
ScottKmohammad: I think that you should just depend on firefox|iceape|seamonkey|xulrunner and use the gecko engine already installed rather than try to force it via your init.12:15
ScottKThat's part of what the packaging system does for you and you should let it do that and not work around it.12:16
mohammadI have added firefox|iceape in the depends section but don't know how MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME should be initited ..12:16
ScottKCan it just be disabled?12:17
ScottKWhat does zekr do if it doesn't exist?12:17
mohammadif MOZ5home is not set zekr does not work12:17
mohammadI have installed firefox and iceape on my system but, moz5home is not set automatically, I believe it should be set manually12:18
ScottKI'm looking for another package you can use as a model.12:21
sommerhey ScottK, I just submitted a bug in dapper-backports for sylpheed-claws-gtk2-clamav.12:27
ScottKOK.  What's the bug12:27
sommerBug #12783512:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127835 in dapper-backports "sylpheed-claws-gtk2-2.1.1  backport" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12783512:27
=== ScottK looks
sommerIf I need to add anything let me know.12:28
=== sommer first bug and all.
ScottKmohammad: democracyplayer might be worth a look. They just depend on Firefox.12:28
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ScottKsommer: It needs to be a proper debdiff.12:31
sommerScottK: okay...I'll fix that up.12:31
ScottKsommer: Don't forget that what you are debdiffing is the sylpheed-claws-gtk2 source package.12:41
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sommerScottK: right...uploaded the debdiff.12:43
sommerI wasn't really sure what to name it exactly.12:45
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mohammadScottK: I am seeing the source of democracyplayer. But would you please let me know why you consider the issue of initiating MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME important?12:52
ScottKBecause in the Debian packaging system we are supposed to manage the configuration of the system through the packaging system.12:53
ScottKHaving the user have to manually pick which program to use with Zekr goes against the way the system is supposed to work.12:54
ScottKDuring installation, users are not supposed to have to answer questions unless it is essential.12:54
ryanakcaScottK: you use sbuild, right?12:54
ScottKAdditionally, if you do have to, you have to use debconf and not a script.12:54
ScottKryanakca: No.12:55
ScottKGotta run.12:55
ScottKAny other MOTUs feel free to jump in if I"m over stating the case.12:55
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mohammadScottK: I agree that it is not good if user be asked at runtime about configuration. So zekr uses a preconfigured MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/firefox automatically. Is that bad as well?12:58
ScottKWhere does iceape install itself?12:59
mohammadscottk: /usr/lib/iceape12:59
ScottKSo then if a user has iceape, all the depends are satisfied, but the program doesn't work?01:00
mohammadScottK: if user has iceape programs of course works01:01
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mohammadprograms -> program01:01
ScottKHow so?01:01
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=== ScottK is really leaving now.
mohammadScottK: I have put firefox|iceape in the depends so at least one of them is installed. at the runtime zekr.sh checks whether /usr/lib/firefox or /usr/lib/iceape exists 01:04
mohammadScottK: and then it will use one of them, 01:05
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jwendellAny motu here could delete the file supertuxkart_0.3-0ubuntu1.dsc please01:07
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jwendellTheMuso, ?01:10
TheMusojwendell: I don't have admin rights.01:12
TheMusoon revu01:12
jwendellah, ok01:12
jwendellTheMuso, do you know someone online who has that permission?01:12
TheMusojwendell: Not currently, no.01:14
jwendellTheMuso, i've tried all the day upload that big file, but it always failed01:14
jwendellnow i'm at home, on another internet connection, and i'd like to try ...01:15
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TheMusojwendell: I understand, but I am unable to help you I'm affraid.01:16
jwendellTheMuso, no problem. Thanks, btw!01:16
mohammadScottK: If you take a look at the eclipse script, you will see that it set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME the same way http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31005/01:17
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mohammadScottK: I think all the programs using SWT should set moz5home in the same way as eclipse has done it.01:18
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ryanakcahmm... Any sbuilders have an idea for this? E: Couldn't find package build-essential01:38
ryanakcaon a gutsy schroot setup with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto01:38
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TheMusoryanakca: Do you have a valid sources.list file in the chroot?01:48
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ryanakcaTheMuso: http://pastebin.ca/63086301:58
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TheMusohmm ok02:02
AndyPryanakca: you've updated your package list (apt-get update)?02:05
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nixternalanyone noticed any changes that might break notify-send?02:12
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AndyPnixternal: can't say that i have. in what way is it broken? seems ok to me02:22
nixternalit isn't sending anything02:27
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AndyPnixternal: i'm tempted to say check your dbus is working properly but its not based on any logic02:32
nixternalhrmm...could be..I will take a look..thank god I know absolutely nothing about dbus ;p02:33
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ryanakcaAndyP: yes02:41
ryanakcanixternal: works here...02:42
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AndyPgood night folks02:55
TheMusoNight AndyP.02:55
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nixternalgtk+2.0 update broke the notification daemon03:27
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TheMusoAny MOTUs around willing to give a hand with the sponsors queue?03:33
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TheMusoIf there is anybody around who has an amd64 system with either a gutsy sbuild or builder setup, could you please look at bug 127524 and download the source package from sid, apply the debdiff, and build it? Could you also send me a copy of the build log please. Thanks in advance.04:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127524 in spandsp "Merge spandsp 0.0.4~pre3 (universe) from Debian (unstable)" [Wishlist,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12752404:23
TheMusoIts an amd64 merge, and without having access to a box, I can't easily determine whether its a merge or a sync...04:24
TheMusoajmitch: Thanks.04:25
ajmitchgive me a few minutes to get pbuilder updated04:26
TheMusoajmitch: Sure.04:26
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TheMusoTake your time.04:26
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RAOFWhat's happening with ubuntuwire?  I thought this was precisely the use-case for it?04:32
TheMusoAfaik there is no amd64 box yet.04:33
TheMusoI'd gladly use it if there was.04:33
StevenKOr i386 box, since it's still offline.04:33
StevenKI note that debdiff is my work, and it seems I forgot to turn off DH_VERBOSE04:34
TheMusoStevenK: I was wondering where that was from. I'll turn it off it comes to being a merge04:35
StevenKTheMuso: Thanks.04:36
StevenKI still think that is a nasty hack, but I can't see any other way to do it.04:36
TheMusoStevenK: aye.04:36
=== StevenK runs off to the doctors, followed by something for lunch.
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=== TheMuso grumbles at people not putting descriptions in their dpatch files.
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=== ScottK grumbles at people doing the SRU before Gutsy is fixed.
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TheMusoajmitch: How did that build go?05:19
=== ajmitch shrugs
ajmitchhaven't checked05:19
ajmitch        cp -a ./debian/tmp/usr/lib64/libspandsp.so.0 debian/libspandsp3//usr/lib64/05:20
ajmitchcp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/lib64/libspandsp.so.0': No such file or directory05:20
ajmitchdh_install: command returned error code 25605:20
TheMusoah ok. Thats with the debdiff applied right?05:23
TheMusoOk, thanks.05:24
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rbritoI have some programs that I've packaged for Debian.05:24
rbritoI would like to contribute them to Ubuntu.05:25
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rbritoHow should I proceed?05:26
TheMusorbrito: Are they in Debian already?05:28
rbritoTheMuso, one of them is, with a new upstream version. It's vrms.05:29
rbritoThe other two aren't.05:29
rbritoThey are available at mentors.debian.net05:29
TheMusorbrito: Is the new upstream release in Debian? I can see vrms in gutsy, version 1.12-0.1.05:30
rbritoTheMuso, yes, version 1.13.05:31
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rbritoPlease, update it.05:32
TheMusorbrito: Ok. Is there a reason why that doesn't have a Debian revision number?05:32
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joejaxxi am happy05:32
rbritoTheMuso, that's a native package.05:33
joejaxxonly time will tell05:33
TheMusorbrito: Ah yes, just read the description.05:33
rbritoYou can grab the sources from packages.qa.debian.org05:33
TheMusorbrito: Ok, I'll file a sync request for it.05:33
rbritoPlease, do.05:33
rbritoIf you find that you need patches for it, please let me know.05:34
joejaxxhello all05:34
TheMusorbrito: Shouldn't be a problem. The version in Gutsy built fine, but I'm double checking now.05:38
rbritoTheMuso, thank you very much.05:38
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rbritoNow, I just have to have the bugs with Ubuntu chased on my hardware. :-(05:39
TheMusorbrito: Looks fine, I've just filed a sync request.05:40
rbritoI currently have two, but it seems that the responses have been slow...05:40
TheMusoNow what was the other package?05:40
rbritoTheMuso, Thanks.05:40
rbritoOne package to provide mkfs and fsck for powerpc 32 and i386.05:40
TheMusoI am referring to the ones not in Debian yet05:41
TheMuso!revu | rbrito 05:41
uboturbrito: REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU05:41
TheMusoYou can use revu to help get your packages into Ubuntu, if you think they will be a while getting into Debian.05:41
rbritoHummm... I can look into that...05:42
TheMusoGetting into Debian would be preferable of course.05:42
rbritoOf course.05:42
TheMusoBut as I said, if that may take a while, the revu process can see them into Ubuntu.05:42
rbritoI'm applying for being a Debian Developer...05:42
TheMusoGreat to hear.05:42
rbritoSo, the bureacracy would be quite smaller than it is today, with sponsorhips and all that stuff.05:43
TheMusoIf you are referring to revu and Ubuntu, there is only the issue of two MOTUs looking at it to give their approval, and uploading.05:44
TheMusoWHich itself can take time, but we set asside days where we focus on getting packages from revu into Ubuntu.05:45
porthoseTheMuso:  When is the next REVU day?05:46
rbritoTheMuso, no, I'm referring to the slowness of Debian, unfortunately. :-(05:47
TheMusorbrito: Ah right.05:47
TheMusoporthose: Not sure. I think we have just had one, yesterday in fact.05:47
porthoseThe Muso: k thxs05:48
rbritoOne question:05:49
TheMuso!ask | rbrito 05:49
uboturbrito: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:49
rbritoWhat would be a way to detect if I am running on a big-endian or a little endian machine from a configure script?05:49
rbritoIs there any quick and clean recipe for that?05:49
rbritoThe program that I'm packaging has a configure script.05:50
TheMusoI'll have to let the experienced coders answer that one.05:50
rbritoUnfortunately, I'm not familiar with autotools... :-(05:50
TheMusoWell I am not that experienced a coder.05:50
rbritoTheMuso, thanks anyway.05:51
ScottKTheMuso: I knocked the sponsorship queue down a bit.05:56
ScottKGood night all.05:56
TheMusoScottK: Night05:59
rbritoWell, I'm going now.06:02
_MMA_Hey guys. All the way back in Hoary there was a package in Universe called: "xfce4-taskbar-plugin" Anyone know where that has gone to? Its obviously still around because Xubuntu uses it but its pulled into something else now.06:02
_MMA_nm. I found it now. (after looking for a hour) ;)06:06
=== StevenK appears
StevenKTheMuso: I daresay spandsp can be synced. I can look into it if you like.06:09
TheMusoStevenK: If you're offering. I don't have easy access to an amd64, and according to ajmitch, the applied debdiff package FTBFS anyway.06:10
StevenKTheMuso: Yeah, I saw that, which makes me think its been fixed upstream.06:11
TheMusoStevenK: aye. I left a note in the bug asking for the filer to check it out, so its up to you.06:12
xtknighti have an amd64 gutsy VM, not sure if i could help06:12
TheMusoDO you want me to close the bug, or do you want to work with the filer, or just do it yourself?06:12
StevenKTheMuso: The latter. If it can be sync'd, I'll file it and close the bug, otherwise I'll ... do something.06:13
TheMusoStevenK: Ok, thanks a lot.06:13
StevenKI'd like to know where the filer got his sources from.06:16
StevenK0.0.4~pre3-2 isn't on ftp.d.o06:16
ajmitchit isn't?06:16
TheMusoStevenK: I was able to fetch from the Debian internode mirror that I use.06:16
=== ajmitch was able to fetch it, patch & build it
StevenKIt doesn't appear in http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/s/spandsp/06:17
ajmitchit appears on http.us.d.o though06:18
StevenKAnd it's on mirror.pacific.net.au. Way cool.06:18
StevenKNote to self: ftp.d.o is currently crap06:18
StevenKYup. Fixed upstream, which will install into /usr/lib64 directly.06:21
=== StevenK testbuilds
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StevenKAnd it doesn't end up in /usr/lib64. Naughty.06:25
TheMusoSo it should?06:26
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=== StevenK tries to find the bug he fixed.
StevenKAh. No bug, it just FTBFS on amd64.06:29
TheMusoah right.06:29
StevenKAnd it doesn't anymore.06:29
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opopanaxhey all06:43
opopanaxi'm trying to build a package, and i used an old package as a template.  so, of course, after successful build, the .debs created have the wrong filename.  where is that controlled?06:43
opopanaxand feel free to tell me i'm in the wrong place.06:44
opopanaxStevenK, that's my name.06:44
StevenKTheMuso: Bug 127524 updated and marked Invalid06:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127524 in spandsp "Merge spandsp 0.0.4~pre3 (universe) from Debian (unstable)" [Wishlist,Invalid]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12752406:44
TheMusoStevenK: Thanks a lot.06:44
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StevenKopopanax: I'd suggest you read Chapter 5 of the Debian Policy manual - http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html06:46
opopanaxStevenK, right on, thanks.06:46
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opopanax...the original debian source didn't have a version line either...06:53
StevenKThe version is specified in debian/changelog, not debian/control07:01
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opopanaxStevenK, i just figured that out; thanks!  :-)  07:06
opopanaxrebuilding the whole thing, just for grins07:06
opopanaxbuilding gnucash 2.2.0, just to try it.07:07
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opopanaxgot it built with hbci support, and am starting to get a handle on how debian builds stuff07:08
opopanaxthanks for pointing me to that resource; it will be helpful next semester.07:08
opopanaxI'm Steven Ketelsen, you'll prolly see me around.07:09
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jmgoka wow... i just installed ubuntu-desktop on my gutsy laptop... and wow08:56
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RAOFNo more xfce for you? :)09:01
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TheMusoRAOF: ??09:07
RAOFTheMuso: ??09:09
RAOFTheMuso: Hey :)09:09
TheMusoRAOF: Hi. Your question... WHat do you mean09:10
RAOFOh, that was in reference to jmg discovering the joys of ubuntu-desktop09:10
RAOFAFAIK, he was using xfce.  And gnome is awesome :)09:12
TheMusoah ok09:13
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asisakhey Hobbsee 10:23
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asisakplease delete my gtkmm2.4 revu upload (it has been broken)10:37
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coNPplease delete my g{lib,tk}mm2.4 revu upload (it has been broken)10:41
coNPboth of them :(10:41
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asisakplease kill glibmm2.4 again10:55
=== asisak suffers from serious DSL problems
asisakajmitch, Hobbsee please delete my prev. broken glibmm upload11:00
Hobbseeasisak: done11:01
asisakBtw, is dcut dangerous? Or some other reason it does not work?11:01
man-diasisak: afaik its not implemented in REVU11:03
guardianis this possible from a single source package, to build several shared library packages ??? which package type should i choose then ? multiple-binary or library ? 11:12
man-diguardian: its possible, just choose one type, you need to edit debian/control anyway11:13
guardianthe question is: which type ? :)11:13
man-diguardian: doesnt really matte11:13
man-dithe only difference is the default naming of the package11:13
guardianok 11:14
man-diand you need to fix this in debian/control anyway11:14
guardiani'm having hard times understanding everything :)11:14
=== man-di mostly uses type cdbs
guardianyesterday was autoconf,automake,libtool + start learning debian packages11:14
man-diguardian: packaging is not easy11:14
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jwendellHi, Hobbsee 11:23
jwendellHobbsee,  could you delete please supertuxkart_0.3-0ubuntu1.dsc ?11:24
jwendellI'm at home and would like to try the upload here, with another internet connection11:24
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asisakWhat do you think about implementing either dcut or some dput resume feature of REVU?11:27
jwendellasisak, i think it's a must be feature, but i think it's better you write this to the motu list11:32
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jwendells/must be/must have/11:33
jwendellsiretart, around?11:34
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jwendellraphink, around?11:36
siretartjwendell: sort of11:36
raphinkhi jwendell11:36
siretartasisak: good idea! please send patches to me11:36
jwendellcould you delete please supertuxkart_0.3-0ubuntu1.dsc ?11:36
asisaksiretart: where can I find the source of revu 11:36
jwendellsiretart, thanks11:37
siretartasisak: https://code.launchpad.net/~revu-hackers11:37
raphinkah you were too fast for me siretart ;)11:37
asisakthanks, siretart 11:37
siretartoh, hi raphink :)11:37
raphinkhi siretart :)11:37
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siretartok, whiteboard of revu branch updated11:41
siretartraphink: if you (or some other motu) notice people asking about new features of revu, please point them here: https://code.launchpad.net/~revu-hackers/revu/trunk11:41
StevenKajmitch: Do you think bug 65344 can be killed?11:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 65344 in zope-quotafolder "[UNMETDEPS]  zope-quotafolder has unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6534411:46
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porthosemorning all12:26
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jwendellHI, Hobbsee. Around?02:07
Hobbseejwendell: heya02:07
Hobbseejwendell: better to ask in the channel, instead of poke a specific person for a removal, particularly if they're marked away02:08
Hobbseeactually, whether i'm around depends what it's for :P02:08
jwendellHobbsee, i'm on another internet connection, and would like try to upload again02:08
jwendellcould you delete supertuxkart_0.3-0ubuntu1.dsc ?02:08
jwendellHobbsee, i pingged you this morning, but you were not marked as away. Sorry :)02:09
jwendelland thanks again02:09
Hobbseei thought i put the away thing in.  weird.02:09
Hobbseeno problem02:09
jwendellHobbsee, wow, i managed! finally02:12
=== asisak congrats jwendell
jwendellHobbsee, i guess you're busy to review it, right?02:13
=== Hobbsee is not a MOTU nor a core dev, if it comes to reviewing new packages.
Hobbseeoh wait, supertuxkart is not technically a new package.02:13
jwendellHobbsee, it's not new02:14
=== Hobbsee has played it before :
jwendellnew version (prior was 0.2)02:14
jwendellmy son too02:14
=== StevenK hasn't
jwendellmy son is already playing with this 0.3 version i've packaged02:15
jwendellthere is a comment from Spetember 18 already there, but it's not about me (i guess...)02:16
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ScottKWell hopefully that's enough network breakage for today...02:23
ScottKGood morning all.02:23
jwendellmorning ;)02:24
asisakhey ScottK again02:24
jwendellcould someone please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6162 ? it's a new version of supertuxkart02:25
ScottKAnyone up for an easy test for feisty-proposed?02:29
ScottKIt's Bug #118771.  All you have to do is install it from feisty-proposed and if you don't get an error, comment in the bug that it works for me.02:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118771 in Ubuntu Feisty "Syntax error in python module" [Low,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11877102:30
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TheMusoHeya folks.02:32
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jwendellHi, TheMuso 02:39
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xxxxx1morning all!02:40
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siretarthi xxxxx1 02:41
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fernandocan somebody review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=612402:58
jwendellfernando, i'm waiting too :)03:09
fernandohey jwendell03:09
TheMusofernando: That package is already in the archive... Can I assume its an update?03:14
fernandoTheMuso, yes, you can assume a update03:16
TheMusofernando: Ok.03:16
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jwendellTheMuso, when you finish, could you review mine? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=616203:19
jwendellTheMuso, it's an update too03:19
TheMusojwendell: Ok thanks.03:19
jwendellthank you03:19
gnomefreakanyone else seeing that feisty repos are down? i tried us uk gb and de none seems to work03:30
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TheMusofernando: I got a lintian warning on the source package about having the wrong FSF address in copyright file. Since you have made a lot of changes for this new vresion, you may as well fix that up.03:47
fernandoTheMuso, not  is better wait debian to fix this?03:48
fernandocreate a patch  to fix the fsf address/03:48
TheMusofernando: It needs fixing in debian/copyright.03:48
fernandoTheMuso, ok, fixing03:49
TheMusoWell in that case, why not just get the new package version uploaded to Debian?03:49
TheMusoMeans less work for Ubuntu in the longrun.03:49
fernandoTheMuso, debian version is 0.52-2 too03:50
TheMusofernando: I know.03:51
TheMusofernando: I have also left some other lintian messages on revu as a comment.03:51
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fernandoTheMuso, thank you03:52
=== tsmithe learnt a while ago that he needed to get as many lintian messages fixed as possible before uploading to review
TheMusotsmithe: Hey there. I have left a comment ages ago on revu for alsa-firmware. If you could fix that up, we can get that in quite quickly.03:53
TheMusoI've been meaning to email you about it, but haven't got around to it03:53
tsmithewell, yes. i'm still thinking about getting it into linux-restricted-modules, though. but i'm not sure about the process, and i haven't had much time to learn. i guess i better get the package uploaded, and then try going about getting it nearer the kernel03:55
tsmithealso, i think _MMA_ was wondering about ubuntustudio-default-settings03:55
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DarkSun88Hi all03:55
TheMusotsmithe: Yeah, there are a few too many dirty hacks in that, and it would be nice to push some of that elsewhere, like limits.conf/rtprio.03:55
TheMusoHey DarkSun88.03:55
tsmitheTheMuso, ahh ok03:56
DarkSun88Hi TheMuso 03:56
DarkSun88TheMuso: Great work. Thanks.03:56
TheMusoDarkSun88: Thank you.03:56
LucidFoxTheMuso, do you feel like reviewing another package?03:56
TheMusoLucidFox: I am doing jwendell's now, and then I'll be going to bed I'm affraid.03:57
LucidFoxah, all right03:57
_MMA_TheMuso: Still waiting for that thread to get bumped. ;)03:58
tsmithe_MMA_, maybe you should do so?03:59
TheMuso_MMA_: I don't know what to say, seriously. I don't know where a better place for it to be set is.03:59
_MMA_I just need someone to comment. Even if its a "I like this idea" reply.03:59
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TheMuso_MMA_: ok.04:01
TheMusojwendell: Please check the source package. I got a couple of lintian warnings you may want to look into.04:01
TheMuso_MMA_: I'll reply to the thread now.04:01
TheMusoAnd then folks, I'm off to bed.04:01
jwendellTheMuso, should we use linda or lintian? because linda returned none04:02
man-dijwendell: both04:03
man-dijwendell: both return different warnings/error04:03
jwendellok, thanks04:04
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jwendellTheMuso, when i fix it, and upload, will it upload entire orig.tar.gz? 04:06
TheMusojwendell: To revu, no.04:07
bigoncould someone have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/12791904:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127919 in libtelepathy ".shlibs version must be increased" [Undecided,New]  04:07
TheMusoNight folks.04:07
jwendellwhat does that mean:04:09
jwendellW: supertuxkart source: substvar-source-version-is-deprecated supertuxkart04:09
norsettobye luke04:09
man-dijwendell: read http://wiki.debian.org/binNMU04:09
man-dijwendell: its about ${Source-Version} being deprecated 04:09
man-dijwendell: lintian -i .. tells you more04:09
Hobbseeoh, ${Source-Version} is depreciated now?04:09
Hobbseewhat gets used instead?04:10
man-diHobbsee: in Debian at least04:10
coNPplease archive my glade-3 upload04:10
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man-diHobbsee: ${source:Version} and ${binary:Version}04:10
man-diHobbsee: its because Debian allows binary NMUs now04:10
Hobbseeman-di: oh right.  i thought you meant the entire functionality, not a change in syntax04:10
man-diHobbsee: that means mostly a simple rebuild on one arch04:11
Hobbseewhat, where the binary version can be different to the source?04:11
man-diHobbsee: source version 1.2-304:11
man-diHobbsee: binary version 1.2-3 or 1.2-3+b1 or 1.2-3 or 1.2-3+b204:11
man-diHobbsee: read http://wiki.debian.org/binNMU for more infos04:12
Hobbseethanks, looking04:12
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jwendelldput is telling that package is already uploaded. Should i use -f flag?04:17
Hobbseeor remove the .upload04:17
jwendelloh, it'll upload entire orig.tar.gz again :(04:18
coNPwe need a resume option04:18
man-difor REVU, yes04:18
coNPnot sure this is located in revu-hackers, however04:18
FujitsuNo, you need to get your packages right the first time :P04:18
coNPI guess it is more of a dput issue04:18
man-dicoNP: upload via rsync should be possible04:18
coNPFujitsu: it is not about bad packages but bad DSL connections... 04:19
jwendellorig.tar.gaz has not changed since last upload...04:19
man-dicoNP: but probably not implemented yet04:19
=== coNP wants some option to do resume
man-dijwendell: REVU doesnt store orig.tar.gz04:19
coNPrsync is a very good idea04:19
man-dicoNP: its also good for flacky internet connections04:20
jwendellok, package uploaded with no linda/lintian errors04:20
coNPyeah, I need it for them04:20
coNPwe have rsync in dput04:21
coNPbut I guess REVU is ftp-only04:21
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ryanakcawhat's the difference between universe.html and universe-manual.html on mom?04:23
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jwendellcould someone please verify now? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=616304:24
jwendellthere is no linda/lintian messages now04:24
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Fujitsuryanakca: manual merges are those where the Debian and Ubuntu .orig.tar.gzs differ.04:26
jwendellHobbsee, could you?04:26
ryanakcaFujitsu: ok. So, in that case, I have to? take the debian one?04:26
Fujitsuryanakca: You have to merge them...04:27
Hobbseejwendell: Fujitsu is volunteering04:27
jwendelloh, ok04:27
jwendellthanks, Fujitsu 04:28
ryanakcaFujitsu: ah. Ok. *shrugs*04:29
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ryanakcawould anybody like to 'mentor' me in a manual merge?04:36
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tsmitheman-di, ping04:45
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man-ditsmithe: pong04:47
tsmitheman-di, oops sorry; i didn't mean to ping you (confusion is to blame)04:50
man-ditsmithe: np04:51
tsmithei meant to ask if a motu was able to re-upload ubuntustudio-sounds <http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5990>; jriddell was cautious about gnome sounds and namespaces, so rejected it. after discussion, the package is fine04:52
man-ditsmithe: I'm no MOTU04:53
tsmitheno, i know :) - i was also thinking about wired at that point (it was also rejected as apparently resource/alba_font/* isn't debian free)04:54
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tsmitheif only upstream would be more co-operative and be present in their irc channel :p04:54
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man-ditsmithe: yeah, wired is weird :-)04:55
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ScottKgnomefreak: Since you have Fiesty running, would you please install and test python-biopython from feisty-proposed.  If it installs, then it's fixed.  Please comment on Bug #118771 if it works out for you (or not).06:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 118771 in Ubuntu Feisty "Syntax error in python module" [Low,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11877106:25
gnomefreakScottK: one minute06:26
gnomefreakworks 06:27
gnomefreaka bunch of warnings but installs06:27
gnomefreaksame python warnings we have had since i can remembers06:27
ScottKgnomefreak: Would you pastebin the warnings for me please?06:28
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jwendellHi, Fujitsu. did you see http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6163 ?06:28
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gnomefreakScottK: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/17618606:29
=== ScottK looks
ScottKgnomefreak: Thanks.  Then the fix works.  Would you please comment in the bug?06:30
gnomefreakis there a reason why restricted-manager got moved to restricted repo instead of default install?06:30
gnomefreakyes i will do ScottK 06:31
=== ScottK wonders how long before Python 2.6 we have to worry about the warnings.
jwendellhmm, i guess Fujitsu is sleeping; could someone review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6163 please?06:31
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jwendellit's an package update, not a new one06:31
ScottKgnomefreak: I thought there was no restricted stuff installed by default.06:31
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gnomefreaki thought we had r-m installed on upgrade and by tribe 2 install06:32
gnomefreakScottK: commented and you got your 2 confirms to push ;)06:33
guardian_please, which package should i install to get dh_make manpage ?06:33
ScottKgnomefreak: THanks.06:33
gnomefreakScottK: np06:33
gnomefreakguardian_: if i had to guess it is in devscripts06:33
gnomefreakoff hand i dont know though06:34
azeemdh-make, actually06:34
guardian_in fact i would like to find the meaning of "BROKEN" inserted in control template file06:34
guardian_generated by dh_make06:34
gnomefreakazeem: dh_make is part of devscripts no?06:34
gnomefreakazeem: what is it part of?06:35
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gnomefreakgnomefreak@GutsyGibbon:~$ policy dh_make06:35
gnomefreakW: Unable to locate package dh_make06:35
gnomefreakthat was why nvm06:35
guardian_ah right, in fact i have dh-make installed in scratchbox but no man, and on host i have man but not dh-make :)06:36
=== gnomefreak doesnt have one either
gnomefreakinstalling it to make sure its there06:38
guardian_why is dh_make outputing "Package:  libfooBROKEN" :/ ?06:39
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gnomefreaknot sure but i guess there isnt a man page as man dh-make doesnt find one 06:41
gnomefreakso if you see one its in a different package and that would confuse the hell out of someone06:42
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Kanohi, will bzr-builddeb updated soon?06:58
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LucidFoxwhat does "Dependency wait" mean in the build status report?07:12
jwendellgeser, around?07:13
ScottKLucidFox: It means some dependency of the package isn't available, so it's waiting for the dep to be available.07:14
LucidFoxisn't available where?07:15
ScottKTo the buildd's.07:18
ScottKWhich roughly means not in the archive, not build, or FTBFS.07:19
ScottKOh, or sitting in the NEW queue.07:19
LucidFoxis it possible to get more details about the build process?07:20
dandelscottk, know when pidgin will get backported?07:21
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ScottKdandel: When it's been tested sufificiently that someone in ubuntu-backporters feels comfortable aproving it (jdong would be your man).07:22
dandeli'd like to help test it ^.^07:22
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ScottKdandel: There's an existing bug in feisty-backports for it.  Have a look there at it's status (I haven't been following it).07:24
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tsmitheman-di, ping!07:24
tsmithe(this time it's for real)07:24
LucidFoxthe build log says that mplayer and mjpegtools are missing build dependencies07:24
tsmithein fact...07:25
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LucidFoxthat's probably because these packages are in multiverse while https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/videotrans/1.6.0-0ubuntu1 has been placed in universe07:26
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LucidFoxwhat can be done in such a case?07:28
AmaranthLucidFox: i guess get an archive admin to move it to universe07:29
Amarantherr, to multiverse07:29
guardian_what's avocated ? rather foo_DATA= dist-me then EXTRA_DIST = $(foo_DATA) ? or rather dist_foo_DATA = dist-me ???07:30
LucidFoxAmaranth> sorry for a stupid question, but how do I do that?07:30
AmaranthLucidFox: go find one in #ubuntu-devel07:30
LucidFoxah, ok07:30
Amaranthguardian_: whatever you wanna call it07:31
Amaranthguardian_: but that's not packaging, what are you doing? :)07:31
guardian_well i'm doing both 07:34
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guardian_refactoring my autotools stuff to get it packaged07:34
guardian_marketing said "made an easy installer package for the n800" hell ok never did this before :D07:34
guardian_Amaranth: thank you for the help ! so far this channel has been very responsive and helpful, i really appreciate :)07:36
guardian_i try to do my best to read a lot then ask, but sometimes dumb questions filter out ;)07:37
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norsettoHey Daniel, go back there!07:44
dholbachhey norsetto07:45
norsettodholbach: I was about to ask for somebody to review this: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6130, don't take it personally ok ;-)07:47
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dholbachnorsetto: the easiest way to get that done is: file a needs-packaging bug, mark it as fix committed07:48
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dholbachnorsetto: and link the source package in the bug07:49
norsettodholbach: thanks, will do07:49
dholbachthat way it'll turn up on http://daniel.holba.ch/sponsoring07:49
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norsettodholbach: done ... is the assignee field to be left empty?07:51
dholbachas you like it07:52
norsettodholbach: everything ok down there? Shut me off if you have no time for small talk ......07:52
superm1dholbach, as "fix committed"?  I thought that was meant to be used when its been committed to the archive, but not yet built07:53
dholbachnorsetto: I'm in a session so don't have time for it right now, sorry07:53
dholbachsuperm1: fix committed means something like 'fix is available'07:53
norsettoof course :-)07:53
dholbachbut different people interpret it differently07:53
superm1dholbach, which tutorial did you opt for this mornin?07:54
Kmossuperm1: if it's fixed upstream, you can also change to fix commited and add a comment saying it's fixed upstream (svn or bzr..)07:54
dholbachsuperm1: I'm in the packaging session :)07:55
superm1ah :)  I wasn't sure how advanced jeff was going to go on it, so i decided for asterisk myself07:55
dholbachsuperm1: how is it?07:55
superm1well not as good as i was hoping, but much more informative than i previously knew about it07:56
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hroo772is anyone around to help me merge a package from debian08:05
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geserhroo772: which package do you want merge?08:13
geserjwendell: yes, I'm here08:13
jwendellgeser, Hi. It's just to know if you could review an upload on revu...08:14
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hroo772geser: i don't know if you got my last message, but the package is boinc08:16
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geserhroo772: it went through before the next netsplit08:17
geserhroo772: boinc has as a build1 suffix, which means that it's only a rebuild and there are no real changes08:18
geserif you look at http://merges.ubuntu.com/b/boinc/boinc_5.8.17-2build1.patch you'll see that only the changelog got changed08:18
geseryou can file a sync request if the Debian package builds in a current gutsy pbuilder08:19
hroo772oh, well from http://merges.ubuntu.com/b/boinc/REPORT it said stuff about something needing to be changed i the document08:19
hroo772well i just tested that amd64 builds fine08:19
geserthere are only translations files08:21
frafuHello, I am trying to build a debian package with pbuilder and the build process tells me that the following is not permitted: kill -s HUP `pidof gconfd-2`Should it tell the developer that he has to remove the killing of gconf (and later he kills also the gnome-panel) and find another way? Or is killing other apps during installation allowed and is it me that has to find another way to build the debian package? 08:21
geserfrafu: have you got the error message?08:22
hroo772geser: so does a change really need to be made to the files, or should it just be passed to be automatically merged (which i dont know how to do)08:22
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frafuduring the building process of the package with pbuilder08:23
geserhroo772: you can ignore that in that case08:23
geserhroo772: MoM seems to have some issues with .po files. I've seen in other merges that only the line-wrapping has changed.08:24
hroo772geser: alrighty, well don't i just need to upload the orig.tar.gz and a .diff and .dsc to have it automatically be built then?08:24
frafugeser: The manual installation (configure, make, sudo make install) of the package works. 08:24
frafugeser: kill -s HUP `pidof gconfd-2`08:27
frafumake[3] : *** [install-schemas]  Error 108:27
frafumake[3] : Leaving directory `/tmp/buildd/mousetweaks-0.1.6/data'08:27
frafumake[2] : *** [install-am]  Error 208:27
frafumake[2] : Leaving directory `/tmp/buildd/mousetweaks-0.1.6/data'08:27
frafumake[1] : *** [install-recursive]  Error 108:27
frafumake[1] : Leaving directory `/tmp/buildd/mousetweaks-0.1.6'08:27
frafumake: *** [install]  Error 208:27
frafupbuilder: Failed autobuilding of package08:27
frafu -> Aborting with an error08:27
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geserhroo772: an upload is only need if there are some changes to preserve (which isn't that case with boinc). A sync request ask the archive admins to pull the package directly from Debian. You don't get the original Debian package uploaded without a change.08:27
geserfrafu: please use a pastebin08:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:28
hroo772geser: gotcha, well i guess ill lookup that info on launchpad08:28
frafuI suppose this is the key message: kill -s HUP `pidof gconfd-2`/bin/bash: line 0: kill: (9188) - Operation not permitted08:28
frafuok; did not know about the pastebin, sorry08:29
geserfrafu: which package is that?08:29
geserhroo772: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess08:30
frafumousetweaks: a package under gsoc development; targeted for gutsy 08:30
geserfrafu: some other packages so a similar thing to get gconfd pickup the new schemas but this is done during the installation of the package and not during build08:31
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geserfrafu: someone from the desktop team should know more about how to get gconfd pickup the new schemas08:33
frafugeser: it is for the schemas,  you are right. So I have to look how to build it. Do you mean that it should perhaps be done without killing gconf? Maybe that I should ask in #ubuntu-desktop? 08:35
geserfrafu: at least during the build there should be no killing08:40
geser#ubuntu-desktop would be the right place to ask about the schema integration during installation08:40
geseror perhaps does dholbach know the answer08:41
dholbachbest to ask in #ubuntu-desktop08:42
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frafugeser: I am looking more precisely into the build process of the debian package; further, it will probably be the best if the developer himself asks in ubuntu-desktop; or is it merely a question of the package builder and installation? 08:44
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hroo772geser: does this look like a decently filed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/boinc/+bug/12804508:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128045 in boinc "[Sync Request]  Sync boinc_5.10.8-1 from Debian unstable (universe)" [Undecided,New]  08:46
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_wattazoum_hello there 08:48
frafugeser, dholbach: thanks for your help08:50
fernandosomebody know why i receive the Error '553 Could not create file' with uploading to revu?08:50
porthoseMOTU's:  Could someone please comment/advocate http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=614708:51
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geserfrafu: the package needs fixing, so it would be better to let the developer ask except you want to help him to improve the package08:51
_wattazoum_can someone tell me how to manage to get my application uploaded on multiverse ? 08:52
geserhroo772: looks good, did you test build the package in a gutsy pbuilder?08:53
hroo772ill note that it built in amd64 and i386 once the i386 build finishes08:53
frafugeser: I will talk to the developer about the problem and let him decide 08:54
frafugeser: thanks again 08:54
fernandogeser, can you remove mergeant of the revu? i'm receiving error while uploading a new version.08:55
jwendellfernando, does that file already exist on server (perhaps a broken upload)?08:55
jwendellfernando, you can use dput -f 08:56
fernandojwendell, yeah, i have tried remove with dcut, but don't working08:56
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jwendelldcut doesn't work on revu :(08:56
jwendelli figured out this yesterday :)08:56
fernandojwendell, -f don't work too08:56
geserfernando: I've no revu admin powers08:56
jwendellfernando, then someone with admin rights have to remove that file on server (dsc file?)08:57
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jwendellxxxxx1, joe satriane fan ?09:00
jwendellsacater, could you please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=616309:01
ScottKREVU doesn't support dcut.  No suprise that didn't work.09:04
fernandoScottK, can you remove the files then?09:04
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asisakyou need reviewer rights IIRC09:05
asisak(admin is not needed)09:05
ScottKTo remove the files, you need an admin.09:05
ScottKWhich is not me.09:05
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xxxxx1jwendell, hehe09:08
jwendelli am09:09
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xxxxx1joe rocks09:09
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AndyPMOTUs: please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6127 (gmusicbrowser) if you have a few moments spare, thanks. the source now has the required license and license headers although i'm not entirely sure whether it using GPLv3 throws up any new problems09:20
segfaultis that possible to nuke a package?09:22
ScottKsegfault: Yes, but why?09:22
segfaultscottk: there is a new package of roundcube in gutsy, which is better than mine, so i'd like to remove mine from sources09:23
segfaultand there's a specific group in debian maintaning it09:23
ScottKJust archive it.09:23
ScottKLeave a comment that it's already in gutsy.09:24
ScottKNuking takes a REVU admin and we don't appear to have any handy.09:24
segfaulthow do i archive it?09:24
segfaulti mean, i haven't created a new package for gutsy, but looks like it was automatically synced09:25
ScottKSyncing from Debian is normal.09:26
ScottKsegfault: I'll archive it.  Not sure if you can.09:26
segfaultScottK: yup, but it was synced from feisty tree i guess. But if you can archive it, that's great!09:27
ScottKLooks like someone else already archived it.  It's not on the main page anymore.09:28
sommerhey Scottk, I'm trying to install MailScanner to test clamav and I'm getting dependency issues from libcurl3-dev.09:29
sommeris that an issue with your clamav packages?  or libcurl3?09:29
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ScottKUm probably mailscanner.09:30
sommerI forget, but wasn't there some discussion about curl recently?09:30
ScottKfailed library transition.09:31
ScottKShouldn't affect what you are doing.09:31
sommerah...I'll dig deeper.  09:31
sommermay be some config I've munged up.09:31
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AndyPlibcurl3-dev is virtual and is provided by libcurl4-openssl-dev, which seems a little strange to me, but what do i know :)09:35
segfaultafter fixing bugs in a package, should i just send it to REVU, and after approved, it will reach the update server?09:35
asisaksegfault: you might provide only a debdiff09:35
asisakif you "only" want to fix bugs in a package09:36
sommerI think I'm good to go I removed libclamav-dev.  I must of force installed it or something.09:37
ryanakcawhat's the difference between universe.html and universe-manual.html on MOM ?09:43
ryanakcabetter yet, If a debian package builds fine in a gutsy sbuild/pbuilder and is sane, it can be synced? And if it doesn't I have to dig to compare the changes?09:48
ScottKryanakca: Yes you do.  For your sync request you need to explain each of the Ubuntu changes and why it's OK for it to be dropped.09:49
jussi01hmmm, who is our resident bluetooth expert?09:53
ryanakcaScottK: ok. I guess in that case I had better ask the Ubuntu maintainer to do the merges, since he knows all about it.09:54
ScottKWho is that?09:54
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ScottKI would generally consider to polite to discuss it with him anyway.09:56
=== ryanakca nods
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jussi01ScottK: do you still have that problem with mnemosyne now its out of new?10:01
ScottKI had your test version installed.10:02
jussi01ScottK: got out of new this morning :)10:02
ScottKJust check to make sure you aren't missing a / in a mime type.10:02
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ScottKI'm pretty sure the problem is still there as I don't recall you changing that.10:05
jussi01ScottK: where am i supposed to have the / ?? MimeType=application10:06
ScottKDunno.  I just got the error.10:07
jussi01hmmm, weird, ill ask persia when he wakes up....10:07
ryanakcawonderful... for some random reason, my consold decides to use qwerty instead of dvorak10:14
sacaterjwendell: huh10:18
sacaterjwendell: im not an motu10:18
xxxxx1bye all10:19
jwendellsacater, ah sorry :)10:19
jwendellScottK, could you please review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=616310:19
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ScottKNot currently.  The machine that's set up for reviewing is currently pegged compiling stuff.10:20
=== ScottK will take a quit look at the diff.
ryanakcaUmm. any sbuild + schroot + lvm -ers willing to help me out with setup?10:21
ryanakcaAnd yes, I've followed the howto on the wiki/h.u.c10:21
geserisn't persia using such a setup?10:22
jwendellScottK, TheMuso has reviewed it and pointed out some issues (lintian warnings). I've fixed that and uploaded again. That's an update, not a new package10:23
ryanakcageser: dunno.10:24
ryanakcageser: I'll ask him when he shows up :)10:24
ScottKjwendell: Why all the make file cruft in the .diff?10:25
jwendellScottK, i don't know. i just got the debian dir from previous (0.2) version and changed it to reflect the new version10:26
geserjwendell: it would be nice if you could name each change you did (like dropped changes, new changes, etc.) in the changelog. This will hopefully make the merging easier when Debian packages the new version.10:26
ScottKjwendell: What geser said.10:26
jwendellgeser, ScottK, but i did nothing, just got the new upstream version10:27
ScottKYou didn't happen to build the binary and then use a dirty source to upload did you?10:29
jwendellScottK, actually i've made a binary10:30
geserthen the changelog is ok, if the old diff.gz applied cleanly to the new version and needed any changes10:30
jwendellScottK, is that a problem?10:33
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ScottKWell if you weren't careful you may have contaminated your source.  How did you build it?10:34
jwendelldebuild -S -sa10:34
fernandoScottK, can you review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6124 after?10:36
ScottKThat could do it.10:36
ScottKNo, that just makes the source package.10:36
ScottKjwendell: How did you build the binary?10:37
jwendellbut after i built binary, i deleted some files created (*.deb, *i386*, etc)10:37
jwendelland the built the source10:38
ScottKjwendell: Try downloading a clean source tarball, copying over your debian dir, debuild -S -sa, and then see if the .diff.gz has all the makefile stuff in it.10:38
jwendellScottK, same thing, let me change a bit the rules file, one minute10:42
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jwendellScottK, ok, figured out10:45
jwendellScottK, should i upload it again?10:45
ScottKGood.  What was it?10:45
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jwendellScottK, in rules file there was a copy of config.guess and config.sub in 'clean' rule10:46
jwendellScottK, so, before the build, it was copying these files to cur dir10:47
ScottKBe sure to document that change in debian/rules and then upload again.10:47
jwendellyou mean changelog?10:47
ScottKYes.  Document the change in debian/rules in debian/changelog.10:47
geserso the config.{guess,sub} doesn't get updated anymore?10:48
geserany reason for this?10:48
=== ScottK wonders if I misunderstood what jwendell was saying then.
jwendellgeser, sorry? i didn't understand your question10:50
geserwhy did you change debian/rules to not copy config.{guess,sub} from autotools-dev anymore?10:51
jwendellgeser, because it was generating extra stuff in debdiff10:51
jwendellgeser, i guess it's not necessary, once i managed to build the binary with those rules dropped10:52
jwendellgeser, upstream comes with those 2 files10:53
jwendellwhy should we copy them again?10:53
geserjwendell: Ubuntu doesn't support all the arches as Debian but this is usually done to get an uptodate config.{guess,sub} which also support archs like kfreebsd-linux-i386 (or however it's called)10:53
jwendellgeser, i don't know what to do then. ScottK told about that extra stuff in diff.gz, you're telling this is a important thing10:56
jwendellwhat must i do then?10:56
ScottKjwendell: Listen to geser over me on this.  He knows more in this area.10:56
guardiandoes anyone happen to know the url of the upstream bug management software for xorg-xephyr ?10:56
geserimportant for Debian, less important for Ubuntu10:56
jwendellScottK, so, i guess older upload is right then10:57
geseras many package have this in there diff.gz I ignore it normally10:57
jwendell(i didn't upload again yet)10:57
ScottKThe diff looked reasonable, so since I can't build it right now, I don't have any other comments.10:58
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jwendellok, can you, geser?10:59
geserjwendell: as this is an update for an existing package, I wouldn't add unnecessary changes as one has to decide later if this change is important enough to do a merge instead of a sync10:59
geserjwendell: test-building now11:01
jwendellgeser, ScottK, i have to go now. Thanks for your classes :) See you later!!11:01
jwendellthanks, geser11:01
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StoneTableQuick question.  There's a package (geoip) that's sorely out of date (in unstable).  I've synced it with upstream for my needs, but what's the best way to get the synced version 'official'?11:10
ScottKStoneTable: Update the package and upload it to revu.11:11
ScottK!revu | StoneTable11:12
ubotuStoneTable: REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU11:12
StoneTablecool, thanks11:12
StoneTableok, so I think I just need to wait for the keyring to resync. I haven't used REVU yet11:15
ScottKYou need to have your gpg key on your launchpad account, be a member of the contributors of packages to universe team, and the key ring needs to be synced.11:16
StoneTableI've got the first two down11:16
ScottKOK.  When did you join the team?11:17
StoneTable5 minutes ago :)11:17
ScottKOK.  Then we need a revu admin to sync the key.11:18
=== ScottK doesn't think there are any signed on and awake just now.
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ScottKIt syncs once per day automatically.11:19
=== ajmitch is doing it now
ajmitchI'm not exactly here & awake, since I'm at work11:19
StoneTableCool, thanks!  whiprush pestered me to come here and do this properly11:20
ajmitchoh fun11:20
=== ajmitch is a whiprush fanboy ;)
StoneTableheh, me too.  He's a good drinking buddy ;)11:21
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jussi01gah, please, someone show me how to search bugs by tag (needs packaging)11:30
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geserjussi01: start at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs, open the Tags portlet and pick the one you want11:31
jussi01geser: thank you. now please tell me how to get to that bugs page from launchpad front page.... if I click on bugs it doesnt come up...11:33
ScottKjussi01: It's launchpad.  All the juicy bits are hidden.11:34
ajmitchStoneTable: right, it has synced & all11:35
ajmitchScottK: your bitterness is showing again11:35
StoneTableawesome, thanks.  I'll have this uploaded shortly, I hope11:35
ajmitchStoneTable: wallpaper thing?11:35
StoneTableno (though someone else has packaged that now, I think).  I'm syncing the geoip package with upstream11:35
StoneTablethe packaged version is a year and a major revision out of date11:36
ajmitchah right11:36
ajmitchprobably why the last upload in debian was an NMU11:36
ScottKajmitch: No.  Just stating facts.  The other day I saw someone use a link that showed who had made the status changes in a bug and when and I sure as heck can't find it again.11:37
geserjussi01: start at https://launchpad.net/, click on Ubuntu under Featured projects, click on the Bugs tab, click on List all open bugs (right above the two buttons), add a bookmark :)11:37
ajmitchScottK: you mean the activity log?11:37
jussi01geser: thanks...  :)11:37
ScottKYeah.  That one.11:37
broonieScottK: View activity log at the bottom of the actions list.11:38
broonie(or append +activity)11:38
ajmitchthe one that's linked from every bugs page?11:39
geserit's sometime easier to remeber the url than how to get there11:39
ajmitchusually, yes11:40
ajmitchbut that's often the case with any complex system11:40
ScottKWell there it is.11:40
ScottKNow I know.  Thanks.11:40
geserI've already set up quicksearches in firefox to jump to a specific bug number or the bug listing for a source package11:41
ajmitchthat's generally the easiest way to do it11:41
ajmitchor to view the build queue, NEW queue, etc11:42
geserthose are bookmarked11:42
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ajmitchhello ogra 11:43
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ograhey hey11:53
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vbabiyHey guys any idea when there will be a update version of thunderbird 12:11
crimsunnot a MOTU issue.12:11
vbabiycrimsun: where should I ask12:11
crimsunyou shouldn't.12:11
vbabiycrimsun: explain 12:12
crimsunfirst, assuming you mean the mail client, it hasn't been backported, which is the only way you'll see it in a [currently stable]  release.12:12
crimsunsecond, thunderbird is a main source package.  MOTU doesn't care for main source packages, only universe & multiverse.12:13
vbabiycrimsun: could i use this http://ubuntu.iuculano.it/dists/feisty/thunderbird/12:13
crimsunyou could, but you get to keep the pieces.  We do not support random crackpot repos.12:14

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