
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
=== Topic for #ubuntu+1: The In Development Version Channel | Please *don't* run gutsy unless you are familiar with dpkg and dependencies, bug fixing, etc | Ubuntu 7.10 - the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | Tribe 3 Released!
=== Topic (#ubuntu+1): set by Hobbsee at Thu Jul 19 17:53:32 2007
BotLobstadoes anyone know what the gdk-pixbuf.loaders file does05:03
BotLobstaand how to obtain said file?05:03
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vlowtherwoo 3 second S3 resume times! (and 2 of that is reloading my network modules)06:30
=== vlowther wonders who hardcoded /dev/hda in the acpi-support sleep.sh script
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monkany fixes available for authentication against WPA2 APs failing?07:04
Hobbseemonk: killall NetworkManager && NetworkManager07:06
monkok. i will try that. (and yes i am aware it will kill my irc connection as well ;) )07:07
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LinuxProbieCan anyone help me with samba? It's forgotten how to see my windows network07:48
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homerhome1anyone install gutsy in virtualbox?07:55
homerhome1it stalls on me, I looked on there webpage and it a known bug, but has anyone got around this?07:56
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nixternalhomerhome1: when it stalls, from the vbox filemenu, have you tried to do reset? that worked for me08:13
nixternali.e. make it attempt to load twice in one session if you catch what I am saying08:13
homerhome1okay i'll give it a shot08:15
nixternalI think it is 'File -> Reset'08:16
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AnAntHello, I got an HP Pavilion dv6391 laptop with AMD Turion X2 on it, I installed Feisty (x86 version) on it, the problem is that it randomly crashes when I issue commands on the terminal (or console), especially when a beep occurs, anyone knows a solution for this ?08:46
DanaGWTF?  For some reason, my DVD playing keeps freezing at chapter marks.08:48
DanaGIt says "Error reading NAV packet".08:48
XemanthAnAnt: how does it crash ? freeze08:49
AnAntXemanth: yup, and if the last thing happening was a beep, it keeps beeping08:49
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AnAntXemanth: hello ?08:54
XemanthAnAnt: you have Kubuntu Feisty? Try disabling sound manager08:54
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AnAntXemanth: I don't use Kubuntu08:55
AnAntXemanth: I tried Feisty (i386) and Gutsy (AMD64)08:55
jdthi, is this also the channel for Kubuntu 7.10?08:55
AnAntGutsy has another problem though08:55
AnAntactually it is AMD64 versions that have another problem08:56
AnAntXemanth: what is equivalent to sound manager in Ubuntu ?08:56
XemanthAnAnt: i don't remember atm :D08:57
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unimatrix9AntAnt alsa mixer?09:01
DanaGAaaaAAaAgh, and now Kaffeine just CRASHED again!09:02
AnAntunimatrix9: that is just a volume controller09:03
unimatrix9oh i see what you mean..09:04
unimatrix9system / preferences / multimediasystems then ?09:04
unimatrix9that only lets you choose sound systems, like for example alsa , or oss09:05
DanaGWhat the hell?09:05
DanaGIt just froze again!09:05
DanaGAnd when it crashes, it forgets all my settings changes.09:05
XemanthDanaG: use smplayer09:06
Xemanthshit wrong url09:06
XemanthDanaG: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/smplayer/smplayer_0.5.21_i386.deb09:07
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DanaGCan mplayer do AC3 decoding, and good deinterlacing without devouring my CPU?09:11
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DanaGOh heck, smplayer is already in the repos.09:13
DanaGArgh, smplayer doesn't give me a GUI to select which sound card to use.09:19
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djkorn_so... gutsy is faster now?09:22
djkorn_i mean.. rendering cube 3D with reflection?09:22
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LunksI can't get Avant Window Navigator to run on gutsy10:03
Lunkscompiling it myself gives me a "segmentation fault" error10:04
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Lunkstrying to find a deb gives me that libwnck18 that everyone must already heard of. :P10:04
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RAOFLunks: Don't use feisty repositories with Gutsy :)10:06
Lunksi don't normally use, but I couldn't compile it so I gave it a try =p10:07
LunksRAOF: it's weird i can't find a single deb file for gutsy, why?10:09
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RAOFLunks: Because no one uses gutsy :)10:11
RAOFAlso, because it's going to be in Debian (and hence Ubuntu) moderately soon10:11
Lunksso, should I just wait then?10:12
Lunks =P10:12
Lunksisn't there something i can do to work around this libwnck18 dependency?10:13
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Zapekrecently evolution starts eating a lot of cpu while apparently doing nothing. it seems related to notification-daemon10:44
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leperkhanzI still can't get Gutsy to boot after the last updates (File corruption problem).  Is anyone else having this trouble?11:48
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leperkhanzShould I reinstall Tribe 3, or is there a better work around.  (I already tried fsck /dev/sdc611:49
=== leperkhanz grudgingly goes for a reinstall.
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Nick_HillA question to people who fix bugs in Ubuntu, from a bug reporter!.. When filing hardware bugs, I try to provide as much information about hardware as I can. However, there is always likely more information the bug fixer will want about my system. Is there a program which can gather, in a consistent way, all driver, hardware interface, I/O, interrupt, DMA data a hardware developer can need in one operation?12:07
Nick_HillI am thinking of a program which can output a highly structured, possibly machine readable hardware interface profile.12:08
jussi01Nick_Hill: yes there is12:11
AmaranthNick_Hill: easier to just be a responsive bug reporter and supply extra info as needed12:11
jussi01are you on gnome?12:11
Amaranthjussi01: and the hardware database stuff is worthless for this12:11
Nick_Hilljussi01, Yes12:11
jussi01Amaranth: why?12:11
=== jussi01 starts to fee lstupid
Nick_HillI am thinking such information woudl be useful not just for bug reporting, but to build up a database of which machines have which hardware (particularly laptops) which can help with recommending those likely to work well with GNU/Linux12:12
Amaranthjussi01: because that's submitted anonymously to a separate thing12:12
InfectoNick_Hill: but, its not laptopproblme12:13
Infectoonly its components12:13
Infectolike ati cards12:13
rjekNick_Hill: That's already been done with the hardware reporting stuff, but that's not useful for bug reports.12:13
jussi01Amaranth: but can you not quote your hardware database code in the bug report?12:13
Infectofinger print readers12:13
rjekThe problem is, the things somebody might need past your usual lspci and dmesg could be almost anything, depending on the package.12:13
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Nick_HillThe information often does extend beyond lspci. For instance, which graphics driver is loaded, which modules loaded. The interrupts, DMA, etc12:15
rjekdmesg often has clues to that information.  You could always just dump the contents of /proc into a text file.  But I still think that the data needed by a specific bug/package combination is so wide, that such a tool would have limited use.12:15
Nick_HillI thought that if pretty much everything about the hardware was captured, in a machine readable form, then compressed, bufg fixers would have less down time getting back to the bug reporter.12:16
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Nick_HillA compressed audit of all machine hardware data would probably take only a few tens of K and be worth a simple command to attach it to a bug12:17
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Nick_HillSuch an effort could focus minds on how can we capture even more hardware data, perhaps leading to exploring innovative methods of profiling a hardware-software interface. Bug fixers might then find innovative ways of using the data available.12:22
rjekFeel free to write a script to do it.12:22
Nick_Hillrjek, I am trying to see how far imagination for such an idea can stretch, and determine if there is a consensus on the possible benefits.12:23
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Ind[y] What was the last LTS Ubuntu, and what will be the next?12:31
rskInd[y] : 6.06 and every two years12:32
Ind[y] rsk: So, the next will be 8.10?12:32
rskInd[y] : right now 8.xx will be the next lts12:32
rskInd[y] : why are you asking?12:32
Ind[y] where xx is what?12:33
Ind[y] 04 06 or 10?12:33
rjekWell, 6.06 plus two years is 8.0612:33
Ind[y] ok12:33
Ind[y] thanks12:33
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Ind[y] Update Notifier does not work at all. It does not update, thus, it does not notify me.12:51
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Ind[y] So?12:56
rski dont get it12:57
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Nick_Hill6.06 was delayed for two months. It was supposed to have been released in April but needed more debugging.12:59
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Ind[y] rsk: Update Notifier does not work at all. It does not update, thus, it does not notify me.01:13
rskInd[y] : try via the commandline sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:13
Picioh that reminds me...01:20
=== Pici looks
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eagles0513875sup every102:10
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eagles0513875sweet jacks workign now02:12
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Ind[y] rsk: Why?02:33
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Ind[y] rsk: I CAN update.02:33
Ind[y] And all that stuff.02:33
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Ind[y] It just doesn't get done automatically. Neither Update Notifier tells me that there are updates available.02:34
Ind[y] Pici: Did you find anything?02:34
PiciInd[y] : To be honest, it reminded me of another issue I had to look at.02:34
Ind[y] Pici: lol02:34
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PiciBut let me see in a few if the gui update notifier works for me02:35
rskInd[y] : in gusty?02:35
Ind[y] rsk: Yes. (I had it in Feisty, too)02:35
Ind[y] Is Michael Vogt here?02:36
HobbseeInd[y] : mvo02:36
Ind[y] (the developer that tries to fix the bug)02:36
Ind[y] Hobbsee: sorry?02:36
HobbseeInd[y] : his irc nick is mvo02:36
asisakInd[y] : nickserv says "Last Seen: 1 hour 53 minutes 32 seconds ago"02:36
Ind[y] ok02:36
Ind[y] thanks02:37
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=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-268482.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu+1
Ind[y] Another issue tha I had with every Ubuntu version, (in gutsy, as well) is that if you set a domain name for your pc, through network-admin, the computer name of your pc, gets discarded from /etc/hosts, and a very strange thing happens. Application such as terminal, and open home folder, get launched after a while, when you start them.02:41
Ind[y] s/tha/that02:41
Ind[y] s/Application/Applications02:41
Ind[y] Delay to start.02:42
SeveredCrossYou're supposed to log out and log back in when you do that, aren't you?02:42
Ind[y] SeveredCross: That does not fix the problem.02:42
Ind[y] But when you go to /etc/hosts and add your computer name to again, then everything is normal.02:43
SeveredCrossVery odd.02:44
SeveredCrossNever had the issue myself.02:44
Ind[y] SeveredCross: Remove for a while your computer name (host name) from /etc/hosts and try.02:48
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Ind[y] *and see02:48
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SeveredCrossOh, I know what it would do full well, just it's odd that it would not get readded if you change the hostname.02:49
SeveredCrossFiled a bug against network-admin?02:49
Ind[y] No. I will.02:50
Ind[y] The fact is that I have filed some bugs, but the most got ignored.02:50
Ind[y] So I find it pointless.02:50
HobbseeInd[y] : i suggest you help out with bug triage, so it isnt so worthless, then.02:53
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eagles0513875Hobbsee: hey how r ya ur up rather late03:01
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=== Hobbsee is eating dinner, and reinstating a ban.
Hobbseebu totherwise good03:02
eagles0513875Hobbsee:may i ask what this ban is:(03:02
Hobbseea guy being a jerk in #Kubuntu, which someone else removed.03:03
eagles0513875Hobbsee: forsome reason in kubuntu testers i get a 404 when i type something then hit enter it says cant send to channel03:04
Hobbseethat's probably because you were distracting it, and stopping others from getting work done...03:04
Hobbseeso you got muted in all the development channels03:04
eagles0513875:( how can i get unmuted03:05
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Hobbseeeagles0513875: removed.  please learn to stay on topic.03:09
eagles0513875Hobbsee: ty Hobbsee btw ive isolated the bug to the latest version of lib xine 1.1.703:09
Hobbseehooray.  so you said in the bug report03:10
eagles0513875no i just dont know how to fix it03:10
eagles0513875Hobbsee: its so hard to find someone else whose running the 64bit version to confirm the bug03:10
rjekI'd try, but I'm not about to install in-development software on either my desktop or laptop, which are my only two AMD64 machines.03:11
eagles0513875rjek: i have it installed on my laptop i would like someone to confirm this bug or its just me who did something stupid and some how broke something03:12
=== Hobbsee sighs about people with their $mypetbugs
=== Hobbsee should fix some bugs.
eagles0513875Hobbsee: lol u referring to me somehow03:13
Hobbseeeagles0513875: at the first?  yes.03:14
eagles0513875Hobbsee: from what ive seen it doesnt seem like anybody has worked on my bug besides myself would that change now that ive isolated what the cause is03:14
Hobbseethen again, how many bugs are in launchpad again?03:14
eagles0513875Hobbsee: i know what ur saying03:15
Hobbseehave you filed it with the xine guys?03:15
eagles0513875no i have not i have with the kde guys03:15
eagles0513875Hobbsee: was in the channel the other day and they guys in there were rather jerks03:15
Hobbseeyou isolated the problem to xine, so you filed it with kde...rigth then.03:16
eagles0513875will file it now with xine if i can find the link to report any bugs on their pg03:16
rjekHobbsee: Are you expecting logic from users? :)03:16
Hobbseerjek: absolutely.03:16
Hobbseerjek: you are in #ubuntu+103:17
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asisakrjek: "this is not #ubuntu" as the #debian topic says :)03:17
Hobbseerjek: you are *supposed* to know various things in the linux world, including how to file bugs, and hwo not to be a moron.03:17
unimatrix9hllo LL03:17
Hobbseerjek: see the /topic about all the warnings.03:17
eagles0513875Hobbsee: i need to start developing that logic  especially if im going into the IT field and programming part03:17
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unimatrix9is there an irc channel for the livecd?03:17
Hobbseeunimatrix9: i dont think so.  for gutsy, it's here03:18
asisakunimatrix9: development / testing / user support?03:18
rjekHobbsee: I completely agree.  It does appear that most people who come in here to ask questions are just version junkies with a fetish for bling, and not actually interested in helping.03:18
Hobbseerjek: they must be from the forums :P03:18
eagles0513875i love helping03:18
Hobbseerjek: incidently, that's why they get ignored a lot03:18
unimatrix9or a list of options to give the live startup : i am trying to find a way to disable floppy seek at bootup of gutsy03:18
eagles0513875unimatrix9: have u checked in ur bios03:18
Hobbseeunimatrix9: er...isnt that a bios thing?03:19
unimatrix9alas no such option in bios03:19
=== rjek shudders people too lazy to type "you" and "your", too. :)
rjekunimatrix9: Does the seek happen before the CD boots?  If so, you've not got many options.03:19
eagles0513875unimatrix9: do u need the floppy drive cuz if u dont just go into the bios and disable it03:19
eagles0513875unimatrix9: as well as take it out of the boot sequence03:20
unimatrix9i seeks after loading the splash screen , its an know bug, feisty had the same thing03:20
unimatrix9so i am stuck with 6.1003:20
Hobbseeunimatrix9: bug #?03:20
eagles0513875unimatrix9: just go into the bios take it out of the boot sequence and disable the drive or u could always unplug it lol03:20
rjekDoes the floppy seek cause something catastrophic to happen?03:20
rjekPerhaps one option is to prevent the floppy module from being loaded.03:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 97306 in casper "[feisty]  installer reports I/O error dev fd0" [Undecided,New] 03:21
=== alex-weej [n=alex@cpc2-darl3-0-0-cust237.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
rjekI seem to recall there's a way of blacklisting modules from the kernel command line, but I forget what it is.03:22
unimatrix9i dont have an floppy drive, but it seeks it any way03:22
Hobbseeeagles0513875: logic is something you want to develop in conjunction with when learning to speak, and not to speak, and when you're being annoying to others, and/or not following the rules03:22
eagles0513875Hobbsee: ill be quiet now03:23
unimatrix9hmm, what about loading it in txt mode and then going from there...03:23
rjekunimatrix9: One assumes the BIOS isn't configured to suggest there is a floppy drive installed?  My only suggestion past getting the bug fixed is to blacklist the floppy module.03:23
rjekRemoving "quiet splash" from the kernel command line will certainly let you see what's going on.03:23
=== rjek does that by default on all his installs. I prefer to see what's going on than a pretty logo. If I wanted that, I'd use a Mac :)
unimatrix9good tip03:24
eagles0513875rjek: how did u do that03:26
rjekeagles0513875: If you can't be bothered to type "you", I can't be bothered to answer.03:26
unimatrix9i remember that knoppix has an list of cheatcodes that you can use to give the live cd , maybe there is some need for such a list for the ubuntu live startup..for trouble shooting, there are already some things listed afcause...03:26
eagles0513875rjek: sry bad habit of mine from instant messaging03:27
eagles0513875rjek: how did you manage to do that i agree with you that is more useful than seeing the kubuntu name and loading bar03:27
eagles0513875Hobbsee: i filed the report with xine03:28
rjekeagles0513875: You can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst.  Find the line that starts #defoptions=, and remove the "quiet" and "splash" options.  Save, run update-grub.03:28
Hobbseeeagles0513875: great.  now wait.03:28
Hobbseeor fix it03:28
eagles0513875Hobbsee: i am waiting lol and if i do try to fix it what file woudl i look it lol03:28
rjekeagles0513875: Do not uncomment that line, btw.  Otherwise update-grub won't work.03:28
eagles0513875rjek: would it be a good idea to make a back up of the menu.lst03:29
Hobbseeeagles0513875: you were told where to start fixing last time, in #ubuntu-motu.  you acted like a brick wall.  there's no need to tell you again - you can look at your own logs.03:29
eagles0513875Hobbsee: ok03:29
rjekeagles0513875: If you're scared of breaking it, then yeah, sure, make a backup.03:29
rjekI don't bother.03:29
Hobbseeeagles0513875: people may as well spend time helping people who want to learn, and are willing to do a bit of research on their own, not wasting their times with brick walls.03:29
eagles0513875rjek: ive broken the x a number of times in the past just trying to get my open gl to work lol now thank god for a wiki i can do it but i still make a back up just in case03:30
eagles0513875Hobbsee: ill figure it out on my own03:30
rjekFortunately, I'm careful with what hardware I buy, so stuff like GL just works out of the box.03:30
eagles0513875rjek: i hate ati03:31
rjekI don't hate them.  But I'd always favour NVIDIA or Intel graphics over ATI.03:31
=== jussi01 is quite pleased with his ati...
eagles0513875rjek: same03:31
eagles0513875jussi01: what model ati u got03:31
=== Hobbsee wonders at eagles0513875's definition of "same"
=== Hobbsee also notes that eagles0513875 is acting like a brick wall again.
eagles0513875Hobbsee: ??03:32
eagles0513875Hobbsee: im saying i like nvidia or intel ovr ati03:32
eagles0513875jussi01: no wonder lol u dont have as much of a headache as i do03:32
=== zaggynl [n=zaggynl@dsl-083-247-110-137.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1
Hobbseeoh right, i missed a line.03:33
Hobbseethat still doesnt stop the fact that you're acting like a brick wall03:33
Hobbsee!u | eagles051387503:33
ubotueagles0513875: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..03:33
=== eagles0513875 bangs head on desk really hard wanting to get out of that habit
=== eagles0513875 tryign to find that line rjek told me to edit but not finding it and not giving up looking for it
=== Qubert [n=Qube@S0106000ea6be3878.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
rjekeagles0513875: Search for "defoptions"03:37
eagles0513875ok ty03:38
eagles0513875i was typing in some extra stuff03:38
eagles0513875rjek: brb goign to try it out03:39
=== eagles0513875 [n=jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu+1
eagles0513875rjek: that kicks *** lol sensoring myself here and its rather interesting it loads alot faster then with the splash screen03:42
eagles0513875rjek: what else did u do to ur system03:43
rjekI doubt it's noticably faster at all.03:43
rjekIt's just more stuff looks like it's happening, so it looks faster.03:43
eagles0513875rjek: what else have you done with ur system03:43
rjekI don't customise much.  All I've done is patch acpi-support such that thinkpad-keys doesn't eat 10% of CPU, and fix a backlight-related problem in the intel X driver.03:44
=== eagles0513875 going to take a stab at debugging xine
rjekIt's less effort and cheaper to buy a faster computer than it is to faff about squeezing the last drop of performance out of what I've got.03:44
eagles0513875rjek: thats kool i have an amd athlon 64 which im loving right now with probably one of the greatest 64bit os03:44
Hobbseerjek: i'd be interested in that acpi-support patch, and how many people it works for03:44
Hobbseeand the backlight related problem, come to think of it03:44
eagles0513875rjek: lol well im going try and start on a project and create a rather interesting linux distro but that is going off topic03:45
rjekHobbsee: The issue is that thinkpad-keys checks the NVRAM every 50ms.  I just changed it to check once every half second (one #define changed).  I can live with that latency.03:45
rjekHobbsee: I forget where I got the patch for the intel driver, but it's already in gusty IIRC.03:46
Hobbseerjek: have you filed a bug with a patch about that thinkpad-keys?03:46
Hobbseeah, great.03:46
rjekHobbsee: I did, yes.03:46
Hobbseerjek: did it get implemented?03:46
Hobbseerjek: and if not, what's the bug #?03:46
rjekHobbsee: Although apparently newer acpi-supports etc don't even require thinkpad-keys03:47
rjekHobbsee: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/12665503:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126655 in hotkey-setup "thinkpad-keys polls too frequently and is a major culprit of CPU wakes" [Undecided,New] 03:47
rjekHobbsee: I believe the ibm-acpi guys implemented it all as real acpi events in their driver, so the need for a userland-daemon vanished.03:47
rjekI've also spoken to thinkpad-keys' author (Paul Sladen) as I see him quite frequently in #debian-uk03:48
Hobbseerjek: right.  ie, is this something that should still be fixed in ubuntu, or is it fixed in another wya now?03:49
=== CodeImp [n=dont@s55910c2b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1
=== Hobbsee cant really tell
rjekHobbsee: I'm told by the thinkpad people that it should be solved in the kernel by the time gutsy ships.03:50
rjekBut I've had no concrete answer.03:50
Hobbseerjek: right03:51
=== elkbuntu notes that sladen also resides in -motu, -devel and various other ubuntu channels
rjekHe has his fingers in many pies.03:52
eagles0513875Hobbsee: is there anything u would like me to test out for ya03:53
Hobbseeeagles0513875: not currently03:53
eagles0513875Hobbsee: ok let me know if i can test out any debugged stuff for ya03:54
Trewasit's somehow ironic that gnome-power-manager and thinkpad-keys are the worst cpu-wasters on my thinkpad x41, after all they both are programs that are mainly useful on laptops where not wasting cpu would be nice03:54
Trewasboth use way more cpu than x or firefox for example03:54
=== eagles0513875 is rather lost in the sea of xine source files
unimatrix9how much cpu time does beryl use? or dont you use it?03:55
Hobbseeunimatrix9: beryl isnt in gutsy03:56
=== jussi__ [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-188-110.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
rjekTrewas: Snap.  gnome-power-manager is almost completely useless on my X61.03:57
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pdpc.supporter.student.PriceChild] has joined #ubuntu+1
rjekPowertop is a great little tool, btw.03:57
unimatrix9ah, its called desktop effects ...03:57
unimatrix9or desktops looks...03:58
Trewasunimatrix9: I tried compiz briefly but didn't saw any point using it as it doesn't respect workspace switcher preferences etc03:58
rjekWorkspace switching and different keyboard shortcut semantics are the reasons I don't use it.03:59
PiciPriceChild: For some reason restricted manager is... well... in the restricted repos.03:59
PriceChildrestricted repos?03:59
unimatrix9yes you are right, but some people really go for desktop effects.03:59
Picimc44 had the same issue.03:59
PriceChildPici, restricted repos?04:00
rjekunimatrix9: I am one for fuctionality rather than bling.  I'm interested in Compiz Fusion, as some of its plugins actually look useful.04:00
unimatrix9its true that the restricted manager does not load by default on gutsy, you have to install it if you want it, but maybe that will be changed on the final release04:01
PiciPriceChild: you know.  universe,multiverse,main, restricted04:01
PriceChildoh sorry yeah04:01
=== Pici gives PriceChild a cup of coffee
PriceChildso its not installed by default anymore?04:01
unimatrix9see above04:01
=== eagles0513875 is happy that some updated pkgs today fixed jack and its able to run
PriceChildi also notice desktop effects has been consolidated into system > preferences > appearance :)04:02
unimatrix9yes true, hard to find if you are used to some other place to look...:)04:02
unimatrix9even for us change can be hard eh? ;)04:03
eagles0513875Hobbsee: im glad at least i can listen to music in another audio player04:03
eagles0513875Hobbsee: honestly im rather flustered with xine source but ill figure it out lol04:05
=== Xemanth [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu+1
eagles0513875Hobbsee: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6182 what out of everything do i download here04:08
Picieagles0513875: Is that the link you meant to paste?04:10
eagles0513875Pici: i know its to a program but what of those files would i download to install and help test it out04:11
eagles0513875Pici: do i just download the tar.gz04:11
Hobbseeyou download all of it...04:11
eagles0513875Hobbsee: then you compile them like normal04:12
Hobbseethen you run dpkg-source -x foo.dsc, then compile, yes04:12
eagles0513875Hobbsee: ty hobbs04:12
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eagles0513875Hobbsee: feisty came with xinelib 1.1.6 is that right04:22
Hobbseedont remember, look it up04:22
eagles0513875Hobbsee: ok04:23
asisak!info xinelib feisty04:24
ubotuPackage xinelib does not exist in feisty04:24
eagles0513875asisak: then what did amarok use in feisty04:26
asisak!info libxine1 feisty04:26
ubotulibxine1: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.4-2ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 2414 kB, installed size 5372 kB04:26
asisakI was dumb not figuring out the real package name first :)04:26
eagles0513875asisak: ty lol maybe i can isolate the problem that i have with my bug even further than i already have04:26
asisakyw eagles051387504:27
asisakgood luck :)04:27
eagles0513875asisak: ty lol i have to say xine is rather flustering when u dont know one bit of programmign language lol04:27
eagles0513875asisak: do u have a machine that has feisty on it or is the machine ur on the only one that has kubuntu on it04:32
asisak!u | eagles051387504:32
ubotueagles0513875: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..04:32
asisakI have neither Kubuntu nor Feisty machines, sorry.04:33
eagles0513875asisak: its ok04:33
eagles0513875asisak: ur ubuntu user04:33
=== rjek bitchslaps eagles0513875.
=== eagles0513875 nods head and says to self i deserved that
=== eagles0513875 since i cant use amarok i being searching through my music collection for something to play
=== eagles0513875 needs to figure out how to remove old xine stuff from machine
asisaksudo apt-get remove libxine.*04:36
asisakremoves all xine stuff04:37
eagles0513875asisak: even if its compiled from source04:37
asisakevery binary is compiled from source :D04:37
asisakbut no, if you have not installed it via a package manager...04:37
eagles0513875i think i broke something04:39
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 04:39
=== eagles0513875 thinks i broke apt im a smart one
eagles0513875asisak: i broke apt:(04:41
eagles0513875nm i fixed it i think04:42
asisakeagles0513875: what do you mean by 'breaking apt'?04:42
eagles0513875asisak: i somehow uninstalled adept manager and a shared folder when i purged xine from my system04:42
=== phalax [n=phalax@h-82-96-32-75.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu+1
eagles0513875asisak: just had to reinstall adept manager04:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about extract - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:44
eagles0513875asisak: just removing xine removed alot of programs i use like ark for instance04:45
phalaxI have problems with error code 139 from dpkg.. Is this a known issue??04:46
=== Dekkard [n=Psykobab@adsl-67-38-4-143.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
eagles0513875Hobbsee: should i report a bug when purging xine from system it installs essential programs if the bug has not already been reported04:47
phalaxI think its from the latest apt upgrade..04:48
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eagles0513875what changed in the latest apt upgrade04:49
=== siriusnova [i=siriusno@cheese.pizza.mine.nu] has joined #ubuntu+1
eagles0513875can anyone explaine to me y the xine pkg for amarok is named aspell sl04:50
Hobbseeeagles0513875: what?  if you uninstall xine, it installs other stuff?04:50
Hobbseeeagles0513875: very unlikely.  if you're talking about autoremoves.04:51
eagles0513875Hobbsee: i was purging it from my system then it uninstalled ark and adept manager04:51
asisakeagles0513875: it is sure that the xine package  is not named aspell04:51
Hobbseeeagles0513875: on gutsy, you're expected to actually look at things, and not blindly hit "yes"04:51
Hobbseeeagles0513875: so if you file it, i'll just mark it as user error.04:52
asisakphalax: what is this 139-code issue?04:52
eagles0513875Hobbsee: i was in adept when i purged it04:52
eagles0513875and it happened04:52
=== burner [n=burner@c-71-56-237-100.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
phalaxStller in apt (0.7.4ubuntu1) ...04:52
phalaxSegmentation fault04:52
phalaxdpkg: fel vid hantering av apt (--configure):04:52
phalax underprocess post-installation script gav felkod 13904:52
phalaxFel uppstod vid hantering:04:52
phalax apt04:52
eagles0513875it uninstalled adept manager and ark04:52
phalaxE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)04:52
Pici!paste  | phalax04:52
ubotuphalax: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:52
eagles0513875!adept fix | phalax04:53
ubotuphalax: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 04:53
Hobbseeeagles0513875: you would have uninstalled kubuntu-desktop with uninstalling xine, whcih probably set a whole lot of stuff to auto-remove.04:54
Hobbseethen if you hit full-upgrade withotu looking, yes you would have screwed up yoru system.  this si where you actually have to look and think, and not blindly hit yes.04:54
eagles0513875is that a bug worth reporting or would be just user error04:54
Hobbseeit's not worth reporting a bug over, as it's your fault.04:54
eagles0513875well i fixed it04:54
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Dekkard... so i take it that the latest (61) gaggle of updates is ok?04:56
PiciWhy would they not be?04:56
Dekkardi remember on feisty.. one bunch caused systems to become unbootable04:57
zefyrusI've just upgraded to gutsy and my Turion 64 X2 have the second core disabled !!!04:57
zefyrusthe 7.04 kernel worked fine04:57
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jussi01!bug | zefyrus04:57
ubotuzefyrus: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots04:57
Dekkardzefyrus,  do you still have the other kernel in your boot dialogue?04:57
eagles0513875asisak: now this is an interesting turn of events in regards to my bug04:58
zefyrusbut i'll have to recompile the nvida package04:58
Dekkardtry doing it on an athlon 900...04:59
Dekkardif you think it sucks on a turion04:59
HobbseeDekkard: does your apt always segfault?04:59
Dekkardlots of crash reports though04:59
Dekkardupdate mine05:00
Dekkardnotification applet05:00
eagles0513875Hobbsee: my bug #126598 has been updated05:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126598 in amarok "Audio cuts out in and out in amarok and kde 3.5.7" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12659805:00
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Dekkardive hade pypanel crash a bunch when i use pekwm05:01
Dekkardso i dont know if maybe theyr is a python problem..05:01
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eagles0513875Dekkard: report ur bugs dude if they have not been reported already05:01
Dekkardya think?05:02
=== eagles0513875 ponders is there an amarok configuration folder that needs to be remove before amarok is reinstalled just incase the bug is in there
Hobbseelikely wise05:04
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asisakmaybe something in .kde05:05
eagles0513875asisak: didnt see anything in there05:05
asisak.kde/share/config/amarok* maybe05:06
asisakBut how to find config files is quite basic knowledge in my opinion from someone running the development version :)05:06
Hobbseelocate .amarok*05:06
Hobbseelocate amarok*05:06
Hobbseebut yes, you should actually know what you're doing05:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vm-server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:08
asisaktatters: I guess we only have vmware-player packages05:09
tattersyup :(05:09
eagles0513875tatters: u wanting to run it on a 32bit machine05:09
eagles0513875i dont know how to do it but i know once u instlal it u have to then patch it05:10
eagles0513875that is all i know05:10
=== jussi__ [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-101.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
tattersok thnx  will it be become available in future or have they dropped it?05:11
eagles0513875tatters: im not sure05:12
=== jussi__ [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-187-101.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
asisaktatters: I am almost sure vmware server have never been included in Ubuntu. I am not sure if there is a possibility to include it05:12
Hobbseevmware-server has never been in ubuntu, this is correct05:12
tattersit was available in fiesty I only just reformatted and installed gutsy05:12
asisakThat must have been some 3rd party repository...05:13
Hobbseevmware-player was.  server never was.05:13
Hobbseeoh wait05:13
=== snax [n=snax@c-67-183-115-232.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
=== eagles0513875 is getting really frustrated bout things
Hobbseeyes, that's correct05:13
Picivmware-server-kernel-modules is in feisty, but not gutsy.05:14
tatterscannot remeber sure it w05:14
tattersyah thought I was going mad for mo05:14
HobbseePici: suspect it got removed05:14
tatterslol,only want it so my partner can play Bingo ,,,game requires IE05:15
asisaktatters: you might use ie4linux05:15
Pici!ies4linux | tatters05:16
ubotutatters: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, dont use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!05:16
=== eagles0513875 loves ie4linux
tattersyah just looking into that now,thnx05:16
eagles0513875guys im going to take a break from thsi and relax before i head out to a concert soon05:17
=== jussi01 likes crossover more
=== eagles0513875 wonders whats the advantage ovr cedega isnt it pretty much same program
=== eagles0513875 or vry similar
jussi01not at all05:18
=== eagles0513875 im out guys to relax and cool down for a bit before i head out to a concert later guys
tattersis there a gutsy repo available for ie4linux05:21
asisaktatters: I am afraid there is none05:22
tattersSo my only option is to compile or ?05:22
Dekkardroll a .deb?05:23
Hobbseewhich involves compiling, yes.05:24
lemoisn't ie4linux just a script?05:24
lemoand i guess you won't need any deb for it, just download and run05:24
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tattersdoesnt the script have to be distro specific still though?05:25
tattersbtw complete noob here05:25
lemoi guess you only need wine from repos to run the script05:26
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tattersyeh it seems most of the instruction is for wine so ill give the script a try after installing wine05:30
asisaktatters: if you are a complete noob you should not use gutsy.05:31
tattersoh I dont know I am doing ok,just need a little help now n then05:32
tattersI new to linux 5 months been messin with comps for 25 yrs so I have no fear of the unknown05:33
tattersI remeber using 8 bit wide paper tape :))05:34
rsktatters: dont forget to run latest wine from the winehq repo05:34
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asisaktatters: okay, no offense meant :)05:45
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tattersasisak  no worries, I was not offended I understand Y u said it,and thnx all for help IE4slinux up  n runnin, and seems to have solved the problem :)06:02
Toma-!info audacity06:04
ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.3-1build1 (gutsy), package size 2321 kB, installed size 6832 kB06:04
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LeeJunFanIs it just me or is openoffice broken in gutsy? It won't get past the splash screen for me, stops at 100% and consumes 100% cpu.07:48
jussi01LeeJunFan: sounds like it. file a bug ;)07:53
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loufoqueI just upgraded to gutsy and one of my hard disks is constantly making noise08:06
skyfalcon866is there a way to install the 2.6.22 kernel on a fiesty install08:06
loufoqueplus for some reason I can't even mount the single partition that's on it08:06
skyfalcon866from the gutsy disk08:06
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asisakloufoque: do you use UUID-s?08:11
asisakor you have another problem08:11
loufoqueasisak: the disk isn't even mounted08:12
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loufoquewhen I try to mount it, I get mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /media/test busy08:12
loufoqueand when I try to umount it, I get umount: /dev/sda1: not mounted08:13
loufoque/media/test is obviously not busy, I just created the directory08:13
loufoquethe biggest problem though, is the constant noise08:13
loufoqueit's extremely annoying08:13
mrsnoloufoque check with 'sudo mount' to see what is mounted08:13
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mrsnoand where08:14
DanaGArgh, I've been having issues with CD reading.08:14
loufoqueit is not mounted08:14
mrsnoi would be worried about the hd making noises though :o08:14
DanaGI thought my laptop CD drive was broken, because trying to 'dd' from it would give an error immediately.08:14
DanaGBut I booted Windows and it works.08:14
DanaG!info smartctl08:14
loufoqueI guess I'll just have to plug it out08:14
ubotuPackage smartctl does not exist in gutsy08:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smartmontools - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:15
DanaG!info smartmontools08:15
ubotusmartmontools: control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.37-5ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 280 kB, installed size 684 kB08:15
DanaGaah.  Third time's the charm.08:15
loufoquemy dmesg is full of08:16
loufoque[ 1025.686579]  device-mapper: table: 254:4: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed08:16
loufoque[ 1025.686957]  device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table08:16
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slimzhey, i just saw the digg of atlantis/screensaver, how do i get this for gutsy? it says compiz-fusion-plugins-extra is already newest, but i dont see it08:17
loufoquestopping udev stops the annoying sound08:18
loufoquelooks like I found the bug08:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115616 in evms "Device-mapper errors: dm-linear, lookup failed" [High,In progress] 08:18
Picislimz: Sounds like Gutsy's package isnt synced with the latest c-f svn/git08:18
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slimzPici, how would i go about gettingit?08:23
Picislimz: You'd have to download it from the opencompositing.org git and compile it yourself.08:24
slimzahh ok,thanks!08:24
slimzPici, maybe i should just wait :)08:26
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DanaGOh, if you don't use evms, you can / may remove it.08:27
slimzPici, i thought you can get just the plugin to compile,but you have to compile the whole thing08:28
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fwefeHi! Is it only me that cant install themefiles in new gutsy?08:44
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MacSlowGreetings everybody!08:53
jussi01hello MacSlow08:54
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lsprocI am unable to install Gutsy with update-manager in Feisty, the Update text never shows09:13
lsprocwhat should i do?09:17
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colourtuxHas anyone here been using Gibbon?10:00
asisakI guess most people here use Gutsy (as well)10:00
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colourtuxI have not have time to upgrade from KDapper. Feisty didnt like my graphics card so...10:02
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Picihmm. Did the update-manager notify icon get bigger or is it just my imagination?10:10
asisakPici: it got bigger10:11
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lsprocThe update manager will not see Gutsy even if i run with -d. How shall I get it to see it/upgrade10:19
johnnybuoyI am creating a .deb package at the moment10:23
johnnybuoyand I'm wondering what the way is to change the PATH of the system...10:24
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johnnybuoythe PATH environment variable, to be exact10:28
johnnybuoyI know it is not usually recommended to do so, but this is a special case10:28
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EnselicAre virtual consoles disabled in gutsy?10:51
Enselic(as in C-A-F1)10:51
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xorlOk, so I am trying to get down to this probably in the launchpad, issue with firefox/thunderbird/Flock, if they pop up a window they instantly lock up.11:04
xorlOr segfault down to term11:04
xorlah ha11:08
xorlGTK theme was incompatible11:11
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xorlah hah11:29
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xorlcurrent GTK platform is not compatible with themes from previous gutsy 7.0411:29
xorltested with 3 other themes, they lock up mozilla based products11:30
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scotthis anyone else seeing that notification popups are behaving weirdly12:09
asisakscotth: what do you mean?12:10
scotthlike I hover over the gnome-power-manager notification applet and I get nothing, but if I move away I get info about my battery that doesn't go away until I mouse over12:10
scotthsame thing happens to the music-applet and tomboy12:10
scotthits pretty annoying and I'm unsure where to look for a related bug report, much less where to file it12:11
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