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loolHeya; I've noticed hildon-fm doesn't build anymore with gtk 2.11.x; I've pushed a fix in 2.11.6-1 in Debian/experimental11:59
Mithrandirany chance we could convince you to merge that into the branch in LP too? :-)12:00
loolI don't think gtk is maintained in LP, is it?12:01
Mithrandirah, the fix is in gtk?12:01
Mithrandirok, thanks.  I'll ask seb128 to pull it in, then12:01
loolBut I would have merged a fix in an ubuntu-mobile bzred package :)12:01
Mithrandirseb128: ^^ ; pretty please?12:01
loolseb128: ^^^12:01
seb128Mithrandir: yeah, will do it12:02
Mithrandirthanks a lot.12:02
seb128you're welcome12:02
loolseb128: Basically 009_filechooserfoobar and the 070_relibtoolize of course12:02
seb128lool: I'll just take the Debian package as it is and apply Ubuntu changes12:03
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GyrosGeierdoko, ping?01:00
dokoGyrosGeier: do you want to propose a m68k port?01:01
GyrosGeieryes and no01:04
GyrosGeierI need cross compilers for dapper01:04
GyrosGeierbut I'm not entirely sure about some things01:04
GyrosGeierdebian/rules2 sets -fno-stack-protector if $with_ssp_default is set, for both STAGE1_CFLAGS and BOOT_CFLAGS01:05
GyrosGeierwith this flag, compilation fails, because Dapper's gcc doesn't know it01:06
GyrosGeierwithout it, I have undefined symbols in libcpp.a (but only there)01:07
GyrosGeierso it seems that STAGE1_CFLAGS is used outside of stage 1 when building a cross compiler01:07
GyrosGeier(the undefined symbols are the check value and abort function of the stack checker01:08
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GyrosGeieralso, I'm slightly confused, as I thought that cross compilers are built in a single pass01:08
dokoGyrosGeier: afaik the cross stuff in gcc-4.0 is out of date.01:09
GyrosGeierbut libcpp.a is obviously built with stack-protector01:09
GyrosGeierit's the most recent gcc package01:09
GyrosGeierthe compiler is allowed to be recent01:09
GyrosGeierbut the people who want it are running Dapper01:09
GyrosGeierand do not want to upgrade01:10
dokoseems I still do not understand what you want. dapper's gcc doesn't turn on stack-protector by default01:11
GyrosGeier(so I thought I'd write a script that builds all combinations for all supportable distributions; http://www.emdebian.org/~sjr/toolchains/pool/main/b/binutils/ is my collection of binutils packages01:11
GyrosGeierdoko, that's why I'm confused01:11
GyrosGeierit doesn't have stack-protector, I think; otherwise it wouldn't fail and complain with -fno-stack-protector01:12
GyrosGeierbut libcpp.a is built with stack-protector01:12
dokoso which package do you try to build?01:12
GyrosGeierATM most recent gcc-4.2 as found in Debian sid (I understand that should be identical to the one in gutsy)01:13
GyrosGeierbuild environment is Dapper, with backported dpkg and binutils01:14
dokowell, then start to backport gcc-4.2 to dapper; I didn't do that01:14
GyrosGeieryou are the sole Uploader in the gcc-4.2 package01:15
GyrosGeieressentially, this is what I'm doing; gcc-4.2 only builds with a fairly recent gcc, it seems01:16
GyrosGeier(or at least the build-deps claim so)01:16
dokogcc-4.2 should build with dapper's gcc as a bootstrap compiler01:19
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GyrosGeiernope; that's why I'm asking.01:20
GyrosGeierit fails because of -fno-stack-protector and (later) because of ld --hash-style=both01:21
GyrosGeierthe latter is why I backported binutils first01:21
dokofor a native build?01:22
dokonot a cross?01:23
GyrosGeiernative build also fails.01:23
=== GyrosGeier goes back to native mode
GyrosGeierIIRC it was also -fno-stack-protector01:24
dokowell, try to build a compiler first, without stack-protector as the default, then use that as the bootstrap compiler; or find out why it wants to use the -fno-stack-protector option for the stage1 compiler01:25
GyrosGeierdoko, debian/rules2 sets that option unconditionally when it builds a compiler with stack protector01:26
dokowell, then remove it?01:27
GyrosGeierthen the linking fails, as described above, because libgcc gets compiled with stack-protector enabled01:27
GyrosGeiera cross build shouldn't build a bootstrap compiler, should it?01:28
dokothen go back to use a bootstrap compiler which understands -fstack-protector01:29
GyrosGeieralso, debian_rules.defs lines 402 to 405 seem wrong01:31
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GyrosGeierssp_no_archs is first set conditionally for cross builds, and then unconditionally overwritten01:31
GyrosGeierfixing that doesn't change anything for me, interestingly01:32
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seb128Mithrandir, lool: GTK synced and libhildonfm builds fine again01:43
Mithrandirthanks a lot01:44
agoliveiraseb128: Yey! )01:54
seb128you're welcome01:54
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Mithrandironce moblin-image-creator hits, I _think_ we should be able to build images properly03:09
GyrosGeierwhere can I take a look at the image creator?03:10
Mithrandirapt-get source moblin-image-creator on a gutsy system, or git clone rsync://moblin.org/tools/moblin-image-creator.git03:11
=== GyrosGeier checks it out
GyrosGeier@ERROR: Unknown module 'tools'03:12
=== GyrosGeier heads out to the bureau
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Jonathan_CardozoGyronsGeier use the console syntax03:17
Jonathan_Cardozoin my feisty fawn ucurred this to03:17
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GyrosGeiergit clone rsync://moblin.org/repos/tools/moblin-image-creator.git03:47
GyrosGeierthat is what I was trying to say03:48
Jonathan_CardozoGyros, this line copy a tree of source from moblin0image-creator, the last release of tha03:54
Jonathan_Cardozocopy and compile in you machine03:55
GyrosGeierthe path was wrong before03:56
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loolHmm, I think there's something wrong with https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/hildon-fm-l10n/trunk the SVN has way more revisions than this mirror04:21
loolWho can I ask to update it to track stage.maemo.org/maemo/projects/haf/trunk/hildon-fm-l10n instead of whatever it tracks?04:22
MithrandirAdilson is the registrar, so he should be able to see where it pulls from04:23
Mithrandiragoliveira: ^^ ; could you please tend to this?04:24
agoliveiraMithrandir, lool, No problem04:25
loolagoliveira: thanks!04:25
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loolMithrandir: How can I see who's the registrar?  I saw "VCS imports" on launchpad04:25
Mithrandirclick on the project, then on overview and then on the lifecycle portlet.04:26
loolGot it; thanks04:27
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agoliveiraHmmm... looks like even being the registar, I don't have the rights to change where to import it from.04:30
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agoliveiralool, the current hildon-fm-l10n is being imported from stage.maemo.org/svn/maemo/projects/haf/trunk/hildon-fm-l10n-2.0. Are you sure we should move it to stage.maemo.org/maemo/projects/haf/trunk/hildon-fm-l10n?04:41
agoliveiralool, if you confirm that, I will have to ask someone from the VCS team to change it as, once the import starts, only them can do it.04:43
agoliveiraWell, I'm going lunch now.04:44
loolagoliveira: The SVN log I have from the 2.0 branch seems to be included in the 3.0 branch which I think is "stage.maemo.org/maemo/projects/haf/trunk/hildon-fm-l10n"04:45
loolagoliveira_lunch: And they seem to be tracking this branch in repository.maemo.org/pool/sardine04:45
loolagoliveira_lunch: But these are all my guesses; I do think this is a newer version, but there's an inconsistency between the SVN and the archive (version in archive is slightly older than SVN)04:46
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agoliveiralool: You're seen to be right about it. I'll ask for the change. Thanks for pointing that out.05:55
loolCool, thanks05:56
agoliveiralool: Thank you :) I already requested the change.05:59
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CharliefJohnsonamitk_: Did you get adequate response to your comments on the mobile-power-thermal-optimizations blueprint ?? 08:07
CharliefJohnsonAmit - Are you online?08:12
amitk_CharliefJohnson: not yet. We are supposed to have a conf call thurs/fri08:12
amitkCharliefJohnson: sujith requested a conf call to discuss the blueprint08:13
CharliefJohnsonamitk: That's good.  That will allow for a much higher bandwidth discussion.  Thanks.08:14
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amitkCharliefJohnson: Would it be possible to get them on IRC or discuss on the UME mailing lists on a regular basis? That might allow others in canonical to keep abreast of the discussions.08:17
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