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zul_yay xen has made it into linus git12:33
BenCzul_: just the paravirt bits, right?12:50
BenCbetter than nothing12:52
zul_yep now we get to see how other distros will handle it12:53
BenCand get to let it simmer one release before we take it in gutsy+112:59
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IntuitiveNippleIs there any updated Kernel-Build docs aside from the Kernel-Team Wiki, I'm not having much luck building the git ubuntu-feisty tree according to the instructions for Feisty  - "fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs" reports 'no rule to make target' trying to debug a suspend/resume issue on a fresh install of Feisty ?01:39
BenCIntuitiveNipple: you did checkout the ubuntu-feisty.git from kernel.ubuntu.com, right?01:39
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IntuitiveNippleYes Ben, and Gutsy too, to compare the differing build methods. So far, no joy. Been trying to find the 'binary-debs' target but not found it. Found 'binary' okay though :)01:40
BenCjust run binary then01:41
IntuitiveNippleWhats the difference between them? I kind of assumed it was something significant :)01:41
BenCmore stuff gets built with binary01:42
BenCbetter more than less01:42
IntuitiveNippleok... all I needed to do was enable CONFIG_USB_DEBUG to monitor any stray events during suspend/resume... turned into an 8-hour fight with the build system... strange really, prior to adopting this I was using the 'old make-kpkg' system and apt-get or kernel.org sources with no problems.01:43
BenCIntuitiveNipple: you could just do apt-get install linux-source-2.6.20, then use the tarball in /usr/src with make-kpkg01:45
BenCuse /boot/config-2.6.20-*-generic01:45
IntuitiveNippleyeah, I had been doing that... but I thought it was time to catch up with you guys! I did all the debugging/fixing of the intel hda sound bug that way01:45
crimsunwhich HDA bug?01:46
BenCcrimsun: hey01:47
crimsunBenC: 'lo01:47
IntuitiveNippledma buffer looping/crackling on resume 01:47
crimsunwhich HDA codec?01:47
crimsunno, codec.01:47
crimsunAnalog Devices?  Realtek?  Conexant?  Sigmatel?01:47
BenCcrimsun: could I get you to pass the admin flag on to kyle for ubuntu-audio?01:48
crimsunTheMuso: please see above01:48
crimsunBenC: I made TheMuso the admin of that group and just pinged him01:48
IntuitiveNippleBut, the bug *isn't* in the snd module, its in the kernel itself, but I put a work around in the Fiesty sn-hda-intel code because the kernel bug doesn't affect 2.6.2201:49
crimsunBenC: he'll need to make that change; I'm no longer a member of that team.  The wiki page is easily edited, though.01:49
IntuitiveNippleSee the last few comments to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10011401:49
crimsunIntuitiveNipple: err, that has nothing to do with snd.ko01:50
crimsunthat's all rolled into snd-hda-intel.ko 01:50
IntuitiveNippleI didn't mention snd.ko 01:51
BenCcrimsun: When's your last day out in the public?01:51
crimsunIntuitiveNipple: ok, so you meant something different by "the bug *isn't* in the snd module"01:51
crimsunIntuitiveNipple: I interpret that to mean snd.ko, because you explicitly use the string "snd"01:51
IntuitiveNipple'snd' module as in the snd-hda-intel module I had just mentioned01:52
crimsunBenC: between Sept and Oct; depends on $boss01:52
crimsunIntuitiveNipple: sure01:52
IntuitiveNippleanyhow, it was an issue with the botting of the 2nd CPU/core overwriting random PCI config reg space of the HDA device's TCSEL register, so we check its value on resume and correct it if its bad01:53
TheMusocrimsun: Will do.01:53
BenCcrimsun: you will be missed :)01:53
zulyeah sound is going to suck :)01:53
crimsunIntuitiveNipple: did you send it upstream to alsa-devel@ ?  I haven't seen it.01:53
IntuitiveNipplecrimsum... no, didn't see the point seeing as the issue has gone from 2.6.22 (so far!)01:53
crimsunIntuitiveNipple: ok01:54
TheMusoWhats Kyle's LP name?01:54
zulcrap he is up01:54
crimsunTheMuso: kylem01:54
TheMusocrimsun: Thanks.01:54
kylemno. kyle.01:54
IntuitiveNippleThere's nothing wrong with snd-hda-intel, just the kernel non-boot CPU resume being late, after PCI devices had been resumed01:54
crimsunyeah, for some reason muscle memory defeated me01:54
crimsun(I really did type kyle)01:54
crimsunTheMuso: thanks.01:55
TheMusocrimsun: np01:55
bdmurrayAre MacBook Pros Intel based?02:00
=== TheMuso prods launchpad...
bdmurraycool, thanks02:00
TheMusokylem: Done.02:01
zulargh he doesnt sleep02:26
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Philip5i have a little question about the debian-rules that the linux-source-2.6.22_2.6.22-8.18 in gusty use. i would like to make a custom kernel using the debian rules. i have changed the flavours variable in i386.mk to custom, changed and setup a custom.config in debian/config/i386 and everything seam to build ok but after modules and stuff got built it breaks with a error like no rule to make custom03:56
Philip5looks like it needs to be set some rule or variable for a make file for the custom too03:56
Philip5does this make any sense?03:57
Philip5have i missed to define custom somewhere?03:58
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amitk_lamont: I have now pushed all the changes into gutsy except for ABI since that will be done as part of the kernel release10:57
aboganiWhat is the best place for set schedutils into Recommends field for rt kernel flavour? linux-rt meta-package or linux-image-2.6.22-8-rt ?10:58
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amitk_I will defer that debian-specific question to cjwatson or benc11:00
aboganiamitk_: Could add -rt to gutsy-meta? Or prefer my diff of the debian/control.d/i386? :-)11:10
amitk_abogani: I would prefer if you sent a properly formatted patch to kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com11:11
aboganiamitk_: gutsy-meta.git don't have debian/commit-templates/patch git template. A simple diff is right?11:14
amitk_abogani: simple diff with a sign-off line is good enough11:16
aboganiamitk_: Ok, Thanks.11:16
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aboganiamitk_: How can test rt meta packages building?12:04
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aboganiBenC: If i build rt kernel...01:17
aboganigrep "rt[1-9] " debian/binary-custom.d/rt/vars01:17
aboganitarget="Ingo Molnar's full real time preemption patch ("01:17
aboganidpkg -I ../linux-image-2.6.22-8-rt_2.6.22-8.19_i386.deb | grep "rt[1-9] "01:18
aboganiIngo Molnar's full real time preemption patch (
aboganiI already checked debian/binary-custom.d/rt/diff and it is a true rt4 rt patch for Ubuntu..01:19
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BenCabogani: fakeroot debian/rules clean02:07
BenCabogani: then rebuild02:07
aboganiBenC: I already do this two times... i'm cloning git repo again.02:10
aboganiBenC: Exactly: fakeroot debian/rules clean && make clean && make mrproper && git-checkout -f02:10
BenCthere's your problem02:10
BenCrun "fakeroot debian/rules clean" after git-checkout -f too02:11
BenCthe forced check out overwrites the updated control files02:11
IntuitiveNippleBenC: sorry to be a bother (what you've just suggested may help me too) but the build of Feisty from git has now failed both using the 'new' and 'old' ways and I'm wondering if you'd take a quick look at the short log-file I've just captured from a ' fakeroot make-kpkg...' build and tell me if it is me or something in the git that could be the root of my issues?02:16
IntuitiveNipple( log is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30429/)02:16
BenCIntuitiveNipple: I told you that you could only use the make-kpkg method by installing linux-source-2.6.22 package and building from the tarball, not using our git tree02:18
BenCIntuitiveNipple: if you want to build from a git tree, use stock linux-2.6 tree from linus02:18
BenCotherwise, you'll need to use the the right "fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs flavours=generic"02:19
IntuitiveNippleBenC: Oh, I misunderstood then, sorry, I think the various instructions on the Wiki confused me02:19
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IntuitiveNippleBenC: yeah, that was the one I was trying from a virgin install from Feisty git and getting the unknown target 'binary-debs' report... I think I'll install from scratch and try again :)02:21
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IntuitiveNippleBenC: Thanks... a "git checkout -f", edit of debian/config/i386/config, "debian/rules updateconfigs" and now "fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs" is building - somehow I must have managed to mess up the checked-out version between checkout and build attempt. (I've also built the latest git 1.5.2 from source rather than using the 1.4.x from repo)03:08
BenCIntuitiveNipple: if you ran make mrproper or anything like that, it'll break things most likely03:09
IntuitiveNippleBenC: I must have, although, to my knowledge, the only kernel builds I'd been doing were in a separate install of the linux-source-2.6.20 I was using to build the snd-hda-intel and alsa core modules for debugging another issue03:10
IntuitiveNippleAnyhow... I'm happy now... I can get back to focusing on debugging these suspend/resume issues!03:10
lamontabogani: util-linux 2.13 will deliver schedutils as part of essential... no need to recommend it.03:33
lamontamitk_: thanks.  I'm still dealing with the minor issue that hppa64 kernels don't boot.  If that causes an abi bump when I fix it, we'll just smash it into existance anyway, since it's clear that no one could possibly be running hppa64 and upgrading to the working one.03:37
amitk_lamont: sounds good03:38
aboganilamont: Good, thanks.03:47
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BenClamont: we may want to force a rebuild for lum at least in that case, because the ones built against previous might not load against the new kernel03:52
lamontBenC: if I change the hppa32 config in an abi-bumping manner, I'd want the abi change.  current state of hppa64 is that it's a lie: doesn't boot, so there is no abi to break03:55
BenClamont: but lum would be built against the non-booting kernel, and if the ABI really changed, then those modules wont load against the new kernel that does boot03:56
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lamontoh.  got it.03:56
lamontso rebuild lum, rather than rebuilding the kernel for lum. :)  EPARSE03:57
BenCnot that there's much in lum that hppa would use, unless people are using unionfs/squashfs in some custom way03:58
lamont /build/buildd/linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-2.6.22/debian/build/build-hppa32/media/ov511/ov511.c:269: error: 'VIDEO_PALETTE_GREY' undeclared here (not in a function)04:00
lamontthere's not anything in lum that people will use until we fix it. :-04:00
lamontis lum in git or somesuch somewhere?04:00
amitk_oops... that should be kernel.ubuntu.com04:03
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aboganiBenC: with a fresh Gutsy git cloned repo problem still persist... :-( 04:46
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Philip5hi again guys.... 04:47
Philip5i think i paste my question again and hope someone is alive :)04:47
Philip5 i have a little question about the debian-rules that the linux-source-2.6.22_2.6.22-8.18 in gusty use. i would like to make a custom kernel using the debian rules. i have changed the flavours variable in i386.mk to custom, changed and setup a custom.config in debian/config/i386 and everything seam to build ok but after modules and stuff got built it breaks with a error like no rule to make custom04:48
Philip5looks like it needs to be set some rule or variable for a make file for the custom too04:48
Philip5have i missed to define custom somewhere?04:48
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lamontamitk_: I'm about 60 seconds from committing a works-but-sucks config for hppa64.  taht'd be nice for -8.1909:22
amitk_lamont: i guess it depends on how bad it sucks ;)09:22
lamontI turned off SMP09:23
=== lamont wonders what usage is for splitconfig.pl
amitk_it recreates the config into base and extras for all flavours of a particular arch09:24
lamontso what should I feed it?09:24
amitk_you shouldn't have to. Instead do the following:09:26
lamonthttp://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/config.fullhppa64 is the full .config for hppa64....09:26
=== lamont needs to flee for a couple hours
amitk_cd debian/config/<arch>; for cfg in config.* do;09:26
lamontso if it's quick, I can do it now.09:26
amitk_cat config >> $cfg09:27
amitk_rm config; debian/rules updateconfigs <--- this will split out the configs for you09:27
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lamontmust run.  I'll do that when I'm back online09:29
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bdmurraySo I've tagged a fair number of bugs as kernel-oops10:20
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BenCbdmurray: cool10:53
bdmurraySome are filed against ndiswrapper but those are easily ignored.10:54
BenCfyi, ndiswrapper bugs in gutsy should be against lum-2.6.2210:54
=== bdmurray sighs
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bdmurraybut pre-gutsy they should be against ndiswrapper?10:57
cno1need help patching the linux kernel... im following this guide, and i do not understand part 3... somebody please help! :-X10:58
cno1the guide is here: http://www.pabr.org/sixlinux/sixlinux.en.html10:58
BenCcno1: this isn't a general kernel help channel11:00
BenCcno1: try #kernelnewbies11:00
BenCcno1: feisty on ps3 should work for bluetooth ps3 controllers11:01
BenCsave you a lot of patching11:01
cno1thanx again...11:02
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zulBenC: ping12:02

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