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alindemanExpect more attacks02:08
alindemanI'm trying to quell them before they make it to channels02:08
jdongis it party time?02:09
naliothclone swarms now trumpeting potter details02:11
naliothor not, but still being troublesome02:11
mc44jrib: see Grigory's last part message too02:12
jdongGRR WTF02:13
jdongsomeone posted a sudo worm on UbuntuForums.org02:13
jribmc44: how nice02:13
mc44jdong: a worm!? on leenux?!02:14
jdongmc44: sudo phish02:14
naliothmc44: it's not funny02:14
mc44nalioth: i've just never seen one before02:15
naliothmc44: it's called "social engineering"02:15
mc44that kind02:15
naliothmc44: it's not a linux worm, it's a user psychology worm02:15
jdongyeah, phishing worm...02:16
jdongah, ok, jailed and user PM'ed...02:20
jdongback to dinner02:20
jdongdoes ircnick "derekson_" ring a bell with anyone?02:32
jdongmmkay I'll play with him for a bit longer then02:33
jdongwtf little bugger is !ops-ing for someone to kick him....02:37
jdongmeh if hey says so...02:37
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effie_jayxThe IRC council reserves the right to remove idlers from the channel <--- cool :D12:10
effie_jayxthat last line makes me not "idle"12:11
PriceChildhehe wonder what brought about that line *looks at logs*12:11
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-102.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
jendaeffie_jayx: you've been idle for over 5 minutes...12:23
jendayou're exposing yourself to grave dangers :)12:23
=== PriceChild roars
effie_jayxno no no please nooo12:23
effie_jayxjenda,  besides LongPointyStick  is sleeping...12:24
=== effie_jayx hides
elkbuntuactually, LongPointyStick is at work12:33
effie_jayxwell that's better :D12:34
effie_jayxI just hope I don't get a delayed DOOM (tm)12:35
PriceChildLongPointyStick, never sleeps12:35
=== stefg [n=stefg@e179147057.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
stefgsome user kos is trolling in #ubuntu, asking for Suse-cd's . People are inexperienced enough to fall for the bait, so 'i'd vot for a kick12:44
PriceChildgrr he asked again after i told him not to...12:44
stefghe's a troll12:45
PriceChild*deals with it*12:45
PriceChildhe's spamming #suse and #opensuse-chat with it too12:47
jendaelkbuntu: it's hard for us to estimate when aussies do what - all we know is that it's always waaay off from what we'd expect :)01:23
=== jenda runs and dodges
elkbuntushe's a supermarket gopher. she gets stuck with stupid shifts01:24
PriceChildI wish I could be a supermarket gopher :(01:24
PriceChildno-one wants to employ me :(01:24
jendaPriceChild: I would consider employing you if I hadn't already hired tsmithe ;)01:25
PriceChildfire him! :P01:25
jendaBut it's a no-good job anyway ;)01:25
PriceChildI'm sure i'll find something01:25
PriceChildI've got lots lined up for this time next year....01:25
elkbuntusomeone needs to give me a damn job too01:26
PriceChildelkbuntu, give me the job of finding you a job01:26
PriceChildwe all end up happy?01:26
elkbuntuok. it pays $0.01:26
PriceChildis travel included thoguh?01:26
elkbuntuunfortunately no.01:27
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PriceChildHey harrisony, can I help?01:49
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stefgspammer IxBrad[AFK]  needs a ban03:35
GazzaKmc44 needs a ban too03:51
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=== LongPointyStick pokes around
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=== jdong was kicked off #ubuntu-ops by LongPointyStick (DOOM!!!)
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PriceChildMikeRotch just joined #ubuntu :s06:21
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jendaPriceChild: hahah :)06:25
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PriceChild*is talking to metbsd...*07:19
=== Jordan_U [n=Jordan_U@h-68-164-94-99.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Jordan_UTroll in #Ubuntu07:22
elkbuntuJordan_U, already dealt with07:23
Jordan_UYup, saw that, thank you07:23
elkbuntuJordan_U, if you see an op talking while there's a troll around, there's no need to divert our attnetions to here07:23
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=== GazzaK tickles Seveas
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tsmitheaha jenda08:43
jendaoops, wrong channel, let's move to #ubuntuforums :)08:43
GazzaKjenda, 08:43
=== jdong smacks GazzaK for unicode
=== jdong switches to a UTF-8 terminal font
=== harrisony [i=harrison@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0C163084] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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jdongguys ubunut is back10:33
jdongllook in -motu10:33
jdong!ftp factoid...10:33
jdongcan't we block the last octet of him?10:36
jdongI doubt he can switch his octect that quickly10:36
PriceChildHobbsee's the only one online in the channel and she's asleep...10:37
PriceChildoh wait she has no access anyway10:37
PriceChildjdong, poke jenda :)10:38
jdongjenda jenda jenda!10:38
GazzaKcan I poke him?10:38
jdongGazzaK: not in the backports though10:39
=== ubot3 blocks jdongs last octet
jdongthat's futile unless you block :D10:40
jendajdong, PriceChild10:47
jdongjenda: block ubunut by any means necessary10:47
jdong16:33 < jdong> !ftp10:48
jdong16:33 < ubunut> ftp://meklort.isa-geek.com user:star + pass:star10:48
jdong16:33 < ubotu> FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror,  !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd10:48
jdong16:33 < jdong> the fsck...10:48
jendawhat's he doing?10:48
jdongit's the same spambot from yesterday10:48
jdongalso goes by geem10:48
PriceChildjdong, he's not a bot10:49
jdongPriceChild: he's not much of a human either10:49
jdongPriceChild: he responds to !ftp instantly...10:49
jdongidentically each time10:49
jdongso at least it's a human-bot android hybrid10:50
PriceChildhe has a script loaded in his client10:50
jendaI believe it's called a cyborg ;)10:51
naliothhas he/it spoken in -motu, jdong PriceChild ?10:51
jdong15:52 < geem> those bastards10:51
jdongsomething like that :)10:51
naliothhas he/it talked in the last few minutes?10:52
PriceChildnalioth, jdong's !ftp triggered it. He was around yesterday, went into +1 after it was mentioned here, trolled, then didn't take it too well when we wouldn't unban immediately from #ubuntu after that.10:52
GazzaKsend him to me, i'll sort him out10:52
jdongGazzaK: he's not into backports either.10:52
naliothGazzaK: i can show you where he went10:53
PriceChildjdong, !10:53
jdongI love you too :)10:54
naliothy'all let me know if ubunut comes back10:54
jdongure thing10:54
PriceChildAnyone around wanting to help suggest what to add to the irc operator guidelines? (Re: message on ubuntu-irc list)11:28
naliothi think the guidelines are fine11:30
PriceChildI know, and so do I... but the CC are not going to budge on this.11:30
naliothi think that harsher penalties need to be asessed on 'those who take things into their own hands'11:30
naliothadding stuff like they want to the above, belittles those of us with sense11:30
PriceChildI think the reason the guidelines didn't work/go into effect last time because there was no governance structure, not because they were defective.11:31
PriceChildI tried summing up the existing guidelines, including operator & coc, quoting to explain how they should ward against "nasty" behaviour but they're not having it... they need something in these guidelines to be happy and give a +111:34
naliothi don't think what they're wanting belongs on the guidelines11:35
naliothbecause it is already there11:35
PriceChildThat's my opinion too.11:35
PriceChildWith all due respect, these point all refer to existing guidelines.11:36
PriceChildThe only reason we're having this discussion is because a previous11:36
PriceChildincident involving Ubuntu IRCops has demonstrated that the existing11:36
PriceChildguidelines, de facto, are not sufficient.11:36
PriceChild- james troup11:36
naliothis he ever on irc, PriceChild ?11:37
PriceChildhe's away atm11:37
PriceChildmark then seconded the reply an hour later11:37
naliothperhaps we should have a discussion with him11:37
PriceChildI suppose that could be a lot more productive than me trying to sum up all our thoughts in slow emails11:38
PriceChildwriting these emails i've been very anxious, hoping that I am putting across what "we" think.11:39
PriceChild(anyone else around with thoughts?)11:40
mc44you could put "Dont do anything Seveas wouldn't" in the guidelines, but that probably wouldn't help :D11:40
PriceChild(anyone else around [minus mc44]  with thoughts?)11:41
PriceChildI should have started poking whilst elkbuntu was still awake, will keep poking tomorrow morning over thoughts, and where's Ljl been :S11:44
harrisonymorning all, anything real interesting i missed last night? any killer bots attack, ##windows was flodded last night. Any of that carry over here11:44
PriceChildnalioth, Do you want me to try to get hold of elmo and sort out a little meeting for us to discuss then?11:44
PriceChild(us being whoever's interested in participating)11:45
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naliothPriceChild: if you like12:22
naliothpoke seveas12:23
PriceChildhmmm i must've missed him signing off12:23
PriceChildis he back for good or was that just another quick hi?12:23
PriceChildI think I remember him saying he was flying off somewhere... anyway will poke elmo12:24
=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops

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