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OpenMedia | superm1: You need to turn your VNC session off ;) | 01:13 |
superm1 | OpenMedia, its on but i have to give the person trying to connect permissions :) | 01:13 |
OpenMedia | Ah. | 01:13 |
superm1 | OpenMedia, you might want to move that htdigest out of your directory out in the open :) | 01:14 |
OpenMedia | Hmm superm1 web server shouldn't be up. | 01:15 |
superm1 | i see ssh, http, and rpc | 01:16 |
superm1 | might want to check that | 01:16 |
OpenMedia | No httpd npow | 01:17 |
OpenMedia | whoops.. | 01:17 |
OpenMedia | no httpd now | 01:17 |
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needinfo | Anyone know if it is possible to use the AITech Wavewatcher with MythTV? The card I have has the Zoran 36120 chipset. The card is recognized by Ubuntu but not MythTV as far as I can tell. | 01:56 |
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tgm4883_laptop | superm1 you around? | 02:25 |
superm1 | yes tgm4883_laptop | 02:30 |
superm1 | well: depends where here is i guess though :) | 02:30 |
OpenMedia | Possibly next to me ;) | 02:30 |
tgm4883_laptop | still doing more testing on the comm removing in mytharchive, ran into a problem making a dvd iso with it though | 02:31 |
tgm4883_laptop | as the show is 8 GB and we weren't transcoding, it threw up errors saying not enough space | 02:32 |
tgm4883_laptop | it's really weird though, as it is removing them fine for other shows, but not planet earth | 02:32 |
tgm4883_laptop | come to think of it, I don't think I have tried other HD shows yet | 02:33 |
superm1 | the mpeg2 coming from a cable box via firewire is another kind of beast | 02:33 |
superm1 | as i've sometimes noticed | 02:33 |
OpenMedia | Err was this show in HD? What codec was it? | 02:33 |
tgm4883_laptop | i have noticed it has some problems | 02:33 |
OpenMedia | Ah US HD MPEG2. For DVD you would have to transcode | 02:33 |
superm1 | the mpeg2 on a cable box, i've seen that they like to have a lot of frame rate changes | 02:34 |
tgm4883_laptop | video PTS inconsistent: 15:30:50.686 15:30:50.686 15:28:16.916 0:00:00.867 diff: 0:00:05.302 | 02:34 |
tgm4883_laptop | video DTS inconsistent: 15:30:50.619 15:30:50.619 15:31:24.895 0:03:08.846 diff: 0:00:34.275 | 02:34 |
tgm4883_laptop | video PTS inconsistent: 15:30:50.653 15:30:50.653 15:28:16.924 0:00:00.875 diff: 0:00:05.344 | 02:34 |
tgm4883_laptop | Warning negative video PTS increase! | 02:34 |
superm1 | in between the commercials nd the show | 02:34 |
tgm4883_laptop | does that mean anything to you? | 02:34 |
superm1 | which that may be exactly what you are seeing right there | 02:34 |
OpenMedia | The one you see on DVB streams from the UK is the aspect ration flags changing during the adverts | 02:34 |
tgm4883_laptop | last time I tried doing this it didn't even make the iso | 02:35 |
tgm4883_laptop | i checked the log, but it was 255 thousand lines | 02:35 |
tgm4883_laptop | which is more than i want to read, but the above posted was the majority of it | 02:35 |
superm1 | this is from a direct mpeg2->mpeg2 transcode right? | 02:35 |
OpenMedia | You didn't let that log file fill up /var did you? | 02:36 |
superm1 | or only during a mytharchive queued transcode | 02:36 |
tgm4883_laptop | superm1, the only thing it was doing was removing the commercials, not transcoding | 02:36 |
superm1 | right - via a mpeg2->mpeg2 transcode | 02:36 |
superm1 | to snip the commercials | 02:36 |
superm1 | no resolution change | 02:37 |
tgm4883_laptop | openmedia, it didn't fill up /var, still 94 gb free | 02:37 |
tgm4883_laptop | superm1 - right | 02:37 |
OpenMedia | Have you tried a lossless transcode via the normal MythTV UI to just remove the adds but not burn to disk.? | 02:37 |
tgm4883_laptop | openmedia, if you mean selecting to not reencode and to make an iso and not burn, then yes, that is what i did when I got this log | 02:38 |
tgm4883_laptop | strange thing though is i don't get that when I tell it to reencode | 02:38 |
tgm4883_laptop | but it doesn't remove the commercials then | 02:39 |
tgm4883_laptop | started it again 6 minutes ago, have 75,000 lines in my log | 02:40 |
tgm4883_laptop | too bad the stb doesn't do HD over standard RG6, this would have much less problems I think | 02:41 |
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Kevin11919 | hi peeps.. i need some help | 03:09 |
Kevin11919 | i have gotta my LifeView DVB-s card to be reconized in unbuntu,, | 03:09 |
Kevin11919 | buy my problem is that.... | 03:09 |
Kevin11919 | [ 2330.434223] dvb_init: No ISL6421 found! | 03:10 |
Kevin11919 | here is a copy of my dsemg output | 03:10 |
Kevin11919 | http://rafb.net/p/8wJb3h30.html | 03:10 |
Kevin11919 | i was told that "isl6421" controls the lnb power settings for the lnb | 03:10 |
Kevin11919 | that is why kaffeine is only showing quality and signal in its scans and no channels.. | 03:10 |
=== needinfo [n=chatzill@208-72-109-10.clients.ori.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv | ||
needinfo | I am seeking advice about AITech WaveWatcher card. | 04:00 |
needinfo | OK then, where should I go for advice? | 04:03 |
needinfo | If there is anyone here, please turn on the light so I can find my way. | 04:06 |
needinfo | No lght in here? Well, I'll just feel my way arouund. | 04:09 |
needinfo | Ah! There's the door. Now I can get out of here. | 04:26 |
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pteague | anybody know if this would work for myth frontend? - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813153045 | 05:52 |
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tgm4883_laptop | pteague, are you planning on viewing HD? | 06:58 |
pteague | don't plan to record anything as HD... | 06:59 |
tgm4883_laptop | then it should* work fine. I haven't tried it myself though | 06:59 |
tgm4883_laptop | as long as its supported in linux though | 06:59 |
tgm4883_laptop | if you do plan on doing hd in the future, I hear that the c7 I think is supposed to do HD | 07:00 |
pteague | my plan is to have a mythtv server for recording things & then simply stream to a frontend client... i'd like to get dual tuners for the server, but i'm not sure if there's any out there that will record HD | 07:07 |
pteague | would also like to get everything to work via remote control, but i've not come across anything that looks promising yet :( | 07:08 |
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tgm4883_laptop | pteague, if you get a seperate remote, the MCE remote is a pretty good one. | 04:54 |
tgm4883_laptop | As for HD, I don't think there is a dual HD tuner, but you could stream via firewire (if your in the US), and you can daisy chain firewire devices together | 04:54 |
spader3d | doea mythbuntu support the hauppauge wintv pvr usb (not the usb2.0!)? | 05:17 |
spader3d | http://pvrusb.sourceforge.net/ | 05:23 |
laga | it's a driver for linux 2.4. | 05:28 |
laga | unless there is an updated version for 2.6, the answer is no | 05:28 |
tgm4883_laptop | well i see a guide for the 2.0 on edgy | 05:29 |
tgm4883_laptop | and apparently the usb 2 version works oob in feisty | 05:30 |
tgm4883_laptop | not sure about the usb 1 version though | 05:31 |
spader3d | ok | 05:45 |
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spader3d | is there a way to improve the channel changing? | 05:54 |
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DaveMorris | has bug #126423 been packaged up yet? | 07:18 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126423 in mythtv "Mythtv "Error encountered displaying video" on DVB-T program change" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126423 | 07:18 |
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superm1 | hey guys | 09:21 |
tgm4883 | superm1, i would venture to say there is a problem removing commercials from HD over firewire | 10:43 |
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DaveMorris | superm1: : has bug #126423 been packaged up yet? | 11:14 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126423 in mythtv "Mythtv "Error encountered displaying video" on DVB-T program change" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126423 | 11:14 |
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OpenMedia | DaveMorris: I requested a backport to 0.20-fixes in http://svn.mythtv.org/trac/ticket/3591 | 11:17 |
OpenMedia | I thought superm1 had included my fixes in Mythbuntu alpha 2, but I'm not 100% on that | 11:18 |
superm1 | mythtv bug 3591 has been packaged up in mythbuntu | 11:19 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 3591 in soyuz "/binarypackagenames page is bewildering" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3591 | 11:19 |
superm1 | and in gutsy ubuntu packages | 11:20 |
DaveMorris | what about backports? | 11:20 |
DaveMorris | my backend is running edgy :) | 11:20 |
OpenMedia | superm1: Is that the right bug number? | 11:21 |
superm1 | OpenMedia, ubotu doesn't know about the mythtv bug tracker | 11:21 |
OpenMedia | Ah sorry yeah mythtv bug ;) | 11:21 |
superm1 | as for backporting, maybe to feisty | 11:21 |
superm1 | but not edgy | 11:21 |
DaveMorris | why not? | 11:21 |
DaveMorris | it should apply cleanly | 11:22 |
superm1 | it turns into too much to manage | 11:22 |
DaveMorris | also edgy should be supported for 12 months or so shouldnt it? | 11:22 |
superm1 | it won't backport cleanly | 11:23 |
=== DaveMorris suffers from that bug and will be killed by the other 1/2 if I take the server offline for an upgrade | ||
=== DaveMorris can't wait for the next LTS so he can use it for mythtv-backend | ||
DaveMorris | also are we gonna have a LTS mythbuntu when ubuntu have a LTS ? | 11:23 |
superm1 | edgy wasn't LTS | 11:23 |
superm1 | dapper was | 11:23 |
DaveMorris | I know | 11:24 |
OpenMedia | DaveMorris: It would mean a full backport of the all of the mythtv packages.. You could do a rebuild yourself from source ;) | 11:24 |
DaveMorris | dapper has 36 months support | 11:24 |
superm1 | DaveMorris, if you at least jump up to feisty, it's a more feasible backport or can be added to the weekly build on mythbuntu.org | 11:25 |
DaveMorris | tbh I'll prob jump to mythbuntu once its released for my backend | 11:25 |
superm1 | i see | 11:25 |
DaveMorris | but I'll stick to the LTS once we reach it | 11:26 |
DaveMorris | my other servers are all LTS | 11:26 |
superm1 | actually it won't even cleanly backport to feisty | 11:26 |
superm1 | without changes | 11:26 |
DaveMorris | yeah, so I'll just have to goto mythbuntu at somepoint | 11:26 |
OpenMedia | LTS isn't always a good choice for Myth. You won't always see backports of the most recent MythTV builds | 11:26 |
DaveMorris | backend features aren't always what I want though, its more on the frontend I tend to want the new features | 11:27 |
OpenMedia | Ah but then you hit the issues of running different builds front and back due to protocol changes | 11:27 |
DaveMorris | I'd like an easy way to migrate my recordings to new versions of stuff, thats what I'm worried about loosing | 11:27 |
OpenMedia | You can't just dist upgrade your backend? | 11:28 |
DaveMorris | I prob could, but I want the database to cleanly move to new versions | 11:29 |
DaveMorris | and the passwords to stay the same | 11:29 |
DaveMorris | is calling an article about X 'XXX' a good idea? | 11:36 |
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DaveMorris | we use fluxbox in mythbuntu? | 11:43 |
OpenMedia | openbox | 11:44 |
DaveMorris | working a mention to mythbuntu into my article about X | 11:44 |
superm1 | Daviey, any news re: meta magic? | 11:53 |
DaveMorris | it's happening again, bug 126423 is sent to the list and to my user account | 12:26 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 126423 in mythtv "Mythtv "Error encountered displaying video" on DVB-T program change" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126423 | 12:26 |
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