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netwalker | hello. excuse the manners, but is here someon may I ask about a "rogue" wifi driver? (iwlwifi on kubuntu 7.04) | 12:17 |
randy | what the heck is GTK+ 2.0 I cant find it anywhere | 12:17 |
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crdlb | !info libgtk2.0-0 | randy | 12:17 |
ubotu | randy: libgtk2.0-0: The GTK+ graphical user interface library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.10.11-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 2481 kB, installed size 5372 kB | 12:17 |
randy | thanks | 12:17 |
randy | damn lib thingies | 12:17 |
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stdin | netwalker: it's best if you just ask the question | 12:19 |
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netwalker | well, I got here a buddy with a quite new toshiba laptop. according to google it uses the iwlwifi driver but we have no clue how to install it. besides, the readme sais it's tested ONLY on Gentoo | 12:22 |
sfire | can anyone direct me to a guide for getting a ATI video card working with kubuntu (I don't need beryl) | 12:23 |
netwalker | (and it crash and burn miserably when trying to patch the kernel source) | 12:23 |
stdin | netwalker: it's already installed | 12:23 |
stdin | (in feisty at least) | 12:23 |
NightBird | stdin: I think for close source drivers you still have to explicitly install them | 12:24 |
stdin | NightBird: it's not close source, it's intel | 12:24 |
netwalker | bingo | 12:24 |
NightBird | stdin: woops | 12:24 |
NightBird | wrong person | 12:24 |
=== NightBird got confused :-\ | ||
NightBird | sfire: install the drivers from adept... | 12:24 |
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vzduch | !ati | sfire | 12:25 |
ubotu | sfire: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:25 |
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sfire | vzduch: thanks :) | 12:26 |
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stdin | netwalker: usually with intel hardware you don't need to do anything, intel make open source drivers | 12:27 |
netwalker | well, I tried installing the driver directly. this is what it says: | 12:27 |
netwalker | Checking kernel compatibility in: | 12:27 |
netwalker | /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/source | 12:27 |
netwalker | 12:27 | |
netwalker | mac80211 headers not found in: | 12:27 |
netwalker | 12:27 | |
Dragnslcr | Ugh | 12:27 |
netwalker | /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/source/include/net/ | 12:27 |
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vzduch | !paste | netwalker | 12:27 |
ubotu | netwalker: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 12:27 |
Dragnslcr | Why do people think pasting a dozen lines is a good idea? | 12:27 |
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netwalker | well, thats the funny thing. I got a laptop just a month older than my friend's. mine works, his is not working. (woops, didn't know about the big texts... -_-U ) | 12:28 |
stdin | netwalker: run this command "modinfo iwlwifi" on your friends computer, if you see some info then it's installed already | 12:29 |
vzduch | netwalker: well, next time read the topic :) | 12:29 |
netwalker | (my fault... too much center clicks, you end up doing it withought thinging) | 12:29 |
netwalker | (sorry) | 12:29 |
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randy | Finally the configure worked! Thank you guys for all your help! >_> Ill try not to ask anymore questions for a few hours | 12:32 |
NightBird | randy: we're in here to help, so don't be afraid to ask questions | 12:33 |
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stoned | randy: lol | 12:34 |
stoned | cute | 12:34 |
randy | Hehe, Ill stick around through and try to help others. | 12:34 |
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netwalker | well thanks! apparently the mod is installed. but it doesn't show up on modconf. odd... I'll try myself from here. Thanks a lot, people! | 12:38 |
LadySerena | is there a ports mechanism in kubuntu? | 12:38 |
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NightBird | LadySerena: do you mean, is there a mechanism to download and install prebuilt software? yes. using Adept | 12:40 |
LadySerena | no, not precompiled | 12:40 |
LadySerena | ports | 12:40 |
NightBird | I believe you can download the source as well | 12:40 |
NightBird | using the same versions as what is in the repo | 12:40 |
LadySerena | I can't find any docs on the Ports Collection in kubuntu. | 12:41 |
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vzduch | LadySerena: Linux != BSD | 12:42 |
LadySerena | I get that. | 12:42 |
LadySerena | but I'd like a way to install from ports, not packages | 12:43 |
NightBird | LadySerena: look into how to download the source code using apt-get | 12:43 |
vzduch | then don't look for ports.. the only thing coming close to the BSD ports system is Gentoo's portage | 12:43 |
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VIkenti | okay x_x 1 moooore question. Pidgin says I need an SSL lib file. Which one do I need? | 12:44 |
VIkenti | I downloaded the libssl.9.8 but that one doesnt work | 12:45 |
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ElofDenOnde | so... which distro do you guys run ? | 12:47 |
VIkenti | ....kubuntu? | 12:48 |
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ElofDenOnde | nice | 12:48 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | ElofDenOnde: Kubuntu and Wolvix | 12:48 |
ElofDenOnde | actually, i kinda was being ironic :-) | 12:49 |
VIkenti | oh haha, i was wondering there | 12:49 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | ElofDenOnde: Don't you mean "sarcastic"? | 12:49 |
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ElofDenOnde | yeah | 12:50 |
blizzzek | "memory footprint" is the same as usage of ram, isn't it? | 12:50 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | blizzzek: I beleive so. | 12:54 |
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blizzzek | WhtWolfTeraDyne: thx | 12:54 |
elite1 | hey how do i change my screen res.? | 12:54 |
elite1 | ? any idea's? | 12:55 |
blizzzek | elite1: what about system settings? | 12:56 |
jhutchins | elite1: You probably need to load a different driver for your video card. | 12:56 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | elite1: K Menu > System Settings > Monitor & Display | 12:56 |
elite1 | no | 12:56 |
jhutchins | !video | elite1 | 12:56 |
ubotu | elite1: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 12:56 |
elite1 | i had it working yesterday it was all fine but today its now 640x480 | 12:56 |
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jhutchins | Nope, that's not it... | 12:56 |
jhutchins | !fixres | elite1 | 12:56 |
elite1 | lol i have ubuntu 6.06 | 12:56 |
ubotu | elite1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:56 |
jhutchins | !ati | elite1 | 12:57 |
ubotu | elite1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:57 |
elite1 | thanks i will try all of these | 12:57 |
jhutchins | elite1: lspci to figure out what chipset it is, google to find what driver xorg needs for it. | 12:57 |
elite1 | i heard of something kardyark or something? | 12:57 |
jhutchins | !xorg | 12:57 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:57 |
elite1 | in terminal | 12:57 |
jhutchins | Right. | 12:57 |
jhutchins | elite1: Sorry, I gotta go, hungry horses. | 12:57 |
jhutchins | Did CS5 get things fixed? | 12:57 |
ryjin | Hey all | 12:57 |
ryjin | I have a bit of a problem running Planeshift, this is the error it gives me in the konsel | 12:58 |
ryjin | ryjin@ryjin-desktop:~$ '/home/ryjin/PlaneShift/psc' | 12:58 |
ryjin | /home/ryjin/PlaneShift/psc: error while loading shared libraries: libCgGL.so: ca nnot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 12:58 |
elite1 | i have a nividia vanta (old old old card) | 12:58 |
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elite1 | but it wont let me go to any res. just only 640x480 im in display settings and the slider wont move | 12:59 |
elite1 | i think i need new drivers or i will switch cards and restart the computer than restart and switch again? | 01:00 |
VIkenti | !display | elite1 | 01:00 |
ubotu | elite1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 01:00 |
elite1 | maybe it will redo the hardware changes and my card will work because it is supported | 01:00 |
Sanne | ryjin: I think libCgGL.so is part of a proprietary library from Nvidia... I have it, and I did install it manually in /usr/local/lib. Let me find you the link, sec. | 01:00 |
ryjin | ok thank you | 01:00 |
elite1 | i dont think its my card thats changing the res. i think i have to restart my pc to reload the drivers | 01:01 |
elite1 | brb | 01:02 |
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elite1 | and its saying NV wich is nivdia as the card name and NV for drivers so it has the right drivers just kinda mssed up when starting the pc | 01:02 |
elite1 | nvidia* | 01:02 |
Sanne | ryjin: here it is: http://developer.nvidia.com/object/cg_toolkit.html | 01:03 |
ryjin | Would work if I have an intel card? | 01:04 |
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Sanne | ryjin: I don't recommend to put those libs to /usr/lib, /usr/bin etc, but to /usr/local/lib, /usr/local/bin, so you keep those hand installed packages separate from the directories that are governed by the package manager. | 01:05 |
Sanne | ryjin: I made notes what I put where, I'lkl pastebin it for you. | 01:06 |
ryjin | ok | 01:06 |
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netwalker | oh, men. ok, the iwlwifi mistery is solved. module loaded, BUT the ath_pci module wasn't loaded. but why? | 01:07 |
Sanne | ryjin: I'm writing some additional instructions for you to make /usr/local/lib accessible for your system. Just a minute. | 01:07 |
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ryjin | Alrighty | 01:08 |
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elite1 | thanks got the screen res back to normal lol. Now it seems to big... | 01:09 |
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chuck | i'm having trouble getting proftpd running on ubuntu 6.10. can anyone suggest an alternative that may be easier to get going? | 01:12 |
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chuck | !nfs | 01:14 |
ubotu | nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 01:14 |
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Sanne | ryjin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30624/ | 01:15 |
ryjin | thank you :) | 01:16 |
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ryjin | i'll be back later | 01:16 |
Sanne | ryjin: ok, good luck :) | 01:16 |
randy | argh, it says to click the "Administrator Mode" button, but there isn't one! | 01:17 |
elite1 | can u have dual graphics cards with 2 diffrent brands? | 01:18 |
elite1 | so that they both share the video ram and frame rates | 01:18 |
elite1 | ? | 01:18 |
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pvandewyngaerde | how do i record desktop ? | 01:19 |
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Daisuke_Ido | huh? | 01:20 |
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xela010 | hola | 01:22 |
xela010 | alguien por ahi? | 01:22 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | !es | 01:22 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:22 |
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elite1 | is there any programs that have a synthesizer for guitar like an effects prossecor? | 01:24 |
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elite1 | to hook up an electric guitar too and add in effects? | 01:24 |
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Sanne | elite1: check in #ubuntustudio and #lad, the linux audio people | 01:25 |
emily | kubuntu isn't automounting any external devices | 01:26 |
emily | anyone know anything about this? | 01:26 |
Sanne | emily: I only ever tried usb sticks, and those work fine for me (on dapper). Not much help... | 01:27 |
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elite1 | Sanne, how to i conntact them | 01:28 |
elite1 | do* | 01:28 |
emily | I'm on feisty and I've got nothing | 01:28 |
emily | I've been on dapper | 01:28 |
Sanne | elite1: you join the channels, they are here on freenode. Type: /join #channelname | 01:28 |
emily | and it works | 01:28 |
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pvandewyngaerde | how do i capture desktop screen video ? | 01:30 |
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elite1 | Sanne, lol i clicked on the link #channelname wondering where every one was? | 01:30 |
Sanne | emily: hmm, so it also works on dapper for you, interesting. You could try to minotor the syslog and see what it does when you connect a device. To do that, open konsole, type (no quotes): 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' , then connect the device and watch what it sais. | 01:31 |
Sanne | elite1: haha | 01:31 |
elite1 | Sanne, thanks there really helpful!! | 01:33 |
Sanne | elite1: you're welcome :) | 01:33 |
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randy | you know youre board when you scroll through the desktops just so you can hear the neat noises | 01:38 |
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sam543643 | is 5600 fps unusually slow for glxgears? | 01:38 |
sam543643 | with an 7600gs | 01:39 |
randy | how do you tell your fps on there? | 01:39 |
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sam543643 | it gets shown in terminal | 01:39 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | randy: You know when you recompile KDE just for fun. | 01:39 |
randy | i have a 7600 gs so ill tell you once i find out lol | 01:39 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | your're bored* | 01:39 |
randy | 10713 is what i get | 01:39 |
randy | XD oh well, were all nerds here | 01:40 |
Sanne | sam543643: 10125.038 FPS on a 7600 GT | 01:40 |
randy | so i guess 5600 is slow | 01:40 |
sam543643 | why is mine so slow? what could be the reason? | 01:40 |
randy | you have the right drivers? got anything else running? | 01:40 |
sam543643 | i have the latest driver | 01:40 |
sam543643 | kwin not compiz, only a couple of programs running | 01:40 |
sam543643 | im using 7.10 | 01:41 |
randy | hmm | 01:41 |
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sam543643 | because it detects my network card | 01:41 |
randy | *shrugs* Im a linux newbie so Im not completly sure | 01:41 |
elite1 | how do i turn on multiunivers and unvierse in adept wich ones do i enable all the debian ones? | 01:41 |
randy | !repositories | 01:42 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 01:42 |
randy | I think | 01:42 |
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Sanne | elite1: and also this: | 01:43 |
Sanne | !repos | elite1 | 01:44 |
elite1 | can i make my own IRC freenode channel? | 01:44 |
ubotu | elite1: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 01:44 |
Sanne | elite1: yes, just type: /join #yourchannel | 01:44 |
elite1 | i know that but wich ones do i enable | 01:44 |
elite1 | ? | 01:45 |
randy | All of mine were enabled when I installed | 01:45 |
Sanne | elite1: I never did it via adept manager, so I don't know. I always do it by editing /etc/apt/sources.list by hand. I hope somebody can help you with the adept way, otherwise we would have to go through the manual editing. | 01:46 |
elite1 | stupid lag its like 5min no one talks and then the screen runs down with a whole bunch of text out of no where | 01:47 |
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randy | hmm | 01:47 |
randy | what kind of connection you got? | 01:47 |
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randy | and whats the lag say down on the bottom right of Konversation? | 01:48 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | Need some help. I've got a PCMCIA TV tuner card that shows up as "02:00.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7134/SAA7135HL Video Broadcast Decoder (rev 01)" | 01:48 |
sam543643 | does 7.10 have any sort of nvidia driver bugs? | 01:48 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | It's a Play TV Mobile. Anyone know what I need to do to get it to work?? | 01:49 |
randy | sam453643 have you ever run automatix? | 01:49 |
sam543643 | randy no why? | 01:49 |
vzduch | sam543643: it's alpha, don't expect everything to work flawlessly | 01:49 |
randy | oh 7. | 01:49 |
randy | 7.10 I dunno never ran it | 01:49 |
sam543643 | 7.04 dosent support my network card yet 6.10 does... | 01:50 |
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sam543643 | is that normal? | 01:50 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | sam543643: I wouldn't think so. | 01:50 |
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sam543643 | im in a dilema atm whether to switch to debian or stick with ubuntu | 01:51 |
elite1_ | ts because my internet is wireless rite so when i re-install kubuntu it fails for security because i did not enable the wireless card on the live | 01:51 |
randy | ewww wireless | 01:51 |
randy | *hisssss* | 01:51 |
elite1_ | lol | 01:52 |
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne uses NDISWrapper | ||
elite1_ | well thats why | 01:52 |
randy | whats NDISWrapper? | 01:52 |
vzduch | !ndiswrapper | 01:52 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 01:52 |
randy | oh xD | 01:52 |
elite1_ | so it doesnt do any updates because im not connected to the internet maybe it would help if i enabled it on the live cd and then installed kubuntu | 01:52 |
vzduch | !info ndiswrapper | 01:53 |
ubotu | Package ndiswrapper does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 01:53 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | randy: It's a kernel module that lets you install the Windows driver for most, if not all, unsupported wireless cards. | 01:53 |
randy | I see | 01:53 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | !info ndiswrapper-utils | 01:53 |
ubotu | Package ndiswrapper-utils does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 01:53 |
randy | I refuse to use wireless so thats not a problem for me ^^ | 01:53 |
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=== randy plays with his cat5e cable | ||
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elite1__ | arg!!! my thing keeps on dis connecting | 01:56 |
randy | hardline it | 01:56 |
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randy | for the longest time i had just a random hole in my wall with cables coming out of it | 01:57 |
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sam543643 | is ubuntu popular because its easy to use, has a large community or because it is technically better? | 02:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | yes yes and no | 02:01 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | sam543643: I find that it's because it's easy to use AND because it has a large community. | 02:01 |
randy | hmm which one IS the most technically advanced? gentoo? | 02:02 |
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xela010 | hola | 02:10 |
xela010 | hay alguien por ahi? | 02:10 |
xela010 | hola | 02:11 |
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PsychoDrake | s pessoal aki :S | 02:21 |
PsychoDrake | XD | 02:21 |
PsychoDrake | ppl tou a precisar de ajuda :P | 02:21 |
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PsychoDrake | tenho um modem icedata500 alguem me sabe diser como o ponho a funcionar no kubuntu 7.04? | 02:22 |
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randy | hmm what language is that? | 02:23 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | randy: not sure... | 02:23 |
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randy | Is it spanish? Im trying a translator but it wont do it | 02:23 |
randy | portreguese i think | 02:24 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | randy: Whois doesn't help. | 02:24 |
randy | Perguntam-se se os trabalhos de modem em kubuntu? | 02:25 |
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randy | Usted se pregunta si el mdem trabaja en el kubuntu? | 02:26 |
randy | either they left or i insulted them somehow lol | 02:27 |
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K`zan | Hi folks, I installed kpilot so I could sync my Z31 into kontact and if I try I get: [x] Cannot load part for Suncronization - Library files for "libmultisynkpart.la" not found in paths [ OK ] . Anyone have an idea on this problem? TMIA! | 02:42 |
=== Pharoh is away: Gone away for now. | ||
K`zan | Also: feisty | 02:43 |
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ice9 | hello friends | 02:47 |
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ice9 | I need help getting 3d acceleration working on my ati radeon 1300, who can step up to such a beastly challenge? | 02:47 |
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ice9 | I need help getting 3d acceleration working on my ati radeon 1300, who can step up to such a beastly challenge? | 02:56 |
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randy | humph, checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths | 02:57 |
ardchoille | randy: What are you compiling? | 02:59 |
randy | KDM Theme Manager | 02:59 |
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=== Gazza [n=gary@user-54410001.l5.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ardchoille | randy: Why are you compiling it when it's in the repos? | 03:00 |
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randy | its in the repos? o_O | 03:01 |
ardchoille | !info kdmtheme | 03:01 |
ubotu | kdmtheme: theme manager for KDM. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 103 kB, installed size 268 kB | 03:01 |
randy | mine didnt find it | 03:01 |
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randy | oh | 03:01 |
randy | it says ints installed already o_O | 03:01 |
ardchoille | randy: Enable universe, then sudo apt-get install kdmtheme then it'll will show up as a module in kcontrol | 03:01 |
ardchoille | kcontrol System Administration -> KDM Theme Manager | 03:02 |
randy | ooooooh | 03:02 |
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ardchoille | randy: I've been using ubuntu for years and haven't had to compile anything. | 03:03 |
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randy | argh its saying none of them are valid, what is the usual extention on the themes? | 03:03 |
ardchoille | I even use one of my 11 machiens to control the lights in my house | 03:03 |
randy | o_o | 03:04 |
ardchoille | randy: usually they are tarballs (.tar.gz) | 03:04 |
randy | oh | 03:04 |
randy | no wonder they wont work | 03:04 |
randy | i extracted them XD | 03:04 |
ardchoille | lol | 03:04 |
randy | so how exactly do they control the lights? | 03:05 |
ardchoille | perls scripts and modules I bought at a comapny | 03:05 |
randy | but what does it do? make them brighten and dim? | 03:05 |
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ice9 | when I try to do add/remove programs it says theres already a program open using root, how can I find out what it is | 03:06 |
ardchoille | and turn them off and on | 03:06 |
randy | do you have adept running? | 03:06 |
ice9 | not that I know of | 03:06 |
randy | and every theme i find on KDE-Look wont work with the Theme Manager | 03:07 |
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ice9 | this is pretty annoying, not being able to add/remove program | 03:09 |
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ice9 | says something else is using the packaging | 03:09 |
ardchoille | randy: You can just unpack kdm themes into /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes, since that's all the theme manager does anyway | 03:09 |
ardchoille | ice9: ps aux | grep apt | 03:10 |
ardchoille | ice9: Look for package managers (aptitude, apt-get, etc) | 03:10 |
ice9 | 6028 0.0 0.0 2884 752 pts/1 R+ 18:10 0:00 grep apt | 03:10 |
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ardchoille | !fixadept | ice9 | 03:11 |
ubotu | ice9: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 03:11 |
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MaTiAz | is it possible to do symbolic links to directories? | 03:12 |
knapp | When I connect to Kopete, I get this message: "You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list." How can I get rid of it? | 03:12 |
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ice9 | oh hey cool! Thanks Ardchoille! | 03:13 |
ardchoille | ice9: You're welcome :) | 03:13 |
ardchoille | MaTiAz: yes | 03:13 |
ses59_ | is there a channel for kppp | 03:14 |
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ardchoille | MaTiAz: man ln | 03:14 |
ses59_ | i have modem installed and now it dials and dials and dials does not connect | 03:15 |
ardchoille | ses59_: Maybe it's a really long phone number | 03:15 |
=== ardchoille hides | ||
ses59_ | 7 numbers | 03:15 |
ses59_ | dials the same number over and over | 03:16 |
MaTiAz | ardchoille: So for example ln -st /home/matiaz /myplace/ would do the job? | 03:16 |
ardchoille | MaTiAz: ln -s /path/to/link/to /path/name/of/link | 03:18 |
MaTiAz | ardchoille: ah, ok, thanks a lot :) | 03:19 |
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ardchoille | You're welcome :) | 03:19 |
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ice9 | So, anybody in here a genius with getting 3d acceleration working with ati radeon x1300? | 03:25 |
ardchoille | !ati | 03:25 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:26 |
ardchoille | Somebody oil the bot! | 03:26 |
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ice9 | Ya I've followed that already :/ | 03:26 |
ardchoille | :( | 03:27 |
ardchoille | ice9: Did you restart xorg? | 03:27 |
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ice9 | yes | 03:27 |
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ice9 | I'm assuming this issue will need a more in depth answer than most guides offer | 03:29 |
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intelikey | well i think i have the basics all worked out, i ssh'd into box2 from box1 switched users and started to come in here then remembered that i hadn't dialed up yet, so i ssh'd into box1 from box2 and dialed up cause it's the one that has the modem then back in box2 i connected this client.... (yes that's confusing) now howto mount an fs on another box ? | 03:29 |
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ardchoille | intelikey: Once you're ssh'd in, it should be as if you were sitting at the box, right? | 03:30 |
intelikey | right | 03:30 |
ardchoille | intelikey: And, yes, that was confusing, lol | 03:30 |
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intelikey | but that's not what i'm asking about. forget ssh. howto mount fs on box1 somewhere on box2 so anything on box2 can access the fs ? | 03:31 |
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ardchoille | Oh, that's a diff matter entirely | 03:32 |
intelikey | ardchoille yes. the other i got.... :) | 03:32 |
K`zan | Hi folks, I installed kpilot so I could sync my Z31 into kontact and if I try I get: [x] Cannot load part for Suncronization - Library files for "libmultisynkpart.la" not found in paths [ OK ] . Anyone have an idea on this problem? Running Feisty. TMIA! | 03:33 |
intelikey | something with "nfs" in it ??? | 03:33 |
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intelikey | ardchoille if you answered i missed it... triped the wrong box and reset me ppp0 | 03:36 |
ardchoille | intelikey: I've never used nfs, can't comment I'm afraid. | 03:36 |
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intelikey | fair enough | 03:37 |
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intelikey | ardchoille any kind of file sharing ? | 03:37 |
ardchoille | intelikey: Perhaps post this question on ubuntuforums.org ? | 03:37 |
ardchoille | intelikey: I don't allow any file sharing, never had a need for it. | 03:37 |
ardchoille | If I did, it would be a simple as scp | 03:38 |
tech404 | Anyone used kuartet desktop? | 03:38 |
intelikey | that would require regestering. and i'm progesting all regestrations... | 03:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | what's kuartet? | 03:38 |
intelikey | ardchoille yeah i can scp and have but i'm trying to "learn a new trick" | 03:38 |
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t43 | hi all | 03:39 |
ardchoille | intelikey: Ah, ok, good luck. Might write up a tut when you get it going :) | 03:39 |
intelikey | progesting/protesting | 03:39 |
tech404 | its an extition of KDE based on Mezzo desktop from symphnoy desktop | 03:39 |
intelikey | might | 03:39 |
t43 | I have a WM5 Smart phone. Kubuntu doesn't seem to recognize it. Any ideas? | 03:39 |
tech404 | extinction * | 03:39 |
intelikey | this is so wierd /exec eject opens the tray on the other box from where i am sitting although this is the box with the modem in it.... </confusion> | 03:40 |
ardchoille | intelikey: Can you just imagine the look on someone's face when you do that? | 03:40 |
ardchoille | "Need a cup holder?" | 03:41 |
intelikey | ardchoille :) you should have see my friend when we first worked this out i did init 6 & exit :) | 03:41 |
ardchoille | hahahahaha | 03:41 |
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intelikey | "this is not windows, why is it restarting?" lol | 03:42 |
ardchoille | lol | 03:42 |
intelikey | eyes like silver dollars 0.0 | 03:43 |
intelikey | then i disabled ssh root access when it rebooted, can't have that happening to many times you know. | 03:44 |
=== Daisuke_Ido kicks unreal tournament | ||
Daisuke_Ido | so many problems :( | 03:44 |
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miles | hey yall | 03:44 |
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intelikey | 4 miles | 03:45 |
=== miles sighs after a boring night in COBOL class | ||
Daisuke_Ido | meh :\ | 03:45 |
miles | can we talk about virtualization? | 03:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | every time i run forward in UT, it looks like i start skipping from place to place | 03:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | sudden little jumps forward | 03:45 |
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne has been playing Star Trek Encounters, and is about to play a card game with his parents | ||
=== miles smirks | ||
WhtWolfTeraDyne | BBL *sets away* | 03:46 |
miles | !xen | 03:46 |
ubotu | XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy | 03:46 |
elite1_ | hey what is your guy's ping ? | 03:46 |
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ardchoille | I believe Xen is being merged into the Linux kernel | 03:47 |
intelikey | -:- CTCP PING reply from intelikey: 0.598 seconds | 03:47 |
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intelikey | elite1_ you mean like that ? | 03:47 |
elite1_ | lol mine is 671ms | 03:47 |
intelikey | well i'm on dialup but not many hops to google i've never checked to freenode | 03:48 |
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elite1_ | yeah or wait | 03:49 |
elite1_ | lag | 03:49 |
elite1_ | in the corner of konversation | 03:49 |
elite1_ | mine goes from 752 down to 1 | 03:49 |
randy | mine stays around 163 | 03:50 |
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intelikey | looks like 7 hops to freenode, this would be a really fast connection if it wasn't dialup | 03:50 |
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NickPresta | Anyone have any experience with kdenlive? I need a simple video editor (cut scenes, add/remove sound) | 03:52 |
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randy | hmm anyone know any good linux games? | 03:54 |
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ardchoille | randy: http://www.happypenguin.org/ | 03:54 |
ardchoille | Have fun | 03:55 |
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randy | thankies | 03:55 |
ardchoille | randy: There are some decent games in the repos | 03:55 |
ardchoille | !info nezuiz | 03:55 |
ubotu | Package nezuiz does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 03:55 |
ardchoille | !info nexuiz | 03:55 |
ubotu | nexuiz: A fast-paced 3D Ego-Shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.3-1 (feisty), package size 593 kB, installed size 1488 kB | 03:55 |
ardchoille | !info openarena | 03:55 |
ubotu | openarena: A fast-paced 3D Ego-Shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-2 (feisty), package size 747 kB, installed size 1652 kB | 03:55 |
ice9 | having some trouble installing java plugin, everytime I try to go apt-get commands, it tries to install itself and wont' let me get past the screen | 03:56 |
elite1 | okay i fixed my internet problem my router (i mean theres) was set at and so was mine so i changed it to 192.168.107 | 03:56 |
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-58-165.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite1 | how can i set konqueror to a homepage so that when i open it up its always on www.google.com | 03:58 |
=== elite1 is now known as elite1_ | ||
=== kuyky [n=kuyky@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ice9 | anybody else experience trouble installing java? | 04:00 |
elite1_ | is KTorren any good? | 04:02 |
=== Noldoaran [n=robb@adsl-69-234-19-85.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MaTiAz | elite1_: It has been banned from some trackers, but other than that it's pretty good | 04:02 |
elite1_ | what? | 04:03 |
elite1_ | trackers? | 04:03 |
elite1_ | so its kinda illegal? | 04:03 |
elite1_ | is everyone not talking im trying to get my internet prob resolved lol | 04:06 |
=== icujc [n=icujc@12-207-101-184.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite1_ | some type something | 04:07 |
randy | some trackers dont like the ktorrent app | 04:07 |
elite1_ | thanks | 04:07 |
=== MarcC [n=marc@c-76-102-223-142.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite1_ | what are trackers? | 04:07 |
MarcC | how do I view the WINE software I've installed? | 04:07 |
randy | go to the /.wine/drive_c/ i think | 04:08 |
elite1_ | there is so many bit torrent downloaders i can name like 10 | 04:08 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: tracker is a server which keeps track of the files and users of course | 04:08 |
randy | azuerues, utorrent, bittornado, bitspirit, abctorrent, bittorrent, not another bit torrent client. | 04:09 |
MaTiAz | helps the programs find each other so they can send data :P | 04:09 |
randy | just to name a few | 04:09 |
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MaTiAz | yeah | 04:09 |
elite1_ | so if i use bittorrent the will know.. | 04:09 |
MarcC | thanks randy | 04:09 |
runlevelten | ktorrent is great. I've never come across any of these supposed problems with it. | 04:09 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: Well yes, the tracker owner will know | 04:10 |
elite1_ | dont for get BITLORD lol | 04:10 |
randy | i havent had a problem yet either | 04:10 |
elite1_ | not just for bit torrents | 04:10 |
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MaTiAz | I need to replace my utorrent with 1.6.1, every newer version sends info to copyright organizations | 04:10 |
elite1_ | opps i gues i shouldnt use it then... | 04:10 |
=== n8k99 [n=nathan@dsl254-078-190.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MaTiAz | Stupid BitTorrent corporation | 04:10 |
randy | thats not good lol | 04:11 |
MaTiAz | Yeah | 04:11 |
runlevelten | Oh, you guys are using it for taht stuff. OK then \o/ | 04:11 |
elite1_ | lol | 04:11 |
elite1_ | they go so slow thou | 04:11 |
elite1_ | i dont see why ppl dont just use megaupload and sendspace? | 04:11 |
randy | depends on what ports you use | 04:11 |
randy | i hate megaupload | 04:11 |
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=== Disabled [n=freelan@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MaTiAz | runlevelten: No, it sends data regardless of what you download, be it linux distros or software you don't own :P | 04:12 |
ice9 | so um after I edited xorg.conf in console, how do I save it? | 04:12 |
elite1_ | i was downloading ra2 and wow 650mb took like 3hours | 04:12 |
Disabled | hello | 04:12 |
Disabled | is there My computer icon in kubuntu ? | 04:12 |
runlevelten | I thought utorrent only ran on legacy OSes anyway? | 04:12 |
MaTiAz | ice9: If you used nano, press ctrl+o | 04:12 |
runlevelten | Is there a kubuntu version now? | 04:12 |
elite1_ | System menu? | 04:12 |
MaTiAz | runlevelten: It runs fine vie Wine :) | 04:12 |
runlevelten | ew. | 04:12 |
MaTiAz | *via | 04:12 |
runlevelten | That sucks. | 04:12 |
ice9 | MaTiAz I use vim | 04:12 |
MarcC | Disabled: there is a system menu...it's similar | 04:12 |
MaTiAz | ice9: Oh, I dunno then, sorry | 04:13 |
MaTiAz | runlevelten: Well yeah a bit. | 04:13 |
elite1_ | its funny removeable devices look like Ipod's | 04:13 |
runlevelten | elite1_: the bandwidth required to do things via central servers is atronomical - that's the whole point of distributing your software via bittorrent | 04:13 |
fyrmedic | How do I check to see if my USB port is getting a signal from a device that is connected to it? | 04:13 |
Disabled | MarcC can i put system menu on desktop? | 04:13 |
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Disabled | do you understand that i mean | 04:14 |
=== waylandbill_ [n=waylandb@70-101-124-72.dsl1-field.roc.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MaTiAz | Too bad that unreal tournament doesn't run well on wine, at least on my computer | 04:14 |
runlevelten | people share the load amongst themselves, contributing back to the project instead of sucking money out of it. | 04:14 |
MarcC | Disabled: probably...I'm not sure how though | 04:14 |
MaTiAz | I get under 1 fps when running it on Wine, and I cant get the native linux binaries installed :( | 04:14 |
elite1_ | runlevelten, so am i acutally downloading from someones personal server or do they upload there stuff to eg. piratebay.org? | 04:14 |
Disabled | MarcC ok thanks | 04:14 |
MarcC | Disabled: I would just put a shortcut to Konqueror on your desktop | 04:15 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: No, you're downloading from a lot of people, one bit at a time | 04:15 |
elite1_ | ic | 04:15 |
MarcC | Disabled: right-click -> create new -> link to device works too | 04:15 |
MaTiAz | That's why distributing big files via bittorrent is great | 04:15 |
MaTiAz | It shares the load | 04:15 |
runlevelten | elite1_: It's a scatter-gather network. Your connection/resources are shared with everyone else's to create what's effectively a giant distributed server | 04:15 |
runlevelten | if you see what I mean | 04:15 |
elite1_ | so if all of there computers are shut off i can no longer upload the the bits? | 04:15 |
randy | i dont contribute alot :( my upload rate is HORRID | 04:15 |
NickPresta | Disabled, I created a Konqueror Shortcut. Super + K opens Konqueror in the $HOME directory | 04:15 |
elite1_ | i know | 04:16 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: or download | 04:16 |
runlevelten | Every copy is gradually updated. Nothing is uploaded to a tracker like tpb. | 04:16 |
elite1_ | okay ic | 04:16 |
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elite1_ | but it starts out with only 1person showing there download and then other people download it and it goes on forever? | 04:16 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: yeah | 04:16 |
fyrmedic | How do I figure out what /dev my gps is on if it is conn. via USB | 04:16 |
runlevelten | apart from the info that you need to join the torrent, obviously :) | 04:16 |
elite1_ | yeah' | 04:17 |
runlevelten | elite1_: in effect | 04:17 |
MaTiAz | meh, downloading nexuiz makes my SSH lag | 04:17 |
MaTiAz | Oh well, I can cope with it :P | 04:17 |
randy | xD | 04:17 |
randy | im downloading quake on bit torrent and nexuiz in adept | 04:17 |
=== K-Ryan [n=ryan@ool-18be7689.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MaTiAz | Besides, I'm halfway through \:D/ | 04:17 |
randy | getting a decent rate on both too | 04:17 |
runlevelten | tremulous > nexuiz*100 | 04:17 |
MaTiAz | ah, quake is classic | 04:17 |
NickPresta | Tremulous is awesome | 04:18 |
MaTiAz | It's great on PSP too | 04:18 |
elite1_ | but how to you publish that you have say a game.iso and want a torrent to download to your pc? do u use a open network or a program or a server (personal one?) | 04:18 |
elite1_ | ps1 emu on psp 3.03oe-c is sweet lol | 04:18 |
elite1_ | runlevelten, but how to you publish that you have say a game.iso and want a torrent to download to your pc? do u use a open network or a program or a server (personal one?) | 04:18 |
=== sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-61-68-174-184.bur.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
runlevelten | elite1_: Well normally if you release a game you provide a link to the torrent file on its download page. | 04:19 |
elite1_ | or you tell a torrent site and they link you from the torrent program to your pc | 04:19 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: Either way | 04:19 |
MaTiAz | You upload it on your own site, or a public tracker, or a private one | 04:19 |
elite1_ | okay ic and they generate a URL?/torrent file | 04:19 |
elite1_ | forsome one to save and download | 04:20 |
MaTiAz | yeah | 04:20 |
elite1_ | okay | 04:20 |
randy | all this stuff is making my brain hurt >_< | 04:20 |
MaTiAz | the torrent file contains the info hash of the file and the tracker address | 04:20 |
runlevelten | elite1_: if you've made a game you're releasing, you should have a web page for it - there are plenty of free services to do that. | 04:20 |
MaTiAz | randy: heh, why? | 04:20 |
randy | Its late and Im sleept :) | 04:20 |
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MaTiAz | randy: Heh, 5:21 am here | 04:21 |
randy | what time zone? | 04:21 |
K-Ryan | 10:21pm here | 04:21 |
K-Ryan | EST | 04:21 |
MaTiAz | Skipping sleeping tonight, maybe my sleeping rhythm gets back to normal before I go back to school :) | 04:21 |
randy | lol | 04:21 |
randy | oooo a show on mui thai! | 04:22 |
=== AmyRose [n=djb@unaffiliated/amyrose] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite1_ | i thought maybe ppl would upload there stuff to say pirate bay and then your download the torrent of pirate bay like on there servers | 04:22 |
elite1_ | but they just provide the advertise ment | 04:22 |
=== chcampb [n=chatzill@cpe-71-65-8-238.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chcampb | hello | 04:23 |
MaTiAz | hi | 04:23 |
chcampb | are there any good posts on getting external hard drives working in kubuntu? i have someone trying to get it to recognize to no available... but i'm helping him remotely and need a resource | 04:24 |
chcampb | there was a post about using gksudo gkedit /etc/fstab would that be the one? if | 04:25 |
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chaotic_ | i got a question if u add kde to ubuntu does that make it kubuntu | 04:25 |
randy | basically | 04:26 |
chcampb | no, its ubuntu with kde | 04:26 |
chcampb | :p there will be differences, compatabilities mostly | 04:26 |
chaotic_ | thats what idi | 04:26 |
K-Ryan | chaotic_: It's ubuntu with kde, for it to be Kubuntu, you need to add all the kde apps | 04:26 |
chaotic_ | but for some reason when i boot up it says kubuntu | 04:26 |
randy | when i added kde to ubuntu it said it worked like kde but it just got messy lol | 04:26 |
Dragnslcr | If you actually want to turn it into Kubuntu, you can install the kubuntu-desktop package | 04:26 |
=== adenicio [n=adenicio@Mix-pap-101-1-148.w193-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chaotic_ | thats what i did | 04:27 |
K-Ryan | (K-Ryan just went to the bathroom, his brother typing) | 04:27 |
chaotic_ | kubuntu desktop | 04:27 |
chaotic_ | hey is there some way to show drives | 04:27 |
chaotic_ | on my desktop like ubuntu does | 04:27 |
Dragnslcr | I believe kubuntu-desktop installs KDE and everything else that Kubuntu installs | 04:27 |
=== Pharoh [n=david@75-105-152-185.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chaotic_ | well mounted drives anyways | 04:28 |
Dragnslcr | I think KDE does by default | 04:28 |
chaotic_ | no it doesnt | 04:28 |
Dragnslcr | At least it did last time I noticed | 04:28 |
chaotic_ | is there someway to make a shortcut | 04:28 |
chaotic_ | on desktop | 04:28 |
Dragnslcr | Ah, think I found it | 04:29 |
=== billabong [n=billabon@host-84-220-211-52.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dragnslcr | Right click the desktop -> Configure Desktop -> Behavior -> Device Icons | 04:29 |
billabong | !help | 04:29 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 04:29 |
billabong | !cerca glibx | 04:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cerca glibx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:29 |
billabong | !cerca glibc | 04:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cerca glibc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:29 |
=== cemckay [n=cemckay@lifestream.student.umd.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
cemckay | Hello. I am trying to use the fish protocol in a KDE application, but it tells me that there is no such protocol. My guess is that it isn't installed. How do I get fish:// to work? Which package, etc. Can anyone help? Thanks | 04:29 |
=== elite1__ [n=elite1@d36-88-138.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
adenicio | chaotic: wat are u trying to do?mount your xp hdd on your desktop? | 04:31 |
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=== savetheWorld gets out a tube of "liquid Nails" | ||
chaotic_ | sudo ./reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:33 |
=== randy wonders why | ||
chaotic_ | hey is that right | 04:33 |
adenicio | chaotic_: do u want to know how to mount a hdd on your desktop?or your partition xp oN YOUR DESCKTOP? | 04:33 |
randy | i dont think you need the / | 04:33 |
elite1__ | how do u, do that with the blue star's | 04:33 |
K-Ryan | Sorry, took a detour there too... | 04:34 |
chaotic_ | for some reason ubuntu had mounted my xp partition already when i installed it | 04:34 |
=== tikal26 [n=tikal26@pool-72-73-220-45.cmdnnj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chaotic_ | it showed on my desktop | 04:34 |
chaotic_ | whats the command for reconfigure xorg | 04:35 |
Dragnslcr | chaotic_- did you check to make sure KDE is set to show icons for mounted drives? | 04:35 |
chaotic_ | wheres that option drag | 04:35 |
adenicio | chaotic_:there no option drag just drag and they will tell u if u want to link | 04:36 |
Dragnslcr | [22:29] <<Dragnslcr>> Right click the desktop -> Configure Desktop -> Behavior -> Device Icons | 04:36 |
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draik | I have a bit of an issue with a card reader | 04:38 |
Disabled | hey peoples, does kubuntu has an program that will detect if around are any Wi-Fi availbable points? | 04:38 |
draik | It reads my camera's XD card | 04:38 |
Disabled | or an program that can scan Wi-Fi availbable points? | 04:38 |
Disabled | :) | 04:38 |
draik | But it won't read my phone's micro SD (in an SD adapter) | 04:38 |
draik | Any ideas? | 04:38 |
chaotic_ | whats the command to reconfigure xorg | 04:39 |
chaotic_ | plz help | 04:40 |
chaotic_ | the most its letting me from my graphics card is 1024 | 04:40 |
Disabled | chaotic_ forget it | 04:40 |
Disabled | ;( | 04:40 |
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chaotic_ | man i know its an easy command i just for got it | 04:41 |
chaotic_ | is it sudo /reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:41 |
Disabled | for long time my X did not crash and i forgot the command of xorg reconfigure | 04:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | adenicio: packages.ubuntu.com | 04:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | which version? | 04:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | hold on. | 04:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | what release are you on? | 04:42 |
Disabled | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:42 |
Disabled | this works too | 04:42 |
chaotic_ | one of u has to remember the reconfigure command | 04:42 |
Disabled | :) | 04:42 |
Disabled | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:42 |
draik | Disabled: Darn, you just beat me to it | 04:43 |
adenicio | i tink im on feity(kubuntu) 4.05 something like that | 04:43 |
Dragnslcr | Wow, way to make up a number | 04:44 |
Disabled | adenicio from console do sudo aptitude install firefox | 04:44 |
=== pauljw [n=paul@pool178.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chaotic_ | thanks for the help sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:44 |
adenicio | Admiral_Chicago:i tink im on kubuntu 4.05 | 04:45 |
chaotic_ | (sarcasm) | 04:45 |
nat1192 | that is really old then | 04:45 |
Dragnslcr | I don't think there ever was 4.05 | 04:45 |
Disabled | <chaotic_> google it | 04:45 |
Disabled | :)) | 04:45 |
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chaotic_ | what do u think i just did | 04:45 |
Dragnslcr | Most recent release is 7.04 | 04:45 |
Disabled | :) | 04:46 |
=== thunderbolt [n=ryan@c-75-70-244-190.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
adenicio | oh sorry 7.04 | 04:46 |
draik | I'm on Zippy Zebra 50.06! | 04:46 |
runlevelten | Don't download deb files for common apps! | 04:46 |
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K-Ryan | draik: You're in June of 2050? | 04:47 |
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=== k3Nt [n=jason@dynamic-acs-24-239-47-12.zoominternet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
draik | K-Ryan: Yes, yes I am | 04:47 |
Disabled | yes, if there are in repos | 04:47 |
K-Ryan | =) | 04:47 |
runlevelten | adenicio: open "Add/Remove" from your menu and install from there :) | 04:47 |
k3Nt | hi folks -- having a bit of trouble with my screen res -- im stuck in 640x480 it looks like | 04:47 |
hamadooo | hi all .. how can i know about the ieee80211 version that im using now ??? | 04:47 |
Disabled | k3Nt you can change resolution from system / preferances / resolution | 04:48 |
runlevelten | adenicio: choose it, check it, click apply. You don't need to hunt around online for Firefox - that's for legacy operating systems ;) | 04:48 |
k3Nt | Disabled: thanks | 04:48 |
hamadooo | help plz | 04:48 |
hamadooo | hi all .. how can i know about the ieee80211 version that im using now ??? | 04:48 |
=== chaotic_ [n=chaotic@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chaotic_ | i like the system processes in the ubuntu thing | 04:49 |
Disabled | hamadooo what is ieee80211 ? | 04:49 |
runlevelten | draik: Tell John Titor I want my bloody IBM back. | 04:49 |
chaotic_ | for some reason kubuntu doesnt have it | 04:50 |
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hamadooo | i don't i want to update my wireless driver it tells me i should do somethin with the ieee80211 | 04:50 |
=== erov [n=j@c-76-22-137-36.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Disabled | hamadooo to know version ,try sudo aptitude show ieee80211 or aptitude info ieee80211 | 04:52 |
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=== Pharoh is back. | ||
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intelikey | fusermount: failed to open /dev/fuse: No such file or directory | 04:58 |
intelikey | anyone have that device ? | 04:58 |
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intelikey | knee body ? | 04:59 |
intelikey | dead channel ! | 04:59 |
K-Ryan | I had something like that, don't remember what it was though | 04:59 |
K-Ryan | Sorry =/ | 05:00 |
=== fourt [n=fourt@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | K-Ryan not 'had' have do you 'have' that device ? | 05:00 |
jhutchins | fuse: Fairly Unstable Suspicious Experiment | 05:00 |
K-Ryan | I meant the error | 05:00 |
intelikey | i only want the device major and minor numbers | 05:01 |
intelikey | if anyone has the device they can ls -l /dev/fuse | 05:01 |
jhutchins | First we're gonna move all the devices and daemons into userspace so users don't have to run as root, then we'll have to find a way to keep users from having access to them because they might as well be running as root. | 05:01 |
intelikey | jhutchins heh yeah | 05:02 |
intelikey | well i don't run as root i run as init so i'm exempt | 05:02 |
intelikey | i also need to clean a keyboard... | 05:03 |
=== adenicio [n=adenicio@Mix-pap-101-2-229.w193-249.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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draik | Does anyone know why I cannot access my SD card? | 05:05 |
draik | XD works, but SD (adapter for micro SD) | 05:05 |
=== willy [n=willy@136-174-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
draik | *but NOT SD | 05:05 |
elite1_ | i didnt mount? | 05:06 |
elite1_ | it* | 05:06 |
draik | NOpe | 05:06 |
draik | XD did, but SD just sits there with the light on | 05:06 |
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=== miles [n=miles@d60-65-93-136.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
willy | does current superkaramba hogs cpu? kubuntu 7.04 | 05:06 |
adenicio | someone please send me firefox because konqueror is not workin :-( | 05:07 |
miles | apt-get | 05:07 |
miles | whats wrong with u | 05:07 |
adenicio | hien? | 05:07 |
draik | adenicio: sudo apt-get install firefox | 05:07 |
=== dr_willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
runlevelten | Why would anyone send you firefox? It's in the repos. | 05:08 |
elite1_ | how do i send firefox to you? | 05:08 |
runlevelten | adenicio: You. Don't. Need. To. Hunt. Around. Online. For. Software. Dude. | 05:08 |
draik | If I send firefox to you, then I won't have it :P | 05:08 |
dr_willis | 0_o | 05:08 |
dr_willis | could find the ftp site and grab it with wget. | 05:09 |
miles | or kget | 05:09 |
miles | ive never used kget though | 05:09 |
runlevelten | 1. Open Synaptic Package manager. 2. Click Search. 3. Enter the word firefox into the search box. | 05:09 |
miles | or | 05:09 |
elite1_ | lol dial-up do ppl still use that 56kbps lol | 05:10 |
runlevelten | dr_willis: and what happens when that person wants their next software? and the next one? | 05:10 |
=== se7en [n=se7en@125-24-151-230.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miles | apt-get remove --purge konqueror && apt-get install konqueror | 05:10 |
dr_willis | ftp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/firefox | 05:10 |
runlevelten | and then people will get annoyed, etc. | 05:10 |
dr_willis | runlevelten, im guessing theres some reasonm he wants the .deb | 05:10 |
dr_willis | no idea why however. :) | 05:10 |
runlevelten | Setting the person up for a bad experience, tbh :( | 05:10 |
adenicio | runlevelten:i will love to hunt around but i cant surf i cant even see google,the thing keep saying cannot find host | 05:10 |
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adenicio | draik:lol just send me a deb file that will install perfectly | 05:11 |
dr_willis | so you got a repo entry/server thats down? | 05:11 |
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hamadooo | i want to delete some files ....... but it tells me that . Permission denied | 05:11 |
dr_willis | archive.ubuntu.com - seems to be up. | 05:11 |
chaotic_ | perfect kubuntu is running perfect both hds on desktop running at 1280 by 1024 | 05:11 |
runlevelten | dr_willis: I'm thinking adenicio has no DNS servers set up | 05:11 |
hamadooo | i tryed sudo | 05:11 |
miles | sudo | 05:11 |
runlevelten | so stuff isn't working etc | 05:11 |
dr_willis | hamadooo, use sudo to remove system type files. | 05:11 |
draik | adenicio: Why. Do. You. Want. A. Deb. When. You. Have. It. In. The. Repos? | 05:11 |
hamadooo | i can't it's i script | 05:12 |
chaotic_ | miracles google will do for u | 05:12 |
hamadooo | % cd ~/ieee80211-${VERSION}/ | 05:12 |
hamadooo | % . remove-old | 05:12 |
dr_willis | hamadooo, you are confused or confusing us then. :) | 05:12 |
hamadooo | i should do thia | 05:12 |
chaotic_ | type sudo -i | 05:12 |
hamadooo | this | 05:12 |
draik | elite1_: Any idea regarding the SD card? | 05:12 |
chaotic_ | u should have full root access after that | 05:12 |
dr_willis | you mean to RUN the remove-old script? use ./remove-old | 05:12 |
hamadooo | ok | 05:12 |
dr_willis | or sudo ./remove-old | 05:12 |
dr_willis | You still fighting with those wireless card drivers? | 05:13 |
hamadooo | looooool yes | 05:13 |
runlevelten | adenicio: what happens when you type ping google.com into a console? | 05:13 |
dr_willis | time may be better spent learning the bash shell. :) | 05:13 |
runlevelten | if that doesn't work, firefox ain't gonna help, because your networking isn't set up tight | 05:13 |
=== psygrass [n=psygrass@bb-87-80-113-51.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
adenicio | dr_willis:its my 3rd time on the net on kubuntu but i cant surf they keep saying error cannot conect to host | 05:13 |
runlevelten | adenicio: what happens when you type ping google.com into a console? | 05:14 |
runlevelten | adenicio: what happens when you type ping google.com into a console? | 05:14 |
runlevelten | oops, sorry | 05:14 |
dr_willis | adenicio, see if you can ping them.. see if you can ping other machines.. if its just your repository servers down.. change them to other servers | 05:14 |
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adenicio | draik:im not a pro on kubuntu i just find out how to conect on the internet with it.but the big prob is i cant surf | 05:15 |
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dr_willis | adenicio, this is what we are trying to help you do.. You can IRC. but not web surf eh? | 05:15 |
runlevelten | also, a quick cat /etc/resolv.conf will tell you whether he's got no dns setup | 05:15 |
draik | adenicio: There have been NUMEROUS people here telling you what to do, yet you ignore them. Don't be surprised if you get ignored soon as well | 05:15 |
elite1 | DHCP???????? | 05:15 |
thunderbolt | Stupid ATI card, doesn't work with the GIMP 2.3... *sigh* | 05:16 |
elite1 | Something about host not being contacted? | 05:16 |
elite1 | see if its auto? maybe no? | 05:16 |
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adenicio | runlevelten:nothing happen | 05:16 |
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runlevelten | did it just say it couldn't ping? | 05:16 |
runlevelten | ping: unknown host google.com | 05:17 |
hamadooo | it tells me to use the remove script ... to remove the old driver in my computer .......... but there is no remove file in the new driver folder ?? | 05:17 |
runlevelten | adenicio: is that what it said? | 05:18 |
adenicio | draik:im not ignorin them wa they tell me to do i try i keep seing things hapenning then errors :-( | 05:18 |
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runlevelten | adenicio: when people ask you to enter shell commands, they are trying to find out the problem for you | 05:18 |
runlevelten | so you need to say what happens | 05:18 |
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adenicio | unlevelten:i told u nothing happen now it say "unknown host google.com | 05:19 |
runlevelten | that's not nothing. That's it saying ping: unknown host google.com | 05:20 |
runlevelten | that's actually exactly what I wanted to know ;) | 05:20 |
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runlevelten | OK, now do this: cat /etc/resolv.conf | 05:20 |
elite1 | how to i get youtube.com to work it says i need a newer flashplayer9 but they have no debian installs on there website adobe.com | 05:20 |
adenicio | so wa im i sopose to do then | 05:20 |
adenicio | ? | 05:20 |
runlevelten | adenicio: OK, now do this: cat /etc/resolv.conf | 05:20 |
runlevelten | adenicio: then tell us exactly what it says | 05:21 |
adenicio | ok | 05:21 |
jhutchins_lt | (We'll give him a bye on pastebin for now) | 05:21 |
elite1 | how much is a Nvidia 8900gtx CA$? | 05:22 |
jhutchins_lt | elite1: http://pricewatch.com | 05:22 |
adenicio | then....? | 05:22 |
adenicio | nameserver | 05:22 |
adenicio | nameserver | 05:22 |
adenicio | domain nicio | 05:22 |
adenicio | nameserver #kppp temp entry | 05:22 |
adenicio | nameserver #kppp temp entry | 05:22 |
miles | adenicio loves spammin the channel | 05:22 |
elite1 | wow thoes are some pretty sweet graphics cards looking at them is like eletronic porn lmao!!! | 05:22 |
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adenicio | that wa it say | 05:22 |
miles | lolz | 05:22 |
miles | 7900gt <--- | 05:23 |
jhutchins_lt | adenicio: Try pinging one of those addresses. | 05:23 |
elite1 | yeah my fav one but wow 8900!!! | 05:23 |
elite1 | dual !!! | 05:23 |
elite1 | thats like wow more cpu power and gpu power than my pc | 05:23 |
chaotic_ | whats the command for extracting a tarball | 05:23 |
elite1 | and ram!! | 05:23 |
runlevelten | adenicio: ping | 05:23 |
miles | yea, its ridic | 05:23 |
adenicio | runlevelten:wat do i do next? | 05:23 |
elite1 | i can run kubuntu on a graphics card | 05:24 |
miles | chaotic - "tar xfv <<tar ball name>>" | 05:24 |
elite1 | if i could install it on its 512Mb ram | 05:24 |
=== pheaver [n=pweaver@ppp-70-133-217-31.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miles | tar -xfv ************ | 05:24 |
elite1 | or 256? | 05:24 |
adenicio | miles:hien?* | 05:24 |
miles | hieneken? | 05:24 |
runlevelten | adenicio: if it works and it comes up with lots of lines, just paste one | 05:24 |
=== runlevelten will explain pastebin in a sec. | ||
jhutchins_lt | Saw an article somewhere today on the processing power of GPU's. | 05:25 |
adenicio | jhutchins_lt:how? | 05:25 |
=== miles wonders about the magic of pastebin | ||
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elite1 | Nvidia prob makes the best grahics cards on the planet | 05:25 |
miles | for linux users yea | 05:25 |
intelikey | i don't know. i made the device node and it still errors out http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/38361 | 05:25 |
runlevelten | adenicio: I just told you how | 05:25 |
elite1 | i say a Gigabyte motherboad this guys had QUAD!!! Nvidia 7900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 05:25 |
ice9 | can anybody spare some help with my 3d acceleration with ati radeon x1300? I've already broken my machine twice lol | 05:26 |
miles | if it aint broke dont fix it | 05:26 |
elite1 | 4 nvidia's is like 12,000$ | 05:26 |
intelikey | i thought it was just because i don't use udev but that doesn't seem to be it.... | 05:26 |
miles | 1,200 you mean? | 05:26 |
intelikey | anyone think they can help ? http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/38361 | 05:26 |
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elite1 | yeah | 05:26 |
elite1 | sorry | 05:26 |
jhutchins_lt | ice9: Have you been following a guide? | 05:26 |
ice9 | yes | 05:26 |
runlevelten | Right, I have work in like 3 hours :\ | 05:27 |
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elite1 | i have only 64mb card :( | 05:27 |
miles | 256 | 05:27 |
elite1 | nice | 05:27 |
miles | but this machine was originally a windows gaming machine | 05:27 |
elite1 | i had a 2gig but i had to sell it to by my house | 05:27 |
jhutchins_lt | intelikey: Um, urpmi? Shouldn't we be in #mandriva? urpmi --clean | 05:27 |
elite1 | lol | 05:27 |
adenicio | runlevelten:wen u tell me ping 80.10.... type that in the console? | 05:27 |
runlevelten | yep | 05:27 |
ice9 | I followed the guide that had me edit xorg.conf and then I restarted, the gui wouldn't load | 05:28 |
elite1 | http://www.theinquirer.net/images/articles/calibre1_s.jpg need i say anymore!!! | 05:28 |
intelikey | jhutchins it's a script | 05:28 |
runlevelten | you can just highlight it with the mouse, then use middle-click to paste it in a console by the way | 05:28 |
jhutchins_lt | ice9: Ok, from the console, try startx, and see if it has any intelligible errors. | 05:28 |
adenicio | runlevelten:only one line show | 05:28 |
intelikey | http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/38362 | 05:28 |
runlevelten | wot is it? | 05:28 |
jhutchins_lt | ice9: Bad Device errors are from a stupid configuration mistake, there will be several. | 05:28 |
ice9 | xauth: creating new authority file /home/ice9/.serverauth.5900 | 05:29 |
ice9 | X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting. | 05:29 |
ice9 | Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console | 05:29 |
ice9 | sorry about spam | 05:29 |
chaotic_ | chaotic@chaotic-desktop:~/Desktop/Light_Metal_Tux_Theme/Icons$ sudo tar xfv Light_Metal_Tux_Theme /usr/share/icons/ | 05:29 |
chaotic_ | Password: | 05:29 |
chaotic_ | tar: Light_Metal_Tux_Theme: Cannot open: No such file or directory | 05:29 |
chaotic_ | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now | 05:29 |
chaotic_ | chaotic@chaotic-desktop:~/Desktop/Light_Metal_Tux_Theme/Icons$ | 05:29 |
adenicio | runlevelten:PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 05:29 |
elite1 | who would need quad Nvidia's? ps3 emulation??? | 05:29 |
chaotic_ | what should id o | 05:29 |
runlevelten | then it times out :S | 05:29 |
adenicio | runlevelten:hien?time out? | 05:30 |
=== SinII [n=tlot@d131012.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins_lt | intelikey: Possibly the non-standard script has problems, but I would remove fuse-utils and any remenants thereof. apt-get clean is probably better. | 05:30 |
runlevelten | adenicio: ping security.ubuntu.com | 05:31 |
intelikey | Possibly the non-standard script ??? what non-standard script ? | 05:31 |
intelikey | jhutchins_lt ^ | 05:31 |
runlevelten | just tell me the first line of output pls. | 05:31 |
runlevelten | Oh, and use pastebin | 05:31 |
runlevelten | !pastebin | adenicio | 05:32 |
ubotu | adenicio: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 05:32 |
elite1 | if i havent seen anything like this QUAD'D Cards http://images.tomshardware.com/2005/10/04/one_gigabyte_motherboard/platform-intro.jpg | 05:32 |
jhutchins_lt | intelikey: your urpmi. | 05:32 |
jhutchins_lt | runlevelten: He's not getting out. | 05:32 |
adenicio | IM LOST | 05:32 |
intelikey | tty3 [greg$~] pastebin `which urpmi` | 05:32 |
intelikey | http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/38363 | 05:32 |
runlevelten | Right, I have to go to sleep very very soon. | 05:32 |
intelikey | jhutchins_lt ^ you think that apt-get is the problem huh ? | 05:33 |
jhutchins_lt | ice9: Ok, you have to run startx from one of the regular consoles. When you said the gui wouldn't start, I assumed you meant you weren't running from the GUI. | 05:33 |
runlevelten | jhutchins: swhat I'm thinking. | 05:33 |
intelikey | well i doubt it. i think that fuse-utils probably depends on something that is not listed in it's depends | 05:34 |
elite1 | can u put 2 graphics cards in your pc and have dual or do they have to be made for it?? | 05:34 |
dr_willis | elite1, you can. thats a harder way to do it however. | 05:34 |
ice9 | what do you mean regular consoles? | 05:34 |
dr_willis | elite1, many nvidia cards now a days have 2 video outs on them allready. ;) makes it easy | 05:34 |
runlevelten | Damn, it's 4:30 here, I'm probably not much use. adenicio, people have seen the convo | 05:34 |
elite1 | but say i put a nvidia and an ati will they work becuase only on will view the monitor | 05:34 |
elite1 | i mean to slit frame rates | 05:34 |
runlevelten | Sorry mate, but I have work, and I've hung on as long as I can :( | 05:34 |
elite1 | split* | 05:34 |
elite1 | and share video ram | 05:35 |
dr_willis | elite1, an nvidia + ATI - is the WORST way you can do that... :) | 05:35 |
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jhutchins_lt | intelikey: Hey, you're the one with the problem, not me. When I asked you about urpmi, you told me it was a script. Perhaps you meant to say alias, I don't know, but in any case, use apg-get clean, purge the package, and try re-installing. | 05:35 |
elite1 | i know | 05:35 |
dr_willis | i wouldent even attempt it. :) | 05:35 |
elite1 | but just example | 05:35 |
jhutchins_lt | intelikey: Or not, I don't really care. | 05:35 |
dr_willis | no idea what you mean by share video ram... | 05:35 |
elite1 | have to cards | 05:35 |
elite1 | in | 05:35 |
=== runlevelten rather hopes adenicio can get that problem sorted | ||
elite1 | and then they will both add each other up so too 128mb cards i can get 256mb video ram to play a good game? | 05:36 |
intelikey | jhutchins_lt yeah. well thanks anyway for trying. | 05:36 |
dr_willis | elite1, dual cards dont work that way.. they never have. | 05:36 |
adenicio | runlevelten:WEN WILL U BE BACK? and explaine more in detail as posible im new with linux | 05:36 |
elite1 | ohh | 05:36 |
elite1 | i thought they split the hardwork so there running the game at half speed on each card? | 05:37 |
dr_willis | you can drive 2 monitors.. thats it. basicially. you dont gain stuff - like you 'might' with SLI/Nvidia cards | 05:37 |
runlevelten | adenicio: well I'll be at work in the morning, so I may be back on IRC in about 6 hours | 05:37 |
dr_willis | thats what SLI is all about. | 05:37 |
elite1 | yeah sli thats what imean | 05:37 |
dr_willis | elite1, You need specific cards for SLI. Not just any 2 cards | 05:37 |
elite1 | but i must have a SLI nvidia card in order to have daul/quad | 05:37 |
elite1 | yeah | 05:37 |
runlevelten | I can't promise anything though. However, everyone here has seen your problem in progress. It looks like you're having weird connection issues. I'd suggest that simply installing firefox isn't likely to fix that | 05:38 |
elite1 | some pc's (in windows) you can change in the settings tab the card you want there will show to windows and u can click on wich to card to run the monitor off | 05:38 |
adenicio | elite:how do u rite the person name withou tipin or pastin? | 05:38 |
runlevelten | Someone needs to help you distinguish betwen the different types of connection problem it could be, got that? | 05:39 |
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elite1 | adenicio,? | 05:39 |
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runlevelten | Again, sorry to run off and let you down - but I don't want to stuff up on RL, ya know | 05:39 |
runlevelten | night all. | 05:39 |
elite1 | adenicio, you put , (comma) instead of : | 05:40 |
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dr_willis | elite1, for dual head.. you DONT need sli cards | 05:40 |
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adenicio | elite:do i have to rite hiw hold name? | 05:40 |
dr_willis | elite1, to gain performace with 2 cards.. for a game - they need tobe sli cards. | 05:40 |
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elite1 | i know but they must use that in windows because when u switch its not like the monitor cord is switching over to that card | 05:41 |
=== Taladan [n=swift@adsl-065-005-162-004.sip.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite1 | it swtiches to that card but uses the other ones monitor port its weird? | 05:41 |
dr_willis | It works just the same in windows.. You CAN drive 2 monitors with 2 sli cards.. but you lose the sli benifits I hgear. | 05:41 |
adenicio | e> | 05:41 |
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elite1 | as if it was using 2 cards | 05:41 |
elite1 | without SLI | 05:41 |
adenicio | elite> | 05:41 |
elite1 | no COMMA | 05:42 |
elite1 | yes | 05:42 |
elite1 | elite1 | 05:42 |
elite1 | then comma then type | 05:42 |
elite1 | i meant NO u need acomma up there^^^ | 05:42 |
elite1 | sorry if it confused | 05:42 |
adenicio | ???? | 05:42 |
elite1 | adenicio, | 05:42 |
chaotic_ | how do i extract a tar.gz to specific directory | 05:42 |
dr_willis | cd to the dir and extract it? :) | 05:43 |
dr_willis | or cheat and use mc.. or unp. | 05:43 |
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elite1 | adenicio, type my name elite1, just like that with a comma at the end but it has to be the wright spelling of the nickname | 05:43 |
adenicio | elite1: i find it it was shift i was lookin for | 05:43 |
elite1 | yeah or that | 05:43 |
=== Mo0oSaH [n=mo0osah@cpe-24-27-69-214.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | There are rumors that the -C option, documented in man tar, causes tar to change to a directory before extracting a file. | 05:44 |
=== _4str1 [n=cedric@AStrasbourg-253-1-6-125.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ice9 | jhutchins, what did you mean by a normal console? | 05:45 |
jhutchins | ice9: Not a console within X. | 05:45 |
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ice9 | how do I go about doing that? | 05:45 |
adenicio | elite1: the answer i was looking for is : u type the first letter of the person name(ex:dopez,type d)then u press shift the u will get the list | 05:45 |
jhutchins | Ctro-Alt-F[1-6] | 05:45 |
chaotic_ | tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now | 05:45 |
chaotic_ | tar: Child returned status 2 | 05:45 |
chaotic_ | tar: icons: Not found in archive | 05:45 |
chaotic_ | tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors | 05:45 |
chaotic_ | what doe sthat mean | 05:46 |
dr_willis | sounds like you messed up the command. | 05:46 |
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dr_willis | and told it to extract 'icons' that was not in the archive | 05:46 |
elite1 | ohh lol | 05:46 |
elite1 | d: | 05:46 |
elite1 | ? | 05:46 |
chaotic_ | tar xfv steelicons-default-1.2.5.tar.gz /usr/share/icons/ | 05:46 |
jhutchins | chaotic_: But I thought you said X wasn't working. | 05:46 |
chaotic_ | thats what i did seems correct | 05:47 |
jhutchins | chaotic_: man tar. | 05:47 |
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adenicio | elite1: wen u surf do u do www.google.com? | 05:47 |
dr_willis | chaotic_, dident comeone mentioon the -C option? | 05:47 |
dr_willis | you just tole it to extract the /usr/share/icons/ dir | 05:47 |
chaotic_ | -C whats that | 05:47 |
elite1 | that was rude!!!!!!!!!1 | 05:47 |
dr_willis | <jhutchins> There are rumors that the -C option, documented in man tar, causes tar to change to a directory before extracting a file. | 05:47 |
elite1 | ctrl alt f1-6 | 05:47 |
elite1 | lol | 05:47 |
elite1 | so i tried it anyways | 05:47 |
chaotic_ | how do i get it to extract there | 05:47 |
adenicio | elite1: because im keep geting errors cannot conect to host | 05:47 |
jhutchins | chaotic_: http://www.gnu.org/software/tar/manual/html_node/tar_9.html | 05:48 |
adenicio | elite1: with konqueror | 05:48 |
chaotic_ | wont it be easier to use the mv command | 05:48 |
elite1 | ohh well not sure? why it does that if u seem to connect to irc fine? | 05:48 |
chaotic_ | extract to desktop then mv | 05:48 |
jhutchins | adenicio: If you use normal spelling in tech support channels you'll be taken far more seriously. | 05:49 |
elite1 | what is Crtl Alt F1 for??? | 05:49 |
chaotic_ | hey im technical support for sandisk | 05:49 |
elite1 | it takes me to a black screen and a login | 05:49 |
jhutchins | chaotic_: Actually, the easiest way is to change to the directory, then extract the tar using it's full path. | 05:49 |
=== ice9 [n=ice9@c-24-5-123-134.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chaotic_ | thats linux at its core | 05:49 |
dr_willis | chaotic_, or use mc, or unp , then copy the things over. | 05:49 |
jhutchins | chaotic_: Reading the man page and the tutorial will give you a lot more information though. | 05:49 |
dr_willis | elite1, thats the CONSOLE | 05:49 |
ice9 | jhutchins it said it wasn't able to connect to X Server | 05:49 |
elite1 | ohh | 05:50 |
dr_willis | F1 through F6 are the standard consoles. F7 is normally the X server | 05:50 |
chaotic_ | u just messed ur ur gui | 05:50 |
dr_willis | those console can save your backside at times. :) | 05:50 |
jhutchins | ice9: Yeah, I've kinda lost track here, but start out trying to run only one copy of X. | 05:50 |
adenicio | jhutchins: i dont understand im new to this kubuntu thing i not so long find how to connect to the net.now i cant surf | 05:50 |
elite1 | i couldnt exit it lol untill i hit something | 05:50 |
dr_willis | You did not MESS up anything by going to them alt-ctrl-F7 to get back to X. | 05:50 |
chaotic_ | if startx doesnt work ur stuck | 05:50 |
jhutchins | ice9: To shut down the current copy, sudo /etc/init.d/dm stop | 05:50 |
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elite1 | what me? | 05:50 |
jhutchins | ice9: (might be kdm stop) | 05:50 |
elite1 | i typed in my user and pass | 05:51 |
elite1 | but it didnt exit me so i pressed seomthing and it went back | 05:51 |
jhutchins | chaotic_: There's always plain X, but yeah, startx will usually run if anything will | 05:51 |
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elite1 | whats startX? | 05:51 |
dr_willis | elite1, startx - starts a X session | 05:52 |
=== ice9 [n=ice9@c-24-5-123-134.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | elite1: startx is a way of starting the xwindows system from a standard user console. | 05:52 |
ice9 | Alright, did that and startx, and here I am again | 05:52 |
elite1 | ohh ic | 05:52 |
=== Pharoh is away: Gone away for now. | ||
elite1 | so if i signed in under my user? | 05:52 |
=== Pharoh is back. | ||
jhutchins | elite1: It tests for some files and environment variables and will start your default desktop environment. | 05:52 |
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chaotic_ | back in the day u had to type startx to start up the gui | 05:52 |
elite1 | okay so how do i exit that | 05:53 |
chaotic_ | it didnt boot str8 into it | 05:53 |
arun | how do i flush my dns cache? | 05:53 |
jhutchins | elite1: as opposed to X, which will start X with no windowmanager and just whatever programs are in the ~/.xinitrc file. | 05:53 |
elite1 | the crtl alt f thing | 05:53 |
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chaotic_ | btw if anyone needs help with sandisk drives im tech support for sandisk | 05:53 |
jhutchins | elite1: Your window session is console 7 by default, so Alt-F7. | 05:53 |
elite1 | so is there a purpose to doing that CTRL ALT F6? | 05:53 |
elite1 | what does it fix? | 05:54 |
chaotic_ | im like one of the few that knows anything about linux | 05:54 |
=== damien__ [n=damien@84-203-39-132.mysmart.ie] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite1 | i dont either im 14 | 05:54 |
pauljw | ctrl-alt-f7 elite1 | 05:54 |
jhutchins | chaotic_: How come you guys are the only ones where you can put the cap on the other end of the drive? You guys patent that or somethnig? | 05:54 |
chaotic_ | someone asked me what a rpm file was today lol | 05:55 |
jhutchins | elite1: You always have (by default) six terminal sessions running in Linux. They're handy for fixing things. | 05:55 |
hitmanWilly | chaotic_, garbage :P | 05:55 |
jhutchins | elite1: Most people don't use 'em for anything, but they're traditional. | 05:55 |
adenicio | im going back on xp kubuntu killing me | 05:55 |
jhutchins | elite1: You can reduce them by editing /etc/inittab, but it's not a good idea to kill all of them. | 05:55 |
chaotic_ | actually we have the cap and have the ones u slide the usb connector into the drive | 05:55 |
elite1 | okay | 05:55 |
elite1 | know i understand | 05:55 |
elite1 | now* | 05:56 |
jhutchins | adenicio: It does require learning things that Windows will never let you know. | 05:56 |
jhutchins | elite1: You can also run multiple X sessions. | 05:56 |
chaotic_ | but our best seller now is the u3 drives | 05:56 |
jhutchins | elite1: The six consoles goes back to an early form of multitasking. | 05:56 |
elite1 | if u use windows and then switch to kubuntu like i did u have to forget almost everything from windows taught you | 05:56 |
elite1 | yeah | 05:56 |
dr_willis | windows teaches bad habbits. | 05:57 |
chaotic_ | u can load any software with that drive bypasses all network security and untraceable | 05:57 |
elite1 | i was wondering why it was threw f1-6 diffrent users | 05:57 |
jhutchins | chaotic_: Most other brands you've just got to find a place to put the cap ... and remember where you put it. | 05:57 |
pauljw | that's so true dr_willis | 05:57 |
=== sundar [n=sundar@c-24-6-51-91.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
elite1 | what happens if su-crashes? will that fix it? | 05:57 |
dr_willis | jhutchins, i just throw the cap away as aoon as i get it. :) | 05:57 |
jhutchins | chaotic_: I wouldn't bet on that. | 05:57 |
adenicio | jhutchins: no one can help me with my prob so i donr see why im killing my self with this.and im new whit this and people sayin things like i can do everyting they say | 05:57 |
ice9 | jhutchins, any other ideas? | 05:57 |
chaotic_ | im serious its so funny we use u3 drives | 05:58 |
jhutchins | dr_willis: Horrors! Potentially contaminated connectors! Cookie crumbs in the USB port! | 05:58 |
elite1 | i had sudo crashed even when i restarted anything that ran in sudo would not run so i counld not connect since im on wireless and askyou guys | 05:58 |
dr_willis | adenicio, one must learn to crawl befor they can walk, and walk befor they can run, and fall on their faces. :) | 05:58 |
dr_willis | jhutchins, toss them in the dishwasher. | 05:58 |
dr_willis | :) | 05:58 |
chaotic_ | heh they cant stop us from using firefox or anything else we want its so funny | 05:58 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Several people have tried to help you, but it's difficult to get you to consistently follow the steps we give you, and you don't seem to have done much searching on google or reading documentation. | 05:58 |
chaotic_ | u cant install on the pcs at sandisk | 05:58 |
elite1 | what happens if sudo crashes and wont run at all even when the pc is restarted? | 05:58 |
dr_willis | chaotic_, odd.. on the pcs at work.. they dont even show usb gizmos, and i cant even get to any drive letters.. at all.. | 05:58 |
dr_willis | then again.. all i do at 'work' on the compouter is fill in the overtime in a browser window | 05:59 |
hitmanWilly | dr_willis, i bet they would if you rebooted with one in the drive :) | 05:59 |
elite1 | my nickname before was Elite untill my kubuntu crashed from a virus and i did a virus scan and found a trojan hoarse in my java | 05:59 |
jhutchins | hitmanWilly: I can lock you out of that if I'm your sysadmin. | 06:00 |
chaotic_ | funny 5think about sandisk i wouldnt thing theres any wait times since i only get a call every 45 min | 06:00 |
dr_willis | hitmanWilly, im not even sure of that. may try tomorrow | 06:00 |
jhutchins | hitmanWilly: I disable USB boot in the BIOS, which is password protected. | 06:00 |
elite1 | wow | 06:00 |
elite1 | usb boot? | 06:00 |
adenicio | jhutchins: trus me i look up on xp on google the prob i had no explaination.and my prob is i cant surf or conect to wat so ever.the onlything i got true to connect is this chat | 06:00 |
elite1 | thats sweet | 06:00 |
hitmanWilly | jhutchins, i was just about to say the bios pass thing :) | 06:00 |
chaotic_ | most comnpanies dont go that deep | 06:00 |
jhutchins | Any admin who doesn't do that is pretty much an idiot. | 06:00 |
elite1 | kubuntu off a pendrive!!! | 06:00 |
elite1 | my nickname before was Elite untill my kubuntu crashed from a virus and i did a virus scan and found a trojan hoarse in my java | 06:00 |
chaotic_ | dude imagine being in highschool with one of those usb drives | 06:01 |
dr_willis | elite1, live cd's are handy also, | 06:01 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Really, you can chat but you can't ping or surf? That's wierd. | 06:01 |
sundar | hey does anyone know why I can see wireless networks but not connect to them? | 06:01 |
chaotic_ | the u3s | 06:01 |
elite1 | lol i am in highschool? | 06:01 |
elite1 | why u say that? | 06:01 |
elite1 | i know | 06:01 |
chaotic_ | shit u can run anything of it | 06:01 |
dr_willis | jhutchins, ive seen that several times in here people with identical issue. ONCE it was a firefox plugin issue.. | 06:01 |
chaotic_ | kiddie scripts | 06:01 |
chaotic_ | scanners | 06:01 |
chaotic_ | for irc | 06:01 |
=== hitmanWilly grumbles at script kiddies | ||
jhutchins | chaotic_: I've got a friend who's the sysadmin for a local school system. Believe me, if you tried that on his network he would 0wn your backside. | 06:02 |
elite1 | i put linux on my psp (memstick) its a 4gig and it boot fine of the librarys computer wich there was no point read and writing to the memstick is like 8mb/s | 06:02 |
chaotic_ | ii want ur friend to try | 06:02 |
elite1 | but hey it worked | 06:02 |
jhutchins | dr_willis: Yeah, I've seen it before too. | 06:02 |
adenicio | jhutchins: when u say ping wat do u mean?the persone that tell ping it i didnt understand wa he mean by ping it.he said ping the adres i tink but i dont understand | 06:02 |
chaotic_ | my friennd is a system admin | 06:02 |
jhutchins | dr_willis: Thing is, you expect the console stuff to work if anything works. | 06:02 |
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chaotic_ | and i put his job to the test | 06:03 |
sundar | this is getting so frustrating, I can see my own home router, but not connect though it!! | 06:03 |
chaotic_ | guess who won | 06:03 |
dr_willis | jhutchins, yea.. ive seen this same 'issue' sevveral times now in here.. never seen a definitive fix. | 06:03 |
elite1 | how come the Qpartiton in ubuntu os's dont show that feature when installed only on the live cd? | 06:03 |
dr_willis | jhutchins, cant even find a good forum post on it. | 06:03 |
jhutchins | adenicio: iirc you tried to ping a numerical address and it didn't reply. | 06:03 |
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dr_willis | elite1, huh? You mean Qtparted? | 06:03 |
elite1 | yeah | 06:03 |
elite1 | is it still on the system? | 06:03 |
dr_willis | what features are you refering to? you can install it if you want. | 06:04 |
elite1 | i would really like to use that program | 06:04 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Try ping | 06:04 |
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elite1 | off the live cd? | 06:04 |
dr_willis | elite1, but you dont normally run it on a 'running' system. | 06:04 |
elite1 | i know | 06:04 |
dr_willis | use the package manager, se4arch/isntall it. | 06:04 |
elite1 | well slave HDD | 06:04 |
elite1 | i was afraid of that | 06:04 |
jhutchins | fdisk has always been good enough for me. | 06:04 |
elite1 | i dont have multi universe i have to use linux more to be an avid user on how to do stuff on it | 06:05 |
=== MarcC [n=marc@c-76-102-223-142.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chaotic_ | the thing i dont if u3 is compatible with linux | 06:05 |
elite1 | then i will make my own linux software cald Elite XP and make millions | 06:05 |
adenicio | jhutchins: a bunch of lines showing up | 06:05 |
chaotic_ | its iffy about linux | 06:05 |
chaotic_ | sometimes it does | 06:05 |
dr_willis | dont have 'multi universe' ? huh? | 06:05 |
chaotic_ | sometimes it dont\ | 06:05 |
elite1 | yeah enable in edept | 06:05 |
=== chovy [n=chovy@adsl-75-22-182-157.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dr_willis | elite1, then enable them | 06:05 |
elite1 | i am using kubuntu but i think its the one no one uses lol | 06:06 |
chovy | why is my fonts ugly? | 06:06 |
Pharoh | my u3 drive never works in kubuntu | 06:06 |
chovy | they are too wide | 06:06 |
dr_willis | wide screen lcd? | 06:06 |
elite1 | Kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS KDE | 06:06 |
chaotic_ | cool thing about sandisk today they gave 14 tickets away for rage against the machine | 06:06 |
elite1 | lol | 06:06 |
dr_willis | elite1, that versionis a bit old :) | 06:06 |
elite1 | killing in the name of | 06:06 |
chaotic_ | to the people that worked there | 06:06 |
elite1 | yes | 06:06 |
elite1 | u see my point i have ubuntu 6.10 | 06:07 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Hey! | 06:07 |
chovy | dr_willis: yes | 06:07 |
elite1 | but kubuntu doesnt have that | 06:07 |
jhutchins | adenicio: That's good! | 06:07 |
chaotic_ | i wasnt really intrested so i didnt put my name in | 06:07 |
elite1 | im not even at 7.10 yet | 06:07 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Ctrl-C to kill that. | 06:07 |
elite1 | im running dos here | 06:07 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Now try ping novell.com | 06:07 |
dr_willis | CP/M | 06:07 |
elite1 | sweet its 00:07 !! | 06:07 |
elite1 | 7mins into saturday | 06:08 |
=== nonox [n=seppo@a84-231-163-207.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
adenicio | jhutchins: samething a lot of lines | 06:08 |
jhutchins | chaotic_: This system hasn't booted to Windows for about five years, not since my last hardware upgrade. | 06:08 |
jhutchins | My last bootable windows machine died earlier this year, and i haven't missed it. | 06:08 |
jhutchins | I've been running in Linux exclusively for five years now. | 06:09 |
adenicio | jhutchins: now wat do i do? | 06:09 |
elite1 | hahha i had linux since i was 5 | 06:09 |
elite1 | thats 7years | 06:09 |
elite1 | beat that | 06:09 |
jhutchins | Yay! Your network is working! | 06:09 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Yay! Your network is working! | 06:09 |
dr_willis | I have underware older then you.. and pc's MUCH older then you | 06:09 |
elite1 | i mean wait 9 years | 06:09 |
elite1 | i know | 06:09 |
adenicio | i had linux since i was 22 thats 5months lol | 06:10 |
jhutchins | Now alt-f2, google.com | 06:10 |
elite1 | im only 14 im the youngest kid with the oldest os | 06:10 |
MaTiAz | I'm 15 :P | 06:10 |
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elite1 | kubuntu 6.06.1LTS KDE | 06:10 |
jhutchins | On the other hand, I've been a professional linux administrator for ~10 years now, and have been running it since RH2.1. | 06:10 |
Pharoh | well technically linux isnt the oldest os | 06:10 |
chaotic_ | gunzip: stdin: not in gzip format | 06:10 |
chaotic_ | whats that mean | 06:11 |
MaTiAz | My first touch with Linux when I was like 10 or 11, I got some old computer from my neighbor along with Suse 9.x installation CD's :D | 06:11 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Now alt-f2, google.com | 06:11 |
chaotic_ | its a tar.gz | 06:11 |
=== CPrgmSwR2 [n=kde-deve@adsl-75-16-120-135.dsl.crchtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
CPrgmSwR2 | Hi | 06:11 |
CPrgmSwR2 | Has anyone looked at kde4? | 06:11 |
=== evjunior09 [n=mike@lnngmibas01-pool5-a157.lnngmi.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | Pharoh: My first was APL on a system 360, but I have played Gravity Wars on a PDP1; loaded from paper tape and played with toggle switches. | 06:12 |
evjunior09 | Hey everyone, okay quick question...how do i open a .zip file? | 06:12 |
dr_willis | unzip foo.zip | 06:12 |
dr_willis | or use mc, or unp, or.... | 06:12 |
adenicio | jhutchins: it doesnt work.this is the messege i get: | 06:12 |
adenicio | An error occurred while loading http://www.google.com/search?q=yt&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8: | 06:12 |
adenicio | Could not connect to host http://www.google.com/search?q=yt&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8. | 06:12 |
dr_willis | can konqueror open them? ark can. | 06:12 |
jhutchins | evjunior09: Should be able to double-click it with kubuntu (you should have ark installed), but there's also unzip. | 06:12 |
Pharoh | now thats some bragging rights! | 06:12 |
elite1 | everyone here is basically a computer geek lol well even me | 06:12 |
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jhutchins | adenicio: Very interesting. | 06:13 |
evjunior09 | jhutchins: okay so if i just doulbe click it, its open than? | 06:13 |
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jhutchins | adenicio: And you are able to chat here. | 06:13 |
evjunior09 | like....i dont have to unzip? | 06:13 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Proxy. | 06:13 |
arun | how do i flush my dns cache? | 06:13 |
=== Dun [n=partio@a88-114-84-135.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jhutchins | adenicio: What kind of a network are you connecting through? | 06:13 |
adenicio | jhutchins: dont know nada about proxy | 06:13 |
adenicio | jhutchins: dial up | 06:14 |
adenicio | no dsl | 06:14 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Either your network has a proxy server which must be set for browsing, or you have accidentally set your proxy server and shouldn't have. | 06:14 |
jhutchins | adenicio: With a proxy server, instead of connecting directly to the network, you connect to a local server which then connects to the web for you. | 06:14 |
jhutchins | adenicio: This allows it to reduce bandwidth usage by storing frequently visited pages, and also to control and track what sites you can reach. | 06:15 |
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jhutchins | dr_willis: Come to think of it, it was dial-up before, and I think it was something to do with proxy settings. | 06:15 |
adenicio | jhutchins: i instal kubuntu wen i first saw this prob i tawt i played with it to much so i uninstall reinstall conect direct and it still show me this | 06:15 |
=== z waves to all | ||
hitmanWilly | adenicio, also, for privacy concerns | 06:16 |
jhutchins | !hi | z | 06:16 |
ubotu | z: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 06:16 |
z | anyone notice the glich with kdm? | 06:16 |
z | where the cursor changes | 06:16 |
hitmanWilly | z, nope, don't use it :P | 06:16 |
jhutchins | z: There are many possible answers to that, probably best if you describe yours. | 06:16 |
adenicio | jhutchins: hitmanWilly:ok so how do i change this? | 06:16 |
z | uh.. i installed a bunch of cursor themes from the repos | 06:17 |
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jhutchins | Is there a global proxy setting in kubuntu? | 06:17 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Do you have dual-boot? | 06:17 |
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hitmanWilly | jhutchins, not that im aware of | 06:17 |
z | and when i opened kdm | 06:17 |
adenicio | jhutchins: yeap | 06:17 |
z | it used one of the cursors that i had installed | 06:17 |
hitmanWilly | unless its set in $PROXY or something | 06:17 |
jhutchins | adenicio: I would boot to Windows and check for network settings/proxy servers in the windows network settings and in the IE network settings. | 06:18 |
dr_willis | z, the artwiz one i belive... | 06:18 |
z | what do you mean? | 06:18 |
jhutchins | adenicio: If it has a proxy server listed there, copy that information down and we can help you set it up. | 06:18 |
dr_willis | !info artwiz | 06:18 |
ubotu | Package artwiz does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 06:18 |
dr_willis | !find artwiz | 06:18 |
adenicio | jhutchins: why?do it afect linux? | 06:18 |
ubotu | Found: artwiz-cursor, xfonts-artwiz | 06:18 |
jhutchins | (Though not me, I have a horse show in the morning and should have gone to bed an hour ago.) | 06:18 |
dr_willis | !info artwiz-cursor | 06:18 |
ubotu | artwiz-cursor: artwiz futuristic mouse cursor for x11. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.3-5 (feisty), package size 8 kB, installed size 72 kB | 06:18 |
adenicio | jhutchins: ok | 06:18 |
chovy | how do i detect which graphics card i have? | 06:18 |
jhutchins | adenicio: Yes, if your ISP has a proxy server you should use it. | 06:18 |
jhutchins | chovy: in console, sudo lspci | 06:19 |
z | how does the artwiz-cursor help? | 06:19 |
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dr_willis | z, it used the artwiz one on kdm by default. | 06:19 |
dr_willis | or so ive seen. | 06:19 |
adenicio | jhutchins: but where do i see my proxy on xp?by typin ipconfig/all? | 06:19 |
viraj | could anybody show me how to install smb4k? i don't know how to deal with tar packages | 06:20 |
dr_willis | sudo apt-get install smb4k | 06:20 |
dr_willis | then you need to fix the 'suid' bits on the programs it calls. , may be some other way to make it actually work. | 06:20 |
adenicio | viraj: me 2 tar and rpm | 06:20 |
dr_willis | Ive been using the fuse-smb stuff instead of smb4k lately | 06:21 |
z | are you sure we are talking about the same cursors? i am refering to the mouse cursor | 06:21 |
viraj | i didn't get that | 06:21 |
chovy | ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 71c7 | 06:21 |
dr_willis | z, yes.. artwiz is a mouse cursor. for the 'default X' stuff.. kde can have its own cursor packages as well.. gnome can also have its own cursor packages as well. | 06:21 |
adenicio | dr_willis: if we rite sudo apt-get ****.tar it will look for the file on the pc? | 06:21 |
dr_willis | adenicio, i never said anything about TAR's | 06:21 |
z | ah, thanks | 06:21 |
z | but how can i control what cursor is displayed? | 06:22 |
dr_willis | !info smb4k | 06:22 |
ubotu | smb4k: A Samba (SMB) share advanced browser for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-1build1 (feisty), package size 1762 kB, installed size 3756 kB | 06:22 |
dr_willis | z, the users can select what one they want in their KDE settings | 06:22 |
z | for kdm? | 06:22 |
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adenicio | dr_willis: how do u install a tar folder then?i know for a deb someone told me to right click on it a shoos install | 06:23 |
viraj | ok... it worked.... but can't see my windows shares on it | 06:23 |
dr_willis | adenicio, totally depends on what you are installing. | 06:23 |
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adenicio | so wa is the comand to install a tar or bz2 if its on your desktop? | 06:24 |
=== z 's xserver crashed | ||
dr_willis | adenicio, you dont normally 'install' a tar or bz2. you uncomoress them THEN do whatever is needed to install their contents. | 06:25 |
thunderbolt | adenicio: Just use klik or autopackage if it isn't in the Ubuntu repositories. | 06:25 |
hitmanWilly | adenicio, that depends on what type of program it is, tar or tar.bz2 or tar.gz is like a zip file | 06:25 |
dr_willis | theres a dozen diofferent + ways to 'install' those kind of things | 06:25 |
z | not to mention, you usually have to install build-essentials | 06:26 |
thunderbolt | At least a dozen. | 06:26 |
z | dr_willis, did you reply to my question about how to control kdm's cursor? | 06:26 |
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dr_willis | z, thats showing the default X system cursor. which you just told to to use 'artwiz' - Not sure how to tell it to use the other KDE curors. i dont worry about it much. since the users can pickj their own. | 06:27 |
z | alright then thanks for the help | 06:27 |
hitmanWilly | z, probably an option in kcontrol somewhere | 06:27 |
z | hitmanWilly, i tried to run kcontrol as root and select a cursor that way | 06:28 |
z | but to no avail | 06:28 |
Pharoh | hey i have a question about adept installer, why does it sometimes say that another program has locked the database? even if another is not open | 06:28 |
hitmanWilly | hmm, not sure then, i use a text mode login myself | 06:28 |
dr_willis | that would set the root users personal cursor would be my guess.. not kdms | 06:28 |
z | yah that's waht happened | 06:28 |
=== z sighs | ||
chaotic_ | dude i just redid my kicker interface | 06:29 |
chaotic_ | man it looks awesome | 06:29 |
z | i haven't found any solution on google either | 06:29 |
dr_willis | artwiz i think sets the default X cursor , so if you dont run KDE at all. (like fluxbox instead) it will use the artwiz cursor also. | 06:29 |
=== Entonian [n=Entonian@h-67-100-128-253.sttnwaho.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
z | yes, i noticed that, -is a fluxbox junkie- | 06:29 |
z | but in fluxbox, you can change the curser | 06:29 |
z | i just haven't found out how......;; | 06:29 |
dr_willis | theres 2 different kinds of cursors.. the system/X cursors.. and then KDE/gnomes own | 06:30 |
z | i see | 06:30 |
viraj | can't see my windows 2k shares on smb4k | 06:30 |
z | kubuntu 7.04 + fluxbox 1.0rc3 = love | 06:31 |
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z | lol] | 06:32 |
z | d | 06:32 |
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dr_willis | viraj, smb4k has some different scanning options. | 06:34 |
dr_willis | also you may wan tto be sure w2k isent firewalled, or blocked. and does have some shares | 06:34 |
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elite1_ | hey | 06:38 |
elite1_ | my internet is acting up again | 06:38 |
dr_willis | Oh. | 06:39 |
elite1_ | is there an option in ubuntu where it says let computer deciede to turn of this device to save power | 06:39 |
elite1_ | kubuntu* | 06:39 |
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viraj | i can see the w2k comp on smb4k but i can't get the list of shares | 06:40 |
dr_willis | theres some laptop modes that kick in some powier savings | 06:40 |
dr_willis | viraj, i always make linux users and windows with same username and passwords. | 06:41 |
MaTiAz | Has anyone installed Kubuntu on a PS3? | 06:41 |
dr_willis | viraj, you can tell smb4k what username/pass to send also. I belive | 06:41 |
elite1_ | you use yellow dog and can run and os using a bootloader forps3 | 06:42 |
elite1_ | would not suggest it since its running 3os's the ps3's/yellowdog/ubuntu or w.e os u choice to install | 06:42 |
elite1_ | like windows | 06:43 |
elite1_ | but u will just get a virus | 06:43 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: I know, but I asked specifically about Kubuntu | 06:43 |
elite1_ | im not sure maybe | 06:43 |
elite1_ | u can on xbox | 06:43 |
MaTiAz | Xbox 360 beats PS3 by 2x in general computing performance | 06:43 |
elite1_ | yeah rite and then you woke up lol | 06:44 |
MaTiAz | umm nope | 06:44 |
elite1_ | lol it beats it in heat maybe | 06:44 |
MaTiAz | A respected PSP hacker benchmarked both | 06:44 |
elite1_ | or the warping disks or wait | 06:44 |
MaTiAz | Cell is suitable for mostly only vector and heavy float-point math | 06:44 |
elite1_ | should i say the 1.3 xbox ratio of getting the ring of death? | 06:44 |
elite1_ | 1:3* | 06:45 |
elite1_ | lol | 06:45 |
MaTiAz | Mine haven't fucked up | 06:45 |
MaTiAz | But the fact is that Xbox 360 is better than PS3 for Linux usage :p | 06:45 |
elite1_ | doesnt matter ps3 kicks xbox's ass. xbox woudnlt be so big if it werent for halo | 06:45 |
MaTiAz | haha, doesn't seem to be the case on PS3 | 06:45 |
MaTiAz | PS2 rocked | 06:46 |
elite1_ | halo was originally going for ps2 but then microsoft bought bungie.net | 06:46 |
MaTiAz | uhm, PC only | 06:46 |
MaTiAz | -_- | 06:46 |
elite1_ | what? | 06:46 |
MaTiAz | It wasn't going to be ported to PS2 | 06:46 |
MaTiAz | Sony started acting big with PS3, and here's the result | 06:46 |
elite1_ | ported? lol programed | 06:47 |
elite1_ | no need for big words | 06:47 |
elite1_ | esp wrong ones | 06:47 |
MaTiAz | Believe me, it was supposed to be for PC only | 06:47 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: Exclusives escaping from PS3, it isn't selling well and Sony PR guys make themselves look like total retards | 06:47 |
elite1_ | sony kicks all ass | 06:47 |
MaTiAz | hahaha | 06:47 |
MaTiAz | no. | 06:47 |
elite1_ | on so manylevels | 06:47 |
elite1_ | portable 333Mhz psp!! | 06:47 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: Well tell me why there are only 2 games worth buying for the PS3, and why has it sold so badly? | 06:48 |
MaTiAz | PSP is awesome, I have one but the games aren't so good | 06:48 |
dr_willis | $600 price tag is one reason.. :) | 06:48 |
MaTiAz | I use mine mostly for homebrew | 06:48 |
MaTiAz | dr_willis: Yeah | 06:48 |
dr_willis | PSP could of been so MUCH better. | 06:48 |
elite1_ | yeah i gues those dam retards at sony STOP MAKING REAL LIFE GRAPHICS YOU IBM LOADED PS3!!! | 06:48 |
dr_willis | i gave mine to my brother . and got a gp2x | 06:48 |
elite1_ | lol 120 just came out at E3 | 06:48 |
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elite1_ | 499? | 06:48 |
elite1_ | for 60gig | 06:49 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: Not | 06:49 |
elite1_ | you are missing info u know | 06:49 |
MaTiAz | Not in Europe | 06:49 |
chovy | man, that monitor detection sucks | 06:49 |
elite1_ | E3 did u check it out or stayed in the closet and then came out ... | 06:49 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: For America only | 06:49 |
MaTiAz | Sony keeps saying that Europe is their most important market, yet they keep fucking around with as | 06:49 |
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elite1_ | us or as? | 06:49 |
dr_willis | where did sony even GET 20gb or was it 40? gb sata drives... | 06:49 |
dr_willis | :) | 06:50 |
MaTiAz | oops, us | 06:50 |
MaTiAz | They said that they won't drop the PS3 price in Europe because it'd make many gamers angry | 06:50 |
elite1_ | they have 80gig not | 06:50 |
elite1_ | now* | 06:50 |
MaTiAz | Well, the bottom line is that 360 rocks the PS3 (PS3 could've just been so much better if Sony didn't decide to screw it all up), at least for now | 06:51 |
elite1_ | xbox are so faulty the chances of owning one for a year are not very good (with no nykon cooler either!!) all stock | 06:51 |
elite1_ | lol | 06:51 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: Tell me why my 360 has been working totally fine since launch? | 06:51 |
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MaTiAz | With active playing | 06:51 |
elite1_ | u see the grapghics PAUL MOORE xbox360 head said him self (now working for EA) xbox counld not handle Killzone 2 graphics | 06:52 |
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elite1_ | are u dunmb | 06:52 |
MaTiAz | what? | 06:52 |
elite1_ | lol | 06:52 |
elite1_ | working fine since the launch | 06:52 |
elite1_ | HAHAHAH | 06:52 |
elite1_ | ask any one | 06:52 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: Come here and check it | 06:52 |
elite1_ | lmao | 06:52 |
elite1_ | u lost that battle so bad they had to change warrantys | 06:52 |
dr_willis | games are for the weak. | 06:52 |
elite1_ | hahahah | 06:52 |
elite1_ | lmao | 06:52 |
elite1_ | thats funny | 06:52 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: No, for the bored ones | 06:52 |
dr_willis | Night all.. have fun | 06:53 |
elite1_ | lmao | 06:53 |
MaTiAz | meh | 06:53 |
elite1_ | 1;3 ratio of the ring of death overheating (some say cpu i didnt know 33mhz can overeheat?) | 06:53 |
MaTiAz | Anyway, come here and check out my 360, it has never been replaced | 06:53 |
elite1_ | or either played? | 06:53 |
MaTiAz | -_- | 06:53 |
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elite1_ | becuase the 3ring of death | 06:54 |
MaTiAz | Yes, actively | 06:54 |
MaTiAz | I haven't ever experienced it | 06:54 |
MaTiAz | Never. | 06:54 |
elite1_ | lol they where fine during the launch that was funny | 06:54 |
MaTiAz | Although the problem sucks totally, just because they made a crappy heatsink design | 06:54 |
elite1_ | No balls....Xbox 360 all thou i do play halo and own at it (halo2*) | 06:55 |
elite1_ | lol heatsink desing talk about drunk workers with to much heatsink paste!! | 06:55 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: No, if the heatsink would be held in place with other means, it wouldn't bend the PCB and break some connections with the chips | 06:55 |
elite1_ | 360 sucks | 06:55 |
elite1_ | yeah | 06:56 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: You really can't say that PS3 is doing well | 06:56 |
elite1_ | thats howmuch heat it produces they tried to overclock that poor xbox!! when will they ever learn | 06:56 |
elite1_ | not saying am i? | 06:56 |
MaTiAz | nope, but you shouldn't say it anyway | 06:57 |
elite1_ | lol | 06:57 |
MaTiAz | Man, I'd probably have a PS3 if they didn't use it as a trojan horse for blu-ray | 06:57 |
MaTiAz | It'd be so much cheaper | 06:57 |
MaTiAz | And most likely more succesful | 06:57 |
elite1_ | xbox has been out for a year all thous flaws everyone shot down that console now the ps3 has only been out for months now we wait a year we will see a better games/apps/and everything else tocome | 06:57 |
MaTiAz | Yeah, but I'm talking about the current situation | 06:58 |
arun | how do i flush my dns cache? | 06:58 |
elite1_ | lol 2;1 ratio for HD verse BLURAY | 06:58 |
elite1_ | blu ray players are 1,000$ | 06:58 |
arun | harry potter and the deathly hallows comes out today | 06:58 |
arun | yay | 06:58 |
MaTiAz | :) | 06:58 |
elite1_ | ps3 499/599 60/80gig | 06:58 |
MaTiAz | Funny how EVERY PS3 owner/fanboy says that PS3 will get better in the future | 06:58 |
elite1_ | and he dies | 06:58 |
elite1_ | harry potter and ronald | 06:59 |
viraj | could anybody help me with smb4k? | 06:59 |
elite1_ | i downloaded the book | 06:59 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: thanks for spoiling -_- | 06:59 |
draik | Lights are on but nobody's home. I still can't access my SD card. Anyone have any idea? | 06:59 |
elite1_ | lol funny how xbox owners think that xbox did good in hardware!! | 06:59 |
viraj | i've mounted my windows drives..... but i can't open them and acess the files | 06:59 |
elite1_ | xbox has good software just the hardware sucks | 06:59 |
MaTiAz | elite1_: But anyway, let's stop this battle now that people have some questions again, so we don't flood the channel with useless stuff, ok? | 06:59 |
elite1_ | okay lol | 06:59 |
elite1_ | good debate thou | 07:00 |
MaTiAz | We can continue in #kubuntu-offtopic :) | 07:00 |
elite1_ | already there | 07:00 |
viraj | could anyone tell me the prob? | 07:00 |
viraj | i can even mount my windows drives on smb4k but i can't acess the files on it | 07:01 |
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miles | hi | 07:04 |
chaotic_ | after i install a theme do i have to keep it on pc or can i delete | 07:04 |
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viraj | how do i acess the files on the windows drives i have mounted thru smb4k? | 07:15 |
chaotic_ | i found out whats the attraction to linux kno matter what u accomplish u always wanna customize it even more | 07:18 |
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hero | chaotic_: that's because the configuring NEVER STOPS! | 07:21 |
chaotic_ | i know | 07:22 |
hero | speaking of | 07:22 |
hero | i reinstalled kdebase (don't ask why) | 07:22 |
hero | and now, all these ad popup things come up in konqueror | 07:23 |
hero | and they never did before | 07:23 |
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chaotic_ | most of thge time u have to configure something because u broke it configuring something else | 07:24 |
chaotic_ | which i find pretty funny | 07:24 |
hero | i don't | 07:25 |
hero | that's the part of linux that sucks | 07:25 |
MaTiAz | yeah | 07:25 |
hero | and this is where someone will complain that we're off topic and to go somewhere else | 07:25 |
MaTiAz | But as I've now got everything I need for now, I don't need to configure | 07:25 |
hero | and they'll probably use the bot instead of just telling us | 07:26 |
hero | !botsnack | 07:26 |
chaotic_ | finally took off root passwords | 07:26 |
ubotu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 07:26 |
chaotic_ | now i dont have to type it in anymore | 07:26 |
chaotic_ | hey how do u install .py files | 07:27 |
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hero | !python | 07:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:27 |
MaTiAz | chaotic_: You run them, they're python code | 07:27 |
hero | !py | 07:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about py - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:27 |
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chaotic_ | when i click it kate comes up | 07:28 |
MaTiAz | chaotic_: try python <file.py> in terminal | 07:28 |
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chaotic_ | yeah i tried that | 07:29 |
chaotic_ | remembered of perl | 07:29 |
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modjo | !konsole | 07:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about konsole - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:39 |
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modjo | !sudo | 07:39 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 07:39 |
ardchoille | !kdesu | 07:39 |
ubotu | In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 07:39 |
elite1 | any one know any other IRC channels | 07:39 |
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elite1 | for anything cool | 07:39 |
chaotic_ | installing beryl on 256mb is that wise | 07:40 |
elite1 | any one know a ps3 channel? | 07:40 |
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kaellan | hi | 07:42 |
titanix88 | kallen hi | 07:43 |
chaotic_ | i got beryl installed how do i go out into cube | 07:43 |
kaellan | emm, im looking for the swedish irc room atm ^ | 07:43 |
MaTiAz | chaotic_: ctrl+alt+mouse drag was the default IIRC | 07:43 |
MaTiAz | And you have to have desktop cube enabled | 07:44 |
titanix88 | try the settings. | 07:44 |
kaellan | emm, how to instal nvidia drivers ? | 07:44 |
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kaellan | or .. i haw figured out how to instal vlc so far only :P | 07:45 |
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kaellan | ubuntu-se | 07:47 |
kaellan | opps xD | 07:47 |
|Karti| | Hi all, can anyone recommend a VMWare clone for Kubuntu as need to use some software through Win XP? | 07:48 |
ardchoille | !nvidia | kaellan | 07:48 |
ubotu | kaellan: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:48 |
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|Karti| | Also if you know a way to find out what memory type you have without taking the case off the machine.....would be great! | 07:48 |
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rhombus | I cannot install kubuntu 7.04 on a Dell Poweredge 1850 | 07:50 |
rhombus | it doesn't get past the initramfs | 07:51 |
c00kiemonster | dual core xeons heh | 07:51 |
rhombus | Yeah! | 07:51 |
c00kiemonster | thats quite a monster you have there | 07:51 |
rhombus | Is that the problem? | 07:51 |
c00kiemonster | :D | 07:51 |
c00kiemonster | I'd be surprised. | 07:52 |
c00kiemonster | whats the chipset on that thing? | 07:52 |
rhombus | The reason I'm installing a desktop OS on it is because it's supposed to be an LTSP server | 07:52 |
rhombus | I don't know... Serverworks? Intel? | 07:52 |
c00kiemonster | hmmm | 07:53 |
rhombus | I can install ubuntu server LTS 6.06 on it, though -- and it detects the RAID just fine | 07:53 |
rhombus | so there has to be an answer | 07:53 |
rhombus | the trouble is that I don't get any meaningful error messages | 07:53 |
c00kiemonster | yeah if it stops at the initramfs | 07:54 |
c00kiemonster | its not very verbose | 07:54 |
hayden_ | anyone know why when I receive a file in kopete it stalls at 100% | 07:54 |
rhombus | so -- help me understand the process -- the initrd contains the kernel and modules necessary to... run init? | 07:54 |
c00kiemonster | so 6.06 runs OK in console-mode... but 7.04 doesnt even boot | 07:54 |
rhombus | c00kiemonster | 07:55 |
rhombus | yes | 07:55 |
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c00kiemonster | wow, cant seem to find anything related to the 1850 and 7.04 | 07:57 |
rhombus | yeah, it's puzzling | 07:58 |
rhombus | and I even updated the PERC firmware -- a new one was issued just three days ago | 07:58 |
c00kiemonster | maybe that sounds stupid, but have you verified that CD's MD5 ? | 07:58 |
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rhombus | hmn -- no. How can I do that? | 07:58 |
c00kiemonster | md5sum file.iso | 07:59 |
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c00kiemonster | that will give you a bunch of numbers and letters, that's the MD5 hash of that file | 07:59 |
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c00kiemonster | then you compare it to kubuntu's md5 on the web | 07:59 |
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c00kiemonster | if they differ, the iso is corrupt. | 08:00 |
rhombus | okay, i'll try it -- I can just get the md5 from k3b :P | 08:00 |
c00kiemonster | yeah, exactly. | 08:01 |
rhombus | uhhhh.... guess what I just noticed? | 08:03 |
c00kiemonster | ? | 08:03 |
rhombus | "The alternate install CD allows you to perform certain specialist installations of Kubuntu. It provides for the following situations:" | 08:03 |
rhombus | "LVM and/or RAID partitioning;" | 08:03 |
rhombus | I'm using the standard-issue desktop version | 08:04 |
c00kiemonster | yeah actually, the alternate CD is the only way to install on LVM or RAID. | 08:04 |
rhombus | perhaps I should try the alternate :) | 08:04 |
c00kiemonster | Well if that option is important to you, why not. That's what I've used also | 08:04 |
rhombus | well, I'm thinking that it's necessary | 08:05 |
rhombus | or it won't detect the controller properly -- anyway, it can't hurt, I'll try it | 08:05 |
c00kiemonster | doesnt the 1850 have an onboard megaraid controller? | 08:05 |
rhombus | (the md5 sums match) | 08:05 |
rhombus | yes | 08:06 |
c00kiemonster | okay | 08:06 |
rhombus | it does | 08:06 |
rhombus | well, it detects it... but hell, who knows? | 08:06 |
c00kiemonster | should be detected by the desktop iso, tough.. | 08:06 |
c00kiemonster | anyways, the alternate CD is not a bad idea at all | 08:06 |
rhombus | I can't understand why it would just die after the initrd is loaded | 08:06 |
rhombus | I'll give it a try. | 08:06 |
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c00kiemonster | the initrd usually contains the loadable modules... maybe one piece of hardware is unsupported and the module still tries to make it work. | 08:08 |
c00kiemonster | thats just a supposition, since it happened to me with a network controller back in the beginnings of PCI-E | 08:08 |
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intelikey | howto use "keys" to login in ssh without password ? | 08:23 |
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Lynoure | intelikey: here is a howto: http://www.linuxproblem.org/art_9.html | 08:24 |
Lynoure | intelikey: I haven't tested this particular howto, but it looks right | 08:25 |
intelikey | thank you. | 08:25 |
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chovy | kde-guidance crashes on me, even after re-installing | 08:27 |
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Mo0oSaH | hello everyone! | 08:32 |
kaellan | hi mr president :) | 08:33 |
intelikey | Lynoure any clue if that will continue to work after the user changes their passowrd ? | 08:33 |
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intelikey | ah it does hold... hmmmm very insecure imo | 08:36 |
intelikey | a user can lock the passwd and you can still login with the ssh key | 08:36 |
intelikey | kind of a crackers wet dream this ssh keys, don't ya think | 08:37 |
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zenum | hey, i have an nvidia 8600 and i've been told that the ubuntu repos doesn't have the latest nvidia drivers which support it. I was wondering if there is a recomended way of getting nvidia restricted drivers other then through the ubuntu repos? | 08:43 |
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zenum | i had a look at envy however when i ctrl+alt+backspaced it never came back up, and i couldnt restart as I was using the live cd. I'm still waiting on a HDD so that i can do a proper hdd install, would i need to actually restart for it to take effect? | 08:44 |
stdin | zenum: you can download it from the nvidia website and compile it, tho you'll have to recompile it everytime the kernel is updated | 08:44 |
zenum | will the ubuntu repos eventually have the latest version? | 08:44 |
stdin | zenum: and you would need to restart | 08:44 |
stdin | and yes, they will :p | 08:44 |
stdin | probably in gutsy tho | 08:45 |
zenum | ahh okaiz :) so i could install it from their website now and then hopefully by the time the kernel is next updated i can use the repos... | 08:45 |
zenum | i'm sure i'll have no problem moving to gutsy as soon as its released :) | 08:46 |
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stdin | zenum: dose it not work with the default driver at all? | 08:46 |
stdin | or just not 3D? | 08:46 |
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zenum | just the 3d doesn't work, i'm getting 230fps with glxgears | 08:47 |
zenum | i'm very much hopeing i can get it all to work as that is the reason i bought a decent graphics card :p | 08:48 |
stdin | I'm not sure exactly how the live CD works tho, I think if you restart X then it reboots | 08:48 |
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stdin | and 3D actually works great on my intel945 GPU :D | 08:49 |
ice9 | Hello friends! I need some help getting 3d acceleration going on my machine | 08:50 |
stdin | woah, it works better that I thought 6548 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1309.511 FPS | 08:50 |
ice9 | took me all day but I got the fglrx drivers working | 08:50 |
stdin | ice9: what card? | 08:50 |
ice9 | ati radeon x1300 | 08:50 |
stdin | eww :p | 08:50 |
ice9 | it was good for windows :( | 08:51 |
ice9 | lol | 08:51 |
stdin | ubotu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 08:51 |
stdin | oops | 08:51 |
stdin | ice9: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 08:51 |
ice9 | I know I know, I've read every one of those lol | 08:51 |
stdin | ice9: that's a guild | 08:51 |
stdin | ice9: and the problem is? | 08:51 |
ice9 | well most the guides talking about using the ati setting, but thats for a different chipset than mine, I have to use the fglrx | 08:52 |
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stdin | ice9: that guide tells you how to install fglrx | 08:52 |
ice9 | well, maybe 7th times the charm! lol | 08:53 |
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ice9 | on that guide, when it says to make sure its not disabled to run kdesu kate /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common | 08:54 |
ice9 | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169 | 08:54 |
ice9 | Major opcode: 149 | 08:54 |
ice9 | Minor opcode: 3 | 08:54 |
ice9 | Resource id: 0x0 | 08:54 |
ice9 | Failed to open device | 08:54 |
ice9 | sorry about the spam | 08:54 |
stdin | !baddevice | 08:55 |
ubotu | If you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors | 08:55 |
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stdin | you can just ignore it tho | 08:55 |
stdin | ice9: mostly you just do "sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx ; sudo depmod -a ; sudo aticonfig --initial ; sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv" | 08:56 |
stdin | ice9: then disable the composit extention | 08:57 |
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abhijit__ | hey do i need to reinstall ubuntu after changing my motherboard and processor | 09:14 |
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pag | abhijit__, you can try booting up without reinstall - it might work. | 09:15 |
abhijit__ | ya i should try tat .cause reinstalling is a pain in the ass | 09:16 |
stdin | abhijit__: it shouldn't be a problem, at all | 09:17 |
abhijit__ | r u sure? | 09:18 |
stdin | yeah | 09:18 |
stdin | you could take the HDD out of one system and plug it in to another and totally expect it to work :) | 09:18 |
abhijit__ | i was thinkin of changing my mboard frm 915 to 965 and a dual core processor | 09:18 |
stdin | linux would just see the new hardware and work | 09:19 |
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abhijit__ | ok thanks ,u just made my worries dissapear | 09:19 |
stdin | it does all the hardware detection at boot anyway | 09:19 |
stdin | linux is much smarter than windows :p | 09:20 |
abhijit__ | yea i m quite sure abt dat | 09:20 |
chovy | how do i reset my screen size manually ? kde-guidance is crashing on me. | 09:21 |
stdin | chovy: those settings are in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:21 |
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chovy | stdin: but i adjusted it and it is still showing odd-ball size...i managed to override it with ~/.kde/share/config/kdcontrolrc | 09:22 |
chovy | but that file was all screwy too | 09:22 |
chovy | multiple Height/Width definitions. | 09:22 |
=== ice9 [n=ice9@c-24-5-123-134.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chovy | so i deleted all but 1440x900 and now it works great | 09:23 |
chovy | the default was something like 1980x1280 and *way* too big. | 09:23 |
ice9 | I just installed all the flash plugins for firefox, but its still saying it doesn't have flash installed | 09:23 |
stdin | ice9: restarted firefox? | 09:24 |
chovy | but with ati drivers working it seems to crash Display & Monitor under Control center. | 09:24 |
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ice9 | yessir | 09:24 |
chovy | ice9: heh | 09:24 |
chovy | i hate flash | 09:24 |
chovy | have the same problem. | 09:24 |
chovy | it *sort of* works | 09:24 |
stdin | chovy: hmm, don't know how well the ati driver works with kcontrol | 09:24 |
chovy | depends on which site i go to. | 09:24 |
ice9 | I'm trying youtube, any problems with that? | 09:25 |
chovy | stdin: well, i'd rather have ati driver and no kcontrol | 09:25 |
stdin | ice9: how did you install the driver? | 09:25 |
chovy | just need to know how to tell the system to forget ~/.whatever and read from xorg.conf | 09:25 |
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ice9 | used the repository | 09:25 |
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stdin | chovy: not sure on the exact files, maybe they know in #kde | 09:26 |
stdin | ice9: what version of kubuntu do you have? | 09:26 |
chovy | InitialHeight 900=600 | 09:26 |
chovy | InitialWidth 1440=800 | 09:26 |
ice9 | um the 7.02 or whatever, newest one | 09:26 |
chovy | i'm assuming the =x is 4:3 | 09:26 |
chovy | ? | 09:26 |
pag | ice9, Youtube should work just great... At least with Adobe's Flash.. (I've heard it works with Gnash too, but never tried that myself) | 09:26 |
chovy | i just want to step down a notch from 1440x900 (still too tiny) | 09:26 |
stdin | chovy: umm, that's the size of the window | 09:26 |
ice9 | maybe I need to restart, thanks all | 09:27 |
stdin | ice9: restart won't fix it | 09:27 |
stdin | heh, windows user :p | 09:27 |
chovy | i think it was displayconfig actually that i changed | 09:28 |
jmegner | aw, let's not make fun of those unfortunate enough to be more familiar with Windows than Linux | 09:28 |
stdin | chovy: regardless of what kcontorl has in it's settings, if the mode isn't in xorg.conf it won't take effect | 09:28 |
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chovy | it is in the mode...but displayconfigrc will override initial modes. | 09:29 |
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=== |Zero|H|I|T| [n=zero@ppp48-26.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
|Zero|H|I|T| | help plz | 09:31 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | my /var partition is full | 09:31 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | and i want to make home smaller | 09:31 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | and /var bigger | 09:31 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | can i install qtparted at another partition? | 09:31 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | qtparter* | 09:32 |
chovy | you could just symlink and move | 09:32 |
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stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: start by deleting some logs in /var/log <- that normally why /var get's full | 09:32 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | oh... | 09:32 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | my /var part is 2gb | 09:32 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | should i make it bigger? | 09:32 |
chovy | find /var -type d | 09:33 |
chovy | find /var -type d | xargs du -hs | 09:33 |
chovy | find /var -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs du -hs | 09:33 |
chovy | that last one there :) | 09:33 |
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markc | find /var/log -type f -exec rm {} \; | 09:33 |
stdin | markc: umm, no | 09:33 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i am kinda confused | 09:33 |
chovy | or maxdepth 2 | 09:33 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | what should i do? | 09:33 |
stdin | markc: probably cause a crash then | 09:33 |
chovy | you gotta figure out what is taking the space. | 09:34 |
markc | stdin, why, log fiules just get recreated | 09:34 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | share is really big | 09:34 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | now there is an error and i cant install or uninstall anythin | 09:34 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | anything* | 09:34 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: this is what i'd so "sudo apt-get clean" then "find /var/log -type f -name "*.gz" -exec sudo rm {} \; " | 09:34 |
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|Zero|H|I|T| | sorry | 09:36 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i did a mistake | 09:36 |
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|Zero|H|I|T| | the /usr partition is full | 09:36 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i did what stdin said and /var is ok | 09:36 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | what should i do with /usr? | 09:36 |
stdin | well /usr is where mostly everything gets installed | 09:37 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | and i cant install or uninstall anything now :( | 09:37 |
markc | rm -rf /usr/share/doc | 09:37 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i get errors everywhere | 09:37 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | what does this contain? | 09:37 |
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markc | ls -l /usr/share/doc | 09:38 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: /usr/share/doc contains document that come with apps you install | 09:38 |
markc | du -s /usr/share/doc # to see how big it is | 09:38 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i think i need the documents | 09:38 |
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markc | all the docs are usually on the web via google | 09:39 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | 120092 /usr/share/doc | 09:39 |
markc | depends how desperate you are, if you MUST get some more room then it's the easiest thing to sacrifice | 09:39 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i think i can resize the partition | 09:39 |
markc | good, do that then | 09:39 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | actually can i do this? | 09:39 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | home is 9,4GB | 09:40 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: if you want a list of the worst directories in /usr, I like this command: find /usr -maxdepth 2 -type d -exec du -s {} \;|sort -rnk 1,1 | 09:40 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | and /usr is 2GB | 09:40 |
stdin | you'll want to pipe that through less | 09:40 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: 2GB is a bit small for /usr | 09:40 |
markc | or head/tail | 09:40 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | which size is the best one for that? | 09:40 |
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chovy | bye a 300gb drive and mount it as /x | 09:41 |
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chovy | then move all your data there and only run OS off / | 09:41 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i have got a 250usb one | 09:41 |
pag | |Zero|H|I|T|, why do you have so many partitions? any special reason for that? | 09:41 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i just read is is better like that | 09:42 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | but it isnt really :S | 09:42 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | so | 09:42 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: you probably don't need to have /usr, /var etc on differnt't partitions, just /home is fine for most | 09:42 |
markc | if qparted will run then you could subtract 1 or 2 gb from your /home partition and add it to /usr | 09:42 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | and the size would be ok? | 09:42 |
pag | |Zero|H|I|T|, / and /home on different ones is just enought for home-user | 09:43 |
stdin | my /usr is 10GB, and I don't expect to get near that limit | 09:43 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | so is making /home smaller and /usr bigger better or should i make a /usr partition at my 250 usb HDD? | 09:43 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | there is a lot of free space there | 09:43 |
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markc | lots of partitions used to be handy when hard drives were small, some could fill up without bringing down the whole system, these days it doesn't count, just / and home is all that's needed | 09:44 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | thats what i will do next time mark | 09:44 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | but what should i do now? | 09:44 |
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vzduch | copy it all away, repartition and copy it back :) | 09:45 |
markc | depends whether you want to have to always mount the USB device... I'd lean towards trying qparted | 09:45 |
vzduch | note that you might have to reinstall your bootloader afterwards | 09:46 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i dont really know what to do now :( | 09:46 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | reinstalling kubuntu seems... | 09:46 |
pag | |Zero|H|I|T|, how fresh is your installation? | 09:46 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | it is like...some weeks or days | 09:46 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | not much | 09:46 |
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|Zero|H|I|T| | should i backup and reinstall? | 09:47 |
pag | |Zero|H|I|T|, I'd really suggest repartitioning and reinstallation then... 15GB for / would be more than enough | 09:47 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | ok | 09:47 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | look | 09:47 |
pag | and the rest for /home and you'll be fine :) | 09:47 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | the internal HDD is 80GB | 09:47 |
=== kaellan [n=kaellan@c83-252-143-104.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vzduch | I have 10 GB /, after some 4 weeks it's nearly half used | 09:48 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: if you want to have the same packages installed on the new install, run "dpkg --get-selections > packages" and copy "packages" to a disk (or just don't format /home) | 09:48 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | the windows partition is 55GB | 09:48 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: then you can run "sudo dpkg --set-selections < packages" then "sudo aptitude upgrade" | 09:48 |
vzduch | do you really need 55 GB for Windoze? | 09:48 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | so i have got 25GB free | 09:48 |
stdin | reinstalls all the same packages again | 09:48 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | no | 09:48 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i think i dont | 09:49 |
markc | the safest thing to do is plug in your usb device, cp -a /usr /media/usbdevice/usr then mv /usr /usr.old then ln -s /media/usbdevice/usr /usr then rm -rf /usr.old (if all goes well) | 09:49 |
kaellan | i haw no sound :'( | 09:49 |
vzduch | then defragment your Windoze drive & resize it | 09:49 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | stdin i wont do that because i have some corrupt packages and i get errors all the time | 09:49 |
vzduch | |Zero|H|I|T|: if you have corrupt pkgs it's better to reinstall anyway | 09:49 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: no, it will download the fresh packages from the web and install them | 09:49 |
pag | kaellan, fresh installation? have you enabled it from the mixer (it's muted by default) | 09:49 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: you do the 2nd set of command AFTER the reinstall | 09:50 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i am not sure | 09:50 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | so | 09:50 |
kaellan | paq yes i haw unmuted :/ | 09:50 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | 25GB free | 09:50 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | 1GB swap | 09:50 |
pag | kaellan, ok... so you have no sound at all, or just some specific apps? | 09:50 |
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|Zero|H|I|T| | so 24GB remain | 09:51 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | what should i do there? | 09:51 |
kaellan | paq no sound at all :/ buth i had befor :S | 09:51 |
pag | |Zero|H|I|T|, do you really need that much swap? how much RAM do you got? | 09:51 |
pag | !sound | kaellan | 09:51 |
ubotu | kaellan: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 09:51 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | 512 | 09:51 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i read that ram*2 is good for swap | 09:52 |
pag | |Zero|H|I|T|, I'd suggest then (It's my opinion only!) 1GB swap 10GB / and the rest for /home | 09:52 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | about /boot? | 09:52 |
pag | I currently have only 3.2GB used on / so theoretically it could be smaller too.. | 09:53 |
kaellan | paq what is K menu ? | 09:53 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | down at the left | 09:53 |
pag | |Zero|H|I|T|, iirc no real need for /boot | 09:53 |
pag | kaellan, 'start-button' | 09:53 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | oh... | 09:53 |
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|Zero|H|I|T| | so 1GB swap, 10GB / and 14 for /home? | 09:54 |
pag | |Zero|H|I|T|, it might be useful if you have multiple linuxes installed and you want total control of the grub, but else it can safely be placed on / and it'll work | 09:54 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i just have xp and kubuntu | 09:55 |
markc | <|Zero|H|I|T|> yes, a good size combo | 09:55 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | 10GB will be good for usr, var and all that? | 09:55 |
pag | |Zero|H|I|T|, yup. something like that.. 7.5GB could be enought for / too, but it's getting risky, so lets just keep it @ 10GB | 09:55 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | now that i will reinstall i have to delete grub? | 09:56 |
markc | <|Zero|H|I|T|> yep 10Gb is "safe enough" for / | 09:56 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | should i do fixmbr from windows recovery or what? | 09:56 |
kaellan | emm, is shell the writing box ? | 09:57 |
kaellan | command box* | 09:57 |
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kaellan | terminal :P | 09:57 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: no need, grub will just be overwritten by the install | 09:57 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | thats konsole | 09:57 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | are you sure? | 09:57 |
vzduch | what's the surest way to find out the date that I installed my system? (file date or something) | 09:57 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i dont wanna risk it :S | 09:57 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: yes | 09:57 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: i'm 100000001% sure :) | 09:57 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | :D | 09:57 |
pag | vzduch, /etc/issue's creation date? | 09:58 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i wanna hear pag's opinion | 09:58 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | what do you think pag? | 09:58 |
vzduch | pag: no, it's the date the distro came out | 09:58 |
pag | |Zero|H|I|T|, if you're not going to boot to windows between the removal and installation, then there's no need to fix mbr | 09:59 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | so i will just boot from cd and install kubuntu again? | 09:59 |
stdin | yeah | 09:59 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | wish me luck :) | 09:59 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | first of all thanks a lot | 09:59 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | this channel is really helping people | 09:59 |
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vzduch | imho it'd be good if the installer created a 0 byte file after installation is finished.. like openSUSE does, it puts a file 'success' in / | 10:00 |
pag | vzduch, /boot/grub/default's creation date maybe? :-/ | 10:00 |
vzduch | pag: that looks like a better pick | 10:01 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | oops | 10:02 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i cant make backup of my data... | 10:02 |
vzduch | huh? | 10:02 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | it refuses to write at the usb disk | 10:02 |
pag | ntfs? | 10:02 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | yeah | 10:02 |
pag | !ntfs-3g | 10:02 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 10:02 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | thanks :D | 10:03 |
stdin | pag: he can't install packages :p | 10:03 |
pag | oh.. right :-/ | 10:03 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | yeah i cant!!!! | 10:03 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | :( | 10:03 |
stdin | |Zero|H|I|T|: tho you can install the ntfs-3g package when you're on the live cd, then copy the files over then | 10:03 |
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pag | stdin, onlu 512 ram - will it be enough to handle both livecd AND the installations? | 10:04 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | can i create an ext3 partition with partition magic in windows? | 10:04 |
stdin | pag: yeah | 10:05 |
pag | |Zero|H|I|T|, it should be possible | 10:05 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i will reboot to try | 10:05 |
stdin | pag: the live session is decompressed on-the-fly | 10:05 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | thanks! I will return...i think... | 10:05 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | :) | 10:05 |
pag | stdin, ok. | 10:05 |
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HanzZ | hi i want to have two version of one package, how can i do it? | 10:06 |
stdin | short answer is you can't | 10:06 |
HanzZ | ;) | 10:06 |
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stdin | slightly longer answer is, not easily | 10:06 |
HanzZ | ok.. so i compile it | 10:06 |
HanzZ | to the home | 10:07 |
stdin | yeah, just make sure you install it to /home/you or /usr/local/ | 10:07 |
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|Zero|H|I|T| | back | 10:15 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | i made a partition for backup with partition magic | 10:15 |
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|Zero|H|I|T| | why isnt there a create folder cmd when left clicking somewhere in a folder? | 10:16 |
stdin | usually means that it's read-only | 10:16 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | but the partition is ext3 | 10:17 |
stdin | (or you don't have permission) | 10:17 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | oh | 10:17 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | chmod | 10:17 |
stdin | no, kdesu konqueror | 10:17 |
stdin | easier :) | 10:17 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | kdesu konqueror? | 10:17 |
stdin | runs konqueror as root | 10:17 |
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|Zero|H|I|T| | cool | 10:19 |
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vzduch | I chown'ed my spare ext3 partition to be able to write to it as user | 10:20 |
|Zero|H|I|T| | copying postal 2 at the ext3 partition atm | 10:21 |
vzduch | and I'm still contemplating turning my 2 FAT32 partitions into ext3.. I could install ext2 drivers for Windoze if I need the data ther | 10:21 |
vzduch | e | 10:21 |
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vzduch | morning PriceChild | 10:22 |
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aero | mm | 10:30 |
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valchers | hello | 10:30 |
valchers | I have problem with kubuntu instalation | 10:31 |
valchers | somebody can help me? | 10:31 |
pag | valchers, what kind of problem? | 10:31 |
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valchers | I put in cd room | 10:32 |
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valchers | kubuntu 7.04 64 bu | 10:32 |
valchers | then i rebot in dc room | 10:32 |
valchers | then I start instelation | 10:32 |
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valchers | kernel is loded and | 10:32 |
valchers | then | 10:32 |
valchers | is black screen | 10:32 |
stdin | valchers: it helps to keep it on _one_ line | 10:32 |
stdin | valchers: what graphics card? | 10:34 |
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=== stdin guesses ati | ||
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DarkWizzard | http://pastebin.ca/628436 | 10:36 |
DarkWizzard | any reason for kwin to not work | 10:36 |
valchers | one moment | 10:36 |
DarkWizzard | and give me this ? | 10:36 |
valchers | GeForce 7100GS, 128MB, 64bit | 10:37 |
valchers | myu graphic card | 10:37 |
stdin | hmm, it probably doesn't work well with the driver on the disk | 10:37 |
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stdin | valchers: you can always just use the alternate cd to install from | 10:38 |
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titanix88 | will gusty ship with kde4.0? | 10:46 |
titanix88 | will gusty ship with kde4.0? | 10:46 |
stdin | titanix88: no | 10:46 |
titanix88 | why not?:( | 10:46 |
pag | titanix88, it can be installed though, but it won't be default untill 8.10 for what I've heard | 10:46 |
titanix88 | why not?:( | 10:46 |
vzduch | stability | 10:47 |
stdin | titanix88: because it won't be ready | 10:47 |
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stdin | and you only need to send the message once | 10:47 |
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titanix88 | what abt cowpiz fusion? | 10:48 |
titanix88 | what abt cowpiz fusion? | 10:48 |
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vzduch | try to fix your keyboard first, everything you type shows twice | 10:49 |
pag | titanix88, iirc it will be there... why do you always repeat evetything twice? | 10:49 |
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stdin | titanix88: 1) it's compiz, not cowpiz. 2) yes, that will be in gutsy. and 3) gutsy questions in #ubuntu+1 | 10:49 |
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titanix88 | sorry i am using jmirc(from my mobile) maybe the clients fault:( | 10:51 |
titanix88 | sorry i am using jmirc(from my mobile) maybe the clients fault:( | 10:51 |
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flokuehn | hi everybody | 10:54 |
flokuehn | does anybody know how to create an virtual machine for vmware? | 10:54 |
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stdin | flokuehn: vmware player? | 10:55 |
titanix88 | jmirc is a gpl soft for java enabled mobiles | 10:55 |
andrea | flokuehn: you can use qemu but I don't remember the exact commands... | 10:55 |
stdin | flokuehn: http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml | 10:55 |
flokuehn | ok thx | 10:56 |
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MaTiAz | What package contains 7z support for ark? | 11:01 |
kraut | moin | 11:01 |
vzduch | !info p7zip | 11:01 |
ubotu | p7zip: 7-Zip is a file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.43~dfsg.1-1 (feisty), package size 315 kB, installed size 948 kB | 11:01 |
stdin | MaTiAz: or p7zip-full | 11:02 |
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john | Hey | 11:20 |
pag | hi john | 11:21 |
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jtmoney | i can't find much using google or the forums... anyone know why i can't get past the boot screen when trying to install kubuntu desktop or atlernative from within virtualbox on my xp box? | 11:35 |
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kalman | !archives | 11:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about archives - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:49 |
kalman | !repository | 11:49 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 11:49 |
kalman | !archive | 11:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about archive - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:50 |
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kalman | hi | 11:50 |
vzduch | !botabuse | 11:50 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 11:50 |
kalman | anyone knows where I can find a list of repository near france ? | 11:51 |
pag | !easysources | 11:51 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 11:51 |
kalman | thank you | 11:51 |
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hippie | HELP!!! installed gnome now I cant do anything, the panels are there but theres no menues, no icons, no nothing, cant get to KDM logon so I can switch it back to kde, auto login is enabled, how do I disable it from the command line? | 12:00 |
Level15 | hey guys... i'm trying to get hibernation to work on ly laptop but instead of hibernating, I get a blank screen and everything freezes. Using a Dell C2D and Nvidia binary drivers... | 12:00 |
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wepiha | hippie: have you searched google to find out a) how to disable autologin b) reset your kdm configuration | 12:03 |
hippie | how do I do that? | 12:03 |
vzduch | *omfg* | 12:03 |
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hippie | all I got is termanal mode atm until the auto logon is disabled | 12:03 |
Level15 | hehe | 12:03 |
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Level15 | hippie: you do realize this is Kubuntu channel, right? Meaning most people here uses KDE instead of Gnome... | 12:04 |
hippie | yeah | 12:04 |
hippie | i use KDE, but installed gnome and it broke my system | 12:04 |
hippie | now I cant get to KDE at all | 12:05 |
Level15 | well, try uninstalling gnome :) | 12:05 |
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Level15 | apt-get remove or something like that | 12:05 |
hippie | did, still goes streight to gnome when I boot up | 12:05 |
Level15 | then you didn't uninstall gnome | 12:05 |
hippie | but cant do anything with it, no menues, icons or anything, and it verry verry verry unrespnsive | 12:05 |
Level15 | does alt+f2 work under gnome? perhaps you can open a terminal there | 12:06 |
hippie | it does work, but takes like 2 min for the window to show up | 12:07 |
Level15 | if alt+f2 works, run kcontrol, disable autologin | 12:07 |
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Level15 | hippie, well, i don't think that speed problem is gnome related... | 12:07 |
vzduch | can you run kcontrol from VGA console? | 12:07 |
Level15 | vzduch: of course not | 12:07 |
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hippie | just restarted the x server | 12:08 |
Level15 | hippie: just to make things clear: you ARE under gnome right now, right? And you can do Alt+F2 and get a Run dialog in which you can run kcontrol, right? | 12:08 |
hippie | now bitchx got extreamly slow, 2 sec delay in typing | 12:09 |
vzduch | BitchX.. *omg* | 12:09 |
hippie | its all I can use atm | 12:10 |
Level15 | hippie: did you try what i told you? | 12:10 |
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vzduch | how about using irssi? no need to tame it before it behaves like a neat IRC client :> | 12:10 |
hippie | yup.... and tried running kcontrol | 12:11 |
hippie | still waiting for it to load | 12:11 |
Level15 | hippie: that speed problem is something else... | 12:11 |
hippie | I didnt have tis speed problem at all until I dicided I wanted to try gnome | 12:12 |
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Level15 | well, i'm not very fond of gnome, but i don't think it's *that* bad to slow down your computer that much | 12:12 |
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hippie | theres no icons, no text, cant see my text when I type in the run program box | 12:14 |
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hippie | reinstalling isnt an option..... my cdrom drive died the other day | 12:15 |
Level15 | hippie: /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc | 12:15 |
Level15 | comment this line: | 12:16 |
Level15 | AutoLoginEnable=true | 12:16 |
Level15 | then reboot | 12:16 |
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hippie | finally... kcontrol loaded | 12:16 |
Level15 | does kcontrol icons, text, etc show OK? | 12:16 |
Level15 | anyone with some experience on getting hibernation to work on laptops? | 12:16 |
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hippie | yes the icons and text sho ok in kcontrol | 12:17 |
hippie | show* | 12:17 |
Level15 | hippie: ok, then you can fix it from there | 12:17 |
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hippie | maybe not | 12:19 |
Level15 | hippie: why not? | 12:19 |
hippie | everything is greyd out, and admin mode doesnt seem to work.... unles its gonna 5 hrs just to process a damn password! | 12:19 |
Level15 | hippie: then go to text mode, stop kdm, edit the file i told you, start kdm... | 12:20 |
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hippie | ok | 12:21 |
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vzduch | in this case it might well be gdm | 12:21 |
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hippie | damn... what was that file again, or how do I scroll up in bitchx? | 12:22 |
Level15 | hippie: /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc | 12:22 |
vzduch | try PgUp/PgDn | 12:22 |
Level15 | comment this line: | 12:22 |
Level15 | AutoLoginEnable=true | 12:22 |
hippie | oh ok | 12:22 |
hippie | never used bitchx before | 12:22 |
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Arcer | hi guys | 12:23 |
Level15 | anyone with some experience on getting hibernation to work on laptops? | 12:24 |
hippie | guess it finally decided to take my passwd... kcontrol let me do it | 12:24 |
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hippie | brb | 12:24 |
Level15 | hippie: ok, just try whichever works faster for you | 12:24 |
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Level15 | dude... i just realized kubuntu thinks i don't have a swap partition... even though it is there on my fstab... | 12:26 |
vzduch | perhaps try 'sudo swapon' | 12:26 |
Level15 | hm, BTOH, i actually DON'T have a swap partition... I'm wondering where did it go, since I remember having one before :D | 12:26 |
vzduch | o0 | 12:27 |
Level15 | i was resizing my fs the other day, i guess o broke it then | 12:27 |
Level15 | what was that command to see your partition's UUID? | 12:28 |
adaptr | tune2fs -l | 12:29 |
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Level15 | no, there's another one... I don't use e2fs | 12:29 |
hippie- | thx guys | 12:29 |
Level15 | or e3fs for that matter | 12:29 |
hippie- | back in KDE now | 12:29 |
Level15 | hippie-: slow behavior problem gone? | 12:29 |
hippie- | yup | 12:30 |
hippie- | its all back to norma | 12:30 |
hippie- | normal* | 12:30 |
Level15 | good | 12:30 |
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hippie- | beryl and everything.... all working as it should | 12:31 |
joshua__ | can anyone tell me if KDE4 Alpha 2 is ready for download in the repos, and if so, how I can download and check it out? | 12:31 |
adaptr | Level15 you mean vol_id | 12:31 |
adaptr | vol_id -u /dev/hdXY | 12:32 |
jtmoney | i can't find much using google or the forums... anyone know why i can't get past the boot screen when trying to install kubuntu desktop or atlernative from within virtualbox on my xp box? | 12:32 |
Level15 | adaptr: yeah, that's one of them.... though there was another one which wouldl tell you all uids of all partitions... | 12:32 |
hippie- | well.. yall have a good night... errr... mornin | 12:33 |
hippie- | im going to bed | 12:33 |
hippie- | thx for the help | 12:33 |
adaptr | Level15 yes, that would be vol_id /dev/[sh] d[abcd] [1234] :) | 12:33 |
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Level15 | adaptr: he, that's a nice way, yes :) | 12:34 |
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Level15 | what do you know... I ACTUALLY don't have a swap partition... | 12:39 |
Level15 | and worse, I have no space to create one... | 12:39 |
vzduch | then make some space.. 1 GB should do :) | 12:40 |
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NightBird | yeah, you don't need a swap partition... though it's generally a good idea.. | 12:40 |
Level15 | vzduch: i am kind of short on space... i honestly don't see where i can get the 2 GB i need (in order to have s2disk to work) | 12:41 |
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vzduch | well.. how much space have you got, and for what? | 12:41 |
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Level15 | i have 2 gb freen on /home, 2.3GB on / and 162 MB on /usr... i could get it from /home but then i could not create more files or whatever :P | 12:43 |
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Level15 | and there's that /usr ticking bomb... | 12:43 |
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vzduch | I mean the total space | 12:45 |
vzduch | partition sizes | 12:45 |
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Level15 | vzduch: Dell partition 56 MB, win partition (has my music and videos) 60 GB, /usr 3 GB, / 3 GB, /home 9 GB | 12:46 |
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vzduch | all a bit narrow.. you should consider further reducing the size of your Windoze partition | 12:47 |
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Level15 | vzduch: yeah, i guess that's the only place i might eventually get some space from... maybe i need to buy an externa disk an move all my music and videos there... then i can make windoze partition about 20 or 30 GB | 12:48 |
vzduch | besides, I don't see the benefit in having a separate /usr partition | 12:48 |
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vzduch | you could combine / and /usr in 1 partition w/ 5 GB | 12:49 |
Level15 | vzduch: i didn't have one before... but then / was full. so what i did was get rid of a Dell Media Direct shitty partition and move my /usr there... | 12:49 |
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Level15 | vzduch: not an option, since one of them is primary, the other one extended... and i'd really hate to have to copy everything somewhere else and reinstall | 12:50 |
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Level15 | has any of you used LVM? | 12:50 |
adaptr | yes, and so have you | 12:51 |
adaptr | *buntu installs with it by default | 12:51 |
vzduch | <-- no LVM, no RAID, no hibernate | 12:51 |
vzduch | adaptr: I think you're mixing something up here.. | 12:51 |
Level15 | adaptr: no, it doesn't... | 12:51 |
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adaptr | ah - okay, that must be just the server, then | 12:52 |
Level15 | adaptr: probably... | 12:52 |
vzduch | from the DVD TeXLive installs like a charm :) | 12:53 |
Level15 | i read somewhere that it required to use the whole disk, so it was not possible to share that disk with another OS... is that true? Are there any workarounds? | 12:53 |
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vzduch | LVM is meant to make 1 logical drive from 2 or more hdds | 12:54 |
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Level15 | why from 2 or more? can't it just work with one? | 12:55 |
vzduch | I guess it could, but what's the use? | 12:56 |
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Level15 | vzduch: resizing FS without so much hassle | 12:57 |
vzduch | huh? | 12:57 |
Level15 | well, that's the idea of LVM, right? | 12:58 |
Level15 | you grow short of space somewhere, you add an extend to your logical drive | 12:58 |
vzduch | afaik not | 12:58 |
vzduch | if you think it this way yes.. | 12:59 |
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Level15 | what do you mean? | 12:59 |
vzduch | only when I hear 'resizing' I'm used to think 'shrinking' | 01:00 |
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Level15 | oh | 01:00 |
Level15 | i see | 01:00 |
Level15 | well i guess it is possible to shrink as well by removing an extend... though i have never used it so i wouldn't know foor sure | 01:01 |
bulwynkl | hwody all - is there a way to repair or revert an LVM to regular /dev/ format? The problem is the startup files think it's LVM but it isn't... | 01:01 |
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vzduch | and if you run out of space and have a spare partition you just copy files and adjust mount points accordingly, no need for LVM | 01:02 |
Level15 | well guys, nice talking to you but i am going to have lunch now | 01:02 |
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Level15 | c'ya later | 01:03 |
zenum | hey... i have a root partition which used to be sdb1, i've since changed a lot of hard disks around and now the system no longer boots. I've shoved in the live cd and it can see the partition and lists it as sda1... could the fact that it is now recognized as a different partition be why its no longer booting? | 01:03 |
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vzduch | of course | 01:03 |
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vzduch | put the disk on primary slave and you'll be fine, I guess | 01:04 |
zenum | is there a way I can fix it? either making it sdb1 again or repairing the install so that it correctly boots with sda1? | 01:04 |
zenum | i've boot the disk in a couple of different sata ports... | 01:04 |
vzduch | ah, SATA.. dunno about that | 01:04 |
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zenum | would i need to make sure that another disk is plugged in in a sata port before the boot disk? | 01:05 |
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vzduch | well, if you can plug something in that'll be recognized as sda and your boot disk as sdb, then it should be ok | 01:06 |
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mike__ | Greets, everyone | 01:07 |
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zenum | vzduch: i guess theres only one way to find out | 01:08 |
mike__ | !gutsy | 01:08 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+1 | 01:08 |
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oxy | ?? | 01:28 |
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snikker | how can i change the network interface name? (eth2-->eth0) | 01:30 |
toni | edit /etc/network/interfaces | 01:31 |
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HayaBusa | good morning . How can i check my IP address ??? | 01:33 |
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snikker | toni: thank you | 01:33 |
toni | you're welcome | 01:33 |
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Pharsalus | mornin' all, does anyone know of any 'miniplayer' plugins available for Amarok? | 01:35 |
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HayaBusa | i think amarok has miniplayer | 01:36 |
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HayaBusa | mine is set to miniplayer | 01:36 |
toni | what is miniplayer | 01:38 |
HayaBusa | small music player :) .. | 01:38 |
Pharsalus | Where do you turn it on? | 01:38 |
HayaBusa | i forgot , let me check | 01:39 |
toni | snikker: you'll need root privilege to change that file | 01:39 |
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toni | amarok is a small music player already, isn't it? | 01:40 |
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Pharsalus | It is, but I have a small screen and I want it really really dinky. | 01:41 |
toni | if you use noatn, it only occupies an icon on the panel | 01:42 |
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HayaBusa | be honest , i really have no idea how .. i totally forgot . but amarak got that feature somewhere , you can make th player only show the title while playing. | 01:42 |
toni | hola belen | 01:42 |
Pharsalus | Ok, thanks anyway, I'll do some more searching. | 01:42 |
Pharsalus | Aha! "Show player window" on general settings page. Thanks HayaBusa. :) | 01:43 |
HayaBusa | heh. there . | 01:43 |
HayaBusa | :) | 01:43 |
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toni | lineak-kdeplugins are the only plugins I see for amarok. I don't know what are they for | 01:44 |
HayaBusa | NOw, how can i see my dynamic IP address ? | 01:44 |
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toni | HayBusa: you have to access your router (if u use a lan) or go to a web pag that shows it | 01:46 |
HayaBusa | is there any ping version of window for linux ? | 01:46 |
toni | search in google: something like myip.com or ipaddress.com would do it | 01:46 |
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toni | go here http://www.myip.dk/ | 01:47 |
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HayaBusa | thanks TONI . but needed a command to check my ip and other NIC info . | 01:47 |
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snikker | toni: yes, i've see it :-) thanks | 01:48 |
toni | I think that is not possible if you use a private IP in a Lan | 01:48 |
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[ifr0g] | Where could i find the list packages present on the kubuntu dvd ? | 01:48 |
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HayaBusa | #photogeeks | 01:49 |
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HayaBusa | humm | 01:49 |
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toni | HayBusa: have you heard that is possible? | 01:49 |
HayaBusa | yes. | 01:50 |
HayaBusa | lol | 01:50 |
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HayaBusa | i think., im new to linux . | 01:50 |
HayaBusa | but if window got it , then im pretty sure there are commands with in linux | 01:50 |
toni | how do you do it in windos | 01:50 |
HayaBusa | ipconfig /all | 01:50 |
HayaBusa | ipconfig | 01:50 |
HayaBusa | ping localhost or ping computer name | 01:50 |
toni | that doesn't give you your external ip | 01:51 |
HayaBusa | yes it dose | 01:51 |
HayaBusa | ipconfig /all , will give you all the info on NIC .. | 01:51 |
toni | how are you connecting to internet | 01:51 |
HayaBusa | DSL , no router | 01:51 |
toni | dialup modem or dsl with a router | 01:51 |
toni | No router? | 01:51 |
HayaBusa | modem has a built in router | 01:52 |
toni | then do /sbin/ifconfig | 01:52 |
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HayaBusa | what that command dose | 01:52 |
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toni | Ok and you use the router | 01:52 |
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toni | the same as in windows | 01:53 |
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toni | it's just iFconfig and not iPconfig | 01:53 |
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toni | what you got? | 01:54 |
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HayaBusa | bunch of stuff, but only router ip address .like 192.168.. no externall ip listed. | 01:55 |
toni | no, no it's not the router address | 01:55 |
toni | if you have or something similar, That's the IP you use in you lan (lan =pc, router) | 01:56 |
toni | that's you private IP | 01:56 |
HayaBusa | thats what i said . .:) .. it is router address . | 01:56 |
HayaBusa | my last question | 01:57 |
toni | your router has two IP's, one private, like | 01:57 |
HayaBusa | how can i join the IRC called photogeeks | 01:57 |
toni | and another public or external which is the one you see if you go to myip.dk | 01:57 |
HayaBusa | thanks toni.. ifconfig seems to be pretty insteresting thing. | 01:58 |
toni | i don't know, you need the name of the server and the channel | 01:58 |
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HayaBusa | is on freenode | 01:59 |
toni | your router/modem converts your private IP in a public IP (his ip) for going outside of the lan | 01:59 |
[ifr0g] | Where could i find the list of packages present on the kubuntu dvd ? | 02:00 |
HayaBusa | iknow about NAT .. but im not good with linux since this is my first time using linux .. | 02:00 |
toni | #gnome | 02:00 |
vzduch | [ifr0g] : on the DVD? | 02:00 |
toni | I don't know..in you client, there must be a way to select the channel | 02:00 |
toni | ===> GONE | 02:01 |
vzduch | *omfg*.. is it so difficult to type '/join #photogeeks'? | 02:01 |
HayaBusa | once you new to IRC everything is difficult | 02:02 |
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[ifr0g] | vbgunz, online. | 02:02 |
HayaBusa | also thanks vzduch | 02:02 |
HayaBusa | if you can tell me how i can have the channal at all time everytime i start the IRC ? without typing '/join # | 02:04 |
vzduch | HayaBusa: IRC quick guide: Channel names usually start w/ a #. To join a channel, type '/join #<channel>', to get out of a channel type '/part <channel>', to exit all channels and quit your IRC client type '/quit'. After 'part' and 'quit' you can optionally type a message that will be displayed when you exit | 02:05 |
vzduch | for more details refer to the docs of your client | 02:05 |
HayaBusa | THanks. | 02:05 |
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HayaBusa | HUMM, YOU checking up on me ?;) | 02:07 |
vzduch | no, just wanted to know whether this channel really exists | 02:08 |
HayaBusa | yes. i think is a good channal for photographer . well , i hope so . no one seems to be active there yet.. | 02:08 |
vzduch | better get used to that.. in most IRC channels <10 % of the people are active | 02:09 |
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dhq | i have a router.... i want to redirect all the connection from my router to pass through my pc ..... internet---->router---->main pc---->rest of the pc | 02:09 |
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vzduch | dhq: what's 'rest of the PC'? | 02:10 |
dhq | vzduch, well i have a laptop which i wanna monitor all the pcs on the network | 02:11 |
dhq | vzduch, did you get me | 02:13 |
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dhq | is there any captive portal app for linux | 02:14 |
vzduch | I think so.. well, if you have a router you have several LAN ports normally.. connect all your computers to the router and use a sniffer for LAN traffic.. don't remember any names right now | 02:14 |
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onechard | wireshark etherape | 02:15 |
vzduch | but consult your lawyer before installing any of these, they might be illegal where you are :P | 02:16 |
Chousuke | :P | 02:16 |
Chousuke | Everyone loves idiotic laws <3 | 02:17 |
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hatter | where are the themes kept in superkaramba ? | 02:17 |
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zenum | does anyone know how to make an lvm vg stay active after restarting? | 02:23 |
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zenum | I used to have lvm with /dev/md1 as a pv, however after removing /dev/md0 the /dev/md1 renamed itself to /dev/md0 and now the volume group doesn't boot up by itself anymore | 02:24 |
zenum | I have to run vmscan and vmchange -a y for it to work again | 02:24 |
zenum | but after i restart i have to do it all over again | 02:24 |
rixxon | how can I see if a package is installed? | 02:26 |
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miles | good mornin! | 02:35 |
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BluesKaj | howdy all :) | 02:38 |
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BluesKaj | !ntfs-config | 02:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:39 |
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BluesKaj | !ntfs-3g | 02:39 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 02:39 |
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=== BluesKaj wonders when these sites become KDE friendly , rather than defaulting to the gnome tutorials | ||
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BluesKaj | Isn't KDE mature enuff to have tutorials directed at kde users ? | 02:43 |
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kaba | kcontrol => Fonts -> Force fonts dpi: 96 / 120 --- into which file is this parameter written; how change it to 107 dpi? | 02:44 |
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miles | !opengl | 02:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:44 |
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fildo | !webcam | 02:44 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 02:44 |
BluesKaj | !KDE-Tutorials | 02:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kde-tutorials - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:45 |
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miles | !skype | 02:45 |
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ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 02:46 |
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BluesKaj | not surprising , we're stuck with stuff written for gnome that doesn't exist in the k-menu after installation ...can it be so difficult? | 02:46 |
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mike__ | Greets, everyone... | 02:48 |
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fildo | !webcam | 02:58 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 02:58 |
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miles | Sysinfo for 'nzxt': Linux 2.6.20-15-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: AMDAthlon643800+ at 1000 MHz (2016 bogomips), , RAM: 696/2012MB, 98 proc's, 10.3h up | 03:08 |
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vzduch | CPU[AMD Athlon clocked at 900.083 Mhz] Kernel[Linux 2.6.20-16-lowlatency i686] Up[-8days-] Mem[-320.8/757.5MB-] HDD[-280GB(39%used)-] Procs[-114-] Client[Shell wrapper] | 03:09 |
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vzduch | hi BluesKaj | 03:11 |
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BluesKaj | hi vzduch..wassup? | 03:12 |
vzduch | ah, just hangin' around :> | 03:12 |
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vzduch | I installed TeXLive 2007 earlier today, because the 2006 that's in the repos won't install more than a few basic pkgs due to a conflict w/ tetex which is needed by kile | 03:14 |
BluesKaj | i'm getting tired of being directed to gnome tutorials , when is KDE going to be recognized as a mature desktop ? the menus arent the same etc ... my freinds are becoming confused when the 'applications' can't be found in the k-menu . | 03:15 |
vzduch | you're free to write adaptations :> | 03:15 |
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BluesKaj | of course vzduch , but attracting new ppl to linux and kubuntu is the 'cause' so to speak ..and telling me to write an adaptation is a not an answer and you know it. | 03:17 |
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vzduch | if you look for howtos for solely KDE-based distros you'll be sure to find some.. but it seems that the number of ppl on the *buntu IRC channels speak for themselves; if you take these as a guideline you will find that usage of Kubuntu is probably about 25 % that of Ubuntu | 03:19 |
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vzduch | and as long as ppl don't complain about missing Kubuntu-specific documentation, then the ppl who make the documentation won't know there is a need :) | 03:20 |
chaotic_ | do u guys know how to get counterstrike working | 03:20 |
=== vzduch doesn't play CS.. or any FPS games, for that matter | ||
chaotic_ | on wine | 03:21 |
BluesKaj | 25% is a lot .. I still think there should be some work done by the dev-ppl to setup an *asterisk/auxiliary set of instructions pertaining to KDE users | 03:21 |
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BluesKaj | I spent a whole day fixing my buddy's feisty setup and showing him how to use KDE , he was about to dum kubuntu and install ubuntu cuz all the tutorials were for gnome users. He didn't understand the the difference between a dektop and OS., which is very common , believe me. | 03:24 |
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BluesKaj | desktop | 03:25 |
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vzduch | sad but true.. that's the ppl who have never seen, let alone used, M$ DOS | 03:26 |
oldgrizz | is there a relatively easy way get ubuntu to dual boot with vista home premium ? | 03:27 |
vzduch | oldgrizz: same as it ever was: first install Windoze, second install Linux | 03:28 |
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oldgrizz | vz: do I need to repartition the drive ? | 03:28 |
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vzduch | oldgrizz: depends on what you have | 03:29 |
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vzduch | for convenience and proper functioning, you'll want 3 partitions for Linux | 03:30 |
oldgrizz | will the ubuntu install allow me to make them ? | 03:30 |
vzduch | 10 - 15 GB for / (the 'base' folder of the filesystem that contains everything), twice the size of your RAM for swap, the rest for /home | 03:31 |
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vzduch | oldgrizz: the installer has a partitioner | 03:31 |
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BluesKaj | oldgrizz, there's a way to restore the MBR without losing grub after you install linux ..boot into vista if possible and download Easy BCD 1.60 and install it | 03:32 |
BluesKaj | it will help restore the bootloader GUI for both OSs | 03:32 |
vzduch | BluesKaj: you're confusing something.. installing Linux will end him up w/ a functioning MBR and bootloader anyway :> | 03:33 |
BluesKaj | not with vista ,... :( | 03:33 |
vzduch | (if nothing goes wrong, that is) | 03:33 |
BluesKaj | I already went thru it | 03:33 |
vzduch | what's so different about Vista that makes this more complicated? | 03:33 |
BluesKaj | the chainloader isn't used or somesuch | 03:34 |
oldgrizz | do I get the Easy BSD installed before or after I do the linux install? | 03:34 |
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BluesKaj | BCD! not BSD | 03:34 |
BluesKaj | afterwards | 03:34 |
oldgrizz | ok thanks | 03:35 |
vzduch | another reason not to use Vista.. | 03:35 |
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vzduch | not to mention that even my XP installation is almost jobless now | 03:35 |
chaotic_ | how do i move afile from one location to another | 03:35 |
chaotic_ | thru terminal | 03:35 |
oldgrizz | well I guess Im going to give it a whirl | 03:36 |
vzduch | chaotic_: Possibility 1: drag'n'drop w/ your favourite file manager, Possibility 2: 'mv /path/to/sourcefile /path/to/destinationfile' | 03:36 |
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chaotic_ | whats -rf for | 03:37 |
vzduch | -r == recursive (for directories), -f == force | 03:37 |
vzduch | the -rf options are commonly used for rm (remove == delete) | 03:38 |
vzduch | w/ the -f switch suppressing the question if you really want to delete the file(s)/folder(s) | 03:38 |
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vzduch | that's why it's a bad idea to follow the advice to 'rm -rf /' *gg* | 03:39 |
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flokuehn | hi | 03:40 |
flokuehn | iam trying to install xp home edition in an virtual machine | 03:41 |
BluesKaj | i use XP due to the unfortunate fact that the scanning programs like kooka and sane don't do a very good job on photos aand documents ...something tht is important to us due to documentation requirements for our family travels etc. | 03:41 |
flokuehn | but after some time i get the error message: failed to set the grab state: stale data | 03:41 |
flokuehn | does anybody konw this error message? | 03:41 |
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BluesKaj | flokuehn, virtualbox ? | 03:42 |
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flokuehn | its vmware player | 03:42 |
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BluesKaj | i tried the vmware server free version , it was ok but didn't allow drivers for some hardware etc , so I just dumped it ...was impressive at first but the limitations just became too much | 03:45 |
flokuehn | i can install something like xp in vmware server too | 03:45 |
flokuehn | ? | 03:45 |
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BluesKaj | yup | 03:46 |
flokuehn | but you have no clue about this error message, isnt it? | 03:46 |
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BluesKaj | no idea , flokuehn | 03:46 |
flokuehn | ok | 03:46 |
flokuehn | thanks anyway | 03:46 |
BluesKaj | sorry :( | 03:46 |
flokuehn | haha doesnt matter | 03:47 |
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chaotic_ | how can i move folders into wine folders | 03:55 |
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youri | hello | 03:59 |
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youri | the problem is that kubuntu thinks my usb keyboard = card0 | 04:01 |
youri | what's the command to choose what is card0 | 04:01 |
youri | please :) | 04:01 |
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GrahamA | Hey, I setup a Debian server but I was wondering, considering that Ubuntu is based on Debian, would it be better to have an ubuntu server or a debian server? | 04:04 |
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BadRobot | Hi there .I've installed the Ubuntu Feisty. It hangs after the message "Loading boot/initrd.....". It looks like its about to load a new screen, but the screen stays black and it just hangs there.The laptop is an ASUS A6000KM.So,could anyone give some help? | 04:07 |
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Pupeno | I am trying to grok monads, but after a few hours I'm still failing. I am playing with my own state monad, and I can't understand why it has to be a function: newtype State st a = State (st -> (st, a)). | 04:17 |
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Pupeno | opps, wrong channel. | 04:18 |
marko__ | how do i rename a file in shell ? | 04:19 |
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vzduch | mv sourcefile destinationfile | 04:20 |
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marko__ | tnx | 04:20 |
marko__ | vzduch, is there any other way to rename it ? | 04:21 |
vzduch | in the shell, no | 04:21 |
marko__ | oh | 04:21 |
marko__ | ok | 04:21 |
marko__ | :) | 04:21 |
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pag | marko__, what's wrong with that one? | 04:22 |
marko__ | eh nothing in a friend's shell it isn't working | 04:22 |
marko__ | but i don't care :> | 04:22 |
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vzduch | then he's either got a typo or the wrong path | 04:22 |
|Karti| | Hi all. I want to re-image my PC with a ghost image of 7.04. My question is this ...if I save my home drive and copy it across to my new home drive, will all my settings for Kontact and the like be safe.....or should I just start again? | 04:23 |
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pag | |Karti|, they should be safe - use the same Username(s) and UID(s) just to be sure | 04:24 |
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|Karti| | pag: many thanks | 04:26 |
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grul | !mouse | 04:33 |
ubotu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto | 04:33 |
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roald | hello everyone:) | 04:45 |
roald | I have a compiz-fusion kubuntu-related question | 04:46 |
roald | am i in the right place? | 04:46 |
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BluesKaj | !compiz | roald | 04:48 |
ubotu | roald: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:48 |
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highd1 | Can anyone tell me where the bookmark folder is located? | 04:51 |
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dyn-86 | HELP!...i'm in big trouble....for some strange reason, after i enter my password, the x server just blanks the screen for a couple of secs, then it appears again, i'm not getting a login failed message | 04:52 |
dyn-86 | i went on the console and gave it the startx command | 04:53 |
dyn-86 | and now i'm here////wherever here is.. | 04:53 |
dyn-86 | a friend of mine told me to do that | 04:53 |
pag | highd1, kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml maybe? | 04:54 |
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highd1 | thanks. I'm also having hibernation/suspension problems | 04:55 |
highd1 | a little pixel appears above my mouse cursor and I can't access anything | 04:56 |
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dyn-86 | some1? | 04:57 |
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dyn-86 | any1 | 04:57 |
dyn-86 | ? | 04:57 |
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pag | dyn-86, any error messages? | 04:57 |
dyn-86 | not one | 04:57 |
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dyn-86 | it just sends me back 2 the login screen | 04:57 |
pag | dyn-86, but with 'startx' it launched just fine? | 04:58 |
[NL] Jazz | dyn-86: is your homedirectory full? | 04:58 |
dyn-86 | i don't know | 04:58 |
dyn-86 | let me ss | 04:58 |
dyn-86 | see | 04:58 |
lontra | any recommends on a good multimedia plugin for konqueror? | 04:58 |
dyn-86 | it says it is if i click properties, but right now | 04:59 |
GrahamA | lontra: Can't you use Kaffiene? | 04:59 |
[NL] Jazz | dyn-86: can you use a terminal? | 04:59 |
dyn-86 | i can't really see anything except desktop in my /root | 04:59 |
dyn-86 | yeah | 05:00 |
dyn-86 | everything seems 2 be running fine | 05:00 |
[NL] Jazz | are you trying to login in X with root? | 05:00 |
dyn-86 | can use terminal | 05:00 |
StoneNewt | Seagate | 05:00 |
dyn-86 | meaning? | 05:00 |
[NL] Jazz | dyn-86: df -h in a terminal | 05:00 |
tomislav | Hello. I'm trying to get Gefore4 420 Go 32M proprietary drivers working on Kubuntu 7.04, and no luck at all. I tried using legacy and 96xx drivers from the repository, tried running the various intallers by hand, even tried compiling 8776 drivers with some patch (coldn't compile the damned thing in the end), and nothing. Any help would be appriciated. | 05:00 |
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[NL] Jazz | tomislav: have you tried envy? | 05:01 |
tomislav | No, not yet. | 05:01 |
dyn-86 | it says my hda drive is fully used:-/ | 05:01 |
highd1 | is anyone else having trouble with hibernation problems after updating? | 05:01 |
tomislav | Will it break something? | 05:01 |
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dyn-86 | i let ktorrent downloading there....is that the problem? | 05:01 |
[NL] Jazz | dyn-86: than that's the reason why you can't login | 05:01 |
pag | tomislav, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx should work just fine | 05:01 |
dyn-86 | how do i fix that? | 05:01 |
pag | !envy | tomislav | 05:01 |
ubotu | tomislav: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly! | 05:01 |
tomislav | pag: Not for this card. | 05:01 |
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highd1 | I want to back up my bookmarks but i still can't find the folder | 05:02 |
dyn-86 | [NL] Jazz? | 05:02 |
lontra | GrahamA: is there a konqueror plugin? | 05:02 |
[NL] Jazz | dyn-86: eehw | 05:02 |
pag | highd1, it should in hidden kde folder in your home-directory | 05:03 |
vzduch | pag: for a GF4 you need the -legacy | 05:03 |
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tomislav | pag: The problem seem to be that this card is now officially abondened by NVidia. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, though. | 05:03 |
dyn-86 | [NL] Jazz:is this bad? | 05:03 |
[NL] Jazz | dyn-86: i suggest deleting a big file in the terminal | 05:03 |
omeow | Hi, how can I release and refresh my DCHP lease in kubuntu? | 05:03 |
tomislav | vzduch: Nope, not even legacy package worked. | 05:03 |
[NL] Jazz | dyn-86: no it isn't bad | 05:03 |
dyn-86 | how do i do that? | 05:03 |
lontra | GrahamA: i.e. clicking on the real audio link doesn't open an embedded kaffeine here ... http://www.democracynow.org/streampage.pl | 05:04 |
[NL] Jazz | what's the directory where you download torrens? | 05:04 |
vzduch | tomislav: define 'didn't work' | 05:04 |
dyn-86 | [NL] Jazz | 05:05 |
pag | dyn-86, rm /home/username/theverybigfile | 05:05 |
tomislav | vzduch: I install it, use System Settings -> Monitor & Display to select nvidia driver, restart X, and nothing (I just see the bootsplash screen after that one instead of kdm login screen - the kdm seems to keep running, though) | 05:05 |
[NL] Jazz | thank you pag:) | 05:05 |
[NL] Jazz | pff i need a smoke:P | 05:05 |
dyn-86 | pag:i don't know the name of theverybigfile | 05:05 |
dyn-86 | how do i see the contents? | 05:06 |
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tomislav | vzduch: On the other hand, do the legacy drivers provide full acceleration? I'm trying to see if this machine could run beryl for time-to-time show-off. | 05:06 |
pag | dyn-86, ok... do cd /home/yourusername and then ls -l it'll show you the sizes of files | 05:06 |
vzduch | tomislav: tried bypassing or disabling the bootsplash? (Ctrl-Alt-F1 or remove 'splash' from the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst) | 05:06 |
highd1 | pag- I have searched and searched no luck yet | 05:06 |
vzduch | to see the error messages | 05:06 |
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tomislav | vzduch: Ctrl+Alt+F1 just shows me the console (I think that the bootsplash screen is more of some kind of relic in memory). | 05:07 |
dyn-86 | pag:it says no such file or directory, and I also can't see it with conqueror, the username folder | 05:07 |
[NL] Jazz | dyn-86: how ary you able to use konqueror? | 05:08 |
tomislav | vzduch: Hm... I know I get errors when running modprobe nvidia, can't remember which ones atm ;) | 05:08 |
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[NL] Jazz | dyn-86: just navigate to your user's homedir | 05:08 |
Cocytus | Uh. My /etc/hotplug is empty except for an "usb" folder. This is not right, is it? | 05:08 |
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dyn-86 | well right now i'm sorta on my desktop [NL] jazz, i just entered the recovery mode on boot | 05:08 |
dyn-86 | and gave it startx | 05:09 |
tomislav | vzduch: In any case, the nvidia module doesn't seem to get loaded. | 05:09 |
dyn-86 | and now i'm sorta on my desktop... | 05:09 |
[NL] Jazz | dyn-86: then go to your homedir | 05:09 |
dyn-86 | but the username folder doesen't appear | 05:09 |
dyn-86 | :-/ | 05:09 |
[NL] Jazz | and remove a big file:) | 05:09 |
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[NL] Jazz | huh? | 05:09 |
dyn-86 | all i have in /root | 05:09 |
=== tomislav is having a VERY strange sense of deja-vu... | ||
[NL] Jazz | do a "ls /home" in a terminal | 05:09 |
[NL] Jazz | /root is the homefolder of the superuser (root) | 05:10 |
dyn-86 | i got back fritz...which is the username | 05:10 |
dyn-86 | of the folder | 05:10 |
[NL] Jazz | you have /homefritz? | 05:10 |
[NL] Jazz | go in there and remove a big file:) | 05:11 |
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tomislav | Hm... I'll try using the legacy drivers once again, maybe I messed something up. | 05:12 |
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dyn-86 | THNX EVERYONE | 05:13 |
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dyn-86 | :)it should work now. managed 2 delete some files and it should be ok, thnx pag &[NL] Jazz | 05:14 |
[NL] Jazz | dyn-86: i understand it worked? | 05:14 |
dyn-86 | i managed 2 delete some files | 05:14 |
dyn-86 | so it should | 05:14 |
[NL] Jazz | yeah ok | 05:14 |
dyn-86 | :) | 05:14 |
[NL] Jazz | now try to do a normal login | 05:14 |
[NL] Jazz | :) | 05:14 |
pag | highd1, sorry that took me so long - I was eating; try this: cp .kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml Desktop/ | 05:15 |
highd1 | i think I found a bookmark backup file that may work | 05:15 |
highd1 | But the reason for it is the problem with my video driver = HELP | 05:16 |
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tomislav | Just to verify this one - using System Settings -> Monitor & Display IS the right way to switch to prop. drivers in Kubuntu, right? | 05:17 |
pag | tomislav, well.. I'd use vim and xorg.cong, but that's a little hacky solution :P | 05:18 |
pag | tomislav, kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorgf.conf lets you edit the video proferences | 05:19 |
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tomislav | pag: I don't mind manually editing if you know of something that'll help me :) I'm just trying to keep the system as clean as possible for my uncle (who'll maintain it later on) | 05:19 |
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tomislav | Well, I'll be back in 2 minutes, trying to restart X server. | 05:20 |
[NL] Jazz | is the channel #ubuntu-effects alive? | 05:20 |
pag | [NL] Jazz, should be... | 05:20 |
[NL] Jazz | don't get reactions | 05:20 |
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fritz_ | pag, [NL] Jazz..it works...thnx again, it's kinda stupid though, not being able to log in 4 such a dumb reason, especially when all the download progs are default set to download stuff there | 05:21 |
[NL] Jazz | ah well | 05:21 |
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fritz_ | they shoud defineteley fix that ^.^ | 05:22 |
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lontra | [NL] Jazz: what's your question? | 05:22 |
[NL] Jazz | lontra: its compiz-fusion and kde related | 05:22 |
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lontra | [NL] Jazz: i might be able to help ... | 05:22 |
[NL] Jazz | ok well its slow on kde, while it worked perfectly on gnome | 05:23 |
pag | fritz_, they should dispaly an error message more clearly. but that's the only thing that can be fixed in that situation | 05:23 |
[NL] Jazz | but i switched back to kubuntu, becouse is like it much more | 05:23 |
[NL] Jazz | do you know a solution? or the reason? | 05:24 |
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ksivaji | !boss | 05:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about boss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:24 |
lontra | [NL] Jazz: i know there are definitely some kde only related issues ... you could ask about this in #compiz-fusion ... i've only had good luck with emerald decos and not with the kde windecos which are apparently not available ... but the emerald decos seem to make it go faster | 05:24 |
[NL] Jazz | ah ok.. | 05:24 |
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[NL] Jazz | strange thing is, wobbly windows are smooth | 05:25 |
[NL] Jazz | but expo and cube are laggy | 05:25 |
[NL] Jazz | like bad vsyncing | 05:25 |
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lontra | [NL] Jazz: same here ... remember though it's still in development and it will certainly be quirky ... also it makes sense that it's more quirky on gnome as it seems to be the favoured desktop, imo | 05:26 |
[NL] Jazz | hardware is not in question | 05:26 |
lontra | [NL] Jazz: kde4 will bring us some nice kwin composite effects to challenge compiz-fusion ;) | 05:26 |
tomislav | Ok, I reinstalled the legacy drivers, and no luck. The nvidia module doesn't get loaded, and no idea why it is like that (no help from dmesg, /var/log/messages or X.org's log file. :/ | 05:26 |
[NL] Jazz | ah ok | 05:26 |
[NL] Jazz | got to try kde4 kwin composite effects then! | 05:27 |
pag | tomislav, well, do you have 'nvidia' set as a driver in xorg.conf? | 05:27 |
tomislav | pag: Yup. | 05:27 |
gan|y|med | hi | 05:28 |
gan|y|med | is it possible that beryl would work fluently using xgl if there is no working 3d acceleration (so just the cpu is used)? | 05:28 |
tomislav | gan|y|med: Haven't tried itm but I doubt it :) | 05:29 |
grul | i doubt it :P i've had some problems installing ati drivers and i can't even render all those spiffy web 2.0-pages fluently | 05:29 |
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[NL] Jazz | hey borizz | 05:31 |
borizz | hi [NL] Jazz | 05:31 |
gan|y|med | i have a strange problem with xgl. almost everything works fine, but dri is disabled. so i cannot use googleearth, for example | 05:31 |
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pclip | hi | 05:31 |
pclip | how do i add a program so that it autostarts? | 05:31 |
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tomislav | pclip: Create a symlink to it in ~/.kde/Autostart | 05:33 |
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pclip | ok thanks | 05:33 |
tomislav | Np ;) | 05:33 |
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tzanger | man konqueror/kontact seems to be a step BACK in kubuntu from what I had on slackware | 05:35 |
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tzanger | gmail worked fine in 3.5.5 | 05:35 |
tzanger | not in kubuntu's 3.5.6 though | 05:35 |
pag | tzanger, worked for me in 3.5.6 and 3.5.7 do you have fake user-agent set? | 05:36 |
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pclip | what if something needs to be autostarted as root btw? | 05:36 |
tzanger | pag: hmm... where did you get 3.5.7 for kubu ntu 7.04? | 05:36 |
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pag | tzanger, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php | 05:37 |
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ses59_ | i installed a modem and wvdial works ok and now trying to use kppp but I do not know what settings to use read the kppp help site but still not working | 05:38 |
pag | tzanger, I guess the requirments to run gmail are sun-java6-jer & fake useragent set as Mozilla FF | 05:38 |
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ses59_ | does someone know where a wiki might be with better step by step instruction to make kppp work | 05:39 |
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Cocytus | Uh... My usb mouse have suddenly stopped working. according to syslog it is detected as a low speed device, but I dont know what happens after that. X at least does not see it. | 05:41 |
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dr_willis | yea. at least i fixed my ati issues... :) | 05:45 |
dr_willis | at last.. | 05:45 |
dr_willis | :) | 05:45 |
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mm_202 | Hey guys, quick Q, how can I change the actions of my Fn keys on my laptop? (its an acer, like Fn-Up for vol, etcc) | 05:46 |
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dr_willis | Hmm.. Not sure. at one time i used that klinead (?) service/tool - but that may be outdated these days | 05:47 |
dr_willis | I never use those keys anyway. so havent tried.. lets see if they work on my other laptop | 05:48 |
tomislav | mm_202: Maybe under System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse? | 05:48 |
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dr_willis | My volume and mute buttons work.. :) lets see if the others do. | 05:49 |
dr_willis | I never have figured out why the bother with the fancy keys like that. i alwyas forget they even exist. | 05:49 |
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dr_willis | wowsers.. mine all seem to actually work... | 05:50 |
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dr_willis | the Zzzz one just kicked the laptop into sleep mode. :) | 05:50 |
dr_willis | wonder if it will wake up | 05:51 |
dr_willis | wow it does... | 05:52 |
dr_willis | well i learned SOmthing new today. :) | 05:52 |
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dr_willis | Hmm.. suspend killed off networking. :( | 05:53 |
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mm_202 | dr_willis: yes my functions keys work now, but for whatever reason, my Fn-Up/Down changes the volume of the PC Speaker, not of PCM, so basically its useless. | 05:58 |
mm_202 | And I've looked in Keyboard and Mouse. | 05:59 |
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vadiml1024 | hello, i m trying to install lates uvc-video from svn://svn.berlios.de/linux-uvc/linux-uvc/trunk | 06:01 |
vadiml1024 | and i get symbol version conflict, here is dmesg output: http://paste.debian.net/33117 | 06:02 |
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tzanger | pag: there we go. 3.5.7 works with gmail | 06:03 |
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vadiml1024 | i'm running latest kubuntu.... any ideas please? | 06:03 |
pag | tzanger, glad to hear that :) | 06:03 |
tzanger | still no news plugin in my kontact summary screen though, I wonder what I"m missing there. I have knode and I can see rss feeds in the lefthand pane, so I think I've got everything | 06:03 |
tzanger | pag: I'll email the 3.5.7 maintainer I think | 06:03 |
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tzanger | thank you for your help! | 06:03 |
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jpnurmi | where could i download the default desktop wallpaper from? | 06:04 |
ksivaji | kde.org | 06:05 |
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sveweck | he means the default Kubuntu wallpaper, not the default KDE one ;) | 06:05 |
ksivaji | kde-look.org | 06:05 |
pag | jpnurmi, default for kde or kubuntu? | 06:05 |
jpnurmi | pag: kubuntu | 06:05 |
jpnurmi | sveweck: exactly ;) | 06:06 |
pag | jpnurmi, Kubuntu one can be found in kubuntu-default-settings -source package (at least) | 06:06 |
jpnurmi | pag: ok, thanks | 06:06 |
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cookie | wow ,so many people here | 06:08 |
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pag | cookie, heh.. 4x more @ #ubuntu ;) | 06:09 |
lontra | pag: 4x? | 06:09 |
lontra | pag: maybe 3x ... | 06:09 |
pag | lontra, I'm not sure... I just looked, that here's ~300 and iirc they have ~1200 | 06:09 |
tomislav | It's official now - I hate NVidia... | 06:09 |
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lontra | pag: 2.97x :) | 06:10 |
_Shade_ | hi there | 06:10 |
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pag | lontra, you counted? :D | 06:10 |
lontra | pag: yup :) | 06:10 |
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cookie | this is my first come here ;P | 06:10 |
_Shade_ | how do i set the composite up so as to run it smooth? | 06:10 |
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lontra | _Shade_: depends on the video card | 06:10 |
pag | cookie, welcome. we hope you enjoy your stay :) | 06:11 |
cookie | i like here ~ | 06:11 |
_Shade_ | lontra: an old one :) it's gf2 mx440 | 06:11 |
lontra | _Shade_: that's nvidia right? | 06:12 |
cookie | Is there anybody using laptop HP nx 6325? | 06:12 |
_Shade_ | lontra: right | 06:12 |
lontra | cookie: what do you need help with specifically? | 06:12 |
lontra | _Shade_: beryl or compiz ... or compiz-fusion? | 06:12 |
_Shade_ | lontra: none of these, i just wanted to turn on transparency and stuff in my xorg.conf | 06:14 |
cookie | my laptop si HP nx6235 but i can't use the beryl ..Orz | 06:14 |
tomislav | cookie: Did you install the proprietary drivers? | 06:14 |
tomislav | Whoops, sorry, wrong conversation ;) | 06:14 |
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lontra | _Shade_: oh ... well iirc correctly composite is enabled by defaulted ...scan xorg.conf and look at the bottom it should already be enabled | 06:15 |
lontra | _Shade_: to get it to work in kde you need to just activate it in windows behaviour -> translucency | 06:15 |
cookie | yes i install it ...my ati driver is ok~ | 06:15 |
lontra | cookie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beryl/ATI/Feisty | 06:16 |
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lontra | cookie: you can only use XGL if i recall correctly with ATI | 06:16 |
_Shade_ | lontra: right but it runs very slow, and there was also a way to speed it up, i anly have to put something in my xorg.conf | 06:16 |
_Shade_ | render accel or something? | 06:16 |
lontra | _Shade_: ah | 06:17 |
cookie | thanks I will try it | 06:17 |
_Shade_ | !composite | 06:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about composite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:17 |
tomislav | _Shade_: I could point you to some Gentoo wiki I used if you don't find anything else :) | 06:17 |
lontra | _Shade_: from the ubuntu wiki ... If 3D acceleration still isn't working, be sure that you have the right version of linux-restricted-modules installed. It must match the version of the running kernel | 06:18 |
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_Shade_ | tomislav: sure... if you could... ? :) | 06:18 |
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jeremyq | hellow | 06:18 |
jeremyq | hellow | 06:18 |
jeremyq | hello | 06:18 |
pag | !hi | jeremyq | 06:18 |
ubotu | jeremyq: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 06:18 |
jeremyq | third time lucky | 06:18 |
tomislav | _Shade_: let me check ;) | 06:19 |
jeremyq | was wondering if some could hepl me with a problem | 06:19 |
jeremyq | ? | 06:19 |
pag | jeremyq, what kind of problem? | 06:19 |
jeremyq | i upgraded from edgy eft to fiesty fawn. | 06:19 |
Dou1 | hey, I had vista, and kubuntu installed on my laptop running fine, but when i installed windows xp pro on my last partition last night and xp pro overrode everything and didn't allow me to choose which os i wanted on bootup like linux originally did. so i deleted the partition with xp pro, then nothing would start up, so I repaired my vista installation with the disk, but now i can't get to kubuntu. help? | 06:19 |
pag | !grub | Dou1 | 06:20 |
ubotu | Dou1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 06:20 |
jeremyq | and now when i use gmail and browse to put an attachment on an e-mail | 06:20 |
Dou1 | ubotu: thanks | 06:20 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 06:20 |
lontra | Dou1: you need to reinstall grub ... when you set up a dual or tri-boot system it's always best to install linux last | 06:20 |
jeremyq | the file list is just blocks | 06:20 |
tomislav | _Shade_: http://gentoo-wiki.com/Beryl#Configuring_XOrg and http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_nVidia_GL_Desktop_Effects#Configuring_nVidia-drivers_and_X I think. | 06:20 |
jeremyq | if that makes sense | 06:20 |
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_Shade_ | ok i have to reboot now, thanks | 06:20 |
cookie | install your grub again. | 06:20 |
pag | jeremyq, which browser? | 06:21 |
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jeremyq | firefox version 2 | 06:21 |
pag | jeremyq, tried with konqueror already? | 06:21 |
Dou1 | thanks lontra and cookie | 06:21 |
jeremyq | could suggestion | 06:22 |
jeremyq | i prefer to browse with firefox :-D | 06:22 |
jeremyq | maybe i could send a screen shot to explain what i mean | 06:22 |
pag | jeremyq, I understand.. it just would be good to know, if the problem is firefox-only | 06:22 |
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pag | jeremyq, don't send screenshots, upload them somewhere instead | 06:24 |
jeremyq | works in konqueror | 06:24 |
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jeremyq | although the file browser in konqueror looks like it is a little different | 06:24 |
jeremyq | okay | 06:24 |
lontra | i always wonder why folks use ff in kde ... konqueror is one of the major reasons i use kde | 06:24 |
jeremyq | just dont know how to explain problem | 06:24 |
mind-shift | god, kde is to bloated :) | 06:24 |
mind-shift | o | 06:24 |
lontra | mind-shift: how? explain? | 06:25 |
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mind-shift | it's too much small stuff everywhere | 06:25 |
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pag | lontra, firefox works better with ie. Web2.0 sites. It also has some extensions taht people might want | 06:25 |
tomislav | lontra: We use the cursed extensions (that slow down Firefox terribly in my case...) | 06:25 |
draik | Hello all | 06:25 |
draik | I still have not been able to mount my micro SD from my SD adapter. Anyone have any idea what I might be missing or doing wrong? | 06:26 |
jeremyq | yes i agree i use the extensions | 06:26 |
jeremyq | i have about 6 i use on a daily basis | 06:26 |
lontra | mind-shift: how's that bloat? sounds like customizability ... | 06:26 |
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dr_willis | sd reader built into the laptop? | 06:26 |
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draik | dr_willis: No. It's part of the desktop as an add-on | 06:27 |
cookie | any I like firefox + gladder ,because I used it to visit www.blogspot.com and www.blogger.com . You know In China, you could't visit some web site on common ways | 06:27 |
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cookie | You must use proxy -3- | 06:27 |
dr_willis | draik, so its a usb reader then? it so it 'should' show up as a sdX device. check dmesg befor/after plugging in the card | 06:27 |
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tomislav | So, if I can't modprobe nvidia successfully, what should I check first? | 06:28 |
lontra | tomislav: what's it tell you? | 06:28 |
draik | dr_willis: Kinda. It's a 2-part reader. It can be used with the USB cable or docked into the 3.25" bay (which is internally USB connector). | 06:28 |
tomislav | lontra: Nothing useful, to be honest. Nothing in dmesg either. | 06:29 |
lontra | tomislav: it returns nothing at all? | 06:29 |
cookie | Bye there ~ | 06:29 |
tomislav | lontra: Just a sec. | 06:29 |
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tomislav | lontra: FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia | 06:30 |
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noob | well | 06:30 |
dr_willis | draik, as long as its usb. it 'should' work. try it with the usb cable externally yet? | 06:31 |
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lontra | tomislav: this may be useful ... http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=93008&page=2 | 06:31 |
draik | dr_willis: Yes. Either way, it doesn't display. It a 12-in-1 reader. XD works just fine | 06:31 |
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dr_willis | draik, checked dmesg output yet? | 06:33 |
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draik | dr_willis: Yes | 06:33 |
draik | I was just going to mention it | 06:33 |
lontra | tomislav: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/119471 | 06:33 |
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tomislav | lontra: But this is an older driver (since it's not supported by the latest NVidia's drivers). I guess I'm out of luck here :/ Already tried several suggestions available on the internet. | 06:33 |
dr_willis | interesting.. does it show it being inserted/removed? | 06:33 |
ksivaji | tell me any java development tool | 06:33 |
lontra | tomislav: oh | 06:33 |
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dr_willis | !java | 06:34 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 06:34 |
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draik | I did it without (No.txt) and with (Yes.txt) the reader plugged in, then did "diff No.txt Yes.txt >> diff.txt" | 06:34 |
tomislav | lontra: Hm... That bug report looks "promising" :) | 06:34 |
dr_willis | Are there not several ide's that work with java? never used them.. so cant say more | 06:34 |
DJ-KING | I have been trying to $sudo apt-get update and after fetching i get this message "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. " when i do the command provided , nothing happens at all | 06:34 |
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draik | dr_willis: http://pastebin.ca/628736 | 06:35 |
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babarhaq | guys how to enable compiz in kubuntu ? | 06:35 |
lontra | !compiz | 06:35 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:35 |
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DJ-KING | I have been trying to $sudo apt-get update and after fetching i get this message "dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. " when i do the command provided , nothing happens at all | 06:37 |
dr_willis | draik, those 'read error messages' seem interesting.. :) but my browser just crashed... | 06:37 |
tomislav | What is this restricted manager? | 06:37 |
noob | how different will kde 4 be from 3.x? little, some, alot? | 06:37 |
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dr_willis | !info restricted-manager | 06:37 |
ubotu | restricted-manager: manage non-free hardware drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 0.20 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 300 kB | 06:37 |
dr_willis | noob, a lot i hear. | 06:37 |
lontra | noob: it's a complete rewrite ... it's going to be quite a bit different | 06:37 |
lontra | noob: 4.0 might not be but the 4.X series will certainly be | 06:37 |
BluesKaj | !apt-fix | 06:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about apt-fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:37 |
noob | oh ok | 06:37 |
tomislav | Ok, I read the description, but can it help me? | 06:38 |
lontra | noob: kwin will have tons of features like beryl and compiz, plasma, oxygen, it'll be sweet | 06:38 |
dr_willis | and they may even WORK! :) | 06:38 |
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draik | dr_willis: Would you think it's a bad card or card reader? | 06:39 |
noob | sounds nice, you think it will be the final punch that will knock out gnome? | 06:39 |
BluesKaj | heh, some ppl have absolutely no patience...instant gratification seems to be the attitude. | 06:39 |
lontra | noob: no gnome will always be around and should be around imo | 06:39 |
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lontra | noob: some people like simplicity and that's where gnome takes the cake | 06:39 |
noob | yep guess so | 06:40 |
dr_willis | draik, hard to tell.. try a different card.. try a different reader.. try a diferent usb slot. | 06:40 |
lontra | noob: gnome makes things simple and elegant by default ... kde is so customizable it can look like anything | 06:40 |
dr_willis | gnome - ' where do you want your hands tied today!' | 06:40 |
dr_willis | :) | 06:40 |
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lontra | after using kde ... gnome makes me cry because of the lack of customizability | 06:41 |
tomislav | lontra: Ok, that bug report helped me :) There was an orphan file ;) Thanks :) | 06:41 |
Dragnslcr | I don't think saying either Gnome or KDE is better than the other is really fair. It's entirely personal preference | 06:41 |
dr_willis | some things i do in kde.. ive yet to figure out how to do in gnome. :) | 06:41 |
lontra | tomislav: really? great! | 06:41 |
dr_willis | like use the gui to make a link from a directory, to another... | 06:41 |
tomislav | lontra: That is, I managed to modprobe the damned thing. Now off to restart X.org ;) | 06:42 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: i agree ... but kde is the desktop for me ... i've played with gnome a lot but always have to go back to kde | 06:42 |
lontra | tomislav: good luck | 06:42 |
dr_willis | !info jwm | 06:42 |
ubotu | jwm: Very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-1 (feisty), package size 82 kB, installed size 268 kB | 06:42 |
draik | dr_willis: usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 | 06:42 |
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BluesKaj | DJ-KING,..try : sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:43 |
Dragnslcr | lontra- I actually haven't used Gnome in years, I think since the last time I installed Fedora | 06:43 |
SillyZ | q: wheres the config file for alsa/asound to define which card recives what 'index' or order they are defined ? | 06:43 |
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Dragnslcr | Fesity is the first time I've really committed to using a Linux desktop | 06:43 |
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BluesKaj | gnome always looked foreign to me...being an old windows user :) | 06:44 |
draik | dr_willis: Seems like I might have a bad card :( | 06:44 |
draik | Well, the SD adapter anyway | 06:44 |
dr_willis | draik, ive had a lot of bad cards lately. | 06:44 |
dr_willis | they are getting so cheap | 06:44 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: well just wait for Gutsy ... i'm already on it and the improvements have been quite drastic for me ... but some of my hardware wasn't working in feisty thus i figured i'd upgrade | 06:44 |
=== hodgejj [n=hodgejj@68-190-26-101.dhcp.mtgm.al.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
noob | is openoffice written in gtk or qt? | 06:44 |
draik | dr_willis: How do you feel about Patriot (brand)? | 06:44 |
Dragnslcr | lontra- good to hear. I definitely plan on upgrading in the fall | 06:44 |
pag | noob, neither iirc. | 06:44 |
noob | feels like gtk | 06:44 |
noob | ok | 06:45 |
Dragnslcr | Hopefully KDE4 will be available in a repository for Gutsy | 06:45 |
BluesKaj | Linux does lack a decent scanning program tho ... kooka/sane kinda sucks | 06:45 |
dr_willis | draik, ive heard they are decent. but ive had ALL the brands die on me lately | 06:45 |
Karti | Hi all, could someone remind me what the konsole command to test my 5:1 speaker system? | 06:45 |
=== lontra wishes everything was written in QT then he could use the menu bar in KDE with all his apps | ||
lontra | Dragnslcr: it's already there in Gutsy | 06:45 |
dr_willis | BluesKaj, vista lacks a decent scanning utulity also. :) | 06:45 |
ses59_ | rm -f /dev/modem; ln -s ttySHSF0 /dev/modem I using this command to fix my modem that works under wvdial but get error -s part of command | 06:45 |
=== DJ-KING [n=slacker@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ses59_ | can someone tell the correct command to do this | 06:46 |
draik | dr_willis: I think I will return my Patriot for a Kingston | 06:46 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: kde4base - core applications for KDE 4 testing | 06:46 |
Dragnslcr | lontra- actually, I think it's in Feisty too, now that I think about it | 06:46 |
DJ-KING | BluesKaj: same thing dude , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:46 |
DJ-KING | Setting up kregexpeditor (3.5.2-0ubuntu8) ... | 06:46 |
noob | there are no good qt DC (direct connect) programs if I might complain a little myself :) | 06:46 |
DJ-KING | BluesKaj: and it does nothing after that | 06:46 |
=== digitalhead [n=digitalh@cpe-71-64-15-82.ma.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lontra | Dragnslcr: first beta is due out in about 2 weeks ... i can't wait to see it. | 06:46 |
Dragnslcr | Yeah, KDE4 is in Feisty's universe | 06:46 |
dr_willis | draik, ive had both them die.. one of those brands have a lifetime warrenty i belive. | 06:47 |
BluesKaj | dr_willis, I had to reinstall windows XP due the lack of a really good scanning prog ...but I need it so windows does the job | 06:47 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: fedora 8 plans to ship kde4 as default | 06:47 |
Dragnslcr | I'm not sure if I want to try installing KDE4 yet or not. I'm trying not to completely break my desktop system too much | 06:47 |
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=== samuel [n=samuel@p54AE5F83.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lontra | Dragnslcr: installing kde4 won't break your system ... it just may not work | 06:47 |
roltux | anybody good with bery; | 06:47 |
roltux | beryl | 06:47 |
BluesKaj | DJ-KING,make sure adept.,synaptic, apt in the terminal , all pkg mangers are closed | 06:48 |
vzduch | !anyone | roltux | 06:48 |
ubotu | roltux: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:48 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: if it works for you great ... if not don't worry it won't break your system ... imo it's best to wait till the beta gets released anyways cause it's not very useful now | 06:48 |
Dragnslcr | Of course, I'm attempting to help out Kopete a bit, so I may have to install the beta anyway | 06:48 |
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draik | dr_willis: Patriot has 5 years. | 06:48 |
roltux | oke, i want to enabe the desktop shadow in beryl like the apple desktop | 06:48 |
lontra | roltux: two suggestions if you don't get help here ... 1. #beryl 2. #ubuntu-effects :) | 06:49 |
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nacho | i good morning | 06:49 |
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roltux | join #ubuntu-effects | 06:49 |
nacho | i have a question | 06:49 |
Dragnslcr | lontra- know offhand if Gutsy is supposed to have Compiz Fusion in the standard repositories? | 06:49 |
nacho | i install kubuntu | 06:49 |
lontra | roltux: he he ... /j #ubuntu-effects | 06:49 |
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lontra | Dragnslcr: yup it's there | 06:49 |
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nacho | but i try install apache2 | 06:50 |
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nacho | Syntax error on line 189 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: No such file or directory | 06:50 |
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lontra | !info compiz-fusion-plugins-main gutsy | 06:50 |
ubotu | compiz-fusion-plugins-main: Collection of plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz. In component main, is extra. Version 0.0.0+git20070711-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 364 kB, installed size 1584 kB | 06:50 |
nacho | the pache2 file not exist | 06:50 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: it's in main so you know they are serious about it :) | 06:50 |
Dragnslcr | lontra- nice. I've been using Trevino's repository, and it works fine for me, but I keep getting taunted for using it | 06:50 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: the only thing not in gutsy is emerald | 06:51 |
Dragnslcr | That kinda sucks. I like Emerald | 06:51 |
draik | Time to go card shopping | 06:51 |
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Dragnslcr | The Blue Ray theme is shiny | 06:51 |
BluesKaj | Nvidia draik ? | 06:52 |
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BluesKaj | oops | 06:52 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: maybe it'll be in gutsy who knows | 06:52 |
=== pheaver [n=pweaver@ppp-70-133-217-31.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dragnslcr | Know offhand what's going to replace it? Just the normal KDE and Gnome decorators? | 06:53 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: that's what it looks like in ubuntu right now | 06:54 |
Dragnslcr | Maybe this theme will get ported. I really like it | 06:54 |
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BluesKaj | wonder if KDE4 will be ready in time for the official gutsy release ? | 06:55 |
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Dragnslcr | I doubt it | 06:55 |
Dragnslcr | Supposed to both be in October | 06:55 |
dr_willis | Message from syslogd@laptop at Sat Jul 21 12:53:34 2007 ...laptop kernel: [ 3223.360000] Critical temperature reached (128 C), shutting down. | 06:55 |
BluesKaj | yeah, kinda figgered | 06:55 |
dr_willis | And the lapop isent even warm | 06:55 |
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lontra | BluesKaj: it won't be default but it'll be in universe in gutsy | 06:56 |
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Dragnslcr | dr_willis- definitely a bad sensor. Your laptop would explode at 128 C | 06:56 |
lontra | BluesKaj: i'm sure Riddell et. al are sure to whip it up for kubuntu after it's release ... they do a great job at it | 06:56 |
necro | i'm running kubuntu in vmware | 06:56 |
jcku393 | join #ubuntu | 06:56 |
BluesKaj | lontra, have you tried KDE4 ? | 06:56 |
jcku393 | sorry! | 06:57 |
lontra | BluesKaj: yup ... opensuse's live kde4 cds and on fedora | 06:57 |
dr_willis | Dragnslcr, yea. its odd. | 06:57 |
necro | how to try kde4? | 06:57 |
Q-IK | i have problem with run cinelerra (video) - i've got error (core dumped) -could anyone help? ;] | 06:57 |
BluesKaj | lontra, what's your verdict ? | 06:57 |
lontra | BluesKaj: not much different now ... wait till the beta gets released in 2 weeks or so then we should see some real differences | 06:57 |
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-116-64.w90-4.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lontra | BluesKaj: it is going to be awesome however | 06:57 |
BluesKaj | ok | 06:57 |
Dragnslcr | dr_willis- if it really was that warm, you could cook on it | 06:57 |
dr_willis | lets see if it does it again | 06:57 |
lontra | BluesKaj: we get our first sneak peak of plasma in alpha2 so i'm sure beta will be sweet | 06:58 |
dr_willis | I got a FULL warrenty! ;) | 06:58 |
BluesKaj | beta eh ...hmmm sounds interesting | 06:58 |
Minataku | Heya, dr_willis | 06:58 |
Dragnslcr | Explain to the clueless what Plasma is? | 06:58 |
=== gnomefre1k [n=gnomefre@c-71-225-165-8.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lontra | necro: if you really want to ... | 06:58 |
lontra | !kde4 | 06:58 |
ubotu | For information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html. Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/solid.kde.org | 06:58 |
Dragnslcr | I haven't been keeping track of KDE4 stuff much | 06:58 |
Minataku | Plasma is the fourth phase of matter | 06:58 |
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BluesKaj | lontra, what about hardware any issues there ? | 06:59 |
Minataku | Solid, Liquid, Gas and Plasma :3 | 06:59 |
lontra | necro: i believe it's in universe | 06:59 |
lontra | BluesKaj: with kde4? nah | 06:59 |
Dragnslcr | Minataku- I knew someone would pull that | 06:59 |
Minataku | Heehee | 06:59 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: plasma is the new desktop shell ... it's like superkaramba + kicker + kdesktop ... iirc | 06:59 |
Minataku | It helped that I just walked in right now | 06:59 |
dr_willis | how about the 5th! | 06:59 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: it's going to be sweet | 06:59 |
Minataku | Neutron Star? | 06:59 |
Minataku | I think that's supposedly the 5th | 06:59 |
BluesKaj | superkaramblah! | 07:00 |
Dragnslcr | Cool. Isn't Superkaramba the desktop sidebar app? | 07:00 |
dr_willis | Opera Browser ust crashed on me.. and cant even close it! weee! | 07:00 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcmco2ixITw | 07:00 |
Minataku | World Cup of Softball? O.o | 07:01 |
dr_willis | Dragnslcr, its worse then a sidebar in many ways. :) | 07:01 |
=== Minataku shrugs | ||
Dragnslcr | Heh | 07:01 |
Minataku | What's up, dr_willis? | 07:01 |
=== Minataku just finished watching ATV racing | ||
dr_willis | Minataku, work time.. in an hr. | 07:01 |
dr_willis | Minataku, guests are STILL here.. | 07:01 |
Minataku | Witnessed a rare (and always unfortunate) red flag | 07:01 |
dr_willis | their mother has surgery next week. | 07:01 |
Minataku | dr_willis: Yipe | 07:01 |
Karti | anyone recommend or dispise autopackage? | 07:01 |
Minataku | !autopackage | 07:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about autopackage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:02 |
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dr_willis | Karti, proberly best to avoide it. but since it can isntall just for a single user.. its ok. :) | 07:02 |
dr_willis | theres also that other way.. (klik?) | 07:02 |
Minataku | Well, there's no complaints so far in ubotu | 07:02 |
Minataku | lol | 07:02 |
Minataku | !klik | 07:02 |
ubotu | klik is a simple way to run additional software without actually installing it. For instructions and more information see http://dot.kde.org/1126867980/ | 07:02 |
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Minataku | I guess that one is accepted | 07:02 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WBLlc6xCQ4&mode=related&search= | 07:02 |
dr_willis | ive had issues with both.. and successes with both. | 07:02 |
Minataku | Well, remember there's always... | 07:02 |
Karti | I was just wanting to install xara xtreme but it also comes in packages | 07:02 |
Minataku | !automatix | 07:02 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:02 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: that's for the new kwin compositng | 07:03 |
=== dr_willis wee wee's on automatix | ||
=== ELITE_x [n=eli@dsl5400054A.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Cocytus | I think i've found a bug. kubuntu 7.04: if my dell's "wlan kill switch" is on (ie wlan/bluetooth killed) during boot, "usbhid" dont get loaded even if a mouse is detected on the USB ports | 07:03 |
Minataku | There's another very unrecommended one, too | 07:03 |
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dr_willis | !windows | 07:03 |
dr_willis | :) | 07:03 |
Minataku | Cocytus: Attempt to start usbhid manually | 07:03 |
Cocytus | Minataku: hmm.. how :) | 07:03 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 07:03 |
Minataku | Probably sudo /etc/init.d/usbhid start | 07:03 |
Dragnslcr | lontra- is kwin's compositing based on Compiz, or is it home grown? | 07:04 |
=== gene [n=gene@pool-151-205-8-22.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Minataku | If that fails, I dunno how to do it in *buntu | 07:04 |
lontra | Dragnslcr: no idea | 07:04 |
necro | office 2007 is very good | 07:04 |
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Cocytus | Minataku: no usbhid there. | 07:04 |
Minataku | Hm | 07:04 |
Minataku | Does the mouse work anyway? | 07:05 |
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=== oldgrizz [n=nn@adsl-68-89-136-210.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Minataku | Cocytus? | 07:06 |
oldgrizz | As we say here in TX got er done (dual boot with vista and ubuntu 7.04 | 07:07 |
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oldgrizz | ) | 07:07 |
Cocytus | Minataku: no. | 07:07 |
Minataku | Cocytus: Hrm | 07:07 |
Minataku | I'm wondering what this "usbhid" nonsense is | 07:08 |
Cocytus | Minataku: Works after turning wlan/BT ON. | 07:08 |
Minataku | Cocytus: Blame Dell | 07:08 |
Minataku | They probably screwed something up | 07:08 |
Cocytus | Minataku: sorry: hci_usb and hiddev | 07:08 |
Cocytus | Minataku: with wlan enabled those two drivers are loaded | 07:08 |
Minataku | Hrm | 07:08 |
Minataku | Dependency error, perhaps | 07:08 |
Minataku | There might be a goofup in the default configuration for module loading/dependencies | 07:09 |
Minataku | Either that or there's a hardware issue where the killswitch affects more than 802.11x | 07:09 |
BluesKaj | hey oldgrizz , glad to hear it :) | 07:09 |
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Cocytus | it's config, pretty sure of it. mouse works fine in windows when wlan is disabled | 07:10 |
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Minataku | Then yeah, someone may have dropped the ball in setting up probably modprobe.conf | 07:10 |
Cocytus | Minataku: Hmm. I see Networkmanager does a lot of stuff related to hid. | 07:11 |
Minataku | Fix is to repair the issue, workaround is to either have the switch on at boot or turn the switch on then back off if it has to be off | 07:11 |
noob | why do I have to settings configuration programs? | 07:11 |
noob | never mind | 07:12 |
=== shrimants [n=chatzill@adsl-75-45-176-122.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
oldgrizz | one question though what is this easy BSD thing and where do I find it? | 07:12 |
lontra | easy BSD thing? | 07:12 |
shrimants | hello, how do i format a drive in NTFS using kubuntu live disk with no GUI | 07:12 |
BluesKaj | easy BCD 1.60 ...just google it | 07:13 |
=== ice9 [n=ice9@c-24-5-123-134.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lontra | shrimants: i think fdisk can format a drive in ntfs ... | 07:13 |
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oldgrizz | I have to install BCD 1.6 from the windows side correct ? | 07:13 |
BluesKaj | oldgrizz, you have to install it on vista | 07:13 |
oldgrizz | that is what I thought | 07:14 |
BluesKaj | yup | 07:14 |
oldgrizz | back in a while | 07:14 |
shrimants | crap my disk isnt even booting | 07:14 |
shrimants | it loaded everything and now its just a blank screen | 07:14 |
dr_willis | use the gparted tools? | 07:15 |
nacho | hi | 07:15 |
nacho | i need help!!! | 07:15 |
nacho | i install apache2, but httpd.conf not exist | 07:16 |
metbsd | hehe | 07:16 |
metbsd | maybe you need to write your own? | 07:16 |
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shrimants | hey the nvidia 8600m GT graphics card isnt supported is it | 07:17 |
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shrimants | whoop guess not | 07:17 |
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dr_willis | shrimants, ive heard of some issues with the newest nvidia cards. they might need the newer nvidia drivers - not in the repos yet. | 07:18 |
ERIK_LIMA | How do I install libdvdcss on Ubuntu? I need it to watch my Sepultura DVD | 07:18 |
dr_willis | !dvdcss | 07:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dvdcss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:18 |
dr_willis | !dvd | 07:18 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 07:18 |
ERIK_LIMA | I found difficulties installing libdvdcss | 07:18 |
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dr_willis | I just adeed the seveas repo and apt-get installed it. | 07:19 |
omeow | How do I stop users from being able to view each other's files? | 07:19 |
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ERIK_LIMA | dr_willis: Hum... I should do the same... | 07:19 |
shrimants | how do i change directory | 07:19 |
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dr_willis | cd whatever | 07:20 |
dr_willis | time to google for a few BASH tutorials. :) | 07:20 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: you might also try medibuntu repos | 07:20 |
lontra | !medibuntu | 07:20 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 07:20 |
BluesKaj | shrimants, check k-menu/system settings/Monitor & Display/Hasrdware/ admin mode/graphics/configure , and look for the right driver that fits you card | 07:20 |
shrimants | i have no gui | 07:21 |
shrimants | and i dont want kde | 07:21 |
shrimants | i just want to clean format this disk | 07:21 |
dr_willis | perhaps clarify what you are trying to do.. | 07:21 |
dr_willis | clean format, or clean 'fdisk' ? | 07:21 |
shrimants | clean format | 07:21 |
dr_willis | totally delete all partitions? | 07:21 |
shrimants | yes exactly | 07:21 |
dr_willis | mkfs.XXXX /dev/whatever | 07:21 |
dr_willis | The 2 are NOT the same.. :) | 07:21 |
dr_willis | delete partitions with fdisk, or parted | 07:21 |
dr_willis | fdisking is NOT formating | 07:21 |
dr_willis | live cd + gparted is my fave way | 07:22 |
=== Dj_FlyBy [n=Dj_FlyBy@S0106001346fbef25.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kUbuntu | ||
shrimants | how do i tell what the device is | 07:22 |
shrimants | its not hda | 07:22 |
shrimants | its a sata hard drive | 07:22 |
dr_willis | sudo fdisk -l | 07:22 |
dr_willis | most likely sda | 07:22 |
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shrimants | didnt work | 07:23 |
shrimants | i mean sda worked | 07:23 |
shrimants | but it says /dev/sda is entire device, not one partition | 07:23 |
=== Fieldy [i=KuOeeEKO@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dr_willis | thats correct.. | 07:25 |
ERIK_LIMA | Guys, I need a repository with the libdvdcss to add on my sources.list | 07:25 |
dr_willis | sda is the entire device. Not a partition | 07:25 |
dr_willis | sda1 would be a partitiuon | 07:25 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: i already told you one | 07:25 |
dr_willis | you fdisk a 'device' and make partitions. | 07:25 |
ERIK_LIMA | lontra: I can't add the repository on my sources.list :( | 07:25 |
dr_willis | ERIK_LIMA, edit the file with root permisisons | 07:26 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: why? | 07:26 |
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dr_willis | or use the | 07:26 |
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dr_willis | !easysource | 07:26 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 07:26 |
dr_willis | site to make a sources.list and BACKUP your original. copy new one over. | 07:26 |
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dr_willis | well bye all... | 07:26 |
ERIK_LIMA | lontra: I need to write "deb" before http://www.ubuntu-nl and so on | 07:26 |
BluesKaj | !libdvdcss2 | 07:27 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 07:27 |
tomislav | Now, what was it that you typed to get some info from the bot? | 07:27 |
tomislav | !beryl | 07:27 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:27 |
ERIK_LIMA | lontra: I tried to add new repositories on my sources.list, but I even see an error message | 07:27 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: ok pastebin your errors and your /etc/apt/sources.lst | 07:28 |
lontra | !paste | 07:28 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 07:28 |
BluesKaj | ERIK_LIMA, read above , libdvdcss2! | 07:28 |
BluesKaj | !sources.list | 07:29 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 07:29 |
omeow | How do I stop users from being able to view/change each other's files? | 07:30 |
tomislav | You need to change the permissions of a file. | 07:30 |
Karti | Quick one - should I install normal Beagle or Kerry Beagle for Kubuntu? | 07:30 |
lontra | Karti: kerry | 07:31 |
ERIK_LIMA | BluesKaj: Give me a time. It's appear to be working now :D I'm finally running apt-get update with the new repository | 07:31 |
Karti | or does it not matter? | 07:31 |
lontra | Karti: kerry is the kde-frontend to beagle | 07:31 |
ERIK_LIMA | Oh, no!! Somethings wrong!! | 07:31 |
omeow | tomislav, a file? Any file? | 07:31 |
Karti | lontra: many thanks.... ;) | 07:31 |
lontra | Karti: np ... enjoy the cute icon | 07:31 |
Karti | lontra: yes...damn those qute puppies ;) | 07:32 |
ERIK_LIMA | Theres error trying to download from http://www.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackage/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found | 07:32 |
shrimants | hey what does cluster size has been automatically set to 4096 bytes mean | 07:32 |
shrimants | nothing that concerns me? | 07:32 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: i'd remove Seaveas Package and use Medibuntu instead | 07:32 |
shrimants | sda1 seems to be working | 07:32 |
ERIK_LIMA | lontra: the last line of my sources.list is like this | 07:33 |
ERIK_LIMA | deb http://www.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackage is this correct?? | 07:33 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: yes ... but as i said, i'd recommend removing Seaveas and adding instead Medibuntu ... the 404 error means the server is offline | 07:34 |
ERIK_LIMA | lontra: So, How do you did that? :/ I'm not understanding... | 07:34 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: first follow the directions at the medibuntu website | 07:34 |
lontra | !medibuntu | 07:35 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 07:35 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: click the repository tab and copy and paste what it says for feisty into a terminal | 07:35 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: after that ... sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the line about Seveas Repository | 07:35 |
ERIK_LIMA | Let me try... | 07:36 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: alternative you might think about using automatix or easybuntu | 07:36 |
lontra | !automatix | 07:36 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:36 |
lontra | oh nevermind ... | 07:36 |
lontra | !easybuntu | 07:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about easybuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:36 |
Admiral_Chicago | lontra: you are looking for easyubuntu | 07:37 |
Admiral_Chicago | !easyubuntu | 07:37 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 07:37 |
ERIK_LIMA | lontra: Another error message :( | 07:37 |
Admiral_Chicago | lontra: i don't suggest anyone use easyubuntu or automatix ever | 07:37 |
ERIK_LIMA | Fail to download from http://www.mediubuntu.org | 07:37 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: pastebin your error /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:38 |
ERIK_LIMA | lontra: How is your sources.list? | 07:38 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list so i can help | 07:38 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: at pastebin.ca | 07:38 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: mine will look different than yours as i'm not on feisty | 07:39 |
BluesKaj | !source-o-matic | 07:39 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 07:39 |
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BluesKaj | altho sourc0matic still contains some seveas repos | 07:39 |
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Bizzeh | hey, is there any way of listing, durin the install, what grub's hd*'s are mapped too what /dev/*'s | 07:40 |
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ERIK_LIMA | http://pastebin.ca/628796 This is my sources.list | 07:41 |
ERIK_LIMA | See the end of file and see what's wrong | 07:42 |
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ERIK_LIMA | lontra: So, How do I cann add the required repository?? | 07:45 |
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BluesKaj | ERIK_LIMA, that space in front of the http on the last repository has to be closed up | 07:47 |
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BluesKaj | it should look like this : deb http://www.mediubuntu.org feisty universe | 07:47 |
vzduch | s/mediubuntu/medibuntu/ | 07:48 |
ERIK_LIMA | BluesKaj: OK. Let me see what's happen now... | 07:48 |
BluesKaj | and the #in front of the previous debs should be removed | 07:48 |
noob | crap, I'm going back to ubuntu :) | 07:49 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: it should look like this ... deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ feisty free non-free | 07:49 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: not to be a jerk but did you actually read this ... http://www.medibuntu.org/repository.php | 07:49 |
noob | kde looks great and the programs are much cooler, but I'm a minimalistic person | 07:49 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: it tells you how to add it | 07:49 |
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BluesKaj | ok noob , then back to yer minimalistic corner :) | 07:50 |
=== lontra wonders if GNOME is minimialistic | ||
BluesKaj | methinks simplistic is prolly a better word | 07:51 |
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lontra | BluesKaj: or stupid | 07:51 |
BluesKaj | :) | 07:51 |
lontra | just kidding | 07:51 |
BluesKaj | yup :) | 07:51 |
mimik | anyone use xchat and its dcc? | 07:52 |
lontra | !anyone | 07:52 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 07:52 |
ERIK_LIMA | Error message: "Not possible to solve http://packages.mediubuntu.org | 07:52 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: paste your new source.list ... are you following the direction? | 07:52 |
BluesKaj | xchat is ok but it's a bit strange on linux | 07:52 |
Bizzeh | is there any way of listing, durin the install, what grub's hd*'s are mapped too what /dev/*'s | 07:53 |
ERIK_LIMA | I will floow right now. Give me time for now... | 07:53 |
lontra | BluesKaj: really? are you sure you're not thinking of another irc client | 07:53 |
mimik | blueskaj: reallly? what irc client would you suggest for linux? i thought it was written for linux | 07:53 |
lontra | ERIK_LIMA: fyi ... it's medibuntu not mediubuntu | 07:53 |
BluesKaj | yeah it was , and it still sucks | 07:54 |
lontra | mimik: i think orginially ... xchat is a fine client imo | 07:54 |
BluesKaj | !konversation | 07:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about konversation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:54 |
vzduch | XChat was quite good till one of the early 2.4 versions.. then they changed some things | 07:54 |
mimik | meh. konversation needs more work | 07:55 |
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zero | hey | 07:55 |
zero | when i open adept it doesnt show applications that i dont have installed | 07:55 |
zero | and shows some that i cant click | 07:55 |
BluesKaj | well, lontra , it's a matter of taste , I guess ...never cared for xchat | 07:55 |
ERIK_LIMA | Oh, no! I wrote wrong!! | 07:56 |
zero | anyone? | 07:56 |
ses59_ | i am running command sudo rm -f /dev/modem; ln -s ttySHSF0 /dev/modem and get permission denided after entering the the password why is that | 07:56 |
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ses59_ | what should i do to get the command to work | 07:56 |
lontra | ses59_: you probably need another sudo before ln? | 07:56 |
zero | can anyone help me plz? | 07:56 |
mimik | zero: when i open adept, i see packages, not applications | 07:56 |
ses59_ | sudo i thought would work | 07:56 |
zero | i cant see the packages that are not installed | 07:57 |
ses59_ | ok will try sudo rm -f /dev/modem; sudo ln -s ttySHSF0 /dev/modem | 07:57 |
zero | it worked before but now i reinstalled it and i cant see any packages to install | 07:57 |
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ERIK_LIMA | Impossible!! The error persists!! "Cannot solve" | 07:57 |
BluesKaj | zero, look the options 'show and 'with' and check the boxes | 07:58 |
ERIK_LIMA | What?? Wait!! It's works!! Finally I installed the libdvdcss2!! :D | 07:58 |
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zero | there are no options | 07:59 |
ERIK_LIMA | Thanks very much! ;) | 07:59 |
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zero | just shortcuts configurations | 07:59 |
ERIK_LIMA | I see you later | 07:59 |
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BluesKaj | zero , beside thew show and with boxes? | 07:59 |
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zero | what do you mean? | 08:00 |
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zero | i have the problem at adept installer | 08:00 |
mimik | zero: KMenu > System > Adept Manager? | 08:00 |
zero | no | 08:00 |
zero | KMenu > Add/Remove Programs | 08:01 |
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mimik | zero: heh, you installed everything? | 08:01 |
zero | not adept manager but adept installer(apt-get) | 08:01 |
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zero | i dont know | 08:02 |
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zero | just what the distro installed automatically | 08:02 |
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zero | :S | 08:02 |
zero | and when i find something i want to install | 08:02 |
zero | it is grey | 08:02 |
zero | and i cant click it | 08:02 |
zero | :( | 08:02 |
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zero | what should i do? :( | 08:04 |
mimik | im pretty sure apt-get is adept manager not adept installer | 08:04 |
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zero | idk | 08:04 |
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zero | it cant see anything | 08:05 |
zero | what should i do? | 08:05 |
zero | nobody else that can help? | 08:05 |
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vbgunz | I have an issue that is really frustrating... I have two users on the system. one keeps getting logged out a while after *just* locking the system... whats up? anyone know what can cause this? | 08:05 |
vbgunz | locking the system == locking his account | 08:06 |
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kblin_ | hi | 08:06 |
tomislav | Ok, finally got the nvidia module + beryl working. Thanks for all the help ;) | 08:06 |
tomislav | !beryl | 08:06 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:06 |
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kblin_ | I'm currently trying to install kubuntu 7.04 on my laptop replacing the current system. However, that's set up to use LVM, and it seems like the kubuntu installer can't do that. Any way to keep my partition layout (so I get to keep my /home data)? | 08:07 |
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kblin_ | oh, d'oh, looks like I need the alternate CD | 08:09 |
Bizzeh | is there any way of listing, durin the install, what grub's hd*'s are mapped too what /dev/*'s | 08:09 |
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dhq | how do i direct the traffic of eth0 --> wlan0 | 08:12 |
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vbgunz | does anyone have the slightest idea as to what can cause a locked account to log out by itself? | 08:15 |
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rjb | argh, my ethernet connection no longer works after installing feisty | 08:16 |
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rjb | i get loads of NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out | 08:17 |
rjb | followed by eth0: Transmit timeout, status 00000004 00000249 | 08:18 |
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brad_ | would it be easy to run daemon tools in WINE/can someone recommend a good piece of virtual cd rom drive software? | 08:18 |
rjb | funny thing is eth0 worked for a while, up to the 2d or 3rd reboot | 08:19 |
BluesKaj | virtual cdrom drive software ? or do you mean running something with an iso xtn ?...usually VLC will run iso media files | 08:20 |
brad_ | essentially to be able to mount a game cd and have it read as if it were just physically inserted | 08:20 |
rjb | ..now i got only wireless working, heh | 08:21 |
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vzduch | brad_: Linux has this capability by default | 08:21 |
brad_ | crazy | 08:21 |
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vzduch | read 'man mount' for more information | 08:22 |
BluesKaj | brad try, kiso | 08:22 |
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brad_ | !man mount | 08:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about man mount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:23 |
BluesKaj | !mount | 08:23 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter | 08:23 |
vzduch | brad_: in a terminal on your PC | 08:23 |
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rjb | so, is my card broken, or is it the driver? | 08:26 |
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rjb | any ideas? | 08:26 |
Bizzeh | is there any way of listing, durin the install, what grub's hd*'s are mapped too what /dev/*'s | 08:26 |
malik__ | how to enable desktop effects in kubuntu fiesty? | 08:27 |
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brad_ | yeah this Kiso program isnt what I want at all | 08:29 |
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BluesKaj | Bizzeh, the decision to which partitions an install goes is decided when you chose the ext for the OS .. kubuntu won't install on ntfs for example | 08:29 |
Bizzeh | Black5un: you didnt read what i said | 08:30 |
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Bizzeh | when grub uses hd0,0 as disk 0 partition 0 | 08:30 |
malik__ | how to enable desktop effects in kubuntu fiesty? | 08:30 |
rjb | anyone know a doc about enabling suspend to disk? i tried pretty hard to find something, but nada | 08:30 |
Bizzeh | ie, /dev/hda1 | 08:30 |
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Bizzeh | how do i list these mappings? | 08:30 |
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BluesKaj | they will be listed in system settings or if you do a sudo fdisk -l in the terminal | 08:32 |
Bizzeh | that just lists all /dev/hd* | 08:33 |
Bizzeh | nothing at all to do with grub's mappings | 08:33 |
BluesKaj | kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:34 |
Bizzeh | on the boot cd? | 08:34 |
Bizzeh | durin install? | 08:34 |
Bizzeh | so i can find out where to put grub | 08:34 |
BluesKaj | nope | 08:34 |
Bizzeh | then again, you didnt read what i wrote | 08:34 |
Bizzeh | nevermind, im gonna grab openbsd, this is why i dont bother with linux, it has the worst support of anything ever | 08:35 |
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BluesKaj | kubuntu will put grub by defautlt on the first block of the HDD | 08:35 |
Dragnslcr | Riiight | 08:35 |
BluesKaj | what a jerk | 08:35 |
BluesKaj | doesn't know how to ask a question | 08:35 |
BluesKaj | mapping grub? | 08:36 |
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BluesKaj | wth is that | 08:36 |
Dragnslcr | I think he wanted to be able to see what OS's grub already knows about when he's installing | 08:37 |
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BluesKaj | never heard of that | 08:37 |
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Dragnslcr | And because during the ten minutes he was in #kubuntu, nobody knew the answer, Linux has "the worst support of anything ever" | 08:38 |
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Dragnslcr | Which really makes me wonder about him, since he apparently thinks that Kubuntu is all of Linux | 08:38 |
BluesKaj | he's been in and out since early this morning , Dragnslcr | 08:38 |
BluesKaj | asked the same question several times ...if he would have worded it so we could understand what he wanted , but instead of pewrhaps rephrasing it to clarify , no he just kept repeating it over and over | 08:40 |
Dragnslcr | I still don't think it beats the person in here yesterday complaining about Ubuntu not having ports | 08:40 |
BluesKaj | hehe... wow ..there's only 64000 or some such | 08:41 |
vzduch | lol.. no, not network ports.. ports as in BSD ports | 08:41 |
BluesKaj | ok, repos | 08:42 |
StoneNewt | I think he wanted to know what drives grub considered as hd0 hd1 etc | 08:43 |
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StoneNewt | which isn't necerrly the order that fdisk -l orders them | 08:44 |
BluesKaj | the unix guys think they are the PURE ONES in the world of OS's | 08:44 |
vzduch | ReactOS.. no wonder he has no clue ;) | 08:44 |
Dragnslcr | BluesKaj- no, not repositories, ports | 08:45 |
Dragnslcr | BluesKaj- she (or so they claimed) was very insistent that she wasn't talking about repositories | 08:45 |
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BluesKaj | well, the ports for BSD apps are repos basically | 08:46 |
BluesKaj | semantics | 08:46 |
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Dragnslcr | Not even the source .deb's were what she wante | 08:47 |
Dragnslcr | wanted | 08:47 |
Dragnslcr | If you can figure it out, congratulations, because nobody else could | 08:47 |
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JazzRabbit | Excuse me, Anyone who speak spanish? | 08:48 |
Barb | anyone knows how to execute a command in irc on startup? | 08:48 |
Dragnslcr | !es | 08:48 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:48 |
Dragnslcr | Barb- what IRC client? | 08:49 |
JazzRabbit | thanks | 08:49 |
Barb | in my case its Konversation | 08:49 |
Barb | irc program | 08:49 |
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BluesKaj | Barb, a lot of us use Konversation ...what's the command ? | 08:50 |
Dragnslcr | Dunno offhand. I know it has options for connecting on startup, joining channels, and identifying with nickserv | 08:50 |
Barb | ./msg Q@CServe.quakenet.org AUTH Nickname password | 08:50 |
Dragnslcr | Not sure about arbitrary commands | 08:50 |
Dragnslcr | Yeah, there's an option for that | 08:51 |
vzduch | QuakeNet.. *omfg* | 08:51 |
Barb | :p | 08:51 |
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BluesKaj | vzduch, been a while since I chatted there ...there were some audio guys who had a chat there for a while | 08:52 |
Barb | [20:51] <Dragnslcr> Yeah, there's an option for that <------- please tell me :) | 08:53 |
StoneNewt | http://i8.tinypic.com/6czhk3o.png | 08:53 |
Dragnslcr | Heh, was hoping someone else knew. Let me start up Konversation | 08:53 |
vzduch | I was in a university channel there for a while.. but it grew out to an excuse for idling | 08:53 |
rjb | need some help with ethernet, could someone hint me of a possible reason for NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out | 08:53 |
StoneNewt | using the beryl in the ubuntu repros when ever I spec dialog transparency that happens. | 08:53 |
StoneNewt | Does anyone have an experience with beryl or something simlar? | 08:54 |
ardchoille | StoneNewt: Perhaps join #ubuntu-effects | 08:54 |
Dragnslcr | Barb- Server List -> (select a network) -> Edit -> Edit Identity | 08:54 |
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Kjellviz | hi all =) | 08:54 |
Dragnslcr | Barb- there's an Auto Identify option there | 08:55 |
Kjellviz | anyone here got WoW running in Wine on Kubuntu ? | 08:55 |
StoneNewt | ardchoille: thanks | 08:55 |
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BluesKaj | Barb , IIRC ,looks like you need to register you nick and password , but i'm pretty sure it has to be done the website, then they send you a link that lets you in the first time to the IRC channel | 08:55 |
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=== miles laffs | ||
miles | !WoW | 08:56 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 08:56 |
Barb | this is the command after registering | 08:56 |
miles | !WoW | kjellviz | 08:56 |
ubotu | kjellviz: please see above | 08:56 |
vzduch | BluesKaj: besides, afaik, QuakeNet is still the network of the 31337 g4m0rz and uber1337 h4xx0rz ;) | 08:56 |
miles | omg i luv to pwn teh no0b hax0rz! | 08:56 |
vzduch | hrhr | 08:56 |
Kjellviz | miles: what are you trying to say ? | 08:57 |
Barb | anyone pwns n00b hax0rs | 08:57 |
miles | that no0bz r teh lam0rz | 08:57 |
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Kjellviz | im gonna repeat my question; does anyone run WoW in Wine on Kubuntu here? (and feel like answering a few quick quiestions?) | 08:58 |
miles | !WoW | kjellviz | 08:58 |
ubotu | kjellviz: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 08:58 |
Kjellviz | miles: stop telling me what i know and let people answer my question | 08:58 |
Kjellviz | miles: ive already got wow running on ubuntu | 08:58 |
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vzduch | well, you didn't yet ask an actual question :P | 08:58 |
miles | jeez! | 08:58 |
Kjellviz | miles: i just want to talk to someone running it on kubuntu | 08:58 |
=== miles thinks someone needs a nap | ||
ubuntu__ | hello | 08:59 |
Kjellviz | yes i did, i asked if someone are running wow in wine on kubuntu here | 08:59 |
BluesKaj | I quote from www.quakenet.org "QuakeNet does not use a nickname reservation service, such as NickServ" | 08:59 |
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ardchoille | StoneNewt: You're welcome :) | 09:00 |
ses59_ | i can not make kppp work on fiesty but wvdial does and i am setting it up for someone that used win98 so need a short cut on desktop to run wvdial how can i do that? | 09:00 |
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ubuntu__ | Should i upgrade my KDE 3.6.6 to KDE 3.6.7 on Feisty? | 09:00 |
ardchoille | ses59_: You should be able to right click the desktop and choose "shortcut or some such. use the binary name of wvdial as the command. | 09:01 |
BluesKaj | ubuntu__, sure | 09:01 |
sveweck | ubuntu__: it's tedious to do and can lead to some small problems, but it would generally improve your usage, yeah | 09:01 |
vzduch | ubuntu__: if you find a KDE 3.6.7 source let me know ;) | 09:02 |
ses59_ | ok will do that that thank you did not think about making my own icon | 09:02 |
ardchoille | ubuntu__: kde 3.6.6 doesn't come with Feisty, did you upgrade your kde already? | 09:02 |
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ubuntu__ | i reinstalled it today and it comes with kde 3.6.6 out of the box :X | 09:03 |
ubuntu__ | lol 3.5.6 | 09:03 |
ubuntu__ | dho | 09:03 |
Barb | Dragnslcr !! found it tried it works ok thx m8 | 09:03 |
ardchoille | ubuntu__: Ithought so ;) | 09:03 |
ubuntu__ | ok is it risky to upgrade the desktop envionement? | 09:04 |
StoneNewt | ardchoille: but no one is home :( hehe | 09:04 |
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Dragnslcr | ubuntu_- http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-357.php | 09:04 |
ardchoille | StoneNewt: :( | 09:04 |
BluesKaj | http://download.kde.org/download.php?url=stable/3.5.7/ | 09:04 |
ardchoille | StoneNewt: Well, if no one answers there or here, you might try http://ubuntuforums.org | 09:05 |
ubuntu__ | thanks | 09:05 |
=== StoneNewt just turns off dialog transparency | ||
Barb | Dragnslcr thx again and bye bye | 09:05 |
=== LeeJunFan [i=junfan@adsl-76-204-9-149.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kjellviz | getting wow to run in wine on kubuntu, should that involve any other obstacles/problems/steps than on ubuntu ? (im asking cos ive had it up and running 3 times on ubuntu, but i could not get it right when i tried kubuntu) | 09:07 |
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ubuntu__ | re | 09:11 |
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ubuntu__ | is here someone who uses gusty? | 09:12 |
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n8k99 | ubuntu__: yes | 09:12 |
n8k99 | but you probable want to join #ubuntu+1 | 09:12 |
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ubuntu__ | on VM or on the harddisc? | 09:12 |
ubuntu__ | thanks | 09:13 |
ubuntu__ | for the channel | 09:13 |
n8k99 | you are welcome | 09:13 |
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michael-3142 | how can you tell what window manager you are running, kdm or gdm? | 09:19 |
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robotgeek | michael-3142: what did you install, Ubuntu or Kubuntu? | 09:20 |
michael-3142 | robotgeek: kubuntu but the kids installed the gnome desktop and I do not know what windows manager they choose. | 09:21 |
robotgeek | okay. what do you see on the start menu? | 09:22 |
michael-3142 | robotgeek: what do you mean? | 09:22 |
robotgeek | well, you can tell which one by looking at the where the Dock is: is it at the top or bottom? | 09:23 |
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michael-3142 | robotgeek: what is the Dock you are referring to. | 09:24 |
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michael-3142 | robotgeek: where the menu bars are located. | 09:24 |
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robotgeek | michael-3142: at either the top or the bottom | 09:25 |
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michael-3142 | robotgeek: it is at the bottom and has a large K in the left hand side | 09:25 |
robotgeek | michael-3142: okay, you are running KDE then | 09:25 |
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michael-3142 | robotgeek: so is gdm on the the system and when would it be used or called ? | 09:26 |
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BluesKaj | michael-3142, lookin either synaptic or adept to se what's installed by typing in either gdm or kdm | 09:27 |
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underdog5004 | I've looked in the man page, but I can't figure it out. How can I get tar to not follow symlinks? | 09:27 |
michael-3142 | robotgeek: Does running KDE mean you are running KDM too? | 09:27 |
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BluesKaj | normally yes, michael-3142 | 09:28 |
robotgeek | michael-3142: not necessarily | 09:28 |
michael-3142 | robotgeek: How do I get kdm back as the default window manager? | 09:28 |
BluesKaj | michael-3142, did you check in adept or synaptic ? | 09:28 |
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robotgeek | michael-3142: you can check by going to your process monitor: K-Menu -> System -> KSysGuard | 09:29 |
michael-3142 | BluesKaj: check for what, I did not see in either what is the default window manager. | 09:29 |
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BluesKaj | kdm or gdm | 09:29 |
robotgeek | michael-3142: kdm/gdm are not your window managers. | 09:30 |
robotgeek | michael-3142: you can use either to login into gnome or kde | 09:30 |
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michael-3142 | robotgeek: I do not understand | 09:30 |
vzduch | kdm and gdm are the graphical login managers | 09:31 |
michael-3142 | BluesKaj: where in sysguard do I look | 09:31 |
robotgeek | michael-3142: you can have multiple Desktop environments installed. like gnome, kde, fluxbox, etc etc. gdm/kdm help you to log in to either one of them. | 09:31 |
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robotgeek | if you have multiple desktop environments installed, that is! | 09:32 |
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michael-3142 | robotgeek: it says I am running KDM. which is good | 09:32 |
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robotgeek | michael-3142: yeah, either one does not matter, really. | 09:32 |
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michael-3142 | not really some of the program from school I have use kdm call's | 09:33 |
michael-3142 | and do not work with gdm as window's manager | 09:33 |
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rjb | michael-3142: neither kdm nor gdm are window managers | 09:34 |
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rjb | (oh sorry it's just been said before) | 09:35 |
BluesKaj | the desktop environment is either KDE or Gnome ... i think that's what you are talking about michael-3142, not window manager ...I am I correct ? | 09:35 |
michael-3142 | rjb: what are they then? | 09:35 |
rjb | dm stands for display manager | 09:35 |
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rjb | their task is to allow the user to login and to start up her session | 09:35 |
BluesKaj | I have to admit it is a bit confusing alright | 09:36 |
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michael-3142 | then why do the program for the physic's dept fail if gdm is loaded and work if kdm is loaded. | 09:36 |
rjb | once either kde or gnome is up & running the display manager has nothing left to do | 09:36 |
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rjb | until she logs out | 09:37 |
BluesKaj | Kubuntu(KDE) , michael-3142, that's why , not ubuntu (gnome=gdm) | 09:37 |
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michael-3142 | second question is how close to debian is ubuntu or kubuntu? | 09:38 |
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underdog5004 | pretty close | 09:38 |
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underdog5004 | most debian packages work on ubuntu | 09:38 |
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StErGi0s | hello.i got a problem with sound.when i boot the laptop sound works fine for some time but after some hours it doesnt play and i have to reboot.is there any way to figure out what is going wrong? | 09:39 |
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michael-3142 | where can I get different voices for festival or kmouth? | 09:41 |
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Search4Lancer | my /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/ disappeared! | 09:43 |
Search4Lancer | and now I can't set the speed of it because of it | 09:43 |
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ardchoille | michael-3142: It's not a good idea to use other distro packages on ubuntu | 09:43 |
ardchoille | !worksforme | 09:43 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 09:43 |
michael-3142 | thank you for all the information on kdm and gdm | 09:43 |
michael-3142 | I am looking for different voice files for kmouth because I can not talk any more. | 09:45 |
robotgeek | StErGi0s: not sure, but instead of rebooting, you might want to restart alsa services | 09:45 |
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StErGi0s | robotgeek: how do i do that?im pretty new to linux | 09:46 |
robotgeek | StErGi0s: well, i only know how to do it via command line, "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart" | 09:47 |
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StErGi0s | robotgeek: it worked.thank you..i should now find a way to fix it though | 09:50 |
BluesKaj | StErGi0s, in the k-menu/system settings/sound system/hardware /selectaudio device/adavanced linux sound architecture | 09:50 |
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StErGi0s | BluesKaj: thanks.ill try and hope it gets fixed | 09:52 |
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rolando_ | hi | 09:56 |
ardchoille | hi | 09:56 |
rolando_ | where is the option to tell kubuntu when to suspend or hibernate? | 09:57 |
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rolando_ | because under power management i can only tell when to turn the screen of | 09:57 |
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Schuenemann | how can I set a window to stay in front of other specific windows (not all of them) ? | 10:00 |
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rolando_ | i want my laptop to suspend when i close it | 10:04 |
rolando_ | how can i do that? | 10:04 |
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southafrikanse | how can I see my terminal log? | 10:04 |
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Search4Lancer | alright, this is getting rediculous, I magically have no CPU, so I can't regulate the speed of the CPU, so I keep overheating | 10:07 |
rolando_ | southafrikanse: history | 10:07 |
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ardchoille | !bash | 10:08 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 10:08 |
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draik | How do I access my winxp partition through Linux using VMware? | 10:13 |
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TheBigHip | does anyone know how to load ncurses onto ubuntu? | 10:24 |
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lo_pescofi | do you try apt-get ? | 10:25 |
faires | How do I install a .deb file? | 10:25 |
faires | Which program should I use? | 10:25 |
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TheBigHip | I don't seem to know how to use apt -get | 10:27 |
lo_pescofi | for faires : rigth clik on file and chose : something like kubuntu package menu | 10:27 |
faires | lo_pescofi: Thanks a lot! :) | 10:28 |
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lo_pescofi | For Bighip you are on ubuntu ? | 10:28 |
TheBigHip | yea, not kubuntu | 10:28 |
TheBigHip | This was the only channel that came up when I loaded up konversation | 10:29 |
lo_pescofi | you want to load or install ncurse ? | 10:29 |
TheBigHip | install i believe, something I am trying to install requires nucurses libraries | 10:29 |
DJ-KING | that's what i get now when i do $sudo apt-get update "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem" | 10:30 |
DJ-KING | and when i do 'dpkg --configure -a' nothing happens at all | 10:31 |
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lo_pescofi | or try with Synaptic or Adep Package manager | 10:31 |
TheBigHip | what exactly is ncurses? | 10:33 |
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lo_pescofi | ncurse : This package contains what should be a reasonable subset of terminal definitions, including: ansi, dumb, linux, rxvt, screen, sun, vt100,vt102, vt220, vt52, and xterm. | 10:34 |
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lo_pescofi | and this package contains the programs used for manipulating the terminfo database and individual terminfo entries, as well as some programs for resetting terminals and such. | 10:35 |
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TheBigHip | awsome I think I just installed it using this: sudo aptitude install ncurses-dev | 10:35 |
lo_pescofi | BigHif do you know synaptic ? | 10:36 |
TheBigHip | no | 10:36 |
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lo_pescofi | It's more aesy to use for install packages | 10:37 |
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draik | lo_pescofi: I don't know. I don't think anything beats CLI | 10:37 |
draik | IMO | 10:37 |
TheBigHip | Im using the default pakage manger from 7.04 | 10:38 |
oldgrizz | done the install want to change the default keyboard. found where but does not save when I exit. When I restart it goes to the old default. How do I set a new default keyboard? | 10:38 |
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lo_pescofi | Sorry draik i don't understand what you said (I'm french ...) | 10:39 |
oldgrizz | how do I save changes to the preferences ? | 10:40 |
k3y | someone's german in here? :) | 10:40 |
correia | cybersex 5 dollars | 10:40 |
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lo_pescofi | I just said to BigHip I use synaptic (graphic pakage manager) It's like Adep Manager. With that it's easy to install or understand which package do ... | 10:42 |
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ubuntu | Hello | 10:45 |
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gymvideo | how are you? | 10:45 |
k3y | anybody know how to mount my nokia6280?! | 10:45 |
gymvideo | I have the same phone :o | 10:45 |
k3y | and how u managed it? | 10:46 |
TheBigHip | yea I used synaptic and it said that ncurses was already installed, guess i just have to figure out how to get the make command to recognise its location | 10:46 |
gymvideo | I didn't managed it at all | 10:46 |
k3y | im using kmobiletools in i can dial numbers and look into the phonebook ... but i cant put mp3s or vids or anything on it | 10:46 |
ardchoille | !alternatives | 10:46 |
ubotu | To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal. | 10:46 |
gymvideo | I'm installing kubuntu right now | 10:47 |
gymvideo | Hope its stable | 10:47 |
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gymvideo | to k3y, try here http://tuxmobil.org/phones_linux_nokia_other.html | 10:48 |
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froud | anyone using skype 1.4 beta and able to use skype-rec to record? | 10:50 |
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WhtWolfTeraDyne | TheBigHip: Are you trying to compile somethign to use ncurses? | 10:52 |
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vlt | Hello. I want to watch a dvd with xine. When starting I got "libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable". So I installed the missing library to enable it. Now I get "libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.9 for DVD access ... libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB (0x00013fa6)!!". Any idea what's the problem here? | 10:53 |
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ardchoille | !libdvdcss | vlt | 10:55 |
ubotu | vlt: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 10:55 |
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ardchoille | vlt: Keep in mind, not ALL dvd's will be able to be read with libdvdcss2 | 10:55 |
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creatoun | hi. anyone know where the package repo is on the web? | 11:01 |
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ardchoille | creatoun: Can you elaborate a bit? | 11:03 |
creatoun | archive.ubuntu.com? | 11:03 |
ardchoille | creatoun: Your /etc/apt/sources.list file lists url's to some repos | 11:03 |
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ardchoille | creatoun: um.. that's it.. http://archive.ubuntu.com | 11:03 |
creatoun | i'm on win. i need to download certain packages first to have my network up. | 11:03 |
ardchoille | creatoun: Well, you're going to run into trouble because most packages need deps, you can't just download a single package and expect it to work without dependencies.. this is what a package manager is for, to resolve deps. | 11:05 |
creatoun | oh yes i can. | 11:05 |
creatoun | yes i can. | 11:05 |
ardchoille | ok | 11:05 |
creatoun | well, it's a simple app. dhcpcd, though i can't find it on the webpage. | 11:05 |
draik | What does the Mobile Tools app do? | 11:05 |
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creatoun | nm found it. | 11:06 |
fribuntu | Hi all | 11:06 |
ardchoille | !info dhcpcd | 11:06 |
ubotu | dhcpcd: DHCP client for automatically configuring IPv4 networking. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.0.3-1 (feisty), package size 49 kB, installed size 176 kB | 11:06 |
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fribuntu | Can someone tell me how to either disable the spellchecker in Konqueror or set it to the right language? I am confused by all the red text I get with the wrong language setting. | 11:07 |
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creatoun | ardchoille: do you know if the 'universe' is default to feisty or gutsy? | 11:07 |
creatoun | ardchoille: in 'pool'. | 11:07 |
wilman | hey guys | 11:07 |
AscendedDaniel | hello | 11:07 |
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ardchoille | creatoun: all releases have a universe repo, but universe isn't default to any release., it's "extra" | 11:07 |
ardchoille | creatoun: You on Feisty? | 11:08 |
creatoun | ardchoille: yes, i'm about to install it. | 11:08 |
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vlt | ardchoille: "Not ALL dvds"? Can you explain? | 11:09 |
wilman | i have some files which are root owned. i want to change the permission to my own user but i have no idea how to change the permission. i can go to properties/ permision but i can't change anything because iam not root on the moment | 11:09 |
ardchoille | vlt: Well, you found one that libdvdcss2 can't decrypt ;) | 11:09 |
creatoun | ardchoille: asta. | 11:09 |
ardchoille | wilman: If these are system files, it's a bad idea to change their owner/group | 11:10 |
ardchoille | wilman: What are you trying to accomplish? | 11:10 |
ardchoille | !sudo | wilman | 11:10 |
ubotu | wilman: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 11:10 |
AscendedDaniel | I have a problem with my monitor set up. When I come back after the screen saver has been active for a while, the windows on one screen are too wide and other monitor does not function. The problem is usually fixed by logging out and back in again. Any ideas on how to make it stop? | 11:10 |
vlt | ardchoille: Does that mean I won't be able to watch it? | 11:11 |
wilman | it are no system files | 11:11 |
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ardchoille | vlt: Looks like it | 11:11 |
ardchoille | wilman: You can use sudo with the chown command to change owner/group | 11:11 |
wilman | ardchoille: they are no system files i accidanticly used root to open a package and now the files are root owned and i can't delete them | 11:12 |
ardchoille | !sudo | wilman | 11:12 |
ubotu | wilman: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 11:12 |
wilman | yes but i don't know how to change permisions in the command line | 11:14 |
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ardchoille | sudo chown <owner>:<group> filename where <owner> and <group> need to be changed to your needs | 11:15 |
ardchoille | man chown | 11:15 |
amnesiac | hi folks | 11:15 |
ardchoille | amnesiac: cool nick | 11:15 |
ardchoille | :) | 11:15 |
AscendedDaniel | hello amnesiac | 11:15 |
amnesiac | thx | 11:15 |
amnesiac | hi ascended--D | 11:16 |
ardchoille | wilman: Or you can use kdesu with konqueror to have a root enabled file manager window (but be careful with it) | 11:16 |
ardchoille | !kdesu | wilman | 11:16 |
ubotu | wilman: In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 11:16 |
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amnesiac | heavy stuff for an evening | 11:17 |
amnesiac | lol | 11:17 |
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AscendedDaniel | I think I messed up my system by installing beryl (could be something else though). How would I reinstall just the window manager parts of the system? Right now I'm thinking the easist way would to just reformat the hd and install fresh. | 11:18 |
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dystopianray | AscendedDaniel: in what way is it messed up? | 11:19 |
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wilman | ardchoille: thx for the help, kdesu worked | 11:19 |
AscendedDaniel | When I get back after the screen saver has been active, sometimes one of my monitors doesn't come back and the windows on the other monitor are extra wide. | 11:19 |
ardchoille | wilman: You're welcome :) | 11:19 |
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dystopianray | AscendedDaniel: this only occurs with beryl? | 11:20 |
amnesiac | damn when you fuc*--k it up with beryl i know only one solution | 11:20 |
amnesiac | reinstall | 11:20 |
AscendedDaniel | no, beryl is gone | 11:20 |
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amnesiac | : | 11:21 |
AscendedDaniel | I think it messed some stuff up | 11:21 |
dystopianray | AscendedDaniel: it only occured after you installed beryl? | 11:21 |
AscendedDaniel | yes | 11:21 |
AscendedDaniel | Beryl totally seemed like a good idea at the time... | 11:21 |
amnesiac | yesberyl is a nice thing when you get it to work | 11:21 |
dystopianray | AscendedDaniel: did you have to modify your xorg.conf to use beryl? | 11:21 |
amnesiac | i tried the looking glas | 11:21 |
hiena | jest tu kto z polski | 11:21 |
hiena | ? | 11:22 |
AscendedDaniel | I don't remember editing it for beryl | 11:22 |
amnesiac | no polski in here dude | 11:22 |
AscendedDaniel | the nvidia settings manager did edit it though | 11:22 |
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AscendedDaniel | for dual monitors and multi-button mouse, etc | 11:22 |
hiena | fuckin polish people | 11:23 |
amnesiac | hahahahaha there also people dude peace out | 11:23 |
oldgrizz | how does one change the default keyboard config. I can change the keyboard config but I need to make the new one the default. | 11:23 |
amnesiac | hahaha | 11:23 |
dystopianray | oldgrizz: set it in xorg.conf | 11:24 |
hiena | how can I remapper keyboard? | 11:24 |
amnesiac | put your keyboard config above on the list then it will be chozen as default i think | 11:24 |
rjb | !pl | 11:25 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 11:25 |
AscendedDaniel | I've pretty much decided to reinstall, but I would prefer not to have reinstall everything | 11:25 |
amnesiac | nice going ubotu hahaha | 11:25 |
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AscendedDaniel | I think it will be faster than fixing this weird problem down | 11:25 |
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oldgrizz | dystopianray: Im a newbie to linux how do I do that ? | 11:27 |
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AscendedDaniel | would apt-get --purge remove kde && apt-get install kde work? | 11:27 |
myrtille | hi there, would anyone have a sec to help me with a little problem i seem to be having with konversation? | 11:27 |
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amnesiac | that is possible asendenddaniel | 11:28 |
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dystopianray | oldgrizz: you want the keyboard setting to be the default for all users? | 11:28 |
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amnesiac | shoot myrtille | 11:28 |
AscendedDaniel | I might want to add it a autoremove in there | 11:28 |
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AscendedDaniel | *add in | 11:29 |
myrtille | i'm trying to connect to an ssl secured server, which seems to have an unvalid ssh-license... | 11:29 |
myrtille | how can i get knoversation to accept this sshlicense? | 11:29 |
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oldgrizz | dystopianray: yes I do | 11:29 |
myrtille | (at least i think that's the problem ;)) | 11:29 |
AscendedDaniel | alright, we'll I'll try that and see if that fixes it. Anything else I should purge? | 11:29 |
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dystopianray | oldgrizz: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf in a text editor and you can change the keyboard layout settings | 11:30 |
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amnesiac | i think it will work asendeddaniel | 11:32 |
AscendedDaniel | oldgrizz: don't forget to make a backup first | 11:32 |
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AscendedDaniel | amnesiac: thanks. I'll be back in a while to let you guys know | 11:32 |
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amnesiac | i am awake hahahaha | 11:32 |
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne just ordered his new Dellbuntu system | ||
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amnesiac | dont know it wolf | 11:34 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | ? | 11:34 |
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oldgrizz | Ascended: there is not a place to click a button in the gui like for printers ? | 11:35 |
harrison | any help with a printer error? | 11:35 |
amnesiac | no i had the wrong chat window sorry whtwolf | 11:35 |
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harrison | can someone help me get my printer to print? | 11:35 |
AscendedDaniel | oldgrizz: sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean | 11:35 |
dystopianray | oldgrizz: kde allows you to set the keymap for your user | 11:35 |
WhtWolfTeraDyne | amnesiac: no problem | 11:35 |
harrison | it's an epson Stylus R300 | 11:35 |
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oldgrizz | dystopianray: then I can adjust it in the user manager ? | 11:36 |
amnesiac | harrison: tried to install the printer under new printers?? | 11:37 |
froud | anyone able to use skype-rec with skype 1.4 | 11:37 |
harrison | yeah, the test page fails every time | 11:37 |
dystopianray | oldgrizz: 'regional and language' in system settings | 11:37 |
draik | How do I access my winxp partition through Linux using VMware? | 11:37 |
draik | The winxp partition is local (same hdd) | 11:38 |
dystopianray | draik: you want to boot winxp inside vmware? | 11:38 |
amnesiac | damn have to go boss is watching | 11:38 |
amnesiac | hahahahahahaha bey | 11:38 |
draik | dystopianray: Yes | 11:38 |
draik | amnesiac: Good luck | 11:38 |
dystopianray | draik: I don't think windows is capable of surviving such a significant hardware change | 11:38 |
Chousuke | It is | 11:39 |
harrison | Depens on if it is OEM or retail | 11:39 |
draik | dystopianray: Hardware change? | 11:39 |
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dystopianray | draik: vmware's virtual hardware | 11:40 |
draik | I remember reading about it a while back, but I lost interest with winxp, but now I realized that I kinda need it | 11:40 |
draik | Kubuntu won't recognize/sync with my cell phone | 11:40 |
harrison | any help getting my Epson R300 to print? it fails the test page, and I'm not sure the driver works correctly | 11:41 |
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myrtille | it was actually a lurking blank in the serveradress that caused the problem :) | 11:45 |
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hero | i've been using synaptic and apt-get to get upgraded packages. in adept-manager, how do you get it to show you the packages that can be upgraded? | 11:46 |
hero | the upgrade tool says there are 24 packages to be upgraded, but adept-manager doesn't | 11:47 |
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nvman90 | Hey, so I just installed tribe 3 and I'm having some really wierd problems. When I switch to a terminal ctrl+alt+F1 my monitors get disconnected and just go into standby mode | 12:03 |
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nvman90 | I don't know if they are related but when I boot I have to add the vga=791 and splash=silent to my boot string in grub | 12:04 |
dystopianray | nvman90: #ubuntu+1 | 12:04 |
nvman90 | otherwise I just get a black screen | 12:04 |
ardchoille | nvman90: join #ubuntu+1 | 12:04 |
nvman90 | ok | 12:04 |
nvman90 | thanks | 12:04 |
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miles | Uptime: 19 hours and minutes | 12:05 |
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miles | Uptime: 19 hours and 1 minutes | 12:05 |
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miles | Qt: 3.3.7 | 12:05 |
miles | KDE: 3.5.6 | 12:05 |
miles | kde-config: 1.0 | 12:05 |
miles | word | 12:05 |
miles | sorry | 12:05 |
=== Saucepan [n=uu@ADijon-258-1-104-109.w90-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DARKGuy | Hey, is there a workaround for KDE when you close session with Beryl activated, where the desktop icons get moved and appear in other positions when logging back in? like, it doesn't save the icon positions :( | 12:07 |
=== wsjunior [n=wsjunior@201-24-46-226.bsace703.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor | ||
dystopianray | the workaround is to not use beryl | 12:08 |
DARKGuy | ... | 12:08 |
=== paolo_ [n=__a___@host232-38-dynamic.2-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miles | laff | 12:08 |
DARKGuy | I don't want to be rude but let's say I didn't read that ... | 12:08 |
AcE | how do you extract a bunch of zip files in the current directory? | 12:08 |
=== pleconte [n=pleconte@lcy44-1-87-89-0-132.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
miles | !! | 12:09 |
miles | clear | 12:09 |
dystopianray | AcE: for x in *.zip ; do unzip $x ; done | 12:09 |
dystopianray | DARKGuy: beryl doesn't integrate properly with kde, issues like that are to be expected | 12:10 |
DARKGuy | dystopianray: but I don't think this is a recent bug... =/ | 12:10 |
=== nico_ [n=nico@pc-96-109-44-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== dmbkiwi [n=dmbkiwi@125-238-35-229.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== DARKGuy [n=DARKGuy@] has left #kubuntu [] |
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