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LaserJockmdke: still up?12:48
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LaserJockhi jjesse01:01
nixternalhowdy LaserJock!01:29
LaserJockhi nixternal01:29
nixternaldude, how come your little boot manager is the first I have ever heard of it?01:29
nixternalyou guys should have taken a look at the one Qt did01:29
nixternalit is somewhere on qt-apps.org01:29
LaserJockyes, well01:29
nixternalfor feedback that is01:29
LaserJockit seems there are like at least 3 apps so far that are very similar01:29
nixternalI only knew of hte Qt one and now yours01:30
LaserJockbut what can I do, it's an accepted GSoC project01:30
LaserJockthere was the original, GrubConf01:30
nixternalwell I know the Qt one has feedback on what people would like to see in the comments01:30
nixternaland since that is what you were looking for, I figured that would be a good spot to check01:30
LaserJockthere is this StartUp Manager that I just found out about in my comments01:31
nixternalI never knew that01:31
LaserJockand a script on the forums01:31
nixternalhehe, man I am out of it I guess when it comes to Grub01:31
LaserJockpfft, you aren't the only one01:32
LaserJockI remembered GrubConf from my Gentoo days and that's about it01:32
LaserJocknixternal: QGRUBEditor?01:33
nixternalya, that's ti01:35
nixternalI haven't checked its progress in a while...but I am guessing it would have gotten better since I last looked at it01:35
nixternalOK, pizza time..bbiaf01:35
LaserJockmmmm, pizza01:46
LaserJocknixternal: what kind?01:47
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jjessehow was the pizza?02:52
Admiral_Chicagonixternal: if you want me to write the Internet Messaging section of Kubuntu docs, I will04:24
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User603Anyone here?04:58
nixternalAdmiral_Chicago: you have enough with Xubuntu docs...plus I have already started05:25
nixternalthanks for the offer though05:25
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Admiral_laptophttp://pastebin.ca/640205 how can we fix this problem in the xubuntu docs08:07
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mdkemorning all09:15
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ubotuNew bug: #129423 in ubuntu-doc "totem-xine-firefox-plugin no longer used in feisty" [Undecided,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12942303:55
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CIA-14Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4197 ubuntu/internet/C/internet.xml: Applying Dawid's changes to IM docs07:25
CIA-14Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4198 ubuntu/internet/C/internet.xml: Correct a couple of typos I missed07:34
CIA-14Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4199 ubuntu/musicvideophotos/C/musicvideophotos.xml: Update list of Mozilla plugins (closes #129423)07:50
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mdkehiya Spads. Any progress?09:05
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Spadsmdke: yeah, I've been able to use dblatex with reasonable success.  It doesn't support all tags, but it seems to do enough for now.09:43
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mdkeSpads: cool; I'd be interested in seeing how it works10:22
=== mdke wonders what sort of state gutsy is in
mdkemight upgrade soon10:24
ubotuNew bug: #129505 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Docs required on desktop search tools" [Wishlist,New]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/12950510:25
nixternalmdke: gutsy isn't to shabby...it is hit or miss with OOo working because of a broken libgtk11:37
mdkenixternal: perhaps I should wait then11:38
nixternalmdke: you can always grab a latest daily and see if it works for you as well...it seems this issue hasn't hit everybody11:56
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