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nixternal | <sidebar> is sweet! | 12:55 |
nixternal | hrmm, I thought it was sweet...but man you have to hack the hell out of xslt files | 01:29 |
ubotu | New bug: #128805 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Numerous validation errors in trunk/ubuntu" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128805 | 01:30 |
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mdke | damn it | 11:23 |
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Admiral_laptop | nixternal: jim is going to send a patch to the doc team shortly, can you apply it. | 07:03 |
nixternal | yup | 07:14 |
Admiral_laptop | thanks | 07:15 |
Admiral_laptop | nixternal: patch applied? | 07:50 |
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nixternal | checking email now | 07:51 |
nixternal | comitted | 07:53 |
nixternal | come on...you gotta do more work than 2 lines in a entity file ;p | 07:53 |
Admiral_laptop | nixternal: check the doc list, I have a bigger patch sent in. | 08:29 |
nixternal | roger | 08:33 |
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nixternal | committing it now | 08:35 |
Admiral_laptop | kkthx | 08:35 |
Admiral_laptop | i'm an official contributor... \0/ | 08:35 |
Admiral_laptop | err... | 08:35 |
Admiral_laptop | \o/ \o/ | 08:35 |
nixternal | umm moron, this isn't your first patch ;) | 08:42 |
nixternal | I have committed others by you for kubuntu when you started fixing my bugs months back ;p | 08:42 |
Admiral_laptop | well, my first big patch | 08:43 |
Admiral_laptop | i | 08:46 |
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Admiral_laptop | i'll ask for SVN access after I fell a bit more comfortable with this stuff. | 08:46 |
Admiral_laptop | heya fijam | 08:46 |
Admiral_laptop | jim and I are working on docs right now | 08:46 |
fijam | hello | 08:46 |
fijam | hmm, that's a motivation | 08:46 |
Admiral_laptop | do you have a section you are looking at? | 08:47 |
fijam | yes - Internet | 08:49 |
nixternal | Admiral_laptop: as long as you submit patches that validate, are pretty good grammar/spelling wise, you will have no problem...I didn't have a chance to look through for grammar and spelling on that last patch, I will do so here in a bit | 08:51 |
nixternal | we are working on KDE4 KHC stuff right now so I am kind of busy | 08:51 |
Admiral_laptop | have any issues fijam? | 08:52 |
Admiral_laptop | or questions? | 08:53 |
fijam | haven't really started | 08:54 |
fijam | currently - no. | 08:54 |
Admiral_laptop | okay, give them a look and see what you need help on | 08:54 |
fijam | sure. | 08:54 |
fijam | brb | 09:11 |
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Admiral_laptop | nixternal: one more patch coming your way | 09:47 |
nixternal | slow down homey :) | 09:55 |
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robotgeek | nixternal: yes, the kubuntu menu is rocking! | 10:03 |
robotgeek | nixternal: doesn't digikam deserve to be in music, video and photos section. i dont mind contributing a patch to add it in :) | 10:06 |
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j1mc | hi all. i've been working on an "about-xubuntu" section. it validates, but it is not under version control at this time. | 10:18 |
j1mc | there wasn't an "about-xubuntu" section before. | 10:18 |
j1mc | should i just submit the file to the ML? | 10:18 |
robotgeek | j1mc: you dont have commit access? | 10:18 |
j1mc | robotgeek: no, not at this time. | 10:19 |
robotgeek | j1mc: then yes, just mail the file. | 10:19 |
j1mc | will do. thanks, robotgeek | 10:19 |
robotgeek | thanks, j1mc ! | 10:25 |
robotgeek | it sure would be nice to add Help:/ handler to firefox by default | 10:26 |
nixternal | robotgeek: get to patching..actually, you have commit access don't you? get to work :) | 10:27 |
nixternal | dunno why digiKam isn't in there..unless I just link to it via <ulink type="help" url="help:/digikam/"> | 10:27 |
nixternal | we can't use KDE docs anymore, or pull from them since our stupid docs are CC-by-SA now | 10:28 |
robotgeek | nixternal: yes, i do. i will add a small section on digikam in an appropriate place. | 10:28 |
robotgeek | oh okay. i will see if the digikam documentation has relevant entries. | 10:29 |
robotgeek | digikam docs exist, but was not installed by default. | 10:30 |
nixternal | hrmm | 10:31 |
robotgeek | well, the documentation for digikam is pretty good, i'll just link to it (with a note that it might need to be installed). | 10:32 |
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Admiral_Chicago | nixternal: did you apply that patch? | 11:45 |
Admiral_Chicago | nixternal: oh i see it is, ignore me then... | 11:47 |
mdke | Admiral_Chicago: I've replied to your basic-commands patch email, would be interested in hearing your thoughts. Can't hang around on irc though, I'm off to bed - perhaps email? | 11:50 |
nixternal | yes | 11:51 |
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jjesse | wow the mailing list is very active, that's awesome | 12:16 |
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