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dokolamont, kylem: is there a kernel which has the fix for http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=32857 ?09:23
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Keybukany particular reason that CONFIG_TMPFS_POSIX_ACL=n ?02:49
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zulamitk: i added some more devices to the usb autosuspend blacklist as well02:53
zulKeybuk: not that Im aware of02:53
amitkzul: did you check _both_ my commits?02:54
zulamitk: not yet..02:55
amitkzul: please submit a patch against those commits. Thanks.02:55
zulcan drop that one ;)02:56
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allysonHi, I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but I am not able to install a new module in the Ubuntu server 7.04. Everything compiles and install, but when I reboot the old module comes back. any suggetions?04:24
IntuitiveNippleallyson: blacklist the 'old' module in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist04:25
allysonHum, I think I was not clear in my question, sorry. It's an module update, not a new module.04:27
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allysonThe old module file not even exists anymore. I don't know where it is been loaded from.04:29
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allysonI have just found something, maybe I have to rebuild my initrd. I'll try that.04:37
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BenCallee: sudo update-initramfs -u04:58
BenCerr, late answer04:58
BenCteam meeting in #ubuntu-meeting, 2 minutes04:58
alleeBenC: was this the answer how to add a linux-image to netboot.tar.gz content?04:59
BenCallee: no, improper nick completiong, sorry05:00
alleeBenC: pity :)05:00
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bdmurrayBenC: I found a kernel bug with "apm: BIOS not found" in dmesg.  Is that indicative of something wrong with the laptop?06:20
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AnAnthello, how do I report problems with kernel ?06:29
AnAntwhat outputs should I provide ?06:29
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ScottKAnAnt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies06:33
AnAntScottK: now, what if I have a problem in booting ubuntu06:36
AnAntScottK: ie. it freezes at the Loading device drivers stage06:37
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=== ScottK is not a kernel expert. I'd say do your best.
=== ScottK looks around.
bdmurrayHave you tried booting w/o quiet and usplash?06:37
bdmurrayTo get more details06:37
AnAntbdmurray: yup06:37
AnAnthmmm, w/o quiet ?06:38
AnAntI'll try w/o quiet06:38
bdmurrayWhich kernel version is it?06:38
AnAntbdmurray: I tried feisty & gutsy amd64 on my laptop06:39
AnAntbdmurray: funny thing is that sometimes it works , sometimes not 06:39
AnAntbdmurray: but if acpi=off, it is more likely to work06:39
bdmurrayWhich Gutsy CD?06:39
AnAntbdmurray: live CD06:42
AnAntbdmurray: I think it was 22/7 build06:42
AnAntwhat's cool about that ?06:43
bdmurrayThat you are using a recent version of the CD.06:43
AnAntoh, the live CD worked06:44
AnAntthe gutsy live CD worked, it's the installation that didn't work06:44
AnAntin feisty live didn't work06:44
bdmurrayWhat do you mean the installation didn't work?  That the install process worked but you couldn't boot or that the install process failed?06:45
AnAntbdmurray: install process worked, but couldn't boot after installation06:46
bdmurrayAnAnt: So getting information from the Live CD regarding your hardware would be quite useful.06:49
AnAntah, yes06:51
AnAntok, thanks06:52
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BenCbdmurray: no, I get that on my laptop too09:28
BenCbdmurray: usually means that it's not APM, but ACPI09:28
BenCwhich is almost always the case09:29
BenCbdmurray: we've hit a threshold where it seems like there is more bug traffic for gutsy-2.6.22 than there is for feisty-2.6.2009:40
BenCnot sure about the actual bug numbers09:40
bdmurrayBenC: I think I have numbers09:41
bdmurrayDo you mean rate of growth?09:42
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BenCbdmurray: yeah, like the rate of NEW bugs10:11
BenCbdmurray: I can already see that the traffic alone has increased, which seems to be a good sign that people are testing it more10:11
bdmurrayYes, we talked about testing a lot at ubuntu live10:11
bdmurrayOr getting people interested in it.10:12
BenCI just don't know if it means that we are just more active on those bugs or if it's more NEW bugs coming in :)10:12
bdmurrayI have text files with numbers similar to carthiks at p.u.c10:12
bdmurrayI haven't had a chance to graph them yet though10:13
bdmurraydoh, I am graphing them!10:14
bdmurraycomparing the week-open for 2.6.20 and 2.6.22 is interesting10:15
bdmurraythere has been a slight upswing in .22 since tribe 310:16
BenCyeah, definite spikes10:16
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bdmurrayBenC: Does "hdc: status error: status=0x58" indicate a hardware issue or is it hard to tell?11:19
BenCbdmurray: that's the usual case, but it could be driver related as well11:19
bdmurrayhmm, is there more triaging information to gather than the usual stuff?11:21
BenCbdmurray: cases like that, just the usual, plus a request on whether it works with another kernel (feisty or something)11:25
bdmurrayBenC: okay, thanks11:27

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