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AcEdystopianray: thanks12:14
dystopianrayAcE: or you can probably just select them all in konqueror, then right click and select 'extract to here' or similar12:15
AcEcli is probably better for these batch commands12:16
AcEneeded to extract all the volumes for a manga :)12:17
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draikWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running12:23
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draikWhere do I find that?12:23
khaije1kernel 2.6.23 is incredible12:24
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dystopianraykhaije1: you are using one of the git snapshots?12:25
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dystopianraydraik: probably in /usr/include/12:25
NightBirddraik: /usr/src/linx-headers-`uname -r`12:25
NightBirdthat may not be it...12:25
khaije1nope just read the release notes, the progress is incredible!12:26
NightBirdwell.... then in include/linux, it has a number of .h files...12:26
dystopianrayNightBird: no you're right, that should work12:26
draikMaybe here   /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/build/include12:26
dystopianraydraik: they are the binary modules12:26
dystopianraydraik: what NightBird said is correct12:26
khaije1mainline now has kvm, lguest, xen, and vmi12:26
NightBirdkhaije1: I see a lot of hype about the new scheduler as well...12:27
khaije1oh ya i forgot! thats awesome too!!!12:28
draikdystopianray: NightBird: So then ------->   /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic12:28
NightBirdthe completely fair scheduler..12:28
dystopianraydraik: yes, that's right12:28
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NightBirddraik: the actual include file is in the /include directory after that12:28
NightBirdso /usr/src/linx-headers-`uname -r`/include12:29
draikUGH! I can't get the VMMON installed12:29
draikEither way, VMware Server won't run12:29
ardchoilledraik: What is vmmon?12:29
ardchoilleA monitoring applet for a window manager?12:30
draikardchoille: Virtual Machine MONitor12:30
ardchoilleAh, ok12:30
draikIt's a few modules for the VMware server12:30
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draikI wish I could get the VMware Server going12:32
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:36
ardchoilleAh, it's help.ubuntu.com, not wiki.ubuntu.com.12:37
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BluesKajis the new kernel available ? , if so where ?12:37
ardchoilleBluesKaj: I'm fully updated and running 2.6.20-16-generic12:38
ardchoilleOn Feisty12:38
BluesKajsame here , but khaije1 was talking about the new 2.6.23 version12:39
ardchoilleIt's not in the repos12:39
ardchoilleMaybe he compiled it himself12:39
BluesKajkhaije1, did you compile the new kernel 2.6.23 ?12:40
dystopianrayI think he said he just read the changelog12:40
khaije1BluesKaj: afaik it was just commited, only avail as vanilla source not in repo12:40
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khaije1ya i just read the changelog12:41
dystopianray2.6.23 is only available as git snapshots, there's not even an rc yet12:41
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BluesKaji was investingating the scheduler/ fair use on the cpu , sounds intriguing and fast12:41
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khaije1i was reading an article on linuxinsight published at 2pm today12:42
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khaije1it's all very exciting12:43
BluesKajsomething to look forward to ...KDE4, gutsy and the revolutionary kernel :)12:45
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BluesKajand of course Plasma for the eyecandy crowd :)12:45
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khaije1i'm still waiting for compiz enabled weather apps :-)12:46
khaije1so it'll snow or raing on my desktop according to the weather outside!12:47
crimsunthat would be awful.12:47
crimsun(just IMO, of course)12:48
crimsunnice eye candy, I think, but horrid for those of us who actually need to use the 2D desktop for something.12:48
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khaije1crimsun: are you talking about compiz in general or that weather idea?12:50
crimsunthe latter.12:50
crimsunthere are certain features of compiz that are nice for a11y12:50
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khaije1whats a11y?12:51
BluesKajlookit my spinning cube with apps on each face ...neat, but then what .... ?12:51
winbonddoes anyone know if the latest fglrx can be installed in gutsy?12:51
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WhtWolfTeraDynewinbond: Might ask in #ubuntu+112:52
BluesKajvery good question, winbond12:52
winbondWhtWolfTeraDyne: ty12:52
khaije1i used to think it wasn't a net gain, but i really think it will become nearly indispensable for extra productivity12:52
=== BluesKaj begins wondering about it
winbondthe latest gutsy release rox12:53
BluesKajproductivity ?12:53
DragnslcrBluesKaj- the burn effect is really cool looking12:53
DragnslcrSo is painted fire12:53
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne might try beryl again once his new dellbuntu system gets to his house
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crimsunkhaije1: accessibility12:53
DragnslcrI don't think Compiz has really claimed to be anything other than "Oooh! Shiny!"12:54
crimsunkhaije1: some of us need screen readers, etc., for physical conditions.12:54
vltHello. How can I make an app run when my kde session is started?12:54
BluesKajhey I like my video and stuff , but cartoon effects on my desktop ...guess I'm just too old and grumpy for stuff i consider window dressing :)12:54
WhtWolfTeraDyneSpeaking of accessibility, I really should do some research on accessibility options in Linux. I need to find my mom an alternative to Windows and JAWS.12:55
crimsunWhtWolfTeraDyne: believe me, we're looking.12:55
winbondwhat be a good video card to buy for compcomm?12:55
WhtWolfTeraDyneHows Orca coming along...12:55
dystopianraywinbond: compcomm?12:55
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khaije1vlt: place a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart12:55
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WhtWolfTeraDynewinbond: Most any Nvidia car will do good in Linux.12:56
winbonddystopianray: the 3d desktop12:56
WhtWolfTeraDyneO_o; I can't even get any speech in orca...12:56
winbondWhtWolfTeraDyne: i was thinking something like 7800gt, its cheap nowadays12:57
vltkhaije1: Thank you.12:57
winbondWhtWolfTeraDyne: would that be alright?12:57
rojanuHi I've got an ar5005g card it was working suddenly it stopped, module is still loaded but no wireless card visible?12:57
khaije1BluesKaj: think of it this way, it's not the next paradigm, but its the clearest path we have to the 'next' paradigm12:57
dystopianraywinbond: maybe a 8500GT12:57
WhtWolfTeraDynewinbond: No idea. I try not to shop for new graphics card. If I can avoid it, anyway.12:58
winbonddystopianray: 8xxx series is too new i think.the drivers might not be that good12:58
khaije1anyone know the state of voice recognition w/ gnu/linux ?12:58
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dystopianraykhaije1: non-existant12:58
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nflavais there an easy way to connect a midi dv camcorder?12:59
nflavai though i could add it somewhere but i dont see anything12:59
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BluesKaj"paradigm" bah another overused misunderstood important sounding word ... sorry even tho i own paradigm loudspeakers i always thought the use of that word was acrock to fool the innocent among us :)12:59
khaije1it makes me wonder about openmoko, have you all heard of that project?12:59
khaije1BluesKaj: what *should* i have said?01:00
WhtWolfTeraDynekhaije1: I want one of those phones...01:00
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BiovoreI have01:00
BluesKajkhaije1, dunno ...anything but .... :)01:01
khaije1WhtWolfTeraDyne: me too, i think i'm going to wait for the gta03 and compare between the two, i just wish there was more detail available01:01
pauljwkhaije1: these phones?  http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=4114701:03
khaije1pauljw: thats the one01:04
pauljwinteresting project01:04
BluesKajsorry khaije1, I'm old retired technician , who spent too many hrs in symposiums and sales meetings.pitches listening to BS salesmen trying sell me something that had reached  a new "paradigm' so often it almost made me puke after a while.01:04
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khaije1the project seemed derailed for a while ans was delayed, but seems pretty promising again (at least to me, but maybe still not for everyone)01:05
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khaije1BluesKaj: no sweat, you know what i mean though right? the desktop analogy hasn't progressed that much since it's introduction01:09
khaije1i think compiz could be the road to that, even if it isn't the destination01:09
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ubuntuHello. I've just installed Kubuntu but when I restart it goes always to WIndows and the grub menu doesn't appear :|. How can I solve this?01:12
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southafrikanseHello. I've just installed Kubuntu but when I restart it goes always to WIndows and the grub menu doesn't appear :|. How can I solve this?01:13
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khaije1southafrikanse: what method did you use to install kubuntu?01:16
BluesKaj!grub | southafrikanse01:16
ubotusouthafrikanse: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:16
ubuntuhi all01:17
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southafrikansekhaije1: I used the Kubuntu liveCD to install01:19
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khaije1southafrikanse: using the livecd, can you see the linux partition for the kubuntu install?01:20
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winbondwhats the command to reconfigure xorg?01:21
southafrikansekhaije1: Yes01:21
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WhtWolfTeraDynewinbond: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"01:22
winbondWhtWolfTeraDyne: ty, how long have u been using linux?/01:22
khaije1southafrikanse: you'll need to reinstall grub, if that doesn't work, you can use lilo01:22
southafrikansekhaije1: How can I do that?01:22
NightBirdsouthafrikanse: follow the instructions on how to restore grub after installing windows01:23
NightBird!grub southafrikanse01:23
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:23
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NightBirdwhy did the bot pm me...01:23
NightBirdoh, because I didn't include the '|'?01:23
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khaije1both are bootloaders, they aren't difficult to install, but i usually use the manual page 'man grub-install' as i do it01:23
WhtWolfTeraDynewinbond: I've been using Linux for quite a while.01:24
BluesKajsouthafrikanse, one option is to DL and burn (in windows if you must) SuperGrubDisk . It's abootable live cd that will help you restore grub to your kubuntu partition . Then you edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst and add windows to the file and your in dual boot heaven :)01:24
winbondWhtWolfTeraDyne: what apps u use the most?01:24
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NightBirdBluesKaj: or he could just restore grub using the instructions given by the restoring lost grub01:25
WhtWolfTeraDynewinbond: Amarok, Konsole, Konversation, Konqueror Kontact. Mainly KDE apps.01:25
BluesKajsouthafrikanse, we can show you what to do when your finished restoring the grub menu to the linux partition01:25
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winbondWhtWolfTeraDyne: do u code?01:25
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WhtWolfTeraDynewinbond: Nope. Not apps, anyway. I'm working towards becomign a web developer.01:26
BluesKajNightBird, uhhm it amounts to the same thing , i think :)01:26
WhtWolfTeraDyneBBL. Got some stuff to do.01:26
WhtWolfTeraDyne*sets away*01:26
winbondWhtWolfTeraDyne: k, do u know a command to rebbot the system without restarting the computer?01:26
sparrCan anyone recommend a mail client that can handle deleting old messages from the server while keeping them locally on an IMAP account?01:27
NightBirdBluesKaj: yeah, but he already has what he needs :P  a kubuntu cd01:27
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martin_is this possible to run open raider under kubuntu ?01:28
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BluesKajI'm referring to his install which he can't access01:28
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phoenix_quick question. How do you install a local .deb package on ubuntu?01:30
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BluesKajcd to the dir then ./debfilename01:31
sparrphoenix_: dpkg -i foo.deb01:31
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BluesKajsometimes they have installers , right click and look for install pkg01:32
phoenix_there it goes, thanks, new to the distro and had pretty much only figured out that a yum local install or pkgtool didn't work :P01:33
phoenix_Setting up some donated computers for a youth center, trying to find something simple for them to learn to use.01:34
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phoenix_anyone have a reccomendation for filtered net access?01:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about open - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:37
BluesKajphoenix_, dont install any media players or plugins :) just kidding01:37
mileslol pwn01:37
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phoenix_Yeah, the requirement for giving them Linux computers is the ability to block things like myspace and youtube, but still keep e-mail and web searches without the porn.01:39
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khaije1southafrikanse: have you had success with your request?01:39
phoenix_poor ubotu, doesn't know anything about opengl.01:40
unclephreakcan anyone here help me with a ubuntu question?01:40
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NightBirdphoenix_: um... websense?  Sounds like what you want, but it does require subscription and a server that all data passes through01:40
milesubotu needs to quit slackin01:40
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NightBirdit's the only one I know of... I know it's fairly big though...01:40
phoenix_I think they will go for a subscription, as long as it'll still work on their windows computers with IE6. Pretty sure they have a subscription now. I'll check that out.01:41
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BluesKaj!ask | unclephreak01:42
ubotuunclephreak: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:42
unclephreakim trying to install ubuntu and when i try to load the live cd i keep getting "ata: port failed to respond01:43
unclephreaki mean01:44
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KartiHi all, where do I go to stop programs launching on Startup?01:50
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NightBirdKarti: you mean when kde is attempting to restore the previous session that you logged out of?01:50
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NightBirdor the services that start on boot?01:51
KartiNightBird: The services that start on boot  - please01:51
KartiNightBird: such as Kopete01:51
NightBirdKDE menu->System Settings->Advanced Tab->System Services01:51
BluesKajKarti, make sure they're closed before you log off , otherwise they restart upon relogin ...I had to state the obvious01:51
NightBirdbut uh.... Kopote isn't a service...01:52
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NightBirdyeah, kde attempts to restore the state you had everything in when you last logged out01:52
NightBirdif you don't want some of those programs starting up, then close them before logging out01:52
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KartiBluesKaj: NightBird: Just about to test Nights theory!01:53
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NightBirdwhy do I have this feeling I may have pointed Karti at something they shouldn't be toying with yet....01:54
BluesKajNightBird, not to worry ...the services says i have apache2 running , but I uninstalled a week ago ...something strange about that services app01:55
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:02
draikHow do I mount a floppy?02:05
draikIt's not in my System Settings > drives...02:05
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intelikeyare there known issues with using sshkeys and dhcp automatic addressing ?02:08
intelikeydynamic ?02:09
draikintelikey: I just delete the keys02:10
ubotuTo mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone02:10
intelikeydraik but that would require another 'full setup'02:10
intelikeyi use sshkey to gain root access on my gateway,    will require reboot to init=/bin/sh  to gain root access anyother way,   which means hands on, and add a monitor.02:12
mileswisdom which means wise words being spoken, too many at one time and watch the mic start smokin02:12
intelikeymiles wisdom can also be words not spoken02:13
milesrakim told me that02:13
intelikeyso can i have more than one  (at different times of course)  and sshkeys still work ?    is that possable ?02:14
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ubuntui am from argentina02:22
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diegoelsurfer24 years old02:22
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redshadowherocan anyone remind me how to enable double clicking for icons?02:23
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intelikeyright click the desktop and configure02:23
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GrahamAAll the people in the house! Respect!02:24
twylightI just reinstalled kubuntu on my laptop02:24
twylightand everything is different02:24
redshadowherointelikey: Actually, I can't seem to find that option there...02:24
wsjuniorredshadowhero: system settings, keyboard & mouse, mouse and check double click checkbox ;-p02:24
twylightalso, most of the packages available for download with apt and adept are missing02:25
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intelikey!repos | twylight02:25
ubotutwylight: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu02:25
redshadowherowsjunior: Thanks much.02:26
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twylightwhy is everything so different?02:26
twylightI installed it with the same settings02:26
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wsjuniorhow different?02:26
twylightdown to the login screen02:27
twylightis completely changed02:27
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wsjuniornew version?02:27
intelikeyubuntu/xubuntu/kubuntu/edubuntu ????02:27
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twylightsame version as before, feisty fawn02:27
wsjuniorwhat would you like to do?!02:27
twylighthow do I change the login screen?02:28
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GrahamAIn what way is it different?02:28
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intelikeywsjunior kcontrol   iirc02:28
GrahamAAre you sure it's the same version? You haven't got Kubuntu/Ubuntu mixed up?02:28
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wsjuniortwylight: install a package called kdmtheme02:29
wsjuniorand after it pick up some cool themes at www.kde-look.org02:30
intelikeyalso reinstall with the same /home will make different02:30
twylightapt-get couldn't find a package called kdmtheme02:30
wsjuniorsudo apt-get update02:31
redshadowheroDoes anyone know how I can shrink icon size?02:32
redshadowheroIts been a while since I last configured kubuntu.02:32
twylightstill can't find it02:32
intelikeyeverything is in kcontrol02:33
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers02:36
=== sweettooth [n=gordon@i-83-67-130-90.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne [n=teradyne@ip70-178-69-206.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications02:37
khaije1what are the prefered voip clients on the linux desktop02:37
=== ZsasZ [n=ZsasZ@67-41-35-22.bois.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
draikI'm going to lose my mind. I cannot mount a floppy and I can't get VMware to work. I have a nice system that I don't want going to waste...02:39
draikSysinfo for 'Lair': Linux 2.6.20-16-generic running KDE 3.5.7, CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz at 3216 MHz (6432 bogomips), HD: 405/766GB, RAM: 2888/3035MB, 149 proc's, 6.50h up02:39
intelikeycan't mount a floppy ?     sudo mount /dev/fd0 /media02:40
redshadowheroHow about this: I don't like it that kubuntu brings up a menu every time I drag/drop an item. How do I change that?02:40
draikintelikey: It just sits there02:41
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khaije1!it just sits there02:42
=== bernardo [n=bernardo@modemcable024.246-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
draikI also cannot get my SD card adapter (adapter for micro SD) to be read in my card reader02:42
=== Fragility [n=brad@c-24-18-57-20.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeydraik  sudo mknod fd0 b 2 0 ;sudo modprobe floppy ;sudo mount fd0 /media02:44
draikJust did it all02:45
draikStill just sitting there.02:45
draikLights are on, but nothing appears to be mounted02:45
intelikeyls /media02:45
pauljwdo you have a disk in the drive?02:45
Fragilityfor some reason my computer boots really slowly, and it takes like a minute for my username to show when I start the command line02:45
Fragilitybut it otherwise works ok but not great02:46
=== hitmanWilly [n=hitman@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
draikintelikey: I popped out the floppy from the drive ------->   mount: fd0 is not a valid block device02:47
draikcdrom  cdrom0  cdrom1  floppy  floppy0  hda1  hdb1  sda102:47
draikThat is my "ls /media"02:47
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intelikeyof course it's not a valid block device when the disk is missing02:48
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intelikeysounds to me like a bad disk   linux is not as "forgiving" about floppies as M$ is02:48
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intelikeydraik you can fsck fd002:49
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draikintelikey: I got a list for usage02:50
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intelikeyof course that one is formated ext202:52
heroi know this is basic and i should know this, but which control panel do i use to get alt+f1 bring up the k menu again? somehow, it got reset.02:52
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draikintelikey: http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3839002:53
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intelikeydraik looks like you may not have mtools install ???02:54
draikYou were right02:55
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draikI just installed it02:55
draikNow what?02:55
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draikMount or fsck?02:55
intelikeyfsck /dev/fd002:55
intelikeyor fd002:55
intelikeyyou have two device nodes now i suppose02:55
draikWell, at least it seems to be doing something instead of telling me how to use fsck02:56
intelikeydraik yeah.   mtools is not needed to "mount" M$ fs's   but it is needed to check them02:56
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heroeh, i got it.02:57
draikI can't wait to have the "perfect" system where everything works.02:57
michael-3142in the systems setting/about me it says the administrator has disloud picture changes, how do I corrrect that.02:57
draikintelikey: http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3839102:57
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intelikeydraik unplug all the networking stuff  remove any wireless crap  and remove all drives.       then everything left will work.02:58
draikI suppose I can use the Live CD every time, but where would I leave my images and such?02:58
defcon I have a problem with my wireless network, on my ubuntu box I have a belkins usb card with ndiswrapper, I cannot connect to the internet with gnome network config, I can connect with wireless assistant, ie wlassistant and it connects me to my router, then I have to do dhconfig wlan0 to get an assigned Ip address, why wont gnome do this?02:59
intelikeydraik ok that looks like track 0 error.    unless there is important data on the floppy   i recommend mkfs02:59
intelikeyand it may not be formatable,  track 0  errors often result in a useless disk03:00
=== belred [n=chatzill@c-24-16-139-57.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
belreddoes anyone know a good blog server to install on kubuntu?03:01
adenicio_need help konqueror keep saying cant connect to host03:01
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draikI had a HUGE issue with some floppies and having a sector 0 error message. They had win98 on them. This was the only one left that accepted the info for the startup03:01
intelikeydefcon #ubuntu  might yeld better "gnome" help03:01
michael-3142in the systems setting/about me it says the administrator has disloud picture changes, how do I corrrect that.03:02
adenicio_need help konqueror keep saying cant connect to host03:02
defconintelikey, ic, any ideas with "kde"?03:02
defconI run both03:02
draikintelikey: sudo mkfs /dev/fd0    ?03:02
intelikeymkfs.<type>      what ever type fs you want03:03
adenicio_need help konqueror keep saying cant connect to host i cant go on any web site03:03
intelikeytab key for a list03:03
draikwin98 was fat32, right?03:03
intelikeyyeah vfat03:03
adenicio_i can only chat03:03
intelikeydefcon actually not i  but maybe someone else03:04
intelikeydefcon i can't point you at the wiki on that03:04
intelikey!wifi | defcon03:04
ubotudefcon: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:04
intelikeymight help      idk03:04
intelikeyadenicio_  what happens if you type http://google.com   in the address bar ?03:05
draikintelikey: mkfs.vfat: unable to get diskette geometry for '/dev/fd0'03:05
intelikeydraik hmmmm     sudo modprobe ide-floppy03:06
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intelikeyfsck it again03:06
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adenicio_intelikey: it says cannot conect to host03:07
zenumhey, how can i show verbose output when booting up with kubuntu? ie. looking behind the bootsplash03:07
draikzenum: -v usually does it, so I would assume just doing away with splash03:08
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draikintelikey: Same error message as before: Could this be a zero-length partition?03:08
intelikeydraik  ok lets have a serious look at it.     pastebin the output        lshw ;lsmod03:08
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intelikeyadenicio_  what is between you and the internet ?    router other boxes modem ????03:10
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adenicio_intelikey: modem,conected to the com1 port03:10
belreddoes anyone know of any blog server to install on kubuntu?03:10
ice9__Does anybody know quite a bit about Wine and world of warcraft?03:10
intelikeyadenicio_ any firewall ?03:11
NSKYhallo, ik ben helemaal nieuw met kubuntu. ken Suse redelijk. nu mijn vraag hoe word je SU in kubuntu??03:11
draikintelikey: says I should run as root. Run as root or show you what I have now as a regular user?03:11
adenicio_intelikey: where is the firewall in kubuntu?03:11
Dragnslcrbelred- something like Apache maybe?03:11
intelikeyadenicio_ there isn't one by default03:11
draikintelikey: http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3839303:11
adenicio_intelikey: this is my 5th time on the net on kubuntu i dont know much03:11
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NSKYhow can i become SU in Kubuntu ??03:12
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belredDragnslcr: but what script is used?03:12
draikNSKY: sudo <command>03:12
intelikeyadenicio_ we all start somewhere.   for me, i learned by the try it and then reformat methood.03:12
winbondwhich kernels come with the new memory management implemented?03:12
Dragnslcrbelred- to install Apache? I'd say use Adept03:12
draikadenicio_: Ask ubotu, just don't abuse him/her/it03:12
adenicio_intelikey: lool i format and restart but it give me the same prob03:13
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:13
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belredDragnslcr: apache is a web server, isn't there a blog sript already done?03:13
NSKYwhen i type su it wands the SU pass, my login pass does not accept03:13
draik!firewall | adenicio_03:13
ubotuadenicio_: please see above03:13
Dragnslcrbelred- I'm sure there are plenty out there. Google would know03:13
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draikNSKY: SUDO, not SU03:13
Dragnslcrbelred- web scripts have pretty much nothing to do with Ubuntu03:14
adenicio_draik: ubotu?wa is it:he:she: a admin?03:14
NSKYokee, sudo = SU ?!03:14
NSKYthanks !!03:14
draikadenicio_: No, it's a bot03:14
draikNSKY: Yes. SU is to gain the login. SUDO is for the privilege03:14
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belredDragnslcr: yes, sorry... i just wanted to know what works best on ubuntu, that's all03:14
adenicio_ubotu: hello can u hell me with my prob?03:14
draikadenicio_: It's a roBOT. It's not going to answer you back any time soon03:15
NSKYit nothing like Suse, but i keep on trying !!03:15
Dragnslcrbelred- web scripts aren't specific to Ubuntu. Anything that works with your web server will work fine03:15
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redshadowherodoes anyone know how I can change the drag/drop properties?03:16
redshadowheroeverytime I drag/drop something, it asks me what to do03:16
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redshadowheroI want it to move by default.03:16
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NSKYzijn er ook nederlanders hier aanwezig. mijn engels in namelijk niet zo best ?03:17
adenicio_need help konqueror keep saying cant connect to host03:17
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adenicio_need help konqueror keep saying cant connect to host03:17
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cookiehi there  I have a problem of beryl03:18
cookiecookie@laptop-cookie:~$ beryl03:18
NSKYzijn er ook nederlanders hier aanwezig???03:18
cookie* Beryl system compatiblity check                            *03:18
cookieDetected xserver                                : AIGLX03:18
cookieChecking Display :0.0 ...03:18
cookieChecking for XComposite extension               : failed03:18
cookieNo composite extension03:18
cookieberyl: No composite extension03:18
draik!pastebin | cookie03:19
ubotucookie: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:19
draik!beryl | cookie03:19
ubotucookie: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects03:19
dewitti can't update, when i try to update it say's another process is using adept. to close it but i can't find the problem,03:19
adenicio_need help konqueror keep saying cant connect to host03:19
draikdewitt: What is the other app?03:19
draikadenicio_: If someone knew, you'd get an answer03:19
dewittcan't tell it don''t say03:19
draikIt should say03:19
dewittlet me check again03:20
intelikeydraik is that a usb device ?03:20
draikNope. Floppy ribbon cable03:20
Dragnslcr!aptfix | dewitt03:20
ubotudewitt: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:20
draikThe SD card is USB03:20
root_anyone got an intel ipw3945 wireless card working?03:20
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adenicio_draik: but my prob is serious if i cant get it solve i cant even update download ect,only the chat works03:21
drewhdmesg is telling me the kill switch is off, but I can't find where to turn it on.03:21
Dragnslcrdrewh- first lesson for the day: Never IRC as root03:21
intelikeydraik give me a few....03:21
draikYou don't need konqueror03:21
draikintelikey: No particular rush. You can when you can03:21
draikThank you much for your time, intelikey03:21
draikadenicio_: You don't need konqueror for updates to Kubuntu. You also have other browser options03:22
draikDragnslcr: I didn't know about aptfix. That's new to me as well03:22
Dragnslcrdraik- heh, I only know about it from seeing it in here so often03:23
adenicio_draik: i dont have firefox03:23
draikadenicio_: Ok... so then get it ;)03:24
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adenicio_draik: send it for me in a deb format03:25
draikDragnslcr: I have a 70-page notebook... FULL of usefull commands03:25
draikadenicio_: Nobody is going to send you a deb for something in the repos.03:25
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dewittit says probably another adept application03:25
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intelikeydraik install fdutils and run fdlist   see if the drive is recognized03:26
drewhanyone know how to turn the kill switch to on on an intel ipw3945? I'm getting the following03:26
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drewhKill switch must be turned off for wireless networking to work.03:26
draikintelikey: fdutils is the newest version03:26
draikintelikey: Sorry... Here are two lines...03:27
draikNAME   TYPE  STATUS03:27
draik fd0  1440K  not mounted03:27
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adenicio_draik: something in the ropos???its not in the adept installer03:27
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intelikeyhmm the device is recognized....  ok.03:27
intelikeydraik   sudo mke2fs /dev/fd0      see if that works03:28
=== hitmanWilly [n=hitman@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== intelikey has never actually had a problem with a floppy drive
intelikeyseveral disks  yes     drive  no.03:29
=== hitmanWilly hasn't used one in years
intelikeyhitmanWilly i still have a 5.25 in this box    with disks.03:29
hitmanWillyintelikey, nice :)03:29
DragnslcrI had a floppy drive about 15 years ago that ate disks. Turns out it was a known issue with that batch of drives03:29
hitmanWillyi pretty much live on flash drives these days03:30
intelikeyDragnslcr hmmm03:30
DragnslcrTook it back to the place I bought it from, and they replaced it. Except they replaced it with a drive from the same batch03:30
draikSlightly off-topic... I recall Symantec released a HUGE batch of viral CDs for Norton AntiVirus03:30
intelikeywere we disgruntaled after that Dragnslcr ?03:31
draikintelikey: /dev/fd0: Not enough space to build proposed filesystem while setting up superblock03:31
DragnslcrHeh, just a bit03:31
intelikeydraik do you have anyother floppies you could test with ?03:31
intelikeyanyother   seems to now be one word....03:32
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intelikeythat's three times i've typoed the same missing space in the last hour03:32
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draikintelikey: I'm trying another. I had a few, but I figured they were bad and put them away... and by away I mean in my sister's floppy disk batch03:33
draikintelikey: Same03:34
=== intelikey immagines the "hair pulling, face slapping, screeming" that will occure...
drewhanyone have any experience w/ an intel ipw3945?  How do I toggle the kill switch?03:34
intelikeylittle sister or older sister ?03:34
draikintelikey: If she only knew. Even then, she wouldn't understand. Younger (-2yr)03:35
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intelikeyoh my.   you've had it.....03:35
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ice9__Does anybody know quite a bit about Wine and world of warcraft?03:35
draikintelikey: That's the same on 3 floppies now...03:35
jeremyqknow a bit about wine03:35
intelikeydraik ok  it's a hardware problem.   the floppy cable maybe.03:36
jeremyqbut i reckon if you want to run windows apps03:36
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draikintelikey: Hmmm03:36
jeremyqbuy yourself a copy of vmare03:36
draikI don't want to shut down :(03:36
jeremyqand run windows03:36
ice9__nah, I just want WoW03:36
jeremyqokay well then use your windows partion03:36
draikjeremyq: I'm trying to run VMware, but it's not working03:36
intelikeydraik or your drive may have "died"      maybe some young'en fed it oatmeal  ????03:37
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jeremyqdraik give me some cluse03:37
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draikintelikey: I guess it's dead. No, no young'uns03:37
jeremyqwow is cool03:37
jeremyqdont have time for games03:38
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GrahamAOn KTorrent, can I choose not to have peers who I download from really slowly?03:38
draikjeremyq: What do you need/want?03:38
intelikeydraik just for kicks lets see     uname -r03:38
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Char80Hi people, i want to install kubuntu, is a partition of 10 GB good? how many gigas u recommend me?03:38
intelikeyyeah that shouldn't be it.03:39
intelikeyi'm going to call it hardware.03:39
draikBut the same with my SD cards? XD works, but not SD03:40
adenicio_need help konqueror keep saying cant connect to host03:40
adenicio_need help konqueror keep saying cant connect to host03:40
jeremyqadenicio what host are you trying to connect to03:41
intelikeyi was using my pocket knife to remove the wire ties on some ide cables one time (inside a box)  and didn't notice that i had cut two of the middle strands of one cable    hd did some really strange things for a few boots....  then failed enough to warrent removing the cover again to see what had happened....03:41
intelikeyjeremyq i had him try google   said same error.03:42
intelikeyjeremyq i also asked about something between him and the net   nothing but a modem.03:42
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intelikeyon ttyS103:43
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intelikeyor was it S0  ...03:43
intelikeyanyway yes03:43
intelikeywell i got some grub in my goozle, now i feel almost human again.03:44
intelikeyback later03:44
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jeremyqokay chatroom is quite03:46
jeremyqso lets ask everyone03:46
jeremyqwho is awake03:46
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jeremyqto say what country they are from03:46
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jeremyqfrom cape town south03:47
N_S_K_Yany dutch people here ?03:47
jeremyqno but i  speak afrikaans and its similar to dutch03:48
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jeremyqN_S_K_Y: what doen jy vandag03:48
N_S_K_Yis dat zo?, dat wist ik niet!03:48
jeremyqjy gee my a glimlag03:49
jeremyqdit is nie zo nie03:49
N_S_K_Yhet is hier 03:49 am, ik ga zo dus slaapen03:49
N_S_K_Yhoe laat is het bij jou ?03:50
jeremyqN_S_K_Y: do you speak english: afrikaans and dutch are similar but make conversation confusing03:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdvi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:51
DragnslcrGo go crashing OpenOffice!03:52
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jeremyqhello rojas03:53
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adenicio_need help konqueror keep saying cant connect to host*03:53
adenicio_need help konqueror keep saying cant connect to host*03:53
rojashollo jeremyq03:54
N_S_K_Ymy english is not so good, but i wand to know what is the time in your country?03:54
NightBirdadenicio_: asking more than once isn't going to get people to respond faster...03:54
N_S_K_Yhere it is 04:00am03:54
NightBirdright now it's 9:54pm where I'm at...03:54
adenicio_now it tell me it conot find a useable proxy something03:54
NightBirdadenicio_: do other internet programs work fine?03:55
rojassee yuo03:55
NightBirdbye rojas03:55
N_S_K_Yoke, i go to sleep for a view hours, must get up at 7am.03:55
N_S_K_Ysee you and good bye03:56
adenicio_NightBird: need help konqueror keep saying cant connect to host03:56
adenicio_NightBird: just the chat and i tink adept instaler working to03:56
draikWhat is the command to read my USB connections?03:56
draikThank you zibrah3ed03:57
NightBirdadenicio_: so only konqueror is the problem?  double check that the other programs are ok03:57
zibrah3eddraik: lsusb -v will get you a more verbose output03:57
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NightBirdi.e., can you pull up a konsole instance, type 'ping www.google.com', and it resolve and able to communicate with the server?03:58
draikThank you zibrah3ed03:58
draikzibrah3ed: Would you know why the card reader lights up, but I cannot see the SD card in lsusb?03:59
jeremyqbye N_S_K_Y bit late03:59
zibrah3eddraik: is it a usb crad reader?04:00
zibrah3eddraik: I have never used one of those before04:01
=== NightBird goes and gets some ice cream...
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adenicio_NightBird: other programes give me the same prob"cannot connect to host.but there a little note saying cannot find a proper proxy script04:02
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zibrah3eddraik: cat /proc/bus/usb/devices04:02
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draikzibrah3ed: http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3839604:03
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zibrah3eddraik: what is the name of your reader is it pro gear solo?04:05
draikWell, AFAIK, just Pro-Gear04:05
zibrah3edwell it is being recognized by the kernel, it has a driver assigned i have no idea why lsusb would'nt show it04:06
trakinasls -lah on folde /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins gives me: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   41 2007-07-21 23:03 flashplayer.xpt -> ../../flashplugin-nonfree/flashplayer.xpt04:07
zibrah3edYou can't find it in konqueror storage media?04:07
trakinasbut ls -lah ../../flashplugin-nonfree/flas../../flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so: No such file or directoryhplayer.xpt gives me:04:07
trakinaswhich means: no flash on konq04:08
draikzibrah3ed: The other thing too is that it won't read it when I place it in the 3.25" drive bay04:08
trakinaslet me fix: ls -lah ../../flashplugin-nonfree/ gives me: ../../flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so: No such file or directory04:09
zibrah3eddraik: what? you put an sdcard in the floppy drive?04:09
draikzibrah3ed: Not exactly. It's got a 3.25" drive bay port where it can sit into a cradle or you can use it externally with a USB mini-A cable04:10
trakinasno one?04:10
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:10
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/04:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:11
draiklsusb recognizes my HP printer, Creative Labs webcam and Canon Canoscan, even though I cannot use it04:11
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draikzibrah3ed: Nothing mentioning Atech Flash or Pro-Gear04:12
BluesKajdraik , it may 'see" the connected hardware, but perhaps the drivers aren't configged .04:13
zibrah3eddraik: In your /proc/bus/usb/devices it specifically says atech pro-gear solo using driver usb-storage04:13
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draikBluesKaj: I wouldn't doubt it. The scanner is roughly 7-8 years old!04:13
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draikzibrah3ed: Right. That's fine, I guess, but it still won't read/load my SD card04:14
EyebeeI have a question.04:14
draikIt's an SD card adapter for the microSD in my cell phone04:14
draik!ask | Eyebee04:14
ubotuEyebee: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:14
Eyebeebest player for mp3 net radio stream in Kubuntu04:14
zibrah3eddraik: sudo  apt-get install sg3-utils04:15
Eyebeetried amarok, wouldn't play.....04:15
draikGet it... Got it... Done04:15
Eyebeesaid invalid URL...04:15
Eyebeebut it works in gnome in XMMS fine04:15
draikEyebee: What are you using now? Kinda hard to narrow it down when we don't know where to start. I would begin with amaroK and MPlayer04:15
draikzibrah3ed: All done...04:16
EyebeeI have jsut changed from Gnome to KDE04:16
EyebeeI was using XMMS04:16
BluesKajEyebee, it's still the best player IMO, just needs some setting up04:16
zibrah3eddraik: sorry my connection is goin a little haywire with this thunderstorm04:16
draikYou can use XMMS in Kubuntu04:16
BluesKajyou can run xmms in kde if you wish04:16
trakinasEyebee: use Audacious04:16
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Eyebeeok... yes, I jsut wondered if there was another recommended alternative in KDE that was all04:16
trakinasis just like XMMS, but in gtk204:16
Eyebeetrakinas: thanks..04:17
billytwowillyany of you try to install ubuntu on a dell xps m1330?04:17
ardchoillexmms has its own mp3 decoder, BTW.04:17
zibrah3eddraik: sudo sg_scan04:17
draikEyebee: amaroK, XMMS (as you already know), kmPlayer... avoid TOTEM04:17
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draikzibrah3ed: I sent you the 4-line output in a PM04:18
trakinascan anyone help me?04:19
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Eyebeedraik: thank you04:19
ardchoilletrakinas: Help with what?04:19
trakinasardchoille: flash + konq04:19
draikEyebee: Not a problem. We are all here to help04:20
ardchoilleOh, I don't use flash, sorry04:20
trakinasstrangely, it works on my other install where i have firefox installed.04:20
trakinasbut not here04:20
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trakinasi dont want to install firefox only to make flash work on konq. is kind of pattetic04:20
EyebeeI use firefox in KDE too...04:20
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Eyebeebut I already it had it installed from the original Ubuntu04:21
drewhI have my wireless card found now, and I'm using kwifimanger, and I can see networks, but the "switch to network" button is greyed out...any idea why?04:21
draikEyebee: You can have firefox use a specified player for your MMS04:21
EyebeeI'll check that out04:21
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redshadowheroNow I can't seem to get beryl working.04:22
drewhanyone seen where the "switch to network" button is greyed out in kwifi-manager?  suggestions for best tools to configure wifi?04:25
trakinasmanual install worled04:27
trakinasi dont know why i try auto install with flash.04:27
BluesKajjava's an even bigger PITA then flash for some ppl04:28
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euricohello. Where can I access my Windows folder?04:29
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ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:30
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:34
Aresilekhow do you view hidden files?04:34
hitmanWillyAresilek, in what?04:34
ksivajikonqueror menu view->show hidden files04:34
southafrikansehow do you get a Windows file?04:35
AresilekhitmanWilly: konqueror04:35
hitmanWillyAresilek, see post from ksivaji04:35
Aresilekthanks ksivaji, hitmanWilly04:36
ksivajisouthafrikanse you mean files in windows partitions04:36
southafrikanseksivaji: yes04:36
AresilekIt worked! :-D04:36
southafrikanseksivaji: I can't find sda1 here on Kubuntu04:36
trakinassome should correct ubotu04:36
ksivajimount that windows partition04:36
draikBluesKaj: zibrah3ad was able to locate it in LSUSB, but it didn't have a title and it only seems to read my XD, not SD card/adapter04:36
southafrikanseksivaji: Excuse me?04:37
trakinaslamp can be Linux+Apache+MySQL+Perl or PHP or Python04:37
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ksivajitrakinas ho04:37
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southafrikanseksivaji: How can I mount it?04:37
trakinasi better be going for now.04:38
ksivajitrakinas i have mysql installed on my system but i dont know how to open04:38
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter04:38
trakinasksivaji: have you started it?04:38
trakinasyou might to, on konsole.04:38
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trakinasyou should read a tutorial about mysql. i cant help much04:39
trakinasas i was saying... Im leaving now. i will see if theres something up to do on this boring city04:39
ksivajitrakinas when i boot my system i could see starting sql server04:39
trakinasksivaji: then you can access it via shell or via browser if you have any browser client04:40
trakinasi still tell you: read a faq or a guide on using mysql.04:40
trakinasis more useful. :] 04:40
ksivajiwhere i can find that04:41
trakinasdata-bases are things you neee to read.04:41
trakinasi wont learn in a coupole of minutes.04:41
trakinastype mysql and hit tab twice04:41
hitmanWillyksivaji, google is your friend :)04:41
=== gay_ [n=gay@cpe-75-186-6-135.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
trakinasit will show you a lot of possibilities04:41
trakinasand then read a manual or smth about it and you will know for waht they are.04:41
trakinascheers all04:41
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Admiral_Chicagohow do i change the default owner of a directory?04:44
Admiral_Chicagois it still chown04:44
BluesKajerr htttp://localhost , brings up apache204:44
AresilekHow do I start a program with root in konqueror?04:44
BluesKajwell http://localhost will04:45
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martoyaAresilek: man kdesu04:45
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Aresilekhmmm i'll try that martoya04:46
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randyanyone know how i can get my wacom tablet to work?04:49
ksivajihow to see my ip address04:51
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BluesKajrandy , you prolly need to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to configure the drivers for the various needs such as stylus, eraser etc04:53
jasfi'm running 7.10 tribe3 ---04:53
jasfwhat is my root password? :(04:53
jasfit is NOT what i entered for my only user i setup during the install04:53
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BluesKajwhatever pw you used to login04:53
jasfi tried04:53
jasfit is NOT04:53
jasfsu - .... and using that same password is wrong04:53
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BluesKajsudo in kubuntu04:54
jasfsu is there also04:54
randyBluesKaj how do i do that?04:54
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leo_hello everyone04:55
jasfis there a default password from the tribe 3 ??? i just installed it fully - freshly formated my disk04:55
jasfplus - it seems my kmenu etc is messed up04:56
BluesKajrandy, i'm not really sure ...never used a tablet pc , Ive just seen the setup in the xorg.conf files in my editing for video and tuner drivers04:56
leo_does anyone know how to change default bootscreen (kubuntu)?04:56
jasfapt-setup does not work04:56
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hitmanWillyleo_, its a major pita04:57
hitmanWillyleo_, i tried it once, somewhat unsuccessfully04:58
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Aresilekmartoya: it worked thanks :-D04:58
leo_thankz, hitman! I just want to personalize my bootscreen, (no offense to kubuntu)04:58
hitmanWillyleo_, np, understand completely :)04:59
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leo_from where r u, bro? me, i'm from the philippines! i'm a newbie of linux.05:00
hitmanWillyleo_, tho im using a text mode login on both my machines now05:00
jasfhrm, amarok complainin of no decoder for .m4a05:00
jasf(my podcast)05:00
hitmanWillyleo_, southeastern US, tennessee05:01
leo_i tried kubuntu, i'm beginning to like it than my MS V!st@05:01
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jasfkubuntu-restricted-extras is all i need right?05:01
hitmanWillyleo_, good, this is the begining of wisdom05:01
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leo_hitman, nice meetin you... my email is lmdicang@gmail.com probably you can help me personlizing more my kubuntu05:02
leo_hitman, yeahh! beginning of wisdom, tired being dumb, hehehe :o05:03
hitmanWillyleo_, what do you want to change? other than the bootscreen, that is05:03
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hitmanWillyleo_, in kubuntu, most everything can be modified using right clicks05:04
leo_hitman, probably tweaks, fine tuning, themes and oh some documentation of kexi or maybe u can recommend a good database frontend like filemaker in windows05:04
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hitmanWillyleo_, tweaks and fine tuning can be done through system settings or by the right click method, as far as db's, maybe open office05:07
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leo_hitman, ok thanks. it's really a long way for me in open source kingdom :)05:08
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randyYoull learn :D I sure have learned a ton in the past few days05:08
hitmanWillyleo_, less of a kingdom, more anarchy-like :)05:09
randyexcept with less death05:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:10
gumjohello, how do I set katapult to start with the system every time?05:10
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leo_hitman, hahaha!   yeah! sorry for that, I just came from the kingdom of M!Cr0sof+05:10
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hitmanWillygumjo, create a link in ~/.kde/Autostart05:10
randyugh brb, ex-girlfriend is getting all clingy on me -___-05:11
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leo_one thing hitman, how do I install an rpm package in kubuntu?, do i need some conversions?05:12
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)05:12
BluesKajleo, there should be a deb or other ubuntu equivalent app05:13
gumjohitmanWilly, not sure what you mean by link05:13
randylink = a short cut of types05:13
hitmanWillygumjo, ok, i'll walk you through the process05:14
randyall hail hitmanWilly and his wise ways!05:14
=== randy bows to hitmanWilly
leo_blue & ubotu, I tried to search for a driver for my printer (Epson R210). but it's only on rpm package05:14
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hitmanWillyim not that good :)05:15
randyyou know more than i do XD05:15
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hatterwhere do i tell kde to remember the session ?05:15
hitmanWillygumjo, anyway, open up a konsole window and cd .kde/Autostart05:15
leo_hitman, blue, ubuto, What site can I go for any device driver for my kubuntu?05:15
hitmanWillyleo_, most of the major ones are already included and setup05:16
leo_does KDE 4 already stable to use?05:16
hitmanWillygumjo, ok, kate start.sh05:16
hitmanWillygumjo, there are other ways to do this, this is just how I prefer05:17
randyhatter what do you want it to remember?05:17
gumjoyes, I see an empty file open up in text editor05:17
hitmanWillygumjo, ok, add the following 2 lines:05:17
hitmanWillygumjo, #!/bin/sh05:17
hitmanWillygumjo, katapult05:18
hitmanWillygumjo, then save and close05:18
gumjoso now I can write any app name and it opens up with kde?05:18
hatterrandy , superkaramba05:19
hitmanWillygumjo, after 1 more step, they will :)05:19
hatterin gnome its sessions,  it will remember what was previously opened05:19
gumjoI see05:19
hitmanWillygumjo, you can add any cmd into this file and it will run on kde startup05:19
randyhatter try what hitmanWilly is saying, theyre going over how to get things to start up with KDE too05:19
hitmanWillygumjo, just don't delete the first line05:20
leo_thanks everyone05:20
gumjook, will remember that05:20
hatterrandy, sure, but remembering the current session is easier :)05:21
hitmanWillygumjo, anyway, once you're ready, save and close05:21
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randyhatter haha, im not sure how that works though, the only place ive seen remember session was in the login screen05:21
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hatterrandy, no worries,  it works good in gnome, i am sure its in kde somehwere05:21
randytheres LOCK session but i dont know if thats the same05:22
gumjodone. thanks a lot for your help05:22
hitmanWillygumjo, one more step05:22
Dragnslcrrandy- I remember turning that off. Let me see if I can find it05:22
hitmanWillygumjo, chmod a+x start.sh05:22
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:22
hitmanWillygumjo, that makes the start.sh file executable05:23
gumjoI did that but it didnt return anything05:23
hitmanWillygumjo, that's fine, no error means it worked :)05:23
Dragnslcrrandy- System Settings -> Advanced -> Session Manager05:23
gumjoah..I see05:24
hitmanWillygumjo, if you want to test, it, log out and log back in05:24
randyhatter, Dragnslcr answered your question  :D !05:24
hitmanWillygumjo, btw, congratulations on you're first shell script :)05:24
DragnslcrEr, right05:24
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DragnslcrSorry, apparently I can't read very well tonight05:24
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randyits okay  :D Its late05:25
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gumjodoesn't sound so difficult now :)05:25
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DragnslcrAnd I've been gaming, so my brain is extra-crispy05:25
gumjoOk, I'm going to check it!05:25
hitmanWillygumjo, k05:25
hatterDragnslcr, thx05:25
randyDragnslcr, what game you playin?05:25
randybah, i suck horribly at that game05:26
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randyespecially aliens05:26
DragnslcrI'm not all that great either05:26
DragnslcrI'm starting to get back into shape05:26
randyi think my ratio was 2:1505:26
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gumjohitmanWilly, thank you again. It works05:26
DragnslcrIt had been a few years since Gloom, so it's taking me a while to get used to aliens again05:26
hitmanWillygumjo, :)05:27
K-RyanHey everyone05:27
randyHiya K-Ryan!05:27
BluesKajhey K-Ryan05:27
K-RyanI need to get knetworkmanager, network-manager and wpasupplicant over to a laptop.05:27
K-RyanProblem is, it doesn't have an internet connection working.05:27
hitmanWillygumjo, like I said, there are other ways to do it, basically any executable file in that dir will start on kde startup05:27
randyWell everyone :D Its been nice chatting but sadly I must leave this place of knowledge :( for i must work tommorrow and need my power nap :D05:27
K-RyanSo, how would I go about putting this stuff on a floppy?05:28
DragnslcrK-Ryan- I think you can install packages from the CD/DVD as if it were a repository05:28
randytry a crossover cable directly connecting the 2 computers05:28
K-Ryanrandy: Don't have one =/05:28
BluesKajyup, sacktime for me too ...nite all , take care .05:28
K-RyanDragnslcr: That's a good idea...05:28
randyK-Ryan oh :( Id make one for ya if I could but im not there >_>05:28
K-Ryanrandy: Thanks anyway =P05:29
DragnslcrK-Ryan- just don't ask me how to do it05:29
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K-RyanDragnslcr: The thought though, is the beginning05:29
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=== hitmanWilly made one once, still using it and can't remember for the life of me how to do it again :(
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DragnslcrCould try just popping in the disc and see if Adept automagically looks at it05:30
DragnslcrhitmanWilly- it's not too hard, you just chop off the end of the cable, move a couple wires, and put a new cap on it05:30
DragnslcrWell, it's not complicated05:30
hitmanWillyDragnslcr, yeah, i know that part, just which wires to move :)05:31
DragnslcrIt's still a pain05:31
DragnslcrThink it's the blue and green wires that swap05:31
hitmanWillyDON"T CUT THE RED WIRE!!05:31
K-RyanWell I'm going to go give that a try05:32
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gumjoalright, I have to get some sleep. Thanks again, hitmanWilly. Really helpful channel05:32
K-RyanFigure it out somehow *shrug*05:32
hitmanWillyanyway, im off to bed, work tomorrow05:32
hitmanWillygumjo, np :)05:32
DragnslcrI can tell you that dealing with color-coded cables really sucks for someone that's red-green colorblind05:32
hitmanWillythat would :P05:33
dr_willisHmm.. Some how my X cursors got messed up when i installed artwiz-cursor. and now X aint starting.. :(05:33
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littleeyecan anyone help me with a keyboard problem, i choose UK layout by accident during install and want to change it to north american05:36
littleeyei cant seem to find where to change the keyboard layout in kubuntu05:37
dr_williscant say that ive ever messed with that stuff05:38
dr_willischeck the keyboard settings contorl panel thanggy :)05:38
littleeyemight have toi reinstall dang it05:39
jonathoni think i can help05:39
dr_willisor do a little research.. its doable. :) ya just got to firgure out where.05:39
littleeyeits not in system settings or kcontrol05:39
jonathongo to system, preferences, keyboard05:39
jonathonclick on the layout tab05:40
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littleeyei dont have system preferences on this kubuntu05:40
jonathonclick add and choose u.s. english05:40
littleeyeare you in kde johnathon?05:41
jonathonno 'system' on the bar at the top?05:42
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jonathonyeah, i think so05:42
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jonathoni'm having a sound issue, if anyone can help05:43
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Dragnslcrlittleeye- System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout05:45
dr_willisLogical :)05:46
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jonathoni don't have any sound. the system recognizes my sound card, nothing is muted on the mixer, i've removed and reinstalled alsa and alsa-oss, and still nothing05:48
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DragnslcrWhat output are you using?05:50
DragnslcrIt might be muted in alsamixer05:50
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jonathonhow do you unmute in alsamixer?05:53
dr_willisthe m key05:53
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jonathonnothing's muted05:55
littleeyethnaks Gragnlcr !05:55
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Linux_Galoreanyone know of a tool to undelete files on a fast32 usb disk05:58
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elite101MaTiAz, hey wants the oftopic kubuntu gain? its elite1!!06:01
elite101#kubuntu offtopic06:02
mzanfardinowhat is the command to rebuild the grub menu?06:02
elite101what is the kubuntu off topic channel?06:05
dr_willisits in the TOPIC dude06:05
elite101yeah like #kubuntuofftopic?06:05
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elite101with out ?06:05
DragnslcrKubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs!https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please.06:05
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elite101i messed up my kubuntu yesterday i did that crtl alt f6 and it crashed it wounldnt mount my hdd and i got this error about tty?06:10
elite101how do other ppl see IRC? do u have to download it or?06:11
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dr_williselite101,  huh?06:12
elite101do other ppl like on windows have to download IRC?06:12
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elite101because its not on windows at all06:13
AresilekHow do I manage my wireless network profiles?06:13
CS5Does anyone know why my azureus might get to 1.6 MB down and stop, no matter how many good peers I have?06:13
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dr_willisthere are ample irc clients for windows.06:14
CS5Seeds are great works well under utorrent on windows box.06:14
dr_willisand even java/web based ones...06:14
elite101but can they connect to a channel just like by #channel?06:14
dr_willisI use xchat under linux and windows.. client is identical06:14
CS5Me too xchat rules06:14
AresilekHow do I manage my wireless network profiles?06:15
elite101its for windows? is it a downloaded program or a webbased one?06:15
CS5No linux06:15
dr_willisXchat is a normal program.06:15
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dr_willistheres free versions for windows.06:15
elite101oh i c06:15
CS5Comes as a package for Ubuntu06:15
CS5Is there Dr?06:16
dr_willisyes there are. :)06:16
dr_willisseveral variants also.. some have a few bugs06:16
elite101why dont u use konverstation? instead of xchat for ubuntu06:16
CS5Dr_willis do you have any idea why alot of trackers dont like linux connections for their torrent?06:16
dr_willisI dont like konversation06:16
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dr_willisCS5,  they are stupid? :)06:17
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CS5Me neither06:17
CS5I agree dr06:17
dr_willisI use ktorrent and never have issues06:17
CS5I am under edgy06:17
dr_willisthen again if you use azurus - its identical under linux and windows06:17
CS5I can still get in in the repositories?06:17
CS5I am06:17
CS5and no go06:17
CS5i always stop at like 2 mb or less06:17
CS5I used it under dapper06:18
CS5I like ktorrent06:18
dr_willisthe older ktorrent had some nasty bugs06:18
dr_willisid say upgrade it.06:18
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CS5Oh yes?06:18
CS5No encryption either I remember in the old one06:18
elite101lol i prob have the old ktorrent06:18
dr_willisYep. dont think that was there.06:18
AresilekHow do I manage my wireless network profiles?06:18
dr_willisi can understand trackers blocking the old clients with bugs/security issues06:18
CS5Yes, but this is latest azureus06:19
CS5I dont get it06:19
dr_willisI dont use  azureus, so cant tell ya anything about it.06:19
elite101system settings/network settings06:19
CS5NP, ty06:19
dr_williscould be your ip or range is blocked...06:19
dr_willisor 10000+ other reasons06:19
CS5Maybe I am on cable though that'd suck06:19
CS5there a good proxy progy in ubuntu?06:19
dr_willisdozens of proxy programs out.06:20
dr_willisdepends on your proxuy needs :)06:20
CS5Just socks or something for torrents.06:20
CS5Try that and see.06:20
dr_willisi cant say that ive ever seen a need for proxy with torrents.06:20
CS5It works under windows though so I dont think thats it06:20
dr_willisI did try 'TOR' once with Torrents. :)  but that was not needed06:20
CS5Just on here06:20
elite101i wonder how good kubuntu would be on xbox360?06:20
dr_williselite101,  its awful hard to type with a gamepad.06:21
CS5Very hard indeed06:21
dr_willisI DID see a game controller that was a full keyboard. (some how)06:21
Aresilekcan i use wirless and a wired networks at the same time in kubuntu?06:21
dr_willisAresilek,  yes should be able to.06:21
dr_willisthats how you make a wireless access point. :)06:21
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dr_willisconfigure both conections. then figure out what you are trying to do :)06:22
dr_willisthe use the iptables rules to do what you want to do06:22
elite101dr_willis, usb keyboard!!!!06:22
Aresilekwhen i try to connect to one, the other one disconnects :-S06:22
Aresileki'm not trying to bridge or anything06:22
dr_willisi found a PS2 controller with a Mini-USB keyboard on it once. :)06:22
elite101i think i know what his problem is im on wireless too06:22
Aresilekjust not have to disconnect one to connect to another06:23
Aresilekwhat's that elite101?06:23
dr_willisthats not using both at the same time. :)06:23
elite101dr_willis, what was it hipgear or madcatz?06:23
dr_williselite101,  i forget. it was on sale for $5 - i gaveit to my brother.06:23
elite101im on wireless too i had to do some configureing to connect and stuff06:23
elite101dr_willis, nice one lol06:23
Aresilekdr_willis: if i connect to the internet with a modem and connect to my network with an ethernet arn't i using both a t the same time?06:24
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elite101dr_willis, would be very helpful when punching in thoes gameshark codes lmao that was brutal06:24
underdog5004oh man, I missed a joke...06:24
hatteranyone here use superKaramba ?  my themes after reboot are not appearing in the superkaramba themes section,  but it is saying they are installed06:25
underdog5004hatter, that happened to me a couple of times...06:25
Aresilekoh well, i need to go, goodnight06:25
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underdog5004make sure that the themes are still running when you shutdown...that solved the problem for me06:25
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elite101lol very dumb but oh well, is there a identical windows theme for kubuntu?/linux?06:25
underdog5004elite101, kbdx, I think06:26
elite101just like the blue task bar and everything06:26
underdog5004at least, that's for your menu bar...there are vista/xp themes out there...www.kdelookl.org06:26
hatterunderdog5004, did you find out where they are ?06:26
elite101is lindows any good?06:26
underdog5004hatter, try ~/.superkaramba06:26
elite101i heard it can run exe's?06:26
hatterunderdog5004, thx06:26
underdog5004I'm not totally sure about that though06:26
elite101linspire does it work good and everything06:27
vbattsits just another linux that they have tried to make an easy transition for windows users06:27
underdog5004elite101, what I don't like about it is it seems to try to be windows and linux...either be one or the other, you know?06:27
underdog5004but that's just me06:27
underdog5004ha ha06:27
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hatterah, the .superkaramba is in the home directory but the home superkaramba can not see hidden directories06:28
elite101i did think it would be good its like a windows user trying out linux but still hugging the windows part06:28
elite101i wouldnt mind it i mean it is more secure than windowsxp and i would be able to run games and stuff (im not sure how good?)06:28
underdog5004elite101, exactly...gotta make a clean break...I dual booted xp for a while, but I just never used ubuntu...once I wiped/installed ubuntu alone, I started learning...FAST!06:29
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elite101i have the same06:29
elite101dual boot but love kubuntu better!!06:29
underdog5004ha ha06:29
vbattsyeah, i haven't owned a windows machine for over two years now,06:30
underdog5004it was always easier to stick with what I knew...once I tossed that out, that's when I started getting it06:30
elite101but i am still learning thou06:30
elite101i got the cd in the mail, beining a windows user as i am wasnt easy to install stuff so i quiet using it06:30
underdog5004vbatts, ha ha, working on my first year...06:30
underdog5004elite101, cool, you used shipit?06:30
vbattsall 7 machines at my house are either (K)ubuntu or SuSE06:30
underdog5004elite101, hmm, do you have a high speed internet connection?06:31
elite101not shure cannonconical or something?06:32
elite101once my windows crashed after the 8th time and it was always missign ntds.sys i just sayed screw it poped in the live cd and installed it!!06:32
elite101well yes kinda06:32
elite101its wirelesss cogeco highspeed06:32
BiovoreI find it ironic they use the term highspeed with wireless.. :-/06:32
Biovoremarketing people are such idiots..06:33
underdog5004elite101, what was the problem installing stuff? If I was you, I would install synaptic (open a terminal (konsole) and type in sudo apt-get install synaptic) then use that to install whatever you want06:33
elite101yeah i am not going to do that on this kubuntu its way to old06:34
elite101i am going to get 7.1006:34
underdog5004Biovore, I don't believe that there is any reasonably priced high speed in the USA06:34
CS5what sound progy gives you online radio feeds?06:34
elite101or something higher06:34
underdog5004elite101, don't do that until it's ready06:34
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underdog5004stick with 7.04 or even 6.1006:34
underdog50047.10 isn't production-ready yet06:34
CS5anyone, anyone, doc?06:34
Biovoreits uber uber uber beta06:34
Biovorerythembox.. might want to try the gnome group #ubuntu06:35
CS5yep...nm, ty06:35
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underdog5004Biovore, looks ok in my vm...but I don't want to chance it in trw06:35
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elite101im on 6.06.1 LTS kubuntu06:35
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underdog5004elite101, yeah, but also still supported06:35
Biovoreelite101: well 6.06 is the long term support release06:35
elite101i know06:35
Biovorethe one after gusty will be the next long term release I am told..06:36
GrahamAThey plan LTSes?06:36
Biovoreyup.. thats what dapper was.. 6.06  6 year support I think..06:36
GrahamAWhat exactly do you get as support?06:36
Biovoreas aposed the 18 month suport06:36
underdog5004I thought it was 3 on desktop, 5/6 on server06:36
Biovorethey do security updates..06:36
Biovoreand feature updates if its supported still06:37
elite101do any of you code in c++ and understand the language?06:37
GrahamASo Mark Shuttleworth won't come round my house and fix my wireless issues?06:37
Biovoreelite101: I do all the time..06:37
GrahamAI code C, but I don't understand a word of it.06:38
BiovoreGrahamA: well conical only does that if you pay for support..06:38
elite101okay what is this for?06:38
GrahamABiovore: You seem to know something, what's better for a server, Debian or Ubuntu?06:38
GrahamAThing is, I know they're similar, but Ubuntu has a more updated set of packages.06:38
BiovoreI think debian..06:38
Biovorethere very simular though..06:39
GrahamABut... Debian is... well Debian.06:39
GrahamAI actually can't connect to my debian box... that could be an issue.06:39
elite101its a code for a psp but im not sure what there going to use it for plus his coded it wrong hehe06:39
elite101can u check out that link and see what it is?06:39
Biovoreelite101: It looks like it opens a tcp link to an ip on port and and sends http get request and then saves it to a file..06:40
GrahamABiovore: How can I search all addresses on my network?06:40
elite101so in psp terms what would it do if i know about the psp06:40
Biovorebasicly dsxsockets looks like a class someone wrote to do BSD Sockets06:40
Biovoreelite101: Its a non-standard thing..06:41
elite101so its like a logger?06:41
elite101what good what that do?06:41
Biovoredsxsockets is a propritary class interface sony made.06:41
Biovoreelite101: well it looks like it downloads a webpage or something over http and saves it..06:41
elite101okay ic06:42
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elite101well think of ad-hoc between psp's06:42
elite101could it be for that?06:42
elite101connecting to a psp to download a file from the other psp06:42
Biovoreelite101: no clue.. you didn't even post a complete function there..06:42
elite101weird i can read it06:42
underdog5004elite101, I'm sure there are irc rooms for that sort of thing.06:42
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:42
elite101i know thats where i got it from06:43
elite101C++ is so hard06:43
Biovoreall it looks like to me is it opens a tcp connection to and gets index.php06:43
elite101what is databuffer?06:43
underdog5004hmm, that ip goes to www.lunarpages.com06:43
Biovoreand array of bytes06:44
underdog5004a web hosting company06:44
elite101lol just going to say that06:44
Biovoregeneraly used for storing data from a buffer (or in this case the received data from a TCP recv)06:44
elite101okay so why is it connecting to the lunar webpage or just a static ip?06:45
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raylushould iinstall sun-java6-bin or -jre?06:45
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Biovoreelite101: just a hardcoded static06:45
Biovoreraylu: I have both..06:46
elite101okay so there is no relation to lunarpages06:46
raylu...so...which one should i install?06:46
Biovoreelite101: well its a IP address.. what it happens to belong to or reverse to, I don't know..06:47
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raylubut you can find out, Biovore06:47
raylutry "dig" on the ip06:48
rayluelite101, what is the ip anyway?06:48
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Biovorewell the IP looks like it reverse to roland.lunarservers.com06:48
evjunior09Anyway to change the look of Kubuntu to look like Windows XP?06:48
elite101looks like a class someone wrote to do BSD Sockets06:48
rayluevjunior09, Redmond06:48
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elite101i have it saved06:48
Biovoreevjunior09: there is.. check out www.kde-look.org06:49
rayluRedmond comes with kubuntu, iirc06:49
Biovore^ thats good too06:49
BiovoreBut I don't want my linux looking like windows..06:49
elite101Biovore, its
raylulol, yeah, that sorta defeats the purpose06:49
elite101it goes to a port 80 i think?06:49
raylu-bin depends on -jre, o.006:49
evjunior09Wait...so Redmond will make my computer look like Windows?06:50
rayluelite101, that makes no sense06:50
rayluevjunior09, the skin will, yes06:50
DJ-KINGI have installed Kubuntu 6.06 , where do I find good sources.list file so i could get alot of applications i need ?06:50
Biovorewell the program pull index.php from that ip06:50
rayluevjunior09,  but seriously, why do you want that?06:50
rayluDJ-KING, the one that comes with kubuntu is a "good" list; what apps do you want?06:50
Biovoretry this in a webrowser:
elite101raylu, what made no sense?06:50
evjunior09Because i want it. I dont want people telling me that Windows is ugly ect. i get it everytime i ask questions06:50
DJ-KINGraylu: amsn , mplayer , etc06:50
rayluBiovore, virtual hosts...06:50
rayluDJ-KING, what does a search for those come up with06:50
evjunior09Sorry for being a b**ch06:50
rayluelite101, "it goes to :80?"06:51
Biovorewell the C code uses the IP and not an hostname in the request06:51
elite101why would that code be failing?06:51
BiovoreGET /index.php HTTP/1.0\r\n   host:\r\n\r\n06:51
rayluBiovore is correct: http://www.dnsstuff.com/tools/ptr.ch?ip=
Biovoreelite101: well the site its looking at dosn't exists apparently06:51
rayluso, what is this about anyway?06:51
elite101raylu, when it comes to this stuff im a newb lol06:51
rayluelite101, then what was that about a BSD socket?06:52
DJ-KINGraylu: i can't get these applications from the current sources06:52
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rayluDJ-KING, are any of them commented?06:52
elite101lol i copd that and search on google06:52
elite101to see and help06:52
elite101me understand this c++06:52
Biovoreelite101: dsxWifi: Error: dsxWifiRecv failed. <-- thats the error you getting?06:53
underdog5004omg...just like that guy the other day that wanted help with jack the ripper to "test out my password strength"06:53
elite101yeah well no me the person that wrote it is having troble line 39/4006:53
raylu74.50.1.185 is one of lunarpages shared servers...06:53
elite101the are coding in html, obv.06:53
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elite101yeah we know06:53
Biovorejack the ripper is slow.. might take several years to crack a password with it..06:53
elite101lol but i think its a static ip? maybe to a psp06:53
Biovoreelite101: yeah static.. its fixed in the code..06:54
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raylu...they are not coding in html...wtf?06:54
elite101yeah it might have something to do about conecting to the psp wirelessly06:54
elite101maybe no clue?06:54
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Biovorefrom the code snippit you posted it just gose to that IP and pulls index.php..  if it gets it returns the data in returnBuffer else it spits an error.06:55
Biovorehas nothing to do with talking to another psp it looks..06:56
elite101so he coded it wrong?06:56
elite101what ever he was doing?06:56
elite101okay so no ad-hoc at all06:56
elite101when i look at the html code all i can read from it is WI-FI lol06:57
Biovoreelite101: well maybe it does it via http.. on psp puts data on a http server and the other gets it..06:57
elite101yeah like infastructure to another psp06:57
elite101online play?06:57
elite101or download06:57
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Biovorewell the code snipit doesn't say06:57
evjunior09How do i install the KDM Theme Manager?06:58
elite101wow u made more sense than the person who acuttally coded it he doesnt even know what he is doing i dont think06:58
Biovoreevjunior09: you can apt-get it06:58
elite101Biovore, you are very smart!!!06:58
evjunior09Soo.... sudo apt-get install kdm theme manager?06:58
Biovoreevjunior09: I think the package is call kdmtheme06:58
elite101do u have the c++ program can u just run it in there and something will come up?06:59
Biovoresudo apt-get install kdmtheme    I think...06:59
Biovoreelite101: well I know nothing about psp06:59
evjunior09Yep. Thanks06:59
elite101okay its a handheld gamming device06:59
Biovoreevjunior09: to access it though I think you need to run kdesu kcontrol in a shell though..06:59
Biovoreelite101: I know what one is.. but I don't know alot more then that.. I never used one..07:00
evjunior09Okay you lost me07:00
Biovoreevjunior09: the kdm-theme manager I don't think shows up the in the kubuntu settings thing..07:00
evjunior09Yeah it dosent...so how do i access it again?07:01
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Biovoreevjunior09: in shell type "kdesu kcontrol"  and enter you user password when prompted.. should see it on the bottom call system Administration.07:01
Biovorethat gives you the full kde control panel..07:02
Biovorekdesu make it so you run it as root so you can configure system wide things..07:02
evjunior09oh okay got it07:03
BiovoreI think there is a package with some other kdm themes in the repos too..07:03
Biovoreevjunior09: apt-get install kde-kdm-themes for some extra themes07:04
elite101Biovore, they stole the code of someones hard work form there svn i will bring up the link where is psp app or program is07:04
elite101they hack ppl's svn and steal code07:04
Biovoreelite101: well unless you got a definition for all the custom stuff they using like dsxSocket.07:05
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Biovoreits hopeless process07:06
elite101yeah i sec i am trying to find the user Test30 and his app dsx or something nothing is comming up i wanna see what he does07:06
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evjunior09Biovore: Okay so i want a new theme. but it wont let me add any because it asks for the URL07:07
evjunior09What URL?07:07
Biovorekdm themes is on the bottom.07:07
evjunior09Right, and im at the one i want....now what07:08
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Biovoredepends how it is distrubited07:09
Biovoreis it a tar.gz or tar.bz07:09
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evjunior09Biovore: this is the one i want if it matters : http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/OpenSky?content=6265107:10
Biovoreevjunior09: try downloading it to your home dir..07:11
Biovoreand then in the kde theme manager select the "install new theme" button and select the tarball.07:11
evjunior09its a tar fike07:12
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Biovore(should work if its packaged correctly)07:12
Biovoreelse you have to do the manual install07:12
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kaitoHola, hay alguna manera de hacer que mi texto lo pueda leer la maquina y darme un mp3 como producto final?07:13
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Biovore!es kaito07:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about es kaito - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:14
stdin!es | kaito07:14
ubotukaito: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:14
bsundsrudHi, is there a (K)ubuntu development channel? i have a question about gutsy07:14
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Biovorebsundsrud: can try kubuntu+107:14
stdinbsundsrud: general gutsy questions go in #ubuntu+1 , but the Kubuntu devel channel is #kubuntu-devel07:15
evjunior09Biovore: okay i got it. But that dosent change the look of my desktop at all. What will change my desktop and Toolbar etc..07:15
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Biovoreevjunior09: kdm theme manager is the login screen07:15
Biovoreevjunior09: can do color schemes and gui widgets.. there also avaliable on www.kde-look.org07:16
evjunior09Biovore: Whats the thing to get to edit the Display themes?07:22
Biovoreevjunior09: well in themes there are 2 things... the color scheme and the widget types.07:23
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evjunior09Biovore: Okay so how do i download the Color Scheme?07:24
evjunior09When right click && Save As, it saves as a PHP07:24
Biovorewell you get a .kcsrc file and you tell kde to use it..07:25
BiovoreShift click to save07:26
Biovoreor click and open in kate and save it as <somename>.kcsrc07:26
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Biovorehmm shift click seems to get the download.php.. grrrrrr07:27
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evjunior09I got it07:27
Fragilitydoes anyone know anything that would cause a computer to shut down for no reason, but go through the proper shut down process07:28
Fragilitylike not just turn off instantly, but shut down in a completely normal error free way for no reason07:28
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titanix88automatic shutdown using crontab07:29
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ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs07:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:29
martoyatitanix88: check kcron07:30
titanix88tell it 2 fragility07:30
dhiogjenhey all07:30
dhiogjenim trying to get wmv support07:31
Fragilityi dontt see anything on kcron that would shut it down07:31
dhiogjencould anyone point me in the right direction?07:31
dhiogjenim using dapper07:31
Fragilitybut I do often hit accidental shortcuts (which is why i rarely set keyboard shortcuts)07:31
titanix88dhigogen try vlc07:32
dhiogjentitanix88: won't install :(07:32
dhiogjendependency issues07:32
elite101Biovore, the ppl at psp programming steal peoples code's from there svn and then share it with other losers07:32
titanix88w32 codecs07:33
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titanix88vlc installs fine in wy07:34
titanix88vlc installs fine in wy07:34
titanix88...in my dapper07:34
dhiogjentitanix88: how do i get the w32 codecs?07:34
titanix88dhigojen try with automatix07:35
titanix88dhigojen try with automatix07:35
dhiogjentitanix88: where can i get automatix?07:36
titanix88or may be link in the wiki07:36
dhiogjenit isn't in multiverse repository07:36
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titanix88google it07:37
dhiogjentitanix88: as it is, kaffeine is the only media player i have, and it throroughly sucks07:37
titanix88why not vlc??07:37
evjunior09Biovore: Are you famaliar with WINE?07:38
Biovoreyeah some..07:38
dhiogjentitanix88: it wont install.07:38
evjunior09Okay...on the KDE Control Center, i installed wine and it asked for a program to add on the Application's lis07:38
dhiogjentitanix88: it doesnt exist in the repos i'm using07:38
Biovoredhiogjen: win32 codecs for mplayer can be found on mplayers site..07:38
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dhiogjentitanix88: when i tried edgy repos i got dependency issues07:39
titanix88disable backport & try install vlc07:39
evjunior09But it dosent do anything to the prograam i added07:39
dhiogjenBiovore: w32 codecs for mplayer are kind of useless if i dont have mplayer...07:39
dhiogjentitanix88: disable backport?07:39
Biovoreevjunior09: I install wine via the console..07:39
evjunior09I already installed it with the other thing07:40
Biovoredhiogjen: well you can install mplayer and use it as the backend instead of xine.07:40
titanix88why edgyu r using dapper!disable edgy repo.07:40
titanix88dapper repos is updated still.so u get the latest vlc07:41
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dhiogjenBiovore: i cant install mplayer07:42
dhiogjenBiovore: it wont install07:42
Biovoreyou on dapper?07:42
titanix88dhiogjen: u r trying every thing from edgy repo. dont do it as u have dapper.07:43
Biovoredhiogjen: you have multiverse repo enabled..07:43
Biovoreits in there..07:43
titanix88temporarily disable edgy repo07:44
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dhiogjentitanix88: no, i have only dapper enabled07:44
dhiogjentitanix88: i removed the edgy repos07:44
Biovoresudo apt-get update07:44
dhiogjenBiovore: yes, i am using only multiverse repos07:44
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs07:45
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titanix88now install vlc.it rocks!07:45
dhiogjentitanix88: i can't07:45
Biovorevlc is good as well..07:45
dhiogjentitanix88: it doesnt show up07:45
dhiogjenis anyone listening to what im saying? @_@07:45
Biovorewell vlc is in the universe repos on dapper..07:46
dhiogjenvlc does not show up in the sources list07:46
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dhiogjensorry, in the apt-cache search thing07:46
Biovoredid you update your repos package list?07:46
Biovoresudo apt-get update07:46
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dhiogjenBiovore: yes.  but i'm only using multiverse07:46
fotoflo_hey im running kubuntu - what should i use for a VNC server??07:46
Biovorewell that explains why its broken..07:46
Biovoreneed multiverse and universe and the default ones..07:47
Biovorefotoflo_: there are alot of choses.. you running kde?07:47
fotoflo_is there a default one?07:47
Biovorewell kde has a nice thing call krdc07:48
Biovoreits like windows remote desktop client..07:48
BiovoreI think its under internet07:48
fotoflo_err no07:48
fotoflo_i want a server07:48
Negonicracrdesktop is for windows07:48
fotoflo_so i can connect to my KDE desktop from windows07:48
Biovorewell there is a server for it was well.. 1 sec let me find it..07:48
Biovore^ ding ding :-)07:49
dhiogjenBiovore: can you give me the universe repos?07:49
Biovorewell I don't have dapper here..07:49
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lucahi everyone  :)07:49
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lucadoes someone know the command to shut down screen?07:50
level1_where is the kmail contact list kept on a filesystem? somewhere under ~/.kde, I assume?07:50
Biovoreluca: you talking about the command line thing called screen?07:50
titanix88dhiogjen: add universe repo then update.07:50
fotoflo_Biovore, did you find it? whats it called??07:50
lucaBiovore: I guess so; I want to set up a hotkey to shut down the screen and I need to know the command frst :)07:50
Biovorefotoflo_: I found it..  its hidden07:51
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu07:51
lucalevel1_: check in /~/.kde/share/apps/kmail/07:51
Biovorefotoflo_: select the k-button and select run.. then input kcontrol07:51
Biovorelook under internet | desktop sharing07:52
fotoflo_whats it called07:52
Biovorewell its a program call kcontrol.. you can run it from a shell as well07:52
fotoflo_i can search with kcontrol07:52
titanix88dhiogjen: got it07:52
fotoflo_desktop sharing07:53
fotoflo_got it07:53
Biovoreok cool..07:53
Biovoreits a kde service...07:53
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dopei have an issue with permissions07:53
Biovorefotoflo_: basicly just have to check the allow unvited connections07:53
dopei added my user to the group the folder is associated with but it says permission denied when i do an LS07:53
fotoflo_i see, im just creating one invitiatoon07:54
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titanix88dope:ls means?07:54
dopethe ls command07:54
Biovorefotoflo_: ok.. then on the other side you can use that krdp or use windows rdp client to connect..  I think it also support vnc viewers as well..07:54
dopeto view the contents07:54
Biovorels == list07:54
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dopesays permission denied even after adding myself to the group07:55
lucanobody knows that command? :)07:55
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titanix88i knoow ls not LS:)07:55
Biovoredope: try typing group and see what groups it says your in.. also check the permissions on the directory. (needs to be set +x)07:56
dopeoh it has to be +x07:56
level1_luca: the kontacts list isn't there, I looked07:56
dopei thought r would be ok?07:56
Biovoreyeah.. to cd into a directory it needs to be +x07:56
level1_luca: its something like .vcard, right?07:56
dopei'm doing ls07:56
dopei guess same thing?07:56
dopeit's not apart of my group07:57
dopei used the usermod command07:57
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lucalevel1_ no idea07:57
dhiogjeneverything is broken!!!07:57
Biovoredhiogjen: you use automatix?07:57
dhiogjenno, i cant07:57
dhiogjenBiovore: it's missing dependencies07:57
Biovoreno.. did you at some point...07:57
BiovoreIt breaks everything..07:58
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:58
dhiogjennow i know the true meaning of dependency hell O_O07:58
ardchoilledhiogjen: lol07:58
Biovoreyeah.. leave the stock tree and fear the deps..07:58
Biovoreadding non-ubuntu repos cause most of those kind of problems..07:58
ardchoilleNever stray from the tree :)07:59
Biovoreand the fact you add edge in there at one point could also cause problems..07:59
dhiogjenBiovore: automatix has not ruined anything, because it doesnt not have the dependencies required to install07:59
lucalevel1_ checking right now where it might be07:59
dopeok i got it07:59
Biovoredhiogjen: maybe time for a dist-upgrade..07:59
dhiogjenBiovore: i removed edge07:59
dhiogjenBiovore: but i only installed it because i was able to install mplayer07:59
Biovoreand your running dapper right..  you probably have edge stuff installed07:59
dhiogjenBiovore: i'm considering it.07:59
titanix88dhiogjen try synaptic adept sucks08:00
dhiogjenBiovore: but i fear i dont have the necessary files to >_<08:00
BiovoreMight just want to dist-upgrade08:00
dopedrwxrwxr-x what does the "d" mean at the beginning08:00
dhiogjentitanix88: how do i use synaptix?08:00
dhiogjentitanix88: how do i use synaptic?*08:00
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level1_luca: thanks08:00
=== Biovore uses apt.. the first and still the best..
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titanix88first install it:sudo apt-get install synaptic08:01
dhiogjenBiovore: eh, forget it.  this is my grandfathers comp anyway.  i'll probably install SUSE on here to make it easier for him.  at least it has most of this stuff pre-configured08:01
dhiogjentitanix88: can't install synaptic08:02
dhiogjentitanix88: depends on a bunch of files apt can't install08:02
lucalevel1_ it's not in the share/apps folder :-/08:03
Biovorehis box it totaly hosed.. hes probably going to have to use apt-get dist-upgrade after updating his /etc/apt/sources.list file to edgy sources..08:03
lucaI do not know then08:03
rayludhiogjen, why do you want synaptic?08:03
dhiogjentitanix88: how terribly cruel this OS is -_-08:03
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dhiogjenraylu: because it might make it possible for me to install mplayer08:03
Biovorewell you kinda broke it when you started playing with the repos..08:03
dhiogjenraylu: or anything capable of playing back wmv08:03
elite101_someone hacked my svn help08:03
rayluwhy not just download a standard sources.list?08:03
elite101_how can i set a firewall they hacked my svn08:04
rayluelite101_, svnserve or apache/httpd?08:04
dhiogjenBiovore: i only played with the repos because it was already broken. i'm using the backed up  file now08:04
elite101_one of the too when i ever i go on this site it show this evil skinnned cow08:04
lucadhiogjen you are talking nonsense :-/ what packages can't your system install, which are needed for synaptic?08:04
=== Biovore notes that automatix messes with the repos when you install it..
fotoflo_Biovore, cccool, iiiits workinggg,. the   keyboaaard iiis aaaaaa bbbittt ffffed  upppp thoooough.....08:04
lucaBiovore: not that true08:04
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dhiogjenBiovore: i never installed automatix08:04
Biovorehes got all his deps messed up..08:04
lucait adds ONE repo08:04
raylusynaptic won't do anything adept can't08:04
rayluyou shoudl try apt-get and aptitude first08:04
dhiogjenBiovore: ^^^^^08:04
elite101_i need help thoes idiots over at #psp-programming how do i access it to delete the html files from the website on the svn?08:05
pyroHow do I reset adept manager, every time i open it it says theres a install pending or something!08:05
Biovoreand updates of kde stuff and then breaks the ubuntu update paths..08:05
lucaI have had installed it for ages and no problem came from it :)08:05
titanix88dhiogjen:no it was not if u have not messed up repos in the first place08:05
dhiogjenraylu: i've already tried08:05
lucaoh by the way08:05
lucaanyone else here having problems with knetworkmanager?08:05
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dhiogjentitanix88: right now, i am using the sources list that came with my install08:05
dhiogjenthe one that was backed up08:05
rayluluca, gui ftl :P08:05
Biovoreluca: yeah.. its kinda quirky08:05
dhiogjenand i am having problems galore08:05
lucatwo times out of three when I boot the program does not load properly :(08:05
Biovoreluca: its a novell thing.. so go figure..08:05
pyroHow do I reset adept manager, every time i open it it says theres a install pending or something!08:05
elite101_can someone one go  into my svn and delete what ever stuff is in there08:06
lucaany good substitute then?08:06
fotoflo_ok, i disabled keyboard repeat, and everything seems to be working nicely!08:06
hamadoooi did format 3 times in 3 days :>08:06
lucapyro: open a konsole and do sudo dpkg --configure -a08:06
fotoflo_its a bit slow though, over 54Mbps wifi08:06
dhiogjentitanix: h/o, i'm trying apt-get -f install08:06
lucasomething might be messed up with apt08:06
hamadoooremoveing and installing ubuntu08:06
lucaok rebooting see you later08:06
hamadooohow can i make ubuntu my default booting08:07
titanix88dhiogjen sudo apt-get update ?08:07
elite101_help there hacking into my svn08:07
elite101_i need firewall something08:07
dhiogjentitanix88: did it08:07
rayluhamadooo, /etc/boot/menu.lst, change it to saved08:07
dhiogjentitanix88: quite a few times08:07
elite101_please there are messing up my websites with cows that are skinned08:07
rayluhamadooo, */boot/grub/menu.lst, sorry08:08
Biovoreelite101_: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/   I suggest you try reading it..08:08
hamadooowhich one now ?08:08
hamadooooh ok08:08
elite101_okay thanks08:08
elite101_but there doing more stuff i think08:08
hamadoooshould i be r oot08:08
rayluhamadooo, yes08:08
dhiogjentitanix88: http://paste.debian.net/3317108:08
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Biovoreelite101_: you can also turn off you svn server..08:08
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elite101_please tell me08:08
rayluyou shouldn't expose your svn server to the internet08:09
raylubefore securing it08:09
elite101_they wont stop screwing around08:09
Biovoreelite101_: depends on how you have it setup..08:09
hamadooowhat's the notbad in ubuntu i forgot08:09
rayluand if you have no idea how, then you probably shouldn't be running one to begin with...08:09
elite101_i never set one up thou08:09
pyroelite101 install windows08:09
rayluhamadooo, kate08:09
elite101_but how did that make this website so its a cow that is skinned08:09
rayluelite101_, if it's not your server, then why did you tell us that it...was your server?08:09
elite101_i have no svn? but there hacking into mykubuntu with solorais08:09
elite101_i have no server i never set one up but thats what they said08:10
rayluelite101_> help there hacking into my svn08:10
hamadooogmote or somthing like that08:10
rayluhamadooo, what?08:10
Biovoreraylu: yeah.. I don't get it ether..08:10
elite101_i knopw but thats what they said08:10
hamadooohow can i edit the file08:10
hamadoooboot/grub/menu.lst       this file08:10
rayluelite101_, your confusion is confusing us08:10
rayluhamadooo, alt+f2 > kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst08:11
rayluplease note that /dir/file is very different from dir/file08:11
Biovoreyeah.. might want to read that book I posted you before you do any SVN stuff..08:11
rayluelite101_, that too ^08:11
pyrowhats the status on beryl? did that merge back with that other program?08:11
BiovoreRTFM for the win!!! :-)08:11
raylupyro, compiz? it's merging, last i heard08:11
raylubut in this case, it's RTFB08:11
Biovorethat stuff is in constant flux..08:11
hamadooook thanx08:12
rayluhamadooo, you found the line to change?08:12
pyroso what do you suggest running for now? compiz or beryl?08:12
hamadoooyeah (:08:12
hamadoooi'll make windows first08:12
raylupyro, cli only; abandon the mouse08:12
BiovoreI don't do eather... alot fo bugs still08:12
dhiogjenPyro: beryl08:12
hamadooothe default08:12
rayluhamadooo, er...there is a "default 0" line08:12
rayluthat you can change to "default saved"08:12
dhiogjenPyro: if you like your head not aching08:12
pyroi've used both08:12
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fotoflo_hmm desktop sharing is SLOW08:12
rayluthen compiz08:12
pyrojust didnt know if one is more worked on now or whatever08:12
dhiogjenpyro: beryl is considerably better atm08:13
raylufotoflo_, what do you need it for? X11 over ssh is nice08:13
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hamadooo<raylu> thank you very much it worked08:13
Biovorefotoflo_: well yeah.. its over a network connection.. you can change the rate can make compress better.. also disable the background in the desktop.08:13
fotoflo_i used desktop sharing on GNOME, so im used to it...08:13
rayluhamadooo, no problem08:13
fotoflo_it was faster08:13
robert__hey everyone08:13
craig_GNOME sucks08:13
fotoflo_raylu: i mainly need it to control XMMS08:14
Biovorefotoflo_: rdp is slower for some reason..08:14
raylufotoflo_, you're using it just to play music? consider mpd/mpc08:14
lbarrioshey... i am a newbie in linux, and I have the same problem as many others as I saw: installing flash in AMD64 feisty fawn08:14
fotoflo_X11 over SSH?08:14
Biovorefotoflo_: I think xmms has a remote control method you can do over a ssh connection..08:14
lbarrioscan anybody help me08:14
craig_hmm maybe i can08:14
raylufotoflo_, are you controlling it from a windows computer?08:14
fotoflo_Biovore, with gui?08:14
lbarriospublished tutorial did not work08:14
craig_are you installing flash as a plugin08:15
lbarriosfor firefox. yes08:15
titanix88dhiogjen did u update ur distro or installed something from edgy.try a fresh dapper apt sources list from someone here08:15
titanix88dhiogjen did u update ur distro or installed something from edgy.try a fresh dapper apt sources list from someone here08:15
raylufotoflo_, elite101_> help there hacking into my svn08:15
raylufotoflo_, http://x.cygwin.com/docs/ug/using-remote-apps.html08:15
Biovorelbarrios: There are some things that don't work on 64bit yet.. (I think there doing some voodoo to make the 32bit flash plugin to work on the 64bit platform)08:15
craig_macromedia flash...yeh??08:15
rayludon't refer to the crap-ified flash as something macromedia would make08:16
robert__the new flash is worse than the old was08:16
lbarrioswell, i tried to install the i386 version but it did not work either!08:16
robert__adobe has crapped on it08:16
Biovorelbarrios: well it won't.. well not with out some voodoo..08:17
craig_no it wouldnt08:17
robert__i remember never having flash problems in the beginning08:17
robert__now... all the time08:17
raylui *never remember* having them either08:17
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robert__and as much as i live in youtube...08:17
raylufotoflo_, yt?08:18
rayluyou there?08:18
raylulol, are you reading the cygwin stuff?08:18
fotoflo_heh yeah08:18
raylubut if what Biovore says is true about xmms over ssh, that'd be a much easier solution08:18
lbarrioswell, the problem is that I am trying to convince my kids of using linux instead of XP.. but if I do not have much to offer...08:18
raylu!hi | ice9__08:18
ubotuice9__: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!08:18
robert__speaking of youtube... this is funny....08:19
craig_Linux is weeeeyyy better08:19
fotoflo_wow, gpd looks good08:19
Biovorewell you can run command on a remote shell that signal xmms to play/stop/next/prev etc..08:19
raylulbarrios, what do your kids do?08:19
ice9__thanks for the greetings, friends!08:19
titanix88dhiogjen or try a fresh install.:)08:19
lbarriosthey are only 7 and 408:19
fotoflo_you guys seen pitchfork?08:19
raylu...so, internet games?08:19
craig_I have a dual  boot.....XP 4 gamez + Linux 4 everything else08:19
raylui think some study was done on little kids using windows and linux08:20
rayluand the linux kids seemed to have a much easier time migrating to windows than vice-versa08:20
elite101if i never heard of svn should i have one for being on kubuntu?08:20
hamadooonow in windows we have the cleaup tool to remove all the unwanted files ...... what about ubuntu ??/08:20
elite101i never set one up before so i should not have it enabled?08:20
ice9__ya man, I'm freakin 22 and I'm having a hell of a time using this !08:20
Biovoresvn isn't install by defualt on ubuntu08:20
rayluelite101, is the svn actually running on your own computer?08:21
elite101okay so i dont have to worry about it at all08:21
elite101i never heard of it08:21
rayluelite101, then you are still confused :P08:21
rayluyou need to slow down08:21
Biovorewell then someone pulling your leg then.. I guess..08:21
rayluor you're misinterpreting what someone is telling you and are now pulling on our respective legs08:21
robert__linux is getting easier and easier... now, if only BSD was as easy08:21
elite101okay but they hacked into my computer okay with soloaris another "hacker os" they called it08:21
Biovorerobert__: pcbsd?08:21
lbarrioswill it worth if I try to install the i36 ver of kubuntu?08:22
raylurobert__, how's BSD's wireless support? they have something called "project evil" which is the equiv of ndis, right?08:22
elite101its just that they are screwing around with stuff08:22
robert__pcbsd has almost no good hardware support08:22
raylulbarrios, probably not atm08:22
Biovoreraylu: ndis = evil.. thus project evil..08:22
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craig_wait a bit until the 64bit flash comes out08:22
robert__pcbsd does not support intel centrino wi-fi chipsets08:22
rayluBiovore, so is project evil just as good as ndis?08:22
robert__and that is what i have08:22
Biovoreno clue..08:22
elite101svn is not running on my computer i never downloaded it set it up at all so i should not have one?08:22
lbarriosok craig08:22
dhqhow do i direct ip to another ip inside a network ie all the network traffic should pass through one main pc then the internet08:22
rayluis there a list of supported chipsets, robert__?08:23
hamadooonow in windows we have the cleaup tool to remove all the unwanted files ...... what about ubuntu ??/?08:23
fotoflo_hmm someone should write an MPD plugin for winamp!08:23
robert__there are more and more as time goes on, but not like under linux08:23
fotoflo_that would make it sweet08:23
rayluhamadooo, we have aptitude08:23
rayluhamadooo, /adept/apt/synaptic08:23
Biovoreelite101: pop open a shell and type svn --version, does it say its there..08:23
hamadooowhere is that ?08:23
robert__fotofolio, what about one possibly being under xmms already?08:23
elite101how can they hack into kubuntu i thought it was secure08:23
rayluhamadooo, the package manager shouldn't leave behind files08:23
robert__raylu... they have an HCL on their website08:23
Biovoreelite101: it only as secure at the nub using it..08:23
elite101a shell? terminal08:23
fotoflo_robert__, huh?08:23
raylurobert__, link pleaseS?08:24
hamadooohow can i remove them ??08:24
Biovoreelite101: same thing.. command line interface.. bash prompt08:24
rayluhamadooo, ...remove what?08:24
hamadooothese files ?08:24
elite101what whats a shelll?08:24
rayluhamadooo, er...i think you misunderstood me08:24
Biovoreoh god.. someone shoot me!!!08:24
elite101okay so just type svn08:24
rayluhamadooo, apt/aptitude/adept/synaptic is your package manager08:24
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hamadoooyeah i know08:25
elite101command not found08:25
rayluand it does clean uninstalls, unlike many windows installers08:25
Biovoreelite101: good news.. you don't have svn08:25
rayluelite101, then wtf; how are you accessing the svn?08:25
Biovoregood point..08:25
hamadoooi mean when you browse the internet . must be somefile ...08:25
fotoflo_i still think VNC is going to be the best choice08:25
rayluBiovore, that just means he doesn't have the svn client. the server is svnserve or mod_dav for apache208:25
elite101okay how did they screw up my computer08:25
hamadooohow can we remove them in order to make the computer more faster08:25
Biovoreraylu: possibly..08:25
rayluelite101, more importantly, how are you viewing the svn?08:25
robert__raylu... here is the freebsd HCL, which PCBSD uses since it's based on freebsd08:26
hamadooolike in window we go to system tools .. then cleaup08:26
rayluhamadooo, oh, you mean firefox's temporary files?08:26
Biovorewebrowser to a remote websvn?08:26
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rayluhamadooo, removing those in windows doesn't actually make your disk faster08:26
hamadooointernet temporary files08:26
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elite101they had this website somethi9ng like test90.nimp.org or something i clicked on it and this webpage of this skinned cow came up and i coudnt exit it ?08:26
rayluhamadooo, and in linux, the existence of a swap partition means that it won't either08:26
elite101but i ask my friend if he would try it and it was normal but for me its not08:26
rayluhamadooo, in windows, until you have less free space than needed paging file size, it won't make a difference either08:26
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rayluhamadooo, in fact, web browsing is faster if you cache more files08:27
rayluso leaving those files is recommended (by me, at least, for normal usage)08:27
elite101they hacked something of mine to make me show that website the index.html08:27
hamadoooright cuz there are already in my pc i don't have to download them again08:27
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rayluelite101, no, that is extremely unlike. what webrowser are you using and where is the webpage?08:27
rayluhamadooo, you should try going into firefox and typing "about:config" into the address bar08:28
rayluhamadooo, then searching for "pip". double-click on http pipelining08:28
robert__about:config is indispensible08:28
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Biovoreelite101: you running apache?08:28
elite1011sec its a psp webpage they steal codes from ppl that make apps and stuff08:28
robert__once you learn about it, life becomes easy08:28
rayluBiovore, if he is, i doubt he could keep it up :P08:28
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BiovoreI don't think know what he is doing..08:29
BiovoreRTFM == Read the #$%@ Manual..08:29
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rayluthe apple marketing team studies a clone of elite10108:29
robert__the joy of dicking around with operating systems08:29
elite101not running any internet thing brandnew install of kubuntu08:29
elite101whats that?08:29
Biovoreraylu: lol08:30
rayluwhat's what?08:30
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elite101a clone?08:30
rayluyes...a atom-by-atom clone08:30
rayluit's a joke; don't worry about it08:30
=== Biovore thinks so as well..
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:30
elite101because i am scared there going to screw ssomething up08:30
rayluelite101, the safest computer is one that's not running08:30
robert__elite... you learn by making mistakes08:30
elite101i know lol08:31
Biovorewell apparently you "stealing code"  Mess with people who know, you might get burned..08:31
raylurobert__, i'll see what you can learn from a fried hard drive :P08:31
robert__if you don't break it you will never learn08:31
elite101not me08:31
robert__raylu... it's called trip to best buy to get another HDD08:31
elite101i told them not too but they then said oh well and then the gave me this link to his website but it was a trap one08:31
hamadoooelite .. in 3 days o formated my laptop 3 times08:31
Biovoredo you have this code on your computer?08:31
hamadoooand ubuntu working good now08:32
robert__i reinstall at least once a month08:32
rayluhamadooo, do your kids have their own computers or do they share yours?08:32
robert__i test and learn some much in a month my hard drive is full of crap08:32
hamadooowell i don't have kid .... and i have my own laptop08:33
robert__and i've been a linux user since '98... always learning08:33
rayluer...maybe i'm confusing you for someone else...08:33
wsjunioris #ubuntu+1 the right channel to solve gutsy tribe 3 doubts?!08:33
elite101www.test30.on.nimp.org!!! this website i cant click on it or im going to have a heartattack its a psp website forother ppl but for me its a cow skinned and the screen comes up 30times08:33
Biovorewsjunior: rgr08:33
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elite101wait sorry08:33
elite101thats what they gave me test30 is the guy they steal the code from08:34
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BirthdayHobbseeDONT VISIT THAT LINK08:34
wsjuniorBiovore: sorry, rgr stands for .. ?08:34
robert__elite... just don't click on goatse sites either.... or half the links on slashdot08:34
robert__the evil of tubgirl links on slashdot is legendary08:34
raylulol, too late =\08:34
rayluwsjunior, "roger," i believe08:34
Biovorewsjunior: rgr = roger, yes, agree08:34
wsjuniorindeed ;)08:35
rayluBirthdayHobbsee, it's just a prank, right? nothing actually harmful?08:35
BirthdayHobbseeraylu: it often has backdoors08:36
rayluoften has?08:36
BirthdayHobbseeraylu: so is very dangerous on windows-based machines.  of course, could be on linux based machines08:36
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robert__dangerous javascript... rootkits, etc.08:36
BirthdayHobbseedepending on what the payload actually is08:36
rayluhrm...well, i just visited it from a windows machine :P08:36
raylubut i'm pretty sure i'm safe08:36
BirthdayHobbseei say often, although i suspect it's always08:36
craig_an easy way to remove hackers from your system.....Disconnect all network connections, both wired and wireless....EASY08:37
BirthdayHobbseeraylu: uh, you may want to run a spyware/adware scan, remove all cookies and cache, etc.08:37
robert__fire up wireshark and see what the packet happenings are08:37
rayluand, to remove all virii, disconnect all hard drives ^^08:37
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rayluBirthdayHobbsee, i still don't understand how cookies are harmful08:37
BirthdayHobbseeraylu: it was more the other bits.  it usually tries to download more than just cookies08:37
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raylui'm just wondering in general; starting spybot ^^08:38
robert__cookies are harmful if they are of the "red sheriff" tracking variety08:38
rayluer...what does that mean? :(08:38
robert__go look it up08:38
robert__cookies can be privacy nightmares08:38
rayluRed Sheriff recently began testing new services in New Zealand and has been tracking the surfing habits of over 60000 kiwi surfers for months, ...08:38
robert__you have to trust the sites you visit or have cookies turned off, which makes any SSO site useless08:39
robert__or surf through a proxy server08:39
robert__preferrably HTTPS08:40
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raylu i feel that cookies are abused nowadays08:40
robert__then it doesn't matter unless you get an evil payload08:40
robert__they are08:40
raylukinda like html tables were08:40
michael-3142does any one know how to configure a palm with kpilot through a usb?08:40
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raylumichael-3142, specific problem?08:41
michael-3142I do not know the device (/dev/????) to use for the sync08:41
robert__html tables really only worked well in NN they were crap in IE08:41
robert__css saved the day08:41
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michael-3142raylu: I don't have a /dev/pilot in my /dev directory08:41
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hamadooois there a good site for ubuntu themes08:43
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robert__hama... what desktop? gnome or kde?08:43
michael-3142raylu: I am using a USB conection08:44
robert__likes gnome08:44
michael-3142raylu: what am I doing wrong.  does something have to be loaded into the kernal?08:45
guitarmaniacyeah I prefer gnome, but I just installed kubuntu recently as its easier to configure everything I need08:45
robert__anyone need some humor about now?08:45
guitarmaniacwhy not08:45
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guitarmaniacI'll pass, dont have enough bandwidth left for the month to waste on youtube08:46
robert__it's a 41 sec video08:46
guitarmaniacok then08:47
guitarmaniacsounds good just from the title08:47
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guitarmaniacjust did a fresh install of kubuntu yesterday so I have to install flash08:49
robert__guitar... see that video?08:50
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robert__what kind of guitar do you like?08:50
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Char80Hi, how i can add perl package to kubuntu? (i just install kubuntu in my extended partition)08:50
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guitarmaniaci like a lot of guitars, mainly jacksons, ESPs and Ibanez08:51
robert__i like hamer, ricks and gibsons, fender teles08:52
Char80any suggestion?08:52
guitarmaniacvery different tastes :P08:52
robert__you like female musicians.... good ones? check this girl drummer out... http://youtube.com/watch?v=cK4g4WtVe7o08:53
guitarmaniacI mainly play metal so I like guitars that do that well. But any decent guitar should really be able to play any genre08:53
robert__more the player than the guitar08:53
robert__what bands?08:53
robert__i used to like metal back in school, but not much any more08:54
guitarmaniacMachine Head, Metallica, Lamb of God, Killswitch Engage08:54
robert__all bands with cookie monster vocals...08:54
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guitarmaniacheres my last.fm profile: http://www.last.fm/guitarfreek08:55
guitarmaniacNot really08:55
robert__i prefer prog rock... Yes, Spock's Beard, Kansas08:55
guitarmaniacMetallica and Machine Head dont really08:55
robert__not too much08:55
guitarmaniacProg stuff is good too, I love Opeth and Mastodon08:56
guitarmaniacbit of Tool and NIN08:56
lokkiwhy kget doesn't support multiple threads?08:56
robert__that's more prog metal....08:56
robert__you would like Porcupine Tree then08:56
guitarmaniacprobably, I have heard good things about them, but never actually heard them08:57
guitarmaniacyeah im a metalhead at heart08:57
robert__they are prog rock, a bit on the marillion side, but heavier08:57
robert__i prefer old metal08:57
guitarmaniacI like lots of stuff though, as long as the guitar is interesting08:57
stdin!offtopic | guitarmaniac, robert__08:57
ubotuguitarmaniac, robert__: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:57
guitarmaniacI love John Butler08:57
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robert__offtopic, eh? i listen to metal on my kubuntu system... guitar... do you think metal sounds better through xmms or amarok?08:58
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stdinrobert__: music tastes aren't support related :p08:59
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underdog5004just finished dawn of the dead (2005)...very well done!08:59
robert__is thinking of switching back to ubuntu since my flash woes in kubuntu won't go away09:00
ksivajii had dual boot (windows and kubuntu) .just now i reinstalled windows now i cant load and boot linux kernel09:00
robert__that's a boot loader issue09:00
robert__windows overwrote grub09:01
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:01
robert__beat you, bot boy09:01
underdog5004oh yeah, well, I got a link!09:01
raylubut bot boy gave a link to instructions on how to fix it09:01
robert__i would have09:01
underdog5004hahahaha, we're all fast tonight09:01
raylubut he beat you to it, eh?09:01
ksivajirobert__  so i dont have grub on my disk is it?09:01
underdog5004g'night all09:02
guitarmaniachow do I install flash in knoqueror? I've never tried09:02
rayluksivaji, you do, but the mbr doesn't point to it09:02
robert__you lost it when windows was installed09:02
hamadooowhat is the best msn in ubuntu which is similar to the windows msn09:02
robert__install windows first, then linux09:02
rayluhamadooo, in *kubuntu, i recommend kopete09:02
ksivajiraylu how to make do that09:02
rayluksivaji, click the link ubotu gave09:02
hamadoooamd on ubuntu09:02
rayluon ubuntu, i recommend kopete anyway :P though you could try compiling pidgin from source or using amsn09:03
hamadooois it similar to the windows msn09:03
robert__oh, he's talking about IM09:03
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rayluno. unfortunately, they took out the ads, insane memory usage, and most of the other annoying features09:03
robert__gave up on IM 3 years ago09:03
raylurobert__, so what do you use now?09:04
guitarmaniacor that09:04
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rayluwhat is the practical use of e-mail?09:04
robert__i'm getting old school the more i use linux09:04
robert__i prefer being unreachable most of the time09:04
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robert__the asynchronous virtues of email allow this09:04
raylurobert__, so set your im client to hide most messages and let you read them at your leisure later09:05
robert__i used to do that, but having a family now makes that even harder09:05
robert__i'm lucky to find time to be here, even at 2 AM09:05
rayluemail violates the "information should come to you" idea09:05
guitarmaniacHow do I install flash in konqueror? never tried before09:05
rayluguitarmaniac, does it do anything when you visit a flash-enabled page, by any chance?09:06
robert__guitar... through adept09:06
guitarmaniaca link to the adobe site i think09:06
guitarmaniacshould have check the repos but was too lazy :P09:06
robert__but doing it that way sometimes Konq won't pick it up even if you force it to re read plugins09:06
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robert__i use nothing but Konq under kubuntu09:07
hamadooowhat about amsn ??09:07
robert__try kopete...09:07
robert__it's a nice client if you use IM09:07
hamadoooit's not similar to the real one09:07
robert__who cares... learn something new...09:08
hamadooosomeone told me amsn similer09:08
robert__broaden your IM horizons09:08
rayluhamadooo, why in the world would you want the new one?09:08
rayluis it just me or...09:08
rayludoes the caption that reads09:08
raylu"Gambling sites were the first targets of web extortionists"09:08
rayluhave a picture of horses?09:08
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robert__needs to win the lottery so i can become a luddite recluse on some island with no computers09:08
robert__should have become a vet... avoided the hell that is computers :)09:09
robert__i knew my college major was a mistake....LOL09:09
rayluyou can run, but you can't hide ^^09:10
robert__too true09:10
robert__i've been a computer user for 25 years now... no going back09:10
rayluand when you do, i'll have a typewriter virus prepared for you ^^09:10
robert__i lovingly recall my commodore 64 back in '8209:11
raylusomeone i know has an old solaris09:11
raylui moved his files off of it onto his newer computer09:11
raylubut he says that he needs to keep the old computer09:11
rayluand he needs to keep it on, because09:11
robert__you think ubuntu support is hard... try waiting for answer the next month in creative computing magazine.... that's asynchronous support09:11
rayluif he doesn't hear that fan running, he'll go crazy09:12
lokkikomodor 6409:12
robert__loved programming in basic back in the day09:13
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-b *!*@d36-88-138.home1.cgocable.net] by BirthdayHobbsee
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lokkipython rulez!09:14
raylustrange that you'd say that09:14
robert__rules what?09:15
raylui'm about to start poking at python for xchat09:15
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robert__python has its place09:15
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lokkiare you building an irc bot ?09:15
Mo0oSaHHello everyone.09:15
robert__all it is a good OO scripting language09:15
rayluxchat is an irc client09:15
lokkii know09:15
robert__prefers ruby over python09:16
robert__smae idea, better implementation09:16
rayluhave you used rbot, robert__?09:16
robert__cant say i have09:16
rayluit's in the repos09:16
robert__what's it for?09:16
rayluits an irc bot09:16
robert__i don't do bots09:17
raylubut my knowledge of ruby is next to zero09:17
rayluso i can't even get the "opme" plugin to not op everyone :P09:17
c0mp13371331337Here's something I've been trying my hands at for a while, maybe someone here can help....  Just installed a slave drive.  It came from a Windoze box, so it's got an NTFS filesystem, all Windoze directories, etc.  Just looking to reformat and use as extra media storage.  Is there a way to do this right from KDE/command-line?09:17
ShockValueis there some kind of program that will allow me to view network usage by process or program?  im curious how much bandwidth one particular program is using09:17
robert__ruby is easier to learn to python from what i personally have experienced09:17
robert__they're all based on C anyway09:17
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ShockValuec0mp13371331337: figure out what device it is (dmesg) and then cfdisk /dev/<yourdevice>09:18
stdinc0mp13371331337: what, reformat it?09:18
rayluand here i was thinking the python quit() woulud quit just the console :(09:18
ShockValuec0mp13371331337: but becarefull you get the right drive, or you'll hoze your box09:18
robert__that python console drives me nuts09:18
lokkithere are not good math libreries in ruby.09:18
lokkilike numpy09:18
robert__there are plenty of math libs for ruby09:19
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robert__not as good as python, i'll admit, but it depends on what you do and need09:19
robert__python has better stuff than perl these days09:19
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robert__but then again, guido van rossum was a math guy AND an programmer, so that's one reason it's good at math out of the gate09:20
robert__perl is wreck with stuff like OO added on as an afterthought09:21
lokkiguido didn't write numpy09:21
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robert__no, he wrote python09:21
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:21
robert__what i'm saying is that python handles math better out of the box than perl or ruby09:21
=== level1__ [n=level1@adsl-67-36-191-192.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
zerowhat about C?09:22
robert__python is written in C as is ruby09:22
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robert__plain old C is a anightmare09:22
wolferinethats why so many use it :)09:23
zeroi am learning C atm09:23
wolferinezero too bad :(09:23
robert__learn it yes, but C is a system language09:23
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robert__not used for much else09:23
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zerolearning C before C++ is really good though09:23
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zeroit helps you learn C much easier09:23
robert__zero... C++ is hard to understand without understanding C first... can be done, but comes much harder09:24
robert__after C, everything is easy but maybe LISP09:24
wolferinelearn Java, then C#09:24
zeroi cant install anything from adept installer what am i gonna do? :(09:24
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:24
robert__java is becoming less and less relevant as time goes on09:25
zeroyeah i noticed that09:25
zerobut can anyone help me please?09:25
robert__ubotu... how about some onion rings and a dr. pepper09:25
wolferinezero install from command line?09:25
Mo0oSaHzero what's the issue09:25
zeroi cant see all the applications that are available and the ones i see are grey colored so i cant click them09:26
zeroi tried sudo apt-get install something09:26
zerobut it didnt work09:26
wolferinewhy not?09:26
wolferineerror msg would be cool09:26
zeroi think it doesnt seach the internet09:26
wolferineidk wont really cut it09:26
robert__zero... what the package in question in the repo?09:26
Mo0oSaHzero did you see if your repos are alright?09:26
robert__er, was09:26
=== wolferine sneezes on zero
wolferinenite ppl, off to bed09:27
Mo0oSaHnight wolferine09:27
zerowhat do you mean robert?09:27
robert__off to bed myself in a min09:27
zeroactually what are repos?09:27
zerowhat about them?09:27
robert__where the programs you want can be dowloaded from09:27
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:27
zerohow do i check if they are ok?09:28
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zerohey stdin... we talked yesterday09:28
robert__see above link09:28
stdindid we? :p09:28
zeroi was |Zero|H|I|T| yesterday09:29
stdinahh, yes09:29
stdinyou were the one who ran out of space in /usr09:29
robert__stdin, he just didn't stdout very well09:29
zeroi reinstalled kubuntu09:29
robert__time to go to bed09:30
robert__it's 023009:30
robert__later all...09:30
zerogood night robert!09:30
stdingood, the best way to learn is "install -> do something wrong -> reinstall & repeat"09:30
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zerostdin what do you have at adept manager > manage repositories > Third Party Software?09:33
stdin1 sec, I'll look09:33
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ksivajistdin hi09:33
stdinhi ksivaji09:33
ksivajiis there any command for quick reboot09:34
stdinksivaji: how quick? :p09:34
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ksivajilike kexec09:34
yeniklasorHow can I check how much space left on my hdd (/) ?09:35
zerodf -h09:35
zerosomeone told me this one yesterday :D09:35
yeniklasoroh i m lucky :)09:35
zeroor the day before yesterday :S09:35
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stdinfor normal reboot i'd so "shutdown -r now", to to an instand reboot I'd do "Alt+StsReq+B" from a console09:36
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zerostdin what about the repositories?09:36
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stdinzero: nothing09:37
zeroyou have nothing at third party software?09:38
zeroat kubuntu software?09:38
zeroi have everything clicked and download from greece, should i change it to download from main server?09:38
stdinI have all the boxes ticked09:39
zerowhere do you dl from?09:39
lokkiwhat's your vrms output?09:39
stdinzero: the UK server09:39
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zerovrms is a cmd?09:39
zerofull upgrading adept manager is good?09:40
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raylucs load scripts/cs.py09:40
zeroit is not installed09:40
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zerosafe upgrade or full upgrade is better?09:41
jlwow - tribe3 still messes up my default screen rez :(09:41
jlcompletely fresh install09:41
zeroi get that with postal 2 too :(09:41
stdinzero: both are fine, full upgrade some packages that aren't normally upgraded with the "safe" upgrade09:42
zerowhich one do you use?09:42
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stdinjl: btw, adept is broken right now in tribe3. so I hope you don't rely on it :p09:42
stdinzero: I just do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"09:42
stdinzero: which is a "Full upgrade" in adept09:43
zerooh cool09:43
zerothats what i am doing atm09:43
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rancidlmhello can some one please help me with kubuntu, i am New to kubuntu but a long time user of ubuntu, i am using knetworkmanager but for some reason it doesn't ask to save my wep keys in a keyring.. like gnome-netowrkmanager, am i doing something wrong?09:43
jli'm using sudo apt-get09:43
stdinI normally don't use any GUI package manager09:44
zerois there a way to disable the login screen?09:44
rayluyou mean automatic login?09:44
zeroand just log in terminal09:44
raylulol, i was trying to get this too09:44
raylui'm pretty sure it involves runlevels09:44
zerojust to press zero and then password09:44
jlanyone have good scripts to run after fresh install? i've already apt-got update, then did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras09:44
stdin2 ways...09:44
raylu"cat /etc/rc2.d/README"09:44
zeroand then startx09:44
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rancidlmany one help me with this kde keyring problem?09:45
stdinzero: if it's a one off, just boot into recovery mode09:45
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stdinzero: if not then run "sudo update-rc.d -f kdm remoce09:45
stdinopps, remove, not remoce09:45
rayluwe have to use -f?09:45
rayluit said i might need to force it, but forcing stuff is bad, so i didn't do it :P09:46
stdinraylu: unless you remove the init script all together09:46
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rayluwhat would that command actually do?09:46
zerosometimes when i click to open something like adept or system settings it loads and then disappears what is the issue?09:46
raylubecause i just did what /etc/rc2.d/README said09:46
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zeroi think i dont wanna remove anything09:46
stdinraylu: removes the links in /etc/rc?.d/09:46
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rayluah, excellent09:46
rayluzero, they're just symlinks; you're technically not removing anything09:46
zeroand i can make the login screen return if i wna09:47
rayluwith defaults, i believe09:47
stdinzero: or just do  "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start"09:47
raylu"sudo update-rc.d kdm defaults09:47
stdinagain. if it's a one-off09:48
zerowhat about the disappearing thing?09:48
=== ke- [n=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu
jlso - even with tribe 3 - i must manually edit xorg.conf to get full screen rez?09:48
rayluzero: sudo update-rc.d -n -f kdm remove09:49
rayluthat won't do anything; try it09:49
zeroand when i exit postal the resolution changes to 800x600 and this sucks what should i do?09:49
zeroi change it from system settings but doesnt change09:49
zerothe only way to change it is to do ctrl+alt+backspace?09:50
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jlwow - even after restarting x - after editing my xorg.conf - i still dont have full resolution09:50
raylujl, do you ever get full resolution?09:51
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Mo0oSaHji did you get it in Fiesty?09:51
jli'm running a FRESH install of tribe 3 - 7.10 kubuntu release 2 days ago09:51
Mo0oSaHbut did you ever get full resolution to work before?09:52
jlraylu - yes, on normal sidux and gentoo and debian i get full rez - usually editing xorg.conf works on those09:53
jlit did not work for tribe309:53
raylujl, you could copy your xorg.conf over...telling us that you merely made changes to your xorg doesn't really mean anything09:53
jli added the rez in quotes - in the spot where it goes09:53
jli know that part - nothing to see09:54
zeroi click to load something it starts loading and then disappears, is it with kubuntu or what?09:54
stdinzero: that happens when, for some reason, the app just doesn't start09:54
Mo0oSaHI have that to me alot09:54
zeroit is at the taskbar loading09:54
Mo0oSaHusually just ignore it click again...09:54
stdinzero: kdesu is normally to blame with adept09:54
zeroan example09:55
zeroi just clicked postal 209:55
zeroits a game09:55
zerostarted loading09:55
zeroand then disappeared09:55
stdinzero: the taskbar item doesn't mean it's loading. it means that kde ran the command and is waiting for it09:55
zerothis happened twice now09:55
Mo0oSaHmight be an issue with the game09:55
zerobut postal was loading09:55
zeroa screen came09:55
=== codeatnight [n=daniele@host156-41-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
stdinbest thing to do is run it from konsole09:55
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zerotelling about violence and all that09:55
zeroit worked yesterday..09:56
zeroi will try konsole09:56
jlanyone else here running tribe3?09:56
stdinjl: best place for help is in #ubuntu+109:56
zerowhat cmd do i use to open exe?09:56
Mo0oSaHji try #ubuntu+1 also for troubleshooting.... usually someone might know the answer there09:57
=== Mo0oSaH chokes stdin
stdinzero: wine file.exe09:57
zeroif it is a linux file09:57
zerothat just opens the game when clicked09:57
zeroit is a shell script09:58
stdin.exe files aren't linux files09:58
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zeroi meant executable which are executed when clicking09:58
stdinzero: is it on your desktop ?09:58
zeroi am at the /home/zero/postal2/09:58
Mo0oSaHzero you mean .sh file?09:58
zeroyeah i think09:59
stdinzero: just type "./" then the file name09:59
stdinzero: like: ./postal09:59
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zeroinstead of the warning screen a black screen opened :S10:00
ksivajiplease one help me i cant restore grub loader after installing windows10:00
zerooh fuck10:00
zeroi forgot to install nvidia drivers10:00
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:00
zeroi am sorry10:01
=== jl [n=jl@S010600195b55bf54.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
zeroi dont usually talk like that10:01
stdinI do, just not in IRC  ;)10:01
zeroi usually hang out at other ircs10:01
jlgeez, sorry i was kicked out of my session - lost the kubuntu tribe3 help channel :(10:01
Mo0oSaHIf I got half a penny everytime I said that word, i'd be a billionaire10:01
jlwas it kubuntu-1?10:01
zeroi have to make kubuntu look cooler10:02
Mo0oSaHBeryl ftw10:02
zeroberyl is cool10:02
ksivajiplease one help me i cant restore grub loader after installing windows10:02
stdinsuperkaramba's nice too10:02
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ksivajistdin :10:02
zeroi just need some good themes and all that10:02
stdinksivaji: what did you try10:03
stdinzero: http://kde-look.org10:03
zerothanks stdin10:03
ksivajii gone through manual which ubotu gave me still cant restore10:03
zerowhat do you want to do?10:04
=== clouder [n=clouder@cpe-24-174-204-170.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
ksivajii want to boot my system normally using grub10:04
stdinzero: so you've mounted your root somewhere and ran "sudo grub-install --root-dir=/the/place/you/mounted/it /dev/hda" or something like that?10:05
stdinheh, that was meant for ksivaji10:06
zerothats what i thought10:06
ksivajistdin my name10:06
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vzduchice9__: good for you10:07
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stdinice9__: if you want to mess about, #kubuntu-offtopic is for you10:07
ice9__nothing but business in here or what?!10:07
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stdinice9__: like ubotu says10:08
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!10:08
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:08
ksivajistdin http://pastebin.com/d5185ef8810:08
underdog5004ice9_, shall we call an op?10:08
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stdinksivaji: which is your root partition?10:09
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ksivaji /dev/hdb310:09
mimikhow do you make Detailed List the default view?10:09
stdinksivaji: have you mounted it yat?10:10
c0mp13371331337For a slave media drive in Kubuntu, what filesystem should be used?10:10
stdinc0mp13371331337: ext3 is probably best10:10
ksivajistdin ya /dev/hdb3 is mounted at /10:10
Mo0oSaHc0mp13371331337: but it doesn't really matter, i don't think10:10
mimikc0mp: unless you want to share it with windows10:10
mimikthen vfat10:10
c0mp13371331337cfdisk doesn't give the option, MoOoSaH.10:10
stdinksivaji: huh? you said you don't have grub, so how is it mounted on /10:11
vzduchmimik: you can use ext3 for sharing w/ Windows10:11
mimikreally? heh, didnt know that10:11
mimikhow stable is it?10:11
Mo0oSaHit works...10:11
c0mp13371331337Windows doesn't matter, I'm just looking for a bit of extra media storage on my linux box10:11
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ksivajistdin no i didnt say like that it is there but i cant see when i swich on my pc10:12
Mo0oSaHnot sure about stability, my roommate uses it, but i prefer not to share my linux partition with windowd10:12
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vzduchI had a number of filesystem errors after using it, but that could have been the result of the drive being defective anyway10:12
mimikc0mp: ext3 then i think i used tune2fs to free some more space10:12
ksivajistdin have grub loader in optical disk through which i came here10:12
stdinksivaji: so you booted from a grub disk?10:13
c0mp13371331337mimik: how do you specify ext3 in cfdisk?10:13
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mimikeh... im pretty sure i used gparted10:13
vzduchc0mp13371331337: there is a list10:13
ksivajistdin tell  me  how to boot without using grub disk please10:14
c0mp13371331337vzduch, I see the list, but ext3 isn't on it.10:14
stdinksivaji: try the command " sudo grub-install /dev/hda"10:14
Mo0oSaHc0mp13371331337: ext2?10:14
mimikso... is there an easy way to make Detailed List the default view for your entire system?10:14
ksivajistdin /dev/hdb10:14
Mo0oSaHfor Konqueror?10:14
stdinksivaji: yeah10:15
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mimikmooosah: yes10:15
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vzduchI knew it..  c0mp13371331337: 8310:16
Mo0oSaHmimik: click Settings > save view profile... after you set it to the way you want it to look10:16
stdinmimik: switch to detailed view and go to Settings -> Save View Profile "File Management..."10:16
stdinksivaji: it should be installed now10:16
ksivajistdin can i boot normally10:17
zerooh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:17
stdinksivaji: you should be able to, yes10:17
zeroThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages.10:18
ksivajithank you stdin i will reboot and come10:18
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zerowhy did this happen?10:18
zeroit said something about bad device10:18
stdinzero: you won't know unless you use apt-get10:18
Mo0oSaHzero what were you trying to install?10:18
zeroi did full upgrade10:18
ubotuIf you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors10:19
zeroit was 16710:19
zerosafely ignored?10:19
stdinzero: doesn't matter, see the word "similar" in there10:19
zerook :)10:20
zeroso ok now10:20
zeroi see all apps at adept installer10:20
zerobut i wont be able to install them i think because of the error i got before10:20
stdinyeah, use apt-get10:21
zeroand it will work?10:21
zeroi want to install kdevelop10:21
stdinmaybe, maybe not.10:21
stdinbut you'll see the error10:21
stdinand I think kdevelop is broke in edgy10:21
zeroi use feisty10:22
stdinthen you don't need to worry about edgy10:22
zeroapt-get is downloading kdevelop atm10:24
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ksivajino stdin i cant10:26
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stdinksivaji: hmm, what happens at boot?10:27
zeroit works!!!!!!!!!!10:27
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ksivajiwait i wll type and paste10:27
ksivajistdin 2 min i am eating10:28
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sfireI can't get my ATI video card to work in the correct resolution.  http://pastebin.ca/raw/629420 that is my xorg.conf file.  Can anyone tell me how to get my monitor in 1680x1050 mode10:30
zeroprogramming in kdevelop is not really good10:30
stdinzero: why?10:30
zeroit is too complex10:31
zerowith a text editor it is easier i think10:31
zeroyou program with kdevelop?10:31
zeroi get errors with corrent code10:31
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stdinfor complex programs I use KDevelop10:31
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zerofor not-complex?10:32
stdinfor smaller ones (ones with only or two one source file) i use nano or kate10:32
sfirethe other thing is that I've got 4 gigs of ram and I only see 310:32
sfiredo I have to install a 64 bit version to see all 410:32
sfire(BIOS sees it fine)10:32
zeroand you compile with gcc stdin?10:33
stdinzero: nano is a terminal based editor, type nano in to konsole to see10:33
Mo0oSaHsfire: do you have 64 bit processor?10:33
stdinzero: yeah, well I use g++ directly10:33
stdinzero: I write in C++10:33
Mo0oSaHI don't know if it'll fix all your issues but it will run your system much better.... just a thought10:34
stdinzero: haven't actually learnt C yet10:34
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sfireMo0oSaH: I'll give it a shot10:34
zerohow do the cmd work at nano?10:34
sfireI'm out of other options10:34
Mo0oSaHyour xorg.conf has the 1680x1050 resolution in it10:34
sfireits a Core 2 Duo E670010:34
Mo0oSaHit might be the driver issue10:34
Mo0oSaHsfire: did you change default graphics driver?10:35
stdinzero: the commands ate written at the bottom of nano, eg: ^O = Ctrl+O10:35
zeroi dont know which drivers to get10:35
sfireMo0oSaH: I believe so (I followed the ATI Binary Driver guide)10:35
sfireit worked in 6.06 LTS10:35
zerogforce FX 5200...10:35
codeatnightdoes nano highlight syntax?10:35
stdinsfire: ATI sometimes remove support for some hardware10:36
zeroand how do i save the file?10:36
zeroanyway i have to go now10:36
zerothanks for everything10:36
zeroand bye10:36
stdinzero: no, but that's why I use it for simple apps.10:36
stdinzero: ctrl+o to save10:36
sfireI'm going to try the 64bit version10:36
sfirewill I still be able to play movies?10:36
ksivajistdin http://pastebin.com/d36b42a1e10:36
sfireI know that wasn't working when 64bit first came out (along with a ton of other stuff)10:37
Mo0oSaHI don't have 64 bit so can't help you there...10:37
stdinksivaji: your "root" is set wrong in grubs menu.lst. hd0,6 = hdb710:38
ksivajistdin i cant understand10:38
ksivajinow what i am suppose to  do correct it10:38
pagstdin, isn't hdb hd1  ?10:38
stdinksivaji: look near the top, under " booting 'redhat linux 2.4.20' "10:39
stdinpag: depends on the devices.map10:39
Mo0oSaHit's hibernation time... night all10:39
Mo0oSaHgoodluck sfire10:39
ksivajistdin root hd0,610:39
stdinksivaji: it's trying to load the kernel from hdb6, the FAT32 partition10:39
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stdingrub starts numbering from 0, so the 1st partition is 010:40
ksivajiksivaji stdin hd6 is linux part10:40
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ksivaji /dev/hdb6            3090        4864    14257656   83  Linux10:40
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stdinksivaji: yes, but hd0,6 isn't hda610:40
ksivajiok ok10:41
ksivajihow to change this10:41
ksivajiso i cant boot normally is it ?10:41
ksivajistdin :10:42
stdinyou'll need to edit the menu.lst file10:42
ksivajistdin ok i will paste that file10:42
ksivajiyou mean /boot/grub/menu.lst10:42
ksivajistdin http://pastebin.com/d7876dfc10:43
stdinksivaji: i don't think it's using that one, do you have another linux installed too?10:45
ksivajistdin no10:45
stdinwhere did 'redhat linux 2.4.20' come from then10:45
ksivajii had long back10:46
ksivajibefore one year10:46
stdinwhat's on hdb6 and hdb8?10:46
ksivajihdb6 is just a linux partition and hdb8 is having grub10:47
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ksivajihdb3 is root partition10:48
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:48
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ksivajistdin no other way ?10:49
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stdinksivaji: you may need to set hdb3 to be "bootable"10:50
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stdinksivaji: with "sudo fdisk /dev/hda" press "a" then choose the 3rd partition10:51
ksivaji /dev/hdb10:51
stdinheh, yeah10:51
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stdinas grub seems to want to boot only from hdb810:51
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stdinksivaji: yeah, press "a" then choose the 3rd partition10:54
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ksivajiPartition number (1-9):10:54
ksivajiCommand (m for help): a10:55
ksivajiPartition number (1-9): 310:55
ksivajiCommand (m for help):10:55
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stdinksivaji: then press w10:55
stdinthat should be it10:56
ksivajiRe-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.10:56
stdinis it mounted?10:56
stdinyou need to unmount it first10:56
ksivaji /hdb3 is root partition10:57
stdinit's best to do that from a live CD10:57
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ksivajii  rebooted my system more than 20 times will it affect my system10:58
dhq well i have a router with eth0 wlan ppp0 . ppp0 is the main internet.....what i need now is to route ppp0 to wlan010:58
dhq and wlan should be the gateway for eth0 can anyone help me out10:58
stdinksivaji: no10:58
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KjellvizIve got a Dell XPS M1710 (laptop) running Kubuntu, Im trying to get rid of system beeps (like the errorbeep you get when you hit backspace in terminal and theres nothing to delete), even though ive got a headset connected, its beeping in the internal speakers (like a pc-speaker). How ca i get rid of this annoyance ?10:59
ksivajistdin ho ho i dont have live c10:59
stdinksivaji: you really need one, or need to be booted in to another disk to do it11:00
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ksivajiok tell what to do i will get a cd from my friend and try later11:01
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stdinksivaji: just boot from the CD and do the same steps11:01
stdinksivaji: "sudo fdisk /dev/hdb" then "a" then "3" then "w"11:02
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ksivajistdin thanks a lot11:02
ksivajistdin thanks a lot11:03
ksivajistdin thanks a lot11:03
stdinno problem11:03
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ksivajii didnt mount /dev/hdb8 which contain grub then how i am able to open /boot/grub/menu.lst11:05
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pagKjellviz, in konsole, right?11:09
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Kjellvizthink so11:09
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Kjellvizits named terminal in menus11:10
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pagKjellviz, right click somewhere in konsole: settings -> bell -> none11:10
Kjellvizno its actually Gnome Terminal11:10
Kjellvizahhh its gone!11:10
Kjellvizthanks a million!!!!11:11
Kjellvizit was waking up my daughter ><11:11
pagnp :)11:11
Kjellvizdoes any terminal support ctrl+v for pasting ?11:11
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pagKjellviz, ctrl+shift+v might work... ors just get used to ctrl+insert  or middleclick11:12
Kjellvizdunno if middleclick works on my MX Revolution though11:13
Kjellvizand insert is VERY off on my funky wireless keyboard ^^11:13
Kjellvizotherwise id be fine with that combo11:13
pagiirc ctrl+v is reserved for system commands, so there's no (easy?) way to make it work11:13
Kjellvizctr-shift-v works in gnome terminal, but not in console11:14
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ksivajitell me any web page designing tool11:22
jussi01quanta plus11:23
jussi01!info quanta11:23
ubotuquanta: web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2382 kB, installed size 5728 kB11:23
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dxdtKaffeine just shows me a black screen when I try to play a video file.  I can't think of what codec I could be missing.  I've tried installing like every one there is.  Ideas?11:24
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jussi01dxdt: what type of video?11:25
jussi01have you looked at the restricted formats page?11:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:26
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dxdtyeah as far as I know I've installed everything.  I'll double check.  I've already done several long aptitude install this and that lines.  I have dvd support even working hrmm11:27
dxdtmaybe I just missed something11:27
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jussi01dxdt: maybe11:28
dxdtno go11:28
jussi01dxdt: are you running compiz/beryl?11:29
jussi01hmmm, weird, do any other media players work?11:30
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jussi01dxdt: ie. mplayer/vlc11:30
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dxdtyes vlc does11:31
jussi01dxdt: sounds like kaffeines problem then. try: sudo apt-get install kaffeine --reinstall11:32
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ksivajiyes vlc is best i dont like kaffeine11:33
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dxdtreinstall didnt help11:36
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Lynourereinstall does not wipe your configurations, have you tried moving them and trying afresh?11:36
vzduchdayum..  I'm trying to config TeXLive, currently running texconfig.. at one point it opens a config file in a Vi-like editor.. can someone tell me how to exit that?11:37
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Lynouredxdt: and what type of video file you get that with?11:37
dxdtxvi avi file11:37
nodesert_when i log in kubuntu,i heard a sound which shows i successfully loged in how can i change this sound?11:38
rjbdang, why is java off by default in konqueror??11:38
rjbit took me about half an hour of headscratching before i found the 'java' toggle under Tools..11:38
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pagnodesert_, kcontrol -> Sound & Multimedia -> System Notifications -> KDE System Notifications -> KDE is starting up11:40
mimikhave you tried updating the xine engine?11:40
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weijie902nodesert_: go to the kde menu11:42
weijie902nodesert_: go to "system settings"11:42
weijie902sound system11:42
weijie902system settings->notificaitons11:42
nodesert_i got it11:42
weijie902turn off all sounds11:42
weijie902didn't see what pag said11:43
nodesert_i changed KDE is starting up notification11:43
nodesert_i love linux and linux users :D11:43
dxdtany other ideas?11:44
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse11:45
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N_S_K_Ygood morning tot you all !!11:48
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ttanhi! someone can help me with a wireless pci card?12:02
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djdarkman_is the kde4 alpha desktop installable for feisty?12:08
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pagdjdarkman_, alpha1 is12:08
djdarkman_can it live next to kde3?12:09
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pagdjdarkman_, at least it's the only one that has it's own release announcement, I don't know if packages have been updated since then12:09
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pagdjdarkman_, it might cause minor problems, but it should be easily repairable iirc.12:10
djdarkman_hmmm than I`ll wait12:10
djdarkman_I`m working on this computer, I can`t take the risk of loosing time12:11
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ttanthe asus wl-138g v2 works fine on kub 7.04?12:18
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ice9man Danzig is the freakin' man12:21
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joshjoshice9: At least with the Misfits he was12:23
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ice9what?! You didn't like him solo?!12:25
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omega_hy to all12:27
pag!hi | omega_12:27
ubotuomega_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!12:27
ksivajiplease someone help me my grub loader trying to boot fat file system and return error12:27
omega_how can i get and install verlihub12:27
ksivajipag :12:27
pagksivaji, pastebin your menu.lst  output of the sudo fdisk -l  would be nice too12:28
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ice9weddep all12:30
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ksivajipag http://pastebin.com/d1a9f462d12:34
ksivajiwhy there is a * in line 185 and 18912:35
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pagksivaji, those partitions are marked as bootable12:35
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ksivajipag i have grub loader in /dev/hdb812:36
pagroot hd0,6   ksivaji, make that hd0,5 if hdb6 is the one with RH12:36
ksivajipag i cant understand rephrase it please12:37
pagksivaji, yeah sorry, I said pretty unclear: in RH boot-option it's told to boot from hd0,6 which is the FAT hdb6 is hd0,5 in Grub's 'language'12:38
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ksivajiso what i am suppose to change now12:41
wimpiesWho can I make conqueror start one command with as argument all files I have selected instead of multiple commands one for each file I selected12:41
pagksivaji, Somehow I can't even find RH as a boot option in the grub, so I can't change it for you... you should replace hd0,6 to hd0,5 somewhere there12:43
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ksivajipag hd0,6 to hd0,5 or hd0,6 to hd212:44
paghd0,6 to hd0,512:45
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ksivajipag i dont fine hd0,6 or hd0,512:52
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pagksivaji, hmm? where are you trying to boot to, when you experience the error you pasted?12:53
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ksivajipag i can boot linux or window normally i am using grub disk to boot12:55
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pagksivaji, now you got me all confused :S  could you please rephrase what is the problem, and under which circumstances it appears?12:56
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ksivajiwhen i boot my system grub loader stored on hd tries to mount fat file system and return error12:58
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ksivajiwhen i boot my system using  grub loader stored on optical disk it works12:58
ksivajipag today i reinstalled windows12:59
ksivajiafter that i get this error12:59
simon_does anybody know, why alsa does not find my usb soundcard after remove and currently add the usb stick to the slot?12:59
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simon_lsusb lists the usb sound card and the sound card works fine, but only if i connect it while or before booting linux01:00
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pagksivaji, :S I can't figure out what might cause the problem... if I were you I'd probably try to reinstall grub from the grub disk01:01
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southafrikansehello. I've just installed Kubuntu but I have no sound01:02
pagsouthafrikanse, have you unmuted the mixer?01:03
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southafrikansepag: Yes01:03
paghmm.. maybe then:01:04
pag!sound | southafrikanse01:04
ubotusouthafrikanse: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:04
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KartiHi all, once I have amended the /etc/fstab can someone tell me the command to activate it again (refresh the list etc) cheers01:06
pagKarti, unmount the partition you've edited and do: sudo mount -a01:07
Kartipag: many thanks01:07
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NLJazzdoes any of you guys ever get response in #compiz-fusion?01:09
simon_does anybody know, why alsa does not find my usb soundcard after remove and currently add the usb stick to the slot?01:10
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DjDarkmanhello, why does adep_notifier`s systray goes buggy when I start Compiz?01:11
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NLJazzDjDarkman: i have the same "problem"01:12
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NLJazzand i dont know:P01:12
DjDarkmanIt must be an adept_notifier problem, cause all other systay`s are working nicely in compiz...01:12
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NLJazzDjDarkman: true01:12
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Kartipag: If I have a smbfs drive, do I need to install a particular application? I can access them through remote places01:19
pagKarti, sorry, I know nothing about Samba.01:20
Kartino probs I will open it all ;)01:20
KartiHi all, If I have a smbfs drive, do I need to install a particular application? I can access them through remote places cheers01:20
southafrikanse"echo options snd-hda-intel model-lg | sudo teoa /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base". Doesn't recognize "teoa" what command could it be?01:23
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patrick__i cant check the following rep with kdvsnv http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/pics/oxygen/01:26
patrick__but with subversion works, thats strange :X01:27
patrick__does anybody knows why?01:27
patrick__kdesnv tell me, the rep has moved01:27
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elteseIm trying to install nvidia drivers and beryl on my kubuntu desktop but with no success.. The sources.list wont let me write over it and Im really a noob at linux :) Someone who can help=01:32
southafrikanseI don't have sound. When I press my volume tuner it doesn't go more than 10%01:33
Kartieltese: I will send a website that is quite useful helped me no end01:33
eltesethanks :)01:33
Kartieltese: just cut and paste the promts http://linuxondesktop.blogspot.com/2007/05/13-must-do-things-on-new-ubuntu-704.html01:34
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elteseok :) Thanks :D01:35
Kartiprompts even!01:35
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gulitxheloo people... how can i play with totem an mp3 and when finish to close totem automatically?01:40
gulitxi want do is in console..01:40
gulitxheloo people... how can i play with totem an mp3 and when finish to close totem automatically?01:42
gulitxi want do is in console..01:42
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gulitxanyone has any idea?01:42
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:43
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vistakillerfor ati http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide01:47
Remo_AThere seems to be a bug in ktorrent 2.2: The button "still upload after file completely downloaded" stays effectless, packages are still being uploaded after they were downloaded when button unactivated.01:47
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southafrikanseI'k trying to install a Wallpaper for my desktop but I don't know to which folder it goes :|01:51
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nosrednaekimsouthafrikanse: it doesn't matter what older.01:52
southafrikansenosrednaekim: But I can't find it to select it01:52
nosrednaekimright click on the desktop-> configure desktop-> check "picture" and select the location of your picture01:54
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Dorgendubalyou can just right clic on your image and the choose "Actions -> Set as Background -> ..."01:54
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Remo_Awhere can I ask 1questions about ktorrent?01:54
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rbrunhuberIs it possible to use hotswap on a dell media bay device? Are there any known howtos?02:01
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:06
dr_willisrbrunhuber,  is it a USB bay?/device?02:08
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rbrunhuberdr_willis: afaik it's not but I think if found something: hotswap02:09
nicola_hello everybody02:10
dr_willisId still suggest you rember to UNMOUNT the thing befor removing it. :)02:10
nicola_does anyone know where can I obtain a free svn repository for non-public code?02:10
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rbrunhuberdr_willis: umount is always a good thing (except you want to use the volume :-)).02:15
dr_willisrbrunhuber,  yep. gotta train the wife to use it also. :) she wondered why her pictures were not on her media card the other day02:16
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dr_willisshe'd copy, then pull it out.. and they werent there! :)02:16
dr_willisscared her when i hollered 'dont just pull it out' :)02:17
dr_willis'did i break it?!' :)02:17
dr_willisI think i need to track down a new wireless-N router,  any suggestions? :)02:17
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weijie902dr_willis: i lost an mp3 player due to pulling it out once. luckily the warrenty was in place02:20
weijie902dr_willis: linksys, d-llink02:20
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weijie902go for popular brands02:20
weijie902and read online reviews02:20
weijie902but that's all i can advise02:20
dr_willisYea. Looking at some now. Prices are getting reasonable.02:20
dr_willisI tend to go linksys. since everything else i got is linksys.02:21
weijie902is wireless-n compatible with older devices on abg?02:21
dr_willisHow about wireless n pci cards for a linux box?02:21
weijie902just wondering02:21
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dr_willisI got a older abg router for the older devices. :) i just want wireless to reach the garrage.02:21
weijie902dr_willis: try a wok02:22
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dr_willisalso needing to track down a decent wireless printer for my mom.  shes very space limited.. laptop in the front room. wants the printer in the back.02:22
rbrunhuberweijie902: normally the devices are a,b,g,draft-n or b,g,draft-n. A pure draft-n is not backwards compatible02:22
weijie902dr_willis: http://www.engadget.com/2005/03/22/wifi-wok-and-the-chinese-cookware-2-4ghz-repeaters/02:22
dr_willisI though the N 2.0 stuff finially came out? i saw some reviews02:22
dr_willisweijie902,   yea. Its not a 'distance' thing. its a 'line of site' issue mainly. and Al. Siding on the house.02:23
rbrunhuberdr_willis: could be wrong, I always heared about drafts until now, but I'm not sure02:23
dr_willisrbrunhuber,  let me chgeck the magazine i had. :)02:23
weijie902walls can knock out 10% of signal strength each02:23
dr_willisahh they call it 'draft-n' also.02:24
dr_willisLinksys Wireelss N Home router.  3.5/5 stars02:24
weijie9023.5 seems too low imo02:24
dr_willisonly does 2.4 ghz, not 502:24
dr_willisits the highest rated one in the revies of this mag. :)02:24
dr_willisI need tomake a list of the features i want/need.  in the thing.02:25
dr_willisthey call it 'wireless n draft 2.0' gee.. talk about buzz words02:26
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lord_kalaethjoin #portugal02:27
sfirelinksys makes crappy radios02:27
lord_kalaethups :P02:28
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nosrednaekimsfire: oh yeah? explain the perfect revies for the wrt54G.02:28
nosrednaekimwe have a 54GL and its amazing02:28
danyaguys whats the best mp3 converter ?02:28
sfireI can explain it.. people that don't know a real router :)02:29
dr_willisdanya,  converting to what?02:29
danyawav to mp302:29
nosrednaekimdanya:  LAME02:29
dr_willisI tend to use lame to encode wav to mp302:29
dr_willisor 'grip' to rip cd's to mp302:29
nosrednaekimsfire: lol. you have to pay for those..02:29
sfiredr_willis: you could install dbpoweramp02:29
sfirethats how I do all that kind of encoding.. it works flawlessly with wine02:30
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nosrednaekimits "/quit "....02:30
aldcorhello ...02:31
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aldcori need help...02:32
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:32
dr_willisand hello. :)02:32
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aldcori'm begginer, so question is - i downloaded flash install for LInux and it's  on *.gz format... i need know next step for install02:33
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aldcorp.s. im not really good in english02:33
conceidoes anyone know how to get kdm theme manager working?02:34
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pascutticoncussin: just reinstall it, it will ask what would you like to use (gdm or kdm)02:34
dr_willisaldcor,  you started out the wrong way.02:34
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:35
dr_willisyou do not want to 'download and isntall'it that way.  You want to set up the repositiries and install it with the package manager.02:35
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concussinthis kdm theme manager is saying it needs root access and wants me to push the administrator button02:39
concussinbut there is no button02:39
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:40
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BluesKajHowdy All :)02:43
dr_willisconcussin,  maxamize the window02:44
dr_willisthey tend to get hidden off the bottom of the window/borders02:44
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dreamerok, can someone finally help me? I've been getting this for some time now: sometimes during boot, apperantly another dhcpclient pops up .. trying to renew my ip-adress, F-ing with my network. Here's some more info: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30776/02:51
dreamerit's dhclient3 that's making the trouble02:51
dreamerit doesn't always start on boot though, like once every 5-10 boots perhaps02:51
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dr_williswired network? or wireless?02:55
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aldcorhowto install this one ? http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=22120&forumpage=10&PHPSESSID=cbcf96153c9d53e781925538a1df13e2 (please say it what and where i should write or do smth, not go there look at that etc.) couse i am really newb :/02:56
dreamerI'm on the university network, there's a central dhcp-server somewhere02:56
pagaldcor, sudo apt-get install kdmtheme02:56
dr_willisHmm.. could be its some how timing out/resetting/releasing the dhcp lease.02:57
pagaldcor, put that command in konsole02:57
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aldcorpag: thx...02:57
aldcori new that apt-get and other commands need write in konsole02:58
aldcorim on linux 2 days and some things i allready know... but nothing much02:58
sam1337Does anybody know of a tool where i can select my system software packages and then the tool would tell me how big i need to make my partitions?02:58
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pagsam1337, ~10GB for / and the rest for /home ;)02:59
sam1337pag you forgot /tmp and swap!03:00
sam1337pag im going to install a couple of games like nexuiz and tremulous too btw03:00
pagsam1337, swap depends on your RAM, and /tmp isn't necessary03:00
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sam1337dosent /tmp prevent / from filling up? if im burning a dvd or something03:00
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sam1337pag also i have 1gb of ram and people tell me contrasting sizes to make it03:01
sam1337(the swap)03:01
pagsam1337, I guess it's pretty same, if you make ie. 10GB / AND 4GB /tmp  or just 14GB /03:01
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dr_willisAll righty. found a wirelessN router..  now wondering about what wireless N cards even HAve linux support. :)03:02
sfireis there anyway I can see all 4gb of my ram running 32bit kubuntu03:02
sfireI just got a new machine and bought 4gb of ram.. linux is only using 3gb03:02
pagsam1337, 256MB should be enough for swap, but since you're going to play, I'd use >512MB03:02
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sam1337pag so 1gb of swap should suffice right?03:03
sfirehow much ram do you have sam1337 ?03:03
sam1337sfire 1gb of slow ram03:03
sfireswap should always = amount of ram03:03
pagsam1337, well; I have 1GB swap, but (for me) it's far too much03:03
sfire1gb would be fine03:03
sam1337i have a 200gb hdd so i wont miss 1gb much03:04
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sam1337if im going to make a /tmp partition do i really need as much as 4gb allocated to it?03:04
nosrednaekimwhat program would you use to convert an mp3 back into a wav?03:05
sfireI never make a /tmp03:05
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sfireI make a swap, /, and /home03:05
nosrednaekimso that it can be burnt as an audio cd?03:05
dreamer < dr_willis> Hmm.. could be its some how timing out/resetting/releasing the dhcp lease. << that's what I'm thinking yeah, but the fact is: I don't need _two_ dhclients .. so why is it starting in the first place ..03:05
sam1337sfire your / is 10gb?03:05
sfiresam1337: 603:05
dreamerdr_willis: the ps auk |grep dhc doesn't give me a clue about anything (can't read bash-code :#)03:05
sfireeven 6 is over kill for me03:06
sfireI use about 1/2 of it03:06
KartiHi all ...any reasons why my Konqueror would indicate stalled at the bottom left window when I open my home drive?03:06
dr_willisdreamer,    no idea there.. May want to check the forums. I recall some oddities with the dhc lient stuff in the past. but i always set up static ips now a days.03:06
sam1337sfire ok im going to stick with 10gb though because im going to have a couple of games installed03:06
sam1337sfire i also do dvd burning03:07
dr_willismy main fileserver with OOdles of stuff installed is right at 13 gb of stuff..03:07
dr_willisthatss a lot of data/iso files also03:07
sfiresam1337: dvd burning doesn't use the / partition03:07
sfireunless you tell it to for some goofy reason03:07
dr_willisthe data drive it serves is 500gb at the moment. :)03:07
sam1337sfire dosent it use /tmp?03:07
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sfireit can... I don't let it03:07
sfireI have it use my /home/username/tmp directory03:07
dreamerdr_willis: ah ok, yeah I made a post in networking already03:07
sam1337sfire you use k3b?03:08
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en1gmasup all03:08
sfiresam1337: yes03:08
sam1337sfire so does all temporary files get stored in your /home/username/tmp? and how do you configure it like that?03:08
sfireI just configured k3b to use it03:09
sfiremost things just have tiny temp files03:09
sfireand as far as games you could install them in your user directory03:09
sfirewhich is a option for most if you don't give is super user rights03:10
sfire(at least that I've seen)03:10
sam1337sfire yes i do that but i keep a couple of the games in my repository in my / so i can keep them updated03:10
roald_what are your favorite games?03:10
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en1gmahey all. i have a usb 1gig thumbstick and no cd/dvd-rom drive and i also have 4 drives in a raid0 and 1 spare 13gig ide drive. what is the best way to install kubuntu kde03:10
sam1337tremulous, guild wars, nexuiz, ut200403:10
dr_willisBeen Playing "FreeCol" lately03:11
dr_willisnew version just released last week.03:11
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dr_willisColonization Clone from the old days.03:11
NLJazztremulous? like that:)03:11
sfireen1gma: why no cd/dvd-rom? you can't "borrow" one from another machine03:11
sfireyou only need it for like 30 min03:11
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en1gmanot enough molex on the psu03:11
sam1337NLJazz its a good game but when you dont have the levels it takes hours to download them03:11
sfireen1gma: so unplug another drive03:11
en1gmahas 4 molex and i have 5 hard drives and a vcard that uses it03:12
NLJazzsam1337: yeah well..03:12
nosrednaekimen1gma: maybe a Wubi installation?03:12
NLJazztake that for freedom:P03:12
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en1gmawhats a wubi03:12
aldcorouu... i thort this kdmmanager controls all dekstop and icons... but it changes only login03:12
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nosrednaekimen1gma: it installs linux from within windows03:12
en1gmai was hoping maybe a netinstall i can put on the thumbstick03:12
en1gmaewww thats even better03:12
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en1gmachecking for wubi in kubuntu dload section03:13
sfireen1gma: can you boot off a thumbdrive?03:13
sfirefew computers I've seen support that03:13
NLJazz!wubi | NLJazz03:13
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sam1337sfire so if i put my games in my /home/sam/.gamename and use /home/sam/.tmp for most of my temporary files and do a minimal install and keep my program list to a minimum then i need only a 2gb / ?03:13
en1gmasfire yep03:13
en1gmamotherboard supports it03:13
nosrednaekimen1gma: its not a kubuntu download. Its its own  specil installer.03:13
nosrednaekimgoogle it03:14
en1gmais there a kubuntu net-install maybe03:14
sam1337en1gma i like the sound of that03:14
sfiresam1337: I normally go 5 just to be on the safe side.. but it uses about 3.3 with my installs03:14
sam1337kubuntu would be well cool with the debian installer03:14
sfireso you could go 4 pretty easily03:14
sam1337sfire 4 or 5...... hmmmmm dilema time03:15
sfireif you have it to spair go 503:15
sam1337sfire im planning on doing a base install btw03:15
sam1337sfire using the alternate cd03:16
en1gmagetting that wubi03:16
en1gmalooks nice03:16
dr_willisen1gma,  ICK. :003:16
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sam1337sfire actually it may be a bit too complicated to do that03:16
dr_willisfrom what ive seen people in here asking about wubi.. i will avoide it. :)03:17
sam1337sfire and time consuming is my biggest worry03:17
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en1gmawubi installation size lets you pick from 4-8gigs. isnt there a way to just install kde cd103:19
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en1gmacan i dload the kubuntu kde cd1 and mount it with d-tools03:20
en1gmaand run it in windows03:20
dr_willisAnd it might even work! :)03:20
=== dr_willis goes on websurfing some more.. Hmm Quad Core system,.... that would be a decent linux box :)
sfireme personally I would just unplug a drive and install using a cdrom03:21
sfiredr_willis: I just got a new box03:21
dr_willissfire,  i agree.. in fact thats how i tend to DO my linux installs.03:21
sfireC2D E670003:21
sam1337is kde 4 going to be faster or slower than kde 3.5?03:21
dr_willissfire,  tigerdirect has a quadcore bare bones system for $60003:21
dr_willissam1337,  faster we hope. :)03:21
en1gmaif i unplug 1 drive it will ruin my raid003:21
nosrednaekimsam1337: should be faster.03:21
sfirebetter deals to be had on dells outlet site :)03:21
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dr_willissfire,  given what i hear about dell.. i tend to avoide them03:22
sfireI paid 999 for C2D E6700, 2GB Ram, 500gb sata hard drive03:22
sfireordered 2 more gb of ram and a 150gb raptor from newegg03:22
sam1337sfire 999 of what?03:22
sfireslapped it all together and I have a KICKASS system for less than 1300 :)03:22
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dr_willisfor $1300 you better have a kicking system03:23
sam1337sfire i could get the same thing for less than 30003:23
en1gmaamd is making a new motherboard that has ddr3 soldered to mb and it will operate at 1500 and supposibly is gonna be really fast03:23
gan|y|med is there any way to get dri working with xgl?03:23
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dr_willisen1gma,  asus is doing that also.03:23
en1gmamaybe thats what i read03:23
daaviswhat i should do if i want that my linux looks like that? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/K+Menu+Gnome+(Fedora+Core+Package)?content=39290 (i meen what i should do with this  rpm file?03:23
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dr_willisen1gma,  to be out in a few months i think. (next month perhaps)03:23
en1gmayea you correct its asus03:23
sam1337gan[y] ymed why not just use aiglx instead?03:23
dr_willisen1gma,  not sure how much $$$ it will cost however03:24
en1gmaprob alot03:24
daaviswhat i should do if i want that my linux looks like that? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/K+Menu+Gnome+(Fedora+Core+Package)?content=39290 (i meen what i should do with this  rpm file?03:24
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pagdaavis, that is only a menu extention - no themes / wallpapers included :)03:24
daaviswhere i should search in this site for me?03:24
en1gmathose pics are so small i cant see anything03:24
dr_willisi cant even get to that URL. from xchat.03:25
dr_willisthe () conruses it03:25
en1gmaget konv03:25
pagdaavis, http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/K+Menu+Gnome+(Debian+Package)?content=31031 hereis the same extention for *buntu, if you like03:25
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en1gmai dont see any diff03:26
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en1gmalooks like default kde with a diff background03:27
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en1gmabrb coffee03:28
runleveltenFrom that """Cleaned up the K Menu""". Bye then.03:28
runleveltenIf I had a penny for every amateur attempt to "clean up the K menu". They all just remove installed apps from the menu. Which is broken.03:29
dr_willisall it looks like its doing is tweaking the menu layouts so theres a seperate 'gnome' menu item fwith all the gnome apps in it.03:29
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runleveltenDon't clean it up for people, if they didn't like it they wouldn't use it, if they wanted their apps missing they'd remove them with kmenuedit03:29
=== runlevelten is a grumpy old git :)
en1gmaisnt there a meta installer/uninstaller that uninstall complete packages and removes the apps and shortcuts03:30
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pagen1gma, dpkg (and all it's front-ends) :)03:31
chameleonjacksonhallo ?03:32
en1gmaalmost have the kubuntu kde 7.04 dlaoded. i hope mounting it with d-tools in windows will allow it to install correct03:32
daaviswell...but if i want smth like that http://www1.autistici.org/loa/terminal/themes/LOAtheme.jpg  ? pag wich programm supports that? you know...panel color, icons... all is on theme... how do this?03:32
dr_willisYou set all the parts up individually.03:33
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dr_willisa 'theme' file has the settings for the various parts. If you got the parts installed.03:33
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chameleonjackson test03:33
en1gmai have a x1950 pro and was reading this page "http://linux.wordpress.com/2006/12/14/ati-8325-display-drivers-with-xorg-72-support/" and was wondering if there is a new script for the ati driver for x6403:33
dr_willisie the proper icon set, and widget set, and window decorations03:33
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pagCapaH, it works... next what?03:34
=== dr_willis pulls off chameleonjackson 's tail. :)
en1gmaso i dont get that paravirt error03:34
pagCapaH, sorry, wrong tab-completion :-(03:34
en1gmait will just grow back03:34
daaviswell...but if i want smth like that http://www1.autistici.org/loa/terminal/themes/LOAtheme.jpg  ? pag wich programm supports that? you know...panel color, icons... all is on theme... how do this? please help...03:35
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dr_willisYou set the colors tobe the same, tweak your panel settings, use their Ugly icon theme...03:35
pagdaavis, panel colour can be set by right-clicking the panel. app-colours can be set in system settings etc.03:35
dr_willisthers no 'program' that does it.. Unless they include a THEME file for it.03:35
en1gmahey all for an x1950 pro pci-e vcard what is the latest script that will install the ati prop driver with kubuntu 7.04 amd6403:35
dr_willisand that theme file then sets the other 'settings'03:35
en1gmaand hopefully no paravirt error03:36
dr_willisthat LOAtheme - is one of the uglier themes ive seen lately. :)03:36
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en1gmashiat i mounted the cd from within windows and i dont see any installer03:39
pagen1gma, you try to install an OS from within another OS? :P03:40
dr_willisen1gma,  thats what wubi is i thoight . the installer.03:40
en1gmai thought i did it with the kubuntu cd before03:40
dr_willistheres no 'setup.exe' on the cd :) well there maybe for the windows tools03:40
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ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html03:41
en1gmadr_willis it only wants to let me select i386 and also 4-8 gig install03:41
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dr_willisTHe extent of my Wubiknowledge is from that factouid.,. and the fact i see perhaps a dozen people in here a week with problems with it. ;)03:41
en1gmaso it dont work correct?03:42
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runleveltenIt's just the sort of thing that it seems like common sense to forego, if you don't mind me saying so.03:42
runleveltenKind of like doing in-place upgrades on SuSE or windows servers, heh.03:42
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dr_willisit sets up a 'disk file' on the windows disks.. it does NOT isntall to a 'partition'03:43
dr_willisit then makes a special boot entry in the windows stuff to boot from that file somehow.03:43
en1gmaoh no03:44
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en1gmai want this seperate ide hd to have a full install03:44
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en1gmawell not full but kde anyway03:44
dr_willisThen you are wasteing your time.. and should of read the wubi docs first. :)03:44
runleveltendr_willis: Indeed. Ugh.03:44
dr_willisit CANT do it that way03:44
en1gmawell thats cool03:44
en1gmaill keep looking03:45
dr_willisCan I use my free hard disk space and install Ubuntu there? -- Not at the moment, but the feature is in the pipeline03:45
en1gmai prob gonna need a netinstall03:45
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nonexif you want ubuntu and kde, you should install kubuntu dont  U think?03:45
runleveltenWhy can't you boot and install if you have free space>03:46
=== runlevelten probably missed you saying why :)
en1gmai dont have a cd/dvd-rom03:46
en1gmanot enough molex connectors03:46
runleveltenand nothing which could be unplugged for the install?03:47
runleveltenthen plugged in again - ie I'll usually unplug an HD I'm not installing to if I come across that03:48
en1gmaif i unplug 1 of the 4 drives in the raid0 it will destroy the raid003:48
en1gmai cant believe there is no net-install for kubuntu03:48
dr_willisI always install ubuntu, then install kubuntu-desktop03:48
dr_willisI dont mess with raids any more :) toomuch hassle.03:49
runleveltenen1gma: there is, isn't there?03:49
dr_willisno power-splitters eh?03:49
=== runlevelten hasn't done a net install in a looooooooooong time.
en1gmai have splitters already connected for the extra ide drive and the vcard03:50
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en1gmarunning 6 devices on 2 cables that normally have 4 connectors03:51
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en1gmacd/dvd-rom would make 703:51
en1gmathe psu kicks off when i try that...03:51
en1gmai have tried it :)03:51
dr_willisyour PS only has 2   conectors.. ick03:52
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runleveltenIf you can't netinstall feisty, I will fall off my chair, tbh.03:52
dr_willisget a PS from a spare machine.. set it outside the case... :)03:52
en1gmait was my sons...i gave him my good system03:52
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en1gmadr_willis i was thinking bout doing that...i have another comp in other room03:52
en1gmabut dang03:52
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=== runlevelten coughs
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dr_willisheh - it has to be an OLD powersupply, or it wont power up - unless conencted to somthing03:54
dr_willisor jumpered out some how03:54
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en1gmaomg thats right03:54
en1gmaits like the green wire or something03:54
en1gmapaper clip :)03:54
dr_willisi forget.  wrong place = boom03:54
en1gmai know...i forget too03:55
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dr_willisit MIGHT be time to be getting a bigger PS for that box. :)03:55
en1gmai think its green to black but i really forget AND all those wires on the psu connector are not always the same correct color so i would have to find the actually pinout03:55
dr_williswell i am off to the store. byeee03:55
en1gmaok man thanks03:55
runleveltenen1gma: have you tried instlux?03:56
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en1gmanot yet03:57
en1gmawhats that03:57
en1gmai just googled it03:58
runleveltenit fetches the pxe (ie http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/386/) and does your business03:58
runleveltencaveat: I can't vouch for how well it works. I'd install what you know is supported by it and upgrade03:59
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=== runlevelten doesn't use windows
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en1gma instluxCDROMUbuntu6_06english.exe dont look like there is a 7.0404:00
runleveltenthat's what I was thinking, install that and then upgrade04:00
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en1gma instluxNETUbuntu6_06english.exe also is not 7.0404:01
en1gmathat might work04:01
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iarwain_hiya, anyone know why my laptop's hd stops spinning every now and then? I'm watching a movie from my hd, and it pauses every now and then..04:03
en1gmathat instlinux thing i think just made a bootloader in my raid0 and wants me to reboot04:03
runleveltenI still don't get why you can't net install though04:03
en1gmai want to net install04:04
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en1gmabrb this thing wants me to reboot04:06
en1gmahope it didnt screw my raid0 partition up04:06
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mapsterI have some issues with the installation of kubuntu 7.04... right at the end it asks to remove the DVD from the drive and hit "Enter" and at that point it stops dead, could that be causing other issues that i am having, when i reset the machine it appears to start fine.04:09
elite101ahhh kubuntu 7.04 is in dvd formatt xD04:10
runleveltensounds like a no acpi install mapster04:10
Dragnslcrmapster- I think at that point all that's left is to reboot anyway, so it should be fine04:10
mapstercan u expand that...  =)04:11
runleveltenscreen goes black, but the machine doesn't turn off yeah?04:11
mapsterno, it just sit there, same screen..  stating to hit enter when the DVD is removed..04:11
runleveltenenter just restarts the machine - use the power button :)04:12
mapsterthat is what i have done, (several time) as i am having a few other issues.. so i was not sure..04:12
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runleveltenwhat other issues?04:13
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mapsterlol, ok, forgive me a i am new to linux..04:13
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mapsterbut i have been trying to boot into a command line root..  right so i assumed that is selected form the left white square on boot (next to username and password..)04:14
mapster"console login" right?04:14
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Phello does someone knows how to checkout the Oxygen Icons reponsitys?04:15
runleveltenYou want to be thrown out to a non-graphical environment, or you want to go from boot to a non-graphical environment, or you just want to run a root shell?04:15
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runleveltento switch to a non-graphical shell from the windowing server, you can press ctrl+alt+f1, and ctrl+alt+f7 to switch back04:16
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mapsterinstall vid driver from root.. command line04:16
P??? i just want the icons. i dont know the SVN link =)04:16
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runleveltenthen you want to press ctrl-alt-f1, login and do init 304:17
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runleveltenthen install your driver :)04:17
runleveltenbut hang on, what driver is it?04:17
pagP, iirc Oxygen icons do no longer work on kde304:17
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runleveltenDo you have an nvidia/ati card? If so, run restricted-manager04:18
runleveltenfrom your desktop envrionment04:18
pagP, http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/pics/oxygen/ <- here's the link to svn04:18
Prealy? i loaded a package some month befor via SVN and it worked good04:18
mapsterit's a video driver, nvidia.. issue??04:19
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pagP, a quote from Ubuntuforums.org: "One big problem: the icon names used are incompatible with KDE 3.5. The Oxygen icons in KDE Trunk are following the FreeDesktop.org standards, which is not 100% compatible with the current naming scheme used on KDE 3.5.x."04:20
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mapster@ runlevelten why restricted-manager?04:21
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runleveltenSorry, I'm making an assumption there. Normally these days when people want to init 3 and install gpu drivers it's because they're installing proprietary drivers04:22
runleveltenIs that what you're doing?04:22
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mapsterwell i have download the nvidia driver and i am trying to install them..04:23
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SimonSayshi. i've installed ubuntu 7.04 for the first time and am having problems with my wireless device04:26
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SimonSaysany advice from anyone who know how to get an interl wireless pro card to work?04:26
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SimonSaysi was told that this is the right place for support. corect?04:28
K-RyanAnyone know how I can find what processes are using sound so I can terminate them?04:28
runleveltenmapster: run restricted-manager04:29
runleveltenthat will do it automatically, ellegedly :)04:29
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pag!wireless | SimonSays04:29
ubotuSimonSays: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:30
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mapsternp, "restricted-manager" @ command line?04:30
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runlevelten*allegedly also, heh04:30
runleveltensudo restricted manager04:31
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SimonSaysthe docs at that link doesnt work - thats why i came here in recomenadtion of those docs04:31
mapsterkewl, i can do that without having to go into the commandline from boot right?04:32
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mapsterthanks..  =)04:32
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viniciusit seeme my kubuntu isn't recognizing the atx power managment, because when I shutdown the system, it does not turn of the machine automatically... anyone knows what can be this (i installed, so got the kubuntu)...04:34
vinicius*i installed ubuntu, so got the ubuntu04:34
vinicius*ubuntu --> kubuntu04:34
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K-RyanYou mean you have Ubuntu, and installed KDE?04:35
viniciusK-Ryan: yes04:35
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viniciusK-Ryan: installed 'kubuntu-desktop'04:36
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K-RyanDidn't have that problem before installing KDE?04:36
K-RyanDid you install anything else along with it?04:36
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viniciusK-Ryan: no...04:36
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viniciusK-Ryan: no04:36
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K-RyanThen I don't have a clue04:36
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viniciusK-Ryan: thanks!04:36
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K-RyanStick around, I'm sure someone can help.04:37
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Kjellvizhi there, my Amarok aint behaving to good, it starts fine but when i add a song to playlist it becomes greyed out and hangs04:38
K-RyanKjellviz: If I'm not mistaken there is an #amarok channel where you'd be able to get the best help, but feel free to ask here as well.04:39
Kjellvizok ill try there, just thougth this was the place since it came bundled with the OS ><04:40
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K-RyanKjellviz: Yeah you can ask here too, it's just I can guarantee you'll figure it out faster there04:41
K-RyanWell, almost guarantee04:41
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Kjellvizheh im trying there too =)04:41
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K-RyanThat's good, good luck with it04:42
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teufelwenn ich mit Smb4k ein verzeichnis einhngen will bekomm ich folgende fehler meldung04:44
teufelsmbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000)04:44
teufelsmbmnt failed: 104:44
teufeljemand nen tipp?04:45
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:47
elite101how do install the the packages i downloaded using adept like the universe and multiuniverse after i "fetch updates"04:48
K-RyanNp ;)04:48
HayaBusajust click on install after you fetched them04:48
elite101lol love that bike!!!04:49
elite101Suzuki hayabusa 1300R!!04:49
elite101thanx thou04:49
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HayaBusame too, but damn our government increasing the plate so i had to sell it before was too late04:49
HayaBusamight get a crouser that i saw , yamaha . custom04:50
elite101ahh u had one that sucks man04:50
elite101big bike thou04:50
HayaBusa300 $ a year plate .. now is going up to 2000$ a year plate for fast motorcycle ..04:51
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elite101i have alot of unistalled packages even after a re-install on kubuntu to i install them all in adept?04:52
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HayaBusaim not linux expert , but you can install packages in adapt,. thats what i do wheni need something .04:52
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elite101yeah but there are some i dont need? like say linux synthesizer? or a computer gui thing? do i need to install thoes or the thing that i need?04:53
K-RyanAdept, Synaptic, or straight in the terminal04:53
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elite101im not downloading any specific program just wanna update and turn on multi and universe packets then after i can get java and flashplayer to work for youtube04:54
Kjellvizhow can i kill a hanging application ?04:54
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KrAmMeRdoes anyone know how to add a second cd/dvd drive in virtualbox?04:55
K-RyanKjellviz: ctrl+alt+esc04:55
elite101hey they have an iso mounter on kubuntu? sweet lol04:55
K-RyanThen click the program04:55
KjellvizK-Ryan: thanks 0)04:55
K-RyanNo problem04:55
elite101what packets do i need to install java jre6?04:56
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HayaBusamy problme with this new kubuntu is that i can not install driver for my graphic card. :(04:56
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.04:56
K-Ryanelite101: sun-java6-jre04:56
elite101im starting to learn more about kubuntu now its making more and more sense04:57
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elite101i never touched a windows pc in 3 weeks!!!04:57
sfirewow... 3 whole weeks04:57
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HayaBusai daul boot .. some program i need are on xp ..04:57
elite101i know04:58
sfireHayaBusa: tried wine?04:58
elite101but for now i wanna learn and if windows gets in the way it will be frusturating04:58
HayaBusano.. but i looked at DB and my program is not listed.04:58
maxwelIs that it?04:58
elite101Wine is good but some programs wont work to good!04:58
sfireI've had really good luck04:58
sfire(so far)04:58
sfireTorrent is flawless :)04:59
HayaBusathere is a program i might try , i think is called win4lin , it suppose to runn all windows program with native speed on linux04:59
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HayaBusaIntell has invested lot of mony in VMWEAR my guess is to boost linux or something04:59
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elite101after i install all these programs and packets do i need to restart my pc to make them work after?05:00
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HayaBusano not really05:00
HayaBusathats a beautiy of linux i guess05:00
runleveltenwin4lin isn't very good - if you want non-3d compatibility you're better off with vmware05:00
ubuntuHey there folks05:00
BluesKajwin4lin runs windows 95-98, not XP, AFAIK05:00
runleveltena lot better than win4lin and there are free versiona available05:00
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HayaBusait will run 2000 and xp as per thier website05:01
elite101yes i know how to download updates and stuff lol i am so happy!!05:01
runleveltenwtg elite101 :)05:01
elite101better than me asking everyone to do stuff for me!!05:01
elite101i can do it on my own lol05:01
ubuntuI got a couple questions. Is anyone using the Kubuntu Gutsy tribe 3?05:01
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pag!gutsy | ubuntu05:02
ubotuubuntu: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+105:02
runleveltenFinding your way with new stuff - I love that feeling so much :D05:02
elite101how many linux distros are there?05:02
runleveltenSo cool.05:02
runleveltenelite101: NAN05:02
elite101whats nan?05:02
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K-Ryannot available now05:02
runleveltennot a number, heh. Too many to count really.05:02
ubuntuElite, there are several distros mixed for x86, x64, Mac, etc..05:02
elite101there is alot of kubutu's thou05:02
K-RyanOr what runlevelten said...05:03
K-RyanThere's one Kubuntu, one Ubuntu, etc.05:03
elite101mac?? thats pretty cool?05:03
K-RyanThe group of them is called *buntu05:03
runleveltenOf course.05:03
elite101i mean versions of ubuntu05:03
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HayaBusai love MAC GUI ..05:03
elite101like some have KDE and Edgy05:03
HayaBusawish new how to turn my kubuntu to look like mac05:03
elite101what is the diff?05:03
runleveltenIt's Free open source software, if it's got the juice to run it, and if it meets certain really basic req's, you can port to it :)05:03
elite101a better gui?05:04
elite101i heard of linux on a router ppl run on linksys wrtg45?05:04
HayaBusanot better , but i like the way it is .05:04
runleveltenHayaBusa: I use OS-L icons, and have the app menu like OS X (set in desktop behaviour in kcontrol)05:04
ubuntuElite there are several spring offs for ubuntu. The beauty of Linux is that it can be nearly fully customized to fit any particular need or fancy..05:04
runleveltenalso you can use Apple keybindings in KDE05:04
elite101so u can make yout kubuntu feel like a mac osx or windows but it wont be thats pretty cool!!05:04
runleveltenI don't run the dock anywhere, but there are apps that supposedly do that too05:04
HayaBusai new to linux , this type of modification for is out of question.. due to the fact that i crashed my linux humm few times . heheheh05:05
elite101i wanna get a fake vista theme with the tranparent class effect on all the windows05:05
runleveltenMine *looks a tiny bit* like OS X, and the menus work like it, but the OS itself is a lot better and more robust and more powerful than OS X05:05
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SimonSaysi find this form to be crap and ubuntu not very user friendly. i say this with over 18yrs of Microsoft operating systems experience. no wonder no other OS has yet been able to rival Bill's vision of usability05:05
ubuntuI have Kubuntu on this computer, my studio uses 64Studio, I have Ubuntu Ultimate on my notebook.05:06
HayaBusayou forgot about VISTA.. no one moving to it05:06
runleveltenIt's fine if you're not a dummy, basically.05:06
runleveltenHayaBusa: All of that can be done with your mouse05:06
HayaBusaeven Dell started to offer Kubuntu ..05:06
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runleveltenthe modification etc.05:06
HayaBusathanks. runlevel..05:07
ubuntuSimon, keep your eyes open, people are starting to look more at linux.05:07
elite101kubuntu can rescue broken systems althou i did have problems mounting a NTFS partition'd harddrive05:07
HayaBusafor now i have to figure on how to install my graphic cards driver..05:07
runleveltenInstall OS-L and mac sounds, use mac menus, install baghira and use it, install kxdocker and beryl and use them05:07
runleveltenall with a mouse in kcontrol, synaptic and a browser :)05:07
ubuntuPeople are tired of paying $200 for a basic OS and $400 for a complete OS..05:07
SimonSayshopefully next time a rival is more worthy05:07
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HayaBusalol. micorosft spy05:08
runleveltenExcuse me. Sorry.05:08
elite101so can i search up something in adept eg and program name and it will show me the packets to download and install it?05:08
gambixhi to all :)05:08
ubuntuSome folks are just scared of change (and a little terminal)05:08
runleveltenhi gambix :)05:08
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HayaBusavista is been the best thing ever happend to any other OS out there. seems no one really bothering with that crapy OS anyways.05:08
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gambixis there someone that success on running compiz-fusion without windows-decorator problems ?05:09
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runleveltenI'm a programmer and sysadmin, I'm amazed anyone thinks that other software can match up against GNU/Linux.05:09
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ubuntuI have a dual boot, vista and Kubuntu (Loading Gutsy right now) And all being honest, I like the linux distros better.05:09
runleveltenThe game involves GNU/Linux. the big BSDs and possibly Solaris. Windows is not a contender for anything but washing the glasses after the party.05:10
ubuntuThe only reason I keep windows on is that there are still a couple programs I use that require windows. But I am seeing many more linux apps emerging here lately..05:10
gambixubuntu: true, this week end i've swapped 10 computers on linux kubuntu :)05:11
runleveltenBut I'm biased towards server apps to be fair.05:11
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elite101wow adept is installing alot of updates even some saying Python??05:11
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HayaBusaeveryone that i know , including me , running window , they have to have tons of security software on thier system , you never endup using your computers full power due to the fact of those program running in the background to protect your pc.. with linux i have no problmes like that05:11
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BluesKajthe PC mags are lining up with Bill gates pushing his latest offering like mad ...it's rather sickening cuz , half the hardware programs ppl had running xp won't run on vista, so that fact keeps the mags in business with lots of articles on on to fix the probs .05:11
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K-Ryanelite101: Yep05:11
runleveltenelite101:  good stuff05:11
elite101yes i know what u mean05:11
elite101avg,sygate,ad-ware se05:11
elite101ohh a windows defender05:11
BluesKajon how to fix the probs05:11
elite101firewall all the way up05:11
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elite101just to boot windows takes 5mins before i can acutally do something05:12
HayaBusabilly has lots of money , and everyone else got price ..:) ..05:12
gambixon linux the securities systems are included on the kernel for a great part05:12
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gambixhave you already the windows menu ?05:12
gambixsartmenu ?05:12
elite101linux takes awhile since it mount's hdd and drivers and such but atleats it goes way faster05:12
runleveltenHayaBusa: exactly, for all the ease of use and the quick install of windows, I don't find myself installing extra software and drivers from disc/internet for 2 hours after installing ubuntu05:12
HayaBusaim talking about viruse, adwear, trojans and stuff.05:12
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Biovorewell linux security is based mostly on the fact you don't use the computer as the super user (Administrator)05:13
runleveltenHayaBusa: and I don't find myself needing an extra core to run the AV, anti-spyware/whatever else, which all amounts to bailing out a boat with a hole in.05:13
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ubuntuThe only complaint I have had so far running linux on this computer is that my computer being an amd64 doesn't like loading 32 bit linux. And there are limits still in 64 bit linux.05:13
HayaBusalol, is true ..05:13
elite101yeah you have to have a anti-virus once u step foot on the internet they attack your pc with spyware u need a condom for your windows pc05:13
ubuntuBut I am sticking with it. I have faith in the little penguin that could..05:13
Biovoreubuntu: there limits on 64bit windows as well05:13
HayaBusaihave 64 bit AMD and im running 32 bit linux with no problme what so ever.05:14
elite101whats the diff between 64bit isnt that better i am assuming u mean like viewing and graphics05:14
runleveltenI believe in the best tool for the job. At the moment, that means run windows when you play oblivion. With the network card disabled.05:14
ubuntuBiovore, I agree. However, windows 32 has no problems loading on a 64 processor..05:14
elite101whats the diff?05:15
Biovorenot much05:15
runleveltenFor most purposes not much05:15
HayaBusawindows is going down . and they know it .. look at thier DOT NET .. no one porting into DOT NET as well .05:15
elite101but why are they diffrent i am meaning in graphics like 32bitt if thats what u mena?05:15
runleveltenvideo encoding and some other stuff will be noticeably faster using 64 bit builds05:15
Biovore64 you might occasionly save a on cpu cycle when multipliing or adding large numbers..05:15
ubuntuelite, 64 bit systems can load larger packages at a time, in essence, it runs more efficiently than 32 bit..05:15
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runleveltenmostly you find things about the same for desktop use05:15
elite101i always wondered why they had them diffrent 32 and 64bitt05:16
gambixi use linux for the simplicity of use, it's more simple than windows... thanks to the ubuntu forums too :), ... kde simplify the use too05:16
runleveltenfor lots of non-desktop computing stuff 64 bit platforms are very handy.05:16
elite101so u can run 32 bit software on 64bit prossecor and it should be okay05:16
HayaBusai been using photoshop for some times, but i just started to GIMP and it seems pretty good ..05:16
BiovoreHayaBusa: gimp works better if you got a drawing tablet.05:17
ubuntuElite, in the near future, the 32 bit OS will disappear. 64 is more efficient, and now you can't buy a pc that isn't amd 64 or Intel em64t05:17
HayaBusaone of the reason im running 32 bit on 64 is that there is no flash player for 64 bit . on nighter platform as far as i can tell05:17
runleveltenHayaBusa: Set your layers/tool palette/etc to always on top, and put them in the same places they are in photoshop05:17
elite101lol i love when ppl get mad when they are gamming they blame the hardware for the stupid ness. lol my moms boyfriend is playing ra2 and he smahing his mouse05:17
CPrompt^hi all.  There was a post on a forum (I think it was Linux Questions but not sure) where someone posted directions on how to set up 2 hard drives to dual boot windows and linux.  Anyone know where that might be?05:17
runleveltenYou'll probably find it a bit faster to use/explore the interface05:17
runleveltenAlso, I tend to put gimp on its own desktop for intensive work05:18
ubuntuHaya, I have to use ndswrapper for flash and java05:18
HayaBusai got tablet , but have to figure how to install stuff like that , I am taking one baby step at the time with linux :) ..05:18
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elite101what is cheaper a ps3? or a new pc gamming pc?05:18
runleveltenthe second, although you can always find someone to charge you too much for a pc05:18
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Biovoreyou install linux on a PS3 as well05:18
ubuntuElite, PS3, many game companies have already stated that they will start focusing more on the game consoles than PC now..05:19
sam1337anybody know of a good font?05:19
runleveltenNo good for gaming though05:19
elite101and windows but i will dual boot05:19
elite101i mean triple!!05:19
ubuntuBiovore, I have acutually lookes at loading Yellowdog on my PS305:19
elite101they say yellow dog linux is good05:19
runleveltenNo decent hardware acceleration, you see, and the arch means that most of the best Linux 3d games are a nono05:19
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BiovoreUbuntu ppc I think will work on the PS305:19
elite101yeah but u cant put windows on your ps3/ you can but your running three os'es05:19
runleveltenbasically, don't expect to use the ps3 for Linux games05:19
pagsam1337, for what? do you seek 'cool' look or readability? :)05:20
sam1337pag clearness05:20
sam1337pag so really readability05:20
elite101and u can use the xbox360 controller using linux drivers!!!05:20
BiovorePS3 is x86.. windows will not run on it..05:20
HayaBusaone thing i don't get .. why people want to play intensive games on PC while they already have good gaming consols ???05:20
elite101yes it will05:20
runleveltenPS3 isn't x86, lol :)05:20
elite101youtube it05:20
sam1337HayaBusa so they dont have to pay for 2 machines05:20
HayaBusai have ps2, and thats all , if i need to play game , i just play with my PS205:20
elite101this guys runs yellow dog and then he runs windowsxp pro05:20
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Biovorewell someone is pulling a prank.. it can not.. and will not run on a PS305:20
Biovoreits the wrong hardware platform05:21
sam1337HayaBusa and general conveniance05:21
runleveltenHayaBusa: PC gaming offers extensibility and the usual control devices offer FAR greater accuracy05:21
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pagsam1337, I use Red Hat's Liberation -fonts with Anti-aliasing turned on and it looks rather clear to me.05:21
sam1337HayaBusa and theres alot more games available05:21
elite101yes it will i will bring up the link and this time only post it once :)05:21
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runlevelten(I've written software to interface console controllers to FPS engines, console controllers are very very inaccurate)05:21
Biovoresam1337: you can install any ttf font you want..05:21
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mewshihello :)05:21
HayaBusaI guess everyone is different , i use my PC for my work .. such as a bit of programming , internet , graphics, and talk to you guys. :) .05:22
mewshiI have discovered the amazing beauty of ubuntu :)05:22
runleveltenNow I have to load up my music player :)05:22
sam1337mewshi so have 8 million other people05:22
runleveltenHayaBusa: at the moment I'm living vicariously with drivers, so no FPS for me05:22
runleveltenhelps me get more work done anyway05:22
elite101well i cant always beleive everything u see on youtube but this guy does run windows on ps3!!05:22
mewshiafter 6 months of trying, ubuntu finally gave me the resources to get the wireless working05:23
runleveltenliving vicariously == no non-Free drivers.05:23
mewshiand it works GREAT05:23
sam1337mewshi you could of just tried different distributions one of them is bound to work05:23
runleveltenmewshi: Excellent stuff! You enjoying it?05:23
runleveltenOpenSuSE is better for hardware and codecs generally, although I've seen tests that found ubuntu had better hardware support for centre cases.05:24
runleveltenso you know, it's what works for you.05:24
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BluesKajsuse repos ...bleh05:25
HayaBusaanyone got some experiance with RAD5 ? i have a script that requires flash comm server .. but I aint paying arm and leg for that monster.05:25
elite101hes running windows xp on linux kernel the video comments say its a chinees winxp thou05:25
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runleveltenIt ain't the repos, the repos and the build service and the QC and the default configs were all great05:25
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runleveltenNovell just crapped all over the package management syste rom a great height, then all over us.05:26
elite101Biovore, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-Ecr8tWetI thats the link for the ps3 running windows!!!! HAHA05:26
runleveltendrove folks away, and consequently their distro will slide down the quality ladder.05:26
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BluesKajrunlevelten, really ..? my experience with suse repos was awful ...broken pkg allover the map05:27
runleveltenAlthough Novell still contribute much more code to the software we're using than any other company at the moment.05:27
sam1337opensuse has a crap package management systsem05:27
runleveltenas far as I'm aware05:27
sam1337apt is the best!05:27
dra90n3ddyhi all, just a quick question, what size partition is recomended for kubuntu install?05:27
runleveltenI use apt on SuSE :p05:27
BluesKajas large as you want05:27
HayaBusadamn i think i forgot the name of comm server equivalent for linux :(05:28
runleveltenwhen I work with SuSE servers, I have apt installed on them.05:28
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dra90n3ddyty sam133705:28
sam1337dra90n3ddy 5gb root paritition i mean05:28
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runleveltenI'm above 5gigs now, tbh05:28
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elite101cant u run linux on a ps2 there is a kit for it?05:29
sam1337im at 7gb but using about 20% of it05:29
Karticould some one tell me the command or link to the kubuntu bot information page05:29
pag!ubotu | Karti05:29
runleveltenelite101: yes you can. Again, you won't have access to much of the gaming functionality05:29
ubotuKarti: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:29
Kartipag: by the way I found out the answer for the smb links in the /etc/fstab05:30
elite101runlevelten, why not i wonder how much ram the video card would show on ps2????05:30
runleveltensam1337: http://apt4rpm.sourceforge.net/ ;)05:30
pagKarti, congratulations :)05:30
[4K^Javax] :D05:30
Kartipag: I had to apt-get install smbfs05:30
Kartifor future reference of course ;)05:30
elite101wow my adept is updating somuch stuff rite now wholy!05:31
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sfireelite101: I just got a bunch of updates myself05:31
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sam1337runlevelten i doubt it is as robust, quick, easy, powerful as a default apt package management system05:32
runleveltenIs it KDE updates?05:32
elite101lol u wont belive it went threw 20downloads and its only reading at 13% on the totall porgress05:32
elite101if i run ubuntu on my  xbox would i beable to talk to you guys on IRC?05:32
runleveltensam1337: It's the best apt available for the platforms, tbh. That's one whole hill of beans better than nothing if you need it.05:32
sam1337why would you want ubuntu on your xbox?05:32
elite101something a littel differnt05:33
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elite101beats the xbox loading screen!!05:33
BluesKajif you can connect to your ISP, whynot?05:33
pagKarti, thanks for the info, I'll try to keep that in mind :)05:33
elite101thats cool would it go fast i mean 64mb ram/733Mhz05:33
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elite101xbox specs:05:33
Kartipag: its now on my quick fix spreadsheet (need to get out more!)05:33
BluesKajI've heard of several linux hacks for the xbox05:33
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HayaBusahow can i uninstall .deb package that i downloaded and installed on my system ?05:34
elite101yeah stuff about dvd firmware and such05:34
mewshiis there something like portable apps for linux? :\05:34
pagHayaBusa, sudo apt-get remove nameofthepackage05:34
elite101gamming systems should support linux thats pretty cool on how u can go and surf the web and such05:34
sfireHayaBusa: right click it05:34
HayaBusathanks. i got to write that down .05:35
sam1337HayaBusa apt-get remove packagename05:35
sfireoh... I didn't see the "un" part05:35
Biovoremewshi: basicly if you the source code for the application you can put it on any platform, and OS if its been written right..05:35
runleveltenportable apps? as in firefox, thunderbird etc?05:35
mewshiyeah, portabe OO.o is WONDERFUL for me05:35
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mewshibut i can't get it to run from my drive :(05:36
BluesKajelite101, it's still computer, just setup for gaming , that's all05:36
HayaBusadose remove command , remove everything about that program , or like microsoft uninstaller , later i have to go and remove files and folders manully05:36
runleveltenIt still loads a native executable mewshi05:36
runleveltenSo you just need to do exactly the same thing with a Linux version of those apps05:36
elite101after i do the huge updates do i have to restart my computer?05:36
elite101and u can still play on xbox games too05:36
elite101i love portable apps!05:37
runleveltenHayaBusa: apt-get remove packagename05:37
mewshihow?  like, for oo.o i just had to run a file to install it to the drive O-o05:37
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elite101i have portable apps installed on my psp so i can connect it toanother pc and use my firefox05:37
pagHayaBusa, it doesn't remove configuration-files iirc.05:37
mewshiyeah, but how would i do a portable version of OO.o?05:38
runleveltenapt-get --purge remove packagename does.05:38
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runleveltenwell, now you know you need to make a linux-specific version, so you know what to ask the console or the wall of light to obtain your answer :)05:38
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runleveltenright, I must go.05:39
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HayaBusalater runlevel05:39
CPrompt^got a new video card and am having issues.  anyone care to help? :(05:40
pagCPrompt^, what model?05:40
sam1337what sort of issues?05:40
CPrompt^ATI Radeon05:40
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sam1337you shouldnt of got that card05:41
CPrompt^i have multiple xorg.conf files for one problem.05:41
sam1337nvidia has far superior drivers05:41
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sam1337i got a new video card just because it was an nvidia one05:41
elite101im running nvidia Vanta 1mb of video ram 256 colours05:42
BluesKajsam1337, stop critique , he's here for help , not to be chastised for buying the "wrong" graphics card05:42
sam1337BluesKaj sorry ill go away then since im not much help05:42
elite101ati radeon is not bad better than anything i have :)05:42
sam1337bye everyone05:42
pagCPrompt^, multiple? like xorg.conf, xorg.conf.bak etc?05:42
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Kartianyone know a way I can test my 5:1 sound card?05:42
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CPrompt^pag : no like xorg.conf.1 xorg.conf2 etc...05:42
CPrompt^all the way to 705:43
BluesKajCPrompt^, which ATI card ?05:43
elite101Karti, blast metallica?05:43
CPrompt^BluesKaj : RADEON X600 256MB HYPERMEMORY05:43
CPrompt^no sorry05:43
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elite101ha i have 512mb video ram nvidia 8900gtx05:43
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Kartielite101: I like the idea, but was thinking more like white noise on each speaker ;)05:43
pagCPrompt^, and not the 'normal' xorg.conf ?05:43
elite101Karti, lol05:44
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elite101Karti, just play a movie with good pholyphone digital surrond support?05:44
HayaBusaanyone got experiance with RED5???05:44
CPrompt^Radeon x300 SE05:44
Kartior maybe Lordi , those Eurovision Champions....ahhh05:44
BluesKajok CPrompt^ describe your problem05:44
CPrompt^it boots into console05:45
Kartielite101: Its just that I used a test before ..sure its test speakers05:45
elite101i was going to get the Nvidia 9900 with 1gig/ram 2.4ghz GPU and liquid cooling but ohwell05:45
CPrompt^i can try the startx but it will hang05:45
BiovoreCPrompt^: I think x300 is on of those cards ATI dosn't support on linux..05:45
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BluesKajBiovore, not true!05:45
CPrompt^eigh.  I'll just put the nVidia back in.  :)  The Radeon was given to me anyway.  Just thought I'd give it a shot :p05:45
BluesKajCPrompt^, ok you're going to have to choose an active xorg.file ...having 2 of them is not a good idea05:46
CPrompt^It's the same memory anyway.  But doesn't the "HyperMemory" part mean that it is using some of the RAM for the video card?05:46
Kartifound it.......its speaker-test05:46
elite101Karti, lol are u testing to see if it works? are they 5.1 speakers u wil get better sound qual. if u have a 5.1-7.1surrond sound supported card05:46
elite101creative augidy or something like is pretty good card05:47
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CPrompt^BluesKaj :  I think one of the things that happened was that I used this script to install Beryl a while back.  That seems to be what is causing the weirdness for the xorg.conf files05:47
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Biovoreaudigy is a SB Live minius the hardware pcm mixing05:47
BluesKajok, but the Radeon will work for 3d and DRI , it's just somewhat limited vs the nVidia05:47
Kartielite101: I have a creative audidy card that I have just put in and wanted to test it. I get sound from it fine but wanted to make shure each speaker worked correctly05:48
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Kartiall help or pointers ia appreciated05:48
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elite101Karti, do they work05:48
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Kartiyes... ;)05:48
elite101lol nice05:48
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elite101what kind of speaker logitech or something05:48
CPrompt^BlueKaj : would it be possible to just delete the other xorg.conf files and reboot?  Not sure if I can find a driver for the ATI though.05:48
Kartiyes logitech05:49
elite101lol sounds like u bought this stuff all at wal-mart!!05:49
elite101or staples05:49
BluesKajCPrompt^, yes but I recommend running a reconfigure of the Xorg file05:49
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CPrompt^BluesKaj : care to refresh my memory on how to do that?05:50
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elite101what is the best multimedia player? for say .mp3/mp4/avi/pcm?05:50
BluesKajCPrompt^, at the prompt or in the terminal , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:50
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elite101lol 10105:50
pag!best | elite10105:51
ubotuelite101: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.05:51
elite101kaffine lol/05:51
pagelite101, movies = Kaffeine, music = amarok  (my choises)05:51
mewshifor example, i might prefer xmms to amarok05:51
CPrompt^BluesKaj : thanks!05:51
elite101well brb udpates are going to take like 1hour going to go play some halo205:52
jhutchinsMe, I never could get kaffeine to work for more than a couple of file formats, now I just use mplayer.05:52
BluesKajCPrompt^, BTW , I use a patched and modded driver on feisty , that if you are careful can make th Radeon X300 run fine ...I'm using an on board x200g and it works well, but I'm not into eye candy much , so.....05:52
mewshielite101, when you say best, do you mean best interface, best implementations of formats, what?05:52
elite101ahh for the most file  format supported05:52
mewshiOk :)05:53
CPrompt^BluesKaj : don't need the eyecandy, just need it to work ;)05:53
elite101like the one that can play the most files from .mp4 wich i need the most05:53
mewshithat one is a little more cut-and-dried than the "Best interface"05:53
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elite101anything play .mp4?05:53
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mewshium... yeah, some stuff does05:53
elite101or m-peg layer405:54
mewshii just don't know what XD05:54
BluesKajCPrompt^, ok here's a tutorial for low end ATI cards : http://www.howforge.com/how-to-setup-fglrx-for-ubuntu-feisty05:54
mewshigod, it's been like 10 months since I last used linux on a constant basis05:54
elite101i will have to download an mp4 file and see what will open it once i click on it and see how i like it05:54
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CPrompt^BluesKaj : awsome thanks!05:55
BluesKajjhutchins, the xine engine is the setting to choose in Kaffeine , it runs most video formats05:55
elite101i want to make a server in the future for my friends to access online and for me to put files away would be nice wondering if it can be a wireless adhoc one?05:55
elite101what nvm thats not possible lol05:55
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elite101it has to be infrastructure lol ad-hoc only i would beable to use it05:56
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BluesKajCPrompt^, don't thank me yet ...wait til it's setup and working ... :)05:56
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mewshiis there a program like netstumbler?05:58
zero_i did upgrade at adept and now there is ubuntu kernel 15 and ubuntu kernel 1605:59
zero_when i go to 16 my modem doesnt work05:59
zero_if it is a different kernel /lib/firmware is different?05:59
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zero_anyone that can help?06:01
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BluesKajmewshi, wireless ?06:03
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ndsiwrapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:06
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:07
zero_can you help me blueskaj?06:08
joshjoshI just updated on my HP dv6110us and when I did my power manager says the battery has been removed...06:08
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joshjoshwondering if anyone with a laptop has the same problem....06:08
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BluesKajzero_, dunno , depends on the prob , just ask and someone will help, if i can't.06:10
zero_my modem is kinda strange and to make it work i had to extract firmware06:11
zero_in lib/firmware/something06:11
zero_now i did adept upgrade06:11
zero_and grub has06:11
zero_ubuntu kernel something.something.something.1506:11
zero_and the same thing with 1606:11
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zero_i entered 16 and the modem didnt work06:11
neusoncegrrrrr, i need some help trying to install flash!   no terminal cmds work06:13
Agent_137i'm having the worst trouble getting this flash tar ball installed on konqueror, and i'm using the 32 bit version, too. will it work with konq? What's the default install directory for konq?06:13
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BluesKajzero_, sorry I have no idea except for you to search for new drivers for your modem that run on the new kernel06:13
jhutchins!flash | neusonce06:13
ubotuneusonce: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:13
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neusoncethank you  :)06:13
Agent_137that answers my question too, it seems06:14
jhutchinszero_: Any time you update the kernel, you need to update any separately installed modules and drivers as well.06:14
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ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:14
BluesKajAgent_137, installing the flash nonfree versions thru adept or synaptic, assures a global install (all apps requiring flash will work)06:15
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Agent_137excellent, thanks06:17
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houmalaSomehow I got the file opening with gThumb(?) how do I get it back to "normal" ???06:18
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paghoumala, right click on the file, choos open with -> other  there select a programm you lick, and tick "remember.." -box06:20
zero_hey pag06:20
zero_ was |Zero|H|I|T| yesterday06:20
zero_i reinstalled kubuntu06:20
houmalaAnyone... somehow I got got gThumb image viewer displaying the files. How do I get back to "normal" way of viewing files????06:20
paglike, no lick... I clearly cannot type anymore :P06:20
southafrikanseHello. I've install KDM but I can't find it06:21
houmalaWhat is the program for viewing files "normally"???06:21
pagzero_, oh.. did the reinstall went well?06:21
paghoumala, what files?06:21
GrahamAsouthafrikanse: What do you mean you can't find it?06:21
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southafrikanseGrahamA: I can't find the shortcut06:21
zero_yeah i guess06:22
houmalageneral file list , the file list are showing like images in gThumb.06:22
zero_but when i boot06:22
GrahamAYou're not maing sense.06:22
zero_a message came06:22
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GrahamAWhat shortcut.06:22
neusoncegrrrr im still stuck, the link you gave me was for  an ealier version of ubuntu06:22
eltesewhy cant I write in my sources.list file? How do I change the permissions?06:22
BluesKajsouthafrikanse, look in adept , to see if it's installed06:22
neusonce i need to know how to install flash on 7.0406:22
zero_4960 days without checking /dev/sda2 for errors06:22
zero_and it found errors at root partition06:22
southafrikanseBluesKaj: It's installed06:22
pag!sudo | eltese06:22
ubotueltese: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:22
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GrahamAzero_: I had longer when I installed it... apparently I hadn't checked my hard drive for 134 years...06:23
BluesKajneusonce, installing the flash nonfree versions thru adept or synaptic, assures a global install (all apps requiring flash will work)06:23
eltesepag: yes I know :) I runned the command "sudo edit /etc/apt/sources.list06:23
eltesebut no luck06:23
zero_but i got errors and i am worried :(06:23
pagedit?  kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list  should work06:23
eltesethx :)06:23
GrahamAzero_: It fixed them06:24
GrahamAJust let it check and it fixes them automaticly.06:24
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zero_idk if it did that :(06:24
pagsouthafrikanse, KDM is a login manager, iirc it has no shortcuts built in it06:24
eltesepag: get a error message saying that I kate cannot connect to the x server06:25
southafrikansepag: The how can I access it. So I can costumize my desktop?06:25
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elteseAnd I still get permission denied06:25
neusoncemacromedia  flash puglin cannot be installed on my computer type ?06:25
pagneusonce, what does uname -m return?06:26
houmalagot it fixed..thanks06:26
root__Hi, I trying to install kubuntu fiesty on my dell E1505 laptop. However, when I start install, after selecting keyboard type, my keyboard doesn work. any help ?06:26
Ace2016eltese: are you trying to run kate as root? try kdesu kate from Alt+F206:26
elteseAce2016: ok06:27
eltesewill try that06:27
pagsouthafrikanse, KDM doesn't customize your desktop... kdmtheme lets you customize your KDM and can be found in kcontrol... desktop can be customized in either kcontrol or SysSettings06:27
neusonceok, i am a toaly newbie, i need to learn linux for blender and  studio apps, i  have no idea!06:27
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ardchoillepag: iirc, he will have to install kdmtheme if he hasn't already, it doesn't ship with kubuntu06:28
jhutchinskdm is the login manager06:28
pagneusonce, open konsole, type " uname -m " and tell what does the command putput06:28
pagardchoille, oh.. forgot that, thanks for clearing up :)06:28
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neusoncesorry  late06:28
pag!flash64 | neusonce06:28
ubotuneusonce: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava06:28
neusonceok dude06:29
mewshihow do i get my keyboard's multimedia buttons to work?06:29
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eltesegot it working now. Thanks alot06:29
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Kartiright...time for some help.....can get 2.1 speaker but not 5.1 using my audigy sb card any ideas?06:38
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BluesKajKarti, did you check the kmix settings for multichannel , surround center and LFE ?06:40
KartiBluesKaj: they are there and I can move them with no difference to sound06:41
rtwickHi I trying to install kubuntu on dell e1505 laptop. however after selecting keyboard type during install, keyboard gets messed up.06:41
rtwickany help ?06:41
KartiBluesKaj: even installed alsamixergui and still the same issues06:41
southafrikanseI have no sound :( Can someone help me?06:41
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Kartisouthafrikanse:  try system settings > sound system > tick enable the sound system box06:43
BluesKajokk Karti , check alsamixer in the terminal , to make sure they are setup right m kae sure you have no MM in the box cntrls , that means muted the boxes should all read '00' . Use the M key to unmute.06:43
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BluesKajM key06:43
southafrikanseKarti: It's already ticked06:43
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rtwickPlease can someone help me with my keyboard problem?06:44
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DjDarkmanwhere is the best place to report an adept_updater bug?06:46
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DjDarkmanI mean06:46
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pagDjDarkman, launchpad?06:46
vecchioGasometrohey raga06:46
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vecchioGasometroperch in kubuntu feisty non ci sono le qt 4.3 ma ci sono ancora le 4.2.3 ?06:47
pagDjDarkman, https://bugs.launchpad.net/06:47
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DjDarkmanok just forgot my account06:47
pag!it | vecchioGasometro06:47
ubotuvecchioGasometro: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:47
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KartiBluesKaj: I can move them all but and the only one I can set is the iec985. My sound is comming from the Analog f06:49
neusonceok i  think its going to work guys,  well know soon  thanks so much06:49
Kartisouthafrikanse: sorry having some sound issues of my own :(06:49
southafrikanseKarti: No problem. I have to go to Windows now.06:51
Kartisorry not much help ;)06:51
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents06:52
vecchioGasometropag: sorry I've joined the wrong channel!!!!06:53
pagvecchioGasometro, np :)06:53
BluesKajKarti, go to the IEC 958 and set it to pcm06:53
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KartiBluesKaj: sorry to be a pain, but could yo u explain that a bit more....kind of lost me06:54
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elite101help i got an error downloading a package http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/main linux-image2.6.15?06:55
elite101is that good?06:55
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pagelite101, depends what kind of error?06:56
|Zero|H|I|T|i downloaded nvidia graphics card from adept06:56
|Zero|H|I|T|and when loading the screen is black06:56
elite101it wont download the package it says in the progress box beside it in adept error06:56
|Zero|H|I|T|and i cant do anything06:56
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RichoHealey|Zero|H|I|T|: hey ssup06:57
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pagelite101, could you please run " sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade " in konsole06:57
elite101and i didnt download libxine-main 1.1.1+ubuntu2-7.706:58
elite101why? i am updating in adept ritenow06:58
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montoyacat /boot/grub/menu.lst | grep color06:58
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pagelite101, ok.. But when the updates are done, you might want to try those, APT works usually better than a Adept06:59
RichoHealeya quick question about sudo; i type sudo, and then anything that i type on that line runs as root?06:59
montoyacat /boot/grub/menu.lst | grep color -> what color???06:59
dutchhow do I permanent install of kubuntu from the liveCD ?06:59
sfiredutch: click the install link on the desktop07:00
dutchit's not there :(07:00
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elite101i had that prob b407:01
elite101where it didnt show install i just restarted the computer07:01
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|Zero|H|I|T|anybody that can help with the black screen?07:01
strog_hi guys07:01
dutchwilling to try anything right now.. :(07:01
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strog_i have a bluetooth stick and wanted to know how i can remote control my pc07:02
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strog_how do i add that option07:02
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elite101remote controll it from what device another pc?07:02
elite101or a handheld?07:03
strog_no cellphone07:03
elite101ohh not sure but i know how to do that with a psp lol07:03
strog_how is it done with handhelds?07:03
elite101u need to use VNC07:04
neusoncegrrrrrr not working, but im tired and should go to bed  thank fo youre help guys  if i have issues tomorrow will talk again07:04
elite101krfb desktop sharing07:04
michael-3142Hello all07:05
elite101yes its in interent tab on the Kmenu07:05
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elite101u make a network connection and the device running the VNC will connect to it alothou u mean with bluetooth i know nothing about that so this wont help u sorry07:06
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elite101strog_, what do u want the cellphone to do exactly?07:07
michael-3142Are there any Kpilot users online today,  I am have some problems configuring mine with USB07:07
elite101controll the pc?07:07
strog_to control the mouse and if possible that i can use my cellphone as a remotecontrol for amarok07:07
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elite101ookay u need to use remote desktop connection well im not sure on how bluetooth works its kinda like wireless? but i think the cellphone needs the same app? no..07:08
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strog_let me check a minute07:09
elite101u might need to use Remote Desktop connection and make a VNC connection and then connect the cell to the VNC to computer VIA Bluetooth07:09
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elite101if thats what u want? not sure almost the same princaple to the psp but u need a wireless card too hook up the psp and router but since its bluetooth i dont know how that works?07:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about krdc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:11
strog_elite101: i have a usb bluetooth and my cellphone has 1 also07:11
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strog_but when i go to sdp://07:11
strog_i can see my cellphone and it's services07:11
elite101so does it have an app to controll the computer where did u hear this from?07:11
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elite101well u need to make a VNC connection to your computer online and then connect the phone to that network07:12
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strog_but the problem is that i dont have the mouse control service installed07:12
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elite101not sure how to make one on kubuntu? i know on windows thou i know a site with a tutorial07:13
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elite101for what/07:14
elite101on your cell phone?07:14
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elite101strog_, here is a link that should make things a little clearer althou i will find one for kubuntu http://www.bluetoothshareware.com/bluetooth_remote_control.asp07:16
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|Zero|H|I|T|anyone that can help with black screen after installing NVIDIA DRIVERS???07:17
oellinuxhello people07:17
oellinuxcan someone give me a hand with streaming problems07:17
elite101strog_, what kind of phone are u using sony erricson? pda?07:17
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oellinux|Zero|H|I|T|, what error do u get if u write "startx" from a console?07:18
|Zero|H|I|T|i didnt enter console07:19
oellinuxso do it07:19
oellinuxctrl - alt - f107:19
|Zero|H|I|T|i will do it but07:19
|Zero|H|I|T|when loading07:19
|Zero|H|I|T|i get a black screen and i can see what i type07:19
elite101ahh here u go strong this wil be alot better for you http://tuxmobil.org/bluetooth_cell_apps.html07:19
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Chanshehi alle07:22
Chanshehabe mal nee frage wegen wine07:22
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Chanshehabe wine per adept installiert..07:22
pag!de | Chanshe07:22
ubotuChanshe: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:22
Chanshenur wie installiere ich nun anwendungen?07:22
Chanshe#ahh k danke07:22
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elite101is kubuntu 7.04 only in DVD format? can u fit the installer on a normal cd?07:24
sfireelite101: I believe there is a CD version07:25
sfire40mb for the net install cd (from what I've heard)07:25
sfireme personally I just "borrow" a dvd from a newer machine to install07:25
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elite101sfire, why is it in DVD formatt? the cd version must not have livecd enabled on it then07:27
elite101because the installer is prob small and the livedvd is prob like 3gb or somethinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng07:27
elite101sorry the button lagged07:27
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pagelite101, http://mirror.gregstar.at/ubuntu/kubuntu/feisty/ <- CD-torrents (can also be downloaded directly, but always prefer torrent :)07:28
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Negonicrachey all07:31
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araizenhi all07:32
araizencan anyone tell me how i can set things up so i can switch keyboard layouts with a keyboard shortcut?07:32
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sep1318araizen: k menu>system settings>regional&language07:34
araizensep1318: yes i am aware of that07:34
araizenbut i don't see what i can set in there07:34
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sep1318araizen: do you see the keyboard layout tab on the side?07:35
araizenyou mean on the task bar?07:35
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sep1318araizen: it should have three tabs: layout, sitching options, xkb options.07:36
araizensep1318: yes, i have that07:36
sep1318just making sure we're in the same place :)07:37
sep1318araizen: what's your switching policy set to under switching options?07:38
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sep1318and you have multiple layouts available, right?07:38
araizeni have multiple layouts and they work fine07:39
sep1318under active layouts in the layout tab?07:39
araizenbut i have to cluck on the flag to change07:39
araizenand i want to use a keyboard shortcut07:39
araizenyes, under active layouts there are two layouts07:39
sep1318ttry ctrl+alt_k07:39
araizenwhat is alt_k?07:40
sep1318ctrl+alt+k is the default,07:40
sep1318me and my typos :-\07:40
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araizenno that doesn't do anything07:41
araizenbut i've done this before, i remember, in kde07:41
draikHere is my empty victory - I installed winxp in Kubuntu07:41
draikIs there a way to change the HDD space to the VMware Workstation?07:41
araizenand my shortcut has to be something like ctl+alt+1, because one of my layouts is not a latin alphabet07:41
michael-3142Is there anyone that can assist me in getting kpilot working?07:41
sep1318hmmm.... araizen, i'm honestly stumped, cuz the default worked for me. but then again, im switching between english and dvorak.07:42
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araizenthere's a place you can change all those keyboard shortcuts, no?07:43
araizendo you know where it?07:43
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ardchoillearaizen: kcontrol Region & Accessibility > Keyboard Shortcuts07:44
sep1318araizen: good suggestion. lemme find it for a sec :)07:44
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sep1318araizen: actually, it's under keyboard & mouse07:45
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ardchoillesep1318: keyboard & mouse? where is that?07:45
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sep1318araizen: should be an option at the bottom for keyboard layout switching07:45
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araizenthere's no such option under switching options in regional & language07:47
robinwhats new07:47
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sep1318ardchoille: in system settings/kcontrol main menu. computer administration heading.07:47
sep1318araizen: right. you have to go back out to the overview and go in through keyboard and mouse07:47
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sep1318ardchoille: i just realized that things are a bit reorganized depending on whether your in system settings or the settings menu or w/e.07:48
sep1318araizen: you see it?07:48
araizensep1318: yes i've got it07:49
araizeni set it to ctrl+1 and it's working07:49
araizenthanks a lot07:49
ardchoillesep1318: Yes, I noticed that too. I don't use system settings due to kcontrol being better and I'm used to it.07:49
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robinI have a new hp computer, nvidia chipset and 8800gts, when I tried to start up kubuntu off the cd the monitor goes black, any idea's? I tried the safe video mode to still no go07:49
sep1318araizen: sweet07:49
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sep1318ardchoille: i'm on board with you on that one.07:50
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intelikeyand then there were 35607:51
robinmust not be a work around if no one answer, maybe they will correct this in next kubuntu release and i can use it then thx anyway07:52
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intelikeyrobin what issue ?07:52
robin I have a new hp computer, nvidia chipset and 8800gts, when I tried to start up kubuntu off the cd the monitor goes black, any idea's? I tried the safe video mode to still no go07:52
Biovorerobin: try the alternate install cd07:53
dr_willisLooking at the HP L7680 for my next printer. ANyone have any experience with it and Linux?07:53
intelikeycould reconfig xorg to use vesa07:53
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robin<Biovore>  whats differant on alternate cd?07:53
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intelikeytext mode installer07:54
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Biovorerobin: you can do a text mode install then fix it later..07:54
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dr_willisand a few options it lets you set07:54
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intelikeycan even do a server install     i think07:54
robinwill i still have a gui or just command line07:54
intelikeyisn't that on the alternate07:54
Biovorerobin: well if you install and it can't get the graphics to work at start, you probably be in a command line interface for a bit.07:55
robinis there a 64 byte alternate cd?07:55
robink will try that07:55
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intelikeyrobin i would try reconfiguring the liveCD for vesa and see if that works.  then at least you know you can get a gui working.07:56
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robinso you think its my 8800gts that is the issue with the screen going black?07:56
dr_willisTheres no real reason to use the 64bit disrto07:56
dr_willis8800 does need the newest nvidia drivers I hear on some setups.07:56
dr_willisthose are not in the repos yet.07:56
StErGi0shello.im clicking on vpn connections from KnetworkManager but nothing opens..what should i do?07:56
lontraanyone know how i would edit kmilo to work properly with my multimedia keys?07:57
intelikeyrobin i think that the nv driver is too old to work correctly with that card robin yes07:57
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robinso the next kunbutu release should work ok you guys think?07:57
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dr_willisthis one CAN work.. if you install the nvidia drivers from the nvidia site. (i hear)07:58
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Biovorewell its still beta atm.. (not recommended)07:58
dr_willisi bet the ubuntu forums mention this07:58
dr_willismay be some unofficial repos/sites with thepackages also.07:58
intelikeyi bet07:58
Biovoreyeah.. the 8800gtx needs the lastest drivers from nvidia..07:58
intelikeyyou bet07:58
robinso its a known issue with 8800?07:58
Biovorebut they do work..07:58
Biovorewell nvidia lagged behind with the support for it..07:59
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StErGi0sim clicking on vpn connections from KnetworkManager but nothing opens..what should i do?07:59
BiovoreThe graphical installer uses an opensource driver some guy made to get video, but I think that one break on the newer nvidia cards.07:59
BiovoreStErGi0s: you openVPN running?08:00
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StErGi0sBiovore: i dont think so..08:00
robinok I wil ltry the work arounds you guys talked about later today thx08:00
intelikeymonkey C08:00
StErGi0snot sure though08:00
dr_willisyou can force the graphical installer to use the vesa driver some how. i recall..08:00
dr_willisbut never done it.08:00
StErGi0sno...its not on running processes08:01
robinlater thanks again08:02
michael-3142I can not locate /dev/ttyusb in kubuntu.  do they use something else?08:02
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elite101does nvidia support linux?08:02
intelikeymichael-3142 prolly    and they use  udev which only makes the device nodes that you "access"08:03
intelikeyelite101 yes and no.08:03
intelikeythey offer drivers   but that don't open source08:03
StErGi0si need to make a vpn connection anyone can help?vpn connections does not work for some reason08:03
michael-3142intelikey: I am trying to configure kpilot with a palm t/x08:03
draikintelikey: I finally got the VMware workstation to work. But no SD or Floppy :(08:04
draikelite101: Backwards. Does Linux support nVidia. I have a GeForce FX 5700LE. No issues here. Beryl works as well as Compiz08:04
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michael-3142intelikey: what can I do to resolve this problem08:05
dr_williselite101,  they say they do.. but they could do MUCHbetter...08:05
intelikeymichael-3142 i have no idea.   i don't have any palm*  nor even usb*08:05
dr_willissame with ati, and about every OTHER video card maker out there08:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about streaming - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:06
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jussi01ERIK_LIMA: what do you  need to know about streaming?08:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stream - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:06
ERIK_LIMAI can't watch video streamings on VLC :(08:07
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jussi01ERIK_LIMA: streaming from where?08:07
ERIK_LIMAJust today when I wanted to watch Mid-Ohio GP08:07
michael-3142Do I have to build a dev for use with USB in kubuntu, if so how do I do it?08:07
ERIK_LIMAFrom a sports channel, like ESPN08:07
jussi01!find mozilla vlc08:07
draikmichael-3142: Shouldn't have to do anything08:08
ubotuFound: mozilla-firefox-locale-af, mozilla-firefox-locale-ar, mozilla-firefox-locale-bg-bg, mozilla-firefox-locale-bn-bd, mozilla-firefox-locale-bn-in (and 95 others)08:08
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michael-3142draik: then how do I find out what dev the usb is on?08:08
jussi01!info mozilla-plugin-vlc08:08
ubotumozilla-plugin-vlc: multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 37 kB, installed size 148 kB08:08
draikShould come right up, What's your dev?08:09
michael-3142palm t/x08:09
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intelikeymichael-3142 seems like they use an odd mount on usb  something in /proc/usb  maybe...    but simple answer to your Q     lsusb08:09
ERIK_LIMAjussi01: My problem is that I connect to the streaming, but surrendly it's stops and I can't watch08:09
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jussi01ERIK_LIMA: what sort of stream is it?08:10
ERIK_LIMAWait a moment...08:10
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michael-3142I see a /proc/bus/usb08:10
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michael-3142it that it08:10
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elite101_man my internet sucks it keeps on disconnecting08:11
ERIK_LIMAjussi01: it's from here ---> mms://
intelikeyprobably     did you run the command    lsusb         michael-3142 ?08:11
granti have no clue what this is, i was just messing around with my computer and i found this08:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:12
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ERIK_LIMAOpen your VLC, copy this link and try opening. I tried, but after a few seconds, the streaming stops.08:12
intelikeymichael-3142 oh. also check in konqueror   media:///08:12
ERIK_LIMAIt's happening to me with another streaming08:12
intelikeysomething came up.  back later.08:12
michael-3142I see the kensington mouse listed there08:13
jussi01ERIK_LIMA: so you get picture?08:13
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ERIK_LIMAYes! I see the video.08:13
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caboose_1980does anybody have rvb?08:13
ERIK_LIMAjussi01: Can you watch the streaming?08:13
caboose_1980im confused08:14
jussi01ERIK_LIMA: 1 sec08:14
rrabbit74michael-3142: check "/var/log /messages"08:15
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ERIK_LIMAWhat codec I need to watch it without any problems?08:15
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michael-3142no usb in media08:15
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jussi01ERIK_LIMA: works here08:16
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jussi01ERIK_LIMA: are you running compiz/beryl?08:17
caboose_1980sooo confused08:17
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draikjussi01: I run Beryl. What gives with some java apps?08:18
ERIK_LIMANo. I can't run compiz/beryl due to my bad ATI Radeon 925008:18
ERIK_LIMAjussi01: So... what I need to solve my problem?08:18
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jussi01ERIK_LIMA: patience, im thinking....08:18
jussi01draik, Im not sure, perhaps askin #ubuntu-effects08:19
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jussi01ERIK_LIMA: have youtried in mplayer?08:21
jussi01h eft08:21
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caboose_1980what is this?08:21
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michael-3142messages said it created a new device usbfs08:23
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ilik,   .08:24
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke08:25
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elite101hey what is the line for java again?08:26
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.08:26
michael-3142still no luck08:26
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elite101no the line like sudo apt jet java-srj6?08:28
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michael-3142what do I do with the info from lsusb?08:29
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michael-3142It says in lsusb that the palm is on Bus 001 device 041 id 0830 0061 Palm inc08:39
michael-3142what do I do not with this info08:39
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johananyone kan help me with something?08:49
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n8k99johan what is it08:50
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johanlook...i`ve just installed kubuntu...this is the second time...and at SYSTEM  - AaDEPT (Package Manager)...evreything shows me that is installed...08:51
n8k99yes? it should also show you packages which are not installed08:52
michael-3142Still trying to configure kpilot for usb on kubuntu. Please help08:52
n8k99and that can be installed08:52
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johani know that...but evrything shows me INSTALLED08:52
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johani was thinking at a bug...but...08:53
n8k99which version of kubuntu are you using?08:53
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rrabbit74michael-3142: could it be "/dev/ttyUSB0" ?08:54
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michael-3142I have no /dev/ttyusb* at all, they are in /proc/bus/usb08:54
michael-3142lsusb says that the palm is on bus 001 device 4608:55
n8k99johan !repos08:55
michael-3142but I do not know what to do with that info08:55
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:55
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lotharwhich packages do I need to rip audio cds in k3b to mp3?08:56
n8k99look and see if you have all your repositiories open johan08:56
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ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:56
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rrabbit74michael-3142: "/dev/ttyUSB*" is a serial port it should be listed in dir "/dev"09:02
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michael-3142rrabbit74: well I have not /dev/ttyUSB* in that directory.09:03
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chervaanyone installed hydra on kubuntu 7.04 ? ( http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/THC-Hydra-Download-10279.html ) because i want to test my network byt here is what i get when i try to compile it http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d661d39d5 pls help me09:05
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zibrah3edinstall its dependencies\09:08
michael-3142Does anyone know how to configure a palm with kpilot in kubuntu,  Please haelp09:08
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jhutchinsmichael-3142: I would expect that kpilot would have documentation.09:10
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michael-3142kpilot assumes that every thing is in the /dev directory, and in kubuntu it is not09:11
dr_willisits possible the /dev/ entrys have moved09:11
dr_willis theres been a lot of changes to them in the past few years.09:11
michael-3142dr_willis: I find them in the /proc/bus/usb directory but I still can not get them to sync09:12
dr_willisthe /proc/ stuff is most lilkely NOT what you are looking for.09:12
dr_williswhat are you looking for anyway?09:12
michael-3142dr_willis: it is not in media either09:12
dr_willismedia is just where filesystems get mounted.09:13
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dr_willisif it was showing up as a usb hard drive. you could mount it to /media09:13
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michael-3142dr_willis: lsusb says it is on bus 00109:13
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:14
dr_willisso you have a usb palm pilot?09:14
michael-3142dr_willis: yes and it is driving me crazy09:14
dr_willisBeen ages since ive messed with usb serial devices.09:14
dr_willisMay need to be some module you got to load.09:14
michael-3142dr_willis: how do I find that out and load it if necessary09:15
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Guilty_as_SinI know theres an irc client that will open separate rooms in separate windows, just not sure which one..  any help?09:15
Guilty_as_Sinbeen using default so long I just don't don't know09:16
dr_willismichael-3142,  by googling like i just did. :) heh check the tips at that page.09:17
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bldzrGuilty_as_Sin: There's a bunch of those09:18
michael-3142dr_willis: that is nice but on this system /dev/ttyusb0 and /dev/ttyusb1 do not exist09:19
dr_willisthats where the modules are needed then.09:19
bldzrirssi, weechat, xchat (gui client), etc :)09:19
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dr_willisif the proper module gets loaded - it shoudl create those /dev/entries09:19
dr_willis$ lsmod | grep visor09:19
dr_willisthat site is checking the loaded modules there. with that command.09:20
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dr_willisi dont have one to test. (well not here at least) but sudo modprobe visor  MIGHT get them  made09:21
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elite101hey i need help on using aircrack i downloaded it and run it in terminal but i dont know how to execute commands? it says usage; aircrack [options]  <.cap / .ivs file(s) > i think i use that line to use the command?09:29
elite101listed in 2 option sections09:29
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elite101any one use aircrack before?09:30
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WhtWolfTeraDynegranddaddy: hi09:31
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WhtWolfTeraDyneelite101: I haven't. Sorry.09:31
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SchuenemannIs it possible to open (yuck) M$ Access files?09:32
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WhtWolfTeraDyneSchuenemann: Other than with MS Access, I don't think there is. At least, not with Kexi or OOoBase. Might want to search Google.09:33
SchuenemannWhtWolfTeraDyne, is access free?09:33
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elite101wait never mind what i said up there i missed another program for aircrack mybad :)09:33
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jomamasap nukka09:34
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WhtWolfTeraDyneSchuenemann: Nope. It's Microsoft, what do you expect?09:35
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Schuenemannfree as in price, of course09:36
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elite101what is the line to get java? sudo apt get...?09:37
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Schuenemannelite101, sun-java6-jdk09:38
Schuenemanndon't do that09:38
renegadeoder jre09:38
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Schuenemannelite101, sun-java6-jre (unless you want the jdk)09:38
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Schuenemannyou can use apt-cache search <keyword> to look for a package09:39
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fuzzyeguiHi guys, i have kubuntu with the realtime kernel installed but i have no audio output! can anyone help me?09:39
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fuzzyeguiI've tried reinstalling alsa, but no luck.09:40
elite101whats the whole line? sudo apt get installsun-java6-jre??09:41
fuzzyeguiIs there any other setup i need to do to so i can have alsa output with the rt kernel?09:41
Schuenemannelite101, yes09:41
elite101yes what? i need the correct spelling09:42
Schuenemannsudo apt get install sun-java6-jre09:42
Schuenemannsudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre09:42
fuzzyeguiI tried following a couple of how-to's for setting the alsa permissions but they won't go through.09:42
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renegadefuzzy your soundcard is working lspci ?09:44
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renegadereal module ?09:44
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renegadespricht hier eigentlich jeman deutsch09:45
fuzzyeguiYes it is.09:45
Schuenemann!de | renegade09:45
uboturenegade: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:45
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fuzzyeguiLspci returns with the soundcard listed.09:45
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SchuenemannWhtWolfTeraDyne, sorry for talking about MS again, but isn't even Access 97 free (price) ?09:47
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne goes off to check
renegadefuzzy is your card also in /proc/asound/cards09:47
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renegadeat first?09:48
fuzzyeguiSudo cat /proc/asound/cards09:48
fuzzyegui 0 [nForce2        ] : NFORCE - NVidia nForce209:48
fuzzyegui                      NVidia nForce2 with ALC650F at 0xd4081000, irq 1809:48
fuzzyegui 1 [UART           ] : MPU-401 UART - MPU-401 UART09:48
fuzzyegui                      MPU-401 UART at 0x330, irq 1009:48
fuzzyeguiThat's what it lists as.09:49
Schuenemann!paste | fuzzyegui09:49
ubotufuzzyegui: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:49
fuzzyeguiDid it flood? sorry.09:49
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fuzzyeguiBut it does list in /proc/asound/cards.09:50
WhtWolfTeraDyneSchuenemann: I don't see anything about Access 97 being free.09:50
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renegadei have no idea09:51
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SchuenemannWhtWolfTeraDyne, oh damn... thanks for telling me09:52
fuzzyeguiIt's been frustrating as heck i'll say.09:52
SchuenemannI need to open a .dat Access 97 file09:52
Schuenemannand edit09:52
fuzzyeguiIf you'd like i can post my lspci output as well.09:53
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WhtWolfTeraDyneSchuenemann: Kexi, as I just found out, does support Access files, but ".dat" files aren't listed as supported.09:53
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draikHow can I make vmware workstation connect to my Kubuntu system so that I can get the audio files in winxp (from vmware)09:53
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SchuenemannWhtWolfTeraDyne, I tried opening, it said I don't have a driver for that09:54
rayludraik, what is the vm workstation running?09:54
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SchuenemannA suitable driver for migration wasn't found09:54
rayludraik, i don't really understand your setup09:55
draikI'm on Kubuntu09:55
rayluwhat is the vmware guest/host?09:55
dr_willisdraik,  i just set up  samba and use the network neighborhood stuff to get stuff from one machine to another.. or use ssh and winscp09:55
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jacouhello, I'm having a problem and I am wondering if someone would have an idea : kscreensaver locks my computer when I start it, and even though I type the right login/passwd, it doesn't go away09:55
draikI have vmware workstation running winxp09:55
raylujacou, the password is case sensitive09:55
rayluwhat is the vmware guest/host?09:55
Kartidraik: In VM ware you can set up shaerd folders with the host. Do you want me to talk you through it?09:55
draikI want winxp to read/access my Kubuntu desktop so that I can retrieve the audio files (want to upload some to my phone)09:55
rayluoh...i think he means he's running a winxp host and kubuntu guest09:56
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draikKarti: If It will let me read the Kubuntu audio files in VMware's WinXP, then yes. Thank you09:56
jacouraylu: yes, but when I say I type it right, it mean I type right (Ctrl+Alt+F1 and I can can login no pb)09:56
trovad0rhi, i'm trying to restore grub after an XP install, i-ve booted into a ubuntu livecd, I-ve mounted the ubuntu partition and chrooted to it, but when i do 'grub-install /dev/hda' i get /dev/hda Not found... , can some1 help me?09:56
Kartidraik: Its in the settings for the guest pc09:56
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dr_willisdraik,  easy way would be install ssh and use winscp to connect o the kubuntu box and transfer files. samba is a little bit harder to set up (but not much)09:57
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raylujacou, then you may be entering the wrong password09:57
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draikKarti: How do I make the changes?09:57
raylutrovad0r, do you know the name of your hard drives?09:57
draikdr_willis: I want winxp to access the kubuntu audio files.09:57
raylutrovad0r, try ls /dev | grep da09:58
Kartidraik: can yo uget to the settings for the guest pc?09:58
draikGuest pc being winxp?09:58
draikI'm on Kubuntu. WinXP is in VMware.09:58
trovad0rraylu: no, none appear09:59
SchuenemannWhtWolfTeraDyne, you know if Access 2003 can open and save the file as 97?09:59
draikKarti: I should be able to access any settings since this is all local on my home desktop09:59
Kartidraik: Yes - This link shows you ther details http://www.vmware.com/support/ws4/doc/running_sharefold_ws.html09:59
WhtWolfTeraDyneSchuenemann: Let me check. I have a copy of MSOffice on my desktop.09:59
SchuenemannWhtWolfTeraDyne, sorry, I don't want to bother you10:00
Kartidraik: I use the WIndows version of Workstation, so its the same10:00
draikKarti: Thank you much. That seems like it will do what I need to do.10:00
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KartiIt just fakes a network folder, quite good really10:01
Kartidraik: need to go now but that should help you10:01
elite101wher do i see my cd rom drive?10:01
rayluwhat is the equivalent of /p for linux?10:01
elite101in storage media?10:01
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draikThank you again Karti10:02
trovad0rraylu: i got it, it seems it can be done without doing chrooit10:02
fuzzyeguiHttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30814/ this is my lspci output.10:02
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jacouraylu: no, I would not come here if I had any doubt!10:03
elite101hey where is my cd-rom drive located?10:03
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rayluelite101, is there a cd in there? it's /media10:04
Schuenemannthere should be a CD icon in your desktop10:04
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Schuenemannwhen it's mounted10:04
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elite101nothing i showing up?10:05
elite101i will try another disc10:05
elite101weird it reads the ubuntu disc fine10:06
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elite101thn again this cd i was trying is a littel scracthed10:06
marcobenavidalguien habla espaol10:06
Schuenemann!es | marcobenavid10:06
ubotumarcobenavid: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:06
michael-3142dr_willis: what module do we need to load and how do you load a module?10:07
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sstchurWhat would I go to to get help with network-manager on Kubuntu?10:07
sstchurWhat channel I mean10:07
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marcobenavidcomo me cambio de canal?10:07
Schuenemann /join #kubuntu-es10:08
raylusstchur, you could get help here10:08
elite101has anyone got ra2 working on kubuntu?  i have wine instaled10:08
raylusstchur, are you using wireless?10:08
rayluelite101, red alert?10:08
sstchurraylu: trying to... at the moment, I'm cabled10:08
raylusstchur, do you know your chipset? does iwconfig show your device?10:08
sstchurraylu: yes, it's an atheros chipset... I have successfully connected before.  Problem is, I eventually get disconnected and nothing will reconnect me except resetting my router10:09
elite101raylu: did u get it to work?10:09
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rayluelite101, http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=16710:09
x_linkJust installed Kubuntu 7.0410:09
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x_linkWhy does it ask me for password when I do sudo aptitude install vlc?10:09
elite101whats that for10:09
sstchurraylu: then, most recently, I can't get it to reconnect at all -- I read on a forum that NetworkManager .6.5 fixes the issue, so I tried compiling that for source, but I'm not having much luck10:09
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raylux_link, because installing is for all users, not just yourself10:10
raylusstchur, does sudo dhclient [devicename]  not work for you?10:10
x_linkraylu: Which password should I give then?10:10
dr_willisraylu,  logicval eh? :)10:10
raylux_link, if you're in the sudoers file, your users password is fine10:10
dr_willisthe first user you created  is the 'sudo user' - use his password10:10
sstchurraylu: no, it doesn't work... I've tried it on several occasions... spits out lots of information and then ultimately fails10:10
dr_willisunless of course you made others.10:10
rayludr_willis, huh?10:10
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=== TeraDyne is going to kill whoever removed MS Office from my desktop
raylusstchur, does sudo iwconfig show the correct information? are you using wep or similar?10:11
dr_willisraylu,  all these window users at work have such a hard time understanding that 'systm wide stuff' has to be done as root.. :)10:11
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SchuenemannTeraDyne, don't bother, I'll download Access and try it10:11
x_linkraylu: OKej.10:11
dr_willisIts so hard Unteaching bad windows habbits.10:11
sstchurraylu: using WPA/TKIP, iwconfig shows: ath0 IEEE 802.11g, etc...10:11
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x_linkraylu: Is there no Kedit or something in Kubuntu?10:11
dr_williskate is the normal editor i think10:11
sstchurx_link: what about Kate?10:11
dr_willisyou can install kedit if ya want10:12
x_linkI want to use Kedit =)10:12
TeraDyneSchuenemann, I will bother. I need MS Office on this computer for my college work.10:12
raylusstchur, i set my encryption information with iwconfig; i'm not sure how you would do it in the k gui though10:12
SchuenemannTeraDyne, alright, but it wasn't me :-)10:12
raylukedit is lame. nano owns k* =\10:12
dr_willisI sort of perfer 'fte' :)10:12
dr_willisbut im odd...10:12
sstchurraylu: KNetworkmanager has a place for me to specify WPA... that doesn't seem to be a problem I don't think -- do you think that's the issue? Encryption?10:12
StoneNewtI just use vi10:12
StoneNewtand lo x_link10:12
dr_willisi use vi so much, i hit :wq in other editors too much by mistake. :)10:13
TeraDyneSchuenemann, I have a suspision as to who actually removed it. And he's going to be missing a few pokemon off of his gamepack next time he trys to play it.10:13
Schuenemannugh... pokemon10:13
x_linkStoneNewt: Hi mate! =)10:13
NickPrestadr_willis, I do that in Kate all the time ;)10:13
dr_willis'a few pokemon shy of a full deck'10:13
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raylusstchur, i assume that dhclient is just telling you about it querying for dhcp?10:13
StoneNewtdr_willis: yeah ammusing in installs when a config file doesn't work and you go to a line and see :wq in the middle of it10:13
SchuenemannTeraDyne, who is 'he'? Father, brother, son?10:13
fuzzyeguiLooks like i'm going to have to reinstall again... damn.10:14
TeraDyneSchuenemann, a close friend of mine.10:14
x_linkStoneNewt: When did you start using Linux?10:14
StoneNewterm '9810:14
sstchurraylu: I think so... I'm not really sure... it does its thing for a while and then says something about no available leases or something like that10:14
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raylusstchur, well, if sudo iwconfig isn't showing any encryption information...10:14
StoneNewtnBSD from '95 iirc10:15
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=== TeraDyne realizes just how cool HydraIRC is.
SchuenemannTeraDyne, darn it, they removed the download option10:15
raylubut hydrairc doesn't have scripting like xchat does :D10:15
StoneNewtHyrda is nice10:15
sstchurraylu: Ah... well, sorry.... I just told you what it should right now, but I'm cabled right now10:15
sstchurraylu: It does generally show encryption when I'm trying to use wireless10:15
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raylusstchur, you might want to have a poke at /etc/network/interfaces10:16
sstchurraylu: maybe I should join this channel on another computer, so I can troubleshoot this one at the same time10:16
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raylusstchur, it shouldn't make a difference. and i'm mostly out of ideas10:16
sstchurraylu: ok... well actually what I came for, was help in compiling networkmanger .6.5 from source (b/c I've read that others who've had this problem solve it that way)10:17
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SchuenemannI'll have to go to the university in order to record it... sigh10:17
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rayluwhat do "cd -L" and "cd -P" do?10:18
TeraDyneSchuenemann, I don't see any way to save to Access 97, and all I can find in the *cough* help docs is on "converting" the files to Access 2000 or Access 2003 form.10:18
sstchurraylu: when I try to run ./configure, it fails saying "checking for DBUS... configure: error: Package requirements (dbus-glib-1 >= 0.60) were not met:"10:19
Schuenemanndamn... MS doesn't know the meaning of backcompatibility10:19
raylusstchur, so...install that :P10:19
elite101is there a ubuntu audio channel?10:19
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TeraDyneWait.. I think I may have found something.10:19
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:19
SchuenemannTeraDyne, do you have it installed?10:20
sstchurraylu: well... I was hoping to just do something like sudo apt-get install dbud-glib-1, but it doesn't not appear to exist... ??10:20
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raylusstchur, "aptitude search dbus-glib"10:20
rayluor apt-get, if you prefer that10:20
TeraDyneSchuenemann, yeah.10:20
Schuenemannthat's bad =(10:20
TeraDyneSchuenemann: ?10:21
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TeraDyneSchuenemann, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30816/10:21
Schuenemannyou're testing in the "SW" itself and realizing it's not possible10:21
fuzzyeguiElite101> there's the ubuntustudio channel...10:22
TeraDyneThat should help in opening Access 97 files in Office 200310:22
Schuenemannis there any difference from access only?10:22
SchuenemannI don't have office10:22
TeraDyneSchuenemann, there shouldn't be10:22
Schuenemannso, I just have to open without converting10:23
Schuenemannthanks, brother10:23
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TeraDyneSchuenemann, no problem.10:24
=== TeraDyne heads back to laptop and Kubuntu
WhtWolfTeraDynealdcor: ?10:25
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rayluhe's been at it for a while; just ignore him10:25
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x_linkHow can I make a shortcut to Kcontrol?10:26
x_linkI don't want to use System Settings10:26
Schuenemannright-click the desktop and link to application10:26
sstchurraylu: searching does turn up some things regarding dbus-glib, but apparently, I have the latest version of all of it, so I'm confused10:26
Schuenemannif you want to place it at the desktop10:26
WhtWolfTeraDynex_link: Right click in the K Menu and select "edit menu10:26
x_linkI don't have Edit Menu10:26
raylusstchur, er...those are a list of packages10:26
x_linkNot in my K Menu10:26
WhtWolfTeraDyneerr... Edit item10:27
x_linkWhtWolfTeraDyne: Where should that be, in my K Menu?10:27
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raylusstchur, in aptitude, if there's an i on the left, that means it's installed10:27
raylux_link, right-click10:27
x_linkSorry =)10:27
WhtWolfTeraDyneActually, you can right-click on the k menu icon and select "menu editor"10:27
x_linkI'm new with Kubuntu, just intalled it =)10:27
x_linkraylu: There I see CD-Unit, Harddrive etc.10:28
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sstchurraylu: ok, so what I have installed is libdbus-glib-1-2, but libdbus-glib-1-dev has a "p", does it mean I should install that?10:28
raylux_link, where do you want the shortcut to kcontrol to be?10:28
x_linkraylu: I right click ---> Edit Item10:28
x_linkraylu: On my desktop10:28
raylusstchur, generally, when you're missing a dep to compile something, you need the -dev package10:29
raylusstchur, so...yes, go for it10:29
sstchuri'll give it shot, thanks10:29
raylux_link, oh, in that case, right-click on the desktop and make a new shortcut that way10:29
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x_linkraylu: Right click -> Create New --> Link To Application?10:30
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raylux_link, yes10:31
raylux_link, i think...10:31
x_linkAnd what's the link to Kcontrol?10:31
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raylux_link, just type kcontrol10:33
zeleznifinally somehow I installed ati video driver, but it gives me wrong resoluton. if i change something i finish with black monitor saying it cannot handle that screen resolution. in which file this settings are, so i can check them out?10:33
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elite101how do i install java in terminal10:34
x_linkraylu: I did, doesn't work.10:34
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x_linkelite101: sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre and sudo aptitude install sun-java5-plugin10:35
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=== WhtWolfTeraDyne wonders when they are going to start putting KOffice in Kubuntu by default...
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:52
malik__i have accidently misconfigured my kubuntu isntalltoin10:52
malik__i have messed with my dual monitor settings and now i cant10:52
x_linkNow I need to install the nvidia driver.10:52
x_linkCan I just install the driver from www.nvidia.com?10:53
WhtWolfTeraDyne!nvidia | x_link10:53
ubotux_link: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:53
malik__change the resolution of dispaly10:53
x_linkWhtWolfTeraDyne: Thanks! =)10:53
WhtWolfTeraDynex_link: no problem.10:53
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x_linkWhtWolfTeraDyne: Just not used to Kubuntu yet. Have been using Debian for a while.10:54
x_link+ I'm pretty new with Linux.10:54
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x_linkWhtWolfTeraDyne: Guess you just have to be patience with ,e10:54
x_linkOr how you spell it =)10:54
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zeleznihi! i'll try once again:10:54
malik__anyone please help me how can i reconfigure my Xserver10:55
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zelezniafter enabling restricted ati video driver and rebooting, i get black screen saying id does not support that video mode. what should i do?10:55
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malik__i have nvidia geoforce and dual monitors10:56
raylu!nvidia | malik__10:56
ubotumalik__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:56
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malik__every thing is too large on the screen i can hardly see any type what i am writing10:56
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zeleznianybody please: need help about "video mode not supported"10:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about joystick - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:05
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angasulehow do I set up a joystick? I can't find anything related to that in Settings11:05
rayluxorg, I believe11:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about joystick - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:06
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:06
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angasuleraylu: you mean they /removed/ the joystick setup screen? there used to be one somewhere, that didn't work too well11:07
rayluer...i have no idea11:07
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-118-96.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
raylu!find joystick11:07
ubotuFound: joystick, xserver-xorg-input-joystick11:07
angasuleah, found it in "keyboard and mouse"11:07
rayluoh, you mean the control pannel appllet =\11:07
angasuleand it's still broken \o/ wooo11:08
angasuleI don't know why I bother to report such things11:08
angasule*ubuntu's game friendliness is on par with slackware's11:09
runleveltencontrol panel?11:09
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dr_willisI got a joystick that actually is a Keyboard. :)11:10
dr_willisps2 port even11:10
=== Neil3 [n=neil@host86-132-113-57.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
angasuleI fear I'll have to manually modify /dev11:10
dr_willisfor some older games i had to make a link in /dev/ to point to the right joystick device11:11
angasuleis it so hard to support gameport joysticks? they have only been around for 20 years after all11:11
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dr_willisgameport? gesh.. I wonder if i even have any pc's with those still.11:11
angasule(this particular joystick is 17 years old and worked with my 286)11:11
dr_willisIts possible the module needs to be loaded manually11:11
angasuledr_willis: they are trivial to support, though11:11
=== proton40 [n=proton40@p5499EFEF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
angasulejust have a button somewhere that says "I have an old style joystick"11:12
jhutchinsDon't most games have internal drivers for the gameport?11:12
dr_willisthats your definiton of 'support' ?11:12
dr_williswhy not 10000000000 other buttons for the 100000000+ other old things out there. :)11:12
jhutchinsDo you want it to work like a mouse or something?11:12
angasuleno, I want the friggin' joystick to show up11:12
=== Smooph [n=Smooph@e180177092.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
dr_willisand what module does the joystick use?11:13
jhutchinsangasule: show up where/11:13
angasuleif you go to Settings->Keyboard&mouse (brilliant, really) you can see the joystick set up11:13
runleveltenangasule: Wait until the "give me a million pounds" button is finished for KDE 4.11:13
dr_willisPlug and Play tetection of some of that old hardware is the stumbling point.  You may have to manually load the proper module.11:13
angasuleit says there is no joystick, and asks where a joystick might be11:13
angasuledr_willis: that's the wrong approach, one should never have to manually load a module for something as trivial as the standard gameport11:14
jhutchinsPresuming the joystick hasn't died...11:14
angasulejhutchins: if an old style joystick dies, it still 'works' :)11:14
jhutchinsArchaic hardware seldom ever used.  Yeah, kid, manual load is gonna be part of the troubleshooting.  Back when joysticks were common _everything_ was manual load.11:15
runleveltena joystick plugged into a game port isn't exactly an ethernet adapter...11:15
dr_willisangasule,  dosent matter what you think. IF the system can not 'auto detect' a bit of hardware.. thats how it has to be done.11:15
angasuleeach axis is just a 100k ohm potentiometer, and each button is just a button11:15
jhutchins(Heck, back then, everything was "patch & recompile the kernel".11:15
dr_willisjhutchins,  yep.11:15
angasuledr_willis: not really, you can try to detect USB joysticks, if none are found, then ask "do you have a gameport joystick?"11:15
dopeis there a way i can have it so a user doesn't have to use sudo for certain commands?11:15
runleveltenQuick! Pull the release, no support for RS232 lemon squeezers !!11:15
jhutchinsYou want point-and-click hardware management, I believe Microsoft has some products that do that.11:15
=== runlevelten grins
=== runlevelten is kidding ;)
dr_willisangasule,  thats why USB is so much better. You said its a 'gameport' joystick. I belive the auto-detection of the gameport stuff has always been well.. not existing.11:16
angasulejhutchins: are you critisizing one of the few things that are done better on MS Windows? ;)11:16
runleveltenbetter my ass.#11:16
jhutchinsangasule: I don't think it's done better.11:16
runlevelten*better my behind.11:16
=== TeraDyne [n=teradyne@ip70-178-69-206.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
dr_willisIve had to reboot windows upon inserting a joystick. :)11:16
angasuledr_willis: given the extreme simplicity of the gameport hardware, it can't really be detected if there is a joystick plugged in or not (nothing connected == infinite resistance :) )11:17
=== Mr_Pan [n=marcopan@host204-222-dynamic.3-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
jhutchinseasier for idiots who don't want to learn anything != better.11:17
dr_willisangasule,  you are assuming the gameport module is even loaded also.11:17
runleveltenThere are whole swathes of thousands of common devices where you need to install a driver from the CD or the internet with windows11:17
angasuledr_willis: see? it detected it fine! :P11:17
jhutchinsangasule: What are you trying to configure the joystick to do?11:17
runleveltenbut it's in the kernel on Linux.11:17
angasuledr_willis: it was automatically loaded, yes11:17
angasulejhutchins: show up?11:17
dr_willisangasule,  how about the 12+ different jousticks that can be in there. Ive had to manually load different modules for different gamepads in the past.11:17
jhutchinsangasule: No, not show up.11:17
jhutchinsangasule: It's right there on your desk, it's showed up.11:18
jhutchinsangasule: What do you expect to do with it if you configure it in KDE?11:18
dr_willisof course if we spent all this time trouble shooting the gamepad.. and not ranting.. it would be fixed by now.11:18
runleveltenLinux has easily the best hardware support of any OS, I'm afraid.11:18
angasulejhutchins: check if the axes are working correctly, test buttons11:18
jhutchinsrunlevelten: Well, lots of holes for special binary drivers, but that happens in windows too.11:18
angasulejhutchins: a /dev/js0 entry is generally useful unless you run games as root, too, I guess...11:18
runleveltenThe fact you can overlook downloading drivers or finding CDs for an OS that has *NO* hardware support for your device, doesn't mean it has seamless hardware support.11:18
jhutchinsangasule: You'll need to find a joystick test program then.11:19
angasulehave to go do tech support11:19
jhutchinsangasule: Find some game that uses it, see if it loads it.11:19
dr_willisof coruse if dmesg dosent show it being detected.. well.. its not detected..11:19
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jhutchinsI have a gameport on my soundblaster - at least I'm pretty sure I do - but I don't have anything in the control panel for it.11:20
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angasulejhutchins: go to Settings->keyboard and mouse->joystick, there is your test program11:21
runleveltenIt's just odd to hear "Hardware support for x is better from this vendor, who writes no drivers for x and includes no drivers for x and provides no system of obtaining the drivers for x automatically"11:21
angasuleor fire up kcontrol11:22
dr_willisjhutchins,  i think i mayu have a sngle machine now - with the old style gameport. ;)11:22
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runleveltenHi pouic11:23
TeraDyne!fr | pouic11:23
ubotupouic: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:23
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dr_willis/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/input/gameport has like 4 modules.. gee. i figured there would be more11:23
elite101he i am getting kubuntu 7.04 is that any good than what i have now kubuntu KDE 3.5 6.06.111:24
dr_willisspaceorb.ko  -- Hay! i rember those.. Nevver did have one. :)11:24
TeraDyneelite101: I find Feisty to be MUCH better than Dapper.11:24
dr_willisTeraDyne,  i agree there.11:24
elite101how is it diffrent thou11:24
elite101im on dapper rite now11:25
dr_willisjust updates mainly11:25
runleveltenelite101: It's getting alright.11:25
dr_willisi doubt if ya notice much different at all.11:25
dr_willisUpstart is a big change.. but i dint think many even notice the change.11:25
elite101okay thats sumthing i want to be really good11:25
elite101so go with 7.0411:25
elite101since mine is so outdated11:25
dr_williselite101,  or wait a few mo for the next release. :)11:25
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dr_willisor do both..11:25
dr_willisor take up golf!11:25
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=== TeraDyne heads back to the laptop and to play some Star Trek Encounters
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dr_willisBah! go play FreeCol!11:26
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-102.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #kubuntu
WhtWolfTeraDynedr_willis: I'd rather be playing something along the lines of .hack//11:27
dr_willisI had one of the .hack games for the PS211:27
dr_willisit was.. sort of lacking in ways. :)11:28
WhtWolfTeraDynedr_willis: I have the first two .hack games, and the two .hack//G.U. games that are currently released.11:28
WhtWolfTeraDyneI wonder if there's a .hack-style game for linux...11:28
=== Gazza [n=gary@user-54410001.l5.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
elite101next release?11:29
elite101well all kubuntu'slook the same actually just wondering if anything has changed just the programs have been updated11:29
elite101and how come when i install something it doesnt show it on the kmenu do i have to manually add it or it just wontbe there?11:29
elite101was is dot hack about? is it like final fantsy games (god i hate thoes)11:29
Lunar_LampI've not played .hack, but Uplink is a kind of hacking game tha thas a linux version.11:29
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angasuleis there a games channel related to *ubuntu?11:29
michaelOh this different from gnome isnt it!11:30
Dragnslcrelite101- most programs will add an item to the KMenu, but some might not11:30
NoobSauceI've set some commands in my .xsession file, but when I log in, it does not execute the xsession file... Even xsession has execute permissions and it works if I execute it manually. Anyone have an idea what is wrong?11:30
WhtWolfTeraDyneLunar_Lamp: .hack is a single-player Psudo-MMORPG game. All of the other "players" are actually NPCs.11:30
Lunar_LampWhtWolfTeraDyne, oh, then that's nothing like uplink, lol, sorry11:31
WhtWolfTeraDyneLunar_Lamp: Heh. It's ok. I think I'll go looking, though...11:31
elite101who here plays halo2?11:31
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angasuleelite101: it's available on the PC?11:31
WhtWolfTeraDyneangasule: Only for Vista11:32
angasuleI'm guessing it doesn't work on wine?11:32
=== WhtWolfTeraDyne perfers Marathon
angasuleI didn't hear good things about it anyway, and halo 1 was repetitive enough11:32
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NoobSauceanyone have an idea on the xsession thing? I've been messing around with it for several months on and off and I can't get it to work... I'm kind of a noob, so I'd *really* appreciate if someone could dig in.... ^_^11:34
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angasuleNoobSauce: what xsession thing?11:35
wolferineonce I sudo mount -a, any changes I make in fstab should take effect?11:35
wolferineor is there a delay?11:35
NoobSauceangasule: I have some commands in my .xsession file. Even though the file has execute permissions, it won't run on startup. Is there something I'm missing?11:35
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NoobSauceangasule: it works fine when I run it manually btw, so it's not a syntax thing (I don't think)11:36
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=== crossfire [n=crossfir@cpe-66-74-10-79.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
angasuleNoobSauce: depending on how you start X, different files are executed11:36
angasuleNoobSauce: if you use KDE, place scripts in ~/.kde/Autostart11:36
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crossfirecan anyone help with nvidia driver trouble , attempting to get Beryl working after move to Ubuntu11:37
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wolferinecrossfire, what is the issue?11:37
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NoobSauceangasule: I thought xsession was generic...? It used to work on a long-previous version of ubuntu... do you know what the equivalent location is for gnome?11:37
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angasuleNoobSauce: probably ~/.gnomerc or something like that, not sure11:37
crossfirenvidia drivers will not install ,or upgrade , when I attempt to run Beryl I get white screen , kinda stuck11:38
runleveltengnome? what manner of thing be #gnome?11:38
pjac-1_hi ppl11:38
wolferinecrossfire, one thing at a time11:38
angasuleNoobSauce: and from a recent experience, I don't think it's generic,I wanted a startup script as well11:38
crossfirelol  OK11:38
wolferinecrossfire, new install?11:38
crossfireyes ,11:38
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wolferinecrossfire, Feisty?11:38
crossfiregpu fx 590011:38
crossfireyes fiesty11:39
NoobSauceangasule: ok, thanks. At least now I know what the problem (probably) is :)11:39
wolferinecrossfire, is this a new install of Feistyt?11:39
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crossfireyes , last night11:39
crossfirefresh outa the box11:39
wolferinedid u turn on the restrictd drivers?11:39
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wolferinecrossfire, restricted drivers manager...11:40
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angasuleNoobSauce: np11:40
crossfirehave not found a way to do so , I have verified that restricted driver instaled , but ...... cannot find system/administration per the  walk thru11:40
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crossfire*note  running KDE11:41
wolferinecrossfire, did you use the restricted drivers manager?11:41
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wolferinenot sure if its available in KDE11:41
x_linkI open my konsole, choose transpatnt Konsole --> Configure Konsole ->> I set the transparency there11:41
x_linkBut when I open irssi it's not transparent anymore.11:41
x_linkWhy is it like this?11:41
wolferinecrossfire, what guide are you using to install the nvidia drivers?11:41
jhutchinsx_link: Because irssi is not a kde program.11:42
x_linkBut it worked in Debian so.11:42
wolferineonce I sudo mount -a, any changes I make in fstab should take effect? or is there a delay?11:42
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jhutchinsx_link: KDE control panel only controls kde & kde applications.11:42
x_linkI didn't do it from KDE Control Panel.11:42
x_linkBut ok.11:42
x_linkI understand.11:42
=== alberg [n=alberg@46.Red-81-47-242.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
crossfireakk might not be that page , but was in ubuntuforums ,11:43
jhutchinswolferine: You will need to unmount anything that was already mounted, or use the -o remount option (which I don't think works with -a)11:43
runleveltenNo, irssi should still be transparent!11:43
wolferinecrossfire, you might not want to just 'wing it' and find somewhere that instructions on what you need to do11:43
runleveltenjhutchins: Nothing to do with whether it's a kde program... he said konsole ;)11:43
wolferineso mount -o then mount -a ?11:43
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jhutchinsOh - console - nothing to do with kde, check.  Duh.11:43
=== jhutchins heads off in search of blood sugar.
crossfirelol ...<sigh> thought thats what I was doing11:44
runleveltenI know what you mean :)11:44
=== runlevelten has grabbed biccies and tea.
=== dsmith gorges on eggo blueberry waffles
wolferinecrossfire, irc does not supply you with documentation on how to install your cards drivers, troubleshoot and setup beryl11:45
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dsmithhmmmm lts coming out in 200811:45
wolferinecrossfire, you might want to go somewhere, instead of have someone type in 10-20 lines to give you an explanation11:45
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wolferinesome of us have others things we can do, and especially since there is so much documentation online about it, you might consider starting there first11:46
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scottyHow does one turn off clicking via tapping the touchpad in Ubuntu on a laptop?11:47
scotty*with Kubuntu11:47
dsmithturn off the touchpad11:47
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dsmithcan you?11:47
crossfireLMAO , yes I have full ability to search teh internet , read docs forums,and so forth , was hoping for quick help to hopefully resolve simple prob11:48
crossfireso long and thanks for nothing11:48
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dsmithwolferine: what was crossfire's issue?11:49
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=== Apollo_ [n=Apollo@p54A9C8D3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
Apollo_hi all11:52
runleveltendsmith: They demanded people's voluntary help came in the particular form they liked, and became upset when nobody bought them a pony.11:52
runleveltenHi Apollo :D11:52
=== pascal_ [n=pascal@dslb-088-076-202-113.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
pascal_how are you all???11:53
pascal_anybody there11:54
sfireof course11:54
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pascal_someone who answer11:54
pascal_how are you sfire11:55
sfiredoing good11:55
dsmithrunlevelten: Hmmmm, some people are just ignorant. I always lookup stuff before coming in here asking for help. That way it forces me to learn for myself11:55
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Apollo_hi runlevelten :)11:57
Apollo_Ubuntu is my first try at Linux but I'm already impressed by it :)11:57
runleveltendsmith: uhuh, and it's not even just that - when someone says "there are docs/howtos on this", the first thing I'd be doing is looking for them!11:58
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DragnslcrHeh, I'm lazy. I ask for a link before I look for them myself11:59
sfireApollo_: welcome to the wonderful world of linux12:01
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Apollo_ty... :) I've been programming for Windows for some years now, nothing big, nothing impressive, but I got along. but although I have yet to figure out a lot of things in Linux I don't know yet, it's still wonderful to learn something new :)12:01
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Raysielaloha todos12:02
=== Apollo_ is now known as [Apollo]
Silent_Gi installed Azureus , and i opened some torrent files that i had saved on windows and im contining download from where i left on windows, Azureus is checking them but its very slow checking them can any one tell me the reason?12:02
=== Aaron_S [n=aaron@c-68-42-207-145.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
sfireSilent_G: yes12:04
=== imagine [n=imagine@xplr-ts-t11-208-114-165-46.barrettxplore.com] has joined #kubuntu
Silent_Gtell me then sfire12:05
sfireits because its re-hashing them12:05
=== BudgetDedicated [n=BudgetDe@s5593c2e9.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu
sfireits making sure all the data is still intact12:05
sfireit does it every time the files get moved or the torrent gets re-opened12:06
sfireits the only way you can really be sure that your not seeding junk and getting banned by every peer in the swarm12:06
rayluso, my tty just got messed up...how do i fix this?12:06
raylui had it output some non-standard chars12:06
sfiremost clients ban your IP after 3 bad upload blocks12:07
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Raysieli have a strange issue with the printing sistem... it looks like there's no way to fix the orientation, the configuration panel in the application from within i want to print is not active, what could the cause be?12:09
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runleveltenraylu: try typing reset12:09
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Silent_Gsfire, i know it used to check them on windows uTorrent, but it was fast checking them :S12:10
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Silent_Gazureus its been long checking them and its still check only 10% of them12:12
sfireSilent_G: install Torrent in kubuntu :)12:13
sfireit works flawlessly with WINE :)12:13
sfireI use it all the time12:13
dsmithktorrent is a great torrent program12:13
Silent_Gthen i will12:13
Silent_Gsince utorrent is my favorite programm12:13
sfirektorrent is banned by many trackers12:13
sfireit reports incorrect statistics12:14
dsmithheh, I have no problems with it12:14
Raysield'oh sfire are you serious? ;(12:14
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sfire3 of them I'm a member of have banned ktorrent12:14

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