
DaveMorrissuperm1 for the docs, I've made it so you can stick the png/jpg file into the image dir, and it then auto gets generated into an eps file12:36
superm1that will make it easy to update12:36
DaveMorriswas a nice bit of scripting, http://www.pastebin.ca/625376 if you fancy looking12:37
DaveMorrisyeah thats what I though12:37
superm1the amount of content is growing too i saw :)  Grabbed a lot from the mythtv.org12:37
DaveMorrisyeah, also have a ref section12:37
superm1so make sure that you quote them in referenced12:37
superm1okay good12:37
DaveMorriswhen are we releasing version 1?12:37
superm1October or Novemnber12:38
DaveMorrisand are we gonna feature freeze when gutsy does.12:38
superm1i'd like to have the docs ready at the same time as release12:38
superm1of 7.1012:38
DaveMorrisyeah, howeved you'll have to freeze the feature changes so we can get them done, proof read etc12:39
superm1i'd like to feature freeze in August12:39
DaveMorrisI've not been proof reading yet, as it keeps on changing12:39
DaveMorrisend of August?12:39
superm1well August/September12:39
superm1yea either end of Aug or begin of Sept12:39
superm1wow that's quite some magic in that script12:39
DaveMorriswell it's gpl'ed in the bzr tree so feel free to use it etc12:40
DaveMorrishttp://greenacre.no-ip.com/dave/stuff/morris-fullcircle-graphic-cluster07.pdf is the arcticle I'm writing for the fullcircle magazine atm12:41
superm1graphic rendering clusters12:43
superm112800x3600.  that's amazing12:44
DaveMorrisyeah, I max out the network, I want around $40k for a 10 gigbit network, but we have no money left :(12:44
DaveMorrisso I'm stuck with 1gigbit12:45
superm1ha.  stuck at 1gigabit12:45
superm1that's the first time i've heard someone say that12:45
DaveMorrisalso the company sold us the machines saying they had dual gigabit nics12:45
DaveMorrisbullshit, 1 is 100mbit12:45
DaveMorristook me a while to work out why it was slow with the nic's bonded than on there own12:46
superm1did you end up getting them to replace it?12:46
DaveMorrisno, the pointed to the small print saying product may vary sligjtly from the description12:47
superm1that's bogus12:48
DaveMorrisyou notice the pictures in that article shows XP running12:48
DaveMorrisI wasn't ovely fused, its not my money12:48
DaveMorriswhy XP?12:49
DaveMorrisit was hooked up via hardware cables, so was at crap res, but the pic was for something else.  I've just used it as a spacer for where the actual pic will go.  Since its the same hardware12:50
superm1oh i see12:50
DaveMorriswell I best goto bed if I wanna get to work on time.12:51
superm1night DaveMorris12:52
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kapanyone here?10:12
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DaveMorriswhy am I getting mythtv releated bugs on the mythbuntu mailing list?11:00
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tgm4883Not sure DaveMorris, but i'm getting them too (and questions).04:02
DaveMorrisbut I already get them via been part of the mythtv group, I dont need them twice04:03
tgm4883agreed, not needed twice04:10
tgm4883hmm, perhaps because the mailing list is for ubuntu-mythtv, not mythbuntu.  I thought the list wasn't going to get this stuff as it was going to be low volume?04:17
keescooksuperm1: the udev maintainer is at GUADEC this week, so it's likely I won't hear back on the udev patch for v4l until next week.  :P  How did your experimentation turn out?04:19
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felix_join #mythtv-users04:37
superm1keescook, I ran into issues getting the other thing I wanted to test to work up until 2am last night, and consequently didn't get a cd built to test with the patches.  it will have to wait till tonight.04:39
superm1DaveMorris, tgm4883 the contact addresses for the ubuntu-mythtv and mythbuntu group are set to the mailing list, any one can then respond to bugs/questions via email.  There shouldn't be any doubles sent out afaik though.  Should things be switched around?\04:40
tgm4883not sure, i think DaveMorris is getting it twice because he is in mythtv group and mythbuntu group04:41
superm1so am i04:41
tgm4883i only get it once04:41
superm1and i only get things once04:41
tgm4883something on his end i suppose.  Is he registered with 2 emails and one forwards?04:42
lagamaybe he's on CC for some mails04:42
superm1some of the mails were threaded04:42
superm1so perhaps they looked like multiples04:42
DaveMorrismy address on the mythbuntu list is different04:43
DaveMorrisno I have filters set up, and I've got them in ubuntu folder (launchpad sent) and in my mythbuntu folder, sent on the mythbuntu list04:43
superm1well perhaps i'll blow away the mailing list contact addy for 'mythbuntu'04:45
superm1keescook, speaking of the troubles i ran into with the other testing, could you sponsor the new resultant versions i made last night: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6101 (mythbuntu-default-settings) and http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6102 (mythbuntu-live-autostart)05:00
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keescooksuperm1: mythbuntu-default-settings uploaded.  I can't find mythbuntu-live-autostart in the archive, though?05:06
superm1keescook, i wonder if the first version didn't clear binary new yet.  let me double check05:12
superm1woah.  what happened to LP overnight.  the fonts are huge...05:13
superm1yea its sitting in the queue still, if you upload the new version will it just override the old one? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+queue?start=4005:13
keescooknot sure...05:14
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superm1keescook, as said in #ubuntu-devel, its safe to have both versions in the queue.05:50
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keescooksuperm1: okay, cool.06:00
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keescooksuperm1: -live-autostart uploaded.  :)06:09
superm1great thx06:10
keescookalso, base-files uploaded too (now that freeze is over)06:13
superm1ah good.  so these "freezes" are more artificially created than the archive locking things out or putting them in queue then06:14
superm1mkrufky, i wanted to ask you a bit more about your desired CF configuration.  Could you see if the CF reader is automatically mounted in /media?06:27
superm1via gnome-volume-manager06:27
mkrufkyin my method, the CF is not hot-unpluggable06:29
mkrufkyit works like any IDE hard drive06:29
mkrufkythe computer does not know any difference06:29
mkrufkyi think if you try to remove the CF disk, BAD BAD BAD things will happen06:30
mkrufkyi have this very nice CF-to-IDE  adapter, so i mount the CF inside the case, and you do not have access to fiddle with it without opening up the machine06:30
mkrufkyi can show you a pic of this adapter, if you're interested06:30
mkrufky.... only thing to keep in mind ....  you must set the linux configuration to treat the CF as a cdrom ....  do not attempt to write to it -- it should be read-only06:31
mkrufkyotherwise, cf disks can only handle a limited amount or writes.... eventually it would die06:31
mkrufky[silence falls upon the crowd] 06:33
Tariany Flash media has a limited life span06:36
Tariit's governed by the number of times it can be erased06:36
mkrufkyexactly.... thats why i just build the system like a livecd and then "burn" it to CF ... or a usb flash drive06:37
mkrufky(i wrote this a few years ago)06:37
mkrufkysuperm1: did i answer your question sufficiently?06:42
tgm4883mkrufky, i suppose your method would also work with a microdrive?06:51
mkrufkytgm4883: yes.... with a microdrive, then you do not have the limited write limitation06:53
mkrufkyeither microdrive or CF would both show as any standard IDE disk06:53
mkrufkyusing something like this:06:54
mkrufkythe one i use is a bit different -- it allows two cf dists per adapter06:55
tgm4883that would be really nice is a epia06:56
tgm4883in one i mean06:56
mkrufkyyes... actually... i'd love to build a mini-itx box that can do mythfrontend stuff w/ HD output06:58
mkrufkyi'd really like to get this big clunker out of my living room -- taking up all that space06:59
mkrufkydonate it to charity or something,. lol06:59
tgm4883yea, i almost built one, but the HD on it wasn't definite.  All I heard about it was that it "Should" be able to do HD07:04
mkrufkyi havent really done the research yet....  ive read about a mini-itx board with built in HDMI outs .... that sounds nice07:07
tgm4883oh sorry, yea i built a mini itx system.  I was actually looking at building something a little smaller, but the HD wasn't definite.  I was looking at either nano itx or pico itx  http://www.via.com.tw/en/products/mainboards/07:13
tgm4883the problem is the processor, as it's built in and only goes up to a certain speed since its passively cooled07:14
tgm4883couple that with a microdrive, and you have 1 small quiet system07:14
mkrufkya flash drive would be faster....07:15
mkrufky(but read only, i guess)07:15
tgm4883once setup though, would you need to write?07:16
tgm4883actually the nano-itx board they have looks pretty good now, more info07:17
tgm4883wonder how linux compatible it is though07:17
mkrufkya perfect setup should never really need to write07:17
mkrufkywell... ideally07:17
mkrufkywhat i would do .....  is keep the build for the system on a different hard drive somewhere, and maintain two cf disks07:18
mkrufkyone for production ... always works07:18
mkrufkythe other for upgrading07:18
mkrufkythis way, you can upgrade the system without jeopardizing the stable system -- can always go back to it in the event of a regression07:18
mkrufky(also makes the dual cf-adapter that much more handy)07:18
superm1mkrufky, sorry i was out for lunch07:45
superm1i understand a lot better now07:45
mkrufkysuperm1: no prob07:45
superm1that method could be adapted to use the live disk (alpha 3 +) with mythbuntu-live-autostart07:46
mkrufkyprobably ... im not very familiar with mythbuntu-live yet....  but i intend to play with it soon07:47
superm1well you won't see this until the next alpha (next week or two)07:47
superm1i just finished the coding for it and such yesterday07:47
mkrufkyso then i wont try mythbuntu yet :-)07:51
mkrufkyas it is ... my feisty mythfrontend works fine with my fc5 mythbackend server .... so i think its safe to assume that a mythbuntu frontend would work fine as well07:51
superm1now if something is mounted rw, but is only read from - does that still count against the requirement on mounts?07:51
mkrufkyits a bad idea to do that07:51
superm1yes - up until final release at least07:51
mkrufkyjournaling stuff will still write stuff07:52
mkrufkyyou'd have to use vfat or ext2, i guess07:52
mkrufkybetter off to mount read only as read only07:52
superm1well what you will likely do then is two partitions07:52
mkrufkyotherwise you risk shortening the life of the media07:52
superm1one that keeps the "cd image"07:52
mkrufkyand the other for settings07:52
superm1and one for configuration file and ~/.mythtv07:52
mkrufkyin *my* case, i would keep the system on cf, and use a usb key for settings07:53
superm1as long as the second is mounted in /media07:53
superm1that's all that matters07:53
superm1yea a usb key is cheap enough07:53
mkrufkyplus, you wouldnt need more that a few MB for the configuration07:55
mkrufkyyou can probably pick upa 4mb usb dohickey for a few cents, lol07:55
superm1well configuration is < 1k, the ~.mythtv directory is around 9-50 megs depending on the theme you choose07:56
mkrufkyhmm... why store the themes there and not a symlink?08:00
superm1well its cached content08:00
superm1to your resolution08:00
superm1that you use08:00
mkrufkypersonally, i think i'd prefer to let it render every boot, and store it in a ramdisk08:01
superm1well there is an option for that08:06
superm1that i added08:06
superm1because i had a feeling not everyone would want to do it this way08:06
mkrufkyok, good :-)08:08
superm1actually if you really want, you can just inject the configuration into /media/SOMETHING in the cd image if you want then08:09
superm1and do it all read only08:09
mkrufkyyes... but that would mean that if you re-do your backend config and / or network / db stuff, that you'd have to re-spin a new frontend system08:10
superm1well reinject the configuration file08:11
superm1at least08:11
mkrufkythat would also work08:11
superm1i dont think i said above, but mythbuntu first release is going to be 0.21 based08:12
superm1so if 0.21 is pushed back we will be too08:12
superm1but laga is tracking trunk and has packaging to support it08:12
mkrufkyvery cool08:13
superm1laga, you missing a prerm?08:16
superm1laga, that appears to be your trouble08:17
superm1grab the mythweb.prerm from the -fixes branch08:19
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