzow | scorp123: I guess we'll find out now...eeep! :) | 11:43 |
NickPugh | What all do i need to be able to use geany cause i cant get it to compile or build or execute anything | 11:43 |
TACC_adams | Ah, I didn't realize I couldn't do a text install from the standard disc | 11:43 |
TACC_adams | Thanks | 11:43 |
Cyber_Stalker | ok, do you have any idea how big the downloads would be? since im from south africa im limited by my bandwidth | 11:43 |
vox754 | d2leo, it is the same as just running GParted directly. Check it out. It is ready to use in the Live CD. | 11:43 |
tiax | Cyber_Stalker: well I don't know if upgrading from daper to feisty directly will be a good idea. All people I know who did that did Dapper -> Edgy -> Feisty | 11:44 |
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kbrooks | Cyber_Stalker, dapper -> feisty is not supported | 11:44 |
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Cyber_Stalker | ok | 11:45 |
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kbrooks | Cyber_Stalker, only dapper -> edgy -> feisty | 11:45 |
tiax | Cyber_Stalker: I guess considerung having a Feisty CD shipped to you (for free) would be reasonable then | 11:45 |
Cyber_Stalker | so its dapper, edgy, feisty | 11:45 |
juano__ | can someone help me with fiesty ? i installed it recently and it sais that there is an error with indexes in my repos | 11:45 |
goofy | my deskop wont load..... ubuntu will boot up and i can use it like normal but my desktop itd just that ubuntu brown without my icons | 11:45 |
EnsGabe | Is there a simple way to backport a kernel? Just grabbing a .deb from gutsy to use in feisty won't completely work since I'm using restricted drivers, and linux-restriced-modules requires linux-headers which, for gutsy, requires a newer version of libc6 than installed and I'm not about to gut libc6. | 11:45 |
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Cyber_Stalker | yea tiax i have ordered the cd, but a 4 week wait time is annoying :D | 11:45 |
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d2leo | vox754: i shaved some space off of my ext3 partition, I wanted to add this to the ntfs partition. But it just shows up as free space underneath ext3, and I cant add anymore storage to my ntfs | 11:45 |
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nickrud | Logikos, try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start, does that get you your graphical login? | 11:46 |
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misstajah | wii metalfan it's done! the graphs are great! thank you for the tip! | 11:46 |
nickrud | Logikos, erm, sorry, didn't read the last line clearly | 11:46 |
fadey | hi,all. I can't install vim-full for kubuntu (package versions don't match http://pastebin.com/m5ee3269b ). Could anyone help? | 11:46 |
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tont | I have of the problems with sudo, when start of the programs type adept, wassistant says su has given back an error to me. what I can make? | 11:46 |
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pjotter | Does anyone know why the logged discsussion on this chat are being stored on this site: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ ?? | 11:47 |
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d2leo | vox754: I'm just gonna add it to my ext3 partition for now and resize them later | 11:47 |
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NickPugh | What all do i need to install to be able to use geany someone please help me | 11:47 |
metalfan | misstajah, no problem | 11:48 |
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misstajah | tomorrow i'll have another bitchy issue | 11:48 |
misstajah | bye! :D | 11:48 |
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vox754 | d2leo, yes. It may be tricky to handle ntfs. mmm... I should mention that I prefer to partition with the Knoppix CD and not Ubuntu's, but that is my preferred choice. | 11:48 |
tiax | NickPugh: if you're running edgy or above, you only have to activate universe repositories | 11:48 |
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NickPugh | tiax: I'm using fiesty so how do i do that | 11:49 |
orbisvicis_ | my pc just froze ... does dmesg have a log somewhere ? | 11:49 |
nickrud | Logikos, log into the terminal, then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure -ph xserver-xorg. Then do the gdm restart line above | 11:49 |
=== OldPink [n=matt@host81-159-75-36.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EnsGabe | Is anyone here familiar with performing custom kernel upgrades? | 11:49 |
nickrud | Logikos, thats -phigh ;) | 11:49 |
ThanatosDrive | pjotter; that's an interesting find. | 11:49 |
EnsGabe | I'm trying to get a 2.6.22 kernel working on feisty with my wireless card | 11:50 |
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OldPink | Hi all, on my new Ubuntu laptop. How do I change my IRC name from OldPink to OldPink|laptop ? :) | 11:50 |
d2leo | vox754: i just added a /boot partition, but it is showing up as the 3rd partition down, underneath ntfs and ext3 | 11:50 |
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ThanatosDrive | OldPink: Use /nick | 11:50 |
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tiax | NickPugh: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu | 11:50 |
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carlosbarbosachi | hello to everyone, one quick question how can i find the mac adress of a computer running ubuntu | 11:50 |
d2leo | vox754: would that not work? | 11:50 |
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gordonjcp | carlosbarbosachi: ifconfig | 11:51 |
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rjek | Hi. Suspend oddity on my laptop: The first time in any single GNOME session that I bring the shutdown window up, the suspend/hibenate options are not there. Any subsequent time they are. However, suspend doesn't appear to function - it just sits there with a blank screen blinking the moon LED indefinetly. I'm sure it used to be able to suspend. Any ideas? | 11:51 |
OldPink|laptop | Done? | 11:51 |
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royel | OldPink|laptop: lap dances? | 11:51 |
moDumass | how do i set a specific app as the default for handeling a file type? | 11:51 |
OldPink|laptop | All good. :D | 11:51 |
royel | I knew you could do it | 11:52 |
OldPink|laptop | Thanks thanatosdrive | 11:52 |
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MilitantPotato | Does linux need defragged? | 11:52 |
pjotter | ThanatosDrive: I did a search with my ip and this came up first.Maybe it'snot such a big deal. Only... people's loginnames are stored along with there IP's... and for everyone to see. I think it's not a good idea from anprivacy perspective.. | 11:52 |
vox754 | d2leo, /boot should go first because the BIOS needs to boot from the inner cylinders. That was important for older BIOS, now it may juts work fine. Having separate partitions is just to keep things organized. | 11:52 |
royel | never underestimate the power of text based installs! | 11:52 |
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blizzow | scorp123: it worked! | 11:52 |
ThanatosDrive | pjotter: You | 11:52 |
goofy | my desktop wont load .... any ideas | 11:52 |
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ThanatosDrive | pjotter: You're probably right, although, anyone can just whois any of us and get the same info, right? | 11:52 |
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rjek | MilitantPotato: Not really. If you're running XFS, you can use xfs_fsr from the xfsdump package. But you don't really need to - the file systems aren't written by morons. | 11:52 |
twocarlo_ | MilitantPotato: no | 11:52 |
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MilitantPotato | That's a nice change :) | 11:53 |
d2leo | vox754: okay, does it matter what type it is: primary or logical? | 11:53 |
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scorp123 | blizzow: oh cool | 11:53 |
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bokken | I have some technical needs for installing ubuntu. It could just be that my hardware is incompatable, but when installing Ububtu, 1 of two things happen. I either install Ubuntu and my computer restarts and says that it can't load anything (including my Windows XP OS which is on a different HDD). | 11:53 |
Cyber_Stalker | tiax so if i use "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" it will upgrade me to the next version? so in my case from dapper to edgy? | 11:53 |
goofy | my desktop wont load after login | 11:54 |
vox754 | d2leo, no. As you know it is better to create first 3 primary, then the extended one containing a variable number of logical. | 11:54 |
MilitantPotato | bokken: did you set the linux boot to / ? | 11:54 |
spy80us | my zen vision m mp3 player is not being detected | 11:54 |
bokken | I should have | 11:54 |
bokken | but it was a while aho | 11:54 |
NickPugh | tiax: My roommate told me to download lib files for it is that a good idea | 11:54 |
bokken | ago* | 11:54 |
bokken | does that sound like what it could be? | 11:54 |
aschedinn | Can anyone think of a reason why none of my SSL based stuff is working? psftp, https, putty, ssh..connects to localhost and 1 other computer on the network | 11:54 |
pjotter | ThanatosDrive: I was just surprised to see my actual loginname appear too.I wasn't expecting to see that to appear in a public log. It's not a good idea to make your loginname publicly available. | 11:55 |
scorp123 | MilitantPotato: Linux filesystems were to a large part written with Linux as Server OS in mind. So Ext3, JFS, XFS, ReiserFS et al try really really hard to avoid fragmentation. So defragging is usually not needed. You can tell by the fact that there is no defrag tool for e.g. Ext3 and ReiserFS. XFS only has one "pro forma" but it's not really needed. | 11:55 |
=== askand [n=askar@h136n3c1o1099.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bokken | my friend who built this computer tried to install an older version of ubuntu and the same thing happened to him | 11:55 |
carlosbarbosachi | ok thankyou, one last thing... is it really better ubuntu server than ubuntu desktop for a corporate server only hosting a sugarcrm installation..? | 11:55 |
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askand | How do I find out what graphicscard I have? preffarblu from the termina | 11:55 |
tiax | Cyber_Stalker: only if you change your /etc/apt/sources.list to edgy where it says dapper | 11:55 |
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rjek | askand: lspci is a good start. | 11:55 |
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stuart_ | heyx | 11:56 |
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aschedinn | askand: or scanpci | 11:56 |
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stuart_ | i had a 2nd HD in windows but after installing ubuntu i dno't seem to be able to access it | 11:56 |
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d2leo | vox754: okay, im just going to do a normal partition for now, but ill use gparted after ubuntu installation. | 11:56 |
stuart_ | hwo could i find it because I can't seem to mount hda1/5/hdb/hdc etc. | 11:56 |
stuart_ | and my previous partition was NTFS | 11:56 |
pjotter | But you're right... right now... when someone logs in... I can see every loginname of every person. That's fine for peopleon this chat. But I don;t see why anyone else outside this chatroomshould know themalso. | 11:57 |
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vox754 | d2leo, I would recommend setting up your partitions before any install. That looks neater. | 11:57 |
bokken | stuart: did you format the second hard drive to ubuntu? | 11:57 |
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stuart_ | bokk: did not, because i had some data there that i wanted to use on ubuntu | 11:57 |
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aschedinn | Can anyone think of a reason why none of my SSL based stuff is working? psftp, https, putty, ssh..connects to localhost and 1 other computer on the network...it hangs on debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent | 11:57 |
SmokeyD | pjotter, what keeps people from logging in to the channel and seeing them that way | 11:57 |
d2leo | vox754: then can i get to gparted through terminal or something? | 11:58 |
tiax | pjotter: well you could always change the username part in irc to something else in your irc client and apply for a cloak to hide your ip address on irc | 11:58 |
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carlosbarbosachi | what do i need to build noip2? | 11:58 |
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bokken | stu: so how did you install ubuntu? or maybe im just not understanding the problem...is the problem in windows or ubuntu? im not an ubuntu master or anything | 11:58 |
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SmokeyD | if someone is interested enough to find stuff out about you, they are perfectly able to withouth the logs | 11:58 |
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stuart_ | i had a D: in windows. i decided to screw windows and installed ubuntu over on C: | 11:58 |
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stuart_ | right now, i can't see my D: anymore | 11:59 |
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impl | D: | 11:59 |
_`XeOn_ | how to get rid of this error | 11:59 |
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_`XeOn_ | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 11:59 |
Cyber_Stalker | stuart are you sure you didnt select "format whole hardrive" | 11:59 |
NickPugh | 11:59 | |
NickPugh | 11:59 | |
Cyber_Stalker | _`XeOn_: you need to close synaptic | 11:59 |
impl | I heard Ubuntu sucks Debian's huge black cock. | 11:59 |
NickPugh | Crap Sorry | 11:59 |
d2leo | vox754: nevermind, sudo gp[arted in terminal got me there :p | 11:59 |
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impl | And it likes it. | 11:59 |
stuart_ | i'm pretty sure i formatted only C:, because nwo I can't even see my empty second HD | 11:59 |
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vox754 | d2leo, mmm... damn I'm slow.... | 11:59 |
Cyber_Stalker | or some thing along those lines, like i had synaptic running and tried to do an apt-get upgrade... and it gave me that error | 12:00 |
impl | Then Gentoo slaps the fuck out of the both of 'em. | 12:00 |
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bokken | stu: it sounds like you did...but you can still run windoes or on ubuntu now becuase windows is usually run off of c: | 12:00 |
pjotter | Well... it'snot such a big deal.. still... it is something people should know when logging into this chat. | 12:00 |
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ompaul | !ohmy | impl | 12:00 |
ubotu | impl: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:00 |
Cyber_Stalker | also if you have an upgrade or something running you will get that error when trying to do some thing at the same time | 12:00 |
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vox754 | _`XeOn_, close any terminal and any synaptic window. | 12:00 |
metalfan | ive changed my xorg.conf, how can i restart xorg? if i log out, will x restart? | 12:00 |
impl | !ohmy | #ubuntu | 12:00 |
ubotu | #ubuntu: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:00 |
impl | HRHRHRHRHRHR | 12:00 |
NickPugh | how do i register my nickname any1 wanna help me please | 12:00 |
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willdev_ | lol | 12:00 |
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blizzow | Gentoo is for Ricers? | 12:00 |
willdev_ | test | 12:00 |
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