
zythDoes anyone know why xubuntu doesnt let me find and connect to a WPA network like Ubuntu does, and how I can rectify this?12:26
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:29
Troubled-Jayyou have install WPA support, omething like WPA supplicant. i think wifi-radar or kwifi manager might have tools for it...12:29
cellofellownot sure though, never actually used Linux and wifi.12:29
=== cellofellow has a desktop
cellofellowtry wifi-radar12:29
zythOh, I could use WPA-supplicant, I just dont see why *Ubuntu* has a zeroconf-like thing and xubuntu doesn't12:29
zythcellofellow, and is that on the CD?12:29
cellofellownope, may be on the DVD12:30
zythHmm k.12:30
zythI'll look into it.12:30
zyth*thnx, even12:30
cellofellowyou can always just plug in to internet or use a thumbdrive to install software from inet.12:30
zythyep, I can put the deb on SD card.12:31
zythjust figured I *had* to be missing something, since both Ubuntu and Kubuntu have zero config wifi setups12:31
cellofellowUbuntu and Kubuntu have heavy-duty DE's, with over-done apps.12:31
zythThanks! :)12:32
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cellofellowStill, I have to admit, wirelessassistant or whatever the KDE app is works really well, on LiveCD.12:32
cellofellowWorked perfectly with my dads laptop.12:32
Troubled-Jaythat's a point, actually, i just "repaired" (read: reformatted, replacing windows with xubuntu) a lappy for a friend. i've not tested the wifi, i'll mibby replace xubuntu with ubuntu or kubuntu before i give it back to him.12:33
=== varustah [n=chatzill@43-76.202-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #xubuntu
cellofellownah, just install that one app, like wifi-radar, and go.12:34
cellofellowI got wifi-radar to work on Ubuntu livecd too.12:34
cellofellowhad to install from thumbdrive.12:34
varustahis there a setting to fix the lockout when u are asked for your user password?12:35
Troubled-Jaywill wifi-radar support wpa, or will i have to go through all the trouble i had with getting wpa on damnsmall, manually editing the interfaces file?12:35
varustahi am using onboard12:35
=== neozen [n=neozen@c-71-228-16-126.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu
cellofellowwifi-radar I think is profile based.12:36
cellofellowvarustah: lockout?12:36
varustahk when im asked for my password, i cant use onboard12:37
cellofellowTroubled-Jay: it has wpasupplicant as a recommended package, so it should support it.12:37
cellofellowvarustah: what's onboard?12:37
varustahonscreen keyboard12:37
cellofellowyou mean when gksu shows up? The password prompt for admin programs?12:38
varustahwell i use gnome more12:38
varustahya i think12:39
cellofellowI guess you could just use sudo and a terminal instead. You'd have to learn the lauching commands.12:39
varustahlike login window settings12:39
cellofellowthat one is gdmsetup12:40
cellofellowy not use hardware keyboard?12:40
varustahwell gnome has "password dialogs as floating window"12:40
cellofellowif the gnome tool works, use it12:41
=== kalikiana_ [n=kalikian@xdsl-84-44-176-113.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu
varustahgnome is good with accessability12:42
varustahbut xfce is faster12:42
neozenxfce however, lacks a few things12:42
cellofellowor else it would just be gnome12:43
varustahgood point12:43
Troubled-Jaywith the right libs, most gnome-based apps work in xfce, in my experience12:44
neozenbut a little careful searching and selective installation of a few things that it does lack (easy wireless networking for an example) can result in perfectly good apps with only a few dependencies12:44
varustahi love gnome, just like trying others12:44
Troubled-Jaygnome reminds me too much of MacOS, or Amiga Workbench12:45
varustahi tried fluxbox and enlightenment12:45
Troubled-Jaybut not enough like Workbench to be nostalgically worth using12:45
varustahkde is sweet too i guess12:46
varustahi havent used ubuntu as a main os yet, still virtualization12:47
cellofellowI've used XFCE for a good 9 months or so now. Before that I was Mr. KDE, cause I started with Knoppix and moved to Kubuntu, but my computer is too slow.12:49
cellofellowWhen I get a new computer, it will include gnome by default (Dell N-series) but I will try KDE and may just fall back to XFCE.12:49
varustahi wanna dual boot ubuntu/xp12:50
cellofellowSounds cool. I never used XP.12:51
cellofellowOnly windows I ever used was 98, and now I upgraded that to 2000.12:51
varustahstable imo12:51
cellofellowb4 that I used Mac OS Classic.12:51
varustahvista horror stories are all i hear12:52
cellofellowoh, and my moms laptop, that I used to have, has WinME. Even more horror stories than Vista.12:52
varustahand dell is helping with ubuntu/linux support12:53
varustahwith drivers12:53
cellofellowHope they get that Wireless-N card that is optional on the windows version of the 1420 working with Ubuntu.12:53
cellofellowonly option on 1420 N is a 802.11a/b/g card, no n option.12:56
varustahgotta eat, thx, gnite12:56
=== [tokin] [n=ryan@dynamic-acs-24-144-225-167.zoominternet.net] has joined #xubuntu
Troubled-Jaywhat's the command to mount bin/cue files on a virtual drive?01:07
Troubled-Jaywait, that's iso you can do that with01:07
zialsyea, conver it to ISO first01:08
zialsthis site offers a good enough guide -> http://www.jonhoweonline.com/blog/node/8201:09
Troubled-Jayis there an easier way to burn KVCD iso -> DVD?01:11
zialsmhmm... can't you burn it on a CD-R?01:19
Troubled-JayVCDs don't play on playstation2 and my standalone DVD player broke...and i only have 4 CDRs left and i'm flat broke01:20
Troubled-Jayi've got about 10 or 15 DVD-Rs01:21
zialswell... I only know about devede... though I'm not sure if it will take in a KVCD01:23
wckdkl0wnwill xubuntu run ok on a amd k6-300?01:23
wckdkl0wnit would only be used to web surfing and card games pretty much01:24
zialswell, there have been people who've been able to run it, so... well, how much ram do you have?01:25
wckdkl0wni think it is 12801:25
wckdkl0wnits possible it has 256 i dunno01:25
=== cheeseboy [n=Greg@71-87-214-124.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu
zialsthats good enough01:25
wckdkl0wnmaybe if i remove the desktop and add fluxbox? it would run faster?01:25
zialswell, the only thing I recommend is using the alternate CD to install instead of the LiveCD01:26
wckdkl0wnshoot i am about half way through the cd download01:30
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wckdkl0wndownload of alternate cd is taking forever02:22
wckdkl0wnonly getting 56k a sec02:22
wckdkl0wnshould be well over 10002:22
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neozentime to use a different mirror02:35
neozena question02:37
neozenwould anyone consider having the icon box support flashing (via something fast like color inversion) the application's icon upon change of the application (in the same instances where the button in the task-list would flash?02:39
Jester45i wouldnt like that02:39
Jester45i dont even like when the task ones flash02:40
wckdkl0wni used the torrent version instead02:42
wckdkl0wngoing much faster now02:42
Jester45thats what its there for02:43
Jester45and to make the server downloads faster because they have less load then02:43
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mrpo1hello hello02:59
mrpo1/getinfo pok03:00
mrpo1Well I succesfully installed xubuntu, and downloaded gnomebaker, and am currently burning away. :)03:01
wckdkl0wnwhat is gnomebaker?03:02
mrpo1Although, gnomebaker says it has approx 450 minutes remaining...03:02
mrpo1CD burning app03:02
wckdkl0wnwhy dont u just use k3b?03:02
mrpo1I've never heard of it.03:03
wckdkl0wni was told to use k3b for burning cd's03:03
wckdkl0wnits in the repositories too03:04
mrpo1The program that's pre-installed, xfburn, I had problems with, so I checked the web and somewhere mentioned gnomebaker03:04
mrpo1I'll track down k3b and try that one later on03:04
wckdkl0wnwell for ubuntu it is i dunno about xubuntu but i would assume it would be03:04
wckdkl0wni just did apt-get install k3b from terminal and it install in like 10 seconds lol03:04
mrpo1Thanks for the tip. :)03:04
wckdkl0wndoesnt have mp3 suport right away though03:05
wckdkl0wnthere is something else u have to install to use it with mp3's and such03:05
mrpo1I've only ever used the synaptic package manager03:05
wckdkl0wngo to terminal03:05
wckdkl0wntype sudo apt-get install k3b03:05
wckdkl0wnpretty simple03:05
mrpo1alright, it's d/ling now03:06
mrpo1so 'apt-get' calls the repositories?03:07
mrpo1which is just a list of known working apps?03:07
wckdkl0wnsudo gives it admin rights to install03:07
wckdkl0wnpretty much03:07
mrpo1Well I'm a little less stupid then when I woke up.03:09
mrpo1now pretty much any program can be used from the terminal, right?03:09
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mrpo1I just need to know the commands to use.03:11
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wckdkl0wnafter u install it in terminal look at ur menus up top03:12
mrpo1At a guess, if I wanted to install Opera, i'd 'sudo apt-get install opera'03:12
wckdkl0wnshould be in there03:12
mrpo1It's still downloading.03:12
wckdkl0wni believe so03:12
mrpo1Can I do that in the same terminal that's d/ling k3b, or should I open another window?03:13
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wckdkl0wni would wait til that is done first03:13
wckdkl0wndo u have a slow internet connection?>03:13
mrpo1Not really, just a few extra packages that need to be installed, I guess.03:14
wckdkl0wncause k3b installed for me in like 10 seconds03:14
viddmrpo1, you can open a new terminal....no harm done03:14
mrpo1this is only the second app I've installed, so it probably needs support packages03:14
mrpo1Thanks vidd03:14
viddwait...dl'ing? or installing ?03:14
mrpo1Yeah, both. :)03:15
mrpo1'apt-get' ing03:15
viddwell,,,,then apt is locked and you have to wait03:15
=== vidd misunderstood
wckdkl0wnif ur installing soemthing with apt-get then u cant open another terminal and try to do anoyther apt-get03:16
mrpo1OK, no worries.03:16
mrpo1thanks guys. :)03:16
wckdkl0wnsame reason u cant go into ur package manager right now lol03:16
wckdkl0wnur basically using package manager right now just not the gui manager03:16
mrpo1nod, ok.03:17
=== zenrox [i=zenrox@pool-71-115-210-186.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu
mrpo1Gnomebaker seemed to burn OK, if a little slow.03:28
mrpo1I've not used this burner before, though, so I'm not sure how fast it should be.03:29
wckdkl0wnmrpo1, ok after u isntall k3b if u intend to burn mp3's to audio cd's u will need to do 2 things03:29
mrpo1Just backing up audio CDs right now03:29
mrpo1one drive to another03:29
wckdkl0wn"sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp3"03:29
wckdkl0wnand "sudo apt-get install libmad0"03:30
mrpo1Is that a zero or capital 'o'03:31
mrpo1done and done, thank you.03:32
mrpo1So where do you get this information from?03:33
wckdkl0wnlmao i just closed the window with the link03:33
mrpo1Would I just google info on k3b?03:33
wckdkl0wnTo add mp3 support to GnomeBaker, install gstreamer0.8-mad and gstreamer0.8-misc.03:34
wckdkl0wnTo add mp3 support to K3b, install libk3b2-mp3.03:34
mrpo1So whats a good alternative to firefox in xfce?03:44
zialswell, you mean asside from firefox itself?03:45
zialstheres... Dillo, which is more lightweight03:46
mrpo1Yeah- Is there anything that's a bit slimmer?03:46
mrpo1Does it still have tabbed browsing?03:46
zialsI believe theres a patch...03:46
mrpo1Thanks, I'll check it out03:46
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wckdkl0wni wonder if there is a program that will go to a website u tell it to and keep refreshing until a new link shows up on the page and then alerts u03:49
wckdkl0wnanyone hear of something like this?03:50
zials... I don't think I understood the point of that03:50
wckdkl0wnwell see i use a site for the ad clicks thing and it pays out03:50
wckdkl0wnbut not all the time are there ads to click on03:51
wckdkl0wnhave to keep going back and refreshing03:51
wckdkl0wnand most of the time i miss them cause i wasnt there to refresh it03:51
mrpo1iCab has something like that, but its a osx app03:51
mrpo1Mac OS03:52
mrpo1The 'other other' OS03:52
=== wckdkl0wn hates mac
Jester45you could wget url maybe03:53
Jester45or w3m03:53
mrpo1Dillo is available in Debian, GNU-Darwin, Slackware, RPMs and NetBSD. I want the Debian one, right?03:54
Jester45you can  apt-get isntall dillo03:55
wckdkl0wnsudo apt-get03:55
Jester45useing apt or source is best as debain packages are becoming less and less compatiable03:56
mrpo1Jester, do you mean use apt-get instead of sudo apt-get?03:56
mrpo1I'm a complete newbie, forgive me.03:57
zialsno, he means don't use the debian package03:57
wckdkl0wnsudo just tells linux that the admin is installing this not just a user  (more or less kinda like that lol)03:57
mrpo1So install from the terminal, rather than downloading from the page?03:57
zialsor use synaptic if you like a graphical interface03:58
Jester45sudo makes the command be run by root03:59
Jester45and is needed when installing packages03:59
mrpo1I may as well get used to the terminal. :)03:59
Jester45i keep a root terminal open all the time so i dont use sudo to often03:59
mrpo1Thanks guys03:59
Jester45mrpo1: for later package needs try seaching apt-cache search term04:00
Jester45sudo isnt needed04:00
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Jester45it will save you time04:00
wckdkl0wnmake terminal ur friend04:00
zialsdoes apt-cache give descriptions too?04:00
mrpo1Jester, I don't quite follow04:01
Jester45linux is not windows you dont have to use google to find programs04:01
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Jester45mrpo1: if you want a program use apt-cache search <term>04:01
Jester45term being what you are searching so04:01
zialswouldn't synaptic be more new-user-friendly?04:02
Jester45so apt-cache search dillo would find things related to dillo or more generally you could do web browser04:02
mrpo1Ah, I see04:02
Jester45i wouldnt think so04:02
wckdkl0wnyea but he would eventually need to learn terminal04:02
Jester45need = should04:03
Jester45and probly will04:03
wckdkl0wnwithout terminal ur pretty much a windows user lol04:05
mrpo1OK, I seem to have found a Dillo patch with tabs at http://www.geocities.com/ikbenfrank/, but I'm not sure if it will work with xubuntu04:16
Jester45it should be04:18
tupawhere are the C and C++ manual pages??, I installed gcc-doc but there isn't a single C/C++ manual04:20
mrpo1OK so when I'm not using apt-get to install, how do I install the .gz from the desktop?04:20
Jester45have you looked at   man gcc04:20
mrpo1or how do I apply the patch04:20
Jester45  mrpo1 its source code04:21
=== mrpo1 give a blank look.
Jester45im kinda busy right now i could help in a while maybe someone else could explain04:23
mrpo1No worries, I'm about to head into town anyway.04:24
mrpo1Forgive my ignorance. :)04:24
Jester45np your new i was new once apon a time04:28
mrpo1Do I need to add this source code to the dillo source, then recompile it? Or am I on the wrong track completely?04:30
Jester45getting there04:30
PumpernickelUse `patch`, merge the patch, and then compile.04:31
wckdkl0wnhrmm setup on the k6 2/300 hangs04:34
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wckdkl0wnbefore it gets to setup anyway04:34
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Jester45wckdkl0wn: error?04:35
wckdkl0wnno error just hangs04:35
wckdkl0wnright after it starts to boot from cd it says04:35
wckdkl0wninitializing gfx....04:36
wckdkl0wnthen has 4 lines of memory malloc ******04:36
wckdkl0wnand just hangs after that04:36
wckdkl0wnhas a blinking cursor under all that04:37
wckdkl0wni wonder if i could install my copy of ubuntu to it and then downgrade it to run better04:39
wckdkl0wnnvm hangs on that too04:42
wckdkl0wnsame thing04:42
Jester45downgrade? you mean upgrade it to xfce04:42
wckdkl0wnmake it smaller i meant lol04:42
wckdkl0wnits a very old system and its just used by the kids for web browsing and card games04:43
Jester45maybe try a diffrent version04:43
=== tripppy [n=tripppy@c220-237-80-19.kelvn1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #xubuntu
wckdkl0wni tryed ubuntu 5.04 earlier04:44
wckdkl0wngot about half way through and errored out04:44
Jester45try 7.1004:45
Jester45older is probly not better04:45
wckdkl0wni just did04:45
wckdkl0wnthats the ubuntu i was talkin about trying to install then downgrade04:46
Jester45how about a debain netinstall?04:46
Jester45just get the most basic system change the source.list then install xubuntu-desktop04:47
wckdkl0wn"sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop"04:48
Jester45yea after you change the /etc/apt/sources.list04:49
Jester45dont install the DE04:50
Jester45as that will give you the debain gui and related programs04:50
Jester45the basic system is the same and should convert with no problem04:50
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wckdkl0wni wonder if it is the gfx that is hanging it up04:52
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Jester45anyone here good with grub?04:53
Jester45what would you use for grub inreplacement of /hdb104:53
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_MMA_Hi all. Can anyone tell me what package holds the "Task List" applet for the panel?05:18
Jester45not sure05:25
Jester45you can search synatics or using apt-cache search05:25
_MMA_I did. Its not obvious.05:26
Jester45it might just be intergrated into the panel package05:27
Jester45why do you need it05:27
_MMA_Jester45: Because just grabbing xfce4 and xfce4-panel doesnt seem to get it. So it looks to be an applet. Which one, I dont know.05:29
Jester45try xfce-goodies05:29
_MMA_Im sure one of the packages is part of that. Im just trying to narrow it down.05:31
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Linuturkhow do I upgrade edgy xubuntu to feisty?05:46
_MMA_Linuturk: Hi. :) Just change the entries in your sources.list to feisty. The dist-upgrade. I would have thought you would know that. ;)05:51
=== _MMA_ goes to tell joejaxx.
=== Linuturk has been spoiled by update manager ;p
LinuturkI knew how to do that, just thought there was another way05:52
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coldstealhello i am trying to get a softphone working and i have tryed allot of them and i cant get my mic to work with some of them i get the error /dev/dsp missing or /dev/esp mising06:00
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Dark_Nexustrying to modify mime types, and i'm not sure how06:22
wckdkl0wnwhat are some other cool desktop addons like desklets?06:26
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capowill compiz work on xubuntu?06:53
hyper_chcapo: yes06:55
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corevetteis there a battery icon for xubunut?07:16
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hyper_chcorevette: yes, there is07:27
tupaI noticed ubuntu not having alsaconf, how do I configure alsa, I come from debian, so ubuntu should have alsaconf07:59
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radioaktivstormfor anyone thats around....i much prefer the feel of xubuntu to kubuntu, but for some reason....my laptop gets very very hot if i use xubuntu.... and generally says cooler under kubuntu. can someone explain why this happpens?08:08
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mrpolhey hey09:07
mrpolWhat should I do when a program hangs? K3B is just sitting there on the burn dialog, 0% done.09:08
mrpolI've hit cancel, no response, hit the close button, no response.09:09
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tupamrpol kill the app09:12
tupamrpol you have several options, the easier one is to do a CTRL+ALT+ESC and click on k3b so the processes are killed09:13
tupathe other one is looking at the processes table with ps -e and using kill -9 pid_number or killall -9 nameofapp09:14
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mrpo1OK, remind me not to kill K3B on the taskbar next time. :)09:20
mrpo1I think I killed the taskbar, rather than K3B.09:21
mrpo1I had to restart09:21
mrpo1Is there a keyboard shortcut to get a terminal line?09:23
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torsmrpo1: CTRL + ALT + (F1-F6, F7 will get you back to the Desktop)09:47
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antoI am new with Ubuntu and I need to find related info regarding to Oracle installation within Linux Ubuntu. Can you help me to find the informations?09:54
antoHi Linuxers ! :)09:57
antoHmm..very tranquil.10:00
antoSigning out...10:00
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FactTechQuestion: I am trying to install Xubuntu on a very low memory older machine (32MB). Even the 6.10 alternate install CD is reporting that there isn't enough memory. Will it install a command line system? If so, will hardware detection happen on install?02:22
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taxmanhmm, weird, just installed 7.04 on my laptop and after logging in, if I try to run terminal, it crashes X every time and brings me back to the login screen. I found I can run xterm. What should I be looking for for the error?03:06
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silvertip257Hello, I'm trying to use the alternate xubuntu 7.04 cd to install on an old-er pc but it fails at "Select and Install Software" ... any ideas?04:09
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=== System79 brb
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th3manhow do i change time format from edt to utc?05:45
th3mancan someone tell me where that file is located?05:45
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panfisthello, im using feisty installed on a laptop and i have two questions...1) when i close my screen an app called "x screen saver" or something comes on and locks my computer, how can i set it up so that it doesnt lock but just turns the screen off,06:29
panfistand two, how can i troubleshoot my laptop not being able to resume from standby06:29
zialswell, for #1, try going to Applications -> Settings -> Screensaver settings06:35
zialsand uncheck the "lock screen after x minutes"06:35
panfistwell zials i have the screensaver completely disabled actually, just when i shut the laptop it comes on06:36
panfistin the .xscreensaver config file there is even a line that says lock: false06:36
zialsahh, that06:37
zialsI believe theres a file to modify.. 1 sec06:38
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zialsok, open /usr/share/acpi-support/screenblank with mousepad or any text editor06:38
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zialsand remove the "xscreensaver-command - lock" line06:39
zialsor remove the whole "if" statement06:40
zialsup to you06:40
panfistdoes # start a comment?06:40
panfisti'll just comment it out instead of deleting it until i know it works06:41
hyper__chpanfist: what language?06:41
zialshyper__ch - its the file /usr/share/acpi-support/screenblank06:41
hyper__chpanfist: bash script?06:41
panfisti dunno06:41
panfistsome kind of OS scripting i think06:42
zialslooks like bash to me06:42
hyper__chzials: bash script?06:42
panfistdo i need to restart X for it to take effect?06:42
zialsI'm guessing so.. since it uses X06:44
zialsand yea, its bash06:44
panfisti didnt have to restart x...i guess it just reads the file whenever it needs it06:45
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zialsit works though?06:46
panfistyup it does exactly whati want, turns off the monitor but leaves it unlocked if i shut the screen06:46
hyper__chthen the # will comment that line06:46
panfisti commented out the whole nested if within the first if06:46
Countess_Juliahey guys06:47
Countess_Juliasomeone knows a better way to install xubuntu 7.04 in a pc06:47
panfistbetter than what06:47
zialsbetter than alternate CD?06:47
Countess_Juliaa better way than the descripted in the help page06:47
panfistif the live CD and alternate CD both give you errors, it might be due to a bug between the new kernel in feisty and your specific hardware configuration06:48
Countess_Juliai have the live cd, i have started the xfce and it doesnt work06:48
zialsdid you try the alternate one?06:48
Countess_Juliahow can i do that06:49
zialsits at the same place as LiveCD06:49
zialsget the alternate version for your system06:50
Countess_Juliai have 64k connection06:50
Countess_Juliai had to wait 2 weeks to download the live cd06:51
zialsmhmm... I wonder where the mini xubuntu download is06:51
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panfistyou can request a CD by mail and they will send it to you, probably faster than you can download06:51
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Countess_Juliai'm in argentina06:51
Countess_Juliathey can do that?06:52
panfisti believe so06:52
Countess_Juliasend the cd to argentina?06:52
Countess_Juliawhats the cost?06:52
zialsthey don't have any for xubuntu06:52
hyper_chCountess_Julia: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/login06:53
Countess_Juliai think i have to download it06:53
hyper_chCountess_Julia: you have bittorrent?06:53
Countess_Juliathanks hyper_ch06:53
Countess_Juliai'll try06:53
hyper_chCountess_Julia: or can you go to a university or something like that?06:53
hyper_chCountess_Julia: you could also try a ubuntu loco in argentina if they could send you the alternate cd06:54
hyper_chCountess_Julia: why do you want to use xfce and not gnome?06:54
Countess_Juliano, we here, in argentina, use windows xp pirated06:54
zialswasen't there that.. mini download (like 8mb in size)06:54
Countess_Juliait works?? the mini download06:55
hyper_chwho doesn't use pirated windows software?06:55
hyper_chCountess_Julia: I don't think it was 8MB... I thought it was more than that... but then you will need to download everything else through the net06:55
zialswell, there are other smaller distros...06:56
Countess_Julialike puppy linux??06:56
Countess_Juliai had heared it's 80 mb06:56
hyper_chCountess_Julia: puppy or I use DamnSmallLinux on my USB stick06:56
zialsDSL is... 50 mb06:57
zialsor somewhere in that area06:57
Countess_Juliai have 64 kbps in cablemodem06:57
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Countess_Juliawe all, in argentina, have windows xp, no one has linux06:59
Countess_Juliai dont have no one to ask07:00
hyper_cha cablemodem capped at 64kbps? wow, that sux :(07:00
zialswell... theres also fluxbuntu... but its not really in a final state07:02
zialsalthough... how much ram do you have?07:02
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hyper_chhmm, something's killing my inet conn07:03
hyper_chCountess_Julia: http://www.ubuntu-ar.org07:03
hyper_chCountess_Julia: maybe someone there can send you the cd07:04
Countess_Julia192 mb ram07:04
hyper_chCountess_Julia: how much ram do you have?07:04
Countess_Julia1ghz proccessor07:04
Countess_Julia192 mb07:05
hyper_chah, that's little ram07:05
hyper_chCountess_Julia: alternate install cd is very much recommended07:05
Countess_Juliathank you, but i think i better install damn small linux07:08
Countess_Juliai'm downloading it's torrent version07:08
Countess_Juliagood bye thanks for the help07:09
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Hidanhmm... does xubuntu have Asian language(Japanese/Chinese) support?07:38
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PumpernickelTo some extent, yes.  You can check what people are working on, here: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+translations07:43
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pascal80Which command is Applications -> System -> Network on Xubuntu?07:47
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate07:50
pascal80I'm trying to reassign bug #127948 to the right package but don't have Xubuntu installed07:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127948 in Ubuntu "network admin doesnt change interfaces file" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12794807:54
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pascal80Can somebody tell me which command Applications -> System -> Network is on Xubuntu?07:55
Balaams_Miraclepascal80, it's network-admin07:59
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pascal80Balaams_Miracle: thanks, can you also tell me what dpkg -S network-admin returns for you?08:03
Balaams_Miraclepascal80, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31129/08:05
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pascal80Balaams_Miracle: Thanks again, the bug is in xubuntu-system-tools08:08
Balaams_Miraclepascal80, i have VirtualBox installed with Xubuntu, Ubuntu and Kubuntu in seperate virtual machines. They often come in handy for various reasons :-)08:09
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pascal80Balaams_Miracle: Thanks for the tip!08:11
=== hyper_ch prefers VmWare
=== Balaams_Miracle likes that VirtualBox is open source :-)
pascal80Balaams_Miracle: any debian packages available?08:13
Balaams_Miraclepascal80, see for yourself at http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads   :-)08:13
Balaams_Miracle(that was a "yes" :-))08:14
pascal80Balaams_Miracle: ok thanks, was looking in ubuntu repos...08:14
Balaams_Miraclepascal80, i feel that VB should be in the Ubuntu repos, but i guess it will take some time before that happens08:15
hyper_chBalaams_Miracle: VmWare handles USB devices better08:15
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Balaams_Miraclehyper_ch, true. But in VB you can at least create your own VM's08:16
hyper_chBalaams_Miracle: maybe with gutsy but I doubt it08:16
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Balaams_Miraclehyper_ch, What is it you are doubting?08:17
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ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports08:28
pascal80Balaams_Miracle: did you check the above link for getting a package integrated into Ubuntu?08:28
pascal80Balaams_Miracle: already requested, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/10209808:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 102098 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging]  VirtualBox" [Wishlist,Confirmed] 08:31
Balaams_MiracleNot yet, i currently busy helping someone fix a problem :-)08:31
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hyper_chany networking gurus here?09:06
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fijamhyper_ch, not really a guru but might help09:06
hyper_chfijam: well, I have two nics and two independant networks... how can I make that application 1 only uses nic1 and application2 only uses nic2?09:07
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madhatter349i need to enable line in input how do i do that09:14
madhatter349what should i do09:15
madhatter349its so i can get audio from my tv card09:15
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Balaams_Miraclemadhatter349, click the volume icon on your panel. Then click "show switches" and tick the appropriate checkbox09:17
madhatter349i dont see any volume icon09:18
madhatter349i can go to the xfce setting managers09:18
madhatter349if u want09:18
Balaams_MiracleIt's supposed to be next to the system tray in the top panel09:18
madhatter349unless im nto seeing it09:19
Balaams_MiracleHmmm.. Try this: right-click the top panel and choose "add new item". Then add "volume settings" (or something similar, i'm using Dutch language)09:20
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Balaams_MiracleNow you can click the volume icon and make the changes to the mixer09:21
khatuidohey guys09:21
khatuidosomeone know a ubuntu yahoo messenger for linux with cam?09:22
khatuidoi got amsn with cam but i don't see one with yahoo and cam09:22
khatuidocos i can go in gaim but no cam09:22
Balaams_MiracleI seem to remember that Pidgin/Gaim does have a cam plugin somewhere. But i am not 100% sure09:22
madhatter349anybody hear install mythtv on xubuntu09:23
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khatuidooki balaams i will check09:24
Balaams_Miraclekhatuido, you may have to check the Pidgin website though09:24
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khatuidoit's a yahoo client?09:25
khatuidoi don't know pidgin09:25
Balaams_MiraclePidgin is the new name for Gaim09:25
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cryosphereIm trying to figure out if my video card is using the correct driver09:44
ablomencrimsun, what kind of video card is it?09:47
ablomenwoops sorry09:47
ablomenment cryosphere09:47
cryosphereati radeon express 200m09:48
ablomenok well type 'cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep "driver"' in a terminal09:48
ablomenand post the output :)09:48
ablomenwoops sorry09:49
ablomenok well type 'cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep "DRIVER"' in a terminal09:49
cryospherelsmod | grep ati09:49
cryospherei think I using agpgart09:49
cryospherecryosphere@temnozor:~$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep DRIVER09:50
cryospherecryosphere@temnozor:~$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep DRIVER09:50
cryosphereSection "Device"09:50
cryosphere        Identifier      "ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M] "09:50
cryosphere        Driver          "ati"09:50
cryosphere        BusID           "PCI:1:5:0"09:50
ablomenah sorry capital D small evice, my bad ;)09:51
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cryosphereok Il use pastebin09:51
=== ablomen fights the urge to cp and past `man mplayer` (jk gnomefreak )
ablomencryosphere, well it sais it uses ati09:52
ablomenso that should be alright09:52
cryosphereso the dirver is ati09:52
ablomenand agpgart is a kernel module, no video driver :)09:52
cryospherebut glxgears only gives me 570 fps09:52
cryosphereseems kinda low09:53
ablomenhmm well i dunno about ati cards, so cant help you, sorry09:53
ablomenmaybe you need to look at fglx or whatever it is09:53
cryosphereis that a different driver09:54
ablomenbut i dont know if it supports your vcard or how you install it09:54
ablomenfglrx << thats it btw09:55
ablomennp, good luck09:55
cryospherehow can I see my chipset09:59
cryospherefor the video card09:59
ablomentry lspci10:00
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godlesscryosphere:  According to what you pasted you have a radeon...10:19
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panfistis anyone familiar with the mass rename utility10:31
khatuidonot me10:31
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:36
panfisthow can i add different id3 tag renaming schema to the bulk rename utility10:39
panfistnext question, how can i bind my windows key to the xfce menu10:41
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fijampanfist, check out picard and xfce wiki10:44
panfistis there a command for show desktop?11:21
zialserr... doesn't the button on the bottom-left work?11:29
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=== Jester45 [n=ryan@d43-154.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45anyone know why my /home partition doesnt auto mount i have to login to a failsafe terminal and run sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /home11:56
Jester45but its in my fstab just fine11:57
Jester45i didnt mess with the file11:57
=== kalikiana [n=kalikian@xdsl-87-78-21-73.netcologne.de] has joined #xubuntu
Jester45 kalikiana would you know why my /home partition doesnt mount but i havent edited fstab?12:02
Jester45i have to run sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /home to mount it12:02
kalikianaWhat did you change until that happended? There must be something.12:04
kalikianaDid you check your permissions on /home?12:04
=== honkytonkwillie [n=honkyton@153-211-237-24.gci.net] has joined #xubuntu

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