
xerosis_lontra: it's in ~/.kde/share/apps/ksplash12:25
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=== jjesse [n=jjesse@adsl-76-212-59-85.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
jjesseoh y12:29
DaSkreechI'm going to go out on a limb here and say the KDE has a Fast Shut down Keybind?12:30
stdinDaSkreech: apparently it's: Alt+Ctrl+Shift+PageDown to shotdown without conformation (PageUp for reboot)12:33
DaSkreechHOw the blazes did I hit that by accident trying to press alt+Ctrl+A?12:35
stdinno clue :p tho it may be set different for you12:36
stdinyou could have hit shift while hitting ctrl and s instred of a12:38
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@adsl-76-212-59-85.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
jjessewow lots of bugs being reported on #ubuntu-bugs12:43
jjessewow connection keeps dropping12:54
ScottKWell get busy.  Fix something.12:58
=== scotty [n=scotty@70-41-130-124.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellseele: :)01:06
seeleRiddell: well im glad someone is up to appreciate my humor01:16
seeleits a little out of wack these days.. ALMOST done with my thesis (which is due tomorrow)01:16
seeleand harry potter 7 is out at midnight!  i have to be done before then01:17
seelebecause once i have it, there's no turning back until i finish01:17
Riddellyou're so backwards, it's been out for half an hour :)01:27
Riddellthe supermarket round the corner had said they would be open but they weren't and a huddle of English people were stuck out in the rain, bless01:28
seelei have to wait until midnight.. but all the parties start at 213001:37
seelei cant imagine so many kids staying up that late, but then again, there will probably be just as many adults01:38
=== xerosis__ [n=kieran@cpc2-shep5-0-0-cust722.lei3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ScottKWe're about to leave here to go to dinner and then to on of the parties.01:43
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jjesseso anyone from england done with harry 7?02:39
jdongharry dies!02:40
jjesseits a bummer because according to uPS my copy went out to delivery at 10:30am, but when I got home from work it wasn't there :(02:40
jdongjjesse: ups sucks at that02:41
jdongI had a parcel leave a 6:30AM and arrive at 5PM02:41
jjessethat does suck, i hope it shows up tomorrow then cause i wil lbe pissed if it doesn't02:42
jjessewell not really pissed but at least upset02:42
jdongwell, hope you enjoy it when you get it!02:42
jjesseare you a fan?02:43
=== jdong never got into the potter craze...
jdongthough most of my friends are into it02:43
jdongand most are on a 99.5% media withdraw right now02:43
jjessemy wife and i are as well02:43
jdongah :)02:43
jjessehave the blogs i read i stay away from02:43
jdongslashdot, digg....02:44
jdongespecially digg02:44
jdongpeople are randomly pasting potter pages into comments for articles02:44
jjessei read less and less of slashdot therse days02:44
jdongslashdot.. .arbitrary articles gained like harrydies tags or *dies tags02:44
jjessethat sucks02:45
jjessebrb desert time02:45
jdongyeah, enjoy though02:45
seelejdong: i was never in to it until this past spring when i read the first two books on a very long flight (to and from, not the same flight)02:46
seelejdong: then i got caught up in the fandom.  i liked the movies ok, but not enough to read the books.  after i read the first 6 books i rewatched all the movies :)02:47
=== IanC26 [n=IanC26@2002:cb36:1ca0:4:216:6fff:fe39:ff6e] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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jjessei didn't like the last movie as well as the book03:00
jjesseso much is left out03:00
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@adsl-76-212-59-85.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jjessedoes the 64 bit image only work on AMD chips? or can i run it on my Intel Centrino which is capable of 64 bit?03:15
nixternalyou can run it on your centrino03:18
jjessethen it needs to be relabed03:18
nixternalamd64 is what it is03:19
jjesseit should be 64 bit then03:19
nixternalI had the same argument until someone explained the architectures to me03:19
jjesseif it can run on both intel and amd 64 bit machines03:19
jjesseok explain it to me then03:19
nixternalI can't remember what the Intel 64bit stuff is called off hand03:20
nixternaland I am the wrong person to explain it..something about it being the same 64bit architecture, however the differences come in the chipsets or what not...that is why some Intel chipsets can be a pain with the 64bit discs03:21
jjessehmm interesting03:21
jjessebtw have you used the vpn portion of knetworkmanager at all?03:21
nixternalno I haven't03:21
nixternalI haven't used VPN in a super long time03:22
nixternalprobably the 90s03:22
jjessehmm wondering if i could use it to connect to my coporate cisco vpn03:22
jjesseright now i fire up windows xp vm and then cisco vpn and finally outlook03:22
nixternalwell, you are supposed to be able to do so03:22
nixternalman, this turkey bacon and eggs is not playing nice with my body right now03:23
jjessebtw wife and i will be in chi-town on monday03:24
nixternalfor how long?03:24
jjessei have a meeting from 11:30-1pm on West Washington03:24
nixternalso you are just coming in for the meeting and heading out?03:24
jjesseprobabvlly, might see some of the city if we feel like it03:24
nixternaldo you have to work on wednesday?03:24
nixternalwow, tuesday rather03:25
jjesseyes on tuesday03:25
nixternalI have no clue where wednesday came from03:25
nixternalahh, so you don't want to stick around to late then03:25
nixternalas long as you get out of the city by 4pm, you should be OK03:25
nixternalhrmm, so I take it Ubuntu live starts this week?03:27
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jjessethat's what we are planning on03:27
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jjessethats' disappoint gutsy doesn't detect my wireless card03:42
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DaSkreechHmm I should test that04:11
manchickenI'm gonna do some adept (or possibly some other) bugs this weekend hopefully.  Does anybody have any preferences?04:18
manchickenjjesse: What wireless card do you have?04:19
jjesseintel vsomething04:21
jjessedon't remember off the top of my head, but heading to bed04:21
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DaSkreechnixternal: Cool05:01
seeledoes adept keep a log of changes/updates?05:26
seelesome driver or hardware config file got changed and a device is showing up as ttyUSB0 instead of ttyACM0, but I dont remember what i updated05:26
seele(it screwed up a script i had running :( )05:27
DaSkreechit should05:31
manchickenseele: That'd be a nice feature, but I think it would be necessary for apt to keep it first.  I don't know if it does to be quite honest.06:44
manchickenOoh, I've got a juicy kontact/kmail crash with -dbg packages for a bug report.06:45
DaSkreechmanchicken: I'm sure it does06:46
DaSkreechWell Dpkg I think06:46
DaSkreechI've looked over the history of my last two weeks of installs before06:47
DaSkreechLord knows I don't remember how I did it now :)06:47
manchickenIt wouldn't surprise me.06:52
nixternalOK, who is going to package QScintilla v2 and eric 4? ;p07:19
scottyWhat's a good KDE program with syntax highlighting and the like for basic web development?07:19
scottyI use Kate now.07:21
manchickenkate is an excellent program for that.07:22
scottyEh, okay.07:22
manchickenquanta+ is okay, too, but it's a little less stable and it is essentially the same as kate.07:22
manchickenJust with some more web-centric features.07:22
=== BentJ [n=BentJ@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== Hobbsee waves
=== manchicken waves back.
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manchickenIs the kdesudo package in binary new still?02:27
=== Hobbsee looks
Hobbseemanchicken: i'd say it's not even uploaded yet02:30
manchickenHmm... kiosktool depends on that package, and there's no candidate version yet.02:31
Hobbseeer, taht should be a depend on kdesu, not kdesudo02:33
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Hobbseehiya ScottK04:01
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ScottKHello Hobbsee.04:29
ScottKThat was a network hiccup before, but I'm actually (sort of) awake now.04:29
=== Hobbsee ponders...read the HP series again, or do ubuntu stuff?
ScottKCool - Two solid reasons to avoid studying.04:31
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HobbseeScottK: exactly04:42
mhbHobbsee: read it again? Wow. I would never do that :o)04:49
Hobbseemhb: btw - yes, people do take breaks occasionally04:49
Hobbseeand for people that spend far too much time on ubuntu, yes it's a big deal.04:50
mhbHobbsee: oh sure, do take a break :o)04:50
=== Hobbsee should take a break, yes.
mhbHobbsee: it is just that I seldom read a book twice. It is not that fun knowing what happens.04:51
Hobbseeyou're just crazy, then :)04:52
TheInfinityhmm ... is it ok when the gutsy kubuntu networkmanager does not show the subnet mask // a wrong subnet mask? or with other words - bug known? :)04:55
=== lontra [n=lontra@c-75-72-235-37.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeTheInfinity: check on launchpad04:58
=== Hobbsee doesnt follow knetworkmanager bugs, per se
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
TheInfinityhmm .. and another question ... does anybody run HFS+ volumes here?05:05
TheInfinitybecause i dont know its a mistake from me or a bug05:05
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jjesse_morning, mail showed up w/ new harry potter book, now the fight is on between my wife and i as to who reads it first05:47
nixternalhide it05:48
Hobbseemorning nixternal!05:49
=== Hobbsee is back in book 3 :(
=== nixternal never touched the book, and only watched parts of the moview
Hobbseeyou deprived person.05:51
=== TheInfinity has never read the book or watched the film
jjesse_nixternal: i might be teaching anothe week course in chicago i september if it doesn't get canceled05:52
nixternalnot deprived..just smart...everyone who reads that stuff and watches the movies seem to get addicted to it05:52
TheInfinitytheres better fantasy on the market ;)05:52
Hobbseenixternal: dunno why you're near ubuntu development then05:52
=== nixternal doesn't touch that one with a 10 foot stick
HobbseeTheInfinity: never!05:52
nixternalHobbsee: because I got addicted!05:52
nixternalI fell into your trap05:52
TheInfinityi read the beginning of book one05:53
Hobbseenixternal: :P05:53
Hobbseenixternal: you'll have to follow laserjock's guide one day, probably :P05:53
TheInfinityand it was so full of plates ... bua05:53
nixternalHobbsee: I hope not05:53
mhbit is enjoyable, but not necessarily ultra addictive05:55
mhbjjesse_: I have a bad news for you. The ending is not so good.05:55
nixternalspoiler alert!05:56
mhbno, no spoilers05:56
mhbI wont tell anything, I am not that evil :o)05:56
nixternalmhb: you aren't evil yet! hang around Hobbsee for a little bit more and soon you will be..I was an angel until I met her ;)05:56
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
mhbI just wanted to say I was disappointed by the ending... jjesse_ will find out what I mean when he gets there :o)05:57
jjessemhb: thanks i guess... i have to wiat to get to the ending as we are sharing one copy05:57
mhbjjesse: I will be happy to hear your opinion once you get there :o)05:58
=== Hobbsee will seriously stab anyone with spoilers.
nixternalsee...man that evilness just rubbed off on me...now I am going to go stab something...subliminal05:59
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Hobbseenixternal: it's one of the tricks of the trade of being an FBI agent.06:24
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