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daniel_someone here ?08:56
Hobbseeyes, this is not the support channel08:56
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daniel_I know it08:56
daniel_But thanks for the answer08:56
daniel_Do you know a good chanel that I can receive some kernel help ??08:57
Hobbsee$#kernel maybe08:57
stgraberwhat kind of kernel help ?08:57
Hobbsee##kernel maybe08:57
daniel_Well...I compiled the version of the kernel on tne ubuntu08:58
daniel_then when i booted on the new kernel by grub I receive a message that the /lib/modules/ was not found08:58
stgraberok, you certainly forgot a "make modules modules_install", but anyway as it's not a bug related to the ubuntu kernel, I'd indeed suggest ##kernel08:59
daniel_no, i didn't forget09:00
daniel_the /lib/modules/
daniel_is here09:00
daniel_the directory exists09:00
daniel_but I suspect that the kernel's booting on the wrong place09:01
stgraberok, perhaps a initrd issue, anyway you'd better as in ##kernel09:01
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daniel_ok, the initrd was created too09:02
daniel_anyway thanks for the help !09:02
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