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Caesarmdz: ping?12:44
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mneptokCaesar: it may be tough finding Canonical folks on IRC during Ubuntu Live.01:15
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nixternalanyone else having issues with the 'notification-daemon' after the gtk+ updates today?03:33
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LaserJockanybody know of a wiki page/doc that describes how the lang packs work?08:24
LaserJockor translation in Main in general?08:24
Mithrandirthey're stripped out of the package at build time and shipped alongside the deb instead.  That then goes into rosetta which can export langpacks.08:26
LaserJockok, that was my general understanding08:26
LaserJockthat about as much as I know08:27
LaserJockI'm trying to figure out why some people are reporting that tuxpaint doesn't use the translated files08:27
LaserJockso I'm trying to work my way backwards08:28
Mithrandirdoes it try to open the files itself?  They're stored in a different directory and glibc is patched to use this other directory too.08:28
ChipzzI don't think that has much to do with how they're created08:28
Chipzzdid you check if they are up-to-date / in the right place?08:28
Chipzzand if tuxpaint uses the correct translation domain?08:29
LaserJockwell, I see on LP that they are getting translated08:29
LaserJocklet me check the domain08:29
Chipzzbut packages get rolled only every so often08:29
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Chipzzso you may need to wait until translations hit the debs, and until these hit the archives08:30
LaserJockwell, this bug has been since dapper08:30
LaserJockthe domain should be the source package name, right? not the binary package08:30
Chipzzwell since a lot of translations actually do get used08:31
Chipzzit's most likely not something wrong in the langpacks ;)08:31
LaserJockno, I'm guessing not08:31
ChipzzI think the domain is unrelated to the package name08:31
Chipzzrather, it's how gettext gets initialised08:32
Chipzz(from how I understand gettext)08:32
LaserJockhmm, I thought the domain in the .desktop told it what package the .pot belongs to08:32
Chipzzform as far as I understand gettext08:32
MithrandirLaserJock: that's just for translating the .desktop file.08:33
Chipzzyou do something along the lines of init_gettext('foo');08:33
Chipzzwhere foo is the basename of the .po file08:33
Chipzz(init_gettext is a made-up function)08:33
LaserJockMithrandir: ah, ok08:34
ChipzzLaserJock: this is php, but you get the idea: http://www.phpdig.net/ref/rn26.html08:35
Chipzzbindtextdomain ('greetings', './translations');08:35
Chipzztextdomain ('greetings');08:35
LaserJockhmm, so I need to figure out how tuxpaint is looking for translations08:43
Chipzzbefore you dive into the code08:44
Chipzzyou could try stracing it, and see what files it tries to open ;)08:44
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Chipzzstrace ftw ;P08:45
LaserJockoh, good idea08:45
LaserJockChipzz: would I need to use something other than en_US to test it do you think?08:47
ChipzzI'd think so ;)08:48
LaserJockhmm, maybe en_GB would work08:48
ChipzzI have the german language pack installed for testing ;)08:48
LaserJockChipzz: would this be it? open("/usr/lib/locale/en_US.UTF-8/LC_MESSAGES", O_RDONLY)08:52
Chipzzsomething ending in .po I think08:52
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LaserJockoh nifty, pitti is up :-)08:53
pittiGood morning everyone08:53
pittishall I walk away again RSN? :-)08:53
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mvoif anyone is here with a dapper system or a dapper VM, could you please install/test http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/tmp/opera_9.22-20070716.6dapper1_i386.deb08:55
LaserJockpitti: I'm trying to figure out a translation problem08:56
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pittimvo: I'll try with ia32-libs in my amd64 vm08:59
mvopitti: thanks!09:02
LaserJockok, so a package doesn't need to install a .pot for it to get picked up, right?09:03
pittiLaserJock: right; the build needs to create an up-to-date .pot, but .pot files are never installed into .debs09:05
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saispoanyone know, which soft create this default route "default dev eth0  scope link  metric 1000" (i use eth1)09:08
pittisaispo: avahi-autoipd, I figure09:10
pittisaispo: it goes through eth1:avahi0, not eth1, I figure?09:10
saispoit's possible to disable this ?09:10
pittisaispo: sure it is, but why would you want to?09:10
pittidoes it hurt?09:10
saispoyes, with strongswan09:10
jdongthat's what she said?09:10
pitti(you can just uninstall avahi-autoipd)09:10
saispostrongswan don't want two default routes09:11
pittisaispo: but it's metric 1000 only, so it should hardly matter?09:11
pittisaispo: or does strongswan use even lower-prio routes?09:11
saispopitti: yes but if i uninstant it, kubuntu-desktop is removed, i think avahi-autoipd is used for something :)09:11
pittiRiddell: ^ ah, that should be a recommends for Kubuntu, too, I think09:12
pittioh, it isn't in Ubuntu either, it shuold be09:12
saispopitti: avahi-autoipd is not in a default ubuntu ?09:13
pittisaispo: it is, I meant it should be a Recommends:, not a Depends:09:13
LaserJockwill LANG= work to change the locale on a CLI when starting a program? or is LC_ALL better?09:13
saispopitti: will open a bug for Kubuntu :)09:14
pittiLaserJock: depends; usually LANG= works, since by default Ubuntu only sets LANG and LANGUAGE, not LC_*09:14
pittiLaserJock: with LC_ALL=C it'll always work09:14
LaserJockwell, I'm trying to debug a translation problem09:15
saispopitti: thanks :)09:15
LaserJockwhich is off course fun for me the uni-lingual American ;-)09:15
MithrandirLaserJock: pft, it's not hard until you have to use the desktop in with a foreign character set, such as japanese or korean.09:16
LaserJockheh, I bet09:17
Mithrandir"does this glyph mean yes or no?"09:17
LaserJockwhat is "/usr/share/locale-langpack/en/" for?09:20
pittiLaserJock: English translations09:20
LaserJockhmm, generic ones? I mean I see en_US, en_GB, etc.09:21
pittiLaserJock: although it is common practice, C is not required to be English :)09:21
LaserJockso I wonder what just en is09:21
Mithrandirit's generic english09:21
pittiso I doubt that there's actually a lot of stuff in it09:21
pittiI've actually seen software which used French as C09:22
Mithrandirthat must be hard, given that C is ASCII09:22
LaserJockhmm, I just installed the de lang pack, just to be cool09:23
LaserJocknow de has a lot but de_DE doesn't have so much09:24
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pittiLaserJock: that's the way it's intended09:24
pittiLaserJock: the bulk is usually kept in just the generic po files, and the country specific ones contain just the exceptions09:24
pittiLaserJock: de_CH and de_AT have 90%/95% of the strings in common with de_DE, I figure09:25
pittiso it would just be unnecessary translation work and duplication09:25
LaserJockhmm, what country uses de_AT09:25
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LaserJockok, well I tried LANG=en_GB and LANG=de_DE and both times strace said tuxpaint is looking for en_US .mo files09:28
pittiLaserJock: try setting LANGUAGE=09:28
pittiLaserJock: GTK programs prefer $LANGUAGE09:28
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LaserJockoh wow09:29
LaserJockso tuxpaint has tuxpaint itself and tuxpaint-stamps09:30
LaserJockwith LANG= tuxpaint is still in en but the stamps are in de09:30
LaserJockwith LANGUAGE= tuxpain is in de but the stamps are in en09:30
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LaserJockpitti: is ^^ normal?09:31
pittiLaserJock: heh, looks like -stamps doesn't use GTK09:32
ajmitchhi pitti, LaserJock09:32
pittihey ajmitch09:33
LaserJockpitti: so would that be a problem for a normal user? is both LANG and LANGUAGE normally set?09:33
LaserJockhi ajmitch09:33
pittiLaserJock: yes09:33
pittiLaserJock: i. e. both is set normally09:34
LaserJockpitti: danke ;-)09:34
pittiLaserJock: gern geschehen09:35
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pittibonjour, Monsieur seb12809:35
mvo_seb128: good morning09:35
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seb128_pitti: I was saying that we can update to dbus 1.1 now09:47
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pittiseb128_: \o/09:48
pittiseb128_: dbus-perl is good now? already uploaded or shall I merge that as well?09:48
seb128_pitti: there is a contributor debdiff available for the dbus update I think09:48
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seb128_pitti: a fixed version has been uploaded yesterday, I'm going to sync it now09:49
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seb128_pitti: hum, "sync tool currently has some weird bugs"? like what?09:54
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pittiseb128_: oh, that was sync-source.py (the LP version)09:56
pittiseb128_: but it should be fixed now09:56
pittiseb128_: can you please use sync-source.py instead of sync-source and see how it goes?09:56
pittiseb128_: it worked for me yesterday, cprov did some in-place fixes09:57
seb128_pitti: k, sure09:57
seb128_pitti: should the agg in syncs be flushed?09:57
pittiseb128_: hm, please delete it for now, i don't know about the status09:57
pitti(that was my test package yesterday)09:58
seb128_has the dpkg-source version been updated?09:58
pittiseb128: not sure, but I doubt it09:59
seb128k, so it likely still have an issue with "+"09:59
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pittiseb128: is bug 84007 fixed in gutsy already?10:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 84007 in gnome-media "Cannot edit audio profiles without closing the list" [Medium,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8400710:03
seb128pitti: no10:03
pitti$ gcc-4.2 --version10:05
pittigcc-4.2: No such file or directory10:05
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pittioh, I see10:06
pittithat points to ccache, sorry10:06
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pittiseb128: I commented that bug, as well as bug 11295510:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112955 in vino "vino (vnc) keyboard mapping problem" [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11295510:08
seb128pitti: thanks10:08
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dokoseb128: the sparc failures are related to a wrong(?) glib2.0 header file, libgnomecanvas did fail again10:12
seb128doko: I'll have a look10:12
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Hobbseezomg, shirish crack.10:28
seb128hello Hobbsee10:28
Hobbseemore to the point, *more* shirish crack10:29
asisakWhere can you see that, Hobbsee?10:29
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Hobbseeasisak: ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list10:30
Hobbseeevery time i see things with shirish in them, i want to gouge out my eyes.  unfortunately, i cant just block anything with his email in it, as i still get people's replies to him, and if i remove them, i probably miss valid content.10:32
Hobbseeasisak: about packages to build binaries from sources.10:32
Hobbsee(from within apt)10:32
ajmitchsurely it's not *that* bad10:32
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Hobbseeajmitch: well, it's not crack.  it's more just blatant idiocy, and talking out the back of his head10:33
Hobbseeajmitch: if he had *any* clue about development of ubuntu, and debian packaging, he wouldnt have written that mail.10:33
Hobbseeajmitch: because apparently ubuntu accepts sources that dont build binaries, so you can install this package, to build said binaries for ubuntu.  or something.10:34
ajmitchsince we make things fail to build, just for fun & an exercise for the user, right?10:35
=== asisak seems to finally start to discover the secrets that stand behind the success of ubuntu
ajmitchasisak: bitter rage? :)10:36
pitti"Just a little taste of Gentoo"10:36
=== asisak did some packages that do not compile
asisakbut all of them depend on gtk I guess10:37
Hobbseeajmitch: what i *really* dont get though, is that he's a self-declared new user, and a self-declared idiot, yet he regularly spouts off absolute rubbish to multiple mailing lists, bug reports, etc...and apparently thinks he's helping?10:37
Hobbseehe is *not* helping as it's almost always absolute crap that someone will take time to reply to, just to tell him how wrong he is.  ubuntu niceness, and all.10:37
ajmitchHobbsee: some people are like that, you have to let it pass & hopefully educate them, if possible10:37
Hobbseeajmitch: education fails.  although, it works *slightly* better when you educate him, while paying him out at the same time.10:38
ajmitcheven the famous Hobbsee was new once10:39
ajmitchthough I recall you being awfully shy & not wanting to break anything :)10:39
Hobbseeajmitch: this is indeed true, but i at least shut up and watched what others did, so as not to make a bloody fool of myself at every possible opportunity10:39
Hobbseei'm not having a go at the newness - far from it.  it's the fact that he constantly expresses his idiocy, without a thought about whether his thoughts are logical and correct, or not10:40
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Hobbseeajmitch: does this mean that you think i do want to break everything now?  :P10:42
seb128asisak: what error do you get?10:42
ajmitchHobbsee: you're far less afraid to10:42
coNPseb128: only the sparc build error10:42
coNPthat is a gtk >= dep error10:43
ajmitchHobbsee: I remember how long it took to convince you to start merging stuff10:43
Hobbseeheh.  and you and StevenK teasing me, not letting me leave until id' done one in front of you.10:43
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seb128coNP: ah, k, I'm on this one ;)10:44
coNP_cool, seb12810:44
Riddellpitti: should avahi-autoipd be changed to recommends in the seeds?10:52
pittiRiddell: that would make sense IMHO10:52
pittiRiddell: I'll do the same for Ubuntu10:53
Riddellpitti: what about libnss-mdns?10:53
pittiRiddell: the same, I think10:53
pittiRiddell: shall I do the change in Ubuntu and you merge it?10:53
pittithat's a bit easier for future seed changes with merges10:53
Riddellpitti: ok10:53
pittiRiddell: committed10:54
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iwjdoko: Is `gcj-4.2: Internal error: Killed (program jc1)' another symptom of the amd64 Java damage or is it something else ?11:48
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dokoiwj: jc1, not ecj1? didn't see this yet. appears to be a problem with glibc-2.6 on amd6411:50
iwjI c&p'd that message, so yes.11:50
iwjOK, I'll file a bug then with a full transcript.11:50
iwjIt might not be today, as I have a backlog of 81 of these autopkgtest ftbfs's to eyeball and report and I'm trying to get some other work done too.11:51
seb128pitti: bug #8400711:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 84007 in gnome-media "Cannot edit audio profiles without closing the list" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8400711:55
seb128pitti: "whereas feisty has 2.18.1-0ubuntu1", were did you get this version?11:55
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seb128gnome-media | 2.18.0-0ubuntu1 |        feisty | source, amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc11:55
seb128that's from madison11:55
pittiseb128: hm, weird, I used rmadison11:57
pittiseb128: oh, gnome-media11:57
pittiseb128: I madison'ed vino11:57
seb128well, there was one on vino and one on gnome-media11:57
seb128so the version is correct ;)11:58
pittiseb128: sorry then :)11:58
pittiseb128: bug updated11:59
pittiseb128: so, gutsy and feisty-proposed at the same time are fine, but I won't copy it to -updates before it's fixed and tested in gutsy11:59
pittiseb128: so I see a bunch of syncs from you, but not libdbus-perl?12:02
seb128pitti: no, it's not on the mirror yet, I'll dget and do it by hand now12:03
pittimmm dget; that's news to me, thanks for the hint12:04
loolThere's a libnet-dbus-perl NMU in Debian unstable pending installation12:04
seb128lool: that's what we are speaking about12:04
loolOk; sorry12:05
seb128nothing to be sorry about, thanks for the information ;)12:05
loolWill you switch to dbus 1.1.1 afterwards?12:05
=== pitti merges dbus in the meantime then
seb128pitti: there is a marge patch on launchpad12:09
seb128(in case you didn't notice)12:10
pittiseb128: I saw, just looking at it12:10
seb128libnet-dbus-perl synced12:10
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=== pitti just realized the reason for the 'cannot initialize hal' bug on the live CD
pittiseb128: in feisty, hal was started by the dbus script12:11
pittinow it has its own init script at prio 2412:11
pittibut gdm is at 1312:11
seb128gnome-session is starting faster then?12:12
pittiI think the correct answer is to move hal's init script before gdm12:12
pittibit tricky, S12dbus and S13gdm12:12
pittiS12hal would work due to asciibetical order, though12:12
pittibut 12.5 would be better :)12:12
cjwatsonBASIC disease12:12
pittiyeah :/12:13
cjwatsond-i did a BASIC-style renumbering exercise a couple of months ago on its installer-menu-item numbers12:13
=== pitti thinks back to his ol' C64 BASIC ages
cjwatsonwe just multiplied them all by 100, so should be enough room for a while yet12:14
pittiinit script prio migration is painful, but I think we have to do it12:14
=== pitti files a tribe-4 bug for himself
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cjwatsonI think S12hal would be OK here12:14
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cjwatsonthere's a distressing amount of pressure on the 10-20 range12:14
cjwatsonI think it was a mistake to have the default be 20 originally12:15
cjwatson(rather than 50)12:15
cjwatsonunfeasible to change now, of course :(12:16
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pittiwell, fractionals look terribly ugly, but it'd be a last resort12:17
pittifortunately it's "D"bus and not "X"bus or so :)12:17
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pittielkbuntu, Hobbsee: bug 127913 FYI (I think you saw that, but I didn't find a bug report yet)12:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127913 in hal "hal starts too late" [High,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12791312:18
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elkbuntupitti, yeah, i must have forgotten to report it, sorry for that. testing stuff in the high wee hours isnt always smart :12:32
elkbuntupitti, would it also be why sometimes my networking hasnt started properly?12:32
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pittielkbuntu: it's possible12:33
pittiseb128: ah, with new dbus network-admin is almost empty12:35
seb128do you have the new perl package?12:36
seb128I mean libnet-dbus-perl12:36
pittiseb128: no, I'm going to wait with the upload until it's available and I confirmed it to fix the issue12:36
pittiyeah, s/almost// :)12:37
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=== Hobbsee comes back, sees red
=== Hobbsee comes back, sees red
Hobbseehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/127915 ...what?12:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127915 in Ubuntu "c2f87d89633a6ea26a02b23d298543d" [Undecided,New] 12:44
pittiHobbsee: I think this is a hwdb identifier12:44
Hobbseepitti: i'd guess so, but why has the guy filed it in a bug, saying "no sound"?12:45
=== Hobbsee wonders about sending that as a support request
pittimaybe he really doesn't have no sound? :)12:45
Hobbseei realise that... :P12:45
Hobbseei'm just wondering how on earth the guy expects the sound to be fixed, just like that.12:45
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FujitsuDoes the hwdb data go anywhere but /dev/null at the moment?12:46
cjwatsonyes, it lands somewhere on rookery and we can do statistical analysis on it12:46
cjwatsoncertainly not anywhere near as useful as it should be though12:47
cjwatsonno sound> cf. bug 123126 which I just happened to be looking at12:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123126 in linux-source-2.6.20 "After kernel update to 2.6.20-16 on Acer Extensa 4014 I lost sound" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12312612:47
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Hobbseeoh fricking....01:19
Hobbseecalc: what'd you do?01:19
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elmomjg59: ping01:37
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pittiseb128: I grabbed the new libnet-dbus-perl from accepted, works great01:42
seb128pitti: rock on ;)01:42
=== pitti uploads new dbus then
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Nafallopitti: hello :-)01:43
pittihello Nafallo01:43
Nafallopitti: might want to approve bacula in dapper-proposed :-)01:43
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=== pitti waves to Keybuk
=== Keybuk waves to everyone
=== desrt pokes Keybuk
=== ion_ waves to cosine
Nafallohi Keybuk :-)01:46
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Keybukerr, reload that01:48
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Hobbseeheya Keybuk!01:49
=== Hobbsee pokes desrt
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agoliveiraamitk: ping?02:01
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amitkagoliveira: pong02:02
agoliveiraamitk, Hi. I noticed that the kernel on tribe 3 uses a very old version of the asus-acpi module. Do you know why?02:03
agoliveiraamitk, delay that.02:03
agoliveiraHold on02:03
agoliveiraamitk, My mistake. Actually, I wanted to use asus-laptop and not asus_acpi. It's ok, just that the asus-laptop, in my opinion, should be the default and not asus_acpi.02:05
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amitkagoliveira: if there is a good reason to switch, make a case and we shall do it.02:07
agoliveiraamitk, asus-laptop (http://acpi4asus.sourceforge.net/) is already in the kernel and is far more complete than the default asus_acpi.02:08
agoliveiraWithout, I can't, for instance, switch to external monitors.02:08
agoliveiraor control some fancy leds that models like the G series have.02:09
agoliveirabut, of course, the external monitor problem is the worse.02:09
amitkagliveira: any missing features that you know of in asus-laptop that are present in asus-acpi?02:10
agoliveiraamitk, none that I'm aware of. It don't see any problem removing it on my Asus G1 and replacing it by asus-laptop.02:11
zul_agoliveira: is this the led thing?02:12
agoliveirazul_, the leds work with the asus-laptop but the biggest problem is not being able to switch to an external monitor without it.02:13
zul_agoliveira: its a usb quirk thing i think, i remember seeing it on the linux-usb-devel mailing list02:14
GyrosGeierI use asus_acpi in Debian's 2.6.21, and I can switch just fine02:15
GyrosGeier(A series laptop)02:15
agoliveirazul_. BTW, I also already can control the OLED display as well. Me and a friend are writting a driver for it.02:15
GyrosGeierit doesn't do any good because the native resolution couldn't be handled by anything I had ever connected.02:16
agoliveiraGyrosGeier: Right now I'm working with an external 20" LCD running at 1658x1024, the same native resolution od the notebook, LCD. I didn't have any problems at all with that.02:18
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GyrosGeieragoliveira, cool02:18
agoliveirasorry I meant 1680x105002:18
GyrosGeierthe A series turns the LCD black if you use a non-widescreen resolution02:19
agoliveiraGyrosGeier: This external LCD is widescreen connected to DVI so I can't say.02:19
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agoliveiraamitk, btw, is the patch to load a custom DSDT already in the gutsy kernel?02:23
amitkagoliveira: the CVS version that supports 2.6.22 is far ahead of the in-kernel version02:23
amitkagoliveira: yes.. I pushed it in yesterday02:23
pittimeh, nautilus crashes all over the place since latest dist-upgrade today02:25
agoliveiraamitk: Weird... the cvs version shows 0.41 while the in-kernel shows 0.42...02:26
Hobbseepitti: you didnt really *want* nautilus, did you?02:27
pittiHobbsee: occasionally I even use it, just to get used to GUIs a bit more :)02:28
Hobbseepoor pitti, happy with his console.02:28
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thomconsoles are the future. this GUI stuff will be seen as the fad it is!02:31
Kmosno console, no future :)02:32
Hobbseeno question02:32
Kmosbug 12793102:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127931 in f-spot "f-spot.exe crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12793102:32
Kmos.exe? lol02:32
Hobbseejust *only* consoles would get slightly dull though02:32
HobbseeKmos: there are a fair few like that.02:33
StevenKIt's mono02:33
asisakKmos: .net has exe02:33
calcHobbsee: huh?02:33
Kmosyeah.. mono is like ... (very bad word)02:33
calcHobbsee: you asked what did i do?02:33
Hobbseecalc: yes.  ooo is broken again.02:34
calcHobbsee: i didn't do anything at all02:34
Hobbseecalc: doesnt start02:34
calcHobbsee: there hasn't been a new upload since last week02:34
calcHobbsee: so someone broke something else in that case02:34
Hobbseewell, find them, and yell at them :)02:34
Hobbsee(process:17234): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.13.7/gobject/gtype.c:2242: initialization assertion failed, use IA__g_type_init() prior to this function02:34
Hobbsee(process:17234): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed02:34
Hobbsee(process:17234): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_screen_get_font_options: assertion `GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed02:34
Hobbseeis what i seem to get, from a console02:35
Hobbseeand it sitting there with the splash screen02:35
Kmosgtk is broken as seb128 said02:35
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calcHobbsee: see what Kmos just said02:35
amitkagoliveira: nevermind, the cvs is identical to the in-kernel version. I was looking under drivers/acpi. But it is under drivers/misc02:35
seb128Kmos: did I say that?02:36
Kmosseb128: didn't you?02:36
seb128the error mentionned to Hobbsee is new to me02:36
Hobbseei thought he was talking about gtk being broken on sparc.02:36
=== asisak is sorry: oo.o works for me
seb128doesn't look like the same issue than the nautilus crasher02:36
seb128there is a nautilus crasher02:36
Kmos12:41 <seb128> gtk+ didn't build on sparc due to a glib bug02:36
seb128and a sparc build issue due to glib02:36
Kmosonly at sparc?02:36
seb128right, that's a build and installability issue02:36
asisakyea, and this breaks a lot of packages that depend on glib02:36
asisak(only on sparc)02:37
seb128the error Hobbsee is mentionning is something else02:37
asisakHobbsee: how did you do this?02:37
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:~$ ooffice -calc02:37
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amitkagoliveira: nevermind, the cvs is identical to the in-kernel version. I was looking under drivers/acpi. But it is under drivers/misc02:37
=== calc updates his desktop to current gutsy
Hobbseesomeone else mentioned ooo not opening either, but i dont remember who02:38
agoliveiraamitk: Ah, so I'm not that crazy ;)02:38
seb128Hobbsee: crashes the same way here02:38
Hobbseeseb128: yay!  let's both blame calc then :P02:38
calcthere are new glib, gtk, glibc so maybe something will break :)02:38
asisakcalc works as well02:38
asisakI mean oocalc02:38
agoliveiraamitk: You told me that the DSDT patch went to the kernel yesterday so it's 2.6.22-9?02:38
Hobbseecalc: sure, but we'll blame you anyway.02:39
calcwhatever it is it is unlikely to be ooo's fault since it worked until seb updated glib/gtk02:39
seb128Hobbsee: downgrading to GTK 2.11.5 make it work, I tend to blame GTK02:39
amitkagoliveira: yes. Tribe 4 should have it02:39
Hobbseeseb128: great.02:39
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Hobbseeseb128: seriously, just get rid of gtk...02:40
=== Hobbsee ducks
agoliveiraamitk: So we are not getting a kernel update meanwhile?02:40
seb128Hobbsee: what about getting ride of you? ;)02:40
StevenKAnd go back to Athena?02:40
calcyea for athena! :)02:40
Hobbseeseb128: i'm sure you wouldnt want to get rid of me...02:40
Kmosseb128: hehe02:40
amitkagoliveira: we might...02:40
Hobbseewould you?02:40
=== StevenK murders calc.
calcand fvwm for window manager02:40
seb128Hobbsee: no I wouldn't ;)02:40
=== seb128 hugs Hobbsee
Hobbseeoh good02:40
=== StevenK double-murders calc.
=== Hobbsee hugs seb128 back :)
KmosStevenK: that's a monster kill :D02:41
Kmoscalc: not calling you a monster :-)02:41
StevenKseb128: Who else would deal all of KDEs bugs, er, I mean features. :-P02:41
amitkcalc: you are spoilt. Nothing beats TWM02:41
StevenKdeal with, even02:41
calcamitk: yuck02:41
agoliveiraamitk: hmmm... can you point me to (or send me) the patch? I will apply myself so. It's anoying having to manually switch to the external monitor manually everytime.02:41
KmosGet ride of kubuntu, like pat do with gnome for slackware :)02:42
Hobbsee /kb kmos02:42
amitkagoliveira: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-gutsy.git;a=summary02:42
KmosHobbsee: :P02:42
Riddell!CoC | Kmos02:42
ubotuKmos: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/02:42
StevenKKmos: I don't exactly trust a man whos idea of a package system is one that isn't.02:43
amitkagoliveira: git clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-gutsy.git should get you the latest kernel02:43
HobbseeRiddell: i think seb128 needs to be thrown out into the snow or something, next UDS.02:43
KmosRiddell: i'm just kidding02:43
calcStevenK: it worked well in 1995 when heavy package systems would have killed systems02:43
=== TheMuso shudders... Slackware....
agoliveiraamitk: Thanks02:43
elmoRiddell: the CoC is not a stick to beat anyone with who expresses any negative view on kubuntu, please stop using it as such02:43
calcStevenK: trying to use dpkg/dselect on a pentium 90 with 16mb of ram is not pretty02:43
Kmoscalc: oh my god02:44
StevenKcalc: It's useable, just slow. rpm is much worse02:44
=== calc used slackware 2.2
calcStevenK: i'm not sure that statement is actually true, iirc it swapped like hell even ~ 5 years ago the last time i tried it on my old box02:44
calci think it used a multiple of 16mb at the time, not sure how it has been tuned since then02:45
calcbut it definitely wasn't a pretty sight02:45
calcKmos: i started out with slackware 2.2 and linux 1.2.4 (from what i recall) debian was around then but i didn't notice it on my infomagic cd's at the time02:46
=== Hobbsee wishes the powers that be in ubuntu made the fact that backports is not supported significantly clearer
agoliveiraamitk: BTW, one more thing, the current kernel wrongly attaches an USB device present in some Asus notebooks (id 0b05:1726) to usbhid. Actually, there is no kernel driver for it. What can I do to help fix this?02:46
Kmoscalc: i started with rh8..02:46
Kmosnever tried slack02:46
ScottKHobbsee: Is there an issue that needs dealing with?02:46
Kmosafter rh, i used ubuntu until now.. and i don't think in change02:47
calcKmos: not much point to try slackware by that point02:47
StevenKHobbsee: We need backports-manager like restricted-manager!02:47
amitkagoliveira: file a bug02:47
HobbseeScottK: just the amount of crack that goes thru, and the bugs02:47
Kmosi like to read slack changelogs :D are funny..02:47
calcKmos: i have the old original redhat release with rpp files, heh02:47
zulagoliveira: i have a fix for that in my git tree already02:47
Kmoscalc: that's for museum02:47
agoliveiraamitk: I was about to :) I was wondering about what kind of information one might need.02:47
calcKmos: yep02:47
agoliveirazul: Cool02:47
ScottKHobbsee: OK.  If it was a specific bug, I might look into it.  I'll note for the record that (AFAIK) none of my backports have been particularly crackish.02:48
StevenKcalc: Surely that disc has started fossilising?02:48
calcHobbsee: another data point, ooffice -calc works for me after updating gutsy02:48
amitkzul: is a quirk fix?02:48
zulagoliveira: but please file a bug first02:48
zulamitk: yes02:48
StevenKWanting to fix clamav is fairly crack worthy. :-P02:48
calcHobbsee: i haven't restarted gnome but it still works right now anyway02:48
Kmosback later guys.. nice work :)02:48
calcStevenK: heh probably so02:48
HobbseeScottK: havent seen anything specific in the past few days02:48
Hobbseejust a bug that came in reminded me02:49
amitkagoliveira: just the output of 'lsusb' and pointer to specific device02:49
Hobbseecalc: right02:49
agoliveiraamitk: Ok, will do it.02:49
TheMusough kvm02:50
calcHobbsee: after restarting gnome it still works, interesting bug02:50
calcmetacity lost its snap to window feature?02:51
calcnow it only can snap to borders of the desktop02:51
calcseb128: any idea about that issue?02:51
StevenKcalc: It isn't using compiz?02:51
seb128calc: you are using compiz, aren't you?02:52
calcStevenK: it appears my system is using metacity still02:52
seb128so no, no idea02:52
seb128metacity didn't change recently02:52
calchmm odd then02:52
seb128it works fine for me and nobody else mentioned it02:52
amitkzul: are you planning to request a pull with other stuff soon?02:52
calcmaybe i should clean my dotdirs out02:52
zulamitk: yes tomororw morning02:52
calcseb128: it appears its somewhat more narrow bug, i can't snap a window to a window below it on the screen02:52
seb128calc: metacity doesn't do snapping though, only edge resistancy02:53
amitkzul: cool. Then it will go in for the next release02:53
calci mean the shift+click02:53
calci mean the shift+click02:53
zulamitk: yeppers02:53
calcgar my enter keeps getting in the way02:53
calci mean the shift+click+drag02:53
seb128ah, still work fine for me02:53
calci have two gnome terminal windows on my desktop02:53
calcone in upper left and one in lower left02:54
calcif i try to drag the top one down it obscures the bottom one02:54
calcbut if i drag the bottom one up it snaps to properly02:54
calcbut it compiz is what should be used i can try to determine why its not on my box02:54
seb128compiz is used on new installations only02:55
calcwhen dragging the bottom one down it snaps all the way to the bottom bar in gnome not to the top of the other terminal02:55
seb128otherwise you have to enable it in the appearance dialog02:55
calcit doesn't work02:56
calcerrors out02:56
calci'm on nvidia binary driver02:56
calcis that a known issue?02:57
agoliveirazul, amitk, done. Let me know if you need anything else. BTW, I have userland code that actually drives this OLED display. If you want to make it a kernel driver, let me know.02:58
seb128calc: nv or nvidia?03:08
seb128ah, binary03:08
seb128should work I think03:09
seb128mvo_ knows better03:09
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mvo_calc: can you please put the content of .xsession-errors to a pastebin?03:11
mvo_hey Hobbsee03:12
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Kanohi, when will be amd64 current fixed?03:27
Kanosudo -i, id does not work03:27
Hobbsee"when it's fixed"03:27
HobbseeKano: bug number?03:28
MithrandirKano: works fine for me03:28
KanoMithrandir: kubuntu amd64 current not03:28
pittiKano: what does it do for you?03:28
pitti$ sudo -i03:28
pittiroot@donald:~# id03:28
pittiuid=0(root) gid=0(root) Gruppen=0(root)03:28
MithrandirKano: there's no difference between those for ubuntu and kubuntu.03:28
pittiKano: oh, wait03:28
sbalneavHey all, currently looking at squashing Bug #107518.  What would be a "good" way to determine if a given filesystem is "dirty"?03:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 107518 in ltspfs "auto filesystem mounting can cause hideous data loss" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10751803:28
pittiKano: does 'id' segfault as normal user, too?03:28
Kanoid -> Illegal instruction -> core dump03:29
RiddellKano: does the md5sum match that in the package?03:29
pittiKano: on the last live CD we had file system corruption which often affected /usr/bin/id03:29
KanoRiddell: of course03:29
pitti$ md5sum /usr/bin/id03:29
pittib95e1a28e650a12f2d0ec9dd34aab6ab  /usr/bin/id03:29
pittiKano: ^ for you?03:29
pittiKano: I heard many people for whom /usr/bin/id was a fragment of XML, or an MPEG or such stuff03:30
pittiKano: please try 'apt-get install --reinstall coreutils' (from the network source)03:30
pittiKano: just FYI, it's most likely bug 12696403:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126964 in linux-source-2.6.22 "gutsy livefs causes random hangs or modprobe crashes" [Critical,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12696403:31
Kanohmm that worked03:31
pittioh, thanks for verifying03:32
Kanohow about switching to aufs03:32
pittiKano: pkl already fixed the bug, when we'll get a new kernel upload it should be history03:32
Kanohow to add 2 little id patches to next kernel?03:33
Kanoi dislike to patch is every time03:33
pittiKano: 'every time'?03:34
Kanoi have a script to recompile it for etch, but maybe i would base new kanotix directly on gutsy.03:34
Kanoand i NEED those patches03:34
Kanothe 2 patches03:35
Kanovery small, just adding ids03:35
pittiKano: looks sensible; please file them as bugs against linux-source-2.6.2003:37
Kanothe via patch is for the intel via ids of the well known via southbridge bug03:37
Kanothe other supports the card within the name of the patch03:38
Kanopatches are for .22 too03:38
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Kanois it known that the textmode has no german layout only kde when booted with language option03:40
RiddellKano: it's not clear what you mean03:41
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RiddellKano: are you saying linux console is in US keyboard layout while X is using german?03:41
Kanowhen you press ctrl-alt-f103:41
=== pitti sighs about yet another automatix-inflicted breakate
Kanoi use live cds for testing my gfx install scripts03:42
seb128we should find a way to ban the automatix use ;)03:42
Nafalloseb128: please do :-)03:42
Kanoof course i know us keyboard layout,but i would prefer german as my keyboard is german...03:42
Mithrandirseb128: make update-manager and synaptic refuse to touch the system if automatix has ever been installed.03:43
Mithrandiror libc fail to install03:43
HobbseeMithrandir: that's already the plan, isnt it?03:43
NafalloMithrandir: that would break Jennys box ;-)03:43
pittiMithrandir: I think I should disable apport reports if automatix is in apt sources03:43
pitti(I'm serious)03:43
NafalloMithrandir: but then I think I cleaned out the whole damn mess...03:43
pittiit just creates clutter03:43
Hobbseepitti: so's Mithrandir :)03:43
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Hobbseepitti: cant see why you arent alraedy, tbh03:43
MithrandirNafallo: *shrug*; reinstall then.  Or edit the dpkg status file.03:43
pittican someone tell me how to detect it?03:43
pittiit's just grep -v on apt sources, I figure?03:44
Mithrandirpitti: if dpkg -s automatix shows it?03:44
Kanowho can show me how these kubuntu current images are built?03:44
pittiMithrandir: ah, there's a proper package? last time I saw it I thought it boiled down to an apt source03:44
Kanothe live ones03:44
Mithrandirpitti: I think it's a proper package now, yes.03:44
Hobbseepitti: you could check the status file too, to see if it was ever installed.03:44
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NafalloMithrandir: I extracted the damn sources through the deb since upstream refused to give me the source in a easier way and read through to be able to revert what it did :-P03:45
pittiMithrandir: great use case for my 'general package hooks' :)03:45
Mithrandirpitti: haha. :-)03:45
pittiactually designed for apparmor, but would be great for automatix as well03:45
Kanobtw. i have even more sugestions.... if you like i write em in a textfile03:45
pittiKano: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization03:46
Kanomy questions is not about modifing, it is to build from scatch03:46
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Kanoi want a clean build03:47
pitti"  Michael Dell, Founder and CEO of Dell Inc., uses Automatix2 on his home computer"03:47
=== pitti boggles
Nafallopitti: can't you reinstall Ubuntu automagically upon detection? ;-)03:48
Kanois there any possiblity to get newer fuse-utils than in sid03:48
evandhilarity: http://www.getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=FAQ#Does_Automatix2_break_Ubuntu_upgrades.3F03:48
Kano2.6.5 is faulty03:48
Kano2.7.0 is ok03:48
Kanowhen used with uuids in fstab for ntfs-3g03:49
pittihttp://www.getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation -> ah, so that package is automatix2 now; I guess I'll check for both03:49
Kanoi heard that fuse 2.7.x will not enter sid until the other is in lenny, that can take ages03:50
=== Hobbsee wonders when the tech board will actually make a statement about automatix.
pittiKano: we can update it in Ubuntu only, if it's important03:51
stdinheh "Ubuntu has been notorious for breaking xserver packages several times" <- once != several times03:51
pittiHobbsee: in what way?03:51
Kanowell i use it a while for my with etch backports, works fine03:51
pittiKano: you should coordinate that with ogra, though, since he's our heaviest fuse user03:52
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Kanoi am a heavy ntfs-3g user ;)03:52
Kanospeed is really nice03:52
pittiKano: right03:52
pittiKano: I meant, ogra needs it for ltsp and such03:52
Hobbseepitti: about whether it's good or not03:52
pittiKano: maybe you can send him some test packages, and if they work for ltsp, we'll upload it?03:52
Kanoi would prefer that kde could use it03:52
Kanomy packages are too simple, just exchanged 2.65 with 2.70, not worth to think about... maybe you want other changes?03:53
sbalneavI'd have to check and see if the newer fuse works with the ltsp stuff, but I have no objection to moving forward.03:54
RiddellKano: where did you set the keyboard layout?03:54
sbalneavI'm upstream for the ltsp side of things so if something needs to be done for a newer fuse, it's easy.03:54
pittiKano: right, it's mainly to get it verified with the ltsp guys that 2.7 doesn't break anything (or get the necessary fixes into ltsp)03:54
pittihey sbalneav03:54
sbalneavHey pitti!03:54
KanoRiddell: well on feisty i think it worked. used the language selection03:55
pittiKano: we are still well before upstream version freeze, so getting it in now is no problem03:55
evandWe should really document the cases where automatix breaks the world and put them somewhere centralized so we can point to it when they start spreading FUD again03:55
Kanothese are mainly newer packages than in sid03:56
Kanomaybe except the discover-data, this is a bit specific03:56
ScottKevand: I'd say pointing to the line where it sigkills dpgk should be sufficient evidence (with a proper explanation) of why it should not be used.03:56
Kanonot that many packages03:57
Hobbseeevand: ScottK stick the source package somewhere, etc.03:57
Hobbseeincluding the part about the sigkill of dpkg03:57
ScottKevand: You don't actually need a source package (and they don't provide it) you can just unpack the .deb.03:58
Kano915res has one added id for intel g33 (needed for vesa basically only but it worked...)03:58
NafalloScottK: I tried to ask them why they didn't provide that :-)03:59
HobbseeScottK: evand but they would just whinge about how that's defamation, etc, most likely, and that the ubuntu devs dont try to work with them03:59
NafalloScottK: apperently it's to hard for them to dput _source.changes to their archive ;-)03:59
Hobbseeactually, that X thing probably relates to people who install the binary drivers via automatix, which then get hosed every kernel update03:59
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KanoRiddell: did you patch your k3b also with the old code for verify? i added it to my package04:00
ScottKjdong had said something about talking to them a while ago.04:00
ScottKjdong: Did you get anywhere with that?04:00
jdongScottK: no, it stalled after a forum council meeting04:01
evandHobbsee: we could also document past attempts of trying to encourage them to create a team that tests the upgrade path using automatix, if need be04:01
RiddellKano: I'm not sure, I've lost track of k3b patches since other people seem to be maintaining it.  you can check with apt-get source k3b04:01
HobbseeScottK: he likely got very abused, etc, about how all the MOTUs are crap, etc04:01
jdongScottK: and to be honest I don't think it's going to go anywhere.... :(04:01
Hobbseeevand: they wont listen.04:01
jdongScottK: we're getting walked all over by Arnav at the forums.04:01
elkbuntuNafallo, for a brief time they even had a compiled python file or something in their package04:01
Hobbseeevand: you'd have to go purely by technical merit, or lack of it04:01
KanoRiddell: from changelog i dont think so. i extracted the needed patches from websvn04:01
cjwatsonKano: the livecd-rootfs package is used to build the live filesystem04:01
Hobbseeevand: hell, they dont even seem to care that they're installing binaries which they cant see the source for04:01
Kanocjwatson: thanks04:02
RiddellKano: oh if it's in upstream we'll get it when we package 1.0.304:02
Kanomaybe add it... otherwise cd is ejected but not verified04:02
cjwatsonKano: was your console keyboard layout issue with feisty or gutsy? (there were two known relevant bugs in feisty)04:02
Kanoyes it is in upstream. but do you like to wait for 1.0.3 ;)04:02
Kanoi am testing currently only04:03
=== cjwatson tries with an Ubuntu live CD image
ScottKjdong: As we discussed before, if they would respect the packaging system, then I don't think we'd say bad things.04:03
ScottKjdong: And feel free to tell them you're welcome for fixing the clamav bug they whined about on their web page with no help from them.04:04
Kanocjwatson: i want more features in live mode, like possible execution of scripts, more cheatcodes and such things04:04
cjwatsonthere's a bug on casper about providing more hooks; feel free to file additional bugs for specific items04:05
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Kanoi think gutsy could get pretty good when those little things are fixed04:06
elkbuntudear nautilus. please stop restarting, it is awfully counterproductive. love elky04:06
cjwatsonwow, this live CD is buggered04:06
cjwatsonbooting in vmware, and all commands hang04:06
Kanohow is packaging the avm drivers?04:07
pitti    if apport.packaging.get_version('automatix') or \04:07
pitti        apport.packaging.get_version('automatix2'):04:07
pitti        report['UnsupportableReason']  = 'You have installed automatix on your \04:07
pittisystem. This is known to cause a lot of instability, thus problem reports \04:07
pittiwill not be sent to the Ubuntu developers.'04:07
elkbuntucjwatson, do file /var/usr/id04:07
pittiHobbsee: that should teach them :)04:07
Kanohave got ideas for those too04:07
coNPelkbuntu: did you get seb128's update?04:07
elkbuntuerrr... /var/lib/id04:07
cjwatsonelkbuntu: YM /usr/bin/id? (won't help as no external commands return)04:07
elkbuntucoNP, dunno04:07
Hobbseepitti: i'd let them file it direct to the automatix bugtracker :P04:07
pitticjwatson: did you try pkl_'s test CD?04:07
seb128I doubt it has built yet04:07
seb128use the spatial mode as a workaround :p04:07
elkbuntucjwatson, yeah. im muddled tonight. it's a damn mpeg last i checked a livecd :04:07
Hobbseepitti: and you should also mentoin that said instability does not occur on an ubuntu system04:07
cjwatsonpitti: no. did the bug in question affect vmware?04:08
coNPwhy I only can get source 0ubuntu1.dsc?04:08
pitticjwatson: I never observed it in vmware, but there's no specific reason why it should not affect it04:08
elkbuntunautilus needs to un-break so i can string paths together04:08
seb128elkbuntu: use spatial for an hour04:09
cjwatsonah, there we go, happier on a second boot04:09
cjwatsonKano: as I thought, running 'sudo setupcon' after boot fixes the console layout04:09
cjwatsonvery weird, I was sure I'd fixed that damn bug04:09
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Kanocjwatson: fine, please start it by default04:10
Kanobut why are umlauts in white and the rest is light gray?04:11
cjwatsonKano: it *is* started. it's a bug that reverts it later.04:11
cjwatsonif it were that easy it'd be fixed already :P04:11
cjwatsonI'm looking at it04:11
Kanoi build live cds since a few years, i know some things about em ;)04:12
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cjwatsonbut not about console-setup, apparently ;-)04:12
cjwatsonit has some messy initramfs interactions04:13
cjwatsonshould have a massive "you are not expected to understand this" sign above it04:13
cjwatsonah, could just be that the keyboard layout isn't munged early enough04:13
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cjwatsonthis'll be messy04:14
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cjwatsonthe basic problem is that you cannot reliably set the keymap once usplash has started; and you can't really do it reliably after it finishes either because X is about to snarf the console04:16
cjwatsonso you have to set it really really early04:16
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Kanocjwatson: there most be something else wrong, pos1, end does not work04:19
elkbuntucoNP, as for your question, it seems that no, i do not have the nautilus update, or if i do, it didnt work for me04:20
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Kanocjwatson: livecd-rootfs has an example but the build-$s-live dirs are missing04:27
Kanothe example is pretty useless without04:27
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gnomefreakspatial mode is default for nautilus isnt it?04:29
gnomefreakif so using spatial mode is closing unexpectedly, how can that be used as a workaround04:30
seb128gnomefreak: no, not in Ubuntu04:31
seb128gnomefreak: spatial is the mode without decoration, path bar, sidebar04:31
gnomefreakah i went to help and it said it was ok ill see if i can chage it04:31
cjwatsonKano: they're just standard debootstrapped chroots with the livecd-rootfs package installed, AFAIK04:32
seb128go to preferences and unset the "always use browser windows"04:32
gnomefreakah ok ty04:32
seb128or whatever it's called in english ;)04:32
cjwatsonKano: "pos1" == home key?04:32
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Kanocjwatson: yes04:32
cjwatsonKano: likely all part of the same bug04:32
Kanoi think so04:33
Kanobut i executed your command04:33
cjwatsonwell, home works for me04:33
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Kanocjwatson: why is the ramdrive fixed to 1 gb?04:36
cjwatsonKano: it's not; it's the kernel default of half your memory size04:37
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zulsomeone mention my name?04:47
Hobbseezul: the arrest warrant.04:47
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wwoodspitti: ping04:50
pittihey wwoods04:51
wwoodspitti: so we're sending some patches upstream that change coredump-to-pipe behavior to work like it does in your kernel04:51
pittiwwoods: oh, with the environment variables or with fixed macro handling?04:52
wwoodssee http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/7/19/521 and http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/7/22/12804:52
pittiwwoods: awesome, thanks a lot!04:52
cjwatsonKano: ok, so I think I have a horrible hack which will fix the default keymap. at least sometimes.04:52
wwoodsthose two patches ignore coredump rlim for pipes04:52
cjwatsoncan't guarantee the font will be right mind you, but it's correct for German at least04:52
wwoodsthe patch to handle argv[]  for core_pattern is coming later this week04:52
wwoodsand there's a new format specifier - %c - which expands to the actual core rlim04:53
wwoodsso probably we'll call apport with --real-rlim %c04:53
wwoodsget everything else from the headers.. and bob's yer uncle04:53
Kanocjwatson: will livecd.sh use it?04:54
pittiwwoods: ah, right04:54
pittiwwoods: too bad that the macro patch is still necessary then, just for %c04:54
mathiazpitti: I've been working on bug 12144104:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121441 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "Mysql man pages are non-free" [Unknown,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12144104:54
mathiazpitti: and created a mysql-doc package.04:54
cjwatsonKano: what's livecd.sh got to do with it? it's in caspe04:54
pittiwwoods: but I figure it would be convenient to have macros work properly for other usages of pipe-in-core_pattern04:54
mathiazpitti: should I upload it to revu ?04:54
wwoodspitti: it's the Right Thing To Do anyway04:54
pittimathiaz: hi04:54
wwoodsso yeah04:55
Kanocjwatson: sure, but is it in the repository04:55
wwoodsit's not the simplest patch, but it's the most correct/useful04:55
pittimathiaz: I don't have a revu account yet, I prefer direct feedback, but if you want to use revu, go ahead04:55
Kanoi think it works with a chroot envrionment04:55
pittiwwoods: I agree04:55
wwoodsanyway your patch will still work but I'll probably be patching apport in my branch for that04:55
cjwatsonKano: I don't understand your question?04:55
cjwatsonis what in the repository?04:55
Kanowell is it already in the repository your modified casper version04:56
wwoodsoh - I've also got the beginnings of a turbogears-based crashdb in my branch, but I don't think we'll use that for the initial fedora release04:56
mathiazpitti: well. I think it should go in restricted - so I'm not sure if revu is the best place to upload04:56
mathiazpitti: I can upload it to p.u.c04:56
cjwatsonKano: no, I haven't quite uploaded it yet, but will do04:56
mathiazpitti: and you can have a look at it ?04:56
Kanootherwise the created live cds would not use it04:56
pittimathiaz: WFM04:56
cjwatsonKano: yes yes I know how to drive the Ubuntu live CD creation process04:56
mathiazpitti: ok. I'll do this then. Thks.04:57
cjwatsonI wrote fair chunks of it ;)04:57
pittiwwoods: once this is adopted upstream, I'm sure that we will replace our patches with upstream's04:57
pittiwwoods: and I'll just change apport trunk to work with it04:57
pittiwwoods: I see no need to support more than one method04:57
pittiwwoods: and your ELF extraction code is really nifty!04:57
Kanobasically the package selection seems pretty easy in that file...04:58
wwoodspitti: cool! yeah, I agree, except for having older branches that support older kernels04:58
wwoodsnot sure which linus kernel this will make it into but I'll keep you posted04:58
wwoodsI think it's going into andrew morton's tree?04:59
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pittiwwoods: as it is in trunk right now, it should automatically read from ELF if CORE_SIGNAL etc. is not specified04:59
Kanoi think i can change it to my needs...05:00
pittiwwoods: I shuold really revive preloadlib/ and make it behave like the change you propose, then we have the test suite and can fix it in advance05:00
pittiwwoods: oh, I think we'll pull it as soon as it lands in upstream git05:01
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wwoodspitti: right, I saw that, good stuff05:02
wwoodspreloadlib/ ?05:02
pittiwwoods: it's a small LD_PRELOAD library that simulates the kernel behaviour05:02
pittiwwoods: when I wrote the very first line of apport I used this as a very first means to intercept crashes at all05:02
pittiwwoods: just look at it, it installs a signal handler and calls apport with the same environment than the kernel would05:03
Kanocjwatson: what was tocd?05:04
pittiwwoods: later I used it to create a reference implementation of the new environment var passing approach, so that I could write the tests and apport implementation without waiting for the kernel implementation05:04
cjwatsonKano: http://www.theopencd.org/05:04
cjwatsonwe did a live CD component for that for a while05:04
pittiwwoods: if you stop apport (i. e. standard core_pattern), './test-apport lib' will use this05:05
Kanoi see your code, maybe i adopt that for kanotix...05:05
Kanolooks easy to add new packages that way05:05
Kanobut i see nothing that would be like a sortlist05:06
Kanook i see it... you fetch em from the web05:07
Kanobut as usual every url is down05:07
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pittiback in 15 minutes05:12
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=== calc back
calcyea i'll clean out .xsession-errors and restart05:31
calcseb128: nvidia05:32
calcmvo__: a clean xsession-errors is 4.6KB05:34
cjwatsonKano: ok, casper uploaded with keymap fix, give it a few hours to build and publish and stuff05:34
calcmvo__: its mostly evolution alarm stuff though05:35
mvo__calc: it should contain something from compiz as well, please send me the log05:37
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calcmvo: oh i see you want to compiz error part, i'll do a clean compiz xsession-error log then05:37
mvocalc: thanks05:37
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calcmvo: interesting i see the issue, will put it on pastebin though05:40
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calcmvo: http://pastebin.com/de07cbb205:42
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mvocalc: that is interessting, do you use a dual-head setup?05:45
calctwo 23" 1920x1200 displays05:45
calcgears seems to work accelerated (i think) > 900fps anyway05:46
calcunless that is normal for no hw accel05:46
calcso does randr not work for dual head or something else is wrong?05:47
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desrtrandr works rather well for dual-head...05:47
desrtit's the mechanism by which  multiple heads are supported :p05:47
mvocalc: could you please put you /var/log/Xorg.0.log somewhere?05:47
calcdesrt: you sure you aren't confused with xinerama? :)05:48
calcmvo: ok05:48
mvocalc: you do not do anything fancy like "    Option"RandR" "off"in ServerFlags ;) ?05:49
calci don't recall doing that05:50
calci'll put both of the files on a server and look at them as well05:50
mvocalc: thanks05:50
calcthe config might look a bit strange because i was using info from a nvidia example to setup dual head05:53
calci might need to do enable some other things as well (maybe?)05:54
calcmvo: see above ^05:56
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mvocalc: thanks, I guess "xdpyinfo | grep RANDR" is empty for you?05:57
calcmvo: yes05:58
mvocalc: that seems to be what compiz is complainging about, but it is strange given that you explicitely enable RandR in your server flags05:58
calcmvo: i think that was some fragment from nvidia driver configurator05:58
calcmvo: should i remove some of that stuff and add others?05:58
mvocalc: libxrandr2 is installed and up-to-date?05:59
calcyes 2:1.2.1-105:59
mvoeh... could you please try disabling xinerama ?06:00
calcok, brb06:01
mvocalc: sorry, but those seem to be incompatible these days06:01
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calcmvo: so the default window manager doesn't work with dual head?06:04
manchicken_Is anybody following the new issues with OO.o in gutsy?06:04
calcmvo: or just not on nvidia?06:04
manchicken_calc: I hear you're the person to talk to ping on this.06:04
calcmanchicken_: which issue is it?06:04
calcmanchicken_: from what i hear someone broke something in gtk recently, but i can't reproduce the issue locally06:05
manchicken_calc: ooo, with any program, when I start it I get nothing but a splash screen and a maxed out CPU.06:05
calcmanchicken_: thats probably the broken "gtk" issue but i am not certain since i can't reproduce it here06:05
manchicken_Okay... there's a new version of GTK that I believe just came out, too.06:06
calcmanchicken_: yes which is what broke ooo06:06
calcmanchicken_: at least from what i have been told by other people06:06
manchicken_Naw, there's one that came out after that, too.06:06
calcoh interesting06:06
=== calc tries to update again so he can break his ooo
manchicken_It was broke, so I tried an update, which brought libgtk2.0-0 (2.11.6-1ubuntu1) on here.06:07
mvocalc: just not with xinerama06:07
manchicken_It's still broken after that update.06:07
manchicken_calc: I wonder if it was one of the many gcj updates.06:07
calcmvo: is there a way to do dual head without duplication of gnome bars without xinerama?06:07
calcmvo: after turning off xinerama i still have dual head working but i have two application and task bars06:08
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calcmvo: oh nm i have them but i can't get to the other head at all from what i can tell06:08
calcmvo: it seems once i started up compiz i can't get to the other head06:09
calcmvo: at least by dragging apps over there anyway06:09
Kanocjwatson: what tool do you use to create the iso?06:10
calcand compiz snap to feature doesn't seem to work or is different from metacity06:10
Kanothe rootfs is created06:10
=== calc disables compiz, yuck
cjwatsonKano: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/cdimage/mainline/ plus checkouts of the bits mentioned in configs/devel once you've checked that out06:11
calci don't need eye candy, i just need a working system, seems compiz isn't nearly ready for use for dual head06:11
cjwatson(http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/update-config may help)06:11
mvocalc: but compiz works now on both heads?06:12
cjwatsonit's a bit all over the place because it's grown from code that just built the alternate ISO06:12
calcmvo: not sure i couldn't easily get to the second head it was completely separate06:12
calcmvo: i can try again if needed06:12
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mvocalc: you should be able to a single desktop with randr1.2, but I don't know if nvidia supports this yet06:14
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calcmvo: no it doesn't work06:14
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calcmvo: without xinerama the second head has no window manager at all06:14
calcmvo: and trying to enable it on it has crashed compiz entirely06:14
calcmvo: so no compiz on either head right now06:15
geserpitti: Hi, can you give-back linuxdcpp, ardour, aqsis?06:15
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calcmvo: in fact no window manager at all it didn't fall back to anything either (not sure if it should have)06:15
calci still have the compiz effects but no window manager06:15
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calcmvo: i think i am getting compiz effects on both heads06:16
Amaranthcalc: then you have a WM06:17
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Amaranthcalc: that would mean you have no decorator06:17
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calcmvo: disabled and reenabled got the decorator on the primary head but not secondary06:17
Kanocjwatson: is it a mod of live-package?06:17
calcAmaranth: ah sorry about that, yes i have no decorator06:17
Amaranthcalc: multiscreen?06:17
calcAmaranth: yes06:17
calcAmaranth: mvo and I are looking into compiz dual head issue on my box06:18
Amaranthnot regular dual head, multiscreen is something different06:18
calcAmaranth: it apparently dislikes xinerama and without it does weird stuff06:18
cjwatsonKano: no06:18
cjwatsonKano: live-package postdates the stuff we did06:18
pittigeser: done06:18
Amaranthcalc: can you move windows between the monitors?06:18
=== calc managed to get his snap down working again in metacity though :)
calcAmaranth: not with xinerama disabled06:19
Amaranthso you're using multiscreen06:19
Amaranthyou need to start a decorator on the second screen06:19
calcAmaranth: yes, that is what mvo requested06:19
Amaranthopen a terminal over there or something and run gtk-window-decorator from it06:19
Amaranthyou have two panels, two desktops, etc, right?06:20
calcAmaranth: i'm just testing out things for mvo, i have no desire to use multiscreen past just testing06:20
mvoAmaranth: it all started to figure what the problem is. and it seems the problem is xinerama , with it, compiz does not want to start (no RandR anymore)06:20
Amaranthmvo: right06:20
iwjdoko: oo.o 2.2.1 seems to need more than 1GB of RAM to build.  I think this is a bug.  Do you agree ?06:20
Amaranthdon't use xinerama, randr handles this stuff now06:20
calcso why doesn't RandR support Xinerama yet?06:20
calcAmaranth: how do i get non multiscreen multi head?06:20
Amaranthrandr has it's own xinerama-like hints for the WM06:21
mvoAmaranth: can nvidia do randr1.2 yet?06:21
dokoiwj: amd64?06:21
Amaranthi dunno, actually06:21
iwjdoko: t06:21
Amaranthi don't have two monitors06:21
iwjdoko: g++ -Wreturn-type -fmessage......tables.cxx // virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory06:21
dokoiwj: that might be the gij prblem06:21
=== calc notes multihead isn't that uncommon so would be nice to just work
calcevery place i have worked in the past several years has had multihead for all developers06:22
dokoiwj: I never used less than 2gb06:22
Amaranthcalc: tell nvidia to fix their crappy drivers :)06:22
calcAmaranth: RandR 1.2 is like 5 months old at most06:23
iwjdoko: But is it a bug if you can't build it in 1 ?06:23
calcAmaranth: its a case of linux changing fast more than a nvidia issue06:23
iwjWhat is textenc/tables.cxx anyway ?06:23
dokoiwj: please ask our OOo maintainer ;-P06:23
dokohe's listening ;)06:23
Amaranthcalc: except randr 1.2 was designed with input from nvidia06:24
calcAmaranth: nvidia might support it already but if they do no one knows how to set it up since randr 1.2 is brand new06:24
Amaranththey knew it was coming for over a year before it came out06:24
calcAmaranth: oh LOL06:24
Amaranthcalc: i dunno, i think there are a couple GUIs floating around that do randr stuff for you06:25
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Amaranthactually i thought mvo was working on one06:25
iwjcalc: Are you ? :-)06:25
mvoAmaranth: *cough* ... time ... *cough*06:25
calciwj: scrolling up, i was talking about randr issues06:25
iwjSorry to interrupt ...06:25
Kanocjwatson: update-config takes ages for debian-cd 1/4. is that normal?06:25
cjwatsoncalc: ooo should probably take priority, though ;-)06:26
cjwatsonKano: it's just calling bzr *shrug*06:26
iwjcjwatson: This a build failure in test.06:26
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iwjBut I suspect that if it's running out of RAM in g++ when given 1Gb on some file called `tables' it's possible that a small change might make the builds go much faster ...06:26
calccjwatson: sorry i was reading my highlighting so didn't even notice iwj question until he mentioned my nick06:27
Kanocjwatson: i would say just the last package build in a repo would be more easy, but ok...06:27
cjwatsonKano: not my problem, take it up with the bzr people06:27
=== calc looks for the file in question
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cjwatsonKano: I don't really care anyway, it's just slow for initial checkout over http06:28
iwjcalc: Full log at http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/autopkgtest-output/gutsy/openoffice.org/06:29
Kanoi thought ubuntu server are faster. at least the one with the isoimages was06:29
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cjwatsonKano: bzr-over-http isn't all that quick sometimes06:29
Amaranthcalc: https://launchpad.net/urandr06:29
cjwatsonKano: (also if you think about it you might come to the conclusion that cdimage/releases.ubuntu.com receives ever-so-slightly more resources than people.ubuntu.com)06:29
Kanocjwatson: maybe suggest a higher bandwidth *g*06:30
cjwatsonKano: I don't care and I don't think you should either. it's initial checkout only. please stop bugging me about it.06:31
calciwj: i may be looking the wrong area of log but it looks like it is working on java files when it runs out of memory there06:31
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calciwj: am i looking in the wrong file?06:32
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iwjcalc: Err, the log in the URL I just gave you and the log in my email do not correspond at all.06:33
iwjcalc: Let me try to figure out what's going on.06:33
calciwj: fun stuff, let me know when you have it sorted06:33
iwjOK, the log in the email is just out of date and the java problem is current.06:34
iwjThe log in my email is from when it had only 256Mb.06:34
iwjSorry to bother you.06:34
calciwj: oh ok no problem06:34
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calciwj: doko mentioned something about gij having memory issues which might be what is showing up in this log06:34
iwjI've discussed that with doko already.06:35
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calciwj: what is autopkgtest btw?06:35
iwjAutomatic testing thing.06:36
iwjErr, duh.06:36
iwjIt can run tests you put in your source package.06:36
calcAmaranth: that page has a dead link to the software06:36
calciwj: oh ok :)06:36
iwjAlso, it has the ability to build things (since tests might need a built tree).06:36
iwjAnd when the builds fail it mails me.06:36
Amaranthcalc: that page has a link to a bzr branch hosted on launchpad06:36
calcAmaranth: ah06:37
calcbtw ooo 2.2.1 should build in 1gb physical ram06:38
calci have done that on my laptop many times06:38
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Kanocjwatson: bzr-builddeb does not work with bzr 0.18?06:46
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cjwatsonKano: I have no idea06:47
=== cjwatson <- not a bzr developer nor a bzr-builddeb developer
Kanowell depends are that way06:47
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iwjIWBNI the timeout on this IRC server were a bit longer than 0.000000001 nanoseconds.06:47
cjwatsonKano: file a bug06:47
Amaranthis bazaar.launchpad.net down or am i just having weird problems?06:48
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calcmvo: ^06:52
calcmvo: so its a lack of randr not glx that is the issue?06:52
calcmaybe i need to use twinview to get it all working06:53
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cjwatsoniwj: FYI I've fixed (well, worked around) your exponential growth of menu.lst upstream by making os-prober ignore the (on /dev/blah) entries. It's not at all ideal and there's still more that could be done but it's a reasonably economical workaround.07:01
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Kanocjwatson: do i see it right, that you upload a rootfs and a cronjob creates the iso images then07:23
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cjwatsonKano: the way it's set up, the same cron job actually triggers the rootfs build first, but yes that's roughly right07:25
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Kanoi see no exec of livecd.sh07:26
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Kanoseems to be a bit tricky to rewrite the iso generation to be executed with one command without that infrastructure07:27
Kanoalso usually you dont need to do that much...07:28
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cjwatsonKano: it's done indirectly and you won't see the exact setup as deployed there, but it calls through to BuildLiveCD07:29
cjwatsonKano: it can't be done as one command because the CDs are all built on a single machine and obviously the livefses have to be built on one machine per architecture07:29
Kanoi c, for amd64+i386 it would be possible however07:30
Kanobut where are the subdirs of BuildLiveCD07:30
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cjwatsonI'm sure it's possible but it's not worth it07:31
LucidFoxArchive admins, please move https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/videotrans/1.6.0-0ubuntu1 from universe to multiverse07:31
LucidFoxit build-depends on multiverse packages and thus fails to build07:31
cjwatsonKano: I already explained that07:31
cjwatsonKano: 15:32 <cjwatson> Kano: they're just standard debootstrapped chroots with the livecd-rootfs package installed, AFAIK07:31
cjwatsonit's obviously silly to have those in the package07:32
Kanoi guess i write just a differnt code around the rootfs generation07:32
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Kanohave to think about it...07:34
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pittiwwoods: FYI, I fixed the preload library now, tests pass (./test-apport lib)07:38
wwoodsoh cool!07:38
=== wwoods bzr merges
pittiwwoods: so I can now play around with dropping $CORE_SIGNAL etc.07:38
pittiwwoods: oh, hmm; naturally, gdb generated core dumps do *not* have a signal in their cores07:39
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dholbachsiretart: can we make it so that bzr-builddeb is installable with bzr 0.18-1?07:48
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mvo_calc: I don't think that is the issue, http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2007-June/025145.html indicates that xinerma disables randr07:48
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mjg59elmo: Hi07:49
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wwoodspitti: why are you using gdb to generate core dumps?08:00
pittiwwoods: what else should I use?08:01
pittiwwoods: and, even if there is a more efficient program, how would it help to poke a signal number into the core dump?08:01
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wwoodspitti: I just do kill -SEGV $pid08:10
wwoodsget a real, live core dump08:10
wwoodsusually from the commandline I do: sleep 5 & sleep 1 ; kill -SEGV %108:10
pittiwwoods: ah, from the kernel, right; but that doesn't work too well when I want to call apport from a preloaded library, or do you see a good way to do that?08:11
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pittiwwoods: the idea of that library is to emulate the kernel behaviour and be a reference implementation, so I wouldn't like to bet on kernel behaviour08:12
pittiwwoods: also, the test suite exercises different ulimits (including zero)08:12
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wwoodsoh, um. not sure. I'll ask around though. I'm wary of emulating kernel crash dumps, though. seems like just using normal corefiles would be better08:21
wwoodseven if you're generating them on purpose08:22
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asisakre phanatic08:23
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pittithekorn: here?08:31
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thekornpitti: yes08:32
pittithekorn: I played with set_status(), but it doesn't seem to work for me08:33
pittib = Bug('124354', cookie_file='/home/martin/txt/lp-apport.cookie')08:33
pittithekorn: is that supposed to work like this? the bug is still 'undecided'08:33
pittithekorn: b.importance is now 'Medium', but I guess set_status() just set that member variable internally08:34
pittithekorn: ^ ah, yes, it does08:34
thekornpitti: it should work, the problem are bugs with many tasks08:36
pittithekorn: right, in that case I'd need to specify one, but that bug only has one08:36
thekornbut there is a solution in my gsoc branch08:36
pitti         full_sourcepackage+'.importance': self.importance,08:36
pitti         full_sourcepackage+'.importance-empty-marker': '1',08:36
pittithekorn: what does that empty-marker?08:37
pitti... do?08:37
thekorni realy don't know, but without this it does not work08:37
Kmos1 == undecided ?08:38
pitti{'ubuntu_apport.status': 'Fix Committed', 'ubuntu_apport.importance-empty-marker': '1', 'ubuntu_apport.importance': 'Medium', 'FORM_SUBMIT': '1', 'ubuntu_apport.sourcepackagename': 'apport', 'ubuntu_apport.status-empty-marker': '1', 'ubuntu_apport.comment_on_change': ''}08:39
pittithekorn: this is the args dictionary; it looks pretty reasonable08:39
pittithekorn: it figured out the source package, task, status, etc.08:39
thekornpitti: what features of py-lp-bugs does apport use? add comments/attachments, set tags, set status, get list of bugs08:43
pittiget description, download attachments, add comment, add attachment, delete attachment, add subscriber, get bug list (by tag), get status, set/get duplicate #, add/remove tags08:46
pittithekorn: and now I wanted to use set_status() to make bdmurray happy (bug 106379)08:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 106379 in apport "retracer should set importance of bugs" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10637908:46
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bdmurraythekorn: Is bughelper aware of assignment?08:50
thekornpitti: ah, that's once again a cokkie problem08:50
pittithekorn: I added a p-lp-bugs task to bug 10637908:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 106379 in apport "retracer should set importance of bugs" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10637908:51
pittithekorn: oh, it doesn't call self._setup_cookie()08:52
pittithekorn: hmm, I added that, but it still doesn't work08:53
pittithekorn: oh, forget that, it already does call it (/me blind)08:54
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Kmos./topic Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-qa/ - http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bugsquad - Tomorrow is HUG DAY!09:07
Kmoswrong channel09:07
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thekornpitti: is the user with this cookie allowed to change the status of the bug?09:15
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thekornit works for me with a valid cookie-file09:17
geserpitti, Mithrandir: please give-back haskell-configfile. Thanks.09:28
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geserpitti, Mithrandir: please give-back haskell-hsh. Thanks.09:37
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pittithekorn: oh, that might be a point09:43
LaserJockafter a package has been excepted through NEW does it take a while to get it into the build queue?09:43
pittiLaserJock: binary NEW: about an hour, source NEW: needs manual review, thus arbitrarily long09:44
pittibdmurray: could you please add apport to ubuntu-qa? it's only the bot user09:44
LaserJockpitti: well, I mean the about of time between when a package is accepted through source NEW and when the binaries get built09:44
pittigeser (CC: Mithrandir): done09:45
pittiLaserJock: no, there's no human delay09:45
pittiLaserJock: and you'll see the binaries in the new queue09:45
pittiLaserJock: unless they FTBFS, of course09:45
LaserJockpitti: edubuntu-addon-meta was accepted through source NEW 40 minutes ago but there are no builds09:46
LaserJocknot even anything in the queue, that I can see09:46
pittiLaserJock: ah; just give it some time then09:46
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LaserJockpitti: ok, that's all I needed to know ;-)09:47
pittithekorn: confirmed; sorry for the trouble then09:48
bdmurraypitti: done09:49
pittibdmurray: yay, thanks09:49
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kmonHi. I would like to know if there's any plan in gutsy with regards to intel-mac's10:52
kmonI would like to help testing.10:53
ograkmon, so just grab an image and test ;)10:53
kmonI've already installed tribe 310:53
kmonand filed bugs10:53
ograwhat else would you want to do ?10:54
=== ogra doesnt understand the question there is no difference to any other intel system apart from the bootloader
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kmonthat's my main concern, really10:55
ogranow it makes sense :)10:55
kmonthe bootprocess on a mac-intel with linux only is a pita10:55
gesercjwatson: gutsy has no -lowlatency versions of the kernel anymore and linux-backports-modules-2.6.22 is now stuck in depwait10:55
kmonogra: thanks10:57
evandkmon: if you mean native EFI booting, no there are no such plans for Gutsy.10:57
evandat least none that I am aware of.10:58
kmongrub-efi package doesn't work?10:58
evandkmon: well, we don't use grub2 yet.10:59
kmonanyone knows when grub2 will replace legacy grub?11:00
kmonI think debian is going to do it for lenny...11:01
kmonbut i could be wrong11:01
LaserJockkmon: well, considering when lenny is likely to be released, we have a while ;-)11:02
kmonyes, I know...11:02
evandkmon: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/grub2 , I'd guess at Gutsy+1, but it would be stab in the dark.11:03
kmonI hate laptops11:03
kmonok, thanks LaserJock11:04
ograevand, well, gutsy+1 being LTS makes that unlikely ...11:06
evandah, good point11:06
ograi doubt we will do stuff that could be risky in any way in gutsy+111:06
evandlets just leave it at "sometime in the future" then11:06
ograheh :)11:07
kmonit's a shame11:07
agoliveirakmon: I used to hate them too but I bought one beefed enough to use as a desktop and now I'm enjoying the silence :)11:24
agoliveira(with external keyboard and 20" LCD)11:25
kmonI bought this mac so I didn't buy another pc with windows (to contribute to bug#1 ;)11:26
kmonI did it before the dell deal, obiously11:26
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cjwatsongeser: thanks, will fix12:07

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