
ryanakcahmm. Any sbuilders have any idea what I can do to fix http://pastebin.ca/626606?12:15
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RainCTgood night12:35
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jussi01nite RainCT12:39
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sharonhi, i'm an ubuntu user and i wish to alter it. i want it to resume after suspend by pressing any key and without providing password. can any one direct me to implement this?01:52
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ryanakcahmm. Any sbuilders have any idea what I can do to fix http://pastebin.ca/626606?03:15
ScottKryanakca: Use pbuilder?03:20
ryanakcaScottK: so, sbuild will not work in any way shape or form for 'all'?03:21
StevenKryanakca: sbuild -A03:21
ScottKryanakca: Dunno.  Never used it.03:21
ryanakcaStevenK: aha! thanks :D03:22
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porthoseHello MOTU's: Could you please comment/first advocate Ampache. Thank You  http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=613104:46
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mwolsonooh, Amache.  i've been meaning to try that out at some point04:48
mwolson(i'm not a MOTU though, so can't push the upload through)04:49
porthosemore eyes the better04:50
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ajmitchwhite: trying to drag people away from ubuntu? :)05:29
ajmitchhello Hobbsee 05:29
RAOFHey Hobbsee, ajmitch05:30
jdongVISTA SP1 BUILD 1711! WHOO!05:30
ajmitchhello RAOF 05:30
RAOFAnd a hello to you too, crackmeister jdong :)05:31
jdongwhy hello, RAOF :)05:31
whiteajmitch: just sharing the release party thoughts :)05:31
ajmitchoh dear05:31
Hobbseehey ajmitch!05:31
Hobbsee!jdong | jdong05:31
ubotujdong: jdong is Hobbsee: jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!05:31
whiteajmitch: wondeful timing. Last night released, here was College party and tonight as well. I just have 1 lecture and none tomorrow :)05:31
whiteRE-O-Week :)05:31
jdongHobbsee: the bot seems to have learned english as a 4th or 8th language :)05:31
Hobbseerelease party?  that might be fun05:32
whiteHobbsee: well i consider the college party as my personal release party :)05:32
=== RAOF wonders how hard he should try to break nouveau
RAOFFails to break my nouveau.  It even works.05:39
jdongthat's amazing05:39
RAOFNouveau doesn't even begin to support a GL compositing manager.  There's no texturing yet :)05:40
=== RAOF ponders wistfully that xserver-xorg-video-nouveau is probably a *bit* too raw for universe.
RAOFNo one would have any problems with a git snapshot video driver and drm in universe, would they :P.05:44
ajmitchnot at all05:45
ajmitchthe nouveau guys would probably hate you if you stuck it in05:45
nixternal ubotu]  jdong: jdong is Hobbsee:05:46
ubotuI'll remember that, nixternal05:46
nixternalstupid bot05:46
=== minghua is under the impression that nothing is too raw for universe. :-)
Hobbsee@deleditor nixternal 05:46
nixternalthat bot killed my joke05:46
Hobbsee%deleditor nixternal 05:46
nixternalthe whole "jdong is Hobbsee" was the whole part of it05:47
nixternalbut obviously I copied a lil to much05:47
ubotujdong is Hobbsee: jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!05:47
Hobbsee!forget jdong: jdong05:47
ubotuI'll forget that, Hobbsee05:47
jdong!forget Hobbsee, she's mean.05:47
nixternalgrr, I just realised you deleted me :(05:47
ajmitchpoor nixternal 05:48
ajmitchI don't know what you're complaining about, I've never been an editor :P05:48
nixternalalways getting picked on05:48
nixternalajmitch: I am one every other month, and then people *cought*Hobbsee*cough* remove me :p05:48
ajmitchHobbsee wouldn't be that mean05:49
Hobbseenah, i just havent added you prior to this05:49
=== nixternal turns and walks away from commenting
crimsunwho mentioned Vista?05:49
ubotuvista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org05:49
jdongcrimsun: did you have vista on highlight?05:50
ubotuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!05:50
jdongman you have everything on highlight05:50
jdongalsa.. kernel....05:50
crimsunno, I have nixternal on highlight so I know when to avoid the audio issues.05:50
=== jdong ducks for cover
jdongcrimsun: speaking of 3rd generation macbook audio....05:51
jdongcrimsun: haha no just kidding, it works great05:51
nixternalya, I switched to Debian, so my audio is working again ;p05:51
crimsunhmm, no, that's a Debian vm running in Vista.05:52
nixternalno, tried that already...doesn't work to well05:52
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Hobbseenixternal: muhahhahahahaha06:00
Hobbsee*now* you're removed.06:00
jdongnixternal: how on earth do you sad wink? have you ever tried it?06:02
nixternalya, it works well actually06:02
nixternalkind of the puppy dog look, with a "you know you love me" wink06:03
jdongnixternal: you must have very good motor control then to be able to frown and wink :)06:04
nixternalthere, you did it!06:06
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jdongnixternal: LOL the guy at the terminal next to me just asked me "WTF are you trying to do?"06:12
jdongnixternal: I quickly hid this terminal behind a firefox and said "nuthin.."06:12
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nixternaluse Yakuake, a simple keystroke and it disappears06:13
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porthoseHello MOTU's: Could you please comment/first advocate Ampache. Thank You  http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=613107:08
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LucidFoxGUI applications aren't required to have manpages, are they?07:21
RAOFIf it's in /usr/bin, it should have a manpage07:22
TheMusoHeya folks.07:24
RAOFHey TheMuso 07:24
Hobbseehi luke!07:28
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jeromegwhen requesting a sync we should as a sync for the source package, or the binary one ?08:47
=== jeromeg as just seen the wiki page...
LucidFoxjeromeg> source08:48
LucidFoxbecause it will be rebuilt on Ubuntu anyway08:48
RAOFWe don't upload binary packages.08:48
Hobbseethank goodness.08:48
StevenKIf we did it would take calc twice as long to torture us with openoffice.org!08:49
LucidFoxcan someone review? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=613508:50
HobbseeStevenK: is volunteering08:50
StevenKFunnily enough, I'm so not.08:50
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jeromegLucidFox: thx09:00
jeromegcould someone have a look at my sync request please ? bug 12767209:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127672 in cal3d "[Sync Request]  Please sync cal3d (0.11.0-2) from debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12767209:01
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jeromegI need this package to be synced to fix a bunch of bugs with python-soya09:02
jeromeg(well to update the python-soya package09:02
StevenKpython-soya has been updated ...09:03
StevenKI uploaded it last night ...09:03
Hobbseejeromeg: oh, you didnt follow sync requesting procedures09:03
Hobbseejeromeg: approved.  will be synced in the next few days hopefully09:03
StevenKThe new soya should be on the mirrors09:04
jeromegStevenK: well it doesn't build on my pbuilder due to libcal3d12 missing09:04
StevenKpython-soya was a merge, not a sync09:05
jeromegHobbsee: I don't understand, what should have I followed ?09:05
StevenKIt built on the buildds, and has probably hit mirrors. Ergo, you don't need to build it.09:05
jeromegStevenK: mmm, ok.09:05
jeromegStevenK: oh great ! I've just seen it, I will have a look to see if it fixes the bugs.09:07
jeromegStevenK: thx a lot !09:07
Hobbseejeromeg: hmm..  documentation seems to have been moved, or i cant find it09:09
Hobbseejeromeg: subscribe "ubuntu-universe-sponsors", basically, and the sponsor team will look at it09:10
jeromegHobbsee: I tried to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess , could you tell me what I did wrong ?09:10
HobbseeTo request a sync, [WWW]  file a bug in Launchpad with the above information. Once the bug is complete and correct, if you are not an Ubuntu developer, subscribe (NOT assign) ubuntu-main-sponsors for packages in Main/Restricted and ubuntu-universe-sponsors for packages in Universe/Multiverse. They will review the request and subscribe ubuntu-archive. Ubuntu developers should subscribe (NOT assign) the ubuntu-archive team to the bug directly.09:11
HobbseeThis team will process the request and close the bug when it is complete. Please only subscribe ubuntu-archive to a bug once you have a clear action for the archive team to perform. Do not ask ubuntu-archive to help you decide what to do.09:11
Hobbseejeromeg: first paragraph under "submitting your request"09:11
jeromegHobbsee: oh yes.... sorry09:11
Hobbseecant say i like the term "Ubuntu Developer" there, though.09:11
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Hobbseeit should explicitly say "those who are in ~ubuntu-dev09:12
Hobbseeno problem09:12
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jeromegHobbsee: ok09:13
Hobbseeas not all developers are MOTU's or in core dev09:15
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paraschannel, where can i find the resourcr on localization of ubiquity ?09:20
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jeromegto solve bug 114534, what is the most appropriate, SRU with the two patches or backport of gutsy version ?09:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 114534 in gimmie "Suggested patches for gimmie" [Medium,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11453409:34
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jeromeganyone please ?09:46
RAOFjeromeg: *Maybe* an SRU.  Backports aren't for bugfixes.09:47
jeromegRAOF : ok I'll try that09:53
LucidFoxWhat does "triaged" mean?10:01
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RAOFThat someone trusted (ie: with the ability to change a bug to triaged :)) believes that all the necessary info to fix the bug is there.10:02
porthoseHello MOTU's: Could you please comment/first advocate Ampache. Thank You :)   http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=613110:05
=== jmg [n=cartel@shinobi.thoughtcrime.org.nz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jmganyone got a fix for firefox quicksearch?10:05
=== RAOF wonders whether porthose is really a bot :)
porthoseno just persistent:)10:06
jmgdid anyone elses break on the latest upgrade in feisty?10:07
=== RAOF wonders whether anyone in this channel are still running feisty
HobbseeRAOF: maybe some crazy ones10:07
jmgRAOF: gutsy is fscked on my laptop10:07
jmghas been for ages10:08
jmgit randomly locks up10:08
RAOFThis week in Nouveau news: RENDER acceleration works fine, and compositing with xcompmgr works brilliantly.10:08
jmgi update every day in the hope it stabilises10:08
jmgi cant update this box because its running my tv10:09
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jmgwnat could be causing gutsy to go unresponsive?10:25
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Amaranthjmg: random lockups?10:45
Amaranthjmg: xfce?10:45
Amaranthjmg: i see that you are in fact running xfce10:45
Amaranthjmg: it's a bug with xfwm4 and gtk+ 2.11.x, upstream has a fix10:45
Amaranthjmg: run compiz and the problem will go away ;)10:47
Amaranthor, really, any other WM, i guess10:47
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LucidFoxwhat does "+1" mean in firefox_2.0.0.5+1-0ubuntu1?10:55
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jmgok thanks11:11
jmgi have enough ram to run gnome now11:11
jmgill install it tomorrow11:11
jmgdont think my i910 can handle compiz11:11
sorenjmg: Sure it can.11:17
sorenjmg: My i855 can. :)11:18
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LucidFoxis it okay to use chrpath in debian/rules?11:31
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porthoseHello MOTU's: Could you please comment/first advocate Ampache. Thank You :)   http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=613111:46
sorenporthose: Could you switch /usr/share/ampache/config/ampache.cfg.php and ./etc/ampache/ampache.cfg.php around? I.e. make the former a symlink to the latter rather than vice versa?12:07
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porthosesoren: done12:13
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sorenporthose: cool.12:14
jeromegcan a motu please review my debdiff for bug 52726 (it's attached there, please comment there any problems) ?12:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 52726 in php-image-canvas "Missing file referred to in /usr/share/php/Image/Canvas/Color.php" [Low,Triaged]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5272612:20
porthosesoren: dput new source now?12:40
sorenporthose: Sure.12:42
peanutbanyone have the link to bite sized bugs?12:42
sorenjeromeg: Um... php-image-color does not exist?12:44
porthosesoren: dput new source done :)12:45
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porthosesoren:  new changes are showing on REVU if you would like to comment/advocate :)01:09
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sorenporthose: /usr/share/ampache/config/ampache.cfg.php is now a link to /etc/ampache/ampache.cfg.php, but the config file seems to be named ./etc/ampache/ampache.conf .01:27
StevenKTheMuso: Around?01:31
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porthosesoren:  ampache.cfg.php is the main configuration file for ampache which is generated with the web interface, do I also need to link ampache.conf to /etc/ampache?01:34
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sorenporthose: Configuration files belong in /etc/.01:36
jwendellGood morning folks!01:36
jwendellis ftp.revu offline ?01:36
sorenporthose: During any sort of normal operations, /usr should be read-only.01:36
sorenporthose: The exception being when dpkg is running.01:36
porthosek will fix those01:38
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jwendellis ftp.revu offline ?01:44
siretartjwendell: it works for me01:44
zul_someone looking me?01:45
jwendellhmmm, i'll check my firewall, thanks, siretart 01:45
norsettoAny kind soul wishing to review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6130 ?01:45
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porthosesoren: changes made, new source dput to REVU02:01
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RainCTif there is a debdiff that fixes two bugs, is it necessary to create a new one or is it enough if it's just attached to one and the other gets a link to it?02:04
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RainCT(they are just two little things so I don't think it would make sense to open a new one because of them)02:05
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LucidFoxWhat team should I subscribe to bugs in Qt4?02:08
ScottKLucidFox: None.  Figure the bug contacts are correct.02:11
ScottKGood morning all.02:12
=== StevenK waves to ScottK
=== ScottK waves back to StevenK
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norsettoHi Scott02:18
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keyes_hello, have a problem while building a package : i've run dh_make and filled files in debian/ but when running debuild i've  debuild: fatal error at line 617: problem executing dpkg-parsechangelog | grep:  02:21
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keyes_when opening debian/changelog with vim i've a lot of : Error detected while processing function <SNR>16_MakeMenu: line    1:02:23
keyes_with Gedit or other it's the normal file :|02:23
TheMusoStevenK: I am now...02:24
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=== Hobbsee waves
TheMusoEvening Hobbsee 02:25
zul_hey Hobbsee 02:25
norsettog'day Hob02:25
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norsettoTheMuso: thanks for your comment in bug #127397 Luke. Is the proposed change acceptable?02:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127397 in rt2500 "Merge rt2500 1.1.0-b4-4 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12739702:27
TheMusonorsetto: I'd need to look at it again, and I am currently not in a position to do so at the moment.02:28
norsettoTheMuso: np, thanks02:28
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xxxxx1morning all! :D02:33
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HobbseeTheMuso: zul norsetto :)02:34
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jwendellHi, i did an upload that was interrupted, now i want to upload again but i receive an error 'Error '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer of supertuxkart_0.3-0ubuntu1.dsc'02:45
jwendelli've tried dcut to remove that file on server, but it seems to not work02:45
Hobbseedcut doesnt work on revu02:46
Hobbseeoh, that's what i was going to do.  patch that out02:46
StevenKDon't do that.02:46
StevenKAll you'll do is annoy DDs who use Ubuntu machines to upload to Debian.02:46
Hobbseeor add a message that say "dont try this on ubuntu hosts, such as revu and upload.ubuntu.com"02:46
Hobbseethat was my preferred option02:47
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Hobbseejwendell: fixed02:48
StevenKHobbsee: I like that option much better.02:48
jwendellHobbsee, can i upload now?02:49
Hobbseejwendell: yes02:49
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jwendellHobbsee, thanks02:50
jwendellHobbsee, that orig.gz has about 20MB... that's a bit big :)02:51
ScottKAny MOTU hopefuls (or MOTUs for that matter ;-)) want to practice security uploads?02:57
coNPScottK: yea02:57
StevenKI don't need to practise. :-P02:58
ScottKSee Bug #127718.  I'll be glad to help/advise.02:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127718 in lighttpd "lighttpd security fixes" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12771802:58
ScottKStevenK: I wouldn't imagine you would, but IIRC we have MOTUs that have never done a security upload.02:58
=== Hobbsee hasnt. havent needed to
StevenKPersonally, I consider it an esoteric skill02:59
Hobbseeoh wait, yes i have.02:59
Hobbseeas long as you remember the CVE syntax02:59
coNPLP has forgotten me again :(03:00
HobbseeScottK: you *do* realise that we have a copule of MOTU's who have never done a NEW package either?03:00
ScottKYes I do.03:00
ScottKI even know who at least one of them is.03:00
StevenKMe, me.03:00
TheMusoStevenK: You were after me earlier/03:01
HobbseeScottK: ditto for cores...03:01
HobbseeScottK: ditto for core devs..03:01
StevenKTheMuso: Yup. You might be interested in bug 12770503:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127705 in compiz "compiz doesn't "talk" when switching windows" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12770503:01
zulhah I have done several security uploads thank you very much03:02
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TheMusoStevenK: Yes I would be, I'll have a look at it soonish. I reckon that if accessibility is enabled, we disable compiz, but I'll take that up with the devs when I'm ready.03:02
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coNPScottK: should I backport lighthttpd to dapper / feisty? Or patch-patch-patch...03:02
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ScottKcoNP: Patch, patch, patch.03:03
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jwendellHobbsee, my uploaded failed again, i think due to the size of the file03:06
jwendellHobbsee, is there another way to upload them?03:06
coNPScottK: is this for dapper or feisty?03:07
Hobbseejwendell: dont think so03:07
ScottKcoNP: You need to check dapper/edgy/feisty and then gutsy to make sure relevant issues are fixed.03:07
coNPoh, cool03:08
Hobbseejwendell: removed03:08
jwendellHobbsee, yesterday i managed to upload, but i did it on upload.ubuntu.com (my mistake) :)03:09
Hobbseewell, anywhere that you can upload is basically good.  *shrugs*03:09
Hobbseeit wont show on revu, etc03:09
=== jwendell is going to do the 3rd try
jwendellHobbsee, after that upload i received an email about 'not authorized' :)03:10
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DarkSun88Hi all03:30
evandHobbsee: Thanks for the help.  Can you give this one more look over? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=612303:30
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Hobbseeevand: sure03:33
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asisakwhy dget does not work for LP?03:34
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StevenKSince different components of the source are stored in different directory due to how Launchpad's Librarian organises things.03:35
zorglu_q. i have vlc compiled from trunk and would like to create a .deb for it. any hint on how i can do that ?03:35
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coNPthen how can I make this unpack & patch my sources?03:36
coNPI got orig.tar.gz and .dsc and .diff.gz03:36
Hobbseeuse dpkg-source -x foo.dsc03:36
coNPwow, thanks Hobbsee 03:36
coNPzorglu_: what about the MOTU package update recipe (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Recipes/PackageUpdate)?03:37
zorglu_coNP: thanks, looking :)03:38
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Hobbseeevand: uploaded :)03:49
evandHobbsee: wonderful! thanks03:50
Hobbseeno problem :)03:50
=== Hobbsee archives
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LucidFoxDoes someone feel like reviewing? ^_^03:52
asisakevand: http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-bluetooth/0.9/gnome-bluetooth-0.9.1.tar.gz :D03:56
Hobbseepoor evand 03:59
asisakit is an easy update, though04:00
evandindeed, on it04:00
evandjust a single bug fix04:00
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zorglu_hmm i have to install pbuilder to rebuild vlc :)04:09
asisakzorglu_: you don't *have to* ... :)04:09
zorglu_asisak: really ? im reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Recipes/PackageUpdate and it end with a sudo pbuilder build brasero_0.5.90-0ubuntu1.dsc04:10
zorglu_asisak: i dont have pbuilder, how can i do without ?04:10
asisakzorglu_: yea, it is the recommended way if you want to make sure the package compiles with exactly the listed dependencies04:10
zorglu_asisak: ok and if i dont care ? :) 04:11
asisakzorglu_: for your own use you can use e.g. debuild -uc -us -b04:11
zorglu_ok trying :) thanks04:11
asisakdon't forget to run "apt-get build-dep vlc" before that04:11
zorglu_asisak: ok, i did that already :) the stuff already compiles fine, the point is to get a ubuntu package now :)04:12
asisakcool :)04:13
zorglu_1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- rejects in file modules/misc/freetype.c <- bouhou04:14
=== zorglu_ is sad :)
StevenKYou say, smiling04:15
asisakzorglu_: have a look at the patch, might be from SVN, i.e. not needed any more04:15
evandhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6149 If any sponsors have a moment to look it over, I'd very much appreciate it.04:16
asisakyes, please help poor evand  :D04:16
LucidFoxis it okay to use chrpath in debian/rules to remove rpaths from executables?04:17
zorglu_asisak: is there an debuild option to ignore patch error ? or should i manually edit the diff ?04:18
asisakzorglu_: you should check the patches 04:19
Hobbseeevand: looks fine04:19
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=== Hobbsee testbuilds
zorglu_asisak: building this pacakge seems a LOT of works :)04:20
zorglu_asisak: i will try another way. like static building :)04:21
zorglu_static building of a mozilla package, youhou :)04:21
asisakzorglu_: it is a hard way, but you can learn a lot from that04:21
HobbseeLucidFox: link?04:21
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LucidFoxHobbsee> http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=606304:23
LucidFoxor actually04:23
LucidFoxas it's the newer upload04:23
LucidFoxmaybe I should note that I am the upstream maintainer, so any comments like "ask upstream to..." can be directed to me ^_^04:24
zorglu_i dont get how you guys can handle that many packages with such procedures :)04:25
=== zorglu_ is in awe :)
StevenKzorglu_: Magic.04:25
HobbseeLucidFox: who's got copyright for years 04-06?04:26
asisakzorglu_: vlc uses quilt04:26
asisakzorglu_: so patches are easy to edit04:26
zorglu_asisak: quilt = ?04:26
asisakzorglu_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources04:26
zorglu_all that because of a silly bug in mozzila-plugin-vlc :) if( (c < 'a') || (c > 'z') ) is in the source but this should accept number too :)04:27
LucidFoxHobbsee> It was abandoned since 2003, so I took over.04:28
Hobbseeah right04:29
Hobbseeshould not be blank04:29
Hobbseeat least from the homepage, it's gpl v2, not v2 or later04:30
LucidFoxthe copyright notice headers said v2 or later04:30
Hobbsee+The printer icon is part of the Crystal project,(C) Everaldo Coelho04:30
Hobbsee+and the Crystal users community. These icons are released inder the GPL.04:30
Hobbseei'm fairly sure they're LGPL04:30
LucidFoxhow can I check?04:30
Hobbseevisit the website04:31
Hobbseei'm not sure if you need to actually specify which those files or directories are, either04:31
LucidFoxAh, that's odd.04:31
LucidFoxIt does say LGPL, but it's light text on a light background, while the dark header boldly says "GNU General Public License"04:32
LucidFoxSo it confused me.04:32
LucidFoxAs for the files, I'll specify the exact paths.04:32
LucidFoxSince I'll have to edit debian/copyright anyway.04:33
Hobbseeyou dont need the sample stuff at the top of the rules file, either04:34
Hobbseeand that's an odd way to find hte debian directory, i think04:34
Hobbseebut it looks pretty goo04:34
LucidFoxodd way?04:34
Hobbseejust havent seen it used before04:35
StevenKHobbsee: Share?04:35
LucidFoxwhat's the "proper" way?04:36
Hobbsee+DEBIAN_DIR = $(shell echo ${MAKEFILE_LIST} | awk '{print $$1}' | xargs dirname )04:36
HobbseeStevenK: ^04:36
StevenKMY EYES04:36
LucidFoxThat's odd. It isn't actually used.04:36
LucidFoxif it's not used explicitly in debian/rules itself, may I delete it?04:37
jwendellHobbsee, i quit04:39
Hobbseejwendell: :(04:39
HobbseeLucidFox: i assume so....04:39
jwendellHobbsee, i can't upload the big file :(04:39
jwendellHobbsee, anyway, could you see another upload? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=615004:39
Hobbseejwendell: why the makefile modifications in the diff?04:42
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jwendellHobbsee, i don't know :(04:43
Hobbseepresumably a clean rule hasnt been run, or something?04:43
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jwendelli just got the debian dir for 0.12 and changed it for 0.13 (and made a new patch)04:43
jwendellHobbsee, should i remove that non-debian-dir stuff from diff ?04:44
Hobbseeoh, it runs autohell during build.04:45
jwendellautohell :)04:45
Hobbseejwendell: can you do a debdiff <the debian .dsc> <your .dsc> | diffstat > foo, and pastebin taht somewhere?04:46
jwendellHobbsee, are you talking about the diff for 0.12 (previous version)?04:47
Hobbseeand also without the | diffstat part, but with the rest of the command04:47
Hobbseejwendell: please also fix debian bug 43340304:50
ubotuDebian bug 433403 in libgnomeprint15 "libgnomeprint15: Uninstallable: binNMUd." [Serious,Fixed]  http://bugs.debian.org/43340304:50
Hobbseejwendell: please also fix debian bug 43340704:50
ubotuDebian bug 433407 in pidgin-libnotify "pidgin-libnotify: needs stricter depends on pidgin" [Normal,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/43340704:50
LucidFoxIf an upstream release offers a choice between autotools and cmake, which build system is preferable to use in packaging?04:51
jwendellHobbsee, http://pastebin.ca/630823 (with |diffstat)04:52
jwendellwithout diffstat i got a file with 1MB size!04:52
Hobbseewouldnt surprise me04:53
jwendellHobbsee, do you still want to see it on pastebin?04:53
Hobbseeyes please04:54
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jwendellHobbsee, pastebin.ca has a 150KB limit :(04:55
Hobbseeuse rafb.net/paste04:56
jwendellHobbsee, http://rafb.net/p/toobig.html :)04:59
Hobbseeoh dear05:00
Hobbseejwendell: did you change *anything* outside the debian dir?05:00
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Hobbseejwendell: okay, can you run diff -urN oldsource/debian/ newsource/debian > foo, and pastebin that somewhere please?05:03
Hobbseeit shouldnt be that big05:03
jwendellone sec05:03
=== Hobbsee is attempting to get the diff into a reasonable form, as it's easier doing that, than reviewing the entire damned tarball
jwendellHobbsee, http://pastebin.ca/63083905:05
jwendellHobbsee, i just dropped older patch (it was applied upstream), updated changelog, and created a new small patch05:06
jwendelloh, i changed Maintainer field too 05:06
coNPwhy is that so much smaller than the debdiff?05:06
jwendelldebdiff got the entire tree (including new upstream tarball)05:07
coNPoh, sure it is only debian/* diff05:07
HobbseecoNP: debian/ only05:07
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Hobbseehttp://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/pidgin-libnotify-0707231030/pidgin-libnotify_0.13-0ubuntu1.diff which is everything not in the original tarball isnt much help, as it has a whole block of autohell in there05:08
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coNPScottK: is it a problem if I cannot finish lighttpd for now? I started but now has to go for a while...05:09
Hobbseejwendell: looks sane.  testbuilding05:09
LucidFoxReuploaded qink per Hobbsee's suggestions: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=615305:09
ScottKcoNP: Sooner the better, but whenever you can get it done.05:09
Hobbseejwendell: please send the contents of that last pastebin to the debian maintainer, inviting him to use it.05:09
Hobbseejwendell: also, please fix the debian bug that i mentioned earlier05:10
coNPScottK: okay05:10
jwendellHobbsee, about that debian bug, i think it's not valid at all: pidgin is going to have its own notify engine, so, pidgin-libnotify will be deprecated at pidgin 2.2 (or 2.3)05:11
tobiasschulzMOTUs: can you check http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6151 please?05:11
jwendell3.0 is too far05:11
Hobbseejwendell: fair enough05:11
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LucidFoxWho manages the NEW queue?05:16
ryanakcahmm... Any sbuilders have an idea for this? E: Couldn't find package build-essential05:16
LucidFoxryanakca> this probably means you don't have mirrors configured properly05:16
LucidFoxrepositories, that is05:17
HobbseeLucidFox: archive admins05:17
Hobbseeryanakca: build-essentials.05:17
ryanakcaLucidFox: http://pastebin.ca/63086305:17
ryanakcaHobbsee: it's different in a chroot? apt-cache show build-essential    works here, outside my chroot.05:18
ryanakcaHobbsee: and I'm getting the samething for devscripts and fakeroot, so I'm guessing it's a messed up schroot05:18
LucidFoxryanakca> is it in pbuilder where you get this error?05:18
Hobbseeryanakca: ah right.  no idea.05:19
=== Hobbsee doesnt use sbuild and friends
Hobbseejwendell: looks sane05:19
ryanakcaLucidFox: no, schroot/sbuild... see "Entering the chroot" on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto05:19
jwendellHobbsee, should i update changelog (i forgot to say i changed Maintainer field) ?05:19
Hobbseejwendell: probably, but i just hit the big red "upload" button05:20
Hobbseeprobably doesnt matter that much05:20
jwendellok then05:20
LucidFoxryanakca> ah, sorry, I haven't worked with that05:21
jwendellHobbsee,  does that mean the package was accepted?05:21
Hobbseejwendell: you should get an accepted mail05:21
=== Hobbsee hasnt got one yet
jwendellHobbsee, thanks05:21
jwendelllater i'll try that big upload again05:21
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Hobbseejwendell|lunch: there we go05:25
Toadstoolgood morning!05:26
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Hobbseemorning Toadstool!05:27
Toadstoolhey Hobbsee!05:28
geserdoes somebody know if emerald 0.3 works with compiz?05:29
LucidFoxgeser> it does05:30
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LucidFoxbut you have to run emerald before compiz, otherwise it will use gtk-w-d or kde-w-d05:30
=== geser waits till emerald passes NW
geserso you can't change it afterwards?05:31
LucidFoxyou can with emerald --replace05:31
LucidFoxas for NEW... it's really slow at times :(05:32
geserI hope it's a little faster now as tribe-3 is out of the way05:33
LucidFoxI'm still waiting for qca2 to be accepted... it's stuck there since July 905:34
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shahab_shi have a question about ubuntu packages and repositories 05:39
shahab_shanyone can help me plz05:39
shahab_shcan i use debian etch repositories (dvds or ...) in ubuntu?05:39
Toadstoolshahab_sh: no you can't05:41
shahab_shthere is no way?05:42
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tobiasschul1MOTUs: can you check http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6151 please?05:44
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LucidFoxshahab_sh> Only at your own risk. And you're EXTREMELY likely to meet dependency hell.05:48
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shahab_shLucidFox: look, i dont have high speed internet and i just have 1 ubuntu cd. its very difficult for me to download some packages but i have 3dvds of debian etch. now i wanna use the dvds for ubuntu.06:01
shahab_shnow do i meet dependency hell??06:02
jwendellHobbsee, i saw that sparc and ia64 failed due to unmet dependencies. Is that my fault?06:03
Hobbseejwendell: URL?06:03
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DarkSun88Hi all06:03
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Hobbseejwendell: yes you should06:05
Hobbseealthough it's probably gtk+2.0 that is broken on sparc06:05
jwendellsame for ia6406:06
jwendellHobbsee, what must i do?06:06
Hobbseethere's a new source in the archives, it seems, so that may fix it06:06
Hobbseeif it's gtk, either fix the gtk (or wait for teh new source binaries to build)06:06
Hobbseeor ignore it06:06
leonelhttp://www.phoronix.com/?page=news_item&px=NTkxNA  <-- This is Great06:07
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jwendellHobbsee, ok, i'll wait06:09
Hobbseejwendell: yeah, gtk fails on sparc06:10
Hobbseeso the rest probably will too - ie, anything that depends on it06:10
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Ash-FoxLinden lab needs to stop making their client requirements change. Each time theres a new version I end up redoing a ot of the package get it to compile again under pbuilder06:19
jwendellHobbsee, could you please remove supertuxkart_0.3-0ubuntu1.dsc again? I'm going to try it again :)06:21
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Hobbseejwendell: done06:22
jwendellHobbsee, thanks!06:22
geserHobbsee: have you some time to review (and upload) bug #87077?06:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 87077 in scons "The build of xmms2 fails because of HASH(0x82db558)="" in the environment" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8707706:23
Hobbseeewww, i'm not touching scons.06:23
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geserok, who should I ask instead?06:25
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Hobbseethe last uploader of scons06:25
Hobbseeoh, no one from ubuntu is sane enough to touch it06:25
geser:) Uploaded By:  Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync06:25
Hobbseebroonie: would be able to tell you if it's sane06:25
geserguess who provided that patch (the first debdiff)06:26
Hobbseegeser: in fact, broonie would probably want to upload that to debian.06:26
LucidFoxHobbsee> Why such a knee-jerk reaction to scons?06:27
HobbseeLucidFox: because i dislike scons06:27
Hobbseehmm, looks OK.  guess i can sponsor06:27
HobbseeLucidFox: because i know that i'll have to merge the rotten thing in gutsy+106:28
broonieIf this is the patch to fix interop with the launchpad buildds I wrote the patch :/06:28
geseryes, that's the patch06:29
Hobbseebroonie: yeah, just noticed.06:29
broonieIdeally I'd get upstream fixed.06:29
Hobbseebroonie: were you going to upload that to debian too?06:29
=== Hobbsee uploads
geserI've tested a patched scons and two packages which fail with the unpatched one on PPA06:29
geserand they both build now06:29
Hobbseeif the debian maintainer wrote the patch, then i trust it.06:29
geserHobbsee: thanks06:30
Hobbseeno problem06:30
=== Hobbsee feels dirty now
Nafallooooh :-)06:31
=== Nafallo wakes up
broonieI wasn't going to upload immediately - ideally I'd fix upstream or convert to use a patch system before I add mroe patches.06:31
broonieOTOH it's a relatively pressing issue for you guys so Ubuntu could use a quick fix.06:32
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Hobbseeyeah, fair enough06:32
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geserHi dholbach06:55
dholbachhey geser06:56
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bur[n] ergreetings all... anyone know if xtightvncviewer 1.3.9 is on deck for inclusion in gutsy?  1.2.9 is there currently07:44
geseronly if someone packages it, Debian has still 1.2.907:44
bur[n] eroh rrrright, forgot it has to be in debian :)  /me hopes someone packages it07:45
ubotuDebian bug 424077 in xtightvncviewer "xtightvncviewer: new upstream stable release 1.3.9 available" [Wishlist,Open]  07:46
bur[n] ercool, thanks AndyP, i'm hoping the new tightvnc helps my https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vnc4/+bug/123631 problem07:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123631 in vnc4 "vncviewer -listen allows connections from UltraVNC SC clients, but doesn't display the window" [Undecided,New]  07:47
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leonelthere's been some noise about  6.06.2    any  info on the release plans ?07:54
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NeilWREVU requested for vim-rails: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=613209:18
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AndyPooh, polls for the uvf team09:56
=== AndyP waits for bribes :)
=== jussi01 kick AndyP in the pants... you should know better :P
AndyPjussi01: i only vote for those who *don't* offer bribes ;)09:57
ScottKAndyP should ask if the pollees prefer to win or lose.09:58
norsetto***norsetto sits down, open a popcorn sack and enjoy the show09:58
AndyPScottK: what's your preference?09:58
ScottKThat we have a good UVF team.  If there are enough people better, then fine.  I don't care much.09:58
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=== AndyP educates himself of the current team membership and agrees
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AndyPa few extra conscientious members couldn't hurt though10:03
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zorg_the_falseq. is there a channel for the motu multimedia team ?10:09
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infinitodoes anyone know why seahorse fails signing packages built using debuild?10:19
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geserinfinito: feisty or gutsy?10:20
infinitogeser: feisty10:20
geserbug #7816510:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78165 in devscripts "debuild fails to use seahorse-agent or gpg-agent" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7816510:21
geserthere is also a workaround which should work on feisty10:22
ScottKinfinito: That or just sign with debsign.10:22
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guardianwere could i find support about debian multiple binary packages please ?10:30
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AndyPguardian: anything about multiple binary packages in particular or just how to package them?10:31
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guardianwell i'm starting knowing how to making multiple packages: typical use case is some program that comes with bunch of data that can be splitted10:32
guardianhowever, i found no information about versioning: if only the executable changes, will data package versions change ?10:32
AndyPguardian: in multiple binary packages, yes, the version is taken from the changelog... some packages have separate -data packages, which can have a different version10:34
guardianso if i want to allow different versions for executable and data, i need to make standalone packages right ?10:35
guardian1 for the executable, and 1 per data pack ?10:35
man-diguardian: you dont need to, but its much easier to do10:35
AndyPguardian: yes, as i understand it10:35
guardianman-di: what's the other option ?10:36
man-diguardian: writing the whole logic to determine the version numbers for the packages yourself10:36
man-diguardian: which is a major pain10:36
guardiani see10:36
zorg_the_false debuild -uc -us -b <- when i do that, it always clean all the previous compiled  .o, aka i recompile everything instead of the .o what need to be recompiled. any way i could avoid this clean ?10:37
man-dizorg_the_false: to avoid clean, use -nc10:38
zorg_the_falseman-di: thanks10:38
guardianalso i have another question which may be dumb :/ i followed the maintainer guide which instructs how to take a source tar.gz file and debianize it by creating package-version directory then invoking dh_make etc ... is there a way to have a debian directory right into my project (beside src dir ?) ? so that version is taken from configure.ac ?10:38
man-dizorg_the_false: but beware this can clutter the resulting packages10:38
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zorg_the_falseman-di: how so ?10:38
man-diguardian: thats really not recommended for several reasons10:39
man-diguardian: I would file bugs about this against upstream10:39
man-diguardian: as it makes packaging for a distro much harder10:39
guardianyou mean for a non debian disto ?10:39
man-diguardian: no, another debian based distro10:40
man-diguardian: you get diffs for the debian dir, thats a big pain10:40
guardianin fact i would like to avoid doing what's explained inside maintainer guide again and again for each version i release10:40
guardianit's a maemo package (nokia n800)10:40
guardianso it's not aimed to run elswhere10:40
guardianit's not meant to run elsewhere10:41
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man-diguardian: the maintainer guide is only about initial packaging10:41
man-diguardian: you dont need to redo it each time, just updated the package, uupdate is your friend10:42
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man-diguardian: for most software an upstream update is done in 5 minutes in the debian package10:42
guardianmaybe i missed something then. i had foo directory. i made foo-0.1 and followed the maintainer guide. now relevant stuff is in foo-0.1/debian10:42
man-dizorg_the_false: becuase uncleaned files and so10:43
guardianwhere should i keep what's generated in foo-0.1 then ?10:43
guardiani don't want to write copyritght files again and again10:43
man-diguardian: you dont need to10:43
guardianah you mean i keep the 0.1 package then update it ?10:43
man-dicd foo-0.1 ; uupdate ../foo-0.2.tar.gz ; debuild ; dput10:43
man-diguardian: thats mainly it10:43
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man-diguardian: as long as foo-0.2.tar.gz doesnt ship a debian dir10:44
zorg_the_falseman-di: ok10:44
guardianand is foo-0.1 supposed to be included in SCM ? what's generally done ?10:45
broonieguardian: Depends. Some people keep only debian/ but most import all of upstream.10:46
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broonieThe foo-buildpackage documentation will have standard workflows for each SCM.10:46
RainCTwhat's a .desktop.in file? a disabled one?10:47
broonieRainCT: .in files are usually processed by the configure script with some configuration it worked out.10:47
man-diRainCT: a file that will be processed and become a .desktop file10:47
RainCTah ok, thanks10:48
guardianwell in fact i don't want foo-0.1/src to be in SCM or any other source/header/makefile etc10:48
man-diRainCT: some placeholders will be replaced in it10:48
man-diguardian: you dont need to10:48
guardianso only foo-0.1/debian 10:50
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RainCTsomeone knows why always I debuild something it says /bin/pwd: can't open directory ../../../../../..: Permission denied  ?10:58
xxxxx1ScottK, PM?11:00
calci sent a core dev application in 10 days ago and only got one response back so far is there anything else i need to do?11:00
ScottKxxxxx1: If it's quick.11:00
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guardianbroonie: when you say foo-buildpackage, you refer to cvs-buildpackage or svn-buildpackage ?11:07
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RainCTdoes simple-patchsys automatically apply al patches from debian/patches/?11:10
ScottKRainCT: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources11:11
RainCTwell but that command basically only adds a .patch to debian/patches, or?11:18
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infinitodoes MOTU created packages get overwritten when syncing from debian?11:25
ScottKIf a Ubuntu change needs to be preserved, then you do a merge instead.11:25
guardianthank you very much for your detailed answers guy. was much appreciated11:41
guardianbye :)11:41
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RainCTgood night all11:58
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mohammadcould anyone please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6052 for me?12:02
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ScottKmohammad: Does it still doe the mozilla init stuff?12:12
mohammadScottK: the copyright issues are completely resolved but not the mozilla init stuff12:12
mohammadScottK: do you have any suggestion for me?12:13

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