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fdovingScottK: around?  kio-umountwrapper_0.2-0ubuntu3 from http://ubuntu.lnix.net/archive/gutsy/ - tested and it works.12:29
ScottKfdoving: Just headed out the door for dinner.  Maybe later tonight (I'm on -0400).12:44
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s0undt3chhello ppl, anyone knows if gtk+2 package ships with it's translations?12:56
s0undt3chaparently not, is this a bug?12:56
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Riddellfdoving: added to seeds01:38
Riddellfdoving: uploaded kio-umountwrapper_0.2-0ubuntu3 thanks01:41
RiddellI'll promote to main tomorrow01:42
nixternalRiddell: Phil is kool people :)01:47
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mhbhello folks, I have a tiny bugreport to report, and I think here is the best place for it02:17
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mhbI tried to "apt-get source ksplash" and it said: WARNING: 'kdebase' is maintained in the 'Bzr' version control system at: https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/debian02:18
mhbhowever, that bzr branch does not exist02:18
crimsunfile a bug. Iit should be https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase/debian02:20
mhbyeah, I figured02:21
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jjesseok finally done with harry potter #702:38
jdongjjesse: harry dies!02:44
jdongeveryone dies!02:44
jdonglol I have no idea what I'm talking about :)02:44
jjessei bet a lot of people would get pissed at jdong's comment02:44
mhbjjesse: how was the ending? :o)02:45
jjessemhb: didn't like it and that's all i'll say for now02:45
mhbjjesse: I told you :o)02:45
jjessereal quick how do i turn off the system beep?02:57
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jdongset nobeep?03:11
jjesseset nobeep i think did it03:11
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jdongok, cool03:14
jdongin some shells it's setopt03:14
jdonglike say, zsh, and all the cool shells :)03:14
jjesseah i don't use a "cool" shell then03:15
jdongaww, well you should :)03:20
jdongyour lazy  tab finger will like you better :)03:20
ScottKRiddell: I commented on that upgrade-manager bug I hit.  After much investigation, I think that it'll take a major redesign to work on low memory systems.  The cache is just to big.03:21
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mhbhttp://bayimg.com/jaEMBaABf I am hopeless.04:04
mhbOn the other hand, I'd be happy to hear your feedback on that splash screen I just posted :o)04:05
bsundsrudyet elegant04:06
bsundsrudmaybe add a kde/kubuntu logo over the bar?04:07
mhbbsundsrud: I wish I could :o) if you know the KDE's "simple" black and white splash screen, this is the same code with Kubuntu upslash colours added in it04:08
bsundsruddid you use the kde4 packages or did you build it yourself?04:10
mhbbsundsrud: the printscreen was from kde3, but I usually build KDE4 myself04:11
nixternalmhb: honestly...04:11
bsundsrudon kubuntu?04:11
nixternalI absolutely love it :)04:11
nixternalI use the simple black & white one anyways04:11
bsundsrudi tried to follow the techbase page on setting up a kde4 environment but i never could seem to get it compiled...04:12
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mhbnixternal: that's not "honestly" :-)04:13
mhbnixternal: I did use that black and white too, but I thought I'd add some Kubuntu colours to it04:13
mhbnixternal: the good thing is that the code is toolkit-independent, so it is one of the few ksplashes that work in KDE404:15
nixternalI remember looking for the code one day and gave up on it04:15
mhbbsundsrud: if you want to compile KDE4, switch to Gutsy Gibbon, you'll have the Qt4.3 libs built and the other stuff is easy (use the techbase tutorial)04:17
bsundsrudim using gutsy atm anyway :D04:17
bsundsrudi like cutting edge04:18
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mhbnixternal: but I'm so glad you like it.04:19
manchickenSweet, the debtags issue is fixed/04:19
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manchickenDo we know if anybody has been documenting libapt?04:25
mhbnixternal: if you want, you can check out http://mhb.ath.cx/tmp/ksplash-engine-simplecolours/ , add the folder into your kdebase-3.5.7/ksplashml/themeengine/ folder and try to compile it (I don't promise anything)04:28
mhbnixternal: what I can promise is that I'll try to clean the code a bit, add some more colours (10 should be enough) and then try and push it into Kubuntu Gutsy universe04:30
manchickenI'll see if I can get some warnings for when folks try to modify stuff with packages of required and important priority.04:32
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mhbhello Hobbsee05:29
Hobbseeheya mhb!05:31
mhbHobbsee: did you see my latest garbage screenshot? http://bayimg.com/jaEMBaABf05:37
Hobbseemhb: neat!05:37
mhbHobbsee: "simple" ksplash meets kubuntu usplash05:38
=== Hobbsee hasnt read backscroll yet
Hobbseethe usplash usually doesnt have the icons on it by that point, though05:38
mhbHobbsee: ah, you mean the desktop icons? They're there because I was testing the ksplash, not actually starting KDE.05:40
Hobbseethat seems to be as simple is designed, actually05:42
Hobbseeto not actually have another background05:42
Hobbseehiya nixternal!05:44
nixternalhiya Hobbsee!05:44
mhbHobbsee: yes, not loading another background is one good aspect of it05:45
Hobbseeyep :)05:46
=== Hobbsee likes it
Hobbseealthough i thikn i'm using the moodlin one at the moment05:46
mhbHobbsee: which is the default one, right?05:47
Hobbseeactually, i think we may have a kubuntu splash?05:47
nixternalya, and the Kubuntu splash is a moodin one, which I didn't know..05:48
mhbHobbsee: yes, but on a moodin engine05:48
Hobbseeah right05:49
mhbHobbsee: the moodin engine is quite the opposite of the "simple" engine :o) very customizable, but very complicated05:50
mhbfor a splash screen, that is05:50
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DaSkreechHow do I handle stoned?05:51
nixternalsleep it off05:52
DaSkreechgutsy+1 was announced as LTS?05:53
nixternala while ago05:53
Hobbseethat was decided at UDS, yes05:53
nixternalevery 2 years05:53
mhbHobbsee: to be honest, I have never undestood why that KDE splash screen always prints messages like "setting interprocess communication"05:57
mhbHobbsee: I mean: who cares? :o) users care only if something bad happens (an that usually results in a error pop-up), developers know what's happening anyway05:58
DaSkreechmhb: User comfort05:58
DaSkreechIs it actually tied to anything in the background?05:59
Hobbseeunsure - maybe being able to see what is happening, if it's lagging?05:59
DaSkreechI just thought that all that stuff was just a pretty little bar that keeps running to keep users happy knowing something is happening05:59
mhbDaSkreech: true, but why write messages that are incomprehensible to the user?06:00
DaSkreechmhb: have you ever played the Sims?06:00
HobbseeDaSkreech: hehe, i know where you're going with this.06:00
Hobbseesims 2 has even better messages06:00
mhbmy sister had06:00
DaSkreechHobbsee: doesn't it?06:01
mhbHobbsee: I know those :o)06:01
Hobbseeoh yes ;)06:01
Hobbseemhb: did your sister ever play with the buyable fire, in multiple colours?06:01
DaSkreechmhb: Yeah if we wanted we could make the purposely over the top and throw pouring milk for the kitty in the middle06:01
DaSkreech I don't think it matters06:01
=== Hobbsee misses her purple fire.
mhbHobbsee: I've never paid much attention to the sims, I must admit06:02
Hobbseeawww, darn.06:02
=== Hobbsee always wondered how far the multiple colours of buyable fire spread.
DaSkreechI would guess within the visible spectrum?06:04
HobbseeDaSkreech: i meant across that community06:04
Hobbsee^ be the buyable fires.06:05
DaSkreechI wonder if Seven deadly sims is still around06:06
Hobbseeshould be.06:07
Hobbseefor sims 1, anyway06:07
Hobbseemaybe for ts206:07
Hobbseecreating for the sims is so hard anyway06:07
Hobbseethere's multiple tools, so you use about 5 in any creation06:07
Hobbseeand apart from that, they change the base level code during most of hte expansion packs, so the more objects and stuff you do, the more of them you have to fix.06:08
Hobbsee(seeing as they never actually released edith)06:08
HobbseeC&C is gone, though :(06:09
Hobbsee</ random discussion >06:10
Hobbseeit was the tool the people at (then) maxis used to create the objects.06:12
bsundsrudyou knew edith too?06:12
nixternalarchie was the best06:13
HobbseeDaSkreech: editing things in hex instead is fun, y'know :P06:13
Hobbseefor the stuff they didnt really have plugins for06:14
nixternalnot that archie you silly06:14
DaSkreechOh yeah we used to do that for SC tournaments06:14
nixternalArchie and Edith Bunker06:14
DaSkreech I swore never to talk about that06:14
DaSkreechThose were the days06:14
nixternalhaha yes06:14
nixternalI catch it every now and then on Nick at Night06:14
HobbseeDaSkreech: hahahahaha06:15
Hobbsee[14:14]  <DaSkreech>  I swore never to talk about that <-- i usually operate on the same06:15
DaSkreechHobbsee: You mean the swearing?06:16
HobbseeDaSkreech: no, the stuff about the sims, actually06:16
DaSkreechah yeah :-)06:16
DaSkreechSims is great06:16
DaSkreechWish they still had the music in Sims2 :-(06:16
Hobbseeand my website design is not so bad...ish.06:17
Hobbseeyou can grab the sims 1 music, iirc06:17
DaSkreechI have a playlist06:17
DaSkreechI'm unfortunately addicted to simolease lyrics06:17
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DaSkreechhi Mez06:17
HobbseeDaSkreech: *grin*06:18
HobbseeDaSkreech: you cant seem to get the ts2 songs out, though.06:18
DaSkreechI know06:18
DaSkreech sucks the06:18
=== Hobbsee has no insider contacts to get them out, either.
DaSkreechI wonder if they would be so nice as to have them on the website06:19
Hobbseedoubt it06:20
Hobbseesome of htem, maybe06:20
Hobbsee!packagingguide | mhb06:20
ubotumhb: The packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports06:20
DaSkreech EA should use that money to buy a soul06:20
HobbseeEA couldnt be that sensible.06:21
DaSkreechYou mean like making the games Linux compatible?06:23
Hobbseenow that'd be nice....06:24
Hobbseets1 has a linux port, though.  not the expansions, though06:24
DaSkreecha port?06:24
DaSkreech serious?06:24
Hobbseemandriva made one.06:24
DaSkreechYou can buy the music06:25
HobbseeDaSkreech: means it should be easy enough to pirate.06:25
Hobbseeer, "obtain"06:25
DaSkreechwhat aaarrrrrrr you talking about?06:26
HobbseeEA's copy protection sucks.06:26
Hobbseethen again, their games are of beta quality when they release, so....06:26
DaSkreechyay! They have the lyrics sheeets for the sims songs online06:27
nixternalthis is to damn scary in here06:28
DaSkreechto or from ?06:28
DaSkreechSee this I can live with06:36
nixternalmy lord, you have issues06:38
Hobbseenixternal: better than your vista ones06:39
DaSkreechSee.. I could answer you in Simese06:39
DaSkreechCancel Or allow?06:39
DaSkreechHeehee :)06:39
nixternaldude, that is no f'n joke about the cancel or allow junk06:40
nixternalone of my best friends, she just bought a new laptop and it is soooooo slow06:40
DaSkreechI had to press 6 of those to click one button06:40
nixternalit is a crazy fast rig, but vista is god awful on it06:40
DaSkreechwas really annoying06:40
Hobbseeoh way cool.  sway is actually a real song, too.06:42
DaSkreechI'm listening to banana_blaster.mp306:44
DaSkreechThe BNL ones are a little too much06:44
DaSkreechBare naked Ladies06:46
=== DaSkreech ponders too much bare naked ladies
DaSkreechIn any case they apparently have a full sims album06:46
DaSkreechI could probably do that with DMB but I actually like BNL lyrics so it's a bit off putting06:47
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Hobbseegah.  too many bugs.07:14
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DaSkreechWell they just started shooting up my area07:45
DaSkreechGuess it's bed time07:46
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=== help is now known as birthdaylogger
=== Hobbsee hugs birthdaylogger
=== birthdaylogger smiles :)
=== DaSkreech ducks
DaSkreech Ok yeah really07:52
DaSkreechgetting closer now07:52
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_StefanS_hey hobbs09:51
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Riddellnew k3b is out11:33
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Riddell_czessi: when should I get the poster stand sent?01:43
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RiddellNightrose: how would you fancy merging qcomicbook?02:20
NightroseRiddell: sorry - very busy learning for my exam next monday :-(02:20
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Riddellooh, good luck02:20
Nightrose;-) thx02:21
=== Nightrose hates examtime
Nightrose2 months of no life for me *g*02:21
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ScottKGreetings Hobbsee02:25
ScottKWell I've upgraded to Gutsy now.  It at least feels faster to start with.02:31
ScottKUpgrading from Feisty + KDE 3.5.7 to Gutsy I got a number of file conflicts - package kyyy tried to install file whatever, but whatever was installed by package kzzz.  Is this known/being worked are would a report be useful?02:33
Hobbseea bug report of them all would be useful.  please target it to tribe 402:33
ScottKOK.  I was afraid you were going to say that.  Good thing I took notes.02:34
Hobbseeas in, it's not feature freeze and such yet, so everything still moves around a bit02:34
Hobbseei know about the libkdepim file conflict02:34
Hobbseebut nothing else02:34
ScottKWhich package do I file the bug against, the conflictor or the conflictee?02:34
Hobbseekubuntu-meta will do02:35
ScottKOK.  WIll do.02:35
ScottKI verified the gnupg changes we did and they are good.02:36
ScottKBTW, dunno if you noticed, but Kmail GPG and S/MIME by default were the only Gutsy changes in that section of the last UWN.02:37
Hobbseeyeah...we need to find some more02:38
Hobbseethe recent kde4 snapshot would be news, but we dont want people running it, and filing billiions of bugs02:38
ScottKI would encourage people to just go to the wiki page for the next UWN and add stuff.  That's how the Kmail stuff got in there.02:38
Hobbseesounds smart.02:39
Hobbseei would encourage you to post that to the mailing list :)02:39
ScottKOK.  I'll add that to my list.02:39
Hobbseeas in, kubuntu-meta i'll get bug reports about.  although any predone bugs will be under their respective packages, fo course02:39
ScottKSure.  I'll do my best on the packages.02:40
Hobbseecool :)02:42
ScottKHobbsee: For kdepim can all file conflicts go in that one bug or do you want one bug per conflict within kdepim?02:45
Hobbseeno, that one bug is great02:45
Hobbsee(as all the conflicts are in one source package anyway)02:45
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ScottKThe bad news is that I found a lot more in kdepim.  The good news is I installed every binary package in kdepim, so this should be all of them.02:48
Hobbseegreat :)02:49
Hobbseewe do need to test this later anyway, so it's all good :)02:49
ScottKOK.  Bug #119664 is commented.  Kdepim was about 75% of the problem.  Off to do the rest.02:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119664 in kdepim "Kubuntu upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy failed due to conflicting file in kdepimlibs" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11966402:52
Hobbseegreat :)02:53
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ScottKOK.  Done filing bugs for the moment.03:40
RiddellScottK: upgrade bugs?03:41
ScottKBTW, that update-maanger bug for low memory systems is going to be a bitch to fix.03:42
Hobbseehiya Riddell!03:42
mhbScottK: which one?03:43
ScottKmhb: gimme a sec and I'll get you the number.03:43
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RiddellScottK: you said it was due to a large list?03:44
ScottKI think so or too much information cached.03:44
RiddellScottK: what makes you think that?03:45
ScottKBug #10718803:45
Hobbseei think i know what's up with that bug, i'll have a look sometime03:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107188 in update-manager "[MASTER]  [kde]  Upgrade tool crashed with " Cannot allocate memory" (edgy -> feisty)" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10718803:46
RiddellScottK: the problem is in the forkpty function of the embedded konsole I'm sure03:46
Hobbseeoh, not that one.  imeant the conflict one03:46
mhbScottK: it's not really about not having memory, although it tends to show only on lower memory systems03:47
ScottKRiddell: OK.  I traced it as far as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/107188/comments/60 where python goes from ~120mb to ~750 mb in less than one second.03:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107188 in update-manager "[MASTER]  [kde]  Upgrade tool crashed with " Cannot allocate memory" (edgy -> feisty)" [High,Confirmed] 03:47
RiddellScottK: but if that were the case it would mean the gtk frontend had the same issue03:47
ScottKThat's true.03:48
mhbScottK: and it's an evil one, gdebi-kde is plagued by this one, too03:48
mhbScottK: I am quite certain it's a KDE-only bug, related to python-kde and konsole kpart03:49
ScottKWell I got as far as the memory bloat happened while executing the commented line in update-manager.  I took a stab at trying to follow things from there.03:49
ScottKMy eyes got watery and I gave up and used the text mode installer.03:50
ScottKWhich, if it were just the cache wouldn't have worked either.03:50
mhbScottK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-kde3/+bug/11773103:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 117731 in python-kde3 "Python crashes after attaching pty to a konsole kpart" [Undecided,New] 03:53
=== ScottK looks
mhbScottK: that is my attempt at finding some information03:53
mhbScottK: the key that might help us fix this issue is that Edgy with pre-update repositories is not affected03:54
ScottKInteresting, but note that the update-manager bug was first filed against Edgy though.03:54
mhbScottK: yes, edgy without pre update repositories is affected03:55
mhbScottK: but with packages from those repos, it vanishes03:55
ScottKI see.03:55
ScottKI wonder what magic Riddell there?03:56
mhbScottK: if you had the time, you might try installing a chroot edgy system and find the magic03:56
ScottKToo bad LP doesn't support bug dependencies.03:56
=== ScottK ponders an update manager patch to kick you to text mode if memory + swap is less than 1gb as a work around.
ScottKor maybe 1.503:57
mhbScottK: I'd say let's find the magic package / line of code that makes Edgy with pre-update repos tick :o)03:58
manchickenIs it just me, or is the kubuntu logo icon missing from the latest adept?03:58
manchickenAnybody know what changed in kdebase 3.5.7-1ubuntu12?04:00
ScottKmhb: Agreed that's the best approach, but if we get close to the beta without it fixed, it's an option.04:00
Hobbseemanchicken: aptitude changelog kdebase.04:01
Hobbseemanchicken: iirc, it was the kdesudo patch04:01
manchickenLots of meta packages (kdm, kdesktop, etc), are showing up, too.04:01
ScottKmhb: Is there a deb-src repository for the pre-upgrade repos?04:02
manchickenHobbsee: Neither aptitude nor adept can find that changelog.04:03
manchickenThat actually makes me feel better about the changelog functionality in adept :)04:03
Hobbseemanchicken: because the binaries havent built yet04:03
manchickenThen why is it showing up in the repos?04:03
mhbScottK: http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-356-pre-feisty-upgrade/pool-edgy/python-kde3/04:04
ryanakcakwwii: Hey, did you change the logo? I'm currently trying to make a box with this kind of texture... http://www.enghelberg.com/eng/GLASS_FROSTED_COFFEE_MUGS10OZ.gif04:04
mhbScottK: I'd bet on this package as the magic one04:04
mhbScottK: sources are there, so if you had a minute of your time :o)04:05
kwwiiryanakca: nope, didn't find any time on the weekend04:05
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kwwiiryanakca: isn't that pretty close to the look that we had in edgy/feisty?04:05
ScottKmhb: With your reduced test case, I might just get it.04:05
ryanakcaRiddell: oh, merge qcomicbook? Anybody taken up that offer yet?04:05
ryanakcakwwii: umm. I don't remember.04:05
=== ryanakca checks
mhbScottK: yes, installing one package is faster than upgrading the whole system :o)04:06
ScottKNot only that but the trace should be less overwhelming.04:07
ryanakcakwwii: ah, yes, http://debianadmin.com/copper/displayimage.php?album=78&pos=1 :)04:08
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508F2E84.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ryanakcahehe :)04:09
ScottKmhb: If I find the fix, will you do the Feisty SRU?04:10
mhbScottK: okay04:10
ryanakcakwwii: I'll mess around and find something.04:10
mhbScottK: I've never done a SRU before, so it might be good practice :o)04:10
kwwiiryanakca: we can probably simplify that quite a bit though04:11
kwwiiI would definitely like to change the logo used in any casea04:11
ryanakcathe feisty one?04:11
Hobbseehiya kwwii :)04:11
=== Hobbsee met a person at the airport a few days ago who looked a lot like kwwii
=== Hobbsee was almost goign to say hello
kwwiiHobbsee: what? fat and bald?04:13
kwwiiI bet there are a lot of them out there04:13
Riddellryanakca: nope, please go ahead04:13
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mhbkwwii: do you still have the Kubuntu Feisty usplash SVG on the net?04:15
=== Hobbsee wonders how one can have a 4D trackball mouse
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TheInfinityHobbsee: it changes in time ;)04:15
Hobbseeah right04:15
ryanakcakwwii: hmm... mind tarballing all the Kubuntu/Ubuntu .svgs that you have/that I might need?04:17
ryanakca(aka, the logo & the old ones, and the old splash screen stuff)04:18
kwwiimhb: yepp, http://sinecera.de/kusplash_feisty_idea2b.svg04:19
kwwiiryanakca: well, there really is only the kdm and usplash stuff04:19
ryanakcakwwii: *nods*, then the old KDM files? I have the feisty one, but no edgy04:20
kwwiihttp://sinecera.de/usplash_2fc.svg and http://sinecera.de/gdmFrom_2fc.svg is ubuntu04:21
kwwiiI'll have to dig for the edgy version04:21
ryanakcakwwii: thanks :)04:22
kwwiithe window part is the same in both of those, the only difference is the logo04:23
=== ryanakca nods, thanks :)
mhbkwwii: sorry to be such a bother, but that kubuntu upslash svg was without the progress bar, which is what I'm looking for ... do you happen to have one with the progress bar?04:25
kwwiithe progress bar should be in another level which is just turned off04:25
mhbah, sorry then :o)04:26
kwwiimhb: note that when you are working on the usplash you need to make sure that you do not use too many colors04:26
kwwiiI was going to pretty much leave the usplash alone, except to make a brighter outline for the blue part04:26
kwwiithe blue part of the progess bar, I mean04:26
kwwiibut I would probably just open it in gimp and find one of the indexed colors that is already in the png file instead of starting fresh04:27
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RiddellTonio_: ping04:28
RiddellTonio_: I may have thie --nonewdcop stuff working, how do I test it out for real?04:28
Riddellhow do I have kcontrol launch admin mode with kdesudo instead of kdesu?04:28
Tonio_Riddell: just build the kdesudo package including your patch04:29
mhbkwwii: thank you04:29
Tonio_Riddell: the package includes a dpkg-divert to replace kdesu silently04:29
Tonio_Riddell: then just use systemsettings04:29
Tonio_Riddell: if it doesn't work, I'll check if another command line option is required, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't04:30
Riddellkdesu: Unknown option '-n'.04:30
kwwiimhb: no problem04:30
Tonio_Riddell: then we'll have to add this one too....04:30
Tonio_Riddell: it is probably the last missing option04:30
mhbRiddell: I guess you should be able to use your dcop to connect to the elevated app...04:30
mhbRiddell: which is the most *real* testing you can get, isn't it? :o)04:31
Tonio_mhb: -n is just to not cache the password04:32
Tonio_mhb: I think we should fake this option, as sudo is supposed to cache the passwords by default right ?04:32
Tonio_mhb: kdesudo should just accept the option and do nothing with it in my opinion04:33
Tonio_Riddell: what's your opinion on that point ?04:33
Tonio_Riddell: another option is to patch kdelibs not to use the -n for this04:33
Tonio_or kdebase depending where the code is :)04:33
Riddell"DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed"04:34
mhbyeah, I know that one well04:34
Riddellwell, I'm out of ideas04:35
mhbRiddell: did you try the ICEAUTHORITY authentication?04:35
RiddellI've set ICEAUTHORITY to point to a file04:35
Riddelland run iceauth and added the dcop and ice bits04:36
Riddellset DCOPSERVER too of course04:36
Riddelland it should work04:36
Tonio_Riddell: strange....04:36
mhbstrange and troubling04:38
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mhbyou were our best hope :o)04:39
Tonio_Riddell: can't a well acknowledge kde dev help a bt on that point ?04:39
Tonio_Riddell: I guess aseigo wouldn't reject you :)04:40
Tonio_or another one btw04:40
Riddellnot entirely sure anyone would be willing to help us replace fundamental parts of an obsolete KDE version04:40
=== Stecchino [n=bart@d54C56F83.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_hum, indeed04:40
mhbRiddell: could you perhaps make your changes available as a bzr branch (or perhaps commit them)?04:41
Tonio_Riddell: is the way you tested supposed to be compatible with the way original kdesu does it ?04:41
Tonio_or I'd sat "to work the same way"04:44
=== Tonio_ is tired as hell
=== xRaich[o] 2x [n=raichoo@i5387D112.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellyes, I think I know what the problem is, but now I have no idea how to fix it04:45
Tonio_Riddell: I'll make a few tests with your code toonight04:46
Tonio_at the moment I just have to get my brain in peace, out of a computer04:47
Tonio_I think I'm a bit sick04:47
Hobbseeoh dear, not another one04:48
manchickenTonio_: Wuddup homes?04:49
=== lontra [n=lontra@c-75-72-235-37.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_manchicken: what ?05:02
manchickenWhat's going on man?05:02
manchickenI'm making packages ;)05:04
manchickenI'm packing some kate plugins from kde-apps.05:04
manchickenI'm not sure I want to actually be a maintainer of them though.05:04
manchickenI just want them for my personal use.  If anybody else wants to maintain them, I'll send what I get when I'm done.05:05
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180067053.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenStupid debhelper scripts can't handle spaces in directory names.05:05
manchickenWow, that was easy.05:07
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manchickenThat was really easy.05:08
manchickenThere's no way that really worked...'05:08
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Tonio_manchicken: I can review them and polish the packaging if you want :) but not today05:16
Riddellerr, it seem to have started working05:18
Riddellahem, I mean05:18
RiddellI'm a genius, I got it working exactly to plan05:18
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Hobbseeyay, Riddell!05:19
mhbRiddell: don't worry, there's nobody here who doubts about you being genius :o)05:21
Riddellpushed to https://code.launchpad.net/~jr/kdesudo/nonewdcop if people want to try05:24
Riddellit still has all my debugging rubbish in it05:24
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Tonio_Riddell: did it start working ?06:01
Tonio_Riddell: weird ;)06:01
Tonio_Riddell: will fix this toonight06:02
Tonio_Riddell: how about the -n option, did you have to add a fake one ?06:02
RiddellTonio_: for now, I'm thinking it should run sudo -k for the user06:05
Tonio_Riddell: kdesudo should run with -k ?06:08
Tonio_why so ?06:08
Tonio_Riddell: oups, sorry I mussunderstood you, that's okay I got it now06:09
Tonio_Riddell: I'll test your code toonight06:09
ScottKI'd appreciate a bit of troubleshooting advice...  Now that I've upgraded to Gutsy, I've no CPU fan and guidance-powermanager says battery not present plus (as it did in Feisty) CPU is at 0.  For the fan (most critically) and the battery question, where do I start?  guidance, hal, kernel, something else... ?06:11
Riddellacpi breakage06:15
ScottKOK.  Thanks.06:16
=== ScottK will look around.
Riddelldunno where best to look, but it sounds low level06:16
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechWhat does kubuntu do when I leave the room?06:21
Hobbseethe gremlins come out06:22
Tonio_Riddell: kdesudo segfaults here06:26
Tonio_Riddell: tested in systemsettings/fonts installer06:26
=== dandel [n=dandel@pool-71-96-79-252.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: does it work for you ?06:27
=== Riddell tries on another machine
DaSkreechI'm guessing06:30
DaSkreechWhen I come back to my computer the CPU usage is 100%06:30
ScottKDaSkreech: Always or sometimes?06:30
Tonio_Riddell: args->isSet("newdcop");06:30
Tonio_Riddell: shouldn't that be "nonewdcop" instead ?06:30
ryanakcaRiddell: is qcomicbook on mom yet?06:33
Riddellryanakca: yes, under universe-manual.html06:33
=== ryanakca nods, thanks
DaSkreechScottK: Always sometimes :)06:33
ScottKOK.  Well updatedb runs once a day, so that wouldn't likely explain that.06:34
Riddellwhat does top say it is?06:35
DaSkreechAs soon as I make a motion to see what is taking up that CPU usage it drops back down to normal06:35
Tonio_Riddell: out = fopen("/home/jr/OUT", "a+");06:35
Tonio_Riddell: I suspect that might not work here :)06:35
Tonio_Riddell: yep, that's the cause of the crash06:36
Tonio_Riddell: works when I create it, you are a genius :)06:37
Riddelloh phew06:37
Tonio_Riddell: just perfect appart from that :)06:38
=== Tonio_ loves Riddell
Riddellwell I'm not having much luck with sudo -k06:39
Riddellit doesn't run it on the same pty so it doesn't get cancelled06:39
Tonio_Riddell: why using it ?06:40
RiddellTonio_: for kdesudo -n06:40
Tonio_Riddell: I mean sdo caches passwords06:40
Tonio_Riddell: yeah I can figure out that06:40
Riddellyes, and -n is ment to forget them06:40
Tonio_Riddell: why not just making a fake option for kesu compatibility06:40
Tonio_Riddell: that's what I suggested before that06:41
DaSkreechIs the choose best server still broken in Gutsy?06:41
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Tonio_Riddell: I guess kdesu uses kdesu-stub, running as daemon, so no issues right ?06:43
Tonio_with the "no caching password" feature it has06:43
RiddellTonio_: well yes, the problem is it doesn't cache at all :)06:47
Riddellthat's why we're looking at kdesudo06:47
Tonio_Riddell: doesn't cache with sudo, but supposed to work with su06:50
Tonio_Riddell: at least that's why there is a -n option with kdesu :)06:50
Tonio_Riddell: it is not only a matter of cache for me, the point that kdesu doesn't match NOPASSWD sudoers entry is a pure pain for professional usage06:51
Tonio_Riddell: but thanks to everyone helping, we'll do it ;) except I can't see a solution for the -k issue06:52
Tonio_Riddell: except from a daemon working in the background or something, so that the pty stays the same...06:52
Riddellug no, that's the sort of complexity we're trying to avoid06:55
RiddellI'm surprised sudo doesn't have a "remove all my timestamps" option06:55
Tonio_Riddell: yep, just works in a session only06:56
Tonio_Riddell: even with command line, sudo -k will not work if used in another tab....06:57
Tonio_Riddell: that's a bit stupid imho06:57
DaSkreechScottK: Think I found it. Stray Firefox06:57
Tonio_Riddell: going back home, I'll be connected again at about 9H3007:00
DaSkreechCan I tie a PID to a Window title?07:04
ryanakcakwwii: http://blog.ryanak.ca/kdm_box_1.png ? Maybe move the drop shadow to the left? And give it more transparency...07:05
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DaSkreechMy Load is heading towards 5 now07:22
Riddellrun top and keep it running and visible07:23
DaSkreechOnly thing taking up significant resources is X07:26
DaSkreechand one random Konqueror which jumps up to the top then back down07:26
Riddellcould be flash07:26
Riddelldo you have strigi running?07:26
DaSkreechKinda funny that the Konqueror window has been runing for about 20 hours longer than X07:27
DaSkreechCan't get it to work nicely07:27
DaSkreechAnd load is down to 207:28
DaSkreechI swear everytime I try to find out what's going on the system stops doing it07:28
DaSkreechdown to 1.1 now07:29
=== DaSkreech gives up. The Gremlins win
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ScottKIs this right?  Bug #12777807:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127778 in gpgme "KDE4 needs GPGME 0.4.5 to compile" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12777807:56
ScottKSince neither Ubuntu nor Debian have a version that new, I'm guessing not.07:56
kwwiiryanakca: looking pretty good man!08:00
kwwiierm, assuming your a man :p08:00
ryanakcakwwii: thanks08:02
ryanakcaHaha, yes. Unless 'Ryan' can be a girl's name as well.08:03
DaSkreechIT can08:03
kwwiiwell, you never know - don't want to be sexist on irc :p08:03
ryanakcanope. I guess you could devine 'Ryana' from ryanakca.08:03
DaSkreechFrom Kansas City. America ?08:04
ScottKDaSkreech: You're from Kansas City?08:04
DaSkreechNo Ryana is08:04
ryanakcahmm. I'll touch it up, and then go to the pool... and then I'll merge qcomicbook and get back to the groupware server08:04
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ScottKryanakca: Me too (from KC).08:05
ryanakcaDaSkreech: no, RYAN A. Kavanagh CAnada.08:05
kwwiiScottK: I was born in kansas city08:05
DaSkreechRyan a. Ryana Potato Potatoe08:05
ryanakcaIf I moved to the ux, I guess I'd become ryanakuk, hehe08:05
kwwiiScottK: actually, I was born in a hospital in kc, we lived on a horse farm in peculiar08:06
ScottKAh ha.  Not so far away.08:06
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kwwiiwe have quite a few kubuntu devs from the midwest08:08
ScottKAFAICT, only imbrandon hasn't escaped that immediate area.08:08
=== ryanakca wonders on any Ontarians... I know we have quite a few Ubuntu people in Toronto... Kubuntu, dunno
=== allee [n=ach@lapex-mcallee.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiScottK: nixternal is from the chicago area08:14
ScottKYes.  Manchicken too.08:14
ScottKI was commenting on escaping from the Kansas City area.08:15
ScottKThe Baltimore/Washington area doesn't seem to have inspired a lot of joiners.  Just me (and crimsun now that he's moved here) afaik.08:17
kwwiiwell, I escaped kc big-time :-)08:19
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DaSkreechwhee Load of 1008:20
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ryanakcakwwii: I'm quite pleased with it and it's metalic look, but, any suggestions? http://blog.ryanak.ca/kdm_mockup_with_wallpaper_1.png (I'd wait for your updated logo before including it in k-d-s if we do keep it though.)08:28
kwwiiryanakca: looks nice...one suggestion though, we should probably put the logo back inside the box (like dapper and before) if we don't make it semi-transparent08:31
nixternalgnomefreak: you around at all?08:32
kwwiiryanakca: I will do some work on the logo soon (tomorrow or the next day)08:32
ryanakcakwwii: ok. ping me when you're done :)08:35
=== ryanakca --> pool
kwwiiryanakca: will do08:37
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manchickenSweet.  My money for my new machine showed up.08:44
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DaSkreechChicken Feed?08:46
rbrunhuberoh cool manchicken. my ubuntu vserver was just initialised...08:48
manchickenrbrunhuber: Groovy.  Ubuntu server is nice :)08:48
rbrunhubermanchicken : it was really hard to get though. You can have debian on every corner but ubuntu ...08:49
rbrunhubermanchicken : was thinking very long about debian or ubuntu. But man, I believe in (k)ubuntu so I opted for ubuntu.08:50
manchickenrbrunhuber: That's a good lad :)08:51
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Riddellit's Hobbsee's birthday?08:57
rbrunhuberHi Riddell: As I told you I played around with the kde4 packages. Startup was quite seamless, but every single entry in the menus are doubled so I do not know what is the kde4 variant of a program and what kde3. So i had a nice segfault party :-)09:03
ScottKmhb: Still around?09:05
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Riddellrbrunhuber: yeah, that will happen09:07
Riddellrbrunhuber: thanks09:07
Riddellrbrunhuber: do you think it's still useful for me to announce it on kubuntu.org09:08
DaSkreechRiddell: Was09:09
rbrunhuberRiddell : I think it is just "hot", so if you include the "only for developers" stance and maybe a link to the live cd it is worth a news on kubuntu.org. And at least it will stop annoying beings like me to ask you how to use it :-)09:10
Riddellfabo: are you packaging ksniffer  0.3?09:10
Riddellfabo: I suspect it needs X-KDE-RootOnly=true added to the .desktop file, from talking to slacky09:10
manchickenSweet.  The Dell is on its way.09:15
DaSkreechrbrunhuber: For server? Why?09:15
faboRiddell: ok, i'll add it09:16
rbrunhuberDaSkreech: ???09:16
DaSkreechrbrunhuber: You said you believe in kubuntu.09:17
DaSkreechWhat about it makes it a better server than debian ?09:17
rbrunhuberDaSkreech : Yes I believe in kubuntu and ubuntu (on the desktop). This is way I preferred ubuntu over debian.09:17
rbrunhuberDaSkreech : way=why09:18
DaSkreechAh Thought you were installing a server09:18
rbrunhuberDaSkreech: No i rent a vserver running on edgy today.09:19
manchickenRiddell: Do you know if there's anything fancy or non-standard about the OEM Dell's?09:26
rbrunhuberDaSkreech : It does not make ubuntu a better server than debian. I just have a ubuntu server running at home so I hope i can copy, shake and paste most of the config files. And why not try something new, everybody has a debian or suse server.09:26
manchickenI just ordered one.09:26
DaSkreechHa ha :)09:27
manchickenIt'll be here in about 3 weeks or so, and I plan on kubuntufying it right away.09:27
rbrunhubermanchicken : I have a dell laptop. The only thing i had troubles was the wlan card. I swapped the broadcom against a intel and everything is running fine now. The maintainer of the dell kernel module claims they have dirty hacks in their bios though.09:28
DaSkreechmanchicken: Ask them for a Made for Ubuntu Sticker :)09:29
manchickenrbrunhuber: Well the OEM Ubuntu Dells have the intel 3945 in there out of the box.09:29
manchickenDaSkreech: I think they already put those on there.09:29
DaSkreechThat's cool09:29
DaSkreechCan you buy them separate ?09:30
manchickenI don't believe so.09:33
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manchickenAll of the OEMs seem to be putting Intel wifi cards in.09:34
manchickenI'm excited :)09:35
rbrunhuberintel made a clever move (spent it's marketing bucks wisely) a lot of people want a centrino now. I think that's the reason why most oems plug those cards now.09:36
rbrunhuberpcs with the "sleeping heart sticker" = centrino sell a lot better than those without even if the latter machine is better for the same price.09:37
manchickenI think it's the pricepoint.09:38
manchickenIt's just a shame that Intel decided to give Free Software the finger, that's all.09:38
rbrunhubermanchicken : what?09:39
rbrunhubermanchicken : i thought the intel cards are the best supported now?!09:39
manchickenIntel snubbed Free Software hackers when it came time to write linux kernel drivers.09:39
manchickenIIRC, the support is in the form of proprietary drivers.09:40
manchickenWhich is not really support.09:40
rbrunhubermanchicken : i thought they use a firmware now like everyone?09:40
manchickenRealtek from what I understand has several wifi cards that don't require any proprietary software.09:41
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ScottKJust a reminder (while everyone here is busy slamming Intel) that they do a bang up job in free video driver support.09:41
rbrunhuberdon't know just had a real hard time with a rtl8187 and a ralink rt73 usb stick now09:42
manchickenScottK: True that.  It's a product-by-product issue, not a company-by-company issue.09:42
manchickenScottK: Even Microsoft releases Free Software ;)09:42
ScottKWell at least the part of Intel that does their video appears to really get it.  My desktop has embedded intel graphics and I've never had to install any proprietary video drivers.09:44
rbrunhuberBut they often opt to implement only have the functionality (see rotor ). They don't need blops because they just do not implement the interesting things :-)09:44
manchickenScottK: Yup.  I'm looking forward to my i945 as well.09:45
manchickenAlthough I don't know if it's the 945 in my machine, or their newer one...09:45
manchickenrbrunhuber: I don't think I understand what you just said there.09:45
manchickenOh, you're talking about realtek?09:45
rbrunhubermanchicken : no i was just talking about microsoft.09:46
manchickenFrom what I understand, there are fully functional wireless cards requiring zero non-free software.09:46
manchickenrbrunhuber: Oh, no, Microsoft has some free software projects.  They just depend on non-free OS libraries.09:46
manchickenAnd require non-free IDEs to compile.09:47
rbrunhubermanchicken : i could not find a completly free supported wlan usb stick.09:47
manchickenrbrunhuber: USB sticks are a limited breed.09:47
manchickenrbrunhuber: I think PCMCIA has the best free software support.09:47
manchickenMaybe PCI, too.09:48
rbrunhuberThe coolest one was a rt73 on ubuntu feisty. It worked like the turbo button on my ancient 386 DX 40. If you plug it in the machine gets a real snail. If you plug it out again it dies.09:48
manchickenI just hope that the /Dell relationship09:49
manchickenI just hope that the Canonical/Dell relationship yields fewer problems like this and not more of the same.09:49
=== manchicken stabs keyboard.
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rbrunhuberNot nice. Because there is a working driver it's just not in the ubuntu repository. It's the serialmonkey driver.09:50
rbrunhuberAnd in launchpad the bugs keep stacking up but they are all marked as wishlist. Bad thing!09:51
manchickenrbrunhuber: Are you on feisty?09:51
manchickenrbrunhuber: I doubt you'll see something like that backported to feisty.  You may see it in gutsy though.  Especially if you work on it and get a sponsor :)09:52
rbrunhubermanchicken : Yes installed them on two different feisty machines the last days. The first bugreports seem to come from the dapper area. So this seems to be more a no-show than a show in feisty.09:53
rbrunhubershow in gutsy09:53
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Riddellmanchicken: they make some changes I believe but I don't know what they are and they're not very significant, mostly hardware support I suspect09:54
manchickenRiddell: I'm hoping for some artwork, too :)09:55
RiddellI don't think they change it09:55
Riddellyou'd have to ask someone who has one09:55
manchickenRiddell: It'd be nice if it came with some built-in widescreen friendly wallpapers.09:55
manchickenWe don't have very much widescreen friendly artwork.09:56
manchickenI can't really complain that loud though, as I cannot do the artwork thing at all :)09:56
rbrunhubermanchicken : I'd prefer to put more effort in my "easy smartcard for every one vision"09:58
manchickenrbrunhuber: What exactly is that?09:59
rbrunhubermanchicken : don't laugh at me. It is just a thought that keeps me busy.10:00
=== cyber_cop [n=burak@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
cyber_copHi kubuntu developers10:00
manchickenrbrunhuber: I'm not laughing.  I'm confused.  I don't know what you're talking about :)10:00
manchickencyber_cop: Hi cop of cyber.10:01
cyber_copI Turkish kubuntu user10:01
cyber_copslow english10:01
cyber_copbad speak10:01
manchickencyber_cop: Ah.  What's goin' on?10:01
cyber_copmy problem graphics card10:01
cyber_copmy chipset via P4M90010:02
cyber_copnot installed10:02
cyber_copgraphics card via chrome910:02
cyber_copnot intalled10:02
cyber_cophelp me please10:02
manchickencyber_cop: Have you tried asking in #kubuntu?  There are a lot more folks with a much more diverse hardware set there.10:03
manchickenWhereas I've never even heard of that card.10:03
cyber_copkubuntu not support10:04
rbrunhubermanchicken : Think of this: If you see a company with a working smartcard infrastructure everything is totally easy: Logon to your desktop: Plugin smartcard, enter passphrase, done. Sign email:  Plugin smartcard, enter passphrase, done. Login to a remote server: you guess it: Plugin smartcard, enter passphrase, done.10:04
cyber_cophelp please10:04
manchickencyber_cop: #kubuntu is support.10:05
manchickencyber_cop: That is precisely what #kubuntu is for.10:05
cyber_copyes support channel10:05
rbrunhubermanchicken : Why don't we have this in linux?10:05
manchickenrbrunhuber: Ah.  I've heard of that before.  As long as it's not using RFID I'm cool with it.10:05
manchickenrbrunhuber: Two reasons: lack of hardware, we tend to have higher security expectations.10:06
cyber_copmanchicken: my speak english bad10:06
cyber_copkubuntu channel writes quickly quickly quickly quickly10:06
manchickencyber_cop: This isn't the support channel.  #kubuntu is the support channel.  This is the development channel.  I have never heard of your graphics card or your problem before.10:07
manchickencyber_cop: I really think you'd find more support in #kubuntu or on wiki.ubuntu.com10:07
rbrunhubermanchicken : no rfid or any other obscure things. "Just" a smartcard or usb token, some wizards or assistants and a ton of software/application support needed. :-)10:07
cyber_cop:((  I'm go10:08
manchickenrbrunhuber: If you do come up with something like that, make sure you take different architectures into account.10:08
cyber_copformat to kubuntu10:08
cyber_copbecause problem graphics card10:08
cyber_copand not support10:08
manchickencyber_cop: You will find support for the graphics card in #kubuntu.10:08
cyber_copI search search10:08
manchickencyber_cop: We don't usually deal with configuration or hardware issues in here.10:08
cyber_copnot support10:09
cyber_copweb link please10:09
manchickencyber_cop: Yes, support.  They can help you in #kubuntu.10:09
cyber_coplink adress10:09
rbrunhubercyber_cop: Please try asking in #kubuntu. Normally people who support you write your name at the beginning of the line so you can easily follow even if your english is slow10:09
manchickencyber_cop: I don't have one.10:09
cyber_copvia P4M900 chipsett10:09
manchickencyber_cop: Ask in #kubuntu10:09
cyber_copI dont no10:10
cyber_copslow english10:10
=== manchicken gives up.
cyber_copmy send support link10:10
cyber_copdriver install link10:10
rbrunhubercyber_cop: let's go to #kubuntu. Follow me!10:11
=== erenko [n=eren@unaffiliated/erenko] has joined #kubuntu-devel
cyber_copyaw bana yardm eden yokmu burda10:12
erenkoselam cyber_cop10:12
cyber_copingilizcem ok iyi deil10:12
erenkoSenin iin zld10:12
cyber_copadamlara derdimi anlatamadm10:12
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel
erenkoTR kanalna bak10:12
cyber_copbakyom tamam reis10:12
manchickenI think I'll need to brush up on my turkish.10:13
manchickenNo, don't apologize :)10:13
manchickenHe was having a hard time understanding our English :)10:14
manchickenI do think he would find more help for his situation in #kubuntu (is there a turkish channel for #kubuntu?)10:14
rbrunhubermanchicken : the problem up to now is you can get all the functionality you want but you end up with dozens highly customized configs and an large array of smartcards. One is not supported by gpg the next not with pkcs11 next not with pkcs15 one not with hbci... and so on.10:14
DaSkreechRiddell: ping10:15
manchickenrbrunhuber: I think anything that we do towards that end needs to be standardized against gnupg.10:15
erenkoTurkish channel #kubuntu-turkiye - Turkish web site : www.kubuntu-tr.org10:15
manchickenThat seems to be the standard for encryption and protection in GNU/Linux.  Makes sense to stick with what works and is already established.10:16
cyber_coperenko: my channell #kubuntu.tr10:16
cyber_copI love kubuntu10:16
manchickencyber_cop: And kubuntu loves you.10:16
manchickenBut only platonically.10:16
rbrunhubermanchicken : Although i did not understand what you meant with: we tend to have higher security expectations?10:16
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:16
DaSkreechThat so totally rocks10:16
cyber_copmanchicken: thank you very much10:16
manchickenrbrunhuber: Most smart card implementations I've seen are pretty insecure.10:17
manchickenrbrunhuber: As many of them use weak encryption, or hold keys in memory.10:17
manchickenHolding keys in memory is bad.10:18
rbrunhubermanchicken : i've never looked in one in detail. But i think this should be fixable.10:18
manchickenrbrunhuber: If someone were to do a smartcard implementation well, I think it would actually be more along the lines of GnuPG with your secret key on a USB stick.10:19
manchickenBut then you need to make sure that you have that backed up and that you never let anybody borrow that stick.10:19
rbrunhubermanchicken : Everyone is cooking his own soup. Nobody which is recognised in the public seems to put energy in this. It would really cool if for instance Canonical/Ubuntu would push this.10:19
ScottKIIRC from looking at the source package, I think that some of the smart card support in gnupg2 is not compiled into the Ubuntu packages.10:20
rbrunhubermanchicken : As you said keys in memory are bad. In one case because the key might be readable in the other because the key might not be "readable"10:20
ScottKA first thing to look at would be to look at gnupg/gnupg2 and make sure we are using all of what we have already.10:21
rbrunhuberA lot of packages in ubuntu are missing smartcard support. also true for ssh-client.10:21
=== ScottK notes there are newer releases of both gnupg and gnupg2 than we have in Gutsy right now.
rbrunhuberLet's try this top-down. Let's assume no security problems, no arch problems, maybe not even hardware/software support problems.10:23
ScottKOn a more Kubuntu oriented note, someone might want to work on porting pinentry-qt from qt3 to qt4....10:23
rbrunhuberNo comes the setting: Imagine: You install *buntu. No comes the choice: Create regular user or create smartcard user.10:24
rbrunhuberif you opt for sc user a private/public key pair for your user to login is created. pam is configured to let you in with the key. the pub key is placed in the right folder ~/.ssh/authorized_keys or something.10:26
rbrunhuberI see this is getting to far. I just should try to write this down in a document and just publish it.10:28
rbrunhuberIf nobody wants to read it I rewrite a few pages and republish it as a sci-fi novel :-910:30
ScottKIt's a good idea for a spec.10:31
ScottKYou ought to be connected to the ldap/pam stuff that's going on in #ubuntu-server too.10:32
RiddellDaSkreech: pong10:32
rbrunhuberScottK : Visited them last time they seem to hack a tool called "authconfig".10:33
DaSkreechRiddell: Gutsy+1 is LTS ?10:33
Riddell99% certainly anyway10:33
ScottKRiddell: LTS for KDE3, KDE4, or both?10:34
DaSkreech so we should have LTS -> LTS upgrade ?10:34
RiddellKDE 310:34
RiddellDaSkreech: yes10:34
ScottKrbrunhuber: I was able to get changes made in the gnupg packages to support having Kmail PGP and S/MIME encryption, so I think you sould follow up on this idea and see what you can do.10:37
rbrunhuberScottK : I'm a bit afraid to get my fingers on such security related packages.10:37
ScottKrbrunhuber: Since you aren't core-deb you can't break anything.10:38
ScottKrbrunhuber: I'd suggest write out your spec and then discuss it with keescook.  He's open to outside contributions, but won't let you do anything stupid.10:38
rbrunhuberScottK : Thanks for the hint just wrote down the name.10:41
ScottKrbrunhuber: Remember it's people like you making good ideas and running with them that make Kubuntu better.10:42
rbrunhuberScottK :  Where can I find keescook normally?10:42
ScottK#ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-devel10:43
ScottKHe's at Ubuntu Live just now I believe.10:43
rbrunhuberThank you all. Have to go now. See You.10:44
ubotuthe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org10:52
screemoWhats that kfindapp thing called ?10:54
=== screemo is now known as _StefanS_
_StefanS_uhm.. kappfinder..10:55
=== IanC26 [n=IanC26@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== erenko [n=eren@unaffiliated/erenko] has joined #kubuntu-devel
birthdayloggerRiddell: for KWin's new video recording effect you might want to checkout http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6155 and http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=615611:15
DaSkreechI guess that doesn't get looked at until the gutsy+1 interation?11:23
birthdayloggerI thought KDE 4.0 builds will be available for gutsy?11:28
DaSkreechThey will11:28
birthdayloggerjust makes sense to support an ultimate set of features IMO11:28
ScottKWe are supposed to have KDE 4 packages in Universe for Gutsy.11:33
DaSkreechAnd gutsy+1 I'd assume11:39
DaSkreechThen... main! :)11:39
mhbDaSkreech: I'm not sure if they get into main unless KDE4 will be the default11:42
DaSkreechThen... main! :)11:42
mhbDaSkreech: and Riddell already stated KDE3 will be the default for the next LTS11:42
DaSkreechmhb: Umm yeah. that covers gutsy+111:43
=== birthdaylogger is now known as apachelogger
mhbDaSkreech: I'm not very happy about it, to be honest11:44
DaSkreechabout which?11:45
mhbDaSkreech: KDE4 being default in Kubuntu one year after it is released11:45
DaSkreechmhb: prefer it the day it's released?11:46
imbrandonScottK, kwwii, DaSkreech , yea i'm in KC ( Kansas City ) , kwwii is from here too ( although in germany now iirc )11:48
imbrandonanyhow yea, i'm still in the midwest swing11:48
=== DaSkreech pushes the Midwest swing
ScottKimbrandon: Hi.  I grew up there, but haven't lived there since before college.11:48
imbrandoni grew up here, moved away for 10+ years, then moved back about a year ago and bought a house11:48
imbrandonwhat part of KC did youi grow up in ?11:49
mhbDaSkreech: no (KDE4 will be buggy to some extent), but the gutsy+1 seemed to be the optimal time, with enough time to build packages, do some custom artwork and stuff11:49
ScottKimbrandon: Kansas City, KS, Leawood, KS, and Overland Park, KS (my Dad still lives there).11:49
imbrandonahh cool, i work in OP11:49
DaSkreechmhb: Maybe you can petition Riddell for a KDE4 CD with support but the Official LTS line is KDE311:50
ScottKimbrandon: Where?11:50
imbrandoni live in raymore now ( just a tad south of KC )11:50
ScottKYep.  I've been there.11:50
imbrandonScottK, GSI ( bigest PCI compliant hosting company in the USA )11:50
=== ScottK was thikning maybe Sprint.
imbrandonsprint closed down their datacenter and colo's with us now11:51
imbrandonbout 6month sto a year ago11:51
=== ScottK needs a colo near Baltimore, MD. Any suggestions?
mhbDaSkreech: haha :o) I am the last person that wants to create tensions in the team11:51
imbrandonactualy i do know of a good colo place there11:51
DaSkreechmhb: What tension?11:51
imbrandonmy buddy used to have a few servers there11:52
ScottKimbrandon: Cool (for a small business)?11:52
imbrandonlemme dig up the number and i'll mail it to ya11:52
imbrandonhe only had like 3 or 4 servers there11:52
imbrandonreal reasonable11:52
DaSkreechI think that Riddell would probably want a KDE4 around that time already but the issue is LTS11:52
=== ScottK is getting tired of pretending my basement pretending to be a data center.
DaSkreechMight it be possible to have a LTS KDE3 Cd and a non LTS KDE4 ?11:52
imbrandonpossible, not highly likely11:53
DaSkreechso it would move from undefault unsupported KDE4 CD to undefault supoprted KDE4 CD to default supported KDE4 kubuntu ?11:53
=== ScottK would be stunned to find out you couldn't configure it to KDE 4 to start.
=== ScottK has got to run.
ScottKSee you all later.11:53
mhbDaSkreech: you see, we're much more a community project than Ubuntu is. That means we can do whatever we want, provided somebody actually does it :o)12:01
DaSkreechmhb: as long as it doesn't deal with support :) Unless you have someone willing to be awake 24-7 for a few years12:02
mhbDaSkreech: yeah, support :o)12:04
mhbDaSkreech: another dangerous topic.12:04
DaSkreechha ha12:04
DaSkreechWell.. that's the only topic as far as I know12:04
DaSkreechis there another issue on the table?12:05
mhbDaSkreech: from what I know, C. is not making much money from Kubuntu, so they're not planning to put more money into it12:05
DaSkreechI'm not sure what that has to do with KDE412:05
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mhbDaSkreech: I said "another" dangerous topic. There may be a connection, who knows :o)12:06
mhbanyway, time for bed, see you DaSkreech and all the others12:06
DaSkreechWhat was the first dangerous topic?12:06
=== DaSkreech is confused
DaSkreechDamn you mhb!!!12:07

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