
=== Burgundavia [i=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== n2diy_ [n=darryl@sip128-697285.dialupwb.pennswoods.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== Mike_Feravolo [n=mike@user-0c6s66t.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== boredand1logging [n=nali@c-24-98-177-125.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== yama` is now known as yama
=== DarkRaven [n=dvwyngaa@dsl-243-72-169.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendabeuno: there was a quiz yesterday! :)09:11
jendabeuno: which calls for the quiz section in the UWN again... when's the next UWN due?09:12
jendabeuno: it was hosted by theCore, Alexander Vassalotti and won by coNP, Aaron Sisak. I sponsored it, but coNP donated his prize towards the next quiz, so he's the sponsor.09:12
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== Admiral_Chicago_ [n=FreddyM@adsl-68-72-97-225.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== Mike_Feravolo_ [n=mike@user-0c6s66t.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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rjianhello everyone12:53
rjianwats new here12:57
Mike_Feravolo_I am not sure, I think something is going on in Oregon12:59
rjianreally? an event hehe01:01
Mike_Feravolo_I guess it's a little to far for me to drive to.01:06
=== Vorian [n=Steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
rjianeven me coz im in php :)01:09
Mike_Feravolo_time to get out there and sell01:12
Mike_Feravolo_then i can get back to programming01:13
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=== yama` [n=yama@ppp59-167-26-232.lns1.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Steck [n=Steck@c-24-12-49-58.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Vorian [n=Steve@cpe-76-181-146-41.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ubuntu/member/gwaihir] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
johnc4510beuno: you around?10:51
beunohey johnc451010:51
johnc4510how come issue 49 not on fridge or rss feed?10:52
beunoI forgot10:52
beunothat's why  :D10:52
johnc4510also   10:53
johnc4510fridge events calendar only goes thru end of month   10:53
johnc4510where can i get first of next month?10:53
beunojohnc4510: there's an arrow on top, in the same line where the month is10:56
beunoyou can go through the months with that10:56
johnc4510k thanks     duh10:56
beunoor you can use: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event/2007/07/24/list/all/all10:57
beunonp  :D10:57
johnc4510oh, that link is nice10:57

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