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runleveltenyeah, once you get used to kmail, it's nice12:15
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runleveltenI now know why mac users used to go on about enjoying the "integration" of their crappy client now, heh12:15
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gruli like gmail12:15
grulthe web client12:15
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rrbizodd this time migrate docs and settings from MS didn't recognize12:16
elite101where can i download DSL linux?12:16
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rrbizgoogle it, it'll give u the website12:17
jhutchinselite101: There's this great web site at http://www.google.com/ that can answer all kinds of questions like that.12:17
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waylandbillelite101: damnsmalllinux.org?12:17
elite101is that a real site?12:18
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Silent_GDragnslcr, checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0.3) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation!12:20
Silent_Gwhat next?12:20
NickPrestaSilent_G, I believe you need the *-dev packages.12:20
DragnslcrIn this case, the Qt dev libraries12:21
Silent_Gso qt dev now?12:21
NickPrestawhat are you compiling?12:21
waylandbillelite101: of course it is. It's the project's website.12:21
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rrbizsomeone know a trick to getting the laptop to recognize fn-f3 to turn of lcd screen ?12:22
persenARGH i give up12:23
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rrbizthink in dapper it did now in feisty it doesn't12:23
NickPrestarrbiz, which laptop do you have? It worked automagically on my Dell Latitude in Dapper12:23
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persenspent 6 hours trying to get 1920x1080 but this shit makes me so angry i want to break something12:23
rrbizaveratec 105012:23
NickPresta!language | persen12:23
ubotupersen: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:23
rrbizperson modify ur xorg.conf12:23
NickPrestapersen, what is your problem?12:24
persenrrbiz, done that all night12:24
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:24
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rrbizreally and didn't kickin12:24
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rollergrrli need help with my sound card12:24
perseni have a 37 LCD FULL HD tv i try to run in 1920x1080 mode, it says in kde control center i have it but the sides of the desktop is not displayed12:24
NickPresta!ask | rollergrrl12:24
uboturollergrrl: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:25
persenso i miss start button etc..12:25
waylandbillpersen: /etc/modprobe.d/  is what you want. It's a directory rather than a single convoluted file.12:25
elite101waylandbill, thats not there website12:25
waylandbillelite101: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org is the site for that distro.12:25
persenwaylandbill, what will i do with that folder?12:25
elite101ohh lol damn12:26
elite101i put dam12:26
rollergrrlhello :)12:26
waylandbillpersen: you asked about modprobe.conf earlier. It's now several files in a subdirectory with the same format as a single conf file.12:27
persenwaylandbill, do you know what file the snd device is configured in?12:27
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rollergrrlfor some reason I can not get my sound to work??12:28
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rollergrrlany suggestions12:28
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waylandbillsorry no12:28
vzduchrollergrrl: mixer settings (in KMix _and_ alsamixer)12:28
Dragnslcrrollergrrl- check the mixer settings, make sure the output channel isn't muted12:28
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DragnslcrI still can't figure out why the digital output channels in alsamixer are muted by default12:29
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rollergrrllol how do i get to that ?12:29
DragnslcrKMenu -> Multimedia12:30
elite101wow i love linux lol they can do some amasing things lmao a pendrive at wal-mart is like 10$ for 128mb usb and they are sitting by the casher like  no one cares about em12:30
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DragnslcrKMix is in there. There's no GUI for alsamixer installed by default, but you can install it through Adept or just use the shell version12:30
vzduchrollergrrl: you should have a loudspeaker icon in the system tray -> click on it and choose 'Mixer'12:30
rollergrrli mean I do not see a mute setting on it12:30
persenelite101, Should the cashiers care that linux is amazing while theyre selling 128 mb flash drives for 10$?12:30
Dragnslcrelite101- that's because nobody cares about them12:31
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Dragnslcrrollergrrl- the mute control is the small light at the top of each slider (for KMix)12:31
elite101just saying linux is cool. and that pendrives are so cheap12:32
rollergrrli have no Kmenu?12:34
DragnslcrDo you have a taskbar?12:34
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rollergrrli do have a taskbar12:35
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:35
DragnslcrRight Click -> Add Applet12:35
DragnslcrThen select K Menu12:35
DragnslcrDunno how/why you removed it in the first place12:35
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ERIK_LIMAGuys!! Help! I need the right repository to install libdvdcss2!!12:38
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alynxERIK_LIMA: Hope this helps mate http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/04/libdvdcss2-and-w32codecs-for-ubuntu/12:40
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mm__202Could someone help me out?  I [accidently]  deleted my /etc/init.d/mysql file and now apt-get install mysql-server fails everytime.  Could someone send me the file or tell me where I can get it?12:41
elite101how big is dsl?12:41
mm__202I've tried removing it, purging it, forcing it, everything.12:42
ERIK_LIMAalynx: I tried to add Seveas Packages on my sources.list, but didn't work :'(12:42
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BluesKajERIK_LIMA, pls explain 'didn't work'12:44
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ERIK_LIMABluesKaj: Because I obtain errors about the public key.12:47
alynxERIK_LIMA: I tried to follow the guide from the link i gave you , works here12:47
rollergrrlI can only find k menu in manager package12:47
ERIK_LIMABut nevermind! :) I added the Medibuntu repository and installed the libdvdcss2 :D12:47
alynxERIK_LIMA: ah ok , nice12:47
BluesKajERIK_LIMA, don't worry about the public key , delete the seveas repos , they aren't working properly , replace them with the medibuntu repos12:48
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:48
BluesKajok, good12:49
ERIK_LIMAalynx: Let me explain. Todya I installed clamav. After I turn off my computer, go out home and come back to PC again...12:49
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ERIK_LIMAMy Ubuntu didn't boot! :( So I'm installing all the missed libs and programs I had again12:49
BluesKajdo you have a windows partition?12:50
BluesKajotherwise why use clamav12:50
BluesKajyou don't need it12:50
ERIK_LIMABecause of the viruses.12:50
ProJ3ctwhat is the french chanel pls12:51
ERIK_LIMALinux is secure, of course, but it don't means it is free of viruses.12:51
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ERIK_LIMANevermind about clamav. My next step is to install the drivers for my webcam12:52
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ERIK_LIMAIt's compatible with Microdia driver. I found a good explanation, in portuguese, to install it12:53
rollergrrldragnslcr I found k menu in manager package what do I insall ?12:54
Dragnslcr!fr | ProJ3ct12:54
ubotuProJ3ct: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:54
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ProJ3ctTks ubotu12:54
Dragnslcrrollergrrl- you shouldn't need to install KMenu from Adept12:54
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rollergrrli don't have it then12:55
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DragnslcrI'm not even sure if it's a package at all or if it's just part of the KDE core12:55
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DragnslcrYeah, there is no KMenu package12:55
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rollergrrlk thank you12:56
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DragnslcrIf it isn't at the left end of your taskbar, you must have moved it or removed it yourself12:57
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elite101hey what is the command line for java6?01:04
NickPrestaelite101, to install it?01:04
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elite101no download01:04
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NickPrestasudo apt-get install sun-java6-* to install it.01:04
elite101then to download?01:04
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NickPresta-d option01:05
elite101i dont get it?01:05
elite101-d option01:05
vzduchthe above apt-get command will download it automatically01:06
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persenbye bye linux01:06
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perseni cant take it anymore01:06
elite101it sayed cant find any packets01:07
elite101for java6 -jre01:07
elite101yes i enabled multi universe and universe packets01:07
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vzduchpastebin please01:08
elite101i spelt it correct in the konsole just wanted to save time typing01:08
vzduchdid an apt-get update beforehand?01:08
ERIK_LIMASo, guys. Here's how I installed the Microdria driver for my webcam on Ubuntu01:08
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elite101how do u do that lol01:09
ERIK_LIMAI use the Debian packages01:09
elite101i did an update manually by adept when enabled the packets and hitting apply changes01:09
ERIK_LIMAFirst, you need to run a command on Terminal to see if your webcam is compatible with Linux01:09
elite101lol i didnt know there was an update command line01:09
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NickPrestaelite101, apt-get help01:10
ERIK_LIMASo, on Terminal enter "lsusb"01:10
NickPrestaERIK_LIMA, perhaps these instructions would be best on Pastebin or on Ubuntu forums01:11
ERIK_LIMAMust return something like "Microdia weex Mini WebCam" or equivalent01:11
ERIK_LIMACalm down. I'm just retribuying your help :D01:11
ERIK_LIMAIt is my "Thank You" to everyone. ^^01:12
elite101how do i enter an option on terminal?? when it says -u how do i type that in the command line to select that option01:12
ERIK_LIMASo I prefer to tell the ones who have an webcam with Microdia, how to install it01:13
NickPrestaERIK_LIMA, that's great and I appreciate your efforts but it will be difficult to share your findings when they're split over multiple lines of an IRC chat.01:13
elite101thats what forums are for?01:13
ERIK_LIMAOK. So, you can find the drivers dor other distros from this site:01:13
elite101if u post it here it will only be for like 2 sec's half of these ppl arent even on irc rite now its minimized????!?!?!?01:14
ERIK_LIMA      http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html01:14
ERIK_LIMAThankd and goodbye01:14
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elite101lol pointless?01:14
=== NickPresta sighs
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vzduch!hi | caboose_198001:16
ubotucaboose_1980: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:16
elite101okay i got java to install how do i get flashplayer9 working?01:16
vzduchsame way01:16
elite101okay lol01:16
vzduchsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:17
elite101i tried searching for it in adept and coulfnt find it01:17
elite101and what was the line for the update?01:17
elite101apt-get update01:18
vzduchbut, relating to Java..  @ all: my Java (sun-java6-jre) seems not to work in Konqueror, I keep getting errors on Java-heavy webpages (e.g. map24.com)01:18
vzduchelite101: it's enough if you do that once a day01:18
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elite101i never done that thou01:19
BluesKajelite101, if you didn't find it in adept then apt won't either , you need to add repositories01:19
vzduchthe packages don't change that fast01:19
alynxi have troubles with konqueror on youtube , but firefox works like a charm01:19
vzduchYouTube works fine w/ Konq here01:19
elite101yeah? lol thats why i wanted flash i am using konqueror?01:19
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elite101for youtube videos to work01:19
elite101and some webpages01:19
malik__i have installed kubuntu from a DVD . why dont i see Applications Menu there ??01:19
runleveltenYep, I use youtube fine in konqy too.01:20
vzduchmalik__: because KDE doesn't have an 'Applications' menu01:20
elite101man i wish i had a DVD drive :(01:20
elite101yeah really?01:20
vzduchit's all categorized in the K menu01:20
runleveltenK Menu ftw.01:20
elite101they are in groups/internet/Multimedia01:20
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malik__i have installed vmware server from synaptec manager, where should i look for its startup icon?01:21
runleveltenOld friend. You know where stuff is in the K menu, because it says so on it.01:21
vzduchrunlevelten: yep01:21
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BluesKaj!source-o-matic | elite10101:22
ubotuelite101: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:22
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elite101cant u just upgrade your distro to a higher version like from 6.10 to 7.04?01:22
elite101so i dont need to order the cd??01:23
elite101or well download the ISO01:23
BluesKajwell, if yer thinking you can include more apps by upgrading your distro01:23
elite101no so its just as if i installed it from the cd 7.04 but really i upgraded from 6.1001:24
elite101i dont have a dvd drive :(01:24
alynxelite101: I'll try and find the link that explains how for you.01:24
=== BluesKaj leaves the pot ...enuff ppl stirring the stew as it is
elite101okay but i really have 6.06.1 LTS KDE01:25
elite101its to old i know01:25
vzduchI keep hearing that Gutsy will be an LTS version.. so, after the experience w/ Dapper, it's likely to become 7.12 instead of 7.10 *gg*01:25
malik__how do i properly install the vmware server in kubuntu??01:25
Hirvinenvzduch: It won't. Gutsy+1 will be.01:25
vzduchHirvinen: ah01:25
NickPrestavzduch, I just saw Mark post saying that it will be 8.04 that will be a LTS01:25
vzduchthen that'll gonna be rather 8.06 ;)01:25
elite101The Flash plugin is NOT installed. why does it say that in terminal after i did sudo apt get- flash........01:26
BluesKajmalik__, there's a tutorial at the vmware server site01:26
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malik__i just installed the vmware server from synaptec package manager, got the vmware server console in the system menu, but it does not start when i click on it01:27
BluesKajelite101, i guess some ppl just don't don't read advice that's directed to them01:27
alynxelite101: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=397221&highlight=dist+upgrade read post #6 in the treah01:27
acidBURNis kde 4 going to be in the next version of kubuntu 7.10?01:27
BluesKajelite101, if you didn't find it in adept then apt won't either , you need to add repositories01:28
HirvinenacidBURN: No.01:28
alynx**thread and change the names01:28
elite101i did01:28
acidBURN? what not01:28
elite101what do u mean i didnt find?01:28
elite101i was going threw the programs list01:28
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HirvinenacidBURN: It won't be released nearly in time.01:28
BluesKaj!source-o-matic | elite10101:28
ubotuelite101: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:28
acidBURNis 7.10 going to have any cool NEW features?01:29
rrbizacidBURN: u can install it urself though01:29
vzduchdayum.. if there's one thing I hate, it's rolling over my headphones cable w/ my chair..01:29
HirvinenacidBURN: IIRC KDE 4 is currently set to be released roughly around the same time as 7.10. That's at least two months late.01:29
rrbizinstall it all for that matter01:29
acidBURNcan't wait for the unifed database setup....01:29
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vzduchHirvinen: I've heard that it won't be Kubuntu's default desktop for another 2 releases, so it will be in 8.10 at the earliest01:30
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vzduchas default, that is01:30
HirvinenacidBURN: 8.04 won't probably have it either as the default(though would be available) because they're afraid that KDE 4 won't be mature enough at that point to be in an LTS.01:31
acidBURNvzduch: your kidding right?  :(01:31
HirvinenacidBURN: Nope. Riddell said it a while ago.01:31
acidBURNoh man01:31
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HirvinenIt should be available in 8.06 though.01:31
bsantoslet got in home01:31
vzduchacidBURN: it'll probably made available as an update as soon as it's out & packaged, but it won't be the default desktop until at least 8.1001:32
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acidBURNso, is there going to be any cool NEW items for kubuntu ?? :)01:32
bsantosI'm fucked01:32
vzduch!language | bsantos01:32
ubotubsantos: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:32
elite101man i still cant view youtube videos01:33
vzduchelite101: did you reload the plugins?01:33
jbasilioelite101: what's wrong?  64 bit?01:33
rrbizmy RSS's quickly go beyond 100001:34
rrbiztoo much info out there01:34
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elite101no i didnt load the plugin for flash how do u do that? configure konqueror plugins01:35
BluesKajvzduch, you can kead a horse to water .....  :)01:35
vzduchBluesKaj: huh?01:35
BluesKajelite101, did you edite you sources.list and add the repositories01:36
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vzduchBluesKaj: I already gave him the cmd to install the flash player01:36
elite101but it didnt install the flash plugin?01:37
BluesKajyeah, but he didn't have it in the repos01:37
vzduchand I assume he already did that01:37
elite101it downloaded but didnt install01:37
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elite101at the very last line :01:37
abijahdoes anyone knwo how to connect ubuntu to exchange server on AD domain?01:37
elite101it downloaded the packets01:37
elite101but all of asudden at the end it sayed Flashplayer plugin NOT installed.01:37
vzduchabijah: there is a (afaik for-pay) plugin for Evolution to do that01:38
abijahwhat is required? do i have to install LDAP01:38
elite101i dont know why the file was a trz. file or something? im on KDE dapper it should be debian?01:38
elite101maybe thats why because on the adobe web page there is no debian file to download?01:39
vzduchelite101: can you paste the complete output of the flashplugin installation please?01:39
elite101um i kinda closed the terminal after01:39
elite101i can re download it again01:39
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vzduchthen re-run the cmd01:39
BluesKajelite101, use adept to install the flashplayer-nonfree01:39
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vzduchsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:40
elite101i know that01:40
BluesKajand flashplugin-nonfree01:40
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elite101flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version. thats what it said why isnt youtube working then??? even thou it said the plugin did not install??01:42
abijahwe are rebelling againt microsoft and are switching to Linux but We have a problem with winxp and ubuntu desktops accessing an exchange email server01:42
elite1010 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.01:42
elite101it downloaded but didnt upgrade? o.001:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about exchange - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:43
elite101how do i upgrade it then?01:43
elite101java worked fine :)01:43
elite101just not flash? :(01:43
renatotry with automatix elite10101:44
elite101i will install firefox maybe thats the prob? someone upthere sayed youtube doesnt work good on here anyways?01:44
vzduchAutomatix?  no way..01:44
elite101im new to  kubuntu so if u say a program i prob wont know it01:44
renatoyoutube works wonders01:44
vzduchaldcor: stop it.01:45
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alynxelite101: try sudo update-alternatives --config javac01:45
vzduchrenato: Automatix can screw your system up badly - don't recommend it.01:45
alynxjava not javac01:45
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renatodidn't know vzduch, it has worked for me01:47
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:47
solarwaveris anyone here knows why ubuntu is not playnig divx?01:47
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solarwaveris anyone here knows why ubuntu is not playnig divx?01:47
vzduch!codecs | solarwaver01:47
ubotusolarwaver: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:47
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elite101im installing firefox maybe thats what my problem was, was just konqueror01:50
renatonot really, youtube works with konqueror for me01:50
vzduchfor me too01:50
renatoit's just the plugin01:50
vzduchotoh, I don't have Dapper, I have Feisty01:50
renatome too01:51
men007q passa01:51
BluesKajelite101, it should  run on konqueror too , but after installing an app sometimes you have to relogin or reboot01:51
vzduch!it | men00701:51
ubotumen007: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:51
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renatowith browsers  you just have  to restart the program itself01:52
men007ok baby01:52
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BluesKajrenato, not alaways01:53
men007i want this program pls01:53
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solarwavervzduch thanx01:54
BluesKajanyway BBL ...tvtime with wifey for a while01:54
elite101BluesKaj, yeah because when i updated my system kopete and kbit where still old looking once i restarted it was updated01:54
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elite101well brb going to go reboot01:55
malik__how o mount an ntfs partition in ubuntu ??01:55
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powerpuffgirlmalik__: depends01:56
renatomy desktop !ntsf01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntsf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter01:56
powerpuffgirlmalik__: you can use linux ntfs kernel module to drive nt file systems read only01:56
powerpuffgirlmalik__: you can use ntfs-3g or the like to have RW access01:57
powerpuffgirlmalik__: google for ntfs-3g ubuntu etc.01:57
malik__ok thanks i found a google pointer to a resource01:57
vzduch!ntfs | malik__01:58
ubotumalik__: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:58
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powerpuffgirlx_link: traitor!01:58
x_linkpowerpuffgirl: ?01:58
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x_linkpowerpuffgirl: hehe01:58
powerpuffgirlsup brother01:59
x_linkpowerpuffgirl: Not much01:59
x_linkI need some help01:59
powerpuffgirland ye shall receive01:59
x_linkI just did sudo aptitude install automake1.901:59
x_linkBut when I do automake --version it still says 1.1001:59
powerpuffgirlwhen did you start using kubuntu x_link ?01:59
vzduchx_link: did you sudo aptitude remove automake1.10 (if there is a pkg w/ that name)?02:00
powerpuffgirlx_link: you are on feisty?02:00
x_linkSo I must do sudo aptitude purge automake first?02:00
powerpuffgirl!info automake1.1002:00
ubotuPackage automake1.10 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:00
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x_linksedde@sedde:~$ automake --version02:01
x_linkautomake (GNU automake) 1.1002:01
powerpuffgirl$>automake --version02:01
powerpuffgirlautomake (GNU automake) 1.9.602:01
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vzduchI guess 'automake1.10' == 'automake'02:02
vzduchaptitude lists a void pkg named automake1.1002:03
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x_linkpowerpuffgirl: Okej02:03
renatowhat the hell is automake?02:03
powerpuffgirl  Suggests: automake1.10-doc02:03
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powerpuffgirlrenato: it generates makefiles ?02:03
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powerpuffgirlit generates files which tell the compiler what to do02:04
Biovoreits a tool to setup your source for a build02:04
renatowery wery intewesting02:04
powerpuffgirlrenato: install automake and read the manpage02:05
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elite101nope still doesnt let me watching youtube videos?02:05
renatodon't really need it at the moment, just curious, but thanks02:05
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powerpuffgirlso your curiosity is satisfied?02:06
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powerpuffgirlwell ignorance can be bliss as well02:06
vzduchbtw, guys, if you're looking for a really good-looking FREE truetype font, try Linux Libertine  http://linuxlibertine.sourceforge.net/02:07
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powerpuffgirlnothing beats ttf-dejavu02:07
powerpuffgirlin particular, DejaVuSerifCondensed.ttf02:07
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powerpuffgirlbest font ever!02:08
vzduchDejaVu Sans is quite nice, but I don't really like the DejaVu Serif fonts02:08
lewixim tryin to find out the driver of wifi card02:08
lewixof my*02:08
powerpuffgirldo lspci and tell us which wireless card it is02:08
elite101weird flash plugin in nonfree is installed and java is too but i cant view youtube videos on firefox or konqueror?02:09
lewixI can have internet with my wireless card but I dont know the driver02:09
lewixAtheros AR5005GS02:09
elite101in adept*02:09
powerpuffgirlelite101: go to about:plugins in firefox and check it again02:09
vzduchlewix: well, if it works, why bother?02:09
powerpuffgirlelite101: or if you are on konqi, then I dunno02:09
lewixvzduch, because I need it for something else02:09
elite101okay im on firefox02:09
Fr0delewix: probably madwifi driver set02:10
elite101powerpuffgirls,nice nic name lol02:10
lewixI don't remenber if I installed it myseld or it has been installed automatically02:10
powerpuffgirlelite101: why not just get flashplayer from adobe and unpack the xpm/so file libs to ~/.mozilla/plugins/02:10
lewixFr0de, how can I be sure02:10
powerpuffgirlelite101: one girl02:10
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elite101well i was on konqueror before so i didnt know at the time plus i am just getting into kubuntu/linux/distros02:10
powerpuffgirlelite101: just use flash from adobe website02:11
solarwaverkserei kaneis pos pernas ton codec gia divx?02:11
elite101well i have it now installed02:11
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Fr0delewix: if you look at the output of ifconfig, if there's a ath0, then it's madwifi02:11
powerpuffgirlelite101: download the tar.gz file, and then tar zxvf blahblahfilename.tar.gz and then cd to unpacked directory and run the installer or cp/mv the files there to ~/.mozilla/plugins/02:11
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vzduchelite101: in Konq  Tools | Configure Konqueror | under 'Netscape plugins' you will find the tab 'Plugins' that lists the plugins currently installed.. in my case the Flash player is /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so02:11
renatoI know noone's asking me for my opinion, but I think a linux savvy woman is damn sexy!02:12
powerpuffgirlvzduch: packaged flashplayer or one from adobe?02:12
vzduchpowerpuffgirl: packaged02:12
vzduchI guess so02:12
lewixFr0de, thanks02:12
NickPrestarenato, I'm trying to get my girlfriend to convert ;) she already swoons at the sight of Beryl/Compiz02:12
powerpuffgirlcan't be02:12
elite101go to about:plugins in firefox and check it again............. how do i do that02:12
lewixso its madwifi02:12
renatoi think there's even a .deb file02:12
elite101go to about???02:12
elite101there is no tab02:12
powerpuffgirlelite101: instead of going to www.google.com type in about:plugins02:13
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elite101dont need that02:13
mtvubuntu is telling me I need to sudo dpkg configure -a, and it resumes a vmware setup.  This issue is that vmware never completes the setup.  And I cannot get into synaptic because of this.  What should I do?02:13
elite101already have it installed flashplayer902:13
renatothat one you just right click, install package and that's that02:13
elite101just wont load youtube02:13
renatoinstalled it, or just downloaded it somewhere?02:13
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powerpuffgirlelite101: start firefox from console, and then visit youtube02:14
vzduch!aptfix | mtv02:14
ubotumtv: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 02:14
powerpuffgirlelite101: look in the console output for anything related to flash and see what it says02:14
elite101how do i open it up just console:firefox?02:14
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powerpuffgirlno man02:14
powerpuffgirlgo into konsole or terminal or soemthing and type firefox02:14
renatoor go: sudo apt-get install --fix-missing02:14
vzduchelite101: open a terminal and enter 'firefox' there02:14
elite101okay thats what i sayed?02:14
powerpuffgirlor apt-get -f install :)02:15
elite101they are already installed?02:15
renatohave you tried talking to it?02:15
elite101its just youtube wont work02:15
powerpuffgirldoes google video work?02:15
renatomaybe it just needs a little love and understanding02:15
powerpuffgirlnon youtube flash works?02:15
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powerpuffgirlwhat about joecartoon.com02:15
powerpuffgirldoes that work?02:15
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elite101youtube doesnt work still says i need a upgraded flashplayer or javascript is not enabled even thou i have eveything they ask?02:16
mtvvzduch: is there anything else i could do.  dpkg configure -a just sits with vmware.  is there a way i could bypass vmware when in dpkg configure -a?02:16
elite101joecartoon.com no spyware?02:16
powerpuffgirlelite101: in about:plugins tell me what you see.  flash 7 or flash 9?02:16
tkanyone good with bluetooth setup under Kubuntu? I have to keep running hidd --search and reconnecting my devices whenever I leave the PC long enough for the screensaver to kick in...02:17
vzduchmtv: you could uninstall vmware02:17
elite101in about?02:17
elite101okay nvm02:17
elite101i know 1 sec02:17
mtvvzduch: i did a complete removal, but the issue remains02:17
renatospyware, linux, really?02:17
vzduchmtv: that's not possible if vmware isn't there anymore02:17
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mtvvzduch: well then synaptic did not do what it was suppose to do.02:18
tkmtv: if you did a removal, maybe you can do apt-get clean to remove the local cache of hte package files?02:18
elite101okay i went to joecartoon it sayed plugin needs to be installed on a little bar that poped up so i clicked install and yeah gotta wait to see if it works02:18
renatoor better yet: sudo apt-get autoremove02:18
tkthat too :)02:18
powerpuffgirlelite101: flash isn't installed correctly02:19
tkno help on the bluetooth stuff though eh? hidd --search is really annoying :(02:19
mtvtk: i will take a look into that.  renato i will try that as well02:19
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powerpuffgirlelite101: remove all flash player packages02:19
powerpuffgirlelite101: and install from flash from adobe's website02:19
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elite101how do i do that in adept?02:19
renatonot in adept, elite02:19
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elite101why not?02:19
powerpuffgirl elite101 in command line02:19
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elite101okay whats the command02:20
elite101sudo apt uninstall02:20
renatono sudo apt-get remove02:20
ccollandersudo apt-get remove ___02:20
renatoand the name of the package you have installed02:20
vzduchbetter.. sudo apt-get remove --purge $pkgname02:20
ccollandersudo apt-get remove beryl  #if you want to remove beryl, for example02:20
elite101i dont memorize these's command lines02:20
powerpuffgirlelite101: hold on02:20
powerpuffgirlelite101: which flash package did you install?02:21
renatoyou don't have to, it just happens over time02:21
elite101i dont wanna remove something i need.02:21
elite101non free02:21
powerpuffgirlhmm that should work02:21
zombielioni am using kubuntu 7.04 i just installed my ddvd/cd burner and i already had a cd burner installed. i also removed a dvd player well now it isnt seeing the cd burner or the dvd cd burner is there like an add hardware or somethig i am still new to kubuntu02:21
ccollandersudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree02:21
renatothen: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin902:21
renatoyou have to close adept, if it's still running though02:21
elite101thanx ccollander.02:22
powerpuffgirlits actually flashplayer-nonfree02:22
powerpuffgirlzombielion: when you installed it, did you make sure that you did it right?02:22
vzduchpowerpuffgirl: here it was flashplugin-nonfree02:22
elite101so im removing the wrong one?!?!?!?! o.002:22
ccollanderi would highly recommend reading up on apt-get and apt-cache02:22
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renatonow, elite101, this is the site where you download the tar: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOW02:23
powerpuffgirlzombielion: if they are sata no worries, if you installed two IDE optical devices, you need to set the jumpers to either slave/master or connect them to different IDE controllers02:23
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powerpuffgirlzombielion: or you can use cable select on the same controller02:23
elite101dont need it plus i thought KDE/dapper use's debian???02:23
powerpuffgirlzombielion: does your bios see the optical devices?02:23
ccollanderokay, does anybody know if sata 3g works on ubuntu?02:23
renatodid you get it?02:24
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powerpuffgirlelite101: no. ubuntu uses the debian package management system only.  APT.  Debian itself has different packages02:24
zombielionwow i guess i will just start from the beging and check thanx02:24
renatodownload the tarball, elite10102:24
renatohere: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&promoid=BIOW02:24
renatothe file with tar.gz02:25
powerpuffgirla tarball is a term used for a compressed tar file02:25
ccollandertarball is a source code file you compile into a runnable program02:25
elite101what is that for? shockwave?!?!? im getting flashplayer rite now but i will prob need that next lol02:25
powerpuffgirltgz or tar.bz2 or tar.gz etc.02:25
powerpuffgirlits a ball of tar02:25
powerpuffgirlccollander: not always a source package02:26
ccollanderso , out of curiousity, what filesystems do ya'll use?02:26
powerpuffgirlext3 > *02:26
ccollanderpwerpuffgirl: yeah, i realized that after I said it02:26
elite101yeah it works02:26
renatoshockwave was the old name02:26
elite101lol thanks02:26
elite101yeah i know02:26
powerpuffgirlelite101: what works?02:26
ccollanderI have my / as reiserfs but my /home as XFS02:26
powerpuffgirlflash working now on youtube?02:26
elite101no but on joecartoon02:27
elite101its installed properly thou02:27
powerpuffgirlok, try youtube?02:27
powerpuffgirltuberostomocologically grand.02:29
ccollanderlol, wtf?02:29
neusoncegod i hope java is installing this time02:30
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solarwaveris anyone knows XVID MPEG-4 decoder?02:30
elite101hurray youtube works lol02:30
powerpuffgirlsolarwaver: please ask your real question02:30
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powerpuffgirlelite101: congrats02:30
Biovoresolarwaver: it works on everything..02:30
renatohey, does anyone know how on earth you configure the home directory for java or something like that?02:31
vzduchrenato: huh?02:31
renatotomcat won't install until I do that02:31
ccollanderrenato: what do you mean?02:31
BiovoreI think is an enviroment variable called JAVAPATH?02:31
solarwaverwhere i find XVID MPEG-4 decoder?02:31
renatodon't worry, I thought the same: what the fuck?02:31
Biovoresolarwaver: xine, mplayer do it02:31
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ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs02:31
renatoexactly Biovore02:32
BiovoreXVID complete opensource..02:32
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solarwaverpowerpuffgirl u use linux?02:32
powerpuffgirlw32codecs+mplayer should take care of it all02:32
powerpuffgirlsolarwaver: no02:32
powerpuffgirlsolarwaver: I hate linux and unix02:32
powerpuffgirlI use windows 3.102:32
renatoha ha ha02:32
powerpuffgirlactually windows 3.11 for workgroups02:32
Biovoreyou should use the win3.1 program manager under win on linux :-P02:32
solarwaveri am impresed with u? ru a girl 4 resl?02:33
renatoso, anyone the JAVA_PATH thingy?02:33
powerpuffgirlno man02:33
powerpuffgirlits just a friggin nickname02:33
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Biovorerenato: export JAVAPATH="/a/path/to/something/"02:33
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Biovorerenato: stuff it in you .bashrc file in your home directory02:34
renatoshould I type that on a terminal?02:34
Biovoreyou can.. but it will not be perminate02:34
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stonedam I obligated to smile back?02:34
vzduchsolarwaver: Welcome to IRC, where men are men, women are men, and children are a bunch of FBI agents.02:34
neusonceyou guys are 133702:34
stonedBiovore: just messing. :)02:35
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renato...and noone's naked02:35
Biovorewell if 1+3+3=7.. then yes..02:35
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renato...exept for the agents of course02:35
stonedwe are far from elite02:35
underdog5004ha ha02:35
stoned#debian is elite02:35
stoned#gentoo is elite02:35
stonedubuntu not so much02:36
stonedgive it a few more years02:36
renatowe're mainstream02:36
stonedall in good time my man, all in good time02:36
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Biovorewell the people in the know hide and only answer questions if a real question is asked..02:36
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neusonceis ther anything that ubuntu cant be told to do that redhat cant?02:36
neusoncei think not02:36
vzduchneusonce: ?02:36
stonedthats not the pint02:36
renatountil we stop right clicking on things to "edit as root" and "install package" we won't be elite02:37
solarwaverok guys tell me how i put tha f..... xvid mpeg4 decoder?02:37
Biovorethere all the same thing..  just a diffenence on whats on there by default and the configuration..02:37
stoneddebian is strong since 199302:37
Biovoresolarwaver: add multiverse repo02:37
stonedits been there and as such its users from long ago are elite in the ways02:37
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu02:37
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Biovoreand update your repos02:37
Biovorethen install mplayer02:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about microdia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:37
stonedubuntu is fairly new, and the people who move to ubuntu in lots are the windows users not very familiar with linux02:37
neusoncetruthfully im a linux baby02:37
stonedso this is not elite as other distros02:37
neusoncei cant even istall java , anyway i gtg02:38
stonedgive ubuntu 15+ years and see where it goes02:38
Biovoreapt-get install sun-java6-bin02:38
Biovorebam.. java is installed..02:38
renatoit'll go propietary02:38
stonedit can't02:38
stonedit is under gnu gpl since it uses the linux kernel02:38
renatoI'm joking02:38
Biovoreyou all can try just typing ubuntu install <thing>02:38
Biovoreshould get about 1000 hits02:39
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stonedrenato: i have no sense of humor02:39
stoneddespite my constant mental state02:39
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stonedsee, that was a joke.02:39
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renatoyeah, well, you have to tell 9 bad, to get the 10th right02:40
stonedI got a bad throat02:41
stonedsore and all02:41
stonedI think I might be coming down with strepthroat02:41
stonedapt-get install sore-throat-remedy02:41
renatosudo apt-get install stoned --fix-missing02:42
stonedumm what02:42
Biovorewill probably have to download alot for that one :-P02:42
mcrandello1 shot each lemon juice and honey, 2 shots whisky and a sprinkle of cinammon. Heat for 45 seconds and then slug down as soon as it's cool enough to drink02:42
NickPrestastoned, `cd hospital && fix_bs_and_del` ;)02:42
mcrandellowill fix any throat problem02:42
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raptorquestI am new to Kubuntu/Ubuntu so... I am running Kubuntu 6.10 and I have a disk for Ubuntu 7.04.  Can I update Kubuntu with the Ubuntu 7.04 disk or do I need to upgrade from a Ubuntu source?02:42
stonedif I drink alcohol I will go to hell02:43
stonedI cannot do that02:43
stonedthanks though02:43
mcrandellothis is totally medicinal though02:43
stoneddoesn't matter02:43
mcrandellosorry to hear about your hell problem then, it really works02:43
stonedme too02:43
Biovoreraptorquest: I am not sure about the upgrade path from dapper (6.10) to 7.04 using a CD.. but I think you can do it via dist-upgrade02:43
stonedbtw, 1 shot == 50ml.  isn't that a bit much lemon juice02:44
stonedare you just making things up?02:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist-update - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:45
mcrandellono, I usually double the recipe though02:45
stonedmcrandello: naughty02:45
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mcrandelloafter taking, you hop in bed under covers and if you have a fever it will be gone in the morning also02:45
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renatosudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:46
stonedI'm not religous though.  I toke up and I get wasted too02:46
mcrandelloif it's a bad fever the hallucinations are a bonus side effect02:46
stonedsee my nickname? hellooooo?02:46
mcrandellowell yeah02:46
raptorquestokay.  thanks.02:46
stonedraptor is a great game02:46
stonedthank god there is a free raptor clone02:47
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:48
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raptorquestby the way, for medical help you might try familydoctor.com02:49
persenWhere does X write its log messages?02:49
mcrandelloI've got a laptop and an external usb numpad. The numpad's numlock causes the laptops to engage, making the alphabet portion pretty much useless02:49
Biovorepersen: /var/log/02:49
mcrandelloanyone know an easy fix for that?02:49
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mcrandelloor a difficult one?02:49
Biovoremcrandello: tried pressing numlock again?02:50
mcrandelloturns off both of them :(02:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about widescreen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:51
mcrandellothey seem to be coupled to one another02:51
renatowhat do you mean by coupled?02:52
persenXorg.conf looks ok to me, but maybe this may scale things wrongly, (--) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (304, 304); computed from "UseEdidDpi" X config   ??02:52
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mcrandellorenato: you press one and the other one goes.02:52
mcrandelloI had a different numpad that didn't seem to do that but it died a few months ago02:53
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mcrandelloon that one you had the numpad numlock on and could still type words and things. This one you get leet-speak because the half of the keyboard doubles as a numpad02:54
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mcrandelloif that makes any sense02:54
renatodid you have the numpad plugged in at the time of installation?02:55
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mcrandellosystem installation? I've had kubunu on here for over a year, just bought the new numpad to replace the one that wore out02:55
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renatono idea, sorry, and there doesn't seem to be a similar bug reported02:59
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stonedhamena hamena hamena03:00
ERIK_LIMAIt can't work :( My webcam can't work!03:00
stonedaldcor: why do you do that03:00
ERIK_LIMAMy Microdia Triplex i-Mini PC Camera don't work03:01
stoneddoes it sit on the couch all day?03:01
stoneddoes it procrastinate doing the wash?03:01
ERIK_LIMAI tried installing spca5xx, but my webcam don't work03:01
stonedso get a new cam03:02
vzduchstoned: ?03:02
WhtWolfTeraDynealdcor is still saying his own name?03:02
stonedaldcor: stop smoking crack.03:02
ERIK_LIMAstoned: It's not necessary. Other day my webcam was working fine :(03:03
stonedERIK_LIMA: you said it doesn't work03:03
ERIK_LIMABut, today I needed to reinstall Ubuntu and I lost everything03:03
ERIK_LIMADon't work now, I meant03:04
stonedERIK_LIMA: you mean you can't get it to work again03:04
ERIK_LIMAYeah... :'(03:04
stonedERIK_LIMA: unfortunately I have never owned a cam03:04
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stonedERIK_LIMA: how did you do it last time?03:05
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ERIK_LIMAI did this:03:05
stonedinstall the kernel module or compiled it from source, modprobe it, and you should be ok with a cam software03:05
vzduchif I ever gonna buy one, I'll take one that is known to work03:06
ERIK_LIMAFirst: apt-get install debhelper03:06
vzduchERIK_LIMA: you already posted the whole story in this channel :/03:06
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vzduchERIK_LIMA: instead of in a blog post, forum post, or wiki03:07
vzduchwhere it would be much more helpful for other ppl03:07
ERIK_LIMASecond: download packages from http://packages.debian.org/unstable/graphics/gspca-source and http://packages.debian.org/unstable/misc/spca5xx-source03:07
mcrandello_gah dropped wifi. anyway I tried all the different usb ports and a different cable, no dice03:07
ERIK_LIMA# dpkg -i gspca-source_01.00.16-1-1_all.deb03:07
ERIK_LIMA# dpkg -i spca5xx-source_20060501-2_all.deb03:07
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ERIK_LIMAThis worked for me one time. But, now doesn't. I don't know what's wrong...03:08
stonedprobably dependency issues or something03:08
stoneddon't mix packages from another distro03:08
stoneddo sudo apt-get build-dep spcablahblahpackagename03:09
stonedthen download the source from upstream and not from debian03:09
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stonedthen just comiple it03:09
ERIK_LIMABut Debian packages worked on my webcam...03:09
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stonedunstable is constantly changing03:09
ERIK_LIMAI don't know why today didn't work03:09
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:09
mcrandello_they may work but it's never a good idea to use them03:09
stonedwhat part of don't mix debian packages with ubuntu do you not understand?03:09
mcrandello_bad things(tm) could happen03:10
stonedubuntu != debian03:10
ERIK_LIMAYeah, you're right...03:10
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mcrandello_if you can't find a native package even using checkinstall to build and install from source is better03:10
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stonedI love Fear Factory03:12
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hatteranyone aware of an irc client that has trapsparent backgrouds like the terminal emulators ?03:14
NickPrestahatter, xchat does, IIRC03:14
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hatterNickPresta, cool, thx i will check it out03:15
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ERIK_LIMASo, I cannot put my webcam to work??03:15
redshadowheroHello, all.03:16
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ERIK_LIMAI was dreaming when I saw my webcam working??03:16
runmerrytenkopete does too03:16
runmerrytentransparent background that is.03:16
NickPrestahatter, perhaps the transparency I was remembering isn't what you're looking for. Apparently, only the textbox/conversation area can be transparent...03:17
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runmerrytenhello stoned. grab this03:17
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hatterNickPresta, yeah, just found it,  only the middle box :(03:18
JustHumanHi All03:18
ERIK_LIMANow, everytime when I run Kopete and configure my webcam, I see a blue screen and I cannot configure my webcam... :(03:18
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ERIK_LIMAI will continue trying... I will not sleep until it works!03:18
slacker403does a default install of kubuntu take alot of ram ?03:18
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slacker403im used to my slackware nstuff03:18
slacker403but i really would like a packahe management03:19
abdulla14hi all03:19
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runmerrytenirssi is transparent like a terminal emulator :D03:19
runmerrytenand so is erc ;)03:19
abdulla14i am new to ubuntu, what is that chat room for?? troubleshooting?03:19
WhtWolfTeraDyneabdulla14: It's the support channel03:19
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WhtWolfTeraDyneDoes anyone else think that aldcor might be some sort of bot, or at least using one? I doubt that someone would be so bored that they'd be physically typing their own name into a channel at some random timing.03:23
stonedaldcor: cut that out03:23
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stonedmy throat hurts03:23
stoneddamn sickness03:23
redshadowherowait, so that aldcor guy has been doing this since yesterday?03:23
stonedi know man03:23
stonedI been wondering why03:23
stonedI saw it do that yesterday too03:24
redshadowherothats extremely odd...03:24
WhtWolfTeraDyneredshadowhero: Yup. I think he IS a bot, or is using one.03:24
redshadowheroHmm, is there any way we can tell?03:24
redshadowherohas anyone tried talking to him directly?03:24
=== redshadowhero is mystified
stonedaldcor: stop being a tool03:24
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stonedthat should be direct enough eh?03:25
WhtWolfTeraDyneI think he ment via DCC.03:25
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redshadowheroI think so... I'm relatively new to irc, truth be told...03:27
redshadowherospeaking of irc, how does one register their nickname?03:27
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration03:27
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redshadowheroWhtWolfTeraDyne: thanks03:28
WhtWolfTeraDyneredshadowhero: no problem.03:29
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redshadowheroHmm, I think that I just registered, is there anything else that I need to do?03:32
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WhtWolfTeraDyneredshadowhero: not that I know.03:33
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redshadowheroAlright, thanks.03:34
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stonedhey guys03:34
stonedI installed lm-sensors and configured sensors but I can't see my cpu temp03:34
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stonedwhich one is the cpu temperature?03:36
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redshadowheroWell, with my rudimentary knowledge on the subject, I would say that it is either 16 or 1703:37
stonedthats too low03:37
stonedway too low. lower than room temp03:37
stonedin C or in F03:37
AscendedDanielstoned: probably sensor number 16 or 1703:38
stonedohh yeah03:38
redshadowheroHa ha.03:38
stonedthanks buddy03:38
redshadowheroSorry I didn't make myself clear earlier.03:38
stonedno worries, I'm higher than a kite03:39
stonedthat can't be right temperature03:39
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stonedroom temp atm is about 40C03:39
stonedI'd say the room temp is about 80C03:39
redshadowheroHmm, well, it looks like one of your fans is going...03:39
stonedmaybe 75F03:39
stonedi mean03:39
stonedno C03:39
stonedgoing where?03:40
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redshadowherouh... part number... 1303:40
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redshadowhero*sensor number03:40
stonedfan1:     2986 RPM  (min =    0 RPM)03:40
SkanarchyHi, so I have dual monitors working with my laptop and an LCD screen. How do I get it so each monitor displays a different desktop, like desktop 1 and desktop 2. As opposed to one monitor simply extending onto another.03:40
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stonedwhat has that got to do with 80C03:40
stonedSkanarchy: can't03:41
redshadowheroWell... 80C seems far too hot for room temp to me...03:41
stonednot C03:41
redshadowheroOh... thats better...03:41
stonedmaybe 70F I can't tell its pretty cool tonight03:41
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Skanarchyso extending a monitor is all you can do?03:41
stonedstill my cpu is about 33C03:41
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stonedthats not bad man03:41
stonedSkanarchy: yes03:42
rrbizNFS someone familiar with it ?03:42
Skanarchymmph, ok03:42
stonedSkanarchy: you can have two desktops on two monitors maybe with xinerama and by telling xorg.conf about two video cards and two monitors and adjust the ServerLayout section accordingly03:42
redshadowhero!NFS | rrbiz03:42
uboturrbiz: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:42
stonedSkanarchy: search google03:42
SkanarchyI have :p03:42
Skanarchythats why I came in here03:42
redshadowherorrbiz: is that what you are looking for?03:43
stonedpeople have found GOD by searching03:43
stonedim sure you can find this solution03:43
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Skanarchyfound a thread, *occupies self*03:43
rrbizredshadowhero: perhaps, i'll read through that and find out, i'm just getting authentication errors, sharing from win to lin is never a prob, sharing from lin usually is03:43
redshadowherorrbiz: hence, why I hate windows.03:44
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redshadowheroSkanarchy: if you find anything on that, tell me; I may like to know that for my reference one day.03:45
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Skanarchyyeah, Im expecting it to be pretty awesome <_<03:45
rrbizredshadowhero: yeah going cold turkey today and throwing buntu on my 3 boxes, just gotta work out all the rough stuff03:45
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rrbizxp is super cake, but then super vulnerable03:46
stonedis there a way to clear whats been cached in the memory ?03:46
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stonedI like XP03:46
redshadowheroMe, too.03:46
NickPrestaI actually find things are harder to do in Windows. Especially when you want to customize something to fit your needs exactly.03:46
redshadowheroVista is the one that I refuse to do anything with.03:47
stonedespecially cleaned out with nlite and with stuff from virtualplastic and other goodies and opensource tools and stuff03:47
redshadowheroeven at work.03:47
stonedits a solid stable OS03:47
tripppyim trying to get kaffene to use two tv tuners? i have one working.03:47
stonedas stable as can be03:47
stonedfrom ms03:47
redshadowherostoned: which is not saying a lot.03:47
rrbiztrippy which tuner is that one ?03:47
ubuntufrqncqis iciM03:48
tripppytwinhan DVB-T (VP3020C)03:48
ubuntufrancais ici03:48
stonedare there any widgets for kde?03:48
NickPresta!fr | ubuntu03:49
stonedlooking for a good sysinfo panel for *karamba03:49
ubotuubuntu: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:49
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redshadowherowidgets? You mean like dashboard widgets/ms gadgets?03:49
NickPrestastoned, glass monitor03:49
tripppythe 2nd one is a asus U3000mini USB (STK7700)- which is not working03:49
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parsek_77my external usb HDD (ntfs) does not mount automatically. how can I fix it?03:49
parsek_77do I need to edit fstab?03:50
NickPrestaparsek_77, that would work, yes03:51
stonedohhh thats a nice panel03:51
parsek_77NickPresta: but how?03:51
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redshadowherowith pico, or kate, or something like that.03:51
stonedhow does one edit/configure any karamba theme?03:51
parsek_77redshadowhero: I know, I mean, what to add03:52
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NickPrestaparsek_77, I have this in my fstab at the bottom: /dev/sda1 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 003:52
tripppyrrbiz, twinhan DVB-T (VP3020C)03:52
NickPrestait works fine.03:52
redshadowheroparsek_77: oops... sorry...03:52
tripppyrrbiz, the 2nd one is a asus U3000mini USB (STK7700)- which is not working03:52
NickPrestastoned, download the source, find the python theme file and edit away.03:52
rrbizahhh twinhan, i'm tempted to buy one of them03:52
parsek_77NickPresta: it works for my windows too, but not for external usb03:52
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NickPrestaparsek_77, what is the path of your external usb?03:52
rrbiztrippy u got it opened up, with nagra2 or some'n ?03:53
parsek_77it is /dev/sdb103:53
NickPrestaand replacing the above with /dev/sdb1 doesn't work?03:53
parsek_77let me try again03:53
NickPrestadoes it work with `mount`?03:53
NickPrestathen it should work with fstab, somehow. It probably needs a little more tinkering.03:54
mboso_Is the kde.org website down?03:56
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic03:56
parsek_77NickPresta: I corrected fstab, unplug and plug the HDD but no luck03:57
tripppyrrbiz: nagra2?03:57
rrbizyeah not familiar with it though, how is the FTA channels ?03:58
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tripppyrrbiz: FTA channels?03:58
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NickPrestaparsek_77, you have to mount the stuff in fstab. try this: `sudo mount -a`03:59
NickPrestaand see if it's mounted03:59
parsek_77I think it worked04:00
tripppyhd is a bit choppy04:00
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NickPrestaparsek_77, =). If it did, then it should be mounted on startup...04:00
parsek_77NickPresta: how can I safely remove it,04:00
tripppyi think its my system tho. underspecced for tv04:00
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parsek_77NickPresta: I don't use my external always04:00
parsek_77it doesn't need to mount at startup04:01
NickPrestaparsek_77, it should be as easy as `sudo umount /path/to/mounted/device`04:01
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parsek_77NickPresta: I see, but it's not automatic04:01
rrbiztripppy: nevermind, thought it was a diff card04:01
parsek_77NickPresta: for my thumb drive, it shows an icon at desktop04:02
NickPrestaparsek_77, i dont understand what you mean. if its in your fstab, it will be mounted automatically at startup. if you don't want that, don't put it in your fstab. mount it manually whenever you want it.04:02
parsek_77NickPresta: even if the drive is not plugged, how can it mount it?04:03
NickPrestaparsek_77, I don't know. You could try right clicking on the desktop > Create New Link To Device > HDD. Play around in that window.04:04
parsek_77NickPresta: ok, thanks so much04:05
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=== redshadowhero really does wonder if aldcor is a bot...
NickPrestaNo problem. I wasn't terribly helpful. I hope you find a solution to suit your needs.04:05
parsek_77I hope so04:06
redshadowheroI still wonder if there is a way of testing for a bot on here...04:07
NickPrestaredshadowhero, #test04:07
redshadowheroNickPresta: I meant, testing for the presence of a bot on here.04:08
redshadowheroNickPresta: in this channel.04:08
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slacker403how much ram does a default kubuntu use ?04:10
Skanarchyok, im just going to stick with the extension thingy. But I have another question, how to get the laptop monitor as the main monitor, it always goes to the additional monitor.04:10
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NickPrestaslacker403, I was able to run Kubuntu (Edgy Eft) on a P3, 733Mhz with 256 of RAM without many slowdowns, if any. Almost all slowdowns were related to my processor anyways. What are your specs?04:11
slacker4033 ghz 1 gb ram04:11
slacker403BUT i have ot run something inda big on to pof that sooo04:12
slacker403i was really trying to keep it at a min04:12
redshadowherothat is more than sufficient, I would say....04:12
NickPrestawell, does this thing you're running require processing power or tons of RAM?04:12
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NickPrestaif you're worried about RAM usage, use something like rat poison or something minimal and turn off all unneeded services.04:12
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tkanyone that has access to the bot... this might be worth adding for people that have bluetooth questions04:20
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tkappears to have fixed my problem :)04:21
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ses59i am looking at puppy modem dialer and wanted to know if anyone has tried this dialer program04:22
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ses59it looks good on the site but wanted to make sure it would work with kubuntu04:23
slacker403i was just trying ot make a kubuntu light04:23
WhtWolfTeraDyneKubuntu Light... Isn't that an oxymoron?04:24
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slacker403what do you mean ?04:24
slacker403i was saying trying ot make it as lgiht as possible04:24
slacker403no extra services etc just kde04:25
hitmanWillyslacker403: about the lightest you'll get is if you use the alternate/server cd and install kde without all the kubuntu-desktop cruft04:25
slacker403i need kde though :p04:25
slacker403im saying keep it at the luightest with kde04:25
hitmanWillyslacker403: you can install kde by itself, there is a seperate pkg for it04:26
slacker403im sure04:26
WhtWolfTeraDyneKDE is the heaviest DE out there. That's what I ment by "kubuntu light" being an oxymoron.04:26
slacker403but will that result in a better system / lighter ?04:26
slacker403or will just the default kubuntu beabou the same ?04:26
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hitmanWillyslacker403: kubuntu-desktop installs all kinds of useless (imho) stuff along with kde04:26
slacker403KDE is not the heaviest and is lighter then Gnome04:26
slacker403its how you configure it04:26
slacker403hitmanWilly, im really just owrieed about ram usegae not disk04:27
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slacker403kde cna do around 80 mb04:27
hitmanWillyslacker403: kde is going to suck RAM through a straw, period04:27
slacker403can be ran in 80 mb04:27
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slacker403what do you mean ?04:27
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hitmanWillyslacker403: kde is a VERY heavy DE/wm04:28
slacker403still if kubuntu has 20 extera processesrunning in the background that could be a problem04:28
slacker403again i disagree since im very familiar with it ;)04:28
slacker403kde plus all the fancy stuff sure04:28
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vecinaanyone here know how i can decrypt -my- m4p files? (emphasis on -my- since im pissed at apple) I want to play them on linux04:29
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hitmanWillyvecina: the only way i know of is to burn them to a CD through itunes and then rip it to another format04:30
vecinaany idea why my itunes says neither of my burning drives are "recognizable by Itunes"?04:30
hitmanWillyvecina: the DRM on them makes them unusable under linux04:30
vecinaeveryone hates us04:31
hitmanWillyand we hate DRM :)04:31
randyOkay I have an odd question, Theres these little windows that pop open all the time and say "The KDE Window Manager" or "Conversation" How do I get rid of that? It keeps messing programs up.04:31
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NickPrestarandy, I don't know what you're talking about. Screenshot or more detail?04:33
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randyok gimmie a second04:33
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WhtWolfTeraDyneCan anyone recommend a good TV Tuner that works well under Linux? I'm thinking of getting one pretty soon, mainly so I can record some video game stuff.04:35
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draikHow do I convert mp3 to wma?04:38
randyNickPresta: http://img461.imageshack.us/img461/6532/snapshot21gp7.jpg04:38
randylike the one at the top but they pop up all over, when someone msgs in IRC a little window pops up enxt to in on the menu on the bottom of the screen with the persons name and the message04:39
randyAlso happens when any program pretty much does ANYTHING04:39
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elite101does kubuntu have a firewall?04:47
elite101what are they?04:47
intelikeyand or ipchains04:47
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:48
elite101lol i have this neat little code cor cmd prompt and i need like an acutal ip adress not the 192.168.... yeah i cant do it in kubuntu but just wondering04:48
elite101it turns cmd into a messenger04:49
intelikey!find cmd04:49
ubotuFound: kjscmd, libcmd-ruby, libcmd-ruby1.8, libcmdparse-ruby, libcmdparse2-ruby (and 4 others)04:49
randy http://img461.imageshack.us/img461/6532/snapshot21gp7.jpg anyone know any idea how to get rid of those little windows?04:50
hitmanWillyelite101: just remember its not setup by default04:50
neusoncehow effective is  firestarter?04:50
hitmanWillyneusonce: as effective as you set it up to be04:51
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BluesKajdunno neusonce, been on linux for 18mos now ...haven't used it yet :)04:51
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neusonceim a linux baby too04:52
neusonceonly a few days04:52
neusonce but i refuse ever to go back to windows04:52
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BluesKajerr 18 months , not days04:52
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intelikeythe linux firewall capabilities are infinitly capable04:52
neusonceiv only being useing for a few days04:53
hitmanWillyneusonce: all linux "firewall" apps are just front ends for iptables/ipchains, the built in firewall04:53
neusonceim  LINUX BABY, im having a bitch of a time installing java  to you guys i must seem infantile04:54
hitmanWillyneusonce: unfortunately, im not really an expert on software firewalls, i generally have a router set up with a hardware one04:54
BluesKajno, java and flash have been problematic on some setups lately , neusonce.04:55
intelikeyhardware firewall ???   like pulling the plug ?04:55
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neusonce how effective are hardware firewalls aginst software04:55
neusonce grrrrrrrrrr04:55
BluesKajbut it's my sacktime , so i'm off to the sandman...nite all , take care .04:56
neusonceiv done almost everything thats been asked of me and i still canot install java or flash04:56
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hitmanWillyintelikey: ok, sorry, firmware would probably be a better term for it04:56
hitmanWillyintelikey: in other words, the router's built in one04:56
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intelikeyyeah,  it's just code   wether in the bios of the router or in the kernel of the linux box  or some third party crap in windows04:57
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joe4288hey guys whats up04:57
randy http://img461.imageshack.us/img461/6532/snapshot21gp7.jpg anyone know any idea how to get rid of those little windows?04:57
joe4288im having trouble with beryl04:57
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joe4288i installed the newest nvidid driver04:58
intelikey!beryl | joe428804:58
ubotujoe4288: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects04:58
Fr0derandy: do they only happen when you have Konversation running?04:58
joe4288(had some trouble because i used nvidia-gxl not nvidia new)04:58
randythey happen all the time04:58
randywhenever someone msgs me on gaim one pops up04:58
randywhenever im on the desktop one pops up04:58
randywhenever a program does anything one pops up04:58
joe4288well atleast beryll works for u04:59
neusoncedose dvd 9 to 5 have an inbuilt decryter?04:59
randyi tried setting the notifications to default but the settings dont save04:59
joe4288the second i logged in with beryl to boot at start up04:59
joe4288all i got a black screen04:59
neusoncewhats beryl04:59
joe4288it makes you desktop all 3d04:59
Fr0derandy: try renaming your .kde directory to .kde_old: 'mv ~/.kde ~/.kde_old'04:59
joe4288well somthing like it its just preaty04:59
intelikeyneusonce see ubotu above05:00
Fr0derandy: that should make all kde settings start from defaults again05:00
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joe4288so what about me and my black screen?05:00
joe4288i think its a nvidia driver issue05:00
Fr0derandy: after renaming it, log out and in again05:00
randylemme try that05:01
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joe4288well thats asmuch as i could pick up from looking online05:01
intelikeyjoe4288 /join #ubuntu-effects05:01
Fr0derandy: beware that you might appear to lose settings05:01
Fr0derandy: which is why we're renaming, not deleting05:01
sergiuit is possible to install an .deb package with dependecy ?05:01
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Fr0desergiu: yep05:02
=== Saucepan [n=Saucepan@ADijon-258-1-159-137.w90-33.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
sergiufr0de: how ?:)05:02
Fr0desergiu: sudo dpkg -i <package> ; sudo apt-get -f install05:02
intelikeydpkg -i file.deb ;apt-get install -f    <<< sergiu as root05:02
Fr0dethe dpkg command will fail, but the apt-get will get the deps, then install the .deb05:02
intelikeyi'm eating,  i'm slow.05:03
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=== Fr0de is eating, too
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intelikeybon apiteete05:03
sergiuFr0de:  sudo apt-get -f install <package> ?05:04
=== ShockValue [n=shockval@c-71-227-142-84.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Fr0desergiu: hmm.. shouln't need package name05:04
intelikeynot unless you want to dl it from the repos.   then yes.05:04
Fr0dewhat intelikey said! :P05:05
ShockValueok, i ssh'd to this machine from work.. is there anyway for me to take over that ssh session from here?05:05
sergiunot it's download needed packages05:05
draikHow do I convert mp3 to wma? I need wma for my mobile phone05:05
sergiuthen install it with sudo dpkg -i <package>05:05
Fr0deShockValue: did you run a screen session?05:05
ShockValueFr0de:  a what? :)05:06
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intelikey!info screen | ShockValue05:06
Fr0deShockValue: check out the 'screen' program, handy for ssh sessions - keeps the stuff you're doing alive, and can be taken over from a new connection05:06
ubotushockvalue: screen: a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-0.2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 571 kB, installed size 980 kB05:06
ShockValuei suppose if i didnt run that first, then its pointless to install it now?05:07
Fr0deShockValue: it won't let you take over a non-screen ssh session, no05:07
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intelikeysearch "-nohup"05:08
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Fr0derandy: :D05:09
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intelikey!language | randy but;05:09
uboturandy but;: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:09
randysorry >_>05:09
randyWas just overjoyed there for a moment05:09
=== markgreene [n=markgree@68-186-183-78.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
dotzhi i have a memory stick pro duo which i put into my laptop.. how to open it in kubuntu?05:10
Fr0dedotz: did you try plugging it in?05:10
dotznothing happens after i plug in05:10
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Fr0dedotz: and it works ok in other OSes?05:11
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slacker403how big is a server install once installed ?05:11
intelikeyless than 400m05:12
elite101i have a friend using online irc and i am in this channel #elitechannel and he is in the same one but it says on either no ones there?05:12
elite101is there diffrent ports?05:12
Fr0deslacker403: but depends on what you install, of course05:12
dotzyeah..in windows it will pop out open folder to view files05:12
intelikeyslacker403 best i recall 38?m05:12
Fr0dedotz: did you have to install any drivers in windows?05:12
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hayden_anyone know why no icons are showing inside openoffice on kubuntu 7.04?05:13
Fr0deslacker403: 380-390 MB, I think intelikey means.. :)05:13
elite101will diffrent IRC's know everychannel so it doesnt matter wich one u use?05:13
intelikey<slacker403> how big is a server install once installed ?  <<<< ><intelikey> slacker403 best i recall "three houndred eighty something megabytes05:14
dotzi don't remember i have to install drivers.. or maybe it is self installed05:14
dotzanyway, how do i check if the laptop has detected the card?05:14
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Fr0dedotz: in a terminal, type 'lspci' and 'lsusb'05:14
elite101how do i change and IRC so its not on queit mode??05:14
elite101sorry offtopic05:15
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slacker403ah thanks05:15
slacker403when i have a server install could i then install kde for a bare install + kde without all the useless stuff ?05:15
hitmanWillyslacker403: yup05:16
dotz02:01.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI7420 CardBus Controller <-- is it this?05:16
slacker403hitmanWilly, sounds good05:17
dotzits a sandisk memory duo pro card05:17
Fr0dedotz: is that from lspci or lsusb?05:17
Fr0dedotz: can you paste the output of both for me?05:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:18
=== lontra [n=lontra@c-75-72-235-37.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyslacker403 be advised that "kde" is a meta package that depends on "almost every kde specific app"   you may want kde-core05:18
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intelikeyslacker403 at any rate you will want x-windowsystem-core    a meta package that will get xorg up and going for you.05:19
intelikeyx-window-system-core     i forget which.05:19
hitmanWillyintelikey: i would think kde-core would depend on that05:19
intelikeyhitmanWilly but it doesnt'05:20
slacker403intelikey, if i install the kubuntu-desktop package or w/e05:20
hitmanWillywow, that's dumb...05:20
slacker403will that install whats needed05:20
intelikeyslacker403 without the kubuntu-desktop   that depends on everything that the liveCD would install05:21
intelikeyand the name is.  x-window-system-core - X Window System core components05:21
slacker403hmm damn05:21
slacker403i just want a bare regualr install with KDE trying to keep things light as possible within reason05:21
intelikeyif you want light weight you want that ^ plus some DE05:21
hitmanWillyintelikey: that's xorg, not xfree, right?05:22
intelikeyhitmanWilly right05:22
hitmanWillyintelikey: k, just never had to install X outright on a buntu system before05:22
Fr0dedotz: any other usb devices (other than the key) plugged in?05:22
intelikeyslacker403 it sounds like you want the server install plus x-window-system-core pluse kde-base + kde-core05:23
slacker403sounds good05:23
intelikeyhitmanWilly i have several times now.  and you definitly want x-window-system-core05:23
hitmanWillyintelikey: gotcha, its xorg-xserver over here in gentoo land :)05:24
intelikeyslacker403 i normally default to installing   server install then add  x-window-system-core blackbox and some cli apps that i use regularly.05:25
hitmanWillyintelikey: or vice-versa, can't remember off the top of my head05:25
dotzyes, my mouse..05:25
dotzdo i have to reboot in order to see the memory stick?05:25
Fr0dedotz: shouldn't need to05:25
intelikeyhitmanWilly yeah there is a meta package xserver-xorg  but that alone isn't quite enough for a satisfactory x server05:25
rrbizdamn, i miss gui-everything in MS, resorting to console often is a drag05:26
dotzi'm using kubuntu edgy 6.0605:26
stdinhitmanWilly: i find the best way to get X in ubuntu (eg in the server edition) is to just do: apt-get install xorg05:26
dotzmaybe some modules not installed?05:26
Fr0dedotz: looks like only one device (the mouse, I guess) is being reported by your usb card05:26
intelikeydotz edgy is not 6.605:26
Fr0dedotz: dapper is 6.0605:26
slacker403intelikey, apt correct ?05:27
dotzthe card reader is an internal buildin the laptop type so i couldn't see the model05:27
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Fr0dedotz: I recommend you move to feisty05:27
dotzsorry edgy05:27
intelikeyslacker403 sudo apt-get install whatever05:27
intelikeyslacker403 some like aptitude better...05:27
intelikeybut ! i05:27
Fr0dedotz: at least try a live cd of feisty, see if the card is recognised05:27
slacker403yea well05:28
slacker403will do that intelikey  hopefully it wont pack in to much garbage05:28
slacker403or any extra stuff running05:28
intelikeyslacker403 after any apt command you can read the list of things it wants to install/remove before you give it the go-ahead05:30
Fr0deintelikey: unless it's a single package with no deps.. ;)05:31
intelikeythen you have typed the list05:31
dotzi read something it says it need this module usb-uhci and usb-storage .. and so i try modprobe usb-storage05:31
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dotzand modprobe usb-uhci says usb-uhci not found.. how can i get this module? apt-get ?05:31
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intelikeyhey guys quick Q   will a USR usb modem work in linux   or are they also winmodems ?05:32
stdinI believe it's called uhci-hcd dotz05:32
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tkbleh, bluetooth still isnt auto connecting :(05:36
hattercan anyone point to a document on the web on why ubuntu uses sudo and disables root ?05:37
intelikeycorrection  'really slow' Q   will a USR usb modem work in linux   or are they also winmodems ?05:37
intelikey!root | hatter05:37
ubotuhatter: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:37
dotzi believe i need usb-uhci (not sure why) but its not there.. anyone knows how to get it?05:38
tkintelikey: any wise words about bluetooth and auto connecting to peripherals?05:38
chaotic_hey   i have to overwrite  something  in the /etc  directory and its on the desktop05:38
chaotic_how do i do that05:38
hitmanWillyhatter: its easy enough to turn it back on05:38
intelikeytk i dont have anything with blue teeth05:38
Fr0dechaotic_: sudo cp ~/Desktop/itme /etc/subdir/item05:39
Fr0deitem :)05:39
hatterhitmanWilly, yes i know, i do this,  i am trying to understand how its better not to, i just find it annoying05:39
hatterafter using linux for years, it becomes a pain to sudo in front of everything05:39
tkhatter: sudo -s05:39
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Fr0dehatter: make a password for root: sudo passwd root05:40
varaonaidhi, i don't seem to be able to view any websites that use javascript.  i keep getting an error saying that i have missing plugins (java runtime environment) but I have it installed as well as the java plugin.05:40
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elite101is there Xchat for kubuntu?05:40
varaonaidi tried to reinstall it and got a message saying that java6plugin is already installed and set to manual install05:40
Fr0devaraonaid: javascript is not java05:40
tkvaraonaid: javascript has nothign to do with java other than the first 4 letters of javascript05:40
varaonaidwhat does that mean?05:40
hatterFr0de, yes, i am aware of this, i am trying to understand the reasoning of sudo by default05:40
stdinelite101: just install xchat, it works in KDE and Gnome05:41
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Fr0dehatter: no password guesser will go straight to the root account05:41
intelikeyhatter if you want a root password just set one.   it's your computer and your operating system (unlike M$ crap that you never own)05:41
elite101stdin: okay where do i do that05:41
stdinhatter: helps if you run sshd, trust me05:41
stdinelite101: yeah, or apt, your choice05:41
hatteri run sshd, and disable root login, but thats different to typing sudo at every command05:41
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stdinhatter: sudo -i  gives you a root shell05:42
stdinhatter: also sudo su - would work05:42
Fr0dehatter: I do 'sudo su -' if I have a lot of root work to do05:42
varaonaidFr0de, tk: my mistake... i can't view sites that use java.  even though ihave java runtime installed and the plugin as well, i still get the error and don't understand what it meant that the plugin was set to manual install05:42
=== K-Ryan [n=ryan@ool-18be7689.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
hatteri agree we can add a root password,  i am just wondering why sudo is default, if there is any great security increase05:42
K-RyanHow can I set a user not able to use sudo?05:42
stdinthere really is no need for a regular user to "login" as root from the get go05:42
K-RyanWell, remove root privaledges in its whole.05:42
hatter'sudo su -' is a good idea, i will do this05:42
intelikeyhatter and indeed i have to agree with stdin on that, if you run sshd either you don't want a root passwd or you don't want to allow root login or you want a really good root password.  one of the three05:43
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:43
chaotic_sudo cp ~/Desktop/Hellanzb.conf /etc/Hellanzb.conf05:43
chaotic_cp: cannot stat `/home/chaotic/Desktop/Hellanzb.conf': No such file or directory05:43
Fr0dethe /etc/sudoers file where you set perms for who can sudo, iirc05:43
hatterintelikey, well you would never allow direct root login across the net with ssh, but once you are in , you may as well have root05:44
chaotic_hey frode what am i supposed  to do05:44
Fr0dechaotic_: then it's not on your desktop.. :P05:44
intelikeyhatter i disagree.  remote adminestration can be very useful    it all depends on what you do and where you do it...05:45
Fr0dechaotic_: open a konqueror window, navigate to the folder with the item, then hit F405:45
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Fr0dechaotic_: then sudo cp <item> /etc/<path>/<item05:45
hatterintelikey, remote administration is essential,  i am saying when you get there you still need to be root05:45
gandhiiigot a newbie question that has probably been asked a billion times.  trying to install nvidia drivers..  but it told me i was missing libc..   i'm looking at adept now.. and it shows libc6 is installed..  if not that .. which of these libc similar packages are being asked for by the nvidia drivers?05:45
intelikeyhatter if sudo works locally it will work for ssh connections too05:46
=== Fr0de has to go now - good luck all. :)
hatterintelikey, yes. I dont understand why i would want to type sudo in front of each command.05:46
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K-RyanRemoving root privaledges anyone?05:47
hatteri think its a good idea for multiuser auditing but i am not understanding why it used on a single user system05:47
stdinK-Ryan: they can only use sudo if they are in the admin group or explicitly in the /etc/sudoers file05:47
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intelikeyhatter and some people think "well a hacker/cracker will never know my login name so my password is ok"   then the same idiot logs into an irc network with their user name....      like DUH  where do you think the cracker is going to look for victoms anyway ???05:47
stdinhatter: think of it from the windows users perspective too, they are used to having the user be an "administrator" and logging in as that. they see the root user as the normal admin user and think "well, I'll just login as root all the time". that don't quite get the power of root and that it can be dangerous to be root if you aren't careful05:47
=== stdin_ is now known as stdin
chaotic_thanks guys it worked05:48
chaotic_hey btw05:49
hatterstdin, i am hearing the 'dangerous' angle, but what is the difference with rm -fr / or sudo rm -fr / ?05:49
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chaotic_how do i get firefox to load  konversation when i click an irc link05:49
stdinhatter: the 1st won't kill your whole system, the 2nd will05:49
chaotic_isnt it -rf05:49
intelikeythe differance is with sudo you remove all data  without it you remove your personal data05:49
stonedchaotic_: helper applications05:49
stdinchaotic_: the order don't matter05:50
intelikeychaotic_ order of the switches is bull05:50
intelikeynull even05:50
stdinbull :p05:50
chaotic_so  u can use cp   as  well as -pc05:50
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intelikeythat's not a switch it's a command05:50
stdinchaotic_: no, just for the options (switches), not commands05:50
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intelikeyand there are apps and switches that the order does matter on.  just not that one.05:51
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K-RyanWhat would I edit in /etc/sudoers to make just one account be able to have root privaledges?05:52
stdinK-Ryan: easiest way is to remove all the other users from the admin group05:52
intelikeygeneral rule of thumb, if the switch requires an argument be appended  then the order is important, if it doesn't then it doesn't05:52
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stdinK-Ryan: only the 1st user set up will be in there by default05:52
K-Ryanstdin: It says "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL05:53
intelikeyK-Ryan or change the word  admin   to the user name05:53
stdinK-Ryan: yes, that means that the people in the group "admin" can use it05:53
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stdinK-Ryan: just remove all other uses from the admin group in system settings05:53
K-Ryanstdin: Thanks, now to find that =)05:54
intelikey%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL <<>> ryan ALL=(ALL) ALL05:54
stdinthat would work too ^05:54
stdinbut sometimes it's easier to just add/remove a user from admin (for me). plus if you mess up the sudoers file you can break sudo05:55
hatter'sudo su -'  gives me a root shell ?05:55
intelikeyi like my sudoers file :)))05:55
intelikeyALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL05:55
stdinhatter: yes, or sudo -i05:55
intelikeyhatter so does   sudo -i05:55
tkand sudo -s05:56
hattergives me a root shell without entering a password ?05:56
tkbut you gotta enter the current users pass with -s05:56
stdinhatter: no, you have to enter the pass once05:56
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stdintk: and with -i05:56
hatterthe users pass ?05:56
stdinhatter: your password05:56
intelikeyyes   even with the   sudo su -05:56
stdinthere is a way to make sudo "passwordless" tho ;)05:57
stdinactually there are 2 ways05:57
hatterso if we also had a root password then which password would it require ?05:57
intelikeyexcept i think ubuntu sets up a timmer on the sudo  so you don't enter the password but one time if you use sudo every so ofter       what 1 minute or something ?05:58
wolferinesudo su is root05:58
hatteris root without a second password05:58
wolferinesecond password?05:58
hatterie if i login to one of my boxes via ssh, i login with a user, then i have to su to root and enter a second password05:58
dr_willishatter,  better to use 'sudo -s' or was it sudo -i05:59
hatterso if my first login were compromised i still would get root access with it05:59
dr_willisof course i tend to use 'sux'05:59
hatter'still woudnt'05:59
wolferinesux :)05:59
dr_willisThey would have to guess/hack your users  NAME, and then their password.05:59
hatterso what i am getting at is,  the sudo user has only 1 password level to get root access05:59
intelikeyhatter well   if you like "exotic"  i have a totally passwordless system06:00
dr_willisthe fact a haxor dont know you rusers name is another level of security.06:00
dr_willisthe use of sudo is also there to protect the user from theirselfs. :)06:00
stdinhatter: sudo and su aren't just for root, you can do "su user" to login as "user", then you'd enter the password for "user"06:00
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hatterintelikey, yes, using keys, but you still need a passphrase ?06:00
intelikeydr_willis unless you login to an irc server with your user name06:00
stdinhatter: but with "sudo su user" you'd enter your password06:00
hatterbut is the passphrase useless without the key ?06:00
intelikeyhatter no.06:01
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intelikeyhatter i mean a totally passwordless system.   all accounts are locked.06:01
dr_willisintelikey,  :) we never do that! :006:01
hatterintelikey, but you still have a passphrase ?06:01
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intelikeypasswd -dl 'all users'06:02
intelikeyhatter no.06:02
dr_willistotally passwordless , just hit enter. :)06:02
intelikeydr_willis exactly06:02
hatterso if i got your key i would have access06:02
intelikeythere is no key06:02
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hatterpasswordless is using an rsa key06:02
intelikeynot here06:03
VerWolFHi people. Where can i add russian translation for ktorrent 2.2?? Can u help me?06:03
hatterno rsa key and no passwords ?  what is your ip address ;)06:03
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intelikeyhatter look it up.  but sshd isn't running anyway06:03
hatterok, so we are offtopic,  we were talking of security ?06:04
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intelikeyhatter yeah and security is offtopic06:04
stdinunless you ask "how can I secure my box", then it's on-topic :p06:05
hatteri think sudo is a definite ubuntu topic :)06:05
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intelikeyfor this long maybe06:06
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:06
intelikeythere you go  ^06:06
xD3ATHSLAY3Rxhey dark alex06:06
xD3ATHSLAY3Rxhows it going?06:06
=== stdin thinks xD3ATHSLAY3Rx spends too much time on quake with a nick like that
xD3ATHSLAY3Rxdiablo too06:07
xD3ATHSLAY3Rxits elite06:07
xD3ATHSLAY3RxDark alex is my other Xchatter lol06:07
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stdinelite? you mean 133T?06:07
hatterok i have a new question,  my kubuntu menu is on the right hand side of the screen, however the menus appear directly over the top of the icons, making it painful to navigate the menus , any ideas ?06:07
doctorowWhen I put my Feisty Kubuntu Lenovo X60 to sleep and wake it up again in a different location, it doesn't see the local WiFi networks -- the network selector in the Kubuntu toolbar only shows the networks from the location I was in when I put the machine to sleep. Any ideas for getting it to refresh that list?06:07
xD3ATHSLAY3Rxits not a real person just me but im gonna change my nick its too long06:07
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intelikey1337 57d1n06:08
hatterthat is when i move the mouse over the menus, the menus appear directly on top of the menu bar06:08
elite101i had to use xchat to help a friend join a channel so i made a fake account and started talking06:08
magor666wow alot of people use kubuntu06:08
intelikeyor |337 57d1n06:08
elite101this is magor666 (curently running windows) :(06:08
hatterhow do you like that.  now they arent.06:08
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents06:08
elite101magor enter #psp-programming06:09
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hatteroh yes they do.  after i have selected the 'k' icon for instance, the first menu appears directly above obfuscating the others06:09
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=== intelikey always just used right click menus
intelikeywhen in a gui...06:11
doctorowWhat is the keyboard shortcut for screenshots in Kubuntu?06:11
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intelikeyprint screen ?06:12
dr_willisintelikey,  thats too logical. :)06:12
doctorowintelikey Do you know where the image file would go?06:12
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=== dr_willis dosent DARE hit the 'break' key. :)
intelikeyin your home dir06:12
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dr_willisdoctorow,  it loads up a program I do belive06:12
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dr_willisUsing gnome at the moment.. *ghasp* :) it loads a dialog asking where to save to. but not suire on kde.06:13
doctorowdr_willis Any suggestions for troubleshooting if that doesn't work?06:13
dr_willisdoctorow,  use any of a dozen+ screen grabber tools out there.06:13
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doctorowdr_willis I'm trying to work around a bug in ksnapshot06:13
vn-hi, anyone knows the name of the non free nvidia drivers on kubuntu?06:13
vn-the package name06:13
intelikeydoctorow last i looked there was a menu itom "take a screen shot"06:13
dr_willisgimp can grab screens also,06:14
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:14
dr_willisvn-,  nvidia-glx i do belive.06:14
dr_willisbut its best to read that bot url it juat gave06:14
dr_willisi always install that 'restricted-manager' program to isntall those thingss06:14
doctorowdr_willis by using KDE's built-in screen-grabber. The bug is that when I foreground a video window (VLC, Democracy, Kaffeine, Totem) and press New Snapshot in Ksnapshot, the video-player BLANKS OUT the video!06:14
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dr_willisthe video player is using some sort of special mode i belive, to get faster displays on the X display.06:15
psyk0ninjahow do you change the default browser for rssnewsreader in superkaramba?06:15
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dr_willisIve seen similer 'issues' in other ways with video players also.06:15
doctorowdr_willis Any ideas for working around this?06:15
doctorowdr_willis I want to get a screenshot from a video06:15
dr_willisdoctorow,  not really worried about it much. :)06:15
dr_willismost video players have a screencapture feature.06:15
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dr_willisim sure vlc and xine can do it.06:15
dr_willisyou might need to set up the keybindings however06:16
intelikeyyeah use the app to save a frame of the vidio06:16
dr_willisIve used it befor to get some screen shots for  wallpaper06:16
intelikeyoh sorry too logical again ?06:16
doctorowdr_willis VLC doesn't have such a mode, nor Kaffeine. Do you remember which program you used?06:16
dr_willisim pretty suyre VLC does have a screen grab featuire06:17
slacker403anyways to make kubuntu + kde to run more light etc ?06:17
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intelikeyrun lighter ?   kill un-needed/un-wanted processes and remove their startup linkx from /etc/rc2.d/06:18
doctorowdr_willis If VLC has one, it's not in any of the menus06:18
dr_willisvlc -------> video ----> snapshot06:18
dr_willisit does to0....06:18
intelikeyand maybe form /etc/rcS.d/  also06:18
dr_willisvlcsnap-7792694.png  vlcsnap-7792729.png  vlcsnap-7792762.png06:19
intelikeyconfig kde to run only what you want it to run at startup also helps06:19
vn-thanks dr_willis got my stuff working =)06:19
=== vn- pets ubotu
doctorowdr_willis -- Thanks -- I'm going to reinstall VLC cuz that menu isn't there for me.06:19
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intelikeydoc your a bad influnce on me...     ;/      i'm twice the smart elic when you agg it on....06:20
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dr_willisi wonder if i got my vlc set for 'advanced' mode..06:21
=== dr_willis wonders at the logic of 'reinstall' to fix somthing under linux...
intelikeyprolly   can't see why you wouldn't have it that way06:22
=== intelikey wonders at the logic of reboot to fix things in any OS
slacker403what is your guys KDE + kubuntu use ram wise as  default ?06:22
intelikeyslacker403 heh   95%  no matter how much you have06:23
slacker403i meant how much is actually being used but yea06:23
NightBirdyeah.... my install uses most of my ram, but it's largely in file cache...06:23
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slacker403that cache'ing gets kinda decieving06:23
intelikeygot 64m it uses 95%     got 2g  it uses 95%06:23
intelikeyslacker403 indeed.06:24
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slacker403i can get my windows to run like 60 mb06:24
NightBirdlike a good third is cache... the remaining 2/3rds rougly is in use... and that's with 256 mb of ram.... maybe..06:24
slacker403although it does not cache06:24
intelikeymy actual ram usage right now (x isn't running)  Used/Free: 8/24106:24
slacker403they say kde adds about 80 without all the special features06:25
elite101lol im on KDE06:25
slacker403this is kubuntu so i kinda expect that ;)06:25
intelikeyslacker403 heh  i can run kde in a 64m p1 box06:25
yotsuyaI have problems setting up my keyboard layout - it keeps resetting from "Russian" to "Unknown"06:25
slacker403KDE 4 and koffice 2.0 will mark a new line of accomplishment06:26
intelikeyso i don't think kde takes quite 80m of ram06:26
hitmanWillyslacker403: i wouldn't assume that if I were you :)06:26
slacker403huh ?06:26
slacker403oh ah06:26
slacker403intelikey, i guess it all depends on how you set it up too06:26
intelikeyslacker403 yeah  ubuntu has to be tweeked just a little to run in a 64m box      the install is the tricky part really.06:27
slacker403tweaked in what way ?06:27
slacker4032ndly anyone here ever use Virtual Box ?06:28
intelikeyclip out some of the things it defaults to run   too lighten the load06:28
slacker403defaults to run ?06:28
slacker403when i install my kubuntu-server  will it default anything ? lol06:29
dr_willisslacker403,  ive had much better luck with Vmware-server, then virtualbox06:29
intelikeyhald udev and some other things that "they say" you need,  you know just common sense06:29
slacker403dr_willis, wow06:29
slacker403virtual server is about 10x faster then vmware server06:29
chaotic_do u guys know wheres teh queue directory  for hellannzb06:29
dr_willisI mainly test it with live cd.. virtual box dont work with a lot of them06:29
dr_willisive never noticed virtualbox being that much faster running the other os's ive played with.06:29
slacker403i run virtual box from within linux and use a windows guest06:30
dr_willisbut then again. ive not benchmarked the sttuff much. :)06:30
slacker403it gets 90 percent of perforamcne06:30
slacker403as if i was running  it on the real system06:30
dr_willisIhad the wife set up wth a xp box, with vmware, with win95 in vmware for her. :)06:30
dr_willisso she couldent hirt the system06:30
slacker403vmware is much slower my friend06:31
intelikeywouldn't matter   win95 will fly on a p106:31
slacker403virtualbox can use video drivers on the real system and network of the real system not some emulated stuff where it knocks the performance down06:31
slacker403all the executed code is sent directly to the processor again not emulated06:31
slacker403i used win95 fora long time i know ;)06:32
slacker403pentium 155 mhz worked great06:32
intelikeyall the bull crap M$ churns out about "fastest windows ever"  is hardware dependant.    they expect you to run in on progressicely faster systems so you don't notice how much slower the system is than the previous one06:33
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intelikeyor in short     they lie06:33
slacker403MS is fine06:33
slacker403its all marketing ;)06:33
slacker403but i do wish they made photoshop for linux06:33
intelikeyno   lie = lie        not    marketing = lie06:34
slacker403but it wont happen anytime soon i dont think06:34
slacker403not enough of a market06:34
intelikeywell i'll rethink that.   M$ marketing == lie     yeah  you may have a point...06:35
slacker403well whatever06:35
slacker403MS makes solid products06:35
slacker403their server stuff is actually really good *if* you need it06:35
slacker403i use inux06:35
intelikeyM$ owns you   not me.06:35
slacker403but by no means is thier stuff bad06:36
slacker403MS virtual server is really nice06:36
elite101help someone is floodinf a channel and the admin is not awake!!! :(06:36
intelikeyyour openion  not mine.06:36
slacker403linux  can open more options though06:36
intelikeyelite101 ignore them.06:36
intelikeyelite101 /ignore uesrname@*06:37
hitmanWillyeasiest way to fix channel spam :P06:37
intelikeyelite101 but if you   /ignore *@*   it will get really quiet  :)06:37
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=== intelikey is now known as Agent_bob
yotsuyaHelp with skim, anyone?06:38
=== se7enofnine [n=se7enofn@125-24-154-87.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #kubuntu
Agent_bobAgent_137 :)06:39
Agent_137Agent bob!06:40
yotsuyaIt keeps resetting to "Unknown"06:40
Agent_137WHile the new Get Smart movie is not the source of my alias, i'm excited nonetheless.06:40
=== claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-50-86.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu
Agent_bobi didn't even know there was a new "get smart"  but i liked the old show when i was a kid06:41
Agent_bobdaavis what give dude ?06:42
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Agent_137yea, i loved the old show. you know the get smart guy was also the voice for inspector gadget (the old cartoon, not the movie)06:43
Agent_bobyes indeed06:43
Agent_bobwait i have to answer my shoe06:44
Agent_bobi guess he was the first guy to have a cell phone06:44
Agent_bobmaxwell smart  i mean06:45
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hitmanWillyremember a few years back when they tried to bring that show back?06:46
Agent_bobbut the coolest cat ever   had to be the work of "blake edwards"06:47
Agent_bobhitmanWilly i didn't know they did06:47
=== hodgejj [n=hodgejj@68-190-26-101.dhcp.mtgm.al.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
hitmanWillyAgent_bob: not surprised, it lasted all of like 3 episodes and royally sucked06:47
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Agent_bobthen i'm glad i missed it06:48
hitmanWillyoh well, screw it, ill play along06:49
=== hitmanWilly is now known as Agent_86
Agent_bobbut you fellows are way behind really   i have had this nick registered for years now.06:49
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Agent_bobna na nana na     </ticks out tongue>  :P06:50
Agent_86yeah, yeah, yeah...06:50
Agent_bobi wish someone would ask a linux question   and save us from further imbarisment06:52
Agent_86ok, back to normal mode now06:52
=== Agent_86 is now known as hitmanWilly
=== Agent_bob is now known as intelikey
=== dr_willis wonders if its possible to put Linux on an AppleTV
hitmanWillydr_willis: probably, if its a ppc architecture06:53
dr_willisyea - but  i havent seen any mention of that yet.06:53
intelikeydr_willis at least the tux ....06:53
dr_willisAppleTV isent ppc. apple' are not PPC any more :)06:53
hitmanWillyoh yeah, they're x86 now like everyone else06:54
dr_willisbut every time i hear mention of linux on a Apple, they always talk about that virtual thinggie. :)06:54
dr_willisJust looking for my next pc. :)  a little appletv/linux box would be amuseing.06:54
hitmanWillyheh, even sun is doing x86 now06:54
=== Viking667 [i=viking@] has joined #kubuntu
chaotic_just get a mac mini lol06:55
intelikeysomething wrong with the present box ?06:55
Viking667Good evening. I'm looking for information on rebuilding the kde menus, except I can't find what I'm needing.06:55
dsmithright clikc on the K and click on meni editor06:56
intelikeyor kmenuedit06:56
dsmith*menu editor06:56
dr_willisintelikey,  its like 4+ yrs old. and slowly dieing off. :)06:56
Viking667no, you aren't getting me. I've already seen that, and it doesn't rebuild the entirety of apps under /usr/share/menu06:57
intelikeydr_willis hmm  then should i replace my 12 year old stuff   it's 3X that06:57
dr_willisintelikey,  ive slowly been getting rid of my old junk. :)06:57
dr_willistrying to consolidate the things i dont need.06:58
Viking667i.e. there's a stack of stuff under /usr/share/menu, some gets included, some doesn't and there's no real indication of what KDE is supposed to pull in.06:58
Viking667i.e. I am supposed to have a Gnome submenu, but I don't.06:58
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Viking667I'm supposed to have a entry for "xpenguins" under "Games/Toys", but again, I don't.06:58
intelikeyViking667 tried installing  menu ?06:59
Viking667intelikey: I'll have a look at that, it seems to have been missed off this box.06:59
dr_willisgnome submenu? hmm - i dont recall seeing that.06:59
dsmithall my gnome apps have always intermixed with my kde ones07:00
Viking667well, I've got gnome applications that don't turn up in the menu... sorry to bang on about it07:00
intelikeyViking667 it makes the 'debian' submenu that will include those things07:00
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Viking667ahh, I see now.07:00
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draikDoes the Ubuntu server have a GUI?07:00
dr_willisdraik,  if you count the console.. :)07:00
intelikeydraik the server install    no07:01
Viking667right. So apps get mixed in. where does the user rebuild his/her/its menus from?07:01
dsmithcmdline GUI07:01
draikHow do I manager anything?07:01
Viking667err, that's not a GUI as such.07:01
Viking667draik: hah! Like I do - by memorising about a hundred commands.07:01
dsmithsudo this and sudo that...07:01
dr_willislearn to use the shell. :)07:01
dr_willisor find some fancy frontend tools.07:02
intelikeydraik manager whaty ?07:02
draikIs there a good book?07:02
dsmithoh toss in rm, mkdir and mv07:02
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:02
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dr_willis'using bash' by Oreialy.07:02
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pedrookay, so if used automatix to install things, but then removed all that software using automatix, then uninstalled automatix AND removed its repos, is there even a *HINT* of a chance of that screwing up my system when i do, say, a dist-upgrade or something?07:02
dr_willisis a must get. :)07:02
dr_willispedro,  sadly YES...07:02
pedroi didnt want to hear that07:02
Viking667also, Linux in a nutshell (by O'Reilly)07:02
neusoncei hate windows, if programs ever become self aware windows would be like a jew walking in to nazi germany.07:02
dr_willispedro,  but i will admit that i RARELY upgrade. i tend to keep /home on its own drive. and do clean reinstalls.07:03
pedrome too07:03
dsmithpedro: do clean reinstalls07:03
pedroerm... thought that was a question07:03
Viking667I've got a copy of UNIX in a nutshell, and it's been one of my most useful books07:03
pedroanyway, is it safe to say that i am at least safe for now?07:03
intelikeydraik rute-book07:04
intelikey!info rute-book07:04
intelikey!info rutebook07:04
ubotuPackage rute-book does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:04
uboturutebook: Linux: Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition, an online book. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (feisty), package size 5468 kB, installed size 8264 kB07:04
dr_willisViking667,  i got several old copies of that. :)07:04
=== pedro shakes his fist at automatix
elite101how do i download from a fttp:// site? it shows a folder's and files for DSL do i just copy and paste to desktop??07:04
dr_williselite101,  ya could..07:05
dr_willisor drag/drop07:05
elite101so it can work like that07:05
dr_willisthats one way to do it..07:05
intelikeyor wget    or even use    ftp07:05
dr_williswget might be a better way07:05
elite101but it reads all the files as being 9.7gb and its DSL linux :S07:05
Viking667dr_willis: lol. of which? I seem to have the 1994 version (featured Solaris 2.0!!)07:05
elite101i dont even have that big of a hdd07:05
neusoncegod i love ubuntu, i just wish  java would work.07:05
Viking667hrm? It doesn't for you?07:06
intelikey!java | neusonce you did read this ?07:06
ubotuneusonce you did read this ?: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.07:06
elite101well i got everything working now just expermenting some distro's07:06
=== Viking667 hasn't tried anything significant under Kubuntu with Sun's JDK
dr_willisViking667,  i always get my linux books on the bargin bins. :) they are out of date befor i even get them home07:06
=== head [n=head@S0106001195bbfe38.pi.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
Viking667dr_willis: ewww.07:06
dr_willisbut the Fundamentals are still the same.07:07
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elite101or Linux for Dummies?07:07
elite101is that good07:07
=== intelikey wonders how a linux book can be out of date ???
dr_willisany book with 'dummies' or 'idiot' in the title - is not worth taking home07:07
Viking667It's ironic - the biggest book wife bought for me, was the one I used the least. The smallest computer book she bought, is the one I've used the most.07:07
Viking667elite101: be wary of those books.07:07
Viking667they're more "monkey see, monkey do" books...07:07
elite101i have the whole series07:07
intelikeydr_willis yeah generally should read   writen by *07:07
elite101no i dont07:08
dr_willisintelikey,  when they discuss how to upgrade from the 1.0 to 2.0 kernel... :) its a bad sign07:08
Viking667i.e. see what's on this screen, type that in, and wow cool, you're a guru07:08
elite101i dont even no that?07:08
elite1011.0 to 2.0?07:08
Viking667dr_willis: lol. I started with 1.0.9...07:08
dr_willisbut ya can occasionaly get some good OLD-Skool Info in some of those books07:08
intelikeydr_willis not really.  learning how to do that will help a lot in some respects07:08
dr_willisI got some RedHatbook thats basicially a Printout of 90% of the man pages that exist.07:08
elite101ohh lol the 90's book witht he guy with the black and white photos on the old comadore with the comeover07:09
dr_willisintelikey,  better to learn to do it with what ya got.07:09
dr_willisI do have some very old "linux kernel' books - that look like they were written with Troff. :)07:09
elite101hey cna u guys view youtube videos?07:09
dr_willisnow thats old-skool07:09
dr_williselite101,  i see them just fine07:09
intelikeydr_willis with any kernel really   the process hasn't really changed that much,   only the tools have grown07:09
elite101i have linux books ritten in dos07:09
Viking667elite101: I can, yes... though I have to dance a little to do so07:09
hitmanWillyelite101: just fine over here07:10
=== Viking667 blinks... you sure you know what you're on about?
intelikeyelite101  DOS == disk operating system  (R) micro soft trade mark07:11
elite101does this make any sense to you what so ever??? please tell me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY8Wi7XRXCA07:11
slacker403how do i instal the kubuntu server thing again where i just want a base and nothing more ?07:12
elite101please view dont worry its about computers07:12
slacker403kubuntu alternate is the same size as the desktop07:12
intelikeywriten in "dos"  ???07:12
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elite101lol nvm im dumb07:12
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elite101who knows07:13
elite101but does that youtube video make anysense what so ever07:13
dr_williselite101,  hes making a dish antanna out of Al. Foil and a plastic bowl07:13
elite101its way to fake07:13
elite101with teh phone thing07:13
elite101and ethernet cord like c'mon07:14
dr_willisI dident listen to it.07:14
draikintelikey: I installed rutebook. How do I read/access it?07:15
dsmithhmmmm, I will have to ry that07:15
dsmithjust one time to see if it does work07:15
Viking667it's a series of webpages.07:15
Viking667sorry, that was to draik07:15
dr_willisit does seemt o be a 'joke video'07:15
dr_williscd /usr/share/doc/rutebook/07:16
intelikeydraik it's in html format you have a w3b cli based web browser installed    to see where the files actually are use this command     dpkg -L rutebook | grep index07:16
dr_willisI think it would be nice if all these web-books/docs could be accessde a little easier.. Hmm07:16
Daisuke_Idolet's say i were going to buy a laptop.07:16
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dr_williswonder if there is a kioslave for that.07:16
elite101what happens if by accedent u hit xkill and click on the desktop and u it goes to a black screen with just a cursor???07:16
intelikeydraik then   w3b that file07:16
Daisuke_Idowho makes laptops and doesn't, you know, suck.07:17
dr_williselite101,  then you hit alt-ctrl-backspace and restart X :)07:17
intelikeyor is it w3m07:17
Daisuke_Idodell, maybe a toshica07:17
intelikeyw3[tab] 07:17
Daisuke_Idotoshiba, too!07:17
Viking667well, there's possibly a way to embed "lynx -dump" into a window?07:17
intelikeydraik w3[tab] 07:17
Viking667"links", or lynx, dillo, w3m07:17
Daisuke_Ido(toshica is the cheap hong kong ripoff, like sorny and samsang)07:17
intelikeyViking667 links2 or elinks07:18
intelikeyViking667 there isn't actually a "links" anymore07:18
hitmanWillyViking667: i like w3m myself07:18
=== intelikey is an elinks kinda fellow
dr_willisHmm.. looking at some parts for my next pc..    What the heck is this HUGE heatsink in the middle of the motherboard? its not the cpu.07:19
=== elite101 [n=elite101@d36-88-138.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu
elite101lol so i try it07:19
intelikeybut not with the default colour set      <pukes<07:19
dsmithok that youtube video is BS, I just watched another one07:19
elite101stupid me07:19
elite101i know07:19
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elite101i love his intros though to the video07:19
dsmith"electrical tape" is called electrical tape as it conducts electricity...lmao07:19
dsmithgood intros, yes07:19
hitmanWillydr_willis: onboard gpu?07:19
elite101lol the mindsweeper one07:20
elite101doesnt work07:20
dr_willishitmanWilly,  the mb specs dnt seem to indicate it has that.. wonder if its for the memory controller.07:20
dr_willishitmanWilly,  thats a quadcore mb. :) Tigerdirect has it in a special deal this week07:20
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elite101lmao recharge batterys07:21
dr_willis$600 for a bearbones Quadcore system07:21
hitmanWillydr_willis: oh yeah, they sent me an email about that :)07:21
Daisuke_Idopassive chipset cooling.07:21
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dr_willishitmanWilly,  : ) i got them on my RSS feeds07:21
dr_willishitmanWilly,  debating using it for my next linux box.07:21
=== hitmanWilly isn't really up on intel mobos
Daisuke_Idookay, back to the laptop question07:22
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hitmanWillyim an AMD kinda guy :P07:22
Daisuke_Idoany that you would recommend more than others?07:22
elite101im intel celeron07:22
elite101fasts CPU07:22
Daisuke_Idoceleron != fast :\07:22
Daisuke_Idoceleron == cheap commodity junk07:22
intelikeyi'm thinking of taking the vidio card out of this one box to make room for the fifth nic,   any chance that it will somehow break things ???07:22
dr_willisLaptops are all about your Budget.. :)07:23
dvmHow to update the label widget dynamically in gtk?07:23
hitmanWillyintelikey: does it have onboard? or are you just going to ssh in?07:23
dr_willisintelikey,  problemi had with a headless server, was once it lost power in a storm, and had a hd issue.. i had to hook up a monitor to realize that was whyit wasent booting properly.07:24
=== stdin [i=stdin@unaffiliated/binary2k2] has joined #kubuntu
elite101is it true that True intel prossecors are faster than celeron even with the same Ghz frequency?07:24
dr_willisbit of a bother. so now i keep a cheap montior handy. for just such emergancies07:24
dr_williselite101,  i belive they offer more preformance.07:24
intelikeydr_willis k  indeed,   but if i set fsck to auto fix everything and reboot    will that cover power fail ?07:25
dr_willisthe use of the term 'faster' can get confusing.07:25
dr_willisintelikey,  unless fsck fails, and wants/asks you to do somthing.07:25
dr_willisintelikey,  ive noticed inteh past ive broken things myself by messing up myfstab also. :)07:25
stdinelite101: not exactly, depends on the task. celerons have less pages of programming in them07:25
dr_willisintelikey,  i belive it normally asks 'hit ctrl-d to continue' or root pasword for shell.. or somthing like that.07:26
intelikeydr_willis heh not in my init scripts it don't   lol07:26
dr_willisintelikey,  so... if the thing ever fails to boot. you will have to put in a video card, and monitor to see why. which may be a bit of a hassle07:26
intelikeydon't forget that is where i play the most07:26
dr_willisIm always swaping drives around, and forget to fix the fstabs befor i reboot.07:26
intelikeyyeah that can be major malfunction07:27
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hitmanWillyanyway, night all07:27
stdindr_willis: that's why UUID's are nuce07:27
dr_willisBut moving drives internally, works fine. since the fstab is using uuid07:27
intelikeyi have gotten in a habbit of just rm /etc/fstab   and you don't have that07:27
dr_willisstdin,  moving them from one machine to another.. is not  as smart. :)07:27
wnh001hello all, I have an issue I was hoping you could help me out with07:27
wnh001when I boot into kubuntu07:27
wnh001it says that fsck is mounting a disk with errors07:28
stdindr_willis: well, depends if you're booting off the disk you moved. it's worked ok for me (so far)07:28
wnh001it does this every time I boot07:28
wnh001any help?07:29
dr_willisstdin,  till it tried to mount a disk thats no longer there.. :) but the fstab says it is..07:29
dr_williswnh001,  boot live cd. fsck the disk manually perhaps.07:29
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stdindr_willis: ahh, well that would be a problem :p07:29
=== gumjo [n=ashtar@CPE00032f390ded-CM0011e67bbf01.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
dr_williswnh001,  are you using windows xp, and that ext2-fs thing for windows?07:29
intelikeywnh001 i would reboot and at the grub prompt set  init=/bin/sh    then when it gets to the shell prompt run fsck on the root fs and see what is going on07:29
wnh001dr_willis: a friend of mine installed it recently... why?07:30
intelikeyif none of that makes sense i'll just hush07:30
=== wnh001 is brand new to ubuntu
stdinyeah, that diver messed up one of my ext3 partitions a while ago07:31
stdinit's not 100% stable07:31
stdin(it's not even 50% IMO)07:31
wnh001OH MAN it didnt wreck anything did it?07:31
wnh001I mean I can still boot07:31
stdinfsck should fix it07:31
dr_williswnh001,  IF windows has the linux drives mounted.. and windows crashes.. well it gets flagged as 'unmounted uncleanly' and a check is forced.07:31
wnh001this is constant07:31
wnh001everytime I boot07:31
dr_williswnh001,  ive seen that issue on my own machines.07:31
dr_williswnh001,  every time ya boot straight to windows eh?07:32
dr_williserr i mean linux. no windows at all07:32
wnh001no linux07:32
wnh001I had needed to move files from windows to ubuntu07:32
wnh001so my friend suggested that driver07:32
=== gutts_ [n=gutts@ADijon-258-1-135-136.w90-26.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
stdinwnh001: you know ubuntu can read from NTFS?07:32
dr_willisso ya boot linux, it checks the disks.. ya reboot and it still has to check .. eh.07:32
stdinwnh001: and write with the ntfs-3g driver07:33
wnh001no! stdin ! where were you when I needed you07:33
wnh001and it can be written to?!07:33
stdinwnh001: probably sleeping :p07:33
dr_williswnh001,  thats a faq :)07:33
dr_willisheh heh..07:33
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:33
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:33
wnh001I didnt really know how to get onto irc07:33
wnh001but as you can see, im learning fast07:33
dr_willisubuntu/kubuntu pages have a good forum section07:33
lemonhello everyone!... does anyone teach me how to change my bootscreen...07:33
wnh001no one ever gets to tinker with my computer again07:34
intelikey!usplash | lemon07:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about slpash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:34
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.07:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootsplash - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:34
ubotulemon: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork07:34
dr_williswe got way too many slash factouids07:34
wnh001dr_willis:  if I remove the driver and let fsck do its job will it be fixed07:34
stdinwnh001: but yeah, you can wither boot from the install cd and run fsck from there, or do what intelikey said. then it should be fixed07:34
dr_williswnh001,  you can turn off the disks from windows control panel/ifs tool. BUT if you are not booting to windows in between, then thats not the problem07:34
dr_williswnh001,  its possible windows dis somthing odd to the disks and they need to be checked manuyally07:35
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intelikeywnh001 don't leave yet.07:35
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wnh001intelikey: why?07:35
stdinwnh001: if you just want access to your windows files, linux can do that for you. if you want write access it takes a little more config, but it's not difficult. and more stable than the windows driver07:36
intelikeywnh001 it "could" be another drive / partition /file system     that is being mounted with errors07:36
wnh001point me in the right direction!07:36
stdinwnh001: tho you should always backup important data07:36
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intelikeywnh001 would you care to pastebin your fstab file ?07:36
wnh001how intelikey07:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)07:36
wnh001no the fstab thing07:36
intelikeywnh001    cat /etc/fstabd07:36
intelikeywnh001    cat /etc/fstab07:37
stdinwnh001: open it in kate, then copy it to that website07:37
stdinor cat :p07:37
stdinwhichever really07:37
intelikeyor kedit or kword or nano  or .....07:37
intelikeyopenoffice even07:37
dr_willisfte, vi, vim, mcedit07:38
stdinkedit/kword aren't installed by default, and unless you have an hour for oo.o to open... :p07:38
dr_willisdd !07:38
intelikeydr_willis or ted the joe07:38
stdinintelikey: or nopaste :)07:38
intelikeyor echo $(<)07:39
wnh001intelikey: dr_willis stdin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31034/07:39
stdinwnh001: heh, do you see your windows files in /media/sda2 ?07:39
stdinoh, and /media/sda107:40
wnh001stdin windoes is in sda207:40
wnh001and sda107:40
intelikeyok you are forcing check on both vfat and ntfs  that's your error message07:40
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wnh001intelikey: im not doing anything... this does it all by itself07:41
intelikeychange the last digit from  1 to 0 on all but the root / partition07:41
intelikeykdesu kate /etc/fstab07:41
draikHow do I get out of rutebook?07:41
draikintelikey: w3m07:42
draikThank you07:42
wnh001intelikey: which one is root?07:42
intelikey /07:42
stdinwnh001: the one with ext3 on the line07:42
intelikeyall others have  /something   but root is  /07:42
wnh001the one complaining of the errors07:42
wnh001ok I left root as 0 107:43
intelikeyyes and the others as 0 0   ?07:43
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intelikeysave and exit07:43
wnh001can I space these items out so that if this happens another time ill better know where to edit?07:44
draikintelikey: How do I manage/control Ubuntu Server?07:44
intelikeythat should fix it.07:44
stdindraik: with the command line07:44
intelikeydraik what part of it ?    what do you want to affect ?07:44
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wnh001thanks guys for releasing an awesome os like this one07:44
intelikeywnh001 yes you can.07:44
draikI'm not sure. I figured I'd have a GUI where I would have to manage users and such. I setup a LAMP server (instead of DNS)07:45
stdindraik: no, the server edition has no GUI07:45
stdindraik: you can install one tho07:45
intelikeydraik users are added with   adduser07:45
wnh001intelikey: stdin thanks07:45
=== Viking667 shakes his head
draikstdin: How so?07:45
gandhiiithis video driver installing thing is more confusing than I had expected for 7.0407:45
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Viking667I've been doing stuff via CLI so long it's .... almost (but not quite) etched in.07:45
stdindraik: depends, do you want just X or KDE/Gnome?07:45
draikintelikey: Thank you.07:45
draikstdin: KDE is possible07:46
intelikeydraik sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core blackbox07:46
Viking667stuff on Debian I'm not so good at, not having it running all the time.07:46
stdindraik: just install the package "kubuntu-desktop"07:46
intelikeydraik sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core kde07:46
intelikeyif you prefer07:46
stdinintelikey: the kde package in kubuntu is a bit broke07:46
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intelikeystdin in fiesty ?07:46
gandhiiiI got the nvidia driver install from nvidia.com to work ..  but system settings/monitor and display is showing my graphics card as "VESA driver" and my monitor as "Custom 1"07:47
intelikeystdin in dapper it's fine07:47
m0zonehehe why does kubutu show my cpu speed wrong hehe07:47
gandhiiiwhats up?07:47
stdinintelikey: some of the kubuntu specific things (that kubuntu packages expect) don't get installed with "kde"07:47
m0zoneshows my cpu speed at 1ghz  when its a 2.0 duel core07:47
gandhiiianyone experienced with getting a recent nvidia driver working?07:48
stdinm0zone: what does?07:48
intelikeystdin yeah kde doesn't install a lot of things that kubuntu-desktop does   that's one reason i recommend it07:48
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m0zonewhen i look up cpu in kdeinfo it shows it wrong speed07:48
m0zonewhen i went to install it did also when i was lookin aty devices07:48
stdinintelikey: "kde" installs more packages than "kubuntu" tho :p07:48
neusoncecan anybody tell me the name of the java file i need to get from the synaptic manger to get java to work07:48
intelikeyby number yes by size no.07:49
chaotic_how does the whole aptitude  thing work07:49
m0zoneshows 2 cpus at 1ghz each07:49
chaotic_is it like  apt-get07:49
stdinm0zone: what does "cat /proc/cpuinfo" show, post it to the pastebin site07:49
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m0zoneone sec  semi noob07:49
intelikeychaotic_ same as apt-get  in commandline mode   it also provides an ncurses frunt end  if called as    sudo aptitude07:50
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ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide07:50
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m0zoneposted it under m0zone07:50
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.07:50
intelikeychaotic_ if you don't know what an "ncurses" interface is you should run the command just for the exp.07:51
stdinm0zone: you need to post the URL here07:51
Viking667"pretty coloured text and windows drawn with line characters" == ncurses.07:51
intelikeym0zone you normally copy the url and post it here07:51
slacker403how do i install a kubuntu base ? which image do i pick up ?07:51
Viking667even supports menus, pads, views...07:51
m0zoneshows wrong there also same as kdeinfo07:51
stdinslacker403: kubuntu-desktop07:51
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gandhiiii take it nobody here knows anything about nvidia drivers07:52
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stdinslacker403: huh? image?07:52
Viking667Right. Time I went... bye all.07:52
riddlerhow do you make xwindows not start automatically in kubuntu? i wanna have xwindows installed to use some times but mostly just want to startup right to console.07:52
intelikeyViking667 only thing that ncurses does that bash doesn't is lets you use the arrow keys to select text,  as far as i can see07:52
chaotic_i ran man aptitude07:53
stdinriddler: sudo update-rc.d -f kdm remove07:53
riddlerthank you07:53
m0zonei checked bios and windows to make sure nuffin was wrong before comeing here also07:53
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intelikeysudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm07:53
intelikeyi think that's the prefered methood07:54
riddlerok :)07:54
intelikeymaybe needs -plow07:54
stdinnope, that won't stop it starting07:54
intelikeyoh he's not switching from one dm to another ?07:54
riddleri dont want that little login screen coming up at boot07:55
intelikeysorry wasn't paying attention07:55
Daisuke_Idono, he's pulling an intelikey07:55
Daisuke_Idocli all the way, baby!07:55
slacker403i want a base kubuntu with no desktop / extra stuff then i want ot install kde and its reuqired stuff but i dont want the other 200 apps07:55
riddlerid rather just type startx when i wanna go in to xwindows07:55
intelikeyriddler then the update line ^ is right.  sorry for not paging up and catching up.07:55
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intelikeyheh if he were really pulling an "intelikey" he would have just done   sudo apt-get remove --purge kdm07:56
m0zonei am wondering if i am getin fullspeed out of cpu doh07:57
stdinm0zone: seems that when AMD say it's a 2GHz CPU, they mean total, not per core07:57
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m0zoneoh when i look at it in bios its two 2ghz cores07:57
draikstdin: intelikey: Do you recommend any book with a great list, description and usage of the CLI?07:57
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ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:57
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m0zonesame with gigbyte mobo manager07:58
draikWell, not the CLI perse, but the commands available for the desktop and server07:58
stdindraik: that, and there's another too07:58
intelikeydraik no.  but there are some pretty good docs on the web07:58
draikstdin: I mean like a physical book07:58
stdinbook? hmm...07:58
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draikI would really like something that I can read while I'm at work.07:58
slacker403does kubuntu - desktop run anythiong else besides linux kernel + kde .....is thier any other added stuff running ?07:58
stdinnot really read any :p07:58
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=== intelikey learned everything he knows about linux by the "try it and reformat" methood !
Daisuke_Idocheck out the linux bible07:59
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stdinm0zone: not sure then...08:00
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chaotic_u dont know how many time  s i had to reinstall linux08:00
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido i did.  read several things in it that "simply don't work"  typos and other junk.  learned little (extreemly little)  and pitched it.08:00
Daisuke_Idoi haven't read it, was just recommending based on the title08:01
stdinchaotic_: heh, sometimes I reinstall just because I'm bored :p08:01
chaotic_broke the  system like 2     times installing unsupported stuff08:01
Daisuke_Idoso i guess in a lot of ways (inaccuracies, complete falsehoods) it really lives up to its name!08:01
intelikeychaotic_ i know about how many.   308:01
Daisuke_Idothat's it?08:01
chaotic_the more  u configure the more likely to break ur system08:01
Daisuke_Idonot true08:01
stdinthere are other ways to fix than a reinstall too08:02
chaotic_hey im still doing  it08:02
Daisuke_Idothe more you configure *and know what you're doing and why you're doing it*, the less likely you are to break your system.08:02
intelikeychaotic_ but i have installed linux about over 300 times,   so don't think that a hand full of installs is a big deal.08:02
chaotic_the poing of  configuring is that u dont kno ur  trying to learn how08:02
chaotic_ and when u dont know08:02
chaotic_ u dont know when u break it either till u reboot08:03
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stdinthat's what forums/IRC/google are for, research helps08:03
intelikeychaotic_ then don't reboot08:03
Daisuke_Idoreally, it's only three letters, it's not like typing the full text of war and peace :)08:03
Lynourechaotic_: keep backups of the configurations.08:04
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido draik was asking show him08:04
Lynourechaotic_: and learn to restore them. That should keep you from most urges to reinstall. :)08:04
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jussi01intelikey: 300 times? wtf?08:05
Daisuke_Ido...whoops ^_^08:05
intelikeyjussi01 yeah    been at it a while ya know.08:05
Lynourejussi01: Not that unreasonable number, in long term.08:05
intelikeyand many boxen08:06
jussi01well i suppose it depends how much you like fixing bugs in your system...08:06
intelikeyand how many systems you go through08:06
intelikeylets see slackware redhat mandrake debian ubuntu and seems like i'm skipping one....08:07
jussi01intelikey: true...08:07
stdinand how many HDDs fry due to freak power surges08:07
=== intelikey thinks back...
intelikeyit was before fedora08:08
=== stdin is reminded to get a surge protector
intelikeyoh it wasn't linux    plan908:08
Daisuke_Idoeverything's a file!08:08
intelikeyi didn't stay with glinda long08:08
intelikeynot to mention that linux for windows thing what's it called ?08:09
Daisuke_Idoit runs in a disk image08:09
Daisuke_Idooh, that.08:10
stdinintelikey: there's Cooperative Linux too08:10
stdinanother linux4win thing08:10
jussi01lol... anyway... we should talk support... or we will get !offtopic-ed08:10
intelikeystdin yeah.  there is even a ubuntu windows installer08:10
Daisuke_Idoi can't even count the number of OSes i've toyed with...08:10
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:10
stdinall the ops are busy chatting about amazon in -ops :p08:11
Daisuke_Idowell, i can, it would take a while08:11
intelikeyjussi01 if you don't mention it no one will notice  :)08:11
jussi01intelikey: lol...08:11
Daisuke_Idoos/2 (2 through warp 4)...  wasn't impressed.  BeOS.  looked nice, nothing worked :\08:11
jussi01stdin: yeah, jdongs radar detector thing... :P08:11
stdini'm 1/2 tempted to get one :p08:12
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=== intelikey jsut figures if you have the most text in the #kubuntu log the ops will cut you a little offtopic slack :)
=== jussi01 pokes intelikey so he falls off his high horse :P
intelikeyi think i also had the record for using /me the most...08:13
=== intelikey thinks i also had the record for using /me the most...
Daisuke_Idoshouldn't that...  yeah08:14
=== stdin runs 'grep "<stdin>" .kde/share/apps/konversation/logs/freenode_#kubuntu.log |wc -l '
=== jussi01 wonders why people bother....
stdinthat's after rm'ing that a while ago08:15
=== jussi01 goes to kill some people in tremulous.... BUGS RULE!!!!!!
intelikeyjussi01 i never have bothered,  but some unnamed jucato pointed me at it several times08:15
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intelikeyi don't even remember the url with all the kubuntu stats08:17
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs08:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:17
stdinhmm, what is it...08:17
intelikeystdin there is a page some places with "triva" stats on this channel08:18
intelikeyi bet you are a high ranking oo boo naut  also08:19
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ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:20
chaotic_finally got office 03   working with08:23
stdinintelikey: http://ubuntustats.homelinux.org/ i think, tho I don't think it's working08:23
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flaccidit would be good if IE7 ran under crossover/wine or anything!08:24
flaccidif anyone knows if its possible yet, i'd love to know08:24
stdinewww IE708:24
intelikey404'd on me.08:25
flaccidyeah stdin. just need the enviro for testing08:25
stdinflaccid: afaik, IE7 is built in to the windows OS now. so I don't think you can08:25
jlundflaccid: One option would be to run it using VMWare, Xen, KVM, etc.08:25
flaccidstdin: yeah but everything is built into the windows OS - its either registry or dll/flat file anyway. i'm sure it can be reversed by someone08:26
flaccidjlund: got that going already, im just lazy to open my virtualisation :)08:27
stdinflaccid: no, I mean it's part of kernel3208:27
stdinas in, really built in to the OS08:27
flaccidstdin: not according to what i've search in google08:27
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flaccidhmm that project going good.. http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/news/08:29
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intelikeystdin me and google never see eye to I so it's hardly proof but i can't find the page anymore and "jucato" might have taken it with him for all i know...08:33
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intelikeyoh stdin i have tested that script on both server and client end and it seems to work flawlessly for me.   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3842808:35
intelikeydraik you might be interested in that also if you are adminning a server now.08:36
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stdinintelikey: I had an idea about that earlier, you *could* add -y to apt-get, for a more "automated" install08:36
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA08:36
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m0zoneweee i figured out  why it was showin cpu wrong  plus gained  alot of speed08:36
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intelikeystdin yeah but i really didn't want to cut the user out altogather if they didn't have something installed08:37
m0zoneif u have cool and quite on  it will not show correct cpu speed nor use all of the cpus power wee08:37
intelikeystdin i even considered using read -p'can i install blah'  in there.08:38
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intelikeystdin if you want to tweek it and post it some place feel free i'm just making avalable what i actually use.08:39
stdinintelikey: it seems fine to me, dose it's job and not to messy :p08:40
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niko_hi to all08:41
niko_some help?08:41
intelikeyno help08:41
niko_i commit a suicide???08:42
intelikeywhat ya need ?08:42
niko_more more rep08:42
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niko_i wanna to write the lyrics08:42
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niko_of my song08:42
niko_into tag id308:42
niko_can u help me?08:43
intelikeyactually i can't.  i've never messed with that.  but maybe someone can08:43
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niko_i remeber08:43
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intelikeystdin you ?08:43
niko_that on open suse there was a program who can do that08:43
stdini think amarok or easytags do it08:43
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stdin!info easytags08:44
ubotuPackage easytags does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:44
stdin!info easytag08:44
ubotueasytag: viewing, editing and writing ID3 tags. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 788 kB, installed size 2552 kB08:44
stdinthat should08:44
niko_amarok i don't konw08:44
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niko_easy tag doesn't08:44
intelikeythere you go.            ^   easytag08:44
stdinand amaok, in the Lyrics tab :p08:45
niko_easy tag it's great for all the rest of info08:45
niko_the last question08:45
stdinno problem :)08:45
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scottywhat's the konsole command to move a file? like I have a file in ~/Desktop/gemini/ called gemini.py. What's the console command to move it to usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/08:45
niko_i'm looking for multimedia-repository08:45
intelikeyscotty mv08:45
niko_do u can suggest me someone?08:45
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niko_scotty mv?08:46
scottyintelikey: So it's just sudo mv ~/Desktop/gemini/gemini.py usr/lib/gedit-2/plugins/08:46
scottyis that correct?08:46
dvmHow to pass more than one argument to a callback function in gtk?08:46
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yintelikeno you need the preceeding slash on usr/       /usr/*08:47
yintelikesorry modem reset08:47
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niko_and then?08:48
niko_noone knows some repository for multimdie progs?08:48
intelikeyniko_ mediabuntu08:49
niko_multimedia sorry08:49
niko_but i need only the rep!08:49
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs08:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediabuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:49
niko_mediabuntu use fluxbox?08:49
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org08:49
intelikeythere it is.08:49
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intelikeyscotty all well ?08:50
=== stdin doesn't use medibuntu
ice9Hello! I am the scorpion king!08:50
intelikeyhe asked08:50
intelikeyice9 heh big woop08:51
scottyintelikey: Yeah, I'm good08:51
intelikeyas i recall the movie you got that form, the dude aint all that ice9   :)08:52
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intelikeyah nothing.   maybe your referance was to something else...08:53
ice9ice9 = kurt vonnegut's Cats Cradle08:53
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stdinwoot, CPU freq scaling finally works for me :)08:54
intelikey</shrugs>  still speeking different languages.    how about we meet at shell scripting ?08:54
intelikeystdin kernel update ?08:55
stdinintelikey: no, I just found the right module :p08:55
intelikeyoh  heh08:55
intelikeyyeah that'll do it.08:55
niko_i'v another one trouble08:56
niko_when i start a DL08:56
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niko_it reports to me an error08:56
stdinwhat error?08:56
niko_i translate from italian08:56
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niko_"impossible to create the simbolic link.....   .... function not permitted"08:57
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niko_i've setted08:57
niko_the the directory08:58
stdinhumm? where are you saving the download to?08:58
flaccidyou might need root to make symlinks in certain places08:58
intelikeycant copy to what you don't own08:59
flacciddepending on the parent dirs perms08:59
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niko_how can i solve the thing?09:00
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stdinwhere are you saving the download to?09:00
intelikeysave to $HOME09:00
niko_even if i launch09:00
niko_with kdesu09:00
niko_it reports the same thing09:00
stdinniko_: keep it on one line09:01
flaccidhave you googled the problem niko?09:01
intelikeythat doesn't sound like a good idea  "kdesu ktorrent"  ????09:01
niko_if i chose a file system different from fat/fat32 & ntfs....09:01
niko_like ext309:01
flaccidyou can't symlink on fat/ntfs parts09:01
flaccidif a program needs to symlink, it has to be on an fs that supports it09:01
intelikeyniko_ yes M$ file systems can have symbolic links09:01
flaccideg. ext2, ext3, ufs etc.09:02
niko_i can't!!!!09:02
flaccidintelikey: since when09:02
niko_so i've to create a partition09:02
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niko_with ext2...3.... etc etc???09:02
flaccidyour linux install will be ext09:02
flaccidthe / part09:03
niko_with a linux file system?09:03
intelikeyor you could make a file system in a file and mount it...09:03
_modemhi there. anyone have experience with a MTP device in Amarok?09:03
niko_it sounds good09:03
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niko_can u explain?09:03
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niko_it's like an emulation?09:03
evjunior09Anyone Know any good Photo Editors?09:03
flaccid!info gimp09:04
ubotugimp: The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.13-1ubuntu4.2 (feisty), package size 2899 kB, installed size 7920 kB09:04
stdingimp's free09:04
ardchoilleevjunior09: gimp is quite nice09:04
evjunior09sudo apt-get install gimp?09:04
pag_modem, could you plese be more specific?09:04
ardchoilleevjunior09: yes09:04
scottyHow do you upload a file via FTP in konsole? I'm connected to my server and I realize how to change directories and stuff.09:04
scottyJust not sure how to upload09:04
niko_explain wath do u mean with make a file system on a file?09:04
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flaccidscotty: put09:04
scottyflaccid: ah!09:04
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flaccidscotty: google ftp tutorial i guess09:04
flaccidits put and get iirc09:05
evjunior09Thanks guys09:05
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flaccidtime for home... i just got notified dsl2+ is ready on my exchange09:05
ardchoilleevjunior09: If you're going to get serious in the gimp, I recommend also installing: gimp-data-extras09:05
_modemoh, ok. I have a Creative Zen V Plus player, Amarok detects the device (I can see the songs) but I can't transfer any file. The process fails. With Gnomad2 I don't have any problem09:05
evjunior09What extra's are you talking about09:06
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ardchoilleevjunior09: apt-cache search --names-only gimp-data-extras09:06
ardchoillethat'll give you a short desc09:06
intelikeyniko_ example: dd if=/dev/zero of=~/myextfs bs=1024 count=1000000 ;mke2fs myextfs ;mount -o loop myextfs ~/Desktop        (ok maybe you want another mountpoint)    that file can live anywhere.  you could put it on a vfat and then loop mount it and make links there     windows can mount and access it...      it's a thought.   not that it's the best way.09:07
evjunior09Okay i installed the Extras, so will it be automatically on GIMP?09:07
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pag_modem, feisty?09:08
_modemand kubuntu09:09
ardchoilleevjunior09: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/   http://gimp-savvy.com/BOOK/09:09
intelikey_modem then i sujest using  Gnomad2  ???09:09
lucahi everyone09:09
ardchoillehi luca09:09
lucacan someone help me set up a kde4 session? :)09:09
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ubotuFor information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html. Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/solid.kde.org09:10
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ardchoilleintelikey: What's with that second url?09:10
lucaintelikey: thanks :)09:10
intelikeyardchoille i didn't do it     ?09:10
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_modemYes intelikey, I don't have problems transfering mp3 with gnomad2, but I have to reset the plaver evertime :s09:11
pag_modem, looks like you have to compile couple of libs to get it working - I'd suggest you to stick with gnomad2 if it works, since compiling might be problematic09:12
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intelikey_modem  i was just saying if a default app doesn't work for you and something else does     use what works.    and report any bugs in the defaults so maybe next release they work...09:12
slacker403how much extra crap does kubuntu desktop install ?09:13
_modemYes, I know. I was using Gnomad2 for a time. It's ok09:13
slacker403all i want is a wrokable base system with kde no special stuff09:13
intelikey!bug | _modem09:13
ubotu_modem: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots09:13
ardchoilleslacker403: on a 200gb hd, I'd say not much :)09:13
pagardchoille, the secont url is just example: ie. http://phonon.kde.org  or http://solid.kde.org09:13
slacker403ardchoille, i really meant ram wise09:13
stdin_modem: what version of amarok?09:13
ardchoillepag: Glad you caught that.09:14
ardchoilleslacker403: Oh, well I have 1gb ram and I don't think I've ever used my swap09:14
_modemstdin: 1.4.609:14
slacker403ardchoille, still im jus trying ot gert my whole thing to run under 100 mb at first atleast09:15
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intelikeytty3 [greg$~]  mem09:15
intelikeyMemory Used/Total Percent: 8/250 MB (3%)09:15
intelikeySwap   Used/Total Percent: 0/0 MB (0%)09:15
ardchoilleslacker403: 100mb of ram?09:15
slacker403i got 2 gb09:15
scottyintelikey: When trying to transfer a file via FTP, this happens:09:15
scottyftp> put ~/test.html ftp.scottyblack.com/public_html/test.html09:15
scottylocal: /home/scotty/test.html remote: ftp.scottyblack.com/public_html/test.html09:15
scotty200 PORT command successful09:15
scotty553 Rename/move failure: Not a directory09:15
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stdin_modem: hmm, ok. it's a bug then. anyhing above 1.4.4 *should* work with it09:16
scottywhat am I doing wrong?09:16
ardchoilleintelikey: What did you install to be able to use that mem command?09:16
slacker403i just hope kubuntu desktop doesnt install and run any useless sevices that will bog down my memory09:16
ardchoillemaybe that was a dumb question09:16
intelikeyardchoille it's a script09:16
pagscotty, try: to move file to ftp.scottyblack.com/public_html/  and dont write the file name09:16
intelikeyardchoille http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3842909:16
ardchoilleI was just going to ask ;)09:17
scottypag: You mean use the mv command instead of put?09:17
ardchoilleintelikey: Thank you :)09:17
=== ArtMoonik [n=artmooni@mar92-3-82-66-233-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
_modemthanks stdin09:17
pagscotty, I'm not too familiar with ftp... with what command did you try to move it at first?09:17
intelikeyscotty   dir   public_html09:18
stdinintelikey: I still like my insane awk script :p09:18
scottyintelikey: Instead of cd?09:18
intelikeyi think that's what is erroring scotty the error message is just a little vague09:19
intelikeystdin :)09:19
intelikeystdin post it for ardchoille he can use it if he prefer09:19
scottyintelikey: I get: 421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection09:19
ardchoillestdin: Yes, please do. I collect scripts.09:20
stdinardchoille: ok, but I did warn you it's insane: http://stdin.pastebin.us/3843009:20
ardchoillestdin: lol09:20
ardchoillestdin: lol, is that upside down?09:20
stdinardchoille: told you :p  this is some sample output http://stdin.pastebin.us/3843109:21
intelikeyscotty i've never setup a ftp server before so i'm not the "goto guy" on that one.  but it looks like a dir structure problem  or possable permissions issue on the dir.  dirs must be executable09:21
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scottyintelikey: I can access everything fine with a GUI ftp program09:21
intelikeyscotty that implies group permissions09:22
stdinardchoille: I wrote that quite a while ago, notice all the "/1024" parts? I could have just added -m to "free"09:22
scottyintelikey: How do I fix that?09:22
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intelikeygive it more public permission to read/exec09:22
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intelikeyi have setup sshd apache and cherokee servers but not ftpd   maybe it's time i did...09:24
intelikeyoh and one fetch/sendmail server...   that's not fun tho.09:24
stdinftpd seems to be a bit "bloatish" to me, when I can use ssh/sftp09:25
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intelikeyif i do set one up i think i'll use ncftp09:25
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scottyintelikey: I figured it out09:26
scottyI had to enter passive mode09:26
scottyyay for watching KFTPGrabber's commands :P09:26
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intelikeyerr maybe not.  doesn't seem to be an ncftpd09:27
chaotic_when crossover office installs  office 200309:27
intelikeyscotty ok  it was a client issue heh   nice way of saying "pebcak"  :)09:27
chaotic_where is it located09:27
chaotic_how  can i open it09:27
ardchoillestdin: It's nice, tho09:28
scottyintelikey: indeed.09:28
intelikeyardchoille do the two report the same info ?09:28
_modemthank you everyone. Now I'll go. bye09:28
stdinardchoille: that's what I do when I'm bored. and in that case, I was very board :p09:28
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stdinanyone looked at the bottom of http://ubuntuforums.org/ recently, at the most search keywords?09:30
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intelikeynot yet09:30
intelikeyshould i ?09:30
stdinwell, yes :p09:31
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ardchoilleintelikey: No, they show different output09:32
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ardchoilleintelikey, stdin http://stdin.pastebin.us/3843209:33
stdinardchoille: and what does "free -om" show?09:34
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ArnlHey, I have a problem with usb. I'm was surfing on Firefox, and suddenly all of my usb devices rebooted, and now, when i plug my mouse, My pc freezes in 2 minutes. (And the usb mouse doesn't work well)09:34
chilisauceHow do i change the console font size? mine is like 24pt for some reason.09:35
ArnlHow can I fix this problem?09:35
JunglPervhey guys I just bought a 64bit machine and  installed Kubuntu 7.04 64 and I'm having trouble installing Java09:35
JunglPervfor Firefox09:35
ardchoillechilisauce: Settings -> Font  ?09:35
JunglPervcan't seem to find a clear cut answer on the web09:35
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.09:35
intelikeyardchoille would you care to pastebin   cat /proc/meminfo   so i can make sure i'm not displaying free in place of used09:35
chilisauceardchoille: there is no settings menu in kmenu ;o09:36
ardchoillechilisauce: That's in konsole09:36
chilisauceim talking actual console not gui console09:37
ardchoilleintelikey: http://stdin.pastebin.us/3843409:37
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intelikeychilisauce consolechars09:37
ardchoilleintelikey: Well, that's four different mem readings, lol09:38
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ardchoilleintelikey: If you update that script, please let me know as I would like an update09:40
intelikeyardchoille i stand by my script it is reporting the total and the (total minus free minus cached minus buffered)     no upgrade needed,09:40
ardchoilleintelikey: Thank you :)09:41
intelikeyyour actual used memory is listed.09:41
intelikeynote that that is "real in-use" memory.09:41
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ardchoille17%, not bad09:41
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chilisauceis there any gui programs to edit the console font settings instead of using consolechars?09:42
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intelikeychilisauce don't go off testing this without doing a little research  but i think you can   'dpkg-reconfigure console-data'  to set those type things...     that may not be the package so check into it.     dpkg -l | grep console09:44
chilisauceok ill try09:44
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chilisaucefor some reason my fresh install the console fonts are like 30+ pt so i can onyl see like 20 chars total a line lol09:44
intelikeychilisauce oh. wait.  that's not the issue.09:45
intelikeyyou have a frame buffering problem09:45
chilisaucewhat causes this and how might i fix it?09:45
intelikeyboot with something like    vga=0x0f0509:45
chilisauceoh ok09:45
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ardchoilleI put vga=791 in my kernel line and that made the fonts smaller and bigger res in consoles09:46
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intelikeychilisauce there is also   svgatextmode that can set the frame buffer on the fly  but it has to be configured for your hardware09:47
ardchoilleiirc, that is 1024x768 res for console09:47
intelikeyummm 791 is  1024x768x4  i think09:47
chilisaucewhat would the x4 be?09:48
intelikey793 is  1024x768x1609:48
intelikeyno bit09:48
chilisauceoh ok09:48
intelikeyi like 78809:48
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chilisaucei added vga=791 at the end of my grub boot string09:49
chilisauceis that the right place to add it?09:49
ardchoilleI use screen+irssi+elinks+mutt+mc+bash a lot and 800x600 just wouldn't be good for me09:49
intelikeythe kernel line  yes09:49
chilisauceahh kernal line no wonder it didnt work ;p09:50
ardchoillechilisauce: Here's what I have:  kernel      /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-16-generic root=UUID=4ac0a6ed-8457-4501-bf06-6b6f10f6b0eb ro quiet vga=79109:50
chilisaucethanks :D09:50
intelikeyardchoille i get along with 0x0f05   text mode 80x3009:50
intelikeybut don't use his root=  section of that   :)09:51
chilisauce791 didnt work but 0x0f05 does ;)09:51
intelikeyyeah that's text mode09:51
chilisaucelittle skinny, hehe try another setting09:52
chilisaucebut alot better than it was09:52
intelikeythat's why i mentioned it.  if frame buffering is not working correctly text mode is safe09:52
ardchoilleintelikey: Why did 791 not work for him but it works for me?09:52
chilisauceit said it couldnt find the setting or something09:52
intelikeygraphics card09:52
chilisaucethen gave me a list of hex settings09:53
ardchoilleI don't use frame buffering09:53
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ardchoilleoh, graphics card, ok09:53
intelikeyardchoille ?    lsmod | grep fbcon09:53
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chilisaucefor some reason grub isnt saving the settings i added >_<09:53
intelikeyme thinks ya do if you use vga=79109:53
ardchoilleintelikey: http://ardchoille.pastebin.us/3843509:54
intelikeychilisauce you'll have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:54
chilisauceoh ok09:54
chilisaucelinux irc help has got alot better than it was like 6-7 years ago09:54
chilisauceback then they would of said STFU READ THE MAN FILE09:54
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intelikeyardchoille all the frame buffer modules are loaded in your kernel09:55
ardchoillechilisauce: the debian channel used to do that to me a lot09:55
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chilisaucethats kinda why i never went to linux because it was hard to get a straight forward answer. linux carried a elitist additude for a long time09:55
intelikeychilisauce debian still does that09:55
ardchoilleintelikey: Oh, ok. I select no when xserver-xorg reconfigure aksed me if I wanted framebuffering09:55
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ardchoilleintelikey: I'm not gonna worry about fb, everything works great here.09:56
intelikeyardchoille totally different thing.  it's asking if you want to use that as your xorg driver,  you are already using it in the console09:56
ardchoilleAh, ok09:56
ardchoilleMakes sense.09:56
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chilisaucetrying to install the pkg "console-setup" what would be the command for that09:59
chilisaucenot used to deb packages09:59
intelikeybasicly if you have anything besides textmode 80x25 chars and no splash screen while the kernel is loading and the initramfs image is starting the system,   then it's kernel frame buffering you are looking at.09:59
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intelikeychilisauce sudo apt-get install console-setup10:00
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intelikeychilisauce sudo aptitude install console-setup   <<< if you prefer10:00
chilisaucewhats the difference between the two?10:01
intelikeyi think you probably have dselect also you can choose from10:01
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intelikeythey are all frontends to dpkg = the debian package manager     so to my notion there isn't much differance10:02
chilisauceoh ok10:02
intelikeya feature here a switch there...10:02
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ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork10:03
intelikeyaptitude and dslect have ncurses (gui) interfaces if you like menu driven apps.10:04
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intelikeyi personally wrote a script that calls apt*  accordingly     so i just issue     urpm[qseid]  package    q for querry i install e erase s show  d depends   ....   lazy about typing although you can't tell it from irc....10:06
vzduch'urpm'?  you mean like 'urpmi'? o010:07
ardchoilleurpmi? reminds me of mandriva10:08
intelikeyyeah i liked mandrake before they changed the name10:09
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ardchoilleI liked it before they fired their founder10:09
intelikeyi think they happened about the same time10:09
ardchoilleI worled for Mandrakelinux for a bit10:09
intelikeyscript ?10:10
chilisaucewhats a good font to set normal console with10:10
chilisaucehow do i check to see if i have it installed?10:11
vzduchhow do you set console fonts anyway?10:11
intelikeyfinnally you ask a question i can't answer10:11
chilisauceconsolechars i believe10:11
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ardchoilleWouldn't that font be in xfontsel?10:11
intelikeyyes consolechars to set   but how to check ....  idk10:11
intelikeyardchoille it's a console font   should be in the console-data package   "i think"10:12
ardchoilleintelikey: the lao font is in xfontsel. was the "t" a typo?10:12
intelikeyno  lat10:12
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intelikeylat0  thats zero10:13
hatterhow do i send a command from an ssh'd terminal to a running x-session ?10:13
intelikeybut you don't have to use that.   there are other good ones to10:13
intelikeyhatter dcop10:13
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intelikeyhmmm seems it may be    lat1-16  not 0-16   ooops   <blushes>10:15
steve__how do i partition my hard drive10:15
hatterintelikey, thx10:15
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blizzzeknot kubuntu specific, but are LPIC-1 and/or -2 of value?10:15
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intelikeysteve__ gparted   parted   cfdisk fdisk10:16
MaglesHello everybody! :)10:16
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steve__intelikey> do i type that in the terminal?10:16
intelikeysteve__ those are all partitioning tools at your disposal10:17
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intelikeyall but gparted can be ran from the console yes10:17
steve__intellikey> ok cool can i find those in the synaptic package manager10:18
intelikeysteve__ you'll have to run which ever you choose as root   and may need to address the disk   i.e.     cfdisk /dev/hda10:18
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intelikeysteve__ most are installed already10:18
MaglesAnyone here who has a dual-boot (XP and Kubuntu) ?10:18
intelikeyMagles what you need.  or is that just a poll ?10:19
aleksanteriis there any way to have kde menus in GTK applications?10:19
vzduch!anyone | Magles10:19
ubotuMagles: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:19
vzduchI do, btw10:20
MaglesWell, I was thinking about creating one myself, but I've had some troubles with Ubuntu's OS selector..10:20
aleksanteriMagles: i used to, but my computer "lost" the XP drive10:20
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vzduchhow so?10:20
intelikeydied ?10:21
aleksanterilike it was on sdb, now my computer can't find it... for example i can't mount /dev/sdb1 to mount my windows drive10:21
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intelikeyaleksanteri cat /proc/partitions10:21
intelikeyaleksanteri and don't paste it in here10:21
aleksanteriyea, i know pastebins :)10:21
MaglesUbuntu wasn't for me at that time, and wanted to uninstall it, so went into XP (patition magic) and deleted the ubuntu partitions.. but the boot loader messed up, and I ended up having to format my drive.10:21
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aleksanteriintelikey: but still, only sda, sda1-5 and no sign of sdb10:22
steve__intellikey> what is the diff. between primary and logical partition10:22
intelikeyaleksanteri i was just expecting you to look through the output and see if you could see where the dirve is10:22
aleksanterii know where it should be10:22
aleksanterimy computer can't find the other drive10:22
MaglesSo, my first question is, can I use a program to create the bootloader, ex. EasyBCD?10:23
vzduchMagles: in such cases, insert your Windows CD, run repair console & type 'fixmbr'10:23
vzduchthen the Linux bootloader will be gone10:23
MaglesIt's just that the Linux bootloader is a bit advance.10:23
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:24
intelikeysteve__ you can only have 4 primary partitions  if you have extended partitions one of the primaries has to fill the rest of the drive and the logical partitions are within that primary partition.    dos/windows can only boot a primary partition but linux can boot anything.10:24
evjunior09Anyone know how to make a .Gif Picture? (Moving Picture)10:24
MaglesI guess I want to have a bootloader like Vista creates them, just 2 options.10:24
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MaglesWith ubuntu's I have about 4 options for just 2 OS'es10:24
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aleksanteriMagles: GRUB is able for doing that10:24
ardchoilleevjunior09: gimp can do that10:25
intelikeysteve__ without getting technecal that's about all i can say there10:25
MaglesAllright, how do I get into GRUB?10:25
evjunior09Ardchille: how!? ive been trying to figure out Gimp and its hard10:25
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aleksanterihmm, you can only use it if you have an ubuntu system on your drive, or at least the /boot/ and /usr/ folders10:25
steve__intellikey> i currently only have linux as my OS, but was going to install the mac OS 10 on it. would that then be primary?10:26
aleksanteriMagles: do you have an ubuntu installed on your drive currently?10:26
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intelikeysteve__ i'm not a mac man.  so i don't really know.10:26
ardchoilleevjunior09: Here's something to get you started http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Simple_Animations/10:26
redshadowhero_Hmm, I've already registered my name, but how do I login with it?10:26
Maglesno, I don't want to have ubuntu, I want to make a dual boot with Kubuntu and XP, I'm currently running my LiveCD10:26
intelikeysteve__ when in doubt give the other os the first primary10:26
aleksanteriMagles: so you have kubuntu instaled?10:27
aleksanteriand GRUB went booboo?10:27
ardchoilleredshadowhero_: /msg nickserv identify <password>10:27
MaglesNo, running LiveCD10:27
intelikeysteve__ that's always safe cause linux can be anywhere and boot and if the other os can't then it will want the first primary10:27
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vzduchMagles: Ubuntu and Kubuntu is essentially the same, apart from the default desktop environment and most programs that come w/ it10:27
evjunior09ardchille: wow thats reallly confusing10:27
ardchoilleevjunior09: gimp does take a bit of learning10:28
MaglesAlso, I have a 250 GB HDD, currently all Windows NTFS.10:28
evjunior09Ardchoille: any other way?10:28
MaglesHow much should I reduce that partition, how much should Kubuntu have?10:28
aleksanterihow can you dual boot XP with something that's not installed?10:28
evjunior09like i have 1 images i want to use10:28
vzduchwhat on earth do you need 250 friggin' GB NTFS for? o010:28
intelikeysteve__ in fact, not to confuse you but i don't even have a partition on a hd  i write streight to the disk itself for the file system   linux works fine that way but it wouldn't be possable for windows to live there.10:29
redshadowhero_ardchoille: but my name is redshadowhero, not redshadowhero_; how would I use it to register my regular name?10:29
Magleshaha. good question vzduch!10:29
ardchoilleevjunior09: You might try out gimp-gap (apt-cache search gimp-gap), I haven't used it but friends say it's nice10:29
MaglesWell, since XP has been my one and only OS right now..10:29
vzduchmy XP partition is 15 GB, that's more than enough10:29
aleksanteriredshadowhero_: change nick to redshadowhero and do: /msg nickserv identify <your-nickserv-password>10:29
redshadowhero_...how would I change my nick to that?10:30
vzduchthe rest of the hdd it's on (another 96 GB) is divided in 2 FAT32 partitions10:30
ardchoilleredshadowhero_: What aleksanteri said10:30
redshadowhero_is it a menu in the app, or a msg command?10:30
ardchoilleredshadowhero_: /nick new-nick-here  ?10:30
MaglesWell, I also have an external which is also 250 GB10:30
steve__intellikey> do you mean the only OS you have is linux?10:30
aleksanteriredshadowhero_: /nick <newnick>10:30
intelikeysteve__ yes10:30
ardchoilleredshadowhero_: Which client are you using?10:30
vzduchis he _still_ here? o010:30
steve__intellikey> same here, i just want iTunes10:31
MaglesSo, let me just install Kubuntu, and I'll be back to modify the bootloader, I'm gonna need some help with that..10:31
aleksanteriMagles: ok10:31
evjunior09ardchoille: how do i run Gimp-Gap?10:31
ardchoilleredshadowhero_: I don't know if konversation will accept  /nick newnickhere10:31
vzduchsteve__: how about tabbing other ppl's nicks?  then you can't mistype them :)10:31
Maglesoh, last question, 64-bit or 32- bit?10:31
ardchoilleevjunior09: sudo apt-get install gimp-gap10:31
intelikey!grub | Magles book mark this10:31
ubotuMagles book mark this: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:31
vzduchaldcor: wtf are you doing?10:32
evjunior09Ardchoille: i did that10:32
evjunior09now where do i find it?10:32
ardchoilleevjunior09: like I said, I have never used it, but it's probably available from within gimp. maybe see the gimp help docs10:32
evjunior09its not under Graphics10:32
aleksanteriintelikey: it's kinda hard to bookmark something on a LiveCD10:32
steve__intelikey> lol my bad10:32
ardchoilleevqit's part of the gimp app10:32
ardchoilleevjunior09: ^^10:33
MaglesShould I got with 64-bit or 32-bit?10:33
intelikeyvzduch that's automated.  aldcor is not there10:33
pagMagles, 32 - easier.10:33
vzduchintelikey: lol?10:33
MaglesBut isn't 64-bit faster?10:33
vzduchis that a bot?10:33
evjunior09Ardchoille: im confused10:33
pagMagles, there's no relevant difference for average home-user10:33
intelikeyvzduch i think it's to keep the server from dropping the connection.   but it is annoying.10:33
steve__intelikey> it's asking me "File system type?  [ext2] ? " would you know what that meansd10:34
ardchoilleevjunior09: I don't what to tell you, I've never used it, I just know it does some nice animations, have seen them. Maybe google for gimp-gap ?10:34
Maglesright, since I've burned the 64-bit, I'll go with that :)10:34
vzduchkeep what server from dropping what connection?10:34
aleksanteriintelikey: you should have ext3 there if you are installing a linux OS10:34
intelikeysteve__ yes it wants to know what to mark the partition as10:34
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MaglesBye, I'll be back from my HDD in a while.10:34
intelikeyaleksanteri there is no ext3 partition format10:34
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aleksanterii have all partitions on my hdd as ext310:35
redshadowhero_Okay, so I can't change to my regular nickname, and I can't seem to figure out how to do it... any ideas?10:35
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aleksanteriredshadowhero_: /nick redshadowhero10:35
intelikeyaleksanteri no you have a file system on a partition the fs is ext3  the partition is ext210:35
ardchoilleredshadowhero_: /msg nickserv help  ?10:35
aleksanteriredshadowhero_: then /msg nickserv identify <your-nickserv-password>10:35
evjunior09redshadowhero: are you trying to change ur nickname on Konverstation?10:35
aleksanteriintelikey: ah10:36
steve__intelikey> could i just type ext2 or...?10:36
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aleksanteristeve__: yep10:36
intelikeysteve__ yes10:36
redshadowhero_evjunior09: yes, I am.10:36
intelikeysteve__ which app did you select ?10:36
intelikeysteve__ is that fdisk ?10:36
vzduchredshadowhero_: /nick redshadowhero10:36
redshadowhero_vzduch: it keeps saying that the nick is already in use10:37
evjunior09redshaowhero: click on file, server list, highlight the network (Ubuntu IRC), edit, Server Identiy, edit10:37
evjunior09and go from there10:37
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intelikeyi can't ping it. so it will time out soon10:38
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steve__intelikey> not sure i typed ext2 and hit enter, the following step was "Start? "10:38
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ardchoilleRedKrieg: yay!10:39
aleksanteriredshadowhero: now: /msg nickserv <nickservpass>10:39
intelikeysteve__ ummm gparted ?10:39
evjunior09redshadowhero: did it work?10:39
ardchoilleerm, meant redshadowhero10:39
redshadowheroYes, it did.10:39
intelikeysteve__ it may write a filesystem on the partition10:39
ardchoilleThis keyboard lacks DWIM features10:39
=== redshadowhero likes his regular name
vzduchredshadowhero: register it10:40
redshadowherovzduch: I already have.10:40
intelikeysteve__ if nalioth_ or someone that knows about os10 can help you set that up ....10:40
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redshadowherovzduch: I just couldn't figure out how to "log in" to it.10:40
vzduchthen you could have easily ghosted your nick out of the network10:40
intelikeyvzduch you a mac man ?10:40
ardchoillehe's reg'd and id'd10:40
vzduchintelikey: no10:41
aleksanteriredshadowhero: /msg nickserv help10:41
intelikeyardchoille ?10:41
redshadowheroNo  no, its done, now10:41
evjunior09Anyone here use Gimp-Gap?10:41
redshadowheroI've got it now.10:41
ardchoilleintelikey: ?10:41
vzduchI use one @ work every now and then, that's all10:41
intelikeyosx ?10:41
redshadowheroDid I hear OSX?10:41
ardchoilleintelikey: Me?, no Linux user since 200110:41
intelikeyyea steve__ needs some info10:41
redshadowheroOh... what about Macs?10:41
=== aleksanteri has never used a mac
intelikeyredshadowhero can you help him setup partitions/filesystems for an install10:42
ardchoilleI saw an apple IIe once10:42
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intelikeyardchoille that trumps me10:42
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redshadowherointelikey: well, I would just boot from the mac os install cd, and use diskutility.app10:42
steve__intelikey> sorry, i used parted in the terminal10:42
intelikeysteve__ see redshadowhero      redshadowhero see steve__10:43
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redshadowherosteve_: boot from the osx install cd, and use disk utility.app to setup some partitions.10:43
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intelikeyredshadowhero he has linux already installed i think  so watch that   k     and i'm out10:44
redshadowherointelikey: alright10:44
intelikeyfellows it's been real.    and it's been fun.   but it's not been real fun.    :)10:44
ardchoilleGood night intelikey10:44
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redshadowherosteve__: alright, what model of mac are we talking about? PPC or Intel?10:45
redshadowherosteve__: the firmware is different, and it can get strange sometimes...10:45
vzduch"you stole the sun straight from my heart, from my heart, from my heart.." *sing*10:46
steve__redshadowhero> i got the OS 10 for mac10:46
vzduchsteve__: Mac-PPC or Mac-Intel?10:46
redshadowherosteve__: I meant, which processor type is it?10:46
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer10:47
steve__redshadowhero> intell10:47
redshadowherosteve__: So, you have a 10.4.7 version (or later) install cd, right?10:47
hotterdamwhat are the apple fonts anybody?10:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apple - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
steve__redshadowhero> yeah its 10.4.810:48
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hotterdamwhat are those open source fonts that aren't install by default?10:48
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:48
redshadowherosteve__: Alright... let me check some things first...10:48
steve__redshadowhero> ok10:48
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vzduchhotterdam: ?10:49
vzduchthere are several open-source fonts that aren't installed by default10:50
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hotterdamfreefonts or something like that10:50
hotterdamthe ones that xorg always complains about in the logs10:50
vzduchif you mean those released by Red Hat not long ago --> sudo apt-get install ttf-liberation10:50
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vzduchfreefonts also exist10:51
vzduchI think I had them by default10:51
redshadowherosteve__: This may be weird for me, considering I've worked with partitioning from mac to linux, but not linux to mac...10:51
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redshadowherosteve__: Try booting from the install cd by turning on the mac with the cd inserted and holding down the c key10:51
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vzduchhotterdam: try 'sudo apt-get install ttf-freefont'10:52
steve__redshadowhero> i dont have a mac personally, just the software10:53
khaije1so why apparmor instead of SElinux?10:54
redshadowherosteve__: ...that makes things... considerably more difficult...10:54
khaije1it almost seems like cheating10:54
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vzduchkhaije1: ?10:54
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vzduchto my knowledge, *buntu has neither10:54
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khaije1vzduch: w/ gutsy it'll be integrated, but i find the choice of apparmor over SElinux questionable10:55
redshadowheroWell, hmm... and you don't have the partition set up yet, right?10:55
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hotterdamgot those10:56
vzduchkhaije1: AppArmor runs nicely in the background & has never bothered me w/ anything when using openSUSE..  SELinux b0rks your permissions when run in restrictive mode (default in Fedora)10:56
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vzduchof course, that's not an excuse, just my perception10:57
khaije1SElinux is ultimately more secure though as i understand it10:57
redshadowherosteve__: Well, hmm... and you don't have the partition set up yet, right?10:57
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vzduchas a private user you don't need either, I guess10:58
steve__redshadowhero> to let you know, i have a 70G hard drive with 20G left and only the linux OS. i was going to try and partition the last 20G and put OS X 10 on that10:58
khaije1it seems like it would be better to gradually include the more powerful tech, rather than go full force w/ a good but less powerfull option10:58
steve__redshadowhero> no not yet10:58
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ardchoilleI used SElinux in Fedora a couple years ago.. it was more of an annoyance than anything10:59
redshadowherosteve__: can you use qtparted to do it?10:59
aleksanteriredshadowhero: gparted rocks :)10:59
steve__redshadowhero> i dont believe i have that10:59
aleksanteristeve__: sudo apt-get install qtparted11:00
aleksanteriin terminal ^^11:00
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redshadowherouh.. what they said.11:00
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vzduchardchoille: that's what I said11:00
steve__redshadowhero> ok i have it11:01
neusonceHelp !!!! i did something to my ubuntu ...  i try to open the synaptic manager and it says  E: Type '"deb' is not know on line 44 in source list /ect/apt/sources/.list next line says E: the list of sources could not be read. next line go to the respoitory dialouge to correct the problem next line E:_cashe->open(failed), please report ........ iv done everying thing in my knowlege!!11:01
khaije1vzduch: ardchoille: perhaps this is because apparmor does less11:01
redshadowherosteve__: alright, use it to get your hd partitioned... I'm looking up how to do the install of os x from there.. it doesn't look pretty11:02
steve__redshadowhero> lol it never does11:02
ardchoillekhaije1: I've never used apparmour, I'll have to look at it11:02
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khaije1neusonce: it sounds like a simple problem, paste the file at /etc/apt/sources.list to the pastebin and i will correct it for you11:03
vzduchI always left AppArmor to its default settings in openSUSE11:03
harmentaldoes anybody know if acrobat reader 8 will be available in the repos any time soon?11:03
vzduchnever had a problem w/ it11:03
redshadowherosteve__: Bah... this is why I use a mac... its too convoluted and odd to do it externally like this.11:03
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vzduchharmental: I don't know if I'd want it.. it's friggin' slow on Windoze already11:04
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harmentalvzduch:  i know i would...;o)11:06
root_i have to install kubuntu again11:06
root_and if it doesnt work i might replace it :(11:06
steve__redshadowhero> i clicked make a new partition and a dialog box came up asking if i were sure and said all data will be lost. does that mean its going to wipe everything out?11:07
redshadowherouh... I'm not completely familiar with qtparted, anyway have an answer to steve__'s question?11:07
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redshadowherowell, let my try... if it doesn't work, then I'll be back on in a few hours... after a kubuntu reinstall, ha ha.11:10
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stdinardchoille: ok, take a look at this one :) http://stdin.pastebin.us/3844111:11
neusoncehow dose one move files in to the paste bin11:12
stdinneusonce: one normally coppies the text and pastes it in to the website11:12
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stdinneusonce: but I have a script to do that for me :)11:13
redshadowherosteve__: is this partition on an external hd?11:13
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hw__What is the ububtu replacement for apt-source?11:13
steve__redshadowhero> no11:13
stdinhw__: apt-get source ?11:13
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redshadowherosteve__: interesting... you are running qtparted on the same hd that you intend to partition, no?11:14
hw__stdin: yes, used by debian. I thought ubuntu is a debian derivat...11:14
vzduchstdin, hw__: indeed11:14
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stdinhw__: yes, the command is "apt-get source <package>"11:14
steve__redshadowhero> yeah11:15
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neusoncekhaije1 do you have a private paste bin?11:15
hw__stdin: Ahh, I'm sorry! Too simple =)11:15
steve__redshadowhero> i just wanna break of a part of what i already have11:15
khaije1neusonce: no you can use the general one11:16
khaije1do you know how?11:16
neusonceim learning11:16
redshadowherosteve__: Yeah... I would boot from the live cd to do this, though... because I think that partitioning a drive that you are currently running from is typically a big no-no.11:16
stdinneusonce: http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/11:16
vzduchsteve__: in this case you better boot from a live CD & partition from there11:16
stdinneusonce: copy and paste the file there11:16
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ardchoillestdin: http://ardchoille.pastebin.us/3844011:18
stdinardchoille: yes, but that's perl :p11:19
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khaije1neusonce: checking it out11:19
neusoncethanks man11:19
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khaije1neusonce: so if you look at line #44 do you see a difference there?11:21
stdinardchoille: wouldn't running it in perl increase the mem usage> :p11:21
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stdinneusonce: WARNING!! don't, I repeat, don't, use automatix11:22
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khaije1neusonce: thats the first problem i see. and i think it's the only one11:22
neusonceok i removed it11:23
khaije1though as stdin states, automatix is not recommended, and is mostly unnecessary in any case11:23
neusonceim  LINUX BABY11:23
khaije1neusonce: is it working properly now?11:23
neusonce IM HAVING SO much  problems install pulgins for my browser11:23
stdinneusonce: automatix has a chance of breaking your system when it comes to upgrade.11:24
vzduchkhaije1, stdin: you can have the Automatix repo w/o actually using Automatix..  so have I11:24
khaije1vzduch: whats the benefit?11:24
stdinvzduch: yes, but then what's the point of having the repo ?:P11:24
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vzduchkhaije1: a handful of programs you don't get as .debs elsewhere11:24
neusonceYou do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.11:25
khaije1neusonce: no sweat, you'll need to edit it as root, this is good and as it should be11:25
stdinneusonce: you have to edit it by pressing Alt+F2 and typing in: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list11:25
ardchoillestdin: Good point11:25
khaije1neusonce: just wondering, are you using kubuntu feisty?11:26
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stdinkhaije1: that's what he's repos say11:27
vzduchhe's? o011:27
ardchoille!automatix | neusonce11:27
ubotuneusonce: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:27
=== contrast83 [n=mike@adsl-074-236-242-009.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
stdinvzduch: heh, his11:27
neusonceim useing ubuntu fiesty11:27
khaije1stdin: right duh!11:28
=== khaije1 slaps head
stdinneusonce: so what plugins do you want, and for what browser?11:28
khaije1neusonce: i was just going to recommend you try adept manager, instead of synaptic, it's a good alternate option and you may like/prefer it11:29
neusoncegrrrr iv still gotta fix  this sources.list problem11:29
contrast83Greets, everyone...11:29
vzduchneusonce: what problem exactly?11:29
contrast83Has anyone had any success getting KDE 4 running under Gutsy? I followed the instructions here - http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-alpha1.php - and it just crashes my X session and returns me to the login screen when I try going to the KDE 4 session.11:29
neusoncekdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list command cant be found11:29
contrast83khaije1: You actually prefer Adept over Synaptic?11:29
contrast83neusonce: Are you running that from the terminal?11:30
vzduchneusonce: did you put that in a terminal?11:30
khaije1contrast83: yup, not at first, but i do now11:30
neusoncegod dammm11:30
neusonceX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16711:30
aleksanteriignore that11:30
contrast83neusonce: That's normal11:30
neusonce  Major opcode:  14411:31
neusonce  Minor opcode:  311:31
neusonce  Resource id:  0x011:31
neusonceFailed to open device11:31
neusonceX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16711:31
neusonce  Major opcode:  14411:31
neusonce  Minor opcode:  311:31
neusonce  Resource id:  0x011:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:31
neusonceFailed to open device11:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pate - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:31
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ardchoille!baddevice | neusonce11:31
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vzduchaleksanteri: pate is something to eat :D11:31
ubotuneusonce: If you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors11:31
stdinneusonce: are you on ubuntu or kubuntu?11:31
aleksanterineusonce: and also those "errors" can be ignored11:31
contrast83Irony: 3 people getting uboto to flood the channel in an attempt to advise someone else not to flood the channel11:32
neusoncekhaije1 it still wont allow me to safe the new sources.list11:32
ardchoillecontrast83: lol11:32
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vzduch/kick aldcor stop spamming the channel11:32
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stdinneusonce: are you on ubuntu or kubuntu?11:33
khaije1neusonce: lets do it from the command line, i'll walk you through it11:33
neusonceshould i exit the gedit ?11:33
vzduchneusonce: wth are you then doing here? o011:33
contrast83neusonce: Do this from the terminal: "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" (no quotes) - make your changes, then Ctrl+X, Y, Enter11:33
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khaije1neusonce: ^^ this is what i was going to say11:34
stdincontrast83: you could just tell him to use "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"11:34
stdinas that's the "gnome way"11:34
khaije1stdin: cmdline is the *nix way11:34
vzduchstdin: or we could have told him long ago to /join #ubuntu and get help there :)11:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flamewar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flame - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:35
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.11:35
aleksanteribah, he's smart11:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:35
aleksanterii'm smarter :P11:35
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...11:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:35
stdinvzduch: are you insane? no one gets help in #ubuntu, they need a ticket system in there :p11:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about random - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:35
vzduchstdin: lol11:35
redshadowheroWell, I tried...11:35
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contrast83Is anyone here running Gutsy?11:36
ardchoillecontrast83: Perhaps join #ubuntu+111:36
contrast83(I know, I know - #ubuntu+1 - it's dead in there :-) )11:36
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contrast83Thanks anyway, ardchoille11:37
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stdincontrast83: but that is the place for gutsy help/support, that or kubuntu-devel11:37
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DBOardchoille, thanks for the update =)11:37
ardchoilleDBO: You're welcome :) and Thank you :)11:38
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aleksanteriwhere is the default konsole tab color defined?11:38
neusonce*HUGZ khaije1* thankyou11:39
ardchoillealeksanteri: In the kde theme you're using?11:39
khaije1neusonce: np, team effort :-)11:39
Grahamsettings > configure > notifications > tabs11:39
neusonce and the reason i come to kubuntu cuase you guys are smarter and much much more hospitable than the other guys11:39
aleksanteriardchoille: theme in what sense?11:39
neusonceyou guys actually anwser me11:39
Grahamneusonce: No w're not, fuck off.11:39
aleksanteriwidget theme, color scheme, ?11:39
stdinGraham: konsole != konversation11:39
ardchoillealeksanteri: The overall kde theme. I believe that is what is used in the kinsolce tab color11:40
Grahamstdin: Sorry, it's morning, I read that wrong.11:40
aleksanteriardchoille: ah, i'm using a custom one11:40
Grahamneusonce: Joking :)11:40
=== DBO kicks Graham and gives neusonce some candy
aleksanteriheh :P11:40
=== khaije1 approves
DBOyou sir qualify for the dillhole of the week award =P11:40
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GrahamWhat the hell is a dillhole?11:40
=== ardchoille hands Graham a coffee
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GrahamI like coffee.11:41
GrahamWho here likes coffee?11:42
aleksanterinot me11:42
=== aleksanteri likes tea
ardchoillechai > coffee11:42
aleksanteriand btw i'm not english ^^11:42
Grahamfair enough, because I like coffee and I am English11:43
aleksanterioh, lol11:43
GrahamI only drink tea if it's got like... 3 sugars in it.11:43
aleksanteri3 sugars? o.O11:44
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aleksanteriye must remember to brush yer teeth then11:44
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stdinyeah,  in ye ol' english11:45
stdinor nglish11:45
cbohello all, i can't make work apache2, apt-get install apache2 gives no errors, but apache2 isnt running....11:46
aleksantericbo: try: apache2 -k start11:46
harmentaldoes anybody know if acrobat reader 8 will be available in the repos any time soon?11:47
stdincbo: by the way, #kubuntu-es is good for spanesh help11:47
stdinharmental: doubt it11:47
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harmentalstdin: why is that?11:47
cbostdin: almost nobody there....11:47
stdinharmental: the licence acrobat reader is under prevents it from even being in multiverse11:47
stdincbo: and the way apache normally starts is "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start"11:48
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harmentalstdin: maybe in non-free?11:49
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stdinharmental: multiverse == non-free11:49
cbostdin: (how did you know im spanish?!....)  apache2 start doesnt work also11:50
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:50
harmentalstdin: didnt know that.....sorry 4 my newbiness......11:50
stdincbo: your hostname11:50
stdinharmental: it's ok, now you do :)11:50
cbostdin: apache1.3 works ok but apache2 wont11:50
stdincbo: do you have both installed?11:50
cboaleksanteri: "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName"11:51
vzduchstdin: 'ye' is the old plural for 'you'11:51
vzduchformal addressing11:51
cbostdin: no, only apache211:51
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stdinvzduch: I know, I do live in endland :p11:51
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stdincbo: ahh, I think I know the problem11:52
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aleksantericbo: hmm. i don't really know, since i use XAMPP... only used "apache2 -k stop" to shutdown the unwanted apache2 processes11:52
cbocbo: i cant wait to hear it....11:52
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aleksanteriso i just logically changed that for you :P11:52
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stdincbo: edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and add the line "ServerName localhost" to the end11:53
cbostdin: ok11:53
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vzduchstdin: even though thou wast not correct above.. thou wouldst have been correct to say 'thou must remember to brush thy teeth then' *gg*11:53
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zerothere is a site that has info on how to install stuff at kubuntu anyone knows the site?11:55
stdinzero: define "stuff"11:56
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pag!software | zero, did you mean this11:56
ubotuzero, did you mean this: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents11:56
zeroit had many how to sections11:57
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zeroi think it was a wiki...11:57
pagzero, umm? ubuntuguide.org ?11:57
zerothats the site pag11:58
zeroi installed kubuntu again11:58
cbostdi: 'apache2 start' doesnt give any message, but 'apache2 stop' says: *Stopping web server.... httpd(no pid file) not running11:58
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zeroand if i get errors again i might replace with open suse or debian11:58
stdincbo: use the init scripts11:59
stdincbo: try "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart"11:59
cbostdin: nothing happens11:59
stdinnothing at all?11:59
cbonothing at all12:00
cbois like pressing enter12:00
pagdoes a succesful operation even produce output?  (usually it does not)12:00
stdinpag: does on init scripts12:01
pagstdin, oh, ok.12:01
stdincbo: try this again  sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start12:02
cbostdin: the same12:02
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maglesHey again! :)12:03
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stdincbo: try "sudo killall apache2" then "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start12:04
maglesSo, how do I modigy the linux bootload, GUMB was it?12:04
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stdincbo: also check in /etc/default/apache2, make sure it has: NO_START=012:05
cbokillall: 'apache2: no process killed', and apache2 start: (death silence)12:05
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stdinmagles: in the grub config file /boot/grub/menu.lst12:05
pagmagles, what do you want to modify there?12:06
stdin!grub | magles also look at12:06
ubotumagles also look at: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:06
maglesI want to make a more simpler bootloader than it is.12:06
cbostdin: it was set to 1, i have set it to 012:06
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stdincbo: I think that was the problem12:06
vzduchmagles: simpler?12:06
stdincbo: "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start " should work now12:06
maglesex. now it has about 4 options for 2 OS'es, I just want 2 options.12:06
stdinmagles: remove old kernel packages then12:07
vzduchmagles: you should leave the failsafe option where it is, it can be good for finding errors12:07
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cbostdin: you are right, that was the problem12:07
maglesAllright, then I'll leave the whole thing alone :)12:07
stdincbo: heh, had to search around to figure that out :p12:08
cbostdin: thank you very much12:08
stdincbo: no problem :)12:08
cbostdin: i'm going to install php now....12:08
stdincbo: have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP ?12:09
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cbostdin: ok12:10
maglesHow do I use tar.gz files?12:11
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ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:11
maglesWell, it's just that I downloaded a Style for KDE, how do I apply it?12:11
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pagmagles, which one (most of them have .debs that are far more easier to install)12:12
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stdinmagles: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu12:12
maglesdownloaded it from deviantart..12:12
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magleshow do i install that theme?12:21
maglesI downloaded the .zip file, it had some tar.gz files for different resolutions, placed mine on the desktop, and extracted it.12:22
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maglesIt contains some icons, JPEGS and a .rc file12:22
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maglesanyone here?'12:26
vzduchno :D12:26
maglesCan't you help me out?12:27
vzduchno, sorry12:27
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aleksanterimagles: so12:27
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aleksanterimagles: do `sudo fdisk -l`, and pastebin the output12:28
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maglesBrug: fdisk [-l]  [-b SSZ]  [-u]  enhed12:29
maglesF.eks.: fdisk /dev/hda  (for den frste IDE-disk)12:30
magles eller: fdisk /dev/sdc  (for den tredie SCSI-disk)12:30
magles eller: fdisk /dev/eda  (for det frste PS/2 ESDI-drev)12:30
magles eller: fdisk /dev/rd/c0d0  eller: fdisk /dev/ida/c0d0  (for RAID-enheder)12:30
maglesWhy did I have to do that?12:30
aleksanterierm.. said pastebin it...12:30
=== vecchioGasometro [n=nicola@host181-239-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
aleksanterii need the info to make you a GRUB menu12:30
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maglesOh, I don't need that anymore :)12:30
maglesThank you so much anyway :)12:30
maglesI just need to know how I set up that theme.12:31
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maglesOkay, how do you use a .rc file?12:32
aleksanterimagles: what theme?12:32
maglesA theme I downloaded from deviantart.com12:33
aleksanteriwell first of all i suggest to look in http://www.kde-look.org/ for finding themes and theme components12:34
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vecchioGasometrowhy is konqueror trying to open with Kate a .iso file that I'm downloading from the internet instead of saving it somewhere?12:37
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neusonceoh dear, i think i may need some more help, im having issues with my  firefox puglins,12:40
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=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-102.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #kubuntu
neusonce flash and java refuse to install even though i apprently instlled java it says it a out of date version and refuses to load in firefox12:41
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jussi01neusonce: how did  you install it?12:42
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neusoncethough terminal commands  after downloading  all the types of file from the flash website12:44
neusoncethen i went thought step by step on the ubuntu help site12:44
neusonce in the terminal it just says files not found or command not vaild12:44
neusonce then12:44
neusonceand endless circle12:44
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jussi01neusonce: have you tried sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree sun-java6-jre12:45
M_A_KCan I enter multiple configurations for my wireless or wired adapter so I don't have to keep changing them when I move between work, home and my mothers house?  It can be done in windows, I just dont see where in kubuntu.12:45
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nodeserti can not remove or install mono-xsp how can i fix this?12:47
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jussi01nodesert: how are you trying to install/remove it?12:49
aleksanterihow you get that information bar into dolphin like in this picture? http://kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/60475-1.jpg12:49
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GrahamHelp! I've installed some new fonts and one of them has taken over firefox, every page the text is displayed as Alien... any idea why?12:50
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nodesertaleksanteri: i get an error like try apt-get -f install12:52
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jussi01nodesert: did you try that?12:53
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maglesHow come I don't have the folder KDE in the usr folder?12:53
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jussi01nodesert: and?12:54
jussi01what did it give you?12:54
nodesertpostinst failed `abort-upgrade'12:54
nodesertErrors were encountered while processing:12:54
nodesert /var/cache/apt/archives/mono-xsp_1.2.4-1ubuntu1_all.deb12:54
nodesertE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:54
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nodesertand KDE is not working12:55
jussi01nodesert: and you tried reinstalling??12:55
jussi01damn, he left12:56
magleshow come I don't have the KDE folder in /usr folder?12:57
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stdinmagles: why would you?12:57
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jussi01hello stdin12:57
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nodesertjussi01: yes i tried it doesnt work12:57
magleswell, I want to install a theme, and the guidlines says that I have to go to usr/kde/VERSION/share/apps/kdm/themes12:58
nodesertsorry i also have problem with kde so i m using enlightment12:58
stdinmagles: then the guide is wrong, put it in /usr/share/apps/kdm/themes12:58
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stdinnodesert: post the whole output of "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to pastebin12:59
stdinnodesert: that's all of it, not just the bottom part12:59
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:00
maglesstdin: it tells me that I don't have the permit to do that.01:00
stdinmagles: yes, you need sudo01:01
nodesertafter apt-get dist-upgrade command i got01:01
nodesertThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:01
nodesert  mono-xsp: Depends: mono-xsp-base (= 1.2.1-1ubuntu1) but 1.2.4-1ubuntu1 is installed01:01
nodesertE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.01:01
nodesertjust i got this01:02
maglesstdin: that is?01:02
stdin!sudo | magles01:02
ubotumagles: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:02
stdinnodesert: ok, do "sudo apt-get -f install" and post that to pastebin01:02
nodeserthow can i to pastebin i dont know this01:03
jussi01stdin: look about 10 mins ago01:03
nodeserthow can i post to pastebin01:03
jussi01!paste | nodesert01:03
ubotunodesert: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:03
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stdinjussi01: the whole output is here, from start of the command to the end?01:04
maglesstdin: but how does that apply to me? I don't have Ubuntu/gnome01:04
stdinmagles: who said you did?01:04
maglesstdin: in the drag&drop section, the guidelines are for gnome.01:05
stdinmagles: use "kdesu konqueror"01:06
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stdinnodesert: no, apt-get -f install, not apt-get dist-upgeade01:06
nodesertstdin: sorry :( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31060/01:07
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stdinnodesert: hmm, ok. now post the file /etc/init.d/mono-xsp to pastebin01:09
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maglesstdin: how do you mean?01:09
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stdinmagles: press Alt+F2 to open the run dialog and put in: kdesu konqueror01:10
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=== stdin sees the problem
stdinnodesert: that package is from the official repos yes?01:13
nodesertit happened after i upgrade to gusty01:14
jussi01nodesert: your running gutsy?01:14
stdinnodesert: heh, well it's time to report a bug01:15
vzduchnodesert:  #ubuntu+101:15
jussi01nodesert: its easy to fix, just got to be done....01:15
nodesertbut kde is not working now01:15
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stdinnodesert: you can fix it tho, but you still need to report a bug  on it01:15
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nodesertok thanks01:16
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nodesertfrom now on, i ll always use stable version of linux(recommended for newbies)01:20
jussi01nodesert: :)01:20
stdinnodesert: heh, if you don't want bugs, don't run unstable :p01:20
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stdinand the bug's already been reported01:21
nodesertyes i see01:21
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stdinnodesert: but like I said, you can fix yourself if you want01:21
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stdinnodesert: just edit the file /etc/init.d/mono-xsp and change "kill $i >& /dev/null" to "kill $i &> /dev/null" on line number 8201:22
nodesertactually i m a software engineering student but i dont think i can do this01:22
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stdinit's a text file, a 4 year old can do it so I'm sure you can :p01:22
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maglesstdin: I've downloaded the KDE theme manager, but how do I install it?01:23
stdinmagles: you do "sudo apt-get install kdmtheme" and install it properly01:24
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stdinmagles: KDE theme manager or KDM theme manager?01:25
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stdinmagles: if you mean the KDE theme manager it's in kcontrol, press Alt-F2 and type in "kcontrol" the theme manager is in Appearance & Themes01:26
nodesertstdin: it works thanks for everything. i owe you01:26
maglesstdin: KDM01:26
stdinmagles: then do the 1st thing I said01:27
maglesstdin: Alt + F2 and type the line?01:27
stdinnodesert: no problem, blame the lazy coders :P01:27
stdinmagles: no, run that in konsole01:27
stdinmagles: sudo apt-get install kdmtheme01:27
maglesstdin: thanks, linux is great, when you learn how to use it :)01:28
stdinthat's why we use it :)01:29
maglesstdin: what's gentoo?01:29
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stdinit's a penguin :P01:30
stdinit's also another distribution of GNU/linux01:30
vzduchGentoo is a hassle to maintain but great if you want to learn something01:30
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=== Jonty [n=jadh@82-41-207-227.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
vzduchof course, LFS is the best teacher of Linux things :)01:31
cloakablevzduch: LFS is Gentoo, without all the user friendly bits :)01:31
stdinI wouldn't have the patience for LFS01:31
cloakableI've done it!01:31
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=== cloakable is hardcore :P
maglesOh, allright01:32
=== stdin just loves apt
cloakableWhat did I learn? I can make an install that will boot into 8Mb RAM :)01:32
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magleshow do I restart KDE?01:33
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jussi01ctrl -alt - backspace01:34
stdinwell, that's one way01:34
jussi01stdin: kiss principle01:34
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maglesBack again :)01:35
stdinwe should just say to any question "press Ctrl Alt Backspace" and see what happens :p01:35
gdholdinghallo leute01:36
gdholdingich hab eine frage01:36
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:36
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grup - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:39
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:39
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maglesWhich themes do you all use?01:43
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ubuntu_hey all01:52
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maglesstdit: To install an application do I have to download the package?01:54
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maglesor can I just type sudo apt-get install ... out of the blue?01:55
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eagles0513875magles: what u trying to do01:55
jussi01magles: yes, you can01:56
magleseagles: install firefox.01:56
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stdinmagles: sudo apt-get install firefox01:56
stdinmagles: easy :)01:56
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maglesstdin: so I don't have to go to the webpage and download the package?01:56
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stdinmagles: no you don't01:57
stdinmagles: the only reason you'd have to do that is if the package isn't in the repositories01:57
maglesman, that's easy!01:57
stdinand most things you'll need are in them01:57
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maglesis there any games for linux?01:59
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ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org01:59
StephanieHey all! I'm new with KDE, can anyone tell me why I have to be root ro change screen resolution? :)01:59
HymnToLifemagles, games ? what's that ??01:59
magleshymntolife, heh :)02:00
cloakableStephanie: Because screen resi is a system setting, and only root can change those :)02:00
HymnToLifeget a Wii :p02:00
stdinmagles: try frozen-bubble it's addictive02:00
Stephaniecloakable, but I didnt need to be root in gnome :S02:00
ubuntu_any one own a PSP here??02:01
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mimikhey all, where do i find the disk usage analyzer in kubuntu?02:02
maglesstdin: frozen bubble? what's that?02:03
stdinmagles: a game, install it and see :)02:03
maglesstdin: hehe :)02:03
stdin!info frozen-bubble02:03
ubotufrozen-bubble: Pop out the bubbles !. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.1.0-1 (feisty), package size 150 kB, installed size 712 kB02:03
stdin!df | mimik02:04
ubotumimik: Graphical representations of where your disk-space is being used are: baobab (GNOME), filelight / kinfocenter (Kubuntu). On the terminal: df -h -T02:04
maglesstdin: so, what else can you do with linux, besides basic computer functions?02:04
stdinmagles: I'll steel a line from MS "What do you want to do today?"02:05
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maglesWell, play WoW :)02:05
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org02:05
cloakableEwww :P02:05
mimikWoW runs almost perfectly on wine, doesn't it?02:06
mimikits GW that has some problems02:06
blackbirdany one own a PSP here??02:06
stdinmagles: well, there's a guide on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games02:06
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=== stdin has gone more than 6 hours without coffee, that's unacceptable and must be rectified at once
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maglesstdin: Linux is a piece of art! :)02:09
blackbirdhey is it possible to run counter strike source in DX9 mode yet?02:10
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mimikhm. actually what i was looking for was something to map the hard drive usage?02:10
stdinmagles: I'll let Linus know you said that :)02:10
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stdinmimik: try kdirstat02:10
stdin!info kdirstat02:11
ubotukdirstat: graphical disk usage display with cleanup facilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.4-3 (feisty), package size 272 kB, installed size 880 kB02:11
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BluesKajhowdy all :)02:11
mimikahh there, thanks just installed it02:11
mileshey man whats up yall02:12
milesBluesKaj : did u just get to work also?02:12
maglesstdin: how come It doesn't work to type: sudo apt-get install java?02:12
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BluesKajjust woke up , miles :)02:13
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milesmagles: it has a different name in the repository02:13
miles!find sun-java6-jdk02:13
ubotuFound: sun-java6-jdk02:13
BluesKajhad to put on the coffee and take out the garbage first ....priorities :)02:13
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hendrik_hallo ?02:14
hendrik_german ?02:14
maglesmiles: thanks!02:14
miles!ge | hendrik_02:15
ubotuhendrik_:       #ubuntu-ge - ~ For Georgian language support, please join #ubuntu-ge02:15
milesi donno german02:15
hendrik_who speaks german ? need some hepl02:15
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mileswhats the german channel?02:15
BluesKajmiles, I'm retired ...so my work consists being a house bitch and honeydo combo :)02:15
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magles!de | hendrik02:15
ubotuhendrik: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:15
hendrik_i have ubuntu since a halfe hour02:15
mileso wow, life must be nice02:15
maglesNo problem :)02:16
milesi am just entering the work force at the ripe ol age of 2002:16
mimikgrumble.. was wondering where all my free space went, was playing around with vmware and there it was02:16
maglesman, I'm really getting the hang of this IRC channel :)=02:16
BluesKajworked for 40 yrs , miles ...that was enuff02:16
stdinmagles: you'll want the JRE not the JDK02:16
mimikim sorry, if you want to develop in java, won't you need the jdk version?02:17
milesmimik yes02:17
maglesstdin: why?02:17
maglesI'm from DK :)02:17
maglesYeah :)02:17
stdinmagles: jdk is the development Kit02:17
maglesstdin: oh my.02:18
maglesstdin: I've already started it :)02:18
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stdinmagles: Ctrl-C02:18
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milesjdk includes the jre though02:18
milesits not like it would hurt to have both02:18
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stdinyeah, but jdk is a big package02:18
BluesKajmost ppl have both jdk and jre seems to work better that way02:19
stdinmagles: if you want the plugin for firefox you'll need the sun-java6-plugin package too02:19
mimikhm. which os will run faster in vmware? 98 or xp?02:20
milesid assume 98, less resource intensive, but i dunno02:20
stdinprobably 98, it'll use less resources02:20
milesi heard OSs actually run faster in virtualization02:20
milesive never used it though02:21
BluesKajif you do an "about:plugins" in the FF address bar , you'll be surprised at the number of javas that are instlled at a sublevel02:21
mimikthanks, guess ill test both later02:21
maglesstdin: okay. I just cancelled it, wanted to install wine first :)02:21
stdinmagles: you can install more than one package at the same time02:21
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stdinmagles: sudo apt-get install wine sun-java6-plugin02:22
stdinthe -plugin will also pull -jre02:22
maglesstdin: should i just open a new shell?02:22
stdinmagles: you don't have to, no02:23
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maglesstdin: it's easier anyway..02:23
stdinmagles: just remember, you can only have one instance of apt-get running at a time02:24
maglesstdin: how's that?02:24
milespersonally, im fond of apt-get remove --purge package1 package2+02:24
maglesstdin: you just said I could install several at the same time?02:25
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stdinmagles: yeah, put all the packages on one line02:25
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stdinmagles: like "sudo apt-get install wine firefox frozen-bubble sun-java6-plugin"02:25
maglesstdin: oh, okaay.02:25
maglesstdin: I'll just have to wait for wine to be done then, don't want to cancel it.02:26
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stdinmagles: ok, while you're waiting you may want to look at the command called "apt-cache"02:26
stdinmagles: it lets you search the package cache on the command line02:27
stdinmagles: like "apt-cache search wine" will search for "wine"02:27
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stdinmagles: then when you see a package you want more info on, you can do "apt-cache show <package>" (eg: apt-cache show wine)02:28
maglesstdin: nice :)02:28
stdinvery :p02:28
maglesstdin: thanks for showing me " the linux way"02:28
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stdinmagles: actually, that just one of the "linux ways". as with just about everything in linux, there is more than one way02:29
blackbirdhey is it possible to run counter strike source in DX9 mode yet?02:29
maglesstdin: ;;)02:29
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kalibgood morning02:31
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maglesstdin: I have the soundblaster audigy 4 soundcard, can i get it to work with linux?02:33
ubotusoundblaster is If you need help with setting up your soundblaster card, then visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundcardsWithHardwareSynth02:34
stdinthere's a link :)02:35
maglesthanks :)02:35
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stdinhmm "A version for Apple Macs could be available in autumn, with versions for Window's Vista and mobile devices to follow, the BBC has said." so where's linux in there?02:38
maglesstdin: where is the windows folder located?02:38
stdinmagles: where did you mount it?02:38
maglesstdin: I don't think that I've mounted it :)02:39
kalibhey guys...have anyone of you already tried Khtml?02:39
stdinmagles: check in /media, it may be tere02:39
maglesstdin: nope, only cdrom0 and 1 there.02:39
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stdinmagles: post the output of this command to pastebin: sudo fdisk -l02:41
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maglesstdin: pastebin? :)02:41
=== stdin waits for ubotu
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stdinmagles: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:42
stdinwell, that's nice of it to wait until I posted the link02:42
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maglesstdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31069/02:43
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stdinmagles: ok, now put in the right command :p "sudo fdisk -l" ( l is a lowercase L)02:44
maglesstdin: haha :)02:45
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maglesstdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31070/02:46
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stdinmagles: ok, so what ones do you want to mount. you have sdb1 sa NTFS and also sda202:47
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maglesstdin: sdb2, sdb1 is a dell utility02:48
stdinmagles: no, sda1 is dell, sdb1 is ntfs (the 2nd hard drive)02:48
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maglesthe first one!02:50
stdinmagles: ok, post your /etc/fstab file to pastebin and I'll show you the changes you need to make02:50
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BluesKajsdb1 is prolly the windows rescue partition ...bet it's around 500mb02:51
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runleveltenWhy is it that some bugs will manifest themselves for the first time *ever* when showing the cool new feature to someone?02:51
maglesstdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31071/02:51
stdinBluesKaj: no, it's the whole 250GB disk :p02:51
runleveltensorry, wrong chan. but anyway, hi folks.02:52
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stdinrunlevelten: because you didn't prey to the linux gods, or sacrifice a MS workstation in time02:53
runleveltenstdin: So annoying. It was a pretty female geek too. I'm all like *check this out* and it works once and looks cool. Then when I get all smug and say "that's not all, look", it goes *poot*.02:54
stdinmagles: add a line like the one at the bottom here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31072/02:54
runleveltenLike a really crap steve jobs getting his own back.02:54
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aleksanteriis there a way of having transparent pixmaps as panel backgronds?02:55
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stdinrunlevelten: if she was your soalmate she'd have said "I know how to fix that" and done it for you :p02:55
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runleveltenTo be fair, I believe the canonical kind female response is to _not_ do that - men are fairly easily crushed and humiliated, heh02:56
maglesstdin: now what?02:56
BluesKajchick geeks can be impossible to deal with ... worse know it alls than the male of the species :)02:56
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stdinmagles: well you'd need to save the file02:57
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stdinmagles: but you probably can't02:57
maglesstdin: yeah yeah, saved it.02:57
stdinmagles: ahh, you opened it as root?02:57
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=== genii sips a coffee
maglesstdin: yeah! :)02:58
maglesstdin: quick learner here :)02:58
stdinmagles: good :p then do this in konsole "sudo mkdir /media/windows" then "sudo mount -a"02:58
maglesstdin: i'm in! :)02:59
stdinmagles: it will automount at boot too03:00
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ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:04
maglesstdin: why can't I find the 2gmgsmt.sf2 file in Windows\system32\drivers03:04
stdinmagles: I don't know, is it normally there?03:04
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maglesstdin: trying to get my soundcard to work03:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about postgresql - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about postgres - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:06
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stdinmagles: I'd just search google for the file03:06
maglesstdin: wonder if my on-board sound will work.03:08
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stdinnot sure, haven't had a soundblaster card in years03:09
magleswell, my on-board sound is SigmaTel03:09
BluesKajSB cards used towork ok in Linux ..had one in my old PII03:10
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lewixim trying to crack a wireless connection but I can't use airodump for some reasons03:12
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kalibKomiaPoika hi ;] 03:13
KomiaPoikawith k3b, i have a problem: when i start it displays an error message: could not find mime type: application octet-stream03:14
KomiaPoikaand i cant do anything inside the program03:14
KomiaPoikawhile it used to work in kubuntu 6.0603:14
KomiaPoikathis is 7.0403:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine-engine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:14
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BluesKajKomiaPoika, did you upgrade directly from 6.06 to 7.04 ?03:16
KomiaPoikaBluesKaj: no, i made a fresh install03:16
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thrillai got a problem with the alt install cd03:17
maglesstdin: how do I make my sound work? :S03:17
stdinmagles: can you do "lspci | grep Audio"03:17
stdin!ask | thrilla03:18
ubotuthrilla: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:18
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thrillaits gets to installing the package openoffice.org-common-data and freezes03:18
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maglesstdin: that is?03:19
stdinthrilla: what version are you installing?03:19
stdinmagles: you need to tell me the output03:19
stdinthrilla: 7.04?03:19
thrillaya i think03:19
maglesstdin: the output? 5.1 speakers..03:19
stdinthrilla: well, it's either 7.04 or 7.10, probably 7.04 tho03:20
stdinmagles: no, the output of that command03:20
stdinthrilla: have you checked the CD for defects?03:20
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maglesstdin: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)03:20
JodiHhi there03:20
stdinthrilla: and checked the md5sum?03:20
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thrillathe disk itself is fine, i was just wondering if i can turn off installing open office until i get into KDE03:21
KomiaPoikawith k3b, i have a problem: when i start it displays an error message: could not find mime type: application octet-stream03:21
stdinmagles: then it's an Intel card, not SigmaTel03:21
stdinthrilla: not really, it's installed with KDE03:22
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maglesanyway, how do I make it work? :)03:22
JodiHif i install Kubuntu instead of ubuntu will i be able to use it as server03:22
stdinmagles: it should "just work"03:22
DexterFis the GF 6100 IGP supported in feisty? it's not listed in the wiki03:22
stdinJodiH: the only thing that makes a server a server is services :p, so kubuntu will be fine03:22
stdinmagles: what does "aplay -l" show, post it to pastebin03:23
thrillabest idea is to grab the drivers from www.nvidia.com and install those03:23
DexterFthrilla: that for me?03:23
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thrillaya dexter03:23
kalibJodiH it will work as normal as ubuntu03:23
JodiHtstdin thanks im a newbie download ubuntu ser which had problems in the installation with mi chipset03:23
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thrillaits not hard to install drivers03:23
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kalibthe only difference is the kde03:24
DexterFok. well, I don't need any 3D on that box, so I'd like to stick to the Xorg xserver rather. will that work?03:24
stdinDexterF: try the packages first, nvidia-glx-new for instance03:24
stdinDexterF: should do03:24
maglesstdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31079/03:24
stdinDexterF: try the liveCD and see03:24
JodiHthanks guys i feel better03:24
DexterFstdin: cant run live on hardware i havent bought yet ;)03:24
DexterFwell, ill ask on some lists for exp 1st, still thanks03:25
thrillathe live cd won't even boot correctly on my pc03:25
stdinDexterF: ahh, :p well the opensource nvidia driver works on just about any nvidia03:25
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DexterFok, thats what I needed to hear03:25
stdinmagles: so you have 2 audio cards03:25
DexterFif all else fails: vesa :P03:25
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thrillaso what can i do about my problem?03:26
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stdinthrilla: how long have you left it run for?03:26
thrilla20 mins03:27
maglesstdin: yes.03:27
stdinthrilla: still on the same thing?03:27
maglesstdin: got the integrated motherboard sound, and a PCI soundcard..03:27
stdinmagles: well the intel one is the onboard one, that should be working fine, and the other one is detected so that should be working, check the volume levels03:28
mimikcan't you just turn off the integrated sound in bios?03:28
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stdinthrilla: are you on the PC you're installing on?03:28
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lewixwhat does it mean: lewis@lewis-laptop:~$ sudo airmon start ath003:29
lewix-e -n ath0              Atheros         madwifi03:29
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lewixError for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :03:29
lewix    SET failed on device ath0 ; Invalid argument.03:29
lewix (monitor mode enabled)03:29
stdinthrilla: if you press Ctrl-Alt-Right then you should get to a screen with some logs on it03:29
stdin!paste | lewix03:29
ubotulewix: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:29
lewixoh ya sorry03:29
stdinlewix: and change ath0 to wifi0 for atheros03:29
thrillathat wont work03:30
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stdinthrilla: why?03:30
thrillacause i am not in kubuntu03:30
stdinthrilla: yes?03:30
lewixstdin: I did but the i dont see (monitor mode enabled)03:30
maglesstdin: when I open kaffeine player to play a radio station, at the volume adjustment there is a red cross.03:31
alehandersqualche italiano?03:31
thrillaso how am i gonna get some logs from windows xp?03:31
stdinlewix: you use wifi0 as the device and you'll get ath1 set in monitor mode03:31
stdin!it | alehanders03:31
ubotualehanders: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:31
stdinmagles: you see a speaker icon in the system tray?03:31
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stdinmagles: right click it and choose something like "show mixer"03:32
lewixstdin, ok thans. so instead of ath0 I have to type in ath103:32
maglesstdin: yes?03:32
stdinlewix: yeah, ath1 is in monitor mode, but it can't connect to a access point, you use ath0 to connect (after you crack it ;) )03:32
thrillared cross? means it wants you to give blood03:33
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stdinmagles: try moving the sliders up03:33
stdinthrilla: the alternate installer has logs on one of the VTs03:33
maglesstdin: they are all up03:33
stdinmagles: on both cards?03:33
thrillaso when it hangs press ctrl+alt+right arrow?03:34
lewixstdin, I'm a lil confused what's the difference between wlan, ath. and wifi. thanks though..I'm gonna give it a try with ath103:34
stdinmagles: you should have sound out of one then03:34
stdinthrilla: yeah, press it a few times, there's some log screen there03:34
stdinlewix: well wifi0 is the actual wireless card, athX is the "VAP"03:36
stdinlewix: it's like a virtual device03:36
stdinlewix: it's how the madwifi driver works03:36
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lewixstdin, ok thank.03:37
stdinlewix: there's more info on it at the madwifi wiki at http://madwifi.org/03:38
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maglesstdin: my message from Amarok is there is no soundchannel03:39
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lewixstdin, I should use ath1 with airodump,right?03:40
stdinlewix: yeah03:40
stdinmagles: hmm03:40
phanto2session replacement for kde is:put link into specific folder. Which folder?03:41
stdinmagles: does "aplay /usr/share/sounds/KDE_Beep_Ahem.wav" make any sound?03:41
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stdin!ro | phanto203:43
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stdinphanto2: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro03:43
maglesstdin: no, nothing.03:43
ubotuphanto2: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro03:43
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lewixstdin, ewis@lewis-laptop:~$ sudo airodump ath1 filename channel# 103:45
lewix"ath1" is neither a file nor a network interface, exiting.03:45
lewixhow many lines am I allowed to paste in here?03:46
stdinlewix: no more than about about 303:46
stdinmagles: not sure then. look at the sound help03:46
stdin!sound | magles03:46
ubotumagles: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:46
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KomiaPoikawith k3b, i have a problem: when i start it displays an error message: could not find mime type: application octet-stream03:47
stdinlewix: see what devices are in "iwconfig" and "ifconfig"03:47
stdinKomiaPoika: someone on #kde may knwo03:47
lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m658c6b7f03:48
stdinlewix: did "sudo airmon-ng wifi0 stat" work?03:50
BluesKajmagles, i found this page very helpful setting uo the asoundrc file , which is required and is seldom mentioned ,http://www.pcauthority.com.au/print.aspx?CIID=21424&SIID=1003:50
lewixstdin, command no found03:51
lewixstdin, ya it does work sorry03:51
stdinlewix: check that ath1 exists now, it should have said in the output of that command to03:52
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lewixstdin, I can only see ath0 and wifi003:52
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stdinlewix: even in iwconfig?03:52
AranelHey, how can i install "gspca" and "linux-uvc" ? are there any .deb packets?03:53
lewixstdin, yep see the pastebin above03:53
stdinAranel: both are already installed03:53
Aranelstdin: ok, thanks.03:54
lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m4b5e694303:54
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stdinlewix: ok, time for the "manual" way :p make sure you have the "madwifi-tools" package installed03:54
Aranelstdin: but Kubuntu still have problems with my webcam, in lsusb ; Z-Star Microelectronics but I can't use my webcam, how can i solve?03:56
lewixstdin, where can I get it03:56
stdinAranel: what do you mean by you can't use it, what have you tried?03:56
stdinlewix: sudo apt-get install madwifi-tools03:56
lewixstdin, couldnt find'03:57
Aranelstdin: I tried in Kopete. Kopete doesn't add my webcam to list.03:57
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stdinAranel: do you have a file called /dev/video0 ?03:57
stdinlewix: it's in the universe repository03:58
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Aranelstdin: yes i have.03:59
lewixstdin, I do have it on...by the way im using kubuntu03:59
maglesstdin, blueskaj: still not working :S03:59
stdinAranel: can you see it in kopete's settings (in Devices)?04:00
stdin!info madwifi-tools04:00
ubotumadwifi-tools: tools for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.9.2+dfsg-1 (feisty), package size 37 kB, installed size 196 kB04:00
stdinlewix: ^04:00
Aranelstdin: No :(04:00
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Aranelstdin: a small blue screen and no webcams on list.04:00
lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m691634fe04:01
stdinAranel: try installing xawtv and see if it work in there04:01
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dettoaltrimentihow can I make links in Kopete open with firefox instead of konqueror?04:01
Yorokobilewix, you don't seem to have edgy multiverse enabled04:02
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stdinYorokobi: it's in universe, not multiverse04:02
stdinlewix: and it's not in edgy anyway04:02
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stdinlewix: you could make compile it yourself tho04:03
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Yorokobistdin, nevertheless, it doesn't hurt to have multiverse avaiable, even if it isn't pertinent to the problem at hand04:03
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lewixstdin: go ahead, I didn't come this far to back down lol04:03
Aranelstdin: xawtv crashed, i can't try.04:05
Aranelstdin: X Error of failed request:  XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode04:05
stdinlewix: ok, open a new tab in konsole and type in "sudo -i" to become root04:05
lewixstdin, done04:05
stdinAranel: hmm, looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam ?04:05
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stdinlewix: now "cd /usr/src"04:06
lewixstdin, done04:06
stdinlewix: then "wget http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/madwifi/madwifi-"04:06
stdinlewix: then, tar xzf madwifi-
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Yorokobistdin, lewix: sorry, I didn't join early enough to know what device you're working on. I presume a wifi card?04:07
stdinlewix: then: cd madwifi-
lewixstdin, hold on my connection is slow04:07
stdinlewix: heh, ok04:07
stdinYorokobi: madwifi04:07
Yorokobistdin, atheros?04:07
stdinYorokobi: yep04:07
Yorokobistdin, my atheros worked out of the box in edgy. Madwifi drivers are part of the restricted kernel package04:08
lewixstdin, done04:08
lewixYorokobi, yes sir04:08
stdinYorokobi: yeah, but for what he wants he needs the newer drivers04:08
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stdinlewix: then do "wget http://patches.aircrack-ng.org/madwifi-ng-r2277.patch"04:09
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lewixstdin, done04:09
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maglesWHAT SHOULD I DO?04:10
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BluesKajmagles, check 'alsamixer' in the terminal ..use the M key to unmute the cntrls , mute=MM, open=0004:10
wolferinehow do you delete a symbolic soft link?04:11
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stdinlewix: now you need some tools, do "apt-get install linux-headers$(uname -r) build-essential"04:11
stdinwolferine: ln -s Target Linkname04:11
wolferinedelete, not create04:11
Raystlin_FMwolferine: just delete the file04:11
stdinwolferine: oh, rm linkname04:11
lewixstdin, E: Couldn't find package linux-headers2.6.17-11-generic04:12
stdinlewix: opps, "apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential"04:12
stdinthe dash is importand :p04:12
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wolferineok, i want offer a local dir in /media/hda5 on my FTP, symbolic links wont work, correct?04:12
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lewixstdin, ( what does the dollar sign mean) done04:13
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doug_hey, i want to copy files (data) to a blank DVD disk, and I have a DVD +-RW drive but it keeps telling me something about incorrect filesystem type when i try to mount it so i can then make it non-read only04:13
doug_location is at /dev/scd004:13
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Yorokobidoug_, you can't mount a blank CD/DVD04:13
doug_how do i write to it then?04:14
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stdinlewix: anything between $() is a command to be run, the command "uname -r" prints your kernel version, so $(uname -r) would translate to "2.6.17-11-generic" for you04:14
Yorokobidoug_, use k3b or Gnonebaker to write to the DVD04:14
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doug_ok thanks!04:14
xstFor some reason kwalletmanager keeps forgetting the WPA key I enter in knetworkmanager for my WLAN. How can I fix that?04:14
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lewixstdin, thanks. it's done04:14
stdindoug_: use K3B04:14
=== Yorokobi is struggling with his keyboard and fingers this morning
stdinlewix: ok, now do "parch -p1 < madwifi-ng-r2277.patch"04:15
doug_stdin: Yorokobi: is there a difference?04:15
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stdindoug_: gnomebaker is for Gnome, it needs more dependencies on kubuntu, and k3b is already installed04:15
stdindoug_: and it just has more fratures04:15
doug_stdin: thanks04:15
stdinlewix:  "patch -p1 < madwifi-ng-r2277.patch" is the right command04:16
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stdinthanks vzduch :p04:16
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lewixstdin, done04:16
vzduchyw :)04:16
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maglesIT'S ALIVE, IT'S ALIVE!!04:17
stdinlewix: naw do "make info" and post that to pastebin for me04:17
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Yorokobidoug_, the reason I suggested both is because k3b uses different system calls to the drive(s) than gnomebaker. I can't use k3b on my system but I can use gnomebaker. They both work well enough, though04:18
lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m6a3ce43e04:18
BluesKajmagles, amarok ?04:18
stdinlewix: that's good :) now run "make"04:18
maglesblueskaj, no, the SOUND!04:19
lewixstdin, done :)04:19
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stdinlewix: ok, now do "make install"04:20
lewixstdin, remove old modules?04:21
stdinlewix: yes04:21
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lewixstdin, done04:21
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killermachI need some pointers on getting a 1394 dvcam to send data to kino in linux, thanks for any help04:21
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stdinlewix: ok, now do "modprobe ath_pci"04:21
lewixstdin, (what was it for) done04:22
jdtWhat is the Gutsy (7.10) channel?04:22
stdinjdt: #ubuntu+104:22
jdtstdin: thankyou04:22
stdinlewix: you just compiled the modules for the atheros card, and modprobe loaded it into the kernel (activated it)04:23
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lewixstdin, ok thanks. I got it04:23
stdinlewix: now type "exit" to get out of root shell04:23
lewixstdin, done04:23
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stdinlewix: and try "sudo airmon-ng start wifi0"04:24
doug_stdin: where would i download the MAD MP3 decoding library?  would i do apt-get install MAD Mp3 decoder plugin?04:24
doug_library or plugin sorry, lol04:24
stdinlewix: you should see something like "ath1            Atheros         madwifi-ng VAP (parent: wifi0) (monitor mode enabled"04:25
Aranelstdin: i tested in camorama, and it gives "could not connect to video device (/dev/video0). Please check connection."04:25
stdindoug_: not quite, sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp304:25
lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m53e5a95304:25
doug_thanks lol sorry :p04:25
stdinlewix: what command did you put in exactly?04:26
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lewixstdin, lewis@lewis-laptop:~$ sudo airmon-ng start wifi004:26
lewixstdin its different compared to the first time though04:26
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lewixstdin, now the monitor m ode is enabled on wifi004:26
stdinlewix: post the output of "iwconfig" to pastebin04:27
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lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m6791869e04:27
doug_stdin: is that for just the library or the plugin as well?04:28
stdindoug_: that's both04:28
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doug_stdin: thanks04:28
lewixstdin, I tried again and its different now04:28
stdinlewix: well it has ath1 there anyway now04:29
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lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m4cb4243a04:29
stdinlewix: and iwconfig shows ath0 and ath1?04:30
lewixstdin, yes sir04:30
stdinlewix: good, done :)04:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:30
lewixstdin, now ath1 and ath204:30
lewixand ath004:30
maglesstdin: How do I install the MS core fonts? :)04:30
stdinlewix: heh, well you have 2 "VAP"s in monitor mode, but it doesn't really matter04:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefints - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:31
stdin!info  msttcorefints04:31
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ubotuPackage msttcorefints does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:31
lewixstdin ok04:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:31
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stdinmagles: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts04:31
Yorokobimagles, install the msttcorefonts package (or whatever it is called) :)04:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:31
stdin!info msttcorefonts04:31
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lewixstdin, sudo airmon-ng start wifi0 ---> what's that command for exactly04:32
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.8ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 34 kB, installed size 208 kB04:32
stdinthat's the one :p04:32
meuhlolyep :)04:32
meuhlolhow da ya stdin?04:32
stdinlewix: it puts the interface in to monitor mode, so it can "listen"04:32
lewixstdin, ok thanks04:32
lewixstdin, so I suppose I can use airodump now04:32
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stdinlewix: yeah, and aireplay etc...04:33
meuhlolsudo apt-get install msttcorefonts04:33
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lewixhehe...thanks stdin , Ill get back to you04:33
stdinmeuhlol: you need multiverse enabled to get the package04:33
meuhlolstdin: it's enabled already :D and me i've already installed them :p04:34
maglesstdin: get the message:04:34
maglesE: Kunne ikke opn lsen /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:34
maglesE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:34
doug_i looked online on wikis because I've been having sound problems with my Sigmatel STAC laptop audio card.  No sound comes out, but when i press the mute button on my laptop cover, it will say "mute on" , "mute off"  no sound comes out at mute off.  however, sound was coming out when i was running live cd, any thoughts?04:34
stdinmagles: do you have adept open?04:35
maglesstdin: shutted it down04:35
=== meuhlol is away: Parti pour l'instant.
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stdinif you have adept open it will "lock" the database04:36
stdin!away | meuhlol[away] 04:36
ubotumeuhlol[away] : You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines04:36
maglesstdin: well, I shutted it down, but it still isn't working.04:36
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 04:36
stdinmagles: run that command ^04:36
=== meuhlol[away] is back.
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meuhlolokey thnks04:37
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lewixstdin, kismet doenst work no more04:37
meuhloli just used "Set globally away" in Konversation :D04:37
=== meuhlol is away: be right back later :) - party of Frozen Bubble :D
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doug_can someone give me pointers on audio?04:37
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stdinmeuhlol[away] : then don't have it change your nick or post a message04:38
stdinlewix: describe "doesn't work"04:38
lewixstdin, let me paste it04:38
Yorokobidoug_, opon Konsole and type 'alsamixer' sometimes the right channels are muted and the wrong ones on04:38
gnomefreak!away | meuhlol[away] 04:38
ubotumeuhlol[away] : You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines04:38
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doug_Yorokobi: thanks04:38
stdingnomefreak: I already did that04:39
gnomefreakstdin: ah i didnt see that  (he used it after you said it anyway)04:39
meuhlol[away] gnomefreak: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts04:39
meuhlol[away] ops04:39
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meuhlol[away] would past a line with stdin !away | meuhlol :D04:40
maglesstdin: now i get E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:40
stdinmagles: ok, post the whole output (from when you ran the command) to pastebin04:41
lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m32b77c73..it didnt do it before , why is it doing it now. is it because I tried to run kismet04:41
stdinlewix: OMG :p you have a lot of devices there, you only need to run that command once04:41
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lewixstdin, how do I reset?04:42
stdinlewix: post "iwconfig" to pastebin04:42
stdinlewix: I need a list of all the devices you made04:42
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lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m2c388bf704:43
doug_Yorokobi: i'm in alsamixer and everything is maxed out, still no sound04:44
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BluesKajdoug_, this might help explain how to keep alsa working : http://www.pcauthority.com.au/print.aspx?CIID=21424&SIID=1004:44
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doug_could it be that my avi drivers aren't up to date?04:44
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doug_Blueskaj: thanks04:45
stdinlewix: run this, all one line: for dev in 2 3 ; do sudo wlanconfig ath$dev destroy ; done04:45
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Yorokobidoug_, do you get sound from other sources (ie. ogg/wav/mp3 via amarok/kaffeine)?04:46
lewixstdin, done04:46
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doug_don't have any mp3s available right now let me try cd04:46
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:46
stdinlewix: ok, have you setup kismet to use wifi0 ?04:46
doug_nvm i can't lol, burning a dvd right now04:46
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rustalotanybody know where I can get an .svg of the KDE logo?04:47
lewixstdin, source=madwifi_ag,wifi0,madwifi04:47
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stdinlewix: ok, now try "sudo kismet"04:47
stdinrustalot: ask in #kde04:48
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lewixstdin,  it seems to work now although I dont see any connection (yet)04:48
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stdinlewix: give it a sec04:48
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stdinlewix: you can do "iwlist ath0 scan" to see if there are any access points in range04:49
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ninhertatil...or start kismet04:50
lewixstdin, 4 access point04:50
MaTiAzbtw, cloning a harddrive with dd is just like dd if=/media/hda1 of=/media/hdb104:50
stdinninhertatil: he already has :p04:50
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lewixstdin, let me try to run kismet again. ( so I wont need that airmon command again ?)04:50
stdinMaTiAz: that clones the partition. not the whole disk04:50
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MaTiAzstdin: Oh, how does it clone the disk then?04:51
stdinlewix: you'll need it after you reboot, but not before04:51
stdinMaTiAz: take off the "1"04:51
MaTiAzah, ok :)04:51
ninhertatilor restart the networking daemon04:51
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MaTiAzstdin: It'll copy MBR and everything too?04:51
lewixstdin, ok04:51
stdinMaTiAz: yep04:51
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MaTiAzstdin: Ok, thanks a lot :)04:51
stdinnp :)04:51
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geniistdin: I wonder if his hda and hdb are same size and geometry04:52
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lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/mf4bf6d7 -->thats what happen the secon time I tried to run kismet04:53
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MaTiAzstdin: btw, does the kubuntu CD contain dd by default?04:53
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maglesstdin: allright, now I've installed Wine, how does it work?04:54
AtilaNice Wine04:55
AtilaI play Diablo II LOD on B.Net with my Kubuntu.04:55
MaTiAzmagles: You just double-click an exe, or run it from terminal with wine <programname> <options> :)04:55
doug_Yorokobi:  I'm trying a test wave right now using aplay in konsole, but i only get very light static at full volume which would probably mean my channels in alsa are wrong, right?04:55
Yorokobidoug_, possible, or your sound card is not (fully) supported.04:56
milesi finally got postgresql working...04:56
lewixstdin, here is the output when I type in iwconfig: http://pastebin.com/m2e4889d04:56
=== miles +5 xp
doug_Yorokobi:  but it worked in live cd mode04:56
stdinMaTiAz: yes the CD has DD04:56
stdinmagles: you run it like "wine file.exe"04:57
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stdinlewix: looking...04:57
stdingenii: hope so :p04:57
MaTiAzstdin: awesome, thanks :)04:57
maglesstdin: but it's very very slow..04:57
maglesand How can I do that if the game folder is on my Kubuntu desktop?04:58
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stdinmagles: the 1st time it is, it's making the files you need04:58
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stdinmagles: run the exe in the folder04:58
stdinlewix: try using this config http://stdin.pastebin.us/3844404:59
rustalotstdin: I got it from wikimedia commons. unfortunately, adobe Illustrator can't do SVG properly - WTF?04:59
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stdinrustalot: inkscape does svg well05:00
chaotic_hey im editing  the kde menu adding items  whats the difference between  command path  and work path05:01
maglesstdin: isn't there a folder called \home\magles\.wine+05:01
stdinchaotic_: the command path is the path to the command, the work path is where it's run from05:01
rustalotstdin: I don't trust its print controls though, so I'm using it to export a bitmap and using photoshop05:01
lewixstdin, same thing05:02
chaotic_for some reason05:02
Yorokobidoug_, I'm out of ideas. Have you checked the Ubuntu wiki yet? (http://wiki.ubuntu.com)05:02
chaotic_crossover office05:02
stdinchaotic_: eg, if a command expects files in the working dir then you'll need to set it. for most command you don't need to enter it05:02
chaotic_didnt make me a windows app tree05:02
stdinmagles: yes, but with forward slashes and without a +05:02
stdinchaotic_: ls ~/.wine/drive_c/05:03
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doug_Yorokobi: I'll try looking more.  i think i just ruined a blank dvd though.  told me my disc was finished, and i took it out, now i can't view the data files on it05:04
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maglesstdin: It works now, but it's still, very very very slow..05:05
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chaotic_actually its in the /.cxoffice/05:06
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stdinfor crossover office, yes05:06
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chaotic_yeah thats what   im using it with05:06
stdinlewix: well you only need kismet to find the APs, if you can see them in the scan then you don't really need it05:07
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects05:07
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:07
lewixstdin, do you have a good tutorial about all that process05:07
stdinlewix: there are a few, I'll find one05:07
lewixstdin, ok I'm gonna try to use airodump. if it doesnt' work I'll restart my computer and try kismet again05:08
stdinlewix: restarting is a bad windows habit, normally doesn't do anything in linux05:08
lewixstdin, ok thanks. I won't then05:09
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lewixstdin, sudo sirodump ath1 filename channel# 1 . isn't working either. It is working but I don't see any connection05:10
psygrasshi guys, what programme do u advice for terminal-based torrents download?05:10
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pagpsygrass, rtorrent maybe?05:10
stdinlewix: you should select a bssid to listen to05:10
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whyhankeepsygrass: my personal favorite is rtorrent05:11
pag!de | andreas_05:11
ubotuandreas_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de05:11
lewixstdin, whenever i do iwconfig..I see 'kis ...' in addition of ath0 ath1 on the output. is it kismet?05:11
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psygrasspag, whyhankee: thanx a lot05:11
lewixstdin, ok . I was just following a tutorial I guess this is a bad one :)05:12
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chaotic_told me something i cannot wriite05:12
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chaotic_to kde menu05:13
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stdinlewix: post "iwlist ath0 scan" to pastebin05:13
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chaotic_this  ubuntu sudo  crap   is  really getting to me05:13
Yorokobichaotic_, sudo -s to change to root05:14
lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m1da1457005:14
chaotic_the problem is05:14
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chaotic_im editing the kmenu thru the gui05:14
stdinlewix: which one do you want to crack?05:15
Yorokobichaotic_, ah, I hope you're using kdesu then instead of sudo05:15
chaotic_sudo -s dooesnt  effect any thing u try to do with the gui05:15
lewixstdin, torrilo05:15
Yorokobichaotic_, do menu entries require the kdesu/sudo prefix for their commands? if so, why?05:16
chaotic_i guess they do05:16
pagchaotic_, no they don't?05:17
vzduchdon't guess, know05:17
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chaotic_well it wont let me write changes05:17
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vzduchthere is (almost) nothing in the menus that requires to be run as root05:17
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vit___spaeak spanish???05:18
Yorokobi!es | vit___05:19
ubotuvit___: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:19
stdinlewix: try "sudo airodump-ng -i -w wep -c 9 ath1"05:19
chaotic_tell my kde menu that05:19
Yorokobichaotic_, are you saying you can't modify menu entries unless you edit it as root?05:20
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chaotic_could not  write05:20
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stdinlewix: then something like: sudo aireplay-ng -3 -a 00:18:01:87:D8:A5 -e Torrilo ath105:21
chaotic_thats the error it gives me05:21
lewixstdin, I don't see any connections still05:21
stdinchaotic_: the only reason it wouldn't be able to write to it is if something in ~.kde/ is not owned by you05:21
chaotic_menu changes could not be made because of the following problem could not write05:21
geniiRunning X as root in some non-root home directory might mess stuff like menus up05:21
maglesstdin: How come when i run Wow.exe my system crashes to the login screen?05:22
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stdinmagles: don't know, I don't really run wine. try asking on the #winehq channel05:22
lewixstdin, it works but there's no bssid,station,pmr,packets....05:22
chaotic_everything in there is owned by me05:22
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elite101atheros? is that a wif-fi card driver or a an actual card from intel because i have to install that driver to a wireless card for aircrack and i dont know if u need and intel one05:23
elite101for packet monitoring05:23
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stdinlewix: try this: sudo aireplay-ng -1 0 00:18:01:87:D8:A5 -e Torrilo ath1 (in another shell)05:23
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Ahmuckhi, what program comes with kubuntu to recoginze scanners?05:24
stdinelite101: atheros is the make, madwifi is the driver05:24
stdin!scan | Ahmuck05:24
ubotuAhmuck: Scanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners05:24
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ninhertatilAhmuck: try gimp itself05:25
elite101stdin, can i only use that type of card arthero's? or can i use a linksys card with the madwifi driver???05:26
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elite101i was on a tutorial on how to use aircrack and it sayed athero's? so i thought u only need that card?05:26
elite101and since i have a linksys05:26
stdinelite101: no, the madwifi driver is for only atheros. you need the driver for the card you have05:26
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elite101stdin, okay so it kinda patches that card for aircrack kinda thing? so i should be okay to use mine!!!?05:27
lewixstdin, lewis@lewis-laptop:~$ sudo aireplay-ng -1 0 00:18:01:87:D8:A5 -e Torrilo ath105:27
lewixioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX) failed: No such device05:27
Ahmucki need device detection.  i think it was kooka05:27
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stdinelite101: take a look at http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php to see if it will work for you05:28
stdinlewix: is ath1 still there? in iwconfig05:28
Ahmuckhrm, no, kooka \05:29
lewixstdin, yes sir, ath0,ath1 and kis05:29
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elite101what is that type of connection anyways? ath1? i wave wlan0 and eth0/105:29
Ahmucknot what i was looking for ... i know it comes with kubutu by default, but i uninstall it because i have never had a scanner05:29
stdinelite101: ath is for atheros, yours will be different05:29
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lewixstdin, wifi0 : no wireless extensions05:30
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stdinlewix: ok, try changing "ath1" to "kismet" or "kis"05:30
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lewixstdin,  no such device05:31
stdinlewix: which one?05:31
lewixstdin, both05:31
stdinlewix: you're on edgy yes?05:31
lewixstdin, I believe so, kubuntu05:32
GrahamWhat's a good application that allows iso files to be mounted and unmounted easilly?05:32
geniiGraham It is pretty easy to do it manually05:33
GrahamI know, I just don't like to fuss around with it.05:33
GrahamI found gisomount, seems up to the job.05:33
stdinGraham: you can use my little app if you want :) http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/MountFile?content=6195505:34
stdinlewix: ahh, the version in edgy is quite old, that may be the reason it's not working for you05:34
lewixstdin, hmm05:35
stdin!info aircrack-ng edgy05:35
ubotuaircrack-ng: Wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 160 kB, installed size 460 kB05:35
stdin!info aircrack-ng05:35
ubotuaircrack-ng: wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.6.2-7ubuntu1.1 (feisty), package size 186 kB, installed size 528 kB05:35
sparrwCan anyone recommend WYSIWYG page layout software that can visibly arrange text across multiple pages that will be trimmed?  For making banners and such.  I know a lot of graphics programs can "just do" that sort of printing, but I want to see where the page breaks will be while editing.  InDesign can almost do it.  Scribus apparently can't.05:35
MaTiAzhey, how do I determine which HDD is /dev/hda and which one's /dev/hdb?05:35
MaTiAzI don't wanna clone the wrong one05:35
sparrwmathieu: hda is primary master, hdb is primary slave05:36
stdinMaTiAz: sudo fdisk -l should help05:36
lewixstdin, shoul I upgrade05:37
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stdinlewix: it's up to you05:37
stdinlewix: it works on feisty, because I've done it05:37
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MaTiAzstdin: hmm, dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb doesn't seem to work05:37
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lewixstdin, tell me what you think and Ill do it. ( i dont know how to upgrade though)05:38
stdinMaTiAz: define "doesn't work"05:38
=== stdin isn't psychic
MaTiAzstdin: http://rafb.net/p/QyUwiI72.html05:38
MaTiAzsorry :)05:38
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lewixstdin, also if you know a good tutorial please let me know05:38
stdinlewix: there is a guide to upgrading here http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading#head-6146e7b1dd7a50f5029fd0704e38cad9420c000a05:39
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lewixstdin, I use kubuntu :)05:41
maglesstdin: how do I remove application (console version) ?05:41
stdinMaTiAz: try http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/linux/2005/105041202.asp05:41
harmentalhey guys....05:41
harmentalwhich is the best tool translate latex to html?? tex4ht? latex2html? tth? hevea?05:41
stdinmagles: apt-get remove package05:41
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stdinlewix: yes, I know, you're on the #kubuntu channel and I gave you the kubuntu instructions05:42
GrahamI think I'm gona have a go at setting up my own little iso mount routine.05:42
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stdinGraham: nah, just use mine :p05:42
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SolifugusWhat is Canonical's business model?  I have no idea where they make their money?05:42
lewixstdin, I think you did a mistake then because I see the ubuntu instruction05:42
stdinSolifugus: they make money with commercial support05:43
GrahamSolifugus: Mark Shuttleworth :P05:43
maglesstdin: thanks!05:43
stdinlewix: you don't see05:43
Grahamstdin: But I'll be more impressed if I do my own.05:43
stdin"Network upgrade for Kubuntu desktops (recommended)"05:43
stdinGraham: heh, well fee free to steel/hack mine, to get you started05:43
Solifugusbut that doesn't make sense... it is extremely rare that any company has made money from technical support services...05:44
GrahamYou know in Konquer you can right click a file and get an actions menu, is there I was to add to that menu?05:44
stdinSolifugus: RedHat do05:44
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elite101stdin: i can only use my pci card for aircrack, mad-wifi doesnt support usb :( but it does support my pci/d-link!!! :)05:44
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Solifugusstdin: redhat makes it money from Professional Services--consulting support, and shut down their own non-enterprise business because tech. support was too expensive for them to provide.05:45
stdinGraham: download my package, it has that. take a look in the installGUI.sh file05:45
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stdinGraham: hack away :)05:45
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lewixstdin, ok my bad :)05:45
stdinGraham: it'll give you some ideas05:45
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neusonceok guys, im almost in tears, i cant install flash or java, i have  followed every net guide you can throw at me05:46
GrahamBut if there's anything I don't like, I'm gona edit the fuck out of it, mkay?05:46
neusoncePLEASE GOD HELP05:46
stdinSolifugus: TBH, canonical aren't really making a profit05:46
Agent_137neusonce: are you using 64 bit os?05:46
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stdinGraham: it's GPL, do what you want with iy05:46
neusonceyes i believe so05:46
Agent_137neusonce: don't.05:47
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stdin!flash64 | neusonce05:47
neusonce how can i not ?05:47
Agent_137flash isn't going to work unless you jump through a bunch of hoops, sacrifice a kitten, and get lucky05:47
ubotuneusonce: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:47
Solifugusstdin: actually, their website seems to focus on "engineering and professional services" (http://www.canonical.com/)--so I guess it's the same as Redhat's business, essentially.05:47
Agent_137install the 32 bit kbuntu05:47
neusonceshut up ubotu05:47
stdinAgent_137: flask is "ok" on 64bit now05:47
Solifugusstdin: only redhat doesn't distribute their's for free...05:47
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Agent_137stdin: pics or shens. my SOUNDcard doesn't work in 64 bit, much less flash05:48
stdinAgent_137: tried that guide?05:48
lewixstdin, once it's done.  airodump, and aireplay are suppoed to work correctly, right?05:48
neusoncewhats the command to find out if youre machine is a 64 bit05:48
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stdinlewix: should do, they do here05:48
pagneusonce, ie. uname -m05:48
Grahamstdin: I like it, but there's only one place I'll ever want it to mount so I'm gona change it a bit.05:48
Agent_137stdin: no, but i see it's emulating 32 bit for firefox, that still doesn't sovle my soundcard issues05:49
stdinGraham: fine :)05:49
Agent_137further, it doesn't seem worth the effort to gain a little speed05:49
lewixstdin, by the way , why do you always type in airodump-ng instead of airodum or aireplay-ng instead of aireplay05:49
chaotic_how  come  microsoft outlook is not connecting to my mail servers05:49
chaotic_i usto work   at comcast tech support so i know all the settings05:49
chaotic_i know theyre good05:50
stdinlewix: the OLD packages are without the -ng, but they aren't maintained anymore, so they are -ng now (next generation)05:50
Grahamstdin: I reckon you should make that into a package for the kubuntu repository.05:50
stdinchaotic_: because outlook sux?05:50
lewixstdin, ok thanks.. anyway I'll get back to you when the upgrade is done.thanks05:50
Agent_137neusonce: try that guide stdin poasted if you haven't already. if that fails, just go back to 32 bit kbuntu, it'll work just fine on your 64 bit machine.05:51
stdinGraham: I could, but it's just a shell script. and there is also fuseiso that can mount ISO (with fuse). but it's there for anyone who wants it05:52
Agent_137neusonce: then installing flash is easy, just DL the tarball and drag it the contents into the appropriate folder for konq, don't bother with that /.flash-player-installer-stupid-ass-command shit05:52
neusonceGOD DAMM05:52
stdin!language | for all05:52
ubotufor all: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:52
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neusonce do i need to download another version of ubuntu05:52
neusoncei cant just change a setting or to ?05:53
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Agent_137you'd have to do a new version05:53
Agent_137are you on kbuntu or ubuntu?05:53
Agent_137kbuntu has better programs.05:53
Agent_137and you're in the kbuntu channel05:53
Agent_137kubuntu, rather05:53
neusoncepersonaly  agent05:53
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Grahamstdin: I know it's small but it's awesome.05:53
neusonce whats better05:53
neusonceand if i can ask why05:53
stdinGraham: thanks :)05:54
Agent_137kubuntu is better because the programs are better05:54
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Agent_137it has digikam and a better mud client and if you -have- to have firefox you can install it05:54
Agent_137but konq works just as well.05:54
neusonceso i need to download kubuntu 32 bit05:54
Agent_137also i find kopete superior to gaim.05:54
mileskonq's only pitfall is that it isnt supported by yahoo.com05:54
Agent_137and it has Ktorrent which is a graphical torrent client that actually works fine05:55
neusoncekubuntu is KDE05:55
Agent_137who the hell uses yahoo for anything?05:55
Agent_137yes neusonce.05:55
milesmr. yahoo05:55
neusonceyahoos evil05:55
neusonce ok05:55
milesso is google05:55
milesbut i guess its the lesser of the two05:55
neusonce is KDE more stable ?05:55
Agent_137google is not evil05:55
chaotic_how do i get konversation to launch when i click  on an irc link05:55
neusoncei use google05:55
Agent_137google is borg evil.05:55
Agent_137not malicious . . . just . . . all encompassing.05:55
neusonce i own google shares05:55
Agent_137anyway neusonce, i had your same troubles05:56
Agent_137and i'm offering you the solution i used. might be a better one, but mine definitely worked. so, that's that.05:56
neusonce and i guess i only really brought them becuase  i couldent believe that  a search engine could go  public05:56
neusonce why05:56
neusonce whats the key differnce between 32bit and 6405:56
Agent_13764bit offers speed advantages WHEN PROGRAMS ARE BUILT FOR IT05:57
Agent_137which they aren't.05:57
BluesKajhardware support05:57
neusonceby logic shoudent 64 bit be faster05:57
milesand it really isnt that much of an advantage05:57
Agent_137should be faster when shit is programmed to USE it05:57
Agent_137which it isn't.05:57
Agent_137give 64-bit another year or two.05:57
Agent_137just like dual cores05:57
neusoncei really need blender  will that be in kubuntu05:57
mileshalf-life 2 64 bit ran a tad bit faster05:57
Agent_137the hardware right now is WAY WAY WAY ahead of all software.05:57
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BluesKajnone at all , since most apps aren't written for it...and the hardware support sucks on my setup05:58
neusonce  and will the net magically work lon kubuntu like on ubuntu05:58
stdinchaotic_: take a look at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?query_format=specific&order=relevance+desc&bug_status=__open__&id=9239005:58
Agent_137if blender works on ubuntu and gnome it'll work on kde05:58
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neusonce serisouly05:58
neusoncei was almost intears05:59
Agent_137what do you mean the net?05:59
neusonce iv been trying for 4 days for a simple java program05:59
Agent_137you'll have to install java and flash05:59
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Agent_137but it'll actually WORK05:59
Agent_137once you've installed it05:59
Agent_137there is some trouble getting konq to work with flash, but it's not systematic05:59
neusonce well the internet works on ubuntu with out any configuration05:59
neusonce i was expecting a hell of a time05:59
Agent_137oh yea06:00
Agent_137the same for kubuntu06:00
Agent_137just not flash or java06:00
Agent_137hey LISTen06:00
Agent_137when you get it installed06:00
Agent_137get the flash tarball from the flash site06:00
vzduch!enter | ag06:00
ubotuag: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:00
vzduch!enter | Agent_13706:00
ubotuAgent_137: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:00
stdinAgent_137: you know flash is in the repos?06:00
Agent_137wtf is repos.06:00
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stdinAgent_137: repositories06:01
Agent_137oh. yea, doesn't work06:01
stdinAgent_137:  oh yeah it does06:01
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Agent_137not for me06:01
Agent_137tried it06:01
vzduchworks fine here06:01
stdinAgent_137: it downloads the EXACT same file06:01
Agent_137yea well it doesn't put it in the right spot, konq wouldn't find it on a scan06:01
stdinAgent_137: yes, it will06:01
vzduchand?  you can always put your own path into Konq06:02
Grahamstdin: How do I change the default location?06:02
Agent_137stdin: IT DIDNT.06:02
neusonceok but a few more q's06:02
Agent_137vzduch: yea, but not if i don't know where the hell the repo put the so file.06:02
stdinAgent_137: it put a link in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ and that's where konq looks06:02
neusonce linux is rather impervious to virus's, correct?06:02
Agent_137stdin: konq looks in a lot of place, not just there, and if i'm having to move crap around after getting it from a repo, why the hell not just get it from the site?06:03
Agent_137neusonce: not only does it have more robust security, no one bohters to write virii for it06:03
stdinAgent_137: the package sets it up for you , so you don't have to move anything06:03
neusoncewhy is that?06:03
neusoncemutual respect ?06:03
neusoncehatred for windows06:03
Agent_137stdin: read my words: didn't f'ing work.06:03
stdinread mine, it did06:04
Agent_137IM GLAD06:04
stdini'm glad your glad, now we're all glad06:04
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Agent_137not sure, neusonce, but i imagine they don't want to pee in their own backyard, but also i imagine the linux community can respond faster to such threats.06:05
Agent_137virii depend on security holes06:05
stdinGraham: just remove all the places $dir is set and make it static06:05
Agent_137and security holes are patched -real- quick in linux06:05
neusonceso i should be downloading Kubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn with PC (Intel x86) ?06:06
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neusonceremember guys im a linux baby06:06
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neusoncei was once, i imagine like you06:07
neusonceunknowledged in the ways of linux06:07
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Agent_137i'm still a noob, but yes, neusonce, that one.06:07
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Grahamdir=/media/iso :)06:07
Agent_137neusonce: i gotta get moving, PM me any questions if the channel at large doesn't answer them, and i'll take a look when i get back06:07
neusoncei brought a 4k machine   and within a few weeks of putting up with vistas shit i was like, fuck this06:08
elite101hey can u get a command prompt for Kubuntu???06:08
elite101like a windows one06:08
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stdin!language | neusonce06:09
ubotuneusonce: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:09
cloakableGraham: He might want a dos prompt rather than a bash one :P06:09
PriceChildlol "like a windows one"06:09
stdinyou've been warned06:09
neusoncethanks agent06:09
dr_willisexport PS1="C:"06:10
chaotic_hey the ubuntu server is irc.freenode.net right06:10
elite101yeah i need a cmd. i made this code to turn it into a mssenger by ip adress calling :) but i cant us terminal (obv)06:10
cloakableAlso irc.ubuntu.com06:10
dr_willisthat is the freenode server, which hosts the ubuntu channel. and this one. :)06:10
Grahamfreenode isn't ubuntu specific06:10
elite101i my friend uses freenode (xchaT) hes onwindows06:10
Graham##linux #linuxforums #slackware #debian #fedora #redhat #opensuse06:10
chaotic_just downloaded excursion was always my fav mirc script for windows06:10
cloakableGraham: I know. Debian is on here too :)06:11
dr_willisirc.ubuntu.com irc.freenode.net   - both are part of the freenode network.06:11
GrahamYou get the idea :)06:11
elite101chaotic_: where do i download that?06:11
Grahamdr_willis: Are you for real?06:11
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Agent_137neusonce: check the pm06:11
dr_willisWhy would you not think im real?06:11
gnomefreakiirc irc.ubuntu.com IS irc.freenode.net06:11
Grahamstdin: What about actions > mount file, what does that do?06:11
elite101is it just like the windows one06:11
gnomefreakit fowards to freenode.net06:11
ubotufreenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml06:11
stdinyeah, it's an DNS alisa06:11
elite101cant i get a friend to send me MSDOS and run it under wine???06:12
dr_willis!info freedos06:12
ubotuPackage freedos does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:12
dr_willis!info dosbox06:12
ubotudosbox: A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics, sound and DOS. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.65-1 (feisty), package size 506 kB, installed size 1388 kB06:12
dr_willis!info dosemu06:12
ubotudosemu: The Linux DOS Emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2.2-8 (feisty), package size 947 kB, installed size 2204 kB06:12
stdinGraham: it runs the mountfile script in lines 102-12506:12
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stdinGraham: it basically calls the script with $file already set06:13
kenshin6xhi! need help for monitor resolution! anybody can help me?06:13
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:13
dr_willischecked there yet?06:13
Grahamstdin: You rule :)06:14
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stdinGraham: yes, yes I do :p06:14
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Ryarenhow can i check what CD-ROMs i have?06:16
sveweckuh, look around your room?06:17
sveweckkidding :)06:17
kenshin6xman, my resolution is instable, ! all time i startx my resolution start in 640x480 mode, but my xorg.conf is "OK"! other users of the my pc can use 1280x1024.. but at 2 days ago, my resolution no change... i use the command "xandr" for manual change, but when restart X all back again (640x480)... any solution for this? (sorry for my english)06:17
svewecklook in media:/06:17
dr_willisyea.. slashdot has a 'why linux has failed on the desktop' artical.. wonder how wrong it is...06:17
sveweck(or /media if using kubuntu)06:17
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Ryarenbut my problem is that any cd-roms connected06:17
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sveweckdr_willis: heh, another one?06:17
dr_willissveweck,  yep.. so far - it dont seem to actually say much06:17
sveweckRyaren: do you mean CD drives?06:18
dr_willisa Kernel Developer got irate and ranted, and quit... that proves linux fails?06:18
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RyarenNo CD drives connected06:18
Ryarenbut i have06:18
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Grahamstdin: Really, you need to put that script in the repositories.06:18
DexterFsomeone ever installed fglrx and had random system lockups when using 3D apps like Google Earth?06:18
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stdinGraham: heh, I can always ask :p06:18
zombielionim using kubuntu 7.04 what is a good prog to use to burn dvds to play on the dvd player06:19
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logixoulRyaren:  maybe check KInfoCenter -> CD-ROM06:19
elite101i need a better dos the excurision is .rar?06:19
logixoulzombielion: k3b06:19
kenshin6xman, my resolution is instable, ! all time i startx my resolution start in 640x480 mode, but my xorg.conf is "OK"! other users of the my pc can use 1280x1024.. but at 2 days ago, my resolution no change... i use the command "xandr" for manual change, but when restart X all back again (640x480)... any solution for this? (sorry for my english) ... anybody can help me?06:19
dr_willisDexterF,  ive just had hanging issues when loggint out.. not tried googleearth however.06:19
elite101anyone know of a good dos prompt06:19
DexterFzombielion: only burn an iso or incl mastering?06:19
dr_williselite101,  you may want to try tio make a little more sence.06:20
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logixoulkenshin6x: don't repeat so often ;) . 10 minutes is ok, 2 minutes is not06:20
elite101i need a dos prompt for kubuntu06:20
Grahamstdin: Either you do it, or I do.06:20
logixoulelite101: the proper term is "console" or "terminal". remember that.06:20
DexterFdr_willis: had some weird problem back then on slackware, video wouls stop for a second or so once every 1-2 hours. when this occured and 3D was active, system froze. haven't seen that on kub so far tho06:20
elite101lol no not really06:21
logixoulelite101: you can use Konsole for that.06:21
zombielioni just want to take a avi and burn it to a dvd to watch  on the dvd player06:21
elite101no u cant06:21
ph3rHow can I turn digital sound output off?06:21
logixoulelite101: ?06:21
stdinGraham: heh, you can if you want :p06:21
elite101is there  a way i can download MSDOS?06:21
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zombielionmaybe if i used it for like a picture slide show to play on the dvd player i might want to add a menu or something06:21
dr_williselite101,  not legally, there is a freedos alternative06:21
DexterFzombielion: different. need to convert to mpeg2 first, then master a dvd. there's apps for that tho. look in Adept.06:21
logixoulelite101: and this has what to do with KDE?06:21
ph3rHow can I turn digital sound output off? ?06:21
elite101ohh nvm06:22
Grahamstdin: I shall.06:22
dr_williselite101,  ther are also dos emulators under linux.  time to hit google. I  mentioned them earlier06:22
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dr_willisdosbox - runs most old dos games very well.06:22
chaotic1im back06:22
chaotic1do guys see colors on me its set by default06:22
elite101lol the one person said konsole is no diff then dos. lmao type ipconfig or ipconfig/all.06:22
ismael__how can I install my vivanco IseeU webcam in ubuntu?06:22
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logixoulHi. I have both GRUB (one in MBR and another one in a Wubi virtual partition) and the NT bootloader (in the Windows partition). I wanna get rid of the MBR GRUB (so I go straight into the NT bootloader). How do I do that?06:22
elite101terminal is for bash i need plain dos06:23
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dr_willisismael__,  id do somt googling on that webcam and linux to even see if its supported at all. Ive got several webcams here with no linux support.06:23
BluesKajkenshin6x, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:23
stdinlogixoul: you need to run "fixmbr" from the windows restore CD06:24
dr_williselite101,  then install a dos emulator.06:24
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dr_willisthe 'terminal' can run several shells, bash, csh, fish, others... :)06:24
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elite101okay i am i need dos to open up a .bat file i made06:25
logixoulstdin: Right, ok. Do you know if that will retain the current OS selection menu I have in there? (Kubuntu and Windows)06:25
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dr_williselite101,  we are back to 'install a dos emulator' then...06:25
vzduchlogixoul: you're contradicting yourself.. you said you want to get rid of Grub06:26
stdinlogixoul: it will overwrite grub and just go to the ntldr, I don't know if it can boot linux tho.06:26
vzduchit can, I've done it before06:27
logixoulvzduch: yep. Didn't you know the NT bootloader also has the OS-choice-menu feature? :)06:27
stdinlogixoul: but can it boot linux?06:27
Grahamstdin: I don't have a clue how to make a .deb file... none at all.06:27
stdinyou should check before06:27
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vzduchI guess it can't _boot_ Linux.. it can pass to a Linux bootloader06:27
logixoulexactly :)06:28
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stdin!packaging | Graham take a look06:28
ubotuGraham take a look: The packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports06:28
vzduchiirc, I had it call a Grub installed on the / partition06:28
vzduchbut when the Grub in the MBR calls the ntldr via chainloader it's no different, only the other way round06:29
elite101what is there just a link i can download it from? or use adept or something06:29
logixoulstdin: one of my GRUBs is installed on a virtual partition (a loopmounted file from a NTFS partition). It's what the NT bootloader boots for me.06:29
vzduchand you can configure Grub to not show on boot06:29
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Silent_Gcan someone tell me how to compile a custom program06:30
logixoulvzduch: yeah, but for that I need to have a separate configfile. Is there a way to do that?06:30
Silent_Gi mean if i created a C++ document and i want to compile it how do i do it?06:30
vzduchSilent_G: the program should come w/ instructions on how to build06:30
Silent_Gno its a program i made06:30
Silent_Gjust a small program06:31
pagSilent_G, simple c++? g++ file -o file206:31
vzduchand if you wrote it yourself you should know how to use a compiler.. o006:31
dr_willisvzduch,  :)06:31
Silent_Gyes im taking a tutrial on C++ language06:31
Silent_Ghow to write programmes06:31
pagSilent_G, ie. g++ code.cc -o myfirstexe06:31
stdinSilent_G: get a good book, it helps06:31
Silent_Gon windows i used to have DevC++ wich has a gui and i used the compile button and compiled automatic06:31
vzducheven these have instructions on how to use gcc/g++06:32
stdinSilent_G: kdevelop is a nice IDE06:32
Silent_Gin what format should the files be save for the gcc to compile them?06:32
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Silent_Gi dont think .cpp like dev right?06:32
stdinSilent_G: just text files, the extention doesn't really mater, but normally .cpp, .cc and .c++ are all good06:33
Silent_Gah ok06:33
vzduchthe file extension is arbitrary.. convention is .c for C source code and .cpp/.cc/.c++/.cxx for C++ source code06:33
logixoulHey, what happens if GRUB can't find its configfile (or the partition it used to be on)?06:33
eagles0513875anyone running a x86_64 system06:34
Silent_Gand in what format will the gcc make the compiled file?06:34
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stdinSilent_G: ELF on linux06:34
Silent_Gthat file without extension?06:34
Silent_Galso do someone know a good c++ tutrial06:34
Silent_Gor a book maybe06:34
Silent_Gbut i prefer online06:35
logixoulask in ##c++06:35
stdinSilent_G: the book I'm reading now is "C++, A Beginer's Guide", by Herbert Schildt06:35
BluesKajeagles0513875, I'm running x86 on my AMD6406:35
eagles0513875BluesKaj: what version of kde u running06:35
Silent_Gstdin,  is it an online book ? or a book to buy?06:35
stdinSilent_G: paperback06:36
Silent_G* ke- has quit ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )")06:36
Silent_Ghow can he use noname script on linux06:36
eagles0513875BluesKaj: ok what is ur music encoded in06:36
vzduchSilent_G: mIRC is said to run in Wine06:36
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eagles0513875just realized something06:36
Silent_Goh is ee06:37
Silent_G* i see06:37
Silent_Gnoname script rocks06:37
vzduchUse force. Use irssi.06:37
lewixstdin, it takes a long ass time :)06:37
BluesKajvzduch, yes, mirc runs fine in wine06:37
stdinlewix: yeah :p06:37
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eagles0513875BluesKaj: u wont have my problem cuz in gutsy they use the next version of xine06:37
eagles0513875BluesKaj: u dont have a machine with gutsy on it do ya06:37
chaotic1hey guys how do i get mirc to open up when i click on irc links06:38
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BluesKajI use wav cuz I'm a bit of an audio snob , don't care or lossless codecs06:38
Silent_Gvzduch, but irssi is not gui06:38
stdinBluesKaj: flac?06:38
BluesKajcorrection: lossy06:38
vzduchSilent_G: where's the problem w/ that?06:38
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eagles0513875stdin: im going nuts with this gutsy issue i have i need another 64bit usr to confirm it06:39
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vzduchBluesKaj: do you ever hear a difference between WAV/FLAC and >128kbps Ogg Vorbis?06:39
stdineagles0513875: i'm on 32bit06:39
vzducheagles0513875: ask in #ubuntu+106:39
eagles0513875stdin: i know im just saying06:39
eagles0513875nobody in there seems to have one06:40
BluesKajeagles0513875, I don't mind flac, cuz it's lossless, but not a fan of mp3 , altho i do tolerate it for a while on internet radio :)06:40
eagles0513875BluesKaj: im still trying to figure out how with alsa my audio sounds so much better than in winblows06:40
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stdinBluesKaj: ogg/vorbis dose retain a lot of quality at lower bitrates than compared to mp306:41
BluesKajvzduch, yeah,.. being a drummer the cymbals sounds are especially thin and flangy sounding and guitars as well06:41
lewixstdin, do I have to restart after the upgrade06:41
neverblueeagles0513875, send me your report when you have it complete :)06:41
stdinlewix: yeah, when it's finished06:41
lewixstdin, it's finished. brb06:42
eagles0513875neverblue: lol it wont be for quite some time it looks like cuz no other gutsy 64bit user seems to have the problem06:42
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eagles0513875neverblue: u wanna try and help me06:43
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logixoulGuys, what happens if GRUB can't find its configfile (or even the partition it used to be on)?06:43
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lewixhow do I find out the edgy version im using06:44
venikdoes anyone know how to clear the screen in Kopete?06:44
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stdin!version | lewix06:44
ubotulewix: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell06:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libxine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xinelib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
neverblueeagles0513875, sometimes #xmms knows a thing or two about audio06:45
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eagles0513875whats xmms06:46
lewixIf you are using the Edgy KDE 3.5.6 repository, also add deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-356-pre-feisty-upgrade/ edgy main06:46
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs06:46
lewixI don't understand that step06:46
eagles0513875ahhh ok ill go in there06:46
Yorokobieagles0513875, xmms is similar (in looks, at least) to Winamp06:46
lewixstdin, see above please06:46
neverblueeagles0513875, when a person types something with a # in front of it, usually means an irc channel06:46
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neverbluexmms is based on winamp06:46
logixoulit's not06:47
stdinlewix: but you aren't on edgy06:47
logixoulit's a winamp clone06:47
lewixstdin, : it's still the upgrade part06:47
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lewixstdin, I just clicked on upgrade..I didn't add that repository06:47
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stdinlewix: can you choose to ignore/continue?06:47
eagles0513875neverblue: forgot what that channel was for06:48
lewixstdin, ok let me be clear. I opened adept manager and just clicked on upgrade. now I just saw that I skipped that step06:48
edulixcan knetworkmanager setpup proxies? because in different networks I have different proxies...06:48
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edulix(or no proxy at all)06:48
neverblueeagles0513875, they know their shit about audio06:49
=== runlevelten scrolls up
neverblueyou just have to word your questions carefully06:49
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eagles0513875neverblue: ok lol06:49
venikIs Kopete still being developed, or is it eclipsed by Pidgin?06:49
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lewixstdin, the upgrade is done though, but I skipped that step and I'm not sure if it was necessary06:49
=== runlevelten notices he's not the only one to suffer random lockups with current fglrx releases.
stdinlewix: if you didn't add the kubuntu.org kde-3.5.6 repo to your sources then that's ok06:49
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lewixstdin, should I?06:49
logixoulvenik: it's still in development. Pidgin is an unrelated project.06:49
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BluesKajKopete works quite well, I don't see the need for pidgin ...found it clunky06:50
venikI tried file transfer in both, but it failed in both06:50
runleveltenpidgin is has an ugly, badly designed interface06:50
stdinlewix: no, it was if you did add it before, then you'd have to do that. if you didn't then you can ignore it06:50
eagles0513875i love kopete06:50
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runleveltenmore of a gnome app ;)06:50
eagles0513875runlevelten: its renamed gaim lol06:50
venikdoes anyone know how to clear the screen in Kopete?06:50
runleveltenindeed it is06:50
stdinvenik: look in the menus??06:51
lewixstdin, ok cool I restart now06:51
BluesKajKonversation has a few flaws but i prefer it to xchat for IRC06:51
Yorokobivenik, does Ctl-l work ?06:51
venikI did, of course-- did not find it06:51
Yorokobivenik, drop it and use screen+irssi :)06:51
venikwtf is that?06:52
=== Yorokobi shamelessly plugs his IRC client of choice
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stdinmaybe you can't do it in kopete, it's not a real IRC client anyway06:52
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Yorokobi!info irssi | venik06:52
ubotuvenik: irssi: terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.10-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1010 kB, installed size 2788 kB06:52
venikI much prefer irc clients, like Klient, but many of my friends use Yahoo and AIM messengers, so...06:52
Yorokobi!info bitlbee06:52
ubotubitlbee: An IRC to other chat networks gateway. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1.3ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 308 kB, installed size 780 kB06:52
runleveltenBluesKaj: I meant to say, you should consider extracting the contents of $KDEDIR/share/apps/kopete/ircnetworks.xml and using it in your konversationrc06:53
eagles0513875neverblue: xmms room is dead06:53
stdinvenik: you can't use 2 apps?06:53
Yorokobiscreen+irssi+bitlbee = terminal irc/im happiness06:53
logixoulGuys, what happens if GRUB can't find its configfile (or even the partition it used to be on)?06:53
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:53
venikyou can't use 2 Operating Systems?  Of course we can, but one is better than two06:53
runleveltena small awk script could probably turn it into something you can just >>06:53
vzducheagles0513875: what do you expect of an app that's been unmaintained for 4 years?06:53
Yorokobilogixoul, something "not good" probably. Try it and find out.06:53
venikor three06:53
BluesKajrunlevelten, err..how would I do that, not much of a scripter06:53
eagles0513875lol whose maintaining it now06:54
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stdinvenik: linux philosophy: make an app that does one thing, but does it well06:54
vzduchit's still being packaged, but not even bugfixes06:54
logixoulYorokobi: sure, but I'm afraid I might be unable to get back to my Kubuntu and reverse the operation then06:54
paglogixoul, it'll say that error has occured, and you can't get past that point.06:54
stdinlogixoul: you can always reinstall grub06:54
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runleveltenI don't really IRC in kopete, but you can do almost anything you want with kopete through scripting06:55
venikOK-- irc, AIM-clone, Yahoo Messenger clone, Google Talk clone...06:55
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logixoulpag: Ah, thanks06:55
stdingoogle talk = jabber06:55
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venikyes, I am using Kopete with GT (Jabber)06:55
lewixstdin, ok06:55
runleveltenBluesKaj: You could either pull it out manually then using kxmledit, or you could use sed/awk06:55
eagles0513875ever room i need to help me try fix my issue is dead06:56
runleveltensed is much easier for newbies :)06:56
logixoulstdin: but can I install it to 2 separate places (with different configs), if I have only one Kubuntu installation?06:56
BluesKajI run konversation due to it's simple and familiar interface ..Kopete is ok for IM but i don't bother using it on IRC06:56
stdinlewix: try it now, 1st use the airmon-ng command then the others06:56
lewixwhat was the command again? to check the version06:56
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lewixstdin, ok06:56
runleveltenBluesKaj: and contrary to what some people think, konversation is perfectly scriptable :)06:57
cox377anyone of there is anyway to archive in evolution mail?06:57
venikI am using Konversation for irc, to chat with you guys now06:57
stdinlogixoul: why would you want/need to?06:57
runleveltenYou could easily make a konversation bot using a language of your choice.06:57
venikand Kopete to emulate the other chatting programs06:57
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zoohouseHello everyone06:58
BluesKajrunlevelten, I got a script to autload an IRC Server list, but i couldn't get it to work06:58
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lewixstdin, sudo airmon-ng start ath1 or wifi0?06:58
BluesKajrunlevelten, ,.. in konverstion06:58
venikfile transfer, if it worked on Kopete, would be a great help for me06:58
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stdinlewix: wifi0, but I think you'll need to remake the drivers first, to make it work06:58
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zoohouseI have a bin file in my home dir, if I want to be able to run that app in console, do I need to place a link to a ~/bin dir?? Iv done this and it's not working...06:58
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zoohouseI mean I placed a link to the file in my ~/bin dir06:59
stdinlewix: so do "cd /usr/src/madwifi- ; make clean ; make && make install"06:59
lewixstdin, I think its working :) airodump06:59
lewixstdin, now let's try aireplay06:59
StoneNewtyou'tr gonna fund it any which way you look at it07:00
lewixohh I have to remake ? stdin07:00
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stdinlewix: to make aireplay work properly07:00
stdinlewix: but try without first07:00
logixoulstdin: Because I need the following setup: The first GRUB unconditionally chainloads a NT bootloader, which in turn gives me a choice between Windows and the "second GRUB". This second GRUB, then, boots unconditionally into Kubuntu. (the reason I can't just go without the first GRUB is: otherwise I would need to install the NT bootloader to the MBR while retaining its menu, and I don't know how to do that)07:01
Yorokobizoohouse, 'chmod +x binfile' then './binfile' to execute it07:01
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logixoulstdin: slightly headache inducing, I know =)07:01
runleveltenBluesKaj: if you find and open your konversationrc, you'll find it's fairly self explanatory how to add them, and the serverlist from kopete is in/opt/kde3/share/apps/kopete/ircnetworks.xml07:02
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lewixstdin, ok done07:02
zoohouseYorokobi: no no I mean that I want to be able to run the app regardless of my pwd. Just like you can type a command and it runs. Know what I mean? I want the app to run like a command07:03
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lewixstdin, too late Im remaking07:03
BluesKajrunlevelten, konversationrc?07:03
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lewixstdin, it's done . now im trying aireplay-ng07:03
stdinlewix: ok07:03
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runleveltensorry, it's not /opt/kde3 by default, it's /usr/share/apps/kopete/ircnetworks.xml07:04
Yorokobizoohouse, move it to /usr/local/bin then check the output of 'echo $PATH' to see if /usr/local/bin is there, if not, 'PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin; export PATH'07:04
lewixstdin, please specify a bssid (-b)07:04
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stdinlogixoul: you just edit the C:\boot.ini file (IIRC)07:05
runleveltenBluesKaj: find ~ -name "konversationrc"07:05
stdinlewix: the bssid is the thing that looks like a MAC address, in the form of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX07:05
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runlevelten(it's in .kde/share/config btw)07:06
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logixoulstdin: Marvelous, this seems to solve the whole problem! Thanks.07:06
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stdinlogixoul: :)07:06
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joe4288hey i have a little problem07:06
joe4288its happened twice now07:06
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stdinlewix: you get it from either kismet or "iwlist ath0 scan"07:07
joe4288randomly when i turn the comp on after the kde log in screen before kde boots up ill lose the signal to the monitor07:07
DexterFdoes it come back?07:07
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OuZohow can i make my normal user start kdm, instead of root? thanks07:07
joe4288yea if i restart the comp07:07
lewixstdin, I did sudo aireplay-ng -3 -a 00:18:01:87:D8:A5 -e Torrilo ath107:07
DexterFjoe4288: viceo card?07:07
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joe4288DexterF: its a onboard geforce 6100-m907:08
joe4288DexterF: its a biostart mother board07:08
stdinlewix: change -a to -b07:08
DexterFhmm. standard driver or did you install the binary nv?07:08
joe4288DexterF: im useing nvidia-gxl-new i think07:09
joe4288DexterF: it might just be nvidia-new cant remeber07:09
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DexterFhmm. fesity?07:09
DexterFgnn. feisty?07:09
joe4288DexterF: i do know nvidia-gxl doesnt work yes its feisty07:09
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DexterFI'd give hte binary driver a shot07:09
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:10
joe4288DexterF: i was using nv before07:10
runleveltenBluesKaj: you can print that file to screen without xml tags by stripping them with sed07:10
joe4288DexterF: but i want to use beryl so i updated the driver07:11
DexterFjoe4288: oh, wait.07:11
eagles0513875avoid the xmms channel they r total jerks07:11
DexterFi just read up on thsi. looks like glx-new actually *is* the binary driver07:11
hackeri know07:11
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lewixstdin, now it says please specify a source MAC(-h)07:11
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runleveltenie: sed -e 's/<[^>] *>//g' /usr/share/apps/kopete/ircnetworks.xml07:11
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joe4288DexterF: well im going to see if maybe i used the wrong 107:12
DexterFI have an ATi myself, so maybe someone else's comment here would help rather. on beryl: well, if you can live without it for the moment, do so. it's unstable and buggy anyway07:12
stdinlewix: put -h then the mac address of ath1 in there, use ifconfig ath1 to find it07:12
joe4288DexterF: theres 3 diffrenet nvidia drivers i think07:12
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joe4288DexterF: and i know for a fact gxl doesnt work fore me07:12
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orbisvicisi cant seem to get nfs working with guarddog ... all i need to do is permit Network File System - Sun Microsystems07:12
nastyhow is every one07:12
DexterFnope, sorry, then im outta ideas here.07:12
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orbisvicis... i think07:13
joe4288DexterF: well i dont know if im going to use it or not i just wanted to see it and try it out a little07:13
DexterForbisvicis: what's guarddog?07:13
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stdinDexterF: iptables GUI, like firestarter07:13
orbisvicisDexterF, kde iptables configurator07:13
DexterFjoe4288: its fun and has one or two nifty features but it's not like it makes kde a whole new experience.07:13
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joe4288DexterF: yea i know07:14
DexterForbisvicis: hmm... guess you need to use NFS on IP then and assign the daemons and clients fixed IPs07:14
joe4288DexterF: but doesnt change the fact that i have a weird little problem now07:14
DexterFerr, bullsh!t, IP, NFS on TCP of course07:14
joe4288DexterF: well thanks g2g07:14
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DexterFthere's howtos on that, google07:15
admin2hey theres a bug in nickserv07:15
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lewixstdin, sudo aireplay-ng -3 -b 00:18:01:87:D8:A5 -e Torrilo -h ath1 06-11-F5-8D-E0-F1-D0-E3-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-0007:15
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admin2i just logged in with an already used nick!07:15
lewixstdin, invalid source mac adress07:16
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stdinlewix: ahh, try 06:11:F5:8D:E0:F1:D0:E307:16
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orbisvicisdescription of guarddogs NFS service: portmapper:111 (tcp/udp) - mountd any port - nfsd port 2049 tcp/udp07:16
stdinadminh: ??07:16
orbisvicisis that right ?07:16
lewixstdin, the same07:16
BluesKajrunlevelten, /opt/kde3/share/apps/kopete/ircnetworks.xml ...can't be found07:17
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admin2change nick to admin207:17
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eagles0513875this is pissing me off07:17
eagles0513875!language |eagles05138707:17
ubotueagles051387: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:17
BluesKajrunlevelten, I do have konversationrc open , however07:17
orbisvicisthat is right ... so i dont know why it isnt working through guarddog07:18
eagles0513875Moderator: lol i cant find anyone who is familiar with xine coding to help me debug a bug07:18
stdinlewix: ahh, try F5:8D:E0:F1:D0:E307:18
runleveltenBluesKaj: it's not in opt/kde3 by default, I remembered that after saying it:)07:18
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runlevelten[18:03] <runlevelten> sorry, it's not /opt/kde3 by default, it's /usr/share/apps/kopete/ircnetworks.xml07:18
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eagles0513875anyone in here able to read code lol07:19
hackeri am07:19
lewixstdin, the same07:19
hackeri only read c07:19
hackerand python07:19
runleveltenyou can read it with the tags stripped out using that sed snippet up there ^ :)07:19
eagles0513875whats xine programmed in07:19
hackerno idea07:19
hackeri use vlc07:20
hackerit is codec-free.07:20
stdinlewix: you need to move "ath1" to the end of the command07:20
eagles0513875anyone else able to read code that uses xine07:20
eagles0513875and knows how to debug07:20
hackerit will play anything.07:20
stdineagles0513875: looks like it's written in C07:21
orbisviciswhere does guarddog/iptables keep logs ?07:21
runleveltenDoes it play DRM-infected windows media?07:21
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BluesKajrunlevelten, sed snippet? ...your speaking a lingo that's not familiar to me :)07:21
lewixstdin, it seems to work now but I dont see packets on airodump07:21
hackeri think it might.07:21
stdinorbisvicis: probably syslog or kernlog07:21
hackeri use a mac07:21
runleveltendrop this in a console: sed -e 's/<[^>] *>//g' /usr/share/apps/kopete/ircnetworks.xml07:21
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hackerso i dont have any.07:21
runleveltenthat will print the list without all the xml tags :)07:21
orbisvicisstdin, where are those ?07:21
elite101Hey i am in my Display Setting's Network tab and My video card (nvidia vanta) wont let me configure it. the button is shaded out? not clickable?07:22
hackerit doesnt play itunes though.07:22
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lewixstdin, so I have "read 0 packets......sent 0 packets...:"07:22
stdinlewix: you have to wait07:22
elite101hardware tab*07:22
stdinorbisvicis: in /var/log07:22
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jhutchins_ltelite101: Do you have an "admin mode" button or checkbox?07:22
eagles0513875hacker:  u might be able to help me but let me see if i can get any info out of anyone in the xine room first07:22
BluesKajrunlevelten, gotcha ...copy n paste07:22
elite1011sec i might lol07:22
lewixstdin, you sure? because it's like airodump is not working07:22
hackeri will be moderator07:22
elite101stupid me lol07:22
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elite101jhutchins_It: thanks07:23
eagles0513875Moderator: lol im conused lol07:23
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neusoncewhats an intresting name " hacker"07:23
stdinlewix: it has to get some packets before it can send them07:23
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hackerwhy are you confused07:23
lewixstdin, let me try to do it step by step again because I did aireplay before airodump07:23
eagles0513875hacker: u a moderator of the channel or something lol07:24
hackeri am, though. everyoner talking about different stuff07:24
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:24
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eagles0513875hacker may i pm ya07:24
stdinlewix: you can try running that command in another shell, but with "-1 0" instead of "-3" too07:24
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hackeri just am amazed by the lack of security.07:24
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elite101it says my video card is a RIVA TNT? but its a Nvidia vanta?07:24
lewixstdin, becuase I dont see any connection on airodump either07:25
lewixstdin, ok I try it07:25
eagles0513875hacker: did u get my pm07:25
thrillaalt install cd is crashing on me07:25
neusoncehey guys whats the linux  terminal command for the dos format c:07:25
hackerno im unregistered07:25
elite101lol reads it as 256kb ram? i have mb ram?07:25
eagles0513875hacker: u should register07:25
stdinneusonce: huh? that doesn't make sense07:25
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hackernot right now sorry07:25
phionaneu: cd .. ?07:26
thrillacan anyone WHO KNOWS what they are doing help me07:26
hackerwhat about email. i have i great spam filter07:26
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neusonceok the msdos  way of wiping clean your harddrive befoer you reinstall is format c:07:26
eagles0513875!ask |thrilla07:26
ubotuthrilla: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:26
dr_willisthrilla,  check the checksum, for a start on the cd and the iso file.07:26
dr_willisi gotta go. byeee07:26
eagles0513875hacker: mine is eagles05138707:26
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stdinneusonce: ahh, the installer will do that for you07:26
thrillaalready did that07:26
eagles0513875hacker: @gmail.com07:26
neusonceno no no07:26
jhutchins_ltneusonce: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DOS-Win-to-Linux-HOWTO.html07:27
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neusonce of got some logical partitions i wanna get rid of07:27
jhutchins_ltneusonce:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:27
hackeremail me instead of pm07:27
neusonce and i need to keep some stuff safe in the d :07:27
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stdinneusonce: you can't do it from a mounted disk07:27
eagles0513875hacker: sent u chat invite07:27
stdinneusonce: and format isn't the same as removing partitions07:27
lewixstdin, failed: no such device07:27
neusoncewell this computer wont let me boot into dos07:27
jcku393does anyone know how to figure out what chipsets you have in your hardware, i need better display drivers for my new monitor07:28
neusoncei need to do a clean format07:28
thrillathe installer is getting to 85% then crashing07:28
hackerwhat is that07:28
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stdinlewix: make sure you put ath1 at the end07:28
stdin!format | neusonce07:28
ubotuneusonce: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:28
lewixstdin, yep07:28
jhutchins_ltneusonce: clean format so you can re-install Windows?07:28
stdinlewix: post the command you used07:28
neusonceGOD HELL NO07:28
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stdinneusonce: man mkfs < read07:28
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:28
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jhutchins_ltneusonce: What then?  And watch the language, children present.07:29
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neusonce iv got a 330hdd and its only saying iv got 300 aviable07:29
thrillaand someone told me to try pressing ctrl+alt+right arrow when it crashes07:29
jhutchins_ltneusonce: What you need to do depends on what you plan to use the partition for.07:29
thrillathat does nothing07:29
jhutchins_ltthrilla: Did you verify your disk?07:30
lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m3adbd28207:30
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neusonce i "need" to clean info from my hardisk07:30
jhutchins_ltneusonce: What you need to do depends on what you plan to use the partition for.07:30
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jhutchins_ltthrilla: Standard or Alt disk?07:30
runleveltenyou want to wipe information? What, wipe securely?07:30
thrillathe package it crashes on is07:30
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thrillaalt disk07:30
jhutchins_ltthrilla: It's possible that it's just taking a long time to install that very large packge.07:31
runleveltenYou should use thermite-based data rearrangement to securely remove the data from it.07:31
stdinlewix: put -h before 06-11-F5-8D-E0-F1-D0-E3 and change it to "F5:8D:E0:F1:D0:E3"07:31
thrillahow long should i wait?07:31
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neusonceis KDE  more stable ?07:31
runleveltenThermite formatting isn't cheap or safe though, heh07:32
neusonceand what are the fundemental difference's between kde and gnome07:32
lewixstdin, http://pastebin.com/m1d5f3e4007:32
jhutchins_ltneusonce: There's a floppy-based distribution called Darik's Boot and Nuke - http://dban.sourceforge.net/07:32
runleveltenGnome sucks. Kde, less so.07:32
thrillathe way the GUI looks07:32
neusoncei highly doubt07:32
neusoncei will be useing  thermite07:32
thrillaso go rent a wood chipper07:32
jhutchins_ltneusonce: That will securely erase the partitions.07:33
runleveltenIt's the only guaranteed method of secure data removal, heh#07:33
neusoncemy computer so new it aint got a floppy07:33
jhutchins_ltneusonce: There are ways to do it manually from Linux too.07:33
neusoncehowever i should still be able to load on a cd07:33
runleveltenthrilla: I used to do some forensic data retrieval, and we got (relatively speaking) a lot of data back from a disk that had been chopped into small pieces.07:33
jhutchins_ltneusonce: It's also available for CD and DVD.  Have a look at that page and come back if you have questions.07:34
neusoncei just need to keep the d: partiton the rest of them are snaky logical partitions07:34
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jhutchins_ltneusonce: So what are you going to do with them?07:34
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stdinlewix: try  sudo aireplay -1 0 -a 00:18:01:87:D8:A5 -e Torrilo -h F5:8D:E0:F1:D0:E3 ath07:34
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thrillarun: you cann't get data off a disk the size of wood chips07:35
lewixstdin, no such device07:35
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stdinlewix: yeah, put ath1, insread of ath07:35
=== chuso [n=chuso@249.Red-83-32-222.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
chusoHi :)07:36
chusoFirst of all sorry for my English07:36
neusoncewell the only reason i wanna keep the d: partiton "if its still there" is to make sure just in case i ever need windows again iv got a back up07:36
lewixstdin, error07:36
jhutchins_ltneusonce: drive letters are only meaningful within windows.07:36
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neusonceshhhh linux baby07:36
jhutchins_ltneusonce: Anyway, like I said, read the web page I sent you.07:37
stdin!es | chuso07:37
ubotuchuso: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:37
stdinlewix: what error?07:37
chusoi'm running kubuntu feisty, and i'm trying to mount an external ntfs partition. I have just installed ntfs-3g, ntfs-config, and added my user to fuse group, but i'm not able to mount the partiton. Thanks in advance :)07:37
lewixstdin, the same one as in the pastebin07:37
neusonce 2 hours 18 mins till i get kubuntu07:38
stdinlewix: you used "sudo aireplay-ng -1 0 -a 00:18:01:87:D8:A5 -e Torrilo -h F5:8D:E0:F1:D0:E3 ath1" ?07:38
chusostdin: I know those chanels :/ thanks anyway07:38
runleveltenthrilla, how big is wood chip size?07:38
neusonceso whats the difference between  the desktops07:38
lewixstdin,  yes sir...exactly07:38
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stdinchuso: btw, permissions don't apply until you logout and back in, so try that07:38
lewixstdin, why don't we just do it from scratch step by step to see what's wrong07:38
runleveltenoh, thrilla went :)07:38
jhutchins_ltchuso: Have you rebooted since you installed the 3g stuff?07:38
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stdinlewix: ok07:39
=== ilovekubuntu is now known as hacker
chusook stdin, thanks a lot :) i'm going to check it07:39
H4xC0ri would you like run perl script in my apache server07:39
eagles0513875hacker: pm me again lol07:39
lewixstdin, do I have to type in airmon--ng start wifi0?07:39
stdinlewix: no07:39
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lewixstdin, ok..so now airodump07:39
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runleveltenhacker128: why are you continually changing your nick?07:40
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runleveltenYou're making me dizzy07:40
hacker128im not07:40
lewixstdin, in iwconfig I can see ath0 and ath107:40
elite101lol yes thirty times a minute07:40
hacker128elitehacker is apparantly a cracker.07:40
elite101its elite10107:40
elite101if u think u can hack? why not joing #hacker ?07:41
elite101or #kubuntu-offtopic07:41
stdinlewix: ok, see if kismet works07:41
neusonceyou need to be invited dont you ?07:41
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elite101how do i change the apperance of KDE so its got the Black and grey look? and appearnce packs to download?07:42
lewixstdin, it works but no connection on it just like airodump07:42
hacker128i hack not crack07:42
hacker128mr elite07:42
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=== runlevelten oops's
neusonceand the difference is  mr hacker ???07:42
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elite101exact? join #hacker07:42
stdinlewix: kismet and airodump interfere with eachother, only use one at a time07:42
jhutchins_ltGuys, we do have some active support conversations going on here, could you move the chatter to offtopic please?07:42
lewixstdin, that's what I did07:42
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elite101thats what i said07:43
lewixstdin, do you think that my lan connection interfere07:43
jhutchins_ltelite101: They're called themes for kde.07:43
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elite101how do i apply them?07:43
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stdinlewix: not if it's wired07:43
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stdin!changethemes | elite10107:43
ubotuelite101: To change your themes, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu users should visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu.07:43
lewixstdin,  it is07:43
jhutchins_ltelite101: http://www.kde-look.org/07:43
=== chuso [n=chuso@249.Red-83-32-222.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
lewixstdin, iwlist ath0 scan: I can see 4 AP07:44
chusostdin: it didn't work :(07:44
stdinlewix: airodump onld dumps packets it sees, you need to initiate the packets with aireplay now07:44
elite101i got some 3D looking desktop's that look really good and changed the colour of my taskbar but everthing else is stil blue and white lol07:44
stdinchuso: what does "ls -l /dev/fuse" show?07:45
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chusocrw-rw---- 1 root fuse 10, 229 2007-07-24 19:17 /dev/fuse07:45
stdinchuso: and "groups|grep fuse" shows output?07:46
elite101and how can i make firefox my default browser? uninstall konqueror?07:46
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chusoyes it do07:46
stdinelite101: no, in system settings -> default applications07:46
chusomy user is in fuse group07:46
chusobut I still cannot mount ntfs partitions07:46
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stdinchuso: what happens when you try to mount the partition?07:46
chusostdin: you mean trying to mount with sudo?07:47
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stdinchuso: no, when you try to mount it, what happens ?07:48
chusoif so, its mounted without write premissions (for the root user). I think its not using a suitable driver07:48
stdinchuso: how are you trying to mount it?07:48
chusostdin: with mount command07:49
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chusomount /dev/sde1 /path07:49
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lewixstdin, I tried to run aireplay and it says device or ressource busy...07:49
stdinchuso: you need to put "-t ntfs-3g" on the end07:49
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kamuiis there a linux manga reader or image viewer that can read manga in rar format?07:49
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl07:49
stdinkamui: rar is an archive07:50
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:50
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.07:50
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chusostdin: ok :) it tells me the device was not correctly unmounted, so its locked. I'm going to unmount under windows07:50
stdinlewix: hmm, what command did you use?07:50
chusothank you very very much stdin!07:50
kamuino kidding, I you arne't supposed to extract the contents, they're sorted inside the rar additionally programs like CDisplay for windows do it fine07:51
chusoand thank you for trying to understand my English!07:51
kamuijust asking if there was a linux image viewer that can view inside of rars07:51
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lewixstdin, aireplay-ng -3 -a xxxxxxxxx -e xxx -h xx07:51
neusoncethe kde desktop im looking at seems much more  dare i say windows like. than  anything i seen outside windows07:51
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runleveltenkamui: All they generally do is extract the data to a temporary location, provide it to you, and delete the temp data when done.07:52
runleveltenYou can do this yourself if you wish...07:52
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stdinlewix: what's all the x's?07:52
kamuirunlevelten, CDisplay decompresses on the fly, its fine, it apears there's nothing available that anyone knows about07:52
kamuiIm using this on HPC with linux installed, leaves me with less than stellar options for decompression07:53
neusoncedose anybody know of a program that can mask youre ip though a proxy or any other method07:53
stdinneusonce: for what purpose?07:53
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jhutchins_ltkamui: just unrar it.07:54
neusoncethe reason why07:54
stdinon what? IRC, WWW ... ?07:54
jhutchins_ltkamui: unrar will assemble it from a chopped-up rar too.07:54
jhutchins_ltkamui: It's so easy in linux that nobody's ever bothered to make it easier.07:54
neusonceis  my last os VISTA  got a zob.trojan and basicalyy 3 years of  blender work, scripts and financial records were lost  in half a sec07:55
kamuijhutchins_lt, unrarring 400 mangas into already limited space is not an option, ill find another solution thanks anyway07:55
neusonce i cant risk that again so im reeducating myself with linux,07:55
neusonceand i would have got a mac but they scream of hardware issues07:55
stdinneusonce: masking IP won't stop torjans on windows07:56
stdinneusonce: but look in to the "tor" package for "Maximum" security07:56
lewixstdin, ok. here is what I did: http://pastebin.com/m64a4b99707:56
jhutchins_ltneusonce: I would say the first thing you should do is learn how to do proper backups.07:56
stdinneusonce: tor puts proxys to shame07:56
runleveltenkamui: you can unrar to stdout07:56
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runleveltenyou don't need to save it to a disk.07:56
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kamuiwhat and pipe the output into the eye of gnome?  lol07:57
runleveltenuse unrar p if you want to pipe it to another app, not the disk.07:57
neusoncelike i said im a linux baby i feel so infantile reeducating myself  with you guys around07:57
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venikHow can I change the size of the icons in the main (right) panel at the bottom of the screen?07:57
runleveltenspose so.07:57
jhutchins_ltkamui: Yeah, pipe the unrar output to mplayer (or your player of choice).07:57
neusoncecan you explain what this tors basicly dose07:57
runleveltenif eog is your favoured image viewer07:57
kamuiwell, Ill give it a shot right now on the desktop and see what happens07:58
jhutchins_ltkamui: That's another reason things aren't bundled in linux, they can be used more flexibly.07:58
kamuiif this works the you get kudos07:58
stdinlewix: ok, some routers aren't venerable to to the attack, you can always try another attack or accsspoint07:58
runleveltenand it reads from stdin, which I don't actually know because I don't use it :)07:58
lewixstdin, airodump is not working though07:58
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lewixstdin, you know..it works but I dont see nay connection07:58
venikThe icons are WAY too big, but the place to change them in System Settings is grayed out07:59
stdinneusonce: it 1st will mask your IP, but more than that it's impossible to see what your IP is or where your date is going to/coming from as it's wrapped in encryption07:59
stdinneusonce: look it up on wikipedia07:59
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neusoncei just did, stdin but thank you very much,08:00
kamuigok didn't work at all08:00
kamuiIll just buy a bigger compact flash08:00
stdinneusonce: that tor is probably THE most secure you can be08:00
runleveltenkamui: did you try piping it to mplayer?08:01
kamuimplayer didn't know how to handle the incoming stream08:01
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runleveltenand you seem like you'd know to try the individual images, not a complete extract08:01
kamuiyea, I did08:01
kamuirar p blab.rar file.image | gqview08:02
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kamuithen I tried mplayer08:02
kamuineither worked08:02
lewixstdin, the other command with -3: http://pastebin.com/m7df06f3f08:02
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kamuiat least if I could get single images, I could write a perl script to automate it08:03
stdinlewix: ok, now it's waiting for ARPs to resend, leave it08:03
neusonceso totaly theoritically and in jest say if i have this "tor" on my system   if i  "hacked" in to some goverment facillity i would in effect be  protected? " this is not a serious question but id like a serious anwser "08:03
kamuiregardless, It looks like this is less usefull than just investing in an 8gig CF card08:03
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lewixstdin, ok08:03
stdinneusonce: pretty much, as your IP wouldn't be in any logs. the "government facility" would only see the outward address of the tor "router" you connected from (which is random and changes)08:05
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stdinneusonce: tho, as a warning. some sites block knows tor routers all together08:06
=== plhardy [n=philippe@d77-216-135-118.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #kubuntu
stdinneusonce: like irc.freenode.net, you'd need to give the freenode staff  your gpg key to use tor with freenode08:06
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neusonce when i was useing my terminal is said could not install no gpg key !!08:07
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ryjinhello all08:08
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ardchoilleWhy would someone need tor if they aren't planing any malisious activity?08:08
ryjinHow do I install skype-
acpopaisome one speak rench?08:08
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto08:08
stdinneusonce: the package is "gnupg"08:08
elite101commet cava?08:08
acpopaica va08:09
elite101cava bein08:09
elite101jem apple elite10108:09
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stdinryjin: right click it, there is a kubuntu menu then, choose install package08:10
joe4288hi im having some troube with a few programs08:10
elite101all i know from french class08:10
ubuntu_boa tarde08:10
joe4288when i try to load them they just kinda flash by08:10
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.08:10
elite101but i know this08:10
joe4288like when i try qemu08:10
elite101von frai evashe'08:10
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elite101hahah :P08:10
joe4288if i try loading it with qemu launcher it will just flash by08:10
winolHey there .08:10
runleveltenkamui: ramdisk?08:10
joe4288like it loads then closes imediatly08:11
stdinjoe4288: qemu is a command line app08:11
joe4288stdin: yea i know08:11
winolI got a problem with my Epson Stylus Photo RX520 and i cant Scan anything . can someone help me plz ? :(08:11
joe4288stdin: if i load it from a terminal i have no problem08:11
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joe4288stdin: but if i use qemu launcher it just flashes08:11
joe4288stdin: i never had that problem with debian08:11
stdinjoe4288: what qemu launcher?08:12
joe4288stdin: theres a program qemu launcher08:12
neusoncesay i was a very very motivated hacker,   could i anychance at all trace an ip  thats been pass thougth a tor  server?08:12
lewixstdin, im trying to lower my transmit rate to see: iwconfig ath1 rate 1M08:12
joe4288stdin: it lets you pick everything graphicly08:12
eagles0513875this is really upsetting me now08:12
stdinjoe4288: which one?08:12
lewixstdin, there's an error "operation not permitter". should I use wifi0?08:12
joe4288stdin: like the driver the proccors thats its emulating08:12
stdinlewix: no, use sudo08:13
BluesKajis a " *.ro file " a compressed file similar to zip or rar ?08:13
winolHey guys ! i've got a problem with my Espon STYLUS photo RX520 . I cant scan anything .. can someone Help me plz ? ive got a mail to send tomorow and its very important :(08:13
joe4288stdin: qemu launcher is just a grachpical front end08:13
stdinjoe4288: yes, there are a few of them, what package ?08:13
eagles0513875BluesKaj: now lame pkg in gutsy x64 is broken08:13
jhutchinswinol: Do you have the sane packages installed?  Was this previously working?08:13
joe4288stdin: whats do you mean feisty?08:13
jhutchins!info sane08:13
ubotusane: scanner graphical frontends. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.14-1 (feisty), package size 103 kB, installed size 324 kB08:13
runleveltenwinol: what do you get when you crank up xsane?08:13
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BluesKajeagles0513875, bummer08:14
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eagles0513875BluesKaj: i cant transcode this one mp3 to flac08:14
stdinjoe4288: no, what is the GUI foe qemu you are using, there's more than one08:14
winolrunlevelten : Sorry guys , im a newbie with Ubuntu . i didnt test Xsane or whatever ...08:14
lewixstdin, association succesful :)08:14
jhutchinseagles0513875: Gutsy is SUPPOSED to be broken.  That's why it's available for TESTING!08:14
joe4288stdin: its called qemu launcher08:14
stdinlewix: it should start sending ARP requests soon08:14
winolJhutchins: i dont know how to install them . i have a .tar.GZ file ! but i have them08:15
runleveltenthat's cool - try it now08:15
BluesKajwhy do it eagles0513875 ?, it won't sound any better and the file will just be larger08:15
eagles0513875jhutchins: i know but this happened after i transcoded about 300 songs or so it could be the song ripped wrong08:15
stdinjoe4288: where did you get it from?08:15
runleveltenI use a similar MFD to the 520, and I only use xsane with it :)08:15
eagles0513875BluesKaj: i actually notice a difference08:15
joe4288stdin: i got it from the ubuntu packages08:15
joe4288stdin: with kpackage08:15
bentob0xI have my K menu on the left hand side of the screen and everytime I download something onto the desktop, I have to right-click on the desktop>icons>line up vertically to realign and see the icons08:15
stdinjoe4288: ok, what package name?08:15
rustalothow would I go about getting KDE 4? Can I run it as a seperate desktop session?08:15
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lewixstdin, it is sending...I wait08:15
joe4288stdin: on second and ill tell you for sure08:15
jhutchinseagles0513875: As the topic of #ubuntu+1 says, " Please *don't* run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing, etc | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems08:16
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jhutchinswinol: sudo aptitude install sane08:16
stdinlewix: airdoump should be doing something now08:16
lewixstdin, it is :)08:16
BluesKajeagles0513875, i fail to understand how it could ..Itdoesn't fill in the missing bits that were stripped when it was encoded into MP308:16
winol<jhutchins> : ok ! thanks im typing it08:16
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lewixstdin, what's the next step08:17
joe4288stdin: its under the package name qemu-lanucher under otherosfs08:17
stdinlewix: when you have a about 500,000 packets (more is better), you can start aircrack-ng08:17
eagles0513875BluesKaj: for some reaosn i notice a difference08:17
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jhutchinseagles0513875: You can't get back data lost to a lossy compression program like mp3.  You will only loose additonal data by transcoding to another lossy compression, even if the other compression is better.08:17
eagles0513875ahhh ok08:17
jermainhi everyone08:17
runleveltenIt may be psychosomatic eagles0513875 :)08:17
lewixstdin, ok thanks08:18
winol<jhutchins> :08:18
winolE: Impossible de verrouiller /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Ressource temporairement non disponible)08:18
winolE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it08:18
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:18
CocytusWhats with the "big icons" frenzy nowadays? Oxygen apparently wants icon view to default to 128x128?08:18
winolops sorry guys !08:18
elite101lol wow i found this SDRAM stick it says imprinted on the corner 4MBx64? its a 256!!08:18
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:18
eagles0513875lol nice08:18
vzduch!aptfix | winol08:18
ubotuwinol: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 08:18
runleveltenand even by transcoding to a lossless codec :)08:18
jhutchinswinol: Make sure you don't have any other package tools running, make sure you began with "sudo", if all else fails:08:18
eagles0513875i somehow find more help in here than i do in the gutsy channel08:18
jhutchinsDo what ubotu said.08:18
joe4288stdin: but i also have other programs that act a little weird08:18
stdinjoe4288: try the package qtemu it's newer and would work better with newer versions of qemu08:19
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joe4288stdin: ok08:19
eagles0513875j/w what other programs r there for transcoding08:19
elite101i only have 192mb now with 256 i will have (taking out my 64)  i will have 384mb/sdram brb going to try it08:19
winoljhutchins: ok its working now .08:19
winoljhutchins: what do i have to do now ?08:19
joe4288stdin: but other programs will try loading (bouncing icon) then just dissapear08:19
jhutchinseagles0513875: There are a bunch.08:19
joe4288stdin: do you have any idea of the cause?08:19
jermainwtf ubuntu has a lamp PACKAGE? If only i had known sooner :(08:19
BluesKajsoundKonverter, works well08:19
jhutchinswinol: Read the docs for sane and set it up.08:19
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stdinjoe4288: all apps, or just some?08:20
winoljhutchins: ok !08:20
joe4288stdin: just some08:20
stdinjoe4288: which ones?08:20
lewixstdin,  seems like its gonna take about 10min. im gonna watch some tv. ill get back to you in 10 min08:20
jhutchinswinol: Usually you just need to run it and it will set itself up.08:20
stdinlewix: yeah, it takes ages08:20
eagles0513875jhutchins: like what others im using sound konverter and im having a problem wiht it with this one song08:20
BluesKajeagles0513875, soundKonverter08:20
runleveltenyeah, and the konquerer service menus that offer conversion from everything to everything else are cool :)08:20
lewixstdin, thanks though08:20
winoljhutchins: im running Xsane atm . but it told me that my device is my logitech webcam :(08:20
joe4288stdin: one off the top of my head is avida evolution simulator08:20
jhutchinswinol: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners08:20
joe4288stdin: but there are others that i cant remeber right now08:20
eagles0513875BluesKaj: already using it but its not working with this one song08:20
jhutchinswinol: Grrr, sorry.08:20
jhutchins!xsane | winol08:21
ubotuwinol: Scanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners08:21
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stdinjhutchins: is this on dapper or edgy or feisty?08:21
jhutchinsThe first URL.08:21
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BluesKajsong data could be corrupt08:21
jhutchinsKonversation doesn't select properly for cut-and-paste08:21
joe4288stdin: i cant find the package qtemu08:21
jermainoh dang i misread, there is no lamp package >< Does anyone have time to help me with a small problem?08:22
jhutchinsstdin: Sorry, what did you mean to ask?08:22
jermainI installed php5 but cant open php files in the browser08:22
vzduchjhutchins: I told the Konversation guys that already 2 years ago.. they said they would look into it, but apparently they haven't08:22
joe4288stdin: ow and also my wine doesnt work08:22
stdinjhutchins: tab completion error :p08:22
jhutchinsvzduch: That or it's not trivial to fix.08:22
runleveltenwhat's the boggle with selection in konversation?08:22
stdinjoe4288:  this on dapper or edgy or feisty?08:22
joe4288stdin: feisty08:22
BluesKajwinol, i'm very disappointed in kooka and sane ...still behind the the windows drivers in terms of colour , light and resolution capabilities08:22
vzduchrunlevelten: if you are selecting something (or have selected) and the line scrolls up, the selection is gone08:23
jhutchinsrunlevelten: If you have say two URL's in a post, and you try to select one for cut and paste, you'll usually get the other.08:23
winolubotu: nothing is working i think .08:23
stdinjoe4288: hmm, some apps (for some reason) just don't start  the 1st time, nothing you can really do08:23
BluesKajI'm keeping my windows partition due the fact that linux scanning sucks ..08:23
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=== BluesKaj ducks
joe4288stdin: hmmm08:23
jhutchinsvzduch: You can get around that by scrolling up a bit to freeze the scrollbuffer.08:23
runleveltenAh, I see vzduch08:24
winolBluesKaj:  yeah i noticed that .... i think im going to install both System on my computer ! :(08:24
stdinjhutchins: I think that's a Qt bug actually (well, Qt3)08:24
vzduchjhutchins: that won't work in my experience, at least it didn't in earlier version (0.10.x)08:24
joe4288stdin: but how come the programs work under the terminal08:24
runleveltenjhutchins: how are you selecting it08:24
joe4288stdin: like i can run wine thorugh the terminal and qemu08:24
jhutchinsrunlevelten: Right click on URL, choose "Copy URL to Clipboard".08:24
vzduchI'm lazy to check now, running irssi here :)08:25
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runleveltenAh yes.08:25
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BluesKajwinol , make sure you install windows first , so you don't have boot problems afterwards08:25
stdinjoe4288: kde doesn't execute the command directly, it runs it "inside" another app08:25
jhutchinsI see that the URL is displayed in the status bar, and I got the one I wanted that time...08:25
joe4288stdin: i know so what could be the problem?08:25
jhutchinsThis is why I hadn't filed a bug on it yet.08:25
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stdinjoe4288: don't know, probably just a but, it the app doesn't start in about 10 seconds try again08:26
joe4288stdin: done that no good08:26
stdinjhutchins: it's a known bug in konvi08:26
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joe4288stdin: i also have an issue with beryl08:27
stdinjoe4288: if it's a command line app, then it normally needs you to run it in a terminal08:27
kaichi. my internet in kubuntu seems slower than in windows. what could it be?08:27
joe4288stdin: i can get it to run but i can see any of its effects08:27
stdinjoe4288: what graphics card?08:28
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MstbZalleso now let it scroll up, then I'm gonna check08:28
joe4288stdin: nvidia geforce 610008:28
joe4288stdin: and yes i have the nvidia-gxl-new driver08:28
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eagles0513875BluesKaj: now with my problem its saying xine cant initialize any audio drivers08:28
stdinjoe4288: do you get the beryl icon in the system tray?08:28
joe4288stdin: yes08:29
underdog5004I'm trying to install awn on my lappy...I've already got it installed on my desktop, I used the download.tuxfamily.org repo...but I can't find the gpg key for the repos...is there a way to find it?08:29
joe4288stdin: and i can select beryl as windows manger08:29
joe4288stdin: but then all my boarders dissapear08:29
eagles0513875time to update my bug report08:29
jhutchinsunderdog5004: They may not have one.08:29
=== genii sips a coffee
BluesKajin soundKonverter ?08:29
=== M_A_K [n=JuJuBee_@24-105-217-35.cm.mhcable.com] has joined #kubuntu
M_A_KWhat program can I use to convert an AVI to a DVD?08:30
underdog5004jhutchins, no, I think they do, because when I did sudo apt-get update, it spat out an error:  W: GPG error: http://download.tuxfamily.org edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 576856718434D43A08:30
stdinunderdog5004: "gpg --search-keys SearchTerm" or if you know the key number "gpg --recv-keys KEY"08:30
winolBluesKaj: yeah yeah :) can u tell me how to install PROPERLY Kubuntu plz ? (number of PArtition ? size ? etc etc ? tks )08:30
BluesKajTovid , or devede, M_A_K08:30
underdog5004stdin, thanks08:31
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geniiM_A_K:  Whatever avi to dvd you use, be prepared to wait a long time08:31
kaichi. my internet in kubuntu seems slower than in windows. what could it be?08:31
stdinjoe4288: only way to debug is to exit beryl and run it from konsole, and talk to the people in #ubuntu-effects08:31
H4xC0rhi ;)08:31
joe4288stdin: well thanks08:32
joe4288stdin: im tired ill try and figure everything out later08:32
underdog5004stdin, didn't work...couldn't key on keyserver08:32
M_A_KIs there a better way?  I took video on my camera and used windows (i know... :(  ) to make a movie I want to put on dvd.08:32
underdog5004I searched for awn, avast, and avast window navigator08:32
stdinunderdog5004: do you have the keyserver set?08:32
M_A_KWhat is the linux equivalent for windows movie maker ?08:33
BluesKajwinlol , i'm using 20G for windows on hda1 , and the rest is for kubuntu and linux swap on hda2 and hda308:33
underdog5004stdin, I'm not sure...what does that mean?08:33
vzduchjhutchins: you're right, scrolling up a bit will hold the selection now in Konvi08:33
stdinunderdog5004: try: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 576856718434D43A08:33
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underdog5004gpg: requesting key 8434D43A from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com08:33
underdog5004gpg: key 8434D43A: public key "Aren Olson <reacocard@gmail.com>" imported08:33
underdog5004gpg: Total number processed: 108:33
underdog5004gpg:               imported: 108:33
underdog5004sorry for the spam08:33
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virajmy usb speakers are not workig08:34
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persenHi, looking for a ok bittorent client that supports RSS. anyone? Azuerues is out of the question as it uses to much system resources08:34
stdinunderdog5004: now you have to give the key to apt: gpg --export -a 8434D43A | sudo apt-key add -08:34
underdog5004stdin, ok08:35
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virajcould somebody tell me why my speakers are not working?08:35
eagles0513875!patience |viraj08:35
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virajlogitech v1008:35
ubotuviraj: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:35
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eagles0513875its ok is this a desktop or laptop and was it a clean install of kubuntu08:35
underdog5004stdin, it totally worked!08:36
underdog5004thanks a lot08:36
stdinunderdog5004: no problem :)08:36
geniiunderdog5004: I see stdin is taking care of you :)08:36
genii!helpersnack | stdin08:37
ubotustdin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:37
eagles0513875BluesKaj: i have isolated the problem08:37
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BluesKajaha !08:37
eagles0513875viraj: did u do a clean install08:37
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=== stdin munches on a cookie
eagles0513875BluesKaj: i compiled libxine from source and now its saying xine cannot initilize any audio devices08:37
virajyes my kubuntu installed perfectly08:37
eagles0513875!helpersnack |eagles05138708:38
ubotueagles051387: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:38
=== eagles0513875 yay much much much....
=== cloakable is away: Gone away for now.
chaotic1heyhow come caffeine will play xvid but mplayer wont08:38
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eagles0513875viraj: open up the mixer and see if anything is muted and unmute it08:38
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chaotic1is their propietary codecs for mplayer08:39
StoneNewtchaotic1: define 'doesn't'?08:39
eagles0513875chaotic1: use vlc08:39
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StoneNewtlavc should decode xvid08:39
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BluesKajeagles0513875, i think i'd trust the repos for libxine on gutsy , not the xine source08:40
virajno ... unmuting "pc speaker" does not help08:40
MaTiAzDo you have problems fetching packages from the repositories?08:40
stdinbesides, xvid isn't proprietary08:40
MaTiAzI can't install Firefox, it says 404 :|08:40
eagles0513875BluesKaj: if i do can u explain the cuttin in and out08:40
stdinMaTiAz: try "sudo apt-get update" first08:41
virajhowever, i can change my laptop speaker volume from the volume control on my usb speakers.... interesting :)08:41
venikThe icons in the "Quick Launch" panel are WAY too big, but the place to change them in System Settings is grayed out08:41
BluesKajno eagles0513875 , sorry :(08:41
geniistdin: I heard also earlier today Aussie repos are down08:41
MaTiAzstdin: Haha, works now, thanks :D08:41
virajvenik, did u try administrator mode?08:41
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venikno-- let me try08:41
stdingenii: it was just an out-of-date cache :)08:42
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eagles0513875BluesKaj: its ok u rule08:42
venikviraj-- not available for Appearance08:42
araizenhi all08:42
araizeni just installed kubuntu a couple of days ago08:42
eagles0513875!helpersnack |blueskaj08:42
ubotublueskaj: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!08:42
geniistdin: Ah, OK08:43
=== BluesKaj gobbles cooky
araizenmy pppoe internet connection stops working after it's been connected for a while08:43
venikAdministrator mode, I mean08:43
araizenanywhere from a few minutes to a half hour08:43
autoscumhey guys, i got a major problem, my resolution doesnt wanna change above 640x48008:43
elite101how big is DSL linux the livecd? anyone know?08:43
elite101i wanna burn the iso08:43
araizensuddenly no new connections work, though older connections that are still active continue to work08:43
autoscumand yet it was working fine a few mins ago08:43
araizendoes anyone have any idea what the problem might be?08:43
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virajvenik, was ur install smooth?08:44
elite101autoscum: restart your computer!!! worked for me i had the same prob08:44
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chaotic1what the hell is this08:44
stdin!xconfig | autoscum08:44
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ubotuautoscum: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes08:44
venikyes it was08:44
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geniiaraizen: Offhand it looks possible to be mismatched MTU between computer and what the pppoe modem/ISP uses08:44
elite101autoscum: just restart your computer it works fine after it reloads08:44
stdinautoscum: but restart X first to check, logout and choose "restart X server" from KDMs menu08:45
viraji would suggest restarting and logging in as admin.. or root.. it worked for me once08:45
chaotic1error opening/initializing the selected voideo_out (-vo) device08:45
araizengenii: can you point me to where to look to fix it?08:45
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chaotic1mplayer keeps telling me that08:45
elite101crtl-alt-space? or backspace08:45
stdinchaotic1: what -vo device did you use?08:45
stdinelite101: nither08:45
stdinelite101:  logout and choose "restart X server" from KDMs menu08:45
chaotic1what do u mean vo device08:46
stdinchaotic1: what command did you use?08:46
geniiaraizen: If there is some web interface to your modem/router perhaps tinker with the MTU settings there.08:46
rrbizskype's unreliable in linux :(08:46
chaotic1nothing just opened it from kde menu08:46
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stdinchaotic1: you using the mplayer GUI?08:47
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virajmy usb speakers r not working but i can control my laptop volume from them .... ???08:47
araizengenii: okay, i'll look into it, thanks08:47
chaotic1Yeah the gui08:47
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chaotic1never prompted me for a vo device08:47
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autoscumubotu: can you repeat that, please?08:48
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stdinchaotic1: right click, go to preferences, go to the video tab, and change it to x11 or xv is that dosen't work08:48
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autoscumproblem repeat: my resolution wont go above 640x480, yet it was working fine a few minutes ago08:49
geniiaraizen: There is a way to change the mtu of your ethernet adapter also, eg: sudo ifconfig eth0 mtu 1492   For a permanent change, /etc/network/interfaces needs to be altered08:49
genii1492 is a standard type mtu for pppoe08:50
stdinautoscum:restart X first to check if it's intermittant, logout and choose "restart X server" from KDMs menu08:50
autoscumit happened when i restarted X08:50
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stdin!xconfig | autoscum: try this08:50
ubotuautoscum: try this: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes08:50
araizengenii: thanks08:50
geniiaraizen: Some info here:    http://www.debianadmin.com/change-mtu-maximum-transmission-unit-of-network-interface.html08:50
stdinautoscum: use the 2nd command (the one with -phigh in it)08:51
autoscumstdin: debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable08:51
root_how do i stop dhcp from overwriting my /etc/resolve.conf?08:51
autoscumwhat now? ;/08:51
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stdinautoscum: try "sudo fuser -vik /var/cache/debconf/config.dat"08:51
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:52
autoscumit worked now08:52
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eagles0513875BluesKaj: does gutsy come with kde 3.5.708:52
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autoscummy video card is ATI Radeon 9200 SE i should choose the ati driver, right, stdin ?08:52
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stdinautoscum: yeah08:53
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kaichi. my internet in kubuntu seems slower than in windows. what could it be?08:53
autoscumwell there are marked resolutions there08:53
autoscumthat reach to 1024x76808:54
jhutchinskaic: Did you disable ipv6?08:54
virajhas anybody had probs with logitech v10 speakers?08:54
autoscumviraj: if they're a 5.1 surround system, i couldn't get them to work08:55
jhutchinsviraj: are they USB or somethng/08:55
lewixstdin, we're looking at the data column or number of packets08:56
autoscumstdin: like i said, there are marked resolutions in the next screen that reach up to 1024x768 after i click ok nothing changes :/08:56
lewixstdin, read 15300 packets sent 61400008:56
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stdinautoscum: try restarting KDM, open konsole (save everything if you haven't), and type in sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart08:57
stdinlewix: look in the airodump window08:57
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lewixstdin, 787 data08:58
virajthey are usb's08:58
stdinlewix: you need a LOT more08:58
lewix852500 packets08:58
lewixgeez...I thought it was the packets lol08:58
stdinlewix: no, has to be data08:58
stdinlewix: leave it over night :p08:59
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lewixstdin, I thought it was faster though. how long does it take you08:59
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autoscumwow, thanks, stdin09:00
eagles0513875does anyone have a 64bit testing system09:00
autoscumthat worked09:00
fotoflohey all, where do i choose default applications for filetypes in kubuntu?09:00
lewixstdin, should I use that to speed things up : sudo aireplay -0 ath0 -a BSSID ath009:00
autoscumall hail stdin =)09:01
autoscumthanks a lot09:01
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stdinlewix: depends on the net, and you can try09:01
virajusb speakers09:01
stdinautoscum: no problem :)09:01
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autoscumone more problem, tho. i cant run mozilla firefox, theres no shortcut... whats the command for it?09:02
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lewixstdin, so in my case it is: sudo aireplay -0 aireplay ath1 -a BSSID ath1, right?09:04
virajfotoflo, does the option come in ur metabar in konqueror?09:04
fotofloviraj: would that affect what happens when i open a file in firefox?09:05
autoscumstdin: do you know the command to run mozilla firefox? the shortcut is missing... :?09:05
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stdinautoscum: "firefox"09:05
lewixstdin, an error ...guess i have to wait lol09:05
stdinheh :p09:05
stdinthe pains of a cracker hey09:06
autoscum'Could not run the specified command.'09:06
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autoscumAdept says that mozilla is installed09:06
autoscumweird o009:06
_m0ns00nAfter installing a .deb, how can I poll where the files installed to?09:06
_m0ns00nGoogle is not my friend =)09:06
lewixoh its working09:06
_m0ns00nIt didn't show any results on that09:06
virajfotoflo, do you use firefox to browse stuff on your home?09:06
lewixsending deAuth to broadcast09:06
stdinautoscum: the package is called firefox, not mozilla09:06
autoscumi see09:06
stdin_m0ns00n: dpkg -L PackageName09:07
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_m0ns00nah thanks09:07
lewixstdin, do I leave it like this:  it keeps sending deAuth to broadcast09:07
stdinlewix: doing that is an attempt to get the router to send some ARP requests, that's all it does09:08
stdinlewix: if it already is then there's nothing you can really do, but wait09:08
fotofloviraj: no, im trying to open a video from a web page09:08
fotoflowant it to open in VLC09:08
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lewixstdin, so I can stop the process of the latest command09:09
stdinlewix: yeah09:09
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vbhideyou need the vlc plugin fotoflo....09:14
fotoflovlc plugin? for firefox?09:14
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vbhidesudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc libdvdcss2 is all this in?09:15
vbhideor try entering this:09:15
vbhidesudo apt-get update09:16
vbhidesudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc libdvdcss209:16
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vbhidehope it helps09:16
MaTiAzHey, how do I mount my Windows partition in Kubuntu Live CD?09:16
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MaTiAzI need to back up some important stuff09:16
NightBirdMaTiAz: is it an ntfs partition?09:17
MaTiAzNightBird: Yeah09:17
NightBird!ntfs | MaTiAz09:17
ubotuMaTiAz: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:17
=== NightBird has used ntfs-3g with good success... the only problem I had is that it allowed me to name things that windows doesn't like
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autoscumdoes anyone know how to change my keyboard layouts with alt+shift?09:18
NightBird(it had a '?' in it, which windows doesn't like, but... )09:18
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autoscumi did edit my xorg.conf file and restarted X, but it doesn't work :/09:19
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AcE13sudo mkdir '/usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc' <--- gives no errors09:21
vbhideusb speakers dont work.... logitech....09:21
AcE13but when installing a font pack.. I get error /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc does not exist or is not a directory09:21
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sveweckautoscum: there is only one easy way and it requires that you don't use Alt in other key combos anymore. is that ok?09:21
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autoscumit's okay :)09:22
autoscumlogixoul: throw it at me x)09:22
stdinAcE13: don't worry about that, it's an old dir for fonts, the error is harmless09:22
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vzduchdayum.. can Kaffeine be configured so that it stays on top even if off-focus?09:23
AcE13stdin: apparently I need that dir to get artwiz font working?09:23
vzduchVLC has an option, but it doesn't work09:23
lewixstdin, well i have to get off internet. Ill talk to you later. thanks for everything. I'll let you knoe09:23
logixoulok so: systemsettings -> regional -> layout -> xkb options -> enable them and make Alt a thirdlevel chooser09:23
logixoulautoscum: ^09:23
vzduchnvm, got it :)09:24
stdinlewix: no problem, see you later09:24
logixoulautoscum: then it becomes possible to assign alt+shift as a shortcut (as well as ctrl+alt and win+alt, etc)09:24
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stdinAcE13: install the packages, they make all the dirs they need09:24
logixoulautoscum: you may need to press it as shift+alt though09:24
autoscumhold on, what do you mean a 'thirdlevel chooser'?09:25
autoscumoh, got it09:25
logixoulI don't know its meaning either09:25
logixoulexcept that it removes the "modifier" flag from keys09:25
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vbhideok bye!09:26
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autoscumlogixoul: there was a better way to do it, i just cant seem to find it :/09:27
logixoulautoscum: it might have involved xbindkeys or imwheel09:27
logixoulor xmodmap09:27
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autoscumif you can find me the thing with xorg.conf09:28
autoscumcuz i did it from memory, lol09:28
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=== rrbiz scratches head
rrbizyo someone good with smb or nfs, trying to share some folders are neither are doing it09:30
=== stdin scratches.... (better not say)
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autoscumstdin, you're a smart dude, can you tell me how to switch between kbd layouts with alt+shift?09:30
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autoscumguess not09:32
stdinautoscum: never needed to, looked in system settings -> Regional & Language ?09:32
autoscumyeah, i did09:32
autoscumbut there's no alt+shift shortcut key09:32
autoscumi did something before when i was using kubuntu. i edited xorg.conf to make it change and the scroll lock led to light when it's changed09:33
stdinautoscum: not even in the Xkb tab in Keyboard Layout ?09:33
autoscumi cant seem to find any09:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about layouts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:37
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tzangerhas anyone here experienced LONNNNNNG delays/lockups with 7.04?09:37
ubotuTo find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts09:37
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stdinautoscum: http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/5905/image1gq6.png ?09:37
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tzangerI thought it was perhpas something starving out the memory allocation but it doesn't appear to be the case09:37
geniiI found something about keyboard layouts and how to switch between them here https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html09:37
joakim_I live in sweden and cant play a region 1 (usa) DVD in my laptop, is there a way around this?09:37
tzangerthis is on a thinkpad t60 (ATI chipset) but I'm using the standard VESA driver09:37
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autoscumwell i dont think that has anything to do with it09:38
autoscumit doesnt work even tho i checked it :P09:38
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tzangerit seems to definitely be linked to HDD access09:42
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autoscumstdin: here's my input device section of xorg.conf09:43
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tzangerkontact and kopete are taking up ALL my memory09:44
tzanger1G RAM and 0.5G swap09:44
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autoscumtzanger: i second that opinion.. wtf?!09:46
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autoscumstdin: nope09:48
autoscumstdin: sorry for the late reply, i didnt notice you wrote09:48
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stdinhmm, not sure then09:49
tzangerI restart them and they behave09:49
tzangerso far09:49
tzangerkopete however has grabbed 30% of my memory09:49
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tzangerwhat the hell09:49
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slacker403how much ram does a defualt kubuntu with KDE use ?09:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:49
slacker403nothing else running09:50
slacker403no spcial effects09:50
tzangerI'm running 213M09:50
tzangeras shown in top09:50
tzangerthat's with a behaved kontact running09:50
tzanger(5% memory)09:50
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easykubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:51
stdinautoscum: don't use easyubuntu or automatix, can do damage09:52
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu09:52
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:53
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.09:53
autoscumi see09:53
autoscumso, stdin, where can i get audiocodecs for amarok? when it says it doesnt have mp3 support it crashes09:53
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:54
stdinautoscum: are you on feisty ?09:54
autoscumyeah, 7.0409:54
stdinautoscum: should just download it for you then IIRC09:54
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stdinautoscum: if not, make sure you have multiverse enabled and run "sudo apt-get install libxine-extrecodecs09:55
autoscumwhat's multiverse? o009:55
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu09:55
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autoscumstdin: it worked :)) thanks again x)10:00
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autoscumstdin: now to get back to the @$%tty keyboard layout problem10:00
ubotuTo find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts10:01
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net10:01
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jhutchinsautoscum: I've got a problem with a different distro where it's not accepting any of the keyboard shortcuts I configured in KDE.  Haven't tracked it down yet, it could be a 3.5.7 bug, but it's more likely to be a distro-specific problem.10:09
autoscumjhutchins: i dont think so, im just not doing something right.. like always =)10:09
jhutchinsI installed a new USB keyboard and my menu key doesn't work any more either.10:09
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jhutchins...in fact, why don't I work on this a bit now.10:10
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Kjellvizhi, ive got ubuntu with kubuntu-desktop installed on it, i had my mediakeys working fine in gnome but they dont in KDE, any ideas ?   (im using a Microsoft wireless entertainment desktop keyboard)10:12
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autoscumjhutchins: good luck :)10:14
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jussi01!shortcuts | Kjellviz10:15
ubotuKjellviz: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts (Gnome) or "Input Actions" in KControl (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net10:15
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Kjellvizjussi01: thanks10:16
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logixoulKjellviz: btw, if your multimedia keys aren't recognized by kde, there's something to try before resorting to keytouch: systemsettings->regional->layout->choose your model from the list10:20
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logixoulKjellviz: (and if it's not there, try ones that seem similar. then try them all, one by one)10:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lampp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xampp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:20
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Kjellvizlogixoul: ok, im trying to find mediakeys in the shortcut settings10:21
slacker403how much does kubuntu use ram wise as default with kde ?10:22
logixoulKjellviz: no, you don't get it. Mediakeys aren't separate from the rest of your keys. They're just stuff you can assign to a command. E.g. you could bind Play/Pause to a mediakey or to Win+P - same principle.10:22
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logixoulslacker403: dunno but I have successfully ran Kubuntu Breezy with OpenOffice.org on a 64MB RAM system.10:23
slacker403with KDE ?10:23
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logixoulit was kinda slow, of course10:23
logixouland I did have 1GB swap10:24
vzduchCPU[AMD Athlon clocked at 900.075 Mhz]   Kernel[Linux 2.6.20-16-lowlatency i686]   Up[-5:33-]   Mem[-145.0/757.5MB-]   HDD[-280GB(40%used)-]   Procs[-117-]   Client[Shell wrapper] 10:24
vzduchslacker403: this w/o cached stuff and while watching a DVD10:24
Kjellvizlogixoul: no i DO get it, the thing is i cant find play/pause next stop etc in shortcut list10:25
Kjellvizlogixoul: hence i cannot assign any mediakey to it10:25
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logixoulKjellviz: that's because "play" or "next" etc, are not universally defined things. you need to look for them in your mediaplayer, such as Amarok.10:26
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logixoulhint: they're called global shortcuts10:26
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saizaiis there a good reason why ~/.xsession-errors is 6G? Or better, some way I can prevent that from happening again? I can't even start Amarok 'cause I'm now at 0 free space :(10:27
jhutchinsKjellviz: There's a media keyboard support package, but I haven't figured out how to use it yet.10:29
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logixoulsaizai: open the file in a text editor and look for repetitive lines. This should give you a hint about what's going on :)10:30
Kjellvizok, ill look in my mediaplayer =)10:30
saizailogixoul: already deleted. (though it doesn't seem to have chaned df -h...?)10:31
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slacker403vzduch, so how much emmory ws it using there 145 mb ?10:32
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vzduchslacker403: yep, 145 MB for actual programs (KDE, Konsole, Krusader, Kaffeine, KMail and the tray apps).. there are probably some 500 MB more shown as used, but these are for cache10:34
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slacker403im saying what is actually sed10:35
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jhutchinsAh, that media keyboard package is lineak.10:35
slacker403do you htink its possible for me to use kernel + kde in under 150 mb ?10:35
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vzduchslacker403: try it :)10:37
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slacker403whats yoru gut feeling :P10:37
vzduchmy guess is: it'll be f***ing slow, but it'll work10:38
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slacker403well the min requirements is 80 MB of ram10:39
slacker403for KDE10:39
Bytepoetany way to make one machines sound output to another machine?10:40
Bytepoetboth running /0410:40
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stonedthat movie serenity sucked btw10:43
saizailogixoul: any idea why rm'ing the huge error file hasn't changed my disk free space? it still claims it's at 0 free, though the file is gone. :(10:43
stonedworse than that firefly crap10:43
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serenityi installed compiz fusion, but my window deco is away.10:44
stonedserenity: away?10:44
stonedyou mean you don't have it?10:44
neusonceok iv just switched from ubuntu to kubuntu, IM IN LOVE ...10:44
stonedkde > *10:44
serenity100% right stoned10:45
Kjellvizanyone know if theres a program avail to adjust the LEDs on a Dell XPS M1710?10:45
Bytepoetneusonce, i just did the same.... love it.10:45
MaTiAzThe update system in Linux is like 51312^1235 times better than Windows Update10:45
stonedkde > food/sex/music/fun/bowling10:45
MaTiAzstoned: lol true10:45
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stonedserenity: I've never used it before, however I have experience with beryl10:45
Bytepoetneusonce:  did your vid card install go okay?10:45
neusoncei lost 3 years of work last week ' thank you vista" so my hatred for windows is beyond anything known10:46
stonedserenity: see if compiz fusion has channel on freenode.  or ask in #beryl or #compiz to find out where to ask10:46
stonedneusonce: use it.10:46
stonedbut positively10:46
neusoncei have a new machine 4k worth10:47
stonedwhat is it?10:47
stoned4k? goddamn10:47
neusonce every thing is state of the art10:47
stonedwhat did you get?10:47
runleveltenIs it a hovercraft?10:47
Bytepoetmine was a little bumpy, i had trouble with the 8800GTS10:47
tzangerkontact crashed with SIGABRT10:47
Bytepoetand it would only recognize 4gb of my ram :-/10:47
tzangerthat's unusual10:47
neusonce in ubuntu when i installed the video driver that was recomended for me by unbuntu  it ruined my screen it was tiny10:47
stonedtry 64bit10:48
stonedamd64 or ia6410:48
neusoncethe " shitty" in built driver work perfectly10:48
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neusoncei just switched from ubuntu 64 bit10:48
stonednot you10:48
stonedthe guy with the ram problem10:48
neusonce i spent 4 days trying to install java and flash10:48
neusonceim almost cryed10:48
Bytepoetoh, i got it figured out, runnin at all 8gb10:48
stonedneusonce: well10:48
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stonedneusonce: its a piece of cake10:48
rustalottzanger: what's SIGABRT mean?10:48
tzangerrustalot: it's just another signal that can be used for process communication10:49
stonedneusonce: you create a file with dd, you format the file to a file system, with mkfs.ext3 or something, then you mount that file as a block device using loopback.  Then you can install a 32bit chroot ubuntu inside that file.  In there you can have all your 32bit apps and it will work transparently with 64bit os10:49
stonedits really quite trivial10:50
stonedjust need to read a bit10:50
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stonedor, use nspluginwrapper10:50
stonedwhichever you want, they both work great for me10:50
neusonceim a linux baby10:50
neusonce dont talk to me like that10:50
neusoncemy brain will explode10:50
MaTiAzstoned: That seems pretty interestng10:51
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neusonce no, i need blender and smilier apps like that for work, and iv already noticed that linux handels thouse tasks far far far far x 7734239 times better than vista10:52
BluesKajstoned , x86 32bit runs fine on AMD 64 ...no hassles at all .. no need for loopbacks etc10:52
stonedBluesKaj: there is a need10:52
neusonce and, becuse im in a computer realted industry i guess being competent  with linux would be a major advantage10:52
stonedBluesKaj: read the entire conv.10:52
BluesKajwell, I haven't encountered any probs10:53
stonedBluesKaj: using loopback becuase I don't have any spare partitions to use for a 32bit chroot10:53
logixoulsaizai: hmm, I did once have the same problem. don't remember how I solved it, or what had caused it. You might wanna try rebooting. What springs to mind now is, "something" had been trying to write to disk some data all along, and at the first possibility (after the rm) it just happens.10:53
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Bytepoetheh...harder to fire me now that i know the basics of rm -rf10:53
stonedBluesKaj: so you can use a file as a blockdevice/hdd10:53
Bytepoettheyre skerred!10:53
stonedBytepoet: without opening the manpage, what is -r and what is -f10:54
BluesKajtoo much stuff ! stoned ;010:54
Bytepoetr is recursive10:54
stonedBluesKaj: what do you mean10:54
Bytepoetf makes it not care10:54
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stonedok so good10:55
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stonedkeep up the good work10:55
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stonedBytepoet: now learn some shell scripting10:55
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Bytepoetif they fire me, the three most important skills i'll need is rm, cron jobs, and.... remoting in to do the dirty work10:56
Bytepoetoh, and ontop of that.... learning how to re-write my resume'10:56
stonedi used to work at cox communications10:57
Bytepoetdid i mention how much i love the ubuntu community?10:57
stonedI got fired for hacking the internal database10:57
Bytepoetoh yeah?  i, at comcast....10:57
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stonedlooking up cuztomer info10:57
MaTiAzstoned: haha, was it worth it?10:57
stonedbugging people i know on irc10:57
Bytepoetword....nothing really interesting in my cust info10:57
stonedscaring people on line who have cox cuz i can look up their addy/billing info by ip10:57
BytepoetLOL yeah10:57
stonedit was hella fun10:58
stonedone time10:58
Bytepoetwow, you got fired for that?10:58
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stonedI left a window open10:58
Bytepoeti best watch myself10:58
stonedand went to the bathroom10:58
stonedmanager saw it10:58
stonedi was fired on the spot10:58
Bytepoetheh, none of my managers would know what theyre looking at....10:58
stonedbut its ok10:58
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stonedthey only paid me 10$/hr10:59
stonedthen I worked at dell for a good while10:59
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stonedgot promoted twice10:59
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stonedi still have friendly dinners with some of my clients10:59
haffiHi. Can anyone help me with getting my USB camera to work with Kubuntu 6.10?10:59
stonedhaffi: which camera is it?11:00
Bytepoet<3 stoned11:00
haffiCanon SD40011:00
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haffiIt seems to recognize it, digiKam even auto detected the type. It can't connect to it though11:02
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stonedseems like gPhoto should work it11:03
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haffiI'll try it11:05
haffiKonqueror can't connect to it either though11:05
neusoncehey where is the synaptic manager in kubuntu ?11:05
stonedinstall synaptic11:06
stonedor use kynaptic or kpackage instead11:06
BluesKajhave to ask the obvious question, haffi , did you check 'storage media' ?11:06
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stonedyou can do alt + f2 and in the run box, type synaptic11:06
haffiBluesKaj: Nope11:06
stonedthat is, if synaptic is installed11:06
haffiBluesKaj: Where would I find that?11:06
stonedI would recommend kpackage11:06
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vzduchis Kynaptic still active?  I thought it was more or less replaced by Adept11:06
neusoncehey, im iv only been useing linux for a week, and kubuntu for a few mins11:06
BluesKajsystem menu/storage media11:07
neusoncegive a guy a break11:07
stonedit will be in kmenu > system11:07
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haffiNot there, I'm afraid11:07
stonedthen it isn't installed11:08
stonedsynaptic isn't installed with kubuntu11:08
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stonedapt-get install synaptic11:08
confreyhi everybody11:08
elite101whats ndsiwapper?11:08
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elite101can someone do the info bot11:08
elite101for m friend11:08
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ndiswapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:08
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:09
confreyI've installed kubuntu, how can I browse windows network? is there in kde a friendly app like gnome does?11:09
jhutchinsconfrey: Yes.11:09
jhutchinssmb:// in konqueror will work.11:10
confreyjhutchins: how?11:10
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stoned!info smb4k11:10
ubotusmb4k: A Samba (SMB) share advanced browser for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-1build1 (feisty), package size 1762 kB, installed size 3756 kB11:10
jhutchinsconfrey: I don't have GUI access to a kubuntu system right now, but it seems like it's integrated into the menu these days.11:10
jussi01confrey: go to koonqueror and putthis in the address bar: remote:/11:10
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confreyjhutchins: no, smb:// in konqueror is a malformed URL11:10
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s0undt3chhow can I find out if I have a package matching a string installed?11:11
jhutchinsHm, smb:// gives me /, but smb:/ works here.11:11
s0undt3chfor example *vmware*11:11
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stoneds0undt3ch: which package11:11
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s0undt3chstoned: anything matching vmware11:12
BluesKajelite101, http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/11:12
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stoneds0undt3ch: apt-cache policy vmware11:12
confreyjhutchins: ok, it works, very thanks11:12
futonrevolutionaneed some help with frostwire11:12
jhutchinss0undt3ch: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto11:12
nahemothI installed allegro, but can't run it11:12
jhutchinss0undt3ch: I don't recall, but it's in there somewhere.11:12
nahemothyou have any idea?11:12
s0undt3chk, thanks ppl11:12
jhutchinss0undt3ch: dpkg -L I think, or -l11:12
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stonedits not an apt-get howto question11:13
stoneddpkg -L lists files within a package11:13
stonedhe want to see if th package he wants is installed or not11:14
haffiDoes anyone know where Kubuntu (KDE) mounts USB cameras?11:14
stonedyou can check this using aptitude search pkgname11:14
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stonedin the results, the first 2 letters will tell you if it is installed or not11:14
jhutchinsstoned: Perhaps it would be worth your while to have a look at that URL.  It covers his question as well.11:14
stonedread aptitude manpage to see what the codes mean11:14
haffi*** Error ***11:14
haffiAn error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'):11:14
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stonedjhutchins: but the commands you gave were the wrong answer for his question11:14
jhutchinshaffi: I'd guess they mount to /media, but mount woud tell you.11:15
stonedjhutchins: you can read the website too, it would help out.11:15
confreyok, I can browse win net now, to use konqueror, is there a way to import firefox bookmarks?11:15
futonrevolutionafrostwire and limewire both freeze on splash, anyone else had this problem?11:15
jhutchinsstoned: dpkg -l ?*foo*? -- find packages whose names contain ?foo?.11:15
stonedjhutchins: thas not what he asked11:16
haffiThis is strange, gphoto2 also auto-detects the camera type but says that it "can't claim the USB device"11:17
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jhutchinsstoned: Perhaps you should submit a contribution to the wiki, I didn't see your solution there.11:19
BluesKajhaffi, my USB devices usually mount in Storage Media, like most other drives would11:19
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stonedjhutchins: sure I could do that11:19
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haffiBluesKaj: I can't see anything called storage media in my K menu11:19
haffiBluesKaj: It's not in /media either11:20
jhutchinsstoned: There's an example using it, but it isn't explained.11:20
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BluesKajlook in the panel for computer icon , called system menu or you can do alt+f2 and type kcontrol , it will suely be there11:21
persen_Hi again11:21
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jhutchinsstoned: That is something I do all the time, but I use rpm -qa | grep <foo> (I should use rpm -qa '*<foo>*'}.11:21
BluesKajer surely11:21
joheyI have a HP laptop. When I first tried it, bluetooth worked out of the box. Now, severalt months later, it does not work anymore. I don't know what I have done. 'hcitool dev' just sais 'Devices:'11:21
jhutchinsBluesKaj: kdesu kcontrol11:22
persen_In VLC media player i play a video from a windows computer over SMB, why doesnt VLC stream the file instead of creating a local tmp copy of the whole file first_11:22
joheydmesg says 'Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized'11:22
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BluesKajhe just wants see it jhutchins , nor need to edit11:22
BluesKajno need11:22
jhutchinspersen_: The remote host has no method for creating/indexing a stream.11:22
joheyHow can I trace this problem with my bluetooth?11:22
stonedI have the worst headache ever11:23
=== stoned groans in pain
jhutchins!bluetooth | johey11:23
ubotujohey: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup11:23
persen_jhutchins, this works in a windows to windows setup.11:23
joheyjhutchins: I have read that. It doesn't help me with my problem.11:24
persen_anyway, can i have VLC preview the file its copying?11:24
jhutchinspersen_: Have you tried mplayer to see if it works any differently?  iirc mine appears to play without first making a local copy; my remote share is an NT box.11:24
stonedmplayer > *11:24
persen_will try mplayer then11:24
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs11:24
jhutchinsjohey: Sorry, the existence of that page is just about the extent of my bluetooth knowledge.11:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:24
stonedwhat is bluetooth11:24
joheyjhutchins: Ok.11:24
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stonedi hate that friggin term, bluetooth11:25
stonedcouldn't they call it something else11:25
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stonedbluetooth the word is soooo annoying11:25
jhutchinsstoned: Wireless local networking commonly used for headsets on wireless phones and for pda/pc links.11:25
stonedjhutchins: rhetorical question :)11:25
persen_stoned, BT11:25
joheyI hate the fact that it does not work and that I don't know how to find out why. The name is a second problem.11:25
jhutchinsstoned: Talk to apple.11:25
persen_you can refer to it as BT11:25
jhutchinspersen_: People will confuse that with Bittorrent.11:26
stonedor Brutal Truth11:26
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persen_jhutchins, mplayer also makes a local copy first11:29
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haffiI guess I'll have to give up11:30
GrahamHow would I find out the tempreture of my CPU?11:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about monitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:32
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stonedapt-get install lm-sensors11:32
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stonedsudo sensors-detect11:32
stonedthen it will tell you the kernel module drivers you need to load11:32
stonedyou should take the output and paste it into /etc/modules11:33
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stonedrestart then, or instead, sudo modprobe ......11:33
stoned.... being the module names sensors-detect spat out11:33
stonedthen use sensors to get your info or start lm-sensors x gui program or other stuff11:33
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confreyhi again11:34
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confreywhen I run konqueror clicking on my home icon, konqeror start without left panel; how can I force it to start with left panel?11:35
stonedconfrey: in konqueror11:35
stonedhit F911:35
stonedit will show the side panel, then go to settings > save profile11:35
stonedsave the profile11:35
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haffiJust for those who have been helping me with the camera problem, it was because i didn't have read or write access to the camera. I could download the pictures as root.11:36
papickhave a question11:36
confreystoned: thanks11:36
papicki have 6 different workstations (hardware) that I would like to have kubuntu running. can I create one image 4 all and just clone it?11:36
stonedif they have the same hardware yes11:37
stonedbut you will have to modify their network configs manually11:37
papickno, different hardware11:37
stonedthen no11:37
confreyand then ; I haven't a shortcut icon to my home, neither in panel, and in desktop, how can I add it?11:37
papicki was thinking in something like knoppix does when booting11:37
stonedsince config files and kernel modules will be different11:37
stonedlike a live cd image?11:38
jhutchinspersen_: What transport are you using?  What kind of system is the remote share on?11:38
stonedor you want to ghost the hdd?11:38
papickyes, like that11:38
jhutchinspersen_: 'cause mplayer plays streams just fine.11:38
papicki would like to ghost the hdd11:38
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papickbut have a something like a live cd image11:38
persen_jhutchins, i browse using konqueror and use "open withj mplayer"11:38
Grahamstoned: Sorted, thanks.11:38
jhutchinsconfrey: Right click the desktop, create a new shotcut to ~/11:38
persen_the share is on windows xp11:38
Grahamstoned: Do you know of any good GUI applications I can use?11:39
papickso I would have the ultimate image which I could use everywhere11:39
jhutchinspersen_: Those are applications, I'm asking abouty transport protocol and remote filesystem.11:39
stonedGraham: not really.  I'm a console kinda guy11:39
stonedor konsole rather11:39
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persen_transport protocol is SMB11:39
IceLinkhey there11:39
IceLinkcan anyone tell me how to change the shown lines of konsole?11:39
papickso I will probably have to use knoppix - sniff11:39
jhutchinspersen_: Remote system is what?11:39
persen_win xp11:39
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jhutchinspersen_: How are you sharing the files?  Are you using a guest account or a regular user?11:40
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stoned!info ksensors11:40
ubotuksensors: lm-sensors frontend for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.3-13ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 296 kB, installed size 940 kB11:40
persen_guest account, open for all, no password11:40
stonedGraham: ksensors11:40
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GrahamThanks mate11:41
jhutchinsMine is an NT controlled domain, with a user account/password for the Linux machine, and the share mounted locally using smbfs (configured in fstab).11:41
jhutchinspersen_: fmask and dmask are 777.11:42
persen_this share is not mounted in fstab11:42
jhutchinspersen_: Just browsed to it using konq?11:42
jhutchinssmb:/ ?11:42
persen_smb://smbname/folder/movie.av i11:42
stonedGraham: welcome11:43
jhutchinspersen_: See if it works better if you mount it.  Create /mnt/xp; mount -t smbfs -o username=<name>,password=<passwd>,fmask=777,dmask=77711:43
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jhutchinsYou'll need to use sudo to do that of course.11:44
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persen_sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=guest,password=guest,fmask=777,dmask=77711:45
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persen_anything wrong with that syntax?11:46
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto11:46
persen_i get the help page11:46
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elite101i think someone is trying to use my nickname11:48
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elite101god i keep on having problems with my nickname11:49
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persen_jhutchins, yay, that did it, even works in vlc. thanks!11:52
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persen_Now, anyone know how i enable my usb soundcard instead of the one thats installed in my mobo?11:53
persen_its detected in lsusb11:53
persen_its a edirol ua-511:53
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neusonceok im installing  updates for kubuntu,  but i wonder why it wouldent let me log on as su in terminal11:54
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stonedbecause root password is probably not set11:56
jhutchinspersen_: Try blacklisting the driver for the mobo unit or disabling it in the BIOS.11:56
stonedtry sudo su passwd11:56
jhutchinsstoned: It would be better to try to work within the ubuntu security plan and not set the root password.11:57
jahshanin kubuntu, don't su, use sudo su11:57
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jahshanand enter YOUR password11:57
persen_i wish i could select what device i want audio out on, that is the default in windows.11:57
jhutchins1) don't use su, use su -, 2) sudo -i is more in keeping with the ubuntu design.11:57
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stonedHe asked why, I told him why, and how to do it.  If he wants to, he can.11:58
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stonedI mean.. you can drive a car with one foot and use the other foot to steer it, but it doesn't make it a good idea, does it?11:59
jhutchinsstoned: Don't be so defensive.11:59
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stonedjhutchins: what?12:00
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stonedanyway... neusonce that is why you can't login as root or use su, because the root password isn't set.  If you set the root password, and someone else guesses it, they have admin rights to your system.  If you don't set a root password, that won't happen, unless someone guess your password.12:02
TheGodfatherwell you can set it =)12:02
stonedwith which they can use sudo12:02
stonedso the security BS aside, do what you want to do, but you've been told what is better to do12:03
vprintsHey, can anybody recommend some live cd with hardware health testing tools ?12:03
persen_jhutchins, i've blacklisted my emu10k1 module in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, do i have to restart some daemon to make it effective?12:03
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stonedultimate boot cd as well12:03
jhutchinsvprints: SystemRescueCD12:03
stonedgoogle for that12:04
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jhutchinspersen_: That might do it, but you might actually need to reboot in order to run the hardware detection for your other card.12:04
TheGodfatherAnyone know how to set up a Proxy for IRC, in Koncoversation? I've been having a little trouble12:04
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swimmerino88_hi to evrebody!i have a little problem with my usb disk...I can only see a diectory locked,after the creation of the partition with qparte...how can i copy thingd to the disk?i think i have to chenge the privileges...how????12:06
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vprintsthanks, stoned12:06
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neusoncein adept  can i install java, flash , tor packages ? if i can how so12:06
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vprintsthanks, jhutchins, but i need a cd to locate hardware problems :)12:07
neusonceand will gnome apps still work well in a KDE space?12:07
jhutchinsvprints: system rescue cd has a lot of hardware test tools on it.12:08
stoned!info dircproxy12:08
ubotudircproxy: IRC proxy for people who use IRC from different workstations. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.5-5 (feisty), package size 118 kB, installed size 264 kB12:08
jhutchins!install | neusonce12:08
ubotuneusonce: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate12:08
jhutchinsneusonce: Bother, that's not it.12:08
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neusonce..... i hate ubotu12:08
jhutchins!packages | neusonce12:08
ubotuneusonce: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!12:08
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:08
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vprintsjhutchins, they werent on the list on the webpage :)12:09
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TheGodfatherI can set up a proxy in mirc, using wine, but it would be nice not to have to use wine12:10
jhutchinsvprints: K.12:10
jhutchinsvprints: Sorry, it's still useful.12:10
stonedTheGodfather: use it12:10
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stonedTheGodfather: or setup psybnc or something12:10
stonedyou'll have to compile it from source more than likely12:10
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stonedubuntu package might not exist for psybnc12:11
TheGodfatheroh well thats nto a big deal12:11
stonedor you can also setup a proxy in irssi12:11
stonedin fact you should try irssi, its amazing12:11
TheGodfatheri have it12:11
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:11
neusoncewhat is samba12:12
TheGodfather!info samba12:12
ubotusamba: a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2 (feisty), package size 3262 kB, installed size 7992 kB12:12
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neusoncehow can i access knaptic ?12:13
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