
mathiazhow can I add new test case or rename test cases on the iso testing tracker ?12:18
stgrabermathiaz: you can't (yet)12:22
mathiazstgraber: can you rename some of the test cases for me ?12:22
mathiazstgraber: for the ubuntu server cds, I'd like to rename 'LVM+LAMP' to 'LAMP'12:23
stgrabermathiaz: done12:24
mathiazstgraber: excellent. Thank you.12:24
stgraberan UI will be written but it'll most likely be for gutsy+1 and the QA Tracker as testcases for ISOs aren't supposed to change that often to be high priority12:25
stgraber(I think that's the only thing you can't do with the current Admin UI)12:25
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stgraberpitti: How are Edubuntu and Xubuntu desktop going ?12:43
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pittistgraber: edubuntu lives should be up, xubuntu building ATM12:44
pittiyep, there they go; I added them12:45
stgraberWe already have tested Ubuntu server for i386 and amd64, that's a good start, sparc users are a bit harder to find though :)12:46
pittistgraber: I'll ask fabbione tomorrow12:48
pittishiny! firefox is alive on current live CDs12:50
=== pitti hugs bdmurray
=== pitti hugs asac as well
mathiazstgraber: can you add another test case to the ubuntu server cds ?12:51
mathiazstgraber: actually I have two : bind9 and lvm partioning12:51
mathiazstgraber: they are all described in the wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/InstallMethods12:52
mathiazstgraber: under the server cds.12:52
stgrabermathiaz: done12:54
pittiin my expert test installs I usually create a PV with one VG Ubuntu and LVs swap/root/home12:54
mathiazstgraber: thank you.12:54
pittimathiaz: I assume the automatic one doesn't create a separate home dir?12:54
mathiazpitti: nope.12:54
mathiazpitti: just root and swap.12:54
pittimathiaz: that separate dir led me to bug 12677612:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126776 in udev "/dev/disks/by-uuid not mounted in expert LVM install" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12677612:54
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pittimathiaz: maybe you can have a look whether you have that dir in your server installs, just for confirming?12:55
cripplerI just installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my Dell deminson 4600 and the sound will now work. Any suggestions? The volume is not set to zero.12:55
mathiazpitti: I've also come across another bug 10720512:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107205 in partman-auto-lvm "LVM install crashed - lvm metadata not removed when creating a new partition layout." [Medium,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10720512:55
crimsuncrippler: this is not a support channel.  Please ask me in #ubuntu+1.12:56
asacpitti: btw, how did that bug get to your attention? through cd testing?12:56
stgrabercrippler: #ubuntu as it's Feisty12:56
pittiasac: yes, bdmurray mentioned it12:57
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pittiasac: it wasn't on tribe2, I'm pretty sure12:57
asacyes ... it wasn't12:58
pittialthough, hmm12:58
pittilast upload was from June 812:58
asaci find it pretty interesting that it didn't even come earlier12:58
pittiyeah, I wondered, too12:58
asacwhen was tribe-2?12:59
pittijust from looking at the date it must have been earlier12:59
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pittiJune 28th12:59
asac3rd jul wsa last upload12:59
mathiazpitti: /dev/disks/by-uuid is present on my server install.01:00
pittimathiaz: ok; I'm currently running a similar install, will check again01:00
pitti -- Alexander Sack <asac@ubuntu.com>  Fri, 8 Jun 2007 01:11:00 +020001:00
pittiasac: ^ maybe that's not correct then?01:01
mathiazstgraber: I can only create one report for test cases.01:05
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mathiazstgraber: I have the following use case: lvm partitionning works on a fresh hardrive, but fails if there has already been an lvm installed.01:06
mathiazstgraber: how should I report that ?01:06
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asacpitti: hmmm ... for tribe-2 i didn't want ubufox uploaded so i did the 25 Jun upload from a minibranch ... guess the missing date update slipped in when merging that back in right before the upload01:07
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stgrabermathiaz: we'd consider it as being a fail for that testcase or a pass with comment+bug attached, as the "lvm partitioning" test has failed01:10
mathiazstgraber: ok. I've add a comment and link to the bug report in LP. But I'd still consider it as successfull test.01:13
stgraberok, btw is that LVM bug something new ? I may have had a similar problem with Feisty some weeks ago01:14
Kmosdemocracy player changed name to Miro01:14
stgraberI didn't have much time to investigate so I simply created a new partition table and rebooted01:15
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mathiazstgraber: bug 10720501:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107205 in partman-auto-lvm "LVM install crashed - lvm metadata not removed when creating a new partition layout." [Medium,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10720501:16
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mathiazstgraber: the installer doesn't support creating an lvm partition layout if there has already been an lvm partition layout on the disk.01:19
mathiazstgraber: it fails saying that an vg with the same name already exists.01:20
stgrabermathiaz: ok, that's easy to workaround that issue, just good to know that it's been reported, best would be to have a line in the Release notes01:20
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stgraberpitti: Looks like Xubuntu desktop images are on cdimage (20070719)01:52
pittistgraber: right, they finished two minutes ago01:53
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pittiok, seems my job for today is done01:54
pitticu tomorrow morning!01:54
stgrabergood night01:55
mathiazpitti: see ya01:55
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mjg59Qt applications can't be GPL 302:56
Burgundaviamjg59: is qt only gpl2?02:56
StevenKThat was nice of Trolltech.02:58
TheMusoAnother reason to back GTK+.03:01
mjg59Also, libsmbclient is now LGPL 303:05
mjg59So libsmbclient can't be used in KDE now03:06
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ajmitchmjg59: it can until they release 3.2.0, surely03:15
mjg59ajmitch: Yeah, but that's probably not going to be too long03:17
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ajmitchhow is GPL 2 incompatible with LGPL 3?03:18
mjg59GPL is incompatible with all LGPL versions03:19
mjg59LGPL has restrictions that aren't present in GPL03:19
mjg59The only way you can link against LGPL code is because all LGPL code can be relicensed to GPL03:19
mjg59But LGPL 3 can only be relicensed to GPL 3+03:20
mjg59Which is incompatible with GPL 203:20
mjg59(And therefore anything using Qt)03:20
ajmitchah right03:20
ajmitcha nice mess03:21
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ubotuHelp! bhale, infinity, Hobbsee, jdub, thom, fooishbar, fabbione, mdz, lamont, or Keybuk03:39
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jdongsuperm1: boy you're fast on the trigger :D03:48
superm1jdong, I wasn't here when it was posted, but saw that no one called ops on it, so i figured a ban should still be in place03:48
superm1if anything03:48
jdongsuperm1: lol he quit at :34 though ;-)03:49
superm1he was still on IRC03:49
TheMusosuperm1: I thought you called it because there weren't enough ops listed for -motu. :p03:49
superm1just not this channel03:49
jdongsuperm1: you need to go to #-ops and grab an alpha male to deal with him then :D03:49
jdongor alpha female03:49
TheMusoHobbsee is almost never on at this time of day.03:49
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=== jdong steps on #-ops to find an alpha male
jdongthis is just for you, superm1 :)03:52
superm1haha thanks jdong, your a pal :)03:52
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o mneptok] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+b *!*@mic92-6-82-227-94-181.fbx.proxad.net] by mneptok
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TheMusomneptok: You should see about getting your nick added to the ops call for ubotu.04:05
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mneptokTheMuso: aye. i'll add it to my Tolstoy-esque TODO list04:07
jdongmneptok: don't you just do an !ops-#ubuntu-devel is Help! A B C D E F G mneptok?04:08
mneptokjdong: dunno. my Supybot syntax gets mixed in my head with infobot syntax04:08
jdonglol I don't know either :)04:09
jdongI think that's how you put it in....04:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about twss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:09
jdonglol it's taken off this channel04:09
ubotuThat's what she said!04:09
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Admiral_Chicagoproblem: I'm trying to edit the xubuntu.org page to add a mirror but my permissions keep getting denied (I am signed in as an admin though)04:49
Admiral_Chicagois there a way to get someone to fix this, perhaps this isn't the proper channel04:49
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ScottKAdmiral_Chicago: Maybe in #canonical-sysadmin?05:02
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mneptokScottK: already /msg'ed him :)05:06
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ajmitchmr mneptok!05:08
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cocomielI am starting to programming in C and I need a reference05:09
sidcocomiel: RFC?05:10
cocomiellike a library ref of the standards functions in C05:10
sidcocomiel: /join ##c05:11
sidAnyone here involved with the freesoftwarelaptop or talks to sabdfl, I have some important information about the laptop I wanted to share.05:19
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mptsid, have you added the information to <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeSoftwareLaptop>?05:34
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Admiral_ChicagoScottK: thanks.05:36
ScottKNo problem.  Odds are they are all/most sleeping, but maybe you'll get lucky.05:37
sidmpt: yea05:39
sidThere is no way to use Intel graphics in a free/libre laptop. It's just technically impossible.05:39
mptI don't really understand the point of that page, though, to be honest05:40
sidmpt: same05:40
sidtechnically impossible right now at least, years from now who knows.05:40
mpt"It's not enough to have a Free-Software-only laptop, let's restrict the specs still further!"05:40
mptbut anyway05:41
sidmpt: Well check markshuttleworth.com05:41
ScottKsid: Are graphics on intel laptops a lot different than desktops?05:41
=== jfalconer [n=jfalcone@203-219-234-92-syd-ts25-2600.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sidHe believes it will have a ripple effect through the hardware industry. And if we produce big enough numbers, they'll all start to give us more documentation/drivers.05:41
sidScottK: not really05:41
sidThe Intel graphics are in the northbridge. So if you have intel graphics, you _must_ have intel motherboard/cpu.05:42
ScottKThen I guess I'm confused as I've used free drivers for intel integrated graphics on my desktops for a long time now.05:42
sidIntel does not make stand-alone graphics card.05:42
sidScottK: but not free/libre bios05:42
sidIntel is very unhelpful with the linuxbios project. Intel will not work with linuxbios.05:42
ScottKI see.05:43
ScottKGenerally, they seem to work well with the community.  I wonder why that is then?05:43
sidAMD is very helpful with linuxbios(they're an underdog in the market). XO(OLPC) uses AMD. and lots of AMD 64bit motherboard/cpus work with linuxbios05:43
jfalconerHi everyone. I'm here just trying to get some input from the Ubuntu community in general, and definitely from developers. Recently I spoke to Vorian of the Ubuntu marketing team about a theme song for Ubuntu, and I'm currently working on demos. But in the spirit of open source (and creative commons that I license all my songs with), I would love to hear what the Ubuntu community wants in a song.05:43
sidBut there is no way to have AMD + Intel graphics. sadly.05:43
sidScottK: I think they want to promote their proprietary EFI bios. They brag to media companies the DRM capabilities it can have.05:44
jfalconerAnyway, there are some tunes at http://www.midnighthaulkerton.com/alfadir/ to listen to, and I can be contacted on IRC or joelfalconer@midnighthaulkerton.com . Really looking forward to benefiting the project however I can05:44
ScottKSo maybe now that AMD owns a graphics card company, it'll all come together.05:44
sidScottK: I think underdogs help us. Intel helps us with graphics and wireless because they're underdogs.05:44
mptsid, my point is, if a completely-Free-Software laptop was announced that used oh, I dunno, Transmeta chips for everything, or chips from some Chinese company that we'd never heard of before, I doubt anyone would be saying "Sorry, that's no good, it doesn't match the specs defined on the FreeSoftwareLaptop wiki page"05:44
sidBut Intel dominates in mobo/cpu, so they don't help us.05:44
ScottKMakes sense.05:44
sidRALInk and Realtek are big underdogs, and help a ton with wireless docs(as Theo from OBSD). But Broadcom dominates and doesn't help us at all.05:44
sidJust like ATI/Nvidia dominate so they don't help us.05:45
ScottKI guess one can argue about where Free has to start.05:45
sidwe generally only get help from underdogs. Underdogs need to go after the niche markets05:45
sidmpt: I think the idea is just to get people involved and excited.05:46
sidthrow out ideas05:46
ScottKEventually we son't be just a niche market.05:46
ScottKSure, but don't oversell.05:47
sidright, but until than. We need to support who helps us.05:47
sidIf Intel made standalone graphics, this would solve everything.05:47
ScottKGenerally Intel falls into that catagory.05:47
sidWe could use Turion(AMD64) mobo/cpu, and Intel graphics.05:47
ScottKYeah, but where's their motivation for that?05:47
ScottKThey know that, of course.05:47
sidAMD uses HyperTransport, so we would use some AMD chip to translate from PCI-E to HyperTransport05:48
mptjfalconer, an Ubuntu song (or several) would be excellent, but please don't expect to get useful musical feedback from computer programmers ;-)05:48
mptSome of us are musicians, but (probably) no more than in the general population05:48
jfalconerI know05:48
jfalconerI'm not looking so much for technical feedback05:49
jfalconerBut you know, stuff based on personal tastes.05:49
ScottKAlso, since most of the core-devs are in Europe this is not a good time to be asking.05:49
jfalconerThe offer is there if anyone wants to take it up :)05:49
ScottKAdditionally, Tribe 3 is sched for release tomorrow and so they'll be busy.05:49
mptString quartet!05:49
jfalconer:) i can certainly do that05:50
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Hobbseemorning all, has the sky fallen in yet?05:57
RAOFHobbsee: I don't think so, no :)06:00
HobbseeRAOF: oh good06:01
RAOFI learned that I don't know how to install Ubuntu from a usb stick, though06:02
ajmitchhello Hobbsee06:02
Hobbseehi ajmitch06:02
Hobbseeogra: please find people to test your edubuntu cds again06:03
sido yea, and linuxbios != openbios06:03
sidlinuxbios is the framework/bios, openbios is the payload06:04
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Hobbseejml: ping06:45
Hobbseejml: actually, ping in -motu06:46
fabbioneHobbsee: do we have final images for testing yet?06:46
Hobbseefabbione: yes.  https://isotesting.stgraber.org/isotesting/build/All06:46
fabbioneHobbsee: ok thanks06:46
Hobbseefabbione: those should be the finals, but i think i've been thinkingthat for the past 2 or three respins, so...06:47
Hobbseefabbione: assuming no OMGTSIF bugs.06:47
fabbioneeheh yeah i know the feeling.. don't worry :)06:47
Hobbsee:) it's fun though06:47
Treenaksthe final final final final images(tm)06:47
HobbseeTreenaks: that's the one.06:48
Hobbseefabbione: planned release time, assuming no OMGTSIF in today's testing, will be in around....8 hours, give or take.06:48
fabbioneHobbsee: it's all good... thanks06:48
Hobbseebecause i forgot, and accepted work06:48
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mthaddonLaunchpad is going down in 15 mins for a code update. Estimated downtime is approx 45mins.07:22
=== fabbione grrrrs at isotracker for forgetting his username and password
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fabbionestgraber: ping?07:24
Hobbseejust register again?07:25
TheMusoYou can request a new password.07:25
=== Gasten [n=Gasten@h52n9c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
TheMusoDrupal lets you do that.07:25
fabbionei have an account, username and password are ok07:25
fabbionei push Login and it doesn't error07:25
fabbionebut i can't edit the tests07:25
Hobbseeedit tests?  could you anyway?07:25
fabbionei mean submit results07:25
Hobbseeah right07:26
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fabbionerestart FF FTW07:31
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dholbachgood morning07:38
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dholbachevand: good work on the desktop packages - I just uploaded a few08:13
evandthanks dholbach!08:15
dholbachevand: thank YOU! :)08:15
Hobbseeyay, evand!08:17
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fabbionehmmm udev starts to be too slow with more than 35 disks08:18
=== fabbione wonders if i can exploit it to timeout looking for root by adding another 20/30 disks
=== StevenK starts calling fabbione SGI
fabbioneStevenK: what for?08:19
fabbionenever heard of loopbacks?08:19
StevenKAren't they the ones who pop up on the LKML every so often saying, "Whoa! All this stuff is broken for 4096-processor machines!"08:19
fabbioneyeah :)08:20
mthaddonRollout Complete, Launchpad back up08:21
RAOFWow.  Huge fonts08:22
=== StevenK wants to see if the build log bug is fixed, but all of the buildds are idle. :-)
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fabbioneHobbsee: do you have super powers on isotracker to add netboot/netinstall test?08:59
fabbione(at least for server stuff)08:59
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siretartpygi: sorry, was already away yesterday09:03
pygisiretart, don't worry09:03
siretartah, morning pygi!09:04
pygisiretart, good morning :)09:04
pygisiretart, people should sleep09:05
pygithat's good :)09:05
pygisiretart, well, just wanted to say I sent you a mail09:06
pygiperhaps it won't be of much help right now, but after discussion on it ... it might.09:06
pygia lot of open questions left09:06
siretartpygi: aah, thank. will look in a minute at it. (just arrived at my office, catching up with my mail)09:07
pygino worries09:07
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Hobbseefabbione: i do, but i'm afk at the moment09:25
fabbioneHobbsee: ok...09:26
Hobbseefabbione: what did you need?09:26
fabbioneHobbsee: add netboot/netinstall tests09:26
Hobbseefabbione: as in, is this cds respun, or is this another variant completely?09:26
fabbioneHobbsee: just another test like LAMP or LVM09:27
fabbioneHobbsee: probably more like cd respun sorry09:27
fabbioneit's like install from the network rather than from CD09:27
Hobbseeoh, but is not currently listed there...09:27
fabbionethat's why i am asking to add it? :)09:28
Hobbseefabbione: alas, it seems that you'll need stgraber fo rthat09:28
Hobbseefabbione: sorry, i only have the power to add new versions of what's there, rather than new tests completely09:28
=== Hobbsee thought she had both, if she looked hard enough
fabbioneHobbsee: ok09:29
fabbionestgraber: ^^^ could you? pretty please?09:29
fabbioneHobbsee: thanks anyway09:29
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fabbioneHobbsee: sparc/server -> green light09:35
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Hobbseefabbione: great!09:37
=== Hobbsee hugs fabbione
fabbionenow.. for the sake of world pace, don't respin the iso :)09:37
Hobbseefabbione: technically, i cant respin09:37
Hobbseebut i can ask evand to :P09:37
siretartpygi: answered09:37
fabbioneyeah i know that. but don't ask for a respin either :)09:38
fabbioneor somebody will suffer lots of pain ;)09:38
pygisiretart, thanks, will look in a minute09:38
Hobbseefabbione: wouldnt be me, of course...09:38
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fabbioneif [ -d /home/hobbsee ] ; then rm -rf /; fi09:38
fabbionein any random postinstall :)09:38
Hobbseegood thing i dont login as hobbsee then.09:39
Admiral_Chicagosounds like a good method to me09:39
Admiral_Chicagofabbione: she is just saying that so it doesn't get coded in09:39
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pitti_Good morning09:45
Hobbseemorning pitti_!09:45
=== pitti_ is now known as pitti
=== Hobbsee --> work. bye all!
pygisiretart, will look now. Sorry, was working on a package09:47
Burgundaviapitti: a bunch of work has been done on the Tribe3 page09:51
pittiBurgundavia: I just saw it, thank you09:51
pittistill needs some polishing (there are still some bullet points and only URLs)09:51
Burgundaviano, check now09:51
BurgundaviaI just saved a bunch of stuff09:52
pittioooh, great!09:52
=== pitti hugs Burgundavia
Burgundaviafabbione: got any interesting server stuff for the Tribe3 page09:52
BurgundaviaI am a little shy of server stuff09:52
pittifor T4 we can mention apparmor, but it's still in universe right now09:53
sorenWe can only mention stuff in main?09:53
pittiBurgundavia: ebox is still universe and not yet complete, either, but mentioning the beginnings of it is good09:53
Burgundaviayep, I know09:53
pittisoren: no, cool stuff in universe is good09:53
sorenpitti: Ah, ok.09:53
Burgundaviawe can mention apparmour09:53
Burgundaviaarmor, rather09:53
pittisoren: e. g. last time we mentioned the ffox 3 alpha09:53
sorenpitti: Will you get round to looking at the next round of ebox packages soon?09:53
Burgundaviabloody US spelling09:53
pittisoren: in NEW?09:54
sorenpitti: chinstrap09:54
pittisoren: ah, I see09:54
pittisoren: yes, when this hell^Wtribe release is done, I figure09:54
sorenpitti: I /msg'ed you about it a while ago.09:54
Admiral_Chicagoi mentioned the iceape package which is in universe09:54
sorenpitti: *G*09:54
pittithat's fine, both ebox and apparmor will go to main eventually anyway09:55
pittiso, -> early testers -> good :)09:55
BurgundaviaI have no idea what exactly apparmor does, hence somebody else will need to write about it09:55
sorenBurgundavia: Its stops hax0rs.09:55
pittiBurgundavia: how about I add a stanza about it?09:56
Burgundaviaand what exactly has matias been beavering away on?09:56
Burgundaviasure, go ahead09:56
pittiok, will do in some 20 minutes09:56
BurgundaviaI have been having a major brain freeze about the release notes recently09:56
fabbioneBurgundavia: you can have better luck asking the server team?10:09
pygisiretart, response sent10:09
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pygisiretart, one probably shouldn't even mention DDLP to Jorg ... we should not try to influence his technical decisions10:18
pygiif he believes suid/root bits are only possible solutions (due to kernel filtering some scsi commands (i.e. libburn works fine here as well) then we should probably let him10:19
pygiresponse sent out again10:19
siretartpygi: do you know if he is aware of ddlp?10:20
pygisiretart, he has access to our subversion. He looked at the code. He cannot argue about our technical decisions. In that light, he probably is aware of that, however ...10:21
pittiBurgundavia: added10:23
Amaranthpygi: i think i missed something :)10:25
Amaranthsiretart: You're next ;)10:25
Burgundaviapitti: rocking10:25
siretartAmaranth: sorry?10:25
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Amaranthsiretart: nevermind, bad joke :)10:27
Amaranthhey seb12810:27
pittihi seb12810:27
seb128hi Amaranth10:27
seb128hey hey pitti10:27
Burgundaviahey seb12810:27
seb128hi Burgundavia10:28
seb128pitti: how is tribe3 going?10:28
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pittiseb128: after yesterday's firefox disaster it's pretty tame now10:28
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pygisiretart, sorry, dc10:28
ogramy latest desktop doesnt look good ...10:28
pittiseb128: only big problem is that occasional complete hang, and general session startup slowness10:28
pittiogra: oh?10:28
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ograit hangs right after bringing up half of the unthemed desktop10:29
pittiseb128: it sometimes takes two or three boots to get a desktop at all10:29
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ograthe boot before i had an error window with no text10:29
seb128pitti: no nice10:29
ograand no desktop10:29
seb128pitti: what happened to firefox?10:29
pittiseb128: well, it didn't start, it just asked for profiles and even that wasn't working10:29
pittiseb128: so we rolled new images to fix it10:30
=== ogra tries a new burn
pittiogra: does booting it several times or waiting bring it up eventually?10:31
pittiogra: try a CD check before10:32
pittiogra: I really think 'bad burns' are overrated10:32
ogragood idea10:32
siretartpygi: no problem. as said, I need that to get a better overview of the licencing right now10:32
ograi switched HW , the old elsa card in this system doesnt really like console switching anyway ... bad for debugging :/10:32
Admiral_Chicagopitti: i have finished the release notes for Xubuntu to a point where I am happy with them.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe3/Xubuntu . Let me know if you see a problem10:33
pygisiretart, kk10:34
=== StevenK materalises.
pittiAdmiral_Chicago: looks great, thank you10:40
=== pitti takes a step to the side to not let StevenK materialize on his feet
ograbooting without quiet and splash i see a bunch of "modprobe: abnormal exit"10:40
=== StevenK grins
pittiogra: ooh, I had those as well10:41
ograi wonder if the -generic kernel doesnt like k7's10:41
Admiral_Chicagogreat, PM me you need me, I'm going to bed soon but i'll make it my 1st priority when i am awake10:41
pittiogra: and shitloads of module segfaults in dmesg10:41
Admiral_Chicagoogra: i think k7s have a custom kernel10:41
pittiAdmiral_Chicago: not any more10:41
ograAdmiral_Chicago, not helpful for liveCD testing ;)10:41
pittiAdmiral_Chicago: I hope that the show is all over in 8 hours :)10:41
ograhigh hopes :/10:42
=== ogra ist convinced by what he sees atm
ograi'm doing a very slow burn now (4x), regardless what the selftest said ...10:43
=== ogra goes to dig up other HW as well
Admiral_Chicagoyea hopefully Ubuntu doesn't come to a sreeching halt without me...*sigh*10:43
pittiogra: I saw those modprobe segfaults just once, andother reboot helped10:43
=== fabbione grrrrs at the kernel
ograpitti, well, i had about 10 boots now, none even resulted in a complete desktop before locking up hard10:44
pittion the bad hangs I had a lot of squashfs related traces in 'blocked processes'10:44
pittiogra: bad :/10:44
=== pitti attempts a boot with verbose and no splash as well
pittiit's not something we can fix for t3 anyway10:45
stgraberfabbione: pong10:49
fabbionestgraber: can we please add netboot/neinstall tests to the iso tracker in parallel to iso installs?10:50
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stgraberfabbione: for all variants ? ubuntu/edubuntu/kubuntu ?10:51
fabbionestgraber: thanks.. that should be done for i386/amd64/sparc and tests.. well i guess one normal install and one LVM install will do10:51
fabbionestgraber: at least ubuntu..10:51
fabbionestgraber: not sure if other flavours care..10:51
stgraberok, I'll add the Ubuntu ones10:52
stgraberfabbione: we currently only have a normal install test for them, so you'd like to add a LVM install test ?10:53
fabbionestgraber: assuming that iso tests are good, one netinstall is fine10:53
Riddellstgraber: kubuntu and xubuntu too.  cjwatson will know if which edubuntu netboot install options we have10:54
fabbionestgraber: thanks10:54
stgraberRiddell: ok, I'll add the others as well10:56
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pittiogra: hm, I didn't get that on any of my three tries now10:58
pittiogra: since you can reproduce it reliably, could you take a photo of these kernel messages and attach them to a bug report?10:58
pittiogra: I did not create a bug yet since I did not have anything to describe it with10:58
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pittiyay, another infinity!10:59
ograpitti, i get them in the initscripts if udev starts, there should be dmesg output as well11:00
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pittiogra: ah, if you can still enter commands11:01
ogramy current try doesnt even get beyond the bouncing bar ... i guess the CD drive is not kosher11:01
pittiogra: I couldn't11:01
ograsomethimes i can sometimes i cant .... booting without quiet and splash left me on a workable console last time11:01
pittiogra: you can also try alt+sysrq+6 alt+sysrq+W to see the blocked tasks and make a photo from them11:01
pittithey should reveal whether it's something common and obvious11:02
pittifor me it was squashfs11:02
ograhrm ...11:02
pittiogra: thanks11:02
ograi dont get over the bouncing bar now :/11:02
pittihmm; switch VTs twice to make usplash go away, and try the sysrq thing?11:03
=== pitti grabs the flatmate's laptop and tries something similar
ogra+hde timeout retry ... blah11:03
ograheh, it thinks the tray is open11:04
ogranow it thinks it closed it ...11:04
ogra(the tray is definately closed and the CD is spinning randomly)11:04
ografunny ....11:04
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ograi dont think i have another CD drive around :/11:04
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twbQuick question: what is "PPA" on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/replacement-initscripts ?11:10
ograpitti, new burn other CDROM works ... i get the hal error Hobbsee had11:12
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pittiogra: oh :)11:14
pittiogra: yeah, that's just the timeout due to slowness11:14
ograintresting, NM says it didnt find a network device11:14
ograin fact i'm online11:14
pittiogra: that might be due to the hal timeout?11:15
pittiogra: if you restart the session, does it work then?11:16
ogralet me try11:17
ograstill there11:17
pittiogra: ok, let's blame asac for that, not a showstopper :)11:17
pittiogra: so it was indeed a bad CD-ROM? curious11:18
ograblame asac for hal ?11:18
ogra(hal didnt start again)11:18
pittiogra: really?11:18
ograsame error11:18
asacyeah ... blame me for everything.11:18
pittiogra: pidof hald is empty?11:18
asacwhats the problem?11:19
pittiogra: hm, that's indeed a different problem then11:19
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pittiogra: does it always happen on that box? if so, I'd like you to run some debugging11:20
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ogra2pitti:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30418/11:20
ogra2for a start :)11:20
pittierk, why is ffox opening URLs in new windows again?11:20
asacthat is a known bug11:21
ion_pitti: I just noticed the same thing. :-)11:21
asacof ubufox11:21
asachaven't looked into it11:21
pittiogra: well, yeah, if hald is indeed not running, no wonder11:21
ogra2hmm, i see no startup links for dbus in rc2.d11:23
ogra2is that right ?11:23
pittino, that's wrong11:23
ogra2oh, wait11:23
ogra2i'm blind11:23
pittiogra: and S23hal11:23
pittierm, 2411:24
ogra2we should use something different than mint for teh symlinks on white bg11:24
ogra224 is right11:24
pittiogra2: does hald start up manually? sudo hald --daemon=no --verbose=yes11:24
ogra2shall i run the initscript to see what happens ?11:24
pittirather the command above, for some debugging output love11:25
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ogra2a million coldplug events11:25
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ograand now X is gone11:25
pittiogra2: I'm primarily interested whether it aborts, or probes and then continues to run11:25
ogra2it stays up it seems11:26
ogra2but switched my screen to standby11:26
ogra2i guess gpm hokked in11:26
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ograpitti, i'm starting a ubiqity run now with the manually started hal i'll bug it afterwards and add the output of the manual hal run11:30
pittiogra: if it continues to run, it's not that helpful, I'm afraid11:30
pittiogra: thanks so far; yes, some ubiquity tests would be good11:30
ograi suspect the initscrupt has a race or so ....11:30
cjwatsontwb: "Personal Package Archives": a system in Launchpad to publish small experimental archives for you, due to go into production soon11:30
ogradbus being slow in coming up probably11:31
pittiogra: if the hal problem persists in the installed system, we can tweak the init script11:31
pittisoren: ebox-ntp looks fine, please go ahead and upload11:31
ograargh, the system only has usb1.1 ... installing on that will take ages i fear11:31
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pittisoren: ebox-firewall package description still has a FIXME11:33
pittisoren: ebox-network good to upload, too11:34
asacpitti: do you want the "new url in tab fix" ?11:35
pittiasac: oh, is there a workaround?11:35
pittisoren: ebox-firewall good except for the FIXME in the long description11:36
asaci would upload it now11:36
asaci now remember why that happeend11:36
asacour setting was out of sync ... e.g. the external one was 3 (new-tag) the internal one was 2 (new-window)11:37
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asacactually thats a state that you cannot get into when using the preferences ui11:37
sorenpitti: Super. Thanks.11:37
asacso i consolidated it11:37
asacapparently to the wrong number ;)11:37
pittiasac: right, uploading is fine; I'll keep it in the queue until after the tribe release, though11:37
pittiasac: btw, shall I reject the firefox upload in UNAPPROVED, so that you can apply the /etc/firefox/profile fix?11:38
pittisoren: tell me when you uploaded them, I'll wave them through source NEW11:38
asacpitti: yes reject it ...11:38
pittisoren: btw, if you have some links or text to add to the ebox stanza on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/GutsyGibbon/Tribe3, please go ahead :)11:39
asacpitti: i will move that somewhere else though (e.g. not in /etc/)11:39
sorenpitti: Will do.11:39
pittiasac: yeah, as long as the /usr/lib/firefox/defaults/profile is intact :)11:39
pittiasac: rejected; thanks11:39
=== pitti lunches, bbl
asacpitti: so it tribe3 out now?11:48
stgraberasac: not yet (it isn't on cdimage and ubuntu.com) and I think one or two more hours for testing would be greatly welcome11:51
stgraberespecially Edubuntu which currently doesn't have any test done11:51
elkbuntui hope not. i just tested it and i cant even boot into the ubuntu i386 20070718.111:51
stgraberelkbuntu: Don't even see the gfxboot menu ?11:52
elkbuntustgraber, yes, i get that far11:52
stgraberCD integrity is also ok ?11:53
elkbuntustgraber, afaik, yes. the sums checked11:53
stgraberargh, it's so easier when it's a simple ISO burning problem :)11:53
elkbuntustgraber, install option takes me to a dying and looping gdm. gets as far as trying to load the gnome panels11:54
elkbuntuthe safe graphics option doesnt even get that far11:54
elkbuntuVIA unichrome something IGP11:54
stgraberok, and any problem with an HD installed gutsy ? (using Alternate or update from Tribe-2) ?11:55
stgraberif that's Xorg, gdm or gnome it should happen that way as well11:56
elkbuntustgraber, havent got a HDD installed gutsy. im setting my desktop back up because it was an atrocious mess11:56
asacwhich edubuntu CDs shall i test?11:56
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stgraberasac: desktop ones, amd64 or i386 both are untested11:57
elkbuntustgraber, gimme a sec and i'll put the evidence up somewhere11:57
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stgraberasac: I'm currently testing edubuntu server i38611:57
asacstgraber: what url :)11:57
asaci386 i can test11:57
elkbuntuasac, https://isotesting.stgraber.org/isotesting/build/All11:58
asacright ;)11:58
stgraberasac: and click on the icon ISO icon to have the rsync/http download link11:58
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elkbuntustgraber, hmm... i cant even get to 'failsafe terminal' to aquire evidence12:19
asacelkbuntu: so is current cd known to be broken?12:20
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elkbuntuasac, yes. for me, it is very broken12:20
asacogra: ?12:21
elkbuntui suspect gdm tbh, but no way to confirm12:21
elkbuntuasac, also, failsafe graphics is not so failsafe for me12:21
asacelkbuntu: what kind of system are you on?12:22
ograasac, works for me now ...12:23
elkbuntuasac, it's a desktop with via graphics12:23
elkbuntuasac, what other bits do you want/need to know?12:23
ograasac, i had a hardware prob here ... i didnt try on my via system with todays build12:24
ograi'll do as soon as the cureent instal finished12:24
elkbuntuasac, im going to disappear for a bit to test on this laptop. it's like an exact replica of my desktop in laptop form, but with ati instead of via12:25
asacogra: so shall i test the current iso ... or would it be just a waste of cd?12:25
ogra2dont you use RWs ?12:25
asachehe ... not atm ;)12:26
asaci hate hardware :)12:26
ogra2well, i have it booting fine here ubiquity just failed but i blame the buggy usb 1.1 PCI card the drive is attached to12:26
=== elkbuntu waits for feisty livecd to boot up on the desktop so there's some form of communication channel before testing disk on this machine
asacok ... then i try12:26
ogra2so it should be fine for testing12:27
asachow do i do the CD check?12:27
sorenasac: It's a boot option.12:27
ogra2there is a menu entry at the bootmenu12:27
=== ogra2 goes for some lunch ...
elkbuntusecond last option12:27
elkbuntuiirc and i only looked at it like 10 seconds ago :12:28
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stgraberogra2: edubuntu server i386 installed fine here12:37
ogra2stgraber: how long did the ltsp bit take for you ?12:40
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=== ogra2 measured 15min on a 1Ghz CPU )
stgraberogra2: very good question, I wasn't around :), less than 10min I'd say12:41
stgraberon a AMD Sempron 2600+12:41
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elkbun2hmm... the laptop isnt happy either. usplash fails, boot continues, freezes at a beige screen12:48
cjwatsondear notification-daemon, please go away when I press Close, love Col12:54
ograelkbun2, hmm, got the same here, does it hard freeze for you ?12:56
ogra(trying the via HW currently)12:56
=== ogra tries safe graphics mode
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elkbun2ogra: on which?12:58
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ograedubuntu desktop i386 here12:58
ograbut i assume ubuntu desktop would be the same for me ...12:58
ogralooks very low level12:58
elkbun2ogra: the via on normal mode goes as far as looping a dying gdm. gets as far as drawing the base blocks for the panels12:59
elkbun2ogra: i would dare say they'd be comparable, yes12:59
ogralucky you ... i get past gdm and end up on the beige screen you described, no panels12:59
ograon another HW i get hal init errors12:59
ograbut at least the desktp starts01:00
elkbun2that's what i'm getting with my ati laptop, but i dont recall seeing the splash thingie with the icons01:00
ograi think we dropped that01:00
ograsfae graphics mode someho doesnt get me into any graphics mode ...01:00
ograi got a garbled (as in unreadable) curses quiestion now (assuming gdm asking about broken X)01:01
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elkbun2ogra: safe mode looks like: http://geekosophical.net/random/gutsytesting/RIMG0308.JPG ?01:02
ograhmm, no ttys either01:02
ogracant open modprobe ... ?01:02
ograthats a new one01:03
elkbun2ogra: i thought so too01:03
ograi had modprobe complaining about not being able to load modules though01:03
ograpitti had that as well01:03
ograi start to suspect squashfs01:03
ograor unionfs01:03
elkbun2ogra: http://geekosophical.net/random/gutsytesting/RMOV0307.ogg is non-safe mode's behaviour on my via01:03
ograuuh, the flashing looks evil01:04
elkbun2ogra: any system that misbehaves is, imho, evil :P01:05
ograoh, ctrl alt del brought my system to live again (only to reboot, but hey)01:06
elkbun2in safemode?01:06
ograbut until i hit that all consoles were not accepting any input01:06
ogralike no gettys running on them01:06
asacXXok the install finished ... lets reboot01:07
ograheh, he seems to be the only lucky one in here :)01:07
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ograoh, the acpi scripts seem to have a bashism01:10
elkbun2ogra: would this explain our problems?01:11
ograi dont think so01:11
ograi'm just booting without quiet and splash01:11
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ogradmesg didnt reveal anything01:12
ograbut it locked up again01:12
asacYYok .... edubuntu works for me :)01:12
ograasacYY, the desktop CD ?01:12
asacYYyou want me to test auto-resize and manual partitioning as well?01:13
asacYYyes i added the results to the paget01:13
ograyou are the first one without any probs :)01:13
asacYYhmmm ...maybe i didn't see the problems?01:13
elkbun2asacYY: what chipset are you blessed with?01:13
asacYYthis is via chipset01:13
ograi had minor ones on one HW (hla not starting )01:13
asacYYnvidia graphics01:13
asacYYvia V333 ?01:14
asacYYdunno it that even exists ... maybe its K33301:14
elkbun2asacYY: ha. these are not problems you can not see01:14
=== pitti just read scrollback. what a mess
asacYYah ok01:14
ograwell i use a integrated via chipset here (sound graphics CPU oin one chip)01:14
asacYYfonts are pretty tiny ... but that is because X chooses highest resolutino possible01:14
ograpitti, asac seems the only one with any success atm01:14
pittiogra: hm, works pretty well here, too01:14
ograelkbun2, you are testing ubuntu desktop, right ?01:15
asacYYogra: hmmm ... maybe i am the only one using a normal desktop?01:15
elkbun2ogra: yea01:15
asacYY(for edubuntu)01:15
ograasacYY, well tribe2 worked fine on the same HW01:15
ograand i did a server install on the same machine last night ...01:15
ograworked fine as well01:15
asacYYhmmm ... tried to rollback the kernel?01:15
ogranot yet01:16
ograpitti said something about squashfs error01:16
pittiogra, BenC: so if the current kernel works fine on your hw, and the tribe2 live CD worked fine, too, that means that the current kernel doesn't work well as live system01:16
ograand i just saw a lot moaning about /etc/odprobe.d/blacklist01:16
asacYYwierd ... but that would mean that it shouldn't work for anybody01:16
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pittiogra: 'odprobe'? really?01:16
ogranah, oddprobe :P01:16
ogramodprobe indeed ;)01:17
pittiasacYY: it smells like a race really01:17
ograpitti, or filesystem corruption ...01:17
pittiso in the release notes we'll point out that live sometimes doesn't boot, and ask to try again, or use the alternate01:17
ograbroken squashfs ?01:17
asacYYhmm ... hey i could run livecd01:18
ogradid our build options change recently or something01:18
ograi could run it on my old k701:18
ograbut cant on my via01:18
asacYYyes ... but then ... it cannot be squashfs01:18
asacYYat least i hope that that fs is not really hw dependent01:18
ograwell, it uncompresses using the CPU01:19
asacYYrace mght be a reasonable guess ... because your via proc is probably pretty slow01:19
ograif we use different build options (i.e. different blocksizes ....)01:19
ograthe thing is that we seem to get random different errors on every boot and with differet HW ...01:20
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ograsepcifically with anything modprobe related01:21
asacYYogra: so did you manage to break livecd in one boot, but succeed in another try on the same machine?01:21
ogranot succeed, but break with totally different erros01:21
asacYYor is it always broken on systems that are broken?01:21
pittithat was what happened to me, at least01:21
ograit is always broken .... at least on my via ...01:22
ograbut first i got modprobe complaining that it cant open some modules ...01:22
pittiogra: did you ever get 'Unknown module' errors and no gettys on the VTs?01:22
ograelkbun2, had even modprobe not found or so01:22
asacYYogra: could you verify that those modules are in fs?01:22
elkbun2ogra: my ati xpress 200m is also being naughty01:23
ograpitti, yup had that one boot when i started without splash01:23
ograasac, well, it were about 100 lines scrolling by without module names for me01:23
ograrecent boot had errors about /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist01:23
pittiRiddell: did you ever see similar problems on the Kubuntu ones? those errors don't look ubuntu/edubuntu specific at all01:24
ograi'D love to find the trigger that locks it up ...01:24
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=== ogra really wishes for a no-X mode on the CD to only check the initscripts ...
pittiogra: or do you have the bandwidth to rsync the kubuntu live (against the edubuntu live perhaps) and check if it is affected, too?01:24
pittiogra: that works01:24
ograhmm, that would actually be a simple casper-bottom script i think01:25
pittiogra: switch to vt early and keep banging 'sudo killall gdm'01:25
asacYYhmm ... i guess i will try a few more livecd reboots and see if it breaks for me at some point01:25
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ograpitti, pfft, i'll add a casper-bottom script that removes the gdm init link if you give a bootoption ;)01:25
pygidholbach, posted the url to original tarball01:25
=== elkbun2 goes off to test the disk in other unattended machines in the house
pittiogra: on a live CD?01:26
ograpitti, sure for debugging :)01:26
ograwe can remove it for releases but i find it convenient01:26
pittiogra: but we don't really have time any more for upload/publish/CD build/new tests IMHO01:26
ograerr, i didnt mean now :P01:27
pittiogra: especially because you can kill it during boot01:27
pittiogra: ah, ok; I thought you meant 'now' :)01:27
ogranah in general as a casper option01:27
=== pitti hammers that acer laptop of doom again
ograit wil also help if you want to recover your broken router that only has 128M ;)01:28
ograthis time its /etc/modprobe.d/aliases its complaining about01:30
ograha, got a console now01:31
ogranot a single error in dmesg01:31
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ograelkbun2, how much ram do your system have ?01:32
ograthis one here has 256M but uses shared graphic mem ... i guess thats one of my probs01:33
ograyeah, free reports only 223M01:33
ogra(even thogh that doesnt explain the modprobe stuff)01:34
ograthe volatile directory is mounted twice here01:34
asacthats really wierd ... first boot worked without problems ... just hanged for a short while when starting x ... second boot failed to start hal ... third start freezed system when starting hal01:35
asacso most likely a race01:35
ogralsmod shows pretty normal output01:35
stgraberargh, as always, I want to do a small blog post and end up with a giant one ...01:35
=== stgraber --> lunch
ograasac, but where01:36
asacin hal?01:36
ograit seems to be very low level imho01:36
ograi can start hal just fine here01:36
asaci don't see any warnings in boot console01:36
ograand it doesnt explain the different modprobe things we all saw01:36
asacjust hald doesn't start up ... and ps, ls and other basics don't work01:36
asac(now that it freezes)01:37
ogracan yu run hals initscript manually ?01:37
asacno ... system is currently frozen01:37
ograrigth, i have the same at some point01:37
asaclet me switch back and see if some timeout kicked in in the meantime01:37
ograwhen it didnt freeze i could start hal just fine manually01:37
asachmmm ... can you capture those modprobe warnings somehow?01:38
ograless thinks /etc/modprobe.d/aliases is a binary file here01:39
ograthats funny01:39
ograi can save syslog01:39
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ograasac, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/syslog-tribe3-desktop01:42
ograJul 19 13:30:57 ubuntu modprobe: WARNING: /etc/modprobe.d/aliases line 2: ignoring bad line starting with 'u^H^E\376\377\377'01:43
ograseems worrying01:43
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StevenKHrm. Launchpad, stop randomly reporting you're offline!01:43
asacogra: looks pretty squashed01:44
ogra/etc/modprobe.d/aliases is indeed full of binary junk at the top but has scattered random udev messages inbetween01:44
elkbun2ogra: similar problem with mum's VIA. i can get tty's though, but just before the prompt they have something like /bin/sh cant find id01:44
ograi guess it means the program "id"01:45
=== ogra is more and more convinced its a filesystem thing
elkbun2ogra: find it and nuke it and we'll all be happy :)01:46
pittiI got a screenshot of the kernel traces on a hang01:47
ogra /rofs/etc/modprobe.d/aliases is binary as well and has identical junk01:47
pittinot the one with squashfs, though, I grabbed the camera too late :/01:47
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ograso the squashfs inducts the breakage01:48
pittiI'll file a bug for now and add what I have01:48
pittipkl_: you here?01:48
pkl_pitti: yes01:48
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ografirst of all did our build options change ?01:49
asac/etc/modprobe.d/aliases ... is that file created at runtime?01:49
pittipkl_: did something change in squashfs or unionfs since the last tribe?01:49
ograi dont think so01:49
pittipkl_: a lot of people get hangs, modprobe segfaults, and other random breakage on the current live CDs01:49
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=== ogra is pretty convinced its not unionfs, else i wouldnt see the broken file in squashfs alone
pittipkl_: when it was frozen completely I did sysrq+8 and sysrq+T and got some lock in a semaphore in squashfs01:50
pkl_pitti: no, nothing should have changed.01:50
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pittipkl_: hm, curious; do you have some time to grab a current live CD and give it some test on your hw?01:50
pkl_pitti: this is using the Gutsy kernel?01:50
asacaccording to boot message squashfs is from april 200701:51
pkl_pitti: sill question, obviously it is...01:51
pkl_pitti: I can do some tests, and check the Squashfs code in Gutsy.01:52
StevenKtelnet moa.skybridge.com.au01:52
pittipkl_: that would be great; ATM I'm not really sure how to file that bug01:52
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pittipkl_: I have a screenshot of one Tasks trace and some observations, would that already help?01:52
pkl_pitti: yes, it may do.  Can you email them?01:53
sunkenI propose a new HDA soundcard probing and configuring utilty/feature. A lot of laptop users have problems with the HDA soundcards. The probing/configuring of ALSA should be more automated.01:53
pittipkl_: I thought about filing a bug01:54
pittipkl_: since we need one for xref'ing in the iso test tracker01:54
pittielkbun2, ogra: so tribe2 worked on the same hw?01:55
GastenIsn't Compiz-fusion default in gutsy? Different sources don't agree.01:56
Gastendoesn't, even.01:56
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pittiGasten: on hw that supports it, yes01:59
elkbuntupitti, i did not test tribe2, but i can dl and do so. it will take a few hours though01:59
Gastenpitti: cool01:59
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pittielkbuntu, ogra, bdmurray: bug 126964 -> maybe you can check with your observations and confirm/subscribe/extend?02:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126964 in linux-source-2.6.22 "gutsy livefs causes random hangs or modprobe crashes" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12696402:02
pittipkl_: ^ that's what I have so far02:03
ograwhere the heck are the livefs build logs nowadays ?02:05
pittianyway, the CD does seem to work for a few people, so let's release them with appropriate comments in the release notes02:05
pittiogra: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/gutsy/02:05
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ograi tried ubuntu-dev02:06
elkbuntupitti, http://geekosophical.net/random/gutsytesting/ has evidence of my experiences with my via. the jpeg is from safe mode, the ogg from normal boot02:07
pittielkbuntu: ah, the ogg looks like iz compiz bug02:08
elkbuntupitti, given it's a via graphics chipset, i'd agree02:09
pittielkbuntu: could you please file a bug against compiz as described on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/GutsyGibbon/Tribe3? (with debugging info)02:09
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=== pitti brushes this up a little
elkbuntupitti, that's the thing. cant get to a tty to get logs or anything02:10
pittielkbuntu: what happens on the VTs?02:10
ograpitti, if i manually mount /cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs the aliases file is fine here02:11
pittielkbuntu: getting the debug info from installed sytem or feisty live system is ok02:11
elkbuntupitti, i get completely locked into the loop. cant even change session to failsafe terminal02:11
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ograso it gets corrupted only if mounted from initramfs02:11
elkbuntupitti, ah ok02:11
pittiBenC: do you have some time to try the current live CD on your boxes? do you get hangs like bug 126964?02:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126964 in linux-source-2.6.22 "gutsy livefs causes random hangs or modprobe crashes" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12696402:12
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pittiBenC: we don't really know yet where the actual problem is, for now it's just collecting observations02:14
BenCpitti: any chance it could be in squashfs or unionfs?02:15
pittiBenC: that's most likely indeed02:15
BenCpkl_: ping02:15
pittiBenC: I added a sysrq trace screenshot, and I got hangs in squashfs and unionfs semaphores02:15
asaclast squashfs changelog entry is "Sun, 15 Apr 2007"02:15
pittiBenC: and since the kernel runs just fine on alternate and installs, I suspect it's something like that02:16
ograok, crating a manual unionfs from eth squashfs and a tmpfs doesnt break the file either02:16
pittiBenC: I already talked to pkg_, and nothing seems to have changed in squashfs at least, though02:16
pkl_BenC: pong02:16
pittis/pkg/pkl/, of course *d'oh*02:16
ograso its not either of the fs'es or the combo, but the way initramfs handles them ...02:17
pkl_pitti: there is a bug in the Gutsy version of Squashfs that will explain the semaphore hangs - but not the file corruption02:17
pittihm, I didn't check file corruption myself; in most cases I cannot even enter commands into the VT02:18
pkl_pitti, BenC: I fixed this a number of months ago, but for some reason Gutsy hasn't got the new version (Feisty does).02:18
asaclast unionfs update was published "2007-06-04"02:19
asacso it wasn't in tribe-2, right?02:19
ograpitti, seems we'Re using losetup in casper now02:19
pittipkl_: ah, great; so let's hope for the best :)02:19
pittithe new kernel will land soon after t3 I was told, so we'll test the dailies02:20
BenCpkl_: weren't you working on squashfs/unionfs in lum for gutsy?02:20
asacogra: latest unionfs does "* Compiling now with -DSUPPORT_BROKEN_LOSETUP.02:20
ograthats the only difference to tribe 2 i can find in casper that seems remotely related02:20
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asacogra: maybe just a coincident though02:22
pkl_BenC: I was working with Feisty for the Squashfs/Unionfs work - the main aim was to work out why the Feisty liveCDs exhibited slow boot time on low-memory systems.  Doing this in Gutsy would introduce too many unknowns.02:22
ograi'm convinced it has to do with initramfs' handling of the root ....02:22
ograi dont see it at all if i build a unionfs manually02:23
pkl_BenC: once the Feisty investigation is over, then Gutsy will be the focus.  However, I've done almost nothing on this for weeks - too much other stuff to do,02:23
pittiogra: hm, so if it's actually fs corruption, that could explain the modprobe segfaults etc., too02:24
BenCpkl_: I just wondered if anything changed in lum from last tribe-2 release02:24
pittihm, I wonder whether I'll get this as well if I downsize the vmware ram from 768 to 256 MB02:24
ograthe losetup change in casper isnt small either02:24
asacogra: did you find a way to reproduce it without setting up a CD?02:25
ograasac, not yet, i'll try to manually do what casper does now ...02:25
pkl_BenC: I've made no changes to Unionfs or Squashfs in Gutsy since the tribe-2 release.02:25
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BenCpkl_: ok02:29
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=== Hobbsee waves
pittihm, it still boots in a vmware with 128 MB RAM; hardware just sucks02:32
pkl_is the liveCD you're testing the latest daily?02:32
Hobbseepkl_: yes02:32
pkl_Just making sure I grab the right one :)02:33
ograbooting with break=bottom and runnig chroot /root halts the system02:33
pittiogra: how do the edubuntu servers look like?02:34
ografine all over02:34
pittiogra: cool; can you please add the tests you did, so that we have an overview of what's missing?02:35
pittiogra: at least some good news :)02:35
ograafaik at least :) did two installs that were fine at least02:35
pittiright, server i386 shows two tests, amd64 none02:35
ograwith break=top i dont get my usb keyboard02:35
ograand i think premount is to late ...02:36
ogragah, no usb with premount either02:37
=== ogra curses and goes diggin for another keyboard
elkbuntupitti, finally doign the compiz report. do you just want glxinfo and xdpyinfo?02:39
pittielkbuntu: I think that should do for now02:39
elkbuntupitti, hmm... this is bringing up bug #122459 as a possible dupe02:42
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elkbuntupitti, comment or file a new?02:42
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pittielkbuntu: if it's the same hardware, commenting is indeed better02:43
elkbuntupitti, not same hardware. seems it was a VM02:43
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elkbuntuand it was 27th of last month at your request02:44
ograwhats /usr/bin/groups supposed to contain ?02:45
ograi have a ton of xml code in there02:45
ograthats really f*cked up02:46
pittiogra: should be a normal shell script02:46
ograyeah, just checked oin my laptop02:47
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=== elkbuntu swears repeatedly at launchpad
ograwhat i have on the livecd is a glade snippet02:47
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pkl_ogra: there are a number of things you can do which would help track down the file corruption.   Unfortunately it requires an uncorrupted Squashfs filesystem as a reference.  Once I've downloaded the liveCD I'll try and reproduce the problem, and go through the steps...02:49
pittipkl_: appreciated, thanks a lot02:49
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ograpkl_, if i mount the squashfs standalone its all fine02:49
ograit doesnt seem to be corrupted02:50
ograif i do it manually i even get a fine unionfs working02:50
ograi'm trying to revert the losetup changes in casper and see what it does then02:50
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pkl_ogra: that's good, but it might imply a race condition on load somewhere is causing the corruption.02:51
pittiKeybuk: hey Scott, how's it going?02:51
Keybuknot bad02:51
ograyep, something like that02:51
Keybukthe network here sucks02:51
Keybukand to add insult to injury, BT have JCB'd through my home DSL02:51
ograKeybuk, remember the udev complaint on boot i had about not being to rename et0 on thin clients ?02:52
Keybukogra: no02:52
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ograKeybuk, well i had udev trying to rename eth0 on nfsroot ... which indeed didnd work (luckily)02:53
ograseems Bug #126437 explains why :P02:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126437 in ltsp "[gutsy-tribe2]  ltsp chroot gets udev rules corresponding to the server's network card" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12643702:53
Keybukogra: that's already fixed, no?02:53
Keybuktest it with a current daily :p02:53
ograKeybuk, i will if we found out why the liveCD breaks for haf the world :)02:54
=== ogra sighs... no editor in initramfs
Keybukyou have sed02:54
Keybukwhat more do you need?02:54
ograi'm lazy ... i'll moun the squashfs and steal vim02:55
cjwatsonStevenK: a JCB is a brand of mechanical excavator. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._C._Bamford02:55
elkbuntupitti, so do you want this appended to the 'similar issue in vmware' bug or filed fresh?02:55
pittielkbuntu: if it's different hw (sounds like it), then a new bug is better02:56
Keybukthe bob amused me02:56
Keybuk"I've filed a fault with BT, and there's an engineer already in your area, which probably explains the problem"02:57
elkbuntuStevenK, sounds alot like telstra, hey ;)02:57
=== Hobbsee gets a large piece of concrete to use on telstra....
ograpitti, i *think* its the newly added loop device creation (it loops over 10 devices with mknod before mounting)02:58
ograthat might produce a slight delay and this a race02:59
StevenKelkbuntu: It does. :-)02:59
elkbuntuHobbsee, dont waste good concrete!03:00
Hobbseeelkbuntu: the concrete acts as a catalyst.  unless telstra is very hard.03:00
ogracjwatson, wha do we need more than /dev/loop0 in that code ?03:00
pittiogra: can you please add that to the bug as well?03:00
=== pitti hugs debugging herogra
ograpitti, if i'm doe digging :)03:01
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sorenpitti: Could you nudge the three new ebox packages through?03:03
pittisoren: done03:04
sorenpitti: Thanks very much.03:05
pittisoren: how's the uservification coming along?03:05
sorenpitti: I've decided to postpone it until after I'm done with ebox-samba and ebox-printing.03:07
cjwatsonogra: I think that kernel bug's been fixed so that code is now unnecessary, but please check before removing it03:07
cjwatsonogra: however that code cannot *produce* a race. It might *widen* an existing race.03:07
elkbuntupitti, bug #12697103:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126971 in compiz "[gutsy]  compiz crashes x or gdm repeatedly" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12697103:08
pittielkbuntu: thanks; mvo will be delighted :)03:08
ogracjwatson, well, it didnt show up (at least not as drastically) in tribe 203:08
cjwatsonogra: that doesn't contradict what I said03:09
ogracjwatson, and loading loop apparentl doesnt create any devices for me atm in initramfs so the code is still right i think03:09
elkbuntupitti, im sure he will be. the word 'compiz' must send shivers of joy through his being03:09
ogracjwatson, it wasnt supoosed to contradict anything ;)03:09
pittielkbuntu: first thing that he hears in the morning03:09
elkbuntuwell, i guess i'll suck the alternate disc down and play with it too03:10
cjwatsonKeybuk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/126776 looks like it could do with some love03:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126776 in udev "/dev/disks/by-uuid not mounted in expert LVM install" [Undecided,New] 03:10
pittiKeybuk: in case you need me to debug something, I still have the vm03:11
Keybukhow is udev involved here?03:12
pittiKeybuk: not sure, missing /dev/something sounded like something udev related; feel free to reassing to the correct place, of course03:12
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KeybukI'm not going to be able to look at that for ~2 weeks03:13
ograelkbuntu, sucking disks is bad for your teeth :)03:13
elkbuntuogra, my teeth have larger worries, like lack of saliva03:13
asacogra: btw, how are your teeth?03:13
Keybukpitti: udev.log needs to be attached to that report03:13
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Keybuk(if you can do that in the next few mins, I can look at it)03:14
ograasac, i'm in a funy dizzy mode atm ... fully of painkillers and antibiotics until tomorrow03:14
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pittiKeybuk: at it03:14
pittihey mvo03:14
ograasac, and the bad tooth is gone :)03:14
pittimvo: elkbuntu has a loveletter for you :)03:14
asacogra: (not so) good ... at least you saw the doctor03:14
elkbuntupitti, where do i hide?03:15
mvohey pitti03:15
ograin the end it'll be fine thats the most important part :)03:15
asacogra: yes.03:15
elkbuntumvo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/126971 is what pitti was referring to, btw03:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126971 in compiz "[gutsy]  compiz crashes x or gdm repeatedly" [Undecided,New] 03:18
pittiKeybuk: attached03:18
elkbuntubah, and i just now note i forgot to mention the hardware03:18
mvoelkbuntu: could you please also attach the /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?03:20
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elkbuntumvo, will do any good since i cannot get any form of interactive interface on the crashy system?03:21
elkbuntumvo, i've pulled those two files from a feisty live as per pitti's request03:21
elkbuntus/will/will that/03:22
Keybukpitti: can you do a -l on /dev/mapper03:22
mvoelkbuntu: *urgh* that sounds pretty bad. you can not go to the terminal either?03:22
pittiKeybuk: ls -l you mean? I added the contents to the bug already03:23
elkbuntumvo, failsafe terminal just does the same gdm looping03:23
Keybukthat wasn't -l03:23
Keybukdpkg-query -W udev dmsetup lvm203:23
pittiKeybuk: ok, I was lazy because copy&paste from shell doesn't work03:23
elkbuntumvo, if you can think of any magic tricks to get me to a functional tty, i'll give it a go03:24
pittiKeybuk: added03:25
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pittiogra: do you want the serveraddon CDs published?03:26
Keybukdmsetup is not installed03:26
Keybuk^ thats your problem03:26
pittiKeybuk: hm, so where do we need to add this to?03:27
ograpitti, i didnt test them but i guess thats the best way to get some feedback if they work :)03:27
cjwatsonpitti: I'm on it03:27
pittiogra: ok03:27
mvoelkbuntu: I take it that ctrl-alt-f1 does not work too?03:27
pittiKeybuk: thanks; installing and rebooting03:27
elkbuntumvo, it stops the loop. it also stops any form of interaction03:28
Keybukpitti: should be a dep of something03:28
pittiKeybuk: lvm2 currently suggests it, would a dependency make sense?03:29
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pitticurious why it only affects expert installs03:29
Keybukpitti: yes03:29
pitticonfirmed, that did the trick; thanks!03:31
elkbuntumvo, description updated with the lspci output for the vid card03:33
pittiKeybuk, cjwatson: bug updated03:33
Keybukpitti: dmsetup shouldn't be split out really03:33
Keybukbut that's how Debian like it03:33
mvoelkbuntu: thanks03:33
elkbuntui'm going to boot the machine back up to the loopyness and see if we can catch a terminal somehow03:34
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mvoelkbuntu: is this a regression? does tribe-2 work on this HW?03:38
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Hobbseefabbione: consider this your poke to do the certification testing black magic, please :)03:41
fabbioneHobbsee: ?03:42
Hobbseefabbione: from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MilestoneProcess ?  i'm told that that does happen for tribes.03:42
=== Hobbsee cant actually see what it involves, hence it's black magic :)
fabbioneoh that page needs to be updated03:42
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fabbioneHobbsee: you want to talk to heno :)))03:43
=== Hobbsee pokes heno, then
fabbioneHobbsee: please update the wiki too03:43
Hobbseefabbione: will do03:43
=== fabbione -> back packing
=== cjwatson wonders if we should put dmsetup in standard
cjwatsonback in standard, rather03:44
pitticjwatson: hm, but when lvm2 doesn't actually work without dmsetup, wouldn't a dependency be more corret?03:44
Keybukpitti: it "works", you just don't get uuid symlinks03:45
cjwatsonah, I hadn't noticed that it was only a suggests there03:45
Keybukwe need conditional deps03:45
Keybukudev depends dmsetup if lvm2 is installed03:45
cjwatsonKeybuk: I think for Ubuntu, that's "doesn't work"03:45
cjwatsongiven that we configure fstab for UUIDs by default now03:45
cjwatsonthe alternative is to make the installer apt-install dmsetup as well as lvm203:46
cjwatsonbut a dependency feels better03:46
elkbuntumvo, i never tested tribe203:50
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mvoelkbuntu: ok, it may well be that we have to blacklist your driver. if you could gvie me the xorg.0.log file from feisty, that would be good too03:53
mvoogra: IIRC some of your machines have S3 UniChrome cards, no?03:53
mvoogra: do those work well with compiz?03:53
elkbuntumvo, i'm downloading tribe2 to check, but that will be an hour and a bit off03:54
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elkbuntumvo, i'm booted into the 18.1 desktop cd now if you want to make suggestions to get a terminal, other than ctrl+alt+f#03:55
ogramvo, they are via unichrome ...03:55
ograand no, since we dont have the openchrome driver packaged at all i cant use any shiny stuff on them03:56
ogra(unichrome doesnt work on these)03:56
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elkbuntumvo, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3 UniChrome]  Integrated Video (rev 01) is the lscpci entry03:56
elkbuntuogra, is that the same as your via?03:57
ograno idea, i can tell if i booted again :)03:57
elkbuntuogra, how nice of you to offer ;)03:57
ogragime a minute to burn the modified casper iso i have here :)03:57
elkbuntubtw, this is why 'options' needs a 'kill gdm' option :03:58
ograelkbuntu, i'll add one after tribe03:58
ograits trivial to supress gdm/X starting03:59
elkbuntuogra, i agree, and it's not the first time i've wanted it03:59
ogralets see if my had knitted CD runs :)04:00
mvoHobbsee: is the bug that elkbuntu experiences a blocker for tribe-3?04:00
Hobbseemvo: this is the fs breakage?04:01
mvoHobbsee: the bug #12697104:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126971 in compiz "[gutsy]  compiz crashes x or gdm repeatedly" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12697104:01
elkbuntuHobbsee, the 'compiz is breaking things... AGAIN' breakage04:01
=== Hobbsee kills compiz.
=== elkbuntu dreams
Hobbseemvo: do you have a fix?04:02
ograkilling wont fix ...04:02
=== lamont tries to remember who thought compiz was a good idea, remembers, closes mouth.
elkbuntuogra, but it will be so satisfying :D04:02
=== elkbuntu pets lamont
ograelkbuntu, like beer ... only the evening you drink it ....04:03
Hobbseemvo: if we delay the tribe for this and the fs breakage, we may as well cancel it - because neither of these seem to have fast fixes, and we'd probably want to test out this stuff fairly extensively, just due to the number of people this affects.04:03
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Hobbseemvo: still, i'd like to see these bits fixed asap, and our next tribe frozen earlier, etc, to get more testing of it.04:04
Hobbseebecause we cant rely on the metapackages staying installable, for people to test off working dailies.04:05
mvoHobbsee: as a quick fix we could blacklist the s3 driver in use (I would most likely have to ask dholbach for this as the bandwidth here is really very bad)04:05
dholbachmvo: I don't know what to do or change04:06
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Hobbseemvo: any idea hwo many people this will effect?04:06
elkbuntudholbach, i'm sure he'll hold your hand04:06
elkbuntuHobbsee, 2/6 machines in this house at least04:06
dholbachhi elkbuntu, hi Hobbsee04:06
mvodholbach: if we do blacklist it, I'm happy to assist you, I just can't upload (I can not even  checkout/commit properly here)04:06
Hobbseehi dholbach04:06
elkbuntudholbach, hi!04:06
=== elkbuntu hugs dholbach
pittimvo: let's do that next Monday when you are back home again04:07
pittithat will be much more efficient04:07
mvopitti: ok, fine with me04:07
=== Hobbsee thinks on that
mvoHobbsee: I do not think those cards are very commoon04:07
Hobbseemvo: any idea how many other cards this effects?04:07
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Hobbseemvo: yeah, that's what i was thinking - seeing as i'd not actually heard of them before :P04:07
elkbuntuHobbsee, i slightly suspect my ati too04:08
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mvoHobbsee: *nod*04:08
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elkbuntuHobbsee, and that's the radeon xpress 200m. it didnt behave the same, but it got as far as the brown screen then froze04:09
ograHobbsee, my via doesnt work as well ... but i'm digging on the filesystem corruption atm04:09
Hobbseeelkbuntu: that's the fs breakage, it seems, which should be unrelated.04:09
Hobbseeor at least, is a different bug04:09
ograthe fs stuff affects more machines (3 of 4) fo rme than the compz thing04:10
mvoelkbuntu: *ick*04:10
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elkbuntumvo, yeah. i buy cheap machines because well, i dont exactly have a job to pay for them with04:10
=== mvo hugs elkbuntu
=== elkbuntu hugs mvo back
stgraberI have a laptop with a xpress 200m around here, I can test the desktop on it if wanted04:11
elkbuntustgraber, please04:11
stgraber(I've just started downloading ubuntu desktop i386, will be done in 10 minutes)04:11
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elkbuntui dont feel like having both my decent machines rewted04:12
ograhmm, intresting, after the intramfs change i get a lot of scsi errors while mounting the CD04:12
ograelkbuntu, you dont happen to boot from usb CD04:12
=== mvo needs to find power and better network somewhere
elkbuntuogra, nope. iirc it's on an ata cable04:13
=== elkbuntu pulls the side off the machien to check
elkbuntucant remembe if it's ata or ide for the cd04:13
StevenKATA covers a multitude of sins04:13
ograwell,i was hoping it was a usbcd issue ....04:14
elkbuntucd is IDE04:14
ograwould rather limit it to certain HW04:14
elkbuntuogra, certain hardware that's not graphics related, you mean04:15
elkbuntuStevenK, yes. it does04:15
keescookKeybuk: if you have a second, can you look at #126812 ?  I didn't want to upload that patch until you'd approved it.04:15
elkbuntuim fortunate my hdds are ultra ata, not sata04:15
ograelkbuntu, the fs corruption is surely not graphics related04:15
elkbuntuogra, this is true04:16
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lemsx1i just upgraded to Gutsy and i had to pass parameters to the kernel in order for the system to boot properly. is this already known? "apm=off acpi=off noapic", that's what i used04:18
elkbuntulemsx1, in what way did it not boot?04:18
lemsx1everything else is fine... gksu seems NOT to be calling g_thread_init() before calling glib functions... making it crash04:18
lemsx1elkbuntu: it simply hung during boot. i switched to single user mode and i saw that the last message was something to do with ACPI04:19
lemsx1elkbuntu: and since this is an SMP system (core2 duo CPU), i used those switches to make it work04:19
=== agoliveira_BRB is now known as agoliveira
elkbuntuok then, seems unrelated to my issue04:22
=== Hobbsee doesnt want to delay the tribe over that.
=== siretart hugs cprov for making PPAs add an X-Katie: header to the archive emails :)
cprovsiretart: X-Katie header is niiiiiice ! (quoting Borat)04:25
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tkamppeterAnyone there from the printing front?04:27
stgraberelkbuntu: I have to move from home, anyway I'll have one of those laptops here as well (my grand-mother's one :)) so you'll have the result in one hour or so04:28
elkbuntuogra, do your hand-knitted tests confirm the FS issue?04:29
elkbuntustgraber, cool04:29
Hobbseeogra: could you check the torrent links for edubuntu please?04:32
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tkamppeterpitti, ping04:33
pittitkamppeter: hi04:33
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tkamppeterpitti, I have some problem. Probably you remember that we wanted to get rid of the gnome-cups-manager: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/printerdrake04:34
pittiyep, sure04:34
tkamppeterI have found a volunteer via the gnome-love mailing list. Today he told that he does not relly find the time to work on a new GUI for printerdrake.04:34
ograelkbuntu, it dies, no idea why yet04:36
ograHobbsee, will do04:36
Hobbseeogra: ah, testing them here now, atm, have asked pitti to ask Spads to kick04:37
ograHobbsee, ok ...04:37
ograi'm pretty deep in the fs thing atm, appreciated04:37
Hobbseeogra: good luck :)04:38
ograHobbsee, i have a rough idea, but without proving it its worth nothing :/04:38
ograbut somehow my handmade initramfs doesnt like me04:39
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Mithrandirpitti: how much would you laugh at me if I asked for xulrunner in main?04:45
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tkamppeterpitti, ant idea how the replacement of gnome-cups-manger by something else could be done?04:45
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=== ogra hugs Mithrandir extatically
pittiMithrandir: MUHAHAHAHAHA *ROTFLWMP*04:46
pittiMithrandir: seriously, I would consider it if firefox would use it04:46
pittiMithrandir: i. e. if future updates move from ffox to xulrunner, that should be fine04:46
Mithrandirpitti: ok.04:46
Mithrandirasac: how much work is it to get ff to use xulrunner?04:46
pittibut I guess that would mean that upstream would need to move to it and such04:46
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=== Mithrandir nods.
pittiMithrandir: I guess the mobile browser needs it?04:47
seb128the upstream plan was to make firefox 3 use xulrunner but somebody told me this week that they decided to do that later04:48
seb128so it's not any time soon04:48
seb128and xulrunner has no security support nor proper tarballs04:48
Mithrandirpitti: no, the mobile UI needs it.04:48
MithrandirUIs in flash! woo!  inhale!04:49
=== elkbuntu twitches
ograMithrandir, rather in gnash i hope :)04:51
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pittiMithrandir: hm, and I take it it's not pure flash, either? (so that gnash isn't sufficient)04:51
ion_Xulrunner and Flash dont sound like something id put into a mobile platform. ;-)04:52
ion_Neither does Java, though. :-P04:52
Mithrandirion_: why not?04:53
Mithrandirogra: eventually, I hope so.04:53
ograion_, yeah, whats wrong with that ?04:53
ogravector based stuff is a lot less ressource hungry04:54
ion_I was just joking about the stereotype of Java being bloated and slow by definition.04:54
Mithrandirion_: the pepperpads use java UIs04:54
=== ogra takes a break
pitticjwatson: I guess you don't mind if I upload lvm2 with that dmsetup dependency?04:54
seb128pitti: does installing dmsetup still create issues on some configurations?04:56
=== elkbuntu still hasnt found a way to a terminal on her loopy VIA
pittiseb128: I can't say really, just that I have it installed by default04:56
pittiseb128: but not in an expert install04:56
cjwatsonpitti: oh, not at all, sorry, assumed you were04:56
cjwatsonI'd just been looking at it in the installer04:57
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pittiseb128: it's just the dmsetup binary and some udev rules which create by-uuid symlinks and such; do you have some details about that breakage?04:57
elkbuntuit is really annoying me that there is not any surefire key combo to kill gdm and keep it killed04:58
pitticjwatson: done04:58
pittiseb128: do you want me to upload my libgnome-on-steroids with gnome_sound_play() aplay love?04:58
pittiseb128: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/11_aplay_fallback.patch04:59
pittiseb128: I'm not sure, it doesn't seem to make sound events like login sound or menu plopps work; but OTOH they haven't worked *with* esound so far either04:59
pittiseb128: not sure whether disabling startup sound is a bug or a deliberate feature?05:00
seb128pitti: sure05:00
pittiseb128: well, since sound events don't seem to work anyway ATM (and nobody particuarly complained :) ), I guess unseeding esound is ok05:01
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seb128pitti: I had to remove something from my laptop because it was spinning on boot during the distro sprint but looks like it's not dmsetup05:01
seb128might have been dmraid05:01
mvoseb128: was it evms?05:01
sorenpitti: /win 2205:02
seb128mvo: might be, indeed05:02
mvoseb128: synaptic keeps logs ;) apt will be soon05:02
pittisoren: ?05:02
sorenpitti: nm05:02
pitti$ bzr commit -m 'do not install esound by default any more'05:03
=== pitti celebrates
pittixubuntu.gutsy/ship: * esound            #needed for ltsp05:04
pittiogra: ^ I guess that's obsolete?05:04
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pittiogra: I'll replace it with pulseaudio-esound-compat05:06
Keybukkeescook: let me run it by Kay furst05:06
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Keybukkeescook: he's pulling faces05:10
Keybuklet me talk to him and find out why05:10
Keybuk(in a talk right now, just handed him my laptop silently)05:10
keescookKeybuk: heh, cool.  Yeah, it's a bit of a hack, but it's mostly to avoid the sad state of sysfs in the v4l drivers.  :(05:11
Keybukkeescook: video implies X05:11
Keybukso they should use HAL damnit05:12
keescookthe ultimate goal is to find _some_ way to build a static unique path for a v4l device, since driver init order isn't always the same.05:12
Keybukwhat needs that?05:12
keescookactually video doesn't imply X.  for example, a mythtv backend without a head doing video cap.05:12
Keybukyou could still use HAL for that :p05:12
keescookmythtv is the biggest user of this.  it ... gets upset ... when video0 and video1 swap places.  ;)05:12
keescookI'm all ears for a HAL solution.  I'm just more familiar with udev, and it seemed like other things already had special cases (tape drives)05:13
keescookthis basically builds  /dev/v4l/by-path/pci-NN...NN-$V4L_DRIVER_NAME05:14
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superm1if a package is sitting in the archive source NEW queue, will an upload of an new version just override that one and let it take it's place?05:17
keescookthe other ugliness is that v4l doesn't have any serial number stuff I can use, so the best thing we have is the physical PCI path.05:17
Riddellcjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-setup/+bug/118002 doesn't seem to be fixed05:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118002 in apt-setup "add canonical's commercial archive to default sources.list" [Wishlist,Fix committed] 05:17
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pittiasac: hm, the current ffox upload, is that already with the profile fix?05:21
elkbuntui think we might have a way in. pending experiment05:21
keescookKeybuk: any thoughts, or did GUADEC get swapped back in?  :)05:21
pittiasac: ah, seems not, seems I forgot to reject it05:21
asacyes ... i merged in your changes ... take a look at changelog05:21
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cjwatsonRiddell: "Fix committed"05:24
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stgraberelkbuntu: I don't have any graphic issue with an ATI Xpress 200m here :(05:30
stgraberelkbuntu: except a fail from HAL, but gnome session opens and works05:30
elkbuntustgraber, what flavour laptop?05:30
Keybukkeescook: will chat to Kay after this talk05:32
keescookKeybuk: okay, thanks05:32
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tkamppeterI have a question to Python experts.05:42
tkamppeterIf I compile .py files to .pyc files, are the .pyc files platform-specific?05:43
tkamppeterMithrandir, are these files machine-language files like the executables compiled from C source code?05:44
Mithrandirthey are trivially disassembled05:44
tkamppeterI am asking because HPLIP compiles .py files to pyc and therefore the Debian maintainer has moved the .py from /usr/share to /usr/lib with a big patch which breaks on every update.05:47
elkbuntuogra, still around?05:49
superm1Mithrandir, I asked a question above regarding what will happen if a newer version of a package sitting in source NEW was uploaded.  Do you know if it will just nuke the old one?05:49
Hobbseesuperm1: i believe it does05:49
superm1thanks Hobbsee05:49
cjwatsonMithrandir: I didn't think they were platform-specific05:49
Mithrandirsuperm1: both will be accepted (or rejected)05:49
NafalloMithrandir: where is Stavanger located? :-)05:50
Mithrandircjwatson: I think they are.  BICBW.05:50
MithrandirNafallo: south west coast.05:50
NafalloMithrandir: sounds good to travel from if needed be then. thanks.05:50
NafalloMithrandir: if I would have to pass Oslo on my way there you could expect a visit of course ;-)05:51
cjwatsonMithrandir: http://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2003/11/msg00037.html05:51
cjwatsontkamppeter: ^--05:51
=== TomB_ [n=tomb@host86-145-195-250.range86-145.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | TRIBE 3 RELEASED!!!
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@3-91.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | TRIBE 3 RELEASED! \o/
MithrandirHobbsee: you win!05:53
HobbseeMithrandir: :D05:53
=== pitti yays Hobbsee
Nafallowoha! and my laptop is delayed. stupid Dell! ;-)05:53
=== Hobbsee yay's pitti too :)
Nafallocongrats! :-D05:54
tkamppeterThanks, cjwatson, another step to get a more maintainable HPLIP.05:54
MithrandirI wonder why flashplugin-nonfree is Arch: any and not all05:55
ScottKIsn't it just a stub to grab the package from elsewhere?05:55
Mithrandirit is05:55
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stgraberelkbuntu: It's a Toshiba A100 laptop05:59
elkbuntustgraber, this be a compaq presario v2000 series06:00
geserMithrandir: isn't it only i386 and amd64?06:01
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stgraberI've marked tribe-3 as released on the tracker and added empty builds for tribe-3 community testing06:02
Hobbseestgraber: ah, thankyou06:05
Toadstoolyay Hobbsee! well done everybody06:05
HobbseeToadstool: :)06:05
Toadstoolgood morning06:05
Hobbseenow we just get to see how bad the compiz fallout is, and how many people are actually affected by that livefs breakage06:05
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Hobbseehi jono_06:05
Hobbseeer, fs breakage.06:06
Toadstoolyou scared him away :)06:06
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Hobbseeso it seems06:08
superm1Hobbsee, what was the livefs breakage?06:08
Hobbseesuperm1: the stuff for xubuntu, or the fs breakage causing the gdm hang?06:08
superm1causing the gdm hang06:08
Hobbsee * The desktop CD hangs on a lot of systems, especially slower ones06:10
Hobbsee   with little RAM. Sometimes it is just slow, sometimes it will hang06:10
Hobbsee   eternally. If you experience this and waiting a bit longer does06:10
Hobbsee   not help, try to restart the computer and the live CD. If that06:10
Hobbsee   still does not help, please use the alternate CD.06:10
Hobbsee   (https://launchpad.net/bugs/126964)06:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126964 in linux-source-2.6.22 "gutsy livefs causes random hangs or modprobe crashes" [Critical,New] 06:10
Hobbseesuperm1: more detail in the backscroll06:10
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superm1Hobbsee, ah good.  i've seen some random oddities like this myself in a VM.  I06:11
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superm1'll subscribe to this bug and watch for it06:12
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elkbuntuwhere did mvo go to?06:23
sladenelkbuntu: I saw him in person, but that might hav ebeen last night06:23
=== Hobbsee ate mvo
sladenelkbuntu: actually, saw him during the fire alarm 6 hours ago06:24
=== Hobbsee was hungry
elkbuntusladen, tell him i have the logs he desires so much06:24
elkbuntusladen, ha!06:24
Nafallowhy did I read prison instead of person?06:26
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Hobbseemorning calc06:27
dholbachcongratulations pitti and Hobbsee :)06:27
Hobbseethanks dholbach :)06:27
calcHobbsee: good morning06:27
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=== Hobbsee --> bed. night all!
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Keybukkeescook: did you look at the stuff debian have like this?06:38
HobbseeKeybuk: i'm not sure if colin passed it on, but there are various debian-type people who think that an rss feed on patches.u.c/by-release/ would be useful.06:38
jwendellis GNOME 2.19.4 shipped with tribe 3?06:38
Hobbseejwendell: 2.19.5, i think.  check the release notes06:39
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pygidholbach, around?06:39
dholbachI know you replied to that bug06:40
pygidholbach, nah, it's not about that :)06:40
dholbachbut I'm working on other things atm :)06:40
dholbachahhh ok :)06:40
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pygidholbach, ergh, no need to reply since I need to make proper package first ... I made a major mistake by not looking :)06:40
=== Hobbsee throws pygi at seb128 in greeting
dholbachpygi: ok06:40
pygidholbach, soon we'll be able to sync libtapioca-glib from debian :D06:40
dholbachtake your time06:40
dholbachok cool06:40
pygiand fama as well ofcourse :p06:40
seb128hey Hobbsee, congrats on tribe 3 ;)06:42
pygiwell, wont take anymore of your time06:42
=== pygi eats Hobbsee in return
Hobbseeseb128: thankyou :)06:42
Hobbseeseb128: thank pitti too, when he comes back06:43
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Hobbseeelkbuntu: ^06:54
mvohey Hobbsee!06:54
mvofound network again :)06:54
elkbuntuguess what!06:54
Hobbseemvo: woo!06:54
elkbuntumvo, would you believe i am ssh'd into the livecd?06:56
mvoelkbuntu: cool!06:57
mvoelkbuntu: how did you managed?06:57
elkbuntumvo: single user. passwd it a password. apt-get install openssh-server. play ball.06:57
elkbuntuso simple it's ridiculous06:57
elkbuntuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/126971 has the xorg log appended now06:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126971 in compiz "[gutsy]  compiz crashes x or gdm repeatedly" [Undecided,New] 06:58
mvoelkbuntu: clever!06:59
elkbuntumvo, i wish i could claim credit06:59
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elkbuntuand i am going for nicotine. think of anything else you need me to scout off it when i get back, because i am soon to cuddle up to my pillow06:59
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KeybukHobbsee: mmm, RSS07:15
Keybuk(pronounced in the Cambridge fasion)07:15
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HobbseeKeybuk: :)07:15
Riddellinfinity: could you give back kde4pim kde4artwork and kde4addons?07:15
Keybukbut it's not a blog07:16
HobbseeKeybuk: this is true.07:16
Keybukif they want them when they arrive, they can subscribe to ubuntu-patches07:16
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Keybukwhich is the mailing list they're sent to07:16
HobbseeKeybuk: the suggestion was for per-package07:16
Keybukthey get those07:16
Hobbseeso the maintainer could subscribe to the list of patches07:16
Keybukthey can07:16
infinityRiddell: If you ask nicely.07:16
Keybukthat's what the Debian PTS does07:16
Hobbseeapparently the QA thing they hadnt noticed, or something07:16
Riddellinfinity: pretty please07:17
HobbseeKeybuk: sounds like bad communication, rather than lack of infrastructure, then.  thanks07:17
Keybukthose files are the side-effect of the PTS system07:18
Keybukrather than an end-product07:18
KeybukI put them on http because normally we only get them through the ubuntu-patches mailing list07:18
Keybukand I figured URLs were more useful07:18
infinityRiddell: Done.  (Well, doing)07:19
Hobbseefair enough07:19
Keybukif they want a feed of anything in particular, I can add a subscription to the mailer for them07:19
Hobbseewill pass the info back at some point, ,then07:20
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ynezzis there something like build.opensuse.org for ubuntu?08:36
Mithrandirynezz: yes, launchpad.08:38
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ynezzwow, it's nice08:52
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=== calc thinks his network access is starting to work properly again :)
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Nafallodoko: I have a friend asking me where he can find a JIT for the sun-java-5 packages.09:39
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dholbachpitti: I filed bug 127055 - I hope that will make it easier10:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127055 in malone "Filtering on bug assignee A does not work in bug list of bugs related to team B" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12705510:13
pittidholbach: great, thanks10:13
dholbachsuper :)10:13
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pittiogra: can you please add your findings to bug 126964? they were quite invaluable10:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126964 in linux-source-2.6.22 "gutsy livefs causes random hangs or modprobe crashes" [Critical,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12696410:38
pkl_pitti/ogra: a quick summary would be useful, as I'm looking into the bug now...  Was any definitive cause identified?10:41
pittipkl_: last thing I knew from ogra was checking when the unionfs got corrupted files and when not, possibly related to a losetup change in casper; but I don't know details10:41
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dholbachMeyvn: fire away - what questions do you have?10:42
pkl_pitti: ok, I'm having difficulty in reproducing the file corruption, but I have reproduced the system hangs.10:42
mathiazkeescook: upstream svn repository from apparmor has been imported into bzr10:43
Meyvni was wondering how much programming experience you guys generally have before making the plunge10:44
dholbachMeyvn: there are lots of different ways in which to get involved in ubuntu10:44
keescookmathiaz: nice!10:44
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mathiazkeescook: so now I'm in the process of removing all the patches from debian/10:45
dholbachMeyvn: so it's not only packaging/hacking/coding, but other things too: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate lists other ways too10:45
NafalloMeyvn: none at all for me when I got to be a MOTU.10:45
NafalloI think...10:45
Meyvndholbach: i guess i have too little programming experience to participate10:45
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dholbachMeyvn: if you're interested in ubuntu development as in packaging, you'd might be interested in http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Recipes10:45
mathiazkeescook: I've already pushed a new version - https://code.launchpad.net/~mathiaz/apparmor/ubuntu-mathiaz10:45
keescookmathiaz: heh.  be sure to branch from the right place -- we don't want to newer kernel modules :)10:45
keescookdo I need to rebase or something?10:45
mathiazkeescook: I've branched from 510.10:45
Meyvnalthough i am interested in OS development10:46
mathiazkeescook: after that I cp debian/ and ci.10:46
dholbachMeyvn: also join up on the ubuntu-motu-mentors@ mailing list - so you're in touch with people who mentor and people who just start contributing10:46
mathiazkeescook: and than pushed to a new branch.10:46
Meyvndholbach: thanks, I'll do that10:46
dholbachMeyvn: rock and roll10:46
mathiazkeescook: does this sound correct ?10:46
keescookmathiaz: I think so; this is new to me too.  :)10:47
dholbachMeyvn: I'm about to call it a day for today, let me know how it goes, drop me a mail if anything's unclear or you need help with anything10:47
cjwatsonMeyvn: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu, if nobody mentioned it already.10:47
dholbachMeyvn: dholbach at ubuntu dot com10:47
dholbachsee you tomorrow10:47
Meyvndholbach: thanks a lot and goodbye!10:47
pittipkl_: ah, good; can you make any sense of it?10:48
Meyvnsadly my C# knowledge isn't going to help when developping for Linux, heh10:48
mathiazkeescook: so next is to get rid of all the patches in debian/patches/ and apply them inline ?10:48
pittipkl_: I'm a noob in kernel debugging, I could just randomly peck at sysrq+t and such10:48
keescookmathiaz: yes, that's my understanding.10:49
keescookthen it'll be much easier for you to do development work.  :)10:49
mathiazkeescook: ok. I'll work on that and see if I can make this thing done.10:50
mathiazkeescook: and soon we should have apparmor into main too.10:50
pkl_pitti: I know where and what mutex processes are hanging on in Squashfs.  What I don't know yet is why the mutex wasn't release.  I'm working on it now...10:50
pkl_pitti: The other piece of the puzzle is the system is running out of memory, and the SLUB is failing, any sloppy code whic doesn't check for this will fail nastily in random ways.10:53
pkl_pitti: The OOM killer is also being invoked, this may explain the non release of the mutex.10:53
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pkl_pitti: s/SLUB/SLUB allocator/g10:54
cjwatsonMeyvn: mono does exist, but it's true that the majority of packages are in a small number of other languages (C, Python, Perl, C++, shell being probably the most important ones to have a basic grip on depending on what you're doing)10:57
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mathiazkeescook: hum. The version from the bzr tree is different from the orig.tar.gz10:59
Meyvncjwatson: well my C++ isn't that bad :)11:04
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stgraberMeyvn: if you want to work on the core packages (library, kernel, daemon, ...) it'll be mainly C, C++ and a bit of scripting (bash), then for frontends it'll be C, C++, python and some others like perl and C#11:06
cjwatsonmr_pouit: did you notice that you put a copy of GPLv3 in xubuntu-meta, but debian/copyright says GPLv2?11:06
stgraberI have forgotten some, I'm sure of that ... :)11:06
cjwatson(I'm going to put GPLv2 in the other *-meta source packages)11:06
pittiIntuitiveNipple, pkl_: glad to introduce you; IntuitiveNipple was debugging that live CD kernel crash11:10
IntuitiveNippleCall me TJ - thats my name :)11:11
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IntuitiveNipplesaves a lot of typing, too11:11
pkl_TJ: did you discover anything interesting?11:12
IntuitiveNippleAre there any signature errors from the logs that can be ignored? I'm wondering about the clocksource failure in my set of logs - kernel logging timecodes suddenly change dramatically at the same time a TSC error is logged11:12
IntuitiveNipplepkl_: I'm not sure yet, there's quite a few faults in the various logs (I've attached the log bundle to the launchpad bug)11:13
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pkl_TJ: you're getting kernel oopses?  They'll be interesting to have a look at.11:14
IntuitiveNippleI saw plenty of segment faults but so far no Oops reported that I've noticed anyhow... I'm just doing yet another boot on another notebook to see how far it goes... its started X ok this time, and is plodding on... just when I needed it to fail :)11:15
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sorenpitti: Do you have a minute to binary NEW the three ebox modules from earlier today?11:16
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pittisoren: yeah, can do11:18
sorenpitti: \o/11:18
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sorenpitti: I thought when the "resulting binaries" portlet listed them, they had been accepted, but it seems not to be the case.11:19
pittino, still in new11:19
pittithere they go11:20
sorenpitti: Yay. Thanks!11:21
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ScottKpitti: Since soren started it ;-) would you be up for releasing clamav 0.88.7-1ubuntu1~dapper (it's a source backport).11:21
IntuitiveNipplePhillip, can we ignore things like "containing coreutils, pre-dependency problem: coreutils pre-depends on libacl1" and "coreutils is unpacked, but has never been configured" in bootstrap.log as symptoms rather than causes or is it something to investigate?11:22
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pittiScottK: tomorrow preferably, on my archive day; any idea where I get that version from?11:23
ScottKpitti: Tomorrow not problem.  StevenK uploaded it as a source backport earlier this week.11:23
ScottKIt should be sitting there waiting to be accepted.11:24
pittiaah, good11:24
IntuitiveNippleSo weird - its just fully booted tribe-3 now I want it to fail!11:24
pittiIntuitiveNipple: happened a lot to me too :/11:25
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IntuitiveNippleThis is my first time it worked... typical!11:25
IntuitiveNippleWell I guess that rules out worrying about the pre-dependency warnings!11:26
IntuitiveNipplestill got the same suspend-then-resumes-immediately issue too :)11:28
pittiIntuitiveNipple: ^ that sounds like too little swap11:29
IntuitiveNipplesuspend, not hibernate :)11:29
IntuitiveNippleI *think* it is to do with a USB wakeup event when some device powers-off - I built a USb debug kernel earlier but haven't had chance to test it so far11:30
IntuitiveNippleInteresting... don't know if this is significant, but it looks like the successful boots don't have the TSC failed issue I referred to earlier (got another seemingly good boot going now) and the TSC issue is showing up way before the squashfs is touched. might be a lead.11:32
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cjwatsonIntuitiveNipple: those are all expected consequences of bootstrapping11:54
cjwatson(the coreutils stuff)11:55
cjwatsonthe world isn't quite sane when debootstrap is in the process of putting it together, and it has to force some things11:55
IntuitiveNipplecjwatson: thanks, I thought so but best to ask, trying to elliminate as many stray bits as possible11:56
IntuitiveNippleha! caught it failing again and have access to the logs11:56
ajmitchmain is unfrozen again, I presume?11:59
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IntuitiveNippleOK, whilst I have command-line control of a faulting system, is there anything I can look at/for to help us on this tribe-3 random corruption issue?12:00
cjwatsonajmitch: yeah12:01
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cjwatsonajmitch: (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy => if that says "Active Development" then there's no freeze in place)12:02
ajmitchright, that's what I'd hoped :)12:02
ajmitchyour remark about coreutils reminded me that I needed to upload a simple FTBFS fix for it12:02
cjwatsonand this also reminds me that I wanted to sync a new germinate12:04
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