
nealmcbI wonder if it would make sense to split the ldap package/bug mail etc. out to the ubuntu-directory team?12:10
ajmitchsoren: that's ok, I drink from the firehose anyway12:10
ajmitchnealmcb: the ubuntu-directory team is already bug contact for a bunch of these packages12:11
sorenajmitch: :)12:11
ajmitchmaybe in future server team membership could be automatic ubuntu membership12:11
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Innatechso, modprobe won't detect my Intel NICs, presumably because they're the OEM version. Can I force it somehow? Don't see anything in the man page. 12:15
sorenInnatech: The driver doesn't detect them? There's always the /sys/bus/*/driver/*/new_id trick. You could try that and if it works, add the pci id's to the module source.12:20
Innatechhrrm. Is that procedure outlined somewhere? Sounds like roughly what I need to do. 12:21
sorenInnatech: I'm looking for some documentation..12:21
Innatechthanks. 12:21
mathiazsoren: did you try installing using an lvm partition with server cd ?12:22
sorenCan't find it. "lspci -n" to find the PCI ID. Then 'echo dead beef > /sys/blahblahbla/new_id' as root.12:23
sorenmathiaz: No, I didn't make it that far. :)12:23
mathiazsoren: do you know if it was working ?12:23
=== Innatech laughs. Dead beef.
InnatechThanks again. 12:24
sorenmathiaz: Nope. I can try right now?12:24
mathiazsoren: I'm testing the amd64 cds, and I can't get it work.12:24
mathiazsoren: I think it worked once, but I try again and I get stuck.12:25
sorenmathiaz: Up-to-date ones? It was b0rken the day before yesterday, I think.12:25
sorenmathiaz: With a clean hard drive? 12:25
sorenmathiaz: *really* clean?12:25
mathiazsoren: I've removed all the partition with fdisk.12:26
mathiazsoren: but I wonder if the LVM meta data are still there.12:26
sorenmathiaz: The guided installer does stuff the same way every time, so if you've just removed the partitions and it creates them the same way again, it'll find the data still there, completely intact. :)12:26
sorenIt works for me in an..12:27
soreni386 vmware.12:27
mathiazsoren: even if you reinstall ?12:27
mathiazsoren: I'm not doing it in a vmware. I'm testing it on a real machine.12:27
mathiazsoren: with a real cd.12:28
sorenmathiaz: Even if you reinstall.12:28
mathiazsoren: ok. Thanks - I'll look into erasing lvm metadata from the disk.12:29
sorenmathiaz: What you're essentially doing is clearing out the partition table (removing the partitions in fdisk), and putting the exact same data back into it again (from the installer). In effect, you've changed nothing :)12:29
sorenmathiaz: and that is bound to cause confusion.12:30
sorenmathiaz: A quick pvremove /dev/sda5 is likely to fix it.12:30
mathiazsoren: well. I've erased the partition before booting the cd.12:30
sorenmathiaz: Same thing. 12:30
sorenmathiaz: It doesn't matter if you reboot in between clearing the part table and putting the data back into it.12:31
nealmcbajmitch: I was confused by seeing openldap2.3 in the server team package report, and now I see that openldap2.2 and openldap2 are in the ubuntu-directory package report.  should 2.3 be moved?12:31
mathiazsoren: yop. I understand now. It's a know bug 107205.12:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107205 in partman-auto-lvm "LVM install crashed" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10720512:32
sorenmathiaz: Heh, the test case fabio mentions is fun.12:33
sorenmathiaz: It works because the lvm metadata is at the end (IIRC), but that's not touched by the mkfs.ext3.12:33
mathiazsoren: that's exactly what I've been doing while testing the cd images.12:34
sorenmathiaz: Ah, ok. I thought you just retried the lvm one.12:34
InnatechOK, so I'm a little lost dealing with the bus and device representations within /sys . Can I just use /etc/sysconfig/hardware to associate the e1000 module w/ the OEM card based on it's PCI ID? 12:40
sorenInnatech: /etc/sysconfig ? Um...12:41
Innatechoh yeah. 12:41
sorenInnatech: We don't have that in Ubuntu?12:41
Innatechlong day, sorry. 12:41
=== Innatech smacks himself and goes to grab coffee.
sorenInnatech: What's the name of the module.12:42
sorenInnatech: ?12:42
sorenInnatech: Then it's /sys/bus/pci/driver/e1000/new_id 12:42
sorenInnatech: 'echo 1234 fedc | sudo dd of=/sys/bus/pci/driver/e1000/new_id'12:43
sorenInnatech: Put your vendor_id product_id combo instead of 1234 fedc.12:43
Innatechah, easy enough. 12:43
sorenInnatech: Not all drivers support it, but a lot do.12:43
InnatechI'll go see. 12:43
nealmcbsoren: cute way to create a file as root without quoting a sh -c echo  :-)12:52
Innatechwell, I'm not sure if that got me anywhere. I did 'echo 8086 105e | sudo dd of=/sys/bus/pci/driver/e100/new_id' and DD reported the output successfully, but lspci still shows the NICs as unknown intel ethernet devices, and they're not showing up as eth interfaces. 12:59
sorennealmcb: "sudo tee" is also good :)01:01
InnatechI do see directories for 0000:01:00.0 and 0000:01:00.1 -- which are the addresses reported by lspci . 01:01
sorenInnatech: lspci will not change.01:01
sorenInnatech: Check dmesg and output of "ifconfig -a"01:02
sorenAnyhow, it's 1 am here now, and I've got work tomorrow morning.01:02
Innatechsoren: it's alive! Where should I send the flowers & chocolates? ;P 01:03
sorenInnatech: :)01:04
sorenInnatech: You can fix some of my bugs, and we're even. :)01:04
Innatechseriously, thanks much. I would have mucked with that for at least a day or two on my own. 01:04
sorenInnatech: the new_id trick is hopelessly poorly documented.01:04
sorenInnatech: You can fix some of my bugs, and we're even. :)01:05
=== soren goes to bed.
ajmitchnealmcb: only if it'll be useful01:10
ajmitch(wrt openldap2.3 & bug contacts)01:11
leonelare the plans for another  LTS    gutsy +1 ?01:13
ajmitchhopefully, though I don't know if it's been decided yet01:15
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leonellet's see what comes after  gutsy01:21
nealmcbajmitch: offhand, I would think it would be useful to have the same team deal with all the versions of ldap01:49
ajmitchas long as *someone* is01:56
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ScottKGoing back to my earlier discussion, if you set up your DNS record correctly, dkim-filter works!06:30
ScottKAlso sending test messages with an empty body to the test reflectors is problematic.06:30
wintermu1elshw says that my hardware support MII, but mii-tool returns Not Supported error, anyone seen this?07:03
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Burgundaviasoren: you around yet08:21
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sorenBurgundavia: I am now.09:13
Burgundaviasoren: do you have a screenshot of ebox on Ubuntu?09:13
sorenBurgundavia: They're just like the ones on www.ebox-platform.com.09:16
Burgundaviaok, I will steal one then09:16
sorenBurgundavia: There's a guy who's interested in theming it for Ubuntu, but so far, it's just like upstream.09:16
Burgundaviaaside from mentioning it has been packaged, anything else interesting?09:16
Burgundaviasoren: are you able to get me a screenshot with Ubuntu Firefox chrome around it?09:24
sorenBurgundavia: What's this for?09:30
Burgundaviathe Tribe3 release notes09:30
sorenOh. Would you mind if I see it before you submit it anywhere?09:30
Burgundaviait will go on the Tribe3 wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe309:31
sorenBurgundavia: Alright.09:35
Burgundaviasoren: worries about too much publicity?09:35
sorenBurgundavia: Not "worries" per se.09:40
Burgundaviagiven it is pretty raw, i understand09:40
sorenBurgundavia: I would have just preferred something more complete to present to the hungering masses.09:41
Burgundaviawelcome to release notes for alphas09:41
sorenBurgundavia: :)09:41
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madmetal_spyroshey :)12:51
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Kreamhi all 01:55
Kreamwhat's the recommended way to start ntpd at every boot ?01:55
Kream/etc/default/ntp does not have anything like NTPD_ENABLE=yes|no01:56
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infinityKream: It starts on boot by default.02:03
infinityKream: It will exit if the clock is ridiculously skewed, however (so, you might want something like ntpdate fixing the clock before ntpd starts)02:04
Kreamall right. 02:10
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Kreamhow do i set that up ? something like ntpdate -b pool.ntp.org 02:11
Kreamso that /etc/init.d/ntpdate is called before /etc/init.d/ntp 02:18
sorenKream: IIRC, just install the ntpdate package and it should be called automatically before ntp.02:19
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infinityIf it's not run before ntpd starts, that's a bug.02:23
infinityGiven that it's run from if-up.d, it better run first. :)02:24
soreninfinity: Agreed.02:25
eikkeis there any way to force ntpd to use some ntp server, even if it's got stratum 16?02:28
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soreneikke: Sure. /etc/default/ntpdate for ntpdate, /etc/ntp.conf for ntpd02:46
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incorrecti am looking at setting up a firewall03:00
incorrectwhat are the best options these days?03:01
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dendrobatesincorrect: are you looking for a gui to help you?03:14
incorrecti am not sure if i should use keepalived03:14
incorrector if i could do something similar with fwbuilder and heartbeat03:15
dendrobatesincorrect if I am not mistaken, keepalived is used for high availibility.03:16
dendrobatesnetfilter and iptables in the kernel are what allow you to create a host based firewall.03:17
incorrecti know03:17
dendrobateswhat are you trying to do exactly.03:17
incorrectwell i have a network, i want to create a firewall for it,03:19
incorrecti guess i need to learn more about VRRP03:19
dendrobatesSo you have two machines you want to use as firewalls, and you want to use vrrp to allow failover?03:20
incorrectdoesn't have to be vrrp03:21
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incorrectthere is the zebra project too03:21
dendrobatesnow I understand.  I have always done this with appliances, but I have heard good things about vrrpd.03:22
incorrecterr quagga03:22
incorrecti have load blancers so keep alived is not really what i want03:22
dendrobatesyou just want state info transferred between firewalls, so if you lose one, you don't drop sessions, right?03:23
incorrectif you know of a good alliance that would be helpful too03:24
dendrobatesUnfortunately, I have always used firewall appliances for this, but I knew someone who had one cisco pix firewall and used vrrpd to transfer state to a linux box as failover.03:25
dendrobatesbut it looks like it is a abandoned project.03:27
incorrectkeepalived is a good implementation03:29
incorrectwhat appliance do you use?03:29
dendrobatesI have used both nokia switched firewalls and most recently cisco pix and cisco asa.03:31
dendrobatesthe nokia's ran checkpoint.03:31
incorrectwhat would you recommend? 03:32
dendrobatesI liked the nokia's better, but they are very expensive.03:33
incorrecti don't like cisco equipment03:35
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dendrobatesusually I didn't have a choice.  03:42
incorrecti would have to hire a cisco guy to configure it03:47
incorrectfwbuilder might be able to do it for me03:47
=== ScottK has a strong aversion to Cisco Pix SMTP Fixup.
incorrectthey used to say openBSD was about the best things to use for firewalls03:49
incorrecterr thing03:51
lamontScottK: mine is more of a violent reaction than mere aversion04:01
ryanakcaScottK: you were saying you'd like to work with the server team to document setting up the Kolab server?04:01
ScottKryanakca: I was saying I thought kubuntu and server team ought to work together on that.04:02
=== ryanakca nods
=== ScottK will help, but didn't volunteer to do it all.
ryanakcaah, hehe :)04:02
ryanakcahmm... maybe get the doc team to help out?04:02
ScottKThat'd be good.04:03
ryanakcaAny volunteers willing to help out in setting up/documenting a kolab server on feisty? I can write down the steps, except it won't be exactly "documentation" style04:04
ScottKThe idea being that there's a synergy here between cool stuff you can do with a Kubuntu desktop and a kolab server running on ubuntu-server.04:04
=== ryanakca nods... who's with Kubuntu & doc? nixternal... and jjesse?
ScottKnixternal afaik.  Dunno who else.04:07
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=== ryanakca nods
ScottKdendrobates: Do you think this would be something the server team could work on with Kubuntu?04:08
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dendrobatesScottK: impi linux is using kolab, they might already have this.04:10
ScottKWhat or who is impi linux?04:10
=== ryanakca scratches his head
dendrobatesThe only problem I have with kolab is that there is no exchange integration. afaik04:11
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dendrobatesexchange integration is a requirement in many instances.04:11
=== ryanakca whistles
ScottKIn this case it's a Kubuntu desktop with Kolab on Ubuntu Server, so it's cool.04:12
ryanakcaKolab in the repos is 1.9.4... current version is 2.104:12
dendrobatesIt certainly sounds worthwhile.04:12
ScottKI think mainly what might be needed is some advice an assistance for ryanakca when he hits roadblocks.04:12
=== ryanakca nods
ScottKIs kolab universe or main?04:12
=== soren can't spell :(
ScottKCool.  Then let's update it.04:14
=== ScottK being a MOTU we can fix that.
ryanakcaand eGroupware at 1.2.106-2.dfsg-3 needs updating to 1.404:14
ryanakcaScottK: hmm. do you have commit access to the debian svn? (the sources/etc are all maintained on:04:15
ryanakcaWARNING: 'kolabd' is maintained in the 'Svn' version control system at:04:15
ScottKryanakca: No.04:15
=== ScottK figured on grabbing the source package and letting Debian catch up when they catch up.
ryanakcashucks... I do suppose we could just send them our copy?04:16
=== ryanakca nods
ryanakcahow would we deal with .src.rpm in packaging?04:16
ryanakca(they don't offer .tar.gz)04:16
ScottKryanakca: I'll send it to Debian.04:16
=== ScottK will look and see. With luck it's already dealt with in debian/rules.
=== ScottK also notes that there are multiple kolab source packages.
ryanakcamethinks that eGroupware would be an easier solution, but might as well update kolab while we're at it04:18
dendrobatesupstream must have a tar.gz, even if they don'toffer it now.  We should ask.   I can strip off the srpm stuff pretty easily though.04:18
ScottKIsn't egroupware one of the server team targets for Gutsy anyway?04:19
dendrobatesGuys, this is great.  We are actually talking about doing stings in #ubuntu-server.04:19
dendrobatesinstead of the usual - *my apache doesn't work*04:19
ryanakcahaha :)04:20
dendrobates*how do you know it doesn't work*04:20
=== ryanakca twiddles while uscan runs
dendrobates* it just doesn't*04:20
ScottKryanakca: What are you uscanning?04:20
ryanakcaScottK: so, if eGroupware is one of the server team targets, shall we go for it,04:20
ScottKdendrobates: Who was working on egroupware?04:21
=== ScottK has no opinion.
=== ScottK just saw a chance for synergy.
ryanakcaupdate the package, and write the documentation for it, with Kubuntu integration?04:21
dendrobatesI wouldn't want to discourage anyone from grabbing something and running with it.04:21
dendrobatesScottK: I don't think anyone at this time.  04:21
ScottKOK.  I thought that was on the list.04:22
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dendrobatesworst case it brings us up to date with kolab, best case, we have our groupware solution.04:23
dendrobatesI think it is on the list, but there are too few of us.04:23
dendrobateswe can't tackle everything at once.04:23
jtolehey guys, I know this isn't a ubuntu specific question but I have to ask, what are some of the best ways for monitoring server performance / usage of hardware, I mean how do you keep tabs on what percentage of cpu is being used regularly percentage of memory, bandwidth etc, I mean besides logging in and running ps 04:24
dendrobatesMy *only* concern about kolab is lack of exchange support.  I would like to talk to canonical's support guys and see what customers are asking for.04:24
ryanakcadendrobates: so, I'll try out eGroupware... hmm. upstream now includes debian/... which is identical to the debian/ that Debian created for egroupware-1.2.106-2.dfsg04:25
ryanakcadendrobates: ok04:25
ryanakcadendrobates: how would we get in touch with them?04:25
mathiazjtole: you can have a look at cricket04:25
mathiazjtole: http://cricket.sourceforge.net/04:25
dendrobatesI work for Canonical, I can just ask them. 04:26
ryanakcaah, nice :)04:26
dendrobatesmorning mathiaz.04:26
mathiazdendrobates: morning rick.04:26
ryanakcaScottK: *packaging question* If upstream includes a debian/, I have to contact them and ask them to remove it, even though it's identical to the one we created for the last packaged version?04:27
jtolemathiaz, thanks, taking a look now04:27
ScottKUh, what package?04:27
dendrobatesjtole: I second cricket.  It is used by large companies, very sucessfully.04:27
ryanakcaScottK: upstream's egroupware-1.4.001/ contains the debian/ that we created for egroupware-1.2.106-2.dfsg . Can we use it or no?04:28
ScottKYou can04:28
incorrecti can't make up my mind if i should use ubuntu current or LTS04:28
ScottKGenerally it's good to ask to have it removed, but not critical.04:29
incorrectLTS already kinda lags04:29
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=== jtole is still reading over the web page
ScottKryanakca: As long as it's decent (which since we made it, it should be) it's not a huge issue.  The only critical issues is if you have to remove a file from the debian dir.  You have to repack the source to do that.04:30
ryanakcaScottK: ok04:30
jtoleand cricket works on a client server architecture of sorts, I mean like I said, there is a fair number of computers in need of monitoring here and I would kinda like a collective way to view them all from one location04:31
ryanakcahmm.. nope. they modified debian/control to add some dependencies04:34
ScottKThat's fine04:34
ScottKYou can probaby assume they didn't do that randomly.04:35
ScottKJust make sure we have all the depends.04:35
jtoleok, now I am still setting it up and reading about it etc but I have installed cricket via apt-get at the moment and I am not entirely sure how I access the cgi of it unless... ah heck, I will start reading over apache config files04:39
=== ryanakca nods
ryanakcaScottK: ok. I'm confused, mind giving me a bit of advice on if I should use the old debian control, upstream's control, or a mix of the two? (diff, upstream's, old debian, http://pastebin.ca/626244 )04:50
=== ScottK looks
ScottKRemove the php4 stuff.  We don't ship php4 anymore.04:51
ScottKYou will also need to remove apache as we only do apache2 now.04:52
=== ScottK thinks the perl depends should be ${perl:Depends}, but may have been doing to much python packaging recently.
ScottKryanakca: Other than that it looks not insane.04:54
ScottKSo I'd take the upstream one (which has changes for the new version) and do the above to it.04:55
ryanakcathanks :)04:55
dendrobatesI'm back04:57
dendrobatesAt least for a while.  My wife is have her mothers of twins play group at our house today.04:58
dendrobates7 moms + 14 babies = -1 Rick's04:58
ryanakcahaha :)04:59
ScottKAh.  Very quiet here.  15 year old is not awake yet (even though it's 11AM here), 13 year old is at camp, and the 4 year old and her au pair are at the zoo.04:59
=== ryanakca feels young
=== soren too
dendrobatessoren: it'll be soon enough for you.   05:04
sorendendrobates: True.05:04
dendrobatesthey usually follow closely behind a wedding.  Sometimes mere days:  :)05:04
sorendendrobates: They won't be 15 or 13 years old for a while though. :)05:04
dendrobatesunless you adopt.05:05
sorenNah, if they're that old, it's too late to train them to do dishes and shit.05:05
ScottKDream on.05:06
sorenI'm not saying that it'll necessarily work if they're younger. I'm just completely SOL if I don't get them until they're teenagers.05:10
incorrecti am looking at running up some virtual servers,  i've played with vmware, and that is ok,  but is there anything else of interest? 05:10
ScottKdendrobates: What is your srcrpm to orig.tar.gz magic?05:11
=== ryanakca wonders if there's a way to automate comparing the debdiffs for all the files in debian/ to their original, and then deleting the .debdiff if there's no difference
`6ogi'm copying lots of email into an imapd (courier). is 90%cpu usage usaual? the mail client is evolution05:14
ScottKIf you have them unpacked, diff -ruN will get you the same result as the debdiff.05:14
sorenincorrect: Depends. VirtualBox is pretty neat and exists in a GPL version.05:16
sorenincorrect: qemu also works rather well with kqemu.05:17
ryanakcaScottK: I have all the .debdiffs in debian/ along with upstream's original files. And most of the debdiffs are exact copies of upstream. I'm trying to delete all the copies...05:17
sorenincorrect: xen seems to work for a lot of people.05:17
incorrecthow about running 64bit OS's05:17
sorenincorrect: qemu AFAIR still has issues with that.05:17
sorenincorrect: The others should be fine, I think.05:17
sorenincorrect: I've never used Xen, though. I'm not sure about that.05:18
incorrectxen didn't seem to have an amd6405:18
sorenincorrect: "Support for x86/64 is available since Xen 3.0."05:19
sorenincorrect: From the Xen FAQ.05:19
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incorrecti wonder if it just hasnt been packaged05:20
sorenincorrect: E.g. xen-image-xen0-2.6.16-11.2-generic has existed since edgy?05:21
sorenincorrect: (that's an amd64 image)05:21
ScottKryanakca: What arch is your server going to be?05:21
incorrectfair enough05:21
ryanakcaScottK: I think 386... the server itself is 64bit, but I don't have anything to build the updated 64bit packages on05:22
ScottKOK.  05:22
ryanakcaScottK: (other than waiting a couple days to get it built on the Ubuntu buildd)05:22
ScottKI can build you i386 packages for testing the kolad updates.05:23
=== ryanakca nods, please
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=== ryanakca is going to go for eGroupware for the production install (for K-D), since it's also part of Ubuntu Server's goals.
ScottKOK.  Then maybe I'll quit expending effort on Kolab.05:25
eikkesoren: doesnt work05:25
eikkeServer dropped: strata too high05:25
ryanakcaScottK: ok05:25
soreneikke: ntpdate or ntpd?05:26
eikkeI'd like to have continuous updates through ntpd too, though... problem is I can only access one ntp server05:26
eikkeits like this: I got an ntp server on my gateway which does work (afaik), now I want all servers in dmz to sync against that one05:27
eikkenot one-shot at bootup, as some of them tend to drift quite easily :s05:27
ryanakcaScottK: know of any php person that I could ask about commenting out certain parts? example: http://pastebin.ca/62627705:30
soreneikke: Sorry, got to run for a couple of hours.05:31
eikkenp :)05:31
ScottKryanakca: What's the question.05:31
dendrobateseikke: ntpdate is deprecated05:31
ryanakcaScottK: should I leave it commented out, as done by upstream, or uncomment it as done by Debian05:31
ScottKIn general, I'd tend to follow Debian, but I know nothing about php.05:33
ryanakcasame here.05:33
eikkedendrobates: I dont want to use it anyway :)05:33
ScottKThis is probably not a bad place to find someone who knows about PHP and LDAP though.05:33
eikkedendrobates: I just want to force ntpd to get the time out of my gateway, whether it likes its stratum or not05:33
ryanakcaUmm... anybody knoweldgable about PHP & LDAP, should I leave it commented out, as by upstream, or uncomment in, as by Debian? http://pastebin.ca/62627705:34
dendrobates eikke: ntpd -q should behave like ntpdate, and might ignore the stratum stuff.05:35
eikkedendrobates: but then I got to execute that command periodicly?05:35
dendrobatesYes, in a cronjob, which I consider preferable. 05:36
ryanakcaScottK: erm. Does Ubuntu have an AUP/Security Policy for using it's servers/etc that we could copy over, or would we have to write one up?05:40
ryanakcahmm... ask someone on the CC or in #canonical-sysadmins ?05:41
ryanakca(I don't know who knows what, so I'm kindof hopeless when it comes to HR in Ubuntu)05:41
dendrobatesI'm sure there is an AUP for canonical systems, but why would you copy that?05:42
eikkedendrobates: watching tcpdump on my gateway shows activity, but the client log says "no reply, clock not set" after ntpd -q -n -g05:43
dendrobateseikke:  What does your /etc/ntpd.conf look like?05:46
dendrobatessorry ntp.conf05:47
ryanakcadendrobates: *shrugs* to be safe? I've been reading Network Security first-step by Cisco, and the main reason of having an AUP/General Policy is to "Be Safe" in case something ever does happen... mind you, it's only open to Kubuntu Members, so we'll probably never use it.05:47
eikkedendrobates: http://pastebin.com/d3599fa7f05:48
dendrobatesThe AUP would be dictated by the policy of the company/organization that runs the system.05:48
ryanakcadendrobates: but, then, there's always "inheritance" (*searches for the exact term*)... anything done on the server is the SysAdmin's/Companies fault. If the system isn't secure and someone does something 'malicious' using it, it would be the organisation's fault for not properly securing the system, and they would get the blame... at least that's what I understand from that particular chapter. 05:50
ryanakca"downstream liability" is the word I was looking for05:50
dendrobatesThe GPL takes care of liability.  We could include an example of an AUP, though.05:52
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dendrobateseikke: does smoke.dmz.vtk.ugent.be respond to a ntpdate request?05:53
=== ryanakca nods. So, even if the server is publicly used (by Kubuntu Members & certain Ubuntu members), the GPL would take care of all the liability facing the actions of those users?
eikkedendrobates: yes, but when running it in debug mode, it says "Strata too high, dropping server"05:54
dendrobatesIt would be up to whoever runs the server to create an acceptable use policy according to their own policies and regulatory requirements.05:54
=== ryanakca nods. That being me (who runs the server), hence my asking if there was one premade that I could use, or if I should just modify it from http://www.sans.org/resources/policies/Acceptable_Use_Policy.pdf?portal=5669fd686a0004e05c1713bae9687272
dendrobatesAn AUP should exist, but Ubuntu should not provide it. 05:57
ryanakcaIf Ubuntu has one that's "standard" for it's own servers (not the end user's, but Ubuntu itself as an organisation), I should use it.05:58
ryanakca(not in the package, but for the one I'm setting up for kubuntu-devel)05:58
dendrobatesAre you doing this for canonical?05:59
dendrobatesis this official?05:59
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ryanakcadendrobates: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2007-July/001802.html . "Official" no, but I've had good response on the k-devel ML, Hobbsee's for it, and Riddell is for it, and elmo knows about it.06:01
dendrobatesIt's up to you then.  Most network security books have examples, and it is important to present your AUP at login.06:02
=== ryanakca nods.
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munckfishmathiaz: Hello07:42
mathiazmunckfish: hi07:44
munckfishHello, do you have a minute to quickly discuss 07:44
munckfishlp #106244?07:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 106244 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "CONF Variable in /etc/init.d/mysql unused" [Wishlist,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10624407:44
munckfishI won't keep you long cause I need to shut down for the day07:45
mathiazmunckfish: ok. Let me check this bug07:45
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mathiazmunckfish: ok - I see.07:45
munckfishI wasn't sure of the process for accepting offer of mentoring07:46
mathiazmunckfish: you just need to patch the init script to use CONF instead of the hardcoded filename my.cnf07:46
munckfishok, I have a patch that's no problem07:46
munckfishI have applied it to the feisty version and to the current gutsy07:47
mathiazmunckfish: ok. You can attach it to the bug07:47
munckfishwhich do you want gutsy version or both?07:47
munckfishversion number? dch -i just appends ubuntu1 to the end07:47
munckfishthat ok?07:47
mathiazIt won't qualify for an stable release update for feisty07:47
munckfishconsidering such as small change?07:48
mathiazmunckfish: yes07:48
munckfishreally? ok I see07:48
mathiazthat's ok - as it's a new release.07:48
munckfishonce I've done that and if you approve it07:48
munckfishwhat would happen then?07:48
mathiazit'll be published.07:48
munckfishok that's the part of the process that I don't fully understand07:49
mathiazmunckfish: do you have a patch for init or debdiff ?07:49
munckfishI will upload a debdiff07:49
mathiazmunckfish: excellent07:49
mathiazmunckfish: attach the debdiff to the bug, and I'll have a look at it.07:49
munckfishgreat, I'll try to do this just now, but I may not get back to this till Monday, I hope you don't mind. It's time for me to switch off you see :)07:50
mathiazmunckfish: np.07:51
munckfishmathiaz: thx for you time07:51
munckfishmathiaz: I have one problem preventing from uploading my debdiff08:01
munckfishI have modified only debian/{control,changelog,*mysql.init} but for some reason the debdiff is showing some *.po files has having changed08:02
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mathiazmunckfish: did you do a debbuild clean before debdiff ?08:05
munckfishno but it's was freshly patched from dpkg-source -x *.dsc08:06
munckfishI then ran debuild -S08:07
munckfishcd ..; debdiff file1.dsc file2.dsc08:07
ScottKmunckfish: This is common.  Just delete the po file changes from your debdiff before you attach it and all should be fine.08:08
munckfishok will do08:08
munckfishany idea why this occurred?08:09
ScottKNo.  I've seen it before with some packages that have po files, but not all.  Not sure why it happens.08:09
munckfishok I've attached the debdiff, cheers for the help. bfn08:16
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BFTDI get that error, how do I update the packages that are in /var/cache/apt/archives ?09:13
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mralphabettype apt-get09:22
mralphabetBFTD: ^^09:22
mralphabetBFTD: it will give you all of its options09:22
coNP"sudo apt-get update" should do the trick09:22
BFTDthats the command I ran when  I got that error09:30
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BFTDhow can I restart apache2?09:40
BFTD/usr/sbin/apache2 restart?09:41
coNPBFTD: sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart09:41
=== BFTD makes a note of that command
BFTDI'll be using it alot09:42
BFTDI noticed that that error makes no really difference, everything gets downloaded and I can still use apt-get09:42
coNPyou might use reload / force-reload as well09:43
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BFTDanyone know of some memory intensive cli programs?09:49
Nafallomake -j 5000 ? :-)09:50
Nafallofabb_laptop should have some examples ;-)09:50
dendrobates'make -j' without a number will continue forking until it cannot allocate any more memory. 09:51
nealmcbsome of the boinc distributed computing apps?  what are you trying to do?09:52
dendrobatesajmitch: good afternoon.09:52
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Nafalloajmitch: evening :-)09:56
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sorenHeh. My bittorrent client reveals the popularity of the server CD's. It's not all that impressing. :)11:22
mralphabetsoren: you have your client seeding cd's?11:23
sorenmralphabet: Yup.11:23
=== mralphabet used http to download his
sorenmralphabet: Yes, the fraction of server CD users using bittorrent to fetch their CD's is likely different from that of the desktop CD's.11:24
sorenmralphabet: It does reveal an interesting trend, though. :)11:25
=== ScottK generally waits until later in the process to upgrade servers and just dist-upgrades them anyway.
mralphabetsoren: I have a bandwidth limit on my torrents so it was faster to use http11:31
sorenmralphabet: Your ISP detects that it's bittorrent traffic?11:33
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=== ajmitch hasn't started fetching the server cd
soothsayerIs it considered safe to open the NTP port for UDP incoming? ntpd doesn't act as a server that can itself be queried by default right?11:36
mralphabetsoren: no, that's a self limitation so it doesn't flood my pipe11:36
sorenmralphabet: Ah. I've yet to actually saturate my link. :)11:37
sorenmralphabet: 100 Mbit/s is a lot :)11:37
mralphabetsoren: I have ~300k inbound and I limit torrents to 200k inbound, http was giving me ~320k so it was going quick11:37
ajmitchit would be trivial to saturate mine11:37
mralphabetsoren: crimeny11:37
sorenmralphabet: Not at home, though. I have a machine at a co-lo facility for that sort of thing.11:38
mralphabetsoren: still, it's nice to have a colo11:39
sorenmralphabet: Very. 11:39
=== mralphabet needs to work at an ISP again

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