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jsestri2 | Could someone post a proper bootlog, mine is hanging somewhere after "Running local boot scripts (etc/rc.local)" I'd like to figure out what is next... | 12:39 |
jsestri2 | Does anyoneknow what log file the Message ... [OK] 's appear in? | 12:41 |
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crysalys | databuddy, you back yet | 12:43 |
crysalys | ? | 12:43 |
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ShackJack | Hi gutsy users... Just wondering - what is the perferred method of virtualization in Gutsy - is it KVM? I can't seem to install VMWare from the repos dues to dependency problems | 12:50 |
ShackJack | I fear I might not be able to run KVM (trying now)... I have a core duo 2050, but I don't think it supports virtualization... | 12:51 |
masterloki | crysalys, | 12:52 |
masterloki | ok im here | 12:52 |
masterloki | <<--- same guy this is nix box | 12:52 |
masterloki | ok let me get to where u are | 12:53 |
masterloki | i hgav | 12:53 |
masterloki | i have wine in already and utorrent installed | 12:53 |
masterloki | winecfg set to nt 4.0 | 12:53 |
masterloki | click on drives tab and click autodetect | 12:54 |
masterloki | click on any that show drive mapping /media/cdrom* | 12:54 |
masterloki | [here mine is h:] | 12:54 |
crysalys | masterloki: ok i accidently closed wine | 12:54 |
masterloki | crysalys, no big deal | 12:54 |
masterloki | click show advanced and make sure type is cd-rom | 12:54 |
=== masterloki waits for you to rerun winecfg and catch up | ||
crysalys | masterloki: should i config wine again? | 12:55 |
masterloki | yes | 12:55 |
masterloki | set to nt 4.0 and then go to drives tab as stated above | 12:55 |
crysalys | masterloki: in terminal? | 12:55 |
masterloki | crysalys, yes | 12:55 |
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crysalys | masterloki: ok ive got the window open. it is on Win NT | 12:56 |
masterloki | 4.0 ? good | 12:57 |
masterloki | next click on drives tab | 12:57 |
crysalys | masterloki: or rather Win 2000 sorry | 12:57 |
masterloki | win2000 no good | 12:57 |
crysalys | masterloki: on Win NT 4.0 | 12:57 |
masterloki | good push apply then go to drives tab | 12:57 |
masterloki | when on drives tab push autodetect | 12:58 |
crysalys | masterloki: ok, auto dectect . . . | 12:58 |
masterloki | see the one[s] that say /media/cdrom ? | 12:58 |
masterloki | click on the drive letter for it | 12:58 |
crysalys | masterloki: ok | 12:58 |
masterloki | so in the text box it shows say /media/cdrom0 | 12:59 |
masterloki | good now push show advanced | 12:59 |
masterloki | make sure type is cd-rom | 12:59 |
crysalys | masterloki: ok | 12:59 |
masterloki | if you have multiple optical drives do this for each | 12:59 |
masterloki | then push apply | 12:59 |
masterloki | then push ok - thats the wine cfg for this | 12:59 |
masterloki | now in that terminal [after you closed the config] do: cd ~/Desktop | 01:00 |
masterloki | wine SetupDVDDecrypter_3.5.4.0.exe | 01:00 |
masterloki | accept defaults - when it gives popup on checking if newerversions are availiable say no to just that - the apps original webby is dead | 01:01 |
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ShackJack | !enter | masterloki | 01:01 |
ubotu | masterloki: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:01 |
masterloki | the box for run dvd decrypter will be checked - thats fine push finish - autoruns it | 01:01 |
crysalys | masterloki: ok so its pretty straight forward then huh | 01:02 |
masterloki | ShackJack, each line is a seperate step / command its needed | 01:02 |
masterloki | crysalys, sure now it probably gave a wierd devicelocontrol error but found the optical drive right? | 01:02 |
crysalys | masterloki: yes it did | 01:03 |
masterloki | ok go to tools >> settings | 01:03 |
crysalys | ok | 01:03 |
masterloki | Make sure in DVD Decrypter Setttings under I/O tab STPI - Microsoft is checked. | 01:03 |
voidmage | my friend tried to upgrade to gutsy and got a MDADM error | 01:03 |
voidmage | something about not finding devices listed in his conf file | 01:03 |
masterloki | Also I recommend under Device tab to set it to Eject tray after read and write. | 01:03 |
crysalys | masterloki: ok | 01:03 |
crysalys | masterloki: got it | 01:04 |
jsestri2 | What does this mean: "mdadm: No devices listed in the conf file were found." | 01:04 |
masterloki | crysalys, so now it works - lets get it working awesomely and uuber stable | 01:04 |
crysalys | ok | 01:04 |
crysalys | whats next | 01:04 |
masterloki | grab and unzip the dll listed in that guide to your desktop | 01:04 |
crysalys | ok | 01:05 |
crysalys | hold on | 01:05 |
crysalys | alright, what now | 01:05 |
voidmage | "MDADM: No devices listed in conf file were found " | 01:05 |
masterloki | in terminal you should be on the desktop still right? | 01:06 |
masterloki | cp *.dll /home/YOURUSERNAME/.wine/drive_c/windows/system | 01:06 |
crysalys | yes | 01:06 |
masterloki | did that? good. now: cd ~/.wine/drive_c | 01:07 |
crysalys | now what? | 01:07 |
crysalys | ok | 01:07 |
masterloki | gah my bad do: cd ../dosdevices | 01:07 |
crysalys | wait a tic | 01:07 |
masterloki | [the ../ means go up a level and then to what you specify btw] | 01:07 |
masterloki | so the directory you should be in is /home/username/.wine/dosdevices | 01:08 |
crysalys | so i type exactly what you typed? cd ../dosdevices? | 01:08 |
masterloki | yes | 01:08 |
crysalys | ok | 01:08 |
crysalys | done | 01:08 |
jsestri2 | can someone give me a boot log? | 01:08 |
masterloki | do: ls -l [this should show a link to /media/cdrom0] | 01:08 |
masterloki | jsestri2, yeah gimme a second | 01:09 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: thank you | 01:09 |
crysalys | ok . . . | 01:09 |
masterloki | crysalys, what drive did it say? again mine was h: | 01:09 |
crysalys | mine is h as well actually | 01:10 |
masterloki | ok: rm h: | 01:10 |
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masterloki | ln -s /media/cdrom h: | 01:10 |
crysalys | type that in terminal? | 01:10 |
crysalys | rm h: | 01:10 |
masterloki | yes | 01:10 |
crysalys | and then -s /media/cdrom h: | 01:11 |
masterloki | no then ln -s /media/cdrom h: | 01:11 |
masterloki | ln means make symbolic link | 01:11 |
crysalys | ok sorry | 01:11 |
crysalys | ok that is done...now | 01:11 |
masterloki | well it means make link i think the s means symbolic actually - man ls tells all about it | 01:11 |
masterloki | ok now: sudo apt-get install menu menu-xdg | 01:12 |
crysalys | ok running nwow | 01:12 |
crysalys | now | 01:12 |
crysalys | this sucks. im gonna be late | 01:12 |
masterloki | your down to 2 steps! 45 seconds more ;) | 01:12 |
crysalys | your help is so very appreciated. | 01:13 |
crysalys | ok whats next | 01:13 |
masterloki | when that is done run: update-menus [as user no sudo] | 01:13 |
crysalys | ok | 01:13 |
crysalys | running now | 01:13 |
masterloki | then when thats done do: killall gnome-panel | 01:13 |
masterloki | and vua la! you have wine section for your menu correctly showing dvd-decryptor. | 01:13 |
crysalys | do that in terminal as well? | 01:13 |
masterloki | www.utorrent.com get and install that - same settings should work fine for the future | 01:14 |
masterloki | crysalys, yes | 01:14 |
crysalys | awesome!!! your rock | 01:14 |
masterloki | but of course install utorrent when you get time lol - sorry to take so long btw | 01:14 |
masterloki | and enjoi the ripping ;-) | 01:14 |
crysalys | Thanks so much | 01:14 |
masterloki | nbd - just remember how its done for the next person XD | 01:14 |
masterloki | [i.e. turn on logging in xchat!] | 01:14 |
masterloki | and btw for the most mirc like irc client try kvirc - im a gnome user but there are a few kde apps that just work awesomely for some reason | 01:15 |
masterloki | kvirc is stable to about 2 dozen chans in my experience | 01:15 |
masterloki | ok hf. jsestri2 ok great what log exactly? /var/log/what? | 01:15 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: /var/log/boot -- youmight have to turn on bootlogd | 01:16 |
masterloki | gah | 01:16 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: my install is f'd good...and I'm grasping at straws to find somewhere i go wrong | 01:16 |
masterloki | nope got one let me paste it | 01:16 |
crysalys | ttyl | 01:16 |
masterloki | !paste | 01:16 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:16 |
masterloki | ttyl crysalys | 01:16 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: great | 01:16 |
masterloki | gah no nothing logged - but i'll restart for u- tell me how to start the daemon? | 01:17 |
jsestri2 | umm | 01:17 |
jsestri2 | s /etc/default/bootlogd BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=yes | 01:17 |
jsestri2 | there should be a line like that in that file that says no | 01:18 |
masterloki | bingo one sec | 01:18 |
masterloki | ok restarting system | 01:18 |
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masterloki | ok lets paste that | 01:21 |
masterloki | !paste | 01:21 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:21 |
masterloki | hm it didnt actually turn on. | 01:22 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: damn...not sure how to get it to start then... damnit | 01:22 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: you wouldn't happen to know much about the boot process would you? | 01:22 |
jsestri2 | !repo | 01:23 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 01:23 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: you wouldn't happen to know what the feisty repo's are or where I can find them listed? | 01:24 |
masterloki | jsestri2, try googling source-o-matic | 01:25 |
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masterloki | ok jsestri2 seems that there is no rc3.d/bootlogd nor rc5.d/bootlogd and i | 01:26 |
masterloki | 'm betting thats the problem gimme sec | 01:26 |
jsestri2 | k | 01:27 |
blizzow | My wireless network icon stopped scanning for networks, now it only shows the manual configuration for my home WAP. Anyone know how to get the network scanner back? | 01:27 |
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masterloki | yeah jsestri2 bootlogd is broken on this system - | 01:31 |
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jsestri2 | masterloki: oh well, thanks for trying | 01:32 |
jsestri2 | i wish crimsun was on, he always has answers | 01:32 |
ShackJack | Hi - seems I cant enable virtualization in my core duo t2050, so KVM would seem to be out. Will VMWare be updated to the new kernel in Gutsy (getting dependency issues, ATM) or is there a preffered way to run guest OSs in processors without virtualization? | 01:32 |
ShackJack | jsestri2: The answer is "42" :) | 01:33 |
jsestri2 | shackjack: if only it were true... | 01:33 |
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masterloki | ShackJack, ive always installed vmware server directly from them | 01:35 |
ShackJack | masterloki: They have deb packages or you compile? | 01:36 |
masterloki | its run on processors as old as atholon 2000+ - and as for the rest i have no answer | 01:36 |
jsestri2 | ShackJack, they have packages you ahve to compile and run | 01:36 |
masterloki | ShackJack, they have a .bin and you run it installs etc | 01:36 |
ShackJack | Gutsy repos have some missing packages, it seems... | 01:36 |
masterloki | work in progress ShackJack ~_^ | 01:36 |
ShackJack | O.K. will check it out... Why the frigg would they make a Core Duo that didn't support virtualization -- damn Dells :) | 01:37 |
ShackJack | masterloki: Oh, yeah for sure - I know what I signed on for :) | 01:37 |
jsestri2 | ShackJack? isn't it available in bios? | 01:37 |
=== ShackJack wishes he could use KVM | ||
masterloki | jsestri2, bump this with me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54259 | 01:37 |
masterloki | arg - closed | 01:37 |
ShackJack | jsestri2: No, and I looked for BIOS upgrade, but it doesn't seem to exist. T2050 is OEM chip with not virt... | 01:37 |
ShackJack | Maybe I'll swap out the chip :) | 01:38 |
masterloki | ShackJack, does the e2160 do that ? i mean do you know offhand?> | 01:38 |
ShackJack | masterloki: AFAIK just the T2300E and T2050/2150/2250 are the core duos the don't support virt | 01:40 |
jsestri2 | wierd | 01:40 |
masterloki | ShackJack, mine is e series not t - mm | 01:40 |
ShackJack | jsestri2: Repo just missing proper vmware kernel version is all... | 01:40 |
jsestri2 | huh | 01:40 |
masterloki | anyway looks like not | 01:40 |
jsestri2 | shackjcak: just install from vmware website | 01:41 |
ShackJack | masterloki: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep vmx :) | 01:41 |
ShackJack | jsestri2: Yep - will look - thanks :) | 01:41 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: that thread is locked | 01:41 |
masterloki | ShackJack, dont get it till wednesday lol | 01:41 |
masterloki | jsestri2, which i noted right after ;_; | 01:41 |
ShackJack | How much $$ - is it a Dell also? | 01:41 |
masterloki | time to file a bug report - u file i'll back u | 01:41 |
jsestri2 | lol oh well miss that | 01:41 |
ShackJack | masterloki: ^ | 01:41 |
masterloki | ShackJack, hek no - let me get linky | 01:41 |
ShackJack | ANyone have first hand experience with VMWare - how do OS run - like XP? | 01:42 |
masterloki | ShackJack, with decent cpu power runs greta | 01:42 |
masterloki | great | 01:42 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: well i added restricted, multiverse and universe repos to my sources and went for an upgrade...hopefully that does the trick for my problems | 01:42 |
masterloki | see the seamless windows install in the forums | 01:42 |
jsestri2 | shackjack: they run fine if you have resources | 01:42 |
masterloki | jsestri2, thats a good start | 01:42 |
ShackJack | T2050 Core Duo (1.6 GHZ) and 1GB | 01:43 |
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jsestri2 | shackjack: i had an old version, and that will probably run them alright | 01:43 |
jsestri2 | shackjack: don't expect full media support, directX and such tends to not work | 01:43 |
ShackJack | jsestri2: Oh, yeah I know... | 01:43 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: With jobs that I set to run at startup, what script are they put into | 01:45 |
databuddy | http://pcdirectsource.com/Item.cfm?ID=2155 got that basic barebones ShackJack | 01:46 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: I remember putting a few things in to run at startup via Gnome somehow, but I forget what it was called, so I have no idea how to undo it from the cmd line | 01:46 |
databuddy | when gnome starts? thats in the session settings under preferences ;) | 01:46 |
ShackJack | databuddy: THat's the beauty of Linux Desktop - not a resource pig (like some other OSs I can tell you about :)) | 01:46 |
databuddy | ShackJack amen. its hilarious how many people are choosing to switch instead of buy into vista ;-) | 01:47 |
ShackJack | databuddy: Yeah and even Dell offer the option to "Build with Vista" or "Build with XP" - even Joe Shmoe don't want it... "Converted" a couple friends, brother and father... | 01:48 |
databuddy | ive several friends that choose ubuntu after seeing beryl and the security of it | 01:48 |
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jsestri2 | databuddy: thats actually not true, Vista is doing better than XP did | 01:48 |
ShackJack | databuddy: Those integrated Intel 3000 graphics should run Fusion fine, no? | 01:49 |
databuddy | ShackJack so i hear | 01:49 |
databuddy | i certainly HOPE so | 01:49 |
databuddy | its gonna be about a month before i can get a vid card | 01:49 |
databuddy | thinking about the 8600 | 01:49 |
ShackJack | jsestri2: Really, I hadn't heard that... | 01:50 |
ShackJack | databuddy: Whatcha need kick-butt graphics card like that for? | 01:50 |
databuddy | ShackJack the figures are as inflated as the ps3's | 01:50 |
ShackJack | :) | 01:50 |
databuddy | ShackJack because i dont wanna replace it for 5 years | 01:50 |
ShackJack | databuddy: 5 years? puh-lease - it'll be obsolete in 5 months :) | 01:51 |
jsestri2 | databuddy: I can't discredit your statement that more people are going to linux than before, but I can confirm that Vista is doing better than XP did | 01:51 |
ShackJack | jsestri2: I just figured most folks would have to do big upgrades to run it well or have to buy new systems which might hinder sales... | 01:52 |
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pimp31415 | wth | 01:52 |
rockets | Anybody know where I can find the release notes for Tribe 3 | 01:52 |
jsestri2 | ShackJack: the general feeling in the media is that it isn't, but the numbers say otherwise...you have to remember that 98 / 2000 seemed good at the time of XP | 01:53 |
ShackJack | Yep - I hear ya... Me? - I'm a Linux Lover for Life :) | 01:53 |
databuddy | http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010380048+1069609641+1305520548+106791921+1067928567&name=GeForce+8600GTS check that out ShackJack | 01:57 |
ShackJack | Hey, you know what directory contained desktop menu entry files (.desktop) - is it /usr/share/applications? | 01:58 |
ShackJack | databuddy: looking.. | 01:58 |
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databuddy | not sure try locate *.desktop | 01:58 |
ShackJack | databuddy: man those are getting cheap (relatively) | 01:59 |
databuddy | [im back on the winbox] | 01:59 |
jsestri2 | Can anyone here help me to get my freaking install to boot again? | 01:59 |
databuddy | ShackJack there are better 8600s that are more expensive - but i dont need ultra - i just want a card that will take anything i toss at it and not get to max load :> | 01:59 |
databuddy | jsestri2 lol ok whats the problem man - and can i make a suggestion? | 02:00 |
databuddy | from grub push " e " | 02:00 |
databuddy | then edit the boot line and take out the quiet and splash. youll see a lot more info on boottime | 02:00 |
jsestri2 | databuddy: already there... heh, My boot seems to get most of the way though and hangs right towards the end | 02:01 |
ShackJack | Ah crud - building the VMWare failed -- kernel's too new... I think I'll just wait for gutsy's to catch up... | 02:01 |
jsestri2 | databuddy: if you could figure out what happens after "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)" at boot time it'd be much appreciated | 02:04 |
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databuddy | jsestri2 ok going back to that box to look | 02:13 |
masterloki | ok im here | 02:14 |
masterloki | hm | 02:15 |
masterloki | jsestri2, try pushing enter to bring up prompt | 02:15 |
masterloki | or ctrl+c | 02:15 |
masterloki | yeah... i've read over all the bug reports. it seems the issue is with getty loading before rc.local. if that's they case, this should be an EASY bug to fix. most are blaming upstart, since this issue didn't arise with init. i finally was able to gerry-rig my laptop to autologin regardless of a hung rc.local script. | 02:15 |
masterloki | found that on forums | 02:16 |
jsestri2 | masterloki:databuddy: enter causes ^M, enter does nothing | 02:16 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: ooo that looks promising | 02:16 |
masterloki | also try rescue mode | 02:17 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: would it kill me to make rc.local do nothing? to test your hypothisis? | 02:17 |
masterloki | and enable vesa or so | 02:17 |
jsestri2 | masterloki: rescue mode is how im getting around, vesa doesn't work either | 02:17 |
masterloki | jsestri2, who knows lol | 02:17 |
masterloki | i would do it | 02:17 |
masterloki | i mean really reinstall is worst case scenario ;p | 02:17 |
jsestri2 | i suppose it can't hurt too much seeing as rescue mode is pre rc.local | 02:17 |
jsestri2 | do you have info on the rc.local hang thing? | 02:18 |
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masterloki | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=498943 | 02:18 |
masterloki | just that | 02:18 |
masterloki | and thats on a sparc lol | 02:18 |
masterloki | ha nano the script - by default it does nothing | 02:19 |
masterloki | i assume thats before runlevel 3 or something | 02:20 |
masterloki | lets see ;) | 02:20 |
jsestri2 | oh shit my puter just turned itself off | 02:20 |
masterloki | nice | 02:20 |
kalman | jsestri2: he is tired of you | 02:21 |
jsestri2 | kalman: thanks | 02:21 |
masterloki | ah rc5 i think | 02:21 |
kalman | jsestri2: be my guest :-D | 02:21 |
jsestri2 | masterloki what? | 02:21 |
masterloki | http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-customizing.en.html <<--- check out rc.local there | 02:22 |
masterloki | so i have no proof but i think its run and then rc5 by default or so | 02:23 |
masterloki | sorry im tired and cranky and i dont know - google gives me same answers as the next guy i guess | 02:23 |
jsestri2 | i dont think i make it to 3? | 02:24 |
databuddy | i dunno check runlevels for debian | 02:24 |
jsestri2 | fuck this, can you install over a previous installation? | 02:26 |
jsestri2 | "clean install" | 02:26 |
jsestri2 | like can i stick in the CD and just do an install onto the drive already there? Hopefully not obliterating everything i have? | 02:27 |
databuddy | yeah | 02:28 |
databuddy | obilterates the / | 02:28 |
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databuddy | jsestri2 i would put swap / and /home on different partitions at all times if possible | 02:32 |
databuddy | then you dont wip out as much when you reinstall | 02:32 |
RoC_MasterMind | How can I see any restricted or multiverse packages on my system? | 02:33 |
jsestri2 | databuddy: already did that for swap, just not home | 02:37 |
jsestri2 | databuddy: going to dump home somewhere else... | 02:37 |
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kalman_ | hi, any idea on why with KNetworkManager I'm not able to make my wifi working ? | 02:40 |
jsestri2 | databuddy: is it reasonable to make home fat32 or no? does it need to be ext3? | 02:40 |
kalman_ | instead with wirelessassistant it works | 02:40 |
kalman_ | actualy I have seen KNetworkManager working just only first time I have launched it, since then is not working anymore | 02:41 |
kalman_ | jsestri2: why on the earth you want make your /home a fat32 ? | 02:43 |
RAOF | kalman_: Because you're on crack. And jsestri2? The answer is "no, you can't". FAT32 is too crap (and doesn't support permissions) | 02:45 |
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kalman_ | RAOF: why am I on crack ? | 02:46 |
jsestri2 | heh ok | 02:46 |
jsestri2 | i was looking for win compat, but apparently theres an ext3 driver for windows now | 02:47 |
RAOF | kalman_: Sorry, that was the answer to the question "Why would you want /home on fat32" | 02:48 |
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kalman_ | tought you was refering that knetworkmanager was not working becouse I'm on crack | 02:49 |
RAOF | Nah | 02:50 |
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kazukisan-lap | databuddy, sorry got tied up with faimly crap | 03:03 |
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Toxicity999 | Anyone been able to successfully hack up miro enough to compile on gutsy? | 03:10 |
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kazukisan-lap | anyone get direct render yes with a ati x800 card? | 03:11 |
crdlb | kazukisan-lap, using the Free driver? | 03:11 |
kazukisan-lap | yes | 03:11 |
crdlb | sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri | 03:12 |
RAOF | Toxicity999: Should be easy, but I'm not doing it yet. The debian maintainer's doing a package, so I'll just wait for him and sync/merge it in. | 03:12 |
Toxicity999 | It has some issues with libboost 1.34, It seems. | 03:12 |
kazukisan-lap | crdlb, it says its already the newest version | 03:12 |
crdlb | ok | 03:12 |
crdlb | kazukisan-lap, pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 03:13 |
Toxicity999 | I sort of hackishly got it to compile with it, but segfaults on starting. | 03:13 |
kazukisan-lap | crdlb, one sec | 03:13 |
kazukisan-lap | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30638/ crdlb | 03:14 |
crdlb | ok it's fine serverside | 03:15 |
crdlb | kazukisan-lap, what does LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo | 03:15 |
crdlb | say? | 03:15 |
Toxicity999 | Mmm I suppose our package should work as well, the same thing seemed to happen with the old democracy player. | 03:15 |
RAOF | Toxicity999: Is it using python2.5? Because using 2.4 is what caused that behaviour last time | 03:16 |
Toxicity999 | yea, it specifically calls 2.5 with the launcher script I believe. | 03:16 |
RAOF | Toxicity999: If the gutsy package doesn't work for you, _please_ file a bug. | 03:16 |
Toxicity999 | do we have our own packages now? | 03:16 |
Toxicity999 | I hadn't looked yet. | 03:17 |
RAOF | We've always had them. Dapper, Edgy, Fiesty, Gutsy | 03:17 |
RAOF | Although Feisty's is a bit broken for anyone who's not me, apparently :) | 03:17 |
Toxicity999 | Well I mean miro, just recently released that new version under a new name. | 03:17 |
kazukisan-lap | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30639 crdlb | 03:18 |
Toxicity999 | Doesn't look it, yet. | 03:18 |
Toxicity999 | I asked as well on their forums and they basically refused to support anything but Dapper/Feisty, which is annoying >.> So I suppose I can't hack it into submission, I've tried a few times. | 03:20 |
RAOF | Toxicity999: Eh, we'll have a miro package soon | 03:20 |
Toxicity999 | Cool. | 03:20 |
RAOF | If you desperately want it, you could base it on our democracyplayer packaging | 03:20 |
Toxicity999 | I'm not really desperate I'm just a one track kind of person sometimes, lol. | 03:21 |
kazukisan-lap | crdlb ? | 03:21 |
Toxicity999 | I might look in to it though for something to do. who knows. | 03:22 |
crdlb | kazukisan-lap, you have fglrx installed | 03:22 |
kazukisan-lap | i thought i removed it | 03:22 |
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crdlb | sudo apt-get --purge remove xorg-driver-fglrx | 03:23 |
kazukisan-lap | crdlb: o | 03:23 |
crdlb | then: sudo apt-get --reinstall install libgl1-mesa-glx | 03:23 |
kazukisan-lap | it says package xorg-driver-fglrx is not installed, so not removed | 03:24 |
crdlb | ok | 03:24 |
crdlb | so reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx | 03:24 |
crdlb | that will fix it | 03:24 |
kazukisan-lap | awsome it works :D | 03:25 |
kazukisan-lap | thanks, any way to get desktop effects working again? after i installed fglrx it messed them up | 03:25 |
crdlb | should work now? | 03:26 |
crdlb | -? | 03:26 |
kazukisan-lap | nvm they work lol | 03:26 |
kazukisan-lap | :D | 03:26 |
kazukisan-lap | alright last for now is firefox text is tiny tiny... anyway to fix that | 03:27 |
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kazukisan-lap | not webpage text but program text like file menus | 03:27 |
=== crdlb has no idea on that one :) | ||
kazukisan-lap | okay thanks for your help :D | 03:29 |
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kazukisan-lap | does feisty also have desktop effects? | 03:40 |
crdlb | kazukisan-lap, yes | 03:41 |
crdlb | a much older version of compiz though | 03:42 |
kazukisan-lap | gutsy is giving me some lock ups | 03:42 |
kazukisan-lap | might be better if i just install feisty for stability | 03:44 |
jmg | kazukisan-lap: i get lockups too | 03:44 |
jmg | kazukisan-lap: but i am forced onto gutsy | 03:44 |
kazukisan-lap | whys that? | 03:44 |
jmg | bug #117282 | 03:46 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 117282 in linux-source-2.6.20 "2gb SD card not usable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117282 | 03:46 |
kazukisan-lap | i c | 03:46 |
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siimo | hi any xubuntu Gutsy users here? | 04:07 |
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sparr | how stable is gutsy? | 04:21 |
RAOF | Mu | 04:22 |
voidmage | not stable enough for production systems, generic response here. | 04:22 |
Toxicity999 | On a personal note, it runs alright =] | 04:22 |
=== RAOF runs it as his primary desktop, but don't expect it to work | ||
Toxicity999 | Some major yet avoidable firefox bugs for me. | 04:22 |
Toxicity999 | Dame lol | 04:22 |
Toxicity999 | *same | 04:22 |
sparr | well, since ive got major firefox bugs in feisty, thats not much of a change :) | 04:23 |
voidmage | is granparadiso the default now? | 04:23 |
=== RAOF uses Granparadiso, so probably isn't seeing the same bugs :) | ||
Toxicity999 | Speaking of which, anyone else having major issues with firefox? Like for me the default click this link to download set up fries it, same with things like the preference dialog. | 04:23 |
Toxicity999 | Happens on GP for me too | 04:23 |
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sparr | im a big fan of debian unstable, so the day each ubuntu+1 reaches that level of stability is good for me... usually about 2 months before release | 04:23 |
RAOF | No. Alpha webbrowsers *don't* become defaults | 04:23 |
sparr | meh | 04:25 |
sparr | i liked "minefield" better :) | 04:25 |
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RoC_MasterMind | How can I see any restricted or multiverse packages on my system? | 05:38 |
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masterloki | dude | 05:47 |
masterloki | just open synaptic RoC_MasterMind | 05:47 |
masterloki | theres a very nice origin tab | 05:48 |
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pawan1234 | hi | 05:49 |
=== pawan1234 is now known as pawan | ||
pawan | how to connect to broadband using ubuntu | 05:50 |
masterloki | pawan, what inda broadband | 05:50 |
masterloki | ppp? | 05:50 |
pawan | yes | 05:50 |
masterloki | or no login nessisary | 05:50 |
pawan | pppoe | 05:50 |
pawan | bsnl dataone | 05:50 |
masterloki | !pppoe | 05:50 |
ubotu | Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 05:50 |
pawan | can we use irc in ubuntu | 05:57 |
masterloki | Linux mloki-gutsy 2.6.22-8-generic #1 SMP Thu Jul 12 15:59:45 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 05:58 |
masterloki | ;) | 05:58 |
masterloki | pawan, try xchat for irc - kvirc if you dont like that | 05:58 |
pawan | can can yahoo messenger be used in ubuntu | 05:59 |
masterloki | !pidgin | 05:59 |
ubotu | pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. | 05:59 |
RoC_MasterMind | What does the little ubuntu icon in Synaptic mean? | 06:02 |
masterloki | dunno | 06:03 |
RAOF | I believe that it means it's in Main, and hence officially supported | 06:03 |
Toxicity999 | Yep. | 06:03 |
RoC_MasterMind | ok | 06:03 |
masterloki | ah | 06:03 |
RoC_MasterMind | thx | 06:03 |
Toxicity999 | Although that's not to say things without it aren't working. | 06:03 |
Toxicity999 | or bye | 06:04 |
Toxicity999 | >.> | 06:04 |
masterloki | Toxicity999, hes been waiting hours for that answer | 06:04 |
masterloki | instead of just opening synaptic and google | 06:04 |
masterloki | ~_~ | 06:04 |
Toxicity999 | haha | 06:04 |
Toxicity999 | This technically isn't the place for that stuff anyway. | 06:05 |
masterloki | yeah | 06:05 |
masterloki | took pity after like 6 hrs or something | 06:05 |
masterloki | <RoC_MasterMind> How can I see any restricted or multiverse packages on my system? wa shis first Qubert | 06:05 |
masterloki | gah | 06:05 |
masterloki | was his first qustion | 06:05 |
masterloki | question | 06:05 |
masterloki | jeez i just cant type can i today | 06:06 |
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=== keram [n=keram`@cpe-76-87-177-181.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
keram | hey | 06:06 |
keram | i'm using gutsy gibon | 06:06 |
keram | tribe 3 | 06:06 |
Toxicity999 | masterloki My belief is people see +1 and thing it's just better #ubuntu =PP | 06:07 |
keram | and when i try to change brightness on my laptop with fn + home/end it doesnt work | 06:07 |
keram | i see the little brightness bar but it just kind of flickers around the current point | 06:07 |
keram | any ideas? | 06:07 |
masterloki | Toxicity999, rofl | 06:07 |
Toxicity999 | keram somehow you're using the wrong keyset, or those hotkeys just aren't asigned. | 06:07 |
Toxicity999 | Try using the Configuration util for hotkeys on whatever DE you use | 06:08 |
keram | Toxicity999, well when i press them the little bar comes up | 06:08 |
keram | and it flickers | 06:08 |
keram | using gnome | 06:08 |
Toxicity999 | Weird. | 06:08 |
Toxicity999 | Chekc if the hotkeys are set properly though. If it registers you Fn keys it should pick it up fine | 06:09 |
keram | uhh how do i check that? | 06:09 |
Toxicity999 | With gnome... lemme look. | 06:09 |
Toxicity999 | System >> Preferences >> Keyboard Shortcuts | 06:10 |
Toxicity999 | I think | 06:10 |
keram | ok | 06:10 |
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keram | Toxicity999, hey i see a bunch of shortcut keys here | 06:12 |
keram | but i dont see one for brightness | 06:13 |
Toxicity999 | Oh brightness, thought you were saying volume. | 06:13 |
keram | naw volume works great | 06:13 |
Toxicity999 | Hmm, I'm not sure. I think it's hit or miss on that. | 06:13 |
chowmeined | that needs to be fixed | 06:14 |
chowmeined | why does it have to scan the disk _every time_ i make a small change in the partition editor | 06:14 |
keram | :/ | 06:16 |
keram | u for real? | 06:16 |
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chowmeined | keram: who for real? | 06:23 |
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Toxicity999 | chowmeined I think it was at you, the disk needs to be scanned so it knows the actual sizes/stats of the partitions | 06:37 |
Toxicity999 | it's can't just assume it all went fine | 06:38 |
chowmeined | i know it needs to be scanned | 06:38 |
chowmeined | but why does it scan after every edit, .. shouldnt it let you edit it all at once.. and then commit it | 06:38 |
chowmeined | instead of rescanning every time you change a setting | 06:38 |
Toxicity999 | no, because like I said it need to knwo for sure everything went fine | 06:38 |
Toxicity999 | otherwise it would just assume what it wanted happened | 06:38 |
chowmeined | but its not doing anything yet | 06:38 |
Toxicity999 | and it could be baaaad | 06:38 |
Toxicity999 | better safe than sorry with HDs | 06:39 |
chowmeined | its changing some text in a table | 06:39 |
chowmeined | it hasnt commited anything to the HD yet | 06:39 |
chowmeined | if the disk layout changes between the start and right before commit, it can pop up an error | 06:39 |
chowmeined | that wont happen for most users anyways... so why punish everyone | 06:39 |
Toxicity999 | oh I see what you mean, that's just updating and doing the math on what it will look like for you. A preview before you do it. | 06:39 |
chowmeined | but it takes like 5 seconds each time, i tend to make lots of partitions (8 or so) | 06:40 |
Toxicity999 | It's mainly making sure that's a valid thing you tried to do. | 06:40 |
Toxicity999 | better it tell you you messed up as it happens then say LOLWUPES! at the end and make you start over. | 06:41 |
Toxicity999 | especially in your case | 06:41 |
Toxicity999 | doing all that work | 06:41 |
chowmeined | it wouldnt be a lot of work if i didnt have to wait between every change | 06:41 |
Toxicity999 | *shrug* patch it =] | 06:41 |
chowmeined | i could just make my 8 partitions.. then have it commit them | 06:42 |
chowmeined | im not a programmer | 06:42 |
Toxicity999 | Then live around the 5 seconds of torment, lol. | 06:42 |
chowmeined | 5 * 8 :) | 06:43 |
Toxicity999 | ouch =P | 06:43 |
chowmeined | so i dunno, im trying out tribe 3.. i keep getting these I/O errors during the install | 06:43 |
Toxicity999 | probly a bad burn. | 06:43 |
chowmeined | which is why this is bothering me so much, cause i have to redo the partitioning | 06:43 |
chowmeined | yea, except im using the ISO in a virtual machine | 06:43 |
chowmeined | bad download? but i used bittorrent | 06:43 |
Toxicity999 | ah okay | 06:43 |
Toxicity999 | not sure, livecds are always hit or miss in alpha | 06:44 |
Toxicity999 | alt cd is the safe bet normally. | 06:44 |
chowmeined | i should test the alt cd (its what i normally use) | 06:44 |
chowmeined | to make sure LVM isnt messed up like it was in feisty | 06:44 |
Toxicity999 | it normally has a much higher success rate in alpha. | 06:44 |
chowmeined | but i use the livecd too, i wanted to test things to see if both work | 06:45 |
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marek` | hey | 07:25 |
marek` | when my laptop comes back from sleep the screen is SUPER dark | 07:25 |
marek` | like its so dark i its below the 0% brightness threshold | 07:25 |
marek` | its like -100% brightness | 07:25 |
marek` | and the only way to fix it is to hold down power button until it shuts off | 07:25 |
marek` | then boot up again | 07:25 |
marek` | is there a way to fix that? | 07:25 |
marek` | using gutsy tribe 3 | 07:26 |
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DanaG | File a bug, or validate an existing one, perhaps. | 07:29 |
marek` | :/ | 07:30 |
DanaG | Oh, what brand of system do you have? | 07:30 |
marek` | lenovo x61 | 07:30 |
marek` | thinkpad | 07:30 |
DanaG | I don't have lenovo for reference, but somewhere in /proc/acpi you should be able to find a "brightness" item. | 07:30 |
DanaG | You can make some script echo 100 > /that/file on resume. | 07:31 |
DanaG | Or instead of 100, use whatever is available (perhaps 'cat' the file to find out). | 07:31 |
marek` | hmm | 07:31 |
marek` | i see a wakeup file | 07:31 |
DanaG | That's not quite the same. | 07:33 |
DanaG | The wakeup scripts are in /etc/acpi/resume.d/ (I believe). | 07:33 |
marek` | there are a bunch of dirs in here | 07:33 |
marek` | oh i was looking in /proc/acpi | 07:33 |
DanaG | What I mean: the brightness file will be in /proc, the script to put the 'echo' in is in /etc. | 07:34 |
marek` | ah i see | 07:34 |
DanaG | You may also find the brightness file under /sys/class/backlight or something with a similar name. | 07:34 |
marek` | in resume.d i see a file: 50-tosh-restore-brightness.sh | 07:34 |
marek` | but thats toshiba | 07:35 |
marek` | i dont know if it uses those | 07:35 |
marek` | yes i do see that in backlight | 07:36 |
marek` | i cannot even sudo echo "65" > brightness | 07:37 |
DanaG | Sudo doesn't work for redirects. | 07:37 |
DanaG | YOu have to sudo -i first, to get a real root shell. | 07:37 |
marek` | i just did sudo su - | 07:37 |
marek` | hmm | 07:38 |
marek` | damn, even root doesnt have access to actual_brightness | 07:38 |
marek` | but it does to brightness | 07:38 |
marek` | in /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video1 | 07:39 |
marek` | even with sudo -i | 07:39 |
marek` | thats weird | 07:39 |
marek` | its totally read only | 07:39 |
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DanaG | Oh, then you can take a look in /proc/acpi/video/ | 07:40 |
DanaG | (in my case, it's /VGA/lcd/brightness). | 07:40 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/121833 | 07:40 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 121833 in linux-source-2.6.22 "LCD backlight turns off between brightness levels during fades, and when on battery or at idle" [Undecided,New] | 07:40 |
marek` | oh i see | 07:41 |
marek` | it has certain levels | 07:41 |
DanaG | You may be experiencing the same bug. | 07:41 |
marek` | probably | 07:42 |
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AnAnt | does Gutsy support Fusion (Beryl+Compiz merge) ? | 07:49 |
marek` | i think so | 07:49 |
marek` | i see a composite manager in the appearance gui | 07:49 |
marek` | makes the windows all flexible when u move them | 07:49 |
DanaG | Yup, gutsy has fusion. | 07:50 |
DanaG | !info compiz-fusion-plugins-main | 07:50 |
marek` | how do u get it to do the cube thing though? | 07:50 |
AnAnt | cool | 07:50 |
ubotu | compiz-fusion-plugins-main: Collection of plugins from OpenCompositing for Compiz. In component main, is extra. Version 0.0.0+git20070711-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 364 kB, installed size 1584 kB | 07:50 |
AnAnt | where can I get the GPG key used for signing ubuntu's ISO image MD5SUMS ? | 07:53 |
chowmeined | AnAnt: the public one? | 07:53 |
DanaG | !info compizconfig-settings-manager | 07:53 |
ubotu | compizconfig-settings-manager: Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0+git20070712-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 442 kB, installed size 2748 kB | 07:54 |
chowmeined | AnAnt: good question | 07:54 |
AnAnt | chowmeined: yeah | 07:54 |
chowmeined | ive never been able to find them | 07:54 |
chowmeined | it should be posted on the download page | 07:54 |
chowmeined | otherwise, how can i validate my ISO :( | 07:54 |
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marek` | shift + alt + up | 07:55 |
marek` | that combo rocks | 07:55 |
marek` | ftw | 07:55 |
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databuddy | marek` and what does that do? | 07:58 |
DanaG | Wooooah, for some reason, Firefox keeps multiplying its pulseaudio streams. | 08:01 |
DanaG | That is reeeeeeeeeeeallly odd. | 08:02 |
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chowmeined | gpg: BAD signature from "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key <cdimage@ubuntu.com>" | 08:07 |
chowmeined | so the gutsy CD is faked? | 08:07 |
chowmeined | oh well | 08:08 |
=== NETWizz [n=jbirk@adsl-67-121-210-200.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
NETWizz | Hi | 08:08 |
NETWizz | This is the Gusty Gibbon channel | 08:08 |
NETWizz | Wow | 08:08 |
NETWizz | Will Gusty have WPA built in | 08:09 |
=== burner guesses yes | ||
chowmeined | i hope so | 08:09 |
chowmeined | didnt they merge a new wireless stack into the kernel recently? | 08:09 |
chowmeined | that has builtin everything? | 08:09 |
NETWizz | I don't know | 08:10 |
NETWizz | I run an old kernel | 08:10 |
NETWizz | compiled July 16th 2007 | 08:10 |
chowmeined | hehe | 08:10 |
NETWizz | 2.6.17-12 | 08:10 |
chowmeined | oh | 08:10 |
NETWizz | Don't know why that is the latest kernel for Edgy | 08:10 |
NETWizz | It is like someone took the time to patch and compile an official kernel for Edgy that is old | 08:11 |
NETWizz | Why would someone compile old source for edgy? | 08:11 |
DanaG | Oh Gutsy doesn't have iwl3945 or iwl4965. | 08:11 |
DanaG | OOps, I left out a comma. | 08:11 |
NETWizz | What are those | 08:11 |
NETWizz | What drivers are those | 08:12 |
NETWizz | ? | 08:12 |
NETWizz | I trhought Gusty was the first or seconed | 08:12 |
NETWizz | second | 08:12 |
NETWizz | Or was that Grumpey | 08:12 |
NETWizz | Nevermind | 08:12 |
NETWizz | I got it | 08:12 |
NETWizz | When Gusty is released will I have to upgrade to Fiesty first | 08:13 |
NETWizz | then upgrade to Gusty? | 08:13 |
DanaG | It's best to do it that way, I'd imagine. | 08:13 |
NETWizz | okay | 08:13 |
NETWizz | I wonder why it can't be more like Windows | 08:13 |
NETWizz | you can apply sp2 to an sp1 or an sp1a or an sp1b or a no service pack computer | 08:14 |
burner | ? | 08:14 |
burner | uhh.. feel free to read mailing lists and wiki and help docs for rationale | 08:15 |
NETWizz | Got it | 08:15 |
NETWizz | I need to upgrade off of Edgy soon | 08:15 |
chowmeined | NETWizz: you cant upgrade from 98 to vista | 08:15 |
NETWizz | Sure you can | 08:15 |
NETWizz | You upgrade from 98 to xp to vista | 08:16 |
=== karmue [n=karli@e178185136.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
chowmeined | there you go | 08:16 |
NETWizz | or maybe it is 98 to 2000 to xp to visa | 08:16 |
NETWizz | I am not sure | 08:16 |
chowmeined | ubuntu is no different | 08:16 |
NETWizz | Not a smooth upgrade from 98 to xp though | 08:16 |
burner | as you can go from dapper to edgy to feisty | 08:16 |
burner | it's just that ubuntu releases every 6 months instead of every 5+ years | 08:16 |
NETWizz | When you go from 9x to the NT based windows, it is a nasty thing | 08:16 |
NETWizz | BAsically, it does a clean install of Windows | 08:17 |
NETWizz | and imports parts of the registry and profiles | 08:17 |
NETWizz | Then drops support for all drivers and everything form 98 | 08:17 |
burner | NETWizz, that's why they copy what linux has been doing for years. c:\users is like /home/ | 08:18 |
NETWizz | Well edgy is leaps and bounds better than Dapper | 08:18 |
burner | and feisty leaps and bounds above edgy | 08:18 |
burner | and gutsy to be better still | 08:18 |
NETWizz | I have heard Fiesty has Better Desktop Effects | 08:18 |
NETWizz | I am just worried because I have Java, Mplayer Mozilla Plugin | 08:18 |
NETWizz | Flash 9, NTFS support | 08:18 |
NETWizz | Restricted Plugins + DVD support +Wine | 08:19 |
NETWizz | and win32 codecs too | 08:19 |
NETWizz | Seems there is a lot that could go wrong | 08:19 |
NETWizz | Yeah I know | 08:19 |
NETWizz | @burner, MS has amazed me | 08:20 |
NETWizz | they now have c:\boot | 08:20 |
NETWizz | reminds me of um /boot | 08:20 |
chowmeined | im hoping they will have /usr/bin and /usr/lib soon | 08:21 |
chowmeined | that way there can be a sane way to use shared libraries and a sane way to set your PATH | 08:21 |
burner | lol | 08:25 |
=== fraco [n=fraco@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
burner | i'm just stoked that windows+r, firefox <enter> runs firefox in windows... only app I ever use if I see a windows PC | 08:25 |
burner | NETWizz, it's all one package in feisty.... ubuntu-restricted-extras | 08:26 |
burner | :) | 08:26 |
chowmeined | alt+f2 firefox | 08:26 |
DanaG | Oh, and what about "Program Files" -- what a stupid name. | 08:29 |
DanaG | Or "Documents and Settings". | 08:29 |
=== DanaG now uses Linux almost exclusively -- a big part is the font rendering. | ||
chowmeined | i use linux exclusively | 08:30 |
=== Enselic [n=martin@kr-lun-58-151-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
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Enselic | I have an Intel HDA Audio card. From what I can read at forums, it appears as if it should work, but I can't get it to work. I have recompiled latest hg (alsa's SCM system) code of alsa-driver, alsa-lib, and alsa-utils, but I still don't get the sound to work. I'm stuck, does anyone have any hints on what to do next? | 08:37 |
Enselic | I am able to record sound in Audacity | 08:41 |
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DanaG | I have the opposite issue: I can play, but I can't record. | 08:47 |
=== Toma- [n=e17@203-59-175-62.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
chowmeined | i can play and record | 08:48 |
Enselic | with a HDA Intel? | 08:50 |
chowmeined | no i have ac97 :( | 08:50 |
=== grumpymole [n=warren@c58-109-125-122.lowrp2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | Oh, another annoying thing: sometimes Amarok will freeze, and with it, the keyboard will freeze. | 08:54 |
chowmeined | i dont use amarok | 08:55 |
chowmeined | i use rhythmbox | 08:55 |
DanaG | Oh, and now that Amarok has resumed responding, it's still grayed out by compiz. | 08:56 |
=== Agrajag` [n=Agrajag@c-67-163-214-103.hsd1.oh.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu+1 | ||
=== marek` [n=keram`@cpe-76-87-177-181.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
marek` | hey | 09:11 |
marek` | u remember that brightness problem? | 09:11 |
marek` | i think i may have solved a bit of it | 09:11 |
DanaG | Really? | 09:11 |
marek` | yeah | 09:11 |
DanaG | In my case, I had to change the idle dimness setting, but it still doesn't fix that godawful blinking. | 09:12 |
marek` | yeah i half fixed the blinking | 09:12 |
marek` | the problem is that there are two files that control the brightnes sof the lcd | 09:12 |
marek` | both /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0 and /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video1 | 09:12 |
marek` | bot dirs have identical contents | 09:13 |
=== Toma- [n=e17@203-59-175-62.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
marek` | except the problem is that the main script that changes the brightness only writes to one of them, so when it writes to one of them the other one counteracts the new change | 09:13 |
marek` | so you get the blinking | 09:13 |
marek` | you can modify the script: /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux/hal-system-lcd-set-brightness-linux so that it changes both brightness files | 09:14 |
marek` | if i knew the file that called that hal script i think i could fix the whole thing though | 09:14 |
marek` | if you just edit that hal script you can change the brightness from 60-100 but no lower :/ | 09:15 |
marek` | u run into same prob if u go lower | 09:15 |
=== ajmorris_ [n=ajmorris@220-253-12-217.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== Helmi [n=Helmi@pD95EE2DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Helmi | hi guys | 09:19 |
Helmi | anyone an idea why i can't get emerald for kubuntu out of the gutsy repos? i guess it's expected to be there. | 09:20 |
DanaG | Actually, the blinking is due to failing to match the discrete available brightness levels. | 09:25 |
marek` | DanaG, well when i have it set both brightness files the blinking stops for brightness levels 60-100 | 09:26 |
marek` | those two acpi_video dirs have to do something? | 09:27 |
DanaG | Hmm, but try changing brightness with the panel applet, and you'll see it blink. | 09:27 |
DanaG | Aaagh. | 09:28 |
DanaG | I mean, hit home or end to go to min or max on the slider. | 09:28 |
marek` | hmm... i was just using the keyboard ones | 09:28 |
DanaG | Oddly, my hotkeys don't make the Gnome OSD pop up. | 09:28 |
marek` | :/ | 09:29 |
marek` | do ur hotkeys change brightness though? | 09:29 |
DanaG | Yes. | 09:29 |
DanaG | And they change the actual_brightness file. | 09:29 |
marek` | but the actual_brightness file is read only on my system | 09:30 |
DanaG | ...or maybe not. | 09:30 |
marek` | i think | 09:30 |
DanaG | Er, yes, it does change actual_brightness. | 09:30 |
marek` | in which folder? | 09:31 |
marek` | 0 or 1? | 09:31 |
marek` | -r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 2007-07-20 23:37 actual_brightness | 09:31 |
marek` | even as root i cant write to that file | 09:31 |
DanaG | It's read-only, because only the hardware can change that. | 09:32 |
marek` | ah | 09:32 |
marek` | i guess my buttons have to go through software or something | 09:32 |
marek` | :/ | 09:32 |
marek` | are u using laptop? | 09:33 |
DanaG | Yes. | 09:33 |
DanaG | Gateway. Unlike Toshiba and IBM/Lenovo and Sony, they have no specific proprietary ACPI controller. | 09:33 |
marek` | i'm using lenovo | 09:34 |
DanaG | Another nifty thing: I get a BIOS-level OSD showing the brightness. | 09:34 |
marek` | that is elite | 09:34 |
marek` | you still have the problem when resuming though? | 09:34 |
DanaG | Yet somehow the hardware cursor appears on top of it. | 09:34 |
marek` | thats odd | 09:34 |
DanaG | I believe the resume issue is separate from, but related to, the blinking issue. | 09:35 |
DanaG | I do not have resume issues. | 09:35 |
marek` | do you have any issues? | 09:35 |
=== Ronald|Laptop [n=Ronald@ip51-232-58-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | I believe it doesn't remember the brightness, but it doesn't set it to something invalid, either. | 09:35 |
marek` | hmm | 09:35 |
marek` | i think the issue may lie in the two directories | 09:36 |
marek` | and some inconsistency between them | 09:36 |
DanaG | The thing is, since the acpi_video0 and acpi_video1 are two separate objects in the ACPI namespace, I wouldn't expect them to be synchronized. | 09:37 |
DanaG | Though the /proc/acpi stuff should ideally match the /sys/ stuff. | 09:37 |
=== DanaG goes to take a shower now, then go to bed. | ||
marek` | hmm | 09:37 |
marek` | this is very interesting | 09:38 |
marek` | i'm gonna see if my screen goes totally dark this time | 09:40 |
=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
marek` | hmm | 09:43 |
marek` | i had it set to hibernate not suspend :/ | 09:43 |
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pawan | hi | 09:44 |
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=== marek` [n=keram`@cpe-76-87-177-181.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
marek` | still broke :/ | 09:47 |
pawan | hi | 09:53 |
DanaG | marek`: If the screen is blank but backlit, that's a different issue. | 09:56 |
=== ajmorris_ [n=ajmorris@220-253-12-217.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | If the backlight is off but the LCD is on, you should be able to faintly see something on the screen if you shine a light on it. | 09:57 |
=== centaur5 [n=fishman@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
NETWizz | Help me do seamless rdp | 09:57 |
NETWizz | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-vzTXS2KsA | 09:57 |
NETWizz | That is what I wan tto do | 09:57 |
=== pawan1234 [n=pawan123@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
pawan1234 | hi | 09:58 |
NETWizz | can you help me do seamless rdp | 09:59 |
DanaG | To fix suspend itself, you'll have to mess around with /etc/default/acpi-support. | 10:05 |
DanaG | Options to look at: Save vbe state, do vbe post, and save video pci state. | 10:06 |
=== ToHellWithGA [n=ryan@d15-164.rt2-bras.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
pawan1234 | hi | 10:06 |
pawan1234 | can we use winamp in ubuntu | 10:07 |
centaur5 | pawan1234: xmms is really similar | 10:08 |
pawan1234 | can we use yahoo messenger in ubuntu | 10:10 |
centaur5 | pidgin (aka gaim) will connect you to msn, yahoo, aol, google | 10:10 |
chowmeined | baobab doesnt work on the livecd | 10:11 |
=== RAOF [n=chris@123-243-65-41.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
pawan1234 | can we use webcam in that | 10:11 |
chowmeined | pawan1234: nope | 10:11 |
pawan1234 | how to install pidgin | 10:12 |
chowmeined | it comes by default | 10:12 |
pawan1234 | how to start it | 10:12 |
chowmeined | Applications > Internet > Instant Messenger | 10:12 |
pawan1234 | i have gaim internet messenger | 10:13 |
chowmeined | yea | 10:13 |
pawan1234 | but no webcam | 10:13 |
chowmeined | i know | 10:14 |
pawan1234 | how to change screen resolution | 10:18 |
centaur5 | for some reason my intel card no longer works properly and gives the error xlib: extension "glx" missing on 0:0 when I try to run glxgears. Any ideas? | 10:18 |
RAOF | !resolution | 10:19 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 10:19 |
RAOF | centaur5: Have you installed any graphics drivers recently? | 10:19 |
pawan1234 | no | 10:20 |
centaur5 | Well I have a sony laptop with a switch for intel and nvidia card and ever since I went to the nvidia side it killed the intel. | 10:20 |
centaur5 | But after going back to intel it killed nvidia so now I have nothing on either. | 10:20 |
pawan1234 | i want to change screen resolution to 1024*768 | 10:21 |
RAOF | centaur5: Yes, that's right. Having either one of the proprietary drivers (fglrx, nvidia) installed kills OpenGL for everything else. | 10:21 |
centaur5 | What is my best option then? | 10:21 |
RAOF | pawan1234: So, System->Preferences->Desktop resolution | 10:21 |
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
centaur5 | remove nvidia's drivers and reinstall the intel? | 10:21 |
RAOF | centaur5: That'd work. | 10:22 |
pawan1234 | ok | 10:22 |
centaur5 | What is the package name in gutsy for intel's drivers? | 10:22 |
RAOF | xserver-xorg-video-intel, I believe. There's also -i810, but the -intel drivers are cooler (and possibly buggier, but eh, you're running Gutsy :P) | 10:23 |
centaur5 | yeah, I started running it since tribe2 cause I want to help submit bugs | 10:23 |
centaur5 | Plus I was getting too ansy :) | 10:25 |
=== kingrayray [n=kingrayr@pool-71-112-145-221.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
pawan1234 | how to play winamp playlist file in ubuntu | 10:25 |
RAOF | pawan1234: Double click on it? | 10:26 |
chowmeined | baobab doesnt run on the livecd | 10:26 |
centaur5 | fun, now glxgears crashes x :) | 10:27 |
chowmeined | will there be a nouveau testing package in gutsy? | 10:28 |
RAOF | chowmeined: Probably not. There's not too much point. | 10:28 |
chowmeined | but it has superior 2d performance compared to nv | 10:29 |
RAOF | *If it works& | 10:29 |
pawan1234 | its not opening | 10:29 |
chowmeined | but the 2d works anyways | 10:29 |
pawan1234 | its an online radio station | 10:29 |
chowmeined | its based off nv.. which has works for a long time | 10:29 |
pawan1234 | di.fm | 10:29 |
RAOF | chowmeined: Sometimes, yes | 10:29 |
chowmeined | the 3d is a lot more sketchy (but nv didnt do that at all) | 10:29 |
chowmeined | has worked | 10:30 |
RAOF | chowmeined: I've been *testing* nouveau. It doesn't always work, it's not really faster than nv in 2d. And the 3d kinda works, a bit | 10:30 |
centaur5 | I hope AMD releases those open source drivers soon like they promised. | 10:30 |
chowmeined | ok | 10:30 |
chowmeined | but nv doesnt always work either | 10:30 |
RAOF | Heh. I'll believe it when I see the code. | 10:30 |
RAOF | chowmeined: nv doesn't work in reliable, predictable ways :) | 10:30 |
=== Toma- [n=e17@203-59-175-62.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
chowmeined | my friend got a screen covered in pink lines | 10:31 |
chowmeined | on his 6600 | 10:31 |
RAOF | Really, nouveau is currently only for people who want to help develop it. | 10:31 |
centaur5 | I'll stop buying their products again if they don't. | 10:31 |
=== Sebast1an [n=sb@p5088DAD3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
chowmeined | centaur5: whos will you buy? | 10:31 |
chowmeined | RAOF: fair enough... i dunno how to help.. i know C syntax but im no CS | 10:31 |
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=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian | ||
centaur5 | well the nvidia drivers work smoother so I was buying their chipsets. | 10:32 |
chowmeined | oh | 10:32 |
chowmeined | for graphics cards | 10:32 |
centaur5 | After AMD's announcement I decided I would plan ahead and I've bought 20 boards and 5 cards with ATI chips. | 10:32 |
chowmeined | well | 10:33 |
chowmeined | intel isnt so nice about some of their stuff | 10:33 |
chowmeined | they are decent about their graphics and wireless | 10:33 |
chowmeined | but not their chipsets | 10:33 |
centaur5 | Really? I thought they opened their graphics drivers? | 10:33 |
RAOF | chowmeined: Well, testing helps development, and you can submit renouveau dumps for the cards you have access to. | 10:33 |
RAOF | Yes. Intel release open-source graphics drivers at the same time or before their products hit the market. | 10:34 |
chowmeined | yea | 10:35 |
RAOF | As opposed to nVidia and ATI, who tend to have a period of time when their latest cards have no linux support at all. | 10:35 |
chowmeined | no i meant their chipsets | 10:35 |
chowmeined | they arent so nice about some of the other things they make | 10:35 |
RAOF | What's bad about them? I haven't heard anything. | 10:35 |
=== Ronald [n=Ronald@ip51-232-58-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
chowmeined | somebody somewhere said that, so i believed them | 10:36 |
RAOF | :) | 10:36 |
centaur5 | haha | 10:36 |
RAOF | The internet knows all! | 10:36 |
centaur5 | Well I don't know if I would be wrong on this but wouldn't their graphics drivers also include chipset info? | 10:37 |
chowmeined | well they make lots of independent components | 10:37 |
chowmeined | HD Audio | 10:37 |
chowmeined | sata controllers, graphics, wireless, ethernet | 10:37 |
centaur5 | oh, I'm actually having a problem with sound ever since my upgrade to gutsy, it's quite scratchy. | 10:37 |
=== CodeImp [n=dont@s55910c2b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
kingrayray | can i paste 3 lines? seems like an easy fix just need some input | 10:38 |
RAOF | chowmeined: It's not intel's fault on the audio front. It seems that every single laptop model adds it's own special quriks to intel's codecs. | 10:38 |
RAOF | kingrayray: That should be fine. | 10:39 |
kingrayray | Setting up mpdscribble (0.2.12-3) ... | 10:39 |
kingrayray | adduser: Warning: that home directory does not belong to the user you are currently creating. | 10:39 |
kingrayray | Musicscribble system service not installed | 10:39 |
kingrayray | is that cause mpd is alreayd running? | 10:39 |
kingrayray | (yay libcurl is fixed :P) | 10:39 |
chowmeined | RAOF: ouch thats too bad | 10:39 |
chowmeined | oo i forgot about that | 10:40 |
chowmeined | will gutsy have the new GPL java ? | 10:40 |
RAOF | kingrayray: No, that's because the home directory that was trying to be created already exists, and is owned by a different user. | 10:40 |
kingrayray | i wonder where its trying to create the home dir for it | 10:41 |
RAOF | chowmeined: If it's actually released in time, yes. | 10:41 |
kingrayray | cause it's not in /home | 10:41 |
chowmeined | RAOF: i thought it was released already? | 10:41 |
RAOF | kingrayray: Really? That seems odd :) | 10:41 |
chowmeined | they did the jvm.. and then just like a month ago they released the libraries | 10:41 |
RAOF | chowmeined: Well, bits of it, yes. You still can't do anything with it. | 10:41 |
kingrayray | unless its trying to use my username.. hehe | 10:41 |
kingrayray | all ive got is me, a test account, and an ISO lol | 10:42 |
RAOF | Maybe the test account? Anyway, I don't know :) | 10:42 |
kingrayray | yea i'll figure it out, i just like to get input from you helpful guys before i tackle it :) | 10:42 |
chowmeined | RAOF: it says its fully buildable.... http://openjdk.java.net/ | 10:42 |
kingrayray | hey any of you guys seen the new Helio phone? works great in ubuntu :) mounts as mass storage | 10:43 |
RAOF | chowmeined: Eh. Cool. Well, it will be if someone packages it. :) | 10:43 |
kingrayray | ok i figured it out, it was trying to use mpd's dir in /var/lib | 10:44 |
kingrayray | but i just restarted the service and it proceeds as normal :) | 10:44 |
centaur5 | I'm desperately waiting for openmoko to have a liquid lens camera so I can use my phone with ubuntu. :) | 10:44 |
=== Helmi [n=Helmi@pD95EE2DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu+1 ["WIedersehen!] | ||
kingrayray | the camera on the helio ocean is really nice.. check it outhttp://farm2.static.flickr.com/1434/858291295_0f56ed4ced_o.jpg | 10:45 |
kingrayray | er there is a space in there somewhere :) | 10:45 |
kingrayray | sry if this is offtopic, just had to say ubuntu handles it flawlessly :P | 10:45 |
kingrayray | gentoo didnt like it much | 10:45 |
=== kalman [n=kalman@m107.net81-67-10.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
kalman | hi, my Adept Manager claims "The APT Database could not be opened!" | 10:48 |
centaur5 | kingrayray: I want my optical zoom though. :) | 10:48 |
kingrayray | centaur5: ah yeah that is a good feature | 10:48 |
kingrayray | but i'm a social networking junkie so i really love my helio hehe | 10:49 |
kalman | however synaptic and Update Manager are working | 10:49 |
kingrayray | kalman: do you have synaptic and/or update manager running when you try to use adept? | 10:49 |
kingrayray | you can only use one at a time afaik | 10:49 |
kalman | nope | 10:49 |
=== Cas_ [n=cas@] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
kingrayray | interesting, how about an apt-get running in a terminal? | 10:49 |
kalman | at least not on my screen | 10:49 |
kalman | it works | 10:49 |
kingrayray | interesting | 10:50 |
=== Cas_ is now known as Cas | ||
kalman | I have some index that are not loaded but this was not cause for Adept Manager to exit after that error in the past | 10:50 |
=== Adlai [i=adlaiff6@nat/google/x-6e26d0efc897e4d2] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
kalman | may be was caused by the fact that Adept Manager ended an upgrade with an error ? | 10:53 |
kingrayray | kalman: perhaps, if you are running gutsy i suppose bugs are highly likely | 10:53 |
kalman | yes indeed | 10:53 |
kalman | what's the command by command line to reset the cache ? | 10:54 |
kalman | apt cache I mean | 10:54 |
kingrayray | i'm not sure | 10:55 |
kingrayray | try uh | 10:55 |
kingrayray | apt-cache gencaches | 10:55 |
kingrayray | er, sudo | 10:55 |
kingrayray | hehe | 10:55 |
kalman | mmm | 10:56 |
kalman | $ sudo apt-cache gencachesReading package lists... | 10:56 |
kalman | that's all | 10:56 |
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kingrayray | same here | 10:56 |
kingrayray | i'm not really sure. | 10:56 |
kalman | also apt_manager in the error window suggests to run: apt-setup and apt-get update in a terminal | 10:57 |
kalman | however I don't have any apt-setup installed | 10:57 |
kingrayray | i don't either | 10:58 |
kalman | strange | 10:58 |
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pawan | hi | 11:46 |
pawan | how to view webcam in ubuntu | 11:47 |
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PriceChild | pawan, sudo apt-get install camorama | 11:55 |
Cas | Hi, is ebox installed by default in gutsy, or is it just available? | 11:57 |
Cas | ...in the server version | 11:58 |
PriceChild | sudo apt-get install ebox | 12:02 |
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kalman | it seems after the today upgrade adept_manager doesn't work anymore | 12:03 |
pawan | but the picture is not clear | 12:04 |
pawan | and other webcam viewer | 12:04 |
jmg | my xorg stops responding, mouse moves but doesnt click, apps still update | 12:04 |
jmg | only response is when i push the power button | 12:04 |
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pawan | how to install cubic player | 12:10 |
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kalman | open adept_manager and type cubic? | 12:14 |
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pawan1234 | hi | 12:15 |
pawan | how to enable automatic login in ubuntu | 12:16 |
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coNP | pawan: system / administration / login window ? | 12:19 |
coNP | security tab | 12:19 |
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zorglu_ | q. i would like to test if a ffmpeg bug in feisty is still in gutsy, can someone try on gutsy the following command ? mplayer "http://lax-v98.lax.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=nWIrxuF5NSo" | 12:35 |
zorglu_ | this fails on feisty due to a ffmpeg bug, btw no trick with the video, this is a simple one from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWIrxuF5NSo this page | 12:35 |
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zorglu_ | ok my request doesnt meet a high success :) | 12:42 |
coNP | zorglu_: I'll try | 12:43 |
zorglu_ | thanks :) | 12:44 |
coNP | no video only audio for me | 12:44 |
coNP | some codec might be missing? | 12:44 |
coNP | it says "Video: no video" | 12:45 |
zorglu_ | hmm no good | 12:45 |
zorglu_ | well this is a .flv from flash | 12:45 |
zorglu_ | wget -O /tmp/bla.flv "http://lax-v98.lax.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=nWIrxuF5NSo" <- do that for like 20sec, then ctrl-c | 12:46 |
zorglu_ | then do "mplayer /tmp/bla.flv" | 12:46 |
zorglu_ | this is the test for the bug | 12:46 |
zorglu_ | aka ffmpeg being unable to handle flv from http | 12:46 |
coNP | it works correctly | 12:46 |
coNP | ubuntu @ the library | 12:46 |
zorglu_ | damn | 12:46 |
zorglu_ | so the bug is still in gutsy | 12:47 |
coNP | that is up to date x86 gutsy | 12:47 |
zorglu_ | but it is no more in ffmpeg svn :) | 12:47 |
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coNP | zorglu_: thanks | 12:47 |
zorglu_ | i guess i should talk to packager to see if ffmpeg can be updated before release | 12:48 |
zorglu_ | coNP: well thanks to you :) | 12:48 |
pawan1234 | how to start cubic player | 12:48 |
coNP | zorglu_: see /topic for schedule, see schedule for UVF | 12:51 |
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desper | Warning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package SUNWuto: postinst prerm | 12:53 |
desper | heelp | 12:53 |
coNP | desper: is it some alien issue? | 12:53 |
desper | No | 12:53 |
coNP | desper: it is like you are shouting "Help, people, it is green" but not telling what and where and how you see that... :) | 12:54 |
desper | ohhh sorrry | 12:54 |
desper | iam installing SunRay | 12:54 |
coNP | desper: np, just try to be more specific so that someone can help | 12:54 |
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desper | iam installing SunRay on ubuntu and when iam installing the packages with the help of for i in srss_3.1.1/Sun_Ray_Core_Services_3.1.1/Linux/Packages/* srss_3.1.1/Sun_Ray_Data_Store_2.2/Linux/Packages/* srss_3.1.1/GDM_2.* srss_3.1.1/Docs/Linux/Packages/*; do | 12:57 |
desper | > alien -d "$i" | 12:57 |
desper | > done | 12:57 |
desper | this script some packages are extracted but some of them send this message Warning: Skipping conversion of scripts in package SUNWutdsk: postinst prerm | 12:57 |
desper | Warning: Use the --scripts parameter to include the scripts. | 12:57 |
coNP | so you are using alien :) | 12:57 |
coNP | without being aware of it ... | 12:57 |
desper | i think | 12:57 |
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desper | so what i'll do iam new in ubuntu | 12:58 |
coNP | I guess it should not cause any problems | 12:58 |
marek` | hey | 12:58 |
coNP | on the other hand it is a pity there are no debian packages available | 12:58 |
marek` | my sound doesnt appear to be working | 12:58 |
marek` | is there a way to get sound? | 12:58 |
coNP | I do not know sunray, however, so I cannot help any more, sorry | 12:58 |
desper | :( | 12:59 |
desper | ok thx | 12:59 |
coNP | marek`: does it say there is no sound, or no sound in spite of there should be? | 12:59 |
marek` | no sound in spite of there should be | 12:59 |
coNP | marek`: try to run asoundconf / alsamixer in a terminal window | 01:00 |
marek` | it says i' m running asoundconf wrong | 01:01 |
marek` | and in alsamixer i see master and pcm at 100% | 01:01 |
marek` | and no other options | 01:01 |
coNP | what do you mean by running asoundconf wrong? | 01:02 |
marek` | it says like usage | 01:02 |
marek` | usage: asoundconf is-active | 01:02 |
marek` | asoundconf get|delete PARAMETER | 01:02 |
coNP | I see | 01:03 |
coNP | you sohuld asoundconf set | 01:03 |
coNP | sorry, asoundconf set-default-card | 01:03 |
marek` | ok | 01:04 |
marek` | i did set-default-card Intel | 01:04 |
zorglu_ | !info ffmpeg | 01:05 |
ubotu | ffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20070307-5ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 184 kB, installed size 652 kB | 01:05 |
coNP | marek`: does it work now? | 01:05 |
marek` | nope | 01:05 |
=== coNP has no more idea | ||
marek` | its still broken | 01:07 |
marek` | wont even play system beeps | 01:07 |
marek` | :/ | 01:07 |
coNP | :( | 01:08 |
marek` | ah well | 01:08 |
marek` | work on that tomorrow | 01:08 |
coNP | that is why you *shouldn't* use gutsy | 01:08 |
marek` | but gutsy gots the leet kernel | 01:08 |
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coNP | someone using liferea? | 01:15 |
coNP | it is *seriously broken* | 01:15 |
coNP | :( | 01:15 |
RAOF | coNP: No, not for me. | 01:15 |
coNP | wow, you use latest gutsy as well? | 01:15 |
coNP | maybe I have feeds that make it broken | 01:16 |
RAOF | Well, it crashes when I try to mark a folder as "all read", but apart from that... | 01:16 |
coNP | zorglu_: I confirmed you bug :) | 01:17 |
coNP | RAOF: for me it crashes for every update | 01:17 |
zorglu_ | coNP: thanks :) | 01:17 |
coNP | that makes is unusable | 01:17 |
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eagles0513875 | the pkgs that r update does that update me to tribe 3 | 01:37 |
RAOF | No. They update you past tribe 3 | 01:38 |
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eagles0513875 | really | 01:38 |
eagles0513875 | !sourceomatic | 01:39 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 01:39 |
RAOF | Tribe 3 is just a snapshot that's been tested and is known to not be horribly broken. | 01:40 |
RAOF | The archive just keeps rolling, though | 01:40 |
eagles0513875 | ok cuz like its got kde4alpha 2 and here i dont | 01:40 |
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kazukisan-lap | anyone have any trouble with AVI playback with the gstreamer codec installed with movie player? | 02:33 |
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pawan1234_ | how to manually connect to broadband | 03:39 |
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tatters | having problems upgrading from fiesty http://pastebin.com/m212262c9 , cannot install anything | 04:30 |
Hobbsee | looks like gnome-panel-data needs a rebuild | 04:31 |
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tatters | any suggestions as to how I do that? | 04:34 |
Hobbsee | uploaded. | 04:35 |
Hobbsee | tatters: as for how to get out of that mess... | 04:37 |
tatters | yes............... | 04:38 |
Hobbsee | oh darn, that's a differnet bug. well, a differnet incarnation of that bug | 04:38 |
Hobbsee | tatters: try sudo dpkg --configure -a | 04:39 |
tatters | tried that | 04:39 |
Hobbsee | it still bails? | 04:39 |
tatters | I tried forcing as well to no avial | 04:40 |
tatters | yup its still bails | 04:40 |
Hobbsee | tatters: what i'd probably do there, si to locate gnome-panel-data.postinst and rm the version in /var/, run the dpkg --configure -a again, then reinstall just g-p-d | 04:41 |
Hobbsee | as you probably do want that postinst to run | 04:41 |
tatters | k,thnx for giving me something to go on, will give it shot | 04:42 |
Hobbsee | in fact, i'd wait until tomorrow's upgrade of g-p-d, which should give you the postinst back | 04:43 |
Hobbsee | of course, if you're really smart, what you'll do is move the preinst otu fo the way, run the rest, then move it back. assuming that you've checked first that things wont break if you do, and done anything manually that you need to | 04:44 |
tatters | nooooo not really smart ,,,,,,,I think waiting till tommorow is better of the options for me | 04:45 |
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cRhYlove | I've been running gutsy all day, and I have a couple of questions now. I can't find Emerald themes in the repositories anywhere, or in the menus. | 04:47 |
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Hobbsee | because it doesnt exist anymore... | 04:48 |
Hobbsee | tatters: i'm unsure if it will actually get newer versions of packages, by the time you're in limbo like htat | 04:48 |
Hobbsee | tatters: you probably should move the preinst out of the way, finish the upgrade, then move the preinst back | 04:49 |
cRhYlove | Well, how do I get my old emerald themes then? Is there a new menu that has 'em? All I have is the hideous gnome one! | 04:50 |
tatters | Hobbsee: I would but not really smart | 04:50 |
Hobbsee | tatters: fair enough | 04:50 |
Hobbsee | cRhYlove: do they even work with the new compiz fusion? | 04:50 |
Hobbsee | i think that's why it was removed.. | 04:50 |
cRhYlove | no idea. | 04:50 |
cRhYlove | is there a different better one in the works? | 04:50 |
cRhYlove | or is somebody updating it? | 04:51 |
Hobbsee | probably. not sure | 04:52 |
=== Hobbsee doesnt really follow compiz that much, as it doesnt wrok that well on kde | ||
cRhYlove | my .TomBoy folder copied over perfectly! :D | 04:54 |
tatters | If one was trying to be "really smart " where would a preinstall script be located and what measures would one take to "move it out the way" | 04:54 |
cRhYlove | Hmm.. Thunderbird isn't importing my mail. | 04:55 |
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cRhYlove | I just copied .thunderbird from my old home directory. Is there something else I have to do to kick start it? | 04:55 |
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Hobbsee | tatters: that's where you'd use locate <filename> | 04:59 |
Hobbsee | tatters: and with a sudo mv /path/to/file/file_is_here /path/to/destination | 04:59 |
Hobbsee | cRhYlove: rename it to ~/.mozilla-thunderbird | 05:00 |
Hobbsee | cRhYlove: thunderbird changed where it moved it's stuff, by default | 05:00 |
cRhYlove | cool. | 05:01 |
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lontra | anyone else experienced bug 127083 | 05:21 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 127083 in Ubuntu "Laptops turns off when I unplugged" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127083 | 05:21 |
=== lontra wishes he could go back and edit his typo subject line | ||
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Hobbsee | lontra: you can. top left corner of the bug report | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | lontra: edit description & tags | 05:33 |
lontra | Hobbsee: thanks ;) | 05:35 |
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cRhYlove | Is there a way to open .exe files in nautilus via wine? | 06:11 |
cRhYlove | I mean, a way to open them without using a terminal/ | 06:11 |
cRhYlove | ? | 06:11 |
DanaG | Through Nautilus, you can associate .exe files with wine. Just find the "open with" option in Properties for some exe file. | 06:15 |
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Lichte | Hi all | 06:19 |
cRhYlove | what are the console commands to kill all wine processes again? | 06:20 |
lontra | cRhYlove: killall wine | 06:21 |
cRhYlove | thnx | 06:21 |
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lontra | any noticeable differences in ff3 alpha vs. ff2 from those running it? | 06:21 |
FunnyLookinHat | just interface stuff mainly | 06:22 |
FunnyLookinHat | a few tweaks here and there | 06:22 |
lontra | it wanted to gnomify my desktop more than ff2 so i decide not to try it :) | 06:22 |
Lichte | ff3 isn't on the livecd ? | 06:23 |
lontra | Lichte: nope .. it's in universe or multiverse | 06:23 |
Lichte | OK | 06:23 |
Lichte | I just booted the Tribe 3 | 06:23 |
lontra | !info firefox-granparadiso gutsy | 06:23 |
ubotu | firefox-granparadiso: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla (Development Version). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0~alpha5-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 9703 kB, installed size 27680 kB | 06:23 |
Lichte | I'm using the livecd | 06:24 |
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Lichte | I may have to install this | 06:24 |
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cRhYlove | You should recommend wine and firefox under wine for flash in 64 bit edition. | 06:25 |
lontra | Lichte: i've been running gutsy for a few days ... it's been smooth sailing here except that guidance doesn't think i have a battery and when i unplug my computer it immediately hibernates | 06:25 |
Lichte | Iontra: ouch | 06:26 |
FunnyLookinHat | LOL | 06:26 |
lontra | yeah it's kind of funny | 06:27 |
lontra | bug 127083 | 06:27 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 127083 in Ubuntu "Laptop immediate hibernates when unplugged regardless of battery level" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127083 | 06:27 |
lontra | that's me | 06:27 |
Lichte | :) | 06:28 |
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Lichte | I sure hope the free software laptop project sees some success | 06:30 |
lontra | oh ... redhat's olpc? | 06:34 |
Lichte | no, the wiki started my Mark Shuttleworth | 06:38 |
lontra | oh i'm not familiar with that ... | 06:38 |
Lichte | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeSoftwareLaptop | 06:39 |
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ubuntu | HELP | 06:51 |
ubuntu | no cube | 06:51 |
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lontra | ubuntu: enable it in ccsm | 06:51 |
ubuntu | how do i do that? | 06:51 |
lontra | ubuntu: oh wait ... are you using the compiz-fusion that ships with gutsy gnome? | 06:52 |
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lontra | ubuntu: if you are i don't know :( | 06:52 |
ubuntu | i just downloaded it | 06:52 |
ubuntu | the new one | 06:52 |
ubuntu | i think so not sure | 06:52 |
lontra | ubuntu: ask in #ubuntu-effects | 06:52 |
ubuntu | ok | 06:52 |
PriceChild | ubuntu, lontra no. | 06:52 |
PriceChild | this is a gutsy question | 06:52 |
ubuntu | ubuntu bureaucracy is entertaining :) | 06:52 |
PriceChild | ubuntu, I highly recommend you choose feisty instead. | 06:53 |
lontra | PriceChild: i was suggesting that as help ... not that it's not a gutsy related | 06:53 |
PriceChild | it is very easy to enable the cube with feisty | 06:53 |
lontra | PriceChild: if he didn't get help here someone might help him there | 06:53 |
PriceChild | lontra, no problem | 06:53 |
ubuntu | PriceChild i am using the livecd | 06:53 |
PriceChild | ubuntu, and I still suggest you use the feisty live cd | 06:54 |
ubuntu | to me linux is experimental | 06:54 |
ubuntu | not good enough yet as desktop | 06:54 |
Pici | ubuntu: Then Gutsy would be very experimental. | 06:54 |
ubuntu | lol | 06:54 |
ubuntu | no offence :) | 06:54 |
lontra | ubuntu: i'd say feisty and a lot of other linux distros are quite 'good enough for desktops' | 06:55 |
ubuntu | fontrendering and those smoot transition effects are very nice btw | 06:55 |
ubuntu | smooth* | 06:55 |
ubuntu | yeah lontra i know | 06:55 |
ubuntu | but i am a game | 06:55 |
ubuntu | r | 06:55 |
ubuntu | thats something windows is good at | 06:56 |
ubuntu | and since i have an ati card | 06:56 |
ubuntu | ati on linux for gaming is horrid | 06:56 |
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Pici | System->Preferences->Compiz config settings manager would be the place to set the cube to work if it will work at all on the LiveCD. | 06:56 |
ubuntu | k thanks | 06:57 |
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ubuntu | lol the transitions in ubuntu gutsy are very similar to windows vista | 06:57 |
ubuntu | still a bit better though ;) | 06:58 |
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ubuntu | which font does ubuntu use? | 06:58 |
ubuntu | very good font | 06:59 |
Pici | iirc Bitstream Vera Sans | 06:59 |
ubuntu | ok ty | 06:59 |
cRhYlove | how do I make a disk NOT read only? | 07:01 |
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cRhYlove | what is the fastest vm for gutsy? xen, qemu, vmware? | 07:07 |
lontra | cRhYlove: maybe i'm alone ... but i like virtualbox | 07:09 |
mrsno__ | i found virtualbox quite quick :) | 07:09 |
mrsno__ | but they all should be fast really | 07:09 |
mrsno__ | qemu with qemu accelerator is good | 07:09 |
mrsno__ | kqemu* | 07:09 |
lontra | and kqemu is now open source | 07:10 |
cRhYlove | kqemu you think then? | 07:10 |
lontra | virtualbox is opensource too | 07:10 |
lontra | and so is xen | 07:10 |
mrsno__ | if you worry about opensource/licensing then qemu / xen are the free-est options | 07:11 |
cRhYlove | i just want the best performance. | 07:11 |
lontra | cRhYlove: i would just recommend against vmware cause it's closed | 07:11 |
mrsno__ | vmware however being closed, may have some options that are useful | 07:11 |
mrsno__ | personally i have learnt to live without them and use free'r ones :) | 07:11 |
cRhYlove | right, but is it's performance as good or better than kqemu? | 07:11 |
lontra | cRhYlove: they will all be relatively the same i think ... virtualbox is fast here | 07:11 |
mrsno__ | cRhYlove try all of them :-) | 07:11 |
cRhYlove | Ok then Virtualbox it is. :P | 07:12 |
cRhYlove | does virtualbox open .img? | 07:13 |
cRhYlove | and can I use it to open a different partition on this machine? | 07:13 |
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siriusnova_ | sup guys | 07:54 |
siriusnova_ | Anyone know anything about ssh tunelling? | 07:55 |
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DanaG | Aaargh, whenever compiz exits, it locks up my Xorg. | 09:12 |
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ubuntu__ | hello | 09:14 |
ubuntu__ | there isnt beryl/compiz install by default on kubuntu gusty gibbion, or? | 09:15 |
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gavintlgold | hello.. does anyone know if you are getting that awesome-looking accelerated graphics login screen like you said might be in feisty, but wasn't? | 09:56 |
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DanaG | Argh, whenever I end Compiz, it freezes my Xorg. | 10:14 |
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marek` | are there any dual monitor tools? | 10:24 |
pvandewyngaerde | nvidia settings works for mee | 10:27 |
marek` | i have integrated graphics card | 10:28 |
marek` | i just want to make it so when i plug in monitor it gets activated or something | 10:28 |
pvandewyngaerde | do you have connections for two screens | 10:28 |
marek` | yeah | 10:29 |
marek` | but it will only display on the second one if i restart x | 10:29 |
pvandewyngaerde | marek`: i think it's not possible yet | 10:30 |
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DanaG | wtf? mv: cannot move `mysql-connector-java-5.0.7/mysql-connector-java-5.0.7' to a subdirectory of itself, `./mysql-connector-java-5.0.7' | 11:02 |
DanaG | Since when is a subdirectory UP a level? | 11:02 |
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Veen | Is there a website I can go to to preview Gutsy? | 11:16 |
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sparkay | hi,, i just installed the latest alpha, but when it starts up, after login, i only get an orange screen with a cursor but nothing happens | 11:40 |
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nvman90 | I just installed tribe 3 and I'm having some really wierd problems. When I switch to a terminal ctrl+alt+F1 my monitors get disconnected and just go into standby mode | 12:05 |
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voidmage | I have a similar issue, but my monitor stays on. | 12:06 |
nvman90 | hmm any luck on finding any info about it? | 12:06 |
nvman90 | I can't seem to find any forums with anyone having this exact problem | 12:06 |
voidmage | not really | 12:06 |
nvman90 | Also if I log out of X I just get a bunch of graphic curroption on my screen | 12:06 |
nvman90 | Do you have an Nvida card? | 12:07 |
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