
Tonio_DaSkreech: well I must use launchpad for ubuntu packages :)12:37
Tonio_DaSkreech: otherwise svn is fast enought for me :)12:37
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nixternalhas anyone here really taken a good look at PCLinuxOS and tried to figure out why it is killing Ubuntu off in DistroWatch? I like the fact KDE is winning, but Kubuntu isn't the winner, according to them, to us it is though! :)01:37
nixternalit can't be the restricted stuff all that much anymore, because ubuntu offers that as well01:38
=== claydoh__ [n=claydoh@66-252-58-165.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tm_Pit's kde, I bet01:45
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-58-165.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbnixternal: it's our ugly website with little "marketing juice" ...01:56
mhbnixternal: but don't worry, we're working on that :o)01:58
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jjesseevning Tm_P04:55
Tm_Pyou know what, I hate Windows05:08
jjessewhy today?05:08
Tm_PI'm using it05:08
Tm_Pbah. BAH!05:09
jdongTm_P: install Interix, compile coreutils.... and you'll be happy again :)05:15
ScottKnixternal: I added some stuff about kmail and gpg to your tribe 3 page.  Feel free to use it or not as you like (won't bug me either way).05:16
Tm_Pmorning excercises done, now shower05:17
Tm_P...err, im becoming too hu-man, eek05:17
jjessetribe 3 tomorrow?05:17
ScottKIn theory.  I don't know of any reason why not.05:18
nixternalScottK: thanks, I am going to use it, as you know more about all of it than I do05:20
nixternalnow I need to figure out the rest of the stuff, but that shouldn't be hard...gotta finish this test first though05:21
nixternalback in a few05:21
jjessegood luck on the test05:21
ScottKK.  It's technically accurate, but feel free to make it more marketingy.05:21
nixternalI am sitting at home taking it05:21
ScottKIf that wasn't a word, maybe I'll file a patent on it.05:21
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ScottKGood morning Hobbsee05:54
Hobbseehey ScottK!05:57
ScottKIt's very quiet here right now.  We are trying not to disturb nixternal while he takes a test at home.05:57
=== Hobbsee needs to read tons of backscroll, and write release notes anyway
ScottKHobbsee: <whisper> I do have one question - what's the best way to determine if a source package has been removed?  libqt-ruby-qt4 in Gutsy in the package in question </whisper>05:59
HobbseeScottK: update, and check apt-cache madison foo, or use rmadison -u ubuntu foo, or check archive.ubuntu.com, or check the removal blacklist.  assuming it's actually been blackliste06:00
nixternalnow I just need to submit this test06:28
ScottKnixternal: Good.  You have about 8 hours (as long as nothing spectactular happens) to get the release notes done....06:49
nixternalthey only take an hour06:49
nixternalBUT...shoot I just remembered06:50
Hobbseenixternal: then you can help with the marketing team's notes too :P06:50
nixternalI don't have a vbox/vmware setup done yet06:50
nixternalbah, never06:50
Hobbseenixternal: they seem OK.06:50
=== nixternal leaves that one alone
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nixternal!info dolphin gutsy07:37
ubotudolphin: File manager for KDE focusing on usability. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.1-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 1241 kB, installed size 2280 kB07:37
nixternalooh, it is in main now..cool07:37
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nixternal_who is editing the kubuntu tribe 3 page?07:48
nixternal_nevermind...the damn wiki just broke with authentication07:49
nixternal_I have a great idea..lets edit stuff a couple of hours prior to a release07:49
Hobbseewell, i'ts more like 7...07:50
nixternal_ya, but I would like to go to sleep soon :)07:50
=== nixternal_ gets to editing the raw text locally with kwrite
nixternal_all of my damn edits are gone07:52
nixternal_every single one of them07:52
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nixternalhrmm, I thought the color scheme has been changed for gutsy08:08
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Hobbseenixternal: yay!  thankyou!09:29
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xerosisnixternal: you've not changed to the new color scheme for the screenshots09:39
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nixternalxerosis_: that is because it isn't on the tribe 3 cd10:09
xerosis_nixternal: ah okay, my bad10:11
Riddellnixternal: you rock10:11
nixternalRiddell: ya, it took me 2 times..the first time, the auth db went down and I lost all of my edits :(10:11
nixternalthe 2nd time was a charm with kwrite locally10:11
=== Riddell hugs nixternal
nixternalwhy thank you!10:12
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Riddell** testers needed for the tribe 3 candidates alternate CDs10:12
nixternaladded my cd testing input10:16
=== nixternal beds
=== Stecchino [n=bart@d54C56F83.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@linagoraberri.pck.nerim.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_hi ;)10:29
Tonio_Riddell: I've prepared packages for kdelibs, kds, katapult and ktorrent10:29
Tonio_Riddell: will upload once the freeze ends today10:30
RiddellTonio_: just upload now10:30
Tonio_Riddell: oki10:31
StecchinoRiddell: is there a plan to upgrade knetworkmanager to 0.2?10:35
Stecchinojust compiled it and it fixes a major bug10:36
Riddellwe have knetworkmanager 0.210:36
Stecchinothen why did I still have 0.110:36
StecchinoRiddell: either you are mistaken or something is wrong with my apt db. because the latest version according to apt-cache is 0.1-0ubuntu1210:39
=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
StecchinoI guess you meant it's in gutsy, sorry for the trouble10:44
RiddellStecchino: 1:0.2~r686534-0ubuntu110:47
Riddellwell of course, we run gutsy here10:47
StecchinoI should to I guess10:48
StecchinoHad any progress with dolphin by default yet?10:48
Riddellno complaints so far :)10:49
StecchinoI'm using d3lphin right now, has backports from KDE trunk10:50
Stecchinodoesn't look very different though10:50
Stecchinoand general usability stuff like emptying the trash isn't implemented10:50
Riddellhmm, that's a bit of an oversight10:52
Riddellalthough we have the wastebin panel applet for that10:53
RiddellI wonder if it's easy to add actions to dolphin like that10:53
StecchinoI disabled the wastebin applet because dolphin didn't handle trash:/10:54
Stecchinoso I got an error message when clicking on it10:54
Stecchino"Malformed URL trash:/"10:55
=== xerosis [n=kieran@cpc2-shep5-0-0-cust722.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellyou disabled the panel applet because dolphin /didn't/ do it?10:56
Stecchinowhat's the use of the applet when you can not see what is in the trashcan10:56
Stecchino+ I keep my panels to an absolute minimal size10:57
Stecchinoanother problem I see: because kcontrol is not easily accessible and systemsettings doesn't provide a way to change file associations, it's hard to change the default filemanager11:01
Stecchinounless you provide a new tab in "default applications"11:01
=== scotty [n=scotty@70-41-130-124.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellwhee, linux.com starts video install tours with kubuntu http://www.linux.com/feature/11705111:32
Riddellmm, dig that cheesy music11:32
RiddellTonio_: we don't have kmplayer-konq-plugins on the CD, do we need to re-add it?11:38
Tonio_Riddell: yes11:41
Tonio_Riddell: well not important for tribe11:41
Tonio_Riddell: but kaffeine isn't able to do the same things, as for example ident correctly to the browser, so I'd say better keep it for the moment11:42
Tonio_Riddell: I'll have to submit the identification to the browser issue to kaffeine upstream11:43
Riddelladded back to seed11:48
_StefanS_Tonio_: I cant remember how to checkout kdesudo using bzr, can you elaborate ? :)11:55
Riddellbzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-kdesudo/kdesudo/trunk11:57
Riddellor checkout from sftp if you have permissions11:57
Tonio_Riddell: thanks :)12:04
Riddellooh, we're the subject of the linux install podcast too http://thelip.net/?p=5412:07
Riddellalthough I'm not sure what the point of an hours worth of audio only install commentry is12:08
sebas"... now we're waiting, it says 39% ..."12:09
sebas" ... the disk is busy (it has been for 8.34 minutes now) ..."12:09
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_StefanS_Riddell: thanks12:16
_StefanS_Riddell: I'm just using sftp12:17
_StefanS_Riddell: works now :)12:17
Riddell_StefanS_: checkout or branch?12:17
Riddellthis is the most boring podcast I've ever heard12:18
Riddellwell, not true, the linux tech link thing is worse12:18
Riddellbut this is pretty tedius12:18
Riddellooh, he's back at timezone12:18
_StefanS_Tonio_: I just checked out the latest kdesudo code.. maybe you should just comment out the code next time instead of removing it altogether.12:21
Tonio__StefanS_: I added a patch :)12:32
Tonio__StefanS_: as I told you your code will be a patch12:32
Tonio__StefanS_: I can't release a tarball that requires a kdelibs patch12:32
Tonio__StefanS_: look in debian/patches12:32
_StefanS_Tonio_: uhm sorry, I forgot about that12:32
Tonio__StefanS_: no pb12:33
_StefanS_Tonio_: how do I apply it manually? just with patch -p0 <diff ?12:33
=== _StefanS_ wonders why the bash history isn't global in ubuntu ..
_StefanS_Riddell: where to get those pre-tribe3 kubuntu isos?12:35
Riddellhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/12:36
=== xerosis [n=kieran@cpc2-shep5-0-0-cust722.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_thanks :)12:38
_StefanS_Riddell: it would be really nice to have the names of the iso's reflect if it was ubuntu or kubuntu, xubuntu.. I always end up mixing them12:39
_StefanS_Tonio_: seems like that patch needs some cleaning up aswell... my bad.12:40
Riddell_StefanS_: cjwatson is looking at changing the cdimages layout, but seems to be delaying it since it's a lot of hassle for people12:40
_StefanS_Riddell: ah ok, good thing they about it12:48
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Tonio__StefanS_: to apply the patch : fakeroot debian/rules apply-patches01:48
Tonio__StefanS_: to remove the patch : fakeroot debian/rules reverse-patches01:49
Tonio__StefanS_: and to edit the patch on the fly : cdbs-edit-patch "name of the patch without extension"01:50
Tonio_then work on the code and do "exit" and that's it01:50
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_StefanS_Tonio_: goody, thanks01:56
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doc__hi there02:58
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Hobbseenixternal: you mention the feedback pages - does anyone actually look at them and file bugs?03:49
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RiddellHobbsee: a good number of people add comments03:52
Riddellthey go into my inbox and they give me a bit of a feel for what is on our users minds03:53
RiddellI don't tend to reply to them though03:53
Hobbseeah right03:53
=== Hobbsee just recalls deleting a whole lot of breezy and dapper flight ones
Riddellsure, no point keeping old ones03:54
shtylmandevs: I have some feedback for the current artwork in gutsy, who/where would be best to give that feedback (email or directly over irc or wiki maybe)?03:57
mhbshtylman: you can tell us all, but kwwii is the man behind it03:59
ryanakcashtylman: hmm... I would maybe send it to the k-devel ML... but, that's just me :)04:01
kwwiishtylman: you can tell me directly04:02
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ryanakcakwwii: oh. Umm... you probably already know about it, but, the ksplash and kdm Kubuntu logo, whenever you get a chance, could you maybe fade out the "glow" on the right hand side?04:05
=== ryanakca can get a screenshot to show what part he's talking about
Riddellryanakca: that needs done yes04:12
Riddellryanakca: oor kwwii is busy on the mobile lark, but something like that could quite easily be done by anyone with some experience of krita/gimp04:12
Riddellalthough I don't think I have an original of that logo yet04:12
=== ryanakca nods
ryanakcaIf I get a copy of the original, I could touch it up04:13
ryanakcameenwhile, I'm working on the groupware server :)04:13
Riddellkwwii: got a copy of that logo?04:15
shtylmankwwii: I PMed you some ideas04:16
Riddellbest to keep discussion in the open, other people might have comments too04:17
shtylmanoh..sorry, didn't know...guess I will repeat:04:18
shtylmanWell, my biggest input was toward the KDM login theme/screen. When it first came up a few things hit me that I was turned off by. The first one was the user selection list, although arguments can go back and forth on this, and I am sure there was a reason for turning it on, I feel that it takes up too much space (especially if there is only one user) and also ruins the clean image on the login screen. If you truncate that away and lea04:22
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Riddellwe do need to include a non-user list option04:39
Riddellbut its not like the space was doing much good anyway04:39
shtylmantrue, I mean I turned the user list off, but the u/p fields didn't move over or center themselves as would be expected, so it just creates a bunch of dead space in an awkward pace04:42
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ScottKnixternal: On the Tribe 3 feedback page it says, "look at the first post for reference", but there is no first post.04:57
ScottKnixternal: Good morning.04:57
nixternalI must have deleted that first post04:57
Hobbseenixternal: fix it quickly :)04:57
Hobbseenixternal: before i tell pitti to hit the ZOMG BIG RED BUTTON04:58
nixternalI am working on my final, and then going to meet Phil Rodriguez from KDE for lunch04:58
ScottKI'm just glad to do my bit for keeping nixternal busy.04:58
nixternalsomebody hit the big red button on me last night04:59
Riddellnixternal: Phil is by you?04:59
nixternalRiddell: he is right down the road from my house right now...he is here on business05:00
nixternalPhil is from the UK I believe05:00
Riddellyes, Englandshire05:00
nixternaltrying to get him to come to our LUG meeting on Sunday so we can do some KHC hacking05:01
shtylmanquestion: the tribe 3 page says compiz will be availabel for kde by default? is this compiz fusion?05:03
Hobbseeavailable by default?05:04
Hobbseenixternal: uh, compiz isnt enabled by default in kubuntu05:04
shtylmanerr sorry05:04
Hobbseehowever, it's in main, yes05:04
shtylmanI meant in the repos05:04
nixternalI know it isn't, but it was added to the list to be talked about05:04
Hobbseenixternal: sure, but i dont really want people going around and saying "ooh, kubuntu notes talked about how compiz may be added - ZOMG< why havent htey added it yet, the devs are crap!!!"05:05
nixternaland I completely agree, however the big bossman put it up there for me to do :)05:06
=== Hobbsee gets out the big stick
nixternalmake sure you point it accordingly05:06
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Hobbseenixternal: btw - ubuntuforums is .org05:10
=== Hobbsee has fixed it
nixternalhaha, and you want to know the funny thing about that, I was looking dead at it when I typed that in as well05:10
nixternal[http://ubuntuforums.com Blah Blah]  is exactly how I did it too :)05:10
Hobbseenixternal: oh, that's not that bad.  that just says it's available, not that it might be the default05:11
nixternalya, Hobbsee if you would while you are there, just let them know it is in the universe repositories unless I already did05:11
Hobbseei didnt bother05:12
nixternalhehe, ok05:12
Hobbseei'm surprised it's not in main05:12
nixternalit won't be until it is super stable05:13
Hobbseethe rest of it already is...05:15
nixternalya, forgot that Ubuntu is using it05:15
nixternalno reason to put the -kde in main if we aren't going to be shipping it I guess05:16
shtylmanare the compiz packages in repos currently for compiz old? or fusion? and is there a plan to move to fusion?05:39
Hobbseeshtylman: the gutsy lot are close to current05:41
shtylmanHobbsee: gotcha, I guess I just get confused by the billion names related to those projects. I never figured out if they actually renamed the software to fusion or if that is the community name...oh well05:44
Hobbseeshtylman: heh.  who knows.  it'll probably change again by release05:45
Hobbseeshtylman: we're getting current snapshots, so...05:45
shtylmanHobbsee: has anyone done any packaging of Oxygen icons for gutsy kd3? or are the kde-devs against it?05:48
Hobbseenixternal: ?05:48
Riddellshtylman: KDE artists are against it, so we won't05:48
shtylmanRiddell: gotcha, figured as much05:52
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | Tribe 3 Released! \o/
shtylmanRiddell: oh btw..I tried that dist-update tool, but it seemed to say that it was updating to 7.04 which didn't make sense to me so I stopped it05:55
nixternalHobbsee: ?05:55
Hobbseenixternal: thought you may have done the oxygen icons05:56
nixternalRiddell: lets also not forget that you can't use the Oxygen icons with KDE 3 because of the naming..that would take even more work to get done05:56
Riddellshtylman: ok, probably best to have stopped it :)05:56
nixternalalthough, someone has written a script on kde-look.org that supposedly does all of that for you05:56
HobbseeRiddell: and yes, you can announce on kubuntu.org05:57
Riddellwell done Hobbsee05:57
HobbseeRiddell: thanks :)05:57
HobbseeRiddell: and to pitti05:57
Riddellyou can go to sleep now Hobbsee :)05:57
HobbseeRiddell: haha05:58
HobbseeRiddell: yeah, well.  if i want to make it to the distro team meeting...05:58
ryanakcaRiddell: do you know if Kubuntu / Ubuntu has an AUP that I could use for the server, or if I should just modify the one from SANS , and run it by someone? (If we need an AUP)05:59
Riddellwe don't have one06:00
RiddellHobbsee: I won't make it06:00
HobbseeRiddell: ah06:00
ryanakcaRiddell: ok, thanks :)06:03
shtylmanis there anyone currently working on an app to make enabling/disabling desktop effects easy in kde? sorta like the gnome one? and would this be something that users could benefit from?06:06
Riddellshtylman: it would be nice to have.  there was a kcontrol panel for beryl and I don't know if it still exists, but it should be added there06:07
Hobbseeerm...that doesnt exist in gutsy, does it?06:07
RiddellI've not noticed it anywhere06:08
ryanakcakwwii: d'you have a copy of the Kubuntu logo used for KDM/ksplash?06:08
Hobbseeseeing as compiz is onw done by default, and such06:08
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RiddellHobbsee: the gnome one certainly still exists06:08
Hobbseeoh right.  si it used, though?06:08
=== xerosis__ [n=kieran@cpc2-shep5-0-0-cust722.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseethe simple thing, of "enable blign"06:09
Riddellit's used, by people who eant to turn it off06:09
=== ScottK hides fro the bling.
shtylmanif compiz is installed in (k)ubuntu by befault then there should deff be a way to turn it off06:10
Hobbseethe bling is cool, to a point06:10
Hobbseeshtylman: who said it will?  it's so darned picky06:10
shtylmanHobbsee: leaving it off is the rational thing to do...but having it installed might not hurt?06:11
Hobbseeshtylman: we'll see06:11
ScottKIf having core KDE stuff like Kontact is optional to have installed in Kubuntu, the compiz being installed should definitely be optional.06:12
RiddellScottK: there's no question of that06:12
Riddellit'll always be optional06:13
HobbseeRiddell: what if mark demands it?06:13
Riddellthat you can't turn off compiz?  I don't see that happening06:13
ScottKI'm ready to dist-upgrade my developmental laptop to Gutsy.  Is there a particular way to do the upgrade that it would be useful for me to test?06:14
ScottKHobbsee: Then we'd need a remix called Kubuntu-useful.06:14
HobbseeRiddell: no, that it's on by defauilt06:14
kwwiiryanakca: sorry, been working on another computer, just read the log06:16
ryanakcaScottK: Riddell probably has something better for you to test, but, maybe test the LVM on the alternate CD? I was having a bit of trouble with it a while back, but I think cjwatson has fixed it... *shrugs*06:17
ryanakcakwwii: ah, no problem :)06:17
ryanakcakwwii: ah, thanks :)06:18
ScottKryanakca: The machine is question isn't very peppy and is cranky about booting from CD, so I was more thinking about different ways I could upgrade the existing install.06:18
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ryanakcaScottK: ah. then the dist-upgrader tool (which I don't happen to have a link to)... I'll try to locate it...06:19
Riddellhas the link06:20
=== ScottK waits to be spoon fed by ryanakca.
Hobbseehaha, meta-thing-development?06:20
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Riddellsomething like that06:23
Hobbseeoh, c.u.c/atomic/... ?06:23
ryanakcaScottK: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/gutsy.tar.gz    methinks :)06:24
ryanakcahehe :D06:24
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apacheloggerScottK, Hobbsee, Riddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6104 package got rejected due to missing LGPL file, please upload again :)06:28
ScottKapachelogger: I'm about to do a dist-upgrade.  If the box survives and no one else gets to it first, I'll attend to it later.06:31
apacheloggerScottK: awesome, thanks06:31
RiddellHobbsee, nixternal: do tribes get announced on fridge?06:37
HobbseeRiddell: no idea if they are, but i expect they should be06:38
Hobbseeit's already on planet06:38
Riddellsuse people are announcing their alpha on their new news site is what reminded me06:38
shtylmananyone know if the new plasma replacement for kicker will be just as big? or has there ever been a time when kicker wasn't so huge?06:42
Riddellyou can resize kicker all you like06:44
ScottKThe dist-upgrader tool says "Upgrading Kubuntu to Version 7.04", but it's actually doing a Gutsy upgrade (I killed it and checked sources.list) and restarted.  Known issue? File a bug? Don't sweat it?06:44
RiddellScottK: may as well file a bug (on update-manager)06:45
shtylmanScottK: same thing happened to me06:45
ScottKRiddell: Will do.06:45
shtylmanRiddell: true...but yet distro after distro and release after relese it is default to a large size...think the same will be the case for plasma whatever? or have the kde-devs changed their ways?06:46
shtylmanI am just curious...cause they keep everything so hush hush06:46
Riddellnothing is hush hush, there's a plasma mailing list and channel, but I suspect such minutae havn't been decided yet06:47
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ScottKThat's impressive... Bug list for update-manager: 1   75  of 547 results...06:48
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ScottKBug #12701106:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127011 in update-manager "Still says upgrading to 7.04 even though it's upgrading to Gutsy" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12701106:52
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ScottKRiddell: I am currently stuck on Bug #107188 and can reproduce it (two times now).08:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107188 in update-manager "[MASTER]  [kde]  Upgrade tool crashed with " Cannot allocate memory" (edgy -> feisty)" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10718808:19
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RiddellScottK: erg, bugger08:20
ScottKI have to run out for a couple of hours.08:20
Riddellthat's a nasty bug, I don't know where to start with it08:20
ScottKI'll leave it where it is (upgrade downloaded, but not installed).08:20
ScottKIf you need stuff tested, troubleshooting, or data, I can help with that.08:21
ScottKFrom what I can guess, I suspect the OOMK firing off because memory really was out.08:22
ScottKApport got killed too when it tried to report the bug.08:22
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ScottKRiddell: I'm back if you thought of any spectular update-manager KDE tests you want to try.10:05
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ScottKI had the brilliant idea that maybe it would work correctly with Python2.4, but no luck.  Same crash.10:25
ryanakcakwwii, Riddel: hmm. It (KDM & Ksplash kubuntu logos) look fine in inkscape, I'm guessing maybe when exported to png, part of it got cut off? So, all that I'd have to do is reexport it, stick the fixed version in k-d-s and commit?10:27
kwwiiryanakca: to be honest, I was thinking of updating the logos anyway :-)10:29
ryanakcakwwii: okies, then I won't bother :)10:29
kwwiioh, no...feel free to update what you have done10:29
ryanakcakwwii: I haven't done anything other than look at it in inkscape... the original for the current logo is feisty_kdm2_dark2b, right?10:30
kwwiiryanakca: yes, it should be, if that one doesn't look right then I can give you another version10:31
kwwiiat this point, we can change what we want and still fix it later10:31
ryanakcakwwii: nope, it looks fine, so I can just export it, and it should work?10:31
ryanakca(despite a couple '** (inkscape:9627): WARNING **: Unable to open linked file: /home/kwwii/Desktop/menu.png10:32
ryanakca' style errors)10:32
=== ryanakca nods, great :)
kwwiiryanakca: there is an invisible box around the logo that I used to export it to the right size10:32
ryanakcakwwii: ah, ok.10:33
ryanakcakwwii: is there a set ration for the transparent box, and transparent box to logo?10:40
ryanakcaor just eyeball it?10:40
ryanakca(kdm theme)10:40
kwwiiI just did it by eye10:41
=== ryanakca nods
kwwiiwe still need to update the xml of the list theme anyway10:42
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ryanakcakwwii: done, how does this look? http://blog.ryanak.ca/?attachment_id=34 ?10:55
kwwiiSorry, no posts matched your criteria.10:56
=== ryanakca scratches his head. Ok, I'll just stick it right in the document root
ryanakcawould you like the .svg as well?10:56
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kwwiiryanakca: yeah, anything we put it should have an svg available10:58
manchickenkwwii: BTW, I haven't mentioned that the new login screen looks pretty badass.11:00
kwwiimanchicken: good to hear that you like it11:00
kwwiiryanakca: do you have an updated link?11:00
manchickenkwwii: It'll look even better once I get my new Dell.  High contrast 14.1" widescreen :)11:00
ryanakcakwwii: blog.ryanak.ca/gutsy_kdm-idea.png11:00
ryanakcakwwii: blog.ryanak.ca/gutsy_kdm.svg11:01
kwwiiryanakca: in order to get the rounding correct on the box you should draw a new one and then copy the old one and paste it's style into the new one11:02
kwwiibut for the moment it is probably better than what we have now11:03
=== ryanakca scratches his head
ryanakcalost me there :)11:03
kwwiiwell, the rounding on the box is not even11:04
ryanakcaah, even it out?11:04
kwwiibut I think there are several boxes overlaying one another iirc11:04
ryanakcahmm. There are11:04
kwwiiif we could just use svg as gdm does11:05
kwwiiI have a dream! of a desktop with full svg support11:06
ryanakcawell, then, learn C++, and fulfill your dream :)11:07
kwwiiguess I will stick to the job that pays money for now11:08
TheInfinityi have a dream! full file transfer support in messengers ;)11:08
mhbI have a dream! of a SVG application that is able to import and open images in a consisent way11:09
ScottKI have a dream! An update-manager that doesn't crash.11:09
mhbgood thing we all have dreams11:09
kwwiiperhaps we should rename bugs into dreams11:11
manchickenHold your breath for 15 minutes and all your problems will disappear.11:12
manchickenI had a teacher that told me that once.11:12
kwwiiin your case I would say he/she had a reason :p11:13
manchickenAnd people wonder why I developed such a distaste for the US public education system.11:13
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manchickenkwwii: Well, one day I called him on it.  I brought in a stop watch.  I held for a minute, took a break, went for another minute, took a break.  Did that for a while.11:14
manchickenHe never said it had to be 15 consecutive minutes.11:15
kwwiimanchicken: and my 5th grade teacher nicknamed me "preacher"11:15
ryanakcakwwii: hm.. Ok, I set Rx and Ry for all the rectangles to 8.000 , however, the rounding looks different at the top and bottom, because of my resolution distorting stuff.11:17
manchickenkwwii: Yeah?  My 5th grade teacher forced ritalin on me.11:17
ryanakcashould I compensate for that, or no?11:18
kwwiiryanakca: right, you need to make the pic approxiamtely the same proportions and make sure the rounding looks right at that ratio11:18
kwwiiediting the xml to fit as needed11:18
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ryanakcakwwii: ok, will do.11:19
kwwiiryanakca: thanks so much for taking this stuff on - great to have some help on the artwork :-)11:19
ryanakcakwwii: no problem :)11:20
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odlawhat would be the best way to upgrade to gutsy from feisty?  adept-updater or using aptitude?  i don't mind testing the updater or something to make this useful11:21
ScottKupdate-manager needs testing.11:22
ScottKodla: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/gutsy.tar.gz11:23
odlaScottK: ok so tarball no deb package?11:25
odlaand that's for kubuntu too?11:25
ScottKDownload that, unpack it in a convient directory, and then run python dist-upgrade.py11:26
odlaScottK: 'sounds' easy enough ;)11:26
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ScottKUp until the part where it crashes, in which case you may get to comment on bug 10718811:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107188 in update-manager "[MASTER]  [kde]  Upgrade tool crashed with " Cannot allocate memory" (edgy -> feisty)" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10718811:29
ScottKAt least I did.11:29
odlaScottK: for the record ... this will be a vanilla kubuntu feisty11:29
ScottKHow much RAM in your box?11:30
odla2 GB11:31
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ScottKI'd expect you'll be fine then.  They bug what got me mostly affects low memory systems.11:31
odlai'll be back ... i need to reboot and i'll let you know when i run the upgrade-manager if i run into issues11:33
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odlaScottK: when did you have that low memory error?  near the end?11:44
ScottKAfter downloading, before installing.11:44
odlaScottK: ok11:45
odlaare there plans for a restricted-manager for kubuntu like the one in ubuntu?11:52
mhbodla: you mean the restricted-manager for drivers? Yes.12:00
odlamhb: yeah the GUI12:00
mhbodla: some people say restricted-manager and think codec installation12:02
odlamhb: oh sorry i meant restricted-manager for hardware not codecs12:03
=== kwwii is off for today
mhbodla: yes, that would be in gutsy12:09

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