
fairesryjin: YOu mean the total memory?12:17
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faires$ cat /proc/meminfo12:18
ryjinI do12:18
faires(Without the "$"12:19
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=== WhtWolfTeraDyne wonders why they took the GParted UI out of the LiveCD installer and replaced it with something even more confusing...
ryjinHow do I install Limewire?12:20
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graftyo, why does kino just freeze as soon as i start it?12:20
graftis it run by hamsters?12:20
NickPrestaryjin, http://www.limewire.com/download/download.php?version=linux_deb12:20
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WhtWolfTeraDyneon the Ubuntu Feisty livecd, anyway.12:20
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ryjinAlright downloading it now12:21
zorglu_q. is there a way to prevent konqueror from being 'preloaded' ? i got this process  konqueror [kdeinit]  --preload even when i dont run konqueror.12:21
geniigraft: Yes, I suspect dangerous rabid hamsters12:21
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graftcurse those little buggers12:22
graftso, is there a reasonable movie editor for lunix?12:22
grafti don't consider cinerella to be reasonable in any way, btw12:22
graftthat interface was obviously designed by and for hamsters12:22
zorglu_graft: not that i know of, if you find one tell me :)12:22
zorglu_graft: pytivi was looking promising when i looked tho. i dunno the current state12:23
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graftyargh. my jealousy of how 12-year-old vidiots on Windows can make videos with a snap and a twist is growing exponentially12:23
graftpytivi, you say?12:23
mike-kubuntuhey, i just noticed that /etc/init.d/wesnoth-server is starting everytime my comp startys up, how can i stop it from autoloading12:23
zorglu_http://www.pitivi.org/wiki/Main_Page <- graft12:23
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ryjinok have downloaed the .deb. It opened with ark, and I see control.tar.gz, data.tar.gz and debian-binary. What should I do next?12:23
NickPresta!bum | mike-kubuntu12:24
ubotumike-kubuntu: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto12:24
grafthmmm, use of gstreamer makes me suspicious12:24
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mike-kubuntugraft, you ever tried kino or cinelerra?12:24
graftmike-kubuntu: we just had this discussion12:25
graftkino crashes before it even loads12:25
graftcinelerra is designed for and by hamsters12:25
mike-kubuntugraft: or if your trying to find out how to make dvd's check out tovid, the gui is broken but the command line vfeatures are awesome12:25
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graftnein, i want to edit videos12:25
mike-kubuntugraft: cinelerra isn't that bad12:25
graftmike-kubuntu: i find it awful. i want an interface that doesn't make me want to vomit/have seizures12:26
dude_does anyone know of any investment software for linux - possibly open source?12:26
zorglu_graft: try pitivi12:26
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graftzorglu_: i am investigating :)12:26
graftinvestment software?12:27
mike-kubuntugraft: lol, you ever seen afterfx's gui, or maya's or 3dsmax's, or flash's for that matter, guis on high quality multimedia editing programs seem to suck in general12:27
dude_tracking stocks12:27
graftmike-kubuntu: i didn't say high-quality, i just want a very basic video editor12:27
graftlike ifilm12:27
graftsomething the layperson could use without having to read a 300-page PDF12:27
ryjinI'll brb12:28
dude_the only one i have found in qtstalker but it crashed sometimes12:28
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zorglu_graft: tell me your result :) i am interested12:29
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graftzorglu_: crud. "An error occured while importing."12:30
ryjinI have downloaded the deb file from Limewire, What else do I do next?12:30
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graftoh, it's because gstreamer never works, eh12:30
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NickPrestaryjin, `sudo dpkg -i DEB_FILE`12:31
graftryjin: why use limewire?12:31
graftryjin: use gtk-gnutella, it's free, no spyware, GPL'd12:31
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mike-kubunturyjin: gkt-gnutella contacts the same networks12:31
graftryjin: also lighter and faster than limewire12:31
ryjinwow, i should try that out12:31
graftmuch better12:31
ryjincan I have a link?12:31
graftit's in the repository :)12:32
graftsudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella12:32
mike-kubunturyjin: sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella12:32
mike-kubuntuhow does he type so fast O.O12:32
zorglu_ryjin: i guess you are aware of the security danger ?12:32
ryjinYes, I am12:32
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graftwait, i'm not... what security danger?12:32
zorglu_ryjin: ok, it is your own computer :)12:32
zorglu_graft: downloading executable from 'untrusted' source makes is trivially vulnerable to cracking12:33
dwidmanngraft, I've heard of something called kdenlive that's supposedly has lots of potential for being good. I don't think it's int he repos though.12:33
zorglu_graft: like window virus12:33
graftzorglu_: ah... you mean for limewire12:33
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graftdwidmann: the deuce, you say... i'ma check it out12:34
zorglu_graft: well any untrustred  source. and obviously if spreading virus thru exec in p2p is widely knonw :)12:34
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graftzorglu_: yeah, but there are, as far as i know, almost no viruses for linux, except this one: http://www.kettering.edu/~jhuggins/humor/unixvirus.html12:36
zorglu_graft: people were cracking unix way before window existed :)12:36
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zorglu_graft: hue ? how to import a movie in pitivi ?12:37
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gcw|soluritygraft: There are actually quite a few *nix viruses. They just aren't as easy to propegate remotely as were various agents of malware in the windows world12:39
WhtWolfTeraDynejhutchins: I figured out what the problem is. The panel that holds the light and eject button on the drive has become unseated. If I hold it down, away from the drive tray, it comes out with a problem.12:40
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GrahamAgcw|solurity: There's about 712:42
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graftwell, kdenlive seems mostly awesome12:45
graftinterface is nice and clean12:45
grafttools seem useful and friendly12:45
graftlittle bit crashy12:45
graftgood use of visual feedback12:45
grafti like it, so far12:45
graftdunno if i can actually edit clips with it, but :)12:45
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gcw|solurityGrahamA: There're about 7? hrmm12:46
BluesKajdunno , but tovid might work for you as well , graft12:46
graftBluesKaj: nah, not interested in making DVDs12:47
GrahamAThere's more, but few that work anymore since the bugs they exploited have been fixed.12:47
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zorglu_graft: where did you get kdenlive package ?12:48
vecinaHow do you put passwords on .tars?12:48
graftzorglu_: 3v1n0's repository has it12:48
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WhtWolfTeraDyne!smb > WhtWolfTeraDyne12:48
graftvecina: you can't put a password on a tar, as far as i know12:48
zorglu_graft: 3v1n0 = ?12:48
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graftgraft: some dude.. trevino12:49
grafterr, talking to myself12:49
graftzorglu_: some dude, trevino12:49
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vecinagraft: oh12:49
WhtWolfTeraDynethat didn't help... Anyone know how I can share between an Ubuntu and Kubuntu machine?12:49
graftvecina: you can make a tarball and then use GPG or something to encrypt it12:49
gcw|solurityGrahamA: there are a number of viruses that have been "ported" to *nix form the dos world that, while not a threat to the system due to protected memory, still technically run and "propagate" in a posix system12:49
zorglu_graft: url ?12:49
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GrahamAgcw|solurity: But come on, you have to be an utter failure to do that.12:50
gcw|solurityGrahamA: Agreed, but they do exist.. ;-)12:51
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zorglu_GrahamA: gcw|solurity: if the users is willingly installing the software, there are no need for any bug exploit :)12:53
GrahamABut anybody who'd do that should get the hell off Linux.12:54
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BluesKajWhtWolfTeraDyne, samba , smb4k ...but one would think a simpler way exists for 2 linux machines12:54
zorglu_GrahamA: well people coming from window are doing it on a regular basis12:55
WhtWolfTeraDyneBluesKaj: You'd think... I guess I'll set up a Samba share, then. Thanks.12:55
GrahamAPeople like that shouldn't use computers.12:55
WhtWolfTeraDyne!samba > ubotu12:55
WhtWolfTeraDyne!samba > WhtWolfTeraDyne12:55
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WhtWolfTeraDynemsg* Now I know I need some sleep...12:57
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zorglu_ok pytivi is only for people able to read the mind of the dev :)12:58
graftzorglu_: that's just a matter of culture. once people learn there's plenty of awesome free software available, usually straight from the repository, it's not as big an issue12:58
zorglu_i can load video, but no menu12:58
graftzorglu_: yeah, seems like alpha stuff12:59
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graftkdenlive is much more functional12:59
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zorglu_btw ++ to the one providing way to uninstall software :)12:59
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graftapt-get remove?12:59
zorglu_i installed this pitivi + all gstreamer stuff :)12:59
zorglu_graft: well only in very limited case :)01:00
graftah... whatevs, probably a few megs at the most01:00
zorglu_like IIF the package got no dependancy :)01:00
BluesKajWhtWolfTeraDyne, genii would know. He's a networking guy01:00
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geniiMy ears are burning01:00
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BluesKajhehe ...ask and ye shall receive !01:00
geniiWhtWolfTeraDyne: What networking issue are you experiencing?01:01
BluesKajgenii, linking 2 linux machines ...does one really need samba?01:01
jhutchinsBluesKaj: NFS01:01
jhutchinsBluesKaj: or fish/ssh.01:01
geniijhutchins Exactly01:02
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WhtWolfTeraDyneI'm trying to get files off my Kubuntu laptop from a desktop with Ubuntu, without burning or using a thumbdrive.01:02
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WhtWolfTeraDynein other words, via a shared folder.01:02
jhutchinsBluesKaj: NFS can be a little bit obtuse, samba is easier if you've done a lot of Windows networking, fish/ssh is pretty much dead simple.01:02
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jhutchinsBluesKaj: I don't know if gnome supports fish though, iirc it's a kde protocol.01:03
geniiWhtWolfTeraDyne: Ah, OK :) So best thing is nfs. Export from the machine with the data the folder with data. then on client mount the nfs drive and you can copy it that way01:03
zorglu_ssh for file copy is ultra slow tho :)01:03
zorglu_compare to nfs i mean01:03
BluesKajjhutchins, i was asking about linking 2 linux machines such as WhtWolfTeraDyne is trying to setup01:03
WhtWolfTeraDyne!nfs > WhtWolfTeraDyne01:03
geniiAnother really simple thing is ftp. Then wget from the client01:04
jhutchinsBluesKaj: Yep.  Everything we said pretty much applies from two systems up until you start needing to think about user pool security.01:04
jhutchinsBluesKaj: At which point you need to decide what kind of centrailzed auth system you're going to use, which will determine what system you'll use.01:05
geniiIf you are going to always be syncing this data, then rsync overall is the best solution for this01:05
geniiIt can do incremental copies01:05
jhutchinsgenii: True; I was thinking in terms of browsing files.01:05
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geniiwork calls, afk 5-7 mins01:07
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BluesKajjhutchins, i have a samba system working sort of ok on our network, altho I cant access my linux box from the windows pc , ive tried several tutorials but none work....it doesn't really matter tho , windows pc is prctically filled up with "stuff" , so it acn'r handle many more files01:09
zorglu_genii: euhh i would do all the kdenlive stuff IIF i was sure it would work :)01:10
zorglu_genii: tell me if it does, when we meet again :)01:10
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geniizorglu_: Ah, you are still looking fort video editing etc01:11
graftcool... kdenlive seems to kick much ass01:12
graftyou should use it, zorglu_01:12
graftvery nice01:12
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zorglu_graft: you are able to make it work ?01:12
graftseems to help to use free formats01:12
graftwhen i was working with wmv clips it was happy01:13
graftunhappy rather01:13
geniiWhtWolfTeraDyne: The files you want access to. Are they supposed to just sit on the one machine but be accessible to both? Or do you want to completely copy over everything to the other machine? etc01:13
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zorglu_i should by a third laptop to try stuff01:13
graftbut when i used ffmpeg to rip my clips to mpeg first, it worked like a charm01:13
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WhtWolfTeraDynegenii: I need to completely copy them back and forth. I'm going to be using this laptop as my main workstation, and the desktop to compile and package apps.01:14
_dacanyone here from France?01:14
WhtWolfTeraDyne!fr | _dac01:14
ubotu_dac: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:14
geniiWhtWolfTeraDyne: Then rsync is the correct solution01:15
WhtWolfTeraDynegenii: ok.01:15
geniiI'll try to find you an easy to read tutorial01:16
WhtWolfTeraDynegenii: Thanks.01:16
=== BluesKaj tries to think of ways to convince wifey that linux is the best way to go :)
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graftBluesKaj: what does she do?01:16
WhtWolfTeraDyneBluesKaj: Show her Beryl.01:16
BluesKajberyl ...bah01:17
graftno, don't show her beryl, that only works for adolescent boys01:17
WhtWolfTeraDynegraft: Tell that to the two women that fell in love with it at the mall the other day.01:17
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WhtWolfTeraDynethe local* mall01:17
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graftwhat was beryl doing in the mall?01:17
BluesKajshe plays solitaire, emails and surfs...that's about it01:18
_dacno, how longdoes email take fro U>S> to France?01:18
NickPrestaMy girlfriend loves Beryl. She thinks the Snow plugin is "cute" and wobby windows are cool. lol01:18
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graftBluesKaj: so, she would be happy with like, twm, firefox and thunderbird?01:18
BluesKajdac depends on the translator:)01:18
WhtWolfTeraDynegraft: Guy was using it on his laptop, and the ladies went up to him asking what it was, and where they could get it.01:18
graftWhtWolfTeraDyne: did he have a nice butt?01:19
_dacI don't understand01:19
geniiWhtWolfTeraDyne: Not ubuntu-specific but extremely informative http://www.fredshack.com/docs/rsync.html01:19
WhtWolfTeraDynegraft: I don't look at things like that. I'm male as well.01:19
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WhtWolfTeraDynegenii: Thanks.01:19
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_dacthe receiving party knows english01:19
graftWhtWolfTeraDyne: doesn't mean you can't tell a nice butt when you see it01:20
BluesKajyup, she uses them all the time , but "Pretty good Solitaire" is her fav and it isn't available in linux ...and I'm not gonna put wine on a 366mhz celeron pc :)01:20
WhtWolfTeraDynegraft: ...01:20
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graftBluesKaj: AisleRiot is like 45 different versions of solitaire in one, eh01:20
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graftwhat is "pretty good solitaire"?01:20
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BluesKajit's a popular windows card game01:21
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beataI want to make a full backup of a filesystem onto DVD+RW media, and I'd like to use something that gives me a progress indicator. Any suggestions? tar would work, but doesn't offer a progress indicator.01:23
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graftBluesKaj: wow, 660 variants01:24
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graftBluesKaj: AisleRiot only has like, 100 or so01:24
BluesKajgraft, I'm installing gnome games as we speak :)01:25
graftBluesKaj: it seems like that would be satisfying enough01:25
graftBluesKaj: no one could possibly need that many solitaire variants01:25
coreyCan someone tell me if it is possible to run iTunes in kubuntu??01:25
graftcorey: no, but amarok and banshee are both good substitutes01:26
graftcorey: or, more accurately, probably yes using wine and lots of nodoze and excedrin, but who wants to do that?01:26
graftwhere by wine i mean /usr/bin/wine, and not a nice sangiovese01:26
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coreyis Banshee easy to install ?01:27
graftsudo apt-get install banshee01:27
graftit's pretty braindead to use, as well01:27
crimsunor use Adept/dselect/aptitude/smart/whatever.01:27
BluesKajHehe , no kidding ...but pretty good solitaire keeps track/score of a players win/loss ratio and that means all that data would be lost ... 6yrs worth...couldn't do that to wifey01:27
graftpretty much a minimalist itunes clone01:27
coreyAwesome :) Thatns01:28
graftis their format readable? you could just import it by hand01:28
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graftaisleriot also has statistics01:28
graftif it was really important you could make a big spreadsheet in windows and then write a perl script to update 'em :)01:29
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graftalso, wtf, 6 yrs of playing solitaire?01:29
evilmmgraft: why wouldnt you use amarok?01:29
geniijust as an interesting site/sidenote on the itunes/linux thing in general http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/itunes01:29
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beataAmarok pretty good, except tweaks to the playlist.01:30
DarkriftBluesKaj, install windows in a vm and copy her solitaire files to the vm01:30
COONiAhi room01:30
graftevilmm: i would and do...01:30
COONiAhow ca ni go to kubuntu fr ?01:31
BluesKajgraft , we're older ppl , in our 60s ...solitaire is good therapy01:31
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:31
graftBluesKaj: what about blowing people away with a railgun?01:31
BluesKajvmware on a 366mhz celeron ...i don't think so ! :)01:31
beataI did find out about kdar, but it doesn't seem to be available any more?01:32
graft!info kdar01:32
ubotuPackage kdar does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:32
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graftqu'est-ce que c'est?01:32
BluesKajgraft , we see enuff shootem ups on the tube ...don't need more of it.01:32
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[GuS] Hello guys, i am having problems since my upgrade today in Kubuntu feisty of QT4-4.2 to QT4-4.3, I have weird visuals "clitches" in all QT4 apps, and malfuction in PyQT4 apps. Here a Designer pic for example: http://www.lnxteam.org/downloads/pub/kubuntu/qt4/QT4-4.3.png01:33
Darkriftanyone here install wow in wine?01:33
Darkrift#winehq is dead01:33
graftwhat, wow on linux?01:34
Darkrifti see tons of pages that says it works fine01:34
Darkriftbut the instaler is failing on my01:34
beataI'm curious what I could use instead of it then.01:34
Darkriftmost ppl seem to have no problem with the installer01:34
graftis that what you're following?01:34
Darkrifti was there :(01:34
Darkriftmine wont even get that far01:34
Darkriftas soon as i open the Installer.exe it gives an error01:35
graftwhat error?01:35
Darkriftwhen i try to install it, i see "No installer data could be found. if the problem persists contact blizzard tech support."01:35
Darkriftthen in konsole, i see "Missing symbol {LanguageCode}! (SymbolTable::UnmappedSymbolSubstitution)"01:35
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[GuS] some one that uses qt4?01:36
[GuS] and confirm this bug01:36
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[GuS] (with latest update to 4.3)01:36
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beataKeep doesn't appear to know how to write to a block device.01:38
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coreyok i have one other big question \... how can i share my Media across my network to the linux PC, from windows01:41
meuhlolcorey: try to look for Samba :)01:41
graftDarkrift: are you installing from CD?01:41
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:42
Fr0decorey: make a shre in windows, then access it with 'smb://yourpcname_or_ip/sharename' in konqueror01:42
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BluesKajI guess gnome games won't run on kde :(01:46
[GuS] zzzz01:46
[GuS] ok, i will report the bug..01:46
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rvieiraDo you know a ogg to mp3 converter ?01:48
phoenixzHi there, I want to install kubuntu on my dualcore pentium... I put the CD in, reset, select start / install kubuntu from the CD, and then it loads.. and then I get a "crc error  -- system halted01:48
phoenixzWhat is this problem? and how do I fix it?01:48
BluesKajrvieira, soundkonvertor01:49
phoenixz I heard that linux installs may have problems with dualcore machines.. could that be related to my problem?01:49
rvieiraThanks BluesKaj . I will try.01:49
WhtWolfTeraDynephoenixz: As an owner of a dualcore, I can say that I've never had a problem. It might be a bad burn. Did you verify the CD?01:50
Darkriftgraft,  im installing from iso's01:50
rvieiraphoenix, I have had problem with overheating in my motherboard processor when I tried install01:50
NickPrestaphoenixz, where did you hear this? I have an X2 machine and I don't have a problem01:50
Darkriftis there a built in way to mount an iso in linux?01:50
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Darkriftacitoneiso seems to be having problems with my iso;s01:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about loop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:51
BiovoreDarkrift: .iso CD image?01:51
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.01:51
Biovore^ thats it01:51
geniiWhtWolfTeraDyne: that was it01:51
phoenixzNickPresta, Actually heard (and experienced it) with a Fedora install.. FC5 I believe, it was some grub problem01:51
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phoenixzWhtWolfTeraDyne, well, I installed kubuntu on another machine with the same CD, although now I have tried it like 5 times, I get different results all the time.. sometimes the menu does not come up and I get some sort of prompt with the kubuntu logo on the background.. now I have the logo + menu, but there is some text over it shouwing some values.. dunno what it is..01:52
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WhtWolfTeraDyneHmm... never had that problem...01:53
Fr0dephoenixz: sounds like a bad iso..01:53
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:53
phoenixzFr0de, I guess it is, because even check CD crashes.01:54
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phoenixzbut the weird thing is that I already installed kubuntu from the same CD.. Im talking to you guys from that install.. :)01:54
WhtWolfTeraDynephoenixz: I'd bet anything that it's a bad burn\iso01:54
Fr0dephoenixz: :) try again, and check the MD5SUMs next time.. :)01:54
Fr0de"try downloading again, I mean01:54
WhtWolfTeraDyneWait... That's odd. Maybe there is a bug there...01:54
phoenixzFr0de, WhtWolfTeraDyne, if its a bad burn, then how could i install it on this computer??01:55
phoenixzMaybe its a bad reader..01:55
graftphoenixz: swap out your cdrom, eh01:55
Fr0dephoenixz: that is odd, but if the corruption is in a section where drivers for the other pc is stored, your current install might not go there?01:55
graftphoenixz: can you read other media okay?01:56
Fr0decheck the md5sum in the pc that works01:56
graftphoenixz: oh, you have no OS with which to test it :)01:56
WhtWolfTeraDynephoenixz: could the CD be scratched?01:56
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phoenixzWhtWolfTeraDyne, CD is in perfect conditions02:00
geniiLikely crappy Mitsumi cd drive02:00
geniipossibly Acer02:00
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hasanhi guy s02:01
phoenixzIm trying another reader now\02:01
hasanhow can i make02:01
hasankonqueror opened in new tab when i click on a link ?02:01
hasanas if in windows02:01
hasani mean shift +click02:01
Fr0deuse middle mouse button02:02
Fr0de(or both buttons simultaenously)02:02
hasanwhenever i shift +click on a link it saves url02:02
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Darkriftphoenixz, i had the same issues, every time i booted from the cd, i got different results, but i tried some switch, and it installed and has been perfect since02:02
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asimsome one please help me with my totem player02:03
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Darkriftthe switch was -noap<something>02:03
asimi cannot reset my mozilla settings02:03
hitmanWillyhasan, you can set that up in preferences02:03
asimcan any1 help02:03
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marko_can someone please help me which should i dowload http://www.nvu.com/download.php that will work on kubuntu02:03
hasanunder which tab ? my english is not so good02:04
geniiphoenixz: What are the cpu models in each machine? Perhaps you need some kernel switch like notsc for example if dual-core/Core Duo02:04
hitmanWillyhasan, Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> Web Behavior -> tabbed browsing -> check 'open links in new tab'02:05
phoenixzgenii, the one I have here is a normal P4.. the other one is dual pentium IIRC02:05
marko_can't noone help me?02:05
WhtWolfTeraDynemarko_: You might try the "nvu-1.0.ubuntu.5.04.deb" option, but if that doesn't work, try "nvu-1.0-pc-linux2.6.10-gnu.tar.bz2"02:05
geniiphoenixz: The one which is having issues is the normal p4 or the dual one?02:05
hitmanWillymarko_, i think nvu is in the repos02:06
marko_it's not02:06
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: I don't think so.02:06
marko_anyway how do i compile .deb ?:D02:06
hitmanWillywow, when did that change?02:06
WhtWolfTeraDyne!find nvu02:06
ubotuPackage/file nvu does not exist in feisty02:06
WhtWolfTeraDynemarko_: You don't need to compile it.02:06
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marko_what should i do then02:06
hitmanWillymarko_, sudo dpkg -i <name_of_deb>02:06
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marko_right xD thanks02:07
geniimarko_ you get the deb file then do:  sudo dpkg -i <packagename>02:07
geniihitmanWilly: heh02:07
marko_thank's both02:07
Darkriftwow is installing :)02:07
hitmanWillymarko_, or just double clickthe deb, it should install it for you, iirc02:07
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WhtWolfTeraDyneIt's odd. They dropped support for NVU, but didn't pick up support for Kompozer.02:07
WhtWolfTeraDynespeaking of which...02:08
=== hitmanWilly tends not to know too much about WYSIWYG html editors
marko_thanks :)02:08
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phoenixzgenii, The dualcore one..02:09
phoenixzgenii, Im trying right now with other reader to see if maybe it was a bad cd reader..02:10
Darkriftworld of warcraft on linux...... thats gotta be a huge step forward for nerds and geeks all over the world02:11
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geniiphoenixz: OK. If same issue, try the kernel switch   notsc    when loading if possible.02:11
phoenixzWhtWolfTeraDyne, You would bet anything that it was a bad ISO huh? Changing reader fixed the thing! I'll not be too greedy, and be ok with your computer only :)02:11
phoenixzgenii, It looks like its working now.. X is starting already02:11
geniiI forget if regular livecd allows02:11
phoenixzgenii, yeap, kde is there02:11
geniiphoenixz: Ah, good :)02:12
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Darkriftgood to hear02:12
Darkriftanohter kubuntu user :)02:12
WhtWolfTeraDynephoenixz: Do you really want a 199MHz desktop?02:12
Darkriftive tried many distro's and this is the only one that made me ditch windows02:12
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phoenixzWhtWolfTeraDyne, well, that might make a nice torrent leecher.. :)02:13
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WhtWolfTeraDynephoenixz: Good point. *writes idea down as a use for said server machine*02:13
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne can't wait to order his new dellbuntu machine...
phoenixzWhtWolfTeraDyne, while you're at it, write "send by ups to phoenixz" :)02:14
hitmanWillyugh, dell hardware02:14
Darkrifti think a dellbuntu would be nice because of compat hw being built in, but my compaq works nicely with kubuntu02:14
=== hitmanWilly likes his hp lappy
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: Better than buying from BestBuy, which would be my only other choice.02:15
Darkriftpresario v6210us02:15
Darkriftwifi had problems, but the rest installed nicely02:15
phoenixzDarkrift, compat hw?02:16
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hitmanWillyWhtWolfTeraDyne, actually, you may want to check out system7602:16
graftcompatible hardware, phoenixz02:16
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grafti.e., you know it works when you get it02:16
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WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: Do they have something similar to the "Dell Perfered Account"?02:17
hitmanWillyWhtWolfTeraDyne, not sure, but maybe02:17
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne goes to check
phoenixzgraft, Ah, I know what compatibility is :) I was mixed up with compat library..02:18
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hitmanWillyive been playing around with the idea of starting my own nix friendly computer shop02:18
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: That'd be useful to have in my area. Unfortunately, I live in the middle of hick country.02:20
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hitmanWillyWhtWolfTeraDyne, so do I :)02:20
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: Arkansas. You?02:20
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sdlvxi have a problem with my wifi =[02:20
hitmanWillysdlvx, who doesn't :)02:21
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: Ah, the other side of AR for me. I live, literally, two blocks for the OK state line road.02:21
sdlvxits stuck at 28% when I try and connect to my home network02:21
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sdlvxbut when I try and connect to the neighbors, it connects fine02:21
graftsdlvx: never mind those numbers, they're often wrong02:21
sdlvxits at configuring device02:21
graftsdlvx: wait, what's stuck at 28%?02:22
graftoh i see02:22
graftcan others connect to your home network?02:22
hitmanWillysdlvx, does your home network have wpa encryption?02:22
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sdlvxim on my desktop now02:22
sdlvxand my sister is on her icky mac02:22
sdlvxon wifi02:22
sdlvxim wired02:22
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graftbut her mac works...02:22
sdlvxit works wired on the laptop under kubuntu too02:22
grafthow's the network set up?02:22
ryjinHi all,02:22
graftwep? WPA? 802.11b? g?02:22
ryjinIs there a reason why it won't let me put my songs on my mp3?02:23
sdlvxno WEP or WPA02:23
graftand you try to connect using what?02:23
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sdlvxit shows up there02:23
graftand you can connect fine to your neighbor's thingy?02:23
graftand they also have 11g?02:23
graftare you sure your card does 11g?02:24
sdlvxnot 100% on that02:24
sdlvxthey aren't very close02:24
sdlvxyeah i've used 11g before02:24
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ryjinany suggestions?02:24
sdlvxits like an intel 3945 pro02:24
graftwell, some networks are configured for both02:24
graftryjin: do what now?02:25
hitmanWillysdlvx, ok, that's a good nix card, so i doubt its compat issues02:25
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ryjinit won't let me put my music files onto my mp3 player02:25
graftwhat is 'it'?02:25
sdlvxand what mp3 player02:25
ryjinthe system I guess02:25
hitmanWillysdlvx, does your router have mac filtering set up?02:25
ryjinI have a Nextar mp3 player02:25
graftryjin: how are you trying to put stuff on it?02:26
sdlvxi did a hard reset on the router to factory settings02:26
sdlvxi thought it was the router, because when I'm at school I have a westell router and it works 100% fine02:26
ryjinby dragging the files02:26
graftryjin: you mount it as a writeable USB drive?02:26
hitmanWillysdlvx, have you tried playing around with the router settings?02:26
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sdlvxit was giving me the external Ip before02:27
sdlvxi almost think this router is defective02:27
cjehi, is there a script command to find out what version of kubuntu edgy is installed on my machine?02:27
sdlvxbefore I hard reset it, it kept saying everyone had DMZ Plus on and locking people out02:27
graftsdlvx: what router?02:27
ryjinlet me see02:27
sdlvx2wire 1701HG02:27
hitmanWillysdlvx, then your sisters mac wouldn't be able to connect either02:27
sdlvxthat's why I'm so confused02:27
sdlvxi had a terrible time with my nintendo DS and this router too02:28
graftcje: what for?02:28
WhtWolfTeraDynecje: What do you mean? Edgy is a version of Kubuntu.02:28
sdlvxCJE Feisty Fawn is the version number02:29
graftwell technically i guess 7.04 is the version number02:29
graftor 6.10 for edgy02:29
hitmanWillysdlvx, do you know the essid of the router?02:29
cjek, thanks guys!  see ya!02:30
graftergh... jumping the gun02:30
sdlvxi almost think it might be mac filtering or something02:30
grafti was about to tell him: sudo lsb_release -a will give you that info02:30
hitmanWillysdlvx, try going into the router settings from the desktop and make sure its disabled02:30
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graftno router would have MAC filtering on by default02:31
graftthat would be retarded02:31
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ADiCT3DHello, Can someone assist me in compliling Audacity with mp3 Support?02:31
hitmanWillygraft, yes, it would, but ive seen some retarded configs :)02:31
sdlvxthis 2WIRE is retarded02:31
sdlvxit doesn't work in windows XP either02:31
sdlvxjust this machine02:31
sdlvxand I suck at networking02:31
sdlvxwhich multiplies my problems02:31
sdlvxwell maybe not suck but i don't like it at all02:32
WhtWolfTeraDynegraft: Why would havign MAC filtering on by default be bad? Then Macs would have trouble, and people would go with Linux. XD02:32
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sdlvxthe other network is B02:32
sdlvxbut I tried setting my router to B and it still didn't work02:32
ryjinhere is the message it's giving me02:33
graftWhtWolfTeraDyne: groan02:33
ryjinand yes i did mount it02:33
ryjinAccess denied to /media/disk-1/Luther Vandross - A House Is Not A Home.mp3.02:33
ADiCT3DHello, Can someone assist me in compliling Audacity with mp3 Support?02:33
WhtWolfTeraDynegraft: I'm tired, and I'm dreading what's going to happen in a few hours. Of course my jokes are going to be bad.02:33
pyrotixADiCT3D, people will most likely will help you if you tell them what went wrong ;).02:33
graftWhtWolfTeraDyne: what happens in a few hours? bed time?02:34
graftryjin: how is it mounted? read-only or read-write? and by which user?02:34
WhtWolfTeraDynegraft: I have to go through a pair of windows desktops. One I KNOW has a virus, and the other might, though I'm not sure. I've got to bring them back to life for someone.02:34
ADiCT3Dpyrotix: i'd love to but i dont know all i know it it wont let me do it i have everything installed right but it wont include the libmad i have it installed but it is somehow not in local/System02:34
WhtWolfTeraDyne!find libmad-dev02:35
ubotuPackage/file libmad-dev does not exist in feisty02:35
WhtWolfTeraDyne!find libmad0-dev02:35
ubotuFound: libmad0-dev02:35
hitmanWillyWhtWolfTeraDyne, format c:\, install linux, problem solved :)02:35
ADiCT3Dconfigure: libmad libraries are NOT available as system libraries02:35
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WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: Can't install linux. The owner is blind, and needs the JAWS application for her screen reader.02:36
WhtWolfTeraDyneADiCT3D: Install "libmad0-dev" and try compiling again.02:36
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ryjinmounted by the owner , can view and  modify content02:36
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hitmanWillyWhtWolfTeraDyne, ok, well, that's a special case then :)02:36
ADiCT3DWhtWolfTeraDyne: Cool Thanks apparently it found in system but not local.02:37
hitmanWillyWhtWolfTeraDyne, and i was j/k anyway...i get roped into doing that kind of stuff all the time too02:37
WhtWolfTeraDyneADiCT3D: When you compile things, you usually need the development headers. THey usually have "-dev" at the end.02:38
WhtWolfTeraDyneheaders and libraries*02:38
ADiCT3DWhtWolfTeraDyne: What about Flac now?02:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:38
WhtWolfTeraDyne!find libflac-dev02:39
ubotuFound: libflac-dev02:39
ADiCT3Dok ty02:39
ADiCT3D*still learning* much appreciated for help02:39
WhtWolfTeraDyneADiCT3D: No problem. Now, if only I can get a packaged version of SeaMonkey...02:39
hitmanWillyADiCT3D, the whole -dev is mainly just an ubuntu (debian?) thing02:39
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: True. I should have mentioned that. Sorry.02:40
ADiCT3DhitmanWilly: I love debian i dislike other distro's Ubuntu/Knoppix is my fav PCLOS has got to be the worst linux distro ive tried.02:40
hitmanWillyfor some reason, my gentoo box installs all the development libs/headers by default :P02:40
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hitmanWillyADiCT3D, i won't talk about RPM distros....02:41
ADiCT3DhitmanWilly: I hate rpm distro's :P02:41
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WhtWolfTeraDyneWolvix... Best lightweight LiveCD EVAR!02:41
ADiCT3DhitmanWilly: I wanna compile everything from scratch :D02:41
hitmanWillyADiCT3D, go gentoo then :P02:42
WhtWolfTeraDyneADiCT3D: Slackware, or Gentoo, might be better then.02:42
DragnslcrDon't worry, ADiCT3D, you'll get better soon02:42
ADiCT3DhitmanWilly: I'm addicted to Kubuntu. I never want to switch :P02:42
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hitmanWillyhence the nick XD02:42
WhtWolfTeraDyneBTW, Wolvix is Slax-based, IIRC, which is a Slackware-based LiveCD02:43
WhtWolfTeraDyneNow, if we could only have something as light as Wolvix that's Ubuntu based...02:43
hitmanWillyWhtWolfTeraDyne, good luck on that, buntu is probably the most bloated distro available right now02:44
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WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: SuSE...02:44
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hitmanWillysuse isn't a distro anymore as far as im concerned02:45
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ADiCT3DhitmanWilly: How is buntu most bloated i find the original debian bloated too much crap on it :P its like a 3DVD install02:45
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: Ouch...02:45
wimpiesanybody know if there is a special channel for openoffice ?02:45
WhtWolfTeraDynewimpies: #openoffice02:46
wimpiesno, just 3 users02:46
WhtWolfTeraDynewimpies: seems to be dead, though.02:46
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WhtWolfTeraDynewimpies: It's the only one I see in english, besides the dev channel, of course.02:47
hitmanWillyADiCT3D, yes, but it doesn't install EVERYTHING on those three dvds by default, it has you pick and choose, Ubuntu just does a kitchen sink install with every piece of cruft as a dependency of (k)ubuntu-desktop, so if you want to uninstall one part, it tries to dump everyhting02:47
wimpiesI am struggling with the use of styles .02:47
ADiCT3DhitmanWilly: Okay i agree with that but i hate debian 3dvd :P02:48
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hitmanWillyADiCT3D, k, fair enough02:48
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: Like trying to remove OpenOffice and Evolution... That's a pain...02:48
ShockValueok, ive started a SSH session from work to my home machine, and its running a proccess thats going to take a while.. but I'd like to see the results.. when I get home, is there someway for me to02:48
ShockValueconnect to that session?02:48
estoesderisaHey, how could I hide my OS on internet?02:49
WhtWolfTeraDynewimpies: There's an OOo forum. You want the link?02:49
hitmanWillybtw, a net install of gentoo is about a 70 mb iso file, just saying02:49
ADiCT3Destoesderisa: From your browser? User agent changing.02:49
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theursnet install og debian ~10002:49
ShockValueestoesderisa: so you dont get crap for asking linux questions from a windows machine? :D02:49
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hitmanWillyestoesderisa, well, konq can cloak itself to look like anything you want02:50
ShockValuewell im asking linux questions from a windows machine.. but that's just cuz im stuck at work02:50
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WhtWolfTeraDynewimpies: http://www.oooforum.org/ < The OOo forum. Only one I know of, anyway.02:50
ADiCT3DhitmanWilly: Have you tried to googlebot hack?02:50
FroggyTheGreatHey all02:50
hitmanWillyADiCT3D, ?02:51
estoesderisaI found a firefox add-on, user agent switcher02:51
WhtWolfTeraDyneADiCT3D: ?02:51
=== hitmanWilly goes to wikipedia
ADiCT3DhitmanWilly: You can get into certain sites w/o registration using the Googlebot hack google it if your interested02:51
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FroggyTheGreatI've got a 1680x1050 monitor that I can't get Kubuntu to properly display.  Anyone had any luck doing this?02:52
WhtWolfTeraDyneI do have something to say about KOffice. It needs an interface that's more like MSOffice 2007.02:52
FroggyTheGreatIt's an Acer that's not supported by name, and when I switch users, it suddenly defaults to the largest setting with 800x600 as the only other option.02:52
WhtWolfTeraDyneGot to play around with MSO2007, Very nice interface.02:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about resfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about resolutionfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
hitmanWillyADiCT3D, ok, i see, basically the site thinks you're a google spider and lets you through, gotcha...02:53
ADiCT3DhitmanWilly: Yeah its a cool lil hack btw I GOT MP3 SUPPORT IN AUDACITY YAYYYYYYYY02:53
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:54
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WhtWolfTeraDyneADiCT3D: Are you going to try to compile the latest version of DigiKam?02:55
ADiCT3DWhtWolfTeraDyne: Any new features worth doing it?02:55
WhtWolfTeraDyneADiCT3D: Not really.02:55
ADiCT3DWhtWolfTeraDyne: Probably not then i needed the new features of Audacity.02:56
ryjinany suggestions?02:56
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pyrotixFroggyTheGreat: have you tried messing around with your xorg.conf? I couldn't get my monitor to do proper resolution at first either.02:56
WhtWolfTeraDyneADiCT3D: Ok. I was just going to mention that it was a pain for me to compile and package. Dependancy hell...02:57
ADiCT3DWhtWolfTeraDyne: Is it true that compiling gives better performance, Otherwise why do pplz do it?02:57
ryjinany suggestions?02:58
WhtWolfTeraDyneADiCT3D: It's only a slight performance boost. Well, for me anyway. As for WHY people do it, it just depends on what the person needs. Like me. I want SeaMonkey, but there's no package, so I had to compile. And DigiKam crashed on me quite a bit, so I just compiled the new version to use.02:59
ADiCT3DWhtWolfTeraDyne: What is so big about seamonkey?02:59
hitmanWillypersonnally, i like compiling since i can get rid of stuff that i don't need02:59
WhtWolfTeraDyneADiCT3D: It's my favorite Gecko-based browser. Firefox runs like a slug for any computer I use.03:00
hitmanWillyfor example, i have this box set up to compile out any kind of gnome integration03:00
hitmanWillyalong with my gui-less mplayer :)03:01
bandobloodybrastWhtWolfTeraDyne: yeah it's weird how moz itself is faster than current firefox builds for some stuff, isn't it?03:01
bandobloodybrastStill find that a headscratcher03:02
hitmanWillyi have yet to find a web browser i really like, konq right now is the closest03:02
WhtWolfTeraDynebandobloodybrast: No, not really. It's been like that since day 1.03:02
bandobloodybrastkonq is flipping fantastic03:03
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hitmanWillythat and the fact that the netscape source on which its based is fscking garbage03:03
bandobloodybrasttoday I needed to search through about 200 open tabs for a single page03:03
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: Which one, SeaMonkey or Firefox?03:03
bandobloodybrastDCOP had it to me in about 2 seconds with no mouse clicks03:03
hitmanWillyboth, imho, tho seamonkey less so03:03
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NickPrestabandobloodybrast, DCOP is indeed awesome.03:04
hitmanWillyhello, im FF, can you say "memory leak" kids?03:04
bandobloodybrastKonqueror is like a knife through butter compared to FF too03:05
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: In their own words "It's not a bug, it's a feature."03:05
bandobloodybrastas long as you're judicious with the javascript03:05
bandobloodybrastagain, you can have a script watch and adjust that too if you want :)03:05
hitmanWillyaside from that, there's the bloat factor03:06
bandobloodybrastper tab thanks to dcop (I seem to be feeling the dcop love tonight)03:06
=== hitmanWilly has issues with kitchen sink software
bandobloodybrastwot firefox?03:07
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hitmanWillyfor something that's supposed to be mozilla stripped down, it sure seems overly large to me03:07
hitmanWillyplus the bugginess factor03:08
bandobloodybrastYep - and get a lot of animation and stuff going and it's horrendous03:08
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WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: It's not Mozilla "stripped down", it's Mozilla "XP Edition"03:09
hitmanWillyive actually talked to very few people who just love FF, most of the time its more along the lines of, "Well, at least it isn't IE"03:09
bandobloodybrastSo they strip it down and it gets more and more memory hungry?03:09
bandobloodybrastNo wonder people confuse it for a gnome app, heh03:09
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: That's never a good thing. At least the Opera and Konq fans LIKE the apps.03:10
hitmanWillylike i said, tho, ive got issues with pretty much every web browser out there right now03:10
WhtWolfTeraDynehitmanWilly: Even Lynx?03:11
hitmanWillyWhtWolfTeraDyne, crappy mouse support :)03:11
bandobloodybrastYeah, I can honestly say I _like_ konqueror03:11
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne doesn't use mouse with Lynx
ryjinAnyone know why my music files won't go to my mp3? I have mounted it03:12
hitmanWillyas far as text browsers go, i like w3m more than most03:12
bandobloodybrastif I have to open ff because of something it's like 'dang, there goes half my memory, and here comes crappy fonts etc'03:12
WhtWolfTeraDyneryjin: "To your mp3"? Could you clarify that, please?03:12
bandobloodybrastI use w3m-el :)03:12
NickPrestabandobloodybrast, I would use Konqueror for 100% of my internet browsing but it lacks support for key extensions and it's KonqiJS just doesn't seem to work03:13
WhtWolfTeraDynebandobloodybrast: That's why I compile my own version of SeaMonkey. I don't have to worry about the mem leak.03:13
hitmanWillyryjin, do you have write perms to the device?03:13
ryjintransfer it from my computer to my mp303:13
ryjinYes, I do03:13
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hitmanWillyryjin, what errors does it give you when you try to copy the files over?03:14
bandobloodybrastNickPresta: key extensions... as in flutes?03:14
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WhtWolfTeraDyneFroggyTheGreat: ?03:14
ryjinacces denied03:14
FroggyTheGreatSo I ran the autodetect utility in the fixresolution factoid, and then it took me 15 minutes to get X-windows to actually display again.03:14
bandobloodybrastmy daughter's woken up.03:14
bandobloodybrastnight peeps03:15
hitmanWillyryjin, that means you probably don't have write perms to it03:15
ryjinhmmm, thats strange03:15
hitmanWillyryjin, try with sudo, see if that works03:15
FroggyTheGreatSo...  Anyone had any /success/ getting an unsupported widescreen monitor to display with the right aspect ratio?03:15
ryjinHow do I use Sudo with my mp3 now?03:16
hitmanWillyryjin, how are you copying the files?03:16
FroggyTheGreatI mean, I use the KDE resolution applet, and the thing is so incredibly buggy I wonder if it's even looking at the xorg.conf.03:16
pyrotixI wish I had more bandwidth :(03:16
ryjinI'm dragging them03:16
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hitmanWillyryjin, ok, alt-f2, kdesu konqueror03:16
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne goes off to install Ubuntu on another computer...
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hitmanWillyryjin, that will open konq with root (sudo) perms03:17
ryjinkk, sec03:17
WhtWolfTeraDynesomeone kick ancluz03:17
ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)03:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fixresolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:18
hitmanWillyWhtWolfTeraDyne, if it gets too annoying for you, just page the ops03:18
FroggyTheGreatSo I did what that factoid recommended,,,and it didn't work.03:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about resfix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:18
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:18
poty_help on amarok mp3 support / ayuda en el soporte mp3 para amarok03:18
WhtWolfTeraDyneWhoops. Had it backwards...03:19
ryjinok hitman I did it03:19
hitmanWilly!mp3 | poty03:19
ubotupoty: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:19
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hitmanWillyryjin, ok, can you drag your mp3s over now?03:20
WhtWolfTeraDynepoty_: "sudo aptitude install libxine1-ffmpeg"03:21
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LopinI have a question about installing across a network...03:25
LopinFor some reason, my installer keeps locking up...03:25
LopinAny ideas?03:25
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Error121hello everyone03:26
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Error121i was curious if anyone has heard of the nvidia closed drivers not detecting a monitor (that the open nv driver will)before?03:27
ryjinyea, it has work03:29
ryjinThank you hitman03:29
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hitmanWillywell, i was going to tell himhow to fix it so he could do it as a normal user, but oh, well.....03:32
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ADiCT3DAnyone here use OCR that could reccomend a good OCR for digitizing Books/Printed media?03:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ocr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:34
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Bertohi - I'm trying to connect to my basic, no password samba share, and I keep getting this:   Connection to ;]  failed  ... anyone see this?03:56
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everythingevilpastebin your smb.conf03:57
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:59
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snake_i have no xkb extension. can anyone help me with this please04:01
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randyHowdy, I have a quick question.  How do I get to the Alsa Configuration?04:11
randyfrom the konsole04:11
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BluesKajrandy , alsamixer04:19
randyjust found it :D04:20
randyI cant get my sound to work in Diablo though >_<04:20
randyWhen I try to set my winecfg tooo ALSA i get this http://pastebin.com/d326375ea04:22
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chaoticwhats the reconfigure command  for xorg04:36
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intelikeydpkg-reconfigure xsewer-xorg04:37
intelikeyserver maybe04:37
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chaotichow can i create a sources.list04:49
chaotici backed up the original04:50
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:50
chaotici already have the sources.list and backed up the  original04:51
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chaoticim tring to get  it from desktop04:52
chaoticto etc/apt04:52
chaotici know i need sudo right04:52
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chaotichow would i move  sources.list from home/chaootic/desktop/ to /etc/apt04:53
t43hi all.  Total Newb question:  Is a Pentium M (centrino) a i686 or a x86?04:53
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dr_willisYes... it is.. :)04:54
crimsunt43: both.04:54
DragnslcrProbably i686, but it usually doesn't matter04:54
dr_willisx86 is generic term for the 86 compatiable stuff.. a i686 would also be a x86 i belive04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sourceslist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:55
Admiral_Chicagochaotic: let me grab you a link to a souces.list generator04:55
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:55
Admiral_Chicagothats the one.04:55
t43Hmm...I want to try Archlinux and I need to DL one of the two...04:55
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Admiral_Chicagot43: open up your konsole. type: arch04:56
Admiral_Chicagothats your answer04:56
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intelikeychaotic sudo mv /where/blah/is   /to/where/you/what/it/04:56
dr_willis1686 would be the more specilized version.. x86 should work also...04:56
t43thanks very much04:56
chaoticwhere would i type sources.list04:57
chaoticbeginning or end04:57
dr_willisAMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology ML-28   - is a i686 :) heh...04:57
intelikeychaotic s/is/sources.list/04:57
intelikeychaotic sudo mv ~/sources.list /etc/apt/04:58
chaoticlike that04:58
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t43thanks agin04:58
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t43whats that about04:59
intelikeyactaully not   home/*   but  /home/*     however i do know the trubble with starting a line with / in the irc client04:59
intelikey/say /04:59
chaoticsudo mv /home/chaotic/Desktop/sources.list/ /etc/apt/04:59
chaoticlike that04:59
intelikeylike that04:59
chaoticwasnt ssure if i had to type to05:00
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intelikeyand i got a level 3 long bowman killed in that exchange...05:01
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chaoticmv: cannot stat `/home/chaotic/Desktop/sources.list/': Not a directory05:01
dr_willissince its a FILE you dont put a / on the end05:01
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intelikey /home/chaotic/Desktop/sources.list05:02
dr_willisor just cheat and use the 'mc' file manager05:02
intelikeyor kdesu konqueror05:02
dr_willisya dont want to know the # of people ive seen trash things with that. :)05:02
intelikeyand mc would need root perms too  ^05:03
dr_willis i always set up the root account with BRIGHT RED theme/colors.05:03
dr_willisso if i do konqueror as root.. i can tell :)05:03
chaoticno errors  think i did it05:03
dr_willisverify the file is there. :)05:04
=== intelikey just uses a root console
=== NightBird does too much stuff through console...
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NightBirdI don't know how I would copy a file to a directory that requires super user to write via the gui05:04
intelikeyNightBird kdesu konqueror05:04
dr_willisNightBird,  thats why it pays to know the shell.05:04
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NightBirdintelikey: gah, that looks rediculously dangerous05:05
NightBirdmuch more so than sudo mv05:05
intelikeybut that's how05:05
chaoticthats how my sources.list is05:05
dr_willisNightBird,  if you do it quickly, then close it  as soon as you are done... but thats the probolem. Ya dont notice which widow is the root one. :)05:05
chaoticis that right05:05
chaoticwhat do u guys find better for kubuntu adept  or sypnatic05:06
dr_willisuse either one.. :)05:06
=== NightBird uses adept cause it's installed by default
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dr_willisI tend to use synaptic.  because im more used to it.05:06
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dr_willisadept has some neat features however05:07
chaotici heard theres a kypnatic05:07
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thunderboltI thought adept more or less replaced kynaptic...05:07
jlowellhi folks, is kubuntu exactly the same as using ubuntu and installing kde metapackage?05:07
intelikeychaotic looks like it should work,    sudo apt-get update     and see if it errors05:07
NightBirdjlowell: that's the idea05:07
dr_willisjlowell,  well Kubuntu has no gnome.. :) but thats the core of it.05:07
dr_willisjlowell,  thats what i always do05:07
chaotictheres supposedly a new kde based  ubuntu deriavative05:07
dr_willisI install Ubuntu, then install kubuntu-desktop, and xubuntu-desktop05:08
dr_willischaotic,  its the UbuntuOf TheWeekClub! :)05:08
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chaoticmade  by one of madrakes founders05:08
jlowellok cool thx05:08
intelikeyflavour of the month05:08
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chaoticu mean theres tons of  deriavatives05:08
jlowellchaotic: have you used ulteo?05:08
chaoticnot only in alpha05:09
dr_willischaotic,  i can think of 6 off the top of my head.. and proberly a dozen more i cant rember.05:09
intelikeychaotic distrowatch.org05:09
NightBirdspeaking of operating systems... I need to work on mine..05:09
dr_willisLinuxMint(mintlinux?) is the one im using.05:09
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dr_willisits a variant, that has its own 3 variants. :)05:09
chaotici   gotta say the reason i dislike debian the lack of kde05:10
jlowelldr_willis: how do you like mint? im considering giving it a go05:10
dr_williscant just apt-get install it?05:10
=== NightBird should go to bed...
NightBirdI have to get up early tomorrow for the flight out to my interview place...05:10
dr_willisjlowell,  it works fine for my needs.. I like its extra features..05:10
NightBirdgood night05:10
intelikeydr_willis not to mention that *buntu is a debian deriavitive05:10
=== NightBird is going to go lay down in his bed and hack away for a bit before sleep
jojesomebody can helo me to installing tar balls??05:11
dr_willisjoje,  totally depends on whats IN it. :)05:11
jlowelldr_willis: does 3.0 not have a kde version?05:11
intelikey!b-e | joje05:11
ubotujoje: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:11
BluesKajsacktime ...nite all , take care05:11
dr_willisjlowell,  I just install the kubuntu-desktop on mintlinux. :)05:11
dr_willisjlowell,  they are making some tweaks and their own kde variant.05:11
faolanwhat's mintlinux?05:12
dr_willisa ubuntu Variant with some extra tweaks and polish, and codecs05:12
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dr_willisor is it called LinuxMint.. I forget...05:12
sfirethats going to get annoying... got studiolinux also :(05:13
kalorin`anyone figured out how to make konqueror read raw camera files yet/05:13
kalorin`killin' me05:13
kalorin`picasa is available but only if you use wine05:13
everythingevilmints usfulness has kinda faded since feisty came out imo05:13
kalorin`which I'd prefer to avoid05:13
sfirewhat format are the files in?05:14
dr_williskalorin,  i hear a non wine variaent is in the works.. but i use it as is now.. so whatever ya want. :) heh05:14
sfiretried thegimp?05:14
kalorin`crw, camera raw05:14
dr_willisgimp can do raw i thought05:14
kalorin`gimp is ok but trying to work with them is a pain05:14
sfireso have gimp convert them to another format05:14
kalorin`I have like 150 pictures from the competetion today, I don't have time to open and look at each one in gimp05:14
chaotici read something at work i can mpount my windows partition05:14
kalorin`yeah thought about that05:14
kalorin`right now I'm picassa'ing them on the laptop under windowsand picking the ones to open with gimp05:15
sfiresince they are raw do them in a lossless format05:15
sfirethat way you won't lose quality05:15
intelikeychaotic  man pmount05:15
kalorin`don't need to do lossless to just look through them05:15
chaoticand u can mount olinux partition in windows05:15
kalorin`need to pick like 5 out of almost 150 though05:15
kalorin`it's a workflow issue05:15
kalorin`just need to do something05:15
intelikeychaotic there is extfs support for M$05:16
dr_willisHmm.. Konqueror cant do thumbnails eh?05:16
kalorin`I'd really hate to go to vmware linux hosted on windows so I can use photoshop05:16
kalorin`it can read the .thm's but not the files themselves05:16
kalorin`and the thm's are too small to see if things are in focus for instance05:16
dr_willisi wonder if that kde 'create html index/thubnail web page' thing works with raw format05:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:17
kalorin`just need to work on the back end workflow05:18
kalorin`I should go to a workshop or something05:18
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kalorin`if you look at their favorites so far, I'm #1505:18
kalorin`<---- semi-famous photographer!05:19
chaoticwhats the mp3 codecs    for amarok05:19
chaoticwhat are they called05:19
intelikeykalorin`  heh it's not really helpful  but i have even used   [alt] +[ctrl] +[-]    to view thumb* pic.05:19
kalorin`it's just tough, and sadly it's one place that windows is better than linux, imaging software options05:20
dr_willisheh - or one of those Xmaganify tools.05:20
kalorin`native anyway05:20
dr_willisYou are the one that decided to not use picassa. :)05:20
dr_willisThen again.. i rarely use it either..05:20
dr_willisIt tends to find all my...err.. pics i want hidden.05:20
kalorin`well it's more a case of nothing really knowing anything about wine05:21
kalorin`and not wanting to have a bunch of crap on my system05:21
kalorin`it's just a time and learning thing05:21
dr_williskalorin`,  theres nothing to know about wine.. the picassa package installs its own wine05:21
dr_willisat least i think it does05:21
m4v3r1ckchaotic:sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg05:21
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chaoticdont u wish sometimes ubuntu would have a computer  icon where u have all file system and removable storage instead of cluttering ur desktop05:21
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intelikeychaotic all filesystems are in /05:22
dr_willischaotic,  I use the  'places' panel menu/applet for that05:22
hitmanWillychaotic, you mean like the system menu?05:22
dr_willissystem menu.. that may be its name05:22
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chaoticyeah pretty much u ssee all the  drive s  including removable drives05:23
intelikeychaotic it's just a matter of mount points    (knowing your fs layout)05:23
dr_willisIf Picasa2 is using wine.. i dont see how.. i got it going and no wine process's going...05:24
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dr_willischaotic,  try media:/  in the address bar?05:24
jhutchinsdr_willis: It uses an internalised copy - if you looked at libraries, you might see it.05:24
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hitmanWillyi hate when DE's try to mimic windows/mac05:24
dr_willisjhutchins,  interesting05:24
jhutchinsdr_willis: That's one of the bad things about it, it doesn't use the existing/standard wine install, it duplicates the portions of it that it needs.05:25
kalorin`I like the gimp interface for actually working with the files, I just need something better than gimp/konqueror to sort/sift and pick the ones that I want to edit05:25
dr_willisjhutchins,  some would say thats a good thing.. :) it would suck troubleshooting all the wine variants.05:25
kalorin`that's where picassa would come in05:25
dr_willis!info pornview05:25
intelikeyhitmanWilly yeah.   using things in common is one thing  but trying to look/feel like  is quite another05:25
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ubotupornview: Image and movie viewer/manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2pre1-7 (feisty), package size 223 kB, installed size 664 kB05:25
dr_willisPicasa breaks so many interface guidelines.. its amuseing..05:25
dr_willisbut then again. even MS likes to break its own guidelines05:26
hitmanWillyintelikey, im slowly coming around to your way of thinking, no desktop at all :P05:26
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chaotichow can i make a shortcut  for the media icon05:26
kalorin`no desktop at all?05:26
jhutchinsMac's supposed to be really hard-line about interface guidelines, but I've seen more Mac software that didn't follow them than Windows.05:26
hitmanWillykalorin, CLI05:27
kalorin`oh yeah, can't do CLI Image editing :)05:27
kalorin`but yeah on servers, I prefer no GUI05:27
intelikeywell i'm not in here trying to proselitize     but i'm not ashamed of who/what i am     :)05:27
dr_willisjhutchins,  then ya see mac stuff on windows.. that follows the mac guidelines.. not windows... heh05:27
kalorin`don't need the extra memory getting sucked up and more often than not that's the unstable parts05:27
jhutchinskalorin`: Ah, but there you're wrong.  I do most of my image manipulation from the CLI.05:27
hitmanWillyi think ill just stick to windowmaker for the time being05:27
chaoticubuntu is for mac users and kubuntu is  for windows  users05:27
chaoticis what it come down too05:28
kalorin`jhutchins: uh, ASCII art?05:28
kalorin`: )05:28
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dr_willisi dont find gnome to be that mac-ish really...05:28
jhutchinskalorin`: No, professional photo work for the web.05:28
jhutchinskalorin`: ImageMagick.05:28
chaoticme personally i cant stand having  2 bars one up   top  one on bottom05:28
aliSomeone here has problems with wifi in a hp pavilion?05:28
dr_willisso remove one. :)05:28
chaoticafter i noticed i disliked gnome05:28
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dr_willisI dislike the lack of features i use all the time in kde.. that are missing in gnome.05:29
hitmanWillyali, what model? i run it in a dv800005:29
chaoticsomeone told me  mac had basically  same thing i was like no wonder i didnt like gnome05:29
intelikeychaotic hmmm     when i use gnome i have one bar at bottom auto hiden.   when i use kde i have four bars one on each border  all auto hiden05:29
alii have a Broadcom 431005:29
aliAnd i am running ubuntu.05:29
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aliHi hitman05:29
hitmanWillyali, heh, broadcom05:29
dr_willisali,  using 64bit MAY be the problem05:29
kalorin`I put my dock/start menu on the left05:30
jhutchins!enter | ali05:30
ubotuali: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:30
kalorin`and run in dual head mode05:30
ryjinDoes anyone know the install sudo for Wine?05:30
chaotici feel like im back to win95 having a bar uptop05:30
=== dr_willis goes for the AMIGA type look/feel :)
kalorin`I've always liked it on top but when I went to kubuntu I went to the left05:30
jhutchins!info wine | ryjin05:30
chaoticsudo wine name.exe05:30
uboturyjin: wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB05:30
hitmanWillyali, and a 64 bit build...good luck with that05:30
kalorin`it's been so long since I had an amiga i can't remember it ;)05:30
intelikeychaotic and when i use blackbox   i have no bar anywhere05:30
ryjinWhere to find it?05:31
dr_williskalorin`,  check out the AmigaInABox emulator setup :) some time.. its amuseing to go back to the old days05:31
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hitmanWillyali, but seriously, you'll probably need to use ndiswrapper for that card05:31
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kalorin`i so miss the days of a full pre-emptive multi-tasking OS running off a floppy with 640k of ram :)05:31
alii have used ndiswrapper05:31
alii have installed the windows drivers...05:31
alibut when i load ndiswrapper, it stays at the prompt... without doing nothin05:32
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ryjinThere is not sudo for wine then?05:32
chaotichow do i get kde wallet working with firefox05:32
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chaoticsudo is just root access05:33
hitmanWillyali, not too sure on that one, all i know is that broadcom cards usually require it05:33
intelikeykalorin`   "a full pre-emptive multi-tasking OS"   ibm-dos  ?05:33
kalorin`no amiga OS05:33
chaoticwhen u run something sudo wine name.exe05:33
aliWell i didn't know that, however, thanks a lot hitman Willy05:33
aliWell, maybe i can ask you other questions.05:33
kalorin`it was so good, and so poorly marketed05:33
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hitmanWillyali, that's what im here for :)05:33
aliI would like to have the midi, and all sound features at 100 %, do you have a suggestion?05:34
aliI mean... an advice?05:34
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intelikeychaotic are you sure you want wine running as root ?05:34
aliI have installed05:34
m4v3r1ckchaotic: I think you can't. Use firefox's password manager, or konqueror instead of firefox05:34
hitmanWillyali, is the sound not playing or you just want to adjust the volume levels?05:34
ryjinone more problem I have05:34
=== pheaver [n=pweaver@ppp-70-133-217-31.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
ryjinHow do I get flash on konquerror05:35
alilet me tell you... I have installed Rosegarden, cause i sould like to make music05:35
alibut it says that the timer is too slow.05:35
intelikey!midi | ali unfortunately if your hardware doesn't support midi you have to use software to support it05:35
ubotuali unfortunately if your hardware doesn't support midi you have to use software to support it: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo05:35
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hitmanWillyryjin, if you install it from the repos, it should enable in konq by default05:36
intelikeythankfully i need none of that here.  midi is supported by my sound card05:36
dr_willisHmm Ive noticed that now im using kde  3.5.7 - everything is defaultiung to the wrong monitor.. even the icons.. bummber05:36
aliI already have installed timmidity.05:36
kalorin`I haven't found any rhyme or reason as to where things open as far as which monitor and where05:36
kalorin`I haven't looked deeply into it, but I haven't see what why.05:37
fede__Alguienn habla espal?05:37
aliQue hay fede05:37
aliEres de azcapo?05:37
intelikey!es | fede__05:37
ubotufede__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:37
fede__Soy de Argentina05:37
aliOk,,, i will speak in english05:38
dr_williskalorin,  well they used to always be on the 'lcd' - I just noticed today all the icons and stuff defaultong to the far left side..05:38
jhutchins!br | fede__05:38
ubotufede__: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.05:38
ryjinhow can i install it from the repo?05:38
jhutchinsfede__: Los siento, hablo solo un poco de Espaol.05:39
m4v3r1ckIn Argentina don't speak portugues XD05:39
intelikey!flash | ryjin05:39
uboturyjin: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:39
hitmanWillyryjin, try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:39
jhutchinsm4v3r1ck: Sorry, it's late here.05:39
aliIs someone here a musician that uses UBUNTU?05:39
aliFede qu tipo de ayuda necesitas?05:39
jhutchinsm4v3r1ck: There's another channel I'm often in that combines the es and pt.05:40
=== tinin [n=tinin@74.Red-83-41-161.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
jhutchinsali: mediabuntu05:40
m4v3r1ckjhutchins: it's okay ;)05:40
aliIs he a guy? or a distro?05:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediabuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:40
alijhutchins is that a distro?05:40
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:40
COONiAfrench ?05:41
jhutchinsali: I think there's also a distro variant, and there's studiolinux as well.05:41
intelikey!fr > COONiA05:41
jhutchins!fr | COONiA05:41
ubotuCOONiA: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:41
hitmanWillyjhutchins, there's an actual multimedia distro, can't remember it off the top of my head tho05:41
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jhutchinsObviously not the fastest draw tonight.  I think perhaps rum...05:42
hamadooohi can someone help me with upgrading my wireless driver05:42
thunderboltHmm, anyone know a good tutorial or guide to apt-src, I want to build gimp 2.3 from source, but I'm tired of hunting down dependencies by hand.05:42
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dr_willisi though there was a command that did all that.05:43
hitmanWillythunderbolt, try installing apt-build05:43
intelikeythere is05:43
thunderbolthitmanWilly: Thanks05:43
hamadooohelp plz05:43
kalorin_so I just crashed doing image manipulation05:43
kalorin_very nice05:43
hitmanWillythunderbolt, it works more or less like emerge on gentoo05:43
kalorin_just locked solid, no numlock response for over a minute05:43
hamadooono one can help me here :(05:44
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:44
intelikeyhamadooo " can someone help me with upgrading my wireless driver"  <<<< too vague05:44
thunderbolthitmanWilly: Cool, I don't have experience with emerge, I was going to try to build the subversion trunk version of GIMP, actually.05:45
hitmanWillythunderbolt, ugh, svn is hell05:45
intelikeyhamadooo if you want a dirrect nswer to that question    "yes"05:46
thunderbolthitmanWilly: It's better than CVS, but I prefer Mercurial/Bzr, personally :)05:46
hamadoooso you can help me :)05:46
intelikeyi didn't say that.  i said someone can05:46
=== dr_willis dosent do wireless... :)\
=== hitmanWilly generally avoids those altogether
hamadoooand where is that one ?05:46
=== jd_ [n=jd@c-68-38-149-75.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
thunderbolthitmanWilly: What VCS do you use?05:47
=== intelikey </shrugs>
hitmanWillyi generally don't worry about up to the minute code branches05:47
hamadoooi have the new driver .. and i want to remove the currrent driver first then install the new one05:47
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hitmanWillythunderbolt, ill grab cvs or svn repos every once in a great while, but only if that's the only way i can get a hold of them05:48
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chaoticwhat do u guys  use as ur bit torrent client05:48
aliThanks a lot for all the info05:48
thunderbolthitmanWilly: I understand, I was thinking of getting GIMP development a little bit, that's why I want the trunk version.05:48
chaoticktorrent isnt doing  it for  me05:49
thunderbolthitmanWilly: That's also my policy when I'm deploying software to production software, I'm just going to install GIMP trunk into my home directory.05:49
intelikeymodprobe -r blah && cp driver /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/something && modprobe blah           #hamadooo   now you get more specific and we will try to get more specific too.05:49
hitmanWillythunderbolt, makes sense, but im really not a developer, more of a troubleshooter05:49
hamadooook intelikey :)05:50
hamadoooshould i write this ...... modprobe -r blah && cp driver /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net/something && modprobe blah05:50
hitmanWillythunderbolt, unless you count bash scripting as software development :) Lately, im trying to branch out a little bit and try to learn some C05:51
intelikeyi would assume that  "blah" is not the module name,  and that "driver" is not the module name either    so no.  you use that as a very vague guide05:51
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intelikeyit contains information on where the module will be located and what command to use to manipulate it05:52
thunderbolthitmanWilly: Right on, I'd personally recommend python, as well, but some experience in C never hurts.05:52
hamadoooso i have to change blah with my  wireless name05:52
=== skothar [n=scott@adsl-76-216-9-249.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
thunderboltIt depends, how big were your bash scripts ;-)05:52
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intelikeyhamadooo   and you can use lsmod    to see the inserted modules05:53
hitmanWillythunderbolt, i know a VERY little python, but ive been wanting to get into C/C++ for a while05:53
=== thunderbolt nods
intelikeyhamadooo you say you have the new driver    there should be docs with it...05:53
thunderboltAnything in particular, graphics, algorithms, or just general C/C++ ?05:53
chaoticwhat do u guys prefer koffice or open office05:53
intelikeyread the README files,  that's why they have that name05:54
thunderboltOpenoffice, because I have to open MS documents :(05:54
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hamadoooyeah in the helpp file .. it tells me that i should write chmod u+rx remove-old05:54
intelikeychaotic i prefer   less    for reading docs     mc -e    for writing them    :)05:55
hamadooobut when i do that . the terminal tells me this is a bad command05:55
hamadoooand there's n o file in this name05:55
dr_willissounds like a script somewhere in the source tree...05:55
=== Agrajag` [n=Agrajag@c-67-163-214-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu
intelikeyhamadooo ok  "remove-old"  should be a script in the root dir of the source  {after the build}    sounds like you need to compile05:56
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steveo1anyone know how to get Divx stage 605:56
intelikey!b-e | hamadooo05:56
ubotuhamadooo: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:56
chaotici heard open office slows down linux05:57
hamadoooyou mean compilling the new driver ?05:57
steveo1yeah i guess05:57
hamadooowell im new user in linux05:57
hamadoooif you help me05:57
intelikey                         ^05:58
dr_willissounds like theres a bit of a learnign curve to climb first.05:58
intelikeysteveo1 divx    hmmm    not sure.05:58
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:59
steveo1i have divx4 but its obviously out of date05:59
hamadooowhat is compilling means ?05:59
dr_willisconverting source code to an executable..05:59
thunderbolthamadooo: It's the conversation process from source code, that is easy for humans to read, to machine code, that the computer can execute.05:59
intelikeysteveo1   never looked for stage 6     so idk06:00
hamadooook and how can i do that .. and what i need to compile something ??06:00
intelikeysteveo1 you might have to build it.    do a google search for it06:00
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dr_willissounds like theres a LOT of a learnign curve to climb.06:00
=== critola [n=critola@24-236-187-79.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyhamadooo  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware  <<< start there.06:01
hamadooook i'll read now06:01
hamadoooand i'll be back :)06:01
=== intelikey hides
steveo1ive searched but couldnt find one specifically for linux and my wine program wont update for some reason06:01
thunderboltxvid used to work, but that was back in the day...06:02
=== thunderbolt hasn't installed MPEG-4 class codecs on linux in a looong time
thunderbolter, MPEG-4 type, thingy *waves arms*06:03
=== dbist [n=dbist@ool-18b95214.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeysteveo1 oh  i don't know if anyone evermentioned using   google.com/linux   for searches    sometimes it helps06:03
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steveo1im kinda new at this too, so i dont know how to begin building a drive06:03
steveo1ok ill give it a try06:03
intelikeyactually google hates me in general, so you might be better off not listening to me.  ;/06:04
hamadoooim back06:05
=== arun [n=arun@nadeem2.my7star.com] has joined #kubuntu
hamadooook can you help  me to compile the driver files ?06:05
arunUsing Konqueror, is there any way to arrange files in groups?06:05
steveo1<intelikey> lol. there is a  6.1.1 codec, is that it?06:06
=== intelikey goes to google. inputs search string. lists 3million pages. improves string. lists 2.5million pages. starts looking through the list...
=== mm_202 [n=mm_202@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
intelikeysteveo1 i guess so06:06
steveo1<intelikey>  what is a codec exactly, like a plugin?06:07
=== intelikey spends two hours reading garbage, forgets what he went to google for... <<< common search proceedure for me
hitmanWillysteveo1, sorta, more like a library06:08
intelikeysteveo1 well yah  more like a filter that an app uses06:08
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steveo1oh alright06:08
intelikeyhamadooo did you install build-essential ?06:09
hamadooono what is   that06:09
intelikeyyou didn't read the page.06:10
hamadooono i did wait i will download it now06:10
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critolaarun: What sort of grouping did you have in mind for your files?06:10
intelikeyyou didn't read the page.06:11
=== CaptainApathy [n=mschaadt@pool-71-97-210-121.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
steveo1whats the terminal command to login as root06:12
hamadoooi did but not all the page cuz it seems like .. i should know some programs langugage to compile06:12
=== dr_willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu
chaotichow do i install that06:13
hitmanWillysteveo1, either su or sudo -i06:13
intelikeyi don't mind someone that says "don't post url's to me i'm not going to read them"  but someone that says "i'm going to read it now,  and i'm back from reading it"   then proves they didn't read it.    well that's just lying,  and i got tired of lies long ago.06:13
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:13
dr_willisskimming is not reading.06:13
=== linuxwizard [n=masterse@74-141-160-82.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu
chaotici know where to get them06:14
hamadooono believe me iim not lying .. but i don't understand in programing thiings06:14
chaoticbut how to apply them i downloaded that one06:14
dr_willistheres a guide somewhere that tells you all about insgtalling the kde theme parts06:14
intelikeydr_willis and the info is in the first paragraph too      i mean come on....06:14
hamadoooim just a user noraml06:14
=== mo0osah [n=mo0osah@cpe-70-116-21-77.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== dr_willis cant even rember what hamadooo 's problem was...
=== dr_willis is a founding father of short attention span theater!
intelikeynew driver06:15
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hamadoooi just want to upgrade my wireless driver06:15
=== god [n=god@c220-237-190-248.richm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
hamadoooremove the old and use the new one06:15
=== god is now known as baxtor
dr_willisyour existing wireless driver works?06:15
hamadoooyes im using it now06:15
=== seraphangel [i=WinNT@rrcs-64-183-21-209.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
dr_willisdare we ask why you want to mess with the newer one then?06:16
=== dr_willis asks the hard hitting questions!
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-b mortici!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by Hobbsee
intelikeyHobbsee please ban me.   so i'll have an excuse06:16
dr_willisMost wireless users would be thankfull they can get wireless going at all.06:16
baxtorHey guys, im having a major problem trying to get my Ati drivers to work on kubuntu 7.04, is there a fool proof step by step guide i can follow?06:17
hamadooobecause i want to use kismet but i can't ....... someone told me  the problem is that your driver is old you have to install new one06:17
dr_willisbaxtor,  whats the video card?06:17
=== LeeJunFan_ [i=junfan@s64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseeintelikey: excuse for what?06:17
dr_willishamadooo,  that may break the existing one.. and doing things from source may make it very hard to get it back to normal without a reinstall.06:17
intelikeyto leave someone hanging06:17
=== mortici [n=mortici@c-67-162-48-33.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
dr_willishamadooo,  is that a risk you are willing to take?06:17
morticiGood evening fine gentlemen, would anyone be willing to help with a small sound issue06:18
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baxtorits a 9800 PRO SE06:18
hamadooowell .. if there's no other way to use kismet ..... so i'll do it :P06:18
morticiwhat is the standard device to output sound and what udev rules file manages permissions for it?06:18
dr_willishamadooo,  good luck then...06:19
dr_willishamadooo,  you got some basics/learning to do. :)06:19
kalorin_baxtor, I've got an x70006:19
kalorin_works ok06:19
hamadoooi thought you will help me with that :P06:19
kalorin_using the ATI drivers06:19
dr_willisinstall the build-essential for a start.06:19
hitmanWillymortici, /dev/sound is the device, not sure how udev manages it though06:19
=== toast [n=toast@S01060018f865bee3.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
morticiawsome thanks06:19
dr_willisOther then that.. i dont mess with wireless, and ive never installed a kernel module from source under ubuntu.06:20
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hamadooois there a risk when i compile something ??????06:20
arunhamadooo: yes06:20
dr_willishamadooo,  no.. the risk will be messing with the kernel drivers/modules and perhaps  confusing things06:20
hitmanWillyhamadooo, compiling, not really, installing, yes06:20
steveo1as root how do i start navigating to a folder06:20
dr_willis you can compile 'normal' things all ya want.. a driver is not a normal thing06:20
arunUsing Konqueror, is there any way to arrange files in groups? I don't mean just sorting by file types, or other criteria, I mean sorting them and then arranging them in groups.06:21
dr_willisnormal as in 'a user type program'06:21
morticiseems that /dev/sound doesn't exist06:21
hamadooocan i just install the driver without compilling...... like others prograams in ubuntu06:21
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hitmanWillymortici, sorry, borked you on that one, its /dev/audio06:22
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morticihitmanWilly: that also does not exist06:22
hitmanWillyhold on a sec06:22
dr_willishamadooo,  most likely No...06:22
dr_willishamadooo,  unless you manage to find a precompiuled ubuntu package for it.06:22
morticihitmanWilly: weird i know sound worked fine before, after an update i lost it06:22
hamadooothis is bad ......... i really want to use kismet06:22
baxtori have had this graphics card working on ubuntu 6.14 with beryl, but im having problems on this, this is a freash install and i havnt downloaded any packages, should i update the o/s first?06:22
=== Arkturus [n=rajazz@host239.201-252-130.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu
arunwhat does kismet do?06:23
hamadooosome ppl told me that the problem with the driver and some told me with kismet06:23
dr_willishamadooo,  then you got a few days+ of reading/learning to do.06:23
=== Arkturus is now known as rajazz
dr_willishamadooo,  what if they are wrong. :)06:23
hamadoooim reading sinve 1 week06:23
hamadooonothing new :)06:23
dr_willis!info kismet06:23
ubotukismet: Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2006.04.R1-1.1 (feisty), package size 964 kB, installed size 2448 kB06:23
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=== rajazz_ is now known as Anktarus
dr_willisunless you really understand wireless networking.. i doubt if kismet will do more then just keep you enterained for a few min...06:24
hamadooosomeone told me that this virgin is old ..... the one with ubuntu .06:24
dr_willisthen you will scratch your head and 'wonder what all that means' and then go on with the next task.06:24
=== Anktarus [n=rajazz@host239.201-252-130.telecom.net.ar] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
dr_willishamadooo,  proberly is a bit old. ubuntu updates every 6 m0. with a new release.06:25
dr_willisnext release is due in... Hmm.... i forget06:25
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases06:25
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+106:25
arunIt releases in October06:25
hitmanWillymortici, ok, dumb question, did you check the mixer settings?06:25
dr_willisof course the next linux kernel does a lot of tweaks and improvements to the wirless networking features i hear also...06:26
dr_willisnot sure if that will be in the oct. release however.06:26
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hamadooothen i will have to update the kernel ?06:26
hitmanWillydr_willis, is that the .22 kernel?06:27
arunUsing Konqueror, is there any way to arrange files in groups? I don't mean just sorting by file types, or other criteria, I mean sorting them and then arranging them in groups.06:27
dr_willishitmanWilly,  i forget.. just been reading some news on it.06:27
hitmanWillydr_willis, or a later one yet to come?06:27
morticihitmanWilly: its not loading my modules06:28
morticii think its a alsa mismatch issue06:28
morticitrying to resolve now06:28
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hitmanWillymortici, quite possibly, since its external to the kernel in buntu IIRC06:29
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hamadooook guys how can i search for a program in terminal06:29
dr_willisApt Fundamentalks06:29
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:30
dr_willisapt-cache search whatever06:30
mm_202Hey guys, quick question.  How barebones (as in small memory footprint, fast boot time) can I get kubuntu?  Im considering installing it in my car instead of windows xp.06:30
Hobbseemm_202: you may want xubuntu for that06:30
dr_willismm_202,  heh, going to use a touchscreen monitor?06:30
mm_202Yeah, will the ts work?  :S06:30
dr_willismay want to check out the matchbox window manager also.06:30
dr_willismm_202,  thats a good question... No idea. on the TS06:30
hamadoooi mean searching for a program in my computer06:31
dr_willisGoing to be IRCing from the highway?06:31
mm_202Or should I just start with debian and just custom build it?06:31
dr_willishamadooo,  'find' or 'locate' command.06:31
hamadoooprogram i already installeddd ?06:31
mm_202lol, I use it for music and movies.06:31
dr_willishamadooo,  or fire up the package manager and look at eh package/programs details and see what files it put where.06:31
=== mm_202 checking into xubuntu
dr_willismm_202,  i was thinking there were a few carpc linux variants out.06:32
dr_willisbut i dont have one.. so i dident pay much attention to the articals06:32
hitmanWillyhamadooo, start typing and hit <tab>06:32
hamadoooi removed the program from package/program ....... i just want to make sure the the program is no longer in my  pc06:32
chaoticwhat do u guys suggest the best linux newsreader  for  downloading .nzb  headers06:32
mm_202Yeah, Ive seen a few, like MediaPC and such, but I just want something more generic/mainstream06:32
surgyhow do i chain commands in an application link? for example, i want to run both everquest and macroquest in the same instance of cedega through one application link, i have currently been trying, "cedeg everquest.exe patchme MacroQuest2.exe" in the command field and all the necesary files and associations are in the shared working directory, only everquest runs and it seams as though macroquest isnt even initialized06:33
surgysorry for the spam06:33
hitmanWillyhamadooo, dpkg -l | grep <program_name>06:33
hamadooohitmanwilly ,... start typing what ?06:33
hitmanWillyhamadooo, sorry, thought you couldn't remember the cmd for it06:33
hamadooohow do you know all this commands guys ?06:34
=== mbaydoun_ [n=mbaydoun@adsl-68-251-185-26.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
hitmanWillyhamadooo, experience :)06:34
=== underdog5004 [n=matthew@adsl-76-211-248-112.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
hamadooolol i know ........ but if i want to learn this  commands .. is there a site or something06:34
underdog5004hamadooo, just search for "bash tutorial"06:35
dr_willisreading is FUNdamental06:35
=== maltaethiron_ is now known as maltaethiron
underdog5004wow, looks like they did a major update to gutsy over the weekend...06:35
underdog5004dr_willis, that means the mental part is fun?06:35
hitmanWillysurgy use a ; to seperate the cmds06:35
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hitmanWillysurgy, or make a quick script to run them both and run that from the shortcut06:37
hamadooohow can i use build-essential to compile a program ??06:37
surgygood idea06:37
underdog5004hamadooo, do you have the source?06:37
underdog5004source code for the program you want?06:37
hamadooonot really i just want to know how :)06:37
underdog5004lol, ok06:37
Admiral_Chicagosudo apt-get build-src <package>06:37
underdog5004basically, get into the directory where the makefile is, type in ./configure06:38
hitmanWillyhamadooo, the usual way is ./configure && make && sudo make install from the app dir06:38
underdog5004then make && sudo make install06:38
Admiral_Chicagoapt-get source actually06:38
underdog5004the only time I compile anything is if it's not in the repos, or if I want a newer version of something, eg. rtorrent06:39
hamadoooand why in windows we  don't need to compile the programs ??????06:39
underdog5004because we're cool, and they're not06:39
dr_willishamadooo,  they do it for you.06:39
vzduchinstall checkinstall & let it build a .deb that you can later uninstall w/ dpkg -r, if you wish06:39
underdog5004because you get a pre-compiled binary.06:39
dr_willishamadooo,  ive rarely needed to compile stuff under ubuntu.06:39
=== underdog5004 loves linux
=== arun loves linux too
dr_willis"get a room you 2!" :)06:40
arunDoes Kubuntu use an older version of Konqueror?06:40
=== vzduch loves Linux since 2004
hamadoooyeah but if you need a new vergin  you should compile :)06:40
=== hitmanWilly loves GNU/Linux since '99
hamadooosince 3 weeks :P06:41
arunHow do I get it to arrange files in groups? The option doesn't seem to be there06:41
underdog5004arun, I'm using dolphin, since I use firefox for web stuff...it's lighter.06:41
underdog5004hamadooo, version, not vergin...it's software, not a nerdy teen06:41
hamadooolol sorry ...... bad in english :P06:42
underdog5004no problem, what's your native language?06:42
hamadoooim from kuwait ........ arabic06:42
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=== Mr_Pan [n=marcopan@host56-230-dynamic.9-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
=== hitmanWilly watches for an join msg from an NSA guy :P
arununderdog5004: can you arrange files in groups using dolphin?06:43
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underdog5004not sure, let me check06:44
underdog5004looks like it, just right click, view mode, and there are three options.06:44
arunI can't find a way to do it in Konqueror.. I found some dev page on the KDE web site that said that Konqueror has the "Show in groups" option, but I can't see it in my Konqueror06:44
arununderdog5004: what options06:45
underdog5004icons, details, previews06:45
aruncan you sort them by type and then arrange them in groups according to file type?06:46
=== raylu [n=raylu@adsl-75-53-99-108.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
underdog5004nope, sorry...doesn't look like that's implented...what file type are you looking for?06:47
raylucan anyone recommend a ftpd?06:47
dr_willisarun,  check the kde-look.org site may be some Konqueror addon/plugin thing06:47
underdog5004raylu, do something that supports sftp06:47
raylui already have sshd06:47
arundr_willis: will do, thanks06:47
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dr_willisssh >> ftp. :)06:47
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underdog5004arun, or, cd to the dir and do ls -a | grep whatever06:47
raylubut now i want ftp too06:47
underdog5004ssh + scp = safe and happy06:48
=== Bongo is now known as jiyong
=== Noldoaran [n=robb@adsl-69-234-19-85.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
dr_willisapt-cache search ftp, and pick one. :) what one woudl be best for you.. depends on your needs..06:48
vzduchhitmanWilly: http://www.bash.org/?13867606:48
raylui've tried that, dr_willis06:48
dr_willisbe sure to read the programs docs also on proper confoiguration of it.06:48
rayluand that's why i'm here ^^06:48
raylui'm not going to keep installing them until i find the one i want06:48
underdog5004that may be what you have to do06:48
rayluim just going to be a small server, hopefully multi-user06:48
dr_willisso far youve not really given much details on your needs...06:48
rayluso simple, but not too simple/restrictive06:48
=== creyo [n=creyo@71-90-230-137.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
dr_willissort of blue.. but not too blue...06:49
creyoWho's up?06:49
underdog5004if it's on a lan that's connected to the internet, do sftp. there are many flaws with standard ftp, many of which I don't know.06:49
rayluok, how about "not restrictive"06:49
raylubut the sftp server doesn't remember the last command06:49
underdog5004just wom06:49
dr_willisThey all are configurable..  to a great extent.06:49
raylui often find myself re-uploading the same file over and over06:49
vzduchhitmanWilly: http://bash.org/?8857506:49
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steveo1anyone mind helping me figure someting out06:50
underdog5004 yeah, what's up?06:50
vzduch!anyone | steveo106:51
ubotusteveo1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:51
raylucygwin says that the connection was indeed rejected06:51
underdog5004steveo1, what's the problem?06:52
steveo1i downloaded the codec for divx6, and when i went to install it in the terminal all it did was bring up the license agreement and didnt install06:52
underdog5004steveo1, did you agree to the license agreement?06:52
dr_willissteveo1,  hit 'q' to quit the file viewer, then enter y or yes?06:53
dr_willisi dont rember seeing that with divx... hmm..06:53
dr_willisthunderstorms here.. bye all..06:53
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underdog5004lol, he loves his computer06:53
=== mortici [n=mortici@c-67-162-48-33.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu
steveo1it just said (END) and i couldnt continue06:54
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underdog5004steveo1, try hitting enter06:54
underdog5004or tab then enter06:54
arunnope, can't find anything that will show files in groups06:54
rayluhelp anyone?06:54
underdog5004raylu, ftp stuff? I think you may have to just test some out...read some man pages, it'll do you good, lol06:55
raylu[23:51:18]  <raylu> http://pastecode.org/5206:55
raylu[23:51:31]  <raylu> cygwin says that the connection was indeed rejected06:55
underdog5004why in the world is it trying to connect to an Xserver?06:56
underdog5004is the ftp client a gui or cli app?06:57
arunI also need some help with buying an external hard drive. I found one that's a bit expensive, but the store owner said it will work with Windows, Mac and Linux. I went to another store and am getting a Seagate for much lesser, but what he suggested is that I buy a hard drive and case separately, and he will install it together. He said it will only work on Windows OR Mac, not both06:57
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Daisuke-Idoarun: that man is a retards06:57
ross_hi guys06:58
underdog5004arun, I wouldn't worry about it06:58
underdog5004a hard drive is a hard drive is a hard drive.06:58
Daisuke-Idoif it's hfs+, sure it will only work with a mac.  what matters is how you format it.06:58
hitmanWillyarun, all three of my hds are seagates, and they work quite well06:58
ross_im trying to install kismet, however when i do ./configure it gives me these 2 errors.."06:58
ross_checking for special C compiler options needed for large files... no06:58
ross_checking for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files... 6406:58
ross_checking for _LARGE_FILES value needed for large files... no06:58
ross_checking for main in -luClibc++... no06:58
ross_checking for main in -lstdc++... no06:58
Daisuke-Idothat man doesn't know anything about computers06:58
Daisuke-Idoross_: sudo apt-get install kismet06:58
steveo1it started to install but i dont think it did06:58
ross_which package should i apt-get ?06:58
ross_yeah that would be easier :)06:59
Daisuke-Idomuch :)06:59
arunHe said that if you use it with Windows first, then it will only work with Windows, and if you use it with a Mac first then it will only work with Macs. If you need to use it with both, then you need to install some weird software or something06:59
rayluunderdog5004, that's a gui cli :P06:59
rayluit works!06:59
Daisuke-Idoarun: ignore him.06:59
raylui'm trying to get my cli server to act as a x "server" for gui apps :D06:59
arunDaisuke-Ido: how do i format it?06:59
hitmanWillyarun, he's talking about formatting the drive06:59
raylunow i have amarok on windows :D :D :D :D :D06:59
ross_: Couldn't find package kismet06:59
rayluwow...amarok sure has changed06:59
Daisuke-Ido!find *kismet*06:59
ubotuFound: E:06:59
underdog5004arun, he's a retard...or a smart guy hoping you're a retard...06:59
ross_Daisuke-Ido: which file do i need to edit to add the repository?06:59
Daisuke-Idothat helps06:59
Daisuke-Idoit's in universe07:00
Daisuke-Idoare you using feisty?07:00
ross_yeah but im really newb, whats the commands :) *step by step*07:00
arununderdog5004: I told him how will that work? It's a hard drive, it should work with everything. He's like no it wont, and he was adamant. I was like wtf07:00
hitmanWillyarun, macs can't read ntfs and windows can't read whatever fs mac uses07:00
underdog5004like I said...07:00
underdog5004was it at best buy?07:01
=== faded515 [n=faded515@cpc3-hatf4-0-0-cust973.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Kubuntu
Daisuke-Idothere shouldn't be any step by step, universe should be enabled already07:01
ross_well i guess not07:01
arunhitmanWilly: how do i format it so that i can use it with windows/mac/linux07:01
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse07:01
ross_Reading package lists... Done07:01
ross_Building dependency tree07:01
ross_Reading state information... Done07:01
ross_E: Couldn't find package kismet07:01
Daisuke-Idoarun: if you want to use it r/w with all three, use fat3207:01
underdog5004arun, I would simply format as NTFS07:01
hitmanWillyarun, you want to use it with all 3 systems?07:01
underdog5004oh...except for the mac...lol07:01
Daisuke-Idounderdog5004: that's really REALLY dumb.07:01
underdog5004yes. I know07:01
arunfat32 is only upto 32GB, right?07:01
underdog5004arun, no07:01
ross_Daisuke-Ido:  i remeber doing this before, there is a file i need to edit and add a location for some other repository..07:01
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Daisuke-Idowait, yes.07:02
hitmanWillyarun, fat32 would probably be your best option then07:02
Daisuke-Idoi forgot what question i was answering :\07:02
steveo1<underdog5004> it didnt do anything07:02
arun When I tried partitioning my hard drive with Windows, it said FAT32 partitioned logical drives can't be larger than 32gb07:02
ross_adding repositorys to install kismet07:02
ross_with apt-get07:02
pagan0neim having trouble mounting a usb drive under kubuntu 7.04 (64 bit) can someone help me?07:02
Daisuke-Idoross_: open adept manager07:03
Daisuke-Idoand go to manage repositories07:03
Daisuke-Ido(to others, i find this easier than telling someone to edit sources.list manually)07:03
underdog5004steveo1, bummer. I've never installed that codec...07:03
hitmanWillyarun, that's logical partitions, a fresh hd shouldn't have that issue IIRC07:03
underdog5004vlc plays everything for me...07:03
ross_Daisuke-Ido: ok im in manage repositorys07:03
Daisuke-Idoone second07:04
morticiwhat is the plugin for kde that allows qt skins for gtk apps like firefox07:04
Daisuke-Idoross_: what's checked on that first tab?07:04
Daisuke-Idoanother way to do this, make sure the choice ending with (universe) is checked07:05
ross_http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/     edgy07:05
Daisuke-Idoyou're not using feisty.07:05
steveo1underdog5004, it created and inflated a few things then stopped07:05
ross_there is 2 universe'07:05
steveo1you think i should try again?07:05
pagan0neonce i plug in a usb drive (assuming it doesnt auto mount, and use works properly) where should i go about looking for it under /dev ? i checked for sd* but the only sd* drives i see are my 2 sata drives im running off of...07:05
Daisuke-Idoi think kismet may not be in edgy's repos07:06
ross_Daisuke-Ido:  there is deb and deb-src07:06
arunThis is from Wikipedia: Using Konqueror, is there any way to arrange files in groups? I don't mean just sorting by file types, or other criteria, I mean sorting them and then arranging them in groups.07:06
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arunah damn, sorry07:06
Daisuke-Idoone is binary, one is source packages.07:06
arunThis is from Wikipedia: The maximum possible size for a file on a FAT32 volume is 4 GiB minus 1 Byte (232?1 bytes). For most users, this has become the most nagging limit of FAT32 as of 2007, since video capture and editing applications and some other software can easily exceed this limit.07:06
underdog5004steveo1, like I said, I've got no experience with that.07:06
Daisuke-Idoyeah, don't plan on storing large files like dvd images on a fat32 drive07:06
ross_so Daisuke-Ido07:07
Daisuke-Idoross_: no idea07:07
ross_Daisuke-Ido: what do i do in manage repository's ?07:07
hitmanWillyarun, that's the only fs that all three systems can read/write as far as i know07:07
Daisuke-Idonothing, you're not using feisty, so the adept versions are completely different, so that way isn't going to work07:07
Daisuke-IdohitmanWilly: ext2 with 3rd party drivers for windows.07:07
arunDaisuke-Ido: So basically I should get the cheaper Seagate hard drive, and then format it to FAT32? What application could I use to format it?07:08
Daisuke-Idogparted :)07:08
hitmanWillyhmm, didn't know those existed07:08
Daisuke-IdohitmanWilly: i hear they're actually quite nice07:08
hitmanWillyhmm, interesting07:09
=== raylu [n=raylu@adsl-75-53-99-108.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has left #kubuntu []
pagan0neDaisuke-Ido: ive tried them under vista, and reccomend NOT using Vista... PERIOD07:09
Daisuke-Idopagan0ne: that's a given07:09
hitmanWillyanyway, im off to bed, later07:10
Daisuke-Idovista is the ultimate sin07:10
Daisuke-IdohitmanWilly: good idea, think i'm going to do the same and you just left so MEH :(07:10
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morticiwhat is the plugin for kde that allows gtk apps to be themed?07:11
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arunDaisuke_Ido: thanks for all your help07:12
morticinvm i got it07:12
=== raylu [n=raylu@adsl-75-53-99-108.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
arunshould i use gparted or qtparted?07:13
Daisuke_Idogparted, much more stable, imo07:13
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arunalright, thanks07:13
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rayluwhat is the command to start xfce?07:14
rayluqtparted, looks much nicer ^^07:14
arunDaisuke_Ido: and it won't limit me to 32GB, right? :)07:14
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Daisuke_Idoraylu: if it doesn't work for crap, it doesn't matter how nice it looks07:16
Daisuke_Idoarun: in theory07:16
arunDaisuke_Ido: what if i buy the hard drive and it doesn't get formatted? it's 250gb07:17
arunshould i risk it?07:17
Daisuke_Idoif nothing else, you can format it ext2 and install the free (as in speech) ext2 driver for windows07:17
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ross_Hi guys, what is the repository i need to add to "apt-get install kismet" ??? please i juust did a french install of kubuntu 6.10 and want to know which repository to add to download and install kismet07:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kismet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:21
kalorin_I've never heard of it07:21
kalorin_well, no, I've heard of a game named kismet07:21
ross_nop not a game07:21
ross_a wireless tool07:21
kalorin_oh no idea sorry07:22
arunDaisuke_Ido: thanks again for all your help, appreciate it07:22
kalorin_is there a wiki page?07:22
ross_most likley07:22
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Daisuke_Idoif you have universe enabled, you need to sudo apt-get update07:24
Daisuke_Idoand try installing it again07:24
kalorin_daniel pearl's widow is sueing al queda!07:24
kalorin_I should sue them for stock losses resulting from 911 as well!07:24
kalorin_class action!07:24
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kalorin_I'm sure we can garnish their wages07:24
kalorin_how stupid07:24
ross_hey guys07:25
aruncan gparted be used for defragmenting drives?07:25
ross_i messed up my apt .list file07:25
ross_how do i edit it?07:25
ross_whats the location to it07:25
steveo1how do i figure out the installation path of firefox07:26
mm_202steveo1: find / -name firefox07:26
rayluthanks, underdog500407:26
raylustartxfce4 worked07:26
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underdog5004raylu, sorry, for what?07:27
raylusuperlaggy, though =\07:27
ross_hey how can i edit my "etc/apt/sources.list" file ??? i tried to kate but kate wont run07:27
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underdog5004oh, that...did it work?07:27
underdog5004lol, I was just guessing07:27
rayluyeah. it's just totally unusable07:27
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yurimxpxmando any of you know how to read iTunes's album artwork files, .itc?07:28
ross_hey how can i edit my "etc/apt/sources.list" file ??? i tried to kate but kate wont run07:28
arunross_: try kdesu kate07:28
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:28
CaysonLol, I cant even get it to install07:28
Daisuke_Idothat's getting ridiculous07:28
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steveo1mm_202, well i know its under the root folder in /etc, but im installing flashplayer9 and its asking for the path and when i type that in its says its wrong07:29
CaysonI feel bad abandoning Fedora, she was my first lol07:29
morticiis there a fix for the no sound in firefox?07:29
Shaezschehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30403/ can someone please tell me how to add 16-bit color support to my xorg? I use cedega and i like to play games in 16bit color because i get better performance. However, when not gaming, i like higher bit color.07:29
underdog5004mortici, I'm sure there is. have you tried google?07:29
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne is about to go nuts, so he takes a break
CaysonWow, sounds like Kubuntu has many problems, no?07:30
morticiunderdog5004: nvm fixed it :P07:30
underdog5004yup, just like anything else07:30
mneptokCayson: what is the install problem?07:30
underdog5004many are fixable07:30
CaysonI am going to burn the disk again07:30
Daisuke_IdoCayson: what's the problem?  you came in here complaining "it" wouldn't install, and none of us know wth "it" is07:30
arunCayson: what are you talking about?07:30
underdog5004Cayson, burn at 4x07:30
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WhtWolfTeraDyneCayson: You want problems? You should be here. I'm having to figure out what happened to a friend's windows install, and the bootlogs show failure everywhere...07:31
CaysonAlright, my problem is, is that it wont lauinch the desktop toinstall it07:31
steveo1anybody install flash player before07:31
Daisuke_IdoCayson: are you using the live cd?07:31
Daisuke_Idosteveo1: yeah, it's dead simple07:31
WhtWolfTeraDyneCayson: Might want to try the alternate install CD.07:31
CaysonThink so...07:31
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal07:31
CaysonI have tried both07:31
Daisuke_Idosteveo1: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree07:31
mneptokCayson: system memory, CPU, and video card?07:31
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WhtWolfTeraDyneCayson: Ah. And neither will work?07:32
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steveo1Daisuke_Ido, its asking for the installation path of firefox07:32
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CaysonI have got the Desktop to load before, but onylonce. And it froze.07:32
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progreSSivehi everybody!!07:32
CaysonI am running Compaq Evo N610C, for linux.07:33
arunFunny thing happened once.. a friend of mine asked me to install Kubuntu on her computer. So I took the official CD that I had ordered (using ShipIt), and I also took another CD with the burned (downloaded) ISO. I tried with the 'official' CD first, and though it ran the Live CD properly, it just refused to launch the installer. It worked with the CD-R though07:33
rayluhm..."xwin -fullscreen" seems to have unlaggified it07:33
rayluand made it useable at the same time07:33
Daisuke_Idosteveo1: /usr/lib/firefox ?07:33
mneptokCayson: i'm not going to look up your computer's specs. system memory, CPU, and video chipset?07:33
WhtWolfTeraDynearun: They had problems with the first sets of the pressed CDs. Mine work fine.07:33
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mnmmichaelCayson: Maybe you could try running a lesser version which may install more easily, and then upgrade once you get it installed07:33
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CaysonOh okay just wait mnep07:34
raylusheesh, why didn't anyone tell me about this before?07:34
=== mneptok waits
steveo1Daisuke_Ido, its in the root folder under the /etc, but when i type it in it says its wron07:34
Daisuke_Idouh, yeah07:35
surgyi know this is the wrong chanel but can someone help me with running two programs simultaniously in one instance of cedega?07:35
Daisuke_Idohow about using what i JUST told you?07:35
arunWhtWolfTeraDyne: Ah okay, this was with Dapper. And it wouldn't detect her internet connection either, at which point things got a bit frustrating, and her parents were going to come home soon, so I had to abort it (her parents don't like boys in their house, especially when they're not around)07:35
=== irvken [n=sean@82-46-25-42.cable.ubr01.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Idoor if that doesn't work, /etc/firefox/07:36
steveo1word ok i got it07:36
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WhtWolfTeraDynearun: I was talking about Feisty. I usually don't get anything in first-run, unless it's a copy of the latest Pokemon game.07:37
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Caysonsystem memory, CPU, and video chipset? 256 ram, Mobile Pentium 4 (Looking for GHz), chipset?07:38
WhtWolfTeraDynearun: And the liveCD problems are a good example as to why I won't.07:38
CaysonGraphics card?07:38
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mneptokCayson: in a terminal, run "cat /proc/cpuinfo && free -m && grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (no quotes) and paste the output in a /msg ?07:38
felixionghow r u07:38
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne begins pouring through the logfiles on the machine he's working on
steveo1Daisuke_Ido, have you installed divx stage 6 before07:39
felixionghow can i chat privately07:39
mneptokWhtWolfTeraDyne: "poring" ;)07:39
underdog5004WhtWolfTeraDyne, usually I'm right there with you, but I've been running gutsy in a vm since tribe 1...I gotta say, it's shaping up nicely...07:39
Daisuke_Idosteveo1: nope, never had any reason to.  VLC plays everything i throw at it07:39
WhtWolfTeraDyneunderdog5004: Good to hear. I think I'll still wait until about a month after release.07:39
felixionganybody here knows about netbeans?07:39
Shaezscheis there a command that tells me what color depth i am currently in?07:40
felixionganybody here knows about netbeans?07:40
rayluwhat do you want to do?07:40
underdog5004WhtWolfTeraDyne, lol, I installed fiesty about 2 days after it was release...borked my edgy install...07:40
steveo1Daisuke_Ido, how do it get VLC07:40
Daisuke_Idosteveo1: it's in the repos07:40
WhtWolfTeraDynemneptok: Meh, It's 12:39 AM right now. I'm allowed ot make mistakes.07:40
felixionghey! anybody here knows about netbeans?07:40
Daisuke_Idofelixiong: we saw it the first two times, STOP IT.07:40
underdog5004Shaezsche, just cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | less and search for the resolution that you're at07:40
mneptokWhtWolfTeraDyne: people are allowed to make mistakes any time. it's what we're good at.07:40
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underdog5004!patience | felixiong07:41
ubotufelixiong: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:41
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felixiongok sir. thanks07:41
Daisuke_Ido+++ or if you are helped07:41
underdog5004Shaezsche, kind of a sketchy way to do it...if you've got an nvidia card I believe you can install the nvdia-control-panel that will tell you.07:41
felixionganybody here is a programmer of java?07:42
Shaezscheunderdog5004: i cannot do that07:42
Shaezscheim testing my xorg07:42
Shaezscheneed to know if i did something right07:42
=== Cayson [n=chiivala@64-83-198-81.dhcp.stcd.mn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
arunsteveo1: open adept and search for vlc07:42
CaysonTo large of paste, it crashed07:42
mneptok!pastebin > Cayson07:42
steveo1i got it07:42
arunsteveo1: enjoy :)07:42
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne has just figured out that the machine his firend had was a WinME machine, and it ended up dying due to a massive virus
Cayson!pastebin > processor       : 007:42
Caysonvendor_id       : GenuineIntel07:42
Caysoncpu family      : 1507:42
Caysonmodel           : 207:42
Caysonmodel name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 Mobile CPU 1.80GHz07:42
Caysonstepping        : 407:42
Caysoncpu MHz         : 1200.00007:42
Caysoncache size      : 512 KB07:42
Caysonfdiv_bug        : no07:42
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Caysonhlt_bug         : no07:42
underdog5004Shaezsche, oh, well, do that cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | less and scroll down to the..."Display" section, I think07:42
Caysonf00f_bug        : no07:42
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o mneptok] by ChanServ
Caysoncoma_bug        : no07:42
Caysonfpu             : yes07:42
Caysonfpu_exception   : yes07:42
Caysoncpuid level     : 207:43
Caysonwp              : yes07:43
Caysonflags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm up07:43
arunCayson: do you know what pastebin is?07:43
Caysonbogomips        : 2394.8807:43
Daisuke_Ido!paste | Cayson, for the love of god,07:43
ubotuCayson, for the love of god,: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:43
Cayson             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached07:43
ShaezscheNO underdog5004 that doesnt work07:43
underdog5004Cayson, you're going to get banned...07:43
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WhtWolfTeraDyneNice save.07:43
underdog5004Shaezsche, oh, ok. have you made changes to you xorg.conf? If not, just go for it. If you screw something up, just sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver07:43
=== Daisuke_Ido applauds
=== underdog5004 joins in the applause
underdog5004c'mon everyone, slow clap!07:44
felixiongno one will answer me?07:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about noone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nobody - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:44
felixiongI need someone I can talk about netbeans07:45
underdog5004felixiong, we don't know anything about netbeans. go look on a forum. Google is your friend.07:45
mneptok!pastebin > Cayson07:45
underdog5004good night, everyone07:45
CaysonI did07:45
felixiongok thaks07:45
steveo1Daisuke_Ido, i got that VLC player and i still cant watch any divx run video of this site i goto07:45
felixiongthanks a lot....07:45
WhtWolfTeraDynefelixiong: #netbeans07:45
steveo1any suggestions07:45
felixiongyap netbeans 5.5.107:45
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felixiongI just wanna ask something I need to know07:46
WhtWolfTeraDynefelixiong: No, there's a channel called #netbeans that you can join07:46
Daisuke_Idofelixiong: then go there, and ask07:46
Daisuke_Idothat's because vlc is a standalone video player.  you said you needed the codec to watch videos.  you didn't say they were streaming videos online.07:46
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Daisuke_Idothese things are helpful to know...  unfortunately, i have no clue now :\07:47
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne gives up on the shattered WinME box and shuts it down...
steveo1my bad07:47
CaysonWas that correct, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30406/?07:47
felixiongthanks WhtWolfTeraDyne07:47
WhtWolfTeraDynefelixiong: No problem07:47
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phoenixzWhat package do I need to install to have remote ssh access to a kubuntu install?07:48
felixiongno body is answering there <WhtWolfTeraDyne>. no people chatting07:48
Daisuke_Idofelixiong: then ask another time, this isn't the place :\07:49
steveo1Daisuke_Ido, you know any players like VLC that work for streaming videos07:49
Daisuke_Idomplayer's plugin with ffmpeg, maybe07:49
CaysonOkay I am going to try my new disk07:49
Daisuke_Idobut i've never actually attempted that07:49
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root___my kde gone wild07:56
klobsterdid it take its window manager off?07:57
steveo1i downloaded black and white 2, and my windows emulator won install it. Any suggestions?? (its an exe file)07:58
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WhtWolfTeraDyneWell. I'm done with those two. One has a badly damaged motherboard, the other has such a badly hosed WinME install that I wouldn't even trust it with a copy of Slackware on it.07:59
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WhtWolfTeraDynesteveo1: You using wine?08:00
steveo1WhtWolfTeraDyne, i have it but it doesnt seem to be working08:01
WhtWolfTeraDyneWine App Database shows that it won't work worth a flip in Wine. > http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=357408:01
steveo1so im pretty much screwed in playing it?08:03
WhtWolfTeraDynesteveo1: In wine, yes. I don't know about Cedga or any other windows emulator.08:04
Daisuke_Idoneither of those are emulators :P08:04
steveo1what are they08:04
Daisuke_Idocompatibility layers08:05
WhtWolfTeraDyneDaisuke_Ido: I like what Jon Watson called them. "Windows Enablers"08:05
steveo1lol lamens terms08:05
Daisuke_IdoWhtWolfTeraDyne: i like that08:05
Daisuke_Idosteveo1: it doesn't count as a "layman's term" if it's "wrong"08:06
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.08:06
rayluaw :(08:06
steveo1i ment that comment for compatibilty layers08:06
Daisuke_Idoit's not an emulator, it doesn't emulate anything.  it acts as an intermediary between linux/hardware and windows applications by implementing (most of) the windows API including DirectX functionality.08:07
Daisuke_Idonow dosbox, there's an emulator (and one i love)08:08
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WhtWolfTeraDynedosbox + Commander Keen = Fun!08:09
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MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!08:10
WhtWolfTeraDyneNow, if only they made something that could run "Pathways Into Darkness"...08:10
Daisuke_Idowhat OS?08:10
Daisuke_Idocan't say i've heard of it08:10
MilhousePunkRockHow can I remove the undelining for _F_ile, _E_dit and so in the menu bar?08:10
MilhousePunkRockFor Qt programs, that is...08:10
WhtWolfTeraDyneOLD mac. Hold on, I'll see if I can find out when it was released.08:11
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Daisuke_Idothere's got to be a 680x0 mac emulator for linux08:11
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steveo1WhtWolfTeraDyne, what other emulators are there that are free08:14
phoenixzHi there, I just installed kubuntu clean on a computer, and went to install software with Adept manager.. I added sun java and It showed me a license and I pressed next without accepting the license (dumb dumb).. next thing, adept crashes, and when I restarted it showed me the database was locked so I cant install / modify anything! I already restarted but the problem persists.. any ideas?08:14
WhtWolfTeraDynesteveo1: None, as far as I know.08:14
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ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:14
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steveo1well tits08:15
phoenixzI am using kubuntu  7.0108:15
phoenixzor like.. the latest08:15
MilhousePunkRockphoenixz: No such Kubuntu... 7.04!08:15
phoenixzWhtWolfTeraDyne, sounds like this is common.. :)08:15
felixiong<phoenixz> don't use adept when you are install java08:15
phoenixz7.04! sorry, forgive my sins!!08:15
WhtWolfTeraDynephoenixz: Yes. Very common, actually.08:16
phoenixzfelixiong, why not?08:16
felixiong<phoenixz> use the shell instead08:16
felixiongbecause the license agreement of java is for console only. will not work in GUI or window08:16
felixiongadept is a window or GUI right? so don't use that when u r installing java08:17
phoenixzfelixiong, well.. did that on this computer and that turned out just right..08:17
WhtWolfTeraDynefelixiong: Well, it will work, but not that well.08:17
phoenixzfelixiong, There is a select box at the bottom you have to check.. I forgot that this time08:17
felixiongu can find the shell under System menu08:17
MilhousePunkRockfelixiong: Will work in adept, but you have to take to not click next before you checked "agree with the license"08:17
felixiongthe correct name it is KONSOLE08:17
MilhousePunkRockphoenixz: Or even faster: Hit Alt-F2 and type "konsole"08:18
felixiongKonsole Terminal Program I mean08:18
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MilhousePunkRockfelixiong: Sun is a bit weird with the license display, it should disable the next button until you have agreed...08:18
felixiong<phoenixz> u use a comman "apt-get install java" to install java08:19
phoenixzI know how to get a konsole.. :)08:19
phoenixzfelixiong, will I get sun java?08:19
phoenixzfelixiong, because I do need exactly that one.. if not, eclipse will screw me with phpeclipse..08:19
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felixiong<phoenixz> u can install that using "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre" then you can see some necessary files will install first08:22
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felixiong<phoenixz> actually you install sun-java6-jdk08:22
felixiongand sun-java6-jre08:23
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yotsuyaI am trying to install 7.04 to a Sony Vaio PCG-R505EL laptop, and I got stuck on CD-ROM detection step.08:32
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yotsuya"No common CD-ROM drive was detected"08:32
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kieblerelfis hardware needed to use the fm players08:39
mike_kieblerelf: Yes08:39
kieblerelfanyone ever use the program john the ripper08:41
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sammyanyone using tor? possibly tor with their gpg key?09:01
imaginehow can I shutdown X on DISPLAY=:1 ?09:03
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ScottyI was playing around with screen resolutions and stuff the other day and I restarted last night and I was in a really low resolution. So I went into settings and tried to make it bigger, only to find out that it wouldn't get any higher. So I thought maybe screens were screwed up since I was playing with dual screens the other day, too. Anyway, I tried switching my primary to my secondary and vice-versa so I could make the resolution higher, but now09:13
Scottywhen I try to boot in Kubuntu, I get the loading screen, and then some text comes up but goes away before I can read it, and then it goes back to the loading screen for 30 seconds or so and then a black screen comes up with a blinking underscore.09:13
ScottyIs there anyway to reset those settings to their defaults?09:13
illriginalCan someone help me mount my Digital Camera via USB?09:15
sammyScotty: you're looking for /etc/X11/xorg.conf, me thinks. as far as resetting, you can at least change the resolution to something you know works and go from there.09:15
ScottySammy: Thanks09:15
mac1can someone help me put in more servers like undernet channel on Konversation?09:16
MilhousePunkRockmac1: Hit F209:16
mac1i tried that...09:16
mac1I tried to add the servers and ports...09:16
mac1but it would not connect09:17
ScottySammy: Could I just type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in a recovery console? Would that work?09:17
WhtWolfTeraDyneDaisuke_Ido: I found a mac 680x0 emulator. Basilisk II! > http://basilisk.cebix.net/09:17
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mac1mac emulator that's cool09:17
MilhousePunkRockmac1: Are you sure you entered everthing correctly?09:17
MilhousePunkRockmac1: Or that the server you are trying to add is up at all?09:17
WhtWolfTeraDyne!info basilisk209:18
ubotubasilisk2: 68k Macintosh emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.20060529-1 (feisty), package size 300 kB, installed size 840 kB09:18
illriginalCan someone help me mount my Digital Camera via USB?09:18
mac1Undernet Channel? yes09:18
mac1I went to www.undernet.org to look at their servers09:19
mac1hmmm..have you been able to use your digital camera at all Illriginal?09:20
sammyScotty: I betthat would work actually.09:20
Ryarensby can help me in Wine?09:21
sammyScotty: that question was answered by the gentoo part of my brain, not the kubuntu/debian one, sorry :P09:21
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RyarenI've just installed the WoW and in 1280x1024 the texts are flickering (like chatlog,combatlog etc..) It seems like somekind of refresh rate problem but if I change this rate nothing happens! I'm using the latest wine (0.9.41) and Geforce 4 ti4200 + I-max LCD monitor09:23
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illriginalmac1 for some reason amarok keeps letting me see my pictures, but then I closed amarok..and now I can't view my pictures09:24
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illriginalmac1 even after amarok is opened, i go to "My Computer" and double click it.. .and it gives me an error message09:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pkg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pkg-config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:26
mac1sorry can't help you09:26
mac1i'm working on that next project for my own digital camera09:26
mac1right now, I'm trying to figure out how to download java09:26
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MilhousePunkRockmac1: To me it seems that this undernet service is down, the website loads really slow and it does not list any server09:27
ADiCT3DCan someone help me fix my sound? It seems all high pitched now since i was messin with Audacity09:27
scottyExcellent. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg worked perfectly.09:27
scottyThanks for the suggestion, anyway, Sammy :D09:27
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mac1it does load slow09:28
sammyscotty: good call with dpkg-config. I need to remember there's a computer to fix things for me automagically :P09:28
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mac1the site has a tab for servers you didn't see it?09:29
MilhousePunkRockmac1: I see it, but the list it brings up is empty09:29
mac1what do you mean by empty? I see the server list and port listings etc.09:29
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mac1MillhousePunkRock: it is a slow site.if I didn't have friends logging on there I would not bother trying to figure this out09:30
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morten_hey all09:31
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ADiCT3Dhow do i record sterero mixer audio from Audacity?09:33
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ADiCT3Dhow do i record sterero mixer audio from Audacity?09:34
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morten_i hav ea problem whwn istalling porgs09:35
jombeewhat's the problem?09:36
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niveahallo, ich hab da mal ne frage: wie kann ich licq installieren auf kubuntu? (es sei hinzugefuegt, dass ich erst kuerzlich von windows auf linux umgestiegen bin und mich daher ueber nuetzliche tipps sehr freuen wuerde)09:50
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:51
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niveahello, i've got a question: how can i install licq on kubuntu? (i'm an absolute beginner because i switched over from windows few days ago, some tips might be useful) thanks09:52
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thetigergohi nivea09:55
pagnivea, sudo apt-get install licq09:55
pag!info licq09:55
ubotulicq: ICQ client (base files). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.4-2 (feisty), package size 627 kB, installed size 1952 kB09:55
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Riyoxke*** Compile and install it, and make sure pkg-config finds it,10:04
Riyoxke*** by adding the path where the .pc file is located to PKG_CONFIG_PATH10:04
Riyoxkei dont get it10:04
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pagRiyoxke, wth are you trying to do? :P10:05
niveapag, my shell says he can't find the licq package, and if i'm honest, i don't know how to use a shell, so if you could tell me how i am able to navigate to the folder where i downloaded and unpacked it, that would be great.10:06
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pag!repos | nivea10:06
ubotunivea: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:06
Riyoxketrying to install irssi, first i installed gcc, pkg and now i'm trying to install glib10:06
pagnivea, see that link, and then install licq through Adept manager10:06
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pagRiyoxke, you're compiling glib? why? it's in repos, no need to compile10:07
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pagRiyoxke, you can install everything you need to build the newest version of irssi by typing  sudo apt-get build-dep irssi10:08
Riyoxkewell, tbh, i dont know what i'm trying :p irssi needs glib, so i downloaded glib.. did ./configure etc etc10:08
Riyoxkei'm just new to linux (2 days)10:08
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Riyoxkepag: can't find the package irssi10:09
thetigergodon't let nivea confuse10:09
Riyoxkeneed to do ./configure first10:09
pagRiyoxke, you have all the repos enabled?10:09
thetigergowhy don't teach her goto shell and type this one10:10
thetigergosudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list10:10
thetigergoit is easy ?10:10
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niveai'm ok, i just use the link ubotu send, think its gonna work10:11
pagthetigergo, since it's easier just to click your way through adepts menus, than to edit a file in text-based editor?10:11
pagnivea, it should. and if if doesn't you can always ask for further instructions :)10:12
thetigergono, that's alittle complicated10:12
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Riddell** testers needed for the tribe 3 candidates alternate CDs10:12
thetigergou know? when u got to sources list? u just remove the # sign inline with the deb and http? and save it10:13
thetigergoafter that just type sudo apt-get update and the whole thing will updated10:13
thetigergoafter that just type again sudo apt-get install licq10:13
thetigergothen after the installation done.10:14
pagthetigergo, I know. I personally prefer vim over nano... but somehow I feel, that editing things graphically might be easier for beginner10:14
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thetigergostill u can use shell and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list?10:14
thetigergothat is GUI editor?10:15
pagthetigergo, kdesu kate  that's kubuntu channel ;)10:15
thetigergokate rather10:15
thetigergoso that's so easy?10:16
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pagthetigergo, sorry... I already lost a track of this conversation :-/ Editing sources.list is rather easy - yes. Clicking in adept is easy too.. I don't see a point for having this argument10:17
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berkeswhat tool or app is used to create the fstab on install of kubuntu?10:22
ADiCT3Dberkes: its a text file10:22
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berkesmy disks (uuids) are fsked during the latest upgrade. And I want to regenerate the etc/fstab ffile10:22
thetigergosorry pag, I just trying to let nivea not to confuse10:23
berkesthing is, that doing it manually breaks in several places. And breaks the ablity of future upgrades too. Once its broken your fsked.10:23
Ogredudeah crap10:23
Ogredudecomputer I was going to install kubuntu on doesn't have a DVD reader and all I've got is a 7.04 DVD10:23
Ogredudecan I use the DVD to make CD images on another machine or do I have to go download CD images?10:24
ADiCT3DOgredude: go download  a CD image10:24
berkesOgredude: downloading is the easiest.10:24
Ogredudealso the slowest probably10:24
berkesalternative you could mount the iso over loopback and create cd isos from that. But that requires skills :)10:25
ADiCT3DOgredude: Nope ordering a shipit CD is10:25
OgredudeI guess so10:25
ADiCT3Dberkes: no dvd reader10:25
OgredudeADiCT3D: well the machine I'm on right now has a DVD reader10:25
berkesADiCT3D: you don't have the iso then?10:25
Ogredudeit's the target machine that doesn't10:25
ADiCT3Dpull it out of current10:25
ADiCT3Dput in other10:25
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berkesADiCT3D: but yea, I know fsab is a file. Problem is that kubuntus stupid UUID system breaks everytime on upgrades-10:26
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berkesyea: hmmm. :)10:28
Ogredudeoh grand, this machine only has 128MB anyway10:28
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berkesOgredude: optionally try xubuntu.10:30
Ogredudewell all I really need it to do is fire up a Rails app and a Firefox pointing at the Rails app10:30
Ogredudeit's not going to be doing much else10:30
berkesor else go for puppylinux or damnsmallinux10:31
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Ogredudehmmm ok10:33
OgredudeI'll have to look at those10:33
berkesI have good experience with DSL on an ancient laptop: 48M Ram :D10:34
berkesit even did a translucent console!10:34
Ogredudehrmm, I may have a 256MB SDRAM laying around somewhere10:35
berkesOgredude: also: go for swiftfox instead of firefox. Saves some mem and cpu.10:35
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NeoChapayhi 2 all i create deb package of Kde4-svn071407 ho can me say how i can add him for devel repos !?10:42
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pagNeoChapay, #ubuntu-motu10:43
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Pensa`MIAsmplayer won't work with kubuntu's patched Qt 4.3.010:44
skarhey whats up all10:45
skarinew with linux10:45
skari need help10:45
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zenumhi, does anyone here have an nvidia 8500 or 8600?10:48
zenumi'm just wondering if i would be able to get full 3d support for it in ubuntu?10:49
Ogredudegood lord10:49
Ogredudedamnsmall *is* damn small10:49
MikelevelPensa`MIA~ why smplayer ? if you use kde its better kmplayer10:49
Pensa`MIAsmplayer is the best frontend I found for mplayer I have come across10:50
Mikelevelcould be... but.. its gtk10:50
Mikelevelsorry i was thinking in another one10:51
MikelevelSource code: smplayer-0.5.29-qt4-0718.tar.gz (~ 1.3 MB)10:53
MikelevelNote: currently SMPlayer is being ported to Qt 4. These versions could be really unstable. You're warned.10:53
Pensa`MIAI've talked to the developer and it seems to be a problem with the changes kubuntu makes to qt10:53
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haizhi i'm installing etch now on a machine but it hang at configuring apt scanning the mirror..11:02
haizanyway to abort it?11:02
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rionuna pregunta11:04
pag!es | rion11:04
uboturion: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:04
pollyoI'm attempting to help a friend.  I installed ubuntu on his computer and now he would like windows on it as well.  I was wanting to keep the ubuntu on the system and add windows to it.11:04
pollyoWould anyone be able to share some knowledge on this situation?11:04
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pollyoOr perhaps a website that would discuss the proccess.11:05
pagpollyo, in short: Install Windows on a deperate partition and recover grub ;)11:05
pagseperate even11:05
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pollyopag: Thank you.  To recover grub would I make use of the ubuntu boot disk?11:05
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pagpollyo, yup. just mount your ubuntu-installation, chroot to it and command sudo grub-install (or something like that, cant remember the exact comman atm)11:06
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pollyopag: I am not familiar with chroot.  Would you be able to share how to make use of that command?11:07
pagpollyo, sure. sudo chroot /mount/point11:07
pollyopag: Would mount/point be the partition? (by default with ubuntu)?11:08
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pagpollyo, mountpoint would be the folder you've mounted your Ubuntu-installations / prtition one command earlier11:08
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pollyopag: Does ubuntu have a command to tell you what the mount point be?   Or is "chroot /mount/point" the actuall command?11:10
pollyopag: or would chroot /dev/sda1 or something like that?11:11
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pagpollyo, I'll give you an example: sudo mkdir /myubuntu && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /myubuntu && sudo chroot /myubuntu11:11
pagpollyo, of course /dev/sdXY must be correct11:11
pollyopag: Thank you for the time to help me on this.11:12
pagnp :)11:12
pollyopag: After that I run what command to renue the boot system?11:12
pollyopag: Will it automatically find both windows and ubuntu or do I have to edit anything?11:12
pagpollyo, wait a sec, I'll try to figure the latter steps :)11:13
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pagpollyo,  grub-install --root-directory=/myubuntu /dev/sda11:14
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:14
pollyopag: Great link.  From the description it appears to discuss what I am doing.  I hope it covers dual booting.11:15
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pagpollyo, official guide seems to use different approach. It should work too11:15
pollyopag: I'll review the official guide as well and thank you once again for your time and effort.11:16
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:18
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arhangelwhit everithing11:26
arhangeli dowt know how to log on root11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about root' - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:26
arhangel:| I INSTALL KUBUNTU11:26
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo11:26
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flex - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:26
pagarhangel, in other words; use sudo and *don't* try to login as root11:27
arhangeli understant11:28
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arhangelif i wana install something whit root acces i use sudo ?11:28
arhangelsudo make blABLA11:28
pagarhangel, yup. ie. sudo apt-get install11:28
arhangelyes yes11:28
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arhangelchecking for X... no11:29
arhangelchecking for flex... no11:29
arhangelconfigure: error: no suitable flex found. Please install the 'flex' package.11:29
pag!info flex11:29
ubotuflex: A fast lexical analyzer generator.. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.33-10build1 (feisty), package size 226 kB, installed size 960 kB11:29
pagarhangel, for configuring (by the way, what are you trying to install?) you'll probably need flex-dev11:30
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arhangeli try to install wine11:30
pag!repos | arhangel11:31
ubotuarhangel: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu11:31
pag!info wine | arhangel11:31
ubotuarhangel: wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB11:31
arhangeli know what`s wine11:32
arhangel:| but i dowt know how to install flex package11:32
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pagarhangel, enable universe-repo (as told in first link) and then install via Adept / apt-get11:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
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arhangelanother eror11:40
arhangelhecking for bison... no11:40
arhangelconfigure: error: no suitable bison found. Please install the 'bison' package.11:40
arhangel!info bison11:40
ubotubison: A parser generator that is compatible with YACC. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.3.dfsg-4build1 (feisty), package size 338 kB, installed size 1360 kB11:40
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arhangeli`m idiot11:47
arhangelanyone knows how to install aol11:48
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arhangelanyone online ?11:53
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:56
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Ogredudeok I know I'm going to regret this...  But do I want lilo or grub?  (installing DSL at the moment)11:57
pagOgredude, grub probably11:57
OgredudeI don't know a damn thing about either of them11:58
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pagOgredude, grub is newer, and easier iirc  lilo is mostly for old-school users11:58
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Teknobabahow can i download kubuntu ?12:00
ubotuKubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php12:00
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vistakillergeia sas12:01
pag!gr | vistakiller12:01
ubotuvistakiller: #ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes12:01
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peerwhen I will start Kubuntu comes many errors: ata2.01: revalidation failed (errno= -5)  ata2: port failed to respond (30sec, States 0xd0)12:02
Teknobabacan  use kubuntu in turksh language12:02
peerWhat can I do?12:03
pag!tr | Teknobaba12:03
ubotuTeknobaba: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.12:03
Teknobabaubotu: teekkrler12:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about teekkrler - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:03
pagTeknobaba, ubotu's a bot :)12:03
Teknobabapag: hehe OK :D12:04
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Ogredudeurgh, HD errors12:04
wersfor my gnome apps, can I use GNOME's Window decoration under KDE?12:05
peerbut kubuntu will start 3 minutes later12:05
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pagwers, either or. you can't run two WMs at the same time12:05
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pagwers, so it's either Metacity (gnome) or Kwin (KDE)12:06
wersI guess, I really cant12:06
wersokay.. thanks12:06
arhangelpag can you help me plz12:07
arhangelstep by step :(12:07
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pagarhangel, with?12:08
arhangelto instal aol12:08
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pagarhangel, isn't aol an ISP?12:09
arhangelwhat is a IPS12:09
arhangeltu hide my ip12:09
pagInternet Service Provider12:09
arhangelno no12:09
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arhangelaol mesenger like in windows12:09
runleveltenThey have that massive trojan^w client software that stops and starts services, messes with packet filtering etc.12:09
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runleveltenah, aim12:10
runleveltenkopete ftw :)12:10
arhangelno no12:10
arhangelno aim12:10
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arhangelaol make`s a now internet conexion and creeate a new ip12:10
runleveltenso not aol messenger then?12:10
arhangelmake a new pppoe12:11
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runlevelteneeks, last time I touched AOL connectivity for home Linux it was a horrific mess. I hope it's improved now12:12
runleveltensudo apt-cache search aol | grep connect .... penggy - connects to AOL via modem or TCP/IP12:13
arhangelbut it doesont work the recomplie12:13
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Teknobabapag: can  use kubuntu in turksh language ?12:14
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pagTeknobaba, you can... You'll have to install Turkish language packs12:14
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Teknobabapag: okay12:15
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pagTeknobaba, sudo apt-get install kde-i18n-tr language-pack-kde-tr12:16
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runleveltenwow, this amarok - ums player thing isn't working smoothly. welcome to 199312:28
runleveltenit's so snazzy and seamless normally, too :(12:28
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=== runlevelten installs opensuse in a vm in case he needs to get any actual Computer Use done.
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prezencehello people12:49
prezencecan sum1 help me get kdeaccessibility going on kubuntu 612:49
prezencenot available via the adept manager12:49
prezenceand when i manually get the .deb it has a rather big list of dependancies12:50
prezenceis there a specific repository i could add?12:50
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Lynourekubuntu 6? you mean Dapper 6.04 or Edgy 6.10?12:51
prezenceshould be dapper12:51
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LynoureI would if I could, but I cannot remember that... long time since my dapper days12:52
prezenceany1 else?12:53
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prezencehave i got it right though?12:56
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dreamerhmm, i'm unable to start firefox: Segmentation fault (core dumped)01:01
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dreameris this still the major bug discussed here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/6023601:09
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perritohello everybody01:09
perritoI don01:09
dreamerI not don01:10
perritoI dont speak english very well and I need help with kubuntu01:10
dreamerok, hi don :)01:10
dreamerwhat is your problem?01:10
dreamerand what is your native language?01:10
perritomy internet connection is goes too slow with kubuntu01:10
perritothe problem is the download speed01:12
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:12
perritothanks ubotu01:12
perritoil try it01:13
dreamergood luck!01:13
perritothanks dreamer01:13
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perritoplease I need your help, I will try to write in English01:22
arunIs it just me, or does anyone else experience a weird caching problem using Firefox/Linux? Sites that work fine on Firefox/Windows sometimes need to be refreshed 6-7 times before they work properly and display the most recent information, especially AJAX-based sites. Come to think of it, it happens with other browsers on Linux as well.. Opera, Konqueror. Do I need to tweak anything w.r.t network settings?01:22
bldzrHum, never experienced that01:23
perritoarun I think you may have to delete the temporary files after get the new content01:24
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perritoI experience that but only in some type of files embedded01:25
perritolike sounds, video etc01:25
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arunperrito: no, that's not it. tried everything, it's weird.01:27
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perritomm i have no idea01:27
_4strOarun: have you a concrete exemple ?01:28
_4strOarun: than we can test01:28
arunFor example, have you heard of a file storing service called Dropboks?01:28
perritomy firefox works fine with ajax i don have that problem01:28
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arunOk, so that site uses AJAX to upload and display data. It uploads files alright, but it doesn't display the list of files when you log in, like it's supposed to. It works fine on Firefox/Windows, though01:29
=== emonkey develops a AJAX CMS and there is no problem with FF and kubuntu here...
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arunThe problem doesn't occur with all AJAX-based sites, only some01:31
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arunBut there's no problem on Firefox/Windows, even when I'm using Windows/VMWare (which is basically using the same connection as kubuntu)01:32
_4strOarun: so you have something special in your FF on linux conf01:33
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tmskeis there a rss-feed whith new or updated packages of kubuntu gutsy?01:33
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ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+101:34
arun_4strO: any idea what that might be?01:34
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_4strOarun: nop01:35
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jarohphello there. I experienced very strange situation. My battery was depleted when I forgot my notebook running. Now I plugged mains started notebook but battery doesn't seem to recharge at all. Do anyone know what could be the problem and how to solve this? I really don't know what might be wrong with it.01:39
_4strOtry the plug with another equipment01:40
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BluesKajMorning all :)01:46
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Vrennhello, I'm running kubuntu 7.04 an had the problem that knetworkmanager wanst able all the time to connect to my router (wpa, madwifi), then i deactivated it and used /etc/network/networks, which also breaks down from time to time (ifdown && ifup helps but is no solution)02:01
Vrennanybody has a idea to get rid of the always annoining ifup/ifdown?02:02
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BluesKaj!wireless | Vrenn02:03
ubotuVrenn: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:03
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Ryarensby can help me in shell scripting?02:05
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BluesKajRyaren, how?02:07
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Vrennwireless works, but not all the time, thats the point, the troubleshootingguide ends when the connection is establiched, and i have all channels from 1-13 through02:08
RyarenI want to make a script but I don't know how can I take a command as root02:08
RyarenBlueskaj: I want to copy to /etc folder a file02:09
BluesKajyou can do it as root in konqueror, kdesu konqueror /etc/..filename ,cut &paste or copy & paste you file into it IIRC02:12
Darkriftare there tools to move a partition on any linux live cds?02:13
Darkrifti wanna delete my vista partition, make a new partition, copy my linux one onto it, then make a new one with whats left at the end02:13
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Darkriftcause the linux partitions are in the middle of the drive02:13
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BluesKajKubuntu Live cds have partitioning capabilities , but i's recommended to prepartition you drive(s) first ... makes for an easier and quicker install02:14
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Darkriftthats not possible02:14
Darkrifti got a fully running install already02:14
Darkriftjust want to give it more drive space and remove vistas partition02:15
BluesKajDarkrift, then DL and burn GParted Live CD partiton editor,  it's bootable and works very well02:15
Darkriftdo you know if it can copy partitions though?02:16
Darkriftor do i need to use something like partition magic02:16
BluesKajit can move them02:16
BluesKajpartition magic sucks and is unstable ...use GPareted02:17
Darkrifti might do a full drive backup first just incase02:17
Darkrifti have a 300g in my closet, jsut need the power cord for my external bay02:18
runleveltenor cfdisk and some forethought :)02:18
BluesKajI've used it several times and it's never lrt me down ...but it does take a while02:18
Darkriftthe lappy drive is only 80g, so id be safe with either method02:18
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BluesKajDarkrift, well plan to be withou the pc for several hrs then , but redundancy is the safe way alright02:22
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=== genii sips a large black coffee
BluesKajmornin', genii02:25
geniiBluesKaj: Mornin' :)02:25
runleveltencoffee. Good call.02:26
geniiI feel like that Warner Bros cartoon with the sheepdog and coyote at the timesheet02:26
geniiHi Geroge, hi Fred, etc LOL02:27
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI02:27
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BluesKajbones are achy this mornin ...t-storms and rain ...gonna be housebound again02:29
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runleveltenI get migraine from thunderstorms :(02:30
runleveltenor from impending thunderstorms.02:30
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BluesKajmigraines...bummer :(02:36
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=== BluesKaj tunes into Radio Paradise
arunFirefox just won't open certain pages for me. As in I know they've "loaded", I can see the header on the title bar, but the page is entirely blank. The same pages show up properly in Firefox/Windows, or even in Konqueror. Any ideas as to how I can fix this?02:39
BluesKajwhich sites arun , ones that use a lot of media like youtube or... ?02:40
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arunNo, not necessarily. At first I thought it was only with AJAX-based sites, but it seems to happen with a lot of sites.02:41
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arunThe problem started recently, about a week or so ago, but I haven't installed any extensions or anything.02:41
ace_Hi all i'm back02:41
ace_with a new computer, just can't remember how i install anything :(02:42
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BluesKajhmmm, hate to admit but I think FF kind of sucks on Linux ...been converted to konqueror myself02:42
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:42
ace_Anyone here know if 64bit linux gives a big speed boost or not?02:42
arunBluesKaj: I need to test sites on Firefox, so I need to get it to work properly. Any suggestions?02:43
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arunmaybe if i flush my dns cache?02:43
ace_arun: run windows on a dual boot setup? run windows in VirtualBox?02:43
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arunYeah, I'm running Windows in VMware, but I'd like to be able to use Firefox natively as well02:44
BluesKajnot with your symptoms , arun ...sorry ...maybe oner of the heavy hitters can help... runlevelten ?02:44
ace_Is the ut2004 demo in the repos?02:44
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:44
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arunBluesKaj: can you open this website in firefox? http://www.sabade.org/beta/02:45
BluesKajsorry arun , I dumped FF :(02:45
geniiarun Testing now02:45
arungenii: thanks02:45
arunit's just a simple blog, won't open02:46
arunopens in konqueror and ff/win02:46
geniiLoads fine in my FF02:46
geniiHello world, south Asian Bar Assn etc etc02:46
arungenii: then I guess something's wrong with it on my computer02:46
arunWill doing a fresh install help?02:46
BluesKajworks in opera & konq02:46
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arunYeah, works in Opera and Konqueror for me as well02:47
arunJust not in Firefo02:47
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arunOk I got it working now02:47
arunI was using a Firefox theme. After I disabled the theme, pages load fine now02:48
geniiarun You could do an apt-get --purge remove <name> then reinstall. this will clear out any conf files etc02:48
arunI didn't know themes can affect Firefox so much02:48
geniiarun Ah, good. At least you know what it is now causing it02:48
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ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.02:49
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arunYeah, seems to be fixed now. Aren't themes just supposed to alter the look of Firefox?02:49
geniiarun Maybe email the theme author, possibly they will incorporate a fix in next version of it02:49
arunAlright, thanks you guys02:50
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arunthanks BluesKaj02:51
geniiBluesKaj: Gotta like it when the big light bulb over someone's head lights up :)02:52
BluesKajwell, dunno if I helped but the theme prob is good to know , arun02:52
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BluesKajyeah  genii , no kidding eh :)02:52
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stephen_BluesKaj: how did you get your ATI sondcard working?02:53
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BluesKajsetting up alsa & kmix , stephen_ ...gotta fool with alsamixer in the terminal02:54
stephen_but my sound card doesnt even work BluesKaj?02:54
stephen_and how would i fool with alsamixer in terminal?02:55
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BluesKajand of course , choosing alsa in , system settings/sound system/hardware/select the audio device/ advanced linux audio architecture02:56
arunDo you guys have any recommended FTP clients? I haven't been able to find a single good one (except Konqueror)02:56
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arunI'm currently using the FireFTP extension (firefox), but I'd rather use a proper application02:57
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=== runlevelten is idle. Just generally (auto-idle)
stephen_BluesKaj: :) my alsa drivers seem to be working now, before it would say restaring alsa settings but would go on forever02:57
stephen_butbut still no sound02:58
BluesKajstephen_, try this site : http://alsa.opensrc.org/Main_Page02:58
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supervisorFinns detngon hr03:02
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BluesKajstephen use this site to create the asoundrc file required to get you rsoundcard working: http://www.pcauthority.com.au/print.aspx?CIID=21424&SIID=1003:03
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BluesKajsupervisor, inte har , pa #kubuntu-se och #kubuntu-fi03:04
benpiccoI want to get my printer (Epson DS68) working - jet test is, well, working (looks strage) but when I want to print something, State imediatly goes to 'Error'03:05
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benpicco(i use the drivers from gutenprint)03:05
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BluesKajsupervisor, engelska har03:05
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arunIf I am online via ethernet at home, and then take my laptop to a client's office with wifi, will I be able to switch connections easily?03:07
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eagles0513875sup BluesKaj03:10
BluesKajhey eagles051387503:11
eagles0513875arun: what kinda wifi card u got03:11
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aruneagles0513875: I'm thinking of getting a Dell laptop03:12
eagles0513875make sure its not a broadcom wifi card03:13
Sini|workarun: Abaout your Firefox problem. I had that issue once here at my PC at work. The only thing that helped me was deleting my Firefox profile. The reason for this was opening a earlier version of FF (1.5) on the same PC using the same profile the recent version (2.0.x) was using.03:13
eagles0513875they r head aches to setup03:13
benpiccoany recommendations for my printing problem?03:13
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arunSini|work: Turns out the problem was because of a Firefox theme I'd installed. As soon as I switched to the regular theme it works well. That's weird, but it works now, so what the heck :)03:14
kalorin_benpicco: go paperless? :)03:14
arunSini|work: thanks, though03:14
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Sini|workarun: hehe okies, I never found out exactly but my guess at that time was also that it might be one of the installed themes/extensions causing that problem.03:16
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arunSini|work: I thought it might be one of the extensions, but turned out to be the theme. I didn't know themes could affect Firefox like that, but as I said, it works now.03:17
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jm87how can interface my ipod with amarok?03:19
darksheepich habe ein problem: ich kann unter kubuntu zwar drahtlosnetzwerke finden, diese aber nicht verbinden03:19
BluesKaj!de | darksheep03:19
ubotudarksheep: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:19
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geniiYou can enter ubuntu once but not afterwards?03:20
arunAnyone using Virtualbox here?03:20
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kalorin_arun, sorry vmware for me03:21
BluesKajran VB for a while but found it lacking , just like all the other virtuals03:21
jussi_arun: i have before... whats the issue?03:21
arunjm87: try this guide http://element14.wordpress.com/2007/07/05/how-to-use-amarok-to-manage-your-ipod-in-linux/03:21
arunjussi_: i'm using vmware as well, but a lot of people are telling me to ditch vmware for virtualbox, because it is apparently much faster and stable03:22
arunis that true?03:22
BluesKajeven vmware server didn't do much for me03:22
jussi_arun: thats what i found, but I would say try it for yourself03:22
runleveltenarun: VMware supports USB better and stuff.03:22
arunvmware server works pretty well for me, and i've set up a samba shared directory that works quite well03:23
jussi_arun: as I said, give it a go, and see for your self.03:24
runleveltenI'd always advise trying to go with the Free option, but definitely make sure you check what virtualbox does and doesn't support before you do.03:24
BluesKajdidn't need vmware to set up samba03:24
arunI had found a good vmware tutorial online that guided me to set up a samba share and access it from windows03:26
arunLot of commands in the terminal03:26
eagles0513875who wants to use vmware03:26
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BluesKajif ya want wondows , install it on a separate partition , you can always access it with ntfs-3 and ntfs-config , if need be and when ya wanna run windows apps you have the real thing installed ...that's my rant and opinion for today :)03:28
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rjbhey, since upgrading to feisty i can't get any more that 2-3 hours uptime on my laptop03:30
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eagles0513875rjb: did u do a clean install or a dist-upgrade03:31
rjbi get overheating issues.. any time i run a long cpu-bound task the temperature soars to 95 C03:31
eagles0513875do u have enough space between the laptop and the surface its on03:32
rjbat which point the bios seems to shut down the machine03:32
eagles0513875if u dont u might wnat to consider getting a cooling bad03:32
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rjbsure it's on a regular wooden desk03:32
rjbtrue that we're having a nice summer here.. about 30 C or so03:32
rjbbut this didn't happen under edgy, i believe03:33
rjbto perform a backup i must switch to powersave mode ie. halve the cpu freq03:33
rjbotherwise i get the overheating03:34
eagles0513875is there a space though between ur fans and the surface03:34
BluesKajrjb, you still need to make sure you have an good airspace between your laptop and your desk03:35
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eagles0513875rjb: if u dont go out and buy one i have one and they do wonders03:35
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rjbeagles0513875: you mean the cooling pad?03:36
rjbwhat's it look like03:36
eagles0513875the cooling pad does03:36
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eagles0513875just a plastic pad with 2 fans that suxs the hot air away from ur laptop03:36
eagles0513875for my machine my lcd screen generates the most heat03:36
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rjbaah so it has its own fans03:37
rjbin my case it's clearly the cpu03:37
rjb(amd turion 64)03:37
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=== genii sips a coffee
rjbit simply can't run at full speed and fully loaded for more than a while03:38
coreycan someone tell me how i can install tar.gz packages?03:38
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arunis it easy to switch from an ethernet connection to wifi and back using kubuntu?03:39
BluesKajrbj , you must have a lotta stuff running in the background , athlon 64 here and it's not running hard at all on kubuntu feisty03:39
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rjbBluesKaj: not much i think03:39
rjbin a desktop machine a get no such problems03:39
SlimeyPetecorey: "tar -xvzf <filename>" will extract files from the .tar.gz. What you have to do after that dependson what the package contains. Check the README or INSTALL file inside the package for information. But in general it is best to avoid .tar.gz and use Synaptic.03:39
SlimeyPeteerm, not synaptic, adept03:40
rjbi'm talking about the case when i stress it a little03:40
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=== SlimeyPete ponders writing an irssi script to warn him when he says "synaptic" in #kubuntu
rjblike tar cvjf on a directory of 3 gig or so03:40
coreyadept dont have Frostwire tho03:41
Sini|workrjb: Are you sure the feisty upgrade is the reason? If your laptop is one using fans by itself it might be those fans just got dusty enough over time to run slower now.03:41
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geniiSlimeyPete: I make that booboo too, I'm always in both #ubuntu and #kubuntu03:41
SlimeyPetegenii: good to know it's not just me03:41
rjbSini|work: hmm yeah i guess i ought to check out that dust thing03:42
rjbbut it rarely manages to get a task like that done anyway, it hangs for some other reason too03:43
rjbndiswrapper, maybe03:43
rjb(didn't hang it under edgy, though)03:44
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eagles0513875rjb: what kida wifi card u got03:46
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rjbbroadcom 431803:46
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rjbi've been driving it with ndiswrapper since i got the machine (about 18 mths ago)03:48
rjbnever had any issues03:48
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rjbnot with edgy, nor with the previous issue03:49
eagles0513875rjb dudei have a link u will love let me get it03:49
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eagles0513875it will help u get ur wifi working03:52
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eagles0513875rjb: take a look at this http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/?go=devices03:53
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rjbeagles0513875: c'mon, i know that03:55
rjbit's very flaky for my card03:55
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rjbsometimes takes up to an hour to connect to an ap03:55
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eagles0513875rjb: i noticed u were talking bout ndiswrapper for some reason in kubuntu its split into 3 pkgs03:56
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Pringlesssciao ragazzi03:57
Pringlesssc' qualcuno che pu aiutarmi?03:57
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rjbbut since it doesn't seem to work i stopped trying & went back to ndiswrapper03:57
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rjb!it | Pringless03:57
ubotuPringless: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:57
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rjbanyway when i did manage to connect to my ap & activate the ip interface03:59
rjbthe driver flooded my logfiles with warning messages (or possibly errors, i don't recalll)03:59
rjbdidn't seem too trustworty04:00
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sethi installed strong dc++ 2.0.104:03
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sethcan anyone tell me how to lounch it?04:03
rjbbtw the page says it's not very stable on a 431804:03
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rjbthe bcm43xx driver, i mean04:04
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grulhello, can someone tell me how to install all the standard man pages, like "man exec" "man open" etc.04:07
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rjb$ aptitude search manpages04:10
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graftanyone here proficient with ktorrent?04:11
rjbthen you see that no swedish manpages are available04:11
grafti'm trying to download only some files from a very large torrent, and it is taking much longer than it should04:12
rjbbut if english is ok, then:04:12
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graftalso it says '2% complete' for some of the files i'm NOT downloading, even though there is no image on disk for them... what's going on?04:12
rjb$ aptitude install manpages manpages-dev04:12
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rjbo u might also include manpages-posix and manpages-posix-dev04:15
rjbi imagine they might be useful04:15
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jonodoes anyone know how to get the movie/picture file icons in konqueror to become thumbnails?04:16
graftyeah, there's a plugin for it04:16
graftbut it has to be installed separately04:16
graftthere's probably several plugins for it04:16
jonograft: are you talking to me?04:17
graftjono: yep04:17
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graftsudo apt-get install mplayerthumbs04:17
jonograft: thanks04:17
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Brutha_Hi. Can anyone tell me how to get libgl.a for Feisty Fawn? I can't find it anywhere04:19
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rjbhmm there is no mplayerthumbs in my configured repositories04:20
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jonograft: it said it couldn't find the package04:22
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BluesKajBrutha_, is that the correct name of the file or app ?04:24
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Brutha_of the file.. Should be an open gl file, but I installed all relating packages already with Synaptic04:25
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BluesKajlots of libgl output from a  ' sudo apt-cache search libgl '04:26
vzduchBluesKaj: why do you apt-cache search w/ sudo?04:27
BluesKajhmm, just a habit i guess04:27
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BudwaaI have a few apps i need to run in ndows xp and i would like to set it up in a virtual machine. Any recommendations for which VM to use?04:28
graftjono: you can get it on kde-apps.org and compile it yourself04:28
=== genii sips a coffee and tries to stay awake
Brutha_BluesKaj: It shouldbe in one of the mesa or glut packages. I installed all of them and most of the stuff in the list I get from that apt-cache04:28
=== mike_ [n=mike@lnngmibas01-pool5-a157.lnngmi.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajvmware server has a free version04:29
vzduchBluesKaj: what exactly are you looking for?04:29
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pauljw_vmvmware server is free, just not open.04:30
graftBrutha_: there's a libGL.a in libdevel/libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev04:30
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BluesKajnot me vzduch , Brutha_ is lookibng for libgl.a04:30
vzduchthere has been a 'whatprovides' switch in one of the apt cmdline tools, but I can't find it back :(04:31
BluesKajnice search , graft04:31
evjunior09Okay someone, i need help gettin sun-java5-jre,  sun-java6-jre, sun-java5-jdk, sun-java6-jdk04:31
Brutha_graft: If I try to install it it wants to remove my graphics driver and 30 other packages04:32
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graftwell, that sucks04:32
jonograft: thanks...i just installed the xine preview and it seams to be working fine04:33
graftgoldurnit - where should i go for ktorrent help?04:33
graftjono: nice. the mplayer one is supposedly much faster04:33
patrick_Please help me to solve the problem about browsing youtube.com04:33
evjunior09blueskaj: could you maybe sorta help me out.. i need help gettin sun-java5-jre,  sun-java6-jre, sun-java5-jdk, sun-java6-jdk04:33
jonograft: i might check it out then...thanks for the feedback04:34
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Riyoxkeconfigure: error: Terminfo/termcap not found - install ncurses-devel package04:34
vzduchperhaps I am mixing up things.. 'whatprovides' seems to be there in rpm and yum, but not in apt04:34
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Brutha_Ah I think i found it04:35
graftpatrick_: what is your problem? that would help us solve it04:35
BluesKajevjunior09, I'm kinda confused about what java requirements are for different browsers and apps so i'm afraid to lead you astray04:35
graftdid sun patch their huge java security hole?04:35
evjunior09oh, well i need if for limewire04:35
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Riyoxkeconfigure: error: Terminfo/termcap not found - install ncurses-devel package <- Can anyone help me? I can only find *.rpm's04:35
graftevjunior09: get gtk-gnutella, it's better than limewire04:36
runleveltenvzduch: you're thinking of aptfile04:36
evjunior09when i try to use Adept Manager it dosent bring up anything04:36
vzduchevjunior09: just install it04:36
BluesKajFF patched 4 security holes yesterday ...saw it on wifeys pc04:36
graftevjunior09: and it doesn't need java04:36
pagRiyoxke, sudo apt-get install ncurses-dev  ?04:36
evjunior09vzduch: how do i install it without java?04:36
patrick_When I pressed the '>>' dialogue box in the bottom of the youtube web-page. I got a error message about server timeout... But in Windows XP environment, I have got any problem.04:36
Riyoxkepag: thanks, it's installing now :p04:37
Riyoxkehope that'll will work noow04:37
patrick_...No problem in Windows XP, I mean...04:37
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pagRiyoxke, what are you trying to do?04:37
vzduchevjunior09: I mean, install Java04:37
vzduchrunlevelten: thx :)04:37
Riyoxketrying to install irssi04:37
vzduchRiyoxke: no need to try, just do it :)04:38
evjunior09graft: where do i find gtk-gnutella?04:38
pagRiyoxke, sudo apt-get install irssi04:38
graftevjunior09: sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella04:38
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Riyoxkeit's already installed but i couldnt run it because of that error04:38
pagRiyoxke, or if you want to compile install all depencies: sudo apt-get build-dep irssi04:38
graftpatrick_: what '>>' button?04:38
Sini|workBrutha_: Try dpkg-query -S "*libGL.a"04:38
runleveltenvzduch: np04:38
evjunior09graft: it says it couldnt find package04:39
vzduchevjunior09: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre04:39
graftevjunior09: what are you running? edgy? feisty?04:39
vzduchevjunior09: and be sure to have Multiverse enabled04:39
graftit is in feisty for sure04:39
patrick_I mean to press '>>' button for the next web page04:39
graftevjunior09: it is in universe04:39
graft!universe > evjunior0904:40
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ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!04:40
herothey should disable that command04:40
graftit's useful as a ping04:41
herooh. never thought of it that way04:41
heroOR you could just use ping :P04:41
vzduchotoh, it'd be a bit boring if the bot only had 'useful' commands ;)04:41
grafthmm... well !botsnack is more fun :)04:41
heroand then someone does the botabuse command04:42
runleveltenHeh, !botpuke should be ZENworks.04:42
=== runlevelten shudders
vzduchhero: yeah, if you keep doing that..04:42
heroi've seen the botabuse junk when someone runs one command04:42
heropeople here often use that bot to boss people around04:42
runlevelten!examine Smaug04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about examine smaug - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:42
herobut it's useful04:42
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evjunior09graft: okay well my universe and multiverse are enabbled04:44
evjunior09so im kinda lost why it wont work04:45
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DebItalohow to installl grub04:45
heroaww :(04:45
pagevjunior09, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-cache search sun-java04:45
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:46
elitehey i am running kubuntu 6.0 and was wondering on how to install a flashplayer to get youtube.com or any other online videos to work?04:46
pagevjunior09, that should output the choise of packages  they can be installed with sudo apt-get install packagename04:46
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evjunior09pag: wait...so put the "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-cache search sun-java" in the command line?04:47
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pagevjunior09, yup... (you can drop the second sudo; it's useless)04:47
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evjunior09Pag: okay now how do i install Java04:48
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pagevjunior09, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre04:48
evjunior09Pag: i need these versions: sun-java5-jre,  sun-java6-jre, sun-java5-jdk, sun-java6-jdk04:48
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evjunior09Package sun-java6-jre is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:49
evjunior09This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:49
evjunior09is only available from another source04:49
evjunior09E: Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate04:49
evjunior09i know, Pastebin i forgot04:49
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pagevjunior09, do you have multiverse enabled?04:49
paghave you ran sudo apt-get update?04:50
pagtry that first04:50
evjunior09wait yes04:50
evjunior09Pag: yes i already did that04:51
pagevjunior09, what platform are you running?  ( uname -m  can tell you that)04:51
evjunior09uname -m?04:51
pagevjunior09, yup. put that on the command line04:51
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pagevjunior09, sorry for suspecting, but at this very moment it really seems like you don't have multiverse enabled.... pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list04:52
evjunior09Okay how do i enable pastebin with 7.0404:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:53
pag http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org04:53
evjunior09pag: i mean...not pastebin! i mean Multiverse!04:54
evjunior09lol haha wow im tired04:54
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pag!multiverse | evjunior0904:54
ubotuevjunior09: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:54
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evjunior09ust select the options you want to activate, or enter the repository URL in the Third-Party Software tab, and hit Close. Now hit Reload when you're advised to reload the information about available software. You will now be able to get packages from the activated repositories.04:55
evjunior09what URL are they talking about?04:55
stephen_in the config file04:56
stephen_i thin04:56
pagevjunior09, multivere isn't third-party, so you don't have to care about it atm04:56
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Sini|workI think multiverse can be enabled in the "Kubuntu software" Tab in Software Sources04:58
elitehey is linux (kubuntu) do you use .rpm ? or .tar.gz for flashplayer?04:58
vzduchneither nor04:58
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pag!flash | elite04:58
ubotuelite: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:58
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herowhat webpages should i look at if i want to know more about and protect my system against attacks that originate from irc?04:58
pagelite, and Ubuntu uses .deb04:58
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evjunior09Pag: wait...im sooo lost, can you help me out. Im at this little window thats says software sources04:58
eliteokay thanks04:59
esto_es_de_risaHello, I have no sound! I did install kubuntu yesterday and all ok, but today I lost the sound. Any idea?04:59
Ace2016Hi all04:59
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:59
elitei thought it was but the option was not there when you download the flashplayer from adobe website04:59
mefisto__trying to use Kcron, but can't seem to get it to start ktorrent. I've entered the full path (/usr/bin/ktorrent) and have the task enabled, but it won't start, even though cron seems to start it according to system logs04:59
pagevjunior09, I can try, but I'm not used to graphical package-managment...04:59
evjunior09pag: okay thanks =D05:00
Sini|workevjunior09: click the "Kubuntu Software" Tab, there should be an option named multiverse, enable it05:00
esto_es_de_risavzduch: but yesterday I had sound05:00
evjunior09Universe and Multiverse arnt checked...hmm weird05:00
evjunior09but i checked up05:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dos - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:00
evjunior09*checked em05:01
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evjunior09pag: now do i hit close?05:01
vzduchesto_es_de_risa: and today you don't, so check all mixer and soundsystem options :)05:01
pagevjunior09, probably?  or if there's 'save' you should hit that :-/05:01
rjbfuck, another overheating shutdown05:02
Sini|workevjunior09: Hit Close, it will then ask you to update, answer this with yes05:02
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evjunior09yep thats what i just did05:02
evjunior09sinijworK: thanks though05:02
pagrjb, watch your language, please.05:02
Ace2016rjb: does kubuntu shutdown when its overheating?05:03
evjunior09pag: okay there both enabled. Now what do i do05:03
pagevjunior09, now install the packages you need05:03
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mefisto__evjunior09: fetch updates first05:04
pagAce2016, every decent system does.05:04
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jhutchinsActually, most BIOSs shut the system down if it overheats.05:05
rjbAce2016: i believe it's te bios that does it05:05
Ace2016rjb: oh ok05:05
mefisto__kcron help, anyone?05:06
vzduchI don' see the point in running KTorrent as a cron job05:06
Hirvinen!ask | mefisto__05:06
ubotumefisto__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:06
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rjbktemperature shows like 95 C just before it shuts down05:07
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vzduch95C.. your CPU should be fried by now..05:07
mefisto__vzduch: I want it to start/stop ktorrent so it only downloads during offpeak hours, to save monthly bandwidth limits05:07
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mefisto__Hirvinen: see my question above, at 00:5905:08
rjbunless i use powersave mode the temp. goes over limit quite frequently05:08
vzduchrjb: then run to your nearest parts supplier & buy parts to upgrade your cooling :)05:10
mefisto__I have 2 tasks set in kcron, one to start and one to stop ktorrent. It stops just fine, but starting it doesn't work, unless I start it manually from the kcron window05:11
rjbvzduch: this is a laptop, and a fairly new one05:11
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elitehey anyone know what line to put in for termanal for java6?05:12
vzduchchronic overheating could be a reason for a return..05:12
pagelite, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre05:12
kalorin_man I'm so glad I have all these old school friends that care for me enough to send me greeting cards...05:12
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elitepag, thanks05:13
pagelite, np.05:13
eliteit still wont find the packages!!05:14
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Hirvinenmefisto__: No, I wouldn't. Firstly, I have no idea what time zone you are in. Secondly, this channel has enough traffic for lines to pass out of sight relatively quickly, so you can just ask the question again some time later. Thirdly, I'm not familiar with kcron, so I couldn't help you except giving advice on how to seek that help.05:14
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mefisto__Hirvinen: when I repeat a question, people tell me not to repeat. Makes it difficult either way to ask questions05:15
jhutchinsmefisto__: be sure to use full path names and escape illegal characters.05:16
jhutchinsmefisto__: It's ok to repeat say, once an hour, thirty minutes.  Less than fifteen minutes is too often.05:16
mefisto__jhutchins: /usr/bin/ktorrent should start it, right?05:16
jhutchinsmefisto__: It works in console?05:17
elitei find kubuntu or any other linux distros to run faster and view webpages faster with using wireless because the os is using the wireless card to its full capacity (i think) than M$ windows05:18
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jhutchinsmefisto__: You may need to specify the display output, I don't think cron has access to xauth.05:18
eliteis yellow dog linux any good? has anyone ever heard of it?05:18
mefisto__jhutchins: how do I specify display output?05:19
SlimeyPeteelite: it's mostly famous for running on macs and ps3s05:19
elitethought so05:19
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elitebut can a linux do parellel? run windows on it kinda like a mac does?05:19
SlimeyPetewell, you can use virtualbox/qemu/vmware to do that05:20
eliteall thought i wouldnt but can you?05:20
elitethey say vista is the best in security?05:20
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SlimeyPetesupposedly so05:20
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vzduchwho says that? o005:20
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devnullDoes anyone know if amarok 1.4.6 is compiled with mtp support by default?05:21
Daisuke_Idovzduch: mentally handicapped squirrels05:21
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Daisuke_Idodevnull: it is afaik05:21
Daisuke_Idoit works with my mtp player, at least :)05:22
Daisuke_Idosansa ftw!05:22
devnullOk sounds good. My dad has a philips gogear hdd082, and I was trying to confirm it would work properly05:22
Daisuke_Idooh, and parallels workstation is available for linux, so if your processor supports it, you can do virtualization rather than emulation05:22
devnullAnd so far it appears that linux is the only OS they can't mess up05:22
mimikanyone know how to make firefox start maximized?05:23
devnullmaximize it05:23
devnullthen close it properly05:23
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mimikthat worked, thanks, do i have to close it properly every time, or will that one time do the trick?05:25
devnullShould be fine now, just dont resize it and close it properly05:25
devnullIt saves the window dimensions on close and restores them05:26
mefisto__mimik: I think it should open up in the state it was last in05:26
evjunior09hey guys, my adept crashed....how do i stop it?05:27
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pag!aptfix | evjunior0905:28
ubotuevjunior09: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 05:28
pagevjunior09, btw; That's *exactly* the reason, why I stoppet using GUI pkg-managment ;P05:29
elitecan you upgrade kopete? or atleast have a display pic? for other users to see05:29
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eliteim using a msn protocol!05:29
evjunior09Pag: yeah its annoying05:29
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pagelite, settings -> Accounts -> modify -> User-info -tab05:30
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pagelite, if you use only MSN I'd reccomend KMess instead of Kopete05:30
elitedo i have that in kubuntu 6.0? i havent updated this at all so05:30
evjunior09it says this when i try to install Java05:31
evjunior09There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.05:31
ryanakcaelite: yes, `sudo aptitude install kmess`05:31
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pagevjunior09, install java via apt-get  (that way it'll at least output the error msg that I would understand :)05:32
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elitei just started using kubuntu i acuttally use windows but like this better. Some people i know only use liux never touched windows at all05:32
evjunior09pag: so what command? sudo apt-get...what05:33
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pagevjunior09, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre  (lets start only with this one)05:34
elitei heard of a program called WINE it lets some windows programs work on kubuntu but sometimes doesnt always work not sure if it works for games? any one tried05:34
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:34
evjunior09Elite: yeah not many big programs work with it05:34
dr_williswine may or may not work.. depends on the program.05:34
evjunior09i.e iTunes, AIM05:34
dr_willisThere are linux native alternatives to many of those programs. (often better in many ways)05:35
ksivajihi dr_willis05:35
dr_willisHowey ksivaji05:35
evjunior09You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these:05:35
evjunior09The following packages have unmet dependencies:05:35
evjunior09  sun-java6-jre: Depends: sun-java6-bin (= 6-00-2ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed or05:35
evjunior09                          ia32-sun-java6-bin (= 6-00-2ubuntu2) but it is not installable05:35
evjunior09E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).05:35
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dr_willisrun the         apt-get -f install    - like it suggested yet?05:35
dr_williswith a sudo on the front, of course05:35
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pagevjunior09, it even tells you what to do, ain't that nice :)05:35
ksivajievjunior09 use sudo aptitude sun-java6-jre05:36
dr_willisit just said might.. :) heh...05:36
ksivajievjunior09 use sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre05:36
arunwhat are your favourite window decorations?05:36
ksivajiarun hi05:36
dr_willisarun,  i tend to just use 'pastik' theme05:36
pagarun, I use Domino... it's nice enought for me05:36
dr_willisi want the buttons clear, and obvious. :)05:37
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elitei know there is better programs and stuff just wondering is games work like .exe? or can i install say F.E.A.R? (its a game)05:38
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elitefor wine*05:38
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evjunior09elite: to be honest, wine isnt a very good program05:39
pagelite, most games use directX  and Wine lacs support for that05:39
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evjunior09elite: ive tried 10 programs...didnt get any workin05:39
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arundomino seems nice05:39
aruni'm using polyester05:39
ksivajii think one more software is there like wine to run windows games in linux05:40
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mefisto__elite: it will run a text editor or something simple like that, but the more sophisticated, the less likely it will work05:40
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arunis there any way to get gtk apps like firefox to use the kde styles for buttons, text boxes, etc?05:40
aruni mean buttons on websites05:40
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega05:40
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mefisto__arun: there are websites explaining how to make firefox kde-friendly. try google05:41
usamahashimihello everyone!05:41
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Kr4t05arun: In Kcontrol, there should be a dialog that says "For GTK applications use: (RADIO BUTTON) My KDE theme (RADIO BUTTON) A different theme"05:41
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elitemefisto_, i think thats binary i mean run a windows game under WINE*05:42
usamahashimiwhich king of Video Card is best support in kubuntu, NVIDIA, GeForce or some else?05:42
eliteNVIDIA kicks ati butt haha05:42
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Kr4t05usamahashimi: Currently, nvidia's linux drivers are superior to ATi's05:43
arunKr4t05: Yeah, I've set it over there, but it doesn't seem to be making much difference05:43
arunI still see ugly buttons05:43
damien_Hey guys, Anyone know why I can't delete my Junkmail in Hotmail, It works fine on my windows partition :/05:43
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evjunior09Hey thanks guys, i got java workin, along with Limewire05:43
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Kr4t05arun: Lemme see, this might help with Firefox. http://www.konqufox.fr05:43
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BluesKajpag, do you remember how to reset konqueror back to Filemanager status rather than default browser status ?05:44
liedi have trouble downloading my emails via IMAP05:44
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liedi use kmail05:44
evjunior09for some reason yesturday, i unplugged my monitor and my whole system freaked. thats why i had to re-install Kubuntu05:44
Kr4t05arun: Ooops, bad URL05:44
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rjbdid matrox go out of business? some years ago i recall matrox cards were quite well supported05:44
pagBluesKaj, Settings -> View Profile  ?05:44
Kr4t05arun: http://konquefox.free.fr/index.html05:45
Kr4t05There ya go. ;)05:45
arunKr4t05: found it myself, thanks05:45
arunthis seems cool05:45
arundo you use it?05:45
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Daisuke_Idomatrox is sorta still around05:46
usamahashimihello everyone!05:46
rjbdoesn't seem to be around much on the consumer market05:46
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Daisuke_Idono, not really05:47
usamahashimiwhich king of Video Card is best supported in kubuntu, NVIDIA, GeForce or some else?05:47
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rjb(what's a "king of Video Card"?)05:47
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elite_im using a nvidia vanata or vanta? works fine with me05:47
elite_Geforce 880005:48
Daisuke_Idousamahashimi: geforce IS nvidia05:48
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usamahashimiDaisuke_Ido: sorry, i dont know much about video cards05:48
Daisuke_Idoand nvidia cards tend to be well supported05:48
elite_Nvidia GEFORCE 8800, 780005:48
Daisuke_Ido!es | lombra05:48
ubotulombra: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:48
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usamahashimiDaisuke_Ido: can you guide me that which card i buy so my kubuntu support is?05:49
arunKr4t05: do you use konquefox?05:49
vzduchDaisuke_Ido: that was (1) Portuguese, (2) an auto-away msg05:49
dr_willisabout any nvidia based card will do ya.05:49
usamahashimiDaisuke_Ido: support it*?05:49
Daisuke_Idousamahashimi: i would personally recommend a card in the geforce 6 or 7 line05:49
dr_willisdepends on your budget and needs.05:49
elite_does kubuntu constantly reload drivers so that u can exchange another hdd to another pc and everything will work fine?05:49
Daisuke_Idovzduch: oops x205:49
dr_williselite_,  ive had that work.. and ive had that not work real well.. :)05:49
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dr_willisdepends on the systems you are switching to/from i guess.05:50
Kr4t05arun: I use Firefox with the Konquefox extension, yes. Konquefox isn't really a fork of Firefox, but a set of tweaks, hacks and extensions that make the FIrefox UI a tab more KDE-friendly. ;)05:50
arunYeah, I got that05:50
dr_willisone one box. ages ago. (it may be better now) it dident get some of the MB modules loaded it needed.05:50
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usamahashimiDaisuke_Ido: can you tell me that from where i can get information about that cards (i.e 6 or 7)?05:50
elite_windows sucks from xp anyways it doesnt always reload drivers sometimes rarley and u have to go into system setting and driver manager thing and delete evrything05:50
dr_willisand sound cards may confuse it.05:50
rjbvzduch: WHAT was portuguese?05:50
arunKr4t05: for some reason, whenever i set gtk apps to use Qt, it reverts back to the default05:50
aruni have gtk-qt-engine installed05:51
vzduchrjb: [17:49:02]   * lombra esta fora: Saindo por enquanto.05:51
rjbah ok05:51
pagarun, QtCurve is a really nice theme for both, Gnome and KDE ;)05:51
dr_willissoon it will be Knome! :)05:52
mefisto__arun: my vote is for QtCurve too05:52
elite_a lot of people run linux on older pc's becuase i gues there better? i am running emachines 550Mhz 256mb/SDram05:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about knome - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:52
pagarun, look it up @ kde-look.org05:52
dr_willisI got it going on a Pent 1 233mmx :)05:52
dr_willisYep - that makes it so much better!05:53
vzduchI have Kubuntu on an Athlon 900 for daily enjoyment :)05:53
elite_i remeber along time ago i saw a p2 or pent1 with dou core it came up to only like 450/500Mhz?05:53
arunpag: yeah, seems nice05:53
arunDo I need to install both the GTK and KDE versions separately?05:53
pagarun, yup.05:54
pagarun, that's the way you can achieve conscienty between Qt and GTK05:54
elite_what is the lowest mhz? on a acutal pc? 100?05:55
elite_like a commondore64 the support the internet lol05:55
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rjboh how cool, one can get rid of the stupid gnome filechooser in firefox05:55
arunhow do i install new styles05:55
dr_willisI had a Pent 1 100mhz with Ubuntu on it befor.05:55
elite_was it slow?05:56
dr_willislaptop even.05:56
arunrjb: yup, i just saw that too05:56
dr_willistook forever to install..but it ran ok.05:56
pagarun, there're .deb's at kde-look too :)05:56
dr_willisi used the console mainly05:56
rjbelite_: i first ran linux on a 33MHz 38605:56
rjbAND X11 was nearly usable05:56
arunpag: i just downloaded a tar.gz05:56
s0nixhi, i want to know: is it possible to REDOWNLOAD (not reinstall) all INSTALLED packages with apt-get ?05:56
rjbfvwm v.1 iirc05:57
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pagarun, then it can be compiled as any other programm  ./configure && make && sudo make install05:57
pag!b-e | arun05:57
ubotuarun: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:57
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elite_is there a windows older than 95?05:58
pagelite_, 3.105:58
rjbwindows 96 was v.405:58
SlimeyPetewindows 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.1105:58
SlimeyPeteand NT 305:58
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arunelite_ 3.105:59
elite_i had windows 1.0 it was black and white05:59
arunthat shit used to suck05:59
elite_something like that05:59
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:59
elite_the most secure os i think is05:59
PriceChild!ohmy | arun05:59
ubotuarun: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:59
dr_willisI ran CPM on a ROck! :)05:59
arunPriceChild: sorry05:59
rjbw95 was the first to support tcp/ip out of the box05:59
elite_the most secure os in the world06:00
geniirjb No, it was WFW 3.1106:00
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genii(tcp out of the box)06:00
elite_u have to but the tape deck in press record and then wait for the whole tape to record and u get a simple game like pong06:00
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dr_williselite_,  i have several tape players for my C64 and Vic2006:01
rjbgenii: i might be wrong but i recall having to install somthing called trumpet winsock on 3.11 to access the i'net06:01
rjbbut then, maybe that was with 3.106:01
pagguys.. really; that conversation is really getting far away from topic.  So would you mind moving to -offtopic, please?06:01
=== rjb shuts up
geniirjb It needed winsock for dialup but you could have tcp/ip networking LAN06:02
dr_willisso now ther will be NO conversataion in here for the next hr...06:02
geniipag Yes, you are right06:02
elite_wait where can i download and install aircrack and airsnort?06:02
dr_willis!find aircrack06:03
ubotuFound: aircrack, aircrack-ng06:03
BluesKajat aircoke06:03
dr_willis!find airsnort06:03
ubotuFound: airsnort06:03
Arcerexcuse me06:03
arunwhat's aircrack and airsnort do?06:03
Arceri suggest you06:03
dr_willis!info airsnort06:03
ubotuairsnort: WLAN sniffer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.7e-1.1 (feisty), package size 49 kB, installed size 180 kB06:03
aruni thought this was a family friendly channel :)06:03
Arcerto use a live distro06:03
Arcerbacktrack 2 for this work06:03
elite_aircrack sniffs out weak air packets and trys and gets a WEP key for u to well piggyback on someone else's signal06:04
Arceris slax based and it have an high compatiblity whit most device06:04
elite_lol i think i am the youngest in this channel. i know to much about computers06:05
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elite_for my age anyways06:05
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BluesKajelite_, be careful what you brag about ...06:06
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arunespecially in this channel06:06
arunelite_ how old are you?/06:07
Riyoxkeso how old are you?06:07
BluesKajno kidding arun ...06:07
rjbelite_: computers != pc's06:07
rjbthere's quite a bit more06:07
Arcerrjb true :D06:07
aruni totally love knotes.. i just discovered how useful it can be today06:07
Arcerif he spoke of aircrack and he know the matter06:08
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Arcerhe must know algebric methods and crittografic characteristic of wep06:08
Arcer(excuse me for my english i'am italian)06:08
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vzduchArcer: being a non-English native speaker is no excuse for bad English :P06:09
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vzduch(just kidding)06:09
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Arcerthank :D06:09
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BluesKajknotes rocks ...very handy lil app06:10
rjbhmm make that "non-native speaker of English", perhaps?;P06:10
vzduchrjb: possibly :D06:10
pauljw_vmArcer: hey, we can understand your english, more than can be said about my italian... :)06:10
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BluesKajI speak english , but not native , my version is canadjun :)06:11
spawn57basket kicks knotes' ass over the moon06:11
MaTiAzI still gotta get rid of my bad habit of spelling 'probably' as 'propably'06:11
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Arcerpauljw_vm: Is very easy IItalian :P06:11
rjbwasn't it "probbly"?;)06:11
arunspawn: what's basket06:11
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Arcerwhat you read is what you wrote06:11
vzduchArcer: no insult, but I think Spanish is easier ;)06:11
arunlaodie brings out the big guns06:12
BluesKajMaTiAz, try " prolly "06:12
vzduch!zh | laodie06:12
ubotulaodie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk06:12
spawn57haha ubuntu hong kong, for real?06:12
BluesKaj!cn | laodie06:12
ubotulaodie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk06:12
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spawn57damn I dind't think there were many linux users here06:13
spawn57I got one of my co workers into it though.06:13
Arcerso i'm looking for a software to transform swf file in avi file....someone know something?06:13
vzduchnever heard of such software, but would be interesting :)06:13
spawn57would be strange too, people convert the other way06:14
arunArcer: Is it swf or flv06:14
vzduchspawn57: well, there has to be a way for MTV showing Happy Tree Friends ;)06:14
elite_ohh sorry06:14
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elite_i was bussy lol i am 1406:14
dr_willisswf to avi.. easy06:15
arunIf you can convert the swf to flv (flash video) using Macromedia flash, then it's easy to convert to avi06:15
dr_willisffmpeg can do that06:15
dr_willisi do belive.06:15
spawn57available on dvd =D06:15
arunor follow dr_willis' method06:15
dr_willisOh wait.. i may be confuised..06:15
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vzduchlaodie: English please06:15
dr_willishmm..  i know ya can convert flv to avi.06:15
Arceryes dr_willis but i use ffmpeg but the output is a file unreadble06:15
spawn57i dare you to printscreen everything and string'em up into an mpeg06:16
arunArcer: is it a youtube video?06:16
dr_willisim not even sure how swf and flv differ.....06:16
elite_vdownloader? vixy.net!!!!06:16
Arcerit encode only soundtrack not video track06:16
Arcerarun:  no it is'nt06:16
elite_vixy.net is the best online converter06:16
arunbecause you can convert youtube videos directly without any software06:16
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Arceryes i know thi service06:16
elite_u put the URL of a youtube video and then select wich on u want .mp4/.avi?06:16
BluesKajlaodie was alreadt prompted about chinese06:16
dr_willishmm.. used vixy befor.. never seen zamzar befor06:17
kirkeHi, I'm on kubuntu 7.04 and I'm trying to launch Kmail, buy I don't know how, any idea?06:17
arunkirke: open kontact06:17
pagkirke, or: alt+f2  and type: kmail06:17
vzduchkirke: Menu >> Internet >> KMail06:17
pagvzduch, isn't there by default iirc.06:17
vzduchso now you got 3 different ways :)06:17
vzduchpag: don't remember.. at least I have it there06:18
pagvzduch, oh sorry, it is06:18
Arcerhi all everybody06:18
Arcersee later :D06:18
elite_vixy.net is better i think06:18
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Arcerthakns for all06:18
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elite_or they where lieing06:22
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elite_are these ppl acutally watching the chat or are the minimized?06:23
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dr_willisYes... :)06:25
elite_urgg my pc sucks06:25
elite_i burnt out my power supply06:25
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elite_and its one of thoes smaller ones so now i have a normaly bigger sized one stickking out of the top of the case06:25
rjbdamn just had a reading of 94C on ktemperature06:26
spawn57[00:25]  --> You have joined the channel #ubuntu-hk (n=sunil@n219078019016.netvigator.com).06:26
spawn57[00:26]  <spawn57> HONG KONG REPRESENT06:26
rjbnow down to 7406:26
elite_anyone here have liqiuid cooling?06:27
MaTiAzrjb: Heh, you could start cooking stuff with your machine :)06:27
Daisuke_Idospawn57: that's pretty childish, don't you think?06:27
elite_where do u get Ktemputer?06:27
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arunspawn57: how exactly is basket better than knotes06:27
elite_www.hackaday.com if u know that site they cooked an egg on a xbox360 in 7mins!!!06:27
spawn57Daisuke_Ido: totally =D ...i don't think I'll ever grow up06:28
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Daisuke_Idofair enough.06:28
MaTiAzelite_: You seen the video where the guy pours an egg on the GPU heatsink and then eats it?06:28
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spawn57arun: basket isn't just notes, it's graphics, drag and drop files, backgrounds etc etc, if you really make use of those things, then yeah it's better06:28
elite_on hackaday?06:28
kirkevzduch, I don't have "Menu >> Internet >> Kmail" How can add it manually?06:28
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mefisto__jhutchins: thanks for the kcron hints, I think I've found an answer at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185993&highlight=kcron+howto06:28
elite_MaTiAz, where?06:29
arunbut that defeats the purpose of just jotting things down on a post it06:29
spawn57as an example,I used my camera to take a pics of all the things I want to clean up in my apartment, put them in basket, added notes, added tags, and am going through'em..06:29
MaTiAzelite_: It's in youtube, don't remember any keywords though06:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ktemperature - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:29
arunas in, if i have to open another window and paste something06:29
arunthat's like google notebook06:29
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spawn57picture says a thousand words.06:29
spawn57I guess.06:29
spawn57depends on what you prefer06:30
rjb# aptitude show ktemperature --> is in universe06:30
arunspawn57: downloading it anyway, just to see :)06:30
spawn57arun, it's like voodoopad, onenote, google notebook, probably act too06:30
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spawn57give it a shot, it's got a kontact plugin too =] 06:30
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BluesKajkirke, are you running kubuntu or ubuntu?06:31
vzduchkirke: are you sure it's installed?  i.e. did it come up when running as a command?06:31
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elite_what is better ubuntu or kubuntu? i have all 3 even edubuntu06:32
vzduchelite_: you decide06:32
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vzduchunder the hood it's basically the same, just different appearance/userland apps06:33
kirkei'm on kubuntu06:33
kirkewith alt+F2 it runs06:33
pagelite_, this is #kubuntu cahnnel - it's pretty easy to guess what we will vote for :)06:33
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rjbkubuntu of course - we're on #kubuntu for a reason, right?;)06:33
jhutchinselite_: You tell us then.06:33
kirkebut using catapult not.06:33
mefisto__elite_: which do you like?06:33
BluesKajelite , this is a Kubuntu channel ...most ppl here use the kubuntu-desktop and /or kde06:33
elite_kubuntu but just wondering06:33
elite_lol that was real dumb of me06:33
vzduchkirke: catapult?06:33
arunspawn57: um how do i tag something using basket?06:33
Daisuke_Idoelite, you mean all four?06:34
Daisuke_Idoyou forgot xubuntu06:34
evjunior09So whats the difference between Edgy & Feisty06:34
jhutchinselite_: You can check the stats on distrowatch.org - they're not decicive by any means, but they're something.06:34
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pagvzduch, handy programm that has more funcitionality than alt+f2... it's a launcer with few added functions06:34
Daisuke_Idoevjunior09: feisty is supported06:34
vzduchDaisuke_Ido: there'll soon be another to add to.. Fluxbuntu *gg*06:34
spawn57move your mouse over the item, you'll see a small drop down arrow on the very left of it06:34
elite_i think ubuntu has a more family pc type and kubuntu more like networking and stuff thats my opion06:35
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spawn57or just click it and hit tags on the menu bar06:35
evjunior09Daisuke_Ido: Supported?06:35
arunah ok06:35
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elite_can u change the click on kubuntu so its not just 1click terminate?06:35
arungot it, seems pretty nice06:35
pagDaisuke_Ido, so is edgy. Edgys EOL will be only @ 8.0406:35
arunelite_: yes06:35
elite_arun, where?06:36
spawn57you can add your own tags too ..and some of them pretty cool, like for the progress bar tag.  every time you click on it, it increases by 25%06:36
elite_arun, mouse options?06:36
Daisuke_Idopag: for all intents and purposes, edgy is pretty much dead06:36
arunelite_: system settings > keyboard and mouse06:36
spawn57similar thing with the priority tag06:36
arunin the 'mouse' section06:36
spawn57and ou can drag and drop any file into the basket and make a copy of that file06:36
Daisuke_Idostill officially supported, but it's not in wide use06:36
pagDaisuke_Ido, that's true - but it's still officially supported06:36
Daisuke_Idopag: i...  just said that :P06:36
elite_arun, thanks i got it06:37
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evjunior09arun: wow thanks i was just reading what you said...i feel kinda dumb, but ive tryin to change the 1-click option06:37
elite_was that against me?06:38
Daisuke_Idoso, should the official channel for dapper support be #ubuntu-2 since gutsy is #ubuntu+1 ?06:38
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evjunior09elite_: huh?06:38
elite_was that against me?06:38
elite_how i asked?06:38
evjunior09no ive been trying to change that option06:38
evjunior09i hate the 1-click06:39
evjunior09sorry if it sounded like i was mocking you06:39
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dranasanyone know how to change the boot splash and login screens in kubunty fiesty?06:40
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy06:41
pagd'oh.. remembered the factoid wrong :-(06:41
dranasi try using kdm but it never changes06:42
pagdranas, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu06:42
dranasi change the bg and evrything but it stays the same as the default one06:42
elite_can u overclock your prossecor in kubuntu?06:42
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elite_i wanna get my 550 to a 600Mhz or something06:43
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BluesKajdranas, k-menu/ system settings/splash screen06:43
pagdranas, you'll probably need kdmtheme -package installed06:43
arunevjunior09: i didn't like the one-click either06:43
dranaslet me check the kdmtheme -package thing06:44
aruni was also really happy when i figured out how to separate taskbars for different desktops06:44
dranasbut i went to the k menu / system settings splash screen but it never actually changes06:44
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BluesKajdon't forget to click on apply. dranas06:45
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evjunior09any reason why my sound wont work on firefox?06:45
evjunior09it works for limewire06:45
evjunior09but not firefox06:45
pagevjunior09, you mean sound from flash videos in FF?06:46
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pagevjunior09, I can't remember the solution off-hand, just gimmie a sec please :)06:47
dranasi clicked on apply06:47
evjunior09okay thanks =D06:47
dranasim not that slow06:47
elite_what is the hotest a cpu can stand like what temp?06:47
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arunanyone use kubuntu on a laptop here?06:48
dranasi installed kdmtheme thing, ill see if that solves the unchanging problem06:48
evjunior09arun: my best friend does06:49
dranasi do06:49
evjunior09i installed it for her06:49
martoyaarun: here06:49
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pagevjunior09, umm.. which version did you have?06:49
arunmartoya: how easy is it to switch from "plugged-in" internet to wifi06:50
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evjunior09Arun: use Wireless assistant06:50
pagevjunior09, I'm not sure at all, but found that one: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Flash_Player_.28Macromedia_Flash.29_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox06:50
BluesKajdranas, i din't mean to be insulting ,but sometime the obvious question has to be asked :)06:50
martoyaarun: knetworkmanager06:50
dranasi know06:51
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dranasknetworkmanager works really well06:51
arunmartoya: my ISP requires me to input a few settings in knetwork manager, like default gateway, etc06:51
aruni use ethernet at home, and mght need to use wifi in my client's office06:51
arunis it easy to switch06:51
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evjunior09arun: easy to switch between Ethernet, and Wireless?06:52
arunlike in windows, if it detects a wifi connection, it asks if you want to connect. is it similar in kubuntu?06:53
arunevjunior09: yes06:53
stdinarun: similar, yes06:53
evjunior09arun: yes its easy06:53
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stdinarun: you click on the icon in the system tray and choose the wireless net to connect to06:53
evjunior09on your computer (when plugged into ethernet) does it have a icon in the system tray like a white thing?06:53
arunwhat i've set specific IP address, default gateway, etc.. will i have to delete all that first before i connect to the wireless?06:53
arunevjunior09: yes, there's an icon06:54
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arunit opens knetworkmanager if i right click06:54
sivaji_ksivaji  : hi06:54
evjunior09arun: okay just right click and go to options06:54
evjunior09arun: and click enable wireless06:54
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stdinarun: if you have static addresses, you can just use system settings to put them in.06:55
spookylukeyI'm having a bizarre problem with PATH - think I'm going mad06:55
stdinarun: just like a wired network06:55
elite_how can i change the webbrowser so it always on google. or something and not on konquer06:55
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arunstdin: but if i already have static addresses that i use for my 'plugged in' internet, will i have to replace those with the wifi? or is it as easy as 'enabling wireless' in knetworkmanager06:55
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spookylukeyelite_: Go to 'Configure/Configure Konqueror/' and change 'Home URL'06:56
stdinarun: well they are seen as different connection, so they won't share the settings. you'll just have to copy the settings06:56
spookylukeyI have a personal 'bin' dir, which is on my PATH before the system dirs.  If I put a replacement command in the bin dir (and make it executable), it doesn't get executed instead of the normal one06:57
neusoncehey  guys im pretty new to this and i got a question to ask ?06:57
martoyaarun: your plugged internet works probably in eth0 and the wifi in eth1, different interfaces, like windows06:57
spookylukeyThis is despite the fact that 'which' tells me it will execute my replacement!06:57
pag!ask | neusonce06:57
ubotuneusonce: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:57
arunok, so if i enable wireless, and do a  click on 'show networks', it'll show me which wireless networks are available?06:57
pagallright... ubotu's slow tonight06:57
stdinspookylukey: so your path is like /home/me/bin:$PATH ?06:57
arunmartoya: ah alright, that's what i wanted to know06:58
arunso my eth0 settings won't affect my eth1 device right?06:58
arunam i making sense here? :)06:58
martoyaarun: right06:58
spookylukeyIs there a pastebin somewhere?06:58
arunmartoya: thanks06:58
pag!paste | spookylukey06:59
ubotuspookylukey: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:59
stdinspookylukey: what shows when you do "which command" (where "command" is a command in your bin and the system bin)?06:59
neusoncemmkay, well i did a new install of of ubuntu  and   everythign was ok untill i tryed to log in  it refused access and cuase im such a noob i reinstalled ubuntu again thinkin it may hav been a software glitch   but same probelm untill i changed the session type in the options button06:59
arunthanks martoya, stdin, evjunior0906:59
neusonce but now im left with 2 installs of ubuntu and its taking up to much space  and i cant get rid of the second copy06:59
evilmmanyone know how to do read-recipts in kmail?06:59
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neusonce i need to get rid of one07:00
spookylukeystdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30457/07:00
arunjust to recap: i enable wireless in knetworkmanager, and then go to options > show networks, and it'll show me a list of available wifi networks, and i just pick one?07:00
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evjunior09arun: no problem, but i think the other 2 were smarter when it comes to wireless =P07:01
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neusonce with out  doing a windows reinstall that will wipe both partitions07:01
stdinspookylukey: ahh, well in the case of "ls" it's not actually /bin/ls that's being executed, it's bash's builtin version07:01
spookylukeyOK, but it works with other things too, which are definitely not builtins07:02
arunevjunior09: is my 'recap' correct? ^07:02
spookylukeyOK, no I'm wrong07:02
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evjunior09arun: yep as far as i know07:03
evjunior09Thats exactly what i would do07:03
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arunthank you so much07:04
spookylukeybut I'm sure it was a second ago! argh! My computer just wants to make me look like an idiot by behaving properly as soon as I log on to IRC :-)07:04
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stdinspookylukey: heh, mine does that sometimes too :p07:05
arunwould you guys recommend Dell vostro, latitude or precision notebooks?07:05
spookylukeystdin:  Actually, it's still doing it - but only in one shell that I have open!  I'm typing the exact same commands into two windows, and one of them is calling a different executable07:06
mimikhow do i change, say, a desktop icon of firefox?07:06
stdinmimik: right click it, go to properties and click the icon to change it07:07
mimikheh. that simple eh. --bangs head on wall-- thanks07:07
stdinspookylukey: 1st check the path in both, if they are the same it could be that bash has "hashed" the command (it's like it's in a cache)07:07
evilmmanyone know how to request a read receipt in kmail?07:08
spookylukeyYep, same path, it must be your explanation.  I guess that is a sensible thing for bash to do in the vast majority of cases, I just spent 15 minutes tripping up over the exception :-)07:09
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aruni've heard that broadcom network cards are bad for wifi?07:10
stdinyeah, they are difficult to get working. and my not work at all sometimes07:11
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arunintel wireless cards are good?07:13
stdinyep, open source driver07:13
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arungreat, so i'll probably get a dell latitude07:15
arunnvidia quadro cards are supported, right?07:15
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arunsorry if i'm asking too many questions :)07:16
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evjunior09I need help with Amarok and my iPor07:16
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stdinthere is an open source driver, but to get hardware rendering (3D), you'll need to install the binary driver (from the package repositories)07:16
arunyeah, nvidia-glx?07:17
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arunevjunior09: what's up07:17
stdinarun: yeah07:17
buzis there a tentative date for gutsy beta?07:17
arunstdin: thanks07:17
evjunior09arun: Amarok isnt detecting my iPod07:18
stdinbuz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule07:18
pag!gutsy | buz07:18
ubotubuz: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+107:18
surgycan someone tell me the name of a good program to tell me my disk space used VS. my Free disk space on a particular hdd?07:18
evjunior09but it is connected07:18
stdinsurgy: I just use the command "df -h"07:18
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surgystdin: can you give me an example?07:19
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buzmhh only more tribe releases, no more beta/rc stuff?07:19
pagsurgy, df -h /dev/hda07:19
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stdinsurgy: that is the example07:19
pagor lets make that hda1  :)07:19
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stdinsurgy: the command "df -h" will show the info for all partitions. or you can add the device to the end of ot07:20
pagbuz, beta is due to release 27.907:20
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arunevjunior09: go to settings > configure amarok > media devices?07:20
buzoh right there's brown on red text ;)07:20
arunnot there?07:20
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dr_willisdf -h -x tmpfs -x devpts -x usbfs07:21
dr_willisis my fave df command. :)07:21
dr_willismake an alias for it.07:21
pagdr_willis, wow! thaks for that :D07:22
dr_willisIt pays to read the man pages. heh heh07:22
dr_willistook me 20 min to figure out that command.07:22
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dr_willisi was using grep and shell scripting.. then discovered it had the feature allready07:23
vit___hola  comunidad jeje07:24
arunevjunior09: did it work07:25
vit___alguien habla espaol07:25
martoyavit___: #kubuntu-es for spanish users07:26
arunanyone here like russell peters?07:26
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:26
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martoyaarun: the comedian?07:27
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arunmartoya: yes07:28
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arunsee you guys later07:32
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mefisto__everyone has solved their problems08:01
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geniimefisto__: We can only hope :)08:05
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mefisto__well I solved mine08:05
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dopezim trying to figure out an easy way to make sound come out of my usb speakers by default when i plug them in, i already though about hotplug but it doesnt seem to be able to 'detect' when i unplug them08:08
dopezanyone an idea ?08:08
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vzduchUSB speakers.. *omfg*08:08
vzduchspeakers belong plugged in the respective output of the soundcard, not in USB08:09
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dopezsounds better than the internal speakers08:09
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dopezwhy not ?08:09
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Ace2016HI all08:10
Ace2016anyone know if using a 64bit kernel would give better performance with a 64bit athlon x2?08:11
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mefisto__dopez: is this just speakers, or do they have an audio interface (soundcard) built into them?08:11
dopezmefisto__: i guess soundcard build in, sorta, it's hooked up to the usb port08:11
dopez(logitech v20)08:12
Ace2016do 64bit kernels take full advantage of all both cores?08:12
stdinAce2016: not much, unless you do some heavy processing (live large A/V transcoding and mathematical calculations)08:12
stdinAce2016: and _Any_ kernel will use both cores08:12
mefisto__dopez: might be worth searching to see if it's supported by linux drivers08:12
mefisto__dopez: have you got it to work at all?08:13
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dopezmefisto__: actually they work just fine, but i want them to be the default output device after i plug them in, without having to tell my apps to use the second speakers set, and of course to change back to the laptop speakers once i unplug them08:14
Ace2016stdin: but does the software need anything special to run on both cores?08:14
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stdinAce2016: no08:14
Ace2016oh cool thanks i'll stick with this then08:14
AlI have a laptop running Kubuntu. How do I stop the off button turning the laptop off? Or, even, doing anything?08:14
AlI feel small because my Windows-using friend just showed me a "When I press my off button" option08:15
AlI have to get one up08:15
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dopezbut seems i asked without googling enough, i now find a few threads about this08:15
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mefisto__dopez: I have 2 soundcards, but gave up long ago trying to use both, so I permanently disabled one.08:16
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s0nixis it possible to mount 100gb of space (on 2 differents disk) in /home ??08:16
dopezmefisto__: i've used two soundscards for quite a while, one dedicted to a headset and teamspeak and others over my 5.1 set :)08:16
vzduchmefisto__: I have 2 soundcards running, no problem :)08:17
dopez(but on my desktop)08:17
vzduch1 has my speakers on them, the other my headphones and my headset's mic08:17
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ryanakcas0nix: yes08:18
mefisto__I'm not claiming it can't be done, I just gave up08:18
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s0nixryanakca: why the installer complain to correct it ?08:18
Ace2016Anyone here using Gutsy?08:19
ryanakcas0nix: well, what do you mean, mount disk1 to /home/1 and disk2 to /home/2 ?08:19
ryanakcaAce2016: yes08:19
s0nixno , at "/home"08:19
ryanakcas0nix: or store /home on two seperate disks?08:19
vzduch!gutsy | Ace201608:19
ubotuAce2016: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+108:19
ryanakcas0nix: ah, then in that case, if you need to use two disks for your /home, use LVM08:19
ryanakca!lvm | s0nix08:20
ubotus0nix: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO08:20
Ace2016ryanakca: how stable is it? have any problems?08:20
Ace2016released just after my birthday :D08:20
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ryanakcaAce2016: it's stable enough for me, but don't use it if you need a production machine or you don't know your way around the command line/can't fix things yourself.08:21
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Ace2016not a production, a gaming machine for ut2004, can't wait for ut200708:21
ryanakcaAce2016: ah, well, you can chance it, I find it stable for my uses, if you want to help out, test out the Tribe 3 CD08:22
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AlI have a laptop running Kubuntu. How do I stop the off button turning the laptop off? Or, even, doing anything?08:23
AzzcoHi, is it possible to have the first user name with capital letters at all in ubuntu?08:23
vzduchAzzco: ?08:23
Azzcomy user name on fedora is Azzco, I'm going to move back to kubuntu but I can only have the user name azzco...08:24
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WhtWolfTeraDynemanu_: hi08:28
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manu_today i got new updates for edgy eft, nvida and a new kernel, 2.6.17-12-generic, since this updates x wont start08:28
manu_someone can help?08:28
manu_never had problems with nvidia new kernels and xorg08:28
manu_when i come to login console and i run   startx i got something with nvidia couldnt be found in kernel or so08:29
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Doug1hey, I installed java manually, but now i want thunderbird to open links in firefox as default, where would i go for that in the firefox files?08:30
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manu_someone can help? :/08:31
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mefisto__Doug1: in thunderbird preferences, attachments, view and edit actions. Then find HTML document in the list and set it to open in firefox08:34
Doug1mefisto__: thanks08:34
WhtWolfTeraDynemanu_: Have you tried using "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" to set everything up again?08:35
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Doug1mefisto__: nothing is in the list08:37
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mefisto__Doug1: nothing at all?08:37
khaije1so how do i save a kde session from command line?08:37
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martoyakhaije1: dcop ksmserver default saveCurrentSession08:39
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mefisto__Doug1: go to preferences>advanced. Is there a "config editor" button?08:40
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Doug1mefisto__: nope there's General, Offline & Disk Space, Update08:41
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manu_WhtWolfTeraDyne: no, but is this the solution? someone said something because of restricted modules08:41
WhtWolfTeraDynemanu_: What kernel are you booting with?08:41
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WhtWolfTeraDynemanu_: YOu can find out by using "uname -a"08:45
mefisto__Doug1: you could try installing this extension for thunderbird, which will give you access to the about:config editor08:46
mefisto__Doug1: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/addon/42308:46
Doug1mefisto__: thank you08:46
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gir2222how do I retrieve a directory with cvs?08:46
mefisto__then come back and I'll tell you what to put in there08:46
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gir2222what is the command line for downloading cvs directories?08:48
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ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/08:49
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WhtWolfTeraDynewell, I thought there might have been something there.08:49
manu_WhtWolfTeraDyne: 2.6.17-12-generic starts no X 2.6.17-11-generic runs perfectly08:49
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Doug1mefisto__: i've got the about:config window open now, what next?08:50
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Ace2016HI all08:50
Ace2016I managed to get windows xp to install, the problems seems to have gone away completely, even played need for speed for a bit08:51
WhtWolfTeraDyne!find linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic edgy08:51
mefisto__Doug1: right-click and create a new string08:51
ubotuFound: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic08:51
WhtWolfTeraDynemanu_: Try this: "sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic"08:51
mefisto__Doug1: the name should be: network.protocol-handler.app.http08:51
mefisto__Doug1: and value is: firefox08:52
manu_WhtWolfTeraDyne: you mean 12 instead of eleven, 12 is the newest kernel08:52
WhtWolfTeraDynemanu_:"sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-12-generic" * yeah.08:52
Doug1mefisto__: and it should work now? thanks08:52
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne uses Feisty
mefisto__Doug1: and also, you might want to do the same again, for network.protocol-handler.app.https08:52
Doug1mefisto__: will do08:53
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mefisto__Doug1: if it still doesn't work, try changing firefox to full path and name (I think that should be /usr/bin/firefox)08:54
blackflagHEllo all :)08:54
blackflagI have a problem with cupsys:08:55
Doug1mefisto__: thanks it worked right off the bat. this mini-code adventure with linux is quite cool lol08:55
blackflag"/usr/sbin/cupsd: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"08:55
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blackflagI tried aptitude install -f but this is not solving08:56
blackflagcan someone help?08:56
blackflagand libssl is installed08:56
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gir2222ok that didnt help. I have cvs, all I want to do is download a program's cvs source code on sourceforge. I know there is a command line for doing this, anyone knows it?08:57
odlablackflag: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=libssl.so.&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=feisty&arch=i38608:57
manu_WhtWolfTeraDyne: ok i'll try :)08:57
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devnullHow do you find out what /dev/ a device is assigned to?09:04
freenethi all09:04
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redhahello I need help with 915resolution09:05
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blackflagokay, installng this libssl again from that source above, but no change!09:06
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mefisto__devnull: kinfocenter?09:09
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devnullmefisto__: it doesnt show the device in a /dev/xxx fasion09:09
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mefisto__devnull: it does where appropriate. look in partitions, for example09:11
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liquanyimy english is so poor................09:14
devnullmefisto__: not there.09:14
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odlaliquanyi: what your language?09:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chinese - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:14
mefisto__devnull: what device are you looking for?09:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:14
devnulland for further reference that only lists entries in /etc/fstab09:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:14
devnullits a usb mp3 player09:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mandarian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
awebawefoijHi - Can someone please help me mounting my USB stick?09:15
odlaliquanyi: do you have a question?09:15
devnullroot@family-desktop:/media# lsusb09:15
devnullBus 001 Device 002: ID 0471:014d Philips09:15
liquanyii can not input chinese09:15
awebawefoijIf I fdisk it, I see it as sda1 but when I mount it I get "does not exist" and dmesg | tail gives SCSI error: return code = 0x1007000009:16
liquanyii want to use kubuntu with chinese,but i do not know how cn i do09:16
awebawefoijI'm running Kubuntu 6.06 Kernal 2.6.15-28-38609:17
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liquanyii'mrunning 7.1009:17
liquanyii use it in vmware09:18
vzduchliquanyi: Gutsy support in #ubuntu+109:18
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.09:19
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awebawefoijI've done quite a bit of googling, but no help - anyone here know?09:20
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ramineed a bit of help09:24
ramiwith java.09:24
redhaawebawefoij: Doesn't the USB stick mount autmatically?09:24
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redhaAnybody could help me with 915resolution?09:24
ramii got a blue screen in the terminal with users license.09:24
redharami: OK accept it09:24
=== fora voltou.
ramii can't press it09:25
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redhatry pressing tab09:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libmtp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:25
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devnull!find libmtp09:25
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ubotuFound: libmtp-dev, libmtp509:25
devnullAnyone know where a 0.1.5 libmtp package is?09:26
redharami: anytime, we share the same name btw ;)09:26
odlaliquanyi: http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/HOWTO:_Optimise_Ubuntu_for_Chinese_desktop09:27
redha915resolution anybody??09:27
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jeff_UK_9876Sorry - I got disconnected.  Problem with many USBsticks - can't access them. fdisk sees the FAT16 partition, but dmesg complains "Unable to read partition table" and says " SCSI error: return code = 0x10070000".  I'm running Kubuntu 6.06 with Kernal 2.6.15-28-386.  Google hasn't helped, anyone here help please?09:28
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redhajeff_UK_9876: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?p=84947&sid=fedf3c527ed62513b2eebad94e33af3309:31
redhajeff_UK_9876: probably upgrading to fiesty would do the trick09:32
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benjamin_hello there! i have in local network 2 PCs with kubuntu installed. which is the best way to remotely connect from one to the other?09:34
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t1n0m3nhi, I am trying to play around with kismet, and my 3945 card keeps switching itself from monitor to managed, any idea where to look to stop this?09:34
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mefisto__jeff_UK_9876: also, take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50464109:35
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t1n0m3nsmb?  ftp? telnet? ssh?  depends on what you want to do09:35
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benjamin_actually vnc or similar09:36
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benjamin_i cannot find the way how to enable vnc server09:37
t1n0m3ncool, xdmcp?09:37
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t1n0m3nerr lemme check the spelling09:37
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jeff_UK_9876Thanks for the tip redha, but that'll have to wait! I've read through the debian article, but doesn't say too much. pmount gives the same error message as mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 == "device sda1 does not exist".  mefisto - Thanks, I tried blkid but that's just hung up the shell & even kill -9 won't unwedge it!09:40
t1n0m3n benjamin_: there may be a better way though, still looking09:40
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benjamin_t1n0m3n: i'm new here, the last was too complex for me :-(09:40
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vzduchimpatient folks..09:51
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pulaskiHas anyone here who runs feisty fawn 7.04 experienced problems with sound apparently not running  upon startup.  ie no notification sounds?09:52
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vzduchnone here either, but it doesn't bug me :)09:55
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vzduchthis has nothing to do w/ sound running or not09:55
vzduchgotta be something else.. because I can fire up any player app as soon as I wish and I get sound09:56
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Admiral_Chicago_hey everyone, i'm looking for a way to transfer files to a computer I'm ssh'ed into. scp comes to mind, but is there a way to do scp with an ip address instead of a hostname09:57
pulaskiThank you for responding vzduch09:57
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pulaskiyes my mic seems to work but inline sound ie video thru the browser and of course notifications dont work09:58
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vzduchno problem w/ sound from the browser here09:58
t1n0m3nWhoever had the VNC question, I think I have your answer09:59
pulaskiI can restart the sound through system settings and restart and it will occasionally boot with notification sound and browser video sound but not consistently.09:59
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vzduchI turned the KDE soundsystem off10:00
pulaskiI appreciate that you are responding vzduch10:00
vzduchno need for it, the apps can communicate directly w/ ALSA10:00
vzduchmy opinion, of course.. you might have other priorities then low reaction times :)10:01
heroAdmiral_Chicago_: uh, just replace the hostname with the ip address. if you're using windows to connect to an ssh server there is a free scp program called winscp310:01
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Admiral_Chicago_hero: i figured it out. it was user@ip:/dir10:01
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pulaskiI see I was a little confused about the difference bet KDE soundsystem and alsa-utils in init.d10:02
heroAdmiral_Chicago_: k. check out that program. i use it all the time10:02
t1n0m3nanyone know how to keep a wireless nic in monitor mode?  I switch mine to monitor and it switches back to managed after a minute10:02
herobetter than cli10:02
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pulaskianyway vzduch, I have to split now,  I'll come back here again sooner or later in search of solutions.  I want to reiterate my appreciation for your responses today.  Often no one here says much of anything.10:04
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t1n0m3nanyone know how to keep a wireless nic in monitor mode?  I am using ipw3945, I set monitor mode with "iwconfig eth1 mode monitor"  it shows monitor mode with "iwconfig" I run kismet and after about a minute it stops working.  I do a "iwconfig" again and it has changed back to managed...  any ideas on what to look for?10:06
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t1n0m3nI can get kismet to work constantly if I do a "iwconfig eth1 mode monitor" every 30 seconds or so10:07
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manu_i have a wacom graphire tablet and plugged it in, i can use it as mouse but the config dialouges in krita/gimp/inkscpae dont show a new tablet to configure10:17
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pulaskihello vzduch?10:18
pulaskithanks for the tip about kde sound sytem10:18
vzduchyou're welcome :)10:19
pulaskiIn the System Settings screen I mistakenly had sound enabled.  I foolishly thought that unless sound was enabled I wouldn't be able to have sound.10:19
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pulaskimy notifications from the system settings screen work fine even though sound is not enabled.10:20
pulaskigo figure?10:20
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pulaskithanks again vzduch, perhaps I'll see you around10:21
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danya__hello ?10:23
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danya__when I get this error ( that a pckage has no installation candidate ) what should I do ??10:24
cybrhumando someone know how I reenable the default graphics drivers in Feisty?10:24
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odlasweet kickoff should be available officially for kubuntu in gutsy10:25
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odladanya__: what are you trying to install?10:27
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:27
danya__I did that10:27
odla!info wine10:27
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB10:27
danya__the steps for a 64-bit10:27
odladanya__: oh ... i don't know about 64-bit but do you have universe enabled?10:27
danya__yes It's enabled10:28
odladanya__ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WineForAMD6410:28
odladanya__: so do you do as it says?10:28
danya__and I still get the error no installation candidate :( ..10:28
danya__I so hate 64-bit :(10:28
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odladanya__: pastebin (at pastebin.ca) your sources.lst file in /etc/apt/10:29
danya__odla : I was about to check it now to make sure the repos have been addded :)10:29
odladanya__: feisty?10:29
odladanya__: also have you run sudo apt-get update?10:29
danya__odla : yes10:29
danya__odla : yes10:30
odladanya__: wget -c http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/ubuntu/feisty/wine_0.9.41~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1_amd64.deb10:30
odladanya__: then sudo dpkg -i wine*10:30
danya__odla : thanks :D .. I checked the source list and the repos were'nnt there :)10:31
odladanya__: there you go :)  ... also you could d/l it from the link i pasted too10:31
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|slim|jemand da?10:34
vzduch|slim|: ja, aber auf Englisch10:35
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cybrhumanHI, I installed a new graphics driver on my feisty installation. When I rebooted the screen went blank after showing the ubuntu loading screen. I think I screwed up something when I installed the new graphics driver so I hope there was some easy way to reenable the old (default) driver10:35
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vzduchcybrhuman: what driver did you install?10:40
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kasleprowhat do i instal to get kde on ubuntu?10:40
jrckaslepro: I think it's sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:41
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ardchoilleHow do I get apps to have their windows open in the exact same place everytime they're launche?10:42
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Admiral_Chicagokaslepro: install kubuntu-desktop10:44
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kasleproAdmiral_Chicago: thanks!10:45
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mimikdon't suppose any of you know how to associate torrent files with ktorrent?10:49
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jrcmimik: does opening the "Open With" dialog box on a .torrent file and enabling "Remember application association for this type of file" work?10:51
mimiklemme check10:51
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ardchoillejrc: It should, that should modify the file association10:51
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ardchoillemimik: Or you could go into the file associations dialog and modify it there10:52
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mimikhow do you open the file associations dialog?10:53
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ardchoillekcontrol KDE Components > File Associations10:53
tfreiremimik: konqueror10:53
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tfreiremimik: configurations > configure konqueror10:54
tfreiremimik: both ways point to the same place10:54
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abhorredHey all, where is the option to change Screen Resolutions in KDE?10:54
tfreireabhorred on kubuntu: K menu > System Settings > Monitor & Video10:55
tfreireBut if your video card / monitor is not properly configured you will not see all resolutions your monitor can do10:56
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abhorredI got that fixed in the Xorg config, I just can't find KDE's option to change it :P10:56
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tfreireIn my case I had to manually configure, but I have a widescreen notebook (1680 x 1050)10:56
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tfreireabhorred: I also resorted to fglrx drivers, so I had to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' to rebuild my xorg.conf to make it work.10:58
abhorredI have 4 options, Settings/System/Utilities and another Settings10:58
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tfreireabhorred: you are on ubuntu or kubuntu?10:58
abhorredUbuntu with KDE10:58
abhorredlol, they told me to come in here10:58
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tfreireyou are on KDE?11:00
abhorredI installed Ubuntu, just fine, then KDE on it11:00
abhorredSo I have Gnome/KDE11:00
tfreireMy K > System Settings has 4 main sections with a few icons each11:01
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tfreirePersonal | Appearance | Computer administration | Network & Connectiviy11:01
tfreireUnder Computer Admin I have an icon that says 'monitor & video'11:02
tfreirethat's where you should be able to change your monitor settings11:02
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azzcoI've got a slight problem booting into kubuntu...11:05
abhorredI might just switch back to Gnome :(11:06
abhorredBah, I aint doing that, time to remove 1024x768 from the xorg11:07
tfreireabhorred: my system is the other way round, I have kubuntu with ububtu-desktop also installed11:07
tfreireunfortunately i was not able to get compiz to work11:07
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tfreireI got as far as running Xgl on my ATI x1600, but compiz is dying on a Glib error11:08
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abhorredI like Ubuntu alot, I just wish they wouldn't make it quite so...."Easy"11:09
mimikwhere can i find the ktorrent executable for a default install?11:09
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tfreiremimik: bash: locate ktorrent11:09
tfreireor locate ktorrent |grep bin11:10
azzcoI need some help with grub. chainloader +1, does that mean that it would be like booting with only one partition?11:10
mimikyep found it thanks11:10
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abhorredThanks for your time tfreire :)11:12
abhorredI'll see what I can't figure out11:12
abhorredNow tell me, Kubuntu or Ubuntu, which do you like more?11:12
azzcoI prefer KDE before gnome ;)11:13
abhorredIt's got a certain amount of speed that Gnome doesn't seem to touch11:13
abhorredAnd it can be prettier :P11:13
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tfreireYeah, I am a KDE guy too. I just install every now and then to only go back to KDE as fast as possible11:14
tfreire(intall gnome)11:14
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abhorred"su gedit /ect/X11/xorg.config"11:15
tfreireSo Kubuntu is my option11:15
abhorredI noticed Konsole didn't like that command11:15
azzcoI've only tried gnome seriusly twice. both times it felt like someone had riped my wings11:15
SlimeyPeteabhorred: sudo11:15
SlimeyPetenot su11:15
tfreiregedit is gnome editor11:15
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tfreireon kde you should use sudo kate /foo/bar11:15
abhorredIt matters?11:15
SlimeyPeteyeah, and that. you might not have gedit installed11:15
SlimeyPeteyes, it matters11:16
abhorredlol, I have it running right now :P11:16
tfreireor sudo vim /foo/bar, which is my preferred option11:16
vzduchabhorred: it's xorg.conf, not xorg.config11:16
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pablo_hola a todos11:16
abhorredWoah, what is "kate"11:17
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SlimeyPeteit's an editor.11:17
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tfreireabhorred: did your 'sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop' finish without problems?11:17
vzduchthe (K)DE (A)dvanced (T)ext (E)ditor11:17
abhorredIt just spit about 3,000 lines in the console11:17
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tfreireyou can issue 'sudo apt-get -f install' just to be sure11:17
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abhorredI know it installed clean man11:18
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abhorredWhat is wrong with running gedit in KDE?11:20
vzduchtfreire: and no, you should _not_ use 'sudo kate', but 'kdesu kate'11:20
abhorredOr Gnome apps in general?11:20
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tfreireisn't kdesu just a frontend to sudo?11:21
tfreirekde-gui firndly frontend11:22
SlimeyPeteabhorred: nothing wrong with it but unless you migrated from Ubuntu they won't be installed yet11:22
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vzduchkdesu gives you permissions in X while sudo does not11:22
tfreirecause sudo works for me. the difference is that I get to type on konsole instead of a window11:22
tfreireoh, I see11:23
vzduchI've been told that using sudo for X applications can break permission settings11:23
abhorred<abhorred> I installed Ubuntu, just fine, then KDE on it11:23
abhorred<abhorred> So I have Gnome/KDE11:23
K-Ryanvzduch: It can11:24
SlimeyPeteabhorred: ah, right11:24
danya__how can I add wine to the source list if It's not a deb ?? ..11:24
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abhorredbrb if I am still invited guys11:24
vzduchdanya__: you can only install .debs w/ dpkg/apt11:24
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vzduchdanya__: and there's a separate Wine source for current versions11:25
danya__vzduch : so I'll find the wine packages in there ?11:25
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ADiCT3DHas anyone sucessfully compiled cedega?11:26
vzduchomg, this nick.. *eyeCancer*11:27
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abhorredOmg, I can read stuff again11:27
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animimotussomeone use Kbabel ?11:29
tfreireMy only problem is not being able to run compiz-fusion. Tha is a great letdown...11:30
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glauco1how i can delete a programm?11:30
glauco1i want uninstall java511:31
glauco1but if i make apt.get remove java511:31
glauco1tell me that java5 doesnt exist11:31
vzduchsudo aptitude remove <package name> (w/o the <> of course; if you want to remove configuration files as well, replace 'remove' with 'purge')11:31
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vzduchglauco1: of course not11:31
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tfreireglauco: be sure of the package name you want to uninstall11:32
vzduchif you don't know the exact name, try an 'apt-cache search java5' beforehand11:32
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tfreireyou might mean java-sun-jdk or something like that11:32
vzduchtfreire: probably 'sun-java5-jre'11:32
glauco1ok i try it now11:32
tfreirevzduch: yeah11:33
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glauco1ok i've found it11:34
glauco1tank you!!!!11:34
tfreireWell, Ubuntu is teh distro which took me less time from installation to making it useable. It almost worked 100% out of the box11:34
vzduchtfreire: less time compared w/ what?11:34
tfreirewith everything I ever tried11:34
abhorredNot just less time, alot less headaches11:35
tfreirered hat, suse, mandriva, and... gentoo :)11:35
tfreireI still use Gentoo11:35
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tfreireon our company server11:35
abhorredI was gonna try a diffrent one, Knoppix I think it was11:35
tfreirebut I installed Ubuntu on my notebook to give it a go , more in-depth11:35
abhorredI think I am falling love with Debian based distro's11:36
vzduchfor Mandriva I can't tell.. last time I wanted to install it (2007.1), the media wouldn't boot; looked like there was no bootsector on the DVD11:36
vzduchbefore that I have previously used Mandrake 9.1, 10.0 and 10.111:36
tfreireI have been o Gentoo for a loong time though, the other distros might have improved11:36
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vzduchI was a die-hard SUSE user for 1.5 years.. until a hdd failure forced me to reinstall, then I tried other things.. and, running out of options I came across Kubuntu & I love it now :)11:37
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tfreireone thing that finally prompted me to try ubuntu was all the eye-candy compiz provides. unfortunately, it's the only thing I didn't manage to make work11:38
vzduchprobably never would've tried it if Fedora 7 had worked to my liking11:38
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vzduchor if PCLinuxOS had a bigger choice of pkgs11:39
tfreirebut the experience is being smooth11:39
tfreireAND... I am on gutsy11:39
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K-RyanWhy so early?11:39
tfreirethings are not exploding in my face... it's pretty stable11:39
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tfreireJust because I was trying to get all the eye-candy of the world, I was testing after all.11:40
tfreireSince I had trouble with feisty, I said 'what the hell, I have no meaningful data here anywawy'11:40
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tfreiregutsy is supposed to use compiz-fusion right off the bat, whereas feisty has both compiz and beryl11:41
tfreireso I decidedto give fusion a go11:41
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tfreireThe only crashes I have had are comppiz-related, which is admittedly beta software11:42
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tfreireotherwise it gave me no problems at all11:43
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underdog5004how can I make dolphin my default file-browser?11:45
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stonedhi guys11:46
stonedI just downloaded the kubuntu 7.04 amd64 ISO11:46
underdog5004how do you like it?11:46
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stonedare there any easy reliable working guides on getting java+flash on it?11:46
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stonedunderdog5004: I'm still at work, I'll go home and install it11:46
stonedThe only partition i have is where my kubuntu 32bi is installed11:46
stonedso I can't really do a 32bit chroot11:47
stonedI'll have to format and install amd64 on that partition11:47
underdog5004stoned, ah, ok. If it was me, I'd just use the 32-bit version...there's no reason to use 64-bit unless you've got over 3 gigs of RAM...11:47
stonedi'll have to use nspluginwrapper, but I know how to install it in debian.  Does kubuntu have any guides on how to do this?11:47
stonedunderdog5004: well, I compile software11:47
stonedand lots of it11:47
stonedI could use the wider memory spaces11:48
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stonedI'm not looking for speed increae in the whole desktop11:48
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stonedonly in compiling software11:48
stonedplease advise.11:48
=== matsh is now known as riorio
underdog5004gotcha...if it was me, I'd have a 64-bit box (headless) just for compiling software, then scp it to the machine of my choice and install...11:49
underdog5004but I'm just a noob...11:49
=== RayStLIn is now known as Raystlin_FM
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stonedelectricity in new york is 40% more expensive than the last p lace I lived in11:51
stonedand i make less money than before11:51
stonedi only have one machine running atm11:51
stonedyou ever watched the cartoon11:52
stoneddog superhero11:52
stonedThe Underdog11:52
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tfreireis it possible to run wine (32 bit) on a 64-bit install?11:54
=== Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-0-92.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu
tfreireI have only managed skype. it's the only one I tried though...11:54
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underdog5004stoned, sorry, I was afk...yeah, used to watch reruns on nick-at-nite11:59
underdog5004when I was a kid11:59
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odlatfreire: you can install wine on 64 bit natively ...12:00
underdog5004how can I make dolphin my default file-browser?12:01
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Raystlin_FManyone running kde4?12:02
=== [tokin] [n=ryan@dynamic-acs-24-144-225-167.zoominternet.net] has joined #kubuntu
underdog5004Raystlin_FM, it's not due out (stably) for a few months now12:03
tfreireodla: wine is not available for me.12:04
tfreireat least not on gutsy12:04
=== Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-0-92.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu
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odlatfreire: install the feisty package?12:04
tfreireRaystlin_FM: I Installed just the bas on gutsy. buggy as hell12:04
=== underdog5004 smacks his forehead
underdog5004tfreire, why are you using gutsy? It's still alpha!12:05
Raystlin_FMunderdog5004, I know... i'm running gutsy and wanted to see the progress that has been made...12:05
tfreirekde4-base I mean12:05
odlaunderdog5004: why do you need to?  just run it12:05
tfreireunderdog5004: It was for trying compiz. My install is freshh, I have no critical data12:05
odlaunderdog5004: i'm running gutsy cause it has bug fixes for my hardware ... thus muy importante for me12:05
=== elbing [n=elbing@98.Red-88-9-65.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
underdog5004odla, gotcha12:06
=== kevin__ [n=kevin@AMontpellier-256-1-137-46.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
tfreiregutsy is alpha, but it does not mean it's unstable... unless you deviate from the more tested stuff12:06
underdog5004sorry for my outburst...I'm a little stressed right now12:06
odlaunderdog5004: otherwise ... not much point to run gusty ;)12:06
tfreirelike trying kde4 and compiz...12:06
vzduchtfreire: there is a Linux pkg for Skype12:06
tfreirevzduch: I know, I installed using the forum instructions12:07
tfreireIt works12:07
=== Linux_Galore [n=richard@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
vzduchyou could probably just use the .deb they provide.. meant for Debian but works flawlessly in Feisty12:08
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venikhas anyone used pidgin for file transfer?  It does not work for me12:12
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vzduchw/ which protocol?12:13
venikYahoo, Aim, or Google talk12:13
gabriel__that good12:13
gabriel__i'm new in linux jeje12:13
vzduchICQ file transfer is known to not work on Linux, MSN file transfer sometimes works, no idea what factors play a role there12:13
underdog5004gabriel__, no worries, we were all noobs at one time12:13
vzduchfor Yahoo and GoogleTalk I can't say anything12:13
gabriel__yeah and this great12:13
venikOK-- for which protocol DOES it work?12:14
=== Karti [n=jim@host217-42-42-158.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu

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