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kraut | moin | 09:20 |
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kraut | hi | 11:21 |
kraut | are there any issues concerning nfs-handling in the feisty-kernel? | 11:21 |
kraut | i have problems with fast chainging permissions | 11:21 |
kraut | two nodes using the same nfs-share on a fileserver. one node changes permissions and the other node see this changes only a minute later. | 11:21 |
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Lost__ | anyone answering questions on kernel support yet? | 03:48 |
kraut | Lost__: not really ;) | 03:51 |
Lost__ | kraut, such is life - always waiting for something! | 03:52 |
kraut | Lost__: indeed, but not over 24 hours everytime :/ | 03:53 |
zul | besides this channel isnt for support | 03:53 |
ICU | so says the topic :) | 03:54 |
Lost__ | zul please enlighten me as to its purpose if not to answer issues with kernel support? | 03:54 |
ICU | "topic: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY" | 03:55 |
kraut | discussion about a bug isn't a development-issue? sounds interesting | 03:55 |
soren | kraut: You didn't mention any bugs. You said "support". That's different. | 03:55 |
kraut | soren: i said "support"?! | 03:56 |
soren | kraut: If it's about a bug, it might very well be relevant. | 03:56 |
Lost__ | My question has to do with missing kernel files to properly install a vid card. Where would I go to find answers? | 03:56 |
soren | kraut: Sorry, no. | 03:56 |
kraut | soren: it was about i bug wich i described tomorrow and i am still waiting for an answer... | 03:56 |
soren | kraut: tomorrow? | 03:56 |
kraut | this morning, sorry | 03:57 |
soren | kraut: "morning" is not a very good reference. :) I'm for instance in CEST while most of the kernel team is in the US. | 03:57 |
ICU | several hours ago? | 03:58 |
kraut | i am also using CEST. ok, it's over six hours ago | 03:58 |
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amitk_ | kraut: if your feel it is a kernel bug specific to Ubuntu, file a bug on Launchpad.net. If it a generic kernel bug, file it upstream. | 03:59 |
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kraut | where do i find the changelog about the ubuntu-kernel? | 03:59 |
kraut | or is that a support-question? | 03:59 |
Mithrandir | /usr/share/doc/linux-image-$(uname -r)/changelog.Debian.gz ? | 04:00 |
amitk_ | Here is the link to the kernel git repository: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-gutsy.git;a=summary | 04:01 |
kraut | Mithrandir: thanks | 04:01 |
kraut | amitk_: i just want to verify the chanegs ubuntu did between 2.6.15 and 2.6.20, because 2.6.15 is running fine but the hardware-support is worst in it. | 04:02 |
amitk_ | kraut: are you comfortable using git? | 04:03 |
kraut | yes, why? | 04:04 |
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amitk_ | clone the repository above | 04:06 |
amitk_ | then run 'git log v2.6.15..Ubuntu-2.6.22-9.20 ' to find _everything_ that changed | 04:06 |
amitk_ | kraut: to restrict to changes in a particular subdirectory add the path after the git log command | 04:07 |
kraut | amitk_: the website is fine for me. also i only need a diff between 2.6.15 and 2.6.20. | 04:08 |
amitk_ | e.g. git log v2.6.15..Ubuntu-2.6.22-9.20 fs/nfs | 04:08 |
amitk_ | kraut: ok. great | 04:08 |
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kraut | amitk_: if you want to see, what i mean: http://exodus.packetloss.biz/~kraut/temp/nfs_issue-2.6.20-3 | 04:13 |
kraut | erm, ignore that | 04:14 |
ICU | heh | 04:16 |
kraut | http://exodus.packetloss.biz/~kraut/temp/nfs_issue-2.6.20-3 | 04:17 |
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amitk_ | kraut: 'git log Ubuntu-2.6.17-10.25..Ubuntu-2.6.20-4.5 fs/nfs* | grep UBUNTU' does not yield any Ubuntu-specific patches. So you breakage is likely causes upstream | 04:32 |
kraut | hmmmmm, severall changes between 2.6.17 and 2.6.20 in write.c of nfs. only documentated with "cleanup" :/ | 04:32 |
kraut | amitk_: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu%2Fubuntu-feisty.git&a=search&h=HEAD&s=write.c | 04:33 |
amitk_ | kraut: those are 'cleaning up' sysfs, not nfs | 04:35 |
amitk_ | ohh wait | 04:36 |
kraut | amitk_: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-feisty.git;a=commit;h=49a70f278658894d2899824cd4037095fb6711fe | 04:36 |
kraut | that one for example | 04:36 |
amitk_ | kraut: these are coming from _upstream_. Have you verified this with newer kernels from other distros? or from kernel.org kernels? | 04:38 |
kraut | not until yet | 04:38 |
kraut | amitk_: i am just searching through lkml | 04:38 |
amitk_ | kraut: Just repeating myself here: 'git log Ubuntu-2.6.17-10.25..Ubuntu-2.6.20-4.5 fs/nfs* | grep UBUNTU' does not yield any Ubuntu-specific patches. So you breakage is likely causes upstream. | 04:39 |
kraut | i read it ;) | 04:39 |
amitk_ | I would urge you to file a bug on kernel.org :) | 04:39 |
kraut | yes yes | 04:40 |
kraut | ;) | 04:40 |
kraut | first i should give 2.6.20-29 a try | 04:41 |
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lamont | BenC: eta to a kernel with hppa happiness? | 05:02 |
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lazka | i guess this has been asked a thousand times... but what are the chances for 2.6.23 in gutsy? | 07:12 |
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zul | lazka: nil im thinking | 07:22 |
lazka | zul: k, thanks | 07:24 |
zul | considering 2.6.23 hasnt even been released yet | 07:24 |
kylem | why do you want .23? | 07:25 |
lazka | kylem: nothing really important... while playing counterstrike i often get lags and i thought maybe the new scheduler might change this,, | 07:28 |
zul | lazka: doesnt stop you from building your own from source though | 07:30 |
pmjdebruijn | lazka, probably not | 07:30 |
pmjdebruijn | lazka, if you only run a single application, the schedular does not make much of a difference.... | 07:30 |
pmjdebruijn | lazka, and if you run multiple apps... you plain shouldn't while gaming | 07:30 |
lazka | zul: that's on my todo list :) | 07:33 |
lazka | 2.6.22 seems to be a good one... i hope BenC will get some more sleep then last time right before the release :P | 07:35 |
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doko | BenC: please could you prepare a linux-libc-dev for lpia? I don't care, if kernels are built, maybe build just a generic kernel, with -march=i686 -mtune=i586, and use explicitely gcc-4.1 | 08:23 |
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BenC | doko: you could probably use i386 package and force install it (or dpkg-deb munge it for lpia arch) | 08:32 |
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doko | BenC: so scared that you leave? ;-P | 08:47 |
BenC | doko: trying to get this laptop stable :) | 08:48 |
doko | BenC: no, we're done with the bootstrap, now needing to make build-essential workable. could you upload a new package today? | 08:48 |
doko | BenC: one more reason to build linux-libc-dev from separate source ... | 08:48 |
BenC | doko: not really, tribe-4 freeze is in affect | 08:48 |
doko | BenC: what's the problem, just the lpia change | 08:49 |
BenC | building it from separate source sort of defeats the purpose :) | 08:49 |
BenC | doko: it's the rebuild of all of linux-image's and pitti will shoot me | 08:49 |
infinity | pitti will understand, iff you don't break the build of the other arches... | 08:49 |
BenC | doko: if the bootstrap is done, how did it get done? | 08:49 |
infinity | We have i386 packages in the chroots. We'd really like to not. | 08:50 |
infinity | (Would be nice to be able to debootstrap lpia...) | 08:50 |
BenC | doko: but linux-source-2.6.22 doesn't even know what lpia is...it would take me some time to add a new arch | 08:50 |
=== infinity was sure he asked for this "within a week or so" when he was in London... | ||
doko | infinity: debootstrap worked =) | 08:50 |
infinity | doko: Sure, but it's incomplete. | 08:51 |
doko | BenC: just copy the i386 bits for now and just build one kernel (or none, if thats possible) | 08:53 |
BenC | Ok, I'll try to get an upload tonight | 08:55 |
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djavolo | hi all | 09:07 |
djavolo | how i can update kernel? | 09:07 |
JanC | djavolo: with apt-get or synaptic | 09:13 |
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