
=== nailz [n=n0va@cpc1-cani1-0-0-cust12.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Silent_Gso sfire  utorrent will work as fast as on windows with wine?12:15
runleveltenI've never known anyone face problems with ktorrent in reality12:15
dsmith1.61 version of utorrent then12:15
sfireSilent_G: probably even faster12:15
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sfire1.61 is the one to get12:16
Silent_GO_O faster12:16
sfire1.7+ is banned on many trackers12:16
runleveltenutorrent = windows software.12:16
runleveltenand crap.12:16
dsmithonly as fast as your upload/download bandwidth will handle12:16
Silent_Gim not talking about downloading12:16
Silent_Gim talking about the programme12:16
Silent_Gsince many programmes wined will work slow12:16
sfireSilent_G: I'll tell you it works just as fast as in my windows... it even says its wine compatable on the download page12:17
dsmithI know, being sarcastic :)12:17
sfireI haven't had 1 crash or anything using it.. totally flawless :)12:17
runleveltenSilent_G: shouldn't be any reason for it to act slow12:17
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Silent_Gyeah sfire  i saw the wine compatable thing12:17
runleveltensomething like a bittorrent client will probably work a bit faster in wine than windows, actually12:17
Silent_Gi wonder why they didnt just get out a linux version12:17
Silent_Gwhy is that runlevelten ?12:18
dsmithno longer updated?12:18
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runleveltena lot of BTs bread and butter involves stuff which carries a lot less overhead on Linux than windows12:18
Silent_Gdsmith,  no a new version just got out12:18
=== dsmith goes back to downloading on his ktorrent
runleveltenand when you use wine, that stuff is done through Linux system calls12:18
Silent_Goh i understtand a bit runlevelten12:18
Silent_Gsfire, so i shouldnt download the latest stable version? :S12:19
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sfireSilent_G: I wouldn't recommend it.. although I'm sure it will work12:19
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runleveltenNot that I'm recommending non-Free software, you understand ;)12:19
sfireI know every site I use allows 1.6112:19
sfireSilent_G: I'll send you a link12:19
sfireSilent_G: you can get it there off my server12:20
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Silent_Ghmm ok then12:20
Silent_Gi downloaded the 7.2 version12:20
Silent_Gbut yeah i'll take your advise12:20
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Silent_Gsfire, so 7.2 is banned?12:21
runleveltenI like proper desktop integration myself. Wine != that.12:21
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sfireSilent_G: on a few sites I frequent12:21
sfireI don't know what kind of sites you go to12:21
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dr_willisproberly dont want to know. :P12:21
sfireI think its off topic here :P12:21
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ice9hello friends!12:22
sfirelets just say I abuse my cable modem frequently12:22
runleveltensfire: It'll drop off, you know.12:22
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sfireI'm so glad I got that Torrent 1.6112:23
angasuleI want to add a new page to the ubuntu wiki but I'm not sure what are the naming convetions and what template to use, any help?12:23
sfireI hate how websites remove old versions :(12:23
dr_willissfire,  look for it on.. egads! torrent search sites? :)12:23
sfireangasule: is there a wiki page on it?12:23
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runleveltenYou know lots of bittorrent implementations are now spying on people, don't you?12:24
sfirerunlevelten: thats why I don't suggest 1.7+12:24
runleveltenI wouldn't use closed source BT client if you paid me.12:24
sfireTorrent is changing hands12:24
dr_willisGoogle should buy them! :)12:24
sfirehell no12:24
angasulesfire: a wiki page on what?12:24
sfireangasule: creating a wiki page12:25
runleveltensfire: has anyone actually hashed those "earlier releases" against known good copies?12:25
dr_willisa wiki on making a wiki page?12:25
sfirerunlevelten: I downloaded this copy myself right when it came out... I had it lingering on the hard drive12:25
sfireI know its 100% legit12:25
angasulesfire: not that I can find12:25
runleveltenIf I were injecting evil spyware into a software at version x, on of the first things I'd do is backport it to old versions.12:25
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sfirerunlevelten: you can be a little too paranoid ya know12:26
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sfireand ktorrent has a hidden downside12:26
sfireany 2 bit assho*e can modify the source code12:26
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sfirewhich is normally good except when you have cheaters12:26
Silent_Gthankz alot sfire12:26
angasulesfire: ktorrent has a nonhidden downside of being more unstable than win9512:26
sfireangasule: that too12:27
runleveltenThe makers of the software are actually putting spy facilities into it. To suspect that company's software is not paranoid, it's...12:27
angasuleit crashes when doing /nothing/12:27
runleveltencompellingly rational.12:27
sfireand even I can make it put in bad stats.. and I BLOW at programming12:27
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dr_willisI must say that over the last 2weeks or so of running ktorrent, ive not had any issues with it.. Now 6mo  or so ago. I had constant issues withiut12:27
angasuleso, nobody here knows how to add a wiki page?12:27
angasuledr_willis: just like with windows95, it works fine for some...12:28
runleveltenHow you can use software from an actual malware producer and consider suspicion "paranoid" is a bit worrying tbh, heh12:28
aphonisis the bcm43xx-fwcutter package in the reps broken for anyone else when they download and try to install it?12:28
dr_willisangasule,  given the questions i see in here.. that seems to apply to Everything..12:28
angasuledr_willis: I know like 3 or 4 people who ran windows millennium without issues! :)12:28
runleveltenangasule: end users without a clue.12:28
dr_willisangasule,  i tend to use WinME with no hassles.. once i remove all the crud.12:28
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angasuledr_willis: wouldn't that include WinME?12:29
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sfirerunlevelten: malware producer?  utorrent.. never in anything I've read (except the cheating versions) but those people deserve it :)12:29
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Neil3utorrent has a nice tetris game easter egg12:29
runleveltendeserve's got nothing to do with it. Malware producer.12:29
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sfirerunlevelten: then technically microsoft is a malware producer12:29
sfireand kubuntu12:30
runleveltensfire: absolutely.12:30
dr_willissfire,  thats true :)12:30
sfireyes :)12:30
dr_williscomputers are all malware - they suck the life out of us!12:30
runleveltenSoftware that contains secret features to penalise the user *is* malware.12:30
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runleveltenIt's hardly a wacky theory. It just is what it is :)12:31
dr_willisLike games that auto-level-up the monsters to make it harder?12:31
sfireI have a real problem with open source programs that people use to download on ratio driven sites12:32
=== dr_willis recalls chess programs that would cheat.
sfireits just way too easy to cheat12:32
runleveltenNope. Games enforce game rules. Game rules are what you choose to have, to play enjoyable games.12:32
sfireI know nothing about programming and I was able to change the source code myself to do several things it wasn't designed to do12:32
sfireand if I can ANYONE can12:32
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runlevelten"""I have a real problem with open source programs that people use to download on ratio driven sites""" Feh.12:33
runleveltenIf it's not Free software, it's crap.12:33
dr_willisI have a problem with Ratio driven sites..12:33
dr_willisbut the only sites i went to that were that way.. are no longer around.12:33
dr_willisThey went back to IRC.12:33
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:33
Silent_G1.6 didnt work fine :s12:34
Silent_Gerr:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {304ce942-6e39-40d8-943a-b913c40c9cd4} could be created for context 0x112:34
sfireto #kubuntu-offtopic before I get in trouble12:34
sfireSilent_G: did you install wine? (just have to ask)12:34
Silent_Gof course , thats a wine error O_O12:34
sfirenow that is a very first12:35
Silent_Gbut on 7.2 it didnt give me that12:35
sfireI've NEVER seen it not work out of the box12:35
Silent_Gno :S12:35
sfirenope totally got me12:35
Silent_Gcpu[1 x AMD Athlon(tm)  @ 1.10GHz w/ 256 KB L2 Cache] 12:35
sfirehow did you run Torrent12:35
sfiredid you double click on it then associate wine with .exe's ?12:35
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Silent_Gno :S12:36
Silent_Gi ran wine from console12:36
runleveltennononononno. Don't associate wine with exes!12:36
sfiredid it get through the installer?12:36
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sfirerunlevelten: why?12:36
sfireI've done that for a LONG time12:36
angasulewell, since nobody seems to give a flying goat about this I'll email some kubuntu list somewhere12:36
runleveltenBecause your desktop mime handling will be able to automatically run executables aimed at windows. You want that?12:37
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sfirerunlevelten: yes12:37
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sfirewell at least I do12:37
runleveltenWell knock yourself out. I wouldn't advise other people to do it though.12:37
sfireI would venture to say that most linux people are smart enough not to run something bad12:38
runleveltenYou have no idea what they will and won't run.12:38
runleveltensfire: Not any more.12:38
=== dr_willis guesses that 90% wont.. 5% will and 5% will sort of work
Silent_Gwhats bad with associating wine with exe :O12:38
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediabuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:39
dr_willisIt can tear a hole in the fabric of space time!12:39
WhtWolfTeraDynesfire: As someone who accidently removed his "/var/lib/dpkg" directory, you have no idea what someone can or will do when running any type of comupter system.12:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediaubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:39
runleveltendr_willis: Almost anything bad will probably run when you think about it.12:39
dr_willisrunlevelten,  ive actually used wine to isntall spy/malware to see what it put where.12:39
runleveltendr_willis: haven't we all :)12:40
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:40
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CaBlGuYthere it is..12:40
CaBlGuYTanks WhtWolfTeraDyne  ;)12:40
WhtWolfTeraDyneCaBlGuY: no problem12:40
[Apollo] Hmm, I need your advice: I'm planning to completely move to Linux, but I want to run Windows (XP or Vista) in a virtual machine, to play games, run programs that aren't available for Linux, install malware, er... nah, forget about the last thing.. anyway, what is a good and FAST virtual machine... WINE is not really a virtual machine, but just tries to execute EXE files, right?12:41
WhtWolfTeraDyneHmm... Maybe someone should make an Ubuntu liveCD with wine and use it as a research tool for malware\spyware research...12:42
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dr_willisWhtWolfTeraDyne,  thers a slax live cd with wine12:42
dr_willisthe 'kill bill' edition. :)12:42
WhtWolfTeraDyne[Apollo] : Yeah. It's just a "compatibility layer", as it's called.12:42
runleveltenwine's masses faster than any virtual machine12:43
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[Apollo] WhtWolfTeraDyne: : Ty, and what virtual machine would you suggest?12:43
sfireI've use VMware12:43
runleveltenmost VMs will give you virtually zero gaming compatibility or performance12:43
sfireit works really well12:43
sfirebut never for gamming12:43
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[Apollo] runlevelten: ok, but will WINE work with all games?12:43
runleveltenWine is in effect your best/only option for gaming, such as it is.12:44
[Apollo] does it simulate DirectX, etc?12:44
[Apollo] ic12:44
runlevelten[Apollo] : no guarantees, it's a tool for you to try with.12:44
runleveltenYes, it does implement a lot of DirectX12:44
[Apollo] Hmm12:44
[Apollo] I guess gaming in a virtual machine isn't much of an option then :)12:45
ARM9Greetings, I'm back from the country of linux and pink ponies.12:45
runleveltenDirectX 9 has some coverage, some dummy stuff and will run you some games12:45
runleveltenie CSS, HL2 etc will work with it12:45
[Apollo] OK.12:45
runleveltenOblivion is being improved, but isn't yet up to scratch.12:45
runleveltenand btw, if you have an ATi card, beware12:46
[Apollo] I have a geforce12:46
runleveltentheir drivers are _crap_, and they spoil your efforts to play lots of games with wine12:46
runleveltenAh, that's Ok then :)12:46
CaBlGuYNow..  I got a problem with Gaim not having sound...  I just installed it and it works fine but with no sound..  I got sound for everything else though..  any ideas?12:46
[Apollo] I could also consider to dual-boot Windows and Linux, but I'd rather prefer to launch Windows in something like a 'sand box'... so that--if malware should ever install itself, it doesn't do any harm, because it's just a virtual machine with no access to the rest.12:47
runleveltenWell put it this way, if you really love your windows gaming and might want to keep a windows install, then keep one with your fave games on it12:47
DragnslcrCaBlGuY- I don't think Gaim 2.0 beta's supported alsa directly, so that might be your problem12:48
runleveltenand in the end if you later get everything you want on windows, you can free up all that nice disk space12:48
runlevelten*on linux even12:48
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CaBlGuYI know I've used it plain Ubuntu and sound works fine...12:48
[Apollo] heh12:48
DragnslcrI think I had to set it to use "Command"12:48
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CaBlGuYJust something with Kubuntu that it doesn't like for some reaons..  :/12:49
[Apollo] the thing is, I'm not that much of a gaming person, the last game I played was SimCity4 and that was a year ago.. but I want to get into it again12:49
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[Apollo] think it might be fun to relax once in a while :)12:49
[Apollo] playing a good computer game12:49
runleveltenWell it can't hurt to take the precaution, can it?12:49
[Apollo] right :)12:49
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runleveltenMyself, I have no windows install. All my personal favourite win games now work on Linux with wine12:49
[Apollo] what are they, if I might ask--your favorites?12:50
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runlevelten...with one caveat - I'm still waiting for decent Oblivion support because ATI's closed source drivers are holding it back.12:50
randyHey I am behind a router and I need to find out the IP the router gave me so I can foreward some ports. How do I find it?12:50
daedalus__go on www.ipadresse.de12:50
daedalus__oh, mistake of mine12:51
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randyi mean like the 192.168.1.xxx12:51
[Apollo] ifconfig12:51
dr_willis[Apollo] ,  check out 'freecol' a colonization clone. :P new version came out last week12:51
[Apollo] open a terminal and type in 'ifconfig'12:51
[Apollo] dr_willis: OK ty12:51
randythanks :D12:52
runleveltenNot bang up to date stuff12:52
DragnslcrIf you like FPS games, Tremulous is pretty good, and it runs native12:52
dr_willisTremulous - makes me so dizzy i puke.12:52
runleveltenI like your Deus Ex, Max Payne, CSS, HL2DM a bit, etc etc12:52
runleveltenI now mostly play native games12:52
dr_willisWorldOfPadMan is nice for a bit. RTCW:ET is a classic12:53
runleveltenTremulous, True Combat: Elite, Penumbra: Overture was good, etc12:53
randypenumbra was great12:53
randyjust a tad hard12:53
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runleveltenTrue Combat: Elite is an Enemy Territory mod, ET is still like the 3rd or so most popular PC FPS around or something12:53
runleveltenand it's free to download and runs on Linux :)12:53
[Apollo] Have any of you heard? Starcraft 2 is in development :)12:54
sfireET is sweet12:54
runleveltenI say third, that's on the ones that list the Valve games together mind you12:54
Dragnslcrdr_willis- I had a girlfriend in college that was the same way. Some people just can't deal with the first-person perspective12:54
runleveltenI also play the quakes and UTs, all of which are available on Linux12:54
dr_willisDragnslcr,  well termulus is nasty because ya got the fish eye view.. AND the wall crawling.. and the speed. :)12:54
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runlevelten...and still the odd HL1 mod, they run perfectly in wine12:55
DragnslcrHeh, yeah, that makes it worse12:55
dr_willisI always have to play humans.. and everyone seems to play them12:55
dr_willisHas Savage2 Been released yet?12:55
runleveltenTC:E 0.48 was a good bit better than Tremulous12:55
DragnslcrThough I very rarely use the wallwalking, since I can't keep any sense of direction12:55
randyi can do SOME wall walking12:55
runleveltenI dare say the best FPS I've ever played, although not the prettiest.12:55
randybut then i get dizzy12:55
dr_willisDragnslcr,  i just climb then try to pounce. and die...12:55
runlevelten0.49 is prettier but not so good.12:55
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DragnslcrHeh, it does take some practice12:55
dr_willisMe and a guy at work just decided... we SUCK at all FPS games...12:56
DragnslcrI was involved with Gloom for several years, so I'm slowly getting back into shape12:56
dr_williswe are just too old and slow.12:56
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randylol how old are you?12:56
runleveltenIt was *much* better than CS or CSS for me, and I'm hoping that playability will come back.12:56
runleveltenin a newer version12:56
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dr_willis30+ :)12:57
dr_willisI rember the good old.. Duke Nukem3d Vs Quake Arguments!12:57
DragnslcrI remember playing MegaTF in college12:58
CaBlGuYDuke Nukem baby!!!!:p12:58
randyi have quake 4 sitting next to me, just havent tried to install it yet12:58
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dr_willisWhen i was in college.. IRC was 'cutting edge' and AOL wasent around.12:58
pauljwmy 6 yr old daughter loves DNukem12:58
DragnslcrBack before home broadband really existed, so my neighbor and I were always yelled at for being LPB's12:58
CaBlGuYDuke is awsome..12:58
runleveltenQ4 is actually very good if you get a good setup and fast connections12:59
runleveltenI'd go as far as to say great.12:59
randyyea i have a decent connection and a good box12:59
DragnslcrBeing a Heavy Weapons Guy with a ping of 50 ms rocked12:59
dr_willisDuke Nukem Manhattan Projexct is a must grab - when ya find it in the bargin bins12:59
runleveltenI mean multiplayer specifically12:59
randybrb gonna install it12:59
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runleveltenI hope I haven't built randy up too much. You gotta have low expectations from bad reviews to be pleasantly surprised, heh01:00
rjbaarrrrghh anyone running java applets inside konqueror (feisty)?01:01
Silent_Gsfire, ok now utorrent worked fine on version 7.201:01
randyim not gonna expect a ton, im just bored outta my skull lol01:01
sfireSilent_G: I guess thats the version to use01:01
sfireSilent_G: I've got that 1.61 running right here right now.. I don't know why it wouldn't work01:02
Silent_Gcan someone tell me if i delete a partition and create 2 new partitions , if kubuntu will automatically mount them up in /media ?01:02
randyargh the cds seem to have disappeared01:02
sfireSilent_G: if not its easy to do01:02
sfireSilent_G: there is a tool in system settings to do it01:02
sfireunder advanced01:02
sfireall point and click01:02
Silent_Gwhat is it called?01:02
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sfireDisk & Filesystems01:03
sfireunder System Settings ---> advanced01:03
Silent_Guh nice01:03
rjbhello i have an issue concerning konq & java..01:03
Silent_Gand is there something to delete and create partitions in kubuntu sfire ?01:03
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rjbin konq's menu under Tools there is a toggle for Java, it keeps switching itself to off:( anyone know of a fix??01:04
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randyso i gotta run this under wine right? just to be sure01:04
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rjbTools: HTML Settings : Java, actually..01:05
[Apollo] Is there a better ICQ client than GAIM? It lacks a lot of options other clients have (e.g. Miranda, which unfortunately isn't available for Linux)01:05
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CaBlGuYok, wudda I need ta install for mp3 playback for amarock?01:05
randyrunlevelten Gotta run under wine yes?01:05
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rjbkopete does ICQ, but i don't, so i can't say how good it is01:06
sfireSilent_G: I use fdisk01:06
runleveltenWhat Q4? No01:06
sfireSilent_G: its not for the faint of heart though01:06
[Apollo] rjb: TY01:06
runleveltenDowload the Linux installer from id software's site01:06
randyoh ok01:06
DragnslcrI don't think Kopete will do anything for ICQ that Gaim doesn't01:07
randyOH! I did hdownload that and completly forgot!01:07
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randyermm how to use it now?01:08
CaBlGuYanyone??  mp3 codec for amarok?01:09
CaBlGuY!amarok mp301:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amarok mp3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:10
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:10
=== PP188 [n=pedro@201-42-169-190.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
randy....my root password isnt working01:10
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dr_willisyou made a root password?01:11
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randyyea, im tryin to sudo and its not letting me01:11
dr_willisyou are the 'first' user you created?01:11
Dragnslcrsudo uses your user password01:12
randyits not taking it01:12
dr_willisyou dident delet/remake the user?01:12
dr_willisSure your caps lock isent on?01:12
randyits all numbers so caps wont matter01:12
dr_willis123456 eh?01:12
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randybut it wont work at all01:12
dr_willistry from the shell/console?01:13
randyi keep typing it in and it keeps saying permission denied01:13
randythats where im at01:13
Dragnslcr12345? That's amazing, that's the same combination I have on my luggage!01:13
randy> randy@randy-desktop:~$ suPassword:su: Authentication failure Sorry.01:13
DragnslcrNot su, sudo01:14
randydont they do the same thing?01:14
dr_willisaprently not.  :)01:14
dr_willisor why would there be 2 of them01:14
DragnslcrAs the name implies "sudo" means "do this command as su"01:14
randyok so say I want run a .run file under sudo. How would I do that?01:14
dr_willissu - switches users, sudo runns a command as a specific user.01:14
dr_willissudo whatever.run01:15
Dragnslcrsudo ./file.run01:15
=== runlevelten listens to Brad Sucks
=== Mr_Pan [n=marcopan@host204-222-dynamic.3-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
dr_willisassumingits executable. (chmod +x)01:15
randywhere do i add that in?01:15
dr_willisadd what?01:15
dr_willisits a command..01:16
dr_willisyou make a script executable with chmod +x01:16
randysudo: chmod+x: command not found01:16
Silent_Gok, my last question , i have kubuntu installed and i want to install windows on a partition to use it for games (dual boot) , now i know that i should have installed windows firsti because windows remove grub and installs its bootmanager, is there something i can do about it please?01:16
dr_willisSilent_G,  learn how to restore grub01:18
dr_willisrandy,  you MIGHT want to go read a few bash tutorialsm, and beginners guides.01:18
Silent_Gdr_willis, can you tell me how ? :S01:18
dr_willisits  'chmod +x whatever.run'    +x is the option to the chmod command.01:18
runleveltenchmod +x filname01:18
dr_willisSilent_G,  read the !grub factoid :)01:18
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:18
randyohhh i tried running it with it all together01:19
dr_willisSilent_G,  boot live cd, chroot over to isbntalled system, run update grub. :)01:19
dr_willisrandy,  this aint dos. :)01:19
=== [tokin] [n=ryan@dynamic-acs-24-144-225-167.zoominternet.net] has joined #kubuntu
dr_willisi always rember the LAZY habbits taught in dos class01:19
randyi might just the chmod+x01:19
dr_willis cd/c: or simthing like that01:19
dr_willislearn to use spaces ya foo! ;)01:20
dr_willisand dont just 'exit' the editor and expect it ti ask to save! save your work. :)01:20
dr_willisMy dos teacher hated me.01:20
runleveltenI remember teaching my "computer studies" how to use the fricking computers properly in the breaktimes01:21
runleveltenthat man was such a fraud.01:21
runleveltenStill, I got to play with the computers when i wanted \o/01:21
runlevelten"computer studies" teacher even01:22
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sfiresounds like #kubuntu-offtopic speak :)01:22
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=== ubuntu is now known as Ripmaster
=== purpleposeidon [n=poseidon@adsl-67-117-145-4.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
randyargh! ok my quake 4 crashed and now its like im zoomed in01:23
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randyi can scroll around by putting the mouse on the edge of the screen, how do i fix that?01:23
runleveltencrashed? eeks01:23
runleveltenalt f2 krandrtray01:23
dr_willisrandy,  i run that kxrand tool to let me fix that01:23
dr_willisyea thatsit01:23
RipmasterHey i have installed kubuntu off my pc ... and now i will play Counterstrike ^^ can evrybody help me ?01:23
runleveltenrandy, press alt+f2 and run krandrtray01:23
randy...nothings happening01:24
runleveltentry ctrl + and ctrl -01:24
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runleveltento switch your res up and down01:24
dr_willisalt-ctrl NUMPAD + and -01:24
runleveltensorry, ctrl, alt +01:24
runleveltenI have noses for fingers and no blood sugar :(01:25
randythere we go01:25
=== faded515 [n=faded515@cpc3-hatf4-0-0-cust973.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #Kubuntu
runleveltenI find I have to set my video ram and stuff for d3/q401:26
randylemme pastebin the error i got01:27
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runleveltenMy run script contains quake4 +set sys_videoRam 128 +set s_driver "oss" +set s_numberOfSpeakers 2 +set com_allowConsole 101:27
runleveltenobviously you'd need to be specific about how many megs of video ram you have, etc :)01:28
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[Apollo] stupid question: how can I get the IP address of a name like *.lutn.cable.ntl.com? whois doesn't work...01:29
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redshadowherouh, ping?01:29
runleveltenrandy, you did follow the installation instructions, right?01:30
runleveltenYou copied the pk4 files over...01:30
[Apollo] oh ty01:30
randyahem... must have missed that01:30
stoneddo I make you randy baby, yea01:30
stonedAustin Freakin Powers man01:30
stonedoh shoot, I just rolled one up and now I can't find it01:31
=== radioaktivstorm [n=charles@c-68-35-36-100.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
runleveltenMind's going man.01:31
radioaktivstormhello, is there any way that i can have 1 row of open programs without shrinking the panel to unacceptably small sizes?01:32
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randyrunlevelten, okay i found the packs on the cds, how do i copy them to the folder? It says I dont have the access to do that01:34
dr_willisuse the power of sudo01:35
runleveltenYou'll need superuser privs to copy stuff to /usr/local/games/quake4/q4base01:35
runleveltenYou have CDs?01:36
randyyea i have the cds01:36
runleveltenI assume the pk4 files are still in Setup/Data/q4base on the CDs?01:36
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[Apollo] for anyone who is interested: I may have found a good icq client: http://www.licq.org01:38
dr_willisI dont think there is such a thing. :)01:38
runleveltenso you navigate to the folder that contains the pk4 on the cds, then press F4 to open a terminal in it01:38
randyk got that open01:39
[Apollo] dr_willis: such a thing as? a good ICQ client? :)01:39
=== sigve [n=sigve@124.80-202-216.nextgentel.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
runleveltenright, press ls, and you should be able to see one of the files on the list at the q4 site, yeah?01:39
redshadowherois there a way to enable mp3 support in amarock?01:39
runleveltentype ls even01:39
=== delight [n=delight@bchm-4d0907a3.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== dr_willis notes we are all in IRC. which predates icq by like a ba-gazillion years. :)
dr_willisredshadowhero,  install the proper packages. the auto install of them is broken i recall01:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amarock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:40
dr_willissomeone needs tomake a bot factoid for that.01:40
dr_willisI never can rember the package name01:40
runleveltenyou type the following, replacing ##### with the name of the pk4 file:01:40
redshadowheroalright, thanks.01:40
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runleveltensudo cp ##### /usr/local/games/quake4/q4base/01:41
randyi was tryin to do it through the graphical folders01:41
runleveltenyou could do if you wanted to, I avoided that for a reason01:41
dr_willisrandy,  come over to the shell side! embrace the shell! belive in Bash!01:41
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dr_williscarress the console!01:42
=== randy hides in the Shell!
=== randy is now a turtle!
redshadowherohow do you do that?01:42
randytype /me then the action01:42
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=== dr_willis wonders... do what?
runleveltenright, done that?01:42
=== redshadowhero tries to do that tinh
randyworkin on it01:42
=== redshadowhero *thing
runleveltenokey dokie :)01:42
redshadowherofigured that out.01:42
redshadowheroI don't know much about irc, sorry.01:42
runleveltenby the way, while you're typing a filename, you can press tab and it will autocomplete it01:43
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runleveltenif it's in the current "folder" :)01:43
dr_willisack! folder! hurst us....! we belive in the directory!01:43
dr_willisbow down to the directory!01:43
randyXD when i finished that command and put in my password everything on my computer started to sound like a jet engine01:44
=== redshadowhero bows to the directory
dr_willisGotta love idiot-firendly-izing things that makes pcs more confusing.01:44
dr_willisfrindly-izing. :)01:44
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runleveltenyou'll know when it's finished, because the prompt will come back :)01:44
randyXD yea01:44
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randyworkin on em again01:44
runleveltenRight, any other files in the list in that directory?01:45
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runlevelten(press ls to see)01:45
intelikeybut if you make it idiot proff they will just make a better idiot....  how do you think i got here01:45
randyim still workin on the 2nd one lol01:45
runlevelten(type ls to see even)01:45
runleveltenyay :D01:45
=== adam_ [n=adam@host-84-9-52-210.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu
redshadowherowell, I don't care for windows myself. It isn't idiot-proof at all.01:45
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dr_willisactually its 'attempted at idiot proofing' :)01:46
runleveltenredshadowhero: I agree -idiots are escaping from it all the time xD01:46
dr_willislinux is more of a 'educate the users so they are not idiots' :)01:46
redshadowherorunlevelten: Don't I know it... I 'escaped' in 1999 when the gettin' was good.01:46
soapee01I added my wife as a user, and she's unable to unmount media devices.  The error I'm getting is: "01:46
soapee01Unfortunately, the device system:/media/sde1 (/dev/sde1) named '65M Removable01:46
soapee01Media' and currently mounted at /media/disk could not be unmounted.01:46
soapee01Unmounting failed due to the following error:01:46
soapee01hal-storage-can-unmount-volumes-mounted-by-others refused uid 1001"  Can anyone help?01:46
intelikeyexcept ubuntu dr_willis01:46
runlevelten!pastebin | soapee0101:47
ubotusoapee01: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:47
soapee01runlevelten: sorry.01:47
intelikeysoapee01 sudo eject it01:47
adam_power-management problems :(, I left my laptop on suspend for awhile till the battery ran out, when i turn it back on the kde-guidance powermanager doesn't seem to work properly anymore. It keeps saying i have no battery inserted when I do and flashing "AC adapter plugged in" messages every 10 seconds...01:48
soapee01intelikey: She's in every group I'm in except admin (so no sudo for her... far too dangerous).01:48
runleveltenrandy: you'll want to close that terminal before ejecting the disk :)01:48
intelikeysoapee01 then try without sudo01:48
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runleveltenHow far in are you randy?01:49
ripmaster_Wie kan ich meine windows Platten mounten ?01:49
adam_I've tried removing it, reinstalling it dpkg-reconfigure'ing it, booting into live discs, everything short of reinstalling kubuntu (which i really don't want to have to do)01:49
randyI gotta find cd 2, coulda swore i had it01:49
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randyi have 1 3 and 4 nxet to me01:50
randyso 2 has gotta be close01:50
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runleveltenrandy: typical :)01:50
dr_willisits under the sofa01:50
=== randy looks around his room and sees about 150 cd's on his floor and thinks "....damn it"
soapee01intelikey: umount complains about her not being root (even though she mounted the device in KDE).  The CLI also has a very low WAF, so I'd like for kde to behave.01:50
=== randy makes a "not quake 4" cd stack.
=== sharon [n=sharon@NV315189-more6.fix.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu
randygah! it was sitting on my leg01:51
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redshadowheroI hate it when that happens.01:52
intelikeysoapee01 waf ?01:52
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adam_has anyone else had problems with powermanagement on their laptop after letting it run out of battery while on suspend?01:52
soapee01intelikey: wife acceptance factor01:53
randyrunlevelten: now it wont let me access the cd -_- "Unable to enter file:///media/cdrom0. YOu do not have access rights to this location.01:53
root_does anyone know the command to start x from the console with KDE as the environment instead of Gnone if Gnome is the default?01:54
runleveltenyou ejected it and put the next one in right?01:54
randyit wont let me access cd 201:54
runleveltenopen a terminal01:54
=== illriginal [n=illrigin@c-66-229-115-178.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
runleveltendo this: cd /media && ls01:55
runleveltenyou can see your cd drive right?01:55
randycdrom and cdrom001:55
illriginalHey guys, how do I find my DNS address?01:56
runleveltencd cdrom && ls01:56
runleveltenit's your quake disk right?01:56
dr_willisillriginal,  i thinkits saved in /etc/resolov (or somthing spelt like that)01:56
randybash: cd: cdrom: Permission denied01:56
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dr_williscat /etc/resolv.conf01:56
randysame with cdrom001:56
intelikeysoapee01 i guess you could do a    chmod 4755 /usr/bin/eject      might fix that issue in kde...  no promices about it though01:56
redshadowheroillriginal: I think the command is dig01:57
runleveltentru sudo cd cdrom01:57
runlevelten*try sudo cd cdrom01:57
randysudo: cd: command not found01:57
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soapee01intelikey eject is already 755.  Something is messed up in HAL somewhere, but I'm not sure how ubuntu handles this.01:58
runleveltenOy yeah, haha01:58
intelikeysoapee01 i didn't say 75501:58
soapee01intelikey: I understand, but I seriously dislike su stickys.01:59
soapee01intelikey, there's some other bug here.01:59
=== pyro [n=pyro@c-76-23-248-201.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
runleveltencan you type mount | grep cdrom01:59
runleveltenand see whether it says user=youruser01:59
pyrosomebody please help me, i installed fglrx and compiz using adept manager, but when i go to load kubuntu my monitor says out of range and wont turn on the video to login to kubuntu!02:00
randy /dev/hdc on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,user=randy)02:00
=== root_ [n=root@82-38-71-7.cable.ubr06.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyyou don't dislike suid as much as i do    my whole system is nosuid02:00
stonedout of range scan02:00
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=== root_ is now known as Gwall
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pyroout of range scan?02:01
Gwallcan someone help me02:01
Gwalli cant root permissions i think02:01
adam__does anyone know how to fix problems with powermanagement on their laptop after letting it run out of battery while on suspend?02:01
intelikeyGwall sudo echo boo02:01
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stonedpyro: if that is all you did, then you can check.  sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change fglrx to vesa or some other driver you know works.  Try again.  If it works then the problem is there.  If not, and it still goes out of scan, then maybe you can install discover and read-edid and try to see if dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will generate your modelines or detect horiz/vert frequencies.02:02
Gwalllol intelikey it just said boo02:02
stonedpyro: if you modify your xorg.conf by hand, pleaes follow the comments in the top of the file02:02
intelikeyGwall then you have root access02:02
Gwallah good02:02
Gwallbut intelikey02:03
pyroi cant login to kubuntu....02:03
Gwall./run.sh: 1: /root/Desktop/neXus16.4/./jars/regexp.jar: Permission denied02:03
Gwall./run.sh: 1: /root/Desktop/neXus16.4/./jars/nexus-l.jar: Permission denied02:03
pyroits just out of range and sits there02:03
Gwallit doesnt give me permission to run .jar files02:03
stonedwhy are you running stuff as root to begin with02:03
Gwallbecause it wont give me permission02:03
stonedsomething wrong with you?02:03
Gwallto run02:03
pyrogwall try sudo?02:03
Gwalli did02:03
intelikeyGwall no.   sh run.sh              or if you need root  sudo sh run.sh02:03
pyroi dont see sudo in any part of that command02:04
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randyi think runlevelten has abbandoned me! *sob*02:04
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intelikeypyro that's not the error.02:04
stoneddoesn't matter if you use suc -c or sudo or as root02:04
Gwallthat still wont work02:04
Gwalli just get permission denied errors02:04
stonedif you know what you're doing, and if you don't stick to sudo02:04
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stonedGwall: what are you trying to do02:04
BluesKajpyro , stoned , the prob isn't always the graphics card , sometimes if the right monitor drivers aren't installed the monitor can be out of range very easily ...it happened to me02:04
Gwalli got a java program02:04
stonedI'm sorry I jumped in the middle of it02:04
intelikeyGwall show me the command you used02:04
stonedBluesKaj: monitor drivers in linux?02:05
Schuenemannhey, where are my fonts?02:05
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Schuenemannkubuntu fonts02:05
Gwalli did chmod on the .sh file intelikey02:05
Gwalland then i did02:05
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Gwallsudo ./run.sh02:05
stonedSchuenemann: /usr/share/fonts02:05
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pyroso how do i remove the video drivers for my ati card without being able to login to kubuntu?02:05
intelikeyGwall that's not what i said.       sudo sh run.sh02:05
Schuenemannstoned, thanks, brother02:05
Gwalli did that aswell intelikey02:05
stonedSchuenemann: whats the problem?02:06
stonedif there is one02:06
Gwallstill same error02:06
intelikeyshow me the error message Gwall02:06
Gwallrun.sh: 1: /root/Desktop/neXus16.4/./jars/tools.jar: Permission denied02:06
Gwallrun.sh: 1: /root/Desktop/neXus16.4/./jars/regexp.jar: Permission02:06
BluesKajpyro , rtry to setup yor monitor first, :in the k-menu/system settings/monitor&display/hardware/administrator mode/configure graphics card or monitor , or both...from the drop down list find the approprite driver for the hardware, choose the driver, and click 'apply'02:06
stonedGwall: /root/Desktop/neXus16.4/./jars/regexp.jar02:06
=== rl10 is now known as runlevlelten
stonedGwall: there is NO directory called .02:06
stonedat least usable02:06
pyrodid i just say i cannot even get into kubuntu?02:06
runlevleltenrandy: you get into it?02:06
stoned. is current, .. == parent02:06
Gwallhow do i make it useable ?02:06
stonedyou can't02:07
randyno :(02:07
Schuenemannstoned, I needed to know where the fonts were for blender02:07
ARM9Anyone else got the latest issue of linux format?02:07
intelikeyGwall ok that's an error in the script you are running.  nothing to do with the command you issued02:07
randykeeps saying permission denied02:07
stonedthe program code is errenous02:07
Gwallbut it isnt02:07
stonedSchuenemann: ok :)02:07
runlevleltenare you in /media?02:07
Gwallother people can run the same file02:07
runlevleltenin that shell?02:07
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randyi tried graphical and shell02:07
runlevleltentry this:02:07
BluesKajoh sorry pyro, din't know ... i know that feeling too02:07
stonedGwall: /root/Desktop/neXus16.4/./jars/regexp.jar this file exists02:08
Schuenemannif it's a java program, why do you need .sh ?02:08
stonedits a shell script that launches a fwe jar files02:08
runlevleltensudo mount -o remount,ro,users  /media/cdrom002:08
intelikey<stoned> Gwall: there is NO directory called .  <<<< sure there is.02:08
randythen try accessing it?02:08
Schuenemannisn't there a main jar file?02:08
stonedstoned> . is current, .. == parent02:09
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intelikeyls /usr/./02:09
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intelikeyls /usr/games/./02:09
stonedshould I repeat myself?02:10
Gwallyes the file exists02:10
randy<randy@randy-desktop:~$  sudo mount -o> <remount,ro,users  /media/cdrom0> <randy@randy-desktop:~$ cd /media/cdrom0>< bash: cd: /media/cdrom0: Permission denied>02:10
intelikeyls /./usr/./games/./    :)02:10
stonedintelikey: refer to my last paste02:10
=== pyro [n=pyro@c-76-23-248-201.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
runlevleltenrandy, do this please:02:10
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runlevleltenmount | grep cdrom002:10
runlevleltenand pastebin it pls :)02:11
stonedGwall: have you tried to run the program as a user, in ~02:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:11
Gwallyup stoned02:11
Gwalli did that first02:11
stonedGwall: why are you unpacking it to /root?02:11
Gwalli wasnt before02:11
pyroWOOT i got into it, used ctrl+alt+backspace lolz02:11
Gwalli just did it now because as user it didnt work02:11
stonedGwall: and have you checked the file permissions?02:11
stonedmabe you yourself can't access it?02:11
Gwallchmod on the file02:11
stonedchmod 755 or 775?02:11
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stonedhell 777 it and try again02:12
Gwallchmod +x02:12
stonedshouldn' thave to02:12
stonedx == executable02:12
intelikeychmod 7777 blah02:12
Schuenemanndoesn't this java program have a jar file?02:12
Schuenemanna main jar file02:12
SchuenemannGwall, how did you get the program?02:12
pyrocan someone tell me if there is a way to wipe out kubuntu and just start fresh?02:12
Gwallits a project02:12
Gwallfriends working on02:12
stonedintelikey: like I said, shouldn't have to, since hes not editing it, but whatever02:12
Gwalland it works for others just wont work for me02:12
stonedpyro: sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop02:12
runlevleltenok, and ls -la  /media/cdrom002:12
Schuenemannand how is the project? is it just a file?02:13
Gwallno Schuenemann02:13
Gwallits lots of files02:13
Schuenemannin a single jar one?02:13
randypermission denied02:13
intelikeypyro not an easy way02:13
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stonedaptitude purge kdelibs-data kdelibs4c2a02:13
Schuenemannhmm =/02:13
Gwalli have about 12 jars02:13
stonedin fact02:13
soapee01pyro: sudo rm -rf /02:13
runlevleltenls -la  /media will be alright02:13
soapee01pyro: that will kill everything02:13
stonedpyro: aptitude purge kdelibs-data kdelibs4c2a kubuntu-desktop02:13
soapee01pyro: including data (on mounted drives as well)02:13
intelikeypyro you can use a for loop and wipe out all non-essential packages    but that's not for most people02:13
randyyea the ls -la /media works02:14
olivierHello All! I'm new to Linux (Kubuntu)02:14
runlevleltenpastebin the ouput....02:14
stonedpyro: and then sudo aptitude install deborphan && sudo apt-get --purge remove `deborphan`02:14
intelikeyyeah me too02:14
stonedI just told you how to remove kde/kubuntu and start fresh.02:15
pyroso what do i do to just take out all the crap and start over with a fresh kubuntu install?02:15
stonedthats what you asked right?02:15
intelikeypyro just install fresh02:15
Schuenemannstoned, how do I find out if I have a specific font? too much folders02:15
stonedI won't repeat myself again02:15
stoned!info fresh02:15
ubotuPackage fresh does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:15
stoned!info fresh dapper02:15
ubotuPackage fresh does not exist in dapper02:16
stonedintelikey: what is fresh?02:16
NightBirdstoned: what you are after you have a shower?02:16
stonedNightBird: what?02:16
BluesKajpyro, are you at the prompt ?02:16
intelikey<pyro> so what do i do to just take out all the crap and start over with a fresh kubuntu install?    <intelikey> pyro just install fresh   <<<02:16
runlevleltentry sudo chmod 555 /media/cdrom002:16
stonedintelikey: oh02:16
stonedthat fresh :)02:16
NightBirdstoned: it was a bad pun02:17
stonedI thought it was some package that did some stuff02:17
intelikeyyou can't chmod anything on an fs that doesn't have permissions bits02:17
randyok i got chmod: changing permissions of `/media/cdrom0': Read-only file system02:17
runlevleltenvery unusual problem, btw :)02:17
stoneddude man02:17
randyhaha i hope youre learning from this02:17
stonedyou can't write to a disc like that02:17
randyoops forgot pastebin >_>02:17
NightBirdnext time I reinstall kubuntu I'm going to make a seperate /home and /var directory...02:17
NightBirdnot directory, partition02:17
intelikeyrunlevlelten chmod cdrom ????02:17
stonedyou just thought about it now?02:18
Schuenemannhow can I know if I have a specific font? There are too many folders in /usr/share/fonts02:18
runlevleltentry sudo eject, then sudo chmod 555 /media/cdrom002:18
intelikeySchuenemann find02:18
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Schuenemannintelikey, manually?02:18
stonedyou can however use dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdrom.iso and then mount -t iso9660 rw02:18
runlevleltensorry, heh02:18
stonedbut you can't edit a freakin cd man02:18
BluesKajpoor pyro, he's in stew with too many cooks stirring the pot :)02:18
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randythen try mounting again?02:19
intelikeySchuenemann yeah.   find /base/dir/ -iname <string to search for?02:19
intelikeySchuenemann yeah.   find /base/dir/ -iname <string to search for>02:19
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Schuenemannis that recursive?02:19
intelikeySchuenemann yeah.02:19
stonedwhy? when you can setup updatedb to keep your stuff updated and use locate02:19
stonedfind is a bit cryptic for newbies02:19
randyim gonna rip out my hair! permission denied!02:20
intelikeySchuenemann use  *string*     so it doesn't have to be an exact match02:20
Schuenemannintelikey, find . -iname *copper* ?02:20
stonedcan't expect newbies to know regex02:20
runlevleltenDon't worry, rather expected that, just checking for something specific02:20
randylemme try cd three02:20
intelikeymay need   ./02:20
stonedSchuenemann: you're the first smart guy i came across in any buntu channel02:20
stonedeveryone else wants to be spoonfed02:20
stonedits sad02:20
intelikeyfind can be choosy about the trailing /02:20
Schuenemannstone, excuse me?02:20
Schuenemannintelikey, it found using '.' only02:21
Schuenemannwell, not what I was looking for heh02:21
stonedSchuenemann: you are unable to accept compliments?02:21
randyok cd three wont work either, so its not the cd02:21
mordauntwait a minute02:21
mordauntare you saying i'm dumb?02:21
Schuenemannstoned, I didn't understand well02:21
stonedI'm not saying anything besides what was said.  Your perception of it, is just that, _your_ perception :)02:22
=== mordaunt reports stoned's stash to the DEA
Schuenemannwhy am I smart... and why the first one? :-p02:22
=== randy headdesks many times.
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BluesKajyrs ago stoned used to mean drunk02:22
stonedSchuenemann: umm02:22
randystoned was also a way to die lol02:22
stonedstoned means in honor to Prophet Muhammad02:23
[Apollo] give drugs no chance :D02:23
runlevleltenright you've remounted normally, can you pastebin  ls -la  /media again pls?02:23
BluesKajyeah from liver didease02:23
stonedhe was stoned bloody and beaten in the mountain cities around Yethreb02:23
runlevleltenThis music is good \o/02:23
stonedwhen he was preaching to the non belieers02:23
stonedstoned is my nickname in honor to my prophet02:23
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Chousukerunlevlelten: is your nickname typoed? :P02:23
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mordauntwhoa man02:23
mordauntjust... whoa02:23
runlevleltenChousuke: Yes.02:23
[Apollo] is kunbuntu exactly the same as ubuntu just with KDE? does it have the same updates, programs, functionality etc?02:23
Daisuke_Idonobody throws a stone until i say "go"02:24
[Apollo] ok, that was a noobish question, but that's what I am, a noob02:24
root_is there anyway to edit the KDE control ceneter without being in the KDE environment?02:24
runlevleltenand can you pastebin /etc/fstab pls?02:24
Schuenemann[Apollo] , the default programs are generally different02:24
runlevleltensorry, cat /etc/fstab02:24
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stonedroot_: sure.  but please dont' irc as root02:24
stonedroot_: also, aptitude install kcontrol && kcrontrol02:24
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[Apollo] Schuenemann: but are there any disadvantages to using kubuntu?02:25
Chousuke[Apollo] : The exact difference between Kubuntu and Ubuntu is that in Kubuntu, kubuntu-desktop is installed by default; in ubuntu, it's ubuntu-desktop02:25
[Apollo] Chousuke: That's it?02:25
stonedthe difference is that Qt > Gtk+/202:25
Schuenemann[Apollo] , some people prefer KDE, others GNOME. And there are freaks that like fluxbox02:25
Chousuke[Apollo] : yes.02:25
stonedQt FTW!02:25
notroot_stoned: is that better...i'm in recovery mode...i turned on translucency in kubunty feisty and it shit the bed02:25
[Apollo] and can I use KDE with ubuntu?02:25
stoneddown with gtk!02:25
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[Apollo] without having to install kubuntu02:25
intelikey[Apollo]  no.  all that each meta package *buntu-desktop depends on is different.02:26
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[Apollo] oic, well ty02:26
Chousuke[Apollo] : yes.02:26
stonednotroot_: mind your language02:26
[Apollo] what now? :D02:26
intelikey<[Apollo] > and can I use KDE with ubuntu? << yes02:26
[Apollo] oh02:26
[Apollo] ok02:26
[Apollo] ty02:26
[Apollo] @all02:26
notroot_stoned: sorry...i'm just frustrated02:26
Daisuke_Idofluxbox lovers aren't freaks...  Enlightenment users are freaks.02:26
stonednotroot_: then don't do that.02:26
stonednotroot_: could you be a bit more specific about what went wrong?02:27
=== Daisuke_Ido goes to install the most recent dr17 alpha
intelikey[Apollo]  sorry if my post was confusing, i lag just a little.02:27
notroot_stoned: is there a file i can edit to turn off kubuntu tranlucencies?02:27
[Apollo] np... :) can someone explain to me how I can install KDE then and use it as the default GUI? just "sudo apt-get install kde"?02:27
Chousuke[Apollo] : yeah02:27
runlevleltenright, unmount it again and do chown root:root /media/cdrom002:27
[Apollo] Will it be the default GUI then?02:27
intelikey[Apollo]  install   kde02:27
Chousuke[Apollo] : then, select teh kubuntu session from GSM02:27
runlevleltenobviously with sudo02:27
Schuenemannyou'll have the option to choose when it's installed02:27
stonednotroot_: no02:27
[Apollo] ok, I'll try, thank you all02:28
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:28
Daisuke_Idoi would like to figure out why cd/dvds aren't automounting anymore :\02:28
redshadowherowow... that works...02:28
redshadowheroI didn't expect that.02:28
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents02:28
stoned!info pmount02:28
ubotupmount: mount removable devices as normal user. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.13-1build1 (feisty), package size 39 kB, installed size 588 kB02:28
[Apollo] lol02:28
randyrunlevleten operatin not permitted02:28
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runlevleltensudo chown root:root /media/cdrom002:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apple - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:29
notroot_stoned: i turned on translucencies in the KDE control center and restarted the session and when it logged back into x windows my center display did not show anything but the cursor and my 2 secoundary display only showed the background with tranlucent apps in the background that were unusable02:29
randyokay did that mount again02:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:29
redshadowheroI guess that doesn't have anything funny...02:29
Schuenemann!botabuse | redshadowhero02:29
uboturedshadowhero: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:29
aka_dennisterhey ppl; anyone familiar with kubuntu *and* gentoo available for private chat?02:29
mordauntnotroot_:  look for files that changed in your .kde02:29
stonedDaisuke_Ido: kcontrol > peripherals > storage media02:29
runlevleltenjust by inserting the disk02:29
intelikeyrunlevlelten if /media/cdrom0 is a mount point (and it is)  and there is something mounted there (?)  you probably can't chown or chmod it.02:29
[Apollo] So, not all programs that use GNOME can work under KDE, right? So sometimes I'll have to use different programs for the same thing depending on which GUI I use?02:30
redshadowheroschuenemann: sorry...02:30
Chousukeaka_dennister: You'd have more success if you just stated your question02:30
Schuenemannredshadowhero, =)02:30
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randystill no access rights.... Should I try restarting?02:30
Daisuke_Idostoned: i'm instinctively distrustful of any kde disk utilities.  the disk and partitions manager actually tried to give me swap space a mount point >:|02:30
intelikeyrandy can i ask a few details first02:30
stonedIF you have enough ram, its ok to load gtk2 apps alongside qt apps, as ram is enough to keep both gui toolkit libs in memory and not page02:30
aka_dennisterChousuke: i don't want to be rude, discussing another distro in this channel02:30
stonedIF you have 1gb or ram, you can do it fine02:31
Schuenemann[Apollo] , you can02:31
intelikeyrandy what exactly is the issue?02:31
stonedif you have 512 ram, system will lag a bit due to two gui toolkit libs in memory02:31
mordauntaka_dennister: as long as the other distro sucks it's ok02:31
randyCant get permission to my cdrom drive02:31
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runlevleltenI'm just wondering where the 400:401 comes from.02:31
Schuenemann[Apollo] , but generally, if you're using gnome, you like its programs02:31
intelikeyrandy ok is it mounted ?02:31
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stonedrandy: permission to do what02:31
randyI want to copy some files off of it to a folder but I cant even access it02:31
Chousukeaka_dennister: If the question also involves kubuntu, then it's fine.02:31
runlevleltenintelikey: Yes, this I know02:31
randyYes its mounted at the moment02:31
stonedrandy: and what can't you do?02:32
Daisuke_Idostoned: and on a 400mhz machine with 192mb ram running xubuntu, having amarok and firefox open will make you cry02:32
[Apollo] hmm :)02:32
stonedread files?02:32
notroot_mordaunt: do you know of anyfiles associated to the kde control center?02:32
randystoned: Cant read look at or even open the folder to it.02:32
intelikeyrandy ok would you show me what the output of   mount | grep cdrom     shows please02:32
mordauntnotroot_: not specifically02:32
runlevleltenIt's owned by 400:401, and root can't access it. Nothing out of place in /etc/fstab02:32
runlevleltenwell, sudoer02:32
stonedDaisuke_Ido: you don't have to run xubuntu, use fluxbox or windowmaker or sawfish or something02:32
stonedrandy: how did you mount it?02:32
runlevleltensudoer can't chown it either.02:33
stonedrandy: what does mount -l show?02:33
Daisuke_Idostoned: oh, i know that, it was an old machine of my girlfriend's, i was toying around with it :)02:33
aka_dennisterwell, i have some issues with my kubuntu system, so am thinking of trying gentoo...was hoping to find someone more knowledgeable about gentoo b4 i take the leap02:33
randyintelikey http://pastebin.com/d286f6b1702:33
intelikeynow everybody is interested02:33
mordauntnotroot_: i would just do a find .kde -ctime - 1    <-- should give you all files changed in the last day02:33
BluesKajDaisuke_Ido, ...been there , know the feeling ..was running dapper on a 233mhz pc with 128mb Ram :)02:33
aka_dennister<-----control freak02:33
Daisuke_Idosettled on fluxbox in the end :)02:33
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runlevleltenHence my stuffing about with the mountpoint, after saying _unmount the disk_02:33
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intelikeygive me just a second randy  i'm on dialup02:33
stonedI like twm + windowmaker02:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about timidity - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
randystoned: can't find show in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab02:33
stonedI mean02:33
Schuenemann!midi | ERIK_LIMA02:33
ubotuERIK_LIMA: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo02:33
stonedSchuenemann: show?02:33
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stonedrandy: no man02:34
Schuenemannstoned, show what?02:34
stonedrandy: mount -l02:34
[Apollo] stoned: widowmaker? LOL02:34
Daisuke_Idono amarok, obviously, but xmms works well02:34
stoneddon't type show after that come on02:34
stoned[Apollo] : hehe02:34
ERIK_LIMAI have problems running timidity02:34
Daisuke_Idonext project is a slimline frontend media pc02:34
intelikeyrandy issue this command     sudo mount -o reomunt,umask=000 /dev/hdc02:34
stonedERIK_LIMA: I have problems with my woman02:34
Schuenemannstoned, what are talking about, brother?02:34
randystoned: http://pastebin.com/d5fa88b6902:34
stonedSchuenemann: oh02:34
aka_dennisterlike i said, don't want to criticise kubuntu (been good to me) here, so that's why i was looking for a gentooer who was knowledgable about both distros, for private chat02:34
stonedwrong nickname02:34
ERIK_LIMA"No instrument mapped. This instrument will not be heard"02:35
stonedinstall freepats02:35
SchuenemannERIK_LIMA, install more samples02:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freepats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:35
stoned!info freepats02:35
ubotufreepats: Free patch set for MIDI audio synthesis. In component universe, is optional. Version 20060219-1 (feisty), package size 28285 kB, installed size 33224 kB02:35
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Schuenemannfreepats has few instruments02:35
randyintelikey: should i unmount my cd first?02:35
SchuenemannERIK_LIMA, read that page ubotu provided02:35
Niklas_Eanyone know if there is some thing you can change if you don't want for ex synaptic to get  another version of mplayer?02:35
Schuenemannfor eawpatches02:35
ERIK_LIMASchunemann: Do you have a sugestion about soundfonts for timidity?02:35
mordauntaka_dennister: gentoo is great if you want to do nothing but spend time tweaking your distro ubuntu/kubuntu lets you get to work on something useful02:36
Daisuke_Idoanywho, it's showing everything exactly as it was (poll cd-rom, etc)02:36
intelikeyrandy no.  just issue the command   and then test what ever you have been testing02:36
stonedNiklas_E: yes.  You can always pin it in /etc/apt/preferences02:36
stonedNiklas_E: or you can use aptitude and put the package on hold02:36
SchuenemannERIK_LIMA, yup, read that page. It will tell you how to install eawpatches02:36
stonedNiklas_E: i recommend using aptitude02:36
randyintelikey: http://pastebin.com/d4ac2234102:36
randyThats what i get02:36
Niklas_Eaha, thanks ;)02:36
stonedNiklas_E: run aptitude, hit /, type package name, highlight it, hit = to hold it, quit02:36
redshadowherocan anyone reccomend any good IDEs for java/c++ development?02:36
Schuenemannredshadowhero, eclipse02:36
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redshadowheroeww... I hated that on windows...02:37
intelikeyrandy yes.   and you test as per other tests ?02:37
runlevleltenrandy, remount02:37
runlevleltennot reomunt02:37
stoned!info quanta02:37
ubotuquanta: web development environment for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2382 kB, installed size 5728 kB02:37
stonedor kdevelop02:37
drewthis sucks, I cant run as root02:37
stoned!info kdevelop02:37
ubotukdevelop: An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 8594 kB, installed size 26204 kB02:37
Schuenemanneclipse has autocompile, autocomplete, refactoring and everything02:37
[Apollo] redshadowhero: We're talking about Linux IDEs here right?02:37
stoneduse emacs02:37
redshadowheroAh, I'm a mac person... I just prefer stuff more like Xcode tools, I suppose.. but, I'll give it a try, thanks.02:37
intelikeyrandy oh heh runlevlelten pointed out that typo02:38
aka_dennisteroh shoot...need to go to other user profile02:38
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redshadowhero[Apollo] :yes02:38
Schuenemannredshadowhero, get eclipse, man02:38
runlevleltenOh man, I have to sleep02:38
Schuenemannor netbeans (java)02:38
redshadowheroSchuenemann: alright, I'll give it a try02:38
runlevleltenI've been awake for so looooooong :(02:38
randylemme see if i can access it now02:38
Schuenemannthere is also sun visual studio02:38
Schuenemannor something like that02:38
[Apollo] go to bed then and get some rest, runlevlelten:P02:38
=== randy headdesks again
randypermission denied02:38
[Apollo] lol02:38
intelikeyrandy my typo.   sorry.     sudo mount -o remount,umask=000 /dev/hdc      <<<< is that what you did ?02:39
randyyea i retyped it02:39
randydidnt give me any output this time02:39
redshadowheroSchuenemann: does it act like MS visual studio?02:39
SchuenemannI think it does02:39
Schuenemannbut the name is not exacly that, I can't remember02:39
intelikeyrandy ok and   ls /media/cdrom0    says ?02:39
SchuenemannI never tested it, it requires 1 GB RAM or so02:39
runlevleltenwhy does the ownership of the drive differ from what it should be, that's what's weird.02:39
redshadowherothats why I don't like those apps...02:40
[Apollo] redshadowhero: you mean like, starting services you never asked for--hogging PC resources?02:40
stonedrandy@randy-desktop:~$  sudo mount -o reomunt,umask=000 /dev/hdc <-- why are you reomunting it?02:40
stonedrandy: why are you specifying a umask?02:40
intelikeystoned cause i told him to02:40
redshadowhero[Apollo] : what?02:40
redshadowhero[Apollo] : I don't understand02:40
stonedintelikey: you told him to reomunt or remount?02:40
[Apollo] redshadowhero: That's what MS VS 2005 does02:40
randyintelikey: when i do ls /media/cdrom0 it says "I hope you go insane and jump in a volcano! Permission DEEENIIIIEEEEDD!!"02:41
runlevlelten[Apollo] : I can't go to bed, I'm waiting for this copy to finish :(02:41
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runlevleltenthen I can sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.02:41
[Apollo] heh02:41
[Apollo] KDE is still installing02:41
[Apollo] and all it's dependencies02:41
runlevleltenIt's been going since yesterday morning02:41
redshadowhero[Apollo] : I don't use VS02:41
[Apollo] which copy if I might ask?02:41
intelikeyrandy  ls -dl / /media /media/cdrom002:41
redshadowhero[Apollo] : In fact, I no longer run windows at home anymore02:41
[Apollo] redshadowhero: ok, misunderstanding then :P02:41
[Apollo] +s02:41
ERIK_LIMASchunemann: I'm installing eaw patches right now. Hope if the MIDI plays correctly.02:42
runlevleltenA stupid stupid stupid backup over ssh that a client started.02:42
runlevleltenIt would have been quicker to just take it.02:42
runlevleltenphysically I mean02:42
randyintelikey: http://pastebin.com/d5ebcf4aa02:42
[Apollo] heh02:42
redshadowhero[Apollo] : I do all my coding for school on Xcode, then port it to the sun server to test it02:42
ERIK_LIMAI was listening to "InnerDarkside", both MIDI and MP3 version and I compared the MIDI file on XP and Linux.02:43
intelikeyrandy what does   echo $UID      say ?02:43
[Apollo] redshadowhere: oic, never used XCode and never used a MAC, so I'm sorry, can't help you much then :)02:43
Schuenemannredshadowhero, http://developers.sun.com/jscreator/overview/tours/prodtour/flash/index.html02:43
SchuenemannSun Java Studio Creator02:43
runlevleltennot 400:40102:43
ERIK_LIMAFirst, the MIDI played on XP was sound near the original MP3 file02:43
=== runlevlelten sighs
intelikeyrandy give me a sec to sort all this now.02:44
ERIK_LIMABut when I played on Linux I thinked "Somethings wrong!"02:44
randyim calmed down now >_> I got some music going *sigh*02:44
redshadowhero[Apollo] : Yeah, thats why I was asking for an IDE on linux.02:44
ERIK_LIMAMaybe my timidity wasn't configured correctly02:44
SchuenemannERIK_LIMA, that's because MIDI is just a protocol... you need to have the instruments02:44
redshadowheroSchuenemann: But, thats java only, correct?02:45
Schuenemannand timidity comes with few instruments02:45
Schuenemannredshadowhero, yeah, and it's a RAD... I think you should try eclipse02:45
intelikeyrandy pastebin   cat /etc/fstab ;grep 40 /etc/passwd02:45
[Apollo] redshadowhero: Sorry, can't help you there either. I use gedit and g++ and makefiles so far to code, compile and link my C++ programs02:45
Schuenemanngedit? ugh...02:45
=== Soth [i=eric@c-24-98-115-12.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
[Apollo] heh02:45
[Apollo] I'm a noob and don't know much alternatives, remember? :P02:45
ERIK_LIMASchunemann, Have you ever played "Shinobi III"? I was listening to a music from the game in MIDI format and then in MP302:46
redshadowheroHa ha... I usually use pico/myself... sad, no?02:46
SchuenemannERIK_LIMA, hmm... no, but I played he-man hehe02:46
intelikeypico is a symlink to nano on ubuntu02:46
redshadowherowow... you learn something new everyday...02:46
ERIK_LIMAand then compare. On XP the MIDI sounded nearest than MP3 and I could listen to all instruments02:46
runlevleltenYep, no such user...02:46
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=== runlevlelten watches you come round the houses ;P
ERIK_LIMABut, on Linux, a few instruments was missing. It was caused by freepats.cfg??02:47
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[Apollo] So, my KDE install is finished. Can someone tell me now how to choose between GNOME and KDE now? I mean, like, what command do I have to type in?02:47
intelikeyrandy sudo umount /dev/hdc02:47
intelikeyrandy do it again.  jsut to make sure02:48
Daisuke_Ido[Apollo] : log out and choose kde from the session menu in gdm, and log back in02:48
SchuenemannERIK_LIMA, it was because you didn't have those instruments02:48
[Apollo] ok, I'll guess I have to close all my programs then, no?02:48
randyok i could hear my cd drive start to spin and when i put it in a 2nd time it said nothing was mounted02:48
intelikeyrandy ls -ld /media/cdrom002:48
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randydr-xr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-07-20 12:13 /media/cdrom002:49
ERIK_LIMASchunemann: where can I find them? Do you have any repository?02:49
redshadowheroSchuenemann: this looks like javascript, or does it do jav code, too?02:49
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SchuenemannERIK_LIMA, it's that eawpatches you said you were installing02:49
Daisuke_Ido[Apollo] : uh, yeah.  logging out is just that.02:49
Schuenemannredshadowhero, what?02:49
runlevleltenwe working now randy?02:50
randytry mounting the cd now?02:50
redshadowheroSchuenemann: I was watching the little video... it looks like a javascript thing...02:50
intelikeyrandy sudo mount -o umask=000 /media/cdrom002:50
redshadowheroSchuenemann: perhaps I am mistaken02:50
Schuenemannto tell the truth, I didn't watch the video (and can't now), but it's made by Sun and it says JAVA Studio Creator :p02:51
randyintelikey: http://pastebin.com/d1a4134a302:51
ERIK_LIMASchunemann: eaw patches have these instruments you mentioned or I need to install soundfonts after?02:51
redshadowheroSchuenemann: I'll just get eclipse...02:51
runlevleltenwhat you got in dmesg | tail -n 3002:52
SchuenemannERIK_LIMA, no, they're the instruments... next, you'll have to tell timidity to use those samples and not freepats02:52
intelikeyrandy ok the fs on the disk seems to support permissions  thus you will not be able to change that for that disk.   i.e.  use the root account to copy out what you need and then chown/chmod the files02:52
Schuenemannredshadowhero, eclipse is cool02:53
randyintelikey: ....wha?02:53
Schuenemannsun studio is a RAD02:53
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ERIK_LIMARight. I will configure it and see whats happens.02:53
redshadowheroSchuenemann: okay, I know this sounds ignorant of me, but what does RAD mean?02:53
intelikeyrandy the cd itself has the permissions and ownership  you can't change that   and linux is acting accordingly.02:53
SchuenemannRapid Application Development02:54
redshadowheroI see...02:54
Schuenemannlike dragging something here to make a database connection, those kind of stuff MS users love02:54
redshadowheroI was thinking more off applet applet development.02:54
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randyrunlevlelten http://pastebin.com/d6493002:54
redshadowheroBut, I'm not a ms user.02:54
=== Apollo [n=Apollo@p54A9C8D3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
randySo theres NO way i can get the data off?02:54
SchuenemannI'm glad to hear that heh02:54
=== Apollo is now known as [Apollo]
intelikeyrandy the issue is    not an issue.    it's just a matter of having permission to access it.     thus   to extract the data,    sudo -i     and go get it.02:55
[Apollo] KDE IS RUNNING. YAY. TY ALL :D02:55
randysudo -i = root? how do i get back to normal then?02:55
intelikeyrandy you exit02:55
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randythanks alot guys02:56
intelikeyrandy welcome02:56
K-RyanEvening gents02:56
redshadowheroSchuenemann: I've been a mac person since '99, and trying to get more and more into *nix02:56
runlevleltenGood stuff, enjoy q4 when you get to play it :)02:56
randythanks to you too runlevlelten!02:56
runlevleltennp randy :)02:56
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intelikeyrandy let that be a lesson in the "format" of data cd's   better to use an M$ format that doesn't support permissions than to lock your self out of your data...   :)02:57
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runlevleltenwoo! scp has finished :D02:58
=== runlevlelten kicks clients who copy big files with scp and no compression.
=== chenox [n=chenox@21.Red-80-59-80.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
[Apollo] :D03:00
=== redshadowhero feels guilty that he actually does use scp just for that...
[Apollo] KDE rules03:00
Daisuke_Idosomehow my entire collection in amarok got hosed03:00
ubotuSCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/03:00
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Daisuke_Ido(the database, not the music itself.  i would have actually cried.)03:00
randyrunlevlelten: one question, now when i DIR the cdrom0 all i get is autorun.inf and setup. I dont see the folders03:01
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runlevleltenredshadowhero: as long as you don't keep some poor guy like me awake til 2am on monday morning waiting for the stuffing thing to finish03:01
runlevleltenthen it's your lookout, heh03:02
intelikeyscp a@b:file[1-8]  . & scp .file[1-8]  a@b        <<<  loop  unending copy03:02
[Apollo] ;)03:02
redshadowherorunlevlelten: nah, I use it at work to sync stuff to our backup server.03:02
runlevleltenrandy: dir or ls?03:03
intelikeydir works too03:03
randyboth just show those 2 files03:03
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randyis there a command to put after dir to show hidden files?03:03
runlevleltenI can't help thinking you might be better off taking that strange copy of q4 "back to the store" and getting them to manufacture you a new one.03:04
intelikey ls .*03:04
intelikeyls -A03:04
redshadowherorandy: why don't you just use ls -a03:04
Daisuke_Idotell your buddy to burn you a new copy.03:04
redshadowheroor -A03:04
=== chenox [n=chenox@21.Red-80-59-80.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
redshadowherooh... intelikey beat me to it..03:04
randyargh! just those 2 files03:04
randy*grumble grumble* gonna find a torrent03:04
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runlevleltenrandy... I suggest you have a bad burn03:04
intelikeyrandy df -h   will show in human readable form  the disk usage03:05
randyit worked find on windows -_-03:05
runlevleltenor if it's not actually bad, it's stuffed up enough that it might as well be03:05
runlevleltenrandy wait... you have a windows installation?!03:05
ERIK_LIMASchunemann: It's works!!!03:05
randynot anymore03:05
runlevleltenyou can copy the files from a windows installation dude..03:05
runlevleltenOh, never mind then, haha03:05
ERIK_LIMAThe MIDI file is playing correctly03:06
ERIK_LIMAThanks!! :)03:06
=== fred_ [n=fred@did75-1-81-57-20-215.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
ERIK_LIMAAnd good night. I'm leaving. Good bye03:06
=== ERIK_LIMA [n=erik@20132198004.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
intelikeySchuenemann what was software emulation of midi hardware ?03:06
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runlevleltenIf you really can't get at it as root on that machine, and you can extract it using windows (assuming you don't want to burn it again)03:06
Schuenemannintelikey, he had the default freepats samples03:07
randylemme go to the /media/cdrom/03:07
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intelikeySchuenemann yeah that's what i said   emulation03:07
randyhmm nothing different03:07
Schuenemannahh... silly me03:07
randylemme remount again03:08
runlevleltenhang on, gotta reboot something03:08
[Apollo] Can someone tell me what could be the reason behind this error message: "/usr/lib/licq/bin/licq-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" Ok, the message should be self-explainatory, but what can I do about it?03:08
randyWOO IT WORKS NOW!03:08
=== randy does a happy dance.
Schuenemanndoes anyone know what font is this? http://img382.imageshack.us/my.php?image=logohc2.jpg03:09
runlevleltenWow, weird. Copy the files while you can, heh.03:09
randyi am i am03:09
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runlevleltenIt works one mount and not another with the same user et cetera, sounds like poopy burn/media.03:10
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randyjust my luck XD I get a poopy burn from iD03:11
randynever take me to a casino :) Youll lose everything03:11
randymy friend found that out the hard way03:11
intelikeyoh poopy03:11
runlevleltenthe QC these days03:11
caboose_1980im confused03:11
randyi went to a casino with him and he was up $100 on $100.  when i got there03:12
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intelikeyhi confused   im unstable03:12
randyan hour later he had nothing :)03:12
=== emulhern [n=emulhern@c-71-192-170-35.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
caboose_1980haha thats real funny03:12
randyneither did i but i only took 60 bucks lol03:12
runlevleltenYay \o/ client's server didn't explode.03:12
sfiremine did03:13
runlevleltenAlways nice when I'm not safe to walk up the stairs to bed, let alone operate a pooter, heh03:13
sfireyesterday I "skipped" a reboot... oohhh BAD idea03:13
SchuenemannI always get a lot of money in casinos. I'm banned from all casinos of my state03:13
randywhy arnt you safe to go up stairs?03:13
intelikeyreboot ?       yeah bad idea03:13
sfireit totally borked this poor windows 2003 server03:14
sfire1 bad move totally waxed it03:14
runlevleltenwindows server? ugh03:14
sfireyea :(03:14
caboose_1980i have ubuntu03:14
redshadowherosfire: why not use a *nix server?03:14
caboose_1980which sucks more03:14
intelikeymore than what ?03:14
sfireredshadowhero: they refused it.. they wanted sharepoint03:14
Schuenemannnothing can suck more than windows03:14
runlevleltenOoh, their new monkey boy has been writing shell scripts with no shebangs..... I hate that.03:15
sfireSchuenemann: OS-X03:15
intelikeywell   it probably could,,, but nothing "linux" does03:15
runlevleltenI'm tempted to change the default shell to something really weird and exotic.03:15
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Schuenemannrunlevlelten, sorry, what are you talking about?03:15
intelikeyrunlevlelten dash ?03:15
Schuenemannthis monkey boy and shebangs stuff03:16
=== Spami2 [n=Spami@ALyon-254-1-14-195.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
sdlnxgkanyone running SLI mode??? can't seem to get the second video to link up again03:16
caboose_1980what are we talking about?03:16
caboose_1980with ubuntu i cant download flash and i cant download anything03:17
sdlnxgkwas playing BF2 and screen went to 640x480 and now03:17
redshadowherosfire: Bah. Tell them that they can't have windows.03:17
caboose_1980anyone know how to get past that?03:17
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runlevleltenSchuenemann: monkey boy = IT manager - a guy who gets paid to hire a real geek when any work needs doing03:17
intelikeywhy do you want to "download" flash ?03:17
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intelikey!flash | caboose_198003:17
sdlnxgkit's always stuck in 640x480 on log in till I change it03:17
ubotucaboose_1980: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:17
runlevleltenshebang = the bit in a shell script that actually tells the pooter what language it's in03:17
caboose_1980so i can watch videos03:17
caboose_1980and play games03:17
caboose_1980=] 03:17
intelikeysee the bot03:18
intelikeyreport to the bot03:18
intelikeyvisit the bot03:18
[Apollo] bow down to the bot03:18
runlevleltenThen the monkey boy will get in trouble though, and that's not nice03:18
=== redshadowhero looks at the bot, but doesn't know what to do with it.
runlevleltenstill, it would have been fun.03:18
[Apollo] BOW DOWN, redshadowhero, BOW DOWN :P03:18
=== randy plays the cult theme.
[Apollo] HOW DARE YOU03:19
[Apollo] that's an insult to the holy bot03:19
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!03:19
redshadowhero"Holy bot"?03:19
redshadowheroDoesn't that sound a bit paradoxical?03:20
[Apollo] yeah, you don't know??03:20
=== runlevlelten points out that "real geek" doesn't mean "real expert", it means "sap who'll stay up til 2am for you"
randyand we love the real geek!03:20
redshadowherorunlevlelten: nobody could make me stay up that late... but then again, I don't work for the conventional IT crew, either.03:20
=== randy builds a throne out of a ton of microsoft xp disks
mileshey i just got one question for you guys?03:21
caboose_1980that download thing is to confusing03:21
randyyes mr. miles03:21
BluesKajreal geek's only friend is his "stuff"03:21
mileshow come...ubuntu is killin windows?!03:21
caboose_1980any help?03:21
=== dewey [n=dewey@c-67-168-51-149.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
randyCause windows is death!03:21
intelikeymiles care to elaborate ?03:21
randyDont you know? Every second 1000000 babies are killed by microsoft to make windows?03:21
milesthats seriously the 5th article ive seen in the past month talking about ubuntu > windows03:22
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Daisuke_Idobig whoop03:22
milesive been using linux for the past 1.5-2 years, but i never really felt comfortable using it everyday till i started using ubuntu03:22
Daisuke_Idothat doesn't mean it's killing windows03:23
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milesare you a bill gates sympathizer?03:23
Daisuke_Idohowever, it does mean linux is making great strides in usability on the desktop, which is awesome.03:23
milesthats what im getting at03:23
redshadowheromiles: why sympathize with him?03:23
Daisuke_Idomiles: are you a republican?03:23
runlevleltenthe thing killing windows is windows sucking.03:23
milessympathize with who?03:23
milesi dont vote03:23
Daisuke_Ido"if you're not with me 100%, you're against me 100%03:23
[Apollo] lol03:24
Daisuke_Idojust because i say ubuntu isn't "killing" windows, i'm a gates sympathizer.03:24
milesi was just messing with you03:24
redshadowheromiles: billy boy.03:24
Daisuke_Idolove the red-state rhetoric03:24
runlevlelten[02:23]  <Daisuke_Ido> ubuntu isn't "killing" windows, i'm a gates sympathizer03:24
=== runlevlelten tuts
[Apollo] >_>03:24
intelikey<Daisuke_Ido> however, it does mean linux is making great strides in usability on the desktop, which is awesome.  <<<<  do you mean "more windows like"  ?03:24
Daisuke_Idogo go out of context quoting!03:25
redshadowheromiles: aka bill gates03:25
Daisuke_Idointelikey: not necessarily03:25
Daisuke_Idothere are also some mac-like strides :D03:25
milessee, this is what i realized when i started using linux..."wow i was living in a windows world"03:25
milesusing linux opened my eyes to see how computers actually work...not just how a windows computer works03:25
Daisuke_Idoi think it needs to go in a different direction, but if it does it risks alienating a LOT of people...03:25
Daisuke_Idomiles: same here03:25
redshadowheromiles: I was the same way, 'cept it was to mac03:25
Daisuke_Idothis is the first distro i really feel comfortable using03:26
=== Schuenemann too
milesi only use my windows partition to play games03:26
Schuenemannhave tried some others before03:26
randyi think ubuntu is like a gateway drug into the linux world03:26
redshadowherobut then, I realized that it was the unix way of doing things that I really like.03:26
[Apollo] the only thing about Linux that's getting on my nerves is that I have so many new, interesting things to discover and figure out, that I don't know WHERE TO FRIGGIN START!03:26
Schuenemannthis guy has been repeating that for hours03:26
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido reason i asked,  i don't agree with the premiss    i think that it really means that "linux is becomming more widely known"  not that it's more usable.03:26
runlevleltenrandy: it's certainly at the boundaries, I don't know how likely it is to get you into other distros though03:26
[Apollo] Schuenemann: who? me?03:27
Schuenemannno, this aldcor03:27
[Apollo] oh03:27
[Apollo] weird yea03:27
Schuenemann[22:26:32]  <aldcor> aldcor03:27
milesi think ubuntu represents linux better than other well known distros like RH03:27
Schuenemannhe's been doing this for many many hours03:27
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runlevleltenRH has good and bad points. Not really a fan, but it does have points of technical excellence and philosophical goodness.03:28
intelikeyrepresents ?  =  promotes ?03:28
runlevleltenand Really Spectacular Brokenness xD03:28
[Apollo] Schuenemann: maybe it's a sign? maybe he (?) wants to tell us something?03:28
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Schuenemannwho is he? lessie?03:28
BluesKajthe computer magazines are really lining up behind Vista cuz they know what a difficult time ppl will have getting a lot of their fav progs to run on it,> Interesting cuz then the they have a captive market for consumers on "how to " articles about getting Vista to work on their pcs ...more sales :)03:28
=== Pensa`TV [n=pensacol@] has joined #kubuntu
=== redshadowhero doesn't like Vista. At all.
milesthe computer magazines are s__t to begin with03:29
=== randy has vista on his laptop and doesnt mind it that much.
milesthey are the same thing every month "speed up your comp in 40 ways"03:29
=== randy knows it isnt the best but its bearable to him
miles2600 > other computer related zines03:29
[Apollo] XP was/is the best Windows, IMHO. If you can use "good" and "best" in context with Windows anyway.03:29
runlevlelten....and there's been real comedy in seeing all the generic UMS usb sticks and hard drives and monitors with the OMG DESIGNED FOR WINDOWS VISTA03:30
=== intelikey had vesta on a lappy booted one time. then booted a linux cd and issued cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda
redshadowhero[Apollo] : I agree with you.03:30
runlevleltencrap next to them03:30
Schuenemannwell, comparing to windows 98, what isn't good?03:30
runlevleltenmaking mom and pop buy it, thinking everything will need it, when that's pure garbage.03:30
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milesmy work laptop runs vista, and my company has me trying to develop a flex app, its kinda difficult when my oem OS is crippled03:31
redshadowheroI agree with that.03:31
Schuenemannusers don't know what standards are03:31
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miles"users" dont really care, they just wanna download music and check their myspace03:31
runlevleltenand they implied for months and months and months that all these generic devices were for Vista03:31
[Apollo] heh03:32
=== llll is now known as Alan_2
intelikeywell [Apollo]  you can inturpret M$ jargon,  are you an employee ?03:32
runlevleltenwith the "designed for" or the "works with"... all with the vista logo on them03:32
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HayaBusahello .. anyone knows anything about RED5 server or knows of IRC for this server ?03:32
runlevleltenI know I'm going to bed.03:32
runlevleltenNight all :)03:33
milesyou mean RHEL5?03:33
[Apollo] night runlevlelten03:33
=== runlevlelten [n=ten@88-96-94-193.dsl.zen.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Left"]
HayaBusano RED 5 , IS opensource comm server for flash03:33
HayaBusanight runlevle03:33
[Apollo] intelikey: was it really that obvious?03:33
milesno clue then, sorry03:33
[Apollo] :P03:33
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[Apollo] Even the t-shirt I'm wearing has a Vista logo on it.03:34
intelikeyis there a penguin standing on it taking a dump ???03:34
Schuenemannthen your t-shirt sucks03:34
HayaBusaI just read a blog that microsoft used pireted program on part of xp03:35
randytime to test quake4!03:35
[Apollo] haha03:35
SchuenemannI just read on a blog that Titanic was run by Windows03:35
milesso was apollo 1303:36
=== vla [n=vla@201-42-170-36.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
HayaBusahold on03:36
caboose_1980i still cant download flash!03:36
caboose_1980i need some help03:36
=== vla is now known as Perseu
intelikeyoh lets not be silly.  bill wasn't typing when apollo 13 went03:36
[Apollo] hmmmmm03:36
=== miles loves tom hanks
ARM9Tom hanks is some nice pice of meat03:37
ARM9oh f***03:38
ARM9Did I just say that??03:38
caboose_1980where do i download flash for ubuntu 6.6 lts?03:38
[Apollo] Is there any way to install dependencies automatically with KPackage? It keeps complaining about 31 packages missing that are needed for just one package....03:38
intelikeyyeah ya sweedish meet ball,  you sure did.03:38
[Apollo] and I'm too lazy to install them all by hand03:38
Schuenemann!info flash03:39
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ubotuPackage flash does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas03:39
Schuenemann!info flashplugin-nonfre03:39
Schuenemann!info flashplugin-nonfree03:39
ubotuPackage flashplugin-nonfre does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas03:39
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386)03:39
Schuenemanncaboose_1980, you need that package03:39
intelikey!repos | [Apollo] 03:39
ubotu[Apollo] : The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu03:39
ice9hello friends!03:40
caboose_1980where do i get that package?03:40
[Apollo] intelikey: it's not a package that comes with Kubuntu03:40
[Apollo] it's a 3rd party03:40
[Apollo] project03:40
ck42fighting with getting a new monitor setup to run 1680x1050.  According to the monitor, it's is running 1680x1050 while in kdm, but as soon as KDE starts, it appears to step down to 1400x900.  I've been trying different things with xorg.conf...but w/o any luck.  Anyone else deal with someone similar?03:40
Schuenemanncaboose_1980, try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:41
caboose_1980where do i get that??03:41
Schuenemannyou have to type that03:41
HayaBusasome wave files stored on windows xp are created using sound forge. 4.5 this is part of the info ::::  Deepz0ne  ISFT   Sound Forge 4.503:41
intelikeyLinux is not the command-line based quagmire-enigma it once was.       ahh  poor linux.   linux is dead,  died of enslavement to M$ thinkology...03:41
HayaBusadeepzone are crackers03:41
caboose_1980where do i type it?03:42
=== intelikey points out that that comment is from a linux-only, CLI user.
Schuenemanncaboose_1980, in konsole03:42
caboose_1980oh ok thanks alot!03:42
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caboose_1980i have terminal not konsole03:43
caboose_1980do i type it there?03:43
Schuenemannare using kubuntu?03:43
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caboose_1980oh no regular ubunto 6.6 lts03:44
tzangerI'm trhying to set up an smb share on this system, but it's saying it can't install - "the necessary applications to install could not be found"03:44
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tzangerI can edit smb.conf myslef, it's all there and it works, but why would this not be working?03:44
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Schuenemanncaboose_1980, ok, do it03:45
caboose_1980ok ill try03:45
redshadowheroWell, it was nice talking to all of you. I'll try to be back on later.03:45
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers03:45
caboose_1980ok umm...03:45
caboose_1980nothing happened03:45
[Apollo] aldcor03:46
Schuenemannit should've asked you for password03:46
Schuenemannwell, there is a channel ubuntu-specific: #ubuntu03:46
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=== miles loves how his school work gets in the way of his learning
=== intelikey went to that school
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caboose_1980can you start a private chat with me schuenemann?03:48
[Apollo] ahhh, just managed to install LICQ03:49
Schuenemannbut I'm married03:49
[Apollo] LOL03:49
mileslol pwn03:49
Schuenemannheh I was just kidding03:49
caboose_1980lol good03:49
[Apollo] you are not married?03:49
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Schuenemannnope =)03:50
[Apollo] ok03:51
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[Apollo] erm...03:51
[Apollo] will pasting 5 lines of error messages be counted as flooding?03:52
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:52
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ardchoille[Apollo] : When in doubt, use pastebin :)03:52
caboose_1980it wont let me send the message03:52
makuseruhow can i install windows using VM Ware?03:52
[Apollo] ok :)03:53
caboose_1980anyway i got to the part where it askes me my password but when i try to type nothing happens03:53
ardchoillecaboose_1980: You aren't id'd to nickserv, Schuenemann is so you won't be able to pm03:53
ardchoillecaboose_1980: But, you can join #caboose_1980 and invite Schuenemann :)03:53
intelikeycaboose_1980 anyway i got to the part where it askes me my password but when i try to type nothing happens <<<<  so type your password and hit enter03:54
caboose_1980it wont let me type anything03:54
Schuenemannthe letters won't show up, but type anyway03:55
[Apollo] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30842/ <-- what do those error messages mean and what can I do about them? (they show up when starting LICQ)03:55
intelikeyit will to03:55
Schuenemannthey're there03:55
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ardchoille[Apollo] : Those errorws are due to xorg trying to initialiose wacom devices you don't have.03:55
stdin!baddevice | [Apollo] 03:55
ubotu[Apollo] : If you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors03:55
intelikey"oh my, i can't read it to see if it's correct when i enter my password,  what do i do???"    heh03:56
ardchoilleThank you :) stdin03:56
caboose_1980it worked!03:56
elite101wow just after 1week of using kubuntu i think i got it now!!!03:56
ardchoilleintelikey: lol03:56
caboose_1980now its like...doing weird stuff with alot of numbers and letters03:56
jasfhelp me please how do i sign in to kopete under another name?03:56
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milesjasf - create a new account on kopete?03:56
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elite101no he prob means an existing one03:56
jasfk i'll try thanks03:57
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elite101for kopete03:57
ardchoillealdcor: Talking to yourself is a sign of senility03:57
[Apollo] ardchoille, stdin: TY03:57
caboose_1980ugghh...is something wrong it says this03:57
caboose_1980Download done.03:57
caboose_1980md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz03:57
caboose_1980The Flash plugin is NOT installed.03:57
[Apollo] aldcor03:57
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milescaboose_1980: you have an i386 platform, correct?03:58
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caboose_1980i dont know what that is03:58
elite101when i enabled resitories for kubuntu there where one that wear restricted. i didnt enable them befor and the application list was at 15,000 i enabled the retrsicited ones and now there are 18,000of them???03:58
mileswhat kind of processor do you have?03:58
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caboose_1980what do you mean?03:58
intelikeycaboose_1980 so now read the instructions and copy the file where it said to..03:58
milesi have an AMD64 bit proccessor, therefore i cant DL the flash plugin because it doesnt support 64 bit platfroms03:58
ardchoilleelite101: Yes, you opened yourself to many more apps, which is a good thing.03:58
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elite101so why are they restricted? just like hacked apps that do bad things?03:59
edsonsomebody use lm-sensors for module i2c_i801(intel)?03:59
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ardchoilleelite101: Can't be included due to licensing restrictions and such03:59
nconceicaohi everyone..03:59
nconceicaonew ubuntu user here03:59
intelikeyelite101 you are asking about the concepts of "free" -vs- " non free "03:59
elite101so there bad but they wont harm my system?03:59
nconceicaoand have a quick questions about blue tooth sync03:59
ardchoilleintelikey: Thank you :)03:59
milesfree as in beer? or free as in freedom04:00
nconceicaowhat do users typically use to sync on ubuntu?04:00
nconceicaobluetooth that is?04:00
elite101i know u can do anything in kubuntu just cant see that they where "restricted"04:00
[Apollo] aldcor04:00
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intelikeyelite101 they are "non-free"04:00
edsonsomebody use lm-sensors for module i2c_i801(intel)?04:00
elite101i didnt know u had to acutally pay for things on kubuntu?04:00
ardchoilleelite101: for example, people in the US can't legally use software that decrypts CSS in Linux.04:00
nconceicaosoo any recommendations for ubuntu bluetooh?04:01
elite101okay ic04:01
=== imagine [n=imagine@xplr-ts-t11-208-114-165-46.barrettxplore.com] has joined #kubuntu
nconceicaokubuntu not free?04:01
elite101im from canada alot of illegal stuff can be done here04:01
caboose_1980this is what it said04:01
caboose_1980granddaddy@chips:~$ sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/<filename>.deb04:01
caboose_1980bash: filename: No such file or directory04:01
elite101like camcorders in movie theaters and back-up dvd's :):)04:01
hitmanWillynconceicao, apps that aren't open source04:01
ardchoillecaboose_1980: What are you installing?04:02
intelikeyfree beer / free speach  / free to pay taxes04:02
caboose_1980all this again...04:02
=== hitmanWilly likes the first 2
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:02
caboose_1980im already thereeeee04:02
elite101lol is the US$ almost the same as the canadian i think its par or just 0.06$04:03
caboose_1980it says i have to get "dapper-backports"04:03
intelikeyardchoille he has it on his system,  he just didn't read the output and copy the file.so to the dir yet04:03
ardchoilleintelikey: Oh, he's not following instructions?04:03
caboose_1980im confused04:03
milesgnash is kind of weak04:03
elite101thanx i needed that link for flashplayer9!!04:04
ardchoilleelite101: Did someone already tell you how to install this?04:04
dsmithfree taxes? lol04:04
elite101that was java04:04
elite101but it didnt work04:04
caboose_1980intelikey join the pm #caboose_198004:05
elite101the package or something could not be requested04:05
caboose_1980or whatever that is04:05
ardchoilleelite101: Seems to me you're doing this the hard way, I have installed flash with a single apt-get install command.04:05
elite101i didnt know that?04:05
ardchoilleProbably because you didn't read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash04:05
elite101i asked for java but they wouldnt give me the full name because terminal is case sens.04:05
milesif i wanted to make sure i have the latest package in the ubuntu repos, i would type "sudo apt-get upgrade <<package name>>" correct?04:05
dsmithflash still hiccups on some websites04:05
elite101i am using that link04:05
dsmithtoyota.com being one04:06
elite101i just sayed thanx for someone that posted it04:06
ardchoillemiles: sudo apt-get upgrade will suffice, provided your sources are current (sudo apt-get update)04:06
elite101i need it for youtube videos and other sites that wont run good without it04:06
hitmanWillymiles, or just upgrade will upgrade the whole system04:06
milesok, thanks04:06
Schuenemannhow can I use arial font in kubuntu?04:07
stdinmiles: no, just run "sudo apt-get upgrade" to upgrade all apackages, you can just do "sudo apt-get install <package>" to make sure you have the latest of that package04:07
elite101there is no support for my distro in that flash link but there is one that comes similar04:07
hitmanWillyelite101, youtube works fine with it04:07
=== dsmith looks at 'upgrade the whole system" and cringes
mileswhen 7.10 comes out, i can type "apt-get dist-upgrade"04:07
caboose_1980ok i need help...soooo much. people start helping me, then they leave me04:07
hitmanWillymiles, not quite....04:07
stdinmiles: not quite, use adept to do it04:08
intelikeydsmith i run  apt-get dist-upgrade   twice a week on dapper04:08
caboose_1980someone who can help me join here #caboose_198004:08
elite101how do i enable backports04:08
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging04:08
dsmithintelikey: thats dapper04:08
caboose_1980i need dapper-backports04:08
dsmithI was referring to upgrading from from to the other04:08
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!04:08
ardchoillecaboose_1980: ARe you on dapper now?04:08
intelikeydsmith yeah but it was dapper when it was released and all the crap was breaking too04:09
dsmithlike 6.10 to 7.0404:09
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ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)04:09
SchuenemannHow can I use arial font in kubuntu?04:09
=== dsmith will only do clean installs
intelikeydsmith oh.  well he wasn't refering to that i don't think04:09
caboose_1980oh im confused04:09
dsmithoh!...ok hehe04:09
dr_willisSchuenemann,  install the mstcorefont packages. and they should be in the fonts listings.04:09
stdincaboose_1980: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:09
hitmanWillyno, just keeping the system up to date :)04:09
ice9I seem to be having some trouble getting Gens to work, the genesis emulator, anybody know anything about it?04:09
Schuenemann!info mstcorefont04:10
ubotuPackage mstcorefont does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:10
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dsmithit dont?04:10
stdin!info msttcorefonts04:10
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.8ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 34 kB, installed size 208 kB04:10
stdinSchuenemann: 2 t's04:10
dsmithahhh thats it04:10
Schuenemann!info msttcorefont04:10
ubotuPackage msttcorefont does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:10
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Schuenemannbut I see it in apt-cache04:10
dsmithand one 's'04:11
stdinSchuenemann: 2 t's and one s at the end :)04:11
Schuenemann!info msttcorefonts04:11
elite101carboose_1980: i need the same thing too? i dont know if u manually add them to adept?04:11
caboose_1980stdin: i have ubuntu not kubuntu04:11
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.8ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 34 kB, installed size 208 kB04:11
Schuenemannit's just an installer?04:11
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caboose_1980im going ot the other ubuntu channel04:12
elite101do u manualy type in the backport url and stuff into adept?04:12
stdincaboose_1980: then you should be asking in #ubuntu :p and here's the ubuntu link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu04:12
hitmanWillySchuenemann, it grabs and installs the ms core fonts04:12
Schuenemannok, thahnks04:12
BluesKajwell, it's been a long day here ...sacktime , nite all, take care04:12
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hamadooohi guys ..  want to reduse the light in my computer .... in ubuntu04:13
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hamadoooi think reduse is wrong :>04:13
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hamadooohope you understand04:13
=== se7en [n=se7en@125-24-152-228.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu
stdinhamadooo: what's your first language?04:14
hamadoooarabic lool04:15
hamadooomy english is bad i know :P04:15
miles!find openarena04:15
ubotuFound: openarena, openarena-data, openarena-server04:15
milesf yea04:15
stdinjust looking for a local language channel for you04:15
milesim so gonna go pwn some no0bz04:15
stdin!arabic | hamadooo04:15
ubotuhamadooo: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join     #ubuntu-sa04:15
hamadooooh cool04:16
=== moebius [n=moebius@host199.201-253-41.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu
hamadooothanx man04:16
stdinmakes it easier for you :)04:16
hamadoooi didnt know :>04:16
[Apollo] ok, bbl04:16
=== [Apollo] is now known as [Apollo] -AFK
[Apollo] -AFKice talkig to you all04:16
[Apollo] -AFKnice*04:16
[Apollo] -AFKtalking*04:16
[Apollo] -AFKdoh04:16
[Apollo] -AFKmy keyboard04:16
hamadooobut you know what .... no one in the channel im alone there lool04:16
=== rustalot [n=rustalot@bas9-toronto12-1177601341.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
hamadoooso im gonna stay here and askin about ubuntu and improve my english in the same time :P04:17
[Apollo] -AFKat04:17
caboose_1980all i want is flash and i get all this crap about dapper-backports and repositories and all this crap04:17
[Apollo] -AFKat the same time04:17
[Apollo] -AFK:P04:17
hamadoooloooooool ok04:17
[Apollo] -AFKhehe04:17
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[Apollo] -AFKnow I'm really AFK04:17
rustalothow do I get Kopete to log in to freenode properly?04:17
Schuenemanncaboose_1980, flash is in those repositories04:18
Biovorerustalot: I use a real IRC client.. would work better..04:18
rustalotlike Konversation?04:18
Biovoreor kvirc04:18
Biovoreor xchat..04:18
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Biovorethere about a million of them..04:18
stdinkvirc = dead04:18
hitmanWillyor irssi :P04:18
Biovorewhat!! no04:18
stdinirssi is nice :)04:18
rustalotso how do I set up Konversation?04:18
stdinBiovore: all development on it has ended04:19
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Schuenemannrustalot, you're already on freenode, brother04:19
Biovorenot according to there SVN logs..04:19
stdinrustalot: start it up, it's mostly already set up04:19
DaSkreechrustalot: alt+space -> konvi -> press enter -> press enter again04:20
hamadoooguys .. should i update my kernal from time to time or no need for that ??04:21
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Biovorebut kvirc.net site seems to be down..04:21
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[Apollo] -AFKaldcor04:21
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hamadooosecurity ...... this is an answer ? :P04:22
stdinBiovore: what svn branch is it in?04:22
DaSkreechhamadooo: If you like :)04:22
hamadooook :)04:22
DaSkreechhamadooo: I only do it if I need hardware to work (better) or security updates04:22
caboose_1980ok ive done all the repositories now what?04:22
hamadoooand is it easy to update the kernal04:23
BiovoreI check it out a week ago..04:23
Biovoretheres life on #kvirc04:23
rustalotbasically I see no reason to use irssi or some other command line IRC client04:23
Schuenemanncaboose_1980, sorry, at which step are we?04:23
hitmanWillyhamadooo, once its in the repos, yes, otherwise no04:23
caboose_1980im done with the repositories i think04:23
Schuenemanndid you install flash?04:24
caboose_1980join this #caboose_198004:24
hamadoooi afraid doing this may make some troubles to my ubuntu04:24
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hamadooocuz in 3 days i made format 3 times04:24
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DaSkreechhamadooo: You can jump back  to the old kernel if you want04:24
DaSkreechIt keeps it around04:25
DaSkreechsaved my butt at least one04:25
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hamadooook i wanna check which kernal i have now ?? how to do that ??04:25
stdinhamadooo: uname -r04:25
hitmanWillyhamadooo, uname -r04:26
klobsteris there any programs to make a DVD or vcd out of my avi files?04:26
stdinhamadooo: in konsole04:26
hitmanWillyklobster, k3b04:26
stdinklobster: I think devede can do it too04:26
hamadooocommand not found ?04:26
hamadooohamadooo -r04:26
intelikeyhamadooo also no one answered your Q    yes it's easy to update the kernel if the "main-security" repository is enabled   you just    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:27
stdinhamadooo: the command is "uname -r"04:27
hitmanWillyhamadooo, no, uname -r is the cmd04:27
Schuenemanndevede is cool04:27
klobsterhitmanWilly: that emovix option?  I was about to try it, but is there a program that will help me to write menu's etc?04:27
DaSkreechhamadooo: uname not your name04:27
hamadoooaha ok04:27
Schuenemanndevede can covert to dvd, svcd, vcd...04:27
hamadooointelikey ... so i don't need to compile anything ????04:27
hitmanWillyklobster, not sure, don't really do that myself...04:27
klobsterdevede looks interesting.04:28
stdinhamadooo: you probably don't want to compile your own kernel, unless you have some special requirements04:28
stdinbesides, it takes _forever_ :p04:28
hitmanWillystdin, not on my box :P04:28
hamadooonow i have this .... 2.6.20-1604:29
redshadowheroI've decided that I don't like eclipse... where can I find javac and java commands?04:29
hamadooois that the last one ?04:29
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hitmanWillyhamadooo, that's the newest ubuntu one then04:29
intelikeyhamadooo perhaps i answered too quickly.   if you did not compile your vidio driver or your kernel   then no you don't need to compile to update your kernel04:29
stdinhitmanWilly: takes about an hour on my 2.8GHz box04:29
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 04:29
hamadooook thanx :)04:29
hitmanWillystdin, that's an ubuntu kernel for ya :)04:29
hitmanWillystdin, about 15 mins on my gentoo box with a 2.2 ghz amd :)04:30
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: Moooo04:31
stdinhitmanWilly: I'll have to do a benchmark, it's been a while since I've compiled a kernel (I think it was 2.6.15)04:31
hitmanWillystdin, but that's HEAVILY stripped down....04:32
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: I know it's naked04:32
intelikeyhitmanWilly actually  that's bloat for you.   i compiled several kernels on this 350mhz box in less than an hour,   just don't build everything you know you will never need on there.04:32
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hitmanWillyDaSkreech, not quite naked, more of a thong bikini :)04:33
hitmanWillyintelikey, and, yes it actually is bloated for a gentoo box04:33
ice9I seem to be having some trouble getting Gens to work, the genesis emulator, anybody know anything about it?04:33
dr_willisice9,  clarify the problem?04:34
DaSkreechhitmanWilly: Ohh ohhhhh! Oh my eyes!04:34
Schuenemann!doesn't work | ice904:34
ubotuice9: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:34
dr_willis!find gens04:34
ubotuFound: python-genshi04:34
ice9well its a sound issue, when I play a rom, the sound is slow and staticy, but if I minimize the Gens window, it speeds up and sounds crystal clear04:34
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dr_williswhere did ya get gens from anyway04:35
dr_willis!find sega04:35
ubotuFound: rosegarden, rosegarden-data, rosegarden2, rosegarden404:35
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DaSkreechhitmanWilly: Now I'm seeing linus in a tho... ohhh04:35
dr_willisdgen - Sega Genesis/MegaDrive emulator04:35
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ice9I get it here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29000804:36
hitmanWillyDaSkreech, go to sleep with that in your head tonight >:)04:37
DaSkreechNo I'm already using mental floss04:37
milesomg i was pwnin some no0bs in openarena04:38
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Biovorehmm open arean / q3 ripp off..  but its fun still.. hehe04:39
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Schuenemannomg... I need a font called Blair or a very similar one04:41
ice9so anybody have an idea about my sound issue?04:41
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:41
Schuenemannintelikey, how can I search if that font is available?04:42
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dr_williswhat is asking for a blair font?04:45
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SchuenemannI am04:45
Schuenemannyou have it?04:45
dr_willisgoogle i guess.. ive never seen or heard of it.04:45
dr_williswhere did it originally come from?04:45
Schuenemannit's the lower one04:45
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Schuenemannfrom Tony Blair maybe... I don't know04:45
DaSkreechI would so use a font naemd Tony04:46
elite101why no the Diablo font04:46
Schuenemanndoes it look like blair?04:46
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elite101no its the one thats on fire04:47
elite101it just looks cool04:47
Schuenemannbut I need the one in that logo04:47
elite101what logo?04:47
dr_willisfind some font archives and start looking i guess.04:47
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Schuenemanndr_willis, no! I prefer to reinstall kubuntu and compile every program from source04:48
elite101i am using word perfect in scho fimilar with some fonts and what they look like04:48
Biovoreword perfect has a port for linux as well :-P04:49
elite101whats thego for?04:49
elite101do u need the exact one? try arial black04:49
Schuenemannelite101, I don't understand04:49
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Schuenemannarial black is the upper one04:49
elite101my computer is freezing im udapteing and downloading and calculating disc space and on kopete04:50
elite101so i type and backspace and it doesnt show it lol04:50
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elite101but do u need the acutal font to inport to something? the font looks like Arial Black04:50
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elite101maybe bolded too04:50
SchuenemannI need the font of that logo04:51
elite101so exact colour and everything04:51
elite101Use arial black if it doesnt work try to find the source of this pic see if someone put a caption or something on it like the font and say 192X272 frame?04:51
elite101there should be some info if u look this up on google.com/images04:52
SchuenemannI used... it says the font name is blair or signa04:52
elite101some pics will include on ppls site04:52
DaSkreechno offense04:52
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elite101and u cant find the font type rite04:52
DaSkreechwhat does this have to do with Kubuntu?04:52
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Schuenemannwell, it started as "does kubuntu have this font" ?04:53
elite101what do u need the font for?04:53
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elite101try searching in kubuntu the fonts and see if its there04:53
elite101if not try to find a font archive like what someone said upthere^04:53
elite101download it and see if it works?04:54
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Schuenemannis it possible to upgrade from dapper to feisty via apt-get?04:58
crimsunSchuenemann: yes, via edgy.04:59
Schuenemannso, can't be from dapper to feisty?04:59
crimsunit works for some people [depending on your subset of installed packages] 04:59
wolferineSchuenemann, no05:00
crimsunit is not supported.05:00
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stdinsee the upgrade guide05:00
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ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)05:00
crimsuna _base_ (ubuntu-minimal) dapper install will dist-upgrade to feisty directly, yes.  I highly doubt you have simply a base install.05:00
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randyOkay guys, Im getting mad again. My sound stopped working >_<05:08
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:08
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wolferinerandy, explain05:11
wolferinewhinning will do nothing for you05:12
randyim going through the sound blaster audigy setup05:12
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wolferinerandy, and?05:12
randyim gonna try to finish it to see if that helps XD05:13
randyi had it working automatically before w/o this setup05:13
randybut it just quit on me05:13
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wolferinekeep your questions to one line please05:14
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mbosoI installed gutsygibson because I couldn't wait to try KDE 4, but the KDE that i logged into is verison 3.5.705:24
mbosowhat do I have to do go get kde4?05:24
mbosoi actually upgraded to ubuntu 7.10 then did apt-get kubuntu-desktop05:25
hitmanWillymboso, there should be a seperate kde4 repo, not sure what it is05:25
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DaSkreechmboso: Umm why didn't you just install KDE4 ?05:27
DaSkreechWouldn't that have been less painful05:27
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DaSkreechalso I hope you really like a) svn updates and compiling or b) bug reports05:27
DaSkreechand by bug reports I mean patchhes05:28
mbosoI wanted to do try out gutsy anyway, kde4 made the decision easier05:28
mbosoDaSkreech: yeah, doesn't bother me. been fixing broken debian/ubuntu install for years.05:29
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DaSkreechmboso: lookit kubuntu.org for the kde4 repo05:29
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falcon41} hola05:29
DaSkreechI think under Gutsy there is an option to apt-get install kde405:30
DaSkreech I may be wrong05:30
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stdinthere are only the alpha KDE4 packages05:35
DaSkreechstdin: Well duh :)05:35
stdinKDE4 is nowhere near ready to run on the desktop05:35
DaSkreechYeah apparently he doesn't care about that05:36
mbosoits not my main machine so I can live with it.05:36
stdinmboso: and KDE4 won't ship in gutsy by default, neither in gutsy+105:36
DaSkreechMebbe not gutsy +2 either05:37
stdinit may be stable enough by then, but no guarantees :p05:37
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khaije1fwiw fedora 8 will ship kde4 by default05:38
DaSkreechstdin: that might be LTS so I don't think they would chance that05:38
DaSkreechkhaije1: Yeah I saw05:38
stdinDaSkreech: no gutsy+1 will be LTS05:38
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DaSkreechapparently no KDE3 either05:38
DaSkreechby default05:38
stdinkhaije1: yeah, but KDE4 won't be out by then :p05:38
DaSkreechstdin: when was that decided?05:39
DaSkreechstdin: It will 4 days before I think05:39
stdinDaSkreech: not sure, but JRiddell announced it at aKadamy05:39
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DaSkreechRiddell: ping ?05:40
khaije1stdin: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/FeatureKDE405:40
stdinI was in #kde (or was it #konversation), but anyway, there will be a "release" of KDE4 by the time fedora comes out, but it'll be more of a RC05:40
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edgarcan someone help me?05:41
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:41
redshadowheroare there any utilities for burning a .iso to a disk on kubuntu05:41
DaSkreechstdin: Fedora is coming out in November. I think that's enough time05:41
edgarI need05:42
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:42
edgarto setup wireless internet here05:42
edgarbut its not working05:42
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:42
edgaridk how to follow that05:42
stdinredshadowhero: k3b is installed by default, it's in the multimedia menu05:42
redshadowherostdin: thanks, I didn't know what could do it.05:42
DaSkreechedgar: open it and read it. where you need help we will step in05:42
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edgarhow do i find05:43
edgarmy card?05:43
intelikeywill this work ?   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3841505:43
edgari dont know the name of it05:43
DaSkreechedgar: the instructiosn for that are at that page05:43
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DaSkreech WiFihowTo05:43
stdinDaSkreech: KDE4 development is currently *way* behind atm, it probably won't be a full release by then, but hopefully not far off05:43
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DaSkreechKDE4.0 won't be a full release by anymeans in any case05:44
khaije1anyone know if autocomplete is avialable for python in kdevelop?05:44
edgari dont got a wireless router05:44
DaSkreech There should be a list of things that >wont< ship with KDE 4.005:44
edgari steal my signal05:44
edgarCause its there? :|05:44
edgarand its expensive in Dominican Republic05:44
stonedwhat are you talking about ?05:45
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DaSkreechstoned: Stop smoking. He's talking about wireless signal05:45
stoneddude stop smoking crack.05:45
stdinintelikey: well, just looking at the bottom, I noticed you don't supply any arguments to SERVER and CLIENT05:45
edgarwtf did yall link me to?05:45
edgaridk any of this05:45
edgarcant someone explain to me step by step what to do?05:45
DaSkreechedgar: Did you see the link on WifiHowto ?05:46
stonedsteal my signal05:46
intelikeyyeah stdin just caught that my self05:46
stonedthe wording threw me off05:46
stonedhow can you steal your own signal?05:46
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edgari dont got a router05:46
intelikeystdin   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3841605:46
stonedbut then I realized he is stealing wireless signal from elsewhere05:46
DaSkreechedgar: what don't you understand?05:46
edgarso wtf am in this page for?05:46
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edgarwhy am i even in this page?05:46
DaSkreechedgar: what are you asking about?05:46
intelikeystdin also the set -e was on the wrong line05:46
edgari want to use wireless internet05:47
stdinyeah, I noticed that too05:47
edgarbut it doesnt show it here05:47
edgarit says my wireless device05:47
edgaris disabled05:47
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hitmanWillyedgar, are you using knetwork manager to set this up?05:49
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edgarknetwork manager05:49
hitmanWillyedgar, what exactly is it saying?05:50
stdinintelikey: I'd move line 92 to after you check for the daemon or non of the variables will be set05:50
stdinintelikey: in SERVER()05:50
edgarit says05:50
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edgarno wireless network found05:50
edgarand then05:50
edgarwhen i got ot05:50
edgarmanual configuration05:50
edgarit says wireless device disabled05:50
stonedstop stealing stuff.05:51
hitmanWillyedgar, ok, did you try enabling it?05:51
cdnpenguinedgar: what does lspci say about your wireless card?05:52
intelikeyline 92 ???05:52
edgari tried05:52
edgarhold up05:52
cdnpenguineg mine says: 01:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)05:52
edgarlet me do it again05:52
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edgarto show u what it says05:52
edgarwhen i right click05:52
edgarand do enable interface05:53
edgarit doesnt do anything05:53
cdnpenguinalso, running iwconfig by itself should list your wireless devices05:53
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hitmanWillyedgar, can you pastebin the output of iwconfig?05:53
stdinintelikey: [ -r /etc/default/$NAME ]  && . /etc/default/$NAME05:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:53
edgari go to a terminal05:53
edgarand put05:53
edgarsudo iwconfig ?05:53
edgaror just iwconfig?05:53
hitmanWillyedgar, yes, that should list any wireless devices on the system05:53
hitmanWillyedgar, either or05:54
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intelikeystdin  yeah i know where line 92 is  just don't see what you are saying05:54
cdnpenguineither or should work05:54
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cdnpenguinas a regular user iwconfig will not let you make changes05:54
intelikeyoh wait i think i got it.05:54
stdinintelikey: you should move that to after you check for and install dnsmasq, or after dnsmasq is installed you don't source the config05:55
cdnpenguinbut you do not need root or sudo to see if your card is supported05:55
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intelikey    DAEMON=/usr/sbin/dnsmasq05:55
intelikey    test -x $DAEMON || apt-get install dnsmasq05:55
intelikeymove the test up to 9005:55
edgaru talking to me?05:56
hitmanWillyedgar, ugh, broadcom cards...05:56
intelikeyedgar no05:56
cdnpenguinI have a broadcomm, works fine05:56
cdnpenguinI am using the bcm43xx driver in the 2.6.22 kernel05:57
cdnpenguinbut the ndiswrapper has worked in the past, the fact that iwconfig shows something here is promising05:57
stdinedgar: you need to reassociate with the access point05:57
hitmanWillycdnpenguin, we actually have broadcom drivers now? wow...05:57
cdnpenguinerm yup05:57
cdnpenguinI am using it right now05:57
cdnpenguinfirst of all edgar, is this a laptop your are on?05:58
hitmanWillyso no more "this laptop doesn't use broadcom for wifi, right?"05:58
cdnpenguinwell, I still have an unholy hate on for broadcomm05:58
intelikeystdin yeah i had all the test/install lines up top then as an after thought mofed them within respective functions...    so   if you notice anything else that looks out of place just  kick me.      that was the rough draft anyway05:58
hitmanWillylike me with ati...05:58
cdnpenguinand supposedly there is not full throughput yet, which is not an issue at my apartment (too many other APs to get even close)05:59
cdnpenguinme and ATI as well05:59
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hitmanWillyedgar, anyway, do you know the name of the network you are trying to reach?06:00
cdnpenguiniwlist eth1 scanning06:00
hitmanWillyor that works too :)06:00
edgaris one06:00
edgardont remember the others06:01
morticiwhats the best way to upgrade to kubuntu 7.0406:01
cdnpenguinsudo iwconfig eth1 essid linksys06:01
hitmanWillycdnpenguin, you'd better take it from here, my wifi is pretty rusty...06:01
cdnpenguinI have been a long time wifi user06:01
cdnpenguinmore of a lontime wifi fighter06:02
edgarshould i put that?06:02
redshadowherowifi fighter?06:02
cdnpenguinthis stuff always seems to fight you the whole way06:02
redshadowherothats classic06:02
hitmanWillymine works, i just almost never use it (intel chipset)06:02
intelikeyi'm a one day networker   PERIOD06:02
=== Materials [n=Konversa@CPE000f3d37aa61-CM00186832fd12.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
edgarsudo iwconfig eth1 essid linksys06:03
cdnpenguinlooks right06:03
edgarnothing happend06:03
cdnpenguinthen dhclient3 eth106:03
cdnpenguinshould grab an IP06:03
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cdnpenguinbefore you try that06:04
cdnpenguinif you cannot connect, try ifdown eth006:04
hitmanWillycdnpenguin, see if its even up? ie ifup?06:04
cdnpenguintough to tell06:04
stdinintelikey: I'd do a check to make sure all the tools are installed, like dnsmasq, ipmasq and ipmasq-kmod too06:04
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cdnpenguinwhen I first got this laptop, the card would associate and then die after ~200 KB06:05
edgarshits fialing06:05
hitmanWillyedgar, can you paste the output of the ifdown cmd?06:05
cdnpenguindoes iwlist eth1 scanning do anything?06:05
intelikeystdin did i miss some?   checked for ssh iptables and dnsmasq   i think they will depend on the rest06:05
cdnpenguinone cool thing about the kernel drivers for the bcm43xx is that kismet works with them06:06
edgaredgar@edgar-laptop:~$ ifdown cmd06:06
edgarifdown: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied06:06
stdinintelikey: ahh, yes. <- brain fart06:06
cdnpenguinI never did get the ndiswrapper to work with kismet06:06
cdnpenguinsudo ifdown06:06
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cdnpenguinit will take your wired network offline06:06
hitmanWillyedgar, sorry, sudo ifdown eth106:06
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cdnpenguinso don't do it until you get an ip from the wireless lan06:07
stdinintelikey: and where is ip.conf from?06:07
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intelikeystdin i use it to set static ips for several boxen.          [ -f /etc/ip.conf ]  && . /etc/ip.conf || Q=''06:08
intelikeystdin if it's not there it just defaults to
stdinintelikey: yeah, I was just woundering06:08
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intelikeyserver defaults to
edgarthats what it did06:09
stdinintelikey: oh, and you seem to still start sshd even if /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run exists06:09
hitmanWillyedgar, ok now sudo ifup eth106:09
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intelikeystdin hmmmm  i'll  look into that.06:10
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cdnpenguinifup only really works if there is an entry in /etc/network/interfaces06:10
stdinintelikey: you run the test, then exit 0 anyway. but there is no test on the functions exit status anyway, just the test06:10
cdnpenguinedgar: what happens when you try this command:06:11
klobsterif I install the libcdio-cdda0 and libcdio-paranoia0 wwill my cd rippers rip digitally, or do i need to configure something?06:11
cdnpenguinlsmod |grep 8021106:11
intelikey         have to barrow this monitor for a minute.   but i'll bring it back.06:11
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Agent_137i keep getting "enter valid installation path" when i try to get the flash tarball installed06:12
Agent_137and i'm wondering if i can't just drag the contents into the right spot with a sudo'd konqueror06:12
hitmanWillycdnpenguin, ok, this has officially jumped past my wifi knowledge level06:12
cdnpenguinheh heh06:12
cdnpenguinits not that bad06:13
cdnpenguinI am just trying to figure out what driver he has loaded06:13
hitmanWillycdnpenguin, i figured what with the lsmod and all :)06:13
stdinedgar: post what "iwlist eth1 scann" shows to pastebin06:13
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edgarsudo iwlist eth1 scann?06:14
stdinedgar: no sudo, and only 1 n06:14
cdnpenguinI don't need it06:14
intelikeyok sdtin i'll make the /usr/bin/sshd  a variable and if that test fails i'll blank it    errr set it to  :06:14
cdnpenguiniwlist eth1 scanning06:14
stdincdnpenguin: scan == scanning06:14
edgarno scan results06:14
stdinit's a "shortcut" to it06:14
morticiwhats the best way to upgrade to kubuntu 7.0406:14
morticifrom 6.1006:14
hitmanWilly!upgrade | mortici06:15
ubotumortici: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)06:15
cdnpenguinI edited /etc/apt/sources.list06:15
cdnpenguinchanged edgy to feisty06:15
hitmanWillymortici, do you have /home on a seperate partition?06:15
cdnpenguinthen aptitude dist-upgrade06:15
morticino i don't think so06:15
morticino i don't06:16
hitmanWillymortici, then i would suggest what cdnpenguin said06:16
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cdnpenguinthat is not neccesarily the "best" or "easiest" way :)06:16
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edgarubuntu is too damn complicated06:16
stdinintelikey: you could just wrap check_for_no_start in an if statement, and change the exit code to 1 if the no-run file exists06:16
cdnpenguincompared to what edgar06:16
edgarthey need to make a dvd one with everything included06:16
cdnpenguinI thought you might be a troll06:16
edgardamn why kubuntu gotta be so beautiful06:16
cdnpenguinnothing works like you describe on windows either06:17
edgarhave u been toying with me?06:17
intelikeywell stdin after review it seems that if the nostartup is there then the script exits   so it's sufficient06:17
cdnpenguinmy Dad;s laptop is a case in point06:17
cdnpenguinno, I am trying to help06:17
edgarbut u said im a troll :o06:17
stdinintelikey: ah, ok06:17
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cdnpenguinsome very smart people helped me, I am taking my turn :)06:17
hitmanWillyedgar, no, he said he thought you *might* be one06:18
cdnpenguinwell, bringing up the windows comparison is flame bait06:18
edgari think some things like a wireless card, should not be this hard06:18
DaSkreechin any case06:18
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DaSkreechedgar: based on what?06:18
cdnpenguinand yes, I was specific in my choice of words :)06:18
cdnpenguinthis is not a technical problem06:18
edgarout of the box stuff06:18
cdnpenguinit is easy with the proper hardware06:18
cdnpenguinit is broadcomms fault06:19
cdnpenguinnot linux06:19
hitmanWillyedgar, broadcom cards are notoriously bad for linux compatibility06:19
cdnpenguinedgar, one final command for you06:19
edgarman, i love this kubuntu. Looking beautiful. Now I might have to go back to windows. Screw you Bill you win again :(06:19
edgarwhats the command sir?06:20
cdnpenguinuname -r06:20
DaSkreechedgar: how are you on the net btw?06:20
cdnpenguinbtw, on my last laptop, I had a Prism54 card supported out of the box06:21
cdnpenguinwhich was better than windows on the very same laptop06:21
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edgardell makes ubuntu laptops now06:21
edgarthey need to put kubuntu06:21
edgarkde > wack fat gnome06:21
DaSkreechpreach :)06:21
stdinedgar: it's only an apt-get install kubuntu-desktop away06:22
edgaryea but sometimes it screws up06:22
edgargood for dell though06:22
cdnpenguinon a clean install it shouldn't06:22
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edgarnot being bastards and all06:22
cdnpenguinand don't touch /etc/apt/sources.list06:22
cdnpenguinand stay away from automatix06:23
hitmanWillycdnpenguin, heh, my intel card works flawlessly on my hp06:23
hitmanWillycdnpenguin, so well, in fact, ive forgotten most of my cmd line wifi stuff06:23
edgarwhat was that last command?06:23
DaSkreechI've never had to get Wifi to work06:24
edgarman look at that dell laptop they got for 774, beautiful06:24
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cdnpenguinuname -r06:24
cdnpenguinok, and then what about "lsmod |grep 80211"06:25
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cdnpenguinya, intel may have turned a page with their linux support06:27
edgarwhat u mean?06:27
edgarintel is bad or good?06:27
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hitmanWillyedgar, good as of late06:28
DaSkreechthey have open source drivers06:28
cdnpenguinsudo aptitude install bcm43xx-fwcutter06:28
edgardomincian republic is full of crooks06:29
edgarso if i gotta download something06:29
edgarit might take a while lol06:29
edgarthier internet only goes to 384/downstread06:30
DaSkreechNot following that logic at all06:30
edgarits slow internet06:30
cdnpenguinit should not be that big of a download06:30
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cdnpenguinwhere I live we have sick bandwidth06:31
cdnpenguina local ISP offers 25Mbit connection06:31
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cdnpenguinI had it for a month, and it was as fast as advertised06:31
edgarwheres that?06:31
edgarmust be FIOS06:31
cdnpenguinin Canada06:31
=== DaSkreech packs his swim trunks and heads there
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cdnpenguinI am now slumming it on a 10 Mbit connection06:32
cdnpenguinfor less than $50 CDN06:32
edgarlucky bastard06:32
edgari lived in NC06:32
cdnpenguinthe joys of 2 massive ISPs going head to head for 15 years06:32
edgarwe would be the last state06:32
edgarto get FIOS06:32
cdnpenguinthis is over cable06:32
cdnpenguinso pretty much the whole city has access06:33
cdnpenguinour telco and cable companies have fibre everywhere06:33
hitmanWillycdnpenguin, heh, paying almost that much for a lousy 400k...06:33
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cdnpenguinI have wanted to live elsewhere for 10 years06:34
hitmanWillycdnpenguin, well, that and cable06:34
cdnpenguinbut I can't leave my bandwidth behind06:34
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edgardid yall get that paste?06:35
clever_alguem pode me ensinar a instalar programas no ubuntu studio/06:36
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.06:37
DaSkreechI think :)06:37
ubotuubuntustudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit #ubuntustudio.06:37
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edgarsabes espanol?06:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about javaws - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:37
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:37
DaSkreech!java | NickPresta06:38
ubotuNickPresta: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.06:38
klobsterwhat is the command to test speed on your hard drives?06:38
klobsterdoes it work for cd drives?06:38
NickPrestaDaSkreech, I already have all the sun-java6-* packages but apparently they don't include javaws when the java5 packages did.06:38
cdnpenguindpkg-reconfigure bcm43xx-fwcutter06:39
DaSkreechno clue :)06:39
edgarfor me?06:39
DaSkreechedgar: No for NickPresta06:40
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edgarbut he just said it was for me06:40
edgardpkg-reconfigure bcm43xx-fwcutter06:40
DaSkreechsudo I think06:40
edgaredgar@edgar-laptop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure bcm43xx-fwcutter06:40
edgar/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: bcm43xx-fwcutter is broken or not fully installed06:40
cdnpenguinsudo aptitude reinstall bcm43xx-fwcutter06:41
khaije1isn't there a cd maintained somewhere with FOSS apps for windows?06:43
khaije1i'm looking for it now and can't remember what it was called....06:43
cdnpenguinthere is something messed with your install edgar06:46
cdnpenguinI would also do the "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"06:46
edgaroh ye06:46
edgari aint upgraded06:46
edgarand with only 30kbps06:46
edgari aint going to. Ill just install windows :/06:46
edgarthhanks for your help06:47
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khaije1edgar: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:47
cdnpenguinhe is "free" to do what he wants06:47
=== khaije1 jests
DaSkreechedgar: upgraded ?06:47
cdnpenguinI no longer have the fight to jest about conversions anymore :)06:48
cdnpenguinI have been a linux user for a long time06:49
DaSkreechcdnpenguin: http://www.thewebsbest.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=70&Itemid=2706:49
elite101help my kopete froze i cant rite click on it to close it at all06:49
cdnpenguinI am not going to convert any more than I have06:49
edgarman i love kubuntu06:49
khaije1cdnpenguin: still a failed linux baptism, is kinda sad06:49
hitmanWillyelite101, alt-f2, then xkill06:49
hitmanWillyelite101, then click on the window06:49
edgarand i want a linux laptop but their video card sucks on the cheap one06:49
hitmanWillyelite101, nice little rick to remember06:50
Daisuke_Idoedgar: go with an intel chipset.  it sounds like a bad idea, i know, but they're well supported :)06:50
edgarman i think thats what i had in my old PC06:50
edgarshit was trash06:51
edgaron linux06:51
edgarsuper slow06:51
edgar1gig ram too06:51
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edgareveryone kept saying it was the video card06:51
edgarand i had the intel chipset06:51
edgarbut it couldnt get fixed06:51
intelikeyok it works on both the server and client end,  can be called as an init script or not.     http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3841806:51
cdnpenguinthat was funny skreech06:51
hitmanWillyelite101, that's another nice thing about linux, you can kill just about anything instantly either that way or via cmd line06:51
intelikeystdin i'm calling that finished     http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3841806:52
intelikeylatereee  you all...06:52
cdnpenguinhave a good night all06:53
NickPrestadoesn't intelikey want a mkdir -p on line 32?06:54
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elite101wow lol i used xkill on kopete missed the windows and hit the taskbar and it disapperd try to bring it up by clicking on the desktop it just went black the screen but i can still see my mouse07:05
elite101will kubuntu idle the hardrives after a while or shut them off i was going to leave my pc running overnight07:06
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DaSkreechelite101: alt+ctrl+Esc07:07
elite101whats that for?07:07
elite101to get out of the black screen07:07
elite101nvm xkill shortcut07:07
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elite101but will kubuntu idle my hardrive? and shut it off i dont wanna move themouse in the morning and then hear the harddrive click on so harshly07:09
DaSkreechI think so07:09
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elite101i dont care if it idles but if it shuts off i am downloading from ktorrent07:09
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DaSkreechthen it it won't07:11
evil-rhinohow do i set kedit (instead of kate) as a default text editor?07:11
evil-rhinoer nevermind, i figured it out.07:12
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ubotuTo change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"07:37
=== dsmith cranks his laptop up
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ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about omgbillgates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:41
elite101is FAMELIX any good of a linuxdistro for that windows kinda feeling07:41
elite101or P.u.d for mac look?07:41
dsmithim on factoids checking out the responses07:41
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elite101well i gotta pack it in lol its 1:42 in the morning !!!07:42
elite101my eyes are starting to get blurry and i think i have a CRT sun burn!!! on my fave07:43
dsmithdont you just hate those?07:43
DaSkreechelite101: Night!07:44
elite101i will prob sleep in untill like 2pm in the afternoon samething everynight07:45
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about psd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:08
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant08:08
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dotzhi is it possible to open photoshop psd files in kubuntu? i tried openning with krita it seems like the layers are wrong08:09
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NickPrestadotz, try in The GIMP08:13
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dotzoh ok08:16
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MantanI require assistance refinding or changing my password, I forgot it08:20
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Mantansrsly guys. this is not cool. I need sum halp08:23
Mantanfyi I'm running off my kubuntu disk08:23
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Daisuke_Idowell, there's no root account by default...  i suppose you could reinstall08:30
jahshanif you are on the install disk08:31
jahshanyou can sudo to root08:31
jahshanand then run passwd -u *08:31
jahshani think08:31
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fdovingRiddell: thanks. kubuntu_95_safely-remove_umount_dialog.diff should be removed from kdebase too.08:36
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Mantanhow can you mount the hard drive while running from the kubuntu cdrom?08:38
Mantani want to edit /etc/passwd from vi and remove the root password08:39
Mantani don't think it's running shadow passwords08:39
ejortegauhey guys. Small question. I'm using kubuntu on my laptop, which has a synaptics touchpad. When I tell KDE to inver left and right buttons, it doesn't work... buttons are still right handed. But If I plug an USB mouse, the changes are applied to it, but not the touchpad. Any ideas?08:39
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ejortegauMantan: you have other options... boot from grub/lilo normally with init=/bin/bash, remount / rw and do passwd08:40
ejortegauMantan: I've never liked editing passwd/shadow files08:40
ninHerhi all08:40
ejortegauhey guys. Small question. I'm using kubuntu on my laptop, which has a synaptics touchpad. When I tell KDE to inver left and right buttons, it doesn't work... buttons are still right handed. But If I plug an USB mouse, the changes are applied to it, but not the touchpad. Any ideas?08:40
Mo0oSaHhi my azureus keeps shutting down everytime i open it..08:41
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fdovingMantan: you should just hit 'esc' wile booting grub, then select your recovery kernel, then use 'passwd <username>' and 'reboot' you don't need to use the livecd. and certainly not edit /etc/passwd manually, the password is stored in /etc/shadow anyway. but don't edit manually please :)08:42
froudcan anyone help with recording from skype on kubuntu08:43
Mantanthanks fdoving - i will give it a whack08:44
ejortegaufdoving: recovery kernel will automagically log you in as root?08:44
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jeff_i am using emerald to manage my themes, but it only changes the top bar of my windows... how can i change my xchat theme/skin08:47
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jeff_anyone on?08:50
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jeff_i have a theme manager for xfce but im looking to change the way xchat and my other apps look. im not sure what to download08:51
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redshadowhero!beryl | jeff_08:56
ubotujeff_: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects08:56
jeff_i have a theme manager for xfce but im looking to change the way xchat and my other apps look. im not sure what to download08:57
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:57
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jeff_ahh so emerald just changed the look of the window?08:58
jeff_what changes the look of the apps, like how i see screenshots of people who have awesome looking xchat windows08:58
MaTiAzjeff_: You need to customize the program itself via the app's settings08:58
jeff_i cant download a skin for it?08:59
SneerHi, is it possible to install kubuntu the way so that root is activated in a standard manner? When changing system settings, I would like to be asked for root password, not mine... I can activate the root account afterwards, but this doesn't help.08:59
Daisuke_IdoSneer: no09:00
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Daisuke_Idodoes it matter what password you're asked for?09:00
jeff_because so far i can only see how to change the chat window settings, not all of the rest of the xchat window09:00
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jeff_i thought there must be either a skin for xchat, or a skin for gnome since it runs under gnome (or so i was told)09:00
SneerDaisuke_Ido: Yes, it matters... :-)09:00
Daisuke_Idoeither way you're getting the same access.09:01
Daisuke_Idorunning limited by default and requiring your password to do administrative tasks is perhaps the most sane method i've seen so far09:01
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SneerHmm, but when installing some software from terminal, I need root account to do (the things not offered in packasges) and it seems to me quite strange to use two different passwords.09:03
SneerOtherwise yes, I agree it is a good choice to ask password, but root one, or, simply, some other oen than mine woul be better to make difference between standrad access and admin access09:03
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DialntoneI c :D09:07
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ejortegauhow do i get a left handed mouse when using a synaptics touchpad?09:08
ejortegaui mean, the buttons behaviour09:08
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ejortegauso i guess noone over here is left handed?09:11
ejortegauOR, no left handed guy here has a synaptics touchpad09:12
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arunhow do i disable my DHT firewall?09:12
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alakhiacan someone help me with basic networking please? I can't get my ethernet connection working.09:14
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Level15alakhia: could you provide more details on what you have tried so far?09:15
alakhiaLevel15: I used the fakeraidhowto guide to install kubuntu dapper09:16
alakhiaLevel15: did debootstrap, chroot, etc. Now, when I reboot, the kernel loads up fine09:16
Level15alakhia: ok... that doesn't sound to be the least bit related to networking...09:17
alakhiaLevel15: but i get no networking. Ping fails09:17
Level15ifconfig shows anything?09:17
alakhiaLevel15: ifconfig shows nothing, but -a does show eth009:17
Level15ok, so i guess the kernel sees your NIC... i'm going to assume it's not a drivers issue. I know it's a dumb question to ask, but is the cable properly connected?09:18
alakhiaLevel15: i know that my resolve.conf is correct ... but not sure what other files to check09:18
alakhiaLevel15: networking was fine when I used the livecd 1 hour ago09:18
Level15nevermind resolv.conf if plain ifconfig doesn't show eth009:19
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Level15is that a desktop or laptop?09:19
alakhiaLevel15: desktop09:19
alakhiaLevel15: how can i be sure it is not a driver issue? The ethernet card is from realtek09:19
Level15only one NIC on it? no sencond MoBo cards?09:20
Level15well, i think if it were driver related ifconfig -a woulnd't see it09:20
alakhiaLevel15: ah, ok09:20
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Level15though you can check dmesg and see if there's anything there showing that the kernel DID or DID NOT find it...09:20
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alakhiaLevel15: you know, my /etc/networking/interfaces file is blank09:21
Level15does your network use dhcp?09:21
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Level15if so, run "sudo dhclient", then ifconfig (no -a) to see if eth0 shows now09:21
alakhiaLevel15: i guess so ... not 100% sure09:21
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Level15well, since you are not sure that probably means yes :) otherwise you would know and would have to config network by hand09:22
alakhiaLevel15: Cool, ran dhclient and now i have networking!09:23
alakhiaThanks, Level15!09:23
alakhiaLevel15: ping finds www.yahoo.com! :-)09:24
Level15hm then you need to fix your interfaces file09:24
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alakhiaLevel15: add "auto eth1" in there, I guess?09:25
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Level15let me check mine :)09:25
Level15ok, this is strange... mine doesn't mention eth0...09:26
Level15i'm not too familiar with this on (?)ubuntu yet...09:26
alakhiaLevel15: maybe it is called something different? I guess if I reboot and am still having problems, I'll come back and ask. This gets me going for now!09:27
Level15ok then. sorry i can't be of more help09:27
redshadowheroHow can I add an mp3 plugin for amarock?09:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:28
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alakhiaLevel15: oh no, you were of plenty help! :)09:28
Level15you know what we need? we need creative to support Ogg on their mp3 players09:28
alakhiaLevel15: thank you09:28
Level15ok, np09:29
redshadowheroLevel15: I suppose, but what are the benefits of Ogg over mp3? I'm asking this as a serious question, mind you.09:29
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pagredshadowhero, ogg is free, and I've heard it has better quality at lower bitrates.09:30
Level15redshadowhero: AFAIK, its compression rate is a little bit better... besides, if mp3 players supported open formats, we wouldn't have to be installing additional stuff from offshore servers just because some dumb patent issue09:30
redshadowheroI know that ogg is free, but I didn't know about the additional quality.09:31
redshadowheroLevel15: perhaps; I've just always used mp3s, but then again, I haven't always used Linux, so that changes things a bit, I suppose.09:33
Level15are there any player which support ogg? what about stereos?09:33
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pagLevel15, some less main-stream players do support ogg - I'm not sure about stereos09:34
Level15any brands? I might want to buy one :)09:35
pagLevel15, and you can get some iPods to support oggs as well, but that costs battery-life  ( see !rockbox for more info)09:35
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!09:36
redshadowheroFr0de: thanks, that did help.09:36
redshadowheroFr0de: with the mp3 support, I mean.09:36
Fr0deredshadowhero: no worries :)09:36
redshadowheroFr0de: but amarock crashed after loading that.... however, once I restarted it, it was fine. Weird though.09:36
Fr0deredshadowhero: these things happen sometimes..09:37
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redshadowheroFr0de: Not as often as on Windows, but yes, they do09:37
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Level15does anyone feel like giving me a hand with my touchpad?09:40
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redshadowheroUh, whats wrong with it?09:40
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Level15i can't get the buttons to work left handed...09:42
Level15i know it seems dumb...09:42
Level15but it just WON'T work...09:42
redshadowheroHmm, you can't change the options under the mouse settings?09:43
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Level15i did... works for usb mouse, not for touchpad...09:43
redshadowheroHmm, odd...09:43
Level15really odd09:43
redshadowherolet me check it on mine, and see if its the same thing.09:44
Level15ok thanks09:44
Level15(if i had a mac, i wouldn't have this problem...) but then again, do i really want a mac?09:44
redshadowheroits the same problem here...09:44
Fr0deLevel15: maybe setting the buttons with xmodmap might help?09:44
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Level15Fr0de: i didn't know xmodmap would also affect mouse buttons... how does that work?09:45
redshadowheroLevel15: I have a mac, and I do like it a lot... its just, they are so darn expensive.09:45
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concussindoes anyone know how to change the desktop look from osx back to normal09:45
Level15redshadowhero: i heard leopard wil be Unix'03 certified...09:45
Fr0deLevel15: I haven't played with it for a while, but I definitely used it to remap buttons on my trackball, so it might do your touchpad, too?09:46
Level15Fr0de: ok, let me try check that on google09:46
Level15concussin: are you using that baghira thing i guess?09:46
Fr0deLevel15: in a terminal type 'man xmodmap' :)09:47
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Level15Fr0de: well, i think it might work09:48
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redshadowheroLevel15: I know. Its about time, too. I'm tired of people telling me it isn't really UNIX at all...09:48
concussinlevel 15 : well i dunno it had like an initial setup when i booted up, and thats where i change the look09:48
concussinbut now i can figure out how to change it back09:49
Level15redshadowhero: well, i think that and solaris is the only real Unix thing you can use on x86 hardware...09:49
Level15concussin: how did you change it to look like mac on the first place?09:49
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redshadowheroLevel15: True, true. Its just that I'm told that OS X is nothing more than a toy. Its annoying, especially since I'm the guy who fixes the macs at work.09:49
concussinfrom this intial setup thing before you login09:49
pagconcussin, systemsettings -> desktop -> Behaviour -> no menu bar at the top of the screen09:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libcssdvd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:50
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concussinthat it thanx pag09:51
Level15redshadowhero: i haven't really used OS X... i know it looks nice, but some of my friends who have owned a Mac have ended up selling it... i think it's because they are too used to linux, though09:51
pagconcussin, np :)09:51
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redshadowheroLevel15: OS X was my introduction to *NIX-based systems. When I figured out how flexable and easy it was, I obviously wanted to know more.09:52
Level15so you are a mac guy, right?09:52
blizzzeki am connected via krdc to an windows server... i am wondering how to upload files from my computer?09:52
redshadowheroPretty much... its what they pay me to do at work.09:53
redshadowheroThough, I do like linux...09:53
redshadowherothe server at work is linux.09:54
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Level15xmodmap didn't work :(09:56
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Level15redshadowhero: where do you work? and what do you do over there exactly?09:57
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redshadowheroLevel15: Well, I'm not sure I should say *exactly* where I work, but I work at a research center for my university. I just keep the macs running, and connected to the network.09:58
redshadowheroLevel15: I just make sure that X11.app is installed, we have their MAC address on file, and answer any mac-related questions.09:58
Level15redshadowhero: fair enough. sounds like a nice job :) i want to get one myself because this thing of keeping studying and living on scholarships is... well, not profitable09:59
redshadowheroLevel15: Well, this one is nice because I get to learn this stuff while I am at school.09:59
redshadowheroLevel15: Which gives practical experience, of course.10:00
Fr0deLevel15: I found it took a bit of playing to get xmodmap to do what I expected it to.. maybe you're giving up too quick?10:00
Level15Fr0de: no, as a matter of fact xmodmap has exactly the example of how to invert the buttons...10:00
Level15Fr0de: but it didn't work :(10:01
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pag!hi | Silent_G10:01
ubotuSilent_G: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!10:01
Level15redshadowhero: nice. then you can get better job when you are out of school10:01
Silent_Gwhen im trying to open mp3's in amarok, its crashing, it stays loading :S is there a fix10:01
pag!mp3 | Silent_G10:01
ubotuSilent_G: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:01
Level15there we go again...10:01
redshadowheroLevel15: Thats what I was planning10:02
=== redshadowhero thinks that mp3's must be a very popular item.
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Level15where is slackware distor based? US or somewhere else?10:03
AlonzoTGLet me bring in my bot.10:03
pagredshadowhero, for the statistics on factoid use: http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu&search=&order=popularity%20DESC&page=010:03
=== AnnaBot [n=Yellow@dsl-66-243-208-92.pivot.net] has joined #kubuntu
AnnaBot# Appears as ANNA10:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about greet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:03
AnnaBot(#G1<:EA10M1) I am Anna! I give Comic Strip Chat and UBUNTU help!10:04
Fr0deLevel15: that sucks, I was hoping xmodmap might be the trick for you.. oh, well.. maybe you should try to figure out the details of the trackpad, then submit a bug to the "mouse mapping settings" developers, whoever they may be..?10:04
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AlonzoTGI wrote my bot in C++. :)10:04
AlonzoTGYou can Google!10:04
redshadowheroactually... The mouse button config is in /etc/sysctl.conf.10:04
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AlonzoTG!google kubuntu10:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google kubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
AnnaBot(#G210E010M1) Kubuntu - The KDE DesktoprnUser friendly operating system based on KDE, the K Desktop Environment. With a predictable 6 month release cycle and part of the Ubuntu project, Kubuntu is ...rnwww.kubuntu.org/ - 8k - Jul 21, 2007 - Cached - Similar pagesrnDownload - www.kubuntu.org/download.phprnScreenshots - www.kubuntu.org/screenshots.phprnFAQ - www.k10:05
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pagAlonzoTG, iirc no own bots allowed... you might get in trouble with that10:05
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AlonzoTGWhat if it can Google?10:05
redshadowheropag: thanks for the factoid usage thing.10:05
Fr0deAlonzoTG: isn't that what a browser will do for you? :P10:05
Level15Fr0de: i guess i can read the docs on libsynaptics... and if i'm not to lazy, maybe even write a small piece of code which will invert the buttons :)10:06
AlonzoTGYeah but this is faster.10:06
Fr0deLevel15: that's the spirit! :D10:06
pagAlonzoTG, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:06
redshadowheroLevel15: I think you can manually change the mouse buttons in /etc/sysctl.conf10:06
Level15redshadowhero: which section of it? just opened the file but can't find anything with the word mouse on it10:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about part - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:06
AnnaBot(#G210EA10M1) <Chr>10:06
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Level15oh, maybe you mean i need to add something to it?10:07
=== Fr0de has to go - good luck :)
redshadowheroLevel15: it was a long shot, I found it under a mac help bit, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-11230.html10:08
Level15maybe you are right... let me check10:08
Level15no it seems to be exclusively for mac mice10:09
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redshadowheroLevel15: yeah... but I figured it might be the same on a windows 'top, considering...10:09
redshadowheroLevel15: I shouldn't have assumed10:09
Level15well, thanks, though10:10
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redshadowheroyeah... but now... I have to know.... this sort of thing bothers me when I can't figure out something.10:10
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Level15it's plainly amusing that something this simple is not that simple after all,  uh?10:11
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redshadowheroLevel15: actually..... it is highly amusing...10:13
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Chanshehi alle10:15
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Chanshefrage.. wie registriert man sich hier?10:16
pag!de | Chanshe10:16
ubotuChanshe: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:16
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redshadowheroLevel15: I know you said that xmodmap didn't work, but did you try the command like "xmodmap -e "pointer = 2 1 3 4 5""?10:21
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Level15i did "pointer = 3 2 1"10:22
redshadowheroand it only changed the mouse...10:23
redshadowheroI was thinking there might be something else other than "pointer" that you could try10:23
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=== Chanshe is now known as ChanShe
redshadowherowhat is the output of xmodmap -pp10:24
redshadowherofor me, it goes up to 9.10:24
redshadowheroPerhaps, some of the later buttons are trackpad buttons?10:24
Level15up to 9, 3 and 1 swapped10:24
Level15i think those are related to double tapping and tapping on special sections of the touchpad10:25
redshadowherocurses, foiled again.10:25
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Level15leave it that way... don't worry10:26
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redshadowheroLevel15: try "man synclient"10:27
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Level15seems to be useful for setting other options... but nothing related to mouse buttons mapping :(10:32
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redshadowherowell... I'm out of ideas, then...10:32
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Level15me too... don't worry, it doesn't matter that much...10:33
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miles!find opengl10:35
ubotuFound: cl-sdl-opengl, libghc6-opengl-dev, libopengl-perl, libopengl-ruby, libtiff-opengl (and 2 others)10:35
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mileshow do i find the 2 others?10:36
miles!find opengl | more10:36
ubotumore: please see above10:36
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redshadowheroLevel15: actually, its late... I'm tired...I've got to sleep sometime... I'll catch you on here some other time, I suppose.10:37
mileshe was quick to get out of here10:37
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ice9hello friends!10:40
ice9I am the scorpion king10:40
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ace2016Hi all10:42
ace2016anyone knows what configures the network on startup?10:42
hattercan anyone see why this in my fstab would not be mounting on boot ?  //backup:/backup /mnt nfs defaults 0 010:42
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stdinace2016: the /etc/network/interfaces file10:42
ace2016i have 2 partitions, one is a fresh install10:43
ace2016one is an older one, i tried copping /etc/network from the fresh install to the older one but the network does not work10:43
ace2016both are using the same kernel from the /boot partition10:43
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stdinshould work10:44
ace2016i know but it does not10:44
stdinwhat type of net?10:44
ace2016the only difference was that the whole system was upgraded, everything, apart from the hard disks10:45
ace2016the fresh install is after the hardware upgrade, the older one was before the hardware upgrade10:45
ace2016yes its a wired network10:45
stdindid you upgrade the NIC?10:46
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ace201603:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 01)10:46
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ace2016stdin: upgraded motherboard/cpu/gfx/ram10:46
Level15ace2016: ifconfig -a shows the interface?10:46
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Level15and what about ifconfig alone?10:46
ace2016ifconfig just shows the interface but its not configured with an ip address10:47
Level15ace2016: which interface?10:47
ace2016well this is the fresh install now10:48
stdinace2016: tried just configuring it with system settings?10:48
Level15do you have 2 NICs?10:48
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ace2016stdin: can't get into graphics, nvidia card is having problems, i've downloaded the beta drivers now10:48
ace2016Ok so i'll reboot go into the old install, get graphics up and running, and then come back here on the second machine10:49
stdinace2016: ahh, ok. I can tell you what you need in /etc/network/interfaces, it's simple10:49
Level15ace2016: hey, if eth1 shows up i think you have 2 nics. are you sure the cable is on the right one?10:49
ace2016just one nic10:49
stdinace2016: "auto eth1" on one line, then "iface eth1 inet dhcp" on another10:49
ace2016auto eth010:50
ace2016iface eth0 inet dhcp10:50
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ace2016but ifconfig has: eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:13:8F:E4:7B:F910:50
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ace2016and it somehow works???10:50
stdinace2016: check what's in /etc/iftab10:50
ace2016its working fine now, and i'm using it10:50
ace2016eth0 mac 00:0d:87:33:a6:3a arp 110:51
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stdinis that the MAC address of eth1?10:51
ace2016eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:13:8F:E4:7B:F910:51
stdinthat's why it's not called eth0 then10:52
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ace2016ok i'll come back soon10:54
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neusonce hey guys dose anybody know how to get a encytpted dvd to play on  ubuntu ?11:00
neusonceno matter what i do  it flat out refuses to play11:00
pag!libdvdcss2 | neusonce11:00
ubotuneusonce: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:00
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Naradahi; i was upgrading to feisty through the gui tool and it gave an error; now it seems to have stopped at 56%; what can i do to verify this11:06
dromerwhat is a good kde program to see all your system-specs ?11:07
ADiCT3DHey i have a question, I'm looking for an app that converts a link or a text file to an mp3/ogg/flac etc audio file anyone know of anything like this?11:07
pagNarada, what error did it gave?11:07
Naradapag: Something about unable to install samba in a /var/ location11:07
Naradanow its stuck at preparing to configure kubuntu-docs11:08
pagNarada, for how long has it been stuck there?11:08
Naradafor a few mins; but it said in the error message that the upgrade aborts now; although the window is still up11:08
Naradasigh :(  if i reboot now i bet it won't boot11:10
pagNarada, hmm.. try waiting for couple more mins, and if nothing happes, then abort the upgrade, and finish it up via command-line11:10
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Naradapag: can you do half with gui and half with cmd line11:11
pagNarada, they're both just frontends, so it should work11:11
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zerostartin up...11:19
zeroloading, please wait...11:19
ben__hi, does anyone know if kde4 beta will be released on schedule11:19
zerokinit: name-to-dev-t(/dev/disk/by-uuid/921ea426-e11:20
zerokinit:trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/921ea426-e.......11:20
pagben__, probably... I don't know will it be packaged for kubuntu though11:20
zerokinit:No resume image, doing normal boot...11:21
zerowhat is that?11:21
zeroit makes the boot time bigger11:21
ben__zero: thanks11:21
zerohey pag11:21
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zerowhy thanks ben?11:21
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pagzero, I have no idea what does that error mean, sorry.11:22
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zeroi have to wait a lot to finish booting11:22
Naradapag: okay back to command line but apt is saying could not get lock11:22
zerois there anyone that might know?11:23
pag!aptfix | Narada11:23
ubotuNarada: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 11:23
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Naradapag: i take it the left and right arrows are not included11:24
pagNarada, they're not11:24
Naradawow it's doing a lot of stuff11:24
pagNarada, yup.. it should almost finish your upgrade11:25
pagNarada, I'd suggest you run " sudo apt-get install -f ", " sudo apt-get dist-upgrade " and " sudo dpkg --configure -a " if it gives any errors11:26
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Naradapag: will do; although looks like i might have to wait a while :)11:27
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Naradai wish i'd done it on the command line to begin with11:30
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Ace2016Hi all11:34
Ace2016it worked and i'm on my regular old partition now11:35
Ace2016i love this setup, hate to loose it11:35
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Ace2016Anyone know how to copy everything from one hard disk to another and make everything keep working?11:36
Ace2016its going from a single disk to a dual disk raid array11:36
Ace2016and the new disks are sata not ide11:37
lumensc nessuno italilano????11:37
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pag!it | lumens11:37
ubotulumens: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:37
Naradapag: it's finished no errors; should i run those commands anyway11:38
pagNarada, try " sudo apt-get dist-upgrade "11:38
Naradahmm tons of packages11:38
pagNarada, yup yup.. upgrade hasn't gone through yet then..11:39
Naradaokay switched to one of the vts and started that11:39
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Naradapag: all done; anything to run or make sure now?11:46
pagNarada, sudo apt-get install -f11:47
Naradapag: http://rafb.net/p/HoJ16D52.html11:47
pagNarada, yup... sudo apt-get autoremove  then11:48
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Naradadone; anything else? should i do th dpkg reconfigure or anything else to ensure everything is bootable?11:49
Silent_Ghello , can someone tell me a programme that can make a backup of a DVD that is protected?11:49
pagSilent_G, k9copy ?11:50
Silent_Gdoes it copy everything and get updated often?11:50
Silent_Glike clonedvd for example11:50
pagNarada, I thing everything should work now... sudo dpkg --configure -a  maybe, but it's probably not needed anymore11:51
Naradaokay done; that command didn't do antyhing11:51
pagSilent_G, I don't know, it's just reccomended in some factoid (I can't even remember which one of them)11:51
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pagNarada, ok. the everything *should* be fine.. cross your fingers and boot :)11:52
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Naradaokay; fingers crossed; this is nerve wracking11:52
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Silent_Gok, any help with webcams ? i have a webcam connected to the pc how can i use it?11:56
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:56
Silent_Gthankz :)11:56
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Silent_Galso , any help with digital cameras?11:56
pagSilent_G, they should work out-of-the-box11:57
pag(at least mine does)11:57
Silent_Gso digital cameras should work out of the box11:57
Silent_Gmine has a card reader tought11:57
Silent_Gthe card reader is connected with usb11:57
Silent_Gand the digi cam has some smal fat card11:57
pagSilent_G, well.. as said they *should*.. I can't promise anything11:58
Silent_Gok :P11:58
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Naradapag: omg it boots! only error i got was that it wasn't able to find /dev/hdb1 which was my second hard drive; any idea what's happened to that device it's not there anymore11:59
pagNarada, check, if /dev/sdb1 is present12:00
Naradapag: yeah it is; sda and sdb; strange!; these are both ide not sata;12:01
pagNarada, libata :(  blame the new kernel12:01
pagNarada, kdesu kate /etc/fstab  and change hdbX to sdbX and after command sudo mount -a12:02
Naradapag: okay i'll change fstab; my samba mounts also stopped working; any immediate known issues with that?12:02
pagNarada, not any I've heard of...12:03
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Naradahow can i disable the power manager in kde12:15
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grul!power manager12:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about power manager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about power - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about energy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about powermanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:18
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iarwain_hiya, anyone knows how to mount a PDA? i know the bus device Nr it uses via lsusb, but i don't know where to go from here..12:26
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samarissome can help me?12:31
iarwain_samaris: hiya12:31
iarwain_we'll try :)12:31
samarisi have a new laptop and i just install ubuntu and i cant hear any sound12:32
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iarwain_Press F2, and type in "kmix" without the ""12:32
iarwain_anything muted there?12:32
iarwain_what sound card do you have?12:34
samarisi dont know its a gateway mt3707 the stiker says ati radeon xpress 200m12:35
iarwain_that's your graphic's card :)12:35
iarwain_post the output of this command in pastebin => "lspci"12:36
samariswhere do i check it?12:36
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samaristhis is the computer http://www.gateway.com/retail/mt3707.php12:36
iarwain_open up a terminal (konsole), type in "lspci", copy-paste the output of that command to pastebin.ca, and give me the link12:37
iarwain_that works to12:37
[ifr0g] How do i disable networkmanager ?12:37
[ifr0g] i guess most of you dislike it !12:37
[ifr0g] :)12:37
iarwain_samaris: seems to me it's just a kinda standard audio thing12:39
iarwain_[ifr0g] : try right-clicking on it? don't know if that's what you want12:39
[ifr0g] iarwain_, i want to disable it, i dont want it at all.12:39
iarwain_[ifr0g] : sudo aptitude remove knetworkmanager12:40
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iarwain_[ifr0g] : that's what i think would help you12:40
samariswhat does that mean?12:40
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[ifr0g] iarwain_, Its that simple :).. ok thanks.. will do that.12:40
alesanI have a problem with my pc, Ubuntu can see only 3GB even if I have 4GB installed. this is the output of my dmesg:12:41
iarwain_[ifr0g] : np's :)12:41
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[ifr0g] iarwain_, what about knetworkconf ?12:41
[ifr0g] Is that part of it ?12:41
dv_help! ktorrent suddenly crashes every time I start it12:41
iarwain_[ifr0g] : don't think so. You just want to get Knetworkmanager gone? Or the whole Shibang?12:41
dv_there is absolutely no way to get in the program, it crashes. I dont want to lose my partially downloaded torrents. what can I do?12:42
[ifr0g] iarwain_, k12:42
[ifr0g] i think i got to restart..12:42
[ifr0g] brb.12:43
samaristhis is what say in the audio part12:43
samaris00:14.1 IDE interface: ATI Technologies Inc Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller ATI (rev 80)12:43
samaris00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)12:43
samaris00:14.3 ISA bridge: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 PCI-ISA Bridge (rev 80)12:43
samaris00:14.4 PCI bridge: ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 PCI-PCI Bridge (rev 80)12:43
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iarwain_dv_: try starting it via terminal, perhaps you get an error12:44
iarwain_samaris: hmm12:44
dv_"Qt: Warning: QGArray::at: Absolute index 0 out of range"12:44
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dv_and then the crash dialog appears12:45
iarwain_samaris: idk about that, but did you try installing drivers? i might be completely wrong, but since it's ATI idk12:45
dv_is it possible to continue the downloads with another client?12:45
iarwain_dv_: try google for a solution?12:45
dv_or is my data lost forever?12:45
iarwain_dv_: continuing is possible12:45
dv_already googled12:45
iarwain_dv_: :)12:45
iarwain_dv_: azureus picks them up as far as i know12:45
iarwain_dv_: but to be sure, make a BACKUP12:45
iarwain_dv_: trust me :)12:46
samariswhere do i find it?12:46
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iarwain_samaris: gonna search it for you :)12:47
iarwain_samaris: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide should help you out12:49
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runleveltendv, what's the boggle with bittorrent?12:49
iarwain_samaris: havent followed that guide since i own Nvidia12:49
=== runlevelten scrolls up
samarisok thanks12:49
iarwain_samaris: np's :)12:49
runleveltendv, can you run ktorrent from a terminal for me, and pastebin the output when it crashes?12:50
runleveltencheers :)12:50
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dv_the first two errors are harmless, they just refer to dead xorg.conf input device entries12:51
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dv_I mean, ktorrent did crash several times in the past, but it has never been this bad before12:52
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dv_if I had known ktorrent is so extremely unstable...12:53
runleveltenand the backtrace..12:53
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[ifr0g] when i plug in my wifi dougle i get..12:53
[ifr0g] Jul 23 13:48:57 blackbox NetworkManager: <debug info>^I[1185187737.302491]  nm_hal_device_added (): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_457_163_noserial').12:53
[ifr0g] Instead it previously synced with ndiswrapper on edgy12:54
iarwain_[ifr0g] : hmm, don't know ndiswrapper12:54
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[ifr0g] Now i am on fiesty after an upgrade.12:54
[ifr0g] iarwain_, is it safe to remove network-manager ?12:54
iarwain_[ifr0g] : and your internet doesn't work?12:54
dv_ah! manually setting dhtSupported to false in the ktorrentrc file does the trick12:54
iarwain_[ifr0g] : don't know. I would let it be installed, just to be safe12:55
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[ifr0g] iarwain_, it works, ..12:55
dv_so, never ever use dht with ktorrent12:55
iarwain_[ifr0g] : so what's the problem then? you lost me :)12:55
runleveltenktorrent really needs to settle - it's such a good client but the stability lets it down.12:57
runleveltenby the way, in my experience you usually get a better experience getting it from the vcs12:58
[ifr0g] iarwain_, I recently did an upgrade on edgy to fiesty, everything works fine only my wifi dougle which worked previously on ndiswrapper broke, every timei plugit in it says device created as per above by network manager, Where on edgy it synced with ndiswrapper. i dont remember seeing the networkmanager line in syslog file. so i was thinking if it will work if i remove that.12:58
runleveltenwhich is weird, I know, heh12:58
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iarwain_[ifr0g] : did you check the forum for similair breakage? Perhaps you need a newer version of ndiswrapper? if you completely want to remove networkmanager, try this "sudo aptitude purge knetworkmanager"01:00
iarwain_yeah, that's you xD01:00
runleveltenOh look, there's a 2.2 package.01:00
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[ifr0g] iarwain_, already did remove it. cant purge itnow01:01
iarwain_[ifr0g] : i should've known that ^^01:01
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iarwain_[ifr0g] : it still doesn't work? no newer versions of ndiswrapper or the like? Forum doesn't give anything?01:02
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[ifr0g] iarwain_, Checking that now.01:02
iarwain_[ifr0g] : okay :)01:02
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lumensc nessuno italiano01:09
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ttanio italiano01:10
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:10
lumensthank you01:10
Naradawhat package is it to start using the nvidia driver; there seem to be quite a few nvidia packages01:13
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Neil3hey all whats the name of the app that makes the little battery status icon appear in the bottom right of the taskbar?01:24
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Naradawhich gui package manager is preferred01:29
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roald_hello, does anyone have the same webcam as I do? its a (lsusb) 0c45:624f Microdia01:32
roald_i'd like to find a driver:)01:32
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NLJazzor can someone help me find a driver?01:33
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KaiSVKhi all01:35
runleveltenKaiSVK: DON'T run irc as root!01:36
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lumens_c italiano01:43
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lumens_c nessuno italiano01:45
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KaiSVKrunlevelten I am sorry ...01:47
lumens_c nessuno ke parla italiano???????01:48
runleveltenIt's OK, it's just a very severe security hazard for yourself.01:48
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:48
KaiSVKrunlevelten :) oki thanx01:49
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runleveltenKaiSVK: Like so severe I would exit this very next second and come back as your ordinary user.01:49
KaiSVKrunlevelten so be it ...01:50
[Apollo] hi all :D01:50
runleveltenhey [Apollo] 01:50
[Apollo] you slept well, runlevelten? :)01:51
runleveltenHeh, briefly01:51
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MaTiAzYay, finally got to order my new PC :)01:51
runleveltenthanks for asking xD01:51
MaTiAzThe old one broke lol01:51
KaiSVKrunlevelten it is done :)01:51
[Apollo] this guy is doing this again... saying 'aldcor'01:51
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[Apollo] he ? really got to be bored01:51
[Apollo] yw01:51
runleveltenKaiSVK: that's better :)01:51
runleveltenIt's a bot of some sort I assume.01:52
[Apollo] yea01:52
[Apollo] prolly01:52
runleveltenMaybe he delimits log files for someone or something01:52
runleveltenwtg MaTiAz01:52
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[Apollo] and aldcor doesn't respond to VERSION requests01:53
MaTiAzrunlevelten: yeah, suddenly windows didn't boot anymore, and linux booted a few times and acted weird01:53
MaTiAznow it doesn't work at all :D01:53
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runleveltenI wonder whether that name/message is a delimiter on its own.01:53
KaiSVKjust curious, does anyone know how to add this: route add -net gw eth0 - permanently so it is done by boot ?01:53
KaiSVKsomewhere in the /etc/somewhat ?01:53
MaTiAzBut yeah, I guess 2GB of 800MHz DDR2, Intel Core 2 Duo E6750, Asus P5B mobo, Zalman 500W PSU and a nice 400GB Samsung HDD will be somewhat enough for the next 4 years :)01:54
runlevelten<aldcor> aldcor\nspam\n<aldcor> aldcor\nbots\n<aldcor> aldcor\nsuck\n<aldcor> aldcor01:54
MaTiAzoh and a Geforce 8800GTS 320MB :)01:54
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MaTiAzThis'll at least run beryl fine :D01:55
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runleveltenyeah, and quake 4 and oblivion and stuff :)01:55
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MaTiAzrunlevelten: yeah, I've played Oblivion on X360 for like 120 hours, it's now time to enjoy all the mods 'n stuff :D01:55
MaTiAzI tried it on my old PC once, got pretty ok FPS with 640x480 and almost all settings at minimum :D01:56
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ttanmy ausus wl-138g v2 find wireless networks but not connect.. help??02:02
runleveltenKaiSVK: drop it in a script and put it in /etc/network/ifup.d/02:02
runleveltensorry, if-up.d, heh02:03
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runleveltenhi graham02:04
ttanhi graham02:04
ses59if kppp does not work what other dialer programs would you suggest?02:05
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ttanses59, for pppoe connections?02:05
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ses59yes sbcglobal with internal modem works with wvdialer02:06
ttan56k or dsl?^02:06
pawitpIs there something like specto for KDE?02:06
ttanwell.. never used 56k on linux.. let me think about it..02:07
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mauricioObslack rules02:08
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runleveltenmauricioOb: agreed.02:09
runleveltenhi TheNameless2k02:10
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TheNameless...have somebody also trobble with ICQ and Kopete?02:10
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ttanses59, tried with knetworkmanager?02:11
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ttani don't really know if it's good for 56k02:12
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runleveltenpawitp: everything specto does can be done without specto. what you watching?02:13
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pawitprunlevelten: Gmail, Website02:17
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GrahamSilent_G: lo02:23
Silent_Gim trying to run EasyCam202:23
Silent_Gand im getting this error02:23
Silent_GFailed to open device02:23
Silent_G  File "/usr/share/EasyCam2/easycam.py", line 25, in <module>02:23
Silent_G    import gnome.ui02:23
Silent_GImportError: No module named gnome.ui02:23
GrahamYou don't have gnome installed02:24
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Silent_Gi must install gnome to use webcam?02:25
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KaiSVKrunlevelten so classic .sh script and I will put it there ?02:27
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GrahamYou just need to install the backend of gnome02:27
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Grahamlibgnome files or something02:27
GrahamThough in fairness, it's just a guess.02:27
Silent_Gwhat is the package name?02:27
runleveltenKaiSVK: yeah02:28
GrahamDid you install it from the repository?02:28
runleveltenpawitp: I'd use an email notifier and a shell script.02:28
GrahamMight not list all it's dependencies.02:28
Silent_Gyeah but what package should i install02:29
runleveltenan example for a page without ads might be to do something like wget -q google.com  -o out &&  md5sum out > out.md502:30
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runleveltenthen use watch or something to wget -q google.com  -o out; md5sum -c out.md5;  every x seconds.02:30
KaiSVKrunlevelten strange :) I thought it was made by some kind of one config files, like on suse, my previous distro, in /etc/sysconfig/network02:30
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runleveltenpawitp: "websec" claims to be a web page monitoring software. Dunno whether that might be fun for you.02:32
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runleveltenKaiSVK: yeah, I go straight for sysconfig too, but bunter doesn't have it02:32
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runleveltenI quite like sysconfig. Call me a loony.02:34
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Grahamperon with gnome ui error!02:35
Minatakusysconfig from FreeBSD? Great tool. :302:35
GrahamSilent_G: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-302674.html02:35
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KaiSVKrunlevelten what is bunter? :)02:36
runleveltenKaiSVK: ubuntu02:37
MinatakuI wish NetBSD had sysconfig... or at least an easy user management tool... useradd and friend are horrific02:37
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icecruncherhow can I make a directory read write and belong to a different user when root? in cli02:38
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LynoureI actually like useradd, once it has been configured well02:39
runleveltenchmod 666 filename to make it rw for everyone. chown user:group filename to change ownership02:40
GrahamSilent_G: Any use?02:40
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Silent_Gim reading it02:41
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Silent_Gcant figure out Graham  :02:43
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slougihi all quick question: any idea why /bin/sh is a symlink to dash nowadays? dash is not very compatible...02:50
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Hobbseeslougi: because its' faster, on boot02:53
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Hobbseeslougi: the default user shell is still bash02:53
os2macHow do you add a particular screen resolution to X?02:53
Hobbseeand it's perfectly compatible with the shell standard - bash has extra stuff02:53
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slougiHobbsee: yeah but it still breaks loads of scripts that have #!/bin/sh at the top02:53
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slougipersonally i see that as a regression02:54
Hobbseeslougi: ones in the archive?02:54
Hobbseeor random scripts that you downloaded somewhere?02:54
slougiHobbsee: well no, but those are not the end of all scripts :-)02:54
slougiHobbsee: mostly of an app i am developing02:54
runleveltenslougi: that's what I thought, heh02:55
os2mac!ubotu modline02:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about modline - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:55
MinatakuIf it specifies /bin/sh but expects full bash features, the script is broken02:55
Hobbseeslougi: ...then you need to fix your scripts.02:55
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tripppy<tripppy> How do i stop my network from grinding to a halt when iuse kaffeine dvb server ?02:55
HobbseeMinataku: is right02:55
os2mac!ubotu modeline02:55
ubotuA Modeline is a config line in the X server configuration file that gives info about a connected display and how to drive it at a specified display resolution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFree86_Modeline for more details. Here are 2 links to generate modelines which fit your monitor: http://bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ and http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl02:55
slougibiggest annoyance is that the following breaks: if [ "${dirname:0:1}" != "/" ] ; <-- afaik this is actually standard usage02:55
Minataku/bin/sh is a compatibility thing, it specifies full POSIX sh compatibility02:56
crazy_busis there any way to have konversation automatically translate a language someone types via a online service such as google translate?02:56
slougiand the above is standard POSIX afaik02:56
MinatakuYou can more than likely fix the script by changing #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash02:56
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runleveltenMinataku: It may be, but it will still break an assload of stuff if sh was previously providing a certain shell and that changes.02:57
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Minatakuslougi: I'm not sure if it is or not, I'm not versed on the standard02:57
slougiMinataku: not an option as i use the same thing in some init scripts02:57
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ubotu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to  #! /bin/bash 02:57
Hobbseeoh, i thought we had a link in there02:57
Minatakuslougi: You could remake the symlink to point to /bin/bash, but that could break all of Ubuntu's stuff02:57
MinatakuSo naturally isn't recommended02:58
slougiMinataku: well yes, but that's a local fix only :-)02:58
MinatakuAlternately if you need more power than convienence, switch distributions02:58
Hobbseeno, wouldnt *break*, per se.02:58
slougiMinataku: wow, calm down02:58
=== Hobbsee notes that this was discussed extensively during edgy development.
MinatakuI find *buntu to be perfect for "just works"... and really only that02:58
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=== Hobbsee notes that that was an entire year ago
=== Hobbsee notes that this stuff was likely also covered, then.
slougiHobbsee: i see, i didn't mean to stirr up a hornets nest or anything02:59
runleveltenI find ubuntu not very good for "just works"02:59
MinatakuIf you want "plays well with users", I'd recommend a different distribution which offers more user control02:59
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Hobbseeslougi: no problem02:59
slougiit's just that i want those scripts to work as widely as possible02:59
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Minatakurunlevelten: I mean "just works" in a Windows sense, it installs and works for Average Q. Joe02:59
runleveltenMost notably because I use kde. Ubuntu's KDE is quite unrefined compared to SuSE's02:59
runleveltenfor instance03:00
slougicurrently the BSD's work, solaris works, redhat-derived stuff works, *buntu is broken ;)03:00
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MinatakuNetBSD has an actual /bin/sh03:02
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MinatakuDebian links /bin/sh to bash03:02
runleveltenBasically, let ubuntu play its game, and replace sh shebangs with bash ones.03:02
MinatakuMake multiple scripts, the first one a checker script03:02
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MinatakuSee whether /bin/sh is real/linked to bash or if it's linked to dash03:03
runleveltenI mean in reality, it is broken to assume the default shell slougi03:03
slougiyou can work around that, the same syntax works, just not inside []  style checks, all you need is another temporary variable. it's still an annoyance.03:03
runleveltenOn a given system the default shell could be _anything_03:03
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Minatakurunlevelten: Doesn't matter03:03
runleveltensorry, sh link03:04
slougirunlevelten: i think on unix-like systems the only sane thing is to assume that you have a POSIX compatible shell03:04
slougiotherwise you go mad03:04
Minatakurunlevelten: Considering it's expected to be either real or linked to bash03:04
MinatakuWhich is typically the case on practically everything03:04
MinatakuI'd say *buntu's decision was bad03:04
Hobbseeslougi: posix compatible, yes.  which dash is.03:04
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runleveltenI agree, but by and large it's still really broken03:05
Hobbsee[23:03]  <Mithrandir> uh, that's quite special, since the BSDs generally have strict-ish /bin/sh-s03:05
Hobbsee[23:03]  <broonie> *Solaris* works. Ah, they're not being completely unreasonable.03:05
Hobbsee[23:04]  <StevenK> That is not standard POSIX.03:05
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runleveltenby really broken, I mean really when you get down to it, not very broken ;)03:05
MinatakuHobbsee: Then how come a true sh works?03:05
Hobbsee[23:04]  <StevenK> ${variable} will work, ${variable:0} and similar are bashisms03:05
Hobbsee[23:05]  <StevenK> Hobbsee: I wonder, given that line if they're trying to determine the directory name is a symlink. If so, there are better ways. :-)03:05
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slougiweird then that dash will accept those bashims as well just as long as they are outside [] 03:06
Silent_GGraham,  would installing gnome still be able to use KDE ? and will it solve that error?03:06
MinatakuWho maintains dash?03:06
slougiHobbsee: where's that discussion taking place?03:06
Hobbseeslougi: #ubuntu-devel03:06
MinatakuIs this an Ubuntu creation?03:06
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runleveltenIt is annoying, because "POSIX compliant" is a lot less important in real life than what the actual shell supports.03:06
HobbseeMaintainer: Ubuntu Core Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>03:06
HobbseeOriginal-Maintainer: Gerrit Pape <pape@smarden.org>03:06
Hobbseeso, no03:06
MinatakuHm... but it's currently maintained by Ubuntu03:07
MinatakuSo the suspicion still stands :P03:07
Hobbsee...a lot of things in ubuntu are maintained by ubuntu people03:07
Hobbseedebian asks us to have our addresses as the maintainer, so that they dont get the mail03:07
MinatakuAh, more spaghetti then03:08
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MinatakuUtter confusion for all involved :303:08
KaiSVkrunlevelten I added script in if-up.d and it doesn't work03:08
MinatakuSorry, some of the things that Ubuntu does I can't exactly agree that they're good ideas03:09
HobbseeMinataku: there are mails and such that document all of this.  of course, that does require you reading them.  and it doenst usually matter, if yo're not a developer03:09
KaiSVkrunlevelten what about adding the line in /etc/network/interfaces03:09
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MinatakuHobbsee: So we're expected to read years and years worth of various mailing lists and memos? :P03:09
HobbseeMinataku: nah.03:09
HobbseeMinataku: of course, had you asked, i would probably have found said mail, and given you the link.03:10
GrahamSilent_G: Just install the backend of gnome, libgnome03:10
MinatakuSorry, I'm a bit disagreeable right now03:10
MinatakuOr rather as usual03:10
GrahamSilent_G: It shouldn't give you everything.03:10
MinatakuMy apologies X303:10
=== Hobbsee shrugs
GrahamIf it does, you can still use KDE03:10
HobbseeMinataku: i find it better to actually fix things than to complain about them.  *shrugs*03:11
runleveltenPart of the reason I'm using kubuntu, and hanging around, is because I get asked to support it a lot.03:11
MinatakuHobbsee: Yeah, but some of *buntu's decisions or "fixes" seem to be confusing and pointless03:11
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MinatakuFor example, knowingly breaking scripts that otherwise work fairly universally for what seems to be a trivial reason03:12
runleveltenStuff like sh-> dash is going to break for a lot of the support I would have given people03:12
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MinatakuIt looks less like an improvement for anyone than just jumping up and down, waving your arms and screaming "WE'RE DIFFERENT! WE'RE MORE POSIX COMPLIANT!"03:12
runleveltenBecause I would have told them to pop such and such in a shell script, and they're going to read about the #!/bin/sh shebang  when they find out how to make a shell script online03:13
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runleveltenand they wouldn't know why it didn't work, and may not realise it didn't work, heh03:13
HobbseeMinataku: you're welcome to watch in #ubuntu-devel03:13
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MinatakuActually, I better go to the bathroom... about to have an emergency :\03:14
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=== Minataku runs off to mount /dev/toilet and write a core dump
[Apollo] ...03:15
runleveltenDon't spend too long examining the logs.03:15
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MaTiAzHmm, the current nvidia drivers support 8000 series, right?03:16
Minatakurunlevelten: /dev/toilet is a symlink to /dev/null03:16
MinatakuOf course it passes through a temporary memory buffer first03:16
MinatakuWhich is then flushed to the destination03:16
MaTiAzI love it when nerds talk about normal stuff with computer language03:17
MinatakuAnyway, I found my reading material03:17
=== Minataku vanishes
[Apollo] lol03:17
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runleveltenOf course, you have to tail that log slowly, don't want an unmanageably large amount of output in one go.03:17
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[Apollo] STOP IT NOW03:17
[Apollo] I'M eating03:17
=== runlevelten feels a bit sick and stops.
HobbseeMinataku: dude.  seriously.  inappropriate.03:18
MaTiAzI watched C.S.I. when I was eating my lunch03:18
MaTiAzI actually got it down without it coming up :)03:18
runlevelten| sed s/poo/relevant/g03:18
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Silent_GGraham, libgnome-2 is already installed03:19
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yudyhi everyone03:30
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granddaddyhey guys03:30
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yudyjust installed my kubuntu linux03:31
yudywhat's the next step?03:31
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yudycan anyone help?03:31
herowell, what do you want to do?03:32
hero(you're in the right place, btw)03:32
yudywhat thing should I set after installation finished?03:33
heroyudy: i'm not sure i understand your question.03:33
yudysecurity? update?03:33
ttancan anyone help me with asus wl-138g v2??? please!03:34
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yudydo I have to update kubuntu like windows using windows update?03:34
caboose_1980how does someone with windows get konversation?03:34
hero!apt-get > yudy03:34
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herocaboose_1980: konversation does not run on windows03:35
caboose_1980are you serious?03:35
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herocaboose_1980: if you don't believe me, ask in #konversation03:35
yudyi'll try them out03:36
yudythx hero03:36
herocaboose_1980: x-chat will run on windows, though03:36
ttancaboose tried with cgywin?03:36
caboose_1980wait...no you have to compile KDE for windows03:36
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heroyudy: no problem. you might also consider reading the current kubuntu guide03:36
yudyok, thx for the advice :)03:36
heroyudy: http://ubuntuguide.org/03:36
herocaboose_1980: i suggest you ask in #konversation03:37
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ttanis there a wifi channel?03:37
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:38
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ttannot the docs but a chat..03:39
herowell, you can ask here, and in a number of channels on freenode03:39
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heroyou also may consider running a channel /list but i wouldn't recommend that if you're on a slow connection03:39
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ttanok,  thanks.. i've just a problem with the asus wl-138g v2--03:40
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heroin my experience, it's difficult to find the right wifi stuff03:41
heroyou might just hang out until things get real active in here and then ask03:41
BluesKajhowdy all :)03:41
ttanyes.. i had some troubles to activate the pci card, now it founds the networks but doesn't connect--03:41
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herottan: why not just try the link ubotu pasted for you for starters?03:42
BluesKajthanks genii :)03:43
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ttantried yet..03:43
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samarishello ?03:49
samarissomeone can help me pliz?03:50
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geniisamaris Just say what your problem is then maybe someone will know how to help you03:50
pagsamaris, with what?03:50
samarisi have a notebook gateway mt3707 and i just intall ubuntu and i cant get any sound03:51
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hero!sound > samaris03:52
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caboose_1980yea type that in konsole or terminal03:52
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samariswith sound03:54
herosamaris: read what ubotu messaged you03:54
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samarisyes im reading03:56
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korobaseHow to let the man tool show the C's functions?03:59
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grulkorobase, i   manpages-dev                                                                - Manual pages about using GNU/Linux for development04:00
grulkorobase, then you have man pages for exec, fork, open, close, read, etc.04:01
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korobaseOk,Thank you very much!04:01
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anandanbuHow do i change the permissions for my USB pen drive to enable the write support04:08
paganandanbu, which FS does the pen-drive have?04:09
anandanbupag: it has FAT32 iam able to read from it but not able to write to it04:09
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paganandanbu, it's probably mounted with some wrong options (I don't know the right ones - sorry)  open your filemanager with root-permissions, and see if you can write that way04:10
paghello ksivaji :)04:10
ksivajihi pag04:10
anandanbupag: how do i open the file manager with root permissions04:11
paganandanbu, alt+f2 -> kdesu konqueror /media/04:11
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anandanbupag: how in gnome04:12
paggksudo nautilus  maybe?04:12
ksivajihi stdin04:12
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anandanbupag: thanks for the kind help04:13
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ttanwell, some help with asus wl-138g v2??04:16
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:17
ttansorry! well, the pci is installed on kubu 7.04, finds the network but doesn't connect to them..-04:19
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operacioneshay alguien de venezuela04:23
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pag!es | operaciones04:24
ubotuoperaciones: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:24
jamalisno pero hablo un poquito espagnol04:24
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Silent_G can somebody help me? when someone sends me a message or anything the channels and the messages are not being highlited , only the toolbar is beeing highlighted04:39
pagSilent_G, which client?04:39
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Silent_GXchat :S04:39
HobbseeSilent_G: probably depends on if they're actually using your nick in the message or not04:40
Silent_Gyes but i want the nicknames in the side to be highlighted when they talk to me04:40
Silent_Gand i want the channels to be in a colour when someone talks in that channel04:40
Silent_Gyou know what i mean04:40
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pagSilent_G, sorry, but the only advice I can give, is try to look in the settings. I don't have XChat installed, so I can't look it for you.04:41
Silent_Gheh ok04:41
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BluesKajSilent_G,  look in settings/preferences/colors04:43
Silent_Gyes the colours are setted04:43
Silent_Gbut still :S04:43
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Silent_Gmaybe i should delete it and re-install it?04:44
pagSilent_G, btw. Xchat or xchat-gnome?04:45
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pagok.. there should be settings for highlights... try to look there04:45
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BluesKajhmm, trying xchat for the first time in ages , now i know why I seldom use it :)04:51
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LattywareBluesKaj: What do you use?04:51
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amnesiacamnesiac isback from second life ---- freakt on it for weeks its a nice virtual world04:51
amnesiachi folks04:51
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BluesKajusually konverstation04:51
LattywareBluesKaj: Konversation sucks! It's so watered down.04:52
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elite101sweet red alert2 yuris revenge works!!!04:52
LattywareAlthough frankly, I don't think any IRC client is powerful enough. All of them seem very watered down.04:52
elite101just installing it now04:52
BluesKajwell, to each his own. The only thing Konverstaion lacks is a server auto-list04:53
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LattywareIrssi is probably the best thing there. But I really don't want to use a CLI app like that, so xChat is is.04:53
runleveltenerc and irssi alright.04:53
amnesiactrie to find irc warscripts when you are looking for a nice irc prog04:53
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amnesiacirssi is a nice thing04:54
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runleveltenwarscripts. Whatever.04:54
grmlis there a way to auto-reconfigure the X11? my xorg.conf file is no longer running04:54
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Lattywaregrml: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86  ?04:55
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Lattywaredpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:55
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amnesiacgrml: the command is in the konsole sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:55
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BluesKajin the CLI , grml , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:55
grmlLattyware: i tried that with xserver-xorg but it does not detect any hardware correctly04:55
amnesiactrie the -phigh dude04:56
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milesi am here04:57
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=== miles flexes
amnesiacout of time04:59
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amnesiacoei wrong chat window05:00
amnesiachi elite05:00
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BluesKajgrml, in the k-menu/system settings/monitor&display/hardware/administrator mode/configure graphics card or monitor , or both...from the drop down list find the appropriate driver forthe hardware, choose the driver, and click 'apply'05:01
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amnesiacare there any wardrivers in tha house??? have probs with kismet.scource05:03
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amnesiacok i guess not05:03
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runleveltenBluesKaj: what do you mean by server autolist?05:07
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milesyou guys just would not believe how frickin hilarious my co-workers are!05:09
runleveltenmiles: in what way?05:09
milesnah im just messing around, they suck05:09
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mileshey so in order to mount a samba share, you must first mount it using smbclient, correct?05:12
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BluesKajrunlevelten, on xchat , mirc and other IRC clients the irc servers are automatically listed with optional inputs from the user ... konverstion no aotmatic server list ...all servers are input by the user05:14
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sdlnxgkanyone good at video card issues??05:15
runleveltenSo you'd prefer to see the server list from the other clients bundled with konversation too?05:16
sdlnxgkbeen going on two days and can't get my xorg.conf file to stay once rebooted05:16
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BluesKajnot other clients05:16
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sdlnxgkanyway to reset KDE user parameters?05:17
runleveltensdlnxgk: log out, move the .kde folder, log in again05:17
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sdlnxgkin root xorg.conf works great but in my user I have to keep going to config after ever boot up05:17
runleveltenBluesKaj: not other clients? from where then?05:18
sdlnxgkrunlevelten, thanks will give that a shot, been driving me crazy only think I can  think of05:18
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BluesKajrunlevelten, it should be built in05:19
zeromy nvidia drivers wont work :905:19
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runleveltenYeah, that's what I said. The server list you get in other clients, bundled with konversation.05:20
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roald_zero: what have you tried?05:20
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zeroi just downloaded the file05:21
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zerotried to run it and it told me x was running so i couldnt install them05:21
zeroi entered console and installed from there05:22
zerotyped startx and worked05:22
zeroeverything was fine05:22
zerothen i rebooted and it stopped working :(05:22
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Yorokobizero, downloaded the file from the Ubuntu repositories or from the nVidia website?05:22
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zeronvidia site05:23
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Yorokobizero, why not use the repository version?05:23
zeroi tried to dl from adept but had the same result05:23
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Yorokobizero, did you change the driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf from "nv" to "nvidia"?05:24
zerono i didnt knew i should do that...05:24
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zeroi once installed drivers from automatix and worked fine without having to do anything05:24
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Yorokobiautomatix? oy05:25
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BluesKajzero, you got lucky :)05:25
Yorokobiautomatix breaks as much (if not more) than it tries to fix05:25
amayeraare there plans to build KDE 4.0 Beta 1 for kubuntu and give a server for that?05:25
zeroi didnt knew that...05:25
zeroit is good i dont use it now05:25
BluesKaj!automatix | zero05:25
ubotuzero: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:25
zeroso what should i do to make it work?05:25
zerothats why i had to reinstall kubuntu...05:26
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Yorokobizero, purge the nvidia-glx* packages, rm the file from the NV website, reboot, then try again via aptitude/adept05:26
zeroi am kinda confused05:26
amayeraare there plans to build KDE 4.0 Beta 1 for kubuntu and give a server for that?05:26
zerowhat does purge mean?05:26
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Yorokobizero, sudo aptitude purge nvidia-glx-*05:27
BluesKajremoves all files including configure05:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about purge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:27
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BluesKajbumb ubot05:27
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Cool_gamer8119Wow. Lots of people come ang go on this server.....05:28
elite101hey i am having problems trying to mount a hdd05:28
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BluesKajerr dumbumb ubotu05:28
elite101it has windows ME on it but it wont mount for some reason?05:28
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zerowhat will i do after running this cmd yokorobi?05:29
sdlnxgkok who was it that just helped me??05:29
dr_willisNot me. :)05:29
sdlnxgkabout moving the .kde to another folder !!!05:29
Yorokobizero, once it is purged, run 'sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-new'05:30
dr_willismoving the .kde directory to like .kde_old ?05:30
sdlnxgknow I know how to fix all the damn problems I have been having issues with :)05:30
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sdlnxgkdr_willis yes well that was the fix05:30
dr_willisive had issues in the past with upgrades and old .kde settings.05:30
Grahamsdlnxgk: Why would you want to do that?05:30
dr_willisgnome alsi gave me some issues.05:30
cmvoHi! I'm having a strange problem in kword in edgy: The open and save dialogs hang with a05:30
elite101why isnt my harddrive mounting05:30
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sdlnxgkbeen having issues when playing some games it changes the resolution then it will not stay and the kicker pager panel will not load05:30
dr_williselite101,  try dmesg to see if any errors show up.. perhaps give us more details.05:31
elite101whats dmesg?05:31
cmvo"DCOP aborting while waiting for answer from 'kded'" error message on the command line. Anybody seen this problem?05:31
sdlnxgkGraham, because KDE was being gay and didn't want to keep a setting for my nvidia card05:31
elite101it says connont mount hdd cables are lose or something05:31
dr_williselite101,  a command you type in the shell05:31
zerothe new one you mean from the nvidia site yokorobi?05:31
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dr_williselite101,  that would be a suprising error message when it says 'cables are loose'05:31
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elite101there is way to much stuff to read in the konsole05:32
sdlnxgkZero not a new card no... but  wouldn't work with any driver I used... the xorg.conf file was correct but just wouldn't use it for some odd reason05:32
Yorokobizero, no, the one from the Ubuntu repositories. It works so there's no need to get the one from the NV website05:32
sdlnxgkbut all fixed now05:32
zeroyou mean from adept?05:32
elite101please check if the deviece is plugged in?05:33
dr_williselite101,  try mounting it manually, see if it fails and with what error.05:33
Yorokobizero, yup. The aptitude command I provided above will do it for you better than adept05:33
Cool_gamer8119How do I upgrade from Kubuntu 6.10 to Kubuntu 7.04?05:33
elite101it does05:33
pag!upgrade | Cool_gamer811905:33
ubotuCool_gamer8119: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)05:33
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sdlnxgkmaybe you need to turn the switch on in /etc/fstab so it will mount when it boots up ;)05:33
zerothe purge cmd?05:33
Cool_gamer8119Ok thanks.05:34
Yorokobizero, the purge then the install (sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-new)05:34
elite101its missing something /devhdb1/05:35
elite101and etc/fstab05:35
elite101or etc/mtab05:35
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zerosudo aptitude purge NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run ?05:36
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roald_purge nvidia-glx*05:36
Yorokobizero, no, that's not a Ubuntu package, you can just 'rm NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.11-pkg1.run'05:36
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zeroi rmed it05:37
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zeroand i did the second cmd05:38
roald_zero: remember, always try to install something via the repository, using adept, apt-get or aptitude05:38
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sdlnxgkok brb need to get SLI back up and working05:38
elite101can any help me05:38
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zerowhich one is better to use?05:39
dr_williselite101,  i think you may want to go read a starter/tutorial guide on how drives are mounted under linux.05:39
zeroi had some problem with apt-get before...05:39
dr_williselite101,  yore not being very clear on the error mesages, or what you are trying to do exactly05:39
elite101it wount mount i tried everything its a NTFS partition they just wont mount05:39
Yorokobizero, aptitude is the best to use from the command line as it will automatically try to resolve package dependencies better than apt-get05:39
zeroit is installed...so now i try to see if it works?05:39
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elite101mount it so i can copy afile who is that not clear?05:40
BluesKajroald_, installing video drivers is the exception to the rule , altho i do agree that using apt, adept and synaptic , is usually the best way.05:40
Yorokobizero, did you run 'sudo nvidia-glx-config enable'?05:40
dr_williselite101,  the fact its NTFS is a very imporntant fact05:40
zeroi will :D05:41
dr_willisand the fact you want to write to it is ANOTHER imprortant fact05:41
zeroError: your X configuration has been altered.05:41
dr_willis!info ntfs-config05:41
ubotuntfs-config: Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB05:41
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zeroThis script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this05:41
elite101i said that up there^^05:41
zeronot correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following05:41
zeromd5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum05:41
zerootherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section05:41
zerofrom nv to nvidia.05:41
dr_williselite101,  i woudl suggest installing ntfs-config , and running it with 'sudo ntfs-config'05:41
roald_BluesKaj: you are right about the video drivers, but then you could make a deb too, right?05:41
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OuZowhen i plug my flash drive in nothing happens. it works in gnome... is there something i need to change? thanks05:42
Yorokobizero, then use 'kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf' and change "nv" to "nvidia"05:42
BluesKajroald_, maybe you could...i've never attempted to make a .deb05:42
elite101it wont mount at all and now eveytime i type my monitor is getting screwed it is getting fuzzy for some reason? i need a new computer05:42
zeroxorg.conf is blank...05:43
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thrillahey all05:43
jhutchins_ltzero: You must open it as root using sudo or kdesu.05:43
thrillai need a bit of help05:43
zeroi opened with nano05:43
pag!ask | thrilla05:44
ubotuthrilla: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:44
jhutchins_ltzero: You must still open it using sudo or kdesu.05:44
thrillatrying to install kubuntu i keep getting a error about hdc when installing05:44
BluesKajzero,you still need permission05:44
zeroif i open like sudo nano?05:44
thrillasomething about try to boot using irqpoll05:44
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BluesKajzero, in order to edit a file ..permission is always required05:45
thrillawhat the heck do i do?05:45
zeroi knew that :P05:45
BluesKajyeah , i use kdesu kate in the run command myself05:45
zeroi make driver "nv" driver "nvidia" ?05:46
BluesKajalt+f2 , zero05:46
Yorokobizero, yes. Then save+quit and restart X05:46
jhutchins_ltthrilla: Are you able to boot to the live CD?  Does this happen after the install when you try to start the new installation?05:46
zerowish me luck :)05:47
thrillano it happens during install of kubuntu05:47
=== Yorokobi wishes zero success. Luck won't cut it :)
thrillathe live cd won't boot either05:47
thrillai get the menu, but after picking to start the install it gives the error05:47
BluesKajYorokobi, yup :)05:48
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thrillai let it go for about 10 minutes to make sure it wasn't just some garbage i didn't understand05:48
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thrillaand keept on looping the error message05:48
YorokobiBluesKaj, luck is too fickle :)05:48
pagthrilla, do as kernel suggest, and try to boot with irqpoll05:48
BluesKajYorokobi, yeah , good and bad luck ...wish him goodluck05:49
runleveltenGod I love awk :D05:49
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pagthrilla, when you boot, there should be an option to edit boot options.. choose that, and write ircpoll between quiet and splash so the end of the bootline would look like ..."quiet irqpoll splash"05:50
thrillayou mean press f6?05:50
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pagthrilla, maybe... I haven't used live-cd for a while, so I don't know the exact shortcuts05:51
thrillaok, i'll give it a try and see what happens05:51
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thrillaif not i'll bbl05:51
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zeroit didnt work :(05:55
zeroFatal server error:05:55
zerono screens found05:55
Yorokobizero, what nvidia card do you have?05:55
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zeroGforce FX 520005:55
zeroworked fine before05:56
zeroi reinstalled kubuntu and everything is worse05:56
zeroi thought linux would not be like windows05:56
=== Yorokobi wonders if the FX5200 requires the legacy drivers ...
Yorokobizero, instead of nvidia-glx-new, nvidia-glx-legacy (for older cards)05:57
zeroi am not sure if my card is new or legacy...05:58
zeroi will google05:58
BluesKajzero, have you checked system settings/monitor&display/hardware/administrator mode/configure graphics card05:58
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thrillaerror still06:00
zerosometimes i click admin mode and it stucks really annoying06:00
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pagI think it's just nvidia-glx  -legacy is for cards older than GF2 and -new for 8000-series  iirc.06:00
pagthrilla, the same one?06:00
zeroand what do i do then?06:00
thrillanow i am getting errors on hdc logical block errors06:00
ubuntujestescie specami od ubuntu???06:00
thrillais my hd fuxored?06:00
pag!cz | ubuntu06:00
ubotuubuntu: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.06:00
ubuntuto nie czeski tylko polski!06:01
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl06:01
ubuntuto nara06:01
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zeroit was workin fine before with automatix but i dont want to install it now06:01
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BluesKajzero, have you checked system settings/monitor&display/hardware/administrator mode/configure graphics card06:02
zeroi have no drivers atm06:03
thrillaso what now?06:03
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zerousing the default xorg.conf06:03
BluesKajzero,there maybe drivers listed06:03
zeroi click admin mode06:03
zeroand it stops and this is driving me crazy06:03
pagthrilla, dunno... you could try noapic and noacpi -options too, but I doubt they'll be any good... it feels like there's a problem with your HD06:04
BluesKajzero, doesn't ask for password?06:04
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obelixdoes anyone knows any bartending software?06:04
zeroand i like kubuntu so much06:04
zerobut some things...06:04
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BluesKajok zero,sudo dpkg --configure -a , in the terminal06:05
thrillawell, does kubuntu have any known issues with hardware?06:05
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BluesKajzero, then relogin06:05
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Yorokobithrilla, are you trying to install to a software RAID device (in particular, an nvidia or SiI controlled software RAID)?06:06
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thrillano, but i have a raid card installed06:07
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zeroi did it06:07
thrillanothing is hooked up to it06:07
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BluesKajzero, try system settings again06:07
zerowont work GRRRRRRRRR06:07
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BluesKajok, zero, sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a in the terminal06:08
zeroi found a distro i like and now i get 100 errors on a 2 days system...06:08
BluesKajmake sure system settings is closed06:08
thrillamy other box with kubuntu installed doesn't do this06:08
jhutchins_ltMan, it really should not be legal or possible to domain squat on a .org domain.06:09
thrillathou it has 7 not 6 installed on it06:09
zeroi did it blueskaj06:09
BluesKajzero, sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a ?06:10
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zeroand settings open now06:10
zerothats what this cmd does?06:10
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thrillaso what do i do in my case?06:11
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BluesKajzero, the cmnd  closes any instances of pending pkg installs or removals06:12
loktohola alguien en espaol06:12
zeroso i am at hardware now06:12
BluesKajyou had an install hangigng (incomplete) that was blocking access06:12
BluesKajok now admin mode06:12
zeroi am there06:12
BluesKajwhat graphics card is listed ?06:13
thrillathe system was trying to protect itself06:13
zeroNVIDIA GeForce FX06:13
thrillaanyhow, it may be the dvd i used06:13
thrillahave had problems with them before, this time i'll grab the cd version06:13
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BluesKajok  zero click configure and look in the drop down list for your specific card06:14
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zerothere is no specific card06:14
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zeroonly GeForce FX series06:14
thrillathen try that06:14
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zeroand it says video RAM 256kb06:15
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thrillai'm gonna watch tv while this thing downloads06:15
thrillatypo maybe?06:16
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BluesKajzero, did you click on "configure"06:17
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BluesKajok now , configure your monitor06:17
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zeromy monitor works fine06:18
thrillabetter to make sure xwindows has the right settings zero06:19
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BluesKajzero,make sure you have the same monitor driver , if possible06:19
BluesKajzero, ppl forget the monitor is important as well, the graphics card and monitor work as a team06:20
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killermachI just did a fresh kubuntu install and smb4k doesn't work, I can do "sudo smbmount //server/share /mnt/point/ -o username=me" type in my pass and I get a mount, how to do I fix smb4k?06:20
zerobut it worked fine before installing again :(06:20
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thrillanot to mention wrong settings can kill your hardware06:20
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:22
BluesKajzero, when you change graphics drivers they have to work with the monitor as well06:22
zeroshould i install drivers and then uninstall it?06:22
killermachI already did a chmod +s for /usr/bin/smbmnt and smbumount which worked before on my previous install until yesterday06:22
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zeroshould i install drivers with automatix and then uninstall it?06:22
c2c2rocki am attempting to migrate from mandriva 2007.1 to kubuntu-7.04-alternate-amd64 any tips and or places to go for help?06:23
=== BluesKaj tries to help but sometimes needs to take a break.... BBL
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thrillalets hope downloading kubuntu 7 solves my issue06:24
thrillathe dam thing wont even install06:24
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zeroi cant reinstall kubuntu every time i get errors06:24
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thrillamost times, you don't have to06:25
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killermachkmix has no sound control, new install on Fiesty and all updates06:26
randyHey everyone, Im having trouble with my soundcard and ive tried most of the things in those links and it still wont work.  Anyone else have a suggestion to try?06:26
killermachn/m on smb4k, I just clicked a share again, and it mounted.. hmm.. not sure what changed between asking here and trying again06:27
thrillawho knows06:27
thrillai'd log out and log back in, try it agian to be sure it works06:27
Yorokobikillermach, sometimes you have to use alsamixer to set appropriate sound levels before kmix will work06:28
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rjbwhy does konqueror insist that java applets shouldn't run?06:28
rjbanyone know of a fix?06:28
killermachYorokobi, in System Settings? I've looked around in there and "test sound" button works, I have sound but no systray control06:28
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Yorokobikillermach, alsamixer is a curses (terminal) app06:29
Yorokobikillermach, if you want a systray icon, kmix will work but you may have to tell it to use the systray06:29
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Yorokobikmix->Settings->Configure KMix->Dock into panel06:30
killermachYorokobi, hmm.. I didn't have to change anything on my last install from the same 7.04 CD on this same machine06:30
Yorokobikillermach, *shrug*06:31
killermachYorokobi, it's in the panel.. but no work06:31
killermachI've set the master channel to a few different ones but even in the mixer, none of the controls work when sound is playing06:31
thrillai am burning it at 32x, never had any problems with that speed06:31
c2c2rock(2007-07-23 10:31:11) rjb:  why does konqueror insist that java applets shouldn't run? Settings>Configure konqueror > Java & JavaScript06:32
c2c2rockenable Globally06:32
thrillaok, splash screen loaded fine06:32
thrillais there a way to check the disk for errors?06:32
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Yorokobithrilla, the CD image has a check built into the Grub menu06:34
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randyHey everyone, Im having trouble with my soundcard and ive tried most of the things in those links and it still wont work.  Anyone else have a suggestion to try?06:38
killermachYorokobi, ok .. I figured it out.. Select Master Channel needed to be Analog front, thanks for you input06:39
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GrahamDoes anybody know how to execute commands from a shell?06:40
Level15Graham: what do you mean???06:40
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YorokobiGraham, um, type the name of the command ... ?06:40
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aphonisGraham: is there something specific you are trying to do?06:41
Grahamscreen -d -m su -l et -c etded06:41
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GrahamWorks when I run it from console, but when I run it from a script it doesn't work.06:41
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aphonisare you sure you got the path to perl correct in your include?06:42
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GrahamNo I'm not.06:42
Yorokobiaphonis, where does perl fit in there? Graham is it a perl script or shell script?06:43
aphonisGraham: yeah i was just assuming perl06:43
GrahamShell, lemme pastebin it for you.06:43
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GrahamDone: http://pastebin.com/m596e835b06:44
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GrahamThat's not right.06:45
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aphonisdid you chmod it to give it exec?06:45
GrahamThe script runs, because it echos that command.06:46
GrahamI mean echo's that text "ET is running."06:46
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jouleshey guys .. so i found out kde was not for me ... i had it on ubuntu i uninstalled it but somehow my amarok is still showing the mac-style bar anyone knows how to fix this?06:46
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pagGraham, try using /bin/bash instedad of /bin/sh06:46
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aphonistry /bin/bash06:46
aphonishey! no fair06:46
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BluesKajjoules , maybe the #ubuntu channel is better for you , this is kubuntu where ppl actually like KDE06:47
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joulesah .. nobody will help me there!06:47
pagjoules, install kcontrol (it'll pull some depencies - nevermind them, remove them afterwards) navigate to Desktop -> behaviour06:47
pagjoules, ...and disable 'mac-style bar'06:48
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GrahamNever worked.06:48
GrahamLemme try something.06:48
joulesyeah i was going for that option if nobody knew i just dfidnt want to install all of kde and then uninstall again06:49
joulesbut thanks!06:49
aphonisi don't see it working if you don't chmod it06:49
GrahamIf I take the screen bit off it works.06:49
joulesi guess kde loves are much nicer than gnome06:49
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Yorokobijoules, make the switch. Drop Gnome.06:49
Level15joules: my guess is you can do it w/o installing kde06:49
c2c2rock< xfce4 kde 3.5 and gnome mixed desktop on mandriva looking to do the same with kubuntu06:50
jouleshaha i'like kde its just that running gnome and kde at the same time annoys me because it gives me so many apps...06:50
caboose_1980does anybody have firefox 1.5 for konsole?06:50
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Level15caboose_1980: what is that?06:51
pagLevel15, joules; it can also be done by removing some configuration files from ~/.kde/share/config/  but since I have no idea which ones, I didn't start to guess06:51
doug_hey could someone help me with java?06:51
sdlnxgkdoes anyone know  where I can get samples of xorg.conf files to find out why my SLI is not being seen in nvidia-xconfig..06:51
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caboose_1980oh nvm06:51
pag!java | doug_06:51
ubotudoug_: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.06:51
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Yorokobijoules, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/18/removing-kde-icons-in-gnome-remove-gnome-icons-in-kde/06:51
doug_pag: i installed rpm and then tried to do the rpm installation but it didn't go through do you want the output?06:52
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joulesyeah i did come across that ill do it some time im bored06:52
pagdoug_, don't touch .rpm's for the sake of your system :P06:52
caboose_1980no codes for konsole?06:52
caboose_1980downloads i mean06:53
joulesYorokobi: do you know if it shows firefox/thunderbird/pidgin and all those apps in both?06:53
doug_pag: lol i'm going to paste the output to make sure i'm not screwed06:53
Level15caboose_1980: i don't understand what you are asking...06:53
pagdoug_, enable multiverse and command  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre06:53
caboose_1980then nevermind06:53
Yorokobijoules, I don't. Let me ask Zelut ... 1m06:53
joulesi like the kde environment much more but i dont like kopete06:53
doug_root@doug-laptop:/usr/java# rpm -iv jre*.rpm > /home/doug/Desktop/log.txt06:53
doug_error: Failed dependencies:06:53
sdlnxgkanyone using SLI and wish to share there xorg.conf file??06:53
doug_        /bin/basename is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:53
doug_        /bin/cat is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:53
doug_        /bin/cp is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:53
pag!multiverse | doug_06:53
ubotudoug_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:53
joulesand all those little kprograms06:53
doug_        /bin/gawk is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:53
doug_        /bin/grep is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
doug_        /bin/ln is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:54
pag!paste | doug_06:54
ubotudoug_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:54
doug_        /bin/ls is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
joulesdont get me wrong there are some games and amarok that are amazing06:54
doug_        /bin/mkdir is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
doug_        /bin/mv is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
doug_        /bin/pwd is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
aphonisdoug_: please stop06:54
doug_        /bin/rm is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
doug_        /bin/sed is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
doug_        /bin/sort is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
Yorokobi!spam | doug_06:54
ubotudoug_: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)06:54
doug_        /bin/touch is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
doug_        /usr/bin/cut is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
doug_        /usr/bin/dirname is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
randyoh jesus06:54
doug_        /usr/bin/expr is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:54
randyi yhink hes lagging06:54
aphonis!paste | doug_06:55
ubotudoug_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:55
doug_        /usr/bin/find is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:55
doug_        /usr/bin/tail is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:55
doug_        /usr/bin/tr is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:55
doug_        /usr/bin/wc is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:55
doug_        /bin/sh is needed by jre-1.6.0_02-fcs.i58606:55
doug_pag: sorry06:55
doug_all: sorry06:55
doug_I wasn't spamming i didn't know how to do pastebin please stop attacking me i heard it already 10 times06:55
Grahamdoug_: Don't spam.06:55
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pagdoug_, did you get the message about multiverse?06:55
doug_what is it pag?06:55
GrahamI want to know! What message about multiverse?06:56
Level15ssh tunneling is cool...06:56
doug_Graham:  I just told you i didn't spam and if it was it was on accident06:56
pagdoug_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:56
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Yorokobijoules, yeah, the solution Zelut has on his blog will remove comman apps from one of the environments (if not both)06:57
Silent_Ghello, can someone tell me how can change permisions of a removable device in a GUI a program instead of console?06:57
doug_pag: thanks, but could someone help me with my output? because it's saying it can't find a whole bunch of folders in /bin/06:57
Yorokobijoules, he adds:  If you'd like the common apps still shared just06:58
Yorokobi                          remove the OnlyShowIn= option in the .desktop file06:58
pag!rpm | doug_06:58
aphonisSilent_G: right click on it select properties and then permissions06:58
ubotudoug_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)06:58
Yorokobist00pid line break06:58
Silent_Gaphonis, yeah but only root can modify them :S06:58
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doug_what's all this exclamation points and "|"s?06:58
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pagdoug_, the way to tell ubotu to tell you about something06:59
pag!ubotu | doug_06:59
ubotudoug_: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:59
joulespag: yeah it worked as i suspected thanks!06:59
doug_pag: thanks06:59
aphonisSilent_G: kdesu konqueror in konsole07:00
doug_pag: when i do it in Adept, java 6 fails07:00
joulesYorokobi: thanks i guess i will look into it more i just wish the default for ubuntu was kde, but w.e thanks again07:00
pagdoug_, iirc java shouldn't be installed through adept07:00
rjbpag: whynot?07:00
doug_use the tar file then?07:00
Grahamdoug_: It was a joke :)07:01
Yorokobijoules, the default for Ubuntu is KDE if you use the Kubuntu ISO :)07:01
Level15i installed using adept...07:01
galathalionwhat program do i use to play a cd?07:01
doug_Graham: no problem07:01
pagdoug_, just open konsole, and type: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre07:01
galathalioni tried KsCD but it went fubar07:01
Silent_Gaphonis, i opened it with sudo konqueror, is it the same?07:01
aphonisSilent_G: yeah07:02
pagLevel15, rjb; oh, it's working nowdays? Great to hear that - I remembered that it stucks at the license07:02
dr_willisusing 'sudo konqueror' is not a good idea.07:02
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dr_willisif you must run the filemanager as 'root' be sure to close it out as soon as you are done doing the root needing tasks.07:02
Level15pag: i think... but now i'm not so sure... maybe i did it on the konsole07:02
aphonisdr_willis: he wants to change permissions of a device with konqueror, not many other options07:02
dr_willisa device? what device?07:02
aphonisdr_willis: who knows07:03
Minatakulo, dr_willis07:03
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joulesYorokobi: fine ill do the switch within the next few weeks :-P07:03
dr_willisi constantly see people asking how to do somthing.. and they are approaching the 'real' problem wrongly.07:03
doug_pag: it says i already have it? lol07:03
GrahamDoes anybody here play enemy territory?07:03
dr_willishay Minataku  - I got about 40lb of books  on amiga programing/hardware specs and so forth.. :) i just found.07:03
pagdoug_, then it should probably work - restart your browser and enjoy07:04
aphonisdr_willis: yeah, i feel the best thing is to show how to do what they are asking the way they want to....and then they can learn from their mistakes07:04
joulesits so sweet to have amarok being cool and not a weirdo among my apps :)07:04
rjbdoug_: which browser?07:04
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dr_willisaphonis,  classic case. people trying to chmod/chown /media/windowsdrive :)07:04
Minatakudr_willis: Heh, way too much for me to foot shipping on that, now07:04
doug_rjb: firefox07:04
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aphonisdr_willis: indeed07:04
rjbok, then restart and should work07:04
dr_willisMinataku,  im not even sure how much it would cost.  suppose i could check some time. 10th class. :) heh07:04
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MinatakuA lot, trust me07:05
Silent_Gaphonis, still its giving me an error, Could not change permissions for /media/CANON_DC07:05
galathalionmy cd-driver doesnt work. how do i fix it?07:05
rjb(java is on by default in firefox)07:05
dr_willisIm trying to get things sorted out and cleaned out.  Collecting up packing materials at work when i can find it also.07:05
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randyWhen I open my alsamixer (sound still not working) it says "View: [Playback]  Capture All"  How do I make it View All?07:05
Mikey1310hi can anybody help me run the live CD07:05
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rjb(otoh java behaves weirdly in feisty's konqueror)07:07
doug_thank you all!07:07
rjb(but maybe just for me cause i've asked about it like 50 times on this channel, to no response)07:07
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Level15rjb: it works fine for me... even on amd6407:08
rjbLevel15: i didn't say it doesn't work07:10
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rjbwhat happens is konq switches off support for java applets every time i close an applet07:10
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Level15rjb: ok, it works not weirdly for me :)07:11
nachogood morning07:11
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rjbi mean te toggle in Tools: HTML settings: Java goes to off07:11
rjband i have to switch it back on manually every time i want to load an applet07:11
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pagnacho, good $timeOfTheDay to you too :)07:12
Level15rjb: lol! that's weird... maybe it's a file permission issue with your konq config file? (just guessing)07:12
nachoi have istaled kubuntu07:12
nachobut i want install apache207:12
Apollo_Will--some time in the far future--WINE be perfect in a way that you can run any windows program without it crashing or letting you question the meaning of life? Any thoughts?07:12
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pag!lamp | nacho07:13
ubotunacho: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:13
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nachobut /etc/apache207:13
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nachonot contains httpd.conf07:13
Level15[Apollo] : dunno about wine, but i saw some promising OS project which aims at full binary compatibility with Windows07:14
Yorokobinacho, it is called apache2.conf07:14
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randysay i wanna edit a file from the console, is there a command similar to gedit?07:15
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Sannerandy: kate07:16
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nachoyes, but i type apache2ctl test and apache2 have a erros07:16
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pag!nano | randy07:16
uboturandy: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code07:16
nachothe https.conf, not exist07:16
Yorokobinacho, apache2ctl is /etc/init.d/apache2 (start|stop|reload) in Debian-based distros07:17
aphonisdon't forget about pico07:17
pagaphonis, pico is just a symlink to nano by default07:17
nachothe service is running but not in execution07:17
aphonispag: realy!?07:17
aphonisi didn't know that07:17
pagaphonis, when I type pico in my konsole, it reads "GNU nono" at the top, so I guess it is a symlink07:18
pagnano even :P07:18
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aphoniswild...i guess i never paid attention07:19
rjb[Apollo] : not likely i tink07:19
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pagaphonis, and by the way: so seems to be the case with vi too, it's symlinked to vim07:20
nachosudo apache2ctl configtest07:21
Yorokobinacho, 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 configtest'07:21
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CS5I am trying to run a game using wine and I get the output found in this pastebin...http://pastebin.com/m1d4a5874 Could anyone help please.07:23
=== genii sips a coffee and thinks about GNU no-nos
nachoapache2: Syntax error on line 189 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: No such file or directory07:24
TopsunCSS: do you have the direct rendering driver installed?07:25
geniinacho Is line189 just some "include" line or similar?07:26
Lynourenacho: does it not exist or are the permissions just too tight? If former, reninstalling would work. Or you can get copy of mine.07:26
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Yorokobinacho, either run 'sudo touch /etc/apache2/httpd.conf' or remove line 189 from /etc/apache2/apache2.conf07:26
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Topsunshouldn't the httpd.conf be empty?07:27
YorokobiTopsun, yep07:27
geniiYorokobi: Yes, since the httpd.conf is more or less a placeholder now07:27
mray is there a way to re-write the fstab automatically (repeating the dection algorythms of the installer)?07:27
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CS5Topsun: I am not sure, 1 moment.07:27
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nachoapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName07:28
TheCreationistIs there any way to move free space from partition #4 to partition #1 without reformatting everything?07:29
Yorokobinacho, that's typical and shouldn't stop Apache from starting07:29
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nachoi remove line 18907:29
mrayTheCreationist: I think you can do that with gparted.07:29
CS5Topsun: I have libdrm installed.07:30
nachohttp://localhost/ does not work07:30
jhutchins_ltYou know, if he has 188 lines in httpd.conf, he's probably not working with the conf.d model, but with one that wants an actual .conf file.07:30
fdovingTheCreationist: as mray says, check out the gparted livecd, it's a 50MB iso download. google for gparted live07:30
jhutchins_ltnacho: Next time don't delete, comment it out.07:30
CS5and libgl1- GLX and DRI07:30
Yorokobijhutchins_lt, 188+ lines in apache2.conf07:30
TopsunCSS: no i mean somthing like the ati fglrx driver or the nvidia driver07:30
nachoyes only coment07:30
CS5Oh yes07:30
jhutchins_ltnacho: Does /var/log/httpd/errors.log (or something like it) have anything useful?07:31
CS5ATI fglrx working great other than this.07:31
Yorokobinacho, did you start Apache? or did you get the error from the configtest only?07:31
jhutchins_ltdoes httpd -t return anything useful?07:31
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nachoi can't start07:31
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Yorokobinacho, it won't start because of the ServerName warning?07:32
Yorokobinacho, or is there something else?07:32
TopsunCSS: try 'glxinfo |grep direct' in a console07:32
geniino server name/IP to latch onto would be my first guess07:32
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nachothe service is running but not in ejcution07:33
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CS5topsun i got this output Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".07:33
CS5direct rendering: No07:33
CS5OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect07:33
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TopsunCSS: then you don't have 3d accelleration :/07:34
TheCreationistmray, fdoving:  GParted will let me do that?  Seems like I would have to move partitions 2-4 further back on the drive in order to add space to #1.07:34
CS5topsun, oic, can you help with that?07:34
TopsunCSS: check '/var/log/Xorg.0.log' for errors and warnings07:35
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fdovingTheCreationist: not 100% sure, but your best shot is the gparted livecd in any case.07:36
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TopsunTheCreationist: depends on the partition type07:36
[Apollo] <Level15> [Apollo] : dunno about wine, but i saw some promising OS project which aims at full binary compatibility with Windows <-- you still know what it's called?07:37
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TheCreationistWell, it turns out I would need to backup some 15GB of data first... and I don't have a DVD burner.  So I'm just stuck with the partitions the way they are.07:37
jhutchins_ltTheCreationist: Doing that kind of work without backups is a bad idea anyway.  You could accidentally loose it.07:38
Level15[Apollo] : no, but maybe i can find it... let me check07:38
TheCreationistjhutchins_lt: Exactly why I'm not going to try it.  I didn't realize I had that much data to backup.07:38
Sanne[Apollo] : there's ReactOS, mean that one?07:38
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CS5topsun, can I pastebin you this to look at, there is  a few things that look like they could be the issue.07:38
TheCreationistjhutchins_lt: Although, I should back that stuff up anyway... but have no idea how to do so without using a ton of CDs or buying a DVD burner.07:39
Level15[Apollo] : http://www.reactos.org/en/index.html07:39
TopsunCSS, ok07:39
Level15yes, that one07:39
jhutchins_ltTheCreationist: HD's are cheap enough now you might just want to get a spare next time they're on sale - do an image backup to it and you're all set.07:39
TheCreationistjhutchins_lt: Yeah, that's not a bad idea.07:39
Yorokobi[Apollo] , another alternative to Wine is Cedega but, IIRC, it is designed primarily for games07:40
TheCreationistjhutchins_lt: Of course, my last backup drive completely failed and I lost everything on it.... my BIOS doesn't even recognize it any more.07:40
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CS5topsun, i have lots of wacom errors near the end and warnings about the fglrx07:40
YorokobiCS5, you can safely ignore the wacom junk in the Xorg log07:40
Yorokobi... unless you have a wacom device :)07:41
TopsunCS5: let's see the fglrx errors (for wacon you can comment out the drivers if you don't have such a device)07:41
randyAHHHH!! *just about blew out his own ear drums*07:41
randy...WOOO SOUND WORKS!07:41
CS5gonna paste them all, 1 minute.07:42
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randyi think some of my fish died of shock though >_>07:42
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jhutchins_ltYorokobi: iirc wine, cedega, and Crossover Office all use the same codebase.07:44
CS5Topsun, http://pastebin.com/m2f7edd1207:44
Yorokobijhutchins_lt, that sounds right.07:45
CS5Topsun, those are taken from all over in the log, in order but lots of info in between I didn't add. If you need more just holla07:45
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przemek_have problem help me ?07:47
TopsunCS5: no, that's enough from this file but let me see your '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'07:47
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Topsunprzemek_: don't say that you hav a problem just say your problem ^^07:48
przemek_X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16607:48
przemek_  Major opcode:  14507:48
przemek_  Minor opcode:  307:48
przemek_  Resource id:  0x007:48
przemek_Failed to open device07:48
przemek_X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16607:48
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Topsunprzemek_: you have to use pastebin07:49
CS5topsun, http://pastebin.com/m7914536e07:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:49
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ubotuIf you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors07:49
przemek_help me07:49
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pagprzemek_, see what ubotu just said07:49
przemek_help me plx07:49
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CS5przemek, be patient someone will help when they can.07:50
CS5przemek, sometimes it takes a bit but they will....Word07:50
przemek_duzo nie rozumiem07:51
przemek_moze jakis polak07:51
pag!pl | przemek_07:51
ubotuprzemek_: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl07:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uif - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:51
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:52
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ufo123przemek_: co ci nie dziaa?07:52
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Silent_Ghelp, im tryin to open adept and its saying database is locked and  i dont have anything opened i even reboot my pc...07:55
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Yorokobi!fix adept | Silent_G07:57
ubotuSilent_G: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 07:57
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Silent_Gthankz :)07:57
TopsunCS5: do you really use the big desktop feature of the ati driver?07:57
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ttansomeone can help me with asus wl-138g v2??07:58
CS5topsun, Well, if I could get the dual support without it I wouldnt but I really do need two monitors, yes. If I can get the 3d working by removing one though I would.07:58
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TopsunCS5: afaik the drivers do not support 3d acceleration with two monitors or at least not on both of them07:59
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sjckTopsun that gtkradiand-guy? :o08:00
Topsunsjck: yes :)08:00
CS5Topsun, so if I go back to one monitor I can enable the 3d with my current driver config?08:00
sjckhey, remember me? ;)08:00
Topsunsjck: of course missed you at ld channel ;)08:00
sjckwhat was the name again?08:01
[Apollo] Level15: TY08:01
Topsunwith dash08:01
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TopsunCS5: i think so08:02
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CS5topsun, I'll give it a whirl08:02
CS5topsun, ty08:02
TopsunCS5: ok08:02
CS5I hate ATI08:03
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TopsunCS5: it's a little bit tricky and they could make better drivers :)08:04
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CS5Topsun, I know, I really like the card, but they dont support linux as well as they could.08:05
TopsunCS5: yeah, that's right08:06
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sparrwIs there any text editor that will open new documents in an existing copy of the program if one exists *on the current desktop*, otherwise start a new instance?08:08
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CS5sparrw, gedit will08:10
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CS5sparrw, just click open and it will open in a new tab08:10
Yorokobias will kate and vim08:10
sparrwYorokobi: kate will not.08:10
sparrwplease note the **'d requirement08:10
radioaktivstormhello, how do i install a theme? compiling doesnt seem to work. do i have unsatisfied dependencies or something?08:11
Yorokobisparrw, it works that way for me08:11
sparrwwhat version of kate?08:11
CS5sparrw me too08:11
sparrwim using 2.5.608:12
sparrwmaybe i should upgrade08:12
sparrwive wanted that feature for a long time08:12
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DjDarkmanhello, why is gwenview the default image viewer for kubuntu?08:12
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vzduchDjDarkman: why not? :)08:13
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DjDarkmanvzduch: try to load a 30MB picture and you`ll se why not08:13
vzduchbeen there, done that.. other image viewers will hardly be faster08:13
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sparrwwhat are the options involved in getting it to behave like that, instead of always opening a new instance or always using the existing instance?08:14
vzduchexcept they make compromises w/ rendering08:14
DjDarkmankview can load an image like that in seconds08:14
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rjbDjDarkman: so install and use kview, no one will prevent you08:15
sparrwwhy is g-anything a default over k-anything in kubuntu?  :)08:15
DjDarkmanyeah :D08:16
mipsI'm trying to run ./buildset to get new icons but I keep on getting "Convert not found in path" ?08:16
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sparrwDjDarkman: i think there are other channels for discussing the default-ness of packages like that.  ubuntu-motu or similar08:16
mipsAny ideas08:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dictionary - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:16
angasulehmm, any decent english-italian or spanish-italian dictionary?08:16
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sparrwangasule: google language tools isnt horrible08:17
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angasulesparrw: that appears to be a translator, I'm looking for a dictionary, an offline dictionary08:18
sparrwyour local bookstore or library surely has something08:18
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angasulesparrw: they don't sell software08:19
grultry aptitude search dict08:19
angasuledon't know about you, but I don't flip pages as fast as I can type ;)08:19
grulp   dict                            - Dictionary Client08:19
radioaktivstormhello, how do i install a theme? compiling doesnt seem to work. do i have unsatisfied dependencies or something?08:19
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sparrwangasule: an offline translation dictionary, in software?  thats pretty niche.08:20
angasulesparrw: uh? niche? are you from the USA or what?08:20
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sparrwangasule: when are you at your computer but not online?  even in america, with the worst internet penetration in the first world, that seems rare08:22
angasulesparrw: I'm not in the first world08:22
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angasulesparrw: in any case, the problem is not access, but latency, online dictionaries are slow08:25
Level15i'm  back08:26
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jhutchins_ltangasule: babelfish08:27
jhutchins_ltangasule: babelfish08:28
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angasulejhutchins_lt: is that not an online translator?08:29
jhutchins_ltangasule: Yes, it is, and I see you want off-line.08:29
jhutchins_ltangasule: Most of those are going to be commercial/windows.08:29
angasuleand a dictionary08:29
angasuletranslator != dictionary08:29
jhutchins_ltangasule: Linux is very much an on-line phenomenon.08:29
doug_wow question?  why don't ubuntu people like rpm?  it's unsafe and dangerous whatever, i understand, but I want to install novell groupwise and everywhere i look it keeps telling me to download more packages, but it never works08:30
grulaptitude install dict08:30
jussi01doug_: ubuntu uses .debs a different package system08:30
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)08:30
doug_jussi01:  been there, tapped the !rpm before thank you08:31
jhutchins_ltdoug_: It's just two different ways of doing things.  Some things apt/deb is better than rpm, some things rpm is better.08:31
jussi01doug_: and? its true, go grab alie, convert the deb, and hey presto...08:31
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jhutchins_ltdoug_: In your case (as in most) the trick is to get the right repositories for the packages you want.08:31
doug_well i have an rpm file, how do i install it so i can use groupwise software?  they only have rpms08:31
jhutchins_lt!find groupwise08:32
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angasulegrul: where is the italian-english or italian-spanish dictionary for that, though?08:32
ubotuFound: libegroupwise1.2-13, libegroupwise1.2-dev08:32
doug_jussio1: what's alie?08:32
jussi01alien, sorry08:32
jussi01!info alien08:32
ubotualien: install non-native packages with dpkg. In component main, is optional. Version 8.65 (feisty), package size 101 kB, installed size 276 kB08:32
rrbizsomeone know how i can get the kde1 window decoration which isn't on kubuntu for some reason ?08:32
jhutchins_ltI would not try to do groupwise with alien.08:32
grulangasule, dict-freedict-ita-eng08:32
grulangasule, dict-freedict-eng-ita08:32
jhutchins_ltdoug_: I would look for info on installing it on debian first.08:32
angasulegrul: will those be loaded by dictd automatically?08:32
grulangasule, oh, italian-spanish08:33
jhutchins_ltNovell would much preferr that you bought SuSE instead.08:33
grulangasule, i don't know, i've never used it08:33
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angasulegrul: same deal, I'm fluent in english and spanish08:33
doug_jhutchins_lt:  so ubuntu is debian kind of?08:33
aphonisit is based on debian08:33
doug_thank you guys so much, lol.  came right up08:34
angasulegrul: so you are recommending me to install two separate packages but you have no idea if they work together? thanks but I'd rather not pollute my computer with the zillion half-assed dictionaries around until I find the right one...08:34
grulangasule, yes08:34
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doug_how do i remove all those packages i didn't need though? lol08:34
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doug_apt-get install GnuC++3.3?08:36
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ddarkare you guys morons?08:36
ddarkwho is giving angasule problems?08:37
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angasuleddark: yes, they are, and don't bother :)08:37
ddarkI'm bored08:37
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GrahamHow can I encode ogg?08:38
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radioaktivstormrrbiz, try right clicking on a window border somewhere at the top and selecting window behaviour....should open right up08:39
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radioaktivstormor use kcontrol. its in there somewhere08:40
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radioaktivstormso can anyone tell me why *everything* i try to compile fails?08:41
radioaktivstormi must be missing some packages or something08:41
rrbizradioaktivstorm: right, but i'm missing kde1 and CDE window decorations08:41
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radioaktivstormrrbiz, hmmm have you tried looking on http://kde-look.org08:42
angasulerrbiz: out of curiosity, why do you want those? masochism? retro? :)08:42
doug_it's not working08:42
radioaktivstormyou might be able to find them there i suppose08:42
rjbradioaktivstorm: how about telling us a specific error message08:42
jhutchins_ltGraham: oggenc?08:42
rjbotherwise it's pretty hopeless08:43
radioaktivstormrjb, alright lemme find something for you. one sec.08:43
angasulerrbiz: odd, I'm on feisty, and I see CDE and KDE1 both available08:43
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rrbizthis is 7.04 doesn't come on here by default, i just like those box'y looking decorators, yeah looked on kde-look.org, i think there's a kde package suffix arts or so08:44
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doug_anyone know novell?08:44
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Lynouredoug_: if you mean a person with nickname novell, no. If you mean the company, yes.08:46
jussi01doug_: you still need help with groupwise? http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Groupwise08:46
doug_thanks jussi0108:46
jussi01doug_: as I said earlier, use alien. ;)08:47
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doug_jussi01: it never said install complete, but i tried using alien and the process froze (no output) so i did CTRL+C and it stopped, but now there are desktop shortcuts and everything.  i hope it isn't corrupt08:48
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jussi01doug_: alien can take a while08:48
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doug_jussi01:  well i'm going to uninstall everything, and reinstall to be safe.  should i wait until i get a new prompt before hitting CTRL+C next time?08:50
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jussi01doug_: yes, t can take several minutes...08:50
doug_jussi01: thanks!08:50
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joe4288hi guys08:51
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joe4288im having a little trouble08:51
jussi01joe4288: whats up?08:51
joe4288i dont know whats causeing it but ill be doing something (in kde) and all of a sudden i will just log out08:51
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joe4288the mouse cursor will dissapear08:52
radioaktivstormrjb... well that was nice to know....i ran the pidgin congfigure to see what would happen...evidently i dont have GLib which i assume would be the problem....08:52
Hail_Spacecakehas anyone here used zsnes on kubuntu?08:52
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joe4288and ill have to go to a console screen some times (with F1 or one of the other FX keys) ill have to bring up a console and restart startx08:52
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joe4288no fun :(08:53
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jussi01joe4288: I have no idea what could cause that08:53
joe4288me neither08:53
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joe4288at first i thought it was a java problem because it would always come up when i was on ebay08:54
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joe4288but earlyier i was looking on the unbuntu wiki about putting berly on and it happened08:54
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joe4288well lets start with the cursor because with i log off for a diffrenet user or kde does it froceably i loose my cursor08:55
joe4288the mouse still works but the cursor cant been seen08:56
joe4288any ideas?08:56
doug_jussi01: would it be a good idea to keep gawk, liboop4, lsh-client, lsh-utils, and textutils?08:56
radioaktivstormwhat exactly do i need to properly compile an application that i would need to install on a newly ubuntufied box?08:56
jussi01doug_: leave then on there08:56
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doug_jussi01: thanks08:57
jussi01radioaktivstorm: the deps as well as build-essential08:57
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GrahamCould anybody tell me why soundkonverter won't work encode ogg vorbis correctly?08:57
radioaktivstormthanks jussi01 :)08:57
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jussi01radioaktivstorm: there mabe other stuff like autotools, but I would need to see the package to tell you...08:58
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thomasdon't know what i'll do here08:58
joe4288wheres the file for gub that decides what to boot08:58
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:58
doug_can i view a package install history for apt?08:59
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joe4288because i need to make this computer boot windows default08:59
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jussi01doug_: yes, in adept, but i forget where08:59
doug_jussi01: ok08:59
thrillais there a way to verify my dvd burned correctly?08:59
M_A_KAnybody know of a small handheld device that has ethernet and can telnet to a server?08:59
ubotuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more08:59
radioaktivstormjussi01: ah, well i have to get back to work now...but i will try playing around with the ones you suggested08:59
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M_A_KI wah hoping that my phone might be able to Treo 700p, but no.09:00
jussi01radioaktivstorm: ok, good luck. what are you compiling btw?09:00
radioaktivstormjussi01, i wanted to compile a new theme for kde and pidgin09:01
jussi01radioaktivstorm: ok. it will spout errors if your missing something09:01
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rjbradioaktivstorm: you generally need packages of the libraries being used with the suffix -dev09:01
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rjbas in: libglib2.0-dev09:02
thrillaone small problem09:02
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thrillai had to reformat my hdd09:02
jriachiradioaktivstorm: does it gives you errors on ./configure or on make?09:02
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OuZohow do i close open ports? thanks09:03
radioaktivstormjriachi yup, threw glib missing on configure of pidgin09:03
thrillaso can i check the disc without redownloading?09:03
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radioaktivstormso i assumed i needed to find that...09:03
joe4288what do i have to add to the windows info in grub menu.lst to make it defualt?09:04
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radioaktivstormalright, well thanks rjb, jussi01, jriachi! ill try compiling later tonight. ciao!09:05
thrillaso no way to check for errors after burning the disc?09:06
astanhey. when i upgraded edgy to feisty, the frequency indicators for my CPU cores in kpowermanager started to show 0 Mhz instead of 2000 Mhz.. this happened to anyone else?09:06
thrillathe check disk for errors on the live cd doesn't work BTW09:06
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joe4288well any 1? (what do i have to add to the windows info in the grub menu.lst to make it defualt)09:07
M_A_KAnybody know of a handheld with builtin ethernet?09:08
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compilerwriterIs there a way for two seperate terminals to access the same win session?09:09
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compilerwriterM_A_K not built in ethernet but wi-fi yes.09:10
M_A_KI need something that has the ability to use hardwire and telnet to an accespoint.09:11
M_A_KMany have wifi.09:11
M_A_Ksome do not.09:11
compilerwriterYou might be able to get a usb to ethernet adapter type thing to work with it, but I know of 0, nada, zip, zilch, bubkis handhelds that have a builtin cable hookup for ethernet.09:12
Eyelessis it hard to run 32 bit apps in kubuntu if you run everything else in 64bit?09:12
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wsjuniorEyeless: depends on you09:13
wsjuniori would say its not trivial09:14
Eyelesswell, im quite goot at poking at my sytem and what not09:14
Eyelessi used to run gentoo for about 2 years09:14
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wsjuniorits quite easy to do that in gentoo09:14
Eyelessbut i have only one year of kubuntu behind me09:14
thrillawould you guys recommend the dvd or cd version of kubuntu?09:15
wsjuniorthrilla: cd09:15
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thrillathe dam cd better install this time wsjunior09:15
elite_101wow that was weird it didnt let me use my nick name elite101? now its underscore?09:15
thrillabefore it was giving some kind of irq error09:16
thrillaand wouldn't find my hdd09:16
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wsjuniorEyeless: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/53409:17
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wsjuniorEyeless: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457509:17
wsjuniorEyeless: take a look at those links09:17
Eyelesswell, i might just wait then, but what other than flash and some codecs need 32 bit atm?09:17
Eyelesswsjunior: thanks09:17
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wsjuniorDon't hope forever to have flash and java plugins for amd64, try to install a 32bit system09:18
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thrillamy processor is an intel pentium D, 32 bit or 64 bit versions?09:19
NightBirdthrilla: have you googled it?09:19
wsjuniormy choice would be 32 bit09:19
DaSkreechCan I use konqueror to pull all the sub pages of a folder on a website ?09:19
persenhi, i've just installed my new lcd tv (full hd, 1920x1080), it works out of the box but it is running at the settings i had my monitor i think. How can i make it run in 1920x1080 @ 100hz?09:20
wsjuniorDaSkreech: use wget to do it09:20
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NightBird32 bit is the most used... 64 bit is sometimes finiky09:20
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DaSkreechYeah I was just thinking of that but thought there might be a GUI way09:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fullhd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:22
thrillaso i need to run cpuid?09:22
DaSkreechwsjunior: Hmm any tips on parameters to run?09:22
DaSkreechIt just pulled the default page09:23
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thrillait says09:24
GrahamDoes anybody know how to set mime types?09:25
thrillaintel pentium D 2800 mhz09:25
niko_1983ubuntu italian channel?09:25
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:25
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thrillastill not sure09:26
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ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects09:26
wsjuniorDaSkreech: try -r and -A options09:26
persenWhat is the "new" xfree86 project called?09:27
perseni remember they forked the codebaes09:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mimetypes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mime - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:27
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luca__hi everyone09:28
luca__does anyone here have any opinions about gutsy vs. feisty? :)09:28
thrillaanyone know if my processor is 32 or 64 bit?09:28
NightBirdthrilla: google it09:28
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jhutchins_ltluca__: How so?09:28
thrillai did09:28
jhutchins_ltluca__: Feisty is released, Gutsy is in testing.09:29
thrillastill don't have a clear answer09:29
jhutchins_ltthrilla: cat /proc/cpuinfo or load cpuid.09:29
NightBirdthrilla: because some versions supported 64 bit while others didn't?09:29
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luca__eh I know but some things in Feisty are not that stable :P09:29
luca__such as suspension and knetworkmanager09:30
thrillaand cpu-z didn't tell me either09:30
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Raystlin_FMthrilla: which processor number is it?09:30
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jhutchins_ltluca__: *buntu is still *buntu, just different versions.09:30
gdholdinghi leute09:30
jhutchins_ltluca__: gutsy is not relesed yet, it is unstable and in testing.09:30
thrillaintel pentium D 82009:30
gdholdingich htte da eine frage09:30
jhutchins_ltluca__: If you want to know about specific chages, read the changelog and ask in #ubuntu+109:30
jhutchins_ltgdholding: Wir sprechen kein Deutsch.09:31
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:31
gdholdingich hap den lampp laufen und wollte eine dateifragabe machen09:31
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luca__thanks jhutchins_lt09:32
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thrillafor instructions it lists, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3 and wn64t09:32
Raystlin_FMthrilla: it appears to be 64-bit... here's the brief from Intel's site... http://www.intel.com/products/processor/pentium_d/prodbrief800.pdf09:32
DaSkreechthrilla: what CPU?09:32
thrillaintel pentium D 82009:33
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DaSkreechYeah  It's 64 bit09:34
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thrillaso i should grab the 64 bit version of kubuntu?09:34
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jhutchins_ltthrilla: if you don't even know whether your CPU is 64b or not, you will want to stick with the 32b install and not try to figure out how to make things work for the 64b version.09:35
thrillacause my windows xp pro i am running now is 32 bit09:35
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thrillaok, so the 32 bit cd is the safe bet09:36
thrillanow if i can just make the dam thing install09:37
thrillaprevious burns i think were bad09:37
NightBirdthrilla: 32 bit should work fine.  you can run a cd check to make sure it's a valid burn as well...09:39
thrillathey wouldn't even load that part NB09:39
jhutchins_ltIf you get into applications where you really need 64bit, you'll probably have a better idea what you need.09:39
thrillakept complaining about some irq 177 error09:39
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thrillaand wouldn't go past that part in the install09:39
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thrillaso i had to reformat the drive09:41
thrillai split it into two 50 GB partitions09:41
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persenfrom my /var/log/Xorg.0.log, "Ranges: V min: 49  V max: 61 Hz, H min: 15  H max: 68 kHz, PixClock max 230 MHz" What does PixClock mean? Should i take it into consideration when writing the xorg conf file?09:42
jhutchins_ltpersen: pixel clock.09:43
jhutchins_ltpersen: You should probably study the xorg docs extensively first.09:43
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persenWhy? i just need to get xorg to display at 1920x1080 @ 100 hz09:44
persenDo i have to read a full docbook first to manage that ?09:44
persenI have changed resolutions that way earlier09:44
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thrillatrying to use a lcd tv as your monitor?09:45
jhutchins_ltYou know most LCD's have fixed resolutions, right?09:46
thrillaand its usually 60 hz, not 10009:46
persenmy tv can display 100hz09:47
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killermikepersen: I've had good luck with this modeline generator - http://www.bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/09:48
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thrilla3 mins left on download09:49
thrillaand this time i am going to check it with md509:49
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thrillaafter all, i only got a 100 pack of cd-r ya know09:49
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miles!find java09:50
ubotuFound: gcj, gcj-4.1, gij, gij-4.1, java-common (and 272 others)09:50
replmanI'm wondering why all processes in linux grow and grow and grow (memory). Firefox uses 510mb, eclipse 1,4gb, adept_manager 371mb, kopete 450mb?, konqueror 250mb09:51
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replmancurrently 2,5gb of the memory are allocated09:51
jussi01!java | miles:09:52
ubotumiles:: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.09:52
persenkillermike, Can i screw up my TV if i set wrong parameters ?09:52
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killermikepersen: Pass. Maybe you can look up the model number to see what other people have done.09:53
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replmanWhat is the difference between virtual, reserved and shared memory?09:53
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milescould someone point me into the right direction of java's home if you use the ubuntu repositories to get sun-java6-jdk?09:54
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jussi01miles: what are you trying to do?09:55
milesrun jboss09:55
milesi cant find where the bin directory is...or the jdk directory for that matter09:55
milesi thought packages got DL'ed to /var/lib09:55
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jussi01miles: might be in usr, cant remember09:56
jussi01mile you sure you need jdk? not sun-java6-jre?09:56
replmanmiles: try "which java"09:56
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replmanmiles: here it is "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-"09:57
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milesah yes, thanks a lot guys09:57
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thrillathe md5 hash check was ok09:58
thrillanow burning image at 4x09:58
thrillathis time the cd shouldn't be the issue09:59
jussi01thrilla: also, i think there is a disk check when you start it up....09:59
thrillahow long does that take?09:59
jussi01hmmm, no idea...10:00
jussi01never done it, but i know its there10:00
thrillaso long as it passes the md5 check and i burn it slowly, it should work ok10:00
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jussi01thrilla: true10:00
thrillait dam well better10:00
thrillai've been trying to install this since 10 am10:00
=== miles loves running jboss
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brad_I'm trying to install enemy territory and it says I Dont have the permission the permission to write to the folder10:01
brad_how can I run that as sudo since as it stands I am just clicking on the icon10:01
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brad_also, to make that run with 64 bit do I have to do a force run 32 bit?10:01
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thrillaeasy answer10:02
brad_open with Kate and write sudo in front of it?10:02
thrillainstall it to a folder you do have permission for10:02
=== miles loves kdesvn
brad_I did do that, still wont write to the .bin folder I created (wants it for links or something10:02
malik__i have just installed kubuntu , it has already installed nvidia as my display card, do i still need to install nvidia drivers for having compiz to work on my machine10:03
thrillacheck the folder permissions10:03
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thrillai bet its set to read only10:03
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thrillamalik, no idea10:05
brad_noo the permissions are fine10:06
jussi01malik__: ask in #ubuntu-effects10:06
persenwhat is the best app for creating a "media center" pc?10:06
ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV10:07
Yorokobimalik__, 'grep nv /etc/X11/xorg.conf' << will give you 'Driver "nv"' for 2D or 'Driver "nvidia"' for 3D/GL driver.10:07
jussi01persen: also have a look at mythbuntu10:07
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servidorhow was the other way to create a etherboot disk without using cat?10:08
persenok, just want to playback divx/dvds/mp3s, have no tv tuner yet. But thanks for the info.10:09
malik__i just get driver=nv as a result10:09
thrillaso you need to install the driver?10:09
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malik__how do i install the driver ?? where to start please help me10:12
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underdog5004malik__, what's the problem?10:13
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malik__i want to install nVidia Geoforce 5600 drivers on my newly installed kubuntu 7.0410:14
underdog5004!envy | malik__10:14
ubotumalik__: envy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!10:14
persenModeline "1920x1080"  148.50  1920 2008 2052 2200  1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync10:14
underdog5004ha ha, whoops10:14
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persenI fount that line in my /var/log/Xorg.0.log, can i somehow use that information to fix this resolution?10:15
underdog5004malik__, go to nvidia.com, d/l the driver, then run the installer and install it10:15
malik__ok i try it10:15
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Yorokobimalik__, or even better, get nvidia-glx-new from adept/synaptic/aptitude and make your life that much easier10:15
ubotuA Modeline is a config line in the X server configuration file that gives info about a connected display and how to drive it at a specified display resolution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFree86_Modeline for more details. Here are 2 links to generate modelines which fit your monitor: http://bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ and http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl10:15
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persenHm, can i make a Modeline my "setting" in xorg.conf? I see only10:18
persenSubSection "Display"10:18
persenModes"1280x1024" "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"10:18
persenThat kinf of information10:18
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mileshey guys, im running xubuntu right now, dont kick me10:20
jhutchinspersen: try xvidtune.10:20
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NickPrestamiles, we will try to restrain ourselves ;)10:21
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=== persen is not liking it
NickPrestawhat seems to be the problem?10:21
milesi like kubuntu better, but my work laptop handles xubuntu10:21
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HayaBusai tried to install driver for NVIDIA GEFORCE 7300GS  card twise , and both times my system didn't boot to linux desktop , dose anyone knows how to install this driver .. ?10:23
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thrillathe installer failed10:24
thrillaerror message was failed to set transfer mode10:24
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thrillawhat now?10:25
jhutchins!nvidia | HayaBusa10:25
ubotuHayaBusa: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:25
matqohlp. i want to install kubuntu 7.04 but i dont want to format hdd and when i check manual that is no my partitoons here but only one /dev/sda :/10:25
TheGateKeepermiles, if you want kde with speed but without a lot of the bloat then install openbox + kicker, it's a brilliant combination10:25
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milesill have to check that out10:26
miles!openbox | miles10:26
jhutchinsmatqo: Use the alternate install CD, it will allow you to do that.10:26
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meta_hi all10:26
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TheGateKeepermiles, http://icculus.org/openbox/index.php/Main_Page10:26
thrillawhat about my case?10:26
meta_i want to know, why i need anacron, cron, and the 3 other job scheduler that feisty installs default10:27
meta_is thats or one of that do something important in the system's life10:27
meta_or it's just holds space?10:27
matqowhy shipit dont send alternate cd ? :D10:28
HayaBusathose info are for ubuntu and not kubuntu.. there is no administration in system menu..10:28
jhutchinsmatqo: How much do you really expect for free?10:28
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mileswhoa...i totally just had a revelation10:29
mileshave any of you guys seen the book cover for lpi linux certification in a nutshell?10:29
milesby o'reilley10:29
jhutchinsmiles: URL?10:29
thrillai'd love a answer10:29
matqonot much :D buy with 7.04 i had everytime some problem with installation10:29
thrillaproblem installing10:30
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milesthe o'reilly books always have animals or something crazy on them, and the linux certification in a nutshell has an ox or a mule or whatever on it, and i just realized its supposed to be the mascot for gnu10:30
=== miles high fives himself
thrillai get a message saying ata4.0 error setting transfer method or something like that10:31
jhutchinsthrilla: What is your hard drive layout?  Are you using the standard or alternate CD?10:31
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jhutchinsmiles: The gnu mascot is a gnu.10:32
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thrillastandard cd10:32
Mr_Sonomahas anyone looked at gusty yet? thoughts on it?10:32
thrillaand two partitions10:32
tampaflhi all.  lilo help please??10:32
jhutchinsthrilla: sata or ata?10:32
jhutchinsGood bandwidth?10:32
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thrillai dunno10:33
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thrillawould you say a dl rate of 14108 kbps is good?10:33
jhutchinsI'd say download the alt CD.  Have you verified the CD you have against the original iso md5sum?10:33
thrillaya i did10:33
thrillait passed the md5 check10:34
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civixierhiya all... i wonder if there is somewhere you can download a kind of a "stripped" kubuntu, without all of the software that comes along?10:34
thrillaso try the alt cd?10:35
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KartiHi all, just a quick one. I am practicing my installs of a new hard drive, I have been using 13 things to get going on Feisty, my problem is the DVD playback , does not work now on that web page. Could some one give a link or some advice as to what I require? Cheers10:39
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mileswhy did they make sid so unstable10:39
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:39
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miles!find pgadmin10:39
ubotuFound: pgadmin3, pgadmin3-data, phppgadmin10:39
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joe4288hey i have a question10:41
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Kartigrul: Many thanks10:41
joe4288if i set up xorg with nvidia drive i get a nvidia kernel modul not loaded10:41
joe4288but if i use nv it works just fine10:42
joe4288why do i get that error?10:42
joe4288and whats the diffrence between nv and nvidia?10:42
joshjosh4 letters10:42
joe4288so there the same drive10:43
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joe4288just as new as each other?10:43
Neil3the nvidia driver is from nvidia, closed source, full 3d acceleration10:43
joe4288because i wanted to install beryl so i wanted to put in the newest drive10:43
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Neil3the nv driver is an open source implimentation that doesnt have 3d acceleration or other advanced features10:44
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:44
joe4288so then how come when i chose the nvidia drive i get the error message nvida kernel modual not found10:44
thrillacause you didn't install it correctly10:44
joe4288hmmmm i see :)10:44
Neil3did you install the nvidia-glx package?10:45
joe4288OOOOP :P10:45
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thrillaand if this cd don't work i say fuck it10:46
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joe4288what cd?10:47
thrillathe alt install cd10:47
thrillathe standard install cd gave an error10:47
joe4288ooo i see10:47
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joe4288well just stick an image some where and use that10:47
joe4288i had the same problem10:47
joe4288just load up the cd to get started10:47
joe4288(in expert mode)10:48
thrillai tried that10:48
thrillait didn't work10:48
joe4288and the image didnt work?10:48
thrillai was trying to boot the live cd10:48
persenWhat is the equivalent in KDE of " System -> Administration -> Restricted Devices Manager" ?10:48
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joe4288oww i didnt install with the live cd10:48
thrillaand got an error ata4.010:48
thrillaunable to set transfer mode10:48
joe4288persen: yea thats what i was wondering10:48
joe4288persen: want to set up my nvidia drivers but i dont understand the instuctions10:49
persenjoe4288, the guide is for ubuntu, hence it uses GNOME10:49
joe4288persen: yea i figured that out :)10:49
thrillagnome is ok10:49
thrillawant a better link?10:49
joe4288but i like kde (whhhaa)10:49
joe4288yea that be great10:49
persenwe want all the best links out there10:50
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joe4288thats right damit :P10:50
thrillai think this is for ubuntu tho10:50
persenwonder how easy it would be if i just connected my lcd tv to a windows machine10:50
joe4288it preaty easy10:51
joe4288ive dont it before10:51
joe4288but then you wont have linux :(10:51
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thrillathe terminal install method should work with both kde and gnome10:51
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underdog5004I need help adding a file to a .iso file...10:53
joe4288so preaty much all this thing is saying it apt-get install nvidia-gxl?10:53
neusoncehey guys what and how do install packages for playing encryted dvds im trying to install libdvdread3 but my terminal say no such comand exists ?10:53
thrillapretty much10:53
perseni need to install this, 1.0-96xx nvidia driver, to support my card (geforce4200). Any guides for this?10:53
thrillait downloads and installs the package10:53
underdog5004!libdvdcss | neusonce10:53
joe4288I DID THAT GRRRRRR10:53
ubotuneusonce: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:53
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thrillathen you got more steps10:53
persenwho me?10:54
joe4288well what im havin the problem with is that i keep getting the error message nvidia kernel modual not found10:54
joshjoshanyone know how to get my USB port to auto-detect?10:54
joe4288auto detect what?10:55
joshjoshPlugging things in and then booting works, but plugging anything in after boot it doesn't.10:55
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thrillayou install it via terminal?10:55
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joshjoshauto detect like my wireless mouse or ipod10:55
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joe4288well the mouse would probly be part of the system i dont realy know10:56
joe4288the ipod just just he mount info in the fstab and have it on auto10:56
joe4288and it will mount it once you connect it10:56
joshjoshhow would i do that?10:56
joe4288is it a vfat ipod?10:56
joshjoshwindows. it works in linux...10:57
joe4288was it formatted on windows10:57
joshjoshif i plug it in before i boot it works. if i plug it in after boot it doesn't mount.10:57
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joe4288well like i said well make a fstab for it10:57
joe4288open up a terminal10:57
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joe4288sudo nano /etc/fstab10:58
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crodriguezalguien que hable espaol??10:58
joe4288now open up another terminal and type sudo mkdir /mnt/ipod10:58
crodriguezcomo que no!!!10:59
joe4288now 1 question do you have any other removable drives connected when you connect you ipod?10:59
joe4288sata usb etc?11:00
elite101hey is Damn Small linux anygood?11:00
joshjoshjoe4288: Nope. Just my ipod11:00
joe4288joshjosh: good11:00
joshjoshelite101: I prefer puppylinux for a distro like that11:00
joe4288joshjosh: gime a second to remeber what line you need to put in11:00
joshjoshalright. take your time.11:00
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joshjoshi need to go make a sandwich anyways. brb11:00
elite101okay but why are they soo small do they bave all the regulare features?11:01
joshjoshelite101: There's different versions of puppy with different things.11:01
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elite101how small is the whole distro? i am looking at screen shots of DSL and they are 50mb!!!11:01
joe4288joshjosh: now paste this line at the bottom of the others http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30969/11:02
thrillai've seen a linux distro that will fit on a 1.44 mb floppy11:02
joe4288joshjosh: try and like everything up so it looks preaty :)11:02
jhutchinsthrilla: DSL, puppy, tomsrtbt11:02
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joe4288joshjosh: save exit terminal and plug it you ipod and it should mount right up11:03
joshjoshjoe4288: alright11:03
elite101wholy? so when i install it, it will only be 50mb!!!11:03
joe4288joshjosh: unmount it remove it then reconnect it and it shoud mount right up agian11:03
thrillaok i am gonna reboot and attempt to install11:03
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joe4288ok now that i helped some 1 i want my nvidia problem fix :)11:04
joshjoshwhat's your nvidia problem?11:04
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joshjoshi know all about nvidia cards heh11:04
joe4288well i installed the nice new nvidia driver11:04
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joe4288configured xorg to use it11:04
joe4288and it doesnt work11:04
joshjoshpastebin your xorg.conf11:04
tuevery basic apt question here. I have installed postgres, and messed up the configuration files really badly (its just a toy machine). No data need to be saved, i just want the darn thing reset. But it seems that apt-get remove postgresql-8.2 and then apt-get install postgresql-8.2 does not touch the configuration files in /etc/postgresql. How is it possible to completely reset it?11:04
joe4288i get the error nvidia kernel modual not found11:04
nachohi, i'm new in kubuntu11:04
elite101is there any live cd that will make me boot of a memory stick or a removeable usb hardrive ? or do i have to have that option in the BIOS?11:05
nachohow install apache2??11:05
persenjoe4288, sudo aptitude install restricted-manager11:05
joe4288the xorg conf i have is the 1 that works i dont have the broken 111:05
Yorokobitue, sudo aptitude purge postgresql-8.211:05
joe4288persen: you found it11:05
joshjoshhow did you install the driver?11:05
joe4288joshjosh: so beryl will work properly with my nvidia video11:05
persenjust install that and, sudo restricted-manager11:05
Yorokobitue, then aptitude install postgresql-8.211:06
persenworked like a charm11:06
persentry a restart now and tell how it went11:06
joshjoshjoe4288: what card do you have?11:06
joe4288joshjosh:  sorry i thought you ment why lol11:06
elite101hey can livecd's (if they have the option) make a usb hardrive boot?11:06
elite101or does your bios have to support it?11:06
joe4288joshjosh: in part of the board its a biostar ummm brb and ill tell you11:06
tueYorokobi: Thanks. cant wait to kill this f.....r once and for all :-).11:07
Mr_Sonomanacho, sudo apt-get install apache211:07
nachoonly this??11:07
joshjoshjoe4288: brb i have to restart11:07
joe4288joshjosh: its a geforce 6100-m911:07
joe4288joshjosh: ok11:07
joe4288persen: ill install it right now11:07
Mr_Sonomait should automatically get all the dependancies for you11:07
elite101wow linux on a floppy lmao11:08
elite101i didnt know that!11:08
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joe4288oww yea they have linux for everything11:08
Mr_Sonomaa floppy?? wouldn't you need a floppy drive (oh wait am i the only one that doesnt have a floppy drive anymore?)11:08
joe4288(i think people just get board)11:08
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persenyou should have linux bluetooth version, whick hacks windows computers and puts in linux.11:09
joe4288never heard of that?11:09
elite101yeah rite?11:09
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persenit should be possible11:09
elite101lol wouldnt be hacking11:09
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elite101it would be doing them a favor11:10
joe4288anything possiable11:10
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elite101lol i think hes rite i mean floppy 1.44mb!!!11:10
joe4288but now the only question is how?11:10
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elite101yeah they would need bluetooth too?11:10
joe4288mayb if we install a partition manger11:10
joe4288install on there comp11:10
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joshjoshjoe4288: alright, what card?11:10
joe4288joshjosh: did it work?11:11
joshjoshjoe4288: nope.11:11
joe4288joshjosh: huh?11:11
joe4288joshjosh: it wont mount?11:11
elite101they should make linux for psp!!! i dont see why i mean 333mhz 32mb ram? 2gb memstick11:11
joe4288joshjosh: pastebin you fstab11:11
joe4288they did11:11
joe4288it was slow11:11
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joe4288so no 1 used it11:11
joe4288that was a long time ago11:12
joe4288they havnt done anything with it in a LONG time11:12
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elite101for what?11:12
joe4288linux for psp11:12
joe4288it sucked11:12
elite101they did win95 bochs11:12
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elite101it was crap is basically made your psp into a windows machine no wireless support and it wipes out your 32mb ram Flash0 and 1 so no psp os!!!11:13
joe4288joshjosh: did you get any error messages when you connected it?11:13
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elite101wow linux has so many distros11:14
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joshjoshjoe4288: my ipod won't even go to the do not disconnect screen11:14
elite101im on this website The Coding Studio linux going threw all the screen shots and such11:14
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joe4288joshjosh: why do you alread have sda1 and sda5 onther11:14
elite101lol the one that caught my eye Famelix 1.311:15
joe4288joshjosh: are you running a duel boat system?11:15
vzduchelite101: you were throwing w/ screenshots? o011:15
joshjoshjoe4288: Nope. I have no idea why11:15
elite101or throwing?11:15
joe4288joshjosh: what kinda hard drive do you have?11:15
joe4288joshjosh: sata, ide?11:15
joshjoshlet me check11:15
vzduch[23:14:39]  < elite101> [...]  going threw all the screen shots and such11:15
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joe4288joshjosh: oh and when you edit the fstab you dont need to restart11:16
joe4288joshjosh: it takes imediate effect11:16
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joshjoshit's a sata11:16
joe4288joshjosh: ahha11:16
joe4288joshjosh: lol11:16
joe4288joshjosh: mine is to11:16
joshjoshshould i change it in fstab to sda2?11:17
joe4288joshjosh: so it asigns the drive a sdX number11:17
elite101u guys almost have the same nick11:17
joe4288joshjosh: nope11:17
joe4288joshjosh: change it to /dev/sdb111:17
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joshjoshok. then plug it back in?11:17
joe4288same length to11:17
joe4288joshjosh: yup change it save and plug it in11:18
joe4288joshjosh: if it doesnt auto mount open up a terminal and type mount -a11:18
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joe4288opps i mean sudo mount -a11:18
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joshjoshjoshua@joshua-laptop:~$ sudo mount -a11:19
joshjoshmount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist11:19
joe4288joshjosh: and you have the ipod pluged it?11:19
joe4288joshjosh: it its on do not disconnect screen?11:20
joshjoshstill no do not disconnect screen either so it's not even charging...11:20
joe4288joshjosh: that might be the problem11:20
joe4288joshjosh: i always remeber it coming up11:20
joshjoshi mean, the batter is 100%...but it won't even charge. this is crazy.11:20
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joshjoshthis is a new usb cable too11:20
joe4288joshjosh: maybe its the port11:21
joshjoshnah. it works when i boot.11:21
joshjoshbut plugging it in afterwards does nothing. crazy drive.11:21
joe4288joshjosh: hmmmm thats weird11:21
joshjoshwith windows it will auto-detect but it never has with linux.11:21
joshjoshwell, on my opensuse 10.2 install it did11:21
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joe4288joshjosh: well debian based systems dont like ipods11:22
elite1011quetstion really important before i waste 4$, My bios dose not support booting up anything usb! xD so if i get a livecd can they select it and boot off it aslong as i have the cd inther for the first startup11:22
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joe4288joshjosh: i always had trouble with um11:22
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joe4288elite101: huh?11:22
joshjoshhmm...how do i figure out what the device node for thsi is?11:22
FroggyTheGreatGot an epson scanner question...11:22
elite101can a livecd boot up a pendrive11:23
joe4288yea but i dont remeber the trick11:23
elite101becuase my crappy bios does notsupport it11:23
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joshjoshelite101: you can boot a ton of distros from usb drives11:23
joe4288you could just install grub on to a floppy with usb drivers on it11:23
bobesponjain what package can I find curl-config?11:23
joshjoshjoe4288: I'll check the forums.11:23
FroggyTheGreatSo I've got an Epson RX580 and the correct pipslite package is installed for it, I've got SANE installed, but the SANE frontends can't find the scanner.  Any insights or places to look?11:23
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joe4288joshjosh: i just dont understand why the ipod doesnt go to dont disconnect mode11:24
elite101my bios doesnt support usb boot :( so i was wondering if i get a linux livecd that if they have the option boot i can select my USB Drive :)11:24
joe4288joshjosh: i think its the port try a diffrenet 111:24
waylandbillif the livecd has the ability to boot then the pendrive isn't needed except for storage.11:24
joe4288joshjosh: because if you dont have any other drive connected then /dev/sdb1 is right11:24
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elite101yeah i need the pendrive the distro is on it??!?!??!?!11:25
FroggyTheGreat...or even an RTFM, if someone can point me to the right (helpful, English) FM to R.11:25
waylandbilljust put the files you want to boot on a CD instead of a flash drive.11:25
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elite101all wrong i wanna install DSL linux on a pendrive11:25
elite101and then boot of the pen drive11:25
joe4288joshjosh: trust me ive mess with the fstab MORE then enough to know which letters linux assigns stuff11:25
FroggyTheGreatAgain, I've got my printer/scanner working as a printer but not a scanner yet.  I've got SANE installed, but the SANE-capable programs I have don't recognize the scanner as being present.  Any thoughts?11:26
joe4288joshjosh: but you could try this11:26
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joe4288joshjosh: restart the comp with the ipod connected then click the icon and look for the mount info it should say /dev/sdXX some where11:26
elite101my bios doesnt support usb boot so iwas wondering if i can just put the live cd in durring startup and select boot of my pen drive because this hdd i am on only has like 2mb free space11:26
joshjoshalright i'll try that11:26
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waylandbillelite101: then how is a livecd even part of the question? DSL's files can just be simply copied to the flash drive.11:27
underdog5004I need help adding a file to a .iso file...11:27
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joe4288well theres a way to do that with live cds but i dont remeber11:27
elite101yes but i cant boot off the pendrive on my computer becuase it will boot of the HDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xD!!!11:27
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joe4288like i said install grub to some form of disc with usb drivers and then use that to boot the pen drive11:27
elite101thats why i need the live cd to select it for me!!!11:27
elite101i mean like so i dont have anyhardrive at all only the usb drive and thats it11:28
joe4288elite101: id tell you how to do it but i have no idea how but i know other people use that kinda set up11:28
danixalguien sabe castellane?11:28
FroggyTheGreatAgain, I've got my printer/scanner working as a printer but not a scanner yet.  I've got SANE installed, but the SANE-capable programs I have don't recognize the scanner as being present.  Any thoughts?11:28
waylandbillelite101: I'm sure there is a way with grub command line and the right drivers, but what's the point. The CD can easily hold DSL or a full distro11:28
joe4288elite101: yes thats what im talking about11:28
elite101i can search it up i was just asking if it's possable for the livecd to boot up a pendrive11:29
joe4288yea but then you can customize it or add stuff11:29
elite101u dont need drivers11:29
waylandbillelite101: drivers as in kernel modules.11:29
joe4288elite101: yes you can use the live cd11:29
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danixcomo estay?11:30
elite101there u go11:30
FroggyTheGreatAgain, I've got my printer/scanner working as a printer but not a scanner yet.  I've got SANE installed, but the SANE-capable programs I have don't recognize the scanner as being present.  Any thoughts?11:30
Yorokobielite101, with the liveCD you'll end up using the liveCD's kernel since you can't boot from USB.11:30
vzduchnot even correct..11:30
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elite101so its possiable11:30
joe4288elite101: yes ive said that11:30
elite101okay thank you11:30
joe4288elite101: but i dont know how to do it11:30
Yorokobielite101, maybe, but you'll have to find out what /dev/sdX the USB drive will be11:30
joe4288elite101: it seem kinda hard for to figure it out11:31
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joe4288well if its the only usb device and theres no sata it will be sda111:31
NickPresta!es | danix11:31
ubotudanix: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:31
Yorokobielite101, then set root=/dev/sdX boot=/dev/sdXY for the pen drive. Come to think of it, that'll boot the USB drive's kernel,to11:31
waylandbillelite101: are you just trying to prove it can be done, because it seems pointless. If you are going to be booting the pen on another machine, use the other machine to install in the first place.11:31
joe4288if theres other devices it will be sdb211:31
danixyaaa hablenme11:31
joe4288i mean sdb111:31
elite101My bios does not support usb boot. I wanna install linux on a pendrive and boot from it. I was wondering if a livecd when booted can boot from the cd11:31
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FroggyTheGreatOK, anyone know even what device a scanner would look like in /dev?11:32
elite101im a poor kid11:32
joe4288elite101: lol we keep goin in circles11:32
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elite101i have no hardrive11:32
joe4288elite101: ok it can be done period11:32
joshjoshalright. it was sbd2 and the mount point was /mnt/JOSHUA'S ip11:32
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elite101okay thanks11:32
Admiral_laptopi'm playing a dvd and I get no video, but I get audio. any idea?11:32
elite101but can i do it with the live cd11:32
joe4288joshjosh: ok so put that in the fstab11:32
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joe4288joshjosh: and you good to go11:32
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joe4288joshjosh: and yea you right i forgot the stroage was on the second partition11:33
joe4288joshjosh: my bad :(11:33
elite101and having no harddrive wat so ever i can just boot from cd rom select usb on the live cd and take the cd out becuase it will be running on pendrive :):):)11:33
joshjoshjoe4288: not your fault11:33
waylandbillelite101: that was the bit of info I was missing. The lack of a hard drive makes the liveCD useful. That's why I asked the point of the LiveCD several minutes ago. :-)11:33
FroggyTheGreatAnyone know how to get Epson all-in-one scanners to actually be recognized as scanners?11:33
Yorokobielite101, yes, if you know what the device is going to be for the USB drive, change the root= and boot= grub parameters to the USB drive (/dev/sdX)11:33
joshjoshwe'll see if it'll autodetect now.11:33
FroggyTheGreatI've got everything installed that I need...I think.11:33
joe4288joshjosh: well now you know that the mount info will be set up11:33
joshjoshWOO! It works!11:33
elite101okay thank you lots11:33
joshjoshThis has been a problem since Dapper.11:34
elite101we all got something working11:34
joshjoshi finally got it corrected. awesome.11:34
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elite101i love that feeling11:34
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:34
joe4288joshjosh: well this will be the soluction always11:34
ubotuScanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners11:34
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents11:34
waylandbillelite101: and then when you finish you can then go buy a hard drive. ;-D11:34
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elite101i have one only 4gig11:34
elite101its one of thoes fugitsu's11:34
joe4288joshjosh: fstab will fix any drive mounting problem11:34
elite101u know the one i am talking about lmao11:35
waylandbillelite101: laptop or desktop?11:35
elite101there black11:35
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joe4288joshjosh: and with the auto in there it will mount once plugged in11:35
elite101my 60gig got to cloes to a magnet read it as 0mb 0 sectors11:35
waylandbilldrives are dirt cheap for desktops.11:35
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elite101adn the funny thing was it was the fugitsus falt11:35
joshjoshamarok says it's not mounted though. damnit11:35
waylandbillelite101: that sucks11:35
elite101i know11:35
joe4288joshjosh: which mount point did you use?11:36
elite101it went so fast too that hrdrive it was a maxtor11:36
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joe4288joshjosh: i mean did you use /mnt/josh or /mnt/ipod?11:36
elite101now my hdd i have now is soo slow make kubuntu run slow11:36
waylandbillelite101: not under warranty?11:36
elite101no 200211:36
elite101i was a giftr11:36
joshjoshit uses /mnt/JOSHUA'S ip11:36
joe4288hmmm thats weird11:37
joe4288jump into the folder and make sure the files are there11:37
elite101it kinda sucks i could off just replaced the mainboard of the hdd but i threw it out11:37
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elite101it had windows on it and it crashed brought it too a friends house to fix it rode back home witht he 4gig on top of the 60gig tried it and it sayed 0mb 0 sectors11:37
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joe4288not the magnet11:38
elite101so the magnent of the 4gig screwed it up11:38
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elite101rip 60gig lol11:38
joe4288ive had 2 maxtors just die11:38
elite101i hate that11:38
joe4288they have there mbr changed some how and it thanks theres no space11:38
elite101lol esp when ur low on parts u think everything lasts for ever even thou it can be just tomarrow when something dies or fries11:38
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joe4288and its not fixable11:39
elite101i know same thiing11:39
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joe4288joshjosh: you check out the folders and see if theres anything in it?11:39
elite101u can replace the board on it with another maxtor same make and model to get the files back i did that with a 15gig my friend had the same one11:39
danixwal bccn11:39
joe4288hmmmm never head that b411:40
elite101my computer is so ghetto11:40
danixzhaaw me vooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy11:40
joe4288well i g2g11:40
joe4288see you guys later11:40
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elite101wow that person is annyoing11:40
waylandbillelite101: sounds like something my daughter would say. :-D11:40
Yorokobi!ops | danix11:40
ubotudanix: Help! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild!11:40
elite101waylandbill, lol about what?11:41
elite101im only 1411:41
waylandbillcalling it ghetto11:41
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elite101ha beat u my other name is well mafiaboy11:41
elite101yeah the power supply is on the top of the computer11:41
waylandbillshe just said that about a computer the other day.. it looks so ghetto.11:41
elite101the hardrive is sticking out11:41
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elite101u have a daughter11:42
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elite101i feel so young...here anyways11:42
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elite101i see u must build computers if ur daughter sayed that i imagine your home  full of makeshift pcs running11:42
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elite101danix, why are u flooding this channel11:43
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waylandbillelite101: no. that was one I was fixing for someone. my systems are all in one piece... fortunately.11:43
mafiaboyhaha lol11:43
mafiaboyi wish11:43
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elite101has anyone heard of mafiaboy the scriptkiddie that brought down cnn.com/yahho.com/dell.com and cost 1.7billion dollars in damages11:44
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persenkde control center now displays that i have my resolution at 1920x1080, but i doubt it.11:44
elite101yes? no?11:44
elite101lol wow11:44
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waylandbillit was because the metal plate for the mobo connectors was different from one board to another and the surplus mobo didn't come with a replacement, so I knocked it out and didn't put another in it's place.11:45
persensame problem as i had, the screen is centered and i miss stuff at the edge of the desktop (startbutton etc)11:45
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elite101this channel they showed on the news #hacker u cant join it invite only11:45
waylandbillelite101: if you truly belonged in that channel, you'd know how to get in there already I'd imagine. :-)11:46
joshjoshyou hack to hack the chan password11:46
elite101yeah lol11:46
elite101thats why they set one only good hackers can go into there or scriptkiddies11:47
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waylandbillkasr: howdy11:48
elite101can ppl ban u for no reason if u just join there channel and dont talk?11:48
elite101lol channel surfing11:48
kasrfine & u?11:48
waylandbillkasr: I'm ok11:49
elite101#windowsxp lol11:49
Yorokobielite101, lurking isn't a punishable offence. Spamming with a load of 'hola's is, though :)11:49
elite101yeah really11:49
waylandbillelite101: I'm sure they don't have server banning privs like a k-line... they'd probably only ban you from the channel.11:50
elite101hola amigo si-anora11:50
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elite101but u can get back in thou11:50
elite101how do i make my own channel?11:50
Yorokobi/join #myownchannel11:50
elite101i know i can surf but i cant be the admin why not? do u have to pay?11:50
waylandbilljoin one that isn't in existence.11:50
elite101but i cant be the admin11:50
elite101so i wont have rite to be my channel11:51
PriceChildelite101, please move this to #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus or something.11:51
underdog5004elite101, just make your own irc server11:51
elite101Mhh dont know how11:51
[Apollo] lol11:52
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elite101yeah i got my own channel11:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cue - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soloaris - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:56
elite101i think i spelt it wron11:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about solaris - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:57
Yorokobior better, GNU/OpenSolaris: http://gnusolaris.org11:57
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Yorokobianyway, off topic again11:57
Ace2016hi all11:58
elite101k sorry11:58
Ace2016how do i stop my nameservers being overwritten on startup?11:58
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persenI've installed a usb sound card (edirol ua-5). Now i need to disable my other snd card (snd-emu10k1).11:58
YorokobiAce2016, get rid of the resolvconf package11:58
elite101wow i didnt know they made usb sound cards?11:58
persenIn a guide i read this is done in /etc/modprobe.conf, but that file doesnt exist in kubuntu. Anyone know what its kubuntu (feisty) counterpart would be?11:59
Ace2016persen: disable it in bios11:59
persenelite101, they do, works great.11:59
persenAce2016, nope11:59
persenSee here, http://linux.setcolor.de/ua-5/11:59
LinuxRulzI would check the System BIOS first to see if there is an option to disable that sound card11:59
persenits suposed to be easy11:59
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Ace2016persen: use locate12:00
Ace2016run locate modprobe.conf12:00
Ace2016in konsole12:00
LinuxRulzinstead of mess with the config files, first check the system BIOS12:00
LinuxRulzfaster and safer12:01
persenI shouldnt have to12:01
=== rrbiz installing ubuntu on my gx260 dell box :)
elite101okay u can boot from pendrive i have to make a bootfloppy (wake pup)12:01
Ace2016rrbiz: how is it going?12:01
elite101i installed linux on my stero before12:02
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elite101and on my tv12:02
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rrbizpretty good, Ace2016, hope to get most of the stuff from XP working on Ubuntu12:03
elite101lol red alert2 works and the map editor :)12:04
rrbizjust resized my first drive to squeeze in ubuntu, now about to load it in12:05
persenspent all evening fighting this silly thing, i guess linux is not a desktop os12:06
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elite101are there ppl running windows on this channel?12:06
perseneventually, most are.12:06
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elite101i mean on windows rite now talking on this channel?12:07
perseni am12:07
rrbizwhat i'm typing in now has kubuntu, but i misssss big time my MS outlook and maps & streets12:07
runleveltenwhy would you run windows in this channel?12:07
runleveltenOh yeah, ubuntu, silly me ;P12:07
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DragnslcrWhy would anyone miss Outlook?12:07
=== runlevelten hides!
rrbizcause of PDA12:08
persenrrbiz, ms outlook is shit, but the ease of windows i miss in windows.12:08
ubuntuHello everyone, I have got something funny (bad) going on. when I startup, the prossessor wont stop, so my question is how do I see what is using my space so that I can stop it. I have opened in safe mode and run the virus scan. I am using watchdog w/minimal allowenses12:08
ubuntuit seems to be attached to the kicker12:08
runleveltenSome people like it, and to be honest even though it's crappy, outlook + exchange are still an almost unrivalled combination12:08
persenI have no problem reading a guide for something i have to configure, but not spend so much time getting up and running with what i considered mandatory on a windows machine12:08
rrbizit's not easy migrating .pst or by exporting indivudual stuff12:08
runleveltenfor what they do, that is.12:08
ubuntudamn didnt realize the name12:09
Dragnslcrubuntu- you can check KSysGuard for what process is using the CPU12:09
DragnslcrI believe ctrl-esc opens KSysGuard. If not, it's in the KMenu12:09
runleveltenNovell are addressing it.12:09
ubuntuDragnslcr: under utilities isnt it...12:09
Dragnslcrubuntu- System, actually12:10
ubuntuDragnslcr: got it. thanks12:10
DragnslcrI've never needed Exchange12:10
DragnslcrThen again, I've barely ever really used POP312:10
Silent_Gchecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!12:10
Silent_Gcan someone tell meh how to fix thi?12:11
DragnslcrMy university used FirstClass, and I've used GMail since then12:11
rrbizgmails got free pop3, thinks its much better than webhosting email12:11
DragnslcrSilent_G- do you have the X dev libraries?12:11
DragnslcrI run my own mail server, but I don't really use it12:11
DragnslcrIt mostly gets just spam12:11
runleveltenI use other groupware for my projects, but you need other stuff to give clients.12:12
Silent_GDragnslcr, xorg-dev?12:12
DragnslcrSilent_G- maybe. Not sure what the package is called12:12
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runleveltenEvolution isn't the best mail client in the world, but damn it's getting better than it was for those features12:12
Silent_Gok :p12:12
DragnslcrI use Thunderbird at work12:12
Shadow_milwhat package do I need for kaffine to play DVDs?12:13
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DragnslcrI was using it at home too, but I figured I'd stick with KMail for what little I use it now12:13
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:13

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