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cjwatson_brendan__: that's what evand's working on for gutsy. It's not possible in feisty.12:12
cjwatson_(sorry if Evan already answered you and I missed due to local network trouble)12:13
cjwatsonbrendan__: (well, obviously anything's possible by editing the source, but it would take a fair bit of work.)12:13
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CIA-19ubiquity: cjwatson * r2162 ubiquity/debian/changelog: should be UNRELEASED01:24
CIA-19ubiquity: cjwatson * r2163 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/partman.py): * Fix crash related to partitions without a method set (LP: #110269).01:31
CIA-19ubiquity: cjwatson * r2164 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/partman.py): revert r2163, wrong approach01:34
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cjwatsonevand: ahh! look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/123364/comments/504:27
cjwatsonevand: evidently something was closing ubiquity's stderr04:27
=== evand 's eyes widen
cjwatsonthe only changes in gksu from feisty to gutsy were translations04:30
evandah, then no04:30
=== cjwatson checks libgksu
cjwatson+  - now uses a less dumb way of relaying child's stdout/stderr,04:31
cjwatson+    thus not requiring so many wakeups (Closes: #425679)04:31
=== cjwatson wonders ...
=== evand resumes the failing VM
cjwatsonI'm wondering if it's something like gksu crashing or otherwise closing stderr if the child doesn't emit anything to stderr within a certain amount of time04:36
cjwatsonthat might explain why it takes a while to crash04:36
cjwatsonevand: if you can reproduce it, my recommendation is to find the gksudo process after launching ubiquity, and run 'strace -f -o gksudo.trace -s 1024 -p <pid>' on it04:45
cjwatsonevand: and then stick gksudo.trace somewhere04:45
evandcjwatson: will do04:46
cjwatsonevand: also dpkg -l libgksu2-0 in the failing VM04:47
cjwatson2.0.5-1ubuntu2 seems to have been an attempt to fix this, maybe04:47
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evand2.0.5-1ubuntu2 is installed and it still occurs.04:52
cjwatsontry reverting to 2.0.5-1ubuntu1?04:52
evandwill do04:52
Elwellhey folks, is it possible to somehow call "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" at install time (pxe/preseed)?04:53
Elwelld-i preseed/late_command string ?04:53
cjwatsond-i preseed/late_command string chroot /target nvidia-glx-config enable04:55
cjwatsonassuming it doesn't need X to be running04:55
cjwatsonyou don't need sudo, you're root at that point04:55
Elwellnah - it's console cmd ta04:55
=== Elwell wonders if he can be bothered to reboot / reinstall to test seeing as the LVM takes 3 mins/par
Elwellto timeout :-(04:56
cjwatsonevand: first reported on the 27th some days after 2.0.5-1ubuntu2 was uploaded, so it's possible04:56
evandwow, it does not like that version one bit05:06
evandoh whoops, it seems like I need to revert some dependencies as well05:07
cjwatsonI'm trying to figure out what mvo's patch was designed to achieve. I think I've found one bug in it that might be relevant but I always need more coffee to deal with code involving waitpid.05:07
superm1evand, i wanted to give you a friendly reminder re merge my branch from a few days ago05:20
evandoh wow, sorry about that05:20
evandthat completely slipped my mind05:20
evandI'll take care of that as soon as I'm done battling gksu05:20
=== superm1 throws an extra sword in the ring on evand's side to give evand the advantage :)
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evandSo reverting to that version of libgksu causes gksudo to die in the background which in turn causes ubiquity to bail out after the first page.  If I run it with strace it complains about needing to be suid root, but /usr/bin/sudo is already suid root.06:17
evandfwiw, http://evalicious.com/ubiquity.trace06:17
evandI should've read the changelog07:35
evandso it's an issue between libgksu2 2.0.3-3ubuntu5 and libgksu2 2.0.5-1ubuntu207:55
evandbut it's definitely in libgksu2 (at least for the bug I'm seeing)07:56
evandI'll continue to poke around and see if I can come up with a patch07:56
superm1evand, what is the issue with gksudo?07:58
evandsuperm1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/12264507:59
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cjwatson_evand: yeah, stracing a set-id program causes it to become non-set-id09:48
cjwatson_evand: you need to trace as root, but then that might cause gksudo to behave differently, so it gets tricky09:48
cjwatsonyou can work around that by temporarily creating a setuid-root copy of strace09:49
cjwatsonthe kernel functionality used to implement strace ("ptrace") is able to modify the program as well as inspecting it, so the ability to ptrace set-id programs as non-root would be an obvious security hole09:53
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