
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty, #ubuntu+1 for gutsy support | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | TRIBE 3 RELEASED! \o/
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Hobbsee at Thu Jul 19 17:52:42 2007
=== #ubuntu-devel [freenode-info] if you need to send private messages, please register: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg
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Kanobtw fuse 2.7.0 is in sid now. please update gutsy too05:03
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Hobbsee...how often does google send legit emails to people, vs all the jobspam from people who *arent* google?06:35
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-devel
crimsunI don't believe I've ever received unsolicited email from Google.06:39
Hobbseei more meant people pretending to be google, who actually arent06:40
ajmitchgoogle will send *anyone* job spam06:40
ajmitchcrimsun: that is rather surprising06:40
Hobbseeajmitch: it's targeted.  ish.06:40
ajmitchHobbsee: I know06:41
=== xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-120-159.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdongHobbsee: good evening hobbsee. I am hajan, the deposed prince of nigeria.06:45
=== StevenK scoffs
jdongHobbsee: I need your help getting $60,000 out of the country. I'd like to deposit it in your bank account but first need you to wire me $100USD to ensure that it works.06:46
Hobbseejdong: hahaha06:46
jdonglol :)06:46
=== j_ack [n=j_ack@p508D8243.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Hobbseesome woman in adelaide actually fell for that recently  30K06:47
jdongreading my spam folder is NOT a healthy habit :D06:47
jdongHobbsee: that's NOTHING06:47
jdongHobbsee: the US apparently records like $15million a year in money lost to the nigerian scams...06:47
jdongHobbsee: that statistic amazes me06:47
Hobbseejdong: yeah...but by one person?06:47
jdongand worst... it's probably those philanthropic older generation people who are falling for this stuff06:48
jdongHobbsee: haha, not by one person :)06:48
Hobbseeyeah - that was by one person, which is why i was so surprised06:49
jdongHobbsee: ouch that sucks... and once that money is gone, it's gone.06:49
jsgotangcojdong: i've witnessed that too in a former workplace...never asked us before they proceeded06:51
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calcHobbsee: hi :)07:21
Hobbseeheya calc!07:22
Hobbseecalc: how's it going?07:22
calcHobbsee: pretty well07:22
Hobbseecalc: is married life fun?07:22
calcHobbsee: got married last saturday07:22
Hobbseei know :07:22
Hobbsee* :)07:22
calcHobbsee: ah ok07:23
calcHobbsee: merging bits of ooo 2.3 so i can upload it eventually07:23
TheMusocalc: Yet you're not on your honeymoon07:23
calcTheMuso: no vacation time available yet07:23
Hobbseecalc: ahhh07:24
calcwe went off for the weekend, going on a cruise next year when i have some time available07:24
Hobbseeyeah, working a new job probably isnt helpful for leave07:24
ajmitchcalc: oh, congrats & all :)07:25
calcajmitch: thanks :)07:25
=== calc been merging some ubuntu stuff back into debian ooo bzr
calchopefully rene doesn't get annoyed, heh07:26
StevenKcalc: When is OO.o 2.4 due?07:26
ajmitcha debian developer, getting annoyed by ubuntu changes? never...07:26
calcStevenK: next spring07:26
HobbseeStevenK: soon after he manages to get oo.o 2.3 built.07:26
calcStevenK: we are planning to just use 2.3.1 in ubuntu+107:27
calcso that the LTS doesn't have a potentially buggy version07:27
calcor at least less buggy than usual07:27
StevenKAh, so 2.3 isn't a development release?07:27
calcat least not that i know of07:27
calci think 2.1 just got skipped due to the timing of releases07:28
calc2.1 dec06 2.2 mar0707:28
StevenKAh. They decided in December to bin 2.1 and aim for 2.2 in March07:29
calc2.3 sep07 2.4 mar08 3.0 sep0807:29
calcStevenK: oh ok, didn't know about that07:30
calcso we will end up skipping 2.407:30
calcgutsy 2.3.0 gutsy+1 2.3.1 gutsy+2 3.0 is what i am planning on so far07:30
StevenKcalc: That was a guess, sorry07:30
calcStevenK: ah well i don't know anything about 2.1 other than that we skipped it for ubuntu afaik07:33
calcStevenK: so you know as much as me about that ;)07:33
=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiGood morning07:35
=== Hobbsee hugs pitti
=== pitti hugs Hobbsee back
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StevenKpiMorning pitti!07:37
pittihey StevenK07:38
StevenKpitti: Can you give back gabber on all arches again?07:38
=== StevenK has fixed libglade, so it should actually build this time.
pittiStevenK: done07:38
StevenKpitti: Thanks.07:38
=== StevenK grumbles about gnome-config
brycewhat does "give back" mean?07:39
pittibryce: try again to build a package if it failed previously07:40
=== Hobbsee wonders when ooo, etc, will be fixed
StevenKHobbsee: RSN :-P07:45
HobbseeStevenK: i hearby voluntell you to fix it.07:46
ajmitchmorning pitti07:47
pittihey ajmitch07:47
StevenKpitti: Would you mind terribly running checkrdepends on drescher for libdb3{,-dev}?07:49
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pittiStevenK: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/db3-rdepends.txt07:52
StevenKpitti: Thanks!07:52
pittiStevenK: thanks to you!07:52
StevenKHrm, no build depends on libdb3-dev.07:53
StevenKAnd a *whole* bunch of libdb3 rdepends. Enough that I don't really want to touch them, it being ~ 53 packages.07:54
pittiStevenK: a lot of those packages look like totally unrelated to libdb307:56
pittiStevenK: it seems that the libtool disease is at fault here07:56
pitti(promoting dependencies to transitive dependencies)07:56
pittiI bet that a lot of packages won't depend on any libdb any more with -Wl,--as-needed07:57
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StevenKWell, do we want to look at killing libdb3 completly for Gutsy?07:57
pittiStevenK: while it would be a nice target, I don't think that we should waste much developer time on it TBH07:57
pittiStevenK: it'll happen in Debian eventually anyway07:57
pittiand us doing the transition in Ubuntu won't even help Debian (much, at least)07:58
=== StevenK nods.
StevenKpitti: I was curious to see how much did depend on libdb3.07:59
StevenKOh, gah07:59
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54955DA4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
StevenKgabber fails again.08:01
pittibryce: requestsponsor> oh, I didn't touch that for a looong time08:02
pittibryce: and in fact I should rewrite it to use proper attachments instead of pasting the diff into the description (LP allows this now)08:03
brycepitti: ahh.  I thought it was new08:04
pittibryce: replied to your mail with more details08:05
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-16-199.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittihi thekorn08:06
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thekornhi ptti08:09
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Hobbseeguten morgen, mvo09:09
mvohey Hobbsee09:09
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=== Hobbsee beats mvo over the head with the apt bug, as requested.
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Hobbseemvo: :)09:09
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=== mvo understands a hint when he sees one and goes to fix that apt issue
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Hobbseemvo: well, in truth, i was going to say hello to you anyway, but that was too good an opportunity to give up.  do you want the number?09:10
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mvoHobbsee: if you have it at hand, but I remember what the issue was I think09:13
Hobbseemvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/12592809:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125928 in ubuntu-restricted-extras "Recommends in main "metapackages" get installed, but not universe "metapackages"" [Medium,Fix released] 09:14
Hobbseeubotu isnt very smart, when it comes to the same bug effecting multiple products.09:14
=== cs02rm0 [n=rich@adsl-87-102-92-180.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvothanks Hobbsee09:15
Hobbseemvo: no problem.  thanks in advance for fixing.09:15
=== mvo prepares a cup of tea to prepare
desrtmvo; too much preparation09:16
desrtmvo; tea isn't something you can think too much about.  it ruins it.  you just have to feel it.09:17
pittiNafallo: bug 127836 approved09:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127836 in bacula "[SRU]  bacula-director-pgsql not installable" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12783609:17
pittidesrt! *hug*09:17
desrthello hobbsee, pitti09:17
desrtpitti; missed you at guadec :(09:17
=== desrt is currently experiencing a 3am inability to sleep
=== vciaglia [n=vciaglia@host82-19-dynamic.11-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mvodesrt: friendly-recovery got in :)09:24
desrtmvo; nice.  upstart glue yet?09:24
mvodesrt: haven't really checked, but it magically worked for me (installing the pkg was enough), so I guess yes09:25
mvosome more plugins and i18n and it rocks the boat09:26
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desrtahh.. i18n09:26
desrtcan you i18nify shellscript? :)09:26
desrtgettext(1).  nice.09:26
mvoI have never writen a POTFILE.in with shell in it, I'm curious :)09:27
mvodesrt: https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/friendly-recovery/ubuntu (just fyi)09:28
desrthow bizarre....09:28
desrt(ha ha ha.  i crack me up.)09:28
StevenKdesrt: Booo, hiss09:28
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Nafallopitti: thanks :-)10:43
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Tonio_seb128: ping ?10:54
seb128Tonio_: pong10:55
Tonio_seb128: hi ;) sorry for bugging you but I have a little packaging question...10:55
Tonio_seb128: in a cdbs packaging how would you perform something before patches are applied ?10:55
Tonio_seb128: easy to perform a post-patches or makebuilddir thing, but nothing comes to my mind for "pre-patches" task10:56
pittiTonio_: pre-build::10:56
Tonio_pitti: does that exist ?10:56
pittiTonio_: yeah, see /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/buildcore.mk10:56
pitti# This target is called before almost anything else happens.  It's a good place10:56
pitti# to do stuff like unpack extra source tarballs, apply patches, and stuff.10:56
Tonio_pitti: oki, cdbs doc misses infos on that point10:56
seb128Tonio_: what pitti said ;)10:57
Tonio_seb128: yeah, I was just lost since there is almost no doc on that point10:57
seb128just curious what do you need to do before applying the patches?10:57
seb128yeah, better to read the source with cdbs sometimes10:57
Tonio_seb128: in fact knetworkmanager was released without the famous admin/ dir10:58
Tonio_so mbiebl copies it from a kapptemplate builddep10:59
Tonio_seb128: the point is that he copies the files within post-patches10:59
Tonio_seb128: and we have to patch admin/ for rosetta :)10:59
Tonio_seb128: weird, I know, but that's what I have to in that very specific context..... the issue is btw upstream, they should provide that admin/ dir10:59
seb128Tonio_: I would just edit admin directly and get the changes in the diff.gz11:00
siretartasac: re bug #121439 with 'toggling' the rf-switch, we meen switch it off and on11:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 121439 in network-manager "[Gutsy] Network Manager Applet can't connect wireless with ipw3945 driver" [High,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12143911:01
Tonio_seb128: I would have done that that way, but I want to stay sync with debian :)11:01
asacsiretart: how?11:03
siretartasac: what do you mean with 'how'? by turning it on and off11:06
siretartasac: there is a little slider on the front of my notebook, I switch it to the left and then to the right11:06
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asacah ... ok11:10
asacnothing i can do then :)11:10
asacsiretart: are you on feisty?11:10
siretartasac: no, I'm on gutsy11:11
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asacsiretart: can you summarize your behaviour? open-network doesn't work, while wpa does?11:14
asacsiretart: sorry ... but the bug is pretty busted by lots of different symptoms claimed11:14
siretartasac: right11:15
siretartasac: there are in fact several bugs here11:15
siretartasac: let me explain how I connect to my home wifi11:15
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siretartasac: NM tries to connect to my AP, it takes several secs. In this timeframe, I need to toggle the switch11:16
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siretartasac: then I get a dialog presented to enter my password. I say cancel here11:16
siretartasac: then I try again to connect, this time it works, but disconnects after 0.5 seks11:16
siretartasac: then I select my home network a third time, then I have a connection11:17
asacsiretart: wpa?11:17
siretartasac: and I can reproduce this behavior since about 3 weeks11:17
siretartasac: yes, this is a WPA2 secured network11:17
asacright ... lets try to figure this out11:17
asacsiretart: ok11:17
siretartwith open networks, I only get the 2nd bug11:17
asaccan you post a log in pastebin?11:17
siretartwhich was reported seperately11:17
Amaranthdude i gave up on wpa2 and switched to WEP11:18
asacok lets go for wpa first11:18
Amaranthfigure no one here will be able to get in anyway and i didn't want to mess with wpa_supplicant11:18
siretartasac: the 2nd bug is pretty well described in #12470611:18
siretartbug #12470611:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124706 in network-manager "NM sometimes drops connection before associating, logfile says assertion `dev != NULL' failed " [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12470611:19
asacsiretart: you have a log for wpa?11:19
siretartyes, but its rather long, and I'd rather pass it to you privately via email11:20
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asacsiretart: for wpa: are you asked for passphrase?11:21
asacsiretart: how long does it take until wpa_supplicant/nm gives up?11:22
siretartasac: I guess about 10 seconds11:22
asacdoes it fall back to wired then?11:23
asacsiretart: ok ... can you see if wpa_supplicant tries ap_scan 2 ?11:23
siretartit doesn't fall back to wired, since there I have no wired connected11:23
siretartI sent you the log11:23
siretartasac: btw, network manager gives wpa_supplicant the AP_SCAN 1 command11:25
=== dexem [n=dani@14.Red-88-26-177.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
asaccan you test without going offline in irc?11:25
siretartasac: I suspect I'm presented the dialog because wpa_supplicant didn't associate within some timeout, so nm assumes the key was wrong and asks for a new key. it would help if the dialog would indicate that11:26
siretartasac: I'm at work, and have no wireless here11:26
asaclet me wait for the log11:26
siretartI sent it to asac@u.c11:27
asacnow got it11:27
siretartasac: the log starts when I got home. The 131.188 ips are my 'universitary' ips, avahi does recognize at once that I'm now at home11:28
siretartasac: my home ips start with '192.168...'11:29
asacasisak: at first you got an ip?11:29
asacJul 25 21:42:50 faui44a NetworkManager: <info>    address 192.168....11:30
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-8-182.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
asisakasac: I don't use n-m11:30
asacsorry siretart ^^11:31
siretartasac: that is step 3 I outlined above. yes11:31
asacsiretart: i don't see that eth1 is torn down in logs11:32
asacsiretart: looks like its still up with that ip11:32
siretartasac: the applet told me something else11:32
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asacsiretart: ok ... i think we have to test this by using wpa supplicant manually11:36
siretartasac: when I use wpasupplicant manually, everything works like expected11:37
siretartasac: I'm out for lunch now, I'll ping you when I'm back11:37
asacsiretart: what do you mean by manually?11:37
asacconfig ?11:37
asaci mean by using wpa_cli11:37
asacand just inject the commands that nm sends to it11:37
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iwjseb128: Are you about ?  Would you have time now to talk about my gtk+ problem ?11:54
seb128iwj: hey. Yes, I have. I asked you for details yesterday but you didn't reply (or I didn't read it) ;)11:55
iwjYes, I didn't reply yet.11:55
iwjSo: this is for consistent-login-screen.  One thing I'm doing is having gdm prompt for user/pass and then when accepted, start a new X server with the session in it.11:56
iwjThe original X server goes back to the login screen.11:56
iwjThis all works fine so far except that the gdm greeter issues the gdm login prompt slave with an endless series of blank usernames and blank passwords.11:57
iwjThis only happens _while the login X server is not current_.11:57
iwjThat is, if you switch back to the original VC manually it all works fine.11:58
iwjI tore my hair out and added lots of debugging code and I think what is happening is that the switched-away-from X server doesn't generate the key up event for the return key.11:58
iwjAnd in the meantime gtk+ synthesises a whole bunch of autorepeats.11:58
=== cs02rm0 [n=rich@adsl-87-102-92-180.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu-devel
iwjMy questions are: is this plausible ?  And what would be the best way to deal with it ?12:00
iwjMy debugging code shows a lot of   Jul 25 17:36:00 samual15 gdmgreeter[15083] : DEBUG: iwj KEY_PRESS 65293 (state=0x0)12:01
iwjwhich is what you see when return is pressed.12:01
seb128hum, so that happens when you press enter to validate the password?12:03
seb128the VT is switched and it keeps sending key pressed event on the username,password entry?12:03
iwjWell, there is a continuous stream of these key pressed events.12:04
iwjI don't know for sure where they're coming from.12:04
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seb128do you have a callback attached and to what signal?12:05
Amaranthcouldn't you just wait for a key up event before doing the vt switch?12:05
iwjAmaranth: There are (at least) three processes involved.12:06
iwjThe original code has firstly a callback attached to `activation' of the text entry field.12:06
Amaranthyay overdramatic security12:06
iwjNo, just a complicated job best done in several pieces.12:06
iwjAnd secondly it has an event hook which does some massaging of incoming events, for example to map button 3 to button 1.12:07
seb128iwj: does your callback return TRUE to indicate that the event has been handled?12:07
iwjIt's not my callback.12:07
iwjIt was there to start with.12:07
Amaranthi thought TRUE meant 'pass through to another handler'12:07
seb128Amaranth: http://www.gtk.org/tutorial/x1812.html12:08
iwjI haven't changed the greeter (which is what's malfunctioning) at all.12:08
seb128hum, k12:09
iwjWell, I have now, because I've filled it full of printfs.  But apart from that :-).12:09
mvoiwj: when you recive the final newline, can you try "whilte gtk_events_pending() gtk_main_iteration(); "?12:09
seb128I don't know, it's possible that the key release event goes to the wrong screen12:09
Amaranthseb128: oh, pygtk must flip it12:09
seb128but that would be weird12:09
Amaranthor i've been in compiz and web stuff too long to remember :)12:09
seb128Amaranth: that would be a stange idea from them do that12:10
iwjseb128: Err, quite possibly but I think not because the repeating stops when I switch VC back.12:10
iwjI think the key up event is just delayed.12:10
iwjThat is the key up X event.12:10
iwjDoes gtk+ synthesize autorepeat itself ?12:10
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seb128not sure what you can do out of waiting for the key release event before switching then12:10
seb128not that I know, no12:11
cjwatson_Amaranth: pygtk doesn't flip it. http://www.pygtk.org/pygtk2tutorial/sec-Events.html12:11
seb128Amaranth, mvo: will compiz work on the second X server?12:12
Amaranthseb128: not at all12:12
iwjJoy.  I straced the X server to see if it was generating these events and it's wedged.12:12
Amaranthnot for a few more years, at least12:12
mvoand it will not in the near future from all I understand12:12
seb128iwj: you have started on it now but I don't think working on it is really useful12:12
seb128iwj: compiz will be on by default and only works on the first server12:12
mvoiwj: could you try that event-processing thing before switching? I'm curious if that helps12:13
iwjseb128: !12:13
seb128gdm is being rewritten upstream to use gobject12:13
Amaranthiwj: DRI is awesome, no?12:13
iwjWhat's gobject got to do with it ?12:13
seb128and fast user switching using consolekit (what FC7 did) works quite fine (don't have to enter a password twice, etc) ... you just have the flickering on VT switch12:13
seb128iwj: basically they rewritte most of the gdm internals12:14
Amaranththis is why i liked the Xgl/Xnest idea :)12:14
iwjseb128: Oh errm.12:14
seb128which means the modifications we do will need to be done again next cycle12:14
iwjNice to discover this now :-/12:14
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Amaranthseb128: afaik it's already done12:14
seb128they talked about it at GUADEC12:14
Amaranthgdm3 branch in svn seemed quite complete12:15
seb128Amaranth: it's not planned for this cycle and I didn't know there was so much changes12:15
Amaranthfrom what i understood it already worked in some form12:15
iwjMy changes to gdm are relatively small but if they're completely overhauling the innards (which need it!) then I'm at the very least working on the wrong branch.12:15
Amaranthprobably not feature complete compared to gdm2 and such though12:15
iwjseb128: What's consolekit ?12:16
Amaranthiwj: session management stuff12:16
seb128iwj: apt-cache show consolekit12:16
Amaranth!info consolekit gutsy12:16
ubotuPackage consolekit does not exist in gutsy12:16
=== Amaranth is lazy
iwjseb128: And in gutsy+1 this will work with the then-prevailing gdm ?12:16
seb128Amaranth: I've synced it from Debian yesterday, might not be uptodate12:16
iwjAmaranth: universe12:16
Amaranthseb128: should find the slides :)12:17
Amaranthiwj: nah, ubotu is just slow to update (once a week or something)12:17
seb128iwj: well, using consolekit will work in gutsy, FC7 already uses it and the code landed to GNOME upstream, it solves the "having to enter several times your password" and other usuability issues12:17
seb128it doesn't solve the "flicker and it ugly"12:17
iwjThe point of consistent-login-screen was to get rid of the hideous useability problems.12:17
iwjNot that I'm really keen on a dbus-based answer.12:18
iwjCont pp.94 etc.12:18
seb128I did point you to the fedora spec when we discussed xgl some weeks ago I think, that's basically that they implemented12:18
seb128I've seen it working at GUADEC, it works nicely12:18
iwjImplemented in the last few weeks ?12:18
seb128not to mention that the current Ubuntu spec way conflicts with compiz since compiz will no work on the second xorg server12:19
seb128iwj: for fedora 7, not sure for how long it's available, a few weeks now I think12:19
Amaranthfedora 7 came out in may, iirc12:19
iwjDo you reckon we should try to push consolekit into gutsy instead ?12:20
Amaranththat's when i started getting swamped with dupes of a crash for alacarte12:20
iwjI mean, gutsy main installed-by-default.12:20
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seb128iwj: yes, I asked pitti to have a look yesterday12:20
iwjpitty: ^12:20
seb128to know if he consider it sane to use12:20
pittiI didn't look yet12:21
iwjWait a moment, if consolekit does it with VC switching then how does it solve the `compiz on first server only' problem ?12:21
iwjpitti: OK, I can.12:21
Amaranthiwj: it doesn't12:21
Amaranthiwj: only Xgl solves that one12:21
seb128iwj: it doesn't, only the first user will have compiz12:21
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cjwatsonI can understand why you can only have compiz on *one* server12:21
iwjBut doesn't it also do a VC switch between login screen and actual session ?12:21
Amaranthcjwatson: the first server to come up grabs the dri/drm lock for itself12:22
cjwatsonwhy does it have to be the *first* one? assuming that gdm isn't using DRI that is12:22
cjwatsonoh, it's at the server level? ok12:22
seb128iwj: it's pretty much the current way, the switching logic is better only12:22
iwjThe current code in gdm is a bit of a mess.12:22
seb128iwj: I don't think gdm keeps using a VT, no12:22
Amaranthi suppose you could have a custom xorg.conf that disables DRI for the gdm server12:22
iwjseb128: Hmm.  Not sure I approve of the lack of trusted path but I don't want to swim upstream.12:22
Amaranthbut then only the _second_ server will be able to use compiz, even if they actually use metacity or ratpoison12:23
cjwatsonAmaranth: right, that would be no worse than the current situation though12:23
Amaranthcjwatson: sure12:23
iwjseb128: So since you're being a mine of information (thanks!) do you happen to know whether Xephyr is at all useful ?12:24
StevenKinfinity: Ping, re: libnss-db12:24
iwjI mean, is it any good.12:24
iwjI tried it but it died and I didn't bother debugging it.12:24
Amaranthiwj: hey i think xephyr can do glx12:24
iwjAmaranth: That's why I'm asking :-).12:24
Amaranthwith this new aiglx magic12:24
seb128iwj: dunno about it12:24
iwjseb128: OK.12:24
infinityStevenK: pongish.. I'll look at it later tonight, after I've done some lpia and random IS work.12:24
Amaranthi saw something on the xorg list about it yesterday12:24
StevenKinfinity: Okay, cool12:25
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Amaranthi know it can do Render, not sure about Composite12:25
iwjAmaranth: There shouldn't be any difficulty in principle.12:26
iwjThe question is really code quality.12:26
Amaranthwell, i think keithp wrote it12:26
Amaranthand everyone seems to think it's so great they pretend xnest doesn't exist anymore ;)12:26
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Amaranthiwj: "Unlike Xnest it supports modern X extensions ( even if host server doesn't ) such as Composite, Damage, randr etc."12:31
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iwjOh, bloody hell.12:32
iwjDid I mess much ?12:32
Amaranthiwj: "Unlike Xnest it supports modern X extensions ( even if host server doesn't ) such as Composite, Damage, randr etc."12:33
Amaranthglx doesn't seem to work though :/12:33
seb128Amaranth: gdmflexiserver --xnest user xephyr now when available12:35
seb128I just tried, compiz doesn't start in it12:35
seb128"Checking for Xgl: not present."12:35
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cjwatsoncompiz 1:0.5.1+git20070725-0ubuntu1 produces uninstallable binaries: * compiz (amd64 i386)12:35
cjwatsonhmm, that can't be good12:35
seb128cjwatson: weird, I've this version installed12:36
cjwatsonit's the CD health checks12:36
seb128I depends on compiz-fusion-plugins-extra again12:37
seb128which is in universe12:37
seb128dholbach fixed it for tribe-312:37
cjwatsonhas anyone done a MIR for that yet?12:37
seb128maybe he didn't commit to bzr?12:37
cjwatsonI'd rather promote it if we need it than kill the dep12:37
seb128mvo: did you revert the change on purpose?12:37
seb128cjwatson: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportCompizFusionPluginsExtra12:37
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cjwatsonpitti,iwj: could somebody review the above?12:39
mvo_seb128: yes12:39
pittiyes, can do12:39
iwjpitti: You do that, I'll take a look at consolekit.12:41
iwjFirst I think I need a cup of tea.12:41
=== StevenK kicks gabber.
pittiiwj: ok, thanks12:42
pittiStevenK: still no build love?12:42
pittiiwj: I'll have a look at CK, too; such kind of software deserves may eyes12:43
mvo_seb128, pitti: hm, looking at this again we may not need it in main afterall, -extra was required for trailfocus, but we decided to not use trailfocus later12:43
StevenKpitti: Right. I've reproduced it locally, too.12:43
StevenKlibtool: link: cannot find the library `/usr/lib/libdb3.la' or unhandled argument `/usr/lib/libdb3.la'12:43
StevenKSure, I know exactly why you can't find it. But why are you even looking!?12:43
iwjpitti: Sure.12:43
seb128StevenK: grep "libdb3.la" /usr/lib/*.la12:43
pittiStevenK: ah :) "KILL ALL .la FILES! KILL'EM, KILL'EM!"12:43
mvo_seb128, pitti: crap, sorry. extrawm is required for stickiness of wndows12:43
iwjI was going to actually install it here and give it a run for its money.12:43
mvo_seb128, pitti: so we need it afterall12:44
=== mvo_ runs for lunch before he confuses even more people
seb128hum, lunch12:44
seb128good idea ;)12:44
=== mvo_ hugs seb128 pitti and runs off
pittimvo_: looks easy enough12:44
=== StevenK does a build in pbuilder so he gets a shell on build failure.
=== seb128 hugs mvo_
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Amaranthiwj: apparently glx in xephyr is a compile-time option12:49
pittiseb128: since last dist-upgrade, gdm doesn't load the default theme any more and complains about not finding  some debian/moreblue thing; instead I get the blue theme with the flower12:49
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iwjAmaranth: Shouldn't we just enable it ?12:50
seb128pitti: please open a bug, I merged with Debian and that was not trivial (we had a different packaging for some cycle)12:50
Amaranthiwj: indeed12:50
seb128pitti: I made have made some mistakes12:50
pittiseb128: ok, I'll do that; thank you!12:51
seb128you're welcome12:51
seb128anyway, lunch time, be back later12:51
Amaranthiwj: if i can figure out how :)12:52
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StevenKpitti: Right, -ldb-3 and /usr/lib/libdb3.la appear in both /usr/lib/libglade-gnome.la and /usr/lib/libgnomemm.la01:06
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StevenKpitti: At this point I'd like to add "Bloody libtool!"01:07
pittiStevenK: evil :/01:07
pittiStevenK: yeah, I think those la files contribute a lot to the superfluous dependencies we have in Debian/Ubuntu01:07
iwjpitti: consolekit seems to like having a secret in your environment.01:07
siretartasac: by manually I mean by using /etc/network/interfaces, which also uses nothing else than wpa_cli to configure wpa_supplicant01:07
iwjI haven't figured out what the secret can be used for yet but I'm not sanguine.01:08
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StevenKpitti: Re-upload gnomemm (whatever package it's in) and glade removing the .la files?01:08
Amaranthiwj: all it'll get you is a nice mute signal when the session changes01:08
Amaranthor some other sort of pause01:08
pittiStevenK: ywah01:08
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pittiStevenK: s/w/e/01:09
StevenKBloody libtool!01:09
iwjAmaranth: So why is it described as a secret then ?  That sounds harmless.01:09
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Amaranthiwj: it's just a unique identifier01:09
StevenKpitti: Do you think I can move gnomemm and glade to cmake from autotools in Ubuntu changes? :-P01:10
Amarantha way of figuring out what processes belong to what session01:10
cjwatsonAmaranth: what could you do by pretending to belong to a different session?01:10
Amaranthcjwatson: like i said, get yourself paused somehow (or unpaused, i suppose)01:10
cjwatsonwhat does "paused" mean in this context01:11
Amaranththe idea is when you switch to another user either your sound will get muted or apps playing video/audio will get some sort of signal to pause their playback01:11
pittiStevenK: isn't it enough to just remove the .la from debian/*.install?01:12
Amaranthi don't think that part is actually implemented yet though01:12
pittiStevenK: I wouldn't worry about the packaging a lot01:12
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Amaranthand i suppose if you got the kernel involved you could increase the priority for the current session (scheduling-wise) and then an app could hog your CPU changing it's cookie to match the current session01:13
Amaranthbut as of right now another app faking it's in your session doesn't give it anything01:13
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iwjI see.01:15
StevenKpitti: Apparently, libglade doesn't have any *.la files in the source01:16
pittiStevenK: they are generated during build01:16
StevenKAnd no debian/*.install01:17
=== StevenK digs in debian/rules
iwjAmaranth: Looking at the code I think you are probably right but it shouldn't be described as a secret.01:18
StevenKAh ha, it uses dh_movefiles.01:18
iwjIndeed there's special code to check the calling uid in some cases.01:18
=== pitti grumbles about so many ImportErrors from python programs; I wish python-{central,support} wouldn't break python modules on every upgrade
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StevenKpitti:   * Stop the .la files being installed while I'm at it. If I find the libtool authors ...01:20
Amaranthiwj: yeah, secret is the wrong word, it's just a cookie01:20
pittiStevenK: heh01:20
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iwjseb128: So this FC7 consolekit demo involved their new gdm ?01:28
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StevenKC'mon gabber, you want to build sucessfully this time.01:36
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StevenKMainly because I'm sick of fixing things you Build-Depend on.01:36
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StevenKSigh. Looks like gnomemm needs fixing too.01:47
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gesermvo_: as you seem to deal with compiz: is there a way to make emerald the default window decorator for me?02:10
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cjwatsonRiddell: kdesudo> note that ubiquity will need changed to use kdesudo rather than kdesu02:28
Riddellcjwatson: our kdesudo package currently does dpkg-divert to take over /usr/bin/kdesu02:31
RiddellI'm not convinced its the best approach but kdelibs seems to have "kdesu" hardcoded in various places02:31
cjwatsonoh, it provides the same options?02:31
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Riddellcjwatson: yes, we've been working on it so it now provides the exact same command line options as kdesu02:32
Riddellbut without the excessive complexity and asking for passwords when it doesn't need it02:32
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=== Hobbsee waves
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geserHi Hobbsee02:36
iwjRiddell: diversion doesn't sound like too silly an idea then.02:36
StevenKpitti: New libglade and gnomemm uploaded. I've confirmed locally that fixing those two makes gabber actually build.02:37
pittiStevenK: you rock :)02:37
pittiStevenK: but really, once that's done, maybe just stop worrying about libdb3; it'll sort itself out eventually, and it's not actually prone to a lot of vulnerabilities and such02:38
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StevenKpitti: I was planning on. :-)02:38
StevenKpitti: I was going to polish off libapache2-mod-auth-plain, and then upload libapache2-mod-auth-pam and libapache2-mod-auth-plain, which will drop yada main reverse Build-Depends to one.02:39
Hobbseehas someone managed to fix openoffice and friends breaking?02:39
mvo_geser: try setting /apps/desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default to emerlad02:39
=== Hobbsee hugs mvo_
StevenKpitti: None if infinity approves of my libnss-db repackaging. *hint*02:40
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=== Hobbsee wonders why gnumeric doesnt cope with .odt
Hobbseesorry, .ods02:44
cjwatsonmvo_: have you had a chance to look at bug 71483? an acquaintance of mine was asking about it last night02:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 71483 in gxine "xine breaks dapper -> edgy dist-upgrade on xubuntu" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/7148302:44
mvo_cjwatson: let me check02:45
=== mvo_ hugs Hobbsee
Hobbseemvo_: thankyou for the bugfix :)02:45
seb128Hobbsee: what breakage? the one which is likely due to GTK?02:48
Hobbseeseb128: whatever makes it not start.02:48
Hobbsee(process:10828): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.13.7/gobject/gtype.c:2242: initialization assertion failed, use IA__g_type_init() prior to this function02:48
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Hobbsee(process:10828): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed02:48
Hobbsee(process:10828): Gdk-CRITICAL **: gdk_screen_get_font_options: assertion `GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed02:48
Hobbseeseb128: ^02:48
seb128iwj: no, the consolekit code is in the current gdm, the rewrital is likely coming next cycle02:49
seb128Hobbsee: not yet, ETOOMANYBUGS02:49
seb128Hobbsee: I've fixed the glib2.0 bug which was screwing sparc though ;)02:50
StevenKseb128: What about a mass giveback once it publishes?02:50
Hobbseeseb128: that's a start :)02:50
Hobbseeseb128: working spreadsheets would be nice too though - who runs a sparc anyway?  :P02:51
seb128StevenK: already done some hours ago the mass giveback02:51
=== Hobbsee ducks
StevenKseb128: Cool02:51
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StevenKseb128: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8571844/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-sparc.gnucash_2.0.5-1.1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ; is that due to fallout?02:52
iwjseb128: Oh.  OK, I'll try to look where to turn it on then.02:53
seb128StevenK: "fallout"?02:53
seb128iwj: in gdm/debian/rules, change the --with-console-kit=no02:54
StevenKseb128: Something that failed to build earlier not getting published before the build of gnucash was attempted.02:54
iwjSo I see.02:54
seb128StevenK: I think libgnomecanvas needs to be build before, maybe some other libs as well right02:54
asisakmaybe libgsf, libgoffice (maybe not for gnucash but for other packages)02:55
seb128iwj: gnome-screensaver also have code to use consolekit, I think you don't need to rebuilt this one, it's using dbus at runtime02:55
StevenKseb128: Which built 2 hours ago, with gnucash being attempted 3 hours ago. Would you mind giving it back on sparc only, and we'll see if it copes now?02:56
seb128StevenK: I'm not buildd admin, ask pitti doko infinity02:56
TheMusoIf anybody could be so kind as to review/upload a new espeak package, as reported in bug 128137, that would be great.02:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128137 in espeak "Please upload new upstream release of espeak." [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12813702:56
MithrandirStevenK: given-back02:56
StevenKAh, right.02:56
StevenKMithrandir: Thanks02:56
seb128or Mithrandir ;)02:56
iwjseb128: Ta.  I'll let you know how I get on.02:56
seb128iwj: np, thanks02:57
StevenKMithrandir: Do you have a hilight on 'give back' or something? :-)02:57
MithrandirStevenK: no, but I'm waiting for my slow mail server to get off its lazy backsiden02:57
StevenKMy slow mail server needs a good hard Ubuntu install.02:57
StevenKI wish I could do the same to my webserver, but it's an EV5.02:58
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Riddellcjwatson: I've been playing with adding an edubuntu-desktop-kde seed inside the edubuntu seeds, but since it probably just wants to extend kubuntu-desktop I'm wondering if it might be better to do it within the kubuntu seeds and depend on kubuntu-desktop in the normal seed way03:05
Riddellcjwatson: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/edubuntu-seed.diff http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/edubuntu-meta.debdiff03:05
cjwatsonit's an awkward case because it's at the intersection of both03:06
cjwatsonI think on balance though it's better to have it in the Edubuntu seeds because the CD images would be built as Edubuntu03:07
cjwatsondepending on kubuntu-desktop there is interesting. Will that do the right thing with Recommends? I suspect possibly not03:07
cjwatsonwould be worth running germinate over that to test03:08
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RiddellI don't plan on having any CD images, that's too much work03:10
Riddellpackage it makes looks like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31393/03:10
Riddellwhich doesn't look like the right thing for recommends03:10
cjwatsonthat looks OK, it Depends: kubuntu-desktop which Recommends: the rest and is in Section: metapackages03:12
cjwatsonI was thinking more about what germinate would think for task generation though03:12
cjwatsonbut if the only goal is a metapackage then your solution should work03:12
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cjwatsonsomewhere at the back of my mind is figuring out how to express relationships between seeds in different flavours of Ubuntu03:13
cjwatsonI've been wondering whether it might be better just to merge all the seeds into one big branch and use subdirectories for flavour-specific seeds03:14
cjwatsonthen you could say edubuntu/desktop-kde: kubuntu/desktop03:14
cjwatsonmight be possible to speed up the archive's cron.daily by doing that, too, since it takes a while to run germinate at the end for all flavours and all architectures03:15
cjwatsonand would save some of the seed merging work we have to do03:15
cjwatsonbut would make it harder to view edubuntu/desktop as a branch of ubuntu/desktop03:15
Riddellhow would I find out what germinate does to the tasks?03:16
cjwatsonrun germinate on your seeds (see its man page), and look at the resulting 'desktop-kde' file03:16
cjwatsonyou'll want to run it in a scratch subdirectory03:16
cjwatsonit spits everything out to the cwd03:16
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iwjseb128: Well, it doesn't seem to work perfectly for me.03:26
iwjIt's a bit tricky because I seem to have some other problem with this machine.03:26
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seb128iwj: what doesn't work correctly?03:26
iwjI managed to get it to get stuck on a black screen just by switching back and forth between two users.03:27
iwjI'm going to try to reproduce it.03:27
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iwjNow I can't even get a prompt logout dialogue.03:29
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Riddellcjwatson: seems sane to me http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/edubuntu-germinate/desktop-kde03:32
cjwatsonRiddell: right, that's missing recommends - you'll note it e.g. doesn't include bluez-utils03:33
cjwatsonmissing transient recommends from kubuntu-desktop, I mean03:33
cjwatsonin practice it'll probably be OK as long as you don't need tasks, it's just something to note03:33
cjwatsonmaybe a workaround would be to have germinate honour recommends from section: metapackages03:34
Riddellogra's at ubuntu live isn't he?03:34
cjwatsonrather a hack though ...03:34
=== cjwatson thought ubuntu live was finished, but he might well be travelling home
Riddellwonder if I should check it with him first before committing, or commit before he has a chance to complain :)03:34
=== cjwatson doubts he'll be all that bothered ...
cjwatsonI think your diff earlier forgot to make edubuntu supported inherit from desktop-kde03:35
cjwatson(makes a difference to anastacia et al)03:35
Riddellright, I'll add that03:35
Hobbseemvo_: assuming you know, but compiz still falls over with kde, even with your change.03:38
Hobbseemvo_: oh wait, i think i still need to run compiz --replace03:39
thommvo_: still hiding from me? :-)03:39
cjwatsonRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/germinate.recommends.diff - untested patch to make germinate follow recommends in section: metapackages03:40
Riddellcjwatson: seems to work http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/edubuntu-germinate/desktop-kde03:44
cjwatsonRiddell: rock on untested patches03:45
cjwatsonthat's a big deb size, probably wouldn't fit on a CD anyway ...03:46
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cjwatsonwould anyone cry too much if lithium (i.e. CD image builds) went down for upgrade this weekend?03:55
cjwatsoncdimage.u.c/releases.u.c will still be available03:55
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Hobbseecjwatson: absolutely :P03:56
cjwatsonabsolutely cry, or absolutely upgrade? :P03:56
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Hobbseecjwatson: the former.03:57
Hobbseecjwatson: but either works :P03:57
pittimvo_: got a minute?03:57
Riddellno tears here03:57
Mithrandircjwatson: would work for me.03:58
pittinp for me03:58
pittimvo_: can you please look at bug 123062? python-apt oddity04:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 123062 in apport "apport-gtk crashed with AssertionError in __setitem__()" [Undecided,Incomplete]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12306204:01
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mvo_thom: yes :P (but I'm back home so the pile gets smaller)04:09
mvo_pitti: looking, but I may require the sources.list for this04:09
thommvo_: heh, no worries :)04:10
looldoko: It's Aurlien Jarno, not Aurelian :)04:10
dokolool: thanks, will fix it04:11
pittimvo_: I hope you don't actually need deb-src lines to determine the source package?04:12
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geseris there a way to use compiz with emerald without having to start emerald by hand?04:22
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seb128geser: not sure, you can hack gnome-wm as a workaround04:25
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mvo_geser: try setting /apps/desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager/default to emerlad04:27
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geserthe current value of that key is compiz, does compiz still start when I change that?04:28
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cjwatsonwould somebody in ubuntu-main-sponsors please unsubscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors from bug 119572? reason's given in the bug04:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119572 in iso-codes "wrong English names in iso-codes (dup-of: 124657)" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11957204:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124657 in iso-codes "Candidate Revision for iso-codes_1.0a-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12465704:29
cjwatsonI was about to do it but realised I'm not in the team04:29
cjwatsoner, yeah, the latter bug04:30
gesermvo_: I tried setting /apps/compiz/plugins/decoration/allscreens/options/command to emerald, but the description mentions that it's only used when no decorator is running an the compiz wrapper starts gtk-window-decorator04:30
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gesermvo_: btw does gnome-compiz-manager still work with compiz fusion? I'm currently using compizconfig-settings-manager to configure compiz as gnome-compiz-manager didn't work on my last test04:33
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StevenKcjwatson: Unsubscribed04:35
StevenKcjwatson: I'm sure if you asked pitti nicely, he'd add you to ubuntu-main-sponsors. :-P04:36
keescookI snagged it.  :)04:36
cjwatsonStevenK: I just requested joining, in fact04:36
cjwatson(pitti's membership of ubuntu-main-sponsors is deactivated ...)04:36
keescookcjwatson: I've approved you.04:37
cjwatsonkeescook: thanks!04:37
keescookno problemo!  :)04:37
StevenKAh, keescook, dholbach and seb128 are admins04:37
pittihey keescook04:37
StevenKI thought of pitti because he approved me when I joined04:37
keescookhiya pitti04:37
mvo_geser: hm, I'm afraid there is currently no easy way to set emerald, that needs to be fixed04:38
mvo_geser: I think gnome-compiz-manager would need a update at least (haven't checked though)04:39
geserkeescook: Hi, is bug #124725 still in your work queue?04:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124725 in fireflier "[CVE-2007-2837]  Unsafe tmp file handling" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12472504:39
keescooksay, cjwatson, I'd like to chat about the apparmor bits -- what was added to the seeds?  If we're forcing the apparmor module to load in an install, it will block (future) selinux stuff.  I'd like to avoid that.04:39
keescookgeser: it is, yes.  let me go comment on it.04:39
gesermvo_: should I file a bug about the emerald thing?04:39
gesermvo_: do we really need two programs to configure compiz?04:40
StevenKgeser: It's only that the other four aren't packaged yet.04:40
geserStevenK: there exists 6 programs already to configure compiz?04:40
pittikeescook: apparmor-utils is standard Recommends: now, i. e. installed by default (with apparmor as dependency)04:40
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StevenKgeser: Joke.04:41
StevenKBut probably.04:41
=== cjwatson wonders why http://daniel.holba.ch/sponsoring/ still lists bug 119796
ubotuLaunchpad bug 119796 in openbox "please sync openbox 3.4.2-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11979604:41
seb128pitti, keescook: should I do something about bug #128159? There is a CVE number mentioned04:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128159 in gaim "Jabber: Client and OS version visible to authorized buddies" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12815904:41
cjwatsondoes it list both main and universe sponsoring requests?04:41
keescookpitti: so people wanting selinux will be able to uninstall apparmor (since it's not a depend)?04:41
cjwatsonah, yes, apparently so04:41
cjwatsonoh well, as long as my browser never visits https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors, I can see which is which from the visited-link colour at the right04:42
keescookseb128: I'm on the fence about OS version disclosure.  pitti, do you have an opinion about it?04:42
pittikeescook: right04:42
keescookgeser: look good; I will get it spun up.  :)04:42
seb128keescook: I'm surprised it got a CVE04:42
=== Ng hmms at notification daemon. I was about to file a bug about it crashing, but i think I've been beaten to it ;)
pittikeescook: I have no context; a server discloses OS version?04:43
seb128Ng: there is tens of crashing bugs about it04:43
pittikeescook: doesn't nmap detect this, too, nowadays?04:43
keescookpitti: no, the gaim client responds with detailed version info to a query.04:43
seb128pitti: you can get OS informations from random contacts (no need to have been accepted in their buddy lists)04:43
Ngseb128: yeah. weirdly I didn't get any apport stuff about it04:44
keescookpitti: yeah, there are many way to detect such things, but usually with less precision.04:44
pittiseb128: you mean gaim sends out that information to anybody? getting them from other clients is hardly a vuln04:44
seb128pitti: yes, if I add you to my jabber list and look to your informations I'll know what version of pidgin you run and that you use linux04:44
pittiseb128: you know that anyway :-P04:45
pittiseb128: joke aside, I'm not terribly scared by it04:45
seb128me neither04:45
seb128I'm even surprised it's considered as a security issue04:46
seb128but it got a CVE number apparently so I was wondering what to do with the bug04:46
=== keescook really needs to finish the "what we think security means" wiki page
keescookseb128: they'll assigned CVEs for anything.  ;)04:46
pittiseb128: it's not a security issue itself, it is just helpful with exploiting them04:46
pittikeescook: so they slowly move towards 'assign a name to every issue and let the vendors decide'?04:47
Mithrandirdoes anybody know what http://err.no/tmp/weird-icon.png is?  (The leftmost).  It doesn't have a tooltip and disappears if I click on it.04:47
sorenMithrandir: It's the icon that shows up when the icon the app is trying to show is missing :)04:48
sorenMithrandir: So guessing what app is putting it there will be.. Well, a guess. :)04:48
pittiMithrandir: it's the "no icon" icon04:48
pittiMithrandir: i. e. you added something to your toolbar and then uninstalled the package that belongs to it (together with the real icon)04:49
Mithrandirthat's helpful, especially with the missing tooltip.04:49
ion_Yay for a compiz-compatible emerald in gutsy. 04:49
Mithrandirit's the notification area, so that'd be quite spectacular.04:49
pittiMithrandir: oh, hm; I was just going to search where gnome saves its custom starters, but that won't help then04:49
seb128pitti: .gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers FYI (in case you need it for something else)04:50
pittiseb128: thanks04:50
sorenMithrandir: You can try "xwininfo -tree" and click on the panel and see if there's anything that rings a bell.04:50
=== StevenK waits for sejong and artigas to catch up
sorenMithrandir: Well.. At least you could have before it disappeared :)04:51
seb128Mithrandir: does it happen at every startup?04:51
iwjseb128: So consolekit definitely doesn't work properly (but also I have some problem with the sound on this machine).04:51
Mithrandirseb128: afaik, yes.04:52
keescookgeser: eww, debian/changelog is a symlink to changelog -- it's confusing diff04:52
keescook(or rather, patch)04:52
seb128Mithrandir: maybe remove /usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache (and maybe the one for the theme you use and gnome also) and restart04:52
asaccalc: managed to setup your laptop for testing (with stable wired net) already?04:52
seb128Mithrandir: might be a program which install an icon but didn't update the cache04:52
=== StevenK twitches at the 538 builds in the queue for sparc
calcasac: not yet, we have a meeting in about 5min though04:53
asaccalc: i know ;)04:53
calcasac: i can set it up after the meeting04:54
asaccalc: i really need you ;) ... you have ipw which appears to be broken for quite some time04:54
calcasac: yea its quite odd04:54
calcasac: it seemed to work at the sprint when i booted off cd from what i recall, but didn't before or after at home04:55
asaccalc: lets do it after meeting :) ... at least getting started.04:55
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calcasac: ok04:55
pittikeescook: #ubuntu-meeting04:59
pittitkamppeter: hi04:59
pittitkamppeter: I'm so glad to have finally fixed that cups fd leakage *phew*05:00
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tkamppeterpitti, did you also fix something with DBUS there or only with the authentication SUID program?05:01
calcbtw intel q6600 is now ~ $270 for anyone looking for a new system05:01
pittitkamppeter: libdbus only; the auth helper has always been fine05:01
tkamppeterSo for everyone the problem was in libdbus?05:02
pittitkamppeter: for many at least, and it is very unlikely that the other reporters had this for a different reasons05:02
StevenKcalc: I would, considering the US dollar is so crap at the moment. :-P05:02
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tkamppeterpitti, then I think next is to make HAL calling the hal-cups-utils script to set up print queues.05:03
pittitkamppeter: right05:04
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geserkeescook: can bug #124629 be closed for edgy and feisty? packages.u.c lists the security packages already05:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124629 in gsambad "[CVE-2007-2838]  Unsafe tmp file usage" [Undecided,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12462905:07
seb128bryce, Mithrandir: xorg-server with the clipping patch uploaded05:08
bryceseb128: excellent, thanks05:09
seb128you're welcome, I didn't do much, just tested and uploaded ;)05:09
keescookgeser: ah, yes.  good catch; thanks.05:10
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gesercan an ubuntu-main-sponsor look at bug #126641 and ACK it (if it's OK)?05:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 126641 in apache2 "sync apache2 (2.2.4-2) debian sid main" [Unknown,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12664105:54
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pittigeser: oh, that's just one new debian revision, should be easy05:54
pittigeser: I'll have a look tomorrow at my archive day; please subscribe u-archive05:54
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geserand thanks05:55
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pittigeser: thanks to you05:55
Hobbseepitti: i hope you learn to clone yourself around tribe 5 :)05:56
pittiHobbsee: prohibited in .de, sorry :)05:56
Hobbseepitti: haha05:56
Hobbseepitti: or just stop sleeping05:56
pittiHobbsee: my gf already allowed me taking the laptop on honeymoon, but not for working :)05:57
tkamppeterpitti, I have e-mailed you my cupsd.conf. See the second of my two e-mails.05:57
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Hobbseepitti: oh dear.  you should leave the laptop at *home* for such events.05:57
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geserHobbsee: creating a second pitti will take at least 9 months and some years till he can work on Ubuntu :)06:02
=== cjwatson was *definitely* not allowed his laptop on honeymoon
cjwatson(and didn't particularly want it, either)06:02
Hobbseei'd hope not :P06:02
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Hobbseegeser: hmmm.  darn06:03
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ScottKkeescook and bryce: I just read the scrollback in #ubuntu-meeting.  That was me that bounced the inkscape backport bug.  IMO, given the backports charter, I shouldn't be backporting stuff as a way to get around an SRU.06:18
keescookScottK: cool by me; it's a bit of a confusing process.  :)06:19
ScottKAgreed (about confusing)06:19
ScottKI recently got added to ubuntu-backporters and I'm trying to be more rigorous about it than has historically been the case.06:19
bdmurrayHobbsee: my clones are almost ready to start working06:20
Hobbseebdmurray: yay!06:20
Hobbseebdmurray: they can do kde's bugs :P06:20
bdmurrayedubuntu might be more appropriate ;)06:21
bryceScottK: ah that's great to hear.  Yes, when I started I found SRUs and backports to be very mysterious, perplexing processes06:21
Hobbseesru's are still a very mysterious, perplexing black art06:21
ll-cool-jdongsru's are black art indeed :)06:22
mathiazkeescook: did you get a chance to look at my apparmor branch ?06:22
keescookmathiaz: not the new one yet; still doing OSCON things.  however, kyle talked with Novell, and seems happy to carry the newer kernel module; so I think we'll be able to merge to a newer release -- I want to get a specific revision number from novell for the branch before finalizing it.06:23
brycescottk, so it's great to have you tending to the backports :-)  Some time I would like to chat with you about backports for X drivers.06:23
ScottKbryce: Just convince me it's not scary and I'm all yours.06:23
brycethere are many requests for backporting drivers, and it would be nice if we had a smooth accepted process on both ends for handling them06:23
mathiazkeescook: ok. I've started to package libaalogparse06:23
keescookgreat!  :)06:23
mathiazkeescook: the library to parse apparmor audit messages.06:24
mathiazkeescook: I've already updated my branch with the first shot.06:24
mathiazkeescook: so if you want to merge my branch you shouldn't take the last revision06:24
keescookmathiaz: great; is this related to auditd bits too?06:24
ll-cool-jdongbryce: is this about the Xorg intel drivers, or fglrx?06:25
mathiazkeescook: you should take version 49206:25
mathiazkeescook: everything is written in the changelog anyway.06:25
keescookmathiaz: okay, I'll do that and get it started now.  :)06:25
brycell-cool-jdong: it's a general issue across all drivers, but the two of present interest are -nv and -intel06:25
mathiazkeescook: libaalogparse could be used with auditd.06:26
mathiazkeescook: at least that's one of the goal from upstream.06:26
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ll-cool-jdongbryce: both ScottK  and I don't have much knowledge about X, so we are very very reluctant to just flip the build dependencies and ASSUME everything will work under earlier versions of Xorg06:26
mathiazkeescook: for now, I want to use libaalogparse with apport06:26
brycethe issue is that support for new hardware is often only available in the latest versions of drivers, so after a release (feisty) has been out a while, we start getting users who have difficulty getting things working06:26
keescookcool; okay, I'm headed back to OSCON now -- gotta finish up some demos for my "ubuntu security" talk.  :)06:26
mathiazkeescook: to be able to include apparmor audit messages in apport report.06:27
mathiazkeescook: ok. Thanks for the review.06:27
ll-cool-jdongbryce: if you can either test building the packages with build dep modified yourself, or get some X developer around here to tell us it's a reasonable thing to try, then we'd be more than willing to attempt a backport06:27
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brycell-cool-jdong: understood.  This is why I'd like to discuss with you guys about processes and so on - what info do you need, what work should be done to prepare, testing to be done, etc.06:27
ll-cool-jdongbryce: furthermore backporting X drivers tends to have more regressions than other types of backports, and we don't have the mass of people to test them06:27
ll-cool-jdongbryce: so basically, at this point, I'd like a Ubuntu developer who is familiar with X to tell me "I'm reasonably confident that backporting xorg-driver-whatever by forcing it to build against Feisty X.org will result in a driver at least as functional as feisty's"06:28
=== ryu2 is now known as ryu
ScottKbryce: Just to give you an idea, this is what I'm currently working on to get clamav 0.9x backported for Dapper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Clamav06:29
ll-cool-jdongbryce: either that, or around the order of 20 different testers to tell me that soame thing06:29
ScottKbryce: And said developers says "And if I break it, I'll fix it" would help a lot too.06:29
ll-cool-jdongyeah, that too06:30
brycell-cool-jdong: good to know.  Yes, I've been having people test the -nv and -intel drivers (which I've built for Feisty for them to test).  So good to hear that having a lengthy testing period is key in the process06:30
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ll-cool-jdongas it stands now, if a driver backport ends up knocking out 10% of the driver users.... ScottK and I would be clueless as to what to do06:30
pooliewhat sound server is gutsy meant to be using?06:30
poolieesound, or polypaudio or something else?06:31
pooliehi jdong06:31
StevenKHrm. Where did Launchpad go?06:31
ll-cool-jdonghi poolie :)06:31
ll-cool-jdongpoolie: and the cool people call the latter "pulseaudio" nowadays06:31
HobbseeStevenK: i ate it06:32
ll-cool-jdongpoolie: apparently the american colonoscopy society complained or something ;-)06:32
StevenKFair enough. Just so I know.06:32
seb128doko: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8327874/Stacktrace.txt looks like a ld lookup issue, no?06:34
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=== Hobbsee idly notes that she's really not succeeding at not being here for the week.
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brycekeescook: re- the xorg-server sync with debian, I have it on my todo list to review their changes and update the package.  I did xorg yesterday (it's ready to go after I've run some tests on it), and I hope to get xinit and libx11 done as they haven't had a sync in a while.  Then xorg-server after that.06:39
seb128doko: and why do you think a crash in /usr/lib/gconv/UTF-16.so is a libgnomevfs bug?06:39
bryceand hopefully I can squeeze in another round of driver updates sufficiently before the freeze.06:40
looliwj: I met a lot with gdm folks, Brian Caemron and William John McCann in particular, and I did build a relatively clear idea that the path to reach the ConsoleKit based gdm is still long; basically, the mccann-gobject branch is still very rough06:46
looliwj: mccann did a bunch of other changes such as a new configuration system which is to be integrate with a yet to be released dconf at some point, there's no real support for themes (and of course no compatibility), and many more issues06:47
dokoseb128: or a followup error, same with the second one. just the crash doesn't help me much. and the reports don't say anything what was done to rule out a bug in libgnomevfs06:47
looliwj: For example the transitions between VTs are expected to work seemlessly without any hardware resolution switch like currently06:47
looliwj: And instantaneously, especially if you want some animation to get you from the login VT to the session VT06:48
geserMithrandir: can you please give-back haskell-http? thanks06:48
iwjlool: Right, but what's the situation in gdm2 ?06:48
looliwj: So all in all, you can expect this to take a lot of time to be functional, and I even suggested this might need to be a separate module06:48
looliwj: I think at some point gdm2 will move into a "no new feature" mode and keep the support for legacy things06:49
seb128lool: hum?06:49
iwjIf consolekit isn't supposed to work with fast user switching in gdm2 then ... err ...06:49
seb128lool: FC7 already uses consolekit and fast user switching, no?06:49
iwjThe gdm2 source already has a --with-console-kit option.06:49
Mithrandirgeser: given-back06:49
looliwj: While discussions at the gdm maintenance meeting were really nice, there were some major issues with the merge plans as Sun relies on plenty of complex features which may not work anymore in the consolekit branch06:49
seb128lool: it's a "gobject" branch, not a "consolekit" one, isn't it?06:50
loolseb128: I don't know what FC has; perhaps it's consolekit enabled, but I don't know what version mccann pushed there06:50
loolseb128: There's a separate pure consolekit branch?06:50
seb128lool: 2.19 has consolekit support and same for gnomescreensaver06:50
seb128lool: I don't think so, you are the one mentionning it06:50
loolThen we're not talking of the same thing at all06:50
seb128lool: there is a gobject branch06:51
loolseb128: I thought consolekit was a pure mccann-gobject thing, but it's not06:51
seb128no, it's not06:51
seb128it's what FC7 uses for user switching06:51
loolOk, so sorry for dragging irrelevant issues to the discussions06:51
seb128that's alright ;)06:52
iwjseb128: This gnome-screensaver consolekit support - is it supposed to be in our ?06:52
looliwj: In short then, I think the gdm2 branch and all its features are worthwhile, but the high level features such as power management, screen saver, input methods, nm applet and the like will be 100x times easier to integrate in the next major gdm branch06:52
seb128iwj: I think so06:52
iwjgrep says no but it may be called something else ...06:53
seb128lool: in fact gdm 2.18 already has the consolekit configure option06:53
looliwj: So it's better to not develop new major features at this point, but fixes to gdm2 are very worthwhile06:53
seb128iwj: src/gs-listener-dbus.c:gs_listener_update_console_kit_idle (GSListener *listener)06:53
iwjOh, sorry, I can't spell `console'.06:53
asaccalc: there?06:53
iwjOK, I'll go back to trying to find out why it's not working.06:54
iwjStarting with how it's supposed to work ...06:54
loolseb128: You recall that discussion on ugly backtraces we had?06:55
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loolseb128: There's some discussion on the topic in the OpenSuse BT https://bugzilla.novell.com/show_bug.cgi?id=25843306:55
ubotuNovell bug 258433 in Kernel "gdb reports "Failed to read a valid object file image from memory." when debugging" [Major,New] 06:55
seb128lool: yes06:55
loolseb128: I tried that vdso thing (don't do it live!), and the backtraces truly changed06:56
seb128lool: ah, the "Failed to read a valid object file image from memory"06:56
seb128lool: that's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/7469106:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 74691 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Unable to debug under 2.6.22 on i386: Failed to read a valid object file image from memory" [High,Fix released] 06:56
seb128lool: thanks for the information06:56
loolseb128: But the backtraces remain quite ugly nevertheless :)06:57
loolseb128: This is a before / after http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46051306:57
seb128lool: still not good :/06:57
calcasac: yea06:59
calcasac: sorry i was in another irc client discussing ooo06:59
calcasac: i'll go set up my laptop now06:59
asaccalc: cool07:01
asaccalc: i will have to go to supermarket in a few minutes ... will be away for 30 minutes or so07:01
calcasac: ok that works good for me, about to eat lunch07:02
calcasac: ping me when you get back07:02
asaccalc: fine07:02
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gesermvo_: are you planing to update compizconfig-settings-manager soon? it's missing a depends on python-gtk207:36
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mvo_geser: not soon, but feel free to branch from our compiz repository in launchpad and fix it there. I will be happy to merge. otherwise, please remind me tomorrow (or file a bug) I need to leave now07:37
=== mvo_ waves
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EtienneGhey guys, did anybody know what happened with libapache-mod-security in feisty ?  Did it got deprecated, or rolled into another package ?07:53
MithrandirEtienneG: RoM; undistributable for legal reasons07:55
Mithrandirfrom removals.txt in debian07:55
EtienneGMithrandir, thanks a lot07:56
calcasac: should we have wireless-tools pre22 synced from debian?07:59
calcasac: er merged (seems there are some ubuntu changes)07:59
asaccalc: lets first test08:02
asaclet me create notes for you case08:02
asacwhat info do you have about your chipset?08:03
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calcasac: 945 chipset with 3945 wireless08:08
calchmm let me move the laptop over near my desktop08:08
calcthen i don't have to worry about the network going down, heh08:09
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calcok i found a table to stick it on08:11
calctable in this case is a stool, heh08:12
calcit lists the chipset as 945GM/GMS/940GML08:12
calcwireless 3945ABG08:12
calcrev 0208:12
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geserhas someone an explanation for this build failure http://launchpadlibrarian.net/7726938/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.steam_2.2.31-4.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?08:20
geserdpatch deapply-all08:20
geserset: 8: Illegal option -o pipefail08:20
elmogeser: dash is /bin/sh ?08:21
calcasac: ping08:22
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cjwatsondpatch here is #! /bin/bash08:23
cjwatson-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 29702 2007-06-11 23:46 /usr/bin/dpatch08:23
cjwatsonthat build log is Last-Modified: Mon, 21 May 2007 16:40:30 GMT08:23
cjwatsonsee dpatch 2.0.25 changelog08:24
cjwatsongeser: a give-back should do the trick08:24
asaccalc: ok08:25
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calcasac: what should we test next?08:28
asaccalc: so ... open network doesn't work for you?08:28
calcasac: no08:29
calcasac: it does work but only in the wireless-* interfaces file case or dhclient eth1 case08:29
calcand it sort of works with wpa-driver ipw08:30
calcbut it gives ioctl errors08:30
asaccalc: can you also post your iwconfig --version ?08:30
calcwext (using wireless extensions) it never gets an ip08:30
asacfor the record08:30
calcnote its only up to 21 and the driver is 2208:30
calcbut yea i'll post it up08:30
geserand what's the build problem in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/8577358/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-i386.apache2_2.2.4-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?08:31
calcthat combined with the other findings is why i think going to new debian version might fix it08:31
geserit fails nearly at the end with objcopy: debian/apache2-dbg/usr/lib/debug/usr/sbin/apache2-mpm-worker: Invalid operation08:31
asaccalc: yes i know08:31
asaccalc: anyway ... please post :)08:32
calcok logged into launchpad about to add it to the bug08:32
calchmm it only recommends v16 or later, hmm08:33
asacyou have bug id?08:34
calcbug 12836008:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128360 in network-manager "nm fails to connect to open network" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12836008:34
asacok i think that wpa-XX will not succeed to connect to open network08:37
asacso what happens if you remove every option from that wireless card?08:38
asacin interfaces08:38
calcasac: its already removed except for the default boot stuff08:38
calcasac: i am doing this from the tribe-3 live cd08:38
calcfor the open ap if i use wireless-ssid foo it works08:39
asaccalc: ok08:39
calcbecause it bypasses wpasupplicant entirely (and wireless-tools too maybe?)08:39
asacpleaes ifdown that interface now08:39
asacthen stop network-manager08:39
calcasac: how do i stop it normally i have done it before by stopping dbus08:39
asacnot you won't have net can you still type here?08:40
calci am typing to you from my desktop08:40
calcmy laptop is right next to it08:40
calcso dropping network on the laptop is fine08:40
asac/etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop08:40
asacifconfig eth1 up08:40
asac(if eth1 is your device)08:40
asacthen open a terminal and start wpasupplicant like:08:41
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asacwpa_supplicant -g /var/run/wpa_supplicant.global -dd 2>&1 | tee /tmp/wpa.debug.log08:42
asacdoes that block and print ... starting?08:42
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asac(all this as root)08:42
calcsits there and i see nothing08:43
asacnot even a start message?08:43
asacin the beginning?08:43
calcyea nothing at all printed08:43
asacnow open a second terminal08:43
calcits sitting there though08:43
calcgrr i missed supplicant.global08:44
asacstart like i said please08:44
calcok i did it exactly spelled right this time, but still no message printed08:44
asacthats ok then08:44
calcwhat should i do in the second window?08:45
asacwpa_cli -g/var/run/wpa_supplicant.global add_interface eth1 "" "" wext08:46
asaci think08:46
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calcok i'll try that08:47
asacdoes that succeed?08:47
calcshould there be a space after -g?08:47
asaccalc: sorry08:47
asacjust use wpa_cli -g/var/run/wpa_supplicant.global add_interface eth1 "" "" /var/run/wpa_supplicant.run08:48
asacthe idea is that driver is automagically detected08:48
calcunknown command add_interface08:48
calc"Unknown command 'add_interface'" to be exact08:49
asactry -p instead of -g08:49
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calc"Failed to connect to wpa_supplicant - wpa_ctrl_open: Not a directory"08:49
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calcasac: do i need a -i before eth1?08:50
calcasac: oh i noticed interface is in the manpage but not add_interface, not sure if that is the issue08:51
asacwait a second08:52
asacthe -i comes later08:52
asacwe first have to initialize the supplicant08:52
asaccalc: ok its interface_add :)08:53
calcok with -g that worked08:53
calcit printed some stuff out08:53
asacok ... now you should see something going on in wpa_supplicant terminal, right?08:54
calcit printed a bit and then stopped printing out more08:54
asacfind ... next start wpa_cli terminal just like08:54
calcabout one screen worth (at 1280x800)08:54
asacwpa_cli -ieth108:54
asacthat should bring you to a shell where you can type help08:55
calcsays could not connect to wpa_supplicant08:55
calcdo i need -g/path again?08:55
asacinterface is added08:55
asacso -ieth1 should work08:55
calclast thing it shows is "Could not connect to wpa_supplicant - re-trying"08:55
calcand its just sitting there08:56
asacplease post what supplicant said08:56
asacwhen you added_interface08:56
asaccalc: did the interface_add succeed?08:58
asacmaybe restart supplicant08:58
asacthen do it again08:58
calcnot sure if it did08:58
asacplease redo and look what it prints08:58
calci'll post up the output so you can see what it did08:58
calcok i'll retry it08:58
asacplease retry08:58
asacit should be obvious08:58
asaceither it says:08:58
asacor OK08:58
asacor Command timed out08:58
asace.g. the wpa_cli ... interface_add command i mean08:59
asacrestarted supplicant?08:59
calcit looks like it hung on add ealier08:59
calcrestarting it now08:59
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asacrestart it08:59
asacthen try the command08:59
calcstill can't do connect with wpa_cli -ieth109:00
asacdid it OK09:00
calcyea it ok'd09:00
calcit appears to hang during trying to get current scan results first without requesting09:00
calci'll post the log file for you to see09:00
calcwow it didn't even print the full message out the second time09:01
calci'll explain once i have it posted09:01
calcok its posted09:02
calcwhere it says:09:02
calcTrying to get current scan results first without requesting a new scan to speed up initial association09:02
calcthe second time it didn't print anything past requesting...09:02
bigredradioAnyone here know if "Landscape" is OpenSource? Curious if this is a semi-fork of webmin.09:03
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asaccalc: ok09:04
asaclets give supplicant more hints09:04
asacplease stop things09:04
asacstart supplicant09:04
asacwait a bit09:04
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dsasbigredradio: unlikely, webmin isn't included in ubuntu repos at all.09:05
asaccalc: please start supplicant like before ... wait a bit09:06
asacthen use09:06
asacwpa_cli -g/var/run/wpa_supplicant-global interface_add wlan0 \ "" wext /var/run/wpa_supplicant09:06
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asacaeh s/\\//09:06
asacand use the right global filename09:06
asacinstead of wlan eth109:07
asacof course09:07
calcso wpa_cli -g/var/run/wpa_supplicant.global interface_add eth1 \\ "" wext /var/run/wpa_supplicant.run09:08
asacno :=09:08
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asacremove the \\09:08
calcoh ok09:08
asacit was a line break here in file :)09:08
asacand remove the .run09:09
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asacinterestingly it worked better that way here09:09
asac(e.g. less fail)09:09
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calcgot further09:09
calcwant me to do -ieth1 now?09:09
calcok it worked09:09
asacplease stop everything again09:10
asacand try again with wext -> ""09:10
asacit should work09:10
asacits probably the .run09:10
calclooks bad09:10
calchmm nm09:10
asacwait a bit09:10
calcit got to command prompt with -ieth109:11
asacso its the .run :)09:11
asacfunny thing09:11
asacso what does scan_results09:11
asacgive you09:11
asac(at the prompt)09:11
calci see vinther09:11
asacok list_networks ?09:11
calci don't see the wpa access point but thats probably ok?09:11
calcvinther is the open ap09:11
asacmaybe its ok09:11
asacwe haven't scanned yet09:12
calcno networks listed in list_networks09:12
asacthen lets get started09:12
calcah ok vinther might be from what was set on the card already09:12
asacfirst lets reproduce that it doesn't work the way network manager does it09:12
asacap_scan 109:12
asac(all now at wpa_cli prompt)09:12
asacSET_NETWORK 0 ssid "vinther"09:13
asacif thats the name09:13
asacSET_NETWORK 0 key_mgmt NONE09:13
asacenable_network 009:14
asac... then you should rumbling things in wpa_supplicant09:14
asacand get some output at prompt09:14
asacwhat happens?09:14
asacdoes it loop?09:14
calctrying to associate...09:14
asace.g. does it look like it repeats things09:15
calcauthen with...09:15
calcyea it loops09:15
calcauthentication times out09:15
asacdoes it name the ap it tries to associate with?09:15
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calcit says Authentication with 00:00:00.... timed out.09:15
shayadid someone break gtk? :)09:15
calcnot with the hex of the router09:15
asaccalc: yeah ok09:15
asaccalc: disable_network 009:15
asacto stop this garbage09:15
shayajust updated and acroread dies w/ a (acroread:7713): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_rc_get_style: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed09:16
asacthen ap_scan 209:16
asacand enable_network 0 again09:16
calcyes it says (SSID='vinther' freq=2437 MHz)09:16
calcshaya: i hear there were issues with ooo as well so probably so09:17
calcshaya: talk to seb12809:17
=== shaya pokes seb128
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calcshaya: btw good to see you again, haven't noticed you around in years :)09:17
seb128shaya: looks like that's a GTK bug, there is bugs about it, dunno what's causing it though09:17
=== calc probably just wasn't looking ;)
calcasac: still getting time outs09:18
calcasac: but without the ssid/freq09:18
calcasac: and it seems to take longer to time out now09:18
seb128shaya: it's on my list of things to look at, didn't start on it yet though09:18
shayastill maintain a single debian package :)09:18
asaccalc: hmm09:18
asaccalc: what do you see in scan_results ?09:18
asacmaybe run scan09:18
shayaseb128: do you happen to have the old feisty packages somewhere?09:18
shayaare they in launchpad?09:18
calc(hex) 2437 201 vinther09:18
seb128shaya: launchpad has all the binaries09:19
seb128shaya: you can download 2.11.5 from gusty09:19
calcafter scan i see (hex) 2437 202 vinther09:19
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seb128shaya: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/2.11.5-1ubuntu1/+build/35509009:20
seb128shaya: the left column has the binaries09:20
seb128(if you use i386 architecture)09:20
calcasac: see above ^09:20
asaccalc: ok09:20
asacdo you have an ap id?09:20
asacat hand?09:20
calcthe hex code?09:20
calcit shows up in the scan_results09:21
asacset_network 0 bssid "00:14:bf:2a:5f:e1"09:22
calcdo i need to disable_network first?09:22
asacyou can ... not required though09:22
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calcah it was the quotes09:23
asacwithout "09:23
calcit worked after stripping09:23
calcasac: still timed out09:24
asacap_scan 009:24
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asacthen disable_network 009:25
asacand enable_network 0 again09:25
calci see wpa_driver_wext_set_drop_unencrypted in the logs that doesn't cause a problem does it (no idea what it does)09:26
calcstill timing out though09:27
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asacactually i am really unsure if you can connect to open network using supplicant at all09:27
asacwhen i tried supplicant refused to do that saying that without encryption is not supported09:27
calchowever feisty is setup i can connect to the open ap using NM09:27
asacbut probably not using supplicant09:27
calcah it knows not to try to connect using supplicant then?09:28
calci have a wpa aes router i can try connecting to as well if you want09:28
asaci think your bug is that it tries to connect using supplicant09:29
asacit should work though the same way we did when you have wpa09:29
calcwell when i try connecting to the wpa router it didn't work either last time i tried it09:29
asacright ... but that can be ap_scan09:30
asacipw needs manual scanning ... and ap_scan 1 is automatic afaik09:30
asacdo you have the wpa net up?09:30
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calcits next to the laptop right now, so strong signal too :)09:31
asacok ... but you didn't see it in scan results?09:31
asacin wpa_cli09:31
calci don't see it in the scan results for some reason09:31
asacdo you see it with09:31
asaciwlist eth1 scan ?09:32
asac(as root)09:32
calchmm no09:32
asachidden network?09:32
asacplease make it visible for now09:32
calcno it is set to broadcast09:33
calci can reboot and verify if i can see it in feisty if you want09:33
calcthe ap can see the vinther ap, but can't see the laptop mac09:33
calcthat might be normal if the laptop isn't connected to anything though, not really sure09:34
asacmaybe scan is better when you stop supplicant?09:34
asaciwlist scan?09:34
asaccalc: no ... lets go and see if latest wireless tools help for that09:34
asacor ... please test feisty as well09:35
asaccalc: maybe set your ap to TKIP (not AES) ?09:35
calcok it still doesn't work i'll reboot into feisty quick and then we can test new wireless tools as well09:35
calchold on this is weird09:36
calci'm going to reboot the router09:36
calcit says its not secured09:36
calci don't know if it got disabled at some point or the router is odd09:36
asacrouter crashed most likely09:36
calcok i'm alive now09:38
asacyou see it?09:38
asacin gutsy?09:38
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calcstill don't see it in gutsy i rebooted the router it shows security is disabled right now09:39
calcwhich is interesting09:39
asachow can you look at the router?09:39
calci just log into it from my desktop09:39
calci'm rebooting into feisty to see what i can see09:39
asacdesktop == wired?09:39
calcdoes wpa_supplicant work with wpa2?09:40
asacdepends on driver though09:40
asacbut should09:40
asacat least detect09:40
asaci guess your router is broken09:40
calci'll see how it goes in feisty09:40
calcit still had my password saved maybe i disabled security when i was testing it before going to the sprint09:40
asacenable security ... then scan for it09:41
asacwith iwlist09:41
asacthen with wpa_supplicant :)09:41
calcafter turning on security in gutsy iwlist eth1 scan still didn't see it09:42
calcok it sees both in feisty09:43
calclets see if it can connect to both09:43
calccan connect to both on feisty09:44
kwahhi all. is there a policy somewhere about treating BUGs marked as wishlist? For example, is it allowed/necessary to mark duplicates?09:44
calcit only shows vinther on iwlist eth1 scan though09:44
asaccalc: thats really strange09:44
asaccalc: ok go back to gutsy then09:44
asaccalc: we should be able to connect using wpa_supplicant09:44
calccorrection it only shows the one i am connected to09:45
asacmaybe save the daemon.log09:45
asacyou have to run as root09:45
calcafter i connected to "calc" the other one it showed that one but only that one09:45
asacsudo iwlist scan09:45
asacotherwise it will just dump the cache09:45
calcoh ok, sorry i forgot to do that earlier09:45
asacreboot please09:45
asacgutsy is more important ;)09:45
calcrebooting now09:46
asaccalc: at best just upgrade :)09:46
asaci feel scared about live-cd thing09:46
calclive cd usually works09:46
calcexcept when the fs is broken apparently09:46
asacyeah ... but its creeping slow and it might not be the latest09:47
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asacanyway ... just reboot and lets see09:48
calcalmost up now09:48
calci'm going to retry NM for the WPA2 network09:49
asacyes do it09:49
asaccapture log et al as well09:49
=== calc has a feeling it will work
calcok iwlist eth1 scan works for both09:51
calcdoesn't appear to be connecting to the wpa2 network, or takes a long time to do it09:52
asacok ... you should post both a feisty ... and a gutsy log09:52
asacto a new bug09:52
calcok once it dies i will post the logs09:52
asacipwXXXX cannot connect to wpa209:52
asacfeisty (successful) ones are important as well09:53
calcer it connected but doesn't know it has09:53
asacwhy do you think you connected?09:53
calcno green dots but ifconfig has an ip09:53
calcand NM is still swirling09:54
calcit took about 2m to get an address which seems a bit long09:54
calcbut it worked09:54
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calci think it might have taken a while because it popped up a window that got lost behind my full screen console window09:55
calcit worked after trying a second time09:57
calcand it shows it is connected09:57
calctrying to connect to the open ap now09:57
calcwhat the hell09:57
calcit connected to the open ap now too09:57
calci am going to power cycle the box and try this again09:57
asaci think your vinther ap is just broken09:57
asacjust through it in the bin :)09:58
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calcwell it could be something changed when i connected to the wpa2 network first09:58
wwoodshey dudes - I'm working on getting some apport-related kernel patches upstream. Who should be CCd on these mails, beyond pitti?09:58
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asaci don't know09:58
asacits probably live-cd related09:58
calcasac: i had issues before when trying on an installed version of gutsy09:59
asacits known to create arbitrary garbage at random places :)09:59
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asaccalc: when was that?09:59
calcasac: tribe-2 timeframe before sprint09:59
asaci can't tell10:00
calcnext test i will do is try connecting to open ap, if it fails, connect to wpa2 if succeed attempt to connect to open ap again10:00
asaci wish i had such a wireless chipset to test10:00
calcwhich is roughly what i did before this reboot, but i wasn't paying close attention to what i was doing10:00
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calcasac: if the live cd creates random garbage is it safe to install using it either?10:02
asacno idea :)10:02
asaci would use alternate10:02
calcit looks like it is trying to use wpasupplicant to connect to the open ap10:04
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calcdidn't we determine it shouldn't be doing that?10:04
asacdunno .. did it do that when it succeeded?10:05
calcnot sure, maybe10:05
calcits not getting an ip yet this time10:05
asacyeah ... would be nice to know10:05
asacwe already know that it does try that when you didn't go wpa first10:05
asactry wpa210:05
asacthen open?10:05
gnilorcan i ask what version of mac80211 subsystem is in the ubuntu packages? i hear people with .20 kernels ... it would help people wanting to try iwlwifi (ipw3945 and 4965) ?10:06
calcok it failed the first attempt on open ap10:06
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calcnow trying wpa2 one10:06
calcit asked for the password twice10:07
calc3 times now10:08
calcit seemed to ask a lot before but i wasn't sure if i was just messing up10:08
calc4 times now10:08
calc5 times10:09
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calcok i think i am going to consider this not working10:09
calcits up 6 times now and not connected10:09
geserMithrandir: please give-back lhapdf on amd64. thanks10:10
calcguess what10:10
calci tried the open ap after that and it connected10:10
calci'm going to try the wpa2 one again10:11
Mithrandirgeser: given-back10:13
calcasac: after a lot of attempts it finally connected to the secured one this time10:13
calcasac: got an updated wireless-tools to test out? ;)10:14
asaccalc: did you do anything special?10:14
asaccalc: or did it just succeed at some point?10:14
calcwhoa when it finally connected NM applet went away10:14
calcits not in the bar anymore10:14
calcif you want this long log i can put it up on the bug report as well10:14
calcnot sure if anything in it is useful10:15
calcthe log shows that NM crashed at roughly the time it connected10:16
asaccalc: it crashed10:16
asacstart it with10:16
asacnm-applet --sm-disable10:16
asacfrom command-line10:16
asacyeah ... nm-applet has problems10:16
calcit looks like it is running at the command line but nothing in the bar10:17
asacis NetworkManager still running?10:17
calcthat would be why... heh10:17
asacso NetworkManager crashed as well?10:18
calci guess that is the crash i saw in daemon.log then10:18
calcapparently so10:18
asacbut understandable ... NetworkManager has probably lots of places where it uses not instantiated variables10:19
asaci already found 210:19
asacby coincident10:19
asacyou can start it through /etc/dbus*/eve*/25Netwo* restart10:19
calcyea it worked10:22
calcnow it shows like its trying to reconnect to vinther10:22
calc(open ap)10:22
calcalready have an ip though10:22
calcasac: what would the next step be?10:26
calcasac: i can get it to work but it is very unreliable10:26
asacis the ip still usable?10:26
asaccalc i would like to do the same we did before10:27
calcit went away finally10:27
asace.g. using wpa_supplicant only ... to see if that is already instable10:27
asacor if its network manager which makes the whole build shake10:27
calcthe interface is up but no ip10:27
asacok ... stop nm10:27
asac/etc/dbus*/eve*/25Netwo* stop10:27
calcwant me to start up wpa_supplicant like before?10:28
asacyes ... first be sure that eth1 is down10:28
asacthe ifconfig it manually up10:28
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asacso its in clean state10:28
asaclook at iwconfig10:28
asacand iwlist10:28
asacif everything looks good10:28
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calcits set to vinther in iwconfig10:29
calciwlist can see both networks10:29
johnnybuoyhi all!10:29
asaccalc: ok10:30
asacthat should be ok then10:30
calcshould i kill avahi as well10:30
asacstart wpa_supplicant like before ... with tee to a log et al10:30
calcit brought eth0 back up by itself10:30
johnnybuoyI'm creating a .deb file, and I need to change the PATH environment variable of the system. I was wondering how this is done/what the accepted way of doing this is10:30
asaccalc: yes eth0 is not a problem10:30
asaceth1 ?10:30
calcdidn't seem to touch eth110:30
asacstart wpa_supplicant and add interface through _cli10:31
asacthen go to cli console10:31
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calci killed it to be certain it doesn't do anything odd10:31
asacif there was an instance running10:31
asackill wpa10:31
calceth1 came up when i shut it down which was odd as well so i downed it again10:31
asacet al10:31
asaccalc: is NetworkManager still running?10:32
asacotherwise ifdown eth110:32
asacshould down it10:32
asacor if it doesn't do10:32
asacifconfig eth1 down10:32
calcnetwork manager is down and avahi is as well10:32
calci killed the running wpa and restarted it with the log10:32
asac1. add interface10:33
calcscrollback lost the add interface command10:33
asac2. go to wpa_cli10:33
asac3. ap_scan 110:33
asac3. add_network10:33
asac5. set_network 0 ssid "YOUR ESSID"10:33
calcwhat was the command for interface_add you mentioned before10:34
asacwpa_cli -g/var/run/wpa_supplicant.global interface_add eth1  ""  "" /var/run/wpa_supplicant.run10:34
calcdrop the .run part?10:34
calcthe .run causes a hang, so i dropped it10:35
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calcasac: ok trying the open ap now10:38
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calcasac: still times out10:38
asaci forgot something10:39
asacplease disable_network 010:39
asacthen set your key10:39
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asacset_network 0 psk "passphrase"10:39
asacthen enable10:39
calcok for the wpa2 one?10:39
calci get a key mismatch message in the logs10:41
asacwhat does scan_results show you?10:41
asacdo you see events on wpa_cli console as well? what do they say?10:41
calc00:0c:41:f7:09:53 2462 220 [WPA-PSK-CCMP] [WPA2-PSK-CCMP]  calc10:42
calc00:14:bf:2a:5f:e1 2437 202 vinther10:42
asacthat looks not like what i have ... but should be good10:43
calcdo i need to do something to tell wpasupplicant to use wpa2?10:43
asachmmm ... i think not10:43
asacdoes WPA have a different passphrase?10:43
asaclist_networks ?10:44
asacwhat does give?10:44
calc0 calc any10:44
asactry ap_scan210:44
asactry ap_scan 210:44
asacthen reassociate10:44
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calcmeaning i need to do the add_network/set_network again?10:45
asacthat is remembered10:45
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asacmaybe disable_network before10:45
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asacbut shouldn't matter though10:45
calcadd_network returned 110:46
asacyou don't need to add_network10:46
asacjust type reassociate :)10:46
asacat best remove network 1 now :)10:46
asacwho knows :)10:46
calc0 calc any [CURRENT] 10:47
calctimed out so far10:48
asacap_scan 2 ?10:48
calcscan_results only shows vinther right now10:48
asacset ap manually10:48
asacset_network bssid AP:AP:AP...10:48
asaccalc do you get new scan_results if you run just scan for once?10:49
calcyea calc showed up again10:49
asacset bssid please then reassociate/enable network10:50
asacyou sure you have psk set?10:50
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calctrying again10:50
calci reset the psk again to make certain10:51
calcremember when doing this through NM it kept asking for the password over and over and over again10:51
calcso it would seem that it doesn't care if i give it a password10:51
calcit says No keys have been configured - skip key clearing10:52
calcnot sure if that means it doesn't like what i tell it for key10:52
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calcasac: ^10:53
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asaclook at help10:56
asacthere is a capabilities entry10:56
asaccalc: can you get a few of those?10:56
asace.g. what do you get for key_mgmt?10:56
asacand others?10:56
calcso should it be set_network 0 WPA-PSK "password" ?10:57
stgraberasac: if that's his ipw3945 and NM unable to connect, I may have a similar issue (working 1/10 when unloading ipw3945 + reload NM and nm-applet)10:57
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calcah ha!10:58
=== calc is a bit er slow ;)
calci had set key-mgmt to none earlier10:58
calcyou have to set key-mgmt and the psk both to use it10:58
calcit might have a chance of working now10:59
asacstgraber: can you look the log for today for me and calc on this channel?10:59
calcstill timed out, gar10:59
asacbssid is set?10:59
asacto ap address?10:59
calcasac: is there a way to dump current settings?11:00
calcto see what it thinks i have set so far11:00
asacget_network ssid ?11:00
asacget_network 0 ssid?11:00
asacno idea if such a command exists11:00
calcyea bssid is set along with ssid11:00
calcasac: does wpa use wireless-tools for any of this or just its own code?11:01
asacit uses wireless-tools11:02
calcstgraber: i finally got it to partially work earlier today but its very flakey11:02
calcasac: hmm maybe we should try updating that then?11:02
asaccalc: yes11:02
calcit works when it feels like it currently, which isn't often for me, heh11:02
asaci hope we have tested enough to say that wpasupplicant as in gutsy is really broken :)11:02
asacor wireless tools11:02
asacbut i doubt that for now11:02
calcit definitely looks broken here11:03
asacyou have to respin wpasupplicant as well iirc11:03
calcit works immediately and every time in feisty and about 1% of the time in gutsy so something is broken somewhere11:03
asacbecause its linked against libwt.so.2x which is still old version11:03
asaccalc: yes11:03
asaccalc: it might be that you should use my wpasupplicant11:03
calcasac: do you happen to have a way to build amd64 stuff easily? i just have this live cd right now11:03
asace.g. 0.5.811:03
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asaccalc: what do you want?11:04
asacwpasupplicant 0.5.8 (latest stable vs. latest development which we have in gutsy) ?11:04
calcasac: amd64 version of whatever is needed to see if the api change is the issue?11:04
stgrabercalc: ok, I've just read a good part of the backlog and this seems very very similar11:04
calcasac: i guess that would be a good place to start?11:04
asacstgraber: look how we tried to use the wpa_supplicant11:04
asacand wpa_cli manually11:05
stgraberasac: ok, I'll give a manual wpa_supplicant a quick try, but I already tried this afternoon without much success11:05
asacwhat waas the problem?11:05
asaccalc: so what version of wireless tools do you need?11:06
asacisn't that in gutsy already?11:06
calcasac: well debian has the pre22 version, and the kernel is 22 so would that work?11:06
calcasac: oh hmm maybe?11:06
stgraberasac: in some case it doesn't even seem to associate with the AP, in some others it does and the key is set (iwconfig) but no green light in NM, in some case it doesn't even try to associate and keeps being connected to another AP ...11:07
calcthe wireless-tools in ubuntu is pre20 which is from april11:07
stgraberasac: I just do this wpa-supplicant test and I'm back here11:07
calcis the pre22 the one with 22 api support?11:07
asachmmm there is an outstanding merge for wireless-tools ?11:09
asaccalc: no idea ... people claim it11:09
calcdebian is two rev's newer than ubuntu afaict11:10
stgraberasac: ok, wpa_supplicant manual test succeded (WPA PSK TKIP), I just had to iwconfig eth3 essid "essid" and it associated, then dhclient3 and everything work. I then tried with NM and it didn't manage to connect (looking at iwconfig, one second it's associated but without the key, next second it's no longer, then it seems to be correctly associated but the second after it switched to another AP and NM ask for the pass (even if already spec11:12
calc+wireless-tools (29~pre22-1) unstable; urgency=low11:12
calc+  * New upstream release.11:12
calc+ -- Guus Sliepen <guus@debian.org>  Sun, 01 Jul 2007 18:03:58 +020011:12
calc+wireless-tools (29~pre21-2) unstable; urgency=low11:12
calc+  * Don't look at LINUX_VERSION_CODE, only use generic header files in11:12
calc+    iwlib.h. Closes: #42548511:12
calc+ -- Guus Sliepen <guus@debian.org>  Tue, 22 May 2007 10:27:46 +020011:12
calc+wireless-tools (29~pre21-1) unstable; urgency=low11:12
calc+  * New upstream release. Closes: #42156911:12
calc+ -- Guus Sliepen <guus@debian.org>  Thu, 03 May 2007 13:55:01 +020011:12
=== calc hides after flooding
asacstgraber: how did you do manual? with wpa_cli ?11:13
asacstgraber: you shouldn't need to use iwconfig at all11:13
asacstgraber: e.g. just wpa_cli commands11:13
stgraberasac: wpa_supplicant -Dwext -ieth3 -c wpa.conf11:13
asacyeah ... thats not that impressive11:13
asacstart it like in backlog11:13
asacand let it detect everything on its own11:13
stgraberwpa.conf being my network config with : ssid, key_mgmt, proto, pairwise, group and psk set11:13
asacthats what is needed for entwork manager11:13
asacstgraber: wpa_supplicant -g /var/run/wpa_supplicant.global -dd 2>&1 | tee /tmp/wpa.debug.log11:15
asacin a second terminal add interface like:11:15
asacwpa_cli -g/var/run/wpa_supplicant.global interface_add eth1 "" "" /var/run/wpa_supplicant.run11:15
asacthen enter wpa_cli:11:15
asacwpa_cli -ieth111:15
stgraberCould not connect to wpa_supplicant - re-trying11:17
stgraberand other window stuck at half of my MAC address11:17
stgraberOwn MAC address: 00:19:d2:11:17
asacmaybe try to specify driver11:17
asacwpa_cli -g/var/run/wpa_supplicant.global interface_add eth1 "" wext /var/run/wpa_supplicant.run11:17
asacbur restart supplicant first11:18
asacdo you have eth1 ?11:18
asacadapt according where your interface is11:18
stgraberno, eth3 but I s/eth1/eth3/11:18
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asacwpa_cli -g/var/run/wpa_supplicant.global interface_add eth1 "" wext /var/run/wpa_supplicant11:19
asacuse that11:19
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stgraberok, I'm in interactive mode now11:20
asacset ap_scan 111:21
asacap_scan 111:21
asac> add_network11:21
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asac> set_network 0 ssid "youressid"11:21
asacset_network 0 psk "yourwpapassphrase"11:21
asac> enable_network11:21
asacand see what happens11:21
stgraberno suitable AP found :(11:22
calc"The main features of the latest beta is WE-21 support (long/short retry, power saving level, modulation), enhanced command line parser in iwconfig, scanning options, more WPA support, sysfs symlinks and udev compatibility in ifrename and more footprint reduction tricks"11:22
=== calc notes WPA support
stgraberit says "ssid missmatch" but the ssid I provided is correct and shown in wpa_supplicant scan results ...11:23
asac> scan11:23
asacwhat capabilities do you see?11:23
asacdo they look sane?11:23
asacis psk good?11:24
asacor isn't there any authentication going on?11:24
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stgraberit doesn't even try11:24
stgraberit simply says : ssid missmatch, pass11:24
stgraberand try with the next one, but ssid matches ...11:24
asacthats what client says?11:24
asacor supplicant?11:24
asacwhat happens in supplicant terminal?11:24
asacdo you see anything on client?11:25
asacor nothing?11:25
stgraber1: 00:14:d1:c0:39:80 ssid='graber-wifi' wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=0 caps=0x11 skip - SSID mismatch skip - disabled11:25
stgraberthat's in wpa_supplicant11:25
asacand get_network 0 ssid ?11:25
stgraberclients just says OK :)11:26
asacis 'graber-wifi' ?11:26
stgraberit simply says : ssid missmatch, pass> get_network 0 ssid11:26
stgraberI hate this copy/paste :)11:26
stgraberso, it returns fail11:26
stgrabereven after returning OK after the add_network and psk11:27
calcstgraber: which arch are you on?11:27
asacthen ap_scan 211:27
stgrabercalc: amd6411:27
calcstgraber: ok11:27
calcstgraber: same as me11:27
calc * V21 to V2211:27
calc * ----------11:27
calc *      - Prevent leaking of kernel space in stream on 64 bits.11:27
asacstgraber: and in addition set_network bssid "yourap"11:27
=== calc has no idea what that means
asacits a tiny change afaik11:28
stgraber> set_network 0 bssid "graber-wifi"11:28
asacjust different size macros11:28
calcstgraber: bssid is hex11:28
asacstgraber: bssid is access-pointe address11:28
asacnot essid11:28
stgraberoh, right, sorry :)11:28
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asacstgraber: do you have a i386 live cd?11:29
asacstgraber: to see if it works?11:29
asacif that would be the case ... it would almost certainly be tools mismatch11:30
stgraberok, so this time I got a "Trying to associate with ..." from the client and I see unassociated with iwconfig (key is set)11:30
asacyou are in ap_scan 2 ?11:30
calcasac: i'll set up a download for i386 here as well11:30
asacstgraber: can you see if the right capabilities are selected?11:30
asacget_network 0 key-mgmt11:31
stgraberFAIL :(11:31
asacthats so crazy11:31
asacstgraber: do you have a x86 iso?11:31
=== calc will have one for testing in about 35m
stgraberasac: only Kubuntu i386 Tribe-3 (the last one I tested last week :))11:32
stgraberbut I can quickly download an ubuntu one, it'd take something like 10-15 minutes11:32
asacstgraber: please try11:33
asaci will be awake for another half an hour or so :)11:33
stgraberasac: ok, I'm downloading the ubuntu desktop iso on my server so I can test the Kubuntu one now :)11:34
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stgraberasac: ok, I'm on a kubuntu livecd now11:43
stgraberasac: connecting to an open AP works, connecting to the WPA one keep asking the password11:43
asacstgraber: does open work on amd64?11:44
stgraberasac: manually yes, not with NM though11:44
asacok nm might be broken still11:46
asacand manually wpa?11:46
asace.g. like we did?11:46
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calcasac: i'll have the cd downloaded in about 17m if you want me to do any i386 testing11:48
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stgrabercalc: looks like wpa_supplicant doesn't see my network now ... I have something like 4-5 networks here but spread on different channels and the network I try to connect to is MIMO so I don't really see why I don't see it now ...11:51
stgrabercalc: oh, it just managed to connect :)11:51
calcstgraber: heh11:52
asacstgraber: so what did you do?11:54
asacstgraber: cool11:56
asacso it works on i386?11:56
asacbut doesn't on amd6411:56
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calccould that be due to the macro thing i pasted about earlier?11:56
asacits in header ... so its inlined11:57
asacafaik wireless tools have a copy of that header for each version they support11:57
calci should know soon if my system works in i386 mode11:57
asaccalc: nm might be broken11:57
calci was having trouble in the past in i386 but it may be resolved with tribe-311:57
stgraberasac: now it also work with KNetworkManager, so yes that may be an amd64 specific bug11:57
asacstgraber: would be great if you could test on gnome nm applet as well11:58
asacbecause thats the code i know11:58
calc6m left then burning11:58
=== calc goes to get a cd
stgraberasac: I have the ubuntu i386 iso ready, just le met reboot and burn it11:58
asacstgraber: great11:58
asaci wait another 10 minutes then :)11:58
stgraberlet's burn this iso :)12:02
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calcwriting cd12:06
asacoh we got a race ;)12:06
stgraber1min remaining12:07
calcnautilus one doesn't say for me12:07
=== Martinp23 [n=Martinp2@wikimedia/Martinp23] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Martinp23 [n=Martinp2@wikimedia/Martinp23] has joined #ubuntu-devel
asacnautilus doesn't in gutsy ... shame12:08
=== beuno [n=martin@ubuntu/member/beuno] has joined #ubuntu-devel
stgraberfinished, well the "write disc" option does for me and I think it's nautilus12:09
stgraberbe back in a minute12:09
=== milli [n=milli@famfrit.acmeps.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel

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