
osxdude|deskwho me?12:42
ompaulosxdude|desk, no12:44
ompaulosxdude|desk, what are we to do with you?12:44
osxdude|deskIdk, ompaul12:45
=== nixternal_ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ompaulosxdude|desk, at the risk of being really blatant what should we expect of you going forward?12:45
osxdude|deskwhat do you think, ompaul?12:45
nixternal_nalioth: if you get a chance, can you message me my main nick's (nixternal) IP address12:45
osxdude|deskompaul, you should expect...wait...IT WAS  STUPID AWAY SCRIPT12:46
ompaulosxdude|desk, you need to do a little thinking12:46
naliothnixternal_: /msg it?12:47
osxdude|deskYOU should accept that is was only an away script. It was X-chat...12:47
nixternal_nalioth: sure12:47
osxdude|deskx-chat's away thingy12:47
naliothhwo do you message an IP address?12:47
ompaulnalioth, I think I grok what nixternal_ wants12:47
ompaulnixternal_, pm12:47
naliothi've /msg'd nixternal12:47
ompaulall yours12:48
naliothdunno how to get any closer to an IP12:48
ompaulno comment12:48
=== ompaul does his own head in
nixternal_nalioth: hahaha, msg nixternal_12:48
ompaulnixternal_, be nice12:48
ompaulohh dear I am tired12:49
ompaulit is late12:49
naliothnight, ompaul12:49
ompauljust a mo12:49
osxdude|deskompaul, you should expect no away msgs, no spamming, no long names (which nobody cares about), and no caps12:50
nixternalthanks nalioth!12:51
nixternalget out of here imposter nixternal_!12:51
nixternaldamn comcast changed my IP and the silly dyndns broke12:52
ompaulosxdude|desk, you might want to rejoin #ubuntu12:52
naliothosxdude|desk: please keep the Ubuntu CoC in mind, and enjoy #ubuntu12:52
ompaulnalioth, if you have anything running on that box -tab you know what12:53
ompaulyou might want to move it - it is going to go down in a couple of weeks and come up with a fresh install12:53
ompaulbut that is not for a few weeks12:53
ompaulgazzAK and his utf812:54
=== osxdude|desk [n=osxdude@adsl-76-238-90-152.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["I'm]
naliothompaul: just poor old GnewSense12:54
ompaulhe ain't doing much12:54
naliothhe's performing his function very well12:55
ompaulokay well I will talk with you before we take it down12:56
ompaulit will only have to be down for about 10 minutes12:56
ompaulbut I will be messing about for a while getting passwords and stuf12:56
ompaulin order12:56
ompaulall in all it should be back up and running within 20 mins12:57
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jdongnalioth or other staff around to serve a kline to user anculz?03:51
jdonghe spammed all of the ubuntu dev channels with some rectum.whatever.com link03:51
jdongnvm, looks like he magically died03:53
Burgundaviajdong: apparently miniville and antiville are some sort of french viral site04:12
Burgundaviayou have a "city" at it, which grows with each click04:13
jdongBurgundavia: interesting....04:13
jdongBurgundavia: who names their city rectum???04:13
Burgundaviasomebody with serious issues04:13
BurgundaviaI think the anti site is if you want to destroy somebody elses city04:14
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mneptokFE Jayx!05:00
Tm_Pnice, no hot water05:25
Tm_Philarious (=05:26
ubot3In #ubuntu-ohio, vorian said:  !beryl is dead05:26
voriani did not05:26
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=== mortici [n=mortici@c-67-162-48-33.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
morticican i please be tested for the dcc exploit on my router i change the port06:12
morticierr changed06:12
Hobbseeyep, you're fine.06:13
morticican i find more info on this exploit?06:13
Hobbseealso, if you google "netgear irc exploit" you come up with some good links06:14
Hobbseeubot3: ping06:14
Hobbseeubot3: exploit06:14
ubot3There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit06:14
morticiso can i join the normal channels now?06:14
Hobbseeokay then...06:14
Hobbseei'm trying to find your ban still...06:14
morticiawsome thank you :)06:15
Hobbseethis was from ubuntu?06:15
morticino kubuntu06:16
Hobbseemortici: well, that explains why i cant find any part of you on the #ubuntu banlist, doesnt it?  :P06:17
Hobbseeban removed, thanks for your patience :)06:17
morticihahah not a problem :)06:17
morticiglad you took care of me :)06:17
morticinow to fix my sound problem with some assistance06:17
Hobbseegood luck!06:17
morticithank you!06:17
mneptokthe ban remains on your sound card.06:19
=== Hobbsee hugs mneptok
Amaranthoh, bleh06:39
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mneptok+m does nossing?07:44
=== Hobbsee beats mneptok with the invalid stick
Hobbseemneptok: where?07:44
mneptokno need now07:44
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mneptokwhat is +m of this POS network? :D07:44
Hobbseemneptok: is the channel +z?07:45
Hobbseemneptok: and were you still op'd?07:45
mneptok#kubuntu is, aye07:45
mneptoki was opped and could /mode07:45
mneptok./mode #kubuntu +m07:46
mneptokand i watched the flood07:46
mneptok(an unintentional one)07:46
Hobbseemneptok: +z, means that as an op, you will see the flodo anyway07:47
Hobbseeincluding anyone +q'd07:47
Hobbseewhat i saw was this.07:48
Hobbsee[15:43]  *** mneptok sets the channel mode to 'moderated'.07:48
Hobbsee[15:43]  <-- pagan0ne has left this channel.07:48
Hobbsee[15:43]  *** mneptok sets the channel mode to 'unmoderated'.07:48
Hobbseemneptok: but it means that only the people +o can see it07:48
Hobbseeso it does work07:49
Hobbseeif you want to black hole them where absolutely no one is there, use -z07:49
Hobbseewhich usually isnt a good idea07:49
Hobbseeeasier just to deop.  serves the same purpose :P07:50
mneptok-z means +o+v don't see bsocked PRIVMSG to channel?07:50
mneptoknm. i'll play with a test channel :)07:52
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SoulPropagationWhy am I banned from #ubuntu-offtopic? I don't think I've even been in there09:56
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elkbuntui think he might be banned because of a ban on eleaf10:07
elkbuntuwho happens to also have the name of ethan10:07
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Tm_Panyone familiar with joomla and wiki combination?10:23
BurgundaviaTm_P: what sort?10:28
Tm_Twe need to somehow include wiki to joomla10:38
Burgundaviayou want a wiki in joomla?10:39
Tm_Tand I'm not sure what is reasonable method10:39
BurgundaviaI would rather use another wiki like Mediawiki or Moin and theme them the same10:39
Tm_Tproblem is, we like to have same authentication to joomla and to wiki, if possiblr10:40
Tm_Tand being separate means separate logins10:40
Burgundaviayou can use LDAP, although Joomla auth against ldap is a major headache10:41
Burgundaviaapparently Joomla 1.5 is going to be better10:41
Tm_TLDAP, hum10:41
elkbuntuTm_P, there are things like mambowiki which integrates mediawiki iirc10:41
Tm_Telkbuntu: and bundles own (old) mediawiki with it, IIRC10:42
Tm_Tif I didn't totally misread10:42
Burgundavialooks like 1.5.610:42
elkbuntuhttp://sammoffatt.com.au/jauthtools/index.php?title=Main_Page might be useful too10:42
Tm_Telkbuntu: will look, thanks10:43
Burgundaviadon't try the last link elkbuntu used10:43
Burgundaviaor, at least, try it on a test joomla instance first10:43
Tm_Tofcourse we'll having test environment (:10:45
Tm_Twith Joomla 1.5 beta and all ;)10:45
Tm_Tthanks, looks like we might try ldap10:45
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PriceChild*sees the first harry potter spam in debian11:49
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Amaranth_yay bot attack :/12:08
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jribseems like he's having a little trouble12:10
Amaranthlet's not let him get started :)12:11
Amaranththe morons are out in full force12:15
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elkbuntumc44, what the hell is she on about?04:51
mc44elkbuntu: no idea04:51
mc44but grr at people posting spoilers in general. :(04:51
elkbuntui havent even read the last book yet ffs04:52
elkbuntunalioth, harry potter spoiler link in #ubuntu04:52
naliothban them forever!04:53
mc44nalioth: k-line pls04:53
PriceChildWhen's the book out?04:53
mc44PriceChild: 2 days or so04:53
elkbuntuPriceChild, about 36hrs or something04:53
HobbseePriceChild: saturday.04:53
naliothget in line now, so you'll be the FIRST in your neighborhood to get it!!!!!04:55
=== Hobbsee isnt that much of a morning person
naliothHobbsee: stores here open at midnight04:56
naliothno mornings involved04:56
mc44meh, I just want to read it without some git on the internet having the pleasure of spoilering me04:56
Hobbseeahh.  i'ts 9am here04:56
naliothHobbsee: they always open at midnight on release days for much-sought-after-cruft04:56
naliothgive themselves a 9 hour head start04:57
PriceChildpfft Hobbsee you're always on in the morning04:58
=== Hobbsee so doesnt want to go to bed at 5am again tonight
HobbseePriceChild: yes, the part before i've gone to bed.04:59
PriceChildtrue :)04:59
elkbuntunalioth, can you think of any key combo that would conveniently kill a psycho gdm and keep it killed, so as to get to a functional tty to debug :(05:00
naliothelkbuntu: ctrl-alt-f4  > sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:01
elkbuntunalioth, i forgot to mention that ctrl-alt-F# freezes the whole thing right up05:02
naliothelkbuntu: ahhh05:03
naliothyou're [adjectived] 05:03
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naliothi guess ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't work, either?05:03
elkbuntunalioth, it restarts x. not kill it off05:03
mc44elkbuntu: boot into recovery mode maybe?05:04
naliothand it returns in psycho mode, elkbuntu ?05:04
elkbuntuthe current gutsy tribe3 compiz candidate does not agree with VIA graphics cards05:04
naliothmc44: i think she's not wanting to reboot05:04
elkbuntunalioth, it turns into this mode http://geekosophical.net/random/gutsytesting/RMOV0307.ogg05:04
elkbuntumc44, livecd dear05:05
mc44oh hmm. So I shouldn't bother testing the tribe3 cd yet? :)05:05
elkbuntumc44, if you have a VIA Unichrome graphics chip. no05:12
elkbuntuthere's also a possible FS corruption somewhere05:13
elkbuntuthat affects more than just via05:13
Jordan_Uelkbuntu, A little late but sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop if you can get to a failsafe terminal05:14
elkbuntuJordan_U, you cant even get to that05:14
elkbuntuJordan_U, the failsafe terminal.. fails05:15
elkbuntusince it is embedded into the GDM05:15
Hobbseeelkbuntu: what was yoru bug # again?05:15
Jordan_Uelkbuntu, Boot into single user mode?05:15
elkbuntuJordan_U, livecd05:15
Jordan_Uelkbuntu, You can still pass kernel parameters05:15
Hobbseeelkbuntu: thanks05:17
elkbuntuJordan_U, even if i can boot into a failsafe terminal, i still need the gdm to run and die before i can have logs of it dying. but once it's run, i cant switch ttys05:17
Jordan_Uelkbuntu, Install ssh05:17
elkbuntu... oh05:17
elkbuntui get you05:17
elkbuntuHobbsee, do you think that would work?05:18
Hobbseeelkbuntu: if you can ssh in, and do it that way, sure05:18
=== Hobbsee was about to do that for her other machine feisty breakage
elkbuntusomeone feed me boot options for a singleuser05:18
elkbuntubecause this idea is crazy enough it might just work05:19
naliothelkbuntu: do you have 2 computers in the house?05:19
Jordan_Uelkbuntu, Just add the parameter "single"05:20
elkbuntunalioth, yes, but it would involve rebooting this one for the params. google works for those too05:20
elkbuntuJordan_U, ok thanks05:20
naliothelkbuntu: i was gonna suggest you ssh in to the afflicted box05:20
elkbuntunalioth, read up please dear ;)05:20
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ikoniais anyone awake please05:30
PiciI am05:30
Hobbseewe're all asleep05:31
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PriceChildHello ikonia?05:32
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ikoniaPriceChild: not to worry - he left05:33
ikoniaapologies I'm using a temporary client and didn't see your response05:33
ikoniaI'm not used to this interface05:33
PriceChildHobbsee, lol are those OMGsomething bugs?05:33
HobbseePriceChild: which?05:33
HobbseePriceChild: OMGTSIF?05:33
Hobbseewhich bugs?05:33
PriceChildwhat's that one stand for again?05:34
PriceChildoh wait don't :P05:34
PriceChildi remember05:34
Piciomg this thing is frelled?05:34
Hobbseeno, hopefully we dont hit any more of them05:34
PriceChildthe ones elky is having troubles with05:34
Picigj Pici05:34
elkbuntuPriceChild, omg this s*** is f***ed05:34
HobbseePriceChild: meh, standard compiz bug, doesnt seem to effect much HW, not worth delaying the release over05:34
PriceChildcan i quote that as "pah, elkbuntu doesn't matter"?05:35
HobbseePriceChild: if we delayed for that, i'd also want to see this fs breakage fixed too05:35
PiciI was close ;)05:35
Hobbseeas that'll hit more machines05:35
Hobbseeelkbuntu: actually, i'ts omg the sky is falling05:35
elkbuntuHobbsee, 'not much hardware' in this house is 1/3 of the machines then :05:35
elkbuntuHobbsee, i like mine better05:35
Hobbseeelkbuntu: hehe, i meant globally, across ubuntu :P05:35
Hobbseeelkbuntu: hehe, yeah05:35
=== GazzaK [n=Gary@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Hobbsee blames GazzaK
PriceChildelkbuntu, gimme some input on my email on what we should add to the guidelines :P05:36
elkbuntuHobbsee, well im working on what i have a chance of getting an in-road on, but the FS breakage should be dealt with imho05:36
Hobbseeelkbuntu: i know.05:36
PriceChildplease :)05:36
Hobbseeelkbuntu: if we actually *had* a fix for it, that we knew worked, then it'd be a different story05:37
elkbuntusomeone needs to do some hoodoo for ogra05:37
elkbuntuHobbsee, well aware05:37
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elkbuntuHobbsee, if oli can accurately diagnose it, it will be a different story i think05:37
Hobbseeelkbuntu: however, the fact that it doesnt, and is fairly complex, means that we'd effectively skip tribe 3, or have to hold another block fo main freeze, etc05:37
mc44PriceChild: why not "Retaliation is unacceptable" :P05:38
GazzaKwassn't me05:38
Jordan_Uelkbuntu, How is it working out with single user mode ssh and all?05:39
elkbuntuHobbsee, but i ddo agree if there is a list of known dead hardware, it's feasible to have a nice big red 72pt 'YES WE KNOW THESE ARE B0RKED' sign with it05:39
Hobbseeelkbuntu: heh :)05:39
elkbuntuJordan_U, slowly. ssh to a livecd isnt the speediest of shell environments ;)05:39
Hobbseethere's no list, unfortunately.05:39
elkbuntuHobbsee, i didnt say it had to be complete from the beginning05:40
PriceChildmc44, meh that could stop say retaliating against bot attacks by using access to ban for example05:40
elkbuntuand putting the tribe out will very likely assist in diagnosis05:40
Hobbseeelkbuntu: that's what i'm thinking05:40
mc44PriceChild: only if you completely redefine retaliation :P05:42
PriceChildmc44, :)05:42
elkbuntuhmm... what is a command to watch a log real-time? is it tail or is that just a once-off?05:43
Picielkbuntu: tail -f05:43
elkbuntuPici, thanks05:43
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ikoniaguys please keep an eye on zepolen in #ubuntu - he was the one trolling and just being a pain earlier. He left but has come back05:46
elkbuntuHobbsee, what does single user set as the password for the root user, or is there none?05:46
Hobbseeelkbuntu: there is none.05:46
naliothelkbuntu: there is no root user, is there?05:46
ikoniaelkbuntu: it doesn't set one05:46
Hobbseeelkbuntu: actually, it's blank05:47
Hobbseeelkbuntu: which is also a string fo characters, which ogra knows about05:47
elkbuntunalioth, single user boot option mode05:48
=== Jordan_U [n=ubuntu@h-68-164-92-193.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
elkbuntuheh... didnt think to create a user until now05:53
elkbuntuwtf it still wont let me in05:57
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: ssh?05:58
elkbuntuJordan_U, yes. single user root doesnt have an actual password05:58
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: Just to cover all bases you have installed openssh-server?05:59
elkbuntuJordan_U, yes05:59
elkbuntumelissa@centaur:~$ ssh root@
elkbunturoot@'s password:05:59
elkbuntuPermission denied, please try again.05:59
elkbunturoot@'s password:05:59
elkbuntuPermission denied, please try again.05:59
elkbunturoot@'s password:05:59
elkbuntuis kinda the problem05:59
Jordan_Upasswd ?06:00
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: have you set a root password?06:01
ikoniaif its on the network its not in single user mode06:01
elkbuntuikonia, try tell the livecd that06:01
mc44elkbuntu: log in as ubuntu/ubuntu?06:01
ikoniaelkbuntu: boot from your normal grub menu (no cd) interupt it and root "single" after the linx kernel boot line eg: root=/dev/hda1 single06:02
ikoniaelkbuntu: you'll get put into single user on your current system then06:02
elkbuntuikonia, it's not that simple. there is no grub on this system yet. this system only has XP on the hdd. i am trying to install gutsy, but this is not even booting the daily. i am trying to get some form of evaluation of the gdm log to find out why06:03
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: If you want an even crazier Idea you could try enabling persistence :)06:03
ikoniaelkbuntu you could always just boot the livecd and mount the hard disk manually ?06:04
ikoniatake a look at the gdm log06:04
ikoniaONLY has XP on it06:05
elkbuntuikonia, yes, i'm rebuilding the machine.06:05
ikoniaelkbuntu: where are you trying to see the gdm log06:05
ikoniafrom the gusty install cd ?06:05
ikoniaor a previous install ?06:05
elkbuntuikonia, as the livecd boots06:05
ikoniaelkbuntu ahhh got you06:05
ikoniaelkbuntu can you not let it boot and then drop into a terminal ?06:06
elkbuntuikonia, that's the part of the gdm breakage that makes it oh so much fun. no. it locks up06:06
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elkbuntuwhy else would i be trying to see the log via ssh to a livecd. sheesh :06:06
ikoniaelkbuntu ahh I see06:07
ikoniaas you say, not simple06:07
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: I assume safe graphics mode is no help?06:07
mc44elkbuntu: did try ssh with ubuntu as the user?06:07
elkbuntumc44, yes. single user mode has one user. root06:08
mc44elkbuntu: passwd doesn't work?06:08
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: Is there something you could do to get X to fail to start at boot instead of doing single user mode?06:09
ikoniaelkbuntu are you creating the cd your self or using a pre-build iso  ?06:09
elkbuntuJordan_U, no. there's no 'kill x' keycombo06:09
elkbuntuikonia, pre-built gutsy daily build06:09
ikoniarats so you can't even add a user and re-build06:09
elkbuntuZOMG I AM IN06:09
ikoniaelkbuntu: how ?06:10
elkbuntui was doing the password bit wrong06:10
elkbuntusince i always have to read the goddam man page to do passwd right06:10
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: I meant more along the lines of a kernel parameter that would screw something up so that x would crash when it tried to load rather than prevent it from trying06:10
elkbuntusince i do it like once every 6mths06:10
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: I would loan you my card if I could, it's a guarenteed fail, won't even work with VESA :)06:12
elkbuntuJordan_U, well actually, this VIA doesnt like the safe graphics mode either. but that's part of the FS b0rkage that is making this oh so more fun06:12
elkbuntuJordan_U, we have 2 nice complex breakages ;)06:13
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: If you use safe graphics mode will X fail to load?06:14
mc44seems a bit silly to release the tribe then/ *coughs and runs from Hobbsee fast*06:14
Hobbseemc44: there is no good solution06:14
elkbuntuJordan_U, it doesnt get as far as x actually06:14
Hobbseemc44: excluding the one about early testing.  which obviously we cant go back and do06:14
elkbuntu(hint, that bit is not to do with the via)06:14
elkbuntuJordan_U, if you want to see an interesting error: http://geekosophical.net/random/gutsytesting/RIMG0308.JPG06:15
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: Isn't that what you want, it will keep the GDM from loading06:15
elkbuntuJordan_U, it doesnt get as far as a prompt. see the pic06:15
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: I am actually console bound trying to get X to start on the daily :)06:15
mc44Hobbsee: I suppose it depends on what the point of the Tribe cds are in the first place06:16
elkbuntuJordan_U, a functional tty?! WOW!!!!06:16
mc44Hobbsee: if they were perfect we could release now :P06:16
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: Yes, because X never started :) I am trying to cause the same serendipitous failure for you now :)06:17
elkbuntuJordan_U, you literally get trapped in the looping gdm, until you do something that makes the whole damn thing freeze and the only way to a sane shutdown is ctrl-alt-del06:17
PriceChildHobbsee, it was gonna happen eventually06:18
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: out of curiosity does alt+sysrq+ ( whatever key gives you keyboard input ) let you switch to a tty?06:18
Jordan_UCan't confortably google the key right now :)06:19
Jordan_UOk, I think I have it to the point where I can start X, should I run startx to bypass the GDM or try the GDM ( considering I have openssh-server installed and may be able to get some logs ) ?06:20
HobbseePriceChild: so it seems.06:21
elkbuntuanyway. i have logs now :D06:22
mc44Hobbsee: I know who the target it, don't worry :)06:23
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Jordan_UWell that failed miserably06:28
Jordan_USo again, if I am able to get X to start should I try logging in from GDM?06:30
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Jordan_USo again, if I am able to get X to start should I try logging in from GDM?06:31
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: ?06:32
elkbuntuJordan_U, are you able to get the xorg log onto a pastebin at all?06:33
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: If I can get another machine to ssh into this one yes06:33
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: I think that is one of the things upstream can grab also06:34
elkbuntuwhat is the hurdle to that atm?06:34
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: Installing fglrx and convincing my friend to let me borrow his laptop :)06:35
Jordan_USo should I try it? How likely am I to have the same problem with gdm and how importand is getting the logs?06:37
elkbuntuJordan_U, well, if i can see the logs, i can maybe suggest a way to get it at least bootable06:38
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: Trying now...06:38
elkbuntui have a few ATIs myself. im not exactly a newbie to their issues06:39
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: gdm doesn't seem to be doing anything, I ran sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start and so far nothing has happened06:40
elkbuntuJordan_U, get me a copy of the /var/log/Xorg.0.log please06:40
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: OK, I'll try06:40
elkbuntuJordan_U, if you cant manage a ssh gig. try installing apache and cping it to /var/www/ and giving me a url06:42
elkbuntuwtf? pitti nicked off too? :(06:45
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: I think that what I have so far is just going to show you my VESA driver problem06:47
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elkbuntuJordan_U, probably. let me decide06:48
Jordan_UI am saving things to a flash drive so anything you want me to get / try before I reboot?06:48
elkbuntunot at this point06:50
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: X / GDM has started !06:50
elkbuntuJordan_U, how did you do that?!06:50
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: installed ati drivers and started gdm, gnome-session is started also :)06:51
Jordan_UI am going to try to pastebin / connect from X06:51
elkbuntuimagine that06:51
elkbuntui suspect the problem with the vesa was certain modules enabled, btw06:51
Jordan_Uelkbuntu: Just so you know the VESA problem also exists for me in Edgy / Feisty06:52
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Jordan_U_XHi :)06:53
elkbuntuJordan_U, ati cant cope with it's own drivers half the time, let alone those for something else :06:53
elkbuntubrb, need nicotine after the ssh-to-livecd trauma06:54
Jordan_U_Xhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30455/ ( Xorg.0.log.old )06:57
elkbuntuok, i'll look in a bit06:58
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jribheh, their random text managed to hilight me09:41
mc44there was enough of it :)09:42
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