=== _Crusher_ [n=You@ppp121-45-27-113.lns10.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === merriam__ [n=merriam@82-133-115-120.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === dcsmith_ [n=dcsmith@ool-4351bc6d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === elkbuntu [n=melissa@ubuntu/member/elkbuntu] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === boredandblogging [n=nali@ubuntu/member/boredandblogging] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === elkbuntu [n=melissa@ubuntu/member/elkbuntu] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === Czubek [n=Damian@k133d.ac.pwr.wroc.pl] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === croppa_ [n=stuart@] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === neversfelde|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === zween_ [n=zween@Z6bfe.z.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === needle [n=nevle@cust2347.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === yharrow [n=sysadmin@unaffiliated/yharrow] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === neversfelde|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === never|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === emonkey [n=emonkey@static-pro-212-101-27-121.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === never|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu.member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu.member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === neuratix [n=lorents@static149-203.adsl.no] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === HarKoT [n=tony@bpb01-1-88-162-5-1.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom [06:03] ol === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === neversfelde|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === jenda_ [n=jenda@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.jenda] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === neversfelde|mobi [n=neversfe@] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === allee [n=ach@lapex-mcallee.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === jrib [n=jrib@upstream/dev/jrib] has joined #ubuntu-classroom === [UPG] Pritchard [i=user@adsl-70-238-252-11.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom [09:46] <[UPG] Pritchard> Hello. [09:46] hi [09:46] hi [09:47] [UPG] Pritchard: are you familiar with irssi? [09:47] <[UPG] Pritchard> Not very much so. I had thought with irssi I couldn't join multiple channels and work at the same time through the terminal. [09:48] [UPG] Pritchard: k, do you know if irssi is already installed on your system? [09:48] <[UPG] Pritchard> Yes it is ^.^;; [09:48] good [09:49] you know how to get to a tty by pressing ctrl-alt-f1? [09:49] <[UPG] Pritchard> Yup. Can I switch workspace tabs using that? [09:50] well you can get 6 terminals to work with by hitting ctrl-alt-f1, or ctrl-alt-f2, or ..., ctr-alt-f6 [09:50] <[UPG] Pritchard> Right. In that case, let me reboot my system and join #ubuntu again [09:51] <[UPG] Pritchard> brb ^.^;; [09:51] k === [UPG] Pritchard [i=user@adsl-70-238-252-11.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu-classroom [] === advent [n=advent@adsl-70-238-252-11.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom [09:53] Back. Apparently it's started the installation and I'm on 7.04 === advent is now known as [UPG] Pritchard [09:54] <[UPG] Pritchard> I have a couple backups of the kernal on my booter, I think. Not sure though. [09:54] k [09:55] lets see how apt is doing [09:55] what does 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' do? [09:56] <[UPG] Pritchard> E: unmet dependencies. try -f [09:56] jrib: tty? why not use Console or Konsole ? [09:56] <[UPG] Pritchard> Tells me xorg has unmet dependencies. [09:56] nalioth: no X after direct dapper -> feisty [09:56] <[UPG] Pritchard> It tells me apt-get -f install could fix the problem. [09:56] try it [09:57] <[UPG] Pritchard> Gah. Unable to correct dependencies. [09:57] jrib: ouch [09:59] k, you need to pastebin some stuff... one sec [09:59] <[UPG] Pritchard> Alright. I can pastebin through the terminal? :D [10:01] alright, here's how we will do it: run the commands but append '| tee ~/pastebin1' to them. So run 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | tee ~/pastebin1' for example [10:03] <[UPG] Pritchard> Okay [10:04] k, now dcc send them to me with: /dcc send jrib file1 file2 ... [10:05] <[UPG] Pritchard> I didn't see the files that were output. [10:05] k, let me explain: COMMAND | tee ~/pastebin1 saves the output of COMMAND in the file ~/pastebin1 [10:05] <[UPG] Pritchard> Oh :D [10:06] <[UPG] Pritchard> Is /dcc an irssi command? [10:08] yeah, it worked [10:08] <[UPG] Pritchard> Didn't give me any feedback. Jw. Thanks for the help. [10:08] now show me 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-cache policy x11-common' [10:09] so this seems like it should work: (cat /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-cache policy x11-common) | tee ~/pastebin2 [10:10] <[UPG] Pritchard> Alright. I hope that worked [10:11] k, I didn't get sources.list [10:12] just the apt-cache policy part, but I think this is enough [10:12] lets get rid of the broken X and just install it again [10:12] do: sudo apt-get remove x11-common [10:13] <[UPG] Pritchard> Alright. Removed it, apparently O.o;; [10:14] it got rid of a bunch of stuff right? [10:14] <[UPG] Pritchard> Not sure. I can't really tell from the log. [10:14] <[UPG] Pritchard> At the end of it, it still complains about dependencies. [10:15] what does it say [10:16] <[UPG] Pritchard> packagename (ex: xserver-xorg) Depends: packagename - but it is not going to be installed [10:17] <[UPG] Pritchard> Does that far more packages than I can read, and it gives me another unmet dependency error at the end. [10:18] k, show me [10:21] k, check if x11-common is still installed: 'apt-cache policy x11-common [10:23] <[UPG] Pritchard> installed: 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 [10:23] pfft [10:23] <[UPG] Pritchard> installed: 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 0: 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status [10:24] <[UPG] Pritchard> Then I have a candidate version, 1:7.2-0ubuntu11 [10:24] yeah, that's the new one we want to get in there [10:24] easy way is to get apt to just remove X [10:24] tried 'sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade? === nalioth adds to the confusion [10:25] <[UPG] Pritchard> nalioth, wasn't able to correct dependencies. [10:25] <[UPG] Pritchard> alright so sudo apt-get remove X? [10:25] [UPG] Pritchard: my command was different from any you've been offered previously [10:26] [UPG] Pritchard: it's sudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg [10:27] <[UPG] Pritchard> Is it still common to have it give me dependency errors then? [10:27] <[UPG] Pritchard> Removing xserver-xorg is what we tried earlier, right? [10:28] nope, go ahead and try xserver-xorg, we tried x11-common before [10:28] i think honestly, you should start over the install. basically you're gonna have to break the machine some more, before you can build it back up [10:28] and you may break it to the point it doesn't talk to humans at all [10:28] <[UPG] Pritchard> ;_; [10:29] installing will probably be faster to be honest, just backup your /home and it will be the same anyway [10:29] <[UPG] Pritchard> Right. [10:29] wasn't the warning on the upgrade page about skipping releases? [10:30] <[UPG] Pritchard> Yes. There was indeed a very large warning. [10:30] <[UPG] Pritchard> I wasn't aware of that before I tried this, however :P [10:30] <[UPG] Pritchard> Alright, will I need to redownload from a CD to install, or can I do this through the command-line? [10:30] <[UPG] Pritchard> Heheh. [10:31] you'll need a cd, [10:31] <[UPG] Pritchard> Darnit. [10:31] <[UPG] Pritchard> Would the CD remove my current distro for me? [10:32] it has the capability of wiping your drive, yes [10:32] <[UPG] Pritchard> By drive you mean partition, meaning only the one Ubuntu's on, right? [10:32] <[UPG] Pritchard> I'm on a dual-boot XP/Ubuntu. [10:34] no, the drive is the whole thing [10:34] a partition is a subsection of a drive [10:34] <[UPG] Pritchard> That was a joke. I don't want my XP partition deleted [10:34] <[UPG] Pritchard> :D [10:35] losing XP is a step in the right direction, imho [10:35] <[UPG] Pritchard> I have a looot of stuff on that partition, and I use XP for development atm because I'm too lazy to learn it on Linux. [10:35] it's easier on linux [10:35] <[UPG] Pritchard> Probably :P [10:36] <[UPG] Pritchard> I *wish* I could be on Linux most of the time, but I can't. [10:36] <[UPG] Pritchard> And removing XP also means that I can't play all my fun Windows programs :P [10:36] fun windows programs? [10:36] <[UPG] Pritchard> Yeah. like BSOD. [10:37] <[UPG] Pritchard> And uhm, games that don't have a Linux port :D [10:37] <[UPG] Pritchard> (which is a lot of them, sadly) [10:37] <[UPG] Pritchard> Oh, and photoshop. [10:37] two words [10:37] Cedega [10:37] GimpShop [10:38] <[UPG] Pritchard> Gimp's UI is awful imo. [10:38] <[UPG] Pritchard> Haven't tried anything else really though. [10:38] [UPG] Pritchard: um, i didn't say "Gimp" [10:39] i said "GimpShop" [10:39] <[UPG] Pritchard> Is it free? [10:40] yes, it is. [10:40] i don't use payware [10:40] i've not used Windows since the year 2000 [10:41] <[UPG] Pritchard> Thanks for the info. Got to go now. See ya. [10:41] <[UPG] Pritchard> Thanks for the help jrib. [10:41] <[UPG] Pritchard> Guess I'm just going to have to reinstall. [10:56] jrib: did you see a ban on him in #ubuntu ? [10:56] nalioth: no [10:56] me, neither