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kraut | moin | 09:15 |
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IntuitiveNipple | morning :) | 09:21 |
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abogani | amitk_: Please don't forget this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2007-July/001586.html Thanks. | 11:25 |
zul | morning | 01:43 |
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abogani | BenC: May i disturb you for a second? | 01:48 |
abogani | BenC: Could you enable my git repo (-rt) for gitweb? Thanks. | 01:56 |
BenC | abogani: it will get enabled automatically when the scan occurs | 02:27 |
BenC | scans every hour | 02:27 |
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abogani | BenC: ah thanks. Sorry for disturb! :) | 02:43 |
BenC | abogani: oh, hey, where's that patch again for fglrx to fix the '__rcu_read_unlock' symbol problem for -rt ? | 02:45 |
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stdin | BenC: can you take a look at Bug #129022 ? | 02:51 |
BenC | stdin: first I've heard of that...but I think that restricted-manager is actually the proper way now anyway | 02:57 |
infinity | Uhh, that bug's crack. | 02:59 |
stdin | BenC: maybe, I don't actually use the package but was asked why "the command in the package description" wasn't working, in #kubuntu (as the restricted-manager isn't in kubuntu, not without explicitly installing it) | 03:00 |
infinity | nvidia-xconfig is never the "right" way to enable it, cause it gets you out of sync with debconf/dexconf. | 03:00 |
infinity | If nvidia-glx-config hasn't been fudged to work with the newer nvidia drivers, it should be. | 03:00 |
BenC | as far as I can tell it works | 03:01 |
infinity | BenC: Is it time for me to give LRM some TLC at some point? :P | 03:01 |
BenC | I used it before with nvidia-glx | 03:01 |
BenC | stdin: ok, then that's the actual bug | 03:01 |
BenC | infinity: I been lovin on it plenty, but don't let that stop you from trying to get it on it :) | 03:02 |
stdin | the file "/usr/bin/nvidia-glx-config" is only installed in the -legacy package, so it doesn't work with the normal and -new package | 03:02 |
BenC | $ dpkg -S /usr/sbin/nvidia-glx-config | 03:02 |
BenC | nvidia-glx: /usr/sbin/nvidia-glx-config | 03:02 |
BenC | stdin: that's just not true | 03:02 |
stdin | hmm, hold on :P | 03:03 |
stdin | BenC: it's not listed in http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=nvidia-glx&version=gutsy&arch=i386 | 03:05 |
stdin | BenC: opps, no, it is | 03:05 |
stdin | oh well | 03:05 |
stdin | should have looked harder | 03:05 |
BenC | stdin: I am quite sure that restricted-manager calls that to enable/disable nvidia for all cases | 03:06 |
BenC | so if it's working, then I suspect the script is too | 03:06 |
stdin | yeah, the the problem is with the manual install, for those without the restricted-manager | 03:06 |
stdin | but that's another issue all together | 03:07 |
BenC | stdin: you misunderstand...restricted-manager calls that script, so the script has to work | 03:08 |
BenC | even if called manually | 03:08 |
stdin | hmm, yeah. not sure why it didn't work for the person that asked about it then | 03:09 |
BenC | could be they've manually modified their xorg.conf | 03:10 |
BenC | in which case the md5sum wont match, and the script will assume it is out of sync with debconf | 03:10 |
BenC | IOW, it wont touch it | 03:11 |
stdin | well, I guess I should set the bug to invalid | 03:11 |
abogani | BenC: In lrm? | 03:13 |
BenC | abogani: yeah | 03:13 |
BenC | abogani: you had sent it to me once before I believe | 03:13 |
abogani | BenC: Where i can download lrm? | 03:25 |
BenC | abogani: apt-get source linux-restricted-manager-2.6.22 | 03:25 |
abogani | BenC: Ok. | 03:25 |
BenC | s/manager/modules/ | 03:25 |
abogani | ok. | 03:25 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | Latest kernel upload: 2.6.22-9.20 | Latest news: -rt and -xen kernels re-added | New Kernel Team machine: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/ | ||
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lamont | II: Checking modules for hppa32...previous or current modules file missing! | 06:43 |
lamont | /build/buildd/linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22/debian/abi/2.6.22-9.19/hppa/hppa32.modules | 06:43 |
lamont | /build/buildd/linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22/debian/abi/2.6.22-8.18/hppa/hppa32.modules | 06:43 |
lamont | make: *** [module-check-hppa32] Error 1 | 06:43 |
lamont | could we maybe please add the missing files for .20???? | 06:43 |
lamont | or does .20 have them I wonder? | 06:44 |
lamont | nope. .20 doesn't have them. | 06:44 |
lamont | BenC: amitk_: any reason that not all of my patch was taken? | 06:45 |
lamont | and if I roll the patch forward, can I have a .21 that has the rest of the patch????? | 06:45 |
lamont | so that maybe the kernel will finally build??? | 06:45 |
BenC | lamont: oops...forgot about that, my fault | 07:13 |
BenC | lamont: yes, please, and I will do another upload | 07:13 |
lamont | BenC: since .20 hasn't published yet, I'll capture with .19 and should have a current patch for you later today. | 07:13 |
lamont | kernel builds aren't exactly speedy | 07:13 |
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IntuitiveNipple | Any ACPI bods about? | 08:52 |
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xivulon | mjg59 any news on suspend2ram for wubi (root within file within fuse fs)? | 09:06 |
mjg59 | xivulon: Not yet | 09:09 |
mjg59 | I'm in the US (on holiday) right now | 09:09 |
mjg59 | Ought to be able to take another look next week | 09:09 |
xivulon | thx | 09:09 |
xivulon | I am writing a report for cjwatson | 09:09 |
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