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juliux@schedule berlin12:26
ubotuSchedule for Europe/Berlin: 24 Jul 17:00: Kernel Team | 25 Jul 14:00: Edubuntu | 25 Jul 22:00: Xubuntu Developers | 26 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 27 Jul 14:00: MOTU Team | 31 Jul 17:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting12:26
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Kernel Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 25 Jul 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 25 Jul 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 26 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 27 Jul 12:00 UTC: MOTU Team | 31 Jul 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Server Team meeting
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BenCok, hello everyone05:02
BenCThis is the Ubuntu Kernel Team meeting, our agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting05:02
BenCUnfortunately, Kyle and Tim are at UbuntuLive and wont be attending, which shortens our agenda quite a bit05:03
BenCA few highlights of recent things we've been working on include UME kernel (amitk), and liveCD memory issues (pkl)05:04
BenCamitk: would you care to elaborate on some of the work you're doing with UME, and plans for power management improvements?05:05
BenCah, amit has lost connection :)05:06
BenCWhile he's regaining that connection...any questions from community folks?05:07
zulnot me05:07
zulI didnt prepare anything at least05:07
BenCthis is going to be a short meeting, so we'll have time for this sort of thing :)05:07
zuloh yeah ill try to get to vserver this week what about openvz?05:08
ScottKWould anyone be willing to work on kernel bug triage while we wait?05:08
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BenCzul: openvz looks like it may miss the gutsy release, but we are discussing possibilities with them05:09
BenCthey are still based on 2.6.20 kernel, and the reject list is huge against 2.6.2205:09
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zuland im not touching it ;)05:10
amitk_I dropped out...05:10
BenCScottK: you're more than welcome to do that at any time :)05:10
BenCamitk: saw that on the other server...we were just discussing some open topics, but I had wondered if you wanted to give an update on UME and/or power savings work in gutsy05:11
ScottKBenC: Unfortunately for me, when it comes to the kernel, I'm more of a triagee than a triager.05:11
BenCScottK: heh, a good time for that is bug days, in which we'll have a kernel team person actively helping and working on kernel bugs05:12
ScottKSure.  Just thought maybe it would be a target of opportunity while waiting.  No problem.05:13
amitk_nothing big really - UME kernels seem to work on the menlow platform05:13
amitk_https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/power-management-in-ubuntu has been modified to be more focused for gutsy05:13
amitk_and I am now working on splitting up the test cases for laptop-testing group in order to revive it05:14
BenCexcellent, the laptop testing sounds really promising05:14
BenCamitk: have you contacted heno about the test infrastructure yet?05:15
amitk_no I haven't. I will do that right away05:15
BenChopefully they've been working on the backend already, and it will just be a matter of plugging in the explanations and reporting procedures that you come up with05:16
BenCpkl_: you've been tasked with livecd memory usage problems, and with virtualization (mainly xen)...how's that coming?05:16
amitk_I would also like to put out a call for volunteers to do some powertop hacking (www.linuxpowertop.org)05:17
pkl_BenC: currently suspended, looking at the critical #126964 bug.05:17
pkl_That's the liveCD corruption and hang bug.05:18
BenCah, right05:18
pkl_The hang I traced last week to a race I put into Squashfs in April.  Fixed.05:18
BenCbeen able to point the blame at anything specific yet?05:18
BenCgood, nice work05:19
pkl_The corruption bug is much rarer, but very nasty.05:19
pkl_Unfortunately the available debug info proved impossible to track this down.05:20
BenCpkl_: would this benefit from crashdump?05:20
BenCI could probably write up something, and create an ISO which can handle crashdumps capturing05:20
pkl_I have put in a lot more non-invasive (i.e. no spewing rubbish to dmesg) logging via a psedo file (debugfs), and got some good debug info yesterday,05:21
pkl_I believe I know the execeptional set of circumstances which cause the bug.  It looks like an undiscovered race condition in the Squashfs fragment cache code.05:22
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BenCok, if you need more extensive testing, would be good to talk heno about putting out a call for that05:22
BenCotherwise, keep up the good work you're already doing05:22
pkl_Debugging is currently ongoing.05:22
pkl_Yeah, I've been up to 6am most nights..05:23
pkl_As it's Squashfs I have a vested interest in fixing it, and a certain responsibility :)05:23
BenCpkl_: sleep becomes a luxury at times :)05:24
BenCWell, unless there's some other topics people want discussed, this meeting is at an end05:25
BenCI'll give a short pause from the chair...05:25
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BenCAnd, that's it folks :)05:26
BenCthanks everyone, have a good week and so you all in two weeks for the next meeting05:27
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ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 25 Jul 12:00: Edubuntu | 25 Jul 20:00: Xubuntu Developers | 26 Jul 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 27 Jul 12:00: MOTU Team | 31 Jul 15:00: Ubuntu Server Team meeting | 31 Jul 19:00: Technical Board08:04
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