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ubotuNew bug: #127837 in malone "Malone bug watcher isn't working for sourceforge.net" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12783701:15
ubotuNew bug: #127840 in launchpad "Add X-Launchpad-Project to all emails" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12784001:20
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ubotuNew bug: #127848 in launchpad-bazaar "Email OOPSes with unicode in branch fields" [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12784802:05
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zzornBtw, comment on the launchpad UI - I'd like to see the blueprint name where it now just always says Blueprint Overview with a big font.  I'm always dissoriented in what blueprint I'm looking at.  I think the same applies for the other objects (milestones, etc) with the same layout system.02:23
zzornIf anybody agrees I'll post a bug or blueprint about it :)02:25
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mptGooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!05:30
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kikozzorn, it's a bug, sure would be nice to get a report06:12
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ubotuNew bug: #127879 in launchpad "Python examples are collapsed" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12787906:46
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wctraxlerjoin #kde07:07
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ubotuNew bug: #127883 in soyuz "Distribution package search results are highly repetitive" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12788307:35
ubotuNew bug: #127884 in rosetta "Distribution source package has no Translations page" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12788407:45
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jameshspiv, thumper, BjornT, lifeless: reviewer's meeting time?08:03
thumperspiv mentioned he was unwell08:03
thumperhaven't heard from lifeless so perhaps he is also still crook08:03
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thumpercould be another quick meeting08:04
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jameshokay.  I guess we should start.  There are 13 branches on the queue with three past due08:06
jameshone of them is mine, and I'll have it done soon08:07
thumperthe one from stub just looks like conflicts08:07
jameshthings look like they're under control08:07
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jameshis everyone happy to hold the next meeting at the same time next week?08:09
jameshany other business?08:11
thumperjust one to mention08:11
thumperit seemed that somehow the same branch ended up in both my and barry's queue08:11
thumperbarry did it first08:11
thumperit was just a little confusing to me08:12
thumperthat's all08:12
jameshokay.  I guess it was just a mistake when allocating branches08:14
jameshif there isn't anything else, I guess we can end the meeting08:14
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zzornkiko: Ok, I filed  https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/12789509:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127895 in launchpad "Title of artefact too far from the content of the artefact" [Undecided,New]  09:10
zzorner, that one :P09:10
ubotuNew bug: #127895 in launchpad "Title of artefact too far from the content of the artefact" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12789509:16
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mptThere are artefacts in Launchpad?09:30
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mptzzorn, good bug report, you're quite right09:31
zzornok, thanks09:31
mpt(except that in English, "artefact" usually refers to things that are hundreds or thousands of years old:-)09:32
zzornartifact then?  The firefox spelling correction didn't like that one :P09:32
mptI think those are British/American spellings of the same word09:32
thumperartifacts are also considered visual glitches in computer graphics terms09:33
mpthmm, "any object made, modified, or used by people"09:33
zzornWell, in project methodology context any document or code related to a project is called an artifact.09:33
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=== mpt should have studied software project management rather than anthropology :-)
zzornAs in e.g.
zzornanthropology sounds fun too :)09:36
mptAnyway, thumper, that bug report is an example of why branches shouldn't be their own context :-)09:37
thumpermpt: my problem that others (some specifically) have very differing views of what should show in the context title area09:37
mptthumper, ok, I'm not saying you should disobey orders, I'm just predicting how the result will cause usability problems09:41
mptIf you'd rather not know, don't ask ;-)09:42
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mptHi carlos_, and sorry10:08
mptI've just reported a bunch of Translations bugs10:08
carlos_mpt: no problem10:09
carlos_if they are valid bugs... why should you say 'sorry'?10:09
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mptIncreasing your workload10:10
carlosno problem at all10:10
ubotuNew bug: #127899 in rosetta ""Languages in Launchpad" page isn't linked to from anywhere" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12789910:11
ubotuNew bug: #127900 in rosetta ""Languages in Launchpad" page is very bare" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12790010:11
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carlosmpt: oh, are those ones the new bugs?10:14
carlosmpt: I was already aware of them, but just having to find some time to work on it10:15
mptcarlos, are they already reported?10:16
ubotuNew bug: #127901 in rosetta "Searching for a language in lower-case returns no results" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12790110:16
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ubotuNew bug: #127902 in malone "I'm warned about unsubscribing from duplicates even if there aren't any" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12790210:20
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carlosmpt: I don't think so10:34
carlosso you saved me some time :-P10:34
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ubotuNew bug: #127917 in launchpad "soyuz emails lack X-LP-Message-Rationale" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12791712:45
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ubotuNew bug: #127937 in launchpad-answers "Typo in Rejecting question template" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12793702:45
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ubotuNew bug: #127951 in malone "Convert BugTaskEditView to a LaunchpadFormView" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12795104:00
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kblinkiko: as per your suggestion, I've changed the content of the worldforge-old project. (#10105) If you can look into this whenever you have some time to spare, I'd be grateful. No hurry, of course :)04:09
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kikokblin, what would you like it renamed to?04:14
kblinkiko: "wfut" is fine04:15
kblinwithout the ""s, of course04:15
kikoof course. done :)04:16
kblinkiko: I've closed the question, thanks alot :)04:17
kikothanks kblin 04:20
kikomore welcome04:20
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mathiazHi. I've got a question about bzr branches hosted on launchpad. Can I reuse the name of an existing branch to publish a new and unrelated branch (and losing the old branch) ?06:24
kikoyes, you can --overwrite them06:25
mathiazkiko: ok. so if I push --overwrite, the old branch won't be taken into account when pushing and the new branch won't have any knowledge about what has been there before ?06:27
kikomathiaz, it will indeed overwrite the branch, regardless of what was there before06:28
mathiazkiko: ok. Thanks.06:28
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ryuis there a chance to geht ghost accounts like this: https://launchpad.net/~ryu09:01
kiko-afkryu, yes.09:02
ryuwithout being that guy?09:02
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kiko-afkstatik, http://sourceforge.net/services/buy/index.php09:04
statikkiko-afk: anything different since we discussed it 3 months ago? ;-)09:05
kiko-afkstatik, not really, just that I just stumbled upon it. how many projects with services back then?09:06
kiko-afkryu, yeah. what's your LP account?09:06
statikkiko-afk: it's a limited hand-picked beta, they turned me down, but I don't know how many they planned to accept09:06
statikI recognize at least some of the names on that search from the first day it opened, like firebird09:07
ryukiko-afk, this one: https://launchpad.net/~christianbick 09:07
ryubut i dont want to my realname as the accountname anymore09:07
Kmosyou can merge accounts09:08
juliuxKmos, but you can onl merge them if you own both accounts ;)09:08
kiko-afkryu, it's free now, take it.09:09
ryukiko-afk, thanks09:11
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kblinryu: is there any reason as to why you don't want real name accounts?10:13
kblinjust being curious10:14
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ryuim just having a bad feeling about it. no objective reasons.10:17
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mwhhi thequux 10:52
mwhno, sorry10:52
mwhhi thumper 10:52
thumperhi mwh10:52
thumperhow'd the day go?10:52
mwhudsongood, i think10:53
thumpermwh: split personality?10:53
thumperhi kiko-afk10:54
kiko-afkhey thumper 10:54
mwhyep :)10:54
kiko-afkow what a headache I have10:54
thumperme too10:54
thumpermy branch got bounced again :(10:54
kiko-afkwhich one this time?10:54
thumperkiko-afk: moving branch enums around, and cleaning up configs10:55
thumperI'm just trivialling it through10:55
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taawhere can i find launchpad specification please ?11:14
ScottKtaa: Not sure what you mean (and I'm not particularly a launchpad expert in any case).11:17
taaScottK any software got a design, requirement/specification, i'm i wrong ?11:19
ScottKYes, but launchpad isn't open source software, so any such would, I'm sure, be Canonical proprietary information.11:19
taaso there's no need for new developers11:20
ScottKThey have said they'll share with people under an NDA.  Don't know the details.11:21
taado you have any link about this ? it would help a lot11:21
ScottKNo, sorry.11:22
ScottKMost launchpad devs seem to work on European time, so I'd try back tomorrow.11:23
radixa few are on australian time, actually11:24
radixI don't know how active those ones are in #launchpad, though :)11:24
taaI guess i'll never meet any of them :) 11:26
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radixIs it a bug or a feature that Launchpad allows people to ask questions on a project even if the project doesn't "use Answers officially"?11:32
taaI will kill myself is canonical wont make lauchpad open source soon (seriously) ^^11:34
taai'm so frustrated11:35
radixtaa: Please don't kill yourself11:37
taaradix sure i'll do, how can i stay alive when i can't contribute to launchpas devel11:38
radixtaa: I manage :)11:40
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