
mneptokme gets the "irc ops bondage" term to the list and stops.12:26
mneptok+ /12:26
Pici. . .12:27
jrib"root password" is most searched... I think the default wallpaper should say in big red letters "There is not root password, use sudo!"12:38
mc44This is not the security model you are looking for12:39
mc44the results for spandex are sadly lacking12:40
PiciYou want to see Linux users in spandex?12:43
mneptoki want to see Richard Stallman running on a hot beach in Spandex. in slow motion.12:49
mc44I suppose that's one way to go12:49
mneptoki feel myself questioning my heterosexuality and need a jump-start.12:49
mneptok"Hey ... maybe sex with a guy would OH MY SWEET LORD JEBUS IT BURNS!"12:50
Burgundavia_mneptok: you are scaring my future children12:53
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mneptokBurgundavia_: get your monitor out of your pants.01:02
=== mneptok 1 | Amaranth 0
Burgundavia_mneptok: but I likes it there :)01:06
mneptokDPI != drops per inch01:08
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PriceChildpeople joining #ubuntu with names ending "FAG"... *braces*01:52
PriceChildrob, awake?01:54
PriceChildjenda, perhaps? :)01:55
Pumpernickelnalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul01:56
Pumpernickel(yay logs)01:56
PriceChildhad what appeared to be spambots in #ubuntu...01:56
PriceChildone of them started so i removed them all01:56
PriceChildjust want to make sure someone "up there" is aware :)01:57
robgot em01:58
PriceChildThankies :)01:58
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Myrttigood morning folks08:00
jdongmorning? it's 02:00 :D08:01
jdongI should be asleep08:01
jdongbut I'm too busy ripping off amazon08:01
jdongyay price errors.08:01
Myrtti[09:02]  < jdong> morning? it's 02:00 :D08:01
jdongMyrtti: oh come on, that's not "morning" :P08:01
MyrttiI've been up for 3:15 hours, been doing my bike ride (55mins, 15,33km's), showered, had my porridge, done my hair and did make up and came to work :-)08:03
jdongmeanwhile I'm here refreshing order status pages seeing if amazon bails on me :)08:04
elkbuntujdong, any good price errors?08:04
jdongelkbuntu: meh, it's a radar detector, not something most people are interested in08:05
jdongbut something about these things appeals to my EE geekiness08:05
jdongand it's definitely not because I'm a maniac speeder....08:05
elkbuntuhaha. i did use the term 'good' :08:05
jdongbut $220 -> $2808:05
jdongsilly pricing mistakes :)08:05
jdongI created a temporary $35 CC08:05
jdongand it went through08:05
elkbuntuhow many did you get?08:05
jdongjust one08:05
jdongI'm not gonna spend my entire paycheck becoming a warehouse of radar detectors :D08:06
elkbuntujust think of the resale profits!08:06
jdonglol exactly08:07
jdong"Jdong, I Promise u I'll Pay 4 the Detector and Shipping Both Wayz If u Order a 2nd 1 and It Doezn't Get Canceled... "08:09
jdonghow about this... I'll buy you one if you can use TWICE as many numbers inyour next reply.08:09
elkbuntuyeah, that line was no where near convincing08:11
jdongwell, I'm a generous person, but not that generous :)08:11
elkbuntuno, the line before that08:11
jdongah :)08:11
jdongthe most concerning part is..... this guy has 740 posts on a deals forum....08:12
jdongand every single post is like that08:12
jdongand nobody else on the boards is like that08:12
jdongI don't know if he's seriously lacking in self-consciousness....08:12
jdongbut now I'm gonna tell mommy  "See? it's GOOD to be self-consciously paranoid!"08:12
elkbuntu!staff | schmuck is a spammer08:35
elkbuntuoh great. a non-functional bot08:35
jdongwhat a great nick too08:36
elkbuntu* [Schmuck]  (n=rebtad@ rebtad08:36
elkbuntu* [Schmuck]  #kierra #ubuntu-women08:36
elkbuntu* [Schmuck]  irc.freenode.net :http://freenode.net/08:36
elkbuntu* [schmuck]  End of WHOIS list.08:36
elkbuntuhe conveniently disappeared after i banned, too08:37
jdongthat's a good thing :)08:37
elkbunturob, while you're awake ^^08:38
robelkbuntu, whats the problem with him?08:39
robspam? have you got logs?08:39
elkbuntu<Schmuck> Were living in the age of big things. Big planes, big buildings, big trucks. Big penises. Everybody can join the trend and pick one of the many methods to enlarge his penis08:39
elkbuntuin #ubuntu-women08:39
elkbuntuprobably not spammer as general nuisence08:39
robelkbuntu, probably, if he continues to annoy other channels or dodges your ban let me know08:40
elkbunturob, if he returns, i'll let you know08:40
jdongwouldja look at that... tracking number.08:41
jdongI am good.08:41
jdongok, bedtime :)08:41
robppa sounds good, though its nothing one couldn't set up on their own server themselves08:42
Myrttiagent again09:05
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@81-6-246-136.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== jenda points people towards the new "most popular searches" feature at the bottom of the ubuntuforums.org site :D
jdongjenda: HEHE09:19
jdongI have no idea how to fix that09:19
jdongoh darn09:19
jdongI seen to have forgotten how to write mysql queries.09:20
jdongoh well09:20
jdongit is bedtime.09:20
jdongenjoy :)09:20
jdonglol seriously, that feature will probably be removed due to these kinds of googlebombings ;-)09:20
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jendajdong: oh come on :)10:19
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ardchoillejust an fyi, there's a bot in #kubuntu by the nick of aldcor and users are getting annoyed at its keepalive posts.11:34
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jussi01Hobbsee: lol12:47
jussi01the guy in +1...12:47
Hobbseejussi01: ah yes.12:48
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Hobbseejussi01: this guy is on crack :(01:58
jussi01yeah, was just gonna say that..01:58
PiciHobbsee: I remember hearing someone talk about eagles something trolling in some other channel01:58
=== Hobbsee already muted him in all the development channels
HobbseePici: that was probably me01:58
PiciIt very well may have been01:59
jussi01yeah, he was kicked from motu the other day01:59
Hobbseejussi01: yes :)01:59
Hobbseejussi01: no, not kicked.  muted.01:59
Hobbseeunless someone else kicked him01:59
=== Hobbsee could just forward him back to #kubuntu too
jussi01no, someone kicked him01:59
Hobbseeoh neat02:00
Hobbseeubot3_: btlogin02:02
ubot3_Factoid btlogin not found02:02
Hobbseejussi01: i only see one in #ubuntu02:03
Hobbseeoh neat, where he pasted the same thing over and over.02:04
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=== Hobbsee wonders why ubotu is not in here
Hobbseejussi01: that doesnt show it02:07
Hobbseejussi01: incidently, it's kinda cool that any of your previous sessions to the bantracker will also log you in02:07
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jdong/Users/jdong/Music/Chopin - Complete Piano Works/Chopin - The Chopin Experience Vol4 - Ch/4-18 Valse, Op.64 no.2.m4a05:13
jdongis this totally unlike me? :D05:13
jdongoops wrong  channel05:13
PiciYes, totally.05:15
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=== GazzaK_ is now known as oOo
jdongbut still, good song :)05:18
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ishock_Test please11:46
ishock_Test please11:47
ishock_Test please11:49
ishock_Test please11:49
ishock_Test please11:49
ishock_EXCUSEM E11:50
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mc44ah he decided to evade the ban instead :)11:52
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PriceChildmc44, grrr12:05
naliothPriceChild: GRRR12:06
PriceChildeek... did you test him earlier? :s12:06
PriceChildI didn't see anything in -ops so...12:07
PriceChildI should take that banforward off shouldn't I :)12:07
PriceChildor are you growling at me randomly just cuz and I haven't actually done something silly...12:07
PriceChildI am not being silly :)12:10
=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@81-6-246-136.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildYou make me so paranoid nalioth :)12:14
naliothi'm growling at you cuz you growled at mc4412:15
naliothtake a chill pill12:15
=== mc44 purrs at PriceChild
=== PriceChild wonders whether to remove/ban/forward "iShock" from #ubuntu too...
=== Seeker` [n=irc@81-6-246-136.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops

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