riotkittie | sweet. im downloading 7.04 at 1200K <drools> ... had i known itd be this quick, i might have done it sooner | 12:01 |
adamorjames | h1st0 it won't let me create anything other than a primary partition | 12:01 |
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h1st0 | adamorjames: someone else might be better with your problem than me. | 12:01 |
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magnetron | adamorjames: you need at least one primary partition | 12:02 |
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zoidberg_ | can anybody help me with the AVN avant-window-manager on FEISTY? | 12:02 |
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h1st0 | sidenet: ffmpeg can do it. | 12:02 |
obf213 | whats the correct syntax for purge | 12:02 |
h1st0 | err wait | 12:02 |
obf213 | apt-get remove purge? | 12:02 |
adamorjames | magnetron I have 4 | 12:02 |
spy80us | how to tell if i have a smp kernel or not? and if im using amd turion x2 then is it better to use it as recommended on the ubuntu wiki | 12:02 |
riotkittie | you have 4 primaries? | 12:02 |
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adamorjames | yes | 12:02 |
magnetron | adamorjames: 4 prim is max | 12:02 |
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h1st0 | sidenet: yeah it will do you want a gui though? | 12:02 |
neverblue | how do I ssh tunnel (both the server and client side) into a box to allow me to use GUI apps? | 12:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: gparted can create extended partitions | 12:02 |
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riotkittie | you're going to need to nuke a primary to create an extended | 12:03 |
adamorjames | jack, how? | 12:03 |
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sidenet | i've been trying to get win32 codecs on my laptop for the last 2 days | 12:03 |
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iShock | How can I find out my DEFAULT GATEWAY? | 12:03 |
nickrud | obf213, apt-get remove --purge | 12:03 |
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Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: How many partitions.primary do you have now | 12:03 |
nextse7en | eluzi, you still here? | 12:03 |
Modulator | need some help installing dual monitors... | 12:03 |
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neverblue | iShock, ifconfig | 12:03 |
adamorjames | it says 4 jack | 12:03 |
iShock | neverblue: Which one is it? | 12:03 |
magnetron | !xinerama | Modulator | 12:03 |
ubotu | Modulator: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See - See also !DualHead | 12:03 |
Modulator | I tried checking out xinerama | 12:03 |
sidenet | ffmpeg? | 12:03 |
nextse7en | !dualhead Modulator | 12:03 |
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Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: What are they? | 12:03 |
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magnetron | sidenet: try avidemux | 12:04 |
Argiris | Is Anyone from USA? | 12:04 |
riotkittie | wait. you have 4 primaries and its letting you create another primary?? | 12:04 |
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iShock | neverblue: There is a large amount of stuff..Which thing is it? | 12:04 |
neverblue | iShock, should be listed under eth0, if thats your connection | 12:04 |
adamorjames | jack, 3 ect3'sand one swap | 12:04 |
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nextse7en | Who was asking about a program to count seconds and convert to date sinsce 1970? | 12:04 |
adamorjames | *ext | 12:04 |
royel | !offtopic | Argiris | 12:04 |
ubotu | Argiris: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:04 |
nickrud | sidenet, | 12:04 |
sidenet | thanks nick | 12:04 |
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Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: are they all in use.. | 12:04 |
adamorjames | 3 ext = /, /home, /var and a swap | 12:04 |
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h1st0 | sidenet: sudo apt-get install ffmpeg | 12:05 |
adamorjames | I'm in a live CD but I can only use one at a time | 12:05 |
hinkle | how do i assign my own ip address on my local network as opposed to just being assigned one automagically? | 12:05 |
neverblue | iShock, looking at my own, one sec | 12:05 |
bcbooter | static ip | 12:05 |
h1st0 | sidenet: then to convert just ffmpeg -i orignal_file.wmv new_file.avi | 12:05 |
Argiris | Just one quastion and I am out.Tell me the best Heroe of USA (I am playin a knoledge game) | 12:05 |
iShock | bcbooter: What about one? | 12:05 |
bcbooter | u need to set that up. | 12:05 |
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adamorjames | I can only unmount one at a time | 12:05 |
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nextse7en | Wouldn't it be fairly easy to write a python script that would allow you to input seconds from a certain date, and come up with the new date? | 12:06 |
bcbooter | ishock, you need to get your information, like defualt gateway etc, then enter it as a static ip | 12:06 |
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royel | adamorjames: edit your /etc/network/interfaces file, or use the network manager if your using that GUI stuff :) | 12:06 |
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iShock | bcbooter: I'm trying, help me | 12:06 |
Argiris | plz | 12:06 |
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bcbooter | why do you want a static ip? | 12:06 |
royel | adamorjames: wrong person, sorry | 12:06 |
iShock | bcbooter: IRCd | 12:06 |
adamorjames | ok royel | 12:06 |
CientificoLoco | HOT: do you know the name? | 12:07 |
ieee802 | someone know how to get led working with ipw2200? | 12:07 |
taime1 | how do i assign my own ip address on my local network as opposed to just being assigned one automagically? | 12:07 |
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CientificoLoco | I have eraesed everything of a memory SD and I want to recovery some pictures, is there a way to do it? | 12:07 |
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Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: When you use gparted and highlight unpartitioned space you dont have three options for new, primary, logical and extended | 12:07 |
royel | taime1: edit your /etc/network/interfaces file, or use the network manager if your using that GUI stuff :) | 12:07 |
Bubbels | Hello, Question: how can i use ACL's through CIFS with nautilis/Eiciel? I'm getting "Operation not Supporten", while smbcacls neatly displays the ACL's... | 12:07 |
mantra2 | does the new 7.10 come with built in support for airport cards? | 12:07 |
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h1st0 | CientificoLoco: how did you erase the pictures? | 12:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: actually you probably dont as you are already at the limit | 12:07 |
taime1 | royal: what do i do in network manager? | 12:07 |
swimmerino88_ | hi to evrebody!i have a little problem with my usb disk...I can only see a diectory locked,after the creation of the partition with can i copy thingd to the disk?i think i have to chenge the | 12:07 |
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tbtroja | compengi, do you know if I should put the BC stuff in a different folder, or what? | 12:08 |
slavik | swimmerino88_: man chmod | 12:08 |
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h1st0 | CientificoLoco: testdisk maybe? or some sort of other file recovery program | 12:08 |
adamorjames | Jack, it says new and that is the only option | 12:08 |
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obf213 | hey...can vim run in gui? | 12:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: click on new and then which options | 12:09 |
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obf213 | i just downloaded but it only opens in terminal | 12:09 |
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tbtroja | Anyone here have World of Warcraft (plus Burning Crusade) installed on Ubuntu 7.04? | 12:09 |
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slavik | tbtroja: I do, it works fine | 12:09 |
adamorjames | jack, it tells me "t is not possible to create more than 4 primary partitions" | 12:09 |
Bubbels | chmod? wat has chmod to do with ACL's on SMB? (or is that a too stupid question...) | 12:09 |
h1st0 | obf213: vim-gtk I believe is what you are looking for for gui | 12:09 |
tbtroja | slavik, I copied all the WoW stuff to a folder, what do I do with BC stuff? | 12:10 |
dakira | does anyone know something like gobbly, but for drawing? so that both parties can see the same thing and both can draw? | 12:10 |
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tbtroja | slavik, same folder, a subfolder? | 12:10 |
slavik | tbtroja: did you install BC before copying? | 12:10 |
h1st0 | obf213: or try gvim in terminal | 12:10 |
Pie-rat1 | this is really annoying, i'm trying to make a portable installation of ubuntu, and i can't find any way to automatically generate an xorg.conf. i tried dexconf, but it didn't work. i'm not sure why. | 12:10 |
obf213 | h1st8 ahh yes. i c i was missing a package | 12:10 |
neverblue | iShock, netstat -rn | 12:10 |
tbtroja | slavik, all I've done so far is copy the WoW stuff | 12:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: Right... You are at the limit... you would need to delete one to create an extended and logicals inside that. | 12:10 |
tbtroja | (no expansion yet) | 12:10 |
efrancolaporte | hey im wondering if theres something like windows movie maker or imovie for Ubuntu | 12:10 |
slavik | tbtroja: so, you haven't isntalled BC yet anywhere? | 12:10 |
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PriceChild | efrancolaporte, kino | 12:10 |
tbtroja | slavik, nop. | 12:10 |
h1st0 | obf213: or vim-gnome | 12:10 |
PriceChild | iShock, Could you please check your pm and reply to me? :) | 12:11 |
michaelz | Hi, I'm trying to follow this tutorial:, but when I do the first terminal command (sudo dpkg --force-architecture -i opera-static_9.20-20070409.1-qt_en_i386.deb) I get an error (somethign like: `cannot access archive: No such file or directory'). Anyone know what's going on? | 12:11 |
h1st0 | efrancolaporte: there are a few options | 12:11 |
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slavik | tbtroja: no idea tbh, but the winehq (appdb) page should have the instructions | 12:11 |
tbtroja | slavik, I need to know where I should put the BC stuff and if I should install WoW before I copy BC | 12:11 |
h1st0 | efrancolaporte: have you checked out the desktop guide? | 12:11 |
adamorjames | jack, that is why I need tomove my var folder from it's partition which is primary but I want to move all the files including hidden and such | 12:11 |
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tbtroja | slavik, alright, thanks. | 12:11 |
adamorjames | *to move | 12:11 |
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efrancolaporte | PriceChild thank you | 12:11 |
Shyde | michaelz, did you change directory to the one you downloaded that file to? | 12:11 |
Tim | hi there will upgrading to Feisty have any preferences related changes to my xubuntu 6.06 system? | 12:11 |
PriceChild | Tim, No. (but you need to go through edgy first) | 12:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: What is the problem moving that... run livecd if needed.. | 12:12 |
diafic_ | tata for now | 12:12 |
h1st0 | efrancolaporte: try kino | 12:12 |
Tim | k thanks PriceChild | 12:12 |
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adamorjames | jack, I'm in livecd but I hear that if you just copy nad past that it doesn't copy everything | 12:12 |
adamorjames | *and | 12:13 |
adamorjames | *paste | 12:13 |
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kunwon1 | Is there anyway to speed up ssh logins from the server side? If I ssh to a ubuntu box on my home net it takes about five seconds to come up with a password prompt, compared with less than a second to a centos or fedora box | 12:13 |
efrancolaporte | thanks h1st0 | 12:13 |
slavik | adamorjames: copying files? | 12:13 |
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adamorjames | salvik, yes | 12:13 |
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magnetron | kunwon1: you could try to enable compression | 12:14 |
slavik | adamorjames: memorize the following: tar cpf - -C /source/dir . | tar xpf - -C /dest/dir | 12:14 |
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slavik | adamorjames: add sudo as needed :) | 12:14 |
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adamorjames | ok slavik | 12:14 |
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BlkGhost | is There an alt + ctrl or something like that to hot switch between wokspaces... | 12:15 |
eboyjr | BlkGhost: Ctrl+Alt+ Left or right | 12:15 |
PF|WSTP | alt + ctrl + left/right | 12:15 |
BlkGhost | nice | 12:15 |
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Bubbels | Has anyone any idea? How I can use ACL's through CIFS with nautilis/Eiciel? I'm getting "Operation not Supported", while smbcacls neatly displays the ACL's... | 12:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | slavik: that is a cool use for tar that I had not considered. | 12:15 |
PF|WSTP | magnetron: how do you enable compression for ssh | 12:15 |
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kunwon1 | magnetron, compression slows down connections unless you're on something very slow. e.g. a dial-up modem | 12:16 |
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HHP21 | Hey guys, does anyone know how to change folder icons? I don't like how the folder icons look, and I want to change them. I know you can put emblems on them, but that's not enough. Anyone? | 12:17 |
Dudi | HI how can I active Conky | 12:17 |
magnetron | PF|WSTP: depends on which client you use, ssh -C for the one that ships with Ubuntu | 12:17 |
slavik | Jack_Sparrow: learned it when I took a sys admin class, from someone more experienced | 12:17 |
magnetron | kunwon1: just a thought | 12:17 |
PF|WSTP | magnetron: I use OpenSSH-server | 12:17 |
PF|WSTP | and putty as client | 12:17 |
slavik | HHP21: learn about themes and such | 12:17 |
kunwon1 | My theory is that there's a built-in delay in the sshd | 12:17 |
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Stormx2 | Hey folks. I used to rip my CDs with a pretty bad ripper, and as a result some MP3s incorrectly report their length (e.g. 30 minutes). How could I fix this? | 12:17 |
magnetron | PF|WSTP:there is a check box in the putty settings | 12:18 |
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PF|WSTP | magnetron: ok | 12:18 |
Puppy_ | are laser printers ok in Ubuntu? | 12:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | slavik: That is a space between the dashes right and a period before the bang? | 12:18 |
magnetron | Puppy_: yes, depends on which printer it is. | 12:18 |
BlkGhost | ahhh can't use the Alt + CTRL left or right in VMware .. | 12:18 |
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compengi | !printers ! Puppy_ | 12:18 |
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slavik | yes | 12:18 |
slavik | Jack_Sparrow: yes | 12:18 |
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Puppy_ | thanks! | 12:18 |
magnetron | !hardware | Puppy_ | 12:18 |
ubotu | Puppy_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see | 12:18 |
compengi | !printer ! Puppy_ | 12:19 |
Puppy_ | magnetron: thank you! :) | 12:19 |
magnetron | np | 12:19 |
adamorjames | slovak | 12:19 |
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Dudi | can I active conky when I download it | 12:19 |
efrancolaporte | hey kino cant import .mpg files, can i do anything about it? | 12:19 |
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compengi | Dudi, what do you mean by active conky? | 12:20 |
GreenJelly_linux | hey, I just installed ubuntu, and was put into a command prompt... did I install the server version, or do I have to manually setup X-Windows? | 12:20 |
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tapas | GreenJelly_linux: i suppose you installed the server version | 12:20 |
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tapas | GreenJelly_linux: can you login and run X? | 12:20 |
Pie-rat1 | WHYYYYYYY is it so hard to find a program that autodetects hardware and writes an xorg.conf file? that's what happens every time someone starts a livecd, why is it so hard to find the script that does it? | 12:20 |
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adamorjames | slovak it didn't work, I'm using a livecd so I don't think it's reading the directory to the partition I want to get to | 12:21 |
GreenJelly_linux | tapas its startx right? | 12:21 |
tapas | GreenJelly_linux: erm, yes | 12:21 |
tapas | of course ;) | 12:21 |
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Dudi | compengi: I mean that when I download( sudo spt-get install conky) it i can't see it on my screen. Why? | 12:21 |
magnetron | Pie-rat1: that script works until you installed proprietary graphic drivers | 12:21 |
magnetron | Dudi: type "conky" in a terminal | 12:22 |
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GreenJelly_linux | It says its not started... I assume this means I have the server version | 12:22 |
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Pie-rat1 | magnetron: i don't care about proprietary drivers. | 12:22 |
GreenJelly_linux | *not installed | 12:22 |
compengi | Dudi, maybe it's icon is set in applications | 12:22 |
magnetron | !fixres | Pie-rat1 | 12:22 |
ubotu | Pie-rat1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 12:22 |
tapas | GreenJelly_linux: i guess so :) | 12:22 |
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bastid_raZor | conky is not in applications ..i had to manually add it | 12:22 |
diafic | arrrgh | 12:22 |
tapas | GreenJelly_linux: install ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop | 12:22 |
diafic | how do you get an ATI card to behave? | 12:22 |
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magnetron | !ati | diafic | 12:22 |
ubotu | diafic: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 12:23 |
diafic | I need a compiz/ati howto or something | 12:23 |
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bastid_raZor | using conky via terminal helps with troubleshooting | 12:23 |
compengi | !compiz | diafic | 12:23 |
ubotu | diafic: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - See for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 12:23 |
magnetron | diafic: try asking in #ubuntu-effects | 12:23 |
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HHP21 | slavik: Figured it out, thanks :) | 12:23 |
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neverblue | iShock, get it? | 12:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: I think you are going to need the path like tar cpf - -C /media/sda5 .... | 12:23 |
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GreenJelly_linux | tapas instal ubuntu-desktop doesnt work... | 12:24 |
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Dudi | magnetron: how can I move it to another corner? | 12:24 |
GreenJelly_linux | tapas says it needs more commands | 12:24 |
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quaal2 | what is the add/remove programs thing called | 12:25 |
quaal2 | synaptic ? | 12:25 |
neverblue | synaptic, yes | 12:25 |
bcbooteRR | synaptic is the package manager | 12:25 |
quaal2 | well apparently it just froze | 12:25 |
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magnetron | Dudi: use the -x and the -y arguments. | 12:25 |
neverblue | quaal2 errors? | 12:25 |
bcbooteRR | theres also just an add remove programs | 12:25 |
quaal2 | while trying to remove macromedia flash plugin | 12:25 |
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slavik | synaptic is a gtk2 front-end to apt :) | 12:25 |
compengi | quaal2, could be working | 12:26 |
linxuz3r | how do i install compiz-fusion? | 12:26 |
quaal2 | no, its just got the spinning wheel cursor | 12:26 |
quaal2 | and nothing is functional | 12:26 |
howlingmadhowie | wow 1117 users :) | 12:26 |
neverblue | quaal2 close it, and do your installing/removing from command line | 12:26 |
compengi | !compiz | linxuz3r | 12:26 |
ubotu | linxuz3r: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - See for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 12:26 |
neverblue | lots more output | 12:26 |
quaal2 | neverblue, i usually do. | 12:26 |
Paddy_EIRE | neverblue, whats the basic version called at the bottom of the Applications Menu and how would I launch that if the link/icon was not there | 12:26 |
neverblue | Paddy_EIRE, ? | 12:26 |
tapas | GreenJelly_linux: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 12:26 |
tapas | GreenJelly_linux: show me the exact error msg [pastebin] | 12:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | neverblue, synaptics add/remove | 12:27 |
Pirate_Hunter | I dont know if this is the right place to ask this but does open-office word have a thesaurus? im used to MS word and i know it has but what about open-office word? | 12:27 |
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adamorjames | jack, sda doesn't work. disk-2 does but it gives this kind of errors on everything "Cannot open: Permission denied" and such | 12:27 |
Dudi | magnetron: thanks a the way...may you know some light theam for Gnome 2.X | 12:27 |
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adamorjames | jack, I used sudo btw | 12:27 |
slavik | Pirate_Hunter: yes it does | 12:28 |
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Pirate_Hunter | slavik : hmm been trying to find it, would you mind telling me where to find it | 12:28 |
slavik | tools -> language | 12:29 |
slavik | or shift+f7 | 12:29 |
taime1 | how do i assign an ip and gateway to my computer so i can join a different network? | 12:29 |
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Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: Just trying to give you an example, I couldnt possibly guess your mount names.. | 12:29 |
slavik | taime1: virtual lans? | 12:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: Glad it is now working | 12:29 |
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taime1 | slavik: i guess it is.. | 12:30 |
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adamorjames | jack, it will not cop though | 12:30 |
adamorjames | *copy | 12:30 |
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slavik | taime1: network manager will do that for you :) | 12:30 |
Paddy_EIRE | neverblue, ah, its ok its called gnome-app-install | 12:30 |
Dudi | May you know why conky don't respawn? | 12:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: What error | 12:30 |
slavik | Dudi: what is your native language? | 12:30 |
compengi | adamorjames, are you trying to copy from the terminal? | 12:30 |
taime1 | i know that in windows, i change the tcp/ip properties and asign the ip there... and thats basicaly what i want to do to this machine.... i have used network manager to change the static ip... but that did not work | 12:30 |
meyou | ok can someone tell me if this looks right or should the boot flag be on a different partition? | 12:30 |
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meyou | | 12:31 |
adamorjames | jack, permission denied | 12:31 |
adamorjames | compen, yes | 12:31 |
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slavik | taime1: that is how you change the ip ... or are you talking about a wireless LAN? | 12:31 |
Dudi | slovik: "native"? | 12:31 |
Dudi | slavik: native..? | 12:31 |
slavik | Dudi: first language you learned to speak | 12:31 |
compengi | adamorjames, use ctrl+shift+v to paste and ctrl+shift+c to copy | 12:31 |
howlingmadhowie | taimel: you have to set ip-address, gateway-address and probably dns-address. i'm still not sure what you want to do | 12:32 |
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adamorjames | no not that compen | 12:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: I have moved my var/cache/apt/archives using gksudo nautilus and "show hidden files" | 12:32 |
Dudi | slavik: you mean national.....Polish | 12:32 |
slavik | compengi: why the shift? | 12:32 |
slavik | !po | 12:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about po - try searching on | 12:32 |
slavik | bah | 12:32 |
linxuz3r | can i use fiesty fawn in gutsy gibbon? | 12:32 |
taime1 | slavik: not a wireless... just a different netwok... its as opposed to | 12:32 |
slavik | oni pognali, net polskogo kanala | 12:32 |
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adamorjames | ok jack I'll try | 12:32 |
slavik | taime1: what difference does it make? | 12:32 |
neverblue2 | how do you ssh tunnel, so you can use GUI apps, not just a shell, on the server AND client side? | 12:32 |
compengi | slavik, you need to add it to be able to copy/paste in terminal | 12:32 |
Dudi | slavik: jestes polakiem? | 12:33 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: you must edit /etc/ssh/ssh_config to allow tunneling of x11 applications | 12:33 |
slavik | Dudi: russkiy i nemnogo ukrainskogo | 12:33 |
WaxyFresh | whats the comand to see what hardware i have on a desktop?does lspci work or is that just for laptops? | 12:33 |
slavik | compengi: text? | 12:33 |
slowz3r | Any recomendations on a all around good music player for ubuntu | 12:33 |
compengi | slavik, yeah anything from the terminal | 12:33 |
howlingmadhowie | WaxyFresh: lspci will work (if it's installed) | 12:34 |
taime1 | slavik: because one is a network that only certain computers use to communicate... and thats the one i want this machine to be on | 12:34 |
slavik | compengi: will keep it in mind, ty | 12:34 |
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neverblue2 | Tunnel yes howlingmadhowie ? | 12:34 |
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compengi | slabby, np ;) | 12:34 |
WaxyFresh | slowz3r: ryhtembox | 12:34 |
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slabby | compengi, how long ago is that from? | 12:34 |
slowz3r | WaxyFresh: i was using that but i gave up in getting the mpeg 4 pluggins couldnt find them | 12:34 |
slavik | taime1: a network is defined physically, unless it is a virtual network (then you have a very expensive switch) | 12:34 |
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compengi | slabby, what do you mean? | 12:35 |
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slavik | taime1: now, do you have 2 routers on the same network? | 12:35 |
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slabby | compengi, what you saying np for? | 12:35 |
mike1234 | hi guys i have just managed to get wine to work to play some games, the only thing is that sometimes the game move's to quick like scrolling the mouse its way to sensetive, is there a way to adjust this, i think i can rember in windows you could turn something like hardware aceleartion off | 12:35 |
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adamorjames | it's working jack but I hope it copies everything xD | 12:35 |
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WaxyFresh | !mpeg | slowz3r | 12:35 |
ubotu | slowz3r: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 12:35 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: in /etc/ssh/ssh_config change ForwardX11Agent to yes. then if you use ssh on this computer to login to an ssh server on another, you can start graphical programs on the second computer and see them on the first | 12:35 |
compengi | slabby, oh sorry by mistake | 12:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: When done, check the overall size and number of files | 12:35 |
slabby | compengi, np | 12:35 |
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compengi | slabby, it was for slavik | 12:36 |
adamorjames | ok jack | 12:36 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, adding what tag when connecting? | 12:36 |
slavik | huh? what? | 12:36 |
slabby | Can anyone tell me how I can make my FAT32 drive on my ubuntu PC shared over my network | 12:36 |
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Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: Save that command slavik gave you it is very useful | 12:36 |
slavik | slabby: read the samba wiki page | 12:36 |
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neverblue2 | slabby, same machine? | 12:36 |
adamorjames | ok jack | 12:36 |
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slavik | Jack_Sparrow: I memorized it, but think about what it does and you can remember ... | 12:36 |
wepeel | Hi all, my wireless card stopped searching for wireless networks. What can I do | 12:37 |
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slabby | neverblue2, between a ubuntu machine and my xp machine | 12:37 |
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jussi_ | anyone know good software for ubuntu to monitor hdd/GPU/CPU temperature? | 12:37 |
neverblue2 | slabby, read about Samba | 12:37 |
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wepeel | under network>general the checkbox is checked to search | 12:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | slavik: I knew instantly what it did, just never thought to do it that way | 12:37 |
Branden | what packages are needed to compile simple introductory programs in C? | 12:37 |
slabby | !samba | 12:37 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 12:37 |
slavik | Branden: build-essential | 12:37 |
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compengi | slabby, did you try adding it in administration share folder? | 12:37 |
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IdleOne | Branden, build-essential | 12:37 |
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biosword | ciao a tutti | 12:37 |
slabby | compengi, no | 12:37 |
Branden | thank you | 12:37 |
slavik | except swat won't work, because the root account is disabled | 12:37 |
IdleOne | !it | biosword | 12:37 |
ubotu | biosword: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:37 |
slavik | !pl | 12:38 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl | 12:38 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: you don't have to add a tag, just ssh <target computer> -l <name of a valid user on target computer> | 12:38 |
biosword | chi? puo' aiutarmi? | 12:38 |
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slavik | von on ... | 12:38 |
compengi | slabby, you need to configure and install also samba for windows share | 12:38 |
slavik | pizdets ... | 12:38 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, I dont believe u :P | 12:38 |
compengi | !samba > slabby | 12:38 |
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biosword | ragazzi un canal eper l'aiuto? | 12:38 |
IdleOne | #ubuntu-it | 12:39 |
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compengi | slabby, there is a guide on how to make your share folder be seen and accessible by windows machines | 12:39 |
sansana | hello | 12:39 |
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neverblue2 | so when I edit that line on system A, then use system B to connect to system A, I can run any GUI app, as long as its installed on B as well ? | 12:39 |
slabby | compengi, ?? | 12:39 |
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ghs_alex | hello all. | 12:39 |
adamorjames | jack, do you thin k it will recognize the new var path? it is in my distros / partition in the var folder that was already there but not being used | 12:39 |
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ghs_alex | i have a question regarding firewalls and allowing all traffic on my network | 12:39 |
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compengi | slabby, yeah | 12:40 |
IdleOne | !iptables | ghs_alex | 12:40 |
slavik | neverblue2: doesn't have to be isntalled on system you run it from (system b) :P (it's tunneling the image of the app) | 12:40 |
ubotu | ghs_alex: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 12:40 |
sansana | I have a little problem with global shortcuts, would somebody like to help me? | 12:40 |
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Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: NOt sure on that, I have never tried to split out a var to its' own partition | 12:40 |
neverblue2 | slavik, so all the 'stored' files are stored on A, even though I am accessing it from B ? | 12:40 |
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diafic | I have done a ATI driver install, and I still have the curse of mesa-indirect | 12:41 |
slavik | neverblue2: the app only sees the system it is running/installed on | 12:41 |
adamorjames | jack, I'm doing the opposite I'm trying to merge it in | 12:41 |
slavik | diafic: disable compositing | 12:41 |
Yoyoooo | how to upgrade from Etch to Lenny | 12:41 |
diafic | slavik, why? | 12:41 |
slabby | compengi, you sure that guide is right? i need to share the drive plugged into linux pc to the windows pc | 12:41 |
neverblue2 | slavik, cool, thanks, but I still just need to ssh like I normally would, no extra flags? | 12:41 |
teratoma | what is lenny | 12:41 |
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PriceChild | Yoyoooo, this is #ubuntu not #debian | 12:41 |
IdleOne | Yoyoooo, what distro? | 12:41 |
slavik | diafic: because that is what will solve your problem | 12:41 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: if you edit that line on systema and connect from system a to the ssh server on system b, graphical applications on system b will start in system a | 12:41 |
neverblue2 | !lenny | teratoma | 12:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lenny - try searching on | 12:42 |
compengi | slabby, yeah i had made it once | 12:42 |
slavik | neverblue2: pretty much | 12:42 |
IdleOne | Yoyoooo, /join #debian | 12:42 |
diafic | But I want to use compiz... | 12:42 |
diafic | on my ATI machine | 12:42 |
BlkGhost | Why does the Network Activity Monitor always say its at 0% | 12:42 |
teratoma | !automatix | neverblue2 | 12:42 |
ubotu | neverblue2: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 12:42 |
slavik | diafic: look up xgl | 12:42 |
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zyth | !twss | 12:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about twss - try searching on | 12:42 |
GreenJelly_linux | tapas I cant do much with the comand promp... pastebin is a bit much to do with no X Windows. Ill install the non-server version | 12:42 |
morpheus_ | hi | 12:42 |
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HHermans | hi, I'm having a problem with apt-get update... even when I use a new sources.list, I get the following line when I try to update: "Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry main/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)". Where is this wine URL coming from? It's not in sources.list | 12:42 |
ghs_alex | i want to enable the firewall, but want to enable all local network traffic. is there an easy solution, or do i have to create a rule for each ip on the nework | 12:42 |
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slavik | HHermans: there is a lists.d dir :) | 12:43 |
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zyth | HHermans, did you sudo apt-get update ? | 12:43 |
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wepeel | ok, so at home my wireless card finds my wireless connection fine. awa from home is a different story. When I go to choose the hosts, nothing show up, other than my home network. What gives? | 12:43 |
HHermans | zyth: yes, i did | 12:43 |
Hali_303 | hi! what graphical sensors package should I DL for ubuntu? | 12:43 |
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neverblue2 | !repeat | teratoma | 12:43 |
ubotu | teratoma: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 12:43 |
adamorjames | jack if it doesn't work I might be back, ok jack? xD | 12:43 |
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Jack_Sparrow | ok | 12:43 |
WaxyFresh | !register | 12:43 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at | 12:43 |
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Jack_Sparrow | adamorjames: I doubt it will work... | 12:44 |
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neverblue2 | hey WaxyFresh | 12:44 |
teratoma | neverblue2: i was just making fun of you | 12:44 |
neverblue2 | u on other networks, or did you just steal someone else's nick :) | 12:44 |
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teratoma | neverblue2: dunno why you decided to get the bot to look up 'lenny' and pipe it to me | 12:44 |
neverblue2 | teratoma, right back atcha ;) | 12:44 |
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sansana | is there anyway to change a music player which is used in keyboard shortcuts ? | 12:45 |
HHermans | slavik: thanks :) | 12:45 |
neverblue2 | <teratoma> what is lenny <-- hehe | 12:45 |
zoidberg_ | can anyone help me get avant-window-navigator to work properly? | 12:45 |
IdleOne | sansana, edit the keyboard shortcuts | 12:45 |
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wilson121087 | hi | 12:45 |
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Pie-rat1 | magnetron: "A configuration page will appear, asking if you want to autodetect video hardware. Select yes, and you should be able to just hit enter a bunch of times to accept the autodetected configurations." It doesn't ask me to autodetect. | 12:45 |
HowGuys | whats the lastest version ? | 12:45 |
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slavik | people need to get my hints ... | 12:45 |
ghs_alex | can anyone give me some pointers on setting the firewall to allow internet traffic, and allow all IPs on my local network | 12:45 |
IdleOne | !fiesty | HowGuys | 12:46 |
=== neverblue2 gets his glove out, and begins to catch a few | ||
ubotu | HowGuys: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: - Downloading: - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents | 12:46 |
SORMANOV | how can i protect my self from being sniffed, someone is sniffing traffic between me and the lan gateway, and he can get my passwords over there ... | 12:46 |
howlingmadhowie | ghs_alex do you need to configure your router? | 12:46 |
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neverblue2 | ghs_alex, firewall or router? | 12:46 |
sansana | IdleOne: how do I do it? the only thing I can edit there are the shortcuts :( | 12:46 |
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slavik | neverblue2: you're useless ... | 12:46 |
BlkGhost | Why does the Network Activity Monitor always say its at 0% | 12:46 |
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neverblue2 | slavik, i would have to disagree | 12:46 |
zoidberg_ | can anyone help me get avant-window-navigator to work properly? | 12:46 |
slavik | BlkGhost: 0% on 100Mbit level? | 12:46 |
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|thunder | where is my gnome 2.18.2 ? | 12:46 |
slavik | neverblue2: see? you didn't get my hint xD | 12:46 |
BlkGhost | never mind | 12:47 |
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BlkGhost | its going now :) | 12:47 |
BlkGhost | thanks people | 12:47 |
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slavik | BlkGhost: that "stuff" started downloading finally? ;) | 12:47 |
compengi | BlkGhost, add to your panel network monitor, it's good | 12:47 |
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BlkGhost | Thats what I did | 12:48 |
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BlkGhost | I like it alit | 12:48 |
BlkGhost | alot | 12:48 |
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compengi | BlkGhost, enjoy | 12:48 |
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neverblue2 | how do you restart the sshd service? | 12:48 |
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IdleOne | sansana, System>Preferences>Prefered Applications | 12:48 |
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BlkGhost | Any other good network tools for ubuntu ? | 12:48 |
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compengi | BlkGhost, like what? | 12:49 |
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mwe | neverblue2, sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start but it should autostart by default if installed | 12:49 |
neverblue2 | thats the ssh client, itsnt it? | 12:49 |
Yoyoooo | Guys, how to upgrade to Gutsy by aptitude? | 12:49 |
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neverblue2 | not the dameon... | 12:49 |
eubey_laptop | can someone help me install gimp from the cvs> | 12:49 |
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mwe | neverblue2, no | 12:49 |
neverblue2 | mwe thanks | 12:49 |
mwe | neverblue2, the ssh cient is started by typing ssh host blah ... | 12:50 |
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IdleOne | Yoyoooo, you dont want to right now...try asking in #ubuntu+1 | 12:50 |
neverblue2 | mwe, pls read initial question again :) | 12:50 |
mwe | neverblue2, I think you asked that before I entered the room | 12:51 |
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neverblue2 | slavik, just restarting the service wont fix it? | 12:51 |
sansana | IdleOne: the applications I can change there are Web Browser, Mail Reader and Terminal Emulator, no sign of a Music Player | 12:51 |
mwe | neverblue2, just saw how do I start the ssh server | 12:51 |
Flare183 | Is there application avaiable for linux that can convert an audio file to text? | 12:51 |
compengi | neverblue2, sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart | 12:51 |
slavik | neverblue2: when you change the sshd config, you have to restart it | 12:51 |
neverblue2 | mwe, i phrased it as restart the sshd :) | 12:51 |
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neverblue2 | slavik, (mozilla-thunderbird-bin:26519): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 12:51 |
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mwe | neverblue2, oh whet compengi says then. sorry | 12:51 |
neverblue2 | as a test... | 12:51 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: if you've just changed the ssh_config file, you don't have to restart any ssh servers | 12:52 |
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needhelp | Hi, Help needed! I have installed WinXP and then just recently Ubuntu 704. Now trying to setup dualboot with grub. I have this partitionlayout: . Ubuntu loads fine, but I have not found a way to make Grub load Windows. How do I make Windows load from Grub ? | 12:52 |
IdleOne | sansana, you should have a tab that says Multimedia click it | 12:52 |
BlkGhost | compengi: something cool .. .;) | 12:52 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, still not able to connect and run gui :( | 12:52 |
sansana | IdleOne: but there's no such tab | 12:52 |
IdleOne | sansana, what version of ubuntu you running | 12:52 |
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compengi | BlkGhost, lol try netwok tools in administration | 12:52 |
Yoyoooo | IdleOne but do you have any idea if its possible ? | 12:52 |
sansana | I have only Internet and System | 12:52 |
slavik | neverblue2: client has to be started with -X option I believe | 12:52 |
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sansana | 7.04 with ubuntustudio | 12:52 |
IdleOne | Yoyoooo, yes it is possible I did it today | 12:53 |
neverblue2 | client meaning? | 12:53 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: i'm wondering if you've done the right configuration changes on the right boxes. | 12:53 |
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slavik | the one doing the connecting | 12:53 |
Flare183 | needhelp:> It you should have a have the option on grub to go down and select Windows XP | 12:53 |
Flare183 | Is there application avaiable for linux that can convert an audio file to text? | 12:53 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, no boxes here :) | 12:53 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: i do this everyday myself, you don't need any flags :) | 12:53 |
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slavik | Flare183: how do you convert and audio file to text? in what sense? | 12:53 |
neverblue2 | i edited that one ssh file, sshd_config | 12:53 |
IdleOne | sansana, try asking in #ubuntustudio perhaps they changed the GUI somewhat | 12:53 |
neverblue2 | and that was it | 12:53 |
sansana | IdleOne: ok, thank you :) | 12:54 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: ssh_config you have to edit | 12:54 |
neverblue2 | ops | 12:54 |
Flare183 | slavik:> like take a mp3 file that has a recording of a speech and convert that speech into a text file | 12:54 |
joe-f | what bandwidth monitoring software would you guys recommend? i just want to see my servers up/down throughput | 12:54 |
bcbooteRR | is anyone in here running A T60 thinkpad?? | 12:54 |
neverblue2 | yeah, thats the one I did, bad copy/paste | 12:54 |
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Nubbie | Flare183: like speech recognition... | 12:54 |
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mwe | bcbooteRR, X40 | 12:54 |
slavik | Flare183: never knew that was possible, without training the program and such | 12:54 |
Flare183 | slavik:> yeah | 12:54 |
neverblue2 | uncommented out: ForwardX11Trusted yes | 12:54 |
slabby | !fstab | 12:54 |
matthew_ | Halp. XGL is providing a scrambled image | 12:54 |
compengi | joe-f, gui or command line/ | 12:54 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 12:54 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: the ssh server is preconfigured to try to forward windows. the ssh client must be configured to accept the forwarded window | 12:54 |
bcbooteRR | ughhh, im trying to find the most compatible linux,bsd for it. Besides suse | 12:54 |
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joe-f | compengi: command line - i just tried bmon -? | 12:55 |
Nubbie | matthew_: get help in #ubuntu-effects | 12:55 |
Flare183 | slavik:> any at all doesn't matter if I have to train it | 12:55 |
matthew_ | Nubbie: thats the one! | 12:55 |
matthew_ | I forgot the channel | 12:55 |
slavik | Flare183: dunno if there is such a thing (at all) | 12:55 |
compengi | joe-f, i don't know any command line ones sorry | 12:55 |
neverblue2 | I did the changes on both the server and the client howlingmadhowie | 12:55 |
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neverblue2 | not I am trying to connect remotely, and I had the previously posted error | 12:55 |
neverblue2 | Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 12:56 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: try with a smaller program. try something like xeyes | 12:56 |
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neverblue2 | cannot open display for xeyes | 12:56 |
barbarella | joe-f:man bmon | 12:56 |
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compengi | joe-f, try in your terminal "apt-cache search network monitor" | 12:56 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: okay, this is a configuration problem | 12:56 |
bcbooteRR | is Suse anygood???? | 12:56 |
slavik | bcbooteRR: no | 12:57 |
NicNac | elive | 12:57 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: can you paste your ssh_config from the computer which you are using to connect from on pastebin? | 12:57 |
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bcbooteRR | slavik, why dont you like suse> | 12:57 |
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slavik | bcbooteRR: because ubuntu is better | 12:57 |
bcbooteRR | lol... | 12:57 |
BaD_CrC | hello peeps | 12:57 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: Can you show your grub configuration? (/boot/grub/menu.lst) | 12:57 |
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matthew_ | Real reason: Suse is german | 12:57 |
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bcbooteRR | suse has more support for my hardware though.. | 12:57 |
Nubbie | BaD_CrC: can you turn off your away messages please? | 12:57 |
Nubbie | matthew_: what's wrong with germany? | 12:57 |
neverblue2 | sure howlingmadhowie one sec | 12:57 |
bcbooteRR | ubuntu's suspend to ram didn't work | 12:57 |
BaD_CrC | haw, i typed it | 12:57 |
howlingmadhowie | bcbooteRR because suse has a picture of a chameleon and ubuntu has pictures of scantily clad people :) | 12:57 |
barbarella | i don't like yast | 12:58 |
joe-f | compengi: sweet, bmon is doing a great job | 12:58 |
joe-f | thx | 12:58 |
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matthew_ | Nubbie: I was saying that suse is german | 12:58 |
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compengi | joe-f, np | 12:58 |
Flare183 | slavik:> like Dragon Naturally Speaking for Windows | 12:58 |
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matthew_ | Germany is serious business. | 12:58 |
howlingmadhowie | suse hasn't been german for a while now :( | 12:58 |
matthew_ | Never see germans forking about on the 'net | 12:58 |
matthew_ | hasn't it? | 12:58 |
howlingmadhowie | it got bought up by novell | 12:59 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, | 12:59 |
matthew_ | Oh, well then the build quality has probably gone down hill | 12:59 |
jmad980 | I used to use suse | 12:59 |
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IdleOne | !offtopic | 12:59 |
aricz | hehe | 12:59 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:59 |
Nubbie | thankyou idleone. | 12:59 |
neverblue2 | chatter? | 12:59 |
neverblue2 | hehe | 12:59 |
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slavik | Flare183: but does it handle audio files? | 12:59 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: can you change forwardX11 to yes, not just forwardX11trusted? | 12:59 |
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neverblue2 | comment out the latter? | 01:00 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, comment out the forwardX11trusted ? | 01:00 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: good idea, comment it out. :) | 01:01 |
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needhelp | Flare183: yes there is a Windows-option in the GRUB-menu, but by selecting it, theres just a message saying "Starting up... GRUB", and nothing more happens before I manually reboot the comp. | 01:01 |
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codecaine | does kylix work on ubuntu? | 01:01 |
slavik | novell is in bed with ms and the samba dev left novell for google, which IMO says something | 01:01 |
jawsh_ | ehehehe | 01:02 |
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Nubbie | google shouldn't be trusted 100% either lets not forget, and we're still off topic. | 01:02 |
needhelp | golden_agouti: I would paste the menu.1st file, but its too long, and its on a different comp without network. Anything in it you want to know ? | 01:02 |
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teratoma | trust no one | 01:02 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, had this error when I connected: (not sure if its related) /usr/bin/X11/xauth: error in locking authority file /home/profx/.Xauthority | 01:02 |
Nubbie | needhelp: post it to pastebin. | 01:02 |
barbarella | needhelp:can you pastebin your menu.lst? | 01:02 |
toad__ | how do you install flash player i am new to kubuntu | 01:02 |
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IdleOne | !flash | toad__ | 01:02 |
ubotu | toad__: To install Flash see - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 01:02 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: | 01:03 |
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neverblue2 | mozilla-thunderbird | 01:03 |
neverblue2 | X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. | 01:03 |
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IdleOne | toad__, you might also want to join #kubuntu | 01:03 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: Well I could compare it to my setup since I also use dual boot. | 01:03 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: do you have (k)ubuntu on both computers? | 01:03 |
neverblue2 | ubuntu | 01:03 |
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neverblue2 | xeyes X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.X connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). | 01:04 |
needhelp | Nubbie, barbarella: No. I would, but the reason for it that I cant, is that its on another computer in another room that has no network. Its not this computer Im sitting on right now Im trying to fix... | 01:04 |
jawsh_ | is it like this everyday in here? | 01:04 |
neverblue2 | jawsh_, mostly | 01:04 |
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jawsh_ | ehehe | 01:04 |
Flare183 | .. | 01:04 |
jawsh_ | my ubuntu machine runs so sm00v3 | 01:04 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: how are you logging in through ssh? can you paste a typical session? | 01:04 |
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needhelp | golden_agouti: I can get the Windows-entry if thats the important part of it... ? | 01:04 |
jawsh_ | easiest distro eVah | 01:04 |
neverblue2 | ssh -p 0000 host_name | 01:05 |
jawsh_ | not that i'm bragging or anything | 01:05 |
needhelp | Nubbie, barbarella: But I can read through it and check for certain things.. | 01:05 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: Yes, that might be helpful | 01:05 |
neverblue2 | i am tunnelling, if that makes a difference? | 01:05 |
compengi | toad__, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" it contains flash and much more | 01:05 |
toad__ | cheers for that | 01:05 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: why -p 0000 ? | 01:05 |
neverblue2 | because im tunnelling :) | 01:06 |
barbarella | needhelp:look at | 01:06 |
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royel | neverblue2: what does the switch -p do an why the 0000? | 01:06 |
IdleOne | toad__, you need to check with #kubuntu on the package name | 01:06 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: and you can connect to the ssh server on the other end? | 01:06 |
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needhelp | golden_agouti: I have for some reason two Windows entries. First one is: root (hd0,0) \ savedefault \ makeactive \ chainloader +1. Other one is root (hd2,0) \ savedefault \ makeactive \ map (hd0) (hd2) \ map (hd2) (hd0) \ chainloader +1 | 01:06 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, i can connect fine, just not X apps | 01:06 |
wepeel | Hi all, I tried to hibernate my laptop and now swap won't mount. What can I do? | 01:07 |
neverblue2 | royel, howlingmadhowie is taking care of it, thanks though :) | 01:07 |
barbarella | needhelp:oops you don't have any networking. | 01:07 |
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Safrole | Is it possible to allow a program automatic access to a keyring in Feisty? | 01:07 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: i don't understand why you need -p 0000. i didn'T think port number 0 was defined | 01:07 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, its an example.... | 01:07 |
Safrole | (so I don't have to keep typing in the keyring password | 01:07 |
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needhelp | barbarella: thats right. No network atm on the comp I try to fix | 01:07 |
royel | neverblue2: I wasn't offering any help, was asking why you use -p 0000, I dont think you need that option, but am curious as to your reason | 01:07 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: a-ha that could be the problem | 01:08 |
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barbarella | needhelp:read what golden_agouti said | 01:08 |
neverblue2 | royel, and as I explained twice, its to tunnel | 01:08 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, why is that? | 01:08 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: so your sshd on the other computer responds to port number 12345 (or whatever) | 01:08 |
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neverblue2 | no, it runs on port 22 | 01:08 |
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neverblue2 | its tunneled through a gateway | 01:08 |
kunwon1 | I've solved my problem of very slow SSH connections by adding an entry for the server to the client's /etc/hosts, in case anyone is wondering. SSH is now lightning fast | 01:09 |
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=== neverblue2 suprised howlingmadhowie doesnt know about tunneling :) | ||
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: a gateway that changes the ports? i've never done that myself (well, not for ssh) | 01:09 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, doesnt matter what port # it is really | 01:09 |
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adrian | how can disable the ir_common module in Feisty? It's blocking lirc | 01:09 |
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cafuego | blacklist the module; /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 01:10 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, its just an open port, that forwards to a system behind the gateway, and can offer any service, in this case, ssh | 01:10 |
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needhelp | barbarella: when? seems I cant find what he just said... | 01:10 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: so it recognises the request as an ssh request and alerts the ssh-server? | 01:10 |
shiteki-jibaku | (i have a question, and it seems quite busy in here... v.v) | 01:10 |
barbarella | needhelp:vi menu.lst... line 39, 40, 41, 42 | 01:10 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: let me think a bit what that config means. | 01:10 |
needhelp | golden_agouti: sure | 01:11 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, the sshd listens on the port, the ssh client just designates a port, then the request to the d gets passed through that port on the gateway, to the appropriate ip | 01:11 |
needhelp | barbarella: what about those lines? shall I paste line 39-42 from my menufile ? | 01:11 |
igr0 | How can I view all existing users? | 01:12 |
cafuego | igr0: getent passwd | 01:12 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, now whose schooling who :) | 01:12 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: what i don't understand is why the ssh server handles the request if it doesn't come in on port 22 | 01:12 |
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compengi | igr0, type "who" in terminal | 01:12 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, but it does :) | 01:12 |
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adrian | cafuego: I read that the module can't be "deleted" because is needed by the bttv module | 01:12 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, you have never used a gateway I guess :) | 01:12 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: what happens if you leave out the -p 0000 ? | 01:12 |
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shiteki-jibaku | well, can someone answer a question for me...? | 01:13 |
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cafuego | adrian: bttw needs an infrared driver? That sounds broken. | 01:13 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: well, not like that i haven't. usually i'm happy enough with nat-translation | 01:13 |
compengi | !ask shiteki-jibaku | 01:13 |
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barbarella | needhelp:what is you disk layout? | 01:13 |
compengi | !ask | shiteki-jibaku | 01:14 |
ubotu | shiteki-jibaku: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:14 |
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shiteki-jibaku | Is my registration at the Ubuntu forums not working because the word 'shit' is in my name? | 01:14 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, well anyways, i cannot get X running I guess | 01:14 |
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compengi | shiteki-jibaku, it could be ;) | 01:14 |
nickrud | rlolo | 01:14 |
shiteki-jibaku | heh | 01:14 |
shiteki-jibaku | aww... | 01:14 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: we'll get this working | 01:14 |
Pricey | shiteki-jibaku, #ubuntuforums please and I'll take al ook | 01:14 |
needhelp | barbarella: this: | 01:14 |
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cafuego | shiteki-jibaku: Maybe, th forums are an unofficial someone else's project though afaik | 01:14 |
shiteki-jibaku | okay | 01:14 |
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Pricey | cafuego, the forums are official | 01:15 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, my admin is telling me it is IP AND port specific | 01:15 |
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barbarella | needhelp:so you have network connection | 01:15 |
neverblue2 | so the gateway does direct it to my sshd when a request comes from that port | 01:15 |
wepeel | I so a swapon -a and get /dev/hdc5 Invalid argument. How do I veiw the partition table? | 01:15 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: so what happens if you miss off the -p 0000? does it just do nothing? | 01:15 |
cafuego | endorsed by canonical and everything? well, there ya go | 01:15 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, i need a washroom break, ill brb | 01:16 |
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needhelp | barbarella: yes on *this* computer ofcourse, else I wouldnt be on IRC right now. But the computer I try to fix is in another room without any networkconnections. | 01:16 |
barbarella | wepeel:cfdisk /dev/hdc | 01:16 |
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brimue | hello, I'd like to know if I can download content off my camera via firewire using ubuntu | 01:17 |
DiKKy | hi i was wondering if anyone knows how to make mplayer(gmplayer) the default application to open video files with from nautilus rather than totem? | 01:17 |
wepeel | barbarella, that give me hdc5 no flags logical LInux Swap / Solaris | 01:17 |
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adrian | brimue: try kino | 01:17 |
barbarella | needhelp:so can you pastebin your menu.lst | 01:17 |
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wepeel | barbarella, but my swap partition is not being mounted during startup | 01:18 |
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brimue | does ubuntu recogniye firewire connections as plug and play? | 01:18 |
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Minty_ | hey could some one help me with a networking issue please | 01:18 |
adrian | its a program for DV video, i think it's on the official repositories | 01:18 |
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nickrud | DiKKy, right click a video file of the desired type, at the bottom of the menu select properties, and in the dialog window select the tab open with | 01:18 |
LouisvilleLIP | !ask | Minty_ | 01:18 |
ubotu | Minty_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:18 |
IdleOne | brimue, give it a try | 01:18 |
Minty_ | i hav a laptop next to me running ubuntu 7.04 has a zyxel wirless card in it asn can see my router down stairs but it keeps asking me for a wep key but i havent set 1 up :'( | 01:18 |
Minty_ | help | 01:18 |
DiKKy | nickrud: thanks | 01:18 |
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LouisvilleLIP | MInty_: are you sure you are seeing the correct router? | 01:19 |
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Minty_ | yes | 01:19 |
Simo1 | hi | 01:19 |
barbarella | wepeel:and whitout the a option? | 01:19 |
DARKGuy | hey, how can I open a new GDM screen in a new display through the terminal ? | 01:19 |
Simo1 | where can I get help for AWN | 01:19 |
Simo1 | ? | 01:19 |
compengi | Simo1, hello | 01:19 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: from your fstab config i get that you have 2 hard drives and a USB/SCSI device? | 01:19 |
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Minty_ | itspicking up the signal | 01:19 |
Minty_ | and that | 01:19 |
compengi | !awn | 01:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about awn - try searching on | 01:19 |
needhelp | barbarella: how? ofcourse I can pastebin menu.1st from *this* computer which Im sitting on right now, but this is not the trouble-computer | 01:19 |
compengi | Simo1, what's AWN? | 01:19 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, only one port is open for it on the gateway | 01:19 |
brimue | thanks, adrian and Idleone, I'll try it out | 01:19 |
wepeel | barbarella, just gives me the options for the command swapon | 01:19 |
LouisvilleLIP | Minty_: pastebin the output of iwconfig | 01:20 |
Simo1 | avant windows manager | 01:20 |
Minty_ | but keeps saying i need to enter the passphrase etc but my router settings have no securtiy basically | 01:20 |
needhelp | golden_agouti: thats right | 01:20 |
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Minty_ | ok | 01:20 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: your windows installation is on /dev/sda1 ? | 01:20 |
Simo1 | *navigator | 01:20 |
Simo1 | avant windows navigator | 01:20 |
Simo1 | someone here who can help out with it | 01:20 |
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Minty_ | damn | 01:20 |
Minty_ | ok i got to right it up | 01:20 |
needhelp | golden_agouti: thats right | 01:20 |
barbarella | needhelp:did you set the main disk to boot from as usb or sata? | 01:20 |
barbarella | needhelp:in the bios | 01:21 |
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needhelp | barbarella: none, Im running IDE and SCSI.... | 01:21 |
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compengi | Simo1, what do you want to know about it? | 01:21 |
needhelp | barbarella: I've tried setting both first | 01:21 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, not to set a time limit, but I have to run in like 10 | 01:21 |
neverblue2 | :) | 01:21 |
barbarella | needhelp:i think you have to set some thinks right in the bios | 01:22 |
Simo1 | I installed it and the launcher/taskabr applet works fine, but none of the other applets work | 01:22 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: that's wierd. how does it know, that that's an ssh request? can you access other services or just ssh? | 01:22 |
Justi1 | How do I resize my ubuntu partition? | 01:22 |
Simo1 | furthermore I can't add launchers | 01:22 |
mzanfardino | I need to adjust the priority of a process in memory. how do to downgrade the priority of another application? | 01:22 |
quaal2 | how do i find out what ati card is in this computer | 01:22 |
quaal2 | without taking it apart | 01:22 |
LouisvilleLIP | !gpart | 01:22 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gpart - try searching on | 01:22 |
Simo1 | only the window navigator working | 01:22 |
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LouisvilleLIP | !gparted | 01:22 |
ubotu | GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type sudo apt-get install gparted in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 01:22 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, only specific to the service, thats why you designate the IP and port | 01:22 |
LouisvilleLIP | !gparted | justi1 | 01:22 |
ubotu | justi1: please see above | 01:22 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: a-ha! that was the part missing from the jigsaw :) | 01:23 |
tim_ | fettarsch | 01:23 |
fujin | hi, can anyone point me towards some package creation documentation? I'd like to create a package which installs a number of other packages (as dependancies, I assume) and then puts the relevant configuration in the correct locations | 01:23 |
Justi1 | louisvillelip: thanks | 01:23 |
compengi | Simo1, have you done the install like | 01:23 |
needhelp | barbarella: like what? I've changed the boot sequences plenty times with different combinations on where I let grub be installed (on /dev/hda, hda1, hda5, sda, sda1, sda5, etc) | 01:23 |
tim_ | xhksdhkdghkdfgk | 01:23 |
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tim_ | llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll | 01:23 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: now i know what's going on at least :) | 01:23 |
neverblue2 | yeah | 01:23 |
LouisvilleLIP | !spam | tim_ | 01:23 |
ubotu | tim_: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-) | 01:23 |
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tim_ | kll | 01:23 |
neverblue2 | i told you it earlier :P | 01:23 |
tim_ | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | 01:23 |
tim_ | 01:23 | |
neverblue2 | musta missed it | 01:23 |
tim_ | 01:23 | |
tim_ | 01:23 | |
tim_ | 01:23 | |
tim_ | 01:23 | |
neverblue2 | !op | 01:23 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 01:23 |
tim_ | 01:23 | |
tim_ | 01:23 | |
LouisvilleLIP | !op | 01:23 |
compengi | !op | 01:23 |
neverblue2 | got it ppl :) | 01:24 |
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golden_agouti | needhelp: have you tried using a seperate boot partition ? | 01:24 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: but it doesn't change the problem. why isn't the x-server allowing the request from the client program on the ssh server? | 01:24 |
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fujin | hi, can anyone point me towards some package creation documentation? I'd like to create a package which installs a number of other packages (as dependancies, I assume) and then puts the relevant configuration in the correct locations | 01:24 |
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tabion | anyone know how to setup a usb dsl connection? | 01:24 |
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Simo1 | no | 01:25 |
Minty_ | | 01:25 |
Simo1 | I will try that method | 01:25 |
Minty_ | there it is | 01:25 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: I use a small (100mb ext2) boot partition on the first hd | 01:25 |
neverblue2 | i need to add the -X flag? | 01:25 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: you've got it? i never need to add a flag myself | 01:25 |
IdleOne | !dsl | 01:25 |
ubotu | Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at | 01:25 |
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neverblue2 | nope | 01:25 |
neverblue2 | same error still | 01:25 |
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neverblue2 | ill try connecting to anothe rbox | 01:26 |
LouisvilleLIP | MInty_: what is the SSID of the network? | 01:26 |
Minty_ | NETGEAR | 01:26 |
Justi1 | in gparted, do I have to unmount a partition before I resize it? | 01:26 |
tonsofpcs | nalioth: you around? | 01:26 |
LouisvilleLIP | ok, hang on | 01:26 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Justi1: yes | 01:26 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: i have a suggestion. what does the sshd_config look like on the ssh server? is X11 forwarding switched on? | 01:26 |
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=== Razec checking | ||
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needhelp | golden_agouti: not recently. But I have an ida of what could be wrong, but not the solution. My ida about whats wrong is this: There were WinXP bootfiles on both C: (sda1) AND on D: (hda1). Its only the bootfiles on C: that should be used, but GRUB tries to use the outdated bootfiles from D:. I removed the old bootfiles from D:, and now it gets in trouble with itself... | 01:27 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, it works on my home box | 01:27 |
Justi1 | jack_sparrow: is it ok to unmount the partition that is currently running ubuntu? | 01:27 |
ANON12345 | investigate | anon12345 | 01:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | Justi1: Nope | 01:27 |
neverblue2 | must be the gateway thats causing an issue | 01:27 |
ANON12345 | !investigate | anon12345 | 01:27 |
slabby | I have setup SMB guys but cant get access to the drive on XP | 01:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | Justi1: You will need to run live cd to do that | 01:27 |
Justi1 | jack_sparrow: okay, thanks | 01:27 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Justi1: Unless someone elase has a way to do it | 01:27 |
neverblue2 | AND I dont need the -X flag | 01:27 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: you mean, when you use your homebox as a client to access the ssh-server with the unusual port, you get x11 forwarding? | 01:27 |
barbarella | needhelp:take an usb pen and copy the menu.lst file on it, then pastebin that file from your computer with internet access | 01:27 |
ANON12345 | How do i set-up a UDP server? | 01:28 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, im at work, so connecting to my home box, X runs fine | 01:28 |
nalioth | tonsofpcs: hi | 01:28 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, when I am sshing between boxes at work, I pass (tunnel) a gateway | 01:28 |
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neverblue2 | so its not working.... | 01:28 |
n2diy__ | How can you determine which printer port is active, lshw doesn't show it, and I can't find it listed in dmesg either? | 01:28 |
neverblue2 | at work :/ | 01:28 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: then i'd recommend looking at sshd_config on the ssh-server | 01:28 |
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tonsofpcs | err, tim_ | 01:28 |
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mojojojo_ | Can I save divx stream from totem to disk? | 01:29 |
neverblue2 | sshd_config eh? | 01:29 |
needhelp | barbarella: Ill try that.. brb | 01:29 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: on the server you have to configure sshd_config. on the client you have to configure ssh_config | 01:29 |
LouisvilleLIP | MInty: sudo iwconfig ath0 essid NETGEAR | 01:29 |
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LouisvilleLIP | Minty_: then Sudo dhclient ath0 | 01:29 |
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LouisvilleLIP | Minty_: I'm 47% sure that will work | 01:30 |
compengi | mojojojo_, i don't think that it's possible | 01:30 |
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mojojojo_ | compengi: why not? | 01:30 |
Minty_ | 47% very accurate | 01:30 |
JodiH | hi can anybody reccomend a mail server thats user friendly to a newbie like me | 01:30 |
LouisvilleLIP | Minty_: I don't have my laptop with my cheatsheet right now | 01:30 |
neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, you might be right, its accepting tunnels on port 22 | 01:30 |
calyth | anyone seen a feisty box being dropped into the busybox shell at initramfs after the linux kernel upgrade -> 2.6.20-16? | 01:30 |
neverblue2 | or 'listening' I mean | 01:30 |
Minty_ | :P | 01:31 |
LouisvilleLIP | Minty_: it won't break anything, just may not fix it either | 01:31 |
barbarella | LouisvilleLIP:nice calculation this 47% | 01:31 |
compengi | mojojojo_, i don't think that totem has that options (feature) | 01:31 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, well, end of the day | 01:31 |
mojojojo_ | compengi: ok... | 01:31 |
neverblue2 | thanks for the talk :) | 01:31 |
LouisvilleLIP | barbarella: yeah, I rounded up too | 01:31 |
barbarella | mojojojo_:mplayer can | 01:31 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: if it accepts ssh requests on port 22, why have the sys-admins configured an ssh server on port 0000 ? lots of questions... | 01:31 |
Minty_ | its doing something | 01:31 |
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neverblue2 | howlingmadhowie, the port 0000 was an example | 01:32 |
LouisvilleLIP | Minty_: Let me know if it works. If it does, I've earned a beer from the fridge | 01:32 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: i know :) | 01:32 |
Minty_ | no dhcp offers recieved | 01:32 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: anyway, my tip: have a look at /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server | 01:32 |
Minty_ | no working leases in persistent database - sleeping | 01:32 |
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neverblue2 | yeah | 01:32 |
kristofer | word | 01:33 |
neverblue2 | i will do howlingmadhowie | 01:33 |
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neverblue2 | have a good night | 01:33 |
riotkittie | why do the last two live CDs hate me so :| i just burned feisty and was looking forward to taking it for a spin but it took like an hour to get to 95% kernel loading, and after 20 mins i gave up on it going past that point | 01:33 |
LouisvilleLIP | MInty_: have you tried to open a browser yet? | 01:33 |
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howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: if xwindow forwarding is working between your computer at work and your computer at home, then the server at work would seem to be the computer which is configured differently | 01:33 |
eboyjr | riotkittie: You may have a slow CD reader. | 01:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | riotkittie: What hardware.. an older system perhaps | 01:33 |
howlingmadhowie | neverblue2: same to you :) have fun! | 01:33 |
kristofer | I'm trying to use banshee to import some flac files, but it doesn't let me. any ideas why? | 01:33 |
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needhelp | barbarella: Finally I got the menu.1st, | 01:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | riotkittie: Convert to iso and reburn slower | 01:34 |
adrian | if irw detects the remote fine, this means that lirc is well configured? | 01:34 |
codecaine | anybody know a tutorial for shell scripting on gnome? | 01:34 |
riotkittie | eboyjr: no. my dvd drives are speeeeeeeeeedy. and i have problems with everything else | 01:34 |
eboyjr | riotkittie: ok | 01:34 |
eboyjr | riotkittie: i tried ;) | 01:34 |
Minty_ | no beer 4 u | 01:34 |
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Jack_Sparrow | riotkittie: What about the rest of the hardware.? | 01:34 |
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LouisvilleLIP | Minty_: ok, so iwconfig now and pastebin. Before it wasn't picking up your NETGEAR SSID | 01:35 |
riotkittie | Jack_Sparrow: what about it? | 01:35 |
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Jack_Sparrow | riotkittie: As in MORE info.. | 01:35 |
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Minty_ | ooo | 01:35 |
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howlingmadhowie | codecaine: shell scripting on gnome? i didn't know there were shell-scripting tutorials for particular window managers | 01:35 |
needhelp | golden_agouti: did you read my idea about what caused the trouble? Also I just pasted the menu.1st to barbarella | 01:35 |
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Ubun2 | 1st? | 01:36 |
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codecaine | say you selected a file on the desktop I want to be able to read tehe file and path of the selected file | 01:36 |
bruenig | howlingmadhowie, there shouldn't be, if one claims to be, it is probably someone who doesn't know what they are talking about | 01:36 |
riotkittie | eh. it's hardware-y. <shrug> | 01:36 |
barbarella | needhelp:from line 160 | 01:37 |
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barbarella | needhelp:what's that? | 01:37 |
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terlmann | I have a problem and it will take ELITE nerds to fix it | 01:37 |
codecaine | I know echo @ is the selected file dont' know how to add the path to the script | 01:37 |
terlmann | are you ready ? | 01:37 |
adrian | if irw detects the remote fine, this means that lirc is well configured? | 01:37 |
LouisvilleLIP | !ask | terlmann | 01:37 |
ubotu | terlmann: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:37 |
terlmann | ok | 01:37 |
terlmann | you asked for it | 01:37 |
howlingmadhowie | bruenig: well, principally there are methods of making simple GUIs in shell scripts, but i thought the widget stuff was at least one level away from shell scripting :) | 01:37 |
codecaine | elite nerds | 01:37 |
codecaine | lol | 01:37 |
Andyho | How do you install Lightning??? | 01:37 |
Minty_ | | 01:37 |
terlmann | I have a debian machine names A | 01:37 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: yes there's probably someting wrong with the menu.lst, let me think a bit | 01:37 |
bruenig | codecaine, pwd | 01:37 |
eboyjr | !lightning | 01:37 |
Minty_ | there u go louisiana | 01:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lightning - try searching on | 01:37 |
terlmann | and a client laptop named b | 01:37 |
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howlingmadhowie | codecaine: i'm not sure what you want to do | 01:38 |
codecaine | I tried $pwd | 01:38 |
codecaine | PWD | 01:38 |
terlmann | A is a debian system (desktop) which I want to serve Feisty to B | 01:38 |
bruenig | howlingmadhowie, there is stuff like xdialog and such but those aren't DE specific by any measure, maybe nautilus scripts are as close as you could get to what might be considered gnome scripts | 01:38 |
terlmann | over ethernet | 01:38 |
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yoyo | is it possible to create a umask for only specific dir? | 01:38 |
riotkittie | typical dell dimension. 3gHz p4, 1gB ram. old ati card. crappy sound card. | 01:38 |
needhelp | barbarella: from line 169 is lines Grub automatically added to add Windows to the menu. | 01:38 |
needhelp | 160 I meant | 01:38 |
bruenig | yoyo, what filesystem? | 01:38 |
yoyo | for example, world writeable for all files created in /mnt/blah ? | 01:38 |
yoyo | err dir | 01:38 |
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yoyo | ext3 | 01:39 |
codecaine | theres a program I want to add to nautilus scripts called wipe but to delete the file I need the path and the file name of the file right clicked on | 01:39 |
LouisvilleLIP | MInty_: Did you already sudo dhclient ath0? | 01:39 |
bruenig | yoyo, you can set per directory permissions on ext3 no problem, just chmod it | 01:39 |
howlingmadhowie | bruenig: exactly that, xdialog :) | 01:39 |
Minty_ | ya | 01:39 |
riotkittie | i guess i'll suck it up and do a text install but argh :\ or maybe i'll just stick with dapper. | 01:39 |
r0b- | nixternal | 01:39 |
yoyo | bruenig, right but if i create new dirs in it, it'll get default umask | 01:39 |
yoyo | i need all dirs that get created to also be of 775 perms | 01:39 |
yoyo | by any user | 01:39 |
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bruenig | yoyo, why are you using umask? umask isn't necessary for filesystems that retain permissions | 01:40 |
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yoyo | argh | 01:40 |
LouisvilleLIP | MInty_: Ok, we are closer, but not done. Let me recruit some help, this isn't terribly complicated, but I don't know the answer. | 01:40 |
yoyo | for example, if i create /mnt/blah, and it's set to 775 | 01:40 |
Andyho | be back in a few.. gotta reboot :) | 01:40 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: could you try disabling the first part that was automatically added? | 01:40 |
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Minty_ | okies :) shall i wait here??? | 01:40 |
yoyo | if user john goes into that dir, and creates a dir, it'll be 755 | 01:40 |
howlingmadhowie | codecaine: i'm afraid i've never written scripts for nautilus | 01:40 |
yoyo | the new dir being /mnt/blah/test | 01:40 |
mojojojo_ | barbarella: thanks... but on the other hand... mplayer divx support doesn't work on firefox... | 01:40 |
yoyo | ^ that will be 755 cuz that's his umask | 01:40 |
LouisvilleLIP | Bruenig: Can you help MInty_, his wireless sees the router, has the essid in iwconfig, but won't connect | 01:40 |
bruenig | yoyo, right got you, that is a good question | 01:41 |
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Minty_ | cheers louis | 01:41 |
LouisvilleLIP | Bruenig: you helped me a few days ago, dhclient ath0 didn't work for him | 01:41 |
bruenig | LouisvilleLIP, you seemed to be doing what I would do | 01:41 |
kristofer | anyone know why banshee won't import flac files? is there a plugin or something I need to install? | 01:41 |
needhelp | golden_agouti: which lines? all of the file was actually automatically written when I installed ubuntu today | 01:41 |
LouisvilleLIP | MInty_: are you positive that your router doesn't have any IP/MAC address restrictions? | 01:42 |
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nickrud | codecaine, if you click open scripts folder under scripts, there's a dialog window that opens. click the arrow to open a listing of environment variables | 01:42 |
Minty_ | im on settings now | 01:42 |
Minty_ | n | 01:42 |
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Minty_ | ill type 2 u | 01:42 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: comment all lines of the first entry | 01:42 |
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codecaine | ok I got how to get the path and the selected file :) | 01:42 |
Simo1 | I still can't get the taskbar in awn | 01:42 |
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nickrud | codecaine, and you'd probably like zenity | 01:42 |
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eboyjr | !compiz fusion > me | 01:43 |
Pie-rat1 | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't autodetect anything at all, it just asks me to select a driver. i have moved my external hard drive to multiple machines and it cant autodetect ANY of them. | 01:43 |
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bruenig | !msgthebot | eboyjr | 01:43 |
ubotu | eboyjr: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 01:43 |
needhelp | golden_agouti: line 126-131 ? | 01:43 |
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casperin | Can someone help me out? Trying to install xubuntu (from ubuntu). But I get this error: "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of IDE1 master (hda) failed." and then it opens up a media/desk window... What do I do? | 01:43 |
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Minty_ | wirless options - securtiy options disable | 01:44 |
barbarella | needhelp:is it windows or vista? | 01:44 |
bruenig | casperin, try again? | 01:44 |
nickrud | me thinks gtk1 is oogly | 01:44 |
needhelp | barbarella: Win XP | 01:44 |
slabby | Anybody know about setting up teamspeak servers? | 01:44 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: no, lines 153-164 | 01:44 |
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slabby | or ventrillo | 01:44 |
casperin | bruenig: this was second time | 01:44 |
bruenig | nickrud, compile --with-gtk2 of course | 01:44 |
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nickrud | bruenig, compile? If I wanted to compile, I'd use gentoo | 01:44 |
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bruenig | nickrud, well don't knock an app because stupid ubuntu packager didn't know what he was doing | 01:45 |
needhelp | golden_agouti: yes I'll do that, and then only have the last Windows-entry | 01:45 |
tiffanie | I am a new user to Ubuntu and I am having an issue that is completely over my head. My system keeps shutting down Firefox and logging me off. When I log back on, I get an error message that reads something about having to kill a bonobo-activation-server. What do I do? | 01:45 |
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eboyjr | What si the program that runs Windows in a separate window? I bet I could use that instead of wine, correct? | 01:45 |
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brimue | hey, I get this error when running ./configure with kino 1.1.0: "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" | 01:45 |
nickrud | bruenig, true. Since I gave up compiling, I have missed some stuff | 01:45 |
bruenig | !virtualization | eboyjr | 01:45 |
ubotu | eboyjr: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications | 01:45 |
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mantra2 | has anyone ever had a macbook with a core 2 working wireless? If so could you please explain how it works. | 01:46 |
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codecaine | in shell scripting how do you append to a string like mystring = pwd + "I want to connect this" | 01:46 |
LouisvilleLIP | Minty_, still looking for an answer, but I'm just about to the end of my limited knowledge. | 01:46 |
bruenig | codecaine, string="$string new stuff" | 01:46 |
howlingmadhowie | codecaine: i'd use an echo | 01:47 |
Minty_ | ya i am | 01:47 |
nickrud | codecaine, you might like to install abs-guide, it's a bash scripting guide. | 01:47 |
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codecaine | I want to add to different strings to 1 string | 01:47 |
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LouisvilleLIP | Minty_, if I find something I'll let you know | 01:47 |
Minty_ | it will pick up netgear n that | 01:47 |
codecaine | call ty nickrud | 01:47 |
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bruenig | codecaine, string="$pwd/filename" | 01:47 |
bruenig | codecaine, string="$(pwd)/filename" | 01:47 |
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Minty_ | a passphrase or encytion key is required to acess network netgear | 01:48 |
Burlynn | mantra2: i have one, haven't installed ubuntu on it yet, but from my reading you probably have to use ndiswrapper to get it working, i googled about it there's quite a bit of information | 01:48 |
barbarella | string=$"(pwd)/filename" | 01:48 |
codecaine | oh I see | 01:48 |
codecaine | thanks | 01:48 |
bruenig | barbarella, wrong | 01:48 |
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nickrud | codecaine, bruenig's last is very good, it scales | 01:48 |
barbarella | not | 01:48 |
mantra2 | We can't seem to get it working! | 01:48 |
slabby | How do I extract a .tar.bz2 file? | 01:48 |
mantra2 | we tried that | 01:48 |
Minty_ | then it has wirless security : wep 128 pass phrase or hex or acsii | 01:48 |
bruenig | barbarella, hmm, let me see | 01:48 |
nickrud | slabby, tar xf <file> | 01:48 |
ANON12345 | how do i set-up a server that uses the UDP protocol? | 01:48 |
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YANP | Create with Image or Create with File to make a Ubuntu CD? | 01:49 |
LouisvilleLIP | Minty_, I'm 76% sure that your router settings are the issue. Do you use the method to access your settings? | 01:49 |
barbarella | string=$(command) | 01:49 |
=== nickrud wonders why he's nodding at someones scripting, when he knows well that the guy knows loots more | ||
bikerking16 | how do i get my wireless card on my macbook to work with ubuntu | 01:49 |
bruenig | barbarella, it prints (pwd)/filename with yours instead of the actualy workingdirectory/filename | 01:49 |
needhelp | golden_agouti: but there will be no difference. Grub still tries to use the old XP boot-files from the wrong partition, even if I change the device in the entry to the correct one it wont use the new one or at least wont load Windows | 01:50 |
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Minty_ | wtf is that | 01:50 |
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Minty_ | type in the ip of router n then password etc | 01:50 |
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YANP | Create with Image or Create with File to make a Ubuntu CD? | 01:50 |
bruenig | Minty_, if you want to use a key with iwconfig, just do iwconfig ath0 key whateverthekeyis | 01:50 |
tiffanie | I am a new user to Ubuntu and I am having an issue that is completely over my head. My system keeps shutting down Firefox and logging me off. When I log back on, I get an error message that reads something about having to kill a bonobo-activation-server. What do I do? | 01:50 |
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howlingmadhowie | barbarella: bruenig: thanks :) i've always used TEST=`pwd` and not TEST=$(pwd). do they do exactly the same thing? | 01:51 |
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barbarella | bruenig:what does he want to do? | 01:51 |
bruenig | barbarella, basically wants to add a filename to the end of whatever pwd gives him | 01:51 |
Minty_ | but according to the router there is no key | 01:51 |
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patrlck | hi | 01:51 |
bruenig | howlingmadhowie, they do the same thing, I read someone where that ` was deprecated so I don't use it, the dollar parenthesis are easier to read too I think | 01:51 |
bruenig | don't confuse with quotes | 01:51 |
YANP | Create with Image or Create with File to make a Ubuntu CD? | 01:51 |
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LouisvilleLIP | Minty_, under Wireless Settings, Security Options is set to what? | 01:52 |
howlingmadhowie | bruenig: i just find it easy for perl scripting :) | 01:52 |
Minty_ | disable | 01:52 |
patrlck | I'm trying to connect to a ftp server but I keep getting this error : 530 Not logged in. I've tried using 3 different software and I still can't login. Other people are able to log in so I don't know wtf I do wrong .. anybody has a clue ? | 01:52 |
needhelp | barbarella: any more suggestions? | 01:52 |
barbarella | bruenig:so $string should work in the sript | 01:52 |
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oldude67 | YANP, with image | 01:52 |
LouisvilleLIP | Do you have an "attached devices" button or tab? | 01:52 |
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YANP | oldude67: thanks | 01:52 |
Safrole | Anyone know how I can let a certain program have access to my keyring *without* having to type in the password for the keyring? | 01:52 |
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bikerking16 | wireless on ubutnu wont show up but i have a wireless card in my macbook | 01:53 |
bruenig | barbarella, you lost me | 01:53 |
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barbarella | bruenig:never mind, it worked for him...i think! | 01:54 |
bruenig | yeah whatever | 01:54 |
bikerking16 | how do i set up wireless with ubuntu on my macbook | 01:54 |
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ANON12345 | How do i set up a UDP server? | 01:54 |
fujin | Anyone familiar with rolling their own packages? | 01:54 |
bruenig | bikerking16, do iwconfig, does it show any interfaces with wireless extensions | 01:54 |
howlingmadhowie | bikerking16: you have ubuntu installed on your macbook? maybe the wireless card isn't supported | 01:54 |
fujin | I can't seem to work out howto do it. | 01:55 |
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bikerking16 | it says | 01:55 |
bruenig | oh no | 01:55 |
bikerking16 | no wireless cards | 01:55 |
bruenig | !paste | 01:55 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:55 |
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barbarella | ANON12345:utp you mean? | 01:55 |
allbert | #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 | 01:55 |
ShackJack | bikerking16: I don't knkow about Macbooks, but there's a decent troubleshooting guide here: | 01:55 |
allbert | Linux 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Thu Jun 7 20:19:32 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 01:55 |
quaal2 | anyone know of a good guie to get dual monitors working with ati | 01:55 |
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bruenig | !xinerama | quaal | 01:56 |
ubotu | quaal: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See - See also !DualHead | 01:56 |
ANON12345 | barbarella: the UDP Protocol | 01:56 |
bikerking16 | andy@andy-linuxbox:~$ iwconfig | 01:56 |
bikerking16 | lo no wireless extensions. | 01:56 |
bikerking16 | eth0 no wireless extensions. | 01:56 |
bruenig | bikerking16, yes, that seems to be your problem | 01:56 |
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kanuha | how do I install the LPR printing service? | 01:56 |
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bikerking16 | how can that be fixed/ | 01:56 |
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bruenig | bikerking16, not sure what kind of card macbooks have in them so I don't know, someone above pointed you somewhere, I would follow him | 01:56 |
barbarella | ANON12345:sorry ntp | 01:56 |
bikerking16 | airports | 01:57 |
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Hali_303 | hi! | 01:57 |
ANON12345 | barbarella: what is ntp? | 01:57 |
barbarella | ANON12345:udp, for what? | 01:57 |
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ken | Hello! | 01:57 |
bruenig | !wifi | bikerking16 | 01:57 |
ubotu | bikerking16: Wireless documentation can be found at | 01:57 |
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soduer_ | has anybody ever worked with dancer-ircd or? eggdrop | 01:57 |
Hali_303 | could someone look up the default ubuntu gnome font? Ive made some changes and now I dont know what was the original one.. | 01:57 |
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ANON12345 | barbarella: a server that uses the UDP protocol | 01:57 |
howlingmadhowie | bikerking16: if the right module was running, you should have an entry in iwconfig. i'd try googling this one. you can't be the first person with this problem. try as well | 01:57 |
barbarella | ANON12345:time protocol | 01:57 |
ShackJack | bikerking16: THis also pertains to Airport Extreme cards: | 01:57 |
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barbarella | ANON12345:what service? | 01:58 |
quaal2 | bruenig, thanks | 01:58 |
bruenig | !ops | 01:58 |
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ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 01:58 |
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ShackJack | aAhhh- make it STOP!!! | 01:58 |
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barbarella | whoooow | 01:58 |
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ShackJack | I'm dizzy... | 01:58 |
Lo_Pan | lol desu | 01:59 |
Lo_Pan | !ops | 01:59 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 01:59 |
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nickrud | kanuha, ubuntu comes with cups, rather than the bsd lpr stuff | 01:59 |
bruenig | hmm | 01:59 |
Amaranth | !staff | 01:59 |
ubotu | Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :) | 01:59 |
Amaranth | Lo_Pan: dude i'm here | 01:59 |
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Md | ubotu: how? | 01:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about how? - try searching on | 01:59 |
Lo_Pan | cool | 01:59 |
bruenig | !love | Md | 01:59 |
ubotu | Md: Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come. | 01:59 |
Md | need klines? what else? | 01:59 |
Amaranth | md: I dunno, that should do it | 02:00 |
Md | I joined after the attack, I don't know the source | 02:00 |
Amaranth | Also, wow, lots of people here have crappy IRC clients :) | 02:00 |
soduer_ | has anybody ever worked with dancer-ircd or? eggdrop | 02:00 |
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bruenig | someone should be clever sometime and enter into a room with like 100 bots at a time all with the same looking name and then just behave themselves and participate normally | 02:00 |
Amaranth | Got flooded out responding to CTCP | 02:00 |
mc44 | Amaranth: yeah, xchat ftw :) | 02:00 |
bruenig | that would be funny | 02:00 |
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Md | bruenig: people do that | 02:01 |
riotkittie | xchat :O | 02:01 |
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nickrud | kanuha, ok? | 02:01 |
monteiro | does ubuntulive has video coverage? | 02:01 |
bruenig | I've never seen it | 02:01 |
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Amaranth | bruenig: We had like 50 bots join over 3 hours and behave themselves then attack | 02:01 |
bruenig | ah but I mean not attack | 02:02 |
fujin | Anyone familiar with creating Ubuntu packages? I'd like to roll a package which depends on a few other packages, and drops some config files in the specified locations. can't seem to find any good documentation on how to do it | 02:02 |
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Amaranth | FUCK | 02:02 |
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aricz | hoho | 02:02 |
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bruenig | hmmm | 02:02 |
Amaranth | Pricey: Those are already set | 02:02 |
Pricey | Amaranth, are those identified? | 02:02 |
fujin | oh god -_- | 02:02 |
Hali_303 | anyone? | 02:02 |
Pricey | I thought so... just wanted to check... | 02:02 |
Amaranth | Pricey: Unless you removed rR those were set | 02:03 |
Amaranth | !attack | 02:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about attack - try searching on | 02:03 |
Amaranth | grr | 02:03 |
=== riotkittie giggles | ||
Amaranth | !staff | 02:03 |
ubotu | Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, BearPerson or ompaul! I could use a bit of your time :) | 02:03 |
soduer_ | Im trying to set up dancer-ircd on my server and I wanna turn off ident lookup, cause for some reason it cant find my ident when connecting even though other irc servers find my ident | 02:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+m] by nalioth | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by nalioth | ||
riotkittie | aw | 02:03 |
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boyam | Amaranth: looks like their taking naps... | 02:04 |
kanuha | nickrud, yes did you get my last msg? | 02:04 |
fujin | Anyone familiar with creating Ubuntu packages? I'd like to roll a package which depends on a few other packages, and drops some config files in the specified locations. can't seem to find any good documentation on how to do it | 02:04 |
patrlck | I'm trying to connect to a ftp server but I keep getting this error : 530 Not logged in. I've tried using 3 different software and I still can't login. Other people are able to log in so I don't know wtf I do wrong .. anybody has a clue ? | 02:04 |
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Amaranth | boyam: No, nalioth and Md are here | 02:04 |
nickrud | kanuha, no, just the request about lpr | 02:04 |
kanuha | nickrud, brother printers said to make sure the LPD service is installed for their drivers | 02:04 |
LouisvilleLIP | Amaranth: what is a non-crappy IRC Client? | 02:05 |
hotty4u | irsi | 02:05 |
hotty4u | irssi | 02:05 |
Safrole | fuck irssi | 02:05 |
Amaranth | LouisvilleLIP: xchat or irssi | 02:05 |
bruenig | fujin, basically consists of all the files with all the paths from / and a debian directory inside a dedicated directory and then you use dpkg to deb it up | 02:05 |
Amaranth | something that isn't gaim | 02:05 |
mc44 | !ohmy | Safrole | 02:05 |
Amaranth | !ohmy | Safrole | 02:05 |
ubotu | Safrole: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:05 |
nickrud | kanuha, ah. Try using system->admin printing and click on add printer; your brother is probably already defined | 02:05 |
hotty4u | mirc too | 02:05 |
fujin | bruenig: any docs? | 02:05 |
Amaranth | mirc is crap | 02:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by nalioth | ||
Amaranth | and for windows only | 02:06 |
hotty4u | Amaranth, works on Wibne | 02:06 |
hotty4u | Wine | 02:06 |
barbarella | fujin:take a look at | 02:06 |
fujin | irssi for the win | 02:06 |
Amaranth | that's horrible | 02:06 |
fujin | | 02:06 |
fujin | doh | 02:06 |
bruenig | fujin, I had a hard time finding any, just kind of picked it up by extracting other debs and looking at some docs that I could find | 02:06 |
fujin | cool | 02:06 |
fujin | I don't need to build any source or anything | 02:06 |
osxdude|desk | why +i? | 02:06 |
fujin | just need to depend on a few packages and drop some files | 02:06 |
kaiden | Anyone have any suggestions for software that can share 1 keyboard / mouse between 2 machines like Multiplicity does on windows, between 1 machine that's linux and 1 machine that's windows (and isn't Synergy2 as it's a pile of junk :P)? | 02:06 |
kaiden | :) | 02:07 |
osxdude|desk | the channel has +i! | 02:07 |
Amaranth | osxdude|desk: under attack | 02:07 |
Pricey | osxdude|desk, registered bot attack | 02:07 |
kanuha | nickrud, ok, it detected my printer | 02:07 |
bruenig | fujin, right I think I have a debextract script I wrote a while back that you can use on other debs to get an idea | 02:07 |
nickrud | kanuha, good | 02:07 |
cafuego | i am *not* a bot! | 02:07 |
osxdude|desk | Pricey, Amaranth: oh ok | 02:07 |
riotkittie | irssi <3 | 02:07 |
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howlingmadhowie | kaiden: probably best to get a kvm switch. they cost about 10 euros for 2 ports | 02:08 |
LouisvilleLIP | !mode | 02:08 |
ubotu | There are many different channel and user modes on Freenode (see !freenode). Here's a list: | 02:08 |
kanuha | nickrud, however my model isn't listed | 02:08 |
riotkittie | im installing dapper, and after selecting my partitions and formatting them, it keeps telling me there's errors on them. wth. :\ | 02:08 |
howlingmadhowie | cafuego: exactly what a bot would say :) | 02:08 |
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kaiden | howlingmadhowie, bleh :( i really liked my ability to just use the mouse to hit the side of the screen :P | 02:08 |
cafuego | howlingmadhowie: why do you say exactly what a bot would say? | 02:08 |
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nickrud | kanuha, take a look at they might have it listed there, and tell you what printer to masquerade as | 02:09 |
howlingmadhowie | cafuego: i'm just joking :) | 02:09 |
terlmann | cafuego : jesus loves you ;-) | 02:09 |
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bruenig | fujin, here it is if you want to try it, you just run it using the deb as the argument, so "debextract whatever.deb" I think there is an easier way to do it with dpkg, but I wrote this so I could do it on non debian OSes: | 02:09 |
cafuego | howlingmadhowie: tell me more about just joking | 02:09 |
riotkittie | oh dear. | 02:09 |
CaptSmokey6 | How do i set-up a game server that uses the UDP protocol? | 02:09 |
ShackJack | jesus is a bot... | 02:09 |
howlingmadhowie | kaiden: do you want to use the same monitor as well? | 02:09 |
Pricey | !offtopic | 02:09 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:09 |
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kaiden | howlingmadhowie, no | 02:09 |
Amaranth | cafuego: evil ;) | 02:09 |
kaiden | i have multiple computers and multiple monitors, i just like switching between them with 1 mouse / keyboard | 02:09 |
kanuha | nickrud, already did, they said to use the brother driver which tells you to make sure lpd is installed prior to installing the driver | 02:09 |
riotkittie | ok, my install is finished. i'll be back, unless my desktop explodes on reboot. :| | 02:10 |
cafuego | Amaranth: cafuego doesn't live here anymore. call me eliza! | 02:10 |
nickrud | kanuha, which printer? | 02:10 |
kanuha | nickrud, Brother MFC-420CN | 02:10 |
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howlingmadhowie | kaiden: i don't know of a way to do that between windows and gnu/linux. if there really isn't a way of doing it using software, there is still, as said, the hardware kvm-switch. most of them work by clicking ctrl twice, or something similar | 02:11 |
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fujin | +why is it so ridiculous to make a package | 02:11 |
fujin | heh | 02:11 |
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bruenig | fujin, it really is very simple, you will see when you get it the first time, there are massive amounts of rules if you ever want your package to see a repo, but to make your own custom debs is very simple | 02:12 |
howlingmadhowie | fujin: i thought there was some documentation in the official ubuntu repositories for creating deb files. you've looked in /usr/share/doc haven't you? | 02:12 |
Shaddox | Does anyone know the most commonly used FTP server-side software to use on a server? | 02:12 |
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bruenig | !ftpd | Shaddox | 02:12 |
ubotu | Shaddox: FTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP | 02:12 |
howlingmadhowie | Shaddox: i always use vsftpd | 02:12 |
Shadow6363 | hmm, whats the compiz/beryl channel? | 02:13 |
bruenig | anyone find it odd that !ftpd gives you a factoid that includes !ftpd? | 02:13 |
Burlynn | #ubuntu-effects | 02:13 |
Shaddox | Yeah, that's wierd. What are the sites for ftpd and vsftpd? I'll check those two out first. | 02:13 |
Pelo | wooohooo, recursion | 02:13 |
howlingmadhowie | bruenig: i think they're amaing for turing completeness :) | 02:14 |
soduer_ | Im trying to set up dancer-ircd on my server and I wanna turn off ident lookup, cause for some reason it cant find my ident when connecting even though other irc servers find my ident | 02:14 |
kaiden | howlingmadhowie, ok what about gnu/linux to gnu/linux machine? or is that the same no software known | 02:14 |
howlingmadhowie | shaddox: proftpd is also used a lot. i just used vsftpd first and i'm now used to configuring it. it does have certain weaknesses however (like difficulty with following mounts) | 02:15 |
kaiden | i know SYnergy2 does it but i play wow (addict) hehe ;p on my machines and Synergy2 sucks for it | 02:15 |
pi3 | where is the list of words located? | 02:15 |
Pelo | soduer_, maybe dancer-ircd has a channel you can ask in | 02:15 |
pi3 | I mean the dictionary | 02:15 |
CaptSmokey6 | how do i set up a game server that uses the UDP protocol? | 02:15 |
soduer_ | Pelo, nope nobody answering there... | 02:15 |
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Pelo | pi3, menu > application> accessories > dictionnary | 02:15 |
howlingmadhowie | kaiden: now that should be pretty trivial to implement, so i'm sure there are a number of solutions out there | 02:16 |
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pi3 | Pelo: sorry, I mean the text file that has a lot of words | 02:16 |
howlingmadhowie | kaiden: but it's something i've never done, cos i have an 8port kvm switch :) | 02:16 |
Pelo | soduer_, you'll have to be patient not all channels are as well attended as this one, also check their site for a link to a forum you can search | 02:16 |
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nickrud | kanuha, are you here?: | 02:16 |
Pelo | pi3, which application ? | 02:16 |
pi3 | Pelo, it's not an application.. never mind | 02:17 |
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eboyjr | I just installed VirtualBox, but I don't know how to start it. How do I start it? | 02:17 |
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tck | eboyjr, Applications > System Tools > Innotek | 02:18 |
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kanuha | nickrud, thx, I have the driver, but it says to install lpd first, I guess my biggest question is when I tried to install lpd synaptic wanted to uninstall the ubuntu-desktop | 02:18 |
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riotkittie | phew. | 02:19 |
tck | eboyjr, make sure you are part of the vboxusers group | 02:19 |
IndyGunFreak | kanuha: that no big deal, its just a metapackage | 02:19 |
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tck | eboyjr, sudo groupadd vboxusers : you may have to reboot for changes to take effect | 02:19 |
megafauna | Hi, I can't figure out how to make Compiz-Fusion flip the cube with the mousewheel, can someone advise pls? | 02:19 |
eboyjr | tck: Thanks | 02:19 |
kanuha | IndyGunFreak, so it won't hurt to uninstall the ubuntu-desktop? | 02:19 |
IndyGunFreak | kanuha: not at all. | 02:19 |
tck | eboyjr, no problem | 02:19 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b compfused??!*@*] by nalioth | ||
kanuha | nickrud, thx | 02:20 |
kanuha | IndyGunFreak, thx | 02:20 |
nickrud | kanuha, in the notes on that page, it makes mention of faking out the driver installer by creating a symbolic link in /etc/init.d, try that | 02:20 |
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IndyGunFreak | kanuha: like i said, its just a metapackage, its not going to actually uninstall the desktop, its realy nothing to worry about,l if you use ubuntu for any period of time, you'll see that again | 02:20 |
IndyGunFreak | kanuha: no prob. | 02:20 |
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nickrud | kanuha, the key to the ubuntu-desktop package is: make sure it's installed when you upgrade to the next release | 02:21 |
kanuha | nickrud, I'll take a look to see about that link, thx | 02:21 |
riotkittie | ok. stupid question time. can i take the ubuntu install from my laptop (<3) and move it to my desktop? cause i am feeling really lazy :x | 02:21 |
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Shaddox | riotkittie: I think so. | 02:21 |
kanuha | nickrud, wouldn't that call for me to unistall the lpd service if I go to install the desktop again? | 02:22 |
riotkittie | ahh. maybe i will try it later, then :D | 02:22 |
Shaddox | riotkittie: If you can partition your devices the same way as your laptop, I don't see why you couldn't copy everything over, as long as the directory structure remains intact. | 02:22 |
howlingmadhowie | notkittie: depends what you mean by 'ubuntu installation on your laptop' | 02:22 |
fujin | k, making progress rolling packages | 02:22 |
fujin | now I get this error when I try to dpkg -i: trying to overwrite `/etc/ldap/ldap.conf', which is also in package libldap2 | 02:22 |
nickrud | kanuha, that's why brother provides the cups wrapper/driver stuff, so you don't need lpd | 02:22 |
insomninja | riotkittie: it depends on the hardware differences between the laptop and the dektop | 02:23 |
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howlingmadhowie | notkittie: all of your personal settings are in your $HOME directory. just putting that on the desktop computer would be a very good start. | 02:23 |
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xnix | anyone know of any agp/nvidia issues in gutsy gibbon | 02:24 |
nickrud | kanuha, on that page as well, it points out the drivers with a red asterisk may need lpd; yours doesn't have the asterisk | 02:24 |
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Hali_303 | I wanna get rid of gcj/gci and wanna install the lates SUN java. how can I do that? | 02:24 |
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bruenig | xnix, #ubuntu+2 | 02:24 |
bruenig | xnix, #ubuntu+1 | 02:24 |
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Pelo | !java | Hali_303 | 02:25 |
ubotu | Hali_303: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 02:25 |
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nickrud | riotkittie, and you can duplicate your packages setup by using dpkg --get-selections > mypackages on the laptop, copying that file to the desktop (after a base install) and doing dpkg --set-selections < mypackages && apt-get dselect-upgrade | 02:25 |
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howlingmadhowie | Hali_303: you may have to change the links in /usr/bin as well | 02:25 |
riotkittie | ehhh but if i move my ~ dir here, arent my personal settings just going to be overwritten when i get around to installing things? :P | 02:25 |
riotkittie | nickrud: too much effort. :| i will just leave it alone for the time being. | 02:26 |
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flex_ | net | 02:26 |
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riotkittie | ok. now i'm going to go install 7.04 so i can see if i hate it or not. :| | 02:26 |
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nickrud | riotkittie, five commands ? | 02:26 |
fujin | can anyone help me rseolve a package insatllation issue? I assume it's just a minor thign which I'm missing. Perhaps a flag, which tells it to overwrite the files I have bundled? | 02:26 |
fujin | trying to overwrite `/etc/ldap/ldap.conf', which is also in package libldap2 | 02:26 |
howlingmadhowie | riotkittie: 7.04 is great :) | 02:26 |
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Veenified | !dvd | Veenified | 02:26 |
fujin | i *want* to do this. | 02:26 |
wesolek | hello :) everybody :) I can't crate another user on my ubuntu... when I do: system->administration->users and groups I can add another user, but when I close is and open up again, it's no longer there and you can't log on with that username | 02:27 |
kanuha | nickrud, ok, install the symbolic links, install the driver, remove the links and my model number should show up? | 02:27 |
wesolek | *create | 02:27 |
Veenified | !dvd Veenified | 02:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dvd veenified - try searching on | 02:27 |
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AndrewB | !dvd > Veenified | 02:27 |
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bruenig | fujin, one way to do it is to package it so that it goes to and then write a postinst script that removes the old one and moves the .new one over | 02:27 |
howlingmadhowie | wesolok: can you open a terminal and enter the following: ls -lh /etc/passwd | 02:27 |
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fujin | bruenig: surely there's another way that isn't so nasty? | 02:28 |
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nickrud | kanuha, that's what the pages says, and it sound pretty straightforward. | 02:28 |
riotkittie | five commands + hooking up my external drive + switching the keyboard + switching the monitor + finding laptop cards. and on and on and on. | 02:28 |
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kanuha | nickrud, thx I'll give it a try | 02:28 |
bruenig | fujin, no, you can see from a package management view point how nasty it would be to allow two packages with the same files be installed | 02:28 |
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LouisvilleLIP | Has anyone ever seen a window manager that lets you have more than 4 borders? I want an L-shaped browser window | 02:28 |
fujin | hrm | 02:28 |
Veenified | thanks AndrewB i forgot the syntax | 02:28 |
riotkittie | oh wait. i'm feeling masochistic. i'm going to try to get compiz going. | 02:29 |
nickrud | o^) | 02:29 |
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gizzo | hi all, i have a very odd problem, i have two alsa devices | 02:29 |
gizzo | it seems ubuntu is confused which one to use | 02:29 |
gizzo | how can i configure alsa itself | 02:29 |
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bruenig | fujin, you can probably run some sort of dpkg force option to make it do it also | 02:30 |
golden_agouti | needhelp: could your problem be that you are trying to boot from a scsi disk? Does it need a special driver? I saw this on the grub manual: | 02:30 |
nickrud | gizzo, do you have one on the mainboard, that you don't want to use? if so, disable in bios | 02:30 |
fujin | lol, --force -i doesn't work | 02:30 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: on some distributions you can run alsaconf, but i don't think it's installed by default on ubuntu | 02:30 |
bruenig | fujin, --force-all maybe | 02:30 |
nickrud | --force-overwrite | 02:30 |
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bruenig | yeah overwrite, I knew there was probably some specific one | 02:31 |
gizzo | nickrud problem is some people from the family use this machine for conferencing and under windows skype and etc use that board device for headset | 02:31 |
IndyGunFreak | howlingmadhowie: almost positive it is. | 02:31 |
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fujin | sweet | 02:31 |
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Shaddox | Hi everyone, How do I give a specific user full readwrite access to a directory, while still keeping the entire thing owned by the root user? | 02:31 |
fujin | looks like it worked | 02:31 |
gizzo | but i will see about running alsaconf | 02:31 |
nickrud | gizzo, ah. | 02:31 |
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mannytu | hello | 02:31 |
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howlingmadhowie | Shaddox: use a group | 02:32 |
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Shaddox | howlingmadhowie: Oh, so I can just add a user to the root group? | 02:32 |
Hali_303 | howlingmadhowie: thanks! should I remove gcj beforehand or just start installing the sun packages straight away? | 02:32 |
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GreenJelly_linux | I now have a client version, but the install wizzard doesnt seem to support RAID... do I have to create the partition on one drive then expand the drive to another, or is there a way to do it within the installation | 02:32 |
robert_ | hm | 02:32 |
bruenig | Shaddox, just make the thing owned by a group other than root, and then add that user to that group | 02:32 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: apropos alsa tells me there's a command called asoundconf on my system. maybe it's on yours too | 02:32 |
robert_ | how do I use nas? | 02:32 |
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howlingmadhowie | hali_303: i have a feeling removing gcj could be difficult because of dependencies. just install the best sun version you can find in the repositories and, if the links in /usr/bin aren't automatically updated, create new ones | 02:33 |
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gizzo | howlingmadhowie: indeed there is i ran it and i specified the card | 02:34 |
gizzo | not sure if i need to reboot dough | 02:34 |
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MikeW | Will gutsy use beagle for searching, or something different like tracker? | 02:34 |
linxuz3r | !compiz | 02:34 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - See for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 02:34 |
bruenig | MikeW, probably locate find which and whereis | 02:34 |
Shaddox | bruenig: Thanks, but now how do I make SSHRSA keys? | 02:34 |
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bruenig | Shaddox, I don't know | 02:35 |
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howlingmadhowie | gizzo: i'd have thought it would work without rebooting | 02:35 |
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nickrud | Hali_303, to select the java you want active, do sudo update-alternatives --config java | 02:35 |
Hali_303 | howlingmadhowie: thanks Ill try | 02:35 |
nickrud | Hali_303, after installing the ubuntu java 5 or 6, of course | 02:35 |
Hali_303 | nickrud: thanks! | 02:35 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: it didnt complain or anything but still no sound out of audigy | 02:36 |
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howlingmadhowie | shaddox: genrsa? | 02:36 |
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Hogue | !mp3 | 02:37 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 02:37 |
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howlingmadhowie | gizzo: let's try the simple things first. have you turned up the volume for this card? | 02:37 |
javb | i installed asterisk on ubuntu server, any ideas on how can i make load when the computer is booting? Zaptel loads but not asterisk, where do i have to put it? | 02:37 |
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fujin | how can I force a package to install the packages it depends on? | 02:37 |
dwxreaper | what are some things that make ubuntu better than windows? | 02:37 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: yes and the speakers are plugged in | 02:37 |
GreenJelly_linux | I now have a client version, but the install wizzard doesnt seem to support RAID... do I have to create the partition on one drive then expand the drive to another, or is there a way to do it within the installation | 02:38 |
howlingmadhowie | javb: have a look at /etc/rc.d | 02:38 |
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howlingmadhowie | gizzo: i'm just asking, because the last time i have problems with an audigy sound card, i'd forgotten to turn the volume up :) | 02:38 |
javb | howlingmadhowie: dont hav that. just /etc/rc.local | 02:38 |
sport | whats a range of port that would definitely not be blocked by a isp? | 02:38 |
clever | sport: all depends on the isp | 02:38 |
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gizzo | howlingmadhowie: understandable :-) | 02:39 |
howlingmadhowie | javb: sorry. on ubuntu there are five of them. i'd put something in rc3.d | 02:39 |
sport | clever: comcast | 02:39 |
clever | sport: but you could open everything(so your pc answers as closed) then scan from an external one which shows the ones actualy unblocked | 02:39 |
LouisvilleLIP | dwxreaper: everything is customizable | 02:39 |
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nickrud | fujin, take a look at , that shows you one way | 02:39 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: maybe you should try a reboot. but i can't see why alsa would require it | 02:39 |
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javb | howlingmadhowie: what do you mean with "something" | 02:40 |
sport | clever : sounds good ... but how | 02:40 |
clever | router? | 02:40 |
dwxreaper | what are some things that make ubuntu better than windows? | 02:40 |
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gizzo | only one way to see...shutdown -t 0 "now" | 02:40 |
sport | clever : linksys WRT54G v3 | 02:40 |
KenSan | dwxreaper: you can fix it when it breaks | 02:40 |
GreenJelly_linux | dwxreaper its free | 02:40 |
howlingmadhowie | javb: a script called S20asterisk, telling the init-daemon how to start asterisk | 02:40 |
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golden_agouti | and its brown | 02:40 |
ShackJack | dwxreaper: Updates of all programs at one, easy program install uninstall, no viruses, better performance, stability, free software... | 02:40 |
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KenSan | brown pwns | 02:40 |
K`zan | Anyone here using seyon and have it work? | 02:41 |
clever | sport: try setting the dmz to your pc for a short bit | 02:41 |
javb | howlingmadhowie: any sample? i start asterisk manually just typing "asterisk" | 02:41 |
K`zan | I get: {~/vweb} $ /usr/bin/seyon <CRLF>seyon-emu: Unknown option '-n'. | 02:41 |
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GreenJelly_linux | dwxreaper it takes 7 days to figure out how to fix a system that breaks after you update it | 02:41 |
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clever | sport: then use the port scaner on up) | 02:41 |
ShackJack | dwxreaper: If you're the average computer user it will do all you need (email, office work, photos, music, etc...) and even then some... | 02:41 |
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savetheWorld | GreenJelly_linux: is that an average or an absolute? | 02:41 |
clever | sport: it will show the status of all ports(open/closed/filtered) | 02:41 |
KenSan | savetheWorld: lol | 02:42 |
clever | sport: with your router dmz turned on nothing should show as filtered(enless the isp is filtering) | 02:42 |
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GreenJelly_linux | savetheWorld seems to be the limit of my patience | 02:42 |
Veenified | Anyone know how I can get dvds to play? They won't play even after installing the codecs and following the factoid. | 02:42 |
howlingmadhowie | javb: i've never used asterisk, but does asterisk have an entry in /etc/init.d ? | 02:42 |
mzuverink | Whats the way to stop the gnome easter egg free the fish w/o loging out or resarting x? | 02:42 |
GreenJelly_linux | savetheworld trying to use Ubuntu... but the install shield doesnt look like it supports raid... | 02:42 |
pi3 | Veenified: what seems to be the problem? | 02:42 |
javb | howlingmadhowie: no | 02:42 |
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bruenig | install shield? | 02:43 |
Gave | hi | 02:43 |
riotkittie | ew. i need screen. brb | 02:43 |
bruenig | come on now | 02:43 |
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GreenJelly_linux | *install wizzard | 02:43 |
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Veenified | pi3: I am trying to play a casino royale dvd and in totem it tells me it is encrypted | 02:43 |
simon__ | Hi. i got a problem with affinity: its pasted here: | 02:43 |
IndyGunFreak | Veenified: you need to install libdvdcss | 02:43 |
clever | Veenified: try mplayer | 02:43 |
wesolek | does anybody know how to create a user from a terminal? | 02:43 |
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riotkittie | ahh. much bettah. | 02:43 |
sport | clever : what is stealth? | 02:43 |
clever | Veenified: #mplayer can probly give more help with it | 02:43 |
Gave | hey guys | 02:43 |
pi3 | Veenified: you can use VLC player | 02:43 |
clever | sport: i think it means the same as filtered | 02:43 |
unagi | !dvd | 02:44 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 02:44 |
Veenified | pi3: i tried VLC | 02:44 |
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Gave | where can i get VLC player | 02:44 |
clever | sport: open means you can connect, closed means the computer is actively blocking it,filters is no answer at all | 02:44 |
IndyGunFreak | Veenified: it doesn't matter what player you use, you need libdvdcss | 02:44 |
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nickrud | wesolek, sudo adduser <user> | 02:44 |
IndyGunFreak | Gave: in the repos. | 02:44 |
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howlingmadhowie | javb: oh, how strange. i have an entry called S21asterisk in my rc5.d ( a link to /etc/init.d/asterisk) | 02:44 |
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GreenJelly_linux | <--- 7 days of triing to get a module to compile in Fedora 7, even after I had it compiled, has lead me to slight madness | 02:44 |
dwxreaper | ok thanks | 02:44 |
Ahadiel | Gave, sudo apt-get install vlc | 02:44 |
Gave | what is the repos | 02:44 |
Gave | ok | 02:44 |
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IndyGunFreak | "what is the repos"... lol, you got a lot of reading ot do. | 02:44 |
Veenified | IndyGunFreak: i already installed it | 02:44 |
dwxreaper | sounds pretty good guys, I just know windows well, that's the only problem :P | 02:44 |
howlingmadhowie | wesolek: adduser | 02:44 |
wesolek | what about the rights of that user? and password? nickrud :) thanks :) | 02:45 |
IndyGunFreak | Veenified: then it should work | 02:45 |
sport | clever well im at 1055 and they are all stealth so far | 02:45 |
Veenified | IndyGunFreak: unfortunately i wished it did | 02:45 |
IndyGunFreak | Veenified: my point is, you likely didn't install it, or dind't install it correctly | 02:45 |
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clever | sport: by default your router will filter everything | 02:45 |
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bor3d | yo | 02:45 |
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linxuz3r_ | hey | 02:45 |
Justi1 | because the GUI won't work on my video card, what commands can I use in gparted to resize a partition? | 02:45 |
GreenJelly_linux | Now it looks like Ubuntu doesnt natively support RAID array in there setup... and creating 3 mirrors manually, then updating Grub so it works properly, does not sound apealing to me] | 02:45 |
linxuz3r_ | i have a problem | 02:45 |
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wesolek | damn, it says that it already exists, but I can't log on :( nickrud | 02:45 |
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Veenified | IndyGunFreak: does it matter that the dvd is "enhanced" it has .exes in the parent directory | 02:46 |
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IndyGunFreak | Veenified: hmm., maybe. | 02:46 |
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pi3 | !ask | linxuz3r_ | 02:46 |
ubotu | linxuz3r_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:46 |
nickrud | wesolek, hm. try sudo passwd <user> | 02:46 |
howlingmadhowie | wesolek: can you post the result of the following: cat /etc/passwd | grep <name of user> | 02:46 |
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Justi1 | !gparted | 02:46 |
ubotu | GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type sudo apt-get install gparted in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 02:46 |
linxuz3r | i have a problem with compiz fusion to get installed can you guys help me? | 02:46 |
LouisvilleLIP | it's ironic that it's more difficult to play the DVD you own than the dvd you could have DL'd from TPB | 02:46 |
craigbass1976 | I have dapper and need feisty. is what I'm thinking of doing. What are the chances of coming out on the other end with no data loss? | 02:46 |
clever | howlingmadhowie: 'grep name /etc/passwd' would be shorter and the same effect | 02:47 |
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LouisvilleLIP | linxuz3r: #compiz | 02:47 |
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wesolek | hold on guys :) nickrud, howlingmadhowie.... gosh that was a longes nickname I've ever see :) | 02:47 |
Veenified | IndyGunFreak: Maybe it's because i am using a 64-bit machine | 02:47 |
shavex | how do i update my libdecoration | 02:47 |
CaptSmokey6 | how do i set up a UDP server for games? | 02:47 |
howlingmadhowie | clever: you're right :) | 02:47 |
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clever | :) | 02:47 |
IndyGunFreak | Veenified: thats a possibility, 64bit isn't really ready for a novice | 02:48 |
GreenJelly_linux | so am I right... Ubuntu is not going to meet my needs? | 02:48 |
GreenJelly_linux | :( | 02:48 |
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IndyGunFreak | only you can answer that | 02:48 |
holzmodem | hi, i compiled successfull my new kernel w/ patches, but now i dont have wirless (ipw2200), modprobe return no errors. where is the right place for the firmware? | 02:48 |
unagi | i dont understand how to download libdvdcss | 02:48 |
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Veenified | IndyGunFreak: i'm not a novice (thanks for the insult) i just have no experience with codecs | 02:48 |
Gave | where can i get pidgin | 02:49 |
Zambezi | Is there a particular chipset on motherboard which is suitible for Linux? I'm looking on a new computer now with C2Q. | 02:49 |
LouisvilleLIP | sudo apt-get install libdvdcss | 02:49 |
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wesolek | thanks guys, at least I can see it... will try to log on, thanks again :) nickrud, howlingmadhowie | 02:49 |
nickrud | unagi, | 02:49 |
IndyGunFreak | Veenified: well then if you're not a novice, you should have no problem downloading and compilign libdvdcss.. it wasn't an insult, it was the truth | 02:49 |
fujin | nickrud: I won't be able to do the --force-overwrite thing then. | 02:49 |
mannytu | someone is trying to watch his DVD | 02:49 |
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IndyGunFreak | LouisvilleLIP: i think that will only work if you have restricted repos enabled. | 02:50 |
sport | clever ever port on every scan is "stealth" | 02:50 |
sport | clever every* | 02:50 |
GreenJelly_linux | Well I would like a definitive answer if there is a way to have the install wizzard on the non-enterprise version to support raid arrays... | 02:50 |
gizzo | well, alsa is fine no sound coming out of audigy... | 02:50 |
clever | sport: did you open them all up with the dmz setting of your router? | 02:50 |
GreenJelly_linux | but no one has said anything:( *cry* | 02:50 |
clever | sport: and set that to the ip of your computer? | 02:50 |
nickrud | fujin, ah, that's the same thing? You're right, but that's also a sign of a package not built for ubuntu or not properly built. Both situations are suspect .... | 02:50 |
Veenified | IndyGunFreak: you know how to turn people away from ubuntu | 02:50 |
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IndyGunFreak | Veenified: i also had no problem installing libdvdcss.... Good luck. | 02:51 |
Justi1 | what are some partitioning programs besides gparted? | 02:51 |
howlingmadhowie | Greenjelly_linux: i don't think the install wizard for desktop ubuntu supports raid-arrays. the install wizard for suse does | 02:51 |
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nickrud | fujin, a quicky would to be dpkg -i <package0> <package1> <package2> .... | 02:51 |
Veenified | IndyGunFreak: do you have a 64-bit machine? | 02:51 |
sport | clever: i set the router to dmz for the computer that i cheack it on | 02:51 |
unagi | ty nickrud | 02:51 |
fujin | nickrud: so I guess the only way to get around it is to make the package properly, with a postinst script to move the files that I want to overwrite | 02:51 |
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casperin | is there some way of running a checkdisk with xubuntu running directly from the cd? | 02:51 |
GreenJelly_linux | howlingmadhowie tried suse, community sucks... but I think I may be going back to it | 02:51 |
clever | sport: odd | 02:51 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: strange. i wonder what's going on with your audigy | 02:51 |
nickrud | fujin, that would be best, and send a patch upstream | 02:51 |
IndyGunFreak | unagi: did you get it installed? | 02:52 |
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sport | clever ive been running into "odd" all day :D | 02:52 |
linxuz3r_ | anyone using compiz fusion here? | 02:52 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: no clue, the weird thing is i cant get a squeek out of it, it shows up in my sound control | 02:52 |
clever | lol | 02:52 |
unagi | working on it | 02:52 |
LouisvilleLIP | !partition | 02:52 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 02:52 |
IndyGunFreak | ok. | 02:52 |
howlingmadhowie | Greenjelly_linux: it's possible that the install cd (the cd without the live environment) does support raid arrays | 02:52 |
gizzo | i can control its volume | 02:52 |
clever | sport: i had a odd problem on a lfs install | 02:52 |
GreenJelly_linux | howlingmadhowie tried fedora, suse, ubuntu, gentoo, and have a copy of debian that I havent tried yet. | 02:52 |
clever | sport: i think the problem was bad sectors corupting the source files and finaly the compiler | 02:52 |
fujin | nickrud: oh I'm not trying to patch a Ubuntu package, I'm trying to create my own to take care of installing all of the packages rquired for LDAP authentication, and then putting all of the relevant configuration files into the right places | 02:52 |
riotkittie | ew. my audio is skipping :| | 02:53 |
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howlingmadhowie | gizzo: next stupid question. my audigy has five cinch-sockets on it. are you sure you have the speakers plugged into the right ones? | 02:53 |
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Gave | guys where can i get pidgin? | 02:53 |
fujin | I guess I can just unpack to /tmp/ldapauth and then do mv /tmp/ldapauth/etc /, that should overwrite everything | 02:53 |
sport | clever well im going to set the dmz for a different comp and check it there, that all i can think of doing | 02:53 |
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kanuha | nickrud, printer works now, but how do I remove the symbolic link? | 02:53 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: we can skipp the stupid questions :-) just tested the sound in windows worked fine | 02:53 |
unagi | yea i got it installed IndyGunFreak | 02:53 |
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unagi | what does everyone use to backup dvds to iso? | 02:53 |
nickrud | fujin, ok. Then doing it right and having a local repo is the Right Way | 02:53 |
GreenJelly_linux | howlingmadhowie may have more luck with suse, sise I have learned so much in the mean time... cant get this module to work for Fedora... everyone but me can get it to install | 02:53 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: okay :) | 02:53 |
IndyGunFreak | unagi: did it work? | 02:53 |
riotkittie | did we cover my favourite stupid question yet >> is it muted? | 02:54 |
clever | sport: yeah the firewall on the pc you set to dmz may be filtering things to hide itself | 02:54 |
fujin | sweeet | 02:54 |
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quaal2 | has anyone got dual monitors setup with an ati card? | 02:54 |
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quaal2 | im trying big desktop | 02:54 |
howlingmadhowie | Greenjelly_linux: just out of curiosity, which module? | 02:54 |
nickrud | kanuha, sudo unlink /path/to/link | 02:54 |
quaal2 | and have them working | 02:54 |
user__ | wong | 02:54 |
quaal2 | but the 2 different sized monitors is giving problmes | 02:54 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: very odd problem, i get sound out of the board sound if i switch it as the primary sound device | 02:54 |
lashmoov2 | is there an app that can help me tune a guitar | 02:54 |
GreenJelly_linux | rocket raid 2300... using it as a SATA controller | 02:54 |
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unagi | yes IndyGunFreak | 02:54 |
IndyGunFreak | ok. | 02:54 |
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shavex | how do you update libdecorations? | 02:54 |
riotkittie | sudo reboot | 02:54 |
quaal2 | lashmoov2, there are websites for that | 02:54 |
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riotkittie | ooops | 02:54 |
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Veenified | IndyGunFreak: | 02:54 |
Gave | where can i get PIDGIN?? | 02:54 |
sport | clever it on xubuntu do know how to disable the firewall on it? | 02:54 |
clever | . | 02:55 |
andyho623 | wow.. what's up with the registering stuff?!? | 02:55 |
lashmoov2 | quaal2: thanks | 02:55 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: you've checked on to see if there are any problems with the type of card you have? | 02:55 |
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GreenJelly_linux | howlingmadhowie after 7 days... I couldnt recompile it... I compiled it once, and cant seem to do it again, no matter what I try... everyone else in the world can compile it | 02:55 |
clever | sport: the firewall on allmost any linux pc is iptables | 02:55 |
IndyGunFreak | Gave: there's a package somewhere(not sure where).. but you can get the source at | 02:55 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: i've ran fine with this card under suse and redhat using alsa | 02:55 |
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Gave | ok thx | 02:55 |
Eljus | hi does anyone know how to make ubuntu recognize a cell phone connected via usb | 02:55 |
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golden_agouti | Gave: | 02:55 |
Eljus | ? | 02:55 |
clever | sport: if you run 'sudo iptables-save' youll see a list of the firewall rules | 02:56 |
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sport | mmkay | 02:56 |
clever | sport: if you see none then its probly fully off | 02:56 |
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IndyGunFreak | Gave: try this.,... wget | 02:56 |
kanuha | nickrud, thx it worked | 02:56 |
IndyGunFreak | Gave: then run this command sudo dpkg -i purple-plugin-pack_1.0-1_i386.deb | 02:56 |
nickrud | kanuha, great. | 02:56 |
Veenified | IndyGunFreak: how does that taste?! | 02:56 |
GreenJelly_linux | Does anyone know how to make linux user friendly.... :-p thanks for the help... sorry for the sarcasim... | 02:56 |
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howlingmadhowie | Greenjelly_linux: isn't it part of the standard kernel sources? | 02:56 |
IndyGunFreak | Veenified: sorry, i was watching a DVD, what were you saying? | 02:57 |
LouisvilleLIP | Veenified, that is the dev version | 02:57 |
andyho623 | anyone had luck installing an nvidia card?? I can not get it for the life of me.. | 02:57 |
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bcbooteRR | anyone know of any oter supported raid cards than 3ware? | 02:57 |
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h1st0 | bcbooteRR: you can check the hardware list | 02:57 |
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sport | clever can i kill iptables? | 02:57 |
Veenified | LouisvilleLIP: do you have a solution? do i install something else? | 02:58 |
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LouisvilleLIP | sudo apt-get install libdvdcss | 02:58 |
howlingmadhowie | andyho623: i have a geforce440 in my computer, and i have to use an older version of the driver. the card is no longer supported by the newest version | 02:58 |
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LouisvilleLIP | you have to have medibuntu enabled | 02:58 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 02:58 |
h1st0 | bcbooteRR: | 02:58 |
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larson999 | LouisvilleLIP, are you in ky? | 02:58 |
clever | sport: iptables is part of the kernel and cant be killed | 02:58 |
LouisvilleLIP | larson999: yes | 02:58 |
h1st0 | howlingmadhowie: there is nvidia-glx-legacy | 02:58 |
unagi | !dvd | 02:59 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 02:59 |
h1st0 | !nvidia-glx-legacy | howlingmadhowie | 02:59 |
clever | sport: but you can remove the rules from it so it does nothing | 02:59 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: i found the problem | 02:59 |
MongooseWA | is this a good place to ask really basic questions? I'm new to linux and I'm wanting a place where I can talk to someone and ask my fair share of newb questions. | 02:59 |
larson999 | LouisvilleLIP, makes 2 of us. | 02:59 |
IndyGunFreak | MongooseWA: if you have Ubuntu | 02:59 |
sebzzz | Hi all! Any change we'll get the videos of the tutorials given at Ubuntu Live? | 02:59 |
LouisvilleLIP | !ask > mongooseWA | 02:59 |
howlingmadhowie | clever: netfilter is part of the kernel, iptables is a usermode program to configure netfilter :) | 02:59 |
Testtube | During the initial install of the OS does it by default install Apache? | 02:59 |
clever | howlingmadhowie: same thing:P | 02:59 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: what was it? | 02:59 |
gizzo | in ubuntu 7.x if you have audigy there is a setting under the volume control switches, uncheck the freaking Audigy Analog output jack | 02:59 |
gizzo | what a bummer | 02:59 |
nickrud | Testtube, the desktop no, server edition yes | 02:59 |
h1st0 | sebzzz: might want to ask on the forums or the mailing list. | 02:59 |
howlingmadhowie | clever: grep name /etc/passwd :) | 03:00 |
LouisvilleLIP | larson999: where from? | 03:00 |
clever | howlingmadhowie: used to be ipchains but i havent seen any system with that yet | 03:00 |
h1st0 | sebzzz: or check out the fridge. | 03:00 |
=== gizzo blasting Depeche | ||
Testtube | Nickrud thanks for the quick response. By default which version does it install is it Apache 2? | 03:00 |
clever | howlingmadhowie: yeah i allready said that:P | 03:00 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: lol :) | 03:00 |
sojourner | /name | 03:00 |
Testtube | or apache 1.* | 03:00 |
Veenified | IndyGunFreak: you're so helpful, instead of helping people, you insult them, have fun hanging out in a support chat room and watching your dvd, i'm just going to makeout with this girl, the movie was an excuse to do it anyway | 03:00 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 03:00 |
IndyGunFreak | what an idiot. | 03:00 |
LouisvilleLIP | lol | 03:00 |
MongooseWA | hahah | 03:00 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: have you tried beryl yet? | 03:00 |
MongooseWA | beryl's depricated | 03:00 |
IndyGunFreak | i never insulted him, he insulted me. | 03:00 |
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larson999 | LouisvilleLIP, i'm not from here but i moved here in novemeber. i live in louisville. around westport and the gene shneider. | 03:00 |
IndyGunFreak | so i stopped helping him | 03:00 |
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nickrud | Testtube, 2.2.3 | 03:01 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: i tried beryl on 6.10. since then i haven't really felt like desktop effects | 03:01 |
LouisvilleLIP | if he can't figure out how to watch his DVD, he can't figure out girls either | 03:01 |
mannytu | I have tried the other channels, however, no replies... | 03:01 |
IndyGunFreak | LouisvilleLIP: lol | 03:01 |
Testtube | Nickrud Thanks for your time very helpful. | 03:01 |
sebzzz | h1st0: Thanks, maybe I'll ask in the mailing list. | 03:01 |
LouisvilleLIP | larson999: I'm actually really close, near the Summit | 03:01 |
nickrud | Testtube, yw | 03:01 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: i find some things are still a bit unstable, and having a program crash once a day is more annoying than the benefit of swishy cubey effects | 03:01 |
larson999 | LouisvilleLIP, don't know where that is. i'm actually right across from tinseltown theater | 03:02 |
h1st0 | mannytu: whats your problem? | 03:02 |
mannytu | new to irc | 03:02 |
LouisvilleLIP | larson999: about 1 exit away on the Snyder | 03:02 |
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h1st0 | howlingmadhowie: I haven't really had anything crash using compiz-fusion | 03:02 |
mannytu | wanted to add a card reader | 03:02 |
h1st0 | mannytu: card reader? | 03:02 |
nickrud | mannytu, then if you're using gaim for irc, switch to something else, like maybe xchat | 03:02 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: i've ran it for 2 weeks now and seems to work flawless, wonering if someone else had feedback on it | 03:02 |
larson999 | howlingmadhowie, yeah so far the eye candy isn't enough to entice me. but it's getting there. | 03:03 |
h1st0 | mannytu: credit card reader? | 03:03 |
mannytu | Sd | 03:03 |
gizzo | MongooseWA: i suppose you use xgl? | 03:03 |
howlingmadhowie | h1st0: maybe i'll try it again :) i do however have an old geforce440, which doesn't support all the openGL stuff in compiz | 03:03 |
MongooseWA | compiz fusion, yeah | 03:03 |
larson999 | LouisvilleLIP, are you new to linux? | 03:03 |
nickrud | the eye candy was nice, but crashing nearly every time I exited ... | 03:03 |
andyho623 | howie: yeah that's what I was thinking but I've tried all the drivers that are in drivers manager.. glx, glx-legacy, and glx-legacy new.. I don't remember if I have a geforce 5100 or 6200 | 03:03 |
MongooseWA | i have a geforce mx420, so im a step below him. haha | 03:03 |
h1st0 | howlingmadhowie: if you check the hardware lists at it will tell you which driver to use. | 03:03 |
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howlingmadhowie | andyho623: lspci should tell you something about the card and then i'd go straight to nvidia and download the right driver | 03:04 |
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larson999 | i'll wait until it's out of beta. | 03:04 |
LouisvilleLIP | larson999: yes, many 3 weeks. So far so good, I've had my share of problems, but I learned a lot figuring them out. I hang out here when I'm reading the news, I'm trying to learn as much as possible | 03:04 |
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howlingmadhowie | h1st0: oh, 3d-acceleration works fine, it's the physical hardware on the card. some parts of opengl1.5 and above just aren't there (the card is 5 years old) | 03:04 |
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h1st0 | howlingmadhowie: it should work with nvidia-glx and you should have 3d accelration. | 03:05 |
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h1st0 | howlingmadhowie: ahh | 03:05 |
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andyho623 | Howie: thx.. I'll go check it real quick :) | 03:05 |
h1st0 | mannytu: is it a usb card reader? or pci? | 03:05 |
LouisvilleLIP | I have to say, i dig Compiz, especially the cube stuff. I couldn't care less about the fire nonsense... | 03:05 |
andyho623 | duh.. totally didn't think there... | 03:05 |
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MongooseWA | yeah agreed | 03:05 |
larson999 | andyho623, for my money, the unofficial ubuntu guide explains installing nvidia cards as simple to follow as any other. | 03:05 |
MongooseWA | most of the plugins are worthless eyecandy | 03:06 |
mannytu | internal 13 in 1 reader | 03:06 |
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h1st0 | mannytu: do you know who makes the card? | 03:06 |
MongooseWA | but some of the window-switching stuff is a cool enough to transcend its eyecandiness | 03:06 |
larson999 | LouisvilleLIP, ah, i was hoping you were an old salt and got tell me how the local lug is. | 03:06 |
MongooseWA | mx440 is an nvidia card | 03:06 |
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h1st0 | MongooseWA: yes | 03:06 |
mannytu | no ideal came with the PC | 03:06 |
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h1st0 | mannytu: type in lspci in a terminal | 03:06 |
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howlingmadhowie | LouisvilleLIP: what i find useful is the ability to zoom into the screen. useful for lectures and stuff on a beamer | 03:06 |
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MongooseWA | yeah, thats nice | 03:07 |
gizzo | mx440 is pretty old nvidia card | 03:07 |
h1st0 | mannytu: should list the hardware in your system. | 03:07 |
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LouisvilleLIP | larson999: I'm not sure, but I wasn't that impressed with their forum content, so I never contacted them | 03:07 |
MongooseWA | and the window tabbing feature could be useful, depending on your computing habits | 03:07 |
andyho623 | woo hoo.. geforce fx 5200.. that'll help!! ;) | 03:07 |
webi | hi, anybody there? | 03:07 |
gizzo | webi 1046 in total | 03:07 |
mannytu | looking | 03:07 |
obf213 | what command is ther to turn your wireless card back system went to suspend, when i returned for some reason, the wifi was just off. the hardware was still recognized but it wasn't showing any networks or no networks available | 03:07 |
MongooseWA | speaking of nvidia cards, should i expect any problems with my impending laptop's 8600m gt? | 03:07 |
webi | hahah sorry... | 03:07 |
h1st0 | MongooseWA: I use the scale and expo pretty much all I use it for. Although my windows goign up in flames on minimize is always a hoot | 03:07 |
larson999 | LouisvilleLIP, yeah, i wasn't impressed either. | 03:07 |
obf213 | i had to reboot to fix it. | 03:07 |
webi | I have a few "rare" problems... could anybody help me? | 03:08 |
LouisvilleLIP | howlingmadhowie: yeah, if nothing else, I appreciate the new ideas. Even if I don't use a plugin, I'm hoping that it will spur more innovation | 03:08 |
MongooseWA | haha yeah. i like all the animations | 03:08 |
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MongooseWA | very osx-like | 03:08 |
osxdude|desk | andyh623: That's my graphics card's number! | 03:08 |
h1st0 | MongooseWA: nah most the nvidia cards work pretty well. You can search the forums see what sort of problems people have had though. | 03:08 |
MongooseWA | kk thank you | 03:08 |
gizzo | webi ask before you get lost in the maze of irc | 03:08 |
h1st0 | mannytu: or post the output of lspci to pastebin | 03:08 |
h1st0 | !paste | mannytu | 03:08 |
ubotu | mannytu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:08 |
sport | clever idk if your still there but this iptables is killing me i cant cli | 03:08 |
webi | yeah sorry... i'm new here... | 03:08 |
bulmer | obf213: try ifup wlan0 next time | 03:08 |
obf213 | is there a command to turn the wireless on and off? | 03:08 |
webi | that's the situation: | 03:08 |
obf213 | bulmer | 03:08 |
obf213 | thanks | 03:08 |
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howlingmadhowie | obf213: i have the problem that dhclient doesn't work after suspend to ram. | 03:08 |
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clever | sport: cant cli? | 03:09 |
hamadooo | hi guys .. i want to know about winre ....... what is winre ?? | 03:09 |
osxdude|desk | andyho623: that is my graphics card! | 03:09 |
andyho623 | It's amazing how quickly you start remembering commands.. LOL | 03:09 |
obf213 | howlingmadhowie, this was the first time since i got ubuntu a couple weeks ago | 03:09 |
webi | I have a device connected to my serial port (/dev/ttyS0) and I have a C app that send some data | 03:09 |
sport | clever: command line interface: i suck at it | 03:09 |
clever | sport: you should be able to atleast open an xterm on allmost any linux system | 03:09 |
andyho623 | osx- cool how'd you get it to install?!? | 03:09 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: have you tried renewing the leases? | 03:09 |
webi | it works in slackware 10.1 kernel 2.4 PC but now it doesn't work | 03:09 |
h1st0 | mannytu: the other thing that helps is if you type someones name so we know who you are talking to. Then it highlights it on their screen. | 03:09 |
gizzo | or the client doesnt work period? | 03:09 |
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clever | and 'sudo iptables-save' is a simple cmd(just give it your pw when asked) | 03:09 |
h1st0 | mannytu: you can start to type their name then hit tab to autocomplete. ex: h1<tab> would complete my name. | 03:09 |
webi | I found the /dev/ttyS0, setserial return me the right information... but it doesn't work | 03:09 |
osxdude|desk | andyho623: what are you trying to install? | 03:10 |
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johnkim321 | can anyone help me setup my wireless | 03:10 |
mannytu | ok | 03:10 |
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andyho623 | osx: I can't get the vid card to install.. every time I switch from onboard to it, it freezes up the system at reboot | 03:10 |
h1st0 | !wireless | johnkim321 | 03:10 |
ubotu | johnkim321: Wireless documentation can be found at | 03:10 |
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gizzo | webi go to the C channel | 03:10 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: even worse than that. if the laptop hasn't been logged into a wireless network since last boot, once it has been suspended to ram it won't log itself in properly to a wireless network. i tend to fix the problem either by configuring the network manually or just rebooting. | 03:10 |
samushka | i installed NTFS-3G, but when i plug in my external USB hard drive, it doesnt show up... i checked /etc/fstab, and i dont see it there either... what gives? (works perfectly in windows) | 03:11 |
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sport | clever: but what do i do next | 03:11 |
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webi | mmmm but the C app is working fine in other PC... I think the problem is with configuration | 03:11 |
mannytu | i do not see it at all? | 03:11 |
clever | sport: does it list anything? | 03:11 |
webi | I have an ECS motherboard | 03:11 |
osxdude|desk | andyho623: ooo, I don't have an onboard graphics card... | 03:11 |
h1st0 | samushka: how is the usb hard drive formatted? | 03:11 |
samushka | NTFS | 03:11 |
erstazi | In xorg.conf, the (color) DefaultDepth is defaulted to 24 (which is 24 million colors)... how do I get 256 colors? | 03:11 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: well if your client is screwed it wouldnt matter if wireless or scable | 03:11 |
linxuz3r | im getting this error what can i do about it?: | 03:11 |
howlingmadhowie | samushka: /etc/mtab is the one you want (or easier: cat /proc/partitions ) | 03:11 |
samushka | (which shouldnt be a problem, i have NTFS-3G installed) | 03:11 |
h1st0 | samushka: I dunno if the system will handle it that way. Try moutning it manually . | 03:11 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: what does your client do when you issue a renew command? | 03:11 |
samushka | okay | 03:11 |
andyho623 | osx: no biggie.. I'm sure I'll figure it out! :) got my scanning and network working and that's the last fix! | 03:12 |
sport | yes input accept, forward accept, output accept followed by their own numbers | 03:12 |
hamadooo | ok can i run realplayer files in linux | 03:12 |
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sport | clever yes input accept, forward accept, output accept followed by their own numbers | 03:12 |
kanuha | why does this command give me a permission denied? sudo echo 'none /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,devmode=0666 0 0' >> /etc/fstab | 03:12 |
johnkim321 | thank you | 03:12 |
bulmer | webi did you configure the port with the correct settings like requiring CTS or other signals for control flow | 03:12 |
h1st0 | !codecs | hamadooo | 03:12 |
ubotu | hamadooo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 03:12 |
weasel | kanuha: because > is done by your shell. and your shell runs as you | 03:12 |
clever | sport: ahh so there is some kind of firewall on that pc | 03:12 |
gizzo | hamadooo: you cant run them but you can definately listen/watch them | 03:12 |
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weasel | kanuha: running echo as root won't help a bit | 03:12 |
samushka | howlingmadhowie: what am i looking for in MTAB ? | 03:12 |
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clever | sport: we can either shut it off for the moment or set the dmz to a diff computer | 03:12 |
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andyho623 | dang.. what the hey.. I'm at nvidia's site and can't find the dang driver.. | 03:12 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: i dunno :) i only use wireless once a week at most, so it isn't important for me :) and i'm not there at the moment, so i can't try it out. | 03:12 |
pawan | hi | 03:12 |
hamadooo | ok | 03:12 |
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sport | clever: ive already taken dmz off | 03:13 |
clever | ag | 03:13 |
clever | ah* | 03:13 |
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pawan | can see tan names is xmms player | 03:13 |
_david__ | hello, how can I use a command like tail that preserves line breaks? | 03:13 |
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gizzo | howlingmadhowie: it seems your client is forgetting its lease and then its not renewing it, or the dhcp server is releasing it | 03:13 |
pawan | tab | 03:13 |
vbabiy | hey how do set up[ a env variable | 03:13 |
sport | clever: was i not suppose to till after iptables-saves? | 03:13 |
_david__ | i.e., I want to run "tail +10 filename" and have it output the file with the first 10 lines cut off | 03:13 |
vbabiy | !evn | 03:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about evn - try searching on | 03:13 |
kanuha | weasel, how do I do it then? | 03:13 |
clever | sport: doesnt matter much | 03:13 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: coming out of suspend it should fix itself, maybe you have to manually issue a renew command? | 03:14 |
vbabiy | !env | 03:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about env - try searching on | 03:14 |
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howlingmadhowie | gizzo: the dhcpcd is doing something weird, that's for sure. maybe i'll try to fix it some day, but as said, i haven't got a wireless network where i am now, so i can't try it out | 03:14 |
samushka | nevermind, got it... how can i do it so that it automatically mounts properly when plugged in? | 03:14 |
sport | clever so do i have to delete the rules in iptables? | 03:14 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: i'll give it a go next time it happens :) thanks for the suggestion | 03:14 |
clever | i think its the flush command to iptables | 03:14 |
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clever | sport: check 'man iptables' | 03:15 |
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longer | 03:15 | |
weasel | kanuha: sudo -i, then do it. | 03:15 |
bulmer | sport you asked lastweek about getting to other computers in a may want to look at not familiar with it though | 03:15 |
howlingmadhowie | sport: iptables -F <table name> empties the command chain in the table | 03:15 |
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=== gizzo throws icons around kiba-dock | ||
longer | 03:16 | |
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andyho623 | I think longer might be looking for the chinese channel.. | 03:16 |
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kanuha | weasel, I did this, sudo -i echo 'none /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,devmode=0666 0 0' >> /etc/fstab | 03:17 |
kanuha | and it still says permission denied | 03:17 |
MongooseWA | what does it mean when i "apt-get update" and get a bunch of Ign and Hits? | 03:17 |
hamadooo | thanx guys | 03:17 |
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howlingmadhowie | gizzo: is kiba-dock now in a repository somewhere? | 03:17 |
weasel | kanuha: "sudo -i", then do what you wanted. | 03:17 |
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weasel | kanuha: not sudo .... > hwatever. | 03:17 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: no but its a fairly straight forward compile/install | 03:17 |
sport | howlingmadhowie: what are the table names? | 03:17 |
howlingmadhowie | sport: try iptables -L. that will list all the tables and current chains | 03:18 |
pawan | cant see words clearly in xmms player | 03:18 |
howlingmadhowie | gizzo: does it run okay on metacity, or do i need compiz/beryl? | 03:18 |
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frost0 | vmware server shortcut no longer could this be? | 03:19 |
kanuha | weasel, thx it worked | 03:19 |
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gizzo | howlingmadhowie: you dont need beryl, runs fine | 03:19 |
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Gave | how can i uninstall wine?? | 03:19 |
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howlingmadhowie | Gave: sudo apt-get remove wine | 03:19 |
gizzo | howlingmadhowie: its a little annoying until you get it to look the way you want with no background and annoying borders, basically you need to get rid of all the color gradients in the settings | 03:19 |
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tzbishop | guys, i have 2 hds (1 IDE 1 SATA). Linux recognizes them as /dev/hda and /dev/sda. How can I set GRUB with that? | 03:20 |
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howlingmadhowie | gizzo: ah, those pesky default settings written by a beta-testing group consisting of one person | 03:20 |
Gave | thx to howlingmadhowie | 03:20 |
kanuha | what command rereads the fstab? | 03:20 |
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clever | tzbishop: at the grub command line(run grub in linux or hit c at the menu) type in root (<tab> and it will list off devices | 03:21 |
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howlingmadhowie | Gave: don't mention it :) | 03:21 |
Pici | kanuha: sudo mount -a I beleive. | 03:21 |
clever | tzbishop: and if you do cat /<tab> youll get a listing of filenames on the device you last set as root | 03:21 |
andyho623 | How do you remove a program OUT of wine? ;) | 03:21 |
kanuha | Pici, thx | 03:21 |
Gave | good night guys | 03:21 |
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gizzo | howlingmadhowie: the dude asked for help and help he got, his team grew from one person to like dozens overnight, if they keep the good work going kiba is bound to kick some a$$, they re-wrote all of it in the latest release | 03:22 |
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Dr`Keovorkian | What's the alsactl setting to make my laptop play through the headphone port when it's plugged in, and through the speakers when nothing is? | 03:22 |
andyho623 | I have active desktop calendar stuck in wine.. | 03:22 |
sport | clever: iptables -F all the tables set it back on dmz and they are still stealth | 03:22 |
MongooseWA | what does it mean when i "sudo apt-get update" and get a bunch of Ign and Hits? | 03:22 |
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howlingmadhowie | gizzo: cool :) the floss development model strikes again! | 03:22 |
andyho623 | sucks.. I totally love that prog.. :( | 03:22 |
tzbishop | clever so grub will define hd0 for 1 HD and hd1 for the another. because, if you follow the "GRUB rule" both HDs are (hd0) | 03:22 |
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tzbishop | clever is that right? | 03:22 |
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clever | tzbishop: i beleive each drive whould have a diff number | 03:23 |
clever | hd0 hd1 hd2 .... | 03:23 |
howlingmadhowie | andyho623: not that i use wine much, but i thought deinstalling was as simple as deinstalling under windows | 03:23 |
clever | then a ,0 or ,1 .... to mark which partition | 03:23 |
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erstazi | andyho623, | 03:23 |
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sx66 | I need help with dial up network | 03:24 |
pawan | some fonts not displaying properly in ubuntu | 03:24 |
andyho623 | thx erstazi! :) | 03:24 |
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erstazi | andyho623, basically just run "wine uninstaller" | 03:25 |
howlingmadhowie | okay. i'm tired. it's late here. have a nice day@all :) | 03:25 |
erstazi | andyho623, in the terminal without those quotes | 03:25 |
unagi | can u mount an iso in ubuntu? | 03:25 |
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clever | unagi: mount file.iso -o loop /media/cdrom/ | 03:25 |
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unagi | or dvdrom if u have a dvdrom? | 03:25 |
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andyho623 | yeah I just tried that and it wasn't showing up there?! but it's still there under applications-->wine | 03:26 |
clever | unagi: mount /dev/dvddrivedevice /media/cdrom/ | 03:26 |
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Dr`Keovorkian | What's the alsactl setting to make my laptop play through the headphone port when it's plugged in, and through the speakers when nothing is? | 03:26 |
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mannytu_ | hello | 03:26 |
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sport | clever: I iptables -F all the tables set it back on dmz and they are still stealth | 03:26 |
unagi | what does the -o loop part mean | 03:26 |
erstazi | andyho623, you tried wine uninstaller? | 03:26 |
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mannytu_ | hello | 03:27 |
mannytu_ | :-0 | 03:27 |
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mannytu_ | storm took me out | 03:27 |
unagi | now im lost | 03:27 |
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erstazi | andyho623, if I were you, I would wait some, sometimes those apps don't refresh quickly (for instance: you install or uninstall there is some lag with the refresh of that menu) | 03:27 |
pawan | only shortcut displayed in xmms player | 03:27 |
pawan | no tab names | 03:28 |
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orbish | i have a small question, something my boss showed me a couple years back on a fedora machine | 03:28 |
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mannytu_ | Paste something is very cool! | 03:28 |
linxuz3r | how do i resolve broken packages? | 03:28 |
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unagi | whats the error linuxuz3r | 03:28 |
linxuz3r | i do apt-get -f install but the packages still does not install | 03:28 |
orbish | he made his cp command do something like "cp -Rv" all the time, but by only typing "cp" how do i do that? | 03:28 |
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nickrud | unagi, the -o loop means option loopback, it tells the kernel it's a file to mount as a device (roughly) | 03:28 |
Skrypt | what's the command to view all running processes? (not top) | 03:28 |
linxuz3r | unagi: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/compiz-gnome_1%3a0.5.1+git20070719~3v1ubuntu0_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/compiz/', which is also in package compiz-plugins | 03:28 |
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nickrud | Skrypt, ps | 03:29 |
LouisvilleLIP | ps | 03:29 |
orbish | i use "ps ax" skrypt | 03:29 |
Skrypt | thanks | 03:29 |
LouisvilleLIP | ps -aux | 03:29 |
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linxuz3r | unagi: any ideas? | 03:29 |
MongooseWA | what does it mean when i "apt-get update" and get a bunch of Ign and Hits? Are these errors? | 03:29 |
vbabiy | is there any way to have the /etc/profile take affect with out logging in and out | 03:29 |
unagi | doesnt look familiar | 03:29 |
nickrud | vbabiy, source /etc/profile | 03:30 |
gizzo | Mongoose does it say error? | 03:30 |
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vbabiy | thanks nickrud | 03:30 |
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LouisvilleLIP | linxuz3r: Again, I'd recommend #compiz | 03:31 |
MongooseWA | yeah some of then say err | 03:31 |
nickrud | linxuz3r, try apt-cache policy compiz-gnome and apt-cache policy compiz-plugins, what you're looking for is orgin: probably they come from different repos and conflict | 03:31 |
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orbish | anyone know a way to tell my box to use "cp -vR" by typing "cp"? | 03:31 |
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nickrud | *origin | 03:31 |
MongooseWA | when i run update, it scrolls a bunch of stuff like "Ign [some url] " and "Hit [some url] " | 03:32 |
gizzo | MongooseWA: if i had to guess Ign means ignored, the ones with errors could not be contacted | 03:32 |
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MongooseWA | yeah, | 03:32 |
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MongooseWA | is it bad to get ignore and hits? | 03:32 |
andyho623 | erstazi: yeah I just tried the uninstaller.. sorry had to help my mom with email.. LOL | 03:32 |
erstazi | its ok | 03:32 |
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andyho623 | but like you said maybe it's just lagging.. | 03:32 |
marcel | how do I see what's on my flashdisk in terminal window? | 03:32 |
MongooseWA | like, when i run apt-get update and there's nothing to update, what should the normal response be? | 03:32 |
gizzo | MongooseWA: hits are good you need hits | 03:32 |
MongooseWA | ah ok | 03:32 |
andyho623 | or I'll reboot and it'll be all good :) | 03:32 |
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MongooseWA | im just wondering if this is SOP | 03:32 |
gizzo | MongooseWA: there is no such thing as nothing to update :-) | 03:32 |
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MongooseWA | right haha | 03:32 |
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sport | is it possible that my ip would stealth ALL port 1-1055? | 03:33 |
erstazi | andyho623, and honestly, if that doesn't work, I am sure you know how to mess with registries on windows, just remove the registries and then the files associated with it | 03:33 |
pawan | xmms fonts not displayed properly | 03:33 |
gizzo | sport your ip cant do anything | 03:33 |
sport | is it possible that my isp would stealth ALL port 1-1055?* | 03:33 |
sport | gizzo isp* | 03:33 |
nickrud | orbish, alias cp='cp -vR' ; you can make it permanent by putting that line in ~/.bashrc | 03:33 |
Tomo_ | hey there... ive enabled all the restricted repositories and all win32 codecs yet ubuntu still refuses to play any video files or dvds. what have i missed? ive searched all the forums and read the faq but still havent come up with anything | 03:33 |
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marcel | how do I mount? | 03:33 |
gizzo | sport: yes it is, most ISP's in fact do so | 03:34 |
clever | marcel: mount device folder | 03:34 |
Dr`Keovorkian | Tomo_, does it ask you to search for the codecs? | 03:34 |
sport | gizzo: so how do i open a port? | 03:34 |
gizzo | sport: hosting is a violation of your agreement with them | 03:34 |
marcel | I have a flashdisk, how do I see its content in terminal window? | 03:34 |
erstazi | sport, do you pay for residential internet service? | 03:34 |
gizzo | sport: you cant, they do the filtering on their routers, you cant bypass them | 03:34 |
nickrud | marcel, if it automounted, it'd be in /media | 03:35 |
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Tomo_ | i used totem to play a dvd and it says i dont have the right plugins for it... | 03:35 |
andyho623 | erstazi: no windows here :) | 03:35 |
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sport | so you can run a server off of a residential cable connection? | 03:35 |
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John` | how can I unpatch a kernel? | 03:35 |
erstazi | andyho623, well, read up on how to edit the registry | 03:35 |
damejiar | Tomo : install them with automatix | 03:35 |
marcel | I cannot see it there | 03:35 |
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gizzo | sport: on the contrary you cant, you are not allowed to do so, you can cheat and use a higher port | 03:35 |
Tomo_ | can anyone suggest a good media player? | 03:35 |
nickrud | Tomo_, did you install libdvdcss2? | 03:35 |
gizzo | sport: however most ISP's monitor traffic and will pickup on it | 03:35 |
Under_conversio1 | Hi all, can anyone guide me on configuring a tftp server on my Ubuntu box? | 03:36 |
marcel | is a flashdisk sd1 ? | 03:36 |
sport | gizzo so what do i do? | 03:36 |
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rolfen | hello any gamers here? i have a question | 03:36 |
damejiar | Tomo_: install the plugins with automatix | 03:36 |
Tomo_ | nickrud, yup | 03:36 |
Tomo_ | damejiar, ok | 03:36 |
gizzo | sport: simple dont run a server at home, if you want a server buy a hosting account somewhere | 03:36 |
nickrud | marcel, it can often be | 03:36 |
damejiar | Tomo_: | 03:36 |
pawan | hello | 03:36 |
sport | gizzo..."somewhere" where? | 03:36 |
nickrud | Tomo_, I like vlc for dvd moves | 03:36 |
Trentster | hey all, what is the easiest way to make a copy of a dvd, preferably to an iso file, and then burn the iso to a dvd5 | 03:37 |
nickrud | *movies | 03:37 |
BaD_CrC | | 03:37 |
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Dr`Keovorkian | rolfen, what's your question? | 03:37 |
Tomo_ | damejiar, and this wont screw with all the othe stuff ive enabled? | 03:37 |
schwach | any issues with doing the latest updates to 6.10 where the system will not boot with a crc error? | 03:37 |
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gizzo | sport: yahoo, rackspace and etc | 03:37 |
BaD_CrC | i think that's it. i used to have a server on there. | 03:37 |
damejiar | Tomo_: I had no problems with them | 03:37 |
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Tama00 | hey | 03:37 |
marcel | how do I find our if my flashdisk is SD1 or sb1? | 03:37 |
BaD_CrC | usually lower case | 03:38 |
gizzo | sport: networksolutions is good as well | 03:38 |
erstazi | sport, or order your ISP's business package | 03:38 |
rolfen | thanks Dr`Keovorkian i am looking into games such as UFO Alien Invasion and i'm wondering if there's a repository where i can download the binaries because i dont like to download the source and compile and manually maintain | 03:38 |
gizzo | erstazi: most now a days require a valid business name | 03:38 |
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Tama00 | whats a program that i can use to browse samba shares cause nautlise is SOOOOOOOIOO slow its not even funny | 03:38 |
BaD_CrC | rolfen: | 03:38 |
Tama00 | its just SLLOOOWOOWOWWWWW to the point of not even working | 03:38 |
rolfen | thanks BaD_CrC :-) | 03:38 |
gizzo | i was reading an article yesterday, the average broadband speed in japan is 12 times that in the US, how sick is that! | 03:39 |
erstazi | gizzo, depends on the locality and you can claim your name as the business name (sole proprietorship) | 03:39 |
marcel | how can I see the content of my flashdrive ? | 03:39 |
andyho623 | alrighty.. time to go try the vid drivers.. brb | 03:39 |
BaD_CrC | kohina radio makes coding so much better | 03:39 |
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Under_conversio1 | Anyone on that tftp sever? | 03:39 |
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erstazi | or sport, you can just order a broadband package that has those ports open, its basically, talk to your ISP and see what the rates are and then go from there | 03:39 |
gizzo | sport: erstazi is right you can try claiming sole proprietorship | 03:39 |
rolfen | BaD_CrC man that's great i found a deb for that game, thanks again | 03:40 |
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BaD_CrC | rolfen: :D | 03:40 |
Tama00 | anyone | 03:40 |
erstazi | sport, the rates for your ISP might be worth the savings or not | 03:40 |
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gizzo | sport: what it is you are trying to host? http? | 03:40 |
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erstazi | sport, but I suggest if you plan on hosting a website for say or multiple websites, I would get a good manual online or a good book to read up on first | 03:41 |
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gizzo | crap...forgot to eat | 03:41 |
Emperor886 | Can I get some help with Ubuntu please? I'm new. :( | 03:41 |
rolfen | Tama00: it may be an issue with your network... | 03:42 |
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sport | gizzo ftp | 03:42 |
dwight__ | I'm having a problem; Nothing on my "System" menu will open. Any ideas what I should check? | 03:42 |
Burlynn | boy i wish i had a cdr. shiny new iso and nowhere to go. | 03:42 |
Tama00 | rolfen, nar dont be ridiculous | 03:42 |
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rolfen | Tama00: i am not being ridiculous | 03:42 |
ukris | Emperor886, what is your issue | 03:42 |
Under_conversio1 | no one on my tftp server question????? | 03:42 |
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Tama00 | rolfen, i can send data to the other pc at full speed no problems | 03:42 |
Tama00 | rolfen, just samba is gay and doesnt work | 03:43 |
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gizzo | sport: keep in mind providers such as optimum scan the traffic as well, if you plan on hosting movies/music they will pick up on it very quickly even if you have a business account and will shut you down | 03:43 |
Music_Shuffle | !ask | Emperor886 | 03:43 |
ubotu | Emperor886: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:43 |
andyho623 | brb :) | 03:43 |
Tama00 | rolfen, or its vista that is gay and doesnt like samba | 03:43 |
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rolfen | Tama00: maybe | 03:43 |
craigbass1976 | samba is gay... hmmm | 03:43 |
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Emperor886 | When I leave my mouse alone for more than a minute or so, Ubuntu freezes. Any way I can fix this? | 03:43 |
Tama00 | samba or vista | 03:43 |
Tama00 | take ur pick | 03:43 |
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gizzo | samba is the $hit | 03:43 |
Tama00 | either way one of them isnt working properly | 03:43 |
Dr`Keovorkian | What's the alsactl setting to make my laptop play through the headphone port when it's plugged in, and through the speakers when nothing is? | 03:43 |
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rolfen | Tama00: there's another way of browsing smb that i know of | 03:44 |
Tama00 | rolfen, yay tell us | 03:44 |
gizzo | vista...the operating system without the operating system... | 03:44 |
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craigbass1976 | Tama00, if it's any consolation, the few minutes I've spent on a vista box were trying and I wasn't able to share between vista and XP, so yeah, samba might be a little harder | 03:44 |
mantra2 | where else can i get keys does not work for me? | 03:44 |
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mantra2 | it laggs out | 03:44 |
rolfen | Tama00: you can use fuse to mount the windows network | 03:44 |
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Emperor886 | Anyone know how I can get sounds to work on my laptop with Ubuntu? | 03:44 |
Tomo_ | can anyone recommend a reference book that covers most topics on linux but isnt too technical... just something to help a beginner get out of trouble if they need it | 03:44 |
rolfen | Tama00: and you will then access it as if it were local directories | 03:45 |
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sport | gizzo: well i was going to be posting family photos but ..yea thx for the piracy heads up | 03:45 |
Tama00 | rolfen, damn fuse sounds confusing | 03:45 |
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pedro__ | how do i make windows the default kernel in grub? | 03:45 |
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rolfen | Tama00: i did that to access windows network from xfce, it's not too complicated but i forgot how to do it | 03:45 |
gizzo | pedro__ man grub | 03:45 |
Tama00 | damn | 03:46 |
inazad | Keylogger on linux existing ? | 03:46 |
gizzo | its in the manual | 03:46 |
pedro__ | oh yeah | 03:46 |
pedro__ | forget about man pages | 03:46 |
craigbass1976 | Tomo_, I find Oreilly books to be good, but better if you already have an idea what you're doing. I was thinking "Running Linux" as it was my first book, but thought the dummy book for RH7.3 was better for a newb | 03:46 |
mantra2 | can someone help me? | 03:46 |
BaD_CrC | 22 mins until i hit 50 days uptime. blah. ubuntu++ | 03:46 |
Tama00 | forget this ill just take my thumb drive down stairs and copy what i need onto that | 03:46 |
mantra2 | i need to get a key and this is driving me insane | 03:46 |
Tama00 | stupid networking why is it so hard | 03:46 |
inazad | mantra2, which kind of key ? | 03:46 |
mantra2 | i need a key for compiz fusion but always just sits. and doesnt get anything for me | 03:47 |
Tomo_ | craigbass1976, haha i have not a clue what im doing.. i just migrated to ubuntu yesterday after a lifetime on windows | 03:47 |
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inazad | mantra2, which key do u want.. the private or the public ? | 03:47 |
gizzo | Tomo_ the ubuntu website would be a good start | 03:47 |
mantra2 | i dont think it matters? | 03:48 |
craigbass1976 | Tomo_, Well, you're most of the way there then. What in particular are you looking for? | 03:48 |
mantra2 | gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 81836EBFgpg: requesting key 81836EBF from hkp server | 03:48 |
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mantra2 | just sits | 03:48 |
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inazad | mantra2, what's the problem ? | 03:48 |
mantra2 | it sits at that | 03:48 |
mantra2 | FOREVER | 03:48 |
kersinc | #ubuntu-es | 03:48 |
Tomo_ | craigbass1976, just want to understand what the commands are that im typing in... i know i can just do them but i feel better if i have a small understanding of them | 03:48 |
mantra2 | gpg: requesting key 81836EBF from hkp server | 03:48 |
mantra2 | gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found. | 03:48 |
mantra2 | gpg: read_block: read error: invalid packet | 03:48 |
mantra2 | gpg: Total number processed: 0 | 03:48 |
mantra2 | gpg: keyserver timed out | 03:48 |
mantra2 | gpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error | 03:48 |
BaD_CrC | paste city whoa | 03:49 |
gizzo | mantra2 i think it kind of explains itself | 03:49 |
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mantra2 | i know | 03:49 |
mantra2 | im asking. | 03:49 |
mantra2 | where is another place i can look? | 03:49 |
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craigbass1976 | Tomo_, what have you been typing? | 03:49 |
gizzo | look at the gpg website | 03:49 |
inazad | mantra2, I don't understand what u're trying to do ? | 03:49 |
craigbass1976 | Tomo_, Have you discovered the man pages yet? Not always very helpful, but sometimes they're a start | 03:49 |
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Tomo_ | craigbass1976, well the tutorials on how to get certain things working.. i just type in the code they give me without second thought of what its doing | 03:50 |
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mantra2 | I am trying to install compiz fusion, but i need a public key for the resp, It keeps lagging out when i get it, where else can i look to get a key for it? | 03:50 |
craigbass1976 | Tomo_, did you get my pm? | 03:50 |
gizzo | Tomo_: | 03:50 |
inazad | mantra2, oh.. I don't know.. | 03:50 |
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umop-apisdn | prolly the wrong place to ask, but... can anyone give me any info on using mousegestures in compiz? | 03:51 |
mantra2 | #ubuntu-effects | 03:51 |
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YoshiBishi | hello | 03:51 |
rolfen | Tama00: if you want to give it a try i found the link the the fuse tutorial: | 03:51 |
YoshiBishi | i am having some trouble with 64bit ubuntu using 32bit firefox | 03:51 |
YoshiBishi | it is not detecting my printer | 03:51 |
rolfen | night all | 03:51 |
YoshiBishi | but 64bit firefox does | 03:51 |
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Tama00 | rolfen, okay thanks | 03:52 |
gizzo | YoshiBishi: should i guess the answer? :) | 03:52 |
YoshiBishi | please do =) | 03:52 |
Emperor886 | Yoshi, why do you use 32 bit FF? | 03:52 |
YoshiBishi | i cant get flash to work on the 64bit ff | 03:52 |
unagi | gop is not closed on cell 1 of source...............anyone know what that error in k9copy means? | 03:52 |
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Emperor886 | Could you not use 64 bit for printing and 32 for normal use? | 03:52 |
gizzo | 32bit Firefox doesnt recognize the printer, you are probably using a 54bit version of the printing subsystem | 03:53 |
YoshiBishi | i can | 03:53 |
gizzo | 64 that is | 03:53 |
YoshiBishi | i was just wondering if there was a work around | 03:53 |
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gizzo | YoshiBishi: stick with 64, thats what i'm doing :-) | 03:53 |
YoshiBishi | how did you enable flash on 64? | 03:53 |
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gizzo | YoshiBishi: i didnt, but i dont print flash from my 32 bit FF :) | 03:53 |
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YoshiBishi | haha | 03:54 |
YoshiBishi | well i suppose i will just use 32bit for browsing and 64 for printing | 03:54 |
YoshiBishi | thanks =) | 03:54 |
gizzo | YoshiBishi: its an anoying problem, soon we will have flash for 74 and thats it | 03:54 |
YoshiBishi | =) | 03:54 |
gizzo | 64, what is wrong with my numbers tonight | 03:54 |
YoshiBishi | i shall frequent this channel.. just started using ubuntu =/ | 03:54 |
YoshiBishi | thanks for the help | 03:55 |
gizzo | YoshiBishi: its the same in 64bit windows/vista | 03:55 |
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BaD_CrC | *stab* *stab* *stab* ----> Amarok | 03:55 |
curro | #join linux | 03:55 |
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Emperor886 | Does Ubuntu have a program to erase CD-RW's? | 03:56 |
craigbass1976 | Emperor886, dd? | 03:56 |
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craigbass1976 | Tomo_, You still with us? | 03:57 |
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Emperor886 | dd? | 03:57 |
BaD_CrC | k3b, gnomebaker, nero | 03:57 |
Tomo_ | craigbass1976, yeah just reading some articles on the ubuntu website.. interesting stuff | 03:57 |
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aricz | ugh, can anyone help me set up elmo? | 03:58 |
killerboy | moin ich htte mal ne frage hab mir antivir irgendwie installiert aber geht eh ned weil er nicht richtig im hintergrund arbeitet....wollte einfach mal fragen wie ich es bei ubuntu deinstalliert bekomme.......danke mich im voraus | 03:58 |
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BaD_CrC | you gotta "tickle" it | 03:58 |
Music_Shuffle | !de | killerboy | 03:58 |
ubotu | killerboy: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 03:58 |
BaD_CrC | ugh, i'm tired. i shouldn't be typing on irc. | 03:59 |
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BaD_CrC | sorry peeps | 03:59 |
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RubbelDuc | lol | 03:59 |
nickrud | BaD_CrC, no, you beat me to it. You're good for me :) | 03:59 |
gizzo | Emperor886: i guess its built into the CD/DVD Creator you just have to read the ubuntu help, probably some simple point and click | 03:59 |
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Felarin | aricz : what is elmo? | 03:59 |
BaD_CrC | it's bad enough i'm trying to make a php script for work that works as a basic organizer for the boss. | 04:00 |
aricz | Felarin : mailclient | 04:00 |
godofredo | anyone know the command to move all the contents of one folder to another folder via terminal? | 04:00 |
BaD_CrC | man mv | 04:00 |
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nickrud | godofredo, mv | 04:00 |
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godofredo | nickrud, i want what is in the folder, not the folder itself.. | 04:00 |
bcbooter | is there a media player just like winamp, for linux?? | 04:00 |
XiXaQ | how do you change character encoding? | 04:01 |
Lo_Pan | xmms/beep | 04:01 |
Flannel | !away > Etra|Away | 04:01 |
Lo_Pan | is just like winamp | 04:01 |
Felarin | try cp -r [path] [destination] | 04:01 |
Flannel | XiXaQ: in which program? | 04:01 |
nickrud | godofredo, mv /path/to/first/folder/* /path/to/second/folder <-- note the asterisk | 04:01 |
bcbooter | which> | 04:01 |
BaD_CrC | i keep writing these long "if" statements then going back and cleaning up the code | 04:01 |
XiXaQ | Flannel, heh, Ubuntu. | 04:01 |
Felarin | yeah | 04:01 |
Flannel | godofredo: What are you moving? | 04:01 |
Lo_Pan | bcbooter: xmms and beep media player | 04:01 |
bcbooter | i tried xmms and it would even let me open a media library, sorted by artists only | 04:01 |
Felarin | just cp the old folder to a new name | 04:01 |
Flannel | XiXaQ: right, but what part of ubuntu? | 04:01 |
Lo_Pan | lol | 04:01 |
Felarin | and mv the other folder to the original path | 04:01 |
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bcbooter | wouldnt* | 04:01 |
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Lo_Pan | try beep, otherwise winamp in wine | 04:01 |
XiXaQ | Flannel, globally? | 04:01 |
craigbass1976 | godofredo, mv dir/* newdir/ | 04:02 |
BaD_CrC | then i realize it's for my boss and go back to the mess it was so he can't get any other meathead working here to decipher my mess. | 04:02 |
bcbooter | winamp doesnt work in wine *_* | 04:02 |
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godofredo | Flannel, a ton of maps on my game server via ssh to the download location | 04:02 |
Lo_Pan | doesn't it? | 04:02 |
Lo_Pan | surprising | 04:02 |
godofredo | craigbass1976, ? | 04:02 |
bcbooter | didnt work for me | 04:02 |
bcbooter | it kept crashing after it was half loaded | 04:02 |
Flannel | godofredo: alright. then cp will work fine. If you were moving other things, (like a directory to a new partition), you'd have to do it differently. | 04:02 |
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linux_user400354 | is it possible to print from linux to a computer with vista thats sharing a printer without using a username and password for the work group? | 04:02 |
super-normal | can someone help me with updating my ipw3945 .. | 04:02 |
BaD_CrC | and what's wrong with xmms or the umpteen jillion other linux media players out there? | 04:03 |
craigbass1976 | You're trying to move stuff, right? if I want to move everything in /home/craig/ to /home/craigo/ I type mv /home/craig/* /home/craigo | 04:03 |
umop-apisdn | linux_user400354: probably not. | 04:03 |
Felarin | try amarok, but you'll need to install kde-libs and some other dependencies to make it work on GNOME | 04:03 |
craigbass1976 | /home/craigo/ | 04:03 |
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godofredo | Flannel, so which command should i use? | 04:03 |
Felarin | or you could get kubuntu | 04:03 |
craigbass1976 | sorry godofredo | 04:03 |
CTho | is there a way to find out how much time my CPU spends in C1 halt states? | 04:03 |
mcrandello | Hi I'm trying to get an external usb numpad working with my laptop, but whenever hit the numlock key on the numpad it enables the keyboard one also | 04:03 |
BaD_CrC | linux_user400354: type "guest" as user, "guest" as password | 04:03 |
godofredo | craigbass1976, so lemme try this a sec and can you check my work? | 04:03 |
BaD_CrC | it's the basic winblows connection stuffs | 04:04 |
gizzo | linux_user400354: you must have unix file and printer sharing installed on the windows machine | 04:04 |
robert_ | does anybody know how to get nspluginwrap working under fiesty? | 04:04 |
craigbass1976 | godofredo, make sure you have the trailing / I forgot it in the first reply | 04:04 |
BaD_CrC | blah, i don't know. i'm going to idle here soon. | 04:04 |
super-normal | guys how can i delete the temporary files in linux | 04:04 |
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craigbass1976 | super-normal, where are they? | 04:04 |
mcrandello | super-normal, temporary files from what? | 04:04 |
gizzo | super which: which exact ones? | 04:04 |
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Tomo_ | craigbass1976, and gizzo thank you guys... i think i should be able to handle myself from here.. just a matter of taking my time and reading everything step by step i think | 04:05 |
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gizzo | Tomo_: good luck | 04:05 |
mcrandello | your browser there sbould be a button somewhere, system wide ones are in /tmp but be careful | 04:05 |
rfu | Hello. I have a strange problem. Apparently when I press any button on my keyboard, my mouse becomes unresponsive... | 04:05 |
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super-normal | in windows we can do that in system tools .. then cleanup ... and this will delete all the files that we don't need them anymore..... from the explorer and another programs | 04:06 |
craigbass1976 | Tomo_, I have a book that gives pretty detailed descritions of commands, but it's a big 'un. | 04:06 |
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BaD_CrC | rm -rf real_life PERMISSION DENIED sudo rm -rf real_life DONE | 04:06 |
Tomo_ | craigbass1976, whats the name? ill see if amazon has it | 04:06 |
Pici | super-normal: Ubuntu puts its temp files in /tmp/ which is cleaned out on every reboot. | 04:06 |
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Felarin | yep | 04:06 |
gizzo | super-normal: thats because windows is retarded and keeps crap forever | 04:07 |
Pici | super-normal: But do not delete stuff from there while the system is running, alot of stuff is still in use. | 04:07 |
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Felarin | you dont need to do that windows crap in linux | 04:07 |
BaD_CrC | reboot? ubuntu? why on earth would you do that? | 04:07 |
Felarin | and gizzo is spot on | 04:07 |
Felarin | windows is retarded, assumes you love crap | 04:07 |
craigbass1976 | Tomo_, had to get the borders sticker off. ISBN# 0-13-147823-0 try that | 04:07 |
gizzo | super-normal: another thing you dont need to do is DEFRAG, so dont even ask | 04:07 |
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unagi | does wine run games well? | 04:07 |
Felarin | wine? nope | 04:07 |
super-normal | even the firefox temporary files are there ?? | 04:07 |
stev1 | hey, i'm fairly new to ubuntu/linux and i need some help | 04:07 |
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mcrandello | temp internet files there's a button in your konq, ff, opera or whatever options | 04:07 |
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ircusr | hi all | 04:07 |
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chaosmystic | hello | 04:07 |
unagi | !defrag | super-normal | 04:07 |
ubotu | super-normal: defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units. | 04:07 |
Felarin | FF temp files are cleared directly from FF | 04:07 |
rfu | Hello. I have a strange problem. Apparently when I press any button on my keyboard, my mouse becomes unresponsive... | 04:07 |
craigbass1976 | Tomo_, let me know what you found | 04:08 |
Felarin | you can set FF to clear them upon every closure of FF | 04:08 |
BaD_CrC | sudo dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/(windows partiton) | 04:08 |
ircusr | hey i have a question | 04:08 |
Pici | !ask | ircusr | 04:08 |
ubotu | ircusr: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:08 |
ircusr | what are the minimum system requirments for ub untu? | 04:08 |
super-normal | unagi what is this defrag ?? | 04:08 |
unagi | a computer | 04:08 |
mcrandello | super-normal, if you have a high speed internet connection you usually do with out a cache/temp files etc | 04:08 |
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craigbass1976 | ircusr, I've run it on a 300mhz box (xubuntu) | 04:08 |
chaosmystic | lol | 04:08 |
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ircusr | wow | 04:08 |
ircusr | pentium III? | 04:08 |
unagi | ircusr i run it on a commadore 64 with a monochomatic screen | 04:08 |
gizzo | i have a 200mhz stripped down server | 04:08 |
IndyGunFreak | ircusr: you can run it on fairly old hardware. | 04:09 |
craigbass1976 | unagi, hah | 04:09 |
mcrandello | *you *can* usually do without... | 04:09 |
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ircusr | how much ram? | 04:09 |
stev1 | if anyone knows why sound doesn't work sometimes on ubuntu, please let me know | 04:09 |
unagi | =) craigbass1976 | 04:09 |
craigbass1976 | 128 | 04:09 |
super-normal | mcrandello how | 04:09 |
Felarin | xubuntu uses xfce right? | 04:09 |
stev1 | 128 mb reccomend | 04:09 |
zials | it'll work with 64mb though | 04:09 |
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super-normal | i have 512 dsl | 04:09 |
BaD_CrC | i had ubuntu-server breezy on a pII 300 | 04:09 |
ircusr | I ask because I have a lot of old laptops that i want to install ubuntu on | 04:09 |
Tomo_ | craigbass1976, is it called, A Practical Guide to Linux(R) Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming? | 04:09 |
Felarin | i'd suggest a bit more RAM if you wanna run Ubuntu | 04:09 |
mcrandello | super-normal, you using firefox? edit->preferences | 04:09 |
craigbass1976 | unagi, wonder how many folks in here nowadays get the joke... | 04:09 |
Flannel | Felarin: yes | 04:09 |
stev1 | you'll be fine | 04:09 |
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Felarin | Ubuntu-server can run on old hardware though | 04:09 |
chaosmystic | I'd use Xubuntu alternate install with 128 mb ram | 04:09 |
craigbass1976 | Tomo_, that's the animal | 04:09 |
unagi | probably not many craigbass1976 | 04:09 |
godofredo | craigbass1976, i get this error: no such directory... | 04:09 |
YANP | I have a question which is probably going to be a hard one to answer: Are there any programs on Linux that you can use to play Magic The Gathering over the internet? How would I run Magic Work Station (A windows based program) on Linux? Through Wine? If so how would I do that? (I am new and need to be walked through it.) | 04:09 |
Tomo_ | hahaha | 04:09 |
Felarin | it's on the X, GNOME that consumes a bit more | 04:09 |
IndyGunFreak | ircusr: here's from ubuntu's website.. The desktop CD allows you to try Ubuntu without changing your computer at all, and at your option to install it permanently later. This type of CD is what most people will want to use. You will need at least 256MB of RAM to install from this CD. | 04:09 |
IndyGunFreak | There are two images available, each for a different type of computer: | 04:09 |
craigbass1976 | godofredo, then there isn't one | 04:10 |
craigbass1976 | godofredo, what was the comand? | 04:10 |
ircusr | ah | 04:10 |
chaosmystic | YANP - Just install the windows exe under Wine | 04:10 |
unagi | i tell you though i am impressed with linux..........its much more efficient with cpu and ram and video | 04:10 |
godofredo | craigbass1976, hold on | 04:10 |
gizzo | YANP forget about playing windows programs under linux | 04:10 |
unagi | does wine run games well? | 04:10 |
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stev1 | anyone help? | 04:10 |
gizzo | i mean windows games not programs | 04:10 |
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IndyGunFreak | ircusr: thats to install from the live CD, I'm pretty sure actually running, you can use less | 04:10 |
Felarin | unagi : it's like eating salmon after trying sardines | 04:10 |
gizzo | use wine for the rest of the windows crap | 04:10 |
YANP | chaosmystic: How do I do that? | 04:10 |
craigbass1976 | unagi, more efficient than windows, or the commodore? | 04:10 |
unagi | lol Felarin yea | 04:10 |
Felarin | unagi: that is, after you switch from windows[sardines] | 04:10 |
unagi | than windows craigbass1976 | 04:10 |
mcrandello | super-normal, under the advanced section and the network tab | 04:10 |
BaD_CrC | gizzo: <-- read up on WINE and games | 04:10 |
YANP | gizzo: I am a windows user so I dont know any other way. | 04:10 |
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Flannel | YANP: Apprentice works through wine, I'm not sure about MWS. might have info on it, here's a howto on how wine works: | 04:10 |
Flannel | !wine | YANP | 04:11 |
godofredo | craigbass1976, /enemy-territory/etmain/* no such file or directory | 04:11 |
ubotu | YANP: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information. | 04:11 |
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super-normal | ok let me see | 04:11 |
craigbass1976 | unagi, offtopic quesiton. Can I pm you? | 04:11 |
chaosmystic | Install wine and then just install the game normally | 04:11 |
unagi | do windows games run well under wine Felarin | 04:11 |
unagi | sure craigbass1976 | 04:11 |
Felarin | no, they do not | 04:11 |
IndyGunFreak | ircusr: what type of hardware are the laptops? | 04:11 |
YANP | Flannel: Appr sucks =[ | 04:11 |
Felarin | but they can be made to run | 04:11 |
unagi | so you cant run windows games on linux =( | 04:11 |
kahrytan | | 04:11 |
Flannel | unagi: the ones that work do work well, yes. | 04:11 |
unagi | oh | 04:11 |
mcrandello | super-normal, hit "clear now" to get rid of the temp files | 04:11 |
Felarin | just that they wont run as well as they do on Windows and not all games will work | 04:11 |
unagi | is there a list of games that work? | 04:11 |
super-normal | mcrandello ok what i do | 04:11 |
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stev1 | if ANYONE can tell me why the hell sound used to work on ubuntu, still works on XP on the same computer but now won't work at all on ubuntu, help me please | 04:11 |
ircusr | indygunfreak: | 04:11 |
chaosmystic | StarCraft works great under wine | 04:11 |
super-normal | ok i did | 04:11 |
madman91 | hey guys | 04:11 |
ircusr | some of the laptops are pentium IIIs | 04:11 |
Felarin | yeah some games work well under wine | 04:11 |
Felarin | but most dont | 04:11 |
ircusr | with 128mb of ram | 04:11 |
unagi | can windows version of WOW work? | 04:11 |
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gizzo | BaD_CrC: i have and i have tried it it either doesnt work or if at best case it works its slow as hell | 04:12 |
chaosmystic | It depends on the game | 04:12 |
craigbass1976 | godofredo, is the folder in / or /home/yourname ? | 04:12 |
kahrytan | WoW plays under WINE and is allowed by Blizzard | 04:12 |
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ircusr | the others are pentium M | 04:12 |
IndyGunFreak | ircusr: those will likely run Ubuntu w/o to big of a problem, i run it with a 1ghz Pentium III | 04:12 |
Felarin | unagi : you need to buy and pay for cedega for that to work i believe | 04:12 |
instabin | how do i make the icons for avant-window-navigator go all over the place? | 04:12 |
godofredo | craigbass1976, / | 04:12 |
genefitz | YANP, if thre are games for windows you feel you need, you may want to look into Crossover Office. | 04:12 |
mcrandello | you can try it with 0 in there and it won't store anything in the cache, that's how I roll | 04:12 |
Felarin | but i heard the FPS is not that impressive | 04:12 |
super-normal | now i removed the unneeded files ??????mcrandello | 04:12 |
IndyGunFreak | ircusr: i tihink those willb e fine | 04:12 |
unagi | !cedega | 04:12 |
ubotu | cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see | 04:12 |
craigbass1976 | godofredo, so ls / | 04:12 |
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mcrandello | super-normal, should have | 04:12 |
Tomo_ | can u play games using vmware ? | 04:12 |
madman91 | i installed ssh and i setup a private/public pair thing with a remote host.. it works.. but everytime i ssh to it it asks for the passphrase, i know i can use ssh-agent . but when i run ssh-agent, i still have to input passwords.. the remote host is winxp and localhost is ubuntu 7.04 | 04:12 |
DM| | Sup all | 04:12 |
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DM| | tomo_ no | 04:12 |
stev1 | if ANYONE can tell me why the hell sound used to work on ubuntu, still works on XP on the same computer but now won't work at all on ubuntu, help me please | 04:12 |
Felarin | no you cannot atm | 04:12 |
BaD_CrC | gizzo: what do you expect since it's an application layer pretending to be windows when it really isn't? | 04:12 |
genefitz | Not you have to pay to use it, but there is a lost of programs at thier site that it says it will run with little issues.. | 04:12 |
unagi | ok folks | 04:12 |
Felarin | the old versions of VMWARE do not emulate dx | 04:12 |
unagi | gotta run | 04:12 |
super-normal | yeah i did mcrandello | 04:12 |
DM| | tomo_ vmware has no glx extensions | 04:12 |
ircusr | you know what would be great for linux?? | 04:12 |
unagi | peace | 04:12 |
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godofredo | craigbass1976, then what? | 04:13 |
Felarin | but the newer versions in BETA are testing DX out | 04:13 |
IndyGunFreak | stev1: what t ype of sound device? | 04:13 |
rfu | Hello. I have a strange problem. Apparently when I press any button on my keyboard, my mouse becomes unresponsive... | 04:13 |
instabin | mcrandello: you can not play open gl or directx games in vmware | 04:13 |
Felarin | so in future, you will be able to play windows games on VMWARE | 04:13 |
craigbass1976 | godofredo, then if /enemy-territory/ is there, ls /enemy-territory/ | 04:13 |
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ircusr | if there was 3d hardware acceleration under an emulator like vmware | 04:13 |
YANP | genefitz: Ok I will check that out. Is it free to download or anything? | 04:13 |
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super-normal | mcrandello ,, can the firefox do that atomaticly ???? | 04:13 |
chaosmystic | Tomo - you can install windows under vmware and then play games on that. But that defeats the purpose | 04:13 |
godofredo | craigbass1976, and if it's not? | 04:13 |
Felarin | ircusr : they're working on it in the newer versions of vmware workstation | 04:13 |
DM| | Felarin it will never be better than Wine as far as performance, unless you are running a 4k comp | 04:13 |
BaD_CrC | one... more... cup... of... coffee... | 04:13 |
Felarin | DM : True that. | 04:13 |
mcrandello | super-normal, alright then you should be set, under the privacy header you can put a check in the box for "always clear my private data when I close.." | 04:13 |
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ShackJack | ircusr: vmware is not an emulator :) | 04:13 |
kaide1 | Any ideas why Tribe 3 of Gutsy Gibbon wont see my striped array i've created. I'm using my onboard Silicon Image Raid Controller, i have to supply a driver for vista to notice it but i would have assumed ubuntu would have noticed it without | 04:13 |
gizzo | BaD_CrC: i expect windows to dig a hole and jump in it, then i expect to push all the dirt on top of it and stick a license key on top of it! | 04:13 |
Flannel | YANP: Check out wine. MWS might work on it, winehq has a DB for games that do or dont (or are untested) | 04:13 |
craigbass1976 | godofredo, Then you can't very well copy files from it | 04:14 |
pawan | hi | 04:14 |
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super-normal | oh ok ...... | 04:14 |
genefitz | YANP, no, you have to pay for that one. I think it is like $20 but it does run a few windows programs.. | 04:14 |
ircusr | well, whatever vmware is | 04:14 |
ircusr | called | 04:14 |
BaD_CrC | gizzo: bwhahaha | 04:14 |
DM| | tomo_ what game you looking on running? | 04:14 |
super-normal | mcrandello thank you very much :) | 04:14 |
mcrandello | super-normal, then hit the settings button and make sure cache is checked | 04:14 |
ircusr | or in a free virtualizer | 04:14 |
genefitz | It gives a list on the site that tells what it will run | 04:14 |
ircusr | like vbox | 04:14 |
ircusr | or qemu | 04:14 |
super-normal | ok | 04:14 |
YANP | Flannel: I am still looking on how to isntall wine =[ | 04:14 |
ShackJack | !enter | ircusr | 04:14 |
ubotu | ircusr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:14 |
DM| | qemu stinks | 04:14 |
Flannel | !wine | YANP | 04:14 |
ubotu | YANP: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information. | 04:14 |
mcrandello | super-normal, n/p good luck with it | 04:14 |
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ircusr | why does qemu stink? | 04:14 |
super-normal | :) | 04:14 |
Tomo_ | DM|, im not it was just a question ive been thinking about... ill stick with my beloved wii :D | 04:14 |
gizzo | vmware should work fine | 04:14 |
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Felarin | vbox is pretty good, has support for usb 2.0 over the free vmware server[only workstation supports usb 2.0 atm] | 04:14 |
genefitz | Flannel, I use wine for a few programs, but I find it to be unstable at best.. | 04:15 |
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Tomo_ | gizzo, automatix failed at installing the codecs :( | 04:15 |
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genefitz | It is a 50/50, about half of what I have tried in wine has crashed.. | 04:15 |
DM| | . | 04:15 |
BaD_CrC | ircusr: last time i played with qemu, it wouldn't even boot the ubuntu cd .iso | 04:15 |
DM| | tomo_ dont use automatix..... | 04:15 |
Flannel | genefitz: Plenty others use wine stably. It really depends on what you're running with it. | 04:15 |
DM| | tomo_ what are u trying to install | 04:15 |
Felarin | i tried getting my usb 2.0 3.5G broadband modem to work in vmware-server at the time, didnt work, then figured out from the release notes that it wont work unless it supports usb 2.0. vbox supports that so i got it to work there. | 04:15 |
YANP | Another question: My guy who used to be my friend says Ubuntu is better then Open Suse however another person I know says Open Suse is better. Which do you think is better? | 04:15 |
ircusr | i have used qemu with success | 04:15 |
chaosmystic | automatix is not reliable | 04:15 |
gizzo | Tomo_: what? what codecs are you talking about mate? | 04:15 |
Felarin | no idea how to make it work in ubuntu though | 04:15 |
IndyGunFreak | Tomo_: why int he world are you messing with automatix? | 04:16 |
kaide1 | No idea's on why Gutsy Gibbon Tribe 3 doesn't notice raid arrays from the ASUS CrossHair motherboard? it's showing me 2 seperate drives instead of 1 single one like they are setup to be | 04:16 |
genefitz | Chaosmystic, not in the least.. | 04:16 |
Flannel | kaide1: #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support, thanks | 04:16 |
Tomo_ | *hides in the corner*... i was told too | 04:16 |
BaD_CrC | automatix = devil in disguise | 04:16 |
Tomo_ | gizzo, media codecs to get dvd working etc | 04:16 |
Flannel | Tomo_: You were told incorrectly. Automatix is a good way to break your system, and that's about it ;) | 04:16 |
chaosmystic | Its easier to just go to get-deb | 04:16 |
stev1 | if ANYONE can tell me why the hell sound used to work on ubuntu, still works on XP on the same computer but now won't work at all on ubuntu, help me please | 04:16 |
Flannel | !dvd | Tomo_ | 04:16 |
ubotu | Tomo_: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 04:16 |
IndyGunFreak | Tomo_: then i'd question the advice you get from that person.. | 04:16 |
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genefitz | BaD_CrC, I agree with you.. | 04:16 |
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LouisvilleLIP | !ohmy | stev1 | 04:16 |
ubotu | stev1: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:16 |
Tomo_ | ubotu, ive installed those.. still didnt work | 04:16 |
stev1 | ok | 04:17 |
gizzo | guys tell Tomo_ what to do | 04:17 |
stev1 | sorry. | 04:17 |
stev1 | just getting fed up. | 04:17 |
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ircusr | would xubuntu run with 128mb of ram? | 04:17 |
IndyGunFreak | stev1: i have responded to you twice, fi8 you're to dense to respond, then dont' get upset | 04:17 |
Flannel | ircusr: yep | 04:17 |
kitche | ircusr: yes | 04:17 |
BaD_CrC | patience is the key to winning this battle | 04:17 |
ircusr | ah | 04:17 |
ircusr | but would it run smoothly? | 04:17 |
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Flannel | ircusr: yep | 04:17 |
craigbass1976 | ircusr, sho 'nuff | 04:17 |
YANP | Another question: A guy who used to be my friend says Ubuntu is better then Open Suse however another person I know says Open Suse is better. Which do you think is better? | 04:17 |
gizzo | stev1 have you checked the sound controls? maybe mute? | 04:17 |
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madman91 | so many ubuntu noobs | 04:17 |
super-normal | guys .. what is the restracted drivers for ?? | 04:17 |
Suicidolt | er...hi | 04:17 |
stev1 | whre is the response? | 04:17 |
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craigbass1976 | ircusr, things like OO and FF take a while to fire up | 04:17 |
super-normal | why my driver is there | 04:17 |
genefitz | ircusr, yes, but you may have to use the alternate install. I think it requires 192 for the standard install.. | 04:18 |
Tomo_ | maybe its my movie player... can anyone recommend one? | 04:18 |
Flannel | !sound | stev1, this might help | 04:18 |
LouisvilleLIP | YANP: you do realize this is an ubuntu forum | 04:18 |
ubotu | stev1, this might help: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 04:18 |
ircusr | ah ok | 04:18 |
madman91 | can we setup a channel for only intermediate/advanced users.. this channel is too bloated | 04:18 |
gizzo | Tomo_: the ubuntu help is pretty good at explaining how to watch dvd's and stuff | 04:18 |
chaosmystic | Too bad Ubuntu doesn't offer a free book with its free CD | 04:18 |
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IndyGunFreak | Tomo_: i doubt it.. its likely you don't have the proper codecs | 04:18 |
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Suicidolt | um.... | 04:18 |
genefitz | IRC, but after the install, Ubuntu should work without issues... | 04:18 |
Suicidolt | hi? | 04:18 |
YANP | Yes I realize..but some people may think differently or might be able to give me a non bias opinion | 04:18 |
madman91 | chaosmystic: well.. everything you use in ubuntu is documented | 04:18 |
Tomo_ | gizzo, ive followed all their advice... it just wont work for me.. but ill keep trying | 04:18 |
Scunizi | chaosmystic, it does if you buy it at barnes and nobel | 04:18 |
chaosmystic | lol | 04:18 |
chaosmystic | I was being sarcastic | 04:18 |
Flannel | madman91: Of course youll still need to enter your GPG password | 04:18 |
Suicidolt | um...k | 04:19 |
craigbass1976 | YANP, is he not your friend because you don't trust his opinion? I think if everything was equal, I'd go with ubuntu only because the sponsering company isn't in bed with MS, or is it? | 04:19 |
BaD_CrC | i would like to see a ubuntu spinoff of damn small linux. that would be tight. | 04:19 |
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IndyGunFreak | Tomo_: type this.. "/join #indygunfreak", i'll try to figure out what you're doing wrong. | 04:19 |
madman91 | Flannel: thats fine | 04:19 |
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loquitus_of_borg | Hi. How would I copy all the files that match a grep search, to a certain other directory? For example, the following does not work: find . | xargs grep -l "foobar" | xargs cp somedirectory | 04:19 |
gizzo | Tomo_: | 04:19 |
genefitz | YANP, I use both Wine and Crossover for different programs.. I am no more for one than the other.. | 04:19 |
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Suicidolt | I've never used ubuntu before, and this will be my first installation... | 04:19 |
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godofredo | craigbass1976, it was the home directory that i had wrong....thank you for your help | 04:19 |
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craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, it's so easy | 04:19 |
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Suicidolt | ok | 04:19 |
gizzo | Tomo_: follow the ubuntu advice its going to work | 04:19 |
BaD_CrC | Suicidolt: it's well worth your time and effort | 04:19 |
craigbass1976 | godofredo, so it was /home/godofredo/blahblah? | 04:19 |
Suicidolt | then help me figure this out | 04:20 |
chaosmystic | I mean the ubuntu site has an FAQ and tons of answers, if you just use the search feature | 04:20 |
rfu | Hello. Recently, if I press and hold any buttons on the keyboard (I.E ctrl or shift) and try to move my mouse at the same time, the mouse is unresponsive. It won't even click. Anyone have any ideas? | 04:20 |
Suicidolt | I'm staring at the installation screen | 04:20 |
godofredo | craigbass1976, yeah | 04:20 |
stev1 | ubotu: thanks for the resources | 04:20 |
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deeproot | what vncserver is ubuntu using when you enable remote desktop connection? | 04:20 |
LouisvilleLIP | lol | 04:20 |
YANP | craigbass1976: He is not my friend because he is an a-hole and has a bad character/personality along with other things. | 04:20 |
Scunizi | Suicidolt, addicting isn't it? | 04:20 |
Suicidolt | "Install in text mode" "install in OEM mode" etc | 04:20 |
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Flannel | Suicidolt: Install in text mode | 04:20 |
craigbass1976 | godofredo, I thought so. You shouldn't have write privs for / and I doubted that setting up a game would have done that | 04:20 |
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Suicidolt | um....k | 04:20 |
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genefitz | Suicidolt, it may be a little confusing at first, but once you get into the groove, you may find yourself wondering why you didn't use it all along.. | 04:20 |
godofredo | craigbass1976, you were correct, gracias. | 04:21 |
BaD_CrC | text is _the_ way to the golden lands | 04:21 |
craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, I can't find your quesiton | 04:21 |
Suicidolt | I'm kinda looking for someone to walk me through installation actually | 04:21 |
gizzo | Tomo_: System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager if you need to install something, good visual way of doing it | 04:21 |
craigbass1976 | Oh. Are you going to be in chat while you do it? | 04:21 |
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stev1 | i have 2 alsa mixers, which one works? intel or dell sound blaster | 04:21 |
Suicidolt | yes | 04:21 |
craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, Oh. Are you going to be in chat while you do it? | 04:21 |
Suicidolt | I'm installing it on my laptop | 04:21 |
gizzo | Tomo_: allows you to search for particular things | 04:21 |
Suicidolt | so I'll be right here the whole time | 04:22 |
gizzo | stev1: whichever one alsa is configured for | 04:22 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: It's actually really easy, self explanatory, and all the like. If you have specific questions, you can ask, but the prompts you get won't be difficult | 04:22 |
stev1 | how do i find that out? | 04:22 |
deeproot | i need help scaling my vnc connection so it will fit in my laptops resolution | 04:22 |
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Suicidolt | ok | 04:22 |
Suicidolt | my biggest issue is about my wireless card | 04:22 |
Scunizi | Suicidolt, are you doing a dual boot or full Ubuntu install? | 04:22 |
genefitz | Suicidolt, we can chat with you while you do the install, For the most, the install is pretty simple, but if you need support, I am sure we won't have any problem answering questions :-) | 04:22 |
craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, FIre away then. THrow in the disc and have at it. My wife aint coming home for another hour and a half, and I'll only have to get up when the baby yells | 04:22 |
gizzo | stev1: type asoundconf on the command line | 04:22 |
javb | anybody u made asterisk load by default in ubuntu server? (asterisk installed from source code) | 04:22 |
gizzo | stev1: then you can either list your cards or tell it which one to use | 04:22 |
stev1 | ok | 04:22 |
Flannel | javb: Why'd you install from source? | 04:22 |
rfu | Hello. Recently, if I press and hold any buttons on the keyboard (I.E ctrl or shift) and try to move my mouse at the same time, the mouse is unresponsive. It won't even click. Anyone have any ideas? | 04:22 |
gizzo | javb just put a script in init.d and thats it | 04:23 |
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kitche | javb: have to make a init script for it if you installed from source | 04:23 |
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LouisvilleLIP | rfu: don't have any idea, but have if both are USB, that might be a place to start | 04:23 |
robson | blz galera | 04:23 |
javb | kitche, what if i DONT know how to MAKE that script ? : / | 04:23 |
Suicidolt | ok, I'll start asking questtions when I run into issues | 04:23 |
At0mic_PC | How do I give digicam access under my user? | 04:23 |
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rfu | LouisvilleLIP: Mouse is USB and keyboard is PS/2. | 04:23 |
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genefitz | So, here's a good question for the room. What's the current view on Ultimate 1.4? | 04:24 |
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craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, ever installed ANY linux before? | 04:24 |
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Suicidolt | used to have redhat on this laptop | 04:24 |
kitche | javb: then your stuck sicne I don't even know how to make one for upstart | 04:24 |
BaD_CrC | best read ever to revive old computers and run ubuntu on them.... | 04:24 |
kayzu | hello. after days of researching, i still have no solution for the CHS/LBA values that get corrupted by the Ubuntu installer (parted). I even phoned my HDD vendor samsung and ran a complete dick check and low-level format with a tool provided by them, but without success. I am trying to multiboot windows xp and ubuntu 7.04 and every time i install ubuntu, testdisk and other programs like partitionmagic tell me that the LBA/CHs values | 04:24 |
stev1 | gizzo: how do i make it use a certain one ? | 04:24 |
gizzo | javb you dont have to echo command > /etc/init.d/file and then chmod u+x /etc/init.d/file | 04:24 |
craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, you're all set then | 04:24 |
Suicidolt | but I gave up when I ran into too many issues with my wireless card | 04:24 |
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Suicidolt | ndswrapper = confusing | 04:24 |
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gizzo | stev1 it should tell you on the command i think its like set-default-card cardname | 04:24 |
craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, Yes that can be a chore. What's your card? | 04:24 |
BaD_CrC | atheros = teh bling | 04:24 |
javb | gizzo, i dont have that 'file' | 04:24 |
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madman91 | sshfs problem --> i can write files but i cannot remove them :-? | 04:25 |
stev1 | ok. | 04:25 |
Flannel | genefitz: that 'ultimate edition' is silly. It does stupid things and doesn't offer you anything you can't get in the repos, and if you use official Ubuntu, youll get support here. | 04:25 |
instabin | How do you get the bouncing icons on the bottom of the screen | 04:25 |
gizzo | javb just do the echo it will create the file for you | 04:25 |
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Suicidolt | it's linksys | 04:25 |
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craigbass1976 | I mean the chipset. lspci will tell you | 04:25 |
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Suicidolt | I'm in the middle of installing ubuntu atm | 04:25 |
craigbass1976 | You can tell us later though | 04:25 |
gizzo | javb: (1) echo command > /etc/init.d/asterisk (2) chmod u+x /etc/init.d/asterisk | 04:25 |
genefitz | Flannel, I was looking at it the other day. I am using Feisty right now. I was curious if anyone had used it. | 04:25 |
stev1 | gizzo: sorry, but i am new. do i type in asoundconf set-default-card cardname | 04:26 |
LouisvilleLIP | Suicidolt: one of the challenges with Linux, especially on laptops, is that the user's expectations aren't quite right. I'm not saying it will be difficult, but be patient if it doesn't work out of the box | 04:26 |
Suicidolt | of course | 04:26 |
Flannel | genefitz: It's just Ubuntu with more stuff preinstalled, more or less. And then automatix and some other crap. | 04:26 |
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gizzo | stev1 first type asoundconf list | 04:26 |
craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, Less than an hour for install, in case you wondered | 04:26 |
kitche | gizzo: well you have to sudo touch /etc/init.d/asterisk first to get the asterisk file | 04:26 |
YANP | How do I uninstall frostwire from the terminal? | 04:26 |
Suicidolt | thanks LouisvilleLIP | 04:26 |
=== BaD_CrC thinks about a new project to do at work. take the current 'feisty' release and dummy it down to a level of damn small linux... and be happy. | ||
Suicidolt | heh | 04:26 |
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gizzo | stev1 then type asoundconf set-default-card whicheverone | 04:26 |
Flannel | YANP: how did you install it? | 04:26 |
craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, not like RH or Fedora | 04:26 |
instabin | !beryl | 04:26 |
ubotu | beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 04:26 |
YANP | No..uninstall | 04:26 |
YANP | take it out | 04:26 |
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Flannel | YANP: Right. HOW did you install it? | 04:26 |
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gizzo | kitche no you dont, if you run the echo as sudo it will create it | 04:26 |
javb | gizzo, u mean the file with the word 'asterisk' in it, and in /etc/init.d and with chmod thing will do the job? | 04:27 |
genefitz | Flannel, never mind then.. I am trying to stay away from Automatix.. Too many horror stories.. | 04:27 |
YANP | Oh...I double clicked it...I downloaded it off the frostwire website | 04:27 |
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pawan | i cannot install wine | 04:27 |
Suicidolt | if I can figure it out, this will be a godsend | 04:27 |
Flannel | YANP: Ah, then you're stuck outside of package management, and you'll have to use whatever uninstallers they've provided. (cross your fingers) | 04:27 |
stev1 | and where do i find the list of cards? | 04:27 |
kravlin | My sound failed and Rhythmbox crashes when i start it. Any idea why? | 04:27 |
Suicidolt | I've loved everything about linux I've seen in the past | 04:27 |
gizzo | javb 'echo asterisk-executable-name /etc/init.d/asterisk | 04:27 |
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gizzo | javb then just chmod it | 04:28 |
punsad | I just installed xubuntu on a laptop which I'm going to use as an experimental LAMP server. I just noticed that inetd wasn't installed by default (unlike debian sarge, which I'm used to). Are there any other differences with debian that might be helpful to know? | 04:28 |
stev1 | gizzo: and where do i find the list of cards? | 04:28 |
YANP | Well I dont even know how to use ubuntu let alone understand what you are talking about. | 04:28 |
genefitz | I did, however add the repos for Studio Edition.. Next goal is to find a driver package for my ADAT card, and I may be moving my studio to Linux.. | 04:28 |
pawan | i installed wine but it is only showing uninstaller | 04:28 |
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punsad | one of there reasons I switched to ubuntu is that debian wouldn't 'just work' with my atheros based wifi card | 04:28 |
gizzo | stev1 asoundconf list <<<<< | 04:28 |
stev1 | ok | 04:28 |
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BaD_CrC | mediabuntu? | 04:29 |
craigbass1976 | genefitz, good luck. I just found out today that dapper's version of ardour doesn't do pan envelopes very well, so I'm upgrading to Feisty, which has 2.03 | 04:29 |
kravlin | pawan: Thats because you need to install a program. Try this. get into a console window and then type winecfg | 04:29 |
kayzu | after days of researching, i still have no solution for the CHS/LBA values that get corrupted by the Ubuntu installer (parted). I even phoned my HDD vendor samsung and ran a complete dick check and low-level format with a tool provided by them, but without success. I am trying to multiboot windows xp and ubuntu 7.04 and every time i install ubuntu, testdisk and other programs like partitionmagic tell me that the LBA/CHs values don't m | 04:29 |
kravlin | see if it brings anything up | 04:29 |
milllmannn | i get no response from telnet after i EHLO anyone have any idea what the deal is... im trying to get to work with postfix | 04:29 |
kravlin | My sound failed and Rhythmbox crashes when i start it. Any idea why? | 04:29 |
Flannel | YANP: oh, the one on their site is a deb file. Alright, youre still good then. Uh, the package name is 'frostwire', so `sudo apt-get remove --purge frostwire` should remove it | 04:29 |
kitche | gizzo: hmm it doesn't do what you suggested here | 04:29 |
umop-apisdn | pawan: | 04:29 |
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Pici | pawan: sudo apt-get install wine | 04:30 |
Suicidolt | it's asking if my system clock is set to UTC, is it? I assume it is | 04:30 |
genefitz | Craig, I was able to pull Ardour onto my Feisty machine, no issues so far.. | 04:30 |
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cappicard | hey all. anyone using a 32-bit wifi windows driver with 64-bit ndiswrapper? | 04:30 |
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kitche | gizzo: nevermind it does lol | 04:30 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: ARe you dualbooting with windows? | 04:30 |
punsad | can anyone tell me the major differences (configuration wise - not so much philosophy) between debian and ubuntu? | 04:30 |
Suicidolt | I had Windows on here before | 04:30 |
javb | gizzo: says, permission denied, even im doing it as root | 04:30 |
Suicidolt | but it was a POS | 04:30 |
Flannel | punsad: Not a whole lot | 04:30 |
YANP | Flannel: oh ok..will try that after wine is installed...I not sure how I did the wine install I just typed some stuff I remember someone said the other day since the websites always confuse me. | 04:30 |
genefitz | Like I said, the biggest kill for it will be the ability to use my ADAT card with it.. | 04:30 |
Suicidolt | so no | 04:30 |
craigbass1976 | punsad, I think Ubuntu just has newer stuff | 04:30 |
Suicidolt | no more windows | 04:30 |
kravlin | I have a dual boot system currently | 04:30 |
kitche | gizzo I just didn't see if at first from all the files I have in my /home | 04:30 |
Suicidolt | all linux | 04:30 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: so, Ubuntu is the only thing that'll be on this box? | 04:30 |
BaD_CrC | good choice | 04:30 |
Suicidolt | yessir | 04:30 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: then yeah, you'll want your system time to be set to UTC | 04:30 |
genefitz | I checked 64 Studio they don't have a solution yet, I am still searching al the WIKI's I can find.. | 04:30 |
Suicidolt | ok | 04:30 |
kravlin | My sound failed and Rhythmbox crashes when i start it. Any idea why? | 04:30 |
punsad | craigbass1976: that's what I thought until I installed samba and noticed swat wasn't 'just working' | 04:31 |
kravlin | lol. Probably because i'm running ubuntu64 | 04:31 |
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LouisvilleLIP | good man, Suicidolt. All-in is the way to do it. | 04:31 |
craigbass1976 | punsad, What's swat? | 04:31 |
cafuego | Samba Web Admin Tool | 04:31 |
YANP | What is a link that will teach me how to use ubuntu in baby steps? | 04:32 |
genefitz | Kravlin, I had some problems with 64 bit, I had to revert to 32. | 04:32 |
punsad | craigbass1976: an easy way to setup samba shares. web interface | 04:32 |
BaD_CrC | ewww, webmin? | 04:32 |
craigbass1976 | LouisvilleLIP, it's funny the feeling you get when the last windows box in the house gets the heave ho | 04:32 |
Pici | BaD_CrC: no, not webmin. SWAT. | 04:32 |
pawan | still cant see wine | 04:32 |
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javb | gizzo: iwas told that there must be an script. if echo will create it.. that what i`ve done | 04:32 |
genefitz | It kinda sucked, because 64 seemed to run so much faster.. | 04:32 |
BaD_CrC | oh | 04:32 |
javb | let me test | 04:32 |
cafuego | BaD_CrC: No, swat. | 04:32 |
kravlin | genefitz: I don't want to but its causing problems. | 04:32 |
craigbass1976 | punsad, ahh, I've never used it. Just editted smb.conf | 04:32 |
Pici | pawan: its not a graphical application, you need to run it in the terminal. | 04:32 |
BaD_CrC | i read into that wrong | 04:32 |
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Suicidolt | this should be entertaining | 04:32 |
gizzo | javb 'echo command > /etc/init.d/scriptname' will create the script | 04:32 |
kravlin | pawan: did you try what i told you> | 04:32 |
Pici | pawan: i.e: wine application.exe | 04:32 |
kravlin | ???? | 04:32 |
gizzo | not sure why you are getting the permission error | 04:32 |
cafuego | genefitz: for desktop use I've found that to not be the case. | 04:32 |
javb | gizzo..... THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSS A LOT | 04:32 |
genefitz | kravlin, I feel your pain.. It was hard for me.. | 04:33 |
YANP | Who wants to teach me how to use Ubuntu? | 04:33 |
stev1 | gizzo: when i type in asoundconf list i get ich5 and live. how do i then change my default to any of those? | 04:33 |
pawan | yes | 04:33 |
gizzo | javb afterwards you have to chmod it to make it executable | 04:33 |
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javb | just worked. | 04:33 |
javb | thank you very much | 04:33 |
gizzo | np | 04:33 |
LouisvilleLIP | I'm 95% windows-free at home. I still need some silly Office stuff for school, but only when I have to share work with other people. | 04:33 |
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gizzo | stev1 so now can you guess what the next step is? :-) | 04:33 |
kravlin | genefitz: its not really because i dislike switching arcatectures or anything. Its that i finally got this os back to the way i like it. | 04:33 |
kayzu | could someone please answer my question? :/ | 04:33 |
craigbass1976 | YANP, typical protocol is you figure out exactly what you're trying to do, google some, then come in here when you can't find that answer | 04:33 |
BaD_CrC | ok, one more cup of coffee | 04:33 |
stev1 | yeah. type asoundconf set-default-card ich5 | 04:33 |
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LouisvilleLIP | !ask | kayzu | 04:34 |
ubotu | kayzu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:34 |
craigbass1976 | LouisvilleLIP, can't just give them pdfs? | 04:34 |
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YANP | craigbass1976: I no like that protocol =[ | 04:34 |
Flannel | YANP: has a lot of good instructions on setting arbitrary things up | 04:34 |
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kravlin | LouisvilleLIP: Openoffice can save in office formats | 04:34 |
BaD_CrC | sheesh, didn't i say that about a half hour ago? | 04:34 |
kravlin | My sound failed and Rhythmbox crashes when i start it. Any idea why? | 04:34 |
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genefitz | LouisvilleLip, I use OpenOffice for sharing with windows users. When you save, you can do so in MS office format.. | 04:34 |
Scunizi | Flannel, why set the sys time to utc? | 04:34 |
kayzu | louisvilleLIP, i did already ask the question twice | 04:34 |
genefitz | Of course, I usually e-mail documents to where they need to go.. | 04:34 |
stev1 | gizzo: yeah. type asoundconf set-default-card ich5 | 04:34 |
kravlin | kayzu: ask it again. Its hard to distinguish your message when we all focus on other people. | 04:34 |
LouisvilleLIP | yeah, I know, but 1 time it didn't work exactly right, I had to re-type the last page, and that was enough for me. When a group's grade depends on me, the risk isn't worth it | 04:34 |
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craigbass1976 | YANP, sorry dude, it's what everyone else has to do, unless you want to pay for lessons | 04:34 |
rainman | I need help please, I installed 7.04 and all went good except sound. sound is playing .wav but not mp3 or movie sound. I get broken sound with scratches and missing notes. any help on this? | 04:35 |
kayzu | okay: after days of researching, i still have no solution for the CHS/LBA values that get corrupted by the Ubuntu installer (parted). I even phoned my HDD vendor samsung and ran a complete dick check and low-level format with a tool provided by them, but without success. I am trying to multiboot windows xp and ubuntu 7.04 and every time i install ubuntu, testdisk and other programs like partitionmagic tell me that the LBA/CHs values d | 04:35 |
kravlin | kayzu: you now have a bunch of people watching you so ask it. | 04:35 |
gizzo | stev1 thats it | 04:35 |
stev1 | ok. | 04:35 |
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genefitz | LouisvilleLIP, I understand.. | 04:35 |
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napkin | hey, does anyone know where/how i can change the multimedia frameworks? ie, xine vs gstreamer for totem? i remember there being a configuration dialog for this but i can't find it... | 04:35 |
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genefitz | It is hard being an outsider in the seeminly Microsoft controlled world.. | 04:35 |
Scunizi | kayzu, your posts are too long. The meat of what you were trying to say is getting truncated. | 04:35 |
kayzu | ouch.. i meant disk check :p | 04:35 |
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gizzo | stev1 after that make sure that you have alsa set as the output in your sound settings System -> Preferences -> Sound | 04:35 |
kravlin | gah. Im running a server so i can't reboot. but the sound is the only way i know to reboot. | 04:36 |
kravlin | it sucks | 04:36 |
=== Suicidolt relaxes while ubuntu installs, 40% | ||
zomglol | hi to all | 04:36 |
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LouisvilleLIP | but, if it's just my grade, I have no problems using OO. In fact, I like Word Processor better than Word. | 04:36 |
gizzo | stev1 then make sure the volume is up | 04:36 |
stev1 | gizzo: will it just display desktop name after that | 04:36 |
kravlin | i mean the reboot is the only way to fix the sound | 04:36 |
genefitz | But bright side, LouisvilleLIP, from some recent reports I have read, we are gaining more and more popularity every day :-) | 04:36 |
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stev1 | gizzo: haha, ok | 04:36 |
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GoRocket1981 | Is it possible to easily install all server components on a ubuntu desktop installation? | 04:36 |
kjm | I am trying to install lint - to check some c code. Doesn't seem to be in any repos.....why note? | 04:36 |
Scunizi | Suicidolt, have you ever used linux before? | 04:36 |
kayzu | okay, after installing ubuntu, programs like testdisk and partitionmagic say the CHS/LBA values are corrupted | 04:36 |
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kayzu | this seems to be a bug in parted | 04:37 |
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kravlin | My sound failed and Rhythmbox crashes when i start it. Any idea why? | 04:37 |
Suicidolt | yes, but not ubuntu, and not for a long period of time | 04:37 |
gizzo | kjm very likely its not supported anymore | 04:37 |
Suicidolt | it was mostly like on-the-fly stuff | 04:37 |
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Flannel | GoRocket1981: of course. Linux makes no differentiation between 'server' and 'desktop' systems (or programs, for that matter) | 04:37 |
SAM_theman | yo peeps | 04:37 |
gizzo | kjm lint sucks anyway | 04:37 |
craigbass1976 | GoRocket1981, like apache and such? Yes | 04:37 |
Suicidolt | playing with livepuppy types of things scunizi | 04:37 |
jerbull88 | how can i get server software for desktop ed | 04:37 |
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torque2k | Has anyone here used the "Alt+Connect" package in *buntu? Currently running XP ICS for my LAN out to a modem and ISP, but looking for a "connectable" Linux dialer on a server... | 04:38 |
kahrytan | !lamp | GoRocket1981 | 04:38 |
ubotu | GoRocket1981: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 04:38 |
Scunizi | Suicidolt, so you have some experience.. that's good.. it's a whole new world. | 04:38 |
kjm | gizzo - ok.........sorry, been ages since I've used C; but need to check some code someones sent me. Is there an alternative? | 04:38 |
Suicidolt | heh | 04:38 |
craigbass1976 | jerbull88, what are you looking for? | 04:38 |
stev1 | gizzo: did everything you said, still no sound | 04:38 |
Suicidolt | I'm excited | 04:38 |
Suicidolt | this is going to be for school | 04:38 |
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Suicidolt | so | 04:38 |
punsad | jerull88: same as for anything else: apt-get install programname | 04:38 |
Suicidolt | should make for entertainment | 04:38 |
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gizzo | stev1 google it | 04:38 |
jerbull88 | i really want to know how to make my desktop install act like a server | 04:38 |
gizzo | i dont know what to say at this point | 04:38 |
nickrud | kayzu, I had problems very similar to yours, I had to run fdisk from my ubuntu installation to set up partititions. That destroyed my ubuntu install of course, but I was then able to install windows and ubuntu correctly. | 04:38 |
kitche | jerbull88: install server software | 04:38 |
jerbull88 | like what | 04:39 |
GoRocket1981 | thanks for your answer | 04:39 |
kahrytan | !lamp > jerbull88 | 04:39 |
punsad | jerull88: apt-get install apache2 (for example to install web server) | 04:39 |
LouisvilleLIP | make sure you sit next to someone with their shiny new Vista laptop. Then show them Compiz. | 04:39 |
kravlin | i give up. I didn't get this problem until i installed amarok. ill drop that and hope it helps | 04:39 |
YANP | What is the best SNES Emulator for Ubuntu? Zsnes? | 04:39 |
kjm | jerbull88 - what type of server? web server? windows file server? Ftp server? It helps if you are specific | 04:39 |
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jerbull88 | web | 04:39 |
kitche | kravlin: it's probably due to arts most likely everyone hates it so KDE dropped it and added a new sound server | 04:39 |
kayzu | nickrud, how do i do that? i'm a newbie :p | 04:39 |
punsad | jerull88: apt-get install gnump3d (for mp3 streaming server) | 04:39 |
kahrytan | jerbull88: read the ubotu msg | 04:39 |
craigbass1976 | jerbull88, install apache2, php5 and mysql | 04:39 |
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BaD_CrC | YANP: i use both zsnes and snes9x. i think i use zsnes more though. | 04:39 |
kravlin | so if i uninstall arts it may fix it kitche? | 04:39 |
rfu | Quick question. Does the Default ubuntu x64 kernel support NTFS writing? | 04:40 |
gizzo | kjm: try splint | 04:40 |
punsad | jerull88: apt-get install gallery (for photo gallery server) | 04:40 |
kahrytan | craigbass1976: refer people to !lamp | 04:40 |
kjm | gizzo - thank you. | 04:40 |
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bruenig | rfu, none of the default ubuntu kernels do | 04:40 |
kitche | kravlin: it might if you have it installed | 04:40 |
rfu | Damn. | 04:40 |
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craigbass1976 | kahrytan, oops. youre right. sorry | 04:40 |
punsad | jerull88: apt-get install samba (for file server) | 04:40 |
nickrud | kayzu, do you have a working ubuntu install? | 04:40 |
genefitz | Kravlin, no, but you can get it from your "add and Remove" | 04:40 |
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kravlin | kitche: i dont. | 04:40 |
zomglol | how can i limit my wired connection's speed of eth0? in windows network adapter was always limited to 10mbit cuz 100bit lagged a lot | 04:40 |
kahrytan | craigbass1976: The wiki helps setup private local only servers too. | 04:40 |
rfu | bruenig: thanks. | 04:40 |
BaD_CrC | !ntfs-3g | rfu | 04:40 |
ubotu | rfu: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at | 04:40 |
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gizzo | kjm not sure if it works under linux dough i've used it on windows before | 04:40 |
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kravlin | genefitz: We are trying to figure out why my sound has been flaky lately. | 04:40 |
punsad | jerull88: any other kind of servers you want to install? | 04:40 |
kitche | kravlin: then no clue | 04:40 |
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kravlin | and trying to fix it | 04:41 |
YANP | BaD_CrC: Is zsnes easy to install for someone who knows nothing about ubuntu or linux? (I just switched from Windows Vista to Ubuntu when my Vista crashed 7 days after I bought my new computer and when Microsoft and Hewlett Packard didn't do anything to help me.) | 04:41 |
gizzo | kjm best bet is to try the c channel | 04:41 |
kayzu | nickrud: well it's working but the CHS/LBA values are corrupt | 04:41 |
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kravlin | well i could work on uninstalling stuff | 04:41 |
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kjm | gizzo - just apt-got it. Is exactly what I needed - does the type checking etc. I needed. | 04:41 |
genefitz | Kravlin, you can try wrapper, but then again, you may check your audio settings.. | 04:41 |
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kahrytan | YANP: sorry for your pain but try buying a Dell Ubuntu next time :-P | 04:41 |
punsad | jerull88: apt-get install backuppc (for backup server) | 04:41 |
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kravlin | genefitz: It was working 15 mins ago | 04:41 |
javb | gizzo: asterisk starts OK. but, what if i want to stop ot after it is running ? | 04:41 |
LouisvilleLIP | I wouldn't recommend a Dell Ubuntu | 04:41 |
BaD_CrC | YANP: yeah, if i remember right, it's in the add/remove programs under the games section. | 04:41 |
carden | has anyone seen the failed error request: BadWindow (invalid Window Parameter) after using the new NVidia drivers? some programs wint run anymore because of this : | 04:42 |
kravlin | genefitz: and it happens a lot | 04:42 |
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rfu | thanks BaD_CrC | 04:42 |
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genefitz | Kravlin, hmm, interesting.. Let me check the wikis real quick.. | 04:42 |
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kahrytan | !best | YANP | 04:42 |
ubotu | YANP: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 04:42 |
gizzo | javb ps -e | grep asterisk then run kill -9 process-id | 04:42 |
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LouisvilleLIP | I think the Ubuntu community is getting played on those systems | 04:42 |
YANP | Next time will just buy Windows Xp..ubuntu is cool and all but all I want to do is play Guild Wars and i cant =[ | 04:42 |
craigbass1976 | LouisvilleLIP, are a lot of them breaking? | 04:42 |
nickrud | kayzu, ok, that's what I had. If you do this, it's gotta be done once, and done correctly. So: applications->accessories->terminal, and run sudo fdisk. It should tell you that your partitions are fubar | 04:42 |
kahrytan | YANP: What is so cool about GW? | 04:42 |
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bruenig | can't beat HP when it comes to linux | 04:43 |
YANP | kahrytan: It is the only game I play online. | 04:43 |
genefitz | Kravlin, you running Feisty, Edgy, Gutsy, or Dapper? | 04:43 |
BaD_CrC | what about IBM? | 04:43 |
YANP | kahrytan: all I do is play GW and go on Myspace | 04:43 |
gizzo | javb you can get fancy and strip everything but the process id from ps -e and then just pipe it to a kill command | 04:43 |
kravlin | Feisty in a 64 bit environment | 04:43 |
LeBlackNight | I am pretty new to Ubuntu (and Linux)... I have everything working on a new install but my USB bluetooth keyboard and mouse require me to unplug the USB hub and plug it back in every time I reboot the computer. Can anyone offer any assistance please? | 04:43 |
LouisvilleLIP | I'm not sure they are breaking, but for me it's hard to justify the cost. $50 less than Vista? I'd rather just go ahead and buy Vista. | 04:43 |
punsad | bruenig: I've had surprisingly good experience with linux on HP laptops (except for dv5000). Thinkpads rule as far as linux on laptops, though | 04:43 |
LeBlackNight | 7.04 Ubuntu install that is | 04:43 |
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BaD_CrC | feisty | 04:43 |
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sixtyeight | Ok, question: I just accidentally spilled some water on my laptop keyboard. :( It is spill resistant, there wasn't much liquid, and everything seems to be running fine. Is there any other thing I can do to make sure there was no further damage? Any disk check-like utilities? I guess the best thing would be to just open the machine up... | 04:44 |
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kayzu | nickrud, okay i'll try that. thanks for the tip :) | 04:44 |
LouisvilleLIP | I can say that Gateway seems to be the worst for Linux. Took forever for me to get it barely working | 04:44 |
craigbass1976 | sixtyeight, shut it off and leave it so that the keys are facing down over night | 04:44 |
kahrytan | YANP: Try running GW under WINE then | 04:44 |
mcrandello | sixtyeight, maybe lay it upside down for a while | 04:44 |
gizzo | sixtyeight: open the window and throw it out | 04:44 |
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sixtyeight | hah | 04:44 |
Emperor886 | LOL. | 04:44 |
nickrud | kayzu, if you know disk partitioning, fdisk is simple. | 04:44 |
craigbass1976 | sixtyeight, take the battery out too and hit the power button again to get rid of the juice left in the MB | 04:44 |
LouisvilleLIP | pop the keyboard and make sure it's dry | 04:44 |
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BaD_CrC | hmm, tired... irc, play WoW or go to bed... | 04:45 |
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bruenig | punsad, yeah I was looking into thinkpads but the wireless card wasn't good, hp had exactly what I was looking for dv6000, ipw3945, midrange nvidia, dual core, cheap | 04:45 |
sixtyeight | ok | 04:45 |
mcrandello | sixtyeight, open it up 180 degrees and lay it upside down on a towel | 04:45 |
Suicidolt | configuring language-pack-en-base | 04:45 |
YANP | I doesnt work...i have 32bit and I am AMD =[ and my cd burning wont burn amd 64 bit ubuntu..someone in here already helped me try and he said I need now I have to wait 4-6 weeks for my free cd.. | 04:45 |
mcrandello | carefully | 04:45 |
milllmannn | is there something special i have to do when in telnet after I EHLO? | 04:45 |
Suicidolt | stuck at 1% | 04:45 |
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LouisvilleLIP | put bread all over it, bread draws moisture away | 04:45 |
YANP | By that time I will just go buy a new computer with win xp... | 04:45 |
peg | anybody experience with the latest via chipsets? I've got a unichrome 9 pro videocard which is giving me headaches | 04:45 |
LouisvilleLIP | wait, that is in food, not laptops | 04:45 |
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gizzo | milllmannn: yes continue | 04:45 |
craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, sometimes install borks and goes ok on second time around | 04:45 |
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YANP | The stupid part is I just bought a new computer a week ago... | 04:45 |
Suicidolt | what do I do then if it's frozen? | 04:46 |
kayzu | nickrud, after that i just install windows normally and afer that install ubuntu via live cd or do i have to some special things? | 04:46 |
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punsad | bruenig: I'm pretty sure the dv6000 uses broadcom wifi card... which works fine with ndiswrapper. I've not tried anything else. | 04:46 |
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Suicidolt | reboot? | 04:46 |
milllmannn | gizzo: I am trying to send an email in postfix... i do EHLO | 04:46 |
YANP | I tried to install an old xp version on this computer..but wouldnt let me on the I had to use ubuntu again | 04:46 |
mcrandello | so does anyone have any idea how to make an external usb numpad NOT turn on the numlock on the built-in laptop kb? | 04:46 |
gizzo | milllmannn: read about smtp commands | 04:46 |
milllmannn | gizzo: then i get a readout | 04:46 |
genefitz | Kravlin, what kind of sound card do you have? | 04:46 |
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punsad | bruenig: there is the bcm34xx driver, but I've read mixed things. I feigntly remember trying to use it and it not working well | 04:46 |
YANP | it takes me 5 hours just to get ubuntu working if I install something over it because the cd keeps messing up | 04:46 |
gizzo | millmann there is an order you need to issue commands in | 04:46 |
milllmannn | gizzo: but when i try to do MAIL FROM: ... i get no response | 04:46 |
kayzu | nickrud: should i then let the ubuntu installer create the partitions or create them with partitionmagic or something similar in windows? | 04:47 |
kahrytan | YANP: GW does play alright in WINE just has some bugs in DX9 | 04:47 |
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bruenig | punsad, no I said thinkpads wireless was weak, I went with dv6000 because it had ipw3945 which had a native open source driver, the thinkpad one was like ipw4somethingorother which didn't | 04:47 |
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gizzo | milllmannn: what kind of response do you expect? | 04:47 |
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Suicidolt | woohoo, moing | 04:47 |
craigbass1976 | YANP, then perhaps you chose your new box poorly. It is not Ubuntu's fault that you are not happy. I told you how to go about getting answers. Aother option is to do like my wife and marry someone who knows Linux | 04:47 |
nickrud | kayzu, no, just go ahead and install. Be sure to set up partitions the way you want first, though. And you'd be better off with the alternate install cd, | 04:47 |
milllmannn | 250 Ok | 04:47 |
milllmannn | d | 04:47 |
kravlin | genefitz: Its a cheap x-fi creative soundcard. I don't know the model. Let me get it. | 04:47 |
YANP | craigbass1976: I was giving the wrong ubuntu cd by an a hole.... | 04:47 |
YANP | I have the right cd coming in 4-6 weeks | 04:48 |
craigbass1976 | YANP, maybe the cd is bad. A bad burn, a bad cd. Download another .iso | 04:48 |
kahrytan | YANP: which one? | 04:48 |
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nickrud | kayzu, use fdisk to set up the partitions, that's what I did. Again, I emphasize (more this time) the alternate install cd | 04:48 |
YANP | I have an amd one coming | 04:48 |
YANP | sicne I have an amd | 04:48 |
kayzu | nickrud: alternate install cd? i have the official cd that they gave away a few weeks ago | 04:48 |
YANP | also my new box is fine | 04:48 |
fo0L | Was wondering if anybody could help me with dcc settings with xchat and ubuntu? | 04:48 |
kahrytan | YANP: I wouldn't use 64bit version just yet | 04:48 |
YANP | just ubuntu doesnt like me..or my cd burning | 04:48 |
gizzo | milllmannn: this isnt a woman you know, its a mail server | 04:48 |
YANP | I have to! | 04:48 |
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craigbass1976 | 4-6 weeks? Criminy. I didn't know there was a difference between discs whether you had intel of amd | 04:48 |
LouisvilleLIP | !ask | fo0l | 04:48 |
ubotu | fo0l: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:48 |
gizzo | milllmannn: 250 means OK your command was OK | 04:48 |
kahrytan | YANP: why? | 04:48 |
gizzo | milllmannn: what else do you expect to get? | 04:49 |
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milllmannn | milllmannn: yes, but i dont even get that | 04:49 |
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nickrud | kayzu, it's official, but it's not a live cd. It provides better control of the machine, and lets you tell ubuntu which partitions to use. | 04:49 |
Music_Shuffle | !caps | YANP | 04:49 |
ubotu | YANP: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 04:49 |
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kayzu | nickrud: okay, i'll download the alternate install cd. hope it helps :p | 04:49 |
milllmannn | gizzo: yes, but i dont even get any response that anything has happened | 04:49 |
kahrytan | YANP: I doubt GW is 64bit only | 04:49 |
fo0L | thanks I can't get dcc to work for the life of me, I have the ports forwarded properly in the rouuter and program options to no avail | 04:49 |
Flannel | craigbass1976: there isn't. | 04:49 |
YANP | It wont work on 32 for me! | 04:49 |
LouisvilleLIP | I doubt YANP will make it work with any number of bits | 04:50 |
Music_Shuffle | GW is 64-bit only since when? | 04:50 |
nickrud | kayzu, saying 'use the alternate cd' is the standard response for people that have issues with the live cd :) | 04:50 |
YANP | 32bit doesnt work on my computer for GW | 04:50 |
YANP | We alerady tried | 04:50 |
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gizzo | milllmannn: run a full test see if the message goes, worse comes to worse man postfix and read the docs | 04:50 |
kravlin | genefitz: damn. it seems that i can't find the device manager. They must have removed it (Just upgraded) | 04:50 |
kahrytan | YANP: what happens | 04:50 |
kitche | YANP: well then it won't work on x86_64 | 04:50 |
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YANP | It would load..but then would error right at the start and lock up the whole computer | 04:50 |
LouisvilleLIP | Was "We" the same group that gave you the wacky CD in the first place? | 04:50 |
kanuha | I noticed gbonds was available for tribe 3, but doesn't appear in the repositories under 7.04, is there a way I can get this without compiling? | 04:51 |
gizzo | milllmannn: just so you know ISP's block you from running a local mail server | 04:51 |
Flannel | !prevu | kanuha | 04:51 |
ubotu | kanuha: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out for more details | 04:51 |
kravlin | genefitz: any idea how i could find it through the console? | 04:51 |
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YANP | terminal wouldnt spit out the error in time to see what was wrong... | 04:51 |
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LeBlackNight | if it helps, i am using the dell bluetooth keyboard and mouse. most of the special buttons even work. i just want to know what i can do so i do not have to unplug the usb receiver every time i reboot? anyone else have this keyboard/mouse that could help? (was from woot so some of you are bound to have it) | 04:51 |
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milllmannn | gizzo: it's a VPS, not an ISP, im going through the log to see whats up | 04:51 |
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berent | Has anyone compiled intex ethernet drivers on ubuntu?? | 04:52 |
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spy80us | i have a amd x2 processor, do i need an SMP kernel? | 04:52 |
gizzo | lol its a vps, i was refering to you doing this from home, then your ISP will block your local mail server from sending messages, wasnt sure if you are using a third party smtp server | 04:52 |
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genefitz | Kravlin, System ~> Preferences ~> Hardware Information | 04:52 |
Music_Shuffle | YANP, Google shows it working with 32 as well... | 04:52 |
kravlin | genefitz: damn. I must be blind | 04:53 |
gizzo | milllmannn: but you are on the right path, logs are a good place to go | 04:53 |
YANP | I know it works as well but not for me! I need 64 | 04:53 |
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YANP | I dont care what google says | 04:53 |
kjm | spy80us - you don't *need* one, it just would help using one to take advantage of the 2 processors. | 04:53 |
YANP | google is stupid | 04:53 |
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cdehaan | Anyone know the open office channel? | 04:53 |
IndyGunFreak | YANP: why do you need 64? | 04:53 |
craigbass1976 | gizzo, I have verizon, and can send mail, just not receive. Sent it in tests form the command line with postfix | 04:53 |
spy80us | kjm: how can go about doing that | 04:53 |
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YANP | google maps also tells you to swim to france if you ask it for directions from ny to paris | 04:53 |
craigbass1976 | cdehaan, there's hardly anyone ever in there | 04:53 |
YANP | because I am on 64! | 04:53 |
cdehaan | Or perhaps can tell me why I saved this pre-made Word file, and when I reopened it the whole page's text is inverted? | 04:53 |
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deeproot | why is xdmcp greyed out in my terminal server client? | 04:53 |
kjm | spy80us - look in synaptic for a kernel image for your processor and install it. | 04:54 |
kravlin | genefitz: Its an SB Audigy LS | 04:54 |
berent | Has anyone compiled intex ethernet drivers on ubuntu?? It has a driver called silan with a file sc92031.c + makefile . It doesnt compile with 2.6 kernels at all. | 04:54 |
genefitz | Kravlin, if you are using a SoundBlaster X-Fi card, there is not a good 64 bit driver for it out right now.. That may be your issue.. | 04:54 |
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obf213_ | has anyone here got evolution to set its outbox to the outbox of your imap server, or its trash to the trash folder of your imap server | 04:54 |
craigbass1976 | cdehaan, but it's something like I think | 04:54 |
Flannel | deeproot: You may need to enable it first, but that seems a little odd. | 04:54 |
gizzo | craigbass1976: and guess what when i try to do a reverse lookup on you which is what most smtp servers do when receiving e-mail i cant so your messages wouldnt get anywhere to begin with | 04:54 |
Music_Shuffle | Googling also yields instructions for 64. | 04:54 |
Suicidolt | so a friend recomended this automatix thing, anyone know anything about it? | 04:54 |
Music_Shuffle | !automatix | Suicidolt | 04:54 |
ubotu | Suicidolt: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 04:54 |
Suicidolt | thanks music | 04:54 |
deeproot | Flannel i want to use it to connect to a diff workstation | 04:54 |
YANP | Well ubuntu wont let me creater cds either... | 04:54 |
HHP22 | Hey guys, this might be out of place but is there a way to hide the buddy window in pigin/gaim? | 04:54 |
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Music_Shuffle | HHP22, close the window? | 04:55 |
Suicidolt | !WorksForMe | 04:55 |
gizzo | craigbass1976: spam filters do that exact exercise to determine spammers | 04:55 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 04:55 |
craigbass1976 | gizzo, Ahh, well I have dyndns set up and postfix was using the name | 04:55 |
berent | !silan | 04:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about silan - try searching on | 04:55 |
Flannel | deeproot: right, I know. You still might need to enable XDMCP (check login screen settings) first | 04:55 |
kravlin | ah. Ill take it out and re-enable the onboard audio though. I got the card when I fried the other motherboard's sound. (that could have been bad drivers in windows though) | 04:55 |
LouisvilleLIP | YANP: Ubuntu isn't for everyone | 04:55 |
Music_Shuffle | HHP22, or does that also close gaim for you? | 04:55 |
YANP | so I have to wait 4-6 weeks and by then I will have a new computer (most likely friday)...and I just bought this computer a week ago | 04:55 |
Suicidolt | lol | 04:55 |
deeproot | ok i'll check on this client | 04:55 |
Suicidolt | cute | 04:55 |
berent | REPOST : has anyone compiled intex ethernet drivers on ubuntu?? It has a driver called silan with a file sc92031.c + makefile . It doesnt compile with 2.6 kernels at all. | 04:55 |
YANP | LouisvilleLIP: it should be... | 04:55 |
spy80us | kjm: i couldnt find, what do i search for | 04:55 |
Music_Shuffle | HHP22, if so, then you need to find the option in the preferences menu that says 'show icon in tray' or something like that. | 04:55 |
craigbass1976 | gizzo, I was able to at least send to one box that I know has spam filters on it | 04:55 |
HHP22 | Music_Shuffle: Yes, that closes gaim completely. | 04:55 |
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Music_Shuffle | HHP22, theres an option that keeps it from doing that, lemme see if I can find it. | 04:56 |
YANP | LouisvilleLIP: Linux is impossiable to set up but easy to maintain while windows is easy to set up and impossible to maintains | 04:56 |
LeBlackNight | ok, well i guess i will have to stick to unplugging the usb receiver for a second every time i reboot then. not the end of the world i suppose. | 04:56 |
kanuha | Flannel, is it possible that a package from tribe 3 would work in 7.04 without prevu? | 04:56 |
gizzo | craigbass1976: if you have a dyndns and ip -> host -> ip checks out you should be ok | 04:56 |
craigbass1976 | Anyone noticed GAIM shutting down randomly? I can't figure out if it's the program, or me hitting my trackpad accidentally | 04:56 |
pegasus | cdehaan: | 04:56 |
HHP22 | Music_Shuffle: Okay, Thanks :) | 04:56 |
cdehaan | pegasus: Thank you :) | 04:56 |
deeproot | Flannel i turned xdmcp on this computer and its still greyed out and its also turned on on the server im tryin to connect to | 04:56 |
LouisvilleLIP | YANP: I thought it was remarkably easy to setup and maintain. I think it's a level of patience that is missing from this conversation | 04:56 |
cdehaan | Another question... are there any good gnome apps that let me edit PDFs? | 04:56 |
HHP22 | YANP: Well said | 04:57 |
Music_Shuffle | HHP22, open the Preferences menu; do you see a tab labeled as...Interface? | 04:57 |
spy80us | kjm: i couldnt find, what do i search for | 04:57 |
fo0L | !xchat | 04:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xchat - try searching on | 04:57 |
pegasus | cdehaan: openoffice ;) | 04:57 |
YANP | LouisvilleLIP: You are probably a nerd too... | 04:57 |
gizzo | craigbass1976: however with the latest rfc mail servers even ask the sender if that user exists, this would be going into effect industry wide pretty soon | 04:57 |
cdehaan | pegasus: Hm, perhaps that should have been obvious. | 04:57 |
berent | REPOST : has anyone compiled intex ethernet drivers on ubuntu?? It has a driver called silan with a file sc92031.c + makefile . It doesnt compile with 2.6 kernels at all. | 04:57 |
nickrud | !info xchat | fo0L | 04:57 |
Flannel | kanuha: unlikely that you'll get it to work without a recompile, since there are different versions of dependencies. | 04:57 |
ubotu | fo0l: xchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 295 kB, installed size 796 kB | 04:57 |
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kjm | spy80us - apt-cache search linux-686-smp | 04:57 |
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berent | !ndiswrapper | 04:57 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 04:57 |
fo0L | Does anybody know how I can get dcc to work xchat and ubuntu? I have the ports forwarded properly in the router and program options to no avail | 04:58 |
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LouisvilleLIP | YANP: good luck getting help with that attitude. BTW, you play GW. Not much left to be said... | 04:58 |
berent | !ndiswrapper | 04:58 |
kanuha | Flannel, thx | 04:58 |
HHP22 | Music_Shuffle: I'm on Gaim, and no, no "interface" | 04:58 |
kitche | milllmannn: you still having troubl with postfix? | 04:58 |
Scunizi | craigbass1976, sometimes it will knock me off yahoo | 04:58 |
milllmannn | kitche: yes sit | 04:58 |
pegasus | Iinfo ndiswrapper | berent | 04:58 |
Music_Shuffle | HHP22, >_>....what tabs does it show you under Preferences? | 04:58 |
milllmannn | kitche: yes sir | 04:58 |
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YANP | LouisvilleLIP: Whatever... | 04:58 |
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pegasus | !info ndiswrapper | berent | 04:58 |
ubotu | berent: Package ndiswrapper does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 04:58 |
jmg | whoa, prevu is cool | 04:58 |
berent | oh | 04:59 |
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berent | REPOST : has anyone compiled intex ethernet drivers on ubuntu?? It has a driver called silan with a file sc92031.c + makefile . It doesnt compile with 2.6 kernels at all. | 04:59 |
milllmannn | kitche: im having trouble connecting mysql and postfix | 04:59 |
Zorak | hmm | 04:59 |
kjm | YANP : PIBKAC ? | 04:59 |
craigbass1976 | gizzo, balls. I set up request tracker for a customer with this dyndns set up so they could send mail. THere's a staic ip, but mail port was already being used and they didn't want to open another hole. Wonder if this new checking business will screw things up | 04:59 |
spy80us | kjm: says obsoleted by linux-generic-image | 04:59 |
kitche | milllmannn: ah mysql and postfix hang on I never used mysql with my postfix but can find a good tutorial real quick | 04:59 |
cdehaan | pegasus: Though I must admit, I am failing in figuring out how to edit a PDF in | 04:59 |
YANP | kjm: What? | 04:59 |
nickrud | kjm, spy80us you talking 7.04? if so, the generic & lowlatency do smp if two processors are available | 04:59 |
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HHP22 | Music_Shuffle: .. OH. The first tab it's on is interface. Wow. Smart one | 04:59 |
Music_Shuffle | HHP22, Yeah! That one :P | 05:00 |
Scunizi | jmg, what's prevu.. I googled and got redirected to the ubuntu forums? | 05:00 |
lethologica | Is beryl worth installing on 7.04? It seems like ubuntu has that stuff buit in | 05:00 |
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Music_Shuffle | HHP22, See the first option under it, that says...Show System Tray Icon? | 05:00 |
jmg | | 05:00 |
milllmannn | kitche: im getting closer, dont worry about it.... im sure i have been through all tutorials | 05:00 |
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pegasus | cdehaan: as far as i can recall, you should be able to "import" the pdf document | 05:00 |
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kjm | spy80us - what nickrud said. Sorry, I am behind the times. If 2 processors are present, kernel is configured correctly. | 05:00 |
Music_Shuffle | lethologica, the default 'Desktop Effects' aren't as coolio as Beryl. :) | 05:00 |
Suicidolt | so there are no ops here... | 05:00 |
kjm | YANP - google it. | 05:00 |
genefitz | Kravlin, see | 05:00 |
Scunizi | jmg, thanks.. | 05:00 |
Suicidolt | that's kinda unusual | 05:00 |
HHP22 | Music_Shuffle: Set to always.. now I can close the buddy window? | 05:00 |
Music_Shuffle | Suicidolt, no, they're around, they just aren't perma-opped | 05:00 |
genefitz | That may get you on the right track with your audigy | 05:00 |
Music_Shuffle | HHP22, try it :) | 05:00 |
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Suicidolt | ah, I C | 05:00 |
kitche | milllmannn: myself I just use a pretty standard postfix install for my vps | 05:01 |
HHP22 | ITWORKED. | 05:01 |
lethologica | Music_Shuffle - I installed beryl but I didn't see any difference, how do you enable beryl? | 05:01 |
HHP22 | Excellent. | 05:01 |
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cdehaan | pegasus: Hrm, I'll have another look, but I only see Export options | 05:01 |
Music_Shuffle | HHP22, yay! :D | 05:01 |
nickrud | kjm, spy80us I was startled by that also, had to read a lot before I believed it | 05:01 |
deeproot | i just want to scale a vnc connection the windows client from work supports it connecting to my vnc server do any vncviewers for linux support scaling | 05:01 |
YANP | kjm: Yeah, I am not good with computers. | 05:01 |
HHP22 | Music_Shuffle: Thanks so much XD | 05:01 |
spy80us | so.. when i check /proc/cpuinfo, it shows 800mhz and 800mhz instead of 1.6ghz and 1.6ghz | 05:01 |
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YANP | kjm: Your point? | 05:01 |
vanberge | is it worth installing the studio flavor of ubuntu vs. installing ubuntu and adding the studio packages? | 05:01 |
genefitz | Kravlin, sorry it took so long, I had to search it up on my other box.. | 05:01 |
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kjm | YANP : then, please learn patience and don't insult those people who are *trying* to assist you. | 05:02 |
pegasus | !info ndiswrapper-tools | berent | 05:02 |
ubotu | berent: Package ndiswrapper-tools does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 05:02 |
Music_Shuffle | vanberge, I did the latter, doesn't make a huge difference | 05:02 |
Music_Shuffle | HHP22, anytime :D | 05:02 |
pegasus | !info ndiswrapper-utils | berent | 05:02 |
ubotu | berent: Package ndiswrapper-utils does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 05:02 |
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kjm | nickrud - it is surprising. But, very nice news indeed. | 05:02 |
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mdmkolbe|ubuntu | How do I get gnome-terminal to not capture "alt" commands (I'm trying to do Meta in Emacs) and how do I get it to copy to the system clipboard any selection I make (like xterm does) | 05:02 |
YANP | kjm: Not sure how Louis was trying to help me by using stuck up remarks. | 05:02 |
lethologica | What other software is worth installing on ubuntu? So far I have got monodevelop which is what got me interested in the first place | 05:02 |
pegasus | berent: sorry, the thing doesn't get it | 05:02 |
pawan | hi | 05:02 |
spy80us | kjm, nickrud, so.. when i check /proc/cpuinfo, it shows 800mhz and 800mhz instead of 1.6ghz and 1.6ghz | 05:02 |
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berent | pegasus : there should be some way to get silan working right | 05:03 |
Music_Shuffle | lethologica, hit alt-f2 and run 'beryl-manager' | 05:03 |
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deeproot | spy80us: thats b/c its scaled down for power reasons | 05:03 |
nickrud | kjm, I got away from computers for about a year, and when I came back ubuntu's doings were amazing | 05:03 |
vanberge | Music_Shuffle, mainly i think the look/theme of studio kicks ass! | 05:03 |
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lethologica | Music_Shuffle: I was in there, and I changed settings, but they don't seem to apply | 05:03 |
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spy80us | ok | 05:03 |
Music_Shuffle | vanberge, indeed. :D | 05:03 |
vanberge | Music_Shuffle, i pretty much have all those apps | 05:03 |
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Music_Shuffle | lethologica, so what happens? Nothing? | 05:03 |
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deeproot | spy80us when you get under load they will show your full speed | 05:04 |
Music_Shuffle | lethologica, for the record, you might get wayyyy better help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:04 |
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lethologica | Music_Shuffle: Pretty much | 05:04 |
pegasus | berent: try ndiswrapper-utils-1.9, ndiswrapper-common and optionally ndisgtk (universe) | 05:04 |
lethologica | Ok, I will check them out | 05:04 |
spy80us | deeproot: ok cool | 05:04 |
kjm | spy80us : that I am unsure of - is it a laptop where the processors are able to scale down to conserve power? | 05:04 |
LouisvilleLIP | YANP: Everyone is here is very helpful. They wouldn't be in here if they didn't want to help. In turn, be nice, and if someone tells you something, don't immediately rebut it without looking into it first. | 05:04 |
Music_Shuffle | !patientce | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about patientce - try searching on | 05:04 |
Music_Shuffle | !patience | 05:04 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also | 05:04 |
genefitz | I have always had problems trying to run Beryl or Compiz. I just gave up on them. Yes, they are pretty, but they seem to cause more problems for my computer than anything else.. | 05:04 |
vanberge | !ubuntu studio | 05:04 |
ubotu | ubuntustudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at Or visit #ubuntustudio. | 05:04 |
nickrud | spy80us, could be showing the scaling; mine show 800 and 1596 | 05:04 |
berent | pegasus : ok. thanks | 05:04 |
genefitz | My personal experience, others swear by it.. | 05:04 |
spy80us | ok.. so it is an 1.6ghz amd x2.. what should it be showing | 05:05 |
deeproot | spy80us i put a cpu frequency scaling monitor on my gnome bar it sits at 1ghz and when i get busy it jumps to 2.19 | 05:05 |
pegasus | cdehaan: check the info on flpsed | 05:05 |
YANP | Well you guys are telling me GW works on 32 and I told you it doesnt at all on my machine yet you say it does when you dont even know because I already spent 10 hours working on it with someone in here and it didnt work I need 64 so dont try to be a know it all because obv you dont know it all. | 05:05 |
cdehaan | !info flpsed | 05:05 |
ubotu | flpsed: a WYSIWYG pseudo PostScript editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.7-1.1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 30 kB, installed size 140 kB | 05:06 |
genefitz | Ubotu, I like Ubuntu Studio. It has a lot of great gear in it.. | 05:06 |
putergirl | . | 05:06 |
cdehaan | pegasus: Thank you | 05:06 |
berent | !ndisgtk | 05:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ndisgtk - try searching on | 05:06 |
pegasus | yw | 05:06 |
lethologica | Does the synaptic package manager show everything that is installed on the system? Monodevelop uses gtk-sharp 2.8, I don't see that in the package manager, only 2.10 | 05:06 |
pegasus | !info ndisgtk | berent | 05:06 |
ubotu | berent: ndisgtk: graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 12 kB, installed size 120 kB | 05:06 |
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Music_Shuffle | GW isn't solely not working on -your- 64 machine. Lol. | 05:06 |
BoBothn | what is a good bittorent client? | 05:06 |
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corevette | what can i add to 'sudo dpkg -i *.deb' to install dependencies automatically? | 05:06 |
Music_Shuffle | lethologica, it could, if you organized the tabs I guess. | 05:06 |
Music_Shuffle | !torrent | BoBothn | 05:06 |
ubotu | BoBothn: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt), rTorrent (C++) - Bittorent FAQ: | 05:06 |
kjm | may I ask, what is GW? | 05:07 |
Guest38165202 | BoBothn: I like KTorrent Personally | 05:07 |
kitche | lethologica: >= 2.8 should work | 05:07 |
madman91 | ssh-agent isnt working.. i still have to input my passphrases.. any ideas?!?!?!? | 05:07 |
Music_Shuffle | kjm, Guild Wras. | 05:07 |
deeproot | Bobothn i use ktorrent even with gnome its great | 05:07 |
Music_Shuffle | Wars* | 05:07 |
BoBothn | using deluge now | 05:07 |
Music_Shuffle | BoBothn, similarly, I myself use kTorrent, although in the past, I found uTorrent with Wine to be great as well. | 05:07 |
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berent | pegasus : is the bot reducing traffic? | 05:07 |
genefitz | BoBothn, I use Bittornado, but if you are looking for more of a Utorrent feels, Azureus may be more up your alley.. | 05:07 |
LouisvilleLIP | your response was "Google sucks". That hardly sounds like the minimal effort you are expected to take to resolve your own problems. | 05:07 |
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pegasus | dunno: it's my first time around | 05:07 |
jbig | is the ubuntu server is a DOS base program? | 05:07 |
Felarin | ....... | 05:08 |
Music_Shuffle | Azureus might not like you if you don't like Java though, RAM beware. | 05:08 |
totalnewbie | hello everybody | 05:08 |
Scunizi | jbig, before anyone else answers that.. NO | 05:08 |
genefitz | Music, good point.. | 05:08 |
Felarin | jbig : i think you should ask Microsoft that question | 05:08 |
Music_Shuffle | Hi totalnewbie. | 05:08 |
Flannel | jbig: no. It's text-only by default though. | 05:08 |
pegasus | jbig: dos is dos and linux is linux | 05:08 |
BoBothn | will try ktorrent used azureus in the past took up way to much ram | 05:08 |
Guest38165202 | jbig No, Ubuntu Server uses a command line interface, it looks like dos, but is something called a bash shell | 05:08 |
Music_Shuffle | Scunizi, I think we were all a little too far in shock to say anything, no worries. :P | 05:08 |
Felarin | actually | 05:08 |
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Music_Shuffle | BoBothn, ktorrent isn't as bad with system resources. | 05:08 |
spy80us | deeproot: so urs is 2.19 dual core? | 05:08 |
totalnewbie | can i learn ubuntu linux from someone here? | 05:08 |
Felarin | i would prefer to say DOS looks like bash | 05:08 |
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deeproot | spy80us yes | 05:09 |
jbig | how can run it in the windows mode?tnx | 05:09 |
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HHP22 | totalnewbie: What do you want to know how to do? | 05:09 |
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Felarin | jbig : go install windows, told you already, linux is linux | 05:09 |
Music_Shuffle | totalnewbie, trying to learn it all at once might just be a waste of time and brainpwer, but you can figure stuff out here, sure. | 05:09 |
genefitz | I fancy Bittornado because it is very simple, no bells, no whistles, and runs well.. | 05:09 |
Felarin | windows is windows | 05:09 |
spy80us | deeproot: ok same happens w/ me also.. 800mhz when idle.. and 1.6 when busy | 05:09 |
Music_Shuffle | power* | 05:09 |
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Flannel | jbig: You're probably better off installing the Desktop version then. Whydid you want the server version? | 05:09 |
rfu | LouisvilleLIP: Found out my problem with the Keyboard and Mouse. | 05:09 |
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rfu | LouisvilleLIP: I had to reset the wireless receiver. | 05:09 |
LouisvilleLIP | rfu: what caused it? | 05:09 |
kjm | YANP : This document may help you be more productive at getting assistance. | 05:09 |
deeproot | spy80us thats perfect it was designed to work that way | 05:09 |
jbig | what is the original display of ubuntu server 7.04 | 05:09 |
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totalnewbie | i just install ubuntu server | 05:09 |
pegasus | jbig: you can install the desktop version and add the package tasks for lamp server | 05:09 |
totalnewbie | and i cannot see any graphic there | 05:10 |
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Music_Shuffle | totalnewbie, the server install does not have a GUI. | 05:10 |
Felarin | totalnewbie: Server editions are not meant to be graphical | 05:10 |
pegasus | totalnewbie: you can install the desktop version and add the package tasks for lamp server | 05:10 |
Music_Shuffle | totalnewbie, you could install one, of course. | 05:10 |
HHP22 | totalnewbie: Do you get a blue screen saying "Failed to start X Server (Your graphical interface)." | 05:10 |
LouisvilleLIP | rfu: hmm. I forget the "principle" but their is a mathematical theory that says that the simplest solution is the best. Seems like that might be the case here | 05:10 |
Felarin | for home usage or personal usage, i suggest you install the desktop edition | 05:10 |
deeproot | spy80us i lied mine goes up to 2.17 it just happend lol | 05:10 |
totalnewbie | no | 05:10 |
Music_Shuffle | HHP22, I think since he's using the server, he doesn't really -have- an X server :P | 05:10 |
rfu | LouisvilleLIP: Hehe. KISS :) | 05:10 |
spy80us | deeproot: lol | 05:10 |
HHP22 | Oh, maybe i should just shush XD | 05:10 |
Music_Shuffle | :D | 05:10 |
YANP | kjm: Thanks but that isnt really going to work. | 05:10 |
LouisvilleLIP | rfu: we like to throw around sudo commands to fix easy stuff. glad you figured it out | 05:10 |
skhobotu | yesterday I had a lot of help from neutralNeo about my USB devices not connecting under Ubuntu 7.04. unfortunately I closed the window before I noted down the command line to open the devices. can someone help me? | 05:11 |
Felarin | no X server in the server editions | 05:11 |
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totalnewbie | a friend to told me that i can create a router with linux | 05:11 |
genefitz | LuisvilleLIP, sounds like Ockam's Razor.. | 05:11 |
totalnewbie | can i create one from ubuntu? | 05:11 |
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kitche | totalnewbie: yes | 05:11 |
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Music_Shuffle | Occam's Razor is fun, especially in hindsight. | 05:11 |
totalnewbie | should it be the linux server edition? | 05:11 |
K`zan | anyone know what package "qstring.h" is in? | 05:11 |
LouisvilleLIP | genefitz: that is it. I knew someone else would remember | 05:11 |
rfu | LouisvilleLIP: Yeah. I have quite a bit of experience with linux actually. Probably why I overlooked something so simple. I had just done a rather large install / removal of packages. Figured that might be something to do with it. | 05:11 |
LouisvilleLIP | too bad no one thinks of it until it's too late | 05:12 |
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kitche | totalnewbie: umm you can grab the alternate cd and just install cli if you want to make a router | 05:12 |
jerbull888 | how can i get apache2 to display the content i want | 05:12 |
spy80us | deeproot,kjm,nickrud, until recently i used noapic nolapic as boot options.. but since high speed usb devices are not getting recog... so i removed it ... and its hanging sometimes.. any help? | 05:12 |
totalnewbie | alternate cd? | 05:12 |
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jbig | ive already overwrite the ubuntu w/ gui by ubuntu server edition? is that ok? | 05:12 |
YANP | kjm: also that website...not the greatest... | 05:12 |
BaD_CrC | Emperor is another satisfied customer | 05:12 |
genefitz | Music_Shuffle, yup, it can be a real kick in the rear after 18 hours of troubleshooting, finding out the "onn/off" switch was in the "off" position | 05:12 |
kjm | spy80us - eek, sorry, but I don't know much about acpi. | 05:13 |
totalnewbie | can i download? | 05:13 |
Music_Shuffle | lol | 05:13 |
BaD_CrC | got his sound working | 05:13 |
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jerbull888 | how can i configure apache2 to display the content i want | 05:13 |
genefitz | That's about the point where I start choking people.. | 05:13 |
deeproot | spy80us i think on a laptop you should enable all acpi stuff | 05:13 |
nickrud | spy80us, I've been both careful and extremely lucky in my hardware choices; I haven't had to mess with my boot options in a long time, so know little | 05:13 |
lethologica | I have a logitech mouse with a side button, is it possible to enable that button? | 05:13 |
kitche | jerbull888: put your files in /var/www/ | 05:13 |
kjm | YANP - yes, it is a little old school in appearance. But, it has a wealth of information for an obvious rude irc noobie such as yourself. | 05:13 |
Flannel | !mouse | lethologica | 05:14 |
ubotu | lethologica: Enabling extra mouse buttons: - Enabling serial mouse: | 05:14 |
jerbull888 | kitche is that located in the apache folder? | 05:14 |
BaD_CrC | the common thing that i didn't think of till i read back a little in this channel. alsamixer sure can be a PITA on laptops at times. | 05:14 |
Felarin | kjm : lol =) | 05:14 |
YANP | kjm: I don't think so. | 05:14 |
deeproot | spy80us are you running 64bit os | 05:14 |
Flannel | jerbull888: no, it's located in /var/www | 05:14 |
lethologica | Thanks! | 05:14 |
Felarin | kjm : my sentiments exactly. Some people come here thinking that the world owes them answers | 05:14 |
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spy80us | deeproot, no | 05:14 |
kitche | jerbull888: /var/www is the folder | 05:14 |
LouisvilleLIP | KJM: you hung in there longer than I could | 05:14 |
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genefitz | Ya know, I am not completely free of the occasional issue.. For instance, an odd thing. The nVidia driver, on my computer, after I fix the resolution though the Reconfigure tool, | 05:14 |
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deeproot | spy80us what usb devices are not getting reconized all of them or just some | 05:15 |
kjm | YANP - you are perfectly entitled to your opinion, and we are all perfectly entitled to tell you to search the f'in web to find your answer and stop wasting our time. | 05:15 |
LouisvilleLIP | lol | 05:15 |
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jerbull888 | wow i feel like an idiot. thanks so much guys | 05:15 |
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genefitz | Only gives me my resolution (1440 x 900 ) at 50 hz... | 05:15 |
someoneelse | hi all has any run ubuntu server (feisty) ? | 05:15 |
craigbass1976 | man, he's still in here? | 05:15 |
pawan | hi | 05:15 |
spy80us | deeproot, ex.. my zen vison m,, nothing in lsusb.. but optical mouse detects | 05:15 |
Felarin | someoneelse: any specific question about it? | 05:15 |
BaD_CrC | ok, this time i'm serious. one more cup of coffee then i'll go to bed. | 05:15 |
cdehaan | pegasus: Thanks again, worked out! | 05:15 |
genefitz | When I use the generic driver, after the reconfigure, I get my native resolution at 75 hz.. | 05:15 |
totalnewbie | where do i start? :) | 05:15 |
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genefitz | Strange thing... | 05:15 |
skhobotu | shows my /etc/fstab file | 05:15 |
Music_Shuffle | BaD_CrC, you can sleep AFTER a cup of coffee? | 05:15 |
HHP22 | BaD_CrC: Make it nice and strong, then you can crash and burn hard :P | 05:16 |
madman91 | can i change the UUID or TAG of a drive? | 05:16 |
someoneelse | felarin: I was wondering if any one has deployed a Rails application on it here .. | 05:16 |
BaD_CrC | i've already had 4 POTS of coffee | 05:16 |
BaD_CrC | it's like flavored water to me | 05:16 |
BaD_CrC | and i do make it strong | 05:16 |
marko1 | does anyone have a quick minute to help me figure out how to reset my sound card config? | 05:16 |
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craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, how are oyu making out? | 05:16 |
Flannel | madman91: you could change the UUID, but you can't set it to anything. It'll change if you reformat (or maybe it's repartition, I don't remember) | 05:16 |
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madman91 | Flannel: hm.. what about the TAG? | 05:16 |
Scunizi | BaD_CrC, you'll never'll never sleep.... | 05:16 |
BaD_CrC | my dad used to be a long haul truck driver. i know strong coffee. | 05:17 |
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Suicidolt | 72% on the "Select and Install Software" screen | 05:17 |
Kassah-Lappy | <-- it started happening a couple of days ago, I mostly just leave my desktop on. Today I actually started debugging it, and each time it happened I restarted. tried again, and it happens earlier. I managed to get in via ssh real fast and tail some logs before it went kaboom... and this is the end of the kernel kernel log. Any ideas as to what's going on? | 05:17 |
madman91 | Flannel: sorry.. LABEL | 05:17 |
genefitz | Suicidolt, Everything installing like a champ? | 05:17 |
Felarin | someoneelse: what is this application about? | 05:17 |
Suicidolt | no issues so far | 05:17 |
pegasus | genefitz: 75Hz is the refresh rate, what is the resolution, what videocard have you installed whith which drivers and what kind of monitor | 05:17 |
deeproot | spy80us are there any settings on the mp3 player to change how it shows up to a computer? like file vs mp3 | 05:17 |
Suicidolt | which is not something I can say for windows | 05:17 |
craigbass1976 | Suicidolt, so it came out of the 1% slump, or you had to start again? | 05:17 |
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Suicidolt | it came out | 05:17 |
Suicidolt | thanks though | 05:17 |
spy80us | deeproot, yes filesystem (fat32) and mp3 | 05:17 |
j85wilson | well, hello to all. | 05:17 |
kitche | Kassah-Lappy: seems like your cpu is locking up | 05:17 |
scotty | anyone know of a good LAMP guide for Feisty? | 05:18 |
Music_Shuffle | Hi j85wilson | 05:18 |
craigbass1976 | j85wilson, howdy | 05:18 |
Flannel | !lamp | scotty | 05:18 |
ubotu | scotty: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 05:18 |
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genefitz | Pegasus, 75 hz, 1440 x 900, Nvidia 7900GS, Acer AL1916W (19" wide) | 05:18 |
BaD_CrC | Scunizi: funny thing is, i've been up for almost 2 days. don't know why. few things going on at home. but i know if i go lay down, i'll be out like a light. | 05:18 |
HHP22 | Hey guys, does anyone have Tilda installed? | 05:18 |
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spy80us | deeproot, when i removed those boot options it did recognize tho | 05:18 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: but any idea why it might be doing that.. it's a newer CoreDuo | 05:18 |
scotty | Flannel: Been there. That's for 6.06 and below, though, isn't it? | 05:18 |
someoneelse | Felarin: Its a web app | 05:18 |
kitche | Kassah-Lappy: hang on looking | 05:18 |
pegasus | genefitz: is that a tft monitor | 05:18 |
Scunizi | BaD_CrC, I remember those days from college.. it takes it toll... sleep | 05:18 |
genefitz | Pegasus, LCD | 05:19 |
BaD_CrC | mmm, i should liberate a core2duo and mobo from work. | 05:19 |
Felarin | someoneelse: Nope, never had exp with it. | 05:19 |
someoneelse | Felarin: I installed ubuntu server a while ago but I was forced to install X due to dependencies .. but I can't seem to remember which dependency it was | 05:19 |
Music_Shuffle | "liberate" | 05:19 |
someoneelse | Felarin: ok, np | 05:19 |
pegasus | genefitz: than ignore the refreshrate, it doesn't really matter | 05:19 |
deeproot | spy80us did you install libmpt5 | 05:19 |
Flannel | scotty: no. That's for any/all versions | 05:19 |
BaD_CrC | Music_Shuffle: permanently borrow? | 05:19 |
Felarin | someoneelse: oh this web app requires X? that's sad.. | 05:19 |
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Music_Shuffle | Better :P | 05:20 |
someoneelse | Felarin: it shouldn't ... maybe I didn't do it properly. anyway, I'll try it again | 05:20 |
spy80us | deeproot, even with that if boot options noapic nolapic were on .. it didnt detect | 05:20 |
j85wilson | So, in the software-properties dialog, on the Updates tab, there are four checkboxes under the heading "Ubuntu updates". | 05:20 |
kitche | Kassah-Lappy: do you have an nvidia card? | 05:20 |
madman91 | what is uuidgen for? | 05:20 |
genefitz | Pegasus, for some reason, I don't have decent clarity using the nVidia driver, The generic driver seems to be clearer than the proprietary driver.. | 05:20 |
BaD_CrC | Music_Shuffle: use it till it breaks, then take it back and say it didn't work to begin with.... | 05:20 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: yes... | 05:20 |
madman91 | can i change the LABEL that blkid displays? | 05:20 |
cafuego | madman91: generating uuids i would hazard | 05:20 |
genefitz | Not a real issue for me, because I don't use the desktop effects.. | 05:20 |
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scotty | Flannel: Yeah, just read it. I'm a moron, sorry :P | 05:20 |
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Kassah-Lappy | kitche: 7600GT dual-dvi out | 05:20 |
kitche | Kassah-Lappy: are you on a livecd since I want you to mount your / | 05:20 |
totalnewbie | kitche where do i get the alternat cd? | 05:20 |
lap | someone can tell me a good program to convert a 130mo mpeg to avi ? | 05:20 |
kitche | !alternate | totalnewbie | 05:20 |
ubotu | totalnewbie: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 05:20 |
cafuego | madman91: Yes, usually with tune2fs foir ext2/ext3. Dunno about xfs. | 05:20 |
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madman91 | cafuego: ? | 05:20 |
lap | in way that it will be more lower in space | 05:20 |
j85wilson | Would unchecking one of these mean that that type of update woudl not be checked for any longer, or merely that the "you need to do some updates" notification would not appear when only that type of update was required? | 05:20 |
nickrud | madman91, e2label | 05:20 |
kitche | totalnewbie: right from | 05:20 |
madman91 | cafuego: what are uuids for? | 05:21 |
cafuego | lap: ffmpeg | 05:21 |
Flannel | !uuid | madman91 | 05:21 |
madman91 | nickrud: thanks! | 05:21 |
ubotu | madman91: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 05:21 |
lap | ok | 05:21 |
aricz | Hi, can anyone help me set up elmo (a mailclient) ? It tells me blabla/blabla/inbox 'is not a valid mailbox' .. what am I missing? | 05:21 |
BaD_CrC | transcode | 05:21 |
pegasus | genefitz: i don't have any nvidia experience unfortunately | 05:21 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: I'm on a Ubuntu install 7.04.... | 05:21 |
nickrud | madman91, um for ext2/3 as cafuego mentioned | 05:21 |
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cafuego | madman91: They uniquely identify partitions | 05:21 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: just moved... so I don't know where any of my livecd's are | 05:21 |
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skhobotu | yesterday I had a lot of help from neutralNeo about my USB devices not connecting under Ubuntu 7.04. unfortunately I closed the window before I noted down the command line to open the devices. can someone help me? shows my /etc/fstab file | 05:21 |
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totalnewbie | i'll try | 05:21 |
madman91 | cafuego: yes.. but what good is uuidgen if you cant change it yourself | 05:21 |
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cafuego | madman91: Well, you can. | 05:22 |
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madman91 | cafuego: you can? .. well without formatting? | 05:22 |
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cafuego | madman91: Again with tune2fs, you can change the uuid. | 05:22 |
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kitche | Kassah-Lappy: well you can edit grub from grub press esc then select the ubuntu kernel and press e see if you have rhgb quiet listed at all on the kernel line | 05:22 |
genefitz | Pegasus, it is only this card that I have an issue with my 7300 had no issues, just the resolutio fix, but I have done this enough times to be a pro at | 05:22 |
ariel1 | yeah | 05:22 |
cafuego | madman91: You MUST then also update fstab, though. | 05:22 |
madman91 | cafuego: unless it doesnt use uuid in the first place | 05:22 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: k doing | 05:22 |
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ArthurBrazil | Hey, I'm thinking of making a full conversion to ubuntu over windows, but I don't know whether I can connect to aol or not. Its pretty much the only thing holding me back from the switch. Ideas? | 05:22 |
madman91 | Flannel: i guess you can change uuid's | 05:23 |
jmagder | I've just bought and inserted a TrendNET TEW-429UB. But I don't see the network manager icon comming up anywhere. Any thoughts? (Using Feisty) | 05:23 |
Flannel | madman91: I suppose so. Sorry about that ;) | 05:23 |
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cafuego | madman91: Feisty should, older Ubuntus may not. | 05:23 |
Music_Shuffle | ArthurBrazil, AOL in what sense? | 05:23 |
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littleeye | hi all | 05:23 |
pegasus | genefitz: goodluck with it then ;) | 05:23 |
madman91 | Flannel: no problem | 05:23 |
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lap | cafuego: can you tell me the exact command line to convert a mpeg to avi ? | 05:23 |
fulat2k | hi folks, besides top/htop/vmstat/sar, what other commands are available on ubuntu? | 05:23 |
ArthurBrazil | Music_Shuffle, 56k dialup | 05:23 |
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scotty | !synaptic | 05:23 |
ubotu | synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see | 05:23 |
genefitz | Either way, I am cool with the system without the fancy cube. | 05:23 |
Music_Shuffle | ArthurBrazil, can you connect using the LiveCD? | 05:23 |
kitche | !commands | fulat2k | 05:23 |
ubotu | fulat2k: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 05:23 |
cafuego | lap: ffmpeg -i file.mpg -f avi file.avi | 05:23 |
ArthurBrazil | havn't tried | 05:23 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: ro quiet splash | 05:23 |
Music_Shuffle | ArthurBrazil, so gogo try! :) | 05:23 |
scotty | What's the command to unfreeze you apt-get? | 05:23 |
kitche | fulat2k: you want the link | 05:24 |
ArthurBrazil | live cd doesnt work on my pc | 05:24 |
scotty | !aptitude | 05:24 |
ubotu | aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See | 05:24 |
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cafuego | lap: Other parms depend on what quality you want. 'ffmpeg --help' should list them for you. | 05:24 |
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Kassah-Lappy | kitche: those are the options on the kernel | 05:24 |
kitche | Kassah-Lappy: ah ok so that's not a problem | 05:24 |
Music_Shuffle | ArthurBrazil, try the alternate install CD? | 05:24 |
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ArthurBrazil | well the question should be is there a way to connect to aol via linux? | 05:24 |
ArthurBrazil | an aol dialer per se | 05:25 |
LouisvilleLIP | the question should be, why would you want to? | 05:25 |
kitche | Kassah-Lappy: remove the quiet from the kernel line and boot | 05:25 |
LouisvilleLIP | sorry, not nice. | 05:25 |
kitche | Kassah-Lappy: also splash | 05:25 |
fulat2k | kitche: thx, will check it out | 05:25 |
ArthurBrazil | Not my choice | 05:25 |
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littleeye | i have a problem on a ibm thinkpad , i just installed feisty but the keyboard layout is weird, certain keys dont work... i went to choose a different one in system settings --- regional and launguage --- keyboard layout | 05:25 |
madman91 | cafuego: is "tune2fs -L name" what i am looking for? .. it looks like it but i would hate to break something :) | 05:25 |
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madman91 | cafuego: to change the LABEL | 05:25 |
littleeye | but it doesnt seem to make a difference | 05:25 |
lap | cafuego: it don't work | 05:25 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: k.. doing | 05:25 |
spy80us | deeproot, do u anything about bios bug #81 | 05:25 |
panfist | hey what's a nice lite vlc client to try? | 05:26 |
skhobotu | yesterday I had a lot of help from neutralNeo about my USB devices not connecting under Ubuntu 7.04. unfortunately I closed the window before I noted down the command line to open the devices. can someone help me? shows my /etc/fstab file | 05:26 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: and boot I assume? | 05:26 |
shigun | If I have an Intel ICH8 (on a Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3), is there any way to get Headphone Jack Sensing to work? | 05:26 |
lap | cafuego: /topic | 05:26 |
kitche | Kassah-Lappy: then boot it should output any errors where it might catch your eye even if it goes by to fast | 05:26 |
cafuego | lap: what? | 05:26 |
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ArthurBrazil | Music_Shuffle, brb gonna try booting via live cd | 05:26 |
deeproot | spy80us nope im just a user like you but my system is intel so i dont know about amd laptop problems | 05:26 |
madman91 | can i rename the LABEL on a fat32 partition as well? | 05:26 |
eddie | any 1 have any good programs that i should get? | 05:26 |
Music_Shuffle | eddie, for what uses? There's thousands.. | 05:26 |
cafuego | madman91: In windows you cna, not sure about Ubuntu. probably though. | 05:26 |
kjm | eddie - could you be more specific? what do you need to do? | 05:26 |
cafuego | madman91: btw, tune2fs -L yes | 05:27 |
lap | cafuego: | 05:27 |
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eddie | ehhh just something that is popular | 05:27 |
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madman91 | cafuego: thanks! | 05:27 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: no errors noticed before GUI | 05:27 |
Music_Shuffle | eddie, there's still thousands of those :P | 05:27 |
deeproot | spy80us even when i plug in shitty cheap usb devices like cameras they just show up as a new filesystem | 05:27 |
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kjm | eddie - emacs is popular; but is a text editor what you want? What is it that you need/want to do with your computer? | 05:27 |
eddie | ummmmmmmm, theme | 05:27 |
obf213_ | any good calendar apps for ubuntu. | 05:27 |
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kitche | Kassah-Lappy: ok does it reboot or whatever it did before? | 05:27 |
cafuego | lap: Yes. See the filename you have wand what you gave ffmpeg as param? | 05:27 |
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spy80us | deeproot, but ur not using those boot options | 05:28 |
j85wilson | Does anyone know the effect of the checkboxes in the "Updates" tab of the Software Sources dialog? | 05:28 |
lap | cafuego: i got it, thx | 05:28 |
lap | =) | 05:28 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: well... it freezes... and only after about 5 minutes | 05:28 |
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Kassah-Lappy | kitche: basically long enough for me to login... | 05:28 |
deeproot | spy80us no i'm using standard everything | 05:28 |
kanuha | is there a deb for pidgin for 7.04? | 05:28 |
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deeproot | spy80us no boot options | 05:28 |
kitche | Kassah-Lappy: I wonder if it's gnome | 05:28 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: but I've seen it freeze on the login page if I leave it there too long | 05:28 |
diego_ | hi | 05:28 |
cafuego | kanuha: I have one, I can put it online if you want. | 05:28 |
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eddie | Thanks kjm im getting emacs right now :) | 05:29 |
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kanuha | cafuego, that would be great, thank you | 05:29 |
kjm | lol, ok eddie - have fun with emacs. | 05:29 |
spy80us | deeproot, thats y.. for me also with no boot options everything works excepts freezes occasionally.. with boot options usb does not work and does not freeze | 05:29 |
jerbull88 | how can i password protect apache | 05:29 |
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Unryu | Anybody know how to enable headphone jack sensing for an intel ICH8? | 05:29 |
deeproot | spy80us what laptop are you using | 05:29 |
DM| | how can i find where i put a start up script? | 05:30 |
kitche | Kassah-Lappy: ah ok do you let it sit there for a while to see if it unfreezes | 05:30 |
spy80us | deeproot, hp dv6113us | 05:30 |
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madman91 | is there a way i can sort of .. instantly message a user through ssh.. or possibly just accross the network.. but without a central server (like aim) | 05:30 |
bcbooter | all i know is that if suspend to ram, and winamp worked i would use linux full time | 05:30 |
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kitche | Kassah-Lappy: if it doesn't you might need noacpi switch to see if that will work but you might lose some functionality with it | 05:30 |
kjm | bcbooter - but there is soooooo much better than winamp out there. | 05:30 |
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cafuego | kanuha: It'll take a half-hour or so. | 05:31 |
jerbull88 | how can i password protect apache | 05:31 |
bcbooter | kjm, not when you have 200gb of music, none of the linux players had libraries that would list by artist, then when selected show the songs | 05:31 |
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wweasel | Offbeat question: Can anyone recommend console based games that would hold kids fascination (aged 8-13)? | 05:31 |
BoBothn | bcbooter, you ever try amarok? | 05:31 |
Kassah-Lappy | Kassah-Lappy: Well previously I had let it sit overnight... right now it hasn't frozen yet | 05:31 |
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bcbooter | yea i believe i did | 05:31 |
kjm | bcbooter - does rythm box not do that? | 05:31 |
LouisvilleLIP | madman91: I'm not sure how, but I suspect it can be done, I've seen it done in XP | 05:31 |
metbsd | what do you guys do to your old laptops | 05:31 |
Kassah-Lappy | err | 05:31 |
metbsd | i have bunch | 05:31 |
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Music_Shuffle | metbsd, give them away to the needy, making yourself look like a great philanthropist at the same time? | 05:32 |
bcbooter | rythm boox? not sure, im loading linux up on my desktop when thats finished ill check out more media players | 05:32 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche: bah... addressing myself... it hasn't forzen yet | 05:32 |
BoBothn | bcbooter, Try amarok it is wonderfull when it comes to bug libraries | 05:32 |
madman91 | LouisvilleLIP: lol, thanks for giving me a future to look forward to | 05:32 |
zoidberg7 | can anyone help me get avant-window-navigator to work properly? | 05:32 |
craigbass1976 | metbsd, I put DSL on them | 05:32 |
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genefitz | <~~ all about AMatok. It is the greatest for music, especially if you have a large library | 05:32 |
metbsd | what's DSL? | 05:32 |
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kjm | bcbooter - I highly recommend rythmbox or amarok (in that order). Rythmbox is my personal fav. but, obviously there are others. | 05:32 |
genefitz | Amarock even | 05:32 |
Music_Shuffle | !DSL | metbsd | 05:32 |
ubotu | metbsd: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at | 05:32 |
kanuha | cafuego, ok, thx | 05:32 |
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craigbass1976 | metbsd, Damned Slamm Linux | 05:32 |
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genefitz | Amaoc I mean.. | 05:32 |
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deeproot | spy80us from what i can dig up that chipset has problems with linux | 05:33 |
zoidberg7 | can anybody help me? | 05:33 |
genefitz | Darn me and my fat fingers! | 05:33 |
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craigbass1976 | metbsd, small, not slamm | 05:33 |
Music_Shuffle | metbsd, uhh...k, not what I was looking for. Its Damn Small Linux. 's another distro. | 05:33 |
j85wilson | k, well, byebye now. | 05:33 |
Kassah-Lappy | kitche; thanks for the help... hopefully that fixes it... kinda wierd that the problem cropped up all of a sudden | 05:33 |
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kjm | !aks | zoidberg7 | 05:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about aks - try searching on | 05:33 |
bcbooter | ill try them out, but i still couldnt get suspend to ram to work on my laptop | 05:33 |
metbsd | will it be too damn small? | 05:33 |
metbsd | lol | 05:33 |
cafuego | kanuha: Uploading to repo now, it'll be at when done. | 05:33 |
zoidberg7 | can anyone help me get avant-window-navigator to work properly? | 05:33 |
kjm | !ask | zoidberg7 | 05:33 |
ubotu | zoidberg7: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:33 |
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=== Kassah-Lappy waves | ||
bcbooter | when i finally got the display to come back on from suspend to ram, the wifi would not work until i shut it down | 05:33 |
bcbooter | lol | 05:33 |
spy80us | deeproot, that sucks.. what exactly does it say | 05:33 |
Kassah-Lappy | till next time! | 05:33 |
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deeproot | spy80us | 05:34 |
kjm | bcbooter - yup, there are always challenges. But, my 72 day uptime tells me that there is something better in linux than the alternative. | 05:34 |
BoBothn | !amarok | 05:34 |
bcbooter | and basically i need sleep to work on this laptop, becuase i am not gonna walk around with it still on, ill damage the hdd's etc | 05:34 |
ubotu | Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are available for Kubuntu at See | 05:34 |
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Fireal | do most wireless routers that have dynamic IP updating abilities work with Ubuntu? | 05:34 |
spy80us | deeproot, i've read this one | 05:35 |
kjm | Fireal - yes. | 05:35 |
jmg | Fireal: ubuntu is compatible with dhcp | 05:35 |
iShock | Is it possible to select a certain area of the screen for screenshots? | 05:35 |
Fireal | kjm & jmg: Thanx | 05:35 |
bcbooter | isnt almost every distro compatible with dhcp? | 05:35 |
bcbooter | lol | 05:35 |
genefitz | Fireal, yes, if you have your computer configured to automatically detect IP then you should have no issues... | 05:35 |
genefitz | That is provided you have drivers working.. | 05:35 |
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bcbooter | freebsd was being an ass earlier, after install X wouldnt start | 05:36 |
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Fireal | clarify I am talking about routers that update dynamic IP adresses lie | 05:36 |
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bruenig | bcbooter, you have to configure it gees | 05:36 |
wweasel | Offbeat question: Can anyone recommend console based games that would hold kids fascination (aged 8-13)? | 05:36 |
iShock | Is it possible to select a certain area of the screen for screenshots? | 05:36 |
kitche | bcbooter: well freebsd by default doesn't have X unless you tell it to install X-user but this is #ubuntu not ##freebsd | 05:36 |
jmg | wweasel: raymans raving rabbids | 05:36 |
jerbull88 | wweasel which console? | 05:36 |
genefitz | Fireal, yes, just about every router does.. | 05:36 |
bcbooter | yea i know, however i suck at freebsd, didnt know what to do | 05:36 |
jmg | wweasel: warioware smooth moves | 05:37 |
Fireal | OK, thanks all!!! | 05:37 |
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wweasel | gah | 05:37 |
jmg | oh | 05:37 |
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bcbooter | hey whats the command to configure xconf ????i forgot it | 05:37 |
wweasel | sorry, that was unclear because we call gaming systems connected to TVs console games | 05:37 |
jmg | you mean console as in... txt console | 05:37 |
LouisvilleLIP | madman91: haven't tested, but think I found the msg thing here : | 05:37 |
wweasel | Yes :D | 05:37 |
wweasel | Terminal based games | 05:37 |
LouisvilleLIP | : | 05:37 |
jmg | depends on the child | 05:37 |
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jerbull88 | idk | 05:38 |
iShock | Is it possible to select a certain area of the screen for screenshots? | 05:38 |
jmg | i liked roguelikes when i was that age | 05:38 |
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aricz | nethack, angband, tome, adom .. great games | 05:38 |
nickrud | bcbooter, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ; leave out the -phigh if you want to answer questions about your setup | 05:38 |
jerbull88 | scorched 3d is not bad | 05:38 |
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genefitz | I didn't know anyone still played CLI games | 05:38 |
aricz | genefitz : I do.. all the time ;p | 05:38 |
bcbooter | nickrud, thnx brosif | 05:39 |
genefitz | Arics, it's all good. No disrespect :-) | 05:39 |
jerbull88 | does anyone know how to password protect apache? | 05:39 |
nickrud | iShock, none of the screenshooters I know of, I just crop with gimp | 05:39 |
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wweasel | Elaboration: I work at a summer camp where one of the things kids can do is learn to build computers from scratch (P3s). Then they install OSs and stuff. I introduce them to Linux, show them a bit about the console, and I want to show them a few console games (after typing a few commands, that's what they want to see) | 05:39 |
genefitz | Last CLI I played was Klendathu on <gasps> BASIC | 05:39 |
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deeproot | jerbull88 do you want to protect a directory apache is serving up | 05:40 |
kjm | wweasel - there are a few games in emacs - would that help? | 05:40 |
theacolyte2 | Tried doing a bunch of searching... has anyone in here booted 7.04 on their macbook pro -- for installation? I try to boot it up, it gets to the choose an installation method, I select install now, it works for a bit, screen goes black... nada | 05:40 |
thinlace | how about haunted house | 05:40 |
jerbull88 | deeproot yes i do | 05:40 |
genefitz | <~~ has a soft spot for the TRS80 with a tape (recorder) drive lol | 05:40 |
aricz | but anyway, anyone know how to set up elmo (cli mailclient) .. it tells me '/home/aricz/mail/inbox is not a valid mailbox' .. what am I missing ? :) | 05:40 |
thinlace | a favorite of mine | 05:40 |
wweasel | I'm checking out all the suggestions you guys have already mentioned | 05:40 |
anathematic | :d how do i install a gem which has geen downloaded to my computer? | 05:40 |
anathematic | *has been | 05:40 |
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bcbooter | rofl, thats the last thing i need a bunch of noobs acting liek they know everythng about computers on games... | 05:41 |
kjm | anathematic - what is a gem? | 05:41 |
nickrud | anathematic, 'gem'? | 05:41 |
theacolyte2 | I tried acpi=off | 05:41 |
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deeproot | jerbull88 have you looked into .htaccess and .htpassword yet | 05:41 |
bcbooter | thats mainly a cs issue however | 05:41 |
anathematic | hahah whoops | 05:41 |
anathematic | wrong channel guys | 05:41 |
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cafuego | wweasel: luxman? | 05:41 |
anathematic | sorry #rubyonrails normally comes up first | 05:41 |
jerbull88 | deeproot, i dont even know how | 05:41 |
cafuego | wweasel: That's a console (well, svgalib) based pacman | 05:41 |
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cafuego | wweasel: abuse or pxboom may work too | 05:42 |
berent | why should i have to include noacpi when i use amd processors? | 05:42 |
BoBothn | How Do you remove all the settings for amarok | 05:42 |
HHP22 | Hey guys, who's got C++ experience and a bit of time on their hands? | 05:42 |
berent | noapic* | 05:42 |
thinlace | i have the former but not the latter | 05:42 |
thinlace | but what is your issue? | 05:42 |
robevans | Folks, I recently got an Ienovo T60p but I can't seem to resize the partition. I'm told that the journal is unclean but no amount of dskchk /f will fix it. Anyone seen this? | 05:42 |
berent | why should i have to include noapic boot paramter when i use amd processors? | 05:42 |
wweasel | cafuego: Those are great suggestions (they are far too jaded for roguelikes :P ) | 05:42 |
kitche | berent: your processor might not like apic | 05:42 |
bcbooter | robevans, i couldnt resize my partion on my t60 ether | 05:43 |
cafuego | wweasel: Yeah, kids are sud to playstation 92) typ stuff, so give 'em that. | 05:43 |
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bcbooter | so i just created brand new partitoins, install | 05:43 |
robevans | bcbooter, same error | 05:43 |
berent | kitchie : how do i make it to like and what is apic and acpi? | 05:43 |
knoppix | i am new linux user | 05:43 |
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cafuego | wweasel: if done properly, most SDL based games should run I guess. | 05:43 |
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knoppix | do i need antivirus | 05:43 |
Suicidolt | stuck at 97% | 05:43 |
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Axcess | hey all | 05:44 |
HHP22 | knoppix: No. :P Probably not. | 05:44 |
pawan | how to see contents of virtual drive c: in wine | 05:44 |
robevans | bcbooter, mine is a corporate issue and I wonder if that, in part, would explain things. | 05:44 |
Axcess | Ive got a lame question | 05:44 |
jmg | wweasel: thats a cool thing to do at a camp. Not very summery though. | 05:44 |
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Felarin | pawan: it's in a .wine folder in your home folder | 05:44 |
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jmg | I hope you dont make them install Icthux. | 05:44 |
pawan | i dont have wine folder | 05:45 |
pawan | i have desktop and examples folder | 05:45 |
balleyne | pawan: ".wine" it's hidden | 05:45 |
Felarin | pawan: it's hidden | 05:45 |
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Felarin | right click show hidden files | 05:45 |
deeproot | jerbull88 google htpasswd and i think that will put you on the correct path, although its not that secure | 05:45 |
theacolyte2 | Have any of you at all installed ubuntu on a macbook pro? | 05:45 |
pawan | how to unhide it | 05:45 |
wweasel | jmg: It's a pretty cool camp. The kids make a schedule for themselves from pretty much anything they want. 3 activites in a day, and plenty of them are normal kid-type things, not just building PCs. And nope, they have no patience, so I just give them Live CDs. | 05:45 |
Felarin | or go view | 05:45 |
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Felarin | either go view and select show hidden files | 05:45 |
Felarin | or ctrl + h | 05:46 |
obf213 | how do you get a trash desktop icon? | 05:46 |
jmg | wweasel: obviously not a jesus camp then | 05:46 |
jerbull88 | deeproot, i cant really follow the stuff they've got | 05:46 |
balleyne | Banshee question: where is my music library info stored? ie. list of files, playlists.. | 05:46 |
berent | pawan : cd ~/.wine | 05:46 |
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jmg | wweasel: camp quest? | 05:46 |
wweasel | jmg: nope. is that an american phenomenon? | 05:46 |
Axcess | I am using beatrIX, and i know beatrIX is basted on ubuntu. I need to install spanish as a language with gnome. I cant seem to find any instructions anywhere. | 05:46 |
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jmg | wweasel: yeah it is... camp quest is the atheist alternative | 05:46 |
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berent | why should i have to include noapic boot parameter when i use amd processors???? | 05:46 |
runev | shouldn't setting, say three, modes (Mode "1280x800" "800x600 "640x480") in xorg.conf under my default Depth, allow me to use CTRL + ALT + -/+ to change resolutions, or must i do something more? | 05:46 |
wweasel | jmg: nope, never heard of them. Explorations summer camp is in Montreal | 05:47 |
cafuego | berent: Buggy bios on your mobo? | 05:47 |
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berent | cafuego : how to rectify it? | 05:47 |
Axcess | Does anyone know where i can get the files i need to install spanish on gnome? | 05:47 |
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cafuego | berent: See if there is a newer bios available. If not, just boot with noapic. It's not the end of the world. | 05:47 |
balleyne | anyone know where Banshee music library info is stored? | 05:48 |
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bruenig | balleyne, somewhere in ~ | 05:48 |
Suicidolt | first startup, wish me luck | 05:48 |
berent | Axcess : apt-cache search spanish | 05:48 |
=== Suicidolt crosses fingers | ||
=== bruenig wishes failure | ||
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Barbie | Best of luck | 05:48 |
balleyne | bruening: yeah, I've been looking... I found banshee preferences, but nothing about my library... | 05:48 |
deeproot | jerbull88 have you edited your htaccess file yet | 05:48 |
berent | cafuego : i did that . but why?? | 05:48 |
balleyne | Axcess: System->Adminstration->Language Support ?? | 05:48 |
bruenig | balleyne, ah, well it is in there somewhere I assure you | 05:48 |
cafuego | berent: Buggy bios on your mobo? | 05:49 |
balleyne | bruenig: I'll keep looking! lol | 05:49 |
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cafuego | kanuha: Done | 05:49 |
berent | cafuego : how do i upgrade my bios or know if there are any newer updates for it | 05:49 |
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jerbull88 | deeproot no kinda need someone to hold my hand | 05:49 |
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Axcess | thanks, ill see what i can figure out | 05:49 |
pawan | how to remove wine installed applications | 05:49 |
cafuego | berent: manufacturer's website shoud tell you. | 05:50 |
bruenig | pawan, delete all the files | 05:50 |
berent | ok | 05:50 |
bruenig | pawan, sometimes apps come with uninstall.exe, you should be able to run that | 05:50 |
awerner32 | is there a way to make it automount a network shared drive on boot? | 05:50 |
obf213 | is gedit always going to make a hidden file when u edit soemthing? | 05:50 |
awerner32 | it being ubuntu | 05:50 |
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bruenig | !fstab | awerner32 | 05:50 |
ubotu | awerner32: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 05:50 |
Barbie | Anybody know how to tunnel http connection via sockets? | 05:50 |
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pr4bh | hi guys, is there a good weather script for conky that i can use for uk's weather? | 05:50 |
spy80us | thanks to all that helped.. bye | 05:51 |
Suicidolt | um...k | 05:51 |
Suicidolt | this is nice | 05:51 |
kjm | see ya spy80us | 05:51 |
Suicidolt | I like the visua | 05:51 |
Suicidolt | visual | 05:51 |
Suicidolt | but I need help with this wireless card now | 05:51 |
cafuego | pr4bh: while(1) { echo "RAIN" } | 05:51 |
bruenig | pr4bh, you might be able to write one with wget and awk and grep and sed | 05:51 |
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awerner32 | it manages networked drives too? say i wanted to automount smb://andrew-desktop/andrew | 05:51 |
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Suicidolt | !wifi | 05:51 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 05:51 |
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pr4bh | bruenig: umm, can u explain more plz? | 05:52 |
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jerbull88 | deeproot my httpd.conf is blank | 05:52 |
Barbie | !socket | 05:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about socket - try searching on | 05:53 |
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Suicidolt | ok | 05:53 |
Suicidolt | it started up | 05:53 |
Suicidolt | but how do I get this wireless card working | 05:53 |
iShock | BRB | 05:53 |
holychico | Is it ok to use beryl from ubuntu repositories with ati and xgl? | 05:53 |
Suicidolt | once i do that, I'll have no complaints | 05:53 |
aliveriuss | can someone tell me what the current ubuntu package for libstdc++ is? | 05:53 |
deeproot | jerbull88 thats b/c your running apache2 | 05:53 |
bruenig | pr4bh, hmmm, well you wget the page with weather information, you inspect the source to figure out how it situates things, and then you manipulate it with grep awk and sed so that it will get you whatever you want. like temperature or something like that, what did you want it to say | 05:53 |
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berent | aliveriuss : apt-cache search libstdc++ | 05:54 |
pr4bh | bloody hell, that sounds complicated lol | 05:54 |
deeproot | jerbull88 everthing is in apache2.conf | 05:54 |
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bruenig | did you just want temp? pr4bh | 05:54 |
nickrud | !info libstdc++ | aliveriuss | 05:54 |
ubotu | aliveriuss: Package libstdc++ does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 05:54 |
Flannel | jerbull88: Ubuntu uses the debian style of apache configs. there is no monolithic httpd.conf, instead you use apache2.conf (and that includes a bunch of otherthings), like /mods-enabled and /sites-enabled/ | 05:54 |
aliveriuss | please berent i have my reasons | 05:54 |
pr4bh | bruenig: well, something like that yes.. | 05:54 |
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Flannel | aliveriuss: | 05:55 |
aliveriuss | how can i clean the apt cache? | 05:55 |
bruenig | pr4bh, alright because I am bored I will take a stab at it, find a webpage that has the information you want on it | 05:55 |
aliveriuss | yhanks Flannel | 05:55 |
berent | aliveriuss : 6.4.1 | 05:55 |
Flannel | aliveriuss: and | 05:55 |
bruenig | pr4bh, and give me the link obviously | 05:55 |
pr4bh | cheers :) | 05:55 |
pr4bh | just a min | 05:55 |
jerbull88 | deeproot, so ive got apache2.conf open | 05:55 |
Flannel | jerbull88: Actually, password protecting isn't done in apache2.conf, since it'd be a virtual host based thing, it'd be entirely in sites-enabled/ | 05:56 |
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aliveriuss | it is 0ubuntu4 right? | 05:56 |
pr4bh | bruenig: | 05:56 |
nickrud | aliveriuss, apt-get clean or autoclean | 05:56 |
aliveriuss | did both nickrud | 05:56 |
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jerbull88 | flannel, can you help me set a password then | 05:56 |
Flannel | aliveriuss: 4.1.2-0ubuntu4 is the versin, yeah. | 05:56 |
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aliveriuss | ok one moment | 05:57 |
robby | hey all | 05:57 |
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jerbull88 | im so lost | 05:57 |
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Barbie | How to tunnel http connection via sockets | 05:58 |
deeproot | jerbull88 you first need to run htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/.htpasswd someuser | 05:58 |
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Axcess | im having a hard time figuring apt-cache out | 05:58 |
Axcess | i type apt-cache search spanish | 05:58 |
Axcess | and nothing happens | 05:58 |
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jerbull88 | deeproot from terminal? | 05:59 |
Barbie | Try apt-get update first | 05:59 |
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adam820 | which room is the room for development suggestions or questions? | 05:59 |
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Optimus55 | hey can someone remind me how to set the default gateway in CLI? | 05:59 |
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deeproot | jerbull88 yes "htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/.htpasswd someuser" | 05:59 |
Optimus55 | i need it for an interface tty/usb0 | 05:59 |
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aliveriuss | ok i have an issue here and need help... | 06:00 |
pinstp | hi all | 06:00 |
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DarkRamon | hello guys.. Im having some issues with cedega... trying to run fifa 2005. I runs it but it shows me the game a little bit distorted... where you are supposed to select your team, it shows it blank (white)... and some other distortions... my computer has 384 ram, 2.0 ghz and nvidia agp 128 ram | 06:00 |
robby | i need a packet grabber like utility | 06:00 |
brimue | hi, i just finished installing kino but even after logging back on, there is no entry in the applications menu, any ideas? | 06:00 |
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bcbooter | anyone here reppin a thinpad T60 with ubuntu?>>>>???? | 06:00 |
nickrud | Optimus55, route add addr | 06:00 |
mikebelt | are there any Ubuntu 7.04 Server gurus here? | 06:00 |
Axcess | 404'd | 06:01 |
jerbull88 | deeproot, it says it cannot create file | 06:01 |
Suicidolt | ok, so how would I start on this wireless card, I don't even know where to begin | 06:01 |
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aliveriuss | my requires version 'GCC_4.2.0' | 06:01 |
deeproot | jerbull88 put sudo infront of it | 06:01 |
Flannel | !anyone | mikebelt | 06:01 |
ubotu | mikebelt: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 06:01 |
pinstp | put the card in the comp | 06:01 |
aliveriuss | i built the library myself from source | 06:01 |
aliveriuss | and it works | 06:01 |
pinstp | then instal the drivers | 06:01 |
unagi | does anyone know why i have to type passkey-agent /usr/bin/bluez-pin 00:15:B9:83:25:7E to get gnome to pop up the dialogue to pair my phone to my laptop every there an automatic way of doing that? | 06:02 |
thinlace | ok i still have not been able to revert to the open source ATI drivers on my TP60p | 06:02 |
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jerbull88 | deeproot it says it has added the new password | 06:02 |
kanuha | cafuego, what is the site? | 06:02 |
aliveriuss | when i replace my lib with ubuntu's libstdc++ i go back to the point i got the error | 06:02 |
thinlace | i installed Envy and unfortunately it seems to have killed my 3D hardware accelleration. it just doesn't work. | 06:02 |
mikebelt | I just installed 7.04 server. Upon reboot, I discovered there was no GUI, just CLI. Did I botch something, or is this standard? Redhat and Debian both give you X as a default | 06:02 |
Axcess | i ran apt-get update and i got a bunch of 404s | 06:02 |
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pawan | hi | 06:02 |
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Suicidolt | pinstp: thanks, but it's windows drivers | 06:03 |
deeproot | jerbull88 now you need to make an .htaccess file in the directory you want to protect | 06:03 |
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Flannel | mikebelt: The server has no GUI by default | 06:03 |
nickrud | mikebelt, standard (and depends on what you install in debian) | 06:03 |
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bruenig | pr4bh, cat WV1 | grep obsTempText | sed -e 's|>||g' -e 's|\&.*||g' | awk -FB '{print $2}' | 06:03 |
brimue | hi, i just finished installing kino but even after logging back on, there is no entry in the applications menu, any ideas? | 06:03 |
unagi | anyone know anything about bluetooth? | 06:03 |
jerbull88 | deeproot how is that done? | 06:03 |
Barbie | Axcess, what happened then | 06:03 |
bruenig | pr4bh, woops don't do that | 06:03 |
aliveriuss | means i reinstall the official package throught synaptic and aftewards it doesnt work | 06:03 |
Suicidolt | pinstp: how do I install them? | 06:03 |
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mikebelt | Flannel: Is there an easy way to slap one on there. | 06:03 |
mikebelt | ? | 06:03 |
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pawan | i uninstalled winamp but still its name is there in my programs list | 06:03 |
aliveriuss | i copy the i build myself and replace the "original" | 06:03 |
Flannel | mikebelt: sure, package management. What GUI do you want? | 06:03 |
Axcess | Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 06:03 |
pinstp | o yea they are for windows huh | 06:03 |
aliveriuss | and the system comes back to life... | 06:04 |
Axcess | that in numerious deratives | 06:04 |
pinstp | have u tried using wine | 06:04 |
Suicidolt | it's a linux card | 06:04 |
Suicidolt | wine? | 06:04 |
Flannel | Axcess: Warty? Are you still using warty? | 06:04 |
Optimus55 | nickrud: to set default gateway, sudo route add | 06:04 |
Suicidolt | !wine | 06:04 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information. | 06:04 |
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mikebelt | I suppose KDE | 06:04 |
Axcess | i dont know what warty is | 06:04 |
deeproot | jerbull88 can you see my private msg | 06:04 |
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Flannel | mikebelt: If you want KDE, you're probably better off installing from a Kubuntu CD | 06:04 |
bruenig | pr4bh, ok here it is, this will find the temperature: wget -q -O- | grep obsTempText | sed -e 's|>||g' -e 's|\&.*||g' | awk -FB '{print $2}' | 06:04 |
Axcess | im using beatrIX from 2005 | 06:04 |
balleyne | is there an easy/quick way to edit an SQL Lite db? | 06:04 |
jerbull88 | deeproot no i cant | 06:04 |
Axcess | im trying to set up an old system | 06:04 |
Flannel | Axcess: `lsb_release -a` What does it give you? | 06:04 |
Axcess | with somthing it can actually run | 06:04 |
Optimus55 | sry but a bit new here, just finished install, but whenever i plug in my ethernet cable, the wirelss card cuts off | 06:04 |
deeproot | jerbull88 does the directory you want to protect allready exist | 06:05 |
pinstp | have u put the card in the computer yet | 06:05 |
unagi | anyone know anything about bluetooth? | 06:05 |
Axcess | command not found | 06:05 |
pinstp | lol | 06:05 |
jerbull88 | deeproot yes | 06:05 |
aliveriuss | noone can help me?? | 06:05 |
mikebelt | Is Kubuntu just Ubuntu with a GUI? | 06:05 |
Flannel | Axcess: Ah, Well, warty is no longer supported (hasn't been for... a year and a half now), you should be able to install anything new on it though wihtout a problem | 06:05 |
nickrud | Optimus55, my little bit of experience says that's ok, but ask for more help with wireless/ethernet conflicts | 06:05 |
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bcbooter | what drivers work with the x1400, so far all i know of is flgrx | 06:05 |
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bruenig | mikebelt, kubuntu is ubuntu with kde instead of gnome | 06:05 |
Flannel | mikebelt: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, Ubuntu has Gnome, and the server has nothing. | 06:05 |
nickrud | Optimus55, assuming you'll substitute the actual route for | 06:05 |
balleyne | aliveriuss: what's the problem? | 06:05 |
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DarkRamon | hello guys.. Im having some issues with cedega... trying to run fifa 2005. I runs it but it shows me the game a little bit distorted... where you are supposed to select your team, it shows it blank (white)... and some other distortions... my computer has 384 ram, 2.0 ghz and nvidia agp 128 ram | 06:05 |
mikebelt | Flannel: can I put Gnome on the server? | 06:05 |
Flannel | mikebelt: they're all "Ubuntu" (the distro), but different flavors (Ubuntu/Kubuntu) | 06:06 |
Optimus55 | nickrud: ? | 06:06 |
pinstp | what is the error that u get with the software | 06:06 |
SnlTim | Hi. I need to run the command "ln -s /dev/lp0 /dev/lp5" at boot time after /dev directory is ready. How should i do this? | 06:06 |
Flannel | mikebelt: Why not just install Ubuntu (with the Ubuntu flavor?) | 06:06 |
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Gun_Smok1 | This was new today.... "Nautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to locate the factory.Killing bonobo-activation-server and restarting Nautilus may help fix the problem." | 06:06 |
deeproot | jerbull88 "sudo gedit /thelocation/to that directory/.htaccess/" | 06:06 |
Axcess | you mean a new distro? | 06:06 |
mikebelt | Flannel: you mean Ubuntu desktop, no server? | 06:06 |
heatman | Hello. I was working on my ubuntu pc last night when, while fixing my router, my ethernet connection drop. From that point on, I am no onger able to establish a connection even if i reset my ethernet card using the various appz in KDE or Gnome. If I try to do the changes manually using the various commands of ifconfig & iwconfig, the modifications are not kept and I must start from scratch once more. Is there a way to fix this? Forgot | 06:06 |
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Optimus55 | nickrud: well i had the same prob b4 on the live cd and came here. solved it by setting the default gateway to device tty/usb0 | 06:06 |
Axcess | i tried the new ubuntu 7 and it kept freezing really bad on install | 06:06 |
heatman | wireless connection does not work either! | 06:06 |
Flannel | mikebelt: The only difference between them is the default packages installed. They all share the same repository, and all are able to be anything else as well. | 06:06 |
Optimus55 | just cant remember how to do it now that i installed | 06:06 |
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Flannel | mikebelt: Linux makes no differentiation between "desktop" or "server", it just knows programs. | 06:07 |
Axcess | i also tried suse 10.1 but that ran way too slow | 06:07 |
Flannel | Axcess: yes. What sort of hardware do you have in it? | 06:07 |
deeproot | jerbull88 well leave the last / off | 06:07 |
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Axcess | its a pIII 866 | 06:07 |
nickrud | Optimus55, route add <device ip> ? | 06:07 |
Flannel | Axcess: how much RAM? | 06:07 |
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balleyne | anyone know anything about a program for editing SQL Lite databases? | 06:07 |
Axcess | with 196 mb of ram or so | 06:07 |
DarkRamon | hello guys.. Im having some issues with cedega... trying to run fifa 2005. I runs it but it shows me the game a little bit distorted... where you are supposed to select your team, it shows it blank (white)... and some other distortions... my computer has 384 ram, 2.0 ghz and nvidia agp 128 ram | 06:07 |
pawan | i cant see wine software uninstaller | 06:07 |
Flannel | Axcess: Xubuntu will run fine, as will Ubuntu or Kubuntu. Although the latter two might be a little sluggish at times | 06:07 |
mikebelt | Flannel: I know that, I run a number of distros on my network, I just wasn't sure if Ubuntu discriminated. I've heard of "desktop" distros that were a real pain in the butt to set up as servers | 06:07 |
unagi | anyone know anything about bluetooth? | 06:08 |
Optimus55 | nickrud: well its an evdo card, acts as dial up. so if i add a static ip, it probably wont work the next time i connect and it changes | 06:08 |
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unagi | does anyone know why i have to type passkey-agent /usr/bin/bluez-pin 00:15:B9:83:25:7E to get gnome to pop up the dialogue to pair my phone to my laptop every there an automatic way of doing that? | 06:08 |
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Axcess | is there anything that runs an older gnome? | 06:08 |
jerbull88 | deeproot it opened htaccess in gedit | 06:08 |
bruenig | pr4bh, did that work? | 06:08 |
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Flannel | mikebelt: nah, the CDs you download are only different in the default stuff installed. They all share repositories, and as such you can switch between them easily | 06:08 |
Flannel | Axcess: Try Xubuntu, it's designed to be lightweight | 06:08 |
balleyne | unagi: .. writing a shell script that you can double-click? lol *shrugs* not sure... | 06:08 |
mikebelt | awesome, thanks for all the info. That all makes complete sense. | 06:08 |
DarkRamon | hello guys.. Im having some issues with cedega... trying to run fifa 2005. I runs it but it shows me the game a little bit distorted... where you are supposed to select your team, it shows it blank (white)... and some other distortions... my computer has 384 ram, 2.0 ghz and nvidia agp 128 ram | 06:08 |
deeproot | jerbull88 put "AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/.htpasswd" without the quotes | 06:08 |
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bcbooter | ooooo sweet jannne | 06:09 |
Axcess | ill give the live cd a shot | 06:09 |
nickrud | Optimus55, it seems you'd change that in pppconfig then, if it acts as a true dialup. | 06:09 |
jerbull88 | deeproot got it | 06:09 |
balleyne | SQL Lite help anyone? | 06:09 |
metbsd | anyone use virtualbox? | 06:09 |
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Axcess | i need it to be relatively easy tho, cause otherwise i would be using Damn small Linux | 06:09 |
Flannel | DarkRamon: Should probably ask Cedega people for support with cedega (you pay them for it afterall) | 06:09 |
bcbooter | hmmm, what drivers work with the x1400 so far the only ones ive gotten to work are the flgrx | 06:09 |
Axcess | this is for a friend | 06:09 |
unagi | how do you mount a .iso? | 06:09 |
Flannel | !iso | unagi | 06:10 |
DarkRamon | flannel ok thanks A LOT | 06:10 |
ubotu | unagi: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 06:10 |
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deeproot | jerbull88 put "AuthGroupFile /dev/null" without the quotes | 06:10 |
compwiz18 | metbsd, I've used virtual-box for FreeBSD, but it didn't work | 06:10 |
unagi | !iso | 06:10 |
Axcess | thanks | 06:10 |
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metbsd | compengi, you mean use freebsd as guest os? | 06:10 |
jerbull88 | deeproot on the next line correct? | 06:10 |
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deeproot | yes | 06:10 |
unagi | !mountpoint | 06:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mountpoint - try searching on | 06:10 |
metbsd | compwiz18, you mean use freebsd as guest os? | 06:10 |
Optimus55 | nickrud: how to edit pppconfig? | 06:10 |
balleyne | !sql | 06:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sql - try searching on | 06:10 |
compwiz18 | metbsd, yes, although this is probably due to my lack of experience with FreeBSD | 06:10 |
Optimus55 | nickrud: i used wvdial btw, is that something different? | 06:10 |
unagi | what does it mean when it says 'must specify file system' | 06:10 |
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bruenig | unagi, -t filesystem | 06:11 |
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metbsd | compwiz18, what virtual solution do you use now | 06:11 |
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iShock | Hello. I am attempting to record my desktop into a video. However, when I record them, I cannot play them. It simply crashes Totem. How can I fix this. | 06:11 |
deeproot | jerbull88 then on next line put "AuthType Basic" without the quotes | 06:11 |
unagi | what filesystem is a dvd? | 06:11 |
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bruenig | unagi, iso9660 | 06:11 |
compwiz18 | I've used VMware and qemu, but I just wanted to test FreeBSD so I didn't try it in a different virtual machine | 06:11 |
nickrud | Optimus55, hm. different, but does the same. sudo pppconfig, fill in the blanks. then pon to start the connection, poff to stop. Depending on permissions, you may need sudo | 06:11 |
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Axcess | who needs help with sql? | 06:11 |
compwiz18 | metbsd, I've used VMware and qemu, but I just wanted to test FreeBSD so I didn't try it in a different virtual machine | 06:11 |
Optimus55 | nickrud: i think the cmd i used was something like sudo route add default gw (interface) | 06:12 |
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jerbull88 | deeprot got it | 06:12 |
Optimus55 | but i cant seem to get it to work now, well at least set the interface, it just says unknown host | 06:12 |
balleyne | Axcess: me, SQL Lite specifically | 06:12 |
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iShock | Hello. I am attempting to record my desktop into a video. However, when I record them, I cannot play them. It simply crashes Totem. How can I fix this. | 06:12 |
balleyne | Axcess: is there any relatively easy way to edit/view an SQL Lite db? | 06:12 |
nickrud | Optimus55, if your evdo works as a ppp interface, try pppconfig. It's pretty intelligent | 06:12 |
unagi | i dont understand bruenig | 06:12 |
unagi | so what is the command line> | 06:12 |
pawan | not able to install canon ipixma 1000 printer | 06:12 |
deeproot | jerbull88 then on next line put "require user whatever" without the quotes | 06:12 |
unagi | ? | 06:12 |
wastedfluid | anyone know of a quick tutorial for grub? Have a friend who installed a 500gb drive, and needs grub to re-scan for operating systems.. I forget how to do it. i know it's something in /boot/grub, anyone know? | 06:12 |
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deeproot | jerbull88 and by whatever put the username of the person you want to give access too | 06:13 |
balleyne | pawan: heard bad things about the pixma's :S... gave up on my gf's pixma 1600 (I think that was the model), but that's because we got an old HP working much faster... good luck! lol | 06:13 |
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iShock | Hello. I am attempting to record my desktop into a video. However, when I record them, I cannot play them. It simply crashes Totem. How can I fix this. | 06:13 |
Flannel | !grub | wastedfluid | 06:13 |
ubotu | wastedfluid: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 06:13 |
adub | hi all | 06:13 |
balleyne | pawan: that is, with linux support for the pixma's | 06:13 |
jerbull88 | deeproot ok | 06:13 |
Axcess | balleyne: all of my experience is with mysql and typing queries manually | 06:14 |
iShock | Hello. I am attempting to record my desktop into a video. However, when I record them, I cannot play them. It simply crashes Totem. How can I fix this. | 06:14 |
deeproot | jerbull88 now save that file | 06:14 |
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unagi | anyone know how to mount a dvd .iso? | 06:14 |
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pawan | linux supports ipixma 1000 | 06:14 |
iShock | Hello. I am attempting to record my desktop into a video. However, when I record them, I cannot play them. It simply crashes Totem. How can I fix this. | 06:14 |
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balleyne | Axcess: =\... bah, all my experience is MySQL too.. was wondering if there was a simple and similar way that I could edit an SQL Lite db, rather than having to reimport my whole music library to banshee.. lol | 06:14 |
pawan | but how to install drivers | 06:14 |
deeproot | jerbull88 then do "sudo 644 /that/.htaccess file/ " | 06:15 |
jerbull88 | Could not save the file /var/www/music/.htaccess. | 06:15 |
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iShock | Hello. I am attempting to record my desktop into a video. However, when I record them, I cannot play them. It simply crashes Totem. How can I fix this. | 06:15 |
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pertu | /w $me | 06:15 |
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slowz3r | Can anyone suggest a media player that can play .m4u aswell as mp3 and all the good stuff | 06:15 |
bruenig | !mountiso | unagi | 06:15 |
balleyne | pawan: have you tried ? | 06:15 |
ubotu | unagi: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 06:15 |
deeproot | jerbull88 did you sudo gedit that file when we got started? | 06:16 |
pawan | no | 06:16 |
iShock | Hello. I am attempting to record my desktop into a video. However, when I record them, I cannot play them. It simply crashes Totem. How can I fix this. | 06:16 |
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Axcess | balleyne: sorry dont think i could help much | 06:16 |
unagi | would mountpoint be '/'? | 06:16 |
bruenig | iShock, what is the format of the outputted video | 06:16 |
balleyne | Axcess: thanks anyways | 06:16 |
bruenig | unagi, it needs to be an empty directory somewhere | 06:16 |
iShock | bruenig: Ummm... | 06:16 |
balleyne | pawan: | 06:16 |
jerbull88 | deeproot yes...Unexpected error: File not found | 06:16 |
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unagi | !mountpoint | 06:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mountpoint - try searching on | 06:16 |
unagi | =( | 06:16 |
bruenig | unagi, any empty directory | 06:16 |
SnlTim | Please help with a simple question. Where do I put a script so it will get run at boot time? | 06:16 |
slowz3r | Can anyone suggest a media player that can play .m4u aswell as mp3 and all the good stuff | 06:17 |
Dessan | unagi, it would be something like /dev/cdromiso | 06:17 |
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iShock | bruenig: .ogg | 06:17 |
Dessan | just make the directory anywhere you want | 06:17 |
bruenig | Dessan, no it wouldn't | 06:17 |
balleyne | pawan: haha, looks like you might have better luck than me... according to, the iP1000 works "perfectly", while the iP1600 works "mostly" | 06:17 |
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obf213 | anyone know any good calendars in repository | 06:17 |
deeproot | jerbull88 if you sudo gedit then try save as and save it inside the directory you want to protect as .htaccess | 06:17 |
bruenig | Dessan, /dev is for devices, I guess you could put a directory in there if you wanted to, but that is not its designed function | 06:17 |
jerbull88 | deeproot maybe the directory doesnt exist | 06:18 |
unagi | snltim system>administration>sessions | 06:18 |
bruenig | iShock, does it open in other media players? | 06:18 |
unagi | er preferences SnlTim | 06:18 |
Optimus55 | one ques, if i previously used wvdial to start a connection, how do i terminate it? | 06:18 |
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unagi | Optimus55: close the terminal | 06:18 |
iShock | bruenig: It suddenly works..Lemme test this out. | 06:18 |
balleyne | pawan: have you just tried adding the printer though? are you sure that you need to install the drivers, that they weren't included with ubuntu? | 06:18 |
unagi | Optimus55: or gnome-system-monitor | 06:18 |
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Dessan | bruenig, I use it for the fact that some things that look for drives (such as wine etc) will look there | 06:18 |
Optimus55 | unagi: i closed it but my connection is still up | 06:18 |
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Dessan | bruenig, but of course you could place it anywhere. | 06:19 |
unagi | ive never had it continue after closing the terminal | 06:19 |
bruenig | Dessan, but those are where device files are, not where mountpoints | 06:19 |
unagi | is it still running in the momnitor? | 06:19 |
obf213 | !opensync | 06:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about opensync - try searching on | 06:19 |
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Dessan | bruenig, true.... *corrects self* /mnt/isocdrom | 06:19 |
jerbull88 | deeproot how can i check to see if the directory exists | 06:19 |
BadMoFo | hey all | 06:20 |
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darkskye | how do i start sshd? | 06:20 |
balleyne | last call - anyone know anything about SQL Lite? | 06:20 |
balleyne | !sqllite | 06:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sqllite - try searching on | 06:20 |
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BadMoFo | i've got a bottle of whiskey and nothing else to do so i figured i can help some people out | 06:20 |
balleyne | !sql-lite | 06:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sql-lite - try searching on | 06:20 |
darkskye | sshd re=exec requires execution with an absolute path | 06:20 |
bruenig | !fishing | balleyne | 06:20 |
ubotu | balleyne: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 06:20 |
kitche | balleyne: what about it | 06:20 |
deeproot | jerbull88 navigate to /var/www/whatever directory you want | 06:20 |
SnlTim | unagi: Thankyou but i need the script to be run at boot - before gnome starts | 06:20 |
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bruenig | darkskye, run the daemon in /etc/init.d | 06:20 |
jerbull88 | deeproot ok its there | 06:20 |
balleyne | kitche: any program I can use to view/edit an SQL Lite db? | 06:21 |
bruenig | SnlTim, write a daemon, or if it is short enough put it in rc.local | 06:21 |
unagi | i dont know how you would do that SnlTim | 06:21 |
hansin321 | I need to install some stuff via 'sneaker-net' to get networking going. Where can I download .deb files from? can get me source, but I need the .deb bianaries. Thanks. | 06:21 |
deeproot | jerbull88 then if you sudo gedit then you can save there | 06:21 |
Suicidolt | ok, I d/l-ed wine and I've got it on my laptop, now how do I install it? | 06:21 |
kitche | balleyne: SQLite Database browser | 06:22 |
jerbull88 | deeproot i used mkdir to create the directory and i saved it | 06:22 |
Flannel | !wine | Suicidolt | 06:22 |
ubotu | Suicidolt: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information. | 06:22 |
bruenig | Suicidolt, is it a deb? | 06:22 |
platman | hansin321: | 06:22 |
BadMoFo | hansin321, | 06:22 |
SnlTim | Please help with a simple question. Where do I put a script so it will get run at boot time, so it is done even before i log in? | 06:22 |
mikebelt | thanks folks | 06:22 |
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Suicidolt | deb? | 06:22 |
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Suicidolt | what's a deb? | 06:22 |
iShock | bruenig: Is there a way to change settings on Istanbul? | 06:22 |
deeproot | jerbull88 nice now get inside that directory in the termincal and "sudo chmod 644 .htaccess" | 06:23 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: it's a DEBian package format. What ubuntu uses for package management | 06:23 |
BadMoFo | Suicidolt, its a software installation package | 06:23 |
balleyne | kitche: thanks! | 06:23 |
bruenig | iShock, I don't know, I have used recordmydesktop before I think, and it worked great, there is no reason you shouldn't be able to see ogg | 06:23 |
Suicidolt | I think so | 06:23 |
pawan | how to install the drivers | 06:23 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: But, that page gives you full instructions on how to install (and use) wine | 06:23 |
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Suicidolt | | 06:23 |
Suicidolt | this is what I see | 06:23 |
jerbull88 | deeproot what do u mean by get inside that directory in the terminal | 06:23 |
pawan | my printer works well in winxp | 06:23 |
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deeproot | jerbull88 by doing cd /var/www/whatever dir | 06:24 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: don't use that. Read the page to install wine. | 06:24 |
Suicidolt | isn't that what that is? | 06:24 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: no | 06:24 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: | 06:24 |
iShock | Hmph.. | 06:24 |
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jerbull88 | deeproot cd command not found | 06:24 |
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platman | jerbull88: you have to type cd then the directory you want to be in | 06:25 |
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headmonkey | whats this business with the word startkeylogger disconnecting people ? | 06:25 |
Flannel | !exploit | headmonkey | 06:25 |
ubotu | headmonkey: There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: | 06:25 |
jerbull88 | platman i did | 06:25 |
Flannel | headmonkey: Same sort of thing, although different trigger | 06:25 |
deeproot | jerbull88 if you type "cd /var/www/whatever" it should put you in that dir | 06:25 |
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platman | jerbull88: if i wanted to check my home folder it would be cd /home/myhomefolder | 06:25 |
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headmonkey | huh ? | 06:25 |
iShock | Why am I still testing this? Trying to get great speed? Without lag? | 06:26 |
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hansin321 | platman & BadMoFo: Thanks. | 06:26 |
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bruenig | platman, it wouldn't say that cd wasn't found even if he hadn't used a path | 06:26 |
jerbull88 | it wouldnt work with sudo in front of it | 06:26 |
bruenig | platman, it would just drop him into ~ | 06:26 |
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deeproot | no sudo your just changing dir | 06:26 |
jetscreamer | for great justice! | 06:26 |
platman | bruenig: i know this. it's much easier to explain it's usage by using full directories | 06:26 |
jerbull88 | deeproot i typed in the chmod command and it went to the next line | 06:27 |
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bruenig | platman, no, I mean his error has nothing to do with his usage, under no circumstances should it say that the command wasn't found | 06:27 |
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iShock | Hi #ubuntu! | 06:27 |
nanobug | OMGHI2U! | 06:27 |
platman | bruenig: i know that as well, but it would be pointless to tell him that. i was showing him how to use it correctly. if he uses it correclt, he wouldnt have that error | 06:28 |
boyracer | anyone know if there's a similar app to Lightroom on linux? | 06:28 |
deeproot | jerbull88 you typed "cd /var/www/yourdirectory/" and it didn't got there? | 06:28 |
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unagi | anyone here use apple shake? | 06:28 |
deeproot | err go | 06:28 |
bruenig | platman, he would | 06:28 |
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bruenig | platman, if you have a command not found error, it has nothing to do with how you are using it, it literally cannot find /bin/cd | 06:28 |
ShawnRisk | I am running a VM in Mac that is running Ubuntu but not detecting my CD Drive. | 06:28 |
bulmer | SnlTim: man invoke-rc.d | 06:28 |
iShock | !istanbul | 06:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about istanbul - try searching on | 06:29 |
iShock | |o | 06:29 |
iShock | Typo wtf? | 06:29 |
isleshocky77 | When connecting to one particular ssh server in terminal it turns the text to white, on an already white background. ANyone know what's going on with this? | 06:29 |
iShock | Oh well... | 06:29 |
jerbull88 | deeproot i changed the directory and pu in the chmod command | 06:29 |
platman | bruenig: if that's the case, his system is pretty f**cked | 06:29 |
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BadMoFo | boyracer, I'm looking for an app that accomplishes was photomerge in photoshop does | 06:29 |
SnlTim | bulmer: Thanks i will have a look | 06:29 |
bruenig | platman, yeah, I think he said it was because he was doing sudo cd though so I guess that was the issue | 06:29 |
BadMoFo | boyracer, was=what | 06:29 |
Axcess | lol | 06:29 |
nickrud | isn't cd a bash built-in? | 06:29 |
boyracer | BadMoFo, good luck heh | 06:30 |
nanobug | crap | 06:30 |
nanobug | anyone know how to get the menubar back in xterm | 06:30 |
iShock | bruenig: I use recordmydesktop..It lags my comp :( | 06:30 |
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BadMoFo | boyracer, yeah thanks. ive found some crap that'll do left-to-right panoramas but nothing else | 06:30 |
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Nutubuntu | Is there a how-to on setting up a local repository for debs I build myself? I'd like to be able to install them with apt rather than dpkg, so that they're tracked in its database. | 06:30 |
nanobug | dont dig for it just asking if anyone knows offhand | 06:30 |
Flannel | !away > pr4bh[ZzZ] | 06:30 |
jerbull88 | deeproot im ready for the next step | 06:30 |
Nutubuntu | BadMoFo, what does photomerge do? | 06:30 |
Flannel | Nutubuntu: what sort of debs are you building? | 06:30 |
nanobug | holy crap its 12:30am and my daughter is still awake | 06:30 |
deeproot | jerbull88 then in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf change the line that says AllowOverride none to AllowOverride AuthConfig then restart the apache server and you should have password protection | 06:31 |
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Nutubuntu | Flannel, things like Scribe, an editor which will be in Gutsy but isn't in Feisty ... | 06:31 |
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BadMoFo | Nutubuntu, i scan big paintings once in awhile on an 8x11" flatbed scanner, and sometimes it takes 6 scans to get the whole painting. photomerge takes all the scans and puts them into once image automatically | 06:31 |
Flannel | Nutubuntu: perfect. Prevu does the backporting (and the local deb setup) automatically. | 06:31 |
Suicidolt | I think I'm more confused than when I first looked at this.... | 06:31 |
Flannel | !prevu | Nutubuntu | 06:31 |
ubotu | Nutubuntu: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out for more details | 06:31 |
kersinc | #ubuntu-es | 06:31 |
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Nutubuntu | Ooooooo :) t/y Flannel :) | 06:31 |
v0idnull | Hey guys, I'm about to install ubuntu on my laptop, anything I should be aware about first? | 06:31 |
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BadMoFo | v0idnull, depends on the laptop | 06:32 |
headmonkey | wtf ? i got banned ? | 06:32 |
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Flannel | headmonkey: K-lined, because it's an automated response to that string. | 06:32 |
v0idnull | BadMoFo: Acer Aspire 5101 | 06:32 |
wckdkl0wn | how can i change the ubuntu logo next to the applications button at the top? | 06:32 |
Suicidolt | where do I get a .deb of wine? i don't see one anywhere | 06:32 |
iShock | Flannel: What string? ;D | 06:32 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: It's in the repositories | 06:32 |
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Nutubuntu | BadMoFo - I got nothin' - thought maybe some of the pano tools might help but IDK anything about that. :( | 06:33 |
headmonkey | Flannel, well i just sent an email to staff, explaining that instead of k-lining people and calling them exploiters, they could simply regex the word out of the networks lexicon | 06:33 |
Suicidolt | eh? | 06:33 |
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wckdkl0wn | Suicidolt, just do sudo apt-get install wine | 06:33 |
Suicidolt | and I don't undestand these repoitories | 06:33 |
BadMoFo | Nutubuntu, yeah ive investigated that, they're mostly command line tools with once useless gimp plugin that i really cant comprehend | 06:33 |
headmonkey | Flannel, no need for draconian punishments when the problem could be prevented in the first place | 06:33 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: Did you read that page? | 06:33 |
jerbull88 | deeprot there are 2 seperate instances of AllowOverride | 06:33 |
Suicidolt | from command-line wckdkl0wn | 06:33 |
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Suicidolt | yes | 06:33 |
Suicidolt | I'm just confused | 06:33 |
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wckdkl0wn | Suicidolt, yes open terminal | 06:33 |
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Flannel | Suicidolt: wine is in the repositories. You just need to (as per that page), enable universe, update, and then install it. | 06:34 |
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iShock | Hmph testing stupid videio | 06:34 |
Suicidolt | how can I update without internet? | 06:34 |
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wckdkl0wn | how can i change the ubuntu logo next to the applications button at the top? | 06:34 |
pawan | my pprinter is installed but it is not printing anything | 06:34 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: What? When did you say you didn't haven internet? | 06:34 |
jerbull88 | deeproot there are 2 seperate instances of AllowOverride | 06:34 |
v0idnull | BadMoFo: Checked the wiki though, only v6 was installed on the 5101, and I did not find any... general information on laptop installations. | 06:34 |
Suicidolt | I am trying to install a wireless card.... | 06:34 |
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Suicidolt | why do you think I need it? | 06:34 |
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Flannel | Suicidolt: you're trying to install wine. Wine won't help for your wireless card. | 06:35 |
Suicidolt | I know | 06:35 |
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Suicidolt | the wireless card needs to be installed | 06:35 |
Suicidolt | the person told me to install wine | 06:35 |
Suicidolt | so that I could | 06:35 |
pawan | hello | 06:35 |
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BadMoFo | v0idnull, i'll look up specs | 06:35 |
Flannel | !enter | Suicidolt | 06:35 |
ubotu | Suicidolt: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:35 |
Suicidolt | ok | 06:35 |
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Flannel | !wifi | Suicidolt | 06:35 |
ubotu | Suicidolt: Wireless documentation can be found at | 06:35 |
Suicidolt | read it | 06:35 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: If anything, you'll need to sneakernet ndiswrapper | 06:36 |
BadMoFo | v0idnull, u could always boot the live cd to insure everything works as well | 06:36 |
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v0idnull | BadMoFo: AMD Turion64, ATI Radeon Xpress 1100, 1gb ram, wireless. | 06:36 |
eboyjr | I am running Windows XP under VirtualBox. My "VirtualWindows" says I have to activate Windows within 30 days. I already have Windows/Ubuntu Dual-boot and I used the same CD as the "Full" windows. Is there anything wrong with activating EVIL Windows under Ubuntu? | 06:36 |
wckdkl0wn | Flannel, if he dont have internet then how is he in here? | 06:36 |
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pawan | anybody got drivers fpr ipixma 1000 printer | 06:36 |
deeproot | jerbull88 change the one thats not in the same group as icons | 06:36 |
iShock | Whats the command to play out of totem? totem FILE? | 06:36 |
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Flannel | wckdkl0wn: different computer + sneakernet | 06:36 |
Suicidolt | I know about ndiswrapper, but I couldn't figure out how to install it last time I had linux, that's why I changed installations | 06:36 |
wckdkl0wn | ah | 06:36 |
Flannel | Suicidolt: however, if you're certain you need wine, and have the deb, double click it, and it'll install. | 06:36 |
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iShock | Whats the command to play out of totem? totem FILE? | 06:36 |
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John` | how you fix sound problem after hibernating? | 06:37 |
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buntunu1 | hey all anyone know how to get recorded sound to work with webcam? | 06:37 |
jerbull88 | deeproot how do u restart apache | 06:37 |
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pawan | hi | 06:37 |
eboyjr | iShock: Yes, corrects | 06:37 |
eboyjr | correct* | 06:37 |
BadMoFo | v0idnull, i dont see any reason it wouldnt work | 06:37 |
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deeproot | sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop | 06:37 |
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buntunu1 | been tryin out luvcview and cant get it to record sound at all | 06:38 |
deeproot | then sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 06:38 |
BadMoFo | v0idnull, the live cd is your best bet, pop it in, boot from cd, and if something doesnt work u have an issue | 06:38 |
v0idnull | BadMoFo: Good, I'm excited to finally try out ubuntu | 06:38 |
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v0idnull | BadMoFo: that's what I'm going for | 06:38 |
BadMoFo | v0idnull, right on | 06:38 |
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v0idnull | I've seen some pretty pimp desktops for ubunto | 06:39 |
buntunu1 | !uvcvideo | 06:39 |
v0idnull | ubuntu | 06:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about uvcvideo - try searching on | 06:39 |
alce | hello everyone, my first visit here | 06:39 |
BadMoFo | yeah u can set it up pretty much however u can think it up | 06:39 |
BadMoFo | reliiable as hell | 06:39 |
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v0idnull | 3D, transparency, I want to show this off in pretentious $100000000000000 per cup of vistovesto latte cafes. | 06:39 |
jerbull88 | deeproot its restarted but not asking me for a password | 06:40 |
BadMoFo | the only time my computer reboots is after a power outage | 06:40 |
BadMoFo | lol | 06:40 |
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Suicidolt | ok, so my card is not listed in the wifi documentation, it's linksys WPC54G | 06:40 |
deeproot | did you name the file .htaccess in the directory you want to protect | 06:40 |
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orbisvicis | is it possible to somehow lower the volume of the system beep? | 06:40 |
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BadMoFo | orbisvicis, i dont think so | 06:41 |
alce | I am trying to run this command: sudo "echo '/usr/local/lib' >> /etc/" | 06:41 |
DarkRamon | hello.. maybe someone can help me in here since the people from #cedega is not there or just don't want to answer...... | 06:41 |
alce | but it wont let me | 06:41 |
jerbull88 | deeproot do u have vnc | 06:41 |
alce | anyone? | 06:41 |
Flannel | alce: echo "/usr/local/lib" | sudo tee -a /etc/ | 06:41 |
alce | cool, trying it out tks | 06:42 |
BadMoFo | DarkRamon, what sup | 06:42 |
DarkRamon | Im trying to run fifa 2005 with cedega... it runs it but its giving me issues with the menues... they are white (blank).... I have a geforce mx 4000 128 mb, 384 ram and 2.0 ghz what can i do? | 06:42 |
deeproot | yes | 06:42 |
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DarkRamon | sup badmofo | 06:42 |
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Barbie | Hey my logout button is not showing restart and shutdown options. | 06:42 |
jerbull88 | deeproot wanna help me out via vnc | 06:42 |
BadMoFo | DarkRamon, tried running it with wine? | 06:42 |
cafuego | kanuha: | 06:42 |
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DarkRamon | yeah and it runs so slow | 06:42 |
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Flannel | DarkRamon: There's nothing going on there but Cedega, you should ask them for support. | 06:42 |
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DarkRamon | Flannel: I've been trying that but no one answers or no one is willing to help | 06:43 |
deeproot | i can try | 06:43 |
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BadMoFo | i have a solution: xbox :-) | 06:43 |
DarkRamon | BadMofo: I tried with wine but it runs so slow..... | 06:43 |
jerbull88 | deeproot how do i send a private message to you | 06:43 |
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DarkRamon | cannot purchase an Xbox hehe.. im poor | 06:44 |
DarkRamon | :P | 06:44 |
Flannel | DarkRamon: have you tried the forums? | 06:44 |
BadMoFo | DarkRamon, amen i hear that | 06:44 |
DarkRamon | Flannel: yeah but i posted and no one answers | 06:44 |
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DarkRamon | haha it seems im doomed with fifa2005 | 06:44 |
BadMoFo | the only games i play on the puter anymore are 1st person shooters | 06:44 |
deeproot | right click my name and select private | 06:44 |
BadMoFo | gotta get some killin' done | 06:44 |
DarkRamon | nba 2003 runs great | 06:44 |
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alce | Flannel: it works, thanks a bunch | 06:45 |
deeproot | jerbull88 or type /msg deeproot whatever | 06:45 |
DarkRamon | tried a lot of options with the pixel shaders etc and no go | 06:45 |
desper | Modem is not working on Ubuntu with the help of gnome-ppp , wvdail help | 06:45 |
DarkRamon | how can I enable the game to run with opengl with wine? | 06:46 |
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BadMoFo | DarkRamon, it should just work | 06:46 |
BadMoFo | other than that i got nothin | 06:46 |
DarkRamon | it sux :( | 06:46 |
obf213 | does anyone understand opensync | 06:46 |
jerbull88 | deeproot, you still here | 06:46 |
BadMoFo | feel your pain- call of duty2 didnt wanna cooperate with me either | 06:47 |
obf213 | there are all these plugins but now opensync | 06:47 |
deeproot | yeah | 06:47 |
DarkRamon | call of duty rules man | 06:47 |
BadMoFo | hell yes | 06:47 |
BadMoFo | ive been playing this urban terror game lately | 06:47 |
needinfo | This is my third day trying to get help? Anyone suggest how I can get help with MythTV? | 06:47 |
BadMoFo | pretty entertaining | 06:47 |
nanobug | UT is fun | 06:47 |
jerbull88 | deeproot u getting my private msgs | 06:48 |
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deeproot | no | 06:48 |
wckdkl0wn | how can i change the ubuntu logo next to the applications button at the top? | 06:48 |
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DarkRamon | whats that game about? | 06:48 |
jerbull88 | deeproot try and send me one | 06:48 |
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BadMoFo | its kinda like counterstrike but free, u got deathmatch, team dm, ctf, etc | 06:48 |
BadMoFo | modern weapons & equipment | 06:48 |
bcbooter | what game is liek cs but free? | 06:49 |
nanobug | Urban Terror | 06:49 |
BadMoFo | urban terror | 06:49 |
BadMoFo | ya'll play? | 06:49 |
bcbooter | that for linux? | 06:49 |
tritium | !enter > BadMoFo | 06:49 |
bcbooter | i play cs | 06:49 |
deeproot | jerbull88 type /join turdz in your chat window | 06:49 |
orbisvicis | if youd like some other nice linux games, try nexuiz, warsow, torcs, scorched3d, sauerbraten, wop ... all good | 06:49 |
nanobug | its fun. it's a quake3 mod | 06:49 |
Borin | Is Urban Terror native to Linux? | 06:49 |
BadMoFo | yep | 06:49 |
deeproot | jerbull88 type /join #turdz in your chat window | 06:49 |
Borin | Sweetness. | 06:50 |
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BadMoFo | Borin, yep | 06:50 |
nanobug | but they came out with a client | 06:50 |
Suicidolt | ok, I have a fresh copy of ndiswrapper, but I don't see a .deb file, how would I get a copy of it I can install (or install this one) | 06:50 |
nanobug | so you don't need quake 3 to play it | 06:50 |
BadMoFo | you dont actually need quake3 | 06:50 |
BadMoFo | yep | 06:50 |
bcbooter | OHHH ive heard of urban terror | 06:50 |
bcbooter | yea the Quake 3 mod | 06:50 |
BadMoFo | nanobug, what name u play under | 06:50 |
bcbooter | i have Quake 3 and i foget why i never installed that mod | 06:50 |
nanobug | this one | 06:50 |
nanobug | i dont play it often | 06:50 |
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BadMoFo | yea im Crazy-MoFo on there | 06:50 |
ThanatosDrive | Hey fellows. | 06:50 |
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ThanatosDrive | Got a new problem today. | 06:50 |
BadMoFo | that sucks, get a helmet | 06:51 |
nanobug | lol | 06:51 |
Optimus55 | hey i'm having problems enabling the nvidia driver. when i click 'desktop effects' it says to restart but after restarting the same screen comes up asking to restart again :S | 06:51 |
BadMoFo | sarcastic response 1344-a | 06:51 |
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DarkRamon | badmofo: | 06:51 |
nanobug | omg shes asleep | 06:51 |
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nanobug | i can turn off backyardigans | 06:51 |
DarkRamon | badmofo: tried agian with wine... this time it worked but the players were invisible | 06:51 |
DarkRamon | hahahahhahaha | 06:51 |
BadMoFo | nanobug, the kids? | 06:51 |
nanobug | i swear my 2 year old is sneaking sodas and candy when im not lookin | 06:51 |
BadMoFo | DarkRamon, that sux | 06:51 |
ThanatosDrive | I'm trying to install an ATI Radeon 9500 128MB, and when I turn on the PC, X has troubles starting up. | 06:51 |
DarkRamon | arrrrghhhh | 06:52 |
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Suicidolt | um...k | 06:52 |
ThanatosDrive | Do I need to install drivers before adding in new hardware? | 06:52 |
DarkRamon | want to trhow this computer thru the window man haha | 06:52 |
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crdlb | ThanatosDrive, what graphics card were you using? | 06:52 |
nanobug | i just recently read a story about a guy in europe somewhere that did that | 06:52 |
BadMoFo | thats why i got the xbox, tired of installing and fixing and blah blah blah to play games | 06:52 |
nanobug | and the cops let him go | 06:52 |
nanobug | no disorderly conduct or anything | 06:52 |
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ThanatosDrive | crdlb: A Matrox Millenium Dual G450 | 06:52 |
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ThanatosDrive | The 'Dual' | 06:52 |
nanobug | cause they sympathized :) | 06:52 |
ThanatosDrive | The 'Dual | 06:52 |
ThanatosDrive | Gah | 06:52 |
crdlb | !xconfig | ThanatosDrive | 06:53 |
ubotu | ThanatosDrive: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - To configure only the driver and resolution, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh - See also !FixRes | 06:53 |
crdlb | ThanatosDrive, run the second command | 06:53 |
crdlb | with the -phigh, and choose the ati driver | 06:53 |
DarkRamon | ill see if i steal a play 3 | 06:53 |
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crdlb | that's the free driver that ships with ubuntu | 06:53 |
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needinfo | This is a test message to see if I know what I am doing! Did it make it to you? | 06:53 |
ThanatosDrive | crdlb: Should I run this with the Radoen in, or the Matrox? | 06:53 |
nanobug | yes | 06:53 |
ThanatosDrive | Radeon* | 06:53 |
nanobug | you made it | 06:53 |
BadMoFo | i aint got no xbox360, got the first one. good enough for me | 06:53 |
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crdlb | ThanatosDrive, with the radeon in | 06:53 |
nanobug | needinfo i can see you | 06:53 |
ThanatosDrive | crdlb: Okay, I'll give it a try. | 06:53 |
crdlb | ThanatosDrive, that works from the command line | 06:54 |
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Suicidolt | !ndiswrapper | 06:54 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 06:54 |
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needinfo | Thank you. Now, was the message private? | 06:54 |
bcbooter | how do u install a winamp skin on beep? | 06:55 |
ThanatosDrive | crdlb: Wish me luck! | 06:55 |
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nanobug | no, I'm pretty sure it was public | 06:55 |
nanobug | :) | 06:55 |
nanobug | brb. smoke break. | 06:55 |
crdlb | needinfo, no | 06:55 |
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needinfo | Since I can be seen on the list, how come I can't get any response to my requests for help? | 06:56 |
crdlb | needinfo, because nobody who happens to be on knows the answer | 06:56 |
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needinfo | Oh! | 06:57 |
Flannel | needinfo: the easiest way to get help is to actually ask a question | 06:57 |
crdlb | indeed | 06:57 |
needinfo | I did, but I will ask again. | 06:57 |
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needinfo | Where would I go to get help with MythTV? | 06:57 |
ramza3 | with crontab I have nano setup as my edit file, how can I change this to vi | 06:57 |
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BadMoFo | a smoke, thats a novel idea | 06:58 |
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BadMoFo | now where did that lighter go..... | 06:58 |
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Flannel | needinfo: try #mythtv, or here maybe. Depending on what your actual question is (which you still haven't provided) | 06:58 |
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ramza3 | wtf, vim is not installed on ubuntu (but tiny is), I need to have a seat | 06:59 |
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tritium | ramza3: vim is installed | 07:00 |
BadMoFo | ramza3, pico is good enough for me | 07:00 |
Flannel | BadMoFo: pico doesn't exist on Ubuntu, you mean nano. | 07:00 |
BadMoFo | Flannel, same shit | 07:00 |
BadMoFo | whats the beef? | 07:00 |
ramza3 | tritium: I just installed vim7, it looks like vim.tiny is installed, dont know the difference between full | 07:00 |
tritium | !language | BadMoFo | 07:00 |
ubotu | BadMoFo: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:00 |
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BadMoFo | you are fined one half credit for violation of the moral verbailty statue | 07:01 |
needinfo | I have Hauppauge 150 card. Trying to pick up over-the-air channel 8. When I launch MythTV and select Watch TV, it will time out and return to the menu. What next? | 07:01 |
BadMoFo | or verbal morality | 07:01 |
Flannel | ramza3: vim-tiny is more like a generic text editor, limited modes, no highlighting, etc. | 07:01 |
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BadMoFo | whatever floats your boat | 07:01 |
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ramza3 | Flannel, I noticed, so vim full is not installed | 07:02 |
Flannel | ramza3: right, but you're welcome to install it | 07:02 |
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BadMoFo | so i have a question now | 07:02 |
BadMoFo | how the heck do you use the three seashells? | 07:02 |
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Flannel | BadMoFo: if you must troll, please troll elsewhere. | 07:02 |
BadMoFo | Flannel, who you callin a troll, shorty? | 07:03 |
tritium | BadMoFo: watch it | 07:03 |
BadMoFo | hey im here to help | 07:03 |
masterloki | It seems that when I click on a file to up it my desktop goes way how can I deal with this | 07:03 |
BadMoFo | we trolls prefer, long-eared people | 07:03 |
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wckdkl0wn | i just install winamp with wine and it says i need areial.ttf font file | 07:03 |
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DarkRamon | how can I force wine to start a game with opengl? | 07:04 |
wckdkl0wn | in c:\windows\fonts | 07:04 |
varsendagger | hey | 07:05 |
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Shaddox | DarkRamon: What game? | 07:05 |
Zambezi | I have two folders on two harddrives. Is there a way to compare the content so I get ride of duplicate? | 07:05 |
DarkRamon | Shaddox: Fifa 2005 | 07:05 |
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Shaddox | DarkRamon: Alright, give me a bit. | 07:05 |
defcon_ | Good evening, I have been searching forum after forum for a solution to get WPA enabled in my /etc/network/interfaces file with no luck, I have tried 20+ configurations and the only solution I have found is a gtk application named Rutilt and I want to auto connect on boot not have to open an app | 07:06 |
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cras1 | you should use hard links with ln | 07:06 |
defcon_ | I have WPA2 AES | 07:06 |
ThanatosDriv1 | Hey | 07:06 |
DarkRamon | Shaddox: the thing is that I already tried Cedega, and it shows me the game but it gets stuck at some point... and the menues are blank.. (with white frames)... on wine it shows it fine but the players are invisible | 07:06 |
zanaga | defcon_: is there a reason why not to use network-manager? | 07:06 |
defcon_ | zanaga, YES | 07:06 |
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bcbooter | hey guys how does one go about installing a .rpm file??? | 07:06 |
defcon_ | major bug, it wont notice my WPA | 07:06 |
wckdkl0wn | is there a list of games somewheres that wine will run just fine? | 07:06 |
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defcon_ | zanaga, it will not list WPA authentication | 07:07 |
defcon_ | only WEP | 07:07 |
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defcon_ | :( | 07:07 |
P_Kable | Hi there | 07:07 |
Flannel | bcbooter: try and find it in a deb. Which program? If you can't, you can use alien to convert it | 07:07 |
tritium | bcbooter: are you sure there's not a .deb ? | 07:07 |
St1ck3r | Look on wine's website for a list of good games. | 07:07 |
P_Kable | I need some help | 07:07 |
ThanatosDriv1 | Can anyone see this? | 07:07 |
zanaga | defcon_: oh? i use wpa with NM | 07:07 |
defcon_ | i have reinstalled network-manager | 07:07 |
defcon_ | I have redone my whole box | 07:07 |
defcon_ | no luck | 07:07 |
zanaga | defcon_: odd | 07:07 |
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bcbooter | its winamp alpha for linux | 07:07 |
bcbooter | .rpm | 07:07 |
tritium | defcon_: By chance, do you have Atheros AR5212? | 07:07 |
defcon_ | zanaga, can I see your configuration? | 07:07 |
Nutubuntu | ThanatosDriv1 yes | 07:07 |
Zambezi | bcbooter, You can't. You need to convert it to deb with packages in the repos. | 07:07 |
bcbooter | i searched for it and no, i just have the rpm file | 07:07 |
defcon_ | tritium, no I have a rt73 USB dongle | 07:07 |
P_Kable | I created 2 bridged interfaces and I need to remove them for another bridge | 07:07 |
zanaga | defcon_: i'm not at my normal computer at the moment, so sadly i don't have it available | 07:07 |
Flannel | bcbooter: | 07:08 |
defcon_ | I use a Belkin dongle | 07:08 |
P_Kable | device br0 already exists; can't create bridge with the same name | 07:08 |
BadMoFo | i have a dongle as well | 07:08 |
bcbooter | k | 07:08 |
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bcbooter | ill read that link up | 07:08 |
tupa | hey does grep recognize '.' (the dot)? I tried to count the hidden files with wc -l and it returns the same amount of files than without the grep (I have both hidden and unhidden files in the directory) | 07:08 |
defcon_ | I will paste my /etc/network/interfaces | 07:08 |
ramza3 | can I setup "mail" even though I am running my system locally without a domain name or anything | 07:08 |
ThanatosDriv1 | How do I make the resolution higher? Right now I'm on 1024x760, but before I reconfigured xserver (I added an ATI Radeon 9500 128MB), the highest was 1068x1024 | 07:08 |
BadMoFo | i have belkin wireless g mimo that you do need to use ndiswrapper for | 07:08 |
BadMoFo | always wrap it up | 07:08 |
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Nutubuntu | Flannel - I remember hearing that alien's iffy. Is it? | 07:09 |
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tupa | ThanatosDriv1 sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:09 |
P_Kable | a ifconfig shows that bridge0 still exist ... | 07:09 |
P_Kable | any idea ? | 07:09 |
tritium | Nutubuntu: yes | 07:09 |
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Flannel | Nutubuntu: that's why we discourage it unless there's no alternative. alien doesn't take care of some pre-post installation script things. | 07:09 |
Nutubuntu | ThanatosDriv1, if that does not do it, you could edit xorg.conf ... carefully. | 07:09 |
zanaga | defcon_: i set up wpa once manually.. lets see if i still remember how it's done =) | 07:09 |
P_Kable | what is th command to delete bridges ? | 07:09 |
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Nutubuntu | tritium, Flannel - t/y (again) :) | 07:10 |
jmg | brctl delbr | 07:10 |
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Cromag | winamp beta ? did it get to any real version ? | 07:10 |
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defcon_ | <-- here is my /etc/network/interfaces file I need help connecting to WPA, I have many examples there of what I have already tried commented | 07:10 |
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jmg | defcon_: use network-manager | 07:11 |
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defcon_ | jmg, it doesnt work | 07:11 |
defcon_ | it dont detect my WPA | 07:11 |
bcbooter | k | 07:11 |
jmg | defcon_: your card doesnt support wpa | 07:11 |
defcon_ | yes it does | 07:11 |
defcon_ | im connected to it now | 07:11 |
jmg | under linux | 07:11 |
BadMoFo | if u must use windows and like winamp, go for coolplayer-- standalone .exe 600k | 07:11 |
defcon_ | :) | 07:11 |
defcon_ | with a small utility that crashes | 07:11 |
bcbooter | i installed alien, however how do i convert the .rpm, whats the terminal command, the file is on the desktop | 07:11 |
jmg | i c | 07:11 |
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Flannel | !away > Sir_Funk|ZzZ | 07:11 |
zanaga | defcon_: the second to last looks like it's the closest to the right solution | 07:12 |
defcon_ | I tried ndiswrapper but I found a driver to compile/install and add as a module | 07:12 |
BadMoFo | although musikcube is a far better alternative, much like rhythmbox for ubuntu | 07:12 |
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Flannel | bcbooter: that page explains how to use it | 07:12 |
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ThanatosDriv1 | Nutubuntu: Do I need to reboot for changes to take affect? | 07:12 |
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defcon_ | zanaga, I tried that | 07:12 |
BadMoFo | ThanatosDriv1, are u using windows? | 07:12 |
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bcbooter | yea it didnt work though,.. | 07:12 |
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ThanatosDriv1 | BadMoFo: What? No. I'm on Feisty. | 07:13 |
BadMoFo | ThanatosDriv1, then no, you need not reboot | 07:13 |
defcon_ | zanaga, I have an application that connects me somehow, when I run it from command line it doesnt give me output of what it runs | 07:13 |
defcon_ | I could create a script to auto connect | 07:13 |
ThanatosDriv1 | BadMoFo: But 1680x1024 still isn't showing. This is odd. | 07:13 |
defcon_ | if I find what it executes | 07:13 |
defcon_ | or even better fix my interfaces file | 07:13 |
Nutubuntu | ThanatosDriv1, for changes to xorg.conf you will have to restart X (this will take you back to a login prompt) | 07:13 |
BadMoFo | ctrl alt bkspace | 07:13 |
BadMoFo | go go go | 07:13 |
ThanatosDriv1 | Nutubuntu: Ahh, thanks. | 07:13 |
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ThanatosDriv1 | BadMoFo: Won't logging out work too? Oh well. | 07:14 |
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Nutubuntu | zeto o thanatos :) | 07:14 |
defcon_ | Where in ubuntu can I force network manager to see my WPA | 07:14 |
ThanatosDriv1 | Ctrl+Alt+Bckspace works too I suppose. | 07:14 |
defcon_ | ? | 07:14 |
BadMoFo | ThanatosDriv1, either way | 07:14 |
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bcbooter | sudo alien -d <insert rpm filename here> ##is that what u would put if the file im converting is on the desktop?## | 07:14 |
BadMoFo | why is this ubotu person molesting me with private messages? | 07:14 |
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zanaga | defcon_: try the last one | 07:15 |
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T-Connect | I like this. | 07:15 |
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tritium | iShock|Away: please turn your auto-away notice off | 07:15 |
zanaga | defcon_: it leaves most of it to probe =) | 07:15 |
BadMoFo | or you will be shot and fed to the seals | 07:16 |
defcon_ | ;] | 07:16 |
zanaga | !automatix | 07:16 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:16 |
BadMoFo | let this be a warning to you | 07:16 |
Nutubuntu | lol | 07:16 |
defcon_ | zanaga, thankyou i will try that | 07:16 |
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zanaga | defcon_: if my memory serves me right, it's pretty close to my config that i used | 07:16 |
kaushal | hi | 07:16 |
defcon_ | ok | 07:17 |
BadMoFo | ugh my ex-gfs name was dawn. she was a total pyscho | 07:17 |
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tritium | BadMoFo: didn't read about !offtopic, did you now? | 07:17 |
ThanatosDrive | Wow! | 07:17 |
defcon_ | zanaga, I use wpa2 aes | 07:17 |
T-Connect | Uh Automatix2 is crap? | 07:17 |
defcon_ | will that work? | 07:17 |
ThanatosDrive | It works perfectly. Thanks BadMoFo, Nutubuntu. | 07:17 |
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BadMoFo | tritium, i did | 07:17 |
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tritium | BadMoFo: then please stay on topic | 07:17 |
BadMoFo | tritium, but then the bot told me i was obsolete---- ok | 07:17 |
ThanatosDrive | Although turning on Desktop Effects still makes things...blurry. | 07:17 |
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Nutubuntu | y/w ThanatosDrive :) | 07:17 |
T-Connect | It install Wine and Java perfect | 07:17 |
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zanaga | defcon_: it shouldn't matter, that should probe the correct settings | 07:18 |
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defcon_ | ok i'll try now brb | 07:18 |
Flannel | T-Connect: so do the regular package managers, and they won't cause your system to break horribly | 07:18 |
BadMoFo | tritium, where is the off-topic room | 07:18 |
BadMoFo | tritium, i got some stuff to say | 07:18 |
Flannel | BadMoFo: You obviously didn't read the offtopic message, it says it in there. | 07:18 |
quaal | does anyone use bigdesktop to run dual monitors in ubuntu with an ati card | 07:18 |
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BadMoFo | Flannel, its closed | 07:18 |
tritium | BadMoFo: no, it's not. | 07:18 |
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BadMoFo | tritium, its not what? | 07:19 |
tritium | closed | 07:19 |
Music_Shuffle | !offtopic | BadMoFo | 07:19 |
ubotu | BadMoFo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:19 |
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Suicidolt | ok, managed to install ndiswrapper | 07:19 |
BadMoFo | why thank you friendly ubotu bot | 07:19 |
Suicidolt | What's the next task? | 07:19 |
T-Connect | The problem is that the installers aren't working right from Ubuntu. Like some those are broken. Automatix2 install those correct. | 07:19 |
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BadMoFo | one more question please ? | 07:19 |
phreck_ | WHats up | 07:19 |
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vas | hey I am trying to start snort in daemon mode by going through /etc/init.d/snort ... but the problem is I have to use options like /etc/init.d/snort -d -h start | 07:20 |
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defcon_ | No DHCPOFFERS received. | 07:20 |
defcon_ | No working leases in persistent database - sleeping. | 07:20 |
vas | where start is like going /etc/init.d/snort start | 07:20 |
BadMoFo | Flannel, do you tuck it in, or go casual? | 07:20 |
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Flannel | T-Connect: none of them are broken, please stop randomly advertising for Automatix here. | 07:20 |
defcon_ | no luck | 07:20 |
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phreck_ | wow what a fag. | 07:20 |
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vas | can anyone help me figure out how I would start this without it giving me an error saying {start | stop. ect... | 07:20 |
defcon_ | zanaga, how can I debug what is going wrong? | 07:20 |
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phreck_ | vas: you have to issue the start / stop flag dont you? | 07:21 |
T-Connect | No when I install Java without it. It will not replace the old Java. | 07:21 |
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vas | ya I do that at the end IE (/init.d/snort -d start | 07:21 |
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vas | but that does not work | 07:21 |
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T-Connect | Automatix2 will fix Java. | 07:21 |
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pawan | hi | 07:22 |
vas | phreck: yes... | 07:22 |
zanaga | defcon_: wpa_supplicant throws quite a bit of information to /var/log/syslog | 07:22 |
P_Kable | How can I fix this please = device eth0 is already a member of a bridge; can't enslave it to bridge br0 | 07:22 |
defcon_ | zanaga, thankx | 07:22 |
nickrud | vas, take a look /usr/share/doc/snort; there's probably something there (like README.Debian) which tells you what file in /etc/ you'd add those things to | 07:22 |
kab00m | Hello. I clicked eject on my usb drive's icon and received a message that said no to unplug the drive b/c something needed to be written to it. Will Ubuntu actually try to write to the drive? And is that warning message only valid for the duration of its appearance? | 07:22 |
Nutubuntu | Gnight all - t/y again | 07:22 |
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Flannel | T-Connect: that's because when you install sun's java, it doesn't set suns java to default (because just because you installed something, doesn't mean you want to use it by default), you still have to either remove the non-sun java, or change over your defaults. | 07:23 |
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defcon_ | brb | 07:23 |
jinxed | What would be the best way to be able to play Warcraft 3 on ubuntu? | 07:23 |
nomasteryoda | !usb | 07:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on | 07:23 |
P_Kable | How can I break the old bridge ? | 07:23 |
vas | nickrud: it says to run it as a daemon.. to add the -d operator... is that what I am looking for.. if not I will check for something more related to init.d | 07:23 |
Dr`Keovorkian | jinxed, WINE or Cedega | 07:23 |
zanaga | kab00m: yup, once the message disappears ubuntu unmounts the drive and you are free to remove it | 07:23 |
Flannel | jinxed: it works fine with wine: | 07:23 |
T-Connect | When install Wine. The tools will not show up on the Application and ect. Automatix2 will add those to Application. | 07:23 |
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nomasteryoda | P_Kable, did you read man brctl? | 07:24 |
P_Kable | nope | 07:24 |
nickrud | vas, no, there's a configuration file, probably /etc/snort.conf or in /etc/snort that you'd add those options to. | 07:24 |
P_Kable | thx I know where to look know | 07:24 |
nomasteryoda | P_Kable, the directions are there | 07:24 |
nomasteryoda | np | 07:24 |
T-Connect | Unless Ubuntu 7.04 have a bug. | 07:24 |
ThanatosDrive | Would I be using WINE to run Counter-Strike on Ubuntu? | 07:24 |
ThanatosDrive | Or is there a simpler method? | 07:24 |
Dr`Keovorkian | ThanatosDrive, I did. | 07:24 |
pawan | how to install rpm file | 07:24 |
Music_Shuffle | !rpm | pawan | 07:25 |
ubotu | pawan: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous) | 07:25 |
ThanatosDrive | K | 07:25 |
nomasteryoda | kab00m, also any directory open inside a terminal or in say Nautilus will do it... if they are on that drive | 07:25 |
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pawan | what is yum | 07:25 |
Music_Shuffle | !yum | pawan | 07:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about yum - try searching on | 07:25 |
nomasteryoda | kab00m, just cd / or something else then try | 07:25 |
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Music_Shuffle | Weak. | 07:25 |
Music_Shuffle | Yum is...openSUSE? | 07:25 |
nomasteryoda | Music_Shuffle, so true... weak | 07:25 |
nomasteryoda | Fedora | 07:25 |
Music_Shuffle | Don't quote me on that, I might be way off. :P | 07:26 |
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nomasteryoda | apt has the power | 07:26 |
newbie0034 | hello, I cannot get ubuntu to mount an internal drive I have installed. Could someone help me? | 07:26 |
Music_Shuffle | Oh. Thanks. :D | 07:26 |
zanaga | yum is something like apt on some RPM based distributions | 07:26 |
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pawan | yum is used to install rpm files | 07:26 |
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nomasteryoda | newbie0034, is it NTFS formatted? | 07:26 |
nomasteryoda | which Fedora and suse use | 07:26 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: it is ext3, I can mount it though gparted | 07:26 |
ThanatosDrive | Dr`Keovorkian: CS 1.6, via Steam? | 07:26 |
T-Connect | Newie0034 leave it on and then reboot. | 07:26 |
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T-Connect | It should work after that. | 07:27 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, then ... sudo mkdir /media/drivename | 07:27 |
Dr`Keovorkian | ThanatosDrive, Yep, I've done it. I think you need the DX patch. | 07:27 |
Dr`Keovorkian | I can't remember, been so long ago. | 07:27 |
vas | hey what is SIGHUP | 07:27 |
vas | does that have to do with init.d | 07:27 |
ThanatosDrive | Dr`Keovorkian: DX patch? | 07:27 |
zoidberg_ | anyone try out compiz fusion? | 07:27 |
newbie0034 | t-connect: I've rebooted many times,, | 07:27 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, sudo mount /dev/sd? /media/drivename | 07:27 |
Dr`Keovorkian | ThanatosDrive, DirectX WINE patch. Google it, and you'll see. | 07:27 |
pawan | i have drivers in rpm format i am using yum to install tehm | 07:27 |
Flannel | pawan: If you can't find it in any other format, use alien to conver it: | 07:27 |
zoidberg_ | i was wondering how i could add widgets on it...i see a setting for widgets but there is no widget installed | 07:27 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, i'm sure you know the device name by now... ? | 07:27 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: It's not that I cannot mount it, it that it will not recognize it when I reboot | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | zoidberg_, Avant window manager acts as one | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | ah | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, you need to edit fstab | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | !fstab | 07:28 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 07:28 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: the device name is /dev/sdb2 | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | good | 07:28 |
zoidberg_ | nomasteryoda, i have avant working well how can i add widgets though...? | 07:28 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: I added this line to fstab: /dev/sdb1 /home/zdux00tv/exhd1 ext3 defaults 0 0 | 07:28 |
nomasteryoda | change the sdb1 to sdb2? | 07:29 |
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newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: I also tried UUID,, I read that ubuntu has trouble with UUID,, | 07:29 |
nomasteryoda | na | 07:29 |
nomasteryoda | change that /dev/sdb1 to /dev/sdb2 | 07:29 |
nomasteryoda | then save | 07:30 |
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nomasteryoda | then type sudo mount -a | 07:30 |
nomasteryoda | no reboot | 07:30 |
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newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: I have 4 partitions /dev/sdb1 though /devsdb4 | 07:30 |
nomasteryoda | k | 07:30 |
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nomasteryoda | and you need any of them mounted... right? | 07:31 |
nomasteryoda | or all | 07:31 |
ilovejesus | hello my fellow christians how are thee today? | 07:31 |
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kaushal | I am getting LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests | 07:31 |
nomasteryoda | praise the lord | 07:31 |
ilovejesus | hall eh loo yah!~ | 07:31 |
ThanatosDrive | Dr`Keovorkian: Which did you get? I mean, DX 7? DX8 beta? | 07:31 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: I'd like to have them all mounted, | 07:31 |
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ilovejesus | amen brother! | 07:31 |
kaushal | while connecting to pppd | 07:31 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, ok hang on | 07:31 |
Suicidolt | um...k | 07:31 |
ilovejesus | the lord is GREAT | 07:31 |
ilovejesus | thank you for asking | 07:31 |
nomasteryoda | ok enough | 07:31 |
bcbooter | How do u get BEEP media player to only show artists, then when you select the artist all the songs appear!? | 07:31 |
tonyyarusso | !offtopic | ilovejesus | 07:31 |
ubotu | ilovejesus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:31 |
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Dr`Keovorkian | ThanatosDrive, I can't remember, like I had said. Try the 8 beta. | 07:31 |
phreck_ | woot. | 07:31 |
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Suicidolt | I can't even figure out how to install to certain directories, how do I do that?\ | 07:31 |
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nomasteryoda | ... we understand that's offtopic | 07:32 |
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ilovejesus | i'm sorry brothers just trying to greet you all on this lovely day | 07:32 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: I'd actually perfer the location to be somewhere that would allow me to add more programs | 07:32 |
Flannel | ilovejesus: #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for that, and being banned from there is no excuse for coming here. | 07:32 |
ilovejesus | Flannel, i am sorry brother | 07:32 |
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ThanatosDrive | Dr`Keovorkian: Could I have gotten this via Synaptic? | 07:32 |
Toma- | ilovejesus: are you the same troll from yesterday? | 07:32 |
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nomasteryoda | newbie0034, err, then you mean you need more space for '/root? | 07:32 |
phreck_ | trolls. | 07:32 |
Dr`Keovorkian | Uhhhh... Lemme check, ThanatosDrive | 07:32 |
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ilovejesus | Toma, that seems likes devils speak, trolls and all | 07:32 |
Toma- | ilovejesus: no, its internets speak | 07:33 |
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T-Connect | Let me know how to install Java the right way and set it to default. I can set it up but I don't how to set it to default. | 07:33 |
HHP2K | Does anyone know a good electronics IRC channel? | 07:33 |
Flannel | !java | T-Connect | 07:33 |
ubotu | T-Connect: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 07:33 |
ilovejesus | Toma-, what is this troll you speak of? | 07:33 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: I don't know the right place to put it, I want more space for virtual machines using queme | 07:33 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, i used this line for my /home ... "/dev/sda2 /home ext3 defaults 0 2" | 07:33 |
tonyyarusso | HHP2K: ##electronics and ##hardware | 07:33 |
HHP2K | tonyyarusso: Thanks :) | 07:33 |
nomasteryoda | ah | 07:33 |
T-Connect | How I set it to default? | 07:33 |
Toma- | T-Connect: there must be some good mailing lists out there aswell | 07:33 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, you can put those anywhere... just make a directory under /home called VirtualMachines if you like | 07:34 |
Toma- | ilovejesus: heres a great explanation | 07:34 |
nomasteryoda | and point one there if you like | 07:34 |
nickrud | T-Connect, sudo update-alternatives --config java | 07:34 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: where do programs that I install using apt-get go ? | 07:34 |
T-Connect | That is it? | 07:34 |
Dr`Keovorkian | ThanatosDrive, WINEX ! I just remembered. I don't think it's supported a whole lot anymore. Normal WINE won't cut it, iirc. | 07:34 |
nickrud | T-Connect, if you use the repo versions of 5 or 6 | 07:34 |
T-Connect | 6 | 07:35 |
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nickrud | that's it | 07:35 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, usually in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin .... which is under "/" | 07:35 |
ilovejesus | Toma-, i read your article i'm not looking for attention, just to help my brethen with their everyday tasks | 07:35 |
T-Connect | Ok | 07:35 |
jmg | Dr`Keovorkian: winex is now cedega but wine incorporates almost all the code from winex | 07:35 |
Flannel | newbie0034: All over the place. binaries go to one of the binary things (usually /usr/bin) config files go in /etc and other things go elsewhere | 07:35 |
T-Connect | I will put it into my notes. | 07:35 |
Dr`Keovorkian | jmg, I know that, but I don't think he wants to pay for cedega. | 07:35 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: is there a way to increase the size of an existing directory? | 07:35 |
Toma- | ilovejesus: you havent asked for help, or helped anyone since you came in. so help, or move it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:35 |
T-Connect | What about 6u2? | 07:35 |
ilovejesus | Toma-, i am well experienced with the ubuntu | 07:35 |
ThanatosDrive | Dr`Keovorkian: I assume, google for it? | 07:35 |
jmg | he can install the cvs cedega | 07:36 |
newbie0034 | Flannel: thanks I've been wondering about that for a while,, that is what I though | 07:36 |
ilovejesus | Toma-, i just came in and got harassed, how could i have helped? | 07:36 |
nickrud | T-Connect, /etc/alternatives lists the things you can set using the alternatives system, more for your notes :) | 07:36 |
nomasteryoda | well you can have the directory be anywhere... so yes.. but if you want it to be on the same drive, obviously you'd have to increase partition size | 07:36 |
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Flannel | newbie0034: If you'd like to see some examples, and pick a package, then down at the bottom of the page there are links that'll list the files in that package. | 07:36 |
jmg | has anyone noticed that almost all the links on google are empty? | 07:36 |
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newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: the current hard drive is full (mythtv) | 07:36 |
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ilovejesus | does anyone have any computer issues i could help with? all i have is love. | 07:37 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, ic | 07:37 |
bcbooter | hey can anyone help me install a winamp skin on beep??? | 07:37 |
newbie0034 | Flannel: thanks,, I'll loko into it | 07:37 |
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Dr`Keovorkian | ThanatosDrive, like jmg said, you can use the CVS cedega. Give that a whack. | 07:37 |
ilovejesus | bcbooter, yes i can help you with that | 07:37 |
jmg | ilovejesus: yeah im trying to hack the us govt can u plz hlp??? | 07:37 |
P_Kable | nomasteryoda, brctl delif bridge0 eth0 THANK YOU SO MUCH | 07:37 |
newbie0034 | sorry I'm having a bad spelling day | 07:37 |
nomasteryoda | well, in that case you could .... hang on the guys on The Linux Action Show said how they did that | 07:37 |
ilovejesus | jmg, confess my brother | 07:37 |
nomasteryoda | np P_Kable that was the command | 07:37 |
jmg | ThanatosDrive: IT Manager | 07:37 |
jmg | ilovejesus: i'm also an atheist | 07:38 |
ilovejesus | bcbooter, what is the extension of the skin? | 07:38 |
jmg | can you help me install atheist linux? | 07:38 |
ilovejesus | jmg, you need guidance | 07:38 |
nomasteryoda | lol | 07:38 |
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Flannel | newbie0034: and, but Ubuntu does a few things differently (but those might be handy to start to grok how it all works) | 07:38 |
ilovejesus | jmg, why does it have to be about religion? | 07:38 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, not an issue | 07:38 |
ilovejesus | jmg, have i pushed my views upon you? | 07:38 |
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ThanatosDrive | 'ilovejesus' asks why it has to be about religion. | 07:38 |
ThanatosDrive | Hrm. | 07:38 |
jmg | yes thru your name | 07:38 |
phreck_ | WHy dont we talk about Linux kids? | 07:38 |
bruenig | !gfto | ilovejesus | 07:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gfto - try searching on | 07:39 |
Toma- | lol | 07:39 |
jmg | bruenig: lol | 07:39 |
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bruenig | !gtfo | ilovejesus | 07:39 |
ubotu | ilovejesus: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:39 |
bruenig | there we go | 07:39 |
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ilovejesus | i am trying to talk about the linux but there seems to be some discriminiation here | 07:39 |
Toma- | bruenig: i think thst a bit norti :D | 07:39 |
RickH | greetings all | 07:39 |
Toma- | !stop | ilovejesus | 07:39 |
ubotu | ilovejesus: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken. | 07:39 |
jmg | ilovejesus: perhaps you should be in #icthux | 07:39 |
bruenig | I am just telling him to watch his language, whatever do you mean | 07:39 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, i know there's a guide to do that... | 07:39 |
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ilovejesus | i am trying to help bcbooter with his beep skins | 07:40 |
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vas | hey how do I kill a process in PS | 07:40 |
ilovejesus | bcbooter, what skin file do you have? | 07:40 |
jmg | vas: kill | 07:40 |
RickH | PS? | 07:40 |
phreck_ | vas: PS? | 07:40 |
vas | nvm | 07:40 |
nomasteryoda | killall -9 processname | 07:40 |
phreck_ | Photoshop? | 07:40 |
nomasteryoda | lol | 07:40 |
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bcbooter | ilovejesus, just some techno one | 07:40 |
vas | kill (PID) was the answer I was killking for | 07:40 |
RickH | "kill -9, no more cpu time" | 07:40 |
phreck_ | yea | 07:40 |
ilovejesus | bcbooter, what is the file extension | 07:40 |
phreck_ | the number of the process. | 07:40 |
bcbooter | its a .wsz | 07:40 |
nomasteryoda | lol | 07:41 |
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ilovejesus | bcbooter, there is a directory in your home, called .beep something or other | 07:41 |
ilovejesus | it is hidden | 07:41 |
Toma- | actually, its .bmp | 07:41 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: thanks I'll read though it,, any suggestion to get ubuntu to mount these to my home then? | 07:41 |
ilovejesus | bcbooter, you will find a skins directory | 07:41 |
nomasteryoda | sure | 07:41 |
ilovejesus | bcbooter, place it there | 07:41 |
ilovejesus | bcbooter, and restart beep | 07:41 |
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Toma- | no need to restart | 07:42 |
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ilovejesus | bcbooter, find your skins menu, and all will be well | 07:42 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, mkdir /home/drive1, 2, 3, .... | 07:42 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, then edit /etc/fstab | 07:42 |
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ilovejesus | bcbooter, hallelujah | 07:42 |
RickH | Anyone know why flash sometimes messes up in other tabs when browsing in Netscape or Opera? | 07:42 |
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newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: Ah! the directories need to exist ? | 07:42 |
bcbooter | oh thnx, ye ait was .bmp nowonder i didnt find it | 07:42 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, adding each of those directory pointers to the file using my example | 07:42 |
nomasteryoda | yes | 07:42 |
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jmg | !satan | 07:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about satan - try searching on | 07:42 |
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nomasteryoda | you got it | 07:42 |
bruenig | RickH, it does it in firefox too, because it is poorly written probably | 07:42 |
ste-foy | Who is Jesus ? | 07:42 |
T-Connect | this one doesn't tell me how those tools to show up on System tools, Games, Accessories and Preferences, | 07:42 |
Jordan_U | RickH: Netscape ?!? | 07:42 |
ilovejesus | bcbooter, have you got all that, son? | 07:42 |
RickH | I'll have YouTube playing, for example, and then navigate through other sites in other tabs. Sometimes the YouTube page goes gray and has to be restarted | 07:43 |
tonyyarusso | RickH: Netscape? Is that still available somewhere? | 07:43 |
Toma- | bcbooter: no need to restart either. | 07:43 |
RickH | Firefox I mean. Man, I'm tired. :( | 07:43 |
skjdfgh | In FF, when I am trying to connect to a wired connection (DSL), but I have a username and pw, how do I configure that? | 07:43 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: in that case I'm sorry for bugging you | 07:43 |
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ilovejesus | bcbooter, no need, brother | 07:43 |
T-Connect | Does anyone know how to install wine right way? | 07:43 |
nomasteryoda | he was in here the other day ste-foy but left due to him being offtopic so much | 07:43 |
nomasteryoda | =D | 07:43 |
jmg | T-Connect: apt-get install wine | 07:43 |
nomasteryoda | sorry just had to throw that in | 07:43 |
bruenig | T-Connect, sudo apt-get install wine (this assumes you are using 32 bit) | 07:43 |
RickH | T-Connect: apt-get install wine | 07:43 |
nomasteryoda | newbie0034, np | 07:43 |
nomasteryoda | just trying to help | 07:43 |
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Jordan_U | T-Connect: Define "right" :) | 07:43 |
Suicidolt | I officially realize how little I really know about linux as I toss the 4th cd with the wrong files on it in the process of trying to get this wireless card working | 07:43 |
zanaga | T-Connect: Applications > Add/Remove, search for wine | 07:43 |
RickH | T-Connect: Also, try Automatix2 | 07:43 |
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nomasteryoda | getting giddy... its 2 hrs pas zzz time | 07:44 |
bruenig | !automatix | RickH T-Connect | 07:44 |
ubotu | RickH T-Connect: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:44 |
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RickH | Automatix can solve several problems. | 07:44 |
zanaga | Automatix != right way | 07:44 |
bruenig | zanaga, please no gui recommendations in support, hard to help in the event of failure | 07:44 |
yell0w | does anyone know of a good parental control software for ubuntu ? | 07:44 |
ilovejesus | Auotmatix breaks your system consistently | 07:44 |
Toma- | !easyubuntu | 07:44 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 07:44 |
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RickH | What does it break? I haven't seen it break anything. | 07:44 |
bruenig | RickH, right, like that pesky problem where your computer works, it solves that really quickly | 07:44 |
zanaga | bruenig: alrighty | 07:44 |
RickH | I've only used it maybe five times. | 07:44 |
jmg | yell0w: deluser | 07:44 |
RickH | bruenig: Haven't seen it. | 07:44 |
ste-foy | ok Thx nomasteryoda :)) | 07:44 |
RickH | bruenig: :) | 07:44 |
nomasteryoda | RichiH, and introduce lots of security holes due to lack of signatures for the repos listed therein | 07:44 |
bruenig | !worksforme | RickH | 07:44 |
ubotu | RickH: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 07:44 |
newbie0034 | thanks all.. I'm off to reboot | 07:44 |
Toma- | RickH: destroyed the dpkg system on a computer i used it on | 07:45 |
yell0w | jmg, i'm sorry ? | 07:45 |
nickrud | RickH, most people don't see the problems until it's time to upgrade to the next release | 07:45 |
ilovejesus | RichiH, it breaks your system, it has happened to me. you need to reinstall | 07:45 |
jmg | yell0w: dansguardian | 07:45 |
RickH | The biggest problem I've seen so far is running out of disk space. | 07:45 |
nomasteryoda | ste-foy, i think Wikipedia has good articles on him... he was notable | 07:45 |
zanaga | bruenig: i just try to teach people the non cli way since there are good tools out there and people usually don't want to see the cli | 07:45 |
yell0w | jmg, thanks | 07:45 |
RickH | That's what messes up your system. :) | 07:45 |
nomasteryoda | ok, so back to newbie0034 | 07:45 |
ilovejesus | RickH, you are lucky perhaps | 07:45 |
RickH | ilovejesus: perhaps. But, I love Jesus too. :) | 07:45 |
nomasteryoda | zanaga, that's good for some older folks scared of cli | 07:46 |
RickH | ilovejesus: Seriously... I haven't had any problems, but will no longer recommend it on #ubuntu. | 07:46 |
ilovejesus | RickH, for it ravaged my machine, very unholy like. Praise jesus! | 07:46 |
bruenig | zanaga, right I know, the problem is when you say for someone to do something via gui and they think that they have done it but then they haven't, you are not really left with anyway to troubleshoot, whereas with cli, they can give you some feedback | 07:46 |
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Jordan_U | RickH: It can't solve any problems that we can't help you solve the right way :) | 07:46 |
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ThanatosDrive | ilovejesus: Protestant? Catholic? Eastern Orthdoxy? | 07:46 |
zanaga | bruenig: true. | 07:46 |
RickH | I did a good one one time... did "sudo nautilus" and changed permissions to access all files. Totally hosed the entire system. Very bad. Had to completely reinstall. | 07:46 |
ilovejesus | Jordan_U, praise you brother! hallelujah | 07:46 |
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nomasteryoda | who are locked into MS and OSX ... but cli is better for supporting .. we remember much more of what our hands touch than what we view on screen... touch is good | 07:47 |
RickH | Jordan_U: I didn't get much help the other day with my video driver problem. | 07:47 |
RickH | Jordan_U: I had to figure that one out on my own. It was simply a mixer setting that was hosed after a failed hibernate attempt. | 07:47 |
Jordan_U | RickH: And the problem was? | 07:47 |
bcbooter | UGHHH | 07:47 |
bcbooter | cant figure out the skins still | 07:47 |
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RickH | Jordan_U: (due to low diskspace) | 07:47 |
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Toma- | bcbooter: it is a winamp classic skin right? | 07:47 |
ilovejesus | bcbooter, accept jesus as your mp3 player skinner | 07:47 |
nomasteryoda | bcbooter, you can use the standard skins from winamp | 07:47 |
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bruenig | !gtfo | ilovejesus | 07:48 |
ubotu | ilovejesus: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:48 |
Jordan_U | RickH: How did Automatix fix that ( that is what I was referring to with my last comment ) | 07:48 |
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RickH | Jordan_U: I had to apt-get the ALSA mixer, then I could see the PCM channel was muted. Apparently that's the default when the control files get hosed. :( | 07:48 |
T-Connect | Maybe you guys need to warn everyone at Ubuntu forum about Automatix. I haven't seen anyone over the forum give a warning about that program yet. | 07:48 |
zanaga | bruenig: but then again, the add/remove tool sometimes gives better info on what is going on than apt-get ever does.. in any case, i'll stick with cli instructions =) | 07:48 |
newbie0034 | !stop | ilovejesus | 07:48 |
ubotu | ilovejesus: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken. | 07:48 |
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nomasteryoda | bcbooter, just put the file that you get from their site into the ~/.bmp/skins folder | 07:48 |
RickH | Jordan_U: Automatix did not fix that. You were saying that you can fix things the right way... and I was saying "oh no, not always!" :) | 07:48 |
ilovejesus | nomasteryoda, yes i have already covered the issue | 07:48 |
nomasteryoda | you learn pretty quick newbie0034 | 07:48 |
nomasteryoda | k | 07:48 |
ilovejesus | why is ubotu smiting me? | 07:48 |
bruenig | zanaga, I just mean, you tell them to click something and they clicked the thing below it or something and then complain that they did what you said | 07:48 |
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newbie0034 | I'm trying,, I want off MS for good,, | 07:49 |
bcbooter | from whos site beep's site or winamp?? | 07:49 |
RickH | ilovejesus: It's smitten with you, not smiting you. :) | 07:49 |
zanaga | bruenig: i know.. and i'll stick with cli. | 07:49 |
NETWizz | Wow | 07:49 |
bruenig | ilovejesus, we try to keep this channel family friendly, so if you wouldn't mind following that rule | 07:49 |
RickH | Jordan_U: I still respect this channel though. hehehe :) | 07:49 |
NETWizz | Ubuntu is the busiest channel on freenode | 07:49 |
NETWizz | Did you know that | 07:49 |
nomasteryoda | really is pretty simple if you just think, wait... this is my /home/ and i can't mess it up too bad | 07:49 |
nomasteryoda | lol | 07:49 |
nomasteryoda | yes | 07:49 |
ilovejesus | bruenig, brother, how am i not being friendly? seems i am being persecutred | 07:49 |
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NETWizz | followed by gentoo | 07:49 |
=== RickH is not surprised #ubuntu is so popular... why wouldn't it be? Ubuntu is wonderful! | ||
NETWizz | gentoo 880 ubuntu 1029 | 07:49 |
bruenig | ilovejesus, family friendly includes no proselytizing | 07:49 |
Toma- | bcbooter: if you goto the winamp skins site, make sure you only try to use 'Classic' rather than the fancy 'Modern' ones | 07:49 |
NETWizz | gentoo must be pretty damn good | 07:50 |
nomasteryoda | 10...9...8... 7... and you'll be gone dude | 07:50 |
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numpszi | Hello! I little problem: I have wrote a program in C++ using OpenGL. Everything works ok. I have tested in Ubuntu Feisty. Works ok too. But in the console i see many errors, like: " | 07:50 |
numpszi | 6510:binding file /usr/lib/ [0] to /usr/lib/ [0] : normal symbol `jpeg_idct_float' | 07:50 |
numpszi | 6510:binding file /usr/lib/ [0] to /usr/lib/ [0] : normal symbol `jpeg_fdct_ifast' | 07:50 |
numpszi | . | 07:50 |
numpszi | . | 07:50 |
numpszi | . | 07:50 |
ilovejesus | bruenig, what is proselytizing? | 07:50 |
Flannel | !paste | numpszi | 07:50 |
ubotu | numpszi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:50 |
numpszi | 6510:symbol=__cxa_finalize; lookup in file=/lib/tls/i686/cmov/ [0] | 07:50 |
RickH | What's different about Gentoo? | 07:50 |
numpszi | Nearly 4000 lines. Is this something ubuntu specific? | 07:50 |
ThanatosDrive | ilovejesus: Your antics are unholy. Though you may think it not, it is. | 07:50 |
tonyyarusso | !paste | numpszi | 07:50 |
nickrud | ilovejesus, you're getting it from both sides; some see what you are doing as mockery, others are offended by the j word. go back to being your bad old self | 07:50 |
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newbie0034 | ilovejesus: lol !! | 07:50 |
ilovejesus | ThanatosDrive, what belife do you come from? | 07:50 |
ThanatosDrive | ilovejesus: Go say 10 Hail Mary's and maybe you'll be forgiven. | 07:50 |
RickH | ilovejesus: | 07:50 |
ilovejesus | this is hatred! | 07:50 |
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bruenig | numpszi, might wish to take that to a dedicated c++ channel | 07:51 |
zyth | Does virtualbox support usb 2.0? | 07:51 |
ThanatosDrive | ilovejesus: If you want to continue that discussion, #ubuntu-offtopic works fine. | 07:51 |
ilovejesus | why am i being hated because of my nickname? | 07:51 |
RickH | ilovejesus: Hatred? | 07:51 |
ilovejesus | i am only here to help | 07:51 |
RickH | ilovejesus: Where are you being hated? | 07:51 |
Jordan_U | ilovejesus: While I don't think your nick is crossing the line ( if that is what is being referred to ) but see !o4o anyways | 07:51 |
zanaga | ilovejesus: it's not hatred, you just picked a nick that offends some people and talk in a way that is seen as preaching | 07:51 |
bruenig | it isn't the nick, it is his comments | 07:51 |
nomasteryoda | guys/gals.. this is way offtopic | 07:51 |
ilovejesus | Jordan_U, i do not trust that | 07:51 |
ilovejesus | i am NOT preaching | 07:51 |
nomasteryoda | that is the issue | 07:51 |
jmg | !o4o | 07:51 |
ubotu | Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu-offtopic. It is asked that controversial topics: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks. | 07:51 |
varka | ilovejesus: this is just a support-channel, no place for religious comments at all, ok | 07:51 |
ilovejesus | i am here for my fellow man | 07:51 |
numpszi | bruenig: I have been redirected:(, in the program the program code aren't errors... | 07:52 |
ilovejesus | it is the others that are leaving comment about religion | 07:52 |
nomasteryoda | o my | 07:52 |
ilovejesus | i have done no such thing | 07:52 |
tonyyarusso | ilovejesus: You're done, regardless. Just drop it. | 07:52 |
Dr`Keovorkian | ilovejesus, This is a tech support channel. varka beat me to what I was gonna say. | 07:52 |
bruenig | numpszi, well I know hardly any about what you are doing but it looks like it is having problems loading a library or something like that | 07:52 |
RickH | ilovejesus: One thing Jesus taught us is to meet people where they are... and engaging in activities which push people away isn't a good way of reaching the lost. Love is though. Work on that maybe? :) | 07:52 |
ilovejesus | i am trying to technially support my brothers | 07:52 |
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WorkingGeier | hi | 07:52 |
ilovejesus | nothing more nothing less | 07:52 |
nomasteryoda | well there go the Ithybuntu discs... | 07:52 |
tonyyarusso | RickH: you as well - (let it die quietly, maybe) | 07:52 |
WorkingGeier | I need a dpatch god | 07:52 |
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nomasteryoda | time for a little Free BSD | 07:53 |
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WorkingGeier | I'm trying to edit a patch in the gcc-4.2 tree | 07:53 |
RickH | tonyyarusso: okay fine :) | 07:53 |
tonyyarusso | WorkingGeier: perhaps in #ubuntu-motu, though you may have to wait a while for an answer. | 07:53 |
Tomo_ | quick question... does beryl screw with playing dvds and videos? | 07:53 |
varka | ilovejesus: you do it with your nick, you did it with "hallelujah" as it sais "praise the lord" and so on... | 07:53 |
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WorkingGeier | okay | 07:53 |
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Ruger1 | HI ALL | 07:53 |
bruenig | varka, shhhh | 07:53 |
varka | okok | 07:53 |
Ruger1 | Will ubuntu run on 128mB, 1.5ghz? | 07:53 |
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ThanatosDrive | Ruger: Yeah, but I would suggest Xubuntu for that/. | 07:53 |
Suicidolt | ok | 07:53 |
tonyyarusso | Ruger1: Yes, probably decently. Xubuntu would be great. | 07:54 |
Ruger1 | hm | 07:54 |
Ruger1 | Where do I get that? | 07:54 |
Jordan_U | Tomo_: Yes, though you just need to disable hardware overlay | 07:54 |
bruenig | !xubuntu | Ruger1 | 07:54 |
ubotu | Ruger1: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see and - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 07:54 |
RickH | Ruger1: My system boots up with about 128MB of used memory (typically). | 07:54 |
ilovejesus | yes Ruger1 xfce is the way to go for low memory applications | 07:54 |
numpszi | Where can i find the official ubuntu irc channel? | 07:54 |
Flannel | numpszi: you're in it | 07:54 |
tritium | numpszi: you're here | 07:54 |
RickH | numpszi: right here | 07:54 |
ThanatosDrive | Ruger1: You could either install Ubuntu regularly and get the Xfce4 desktop on it, or burn the Xubuntu .iso onto a CD. | 07:54 |
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T-Connect | Reinstalling Ubuntu to get rid of Automatix2. Btw: How much do I need to put on swap? | 07:54 |
Flannel | T-Connect: how much RAM do you have? | 07:54 |
Tomo_ | Jordan_U, how do you go about that? | 07:54 |
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RickH | T-Connect: I haven't used a swap. | 07:55 |
T-Connect | 2gb | 07:55 |
ilovejesus | T-Connect, yes my people, get rid of Automatix it can only do you harm | 07:55 |
RickH | T-Connect: No problems to date. 2GB RAM. | 07:55 |
ThanatosDrive | T-Connect: It is recommended (generally) that swap be double your RAM. You shouldn't be using it much though. | 07:55 |
bruenig | my swap never gets above 0 | 07:55 |
Suicidolt | I've got ndiswrapper installed, with its awesome graphical interface, but I cannot find the right driver to install. I picked it up from sourceforge like the wifi link told me too, but the driver it's showing is "bcmwl4a.inf" which is not in the zip file that was linked. The zip file contains 9x drivers and NT drivers, which do I use if not the one that is listed? or where do I get the one... | 07:55 |
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Suicidolt | ...listed? | 07:55 |
bruenig | it is very upsetting | 07:55 |
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bcbooter | hey how do i install a .wal winamp skin, these wont work by just putting it in the skins folder | 07:55 |
RickH | Is Automatix the same as Automatix2 by this generic "Automatix" reference here in #ubuntu? | 07:55 |
bruenig | RickH, yes | 07:55 |
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Jordan_U | Tomo_: I only know for gstreamer ( totem ) run "gstreamer-properties" then in the video tab choose the option with no xv | 07:55 |
Jordan_U | RickH: Yes | 07:56 |
tritium | RickH: the advice is the same for both | 07:56 |
=== RickH nods | ||
Ruger1 | Doesn't xubuntu have an .iso? O.o | 07:56 |
T-Connect | Ram like on Hard drive? | 07:56 |
kintaro0e | hi guys..i have a config file and i want to change all web.html ---> web.war, how can i do it? do i use a bash scripting? | 07:56 |
bruenig | Ruger1, | 07:56 |
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Toma- | bcbooter: hmmm.... rename it to .wsz and see what happens | 07:56 |
Suicidolt | anyone? | 07:56 |
RickH | I did have VMWare Server hit up to about 1.5 GB during an 80 GB partition format one day. Thought that might max me out. | 07:56 |
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bruenig | kintaro0e, you just want to change the extension or is there some formatting that is supposed to change, like is .war some format I have never heard of | 07:57 |
Ruger1 | ok thx | 07:57 |
T-Connect | 105038 on ex... and 4998 on swap. | 07:57 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, try the NT driver | 07:57 |
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Suicidolt | thanks cop | 07:57 |
Suicidolt | | 07:57 |
bruenig | T-Connect, no more than 512 MB | 07:57 |
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bcbooter | toma, didnt work | 07:57 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: Are you sure your card needs NDISwrapper? | 07:57 |
Optimus55 | hey my res is stuck at 800x600 and xorg.conf is blank! any ideas? | 07:57 |
Toma- | bcbooter: ahhhhh. a WAL type skin is a Modern skin | 07:57 |
ilovejesus | whats with this jihad against jesus? | 07:57 |
T-Connect | So 512mb of swap. Ok I will try that. | 07:58 |
Toma- | bcbooter: basically, wont work. | 07:58 |
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CompIsMyRx | Jordan_U, he's using a broadcom card, so it needs ndiswrapper | 07:58 |
tritium | ilovejesus: should I have banned you rather than kicked you when you were BadMoFo? | 07:58 |
kintaro0e | bruenig: just want to change a word in that file, for example i'll change the word : simple ---> sample, so all simple world in that config file shoudl be change to simple | 07:58 |
Suicidolt | well, I assume so, it is on the list, I know that, and it's not in the list of wifi cards | 07:58 |
RickH | How do you privately message someone in XChat? | 07:58 |
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T-Connect | Brb tomorrow. | 07:58 |
CompIsMyRx | RickH, type /msg | 07:58 |
T-Connect | Later | 07:58 |
Jordan_U | CompIsMyRx: No, most are supported by the native bcm43xx drivers | 07:58 |
ThanatosDrive | tonyyarusso: Thanks! | 07:58 |
bruenig | kintaro0e, ok, so you have a single text file, and you want all instances of .html to be changed to .war? | 07:58 |
RickH | CompIsMyRx: thanks | 07:58 |
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zyth | Does anyone know if VirtualBox supports USB 2.0? | 07:58 |
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bruenig | kintaro0e, inside that file? | 07:59 |
RickH | zyth: I don't know | 07:59 |
kintaro0e | bruenig: yes..those are in inside the config file | 07:59 |
Toma- | zyth: i use it alot here, but not sure on the 2.0 sorry | 07:59 |
Suicidolt | mine is bcm4318, but it doesn't seem to work | 07:59 |
Optimus55 | hey anyone knows how to fix nvidia low resolution?? | 07:59 |
zyth | hm ok | 07:59 |
CompIsMyRx | RickH, oh yeah. I forgot about those. I always use atheros based cards | 07:59 |
Optimus55 | i installed nvidia-glx and now im stuck at 800x600 | 07:59 |
Optimus55 | :( | 07:59 |
CompIsMyRx | Optimus55, have you tried nvidia-xconfig? | 07:59 |
Dr`Keovorkian | Suicidolt, did you rip the firmware? | 07:59 |
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nickrud | Suicidolt, have you tried bcm43xx-fwcutter ? it pulls some firmware stuff | 07:59 |
bruenig | kintaro0e, ok run "sed 's/\.html/\.war/g' -i configfile" you may need to sudo that if it requires root permissions | 07:59 |
RickH | Optimus55: type "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 08:00 |
Optimus55 | CompIsMyRx: nope will try now.. | 08:00 |
Suicidolt | it would be nice, nickrud if I had an internet connection | 08:00 |
RickH | Optimus55: And when you get to the video section, select the other video modes. | 08:00 |
Suicidolt | but that's kinda the reason I'm installing the drivers | 08:00 |
Jordan_U | !xconfig | Optimus55 | 08:00 |
ubotu | Optimus55: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - To configure only the driver and resolution, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh - See also !FixRes | 08:00 |
Suicidolt | so the fwcutter finds nothing | 08:00 |
ThanatosDrive | Optimus: Or you could do 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh' | 08:00 |
RickH | Optimus55: And if it's setup properly, change the screen resolutions | 08:00 |
ThanatosDrive | Ah Jordan beat me to it. | 08:00 |
nickrud | Suicidolt, point. Can't you wire up until then? | 08:00 |
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kintaro0e | bruenig: thanks | 08:01 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: I have a zip file of all the firmware it installs, you can put it on some removable media and copy it to /lib/firmware | 08:01 |
Suicidolt | no | 08:01 |
ThanatosDrive | Optimus55: This took me a while to figure out, but...selecting the 'check' boxes is done using space bar. And the changes won't occur until you restart X (Ctrl+Alt+Bckspce) | 08:01 |
Suicidolt | eh? | 08:01 |
Suicidolt | jordan, that sounds great | 08:01 |
HHP2K | Optimus55: Make sure your color depth is set up right as well, sometimes 24 is too high. I used to have this problem constantly even with the extra video modes set, and decreasing the color depth to 16 (which is pretty much the same) cured that problem. | 08:01 |
RickH | HHP2K: When is 24 too high? | 08:02 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: | 08:02 |
CompIsMyRx | when your card is ancient | 08:02 |
RickH | HHP2K: 24-bits on any Nvidia card should be fine. | 08:02 |
rodrigomgm | Hi, i'm having problem with my realtek 8168/8111 it recognize, but do not traffic any data | 08:02 |
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HHP2K | depends on the video card you have. If they're ancient, yeah. Might not work | 08:02 |
Suicidolt | Jordan_U: is that for my card though? | 08:02 |
CompIsMyRx | I helped someone yesterday with a stuck low rez because their card is too old to do 24bit color at higher than 800x600 (S3 virge) | 08:02 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: You may need to remove NDISwrapper for it to work, I honestly don't know | 08:02 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: It has multiple firmware files | 08:02 |
=== Suicidolt mutters. | ||
RickH | HHP2K: It's the video mode + color depth. 800 x 600 * (24 / 8) = total bytes, compare that to video memory. | 08:03 |
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RickH | HHP2K: Change 800, 600 and 24 as necessary. | 08:03 |
Suicidolt | Jordan_U: I'm confused enough as it is, can't someone walk me through this? | 08:03 |
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Jordan_U | Suicidolt: Sure, first copy the zip file over and unzip the .fw files to a folder called "firmware" on your desktop | 08:04 |
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Suicidolt | ok | 08:05 |
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Jordan_U | Suicidolt: Then to copy them to /lib/firmware by running this command "sudo cp ~/Desktop/firmware/* /lib/firmware | 08:05 |
rodrigomgm | can someone please tell me how do my network RTL8168/8111 to get IP from DHCP? | 08:05 |
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bruenig | rodrigomgm, sudo dhclient interface | 08:06 |
rodrigomgm | well, it doesnt get an IP, and if i put it manualy, it doesnt traffic any data | 08:06 |
Suicidolt | ok | 08:07 |
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RickH | Are all versions of Linux basically the same? Will there be an sh or sudo like program in all versions? And will the /lib, /bin, /etc, etc folders all be the same in all versions? | 08:07 |
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Jordan_U | Suicidolt: Now either reboot or run "sudo modprobe bcm43xx" | 08:07 |
radostin | hop | 08:07 |
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Jordan_U | RickH: For the most part yes | 08:07 |
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radostin | tvtime no sound | 08:07 |
adub | what is a command i can run to get my isp hostname | 08:07 |
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nickrud | RickH, sudo & sh are universal; /etc will vary | 08:07 |
=== RickH says "thanks!" | ||
Kurosaki_Ichigo | =o people talk in this room | 08:08 |
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RickH | Kurosaki_Ichigo: Yes, and we dance. | 08:08 |
=== RickH dances | ||
bruenig | sh is usually a symlink | 08:08 |
Kurosaki_Ichigo | no one talks in the windows room, anyone know about windows? >_> | 08:08 |
DarthShrine | Kurosaki_Ichigo, You'd hope so with nearly 1200 in here. | 08:08 |
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DarthShrine | 1020* | 08:08 |
bruenig | so it is different distro to distro | 08:08 |
nickrud | Kurosaki_Ichigo, not a thing | 08:08 |
RickH | Kurosaki_Ichigo: What about it? | 08:09 |
Suicidolt | Jordan_U: and after I reboot it should work? | 08:09 |
bruenig | most go with bash, but some like ubuntu link it to dash | 08:09 |
Kurosaki_Ichigo | i installed xp on my vista laptop | 08:09 |
Kurosaki_Ichigo | dual boot | 08:09 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, remember to add bcm43xx to /etc/modules | 08:09 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: It depends on weather your specific broadcom card is supported by the driver | 08:09 |
nickrud | darn this ubuntu, it keeps CHanging! | 08:09 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, so it loads at bootup | 08:09 |
Kurosaki_Ichigo | and the xp has no drivers and i cant connect to internet on it | 08:09 |
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Suicidolt | what does that mean CompIsMyRx? | 08:09 |
dawn | how do i improve the resolution in feisty fawn? anyone/ | 08:10 |
RickH | Kurosaki_Ichigo: XP is pretty stable. It should've found everything. What laptop? | 08:10 |
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Jordan_U | Suicidolt: And you may ( though I don't think you will since you havn't actually installed the windows drivers yet ) need to remove ndiswrapper | 08:10 |
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RickH | dawn: System -> Settings -> Screen Resolution | 08:10 |
nickrud | !fixres | dawn | 08:10 |
ubotu | dawn: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 08:10 |
Kurosaki_Ichigo | i have a hp, but what do you mean found everything? | 08:10 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, if you add bcm43xx to the /etc/modules list it will load the module at startup so you can use the driver every time you boot without having to type "sudo modprobe bcm43xx" everytime you want to use your card | 08:10 |
RickH | Kurosaki_Ichigo: When you installed XP, it should've auto-detected all drivers. | 08:10 |
capitalidea | I'm trying to build Emacs GTk snapshot from CVS because the one from synaptic is unusable but I can't finish a configure because I get this configure: error: The following required libraries was not found: libXpm libgif/libungif libtiff | 08:10 |
Jordan_U | CompIsMyRx: Suicidolt Not needed, it is there by default | 08:10 |
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RickH | Kurosaki_Ichigo: The only solution might be to install an old PCMCIA card to get internet, then look for updated drivers. | 08:11 |
capitalidea | However, ldconfig has been done and I DO have libgif and libungif installed | 08:11 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, best way is to run this command "sudo echo "bcm43xx" >> /etc/modules | 08:11 |
RickH | Kurosaki_Ichigo: Or, stick in the disk that came wiht your notebook | 08:11 |
bruenig | capitalidea, no that is just emacs not synaptic | 08:11 |
dawn | RickH: yeah, i'm using the max already.. has anyone used 915resolution? it doesn'r work for me. | 08:11 |
=== Suicidolt trys this | ||
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capitalidea | bruenig: ? | 08:11 |
RickH | Kurosaki_Ichigo: This is off-topic... msg me if you want more | 08:11 |
bruenig | capitalidea, the unusable comment | 08:11 |
Kurosaki_Ichigo | i was about to say something like that | 08:11 |
Jordan_U | dawn: Are you using the i810 driver? | 08:11 |
RickH | dawn: Are you using VESA drivers? | 08:11 |
capitalidea | Is that some kind of Emacs joke? | 08:11 |
Suicidolt | there's a lot of bcms, though aren't there comp? | 08:11 |
bruenig | tis | 08:11 |
nickrud | capitalidea, try sudo apt-get build-dep emacs-snapshot , that will pull in the dev stuff for libtiff & the like | 08:11 |
nickrud | *gif | 08:12 |
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dawn | Jordan_U, RickH: how do i check that? | 08:12 |
RickH | dawn: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 08:12 |
Kurosaki_Ichigo | i cant message you, not registered T-T | 08:12 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: You don't need to do what CompIsMyRx is saying | 08:12 |
rodrigomgm | does anyone know if there is a bug on the on the realtek module 8168? | 08:12 |
capitalidea | bruenig: Please restrict your comments to useful information instead of showing your ignorance. | 08:12 |
capitalidea | nickrud: thankyou, I will try that | 08:12 |
bruenig | right | 08:12 |
Suicidolt | I have no idea what's going on | 08:12 |
Suicidolt | my head hurts | 08:12 |
RickH | dawn: When you get to the part about video modes, see if they're selected. You need to make sure your monitor also has appropriate horizontal scan rates. Something like 28-96 should suffice. | 08:12 |
Jordan_U | dawn: add -phigh if you want it to ask only two questions | 08:12 |
Suicidolt | I just want to go wireless, then I'll be happy | 08:12 |
Jordan_U | dawn: driver and resolution | 08:12 |
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dawn | RichK, Jordan_U: i'm using vesa, i think. it's the one highlighted. | 08:13 |
alex_ | anyone know how to make the window switcher transparent? | 08:13 |
newbie0034 | nomasteryoda: thanks it worked | 08:13 |
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Kurosaki_Ichigo | i cant message you RickH, can you just join #vistasucks and that can be our private message? lol | 08:14 |
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Jordan_U | dawn: Change that to i810 or alternatively install the -intel driver that does not require 915resolution | 08:14 |
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RickH | hehe | 08:14 |
RickH | Kurosaki_Ichigo: okay | 08:14 |
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Jordan_U | dawn: I think you will need to install it first though ( -intel ) | 08:14 |
RickH | dawn: VESA should allow up to 1920 x 1440, depending on your monitor. | 08:15 |
RickH | dawn: It will just be slow and use more CPU power. | 08:15 |
yellow_chicken | is there a command line program to convert pictures from one format to another, i.e. .bmp to .jpg or .gif to .jpg ? | 08:15 |
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Suicidolt | ok, jordan | 08:15 |
bruenig | yellow_chicken, play around with mogrify | 08:15 |
Suicidolt | restarted, now how do I test it | 08:15 |
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adub | where online can i search to add what repository i need for my sources.list file i am wanting to install gtk relm and plugins but cant find the program | 08:15 |
numpszi | When i start a program it displays: | 08:15 |
numpszi | LD_DEBUG is empty, where can be the problem? | 08:16 |
Jordan_U | yellow_chicken: imagemagic | 08:16 |
nickrud | yellow_chicken, install imagemagick and use convert | 08:16 |
RickH | what is "915resolution"? | 08:16 |
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Jordan_U | RickH: It is a modsetting tool for intel GPUs | 08:16 |
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capitalidea | RickH: it's a hack to get resolutions above 800x600 on Intel video devices | 08:16 |
RickH | Jordan_U: Ah... nvidia here. :) | 08:17 |
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=== RickH had enough trouble installing Nvidia drivers. | ||
capitalidea | RickH: if you have an Intel video device you need that to have a resolution like 1280x1024 and such | 08:17 |
bruenig | installing nvidia drivers is easy | 08:17 |
yellow_chicken | thanks bruenig Jordan_U and nickrud | 08:17 |
=== RickH has them now... and likes them. Rotated 90 ccwise, 1200 x 1920 mode. | ||
tritium | capitalidea: it's not often needed any more | 08:17 |
Jordan_U | yellow_chicken: np | 08:17 |
RickH | bruenig: It's not with an 8800 GTX. | 08:17 |
Suicidolt | Jordan_U: I restarted, how do I connect now? | 08:17 |
capitalidea | tritium: Intel GMA950 here, I needed it :/ | 08:18 |
RickH | bruenig: It took a custom build, which required all of the requisite dev tools and libs, which weren't installed by default. | 08:18 |
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capitalidea | Feisty AMD64 | 08:18 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: Hopefully it will show up in the network manager at the top right of the screen | 08:18 |
yellow_chicken | Jordan_U: i am using ssh, and won't be able to use gui to convert pics | 08:18 |
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CompIsMyRx | RickH, actually the newer nvidia drivers are really easy. just run sh nvidia*.run and it's all interactive | 08:18 |
bruenig | RickH, oh yes I forget that ubuntu is so crippled from the beginning that way | 08:18 |
Suicidolt | network manager? | 08:18 |
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Jordan_U | RichiH: bruenig I think all they need is in build-essential | 08:19 |
RickH | CompIsMyRx: That is what I ended up doing, but it required a custom build of the drivers... and as I say, it didn't have enough of whatever it needed at first. | 08:19 |
bruenig | you need the kernel source | 08:19 |
RickH | CompIsMyRx: And it took me a while to figure out what was missing. Once I had it, that worked like a charm. | 08:19 |
CompIsMyRx | RickH, Envy automates it alot | 08:19 |
RickH | CompIsMyRx: Yup, but Envy didn't work with the 8800 GTX. | 08:19 |
Gruelius | No package 'gtk+-2.0' found Please install (or upgrade to) GTK+ 2.6.0, at least., which packages do i want? | 08:19 |
CompIsMyRx | RickH, latest version does | 08:19 |
bruenig | Gruelius, apt-cache search libgtk | 08:19 |
CompIsMyRx | RickH, It even works for my 8600gt, which only the latest drivers provide | 08:19 |
adub | what do i need to do to get gtk relm | 08:20 |
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RickH | CompIsMyRx: I installed the one from Add/Remove or Synaptic, it didn't work. This was 2 weeks ago. | 08:20 |
CompIsMyRx | RickH, yeah, those are outdated | 08:20 |
Suicidolt | Jordan_U: what's the network manager? I have "networking" and "network tools" | 08:21 |
bruenig | Suicidolt, it is a panel applet, right click, add to panel | 08:21 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: It should be at the top right of your screen | 08:21 |
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RickH | CompIsMyRx: yes, and that's very confusing for a new Ubuntu user. :) | 08:21 |
Suicidolt | I see the two monitors (standard network thing | 08:21 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: It isn't in any menu, it's just a small applet for the top panel | 08:21 |
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GuitarInc1 | hey guys | 08:22 |
GuitarInc1 | I'm a complete n00b | 08:22 |
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RickH | GuitarInc1: We have T-Shirts... They're $12 each.... want three? :) | 08:22 |
capitalidea | two monitors would make someone think more about something like twinview instead of networking... | 08:22 |
GuitarInc1 | and...well...I screwed things up in typical n00b fashion | 08:22 |
Suicidolt | the network monitor then? | 08:22 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: We have T-Shirts... :) | 08:22 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: You can still use the "networking" one but that will create a one time connection ( static ) so it won't be as easy to switch between networks | 08:22 |
bruenig | Suicidolt, manager | 08:22 |
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capitalidea | Why not an ethernet male plug as an icon | 08:23 |
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bruenig | they should use wifi-radar | 08:23 |
GuitarInc1 | this is a room full of bots, huh? | 08:23 |
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Suicidolt | there appears to be no network manager | 08:23 |
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Optimus55 | umm.. anyone ever got stuck with a white screen after signing on? | 08:24 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: Nope... just being sily. :) | 08:24 |
Jordan_U | bruenig: I wish they could add a nice panel applet for wifi-radar though | 08:24 |
RickH | Optimus55: Never. | 08:24 |
bruenig | just put a launcher up there | 08:24 |
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CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, it's network-manager | 08:24 |
Jordan_U | bruenig: Or a real stand alone app for network-manager :) | 08:24 |
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bruenig | I have mine shortcutted | 08:24 |
Suicidolt | do you want me to list them? none of them are "network-manager" | 08:24 |
bruenig | super+r | 08:24 |
Jordan_U | bruenig: That is not as nice as having a simple drop down list | 08:24 |
GuitarInc1 | so, I tried to install NVidia drivers to get my the resolution to match my monitor | 08:25 |
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bruenig | sure it is, on a laptop | 08:25 |
littlerose | hi i am trying to install vmware | 08:25 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: It is not in the menus | 08:25 |
bruenig | mouse bad | 08:25 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, you probably have to install it | 08:25 |
Optimus55 | bruenig: i think ubuntu's toying with me then... gona have to reinstall or something | 08:25 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: It is at the top right of your sceen | 08:25 |
littlerose | on 7.04 and it says that your kernel module is not found and need to compile | 08:25 |
GuitarInc1 | and...well... | 08:25 |
littlerose | after that it gives error | 08:25 |
GuitarInc1 | no worky worky | 08:25 |
jmg | !nvidia | GuitarInc1 | 08:25 |
RickH | GuitarIncl: type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and set it up for your monitor. | 08:25 |
ubotu | GuitarInc1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 08:25 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: But if you can't find it just use System -> Administration -> Networking | 08:25 |
Suicidolt | I have the two monitors (connection) volume control (not working) date, time, and the off button | 08:25 |
Suicidolt | I right clicked, and in the list of "add to panel" I got no network manager | 08:26 |
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GuitarInc1 | when I rebooted the computer, nothing displayed after GRUB | 08:26 |
littlerose | ./include/compat_kernel.h:21: error: expected declaration specifiers or ... before compat_exit | 08:26 |
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GuitarInc1 | and then I cried | 08:26 |
GuitarInc1 | I'm not sure what to do | 08:26 |
Suicidolt | k, I'm in networking | 08:26 |
RickH | GuitarIncl: type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and set it up for your monitor. | 08:26 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, run sudo aptitude install network-manager | 08:26 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: And then type "exit" | 08:26 |
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Suicidolt | CompIsMyRx: I have no internet, will that still work? | 08:26 |
littlerose | ./include/compat_kernel.h:21: error: expected declaration specifiers or ... before exit_code | 08:26 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: network-manager-gnome | 08:26 |
bruenig | Jordan_U, do you think it is safe to assume that the only way a university would be able to monitor user usage is by mac addresses? Can you think of any other way? | 08:27 |
GuitarInc1 | ok, I'll try it | 08:27 |
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crolle17 | where are the executeables of a program located? | 08:27 |
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bruenig | crolle17, do echo $PATH | 08:27 |
RickH | bruenig: Static IP traffic. | 08:27 |
DMole | help with upgrading please? | 08:27 |
bruenig | RickH, well there aren't static IPs | 08:27 |
RickH | bruenig: Then no. :) | 08:27 |
bruenig | so just hope around a lot of the mac addresses | 08:28 |
DMole | loss of dule monitors and menu | 08:28 |
bruenig | on* | 08:28 |
bruenig | hop* | 08:28 |
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crolle17 | bruenig, lot of pathes. maybe there is command for finding the path where a specific executeable is located? | 08:29 |
Suicidolt | trying to install, it wants the CD, so finding it | 08:29 |
RickH | bruenig: If they installed some software on your machine, it could track stuff and report back. | 08:29 |
astro76 | crolle17, whereis commandname | 08:29 |
Jordan_U | bruenig: There are things they could do and things they reasonably would, like if they were really Big Brotherish they could create a proxy server that would give you an identifiable cookie | 08:29 |
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Jordan_U | crolle17: which | 08:29 |
bruenig | crolle17, which command | 08:29 |
astro76 | crolle17, right sorry, which | 08:30 |
bruenig | Jordan_U, where would that cookie be stored? | 08:30 |
GuitarInc1 | it's asking me for my video card's bus identifier | 08:30 |
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bruenig | not on my computer, so they would still require some way to associate me with the cookie, which would be mac address right | 08:30 |
GuitarInc1 | I have no clue | 08:30 |
adub | how do you get the temperature sensors working in gkrellm ?? | 08:31 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: Generally speaking, leave everything as it is. | 08:31 |
GuitarInc1 | and I'm in recovery mode | 08:31 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: The only problem you're having is video modes, right? | 08:31 |
Perun | hmm is ubuntu kernel == debian kernel? | 08:31 |
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RickH | Perun: yes | 08:31 |
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Perun | RickH: aha ok | 08:31 |
RickH | RickH: Ubuntu is Debian derivative. | 08:31 |
GuitarInc1 | the problem was originally video modes | 08:31 |
jetscreamer | !sensors | 08:32 |
ubotu | You might find something useful at: | 08:32 |
GuitarInc1 | but then I decided to make the problem significantly worse | 08:32 |
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CompIsMyRx | Perun, pretty much. I don't know if they have the same version though. I'm not sure which revision Debian uses for which distro | 08:32 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: If you go to the end of that process, you'll see the part about configuring your monitor. | 08:32 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: That's where you'll set it up. | 08:32 |
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RickH | Perun: Ubuntu = right now (IIRC) | 08:32 |
Jordan_U | bruenig: Wherever Firefox keeps cookies, but that was just a random idea that nobody would ever do and it would have to take you to their page somehow, you can auto disallow cookies | 08:33 |
bruenig | seriously? | 08:33 |
GuitarInc1 | ok | 08:33 |
bruenig | ubuntu is on 20 still? | 08:33 |
RickH | bruenig: According to Synaptic, yes. | 08:33 |
bruenig | wow | 08:33 |
bruenig | arch is on 22 | 08:33 |
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Jordan_U | Perun: No, Ubuntu has a seperate patchset IIRC | 08:33 |
RickH | bruenig: Well woop tee doo! :P | 08:33 |
GuitarInc1 | should I use the "kernel framebuffer device interface"? | 08:33 |
CompIsMyRx | bruenig, Gutsy will be on 23 I think | 08:34 |
Perun | is there somewhere a xen 2.6.22 kernel for ubuntu? | 08:34 |
Jordan_U | bruenig: Arch is a rolling distro, they aren't comparable that said ... | 08:34 |
RickH | bruenig: Just checked, | 08:34 |
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=== Jordan_U hugs archlinux | ||
bruenig | archlinux is so amazing | 08:34 |
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jetscreamer | not with nvidia GuitarInc1 , but i dont' know what you have | 08:34 |
=== __spitFIRE woke up! | ||
=== __spitFIRE dozed off! ...zzZzz... | ||
GuitarInc1 | I have an nvidia geforce 8400 gs | 08:34 |
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GuitarInc1 | *a | 08:34 |
jetscreamer | just say no | 08:35 |
GuitarInc1 | ok | 08:35 |
RickH | what is archlinux? | 08:35 |
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jetscreamer | xorg won't support that i don't think, GuitarInc1 | 08:35 |
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jetscreamer | you'll need the nvidia driver | 08:35 |
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RickH | GuitarInc1: You could save yourself some trouble by downloading the newest driver from nvidia. | 08:35 |
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RyanWi | I'm sick to death of my scsi card using the aic7xxx driver, I want to purchase another scsi card to run my external LTO-2 drive, what do you recommend? | 08:35 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: It would install itself properly. | 08:35 |
CompIsMyRx | GuitarInc1, You'll need the 100.14.11 drivers | 08:35 |
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bruenig | Jordan_U, the cookie method would be dependent on using a browser and would be detectable though, so it is safe to say that there is no covert way to track you except mac addresses | 08:35 |
bruenig | RickH, an extremely good distro | 08:36 |
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RickH | bruenig: They can use data mining techniques, looking for patterns and stuff... and if they install something on your machine it can run in the background and forward machine activity, etc. | 08:36 |
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RickH | bruenig: I though Ubuntu was the best. :) | 08:36 |
Leroy | launchpad is down and i wanna order a free copy of ubuntu | 08:36 |
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bruenig | RickH, they can't install something on my machine | 08:36 |
Leroy | how else could i do it | 08:36 |
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CompIsMyRx | GuitarInc1, go here and download envy 0.9.6 and run it with envy -g. It will build a new nvidia driver for you that supports the 8400gs | 08:37 |
bruenig | RickH, that would first be illegal, and second I am using linux, so do you think they have linux versions of whatever you are talking about | 08:37 |
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RickH | bruenig: Sure they do. | 08:37 |
Jordan_U | bruenig: It is safe to say so yes, I just don't like to give definite answers when there is always some theoretical way | 08:37 |
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biosword | ciao a tutti | 08:37 |
bruenig | RickH, how | 08:37 |
RickH | bruenig: But generally speaking, you're most likely right: MAC address only. | 08:37 |
Suicidolt | the installation you suggested CompIsMyRx failed, it said "assertion 'rval != -1' failed. | 08:37 |
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biosword | chi ptrbbe aiutarmi a risolvere un problemino | 08:37 |
pants | this meat recall is serious business | 08:37 |
RickH | bruenig: Anything that's sent from a machine goes through the stack... if something's hooked in there, then voila! All traffic can be sniffed. | 08:38 |
biosword | help | 08:38 |
tupa | heh | 08:38 |
biosword | my | 08:38 |
Jordan_U | RichiH: Big if there :) | 08:38 |
=== RickH says "***BIG*** if" :) | ||
bruenig | RickH, no I know they can sniff the traffic but they can only associate it with a MAC, not to me specifically | 08:38 |
bruenig | and I can change macs | 08:38 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, hmm, it might not be on the disk | 08:38 |
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RickH | bruenig: Sure, the MAC is machine readable. They can be put together. Worst case, when it sends the data it's sniffed the MAC can go alone. | 08:39 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, you could download it manually and add to that machine from the one you're on now | 08:39 |
RickH | along | 08:39 |
Suicidolt | I should specify this is dapperdrank | 08:39 |
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Leroy | i dont have a launchpad account, launchpad is down, how else could i order a free copy of ubuntu | 08:39 |
=== RickH is tired. Probably head off to bed shortly. | ||
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Suicidolt | er...dapper drake | 08:39 |
jetscreamer | just download it? | 08:39 |
Jordan_U | Leroy: Is down also? | 08:39 |
Leroy | im on dial up | 08:39 |
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Leroy | well, you have to have a launchpad account to use shipit | 08:40 |
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Jordan_U | Leroy: Where do you live? | 08:40 |
Leroy | louisiana | 08:40 |
bruenig | RickH, I don't think you understand my concern, my concern is not that they know what my mac address is doing, just to make sure they can only trace it via that method, meaning I can change my mac around therefore making any long term associating or tracking on me impossible | 08:40 |
Jordan_U | Leroy: I have extra pressed CD's | 08:40 |
GuitarInc1 | hmm...ok, so I have an HP w2207 monitor, which is supposed to be running at 1680x1050 @ 60 Hz | 08:40 |
GuitarInc1 | the closest thing offered is that resolution but at 75 Hz | 08:41 |
RickH | bruenig: Okay. I don't know. I'm sure it's possible. The question I always ask regarding that situation is this: If there was information they needed to obtain from your machine which could potentially save the president's life, could they do it? | 08:41 |
RickH | bruenig: The answer is always "yes"... but to what extent would they go to get the regular joes and janes? Probably not nearly enough. | 08:41 |
GuitarInc1 | what would happen if I tried to send a faster refresh rate than the monitor is capable of? | 08:41 |
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bruenig | RickH, I don't think so | 08:41 |
RickH | bruenig: Is it possible? Yes. Definitely. Is it probable? Not at all. | 08:41 |
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Jordan_U | bruenig: There are a lot of ways to identify a machine | 08:42 |
bruenig | RickH, they could hack me sure, I mean they could try to hack me, but as far as network monitoring on a university scale, there is nothing they can do | 08:42 |
RickH | bruenig: Okay. | 08:42 |
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jetscreamer | you could theoretically burn it out, but usually it will just turn itself off | 08:43 |
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jetscreamer | apt-get install hwinfo && hwinfo --monitor w/o x running | 08:43 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, dapper has network-manager and network-manager-gnome I believe, checking now though' | 08:43 |
RickH | I found an odd thing tonight. By default, Synaptic keeps downloaded packages in cache. I had nearly 1.7 GB of downloaded, cached packages! | 08:43 |
=== Suicidolt is so confused | ||
=== bruenig wonders how that is odd | ||
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RickH | I think it's odd that it saves them by default. | 08:43 |
tupa | bruenig, (related to what you were talking) can I sniff my neighbors that use the same ISP (cable modem)? | 08:44 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: Why are you running Dapper? | 08:44 |
RickH | I would think that would be an undesirable waste of diskspace. | 08:44 |
Suicidolt | 'cause it's the copy I d/l-ed and installed | 08:44 |
Jordan_U | tupa: No | 08:44 |
GuitarInc1 | dmi_string: out of memory | 08:44 |
GuitarInc1 | what does that mean? | 08:44 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, wireless support is much, MUCH better on feisty | 08:44 |
bruenig | tupa, if they are wireless you can intercept packets | 08:44 |
Suicidolt | where can I get feisty | 08:44 |
CompIsMyRx | | 08:44 |
Suicidolt | I'm looking forward to d/l that for another day, and then dealing with that install fun... | 08:44 |
tupa | bruenig, yep | 08:44 |
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=== Suicidolt apologizes for teh sarcasm | ||
RickH | GuitarInc1: DMI = Direct Memory Interface. Something happened which ran out of memory. | 08:44 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: It still will *not* work by default though | 08:44 |
jetscreamer | the dmi string is a string in your cmos that identifies stuff in your computer | 08:44 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: Because you have a broadcom card | 08:45 |
bruenig | tupa, just use something like wireshark, you can't do much with it though | 08:45 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, the install is much cleaned up on feisty | 08:45 |
Suicidolt | I think I'm gonna cry | 08:45 |
GuitarInc1 | hmm...perhaps that could be the cause of my woes... | 08:45 |
bruenig | RickH, bloat is not one of ubuntu's main concerns | 08:45 |
Suicidolt | all I want is this stupid wireless card to work | 08:45 |
GuitarInc1 | it just gives me that error msg | 08:45 |
RickH | bruenig: Yeah, but 1.7 GB... that's a lot. :) | 08:45 |
GuitarInc1 | and some other dmi error message following that | 08:45 |
el_isma | Ubuntu's default shell is dash, but when you logon you get bash. I want to get zsh instead, what should I change? | 08:45 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: Get an intel card? ;) | 08:45 |
tupa | bruenig but what about people sniffing MACs to clone their modified modems? they have to use some kind of sniffer, am I wrong? | 08:45 |
jetscreamer | no idea... maybe flash the bios or check the mb makers download area | 08:45 |
GuitarInc1 | and then the screen goes blank | 08:45 |
GuitarInc1 | and my monitor goes to sleep | 08:46 |
Suicidolt | yeah, there's another $50 I'd love to spend | 08:46 |
GuitarInc1 | no ubuntu for me :( | 08:46 |
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Jordan_U | Suicidolt: Hence the ;) | 08:46 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: There is a solution to your problem. | 08:46 |
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Suicidolt | I know | 08:46 |
Suicidolt | I'm just flustered | 08:46 |
GuitarInc1 | yes? | 08:46 |
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RickH | GuitarInc1: Get the latest Nvidia driver and run it. | 08:46 |
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RickH | GuitarInc1: You will have to install some packages, but it tells you what you don't have. | 08:46 |
GuitarInc1 | i ran that command just like you said | 08:47 |
GuitarInc1 | about the xorg | 08:47 |
CompIsMyRx | el_isma, zsh isn't installed by default in Ubuntu | 08:47 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: Also, try googling "ubuntu nvidia install" and then your model number. | 08:47 |
Suicidolt | ok, I think 5 hours is enough for today | 08:47 |
bruenig | tupa, are you talking about the modems address or the clients address? | 08:47 |
GuitarInc1 | hmm | 08:47 |
Suicidolt | I'll come back to this tomorrow, and install feisty | 08:47 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: If that didn't fix it, then try the Nvidia driver from | 08:47 |
GuitarInc1 | ok | 08:47 |
el_isma | CompIsMyRx: I know. I installed it. I want to use that as shell instead of bash. What should I change? | 08:47 |
CompIsMyRx | el_isma, hmm | 08:47 |
pants | this meat recall is serious business | 08:47 |
GuitarInc1 | this all has to be done via recovery mode | 08:47 |
GuitarInc1 | which is an added challenge for me | 08:48 |
el_isma | CompIsMyRx: /bin/sh points to dash | 08:48 |
CompIsMyRx | el_isma, run chsh | 08:48 |
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Jordan_U | Suicidolt: Keep that firmware zip file and try using it *before* NDIS | 08:48 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: I had difficulties with my nvidia card. Once I got the proper libraries installed to compile the driver at install time, and downloaded the Nvidia one from their website, it worked beautifully. | 08:48 |
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Suicidolt | yessir | 08:48 |
CompIsMyRx | el_isma, and choose /bin/zsh | 08:48 |
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RickH | GuitarInc1: The only manual thing I had to do was add a line in my config file for rotation. | 08:48 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: I run my monitor in 90 degree counter-clockwise mode at 1200 x 1920. | 08:48 |
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CompIsMyRx | el_isma, or better yet, run chsh -s zsh | 08:49 |
el_isma | CompIsMyRx: thanks! :D | 08:49 |
Suicidolt | CompIsMyRx: lists mirrors, but not builds, are all of them feisty? | 08:49 |
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tupa | bruenig there is some software circulating on the net (DHCP Force for windows only) that somehow checks the local node of your ISP for other modems in the area, retrieving their IP and their MAC Address | 08:49 |
RickH | Why choose a different sh/zsh/bash/whatever? | 08:49 |
tupa | bruenig so what is that called if its not sniffing? | 08:49 |
el_isma | RickH: Zsh's tab-completion is way better | 08:49 |
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bruenig | tupa, I don't know | 08:49 |
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bruenig | RickH, they saw it on digg and are jumping aboard | 08:50 |
GuitarInc1 | how can I get the libraries while in recovery mode? | 08:50 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, are you on this page? | 08:50 |
=== RickH laughs | ||
GuitarInc1 | which is just the console | 08:50 |
Suicidolt | yes | 08:50 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: "sudo apt-get install whatever" | 08:50 |
el_isma | RickH: There might be other advantages, but I'm just beggining with zsh... And I don't really care about other stuff | 08:50 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: It will tell you the names of what's missing. | 08:50 |
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Jordan_U | Suicidolt: There is a choice of what version you want, make sure that 7.04 is selected | 08:50 |
adub | what is the linux command to display my isp hostname | 08:50 |
togr | Hi all, I'm running ubuntu in VMware server, and sound does not work. I'm fine with that, except that several GNOME programs complain loudly about ALSA lib errors when they are run, e.g. evince and eog. Is there a way to disable these error messages? | 08:50 |
el_isma | bruenig: I already knew zsh, but yes, the digg article reminded me | 08:50 |
bruenig | you can do anything that you can do on zsh with bash and the other way around, it is just a matter of preference | 08:51 |
RickH | el_isma: that's one problem I have. In an unpopulated terminal window, I can't type "Real[tab] " and have it automatically fill in the reset of the name. | 08:51 |
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el_isma | bruenig: really? I asked around and nobody could tell me how to get cyclic completion on bash... they told me to use zsh (I asked on #bash !) | 08:51 |
GuitarInc1 | "sudo" just stands for "supervisor do", right? but in recovery mode, I'm logged in as root | 08:51 |
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RickH | el_isma: There has to already be something there. "r Real[tab] " works, but then I have to delete teh "r". :) | 08:52 |
GuitarInc1 | so is sudo necessary? | 08:52 |
CompIsMyRx | Suicidolt, unless you pick otherwise, they are all fiesty | 08:52 |
togr | GuitarInc1, no | 08:52 |
Jordan_U | GuitarInc1: No | 08:52 |
CompIsMyRx | *feisty | 08:52 |
RickH | GuitarInc1: sudo would not be necessary. | 08:52 |
GuitarInc1 | thnx | 08:52 |
bruenig | el_isma, completion...zzzzzzzzzzzz | 08:52 |
togr | and "su" is "superuser" | 08:52 |
el_isma | RickH: I can't help you. I don't know enough. | 08:52 |
Ademan | hey is there a way to start another x session? preferably within a window inside another x session | 08:52 |
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RickH | el_isma: I wasn't needing help, just venting. :P | 08:52 |
el_isma | bruenig: I like it. Can you do that on bash? | 08:52 |
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Jordan_U | Ademan: Yes, it is called nested X IIRC | 08:53 |
el_isma | RickH: he, okay :) | 08:53 |
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bruenig | el_isma, you can't do it, but I would say it is more of an annoyance | 08:53 |
el_isma | bruenig: matter of tastes... | 08:53 |
bruenig | what use is it? | 08:53 |
bruenig | you have the list there, just type another character and tab it out | 08:53 |
el_isma | bruenig: less typing! | 08:53 |
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bruenig | how is it less typing | 08:53 |
Ademan | thanks Jordan_U, i'd heard it talked about before but i forgot what it was called | 08:54 |
el_isma | bruenig: sometimes they're annoying chars... like "\" | 08:54 |
bruenig | i guess if it is the first choice it is less typing | 08:54 |
bruenig | but beyond that, it is the same amount | 08:54 |
bruenig | or more | 08:54 |
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el_isma | bruenig: it has both behaviours... so you can still type an extra char if you want | 08:54 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: The official bcm43xx driver site is down ATM but it looks like bcm4318 is supported | 08:55 |
Suicidolt | k | 08:55 |
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bruenig | el_isma, right, the cycle one is rather pointless I would say though | 08:55 |
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brimue | hi, I'd like to know whether my acer laptop is capable of utilizing the suspend feature of feisty | 08:56 |
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brimue | when i hit the power button i don't see it though | 08:56 |
bruenig | el_isma, is there anything else? | 08:57 |
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Jordan_U | Suicidolt: Once you can connect to the internet install bcm43xx-fwcutter from synaptic, that is the package I got the firmware from and it will automatically keep the firmware up to date ( not necessary but nice ) | 08:57 |
el_isma | bruenig: I think there is, but well beyond what I use and understand. | 08:57 |
Suicidolt | thanks | 08:58 |
Jordan_U | Suicidolt: np | 08:58 |
Optimus55 | is there an officially supported driver for nvidia cards? | 08:58 |
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bruenig | el_isma, all the examples I have seen were just different ways of doing stuff | 08:58 |
Optimus55 | i just recovered from using nvidia-glx..... | 08:58 |
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Jordan_U | Optimus55: Define officially :) | 08:58 |
bruenig | el_isma, like ls ^Desktop, to exclude desktop from the results instead of ls | grep -v Desktop | 08:58 |
Carter | Would anyone be able to help me quickly with an ndiswrapper problem? | 08:58 |
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el_isma | bruenig: the first one is certainly less tying! | 08:59 |
Optimus55 | well, made by the nvidia ppl? i dono something that doesnt crap me out at 800x600 | 08:59 |
Optimus55 | then leave me with a white screen when after i log in | 08:59 |
Jordan_U | Optimus55: nvidia-glx , You can install it with Restricted Manager | 08:59 |
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Ademan | Optimus55: dunno about the white screen, but i'm pretty sure you need to enable the extra resolutions in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:00 |
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Ademan | but that's set to change in the next couple xorg and ubuntu releases | 09:00 |
Jordan_U | Optimus55: Though it cannot be supported by Canonical because it is closed source | 09:00 |
adub | i want to setup internet connection sharing how can i acheive this | 09:00 |
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Carter | Or how about this, anyone able to tell me how to install the latest ubuntu version without it trying to boot a livecd, my computer is too slow for that and it hangs for hours | 09:00 |
Optimus55 | well okay. i installed nvidia-glx.... worked fine, let me use window effects but stuck in 800 res. xorg.conf file was blank! ??? | 09:01 |
el_isma | Carter: use the alternate install cd | 09:01 |
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Ademan | Optimus55: i may have mistyped, one sec | 09:01 |
Optimus55 | then i removed the driver but forgot the window effects on, so that messed me up with a nice white screen :) | 09:01 |
GuitarInc1 | argh | 09:01 |
GuitarInc1 | so frustrating | 09:01 |
Jordan_U | !alternate | Carter | 09:01 |
ubotu | Carter: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 09:01 |
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orbisvicis | !lvm2 | 09:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lvm2 - try searching on | 09:01 |
orbisvicis | !lvm | 09:01 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and | 09:01 |
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Ademan | Optimus55: that sucks, but are you sure you entered the exact path for xorg.conf? /etc/X11/xorg.conf has to be exactly like that including the upper and lower case | 09:02 |
CompIsMyRx | Optimus55, there's also nvidia-glx-new that is a later card | 09:02 |
Jordan_U | !xconfig | Optimus55 | 09:02 |
ubotu | Optimus55: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - To configure only the driver and resolution, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh - See also !FixRes | 09:02 |
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brimue | is there a way to enable suspend if it's not an option in the Quit menu? | 09:02 |
CompIsMyRx | wow, anyone else just experience a major lag? | 09:03 |
Carter | ok, I'm kinda looking around the website and I don't see a download for the alternate CD | 09:03 |
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lill-me | Well | 09:03 |
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lill-me | I can give you the link | 09:03 |
Optimus55 | Ademan: ahhhh i think i left out the capitals... didnt know it was case sensitive | 09:03 |
Carter | that would be awesome lill-me! | 09:03 |
lill-me | =) | 09:03 |
Ademan | Optimus55: yeah, linux is just that way, for better or worse | 09:03 |
lill-me | 1 sec just | 09:03 |
orbisvicis | Jordan_U, after upgrading to nvidia-glx-new, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh is run automatically ? | 09:03 |
zyth | When I try and apt-get remove gaim, it also wants to remove nautilus-sendto. Is this a bad thing? | 09:03 |
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Optimus55 | CompIsMyRx: i'm using a geforce 6600 on this box... the old driver should do fine or do i need that new one? | 09:04 |
Carter | sounds like it sends aim links to gaim | 09:04 |
lill-me | | 09:04 |
Jordan_U | orbisvicis: It wasn't last time I tried but it may have changed | 09:04 |
lill-me | There it is | 09:04 |
Carter | but I'm a total linux noob so don't listen to me | 09:04 |
Carter | thanks lill-me | 09:04 |
lill-me | No probs m8 | 09:04 |
orbisvicis | ty | 09:04 |
CompIsMyRx | Optimus55, no, you don't need it, but I always like to keep on the newest drivers | 09:04 |
lill-me | Just one thing, be careful with the partitions | 09:04 |
Carter | now I just have to find a new blank CD, lol | 09:04 |
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lill-me | haha :) | 09:04 |
Optimus55 | CompIsMyRx: does it perform better or anything? | 09:05 |
Optimus55 | CompIsMyRx: or is it buggy? | 09:05 |
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lill-me | The alt cd? | 09:05 |
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arifahadi | hadi | 09:05 |
CompIsMyRx | Optimus55, I don't even use that one. I got a 8600gt so I have to use the 100.14.11 drivers. | 09:05 |
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lill-me | The alt cd is more "stabile" and generally works better than the Live CD you boot | 09:05 |
orbisvicis | is there a gui partitioner that can handle lvm ? | 09:06 |
Optimus55 | ahh okay | 09:06 |
lill-me | Dont think so.. | 09:06 |
lill-me | Or i dunno | 09:06 |
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Jordan_U | brimue: Sometimes, you may need to use an alternate suspend method ( unless there is an option in System -> Preferences -> Power Management ) my lappy only works with uswsusp | 09:06 |
orbisvicis | ; ( the ubuntu installer can! | 09:06 |
GuitarInc1 | you guys think I'd have better luck with the dmi errors if I ran 32-bit ubuntu, rather than 64? | 09:07 |
orbisvicis | alt cd | 09:07 |
Carter | so does 7.04 come bundled wit ndiswrapper? | 09:07 |
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lill-me | GuitarInc1, naah. It doesent really mather | 09:07 |
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Jordan_U | Carter: I think so, but not ndis-gtk | 09:07 |
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cypherdelic | hello, how to change the terminal resolution of ubuntu server edition?? | 09:07 |
Carter | i'm not sure what ndis-gtk is | 09:08 |
cypherdelic | what to add for the kernelline? | 09:08 |
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orbisvicis | cypherdelic, do you use grub | 09:08 |
Carter | but I just hope I can get my wireless working :) | 09:08 |
blackjackel | Hello, I have a 30 inch monitor and im trying to run ubuntu at its native resolution of 2560x1600 and I need to be pointed to a readme :D | 09:08 |
arifahadi | hadi | 09:08 |
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Jordan_U | Carter: GUI program for setting up ndiswrapper | 09:08 |
cypherdelic | orbisvicis, yes | 09:08 |
Carter | ahh | 09:08 |
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lill-me | Carter, wireless working excellent for the most :D | 09:08 |
Jordan_U | Carter: What chipset? | 09:08 |
cypherdelic | orbisvicis, i want to switch horizontal refresh too | 09:08 |
orbisvicis | oh, wait, usually an example is in menu.1st, cypherdelic ... something about framebuffer | 09:08 |
Carter | it's a laptop, #ubuntu | 09:08 |
llama32 | anyone know if safari works in wine? | 09:08 |
bruenig | llama32, you could try | 09:08 |
blackjackel | I installed the nvidia restricted drives and xserver stopped running so I uninstalled it, and now i'm back to the distorted xserver (that I can still use). I remember there was a program that automatically downloaded and installed the latest drivers but I can't remember the name of it... | 09:09 |
lill-me | llama32, what the hell you wanna have that? | 09:09 |
Jordan_U | llama32: If you are developing a site for webkit just use konq | 09:09 |
Carter | it's an hp ze4900, the wireless card is a Broadcom BCM94306 802.11 b/g | 09:09 |
CompIsMyRx | blackjackel, envy | 09:09 |
blackjackel | CompIsMyRx: tx, gona try it | 09:09 |
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Jordan_U | Carter: Ahh, try bcm43xx-fwcutter first | 09:09 |
orbisvicis | cypherdelic, vga=xxx the codes are usually in menu.1st | 09:09 |
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bruenig | or you can use midori for webkit | 09:09 |
Carter | whats that? | 09:09 |
CompIsMyRx | blackjackel, | 09:09 |
Jordan_U | Carter: That will hopefully let you use the native open source drivers | 09:09 |
ville | Ubuntu comes with a CD-burning software installed straight out of the box? | 09:09 |
orbisvicis | cypherdelic, no idea if horiz. refresh is possible | 09:10 |
llama32 | lill-me: i just want to play with it.. i doubt it'd be too much better than konq/firefox, but i did quite like it on mac | 09:10 |
Carter | ohhh | 09:10 |
Jordan_U | ville: Yes | 09:10 |
bruenig | midor won't require half of kde | 09:10 |
Carter | so I might not even need ndiswrapper | 09:10 |
ville | Jordan_U: What is its name? | 09:10 |
bruenig | midori | 09:10 |
Carter | how does one install the open source drivers? (sorry for all these noob questions.) | 09:10 |
GuitarInc1 | what happened just previous to ubuntu breaking in a spectacular fashion is as follows: | 09:10 |
GuitarInc1 | I installed "nvidia-glx" | 09:10 |
Jordan_U | ville: I don't know, there is cdrecord from the terminal and one built into nautilus ( the file browser ) | 09:11 |
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GuitarInc1 | I then installed "nvidia-settings" | 09:11 |
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Jordan_U | GuitarInc1: That's your problem then :) | 09:11 |
ville | Jordan_U: ok thought there might have been a GUI program. I'll go with cdrecord as per usual. | 09:11 |
JB4You | hi | 09:11 |
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Jordan_U | GuitarInc1: They are not compatible, nvidia-settings is *in* nvidia-glx :) | 09:11 |
GuitarInc1 | the OS informed me that to install "nvidia-settings", "nvidia-glx" had to be uninstalled | 09:11 |
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GuitarInc1 | I went with it | 09:12 |
kraut | moin | 09:12 |
Jordan_U | ville: There is, I just don't know the name | 09:12 |
JB4You | can anyone help me? i have a macbook pro and can't get my wlan working on ubuntu!!! | 09:12 |
GuitarInc1 | and then I ran "nvidia-glx-config" | 09:12 |
GuitarInc1 | hmm | 09:12 |
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GuitarInc1 | that may explain a bit | 09:12 |
changuito | guys.., i did ctrl+c while an archive transfer un minicom and the terminal got its characters weird and with symbols, how can i reset it??i ctrl+c while an archive transfer | 09:12 |
changuito | and good night | 09:12 |
GuitarInc1 | anywho, I was told to reboot my machine at that point | 09:12 |
GuitarInc1 | so I did | 09:12 |
jetscreamer | try typing reset | 09:12 |
Jordan_U | JB4You: | 09:12 |
GuitarInc1 | and it died | 09:12 |
jetscreamer | changuito: reset maybe | 09:12 |
changuito | inside the minicom terminal that is a simple string but not a command | 09:13 |
jetscreamer | oh | 09:13 |
JB4You | Jordan: I tried this wiki | 09:13 |
jetscreamer | those | 09:13 |
JB4You | and it doesn't wrk | 09:13 |
orbisvicis | are vga=xxx commands possible w/ mac bootloader ? | 09:13 |
orbisvicis | to boot ubuntu ? | 09:13 |
Jordan_U | GuitarInc1: Just remove nvidia-settings and install glx | 09:13 |
GuitarInc1 | it is just "rm nvidia-settings" | 09:14 |
JB4You | i need someone to fix the problem:"FATAL: Module new_wlan_scan_sta doesn't exist | 09:14 |
GuitarInc1 | or do I need a recursive tag? | 09:14 |
Jordan_U | jetscreamer: What version macbook pro? | 09:14 |
Jordan_U | GuitarInc1: No, remove it with apt-get | 09:14 |
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user1_ | what version of vmware is it in debian? | 09:14 |
GuitarInc1 | ?? | 09:14 |
GuitarInc1 | oh, you mean just overwrite it with nvidia-glx? | 09:15 |
Jordan_U | GuitarInc1: Remove it the way you installed it, with the package manager | 09:15 |
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Jordan_U | user1_: This is #ubuntu | 09:15 |
jetscreamer | what? | 09:15 |
GuitarInc1 | argh | 09:15 |
GuitarInc1 | ok | 09:15 |
GuitarInc1 | imagine yourself at my console | 09:16 |
GuitarInc1 | type away! | 09:16 |
user1_ | what version of vmware is it in ubuntu? | 09:16 |
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GuitarInc1 | we are currently in the recovery mode | 09:16 |
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Jordan_U | !info vmware-server | user1_ | 09:16 |
ubotu | user1_: Package vmware-server does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 09:16 |
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orbisvicis | !find vmware | 09:16 |
ubotu | Found: xserver-xorg-video-vmware, vmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.20-15, vmware-server-kernel-modules-2.6.20-15, vmware-tools-kernel-modules-2.6.20-15, vmware-player (and 8 others) | 09:16 |
Jordan_U | user1_: It's in the Ubuntu Commercial repos, I guess ubotu doesn't know about those | 09:17 |
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alex__ | i need help | 09:17 |
Jordan_U | GuitarInc1: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 09:17 |
Ademan | hey it's not possible to create a super-unprivileged user with no password is there? | 09:17 |
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eka | is the host has down ? | 09:17 |
Ademan | basically a guest account | 09:17 |
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JB4You | please i need someone to fix the problem:"FATAL: Module new_wlan_scan_sta not found" | 09:17 |
lill-me | sudo apt-get moo | 09:18 |
eka | because i can browse.... | 09:18 |
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Jordan_U | Ademan: You could have an account log in automatically at boot | 09:18 |
eka | because i can't browse.... | 09:18 |
Jordan_U | lill-me: aptitude moo | 09:18 |
lill-me | =) | 09:18 |
Ademan | Jordan_U: unfortunately that's not really what i'm looking for, since it's just a little something so my girlfriend can use my computer for solitaire without logging in as me | 09:18 |
lill-me | haha | 09:19 |
alex__ | I need help in spanish | 09:19 |
lill-me | hola | 09:19 |
Ademan | !spanish | 09:19 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:19 |
Jordan_U | lill-me: You might want more verbose output though, try -v, or even -vv ... | 09:19 |
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lill-me | Okey Jordan ;) | 09:19 |
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osfameron | great, mplayer is still a buggy, broken pile of crap | 09:19 |
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osfameron | "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device" | 09:20 |
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praetorphoenix | hi, how do i get w32 codecs? | 09:20 |
osfameron | even Totem *sometimes* works... | 09:20 |
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Jordan_U | osfameron: You need to specify the output device | 09:20 |
osfameron | Jordan_U: what? why? how? ;-) | 09:20 |
alex__ | spanish | 09:20 |
Jordan_U | !w32codecs > praetorphoenix | 09:20 |
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osfameron | Jordan_U: it's a media player, I told it to open a video. vlc, gxine, totem (sometimes) are all capable of opening a video and playing it... | 09:20 |
Jordan_U | osfameron: Don't remember, stopped using mplayer when gstreamer started getting good :) | 09:21 |
alex__ | i need help in Spanish | 09:21 |
JB4You | i need someone to fix the problem:"FATAL: Module new_wlan_scan_sta doesn't exist | 09:21 |
osfameron | Jordan_U: so you use gxine? | 09:21 |
Jordan_U | osfameron: totem-gstreamer | 09:21 |
phreck | totem is junk. | 09:21 |
Jordan_U | osfameron: And VLC | 09:21 |
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phreck | VLC will work for your video needs | 09:21 |
pawan | hi | 09:21 |
phreck | or mplayer | 09:21 |
Madpilot | phreck, totem-xine is usable. totem-gstreamer is still junk. | 09:22 |
osfameron | Jordan_U: yeah, I didlike totem because of the occasional crashing (sometimes of whole machine) and the fact that the forward and rewind are a complete joke | 09:22 |
phreck | yea | 09:22 |
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phreck | the xine backend is much better than gstreamer. | 09:22 |
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phreck | the sync issues and crashign with gstreamer are just rediculous. | 09:22 |
osfameron | VLC has a terrible user interface for things like full-screen mode, but it seems to crash less than the other options... | 09:22 |
P_Kable_ | I have 2 NICs now and I would like to know how to set one by default | 09:22 |
osfameron | oh, gxine seems really stable - the only problem I have with gxine is that the control panel is completely insane | 09:23 |
Jordan_U | phreck: Never had sync or crashing issues, maybe I'm lucky :) | 09:23 |
JB4You | i need someone to fix the problem:"FATAL: Module new_wlan_scan_sta not found " | 09:23 |
Ademan | anyone here use larswm? | 09:23 |
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v0idnull | What conf file determines what ubuntu shows as a welcome screen? right now it's asking for hosts for remote authentication | 09:24 |
GuitarInc1 | ok...we've moved from having a screen that goes blank during bootup to just a blinking cursor after the two dmi errors | 09:25 |
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GuitarInc1 | this may resemble progress...maybe... | 09:25 |
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JB4You | please i need someone to fix the problem:"FATAL: Module new_wlan_scan_sta not found" | 09:26 |
eka | is the host has down ? | 09:26 |
JB4You | i can't get my wlan wokring on my macbook pro | 09:26 |
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HorizonXP | hey does Tilda not work with ZSH? | 09:28 |
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HorizonXP | hey does Tilda not work with ZSH? | 09:28 |
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karl | quit | 09:29 |
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d1 | Is there 3d human anatomy program for linux? | 09:30 |
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Kurosaki_Ichigo | aww he left | 09:31 |
Kurosaki_Ichigo | T-T | 09:31 |
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Psilocyd2 | can i get some help installing java for firefox? | 09:35 |
phreck | for firefox? | 09:35 |
Psilocyd2 | ya | 09:35 |
phreck | just go into synaptics | 09:35 |
Psilocyd2 | and | 09:35 |
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phreck | search for java, and install the appropriate packages | 09:35 |
Psilocyd2 | im a 1 day newbie | 09:35 |
phreck | ok | 09:35 |
phreck | its all good. | 09:36 |
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phreck | You know how to get into synaptics? | 09:36 |
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Psilocyd2 | ya | 09:36 |
phreck | ok cool | 09:36 |
phreck | then youre set. | 09:36 |
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user__ | cwo | 09:36 |
Psilocyd2 | ill look | 09:36 |
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elementz | hi everybody | 09:37 |
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totalnewbie | hi everybody | 09:37 |
Psilocyd2 | i get an error | 09:37 |
elementz | client tells me, that alsa device is already in use -> any hint? | 09:37 |
Psilocyd2 | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem | 09:37 |
totalnewbie | how can i install webmin? | 09:37 |
totalnewbie | anybody? | 09:37 |
totalnewbie | :) | 09:37 |
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Dessan | totalnewbie, did you look at the guide on the webmin site? | 09:38 |
Psilocyd2 | ive allready broke my buntu | 09:38 |
Psilocyd2 | darnitalltaheck | 09:38 |
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totalnewbie | i don't understand | 09:38 |
totalnewbie | :) | 09:38 |
tupa | hey, kicker seems to crash now and then | 09:39 |
v0idnull | ok, this is getting frustrating. When I boot ubuntu it asks me to select a host as if I'm trying to remote login, doesn't prompt me for a username, I put the factory gdm.conf into use and this doesn't resolve the issue. | 09:39 |
compengi | Psilocyd2, check this | 09:39 |
tupa | =( | 09:39 |
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Psilocyd2 | k | 09:39 |
v0idnull | where would I change this functionality? | 09:39 |
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hansin321 | I did a text install with no network devices. I have added a wireless card. I can't get IP address. Everything else works. Is there a tool (command line based) to run through the network install stuff? I am suspecting this is the issue. That maybe certain modules are not loading. | 09:41 |
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compengi | v0idnull, are you trying to connect using ssh? | 09:41 |
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v0idnull | compengi: I'm not trying to connect to anything, I'm just booting my computer heh | 09:41 |
Psilocyd2 | i cant get into synaptic | 09:42 |
Psilocyd2 | i get an error | 09:42 |
compengi | Psilocyd2, are you running update manager? | 09:42 |
Psilocyd2 | i did that | 09:42 |
Dessan | totalnewbie, I would try the deb package on first. | 09:42 |
tupa | does anyone know how to configure the network in wine ?? | 09:42 |
compengi | Psilocyd2, is it running or you closed it? | 09:43 |
Dessan | tupa, in what way? | 09:43 |
Psilocyd2 | its done i think | 09:43 |
Psilocyd2 | lemme look | 09:43 |
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Psilocyd2 | no im pretty shure im not | 09:44 |
totalnewbie | Dessan: i download but dont know how to install | 09:44 |
tupa | Dessan I have this app that needs to read data from the network card, it readed eth0 (checked ifconfig and a new eth0-something appeared), but I needed eth1, so I took down eth0 but now no card appears in my windows application | 09:44 |
totalnewbie | error with dependencies | 09:44 |
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tupa | Dessan and network config is not listed under winecfg | 09:45 |
Psilocyd2 | the problem started when i forgot my password | 09:45 |
compengi | Psilocyd2, okay then anything related to update/upgrade running? you can't open synaptic if you have already something related to synaptic already running | 09:45 |
Psilocyd2 | while tring to install xchat | 09:45 |
compengi | Psilocyd2, oh | 09:45 |
Psilocyd2 | no | 09:45 |
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Dessan | tupa, I can't help sorry. | 09:45 |
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compengi | Psilocyd2, are you sure you don't remember your password? | 09:46 |
Ind[y] | I want to find the script that launches dhclient, so I can add the -q flag to it, for making it quiet. | 09:46 |
Ind[y] | Where is it? | 09:46 |
Dessan | totalnewbie, sudo apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl libmd5-perl | 09:46 |
Speedtouch | Thomson Speedtouch 330 ADSL USB modem issues: I tried this: and still have no internet access. Any help??? | 09:46 |
Psilocyd2 | i dont get the chance to enter it now | 09:46 |
Psilocyd2 | i just get the error | 09:46 |
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highvoltage | if I create an inittab in feisty, will it be used? | 09:46 |
compengi | Psilocyd2, well the error is not the case, you got something running that prevents your from opening synaptic | 09:47 |
compengi | !password > Psilocyd2 | 09:47 |
Psilocyd2 | ill reboot | 09:47 |
Speedtouch | Thomson Speedtouch 330 ADSL USB modem issues: I tried this: and still have no internet access. Any help??? Ubuntu 7.04 | 09:47 |
roy | does anybody know how to send a message over a network? | 09:47 |
Ind[y] | !dhclient | 09:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dhclient - try searching on | 09:47 |
compengi | Psilocyd2, if you'll reboot how will you login without password? | 09:47 |
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compengi | Ind[y] , you mean a client for dyndns? | 09:48 |
Ind[y] | compengi: no | 09:49 |
Ind[y] | I mean a dhcp client. | 09:49 |
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GuitarInc1 | okay...I think I should just reinstall ubuntu | 09:49 |
GuitarInc1 | what's the easiest way to do that? | 09:49 |
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Ind[y] | For acquiring an ip from my LAN, dynamucally. | 09:49 |
XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, why do you want to do that? | 09:49 |
compengi | GuitarInc1, live cd? | 09:49 |
Ind[y] | *dynamically | 09:49 |
Speedtouch | compengi: hi! | 09:49 |
Ademan | anyone here use larswm? | 09:49 |
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togr | Hi all, I'm running ubuntu in VMware server, and sound does not work. I'm fine with that, except that several GNOME programs complain loudly about ALSA lib errors when they are run, e.g. evince and eog. Is there a way to disable these error messages? | 09:50 |
compengi | Ind[y] , go to administration>network then choose dhcp | 09:50 |
GuitarInc1 | yes | 09:50 |
GuitarInc1 | live | 09:50 |
XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, reinstalling the system when you have a problem really isn't a good strategy. | 09:50 |
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GuitarInc1 | I don't know how to deal with the dmi errors | 09:50 |
GuitarInc1 | or to actually get to ubuntu | 09:50 |
gace82 | hai.............. | 09:50 |
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Nunzio | What would i need to set up a local network mail server, just for my home network nothing outside | 09:50 |
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Ind[y] | compengi: No, I have dhcp enabled. I just want to find the init script of dhclient, to add a flag to it. | 09:51 |
GuitarInc1 | all I can do is manipulate it in recovery mode | 09:51 |
XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, could you be abit more spesific? | 09:51 |
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GuitarInc1 | when booting, it says dmi_string: out of memory | 09:51 |
n2diy | How can you determine which printer port is active, lshw doesn't show it, and I can't find it listed in dmesg either? | 09:51 |
brandon__ | how do I start X from the command line | 09:51 |
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GuitarInc1 | and some other dmi memory error following that | 09:51 |
togr | brandon__, startx | 09:51 |
brandon__ | ok thanks | 09:51 |
GuitarInc1 | and it does not progress any further than that in the boot process | 09:51 |
n2diy | brandon__: startx :) | 09:51 |
Speedtouch | Hi all! Thomson Speedtouch 330 ADSL USB modem issues: I tried this: and still have no internet access. Any help??? I'm running Ubuntu 7.04 | 09:51 |
Nunzio | What would i need to set up a local network mail server, just for my home network nothing outside | 09:52 |
n2diy | togr: is fast | 09:52 |
v0idnull | compengi: Is there no file that contains the config for which greeter is shown? | 09:52 |
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togr | n2diy, as I'm asking for help, I should also help where I can | 09:52 |
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GuitarInc1 | I have to reboot the machine in the middle of the boot process | 09:52 |
GuitarInc1 | it's very unsettling | 09:53 |
XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, is this a laptop? Which install? | 09:53 |
n2diy | togr: roger that, I thought I had the startx answer, but you beat me to it. :) | 09:53 |
GuitarInc1 | this is a brand-spankin'-new desktop | 09:53 |
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XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, have you ever been able to boot ubuntu? | 09:53 |
GuitarInc1 | HP | 09:53 |
GuitarInc1 | core 2 duo 2.67 GHz | 09:53 |
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GuitarInc1 | 4 gigs of ram | 09:53 |
Nunzio | Doesnt having linux loaded on an HP machine void the warranty | 09:53 |
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brandon__ | I tried to run svncviewer and it crashed X. Wouldnt restart either, so I had to restart the entire thing | 09:53 |
togr | n2diy, but irc is asynch, the two replies don't necessarily arrive in the same order for every user | 09:54 |
GuitarInc1 | Nunzio: I won't tell them if you don't | 09:54 |
rausb0 | Nunzio: that would be a good reason to boycott HP | 09:54 |
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XiXaQ | Nunzio, that can't be legal. | 09:54 |
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=== Speedtouch somebody reads me??? | ||
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XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, have you ever been able to boot ubuntu? | 09:54 |
Nunzio | XiXaQ: My friend has an HP and thats what he told me | 09:54 |
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n2diy | togr: ok, it is all in fun. | 09:54 |
compengi | !patience | Speedtouch | 09:54 |
ubotu | Speedtouch: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also | 09:54 |
rausb0 | Nunzio: but i don't think it is true | 09:54 |
togr | n2diy, of course | 09:54 |
GuitarInc1 | besides, I can always restore the computer to the factory installed settings | 09:54 |
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Nunzio | rausb0: It cant be | 09:54 |
GuitarInc1 | yes | 09:54 |
GuitarInc1 | I was | 09:54 |
ron_ | anyone know how to install VIA p4m800 pro int. gfx. unichrome drivers/ | 09:54 |
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GuitarInc1 | but I always got the msi out of memory errors | 09:55 |
Nunzio | Nobody knows what im wanting for mail server? | 09:55 |
XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, what did you do before the problems started? | 09:55 |
GuitarInc1 | and then I started screwing around with nvidia-glx to get the correct resolution | 09:55 |
brandon__ | Nunzio: what are you trying to do? | 09:55 |
n2diy | togr: so is n2diy, on a Dvorak keyboard. ;) | 09:55 |
GuitarInc1 | and now all I get is the msi memory errors | 09:55 |
Nunzio | brandon__: I want a mail server for just my home network, nothing outside the lan | 09:55 |
GuitarInc1 | and it doesn't progress past them | 09:56 |
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brandon__ | !fetchmail | 09:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fetchmail - try searching on | 09:56 |
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brandon__ | hm | 09:56 |
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brandon__ | apt-get install fetchmail | 09:56 |
brandon__ | try that | 09:56 |
Nunzio | Alright | 09:56 |
Speedtouch | oops! | 09:56 |
rausb0 | !info fetchmail | 09:56 |
ubotu | fetchmail: SSL enabled POP3, APOP, IMAP mail gatherer/forwarder. In component main, is optional. Version 6.3.6-1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 356 kB, installed size 1780 kB | 09:56 |
XiXaQ | Nunzio, there are so many different setups.. If you don't need absolute stability, but a good prospect, then you should look into Bongo: Otherwise, there are good guides on the wiki and help. | 09:56 |
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GuitarInc1 | what I did was I installed nvidia-glx and nvidia-settings | 09:56 |
GuitarInc1 | and then ran "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" | 09:57 |
XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, perhaps you should try to revert to your old xorg.conf? | 09:57 |
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GuitarInc1 | I tried that | 09:57 |
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XiXaQ | :( | 09:57 |
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Toulouse | | 09:57 |
Toulouse | ahh | 09:57 |
Nunzio | Alright i'll try that, thanks guys | 09:57 |
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ron_ | this is madness | 09:57 |
XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, have you searched bugs on launchpad? | 09:57 |
GuitarInc1 | ? | 09:58 |
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Psilocyde | positive another version of synaptic isnt running | 09:58 |
n2diy | ron_, no, it is a revolution. | 09:58 |
GuitarInc1 | keep in mind that I'm a total n00b | 09:58 |
Psilocyde | still have the error | 09:58 |
Toulouse | how do i join another server in xchat? | 09:58 |
ron_ | ya | 09:58 |
XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, That's where ubuntus bug tracker resides, and you can ask questions there, etc. | 09:58 |
joshuakljf | I'm trying to connect to the internet on FF, and my DSL requires a username and password... how do I configure that in FF? | 09:58 |
Toulouse | like | 09:58 |
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compengi | Toulouse, ctrl+t for new server tab then /server | 09:59 |
GuitarInc1 | gotcha | 09:59 |
GuitarInc1 | I'll give it a shot | 09:59 |
GuitarInc1 | thnx | 09:59 |
rausb0 | Toulouse: in irssi, it would be /connect maybe that will also work in xchat. | 09:59 |
Psilocyde | really want to make this linux thing work | 09:59 |
XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, if this is the result of a bug, then you should report it so that others might benefit, and the problem might get solved sooner. It might also be a known problem with a known solution. | 09:59 |
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Nunzio | XiXaQ: bongo-project website doesnt resolve for me | 09:59 |
joshuakljf | Anyone? | 09:59 |
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XiXaQ | Toulouse, use the Xchat menu and select new server tab or network list. If you use new server tab, then you type in /server new.irc.server | 10:00 |
compengi | joshuakljf, nope just configure pppoe for user and pass to be able to connect to the net | 10:00 |
GuitarInc1 | in any case, I'd like to reinstall ubuntu and give it another go | 10:00 |
n2diy | joshuakljf: you configure it in your dialer, or the program that connects to the net. | 10:00 |
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GuitarInc1 | what's the best way to wipe it? | 10:00 |
rausb0 | joshuakljf: you don't configure that in firefox. you have to set up a pppoe connection (assuming your dsl is using pppoe) | 10:00 |
XiXaQ | Nunzio, that's because I haven't slept for a couple of days and write when I should have written :) | 10:00 |
Psilocyde | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 10:00 |
Psilocyde | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 10:00 |
v0idnull | yeah, I really don't get why I get prompted to pick a host to log into | 10:00 |
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GuitarInc1 | there's a 4 gig swap partition | 10:01 |
GuitarInc1 | and 95 gigs for the rest of ubuntu | 10:01 |
joshuakljf | compengi: n2diy rausb0: When I enable wired connection it doesn;t let me put that information in | 10:01 |
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XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, just boot the live-cd and reinstall? | 10:01 |
joshuakljf | WHen I saidFF I meant Feisty F | 10:01 |
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XiXaQ | GuitarInc1, perhaps you might want to use a 64bit version, as 32bit OSs can't handle 4GB RAM. | 10:01 |
GuitarInc1 | ok | 10:02 |
izanbardprince | is everyone having the problem of random program crashes on Gutsy Alpha 3? | 10:02 |
Psilocyde | maybe i should try the forums? | 10:02 |
GuitarInc1 | I am using the x64 version | 10:02 |
GuitarInc1 | I really got sick of MATLAB giving me out of memory errors | 10:02 |
n2diy | joshuakljf: ok, I though FF was Fire Fox! I'm using dial up here, so I don't think i can help you. | 10:02 |
rausb0 | joshuakljf: well then say it and don't use abbreviations | 10:02 |
compengi | joshuakljf, you mean that you can't connect to internet from feisty? | 10:02 |
GuitarInc1 | hopefully, octave will do better | 10:02 |
GuitarInc1 | in 64 bit | 10:02 |
Madpilot | izanbardprince, #ubuntu+1 for Gutsy questions | 10:02 |
GuitarInc1 | until I'm able to get a 64-bit version of matlab | 10:02 |
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joshuakljf | compengi: correct; I can't find where to put my uername/pw in | 10:03 |
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rausb0 | joshuakljf: try "sudo pppoeconf" in a terminal window | 10:03 |
compengi | joshuakljf, sudo pppoe-conf | 10:03 |
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compengi | joshuakljf, and follow the setup | 10:03 |
joshuakljf | OK, I'll give that a shot. | 10:03 |
joshuakljf | Have to restart.... | 10:03 |
joshuakljf | Thanks a lot | 10:03 |
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compengi | you are always welcome joshuakljf | 10:04 |
joshuakljf | Bye | 10:04 |
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|thunder | where are totem/gnome-movie-player's settings stored ? | 10:04 |
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award09 | aiglx is enabled in feisty by default, right? | 10:04 |
ron_ | How do I install VIA Integrated graphics PM4900 Pro/Unichrome/ on ubuntu? | 10:05 |
Polysics | hello all | 10:05 |
Polysics | why does my Feisty Server install ask for the CD-ROM when i try to apt-get install stuff? | 10:05 |
n2diy | How can you determine which printer port is active, lshw doesn't show it, and I can't find it listed in dmesg either? | 10:05 |
ron_ | hi | 10:05 |
Polysics | i'd like to turn that off as i have no bandwidth needs | 10:05 |
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compengi | ron_, have you tried to searching in forums? | 10:05 |
award09 | poly, you have to remove the cdrom from the sources list | 10:05 |
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rausb0 | Polysics: check your /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:05 |
Polysics | award09, what am i looking for? | 10:05 |
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fyrestrtr | Polysics: a line starting with deb-cdrom | 10:06 |
Polysics | i think i got it | 10:06 |
Polysics | usually only 1? | 10:06 |
fyrestrtr | Polysics: should be the near the top. | 10:06 |
ron_ | no, sorry just got ub linux and I saw x-chat and tryd it out | 10:06 |
Polysics | ok, doing fine | 10:06 |
Polysics | thanks ppl :-) | 10:06 |
ron_ | it was a real question | 10:06 |
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v0idnull | I don | 10:07 |
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v0idnull | I even tried to enable system menu with configuration in the greeter, and those don't show up either | 10:08 |
v0idnull | Top of this box reads "No serving hosts were found" | 10:08 |
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pawan | how to open chm files | 10:08 |
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award09 | does anyone know how i can temporarily disable aiglx in feisty? | 10:09 |
rolfen | pawan: gnochm | 10:09 |
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Administrator_ | When I try to install ubuntu it loads the kernel and conitues to a black screen and doesnt load... I am using the right bit... 64 intel... please help? | 10:10 |
yarou | kde4's broken | 10:10 |
compengi | Administrator_, maybe X-server isn't started? | 10:11 |
Administrator_ | compengi: ? | 10:11 |
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compengi | Administrator_, does it load to text mode? | 10:11 |
kahrytan | Administrator_: What graphics card you got? | 10:11 |
Administrator_ | kahrytan: intel centrino duo ? | 10:11 |
kahrytan | graphics card | 10:12 |
Administrator_ | errrr | 10:12 |
compengi | Administrator_, not the processor the vga card | 10:12 |
Administrator_ | let me see | 10:12 |
Administrator_ | i actually have no idea | 10:12 |
Administrator_ | my model is | 10:12 |
Administrator_ | sony vaio vgn- ar520e | 10:12 |
kahrytan | Centrino means laptop | 10:13 |
compengi | Administrator_, is it build in | 10:13 |
compengi | oh | 10:13 |
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Catoptromancy_ | Anyone know how to get a LiveCD.iso to boot from a USB? | 10:13 |
kahrytan | Nvidia GeForce 8400M video card | 10:13 |
Administrator_ | yeah | 10:14 |
kahrytan | try the 32bit cd | 10:14 |
Administrator_ | alrighty | 10:14 |
kahrytan | and verify cd too | 10:14 |
Administrator_ | soooo | 10:14 |
kayzu | i have now tried to install ubuntu from the alternate cd and still i get errors that the CHS/LBA values don't match and that the partition table has errors | 10:14 |
Administrator_ | standard instead of 64 bit | 10:14 |
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Administrator_ | on the d/l | 10:14 |
award09 | Catoptromancy_: it's possible, but absolutely not worth it | 10:14 |
Catoptromancy_ | Why not? | 10:15 |
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compengi | Administrator_, does your ubuntu load to text mode or doesn't show you anything after starting up? | 10:15 |
Administrator_ | I have already tried 32 bit | 10:15 |
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Administrator_ | it like | 10:15 |
Administrator_ | ok | 10:15 |
Administrator_ | it loads kernel | 10:15 |
Administrator_ | then goes to a black screen | 10:15 |
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Administrator_ | and kinds | 10:15 |
ideasman_42 | hi guys | 10:15 |
Administrator_ | loads on the top and bottom | 10:15 |
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Administrator_ | then stops | 10:15 |
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Administrator_ | and goes black | 10:15 |
Administrator_ | its to fast to read | 10:15 |
dad | first verify cd ...... yes! | 10:15 |
Administrator_ | I di | 10:15 |
Ruger | HI men | 10:15 |
Administrator_ | did | 10:15 |
award09 | well, for starters, i've never actually done it, i've only read about it, but it sounded like they went through all heck to get it working | 10:16 |
yehweh | Administrator_: please dont hit the return key use a perios | 10:16 |
Ruger | May I ask a few questions | 10:16 |
ideasman_42 | Just wondering, possible to get ubuntu to mount a samba share on boot? | 10:16 |
pawan | hi | 10:16 |
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compengi | !ask | Ruger | 10:16 |
ubotu | Ruger: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:16 |
Administrator_ | Sorry, So what might be the problem? | 10:16 |
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ideasman_42 | using gnome mount share dosnt cut it, not enough apps work with smb:// | 10:16 |
award09 | er, that is, unless your usb device is a harddrive, rather than a flash drive | 10:16 |
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kayzu | whyyy does the ubuntu install always mess the chs/lba values and the partition table up? | 10:17 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: any idea what had went wrong? | 10:17 |
kayzu | after installing it, testdisk and PartitionMagic always complain about not matching chs/lba values | 10:17 |
Ruger | OK | 10:18 |
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Ruger | How do I get to terminal? | 10:18 |
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compengi | Ruger, applications>accessories>terminal | 10:18 |
Ruger | OK | 10:18 |
kayzu | i am trying to get the answer to that since DAYS and nobody can help.. :/ | 10:18 |
Ruger | Thanks. How do I install WINE? | 10:18 |
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award09 | Ruger: sudo apt-get install wine | 10:18 |
compengi | Ruger, sudo apt-get install wine in terminal | 10:18 |
JB4You | hi | 10:18 |
JB4You | can anyone help me get my wlan working on my macbook pro? | 10:18 |
JB4You | no wiki could help my up to now!!! | 10:18 |
JB4You | and i am no real crack what depends on linux | 10:18 |
Ruger | OK Thanks. | 10:19 |
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Ruger | How do I move the top bar to the bottom? It won't drag. | 10:19 |
v0idnull | ok, when I boot up ubuntu, I now get a window that will allow me to add hosts to something, with a title of "No serving hosts were found", I can not find anything on this through google other than someone else asking the same question with no answer. Anyone have a clue what this is? | 10:19 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: No clue, infact did not see your whole msg I just got back and saw your post scroll by and thought id let you know abt the return key. So let me see what your post was abt and Ill let you know ... | 10:19 |
compengi | Ruger, click on it once then move your curse to the right/left/up/down | 10:19 |
Hello-Kitty | admin left yehwah | 10:20 |
Ruger | Compengi, that's not working. | 10:20 |
award09 | can anyone remember the gnome graphical superuser command? it's kdesu in kde, but I can't remember the gnome one | 10:21 |
JB4You | hi | 10:21 |
JB4You | can anyone help me get my wlan working on my macbook pro? | 10:21 |
JB4You | no wiki could help my up to now!!! | 10:21 |
JB4You | and i am no real crack what depends on linux | 10:21 |
compengi | Ruger, why? | 10:21 |
Ruger | I don't know! | 10:21 |
Ruger | I cliuck it, move cursor. Nothing at all ahppens. | 10:21 |
kayzu | can anyone please help me with installing ubuntu on one hdd with windows without getting errors about not matching CHS/LBA values afterwards and a corrupted partition table? | 10:21 |
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kayzu | it happens every time i try to install ubuntu | 10:21 |
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Tha-Fox | award09: I guess gksudo | 10:22 |
JB4You | can someone help me with this: | 10:22 |
JB4You | FATAL: Modulenew_wlan_scan_sta not found | 10:22 |
compengi | Ruger, you can't move the bar to the center of the screen just to the horizontal/vertical parts of the screen | 10:22 |
kayzu | either via live cd or alternate cd, making partitions with the installer or beforehand, i always get those bloody errors | 10:22 |
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SoulChild | Hey guys,.. if i do a whole backup of my system with "tar" do i need to pack the "/dev"-Folder, or is it generated manually from kernel? | 10:22 |
Ruger | RIght-o, I want it on the bottom. | 10:22 |
Ruger | Anyway | 10:22 |
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py_ | hello | 10:22 |
Ruger | The command to install WINE did not work | 10:22 |
award09 | thanks a lot tha-fox | 10:22 |
SoulChild | py_ hello | 10:22 |
zacdavis | ello | 10:22 |
Ruger | :( | 10:22 |
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yehweh | kayzu: I never had this problem but can you tell us what you did and howm mqany partitions you have and all that jazz | 10:23 |
Administrator_ | thwe error i get trying to install ubuntu is cant accsess tty control turned off | 10:23 |
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edi-junior | servus | 10:23 |
Tha-Fox | award09: np. Hope it was the right command :) | 10:23 |
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SoulChild | edi-junior: Moin | 10:23 |
rausb0 | SoulChild: you don't need the /dev directory. btw, it is not filled by the kernel, but by udev. | 10:23 |
py_ | can the proprietary nvidia and fglrx drivers be loaded at the same time, in case I've a board of both brands inside my box, or do they dislike each other? | 10:23 |
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Administrator_ | yehweh: Cannot access tty job control turned off? | 10:24 |
yehweh | Administrator_: Please try to burn a new Cd and it went away after I udesd a different cd. | 10:24 |
kayzu | yehweh: okay, one windows partition with 12 gb, one logical data partition 200gb then the linux swap and the ext3 partition for ubuntu. | 10:24 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: you had that mesage too? | 10:24 |
kayzu | i even posted a thread in the forums but didn't get any reply yet: | 10:24 |
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Ruger | Package wine is not available, but is reffered to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, obsolete, or..... etc | 10:24 |
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Ruger | After using: [02:18] award09: Ruger: sudo apt-get install wine | 10:24 |
SoulChild | rausb0: thank you,... any other folder i don't need, except dev,mnt,sys,proc ? | 10:25 |
GodzChild | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 10:25 |
GodzChild | compiz-gnome: Depends: libwnck18 (>= 2.15.90) but it is not installable | 10:25 |
GodzChild | E: Broken packages | 10:25 |
yehweh | Administrator_: Yup and this was not with a Cd I burned. I got it from canonical .. I guess some faulty media. It went away when I used a new cd | 10:25 |
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GodzChild | this is from trying to install compiz-fusion | 10:25 |
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rausb0 | SoulChild: /tmp, but make sure it exists as a empty directory with permissions 1777 in your backup | 10:25 |
nox-Hand | How would I make apt use another country mirror? It seems that AU is failing | 10:25 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: i will try. | 10:25 |
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rausb0 | SoulChild: all these dirs should be empty in the backup | 10:26 |
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FireDemonSiC | hey guys | 10:26 |
nox-Hand | Failed to fetch Could not connect to ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 10:26 |
nox-Hand | :-( | 10:26 |
yehweh | Administrator_: Please try and Im not sure this will be a 100% fix. if you still have a problem let me know | 10:26 |
rausb0 | SoulChild: and for /tmp it is important to have the right permissions (1777) | 10:26 |
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kayzu | yehweh: i tried everything, i installed ubuntu from the live cd, from the alternate cd, made the partitions with the installer or with a windows partitioning program, | 10:26 |
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FireDemonSiC | im having a rather strange but simple problem with my nvidia drivers i was wondering if anyone could help me with | 10:26 |
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compengi | nox-Hand, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change the au to something else or even remove it | 10:27 |
SoulChild | rausb0: yes i do, i only exclude the content by typing " --exclude=/proc/* " | 10:27 |
zacdavis | FireDemon: ask away | 10:27 |
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nox-Hand | compengi: OK =) | 10:27 |
kayzu | yehweh: even did a low-level format and wiped the mbr, but every time i install ubuntu, afterwards the chs/lba values don't match anymore | 10:27 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: burning | 10:28 |
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compengi | Administrator_, at what speed? | 10:28 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: 1x of course | 10:28 |
yehweh | did you do a hash check? | 10:28 |
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FireDemonSiC | i have a dual DVI port 6800, and due to a freak power supply accident the main DVI port is damaged so i have to hook my LCD to the second one. this hasent posed a problem until now. when i set the driver to 'nvidia' in xorg.conf it sends the display to the main DVI port and my monitor goes dead. is there any way to sepcify in xorg.conf which display to send the signal to? | 10:28 |
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superman | hey could some one help me mount my windows drive ? | 10:29 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: will my computer be able to use all the fancy windows effects with 2000 ram? | 10:29 |
SoulChild | rausb0: so it is: tmp,sys,proc,mnt,media,lost+found,dev ? That's all ? | 10:29 |
rausb0 | SoulChild: wait | 10:29 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: When you insert the CD there is an option to check if the media is good. I think its the last option. Its abt 4:30 in the morning and Im like a zomby right now | 10:29 |
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FireDemonSiC | please help someone generic nv driver blows the big one | 10:30 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: mhm diddo | 10:30 |
bcbooteRRR_ | is there a way to get control over beryl, liek making windows bigger, minimizing etc ? IT wont let me | 10:30 |
Optimus55 | lol i went to fight round 2 with nvidia-glx and lost :( | 10:30 |
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Administrator_ | yehweh: 4:30 and i dont feel like a zomby | 10:30 |
rausb0 | SoulChild: yeah | 10:30 |
worzel | can some one help me i lost me extra hard drive :( | 10:30 |
yehweh | Administrator_: I have 512 mb ram and I have intel intigrated graphics and it works fine for me. go figure :D | 10:30 |
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compengi | !beryl | bcbooteRRR | 10:30 |
ubotu | bcbooteRRR: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:30 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: great | 10:30 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: After a night on the town you will, trust me ;) | 10:31 |
FireDemonSiC | anyone? | 10:31 |
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Administrator_ | yehweh: im from kentucky | 10:31 |
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yehweh | I went to school in louisville | 10:31 |
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=== kayzu sighs. | ||
Administrator_ | yehweh: you know vine grove? | 10:31 |
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yehweh | kayzu: Im looking please be patient | 10:31 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: thats me... hah hah | 10:32 |
kayzu | yehweh: thanks :) | 10:32 |
yehweh | I went to UofL so Im affraid I dont know wine grove where is it? | 10:32 |
Ruger1 | erm question | 10:32 |
worzel | can some one help me i lost me extra hard drive :( | 10:32 |
compengi | !offtopic | 10:32 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:32 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: about 120 miles from louisville | 10:32 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: or i should say 30 minutes? | 10:33 |
yehweh | Administrator_: lexington or bowling green? | 10:33 |
Ruger1 | I made a CD of Xubuntu from .iso, and... Well, it's running off CD. It didn't install to the harddrive, as far as I can tell. What do I do? | 10:33 |
yehweh | east or south? | 10:33 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: east i guess...? | 10:33 |
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Flannel | Ruger1: The liveCD has an 'install' command on the desktop that'll install it to your HD | 10:33 |
SoulChild | ubunutu vs. debian? =D | 10:33 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: I loved the flexible speed limits I live in Dc now and it sucks /sighs | 10:33 |
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Administrator_ | yehweh: you go from louisville to elizabeth town... to radcliff and that leads to vine grove | 10:34 |
Psilocyde | can someone help installing java for firefox? | 10:34 |
compengi | !offtopic | Administrator_ | 10:34 |
ubotu | Administrator_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:34 |
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yehweh | kayzu: Did you use grub or some thing else? | 10:34 |
Administrator_ | compengi: awww chill | 10:34 |
dad | soulchild : ubuntu 7.04 | 10:34 |
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SoulChild | dad: :P it was just a joke | 10:35 |
compengi | Psilocyde, have you checked for firefox java how to ? | 10:35 |
phenom | Any one know if the share ratio in say azureus, dictates dl/ul speeds? | 10:35 |
SoulChild | what is the sys folder for ? | 10:35 |
Psilocyde | nope but i will ty | 10:35 |
kayzu | yehweh: i used grub, and tried it with either installing it to the mbr or to the partition | 10:36 |
yehweh | What size are your partitions? | 10:36 |
Psilocyde | phenom: yes | 10:36 |
yehweh | kayzu: Do you have multiple hdd? | 10:36 |
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Psilocyde | yes it does | 10:36 |
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SoulChild | is there a site with good explaination of all folders in / | 10:36 |
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kayzu | kayzu: yes i have one smaller hdd but i also tried to install it with only one hdd plugged in | 10:37 |
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Optimus55 | how can i edit in safe console without a gui editor? | 10:37 |
Optimus55 | xorg.conf* sry | 10:37 |
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yuan | gedit | 10:37 |
kayzu | uhm sorry, that was directed at you yehweh | 10:37 |
yehweh | Optimus55: VI | 10:37 |
Flannel | SoulChild: and but Ubuntu (like most distros) does some things a little differently | 10:37 |
Sini|work | FireDemonSiC: Have you tried to add a "Screen 1" to the Device section of your xorg.conf? | 10:37 |
Flannel | Optimus55: nano | 10:38 |
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Optimus55 | Thanks | 10:38 |
phenom | ahh, that would "maybe" explain why torrents speed fluxs between 200 kb's and 1-2 kb's out of nowhere :) | 10:38 |
yehweh | You have crap os as primary and linux root as logical right? | 10:38 |
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kayzu | yehweh: my partitions are: 12gb windows, 200bg data (ntfs), 2gb linux swap, 150gb ext3 ubuntu | 10:38 |
kayzu | guess so | 10:39 |
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kayzu | windows is on the first partition and linux root is after a 200gb logical ntfs data partition | 10:40 |
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Zeitgeist | down? | 10:40 |
kayzu | so the linux root is logical | 10:40 |
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yehweh | kayzu: I still dont know why you are getting this error I tink I have to move this higher up the food chain ;) I never got this error except for grub error 22 and 20 | 10:40 |
Flannel | Zeitgeist: not for me | 10:40 |
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yehweh | kayzu: I remeber reading somewhere that windoze acts funny if you have Linux as primar and active ... ever since I have used it as logical ... | 10:41 |
kayzu | yehweh: i have no idea why i'm getting this either :p i think i read something about a similar error on a page from 2004 about a bug in parted, which is what the ubuntu installer uses afaik | 10:42 |
yehweh | Administrator_: Still burning? | 10:42 |
compengi | phenom, use rtorrent for torrents way better | 10:42 |
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kayzu | and i am trying to get rid of those errors for days now.. | 10:42 |
Ruger1 | Do I HAVE to load the OS from CD before I can install Xubuntu? | 10:43 |
phenom | cool, I'll check it out thanks :) | 10:43 |
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Sini|work | Zeitgeist: As of 2 hours ago it was working for me. | 10:43 |
compengi | phenom, np :) | 10:43 |
int_21h | which program is much better than gkrellm? | 10:43 |
leth_ | Hi guys | 10:43 |
Zeitgeist | hmmm... I'm getting CANT_CONNECT errors | 10:44 |
yehweh | kayzu: Im sorry man .. I have never had this problem and Im having trouble with google too ;) | 10:44 |
leth_ | does anyone use Synergy? the network KM app | 10:44 |
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dad | zeitgeist , yead ;down | 10:44 |
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leth_ | i'm getting connection refused errors when my mac tries to connect to my linux pc | 10:44 |
yehweh | kayzu: man/women no disrespect. just being politically correct :D | 10:44 |
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compengi | leth_, through ssh? | 10:45 |
kayzu | yehweh: i have no idea what to do then :p i tried to get this working for days now :p | 10:45 |
leth_ | compengi: nope | 10:45 |
leth_ | it's like the port isn't open | 10:45 |
noiesmo | hmm I have in my sources.list but it seems to be down can some one confirm please | 10:45 |
leth_ | i can telnet to the port on localhost | 10:45 |
leth_ | but not on my mac | 10:45 |
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leth_ | but i can ssh to the pc | 10:46 |
leth_ | so the network's fine | 10:46 |
yehweh | kayzu: shoot me a test email Ill see if I can come up with some thing yehweh 2 gmail . com | 10:46 |
Zeitgeist | noiesmo, I think alot of shit is down right now | 10:46 |
Floker | leth_, seems to me like it's no problem of ubuntu | 10:46 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: it still says cannot accsess tty control turned off | 10:46 |
Zeitgeist | noiesmo, can't connect there either | 10:46 |
kayzu | yehweh: here is a page, a bug report about a similar issue: maybe a starting point.. | 10:46 |
noiesmo | Zeitgeist, ok thanks | 10:46 |
SoulChild | what is the /sys folder for ? | 10:46 |
leth_ | Floker: why would that be? To me it smells of a ipv6 induced problem | 10:46 |
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noiesmo | leth_, is telnet service running on system and is port open | 10:47 |
aLeSD | hi , someone know a software to create visiting card ? | 10:47 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: Damn must be my bad day .. coz every one I give a sugestion to it doesnt work | 10:47 |
lordofthepigs_ | Hello! I want to upgrade my java version from Java6 to Java6u2 | 10:47 |
lordofthepigs_ | How can I do that? | 10:47 |
leth_ | noiesmo: i telnet to the synergy port, and it connects on localhost | 10:47 |
Floker | leth_, maybe, but either way it is mac-related, isnt it? because you can connect from the local host if i got that right | 10:47 |
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Administrator_ | yehweh: i knew it wouldnt work (sony vaio has been royal Sh5$ and wont install like any OS | 10:47 |
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Administrator_ | yehweh: any ideas? | 10:47 |
noiesmo | leth_, ah k didnt know | 10:48 |
yehweh | Administrator_: Im sorry I wasted your media.. | 10:48 |
yehweh | CD | 10:48 |
leth_ | noiesmo: there's an odd quirk i noticed | 10:48 |
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leth_ | i ssh to the pc and it works | 10:48 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: its cool I have 700... I just need to know how to fix it | 10:48 |
leth_ | the mac reports it's over tcp4 | 10:48 |
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leth_ | the pc reports it's over tcp6 | 10:48 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: Is it a 64 bit or a 32 bit processor | 10:49 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: 32 | 10:49 |
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Floker | so mac uses ip6 only? | 10:49 |
yehweh | did you use the i386 one? | 10:49 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: yes | 10:49 |
compengi | SoulChild, check this link | 10:49 |
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yehweh | let me see what was the error you got? | 10:49 |
raddy | Hello Everybody | 10:49 |
leth_ | no i think ubuntu does something interesting to the incoming connections | 10:50 |
raddy | How can check the installation date of my ubuntu system? | 10:50 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: tty messed up because user control was off? | 10:50 |
worzel | can some one help me get my extra hard drive back | 10:50 |
yehweh | Administrator_: Im a relative noob too so Ill have to look around before I go around wasting your time | 10:50 |
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bcbooteR | damn beryl. is sick as helll | 10:50 |
bcbooteR | too bad it wont work with my laptop... | 10:50 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: sure | 10:50 |
Floker | i would also like to know that, how to check the installation date of the ubuntu installation | 10:50 |
noiesmo | worzel, please explain get it back | 10:51 |
leth_ | is inetd / xinetd installed by default? | 10:51 |
raddy | Floker: you too want to know that :) | 10:51 |
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Floker | sure | 10:51 |
worzel | it was there when i went to bed but gone this morning | 10:51 |
worzel | lol | 10:51 |
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noiesmo | lol worzel | 10:52 |
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SoulChild | compengi: /sys - contains information about the system... no very helpfull ... but the debian channel guys knew it better: it's a virtual folder managed by kernel for used by userspace application to get infomation / manage your hardware | 10:52 |
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worzel | i have 3 in there but its only sowning 2 | 10:52 |
worzel | showing* | 10:52 |
Administrator_ | does anyone know the solution to tty cannot be accesed user control is off message during the ubuntu load | 10:52 |
Floker | i dont have /sys, how can i "activate" it? | 10:53 |
compengi | SoulChild, then you are knowing more than me, why were you asking then ;) | 10:53 |
noiesmo | worzel, was it showing | 10:53 |
knoppix | help | 10:53 |
worzel | yes | 10:53 |
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compengi | Floker, it exists in /root directory | 10:53 |
knoppix | i'm new in linux | 10:53 |
kayzu | yehweh: omg.. i think i just fixed those values with testdisk | 10:53 |
knoppix | where do i go | 10:53 |
knoppix | for help | 10:53 |
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SoulChild | compengi: i didn't know it, the guys in the debian channel just told me right now, i ask you at the same time | 10:53 |
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kayzu | yehweh: i'll have to check, but partitionmagic doesn't complain about it anymore | 10:54 |
noiesmo | worzel, have you phyisically touched the drive or internals since it stopped working | 10:54 |
leth_ | knoppix: depends what sort of problem you have ;) | 10:54 |
worzel | no | 10:54 |
Floker | compengi, no, its not there | 10:54 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: is this going to be hard? | 10:54 |
yehweh | kayzu: I hope it works for you man ... I know it sucks to not havr a comp | 10:54 |
knoppix | i don't have problem | 10:54 |
knoppix | i'm new in the linux world | 10:54 |
kayzu | yehweh: brb, testing if i can boot to ubuntu :) thanks for your help :) | 10:54 |
noiesmo | worzel, well the drive may have just died I lost 2 older drives the other day worked one minute then shutdown and gone the next | 10:54 |
compengi | Floker, enter your home directory then go backwards twice you would be in /root directory, it's there | 10:55 |
knoppix | i want to leave windows | 10:55 |
Administrator_ | knoppix: whatcha want | 10:55 |
compengi | knoppix, welcome to linux | 10:55 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: I found this page.. there are a lot of vaio comp owners complaing abt this. Just read the first page take a look ... | 10:55 |
noiesmo | worzel, you could get manufactures test utility and test the hard drives | 10:55 |
Floker | compengi, i'm not new to linux, believe me it's not there | 10:55 |
Floker | ^^ | 10:55 |
knoppix | i have a few weeks experimenting with linux | 10:55 |
roland | how do i see all open ports ? | 10:55 |
worzel | cool | 10:55 |
worzel | where that from | 10:55 |
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knoppix | try to learn all that i can | 10:55 |
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worzel | i works on my windows partion | 10:56 |
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Polysics | anyone ever had to work with PLT/DWG/DXF/HPGL files? | 10:56 |
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noiesmo | worzel, aah more info | 10:56 |
Floker | compengi, oh man, i got you all wrong i thought you ment the "root" directory, not root (/) | 10:56 |
Polysics | i need a command line thingie to convert those to any kind of image | 10:56 |
Floker | compengi, ty | 10:56 |
compengi | Floker, how about this :/sys$ ;) | 10:56 |
Polysics | windows has some tools that do it towards TIFF and PS | 10:56 |
noiesmo | worzel, well then it's probably not a drive failure then | 10:56 |
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worzel | strang im new to all this | 10:57 |
compengi | Floker, np ;) | 10:57 |
yehweh | Administrator_: I dont think the solution will work for you coz that is for ppl after install | 10:57 |
roland | how do i see open ports | 10:57 |
leth_ | roland: netstat | 10:57 |
noiesmo | roland, netstat -a | 10:57 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: but that is my exact message | 10:57 |
leth_ | or system -> admin -> network tools | 10:57 |
leth_ | netstat tab, then active services | 10:57 |
Floker | does my computer uses less energy when i use a low latency kernel? | 10:58 |
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hylje | Floker: no | 10:58 |
yehweh | Administrator_: I know .. there is a solution on the second page but that is for people who borked the system after upgrade | 10:58 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: =/ this is horrible... I just want to dual boot linux | 10:58 |
SoulChild | Hey my router can't read my hostname, how to fix ? | 10:59 |
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roland | noismo, that doesnt show open ports | 10:59 |
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Administrator_ | yehweh: vaio cant install xp even they charger 300$ extra to put it on and its 700$ for a refund | 10:59 |
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Administrator_ | yehweh: big rip off... | 10:59 |
compengi | roland, if you use router you should know what ports you have opened and which are not | 10:59 |
dad | does anyone know if i can get my treo 650 working easily with ubuntu 7.04? Please. | 10:59 |
roland | how do i see open ports | 10:59 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: Totally man SOna and their root kits Ill would love to ask them to shove it you know where | 11:00 |
Floker | roland, by default there shouldnt be any open ports | 11:00 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: =] , what would be a solution for this? | 11:00 |
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stan | dad: you can try live cd to make sure before installing | 11:00 |
Polysics | roland, nmap | 11:00 |
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Administrator_ | yehweh: being I saw the flashy effects fo ubuntu and I though it would be very nice to have | 11:00 |
roland | compengi the router does not show open ports | 11:01 |
qazwsx | why is there no ubuntu-xen-server for amd64 server? | 11:01 |
yehweh | Im still looking .. and I think it has to with your Mother Board | 11:01 |
somedude | is ubuntu better than debian | 11:01 |
qazwsx | why is there no ubuntu-xen-server for amd64 server? how does it amke sense that I can run xen on the desktop distro, but NOT on the server distro? | 11:01 |
Polysics | somedude, yes | 11:01 |
compengi | roland, you could go to and go through a port scanner test | 11:01 |
Polysics | short answer day | 11:01 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: that sucks hard | 11:01 |
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blackjackel | hello all, how do I know if I'm running SLI or noT? | 11:01 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: if it can be fixed its cool though. | 11:01 |
Floker | somedude, that depends, and its a not so smart question :) (sry but i say as it is) | 11:01 |
yehweh | Did 6.10 work? | 11:01 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: never tried it | 11:02 |
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yehweh | found this on a forum "Finally I found a solution, maybe no so "technical" but worked from me: I re-install Ubuntu 6.10 and from there, I upgraded to 7.04 via update-manager -c. | 11:02 |
roland | compengi : so linux does not have a core tool to show open ports ? | 11:02 |
yehweh | i know is a little bit tricky, but works fine now." | 11:02 |
roland | that gotta suck | 11:02 |
qazwsx | why is there no ubuntu-xen-server for amd64 server? how does it amke sense that I can run xen on the desktop distro, but NOT on the server distro? | 11:02 |
Floker | roland it sure has | 11:02 |
thek_ | What API would you recommend for accellerated graphics in gnome or kde environment? | 11:02 |
Polysics | compengi, NMAP | 11:02 |
Polysics | oops | 11:02 |
yehweh | roland: windoze has it :) | 11:03 |
Polysics | roland, nmap .-) | 11:03 |
dad | stan, i already installed | 11:03 |
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Floker | roland: do this "sudo apt-get install nmap" and then "nmap --open localhost" | 11:03 |
rausb0 | roland: you cannot probe open ports of your router from inside. with *any* os. | 11:03 |
Sini|work | blackjackel: Maybe the nvidia-settings tool shows you | 11:03 |
yapyccky | salve a tutti. ho una geforce go 7400 a risoluzione 1920x1200. vorrei scalarla a valori pi bassi per questioni di lavoro. Appena lo faccio i caratteri sono ipersfocati. c' un modo per evitare questo accada? | 11:03 |
dad | and cant believe how good it is | 11:03 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: no clue... | 11:03 |
yapyccky | in english chan :) | 11:03 |
yapyccky | sorry | 11:03 |
stan | dad: congratulations, welcome to the club of ubuntu fans :) | 11:03 |
rausb0 | roland: of course there is nmap, but nmapping your router from your private net does not give you any relevant information | 11:03 |
Floker | yapyccky, join #ubuntu-it | 11:04 |
dad | to the death | 11:04 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: hm | 11:04 |
blackjackel | Sini|work, nope, looked through it and it dosent say anything about that | 11:04 |
compengi | roland, you need someone from outside network to scan your ports | 11:04 |
Floker | gonna go back to work. see you all | 11:04 |
Floker | oh dudes | 11:04 |
Floker | no you dont | 11:04 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: get ubuntu feisty from a torrent. It will be a quick download and then upgrade to 7.04 | 11:04 |
rausb0 | roland: you have use the web interface of your router to show which ports are configured to be open, or scan the router from *outside* | 11:04 |
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dad | stan: thanks for welcome | 11:05 |
Floker | you can check open ports from the local machine with nmap+ | 11:05 |
Floker | -+ | 11:05 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: upgrade...? will 6.10 install? | 11:05 |
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Floker | ciao ciao | 11:05 |
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Polysics | N-fricking-MAP :-) | 11:05 |
yehweh | Administrator_: No you have install version 6.10 and then upgrade to 7.04 | 11:05 |
rausb0 | floker didn't get it | 11:05 |
Administrator_ | mhm | 11:06 |
yehweh | get edgy is what I ment | 11:06 |
Sini|work | blackjackel: Just found this ... try: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep "NVIDIA SLI" | 11:06 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: my bad | 11:06 |
gregorovius | anybody knows how can I split a wav file in several equal sized chunk? | 11:06 |
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SoulChild | how to get my mac adress | 11:06 |
rausb0 | SoulChild: ip a | 11:06 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: brb | 11:06 |
YoshiBishi | Hello | 11:06 |
rausb0 | SoulChild: or ifconfig | 11:06 |
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Sini|work | blackjackel: If you see something like SLI enabled you are fine | 11:06 |
YoshiBishi | I am wondering how I can see my CPU clock speed in ubuntu | 11:06 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: whered edgy 6 d/l | 11:07 |
blackjackel | all i see is: > | 11:07 |
yuan | hello | 11:07 |
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dad | but does anybody use a treo 650 with ubuntu 7.04? | 11:07 |
Catoptromancy_ | YoshiBishi, theres a cpu graph for panel, not 100% accurate but its useful | 11:07 |
Sini|work | blackjackel: Then enter an ; and hit enter please | 11:07 |
YoshiBishi | Oh? | 11:07 |
YoshiBishi | How do i use that | 11:07 |
SoulChild | rausb0: ifconfig gives the hardware adress but not the mac adress | 11:07 |
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rausb0 | SoulChild: that _is_ the mac address | 11:08 |
blackjackel | Sini|work, no change | 11:08 |
Catoptromancy_ | YoshiBishi, right click panel > add new item >selct | 11:08 |
blackjackel | Sini|work, same > | 11:08 |
Sini|work | blackjackel: weired | 11:08 |
yehweh | Administrator_: | 11:08 |
noiesmo | blackjackel, try this will give some info cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep NVIDIA | 11:08 |
YoshiBishi | Ah, that you | 11:08 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: downloading edgy 6.10 | 11:09 |
SoulChild | rausb0: ohh :D thank you | 11:09 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: will this install? | 11:09 |
yehweh | Administrator_: I cant promise that bud. | 11:09 |
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blackjackel | noiesmo, that worked and gave a lot of info, reading through it now | 11:09 |
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Catoptromancy_ | YoshiBishi, there is actually 2you can add | 11:09 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: should?... but what makes it even possible to work? | 11:09 |
noiesmo | blackjackel, that wont tell you if sli but info good | 11:09 |
Catoptromancy_ | YoshiBishi, one is a colored display, the other gives you exact numbers | 11:09 |
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blackjackel | noiesmo: says option SLI auto | 11:10 |
YoshiBishi | Yea, I see that | 11:10 |
rausb0 | YoshiBishi: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq | 11:10 |
YoshiBishi | I have both enabled =) | 11:10 |
noiesmo | blackjackel, cool | 11:10 |
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selena | hello | 11:10 |
varka | gregorovius: do you really need equal chunks or do you want to make chunks out of individual tracks included in you large wav-file? if so, have a look at gramofile | 11:10 |
selena | anybody speaks spanish? | 11:10 |
blackjackel | noiesmo: also says damageevents are not compatible with sli, disabling damage events | 11:10 |
rausb0 | !es | selena | 11:10 |
ubotu | selena: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 11:10 |
YoshiBishi | Is there a way to manually set the clock speed? | 11:10 |
blackjackel | noiesmo: I take it that means sli is enabled? | 11:10 |
selena | rausb0 hi where u from? | 11:10 |
YoshiBishi | Such as on windows I use RMClock utility and toggle between "Performance on demand" "Power saving" and "Maximum Performance" | 11:11 |
blackjackel | noiesmo, later on i found this: (WW) NVIDIA(0): failed to initialize; Only one GPU will be used for this X | 11:11 |
blackjackel | (WW) NVIDIA(0): screen. | 11:11 |
noiesmo | blackjackel, sounds fair what card you got | 11:11 |
roland | rsusb0 : I do not want to see what ports are open on router , i want to see what ports are open on the debian pc in my lan so i can make port forwarding for samba | 11:11 |
yehweh | Administrator_: linux is modular.. heck the kernal is modular this probably has a version that works with you mobo dont know. but I saw a post where a guy used similar hardware and it worked and I thought its worth a shot | 11:11 |
gregorovius | varka, I need equally sized chunks (either by filesize or time), and CLI, not GUI | 11:11 |
blackjackel | dual 8800 ultras | 11:11 |
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selena | dual | 11:11 |
gregorovius | there's mp3splt for mp3, how can't there be anything for waves, haha | 11:11 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: sounds logical | 11:11 |
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selena | wow blackjackel so good | 11:11 |
Administrator_ | yehweh: this computer has been so much hassle.... | 11:11 |
selena | u can play advanced warfighter fast jaja | 11:12 |
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blackjackel | selena: yeah, and also running a 3.0ghz processor at 4.8 :D | 11:12 |
yehweh | Administrator_: I have a mac and A DELL AND NO COMPLAINTS. TOUCH WOOD :d | 11:12 |
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yehweh | opps sorry for the caps | 11:12 |
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Administrator_ | yehweh: I have an asus and a sony.... asus is great | 11:12 |
YoshiBishi | I have asus =) | 11:12 |
YoshiBishi | M2N-Sli Deluxe | 11:12 |
Administrator_ | asus owns | 11:12 |
rausb0 | YoshiBishi: yes, if use kill the powernowd and set the cpufreq governor to "userspace" and write values to the scaling_setspeed in that directory | 11:12 |
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YoshiBishi | Oh okay | 11:13 |
YoshiBishi | So default is "Performance on demand" | 11:13 |
YoshiBishi | ? | 11:13 |
rausb0 | YoshiBishi: look at scaling_available_frequencies which freqs are allowed | 11:13 |
YoshiBishi | Okay | 11:13 |
selena | blackjackel u play in unix usin wine? | 11:13 |
blackjackel | can someone help me figure out why my other GPU is not initializing? | 11:13 |
YoshiBishi | What was happening was that I think the cpu was only running 800mhz no matter what | 11:13 |
YoshiBishi | For some reason powernowd was not installed | 11:13 |
rausb0 | YoshiBishi: so its echo userspace > scaling_governor | 11:13 |
blackjackel | selena: I haven't yet... going to when i figure out this sli thing | 11:14 |
rausb0 | YoshiBishi: echo 800000 > scaling_setspeed | 11:14 |
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rausb0 | YoshiBishi: (just an example) | 11:14 |
valehru | Anyone know of a good application that could backup mysql databases and send them to email or FTP? | 11:14 |
YoshiBishi | Oh okay | 11:14 |
YoshiBishi | Thanks | 11:14 |
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yehweh | speaking of Mac I wish we had an app like quicksilver for linux. NO katapult doesn't cut it | 11:14 |
selena | anybody why i send mails from my smtp and gmail said is spam???? | 11:14 |
rausb0 | YoshiBishi: of course you have to do that in the /sys/devices/... directory | 11:15 |
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YoshiBishi | I see | 11:15 |
selena | nybody can help me? | 11:15 |
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YoshiBishi | Thanks for the tips, everything seems to be working perfectly now =) | 11:16 |
compengi | selena, maybe you should specify which are meant to be spam and which are not? | 11:16 |
YoshiBishi | Computer was slowing down during updates, but now with powernowd running everything seems fine | 11:16 |
Sini|work | blackjackel: I just found this page where they describe how to solve such problems, maybe this helps:,_single_display,_SLI_mode | 11:16 |
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markus | gnomebaker wont let me burn a 2.8 GB iso image to a 8.5 GB double layer dvd. it first complains that more than 50% of space will be wasted and then tells me to use a single layer dvd. but this is the only media i got available atm... any hints? | 11:17 |
markus | <- on feisty | 11:18 |
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leth_ | Here's some pastes from this synergy connection problem | 11:18 |
leth_ | | 11:18 |
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zoli2k | In which file can I change the screen resolution? | 11:18 |
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CraZy675 | hi | 11:18 |
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CraZy675 | I need some shell scripting advice | 11:19 |
CraZy675 | I want to remove all the Thumbs.db on all my drives | 11:19 |
blackjackel | Sini|work, thanks, ill read that page right now | 11:19 |
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leth_ | zoli2k: have you checked System -> Prefs. -> Screen Resolution? | 11:20 |
fishfinger | Im going to build my own GNOME on top of an ubuntu feisty install and was just wondering when I install say usplash or gdm are they automatically added to runlevels or do i have to add them myself? | 11:20 |
zoli2k | Hmm, I am a noob. :) thx | 11:20 |
leth_ | zoli2k: if it's not there /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the file you need | 11:20 |
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rausb0 | CraZy675: find / -name Thumbs.db -exec rm {} \; (untested) | 11:21 |
leth_ | and google and the man pages have lots of help on how to make one | 11:21 |
leth_ | googling with xorg.conf and your monitor name ususally helps | 11:21 |
fishfinger | !fixres | zoli2k | 11:21 |
ubotu | zoli2k: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 11:21 |
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yehweh | Administrator_: any updates? | 11:23 |
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Bodorus | hey, i have a debian pc with 2 lan interfaces, eth1 is connected to a router for internet and eth 2 is connected to a winXP pc, i configured a static ip for this connection between debian and winXP, where winxp has ip and subnetmask and getaway which is the ip of my eth2 lan interface in debian, and 2 DNS which i got via "cat /etc/resolv.conf" in debian. Now i can ping between the 2 pc's without problem, so i ran a script | 11:24 |
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Behi | is it a good idea to develop RoR in Ubuntu? I have heard that RubyGems can confuse apt: | 11:24 |
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blackjackel | Sini|work, hmmm im having trouble figuring out which part of my menu.list to edit, there are several entries that look similar | 11:25 |
yehweh | Administrator_: I have a status meeting @ 10 got to go bud .. hope this works for you ciao | 11:25 |
scotty | what is the command to delete a file from console? Like, cd is change directory, mv is move ... | 11:26 |
scotty | what's delete? | 11:26 |
fishfinger | rm | 11:26 |
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Bodorus | rm | 11:26 |
scotty | thanks | 11:26 |
Bodorus | it dont work for maps | 11:26 |
Bodorus | i thing you have to add rm -d or something | 11:26 |
rausb0 | Bodorus: maps? | 11:26 |
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Bodorus | directories | 11:26 |
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leth_ | scotty: for directories you need the recursive flag -r | 11:27 |
Bodorus | yeah that was it leth :) | 11:27 |
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scotty | leth_: so sudo rm -r ~/Desktop/folder | 11:27 |
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scotty | ? | 11:27 |
rausb0 | scotty: empty directores can be removed with rmdir, non-empty with rm -r or rm -rf | 11:27 |
leth_ | you probably don't need sudo | 11:27 |
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Sini|work | blackjackel: If you are booting up straight without choosing anything in the Grub menu it should be the first entry | 11:28 |
theclaw | hi there! | 11:28 |
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fishfinger | Whats the command to add/alter runlevel items at startup? | 11:30 |
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fishfinger | Or whatever you want to call it :) | 11:30 |
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blackjackel | Sini|work, well im runnning wubi so im still not sure | 11:30 |
leth_ | fishfinger: update-rc.d | 11:31 |
fishfinger | leth_, Thats the one thanks :) | 11:31 |
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noiesmo | how do i find out what grub see's /dev/sda1 as? | 11:31 |
Bodorus | ok, problem solved | 11:31 |
Bodorus | script didn't work | 11:31 |
Bodorus | now it does :-D | 11:31 |
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leth_ | Does anyone know anything about tcp connections in ubuntu? | 11:32 |
scotty | brb | 11:32 |
rem_ | i have to install a cross compiler toolchain which depends on linux standard base 1.3 | 11:33 |
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theclaw | does ubuntu 7.04 support acx100-based wlan-cards out of the box? i read in that i have to disable NetworkManager, is this still up to date? | 11:34 |
rem_ | the install script checks for lsb_release --short --version to ensure that the correct version is being used but executing this command only results in No Modules ..something... | 11:34 |
Sini|work | blackjackel: Hmm hmm, I never tried this way of installing (...)ubuntu so I can't say much about that, but if you don't mind you may post the contents of your menu.list to the pastebin so I may have a look into it | 11:34 |
demarket | alo | 11:34 |
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_imran_ | can anybody help me set up evolution email client? | 11:34 |
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demarket | alo | 11:36 |
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gorgor | hello there I'm looking for some help regarding a keybinding issue | 11:36 |
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gorgor | my account has taken on a strange behaviour with the Ctrl key | 11:37 |
gorgor | all the pure ctrl+letter keybindings are now innefficient | 11:37 |
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_imran_ | can anybody help me set up evolution email client? | 11:38 |
gorgor | and killing the xorg has now to be done with alt before ctrl | 11:38 |
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blackjackel | tell me about pastebin | 11:38 |
blackjackel | or make that bot tell me agian | 11:38 |
Carter | something tells me my computer refuses to run linux | 11:38 |
Sini|work | !pastebin | blackjackel | 11:38 |
ubotu | blackjackel: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:38 |
Carter | no matter what I get a new problem | 11:38 |
gorgor | so now it's impossible for me to copy / paste kill a process with the keys | 11:39 |
acke | after installing kde4 isnt that availible in the login window menu? | 11:39 |
gorgor | clearly it's unusable | 11:39 |
gorgor | I've tried removing gnome settings | 11:39 |
Carter | Installing from the alternate install disc and it just keeps hanging at "select and install software" | 11:39 |
gorgor | gconf and all | 11:39 |
Carter | at which point it finally says failed and the nI try again | 11:39 |
gorgor | but still I can't get it sorted | 11:39 |
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Carter | makes no sense. | 11:40 |
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gorgor | anybody could help with this keybindings issue ? | 11:40 |
acke | !tell acke_ kde4 | 11:40 |
acke | !tell acke_ kde | 11:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tell acke_ kde - try searching on | 11:40 |
theclaw | !tell theclaw kde4 | 11:40 |
acke | ahah | 11:40 |
acke | haha | 11:41 |
acke | !tell bot baadbot | 11:41 |
gorgor | well guess nobody is able to help me about this issue, I've tried so many forums and irc channels | 11:41 |
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acke | gorgor waut a sec | 11:42 |
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Noshar | hi | 11:42 |
gorgor | if you guys can't help maybe you could hint some place where I might find some help | 11:42 |
acke | gorgor: youve been at system -> oreferences -> keybindings and system -> preferences -> keyboard? | 11:43 |
Carter | well I guess I'll check my CD for errors since I can't do anything else | 11:43 |
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gorgor | yes | 11:43 |
gorgor | yes acke | 11:43 |
Carter | highly frustrating that I can't even get past the install process on any of the new builds of ubuntu | 11:43 |
gorgor | all the keys are properly mapped | 11:44 |
acke | !tell acke kde4 | 11:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tell acke kde4 - try searching on | 11:44 |
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Carter | Live CD is worthless, never loads, and even this alternate disc is apparently not worth it's weight in crap | 11:44 |
gorgor | the issue is that when I hit ctrl, they key is actually recognized but its behaviour is not correct | 11:44 |
gorgor | like if I wanna kill xorg I gotta hit first atl then ctrl | 11:44 |
acke | gorgor what window manager do you use? | 11:45 |
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gorgor | acke gnome | 11:45 |
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humblerodent | back. | 11:45 |
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humblerodent | with a vengeance. | 11:45 |
humblerodent | lulz. | 11:45 |
rem_ | where can I go to get help on this linux standard base issue? | 11:45 |
acke | gorgor no thats not the window manager?! | 11:45 |
acke | gorgor: you use metacity? | 11:46 |
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gorgor | yes metacity sorry acke | 11:46 |
natsumey_ | hi, | 11:46 |
natsumey_ | is it possible virus can cause mail server slow and hung ? | 11:46 |
acke | gorgor different window managers have different default key bindings. so it might be an issue when changing window manager | 11:46 |
acke | gorgor but yeah it might be easier to google metacity and keybindings | 11:47 |
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gorgor | okay acke but I've done that already | 11:47 |
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Rainarrow | Hello everyone | 11:48 |
acke | gorgor i have an issue with my at key while playin. when i play and press alt + right mouse key, i get the context menu. thats really annoying, would you know how to disable the alt key, in thoise cases? | 11:48 |
gorgor | acke: and ctrl+C for killing a process or ctrl+T for opening a firefox new tabs are not metacityrelated like | 11:48 |
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Rainarrow | Can I use apt-get to install a previous version of some software? | 11:48 |
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Qodosh | How do you make it so when you execute a command that prints out too much info you can just get one screen full of text at a time? | 11:49 |
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gorgor | yes acke use the keybindings menu from system>preferences | 11:49 |
mwe | Rainarrow, yes, but I don't remember how. sorry | 11:49 |
gorgor | or from the keyboard men | 11:49 |
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Rainarrow | mwe, OK thanks all the same | 11:49 |
gorgor | still anybody know where I can find actual help ? | 11:49 |
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mwe | Rainarrow, I think I found it on google | 11:50 |
gorgor | because telling me to google for an answer, I've already done that for 2 days as I was trying to fix this problem | 11:50 |
acke | gorgor okay thanks,i think you just have to be patient. keep asking in the channel. try som other channels as well. such as debian. | 11:50 |
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Noshar | Running Linux is always a great option if you want to share you account with everyone. | 11:50 |
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Rainarrow | mwe, I did a simple search to no avail | 11:51 |
togr | Noshar, are you a troll? | 11:51 |
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doow | gorgor, I missed most of the conversation, was a gnome problem? | 11:52 |
doow | was it* | 11:52 |
_imran_ | can anybody help me set up evolution email client? | 11:52 |
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doow | bah, he left | 11:53 |
mwe | Rainarrow, | 11:53 |
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Rainarrow | mwe, ok thx a lot | 11:54 |
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_imran_ | can anybody help me set up evolution email client? | 11:56 |
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Gnea | _imran_: did you install it? | 11:58 |
Keit1 | Hi, ive just installed ubuntu, how do I increase screen res above 1024? Do I have to install seperate gfx drivers? | 11:58 |
fishfinger | !fixres | Keit1 | 11:58 |
ubotu | Keit1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 11:58 |
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Keit1 | !fixres in console? | 11:59 |
_imran_ | Gnea, yes, but i enterd the wrong info for my email account ant i don't know how to delete or edit it | 11:59 |
Gnea | Keit1: yes, install lynx or links | 11:59 |
fishfinger | Keit1, Read the last link :) | 11:59 |
Keit1 | Ok ty :) | 11:59 |
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Gnea | _imran_: check the tools or options menu item | 11:59 |
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Murphy | Hey all! | 12:00 |
Murphy | Silly question; are the AU repositories down? | 12:00 |
_imran_ | Gnea, there is no tools or options menu | 12:00 |
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Keit1 | and i thought ubuntu was noob friendly :) | 12:00 |
Gnea | _imran_: it's probably in one of those menus, some sort of account editor | 12:01 |
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_imran_ | gnea, but there arent any of those menus | 12:01 |
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Gnea | Keit1: you can still surf the web via command line and still fix things :) | 12:01 |
fishfinger | Keit1, Well thats not exactly a major problem | 12:01 |
Gnea | _imran_: not any preferences? | 12:01 |
flash42 | Hi there | 12:01 |
_imran_ | Gnea, nope | 12:02 |
Keit1 | it is when my screen flickers so much it gives me a headache trying to read the webpages to fix it ;) | 12:02 |
Gnea | when's the last time you could use a web browser in DOS? ;) | 12:02 |
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Keit1 | been using my phone as a web browser, times are a changing :) | 12:03 |
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Rainarrow | H everyone, how do I use apt-get to install an older version of a package? | 12:03 |
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Rainarrow | Hi everyone, how do I use apt-get to install an older version of a package? | 12:03 |
flash42 | Someone can guide me to an appropriate channel, where users can answer me a question about CVS? | 12:03 |
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user1_ | what about cvs | 12:04 |
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flash42 | basic question, cvs import runs just fine, but finally does nothing | 12:04 |
Gnea | _imran_: have you read the user guide? | 12:05 |
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flash42 | in terms of copying files or adding to a module | 12:05 |
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Gnea | !cvs | flash42 | 12:05 |
ubotu | flash42: cvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: | 12:05 |
_imran_ | Gnea, where would i find that? | 12:05 |
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Gnea | _imran_: on the evolution homepage | 12:05 |
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_imran_ | Gnea, do you know what that is??? | 12:05 |
Gnea | _imran_: i just went to and searched for evolution | 12:05 |
flash42 | I've read the documentation and the free online book | 12:06 |
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Gnea | flash42: how about #cvs? | 12:06 |
flash42 | i'll give it a shot | 12:07 |
flash42 | thanks for now(: | 12:07 |
Gnea | _imran_: it's a very good resource, and the user guide can tell you how to do a whole bunch of other things as well that you'll probably want to ask later on :) | 12:08 |
Gnea | well written, too | 12:08 |
_imran_ | Gnea, thanks | 12:08 |
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acke | Gaaah, i just installed the kde4 packages in my ubuntu. however i am not able to select kde in the sessions menu, when loggin in. it did not help to set the default display manager in etc/X11 either.. what can i do to run kde? | 12:09 |
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Gnea | !kde | acke | 12:10 |
ubotu | acke: KDE ( is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see . Latest KDE version is 3.5.7 for Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See for more information. | 12:10 |
Riddell | acke: did you create /usr/share/xsessions/kde4.desktop ? | 12:11 |
Riddell | Gnea: he asked about kde 4 | 12:11 |
Gnea | !kde4 | acke | 12:11 |
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ubotu | acke: For information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/ | 12:11 |
Riddell | that's not very helpful either | 12:11 |
=== Gnea shrugs | ||
Gnea | don't hark on me about it | 12:12 |
Riddell | I'll try and find someone to improve it | 12:12 |
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Zap-W | can anyone recommend on a SIP VoIP client other than ekiga? | 12:12 |
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WorkingGeier | Zap-W, there is linphone, but YMMV | 12:13 |
] [acking | hy everyone | 12:13 |
Zap-W | what does YMMV mean | 12:13 |
WorkingGeier | (it cannot REGISTER with my provider) | 12:13 |
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DarthShrine | Your mileage may vary. | 12:13 |
WorkingGeier | Zap-W, Your Mileage May Vary | 12:13 |
Gnea | Riddell: FYI, kde4 isn't finished yet and so it's not really supported just yet. | 12:13 |
valehru | I'm trying to use sendmail to send an email, however it does not seem to be going through, how can I check for error messages etc? | 12:14 |
WorkingGeier | Zap-W, and kphone if you are into KDE stuff | 12:14 |
Riddell | Gnea: I know, I packaged it :) | 12:14 |
valehru | sendmail < /home/valehru/backup/nightmail | 12:14 |
Gnea | Riddell: good for you | 12:14 |
] [acking | i have a problem when i install nvidia driver it crashes and log writes that nvidia kernel not found | 12:14 |
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acke | Riddell: no i did not create that | 12:14 |
gorgor | looking for some help regarding a crazy ctrl key | 12:14 |
Riddell | acke: then follow the last bullet point on | 12:14 |
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Gnea | gorgor: can you explain a bit more please? | 12:15 |
] [acking | i have a problem when i install nvidia driver it crashes and log writes that nvidia kernel not found | 12:15 |
Riddell | acke: however kde 4 seems not to have worked its way through feisty-backports yet, if you're using backports you'll need to wait some hours for kde4base 3.91.0 to arrive | 12:15 |
blackjackel | hey guys how do i unbin a file again? | 12:15 |
Gnea | ] [acking: did you follow the howto? | 12:15 |
Gnea | blackjackel: unbin? | 12:15 |
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blackjackel | its a bin file and i want to extract it | 12:15 |
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] [acking | Gnea hm yes | 12:16 |
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Gnea | blackjackel: probably sh ./file.bin | 12:16 |
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Gnea | ] [acking: what is the result of: lspci | grep VGA ? | 12:16 |
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] [acking | Gnea: NVIDIA corporation unknow device | 12:17 |
Gnea | ] [acking: run this as root, then try again: update-pciids | 12:18 |
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acke | Riddell: i have just installed kdebase 3.80.1 isnt that a version for use/trial? | 12:18 |
acke | Riddell: 3.80.3 i meant | 12:18 |
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] [acking | Gnea, and now what? | 12:19 |
Gnea | ] [acking: run it again | 12:19 |
fyrestrtr | where can I learn more about 'roaming mode' in the network configuration? | 12:19 |
] [acking | Geforce 7300 gt | 12:19 |
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] [acking | Gnea, Geforce 7300 gt | 12:19 |
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Gnea | ] [acking: can you paste the log from X to pastebin? | 12:20 |
Gnea | !pastebin | 12:20 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:20 |
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] [acking | Gnea, i don`t have X i use irssi | 12:20 |
howlingmadhowie | acke: the kdebase in my apt-cache is already 4:3.5.6 | 12:20 |
acke | Riddell: thanks that page was great | 12:21 |
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fyrestrtr | 7 | 12:21 |
acke | howlingmadhowie: ooh it is? in running ubuntu on a powerepc could that make a difference in what version are availible. i installed 3.80.3 this night | 12:21 |
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] [acking | Gnea, nVidia corporation GeForce 7300 GT (rev a2) | 12:22 |
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Gnea | ] [acking: do this then: sudo aptitude install libwww-mechanize-perl, then wget, chmod 700, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | ./ | 12:23 |
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] [acking | oh man | 12:23 |
] [acking | ok wait | 12:23 |
Gnea | take your time | 12:23 |
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] [acking | :D | 12:23 |
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howlingmadhowie | acke: oh hang on, i see how the naming convention works. i actually have 3.5.6. i'm not sure what the 4 in front of that means | 12:24 |
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robotic | Hi all! I wonder if someone might be able to assist me in fixing a sound issue on my HPDV2000 | 12:25 |
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slabby | !ftp | 12:25 |
Gnea | robotic: what sound issue? | 12:25 |
howlingmadhowie | acke: from the i think that 3.xx are test releases for kde4. the latest test release seems to be 3.91 | 12:25 |
ubotu | FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd | 12:25 |
robotic | I followed the instructions in the forum thread here to get headphones and internal mic working: | 12:25 |
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gorgor | looking for some help regarding a crazy ctrl key | 12:25 |
robotic | now, the headphone jack works, but the external volume control does not -- it just controls the headphone volume | 12:26 |
Gnea | robotic: what happens if you unplug the headphones? | 12:26 |
stan | gorgor: what are you talking about? | 12:26 |
flash42 | yeah gorgor give us a try | 12:27 |
flash42 | :( | 12:27 |
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robotic | Gnea: if I unplug the headphones, the laptop sound comes out of the built-in speakers, but the hardware volume control still only affects the headphone sound | 12:27 |
gorgor | I've described it here | 12:27 |
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slabby | Does anyone have any nice dark themes for ubuntu? | 12:27 |
gorgor | I really have a very annoying issue with my production laptop. | 12:27 |
gorgor | The ctrl key has lost its normal behavior, thus all the keybindings are not working properly anymore, and this is a real pain in the *** when one has to do some work done. | 12:27 |
gorgor | The keybindings using ctrl+regular key are not working at all anymore, just there is a change in the cursor when hitting them, which indicates that the ctrl key is still mapped correctly, but has lost its normal behavior. | 12:27 |
gorgor | The kybindings using more that the ctrl key (besides "regular keys) like ctrl+alt+normal key are working in a strange way since I have to hit first alt, then ctrl to get them working. | 12:27 |
gorgor | I am really desperate for help, been keeping asking on the irc forums, google searching and forum searching for more that two days now, and still no answer. | 12:27 |
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gorgor | Also the problem is limited to my user account, when I create a new account the problem is not here. | 12:27 |
gorgor | __________________ | 12:28 |
CheshireViking | !paste | 12:28 |
Gnea | !pastebin | gorgor | 12:28 |
robotic | Gnea: if I open up alsa-mixer I can see the headphone volume moving up and down in response to the external hardware volume control | 12:28 |
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ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:28 |
ubotu | gorgor: please see above | 12:28 |
lilibeth | | 12:28 |
gorgor | !pastebin | 12:28 |
] [acking | Gnea: what now? | 12:28 |
Gnea | robotic: checking it | 12:28 |
kairu0 | slabby, i like Deep Purple | 12:28 |
gorgor | sorry guys | 12:28 |
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Gnea | ] [acking: did you pipe the log to the script? | 12:28 |
robotic | gnea: thanks! | 12:29 |
stan | gorgor: Gnome or KDE? | 12:29 |
slabby | kairu0, where can I get that from? | 12:29 |
gorgor | gnome | 12:29 |
] [acking | Gnea, i did all what you wrote | 12:29 |
user1_ | kde! | 12:29 |
gorgor | stan: gnome | 12:29 |
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gorgor | stan: I've created a kde session just to see | 12:29 |
gorgor | stan: and the problem is not here under kde | 12:29 |
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stan | gorgor: switching to kde is not an option? | 12:29 |
kairu0 | slabby, | 12:29 |
slabby | kairu0, thx | 12:30 |
gorgor | stan: I'm trying to solve the issue | 12:30 |
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Gnea | ] [acking: did it give you a url? | 12:30 |
gorgor | stan: and no it's not an option | 12:30 |
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UberPsyX | hi, does anyone know a program that will run under ubuntu that can burn Xiso's to DVD? | 12:30 |
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jhasse | How can i convert a .vob file (DVD) to an uncompressed avi file? | 12:30 |
] [acking | Gnea, n | 12:30 |
] [acking | Gnea, no | 12:30 |
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stan | gorgor: ok. it's just that I switched from Gnome when I couldn't make it use Win+L kind of combination. it treats Win as a standalone key.. sorry that I can't help much | 12:31 |
] [acking | Gnea, maybe you wrote something wrong? | 12:31 |
Gnea | robotic: did you try the rebooting without power cord trick? | 12:31 |
Gnea | ] [acking: hrm | 12:31 |
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gorgor | stan: thank you for trying to help | 12:32 |
gorgor | I really wonder where I could find someone who could help... | 12:32 |
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gorgor | because so far it's been pretty dry | 12:32 |
kenny92 | hi | 12:32 |
robotic | gnea: No, I didn't because I thought they were referring to Windows dual-boot machines. Why don't I give that a try right now and report back? | 12:33 |
] [acking | Gnea, maybe ./paste2pastebin /var/log/Xorg0.log | 12:33 |
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] [acking | Gnea, maybe ./paste2pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 12:33 |
Gnea | robotic: sounds like a plan | 12:33 |
robotic | Gnea: thanks, brb | 12:33 |
Gnea | ] [acking: no, it's: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | ./paste2pastebin | 12:33 |
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kenny92 | dose an german ubuntu channel exist | 12:33 |
stan | gorgor: if it works with other user accounts, perhaps you could simply play with .xxx folders in your /home/userdir folder? | 12:33 |
] [acking | Gnea, ok trying | 12:33 |
giany911 | gorgor: you have problems with the ctrl key ? | 12:34 |
aroo | !de | kenny92 | 12:34 |
ubotu | kenny92: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 12:34 |
stan | gorgor: I guess key settings are stored in your home directories | 12:34 |
kenny92 | ah thx ^^ | 12:34 |
Keit1 | Thx to whoever helped me re the screen res problem, all fixed | 12:34 |
Keit1 | Gnea and fishfinger I think | 12:34 |
Gnea | ] [acking: it should come back with something like - Your paste URL is: | 12:34 |
gorgor | guys this goddamn behaviour just dissapeared | 12:34 |
Gnea | Keit1: awesome | 12:34 |
gorgor | I've been 2 days trying to fix it | 12:35 |
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] [acking | Gnea: | 12:35 |
stan | gorgor: congratulations :) what did you do? | 12:35 |
Keit1 | Does anyone know a linux equivalent of Turbolister for ebay? | 12:35 |
gorgor | and now it dissapears whithout any manipulation from my behalf !! | 12:35 |
gorgor | I've done nothing ! | 12:35 |
gorgor | I was on my macbook trying to find some help | 12:35 |
gorgor | I guess it's just mystical | 12:35 |
stefg | classical case of 'sudo apt-get do-waht-I'm-thinking' | 12:36 |
gorgor | anyways it's great I gonna be able to work agaib | 12:36 |
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stan | gorgor: :) | 12:36 |
flash42 | hahahaha | 12:36 |
kahrytan | Anyone else having problems with | 12:36 |
Gnea | ] [acking: hrm... have you editted the /etc/X11/xorg.conf by hand? | 12:36 |
] [acking | Gnea: yes, but it worked perfectly | 12:36 |
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Gnea | ] [acking: can you paste that too? same procedure, just cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | ./ | 12:36 |
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] [acking | oh man how it`s raining in Lithuania | 12:37 |
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webby | just installed feisty fawn. i get weird output (like ^[[A^[[C^[[C) on the terminal when hitting INS or cursor keys. what can i do? | 12:37 |
chequers | hi all, is there any way to check the status of the update servers? | 12:37 |
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] [acking | Gnea: | 12:38 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: | Support options: | IRC info: | Pastes to | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by mneptok at Sat Jul 14 02:58:51 2007 | ||
(AncientPC/#ubuntu) I have my timezone set to America/Chicago but the date format is dd/mm/yyyy. How do I change it to mm/dd/yyyy? | 04:26 | |
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(Airwulf/#ubuntu) how can avoid openvpn from automatic starting at boot time (feisty)? In rc3.d/rc5.d I found no link to /etc/init.d/openvpn | 04:26 | |
josephh | but why would pppd would change it to the wrong file? it gets it right on connect? | 04:27 |
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St3a1tH | josephh yeh , he builds that file on connect | 04:27 |
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St3a1tH | josephh i remember there is an option to not update nameservers | 04:27 |
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josephh | the end of the file says "# generated by NetworkManager, do not edit!" | 04:27 |
deviantintegral | Airwulf: usually you can use update-rc.d which would help in case you missed a symlink | 04:28 |
josephh | which is? | 04:28 |
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St3a1tH | josephh so is network manageer changing it | 04:28 |
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ubun00b | i have a problem .. :( | 04:28 |
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josephh | networkmanager constructs the good file | 04:28 |
deviantintegral | can anyone help me interpret this dmesg output? I've had mdadm fail a drive on my raid 5 set, and I'm curious as to what is actually being reported: | 04:28 |
WhitE-DeMoN | How can i play an online game, like Conquer Online, on Ubuntu? | 04:28 |
moussar | anyone, I try to rename a buch of files with a space in front of the filename. but can't get it right. I use this line: for i in "*"; do mv "${i}" $($i | sed 's/ /_/'); done | 04:28 |
josephh | i start the connection with "pon dsl-...": | 04:28 |
Airwulf | deviantintegral, I do not miss it. openvpn is started without any symlink and I do not know why. I will start openvpn only manually | 04:28 |
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josephh | i configured using pppoeconfig | 04:29 |
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St3a1tH | actually, it has been a long time since i use ppp to conect , now i havea dsl router | 04:29 |
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ubun00b | i am running from live cd and i would love to copy paste files in windows partitions .. | 04:29 |
simon__ | how do i start feisty in failsafe mode? | 04:29 |
St3a1tH | so i can not help more deeply | 04:29 |
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ubun00b | is that possible ? | 04:29 |
josephh | i hope i had one too :) | 04:29 |
deviantintegral | Airwulf: you could always do find /etc -name 'openvpn' to be sure | 04:29 |
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deviantintegral | sorry | 04:29 |
deviantintegral | -name '*openvpn*' | 04:29 |
St3a1tH | -iname | 04:29 |
vox754 | moussar, if you know some perl I think you can use the "rename" utility. Read the man page. | 04:29 |
mortuis91 | ok sorta of a dumb question.... How do i set up superuser on my mahcine? | 04:29 |
stuart_ | i don't lose anything using the alternate CD install, right? | 04:29 |
josephh | where should I look for this option? and where do I put it? in the ppp options file? | 04:29 |
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=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu.log | ||
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ. | FAQ: | Support options: | IRC info: | Pastes to | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by mneptok at Sat Jul 14 02:58:51 2007 | ||
(cypruser/#ubuntu) Where can I find a list of the default repositories? | 04:34 | |
(WhitE-DeMoN/#ubuntu) Toma-, yes, it is on that website. that means it works on Wine? | 04:34 | |
(vox754/#ubuntu) ubun00b, from which partition to which partition, that is, which filesystems are they? | 04:34 | |
(pd/#ubuntu) in dmesg, what is this number prefixed before messages? [42949372.960000] BIOS-provided physical RAM map: | 04:34 | |
(Jack_Sparrow/#ubuntu) !easysource | 04:34 | |
(ubotu/#ubuntu) source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - | 04:34 | |
(St3a1tH/#ubuntu) In addition, pppd | 04:34 | |
(St3a1tH/#ubuntu) will create an /etc/ppp/resolv.conf file containing one or two | 04:34 | |
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(Toma-/#ubuntu) WhitE-DeMoN: well, does it say its supported? or garbage? whats the URL youre looking at | 04:34 | |
(dr_willis/#ubuntu) St3a1tH, ive seen it take some time to load up (gnome) whenit cant figure out some networking names.. ages ago.. but not slow after its started up. | 04:34 | |
(simon__/#ubuntu) hwo to get the login manager when i have autologin that crashes? Start recovery mode and the run gdm maybe? can someone help me as i am not so good with command line | 04:35 | |
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(WhitE-DeMoN/#ubuntu) Toma-, | 04:35 | |
(St3a1tH/#ubuntu) simon__ recovery mode | 04:35 | |
(ubun00b/#ubuntu) vox754 , from c:/ to d:/ (ntfs) .. so that i can reinstall windows in c again ! | 04:35 | |
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(simon__/#ubuntu) and? | 04:35 | |
(cypruser/#ubuntu) Jack_Sparrow: Thank you. | 04:35 | |
(Jack_Sparrow/#ubuntu) np | 04:35 | |
(Toma-/#ubuntu) WhitE-DeMoN: hmmm. bronze isnt too great | 04:35 | |
simon__ | i tried to run GDM in recovery mode but it only autologged me in | 04:35 |
dr_willis | St3a1tH, thers an odd bug some that some how causes wrong ip# in that resolve.conf file. The forum,s mentions a few fix's | 04:35 |
simon__ | and pc crashed | 04:35 |
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giandrea | hello | 04:36 |
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WhitE-DeMoN | Toma-, so? what does Bronze mean? | 04:36 |
giandrea | how can I disable su for a certain user? | 04:36 |
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howlingmadhowie | hi everybody :) | 04:36 |
Toma- | WhitE-DeMoN: its not running very well, if at all | 04:36 |
vox754 | ubun00b, if they are text files you can just hold them in a USB, and then reformat C: and install windows and then put them back. Why do you need them on D: | 04:36 |
Toma- | WhitE-DeMoN: upon further inspection, it seems its rated as "Garbage" in feisty :( | 04:36 |
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giandrea | if I can... | 04:36 |
simon__ | how do i start login manager from recovery mode please? | 04:36 |
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WhitE-DeMoN | Toma-, but there is a chance i can make it run, right? | 04:37 |
howlingmadhowie | giandrea: disabling su would be difficult. the only safe way would be to assign the su-executable to a group where user in question isn't a member | 04:37 |
kuitang | How do I find the domain name of an ubuntu box? | 04:37 |
dr_willis | simon__, try 'sudo gdm' or just 'startx' as a user. | 04:37 |
Toma- | WhitE-DeMoN: slim. follow the guide and see what happens | 04:37 |
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gorgor | I've got a serious problem with the ctrl key, basically, it doesn't work properly anymore while it's correctly mapped | 04:37 |
ubun00b | vox754 .. yes they are text files with atleast 30 username and password .. how do i tranfer it to usb a drive ? | 04:37 |
St3a1tH | simon__ control+backspace does not work ? | 04:37 |
howlingmadhowie | kuitang: what does your prompt on a console look like? :) | 04:38 |
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giandrea | howlingmadhowie: thanks | 04:38 |
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howlingmadhowie | giandrea: if you just want to dissable sudo, that's a lot easier | 04:38 |
kuitang | howlingmadhowie: That's the hostname; I need to know the extension | 04:38 |
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giandrea | no, I need it for the main user that is not root | 04:38 |
howlingmadhowie | kuitang: oops, sorry :) | 04:38 |
giandrea | but how can I tell in which group this user is? | 04:38 |
kuitang | howlingmadhowie: Or would it be easier to ignore it altogether and just go with ip? | 04:38 |
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erUSUL | giandrea: how disable su? what do you mean by that? | 04:38 |
genii | giandrea: To disable sudo for a user just comment out in /etc/sudoers their name | 04:39 |
howlingmadhowie | kuitang: if the domainname is set, you will be able to read it in /etc/hosts | 04:39 |
vox754 | ubun00b, just plug in a USB pen or drive and it will mount automatically, copy the files from C: to the USB stick or drive, that is very easy. | 04:39 |
giandrea | ohh, thanks genii | 04:39 |
WhitE-DeMoN | Toma-, there is nothing for Ubuntu, almost all for Kudubuntu, is there any difference? | 04:39 |
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Toma- | WhitE-DeMoN: no | 04:39 |
simon__ | wow. what does startx do? | 04:39 |
dr_willis | simon__, 'starts x' | 04:39 |
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Toma- | WhitE-DeMoN: just follow the "HOWTO" section | 04:39 |
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simon__ | aha. i think i logged in as root for the first time ever.. thats what surprised me | 04:40 |
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ubun00b | vox754 .. so i can copy files from the mounted drive to usb without any problem ? then why cant i copy between partitions ..?? | 04:40 |
Baktaah | This sucked, I couldnt get Live CD to boot, got a tty job error, so I used the alternative CD, then when I installed it I just got a black screen when linux booted, so I got into bash/rec mode and reconfigured XORG, however when finally getting into Ubuntu the resolution was horrible and my wlan/lan didnt work, and so didnt the sound. I got Nvidia 8600m, realtek 7.1 sound, with Intel 300 mbit N wifi card. | 04:40 |
howlingmadhowie | kuitang: i'm not sure what services actually make any use of domainnames anyway | 04:40 |
HorizonXP | can someone help me with TIlda? | 04:40 |
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genii | giandrea: np | 04:40 |
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giandrea | genii: it turns out that that user can not sudo because it is not in the admin group | 04:41 |
giandrea | thanks :) | 04:41 |
WhitE-DeMoN | Toma-, okay, thanks :P i forgot that i do not have the Adminestrator code afterall :) | 04:41 |
Toma- | WhitE-DeMoN: bummer <:) | 04:41 |
howlingmadhowie | Baktaah: the nvidia 8600 should work with the right driver from nvidia. as far as i know, most intel wifi-cards also have drivers (if not in the kernel, they can be installed using apt-get). don't know anything about the sound | 04:41 |
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genii | giandrea You can also set specific program rights in sudoers file. Googling for examples will help enlighten | 04:42 |
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kuitang | howlingmadhowie: dhcpd uses it, but whatever, ip should work find | 04:42 |
kuitang | howlingmadhowie: fine* | 04:42 |
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vox754 | ubun00b, because they are ntfs, and ntfs drives need the special read-write driver. I assume your USB drive will be FAT32, but if it is ntfs then you need to use the driver ntfs-3g also. So it is a good idea to keep some removable media as FAT32 or ext3 to read and write things easily. | 04:42 |
Baktaah | howlingmadhowie how am I supposed to get through apt-get without a lan/wlan connection, my regular (non wifi) didnt work either | 04:42 |
HorizonXP | can someone help me with Tilda and ZSH? | 04:42 |
howlingmadhowie | kuitang: it is the easier option. i think to get domainnames working properly you have to condigure a dns in the lan. | 04:42 |
aoeuhtns | why are the manpages in ubuntu complete ( so far I've noticed I don't have a manpage for strftime and inotify_*) | 04:42 |
aoeuhtns | sorry, INcomplete | 04:42 |
ubun00b | vox754 .. thanks a lot :) | 04:42 |
sparrw | aoeuhtns: thats something to ask the maintainers of the packages in question | 04:43 |
vox754 | ubun00b, have you tried it already? | 04:43 |
giandrea | how can I see in which group a certain user is? | 04:43 |
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giandrea | google is of no help, user and group are too generic terms :P | 04:43 |
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howlingmadhowie | aoeuhtns: a lot of the manpages for the c functions are in some package somewhere (don't ask me which one, i've forgotten) | 04:43 |
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aoeuhtns | howlingmadhowie, hm ok | 04:44 |
joseph_ | I connected using a new modem and pppoeconfig. All went well but the /etc/resolv.conf gets replaced every 10-20 minutes. any ideas? | 04:44 |
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ubun00b | vox754 .. nop .. i will .. right now on freebsd live cd .. actually after installing ntfs 3g .. fawn cd doesnt boot after restart .. | 04:44 |
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howlingmadhowie | giandrea: the easy way would be 'cat /etc/group | grep <name of user>' | 04:44 |
usr13 | can't seem to get chown to work. | 04:44 |
genii | giandrea: There is another file /etc/group which has that information. Or you can do: ls -l /home/<username> and see what group the files belong to by default | 04:44 |
simon__ | i'm working again. thanks for all help | 04:44 |
giandrea | howlingmadhowie: perfect, tnx | 04:44 |
kuitang | joseph_: that shouldn't affect anything; you're getting new dns servers | 04:44 |
vox754 | ubun00b, freebsd? wha? | 04:45 |
WhitE-DeMoN | Toma-, i ran it with Wine and it is ready to set up without Admenistrator... what do you think, will i got killed on my brother's hand? | 04:45 |
genii | howlingmadhowie: Yes, nice shortcut | 04:45 |
gorgor | I've got a serious problem with the ctrl key, basically, it doesn't work properly anymore while it's correctly mapped | 04:45 |
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joseph_ | the new resolv.conf is invalid, so I can't resolv anymore. very annoying | 04:45 |
ubun00b | vox754 : freesbie live cd .. :D | 04:45 |
Toma- | WhitE-DeMoN: nah. whatever you install with wine only effects your user | 04:45 |
usr13 | I do sudo chown root:dialout /dev/modem and it has no effect. | 04:45 |
howlingmadhowie | giandrea: also 'groups <name of user>' | 04:46 |
WhitE-DeMoN | Toma-, better :) | 04:46 |
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kuitang | joseph_: write in some servers that work and them chmod to 222 so nobody can write | 04:46 |
dr_willis | joseph_, ive seen it mentioned in the forums. theres a lot of 'hacks' to get it to stay. but not sure what the proper fix is. - Could write protect the file once its written properly. or do some other system file tweaks. | 04:46 |
usr13 | Anyone know what could cause this? | 04:46 |
howlingmadhowie | joseph_: that is wierd. are other interfaces active? | 04:46 |
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HEP85 | I am running the 64 bit version of Ubuntu and the Eclipse IDE seems awfully slow. Any ideas what could be wrong? | 04:46 |
aoeuhtns | howlingmadhowie, looks like manpages-dev did the trick | 04:47 |
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howlingmadhowie | aoeuhtns: cool :) | 04:47 |
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joseph_ | nope, only lo, eth0 and ppp0 | 04:47 |
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vox754 | HEP85, there are some tricks in the programming subforum in, browse there | 04:47 |
howlingmadhowie | HEP85: i dunno. i have the same problem (so i've moved to netbeans for java development) | 04:47 |
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joseph_ | i disabled the wireless | 04:47 |
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HEP85 | vox754: Thanks! | 04:48 |
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howlingmadhowie | joseph_: and you're connected to the internet using an internal dsl modem or using an ethernet card going to an external router? or some other method? | 04:48 |
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tezywezy | hello people very newbie question coming up | 04:48 |
joseph_ | an adsl2+ modem | 04:49 |
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howlingmadhowie | tezywezy: i hope we have a newbie-friendly answer :) | 04:49 |
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tezywezy | lol | 04:49 |
howlingmadhowie | joseph_: never used one myself :( | 04:49 |
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Frogzoo | HEP85: may be something, might not, but yours is the 2nd report I've seen of reports of problems with eclipse on a64 | 04:49 |
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joseph_ | the "good" file has this comment at the end # generated by NetworkManager, do not edit! | 04:49 |
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howlingmadhowie | Frogzoo: i'm number three here :) | 04:49 |
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Frogzoo | oh dear | 04:50 |
joseph_ | the invalid one has just one line with a local address | 04:50 |
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howlingmadhowie | joseph_: yeah, it always does. it's often easer to switch off dhcp and configure the network manually, i find | 04:50 |
I_Have_No_Idea | Hello does anyone know of any really good tutorials for dual booting XP and ubuntu? | 04:50 |
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HEP85 | Frogzoo: Could it be that it runs in 32-bit mode and therefore is so slow? | 04:50 |
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tezywezy | I wish to change from "french to english" on an already installed ubuntu, what exactly do I type in to the terminal to acheive this? | 04:50 |
Music_Shuffle | !dualboot | I_Have_No_Idea | 04:50 |
ubotu | I_Have_No_Idea: Dual boot instructions: (x86/AMD64) - (Macintosh) | 04:50 |
joseph_ | so you think this is dhcp? | 04:51 |
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WhitE-DeMoN | Toma-, how to go to 'program files'? | 04:51 |
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I_Have_No_Idea | Music_Shuffle This says vista is it the same way for XP aswell? | 04:51 |
howlingmadhowie | joseph_: when there are network problems, i almost always end up pointing a finger at dhcp :) | 04:51 |
Music_Shuffle | I_Have_No_Idea, dunno, never tried :P | 04:52 |
mortuis91 | how do i set up superuser in ubuntu? | 04:52 |
Toma- | WhitE-DeMoN: should be in your Applications? under Wine programs? | 04:52 |
vox754 | !locale | tezywezy | 04:52 |
ubotu | tezywezy: To set up and configure your locales, see | 04:52 |
dyrne | I_Have_No_Idea: typically that is done by default during the install as long as you install ubuntu last to let it have the last word | 04:52 |
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joseph_ | dhclient is running, is that it? | 04:52 |
joseph_ | I think I need it for the connection, though | 04:52 |
howlingmadhowie | mortuis91: in a terminal: 'sudo passwd'. then enter your old password and then the password for the superuser twice | 04:52 |
WhitE-DeMoN | Toma-, if i go applictions->wine->program it is not there | 04:52 |
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Frogzoo | HEP85: no, if you run it from a terminal, I think you'll see it throwing errors | 04:52 |
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Frogzoo | mortuis91: you don't - next! | 04:53 |
Shaftooooo | WhitE-DeMoN, Try running wineboot see if that creates it | 04:53 |
Toma- | WhitE-DeMoN: damn. Itll be in your ~/.wine/c_drive/ directory | 04:53 |
I_Have_No_Idea | dyrne Ok not repartitioning if im gonna reinstall windows anyways should i partition it befor hand? half HD for windows half Fat32 for linux to do its thing? | 04:53 |
Goran_ | ubuntu detects my netgear wg111v2 but it doesnt work | 04:53 |
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howlingmadhowie | joseph_: exactly. theoretically you can configure everything statically. just out of curiosity, the card is recognised as ppp0 and a second node called eth0 is created, which is actually just a pointer to ppp0 or do you also have a network card built in to the computer? | 04:53 |
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HEP85 | Frogzoo: I just found out that in /etc/eclipse/java_home the first line is /usr/lib/vm/java-gcj . I think it uses the wrong SDK because of this | 04:53 |
Shaftooooo | I_Have_No_Idea, Id just leave half of it as free space, not as FAT | 04:54 |
mortuis91 | kewl thanks for that | 04:54 |
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genii | mortuis91: You will hear many lectures on using sudo instead of using the root/superuser account. Use your best discretion if you enable the root login. | 04:54 |
joseph_ | this is how pppd works I belive | 04:54 |
howlingmadhowie | HEP85: very interesting to know. | 04:54 |
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joseph_ | eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:19:B9:69:44:0C | 04:54 |
joseph_ | inet addr: Bcast: Mask: | 04:54 |
joseph_ | inet6 addr: fe80::219:b9ff:fe69:440c/64 Scope:Link | 04:54 |
howlingmadhowie | HEP85: however, i thought eclipse used its own jvm (called black-something) | 04:54 |
joseph_ | UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 | 04:54 |
joseph_ | RX packets:56764 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 04:54 |
vox754 | !ops | 04:54 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 04:54 |
joseph_ | TX packets:56323 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 04:54 |
joseph_ | collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 | 04:55 |
howlingmadhowie | joseph_: you're spamming :) | 04:55 |
I_Have_No_Idea | Shaftooooo I dont think im gonna use ext3 seeing as to this is for somone who knows not alot about linux and i think i wanna let them access the linux from windows PS do i need any extra partitions for Grub? | 04:55 |
joseph_ | RX bytes:34407350 (32.8 MiB) TX bytes:12571040 (11.9 MiB) | 04:55 |
Shaftooooo | !paste | joseph_ | 04:55 |
ubotu | joseph_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:55 |
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joseph_ | Interrupt:18 | 04:55 |
joseph_ | lo Link encap:Local Loopback | 04:55 |
joseph_ | inet addr: Mask: | 04:55 |
joseph_ | inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host | 04:55 |
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joseph_ | UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 | 04:55 |
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Shaftooooo | I_Have_No_Idea, I wouldnt worry about that, just use ext3 :), If anything happens you can delete it from windows anyway, and well you need a / and a swap | 04:56 |
giandrea | ... I have this user that is in the admin group, but it can't sudo (through ssh). | 04:56 |
nalioth | !paste | joseph_ | 04:56 |
ubotu | joseph_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:56 |
giandrea | that's not normal, right? | 04:56 |
howlingmadhowie | joseph_: you were kicked out because you were spamming :) | 04:56 |
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joseph_ | sorry again | 04:56 |
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howlingmadhowie | giandrea: stupid question: is the user in the admin group on the computer you're sshing into? | 04:57 |
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I_Have_No_Idea | Shaftooooo a what and a swap? | 04:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | Goran_: there are two chipsets in that version, one is supported out of the box the other needs ndiswrapper | 04:57 |
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giandrea | howlingmadhowie: yes, the one I'm sshing to. but i'm sshing from OS X | 04:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | Goran_: | 04:58 |
Shaftooooo | I_Have_No_Idea, The installer will do it for you, honestly, I think you can either set your entire HD to windows then have it resize for you, or you can get it to use free space if you leave some HD space | 04:58 |
howlingmadhowie | giandrea: a-ha. what sort of shell do you have on os x? | 04:58 |
jport | i formated my external hdd as ext3 with command mke2fs -j /dev/sda1, how come fdisk -l shows it as W95 FAT32 (LBA) ? | 04:58 |
giandrea | howlingmadhowie: I think bash | 04:58 |
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giandrea | yes | 04:58 |
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howlingmadhowie | giandrea: i once had a similar problem sshing into linux from solaris on an sh-shell | 04:58 |
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genii | jport that is the partition type not the fs on it | 04:58 |
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Cooleo | I just installed Ndiswrapper and tried modprobe ndiswrapper and it threw this at me "FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/ubuntu/misc/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory" | 04:59 |
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Cooleo | Help? | 04:59 |
giandrea | howlingmadhowie: the bas thing is that I can su from that user, and all the other non admin users too! :( | 04:59 |
giandrea | bad | 04:59 |
tyoc | Hi there, there is a Window user that his pre-installed Windows fill the HD, how he install ubuntu?? | 04:59 |
jport | so its fine like that ? | 04:59 |
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tyoc | I know there is partition magic | 04:59 |
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tyoc | but there is a free way to do it?? | 04:59 |
Shaftooooo | Cooleo, Sounds like you updated you kernel after installing, Id just try removing then reinstalling it? | 04:59 |
sharaf | genii:hi, cld u help me install a 5 button mouse | 04:59 |
vox754 | Cooleo, remove it and try to install it again. Also, did you use sudo? | 04:59 |
Music_Shuffle | !gparted | tyoc | 04:59 |
ubotu | tyoc: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type sudo apt-get install gparted in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 04:59 |
Cooleo | Shatfo: Now in english | 04:59 |
genii | jport If you really want to change it, use the fdisk option t then make it type 83 | 04:59 |
Cooleo | Vox, I installed in in package manger | 04:59 |
Cooleo | via an old ubuntu cd | 05:00 |
tyoc | ubotu, he should run gparted from the LiveCD??? | 05:00 |
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howlingmadhowie | giandrea: that is weird. i'll have to think about that one. so, summing up, you're logging in to a linux box using ssh from a terminal on os x. once you've logged in, you can su - to get a root shell, but sudo doesn#t work. | 05:00 |
Music_Shuffle | tyoc, that'll let you resize the partitions, yeah. | 05:00 |
vox754 | tyoc, ubotu is not human | 05:00 |
jport | can you give me exact command | 05:00 |
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giandrea | howlingmadhowie: exactly. | 05:00 |
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jport | genii * can you give me exact command | 05:01 |
tyoc | only an extra question, the guy is somewhat scary of this, I can "guarantee" to he that this will work? | 05:01 |
pegger | how do I make it so x11 over ssh does not break after I do a su | 05:01 |
genii | sharaf Sorry, no. but I am certain you need to look for examples in the xorg.conf file (perhaps google) for inspiration | 05:01 |
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genii | jport What is the exact device number? | 05:01 |
vox754 | Cooleo, then you probably installed the wrong version. Remove ndiswrapper and get the source directly from sourceforge, compile it and install it. | 05:01 |
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tyoc | vox754: lol | 05:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | tyoc: There are no gurantees, he SHOULD have a backup | 05:01 |
Cooleo | vox, I cant | 05:01 |
usr13 | Anyone know what application I need to use to receive fax | 05:01 |
tyoc | OK | 05:01 |
neverblue | morning | 05:01 |
sharaf_ | hello | 05:01 |
usr13 | via modem...? | 05:01 |
Cooleo | No net, and no CD' s left. | 05:01 |
jport | genii , not sure how do i find that , i just know its on /dev/sda1 | 05:02 |
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tyoc | vox754: I feel in the future talking to a bot like if he was human... :S | 05:02 |
sharaf_ | is anybody der???? knock knock | 05:02 |
vox754 | tyoc, cheers! | 05:02 |
howlingmadhowie | giandrea: have a look at 'man sudo'. there's something about authentication methods in a file called /etc/login.conf. you may have to create this file. | 05:02 |
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Shaftooooo | Cooleo, You can download the deb for it from somewhere, USB it into that laptop then sudo dpkg -i it? | 05:02 |
tyoc | hehe,people thx for the answers | 05:02 |
giandrea | howlingmadhowie: ok | 05:02 |
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tezywezy | thanks for the link..but this command line stuff is a backward step , will go back to XP..thanks for the assist | 05:02 |
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Cooleo | Shaftoo, No USB drive. | 05:02 |
vox754 | Cooleo, you can download the files ... what Shaftooooo | 05:03 |
genii | jport All you really need to do is: sudo /dev/sda1 then. Fdisk will be in interactive then. Then do "t" (no quotes) for changing type. Change it to type 83. then do "w" to write changes. then "q" to quit | 05:03 |
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Shaftooooo | vox754, Penguins? | 05:03 |
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jport | genii , Thanks ! i'll try now. | 05:03 |
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howlingmadhowie | (it really annoys me when people regard the command line as being a backwards step) | 05:03 |
genii | jport sorry, sudo fdisk /dev/sda1 | 05:03 |
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Cooleo | i found an old HDD. How do I mount USB in Linux? | 05:03 |
genii | jport forgot the fdisk in there before! | 05:03 |
PriceChild | Cooleo, plug it in | 05:03 |
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Cooleo | and does it reconise it automagically? | 05:04 |
jport | genii , when entered t i get "No partition is defined yet!" | 05:04 |
Shaftooooo | vox754, Well i was bored and instead of installing a full ubuntu-desktop I built it from a CLI, and to install any .debs I download I just dpkg -i /path/.deb to install :) | 05:04 |
vox754 | Cooleo, how old is your computer? | 05:04 |
neverblue | Cooleo, try it :) | 05:04 |
tezywezy | we all have our opinions , stopped using dos a couple of years ago | 05:04 |
genii | jport When you do: sudo fdisk /dev/sda1 ? | 05:04 |
Cooleo | vox, Its from '98 but its been upgraded. | 05:04 |
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jport | genii , i do sudo fdisk /dev/sda1 then it gives me the prompt and i put in t | 05:05 |
howlingmadhowie | Cooleo: it should recognise that you have plugged in a mass-storage device on a usb-port. what it does with it depends on the file system on the usb-stick. if you want, you can run the following in a console while you plug it in: 'tail -f /var/log/messages' (you may need to sudo that) | 05:05 |
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Cooleo | ok. | 05:05 |
jport | i need to create a new partition first ? | 05:05 |
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vox754 | Shaftooooo, yes, I didn't type that correctly so the message wasn't understandable, what I meant to say is "what Shaftooooo said" but I don't care about spelling or small semantics... | 05:05 |
genii | jport nope, no new partition | 05:05 |
Cooleo | and which ndiswrapper things do I need? | 05:05 |
joseph_ | I put an strace on dhclient, and while I do not see an explicit open the replacment of the file happend when it did a check of the lease. does this make sense? | 05:05 |
Shaftooooo | vox754, Ahhh okay :) | 05:05 |
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genii | jport If you got an (fdisk) command prompt you can put "m" to see all the commands | 05:06 |
jport | t /dev/sda1 ? | 05:06 |
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jport | genii i still get "No partition is defined yet!" | 05:07 |
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sharaf | genii:hello, cld u temme how to make a 5 button mouse work properly | 05:07 |
jport | when i do "t" | 05:07 |
slabby | I have Proftpd setup, I friend needs to access it, what chmod should I have on the upload and download folder? | 05:07 |
joseph_ | how can I disable dhclient on eth0??? | 05:07 |
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HEP85 | Frogzoo: Seems I fixed it using this config file. | 05:07 |
Shafto | How can I change the pooey debian splashscreen i have to the human one | 05:07 |
WhitE-DeMoN | Toma-, does it effect running the game if it does auto patch? | 05:07 |
sharaf | cooleo:hi, cld u temme how to install a 5 button mouse in linux | 05:07 |
howlingmadhowie | joseph_: i'd kill it (find the pid of dhclient and then kill PID) | 05:08 |
PriceChild | joseph_, go to system > admin > network, edit the eth then change it to static ip | 05:08 |
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Cooleo | Sharaf, no,im a newbie | 05:08 |
Toma- | WhitE-DeMoN: not sure sorry | 05:08 |
HEP85 | howlingmadhowie: I think it is faster now that I changed that config file | 05:08 |
mortuis91 | i was trying to install virtual box and now my package manager is hosed can someone try and help me? | 05:08 |
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genii | jport no. when you run sudo fdisk /dev/sda1 then you are going interactive with the fdisk program. to see all the commands in the fdisk shell, do m to change the partition type do t when you do t then it wants to know the new type. the new type is 83 which is linux and not some FAT/Win type. then to wriote the changes you need to put w then to quit you need to put q to bring you back to normal console commandline | 05:08 |
howlingmadhowie | HEP85: cool :) i'll give it a go. /etc/eclipse/java_home :) | 05:09 |
SkuToV | Hi, I'm a complete newb to Linux. I was wondering if anyone here knew what key to press whilst Ubuntu is booting up to show what is happening? | 05:09 |
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vox754 | genii, why not just using gparted? | 05:09 |
sharaf | genii:hi, cld u plzz temme how to install a 5 button mouse here | 05:09 |
Shafto | SkuToV, I think you edit the boot line and remove splash | 05:09 |
howlingmadhowie | SkuToV: alt+F1 | 05:09 |
charlie | hi all my network Manager is not finding the wireless | 05:09 |
bulmer | SkuToV: press esc | 05:09 |
SkuToV | thanks | 05:09 |
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PriceChild | SkuToV, in grub, edit the boot line and remove "splash" or "quiet" etc. | 05:09 |
howlingmadhowie | bulmer: unfortunately not for ubuntu. you have to press alt+F1 | 05:09 |
Frogzoo | HEP85: if you'd file a bug in launchpad, other's will be able to find it & fix it for themselves | 05:10 |
bulmer | ahh okay...on suse its esc | 05:10 |
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HEP85 | howlingmadhowie: I just put the path to the original sun JRE on top | 05:10 |
jport | genii sorry im not understanding, but everytime i type "t" it tells me No partition is defined | 05:10 |
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sharaf | howlingmadhowie:hello, cld u temme how to install a 5 button mouse, right now i can use only 3 of em | 05:10 |
giandrea | howlingmadhowie: I am terribly sorry, I couldn't use sudo because I was using the root password, not the user password | 05:10 |
charlie | My networkmanager is not finding the wireless card I have a dell e1505 from ubuntu | 05:10 |
howlingmadhowie | bulmer: it's escape on everything apart from ubuntu as far as i know :) | 05:10 |
HEP85 | Frogzoo: I have no launchpad account | 05:10 |
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giandrea | now with the user passes they work as they should | 05:10 |
genii | sharaf I already answered you earlier about your 5 button mouse question. Somewhere in your xorg.conf file there are entries for what kind of pointer/mouse you have. Yopu need to find some examples on google or elsewhere to know what to put in that poart of your xorg.conf file to make your mouse work. i cannot help you more | 05:10 |
howlingmadhowie | giandrea: good to have the problem solved :) | 05:10 |
charlie | any suggestions for my question | 05:11 |
jport | i so sudo fdisk /dev/sda1, then i get Command(m for help) then i do "t" then i get "No partition Defined" | 05:11 |
jport | *do | 05:11 |
giandrea | howlingmadhowie: but su still works on all accounts | 05:11 |
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charlie | I already have the restricted modules updated | 05:11 |
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giandrea | is it normal? | 05:11 |
howlingmadhowie | charlie: did that come with ubuntu pre-installed? | 05:11 |
sharaf | genii:oh thank u, my conn 'd got disconnected, so i dint get dat msg den, anyways thanx, 'll try it out | 05:11 |
charlie | no I preinstalled it | 05:11 |
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howlingmadhowie | giandrea: if su is in your $PATH, you'll be able to execute it | 05:11 |
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dyrne | jport: sudo fdisk /dev/sda | 05:11 |
genii | jport Ok, then instead of sda1 then use just sda but MAKE SURE when you use t command you choose correct subpartition to change type of!!! | 05:11 |
mabo | hello | 05:11 |
mabo | something wrong? | 05:12 |
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charlie | I mean I installed it | 05:12 |
giandrea | howlingmadhowie: ok, probably because I enabled root login, is it very bad for security? | 05:12 |
jport | 83 right ? | 05:12 |
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Pici | !ask | mabo | 05:12 |
ubotu | mabo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:12 |
mabo | wht question? | 05:12 |
slabby | I am using vsftpd. I can access it fine from within my LAN, but cant over the internet. Over the internet it shows a directory with incoming (folder) and .ftpquota file | 05:12 |
howlingmadhowie | you enabled root login on the sshd, i imagine. that has nothing to do with the ability to run sh when you already have a connection (i think) | 05:12 |
jport | genii . Sweet it worked thanks | 05:12 |
jport | dyrne thanks ! | 05:12 |
charlie | I have network manager not working properly | 05:13 |
BlkGhost | IS there some tools that are a MUST have for Ubuntu ? | 05:13 |
charlie | it cant find the wireless device | 05:13 |
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genii | jport you're welcome. thanks also dyrne, forgot about using just main drive dev | 05:13 |
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mabo | wht kind of principal tarjet are u? | 05:13 |
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erstazi | BlkGhost, depends on what you want to do | 05:13 |
giandrea | howlingmadhowie: ok, I have probably enabled root login too. that's maybe why I can use su? | 05:13 |
slabby | blkghost, | 05:13 |
charlie | anybody wants to help me | 05:13 |
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howlingmadhowie | slabby: are you sure your router is forwarding you to the right computer? | 05:13 |
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Shafto | Does ubuntu use autofs to take care of automounting? | 05:14 |
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chinaski1 | hello, i need some help related to smart cards and linux.. I am installing a software and it is asking where the smartcard reader is located at. 4 options: ttyS0 ttyS1 ttyS2 ttyS3. How to know Which one is good? | 05:14 |
slabby | howlingmadhowie, that is where I am confused, what would show those 2 folders? | 05:14 |
genii | BlkGhost: I find mailutils useful, you can do mail from CLI easily | 05:14 |
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howlingmadhowie | giandrea: as far as i know, su can be called from anyshell where the su-executable is in the $PATH. that means, once you have your ssh-connection, enter 'echo $PATH'. if the path for su ('which su') is in it, you will be able to run su. | 05:15 |
slabby | howlingmadhowie, 1 folder 1 file | 05:15 |
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vox754 | Nick_Hill, are you the bounty hunter from launchpad? | 05:15 |
holzmodem | hi I patched the kernel successfull to undervolt my pentium M (715). the new version of the linux-phc patch require vid as values to set the new voltage. how can I calculate the new vids?(new voltages are known) | 05:15 |
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Nick_Hill | VoX, Sort of | 05:15 |
howlingmadhowie | slabby: if you're running vsftpd, i seem to remember in /etc/vsftpd.conf being able to set different behaviour according to the incoming ip-address | 05:15 |
Nick_Hill | VoX, I am offering a bounty | 05:15 |
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vox754 | Nick_Hill, any news with VIA drivers? | 05:16 |
Baktaah | This sucked, I couldnt get Live CD to boot, got a tty job error, so I used the alternative CD, then when I installed it I just got a black screen when linux booted, so I got into bash/rec mode and reconfigured XORG, however when finally getting into Ubuntu the resolution was horrible and my wlan/lan didnt work, and so didnt the sound. I got Nvidia 8600m, realtek 7.1 sound, with Intel 300 mbit N wifi card. | 05:16 |
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miguelc | hola | 05:16 |
miguelc | hola | 05:16 |
slabby | howlingmadhowie, i will have another look throughit | 05:16 |
howlingmadhowie | slabby: i would however first check to see you're getting through to the right computer. | 05:16 |
Pici | !es | miguelc | 05:16 |
ubotu | miguelc: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:16 |
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vox754 | Baktaah, I believe you have a really new hardware and so the drivers for it are not ready. | 05:16 |
Nick_Hill | VoX, No, I thought the bounty had been nailed for a while. I understand the fix was for an IRQ problem. But we're still seeing the same prob. | 05:16 |
miguelc | hola | 05:17 |
miguelc | hola | 05:17 |
miguelc | hola | 05:17 |
miguelc | hola | 05:17 |
miguelc | hola | 05:17 |
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neverblue2 | morrning | 05:17 |
Pici | !ops | miguelc | 05:17 |
vox754 | !ops | 05:17 |
ubotu | miguelc: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok | 05:17 |
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PriceChild | how rude | 05:17 |
neverblue2 | oh nos! | 05:17 |
howlingmadhowie | i gotta go. seeya! | 05:17 |
neverblue2 | he said hello more than once! | 05:17 |
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Hobbsee | i wish we could ban that subnet... | 05:17 |
Pici | Thanks Hobbsee! | 05:17 |
neverblue2 | later howie | 05:17 |
Hobbsee | no problem | 05:17 |
franck | hello, can someone help me to install superkaramba on ubuntu + gnome + beryl plz ? :) | 05:17 |
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PriceChild | neverblue2, It is a problem subnet... not just any old random person | 05:18 |
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neverblue2 | you dont have to explain anything to me PriceChild | 05:18 |
Pici | franck: iirc superkaramba needs to be installed in KDE. Anyone back me up on this? | 05:18 |
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neverblue2 | your the op :) | 05:18 |
Lord_Spidey | Nitro tha CiMien | 05:18 |
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brouser | /etc/shadow | 05:18 |
PriceChild | neverblue2, We're both users of the channel though and it doesn't cost me anything to explain to you :) | 05:18 |
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brouser | /etc/shadow | 05:19 |
dragon788 | | 05:19 |
vox754 | PriceChild, what do you mean? Are there known spamers? | 05:19 |
erstazi | PriceChild, energy in your fringers heh | 05:19 |
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neverblue2 | there ya go | 05:19 |
neverblue2 | opened up a can o' worms | 05:19 |
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dragon788 | looks like Ubuntu Home Server might need a kick in the pants to catch up/get ahead | 05:19 |
PriceChild | But anyway lets move on and keep ontopic support :) (vox754 yes) | 05:19 |
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moustafa | Hello | 05:19 |
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Douglas52392 | hi | 05:19 |
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moustafa | nobody help me? | 05:20 |
franck | pici ho ok. And does beryl works with gnome ? or replace gnome ? | 05:20 |
moustafa | did nobody help me? | 05:20 |
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neverblue2 | !ask | moustafa, | 05:20 |
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ubotu | moustafa,: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:20 |
moustafa | Thank you | 05:20 |
slabby | howlingmadhowie, ok I have it working fully locally, but externally it wont let me login, I can only use anonymous | 05:20 |
Pici | franck: It works with gnome, its a replacement for metacity. | 05:20 |
chinaski1 | hello | 05:20 |
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moustafa | looking for the new... | 05:20 |
Nick_Hill | I have a Nvidia 6100 based mobo with failing suspend to ram. Any ideas which package I should file a bug against? Moreover, is there a well-written piece which gives instructions on writing bugs / determining what to file bugs against? | 05:20 |
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moustafa | How are you man? | 05:20 |
Pici | !enter | moustafa | 05:20 |
ubotu | moustafa: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 05:20 |
neverblue2 | moustafa, also, can you making it a one liner? :) | 05:20 |
deebo | ok any ideas why my apache2 wont run .php from anywhere else than documentroot? | 05:20 |
slabby | Anyone know vsftpd well? | 05:20 |
neverblue2 | lol @ Pici | 05:21 |
deebo | everywhere else it brings up a save as dialog | 05:21 |
moustafa | Thanks you very much , there is no questions | 05:21 |
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franck | ok pici and is there a superkaramba-like for gnome ? ;) | 05:21 |
Douglas52392 | im trying to use a ubuntu livecd to get my computer to work, i installed debian linux yesterday, and i dont think the installer wrote the mbr right because i cant boot my computer (it goest right to the intel network boot app). how can i reinstall grub with a ubuntu livecd? | 05:21 |
Anlar | Nick_Hill: first step would be to write a bug against Nvidia :) it is very likely problem with your display adapter drivers | 05:21 |
chinaski1 | my question: i need some help related to smart cards and linux.. I am installing a software and it is asking where the smartcard reader is located at. 4 options: ttyS0 ttyS1 ttyS2 ttyS3. How to know Which one is good? | 05:21 |
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KalleDK | !love | pici | 05:21 |
ubotu | pici: Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come. | 05:21 |
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neverblue2 | lmao KalleDK | 05:21 |
KalleDK | :D | 05:21 |
amjad | hello, how can i use Live DVD for full installation | 05:21 |
Anlar | chinaski1: com1=0, com2=1 etc | 05:21 |
Serge378 | Hello, can someone please answer my question: I am going to upgrade from an old 2.6.15 kernel to the latest 2.6 one with smp support, however the package 'coreutils' needs to be upgraded. If the new kernel does not work(for whatever reason), and I have to revert to the old kernel, would the old kernel work ok with the new and upgraded coreutils? | 05:21 |
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neverblue2 | so love is a matter of perspective? | 05:22 |
neverblue2 | :) | 05:22 |
Nick_Hill | Anlar, In that case, perhaps I'll try putting a PCI graphics adapter in to see if that cures the problem. If not, then where? | 05:22 |
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Douglas52392 | can i use a ubuntu livecd to install grub on my computer? | 05:22 |
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Anlar | Nick_Hill: you don't have to put it in.. just change the driver to the open source one and disable 3d effects for a while.. that does the same for testing but for less trouble | 05:22 |
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vox754 | Nick_Hill, I believe there is bug page in the ubuntu wiki, they supposedly hold meetings also on irc. | 05:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | Douglas52392: yes | 05:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !grub | 05:22 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 05:22 |
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Anlar | Nick_Hill: after that, it's hard to say. it's some device driver usually that blocks going into other power moders | 05:22 |
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Esine | Hi. When installing Ubuntu does it automatically install GNOME and X server or do I need to install for example Xubuntu to avoid GNOME? Is it possible to install Ubuntu without GNOME and then install my preferred window manager? | 05:23 |
genii | Douglas52392: Yes, but you may want to look up the manpage for grub-install first so it installs to the proper place | 05:23 |
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chinaski1 | Anlar: so choosing a random one beetween ttyS0 ttyS1 ttyS2 ttyS3 should be ok? the program gives me only these options | 05:23 |
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Nick_Hill | vox754, Anlar Thanks. | 05:23 |
Douglas52392 | ok thanks | 05:23 |
Serge378 | ensine: yes you can just install it with gnome and then install any window manager you want | 05:23 |
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slabby | Im using vsftpd, works fine within network but only lets anonymous logins from internet | 05:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | chinaski1: what serial ports do you have and where is the reader | 05:24 |
Esine | Serge378, you mean without? I don't want to have GNOME installed and it'd be easier if I didn't have to uninstall it | 05:24 |
Anlar | chinaski1: well, you select the one where your reader is plugged in | 05:24 |
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Pici | Esine: Yes. Ubuntu installs gnome. Yes, you can use the server cd to install just a cli system and then install your window manager of choice afterwards. | 05:24 |
maxwell | hi | 05:24 |
vox754 | !alternate | Esine, use the alternate CD | 05:24 |
ubotu | Esine, use the alternate CD: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 05:24 |
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Esine | Pici, thank you | 05:24 |
m1r | gnome PPP cant see modem as /dev/modem/ but lspci says 00:06.1 Serial controller: Agere Systems LT WinModem , any tips ? | 05:24 |
maxwell | hie | 05:25 |
nodesert_ | is there anyone can help me ?how can i mount my USB stick | 05:25 |
maxwell | ya ican | 05:25 |
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thebob | is kubuntu as nice as ubuntu? | 05:25 |
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vox754 | nodesert_, usually you just plug it in, and it mounts automatically. | 05:25 |
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Jack_Sparrow | m1r: I feel you will be disappointed even when you get that winmodem working | 05:26 |
chinaski1 | Anlar: how to find out? i don't have a smart card to plug in, so i could do a dmesg and find it. i've got a built in smartcard reader and do not know the dev/ location of it | 05:26 |
Pici | thebob: ITs just Ubuntu with KDE instead of Gnome. | 05:26 |
Esine | !alternate | 05:26 |
ubotu | The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 05:26 |
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slabby | Im using vsftpd, works fine within network but only lets anonymous logins from internet. How can I allow propper logins from the internet? | 05:26 |
Esine | duh | 05:26 |
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thebob | is it easy to switch between kde and gnome? | 05:26 |
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m1r | jack_sparrow , it is laptop modem , is not supported ? | 05:26 |
dyrne | slabby: you sure it wouldnt be better/safer to use sshd and winscp etc? | 05:26 |
Anlar | chinaski1: well the com1 etc read on the computer.. next to connectors.. | 05:27 |
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Jack_Sparrow | m1r: WInmodems.. are not real modems.. | 05:27 |
Pici | thebob: They are different desktop environments. You can install them both, but you'd have to log off/login to use the other one. | 05:27 |
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genii | thebob: If you have both installed just choose which you want to use at the time from the login screen under "session type" | 05:27 |
godofredo | I'm using ssh to run a command on a remote computer, but when i exit out of the putty ssh window the process kills? what should i do? | 05:27 |
slabby | dyrne, i need it for some less computer literate friends, ftp is simple for them to use. | 05:27 |
Nick_Hill | vox754, Anlar I believe I am using the open source Nvidia driver. "nv" in xorg.conf. How can I make sure? | 05:27 |
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miranda82 | hello there | 05:28 |
Anlar | Nick_Hill: yeah it's that one. | 05:28 |
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m1r | jack_sparrow , so what u sugest to do ? not use ? :) | 05:28 |
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franck | pici and is there a superkaramba-like for gnome ? ;) | 05:28 |
miranda82 | my middle click always pastes 2 clipboards, how can i fix this? | 05:28 |
Pici | godofredo: Use `nohup commandname &` | 05:28 |
Pici | franck: I'm not sure. | 05:28 |
godofredo | frack, gdesklets | 05:28 |
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ublin | !list | 05:28 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 05:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | m1r: They are Simulated by WIndows...... I put in a xircom 10-100 56 in pcmcia.. it was cheaper than the special drivers would have cost | 05:28 |
thebob | ok, thanks. what to write (package name ) to install each? | 05:28 |
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godofredo | Pici, nohup the command then what is the purpost of the &? | 05:28 |
instabin | Why can i only have one partition on a software raid device? | 05:29 |
Pici | godofredo: send it to the background. | 05:29 |
franck | godofredo, Pici i tested gdesklets but it's not as nice as superkaramba :) at least the plugins comin with it | 05:29 |
Vlet | Anyone have any suggestions for wysiwyg html editors? | 05:29 |
maxwell | my totem video player cant play anyone to help | 05:29 |
Pici | thebob: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop | 05:29 |
m1r | i c, tnx jack_sparrow i let it unused then | 05:29 |
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godofredo | Pici, so if the command is ./etded then i would be "nohup ./etded &" | 05:29 |
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Thursley | Nick_Hill, type "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver" should say nv there | 05:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | m1r: Unless you really need it good choice | 05:29 |
Pici | godofredo: exactly. | 05:29 |
Vlet | maxwell: Did you read this?: | 05:29 |
godofredo | Pici, Sweet. | 05:29 |
vox754 | Nick_Hill, I don't use nvidia so I can't be sure. If it is in xorg.conf I say you are using it. Also try "sudo lshw" and look for your card. | 05:30 |
miranda82 | my middle click always pastes 2 clipboards, how can i fix this? (like if i was clicking twice) | 05:30 |
m1r | jack_sparrow , same with smartlink 56k ? | 05:30 |
maxwell | didnt know of that will try | 05:30 |
Douglas52392 | what do i type on the livecd? to get grub installed onto the mbr | 05:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | m1r: Depends, true hardware modems are no problem... anything winmodem is a pain | 05:30 |
Douglas52392 | what do i type on the livecd to get grub installed onto the mbr? | 05:30 |
Vlet | maxwell: It's a great site to get ya started with most stuff | 05:30 |
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m1r | ok, many tnx jack_sparrow | 05:31 |
maxwell | thanks | 05:31 |
dyrne | slabby: man vsftpd.conf its an option in /etc/vsftpd.conf and i think ubuntu probably provides you with comments in the file so you might just need to open it in an editor | 05:31 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Douglas52392: first run gparted so you know your partition layout it will help others help you better. | 05:32 |
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instabin | Do I have to use lvm to get more than one partion on a raid (md#) device? | 05:32 |
slabby | dyrne, i have looked through but cant find it | 05:32 |
Nick_Hill | Thursley, vox754 The driver in xorg.conf is nv. To make sure, I'll put a PCI graphics card in to see if that makes a difference. Only take a few mins. (I am on another machine anyway). | 05:32 |
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thebob | kubuntu cd is very slow ( slower than ubuntu ). I have 256 mb of memory. Is that to little? | 05:34 |
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SkuToV | does anyone here know whats causing my ubuntu setup to show "ata4.00: xfer mode (err_mask=040)" when I attempt to boot it up | 05:34 |
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theine | Hi, which NVIDIA driver version is contained in feisty's nvidia-glx-new package? | 05:34 |
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vox754 | thebob, yes. I had 512 MB and it crashed a few times when I had lots of firefox windows open. Better get at least 512 MB. Or better 1 GB. | 05:35 |
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thebob | vox754: does kde work, once installed ( I run mandriva with kde on that computer now ) | 05:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | thebob: there is a difference between it will run and something useful | 05:35 |
asy | moonlight archive ? | 05:35 |
theine | the package version is 1.0.9755, but I don't know how that translates to NVIDIA's versioning scheme (i.e. the latest NVIDIA version apparently is 100.14.09) | 05:35 |
miranda82 | my middle click always pastes 2 clipboards, how can i fix this? (like if i was clicking twice) | 05:36 |
martinp23_ | I have no imagination - can anyone suggest a name for my new server? :) | 05:36 |
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chinaski1 | Anlar Jack Sparrow: i've got a laptop | 05:36 |
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evoluter | pooper | 05:36 |
asy | !moon | 05:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about moon - try searching on | 05:36 |
Pazy | Im back i am | 05:36 |
asy | !moonlight | 05:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about moonlight - try searching on | 05:36 |
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Anlar | chinaski1: perhaps then you shouldn't be installing a driver for serial smartcard reader ;) | 05:36 |
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vox754 | thebob, it will work, but it will suffer. Remember the live CD is always slower than the installed system. | 05:37 |
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asy | ubotu | 05:37 |
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Pazy | Wee bit of help, im trying to get grub to boot winXP alongside Kubuntu but I cant get the right entry, Ive tried update-grub but it only finds Kubuntu + memtest | 05:37 |
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Jack_Sparrow | chinaski1: I agree, I doubt it is a serial port device | 05:37 |
thebob | vox754: I try it and see if it works. gnome is not all bad either:-) | 05:37 |
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vox754 | !bot | asy | 05:38 |
ubotu | asy: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 05:38 |
Douglas52392 | ok i ran gpared and got my partition information | 05:38 |
SkuToV | does anyone here know whats causing my ubuntu setup to show "ata4.00: xfer mode (err_mask=040)" when I attempt to boot it up and if so, how do I fix it | 05:38 |
neverblue2 | Douglas52392, what are you trying to do? | 05:38 |
Douglas52392 | its as follows: /dev/sda: hard drive, /dev/sda1: 9.72gb NTFS recovery, /dev/sda2: 164gb NTFS, Windows Vista, /dev/sda3 30gb, win2k8, 4mb unaloticated space, (i created the rest with the debian installer): /dev/sda4: extended partition, 19gb, /dev/sda5: 5.23gb ext3, root partition for linux, /dev/sda6: 674mb swap, /dev/sda7: ext3, 13.64gb, /home partition. | 05:39 |
BigToe7000 | moo: os: Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium - (6.0.6000) up: 2days 46mins 1sec cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5200 @ 1.60GHz at 1600MHz (96% Load) gfx: Intel Corporation Intel(R) GMA 950 224MB res: 800x600 32bit 60Hz ram: -53/0MB (0%) hdd: C:\ 31.79GB/91.69GB net: Intel[R] PRO_100 VE Network Connection - 10MB/s 0B In 0B Out | 05:39 |
BigToe7000 | moo: os: Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium - (6.0.6000) up: 2days 48mins 15secs cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5200 @ 1.60GHz at 1600MHz (97% Load) gfx: Intel Corporation Intel(R) GMA 950 224MB res: 800x600 32bit 60Hz ram: -67/0MB (0%) hdd: C:\ 31.73GB/91.69GB net: Intel[R] PRO_100 VE Network Connection - 10MB/s 0B In 0B Out | 05:39 |
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Douglas52392 | reinstall grub, it failed to install when i installed debian, so now i cant boot my computer | 05:39 |
chinaski1 | Anlar Jack Sparrow: this driver (libgcr410 ) that is in compilation asks me to give a serial port for the smart card reader, it's bothering i will choose ttyS0 | 05:39 |
Douglas52392 | how do i go about installing grub? | 05:39 |
harken | with programs are you using to rewrite cdrw?? | 05:39 |
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Shafto | !grub | Douglas52392 | 05:40 |
ubotu | Douglas52392: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 05:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | Douglas52392: Shouldnt you be asking in Debian channel.. | 05:40 |
chinaski1 | it is configuring | 05:40 |
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Pazy | Will anything bad happen if i uninstall Grub from adept then reinstall it? | 05:40 |
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Douglas52392 | i did, they recommended using a linux livecd to fix it, expecaly ubuntu, plus i had a ubuntu livecd still on my desj | 05:40 |
Douglas52392 | *desk | 05:41 |
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Anlar | YAY they updated the Battle for West Snot for feisty.. now one of the campaigns can actually be finished too!! | 05:41 |
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PirateLeChuck | does ubuntu not | 05:41 |
PirateLeChuck | does ubuntu not use inittab? | 05:41 |
Pici | !upstart | PirateLeChuck | 05:41 |
ubotu | PirateLeChuck: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 05:41 |
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SkuToV | does anyone here know whats causing my ubuntu setup to show "ata4.00: xfer mode (err_mask=040)" when I attempt to boot it up and if so, how do I fix it? | 05:42 |
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godofredo | Pici, how would i copy the contents of a directory over to another directory? | 05:43 |
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Pici | godofredo: mv /path/to/dir1/* /path/to/dir2/ | 05:44 |
Pici | godofredo: er, cp not mv | 05:44 |
godofredo | Pici, that didn't work, oh cp | 05:44 |
godofredo | Pici, some guy told me mv and it ruined my installation :) | 05:44 |
neverblue2 | godofredo, use the -r (recursive) and -f (force) flags | 05:44 |
Pici | neverblue2: thanks ;) | 05:45 |
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moldy | how do i install mplayer on dapper? | 05:45 |
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neverblue2 | moldy, google ubuntu guide | 05:45 |
miranda82 | my middle click always pastes 2 clipboards, how can i fix this? (like if i was clicking twice) | 05:45 |
neverblue2 | moldy, it covers that, and lots more | 05:45 |
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neverblue2 | miranda82, are you clicking twice :) | 05:46 |
miranda82 | neverblue, obviously no... | 05:46 |
Apocrypha | tried a different mouse? | 05:46 |
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neverblue2 | miranda82, your mouse might be sensative :) | 05:46 |
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SkuToV | does anyone here know whats causing my ubuntu setup to show "ata4.00: xfer mode (err_mask=040)" when I attempt to boot it up and if so, how do I fix it? | 05:46 |
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miranda82 | Apocrypha, just have this one for the laptop | 05:46 |
neverblue2 | !repeat | SkuToV | 05:46 |
ubotu | SkuToV: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 05:46 |
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moldy | neverblue2: tells me to apt-get install mplayer, but apt-get cannot find mplayer | 05:47 |
miranda82 | on windows (yeah still ahve it) does not happen, | 05:47 |
miranda82 | that's why i was wondering... | 05:47 |
Frogzoo | !mouse | miranda82 | 05:47 |
ubotu | miranda82: Enabling extra mouse buttons: - Enabling serial mouse: | 05:47 |
neverblue2 | moldy, a link right above that explains setting up your repos | 05:47 |
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zren | I've got a sound problem on ubuntu 7 i'm not able to solve, i use alsa but i have no sound | 05:47 |
Shafto | !sound | zren | 05:47 |
ubotu | zren: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 05:47 |
godofredo | pici, if i want to copy all the files in /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/ to /home/tux/enemy-territory/etmain what do i do? | 05:48 |
SkuToV | !Patience>me | 05:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | SkuToV: looks like a hard drive problem, have you done anything with partitions or fstab? | 05:48 |
godofredo | Pici, if i want to copy all the files in /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain/ to /home/tux/enemy-territory/etmain what do i do? | 05:48 |
Frogzoo | miranda82: check your button mappings, and the mouse protocol, see link above: | 05:48 |
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moldy | neverblue2: i have multiverse and universe uncommented already | 05:48 |
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miranda82 | Frogzoo, thx men | 05:48 |
moldy | is mplayer maybe just not there in dapper? | 05:48 |
godofredo | Pici, i really can't mess up on this because it is the server admin and i will get in deep crud if i mess it up :) | 05:48 |
neverblue2 | moldy, its an older version | 05:48 |
per_ | /connect 6667 OadC4nwr | 05:48 |
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Douglas52392 | should i be installing GRUB to the root partition linux is installed in using the ubuntu livecd, or install it into the MBR. i want to be able to boot into Windows to | 05:48 |
neverblue2 | maybe the repos are no long available for it? | 05:48 |
per_ | exit | 05:48 |
per_ | irssi | 05:49 |
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neverblue2 | moldy, have you do an sudo aptitude update recently? | 05:49 |
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moldy | just trying it again with an extra repo added | 05:49 |
moldy | the one i had was backports | 05:49 |
moldy | ok got it, thx neverblue2 | 05:49 |
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zren | Shafto, I'm really using alsa but it wont work even cat stuff at /dev/dsp doesn't make any noise | 05:49 |
vox754 | Douglas52392, MBR... There is something people don't understand and that is grub is installed in two places, the master boot record and then the stage1.5 and stage2 files go to the /boot directory. | 05:49 |
maxwell | what is the light java editor I can use in ubuntu | 05:50 |
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godofredo | Pici, are you there? | 05:50 |
Pici | godofredo: cp /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/etmain /home/tux/enemy-territoy/etmain -fr | 05:50 |
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godofredo | Pici, that will copy all of the files in the first etmain to the second etmain? | 05:50 |
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Pici | godofredo: yes. If you need more help with the copy command, check out `man cp` | 05:50 |
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godofredo | Pici, so whatever is in that first etmain will still be there when i'm done? | 05:51 |
godofredo | Pici, if he notices anything i'm toast | 05:51 |
chinaski1 | hello why my JDK crashes with this message:"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:" | 05:51 |
godofredo | Pici, anything different* | 05:51 |
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Pici | godofredo: Yes. I dont want to know what you are doing. | 05:51 |
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Douglas52392 | should i install it to bolth the mbr and root partition, or just the mbr? | 05:51 |
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charlie | I cant see my interfaces | 05:52 |
Shafto | Douglas52392, Install it to the MBR | 05:52 |
charlie | my wireless interface | 05:52 |
chinaski1 | whrn i try to do java file*.class | 05:52 |
Douglas52392 | ok | 05:52 |
chinaski1 | *when | 05:52 |
godofredo | Pici, nothing bad, i just would prefer that he not notice that i deleted a huge directory that he made for me :P | 05:52 |
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Douglas52392 | i typed in setup (hd0), should that have done it? | 05:52 |
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Blackthorn | I have a service that I have to manually start everytime I reboot the server, how can I set it up to start each time i reboot? | 05:53 |
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godofredo | Pici, why no star at the end of etmain? | 05:53 |
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godofredo | Pici, asterisk* | 05:53 |
vox754 | !away > tck | 05:53 |
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adub | gkrellm does anyone know how to get the temperature sensors working? | 05:54 |
Blackthorn | i have to run sudo asterisk -r each time the sever is rebooted | 05:54 |
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thebob | ohno! kubuntu failes to create the root partition on install. what do I do? | 05:54 |
Pici | godofredo: because you're copying the contenty of the folder, its just redundant. | 05:54 |
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vox754 | thebob, describe the problem, did you do anything else besides partitioning? | 05:54 |
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Thursley | godofredo, it would be a good idea to read up on some basic commands from a tutorial or something | 05:54 |
Douglas52392 | i typed in the grub prompt from the livecd 'setup (hd0)', did that install grub to the mbr? | 05:55 |
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nickrud | Blackthorn, has some instructions on that for ubuntu | 05:56 |
godofredo | Pici, ah, i'm logged in as tux, and it says, /home/tux/enemy-territory/etmain , no such directory | 05:56 |
thebob | vox754: I just follow install wizard, select "guided - use entire disk" and continue to step 6 - where it fails for said reason. | 05:56 |
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vox754 | Douglas52392, yes I guess. Did you mount the disk? | 05:56 |
godofredo | Pici, is that because it should be just /enemy-territory/etmain? | 05:56 |
Pici | godofredo: then create the directory first. | 05:56 |
jiten | hello freinds | 05:57 |
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Douglas52392 | yes | 05:57 |
iNcrease | anyone uses mutt? i try to configure pop, to send receive but dont know how ... | 05:57 |
Blackthorn | thank you for the link nick, i didn't even think about using that wicki for info about ubentu :P | 05:57 |
raphael_ | is there an off-topic channel? | 05:57 |
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Pici | raphael_: #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:57 |
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vox754 | thebob, do you want to use the entire disk? If so you can partition outside the installation and try again the installation this time without partitioning just mounting the / and swap. | 05:57 |
raphael_ | Pici: thanks | 05:57 |
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Nick_Hill | Thursley, vox754 I disabled the NV on-board video, added an old ATI PCI video card. Exactly the same symptoms. Perhaps I should try rmmodding what I can. | 05:57 |
jseattle | hello people | 05:57 |
kazol | What is going on in ##linux? It transfers me to ##overflow. | 05:58 |
vox754 | Nick_Hill, I don't think I remember your original problem. What was not working? | 05:58 |
Thursley | kazol, there are too many people joining for the moment | 05:58 |
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thebob | vox754: what do I use to format outside install-wizard? | 05:58 |
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Nick_Hill | vox754, Suspend to ram not completing on Nvidia 6100 chipset based mobo. | 05:58 |
Stormx2 | kazol: Read the /topic in ##overflow... | 05:58 |
Douglas52392 | it didnt work, i still cant boot my computer. it still goes to the intel network boot | 05:59 |
vox754 | thebob, the same program you used, GParted, can be accessed from "System > Administration" I think | 05:59 |
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kazol | Thursley, Stormx2: It has been like that for a few days already! Is there any way to get in? | 05:59 |
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zren | Shafto, I worked myself through all the sites, nothing helps me | 06:00 |
zren | drivers are working | 06:00 |
amonkey | when my nividia module trys to load i get an error about it not being able to find nvidia.ko, what package is that in? | 06:00 |
zren | alsamixer is up | 06:00 |
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Stormx2 | kazol: You need to register with services. | 06:00 |
vox754 | Nick_Hill, oh, right. That is a pain. My hibernation (it is a great feature!) worked some time ago, then came the updates and it doesn't work anymore so I live with it. Take out all modules and then tell me if you find something. | 06:00 |
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slabby | I have vsftpd setup but I cant login from the internet, I can only log into anonymous. But from within my LAN I can connect to all accounts | 06:03 |
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Pici | slabby: How are you trying to login from the 'internet'? | 06:03 |
freenut | cant get wireless working Kubuntu fiesty -Acer aspire 3000 | 06:03 |
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godofredo | Pici, Thank You | 06:03 |
freenut | any ideas? | 06:03 |
Apocrypha | quick question, where are the xchat .conf files stored? | 06:03 |
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slabby | pici, just through explorer | 06:04 |
Goran_ | my wireless actually works! | 06:04 |
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Goran_ | just switched on and off | 06:04 |
bsundsrud | hi, i'm trying to do something fairly nonstandard, but its also something im pretty sure you can do... im compiling something from source, but instead of 'make install'ing it i want to do a make install where it installs to a different root, so i can see all the files that its installing. how do i do that? | 06:04 |
thebob | i am using qtparted now. It lets me do nothing:-( | 06:04 |
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raphael_ | Apocrypha: in /home/user/.xchat2 I think | 06:04 |
Goran_ | but ubuntu usermode sucks | 06:04 |
bsundsrud | its a bit like making a .deb package | 06:04 |
Goran_ | not even a X configurator | 06:05 |
Pici | slabby: Windows explorer? Internet Explorer? By default those login with anonymous. You'll have to use a real ftp client if you want to specify a username/password. | 06:05 |
slabby | pici, and fireftw | 06:05 |
zitner | Can anyone, on a one on one basis, help me get and install intel graphics drivers on my Ubuntu? | 06:05 |
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vox754 | bsundsrud, I guess looing into the makefile will list the directories that you need to change | 06:05 |
Apocrypha | raphael_: ty | 06:05 |
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slabby | pici, i know how to login, ive used many ftp accounts before, it says the login is incorrect | 06:05 |
raphael_ | Apocrypha: np :) | 06:05 |
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bsundsrud | vox754: its an automake generated makefile, which is near impossible to read, though if it comes to that i'll have to i guess. | 06:06 |
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Pici | slabby: I'm not sure then. Have you asked in #proftpd ? | 06:06 |
bsundsrud | isnt there something like make checkinstall? | 06:06 |
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vox754 | Goran_, are you using the 32 bit drivers in 64 bit kernel? | 06:06 |
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zitner | Hello, anyone? lol | 06:06 |
slabby | pici, just tried it through DOS and got "Login authenication failed" | 06:06 |
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slabby | pici, not im not using proftpd | 06:06 |
bsundsrud | zitner: the intel drivers should be already installed... | 06:06 |
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slabby | pici, using vsftpd | 06:07 |
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Pici | slabby: Oh, I dont know where I got that from o.O | 06:07 |
zitner | They are, but the resolution is to low, and doesn't go any higher then it should. | 06:07 |
instabin | Do I have to use lvm to get more than one partion on a raid (md#) device? | 06:07 |
vox754 | bsundsrud, what application is that? | 06:07 |
zitner | The 3d accel isn't working. | 06:07 |
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Pici | slabby: okay #vsftpd then. It exists. | 06:07 |
vox754 | bsundsrud, I mean the one you are trying to compile. | 06:08 |
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jak_ | Hey, wondering if anyone can help me out? I've gone back to Ubuntu after a period on Windows, ive installed a old Ubuntu disk on my laptop, its Breezy something and because of this i cant update my system (too old) wondering if anyone can help me update? | 06:08 |
slabby | pici, tried no replies | 06:08 |
bsundsrud | vox754: heres the fun part, its stunnel-4.20 on a mac. | 06:08 |
DavyJones | zitner: edit the xorg.conf search for the resolution that you are using then add the desired resolution to the list | 06:08 |
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instabin | jak_: you have to update 1 version at a time | 06:08 |
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Frogzoo | jak_: not worth it - install feisty from scratch | 06:08 |
jak_ | Instabin: how ? | 06:08 |
Cooleo | Can someone tell me how to install my RT73 based device USB stick in ubuntu? | 06:08 |
mannytu | hello | 06:09 |
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