
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.22-8.18 | Latest news: -rt and -xen kernels re-added | New Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/
=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by BenC at Mon Jul 16 14:59:07 2007
(ScottK/#ubuntu-kernel) That's my guess.04:47
ThrobbingBrain66ok, that's done.  i also subscribed the kernel team to my bug, i dunno if that's frowned upon or not.  anything else i need to do?04:52
ScottKActually, IIRC the kernel team prefers to be assigned, not subscribed.04:58
ThrobbingBrain66yeah, i figured that.  oops.05:05
ThrobbingBrain66thanks for the help05:11
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dokoplease see bug 116648; did we have problems building madwifi in feisty and/or gutsy?01:35
=== Kano [n=kano@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
KanoBenC: added a new fetch script: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/12829702:28
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=== IntuitiveNipple [n=TJ@alexandros.tjworld.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
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mikepjI have a kernel update question.  Recently I came across a blog entry noting a data corruption problem on machines with over 4Gb of memory.  This was due to a kernel bug.  I was wondering if the patch for this has been merged into the 6.06 LTS version of Ubuntu.  The blog entry is here:  http://blogs.smugmug.com/don/2007/07/25/silent-data-corruption-on-amd-servers/04:05
=== zul_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
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bdmurraymikepj: one thing you could do is look for a launchpad bug linked to the kernel.org bug06:28
bdmurraymikepj: I think it is safe to say it has not been merged06:31
bdmurrayBenC: are you familiar with that at all? it is commit cf6387daf8858bdcb3e123034ca422e8979d73f1 I think.06:35
=== JanC [n=janc@lugwv/member/JanC] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
BenCbdmurray: looks to be in our gutsy tree06:36
bdmurrayRight I was thinking about dapper06:37
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BenCSounds pretty serious, probably mark it for dapper-6.06.2 milestone and we can look at it in the next week06:37
BenCreally simple patch too, so definitely should be easy :)06:38
bdmurrayI don't think there is an lp bug yet though.  Is there a preferred way to make a new for this?06:38
zulBenC: do you guys need any help for 6.06.2 from the "community" side?06:38
BenCzul: basically going to need a lot of testing from anyone with the target hardware06:38
BenCif you check the dapper-6.06.2 milestone tagged bugs, you can get a glimpse at what we're hoping to fix/support06:39
zulah ok im running gutsy now06:39
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mikepjsorry, I was away.  Thanks for the info.  Glad to hear the patch might make it into
bdmurraymikepj: I submitted a bug about it but seem to have misplaced it.  It should be listed in the milestoned bugs though.09:12
mikepjYeah, I found it here:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/12856809:12
mikepjI thought it was effecting all AMD processors though.  Must have missed something in one of the other bug reports09:13
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@0-142.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
IntuitiveNippleI saw a related bug in launchpad earlier searching for "iommu=soft" (2 bugs; only 1 is using >=4GB RAM) but got side-tracked checking for patches to 6.06, and there is a debian bug #404148 with fix for
bdmurrayBenC: Could you look at bug 47768?10:41
=== infinity1 [n=adconrad@cerberus.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
BenCbdmurray: the original report appears to be an ordering problem10:46
BenCbdmurray: do you know if we used UUID in dapper? I can't seem to recall, and don't have a dapper system handy10:47
dokoare kyle and lamont on vacation?10:51
BenCdoko: kyle was hung up returning from UbuntuLive10:51
bdmurraykees's UsingUUID page says since Edgy10:52
BenCI wonder if we should backport UUID stuff to 6.06.210:52
ScottKBenC: I have a dapper system.  Checking10:53
ScottKBenC: No UUIDs in /etc/fstab.10:53
ScottKIt sounds invasive/risky/dangerous to backport to me.10:54
bdmurrayThat's what I would think too - quite the "surprise"10:55
BenCactually it's not dangerous at all10:56
BenCwe've been upgrading people to UUID since edgy10:56
BenCthe main purpose of 6.06.2 is for people that can't install 6.06{,.1} anyway10:56
ScottKYes, but dapper-updates will get it all too, right?10:57
BenCright, but then anyone running dapper right now will eventually be pushed to UUID no matter what10:57
BenCunless they want to stay with dapper forever10:57
ScottKWell just 5 years.10:57
BenCthen they'll be pushed into the UUID upgrade then10:57
BenCeither way, not putting it into 6.06.2 is just deferring it, not making it any less dangerous10:58
ScottKAt the end of a stable series, not in the middle.10:58
BenCso that argument is pointless10:58
ScottKI'd put it the other way around.10:58
BenCok, so we'll just leave people with no sure way to install a system because of a feature that we've tested over a year now isn't going to be backported :)10:59
ScottKDeferring the upgrade puts the change where it would be expected, not where it would be unexpected (~ 20% of the way into a stable LTS baseline's life).10:59
BenCsame could be said for some of the things we're already doing for 6.06.210:59
BenCUUID usage is stable, it's the non-use of it that is unstable11:00
BenCespecially with SATA and SCSI drives11:00
ScottKIt seems like a significant design change to me.  If you did it and broke my LTS server, I'd be pretty annoyed.11:01
BenCI mean, the upgrade is a single shell script11:01
BenCand it's very well written to avoid breakage...any problems, and it leaves the fstab/menu.lst alone11:01
=== ScottK recalls helping people survive the transition during Edgy and perhaps that colors my perception.
=== ScottK got burned personally, but was able to recover.
ivoksi wouldn't do that in LTS :/11:02
BenCguess we'll just have people installing and not being able to boot then :/11:02
BenCread bug #4776811:03
BenCand maybe you'll have some context11:03
=== ScottK looks
ivokspeople are unable to install cause of missing drivers :)11:03
BenCivoks: this is a case of people being able to install, and then not being able to boot it afterwards11:03
ivoksi heard about that problem11:04
BenCScottK: so the alternate installer loads the drivers in a different order than the installed system (which is ok, because driver load order shouldn't matter and can't be enforced)11:04
ivoksi2o and stuff11:04
BenCas such, they install and on boot, sda becomes sdb, and sdb becomes sda11:04
BenCno, nothing to do with i2o11:04
BenCthis could be onboard SATA == sda, scsi controller == sdb11:04
BenCload the drivers in different order, and you no longer have a bootable system11:05
ivoksyes, that happend to me once11:05
ivoksi upgraded to feisty then :D11:05
ivoksok, you got my vote, since this will personaly help me in some cases11:06
ivoks(not that it matters :)11:06
ivoksare there plans for new version of e1000, 3w-9xxx and some IDE controlers for 6.06.2?11:07
BenCe1000 I believe so, I'd have to check 3w-9xxx, but there's a good chance of it11:07
IntuitiveNippleHmmm, UUID install-and-not-boot occurs for kernel upgrades even for Feisty/Gutsy, when you've got one boot partition and 2+ root partitions on the boot disk (multiple distro's) the menu.lst UUIDs are always set to the last root partition UUID, regardless of what they were set to already. Should I post it as a bug?11:07
ScottKWhat about using UUID for new installs and not "upgrading" something that's already working.11:08
ScottKPersonally, I've had a lot more trouble with the UUID transition than I've had with not having UUID.11:08
BenCIntuitiveNipple: sounds like an update-grub issue11:08
BenCIntuitiveNipple: not a kernel issue11:09
BenCScottK: that's possible too11:09
ivoksthen go with that... only for new installs11:09
BenCScottK: I can't see how anyone could not be using UUIDs to be honest11:09
ScottKThat would not place existing working installs at risk and so would be a lot more consistent with the LTS guarantee in my book.11:09
BenCthings were so broken before that11:09
IntuitiveNippleBenC: I'll do some digging, if necessary post a bug against update-grub then11:09
ScottKWell I'm typing this on a Dapper desktop that's never had troubles and has no UUID.11:10
BenCIntuitiveNipple: just 'grub', the script is part of that package11:10
BenCScottK: and has one disk, right? :)11:10
ivoksScottK: i had scsi and sata controller11:10
IntuitiveNippleBenC: ok :)11:10
ScottKIt has two, but they're RAIDed.11:10
ivoksdepending on moon and sun, once scsi was sda, and in other cases sata was sda11:10
BenCyeah, if the OS only sees one disk, you'd never have to concern yourself11:11
BenCbut think if you have a SATA, and boot with a USB disk plugged in11:11
BenCSATA or SCSI11:11
BenCit might not be a problem, but it could11:11
BenCScottK: I think you're right about the UUID upgrade part11:11
BenCjust leaving it for new installs is a safe bet, since it targets the people we're concerned about11:12
ScottKThat sounds quite sane to me.11:12
ScottKYou might also have it so someone that wanted to could run the upgrade script manually, just don't do it automagically.11:12
ScottKIf that's feasible.11:12
ivoksadditional complication and my guess is that no one would do that on working system11:13
ScottKYeah, but someone who has been having trouble would do that over a re-install.11:14
ivoksdon't fix if it isn't broken11:14
ScottKThat's the least important part.11:14
ScottKAbsolutely not.11:14
ivokswell, i would love to see uuid on new installs, but i wouldn't touch running servers11:15
ivoksi'm just happy cause of e1000 and probably 3w-9xxx :)11:15
ivokswhat about support for ICH8 IDE?11:17
JanChm, someone I know complains that grub sees his internal hard disk as hd 2 and sometimes as hd 0, depending on whether his USB disk is connected...11:55
JanCAFAIK grub doesn't understand GUIDs ?11:56

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