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spader3dhi all01:43
spader3di installed mythbuntu with my philips 7130 card01:43
spader3dbut can not get the sound to word01:43
spader3dno soundcard in the backend01:43
spader3dwhen issue command to unmute card i get sound from the tv tuner card01:44
OpenMediaspader3d: Is this a V4L analogue card?01:44
spader3dyes i think so01:44
spader3di control the card with v4lctl01:44
spader3di have connect a ird on the composite input and the audio at the audio input01:45
spader3dfirst i had a soundcard in the backend looped with the tv tuner card01:48
spader3dbut i removed it so there is only the tv tuner card in the backend01:49
spader3dmy laptop is now running the backend from the mythbuntu cd and i get the picture perfectly01:49
spader3dbut no sound01:49
spader3dmy laptop is now running the frontend from the mythbuntu cd and i get the picture perfectly01:53
spader3dbut no sound01:53
spader3dhow do i test if the card is recording?01:55
spader3dOpenMedia: Is there any doc on V4L analogue cards?01:57
OpenMediaMost V4L cards need a loop through for the audio. I don't know about your card.01:58
spader3deven for the frontend on another computer?01:59
OpenMediaNo. The problem is are you capturing the audio on the backend?02:03
spader3dWhat you need to do is to mute the "line-in" of your sound card and also set it as the recording source02:03
OpenMediaThere should be files in /var/lib/myth/tv02:03
spader3dthat is from documantation02:04
OpenMediaThat is assuming the sound card is acting as the audio in, but your backend doesn't have a sound cards. You need to setup the PCI card so that you can capture the audio over the PCI bus02:04
spader3di can add a sound card if that one is easier02:05
OpenMediaCan you provide a link to the card, or let me know which driver module it uses.02:09
OpenMediaI might drop of IRC in a minute as I'm at UbuntuLive and need to move rooms02:09
OpenMediaHmm still here02:15
foxbuntu___OpenMedia, how is UbuntuLive?02:16
OpenMediafoxbuntu___: Pretty good. The talk on MythTV went down very wll02:16
foxbuntu___any videos?02:20
foxbuntu___of the conference?02:21
spader3dSabrent SBT-TVFM Phillips SAA713002:23
spader3dthat is the card02:23
OpenMediafoxbuntu___: There might be the keynotes in a couple of days but not all talks were recorded02:26
OpenMediaspader3d: OK its the saa7134 driver I think. You need the saa7134-alsa or saa7134-oss module I think02:27
OpenMediaBest of luck as I have to bale now02:27
foxbuntu___OpenMedia, oh, kewl.. Wish I could have made it, maybe next year02:28
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rogue780man...if I weren't in the military I'd be at UbuntLive. It's only 1.5 hrs from where I used to live02:06
lagai'm so glad i don't have to go to the military.02:10
DaveMorrisyou doing the civil route then laga?02:12
laganothing at all ;)02:14
DaveMorristhey scrapping it then?02:14
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DaveMorrisDaviey: everything ok?04:52
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foxbuntuOpenMedia, I read an article that mentioned your company yesterday about the Ubuntu Live05:12
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OpenMediajono - http://www.flickr.com/photos/9036361@N03/882742093/07:12
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madhatter349anybody here09:29
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tgm4883yes, madhatter34909:51
madhatter349hwo do u disable timeshiffting10:00
madhatter349im using a hardware encoder to its taking up to much cpu10:01
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MnDBnDrHello all10:56
Kevin11919anyone can help me this this prob..10:56
MnDBnDrI don't know if I can help, but I can try10:56
Kevin11919i have installed v4l-linux on ubuntu... so  that my FlyDVB-s can work....10:56
Kevin11919i am gettin an error with a module that controls the lnb..10:57
Kevin11919dvb_init: No ISL6421 found!10:57
MnDBnDrhmmm.  I have never used a FlyDVB-s10:58
MnDBnDrdid you check the v4l list to see if there is firmware to load for it?10:58
Kevin11919yup their is none..10:58
Kevin11919i know that, that module installed because i choose it, in the :make config: for v4l-linux10:59
superm1is the ISL6421 a voltage regulator?10:59
MnDBnDrnot sure.  hold on.  there might be a patch.11:00
superm1that's about the only reference i've seen to that device11:00
Kevin11919ok kool11:00
MnDBnDrwhat ver of v4l are you running?11:02
Kevin11919i dont see a version number...11:02
Kevin11919i have also tried.. linuxtv-dvb-1.1.111:03
Kevin11919but the same error occured..11:03
superm1Kevin11919, you'll have better luck probing the people in #v4l, as this isn't an ubuntu specific issue from looking at your output11:04
MnDBnDryeah.  I can't help much without ever seeing the dvb card.11:05
Kevin11919it registered as.11:06
Kevin11919[   38.647255]  DVB: registering new adapter (saa7134[0] )11:06
Kevin11919[   38.647262]  DVB: registering frontend 0 (Philips TDA10086 DVB-S)...11:06
MnDBnDrsuperm1->  Are you on the mythbuntu team?11:06
superm1yes MnDBnDr11:06
superm1i haven't been touching much mythbuntu code these last 3 days though, as i'm at ubuntu live :)11:07
MnDBnDrquick pm?11:07
superm1make sure you register for freenode to pm11:08
Kevin11919where do i find patches?11:17
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