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superm1it would appear something is wrong with one of the amd64 PPA build boxes: http://librarian.dogfood.launchpad.net/7799004/buildlog_ubuntu-gutsy-amd64.lcdproc_0.5.1-3ubuntu1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz12:33
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superm1to that effect, any idea how to remove old packages from ppa?12:58
superm1so they can be resubmitted?12:59
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sorensuperm1: Why?02:00
superm1soren, i asked a few questions02:01
superm1which one02:01
superm1i'm assuming you saw mine about removing old packages from PPA though, i had one get uploaded missing a dependency02:02
superm1and didn't want to bump the version02:02
sorensuperm1: You can trigger a rebuid from the web interface.02:02
sorensuperm1: rebuild, even.02:02
superm1i forgot to add dpatch to its build-deps, so it can't apply my patch 02:03
superm1so it would make most sense to clear it out and reupload02:03
sorensuperm1: Ah, I thought you meant that one of the packages in its Depends: was missing.02:03
superm1soren, ah should have made myself more clear02:03
superm1so is there a way to clear it out?02:03
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sorensuperm1: Don't know.02:06
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mptGoooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!05:00
ajmitchhello mpt 05:03
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superm1hi mpt, i had a question earlier about ppas, perhaps you can answer?05:38
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mptsuperm1, probably not sorry, I know very little about PPAs05:52
superm1mpt, who should I watch for to bug about it?05:53
superm1alright will do05:57
Fujitsusuperm1: Looks to me like a mirror was syncing. If you upload something else or wait for it to rebuild itself it should work.06:01
superm1Fujitsu, the package needs to be uploaded again actually though too, a build-dep was missing06:02
superm1to the ppa06:02
superm1so i was wondering how to blow away the version sitting up there06:03
superm1without having to bump the version number06:03
FujitsuYou can't. This isn't REVU.06:03
superm1well the PPA documentation alluded to the fact that it would be possible to take a package off of PPA06:04
FujitsuThere's no UI for that yet, and I've seen no mention of it appearing soon.06:04
superm1at this point, could I sftp into the space its at?06:04
superm1and pull it out that way?06:04
superm1:( Ok.06:05
FujitsuAt this stage in PPA development, once a package is there it is there, unless it is dominated or whatever strange term they use.06:05
jameshsuperm1: information about the contents of the archive are maintained in the database06:05
FujitsuIt has to generate Packages, Sources, etc.06:06
superm1Ok. well i'll be more careful about things that get uploaded there from now on then06:06
jameshthe archive is generated from that information06:06
superm1my other question was about the feasibility of doing feisty or edgy on PPA for backporting tests.  Will that be happening?06:06
FujitsuAFAIK you can just upload with a different suite in the changelog.06:07
superm1great!  haven't tried yet, but saw in PPA docs that it said for current "development" release06:07
FujitsuI have feisty stuff in my PPA, so I presume it's possible.06:08
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tyocPeople, I dont understand exactly, I do locally bzr init, [changes, add] , bzr commit, pull sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~user/+junk/SomeNameForTheBranch/ , then in other folder I can get the branch bzr checkout https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~user/+junk/SomeNameForTheBranch/, but from this folder doing bzr pull sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~user/+junk/SomeNameForTheBranch/ fail?????07:22
spivtyoc: you're making a checkout of a readonly location.07:25
tyocmmm, thus is only possible if I do checkout from sftp?07:26
spivtyoc: but pull tries to update the branch (not just the checkout), so I'm guessing that's why it fails.07:26
spivYou could make a local branch "bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/..."07:26
spivOr make a checkout over sftp, yeah.07:27
spiv(or bzr+ssh)07:27
tyocthat is what I want to get 07:27
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thumperlifeless, spiv, jamesh: review meeting?08:06
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mptthumper, can I have a two-minute slot at the reviewer meeting (whenever it is)?08:19
thumpermpt: it was supposed to be 20 minutes ago08:20
thumperI have to go and cook shortly08:20
jameshthumper: I suppose we should have the meeting soon then.08:21
thumperjamesh: that would be good if possible08:21
jamesh(I wasn't looking at my IRC window earlier)08:21
jameshspiv, BjornT, lifeless: review meeting?08:22
BjornTsure, i'm here08:22
jameshwe may as well start then.08:23
jameshis everyone happy having the next meeting the same time next week?08:23
thumperI am08:24
jamesh(by same time, I mean 24 minutes ago :)08:24
thumperI have a google calendar reminder that SMSs me08:24
jameshthe queue is getting a bit long08:24
thumperthat it is08:25
jameshthree of the overdue ones are mine :(08:25
spivI've been sick, but I'm catching up today.08:25
thumperjamesh: the enum one that you have has already been looked over by barry08:25
thumperso you could punt that08:25
lifelessI haven't allocated today; I did allocate yesteday.08:25
lifelessI'll do today shortly.08:25
lifelessbeen in deep lifting mode.08:26
jameshspiv: will you be able to get yours done, or do you want some reallocated?08:26
spivI should fine.08:26
spivIf not, I'll punt them back to rejected.08:26
lifelesswho should you fine?08:26
spivShould *be* fine :)08:26
spivSo long as I don't omit too many words ;)08:27
jameshokay, so I guess the queue is long but under control then.08:28
jameshOther business08:28
jameshI believe mpt has something to say08:28
=== thumper was just going to mention that
mptIn Launchpad 1.1.7 there were a couple of clumsy things introduced 08:29
mptthat are covered in https://launchpad.canonical.com/DesignChecklist08:29
mptI understand it may be difficult to remember non-code-related guidelines when reviewing08:29
mptso I'll just encourage you to reread that page08:29
mptparticularly the "Text" and "Capitalization" sections08:30
thumpermpt: one thing08:30
mptand subscribe to it if you're not subscribed already.08:30
thumperit doesn't say that portlets-one is deprecated anywhere08:30
mptah yes08:30
thumperthat was brought to my attention by jamesh I think08:30
mptI should clean up template-page.pt08:30
thumperbut didn't see it written down anywhere08:30
mptremoving portlets-one, portlets-two, pageheading, etc08:31
jameshmpt: do the rest of the team know about this page?08:31
mptjamesh, it's linked to from the reviewer guidelines08:31
mptbut I'll (hopefully) be saying the same at the other reviewer meeting.08:32
jameshmpt: how about the Launchpad developer meeting?08:32
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mpthmm, good idea08:32
mptI'll propose it for the agenda08:33
mptok, that's all from me08:33
mptthanks jamesh 08:33
jameshmpt: ideally the branches put up for review would already be following this checklist, rather than relying on reviewers to point out the problems after the fact08:33
jameshthank you for bringing it up here though08:33
jameshany other business?08:33
spivjamesh: ideally branches put up for review wouldn't need any comments from reviewers :)08:34
=== thumper smiles
thumpernothing from me08:34
jameshspiv: sure.  I am just saying that developers should be following any written guidelines we have, to minimise time spent in review08:35
spivjamesh: right :)08:35
jameshokay then.08:36
jameshmeeting ends.08:36
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lifelessthanks jamesh08:47
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tyocIf I have an open project, and the owner is a open team, is there some "substantial" difference in posting code directly to the project than the team?, also if they post the same name of branch, what are the results?09:33
tyocAlso if there is the list of recent revision that mean I can browse the code?09:33
spivI'm not sure what you mean by "post the same name of branch", all branches have a person/team and a project associated with them.09:34
tyocbzr push sftp://.../project/name1 and bzr push sftp://.../~team-project/name109:35
spivAnd yes, if there are revisions shown for a branch in Launchpad, then the "Browse code" link should work.09:35
tyocops  sftp://.../~team-project/project/name109:35
spivYou can't just push to /project/name1 though, there has to be a username as well.09:35
spivSo both push to sftp://.../~team-project/project/name1 ?09:36
tyocI can show you 1 that apparently dosent work?09:36
tyocfinally they get to name109:36
tyocbut they are pushed directly to the project and from the team09:36
tyoclike this: https://code.launchpad.net/backyard/09:37
spivIf you try to push a whole new branch to a location that already has a branch "bzr push", then bzr will give you an error message saying so.09:37
spivtyoc: I see those two branches, what about them doesn't work?09:37
tyocsee that there is versions listing09:37
tyocbut browse code dosent show09:38
tyocthought I have push 1 first, and havent checked it before09:38
tyocI push the other one09:38
spivAh, I know what the bug is.09:38
spivmwhudson: ping ^09:38
spivtyoc: it's because you have underscores in the branch names09:38
spivYou shouldn't have been able to create them with that name.09:38
spivIt's a bug in the system that it let you.09:38
spivBecause it breaks stuff like this :)09:39
tyocamm, I have not registered them via the web interface09:39
tyocI have only pushed them directly from the cmd line09:39
spivIf you rename the branch to use e.g. a - instead of _, then it'll right itself in a couple of minutes.09:39
spivThe web interface correctly disallows it.09:39
tyocok I see09:39
mwhudsonspiv: it's all cherrypy's fault09:39
spivBut there's a bug in the SFTP interface atm that does allow it (plus a missing constraint in the database).09:39
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spivmwhudson: well, not really, it's whoever forgot to put the constraint in the database in the first place :)09:40
spivmwhudson: you just get to deal with the fallout :)09:40
tyoconly a question about semantics, you see the project and the group are open... is there "some difference"???09:40
spivtyoc: So I'd rename the branch through the web interface.09:40
mwhudsonspiv: plenty of blame for everyone09:41
tyocok, thx for the help, I will remember to not use _09:41
tyocquestion, is only for the branch name, or allthings inside recursively?09:41
spivtyoc: not really, a branch is branch whereever it is :)09:41
spivmwhudson: hooray!09:41
spivtyoc: branches are the only things I know of that mistakenly allow _ in some circumstances.09:41
tyocbut I dont need to change names of all the things inside the branch that use a "_"?09:42
tyocI guess no :D09:42
spivNo, the contents of the branch are fine :)09:42
tyocchanged names, still no code, but basically Im testing :) and get used to09:46
tyocOK, they are there now, thx for the help09:50
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spivtyoc: Glad I could help!09:55
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ubotuNew bug: #129387 in malone "Font Size is way to big" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12938711:50
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mwhudsonyou really can't please them all :)11:52
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menesis_how translation upload is supposed to work? now the file sits in import queue for more than a week, does someone need to approve/import it manualy?12:24
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AlexC_how do I go about removing a translation template?12:28
zerokcan i use tags in bzr branches on launchpad? or basically what storage formats can i use?12:31
mptcarlos, ^^12:33
mptor danilos 12:33
carlosAlexC_: please, file a ticket on answers.launchpad.net/rosetta12:34
AlexC_carlos: thank you =)12:34
mwhudsoni dont think you mean AlexC_12:34
mwhudsonoh sorry12:34
mwhudsoni'm mistaken12:34
carlosmwhudson: answering a different question :-P12:34
mwhudsoncarlos: yeah, i can't read12:34
mwhudsonzerok: you can use any format on launchpad, i'm not sure i understand the question12:35
mwhudsonupgrading a branch is a faff currently12:35
zerokmwhudson, well, i would like to use for instance dirstate-tags12:35
NgI have a branch hosted by LP which uses tags and it's not whinged at me yet :)12:36
mwhudsonbzr init --dirstate-tags; bzr push sftp://blah/bah12:36
mwhudsonzerok: sure12:37
mwhudsonzerok: it sounds like you've tried something and had it not work12:37
mwhudsonzerok: how about telling us what you've tried and how it didn't work?12:37
zerokmwhudson, i haven't tried anything yet :) i was just considering putting something on launchpad and wasn't sure, whether or not tags would be supported :)12:40
zerokthanks :)12:40
mwhudsonthey are12:41
zerokok thanks :)12:41
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ubotuNew bug: #129399 in launchpad "New user signup: usability on confirmation page" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12939901:51
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bmmIs there a API for launchpad? Something to download bugs/search results without parsing the HTML?01:56
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intellectronicabmm: not yet, unfortunately01:58
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bmmintellectronica: not even a kind of xmlrpc thing?01:58
intellectronicabmm: it would be nice if you could write to the mailing list or raise a blueprint with the features you need, so if and when an api is designed your needs will be taken into consideration01:59
intellectronicabmm: unfortunately not01:59
Hobbseeintellectronica: what does bughelper use?01:59
intellectronicaHobbsee: bughelper?02:00
Hobbseeintellectronica: it's a tool that the bugsquad uses for bugs.02:00
Hobbseeintellectronica: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper02:00
intellectronicaHobbsee: there are xmlrpc, but afaik only ad-hoc stuff that isn't available to the public02:01
intellectronicaI may be wrong, though02:01
BjornTbmm: an API for getting information about bugs from launchpad is planned, but it will take at least a few months before it's finished.02:01
BjornTHobbsee: bughelper parses the html02:02
bmmWould it be acceptale to download and parse the HTML for personal use?02:02
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HobbseeBjornT: ahhh.  what about the bugstats?02:03
Hobbseethats' waht i was thinking of02:03
spivThere's just +text atm.02:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129399 in launchpad "New user signup: usability on confirmation page" [Undecided,New]  02:03
BjornTHobbsee: hmm, i don't know, actually. i'd think that it parses the html as well.02:04
HobbseeBjornT: no idea what http://people.ubuntu-in.org/~carthik/bugstats/stats is, which is what it seems to use02:05
Hobbseeas in, how it got that info02:05
KmosHobbsee: http://outflux.net/ubuntu/stats/02:05
Kmosthis is the new one02:05
Hobbseeah, thanks02:05
=== Hobbsee just went via google
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BjornTbmm: oh, right, forgot about +text. there's also +bugs-text (e.g. https://launchpad.net/malone/+bugs-text)02:06
bmmKmos: sing python, wget and gnuplot. Probably parses HTML ;-)02:06
FujitsuIs +bugs-text searchable yet?02:06
BjornTFujitsu: no, it's not.02:07
bmmBjornT: +text seems to be something that would be acceptable to parse and use :-D Then only the list would have to be HTML parsed.02:07
intellectronicabmm: see https://launchpad.net/legal (bottom of the page)02:07
bmmintellectornica: thanks!02:07
intellectronicabmm: and don't be shy writing about your usage to the list and / or raising a blueprint :)02:09
Kmosbmm: yeah, something like that02:09
Hobbseematsubara: ping if you're not busy?02:10
matsubaraHobbsee: pong02:10
BjornTbmm: you might be interested in https://launchpad.net/python-launchpad-bugs, it's what bughelper uses to get bug information from launchpad.02:10
bmmk, thanks for the info all!02:11
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cprovgood morning ...02:17
FujitsuHi cprov.02:17
Hobbseemorning cprov 02:18
ubotuNew bug: #129406 in malone "IAddBugTaskForm should define its own attributes" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12940602:25
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Hobbseeerm?  are the permissions broken?02:41
Hobbseei would have expected that qa, ubuntu-dev could see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/12941002:41
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FujitsuHobbsee: Works for me...02:53
FujitsuHobbsee: Anyone should be able to see it.02:53
HobbseeFujitsu: yes, it's changed now02:55
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bazmatthow does one go about to make feature requests for ubuntu?03:32
Kmosbazmatt: blueprints :)03:32
Kmosbazmatt: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+specs and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeatureSpecifications03:33
Kmosread them03:33
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ubotuNew bug: #129444 in launchpad "Problems running xx-potemplate-admin.txt in Gutsy" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12944405:35
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ubotuNew bug: #129447 in soyuz "Visiting builds status page without having activate PPA gives nasty error" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12944705:40
ubotuNew bug: #129445 in launchpad "Problem with specs/07-dependencies.txt and specs/15-non-ascii-imagemap.txt pagetest in Gutsy" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12944505:41
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zerokis a team name restricted to one project? for example i just registered django-lifestream. could i for example create a team called "team" without having some possible name-clashing with other projects?06:13
salgadozerok, you should use something meaningful as your team's name. that will avoid name-clashing with other teams and make it easier for people to see at a glance what the team's about06:17
zeroksalgado, ok, so basically there is only one global namespace for teamnames. was just wondering because django-lifestream-developers is ... quite a name ;)06:18
salgadozerok, you can use just django-lifestream (or django-lifestream-devs) as the team name. the namespace for teams is not the same as the namespace for projects06:19
zerokok thanks :)06:19
salgadoyou're welcome :)06:19
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zeroksorry, another dumb question: how would i delete a branch?06:32
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mwhudsonzerok: wait until the next rollout :/06:41
mwhudsonfor now you can assign it to the +junk project and mark it abandoned06:41
mwhudsonthen it won't show up in many places06:41
zeroksounds like a cron ;)06:41
zerokwill it then get removed eventually or will it just not show up anymore?06:42
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ubotuNew bug: #129470 in soyuz "Port BuildRecordsView and QueueRecordsView to use LaunchpadView*" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12947007:10
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ubotuNew bug: #129471 in launchpad "python-codespeak-lib should be in the launchpad-dependencies meta-package" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12947107:20
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superm1cprov, ping08:15
cprovsuperm1: pong08:16
superm1Hi cprov, i was wondering about PPAs.  The documentation alludes to the ability to remove packages from one, but such functionality can't be currently found.  Is there a manual way to do so?08:16
cprovsuperm1: yes, *very* manual for now, that's why I suggest, if there is a package bothering in your PPA, that you simply upload a new pristine version.08:20
cprovsuperm1: if it's urgent, I can do the removal 08:21
superm1very manual in the sense that i could do it myself, or i'd have to query one of you guys to remove it from a db and manually delete the files?08:21
superm1its not urgent, it was just a minor mistake in the upload that will prevent the build08:21
superm1and i was hoping to not have to bump the version number for that purpose08:21
cprovsuperm1: "very manual" in a way "Only I can do it for now" :( 08:24
superm1ah i see08:24
superm1okay well don't fret then.08:24
superm1i'll be more careful with my uploads to it in the future08:24
cprovsuperm1: bump the version, it's free :)08:24
cprovsuperm1: don't be 'careful' we want you to be *wild* in PPAs ... superseded packages are (will be) automatically removed.08:26
superm1well it was in testing a bug fix later intended for the archive, so it shouldn't start gaining new version number i had thought08:26
superm1if i was going to request in the bug report to sync it from my PPA08:27
cprovsuperm1: well, in this case I'd not recommend remove/re-uploading the same pkg version, it will screw apt in the clients that have already installed the current package.08:29
superm1well in this particular case it was a build depend problem, so it didn't even build :)08:30
cprovsuperm1: right ... anyway, bump the version 08:32
superm1okay thanks :)08:32
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ubotuNew bug: #129487 in soyuz "Some parts of Buildmaster code are not covered by tests" [Low,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12948708:50
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ubotuNew bug: #129491 in soyuz "Model Processors/ProcessorFamilies supported for PPA in DB" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12949109:05
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ubotuNew bug: #129497 in launchpad-answers "Do not expire questions linked to open bugs" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12949709:40
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greg-gI am the owner of a team, is there a way that I can send a message to all of the members?  (this is for a Ubuntu LoCo, fwiw)10:05
kikogreg-g, not currently, though that's an open bug.10:05
greg-gok, thank kiko 10:06
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ubotuNew bug: #129503 in launchpad-answers "do not display the call to answer when the user cannot answer" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12950310:20
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ondrejHi, is anyone here administering dogfood? I imported my openpgp key, it said I am going to receive an email, but I didn't get it. I tried that 3 times (the page says Keys pending validation...). I think it's some problem with the server again, does anyone know how to fix it please? Thanks a lot11:42
carlosondrej: you would need to check that with cprov11:43
ondrejcarlos: should I ask him privately?11:44
cprovondrej: check the documentation, dogfood doesn't send email, once you have performed the steps described in PPAQuickStart in production, send an email to ppa-beta@11:45
ondrejwell, in https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart, there is I should become the ubuntero, by signing the Code of Conduct, and to do that I need to impor the keys, as described in https://help.launchpad.net/ImportingYourOpenPGPKey11:48
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cprovondrej: yes, all them refer to LP production, right ?11:48
ondrejthat's correct11:48
ondrejso what kind of email should I send to ppa-beta? (I am in touch with them, they put me to the beta testers, but this problem with the pgp keys wasn't resolved yet)11:49
ondrejfor two days11:49
cprovondrej: you are not member of launchpad-beta-tester -> https://launchpad.net/~ondrej-certik11:51
ondrejcprov: https://dogfood.launchpad.net/~ondrej-certik11:53
ondrejI am 11:53
cprovondrej: not in dogfood, 11:54
cprovondrej: you have to be a beta-tester in production, as I have discussed with matt revell this morning.11:55
ondrejok, I didn't know that11:55
ondrejcprov: so, what should I do?11:55
ondrejcprov: just to be clear - I applied to beta test the personal package archive11:56
ondrejcprov: and they told me to use dogfood, since they are beta testing it11:56
cprovondrej: you will be using dogfood for PPA but we want your rights to be granted in production first11:58
ondrejok - in the production, I have my openpgp keys ok, and I signed the code of conduct11:58
ondrejcprov: could you please add me to the beta testers in production then?11:59
cprovondrej: right, you are only missing membership on lp-beta-testers11:59
cprovondrej: I can't, you have to get in touch with matt revell via ppa-beta@, as I said before11:59
ondrejok, I'll ask him to add me to the beta testers in production as well12:00
cprovondrej: when you become a member I will immediately copy the right to dogfood and you will be able to use your PPA12:00
ondrejcprov: but still I am kind of confused how I can sign the code of conduct without the keys. Oh, ok, so you will move it by hand. ok, I'll ask him to do it. thanks12:01
cprovondrej: btw, to avoid confusion I removed you beta-tester membership in dogfood for now, to be in sync with production.12:01
ondrejcprov: ok, perfect12:02
cprovondrej: sorry for the inconvenience of the procedure, but we have to be sure that you won't lose your (PPA) rights when we move to production later.12:03
ondrejcprov: no problem, I just send Matthew an email12:03
cprovondrej: great, thanks for helping us to test PPA. Looking forward to see your packages. I have to go now ... 12:04
ondrejcprov: ok, thanks a lot for the help12:05
ondrejcprov: see you12:05
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kiko-afkcprov, can we talk a bit tomorrow?12:07
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cprovkiko-afk: sure 12:10
cprovkiko-afk: about lost thinkpad power-supplies or something more noble ? :)12:11
cprovkiko-afk: morning, lunch or evening ? what will be the best for you ?12:12
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