
cje_Sayers, hi12:15
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Sayersvzduch: Eh I'm on linux in US and fine...12:15
Assidwell.. ms does gain alot of its foothold by convincing the govts.12:15
jhutchinsI think linux needs to stay the intelligent choice for power users and not try to please the lowest common denominator.12:16
Schuenemannpirate software is good for M$ spreading its crap12:16
cje_vzduch, you are right, there are laws in the US that restrict access to non-Free formats, and that is hurting us in the US.12:16
intelikeyvzduch besides all US citicens are criminals anyway,   that way if "uncle sam" ever wants you, he knows just where to find you...12:16
hasan_lowest common denominator ?12:16
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hasan_what do u mean by that ?12:16
jhutchinscje_: It's only "hurting us" for people who want to use restricted formats and won't learn how.12:16
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intelikeyjhutchins prezactly12:17
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cje_jhutchins, There are a lot of people who use restricted formats only.12:17
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jhutchinsThe lowest common denominator being the person who just wants his gamez, doesn't care how anything works, doesn't want to learn or know anything.12:17
intelikeycje_ yep there's a fool born every hour12:17
cje_jhutchins, sad, but true.  There are even people who are actively looking for DRM.12:17
intelikeyor is that minute12:17
Schuenemanncje_, because they don't know what is a restricted format and M$ makes them think it's the only format12:17
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jhutchinsSchuenemann: Actually, Microsoft's trick is not letting them think at all in the first place.12:18
Sayersjhutchins: They don't have to learn about a computer to have the right to use it!12:18
cje_Schuenemann, true, M$ has a massive marketing budget.  That is why we are trying to drum up community support for our Digital Tipping Point documentary.12:18
jhutchinsSayers: Nope!12:18
jhutchinsSayers: No argument there.12:18
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jhutchinsSayers: I just don't want _my_ linux dumbed down to their level.12:18
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cje_Schuenemann, we are giving away all of our footage on-line in ogg format12:19
intelikeyHERE HERE !12:19
intelikey^5 jhutchins12:19
cje_Schuenemann, http://archive.org/details/digitaltippingpoint12:19
Sayersjhutchins: What I've been saying the whole time, Either make a seperate distro for that :P or don't allow tons of newbs to use linux,12:19
SchuenemannI'm a bit guilty there... never used ogg ;-)12:19
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jhutchinsSayers: Allow anybody who's intereste to use it.12:19
cje_Schuenemann, we also have it available in .mpg12:19
SayersSchuenemann: I would but to lazy to burn cd's , for the past month been listening to radio12:19
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Schuenemannyou have to burn cd's for ogg?12:20
Sayersjhutchins: Well I think linux expanding is great, there are tons of computer geeks that don't try it or know about it.12:20
Schuenemanncje_, ogg can be video?12:20
cje_Schuenemann, yes, Ogg Theora12:20
SayersSchuenemann: OGG is video and I think it's audio too12:20
intelikeySchuenemann you can put about 8 hours of cd quality music in .ogg format on ONE cd12:21
intelikeySayers yes both12:21
Schuenemannintelikey, how about mp3?12:21
intelikeySchuenemann mp3 is not free12:21
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vzduchSchuenemann: sure, Ogg is a container that can contain anything from audio (usually Vorbis, but also Speex, FLAC or even MP3 is possible) to video (usually Theora, but MPEG4 in various codecs is not uncommon)12:21
intelikeyi don't do mp312:21
Schuenemannintelikey, sure, I was talking about the length =)12:21
Daisuke_Idointelikey: no, but it's a lot more common12:22
AssidDaisuke_Ido:  my problem is.. A> i have a legal copy of windows.. so its not like i gain anything that part.. B> any gaming would require me to get cedaga would again would cost more.. not to mention some perfoamcne dip12:22
Daisuke_Idohow does cedega = cost more?12:22
Schuenemanncje_, I see you talk about the FISL there12:22
vzduchI do occasional MP3s, but >95 % of what I encode myself is Ogg Vorbis12:22
Assidits like 55 bucks for cedaga12:22
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nicolai_Schuenemann: Ogg is better quality per MB than MP3, but uses more processing power to play.12:22
cje_Schuenemann, try this file for ogg http://www.archive.org/details/e-dv227_berlin_13_akhundov_09-23_001.ogg12:22
Daisuke_Idoit's free for the cvs version of cedega12:22
vzduchnicolai_: not only to play, also to encode12:23
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido doesn't make me have any knowledge of it...    and like i said i don't do mp3      i think there has one time been one mp3 file on this particular computer of 12 years old12:23
angasulea friend has a video that file identified as: MPEG layer 2/3 128kb/s - MS Windows Media Video 9 (ffmpeg) 640x480(640x480) - and ubuntu restricted packages didn't seem to include a codec for it, or does it?12:23
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cje_Schuenemann, yes, we were at FISL con in Porto Alegre two years ago12:23
Assidhrmm lets see12:23
Schuenemanncje_, I would've go the FISL, but I had some problems in the knee12:23
vzduchangasule: looks like WMV12:23
Assidmight just dive in12:23
Schuenemannit was in my city once12:23
angasulevzduch: yes, it says so right there, but there are different versions of WMV12:24
cje_Schuenemann, so you must be in Brasil, no?12:24
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cje_Schuenemann, we interviewed Gilberto Gil12:24
Schuenemannwhat does he know about FS?12:24
vzduchwho's that?12:24
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nicolai_angasule: Are you running in 64-bit?12:24
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Schuenemannhe's a singer heh12:24
Schuenemannand was (or is) a minister12:25
angasulenicolai_: no, 32 bit12:25
myfinaldoom4yea, i need help12:25
cje_Schuenemann, here is the link to video with him in it http://www.archive.org/details/proof_of_concept_four_mins.mpg12:25
nicolai_Schuenemann: He is an important politician who likes CC and FLOSS :)12:25
intelikeymyfinaldoom4 with ?12:25
Schuenemannnicolai_, what is CC and FLOSS?12:25
myfinaldoom4any people who can help me with a nework12:25
cje_nicolai_, yes, that is why we interviewed him!!12:25
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cje_Schuenemann, cc = Creative Commons12:26
=== vzduch doesn't know many South American musicians.. Shakira *ugh*, Juanes, Sepultura, Soda Streo.. that's about it
Daisuke_IdoFLOSS = free/libre open source software12:26
cje_Schuenemann, FLOSS = Free Libre Open Source Software12:26
myfinaldoom4i need to be able to set a server with ubuntu, to work on windows12:26
Schuenemannnicolai_, he does???12:26
myfinaldoom4a domain12:26
angasulenobody watches videos? :?12:27
nicolai_Schuenemann: CC = Creative Commons, FLOSS = kubuntu :P12:27
cje_all of our footage on the Internet Archive is raw footage.  It needs to be improved for the final version.12:27
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intelikey!dvd | angasule12:27
ubotuangasule: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:27
Schuenemanncje_, the video quality is very cool12:27
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Schuenemannno phantom backgrounds12:27
angasulewmv9 == DVD?12:27
intelikeyangasule that kind ?12:27
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angasuleintelikey: no, what I said earlier12:27
cje_Schuenemann, thanks very much!12:27
Daisuke_Idowmv9 = problematic at best12:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:28
Schuenemanncje_, is that you?12:28
angasuleintelikey: already installed ubuntu restricted packages, as I said above12:28
cje_Schuenemann, where?12:28
Schuenemannin the interview :p12:28
Daisuke_Idoangasule: install vlc and be good12:28
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cje_Schuenemann, I do appear in lots of the video, but I am a minor character.12:28
Schuenemannthe guy from azerbaijan12:28
nicolai_angasule: You might want to look at the Medibuntu page if you haven't already.12:28
myfinaldoom4yea, thanks for the help guys12:28
cje_Schuenemann, I am not in any of the videos that I just posted here, no.12:29
angasulenicolai_: I already told him to look at medibuntu, but /which/ package there?12:29
angasuleVLC is UGLY12:29
vzduchwhat's ugly about VLC?12:29
cje_Schuenemann, you must be seeing Jack Messman, the former CEO of Novell.12:29
Daisuke_Idoso change the skin if you like that sort of thing12:29
Assidalrite im outta here.. need my sleep12:29
angasulevzduch: how do you change the brightness in VLC?12:29
Assidcatch you guys later12:29
nicolai_angasule: w32codecs and xinelib-extracodecs12:29
vzduchit's been a bit spartanic ever since I started using it in Windoze several years ago12:29
Schuenemanncje_, he's too young to be the CEO12:30
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Schuenemanncje_, says Akhundov12:30
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cje_Schuenemann, oh, no, that is not me.12:30
intelikey!info libxine-extracodecs12:30
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, transitional package. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.4-2ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 38 kB, installed size 68 kB12:30
angasuleI believe libxine-extracodecs is installed by ubuntu restricted packages...12:30
cje_Schuenemann, Akhundov is a guy from Ajerbijian whom we interviewed.12:31
jhutchinsangasule: You might like mplayer better.12:31
Daisuke_Idoi recommend trying to install it on its own and making sure12:31
angasuleso, no way to play in kaffeine, the kubuntu kde player?12:31
vzduchangasule: Settings >> Extended GUI, there's a brightness slider there :)12:31
intelikeyangasule well short answer to your Q that got my attention "<angasule> nobody watches videos? :?"    ! i12:31
LeeJunFankaffeine uses libxine.12:31
angasuleintelikey: well, nobody here could give me a straight answer12:31
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Daisuke_Ido99% of the people here didn't know you even asked a question12:32
Daisuke_Idobe patient12:32
ciprianhow can i install a think what i download from inthernet =?!12:32
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Schuenemannciprian, huh? please clarify12:32
intelikeyciprian in windows12:32
LeeJunFanciprian: what format is the file you downloaded?12:33
angasuleDaisuke_Ido: well, I did ask a question, I think someone should write a "how to answer questions" to go with the "how to ask questions" that ESR wrote a long time  ago12:33
ciprianis linux12:33
ciprianthe format is .bin12:33
jhutchinsangasule: Who do you imagine that the people in this channel are anyway?12:33
vzduchcje_: Ajerbijian?  what's that?12:33
angasulejhutchins: elves, why?12:33
intelikeyciprian then you probably don't want too     look for the same package in the package manager12:33
vzduchciprian: what is it?12:33
Daisuke_Idoangasule: this is a busy place, and your attitude determines who will help12:33
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.12:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:34
Daisuke_Idothe bot says it better than me12:34
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ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:34
cje_vzduch, Ajerbijian is a country in the former Soviet bloc12:34
angasulethis place used to be /much/ more helpful12:34
angasuleI'm not new, btw12:34
vzduchcje_: I think you mean Azerbaijan12:34
Daisuke_Idothere's the attitude again.12:34
cje_vzduch, my apologies for the misspelling.12:35
intelikeyangasule it has it's days   this is a busy one.   and very little getting solved12:35
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Daisuke_Idoi recommend trying to reinstall libxine-extracodecs at least, and fiddling with vlc as a temporary, if not permanent, solution12:35
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LeeJunFanangasule: so what was your question anyway?12:35
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angasulecje_: if you're on konversation, right click on the text input and select 'auto spell check', works great12:35
ciprianit work's12:36
cje_angasule, thanks for the suggestion.  I am using xchat12:36
cipriananother problem12:36
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angasuleLeeJunFan: MPEG layer 2/3 128kb/s - MS Windows Media Video 9 (ffmpeg) 640x480(640x480) <-- can't play this video on a friend's pc with kaffeine12:36
cje_angasule, and I actually find the xchat user interface a little bit hard to use.  I am actually a relatively simple end user.12:36
intelikeycje_ i think it has a menu itom for spell checking as well12:36
ciprianwhy i cant conect on this server sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin12:36
angasulecje_: konversation is similar to x-chat but a lot more user friendly in my experience12:37
Schuenemannangasule, is it possible to change that language?12:37
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LeeJunFanangasule: if you install w32codecs and libxine-extracodecs then kaffeine should be able to play just about anything.12:37
angasuleSchuenemann: what language? the one used by the spellchecker?12:37
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs12:37
ciprianwhy i cant conect on this server London.UK.Eu.Undernet.Org:6667...  on kubuntu - konversation ?!?!12:37
angasuleLeeJunFan: including wmv9?12:37
jhutchinsangasule: I think I've probably already told you this, I would recommend trying mplayer or VLC, because using them is simpler than trying to fix kaffeine.12:37
Daisuke_IdoSchuenemann: i believe it goes by whatever language aspell is using12:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aspell - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:37
nicolai_angasule: Does it work on your computer? Might it be a DRM'ed file?12:37
cje_angasule, I will try konversation.12:37
angasulejhutchins: yeah, that's sad12:37
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Schuenemann!info aspell12:38
ubotuaspell: GNU Aspell spell-checker. In component main, is optional. Version 0.60.4-4 (feisty), package size 124 kB, installed size 1052 kB12:38
LeeJunFanI believe so as long as it's not copy protected.12:38
SchuenemannDaisuke_Ido, can I have 2 langs there?12:38
angasulenicolai_: he used to be able to play it with mplayer on gentoo, he just switched12:38
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Daisuke_IdoSchuenemann: on that, i have no idea :)12:38
jhutchinsangasule: As long as I've been messing with a Linux GUI there have been multiple broken media players, and a few that just worked.12:38
vzduchI try to disable all spellchecking I come across :)12:38
Daisuke_Idoangasule: then he had the codec then and doesn't now.12:38
Schuenemannbah, who needs spell checking? :-p12:38
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BluesKajI've locked myself out of X by making some dumb changes to xmodmap file , it's the one that has xmodmap-ubuntu 80 , i think , can some give the exact file location and nam as if editing so i can edit it in the CLI ?12:38
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jhutchinsangasule: Why the broken ones are kept around, I don't know.  They must work for some people.12:38
ciprianwhy i cant conect on this server London.UK.Eu.Undernet.Org:6667...  on kubuntu - konversation ?!?!12:38
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Daisuke_Idoit's pretty straightforward12:38
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LeeJunFanangasule: kaffeine will use libxine which in turn will use the w32codecs to play those.12:38
angasuleSchuenemann: I deal with people from the US too often, they screw up my speeling ;)12:39
Schuenemannciprian, yeah, why not? Give details12:39
stepmanicif u wanna play wmv just sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs.. all i did and everything works great now^^12:39
intelikeyciprian hmmm i'm not an undernet user but if that url is correct it may be that they are using another port   ?12:39
cje__okay, now I am on here in Konversation12:39
Schuenemannangasule, why?12:39
jhutchinsangasule: Just because something's the default in kde or kubuntu, doesn't mean it even works, let alone that it's the best.12:39
angasuleSchuenemann: I use british spelling12:39
ciprianhmmmm good question !!!12:39
Daisuke_Idoangasule: you mean proper spelling :)12:39
intelikeyciprian what client are you trying to connect with ?12:39
angasulejhutchins: well, mplayer is not known for its nice interface, either heh12:39
jhutchinsk, time to go feed the horses.  Later.12:39
angasuleDaisuke_Ido: indeed12:39
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Daisuke_Idoi'm an american and our spelling annoys me :\12:40
ciprianclient ?!12:40
Schuenemannyou have horses?12:40
ardchoilleDaisuke_Ido: lol12:40
jhutchinsangasule: kmplayer, mplayergui.  Works great, fine interface.  Doesn't look like an alien sex toy, no, but it works.12:40
intelikeyciprian yes    application     client    interface12:40
cje_angasule, I am not seeing the spellchecker in konversation.12:40
angasulejhutchins: I don't think I'd like an alien sexy toy anyway12:40
LeeJunFanour president can't even speak correctly, why should we have to spell correctly. hehe12:40
Daisuke_Idothat may be the funniest thing i've ever seen from jhutchins...12:40
Schuenemanncje_, right click the input field12:40
Daisuke_Idobut he's the Decidinator!12:40
BluesKajDaisuke_Ido,  yer spaeeling comes from the dutch/german names for some words12:40
angasulecje_: did you right click on the text input area and select 'auto spell check'?12:40
jhutchinsSchuenemann: Yep, one each thoroughbred and saddlebred.  Redheads.12:40
LeeJunFanDon't you mean dictator?12:41
Schuenemannyou must be joking12:41
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Daisuke_Idoi'm not going there, this is neither the time nor place for political discourse...12:41
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vzduchBluesKaj: and yours comes partly from Swedish? ;)12:41
cje__testing wrong words12:41
LeeJunFanheh, no.12:41
Schuenemannbrazil's president barely knows how to write12:41
boris_wind is strong here12:41
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angasuleSchuenemann: yeah, but he was a worker, right? didn't go to Yale? :)12:42
intelikeycje__ looks like it works12:42
BluesKajmyname Kaj, yes vzduch , altho I've been a canadian for almost 60 yrs12:42
Schuenemannhe was a *&@*#... well, he still is12:42
ciprianYou have identd disabled (or broken), to continue to connect you must type /QUOTE PASS 57119 what this mean ?!12:42
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nosrednaekimwhat does graduating from yale have to do with anything... its called MONEY... and BRIBES12:42
cje_I just noticed the spellchecking function in xchat, too.12:43
Schuenemannisn't Yale that SuSE package manager, angasule?12:43
intelikeyi told you it was there12:43
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vzduchSchuenemann: *rofl*12:43
ciprianYou have identd disabled (or broken), to continue to connect you must type /QUOTE PASS 5711912:43
cje_And actually, I kind of like the GUI for xchat compared with konversation.12:43
SchuenemannYale, Yeti, something like that12:43
angasuleSchuenemann: you're probably thinking of yast :P12:43
vzduchYaST2, to be precise ;)12:44
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vzduchacronym for 'Yet another Setup Tool'12:44
cje_I like the fact that in xchat, the names are on the left side, whereas in konversation, the names are on the right, and a little more confusing.12:44
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!12:44
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vzduchcje_: if you mean the nicklist, that's configurable12:45
BluesKajvzduch,  do me a favour ? type xmodmap into konq and check a file with xmodmap-ubuntu 80 or something close to it and give me the actual filename in properties so i can edit it , so i can log back into kubuntu.12:45
vzduchin most clients I know12:45
Schuenemannwhy people love this acronym "Yet Another something" ?12:45
cje_angasule, how do you make comments addressed to yourself stand out?12:45
winbondsuse is now proudly sponsored by micosoft, please download the vista demo12:45
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=== Daisuke_Ido releases YaYa
cje_vzduch, I guess I need to look at the nicklist.12:45
Daisuke_Idoyet another "yet another"12:45
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angasulecje_:settings->configure conversation->notifications->highlight->highlight current nick12:46
=== intelikey releases YaHa
SchuenemannDaisuke_Ido, it's a nice name12:46
stepmanicsomeone know how beryl\kompiz works on a ATI 200m card?12:46
BluesKajvzduch, i made some changes to the file and i scrrewed up12:46
amarofala ai pessoal12:46
nosrednaekimstepmanic: yes, it works...12:46
vzduchBluesKaj: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80ubuntu-xmodmap12:46
amaroalguem do brasil aew????????????????????12:46
Schuenemann!br | amaro12:46
ubotuamaro: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.12:46
=== Daisuke_Ido releases aHa 0.1 "take on me"
angasuleamaro: nao :D12:46
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BluesKajvzduch, thx muchly12:46
nosrednaekimstepmanic: pretty well too, I have a Xpress1100 which is the same thing12:47
amaroola angasule12:47
Schuenemannangasule, you said you were from UK12:47
Daisuke_Idohe said he used british spelling12:47
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Schuenemanndoesn't it mean the same thing? :p12:47
angasuleSchuenemann: no, I didn't, I said I write british english12:47
cje_cje__, test of highlighting in konversation12:47
angasuleSchuenemann: also, when he asked if there were any brazilians, I said no, in portuguese12:48
stepmanicnosrednaekim: yeh, i know it works, but does it work fine with desktop-effects and stuff, cause i know some friends of mine have had some troubles with it12:48
nicolai_Schuenemann: I use British spelling even though I'm not british.12:48
Daisuke_Idokiba doesn't like me :\12:48
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angasulecje_: did it work? :)12:48
nicolai_Schuenemann: I try to at least. :P12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba-dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
cje_angasule, yes, it did.  heh.12:48
nosrednaekimstepmanic: works fine with all that stuff, you need the proprietary ATI drivers, but yeah, it works fine12:48
amaromy internet conect i not navegation help me please?????????????????????????12:48
vzduchI use British spelling when writing English because that's what I learned at school :)12:48
intelikeyhmmmm if i spoke english, i would try to use british spelling...12:49
vzduchamaro: please rephrase12:49
stepmanicnosrednaekim: ok, tnx^^ gonna try get it now:P12:49
amaroi am from brasilian12:49
vzduchintelikey: what do you speak if not English? o012:49
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amaroi not speak ilglish12:49
nosrednaekimstepmanic: ok, yell if you need any help12:49
stepmanicnosrednaekim: will do^^12:49
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Schuenemannamaro, #ubuntu-br12:49
nicolai_vzduch: Same thing for me. In the Danish educational system American dialect and spelling is demirited12:50
=== intelikey speeks intelikees and anyone that has tried to read it would know that
Daisuke_Idois anyone familiar with kiba-dock?12:50
=== HayaBusa [n=tony@bas3-montreal45-1177829926.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
nicolai_If you want good grades you use British spelling rules12:50
angasulenicolai_: ja, her vi laerer UK engelsk ogs12:50
Schuenemann!nl | angasule12:50
ubotuangasule: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl12:50
Schuenemannoops I think I guessed wrong12:51
angasuleSchuenemann: that was norwegian, actually ;)12:51
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angasuleand nicolai_ is danish, I think12:51
vzduchangasule: I would have guessed Danish :)12:51
nicolai_angasule: Yep12:51
angasulevzduch: hard to tell apart heh12:51
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Schuenemannwhere is danish spoken?12:51
=== quenta [n=quenta@p54B5A9DE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
amaromy internet conect but not navegation help me please??????12:51
angasulethis summer I met a swedish couple and I thought they were danish heh12:52
nicolai_vzduch: The only difference is where 'ogs' should be in the sentence :P12:52
Schuenemannamaro, escreve isso: /join #ubuntu-br12:52
angasuleSchuenemann: denmark12:52
vzduchangasule: there are some things from which you can easily tell Danish from Norwegian.. but for such short phrases it's mostly a bit difficult, yes :)12:52
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Schuenemannangasule, ahh...12:52
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angasulevzduch: you're a danskie as well?12:52
intelikeyamaro also check "kmenu > system settings > network manager        i think that's where.12:52
vzduchangasule: naw12:52
angasulenicolai_: where would you play ogs?12:53
=== vzduch is German w/ a quite good command of Dutch and some basic understanding of a handful of other languages
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Kr4t05Man, that's annoying...12:53
angasulewell, dutchies are easy to command, they are so nice, never say no12:53
nicolai_angasule: ja, her vi laerer UK engelsk ogs -> ja, her lrer vi ogs UK engelsk12:54
amarovo tomar no cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu12:54
nicolai_nicolai_: vi and lrer also had to be replaced12:54
=== fujilan [n=ciprian@127.Red-88-6-37.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
Schuenemannamaro, vai no #ubuntu-br seu burro12:54
fujilanweyyyyyyyyyyy why i ca't connect on London.UK.Eu.Undernet.Org12:54
angasulenicolai_: I think that's the correct order in norwegian as well?12:55
amaroeu ja fuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii12:55
amaromas ninguem me ajuda la pow12:55
vzduchnicolai_: you're talking to yourself? o012:55
fujilanweyyyyyyyyyyy why i ca't connect on London.UK.Eu.Undernet.Org12:55
fujilanweyyyyyyyyyyy why i ca't connect on London.UK.Eu.Undernet.Org12:55
Schuenemannamaro, pelo menos eles te entendem l12:55
vzduchfujilan: because Undernet is cr*p? =D12:55
nicolai_vzduch: I wanted to talk to angasule, but missed :P12:55
amaropow vc me entende12:55
amarono entende???12:55
=== khatuido [n=khatuido@ARennes-251-1-126-27.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
angasuleSchuenemann: voce e brasileiro?12:56
fujilan00:56]  [error]  Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled12:56
fujilan[00:56]  [Error]  Se ha perdido la conexin con el servidor London.UK.Eu.Undernet.Org: el servidor remoto cerr la conexin. Intentando reconectar.12:56
cje_okay, I am going to have to leave now.  Thanks to everyone for all the help!12:56
angasulenicolai_: talking to yourself is a bad sign ;)12:56
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angasulehave fun cje_12:56
fujilanweyyyyyyyyyyy why i ca't connect on London.UK.Eu.Undernet.Org12:56
fujilan00:56]  [error]  Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled12:56
fujilan[00:56]  [Error]  Se ha perdido la conexin con el servidor London.UK.Eu.Undernet.Org: el servidor remoto cerr la conexin. Intentando reconectar.12:56
cje__angasule: thanks, angasule!12:56
Schuenemannangasule, sim12:57
=== vzduch slaps fujilan around a bit with patience and a pastebin
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angasulefujilan: it might be restricted to people from UK? try us.undernet.org , it's much more permissive, I think12:57
nicolai_cje__: see you :)12:57
_4strOfujilan: plz be cool the message say you try to reconnect too fast so stop to try to connect, wait a moment an retry12:57
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:57
Daisuke_Idoi'm no expert, but...  this doesn't look right12:58
Schuenemanndoes anyone know is there's a paltalk client to linux?12:58
vzduchlong since I used Paltalk..12:59
Daisuke_Idothat's what kiba's doing to me -_-12:59
vzduchback on Windoze12:59
angasuledon't know, but there wasn't one when I checked many years ago12:59
runleveltenWhat's paltalk?12:59
=== runlevelten googles
nicolai_Daisuke_Ido: the background?12:59
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: you know what doesn't look right to me? the top toolbar12:59
SchuenemannWine works for games and everything, but for NOTHING I try heh12:59
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Daisuke_Idonosrednaekim: just playing around right now01:00
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Daisuke_Idoand i agree, the top toolbar looks really bad01:00
amaroschuenemann me ajuda ai powwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww01:00
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Schuenemannamaro, olha o pvt fio01:00
Daisuke_Idobut yeah, when i launch kiba, the bottom fifth or so of my screen is black :\01:00
nosrednaekimfun fun =D01:01
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amaronom sei oque e isso???01:01
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SchuenemannDaisuke_Ido, and there must be something interesting below the black part01:01
Daisuke_Idoas soon as i quit it, i get it all back :\01:01
amarotow usano o linux pela plimera ves hoje01:01
angasuleDaisuke_Ido: wow I really hate having two bars :)01:01
Schuenemannamaro, mensagem privada, no t pra ficar falando muito aqui01:01
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PriceChild!es | amaro Schuenemann01:01
ubotuamaro Schuenemann: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:01
Daisuke_IdoSchuenemann: well, as the black part obscures windows and essentially takes away 20% of my desktop real estate, yes.01:01
vzduch'plimera ves'.. what dialect is that?01:01
vzduchPriceChild: wrong guess, that's Portuguese01:02
PriceChild!pt | amaro01:02
Schuenemannamaro, faz o seguinte, volta l no -br01:02
amaromas u meu problema e curto01:02
ubotuamaro: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.01:02
PriceChildvzduch, ty01:02
nosrednaekimvzduch: sounds like "first time" in spanish01:02
Daisuke_Idoangasule: i'm trying to mess with kde :D01:02
angasuleDaisuke_Ido: I see :P01:02
Daisuke_Idotrying some new things, some new looks01:02
vzduchnosrednaekim: I know01:02
angasuleDaisuke_Ido: that's what OS X looks like, right? pointlessly shiny?01:02
Daisuke_Idoangasule: there you go :D01:03
Schuenemannwhat would be the reason for connecting to internet, but web doesn't work?01:03
Daisuke_Idohowever, i think i'll go back to the way i had it01:03
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SchuenemannIRC does01:03
angasuleDaisuke_Ido: I think the bottom bar is pointless, but you are free to waste your screen realstate heh01:03
runleveltenI haven't had the panel on the bottom of the screen for about 5 years, heh01:03
angasuleSchuenemann: proxy mandated by the ISP?01:03
Daisuke_Idoangasule: what bottom bar?01:04
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runleveltenDaisuke_Ido: The best way to run :)01:04
Schuenemannyes, maybe... how about that?01:04
angasuleDaisuke_Ido: the one with the amarok and firefox icons?01:04
nosrednaekimAll my panels hide themselves anyway, I have two.01:04
stepmanicbtw anyone got the wireless working on a HP ze2000 laptop? ppl say it should work "out of the box".. but.. it dont >< when i try to enable it it just say "turned on" in half a sec, and then it goes back to "turned off" ><01:04
intelikeySchuenemann something in  knetwork manager    some setting.     i have seen several ask that but haven't paid close attention01:04
Daisuke_Idoif it worked properly it wouldn't be wasting screen real-estate at all01:04
Daisuke_Idoso i turned it off01:04
angasulenosrednaekim: it annoys me how maximised windows pop around when the hiding and unhiding happens01:04
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vzduch'screen real estate'.. *rofl*01:05
nosrednaekimangasule: of the panel? it never does that for me..... the panel just covers the window01:05
Daisuke_Idovzduch: essentially what it is though01:05
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Daisuke_Idospace that could otherwise be used for app display is being used for a static panel01:06
vzduchDaisuke_Ido: how much do you pay for a square metre? ;)01:06
Daisuke_Idoso i declared eminent domain and stole it back :P01:06
Daisuke_Idovzduch: it's a metaphor.01:06
angasulevzduch: well, if you don't think a 19" screen is more expensive than a 14"... ;)01:06
runleveltenDaisuke_Ido: One difference though, I find the taskbar is inefficient, so I decided to try using a window list applet a few years ago, haven't looked back.01:06
Daisuke_Idoi don't like the taskbar much -_-01:07
angasulerunlevelten: how does it work?01:07
Daisuke_Idowindow list, you say?01:07
Daisuke_Idobrb, gotta put laundry in the dryer01:07
runleveltenI have much more space free, and things are closer to the corners, which means it's all faster to use (fitt's law and all that)01:07
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: yes, its an applet you can add to the panel01:07
Daisuke_Idoit looks nice01:08
runleveltenI also steeled myself and got on with the app menu at the top of the screen, as it's like 5 times faster in HCI studies than the menus in the windows....01:08
runlevelten....but that may be a step too far yet, heh01:08
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Daisuke_Idorunlevelten: one reason that's a bad idea01:08
Daisuke_Ido(for me anyway)01:09
harmattanHi everybody01:09
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runleveltenI use firefox, it doesn't really niggle as much as you might think.01:09
nosrednaekimyeah, firefox doesn't comply or else I would use that01:09
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nosrednaekimon a widescreen latpotp it does01:09
runleveltenand for the other apps, every menu becomes a button of infinite height01:09
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runleveltenand I'm sure I don't need to bore you with UI design nerdery for you to know that's a good idea :)01:10
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nosrednaekimfirefox is what irks me with that.01:11
nosrednaekimotheriwe I admit its a good thing01:11
Daisuke_Idoi'm trying something incorporating a few different suggestions.  will have to screencap shortly01:11
vzduchFirefox was a nice, clean & fast browser back in the beta days.. could well be it's becoming bloated these days, I only use it at work, here I use Konq01:12
runleveltenIt's slower than seamonkey now.01:12
angasulevzduch: I liked it when it was called phoenix, now it's a terrible hog01:13
Schuenemannfirefox's UI is very slow in linux for me01:13
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runleveltenTry any reasonably heavy site, say digg, between recent FF and recent seamonkey.01:13
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angasulealso the whole XUL thing sounds like a reimplementation or java heh01:13
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runleveltensince it's supposed to be the lighter faster version of seamonkey, irony abounds, heh.01:13
Schuenemanndon't say anything bad about java01:13
angasuledillo for teh win? ;)01:13
runlevelten...which doesn't work on digg, as it goes.01:14
runleveltenneither does lynx, afaict.01:14
vzduchI haven't touched Seamonkey yet01:14
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=== runlevelten uses w3m too :)
vzduchlast Mozilla build I used was 1.7.10 or so01:15
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angasuleI use konqueror here and dillo on my laptop01:15
nosrednaekimdillo is pretty amazing01:15
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runleveltenkonqueror is such an excellent browser.01:15
Schuenemannfirefox and its extensions are the best01:15
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Schuenemannkonqueror is good as file browser only01:15
angasuleyeah, the problem I have on my laptop is the rest of the apps are awful01:15
vzduchKonqueror has become a very good piece of software.. compared to the KDE 3.1 days at least ;)01:15
angasuleI want to try using qtopia and do away with gtk and tcl/tk apps01:16
Schuenemannkonqueror has nothing special as web browser01:16
runleveltenSchuenemann: If you're reading a lot, konqueror FTW - *NO* browser renders textual content like konqy.01:16
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Schuenemannrunlevelten, what's so good about it?01:16
angasuleSchuenemann: it feels much lighter on kubuntu ;)01:16
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angasuleand doesn't look like a furry ewok behind01:17
=== Vuen [n=nick@bas9-ottawa23-1088837342.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
runleveltenkonqueror has a smaller, faster lighter html renderer than fff, opera or ie. It has a smaller memory footprint.01:17
vzduchSchuenemann: what 'special' thing does a web browser need?01:17
Vuenhey all, anyone know where Login Manager saves its settings?01:17
runleveltenIt launches faster. It has better CSS support than most browsers.01:17
SchuenemannI don't think it has better CSS support01:17
runleveltenThe code is the nicest of all the open source browsers too, if you're into reading through the source01:17
Schuenemannit doesn't support text-transform01:17
angasuleSchuenemann: what's text-transform?01:18
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Schuenemannangasule, that css property01:18
intelikeyVuen for kdm  /etc/kde*/kdm/kdm.conf       iirc   and for gdm  /etc/gdm/*01:18
angasuleSchuenemann: what does it do?01:18
angasuleSchuenemann: konqueror passes acid2, whatever that means01:18
runleveltenIt puts fonts in their proper places with the proper spacing, and best of all, it renders antialised fonts properly in X01:18
runleveltenunlike, for instance, FF, which looks like an explosion in an 8-bit word processor factory at times :)01:19
Schuenemannvzduch, well, I have a lot of options with firefox's extensions... increasing line-height, changing that horrible combination of white backgroud and black text01:19
Schuenemannangasule, I read about that... but it doesn't support that property, for example01:19
angasulerunlevelten: hahaha01:19
SchuenemannI think even IE supports it01:19
runleveltenLarge amounts of textual content look _disgusting_ in FF compared to konqy.01:19
Vuenintelikey: thanks01:19
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Daisuke_Idowhat kinds of kicker replacements exist?01:20
runleveltenDaisuke_Ido: why?01:20
Daisuke_Idoa couple reasons01:20
Schuenemannrunlevelten, I edit CSS on the fly with Fx :-)01:20
nosrednaekimDaisuke_Ido: kicker? is that the panel?01:20
Daisuke_Idoone, i'd like to be able to use my entire desktop01:20
vzduchI'll go to bed.. good night folks :)01:20
angasulenight vzduch01:20
Daisuke_Idoand two, true transparency01:20
runleveltennight vzduch01:20
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nosrednaekimthere's that enlightenment panel01:20
nosrednaekimforget what its called01:21
runleveltenDaisuke_Ido: ie, what for?01:21
Daisuke_Idoi'll have to show you01:21
=== runlevelten wonders what you're looking to do.
angasuleSchuenemann: I just tested it, it works01:22
Schuenemannangasule, what does?01:22
angasuleSchuenemann: text-transform01:22
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Schuenemannangasule, try input { text-transform: uppercase; }01:22
Schuenemannsee if a text field becomes capitalized01:22
angasuleSchuenemann: I tried this: http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_text-transform01:23
angasuleSchuenemann: and it rendered as expected01:23
angasuleSchuenemann: all three effects01:23
Schuenemannweird... I tried here a few days ago01:24
angasuleSchuenemann: what version of kubuntu are you running?01:24
nicolai_Goodnight everyone01:24
runleveltennight nicola01:24
angasulegod natt, nicolai_01:24
angasuleSchuenemann: that's weird, then01:24
runlevelten+i_, heh01:24
angasuleSchuenemann: was your html standards compliant?01:24
runleveltenSchuenemann: don't get me wrong, I don't use konqy for heavy js-laden pages, and I use FF to support quirks, but konqy is an impressive browser.01:25
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runleveltenIt just isn't very popular, and hasn't got enough people working on it.01:26
Schuenemannangasule, yeah, why not? :p01:26
Schuenemannrunlevelten, yeah...01:26
Schuenemannangasule, I just tested and it seems it doesn't work on input fields01:26
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Daisuke_Idohere we go01:27
Schuenemannon konqueror only01:27
cloakablerunlevelten: Yeah. Like Apple's Safari. Powered by the KHTML backend to Konqueror :P01:27
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runleveltenNot really a big fan of safari.01:27
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Daisuke_Idocloakable: no, powered by apple webkit.  BASED on khtml, but not the same thing01:27
amarojoin ubuntu br01:27
Daisuke_Idothough they're unforking01:28
runleveltenty Daisuke_Ido01:28
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Daisuke_Idorunlevelten: the problem with that is i have screen space i can't use at the top AND bottom01:28
ZambeziAnyone know Kdiff3 and know how I can erase duplicates line comparing two documents?01:28
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Daisuke_Idoi could use superkaramba to put a clock on the desktop and put the tray at the top to eliminate that bottom bar, but the top remains an issue01:29
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yashi79c' nesssuno?01:29
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yashi79ho un picolo problema con un pendrive01:30
yashi79mi sa che il dubbio mi resta01:30
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:30
angasule!it | yashi7901:30
ubotuyashi79: please see above01:30
angasulesmart ubotu heh01:30
Daisuke_Idorunlevelten: so you see the issue i'm facing here01:30
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intelikeydid anyone see Zambezi   ^01:31
runleveltenDaisuke_Ido: you could create 4 small panels and put them in the corners, then select to allow other windows to cover the panel...01:31
Daisuke_Idocan't figure that out either01:32
runleveltenah, but you still have icon black spots..01:32
Daisuke_Idothat's what i tried first01:32
Daisuke_Idotwo top panels in the corners01:32
[ifr0g] intelikey, hi :)01:32
Zambeziintelikey, Doesn't seems so.01:32
runleveltenIs it the icon black spots that are unwanted then?01:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:33
intelikeyZambezi sorry  i don't know kdiff     and hello [ifr0g] 01:33
Daisuke_Idoit wouldn't let me put the second panel inline with the first on the top01:33
runleveltenWere you using a menubar?01:34
Schuenemannangasule, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31968/ Try this on that same page01:34
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Daisuke_Idojust two standard panels01:34
Zambeziintelikey, I have two documents. 01 and 02 and it contains duplicates. I want to get rid of them. I tried sort, but I didn't manage to make it work.01:34
[ifr0g] Is there a nokia wap toolkit alternative ?01:34
revishcan some one tell me how to run flash media on kubuntu01:35
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intelikeyZambezi you want to totally remove the dups ?   or just remove the second occurance of each ?01:35
[ifr0g] revish, flash media ?01:36
intelikey!flash | revish01:36
uboturevish: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:36
runleveltenHey, I also can't see all the panels in the configuration dialog.01:36
[ifr0g] :)01:36
revishyea like play vids01:36
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Zambeziintelikey, The seocond occurance I guess.01:36
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Daisuke_Idorunlevelten: exactly.01:36
Daisuke_Idothat's not right.01:36
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runleveltenAh, they're there in kcontrol01:37
[ifr0g] revish, mplayer should play them. after you get the codecs.01:37
[ifr0g] !flv01:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:37
Daisuke_Idothanks :)01:37
runleveltenWhich would make sense actually.01:37
SchuenemannI think mplayer doesn't need codecs for flv01:37
intelikeyZambezi one could do something like this,  may not be what you want though.    cat doc1 doc2 | sort -u > unique-doc01:37
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angasuleSchuenemann: that didn't work01:38
Daisuke_Idoeven in kcontrol, it won't let me do two inline >:|01:38
Schuenemannangasule, try with firefox or opera, it will :-)01:38
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angasuleSchuenemann: can't, I haven't installed them01:38
Schuenemannwell, then just trust me =)01:39
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revishi'm not that computer literate what exaxtly should i be doing?01:39
runleveltenI have the top ones going down the sides.01:39
runleveltennot in line, if you see what I mean01:40
Schuenemannrunlevelten, is that to me?01:40
angasuleSchuenemann: should I? hmmmm :P01:40
runleveltenSchuenemann: No, Daisuke_Ido01:41
intelikeyrevish for installing flash support ?    you were gone long enough to have at least scimmed the page on that,  so i'll not send you back there,   what version of kubuntu do you have ?01:41
Daisuke_Idoooh, that's an idea01:41
Daisuke_Idostill not a perfect solution, but quite nice01:41
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/01:41
runleveltenIf you mess with the width and height of them it works.01:42
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runleveltenand no you're right, t'aint perfect. :(01:42
revishi'm not sure01:42
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intelikeyrevish open a konsole  and type    lsb-release01:43
intelikeyor in here you could do /exec lsb-release -a01:44
ubotuPicasa from Google can be downloaded in .deb format from: http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html01:44
intelikeyso what is picasa ?01:45
SchuenemannI dunno01:45
Daisuke_Idosortasolution that works for me: i have one panel in the top left and one in the bottom right01:45
Daisuke_Idobottom right hides, and contains the tray and clock01:45
Daisuke_Idotop left has k menu, quicklauncher, and window list01:46
Schuenemannplease, how do I get rid of xubuntu?01:46
revishit's not finding anything01:46
DragnslcrSchuenemann- tried putting the disc in a microwave?01:46
SchuenemannDragnslcr, I installed xubuntu-desktop01:47
intelikeySchuenemann or cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda01:47
intelikeyrevish ok.  uname -r01:47
intelikeyrevish we can tell by the kernel version what version of kubuntu you have01:48
Schuenemannintelikey, you told me I could install xubuntu and it would be easy to remove01:48
revishwhich do i have?01:48
intelikeySchuenemann tell that lie to some one else01:48
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intelikeyrevish in the console type   uname -r     and show me the output01:49
Schuenemannintelikey, which one? that you said or that it's easy?01:49
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Daisuke_IdoSchuenemann: sudo aptitude remove xubuntu-desktop01:50
Daisuke_Idoand i just tried to tab-complete xubuntu-desktop :\01:50
intelikeySchuenemann you want to remove linux?   delete it's partition01:50
Schuenemannintelikey, not linux, just xubuntu!01:50
revishwhat is the out put suppose to be?01:50
intelikeyxubuntu is a linux distrobution01:51
SchuenemannDaisuke_Ido, will that remove everything, like its file manager, xarquive and everything?01:51
Schuenemannintelikey, I installed xubuntu-desktop01:51
Daisuke_IdoSchuenemann: in theory01:51
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Schuenemannin theory? :-/01:51
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revishall that shows is some numbers01:52
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:52
Daisuke_Idorevish: yeah. we need those numbers01:52
intelikeyrevish yes   show me01:52
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revishhow? do i type them?01:52
Daisuke_Idorunlevelten: http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/81/snapshot9ma3.png01:52
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trakinasdo I need to reboot my system after plugging a new usb printer?01:52
Daisuke_Idorevish: or copy and paste, it doesn't matter01:52
Daisuke_Idotrakinas: no01:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reboot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:53
intelikeyrevish most people use a keyboard,   but you could use a mouse01:53
Daisuke_Idothere needs to be a reboot factoid01:53
runleveltenHeh, you've got to me mess up my desktop now, ya get.01:53
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Daisuke_Idorunlevelten: better than before?01:53
trakinasDaisuke_Ido: it seens my hp isnt being detected...01:53
Daisuke_Idoin your opinion, at least01:53
runleveltenDaisuke_Ido: Nah, I'll put it back in a sec :)01:53
aesebu55Please someone! How do I make my clock read 12h instead of 24h, it is driving me nuts01:53
revishis that it?01:54
intelikeyrevish ok i think that's edgy01:54
Daisuke_Idointelikey: edgy is .1701:54
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intelikeyrevish you'll need to enable the "back-ports" repos01:54
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido either way same answer01:54
Daisuke_Idoaesebu55: right click the clock and go to "Date & Time Format"01:55
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Daisuke_Idointelikey: true01:55
intelikey!repos | revish here's how01:55
uboturevish here's how: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:55
Daisuke_Idoaesebu55: put this in time format: pH:MM:SS AMPM01:55
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BluesKajwhew, almost totally aniahlated the X setup setup by trying to edit xmodmap ..that was close ...thx to sudo nano at the prompt I was able to edit out my mistakes and rescue X and Kubuntu01:56
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Apollodoroshi everybody!01:56
intelikeyrevish after that the !flash factoid/infonode from the ubotu should tell you how to install the flash plugin that you need,   it's not hard and someone in here can help you if you need help.01:57
aesebu55Diasuke_Ido: should I restart or something?01:57
SchuenemannDaisuke_Ido, only 41 KB was removed!01:57
Apollodorosany idea how to set 100Hz regresh rate under nvidia drivers in Kubuntu?01:57
Daisuke_IdoSchuenemann: then that didn't work01:57
revishso do what this page say01:57
Daisuke_Idotime to start manually removing packages01:57
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Daisuke_Idoaesebu55: no need01:57
Apollodorosthere is virtually no such settings!01:57
Daisuke_Idojust apply and ok01:58
SchuenemannI said I should've installed on a spare partition but the guy told me it would be easy to remove01:58
intelikeyrevish yes  enable back-ports01:58
aesebu55Diasuke_Ido: then it didn't work01:58
runleveltendid you do an autoremove?01:58
Schuenemannhmm no01:58
Schuenemannwell, just did, and nothing was removed01:58
runleveltenJust a thought - I don't really know ubuntu's xfce packages01:58
runleveltenah ok01:59
aesebu55Daisuke_Ido: then it didn't work (I had your nick spelled wrong)01:59
intelikeysudo apt-get remove xfce*01:59
SchuenemannDaisuke_Ido, how am I going to find all of them?01:59
Schuenemanndo they all begin with xfce?01:59
intelikeysudo apt-get remove xfce*01:59
intelikeywild cards work.02:00
Schuenemannis there any chance that will remove something that it shouldn't?02:00
mm_202Hey guys, Im running KUbuntu 7.04 and all the sudden xine (amarok, gxine, etc) stopped working.  I try running Amarok and the window doesnt load yet the process still shows up.  Any ideas?02:00
intelikeynot a chance it will do anything until you say so02:01
SchuenemannI already did02:01
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revishwhat do i type in the part that says new repositories02:01
mm_202also when I try running  'cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp' I get a 'Device or resource busy' error02:01
mm_202But KDE sounds seem to work fine, so does Flash sounds in Firefox..02:02
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:02
intelikeynot that it will help...02:02
intelikeynever know.02:02
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mm_202lol, k, I'll try it..02:03
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aesebu55so uhh, wassup with my clock?02:04
intelikeywrong time ?02:04
Daisuke_Idoaesebu55: if you changed what i told you to, it should work.02:04
aesebu55no, it is in 24h format02:04
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Daisuke_Idohe's trying to get it to 12 hour format02:05
intelikeyright click it and configure02:05
aesebu55I did, it is stil the same02:05
aesebu55I swear man, I changed it but it is still the same02:05
Daisuke_Idoyou do have to log out02:05
Daisuke_Idonot reboot02:05
Daisuke_Idojust log out02:05
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Daisuke_Ido(which it told you when you clicked ok)02:06
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intelikeyaesebu55 did you click apply or ok after you changed it.... ?02:06
lontrawhat is the size of the default kicker in kubuntu?  50?02:06
phoenixzHi all, how do I configure the base directory for apache under ubuntu?? I cant seem to find it..02:06
Biovore48 I think..02:06
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Daisuke_Idointelikey: it does require a logout02:07
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Daisuke_Idoit pops up a huge window when you change it02:07
Daisuke_Idotime settings apply only to newly started applications02:07
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runleveltenSchuenemann: it's just a package that pulls the deps in with it02:08
intelikeyDaisuke_Ido but as you pointed out he should have seen that.  and gnome users will change settings and hit the upper-right [x]  and wonder why it didn't work02:08
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aesebu55freakin sweet!!02:08
Daisuke_Idoand windows users just click through info dialogs without reading them :)02:08
aesebu55my clock rox!02:08
intelikeythat too02:09
boris_i need help02:09
Daisuke_Idoboris_: me too.02:09
aesebu55thanks Dai and inteli02:09
Daisuke_Idoof course, mine's all mental, so this isn't the right place02:09
Daisuke_Idono problem02:09
aesebu55btw, kubuntu is great!02:09
boris_doi have downlod mozilla thunderbird and i dont know to instal it02:09
aesebu55I have not used linux in years and I can't believe how far it has come.02:10
boris_it is great02:10
mm_202Anyone know where KDE stores the settings from System Settings -> Sound System?02:10
intelikeyboris_ delete it and use the package manager to install what you want02:10
intelikey!repos | boris_02:10
ubotuboris_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu02:10
phoenixzmm_202, by my knowledge, it should use alsa... /etc/asound.conf02:10
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)02:10
aesebu55so how do I get jack server?02:10
aesebu55I didn't see it in the list of packages02:11
mm_202phoenixz: I dont even have a /etc/asound.conf :S02:11
intelikeyaesebu55 see ubotu above02:11
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aesebu55gotcha, thanks02:11
mm_202it worked before, not sure why it just stopped working02:11
phoenixzmm_202, errr, that was on fedora :) I just moved to kubuntu and figured alsa would do the same.. not..02:11
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mm_202I think it was when I checked that damn 'Enable networked sound' checkbox...02:12
mm_202it popped up the restarting sound system dialog and it just got to a 100% and started over and over till I cancelled it.02:12
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utopianegrawww.utopianegra.com   (please opinion)02:13
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ubotuUnsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)02:14
Schuenemannnot tableless, I rate 0 out of 1002:14
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=== intelikey does apt-get install sense-common
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=== runlevelten puts his desktop back to sanity xD
Macr0ssI have a quick question about Xwin and kubuntu, its probly something dumb and easy to fix02:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about start - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:16
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Macr0ssmy lappy will boot the live cd just fine and runs the install, however on reboot it does not detect my screen res and I get what looks like a melting lcd02:17
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ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto02:17
JuJuBeeI need a simple way to switch wireless networks (i move between 4 different networks).02:18
JuJuBeeI hate resetting all the settings every time I change locations.02:18
jhutchins!fixres | Macr0ss02:18
ubotuMacr0ss: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:18
Macr0ssthat would be nice if I could get even a console02:18
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intelikeyMacr0ss use [alt] +[ctrl] +[f1]    login and issue   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg      and set it up propperly02:19
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jhutchinsMacr0ss: Ctrl-alt-F[1-6] 02:19
Macr0sstried that02:19
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Macr0sswhile booting I get the screens and linux is loading, but once X kicks in I lose it all02:19
Schuenemann!info ndiswrapper02:19
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:19
jhutchinsMacr0ss: Tried which?02:19
intelikeyMacr0ss then boot to init=/bin/bash and fix it02:19
Schuenemann!info ndiswrapper-utils02:19
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper-utils does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:19
Macr0ssrun that from grub?02:19
icemanayuda porfa02:19
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ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/02:20
jhutchinsintelikey: Is that the same as single user mode?02:20
intelikeyjhutchins no.02:20
Schuenemann!es | iceman02:20
ubotuiceman: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.02:20
icemanthank you02:20
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intelikeyMacr0ss use the live CD to reconfigure it    mount your install and   sudo chroot /that/mountpoint/ dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:22
Macr0ssThank you very much...02:22
Macr0ssIm sure that will fix it I was just not sure how to go about it02:22
intelikeyheck copy the live cd xorg.conf to the install...02:22
Macr0ssalso an interesting idea02:23
intelikeymore than one way to defer a felion02:23
intelikeymore than one way to defur a felion02:23
Macr0ssim almost afraid to install it again, last time I ran the live cd install it disregarded my windows mbr and messed up my whole day02:23
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BluesKajwindows will do that :)02:24
intelikeyMacr0ss yes most installers will overwrite the mbr   that's common amongst os's02:24
Biovoreinstall windows on linux it does the same thing..02:24
Biovorelinux can be configured to be windows friendly though..02:24
intelikey"install windows on linux" ???02:25
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BiovoreI know intelikey.. Why would someone want to do that!!! :-P02:25
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents02:25
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intelikeyBiovore some bios' can be set to disallow changing the mbr too02:25
Macr0ssI had xp installed first, normally grub will add my windows partition automagically and work just fine. Never had an issue, the last insatall for some reason just pretended windows didn't exist.02:25
Macr0ssand then windows didn't think it existed02:26
Biovoreyou can install ubuntu in XP/Vista with out a cd as well :-P02:26
revishintelikey i tried what you said but i still don't get it..is there another way02:26
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BluesKajheh, ppl use windows on vmware in linux all the time ..dunno why , but they do. :)02:27
Macr0sslol, I did for small tasks02:27
Macr0sslinux cannot do it all02:27
Daisuke_Idoespecially small tasks :)02:27
intelikeyrevish   probably.   you can copy the flashplayer.so to ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/   and to ~/.mozilla/something.../     and flash would work for that user ....02:27
Daisuke_Idoout of curiosity, what sorts of small tasks?02:28
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Biovorewell comerical support for linux lacks a bit..  I think comerical entities don't like linux because is like building a house on quicksand.. Close source is so ridgit it just crumbles..02:28
Macr0ssI prefer photoshop to gimp and the others02:28
Macr0sshowever now I just dual boot02:28
intelikey<Macr0ss> linux cannot do it all <<<< you blaspheemer      what's wrong with you !     :)02:28
Macr0ssreally I was just messing with vmware02:28
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Tomi-idlegimp is propably gonna get a ui revamp + one window mode02:29
Macr0ssIm a gamer02:29
Daisuke_IdoMacr0ss: i'm so sorry for you02:29
intelikeyoh well that explainst it02:29
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Daisuke_Idothere are medicines for that now :)02:29
trakinas2 questions:02:29
Daisuke_Ido2 answers:02:29
Daisuke_Idoyes, and only on every other tuesday02:29
trakinas1st - when i try to access my printer through its hp driver or through cupsd it gets stucked.02:29
Macr0sshe he02:30
intelikeycan someone walk revish through enabling flash ?02:30
trakinasit does not connects to cups nor configure the printer.02:30
trakinasit can find correctly, although02:30
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trakinas2nd: i could not log in as user...02:30
Daisuke_Idodownload it from adobe, extract it, chomd it executable, and run it :)02:30
Biovoretrakinas: use the kde print manager to do printers..02:30
Macr0sssounds about right Daisuke_Ido02:31
intelikeytrakinas couldn't login where as $USER ?02:31
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trakinasBiovore: okay.02:31
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intelikeytrakinas bad password ?      can you login a console with that user account ?02:32
trakinasintelikey: no bad password.02:32
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intelikeytrakinas can you login a console with that user account ?02:32
Biovoretrakinas: The cups web interface dosn't work on ubuntu02:32
trakinasbash: /dev/null: Permition Denied02:32
trakinaspressing control+c stops the msg error and log me into console02:33
intelikeytrakinas ls -l /dev/null02:33
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trakinascrw------- 1 root root 1, 3 2007-06-06 15:19 /dev/null02:33
Biovorewell that would be a problem..02:33
intelikeyfigures.  sudo chmod 666 /dev/null02:33
Biovorecrw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2007-05-19 13:30 /dev/null02:34
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trakinasBiovore: which is the kde server?02:34
trakinasone less02:34
Biovoretrakinas: k-button | system testting | select printers02:34
Biovoresystem settings02:35
koyoteuh oh.02:35
trakinasBiovore: then? I was already there. =P02:35
koyotekubuntu no like bsd ffs02:35
Biovorebsd not linux :-P02:36
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trakinasdo I stop cups before?02:37
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Biovoretrakinas: nope.. just add a printer and follow the dialog..  What printer you have anyway?02:37
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trakinasBiovore: hp-151002:37
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trakinasguess so02:37
Biovoreprint scaner copyier?02:38
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intelikeyinsmod: /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-k6/kernel/drivers/cdrom/cm206.o: init_module: Input/output error02:38
Biovoretrakinas: I have a simular modle here..02:38
Daisuke_Idothere's a great driver for that printer already there02:38
intelikeyeeek tons of that kind of erros scrolling by02:38
Daisuke_Idoi use that exact model02:38
Biovoretrakinas: Worked out of the box..02:38
koyotebsd isn't liunux? and fffs isn't ext3? *shocking*02:38
trakinasBiovore: nothing works out of the box with me. nothing! :P02:38
revishDaisuke_ldo, what does it mean to chomd it?02:39
Daisuke_Idorevish: chmod, that was a typo02:39
trakinasthere in the config print dialog... which one i select in "Printing System" in the drop box?02:39
Schuenemanntrakinas, doesn't HPLIP work?02:40
intelikeywell i stopped the error messages by   mv /sbin /root/02:41
trakinasSchuenemann: it freezes. let me try again anyway02:41
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intelikeyoh no i just changed the message02:41
SchuenemannHPLIP worked for my HP, it's PSC too02:41
intelikeykmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k char-major-195, errno = 202:42
intelikeykmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -k char-major-195, errno = 202:42
trakinasit shows the printer when selecting the device02:42
Biovoretrakinas: the part where it pulls up there list of drivers takes some time.. depends on the speed of your machine.. a PIII 600 takes forever..02:42
trakinassempron 1300 here02:42
Biovoretrakinas: you getting to the add new printer wizard atleast?02:43
trakinasoh! found now!02:43
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trakinasinstalling the ppd now...02:44
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=== trakinas cross his fingers
trakinasi definitely love hp printers!!02:45
trakinasnow, i just cant understand why it was freezen before.02:46
trakinasSchuenemann: i beg your pardon?02:46
Schuenemannyou do?02:46
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trakinasSchuenemann: you just said openoffice at random02:47
trakinasi guess....02:47
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Schuenemannyou did the same with word02:48
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dmuserHey everyone02:48
wolferinehi dmuser02:48
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trakinasSchuenemann: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! now i got the joke02:49
dmuserI have a question -- I think I borked terminal, or something that opens programs...what do I do?02:49
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nosrednaekimdmuser: say again?02:49
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trakinasit was just a polite way to say "no bullocks" to my previous statament about hp printers02:49
dmuserWhen I open terminal, it shows a white box, and then crashes.  This is inside X02:49
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nosrednaekimso only terminal doesn't work?does anything else launch?02:50
Macr0sssoo many borked jokes, soo little bandwidth02:50
kumamotowhats ywith the libxine-extracodecs in edgy anyway02:50
wolferinelol @ Macr0ss02:50
cloakablekumamoto: to add mp3 support, etc02:50
nosrednaekimkumamoto: ummm, do you have a problem with it?02:50
dmuserKonversation; Kopete; work.  Calculator doesn't work, haven't tried much else.02:50
kumamotomine seem to be broken02:50
nosrednaekimdmuser: just a white box..... hmm... did you uninstall bash?02:51
dmuserNot to my knowledge.02:51
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Biovorekumamoto: broken?02:51
kumamotoI supposedly need libxine-main1 which isn't installable02:51
JuJuBeeIs there a way to put my display settings back to default?  I tried to install the ATI drivers so I can use dual screens (Mirror) on my laptop.02:51
dmuserI can still ctrl-alt-F1/F6 to terminal.02:51
nosrednaekimdmuser: you say terminal doesn't work... did you try Konsole?02:51
JuJuBeeIt did not work.02:51
nosrednaekimdmuser: ah, ok02:51
Biovorekumamoto: do you have multiverse and universe enabled?02:51
dmuserKonsole works.02:51
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kumamotoBiovore: yaeh02:52
nosrednaekimJuJuBee: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server.... I think.02:52
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JuJuBeeThanks.  I'll try02:52
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Biovorekumamoto: hmm works here..  libxine-main102:52
Biovorever 1.1.2+repacked1-0ubuntu3.402:53
Biovorelibxine1 installed?02:53
dmuser...although when I try to launch programs from Konsole, or terminal for that matter I get an error message.  "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169;  Major opcode: 147; Minor opcode:  3; Resource id:  0x0; Failed to open device"02:53
nosrednaekimdmuser: thats fine02:53
dmuserThe Konsole dies.02:53
nosrednaekimthe konsole dies?02:54
Biovore^ thats normal..  thats a xorg bug..02:54
nosrednaekimthats NOT ok.02:54
Daisuke_Idoit's not a bug02:54
dmuserIt doesn't actually launch the program.  Although I think it used to.02:54
Daisuke_Idoit's an intended behavior.  that's looking for wacom devices, and it puts out harmless errors if it doesn't find one02:54
Biovoredmuser: alt-f2 and run xterm02:54
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nosrednaekimdmuser: thats odd... does "alt+f2" work?02:55
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nosrednaekimand you can run stuff from there?02:55
dmuserTo both.  Alt-F2; and then running xterm both function02:55
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dmuserWell it gets farther.  I try to run gedit and it crashes immediately.02:55
Biovorethen type konsole in the xterm02:55
Biovorewhen it crashes.. what error do you get?02:56
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dmuserBiovore:  "Window with title "Unsaved Document 1 - gedit" is not responding. This window belongs to application gedit (PID=21292, hostname=localhost)."02:57
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Biovoredmuser: you got that when running konsole?02:58
dmuserWhen running gedit.02:58
dmuserKonsole seems to run fine/02:58
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nosrednaekimhello spartako02:58
Biovoreoh.. so it might just be gtk problem..02:58
nosrednaekimyeah. try running kate like that02:58
spartakohello nosrednaekim, where do you from my friend?02:58
Biovoreso gedit,gimp,firefox probably arn't working then..02:59
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lucahi everyone02:59
nosrednaekimspartako: what?02:59
dmuserFirefox functions02:59
lucaI have a problem with compiz-fusion02:59
spartakohi luca02:59
dmuserKate runs.02:59
holzmodemhi, every time i load a webpage with integrated flash with konqueror, the cpu load goes to 100% and konqueror hangs. it is the nspluginviewer. how can i solve it?02:59
spartakoI'm from Spain you?02:59
nosrednaekimspartako: oh.... USA02:59
lucait does run, but I cannot grab windows02:59
Biovoredmuser: what about gimp?02:59
dmuserGimp runs02:59
nosrednaekimluca: ttile bar is missing?02:59
lucanope it's there, but I cannot grab it (and therefore I cannot move the window)03:00
lucano window decorator functions03:00
lucaberyl instead functions finely03:00
nosrednaekimodd..... umm, compiz fusion is beta, so etchincally you should ask over at #compiz03:00
luca(I have tried with Emerald for both and kwd/gwd)03:00
lucaeh nobody's answering :)03:00
DragnslcrYou can try #ubuntu-effects as well03:01
dmuserBiovore:  Amarok crashes on launch as well03:01
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spartakoluca, I'm sorry but I'm new on linux :-(03:01
lucathanks Dragnslcr03:02
lucanp spartako :D03:02
Biovoredmuser: does it crash when you run it from konsole?03:02
dmuserAre there libraries or drivers associated with all of the programs that are failing to run?  It seems hit or miss to me.03:02
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dmuserBiovore:  It works, then seems to freeze, then crashes.03:03
Biovoredmuser: ldd /usr/bin/amarok03:03
Biovoredo you see any "not found" lines..03:03
dmuserI don't see any offhand03:04
dmuserNo.  None03:04
Biovorewell then all the libs required are there..03:04
nosrednaekimdmuser: ummm can you open a package manager? maybe you should run an update on your system.03:05
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dmuserBiovore:  I can open package managers.  How do I do an update?03:08
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Biovoredmuser: I use a shell/console for doing updates..   at a bash prompt type: "sudo apt-get update"  then "sudo apt-get upgrade"03:12
yotuxI need to create a mailbox that all system users can have access to any ideas?03:12
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Biovoreyotux: hmm you might beable to setup a mailbox that if mail get sent to it.. the message gets forward to a list of mail accounts..03:14
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dmuserOk.  I was able to update, and at the end of the update it tells me "W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems"03:14
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Biovorethats the second thing I said to do :-P03:15
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yotuxBiovore:  I an not a server person, was thinking of install an imap mail server03:15
ubuntu__what pakage do i have to download to gain the "./configure" konsole function?03:16
Biovoreyotux: I google on a postfix/imap setup with tls03:16
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Biovoreubuntu__: ./configure is a script for configuring a source.. it should be in the source.. unless you got a cvs check out.. then you probably need to run automake and friends..03:16
yotuxhave you ever done a setup like that?  wondering how hard it is going to be03:17
Biovoreyotux: I have..  It can get complex to do it right..03:17
Biovoremany choices of services and smtp deamons to select from and how to handle authenticaion can get confusing quick..03:18
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ubuntu__is there a utility that regularly generates the ./configure script?03:20
ubuntu__i tried to compile a begining sdl project, and it cudlnt find i guess, its own, ,./configure script03:22
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ubuntu__are there any better linux 3d graphics forums i could go ask these questions in instead?03:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:24
ubuntu__i dont want to program just for nvidia cards, im confused03:24
Biovoreubuntu__: what you got.. just a c/c++ file?03:25
Schuenemannsorry, I needed the link for myself :-)03:25
ubuntu__i havent had much luck so far with compilng anythign original at all with linux so far03:25
=== Biovore programs sdl/qt4 on linux alot..
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ubuntu__i need help with the commands to incorporate c++ and c header lo9cationd and library locations03:26
Biovoreubuntu__: ussualy we make makefiles for simple project..03:26
Biovoreyou got a file called "Makefile"03:26
ubuntu__id be again starting from scratch, and id have to start with who knows kind of 3d apis03:27
ubuntu__i have no solid idea03:27
Biovoreubuntu__: if its a single file kinda thing they might just assume you know how to use gcc03:27
BluesKajubuntu__, have you installed build-essential ?03:27
ubuntu__whats build-essential?03:27
Biovoreubuntu__: gcc filename.c -o binary_name -lsdl  <-- simple example of a sdl app03:27
Biovoreubuntu__: build-essential is the compiler and tools03:28
Biovoreubuntu__: http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/index.php <-- sdl program example and configurations for kdevelop03:28
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Biovorethere good tutorials on sdl03:29
ubuntu__ok ill take a start there, thanks everyone!03:29
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Daisuke_Idogba games should not be unplayable in vba03:34
Daisuke_Idoeither i turn frameskipping off and it runs slow, or i turn it on and it's all choppy :\03:34
flaccidwhen upgrading from feisty to gutsy, do a apt-get upgrade then a apt-get dist-upgrade?03:36
trakinasKPDF cant see my printer. =(03:36
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Daisuke_Idoflaccid: are you sure you want to do that?03:37
flaccidDaisuke_Ido: yes03:38
intelikeyflaccid short answer no   apt-get update ;apt-get dist-upgrade03:38
WhtWolfTeraDyneDaisuke_Ido: That's why I actually buy my games. Like the 10 I bought this week. >_>;03:39
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flaccidbasically keyboard doesn't work in kde03:39
flaccidjust starting doing it today03:39
flaccidso i will do this to try to fix it03:40
Daisuke_Idoand you think going to a version of the OS in *alpha* will fix that.03:40
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intelikeytrakinas is it set as the "default" printer ?03:41
bradso I was in here working on my wireless earlier in the day and got it working, but after a power cycle it no longer works03:41
bradand if I go to ndiswrapper -l it shows me the driver as being installed03:41
flaccidDaisuke_Ido: its a possibility considering the problem is kde3 and gutsy gibbon uses kde403:41
bradearlier I just suddenly noticed it was working in the middle of having various problems03:41
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bradand I thought gutsy didnt use KDE403:41
bradbecause it would just be coming out03:41
bradthey wouldnt have time to test KDE4 before releasing gutsy03:42
flaccidright i got told wrong then i guess03:42
WhtWolfTeraDyneKDE4 won't be default untill after Gutsy+103:42
flaccidwhat version of kde does it use03:42
bradKDE 3.5 I believe03:42
flaccid3.5.7 ?03:43
trakinaskprinter can see it03:43
WhtWolfTeraDyne3.5.7, IIRC03:43
flaccidfair enough03:43
bradanyway can anyone help me with this wireless problem, it should be easy being as ndiswrapper -l shows the right driver as being installed03:43
intelikeythe official word as i hear it is   kde 3. will be default and kde 4. will be in the repos03:43
flaccidi would fix the keyboard problem if i knew how. there are no error messages03:43
bradin /etc/network/interfaces wlan0 is on the list...03:43
bradI dont know what else to check because it seems to be installed it is maybe not initializing?03:43
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jbasiliodid you try using network manager to configure it?  i had to comment out my wlan (eth1) entries in my /etc/network/interfaces03:44
jbasilioonce i commented it out, network manager worked.  before that, the kde config stuff didn't work for me03:45
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nosrednaekimbrad: what does iwconfig say?03:46
bradlemme see (I dont know many commands off the top of my head)03:46
bradnetwork manager only shows eth003:46
bradiwconfig says no wireless extensions03:47
nosrednaekimbrad: what wireless chipset do you have?03:47
bradbut in etc/network/interfaces should I change wlan0 to eth1?03:47
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flaccidi think ubuntu sux how it needs networkmanager03:47
nosrednaekimand how did you get it working before? ndiswrapper?03:47
WhtWolfTeraDynebrad: did you make sure ndiswrapper was loaded?03:47
flaccidif you remove it, networking doesn't work correctly03:47
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bradMarvell..., and what ndiswrapper -l says is mrv8knt03:48
bradearlier I was trying to make it work, and went to network manager and it was just working03:48
bradI was really surprised, a list of wireless networks was just there03:48
bradhow do I load ndiswrapper?03:48
nosrednaekimbrad: ah.... run this command "lsmod | grep ndiswrapper"03:48
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WhtWolfTeraDyneflaccid: You can always configure it manually via the cli commands.03:48
jbasilioif a list of networks was there, think that means it's working.  you just need to configure your ssid at that point03:48
bradthats what I'm wondering, is if the necessary device just isnt running03:49
nosrednaekimand see if it returns anything03:49
bradI mean I HAVE ndiswrapper, but I dont know if it initalizes on startup03:49
trakinasanyone? kpdf still does not see the printer03:49
nosrednaekimbrad: run that command and we will see03:49
WhtWolfTeraDynebrad: "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" to load it right now.03:49
jbasiliotrakinas: other apps see the printer but not kpdf?03:49
bradok firstly, modprobe hasnt been working, been trying that forever03:49
flaccidWhtWolfTeraDyne: that won't work if you remove networkmanager, at least not on boot. i've tested it. shits me to tears. i don't even see why ubuntu needs networkmanager03:49
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bradand lsmod | grep just goes to the next command line03:49
trakinasjbasilio: exactly03:49
WhtWolfTeraDynebrad: You can add it to the end of your "/etc/modules" to have it load on boot.03:50
bradboth of them I hit enter and it just goes to brad@brad-desktop03:50
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nosrednaekimbrad: ok, run WhtWolfTeraDyne's command03:50
jbasiliotrakinas: did you run kprinter and confirm it's there?  they all use kprinter IIRC so that is odd03:50
IAmWill_how do i install wine on kubuntu?  it isnt in the package manager listing03:50
bradmodule ndiswrapper notfound03:50
nosrednaekimand then run "sudo ndiswrapper -m" to start it every time.03:50
IAmWill_do i need to add another repo?03:50
bradwhich is what it was doing before...before it was working despite the fact that ndiswrapper -v showed something wrong03:50
trakinasyes it is there03:50
bradI have ran ndiswrapper -m like 8 times03:50
nosrednaekimbrad: hmmm...03:50
nosrednaekimbrad: ok.03:51
intelikey!repos | IAmWill_03:51
ubotuIAmWill_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu03:51
bradmodule contains alias directive03:51
bradmodule already contains alias directive I mean03:51
jbasilioIAmWill_: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_Install_and_Run_Wine03:51
nosrednaekimbrad: do you have ndiswrapper installed?03:51
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bradbut when I do ndiswrapper -v it does something weird03:52
bradand has the whole time03:52
titanix88hi al03:52
titanix88hi al03:52
bradit always wants to say utils 1.9 arent installed when they are03:52
bradbut the thing is it was working before, while ndiswrapper -v was still showing an error03:52
WhtWolfTeraDyneAh, That explains it.03:52
bradand ndiswrapper is on the bottom of /etc/modules (already was)03:53
jbasiliobrad: my ndiswrapper -v shows error: no version specified!  but it still works fine03:53
bradok well mine does also03:53
intelikeyjbasilio did you even look at that page you posted ?03:53
bradthis is the ubuntuforums post btw http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51131403:53
jbasiliointelikey: i looked it up and cut-pasted it .. why?03:53
bradbut it says the driver is installed and the device is present on ndiswrapper -l03:54
WhtWolfTeraDynebrad: "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9" It's a needed package. It might not be installed.03:54
bradI have it already03:54
intelikeycause it's ubuntu specific  and first raddle out of the box has a link to the "kubuntu" speciffic page    so wouldn't it be better to post the kubuntu page for people ?03:54
bradinstalled, uninstalled, reinstalled03:54
bradover and over again03:54
intelikey@ jbasilio03:55
bradthe thing is this worked earlier today03:55
WhtWolfTeraDynebrad: ... I'm not sure then. I've never heard of that sort of problem...03:55
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braddo I need to do something related to ndiswrapper -a?03:55
bradremember modprobe ndiswrapper says module not found03:57
nosrednaekimthat means it doesn't see the kernel module03:57
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trakinasoh dear! =(03:57
trakinasnothing yet. kprinter and kpdf are making me insane.03:57
stonedtrakinas: are you an old lady03:57
stonedcuz they always say , oh dear03:58
trakinasstoned: nops.03:58
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bradbut etc/modules has ndiswrapper on the list03:58
jbasiliobrad: i don't know a ton about ndiswrapper ... but lsmod | grep ndis doesn't show anything for me03:58
trakinasi also cant find the printer unless i use CUPS.03:58
nosrednaekimjbasilio: you probably don't use it03:58
nosrednaekimbrad: that doesn't mean anything.03:58
jbasilionosrednaekim: i configured it to be used ... hmm.  i dunno .. wireless was like voodoo to get it to work03:58
bradso what do I do to make my kernal read it?03:58
nosrednaekimbrad: just a second...03:59
cjehi, I am trying to watch YouTube.  But Kubuntu doesn't come with non-Free packages, and I haven't been able to successfully install Flash.  Suggestions?03:59
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jbasiliocje: did you configure non-free repositories?04:00
bradcje: are you on 64 bit?04:00
cjejbasilio, I thought that I configured the non-free repositories, yes.04:00
cjebrad, yes, this is a 64 bit machine, but with 32 bit Edgy04:00
intelikeycje brad nailed it.   no 64 bit flash04:01
jbasiliowith 32-bit edgy it's not 64 bit flash04:01
nosrednaekim32 bit edgy.....04:01
intelikeyoh 32 bit system.   ok04:01
stonedi have a 128 bit system04:01
jbasiliothat's impressive. seriously.  i'm really impressed04:01
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cjebtw, I also installed gnash, and no joy.04:02
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LeeJunFanstoned: dual dual-core 32 bit's doesn't make a 128bit :p04:03
trakinasworked! phew!!04:04
nosrednaekimbrad: no... clue....04:04
cjeI also just downloaded klash and still no joy.04:04
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bradnosrednaekim: just wish I could figure out why it worked earlier today...maybe I should start all over?04:04
stonedi have a 256bit system04:04
stonedyou're hung up on 64 bits04:04
nosrednaekimreinstall? no...04:04
stonedc'mon get with the times04:04
bradI mean the drivers etc04:04
stonedsoon they will come out with 512 bit cpus04:04
LeeJunFanActually I'm on an 8 bit vic20.04:04
bradgo through the whole set of instructions I have04:04
bradthis is the thread on ubuntu forums btw http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51131404:05
jbasiliostoned: and a better idiot04:05
stonedok im just bored and talking nonsense04:05
stonedignore me04:05
nosrednaekimbrad: yeah., I read them04:05
intelikeycje i don't use/do flash  but i did install it just to see how hard it could be,  you must be missing something,  you get the package unpack it and copy the libflashplayer.so to like  ./.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so   or what ever you want to use it...    maybe there's something i missed04:05
nosrednaekimbrad: did you compile ndiswrapper?04:06
bradI believe so04:06
jbasilioisn't there a package for it?  i thought i installed it .. i had to do the 64 bit trick on my laptop, trying to figure out package on my 32bit desktop though04:06
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bradI mean if it worked earlier in the day that means it must have been compiled right? I assume I did something to make it work but didnt succesfully make it do that everytime it boots?04:06
jbasilioflashplugin-nonfree is package name for 32-bit04:06
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nosrednaekimbrad: ah... but did you upgrade your kernel?04:07
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nosrednaekimthat would kill it.04:07
Daisuke_Idotime to attempt a recompile04:07
bradummmm.....I'm not sure04:07
stonedin this age of confusion and uncertainty04:07
bradI dont believe so04:07
Daisuke_Idosince the version of visualboy advance in the repos is woefully unoptimized04:07
stonedno one is sure04:07
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intelikeystoned are you sure ?04:08
nosrednaekimbrad: lets try something then, go to where you put the source package and do "make" and then "sudo make install" again.04:08
intelikeyi think some people are,   maybe04:08
stonedif I'm sure, then it negates what I said earlier04:08
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stonedif I'm unsure, then what I said doesn't hold true04:08
stonedso its crazy both ways04:08
cjeintelikey, I did download libflashplayer and my terminal output tells me that I successfully installed it, but no joy.  I am actually going to reboot, I also just now removed an xpti.dat file as instructed by the terminal.04:09
nosrednaekimhey Minataku04:09
stonedthats deep huh04:09
Minataku!seen dr_willis04:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen dr_willis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:09
MinatakuHeya, nosrednaekim04:09
stonedyeh im really smart04:09
MinatakuOh, shut up ubotu04:09
stonedso I'm pretty much amazing04:09
jbasiliocje: did you try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree?04:09
nosrednaekimMinataku: hows the compile farm going?04:09
Minatakunosrednaekim: Haha04:09
nosrednaekimchurning out gentoo?04:09
cjejbasilio, no, I did not try that yet.04:09
MinatakuNah, just sitting around and looking pretty04:10
jbasiliocje: that should be all you need.04:10
MinatakuThough I finally managed to leech a copy of IRIX04:10
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MinatakuWhich I'm in the process of now04:10
nosrednaekimdo tell...04:10
MinatakuIRIX 6.5.1004:10
nosrednaekimthat should be interesting04:10
stonedi like the filemanager04:10
MinatakuI'll finally have an OS for my prototype SGI POWER Indigo204:10
intelikeyapt-get install gentoo04:10
MinatakuWith it's 75MHz R8000 processor04:11
bradkk remaking ndiswrapper04:11
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nosrednaekimwow.. that'll run IRIX? it must be OLD04:11
nosrednaekimbrad: ok.04:11
Minatakunosrednaekim: It is old.04:12
MinatakuRare, too04:12
bradok so that all reinstalled fine, should I just go through the steps I had before again?04:12
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MinatakuPlus, mine's a prototype. So it's even RARER. :D04:12
cjejbasilio, I ran that apt-get and here is the error message I got:  flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version04:12
mcantorI'm trying to download a torrent in KTorrent, and it says that it's either corrupt or not a torrent file.  What gives?04:12
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cjeI am going to reboot.  Let's see if that works.04:12
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intelikeyok but it wont04:13
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nosrednaekimbrad: go to where your driver is and run " sudo ndiswrapper -i <filename>"04:13
nosrednaekimand then "modprobe ndiswrapper"04:13
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braddone this so many times ;)04:13
Minatakumcantor: Perhaps it's corrupt. Or not a torrent file. :P04:13
jbasiliointelikey: he may have not d/led it ... IIRC the package asks you to d/l it to /tmp04:13
BluesKajmcantor, could be true04:13
bradthis is what I meant when I said reinstall04:13
nosrednaekimah.. ok04:13
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nosrednaekimdid you try compiling multiple times before?04:14
cleit0nhi, i download kde4.. how i instart it?04:14
mcantorMinataku: BluesKaj: But the torrent site says that multiple people are leeching & seeding from that very torretn!04:14
bradonce again, I do that and it says driver already installed04:14
nosrednaekimbrad: ok, thats fine04:15
nosrednaekimhow about modprobe?04:15
braddoing it now04:15
BluesKajmcantor, they are prollu using a different client that doesn't spot potenmtially corrupt files04:15
jbasiliocleit0n: you d/led what?  a .tar file?  they have the alpha in the repositories ...04:15
bradit once gain just goes to the next command line04:15
nosrednaekimcleit0n: there are instructions on the main kubuntu page04:15
braddoesnt tell me anything04:15
nosrednaekimbrad: good!04:15
nosrednaekimnow try iwconfig04:15
cleit0njbasilio: alpha04:15
mcantorBluesKaj: But I don't care if it's corrupt!  I just want my music.  :(04:15
spartakodoes anyone know ADA?04:15
bradwoah, working!04:16
MinatakuAmerican Dental Association04:16
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bradnow how do I make it work after the next reboot04:16
BluesKajok then mcantor , go for it !04:16
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nosrednaekimbrad: yeah.you miust have updated your kernel04:16
cleit0nnosrednaekim: i'm brasilian, and there no have one instructions easy04:16
nosrednaekimor booted a differnt one04:16
jbasiliobrad: don't reboot.  ;)04:16
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:16
braddo I need to change something so it does this at boot?04:16
cjejbasilio, still no joy on that flash problem.04:16
nosrednaekimbrad: no.04:16
nosrednaekimit should work on reboot.04:16
bradI remember like 5 years ago when my brother was always harping linux to me (I just started using it) he claimed you never had to reboot, and that hasnt been my experience04:16
mcantorNow it's just straight-up crashing.04:17
bradkk lets try this04:17
intelikeywouldn't an ls /boot/vm*  have been a simple way to see it the kernel was updated ?04:17
jbasiliocje: hen you installed the package .. it tells you to go to the flash site and d/l the plugin and place it in a location.  then continue the isntall.  did you do that?04:17
bradso if my kernal ever upgrades I have to do this again ;)04:17
nosrednaekimfor kernl stuff, you need to, but otherwise.. nah04:17
jbasiliobrad: it is true.  you just need to restart whatever it is that you upgraded.  unless it's a kernel you don't need to boot04:17
cjejbasilio, yes to all of the above.04:17
nosrednaekimbrad: yes. because the stupid person who gave you the directions didn't have you install it via apt04:17
jbasiliocje: do you see flash plugin in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins?04:19
cleit0nanyone help me with kde4?04:19
intelikeycje do you have a /usr/lib/firefox ?04:20
cjeintelikey, I'm looking for that dir now.  One secy, please!04:20
intelikeyjbasilio where else will it show up ?      or do we just always assume firefox ?04:22
Minataku!br | cleit0n04:22
ubotucleit0n: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:22
trakinasit was a short joy04:22
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cjejbasilio, file:///usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflash-mozplugin.so04:22
jbasiliointelikey: konqy picks it up too if that's what you mean04:22
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spartakodoes anyone use JAVA?04:22
bradok, it works, thanks a ton!04:22
jbasiliospartako: yup04:22
jbasiliocje: sounds like it's installed correctly.  you go to youtube and can't use anything, eh?04:23
nosrednaekimbrad: no problem!04:23
trakinasnow it says "blank command" and printed all wrong before. =(04:23
nosrednaekimbrad: just remember those two easy steps whenever you upgrade a kernel04:23
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intelikeyjbasilio what i mean is if someone doesn't have any *mozilla*  installed will installing flashplayer make that dir ?04:23
hitmanWillyintelikey: under ubuntu, it should04:24
jbasiliointelikey: don't know.  but i assume that the install script will do it.  not positive though since that's not my setup04:24
cjejbasilio, I go to YouTube and I see the thumbnails and all other features of the page just fine.  It is only when I click on a video to play that I get an error message telling me that I need flash 904:24
hitmanWillyintelikey: same difference04:24
jbasiliocje: and this is firefox?04:24
cjejbasilio, yes, I am using firefox to visit YouTube.04:25
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jbasiliocje: does /usr/lib/mozille/plugins exist and have a .xpt and .so link?04:25
intelikeyhitmanWilly reason i brought that up  kubuntu doesn't have any firefox anything and it seems odd that a plugin would make a firefox dir and add plugins there,   i assume that it's a symlink to the actualy file anyway.04:25
spartakoany hacker here?04:25
cjejbasilio, And here's the reason this problem is non-trivial.  I am volunteering to support a public middle school with FOSS, and we have several Ubuntu boxes that we are going to need to have up and running by next Monday.04:26
jbasiliospartako: what's your definition of a hacker?04:26
intelikeyspartako sure several04:26
cjejbasilio, checking now04:26
hitmanWillyintelikey: actually, yes, it is a symlink, but konq looks for firefox plugins under ~/.mozilla anyway, IIRC04:26
spartakowell, a person who helps people and undrestand all04:26
nosrednaekimspartako: do you mean hacker, or cracker?04:26
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jbasilioi think konq has a few places it looks .. including the mozilla plugin location04:27
trakinasgahhhhhhhhhh! damn kprinter04:27
intelikeyhitmanWilly heh yeah i know the whole gui is screwy04:27
trakinas"blank command line received...."04:27
jbasiliospartako: i don't think there's anyone who understand all.  do you have a specific problem or just looking for people ? ?04:27
hitmanWillyspartako: no one understands everything, why not just ask your question and see if someone knows the answer?04:27
cjejbasilio, file:///usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flashplayer.xpt  file:///usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so04:28
trakinaslike: kprinter is saying "blank command received" while i try to print any file04:28
spartakoyou are wrong! God knows all!! :D04:28
trakinasit printed before, wrongly, but did.04:28
intelikeyspartako here here.04:28
nosrednaekimspartako: amen brother04:28
jbasilioi think you want #religion04:28
trakinasspartako: it depends on your beliefs.04:29
spartakoi want learn about you04:29
jbasiliooh please04:29
trakinasbut this is not the right place for this.04:29
jbasiliocje: weird.  sounds like everything is installed.  try konqueror04:29
trakinasi see i will never pint this thing. :/04:30
jbasiliocje: make sure in settings->configure->plugins has the directories where your plugins are installed in it04:31
cjejbasilio, no joy with Konqueror.04:31
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nosrednaekimtrakinas: what kind of printer? is it local?04:31
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cjejbasilio, you mean in Firefox, right?04:31
jbasiliocje: weird.  i never had these issues with flash .. was easy as pie with apt-get install04:31
trakinasnosrednaekim: yes04:31
zimmoMan ive got the biggest of the problems04:31
trakinashp psc 151004:31
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jbasiliocje: no, meant konqueror.  i think firefox has it's location hardcoded.  konqy you can add paths to plugins04:31
cjejbasilio, I am famous for screwing tings up.04:32
trakinasnosrednaekim: i can print with openoffice.... but not this ps or pdf.04:32
jbasiliocje: should be screw-proof.  ;)04:32
zimmosomeone has restarted my pc via windows XP, is that possible to enter in a system without sending a trojan horse?04:32
jbasilioobviously not though .. :(04:32
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nosrednaekimtrakinas: HP1210 here, and its working well04:32
trakinasit did print once, but wrongly. i mean, not as shown on the screen04:32
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nosrednaekimtrakinas: thats odd.... did you set up printing via system-settings?04:32
trakinasvia hp tool04:33
zimmocan anybody help me?!???!??!??!04:33
trakinasand via print settings.04:33
trakinasit always detect it as cups.04:33
nosrednaekimzimmo: windows? I think you have the wrong channel04:33
zimmono man04:33
nosrednaekimah.... hp settings... IDK.04:33
zimmoi am on ubuntu now nosrednaekim04:33
SonhadorPRCan anybody tell me how to restore the K-Menu?04:33
zimmoi am asking only if is it possible!!!04:33
nosrednaekimI don't know. I've never used it04:33
jbasiliocje: can you do /etc/init.d/flashplugin-nonfree restart?  (i didn't even know this thing was here until inspecting the package)04:33
Dragnslcrzimmo- you might want to try saying something that makes sense04:33
nosrednaekimSonhadorPR: you lost the "K"?04:33
SonhadorPRI cant see it, the bar is there, but its empty.....just a plain bar at the bottom of the screen...04:33
trakinaszimmo: sure. if you have any remote service activated.04:34
hitmanWillyzimmo: if you want to look for one, install a virus scanner via apt and scan you windows partition04:34
trakinaslike vnc, ssh, xremote, etc etc04:34
zimmogood idea04:34
intelikeySonhadorPR right click on the bar and add what you want04:34
cjejbasilio, I will try that now.04:34
nosrednaekimSonhadorPR: right click on panel _> add applet-> Kmenu04:34
zimmotrakinas do you know if is it activated by standard?04:35
SonhadorPRAll I have is a plian ol bar at the bottom of the screen...no nothing...I was able to add some icons to it, but to shut it down, I have to press the power button, in order for the shut down little window to pop-up...but I dont have access to anything else on the bar04:35
zimmoi am afraid it is04:35
BluesKajspartako, your IP address is a known spammer on the 'net04:35
zimmobut even if it is:^so he only needs my IP address?04:35
zimmoand nothing more?04:35
nosrednaekimSonhadorPR: do what I said above04:35
SonhadorPRyeah...but its not like at the begining... I did that...but its still not the same04:35
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hitmanWillyzimmo: on a win box, not much...04:35
zimmoand I ask you more: could he do the same way if I were on Ubuntu?04:36
cjejbasilio, bash: /etci/nit.d/flashplugin-nonfree: No such file or directory04:36
jbasilio  /etc/init.d ... not /etci/nit.d04:36
zimmothen he has complete access to my machine?04:36
zimmohe had sorry04:36
hitmanWillyzimmo: possibly, but it would be harder04:36
zimmoyou know, how much he need to know to restart me04:37
hitmanWillyzimmo: unless you use the same pass for both accts :(04:37
zimmoit could be only an windows bug04:37
SonhadorPRnosred: what panel?   If I right click all that comes up is Add Applet to panel...04:37
cjejbasilio, oops, sorry04:37
zimmoi have no password04:37
jbasiliozimmo: unless there's a vulnerability in a program that can be used for remote access (ssh, telnet, ftp, http) people can't just "get into" your machine04:37
nosrednaekimzimmo: DUH!04:37
jbasiliounless you have no password *thwap*04:37
Cobaltcould I get a bit of coaching on vmware ie how to install and run using ubuntu 7.0404:37
jbasilioand dno't pick abc12304:37
zimmooh god04:37
=== hitmanWilly sighs
zimmoit is easier than i imaginated04:37
zimmoyou are freaking me04:37
nosrednaekim!vmware | Cobalt04:38
ubotuCobalt: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers04:38
jbasilioyou do realize passwords are important no matter what OS, right?04:38
zimmoi hope he only nuked me, but there are no nukes nowadays!04:38
hitmanWillyzimmo: set a password!!! its not that hard!!!04:38
jbasilioGOOD passwords04:38
intelikeySonhadorPR ok   you'll loose custom configs of kde but this should restore things         press [alt] +[f2]    and type in   rm -r ~/.kde    and wait about 3 seconds and press  [ctrl] +[alt] +[backspace]      see you when you get back...04:38
zimmonow I realize04:38
zimmoand if my OS does not have a login session04:38
nosrednaekimintelikey:  no no! that will make him lose mail and stuff too!04:38
zimmothen it is like this??04:38
cjejbasilio, bash: /etc/init.d/flashplugin-nonfree: No such file or directory04:38
zimmoso easy?!?!?!04:38
intelikeynosrednaekim yes kmail04:39
nosrednaekimintelikey: and bookmarks and ..... and... yeah04:39
jbasiliocje: ok, looks like the package MAY not be installed correctly .. ?? dunno.  i have that file04:39
zimmoman I realized how Internet really is04:39
nosrednaekimzimmo: dangerous04:39
jbasiliocje: can you reinstall it?04:39
intelikeynosrednaekim it's not like the system has been up for more than two days04:39
SonhadorPRok...Im just gonna leave it the way it is...I just added a whole bunch of items...04:39
jbasiliozimmo: how the internet really is?04:39
cjejbasilio, do I need to uninstall first?04:39
nosrednaekimintelikey: oh.... how did you know?04:39
SonhadorPRthanx anyway...04:39
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trakinasadded another printer and same error04:39
zimmois it that?04:39
jbasiliocje: sure.  purge it it ...04:39
nosrednaekimtrakinas: did you add it via kprinter?04:40
trakinasvia System Settings04:40
trakinasis the same thing04:40
nosrednaekimyeah. samething ok.04:40
jbasiliozimmo: internet isn't dangerous ... as long as you use a password04:40
cjejbasilio, k, sorry to be dense, but how would you suggest uninstalling it?04:40
zimmobut I guess if he shuts down my computer without the normal shutting down process04:40
intelikeynosrednaekim talked to him yestergo04:40
jbasiliocje: sudo adept_manager04:40
zimmohow can he do it04:40
nosrednaekimintelikey: ah, ok04:40
jbasiliolocate flashplugin-nonfree and right click and request purging04:41
jbasiliothan apply changes04:41
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intelikeytrakinas you're not on dapper are you ?04:41
jbasiliozimmo_: sorry.  i don't have a clue as to what your concern is.  put a password on your computer.  and don't worry about anything else04:42
intelikeydapper's update of foomaticdatabase is hosed04:42
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zimmo_yes, you said the right word at the right time04:42
zimmo_no better answer, thank you all04:42
zimmo_but if I could ask the last question04:42
trakinasintelikey: no no! never used ubuntu before feisty! :] 04:42
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zimmo_how more secure am I on ubuntu with standard configuration??04:42
intelikeytrakinas k.04:42
jbasilioyou're pretty secure.  there aren't any programs installed by default that can be exploited remotely.04:43
intelikeyzimmo until you open an irc client pretty safe  :)04:43
cjejbasilio, okay, I used Adept to uninstall the package called flashplugin-nonfree and it seems to have successfully uninstalled.  Do I need to reboot before attempting a re-install through Adept?04:43
zimmo_he was a terrorist04:43
jbasilioyou know IRC client exploits?04:43
zimmo_thats why I am afraind!04:43
zimmo_kiss of death maybe04:44
jbasilioc'mon man .. that's pretty paranoid!  don't freak the guy out!04:44
intelikey!virus | zimmo_04:44
ubotuzimmo_: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2104:44
jbasiliocje: no.  you don't need to reboot for rarely anything except kernels04:44
cjejbasilio, k, so I am going to try to reinstall.04:44
zimmo_he said personally to me he has a lot of virii04:44
zimmo_ok thanks04:44
zimmo_is not this site an exploit is it04:45
zimmo_heheheh joking04:45
intelikeyzimmo_ it a food read   http://librenix.com/?inode=2104:45
intelikeygood even04:45
zimmo_ill see, thank you04:45
jbasiliolinux might not have a virus issue, and thankfully the mail clients don't run stuff by default.... but if someone did a rm -rf * as a shell script attachment i'd be pissed.  virus or not.  :)04:45
trakinasi hope it last! hehe04:45
nosrednaekimtrakinas: good job, I guess04:45
jbasiliorm -rf ~/* rather04:45
trakinastime to go dinner04:45
cjejbasilio, same problem.  I tried to reinstall, no joy.04:46
trakinas3 hours to make this thing work! hehe04:46
jbasiliono way .. that was too fast04:46
zimmo_i understood04:46
zimmo_them i have to close the computers doors04:46
jbasilioyou d/led the flash plugin and followed the prompt?04:46
trakinasi wonder why nothing works out of the box with me. in any os. in any device. hehe04:46
zimmo_then* sorry04:46
=== trakinas is idle
intelikeyjbasilio might add a dot to make that work  ~/.??*04:46
jbasiliointelikey: either way.  my documents would be super pissed off.04:47
cjejbasilio, there was no prompt.  I used adept to uninstall it.04:47
sayersE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it ? EH! nothing is using it...04:47
jbasiliocje: right ... on the isntall though it should pause and ask you to d/l the flash plugin and put it in /tmp i think.  then hit enter when you've done it04:47
jbasiliosayers: ps -ef  | grep dpkg04:47
zimmo_you are so nice because you could use your knowledge for evil04:48
zimmo_ill read now04:48
cjejbasilio, hmmm, no, the Adept GUI did not ask me to do any such thing.04:48
=== intelikey thinks "uninstall" is a misnomer there if something is installed you don't uninstall it you remove it. if it's not installed it is uninstalled
sayersjbasilio:  sayers   12308 12229  0 22:48 pts/1    00:00:00 grep dpkg04:48
jbasiliocje: purge it again.  from command line do apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:48
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jbasiliosayers: something got killed while doing package-y stuff?  is there a lock file you can delete?04:49
sayersjbasilio: I don't know.04:49
jbasiliocje: perhaps it is choking on bringing up the prompt04:50
jbasiliosayers: /var/lib/dpkg/lock04:50
jbasiliodelete it if you are sure nothing is using it04:50
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sayersPermission Denied04:50
jbasiliosudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock04:50
intelikey!adeptcrashfix | sayers04:50
ubotusayers: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 04:50
sayersE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.04:51
jbasilioor do what the robot says.  he's pretty smart04:51
cleit0nhi, how i do to back to kde 3 after install kde 4?04:51
cjejbasilio, here is my error message this time:  Download done.  md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz The Flash plugin is NOT installed.04:51
jbasiliohaha.  that was fast. :)  at the login prompt you can select what you want.  left side there's an enter button graphic thing04:51
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sayersjbasilio: Gotta problem04:51
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jbasiliocje: ah!  i don't know why it's not asking you .. but it should give you a command to type to d/l the REAL package.  then it'll do the install steps for you04:52
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cjejbasilio, maybe that's because some parts of the install are still on my system.  Maybe I need to del the dir04:52
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intelikeysayers if you mean the index error above     see what  sudo apt-get update   says04:53
sayersCan I PM The log04:53
intelikeybetter if you pastebin it.04:53
intelikey!paste | sayers04:53
ubotusayers: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:53
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jbasiliocje: i don't think so.  the system should prompt you if you purged.  doesn't matter what's local04:54
sayersI know what is intelikey :)04:54
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jbasilioyou have a bad entry in yourr sources.list file04:55
jbasilioyou added a bad repository04:55
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jbaerbockwow lots of Kubuntu users online, when I used Mint there were maybe 5 on their IRC channel lol04:55
genefitzJbaer, we are many, it seems.. :-)04:56
intelikeysayers ok.   that doesn't look like it will break anything   anything else you want us to look at ?04:56
jbaerbocklol that we are04:56
holycowno one uses mint because its apointless project04:56
jbaerbockJust happy to be back on KDE after my loooong Gnome excursion04:56
stonedthats not true04:56
jbaerbockMint is very nice for noobs like I was04:56
stonedi dunno what it is04:56
jbaerbockautomatix etc... already run04:56
stonedbut im sure it wasn't pointless04:56
stonedautomatix is the devil04:57
holycowits absolutely pointless04:57
holycowas you can see04:57
angasulewhat is mint?04:57
genefitzMint isn't so bad, I tried it out. I regularly bounce back and forth, I have KDE on my notebook and Gnome on my desktop...04:57
jbaerbockbut now that I know how to do it myself i chose to use Kubuntu04:57
jbasiliocje: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1006104:57
genefitzHowever, I amust admint, as soon as I can get the bugs worked out, I will probably be switching to Enlightenment, or E-KDE04:57
stonedboinky boinky boinky04:57
jbaerbockwould be my first choice for Gnome Linux04:57
stonedbounce bounce bounce04:57
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angasulefluxbox for teh win? :)04:58
sayersintelikey: it doesnt work...04:58
jbaerbockI tried ELive, didnt work very well for me and was hard to find any of the options i needed04:58
stonedi love fluxbox's tabs mman04:58
stonedwindow tabbing is great04:58
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sayersintelikey: its working :D04:58
zimmo_what is Mint's page?04:58
jbasiliocje: looks like you've discovered a known issue ... wrong palce at the wrong time.  timing is everything!04:58
genefitzJBaer, I have Elive, and it crashed on me every time I tried to load it.. As I said, I won't be moving into any enlightenment system until I can figure out how to work the bugs out...04:59
cjejbasilio, heh.04:59
cjeI am using Edgy, though.04:59
jbaerbockWish I could get WoW to work here, then would never need my win partition lol04:59
genefitzBut I must say, it is very nice looking04:59
jbaerbockbut alas i am addicted to WoW04:59
intelikeysayers ok.     and for the record,  servers do get reset sometimes.   if something like that fails  try again in 20-30 minutes04:59
jbaerbockeven with Cedega it just dont work, yay for ATI cards04:59
genefitzJBaer, I have heard of people using WoW in crossover..04:59
BluesKajnite folks04:59
jbaerbockyeah very cool loking effects05:00
genefitzBut I don't know if I am willing to buy it..05:00
jbasiliocje: read that whole thread.  and check it in the coming days.  my battery is about dead and so am i05:00
jbaerbockhad to pay a buck to download though :(05:00
jbasilio'night all05:00
cjejbasilio, thanks!05:00
genefitzJBaer, what's a dollar.? lol05:00
jbaerbockCedega is supposed to make wow fly, however my ATI card and Linux do not get along with very graphically intense games like wow05:00
jbaerbockso I just have a windows partition05:00
jbasiliocje: you're using edgy!?!?!  ack.  don't do that.  :)05:00
genefitzIt looked like it had promise, I figure it was worth it. Maybe once they have a few distros under their belt, they may get it working right..05:01
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jbaerbockyup true that05:01
jbasiliobetter to be on newest .. or else support from this type of forum is more difficult IMHO.  but still it shouldn't be THAT far off since it's flash + firefox which should be in sync between releases05:01
cjejbasilio, I *have* to use Edgy.  I am producing a documentary film called the Digital Tipping Point for Windows noobs about how cool FOSS is and we have standardized on it.05:01
jbaerbockGot internet sharing figured out, was a duh that coulda been easy moment05:01
intelikeyor LTS05:01
genefitzJBaer, for some reason, Linux doesn't like my desktop at all. I think maybe because it is all new, nVidia board, Video, Sound and Ethernet.05:01
jbaerbocktook awhile though05:02
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genefitzEven Ubuntu gives me hastles sometimes..05:02
jbaerbockyeah could be, i have a HP zv6000 and everything works OOTB except wireless and graphics05:02
jbaerbockfixed via Envy and Ndiswrapper hehe05:02
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genefitzEverything works like a dream on my notebook (older HP zd series..05:03
jbaerbockI have been installing some of my Win98 games and they work perfect with wine or cedega05:03
jbaerbockjust the newer ones have issues05:03
intelikeycje  oh bad call.   should have used dapper if they were going to do that...   always zero on something that is going to be supported longer than the project will last.05:03
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genefitzWine is a never ending thing though, I have always had a 50/50 in wine.. It really is a craps shoot at times..05:03
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jbaerbockI do have wireless problems sometimes though05:03
jbaerbockyeah hence why i have cedega too05:03
genefitzI can feel ya there..05:04
jbaerbockusualy if one does not work in wine it will work in cedega05:04
cjeintelikey, we do have some dapper packages, but why would dapper last longer than edgy?05:04
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.05:04
jbaerbockLike I have two linksys wireless connections in my building, one with passkey and one without05:04
jbaerbocklinux gets em confused it seems, windows has no problems with it05:04
zimmo__can JPGE images cotain VIRUSES?05:04
jbaerbockand if the signal is lower linux has issues connecting where as windows does badaboom05:05
hitmanWillyzimmo__: its possible...05:05
hitmanWillyzimmo__: especially on windows...05:05
intelikeyzimmo__ yes they can  and exploits    well which is basicly the same thing05:05
jbaerbockbut love my Kubuntu so yeah i just okay around and get it working eventually05:05
genefitzJBaer, it is a thing about linux. It has been around for a while, but companies are just now starting to take it seriously. I am seeing a change in the trends though.05:05
zimmo__mannnnnnnnn I hate Internet05:05
jbaerbockyup, love the change05:05
cleit0nhi, how i do to back to kde 3 after install kde 4?05:05
cjeintelikey, here are the tools that Jonathan Grindstaff created as special BASH scripts for our project:  http://digitaltippingpoint.com/wiki/index.php?title=From_Tape_to_Archive05:05
genefitzGive it two years or so, and the manufacturers will start making more linux drivers and such..05:06
zimmo__Internet has the Socrates principle: I only know that I know nothing!05:06
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jbaerbockfirst distro was RedHat 4.0 waaay back in my childhood years, dependancy hell, so left then dabbled a tad around 1998 and left, then came back around 2 years ago with Ubuntu05:06
zimmo__and would AVG avoid it anyway people??05:06
jbaerbockhave had two partitions since05:06
cjeintelikey, we actually tried to standardize on Feisty, but after two solid days and failing, we fell back to Edgy and worked first time, because one key package was behind Feisty.  See, Ubuntu sometimes moves faster than the world around it.05:06
genefitz years before..05:07
jbaerbockBeen going between distros though05:07
jbaerbockbut think im happy with my Kubuntu setup i got going05:07
zimmo__I guess I hate W*ndows05:07
knappHow can I get Kopete to stop saying: "You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of "snuggyfoofy" to account "snuggyfoofy" will not take place."05:07
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genefitzI started out with Mandrake and redhat.. I payed $30 for redhat (no broadband at the time) and I got Mandrake free from Linux Mag.05:07
jbaerbockI remmember the gnome of RH4.0 lol05:08
xamuskaalguien k hable en espaol05:08
jbaerbockI got RH for a birthday gift from my dad hehe05:08
genefitzI far more enjoyed Mandrake. As a newbie to the linux workd, I found KDE more user friendly for someone just starting out..05:08
hitmanWillyzimmo__: it doesn't help that windows runs EVERYTHING as basically root, so an exploit in a imaging app has full system access05:08
jbaerbocknever been able to get mandrake or mandriva to work on any of my comps05:08
jbaerbockso why'd ya come to Kubuntu instead of staying with MAdriva?05:09
genefitzI tried the new Mandriva (powerpack) and it gave me a lot of issues..05:09
zimmo__hitmanWilly you said that even if I scanned the picture, it does not matter?05:09
jbaerbockI have been trying to get Mandriva Spring One working05:09
zimmo__did you mean to say that:05:09
jbaerbocknever starts up all the way05:09
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jbaerbockand I have heard Ubuntu has about the most repos out there05:09
genefitzJBaer, I have a spool of a hundred CDs every one of them has a different distro on them. I go through them and find which I like the most..05:10
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jbaerbockI have tried 28 distros to this day05:10
genefitzKubuntu had the most options and the easiest ability for upgrades and such..05:10
hitmanWillyzimmo__: if its an actual virus, yes. if its an exploit with the imaging program, like a buffer overflow attack, then probably not05:10
Scorpaenhey folks05:10
genefitzI just like testing.. That's my thing..05:10
Scorpaeni booted a custom kernel i rolled myself. now when i boot ANY kernel, it doesn't mount my home drive and fsck keeps finding errors everywhere05:10
genefitzI will beta test darn near anything, just to see how it works..05:11
jbaerbockDo you know if the new KDE coming out later this year I think will be in the next Kubuntu? or if we can upgrade our current KDE to it easily?05:11
zimmo__ok I understood now05:11
Scorpaenwth did i do wrong??05:11
jbaerbockditto, i like new toys :D wife thinks me nuts05:11
genefitzI guess you could call me "The geek among geeks" lol05:11
jbaerbockbut even she has used linux05:11
zimmo__hitmanWilly high risk05:11
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genefitzJBaer, I am looking heavily into making a full conversion..05:12
jbaerbockstill use windows?05:12
genefitzI use Linux now, more than windows, and I have paid much less for it..05:12
genefitzJBaer, I was MSDN for several years..05:12
jbaerbockim guessing you ment full conversion to linux?05:12
genefitzStill am..05:12
Dr_willisGive in to the GPL side!05:12
Dr_willisonly thing i do under windows these days is burn avi files to dvd video. Aint found a nice simple way to do that under linux.. Yet.05:13
jbaerbockok, yeah i did for about a few months but like i said, love my gaming too much05:13
Dr_willisIRC is the ultimate MMORPG05:13
intelikeycje yes,    looks like you fellows have quite a project started.     and i totally agree that the pace ubuntu has set is "well ludicrus may be the right word"  at the very least faster than need be.05:13
genefitzDr Willis, I just went out the money foe Linus Nero.05:13
genefitzLinux even05:13
jbaerbockso have my two partitions, but things on linux take lots less space than stuff in Windows so not a problem05:13
zimmo__hitmanWilly the right question is: can a JPG cotain a trojan horse??05:14
intelikeyDr_willis and suicide is the ultimate FPS  ?05:14
jbaerbockWouldn't K3B do that?05:14
cjeintelikey, Thanks for the nice words.05:14
Dr_willisgenefitz,  does that even DO dvd video stuff? last i looked at it. the thing was rather limited in what it could do.05:14
jbaerbockI use K3B for everything under the sun, though dont burn DvDs05:14
cjeintelikey, our project is totally open and free.  We have 51 hours loaded onto the Internet Archive's Digital Tipping Point Video Collection.05:14
genefitzDrWillis, I believe it does.. Of course, I haven't tried to use ot for that..05:15
cjeintelikey, http://archive.org/details/digitaltippingpoint05:15
genefitzI primarily use it for ISO..05:15
intelikeycje yes i "thumbed" through the site already   nice.05:15
genefitzDrWillis, the big issue in anything DVD with Linux is the whole legality of it..05:15
cjeintelikey, heh.  thx!05:15
Dr_willisthe only thing i cant get k3b doing is lettimg me toss a few avi files to a dvd for viewing on the wifes dvd player in the front room05:15
Dr_willisthats LEGAL. :)05:15
jbaerbockahh fun05:16
genefitzI still don't understand all the details of why Linux isn't allowed to carry DVD and MP3 Codecs and such...05:16
Dr_willisonly playinb back comercial dvd's is the grey-legal area.05:16
jbaerbocklove legality05:16
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jbaerbocki just use automatix and everything works codec wise05:16
Dr_willisgenefitz,  legally NO one can decrypt dvd's without paying the proper license. thats the end-all-argument. :)05:16
intelikeyDr_willis and buying comercial dvd's the the grey-intelectual area05:17
Dr_willisabout $10 of each dvd player ya buy - goes to the dvd concertium or whtever. to pay that license.. over and over again..05:17
Dr_willisOr so i hear05:17
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jbaerbockI figure if I buy a DvD I have the right to watch it lol05:17
genefitzDrWillis, you now, I kinda get that, but I figure buying the CD would pay for the license. But hey, what do I know?05:17
Dr_willisjbaerbock,  you have the right to watch it.. but not the right to decrypt it except on the specific hardware05:17
genefitzI think it is just mainstream trying to cut out the little guys...05:17
Biovoregenefitz: One would think that..  Thats where fair use come in..05:18
genefitzcorrection, DVD even05:18
jbaerbocktechnically my HP laptop is still owned by HP but i dont see things that way05:18
Dr_willisDMCA trumps fair use. it seems.05:18
Biovorejust like with windows vista..  you can't actualy own a copy of vista.. You are renting it from microsoft..05:18
intelikeydevils always trump fair anything05:18
Dr_willisLegal Limitations trump 'rights'05:18
jbaerbocki figure i buy it I can do what i will with it05:18
Biovoreyou are buying anything with dvd's and CD eather..  you just renting the content on a perminate basis..05:19
genefitzThe beauty of Linux when it comes to DVDs though, Using Acidrip, it is a lot easier to convert to AVI.05:19
intelikeyjbaerbock i'm with you,  question is who will visit us in jail ???05:19
Dr_willistheres some interesting legalities going on in some european courts also , on this topic.05:19
genefitzI just store it on the drive..05:19
jbaerbocklove how Adam Savage said it, "I reject your reality and substitute my own."05:19
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Dr_willisjbaerbock,  right befor he stuck his tounge in a high speed fan...05:20
dsmith_what would be a good laptop *new* that works with ubuntu?05:20
Dr_willisdsmith_,  check out the dell linux laptops05:20
jbaerbockmy wife will visit us lol05:20
Biovoredsmith_: My Dell E1705 with a nvidia card works out of the box with ubuntu05:20
genefitzDrWillis, as I said before, I am starting to see a shift.. I am starting to think that as we users grow, and expand, we are going to leave the media companies with no choice..05:20
dsmith_I hear HP is coming out with Linux, and lenovo's work finr aling with the MAC pros05:20
Dr_willisgenefitz,  yep. thats how its heading..  but still its all the little annoyances that get ya05:21
Biovoredsmith_: make sure you get something with intel wireless..05:21
dsmith_Biovore: I know :)05:21
jbaerbockI actually got an AVI to play better in linux than windows, which i found humorous05:21
Dr_willismy laptop is working about 98% with linux now. :) just a few little issues here and there.05:21
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dsmith_i have a hp zd7000, getting old05:21
Dr_willisjbaerbock,  i had a comercial dvd. (starwars) that crashed 5 out of 5 windows laptops at work.. but played find in linux. :)05:21
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genefitzdsmith, HP is, Dell is, and there are, starting to emerge online, companies that are building linux systems, and selling them for a fraction of the cost..05:22
Biovore^ yeah I had that problem as well05:22
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intelikeythank you "fritz"   :)05:22
jbaerbocklol, love when stuff like that happens, i post those situations on forums and the windows guys come and bash me lol05:22
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genefitzThere is one swiss company that has a $150 laptop with freespire (I think it's freespire)05:22
dsmith_youtube a video of it05:22
Dr_willisasus has a $200 and $300 linux micro-laptop comming out soon.05:23
=== dsmith_ ponders more; I saw that Dr Willis
Dr_willis4,8,16 gb flash drive options.05:23
Dr_willisdsmith_,  :) im ordering one.. someday :)05:23
jbaerbockTuxShop i think it is called has one out for 400 i think05:23
genefitzSee, we are starting to push on that door Microsoft has kept closed for years...05:23
Dr_willislooks like more fun then that Nokia88005:23
dsmith_billy is retiring05:24
jbaerbockyup we should bring the battering ram :D05:24
dsmith_tsunami of pengiuns05:24
genefitzThe beauty is with linux, every new distro doesn't require a new computer, or hella upgrades..05:24
intelikeygenefitz and if we will keep linux "free" we can keep pushing on it,  if we don't   M$ will soon own ju05:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:25
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genefitzThat is where mocrosoft and apple are losing, every time they come out with an upgraded OS, all our systems become obsolete, and virtually unsuable..05:25
jbaerbockyeah love the penguins, have then as wallpaper all the time05:25
holycowgenefitz: that really is an interesting statement05:26
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genefitzIntelikey, that would have to require the Distros to take a stand agains MS and all their (you owe me money because you are kicking my ass)05:26
holycowand true on levels hard to really understand05:26
dsmith_i have an image on my wondows machine. Pengium sucking on a sippie drink that says " Windows we suck more, gauranteed"05:26
holycowwe have beryl that runs on less than 1ghz cpus, 256 meg ram or less, just needs a decent nvidia card for example and totally kills mac and windows 3d stuff05:26
holycowit really trully is amazing05:26
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intelikeygenefitz yes and it is as simple as you and me taking that stand and sticking by our guns.05:27
jbaerbockfound it funny how we had beryl long before windows vista :D05:27
jbaerbockand compiz too05:27
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genefitzThis whole thing with Novell folding and other companies starting to pay microsoft off, or start charging, because they are going to have to pay microsoft..05:27
Biovorehad it before mac05:27
jbaerbockI will NEVER use vista as my OS05:27
dsmith_hasta la vista05:27
holycowwe lucked out with linux too05:27
holycowwe started 2 years ago doing our research05:27
genefitzThe beauty is that many new OS's like Ubuntu being created outside the US and such are springing up..05:27
holycowwe can now completely avoid vista period.05:27
holycowend of discussion.05:27
holycowno vista will ever be bought in our company05:28
dsmith_samw with mine05:28
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jbaerbockI'll have XP laying around maybe but never Vista, means I'd actually have to buy software then05:28
genefitzThis takes the heat off us..05:28
BiovoreUncle sam has mandated not to go to untill it gets provin..05:28
dsmith_i just install kubuntu on all new machines05:28
=== Dr_willis sees MS rush 'service pack 1' out the door 1 week after vista comes out.. :)
Dr_willisoh wait - that iddnt happen.. they are just BETA testing service pack 1, 6 mo befor its due out.05:29
jbaerbockyeah SP1 means more money possibly and less annoyed customers....maybe05:29
=== dsmith_ thinks the doctor is taking way too much morphine.
Dr_willisJust wait for SP2! then SP 2.5!05:29
Dr_willis'why dosent linux have service packs?'05:29
genefitzI beta'd Vista, and I personally have nothing against it (other than the cost)05:29
dmuserBiovore:  I think I figured out why some programs wouldn't run.  Some of my X lib files were corrupt.  I had to delete them manually and reinstall my nVidia drivers in a recovery mode reboot.  Thanks for your help previously!05:29
dsmith_what good is a SP if it breaks software05:29
jbaerbocknow if i can get my wife to use Linux on her laptop we'd be set05:29
genefitzMy reason for doing linux is more about the added software..05:30
intelikeyDr_willis cause a release doesn't last until it releases !05:30
Dr_willisI have issues with vista.. they moved junk around.. just to be moving things it seems. :) and its amazingly awful on my wifes low end box. :)05:30
holycowultimately it is more usefull, indeed genefitz05:30
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Biovorelinux is still growing.. as more people have it.. more comerical support will come along..05:30
genefitzIf I had to pay the going cost for the ammount of software I have on this computer, I would be out a couple thousand dollars..05:30
intelikeypeople were literally asking for fiesty iso before edgy released05:30
jbaerbockyeah i dont like the cost or Microsoft, otherwise vista is just another windows to me05:30
holycowBiovore: i agree05:30
Dr_willisUnless you belive the stuff slashdot has been posting the last week or so.05:30
holycowi think its at a point where its unstopeable05:30
genefitzAnd with windows, you always have the option of "hacked ware" but 9 out of 10, it is virus laden..05:31
holycowmark did an absolutely brilliant thing by tangentially freezing off of debian05:31
dsmith_which reminds me, I need to order some more kubuntu Cd's05:31
Biovoreits was unstopable from the stop because microsoft couldn't by linux..05:31
Biovore(stop - start)05:31
holycowhe got to create a whole new set of values without imposing on debians values05:31
jbaerbocksounds like Bin Laden genefitz lol05:31
genefitzlol JBaer05:31
Dr_willissince its GPL'd - linux will not 'just go away' :)  unlike OS2/BeOS/Others? that are now just very very niche/hobbiest/warezed only os's05:31
jbaerbockVirus Laden, Windows worste enemy05:31
Dr_willisshame they never gpled BeOS05:31
Dr_willisor OS205:31
holycowso it gets to grow at its own rate, yet at the same time we retain the core of debian which trully is the god of all distros as is now evident05:31
=== Biovore uses wine to reverse engineer virus when I got board.
jbaerbockI heard BeOS was good05:32
holycowfanboys all say beos was good, the truth is it sucked05:32
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holycowit was mostly a hack just to get stuff going05:32
jbaerbockoh lol05:32
dsmith_i was just trying to run some acronis software via wine the other day, I guess I need a seagate drive for it to work05:32
genefitzThe beauty, and the curse of linux. Right now, there is very little virus threat, because the majority of the people use Windows, The half empty, as we grow in popularity, we are going to have to be more watchful..05:32
holycowthey hacked some fake optimizations into the kernel to make it look like it was fast at media but it was just a workaround05:32
Biovoreactualy wine gets ussed to debug windows games.. weirdly enough its good for finding rouge pointers and such..05:32
holycowit didn't even have a proper security infrastructure05:32
holycowits like memories of childhood, you remember the good but forget the bad05:33
Dr_willisholycow,  neither does windows.. :)05:33
genefitzBut there are two sides to every coin, I figure..05:33
Dr_willisGeOS rules!05:33
holycowgenefitz: i don't think that is a curse, i think the most important thing we bring is not the distro05:33
holycow1. freedom05:33
holycow2. culture05:33
Dr_willis3. there is no #305:33
dsmith_3. profit, kidding05:33
jbaerbock3. Community which is in culture i suppose05:33
holycow#2 is almost more important than 1 because the biggest problem on windows is they are taught it is okay to be stupid05:33
genefitzholycow, I agree with you..05:34
holycowon linux you are encouraged by the community to learn and grow05:34
Dr_willis4. Fear, Suprise, and a rutheless devotoion to the GPL!05:34
holycowthere is not a single linux user i have ever met that hasn't learned and grown as a result of making a switch05:34
holycowand the change is absolutely amazing in every single user05:34
holycowonce that change is made05:34
genefitzOne of the monst beautiful thing in Linux is what you are looking at now. True community support, people helping people..05:34
jbaerbock5. Utter hate for large overbearing expensive money hogging corporations05:34
holycowthere is NO going back EVER05:34
intelikeyup with the GPL   down with the DRM05:34
jbaerbockI am addicted to Linux, i get this excided feeling every time I boot it up05:35
holycowanyone who has experience freedom and personal growth never goes back to windows05:35
zimmoup the irons05:35
jbaerbocklove to try liveCDs im happy when im doing that :D05:35
holycowthe issue however comes up then05:35
holycowhow fast is too fast05:35
genefitzNow don't get me wrong, Not that I don't enjoy my chats with the little Indian woman who does MS support..05:35
holycowif you bring too many people onboard soon enough, you can't train them05:35
genefitzI actually even under stand about every fifth word she says..05:35
holycowthe multiplier effect is working in ubuntu, new users train more new users05:35
cjejbaerbock, We are working on a documentary film to help other Windows noobs get excited about FOSS.05:35
holycowbut too many too quickly is bad05:35
zimmoUbuntu is the RONALDO phenomenom of computers05:36
holycowso just keep on helping each other, bring a new person onboard here and there adn the compound effect of that will eventually win05:36
jbaerbockcje lemme know if there is ever any help you need with it, ima a noob but one who lives and breathes linux05:36
holycowthe important thing is NOT TO FORCE it05:36
holycowlet people naturally ease into it at their own comfort level05:36
dsmith_nope, I dont force linux on anyone05:36
intelikeynever force things,  just use the bigger hammer05:37
jbaerbockI have a friend who I gave a Kubuntu CD and said try it05:37
cjejbaerbock, yes, we do need help.05:37
jbaerbockhe now has a cheap laptop with it on, so im trying05:37
dmuserCan anyone tell me if there's a way to disable the error I get when I run a program from terminal.  Trying to detect my nonexistant Wacom tablet?05:37
=== nonox [n=seppo@a84-231-163-207.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
genefitzJBaer I just tried the newet Fedora live, But I will never use Fedora. I have this issue with anyone who says "We can't give you the restricted codecs, and we won't tell you where you can get them, learn to use .ogg"05:37
dsmith_i typically wait until they cannot access windows no longer and use a linux recovry cd or start them out new after windows crashed on them hard05:37
jbaerbockOh anyone know how to make Firestarter window go to tray instead of staying minimized in bar?05:37
intelikeydmuser yes you can remove the wacom device listings in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file05:38
jbaerbockyeah really05:38
cjejbaerbock, here is the link to our footage:  http://archive.org/details/digitaltippingpoint05:38
dmuserJust comment them out?05:38
dmuserThen restart X?05:38
cjejbaerbock, we could use help with transcription, music, rough edits, lots of stuff.05:38
intelikeydmuser sure,   but get the whole "device sections"   and also the referances to them in the "server section"05:38
cjeholycow, you, too, if you are pumped by Ubuntu, why not help us make a movie about it?  The Digital Tipping Point is the name of the film.05:39
holycowcje: whos makin it?05:39
intelikeydmuser it's simple  have a look and you'll see.     if you need help pastebin the .conf and we'll help ya with it05:39
cjeholycow, we have a small community.05:39
cjeholycow, me and a few friends.05:40
holycowwhats the point of the film if you dont mind me asking?05:40
genefitzcje, I bookmarked your page. I will have to look through it after I get off duty in the morning..05:40
jbaerbockok im taking a peak at it now cje05:40
cjegenefitz, thanks!05:40
genefitzcje, what kind of help would you need? I mean, I can offer some of my knowledge, maybe evensome screenshots and screen videos05:41
genefitzI am always about helping new folks "see the light"05:41
intelikeyfreedom is not free   but neither is it given nor taken away.05:42
cjegenefitz, thanks, there are lots of things that we need help with:  rough video editing; transcriptions; music; fundraising, etc.05:42
genefitzI am by no means an expert, but I know my way around...lol05:42
stonedI wanna grow up and be a modem05:43
genefitzCje, I can definately help out with music. I am even using a 64 Studio system..05:43
cjegenefitz, Our goal is to help people find what they love to do with FOSS and find a place for them in the film doing it.05:43
holycowthats an interesting approach05:43
holycowthe joy of linux05:43
intelikeystoned i had a cusin that grew up and became a chair05:43
holycowthe joy of freedom05:44
holycowseeing people express them selves through gnu05:44
cjegenefitz, the thing to do is to email me at einfeldt at gmail dot com and we can discuss it further.  Or we can also discuss it here.05:44
genefitzholycow, that is how you are going to spread the message. I mean telling them "It's free" won't really do a whole lot, unless you can show them that as well as being free, it is also fun and useful..05:44
cjegenefitz, what we really need most is people to do rough edits on the footage that we have.05:44
genefitzGot it copies.. I will try to e-mail in the morning..05:44
holycowgenefitz: indeed05:45
holycowjoy is a powerfull point05:45
cjegenefitz, k, see ya!05:45
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holycowfree isn't so much, unless perhaps its the 'free speech part'05:45
cjeholycow, yeah, it it ain't fun, no one will do it.05:45
genefitzWell, I am no video expert, but I may be able to do a little. I haven't messed too much with the video side..05:45
holycowbut that requires proper framing05:45
cjegenefitz, it's easy.  It's just cut and paste.05:45
cjegenefitz, We use kino for simple rough edits.  It's really easy.05:46
=== Dr_Willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu
cjeholycow, no, no framing.05:46
genefitzCool,  have Keno on my 64 studio rig too.. I try not to do too much high end work in a 32 environment..05:46
cjeholycow, With the rough video editing, we just need people to take out the nose picking and the farting and other gaffes.05:47
genefitzI just find that 64 runs so much smoother05:47
cjeholycow, that is super simple.05:47
Dr_Willissave those for the bloop ers at the end05:47
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cjeDr_Willis, no, no nosepicking for out-takes.  heh.05:48
dmusergenefitz: Are you running an Intel or an AMD system?05:48
=== intelikey imagines some oo boo naut making one clip of hothing but the things they cut from cje's project....
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cjeDr_Willis, we will have out-takes, and there are already out-takes up there.05:48
genefitzdmuser, AMD only baby.. Experience has tought me well, Intel is great for gaming, but when it comes to Studio and A/V, AMD is the only way to go...05:48
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cjeintelikey, hey, I think that would be great.05:49
intelikeycje the nose picking clips ?05:49
=== intelikey is confused
cjeintelikey, we are totally cool with people doing whatever they like with the stuff we *put up on the web*05:49
cjeintelikey, no nose-picking, though, please.  heh.05:49
intelikeyyeah.  now cje is confused05:50
genefitzThe difference between the two is that the em64t setup for intel is not as good as the true 64 bit in the AMD chips.. If that makes sense..05:50
Biovoreboogers for the win.. just the image you need for linux :-P05:50
cjeintelikey, seriously, people do some wild shit on camera and they trusted us, and so we can't screw them.05:50
cjeBiovore, lol !!05:50
genefitzHmmm, did I pis dmuser off?05:51
genefitzpiss even05:51
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intelikeycje you want someone to cut those parts out,  i said i can just imagine someone doing that and then making one whole clip with nothing but the things they cut....     so you see what i was saying....05:51
genefitzOkay dmuser, I was worried I might have upset you....lol05:51
intelikeylooks like dmuser's xorg.conf edit "took"05:52
cjeintelikey, yeah, you were suggesting stirring up some serious shit !!  lol05:52
genefitzdmuser, I use both intel and AMD, each in their place, my standard use desktop, intel, my notebook, intel, my studio, I only use AMD05:52
intelikeycje no just saying i can imagine it.....  and this croud is a likely place to find it...05:52
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holycowcje: i bookmarked it but i don't really have time to chip in05:53
holycowi'm waaaaay behind05:53
holycowcool idea tho05:53
cjeholycow, thanks anyway!05:53
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cjeholycow, maybe you can mention us to others.  And thanks either way.  it's just a gift for the community.  Lots of video.05:53
holycowi will now that i know about it05:54
holycowcje: have you thought about submitting it to reddit, digg and slash?05:54
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holycowits gratuitous but its such a good cause its well worth the stab05:54
cjeholycow, we have been on /.05:54
holycowmaking sure good netiquette is taken into account05:54
genefitzIntelikey, the xorg configuration is the only bother I have with these systems.. I am a wide screen fanatic, and it becomes a bother..05:54
holycowcje: really? SWEET05:54
cjeholycow, +1 !05:55
genefitzI am still working on getting my dual screens working in the studio..05:55
genefitzI haven't gotten quite that far in my lessons yet...05:56
intelikeygenefitz yeah,  they did pretty good at getting a generic config that "most" people can use out of the box.    ubuntu is very "just get them to linux" oriented05:56
=== keisangi [n=keisangi@221x117x88x251.ap221.ftth.ucom.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu
holycowgenefitz: same sized monitors + nvidia card + twinview?05:56
zimmonowadays is there something on Internet ?05:56
holycowif you only have two i can send you my xorg.conf file05:56
zimmoin the past it was neworder.box.sk05:56
zimmoknowledge i say05:56
zimmointeresting stuff05:57
intelikeygenefitz then they count on us "the user community" to support the new bee Z05:57
intelikeyseems like a political move   but maybe it is working     idk.05:58
zimmoand does anybody know a good programming site05:58
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genefitzHolycow, 2-24" wide (acer) 7900GS05:59
intelikeythere is a #C++ here on freenode  you can check there05:59
holycowgenefitz: want my xorg.conf?05:59
genefitzdmuser, I am not registered, so I can's do private messages..05:59
genefitzSure Holycow05:59
=== jtt [n=jtholmes@adsl-065-006-144-253.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
genefitzIt would be beautiful to be able to use dual monitor for studio 6406:00
genefitzArdour would be awesome..06:00
holycowthe unindented lines under 'device' section is all you need to add and restart06:01
holycowproviding its an nvidia card06:01
zimmothen do I need to enter in the freenode network?06:01
holycowobviously you need nvidia-glx06:01
=== tuomaa [n=tuomaa@host-212-149-203-198.kpylaajakaista.net] has joined #kubuntu
zimmooh, this is freenode i guess06:01
intelikeyzimmo yes it is06:01
stonedyes it is06:01
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stonedyou better be06:01
stonedI mean06:01
stonedoops typo, the keys are all next to each other06:02
stonedi meant ok np06:02
genefitzCool, holycow, I will have to check that with mine and see how it goes...06:02
genefitzThanks a lot bro06:02
stonedhey you have a cool name06:02
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stonedWhoah! Holy Cow!06:02
holycowmy manners suck tho06:02
intelikeystoned hmmmm my keys are all seperate from each other   with like some space between them ya know....06:02
genefitzWell yall, I got to go get myself all uniformed up and all military looking for watch (you know how they want us all pretty like)06:02
genefitzTalk to yall later..06:03
stonedman i aint heard that since i moved up north06:03
stonedaint nobody says ya'll up here06:03
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stonedi hear that a lot06:03
stonedi work in a jewish neighbourhood06:03
stonednever seen so many jews in my life man06:03
stoned2nd largest jewish population in the world06:04
stonedwhere I work06:04
stonedi've seen/met maybe 1 jewish guy before i moved06:04
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stonedits crazy, this place have every country and every race and every religion in it06:04
intelikeyyou must be in NYc06:04
stonedI just felt something funny tickle me06:05
stonedI looked and i found a piece of green budd in my belly button06:05
zimmotake care06:06
dmuserTime for sleep.  Thanks for everyone's help.06:06
stoneddoes ubuntu hire people for work?06:07
stonedI want to work for ubuntu tech support06:07
stonedif they pay good enough because i am very qualified06:07
holycowwell clearly06:07
holycowwith pot growing out of your belly button06:08
holycowwho could pass that opportunity up?06:08
stonedwell which is besides the point06:08
stonedI know my shit.(excuse the swearing)06:08
holycowi keeeeeeed i keeeeeeeed06:08
stonedi know i know06:08
stonedthats all i do everyday for work06:09
stonedlinux and computers of all sorts06:09
holycowhow many ubuntu machines you run?06:09
holycowor linux in general06:09
stonedpersonal machines06:09
stonedAC bill is high06:09
stonedits too hot in here06:10
flaccidwell besides a few bugs i upgraded to gutsy and my problem was fixed after removing those bugs. weird....06:10
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stonedholycow: how many do you run06:11
stonedfor work?06:11
stonednot in your home you don't06:11
holycowby end of year will be 70 by end of year after that 15006:11
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cjeWell, it seems like the rest of the US west coast is quiting, and so I'm gone, too.  G'nite!06:20
Scorpaenhey intelikey06:20
cjeintelikey, yes..... ?06:21
Scorpaenmy custom kernel keeps messing up my hard drives. lol06:21
Scorpaeni'm back on the default kernel, generic06:21
intelikeyScorpaen yeah.   hmmm06:21
intelikeycje you said "G'nite!"   i answered06:21
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ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.06:22
intelikeyi wouldn't use gaim if you gave me aol06:24
intelikeyor aim06:24
zimmopidgins runs not here06:25
zimmostdc++ library problem06:25
intelikeyya wanna try ta fix it or not ?06:26
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zimmoits late here i am tired my head aches06:29
zimmobut lets try06:29
zimmosynaptic first?06:29
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intelikeyzimmo konsole06:30
intelikeylets see what errors you get06:30
zimmoits in Deutsch06:30
zimmobut i will try to translate06:30
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tkI seem to have broken sudo :(06:31
intelikeysudo apt-get install gaim   (or pidgin depending on version)06:31
intelikeytk    sudo echo boo06:32
zimmoi had downloaded the source06:32
zimmoand now i have connection problem06:32
zimmoi will tell you the error wait a min06:32
tkintelikey: nothing... I renamed my primary account... hijinks ensued...06:32
intelikeyzimmo ok  did it build without errors ?06:32
tkguessing I have to reboot into recover mode and update sudos conf?06:32
zimmoit opens normally but when I try to connect with the MSN it advices error06:33
zimmowith this library moment06:33
intelikeytk reboot but not update sudoers  rather add the user to the admin group06:33
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tkahh ok06:33
zimmoit is a problem with the SSL library intelikey06:33
zimmobut i did have downloaded all them!06:34
intelikeyzimmo hmmm  ok that makes more sense06:34
zimmosorry hehe06:34
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intelikeyi'm not very familear with ssl certs so i'll defer on that one,  to anyone more qualified06:35
intelikeyeven my dog06:35
yuri_zkey does anyone here know where kmail/kontact stores the filter settings?06:35
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zimmobut anyway i can try to download it by gaim06:35
zimmoapt-get install gaim06:35
zimmoand it will deliver the pidgin here?06:35
intelikeyzimmo yes it should06:36
zimmopidgin is nice06:36
zimmoi liked when gaim adviced me when someone was blocking me hehe06:37
intelikeyyuri_z i'd have to guess,  but a good guess would be in ~/.kde/share/apps/[kontact,kmail] 06:37
zimmobut further i realized it was a ms bug06:37
yuri_zalright, i'll check it out thnx, intelikey06:37
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hitmanWillyyuri_z: it would be under kmail's settings, kontact just acts as a frontend for its various apps06:38
intelikeyhitmanWilly i suspected that but with kde you never know,   unless you know, and then you know.      you know ?06:39
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hitmanWillyintelikey: very rarely, but in this case im 95% sure :)06:40
intelikeyoh my that sounded more like stoned than me...06:40
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yuri_zkeke. the reason i ask is because i have about a trillion Thunderbird mail filters and don't want to have to punch them into Kmail by hand. so i figured i'd find the rules file, check out the format and hack some kind of script to convert between06:41
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intelikeyyuri_z indeed06:42
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zimmovia apt-get arrived gaim06:43
tkintelikey: thanks, fixed it :)06:43
zimmonot pidgin oneeeeeeeee man06:43
intelikeytk welcome06:43
hitmanWillyyuri_z: ok, i found it, try .kde/share/config/kmailrc06:43
zimmowell, i have to thank you06:43
zimmobeautiful work of you all.. nice place to learn and teach06:43
yuri_zmuch obliged, hitmanwilly06:43
intelikeyzimmo gaim and pidgen are the same app under a different name06:43
zimmoi see06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pidgen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It wasn't released in time for Feisty. Expect it in gutsy. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info.06:44
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zimmoah ok06:44
intelikey"pidgin is the new name for Gaim" ^06:45
zimmowell, have a good night (or a nice day anyway)06:45
intelikeytov yom06:45
zimmothe ideia is that only the name changed06:46
zimmoI am so lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy06:46
zimmotov yom06:47
yurimxpxmanwhat audio codec would I use in VLC to create a wav file?06:48
intelikeycodec in vlc ???    lost me there...06:49
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intelikeyi thought vlc did wave without any codecs06:49
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yurimxpxmanintelikey: I have to select a codec from the list.. check it out from the open file dialog06:50
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klobsterhow do I change my color from 16 bit to 32 bit without restarting kde?06:53
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intelikeyoooops  that's   alt+sysRQ+R    not   alt+sysRQ+E   to reset the keyboard,,,,  ;S06:54
ubuntu__is anyone familiar with sdl/openGL and g++?06:57
intelikeywho had me in vlc acting like i knew something ?07:00
intelikeywhen i pressed the wrong key and affectively rebooted my system ???07:01
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intelikeyand forgot why i was looking for a wave file....07:01
ubuntu__are there any good irc channels on linux game programming?07:02
intelikeyand   ?????? ??? ???? ?07:02
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intelikeyubuntu__ what kind of game ?07:02
ubuntu__3d game programming07:02
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intelikeyi think the network died.07:05
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ubuntu__my computers die07:05
ubuntu__im on my 35th comp07:05
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:06
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ubuntu__is multi media going to help a game developer?07:09
ubuntu__or aspiring one, as i am07:10
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dolemite01how can i get ntfsclone to force an image on a drive with a few bad sectors07:39
dolemite01i tried --force but no luck07:39
hitmanWillydolemite01: you could try with dd07:40
dolemite01can ill google that one, thx07:40
hitmanWillydolemite01: man dd works too :)07:40
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dolemite01can i make it do .iso instead of .dmg ?07:44
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atlis there an alarm i can get that will play my music for the alarm sound07:45
stdinatl: you can set kalarm to run a command that plays a sound07:47
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atlhow do i do that07:48
stdinatl: depends on the format of the audio file07:49
atlstdin> what format do they need to be07:50
hitmanWillydolemite01: since iso is an uncompressed format, it should work07:51
stdinatl: any format, the command will differ with each though. for instance "aplay" will work with .wav and "mpg123" will work with .mp307:51
hitmanWillydolemite01: just change the of= to <filename>.iso07:52
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atlstdin>  they are mp3 files07:56
atlstdin> i have kalarm and have tried setting a song to play but it just doesn't make any sound07:57
stdinatl: then the command will be something like "mpg123 /home/user/music/file.mp3"07:57
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Xemanthis KDE4 Beta1 packaging in action? :)08:11
stdinXemanth: ask Riddell08:11
Xemanthi c08:12
stdinhe's the one that would package/maintain it in kubuntu08:12
Xemanthi know08:13
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Xemanthfrom him comes always the good stuff :)08:13
stdinI'd think as soon as the beta's released there will be kubuntu packages within hours08:14
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ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV08:17
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atlstdin> what would mp4a be08:20
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atlstdin> m4a i mean08:21
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stdinatl: I think ffmpeg plays it, with the command "ffplay"08:22
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alibabagood mornig08:30
Gun_Monkeyalmost morning here08:30
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hamadooohii .. how can i deal with rar files in ubuntu08:31
bastid_raZorunrar file08:32
Gun_MonkeyI believe there is a linux version of winrar08:32
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bastid_raZorunrar would be the package name08:33
hamadoooubrar free     or unrar08:33
stdin!rar | hamadooo08:33
ubotuhamadooo: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:33
hamadooowhich one of them08:34
hamadooothe free one or the non-free08:34
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stdinhagabaka: try the "unrar" package08:38
keisangihi there08:38
keisangii have a problem with compiz-fusion08:38
keisangii have no windows borders08:38
holycowthats common, same here08:38
keisangisomeone can help ?08:38
keisangiwhat can i do ?08:39
holycowi don't know the answer, i just turned it off for the time being08:39
stdindid you install "compiz-kde" ?08:39
keisangistdin: yes i think so the line was:08:40
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keisangiapt-get install compiz compiz-kde compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra libcompizconfig-backend-kconfig08:40
keisangiusing this repo:08:40
keisangideb http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb feisty eyecandy08:40
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keisangimaybe my nvidia driver is too old ?08:41
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stdindon't know, maybe the people in #ubuntu-effects will08:41
keisangii try there tnx for the info08:41
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sx66how do you install opera in linux?08:54
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keisangisx66: you use automatix or you go to opera homepage and you download it08:57
sx66I have downloaded the ubuntu one, and now what do I do keisangi?08:58
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bobGreets, everyone...08:59
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bobCan someone tell me where I might find the latest open ATI driver that supports AIGLX?09:00
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stdinsx66: you downloaded the deb file?09:01
stdinbob: no ati driver supports aiglx09:01
keisangii got my window borders09:02
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bobstdin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver09:02
stdinbob: the open-source driver does, not the binary one09:03
bobstdin: That's why I said "*open* ATI driver" ;-)09:04
stdinbob: then you have it installed09:04
bobstdin: The one from the repos isn't the latest09:04
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stdinbob: then you'll have to wait until it comes out (in gutsy), either that or compile it yourself09:05
bobRight. I'm trying to find the source so I can compile it myself. Google's not helping much.09:06
stdinbob: http://xorg.freedesktop.org09:07
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bobstdin: Thanks09:08
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Ahmuckis scp built into konq?09:16
HobbseeAhmuck: use fish://09:17
HobbseeAhmuck: and then you can point and click to copy files09:17
HobbseeAhmuck: fish://user@hostname.com09:18
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Ahmucknow that is awesome09:18
ardchoilleAhmuck: scp is provided by the package openssh-client09:20
Ahmuckk, how bout ssh?  can i do that through terminal?09:20
stdinAhmuck: actually you can use "sftp://" for scp09:20
ardchoillesftp is provided by openssh-client too09:20
Ahmuckwhat does scp stand for ?09:20
ardchoillesceure copy09:20
stdinfish:/ is just a wrapper around ssh, not really needed anymore09:21
ardchoilleThink: secure "cp"09:21
Ahmuckso sftp will work ... good deal09:24
stdinyeah, it'll be a bit quicker and have less overhead too09:24
Ahmucki don't need an external ssh client do i?09:24
stdinno, the ssh client is installed by default09:25
Ahmuckwill kterm or konq do this ?09:25
stdinand the KIO slaves should be too09:25
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stdinAhmuck:  sftp://username@host in konq or ssh user@host in konsole (or any terminal)09:27
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bobstdin: I'm having some trouble finding the driver on that site. I gave a very thorough look over the Radeon wiki ( http://xorg.freedesktop.org/wiki/radeon ) as well as all the pages it links to and turned up nothing. Any ideas?09:27
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stdinbob: hmm, maybe ask in #xorg ?09:30
=== bob kicks himself for not thinking of that
bobstdin: Thanks09:31
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hangthedjwow linux takes forever to compile.09:31
stdinwhat, the kernel ?09:32
paghangthedj, no. not 'forever' - kernel itself takes about 6-8 hours on modern computer iirc ;)09:32
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hangthedjyour right, forever is much longer.09:33
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ardchoille6 - 8 hours?!09:35
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alibabasomeone can tell how to play dvd-s in kaffeine, i'm fresh in this09:36
pagardchoille, that was just a guess - I recall that KDE compiled in about that time, I'm not sure about kernel at all09:36
pag!dvd | alibaba09:36
ubotualibaba: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs09:36
alibabarright now ! :)09:36
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ardchoillepag: Depends on which kernel, number of mudoles in the config, machine speed, etc.09:37
stdinpag: took about 1.5 hours on a 1.7GHz with 1GB ram09:37
pagok. nice to know for the future reperence :)09:37
stdinthat was without X etc running tho :p09:37
pagreference even09:38
hangthedjits actually going fast enough, its an old dual p3 733mhz 1 gig of ram09:38
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hangthedjbut on my new lappy it was considerably faster ;)09:38
phoenixzHow can I access a windows share from kubuntu?09:38
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stdinphoenixz: open konqueror and put smb:/ as the address09:39
pag!samba | phoenixz09:39
ubotuphoenixz: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:39
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salvinodis there any one online please09:42
phoenixzstdin, gives me "Unable to find any workgroups in your local network. This might be caused by an enabled firewall."09:42
salvinodcause i need some help on seting up a samba file server09:42
phoenixzstdin, I have no firewall running though09:43
stdinphoenixz: is the windows firewall active on the windows PCs ?09:43
phoenixzstdin, good one.. let me try09:44
stdinsalvinod: maybe look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba09:44
phoenixzstdin, it seems to work with adding the computers IP after the smb:/09:44
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salvinodstdin: look i installed the server its up and running and shared the folders from kubuntu but now whene i try to acess the shares from a windows box its asking me for a user and pass and i dnt know what they are and frm where i can set them up09:46
_Shade_how do i set up a preview option for sound files in konqueror?09:46
stdinsalvinod: Add users who can access your shares with the 'smbpasswd' command09:47
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stdin_Shade_: View  Preview  Sound files09:48
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stdinsalvinod: you have to reload samba after, sudo /etc/init.d/samba reload09:49
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iarwain_hiya, anyone know why i can't play music from my /media/sda3 partition?09:50
pagiarwain_, can you play it from elsewhere?09:51
iarwain_pag: from windows i can play it09:51
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_Shade_stdin: ok it works... but it seems i can't use it where the files are located directly on my desktop... any idea?09:51
pagiarwain_, but not in linux?09:51
iarwain_pag: no, i can't play it from linux09:52
pag!mp3 | iarwain_09:52
ubotuiarwain_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:52
iarwain_pag: i can play mp3 etc from my other partitions but just not from my sda3 partition :)09:52
pagoh... which FS is sda3?09:53
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Ahmuckcan you run a terminal session out of konq ?09:53
iarwain_;o update09:53
pagiarwain_, hmm starnge... do you have read-rights there?09:53
iarwain_pag: i can play music from that partition, but not the songs that i downloaded in windows with frostwire09:54
iarwain_pag: that path is /media/sda3/Shared with read-write settings09:54
pagiarwain_, are they .mp3's or .wma / .aac ?09:54
jenny_Hmm, I'm wonderin whats goin on that for some reason different windows min on their own. Any ideas as to what could be goin on?09:54
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iarwain_pag: mp3's09:55
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iarwain_pag: what also could be important, is that i can't read the meta-data from the file09:56
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stdin_Shade_: not really09:56
pagiarwain_, check the output of  file /path/to/mp3/that/doenst/play09:56
iarwain_pag: sda3/Shared/Madness - One Step Beyond.mp3: data09:57
pagiarwain_, it should be something like "music/a/ABBA - Waterloo.mp3: Audio file with ID3 version 23.0 tag, MP3 encoding"09:58
johan__!dvd johan__09:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd johan__ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:58
iarwain_pag: how can i change it? because it is a correct file xD09:58
gumjohello how do I check that I have the latest nvidia driver and how do I know Im using it?09:59
johan__!me being a stupid bot johan__09:59
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pagiarwain_, it's starnge, since file output is right in 90% of cases - the thing that confuses me the most, is that they play in win.10:00
pag!dvd | johan__10:00
ubotujohan__: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:00
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)10:01
salvinodstdin: still nothing happened after i reloded samba10:01
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johan__pag, thanks ;)10:01
salvinodstdin: and the settings on the site you gave me are for gnome envierment i am using kde10:01
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stdinsalvinod: it should be the same, except replace "gksu" with "kdesu" and "gedit" with "kate"10:02
[ifr0g] Morning, guys :)10:03
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iarwain_pag: so how can i let them play in linux?10:03
pagiarwain_, if I knew I'd tell you, but sorry I'm really out of ideas10:03
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salvinodstdin: i cant find a way to set it up dnt know and i need it cause i got plenty of important files on this computer and i need to share them to a windows machine10:04
iarwain_pag: np's xD gonna try throwing them around the partition10:04
iarwain_pag: thx though :)10:04
johan__I've been spending 7 hours on trying to get my dvd to work but haven't had any success. I've installed all the neccesary packages and applications, It just won't work.10:04
johan__Could anyone help me?...10:04
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johan__What would be the same in Kubuntu for this: "Press System  Preferences  Removable Drives and Media and click on the Multimedia tab."10:05
stdinsalvinod: I'm not a samba expert, I just use the "public file server" applet for kicker10:05
thomas_hello people10:05
johan__In the Command box under Video DVD Discs, type gxine -S dvd:/ (without quotes) and then press Close.10:05
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salvinodk if there is a samba user over here plese contact me cause i am in desperate help10:07
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johan__stdin: can I bother you for a sec :)10:08
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stdindepends what you want :p10:08
johan__Well, it's the dvd playback that doesn't work10:09
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johan__I've tried it everything10:09
stdinhave you installed the dvd packages?10:09
johan__I have10:09
stdinwhich ones?10:09
johan__libdvdcss2, libdvnav4, libdvdplay0, libdvdread310:10
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johan__stdin: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html#video-dvd10:10
stdinjohan__: what happens when you try to play a dvd?10:11
paghi Schmiddy :10:11
johan__The xine engine failed to start. No input plugin was found10:11
DjDarkmandoes someone know how to make microphone work in skype or anywhere else?10:12
johan__and then a message saying "Read error from /dev/dvd10:12
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stdinjohan__: what application?10:13
keisangiis it possible in kde to make alt-tab working with all windows from all workspace (even the minimizen ones) ?10:14
keisangii don't like default kde behaivor .. i would like to be able to switch to any windows using alt-tab10:15
stdinit does10:15
stdinI see minimised windows in alt-tab10:16
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keisangistdin: and windows from other workspace too ?10:17
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stdinno, but I wouldn't have it in another workspace if i wanted to switch between it and an app in the same workspace10:17
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keisangii don't like this10:18
keisangii would like to have firefox maximized on it's own workspace10:19
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keisangikonversation same10:19
keisangiand a term same10:19
combocan some1 tell me what is KDED? i have these errors   http://wklej.org/id/a7a570860f   is this something dangerous ? (i don't mean bad device, but this error little later) :/10:19
keisangiand when i hit alt-tab, i would like to be able to switch from one app to another10:19
stdin!kdesu | combo10:20
ubotucombo: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo10:20
combostdin: what is kdesu? is this aything instead sudo ?10:20
combooh, ubotu explained everything :)10:20
atlare there any download accelators fro Ktorrent10:20
[ifr0g] combo, kdesu is a graphical sudo :)10:20
stdinatl: that doesn't make sense10:20
combo[ifr0g] : i see :) THX a lot :)10:21
atloops download accelerators10:21
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[ifr0g] atl, huh ? ktorrent are for torrents.10:22
atlwith the kazaa program there is a download accelerator that makes the download go faster10:23
combobut the last question: why this difference - why programmers changed 'sudo' to 'kdesu'?10:24
stdinatl: you can't "accelerate" p2p downloads other than have more sources10:24
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se7en^Of^9which command do i use to find files?10:24
pagse7en^Of^9, locate :)10:24
stdincombo: read what ubotu said, sudo is for command line tools, kdesu is for GUI tools10:25
stdinse7en^Of^9: or "find" :)10:25
combostdin: ok ;P10:25
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se7en^Of^9find is only for folder or10:25
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DjDarkmandoes someone know how can I enable my microphone?10:28
combocrap! what now?! 'ERROR: No database available!'   http://wklej.org/id/c3a37e4e0e   another error :/ isn't it ?10:28
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combothis time i made it with 'kdesu'! :] 10:28
pagcombo, try kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:28
combopag: ok10:29
johan__stdin: gxine10:29
stdinjohan__: tried in kaffeine ?10:29
combopag: works :)10:29
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stdinjohan__: any errors there?10:29
johan__First, "The source can't be read"10:30
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johan__then, "No plugin found to handle this..../dev/dvd"10:30
combopag: by the way - do u have same thing that u don't have kWrite in kMenu (down left corner)? cuz i've been searching and there is no kwrite application :] 10:31
stdinjohan__: how did you try to run it?10:31
combopag: but kWrite works, i guess :)10:31
pagcombo, looks like I don't10:31
johan__opened koffeine and there "Play DVD"10:31
combopag: ok, thx for answer, it means everything is fine ;)10:32
stdinjohan__: try opening konsole and put in "kaffeine dvd://dev/dvd"10:32
johan__same error message10:32
stdinjohan__: post everything in konsole to pastebin10:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:33
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johan__stdin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32000/10:36
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stdinjohan__: looks like you don't have libdvdcss210:38
johan__I'm positive I installed it...10:40
johan__couldn't find it in the adept manager now though...10:40
stdin"libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable."10:40
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stdinit's not in the normal repos10:40
stdinjohan__: what version of kubuntu do you have?10:41
johan__stdin: the latest10:42
johan__hehe, How do I check?10:42
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stdinjohan__: lsb_release -c10:43
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johan__yup feisty10:43
johan__a question...how do you know all these comands..?10:43
stdinbecause I just do :p10:43
stdinI've used them all a lot10:43
johan__I see :)10:44
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stdinok, to install libdvdcss2, open konsole (if it's not open) and put in: wget http://seveas.theplayboymansion.net/seveas/pool/feisty-seveas/extras/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-0.0ubuntu6_i386.deb10:44
stdinjohan__: then: sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.9-0.0ubuntu6_i386.deb10:45
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stdinshould work then10:45
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Prophezystdin , do you know what the problem is, when a program not start when you click on it?10:46
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stdinProphezy: what program?10:46
Prophezyi want to start my KnetworkManager10:47
Prophezybut nothing happens when i click on it10:47
stdintry running it in konsole, that should tell you why it's not working10:47
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Prophezywhat is the comando to run itfrom there?10:48
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stdinProphezy: knetworkmanager :)10:48
x89xcan anoyne help me with my video drivers ??10:48
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Prophezystdin just knetworkmanager?10:48
stdinx89x: help how?10:49
x89xstdin can you help ?10:49
iarwain_Level15: hiya10:49
stdin^ preempted10:49
Level15good, thx.10:49
Prophezystdin nothing happens10:49
Level15does anyone know a channel for doxygen questions? #doxygen is empty...10:49
x89xstdin : i got a via chipset. its K8M890. i want the drivers. i found 1 link10:49
Prophezyi got only my @ promp10:49
x89xi do i install it ?10:50
stdinProphezy: nothing at all?10:50
johan__stdin: I got an error trying to do that dpkg stuff10:50
iarwain_Level15: i don't even know what doxygen is xD is there nothing on UF? or don't they have a forum?10:50
Prophezystdin nothing10:50
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stdinjohan__: what error?10:50
Level15what is UF? :P10:50
iarwain_Level15: ubuntuforums (types easier)10:50
Prophezywhen i only type KnetworkManager it says command not found10:50
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johan__in Swedish saying database locke by another process10:51
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stdinx89x: yeah, you just follow the instructions10:51
Level15iarwain_: oh, i see... well, my question is not so much as to how to install/use it but something more like to user's experience and best bractices...10:51
johan__stdin: dpkg: statusdatabasomrdet r lst av en annan process10:51
stdinjohan__: have adept open?10:51
x89xstdin ; after the instruction "Start the real fun" what do i do ??10:51
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iarwain_Level15: oh :) perhaps google for it? that's my best guess xD10:51
stdinProphezy: try "killall -9 knetworkmanager ; knetworkmanager"10:52
ProphezyJohan i think you have more than one adept open10:52
Level15yeah, i guess...10:52
iarwain_x89x: follow the commands :)10:52
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stdinx89x: see the "For K8M890 chipset, alternatively run " part ?10:52
Prophezystdin no process was killed10:52
Prophezystdin its installed and everything10:53
Prophezybut cant click on it10:53
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iarwain_Prophezy: do you type in KnetworkManager, or knetworkmanager?10:53
iarwain_Prophezy: 'cause linux is case sensitive :)10:54
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Prophezyoki i will try10:54
iarwain_Prophezy: oh xD10:54
iarwain_Prophezy: knetworkmanager is correct xD10:54
SoRcShow to star this file /usr/local/bin/lvs.elf10:55
Prophezynothing happens :(10:55
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iarwain_Prophezy: are you sure it is installed? just to check it :)10:55
SoRcShow to star this file /usr/local/bin/lvs.elf10:55
bob_Can anyone give me some help with compiling the ATI driver?10:55
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stdin!repeat | SoRcS10:55
ubotuSoRcS: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:55
Prophezyiarwain yes in the adept-manager it says Installed :P10:56
pagSoRcS, sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/lvs.elf && /usr/local/bin/lvs.elf   maybe?10:56
stdinSoRcS: make sure /usr/local/bin is in your path and type "lvs.elf"10:56
iarwain_Prophezy: strange.. Can you try a reinstall? (of knetworkmanager, not kubuntu)10:56
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Prophezyiarwain oki i will try :)10:56
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iarwain_Prophezy: or, if you're in konsole, try auto-completing 'knet' without the ''10:57
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iarwain_Prophezy: if it completes, you have it (if it doesn't, you either don't have it, or don't have auto-tab enabled)10:57
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Prophezyiarwain, what is the comando for auto-completing?10:58
iarwain_Prophezy: hit TAB10:58
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stdinhit it twice if it doesn't auto-compleat, there may be more than one thing starting with "knet"10:59
x89xstdin : whats the difference between openChrome and 3D & openChrome and 2D ??10:59
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stdinx89x: one is only for 2D graphics and the other is for 3D11:00
Prophezydisplay all the 1842 possiblities?11:00
iarwain_Prophezy: wth xD you have 1800+ possibilities for knet* ?11:00
iarwain_Prophezy: type in 'knet', then hit TAB twice11:01
x89xstdin : what do i install tehn ?? both ?11:01
Prophezyiarwain i dont know it says so :D11:01
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stdinx89x: of you want11:01
iarwain_Prophezy: that's a big lol if you'd have 1800+ things installed with knet as name11:01
x89xcan both be done stdin ?11:01
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Prophezyiarwain i got knetattach & knetworkmanager11:02
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iarwain_Prophezy: aight! type in knetw then TAB :)11:02
stdinx89x: yes, you have to have the 2d one before the 3d one. but it should work on edgy without compiling it11:02
Prophezyi got alots of things :P11:03
Level15AscendedDaniel: you wouldn't happen to be an SG1 fan, woud you?11:03
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iarwain_Prophezy: lol xD don't hit TAB without typing anything xD type 'knetw' first, then hit TAB xD11:03
Prophezyno i type knetworkmanager and TAB11:03
iarwain_Prophezy: no, that's not necessary :)11:04
stdinthen it will list all the files in the directory11:04
Prophezystdin yes :P11:04
iarwain_Prophezy: just type in knetworkmanager, and hit enter11:04
Prophezyiarwain done but nothing happens11:04
Prophezyjust stand at my @ prompt11:05
iarwain_Prophezy: no output of the command?11:05
iarwain_Prophezy: damn :s11:05
iarwain_Prophezy: well, i just tried it aswell, i don't get anything either11:05
iarwain_Prophezy: hit ALT-F211:05
Level15Prophezy: in a konsole, sudo apt-get install knetworkmanager11:05
iarwain_Prophezy: then type in knetworkmanager11:05
Prophezyhihihi f ah pro like you dont get .... damn think of me .. lost in Kubuntu space :P11:05
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iarwain_Prophezy: it should give you an icon, meaning that the command is found :)11:06
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Prophezyiarwain : the knetwork is already new11:07
Prophezyafter that no more11:07
iarwain_Prophezy: type in knetworkmanager after hitting alt-f211:07
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iarwain_Prophezy: normally that should give you an icon11:08
iarwain_Prophezy: then hit enter, and it would start11:08
Prophezyiarwain when i click on run it dissapeared11:08
Level15Prophezy: open a konsole, at least we can see there if you get an error11:09
Level15open a konsole, then type knetworkmanager, hit enter11:09
iarwain_Level15: already tried that, no output xD11:09
Level15tell us what happens11:09
Prophezyalready done it11:09
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Level15iarwain_: so command IS found, i guess...11:09
Prophezynothing happens11:09
Prophezyit stand at my @ only11:09
Level15maybe it's already running and sitting on the tray...11:10
iarwain_Level15: it is installed etc but it just won't start11:10
Prophezyiarwain nothing happen in alt+f211:10
Prophezylevel15 nothing on the tray11:10
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Level15well, but when you ran it on the konsole, you didn't get a "command not found" msg or anything like that, did you?11:11
Prophezythat i got11:11
Prophezycommand not found11:11
Level15well, then it's obviously not installed11:12
Level15let's try install it using the konsole11:12
Level15maybe there's something broken on your adept11:12
Prophezyin the adept manager it says installed11:12
Prophezybut we tried it before11:12
Level15humor me :)11:12
Prophezyand it says i got the newest one already11:13
=== iarwain_ tries humoring level37
iarwain_say Prophezy, is it not possible that the icon is already there, but you don't recognize it?11:13
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Prophezyiarwain .. wher in the menu ?11:14
Prophezyi have the icon in the menu , but nothing happens when i click on it11:14
Level15Prophezy: do you want to try on the konsole ?11:14
iarwain_Prophezy: i mean the task bar, on the lower right11:14
stdinProphezy: try right clicking it11:14
comboalways i have 1 available update - but when i'm clicking at Adept Manager it tells me that another proccess use update - and all the time like this ... how can fix it ? :|11:15
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Prophezyiarwain no notihing is there just my gaim and battery and sound11:15
[ifroog] Is there ssh on the dvd live cd.11:15
Prophezynothing more11:15
pag!fixadept | combo11:15
ubotucombo: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 11:15
Prophezyand trash11:15
johan__stdin: Where do I find the libdvdcss package..?11:15
[ifroog] erroe 15 : file not found11:15
pagjohan__, Seveas / medibuntu repos11:15
Prophezylevel15 try konsole ?11:16
[ifroog] when i do find /boot/grub/stage1 !11:16
Level15Prophezy: ok11:16
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ninHerhi all11:16
stdinjohan__: that file you downladed was it11:16
[ifroog] any idea why ?11:16
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Level15Prophezy: on the konsole, type in sudo aptitude install knetworkmanager, paste the output on a pastebin11:16
iarwain_Prophezy: gtg, hope you get it worked out ;)11:17
iarwain_bb guys!11:17
combopag: where should i write '!fixadept' ? :)11:17
Prophezyiarwain thanks for the time ;)11:17
pagcombo, you should write the command ubotu gave to you ;)11:17
stdincombo: open konsole and put in "sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a "11:17
comboah, okok :)11:17
ProphezyLevel 15 o upgrade, 0 installed, 0 removed all 011:18
Prophezyi have the newest installed11:18
johan__stdin: I got an error trying what you said11:18
Level15Prophezy: which knetworkmanager11:18
combo- there is an error with 'clamav-base' - as i remember i've tried install it via Automatix and it didn't work then (some error)11:19
stdinjohan__: what error?11:19
johan__stdin: "no such file or directory"11:19
johan__cannot reach the archive11:19
stdinjohan__: type in "ls *.deb" and post that11:19
ProphezyLevel15 what you mean with Which knetworkmanager?11:19
stdinProphezy: type that in to konsole11:20
Level15Prophezy: enter that in the konsole, tell me the output11:20
ProphezyLevel15 : /usr/bin/knetworkmanager11:20
comboYES! it was 'clamav-base; package - it's not full updated - and it was the problem. should i remove at all if it doesn't want to update?11:21
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johan__stdin: ls: *.deb: No such file or directory11:21
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janet_can anyone tell me a gui way to delete some unneeded entries out of my grub boot list?11:22
stdinjohan__: type in: wget http://seveas.theplayboymansion.net/seveas/pool/feisty-seveas/extras/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-0.0ubuntu6_i386.deb11:22
Level15Prophezy: ok, it's there...11:22
Level15Prophezy: ps ax|grep knetwork11:22
stdinjohan__: then: sudo dpkg -i libdvdcss2_1.2.9-0.0ubuntu6_i386.deb11:22
combojanet_: e.g. sudo kate /boot/grub/menu.lst11:22
Prophezy ps ax|grep knetwork11:22
Prophezy 5411 ?        S      0:00 knetworkmanager [kdeinit] 11:22
Prophezy 7233 pts/1    R+     0:00 grep knetwork11:22
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Level15it's running... man, i bet it's on the tray11:23
janet_i just need to delete a few entries in the grub boot list11:23
ProphezyLevel15 i dont see any on tray11:23
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janet_oops sorry caps11:23
combojanet_: yes11:23
janet_darn caplock11:23
Level15Prophezy: maybe hidden?11:23
Prophezyi got sound, gaim, skype battery , clock and trash11:23
combojanet_: but first better buckup that file :)11:23
stdinjanet_: just remove the packages, or they'll come back11:24
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ProphezyLevel15 how can i se hidden things?11:24
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Level15Prophezy: is there like an arrow on the left side of the tray? if so, you click it and it shows some other stuff...11:24
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janet_i have a dual boot with xp and ubuntu, i want my boot list to only offer thoughs 2 not the other 4 or five that are in trhere11:25
ProphezyLevel15 no  arrow, thats not diffrent from windows11:25
janet_can i delete the others from that list?11:25
stdinjanet_: just remove the "linux-image-(version)" packages from adept11:25
Prophezytahts why its so wierd11:25
Level15Prophezy: pkill knetworkmanager11:25
Level15then retry the ps ax... thing11:26
janet_is there not a gui to edit your boot list?11:26
pagjanet_, well.. kate is a GUI programm ;)11:26
ProphezyLevel15 same results11:26
janet_but u need to manually do it with kate11:27
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nicolai_janet_: The file you're looking for is: /boot/grub/menu.lst11:27
Level15killall -9 knetworkmanager11:27
janet_meaning you could screw up11:27
Prophezyprophezy@prophezy:~$ killall -9 knetworkmanager11:27
janet_im editing it with kate11:27
Level15nicolai_: he wants a GUI app11:27
Prophezyknetworkmanager: no process killed11:27
janet_but now what11:27
pagjanet_, so you want to remove extra kernel-lines?11:27
Level15Prophezy: ps ax|grep knetwo11:27
stdinjanet_: to remove the entries, just remove the "linux-image-(version)" packages from adept11:27
janet_im trying to get rid of an extra entry for a kernal that is lower than the one above it11:28
Prophezyprophezy@prophezy:~$ ps ax|grep knetwo11:28
Prophezy 7254 pts/1    R+     0:00 grep knetwo11:28
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janet_but can i then just have xp or linux in the start up boot screen?11:28
pagjanet_, so just do as stdin said - no need to edit anything11:28
johan__stdin: you're great! It works! Hurray!11:28
Level15janet_: comment the entries you want gone... if you break something up, you can uncomment them later11:28
nicolai_janet_: I know mandriva had a GUI for configuring boot back when I ran that distirbution.11:28
Level15Prophezy: results?11:29
ProphezyLevel15 yes!! now i got the tray11:29
Level15Prophezy: good11:29
pagnicolai_, won't work in automatic-list (the one kernels are listed)11:29
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stdinjohan__: no problem, enjoy the Sopranos :p11:29
ProphezyLevel15 but11:29
Prophezyits says alot of bad device????11:30
Level15Prophezy: but?11:30
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Level15on the konsole?11:30
janet_do i remove both images ? 15 and 16?11:30
johan__stdin: haha cheers11:30
janet_in adept11:30
Prophezycan i pasteit here?11:30
Level15Prophezy: nope...11:30
pag!baddevice | Prophezy11:30
ubotuProphezy: If you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors11:30
Level15Prophezy: not if it's too long11:30
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Level15X error11:30
Prophezyoki but does it eans my network dont work??????????????????????????11:31
nicolai_janet_: what are the entries you want removed called?11:31
Level15Prophezy: paste it on a pastebin, let me check it, ok?11:31
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janet_linux-image kernal 15 and its recovery11:32
ProphezyLevel15 where can i find the pastebin?11:32
Level15google :)11:32
Prophezyoki i though ubuntu have its own or someting11:32
janet_it does11:32
pag!pastebin | Prophezy11:32
ubotuProphezy: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:32
Level15Prophezy: if it does, i don't know it11:32
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janet_should i remove though adept or kate menu.ist?11:34
janet_here goes11:34
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ProphezyLevel15 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32009/11:34
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Level15Prophezy: oh yeah, X errors, nevermind about them...11:34
janet_i remeber about 10 years ago there was a small gui that you could change the list , its order and names11:35
janet_use to be simple11:35
ProphezyLevel15 oki11:35
Level15Prophezy: network should be fine11:35
janet_trying a log out brb11:35
ProphezyLevel15 yes i see that i have 2 networks .. Ethernet and wreless11:36
Level15Prophezy: yes... knetworkmanager is nice, and works for most network configurations... but not for mine :(11:37
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ProphezyLevel15 not for you?11:37
Level15Prophezy: nope... I had to install and use the gnome thingy11:37
ProphezyLevel15 can you answer this question, if the diffrent from all Unbuntus is only the desktop , gnome, kde and x (something). why not only build one Ubuntus??????11:39
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Level15Prophezy: i guess HD space and desktop application integration issues11:40
ProphezyLevel15 oh i c11:40
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ProphezyLevel15 well thanks alot for your time and help, now my network works great and i will take lunch, my super Guru ;)11:42
Level15Prophezy: no problem11:42
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pag!hi | paines11:42
ubotupaines: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!11:42
Level15!hi | Level1511:42
=== Prophezy no need to have more nightmare about the Knetwork... this night he will sleep sssoooooooooooooooooooo deep and dream about other Kubuntus
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Level15Prophezy: lol11:43
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undbundany girls11:44
combohow can i install JRE for firefox? i've a;ready downloaded file but can't install it with any guide :/11:44
Level15undbund: lol...11:45
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pag!offtopic | undbund11:45
ubotuundbund: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:45
Level15combo: you mean for the plugins to work?11:45
comboLevel15: yes, yes :)11:45
comboLevel15: java11:45
Level15combo: firefox usually installs it for you when you visit a website which requires it... didn't that work?11:45
undbundyes same problems as combo, can't install firefox11:46
comboLevel15: - let's see....11:46
undbundsays some library is missing11:46
Level15undbund: let me se if i can solve combo's problem, then i'll try to help you...11:46
ermakhello, can anyone help me to configure bluetooth PAN? after modification of configuration files and restarting bluetooth service I get error: "Failed to connect to the SDP server."11:47
comboLevel15: can u gimme ANY site that requires java plug-in, please ? :)11:47
pagcombo, are you running 64bit system?11:47
combopag: yeap11:47
Level15there's a java option there11:47
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Level15combo: should have said that before...11:48
pag!flash64 | combo11:48
ubotucombo: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava11:48
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Level15combo: basically, on amd64 if you want to use flash or java plugins natively, you will have to use a 32 bit firefox or a 32 bit helper application11:49
Level15konqueror, on the other hand, will handle java fine since it does not depend on the plugin but the JRE which IS available for 64 bits...11:49
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_Shade_i've just mounted the ntfs partition, where windows is installed, but i cannot access my user directory (there's no such folder in konqueror)11:49
Level15undbund: now, what's that err msg you are getting?11:50
comboLevel15: crap! but i'm just checking out the link that ubotu gave me... maybe i'll find there something usefull :)11:50
undbund./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:50
Level15combo: what i did was download a 32 bit netscape 9 and i use it when some website needs flash... and konqueror for java11:50
Level15undbund: 7.04?11:51
undbundsorry don't understand11:51
undbundhat is11:51
undbundwhat is 7.0411:51
Level15undbund: kubuntu version11:51
undbund6.06 LTS11:52
comboLevel15: so u suggest to download Firefox 32bit install it and then download all needed plug-ins ? :)11:52
[ifroog] installation stops at grub HELP !!11:52
=== Level15 can't wait until KDE4 is out!
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[ifroog] t is a fatal error executing grub-install (hd0) failed11:52
pagundbund, why don't you install from repositories?  sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox11:52
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comboLevel15: and when KDE4 will be available ? :D11:52
Level15combo: that could work, yes... though i'm using this netscape because it runs on a single dir so you don't mess up the rest of your OS11:53
Level15undbund: let me check something here...11:53
Level15undbund: install package libgtk2.0-011:54
Level15undbund: i guess that should work11:54
undbundPackage mozilla-firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:54
undbundThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:54
undbundis only available from another source11:54
undbundE: Package mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate11:54
Level15combo: dunno, it's they say it'll be on october but i think november is more likely11:54
comboLevel15: so cool :D also can't wait :)11:55
Level15undbund: did you get that when you tried to install the libgtk thing?11:55
Level15combo: yeah, nice!11:55
=== Level15 is looking for a job ;)
DjDarkmanI can hear myself on the mic, does someone know what else do I have to do, to make my mic work with skype?11:55
nicolai_combo: KDE 4.0 is released october 23rd11:56
Level15DjDarkman: i know it sounds stupid, but is the volume set to a reasonable value?11:56
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undbundwhen i tried to install firefox it said.... ./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:56
Level15nicolai_: they are supposed to, but they are a couple of days behind schedule...11:56
combonicolai_: good to know :)11:56
DjDarkmanyes Level15 as I said, I can hear myself, but when I try testcall then nothinh11:57
[ifroog] Any one ?11:57
x89xcan anyone help me with zydas drivers ??11:57
Level15undbund: no, the error of broken package11:57
DjDarkmanI had to compile a few alsa stuff to even hear myselft....11:57
Level15DjDarkman: oh, sorry, i didn't read correctly11:57
undbundok give me 2 min...11:58
x89xan anyone help me with zydas drivers ???11:58
undbundReading package lists... Done11:58
undbundBuilding dependency tree... Done11:58
undbundPackage mozilla-firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:58
undbundThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:58
undbundis only available from another source11:58
undbundE: Package mozilla-firefox has no installation candidate11:58
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Level15undbund: weirdo... but let me see if i got it straight. you got that running what command?11:59
x89xLevel15 : can you help ?12:00
Level15x89x: sorry, dunno even know what zydas is :S12:00
x89xits a wifi driver12:00
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undbundsudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox12:00
Level15x89x: i'd recommend you take a look at ndiswrapper12:00
x89xLevel15 : i git the intrructions, but i get an error12:00
x89xLevel15 ; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/zydas_zd121112:01
Level15x89x: gimme a sec while i try to solve undbund error, then i'll try to help you12:01
x89xok Level15 :)12:01
Level15undbund: aptitude search firefox12:01
undbundwhat is that12:01
Level15undbund: run that command12:02
Level15put output on pastebin if you want12:02
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undbundi run the command but i get the same error12:03
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Level15put output on pastebin plz12:03
undbundwhat is a pastebin12:03
Level15a website where you paste text so we can look at it12:03
Level15google for pastebin12:03
Level15so that we don't paste long stuff here and annoy others12:04
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Level15undbund: aptitude search firefox12:05
x89xLevel15 : an update of firefox has just been releases12:06
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Level15x89x: really? ehat version is it now?12:06
Level15undbund: output?12:06
Level15x89x: security exploit patching i guess?12:07
x89xyes Level1512:07
Level15dude, they already have!12:07
x89xwhat  the ! really !12:07
undbundgive me 1 min...12:07
Level15undbund: ok12:07
x89xmine got upgraded to 2 mins ago !!12:08
Level15and now there's firefox ebay edition...12:08
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undbundthese packages are currently installed in your computer but they are not avaialable from any apt source12:09
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Level15undbund: please on the pastebin12:09
lucahi everyone12:09
lucaI have some problems w/ kerry beagle - at boot it seems sometimes to forget to have indexed some files - can someone help me?12:09
x89xLevel15 : how do i identify that i got 3D drivers ?12:09
Level15x89x: hm, dunno... i guess that depends on what you call 3d drivers... what video card are you using?12:10
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Level15x89x: in the meantime, what's the err msg you get and in what part of the instructions you sent me?12:10
x89xits a viam K8m890 chioset12:10
=== Tenen [n=Tenen@dsl-245-188-130.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu
Tenenhi can anyone help a newbie please12:10
pag!ask | Tenen12:11
ubotuTenen: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:11
Tenenk thanks :P12:11
Tenenk i started using ubuntu as my linux but gnome isnt so cool12:11
Tenenso i switched to kubuntu12:11
Tenenive only used ubuntu/kubuntu and the old mandrake years ago12:11
Level15undbund: did you mess tith the apt sources, did you?12:11
undbundi just installed kubuntu from live cd12:12
Tenenmy issue is ubuntu picked up my 2 netgear wifi cards no issue using madwifi - netgear wg 311 v 3 and wg 311 t, now kubuntu only picks up the 311v3 and not the 311t , does kubuntu come preinstalled with madwifi?12:12
Tenenim trying to make kubuntu my main os and drop windows12:13
Level15undbund: fresh install?12:13
Tenenbut my internet comes thru wifi and if that wont work i wont use kubuntu12:13
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pag!wireless | Tenen12:14
ubotuTenen: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:14
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undbundi will try to install libgtk, if it doesn't work than reinstall12:14
amin81hello everyone12:14
undbundhow to install debian packages?12:14
amin81i have problem that I have tried to fix for the past 3 hrs12:15
Level15undbund: ok12:15
pagundbund, check taht you have sources enabled12:15
Level15undbund: let me know12:15
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Tenenbut my wifi worked in ubuntu fine , no issue i didnt need to do anything, does kubuntu not use the madwifi drivers?12:15
pag!repos | undbund12:15
ubotuundbund: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:15
Teneni knoew hte card works12:15
Teneni know it works in ubuntu12:15
undbundi want to install: libgtk2.0-0_2.10.6-0ubuntu3.1_i386.deb12:15
Tenenive used it12:15
nicolai_Tenen: madwifi is not installed but available in Adept12:15
amin81i cannot connect to the internet with konversation kopete and bittornado12:15
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Tenenwell if my pc is offline how do i get online if i need to be online to get madwifi, i connect to the net through wifi12:16
undbundhow to start installation12:16
pag!deb | undbund12:16
ubotuundbund: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)12:16
nicolai_Tenen: I can give you the link to the .deb12:16
combo- is there possibly to have a view in folders set - LIST, like in Windows ? :] 12:16
amin81when connecting with konversation it says: server found, connecting...12:16
Tenennicolai please bare in mind i need step by step instructions im an ewb12:17
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amin81stays like that for approx 5 minutes and then i get the message: connection to server lost. operation not supported12:17
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amin81same message with kopete12:17
amin81anybody who knows what the problem can be?12:18
[ifroog] cannot mount selected partition12:18
[ifroog] when i do setup(hd0)12:18
amin81i have tried to look up http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/konversation-devel/2004-August/000009.html12:19
Tenencan anyone help me by getting madwifi to work on kubuntu plz i cant get to the net without rebooting to win xp all the time12:19
amin81and http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/konversation-devel/2004-August/000009.html12:19
amin81without success12:19
lucaTenen: try this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router/Madwifi?highlight=%28madwifi%2912:20
lucaand this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=madwifi&titlesearch=Titoli12:20
Tenenthose help yes, but you are forgetting the machine is offline12:21
Tenencaus i cant get the wifi connected12:21
Tenenthose all assume you are online12:22
pagTenen, download all deb's that are needed and install tehm manually12:22
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pagTenen, you can download them in windows12:22
amin81is anybody familiar with my problem?12:22
Tenenhow do i do that12:22
Tenenim a newb12:22
Tenenlinux makes me get high blood pressure i swear12:23
amin81same here12:23
combo :: (i'll ask again) :: is there possible to have a view in folder set as LIST, so all folders are small and one under another ???? :] 12:23
nicolai_Tenen: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/m/madwifi-tools/12:23
pagcombo, it is12:23
jase__lol tenan, nice one12:23
combopag: how? :)12:23
nicolai_Tenen: a .deb file is somewhat similar to a .exe file in windows12:24
Tenenwhat is that link for nikolai12:24
combopag: i've been looking for, but couldn't fine anywhere12:24
amin81combo: yes12:24
Tenenso whci hone do i download12:24
amin81combo: go under view12:24
comboamin81: so can u tell me how to ? :)12:24
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pagcombo, there's an icon "icon view" press and hold it and select detailed view12:24
nicolai_Tenen: the madwifi .deb12:24
pag!de | alesan12:24
ubotualesan: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:24
amin81combo: and view mode12:24
amin81combo: got it?12:24
Teneni'd need i386 for normal pentium type machine12:25
alesanis there a way to set static ip address without using the GUI?12:25
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Tenenbefore 64 bit right12:25
alesanpag, sorry, I cannot speak a word of german :(12:25
nicolai_Tenen: that depends wether you're using a 64-bit architecture or not12:25
pagalesan, oh. sorry.12:25
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alesaneither italian or english :)12:25
nicolai_Tenen: yeah12:25
amin81combo: did it work?12:25
Tenenso i download the .deb12:25
Tenenthen what12:25
pagalesan, you just have .de domain and "hallo" sounded german12:25
comboamin81: it doesn't work - this view icon - i'm clicking and nothing happen12:25
nicolai_Tenen: Then you right click on it in when in kubuntu.12:26
alesanpag, yes you're right, I work here in germany and they thought me to say hallo instead of hello :)12:26
alesanso at least I can speak one german word :)12:26
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Tenenman i remember pengo and the chaos computer club and zardoz12:26
Tenenand altos12:26
amin81combo: you should change the "view mode" to "info list view"12:26
Tenenhahah go germany12:26
nicolai_Tenen: One of the options should be "kubuntu package menu"12:26
alesanback to my problem, there must be a file to write the ip address and the default gateway12:26
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Tenencaus ive tried to make in the madwifi directory b4 and it errors 2 on me12:27
comboamin81: but i'm clicking with left mouse button and nothing happen ?12:27
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comboamin81: something should happen after clicking but nothing happened12:28
amin81combo: hmm...12:28
Tenenso once i install that deb thing im good to make nicolai?12:28
comboi'm trying to do this in home directory12:28
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Tenenim going to copy the error text12:28
Tenengonna reboot rq12:29
comboamin81:  in konqurer of corz12:29
amin81combo: i dunno then...i havnt any problems changing the view mode12:29
nicolai_Tenen: At least that is what we hope :P12:29
Tenenand copy text if it dont work so someone can help :P12:29
Tenenthanks nicolai you been a big help, im gonna come back and bug ya in a few12:29
Tenenif it dont work or if it do :P12:29
comboi'll try reboot and then again - maybe this change something :/12:29
Teneni wanna get into linux12:29
amin81combo: ok12:29
amin81anybody who can help me with my problem?12:29
Tenenbe back in a bit12:29
amin81i have tried to fix it the past 3 hrs without success12:29
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nicolai_Tenen: see you12:30
_tobiashi, in my fstab the swap partition has still an entry for /dev/hdax while all others are UUID=.. now after upgrade to feisty swap is unusable. what can i do?12:30
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comboamin81: ok, it works ;) thanks12:31
amin81combo: good. :) no probs12:31
amin81anyone plesase heeeeeelp! haha12:32
amin81i am online on a windows machine and not liking it at all!12:33
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nicolai_amin81: You need help with what exactly? :P12:34
nicolai_amin81: installing?12:34
amin81nicolai_: Finally someone responding. :)12:34
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amin81nicolai_: i cannot connect with kopete, konversation or bittornado12:35
amin81connect to server that is12:35
Level15what's a decent FPS for a 3d card?12:36
amin81nicolai_: the problem started out of the blue a few days back12:36
nicolai_amin81: But browsers work?12:36
MaTiAzLevel15: It totally depends on the game and the settings12:36
amin81nicolai_: yes, browsers work without any problems12:36
nicolai_amin81: otherwise I would guess it was the internet connection :P12:36
_tobiasany help for me, too?12:36
amin81nicolai_: no, internet connection is fine :)12:36
Level15MaTiAz: no i don't mean the fps game, i mean frames per second :P12:37
nicolai_amin81: What kind of connection is it? wireless? college supported?12:37
amin81nicolai_: no, it is wired12:37
Level15hey guys, going for lunch12:37
Level15cya later12:37
amin81nicolai_: common connection that the whole building uses12:38
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amin81nicolai_: the building that i stay in that is12:38
mumificiranijust a question, when is KDE4 coming out?12:38
mumificiraniif it didn't came out already :\12:39
nicolai_amin81: I couldn't use Kopete at my university until i switched to "use HTTP method" under the 'connection' tab12:39
amin81nicolai_: i havnt changed any settings12:39
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whyhankeemumificirani: google on 'roadmap kde4'12:39
amin81nicolai_: when trying to connect with konversation i get the following message12:39
nicolai_amin81: No, but someone might have blocked certain IP-addresses (your ISP for example)12:40
amin81nicolai_: "server found. connecting..." stays like that for approx 5 minutes and then i get the message: "connection to server lost. operation not supported"12:40
nicolai_amin81: when I said IP-address I meant Port :P12:40
amin81nicolai_: hmm...so the port can be blocked just suddenly out of the blue?12:41
x89xdo all linux dont support zydas drivers to create an access point ?? or its just ubuntu ?12:41
nicolai_amin81: Not on your computer, but I guess anyone who provides your connection could do it.12:42
_tobiashmm..found the reaseon...strangely all /dev/hdXY became /dev/sdXY. is that normal?12:42
amin81nicolai_: aha12:42
nicolai_amin81: from the local admin to Internet Service Provider.12:42
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nicolai_amin81: A good way to check would be using a live-cd12:42
amin81nicolai_: ok, so how do i fix the problem?12:43
nicolai_nicolai_: since you said the problem started suddenly, if it was a software problem, the live-cd should be unaffected.12:43
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amin81nicolai_: aha12:43
nicolai_amin81: If it is a problem with the ports, and if it works in windows, you could find what ports windows used and change linux to use the same ports for bittorent and messenging.12:44
amin81nicolai_: ok, and how do i find the ports and change them?12:44
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x89x can anyone help with 3D drivers ???12:45
nicolai_amin81: How you do anything in windows is something I have happily forgotten :P12:45
x89x i cant run a screensaver12:46
x89x its a Via S3G graphic adaptor12:46
amin81nicolai_: haha12:46
amin81nicolai_: ok, how do i change the ports in linux then?12:46
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amin81nicolai_: do you think my problems will be solved if i get a router?12:47
defconi did a benchmark with interbench for 2.6.20-16-generic vs 2.6.22-ck1 CK's Patchset on ubuntu check out the results here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32018/ and I dont really understand the output, which is faster ck's or the ubuntu generic and where can I find a better benchmark utility12:47
amin81nicolai_: i keep having problems with my connection as the internet provider keeps changing the ip-address12:47
nicolai_amin81: But if you run Konversation, for example, you find the port by going "server list" (f2) -> click a channel -> edit -> port should appear as an option12:48
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amin81nicolai_: aha, got it12:49
nicolai_amin81: a router would change the scenario, but it might not make the problem easier to solve :P12:49
x89xcan i install bryl on my PC ??12:49
nicolai_amin81: is it a desktop computer?12:49
x89xberyl **12:49
amin81nicolai_: no, a laptop12:49
nicolai_amin81: if it is a laptop, have you tried taking to a friends house for testing there?12:50
amin81nicolai_: i will start by getting a router12:50
amin81nicolai_: lets see if that solves the problem12:50
nicolai_amin81: Someone not using the same ISP or who lives in a different building.12:50
nicolai_amin81: ok12:50
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nicolai_amin81: happy bug-hunting :P12:51
amin81nicolai_: no, I have not12:51
amin81nicolai_: i have had so many problems with my connection that i am tired of running to a friend's place everytime12:51
amin81nicolai_: haha12:51
amin81nicolai_: anyways, thanks alot for your help12:51
amin81nicolai_: appreciated...12:52
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acemohow do i access my usb floppy drive?12:53
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matteoa few updates ago the kde theme gets ugly12:55
matteowith blue window title and cyan K menu12:55
matteoit's the new color scheme or what?12:56
mumificiraniI have a problem with kcontrol12:56
nicolai_matteo: light purple is the new blue :)12:56
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Riddellyes, it's the new colour scheme12:56
mumificiraniwhen I run "kcontrol" the terminal opens writes something and writes finished on the titlebar12:57
nicolai_matteo: the blue window title should also be purple though..12:57
Riddellthank you for your constructive critisism :)12:57
mumificiranioh, I got it12:57
mumificiraniok now nvm12:57
Riddellplease discuss artwork on the ubuntu-artwork mailing list for actual feedback to artists12:57
acemohow do i access my usb floppy drive?12:57
matteowell, the previous blue (dark) was better for me12:57
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matteothis remebers me the Plastique style12:58
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x89xhow do i enalble desktop effects ??12:59
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defconhow can I benchmark my computer12:59
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kfarrellmeep meep12:59
nicolai_matteo: This is how Feisty is supposed to look:  http://debianadmin.com/copper/displayimage.php?pos=-90901:00
alesanhow can I test if the dhcp server works and is reacheable?01:00
matteonicolai_: i have gutsy01:00
matteofeisty is beauty01:01
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mumificiranifeisty IS beautiful01:04
mumificiranishame I can't use transparency01:04
matteocan you revert gutsy beauty as feisty?01:07
matteohonestly, who likes that electric blue?01:07
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ekrengelcan evolution be configured for https over rpc?01:09
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justifierhrm  how can i get aRts to work with jack?01:10
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MaTiAzIs there a compiz fusion package for ubuntu?01:12
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runlevelten`/join #opensuse-project01:13
=== runlevelten oops's
ekrengeli guess rpc isn't supported in linux01:14
ekrengel: /01:14
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Tenenim back again01:14
Teneni cannot for the life of me make madwifi install01:15
Tenennor could i copy the error log to my windows partition because i dont know how to force it to copy as root01:15
Tenenhow can i install madwifi and force my wifi card to work01:15
Tenenplease help01:15
Tenenit works in ubuntu 100% no issue01:15
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jono_Does anyone have an idea to what could be the cause behind reocuring segmentation faults (core dumops)01:20
fdovingjono_: memory corruption? - install and run memtest86+ (it'll appear in your GRUB boot menu)01:22
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jonojono_: could you change your nick please01:23
jono_jono_ whats makes you more special :P01:23
jonojono_: I own the nick on nickserv01:23
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jonojono_: I also spend my career online on IRC, so my identity is important01:24
jonojono_: I would say they are reasonable reasons to ask you to choose a different nick01:24
jonoso as to avoid confusion01:24
jono_i didn't pick it...it was just assigned by default cause it's my login01:24
jonojono_: ok, you can change it in your IRC client01:25
fdovingjono_: you can change it with '/nick newnickname'01:25
jonoor type /nick newnick01:25
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AnotherJonothat better01:25
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jonoAnotherJono: thanks :)01:25
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AnotherJonoi know you can change it...i just didn't think it was a big deal01:26
AnotherJonoi hardly use irc at all01:26
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AnotherJonoback to my question...i do have my computer overclocked...but i forced my memory to remain at stock speeds01:27
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fdovingAnotherJono: overclocking does not help, but please check with memtest86+ first.01:28
AnotherJonoi ran memtest and it seamed to be fine...however i get a bunch of notices on boot that my hard drives have errors?01:28
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AnotherJonowhen ubuntu first loads...that is01:29
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nicolai_Tenen: As a last resort you could install Ubuntu and then install the Kubuntu metapackage.01:31
runleveltenThat was my first resort.01:32
nicolai_Tenen: Then you would have what made Ubuntu work plus what you like about Kubuntu01:32
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Tomi-idlehey. anyone know solution for compiz fusion freezing (mouse works) under kde log out. gutsy, nvidia, amd6401:33
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=== runlevelten doesn't use composite desktops much, and doesn't have gutsy or nvidia or amd64, so couldn't try and reproduce anything for you
runleveltenWhat do the logs/dmesg say?01:35
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Tomi-idleno errors01:36
Tomi-idlecrashes also when trying to run wow under compiz01:38
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Tomi-idleno problems on feisty, i386 :/01:38
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Tomi-idleseems it's a driver problem.... guess i'll have to go back01:40
aldinhi, i want to connect to WEP-ed cnetwork is this ok, cause it doesnt work for me: aldin@linux:~$ sudo iwconfig eth1 essid mynet key s:mykey01:40
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der0bhey all, I installed kubuntu-desktop and have been playing with it.  The fonts in some of the GTK apps (firefox) seem thin and a little hard to read..  is there a fix for this?  I've been tweaking for a while and haven't come across it yet.  I seem to remember things looking much better when I did a straight kubuntu install01:44
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aldinder0b: look go to... Alt+F2 -> kcontrol set your fonts like force '96dpi', after that go to gtkqtstyle and set 'use my kde fonts in gtk apps', logout and see the difference01:49
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Silent_Ghello, iv downloaded a program, and it just extracts from a .zip file and works, but i dont want to leave it in my home directory in which directory should it go to ?01:50
aldinSilent_G: u can put it in /opt01:51
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Silent_Gwhat is /opt for?01:51
aldinand link ur program to /usr/bin01:51
aldinSilent_G: i gues optional...01:52
Silent_Gi see01:52
Silent_Ghow do i link the programme01:52
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aldinSilent_G: lts say like this01:53
aldinSilent_G: sudo ln -s /opt/programFolder/myProgram /usr/bin/myProgram01:54
aldinmyProgram is executable file01:54
Silent_Gok :p01:54
der0bwill check it out aldin, thanks01:54
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aldinder0b: ok, i can give u screenshot if u wait for sec till i upload it01:55
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der0bwill do aldin01:56
aldinder0b: http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/7589/fontsjj8.png01:57
aldinder0b: wait till i upload gtkconf...01:58
aldinder0b: here u go: http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/204/fonts1xe3.png01:58
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der0bthanks again aldin, trying it now.01:59
aldinder0b: np, i am font "fanfatic" too hehe, glad to meet u hehe02:00
der0bI think that may have done it..  thanks again02:01
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johan__stdin: you there?02:16
johan__or maybe someother one who knows what application I need to connect my iPod to my computer02:17
johan__someone else..* :)02:17
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runleveltenjohan__: I install amarok for people with ipods02:18
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runleveltendoes the job nicely.02:18
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runleveltenDunno about putting other stuff on there, I'd have to ask an ipod user.02:19
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johan__runlevelten: I have amorak but It didn't sync with the ipod02:19
johan__hmm awright02:19
jussi01!away > noaxess_kubuntu02:19
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runleveltenjohan__: gtkpod too, apparently.02:20
runleveltenFrom a third party, mind :)02:20
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runlevelten(a chum uses one)02:20
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johan__I'll give it a shot :)02:21
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runleveltenbut deffo amarok is tha A1 program02:21
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod02:21
johan__Amazing this guy, ubotu02:21
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runleveltenSorry, I should have done that first off johan__, I have too much blood in my caffeine stream right now :D02:22
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runleveltenlol yeah, ubotu's an amazing girl, she's like some kind of machine02:22
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johan__haha yup, go easy on that caffeine man and thanks for you help02:23
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jussi01how does one mount a dvd as udf, not iso9660?02:24
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rotemhi i am trying to open the adept and it sais that the APT Datatbase could not be open. does any one know how to fix it?02:25
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johan__rotem: are you running any other package managinf appl?02:25
rotemjohan: no02:26
johan__then, beats me. But what do i know...:/02:27
rotemthanks anywat :)02:27
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mikeGreets, everyone...02:28
mikeCould someone give me some help with compiling the open ATI driver? I'm getting some errors that I'm assuming are probably easy to fix, but I'm not sure where to start with working on them.02:29
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jase__odd question, whats the gui that saboyans distro run ?02:30
jase__and secondly, is it possible to run that effectively on a kubuntu system?02:31
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mikejase__: Are you talking about Beryl?02:31
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jase__thats the one02:33
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mikejase__: Beryl's "dead" - they re-merged with Compiz. Compiz-Fusion's the resulting project, and yeah, you can run it on Kubuntu02:34
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mikejase__: A guide to building Compiz and Compiz Fusion from GIT: http://forums.opencompositing.org/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=75802:34
runleveltenjussi01: mount -t <fs type> /device /mountpoint02:34
mikejase__: That guide looks a little intimidating at first, but it's really easy as long as you follow all the steps to a tee.02:35
=== genii sips a large black coffee and tries to pry his eyes open
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jussi01runlevelten: do i need to unmount the dvd first?02:36
mikejase__: There are other ways of getting CF installed, Trevino's repository being one of them, and while they might be a little more convenient, they tend to be more prone to bugs than building straight from the GIT repository02:36
runleveltenI would do, yeah. You can remount stuff, but in this case I'd do it cleanly.02:37
runleveltenie: cleanly from a user's standpoint, heh02:37
jussi01runlevelten: ok, stupid game im trying to play wants udf, grrr02:38
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runleveltenwhat, a windows game?02:38
jussi01runlevelten: no, linux02:38
runleveltenwot one?02:38
runleveltenoooh I see.02:38
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jussi01runlevelten: remind me of the unmount command....02:40
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MaTiAzWhy is it umount anyway? unmount is just so much more logical IMO02:42
nicolai_Does anyone know of a guide to make wireless work that can be used on a live-cd for certain?02:44
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jussi01nicolai_: what brand of wireless card02:44
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nicolai_Broadcom 431102:45
=== jussi01 pukes, sorry, no idea
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about broadcomm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:46
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stdinyou can install the bcm43xx-fwcutter tool on the live session02:46
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nicolai_I hate broadcom. I made sure not to have their hardware in my own laptop, but my dad got a HP from work that just doesn't like Linux.02:47
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nicolai_stdin: I tried but it didn't make the wireless work02:47
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runleveltenMaTiAz: If you want, you can always create an alias for it and have unmount :)02:48
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runleveltenalias unmount=umount in a shell or in your ~/.bashrc will do it02:48
MaTiAzrunlevelten: yeah :)02:49
der0bis there any way to rename the mounted device icons on the desktop?  I have several samba mounts that read as "Remote Share (//server/share) (share)" on the desktop.  it would be readable if it was just the share name02:49
runleveltenI use a few aliases. la being the most common :)02:49
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rotemi am writing sudo apt-get autoclean in the konsole and it says: type sudo is not known on line 4. soes anyone have any idea?02:50
mikenicolai_: How exactly did it not work?02:50
alesanhow do I know which files a package is installing?02:52
runleveltenIt shows you when you install.02:52
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runleveltenuse teh apt-get install packagename02:52
alesanhow do I know which files a package has installed then :) ??02:52
geniirotem: Try:  /usr/bin/sudo apt-get autoclean02:52
runleveltenapt-cache show packagename | grep epends02:53
mikealesan: Not sure if Adept has a comparable feature, but in Synaptic, you can right-click any installed package -> Properties and view the installed files02:53
alesanmike, thanks you very much02:53
mikealesan: np02:53
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wit_how do i add a printer in kubuntu?02:55
nicolai_mike: The wireless connection didn't find anything and the computer didn't show any response to having the wireless card activated.02:55
witplease i need quick help02:55
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jussi01wit_: what kind of printer02:56
witi am trying to install a network printer (infotec) i went to their website but it shows the ppd file as text with in konquerer02:56
witjussi01: its an infotec on the network02:56
Silent_Gcan someone tell me where folders are saved in which directory of a programe installed with Adept?02:56
witis there no add printer place ?02:57
jussi01wit: kmenu -> system settings-> printers02:57
nicolai_mike: I had already tried several attempts on the normal installation, but I just wanted to check on a live-cd.02:57
nicolai_I didn't check that throughoutly02:57
witjussi01: thanks!02:57
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mikenicolai_: On the normal installation, I take it you made sure the wireless card was set to activate on startup?02:58
mikeI wouldn't think installing it on the live cd would work, but stdin knows more about these things than I do.03:00
nicolai_mike: I just followed one of the guides for installing wireless using ndiswrapper. After that didn't work I removed the blacklist of bcm43xx and installed the bcmfwcutter.03:00
Silent_Gcan someone tell me where folders are saved in which directory of a programe installed with Adept?03:00
rotemgenii: it wrights the same error nmassage.03:01
jussi01Silent_G: what do you need them for?03:01
mikeSilent_G: You mean where the program files of a package are installed to?03:01
Silent_Gyes mike03:01
Silent_Gjussi01, cause i need them :S03:01
jussi01Silent_G: which program?03:01
runleveltenI have just found out my 2 year old daughter says "oh, bugger".03:02
Silent_GPlaystation Emulator03:02
mikeSilent_G: Not sure how to find out in Adept. It's pretty easy in Synaptic though - right-click any installed package -> Properties -> Installed files03:02
runleveltenTime to mind what I say, methinks.03:02
mikenicolai_: You're on the live session now?03:02
geniirotem: Did you edit recently the file /etc/sudoers    ?03:02
stdinSilent_G: to see you can click on the "Details" button and click the Installed Files tab03:02
jussi01runlevelten: lol03:02
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Silent_Gbtw do someone have a link to a guid about linux directories?03:03
runleveltenyou mean how they're laid out?03:03
BluesKajSilent_G, usually, /usr/bin/03:03
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux03:03
Silent_Gi wanna learn more where things are saved to which directories and things like that03:03
rotemgenii: i have tried to install automatix203:03
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nicolai_mike: No. I went back to the normal session.03:03
runleveltenSilent_G: ^^03:03
Silent_Gthanks runlevelten :)03:03
mikenicolai_: one sec...03:04
nicolai_mike: If you want, i can do a reboot03:04
runleveltennp :)03:04
genii!automatix | rotem03:04
uboturotem: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:04
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mikenicolai_: Not yet, hang tight. :-)03:04
stdinSilent_G: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard03:04
Silent_Gyes i read that stdin03:04
Silent_Gbut i didnt understand it good03:05
=== mike reminds himself to start fscking regularly
mikenicolai_: This'll take a minute. heh03:06
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rotemgenii: thank you for your help03:06
nicolai_mike: don't worry. I'm patient :)03:06
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stdinSilent_G: mostly the binaries (program files) are put in /usr/bin and libraries are in /usr/lib, system configuration files go in /etc and users file are in /home03:08
Silent_Gbtw can someone explain me the difference beetween /bin /lib , /usr/bin /usr/lib , and /usr/local/bin /usr/local/lib?03:08
runleveltenSilent_G: what didn't you understand dude?03:08
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Silent_Gthats the most thing i cant understand03:08
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mikestdin: Do Run Command -> kdesu kcmshell kcm_knetworkconfmodule03:09
runleveltenSilent_G: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html03:09
stdinSilent_G: it all has to do with the fact that different parts of the system were sometimes on different computers, mounted over the network, things in /bin /lib are always local files, things needed to tun the system startup03:09
stdinmike: ??03:10
rotemis there a way to install a fresh copy of Kubuntu without loosing my data?03:10
mikestdin: whoops, sorry03:10
mikenicolai_: Do Run Command -> kdesu kcmshell kcm_knetworkconfmodule03:10
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mikeit's early. :-P03:10
Silent_Ghmmm and is there a directory like window's Programme files where folders of programmes are with the files of that programme?03:10
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runlevelten /sbin was for absolutely essential binaries that weren't builtins, /bin for the same, but specifically commands, /usr/bin for the rest of (ie most of the binaries on the system)03:11
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stdinSilent_G: no, it's more distributed in linux, all binaries in one place, another place for libraries and another for config files03:12
mikeSilent_G: Executable files are mostly in /usr/bin, libraries that those programs use under /usr/lib, and other program files (textures, icons, documentation, etc.) under /usr/share03:12
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mikeSilent_G: That's a generalization, there are other places some of those things might go, but that's the gist of it03:12
slougihey all, having some trouble with the flash plugin. konq always locks up for me with any page with flash content, while firefox works fine. any pointers?03:12
=== genii thinks about things like /opt
mikefrom my (limited) understanding, at least03:12
Silent_Goh ok03:13
mikenicolai_: still there?03:13
Silent_Gso textures and icons and documents of a program go to /usr/share03:13
runlevelten /opt is deletable.03:13
Silent_Galso , is it true that programmes installed not by the package manager should go to /usr/local instead of /usr ?03:14
stdinSilent_G: but to see the files installed with a package, in adept click on the "Details" button for that package and click the "Installed Files" tab03:14
nicolai_mike: I don't think it is necessary. I deleted the 'ndiswrapper' entry in /etc/modules and rebooted. It seems to be working now. I have no idea why, but I'll just do some tests and post the results. :D :D03:14
stdinSilent_G: not really, but most are :p you can install a program in /usr, it's just "cleaner" to put it in /usr/local03:15
mikenicolai_: I'm pretty sure that's all you needed, actually. I remember having to do that after installing/uninstalling ndiswrapper then getting bcm43xx-fwcutter03:15
Silent_Gyes thats what im saying stdin  its better to install manual programs not by the package manager in /usr/local right03:15
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nicolai_mike: If it doesn't work I'll be back to bug you, but otherwise thank you for giving me the moral support to keep trying. :)03:16
stdinSilent_G: or in /opt03:16
mikenicolai_: hehe, no problem03:16
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runleveltenSilent_G: It mostly depends on the policy of who maintains the file system03:17
runleveltenin the case of user installed programs, you could see it several different ways and choose to install it in different folders.03:17
mikeit's not like having stuff under /usr/local is any *safer* than having it under /usr/share, right?03:17
jussi01!u | ic03:17
ubotuic: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..03:17
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jussi01!u | Silent_G03:18
ubotuSilent_G: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..03:18
runleveltenYou could go with /usr/local or /usr/local/bin, although using /opt is very very tidy and clear.03:18
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runlevelten*/usr/local share even03:18
Silent_Gwhats that?03:18
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Silent_Galsa when you have a folder like .xchat or .amsn in the home directory is it a link to another place or is just the programe's data for that user?03:20
mikeSilent_G: The latter03:21
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runleveltenyou can tell whether it's a link using ls, btw :)03:21
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mikeAlso, links' text is italicized in KDE03:21
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MaTiAzPrinting movie tickets from internet = win :)03:22
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praecoxhello guys03:23
praecoxanyone here got an experience with Compiz Fusion on Kubuntu Gutsy (7.10)?03:23
stdinpraecox: #ubuntu+103:24
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praecoxstdin, will try, thanks.03:25
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snikkeri've got two usb pen drive, but one is mounted in read-write, the second one in read-only mode. Why? (same filesystem for both pen)03:26
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nicolai_snikker: The read only drive lacks the proper permissions03:27
nicolai_snikker: I tried that after i formated my own external drive03:28
snikkernicolai_: the permission seem to be ok...03:29
nicolai_snikker: chown 773?03:29
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alesanhoe do I install a source package?03:29
mikeWould someone mind having a look at this - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32034 ? I'm trying to build the latest open ATI driver (it supports 3D accel. on my card and the one in the repo's doesn't) and I'm having some problems (already did "sudo apt-get build-dep" for the package)...03:29
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snikkernicolai_: drwxr-xr-x03:30
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Daisuke_Idoan open ati driver that supports 3d acceleration?03:31
marckiehi nic!03:31
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runleveltenDaisuke_Ido: I nearly had a heart attack when beryl worked out of the box with the OSS drivers in ubuntu.03:33
BluesKajDaisuke_Ido, http://www.howforge.com/how-to-setup-fglrx-for-ubuntu-feisty03:33
slougisorry to ask again, can anyone help me with the flash plugin (nonfree)? locks up konq, works in firefox.03:33
slougii can't figure out why it works in one but not the other03:34
runleveltenthat, and the nice update tool, and the snappiness is what's kept an old dinosaur like me running it.03:34
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runleveltenslougi: I have no idea why it happens, but I've noticed slight differences with certain flash movies.03:36
runleveltenthe enemy territory website springs to mind. Have you tried another flash movie?03:36
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bauerscp too my ubuntu from my suse won't let mee in it says "port 22 connection refused". What to do to open that port ?03:43
SoRcShow to link /etc/zm/apache.conf to /etc/apache2/conf.d/zoneminder.conf03:43
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mikeslougi: You *might* try the version of flashplugin-nonfree from Trevino's repository. It never gave me any problems03:43
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[gen2] nikihi03:45
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[gen2] nikican someone help me with my nvidia card?03:46
[gen2] nikisince iam using 7.04 i cant install nvidia-glx drivers anymore, though they should support my gfx card03:46
[gen2] nikimodprobe just fails.03:46
[gen2] nikimaybe its because i used envy once? how can i remove its remains so that it finally works?03:46
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praecox[gen2] niki, did you try 'Clean all drivers installation' option in envy?03:47
[gen2] nikiah03:48
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[gen2] nikienvy is not installed atm as it totally ruined my ubuntu on 7.0403:48
[gen2] niki-.-03:48
[gen2] nikijust removed some important packages without asking03:48
[gen2] nikiit was the hell getting everything to work03:48
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BluesKajenvy is broken in feisty for ati , dunno about nvidia ...it does say it's unstable even on the alberto milone's site03:49
[gen2] nikiyeah03:49
bauerSoRcS: ln -s <source> <dest>03:49
[gen2] nikii had it on 6.08 or so and it worked fine03:49
[gen2] niki6.10? dunno about the version03:50
[gen2] nikithen i upgraded to 7.04, and it ruined my system03:50
praecoxwell, envy worked great on all my 7.04 machines.03:50
[gen2] nikiyeah well i guess ill try it again to finally get rid of it03:50
[gen2] nikilol.. how pathetic03:51
praecoxanyone can help me out with my Kubuntu Compiz problem?03:51
BluesKajpraecox, depends on your hardware03:52
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:52
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[gen2] niki!envy03:52
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!03:52
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[gen2] nikilawl.03:52
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[gen2] nikiyeah, i can tell ubotu, you are telling the truth.03:52
praecoxBluesKaj, anything more current than http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez?03:53
praecoxBluesKaj, well, I've got GeForce FX 5700 here.03:53
slougirunlevelten: it locks up on all flash sites...03:53
slougimike: trevinos repo?03:54
BluesKajpraecox, there are so many troubles with eyecandy : hence the help @ #ubuntu-efffects03:54
BluesKajerr #ubuntu-effects03:54
runleveltenslougi: any output when you run it from a console?03:54
praecoxBluesKaj, probowaem, ale nikt nie odpowiedzia. ;)03:54
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slougihmm, running konq with strace reveals the following: http://dpaste.com/15672/03:54
slougiit stalls at that point03:54
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BluesKajpraecox, what's that supposed to mean?03:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trevino - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:55
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praecoxBluesKaj, sorry, not this window. I tried but noone answered me yet.03:56
mikeslougi: http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb/index.html03:56
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slougimike: thanks03:57
mikeslougi: np03:57
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mikeslougi: Just make sure you lock katapult before upgrading from his repository, his version of it is screwed up03:57
mikeslougi: or just unmark it for upgrade everytime you update everything03:57
slougii'll probably just get the flashplayer package separately03:58
slougii'm not very partial to external repos03:58
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runleveltenbauer: well ... ?03:58
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BluesKajpraecox, I don't know much about compiz or beryl or any of those window dressing apps ... and I don't really care much about them ...some ppl here do care , but just have patience, someone may help you :)03:58
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mikeslougi: I can't blame you... But I'd be sure to make sure that stays up to date. I'd imagine something like flash would be prone to security exploits04:01
mikealthough i probably have no idea what i'm talking aboutu :-P04:02
slougimike: well in any case that locks up too, i think it has to do with the latest changes to the flash plugin04:02
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mikeslougi: what site?04:02
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slougimike: anything with flash04:02
mikeslougi: works fine here04:03
runleveltenApparently people are getting it with opera too, but not firefox.04:03
slougiwith konq?04:03
=== runlevelten eyes the Gtk calls
slougirunlevelten: yes gtk problems04:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:03
slougithey are afaik expecting all browser to have a gtk event loop04:04
slougikonq and opera being based on qt that assumption breaks...04:04
slougiwhat's weird is that it works for some people apparently04:04
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runleveltenYeah. Needs reporting to Adobe, dunnit - although I expect it already has been.04:04
slougii get the impression more and more that the peeps at adobe lack clue...04:04
runleveltenMind you, one might argue that it's pretty standard stuff for a netscape plugin on GNU/Linux and that other browsers could move to support it.04:05
Silent_Gis it possible to make /tmp empty at reboot?04:05
runleveltenslougi: flash presents zillions of moving targets, to be fair.04:05
Silent_Gi remember mandriva had some grub command to do it04:05
rojanuHi Everyone, I am going to buy a desktop system, Any recommedations ( I am in London)04:05
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bauerHow do i install sshd on my lovely ubuntu ?-)04:06
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rojanubauer: sudo apt-get install ssh04:06
praecoxbauer, apt-get install ssh04:06
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mikeso umm... i downloaded gutsy's version of xutils-dev because i needed that version to compile the ati driver (please don't ask why i'm compiling :-) and "sudo dpkg -i"'d it, it didn't install because libc6 isn't new enough for it, went into synaptic to remove it and when i click "mark for removal" it says it has to remove like, nearly everything else on the system along with it. apt-get is completely impotent at this point because04:06
mikeof the broken dependencies, so apt-get -f install/remove aren't doing any good. can someone please help?04:06
bauerrojanu: praecox : thx, ill try that :o)04:07
BluesKajyeah, my last konq setup did flasn NP , now it breaks on the site and just stalls ...have the nonfree plugin etc , same stuff as previously ...not a biggie cuz went back to FF04:07
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runleveltenwhat site is it breaking for you on the best, slougi?04:08
praecoxmike, if you're sure it's package you did by yourself and it's no longer necessary, you could try to dpkg --purge it with forcing no dependency check.04:08
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slougirunlevelten: well a gtk event loop is hard to implement when you use qt ;)04:08
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slougirunlevelten: for example youtube front page locks up immediatelty04:08
BluesKajmike , first try synaptic /edit/fixbroken packges04:09
jthomasgood day; can anyone tell me how to use KRDC to connect to a port 3390 (rather than the default 3389) ?04:09
mikeBluesKaj: Already tried that, it tries to uninstall everything04:09
runleveltenslougi: what flash version?04:09
mikepraecox: thanks for the reply, what would the exact command be?04:09
BluesKajwhat do you mean "everything", mike ?04:10
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praecoxmike, try dpkg --force help.04:10
runleveltenwfm, so I'm assuming it's the latest update (this machine has a fresh install, and not of kubuntu)04:10
runlevelten(which means it's not the latest flash player)04:10
BluesKajok, bbl ...chores to do04:11
praecoxmike, the command you would probably need is dpkg --purge --force-depends <package>04:11
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praecoxmike, but be aware it might brake your current installation. so be careful with this command.04:11
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mikepraecox: Thanks. It appears to be broken already, so it can't get much worse04:12
slougirunlevelten: do you know if there is an archive of older flash versions anywhere?04:12
mikepraecox: with dpkg, i have to put the full package name with the version # and extension, right?04:13
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praecoxmike, not really, only name part as it's listed in dpkg -l.04:13
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runleveltenslougi: if you're using a repo, does it contain multiple versions?04:14
slougirunlevelten: doesn't seem to, and the packages download straight from adobe's site anyway04:15
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mikepraecox: you're my new hero04:15
mikethanks a million, man04:15
runleveltenslougi: just trawling to see what I have04:16
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mikepraecox: dpkg is completely noninteractive, right?04:18
mikei mean, if it were going to do something insane with that command, it wouldn't ask for confirmation...?04:19
runleveltenOoh, can anyone offer me windows support? where is the recycle bin kept?04:20
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runleveltenNo, on windows. I don't have a copy I can check.04:21
mikeohh lol04:21
runleveltenAh, it's C;Recycled or whatever.04:21
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=== mike passionately hates trudging through windows filesystems
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mikei used windows for 10 years, linux for 10 months, and the linux system already makes 10x more sense than the one in windows04:24
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praecoxmike, I don't think so.04:26
mikepraecox: k, thanks04:26
runleveltenmike: Yeah, the stuff which goes outside per-user directories on windows, it's demented. :)04:26
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mikerunlevelten: and you've gotta love how Desktop is the root directory04:27
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=== mike shudders
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mikeis anyone here running Gutsy?04:28
knappHow can I get Kopete to stop saying: "You are not allowed to add yourself to the contact list. The addition of "snuggyfoofy" to account "snuggyfoofy" will not take place."04:29
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runleveltenmike: Yeah, and apps saving per-user settings in the equivalent of /opt, and the file system having these arbitrary boundaries where the physical disks are disgusting.04:30
mikehow's it coming along? last i heard it was still pretty buggy04:30
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mikestop reminding me :-P04:31
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runleveltenslougi: I don't have it archived. I may have it in a home folder on another machine, hang on.04:32
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praecoxmike, no problems so far...04:32
bauermy sshd is now up and running :-) But my scp -B <source> <dest> wont let mee in it says "permission denied ( publickey,passwd ). connection lost"04:32
Silent_Ghmm my cdrom is not reading al playstation games, is there something i have to install ?04:32
mikepraecox: what do you think of kwin composite?04:33
runleveltenI have
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praecoxmike, I don't have KDE 4.04:35
praecoxmike, I didn't even get a chance to try it with Gutsy.04:35
hacker128Update tool is not working. I have Fiesty PPC.04:36
hacker128Any ideas?04:36
mikeoh ok04:37
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nicolai_hacker128: do you get an "already running" error?04:40
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hacker128no. I run it from inside Adept. After it says Closing Adept and opening Update Tool, Adept closes and the Update Tool is nowhere in sight.04:42
hacker128That would be Adept Manager, by the way.04:42
BluesKajwhat aboput synaptic or apt ?04:43
hacker128Adept is the only thing that gives me an update tool!04:44
spartakosynaptic is better04:44
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hacker128I know. I have Synaptic!04:44
hacker128But I can only update with Adept.04:44
RyarenWhat program do u offer to edit video04:45
BluesKajdept update tool breks packages after 2-3 updates , it doesn't track the dependencies very well ...dump it if you can and update with synaptic or apt and sourceslist updates04:45
RyarenI want to see the video stream and two audio streams to cut those04:46
hacker128See above!04:46
BluesKajRyaren, offer? uhmm , you could try avidemux, devede or tovid04:47
hacker128No.  Kubuntu upgrade, not single programs.04:47
BluesKajhacker128, you want to upgrade the Distro ?04:48
BluesKajfrom what to what ?04:48
hacker128Fiesty to Gutsy04:48
tomi8mb/s sata speeds..04:49
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tomii've found it much easier to upgrade thru terminal04:50
BluesKajhacker128, in the terminal : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:50
hacker128ok. thanks!04:50
tomithat's the ticket04:50
tomialso you might want to do the latter part few times04:50
tomisometimes it doesn't get all packages and might make your system unstable04:51
tomisudo apt-get dist-upgrade (or just upgrade) to make sure all packages are upgraded04:51
BluesKajtried gutsy ...not eady for prime time on my setup04:51
RyarenBluesKaj: I'm searchin a video editor like Pinnacle Studio04:51
tomirunning gutsy on amd64 with nvidia + compiz-f ... few problems so far04:51
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hacker128I am on a iBook, though. Will it still work?04:53
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Lunar_LampIs the command "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm reload" to restart kdm?04:54
BluesKajRyaren, you might try http://mjpeg.sourceforge.net/04:54
mikeLunar_Lamp: restart instead of reload04:54
Lunar_LampHow does that differ from "restart"? Or is restart == reload?04:54
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Tomi-idlehacker128: check if there are powerpc kernel support anymore04:55
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Tomi-idlei think they dropped it (?)04:55
BluesKajgutsy and nvidia on amd64 seems ok from all reports ...not so good on ati graphics04:55
satanasofgood bye04:55
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Tomi-idlei have a logout problem with compiz f (also when running wow) . freezes screen & kb. mouse works04:56
hacker128Actually, it is community-supported.04:56
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BluesKaj!compiz | Tomi-idle04:57
ubotuTomi-idle: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:57
Tomi-idleusing aiglx by preference04:58
Expectoso Xgl/KDM is screwed on my system.  had some probs with Xgl session not starting so I tried to reconfigure xorg.  Bad idea.  I didn't do it right so I used my back up.  Both on the poorly configured and backup xorg.conf's, on boot I don't get KDM, I get the little "wait" symbol and a black screen.  I'm running and ATI card w/ XGL and Compiz Fusion on Feisty, and the boot after compiz updated is when Xgl quit working and I ruined things.04:58
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mikeExpecto: Do you have that system up now?04:59
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hacker128What did you get? If not kdm, then a console?04:59
mikehacker128: he's stuck at the bootsplash screen05:00
Tomi-idlethe same hangup as me ... stuck screen&kb, but mouse works05:00
Expectomike yes05:00
BluesKajgood ol' eye candy on ati ...sometimes it works sometimes not :(05:00
Tomi-idledunno if its a problem with kdm or compiz f packages <.<05:00
mikeExpecto: When it hangs at the bootsplash screen, do Ctrl+Alt+F1, login, and run this command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:00
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Expectohacker128, i got the wait symbol and a black background05:00
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Expectomike did that05:00
bauertest bauer05:01
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mikeExpecto: can you pastebin the output of "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart"?05:01
Expectosure, hold on05:01
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cameronhey, I'm unable to open the Adept package manager, it states that another process is using the system database05:02
mikeerr, i guess it'd be hard to paste it. heh05:02
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mikeExpecto: What error does it give when you run that?05:02
cameronI have closed out of everything,05:02
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hacker128Ok. Apt-get Dist-Upgradem just finished. Do I restart now?05:03
mikecameron: Run command -> kdesu ksysguard -> password -> look for adept or apt in the process table and kill it05:03
hacker128chown (your_username) /var/dpkg/lock05:03
Expecto"Stopping K Display Manager: kdm not responding to TERM signal (pid 4865)."05:04
Expecto"Stopping K D05:04
hacker128run as root05:04
Expectoisplay Manger: kdm"05:04
mikeExpecto: run "kill -9 4865"05:05
Expectomike, did some funky stuff to get a very ugly desktop running on ctrl-alt-F9, so i could get on my network...so if I need it I can use it05:05
cameron-_-, It still states somethign is using the system packages05:05
mikeExpecto: err, yeah. sorry05:05
Expectono errors05:05
mikeExpecto: now "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start"05:06
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mikecameron: not sure, sorry. i haven't used adept in months, and synaptic never gives me that problem.05:07
Expecto"Stopping K Display Manager: kdm"  got that twice then back to the wait symbol, but before that it hung on a flashing underscore as if it weren't going to do anything.  I had to ctrl-alt somewhere else and back to even get that05:08
hacker128Listen carefully.05:08
hacker128Are you listening?05:08
mikehacker128: you never said his name to begin with. no need to yell :-\05:08
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hacker128soihguoht. ,mhrry. i have tryied PMing05:08
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cameronhey hacker128, I don't think I can talke back 2 u, (not registered...)05:09
Expectomike, did you see that up there?05:09
hacker128oh. Cameron: run sudo chown (your_username) /var/lib/dpkg/lock05:10
camerondid, still can't access adept05:10
BluesKajhacker128, just use the tab key after typing a few letters to finish his nick .05:10
mikeExpecto: sorry, just now caught it... have you tried manually reconfiguring xserver-xorg ("sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg")?05:10
Expectoyes...that's how i messed things up05:11
hacker128cameron:  Did you get any errors05:11
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pag!aptfix | cameron05:11
ubotucameron: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 05:11
ExpectoMike:  I noticed in my xorg.conf that there are two "Device" sections, one with the ati driver, the other w/ the fglrx driver (what I'm supposed to be using)05:11
Expectothe first one is labeled as the name of my card and the other as aticonfig-[0] 05:12
mikeExpecto: Maybe try commenting out the section for the one using the ati driver05:12
cameronwhat I tried to do, is install firefox through adept, which worked, then I tried to install Java for it, and that failed during the install because I didn't agree with the terms / cond. and then I tried to install gaim, exited, then problems05:12
hacker128cameron: kdesu konqueror.05:12
hacker128Go to /var/lib/dpkg05:13
manchickenAck, wrong chanl05:13
hacker128delete the file named lock.05:13
paghacker128, why not use the command ubotu suggests?05:13
hacker128Then make a new text file named lock.05:13
Expectomike, i did that, but I have to restart something to make it work right?05:14
hacker128Because I know these work.05:14
mikeExpecto: KDM05:14
paghacker128, you think the other doesn't? :P05:14
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Tomi-idleanyone know easiest way to install mplayer-plugin on amd64?05:15
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hacker128One way I know works is better then 1,000 that could hose my system.05:15
Expectoblinking thing, switch to here, back to there and i have the whole wait symbol/cursor thing again05:15
mikeTomi-idle: no idea, might check in #ubuntu+105:15
cameronubota: I get this at the very eend:05:15
cameronErrors were encountered while processing:05:15
cameron j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin05:15
cameronI think java exploded05:16
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hacker128what do you know?05:16
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yaccini cant install pam_kwallet05:16
hacker128Try mine.05:16
yaccinare there packages somewhere?05:16
yaccinor instructions on how to install on kubuntu?05:16
mikeExpecto: does kdm say "failed to manage screen on 0:0" or something like that?05:16
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pagcameron, sudo dpkg -r j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin  then enable multiverse and install sun's java ;)05:16
Expectono just the usual errors05:16
cameronenabe multiverse?05:17
hacker128cameron: Run my commands!05:17
Tomi-idleoh 32 bit firefox installed...05:17
pag!multiverse | cameron05:17
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cameronI'll run whichevers ones works05:17
ubotucameron: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu05:17
hacker128Well, mine do!05:17
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cameronbash: !multiverse: event not found05:19
paghacker128, yours fix the adept issue - cameron has problems on dpkg level. removing dpkg's lock-file won't be any good at this point05:19
hacker128Also, try cd /var/lib/dpkg05:19
mikeExpecto: sorry, i'm not sure. i'm tempted to say that whatever the problem is, it's not with X, as i've never seen an X problem that wasn't fixed by "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg". either that or you somehow don't have the display drivers installed05:19
cameronDUN DUN DUN..........05:19
hacker128rm lock05:19
pagcameron, those starting with ! are jsut command to ubotu - please see what the bot told you05:19
Expectomike, thanks anyway...i was thinking it wasn't X05:20
Expectoyou confirmed it05:20
hacker128!multiverse | hacker12805:20
mikeExpecto: Gonna reinstall?05:21
sayersAre there any programs to mount an ISO on amd64?05:21
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hacker128So fixing dpkg, doesnt fix dpkg?05:21
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hacker128That makes sense!05:21
Expectomike...i'm hopin' not to05:21
ExpectoI've been able to save myself one too many times to do that05:21
paghacker128, fixing dpkg will fix dpkg ;) removing dpkg lock wont fix it05:21
cameronwell, ubotu: fixed my problem05:22
hacker128But making another dpkg lock with VIM will!'05:22
pagsayers, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_mount.2Funmount_Image_.28ISO.29_files_without_burning05:22
Expectomike: the last time i reinstalled, I idiotically removed python.....needless to say I removed everything else and didn't think to ctrl-c before it was too late05:23
paghacker128, true - so why do it manually when there's an automatic command for that? ;)05:23
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hacker128It's FUN and EXCITING!05:23
kmhwhats the name of the distribution which sounds like sarayan?05:24
stdinsayers: I have a GUI for you ;) http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/MountFile?content=6195505:24
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mr_ddcan someone help me using my lexmark x2310 printer?05:24
pagkmh, sabayon?05:24
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mikeExpecto: it's a long shot, but *maybe* "sudo apt-get install --reinstall kdm"?05:24
sayersstdin: I can't compile it in amd64... :(05:24
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stdinsayers: you don't need to compile it05:24
cameronanyone know a command to install synaptic?05:25
mikecameron: sudo apt-get install synaptic05:25
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sayersstdin: for 64 bit i think you do.05:25
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stdinsayers: no you don't, I should know, I made it :p05:25
mikecameron: "sudo apt-get install synaptic gnome-app-install update-manager" for the full suite of Gnome package management apps05:25
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camerongnome-app-install update-manager" afterwords, (I'm already running the previous command)05:26
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sayersstdin: where do I start it :)05:28
pagsayers, isn't it a service menu? restart konqueror and right click?05:29
Expectomike i'm going for that05:29
stdinsayers: download and extract, then run the installGUI.sh script05:29
sayersstdin: I've done that.05:29
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stdinsayers: oh, then there's a service menu, a link on the desktop (if you added it) and a entry in the kmenu05:29
stdinin Utilities05:30
ryarenhow can i connect an USB DVD-RW?05:30
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Expectoack....i'm gonna have to go for the reinstall option.  Reinstalling kdm didn't work.05:30
cameronmike: gnome-app-install bad usage05:30
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stdinsayers: it should be in the "Actions" right-click menu for ISOs too. any questions/comments/demands just yell :p05:31
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ryarenCould you tell me how can I mount an USB DVD-RW?05:32
cameronmike: I get the error gnome-app-install bad usage05:32
Expectomike, is bad that my xorg has not mention of Xgl whatsoever05:32
Expectois it bad...sorry05:32
sayersstdin: well done :)05:33
stdinsayers: thanks, made it a while ago, then posted it on kde-apps and bumped it 4 versions in 3 days :)05:34
sayersWhat language?05:34
stdinsayers: bash :P that's why it works for everyone05:34
stdinit's just a script that used mount and kdialog (a lot)05:35
stdinryaren: plug it in and insert some disk?05:35
ryarenI can't eject the disc05:36
stdincan't you do it with the "eject" command?05:37
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sayersstdin: purely a frontend ?/05:39
stdinsayers: yep, it's just a bash script. it could even be modified to use another mount system like fuseiso without much trouble :)05:40
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BluesKajExpecto, have you edited the xorg file ? ...the second devices part should be commented out or deleted in order to get back X05:41
BluesKajit's interfering and shutting X down05:41
BluesKajit happened to me05:41
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alesando you have an idea where can I find mkbootmsg?05:42
stdinwhat is "mkbootmsg" ?05:42
alesana program05:42
alesando you have an idea which package contains it?05:43
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stdin!find mkbootmsg05:43
ubotuFile mkbootmsg found in gfxboot05:43
stdinthere you go ^05:43
stdinalesan: if you don't want to use ubotu to find a file, you can also look at http://packages.ubuntu.com/05:44
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alesanok thanks05:44
runleveltenAh, good point05:45
runlevelten!find alsaconf05:45
ubotuPackage/file alsaconf does not exist in feisty05:45
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stdinrunlevelten: could asoundconf be what you want?05:46
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hormesis!ohmy | adi05:48
ubotuadi: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:48
hormesis!spam | *i05:48
ubotu*i: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)05:48
hormesis!spam | *05:49
ubotu*: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)05:49
hormesis!spam | akrus05:49
ubotuakrus: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)05:49
pag!botabuse | hormesis05:49
ubotuhormesis: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:49
ziggyCan anyone offer some help with connecting to a network share?05:49
hormesis!botabuse | pag05:49
ubotupag: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:49
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pagthanks DBO :)05:49
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runleveltenstdin: thanks muchly :)05:49
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stdinziggy: what type of share?05:50
ziggyI am trying to share out a resource in Kubuntu, and connect to it from a Windows 2000 system05:50
ryarenso how can i use my usb DVD-RW device?05:50
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pag!samba | ziggy05:50
ubotuziggy: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:50
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ziggyAlso new to Linux, so trying to make the transition over.05:51
ryarenit wasn't mount automatically05:51
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cameronHiLo ppl, how do I allow Kubuntu to view my Windows NTFS paritions?05:51
ziggyI have Samba installed, but when I try to connect I get access denied, even when I give my user name and password05:51
stdin!ntfs | cameron05:51
ubotucameron: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:51
stdin!ntfs-3g | cameron05:51
ubotucameron: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:51
stdinziggy: use the command "smbpasswd" to add a samba password to your user05:52
ziggyIs that done from the Konsole?05:52
geniiziggy: After you add them enable the name05:53
geniieg: smbpasswd -a <somename> ; smbpasswd -e <samename>05:53
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ziggygeni, working on it, but it seems to fail05:57
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asoundrc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:02
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balinthiho, what is the best MTA?06:03
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pagbalint, MTA?06:04
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savetheWorldMail Transport Agent06:04
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.06:04
runleveltenExim is good though.06:04
llutzpostfix ist nice06:05
savetheWorldThe two most popular MTA's are #1 - Sendmail, #2 Postfix06:05
savetheWorldin that order06:05
savetheWorldsendmail can bea pin to configure06:05
savetheWorld*be a pain06:05
balintops ;)06:05
llutzsavetheWorld: popularity vs quality... win is popular too06:05
savetheWorldwin is not n MTA06:05
balintthen should i choose postfix?06:05
runleveltenpopularity != quality.06:05
balinti need a good but easy configurable MTA ;)06:06
llutzrunlevelten: that's what i mean06:06
runleveltenwindows > linux. cockroaches > people.06:06
=== genii thinks about exim4 and dovecot
savetheWorldSendmail was rewritten.  dont confuse the old rep with the new software.06:07
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balintwhat is M! program?06:14
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balintwhat is M4 program?06:14
stdin!info m406:14
ubotum4: a macro processing language. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.8-1build1 (feisty), package size 172 kB, installed size 472 kB06:14
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balintbalint@balint-desktop:/opt/sendmail-8.14.1/sendmail$ sudo ./Build06:14
balintConfiguration: pfx=, os=Linux, rel=2.6.20-16-generic, rbase=2, rroot=2.6, arch=i686, sfx=, variant=optimized06:14
balintERROR: Can not locate an M4 program06:14
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balintsudo apt-get install m4, i guess ;)06:15
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stdinbalint: or just "sudo apt-get install sendmail"06:16
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balintcan i install postfix over apt-get ?06:18
balintor should i compile it?06:18
=== stdin waits....
balint(from source i mean)06:18
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:19
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stdin"But remember to search for pre-built !packages first"06:19
pag!info postfix | balint06:19
ubotubalint: postfix: A high-performance mail transport agent. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3.8-2 (feisty), package size 1065 kB, installed size 2484 kB06:19
stdinpackages are much easier06:19
stdinthat's why we make them06:19
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balintokay, i installed them through package, where can i find more repos than defaults?06:21
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pag!repos | balint06:21
ubotubalint: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:21
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pag!easysources | balint06:22
ubotubalint: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:22
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ryarenso how can i use my usb DVD-RW device?06:24
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ryarenit wasn't mount automatically06:24
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BluesKajryaren, look in sytem menu/storage media06:25
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balinthow can i use "sendmail" ?06:27
balinti didn't get from man06:27
balintcan somebody post me an example?06:27
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ryarenBluesKaj: I don't have any storage media... Maybe I have to mount manually but i dont know how06:29
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trivialsendmail is not designed for commandline use06:29
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paghello janet :)06:30
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janetmy grub screen looks crappy and i want to use lilo, how do i change it to default to lilo instead of grub?06:31
BluesKajryaren, it should be in the panel near the kicker, icon like pc06:31
BluesKajlooks like a pc06:31
trivialwhat means look crappy ?06:31
geniiI like mailutils   since then you can do like:      mail -s "subject" someone@somewhere         type the email then hit . to exit06:31
janetlooks very verbose and texty06:31
trivialuse a splash screen for grub06:31
janetand lilo looks cool and you can edit it06:31
janetwithout editing a script06:31
triviallilo dont looks better06:31
stdingrub is cool and you can edit it06:32
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.06:32
trivialsearch at google for grub splashimage06:32
janeti'm kind of new so i need a gui grub editor06:32
ryarenBluesKaj I know how it would be look like because when I used my pen-drive it was there but now there is nothing06:32
janettried to get grubed working06:32
stdinjanet: try the kubuntu-grub-splashimages or grub-splashimages package(s)06:33
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janetokay will do06:33
stdinjanet: a GUI for grub is on the way, but not here (yet)06:33
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BluesKajryaren, try lsusb in the terminal06:34
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janeti had the first one but needed to apt-get the kubuntu-splash one06:35
ryarenBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32056/plain/06:35
janethow do you access the splash to edit? systemsettings?06:36
BluesKajryaren, is that it, Myson Century, Inc. Fast 3.5" External Storage ?06:36
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ryarenBluesKaj: I think yes06:38
janetim having a hard time finding where to edit grub splash now?06:38
phoenixzWhen I use the sudo command I get this: "sudo: cannot get working directory" any idea on how to fix this?06:38
stdinjanet: you should see "splashimage=" at the top of /boot/grub/menu.lst06:38
balinti would like to install Mailman over apt-get. But it says i need apache2. I've already installed apache2 with xampp. How can I install Mailman without automatic apache installation?06:39
janetwhat do you put after the =?06:39
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stdinthe path to the splash image, like "(hd0,1)/boot/grub/splashimages/KUBUNTU_splashscreen_blue_neon_logo_03.xpm.gz" (you need the (hd0,1) to specify the partition)06:40
BluesKajstdin,  ryaren's usb dvdrive shows up in lsusb as : Myson Century, Inc. Fast 3.5" External Storage...how to make it work ?06:40
stdincheck dmesg to see if it as assigned a device node06:41
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janeti installed kubuntu-splash but im not sure where it put it06:41
BluesKajryaren, did you get that? ... dmesg in the terminal06:42
pagjanet, it puts them in /bood/grub/splashimages/ by default06:42
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stdinjanet: the kubuntu splash is /boot/grub/splashimages/KUBUNTU_splashscreen_blue_neon_logo_03.xpm.gz, so if you boot off the 1st partition, you add (hd0,0) to the beginning06:42
ryarenBluesKaj Yes I'm here :)06:43
janetmostly what i'm trying to do is edit the colour of the text and the wording on the opening grub screen06:43
janetthat gives me the boot choices06:43
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phoenixzAnybody an idea about the sudo error "sudo: cannot get working directory"06:45
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stdinphoenixz: check the directory you're in exists? try changing to another one06:45
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phoenixzstdin, right.... :)06:46
ryarenBluesKaj : here is the dmesg http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32059/plain/06:47
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stdinryaren: seems you inserted a blank disk?06:48
ryarenno It is full06:49
stdinor the disk is damaged06:49
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stdin"Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 8" <- not good06:49
ryarenI don't think so because the IDE DVD-rw can read06:49
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balintchecking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... no06:50
balintconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.06:50
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balintwhat can be the problem?06:50
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stdinbalint: you don't have gcc installed?06:50
balintsudo apt-get install gcc --> latest version06:50
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:50
hacker128!gcc | balint06:51
ubotubalint: please see above06:51
stdinryaren: when you plugged the device in did it have the disk in it?06:51
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ryarenstdin: No it hasn't06:51
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hacker128!kde | hacker12806:52
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[ifr0g] Where could i find software update longs on the internet ?06:52
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geniistdin: b-e is sure shorter than compile06:52
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stdingenii: what i use depends on my mood :p06:53
janetim setup for Kdm and now i cant run certain gnome programs should i be on gdm? or can i switch it to gdm without screwing up kde programs?06:53
janetim in kde btw06:53
janetgnome progrms like startupmanager06:53
stdin[ifr0g] : "update longs" ??06:54
geniiI imagine it's supposed to be logs06:54
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janetis there a place to switch from kdm to gdm?06:54
stdinjanet: gnome apps will run in kde06:55
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janetstartup manager wont , but will when i flip to gnome06:55
stdinwhat does startupmanager do in gnome?06:56
pagjanet, startupmanager = manages the programms that start on login?06:56
janetmaybe its just that one program06:56
stdinlook in system settings06:56
janetit lets you edit the grub menu and choose the background colour and fonts tec for that boot screen06:56
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janeti had changed it in gnome , and when i whent to kde i couldnt open it06:57
janetto change the font colour back06:57
drif_what's best way to watch dvb on (k)ubuntu?06:57
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driftried kaffeine, it found the channels but now it's complaining about how it can't handle the resource06:58
graftanyone know how i can get rid of red and green shadows on fonts in Firefox?06:58
janetwhen installing ubuntu and using kde would you go gdm or kdm?06:58
graftjanet: kdm06:58
graftit's much better overall than gdm, i think06:58
janetso can i change it now?06:58
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tomisudo apt-get install kdm06:58
[ifr0g] stdin, update logs.. meaning like an rss feed on software chaangelogs ..06:58
tomior through adept06:59
paggraft, try disabling sub-pixel rendering06:59
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janethow can u tell if your on kdm or gdm , cause now i confused myself06:59
hacker128login screen06:59
stdin[ifr0g] : adept will show them, or "aptitude changelog package"06:59
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hacker128says kubuntu if kdm07:00
janethacker which login screen?07:00
janetah okay07:00
janetim on kdm then07:00
graftpag: disabling it? hmm, ok, hode on07:00
janetthats why that gdm gnome program had trouble07:00
heroheh, i can't get kdm to work - only gdm07:01
herounless kdm looks like xdm07:01
paggraft, in kcontrols font-settings... I don't know if it affects gnome apps though.07:01
janetwhat i was trying to do is edit the list offeded by grub at boot... essentially i have a duel boot and want to nbame one windows and one linux07:01
graftpag: yeh... trying it, just a sec07:01
janetinstead of linux-kernal-ubuntu etc07:02
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paggraft, sorry, but I've got to go now. if it doesn't work, I'm sure someone else can help you.07:03
BluesKaj!libdvdcss2 | drif07:03
ubotudrif: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:03
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[ifr0g] stdin, aptitude changelog package ?07:03
stdin[ifr0g] : like "aptitude changelog linux-generic"07:03
trakinascan anyone tell me if i tell to kprinter print pages from 9-3 (for example) it will print in this said order?07:03
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[ifr0g] stdin, interesting.. thanks !07:05
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drifBluesKaj: you mean also with DVB?07:07
balinthow can i remove users?07:08
stdinbalint: system settings -> User Management07:08
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balintfrom console? :)07:09
balinti like the console-way07:09
stdinno, from the kemnu07:09
shinobianyone got suggestions on a samba question?: getting a 'Failed to modify password entry for user'07:09
trakinasno one?07:09
stdinbalint: deluser07:10
theking2klol 07:10
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geniibalint: for console use the deluser command. Make sure you don't delete root or the only regular user who has sudo rights07:10
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geniishinobi: Do your samba users have same system usernames?07:11
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shinobigenii: no, i was not sure that was necessary07:12
shinobijust a full unix user?07:12
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shinobisort of "addusr -..."07:12
trakinasit does not. =P07:13
geniishinobi: Well, there are basically two ways. simplest is that samba users all have their own names and passwords nothing to do with system names. Or you can have set in the samba config to synchronise passwords and users between samba and the system so a samba user also has a regular unix account on the machine07:13
geniishinobi: The first way is more common and actually preferable07:13
geniishinobi: For samba, just use:    smbpasswd -a <name>           -a is add07:14
geniishinobi: Then    smbpasswd -e <name>           -e is enable07:15
shinobigenii: with you, but the output of smbpasswd -a is "Failed to modify password entry for user"07:15
shinobibut i thought i could do that without a full unix user07:15
shinobisemms like the file is syncing07:15
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shinobilooks like my smbusers file is described but not present on my machine07:16
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geniishinobi: If you are syncing passwds for samba/system you need to remember for restricted accounts on system you need sudo for smbpasswd otherwise not proper rights to change the system password, onlt the samba one07:17
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shinobiyeah i wonder if that' the error, but i'm running the command sudo07:17
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cameronhey, I just downloaded the ati drivers from ati, and I navigated to the desktop in the konsole, how do i go ahead and install the drivers?07:18
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stdincameron: you don't, you install the package from ubuntu07:19
stdin!ati | cameron07:19
ubotucameron: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:19
cameronoh, but aren't the latest drivers only from the website07:19
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geniishinobi: Weird, should have made some template one before07:19
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genii(smbusers  file)07:20
shinobigenii, yeah, i have 1 account enabled fine07:20
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stdincameron: do you want to have to login to the terminal without GUI and recompile the driver every time the kernel gets updated?07:20
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shinobigenii, but somehow all sudo smbpasswd -a commands give "Failed to modify password entry for user"07:21
cameronnot at all07:21
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wimpiesHow can I define a group of mail users as a kontact ?07:21
stdincameron: then you need to use the packaged version07:21
cameronI don't even know how to re-compile XD07:21
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geniishinobi: Looking into this now07:22
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shinobigenii: thanks, i did try for the last two hours to fins a solution, i'm usually pretty successful with samba, this one is just out of my grasp07:23
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geniishinobi: Does the file /etc/samba/smbusers  even exist?07:23
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shinobigenii no07:23
shinobigenii but as i said, i have working user already07:24
geniishinobi: I would then do:  sudo touch /etc/samba/smbusers     then sudo chmod 755 /etc/samba/smbusers07:24
shinobigenii, but what about the current working users?07:24
stdinwhy have it executable ?07:25
karl_Hi everyone07:25
karl_Can someone tell me how to connect to another server, or find a list of servers ?07:26
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geniishinobi: Does the 1 working user also have a name on the system, i suspect it does and thats why it works. Because the smbpasswd falls thru to the system since no smbusers file07:26
geniistdin Yes, this is true. Perms could be 700 or so07:27
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stdingenii: that's still set as executable for root07:27
cameronhow do I access the restricted drivers in Kubuntu?07:27
shinobigenii yes you are right. does this mean the smbpasswd file is only necessary for when the unix user does not exist07:27
stdincameron: follow the Edgy intructions07:28
cameronyay -_-, kk07:28
shinobigenii in which case i will create user for this07:28
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geniishinobi: That is the thing, yes. for non unix names you need a smbusers file07:29
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shinobigenii hmm. i see why i was confused now, it was  a little counter intuitive approach07:31
shinobigenii thank you very much for your clever input07:31
geniishinobi: As stdin pointed out about permissions. So something like 766 or 744 should be OK07:31
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geniistid sorry no 7XX anything LOL07:32
stdin666/644, no need for the file to be executable07:32
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stdinonly took 3 times for it to sink in genii, you must have one hell of a headache :p07:33
shinobistdin genii: no worries on the security thing, i'll secure that anyway...07:33
geniistdin: In fact, yes. Stupid allergies and too much coffee today07:33
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stdinyeah, i saw the -ot message :)07:34
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shinobiit was just the smb approach i hadn't tested freestanding samba passwords before07:34
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Silent_Gyo, how can i connect com1 ?07:37
stdinyo, there's no such thing as "com1" in linuz07:37
Silent_Gim saying about the port07:37
Silent_Gin the tower07:37
Silent_Gwhere satelite recievers go in07:38
Silent_Gbut its not reading it when i connect it :S07:38
stdinit's probably one of /dev/ttyS*07:38
Silent_Gisn't it suppose to read it automatic?07:39
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stdinSilent_G: look here www.ictp.trieste.it/~radionet/nuc1996/ref/howto-html/serial-howto-3.html07:41
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WaxyFreshhi ive been useing ubuntu and just installed the kubuntu desktop,ubuntus stoped working and im having problems with codecs java and flash07:42
WaxyFreshoh yea im useing amd64^^07:42
graftyello - i have red and green shadows on my fonts in firefox... pag told me i oughta disable sub-pixel rendering, but it doesn't seem to be enabled (or even selectable) here07:42
graftany other hints?07:42
graftWaxyFresh: what do you mean, stopped working?07:43
WaxyFreshlol should of been more specific07:44
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mm_202Any way to control the screensaver / monitor  PM thru the command line?07:44
WaxyFreshwhen i log into GDM it kicks me back to the login screen right after the gnome desktop apears.i dont care about this,gdm gives me rashes,i just dont understand why java/flash/codecs stoped working07:45
stdinmm_202: you can lock the screen with dcop, "dcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface lock"07:45
herogdm gives you rashes?07:45
mm_202stdin:  but how would I turn off the monitor?07:46
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WaxyFreshlol i got it nevermind,when i installed kubuntu it installed 64bit firefox when everything set up for 32swiftfox07:47
stdinmm_202: not sure07:47
mm_202k, thanks, that at least gives me a place to start looking.07:48
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WaxyFreshgraft: any idea about gdm not working?or should i go to #ubtuntu?07:48
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graftWaxyFresh: erm, sounds like gnome is making X crash07:49
ccclllhello, i have a weird problem.  If I remove my $HOME content, fonts become _huge_ and everything takes much longer (font rendering?)07:49
graftWaxyFresh: read your X error logs07:50
WaxyFreshgraft: what section of the newspaper is that in?07:50
graftccclll: what do you mean, remove your $HOME content?07:50
graftWaxyFresh: err, /var/log/Xorg.0.log, usually07:50
WaxyFreshgraft: thanks07:51
ccclllI have a user who has the problem, and i don't, when I mv * .??* temporarly to /tmp/backup I have the same problem07:51
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WaxyFreshgraft: does it apend to the log or does each restart replace the old log?\07:51
ccclllso it's somewhere in the default settings07:51
graftccclll: yeah, that's usually a bad idea. your home directory contains all sorts of configuration files07:51
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graftWaxyFresh: replaces, usually07:51
graftWaxyFresh: it might back it up in Xorg.0.log.old07:52
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ccclllthe other user never moved the home content, I just wanted to find out if he messed it up by himself07:52
Silent_Gstdin, what i want to connect is a DreamBox Satelite Reciever07:52
Silent_Gthat site talks about modems :S07:52
ubuntu__hi how can i sort my bcm4318 problem ?07:52
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graftccclll: well, that's why your fonts are getting all "huge" - because you moved all your configuration information out of your home directory, and it's reverting to system defaults07:53
ccclllbut how is a new user supposed to get a working desktop?07:53
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ccclllaren't the system defaults used in this case?07:54
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cccllli will create another user and see if his kde will be messed up as well07:54
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zimmodoes anybody know how can I block ssh connections with a single command?07:55
zimmoI mean to not allow connections07:55
stdinzimmo: sudo apt-get remove openssh-server ?07:56
Silent_Gplease, have sombody ever connected a satelite reciever on ubuntu? with the COM1 Port07:56
ccclllgraft: the same for a newly created user07:56
stdinzimmo: or just stop the server "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop"07:56
zimmostdin: thats right07:56
zimmookay, thanks07:56
CensorBardQuery: Does Ubuntu require that the swap partition be separate from the installation partition, or can it be the same as the installation partition?07:56
cccllli changed the graphics card from a nvidia to an integrated intel07:57
ccclllmight have something to do with that07:57
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zimmobash: /etc/init.d/ssh: No such file or directory07:57
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zimmoam i safe?07:57
vzduchCensorBard: swap is a different filesystem, so it can by definition not be the same partition07:57
stdinCensorBard: the clue "swap partition", so it can't be the same partition, you can have a swap file tho07:57
stdinzimmo: if you don't have the ssh server installed then no one can connect :p07:58
zimmostdin: is the swap partition used by standard?07:58
ccclllzimmo: to be sure make a netstat -l    inside a konsole window07:58
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CensorBardAdditional query: Will Kubuntu work from a swap file if no swap partition is specified?07:58
cccllland verify that there is no process listening on port 2207:58
zimmoi am reading know the dangerous doors07:59
zimmoor ports whatever07:59
stdinCensorBard: you can have a swap file if you want, you just need to specify it in /etc/fstab07:59
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zimmooh okj07:59
zimmoport 22, thanks07:59
stdinzimmo: there are NO ports open by default07:59
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stdin!away | cloakable08:00
ubotucloakable: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages : use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently - See also !Guidelines08:00
zimmoon my system there are many08:00
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zimmoi saw08:00
zimmo2208 ipp and ww08:01
stdinzimmo: that's the browser and your irc client etc08:01
stdinzimmo: there are no services started by defailt08:01
zimmoah i see08:01
geniiCensorBard: It won't uatodetect and then use partitions which have been marked as swap areas if thats what you are wondering08:01
CensorBardGenii: I am beginning to realize this the hard way.08:02
genii*autodetect* rather08:02
stepmanicneed some help here ppl.. i installed beryl on my hp ze2000 , but when i try to login with xgl, and then the gray background with the "x" mose cursor show for 3sec, then everything goes black and nothing will respond:s08:02
=== cloakable is back.
zimmostdin it would be interesting to make a code that get these open ports, and check if any of them are dangerous08:03
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stdinzimmo: depends what you mean by dangerous08:03
zimmotrojan ports etc08:03
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zimmobut the hacker can change it anyway dont him?08:04
stdinzimmo: trojan? you're thinking windows08:04
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stdin!virus | zimmo08:04
ubotuzimmo: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:04
zimmothere are no trojan in Linux?!08:04
zimmoi thought virus and trojans were different subjects08:04
zimmoso it is interesting08:05
zimmoi read this article yerstday08:05
BluesKajzimmo, other apps can't write to your disk without your permission08:05
ryanakcazimmo: yes, trojans and viruses are two different things.08:05
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stdinzimmo: linux is not windows, we are more secure. the only way a "trojan" could be installed is if you did something like "sudo ./install-this-trojan.sh"08:06
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zimmoi would not doubt it from me stdin!!!08:08
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zimmobut you know, a linux expert is smarter than a windows expert i guess08:09
zimmoin terms of hacking08:09
zimmothen it is not ALL THAT secure i guess08:09
stdinheh "windows expert"? what's that08:09
zimmosome windows network manager08:09
zimmoand a linux network manger08:09
BluesKajhere we go with hacking thing again...:(08:09
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zimmono no, i dont like it08:09
stdinbtw, hacking != cracking08:09
BluesKajpointless exercise08:10
vzduchthat's the people who don't know what 'hacking' is in the first place08:10
zimmosorry if i use the wrong word08:10
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underdog5004the media screws it up all the time...probably don't want to offend the trailer-trash of America...08:10
underdog5004ermm, *white* trailer trash of America08:10
zimmoi think there are a lot of BAD linux users too08:11
zimmothey are human beigs08:11
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BluesKajor "foxdumbdown" news08:11
underdog5004BluesKaj, you see that story about "Anonymous" on CNN?08:11
=== CensorBard cringes! "Don't hurt me! I'm only preparing for the inevitable shitstorm when XP support is ended!"
geniihackers= ppl who like to know how things work, explore, not malicious   cracker=malicious, mostly uninventive usage of premade probing tools etc08:12
BluesKajnope underdog500408:12
underdog5004lemme grab the link08:12
zimmoso i dont aprove cracking08:12
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zimmobecuase the computer is my property.. you can enter on it without my permission08:12
CensorBardBluesKaj: Apparantly "Fox News" thinks that the "Anonymous" popularized by 4chan is a violent, hacking terrorist group.08:12
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vzduchgenii: to hack = (originally) write a program08:12
zimmoi see08:12
zimmocracking is a kind of thief stuff08:13
zimmolike someone trying to shut down your house's door and steal all08:13
mrksbrdplease forgive me i'm new to linux, and need to get some hardware installed and i'm having difficulty with this whole make, compile, install shit...I have read things out there on how to do it but it is still greek to me since I am coming from a windows environment and really have no clue with linux08:13
geniizimmo Mainly it's that cracking is about being malicious08:13
BluesKajthe situation room ...what a pretentious title for a news show08:13
DBOmrksbrd, what are you trying to install?08:13
jhutchinsThe distinction between "hacker" and "cracker" is one that's only made by people who already know more about the subject than the people they are trying to reach.  It's essentially an artificial distinction.  To the general windows user, anybody who can fix a PC is a hacker - and probably dangerous.08:13
vzduchmrksbrd: what exotic hardware do you have that you need to build a program for?08:14
zimmoa terrorist arabic hacker have shut down my XP yesterday08:14
mrksbrd2 things....verizon aircard & my built in wifi card08:14
geniivzduch: Interesting :) Tho I figured there were hackers before then, they just did stuff like hacked electronics or so on08:14
jhutchinsLet's get back on topic and help this guy.08:14
zimmoa terrorist cracker i meant08:14
mrksbrdi found the drivers needed, but this whole process that you have to go thru is confusing me08:14
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vzduchgenii: imho it's pretty descriptive a term.. ppl who don't know how to write w/ 10 fingers usually 'hack' the code into their keyboard w/ 1 or 2 fingers :>08:15
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jhutchinsmrksbrd: What have you done so far?08:15
stdin!offtopic | the whole channel08:15
ubotuthe whole channel: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:15
BluesKajCensorBard, 4chan ?...not familiar08:15
underdog5004BluesKaj, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNO6G4ApJQY08:15
geniiLOL OK ontopic then08:15
jhutchinsmrksbrd: There is a guide at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware08:15
sonhadorprHow do I install FireFox in KDE?  It should do the automatic updates on the repositories, but It didnt do it.08:16
mrksbrdyea i've ben there, but i guess my problem is not understanding the process08:16
underdog5004sonhadorpr, isn't out yet.08:17
underdog50042.0.0.5 just came out08:17
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vzduchunderdog5004: it is.. for Windows08:17
sonhadorpryes it is....I just DLd it08:17
mrksbrdi know once i ido it 1 time....thats all it will take08:17
underdog5004he he...whoops08:17
sonhadorprthe web site gave me the 2006 for linux08:17
underdog5004my bad08:17
CensorBardBluesKaj: English-language derivative of the Japanese 2ch. The Japanese variant is an image board spanning a broad range of topics. The English variant gives us such wonderful things like, "TITS OR GTFO" or, "/b/tards", etc, etc.08:17
vzduchmaybe the is already out for Linux as well.. but not yet packaged, I guess08:17
sonhadorprwell...I could be mistaken...anybody care to look at mozilla.com and let me know?08:17
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stdinsonhadorpr: you'd have to manually install it, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion for tips (tho it's not for that version)08:18
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CensorBardNow let's hope that update-grub works this bloody time around.08:18
jhutchinsmrksbrd: Other than the guide, there's not much we can do to help unless you ask a specific question or tell us specifically what is happening (not what isn't).08:18
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mrksbrdi will read the article(s) again, but i guess my biggest problem is not knowing commands08:19
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underdog5004mrksbrd, ./configure08:20
underdog5004sudo make install08:20
CensorBardHuzzah! Now to install that XP partition.08:20
mrksbrdi appreciate your help <jutchins>08:21
jhutchinsmrksbrd: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DOS-Win-to-Linux-HOWTO.html , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands08:21
CensorBardunderdog5004: You still going to pull up that link? The rest of the world should probably hear about it, and all do a collective banging of the head against their keyboards.08:21
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CensorBardThanks for your help, everyone.08:21
mrksbrdsudo is like admin rights correct?08:21
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underdog5004CensorBard, uh...which link?08:21
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nicolai_mrksbrd: when copying commands to the Konsole, use shift + insert to paste.08:21
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jhutchinsunderdog5004: The other things are un-taring to a sensible location and setting up the kernel headers.08:22
nicolai_mrksbrd: yes08:22
jhutchinsmrksbrd: Yes.  Never use it to run a GUI app though.08:22
CensorBardunderdog5004: Fox News and "Anonymous".08:22
jhutchins!kdesu | mrksbrd08:22
ubotumrksbrd: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo08:22
underdog5004CensorBard, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNO6G4ApJQY08:22
underdog5004jhutchins, sudo tar -xf /path/to/file.tar /path/to/sensible/location, right?08:23
jhutchinsunderdog5004: Not sure that works, I've not been able to specify a target.  You're supposed to be able to use -C, but I haven't figured the syntax yet.08:23
geniifor tar?08:24
underdog5004jhutchins, have the man pages helped at all?08:24
jhutchinsunderdog5004: Usually it's cd /path/to/sensible/location (~/location) then tar xzvf - and not sudo.08:24
mrksbrdhutch, that is another thing what is the purpose of the kernel header, does everything have to point to this when trying to untar something?08:24
underdog5004jhutchins, if I'm building something, I'll move the source to /usr/local/src08:24
geniiit's like:  tar -xvzf sometarfile.tar.gz -C /some/dir/you/want/utarred/to08:24
underdog5004that requires sudo08:24
jhutchinsmrksbrd: No, it's so that the various components and options of the installed kernel can be incorporated or linked to by the module.08:25
=== underdog5004 washes his hands of this
jhutchinsunderdog5004: But you're not supposed to build with root privilages.08:25
mrksbrdi want to give this OS a chance, and when I can't figure something out I get frustratd & give up!!!08:26
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jhutchinsmrksbrd: The difficult thing about linux is that there is so much to learn at the very beginning.  It's called a steep learning curve.08:26
jhutchinsmrksbrd: Once you learn it though, you'll really enjoy how much control you have over your system.08:26
mrksbrdyea u ain't kiddin08:26
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Tomi-idlelooking back some of the things that looked terribly weird and hard now are simple as pie to do in linux08:27
mrksbrdespecially coming from windows, everything is just point & click08:27
Tomi-idlethat's what kde & gnome try to be.. point & click08:27
mrksbrdthat's what i'm gong to have to ween myself fro08:27
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Tomi-idlethey're just not there yet08:27
BluesKajmrksbrd, some patience is required , in order to keep the frustration levels low :)08:27
stdinno, windows is "point, click, reboot, repeat"08:27
Tomi-idleand lots of blue08:28
Tomi-idlems did a good job selecting color for windows users to keep calm..08:28
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mrksbrdalright i'm going to go study this, thanks all for th help, i'll prolly be back later i'm sure08:28
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jhutchinsmrksbrd: Have fun!08:29
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lost^alienI thought linux is 99% point and click now, at least with desktop apps and functionality?08:31
lost^alienThere's a gui for everything now08:31
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BluesKajsome stuff still works better in the cli08:32
lost^alientrue, and I love the cli, but there's a front end for almost evrything is my point. works better or not08:33
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lost^alienmrksbrd: I'm interested. What are some of your biggest frustrations.08:33
facugaichHow can I extract some frames from a vid to make a .gif?08:33
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RadiantFire_sorry, asked a question earlier and then internet cut out and I dropped, does anyone know if you can put a network interface back under knetworkmanager's control after giving it a static config?08:34
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graftRadiantFire: static config where who what? you mean in /etc/network/interfaces?08:38
RadiantFiregraft: I gave an interface a static configuration, so it has an entry in /etc/network/interfaces, is there a button somewhere I can push that says, make me automatic again, or do I have to edit /etc/network/interfaces by hand08:39
RadiantFiresetting the interface to dhcp in knetworkconf doesn't seem to do the trick08:39
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graftRadiantFire: as far as i know, knetworkmanager is just an interface to the dbus networkmanager, which more or less ignores /etc/network/interfaces08:40
stdinRadiantFire: just stop the interface "sudo ifdown (interface)" and network manager should be able to use it08:40
fdovingstdin: doesn't networkmanager ignore devices listed in /etc/network/interfaces ? - that used to be true, not sure if it still is.08:40
RadiantFirei think it is, its very vexijng08:40
fdovingstdin: as in, if the device is listed in /etc/network/interfaces network manager doesn't try to manage the device.08:41
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stdinfdoving: no, it says  the interface is set to "manual08:41
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fdovingstdin: exactly.08:41
RadiantFireand I know the little applet thingy for gnome has a roaming checkbox, I was just wondering if ther was something similar08:41
stdinfdoving: when it's "manual" it won't configure it (if it's active)08:41
vgei have found network manager the most unrelaible thing ever :U08:41
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graftit's been improving, i find08:42
fdovingnetwork manager is very reliable with intel cards, atleast for me.08:42
graftrecent versions have been pretty good for me... at least for wifi08:42
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graftroaming checkbox?08:43
RadiantFiregraft: yeah, there is a checkbox in the gnome network systool in ubuntu for making an interface "roaming" seems to delete the interface from /etc/network/interfaces08:43
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AhDiCt3DIf i download gutsy will it update to the next "tribe" after it is released?08:47
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stdinall a "tribe" is, is a mile stone, you just update as normal one in gutsy08:47
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AhDiCt3Dok is there any way i can install gutsy via net without a cd?08:48
cameronhey, when I installed my ati drivers for my X1650, my gui is showing graphical errors08:48
cameronwindows are re-writing over eachother08:48
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stdinAhDiCt3D: yeah, from update-manager, i think it's "gksu update-manager -c -d"08:49
cameronhow do I restart Xserver?08:50
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stdinAhDiCt3D: or you can just repace "feisty" with "gutsy" in your sources.list08:50
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cameronhow do I restart Xserver?08:51
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meson100cameron: Ctrl +alt+Backspace08:51
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event_idemy audio is not working. it worked before, but quit working.08:53
graftevent_ide: are you running arts?08:54
event_idegraft; i don't believe so08:54
cameronhey, when I installed my ati drivers, I encountered graphical errors, (windows re-writing over eachother)08:54
graftevent_ide: well, what about your audio 'isn't working'?08:54
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event_idegraft; just alsa. whatever kubuntu installs by default08:54
graftevent_ide: ps -ef | grep arts, just to be sure08:55
jodoeA bit off topic, but anyone know if its possible to hide #ifdef statements based on a conditional from within Kdevelop?08:55
cameronhey, when I installed my ati drivers, I encountered graphical errors, (windows re-writing over eachother)08:55
stdinis there an echo in here?08:55
sephyhey guys08:56
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sephywhere can i get a copy of wine for the powerPC version of ubuntu?08:57
cameronanyone have any ideas?08:57
ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ08:57
graftcameron: stop using those ati drivers, eh08:57
event_idegraft; dave       5653  5606  0 13:52 ?          00:00:00 /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -s 60 -m artsmessage -c drkonqi -l 3 -f08:58
event_idegraft; not quite sure what that means08:58
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Kr4t05There isn't any sort of tool that allows for an animated wallpaper, is there?08:58
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sephythat makes sense09:00
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graftevent_ide: you're running arts. probably it is grabbing the sound card and not playing nice with other apps09:00
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event_idegraft; what do you suggest to fix the problem?09:01
stdinsephy: bacically, wine doesn't work on PPC09:01
graftevent_ide: you should disable arts via kcontrol09:01
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graftevent_ide: after that, i think pretty much everything should play well together09:01
event_idegraft; k, thanks for the help09:02
graftevent_ide: you might have to kill arts by hand (pkill -9 -f arts)09:02
graftalso, it sounds dumb, but make sure your alsamixer volume is turned up09:02
event_ideyea, they are09:02
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event_idegraft; where do i disable arts in kcontrol? i don't see an option for arts09:04
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graftevent_ide: sound & multimedia/sound system, de-select the 'enable the sound system' box09:04
event_idegraft; k09:05
graftevent_ide: also sudo rm /usr/bin/arts is not an unreasonable thing to do, though you might be leary of such extreme measures09:05
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event_idegraft; right09:06
grafthm apparently that is spelled 'leery', my bad09:07
lost^alienKr4t05: xwinwrap - here is a video on youtube demonstrating it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bc3w-HJs9s09:07
event_idegraft; will i have to reboot for changes to take effect?09:08
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event_idegraft; or restart x09:08
event_idegraft; still no sound09:08
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KartiHi, just installed Restricted Devices Manager, any ideas how to start it from the command line as I can't see the application in the menu09:13
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Ubuntu1980I need help, I can't set the screen refresh in 85, I know how to do it, but 85 is not in the options,09:13
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Ubuntu1980please, can't find the solution in google09:14
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KartiUbuntu1980: just checking that you are not using a TFT09:14
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Ubuntu1980TFY? what's that09:15
Kartiusing a lcd monitor09:15
Ubuntu1980viewsonic E70-809:15
vzduchKarti: hit Alt+F2, then type 'kdesu restricted-manager'09:15
Kartiits just that you dont use refresh rates with TFT/LCD09:16
Kartivzduch: many thanks09:16
vzduchKarti: well, you do..09:16
vzduchw/ my TFT it's a difference if I use it @ 60 Hz or @ 75 Hz09:17
KartiI was under the impression that it does not refesh in the same manner09:17
vzduchthe thing is that it's just not as visible as w/ a CRT09:17
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BluesKajwas taking some tutorial advice about how to defeat the caps lock problem ... however , for some reason it refuses to follow the command that i placed in the ~/.bashrc as directed by this tutoriual site: http://linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/6401/1/...any suggestions ?09:17
vzduchwhat caps lock problem?09:17
BluesKajbig fingers09:18
mankeletorhey guys, do you think feisty would be too much for a P3 550Mhz PC?09:18
BluesKajhate it09:18
BluesKajRAM ?09:18
vzduchshould be good09:19
mankeletorbut serial mice is not detected =(09:19
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sephyis the PPC version still supported?09:19
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BluesKajmake a 500mb swap file for it09:19
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vzduch256 MB is enough anyway, as for the CPU I don't know.. I have a Athlon 900 MHz, and there are reportedly ppl out there running on PIII 650 MHz system w/o problems09:19
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vzduchserial mouse? o009:20
bert2hello peeps...09:20
mankeletoryes, serial mouse09:20
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Kartivzduch: nice bit of info - http://www.spodesabode.com/content/article/tftbuyers/209:20
vzduchlast time I used one I had a Pentium 75 MHz..09:20
bert2downloading kubuntu to pop my linux cherry =)09:20
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Kartivzduch: but don't shout at me.....I like this channel ;)09:21
sephyis the power pc version of ubuntu still supported?09:21
vzduchKarti: ?09:21
bert2i used fedora last week and it sucks bawlz... nothing but problems :S09:21
Kartitff stuff09:21
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Kartitft stuff even09:21
grafti have an fc6 machine at home... it has the incredibly annoying habit of changing ownership permissions in /dev all the time09:22
graftmakes it absolutely impossible to use09:22
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grafti think it's just not designed to be a multi-user machine09:22
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savetheWorldgraft: I suspect thats not the reason.  check in #fedora09:26
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BluesKajvzduch, perhaps the ~/.bashrc file is the wrong file for this command : xmodmap -e "remove lock = Caps_Lock"09:29
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jhutchinsBluesKaj: .bashrc is for things to start for every bash (dash?) shell09:31
BluesKajthe command works in the terminal until reboot or relogin09:31
jhutchinsBluesKaj: Perhaps .xinitrc09:31
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attunixcan i boot my computer from an iso disk image?09:33
attunixi dont have any cd-r's nearby09:33
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graftsavetheWorld: no, i know why it happens, it's just a really poorly designed system, i think09:33
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graftattunix: how do you propose to do that? your disk image is sitting on some file system, correct?09:35
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jhutchinsgraft: /dev is pretty dynamic under any udev system.09:36
attunixgraft: true... :(09:36
graftattunix: you could make a partition, write the ISO to that partition, and then make that bootable, maybe...09:36
attunixgraft: how?09:36
graftattunix: err, in the usual way09:37
attunixgraft: i don't know how09:37
vzduchwell, at first you need to boot from a method the BIOS can understand09:37
jhutchinsattunix: What kind of iso is it?09:37
attunixjust a .iso file09:37
jhutchinsattunix: ... of what?09:37
graftis it something you can boot from?09:37
attunixdream linux09:37
jhutchinsattunix: A live CD or an installer?09:37
graftseems like the easiest thing would be... find a cd writer09:38
bert2can someone explaine the difference between the CD and DVD installation medias?09:38
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graftthey're practically lying around on the street these days09:38
attunixi know, i can burn cds, but i don't have any cd's to burn to09:38
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graftspend the $.05 and save yourself a lot of headache09:38
graftjhutchins: okay, but /dev permissions shouldn't change every time a new person logs in to KDE09:39
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Briareos1i am looking for a software to draw relationships between persons categorized in where they live (as diagrams). i know dia but i'd like something more specific for that need. any recommendations?09:40
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mankeletori got it... i need to do "sudo ln -s /dev/ttyS0 /dev/mouse"09:46
mankeletorafter that how I restart xserver in feisty?09:46
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Briareos1something like this (at best automatically generated from data given): http://ueberzeugt.com/Personal_Relations_example.png09:47
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DaSkreechHow do I theme the fonts for the history plugin in Kopete?09:51
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attunixhow do i log in as root09:53
Briareos1what exactly do you want to do?09:53
Briareos1want to be root in a console?09:54
Briareos1just type "sudo bash"09:54
attunixcopy some things into  /   - graphical09:54
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Briareos1attunix: kdesu konqueror09:54
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:54
araizeni recently installed kubuntu, and since it seems that the volume is lower, even with the volume turned all the way up on the hardware, on amarok and in kmix09:55
araizendoes anyone have any idea how i might be able to fix that?09:55
vgearaizen: have u turned your PCM channel high enough?09:55
araizenvge: where can i do that?09:56
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vgeatleast kmixer has "mixer" settings :)09:56
vgedonno that meny realy gui ways to change it09:56
DaSkreecharaizen: Middle click on the speaker in the systray09:57
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nicolai_araizen: Kmix -> mixer -> PCM09:57
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attunixhow can i enable the root account and set the root password09:58
vgewhy you want to do that?09:58
Daisuke_Idoattunix: why?09:58
Daisuke_Idothere's absolutely no reason to.09:58
attunixi want to copy files into   /  graphically09:58
araizennicolai_: that's it, thanks09:58
araizeni wonder how i missed it09:58
Daisuke_Idoattunix: kdesu konqueror09:58
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nicolai_araizen: having PCM turned up distorts the audio on my laptop, so I was happily suprised when I updated to Feisty :)09:59
Daisuke_Idobasically, run konqueror as admin :)09:59
attunixi'll try09:59
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morphinexhowdy folks09:59
attunixthanks! it works!10:00
Daisuke_Idoyou're welcome10:00
morphinexI'm having this program with trying to update10:00
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Briareos1attunix: hey i told you that before :P10:00
morphinexThe installation freezes on "unpacking replacement linux-headers-2.6.17-12-generic"10:00
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Silent_Ghow can i know the ip address of a machine connected to the same modem with me?10:00
attunixBriareos1: true, but it took a while for my computer to load it and i found a new konqueror window and thought "where did this window come from?" and closed it :P10:01
attunixbye everyone10:01
morphinexI'm using edgy, trying to get ready to go to feisty10:01
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jhutchinsDaisuke_Ido: I wonder what he was copying to /?  Generally you don't want any files there.10:02
jhutchinsmorphinex: How long have you left it frozen?10:02
Silent_Ghow can i know the ip address of a machine connected to the same modem with me?10:03
morphinex1 hour10:03
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jhutchinsmorphinex: That's pretty frozen.10:03
Daisuke_Idojhutchins: not sure...  it would be wrong to say i'm somewhat amused by the thought though10:03
morphinexjhutchins: it sure is, and the computer isn't grinding or anything10:03
milesis there a secret to taking screenshots in kubuntu?10:03
Briareos1jhutchins: i was about to say "see you in about 5 minutes, when you ask about repairing your system" :D10:03
jhutchinsmorphinex: So it's still stuck there?10:03
frojndis anyone here form France? how is written "CLIENE" the town that is famous by horses, near Taize ??10:03
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morphinexjhutchins: sure is10:03
jhutchinsmorphinex: Try Ctrl-C10:03
vgemiles: press printscreen10:03
milesi know, but i go to paste it into gimp and nothin10:04
mileswith compiz, i can do it, but i dont have compiz on my work laptop10:04
jhutchinsmorphinex: Just once, should skip to the next package.10:04
morphinexjhutchins: nothing yet10:04
Briareos1miles why not safe it to disk and open in gimp?10:04
jhutchinsmorphinex: Give it a few tries then.10:04
milesnot sure how to save a screen shot to disk10:05
morphinexjhutchins: nope, still dead10:05
jhutchinsmorphinex: Is there another machine you could connect to it via ssh?10:05
jhutchinsmorphinex: Or possibly switch to another console?10:05
Briareos1miles: did "ksnapshot" show up when u pressed "printscreen"?10:05
morphinexjhutchins: sure thing, I have another console open now10:05
jhutchinsmorphinex: ps ax will probably show what process it's stuck on.10:05
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morphinexjhutchins: yeah, you think I should kill it?10:06
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jhutchinsmorphinex: Yes.10:06
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morphinexjhutchins: can't kill it10:07
morphinexjhutchins: even tried kill -910:07
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jhutchinsmorphinex: Nasty.10:07
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milesksnapshot, thanks thats all i needed10:07
jhutchinsmorphinex: Is there a parent task you can kill?10:07
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morphinexjhutchins: ah yes, that worked10:08
Briareos1miles: np; usually "printscreen" is connected to launching ksnapshot ...10:08
jhutchinsmorphinex: So this hung on the GUI updater, right?10:08
jhutchinsmorphinex: How's your free disk space?10:08
morphinexIt hung using adept10:08
morphinexusing synaptic10:08
morphinexand using apt-get10:08
morphinexI have plenty of disk space10:09
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Briareos1any idea where i can good recommendation of applications?10:09
jhutchinsmorphinex: Have you fsck'ed it lately?10:10
morphinexjhutchins: nope10:10
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vgeBriareos1: iw found this place to be an deacent one10:10
jhutchins!equivalents | Briareos110:10
ubotuBriareos1: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant10:10
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jhutchinsmorphinex: You might try that.  I can think of three possibilities:  Net connection (or server), bad disk space, or bad RAM.10:11
morphinexjhutchins: hmm10:11
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Briareos1jhutchins: thx - but as i don't remember when i booted a windows last time i can't think of an linux-equivalent app in windows either :P10:11
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morphinexjhutchins: I obviously have a net connection, and I've runn a memcheck recently10:12
jhutchinsmorphinex: I mean you could be having trouble with the connection to the server.10:12
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morphinexjhutchins: yeah, but it hangs after downloading the package, during the install process10:13
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jhutchinsmorphinex: Always the same package?10:13
morphinexjhutchins: yeah10:14
DaSkreechBriareos1: What are you looking for?10:14
morphinexjhutchins: linux kernel headers10:14
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DaSkreechmorphinex: get it from packages.ubuntu.com10:14
jhutchinsmorphinex: Obviously skip that package, upgrade the rest, then go back and see why.10:15
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morphinexdpkg does throw me some errors10:15
washingtonayuda por fa10:15
jhutchinsmorphinex: That's probably significant.10:16
morphinexserious warning, files list for package missing10:16
jhutchins!es | washington10:16
ubotuwashington: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:16
morphinexthat's the error10:16
DaSkreech! Fr frojnd10:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fr frojnd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:17
DaSkreech!Fr | frojnd10:17
ubotufrojnd: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:17
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YorokobiWhat's the website that lists Windows apps and their Linux equivalents ?10:18
vge !equivalents10:19
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant10:19
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Briareos1DaSkreech: some app that displays relations between persons - somehow like this: http://ueberzeugt.com/Personal_Relations_example.png10:20
Yorokobithanks, vge10:21
DaSkreechLike a family tree?10:21
DaSkreechI guess you could mind map that10:21
Briareos1DaSkreech somehow - but now only family - also stuff like "neighbour" or "friend" ....10:21
DaSkreech!info kdissert10:21
ubotukdissert: mindmapping tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6.c-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 895 kB, installed size 2668 kB10:21
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DaSkreech!info labryntih10:23
DaSkreech!info vym10:23
ubotuPackage labryntih does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:23
ubotuvym: mindmapping tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1-2 (feisty), package size 1128 kB, installed size 2768 kB10:23
Briareos1DaSkreech: good hints i think! thx!10:23
DaSkreech!info labrynitnh10:23
ubotuPackage labrynitnh does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:23
DaSkreechcan anyone spell? :)10:23
Briareos1gg :)10:23
Briareos1!info labyrinth10:23
ubotulabyrinth: lightweight mind-mapping tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 73 kB, installed size 524 kB10:23
genii!info labyrinth10:23
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DaSkreechThere we go10:24
DaSkreech there is also freemind which for some reason isn't in repos10:24
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Briareos1DaSkreech have you tried any of them? can you recommend "the best"?10:25
DaSkreechI've used fereemind and kdissert10:25
DaSkreech I like them both10:25
DaSkreechFreemind is colourful :)10:25
=== DaSkreech waves
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Briareos1in which can i insert images? (that'd be a criteria for deciding)10:27
DaSkreechHold on10:28
Briareos1(sry didn't tell that before)10:28
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DaSkreech!info semantik10:29
ubotuPackage semantik does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:29
Briareos1DaSkreech wiki says freemind can10:29
DaSkreechYeah I saw10:30
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DaSkreech You have to carry thefiles with you10:30
waylandbill__ok... what is a mind-mapping tool?10:30
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waylandbill__hmm. looks like brain storming diagram.10:31
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waylandbill__a map of my brain would be a big circle. ;-)10:32
DaSkreech0 work :)10:32
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waylandbillI guess that's my "learn a new thing everyday" thing. Now I can wander aimlessly until midnite and try again.10:34
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Daisuke_Idowhy stop at one thing though?10:34
Daisuke_Idoit's still early!10:34
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waylandbillDaisuke_Ido: that would require extra work though. :-)10:36
DaSkreech  the days of Mortal man are 70 and 80 if Mighty10:36
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ikichiwho speak french10:40
jacouI do10:40
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:41
gan|y|medwhen trying to boot the live-cd i get the message "unable to mount root device". apparently, it has sth to do with the way the kernel handles pata drives. any ideas how to fix this?10:41
ubotuFor at f support til Ubuntu p Dansk bedes du venligst g til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk.10:41
ShockValuei have a filename with some weird characters.. namely $0 and $2 in them, which is hozing me up.. is there someway to ignore those characters in the filename and get bash to take it literally instead of trying to substitue?10:42
ShockValueexample "yydecode: 46af688b/bin/bash4012d4158fb@reader.xsnews.nl.ync: No such file or directory"10:43
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ShockValuenotice the "/bin/bash" in there were the filename has $0$210:43
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YorokobiShockValue, does some\$0file work ? Or let bash auto-complete the file name10:43
ShockValuehrm, let me try10:43
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nicolai_ShockValue: put ' signs around the filename10:44
ShockValueyeah, it automatically throws '\' in the mix to make it work...10:45
ShockValuenicolai_: kk, let me try that too10:45
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vzduchShockValue: that's called escape characters10:46
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DaSkreechShockValue: try tabbing10:46
DaSkreechIT should auto escape for you10:46
DaSkreech bash is that damn smart10:46
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Daisuke_IdoDaSkreech: too bad bash isn't the default shell :\10:47
graftit isn't?10:47
Briareos1so i am backing out now :) bye guys10:47
graftwhat's the default shell?10:47
DaSkreechDaisuke_Ido: Waht?10:48
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graftsince when?10:48
Daisuke_Ido(it also autoinserts escape characters)10:48
Daisuke_Idosince feisty10:48
graftlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jul 12 12:25 /bin/sh -> bash*10:48
grafti don't even have dash here...10:49
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DaSkreechDaisuke_Ido: No It's bash10:50
ubotuIf you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer10:50
waylandbilllrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2007-06-06 12:12 /bin/sh -> dash10:50
DaSkreechDaisuke_Ido: users get Bash. Some scripts will get dash10:50
angasuleDaSkreech, Daisuke_Ido: to be more precise, /bin/sh is a link to dash, which shows when a broken script expects bash (it should use /bin/bash in that case)10:52
Daisuke_Idoangasule: oh most certainly10:52
zimmowhat is that site that contains all basic linux commands?10:52
Daisuke_Idobut /bin/dash is linked to /bin/sh10:52
ubotu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to  #! /bin/bash 10:52
angasuleso all the criticism against ubuntu for using dash is out of ignorance, imho10:52
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HomeRoeycrimsun:  hi!10:53
Daisuke_Idoangasule: never criticized, just pointed it out10:53
HomeRoeycrimsun:  I had to reset, and the soundcard no longer plays the music.  What's up with this?10:53
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:53
HomeRoeyhey Daisuke_Ido10:53
angasuleDaisuke_Ido: oh, I wasn't talking about you (specially since I just joined :P )10:53
zimmookay regards10:53
DaSkreechDaisuke_Ido: but a user typing in a shell is still using bash10:53
angasuleI'm thinking of slashdotters :P10:53
DaSkreech You can't even tab in dash it's basically non-interactive10:53
Daisuke_Idoif a script doesn't work, it's likely the author's fault by making a poor assumption that everyone has bash as /bin/sh10:53
Yorokobior dash's fault for not being compatible10:54
grafti agree... one shouldn't write a script headed with #!/bin/sh10:54
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HomeRoeyI have an onboard via82cxxx sound chip; I don't hear any sound from alsa programs (mpg123-alsa and amarok).  What could hte problem be?  I did 'alsamixer' and I see only one, not two IEC958 channels--they don't have volumes, either.10:54
HomeRoeycrimsun:  see above10:54
DaSkreech!commands > shclient10:54
Daisuke_IdoDaSkreech: konsole uses bash i believe10:54
DaSkreechYorokobi: dash is compatible with sh10:55
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:55
Daisuke_Idodash is posix compatible, but it's not compatible with bash10:55
Daisuke_Ido(again, authors, remember #!/bin/bash)10:55
angasuleHomeRoey: make sure no channel is muted (bottom shows MM instead of a number) and raise the volume of /all/ channels10:56
runleveltenPosix is less important than bash for compatibility's sake, in my opinion.10:56
graftblah... why would you WANT arts to be running?10:56
Daisuke_Idothat was a huge problem with the unreal tournament install script10:56
angasuleHomeRoey: also, for testing sound, go to Settings->sound and use one of the 'sound test' buttons10:56
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Daisuke_Idoso i did dpkg-reconfigure dash10:56
angasulegraft: compatibility with crappy programs10:56
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graftangasule: there's no program i know of that requires arts10:57
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grafti think arts ought to be considered deprecated10:57
graftit hasn't been under active development for eons10:57
morphinexjhutchins: fixed the dpkg problem10:57
angasuleso, back to the reason I showed up here, how the heck do I activate the framebuffer? I have no /dev/fb0 , I have an nvidia (7600 GT) card10:58
morphinexjhutchins: turns out that it was fixed by just restarting10:58
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angasulegraft: it is, KDE4 won't have it any more10:58
angasulegraft: most programs these days use alsa anyway, I think10:58
graftyeah... so i don't know why kubuntu enables it by default, especially since so many other apps don't play nicely with it10:59
incorrectwhat do i need to install to play dvd's ?10:59
HomeRoeyangasule:  the digital-out channels are not muted10:59
angasuleHomeRoey: analog out works?10:59
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HomeRoeyangasule:  like I said, Amarok's frequency analyzer fires away happily, I just don't hear sound.  It happened after I re-set the system.10:59
angasule!DVD | incorrect10:59
ubotuincorrect: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:59
HomeRoeyangasule:  I don't know, I only have a digital receiver on the tuner10:59
angasuleHomeRoey: ah, ok, so the current hardware setup used to work under kubuntu?11:00
HomeRoeyBut now even when I alsactl restore /etc/asound.conf, it still doesn't work.11:00
graftis fb support built into the kernel?11:00
runleveltengraft: there is functionality that needs to be extracted from arts and put elsewhere before it can be deprecated.11:00
angasulerunlevelten: like what? I'm curious :)11:01
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HomeRoeyangasule:  For what it's worth, I recall seeing previously /two/ digital out channels where I can select the input source (PCM, etc.)11:01
graftrunlevelten: yeah, me too... i haven't found any11:01
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HomeRoeyhey graft, long time no see11:01
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graftrunlevelten: i mean it's primary use is software mixing, but we've had alsa dmix to do that for years11:02
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hammer_hi there11:02
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KartiHi all, I know using Konqueror that when you type in stuff like font etc you can see the fonts personal or system, is there a list of commands that you can use in there?11:02
angasuleHomeRoey: frankly I don't know much about the subject, I know I hate alsamixer :)11:02
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grafterr, hi, HomeRoey11:02
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hammer_question about wine11:02
hammer_i've installed guitar pro 5 under wine11:03
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hammer_now i've all fonts in wine changed to notes =)11:03
angasulehammer_: sounds like fun11:03
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mm_202Hey guys, quick question.  I have some software, but dont know where to put it in the fs tree.  I was told to _never_ put it under /usr.  Why not?  Second question, seems that /opt would be the place, but its empty, why?11:04
hammer_yeah, looks funny but totally unusable11:04
angasulehammer_: try asking in #winehq , though11:04
familiaokhi guys11:04
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graftangasule: as far as i can tell, the ubuntu kernel has fb support, you just need to enable it at boot time11:04
angasulehammer_: invite people over and pretend you can read that :)11:04
angasulegraft: how? :)11:04
WaxyFreshi accidetally kill my kmenu how do i restart it?11:04
vzduchmm_202: what software?11:04
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Daisuke_IdoWaxyFresh: kicker11:04
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graftangasule: erm... do hwinfo --framebuffer, pick a mode, and put in a kernel option for vga=<yourmodehere>11:05
graftangasule: in your /boot/grub/menu.lst, that is... then do your usual grub updating nonsense, reboot, etc.11:05
mm_202vzduch:  its SyncEngine, trying to sync my WM5 PDA to linux...  major pain in the ass.11:06
vzduchnever heard of11:06
graftangasule: alternatively vga=ask MIGHT list available modes, but i don't really remember how that works11:06
DaSkreechKarti: yes11:06
mm_202I was told by the maintainer to just leave it where it was, but its in ~/tmp  and I dont want to keep it there11:06
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angasulegraft: funny thing is I tried vga=normal11:06
mm_202but basically, is thre a pref of where to put in apps?11:06
familiaokthat program that make easy installation.. how did it call?11:06
KartiDaSkreech: is there a link available :)11:06
graftangasule: yeh i don't think that works, it needs an actual mode number11:06
Tomi-idleoh btw. how can i get a ~50 line tty?11:07
angasulegraft: actually vga=normal tends to always work, just looks awful heh11:07
vzduchmm_202: as to /usr, that is commonly used for software you install from the repos _only_, you could place it in /opt or in /usr/local or somewhere in your /home11:07
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familiaokanyone can help me?11:08
mm_202vzduch:  thank you, I was just curious about that.11:08
graftangasule: apparently that's how you disable the framebuffer, according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer11:08
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Daisuke_Idoi use /home/username/bin11:08
graftangasule: what do you want it for, anyway? a nifty penguin? movies in the shell?11:08
angasulegraft: funny, hwinfo is /totally/ broken, it seems they forgot to use \n or something11:08
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angasulegraft: qtopia core11:09
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angasulegoing to try something11:09
bonessshi guys11:09
bonesssa need help11:09
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bonessshow did call that program that make easy installation?11:10
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vzduchbonesss: ?11:10
waylandbillmm_202: you can put applications where you like. I tend to follow the debian package guidelines or use /usr/local/...11:10
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vzduch[offtopic]  Studio Brussel (Belgium) plays Best of 90s11:11
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bonesssvzduch: type automatix11:11
fade_linuxgood evenin11:11
vzduch!automatix | bonesss11:11
ubotubonesss: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:11
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bonesssit's another11:12
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fade_linuxanyone knows how i can force my widescreen external lcd to run on 1366x768 with dual head setup11:12
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graftbonesss: you mean aptitude? or some such?11:12
Yorokobibonesss, apt-get? aptitude? synaptic? adept?11:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easybuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:12
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu11:12
bonessstks Yorokobi11:13
fade_linuxi read that the i810 driver has got 915 \resolution implemented now11:13
graftbonesss: try adept, it's the KDE flavor11:13
Yorokobinp, bonesss.11:13
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bonesssgraft: i'm usin' it11:13
Daisuke_Idostick with synaptic, it's not as borked :)11:13
waylandbillbonesss: but don't think that you have to be limited to gui.. there's aptitude or even apt-cache/apt-get.11:13
graftstick with apt-get, that's always going to work11:13
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Yorokobiadept is the first thing I purge after clean installs11:14
DaSkreechKarti: it's somewhere ... trying to find it11:14
angasulevga=ask only gave me text modes to choose from, and even the text mode I chose wasn't set11:14
KartiDaSkreech: Many thanks11:14
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bonessswaylandbill: yes, i know that11:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 915resolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:14
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.11:14
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bonesssjust more one question... how those is it better?11:15
angasulehaha I was thinking of creating a distro with the name Works For Me :P11:15
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fade_linuxdoes anyoneknow the paramenter in xorg.conf to force a resolution like done in 915resolution?11:15
fade_linuxparameter* even11:15
anthronautI'd prefer: WorkForMe!11:16
Yorokobiangasule, how funny would that be if the distro didn't work? :)11:16
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angasuleYorokobi: well, it might not work for you, but... it Works For Me :P11:16
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graftangasule: you got nothing out of hwinfo --framebuffer?11:16
bonesssfade_linux: section screen11:17
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ruzzztell me my IP please!11:17
angasulegraft: it outputs something, but always on the same line and then the prompt writes over it, so basically it has output, it's just invisible11:17
graftruzzz: which IP, your WAN IP or your LAN IP?11:17
angasulegraft: using | less doesn't help, either11:17
CrypTomhi all, do I need to install a special package in order to rip & encode audio cds with k3b to mp3?11:18
graftruzzz: http://whatismyip.com11:18
fade_linux!i810 driver11:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i810 driver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:18
CrypTomI've lots of choices, but not mp311:18
Daisuke_IdoCrypTom: why yes, yes you do11:18
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Daisuke_Ido!search k3b11:18
ubotuFound: burners, k3b11:18
angasule!restricted | CrypTom11:18
ubotuCrypTom: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:18
graftangasule: hrm... yeah it does that for me, but then it outputs actual info after that11:18
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waylandbillthat happened all the time when I was a windows programmer. It always worked for me. :-)11:18
angasulegraft: well... it Doesn't Work For Me ;)11:18
graftangasule: what's your card?11:18
angasulegraft: nvidia geforce 7600 GT11:19
angasulegraft: funny thing, is that when kubuntu boots it's using the framebuffer...11:19
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graftangasule: hey, that's true... what gives?11:19
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waylandbill(if it only always did for everyone else) :-D11:19
graftmaybe that bootsplash thing has special hooks11:19
TheGateKeeperCrypTom, To burn mp3's using K3b you will need to install libk3b2-mp311:20
CrypTomTheGateKeeper: thanks, i've got this library installed, but k3b does not present mp3 in the drop-down list11:21
fade_linux!i810 modesetting11:21
bonessssynaptic, automatix, adept... what to use?11:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i810modesetting - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
anthronautbonesss: synaptic or adept - it's up to you11:21
fade_linuxis modesetting implemented now in the latest kubuntu release?11:21
TheGateKeeperCrypTom, well in truth it was a titbit I picked up, never actually tried to do that myself11:22
nicolai_CrypTom: If you can't get K3B to work I would recommend KAudioCreator11:22
ruzzzwhat is it mailto:ruzzz@199-2-207-82.pool.ukrtel.net ?11:23
bonesssanthronaut: i'm using adept, but dont have many programs11:23
waylandbillbonesss: automatix isn't a package manager... If you can use a package manager, automatix is a mute point really.11:23
CrypTomnicolai_: thanks, that seems to work!11:23
bonessshum ;\11:23
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anthronautbonesss: synaptic and adept are the same thing. synaptic is the GNOME graphical user interface, whereas adept is the interface for KDE for a command line tool called apt.11:24
waylandbilland apt is itself a front-end for dpkg.11:24
DaSkreechKarti: kinfocenter -> Protocols11:24
anthronautbonesss: you can use either of them and get the same result, it's up to your taste.11:24
bonesssi didn't know11:25
KartiDaSkreech: Thank you very much, great help11:25
anthronautbonesss: don't worry :-)11:25
bonesssi'm gonna install automatix11:25
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bonesssand i'll use both11:26
bonesssautomatix and adept11:26
anthronautbonesss: As was mentioned before, it's not a really good idea to use automatix. It can cause damage to your system.11:26
waylandbillbonesss: automatix has been known to break things.11:26
TheGateKeeperCrypTom, update my info if KAudioCreator works for you :/11:26
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bonesssi still dont understand the cause11:27
waylandbillbonesss: if you have a queston how to perform a task, you can always ask for assistance... then you wouldn't need automatix to do it for you.11:27
CrypTomTheGateKeeper: sorry, I did no understand what you meant with your last remark11:27
bauerhey how do i install g++11:27
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graftbauer: the usual way, sudo apt-get install g++11:28
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nicolai_TheGateKeeper: KAudioCreator doesn't make K3B work if that is what you meant. It is a separate application designed for ripping CD's11:28
TheGateKeeperCrypTom, I have a little web site with bit & pieces of useful info, & as you said KAudioCreator I updated the info11:28
bauerthx , but it fails with "g++: Depends: g++-4.0 (>= 4.0.3) but it is not going to be installed"11:29
TheGateKeepernicolai_, yes I realize that :/11:29
CrypTomTheGateKeeper: ok11:29
stepmaniccan anyone point me to a walkthrou for installing xgl\beryl on kubuntu feisty?11:29
nosrednaekimstepmanic: hey! hows it going?11:30
TheGateKeeperbonesss, what are you trying to do?11:30
waylandbillbonesss: it's a third party app that doesn't necessarily work closely with the package/repo maintainers. This can cause depenency issues if the timing is not right.11:30
Yorokobistepmanic, the beryl-project.org website has tutorials.11:30
nosrednaekimstepmanic: I know where there is one.... I'll find it11:30
graftbauer: do sudo apt-get install g++-4.0 and see why that fails11:30
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stepmanicnosrednaekim: well. i got everything installed and set up xgl, BUT.. when i logged in i just got the gray screen with the "x"cursor.. then everything goes black and stop responding -.-'11:31
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bonesssthe problem is that there're things that the adept have none11:31
bauergraft: it says "g++-4.0: Depends: libstdc++6-4.0-dev (= 4.0.3-1ubuntu5) but it is not going to be installed"11:31
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stepmanicsince it was a clean install  i just reinstalled ubuntu and thought i should start over fresh^^11:31
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bonesssexample: codecs for real media, flash for firefox11:32
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Yorokobibauer, try 'sudo aptitude install g++-4.0' it should auto-select the dependencies for you11:32
DaSkreech!b-e | bauer11:32
ubotubauer: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:32
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nosrednaekimstepmanic: what directions were you following?11:32
graftbauer: keep chasing it until you get the real reason...11:32
stepmanicmmh.. 2 sec11:32
TheGateKeeperbonesss, adept & synaptic are both gui front ends for apt-get, IMO synaptic is much better than adept11:32
waylandbillbonesss: but the ubuntu wiki has instructions for installing those things.11:32
nosrednaekimstepmanic: did you install the ati drivers already?11:33
DaSkreechbauer: read that. One command to run them all11:33
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DaSkreechTheGateKeeper: Why?11:33
TheRealInsaneCan anybody help me?11:33
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:33
bauerthx for now i am gonna do some reading :o)11:33
stepmanicnosrednaekim: yeh i did, but i havent this time.. this is a clean, newly updated install,, so i have 2 start over11:33
nosrednaekimstepmanic: ok, install that before we get started.11:34
TheRealInsaneI have a problem with Kubuntu11:34
graft!ask | TheRealInsane11:34
ubotuTheRealInsane: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:34
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TheGateKeeperDaSkreech, well I had adept crash on me when I used tried to install mutiple applications, & if you try to install java you can easily show a terminal when they want you to agree to the licence11:34
TheRealInsaneWell, I start Kubuntu normally, and all I get is a blank command prompt in which I can type anything and nothing gets executed.11:34
bonesssTheRealInsane: if u tell for us what's your problem, maybe we can to help11:35
TheRealInsaneIf I start Kubuntu in error-trapping mode (or whatever) I get a normal Linux command Prompt or w/e11:35
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YorokobiTheRealInsane, are you using a liveCD or an actual install?11:35
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bonesssTheGateKeeper: do u think better i use synaptic for kde than adept?11:36
DaSkreechTheGateKeeper: I guess i'm sorry about the previous they have fixed the latter11:36
TheGateKeeperDaSkreech, I don't have the latest version of kubuntu, but when I originally used adept it looked like a crap attempt at reinventing the wheel11:36
TheRealInsaneYorokobi: LiveCD works flawlessly for me, but I installed from it11:36
DaSkreechTheGateKeeper: :)11:37
stepmanicnosreadnaekim: hm, wich driver should i install.. im kinda a big noob on this area^^ just know the basics for linux-use11:37
DaSkreechDon't blink with Open source11:37
TheGateKeeperbonesss, personal opinion yes!11:37
YorokobiTheRealInsane, did you change your video settings in xorg.conf or are you using a vanilla install now?11:37
TheRealInsaneBasically what I did to produce the error is  Log out and restart XServer11:37
TheRealInsaneSince then I've been unable to boot Kubuntu anymore11:37
TheRealInsaneBecause I changed a setting involving my second monitor11:37
DaSkreechTheRealInsane: YOu can boot but can't get X ?11:37
bonesssTheGateKeeper: ok, i'll do it11:38
stepmanicnosrednaekim: i have a ati 200m card, if it helps ^^11:38
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nicolai_DaSkreech, TheGateKeeper: A lot of functionality from Synaptic has been included in Adept in the Feisty release. They are not that different anymore.11:38
TheRealInsaneDaSkreech: Well, I can't boot now anymore11:38
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DaSkreechTheRealInsane: Where does it stop?11:38
nosrednaekimstepmanic: get the restricted-manager with "sudo apt-get restricted-manager" and then "kdesu restricted-manager"11:38
TheRealInsaneI get the loading screen, then I get heaps of unreadable text (too fast), then I get that blank screen in which I can type stuff but do nothing11:39
nosrednaekimstepmanic: I remember that from yesterday or whenever.11:39
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YorokobiTheRealInsane, when you get the blank screen, can you use Alt-F1 to get a console prompt?11:39
rojanuHi I am going to buy a desktop probably from Dell any recomendetions?11:39
runleveltenOh My God I can't stop laughing. I just had a conversation with an SuSE guy who was scoffing at apt.11:39
TheRealInsaneHaven't tested, didn't know that combo (new linux user)11:39
teresa_vaio rocks11:39
runleveltenSuSE. Scoffing at apt!!! lmao.11:40
=== runlevelten points at ZMD and laughs hysterically.
TheRealInsaneWhat should I enter in the console prompt to start the graphical interface?11:40
teresa_startx i guess TheRealInsane11:40
YorokobiTheRealInsane, startx or 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart'11:40
=== waylandbill rpm makes me want to vomit (although I guess it has its place in the world)
stepmanichow do u register on channel? ^^11:41
TheRealInsaneK, let me test that11:41
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TheGateKeepernicolai_, well if there is an easy upgrade path to the next LTS version I'll take another look11:41
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nosrednaekimrojanu: get a good graphics card and a gig of ram11:41
YorokobiTheRealInsane, I'm guessing the xorg.conf has some invalid/bad entries causing X to fail to start11:41
nosrednaekimfor a channel? this channel doesn't need registration.11:41
nosrednaekim!register | stepmanic11:41
ubotustepmanic: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration11:41
vbgunzI have a question I been meaning to bring up. if I choose the *other* mode during bootup (safe, rescue, something) I log in as root without a password... how do I password protect it OR is it meant to have no password at all?11:42
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rojanunosradnaekim, thanks but I don't want to end up like your & my aspire 5050 with to many incompatibilities11:42
vbgunzteresa_: you own a vaio?11:42
Yorokobivbgunz, it is meant to not have a password.11:42
nosrednaekimrojanu: wait...how did you know....11:43
vbgunzYorokobi: can I password protect it?11:43
teresa_yes vbgunz11:43
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rojanuI have got posts on your site11:43
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=== anthronaut 's off. Good night/morning/day everybody.
teresa_hi anthronaut11:43
Silent_Gcan someone explain me how the swap works?11:43
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Yorokobivbgunz, you can give root a password but I don't know if the single user boot will bother with it. A better solution is to password protect grub and/or the BIOS11:43
=== genii sips a coffee
nosrednaekimrojanu: AH! well, nvidias don't have any problems.11:43
anthronauthi and bye teresa :-)11:43
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vbgunzYorokobi: thank you, I will look into grub11:44
Yorokobivbgunz, np11:45
DaSkreechvbgunz: password protect grub11:45
rojanunosrednaekim: have you tried to get your wireless key and others to work?11:45
DaSkreechSilent_G: Same way it works on Windows11:45
Silent_Gi didnt have a swap partition on windows11:46
rojanunosrednaekim: I have my wireless working with madwifi11:46
nosrednaekimrojanu: yeah everything works here, Gutsy actually supports my wireless right off.11:46
DaSkreechSilent_G: you have a .swp files11:46
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nosrednaekimrojanu: ah, well, mine never worked until I loaded gutsy11:46
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Silent_Gyeah but i dont know how the thing works11:47
Silent_Geven on windblows :S11:47
rojanunosrednoekim: well, I got it to work by actually getting acer_hk to turn it on11:47
DaSkreechSilent_G: you can only have so much RAM in the computer but you can havea huge amount of Hard drive space11:47
runleveltenSilent_G: memory is swapped out to disk to maximise the effective memory of the machine.11:47
geniiSilent_G: Basically, when the computer needs more temporary space it uses a disk or file as if it was memory11:47
waylandbillthere's a swap file, not a partition, in windows but it functions similar... a non-movable region of the drive dedicated to simulating physical memory.11:47
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DaSkreech the OS makes use of the hard drive to offload thigns that are not being used right now to the hard drive so that those thigns which aer running actively can make more use of the ram11:48
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nosrednaekimrojanu: interesting,acer_hk never worked for me.11:48
Silent_Gso its like, when there isnt enough ram it takes the swap file?11:48
rojanunosrednaekim: I think I posted something about it on your site? if I am not wrong11:48
DaSkreechSilent_G: Oversimplified but yeah11:48
nosrednaekimrojanu: yeah, I think you did11:48
waylandbillSilent_G: exactly. It's a replacement for lack of physical ram.11:48
Silent_Gi keep things simple11:49
Silent_Gbut isnt it a bit imposible to have 1GB of programmes running?11:49
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geniinope. Try rendering something large sometime11:49
Yorokobi!swap | Silent_G11:50
ubotuSilent_G: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info11:50
teresa_or close to 100% your cpu working11:50
angasule I have a GF 7600GT, I can't get the framebuffer to work, the closest I got is with "vga=792 video=vesa" which does result in /dev/fb0 but the consoles are garbled, trying without video=vesa doesn't create a /dev/fb0 at all, I've googled to goatse and back and can't find a proper parameter combo11:50
JOEYYYYYYcan you change the hz of your monitor in kubuntu?11:50
Silent_Ghow can i make a swap file instead of swap partition ?11:50
DaSkreechSilent_G: No quite easy. You can have one program taking that much11:51
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Yorokobi!info onswap11:51
ubotuPackage onswap does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:51
YorokobiSilent_G, check the man pages for swapon/swapoff11:51
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DaSkreechSilent_G: Yeah You can11:51
TheRealInsaneStill won't work:11:51
TheRealInsaneI pressed Alt + F1 to go into the console, and entered "startx"11:52
YorokobiTheRealInsane, you have to log in first11:52
TheRealInsaneBasically it gave me an error message: "Entity is already running"11:52
nosrednaekimrojanu: anyway, I like the looks of the Ubuntu dell.11:52
TheRealInsaneI logged in11:52
TheRealInsaneOnce into root, once into my user11:53
TheRealInsanesame results11:53
YorokobiTheRealInsane, what about 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart' ?11:53
TheRealInsaneI'll try that now11:53
Silent_GDaSkreech, 1 programme taking 1GB? O_o11:53
TheRealInsaneGotta write it down >.<11:53
rojanunosrednoekim: I was on the phone with dell US but they don't ship to london11:53
genii!info swapon11:53
ubotuPackage swapon does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas11:53
nosrednaekimlondon.... lol. try system76?11:54
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Yorokobigenii, swapon/swapoff are commands, not packages of their own11:54
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geniiYorokobi: Thought it was worth a shot :)11:54
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rojanuI don't know what is that, enlighten me please? ok just checked11:55
rojanuI did not know them11:55
geniiSilent_G: Usually it's not one single program taking a gig. It's like you have 20 things open that all take a certain amount of resources each to run11:56
Yorokobirojanu, system76.com11:56
rojanuI am looking at it now, thanks11:56
Silent_Gyes genii but DaSkreech said 1 programme could take 1 gig :o11:56
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geniiSilent_G: The program diff can take up to the size of the file being examined11:57
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geniiso a diff on 2 dvd iso could take 4.7 Gb11:57
AhDiCt3Danyone gotten the intel 4965AGBN to work on linux?11:57
solarwaveranyone knows how i put back the grub?11:58
zimmohow can I calc my mask width?11:58
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Silent_Gic :S11:59
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Daisuke_IdoAhDiCt3D: use intel's official driver11:59
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:59
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AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, Is there a .deb?11:59
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mrksbrdjhutchins u there??11:59
nosrednaekim!grub | solarwaver11:59
ubotusolarwaver: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:59
Daisuke_IdoAhDiCt3D: i don't think so, yet12:00
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, i just went through the howto it doesnt wokr.12:00
Daisuke_Idowell that's not good12:00
nosrednaekimDaSkreech: beatcha to it ;)12:00
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, Ive tried everything i just got this laptop hoping it could but it cant12:01
mrksbrdwhat commands do i do to untar a file?12:01
solarwaverthanx ubutu12:01
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Daisuke_IdoAhDiCt3D: that makes me sad12:01
Daisuke_Idothat's the chipset in the laptop i'm ordering :(12:02
geniimrksbrd: Depends on the file ending. like .tar  .tar.gz  or so on12:02
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, I guess im going back to Vista then12:02
Daisuke_Idoi may have to rethink that12:02
Daisuke_Idolet me look12:02
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AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, What laptop? I have the Asus G1S12:02
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Daisuke_Idothat the howto you followed?12:02
Daisuke_IdoAhDiCt3D: dell inspiron12:02
AhDiCt3Dpsh man get an Asus12:02
Daisuke_Idoor an HP pavilion12:03
Daisuke_Idoi hate asus.12:03
mrksbrdthis is my scond day using Linux, so pls exuse me12:03
AhDiCt3DAsus is the best12:03
zimmodoes anybody know about SHOREWALL configuration?12:03
Daisuke_Idoi've always hated asus12:03
geniimrksbrd: if tar.gz (most common)     then  sudo tar -xvzf tararchivename.tar.gz12:03
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, Why do you hate asus>12:03
Daisuke_Idoand if that doesn't work, it's not the best, is it?12:03
Daisuke_Idothe quality of anything i've ever bought from asus has been horrible12:03
Daisuke_Idoi'm not dropping over a grand on a laptop whose quality i don't trust12:03
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, exact oppsosite for me ive been using asus my whole life12:04
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, Best tech support ive ever had12:04
Daisuke_Idoi also looked at toshiba12:04
Daisuke_Idocertainly a possibility12:04
geniiAhDiCt3D: Same here12:04
mrksbrdok let me try it, what I'm trying to do is get my wifi card working12:05
zimmodoes anybody where is the ZONES configuration file?12:05
Daisuke_IdoAhDiCt3D: what model laptop?12:05
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geniimrksbrd: In that case if this tar file is something you think you need to get your wifi going, ask instead about: How do I get <such and such wifi card> working ?12:06
mrksbrdhere is the msg I got...........12:06
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, Asus G1S12:07
mrksbrdtar: firefox- Cannot open: No such file or directory12:07
Daisuke_Idothe G2P looks nice12:07
Daisuke_Idoi would actually consider it if their warantee is good enough12:07
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Daisuke_Ido2-year limited global hardware warranty12:07
Daisuke_Idolooks nice12:08
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, It is a great laptop...12:08
geniimrksbrd: If you see this file on your desktop, then do first: cd ~/Desktop                  and then the tar -xvzf firefox-
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, I'll just go out and buy a supported wireless card and wait a while for the pkgs to get updated it works under gutsy not feisty though12:08
XcercaXis this the official Kubuntu channel ?12:09
geniiput the word sudo before tar, incidentally12:09
mrksbrdoh ok12:09
geniimrksbrd: Installing firefox will not make your wifi work, incidentally12:09
Daisuke_IdoAhDiCt3D: what's the price range?12:10
Daisuke_Idobecause i can't see a way to purchase direct from asus12:11
Daisuke_IdoTHAT looks nice12:11
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, i got mine from best buy $175012:11
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, mine has an HDMI port 2gb ram core2duo 2.0ghz real nice12:12
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Daisuke_Idoi have issues with best buy -_-  and i will never deal with the geek squad12:12
geniiYes, Best Buy = evil12:12
mrksbrdyes i realize that, just figured attempting to install firefox would be easier than attempting to get a piece of hardware to work......baby steps12:12
Daisuke_Idomrksbrd: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox12:13
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geniimrksbrd: Ah, so practicing :)12:13
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mrksbrd2nd day with linux!!!!12:13
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Daisuke_Idomrksbrd: then congratulations12:13
mrksbrdcoming ovr from windows, so this is all greek to me12:13
Daisuke_Idoyou're making an effort to learn, which is 100x more than most users would do.12:14
AhDiCt3DDaisuke_Ido, they were crappy i must agree tried to get us to buy all this crap but we just wanted the laptop cuz they are nearby and if we got probs we got a lawyer standing buy and all12:14
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mrksbrdi'm just glad there are helpful ppl here....lol12:14
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SemiliosI just started the Kubuntu 7.04 Live CD12:14
AhDiCt3DHow the heck do i just fdisk my damn drive i got 2 partitions locked12:15
mrksbrdok brb, let me se if i can get this to work12:15
Semilioswhen using the live cd on my laptop, there was an INSTALL ICon12:15
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Semilioson the desktop12:15
Semiliosbut on this machine there is no INSTALL Icon12:15
Semilioswhats wrong_12:15
Semilioscan I start the install wiyard with a command from the shell?12:15
zimmowhere can i create zones on Linux?!12:15

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