
zulworks fine Linux homer 2.6.22-8-xen #1 SMP Thu Jul 12 17:32:08 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux12:21
lamont/home/lamont/kernel/hppa-ia64/scripts/gcc-version.sh: line 11: hppa-linux-gcc: command not found01:45
lamontRunning splitconfig.pl ... 01:56
lamontdebian/scripts/misc/oldconfig: line 73: /home/lamont/linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22/debian/scripts/misc/splitconfig.pl: Permission denied01:56
lamontupdateconfigs target needs a chmod01:56
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lamonthrm... I'll probably wind up committing something before bed tonight, but I'm nowhere close to finished01:59
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\shbug #127125 12:05
\shfabbione: you don't have hands on a x4500 from sun with full storage?12:13
fabbionei don't get x86* junk here12:19
fabbionesorry :)12:19
\shfabbione: well, my interest is just the storage ;)12:21
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NafalloBenC: seems there are device-ids missing from the ralink drivers. want a bug about them?01:35
Nafallogrep 3c03 * in ubuntu/wireless/rt2x00 should show binary match, right?01:36
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NafalloBenC: never mind me. I checked git, and it's there.01:44
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.22-8.18 | Latest news: -rt and -xen kernels re-added | New Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/
=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by BenC at Mon Jul 16 14:59:07 2007
BenCNafallo: you can't grep for hex strings in a binary02:30
NafalloBenC: yea, I discovered that :-)02:30
NafalloBenC: a user complained a ralink-based usbthingie didn't work in feisty, so I git-cloned and the ids is there. I told him to file a bug.02:31
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jovansis there a kernel bugfix release soon for feisty?05:36
jovansor can i use the current version kernel under gutsy?05:38
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bdmurrayBenC: is there enough info in bug 123669 for you guys to work on it?06:53
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BenCbdmurray: could use full dmesg and lspci -vvn output06:58
BenCbdmurray: narrow down the driver for us, since cable detection is driver dependent06:58
BenC...in some cases06:59
BenCthe fact that he's using hdc instead of scd0 means IDE, and I'd like to find out if switching to libata-pata would help him06:59
bdmurraycool, I would have thought cable detection was generic07:00
BenCthere's generic ATA code, and some drivers have specific cable detection07:00
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