
ubotuNew bug: #126877 in soyuz "Package archive listing doesn't link to the packages" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12687712:20
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Amaranthhow do i link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/126876 to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458110 ?12:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126876 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu should have Mind Mapping software" [Undecided,New]  12:33
ubotuNew bug: #126879 in soyuz "Person's archive page lacks instructions on how to add it as a repository" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12687912:51
ubotuNew bug: #126880 in soyuz ""When" column in PPA table is ambiguous" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12688012:51
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bmmHow do I mark a bug as a duplicate of another bug?01:41
mptbmm, in the pink box near the top left01:42
bmmAh, found the button, sorry!01:42
bmmoh, just to late, but thanks mpt !01:42
mptNo apology needed, it's our fault01:42
mpttoo many links in that box :-)01:43
bmmWell, thanks anyway and I'll be back another day!01:46
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mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: sleeping ?01:47
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cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: not yet 02:01
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: ppa doesn't work, problem is not in signing - I'm trying upload signed sources and changes file but orig.tar.gz gets time-out02:06
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: is you connection working correctly ?  how big is the orig ?02:08
mantiena-baltix700 kb, internet connection is ok, I'm uploading 100x bigger files02:08
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: I can upload signed .dsc, .changes, .diff.gz  and orig.tar.gz files to public ftp and you can try to upload with my ~/.dput.cf02:10
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mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: what you think ?02:14
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: not sure what is happening, other users, including me are able to use it02:15
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mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: I've uploaded signed .dsc, .changes, .diff.gz  and orig.tar.gz files to  ftp://ftp.akl.lt/Linux/Baltix/Baltix-Ubuntu-packages/feisty/gparted - please, try to upload to ppa as user mantas02:19
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: I've just upload a 1.4Mb orig it worked ... Can you try again, please ?02:20
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: I'm trying for about 10 times...02:21
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: okay02:21
mantiena-baltixsame error - 'Connection timed out'02:21
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: 00:21:02 DEBUG   Session from
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: and the session never ends 02:26
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: On normal uploads I have;02:27
cprov-afk00:16:29 DEBUG   Session from
cprov-afk00:19:21 DEBUG   Processing session complete in /tmp/tmpJXHw7H-poppy02:27
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: so, where is the problem ?02:28
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: sorry, but apart of any weirdness in our DC, it can only be in your side.02:29
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: so, you uploaded my signed gparted sources without problems ?02:30
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: no I didn't. I can do it now02:31
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: wait a minute, I try to upload from different server02:31
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: check the dput output -> Checksum doesn't match for (...)gparted_0.3.3.orig.tar.gz02:34
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: where I can see this ?02:35
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: in dput output, after issuing 'dput mantas gparted_0.3.3-2feisty3_source.changes'02:36
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: I don't get such errors - I've uploaded successfully from another machine (from different internet provider), it seems my internet provider forbids ftp :(02:40
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: the files I downloaded from the ftp address you gave were corrupted (or get corrupted in my machine), anyway I rebuilt it and upload w/o problems to my PPA02:41
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: I've pasted log to you privatelly02:42
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: it seems my uploads were rejected :( I just got email from launchpad with error:02:44
mantiena-baltixcould not find PPA for 'mantas' :(02:44
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: you have to 'Activate' you PPA in https://dogfood.launchpad.net/~mantas02:45
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: hehe, PPA contents description was empty :)02:49
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: sorry ?02:49
ubotuNew bug: #126896 in soyuz "don't list PPAs with zero packages" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12689602:50
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: when I activated PPA I got some page with empty ' PPA contents description' ;)02:52
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: you are supposed to fill it. Isn't it clear enough ?02:53
mantiena-baltixNo, I thought that there was a bug :)02:53
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: I'm not following you ... should we guess a description suitable for your PPA ? 02:54
mantiena-baltixSorry, I don't understand you. My local time is 4 hours after midnight, I should sleep for about 4 hours .. :)02:56
mantiena-baltixmaybe I'm sleeping and dreaming now ? ;)02:57
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: maybe ...03:03
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mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: in any case I already got email from launchpad with word "Accepted" in subject ;)03:03
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: great03:04
mantiena-baltixso, thank you very much - I'm trying to disconnect from internet in my dream ...03:04
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: How long I should wait for binaries in http://ppa.dogfood.launchpad.net/mantas/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gparted/ ?03:07
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: check https://dogfood.launchpad.net/~mantas/+archive/+builds03:09
mantiena-baltixcprov-afk: build was successfull on amd64, I hope there will be no problems on i386 too, thank you very much and good bye :)03:19
cprov-afkmantiena-baltix: bye03:20
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ubotuNew bug: #72083 in launchpad "Confirmed email addresses portlet overlaps over the arrow that expands the portlet" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7208303:56
ubotuNew bug: #126907 in launchpad "Need a less ambiguous "Private" icon" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12690704:15
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Hobbseespiv: ping06:53
Hobbseelifeless: ping06:53
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Hobbseelifeless: @ -motu :)06:57
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desertcHello - referring to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screensaver/+bug/59688 - what does it mean when someone says the bug is "fixed upstream", as is said in the last comment?07:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 59688 in totem "screensaver starts when movie plays" [Undecided,Invalid]   - Assigned to Ubuntu Desktop Bugs (desktop-bugs)07:14
ScottKIt means Gnome has already fixed the bug and the fix will be in Gutsy.07:17
desertcyay!  thanks - I will inform this blogger: http://kyliewillison.blogspot.com/2007/06/totem-screensaver.html07:17
mptsee also https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+spec/upstream-terminology07:20
mthaddonLaunchpad is going down in 15 mins for a code update. Estimated downtime is approx 45mins.07:22
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:mpt] : Launchpad is offline for an update, should be back within ~45 minutes | Next developer meeting: Thu 19 July 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Launchpad help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
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desertcThanks for your help.07:51
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=== ..[topic/#launchpad:mpt] : Launchpad - https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 19 July 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Launchpad help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
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mthaddonRollout Complete, Launchpad back up08:21
ubotuNew bug: #126924 in malone "second-stage guided filebug form needs UI improvement" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12692408:40
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stubThe whitespace between the whats new message and the trailing full stop is a bug or a feature?09:07
siretartcan launchpad merge teams yet?09:08
stubsiretart: no09:08
siretartstub: can you perhaps make https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-motu less confusing?09:09
stubThat  looks all autogenerated09:09
siretartstub: I just got an email from a confused ubuntu user asking me as a MOTUMedia member about a package maintained by ubuntu-motu09:10
stubAnd changing the data to change the rendering would break stuff I suspect09:10
siretartI'm not exactly sure what the bug here is, though09:10
siretartit seems to me that a launchpad user called 'ubuntu-motu' was created09:11
siretartwhich doesn't make sense. there is a team https://launchpad.net/~motu, which should be the maintainer of all the packages09:11
FujitsuThe problem is that LP needs a team with ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com as an email address.09:16
FujitsuSetting that as the motu contact address would mean the ML got a lot of bugmail, which is a Bad Thing.09:16
FujitsuIt would be nice to change the name of that user, though.09:16
=== Fujitsu hints.
FujitsuIt has been like that since DebianMaintainerField came into effect :(09:17
ubotuNew bug: #126926 in launchpad "what's new message has spurious whitespace" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12692609:20
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mptGooooooooooooooood evening Launchpadders!10:00
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bmmI was here like 14 hours ago asking about uscan https support. The next version of uscan (release but not in ubuntu yet: version 2.10.6) has support for https in uscan. So launchpad can keep hosting files under https as they should (IMHO).10:43
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mptJust went to report a bug, and discovered that a bug with exactly the same title had been reported two days ago by Matthew Paul Thomas11:13
mptHe always beats me to it11:13
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sorenHow often does malone process e-mail (incoming ones)?11:18
BjornTsoren: every 5 minutes11:18
sorenBjornT: So.. If it's been 15 mintues now and nothing has happened, then what?11:19
BjornTsoren: i'll check the error logs to see i can find something11:19
sorenBjornT: Bug #126845 if it helps at all11:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126845 in iptables "TARPIT extension broken" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12684511:19
sorenBjornT: Sender address: soren@ubuntu.com11:19
sorenBjornT: Will the message-id do you any good?11:20
BjornTsoren: no, i've found the message, let me just check what went wrong...11:21
sorenBjornT: Cool.11:21
ubotuNew bug: #126941 in soyuz "Source package page title doesn't mention the package" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12694111:25
BjornTsoren: found the bug; it breaks if you say that it affects another source package, while assigning it to a team with no contact address. i'll file a bug about it.11:25
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ubotuNew bug: #126943 in malone "OOPS when assigning a bug to a team with not contact address at the same time a new bugtask is created" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12694311:35
sorenBjornT: Should I do the stuff manually then or will you reprocess it?11:36
BjornTsoren: sorry, please do it manually, i can't fix the bug and push the fix to production that fast, so i can't reprocess it.11:40
sorenBjornT: Quite alright.11:41
sorenBjornT: Thanks!11:41
mptBjornT, I think bug 103137 was just fixed without being tracked11:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 103137 in malone "What then if the bug has already been reported?" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10313711:42
mptI just clicked "Subscribe To This Bug" by mistake instead of "Submit Bug Report"11:43
mptand subscribed myself to a Fix Released bug, of all things11:44
BjornTmpt: yes, i think so too. i've marked it as fix released.11:46
mptthanks Bjrn11:48
mptbonus fixes are always good :-)11:48
=== mpt is still occasionally finding open bug reports for bugs that were fixed in 1.0
ubotuNew bug: #126946 in malone ""No, I'd like to report a new bug" doesn't immediately let me do so" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12694611:50
ubotuNew bug: #126948 in malone ""Subscribe To This Bug" is incorrect capitalization" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12694811:55
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ubotuNew bug: #126949 in malone "Users don't get notified about unhandled exceptions in the incoming e-mail interface" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12694912:05
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ubotuNew bug: #126953 in malone "Sync importance for bug watches" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12695312:25
ubotuNew bug: #126956 in soyuz "E-mail addresses in changelogs don't link anywhere" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12695612:36
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ubotuNew bug: #126957 in malone "Bug status form is mushed together, especially in Helvetica" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12695712:50
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ubotuNew bug: #126959 in soyuz ""Changeslist" on distribution series administration page is unhelpful" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12695901:26
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ubotuNew bug: #126960 in soyuz "Changing the "Name" of a distribution series returns to the wrong page" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12696001:35
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ubotuNew bug: #126961 in soyuz "Distribution series administration page has no title or heading" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12696101:40
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ubotuNew bug: #126969 in launchpad "In sortable lists the user's selection isn't persistent" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12696903:05
ubotuNew bug: #126970 in launchpad "obfuscate_email causes the server to hang" [Critical,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12697003:10
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ubotuNew bug: #126976 in launchpad-bazaar "Automatic discovery of new branches" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12697603:35
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ubotuNew bug: #126975 in rosetta "TraversalError in translation page" [Critical,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12697503:40
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mrevellno me04:00
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jsk_me 204:01
flacosteme 304:01
salgadostub, you going to chair the meeting today?04:01
mptSteveA, here?04:01
salgadoI guess SteveA won't be around for the meeting, but I may be wrong04:01
stubme? If I have too, but I was hoping to be eating this first bit...04:01
Rinchenmpt,  I appoint you :-)04:01
mptkiko said he'd try to be here04:01
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RinchenIt's 7am for them currently.04:03
mthaddonyeah, me too :)04:03
=== mpt waits for the agenda to load
Rinchenah great, was just going to ask04:03
Rinchenthanks mpt04:03
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mptok, MEETING TIME04:04
mptFor the next half an hour or so, we'll be discussing Launchpad development04:04
mptWho's here today?04:04
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mptTeam leads, please check that your co-conspirators are here04:05
=== barry pokes barry
=== salgado looks at himself
=== mwhudson waits for thumper to poke him
jtvTranslations: carlos & danilo not present.04:05
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mpt== Agenda ==04:06
mpt * Next meeting04:06
mpt * Actions from last meeting04:06
mpt * Oops report (Matsubara)04:06
mpt * Critical Bugs (Rinchen)04:06
mpt * Bug tags04:06
mpt * Operations report (mthaddon)04:06
mpt * DBA report (stub)04:06
mpt * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen04:07
mpt * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell)04:07
mpt * kiko - proper use of release-critical04:07
mpt * kiko - Pre-release QA testing feeback04:07
mpt * Blockers04:07
mpt== Apologies ==04:07
mpt * carlos and danilos are at GUADEC04:07
mptAny others?04:07
mptSteveA and kiko are busy at Ubuntu Live I assume04:08
mpt== Next meeting ==04:08
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mptAnyone unable to be here same time next week?04:08
bacapologies: UL04:08
mpthi cprov 04:08
allenapI'll be away04:08
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=== flacoste will be on parental leave
statikEdwinGrubbs is here today also, a brand new launchpadder04:09
bacbac: wait, i'll be back on wednesday, so nm04:09
mptflacoste will be parenting04:09
flacostewelcome EdwinGrubbs!04:09
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mptWelcome EdwinGrubbs04:09
cprovmpt: hi (my 'me' was already posted, no ?)04:09
bachello EdwinGrubbs 04:09
matsubarawelcome EdwinGrubbs 04:09
RinchenWelcome EdwinGrubbs!04:09
mptcprov, yes04:09
jsk_welcome EdwinGrubbs!04:09
schwuklo EdwinGrubbs04:09
mwhudsonhi EdwinGrubbs04:09
EdwinGrubbsthanks, glad to be here04:09
gmbgreetings, EdwinGrubbs 04:09
mrevellhi EdwinGrubbs04:09
mptEdwin is working with statik, correct?04:09
adeuringhi EdwinGrubbs04:10
intellectronicahowdy EdwinGrubbs, welcome!04:10
mpt== Actions from last meeting ==04:10
mpt * jamesh to follow up on bug 5822004:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 58220 in launchpad "When an error occurs processing a request another oops is recorded because there's no interaction set up." [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/58220 - Assigned to James Henstridge (jamesh)04:10
mpt * mpt to mail Rinchen about the future of the Bug report04:10
mptI did that04:10
mpt * statik to record security.cfg change process on "the reviewers page" and DatabaseSchemaChanges04:10
jameshI did follow up on bug 5822004:10
mptthanks jamesh 04:10
mptand thanks statik 04:10
mpt== Oops report ==04:11
matsubaraFirst, congrats on the release and a very well done job on the pre-release QA04:11
matsubaraToday's oops report is about bugs 126975, OOPS-565D252804:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126975 in rosetta "TraversalError in translation page" [Critical,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12697504:11
matsubaraBug 126975 is the top OOPSer since the rollout. I've already asked jtv to take it04:11
matsubaraOOPS-565D2528 has been taken care of by mwhudson04:11
matsubaraFor those who care: https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/file3D7k2v.html has a partial OOPS report from today.04:11
ddaaand me, good teamwork04:11
matsubarasorry ddaa, forgot about you. thanks!04:12
matsubarathat's it from me mpt. back to you04:12
jtvmatsubara: sorry, was off working on that very bug.04:12
mptThank you matsubara 04:12
jtvfix is written, reviewed & on the way.04:12
mpt== Critical bugs ==04:12
matsubarano problem jtv. thanks a lot for handling it!04:12
RinchenI'm going to echo this too:  <matsubara> First, congrats on the release and a very well done job on the pre-release QA04:13
RinchenI'd like to ask for the status on two bugs04:13
RinchenBug #12676804:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126768 in blueprint "OOPS when subscribing a team to a blueprint." [Critical,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/126768 - Assigned to Tom Berger (intellectronica)04:13
RinchenBug #12697004:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126970 in launchpad "obfuscate_email causes the server to hang" [Critical,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/126970 - Assigned to Curtis Hovey (sinzui-is)04:13
RinchenI believe they are both underway.04:13
matsubaraRinchen: I think the first one was RCFIXED04:14
matsubaraisn't it?04:14
sinzuiRinchen: fix is approved by barry. I await rc approval.04:14
intellectronicaintellectronica: Rinchen - that bug is fixed and was landed rc04:14
Rinchenexcellent. Thanks. Please update the bug reports today.04:14
Rinchenmpt, back to you04:14
mptthanks Rinchen 04:14
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mpt== Bug tags ==04:15
mptThere are no tags proposed04:15
mpt== Operations report ==04:15
mptkiko-zzz, hi04:15
mptmthaddon, go ahead04:16
mthaddon1.1.7 Rolled out, with the exception of Importd, which will be done after this meeting with ddaa04:16
mthaddonother than that, I'm done04:16
stubAppservers where crashing due to a regexp that behaved suboptimally for some input. As a result, email addresses in bug comments are no longer being obfuscated with the emergancy fix I put in place. This shouldn't be a problem as this was a new feature this cycle, and I believe a real fix is in the pipeline and being landed as we speak.04:16
stubThe update blew up some monitoring, where a script was installed in an area of the tree that the rollout tools expect to control and thus removed it. Tom is fixing this.04:16
mptThank you mthaddon 04:16
stuberm... not crashing. Spinning.04:17
stubcrashing would have been better since the load balancer handles that better04:17
stuball from me04:17
mwhudsonsuboptimally == "probably taking thousands of years to complete"04:17
jamesha regexp only anchored in the middle?04:17
sinzuiobsucate_email was released in 1.1.604:18
jtvmwhudson: buy better hardware.04:18
stubdetails on the mailing list for the geeks04:18
mwhudsoni or someone should post to the mailing list about it04:18
mptstub, do you have anything DB-related as well?04:18
mthaddonjtv: any hardware that can run for thousands of years must be pretty good04:19
schwukmthaddon: deep thought04:19
stubI did but gedit just crashed taking my buffer with it. 04:19
stubCome back to me04:19
mptstub, matsubara, do you know that the regexp/e-mail problem is actually reported as a bug?04:19
matsubarayes it is mpt04:19
mptok, just checking :-)04:20
matsubarait's the second item in Rinchen's report04:20
matsubarabug 12697004:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126970 in launchpad "obfuscate_email causes the server to hang" [Critical,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/126970 - Assigned to Curtis Hovey (sinzui-is)04:20
mptstub, retrievable or no?04:20
stubDunno. Anyone know where gedit keeps its temp files?04:21
mptok, if you find it before the end of the meeting, let me know04:21
sinzuiI have not submitted it to pqm yet. I await approval. barry passed the branch.04:21
mpt== Sysadmin requests ==04:21
matsubarakiko-zzz: can you approve sinzui's patch?04:21
flacostekiko-zzz: sinzui needs your release-critical=kiko for bug 12697004:21
RinchenThere was one urgent one for kiko and mrevell which has been completed 10 minutes ago.04:22
RinchenAnyone blocked or otherwise waiting on RT requests?04:22
kiko-zzzthanks Rinchen 04:22
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allenapkiko-zzz: I would like a release-critical on bug 12694704:22
ubotuBug 126947 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/126947 is private04:22
allenapkiko: if that's okay :)04:22
RinchenIf anyone things of any after the meeting, please ping me.  mpt, back to you04:22
mptthank you04:23
mpt== No top user-affecting issue ==04:23
ddaadoes that mean all issues are affecting users equally?04:23
mptYes, we're equal-opportunity offenders04:24
mrevellddaa: No, unfortunately it means that I haven't prepared one this week yet. :(04:24
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mptmrevell has been busy with release notes and other things04:24
mpt== Proper use of release-critical ==04:25
kikoit'll be interesting to figure out what problems are affecting users now :)04:25
kikoI suspect the three oopsers!04:25
kikoaha, proper release-critical use.04:25
mptkiko, we'd need to do testing to find that out ;-)04:25
kikoI've noticed that people have actually not paid attention to the fact that not anyone can sign off on release-critical landings.04:25
kikoso for now, I want to underline that only Steve and I, with Joey as a backup, are allowed to give you release-critical for a branch04:26
kikofor next release we'll change this to allow for better timezone coverage04:26
kikoand have a release-critical hotline so you always have a number to call for one if you need it.04:26
kikoI'd like to close by thanking profusely everybody that tested and landed fixes through today, though04:27
kikoit's the first time we've done this and I think we've done well to find lots of problems04:27
kikoand fix them before the rollout04:27
kikothat's all on this topic.04:28
mptwhich segues us nicely into the next topic04:28
stubSo you really want to be woken up, even if it is blindingly obvious that a patch needs to land?04:28
mpt== Pre-release QA testing feedback ==04:28
kikomy impression is that this worked very well04:28
kikoand that we had a number of showstoppers fixed, and tests added.04:28
kikoI want to really underline that a release-critical does /not/ mean you can land without a test04:29
kikoit actually means the opposite -- release-critical means that you /can/ reproduce the problem04:29
kikoand you've got a fix written to that effect.04:29
kikohopefully that's clear by now04:30
=== kiko looks at jtv
=== jtv coughs nervously
kikoanyway, I wanted to ask people how they felt the QA and fix period went. 04:30
kikoany comments? 04:30
mptI've found quite a few UI glitches in the new features04:30
kikoworth doing, waste of time, change something?04:30
bigjoolswe should do it every time04:30
mptNot sure what to do about that04:30
jtvThe signoff format needs work.04:30
mwhudsonit was good04:31
RinchenI also think the pre-release QA worked out well. I can think of some tweaks to make it better that I'll discuss with kiko. The assembled report by Diogo was very helpful, at least to me. All in all, I think it's a good addition.04:31
kikoone question is why didn't we catch the problems we saw today?04:31
kikomatsubara, why didn't linkchecker tickle the rosetta oops?04:31
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matsubarakiko: good question. I've yet to check if the oops affects staging04:32
ddaaour oops was a fault in the database schema that allowed out of date importd code to stick stuff in the db it should not be allowed.04:32
matsubarakiko: or if linkechecker is crawling those pages04:32
stubSo we want to err on the side of keeping code quality rather than keep uptime and provide a good user experience?04:32
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ddaaI could have been allowed if reviewer had noticed that the db patch used a default for a column that should not have a default.04:33
kikoddaa, that's not the reviewer's fault.04:33
kikoreview doesn't catch errors unless the reviewer is very alert and very lucky.04:33
ddaaor the branch authors04:33
ddaanot a fault in the process IMO04:33
kikostub, we want to strike a balance.04:33
mwhudsonthe regexp one was a 'new code'-'real data' collision04:33
kikomwhudson, ddaa: so was the blueprint problem that intellectronica and stub fixed04:34
kikoit's something to look out for04:35
intellectronicalooks like we're having quite a few cases where the sample data doesn't serve us good enough and we get errors when trying the code with more data. could it be that our sample data is not good enough?04:35
kikointellectronica, our sample data is not good enough, but it's hard to systematically improve it, I think04:35
kikomark has many times complained about this, tbh04:35
kikobut I haven't yet found a practical way to manage it04:35
flacostewe have a script that reports on the breadth of sample data04:35
intellectronicathere are 2 things that can be done:04:35
flacostewe have lots of empty tables04:35
kikoone crazy idea is to not edit the sampledata file directly, but update it through "patches" too04:36
mwhudsoni guess we could have a poll along the lines of "how many people knew that regular expressions can match in time exponential in the length of input?"04:36
intellectronica1) treat sample data like we do tests - for every change in code you must have sample data that exercises it04:36
jamesh"make schema" doesn't give a good workout to the database patches04:36
bacthe regex problem was triggered by a long string of '.' characters.  that would've been hard for anyone to anticipate.04:36
jameshI am not sure how to handle that better04:36
mptintellectronica, many tests create their own data04:36
stubjamesh: One of stagings functions is to excercise that.04:37
intellectronicampt: so why not keep this data in the sample set?04:37
jsk_intellectronica: +1. Having case-specific sample data is useful for when you're testing through the UI.04:37
kikompt, intellectronica: again, one idea is to update sampledata via patches04:37
mwhudsoni'm a little surprised the regexp problem didn't show up on staging, given how many times it happened this morning04:37
kikothat would avoid conflicts04:37
stubjamesh: It is just more noticable now that we are landing all the patches in a couple of days that where previously landed over a month.04:37
kikomwhudson, me too04:37
sinzuimwhudson: That was not new code. That re was released in 1.1.6 I'm looking at the diff.04:38
flacostemwhudson: LP devs are not interested in the same bugs than the general LP crowd04:38
kikostub, to be honest, we have had /less/ problems this rollout than ever before, though :)04:38
BjornTintellectronica: updating sampledata is hard; it's also often more readable to create the data you need in the test, rather then relying on sampledata.04:38
mwhudsonsinzui: surprising!04:38
kikomwhudson, sinzui: I thought that too when I was reading backlog04:38
BjornTintellectronica: in fact, relying on sampledata in tests is what makes it hard to update :)04:38
intellectronicaBjornT: true, but it means that you don't accumulate useful data04:38
kikoBjornT, what about updating sampledata in patches?04:38
mwhudsonwas the bug that flattened us only filed today then?04:39
ddaasampledata is painful, and more of it would likely not have detected the regex problem.04:39
intellectronicaBjornT: I don't think that we should rely on it in tests, just that it should be there04:39
kikoI agree with ddaa there.04:39
mptintellectronica, I think that's begging the question in the original sense (what do you mean by "useful")04:39
kikoddaa, mwhudson: would having the staging hpss server solve this problem?04:39
flacosteintellectronica: what was your 2) idea?04:39
kikoddaa, mwhudson: I mean, would it allow the branch type problem to be detected earlier?04:40
ddaayou mean our bazaar problem? It was not the regexp, another one. And no, it would not have been detected.04:40
mwhudsonkiko: no, because (a) it's to do with the code import system and (b) because it was to do with different versions of the code on different systems04:40
ddaait was caused by a version mismatch between importd and the rest of launchpad.04:40
kikomwhudson, ddaa: I see04:40
kikomwhudson, ddaa: so next cycle when tom updates everything in sync this will not happen?04:41
barryi think updating sampledata in patches is a good idea, /but/ i really dislike sampledata for the test suite.  it's okay for demo u/i's (in fact, quite nice), but i really don't like it for tests.04:41
ddaaactually, triggered by the mismatch04:41
ddaakiko: that would avoid detecting it, but we should not have database default that we cannot get out through sqlobject in the first place.04:41
kikobarry, agreed04:41
statikdid the data center just go down?04:41
intellectronicaflacoste: my 2) idea was testing the sample data itself - check that we've got good coverage for enumerations, variations, constraints, etc - it can be automated (with some work)04:41
jameshbarry: some of our APIs (e.g. LaunchpadCelebrities) expect certain data to exist04:42
mthaddonstatik: I can get to launchpad04:42
flacosteintellectronica: there is a start of that in utilities/check-sampledata.py04:42
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jameshbarry: so we need some sample data04:42
statikmthaddon: yeah, I can get to devpad, just lost the canonical IRC server for some reason and got worried04:42
stub(I just lost canonical IRC too)04:42
=== jtv too
BjornTkiko: i don't see how using patches to update sampledata makes it easier. the first thing we have to do is to rewrite our tests not to rely on sampledata.04:42
flacostebarry: and I really feel that we also need sample data for page tests04:42
barryjamesh: yep.  i'm not saying we should get rid of sampledata, but new tests should not rely on it (except for very specific cases of hardcoded stuff perhaps)04:42
=== cprov to
jtvAnd the mailserver.04:43
=== cprov curses his link !
mptWe should move on04:43
jameshbarry: no complaints there.  We probably have too much sample data.04:43
barryflacoste: pagetests should be treated just like demo u/i so... agreed!04:43
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ddaakiko: so to clarify, mthaddon rolling out importd would have avoided the oopses, but the underlying problem would have likely stayed undetected.04:43
mwhudson(...hm the problem comment that hit the regexp was posted in may...)04:43
kikoddaa, undetected until when?04:43
barryflacoste: i really like being able to look at a page test, fire up launchpad.dev and try exactly the same thing via the browser04:43
flacosteBjornT: using patch to update sample data makes it easier to avoid conflicts in the file04:44
ddaakiko: until whenever... maybe never.04:44
mptkiko, perhaps you could discuss this with SteveA when he has a spare moment?04:44
kikoflacoste, exactly.04:44
flacostebarry: +104:44
kikoddaa, so the underlying problem is not a problem? :)04:44
ddaait's like a landmine04:44
kikompt, sure. I just wanted to brainstorm.04:44
ddaait's not a problem till you walk on it.04:44
BjornTflacoste: right. but ime, that's not the biggest problem when updating sampledata.04:44
BjornTflacoste: it's easy enough to write a patch yourself that updates sample data.04:45
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ddaakiko: I do not think hoping nobody will walk of them is a good solution to the landmine problem.04:45
mptOk, time to move on04:45
mptThis can be discussed further after the meeting or on the mailing list04:46
mptbut meanwhile04:46
mpt== DBA report ==04:46
mwhudsonmpt: +104:46
stubDB patches where all applied as part of the rollout.04:46
stubWe are not yet in db freeze - I'll turn it back on when launchpad/devel is open for normal landings.04:46
stubThere where a number of new columns that needed to be landed unpopulated this cycle in order to keep the downtime minimal.04:46
stubPerson.{personal_standing, mailing_list_auto_subscribe_policy,mailinglist_receive_duplicates,account_status} are all being populated as we speak.04:46
stubupdate-translation-credits.sql has been translated to friendlier python and being run as we speak (POSubmission and POMsgSet updates).04:46
stubStill need to populate the POMsgSet.language and trawl the patches looking for any I missed.04:46
stubNOT NULL constraints will be added where needed after the new columns have been populated, and hopefully landed before dbfreeze is reenabled.04:46
stubA database schema modification was just made to the Branch table (removing a DEFAULT). Although this was aparently extremly urgent, we might need to revert this change in line with release landing policy as this change may well have broken tests (and no tests where added obviously). Kiko?04:46
stubWe can discuss that last after the meeting perhaps04:47
kikoI think removing the default was the right thing to do04:47
kikobut david now needs to produce an RC patch to fix this.04:47
kikoand yes, it needs to pass tests (but why wouldn't it?)04:47
mptok, thank you stub04:48
mpt== Blockers ==04:48
matsubaraTEAM: infrastructure BLOCKED: no04:48
mptAnyone have any?04:48
stubWe obviously have code that creates branches without a branch_type, and this is causing trouble. Removing the default will cause this code to crash instead of insert broken data. So I expect some tests to now be failing, unless this is untested code.04:48
jsk_TEAM: Blueprints BLOCKED: No04:48
BjornTTEAM: bug tracker BLOCKED: no04:48
jtvTEAM: Translations BLOCKED: no04:48
barryTEAM: mailing lists BLOCKED: no04:48
flacosteTEAM: answers BLOCKED: no04:48
mptTEAM: UI BLOCKED: no04:48
salgadoTeam: Registry BLOCKED: No04:48
bigjoolsTEAM: Soyuz BLOCKED: No04:49
schwukTEAM: hwdb BLOCKED: No, although we could do with some more feedback on our specs04:49
mwhudsonstub: again, this only happened when 1.1.6 importd code ran against 1.1.7  database04:49
stubmwhudson: ok. I wasn't following the details - had enough other distractions this evening :)04:50
statik I thought we were only saying if we were blocked04:50
statikTEAM: Commercialization BLOCKED: no04:50
kikoI'm not blocking anyone?04:51
kikowith 500 unread emails?04:51
mptok, people please read schwuk's specs :-)04:51
mptbut other than that, there appear to be no blockages04:51
mptThank you everyone04:51
mptand sorry this went a little long04:51
matsubarathanks mpt04:52
jordikiko: sounds like you're not too useful! :)04:52
flacostethanks mpt!04:52
RinchenI'm blocked on SteveA but he has that in an email04:52
kikoschwuk, stub, adeuring: I want to talk about the hwdb next monday04:52
schwukkiko: I'm off04:52
stubkiko: What timezone you in Monday?04:52
ddaaTEAM bazaar: BLOCKED: no04:52
ddaasorry, was engaged in chat with kiko in another channel04:53
mwhudsonkiko: 500 mails is only like half an hour for you, surely? :)04:53
schwukkiko: I'm around tomorrow, then not until a week on moday04:53
adeuringkiko, schwuk: so perhaps earlier?04:53
kikostub, in USA central time04:53
kikoadeuring, schwuk: I'll make a big effort to do it tomorrow morning my time.04:53
schwukkiko: ok04:54
adeuringfine for me.04:54
stubkiko: ok. Give me as much notice as you can as the call will be late here04:54
kikostub, yeah, I'll try to do it when I wake up, and we can try doing it on IRC.04:55
stubI've discovered I get better quality out of Skype than I do the Thai telephony system.04:55
kikojtv too I suspect :)04:55
stubIf he has got the wet string replaced with ADSL04:56
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tckwas there an update to launchpad recently?04:56
jameshtck: yes04:56
tckhmm thought so04:56
tcktext is alot bigger04:56
kikomrevell, has the release gone out?04:57
tckalso i cant list open bugs in ubuntu-website and ubuntu-documentation04:57
tckhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/ for example04:57
kikotck, what happens?04:57
tckwell theres usually an open in red, saying 'List open bugs' etc..04:58
tcknow its gone04:58
jameshtck: look to your right04:58
kikotck, it moved04:58
tckits moved..04:58
mrevellkiko: Yeah, to the launchpad-users list, bcc'd to the usual places.04:58
=== tck hides
kikorock on04:59
kikomrevell, did you follow that little list we have for it?04:59
mrevellkiko: Yep :)04:59
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kikorock ON!05:00
mrevellnow for the blog05:01
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ubotuNew bug: #126991 in launchpad "Answer tracker message doesn't match the UI" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12699105:15
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tck-afkI notice that in the launchpad users page, under the confirmed email section05:19
kikoyes tck-afk?05:19
tck-afklong email address will go of the page?05:20
kikoflacoste, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/126991 05:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126991 in launchpad "Answer tracker message doesn't match the UI" [Undecided,New]  05:20
kikoflacoste, didn't we RC a fix for that yesterday?05:20
flacostekiko: i don't remember you approving the rc... but sinzui did fixes that, so it's a dupe05:20
superm1also long source package names go off as well05:21
superm1ex: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythbuntu-default-settings/0.5-0ubuntu105:21
kikoflacoste, rc=kiko for it.05:21
flacostesinzui: ^^^05:21
kikotck-afk, superm1: URLs?05:21
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superm1kiko-afk, or https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythbuntu-artwork-usplash05:22
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tck-afkkiko-afk, this is not my page 05:24
kiko-afksuperm1, where does that "go off the page"?05:24
tck-afkbut gives an example05:24
superm1kiko-afk, the left protlet05:24
tck-afkif you go to confirmed email 05:24
superm1the title doesn't all fit in the greyish box05:24
kiko-afkmpt, did you notice this?05:24
kiko-afk ^^^05:25
superm1also it looks like my confirmed e-mail addresses, 2 of the 4 go off: https://launchpad.net/~superm105:26
kiko-afkmpt, ^^^05:26
kiko-afkif mpt doesn't answer, please file bugs05:26
tck-afkkiko-afk, i have to go away now05:27
tck-afkwant me to file one before i go?05:27
tck-afkor just wait05:27
tck-afki'll file one quickly05:28
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superm1mpt, bug 12699705:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126997 in launchpad "Long source names don't fit in portlet" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12699705:29
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ubotuNew bug: #126993 in malone "bug body text font size recently changed to be annoyingly large" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12699305:30
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ubotuNew bug: #126997 in launchpad "Long source names don't fit in portlet" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12699705:36
ubotuNew bug: #126998 in launchpad "Email addresses get truncated " [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12699805:36
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jkakarThank you thank you thank you for making the fonts bigger.  My eyes are very happy and I don't have to hit Ctrl-+ all the time anymore. :)05:44
=== mwhudson cheers along too
mwhudsonof course, people are complaining too, you can't win :)05:45
RainCTjkakar: well, I hate the new size :P05:46
RainCTbtw, on bug reports on the left where it says "X source package in ubuntu", the text doesn't fit into the "button" with 1024x76805:47
jkakarRainCT: Oh. :(05:48
jkakarmwhudson: It needs to be a per-person configuration option!05:48
=== jkakar hides
=== RainCT agress
mwhudsonwell, it is, it just uses your browsers default sans serif font05:49
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RainCTbut the size doesn't change if I change it on the preferences (Firefox) :s05:50
mwhudsonhm strage05:51
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ubotuNew bug: #127002 in launchpad "No vertical space between Add a comment/attachment and What's Next?" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12700206:00
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HobbseeBug 6779006:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 67790 in soyuz "non-release pockets should be available before release" [High,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/67790 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)06:30
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Hobbseenice lot of changes in that lot :)06:34
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kiko-afkHobbsee, :)06:38
Hobbseekiko-afk: :)06:39
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ScottKkiko-afk: Attachment added to Bug #12700207:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127002 in launchpad "No vertical space between Add a comment/attachment and What's Next?" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12700207:03
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kiko-afkthanks ScottK 07:10
ScottKNo problem.07:10
kiko-afkScottK, can you shift-reload?07:10
ScottKI don't have that window open any more, but I can do it on another bug.07:11
ScottKYes.  That made it look very different.07:11
ScottKCached style sheet?07:11
kiko-afkit's a CSS caching problem which we will fix in about 4h in production.07:12
kiko-afkthanks for filing the bug.07:12
ScottKNo problem.07:12
ScottKI don't suppose (now that I've seen the new style sheet) there's any point in whining I liked the old one better?07:13
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kiko-afkScottK, give it two weeks first. :)07:18
kiko-afkchanges are always annoying up-front.07:18
ScottKOK.  Well I still haven't gotten over the last big U/I change.07:19
ScottKWhich broke LP on my Treo in addition to being a step back in my book.07:20
ScottKMaybe I'll feel different this time.07:20
kiko-afkgive it two weeks, is all I ask for. 07:21
=== ScottK notes the date.
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blueyedHi. Can someone tell me why the test cvs import failed for https://launchpad.net/b2evolution/trunk and https://launchpad.net/b2evolution/v-1-10?08:16
kiko-afkddaa might08:16
ddaaI'll have a look.08:17
blueyedThanks. I think it would make sense if the reason would get displayed there somehow. But you probably know that already.. ;)08:18
ddaaWe totally know it and are actively reimplementing the whole code import infrastructure to fix that and other related problems.08:18
kiko-afkI believe that this requires some serious plumbing that ddaa is working on.08:19
ddaaThe current system was banged together using spit and duct tape in 2004...08:19
blueyedGreat. Thanks a lot. You're all doing a great job on launchpad! :)08:19
kiko-afkthanks blueyed 08:20
ddaaI can find no good reason, except a typo in the cvsroot08:21
ddaait's spelled :pserver:08:21
radixwe need "Read More" to get some AJAX up ins08:23
blueyedOh, damn. Seems you have fixed it already, ddaa and started it again. Thanks.08:23
ddaablueyed: stay online, I'll keep you posted.08:24
blueyedkthx :)08:24
ubotuNew bug: #127025 in malone "DB constraint triggered re-assigning sourcepackage bugtasks" [High,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12702508:25
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ddaablueyed: https://launchpad.net/b2evolution/v-1-10 won't be imported08:31
ddaabecause we only import cvs MAIN08:31
blueyedok, ddaa. Then you can remove this series. Or should/can I?08:32
ddaain the new system, you'll be able to record such informative cvs details in a series without requesting an import.08:32
ddaaNo, I'll just mark it "do not sync"08:32
ddaait's useful information to the community08:32
ddaathe main import is running, 5401 revisions to import on MAIN08:34
ddaathat will take... some time08:34
ddaaseveral hours08:35
blueyedNo problem. I think it will work out now. Thanks again.08:35
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blueyedDo I understand it correctly that I can then access this through bazaar, too?08:36
blueyedfrom http://bazaar-vcs.org/TrackingUpstream08:36
ddaaYes, if the import succeeds (they do not all succeed), that will produce a bzr branch on launchpad that will be updated every 12 hours.08:36
ddaaIf you want a different update frequency, you can ask us.08:36
blueyedgreat. 12 hours is fine for now. However, because this is readonly it might be better to use a cvs checkout in the "upstream" directory, where I can commit - if I want to commit something back to upstream, correct?08:39
ddaathe idea is that you can use the bzr branch to work on you own stuff more easily08:40
ddaabut to get the changes back into cvs you need to revert to the good old diff+patch method08:40
ddaaactually... not quite diff+patch08:40
ddaa"bzr merge" your feature into a pristine import branch, then "bzr diff", then "patch"08:41
ddaaso you can benefit from bzr goodness like weave-merge or extmerge to resolve conflicts.08:41
blueyed..with the launchpad cvs branch, correct? If I have the cvs checkout in "upstream" it should be possible to commit/diff right from there, after merging from my "real" bazaar branch.. not?08:42
ddaaI am not sure what you mean.08:42
ddaaso you get an "import" bzr branch producted by launchpad.08:42
ddaathat you branch into a "feature" bzr branch, when you hack, commit, merge from "import", hack, commit, etc.08:43
ddaaThen you go into "import" and "bzr merge ../feature" and "bzr diff > ../feature.patch"08:43
ddaaThen you get a cvs checkout "upstream", and into "upstream" you can do "patch -p1 ../feature.path"08:44
ddaathen "cvs ci"08:44
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ddaaif you do not commit in your bzr "feature" branch, you can just "bzr diff" without the "bzr merge" step. But then why would you use a bzr branch if not for offline commit?08:45
ddaablueyed: hope I'm making sense to you.08:45
ddaabzr cannot transparently interoperate with cvs the way it can do with svn (thanks to the bzr-svn plugin).08:46
ddaaAnd probably never will, for technical and cultural reasons.08:47
blueyedddaa: I've meant to skip the launchpad cvs branch and just handle it like at the top of http://bazaar-vcs.org/TrackingUpstream - with a cvs checkout in "upstream" where I can commit (to cvs).08:47
blueyedI'll then merge from the "my-branch"/hack-branch to the upstream branch using bzr.08:48
ddaaI think you misread this page.08:49
ddaaOne key sentence there is "In general, you should not be doing a bzr commit in upstream."08:50
ddaaIf you use a launchpad import, you just "bzr pull" from launchpad to update upstream.08:50
ubotuNew bug: #127027 in launchpad "The obfuscte_email method is inefficient" [High,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12702708:50
ddaathe "bzr merge" into upstream I mentioned is just a nice way to produce a diff you can apply into cvs.08:51
ddaaIt should not be followed by a "bzr commit"08:51
blueyedddaa: I don't want to bzr commit in "upstream", but cvs commit. Additionally, I would not pull the converted lp.net bzr branch, but creat it myself using "cvs co". I would update upstream using cvs up.08:55
blueyedI can then apply the diff to upstream using just bzr merge and cvs ci.08:55
ddaaI see.08:56
ddaaTo do this, you would not use a launchpad import.08:57
ddaayes you would?08:57
blueyedNo, I would not use the lp.net branch.08:57
ddaaright, the launchpad import08:57
ddaaYou are reading the "Coverting and ignoring history" section right?08:58
blueyedExcept that I would also do cvs ci, sometimes.08:58
ddaaWhat is explained there is what you do when you do not have a real import system.08:58
ddaaSo you get a "good enough" import by doing "cvs up; bzr commit -m 'updated from cvs'"08:59
ddaawhich does not preserves the actual commits from the cvs repository.08:59
ddaaThis setup is what some call a "hybrid tree", because it's both a cvs and a bzr tree.09:00
ddaaLaunchpad does not produce hybrid trees.09:00
ddaaIf you are using a cvs import from Launchpad, this section is not relevant.09:00
blueyedI see. I would not have the cvs history in bzr really. But not using the import system in my case seems easier, because I can commit right away. But using patches might be easy enough and it would give me the history.09:01
ddaaIt's your choice, but you cannot really do both at the same time.09:02
blueyedYes. I see. Thanks for making me understand it :)09:02
blueyedHistory is a good point. I've not thought about it.09:02
ddaaBecause a bzr branch you created yourself with "cvs co; bzr init; bzr commit" won't bzr merge with the branch produced by launchpad.09:02
ddaaGlad to help. Sorry this all sounds so complicated.09:03
blueyedMaybe it would help to emphasize the history part on the wiki page?09:09
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blueyedAnd display the different possibilities more distinctively.09:09
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a7phi everyone ... could anyone care for this  bug (which was posted as a question)? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/10042 - If no one can help - does anyone know where to go?09:16
kiko-afklet me see a7p 09:20
kiko-afksalgado, ^^^09:20
Rinchenping beuno - lwn09:21
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salgadokiko-afk, a7p, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do about that yet, although there's a bug reported already09:25
a7psalgado, okay, thanks ... just as a matter of interest - where would I have found this bug?09:26
Rinchenping beuno - UWN that is09:27
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salgadoa7p, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/09:28
beunoRinchen: pong09:28
salgadoa7p, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/36966 is the actual bug. :)09:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 36966 in launchpad "When claiming a Launchpad profile it should be possible to turn it into a team" [High,Confirmed]   - Assigned to Guilherme Salgado (salgado)09:28
a7pthanks a lot .. @salgado & kiko-afk 09:29
kiko-afkmost welcome09:29
Rinchenbeuno, Hey Martin. Just wondering. Do you guys have a dedicated email for UWN submissions or is it still the webpage?09:29
Rinchenbeuno, I know the joint fridge + marketing email address is still under discussion09:29
beunoRinchen: I believe we are using the marketing-submission list, or maybe even (I prefer), de regular mailing list09:29
ddaablueyed: it would certainly help to clarify any thing you found confusing.09:30
ddaathat's what wikis are for :)09:30
Rinchenbeuno, ok, can you let me know the exact address please? I'd like to update my documents so you get the Launchpad release notes where you want them.09:31
beunoRinchen: ubuntu-marketing@lists.ubuntu.com09:31
Rinchengreat, thank you sir09:31
beunoRinchen: np, and you can also add anything you like to the Launchpad section  :D09:32
Rinchenbeuno, :-)  09:33
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dokocould somebody shed some light, why the recent finished gcj-4.1 build could not be uploaded on i386?09:57
kiko-afkcprov-out, bigjools-afk09:58
kiko-afkdoko, can you call cprov please?09:59
dokokiko-afk: phone?09:59
kiko-afkdoko, if it's a bug he has 1.5 hours to fix it.09:59
Nafallokiko-afk: else? :-)10:00
kiko-afkwell, else it will need to be cherrypicked which is more effort10:00
kiko-afkto fix it before we update to tip and unfreeze.10:00
Nafalloah. I almost thought you were going medieval on his sorry ass ;-)10:01
Nafalloor what they say in pulp fiction :-)10:01
kiko-afkdoko, that's a pretty mysterious email :)10:03
dokokiko-afk: cannot reach him, sent sms10:05
matsubarakiko-afk, doko: cprov-out will arrive home in a few minutes.10:06
kiko-afkmatsubara, did you investigate the UFD issue we found there?10:09
kiko-afkin the OOPS report?10:09
kiko-afkmatsubara, https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/2007-07-19/D191310:10
kiko-afkmatsubara, BjornT: aren't we migrating old statuses in bookmarks?10:11
matsubarakiko-afk: I checked them. they seem to be old bookmarks and bots10:14
kiko-afkmatsubara, but I thought we were migrating old bookmarks.10:16
kiko-afkthere is code to do that.10:16
matsubarakiko-afk: check BjornT's comment in https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/6246610:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 62466 in malone ""Untriaged" to "Undecided" rename broke search form URLs" [Undecided,Incomplete]  10:17
kiko-afkmatsubara, the OOPSes are related to the field status. now what?10:18
kiko-afkmatsubara, I suspect something is not working as it should or..?10:18
matsubarakiko-afk: the link in that bug point to a URL that is broken10:20
ubotuNew bug: #127055 in malone "Filtering on bug assignee A does not work in bug list of bugs related to team B" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12705510:20
matsubarawell not broken, but that will return UFD10:20
beunois anyone aware that you get an ooops error when going into any translation page?10:21
matsubaraLaunchpad don't produce that URL anymore and at the time that bug was reported we didn't have the redirect old bookmarks to new one code.10:21
matsubarabeuno: yes10:22
kiko-afkbeuno, to distribution release translation pages, yes.10:22
beunomatsubara, kiko-afk, aaah, right, thanks  :D10:23
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cprovdoko: pong11:05
dokocprov: please see your email11:05
cprovdoko: okay11:05
kiko-afkcprov, what do you think it looks like?11:13
cprovkiko-afk: dunno, running p-u manually to find out11:14
cprovkiko-afk: uncaught exception11:14
kiko-afkcprov, aha. what's the exception?11:15
cprov but it doesn't make sense11:17
cprovdoko: ahh, much better now: "libgcj-doc_4.1.2-14ubuntu1_all.deb: Version older than that in the archive. 4.1.2-14ubuntu1 <= 4.2-20070719-0ubuntu1"11:19
cprovthe upload command-line is insanely complicated ...11:20
cprovdoko: is that true ?11:20
dokocprov: ok, thanks. yes, that makes sense11:20
kiko-afkcprov, why is that an uncaught exception?11:21
dokocprov: hmm, got the REJECTED mesage now as well11:22
cprovkiko-afk: it's not, the previous erros was a missing policy in the command-line11:22
kiko-afkcprov, is it a bug, or?11:22
cprovdoko: yes, I've re-processed it manually 11:22
cprovkiko-afk: the bug only related with the fact the failure cause was not included in the notification11:23
kiko-afkcprov, ah, okay. would be nice to message that back then. is there a bug for that?11:26
cprovdoko: can you please file a bug about this ?11:26
cprovkiko-afk: there will be in a second ...11:27
cprovkiko-afk: two solutions for this: 1. include a rejection note in the p-u output (which is included in the b-f-n) or 2. stopping calling p-u and deal with the NU object when upload incoming binaries.11:28
kiko-afkcprov, yeah, we starting considering 2. at some point.11:29
dokocprov: will do11:29
cprovnow, I have to go again. Sorry. I'm late 11:29
cprovthank you for calling ... bye11:29
=== cprov is now known as cprov-out-again
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:Rinchen] : Launchpad - https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 26 July 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Launchpad help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
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ubotuNew bug: #127073 in blueprint "Retarget blueprint to non-existent crashes" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12707311:55
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