
neothx but it is very easy to use it12:01
imbecileanyone know if #ubuntu-xgl is still active?  ive asked awn question in there a few times and nobody has said anything.. in trying to find out how to get the mirrored look in screenshot for awn http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Cybertron+kore?content=6327812:01
MeyvnPriceChild: would a nice feature to add into gutsy :)12:01
PriceChildMeyvn, gconf-editor, then go to apps > nautilus > desktop > icon_view12:01
jrpricechild: do i have to upgrade 3 times? cause right now im upgrading from breezy to dapper, but do i have to go from dapper to edgy then to fiesty?12:01
neobut wat i ask is about network12:01
PriceChildMeyvn, then change thumbnail_size12:01
PriceChildjr, no12:01
MeyvnPriceChild: ah, cheers12:01
jrk ty12:01
ariczneo: 'sudo apt-get install nmap'12:01
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MajorPayneneo: After you install it type man nmap.  That will tell you everything there is to know about it.12:01
PriceChildMeyvn, That's a guess... lemme know if it works :)12:01
Anlarjr: one step at a time is the safest method though12:01
MeyvnPriceChild: sure thing12:01
erUSULimbecile: #ubuntu-effects12:01
jribneo: k, then at least read through the guide about installing software that ubotu sent you so you can install 'nmap'12:01
jrAnlar,  yeah true :/ but im low on time12:02
PriceChildjr, there will be a one step upgrade from dapper to feisty +2 afaik12:02
PriceChildjr, stay on dapper, that is fine12:02
jrPriceChild, id rather be up to date12:02
imbecileerUSUL:  i think the channel is dead... nobody says anything there anymore12:02
Anlarjr: well, you could drop all extra packages first off, for instance have just ubuntu-minimal around.. then do it, it's fast. when on feisty, restore ubuntu-desktop12:02
PriceChildjr, dapper will be supported after feisty's support finishes12:02
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neobut is netcut work with linux?12:02
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Anlarjr: the minimal package is like 1/10th of it all12:02
jrPriceChild,  well from wat i hear, sun java is easier to run and install on fiesty12:03
jrAnlar,  no idea what you are saying lol12:03
Anlarjr: apt-get install sun-java6-jre etc :)12:03
PriceChildjr, yes, but its a lot more hastle getting there and things could go wrong12:03
ariczneo, netcat?12:03
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oninoshikoi dont know what netcut is, nor do i really care... you'll have to do a little research12:03
neono no12:03
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MeyvnPriceChild: there's no thumbnail_size field there only to select/deselect them and display their names12:03
jrAnlar,  omg ru serious theres an apt-get for sun java >_< iv had to manually do everything cause i could find it12:03
neoand more12:03
neothis programs run in windows inv12:04
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre12:04
Anlarjr: you don't have to update everything to +1 and then to +1 and then to +1.. first remove everything that you don't really need and update,update,update, and re-install what you need. it's really fast that way, little amount of network traffic etc12:04
PriceChildjr, :O12:04
allbertLinux linuxgeeks.us 2.6.22-8-generic #1 SMP Thu Jul 12 15:59:45 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux12:04
neobut i ask about some programs like it12:04
jrPriceChild,  no worries this laptop was completely unuseable i just reformated it from xp, it was so bad windows desktop wouldnt boot12:04
PriceChildjr, go to dapper, then follow ubotu's advice and use apt to do it.12:04
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jrPriceChild,  ok12:04
maltaethironhey all, i just downloaded a SuperNES emulator, how do i go about installing it12:04
PriceChildMeyvn, I have one on mine... but i'm not on feisty so may be new feature...12:04
MeyvnPriceChild: ah, wait....in /nautilus/icon_view12:04
jrAnlar,  i figure ill stay on dapper then upgrade when i have more time12:04
ConfidentiaLI am trying to set a terminal as my background through xwinwrap, but I can't seem to make it draw to the background, just open a new window. Could someone help me?12:04
MeyvnPriceChild: there's a default_zoom_level, not sure if that's the one I need12:05
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NigelSpersonally I think feisty is a better release than dapper, it's silly to not upgrade12:05
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PriceChildMeyvn, below that?12:05
neowant some programs that control my network :(12:05
jrPriceChild,  most likely i request a cd for fiesty within the week and ill upgrade when i get it12:05
MajorPayneneo: What do you mean control your network?12:05
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maltaethironhey all, i just downloaded a SuperNES emulator, how do i go about installing it12:06
neolimte download speed12:06
bobodclownmaltaethiron: im a bit new myself but may be able to help, what format have you downloaded it in?12:06
neosea and cut trafic12:06
oninoshikoneo: lots of programs can control your network... i like these two called "iptables" and "perl"12:06
MajorPayneneo: What is "limte"?12:06
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Anlarjr: if you compare dapper to feisty.. dapper really is middle ages, I feel kinda sorry for you :)12:06
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Meta4icalHappened again ..12:06
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MeyvnPriceChild: thanks anyhow, I'll go google/wiki it. I'm bound to find the correct field there12:07
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MeyvnPriceChild: I will let you know12:07
jribmaltaethiron: snes9x is in ubuntu's universe repository.  Just install the 'snes9x' package with your favorite package manager12:07
jrAnlar,  :) meh ill upgrade soon enuf, if u want middle ages i still have windows workspace 3.112:07
jrAnlar,  sorry more like stone ages12:07
oninoshikoAnlar: i fell kinda middle ages with feisty... atleast on x86-6412:07
Meta4icalFollowing Method 1 of this guide, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI  as soon as I reboot my screen goes black before I reach the GDM12:07
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NigelSjr: that was dark ages :)12:07
maltaethironthanks jrib12:07
jrNigelS,  hahaha yes12:07
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jr3.2 inch flops12:07
jribmaltaethiron: oops, actually 'snes9x-x' is in the *mutliverse* repository12:07
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oninoshikoim strongly considering reinstalling gentoo12:08
jri cried when i opend it lol12:08
maltaethironok thanks, jrib12:08
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Anlaroninoshiko: 64 still requires some dark and forbitten rituals :)12:08
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neowith windows i could fully control my net work by some programs like sniffing tools12:08
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oninoshikoyes, i noticed12:08
neoi want some tools like it12:08
oninoshikoneo, whe have told you about packetsniffers and port scanners for linux12:09
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oninoshikoagainst, my i point out, my better judgement12:09
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allbertos[Linux 2.6.22-8-generic i686]  distro[Debian lenny/sid]  cpu[1 x Pentium III (Coppermine) @ 798MHz]  mem[Physical : 249MB, 45.9% free]  disk[Total : 15.34GB, 22.60% Free]  video[nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] ]  sound[] 12:09
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yiyokojoin #wine12:10
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neo packetsniffers and port scanners for linux  nmap12:10
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oninoshikonmap and wireshark12:11
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oninoshikoiptables it a firewall12:11
oninoshikoand perl is a programming language12:11
avisneo, wireshark, iptraf, ntop, etherape12:11
exileReally newbie question: I checked a bunch of unix dictionaries I can't figure it out. I'm trying to run a ventrilo server from the command prompt and it says to just type the name of the file and it'll run "ventrilo_srv" but when I do "sudo ventrilo_srv" (from the directory the file is in) it just says 'command not found'12:11
Anlaroninoshiko: nono. perl is pain. :)12:11
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oninoshikono, python is a pain12:11
jrlol yes python is a pain12:12
MajorPayneexile: Try sudo ./ventrilo_serv12:12
jrbut its simple12:12
neoavis thx alot ;012:12
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MajorPayneexile: Your current directory is not in your path.12:12
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Dusk_my dvdrw is too slow...is it possible that serial ata is disabled or something else is wrong??12:12
oninoshikojr right up untill you put space twice inseted of once12:12
Anlaroninoshiko: I made once a python script, that run as user managed to crash linux kernel.. reproductible each time reliably.12:12
jrlol haha12:12
exileMajorPayne: that worked.. if I do sudo ./ventrilo_srv & will it run it in the background?12:12
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Injenperl owns..12:13
jroninoshiko, i know what thats like my games baisicly supported by python, well was12:13
MajorPayneexile: Kinda.  But if you close the terminal it will stop.12:13
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ariczC .. \o/12:13
Dusk_my dvdrw is too slow...is it possible that serial ata is disabled or something else is wrong??12:13
oninoshikoanlar: did you send it to MKML?12:13
MajorPayneexile: I suggest start-stop-daemon.12:13
spheardcould everyone please click this link, I am trying to generate some server logs to test a bug I think I have just fixed :-) http://www.moonet.co.uk12:13
InjenI write C in perl :P12:13
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Anlaroninoshiko: bugzilla.kernel.org and yeah, they fixed it for the next kernel release12:14
avisDusk_, i am not sure what the SATA "AHCI" setting exactly is but i could swear that i saw performance inprovement putting it into this mode12:14
mmcjii am interested in having multiple sshd's running on different ports, anyone here done this with ubuntu12:14
Anlaroninoshiko: in fact, it was fixed in ~4 hours :)12:14
=== |MrLinux| vam }{ si noapte buna
mmcjicurrntly im running the lastest ubuntu-server12:14
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MajorPayneexile: Are you sure you need to run that as root btw?12:14
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exileI'm just running it as root to make sure it works lol12:14
oninoshikoAnlar: generally you'd expect a panic to be fixed quickly :p12:14
Anlaroninoshiko: it wasn't panic. it was hard lock.12:15
Dusk_avis, what can i do do you know??12:15
MeyvnPriceChild: found it >> open nautilus, menu Edit > Prefrences, tab View and play with Icon view defaults section12:15
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exileMajorPayne: I'm really new to this, I'm just trying to find a way to get it to run in the background, all of these tutorials tell me to do different things, it's getting complicated12:15
oninoshikoAnlar: hrm... wow12:15
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MajorPayneexile: Ahh.  I doubt you need root.  I would suggest not running it as root.  Infact, giving it its own user and using start-stop-daemon is most likely your best bet.12:15
avisDusk i enabled it in my bios settings.  ubuntu simply ran faster.  if i'm not mistaken ahci is a sata bios setting12:15
lhoerstedoes anyone know a good guide for setting up raid 1 on an already existing Ubuntu install?12:16
alesanhow do you say dvd burner in german? anybody can help me?12:16
avisfor things like sata dvdroms etc12:16
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PriceChildMeyvn, woo much simpler :)12:16
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Dusk_avis, i enabled it on bios but it's still slow i think..let me search on the net12:17
nj786hey does anybody know how to get the bar of icons the pannel12:17
nj786like the mac OS12:17
Anlaroninoshiko: someone had optimized one of the most important device drivers.. to save roughly 5 clock cycles per second in total..12:17
MeyvnPriceChild: only downside is that the iconsize is incremental i.e. 100% 75% 50% etc.12:17
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MeyvnPriceChild: decremental even :)12:18
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MikeRotchis there anyone here that can help with rdesktop and seamlessrdp on a Windows XP VMWare machine in ubuntu??12:18
kassah-lappyMikeRotch: what's the problem?12:18
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PriceChildMikeRotch, have you read the wiki guide? it works perfectly if you follow it?12:18
hustlebirdif i'm trying to burn a ubuntu iso from serpentine do i go to create photo cd12:18
PriceChildhustlebird, no12:18
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PriceChildhustlebird, close serpentine12:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ircd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:18
hustlebirdright clicking on it won't work12:19
PriceChildhustlebird, browse to the cd in nautilus, then right click it and selec......12:19
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ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines12:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about a=ark - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:19
PriceChild!doesn't work | hustlebird12:19
ubotuhustlebird: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:19
Sullecan annyone help me with my problem?. with Svideo i get picture and sound on one channel but no color. On the other scart "entrance?" i get picture WITH color but not sound. what can i do ?12:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ark - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:19
dem0n!irc server12:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about irc server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:19
lhoerstedoes anyone know a good guide for setting up raid 1 on an already existing Ubuntu install? I want to preserve the data on my first hdd12:19
PriceChild!msgthebot | dem0n jr12:19
MikeRotchpricechild which one12:19
ubotudem0n jr: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:19
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MikeRotchthe one i find on wiki isn't for feisty?12:19
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MikeRotchi followed a guide that said 10 minutes to get any windows app on ubuntu or something12:19
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Meyvn!sleep > me12:20
PriceChildMikeRotch, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SeamlessVirtualization12:20
hustlebirdsays i need to insert a cd with at least 698 mb when i put a 700mb cd in12:20
genesisare you sleeping??12:20
PriceChildhustlebird, sure its not a 650 cd? because that doesn't make sense otherwise :)12:20
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lhoerste!raid > me12:20
jrhustlebird,  normally 11 mb of anything put into a computer is rendered invalid or used12:20
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hustlebirdsays 700mb on the case12:21
jrhustlebird,  for example a 128 mb usb disk drive shows up as 119mb useable12:21
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jrhustlebird,  try compressing whatever you are trying to burn12:22
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hvgotcodeshey im having wireless trouble -- i can connect to an open network but not a wep encrypted one12:22
oninoshikoanyone know why im getting the message "GThread-ERROR **: GThread system may only be initialized once." when i try and run synfigstudio?12:22
hustlebirdcan i compress the ubuntu iso?12:22
Cyrus25801hi, i just found a video file on my pc. everytime i try and open it it tells me it has been encrypted. i cant even open it in windows.can someone help12:23
jrhustlebird,  pretty sure12:23
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hustlebirdwill it still work if i try to boot up from it12:23
Injenno hustlebird12:23
mmcjinm, i found it..thanks though12:24
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mmcjiPriceChild: what did you want to know?12:24
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oninoshikohustlebird: an ISO is not a file you just burn to a CD... it is an image of a CD12:24
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mmcjio he quit12:25
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hvgotcodescan anyone help me with my wireless network problem?12:25
nj786does anybody know how to get that pannel of icons (the bar)12:25
hustlebirdhow do i burn it so i can get the new ubuntu installed?12:25
Priceymmcji, ?12:25
Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: the ubuntu iso is already compressed..12:25
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avishustlebird, i have no trouble burning cd isos to dvd media.  if you still have problems its most likely because you haven't given nautilus enough time to respond12:25
mmcjithe user logged out12:25
rocketsI just fixed the WiFi at my local coffee shop for free. Should I bill'em?12:25
MajorPaynenj786: What pannel of icons do you want?12:25
Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: right click the iso and write to cd12:25
nj786MajorPayne: just a ba rof icons12:25
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Priceymmcji, I am PriceChild :)12:25
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MajorPaynenj786: You can add stuff to your pannel by right clicking on the pannel and clicking add to pannel.12:26
hustlebirdtried that, says insert a cd with at least 698mb free space12:26
ubuntu_noobSomeone help me with partitioning?12:26
nj786MajorPayne: yes but i want it like this12:26
nj786MajorPayne: hold12:26
Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: most new cds have that..12:26
oninoshikohustlebird: is your cd blank?12:26
mmcji# cdrecord -v dev=/dev/hdc isoimage.iso12:26
Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: even if it says 701 meg free. it will still work12:26
shavexi have ubuntu on an external hard drive and its always beenable to read my music off my windows harddrive and play it and everything... but now no matter what file i try to open it has an error, whats the problem?12:26
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hustlebirdyes, just bought it12:26
mmcjisub hdc for your rw drive id12:27
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ubuntu_noobCan someone answer some partitioning questions?12:27
MajorPayne!ask | ubuntu_noob12:27
ubotuubuntu_noob: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:27
avisshavex you sound like you need multimedia codecs12:27
hustlebirdwhere is nautilus12:27
Jack_Sparrowubuntu_noob: Just ask your question.. if we know we will help12:27
shavexits beenable to play before tho, why now would it stop working?12:27
Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: You dont need nautilus to burn..12:28
ubuntu_noobHow can I resolve the error that the space I'm trying to free is 'too big'?12:28
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avishustlebird, its the file manager native to gnome in ubuntu.  it also takes care of the right click on .iso write (burn) function12:28
Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: You can get nautilus by typing it in a terminal/cli12:28
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nj786MajorPayne: http://i19.tinypic.com/4qdwx7q.png12:28
ubuntu_noobI'm trying to reduce the size of my xp partition with GParted on the ubuntu livecd12:28
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Ayabaraanyone using mplayer here who could check which video codec it chooses when playing a wmv file?12:29
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chinodoes ubuntu do some type of magic or is hibernation etc... all handled by the kernel ?12:29
nj786MajorPayne: scroll down12:29
[phear] crippler|hey guys12:29
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avisAyabara, w32codecs.  i'd try the seveas repository12:29
ubuntu_noobI've made the space I'm trying to free smaller and smaller, untill there's not enough room to install ubuntu, so I stopped making it smaller12:29
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MajorPaynenj786: I don't know.12:29
nj786MajorPayne: did you see it?12:29
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Ayabaraavis: ah. thanks12:30
ChrisF-in Beryl, when I rotate to other desktops, the top of the cube is a red picture with the jewel in it.  Any way of changing this?12:30
MajorPaynenj786: Yes.12:30
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nj786does anybody know how to get a pannel like this onto your desktop?     http://i19.tinypic.com/4qdwx7q.png12:30
InjenBeen a minute since I've seen someone here from Chocolate City :P12:30
bobodclownLo all, sorry for the very noob question but when linux hangs.. is there anything i can press (ctrl-alt-del equivalent?)12:30
hustlebirdif go to properties on the cd it says size unknown12:30
quaalnj786, yes12:31
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ChrisF-nj786: It is avant window manager12:31
avisbobodclown, if you mean your xserver then ctrl-alt-backspace12:31
ChrisF-something like that... google "avant ubuntu"12:31
nj786quaal: can you show me12:31
nj786ChrisF-: yes but i dont want it to show what programs i am running12:31
ubuntu_noobIs there a GParted irc channel?12:31
quaalnj786, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38598112:31
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Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: Insert a blank cd.. they usually say 700 meg on them anyhow...  next.. right click the *.iso and select write to dick.12:31
quaalwrite to dick!12:32
radioman;] ] 12:32
unagianyone here use maya or shake?12:32
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tannerlddoes ubuntu have good joystick support?12:32
hustlebirdtried that with like 5 blank cds always says insert a disc with at least 698mb free space12:32
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oninoshikobobodclown: if your in the GUI you can try "ctrl-alt-backspace" if you can ssh in (and this is even better) you can use top and ps to find the dead process and kill it12:32
hvgotcodescan someone at least tell me which files are relevant to wireless networking on ubunutu?12:33
Jack_Sparrowquaal: and you just HAD to repeat my typo... I am proud of you..12:33
nj786quaal: ok i dont understand what to do on the link you gave me12:33
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unagihustlebird have you tried extracting the files and burning them hustlebird12:33
quaalnj786, can you not read?12:33
MajorPaynebobodclown: Use kill.  Or if you want use xkill, that is handy.12:33
MajorPaynebobslaede: No need to ssh in.12:33
quaalit tells you EXACTLY what to do.12:33
shavexwhenever i try to play music it says resource not available or busy, how do i get it to stop saying that?12:34
nj786quaal: yes i know but the thing is there is more than 1 and i dont know anything about avant manager12:34
Jack_Sparrowquaal: what type,brand of cd's do you have?12:34
avishustlebird, you could try the package 'graveman' and under duplicate cd change the source to iso file then the target to your burner.  might as well try something else12:34
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hustlebirdo, don't know how.  need a bootable ubuntu version though12:34
oninoshikoMajorPayne: ive had X get hung up on an offending process before...12:34
sexcopte1hi there. can anyone tell me how to stop calc from changing July 2007 to 01/07/07?12:34
quaalnj786, the thread tells you exactly what to do to install avant12:34
oninoshikobut i think that was in the XFree days12:34
quaalif you cannot follow simple instructions you should probably not be using a computer12:34
MajorPayneoninoshiko: Then switch to a vertual terminal.12:34
quaalits like 2 steps.12:34
Injenhustlebird: you on win?12:34
quaalmaybe 312:35
unaginj786: do you know anything about installing packages?12:35
hustlebirdno, don't have win12:35
=== bobodclown [n=bobodclo@students.birm.vic.ask4.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
shavexwhenever i try to play music it says resource not available or busy, how do i get it to stop saying that?12:35
nj786unagi: it depends what do you mean? synaptic?12:35
quaalJack_Sparrow, i have uh.. fujifilm12:35
unagiif you add those source debs then yes i  mean synaptic12:35
hustlebirdjust got a computer with nothing on it and all i had was old ubuntu12:35
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Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: do they have any number on them like 650 or 700..12:36
oninoshikoMajorPayne: the incedednt in question it was not accepting keyboard input12:36
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Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: Are you sure there is nothing already on those cd's12:36
avishustlebird, graveman is worth a try.12:36
hustlebirdjust bought them12:36
unaginj786: avant window navigator has been nice to me12:36
MajorPayneoninoshiko: Ok.  Most often you can kill the process without using ssh.12:36
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hustlebirdhow do i do that12:37
nj786unagi: does it show what program is currently running?12:37
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Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: I need to ask a dumb question, are you sure you have the shiny sude down.12:37
unagidoes what show what what program is runing12:37
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bobodclownlo all, sorry if someone answered this but computer crashed! what should i do when ubuntu hangs? is there a Ctrl-alt-del equivalent?12:37
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Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: then there is no reason they will not work12:37
hustlebirdno shiny side though they're black12:37
stuart-ubuntu hangs? that's weird12:37
unagibobodclown: gnome-system-monitor12:37
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unagii dont know if there is a keystroke for it or not12:37
naomitsGood evening12:37
avisbobodclown, if yo mean the xserver you can ctrl-alt-backspace to kill x12:37
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unagiavis that isnt what he means12:38
MajorPayneBriPed: Type alt-f2, type xkill and click on the bad program.12:38
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unagihe is looking for a process monitor12:38
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MajorPaynebobslaede: Err, whops, ^^12:38
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hustlebirdthought they might not work with the burner but recorded mps that worked fine12:38
aviswell theoretically if ubuntu is locked up i dont know how he would access one12:38
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keencan i get help installing ubuntu here12:38
MajorPayne!ask | keen12:39
ubotukeen: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:39
Injenhustlebird: providing the discs are burned right, and bios is pointing to cd-rom. Shouldn't have that problem. Have another cd drive? set that as primary and try that? You can use any old cd drive to boot from.12:39
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unagii didnt see him say anything about locking up12:39
norbinihey all12:39
unagimy bad12:39
hvgotcodesnoone here can help with a wireless question/ tell me which files are relevant?12:39
ubotuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures12:39
hustlebirdcan't get it to burn, that's the problem12:39
unagibobodclown: what do you mean by crash12:39
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unagi!doesnt work12:40
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:40
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ubuntu_noobHow do I disable the windows swap file?12:40
unagii love that one lol12:40
InjenThen that is a problem. :)12:40
avishvgotcodes, i seem to be able to connect wirelessly with WEP/WPA using gnome's network manager without issue12:40
unagithat is a good question ubuntu_noob12:40
MajorPayneubuntu_noob: That is not a Ubuntu question.12:40
MajorPayne!windows | ubuntu_noob12:40
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unagiactually MajorPayne i would love to know the answer12:40
oninoshikohvgotcodes: the "relevent files" is dependent on a number of factors, such as you wifi-chipset12:40
ubotuubuntu_noob: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents12:40
ubuntu_noobI'm doing this to try and install ubuntu12:40
unagihow to get the pc to seek grub first12:40
hvgotcodesavis: i can when my network is open12:40
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hvgotcodesnot when it is encrypted12:40
bobodclownunagi: in gnome, it hangs, ie mouse moves but clicks dont register, no keyboard shrotcut seem to work12:40
avishvgotcodes, are you running something other than feisty ?12:41
unagiubuntu_noob: if windows is installed first grub will automatically overwrite it or it should12:41
keeni'm trying to instal ubuntu on my dell insiron e1505 and i can't boot from the cd because of graphical errors, any idea on what to do?12:41
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hvgotcodesoninoshiko: ipw2200 im pretty sure not a driver problem12:41
bobodclownunagi: i think its gnome (the default windows for ubuntu?)12:41
unagictrl + alt + backspace restarts the x server12:41
hvgotcodesavis: feisty12:41
unagiusually works12:41
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norbinicould anyone help with a problem i'm having? my system seems to think pressing the shift key means i'm also pressing the control key, and vice versa.12:41
neohi all12:41
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bobodclownunagi: tried that and no luck! any other key combos that might help?12:41
neoif i manually download software12:41
unagino...sounds like a video problem12:41
unagiare you running beryl?12:42
dylanmoorehello, i was wondering if anyone could assist me with a bcm43xx wireless issue12:42
neohow can i setup it?12:42
_nnx_After doing some reinstallations to fix problems after an upgrade, UDev started acting REALLY REALLY weird.  Now when I boot it dumps messages to the console for a good three minutes straight.  Anyone have any ideas?12:42
hustlebirdanyone know if there is a smaller ubuntu iso anywhere?\12:42
MajorPayneneo: How is the software packaged?12:42
unagihustlebird: a cd has 700mb of space on it.....12:42
kitche!mini | hustlebird12:42
ubotuhustlebird: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:42
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neoand i can extract it12:42
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MajorPayne!compile | neo12:43
ubotuneo: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:43
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hvgotcodesavis: it might have somethign to do with avahi12:43
hustlebirdthanx i'll try that12:43
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hvgotcodeswhen im connected to an open network i only see eth112:43
avisi think so hvgotcodes i dont use avaji and its rather straightforward12:43
unagianyone know the name of the network manager for mandriva or perhaps a better one or one similar to that one......12:44
hvgotcodesavis: avahi was on this machine by default -- this is  a fresh install12:44
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keenis there anyway to install fiesty, even tho i can't load any graphical drivers?12:44
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kitcheunagi: umm the title should say it's name12:44
hvgotcodestrying to remove avahi removes ubuntu-desktop12:45
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unagiit sits in the system tray12:45
avishvgotcodes, then i suspect that isn't the problem12:45
kitcheunagi: that is just a panel add on12:45
kitcheunagi: xfce kde has it not sure about gnome though12:45
neothx :)12:45
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hvgotcodeswhen i connect to open i have just eth1, when i try to connect to wep i have eth1 and eth1:avahi12:45
Pozdoes anyone know how to install the new ati drivers12:45
unagiwhats it called for kde12:45
unagiand if i install it do i have to install kde?12:45
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Pozfor an ati 1100 xpress12:45
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unagiits just i would love to be able to refresh my wireless list12:46
unagii steal peoples internet12:46
norbiniwhen i use the keyboard prefs in system-preferences-keyboard and click 'layouts.. add' it shows me that pressing shift makes x think i'm pressing control also. and vice versa.12:46
kitcheunagi: gnome should have soemthing like that also12:46
unagiud think so....can anyone drop a name for gnome?12:46
InjenI've been using my next door "hotels" open proxy for years :P12:46
avisunagi i believe its gnome-network-manager12:46
norbiniodd that i have the same problem on the console12:46
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kitcheunagi: right click and add applet to panel it's called network-something or other12:47
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dylanmoorehello, i was wondering if anyone could assist me with a bcm43xx wireless issue12:47
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dylanmoorecard is seeing APs but not connecting12:47
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unaginetwork monitor12:47
unaginmot quite what i was seeking12:47
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unagiman id love to have the mandriva one it was quite nice12:48
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unagior one similar12:48
=== oninoshiko is still trying to figure out how one steals the internet
Mezme1is anyone familiar with the AD1981HD audio codec? I'm using a thinkpad X61 and the sound isn't working correctly... I tried the forum help and for some reason it's not working...12:48
unagioninoshiko: you find someone dumb enough to not secure their wireless router12:48
ubuntu_noobWindows defragmenter is aweful!12:48
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oninoshikounagi: and then you can deprive the owners of the internet of it?12:49
jvaiunagi, add gnome-network manager from synaptic.. also. i was successful with it12:49
oninoshikomaybe take it home with you12:49
InjenSecured wireless routers wep's are cracked in 15 minutes.12:49
jvai<-- on dapper12:49
oninoshikoi imagine that would take a big harddrive12:49
oninoshikomaybe a sun thumper12:49
Moniker42how do i convert kvcd to something remotely useful?12:49
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unagii dont have gnome-network in my list12:49
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Meta4icalimagine the fun people have with on unsecured routers.12:50
norbinirecently, pressing caps-lock turned down the volume on the sound card as well as toggling caps lock.12:50
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norbinii have no idea where to start trying to troubleshoot this problem12:50
Mezme1jvai/unagi: it doesn't always work on feisty, I just finished working on a HP zv6000 with similar problems12:50
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx12:50
avisMeta4ical, that happened to me once.  i freaked.  neighbor is nice enough to share i dont dare abuse it12:50
unagiwhat problems12:51
jvaiMezme1, with both gnome nm & plain nm togethr?12:51
needhelpHi, have trouble getting the printer (HP Deskjet 3940) to work. Clicking System->Admin->Printing->New Printer: no printers detected. The printer is connected to USB and power is on. What else could be wrong ?12:51
Mezme1at one point or another yes12:51
=== anthony_ [n=anthony@74-61-253-3.vis.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mezme1I went through several different scenarios12:51
InjenAs long as the wlan router isn't loging, oh well. :)12:51
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unagiwhat problems Mezme112:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb-snd-audio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-nm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:52
hvgotcodeshow do i tell networking to restart?12:52
bunnyflyIs there a way to not allow windows tops to extend above the Gnome menu? I'm running a program that captures the mouse - alt-move is then disabled, and I can't see the top centimeter of the app or move it!12:52
MajorPayne!printing | needhelp12:52
ubotuneedhelp: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:52
quaaldoes anyone run avant12:52
avishvgotcodes, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart12:52
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Mezme1that would be seeing the wireless networks and not being able to access the internet (even though feisty thought it was accessing them)12:52
jvaii was only succesful with nm when i added both gnome nm & regular nm12:52
jvai& a reboot12:52
Mezme1and not seeing the access points12:52
unagiwhere did you fined them jvai12:52
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shavexhow do you look at your devices from the terminal?12:52
MajorPayneshavex: ls /dev12:53
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jvaiin synaptic... enable restricted , universe & multiverse12:53
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atrusany idea why i can connect to my wpa wireless at home, but not any open unencryted ones elsewhere? wifi-radar connects to them fine.12:53
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rlountatrus: you have essid set to "any"?12:54
unagiim going to try this knetwork12:54
rlountif the essid is set to your home lan then it won't pick up any others.12:54
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atrusrlount: not sure, i'm just using network-manager to select the network i want to connect to12:54
shavexhow do you see just a list of hard drives?12:55
rlountThat's my main issue with an applet for interface control.12:55
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bunnyflyHello, is there a way to not allow windows tops to extend above the bottom of the Gnome menu, especially when the app loads?12:55
rlounthave you tried the command line?12:55
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atrusrlount: except it doesn't work outside my home. wifi-radar, or manually connecting on the command line works fine.12:55
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jvaii know 1 thing.. nm has issues working with external wifi cards12:55
DragnslcrAnyone here worked with kvm? When I try to start a virtual machine, it hangs at "Loading..." and uses 100% of one of my CPU cores12:55
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unagiknetwork looks nice12:55
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intelikeyis there never an op in #kubuntu any more ?12:56
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tannerldhow can one get a list of proccess running on a users account?12:57
rlountatrus: I have a hunch NM is the culprit. you can try doing things the manual way in /etc/network/interfaces but you then have to turn NM on and off when manually mucking.12:57
atrusrlount: yes, the command line works fine for the unencrypted networks, and network-manager works for the encrypted ones, i'd just like to get both working from network-manager.12:57
rlountatrus: thats always the goal =)12:57
intelikeytannerld pstree ?12:57
atrusrlount: which sucks when apps like pidgin/gaim won't connect because they think the network is down, because network-manager says so.12:57
norbinitannerld: ps -fade -U username12:57
unagiok knetwork doesnt seem to be as nice as i thought12:57
tannerldintelikey: with their pid?12:58
PriceChildintelikey, i'l take a look in #kubuntu12:58
unagiall i want is a network manager that will allow me to refresh the connection list.....is that so much to ask?12:58
Mezme1anyone know how to use mercurial on ubuntu? I read that using it to update alsa drivers might get sound working on new implementations of the AD1981HD codec12:58
jvairlount u r using an external wifi card?12:58
intelikeytannerld there is a switch yes12:58
atrusi just can't figure out why network-manager would work in the complicated wpa case, but fail on plain old ordinary no-frills open wireless.12:58
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rlountjvai, no, centrino12:58
jvaioo ok12:58
avisatrus i dont know either but you have me worried12:58
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rlountI have used the gold cards (orinico) but with much headache w/ NM12:58
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atrusbeen looking for a solution to this for a couple months with no luck :/12:59
rlountI ditched NM soon after.12:59
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jvaime too @ rlount..12:59
rlountit kills kismet too.12:59
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shavexwhat does this mean... sudo mount /dev/sda112:59
shavexmount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab12:59
oninoshikoi used to have an orrinoco... they worked soo nice12:59
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kitcheshavex: exactly as the error says12:59
Orfeouswhere can i find/download "Application: octet-stream" ?12:59
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Orfeousmy KDE says that it is missing12:59
kitcheshavex: mount /dev/sda1 <mount point> is what you want12:59
jvaiwhen i had the thinkpad 600x working on hoary, i used network applet12:59
darrencreat a fold in media first01:00
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Oval_Hi guys!01:00
darrenmoutn /dev/sda1 /media/mystuff01:00
jvaino go for network manager with orinoco cards :(01:00
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kitcheOrfeous: you need to tell kde the application to use for a stream most likely01:00
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bunnyflyHello, I have an app that captures the mouse (alt-drag is disabled) but loads at the top of the screen so that the title bar isn't visible. Is there a way to disable windows from extending above the screen's top?01:01
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Oval_I got a scanner that I've successfully hooked up to USB.  I want to program the button on the scanner to work, is there a way that I can read the signal that the scanner sends when the button is pressed and take advantage of that signal with Python?01:01
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Oval_Basically, what I need to know is where the signal appears.01:01
Oval_In order to read it.01:01
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Orfeouskitche: ah.. ok.. :)01:01
Orfeouswhat application for example?01:01
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dylanmoorehello, i was wondering if anyone could assist me with a bcm43xx wireless issue: card is seeing APs but not connecting.  the light even blinks when it tries to connect01:02
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kitcheOrfeous: umm vlc or mplayer or totem or xine01:02
dylanmoorehello, i was wondering if anyone could assist me with a bcm43xx wireless issue: card is seeing APs but not connecting.  the light even blinks when it tries to connect01:02
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nomaShi, anybody can help with a domain ?01:03
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oninoshikonomaS: i think cx would be a good choice01:03
Orfeouskitche: i will look it up.. thank you..01:03
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Meta4icalCould anyone help me with a video card/driver issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51360701:04
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kitchenomaS: what do you need to know?01:04
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darrendylanmoore try firmware cutter as this resolved the same problem with wireless card01:04
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darrenuse aptitude fwcutter01:04
unagii guess ill just add that to the list of things windows does better than linux =*(01:04
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dylanmooredarren, i am using bcm43xx-fwcutter01:05
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dylanmooredarren, this is the same?01:05
Jack_Sparrowhustlebird: yes01:05
darrenyeah i believe so01:05
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Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: yes01:06
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kitchedylanmoore: yes that is for bcm43 cards01:06
darrenbut that is for a airplus card01:06
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Works like a charm01:06
=== SpeakerMania [n=SpeakerM@71-33-165-134.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
darreni had it fix my BCM01:06
darrencard quiet well01:06
SpeakerManiaHey, in which directory is the system fonts in?01:07
dylanmooredarren, jack_sparrow, it's saying i have a bcm430301:07
dylanmooreand a bcm4301 when i do iwconfig01:07
darrenthe other problem you may have is the same one i did which is you need a fresh install to get rid of all the other drivers you may have tried01:07
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: 43xx is the same01:07
darrenjack is right01:07
darrenhey jack give us a Yarr01:07
dylanmooredarren, alright, i have been working on this for almost a week, i suppose i will try reinstall01:08
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Try it first.. if you need to blacklist something channel can help with that01:08
darrenyeah took me 3 weeks to fix01:08
darrenonce i did i was so annoyed it was so easy01:08
darrenplus what kernal you using01:08
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dylanmoorehaha, ok, wish me luck then01:08
SpeakerManiaHey, in which directory is the system fonts in?01:08
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darrenfeisty fawn has a lot eaiser wireless gear in it01:08
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dylanmooredarren, im using feisty, i just installed it recently01:09
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Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: You can do it right now01:09
dylanmoorejack, how do i do that01:09
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Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Should only take a minute unless you need to boot into ub cuz you are running something else atm  :)01:09
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Are you in ubuntu01:09
jvaidoes fiesty have network manager already in it?01:10
dylanmoorejack, yes i am01:10
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dylanmoorejvai, yes01:10
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Use synaptic and locate fwcutter01:10
yaccini have some problems with pam_usb... it seems to work right, but it doesnt :(01:10
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dylanmoorejack, it says that fwcutter is installed01:11
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Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Install it... let it find your driver and install everything01:11
noldonwhy dosnt my device shows up on my desktop when i mount it01:11
korhalfMy sound is messed, i checked alsamixer to see if th elevels were down or if it was muted01:11
korhalfno luck however01:11
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korhalfi still dont hear anything and it was just working like a few hours ago01:11
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: You can tell it to reinstall or go to terminal01:11
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hvgotcodeswhere do i configure where dhcp requests should go to01:12
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korhalfi tried using mp123 foo.mp3 and it decodes but i hear no sound01:12
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korhalfso i dont think the resource is being tied up01:13
dylanmoorejack, i reinstalled, what now01:13
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Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: it should have run....01:13
dylanmoorei reinstalled with synaptic01:14
Toaster`Evening all, how do I get nm-applet to ignore (forget?) about an available ap in range?  I connected once to an open connection, and now it defaults to that as opposed to my ap.01:14
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Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: lets do this manually then..     get this file..   http://boredklink.googlepages.com/wl_apsta.o01:14
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: save it to your desktop01:14
aguitel_anyone know how to install scanner lexmark x1185 multifunction01:14
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dylanmoorejack, i have done something similar to this before.01:15
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WhoNeedszzzHello, I fixed my space issue btw, but I am wondering about installing the nvidia driver with the script from nvidia: when i run it says that i can't run it with xserver running, how do i install it then?01:15
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dylanmoorejack, but i can do again if needed01:15
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: FYI if you have installed wifi radar, it can cause an issue but that is also solveable01:15
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dylanmoorejack, wifi radar is installed01:16
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czedlitzWhoNeedszzz, http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Edgy#METHOD_201:16
VeenifiedAnyone know how to get a intranet up and running in ubuntu?01:16
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Humor me... then we can look at what might be the problem01:16
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dylanmoorejack, i'm willing to try anything at this point01:16
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: DO you mind uninstalling wifi radar for now?01:16
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dylanmoorejack, i will uninstall wifiradar now01:17
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lexus_nexisthis is such a stupid question but is there an irc for windows troubleshooting, my dads computer crashes at boot no matter what I do01:17
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Ok...  Just want to help you get going.. I understand how frustrating these things can be.01:17
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lexus_nexisi mean hi01:17
LeeColletonhi ho, hi ho01:17
Toaster`Evening all, how do I get nm-applet to ignore (forget?) about an available ap in range?  I connected once to an open connection, and now it defaults to that as opposed to my ap.01:18
dylanmoorejack, wifi radar is removed01:18
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Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: did you get that file yet.. save it to your desktop01:18
dylanmoorejack, yes i did01:18
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Open a terminal01:18
lexus_nexisdylanmoore what is jack helping you with ?01:18
lexus_nexisthis is such a stupid question but is there an irc for windows troubleshooting, my dads computer crashes at boot no matter what I do01:19
dylanmoorelexus, bcm43xx01:19
noldonnn som vet hut jag kan exportera filer frn ipod till datorn01:19
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: cd Desktop then ls to make sure you see the file01:19
rocketsIf I have a core 2 duo, its safe to disable all the AMD and Powernow stuff in the kernel right? (when i compile one that is)01:19
dylanmoorejack, ok i see it01:19
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o01:19
lexus_nexisdoes anybody know where I can get some f****** windoze help?01:19
hvgotcodesok ive determined that my router is configured to work with dhcp, but that dhclient is not working01:20
Jack_Sparrowlexus_nexis: #Windows01:20
hvgotcodescan anyone help me resolve that?01:20
dylanmoorejack, ok it extracted some files01:20
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lexus_nexisnow why didn't I think if that01:20
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware/`uname -r` ~/Desktop/wl_apsta.o01:20
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needhelpHi, have trouble getting the printer (HP Deskjet 3940) to work. Clicking System->Admin->Printing->New Printer: no printers detected. The printer is connected to USB and power is on. What else could be wrong ?01:21
=== lexus_nexis kicks him self in the arse
izzybwhat happened to /etc/inittab?01:21
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome01:21
dylanmoorejack, okay, extracted some more files01:21
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lexus_nexisviva la linux!01:21
dylanmoorejack, network manager is alrdy up to date01:21
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shoeshine911hey i'm using xchat in ubuntu and it'll say it's dccing me the file and it was successful but nothing comes up01:21
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IceLinkhi, what was the site called whre to find debs?01:21
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: system > preferences > sessions >startup programs  make sure  you see ...    nm-applet --sm-disable01:22
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IceLinki've just upgradet ubuntu and i have to reinstall ndiswrapper but it doesn't work since a path couldn't be found, so i want to download the .deb of ndis for feisty01:22
dylanmoorejack, network manager is present in the startup programs01:22
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dylanmoorejack, im guessing you meant i should put that in terminal if network manager was not present? or should i still01:23
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore:   Do you see bars in the top right.. if not restart x and come back01:23
jvaineedhelp, did u select "local printer"? it may default to network printer01:23
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dylanmoorejack, no i am connected through ethernet currently01:23
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Make sure in network manager you see that phrase01:23
dylanmoorejack, i did not see that phrase, how do i add it01:23
deathbloomsHey guys !01:24
dylanmoorejack, nevermind01:24
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dylanmoorejack, in edit that phrase is in there01:24
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Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: ok...01:24
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dylanmoorejack, is there a way to restart quickly?01:24
needhelpjvai: yes, "Local or Detected Printer", but Next-button in the wizard is disabled because there are no detected printers.01:24
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deathbloomsHey can some 1 help me ?01:25
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deathbloomsi Have no window boarder !01:25
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Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: ctrl alt backspace...01:25
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Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Wife just got home, hope this fixes it..01:26
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gnychishas anyone ever gotten the badwindow error trying to use xine-ui in beryl?01:26
lImItaOhow can i known with which /dev/input/event  is associated in the 40.permissions rules?01:26
jvaineedhelp, did u slect the drivers for that printer? it may be in the printer app, but you'll need to "awaken" the drivers, they wont automatically01:26
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needhelpjvai: dunno... where can I check for that?01:27
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zax1i just installed xubuntu on a pentium 266 with 32 mb but xserver failed01:28
jvaiwhen u add new printer, there 1 of 3 steps01:28
needhelpjvai: yes, Im at Step 101:28
PummageI don't suppose anyone could help me with Pcsx could they?01:29
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jvaiok... do the rest u have to look @ add what printer u have01:29
zax1how do i reconfigure it, i remember there was a help file somewhere with 3 lines to force reconfiguration, any one remember where to find it ?01:29
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WhoNeedszzzdoes someone mind saying my name for me?01:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:30
Jason_Dwhere would i get printer drivers01:30
soneilWhoNeedszzz: any particular reason?01:30
WhoNeedszzzsoneil testing sounds01:30
rlountWhoNeedszzz ... say again? =)01:30
lImItaOhow can i known with which /dev/input/event  is associated in the 40.permissions rules?01:30
zax1how do i force redetection ofgraphics hardware and display from the command prompt01:30
WhoNeedszzzrlount no that's good01:30
rlountnp. =)01:30
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WhoNeedszzzxchat is good for that01:30
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ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.01:31
=== malocite [n=malocite@bas3-toronto12-1168024820.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
needhelpjvai: I can choose between "Local or Detected Printer", Networkprinter, use a detected printer (empty list), or enter a port manually. I cant click the Next-button, it is disabled until I can choose a detected printer. But it doesnt detect anything, therefore I'm stuck at Step1, cant go to step2...01:31
=== dylanmoore [n=dylan@ip72-209-65-29.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:31
malocitewhats a good ipfilter for ubuntu?  Now that I'm switched over I want to get one installed01:31
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dylanmoorejack_sparrow, i restarted and the card still sees the APs, but does not connect01:31
krammerHow can I stop the video of ubuntu running in every session?01:31
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ZambeziI have two documents 01 and 02. And I want to compare them and kill all the duplicates and get an output file 03. Is that possible?01:32
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: have you teird this before..  modprobe bcm43xx01:32
jvaiok @ needhelp select "forward01:32
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: I need to ask.. have you tried either automatix or envy scripts..01:32
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dylanmoorei dont believe so01:32
jvaithen @ needhelp select your printer01:32
needhelpjvai: Button is disabled. Only Cancel-button is enabled...01:32
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: then modprobe the bcm01:33
needhelpjvai: there is no printer in the list to select from01:33
dylanmoorejack, hold on let me try to connect01:33
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krammerI can some here throw some advice about getting a pop video of ubuntu01:33
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jvaineedhelp, the forward button is greyed out? did u select local printer?01:33
krammerit pops up without me asking for this video01:34
needhelpjvai: yes to both questions01:34
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dylanmoorejack, i could not connect after modprobing01:34
dylanmoorejack, i used a script a while back, but it was one from the ubuntuforums, the one by bmartin and darkn00b01:34
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: That sequence has always worked.. something else you tried is hanging you up...01:34
needhelpjvai: the reason is that it is unable to detect the printer01:35
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NaitsirkI installed samba when trying to share a folder from ubuntu 7.04, but when I try to access from my win xp machine i'm asked for login and password.. any tips?01:35
dylanmoorejack, since i have been trying for a week or so, is it possible that there is something i have done that would have no normally not prevented this from occurring?  would it be beneficial to reinstall fiesty?01:35
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: Any idea what script... and what was it supposed to do..01:35
krammerWhy do I keep geeting the ubuntu clip poping up?01:36
jvaiwell it isnt neccesary to detect the printer before loading the drivers @ needhelp , it needs the drivers 1st01:36
jvaithen it will detect the printer01:36
needhelpjvai, but how can I load the driver without using the Printer Connection-wizard ?01:36
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: If you dont have a big investment in your config, I would burn the contents of your var/cache/apt/archives to a cd.. it will save download time later..01:36
jvaiselect "use another printer by specifying a port" @ needhelp01:36
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jvaithen "forward should be selectable01:37
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needhelpjvai: No, no matter which of the four options I select, Forward-button still disabled01:37
jvaii dont know how you help u on this  @ needhelp01:38
Jack_Sparrowdylanmoore: brb.. need to get something for the wife..01:38
jvai"forward should be selectable01:38
needhelpk, thanks for trying01:38
dylanmoorejack, the script i used is based on this page http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990 .  i guess what i am trying to ask (and i dont have a lot invested in this computer) is, how much of a chance would you say reinstalling ubuntu would fix the problem?01:38
dylanmoorejack, ok01:38
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krammerWhy do I keep geeting the ubuntu clip poping up?01:40
apeitheoIs it safe to disable acpi on a laptop?01:40
izzybhow does one prevent the starting of X windows under upstart?01:40
MikeRotchwine just updated... wee01:40
=== hustlebird [n=charlie@adsl-157-17-2.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribizzyb: same as before, upstart is just using the sysv init scripts currently.  Try system -> administration -> services and disable the "graphical login"01:41
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jribkrammer: what ubuntu clip?01:41
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krammerit is an african guy talking about ubuntu01:41
gluttonyhow do i check a rooms population?01:41
lImItaOhow can i known with which /dev/input/event  is associated in the 40.permissions rules?01:41
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jribgluttony: what client?01:41
regalhey guys i just got ubuntu working but i cant connect to my wireless network01:41
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jribkrammer: hmm... do you use GNOME?01:42
hustlebirdcan anybody help me? have badger breezy or whatever and trying to get the new version.  downloaded it but can't burn the iso01:42
jrib!wireless > regal (see the private message from ubotu)01:42
Moniker42how do i convert kvcd to something i can read on a macbook without installing any extra codecs or software?01:42
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Naitsirkdoes Sama folder sharing have a default username and password?01:42
gluttonyjrib. x-chat. hah, this isnt the first time youve helped01:42
izzybjrib: thanks, but under the old system I'd edit /etc/inittab and change my default runlevel which would be 5 for starting X, not 2 as is the current runlevel.01:42
hustlebirdhave 700 mb cds but it always says insert disc with 698mb free01:42
FrogzooNaitsirk: no, you need to set a password with smbpasswd01:42
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jribizzyb: not on ubuntu/debian since runlevels 2-5 are identical by default01:43
hustlebirdalso tried the 9mb small version and says the same except 9mb free01:43
izzybyeah, seem to recall that also on debian01:43
izzybpita :(01:43
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Moniker42how do i convert kvcd to something i can read on a macbook without installing any extra codecs or software?01:43
Frogzoohustlebird: sure you're burning the iso as a disk image? not saving the file to cd?01:43
malocitewhats a good ipfilter for ubuntu?  Now that I'm switched over I want to get one installed01:44
jribizzyb: why do you want to stop X from starting?  You want to make it a permanent thing?01:44
izzybjrib, I don't find administration under system in the menu01:44
hustlebirdright clicked on it and hit write to cd01:44
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izzybjrib: I'm trying to get my wifi working under the xen kernel which is involving a lot of switching back and forth between kernels and I want to reduce how long the startup takes while I work this out01:45
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jribkrammer: check system -> preferences -> sessions .  If you can't find anything relevant there, you might want to try deleting ~/.gnome2/session01:45
izzybjrib: I seem to recall having a similar problem with debian and needing to redefine init 2 to not run x by default01:45
krammerok ty01:45
krammerhow would i delete that ? terminal?01:46
Moniker42how do i convert kvcd to something i can read on a macbook without installing any extra codecs or software?01:46
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jribizzyb: k, keep in mind default runlevel is 2 and use 'sysv-rc-conf' or read the man page for 'man update-rc.d'01:46
NooobieSo... I installed Ubuntu Feisty... Used the alternative image... Didn't work regurarly... So I tried installing the server part without the graphic interface... Now I've got scrolling text saying "ata3.00: exception emask 0*0sact 0*0 serr 0*0 action 0*0" with a counter to the left of it... What's going on with that?01:46
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NooobieNow it says bus error01:46
jribkrammer: yeah, if you want.  You can do it in the file explorer too if you prefer (just go to view -> show hidden files)01:47
willskills`afkNooobie what kind of kardware you trying to run it on?01:47
jribizzyb: oh and "gdm" is the init script that starts X on Ubuntu by default01:47
izzybjrib: what was that path you sent me earlier?  I didn't find system/administration01:47
DalmatianI used a synaptec package manager to download and install BitchX but I couldn't find he client anywhere. Did it actually install it for me or did I need to do some console work?01:47
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kitcheDalmatian: bitchX is a console irc client01:47
jribizzyb: in your menu, system -> administration -> services  I think this starts 'services-admin'01:48
DalmatianHmmm..do you have any experience with a client called tintin++?01:48
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neoi ask for how can i know that the net cable is unpluged?01:48
=== patrick__ [n=patrick@81-223-175-82.fadingerstrasse.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
drewwhats that cd burning software called, a3c or something01:49
drewbrain fart01:49
h1st0neo: check for a link light01:49
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izzybjrib: I find system in the menu, but no administration inside system01:49
rlountneo: looking is good.01:49
kitchedrew: k3b kde though01:49
drewkitche: thats it, thx01:49
jribizzyb: weird... what version of ubuntu?01:49
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neowat do u mean by  link light01:49
Jack_Sparrowk3b works in either01:49
NooobieAnyone please??01:49
gluttonyjrib, got an answer?01:49
izzyblatest kubuntu afaik01:49
h1st0neo: on the back of the card or hub there should be a link light and activity light01:49
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kitcheJack_Sparrow: correct but need soemt hings from kde like libs and such01:49
Nooobiewillskills`afk: Hello :)01:49
Nooobiewillskills`afk: I'm running it on a laptop01:50
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h1st0neo: the link light would show that the cable is present and activity light will show if data is moving.01:50
Jack_Sparrowkitche: Install with synaptic and it takes care of everything01:50
jribgluttony: hmm don't use xchat but in irssi, you would do '/names'01:50
Nooobiewillskills`afk: Where XP and windows 2003 works perfectly... Alltho it has an ATI graphics card... It feels more like Ubuntu aint supporting my hdd-controllers01:50
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kitcheJack_Sparrow: I was just saying for people that don't want some bloat01:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:50
rlountneo: orange means base 10 and green is base 100 or Gig too. If there are no lights and both ends are connected then it could be a bad cable or a bad nic.01:50
neobut inside ubunto it don't appear01:50
Naitsirkfrogzoo: ok, thanks. write something specific in terminal or where can I find these settings?01:50
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FrogzooNaitsirk: you need the option "burn as image" or similiar01:51
rlountneo: the iface does not appear?01:51
rlountiface = interface01:51
willskills`afkNooobie yeah I dont know much, but that does sound strange01:51
neook thx01:51
willskills`afkand something like that :)01:51
Naitsirkfrogzoo: think you are mixing me with someone. I was talking about samba username and password ;)01:51
Nooobiewillskills`afk: It does... Doesn't it?01:51
neobut i search for program like angry ip scanner01:52
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Nooobiewillskills`afk: Where do you turn to to get support for Ubuntu?01:52
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willskills`afkthe forums :)01:52
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hustlebirdi have a lg cd-rw ced-8080b cd drive and can only burn mp3s.  it won't let me burn any iso or data files, anyone know why?01:52
willskills`afki just dile here01:52
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Nooobiewillskills`afk: They require registration?01:52
rlountneo: wha... ? search for an app?01:52
ari_stressgood morning all01:52
neoit scan network and define who is online and how is offline01:53
jribizzyb: ah, don't know what kubuntu uses.  Just use install sysv-rc-conf and disable kdm from starting then01:53
rlountneo: ah.01:53
rlountyou try cheops?01:53
willskills`afkNooobie to post yes01:53
rlountit's cheesy but it might be enough to help you.01:53
FrogzooNaitsirk: man smbpasswd01:53
willskills`afkbut it's well worth it to b honest01:53
=== dutch_ [n=dutch@c-24-22-118-110.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dutch_hey there01:53
willskills`afkvery active forum community01:53
rlountit's a scanning app. uses icmp.01:54
dutch_could anyone tell me how to use sun java instead of gij?01:54
lImItaOhow can i known with which /dev/input/event  is associated in the 40.permissions rules?01:54
jvaidebian's autoscan01:54
izzybjrib, where is sys-rc-conf?01:54
DalmatianHmmm this client is very different from what I'm used to...is there a way I can arrange it to display all users in a room?01:54
jrib!java > dutch_ (see the private message from ubotu)01:54
Naitsirkfrogzoo: Thanks :D01:54
izzybjrib: is t a program or config file?01:54
jvaiget autoscan from source01:54
jribizzyb: are you familiar with APT?01:54
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izzybjrib: yes01:54
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jribizzyb: it's a program you install, just 'sudo aptitude install sysv-rc-conf'01:54
willskills`afkDalmatian what client are you using?01:54
aesebu55can someone please tell me how to get my clock to read 12h instead of 24h?01:54
willskills`afkDalmatian xchat?01:55
DalmatianYeah the Ubuntu supported irc client01:55
ari_stressaesebu55: what do you mean? my feisty shows 6:55AM01:55
willskills`afkand install normal exchat01:55
=== rlount looks at clock...
NooobieI've got a working server-install... Why can't I install the desktop?01:55
neosorry wat the name of app?01:55
=== radioaktivstorm [n=cm2@c-68-35-36-100.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DalmatianI come from windows and using mirc01:55
dutch_jrib: thanks for that, but the problem is that i have installed the needed stuff, but when i run `java`, it appears to run gij...01:55
willskills`afkxchat itself is a lot like irc01:55
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jrib!multijava > dutch_ (see the private message from ubotu)01:55
ari_stressaesebu55: right click on the clock > preference01:55
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yosyphey guys i'm getting this error when botting01:56
yosypbooting*, and x11 doesn't start:01:56
shroomAnyone know about the Ubuntu Partnership Programme? Specifically, I'm looking for info about the cost of the program, which seems to be missing from the Ubuntu site.01:56
radioaktivstormhello, can someone explain why ip is hitting me with snmp-trap and samba over udp?01:56
yosypX: unable to open wrapper config file /etc/X11/Xwrapper.confin01:56
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dutch_jrib: AH thank you so much. its very appreciated01:56
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izzybjrib: thanks, now how do I change runlevels?01:58
Iceshadowi have ubuntu 7.04 dual booted with WinXP on a Dell Inspiron E1705. All is set up well on the linux side, but I also use VMWare 6 Workstation, and would like the ability to boot it from it's own partition. It boots fine, however, X refuses to start due to it looking for the Nvidia driver, and not the VMWare video driver. Any ideas on how to make this work?01:58
therethinkerhave you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?01:58
MikeRotchi dunno radioaktivstorm, but if you are worried you coudl change your routers mac addresss, liek thelast two digits. and then reset your modem then your ISP shoudl give new IP =P01:58
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jribizzyb: well you shouldn't need to if you disable kdm from starting on runlevel 2.  upstart uses /etc/event.d/rc-default to set the default runlevel afaik though01:59
NooobieI've got a working server-install... Why can't I install the desktop? Getting an error that say "bus error"02:00
=== Rubin [n=rubin@c-75-72-248-251.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
izzybjrib: thanks.02:00
aesebu55ari_stress: don't have preferences02:00
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neoanother question02:00
radioaktivstormMikeRotch, thanks :)02:00
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John_Keyif someone can help me to configure my 5.1 soundcard PLEASE PM me (it's a VIA VT8233/A/8235/8237)02:00
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izzybjrib: I like to have a runlevel setup to be one step above single user mode, but with limited services (ie no X) for when I'm working out bugs in the system02:00
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deathbloomsStill cant get my window boarder to work02:01
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lashmoov3what is optimum resolution for 24" wide LCD display ?02:01
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aesebu55btw I freaking LOVE ubuntu!02:01
izzybjrib: I'll configure runlevel 2 as such, and switch to runlevel 5 for normal operations as I'm used to02:01
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neowhen i setup app from syaptic package manager it dosen't appear in my application menu02:01
aesebu55I haven't used linux in several years and everything has come such a long way!02:01
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NooobieI've got a working server-install (Without any graphical interface)... Why can't I install the desktop through the "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"? Getting an error that say "bus error"02:02
jribizzyb: sure, sounds like a good way to do it02:02
izzybjrib: thanks for all your help.  I need to reboot to test and hopefully solve my wifi problem under the xen kernel02:02
bolingohi everyone, are you alright?02:02
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John_Keyif someone can help me to configure my 5.1 soundcard PLEASE msg me (it's a VIA VT8233/A/8235/8237 and I'm running Ubuntu feisty fawn 7.04, i386)02:02
aesebu55except that I can't get my clock to look right02:02
therethinkerneo: not everything has a application like that02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sharing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:02
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:02
=== ShackJack [n=nate@c-65-96-48-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:02
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Nooobie!bus error02:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bus error - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:03
=== whonicca [i=whonicca@ool-45746dfa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!fishing | Nooobie02:03
ubotuNooobie: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...02:03
=== scary [n=scary@c-69-181-139-221.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bolingocan someone please tell me if there is any sucess in dual booting Windows Vista Home Premium with Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04?02:03
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whoniccais it possible to take remote control of a friends live cd install from a remote location?02:03
aesebu55i love fishing! Bass, Blue Gill, Crappie, Catfish.. everything!02:03
werpoexcuse me i'm having a problem while setting a partition to mount when the system starts can someone hel me02:03
h1st0bolingo: doesn't vista use ntfs part?02:03
therethinkerwhonicca: vncviewer02:03
whoniccatherethinker, is it installed by default?02:04
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@7.138-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
NooobieI've got a working server-install (Without any graphical interface)... Why can't I install the desktop through the "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"? Getting an error that say "bus error". Help would be greatly appreciated. Have been at this for almost 48 hours and it wont even install properly.02:04
therethinkerwhonicca: have them go System>Prefs>Remote Desktop02:04
whoniccaand does the friend need to install something onto his livecd session?02:04
jribwerpo: do you want your ntfs partition to be writable or do you just want to read?02:04
h1st0bolingo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20787002:04
neoan app like cheops?02:04
therethinkerwhonicca: have them check every box, and setup a pass (have them tell you the pass)02:04
scaryWhere should I go to get help fixing a mail server?02:04
bolingohlst0 yes it does02:04
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whoniccatherethinker, ok done02:04
therethinkerwhonicca:then type, on your terminal02:04
therethinkerwhonicca: vncviewer THEIR_IP:002:05
neowhere can i find after setup?02:05
werpojrib: if it is possible it would be nice to have write support but as for now i'd like to acces my partiton automatically and without using root02:05
=== unagi [n=unagi@h460b8774.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
h1st0bolingo: http://www.howtoforge.com/dual_boot_windows_xp_vista_ubuntu_feisty02:05
jrib!ntfs-3g > werpo (see the private message from ubotu)02:05
unagianyone heard of ubuntu not recognizing the hard drive when trying to install ubuntu02:05
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jribwerpo: I think that should address the root permission issue as well, if not, just let us know02:05
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Macr0sshello all02:06
werpoi know what u mean jrib but i cant see the drive in /etc/fstab02:06
neoan app like cheops?02:06
NooobieI've got a working server-install (Without any graphical interface)... Why can't I install the desktop through the "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"? Getting an error that say "bus error". Help would be greatly appreciated. Have been at this for almost 48 hours and it wont even install properly.02:06
whoniccatherethinker, thankyou... now i think his router is blocking me02:06
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neowhere can i find after setup?02:06
Jack_Sparrowunagi: Yes, I had to use the alt cd...02:06
deathbloomsAny help for window boarder ?02:06
unagiwhat alt cd?02:06
IceshadowIs there any reason that if X won't start on boot that Ctrl+Alt+F key won't take me to another virtual terminal?02:06
whoniccatherethinker, know what port vncviewer uses?02:06
therethinkerwhonicca: I'll look up the port02:06
jribwerpo: you should have received a link from ubotu that has instructions on how to set it up02:06
Iceshadowbecause it doesn't appear to be letting me02:06
drewanyone know of a converter to change *.m4p to *.mp302:06
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unagiman i dont have time to dl that at the moment02:06
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unagithat stinks02:06
Macr0ssman I wish I could get x not to boot02:06
jribMacr0ss: why?02:07
MikeRotchcheck out this poem guys02:07
=== ticnailer69 [n=ticnaile@c-69-252-188-214.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ticnailer69lay on my laptop02:07
therethinkerwhonicca: 590002:07
ticnailer69scrach that02:07
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jrib!offtopic | MikeRotch02:07
ubotuMikeRotch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:07
werpothanks!!! jrib02:07
ticnailer69I cant get sound to play on my laptop02:07
whoniccatherethinker, thankyou, very much appreciated02:07
ticnailer69how do I fix this?02:07
MikeRotchi am banned from offtopic hahaha02:07
ShackJack!sound | ticnailer6902:07
ubotuticnailer69: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:07
Nooobiejrib: You good with Ubuntu?02:08
=== drago1 [n=dragon@ip70-177-196-101.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
malociteis there a way to install an ipfilter into ubuntu like utorrent does for windows?02:08
therethinkerwhonicca:You're welcome, glad I could help :D02:08
ShackJackmalocite: Ubuntu has IPtables (?)02:08
jribNooobie: not really sure about your bus error.  Maybe if you pastebin the entire output, someone might see what is wrong02:08
malociteshackjack: Is there a program to auto update a list of addresses into it?02:08
bendoverhello. every time I try to run gnome-terminal, it will appear in the window list for a few seconds and then disappear unexpectedly. I tried checking /var/log/messages, but i dont know what else to check. Any pointers/guideance would be greatly appreciated :)02:08
Nooobiejrib: Ubuntu doesn't work, so I can't get any output from it without going analogue...02:09
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ShackJackmalocite: Auto update - hmm.. I don't think so... Firestarter is the firewall GUI for it...02:09
Macr0ssquick question, while installing kubuntu, is there a way to manually set your Xconf before it reboots?02:09
John_Key if someone can help me to configure my 5.1 soundcard PLEASE msg me (it's a VIA VT8233/A/8235/8237 and I'm running Ubuntu feisty fawn 7.04, i386)02:09
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NooobieI've got a working server-install (Without any graphical interface)... Why can't I install the desktop through the "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"? Getting an error that say "bus error". Help would be greatly appreciated. Have been at this for almost 48 hours and it wont even install properly. Last try...02:09
=== Hawk|- [n=Hawk@p5B178CE8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
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therethinkerNooobie: Instead of ubuntu, why not try xubuntu-desktop?02:10
macdShackJack, malocite you 2 are tlaking about 2 completely different things02:10
therethinkerNoobie:it won't fix anything, but it should do02:10
=== rowan [n=rowan@dsl-dhcp-204-172.kpunet.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Nooobietherethinker: Lemme try02:10
ShackJackmacd: Yeah, I was just thinkin' that ;)02:10
bendoverNoobie: try installing gnome-base or gnome-desktop, or kde-desktop if you like that02:11
malocitemacd: I thought we were, do you know what I am looking for macd?02:11
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Nooobietherethinker: bus error02:11
Nooobiebendover: Lemme try02:11
lashmoov3just got a 24" wide monitor, running 1920X1200.. what images should I change to utilize the display, and where would I get them from.. ie login display? ubuntustudio desktopwallpaper?02:11
=== piratepenguin [n=declan@213-202-148-59.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
macdthough I think you could use iptables to kill anything going out to the blacklisted addresses, which would have ot be added manually imho02:11
Nooobiebendover: bus error02:11
drago1i got a belkin 5 button mouse. i like my mouse. an in windows (in opera). when I click one of the two buttons, it would either go forward or back to my previous page...   got edubuntu and installed opera.  but does not do it like when I had winxp...  any suggestions (never installed nothing on xp to accomplish this either)02:11
=== utopianegra [n=utopia@254.Red-81-38-155.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
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macdmalocite, not really any sort of program todo that, no02:11
=== JuJuBee [n=JuJuBee@24-105-217-35.cm.mhcable.com] has joined #ubuntu
NooobieDo I have to put some kind of weird flag on the ext3 partition for it to be read/writeable??02:12
ShackJacklashmoov3: wallpaper from usual sources but you can check out gnome-look.org for gdm logins, etc...02:12
utopianegrawww.utopianegra.com   (please .. i am looking opinion )02:12
JuJuBeeCan someone point me in the direction of a good how-to for pppoe and feisty?02:12
NooobieHow can I check which sdaX I'm currently on?02:12
malocitemacd: So there is a way to do it in windows and not in linux?  However does the community sleep at night?02:12
bendovernoobie: try mounting them02:12
drago1also...   another side note....  since my win hard drive crashed and I went over to ubuntu...  I want to import my old mail messages and contact list from my thunderbird (is this possible and how hard would it be) to just copy the files from the win hard drive or what?02:12
Nooobiebendover: mount sda3 ?02:12
=== drago1 is now known as GreenDragon
macdmalocite, very well knowing they didnt get paid to sell out themselves to the RIAA ;) (utorrent =bad)02:12
Macr0ssif anyone who knows  Xwin/ubuntu really well would pm, I have a quick question. It would be greatly apprecieated, maybe even a challenge.02:12
neoafter i setup cheops02:13
ShackJackJuJuBee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE02:13
neowhere can i find after setup?02:13
bendoverNooobie: try /dev/sd and see what exists02:13
malocitemacd: What??02:13
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malocitemacd: I haven't read that02:13
JuJuBeeThanks ShackJack, I'll have a look.02:13
ShackJackMacr0ss: You embarassed to ask in front of the group :)02:13
=== pihq__ [n=ksmith@cpe-76-183-249-37.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hvgotcodesive made progress in my quest for wireless; i commented out everything in /etc/net/interfaces (except lo) and now the network manager plugin shows my network in a long list.  however when i enter the credentials it doesnt connect02:13
=== Cpudan80 [n=Dan@about/windows/staff/Cpudan80] has joined #ubuntu
Macr0ssno, just too much chaos02:14
Cpudan80Hello all02:14
Cpudan80I am here from ##windows to pass on some advice02:14
Cpudan80If a windows user complains about not being able to boot to XP (or 2000) after installing Ubuntu - here is what you do02:14
NigelSCpudan80: you know where we can get our refunds?02:14
bolingohlst0 sorry for taking too long to reply, but, I managed to do everything, dual booting and everything else with Ubuntu 7.04 and WinXP, but when I do it with Vista Home Premium and ubuntu 7.04, I have no sound, no wifi, no desktop effects, and loads of more problems02:14
macdCpudan80, I think weve got that covered.02:14
jmchaffieHey all.. dire need of video help here. I've tried forums and here a few days ago and no help... please... :) Video card works great for one boot, then I have to revert to original vesa driver. Is there a module or anything I can try to reload on the next boot? (nVidia 7600 GT)02:14
PriceChild!offtopic | Cpudan80 NigelS02:14
ubotuCpudan80 NigelS: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:14
NigelS!anal | PriceChild02:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:14
Cpudan80macd: The guy said that you guys couldn't answer it02:15
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hvgotcodesis a 128 bit passphrase the word i used to generate the key?02:15
Cpudan80macd: So I was just going to pass along the info02:15
hvgotcodesor is it the generated key?02:15
Cpudan80But - I guess ya'll have it covered02:15
Cpudan80So I'll just be quiet ;-)02:15
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Nooobiebendover: When I try "mount /dev/sda3" it says "according to mtab, /dev/sda3 is already mounted on /"02:15
tckhow does linux-generic make linux-686 obselete?02:15
Nooobiebendover: Could it be wrongly flagged somehow? Or wrong permissions?02:15
tckby default is linux-generic 686 optimized?02:16
PriceChildtck, linux-generic loads optimisations for 686, k7, smp etc. on boot.. seperate kernels aren't needed.02:16
JuJuBeeI've got another networking question.  I move around alot between 2 jobs, home and my mother-in-law's and all have different network settings (wifi). How can I create different profiles so I can switch easily?02:16
Nooobiebendover: Because I can browse it correctly, I just don't seem to be able to write anything to the disk?02:16
tckPriceChild, so with 386 in mind, linux-generic will still run very well ?02:16
JuJuBeeUsing kubuntu, the profiles do not seem to be working properly under the System Settings->Networking02:16
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ShackJackJuJuBee: Better to ask in #kubuntu02:17
PriceChildtck, there is a linux-386 kernel for those who have old machines with compatability issues with -generic02:17
John_Keyif someone can help me to configure my 5.1 soundcard PLEASE msg me (it's a VIA VT8233/A/8235/8237 and I'm running Ubuntu feisty fawn 7.04, i386)02:17
therethinkernick zach02:17
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unagilol my alienware laptop doesnt even post anymore02:17
tckPriceChild, coolio ;)02:17
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unagithat makes me very sad02:17
jmchaffieAnyone with video help, or recommendations for a channel that can? This is really getting rather important. I have online virtual biz that's starting to hurt a bit...02:17
bolingocan anyone please tell me if you had any success on dual booting Vista Home Premium and Ubuntu 7.04?02:17
unagiyes bolingo02:17
therethinkerbolingo: My friend can dual boot some version of Vista and Ubuntu02:18
jribMacr0ss: what are you trying to accomplish?02:18
jmchaffiebolingo... I have Ubuntu feisty and Vistu Ultimate dual booting fine.02:18
unagiim dualbooting home premium and ubuntu02:18
therethinkerbolingo: The second operating system won't effect the other02:18
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ShackJackjmchaffie: Are you doing dual monitors or anything fancy?   What do you have driver listed as in xorg.conf?02:18
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unagido you have a question bolingo02:19
therethinkerHas anyone had trouble with a Broadcom 430602:19
jmchaffieShackJack: Nothing special - Driver "nvidia" - (card - 7600 GT) - restricted drivers work once - work great in fact - then reboot and gui is dead (although you can login blind and hear sound)02:19
GreenDragonhow would one import mail and contact info for Thunderbird from an old windows hard drive?02:19
Jack_Sparrowtherethinker: fwcutter seems to work quite well on those02:19
=== mflynn [n=mflynn@c-24-8-69-61.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJack!wireless | therethinker (good troubleshooting there)02:19
ubotutherethinker (good troubleshooting there): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:19
ShackJackjmchaffie: so on subsequent boots it just boots to black screen (upon going into gdm)?02:20
=== grimeboy [n=grimboy@85-211-246-145.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJacktherethinker: there's troublshooting guide and hardware specific docs there...02:20
therethinkerShackJack:Found it02:20
=== unagi [n=unagi@h460b8774.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
jmchaffieShackJack: Exactly, and once in a while, if I revert to a vesa driver, then reinstall the restricted drivers... it will work again, until I reboot. It's like nothing I've ever come accross...02:21
ShackJackJack_Sparrow: what's fwcutter?02:21
=== Laeelin [n=a@h125.149.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Jack_SparrowShackJack: tool for installing drivers for bcm43xx wireless cards02:21
bolingounagi therethinker jmchaffie the problem is, I had no problem installing and setting up Ubuntu 7.04 to dual boot with WinXP Pro SP2, but when I try to do Ubuntu 7.04 with Vista Home Premium, the sound doesnt work, I can't enable the effects, I have no wireless connectivity (with none of the WIFI Managers on the net)02:21
unagiclosed the wrong window02:21
=== aristad_ [n=Aristad@p5495BB59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
rocketsWow kernel compiles are looooong02:22
=== databuddy 111
ShackJackjmchaffie: I can tell you I've had similar issue with my LCD where it didn't like the refresh rate/resolution being passed by the card... I solved it by "forcing" the refresh rates in xorg.conf specified in monitor manual...02:22
therethinkerJack_sparrow: is bcm43xx-fwcutter in multiverse, my friend said it wasn't found02:22
jmchaffiebolingo: do you mean everything still works in Ubuntu, but not vista? If so, then it's probably just compatibility issues with vista.. welcome to vista ;)02:22
unagibolingo i hate to burst your bubble but what you dual boot with has nothing to do with all of those02:22
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Jack_Sparrowlet me see02:23
ShackJack!info bcm43xx-fwcutter | therethinker02:23
ubotutherethinker: bcm43xx-fwcutter: Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:006-1 (feisty), package size 24 kB, installed size 116 kB02:23
unagiin the defense of vista, its not vistas fault that there arent drivers for these devices.......its the manufacture's  of the divices fault02:23
jmchaffieShackJack: Ok, I will try to find resolutions... I figured that might be the case, but I can't find out... it SHOULD be around 75 Hz02:23
therethinkerSorry everyone02:23
=== StavromulaBeta [n=talbrech@pool-71-185-174-182.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackjmchaffie: You're familiar with xorg, I trust?02:24
unagimicrosoft shouldnt be responsible for writing drivers except for their own products02:24
=== james296 [n=james@] has joined #ubuntu
unagibut windows still blows......although it does things linux doesnt02:24
ShackJackunagi: and vice versa :P02:24
Jack_Sparrowtherethinker: universe02:24
=== Cpudan80 [n=Dan@about/windows/staff/Cpudan80] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
bolingojmchaffie Vista works perfectly fine, I can also use ubuntu, but, I can only get online with a wired connection, and I have no sound, I can't use ndiswrapper.02:24
unagii agree02:24
jmchaffieShackJack: Yes, quite a bit, but the sync area to be honest... I've never had to deal with both horizontal AND vertical before, so I'm not sure what values to enter in there...02:24
ShackJackJack_Sparrow: way ahead of ya :)02:24
tckanyone get ubuntu/fs/dazuko errors when compiling their kernel ?02:25
unagibolingo, im telling you that it has nothing to do with dual booting02:25
Jack_Sparrowgoodnight all...play nice... argh...02:25
=== Dessan [n=andrew@ip68-105-63-168.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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ShackJackjmchaffie: monitor docs should give you refresh rates for given resolutions... TO "force" I put VertRefresh (or whatever) 80.0-80.0 etc...02:25
=== CPF__ [n=cpf@d54C12779.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
bolingounagi but the problem is, that, I have another laptop, which has WinXP pre installed, and I've installed ubuntu 7.04 and is dual booting and doing everything fine02:25
unagibolingo is that laptop the EXACT configuration as the problem laptop02:26
bolingounagi the funny thing is, that, the laptop that is giving me problems is a packard bell that came pre-installed with vista02:26
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jmchaffieShackJack: Ok, I will try forcing it with set values from the same rate-to-rate and see what I get. Appreciate the pointer, wasn't sure if I should go to the route or not.. Much appreciated. :)02:26
unagipackard bell?02:26
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unagiwith vista?02:26
=== StavromulaBeta [n=talbrech@pool-71-185-174-182.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackjmchaffie: Make backup of xorg ;)02:27
unagiwhere did you buy this packard bell with vista on it02:27
jmchaffieShackJack: Always ;)02:27
=== yoie [n=yoie@pool-72-73-46-90.clppva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagipackard bell went out of business long ago....before xp was even dreamed of02:27
bolingounagi the problematic one came pre-installed with vista home premium, and the good one, is a toshiba, came with WinXP Pro pre-installed02:27
ShackJackjmchaffie: Don't be afraid to reinstall driver too - sometimes it gets borked :)02:27
unagiok cool so we have now established that they are 2 different models02:28
=== ShackJack remembers selling Packard Bell in Electronics store in '94
jmchaffiebolingo: well, you have to consider the fact that not ALL hardware will work w/ ndiswrapper, however are you saying it all worked great w/ WinXP and now sound and wireless (all the same hardware) is having problems in vista AND ubuntu?02:28
unagiare you sure its a packard bell?02:28
=== travis [n=travis@pool-72-64-122-147.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bolingounagi nah...the problem is not the computer I guess, because the computer with Vista works incredibly fine, and trust me, I dont like vista, but I gotta admit it :o02:28
=== StarScream [n=am@ppp102-106.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagiis it vista or ubuntu that you are having problems with02:28
=== StavromulaBeta [n=talbrech@pool-71-185-174-182.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagiis anyone else here lost or is it just me02:28
jmchaffieShackJack: Yeah, been there and done that several times to be sure... will give it a go after refresh rates though if still a problem.02:28
bolingounagi the problem is vista02:28
=== StavromulaBeta [n=talbrech@pool-71-185-174-182.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagiare you sure its a packard bell02:29
ShackJackunagi: I'm lost but bolingo is not using strong logic...02:29
travishow do i get this wireless device working... Network controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. Unknown device 0023 (rev 01)02:29
travis        Subsystem: Belkin Unknown device 800102:29
travis        Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 502:29
travis        Memory at d3000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K] 02:29
travis        Capabilities: <access denied>02:29
unagiand if you are where did you buy it02:29
whoniccatherethinker, thanks again, worked like a charm after i had him open the port02:29
ShackJack!paste | travis02:29
ubotutravis: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:29
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJack!wireless | travis02:29
ubotutravis: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:29
macdhe prolly meant HP.02:29
StarScreamhey guys, running one of the daily builds for gutsy ppc. I'm a getting a  /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off error on boot. Is this common and is there  a known work around ?02:29
=== File13 [n=File13@adsl-68-88-140-130.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJacktravis: Good troubleshooting docs there and hardware specific stuff...02:29
neuratixhow can i monitor whats being written to my disk? what files are being changed and what process is doing it02:29
bolingojmchaffie unagi u know what the funny thing is, I tried exactly the same configuration with WinXP in the Packard, and I managed to get everything working with dual boot WinXP Pro and Vista Home Premium02:29
ShackJackStarScream: you want #ubuntu+1 channel...02:30
StarScreamok thanks02:30
therethinkerwhonicca: You're welcome! Glad I can help, I've been though that more than once, and I'm about to do it once I fix this guys net connection02:30
unagibolingo: you just dont seem to be listening02:30
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unagiso im going to stop talking02:30
=== Ro [n=rohit@c-24-21-228-215.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
macdbolingo, do you actually have a problem with something not working in ubuntu?  IF SO then just state the problem, and leave the windows and dual boot talk at the door, none of that has any weight in resolving your issue02:30
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=== nicholas [n=nicholas@cpe-75-83-125-10.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
unagii dont mind helping with a dual boot problem macd its just he doesnt seem to understand that a. packard bell does not come with vista installed natively and b. that not every laptop is the same02:31
jmchaffiebolingo, well the info you are giving sounds a bit conflicted, but it sounds to me like you have a machine that has built in / proprietary hardware that works and is built for windows, and most of it went in spot on w/ ubuntu with some hiccups on sound and wireless. Best thing to do is try to identify chipsets, see if you can find linux drivers, and if not, then that's just the way it is. Been there and done that my friend. ;)02:31
=== zaphod [n=zaphod@p45-41.tnt2.ij.net] has joined #ubuntu
macdI wouldnt even worry about the brand, who cares what it is, he prolly means HP, why dwell on something so trivial.02:31
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unagibecause if it is in fact a packard bell.....it shouldnt have vista on it in the first place....and it explains why nothing works02:32
unagiits not trivial02:32
unagihave a good day02:32
bolingoShackJack what I'm saying is very simple in the same computer, I can have dual boot with WinXP Pro and Ubuntu 7.04 with no problems in none of the OS's, but when I try dual booting Vista with Ubuntu 7.04, I got problems in Ubuntu such as no sound, no wireless, etc..what's not to understand? :s02:32
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=== jerkface03 [n=jerkface@S0106000d3a2c0806.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Naitsethe is a way to share the ionternet connection?02:32
unagitheres alot to not understand bolingo02:32
jmchaffieI'm outta here, and thanks again SJ for the input. cya all!02:32
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=== CodeMonkey [n=ebuth@c-24-5-250-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
yoiehey guys i just installed moblock and was wondering if the default list good enough?02:33
neowhere can i find cheops after setup?02:33
unagiim not sure how to fix the problem all i am saying is what you are dual booting ubuntu with doesnt affect what works and what doesnt02:33
macdbolingo, so could you please pastebin the output of 'lspci' 'iwconfig' 'ifconfig' to pastebin.02:33
needlehi guys02:33
=== ebuth [n=ebuth@c-24-5-250-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackbolingo: That is not what it sounded like you were saying. At any rate - good troubleshooting docs at help.ubuntu.com - lookup sound and wireless02:34
neuratixhow can i monitor whats being written to my disk? what files are being changed and what process is doing it02:34
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needlefriend recently set up suse but has forgotten root password wot can be done?02:34
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ShackJack!offtopic | needle02:34
ubotuneedle: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:34
unagisigh, i totally thought i was going to move my ram in my alienware to my hp but theyre not the same clock speed02:34
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macdneedle, remember it, root it locally, reinstall it.02:35
unagilol @ root password02:35
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:35
=== IndyGunFreak wonders why people with other distros, come here seeking help
jvaihttp://autoscan.fr/  <-- is better for network than cheops02:35
unagii love ubotu...so sarvastic02:35
therethinkerWow XD02:35
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macdIndyGunFreak, its our killer community.02:35
unagiok im outta here im going to see if i cant get upgraded to first class02:35
needlei use ubuntu02:35
=== CoolThreads [n=CoolThre@203-97-99-29.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu
unagihave a great day02:35
ShackJackunagi... check out ubotu !enter and !offtopic...02:35
IndyGunFreakmacd: lol, but to hear everyone else talk, we're idiots for using ubuntu02:35
bolingounagi lol...I think i was very clear when I said that I can make ubuntu 7.04 dual boot with WinXp Pro and not with Vista Home Premium and I'm just asking if anyone has sucessfuly made it. if u want to stop talking, fine, feel free, but thanks for the effort anywayz02:35
=== KatteKrab [n=kattekra@caffeine.cc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
unagidont stop talkign bolingo im just giving input.....im dual booting just fine.....one does not affect the other02:36
macdIndyGunFreak, typical linux fanboys ;), but we should be in offtopic if we wanna make fun of ourselves some more02:36
=== hideaki [n=hideaki@c-66-176-107-216.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreakbolingo: i helped someone dual boot vista and ubuntu 7.04 over th eweekend, to say it was problematic, would be a major understatement.02:36
bolingoShackJack I'll try that, thanks02:37
KatteKrabjono - ping!02:37
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therethinkerIs there a way to install the ATI drivers using apt-get?02:37
IndyGunFreakmacd: lol, true02:37
yoieso nobody can answer my question?? come on please?02:37
ShackJacktherethinker: Yep... fglrx-driver - but you have to change xorg too...02:37
jvaino1 knows of autoscan for networking? *shocked*02:37
therethinkerShackJack:I can do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, right?02:37
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macdyoie, I wouldnt rely on anythings defualt blocklist for security.02:37
ShackJackyoie: I think your initial question was a little vague...02:38
JuJuBeeanybody here use laptop-netconf?02:38
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neowhere can i find cheops after setup?02:38
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countzerodoes anyone know how to get feisty to recognize and mount a mybook external disk?02:39
srbakerheya folks02:39
RyukZilla>< can u help me out =)?02:39
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bolingounagi try to understand, that, I didnt say that I'm a complete noob, to the point not to be able to make a sucessfull dual boot with Windows and Ubuntu, I've made that, like 50 times already, what I'm saying is that I made de dual boot for Vista Home Premium/Ubuntu, with the same configurations as WinXP/Ubuntu, and ubuntu didnt work fine.do u still dont understand?02:39
domsnew anjuta 2.2*   was a big different from previous version   and its very difficult to understand...  even simple hellow world  its hard for me to compile02:39
macdyoie I think I read something on torrentfreak about a place tracking updated lists.02:39
srbakerunder my imap account, there's a Trash and Junk folder that appear to be local02:39
therethinkercountzero:Do you know what it is /dev/???02:39
neoits app02:39
srbakeris it possible to tell evolution "use this as my Trash folder" and specify a folder on the imap server?02:39
countzerotherethinker, sorry, no02:39
yoiethank you.... :) the thing is i am http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192559 but i just dont comprehend the part where it talk about how to change the ranges02:39
RyukZillacan someone help me out please >_________<?02:39
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bolingoIndiGunFreak what version of Vista was it?02:40
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ShackJackbolingo: I think he understands - his point being what you are dual booting should not affect the performance of ubuntu - which sounds valid.02:40
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NigelScountzero: the mybook is an external usb drive isn't it? It should be auto-detected upon being plugged in - which version of ubuntu are you using?02:40
=== lashmoov3 [n=keith@c-71-57-154-110.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
RyukZillaOnce I Download the ISO File and Burn it, will the installtion on the server, begin automatically!=02:40
NaitsirkI have two new 500 GB SATA disks I want to put up in software raid-1 (mdadm?) in my ubunuty 7.04 desktop edition. How should I go about doing this? (have already ubuntu installed on a separate IDE-disk..). I presume both disks should be partitioned to Ext3 first and then somehow use mdadm to set up the raid-1, but being very new to linux I have no idea how to do this.. any good pointers?02:40
countzerotherethinker, ubuntu feisty fawn.One mybook is autodetected, the other isn't.02:40
ShackJackRyukZilla: You have to boot from Cd...02:41
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RyukZillaya but the server got no OS02:41
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ShackJackRyukZilla: Yah, but you can restart the server and boot from CD, I imagine...02:41
=== CorpseCheese [n=CorpseCh@pool-71-186-142-98.bflony.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
RyukZillaso in order to install it, after the ubuntu its burnt in the cd, will the install begin =P?02:41
countzerotherethinker , ubuntu feisty fawn.One mybook is autodetected, the other isn't.02:41
macdyoie, the ranges work like xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx-xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx02:42
RyukZillaya thats what I was asking =D so, i just mount the iso on the cd and thats it n_n?02:42
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ShackJackRyukZilla: Boot server from CD... and the install will begin...02:42
bolingoShackJack humn, oki doki!is just that its annoying that, i've made it perfectly fine with winXP/Ubuntu, no no probs, in 2 different computers, but with Vista it doesnt work. I think I'll try a complete single installation of Ubuntu 7.04 in the problematic laptop02:42
=== chemturion [n=ubuntu@c-71-198-254-19.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
macdyoie, so if you wanted to block through youd do
domsnew anjuta 2.2*   was a big different from previous version   and its very difficult to understand...  even simple hellow world  its hard for me to compile02:42
jvaiok pppls enjoi the eve02:42
jvaii'm ghost02:42
yoiei think im confused at this part "Open /etc/cron.daily/moblock-nfq and go to line 34. One line is commented (#), one is not. inverse them like this"02:42
RyukZillathanks jack02:42
macddoms, do you have a question or are you mkaing a statement02:42
=== pihq_ [n=ksmith@cpe-76-183-249-37.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
chemturionhi there I'm really interested in swtiching to Ubuntu from Vista, and i was wondering if there was a good itunes equiv02:42
ShackJackbolingo: That is weird though I can't see how one OS install could affect the other, unless Vista changed something in the BIOS or firmware :) Vista doesn't play nice sometimes :)02:43
therethinkercountzero: That's od02:43
=== Stuart_99 [n=jab@pool-70-17-42-120.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
countzerotherethinker  could it perhaps be hardware faults?02:43
CorpseCheeseWhen you download a program and are trying to install it but it cannot be found using the synaptic package manager or the terminal, what do you do?02:43
therethinkerchemturion: You can use Amazon02:43
therethinkerchemturion:Since, that's 100% web based02:43
=== defcon_ [n=defcon@71-223-76-54.phnx.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
macdyoie, remove the # and add it to the line that doesnt have the # )(# = comment this line out)02:43
therethinkerchemturion: There are various music players, but I don't listen to music, so I wouldn't know the best one02:43
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chemturiontherethinker: thanks02:44
ShackJackchemturion: I like Exaile (SVN)02:44
macdchemturion, rhytmbox and amarok are pretty slick.02:44
chemturionyeah i was looking at amarok02:44
chemturionbut thats kde? and i was alittle confused02:44
countzerotherethinker  the system doesn't recognize my mp3 portable player either.02:44
CorpseCheeseWhen you download a program and are trying to install it but it cannot be found using the synaptic package manager or the terminal, what do you do?02:44
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macdchemturion, you can run kde apps on ubuntu (gnome)02:44
jribCorpseCheese: what program?02:44
therethinkercountzero:That's very odd...02:44
=== MTecknology [n=MTecknol@adrianDHCP-171.216-254-248.iw.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackchemturion: Yeah amarok has to load KDE libraires and stuff so it takes  alittle longet to load and not as well integrated.... Exaile is a good GNOME native player..02:45
yoieokay so right now this is what it looks like "BLOCKLISTS="ads-trackers-and-bad-pr0n bogon dshield hijacked level1 level2 Microsoft spider spyware templist"02:45
therethinkercountzero:I don't think I can help. I'm not that great at linux yet :P02:45
CorpseCheesejrib: Cinelerra 2.102:45
chemturionshackjack: thanks02:45
=== isaac_ [n=isaac@c-71-195-208-168.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bolingoShackJack yeah, maybe that's the problem, I must confess that I dont like vista, its just a big crap.lol no offence to microsoft, maybe I'll send it to the bin.lol02:45
domsmacd: sori02:45
yoieso do i insert the # on the first line or the second one?02:45
countzerotherethinker  that's okay.Thank you for your time:)02:45
macdyoie, is this a new question? I dont see anything commented out02:45
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jrib!cinelerra > CorpseCheese (see the private message from ubotu)02:45
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macdohhh, Id insert it on the second.02:46
=== neuratix [n=lorents@static149-203.adsl.no] has joined #ubuntu
therethinkercountzero: You're welcome, sorry I can't help you02:46
macd #BLOCKLIST=""02:46
countzeroare there anyone here that knows how I can get my system to recognize and mount my external usb disk and portable mp3 player?02:46
=== CPF_ [n=cpf@d54C12779.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
chemturionalso another problem i'm having, is that my cdrom drive wont open02:46
domswhat is the best channel for c programming02:47
catundaI would like to update kernel in cd installer. Does anyone know a good tutorial?02:47
yoieokay cool and do i add other lists i want to block in the ""?02:47
jribCorpseCheese: are you familiar with how to add the repositories listed on that site?02:47
jribdoms: ##c02:47
Macr0ssChemturion did you unmount your cdrom first?02:47
macdchemturion, with the button or right clicking in nautilus?02:47
therethinkerchemturion: have you tried unmounting02:47
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CorpseCheesejrib: I am unfamiliar with everything.02:47
chemturiontherethinker: there is nothing in the drive02:47
macdchemturion, you can unlock your cdrom drives front button, since its locked by default, then the button overwrites everything02:47
therethinker*sorry for being broken record*02:47
=== rlv [n=rich@cpe-70-112-139-76.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
thinlacedoes anyone know how to get XGL working with ATI commercial drivers?02:48
=== florian [n=florian@127-112.3-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!repos > CorpseCheese (see the private message from ubotu)02:48
jribCorpseCheese: let me know if anything isn't clear there02:48
macdyoie, thats correct02:48
thinlacei have it installed but whenever i start an xgl session the screen doesn't repaint, its static, and it paints differently each login02:48
ShackJackcountzero: Not specifically but theres a guide to automounting here... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions?02:48
countzerothank you02:48
chemturionmacd: how would I do that? also i don't know if you saw my message there is nothing for me to unmount in the drive02:48
=== PenguinistaKC [n=mcopple@CPE-75-87-66-197.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
macdchemturion, sudo sysctl dev.cdrom.lock=002:48
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yoiemacd thanks so much for your help..... :)02:48
=== FuNcTioNs [n=E-Turk@] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackthinlace: Check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl?highlight=%28xgl%2902:48
chemturionmacd: thanks alot02:49
isaac_how do you set up accounts on samba?02:49
macdchemturion, then to make it stay after you reboot: sudo sh -c 'echo "dev.cdrom.lock=0" >> /etc/sysctl.conf'02:49
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CorpseCheesejrib: Thanks. How do I know if I have universe, multiuniverse, and the restricted repositories enabled?02:49
noldonwhy do i get this error message http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31981/02:49
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ShackJackCorpseCheese: Admin -> Software Sources02:49
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macdluckily we all know what fsck error that is without being able to translate02:50
chemturionmacd: so I ran that, and the button still dosnt do anything02:50
ShackJack!nl | noldon02:50
ubotunoldon: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl02:50
macdnoldon, run the command it tells you to, e2fsck -b 8153 /dev/sda02:50
NemesisDhow do i do x forwarding with ssh?02:50
therethinkerNemisisD: add the -x flag02:51
macdchemturion, well thats real weird, Id check the power coupling on it, and its interface cable.02:51
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Naitsirk"This is *NOT* for people with new, blank hdds. For you it is much easier IMHO to set them up using linux software raid, i believe that there is a howto on this forum already for that."02:51
NaitsirkI have two blank disks, but can't seem to find the mentioned howto.. :/ Can someone point me in the right direction please?02:51
therethinkerNemisisD: Whoops, -X flag, uppercase02:51
chemturionmacd: it was working under vista this morning02:51
=== peanuter [n=peanuter@cpe-74-67-72-246.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
CorpseCheeseI don't even know if I am using Ubuntu Feisty, Ubuntu Edgy, or Ubuntu Edgy amd64. How do I find out?02:51
noldonmacd ive done that get the same error02:51
macdchemturion, hmmm, does the device showup in 'lspci' ?02:51
countzeroit didn't work. The light on the disk is on, but it didn't help to automount it.02:51
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ShackJackCorpseCheese: Check out Admin->System Monitor02:52
penguinistakcNOldon -- are any partitions mounted on /dev/sda?02:52
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chemturionmacd: i dont see it when i run lspci02:52
NemesisDtherethinker, thank you!02:52
noldonpenguinistakc no02:53
therethinkerNemiesisD: You're welcome, glad to help02:53
=== Bulazeem [n=george@c-66-177-188-122.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
macdchemturion, well that pretty much explains why it wont eject ;), is it a sata or ide cdrom, and does lspci show the ide/sata controller that it uses?02:53
countzeroi'm not gonna give in and reinstall windows again, for sure.But I'd sure like everything to just work.02:53
CorpseCheeseShackJack: What about CPU type?02:53
=== needle [n=nevle@cust2347.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackCorpseCheese: cat /proc/cpuinfo ;)02:54
noldonpenguinistakc should it be?02:54
chemturionmacd: it shows the controller02:54
countzerocan anyone help me make the system recognize my external harddisk?02:54
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chemturionmacd: hahah wait wait wiat, i figured it out, I thought there wasnt a cd rom in it, but there is, stupid error on my part02:54
AhadielCould anyone recommend any software for recording lectures? (Audio/Video)02:54
countzerothe irony of my nick doesn't escape me:)02:54
penguinistakcnodon -- It should not be when you run fsck, but since I can't read Deutsch, I was unable to translate and wanted to make sure02:54
linxehAhadiel: audacity ?02:55
chemturionmacd: thanks for your patience02:55
macdchemturion, nice move ;)02:55
linxehoh video too02:55
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penguinistakcNoldon -- what happened when you ran enfsck -b ?02:55
Ahadiellinxeh, Yeah, therein lies my problem02:55
ianm_just talked to a university prof who was visited by dell and he says "dell loves ubuntu" and said they talked about all sorts of projects they were going to do.  just thought I'd share02:55
penguinistakcThat should have replaced the bad superblock with the backup02:55
macdAhadiel, they have several webcam utils that can record from any video input.02:55
harrismhow do i stop the network manager from connecting to random networks?02:55
linxehLiVES maybe ?02:56
noldonenfsck -b?02:56
noldonon the device02:56
Ahadielmacd, Such as?02:56
linxehor kino ?02:56
ianm_seems dell is happy with the sales and loves working with ubuntu, the configurability especially02:56
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therethinkerharrism: Set it up Manually02:56
macdAhadiel, 'apt-cache search webcam'02:56
DragnslcrAnyone here worked with kvm? When I try to start a virtual machine, it hangs at "Loading..." and uses 100% of one of my CPU cores02:56
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ShackJackianm_: Too bad I can't get suspend/hibernate working on their computers :P02:56
noldonpenguinistakc u mean e2fsck02:57
NemesisDtherethinker, is ssh supposed to do something like ask me for a password? it's just sitting there02:57
harrismtherethinker: thats the only wya?02:57
ianm_ShackJack: you mean a new one (ubuntu supported) or old?02:57
penguinistakcYes, sorry...can't type tonight02:57
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ShackJackianm_: Both old and unbuntu preinstalled ones...02:57
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therethinkerNemesisD: Make sure that the computer is on :P I've had that problem.02:57
ianm_ShackJack: suspend doesn't work on one purchased from dell.com/ubuntu ??02:57
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therethinkerharrism: I'm 70% sure it is02:58
chemturionmacd: thanks again, ttyl02:58
NigelSShackJack: hibernate/suspend are really hit and miss atm :( esp if nvidia/ati closed drivers are invovled. It's not easy to initialise closed graphics hw02:58
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NemesisDtherethinker, i have it on good authority that the computer is on and set up for port forwarding02:58
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ShackJackianm_: Nope... Doesn't wake up correctly... they're looking into it supposedly...  nvidia driver but I fell back to nv driver with same result..02:58
macdnot to mention the massive debate on suspend to what. ;)02:58
cortanahello, I'm looking at putting together a system using one of intel's chipsets... i'm wondering whether i should go for something based on the newer G33 chipset or the older i965. i want to use the onboard video so basically I need to know whether Fiesty contains drivers for one or both of those chipsets02:58
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CorpseCheeseShackJack: For the software I am trying to download, the types listed are i686, athlonxp, and pentium4. If mine is Celeron does that mean that the software can not be installed?02:59
ShackJackNigelS: Oh yeah, I hear ya - I just figured that Dell might've sorted that issue before shipping out :)02:59
NemesisDi can't seem to ping the computer though..02:59
therethinkerNemesisD: hmm... is sshd running?02:59
macdcortana, intel provides drivers for linux for both.02:59
harrismgoddammit i just cant get this thing to connect my wireless router02:59
NemesisDtherethinker, sshd?02:59
cortanayeah, but are they in fiesty :)02:59
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ianm_ShackJack: yeah that's lame... I assumed they more or less worked out of the box02:59
ShackJackCorpseCheese: Celeron is i686 :)02:59
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therethinkerNemesisD: The ssh server02:59
macdcortana, even if they arent intel provides them.02:59
NigelSShackJack: that's the problem, unless we can get ati/nvidia to share their specs no one can solve it without a lot of work reverse engineering them02:59
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CorpseCheeseShackJack: I see, thank you.02:59
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NemesisDtherethinker, i told them to do sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start, is that the correct way, and does the fact that I can't ping the machine indicate there may be another problem?03:00
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ShackJackNigelS: ianm_: Ah well, saw story today they're pushing for Linux driver development so we'll see ;)03:00
penguinistakcNoldon, try the following, just to make sure you are copying over the correct superblock.03:00
RyukZillaShackJack: if the server its clean and new, which will be the best option? CD or DVD? of course, to install the OS from.03:00
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NigelSShackJack: yeah, fingers crossed; they just need to open up! We'd do the work for them03:00
ShackJackRyukZilla: CD is fine... you can get other stuff you need from net03:00
therethinkerNemesisD: hmm.. if you can't ping it that's probably a bad sign -- then again, did you ping on port 22?03:00
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macdcortana, according to launchpad g33 is supported by the package xserver-xorg-video-intel03:00
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ianm_ShackJack: yeah... so I think we're probably the last generation to have to deal with this stuff.  god we're amazing03:01
RyukZillaShackJack: So in order to install, just press f7 and boot from CD rom?03:01
penguinistakcNoldon First you need to make sure /dev/sda is unmounted. If that is the partition where linux is installed, you'll need to boot into a live CD.03:01
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ShackJackRyukZilla: Yep :)03:01
NemesisDtherethinker, how do you do do that with network tools, theres no port field03:01
Jobiascan anyone help me with a partitioning question?03:01
macdcortana, for more info and howto get the latest support for g33 in feisty: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/xorg/+bug/12144303:01
harrismwhen i open my access point it says that signal strength is 0%03:01
cortanamacd: cool, where can I find that (and other similar stuff) out?03:01
ShackJack!ask | Jobias03:01
kitcheianm_: probably not at least until suspend2 and hibrate gets made into a better project03:01
ubotuJobias: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:01
cortanaah thanks03:01
harrismeven though when scanning its much higher03:01
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macddamn I read minds today.03:01
noldonpenguinistakc yes its unmounted no its not were linux is installed cuz im using linux right now03:01
pjzanyone know why gaim complains '*** stack smashing detected ***' when I try and start it up?03:01
micahfguys I really need your help!03:01
therethinkerNemesisD: in terminal: ping IPADDR:2203:01
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NigelSNemesisD: if you can't ping the IP and there's not a firewall dropping pings active then that's a bad sign; can the machine ping any other machine?03:02
penguinistakcNoldon once you've done that, then run tune2fs -l | grep 'Block Size'03:02
micahfthe lifeguards in my town need your help too03:02
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thinlaceshackjack i tried that and its installed but rendering improperly without a composite manager installed03:02
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thinlacedo you need a composite manager installed to use xgl?03:02
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micahfour local fox news station is running a story that claims the lifeguards aren't doing their jobs03:02
penguinistakcThat will tell you what block size your filesystem is using.03:02
micahfbut they ARE03:02
Jobiasif i have vista 64-bit, what's the best way to partition a drive so that both ubuntu and vista can use it? i'm planning on using this partition to store media (ie. movies and music) and some coding projects, so i'd like both to have equally effective access to it03:02
jrib!offtopic | micahf03:02
ianm_micahf: dude fox news doesn't lie, what are you suggesting..? :P03:02
ubotumicahf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:02
ShackJackthinlace: IN your xorg.conf you have to disable Composite :)03:02
cortanamacd: ok i think i'll give it a go -- thanks03:02
micahffine jrib, I'll leave03:03
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=== pjz thinks it unlikely that either fox news or a random group of lifeguards have much to do with ubuntu
ianm_kitche: with the speed things are improving now, if it's not radically better (on new hardware) within a couple years I'll be shocked03:03
penguinistakcJobias: The only way to allow Vista to see a Linux partition is to use FAT32.03:03
chemturioncan someone help me make sense of xgl, compiz, beryl, and which to choose and if it will even work with my computer03:03
ShackJackthinlace: I trust you have fglrx set in xorg.conf for dirver :)03:03
CorpseCheeseShackJack: I added the appropriate repository to my source list, and followed the command, apt-get update ; apt-get install cinelerra, but it still could not unlock the file. Suggestions?03:03
therethinkerchemturion: THey're all desktop effects03:03
penguinistakcJobias Ubuntu will see the Vista partition no problem and mount it for you03:03
kahrytanpenguinistakc: Wrong03:03
therethinkerchemturion: I personally like compiz-fusion the best03:03
noldonpenguinistakc and the unit sda1 i guess?03:04
ShackJackCorpseCheese: You have to run as superuser sudo apt-get ...03:04
NemesisDtherethinker, it doesn't like that :22 part it says unknown host03:04
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kahrytanpenguinistakc: there is an ext driver03:04
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kahrytanpenguinistakc: for windows03:04
CorpseCheeseShackJack: I see. Why?03:04
Jobiaspenguinistakc: should i use FAT32 over ntfs for this partition?03:04
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ShackJackCorpseCheese: cause that's admin stuff a regular user shouldn't be doing :)03:04
NigelSNemesisD: are you pinging by IP?03:04
Jobiaskahrytan: the only ext2/3 driver i've found for windows doesn't work on vista, and won't work on 64-bit OS's03:04
penguinistakckahrytan Where at? I'd love to try it out03:04
NemesisDNigelS, yes03:04
NigelSNemesisD: can you ping other machines?03:05
chemturiontherethinker: I know ive heard that these depend on closed drivers? how do i figure out if drivers exsit for my card?03:05
charlie_what is the adress to the minimal ubuntu iso03:05
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thinlaceshackjack, did that, and i also have fglrx set in xorg.conf but i'll double check03:05
harrismhow do i determine if my wireless card or router is borked03:05
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therethinkerchemturion: what's you're card?03:05
sapuroJobias having problems with vista ahm?03:05
penguinistakcJobias I recommend FAT32 because I don't trust NTFS on linux; however, there are a lot of smart people who swear by it.03:05
NemesisDNigelS, lemme see03:05
Bulazeemi have a folder on my desktop that is locked and has files in it.  how can i delete that folder and its contents?  sudo rm <filename>  yields a message saying that i can not delete a directory.03:05
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kahrytanJobias: Your right. does for 32bit03:05
ShackJackthinlace: What card you have?03:05
NemesisDNigelS, i could ping google.com03:05
penguinistakcNoldon I'm not sure what you are asking03:05
Jobiaspenguinistakc: that's what i was worried about too; the ubuntu forums have a few people who don't trust ntfs-3g, which is why i was wondering. thanks :)03:06
pjzBulazeem: sudo rm -rf <filename>03:06
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therethinkerBulazeem: rm <dir> -R03:06
ianm_harrism: throw the router against the wall, then you'll know03:06
Jobiassapuro: sort of. just trying to find a happy medium for both ubuntu and vista :)03:06
dstadulisping google.com03:06
noldonme neither03:06
kahrytanpenguinistakc: for 32bit windows, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=236274&page=203:06
thinlaceshackjack i have a FireGL, or X1600. my xorg.conf has this: Identifier  "Generic Video Card" and Driver      "fglrx"03:06
NigelSNemesisD: is the machine you're trying to ping running a firewall? what do the pings fail with?03:06
penguinistakcKahrytan Thanks!03:06
pjzBulazeem: or sudo rm <dir>/* ; sudo rmdir <dir> though that presumes there's only one level deep03:06
thinlaceshackjack: and this Option    "Composite" "Disable"03:06
Bulazeemty very much pjz and therethinker03:06
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ianm_harrism: easiest way would be to try another computer with it03:06
therethinkerBulazeem:You're welcome03:06
CorpseCheeseShackJack: Something still is not right. Would it be listed in the synaptic package manager now?03:06
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ianm_harrism: does the router have a web interface you can get at?03:07
keeni'm installing ubuntu, and am a bit confused, what type of file system should the hdd be?03:07
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ShackJackCorpseCheese: Yep03:07
NemesisDNigelS, simply ping IP doesn't work, and ping IP:PORT gives me name or service not found03:07
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harrismianm_: yes i am in it03:07
Jobiaskeen: it should be ext303:07
keenthank you03:07
ianm_does it ask for file system type in the normal install??03:07
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therethinkerNemesisD: what about ping IP:80 ?03:07
NigelSNemesisD: yes but what does it fail with? destination host unreachable..etc?03:07
ShackJackthinlace: I added these to lines in my startxgl LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa                        LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/opengl/xorg-x11/lib/03:07
harrismianm_: im using a desktop hooked to it to write this03:07
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ianm_keen: did you choose advanced disk partitioning?03:07
NemesisDNigelS, the ping doesn't fail it just sits there03:07
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linxehtherethinker: err, ping ip:port? wtf?03:08
chemturiontherethinker: ATI Technologies Inc M24 1T [FireGL M24 GL]  (rev 80)03:08
noldonpenguinistakc anyway my blocksize was Block size:               409603:08
ShackJackthinlace: And I trust you've installed xserver-xgl ?03:08
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NemesisDtherethinker, i think that syntax is wrong or something03:08
sapurokeen just choose ext3 and mount point should be a forward slash03:08
therethinkerchemturion: I'll take a look03:08
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harrismi see is kernel log eth1: link is not ready over and over again03:08
linxehNemesisD: damn right its wrong :o03:08
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chemturiontherethinker: thank you!!!03:08
therethinkerNemesisD: Hmm... Sorry XD03:08
thinlaceshackjack: yeah i have installed it, and i'll add the lines that you added now03:08
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penguinistakcThen you're backup block is going to be at block 3276803:09
NigelSNemesisD: ok, is that machine running a firewall?03:09
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NemesisDNigelS, probably but i told them to have their router forward port 22 to the machine that I need to SSH to03:09
penguinistakcNoldon you would run e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/sda to replace the bad superblock03:09
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John_Keyif someone can help me to configure my 5.1 soundcard PLEASE msg me (it's a VIA VT8233/A/8235/8237 and I'm running Ubuntu feisty fawn 7.04, i386)03:09
noldonok no sda1 then03:10
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penguinistakcNoldon Sorry, it would be on /dev/hda1 ... I can't type worth a crap tonight03:10
therethinkerchemturion: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=488385 have you tried that?03:10
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penguinistakcNoldon /dev/sda1, sorry03:11
pjzis there a version of pidgin packaged for fiesty yet?03:11
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Picipjz: Not officially.03:11
ShackJackpjz: No but you can get deb at getdeb.net ;)03:11
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d4rkmonkeypjz, I hear the one on getdeb.net doesn't work well for some people03:11
d4rkmonkeypjz, you're better off compiling03:11
NigelSNemesisD: right that would explain it then, if ssh is timing out, try nc <router ip> 2203:11
pjzShackJack: ohhhh, hrm.03:11
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chemturiontherethinker: I'll give that a try, so you say compiz fusion, for xgl?03:11
pjzd4rkmonkey: ah, okay.03:11
NigelSNemesisD: see whether you get a header for the server03:12
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d4rkmonkeypjz, you can try the one off getdeb though, just when I looked at comments a bunch of people had problems with it03:12
ShackJackd4rkmonkey: I suppose - I haven't had issues on three machines ;)03:12
d4rkmonkeyShackJack, I've never used it, I just looked at comments ;)03:12
therethinkerchemturion: I definantly like Compiz much more than Beryl, and I use it with emerald03:12
d4rkmonkeyShackJack, I just compiled :D03:12
NemesisDNigelS, just kind of sitting there doing nothing03:12
=== ShackJack is lazy...
NigelSNemesisD: sounds like it's dropping traffic03:13
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d4rkmonkeyShackJack, lol, its 3 commands in the terminal as long as you have all the needed packages ;)03:13
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NemesisDNigelS, oh dear that sounds bad03:13
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ShackJackd4rkmonkey: Like I said - lazy 3 commands > 2 clicks03:13
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NigelSNemesisD: well it makes sense to not let people connect to a router from the outside usually.  You could portscan it to see if they've opened one for you03:13
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d4rkmonkeyShackJack, nu uh! you didn't include mouse movements :P03:14
slimzis there a channel for avant window navigator?03:14
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NemesisDNigelS, its the only way I could see connecting to the actual computer, they have but 1 internet connection03:14
ShackJackd4rkmonkey: IN that case 3 commands > 0 commands :)03:14
d4rkmonkeyShackJack, lol03:14
Bung0waUpon trying to reinstall Tor, I get the following error:  Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1).  Anyone familiar with this bug?03:14
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yosyphey guys i'm starting up and get this:03:15
yosypX: cannot read /ext/X11/X symbolic link (Invalid argument), aborting.03:15
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yosypand X doens't start03:15
CorpseCheeseShackJack: What does it mean when an error window pops up telling you to run something as root?03:15
gimpii!compiz | gimpii03:15
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ShackJackCorpseCheese: You append sudo to the beginning...03:15
NigelSNemesisD: yeah, it makes perfect sense. Most ppl here will be doing something similar but the fact that it's hanging implies that the router is dropping your traffic or the machine within their internal network is hanging03:15
ShackJack!sudo | CorpseCheese03:15
ubotuCorpseCheese: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:15
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therethinkerCorpseCheese: to sudo the last command, type: sudo !!03:15
NigelSBung0wa: you need to tell us the relevant part of the msg, there should have been some error output before that03:15
NemesisDNigelS, fantastic, in fact i have a strong feeling that somebody didn't do their job and didn't set that port 22 to forward03:16
thinlaceshackjack did you add that at the top or bottom of your startxgl?03:16
ShackJackthinlace: Bottom...03:16
NigelSNemesisD: that would be consistent with this yes :)03:16
CorpseCheeseThank you.03:16
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ShackJackthinlace: Two lines I put in as one...03:16
Bung0waI believe it's this: chown: cannot access `/var/run/tor': No such file or director03:16
rizi tried to update my ubuntu to 7.04 but it kept getting an error03:16
NigelSNemesisD: like I say, if they don't mind you could portscan the router03:16
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d4rkmonkeyriz, what error do you keep getting?03:17
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yiyok1So I'm using Ubuntu x86, and of course, wine. I install both world of warcraft and of course the expansion into my computer with wine, I set my sound drivers with wine to be OSS only, I added the string variable into my registry, and I got an addon for WoW called "headon" which if I were able to even enter my account information to get in, I'd be able to change my video settings on linux.. Um.. I have 2Ghz, 1 gig of ram, for grap03:17
therethinkerEverytime I try to use Gdebi, when I click install, it says that there can't be multiple package managers running, even if it's the first thing I do after a reboot03:18
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ShadorUmmm.... I just had a couple questions.03:18
keenthe swap drive should be logical correct?03:18
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therethinkerShador: Mmmhmmm?03:18
rizd4rkmonkey> Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/edgy/free/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found03:18
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NigelSBung0wa: hmm, paste the whole output to  pastebin would be best03:19
ShackJackkeen: Don't matter :)03:19
d4rkmonkeyriz, did you add that repo yourself?03:19
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keenok =)03:19
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Bung0waNigelS, http://pastebin.com/d157437ee03:19
ShadorI already have ubuntu installed, and I want to add MS-DOS 6.22 for a dual-boot system.  How is the best way to do this?03:20
rizd4rkmonkey> not sure, there are more than just that one03:20
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noldonpenguinistakc now its clean03:20
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ShackJackShador: You could run MS-Dos virtual machine so you don;t have to dual boot...03:20
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d4rkmonkeyriz, I'm not completly sure, but you might have added some repositories which the updater doesn't know what to do with. I'm kind of guessing though03:20
Spiritualthansen|laptop :D03:20
Spiritualthotypous :D03:21
therethinkerEverytime I try to use Gdebi, when I click install, it says that there can't be multiple package managers running, even if it's the first thing I do after a reboot is there some flag I need to clear?03:21
noldonpenguinistakc thanks for the help03:21
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ShadorShack, I tried DosBox but - too slow.03:21
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ShackJackShador: Really? Wow...03:21
Ominoushow can you run a command as root whenever you login?03:21
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preaction!boot | Ominous03:21
ubotuOminous: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto03:21
ShackJackShador: If you have CPU that supports virtualization KVM built into kernel now -- good performance...03:21
sapurokeen are you still having problems installing ubuntu?03:21
preactionOminous, are you sure you want login and not boot?03:22
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penguinistakcNoldon no problem glad it worked!03:22
keensapuro: i downloaded the alternate cd, things are going much smoother03:22
ShadorShack, I am not sure what that means, but I have ubuntu on an older machine (pentium 2)03:22
keentho i know i will be having some problems in the near future because of my ati video card03:23
sapurokeen lol03:23
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sapurokeen ahahah...I dont think so, i got an ati radeon xpress 200M and it worked fine right after installing03:23
g2g591wow 1046 people, must be LOTS of afks03:24
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ShackJackShador: Oh - then no :) here's dual boot guide - WIndows but same logic still applies... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot?highlight=%28boot%29%7C%28dual%2903:24
keensapuro i have a radeon x1400 mobile and wanna run compizfusion....soooo we'll see03:24
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Bung0wasapuro, Do you have 3D Accelleration?03:24
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NigelSBung0wa: was this from the ubuntu repos?03:24
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Bung0waNigelS, yes.03:24
ShackJackkeen: I'm running that setup on notebook - runs great ;)03:24
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keenshackjack, i'm really hoping for more battery life, vista is a powerhog03:25
Ominouspreaction: well its mounting my windows drives so makes no difference03:25
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sapurokeen humn, but I dont think ur gonna have problems, u dont use compizfusion, I just downloaded beryl and that's still pretty good :o03:25
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sapuroBongOva yep03:25
jd__how do i know what driver my wireless card uses03:25
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ShackJackkeen: Unfortunately not much better with Linux/ATI driver - though I think there is tweak to make better (as graphics card runs full-tilt, I think)...03:26
Paddy_EIREjd__: lspci03:26
jd__thank u03:26
penguinistakcShador It is easier to set up DOS first, then run the Linux installer -- Grub should find it automatically03:26
sapurofisiconuclear20 do you speak portuguese?03:26
Paddy_EIREjd__: in terminal03:26
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preactionOminous, it does, but you'd prefer it be done at bootup i assume. that's something completely different from running a script, you use /etc/fstab03:26
penguinistakcOtherwise, you will get into it exactly like you would a Windows partition -- I think someone already posted a link to the dual-boot howto03:26
keenwell, installiation is finished, lets see how this puppy runs03:27
Ominouspreaction: ok , what do i do there03:27
ztomicquestion: I can play ISO images on one computer but not the other. What package my have been the difference? Feisty.03:27
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Meta4icalCould anyone help me get my sapphire radeon x1550 working with fglrx drivers? I've been trying myself since yesterday but a newb only knows so much03:27
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sapurokeen there is a guide on installing beryl in ATI cards :o, if u want it :o03:27
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jd__uhh this is a laptop though03:27
Meta4icalI posted a thread on the ubuntuforums but it's still yet to recieve a reply, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51360703:27
preactionOminous, it might be better to use the Disks Manager to get them to auto mount, messing with /etc/fstab isn't for the faint of heart03:27
Paddy_EIREhow would I speed up my repos??03:27
ShadorShack, that covers putting Ubuntu on where the other OS already exists.  I want to put MS-DOS on where ubuntu exists.  Penguin, I really don't want to have to reinstall Ubuntu (I just finshed downloading 288 MB worth of updates to it).  Is there another way?03:27
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keenfailed to start x server again, =(03:28
penguinistakcShador DOS will have to be on your boot partition, as I recall, and I think it has a limit on the number of cylinders you can use for its partition (it has been a decade at least since I used MS-DOS in any form)03:28
ChrisF-Anybody know how I could change the look of pidgin?  I want the user names smaller and the list just more compact.  I don't see hwere I change the look in the preferences though03:28
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penguinistakcShador Gotta put the kid to bed, then we'll see what we can do.03:28
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jd__paddy_eire im on a laptop03:28
sapurokeen is it dual booting that u want to do?or do u want to install only ubuntu?03:28
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jd__that will list the driver03:29
keensapuro, ubuntu only03:29
Paddy_EIREjd__: yes03:29
keenwell i can log in, but only in text mode....how can i get the x-server working?03:29
harrismi have to say, not so impressed with the ubuntu03:29
Paddy_EIREhow can I get faster repos03:29
therethinkerharrism: why?03:29
harrismis 7.04 known to be buggy?03:29
harrismgoddam wireless03:30
StarScreamharrism: its not an LTS03:30
Peloharrism,  you are right you didn't have to say03:30
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:30
penguinistakcShador can you put your /boot/grub/menu.lst on the pastebin?03:30
therethinkerharrism: probably the least03:30
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rocketsI've got SSH into my girlfriend's laptop from accross the room03:30
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rocketsi want to do something funny03:30
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therethinkerharrism: have you found any disto that had it?03:30
rocketswhat can i do?03:30
jd__how do i put my wireless card into monitor mode03:30
g2g591paddy:you can't, the servers are the servers03:30
harrismtherethinker: you mean least buggy?03:30
ShadorPenguins - I can try (me = newb)03:30
therethinkerrockets: hmmm, I don't know03:30
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Ominouspreaction: i cant open Disk Management03:30
Pelorockets,  on her laptop ,  alt-f2  free the fish03:30
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rocketslol i cant do that over ssh03:30
therethinkerharrism: yeah, out of all the ubuntus03:30
preactionOminous, why not?03:30
keenshackjack, sapuro: any ideas on how to configure my x server so i can have a gui?03:31
Paddy_EIREg2g591: yeah ;) the sources where faster on feisty03:31
rocketsi tried using notify-send to send her messages03:31
rocketsbut it wont work03:31
harrismi dunno03:31
jd__can anyone help with putting my wireless card in monitor mode03:31
harrismi cant believe i failed to get wireless workign03:31
OminousThere are no filesystems which you are allowewd to mount or unmount, contact your administrator (me)03:31
Shador# menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)03:31
Shador#            grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),03:31
Shador#            grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub03:31
Shador#            and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.03:31
Shador## default num03:31
harrismmaybe my router is borked03:31
droliverkallj/ chapada03:31
therethinkerrockets: sudo apt-get install blast03:31
jd__can anyone help with putting my wireless card in monitor mode03:31
therethinkerrockets: blast03:31
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ShackJackkeen: That's tough one --- XGL aside install driver change xorg.conf to fglrx ;)... Maybe try reinstall driver :)03:32
Ominouspreaction: There are no filesystems which you are allowewd to mount or unmount, contact your administrator (me)03:32
rocketstherethinker, it wont run in her session03:32
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NigelSBung0wa: this is in edgy?03:32
therethinkerrockets: type those, It should make it so it "shoots" the windows as she clicks, Ohh03:32
rocketstherethinker, itll try to run in my ssh session and fail because it cant find X03:32
preaction!paste | Shador03:32
ubotuShador: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:32
Paddy_EIREg2g591: there is a local server that mirrors that where faster than these and feisty detected them but the list ones in use now are too slo03:32
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sapurohumn, I donno about configuring ur x server, but the best suggestion I can make is to reinstall ubuntu, but this time, insted of manual, try the option that says "guided installation :use largest continuous free space" that way you wont have to configure anything urself03:32
Meta4icalCould someone help me setup fglrx with my graphics card?03:32
sapurokeen I mean, u wont have to setup partitions03:32
Pelojd__, thre is a difference between want and can ,  don'T dispair and check the forum you might find someting there03:32
NigelSBung0wa: have you tried a dpkg --configure -a to see if it can complete the setup script03:32
rocketsi can create files on the desktop i suppose03:32
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:33
keensapuro, i'll try that, this is the same error i was having with the live cd to install tho...03:33
nbjaymehello people.  i've seen effectv and freej that can do effects realtime.  is there a program that can do realtime effects on the current desktop screen? (much like xgl but without installing xgl)03:33
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ianm_anyone else have problems seeing the colors of the laptops here?  for me they blink on they the flash applet goes invisible  http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/linux_3x?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs03:33
LukeDoes anyone have any good guides on RAID-1 while preserving Ubuntu?03:33
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g2g591pady: im not sure, id look and see if i could figure out something, but im installing something atm03:33
NigelSBung0wa: failing that it seems to be complaining that tor isn't going.. which is odd. try if the conf doesn't work /etc/init.d/tor start && dpkg --configure -a03:33
ShadorHmmmm..... I get the feeling I did not do that right.03:33
Pelonbjayme,  you can try asking in #ubuntu-effects03:33
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NigelSBung0wa: obv all this must be done as root03:33
ztomicMeta4ical: I know a little.03:34
thinhfor ext HD what file format do i use ext2 or ext3?03:34
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rocketsuse ext303:34
thinhokey thanks03:34
Pelothinh,  will you be needing to access the ext hdd from a windows computer ?03:34
ShackJackthinh: ext3 is best - unless you have to share with windows - fat3203:34
penguinistakcthinh I recommend ext3. It is much more robust than ext203:34
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nbjaymePelo, thanks.  i'll do that.03:34
thinhuse it with linux only03:34
Bung0waNigelS, no that didn't do anything.03:34
therethinkerYOu can use ext2fsd to mount your ext3 partitions03:34
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Pelothinh, ext3 then03:35
Meta4icalztomic: Think you could try to assist me? ;p03:35
sapuronbjayme aignxl03:35
ztomicMeta4ical: possibly.03:35
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Meta4icalztomic: What do you need to know? ;o03:36
Bung0waNigelS, brb03:36
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isaac_easy question!!  useing terminal how do you create a directory?03:36
harrismwhat does it mean if the wireless card keeps dropping connections03:36
isaac_im a noob at server03:36
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ShackJackisaac_: mkdir directory (sudo as required)03:37
Peloisaac_,   sudo mkdir  /path03:37
ztomicMeta4ical: describe your problem. That way, if I don't know someone else may jump in.03:37
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isaac_thank you03:37
Meta4icalztomic: Sure, do you want me to explain here or maybe refer you to my forum post?03:37
justin420can anybody tell me how to make my windows be able to shade on feisty using gnome?03:37
ShackJackjustin420: Go to prefs -> Windows -- double click title bar03:37
Pelojustin420,  you will need to enable the desktop effects ,  ask in ubuntu-effects for more details03:37
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ShackJackPelo: justin420: (actually no effects required)03:38
Paddy_EIREthis repo is giving me trouble deb http://arsip.ubuntu-id.org/repo feisty contrib03:38
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Meta4icalztomic: I think it'd be better if I showed you my forum post, I spent a little more time organizing it there and I'm sure I explained it better -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51360703:38
ztomicMeta4ical: you're making it difficult. if you have already posted then send the URL for everyone to see.03:38
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justin420ShackJack: Thanks allot!!!03:38
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squidinkcwhat does m-a mean? A howto guide has it in a command, but I don't seem to03:39
Meta4icalztomic: I didn't want to spam the channel, I did that previously but noone chose to respond03:39
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alecwhI just installed pure-ftpd03:39
alecwhhow do I set up a user/access?03:39
ShackJackjustin420: DOH Compiz Fusion crashed when I was shading :)03:39
alecwh!pure-ftpd > alecwh03:40
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justin420ShackJack: i am using compiz, and shading is now working!03:40
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alecwhI just recently installed pure-ftpd, and I have no idea how to use it. Can someone help me set it up, or link me to a guide/wiki?03:40
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ShackJackjustin420: Depending on which compiz you can have shortcut key and you used to be able to roll mouse over title to shade which was pretty cool..03:41
ztomicMeta4ical: thats not spam. good question. So your question is to solve lockup problem?03:41
sapurokeen any luck on the installation?03:41
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Meta4icalztomic: You're correct. ;p03:41
bassoyay ubuntu works03:41
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bassoanyone had problems with a major long install?.. it took like an hour to format and install everything03:42
Meta4icalztomic: I've seen posts related to my problem where people chose to use ENVY and it didn't go over so well, so I avoided that as a solution03:42
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ShackJackbasso: Slow computer?03:42
Pelobasso,  might be related to the size of your hdd and the speed of your cd-rom03:42
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bassoe6300 2gig ram and 200gig hdd... hmmm no xD03:42
bassocould be the hdd thou...03:42
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bassobut still.. was pritty slow03:42
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Shrimpy_i am booting a live cd but how do i check the files on my harddrive. (my window files)03:43
Pelobasso,  I'm betting on formating the hdd took the longest time03:43
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RyukZillaShackJack: is Lamp the extra services like MySQL, PHP and Apache?03:43
bassoomg yes :O03:43
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ShackJackbasso: Check to make sure DMA is enabled on the drive :)03:43
Yonohow do you change the text color on the gnome panel?03:43
bazookatoothi have a problem... i've been using ubuntu on my laptop (sony vaio widescreen) for a few months now... i love it.   however, I just recently bought a 21inch widescreen dell monitor, and I can't for the life of me get the resolution right on it.  anyone else have a similar problem?03:43
squidinkcWhat is m-a?03:43
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Pelobasso,  ifyou'd been installing xp you'd still be at it03:43
ShackJackRyukZilla: Yep..03:43
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Pelobazookatooth,  edit xort.conf and add the resolutions you need to the list03:44
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Pelobazookatooth,  xorg.conf,  sorry03:44
ShackJackbasso: Think of all the time you'll save not having to defrag, check for viruses, malware, hunt down programs... :)03:44
Jack_Sparrowbazookatooth: You will end up editing your xorg.conf file and adding in the res you want...03:44
bassowell.. i have come quite far with ubuntu now.. but i still havent figured out if how to get decent ATI drivers for my X1950XT card03:44
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keeni'm starting to dislike ubuntu, i can't even get a gui =(03:44
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dk0rhow do you add apps to startup program list? system>preferences>sessions seems to lag. alot.03:44
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Meta4icalztomic: Oh it should be known that on the first guide I followed (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI) and only did the instructions for 7.0403:44
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IndyGunFreakkeen: why niot?03:45
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Pelobasso,  start wit the restricted drivers in  menu > system > admin > restricted drivers,   if that does't work come back there are other ways03:45
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ShackJackbasso: You'll have to make do with fglrx...03:45
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Meta4icalztomic: Making so many changes and edits just seemed weird, because if it didn't fix it then I have all these modifications etc left over03:45
drgonzo_I was goofing around with a new USB Thumb Drive (Emprex 2GB "PD10") and decided to try formatting it, after formatting it Ubuntu 7.04 automounts the drive in Read Only, how do I fix this?03:45
BrowndogBazooka, check the Ubuntu Wiki to see if there's a resolution package available for your machine...I have a gateway laptop with an intel 915 chipset, and there was a package called 915 resolution that I installed.  Worked perfectly.03:45
franky123hey, i'm trying to set vnc up so i can remote desktop to my friend's computer. i can ssh into his computer, but we cant get vnc to work. we just did apt-get vncviewer and vncserver, but vncviewer always says it failed to connect03:45
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sapurokeen have u tried the guided installation?03:45
keenwell i'm on my third install and everytime i install, my x server decides not to work03:45
bazookatoothPelo: thanks... but where is xorg.conf03:45
thinhi just format my ext hd to ext3 how do i take ownership of it?03:45
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thinhi cant remove or copy to ext hd03:46
Pelobazookatooth,   in the terminal     gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:46
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ztomicMeta4ical: My first suggestion is to do #sudo depmod03:46
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keenwell i was trying to save some files i had on here so i wouldn't have to copy them over again, but i think imma just try the guided next time...03:46
bazookatoothPelo, thanks.. i'll use vi :)03:46
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bassowell i followed a strange guide somewhere, did lots of copy past code thingi to terminal, had to reboot and bag.. could play a crappy rallygame in 3d.. so i guess it works03:46
therethinkerHmm... has anyone had an error where apt always reports that another package manager is running, even right after a reboot?03:46
ShackJackkeen: Make sure you have separate partition for home - makes reinstalls easier ;)03:46
Meta4icalztomic: Done, no output just went back to another prompt03:46
varun_where are codecs stored on ubuntu?03:46
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NigelStherethinker: the update manager may have launched03:47
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ShackJacktherethinker: You're running apt as super user?03:47
ztomicMeta4ical: probably have to reboot to see if it worked. Edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf as well.03:47
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therethinker I stopped update-manager, and I am running as a SU03:47
Meta4icalztomic: I'm not sure that does, but in the first guide I followed he asked me to issue this command "sudo depmod -a"03:47
LukeDoes anyone have any good guides on RAID-1 while preserving Ubuntu?03:47
thinhis the media that i need to take ownsership?03:47
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drgonzo_I've lost ownership of my USB Thumb drive after formatting it, and now Ubuntu Feisty sees it as a Read Only HDD, how can I get ownership back?03:47
g2g591shackjack:how do you set things up to do that?03:47
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bassobut here is the inner geek speaking out to you. Does anyone have problems running X264 1080P videos in ubuntu?03:47
ShackJackg2g591: Eh?03:48
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Meta4icalztomic: Alright I'll edit the xorg.conf and come back, thanks03:48
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ztomicMeta4ical: you need to reboot after depmod03:48
RyukZillaShackJack: Well I installed it but to be honest im really noob at this, and its asking for a command03:48
Pelodrgonzo_,  there was someting in the forum about  removeing a line from gconf-editor,   let me figure out where exactly03:48
bazookatoothnow... say i make a change to my xorg.conf or something like that.. how do I restart X without restarting my cpu?03:48
g2g591shack: how do you get it so your home is on another partation than your install?03:48
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ShackJackLuke: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/RAID1?highlight=%28raid%29  ?03:48
drgonzo_Pelo, thanks03:48
RyukZillaShackJack: It appears like "login@hostname:~$" >< what do to now >.<?03:49
Pelodrgonzo_,  in gconf-editor , under  /system/storage,  possibly under default options,  look for the mount name of your usb drive,  and delete the entry03:49
therethinkerSo no clue?03:49
LukeShackJack: checking03:49
drgonzo_Pelo, alright, I'll give it a shot03:49
ShackJackRyukZilla: I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish...03:49
Meta4icalztomic: Do i edit this entry back to  Identifier  "aticonfig-Device[0] "03:49
Meta4ical fglrx, or the generic video card entry above it?03:49
ShackJack!ohmy | Juninho03:49
Juninhoestoy perdido03:49
ubotuJuninho: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:49
NigelStherethinker: but it still reports that the cache is locked?03:49
RyukZillaShackJack: get to the main interface?03:49
Pelodrgonzo_,  and similarly under  /schemas/system/storage ...03:49
Meta4icalthey both have a driver ""03:49
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Juninhoubotu Brazil03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about brazil - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:50
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ShackJackRyukZilla: For server ubuntu - there is no "main interface"...03:50
ShackJackRyukZilla: It's command line only...03:50
PeloJuninho,  try #ubuntu-br03:50
sapurobazookatooth you can restart the X without restarting the pc by doing <Cntrl> <Alt> <Back Space>03:50
RyukZillaShackJack: o.... <_< so how am i Supposed to run services and such?03:50
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LukeShackJack: that is for *installation* - I want to ensure my data persists after raid103:50
bassoubuntu really has everything, amule, azureus, klibido and even VLC... i just love this man03:50
sapuroJuninho brasileiro :o03:51
thinhhow do i take ownership of my ext hd?03:51
sapurobasso ubuntu is the future :o03:51
therethinkertherethinker: yep03:51
g2g591juniho habla en espanol!03:51
therethinkerI mean XD03:51
ztomicMeta4ical: the identifier doesnt need to be changed. just the driver section. driver "fglrx"03:51
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KuprinHey guys, I just got my new box built, but I'm having problems and trying to troubleshoot. I tried Kanotix, Ubuntu, and Kubuntu and nothing's working properly; they either display a blank screen or the graphical part of the splash screen, but the scrolling text NEVER shows up.03:51
therethinkerNigelS: yep03:51
Juninhosapuro yess03:51
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ShackJackRyukZilla: Looks like you've got some reading to do ;) Start with: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers?action=show&redirect=Server03:51
bassomy first focus was getting access to usenet and check if i could play some downloaded porn movies with VLC.. and it worked :O03:51
JuninhoPelo thank you03:51
matt_muellerOk I hate to show up here and ask for help.....but I am at my wits end with my intel integrated wireless (ipw3945)...and yes I know it is supposed to be supported out of the box...but its not, and none of the forum topics have gotten me anywhere...can anyone help?03:51
PeloKuprin,  what video card ?03:52
bulmerKuprin: try to select the vga or low rez and see if it makes a difference03:52
Meta4icalztomic: Oh I misworded my question, I was saying I have 2 seperate sections with a Driver "" and I don't know which to change to fglrx03:52
ShackJack!wireless | matt_mueller (seen the troubleshooting guide here?)03:52
ubotumatt_mueller (seen the troubleshooting guide here?): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:52
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sapuroJuninho I speak portuguese, I'm angolan, r u having problems with ubuntu?I dont think we can speak portuguese here, try the pvt03:52
matt_muellerheh yeh, seen the troubleshooting docs03:52
bulmermatt_mueller: do you own your own AP?03:52
matt_muellerAP?  oh man now i feel like a total noob03:53
exileHello, can someone please direct me to a wiki or something that explains how to start a service or how to use start-stop-daemon? The manual doesn't quite explain.03:53
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therethinkerexile: sudo /etc/init.d/SERVICE [start] [stop] [restart] 03:53
bulmermatt_mueller: ummm..stay with wired connectivity for now :)03:53
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Peloexile,  you put it in /etc/init.d I beleive,  try looking in here  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty , not exactly what you need but you can probably figure something out from the exemples03:53
piaohi, is any body use xubuntu gutsy?03:53
matt_muelleraccess point03:54
KuprinPelo: GeForce 8600GTS03:54
Pelopiao,  for gutsy ask in #ubuntu+103:54
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bean-ohis there a tried and true way to do wireless bridging from the host with virtualbox?03:54
exilethank you03:54
Kuprinbulmer: Can't do low rez, monitor only runs at 1280x102403:54
drgonzo_Pelo, I'm not seeing any references to the mount name of my USB drive.03:54
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ztomicMeta4ical: Line 86 should read: Driver "fglrx"03:54
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thinhanyone know what i need to to to get access to my ext3 ext hd?03:54
bulmerKuprin then perhaps during boot from cd...select the higher rez03:54
PeloKuprin,  to install with an ATI or nvidia card you will need to use the alternate install cd ( which is text based) and after the install you can add the proper drivers03:54
Juninhosapuro all good03:55
RySpider-Pig, Spider-Pig.... Does whatever a Spider-Pig does.. Can he swing? from a web? No he can't.. Cause he's a pig! Look out! He is the Spider-Pig!03:55
thinhi format it with gparted now i cant add or remove any files from it03:55
penguinistakcthinh Have you mounted it?03:55
KuprinPelo: interesting.03:55
Juninhosapuro I am using a translator03:55
Pelodrgonzo_,  anyting that looks like your usb drive in there ? this was a while back look under the FS you used on your thumb drive03:55
drgonzo_thinh, I'm having the same problem with my USB Thimb Drive03:55
keenpelo, how do i get the proper drivers after i install, i'm not sure how to use the command line03:55
wluI have an AMD64 machine with two ati cards and three monitors. I a have been trying to get Debian to recognize the last screen but no luck. Does anyone have a tripple head ubuntu machine03:55
PeloKuprin,  ati and nvidia donT' have open source drivers so they are not out of the box in ubuntu,  that is why03:56
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thinhthe strange thing is i used my account to format with gparted and still it says root on it03:56
Meta4icalztomic: K rebooting03:56
KuprinPelo: Aha, I see. Didn't they change that in Feisty though?03:56
Pelokeen,  once you have installed you will get a gui,  with a vesa driver,   come back here and we can tell you how to get the ati-nvidia drivers you need03:56
sapuroJuninho oh, ok then, it shouldnt be a problem then03:57
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thinhi try to use chown but it doesnt seems to help03:57
PeloKuprin,  there are some restricted drivers in ubuntu ( but not on the install) , that can be easily added from the menus03:57
keenpelo, i do not get a gui after install, it says that my x server isn't configured properly03:57
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RyukZillaShackJack: is there an OS that has a main interface?03:57
KuprinPelo: That makes little sense, my brother has a 7600 and didn't need to do that.03:57
thinhi try to use it on /dev/sdb1 and /media/disk03:57
Pelokeen,   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:57
RyukZillaaltho im reading this =P but I would like t o have options03:57
Juninhosapuro debtor for its attention03:57
ShackJackRyukZilla: What are you trying to run a server for ?03:58
sapurokeen any code u want to use at the command prompt you can find by googling03:58
sapuroJuninho ?????????? :s03:58
RyukZillaShackJack: A gaming server (Ragnarok Online)03:58
keensapuro, thanks i'll try that03:58
drgonzo_Pelo, I see references to file systems under /system/storage/default_options , ntfs (the FS I used for my thumb drive) showing mount_opitons [umask=222,utf8,exec] 03:58
HelpMeI have a problem.    For some reason I cant install java runtime enviorment on mozilla03:58
PeloKuprin,  I'm not a ati / nvidia expert myself,  I only point ppl in the correct direction03:58
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ShackJackRyukZilla: Yeah, sorry you gotta get comfy with learning some stuff... There is webmin, etc... but it's not quite intuitive...03:58
Pelodrgonzo_, I have that to, leave it ,   did you also check under schemas ?03:59
bassoanyone know when ubuntu media center will be released?03:59
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sapurokeen usually I just type "code for (wateva I want to do) at the terminal" and usually works03:59
ShackJackRyukZilla: Maybe some tips in forums chats of other gamer server sites...03:59
franky123hey i'm having a vnc problem. i am able to remote desktop into my friends computer, but all i get is a blank X session where i can move the mouse around. how can i view the desktop? xfce is running with vnc4server on the remote computer.03:59
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wlukuprin, I do not know about ubuntu but you should see if you can get fglrx with apt-cache search03:59
RyukZillanp, i will do it tho but for example what If i didnt configured the DCHP and i-net connection? since they are going to set it up tomorrow03:59
Pelodrgonzo_,  it might not be the solution for your problem,  it just sounded like someting I went throught wth my mp3 player,  I had to delete the affore mentionned entry but that was a while back03:59
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bassoyeah how do you get the 3D interface thing i have been hearing about for so long?04:00
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ShackJackbasso: ENable desktop effects under prefs04:00
Pelobasso,  #ubuntu-effects04:00
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exiletherethinker: You explained to me how to start a service but how do I create my own service? i.e. Ventrilo04:00
drgonzo_Pelo, under /schemas/system/storage/default_options/ntfs I see "Name: mount options" "Value: <schema>"04:00
HelpMecan someone pleas tell me how to install java runtime enviorment on mozilla firefox?04:01
ShackJackbasso: Or check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion for the next wave...04:01
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isaac_how do i use swat?04:01
blankyhey guys04:01
basso"The Composite extension is not available"04:01
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ShackJackHelpMe: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Java_.26_Non-Media_Browser_Plug-ins04:01
blankywhich would be faster on a slow machine, kde or gnome (Yes, I know about fluxbox, openbox, xfce, etc.)04:01
bulmerexile you proly need to learn systems programming..regarding creating daemons04:01
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thinlaceargh, now i can't even load my 3d drivers. i run fgrlxinfo and get this: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".04:01
thinlacei have tried removing and reinstalling the drivers to no avail04:02
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ShackJackblanky: That you'll get a lot of argument about ;)04:02
penguinistakcthinh Did you mount it read/write with user? That is, mount -t ext3 -o rw,user /dev/xxx /media/disk04:02
exilebulmer: there's no easy way to have a program start in the background everytime linux starts?04:02
Pelodrgonzo_,  that's the same on mine,  maybe you should abandon tha tline of inquiry and do a search in the forum some keyword    read only usb  or someting similar04:02
Meta4icalztomic: Black screen again, had to revert to vesa. Though I do have a piece of information that might help.04:02
blankyShackJack: I know that there's a flamewar about them both, but what do YOU feel04:02
thinhdont know yet let me check rw04:02
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drgonzo_Pelo, doing so right now, thanks anyway04:02
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thinlacepenguin mount what?04:02
thinhit was on ro before04:02
franky123hey i need help with vnc. when i remote desktop into a xubuntu box i only see an X session instead of an xfce desktop. how to fix this?04:02
ShackJackthinlace: Dang I don't know what your issue could be...04:02
blankyfor example, I just installed feisty on a 1.3 ghz pc with 128 ram and it's sooo slow04:02
anditosanhow can I have last.fm play on elisa?04:02
blankyso I'm guessing I should definitely use XFCE or fluxbox?04:03
Meta4icalztomic: After I edited the xorg.conf in nano I did startx and it logged me in as root, after I logged out I noticed a line of text that could be helpful04:03
=== pppoe_dude [n=pppoe_du@unaffiliated/blimpdude] has joined #ubuntu
blankywhich do you suggest among those two, fluxbox?04:03
penguinistakcthinh that is why you couldn't write to t04:03
RyukZillaShackJack: np, i will do it tho but for example what If i didnt configured the DCHP and i-net connection? since they are going to set it up tomorrow04:03
Meta4icalit said screen 0 is not DRI capable04:03
thinlaceshackjack i think my situation went down hill. it was at least working with 3d04:03
bulmerexile you can, but if that program dies..you need to restart it..daemons are designed to be much more and not easily killed04:03
buntunu1blanky use xubuntu for that machine or fluxbuntu04:03
cafuegoblanky: Yes, with Gnome, an extra 512Mb ram would be good.04:03
ShackJackblanky: If you've got at least 384MB RAM and 500MHz system - GNOME will run fine...04:03
Peloblanky,   gnome should be faster , kde is a bit heavier04:03
penguinistakcthinlace helping thinh use his external HDD04:03
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pawanwhat other than xubuntu kubuntu04:03
blankyokay thanks guys04:03
Kuprinblanky: personally I'm a flux man, I run it on my other box04:03
thinlacepenguin i think you have me confused, i have no external HDD04:03
buntunu1gnome isnt any faster than kde04:03
buntunu1if anything its slower04:03
ShackJackRyukZilla: Sorry server services not my specialty ;)04:03
thinlacei am having trouble getting my ati commercial drivers working and xgl04:03
blankyyeah on this pc everything runs fine, but on the slow computer that I just ran, it's so slow04:03
penguinistakcthinlace I was helping another user :)04:03
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RyukZillaShackJack: any good tutorial to begin with?04:04
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thinlacei guess i am confused then04:04
Shrimpy_hello, i'm running a live cd 6.10 and i am trying to view the contents of the hardrive (aka the window files) how do i make this possible?04:04
blankyand I know that people used to think gnome was faster than kde but lately it's felt a lot snappier04:04
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exilebulmer: the problem I'm having is when I use 'start-stop-daemon' it's not letting the program I want to run see it's dependecies in it's own folder. For example: it's config file04:04
blankyso I guess I'll use fluxbox, because I don't really like xfce04:04
ShackJackRyukZilla: Can't think of one...04:04
buntunu1actually its not gnome thats slow.. its ubuntu thats slow04:04
thinhi add the rw04:04
thinhand didnt work04:04
thinlacewhy is ubuntu slow?04:04
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ShackJackShrimpy_: Open Places -04:04
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blankyKuprin: hey what do you suggest to use as a dock, or something to put icons on my desktop, in fluxbox04:04
ShackJackthinlace: Because it didn't go to school?04:04
HelpMeShackJack:    It says: WARNING:   "The following packages cannot be authenticated"    shoudl I still download it?04:04
blankythinlace: http://linandwin.wordpress.com/2007/07/20/how-to-speed-up-ubuntu/04:05
penguinistakcthinh You are mounting with both the rw and user options?04:05
drgonzo_Alright, I'm just going to format the USB stick in windows XP and see if that fixes things04:05
Kuprinblanky: Nothing? That's how I run anyway. :304:05
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blankyKuprin: alright, it's because my little sister will be using the computer, it's bad enough using fluxbox04:05
bulmerexile have you looked at the man pages of update-rc.d04:05
thinlaceshackjack i think the problem is my xorg.conf is messed up and invalid04:05
thinlacehow do i restore it?04:05
ShackJackHelpMe: It's not a problem - just looking for a key... Not sure what key it's looking for...04:05
exilebulmar: no but I will if that's what you suggest =)04:05
Shrimpy_ShackJack: ok...it's showing the ubuntu "/" (filesystem) files. how do i view the windows portion?04:05
thinhnot yet my fstab is weird got uuid04:06
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ShackJackthinlace: I think dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?04:06
HelpMeShackJack:  ok, thanks04:06
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pawani have ubuntu now i want to install kubunut04:06
drewb1Anybody have any luck with Red5 in Ubuntu?04:06
ShackJackShrimpy_: Go to Computer and you'll see mounted drives...04:06
=== enez_ [n=ubuntu@dD5E0C96E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
lethologicaWhen will ubuntu support ext4?04:06
bulmerexile yes, i suggest you look at that and see if it may solve yours04:06
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ShackJackpawan: sudo aptitude install #kubuntu-desktop  -- then you cna select at login04:06
ShackJacklethologica: I don't know about Ubuntu specifically, but you are free to install it ;)04:07
alecw2I just set up Pure-FTPd on my desktop, and I need to modify one of my users. How do I do it? Is there a file I can edit with gedit?04:07
=== Cornfed [n=dpace@pool-72-88-235-61.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shrimpy_ShackJack: all i see is the cd drive and then the filesystem04:07
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lethologicaShackJack: Last time I tried something like that the system went down...04:07
Meta4icalin xorg.conf what does the 0 mean in        Option    "Composite" "0"04:07
pawanif i download kubuntu iso and install it04:07
thinhi am adding the fstab right now04:07
ShackJacklethologica: Tried what?04:07
thinhhow does the entry look like for ext3?04:08
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lethologicaInstalling something that wasn't supported04:08
ShackJackShrimpy_: Nothing else in Computer -- these are local drives or on a network?04:08
penguinistakcthinh You only need to add it in the fstab if you plan on mounting it permanently04:08
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ShackJacklethologica: Ah :)04:08
Flex3000How can I install libs on Ubuntu so I can use gcc??04:08
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thinhi am trying to add it permanant04:08
lethologicaShackJack: I tried installing gtk-sharp 2.18 I think it was. Ended up uninstalling everything that was in the synaptic packagemanager....04:08
penguinistakcthinh Ah04:08
drewb1I'm having trouble getting Red5 on ubuntu, using either the Debi installer or making from the tarball04:08
ShackJacklethologica: Yikes - now there's a trick!04:08
lethologicaShackJack: Yeah that was a fun little experiment04:09
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Shrimpy_ShackJack: its a local drive04:09
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bulmerdrewb1: whats red5? you have the .deb package?04:09
josh__Can anyone tell me how to fool the livecd into thinking I've rebooted? (And actually reload the graphic driver)04:09
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=== wallacew [n=weasel@modemcable178.82-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
keeni have an ati mobile card and i'm reconfiguring my x server, what driver name should i choose, ati or vesa?04:10
Meta4icalin xorg.conf what does the 0 mean in        Option     "Composite" "0" ?04:10
ShackJackShrimpy_: Hmmm. .. it didn't mount them for some reason...  Not sure what to do there///04:10
ShackJackkeen: Whay model?04:10
keenx1400 mobile04:10
anditosanhow can I confure last.fm plugin for ELISA?04:10
josh__keen; not vesa04:10
ShackJackkeen - you can't use ati -- fglrx for binary driver...04:10
ianwellerhello, i just recently moved a hard drive with ubuntu on it to another computer (almost exactly the same)... it boots up to the "Starting up..." message and then freezes. help?04:10
anditosanhow can I confure last.fm plugin for ELISA?04:11
josh__keen; possibly flgrx, ati, or radeon (in that order04:11
ShackJackkeen: That's what I use...04:11
alecw2Where does Pure-FTPd store user information?04:11
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:11
ztomicMeta4ical: http://technowizah.com/2006/10/debian-how-to-ati-drivers.html04:11
anditosanhow can I confure last.fm plugin for ELISA?04:11
keenthe only option of those that are on the list is ati04:11
ShackJackkeen: Did restricted drivers mgr not work for you?04:11
Shrimpy_ShackJack: well thank you anyways!04:11
bulmerianweller: without the added hd, does it boot ?04:11
Meta4icalztomic: I think I know what the problem is04:11
ShackJackShrimpy_: You can try and restart live cd ;)04:11
anditosanhow can I confure last.fm plugin for ELISA?04:11
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ianwellerbulmer: no that is *the* hd, it was in an older computer that was almost the same04:11
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thinhi didnt have an entry for my ext hd in fstab04:11
keenshackjack, i'm still trying to get a gui04:12
wallacewI need some help installing my Smartlink modem card (for use with ncid). I'm following the instructions on the Ubuntu Wiki.  "sudo touch /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/linux/config.h # Compile-fix*" fails.04:12
thinhtrying to add to see if it makes any different04:12
Meta4icalztomic: I'm following a guide right now which says that fglrx does not support composite and that it must be disabled, but it's not in my config, so i'm trying to figure out what the 0 is04:12
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ShackJackkeen: You should be able to fall back to vesa in xorg.conf04:12
drewb1bulmer: Red5 is a java-based open source version of the Flash Media Serve04:12
Shrimpy_ShackJack: ok lol04:12
keenshackjack so i should pick vesa then?04:12
bulmerianweller: oh...you're transfering it over..not adding right?04:12
drewb1bulmer, and yes I meant the .deb package04:13
ianwellerbulmer: affirmativew04:13
ianwellerwhere did that w come from ...04:13
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ShackJackkeen: Yeah for fallback - for now - not ideal but should work..04:13
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lethologicaIf I want to plug my ubuntu box to work as a router, then have my router act as a switch, what software would you recommend?04:13
bulmerdrewb1: what command did you use to install that .deb package?  dpkg ?04:13
PhydouxAnyone have any experience with Digital video cameras & Ubuntu?04:13
alecw2I just set up Pure-FTPd on my desktop, and I need to modify one of my users. How do I do it? Is there a file I can edit with gedit?04:13
=== smash__ [n=smash@pD95FFA70.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackkeen: Are you using dpkg--reconfigure?04:14
wallacewI need some help installing my Smartlink modem card (for use with ncid). I'm following the instructions on the Ubuntu Wiki.  "sudo touch /usr/src/linux-headers-`uname -r`/linux/config.h # Compile-fix*" fails. This seems to be the last step I need to complete. Help appreciated04:14
bulmerianweller: bios are the same?you can try using the liveCD as starter04:14
kf4ebpI've installed a kvm switch on two machines. Anyone know how to lock down the screen resolution so I can boot off either machine without getting a 600x480 screen?04:14
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RyukZillaShackJack: damn i do not know where to start T_T04:14
ztomicMeta4ical: 0 is your first screen.\04:14
ianwellerbulmer: yeah i was gonna try that but i'd ask first, i think bios is a slight upgrade04:14
wallacewalecw2, GUI way would be System > Administration > Users and Groups04:14
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ianwellerbulmer: it's from a dell dimension 433c to a dell dimension 2200, i think04:14
ShackJackRyukZilla: Yeah, server admin not for the faint of heart... not sure if anyone else can help you - depends on what you are trying to accomplished... If game server prolly the package for it will tell you more..04:15
alecw2wallacew: the users for pureftpd?04:15
tetriminoi got boner04:15
keenshackjack its now asking me for my BusID and such, i don't know where to find this information04:15
cr0[Mon Jul 30 19:05:41 2007]  [error]  File::Temp version 0.14 required--this is only version 0.12 at /usr/share/perl5/HTTP/Body/OctetStream.pm line 7.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/HTTP/Body/OctetStream.pm line 7.\nCompilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/HTTP/Body.pm line 15.\nCompilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Catalyst/Engine.pm line 8.\nBEGIN fa04:15
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bulmerianweller: well go ahead and try anyways..you cant lose much :)04:15
RyukZillaShackJack: thats not all but to configure up everything ><04:15
ShackJackkeen: lspci04:15
ianwellerbulmer: so what do i need to do when i boot it up with the live cd04:15
tetriminoyo guys04:15
ianwellerbulmer: reinstall or what?04:15
tetriminoi got a boner04:15
drgonzo_Well I'll be damned!04:15
ShackJackkeen: What are you installing on - Dell notebook?04:15
ianwellerbulmer: i'd prefer not to reinstall04:15
keenshackjack, where do i type that, i'm nolonger at the command line04:15
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wallacewalecw2, I don't know, I have never set up an ftp server. Try it and see if that lets you do what you need to do?04:16
drgonzo_I had to format the USB stick in WinXP to get rid of that goofy ownership snafu04:16
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bulmerianweller: just boot it with the transferred hd..and see how it goes04:16
ShackJackkeen: Eh... not following - in terminal -- what are you installing on Dell noteboko?04:16
alecw2wallacew: nope, I want to edit the FTP users, not the "users" on ubuntu. Can anyeone help me with this?04:16
alecw2Where can I find a list of commands for pureftpd?04:16
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ztomicMeta4ical: 0 is always the first number. 1 is the 2nd, 2 is the 3rd. So screen 0 is first.04:16
ianwellerbulmer: k, i'll get back to you on what it does04:17
thinhhow you change the ownership of ext hd?04:17
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RyukZillaShackJack: Do u know where I can find a list of basic Linux commands? please04:17
=== Meta4ical [n=Meta4ica@d36-160-19.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
keenshackjack, i just did a fresh install of feisty using alternate cd, when it booted there was no gui and it told me to reconfigure my xserver, so i'm trying to do that now04:17
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Meta4icalztomic: My idea didn't go over so well, could I have that link again?04:17
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ShackJackkeen: WHy aren't you answering my question?04:17
bulmerRyukZilla: you want some2000+ of them? just press tab twice in a terminal04:17
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ztomicMeta4ical: http://technowizah.com/2006/10/debian-how-to-ati-drivers.html04:18
keenshackjack, i thought i did?04:18
alecw2I just set up Pure-FTPd on my desktop, and I need to modify one of my users. How do I do it? Is there a file I can edit with gedit?04:18
Meta4icalztomic: thanks04:18
=== atrus [n=atrus@d199-126-255-144.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
kbaheyis this the right place to ask about apache in edgy vs. feisty? serious bloat04:18
thinlaceok, i got my 3d working again04:18
ShackJackRyukZilla: http://blog.lxpages.com/ultimate_linux.html  or google..04:18
RyukZillabulmer: no but the main ones? like compile and such or how to create folders, access some files, install files04:18
=== Zenji [n=computer@cpe-76-190-178-27.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackthinlace: Sweet!04:18
bassoi have concluded that i will never get desktop effects04:18
ShackJackkeen: answer?04:18
thinlacei tried an xgl session and its not garbled but the whole desktop doesn't render. like it renders once but that is it04:18
ShackJackkeen: model? notebook?04:19
ztomicMeta4ical: I have to go. Post your question again. sorry I couldn't help.04:19
thinlaceit won't render as i click things, no state. its just frozen. my mouse moves and renders tohugh04:19
=== twixster [n=twixster@cpe-65-185-18-224.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerRyukZilla: if you have been using the command line in Windows..pretty much similar in concept in linux04:19
keenshackjack ooooh, misread ur question, dell inspiron e150504:19
thinlacesometimes the entire top gnome bar is blank and white04:19
ShackJackkeen: Same as mine --- 1:0:0 bus id likely ...04:19
thinlacei feel like i am so close but something is wrong04:19
Frogzoo_thinlace: check you window manager hasn't been reset to metacity, which will happen if xgl bombs04:19
keenshackjack thanks04:19
astro76RyukZilla, here's a couple to start https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto04:19
=== jerbear [n=jerbear@cpe-069-132-053-040.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
thinlacewait, you mean i should have beryl installed and running? because right now i am just trying to start a session with JUST xgl04:20
jerbearanyone use nx free server (not freenx)?04:20
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Frogzoo_thinlace: also, -> #ubuntu-effects04:20
ShackJackastro76: RyukZilla has miles to go before he sleeps ;)04:20
penguinistakcthinh You don't change ownership of a device -- it is always owned by root Generally, when the device is mounted, it is owned by the user who mounted it04:20
Frogzoo_tetrimino: thanks for sharing04:20
ShackJack!ohmy | tetrimino04:20
ubotutetrimino: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:20
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Meta4icalanyone know why fglrxinfo might return this at the top? Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".04:20
thinhokey but how do i use it04:20
=== atrus [n=atrus@d199-126-255-144.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
thinhi cant get to it04:20
ShackJackthinlace: no focus on XGL first... I had to have those LIBRARY preload lines for mine to work and disable composite...04:21
thinhi can see files but cant read or write to it04:21
RyukZillaShackJack: ye ;O; pretty much, but i hope i can learn that easy and fast, since its not that hard, its about logic whatsoever04:21
=== Dr_Link [n=TMS@unaffiliated/drlink/x-309498] has joined #ubuntu
RyukZillabulmer: thanks, that will help04:21
twixsterI was wondering if someone here could help me with my video cards and monitors....   I have 2 nvidia graphics cards ( a 7800 agp and a 5200 pci) i got the one to work well with my main monitor but that leaves my 2 17" monitors just sitting there doing nothing04:21
thinhand i use my login to format aswell04:21
Frogzoo_Meta4ical: most likely you've not enable DRI04:21
penguinistakcalecw2 Do you have an ftpgroup group and an ftpuser user?04:21
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Dr_LinkI'm booting up from a Ubuntu disk on my Windows 98 computer... that's my test dummy.04:21
RyukZillaastro76: thanks ;D that will help too04:21
thinhbut it still says root on it04:21
ShackJackRyukZilla: like I said, maybe gameserver chat or forum can give you a quick start...04:21
alecw2penguinistakc: Yes, I do.04:21
penguinistakcthinh Is it mounted right now?04:21
jerbeari'm using nx free server on feisty, and every time i login, a core dump gets put in my home folder. anyone experienced this?04:21
Meta4icalfrogzoo: do you know where I could go about doing that? big newb here04:21
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thinhi took it out04:21
RyukZillaShackJack: Of course but more than that, I need to configure up everything04:22
Dr_Link...will it work if I'm on a 1.98 GB-free space hard drive Windows 98 if I try to start from Ubuntu?04:22
thinhi manually mounted it dont know if that matters04:22
Shrimpy_ShackJack: i found my feisty live cd and reboot and still nothing on the computer-file browser04:22
thinlaceshackjack so i should be able to run xgl session without beryl/compiz? ok so i put those library lines in there04:22
alecw2penguinistakc: Do you know how to chnage a user setting?04:22
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@host73-163-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackMeta4ical: Look in Module section of your xorg.conf04:22
pawanother than kubuntu xubuntu04:22
Frogzoo_Meta4ical: in "Module" section, add  Load    "dri"04:22
bulmerDr_Link: you're using a liveCD? it does not require hd spaces04:22
Dr_LinkThe CD drive is churning away...04:22
ShackJackthinlace: Oh yes, you can...04:22
alecw2penguinistakc: I want to change the default "directory" it loads to.04:22
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thinlaceso what should the window manager be if not metacity?04:22
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reya276is there a channel for apache?04:22
Meta4icalfrogzoo: do you know if this is needed by fglrx or not needed? sorry for so many questions04:22
thinlaceand where do i change it?04:22
bulmerreya276: yes../join #apache04:23
ShackJackShrimpy_: That's really weird -- sudo mount -a in terminal - though I don't know default pw for live cd... dunno if that would help though..04:23
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Dr_LinkIt's actually a CD+RW that I burned the ISO image to.04:23
Frogzoo_Meta4ical: it's needed for 3d04:23
josh__What can I do to do an "almost complete reboot"; reboot the OS without actually rebooting the hardware04:23
Dr_LinkAnd it's starting fom a Windows 98 computer...04:23
=== klos [n=klos@60-241-220-105.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
wallacewCould someone help me figure out why the last step of this process fails and therefore I cannot get my modem working? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Smartlink#head-d3468dd8b240aa1005c9994a0e31717735bfaa8004:23
blankyhey guys what do you suggest, openbox or fluxbox, for a slow computer which my little sister will use04:23
bulmerDr_Link just be a bit patient..liveCD takes a lil while to boot04:23
=== jim [n=jim@c-68-57-248-242.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
thinhis there a way for me to set permission when you format the drive using gparted04:23
wallacewblanky, how slow?04:23
ShackJackblanky: XUbuntu will be easier for her to use...04:23
Dr_Linkbulmer: Eh. Exactly how long?04:23
keenshackjack, i just finished the configuration, how do i start up xserver again?04:23
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blankywallacew: 128 mb ram, 1.3 ghz04:23
thinhi use gparted in format ext hd04:23
Meta4icalFrogzoo_: It's already in there hm..04:24
bulmerDr_Link: just be patient :)04:24
blankyShackJack: I have a feeling XFCE will be too slow04:24
penguinistakcalecw2 You can manually change the directory by editing the file /etc/pureftpd.passwd04:24
ShackJackkeen: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:24
jimis grip still supported in the latest Ubuntu04:24
ShackJackblanky: specs?04:24
Dr_LinkI'm going to go get some water and take a shower.04:24
=== tcleval [n=daniel@201009016132.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
blankyShackJack: 128 ram, 1.3 ghz04:24
wallacewblanky: Well, how old is your little sister? You don't want it to be too hard for her to use04:24
=== orbisvicis [n=orbisvic@pool-70-21-183-97.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:24
bulmerDr_Link: good luck04:24
penguinistakcthinh What does the line for the drive in /etc/mtab say? That will show you how the drive is mounted now.04:24
alecw2penguinistakc: I'll try.04:24
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Shrimpy_ShackJack: nothing happens04:24
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ShackJackblanky: That'll be fine -- little more ram would be nice..04:24
orbisvicis!info alsa04:24
ubotuPackage alsa does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:24
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orbisvicis!info alsa-base04:24
ubotualsa-base: ALSA driver configuration files. In component main, is important. Version 1.0.13-3ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 163 kB, installed size 344 kB04:24
blankywallacew: the 'hardness' isn't really much of a problem, I can customize it to be easy, and she'll get used to it04:24
=== Sippy [n=zak@c-71-56-61-220.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
penguinistakcalecw2 Pureftpd has documentaton on its site -- pureftpd.org04:25
keenshackjack, still no gui...keeps failing to start xserver any ideas?04:25
blankyI'm just pretty interested in openbox, but fluxbox has more history and im pretty sure that'll work for sure, have you had any luck with openbox?04:25
ShackJackShrimpy_: K - sorry I don't know why your LIve cd wouldn't be mounting your exisiting windows drive... you really should see something under Computer...04:25
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alecw2penguinistakc: That file doesn't exist...04:25
ShackJackkeen: with vesa driver?04:25
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thinh/dev/sdb1 /media/disk ext3 rw 0 004:25
rocketsTotem keeps throwing me plugin errors when I try to play this dvd i have but I have libdvdcss2 installed and all the gstreamer plugins too04:25
twixsteris there a channel for graphics card help04:25
thinhthats my mtab04:25
ShackJackkeen I don't suppose you can pastebin your xorg :(04:25
penguinistakcalecw2 Then you don't have any virtual users at all...you may be using system users?04:25
=== CorpseCheese [n=CorpseCh@pool-71-186-142-98.bflony.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
penguinistakcthinh you need to unmount the drive and remount it with the user and rw options04:26
keenshackjack, how do i do that?04:26
wallacewblanky, Well, I tend to agree with ShackJack that XFCE would be the best choice. 1.3ghz is more than sufficient, the RAM is disappointing but could definitely be upgraded.  I assume that we're talking about SDRAM?04:26
Shrimpy_ShackJack: ok i going to mess around with it for a little bit and if i learn anything new i tell ya :)04:26
ShackJack!pastebin | keen04:26
ubotukeen: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:26
wallacewblanky, but it would work with 128 mb04:26
thinhjust edit in mtab?04:26
Dr_LinkLoading restricted drivers... It's taking forever on this step.04:26
Lucioshi, i got problem with my firefox.It close by it self each time i open it.It happen 10 sec ago.04:26
ShackJackkeen: I can send you my xorg.conf -- uses fglrx :)04:26
blankyYeah I'm pretty sure it's SDRAM, unfortunately, it's an old pc I just put together, and upgrading isn't an option04:26
blankythat's why I'm looking for the thing that would run best04:26
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alecw2penguinistakc: I'm not sure.... All I know is that I folllowed this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureFTP04:26
reya276seems like no one is on that Apache channel I see a list but no one is chatting or responding04:26
keenshackjack, how would i use ur xorg file (i'm very new to ubuntu and linux)04:27
penguinistakcthinh no unmount the drive umount /dev/sdb104:27
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blankywallacew: you sure 128 will do fine?04:27
rocketsHow can I figure out what codec a DVD requires?04:27
blankyit'll mostly be used for web browsing04:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mercurial - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:27
orbisvicis!info mercurial04:27
ubotumercurial: Scalable distributed version control system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.3-2 (feisty), package size 368 kB, installed size 1880 kB04:27
thinh/dev/sdb1 /media/disk ext3 rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev 0 0 new mtab04:27
Dr_LinkIs Ubuntu LiveCD supposed to... pause for long periods of time during loading?04:27
ShackJackkeen: I dunno... unfortunatly dunno what else I can do without seeing it... It really should work with vesa at the very least and I have same notebook with X1400 card...04:27
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penguinistakcThen remount mount -t ext3 -o rw,user /dev/sdb1 /media/disk04:28
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LuciosIt always prompt start new season each time i open my firefox04:28
thinhi still cant do anything with it04:28
keenshackjack all i did was a fresh install and it did not work, am i doing something different or wrong?04:28
wallacewblanky: Never tried it with 128mb (I have SDRAM coming out of my ears), but according to what I'm reading on the internet it can be run alright.04:28
keenshackjack i have both alternate and live cd here04:28
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blankywallacew: I won't take my chances, I have very little hd space, so I'll just try fluxbox04:29
ianwellerDr_Link: hi04:29
ShackJackkeen  - did live cd boot into GUI?04:29
keenshackjack no04:29
wallacewblanky: How much harddrive space?04:29
LuciosI cannot open lowyat.net.My firefox will close it self04:29
keenshackjack same erorr04:29
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korhalfI was wondering if there was a program for linux to turn ur keyboard into a midi device04:29
thinhany idea what might be the problem?04:29
korhalfthat way i can trigger notes from kyes on the keyboard04:29
Luciosany idea?04:29
korhalfis this possible?04:29
Dr_LinkSHould livecd pause for long periods of time at certain loading spots?04:29
ShackJackkeen: Well that tell us something - can't remember if mine did or not...04:29
ianwellerDr_Link: yeah cause it sometimes takes a while to load stuff off the cd.04:29
=== Traveler3 [n=traveler@c-68-40-82-143.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Traveler3This free host i found has no limits on space and bandwidth.04:30
ShackJackkeen: What is resolution on your monitor?04:30
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
twixsterkeen - if the gui booted in the live cd copy the device portion of the live cds xorg.conf and paste it into your xorg.conf and that should get you to a gui04:30
Dr_LinkIt loaded the Linux kernel, showed the Ubuntu title screen, and then it said on line 2 of a screen of text: Loading restricted drivers...04:30
ShackJacktwixster: It didn't :(04:30
Dr_LinkShould it be doing that?04:30
keenshackjack bcm43xx: Error" Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode.fw" not available or load failed    just popped up on my screen04:30
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ianwellerDr_Link: that can take a while04:30
ianwellerDr_Link: yes it should04:30
wallacewblanky, do your research on the internet. XFCE is the most basic one that still maintains an air of being modern. And all the anecdotes I am reading suggest it will be fine on your pc04:30
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keenshackjack 1440 x 90004:30
blankywallacew: alright then, I will, thanks for your help04:30
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ianwellerbulmer: you still there?04:31
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ewrfwerhola putas04:31
twixstercan anyone help me with multiple graphics cards for three monitors04:31
ShackJackI can pastebin my xorg.conf and you can compare to yours - uses fglrx driver ... that's about all I cna offer at this point...04:31
bulmerianweller: am here04:31
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=== odd [n=logan@adsl-75-26-20-134.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
penguinistakcalecw2 Do you have an /etc/pure-ftpd directory?04:31
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels04:31
keenshackjack thanks, how do i few my xorg config from command line?04:31
ianwellerbulmer: apparently that computer doesn't like ubuntu04:31
bean-ohis there a tried and true way to do wireless bridging from the host with virtualbox?04:31
wallacewblanky, http://xubuntu.org/get - Read the min. sys. requirements04:31
alecw2penguinistakc: yes.04:31
ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo04:31
ianwellerbulmer: the live cd won't boot04:31
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korhalfno no, like input midi04:32
ewrfwerhola gays04:32
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teratomadoes compiz work in Gutsy ?04:32
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ewrfwerhello pits04:32
=== igotfree [n=a@c-68-40-82-232.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bulmerianweller: oh..it wont boot from a CD either i assume04:32
ShackJackkeen: view and edit --- sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf --- things at bottom are CTRL+key...04:32
penguinistakcalecw2 Is there a file pureftpd.paswd?04:32
ianwellerbulmer: yeah04:32
RyukZillaShackJack: is there an OS that has the same enviorement of a desktop pc for a server?04:32
ShackJackRyukZilla: No...04:32
RyukZillaShackJack: why im asking this? becasue,.... this is too much for a noobcake04:32
igotfreeThis free host i found has no limits on space and bandwidth.04:32
igotfreeAND NO ADS!04:32
ianwellerbulmer: appears i'm on a dell dimension 210004:32
bulmerianweller: well..how about booting on that hard disk you transferred over?04:32
FlannelRyukZilla: Ubuntu makes no differentiation (like all linuxes) between 'server' and 'desktop' computers.  Either one can be either.04:33
igotfreeThis free host i found has no limits on space and bandwidth.04:33
igotfreeAND NO ADS!04:33
=== Traveler3 [n=traveler@c-68-40-82-143.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
penguinistakcalecw2 Looks like there is a package pureadmin that you can use as well -- you may have to install it and review the man pages04:33
jerbeari'm using nx free server on feisty, and every time i login, a core dump gets put in my home folder. anyone experienced this?04:33
Flannel!ops | igotfree04:33
ubotuigotfree: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:33
keenshackjack i'm there and it is blank...04:33
bulmerianweller: i take it that you already have fiddle with the bios to set it to boot from cd-rom?04:33
bean-ohRyukZilla, what are you trying to do?04:33
ShackJackkeen: Wha?  sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:33
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igotfreeThis free host i found has no limits on space and bandwidth.04:33
igotfreeAND NO ADS!04:33
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cr0[Mon Jul 30 19:05:41 2007]  [error]  File::Temp version 0.14 required--this is only version 0.12 at /usr/share/perl5/HTTP/Body/OctetStream.pm line 7.\nBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/HTTP/Body/OctetStream.pm line 7.\nCompilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/HTTP/Body.pm line 15.\nCompilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/Catalyst/Engine.pm line 8.\nBEGIN fa04:33
=== igotfree [n=a@c-68-40-82-232.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
enoddoehtHello.  I was curious as to how to patch a kernel.  I attempted to follow the on-line instructions but was unsuccessful.  I am attemptin gto add LCD support for my diNobo Laser.04:33
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Frogzoo_RyukZilla: maybe do the desktop install, and then add LAMP04:34
ianwellerbulmer: yeah04:34
penguinistakcthinh The problem is in the way you are mounting the drive. Unfortunately, I can't diagnose the issue effectively from afar, so I'll have to refer you to the man pages on mount, mtab, and fstab04:34
=== The_Gun_M [n=ircap8@24-179-131-131.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
igotfreeThis free host i found has no limits on space and bandwidth.04:34
igotfreeAND NO ADS!04:34
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keenshackjack i typed that, i have a few commands at the bottom, but the rest of the page is blank04:34
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Frogzoo_!kernel | enoddoeht04:34
ubotuenoddoeht: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:34
ShackJackkeen: Ummm. .there's you're problem there...04:34
ZacheraI need help with my Compaq.04:34
Zacheraanyone willing to message me04:34
thinhokey thats cool man04:34
bulmerianweller: and within bios...it says you can boot from cd?04:34
aib_42Henk: I'm here04:34
=== m0 [n=m0@c-67-174-249-33.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smartlink - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:34
keenshackjack, how do i fix it? =D04:34
RyukZillabean-oh: a game server but im really a nooooooooob in this kind of stuff and thought that, server's os had this all cute OS like the Desktops for easy management04:34
ianwellerbulmer: yessir04:34
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ShackJackkeen: THat dpkg thing....04:34
IndyGunFreakZachera: whats your problem?.. and if you're not registered, you can't message04:35
Henkaib_42: so am i :)04:35
ShackJackkeen up arrow for command history...04:35
Frogzoo_Zachera: just tell the chan your problem04:35
keenshackjack, i've doen it twice now....shame thing still...am i doing it wrong?04:35
RyukZillaFrogzoo_: wouldnt it be bad having a desktop installation? isnt it better to have a server one?04:35
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aib_42Henk: we should check with the people here if what I'm suggesting is sensible04:35
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Frogzoo_RyukZilla: doubt a noob will notice the difference tbh04:35
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bulmerianweller: sometimes the cdrom is out of whack..you may have to try rebooting several times to get it to work..i dont know why it is04:35
bean-ohRyukZilla, why use a server install? just use the desktop install and add the software you need.04:35
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ShackJackkeen: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  --- doesn't it ask a bunch or questions then?04:35
Henkaib_42: yeah do so please :)04:35
enoddoehtWell, I have 3 patch files for bluetooth that I am attempting to apply but nothing seems to happen when I try to use it.04:35
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ianwellerhey anyone in here able to kick people?04:36
IndyGunFreakwhat is going on with the idiots tonight.04:36
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:36
MikeVaccHello Folks.. Anybody knowledable in using Beryl here?04:36
keenshackjack yes it does, i've answered them all twice now04:36
ShackJackMikeVacc: see #ubuntu-effects04:36
MikeVaccur the best :)04:36
ShackJackkeen: Ran as super user?04:36
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=== Sedek [n=pmartins@a83-132-86-56.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
keenshackjack u mean with sudo in front? ya04:37
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aib_42Henk: ow, I'm having a hard time summarizing. It's almost 6am here :)04:37
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Dr_LinkAfter loading04:37
ianwellerbulmer: i know this particular drive works fine though04:37
Dr_Linkthe drivers and all that stuff.04:37
RyukZillabean-oh: wont it be a bad idea to? and... a desktop linux one o.o which one is a good deal btw? i think ill go for that option and second, how to uninstall this Ubuntu?04:37
Henkaib_42: its 4:37 here :p04:37
Dr_LinkShould there be a blank black screen?04:37
=== racarter_ [n=racarter@cpe-74-65-226-17.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ShackJackkeen: you sure... that should really make your xorg.conf and it shouldn't be blank - I don't understand what's gonig on...04:38
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ianwellerbulmer: and it goes to the first menu, and i hit "start or install ubuntu", and then it loads the kernel and blanks the screen and freezes with a blinking cursor04:38
racarter_how can i convert a .tiff fie to .jpeg?04:38
=== racarter_ is now known as racarter
keenshackjack me either, imma just reinstall one more time and elete all my partitions this time04:38
ShackJackracarter_: Open in GIMP - save as...04:38
Frogzoo_racarter: gimp might04:38
RyukZillabean-oh: and will the files be the same using a desktop install ?(like i will be able to do t hings like if it was a server install?)04:38
ShackJackkeen: Yeah - thos evid problems will prolly be waiting...04:38
bulmerianweller: did you wait long enuff?04:38
aib_42guys... if GRUB's working with an extended partition (sda2 -> sda5+6+7) and we use a partition editor to make them three primary partitions... would GRUB still work, assuming we rename the hd4's to hd0's (etc.) in the .lst file?04:38
ShackJackkeen: I remember having a little touble but not a lot of tourble...04:38
racartergimp told me to flatten the image first.. which i did but then the image looks different04:39
racartersort of fuzzy04:39
drgonzo_does anyone know how to modify the permissions used when Ubuntu Feisty auto mounts a USB Drive ?04:39
LukeDoes anyone know how to take one harddrive and create a mirror raid1 with a second harddrive while persisting the data from the first?04:39
Dr_LinkWhen you're booting from a LiveCD, should there be a black screen with nothing on it during the stages of startup?04:39
RyukZillaShackJack: wont it be a bad idea to? and... a desktop linux one o.o which one is a good deal btw? i think ill go for that option and second, how to uninstall this Ubuntu?04:39
ianwellerDr_Link: probably not04:39
bean-ohRyukZilla, why would that bad a bad idea? linux is linux.04:39
=== Meta4ical [n=Meta4ica@d36-160-19.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Linkwhat should I do at this point?04:39
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ianwellerDr_Link: uh, what did it do before it went black?04:39
Meta4icalAll of my ideas failed :(04:39
ShackJackRyukZilla: Just install over it if you want desktop -- recommend making separate partition for /home04:39
rocketsAre there any other gstreamer frontends besides totem?04:40
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aib_42Henk: (anyway... if you've already copied the boot files and the boot sector to the windows partition, you should be able to boot it after it's made a primary partition)04:40
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ianwellerbulmer: numlock won't turn on/off. is that a problem?04:40
Dr_LinkI didn't see.04:40
RyukZillabean-oh: because maybe, server installs are designed for it?04:40
Dr_LinkI was in the shower.04:40
ianwellerbulmer: plus it's been going for 10 minutes04:40
ianwellerDr_Link: o rly ok.04:40
=== vbabiy [n=vbabiy@pool-71-164-85-238.albyny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ianwellerDr_Link: well i'd let it sit for a little bit04:40
Henkaib_42: what if we only make that one primary?04:40
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Dr_LinkIt's been sitting for about 5 full minutes now.04:40
Henkaib_42: I should be able to still mount it in ubuntu right?04:40
ianwellerDr_Link: that sir is a problem04:40
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thinlacewell i've done everything by the book. people with my laptop claim it works. i log in with xgl session and the desktop renders but that's it, it won't update after the first render04:40
bulmerianweller: oh..i dont know then..i have a cd that it may boot sometimes, some other times it does not04:40
ianwellerDr_Link: how old is your cd drive?04:40
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bean-ohRyukZilla, again, linux is linux. what services are you planning to run?04:41
thinlacei am not sure what else i can do. obviously ati has wasted hours of my life. they should just release a working driver for once04:41
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ianwellerbulmer: this cd came directly from ubuntu, it has a pretty case, and installed ubuntu on the hard drive that i'm trying to boot now :D04:41
Dr_LinkThis is a  year model199x computer.04:41
RyukZillabean-oh: LAMP04:41
pete83rockets: that is easy to find out04:41
aib_42Henk: well their ordering would be fuzzy, I've never worked with such a MBR04:41
Dr_LinkEverything went fine up to here.04:41
ianwellerDr_Link: k.04:41
ianwellerDr_Link: try hitting ctrl-alt-f104:41
rocketspete83, ive been looking, havent found any04:41
ShackJackthinlace: YOU have DRI mode 666 and dri glx in modules section of xorg?04:41
aib_42Henk: like, it's physically the third in line, yet it would be sda1?04:41
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bulmerianweller: okay...i dont know what to tell you...04:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernelsource - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:41
ubotuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages04:41
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Dr_LinkThere we go.04:42
pete83rockets: open synaptic, find the gstreamer package, right click, go to properties>>dpendencies>>dependant packages04:42
Henkaib_42: the last thing I want happening is making the windows partition unaccessible cuz I need the data that's on it :(04:42
ianwellerbulmer: should i start screaming like a chicken asking for help from somebody else then?04:42
Dr_LinkIt's telling me Loading...04:42
thinlaceshackjack i have dri mode 666 but not dri glx04:42
thinlacewhat is the 2nd one?04:42
rocketspete83, good point04:42
=== watwatada [n=wat@c-24-5-238-99.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
KuprinJust tried the Ubu alt installer on my video problem, and IT starts to a blank screen after I hit "install in text mode"04:42
ianwellerDr_Link: ok so it isn't frozend04:42
Henkaib_42: how do you mean?04:42
ianwellerDr_Link: try hitting ctrl-alt-f7 now04:42
bulmerianweller: have you tried the hard disk you transferred over?04:42
ShackJackthinlace: Up at top -- check again -- under modules they should be ther by default...04:42
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ianwellerbulmer: yes, and that is what brought me here04:42
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bulmerianweller: yah you can ask anyone else04:42
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ianwelleranyone else: help?04:42
aib_42Henk: like swap is sectors 1-10, linux is 11-100, windows is 101-3000 whatever04:42
Dr_LinkIt still says Loading, please wait...04:43
Henkaib_42: yeah thats right04:43
ianwellerokay uh hit ctrl-alt-f204:43
ShackJack!enter | Dr_Link04:43
ubotuDr_Link: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:43
ianwellerDr_Link: ^^04:43
thinlaceoh wait, yes i do have it04:43
=== Stevei [n=Stevei@66-189-165-176.dhcp.trlk.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
aib_42Henk: well, the partition editor shouldn't touch anything but the MBR, and we have a backup of the MBR, right?04:43
ShackJackthinlace: And you say you installed xserver-xgl ?04:43
Dr_Linkianweller: So do I just "please wait" for now?04:43
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LukeDoes anyone know how to take one harddrive and create a mirror raid1 with a second harddrive while persisting the data from the first?04:44
MikeVacchmm, no-body seems to me awake in #ubuntu-effects.. I realize that this is not an open discussion on those types of things.. WOuld anybody knoledgable about Beryl contact me??04:44
Henkaib_42: yup we do I don't know where it is though :p04:44
aib_42Henk: /tmp/MBRbackup?04:44
Henkaib_42: I just did the command u gave me04:44
ianwellerDr_Link: give it another 5 minutes and if it doesn't do anything just reboot it manually, it won't harm anything (hopefully)04:44
thinlaceabsolutely i am able to start an xgl session it just won't render properly04:44
rocketsHAHAHA juk depends on gstreamer04:44
ianwellerDr_Link: if it isn't installing anything it shouldn't be a problem just to reboot04:44
=== Yono [n=Yono@cpe-24-59-36-12.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
thinlacei installed it with this: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl04:44
bean-ohRyukZilla, lamp runs on any linux. doesn't matter if its server or desktop. if you're totally new to linux you're better off learning in a desktop environment.04:44
Henkaib_42: yeah its there04:44
ShackJackthinlace: does it start "slow" -- diagnol wipe of checkboard  pattern?04:44
aib_42Henk: (I should copy it to the USB drive)04:44
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Dr_LinkI just saw the boot menu and pressed enter after hilighting the start/install Ubuntu option... and then it started...04:45
oddHello, I was curious as to what to do about "HID create error 13 (Permission denied)" when attempting to connect to my bluetooth mouse and keyboard?04:45
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RyukZillabean-oh: Thanks, im downloading ubuntu 7.04 desktop04:45
Frogzoo_racarter: imagemagick's probably best for tiff -> jpg04:45
thinlaceit gets passed any checkboard pattern and renders the real desktop. but when you go to interact with the desktop you realiez its like a frozen image, there's no response rendered. meaning clicking on icons doesn't highlight them04:45
ShackJackthinlace: not what I asked....04:45
aib_42Henk: the last thing I want to be is the cause of the loss of your data :)04:45
thinlaceand clicking on the top menu bar doesn't bring out menus. its like the whole thing is frozen, except my mouse is fine and renders around04:45
twixstercan anyone help me with two graphics cards and three monitors and getting them setup04:45
Dr_LinkI hope it'll be saffe.04:46
thinlacei don't think so no, it doesn't start slow04:46
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ShackJackthinlace: need to know for sure...04:46
Henkaib_42:  I know :) I copied it to the usb stick04:46
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thinlaceshould i go start another session? ok. i will. so look for the checkboard that starts when x starts?04:46
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ShackJackthinlace: You have composite disabled in xorg.conf?04:46
thinlaceand see if its slowly rendered in a diagnol wipe?04:46
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mneptok] by mneptok
nj786i am trying to install a .exe file how do i install it? do i use wine file?04:46
thinlaceOption "Composite" "Disable"04:46
thinlaceOption "Composite" "004:46
thinlacei have both in there, but i've had just the first one in the past04:47
thinlacei've seen examples with both04:47
atoponcehow can i find out what soundcards are on my system?04:47
aib_42Henk: What I don't understand is why you're getting the "12 no such device" error...04:47
thinlacei have this as the last item in the conf Section "ServerFlags"04:47
thinlace   Option "AIGLX" "off"04:47
ShackJackthinlace: First is fine - that's in Extensions section?04:47
=== ekiczek [n=ekiczek@pool-70-18-45-66.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
thinlaceyes in extensions section at the bottom, 2nd to last04:47
atoponcei have 3 (don't ask), and i want to make sure i'm using the right one04:47
Henkaib_42: neither do i :s04:47
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
thinlaceserver flags is last with option aiglx off04:47
Dr_LinkOK, time for a hard shutoff.04:47
atoponcei don't know the name of the soundcard04:47
pete83!wine nj78604:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wine nj786 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:47
pete83!wine | nj78604:48
ubotunj786: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:48
atoponceof which, i should open the case, and see04:48
Dr_LinkI'm scared.04:48
=== HorizonXP [n=HorizonX@auth4-180.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #Ubuntu
atoponcebefore i do, any ideas?04:48
thinlacewhat about this, in section "screen" i have device "generic video card"04:48
Meta4icalShackJack: I'm not sure what this means, but I followed another guide and now fglrx isn't working, but under restricted drivers manager it says its enabled and in use = /04:48
ShackJackthinlace: Yeah, sorry everything seems "right" -- just one of the things that irks me about computers...04:48
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ShackJackthinlace: name doesn't matter...04:48
Meta4icalI should say still isn't working *04:48
aib_42Henk: did you try FIXBOOT + FIXMBR + BOOTCFG /rebuild btw?04:48
=== LiberCogito [n=deliberc@cpe-72-184-123-163.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
HorizonXPhey guys, how do I force update-manager to NOT update a package? Is it aptitude hold pkgname?04:48
pawanwhat is linyxmint04:48
nj786what is wine gecko?04:48
thinlacewell i'll go start x again with xgl and see if i get a diagnol wipe04:49
thinlacebrb ok04:49
Henkaib_42: yeah I did but I might just be trying to fix the usb drive..04:49
ShackJackMeta4ical: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i driver      does it say fglrx there?04:49
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ianwellerwhat is the answer to life the universe and everything?04:49
Dr_LinkOK, wish me luck as I restart my computer and get ready for ubuntu.04:49
nevrosishi !! i have ubuntu 7.04 and an Asus M2V-TVM  can the 5.1 work?how?thank you!04:49
Henksince I copied the files to d: and ther appeared on my usb drive..04:49
ShackJackianweller: 4204:49
ianwellerDr_Link: k04:49
atoponcepawan: linuxmint is just another linux distro04:49
pete83atoponce: you might learn something by typing:     sudo lshw -class multimedia04:49
ianwellerShackJack: shh, don't let the others know04:49
Meta4icalShackJack: Yes .. but it also says vesa? ;o04:49
ShackJackMeta4ical: It says fglrx and vesa?04:49
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atoponcepete83: thx a bunch. checking now04:49
MikeVaccIll ask just a last time, and then I will stop.. But can Anybody help with Beryl? (#Ubuntu-effects is dead)04:50
Meta4icalwhen I installed the drivers they added a new line or whatever04:50
ShackJackMeta4ical: does one have a comment sign in front (pound sign)04:50
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ShackJackMikeVacc: no, not here... but do you need a guide or something?04:50
Meta4icalShackjack: nope04:50
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ShackJackMeta4ical: Only one of those should be active - but to be trouthfull I forgot your issue... fglrx working then you should comment out delete vesa in xorg.conf04:50
Dr_LinkI'm running a Check CD for Defects...04:51
MikeVaccShackJack: I've looked at most of the literature, it has to do with ovveriding the gtktree, however I would not know how to do that, and it seems that it is a 'drag and drop' problem..04:51
atoponcepete83: it's only showing 2 of the 304:51
Dr_Linkjust to make sure the disk is good to go.04:51
aib_42Henk: (checking some more google results)04:51
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ShackJackDr_Link: That will take a while be patient...04:51
atoponce2 are pci, one is on the mobo04:51
nevrosissomebody can help me please?04:51
atoponcewould that make a difference?04:51
pawanwhat are the other various linux distro04:51
Meta4icalShackJack: Issue was simple, the fglrx drivers aren't working on my x1550, when I reboot it goes to a black screen before the login screen04:51
atoponcepawan: google search for 'linux distros'04:51
ShackJackMikeVacc: Whew - you lost me... You should check out COmpiz Fusion instead - Beryl is the past...04:51
=== gdallaire [n=gdallair@140-124.mc.royaume.com] has joined #ubuntu
pete83atoponce: well, if you take off the "-class multimedia" part of that command, it will show everything04:52
ShackJackMeta4ical: but you hear login sounds?04:52
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Meta4icalShackJack: Nope, I even tried logging in despite being blind04:52
Henkaib_42:  alright04:52
ShackJackMikeVacc: help.ubuntu.com has good guide04:52
nj786i am using wine file to install this program that is .exe but it is asking me to install flash 804:52
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MikeVaccShackJack: Thanks, I appreciate your help! :)04:52
ianwellernj786: maybe you should install flash 8 :D04:52
=== ShackJack is so sick of these friggin ATI problems -- sending ATI a bill :)
nj786ianweller: how? from where?04:52
=== Ry [n=ryan@ppp-70-246-205-195.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu []
Meta4icalShackJack: Here's what I mean by them both being posted, http://pastebin.com/d519c614904:53
keenshackjack i found a tutorial i'm following now, i'll let you know if it works =)04:53
=== thinlace [n=thinlace@pool-68-161-172-217.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ianwellernj786: the internet04:53
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atoponcepete83: may be a bit overwhelming, i think04:53
pete83nj786: what is the program you are trying to install, anyways?04:53
thinlaceshackjack no i don't see a checkerboard whipe, i see a solid checkboard instantly with no wipe04:53
Meta4icaloh and to give you an idea of what i've done, I finished method 1 of this guide with no success https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI04:53
thinlaceits just there and then the desktop image loads04:53
nj786pete83: carbon poker04:53
=== life8ez4us [n=life8ez4@oh-76-6-241-231.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
thinlaceshould i do a screen grab to show you how the top is not rendered?04:54
Meta4icaland after doing method 2 it now says "in use"04:54
Dr_LinkAlright, I need a tour of Ubuntu, can anyone get me an online one? *google*04:54
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ShackJackMeta4ical: O.K. nevermind - doing it this way is acceptable -- using differnet identifiers, etc...04:54
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Meta4icalShackJack: I didn't do it lol :P04:54
nj786pete83: where do i find flash 8?04:54
ShackJackMeta4ical: It seems your running the fglrx driver -- what does fglrxinfo say?04:54
kennynHello I am new here04:54
familyHello, first time using an IRC client and IMing in general. I am in dire need of help regarding the shutdown and hibernate process. HAL has "failed", according to Ubuntu, and the shutdown screen freezes. Every time I need to shut off my computer, I have to manually power it down. :(. Unhealthy!04:54
atoponcehmmm. i think i'm going to have to rip open the box04:54
ianwellerkennyn: hi04:54
kennyni am having some major problems04:54
tonyyarussoDr_Link: At the time of Feisty release one was posted on ubuntu.com, I'm not sure exactly where - #ubuntu-doc could likely tell you.04:54
kennynand cant seem to figure things out04:54
Dr_LinkAh, I found it.04:54
ianwellerkennyn: what is your problem04:55
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kennyni am just playing around with Apache and Ubuntu04:55
niuqhi, i am using compiz-fusion and when i start netbeans just appears a white screen and to nothing04:55
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niuqany idea?04:55
kennyni want to set up my own web server04:55
ShackJackMeta4ical: I think I see your error...04:55
kennyneverything works fine with localhost04:55
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atoponceniuq: try #ubuntu-effects. better support there than here04:55
kennynbut now where do i go04:55
Meta4icalShackJack: I posted the output on my forum post of fglrxinfo http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51360704:55
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kennyni have a domain name already purchased04:55
kennynbut from here I am stuck04:55
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biladigitalis this where total idiots post thier ubuntu questions?04:55
atoponcekennyn: have you setup the dns records with your domain provider?04:55
biladigitalcuz as it happens im a total idiot04:55
nj786pete83: are you there?04:55
kennyni am not sure what name servers to give them04:55
dk0rCan someone please help me install pidgin? I tried the deb from here (http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=pidgin) but i cannot find where it installed to. Help?04:56
familyHello, first time using an IRC client and IMing in general. I am in dire need of help regarding the shutdown and hibernate process. HAL has "failed", according to Ubuntu, and the shutdown screen freezes. Every time I need to shut off my computer, I have to manually power it down. :(. Unhealthy!04:56
ShackJackMeta4ical: Default Screen should be aticonfig-Screen[0] 04:56
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atoponcekennyn: who did you order your domains from?04:56
pete83nj786: you know, it would be far easier to find a poker program for linux04:56
kennyni have that04:56
kennynand i know where to go04:56
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ShackJackMeta4ical: under screen section...04:56
Meta4icalShackJack: I actually thought that myself ;o04:56
kennynbut where do i enter my name servers into my apache server here04:56
atoponcekennyn: and have you gone through the total dns control tool?04:56
kennyni dont believe04:56
kennynalso let you know04:56
nj786pete83: i think i found it tell me if this would work     http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_flash_player04:56
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kennyni am behind a netgear router04:56
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atoponceyou don't enter your name servers in apache. you need to tell godaddy what ip to point the domains to04:56
kennynthat is the thing04:57
atoponcekennyn: and you'll need to open up port 8004:57
drgonzo_Alright, I think I tracked down the source of my USB permission problems in /etc/udev/rules.d04:57
drgonzo_# USB devices (usbfs replacement)04:57
pete83nj786: no, that is not what your program wants04:57
kennyni have a isp that has dynamic ips04:57
familyHello, first time using an IRC client and IMing in general. I am in dire need of help regarding the shutdown and hibernate process. HAL has "failed", according to Ubuntu, and the shutdown screen freezes. Every time I need to shut off my computer, I have to manually power it down. :(. Unhealthy!04:57
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nj786pete83: oh then...?04:57
dk0rfamily ! Stop spamming!04:57
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atoponcekennyn: then it may be best to look into dyndns or homeip.net...04:57
=== Coole^ [n=justin@pool-71-254-52-40.atclnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
familySprry!! \04:57
drgonzo_how do I change this so ownership of USB devices is automatically assigned to my user?04:57
pete83nj786: oh wait, nevermind.... it might work, if you install it with wine04:57
kennynset router to foward to port 8004:57
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familySomebody please help? Sorry, again/04:57
kennyni already have server listen to 8004:57
Meta4icalShackJack: OK I'm going to reboot with the changes, wish me luck :)04:57
nj786pete83: meaning?04:57
dk0rfamily:  reinstall ubuntu04:57
atoponcekennyn: yeah. you'll need 80 open and pointing to the web server box04:57
Dr_LinkI think I know why the screen went black earlier.04:58
chrisLAbeardis it possible to install ubuntu without burning to a dvd/cd on a ppc mac04:58
=== ShackJack crosses fingers for Meta4ical
aib_42Henk: found nothing much :/04:58
kennynok will try04:58
kennyngive me a second04:58
dk0rchrisLAbeard: yes.04:58
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Henkaib_42:  so what we gonna try?04:58
chrisLAbearddk0r: with virtual pc04:58
=== Andy249 [n=Andyy@210.80-203-40.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
isxiosquick question, how do I manage the size of the icons on my desktop in Mint/Ubuntu? In CentOS I just use the filemanagement preference pane, but that is not in the Ubuntu Gnome desktop04:58
Dr_LinkIt was a screen dimmer.04:58
aib_42Henk: apparently you can press TAB to see a list of options in the command prompt04:58
kennynwith the router04:58
pete83nj786: meaning give it a try... but be warned that probably nobody has ever tried CarbonPoker in WINE, so there is no guarantee that it is even possible04:59
kennynhow to i find out if i installed the dynamic dns stuff right04:59
dk0rchrisLAbeard: wtf does virtual pc have to do with it ?04:59
dk0rCan someone please help me install pidgin? I tried the deb from here (http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=pidgin) but i cannot find where it installed to. Help?04:59
aib_42Henk: what happens when you type grub>     root (hd0,   and press tab?04:59
biladigitali need to install 915resolution to get my monitor to run at the right ratio. but it seems that i have to install it everytime i reboot, which is less than convenient...anyway to automatically install 915resolution on startup?04:59
Andy249I got a problem, I just installed ubuntu, and I made all of my second HD(200gb) to "/" file disk04:59
chrisLAbearddk0r: oh sorry i want to try and install it without having to boot up04:59
Andy249So I cant create any folders what so ever there04:59
chrisLAbearddk0r: just stay in os x04:59
Dr_LinkAnyone here know what language Ubuntu is programmed in?04:59
atoponcekennyn: you need to setup an account with a dynamic dns provider, like homeip.net04:59
dk0rchrisLAbeard: thats ridiculous04:59
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kennynis it free04:59
=== |rt| [n=dave@c-66-31-5-173.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kennynor i can find a free one05:00
chrisLAbearddk0r: haha sorry tell me the other way im open05:00
penguinistakcAny249: You can create folders there, you just have to be root05:00
atoponcekennyn: they're all free05:00
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Henkaib_42:  just gives me a normal tab05:00
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kennyngive me a second will set one up05:00
bulmerDr_Link: the core part is in C05:00
Dr_LinkI KNEW IT05:00
dk0rchrisLAbeard: why cant u burn a disc?05:00
pete83Dr_Link: most coding is done in English05:00
Andy249And how do I be root? >.<05:00
atoponcekennyn: i gotta run05:00
|rt|hey guys I'm trying to install feisty using the alternative installer cd and it's hanging when trying to detect my network card....any ideas to get around this?05:00
Dr_Linkevery OS is in C these days...05:00
Dr_LinkI am learning C++. :(05:00
chrisLAbearddk0r: im at a beach house with no cd/dvds05:00
dk0r|rt|: unplug your nic05:00
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Dr_LinkOf course...05:00
kennyni hope there is someone else that can help me here05:00
chrisLAbearddk0r: and just wanted to try it if its not possible i can just wait05:00
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dk0rchrisLAbeard: haha! awesome!05:00
atoponceDr_Link: kde is programmed in c++05:00
penguinistakcAndy249 sudo mkdir /dirname05:00
aib_42Henk: maybe you should be at the command line after you boot05:00
|rt|dk0r: ok I'll give that a try05:00
aib_42Henk: you said you had a laptop?05:01
dk0rchrisLAbeard: i believe you can do  a network install05:01
biladigitallol, its like a ubuntu moshpit in here.05:01
dk0r|rt|: is it a onboard?05:01
atoponceDr_Link: depends on what you want to contribute to05:01
Henkaib_42: yep got vista on it05:01
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penguinistakcBut if you are looking for folders for your personal files, create them in your home directory. You don't have to be root for that -- /home/username05:01
Dr_Linkthe reason I am getting Ubuntu (well, one reason) is so I can compile my C++ programs under a Linux environment.05:01
chrisLAbearddk0r: awww i need another computer05:01
dk0rchris... what?05:01
atoponcethe kernel, a window managor, or software packages05:01
dk0rchrisLAbeard: why ?05:01
aib_42Henk: got MSN or google talk?05:01
Andy249Thats only for creating folders tho?05:01
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chrisLAbearddk0r: ohh i thought network would mean i need another computer05:01
pete83Dr_Link: oh, you mean PROGRAMMING language... Ubuntu is a collection of various programs, written in whatever the programmer wanted to use.... a lot use c, C++, and there is a fast growing amount written in Python and even c# with mono05:01
=== atoponce takes off
Dr_LinkThen i can put 'em on upload.com so they will appear on download.com and they will be awesomely compatible.05:01
|rt|dk0r: yes it's an nforce2 chipset05:02
Dr_LinkEww, C#05:02
aib_42Henk: http://pastebin.com/d6594208805:02
dk0rchrisLAbeard: you sound like the kind of guy who should just stay on osx05:02
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daakuanyone know what these lines mean in auth.log: Jul 29 06:47:58 hostname CRON[10429] : (pam_unix) session open/closed for user root05:02
Andy249How do I un install ubuntu05:02
dk0r|rt|: hrm. well it should be well supported. installing feisty?05:02
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chrisLAbearddk0r: yeah im very new to linux i have it on 2 pcs at home but doing things with macs is pretty different05:02
Henkaib_42: ill start it and add u05:02
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|rt|dk0r: works with the live cd installer05:02
spartanzhello spartanz!!05:02
dk0r|rt|: but not the alt huh ?05:02
penguinistakcAndy249: The only way you uninstall Ubuntu is to delete it from your drive. The easiest way to do that is just to repartition05:02
pete83Dr_Link: lol, I agree with you on C#.   Do you want to program GUI programs?05:02
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dk0r|rt|:  are you comparing the same versions of ubuntu on both the liv and alt installs?05:03
Jason_Dcan anyone help me with beryl05:03
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|rt|dk0r: yeah both 7.0405:03
Dr_LinkWell, actually, I prefer making console programs05:03
Andy249penguinistakc: And to repartion I do? =)05:03
Dr_Linkbut I'm trying to pick up on GUI coding in C++...05:03
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dk0rJason_d goto #compiz-fusion for IMMEDIATE help w/ anything beryl/compiz related05:03
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|rt|dk0r: i can disable the onboard network in the bios if that gets me past installation05:03
dk0r|rt|: naturally but.. hrm05:03
Meta4icalShackJack: I still recieved a black screen, but I didn't change the aticonfig line back "Default Screen" and it still worked when I went back to vesa05:04
Dr_Linkeventually, when I'm acquainted with C++ Win32 coding, I'll start learning Linux GUI coding.05:04
dk0r|rt|: what kind of error are you given ?05:04
penguinistakcAndy249: The easy way to repartition is to insert the Ubuntu Live CD in your cd-rom, boot it up, and then open a terminal. In the terminal, run cfdisk /dev/yourdrivehere05:04
Andy249Question is; How do I repartition in ubuntu05:04
kennynok i have registred for an account with DynDNS05:04
|rt|dk0r: no error...just hangs05:04
Pie-rateThere needs to be a bootloader configureing program in ubuntu. it could just be really simple, just able to move items up and down, so that lusers can make Windows the default if they want to.05:04
pete83Dr_Link: ok, well if you want cross-platform GUI's for c++, you need to look into QT or gtkmm.. and make the tough choice05:04
kennynbut i dont want to pay for name servers05:04
kennynany idea on how to set my own05:04
chrisLAbearddk0r: you can humor me if you want w/ the network install05:04
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Dr_Linkmost of my stuff is console based...05:04
|rt|dk0r: i even opened another terminal and tailed the log05:04
penguinistakcAndy249 You can't repartition while the drive you want to partition ismounted05:04
dk0rchrisLAbeard: Stay on osx.05:04
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chrisLAbearddk0r: aww come on man05:04
Meta4icalShackJack: and Restricted Drivers Manager now says "Not in use" again05:04
dk0r|rt|: it just sits there?05:04
biladigitali'll be patient05:04
daakukennyn: you can get one of the free domains - or pay to use their dns services05:05
Andy249So I'll un-mount it first05:05
|rt|dk0r: and is unresponsive05:05
Dr_Linkand I am going to be installing XChat onto my Ubuntu-enabled computer first thing, so I can sign on and start getting results.05:05
kennyni have a domain already05:05
tonyyarussokennyn: ZoneEdit05:05
dk0r|rt|: you check the md5 of the install?05:05
|rt|dk0r: have to hard power cycle it to get it to come back around05:05
kennynwhat is ZoneEdit05:05
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GetnikarAnyone know how to install via netboot and then install from something on the LAN. I got the netboot part working (bootpd + tftp) , just need help on installing over the LAN.05:05
keenshackjack, i found the answer!05:05
dk0r|rt|: did you do the checksum05:05
kennyni told you I am a newbee05:05
|rt|dk0r: i'll tell it to check the disk05:05
pete83Dr_Link: that's certainly nicer.. by the way, the channel here called ##C++  (that is with two #'s) is really great05:05
dk0r|rt|:  no no.05:05
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Dr_LinkI was on it earlier before XChat crashed.05:05
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dk0r|rt|: the md5 info hash. Your alt install should of came with an md5 file.05:06
Dr_LinkAnd I hope there is something similar to Ctrl+Alt+Delete in Ubuntu...05:06
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|rt|dk0r: ok i'll check the md5 of the iso05:06
dk0r|rt|: yes.05:06
Meta4icalShackJack: Are you there?05:06
tonyyarussokennyn: free :)  zoneedit.com, I bought my domain through them, but you don't have to, and just tell what IP to send stuff to through the web interface.05:06
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kennynk that is the thing05:06
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kennyni have a isp that has dynamc ips05:06
dk0rtonyyarusso: you can also use free services. noip, etc.05:06
kennynhow do i know what IP address to give them05:06
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pete83Dr_Link: you can set up your ctrl-alt-del binding to do whatever you want... I have mine open the system monitor, kind of like Windows XP05:06
penguinistakcPie-rate Just edit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:06
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Dr_LinkUbuntu sounds/looks so fun!05:07
Pie-ratepenguinistakc: i KNOW how to change the bootloader05:07
tupahow is find used?, I want to find all files named wizard.png (already read the man, did find / wizard.png, but it echoes all files in my system)05:07
ianwellerDr_Link: did the live cd boot?05:07
tonyyarussokennyn: From wherever your site is?05:07
ianwellerehe i just about typed lice cd05:07
Dr_Linkianweller: In the process.05:07
Pie-ratepenguinistakc: there should be a GUI tool for it, though.05:07
kennynk like i said i am newbee05:07
|rt|dk0r: check cd seems to be doinig md5sum on all the deb files on the cd05:07
kennyni am just confused05:07
kennyni installed apache2, php, and so on05:07
penguinistakcGetnikar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot05:07
kennynon a box here at home05:07
Dr_LinkI ran an integrity check on the CD this time, ianweller. No problems...05:08
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Pie-ratepenguinistakc: not for my benefit, i'd still edit the config. your average luser, however, does not edit the config, and laughs in your face and switches back to windows if you ask him to.05:08
kennynI have a static ip set to my box through the router of
penguinistakcPie-rate: I can see your point. There isn't one in windows, either -- you have to manually edit the boot files05:08
youknowmehow do I set up a randomly changing desktop picture?05:09
|rt|dk0r: md5 checks out05:09
dk0r|rt|: piss.05:09
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Pie-ratepenguinistakc: so? "oh windows doesn't have it... why bother with innovative features if they don't clone windows"05:09
Pie-ratepenguinistakc: :)05:09
dk0r|rt|: idk how that will work disabling it for install.. and then enabling after.05:09
|rt|dk0r: can i use the live cd installer and then convert the boot and / over to md raid 1 after the fact?05:09
dk0ryoure using raid?05:09
bean-ohis there a tried and true way to do wireless bridging from the host with virtualbox?05:10
|rt|if i remember correctly the md raid 1 metadata is at the end of the partitions05:10
|rt|dk0r: not yet....i would like to05:10
DShepherdthe new frostwire doesn't seem to want to accept input from my keyboard. anyone else have this problem?05:10
biladigitali need to install 915resolution to get my monitor to run at the right ratio. but it seems that i have to install it everytime i reboot, which is less than convenient...anyway to automatically install 915resolution on startup?05:10
Pie-ratepenguinistakc: there should be a system->administration->edit boot menu05:10
dk0r|rt|: so whatr u on about raid1 metadata?05:10
penguinistakcPie-rate: Touche. However, I think editing menu.lst is not something one wants a "luser" to do under any circumstances, gui or not.05:10
kennynok anyone there can help me05:10
kennyni have signed up for ZOneEdit05:11
|rt|dk0r: but I'll try disabling the NIC and going with the alternative05:11
kennynand added my domain05:11
pete83youknowme: install the package "wallpaper-tray"05:11
|rt|dk0r: the cd's self check checked out too05:11
dk0r|rt|: why you using alt anyways?05:11
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|rt|dk0r: so i can install on a md device05:11
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Pie-ratepenguinistakc: if said "luser" has set up ubuntu with the "resize partition and use free space" method, and wants to put Windows at the top of the menu, then they should be able to.05:11
penguinistakcPie-rate: Not necessarily because of loyalty to one OS or the other, but because the risk of mutilating ones MBR is greater than the potential benefits of easily changing the default.05:11
|rt|dk0r: software raid05:11
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biladigitaledit the boot menu...hmm... sure as hell dont know how to do that...google here i come05:11
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Dr_Link...uh oh.05:11
Pie-ratepenguinistakc: which is why the tool needs to be simple and bulletproof.05:11
tonyyarussoPie-rate, penguinistakc: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/graphical-grub-config05:12
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dk0r|rt|: hrm.. you know Im going to need to install raid myself pretty soon05:12
Dr_Linkkilled process 5245 (ld_static)05:12
Pie-ratetonyyarusso: i figured it'd already have been suggested.05:12
dk0r|rt|: is your controller officially supported?05:12
kennynk i just got my name servers and i am going into godaddy to change them05:12
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tonyyarussoPie-rate: so subscribe to the spec and help make it happen ;)05:12
asdfWhat does this mean when I put in the ubuntu 7.04 install disc05:12
asdf(initramfs) :05:12
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|rt|dk0r: it's a software raid.....no controller05:12
asdf/bin/sh : Cannot access tty; job control turned off05:12
Dr_LinkOut of memory: kill process 5283 (S10udev) score 58 or a child05:12
Dr_Linkwhat does this stuff mean?05:12
dk0r|rt|: its supported tho ?05:13
Dr_LinkIt has killed three processes due to memory loss so far...05:13
|rt|dk0r: I want the OS parition to be RAID1 and my DATA (LVM) to be RAID505:13
keeni want to make a partion for file storage, where should i set the mount point?05:13
Dr_Linkand now I just see a blinking cursor underneath all of this stuff.05:13
|rt|dk0r: yes05:13
Dr_LinkThe computer is idling.05:13
Dr_LinkShould I just switch it off and call it a night?05:13
dk0r|rt|: do you use other distros?05:13
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|rt|dk0r: i have in the past but i've been using ubuntu for about a year now05:14
DShepherdok..never mind my question ^^ it just started working now.. weird though05:14
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dk0rsIm thinking about sabayon05:14
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|rt|dk0r: maybe it's been about 2 years on ubuntu....started with dapper05:14
orbisvicisanyone recommend a good mic ?05:14
kennynOk my name servers have now been changed to zoneedit name servers05:14
kennynis that all i have to do05:14
aib_42Henk: still there?05:14
dk0r|rt|: tried sabayon?05:14
orbisvicischeap, usb/3.5 mm mic05:14
=== chris__ [n=chris@80-41-242-2.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
dk0rgentoo or deb?05:15
kennynor is there something in the apache files i need to change05:15
orbisvicisalsa/linux compatible05:15
|rt|dk0r: disabling the NIC seemed to get me past that hang05:15
tonyyarussokennyn: you have to set up zoneedit to forward to the IP, but otherwise yes05:15
keenor does it not matter???05:15
reflousany of you guys use google desktop for ubuntu? (is it any good?)05:15
|rt|dk0r: sabayon is a distro?05:15
Dr_Linkthe computer is idle.05:15
Dr_LinkAfter killing 3 processes.05:15
kennyni am sorry tony but what IP are you talking about05:15
Dr_LinkShould I just switch it off?05:15
Dr_Link(this is during startup)05:15
tonyyarussokennyn: The IP of the box at home, where the traffic has to end up.05:15
kennyni am so new it is pituful05:15
kennynok that is where i am a bit confused05:15
dk0r|rt|: how do you think ubuntu will handle the nic when it see's it after installation ?05:15
kennynit never asked me for an ip05:16
kennynthat is zoneedit05:16
|rt|dk0r: just gotta load the module....shouldn't be a problem05:16
keeni'm installing fresh and want to make a second partition for storage, where should i mount the drive and what file system should i use?05:16
Dr_Link. The CD drive just unmounted itself, I just heard the "click' sound.05:16
dk0r|rt|: will it even recognize it ?05:16
Dr_LinkYep, time to call it a night.05:16
chris__guys, I Cant seem to enable desktop effects, the screen goes white. And when I install the GLX nvidia driver. A popup appears saying I cannot use desktop effects (or something like that) what can I Do?05:16
|rt|dk0r: sure05:16
kennynand i am not sure how to tell what my ip is because i have an Internet service provider05:16
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dk0r|rt|: is there a ui for that type of thing?05:16
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Henkaib_42: yeah had some probs with the laptop but its up and running now05:16
kennynthat uses dynamic IPS05:16
|rt|dk0r: a ui for loading a module?05:16
tonyyarussokennyn: The "IP addresses" tab, you just said your IP, no?05:16
chris__guys, I Cant seem to enable desktop effects, the screen goes white. And when I install the GLX nvidia driver. A popup appears saying I cannot use desktop effects (or something like that) what can I Do?05:16
dk0r|rt|: thats a no?05:16
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bluekoalaI'm a brand new Ubuntu user :P05:16
|rt|dk0r: modprobe <modulename> options05:16
bluekoala<=== n00btr0n05:17
dk0r|rt|: ive been on ubuntu for about a week now :) sorry.05:17
chris__guys, I Cant seem to enable desktop effects, the screen goes white. And when I install the GLX nvidia driver. A popup appears saying I cannot use desktop effects (or something like that) what can I Do?05:17
asdfWhen I boot the live cd it goes straight to a shell and says /bin/sh : Cannot access tty; job control turned off05:17
bluekoalaDid you install the 64 bit version?05:17
tonyyarussokennyn: ah, dynamic's less fun.  you could do a cloaked forward to something like dyndns then...05:17
kennynyeah that is an IP that my router is giving it05:17
chris__64 bit bersion of what ?05:17
Dr_LinkWell, it appears Windows will reboot just fine if there's ever a screwup with startup on Ubuntu.05:17
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|rt|dk0r: ah....well linux is pretty good about autoloading modules that it needs05:17
kennynok i am pretty sure i set that up05:17
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dk0r|rt\ what irc client you using ?05:17
ZenoIs there a Tk channel on this server that I can get more specific help?05:17
Dr_LinkI'm so scared of this setup, "I screwed up when partitioning so I had to reformat!"05:17
|rt|dk0r: so there's a chance that if I enable the NIC and reboot it will just work05:17
chris__hm, dont know05:17
kennynon this box already any idea on how to check that05:17
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asdfWhen I boot the live cd it goes straight to a shell and says /bin/sh : Cannot access tty; job control turned off05:17
|rt|dk0r: irssi05:17
Dr_Linkheard that so many times05:17
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pawanhow to install edubuntu05:17
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|rt|dk0r: it's a commandline irc client05:18
ubotuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org05:18
Dr_Linkpawan: Get the ISO, burn it to a CD, and then boot from it.05:18
xutopiaanyone have any success installing openviz on ubuntu server?05:18
dk0r|rt|: i know it. whats the window manager for that.. x something05:18
bluekoalaDr_Link: Try using a seperate hard drive to install the OS05:18
Dr_Linkchris__: WE DON'T CARE =05:18
xutopiaI just want to know if it's possible or not05:18
pawancant it be installed from ubuntu05:18
mzmaker05hi everyone, is my first time in this chat05:18
Vorianchris__, #ubuntu-effects05:18
imbecile_how do i add a user?05:18
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Dr_LinkI don't have one.05:18
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Dr_LinkI have another computer I can test it with, though.05:18
bluekoalaHello Mzmaker05:18
orbisvicischris__, go to #ubuntu-effects and be polite05:18
Vorianchris__, np05:18
Henkaib_42:  i added u05:18
Dr_LinkBut that'll ahve to wait until tomorrow.05:18
Dr_LinkLater, all05:19
dk0r|rt|: terminal based window manager05:19
kennyntony you there05:19
ZenoIs their a Tk channel on this server?05:19
mzmaker05Im so in love w ubuntu I think is the greatest05:19
ZenoThere, rather.05:19
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tonyyarussokennyn: yeah, but I'm not sure what you're asking anymore.05:19
asdfWhen I boot the live cd it goes straight to a shell and says "/bin/sh : Cannot access tty; job control turned off "05:19
mzmaker05but im just a simple joe when it comes to coding05:19
kennyni am lost05:19
kennynso lost also05:19
aib_42Henk: hmm05:19
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Henkaib_42: saw it?05:20
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mzmaker05So Bluekoala whats up?05:20
ianwellerkennyn: what problems are you having05:20
aib_42Henk: nope...05:20
zerokill88Is anyone having this bug where you try to close a file browser or anything you try to close it wont close?05:20
aib_42Henk: double checked the address too05:20
mzmaker05mybe u can help me w a question05:20
asdfWhen I boot the live cd it goes straight to a shell and says "/bin/sh : Cannot access tty; job control turned off "05:20
asdfWhen I boot the live cd it goes straight to a shell and says "/bin/sh : Cannot access tty; job control turned off "05:20
asdfWhen I boot the live cd it goes straight to a shell and says "/bin/sh : Cannot access tty; job control turned off "05:20
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Pie-ratemy dad has an oki c5150 color laser printer, which is somehow connected to the network. all the windows computers that can print to it have an "OKI LPR Utility" installed. is there any way i can print to it?05:20
ianwellerasdf: be patient sir05:20
|rt|dk0r: to answer you ealier question i've never used sabayon.  I've run Gentoo for a number of years and still do on some servers at work and I breifly ran SUSE before that05:20
pawanlike kubuntu we cannot install edubuntu from within ubuntu05:20
Pie-rateasdf: be patient.05:20
asdfI'm sorry ian... 5 people have been helped after I've asked more then 3 times05:20
imbecile_asdf:  yes now be quiet05:20
dk0r|rt|: do you use awn ?05:20
bluekoalaJust chilling, trying to figure out how to install flash player on 64bit OS05:20
aib_42Henk: lemme sign off and back on05:20
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ZenoThere are over 1,000 people in here.  Calm down.05:20
Henkaib_42: k05:20
ianwellerasdf: some people just don't know, have you googled/read faq05:21
|rt|dk0r: I don't know what awn is...so I guess not05:21
asdf90% of the quesitons asked int his chan take 3 seconds on google to find05:21
asdfyet they ALL get answered before the 1 person who asks soemthign that can't be found on google05:21
imbecile_asdf:  quit whining05:21
mzmaker05yeah I got kinda the same problem05:21
xutopiawhat's the google? :-P05:21
ianwellerxutopia: heh05:21
asdfI just think its funny05:22
pawanhow to install edubuntu-desktop05:22
isxioswell, sometimes it's nicer to actually talk/chat to a person05:22
mzmaker05Im sure is funny05:22
ZenoI'm sure there is a way to answer my question.  I only know /LIST and that is not reasonable for looking for a specific topic.05:22
ianwellerasdf: what computer are you running the live cd on05:22
imbecile_i think its annoying05:22
tonyyarusso!software | pawan05:22
erstaziasdf, pm me, I can help05:22
aib_42Henk: are you 'spirits'...?05:22
asdfdual p3 933, mx440 64mb, 512mb ram05:22
xutopiado I need to install ajax 2.0 on my windows to get the google?05:22
mzmaker05Imbecil u got the same problem?05:22
ubotupawan: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents05:22
asdfyou need to /quit to get to google05:22
erstazixutopia, haha05:22
asdfxutopia type /quit google05:22
Henkaib_42: im dalesoul@...05:22
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ianwellerasdf: meanie :D05:23
aib_42Henk: nope, got nothing05:23
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Pie-rateasdf: what version of the live cd are you using?05:23
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aib_42Henk: try again?05:23
isxiosmy icons question, however, has an answer that I did not find in google, the reference is no longer in a preference pain but in nautilus itself05:23
Henkaib_42: http://pastebin.com/d75ac6d1d05:23
isxioser, pane05:24
franky123hey, i was wondering how to control a xubuntu desktop remotely? i got a working gnome session through vncviewer on display :2 but the display on tty7 is :0. how do i control :0 instead of :2 ?05:24
aib_42Henk: added you..05:24
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Dr_willisfranky123,  gnome has a feature/vnc option that lets it control the 'local/seen' desktop05:25
Dr_willisbut i never use it. :) its slow.05:25
Dr_willisfor me at least05:25
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mzmaker05yeah I use gnome too is the shit05:25
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mzmaker05I was tempted by kubuntu05:25
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:25
rodserlingMy volume works, but it's way too loud and i can't adjust it so it's more quiet, anything suggestions?05:25
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aib_42Henk: man, does MSN suck05:26
franky123Dr_willis: How do I enable that? And the remote machine is running XFCE. Will that still work or do I need gnome on the other machine?05:26
Henkaib_42: apparantly it does :p05:26
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Dr_willisfranky123,  no idea. ive seen it.. i never use it. :) the remote box will run vncviewer of some kind.. to get to the  vnc-serving box.05:26
sal002ARe there more recent kernel debs for ubuntu AMD64?  I want to try a later kvm05:26
Dr_willisor was that the other way.. :)05:26
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imbecile_is there a gui to adduser in ubuntu?? anyone?05:27
bruenigusers and groups05:27
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Dr_willisi just use 'sudo adduser bgates' :)05:27
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aib_42Henk: *sigh* try it again tomorrow over gtalk?05:28
penguinistakcimbecile_ System -> Administration -> Users and Groups05:28
Henkaib_42: hold on for a sec05:28
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rodserlingmy volume control doesn't work on feisty and i tried adjusting everything.05:29
asdfany ideas?05:29
asdfrandom sayings?05:29
asdfbs just so I'll gtfo ?05:29
pete83rodserling: try going to a terminal and typing: alsamixer05:29
asdfI swear ubuntu hates me05:30
bruenig!enter | asdf05:30
ubotuasdf: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:30
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asdf6.04 doesn't load my network drivers, even tho its fully supported, auto detectable, and working for eveyrone else who uses it05:30
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asdf7.04 wont even start05:30
brueniguse another distro05:30
bruenigother distros have much better hardware documentation as well05:30
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pernballzhey everyone, giving gnome another chance :p05:31
rodserlingwow, thank you pete83, that worked!!!05:31
pete83bruenig, are you insane?05:31
Pie-rat1OKI c5150 isn't listed in the list of printer drivers. should i just use one of the other drivers or what?05:31
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asdfwow bruenig... my bad... was pretty sure that was 2 complete sentence05:31
bruenigpete83, I think most would vouch for my sanity05:32
pernballzseriously ubuntu's documentation is awesome05:32
asdf<asdf> 6.04 doesn't load my network drivers, even tho its fully supported, auto detectable, and working for eveyrone else who uses it05:32
asdf<asdf> 7.04 wont even start05:32
pete83bruenig, Ubuntu is a seriously slick ship05:32
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asdf^^ how is that using enter as punctuation?05:32
bruenigpernballz, ubuntu's documentation is scattered across the tubes on blogs05:32
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bruenigasdf, the 4 one liners in a row05:32
LilacorI'm having trouble with sound... applications using gstreamer aren't playing sound at all...anyone have this issue?05:32
bruenigpernballz, the wiki is terrible05:32
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mzmaker05<pernballz send me the link u are at05:32
asdfif you had timestamp05:32
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mzmaker05I wanna check it out05:33
asdfyou'd see there was bout 5-10 seond pause between those05:33
pernballzI've never had any problems finding the answer to my questions.  Hell, I like KDE better but I've had such an easier time with ubuntu05:33
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mzmaker05asdf did u fix it>05:33
pete83asdf: did you check your 7.04 CD for errors05:33
guitarplayer1071i would make sure your speakers are plugged in05:33
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asdfno how do I do that05:33
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bruenigpernballz, have you had any hardware problems?05:33
pete83asdf: when it starts up booting, checking the CD for errors is an option05:33
asdfoh lol05:34
mzmaker05hey I had the same prob w speaker, it solved itself w an update05:34
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asdfI'll try that05:34
dmbMajic_Irssi is an amsg whore!05:34
asdfim gonna laugh whent hat doesn't work05:34
File13Hi, my audio was working fine but when i booted into my XP partition and came back onto my Ubuntu partition my sound doesnt work05:34
bruenig!alsa | File1305:34
ubotuFile13: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:34
pete83asdf: yeah, but it's worth trying05:34
Dr_willisFile13,  try powering off. and booting straight to linux.05:34
=== chemturion [n=brian@c-71-198-254-19.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lilacormy sound died about a week ago...05:34
bruenigFile13, your alsa levels probably didn't get saved05:34
Dr_williswhat bruenig  said also. :)05:35
Meta4icalCould anyone help me configure my graphics card to work with fglrx? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3106882#post310688205:35
File13Should i try powering off and booting straight into ubuntu first05:35
File13Then if that doesnt work i can try other thigns05:35
asdfyea i know pete05:35
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Pie-rat1the driver for my printer isn't included in ubuntu and i can't find a .PPD file for it05:35
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pete83Meta4ical: OK, so you have the fglrx package installed?05:35
fsckris there a way to get rid of someone that is using a proxy?  Everytime I kick them he gets right back on.05:35
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asdfthats not why I'd laugh... I've been here int he OFFICIAL support chan for 2 days now, and no one has been able to help me with ANY of my problems05:36
Meta4icalpete83: Correct ;p05:36
mzmaker05ubotu, please help, I want to install programs, every time I try I get same error05:36
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mzmaker05It says that I need to do it manually05:36
pete83asdf, well the only OFFICIAL support is the pad canonical support... this is "community"05:36
bruenigasdf, your problems are hardware problems, hardware docs are fairly scarce, especially hardware docs on things that are *supposed* to work automagically05:36
pete83asdf, pad=paid05:36
RyukZillaShackJack: ar u still in here?05:37
Dr_williswhen in doubt load the modules manually. :)05:37
Dr_willisive seen lots of little odd issues with differnet machines and linux in the past..05:37
asdfwell, if you read the topic, I'm pretty sure it says OFFICIAL ubuntu support channel.05:37
mzmaker05here Im going to put the error maybe somebody can help05:37
mzmaker05or suggest05:37
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asdfso if tihs isn't the OFFICIAL support, someone needs to change the topic./05:37
bruenigofficial as in, if you see any other ubuntu channels on irc, those aren't05:37
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pete83Meta4ical: OK... um can you paste it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/05:37
asdfofficial is official.  unless this is official, you should change the wording.05:38
Meta4icalpete83: Paste what?05:38
bruenigin the same way that ubuntuforums.org is official05:38
bruenigit is the official forums05:38
pete83asdf, good point, I never read that... still, it's true05:38
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Dr_willisvs ##ubuntu which would be unofficial05:38
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asdfit did the same thing05:38
pete83Meta4ical: your xorg.conf05:38
asdfcheck cd for defects05:38
asdfstarted loading the live cd and went straight to the shell05:38
Meta4icalpete83: Oh I added it to my forum post?05:38
bruenigmmmm shell05:38
|rt|is it possible to convert a regular partition into a raid 1 volume after the fact?05:38
asdf/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off05:38
|rt|the alternative installer locked up on me again05:39
Dr_willisI had a odd machine, ubuntu dident isntall, kubuntu cd did. both fiesty.. MintLinux also worked.  but xubuntu dident.05:39
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Dr_willisasdf,  thats the exact error i saw on some of those cd's05:39
bruenigxubuntu is highly questionable05:39
pete83Meta4ical: the other one has line numbers though.05:39
bruenigno one ever tests it05:39
Stuart_99Hi everyone, I have a bit of a problem...my laptop's wifi is operational with the bcm43xx driver, however my connection is VERY SLOW (as in 93kbps) slow compared to when I run Windows on the same laptop and get 2500 kbps speeds.  What can I do to fix my laptop's wireless?05:39
=== pernballz [n=pernz@ool-4574947b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_willisNever did figure out what casued that.05:39
pete83Meta4ical: then I can tell you what line number to change05:39
asdfDr_willis... ubuntu has been installed ont his pc in the past.05:39
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Meta4icalpete83: Ok one moment please05:39
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asdfFully working ubuntu... now it won't even load the live cd05:39
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Dr_willisasdf,  same version? same cd?  Im thinking thers some oddities in how some of the iso files are getting made.05:40
asdfyesterday I was using the same cd05:40
asdfsame EXACT setup05:40
bruenighardware failure?05:40
asdfand it wouldn't load network or sound05:40
Meta4icalPete83: Here ya go, http://pastebin.com/d62bdedf05:40
asdfnow I downloaded 7.04 since EVERYONE here told me to05:40
asdfand now 7.04 wont even load05:40
=== bruenig did no such thing
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Dr_willisi have noticed that once in a great while. some usb gizmos plugged in - confuse the boot/installers.05:40
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File13I rebooted and the sound issue is still there05:40
chalcedonyi'm looking for some ideas for different software to use to make some notes for different help channel scripts. for channels i help in. if someone were a mirc user they could be popups /alias files, but i can't  do that with xchat,05:40
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pete83Meta4ical:   ok, change line 156 to:       Device   "Generic Video Card"05:41
Stuart_99Can anyone help me? I have a bit of a problem...my laptop's wifi is operational with the bcm43xx driver, however my connection is VERY SLOW (as in 93kbps) slow compared to when I run Windows on the same laptop and get 2500 kbps speeds.  What can I do to fix my laptop's wireless?05:41
bruenigchalcedony, you mean things that will print faq answers05:41
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asdfAfter reading the MANY replies and posts in this thread so far, it's clear that the error message in the subject line can occur for MANY different specific reasons. What all of these reasons seem to have in common is that the new 2.6.20-15 kernel used by Fiesty chokes when it encounters hardware or combinations of hardware that its boot-up routines aren't coded to handle properly. When it chokes, it almost always spits out that error messag05:42
asdfsry thats so long05:42
Meta4icalpete83: done05:42
chalcedonybruenig: or something that will just let me copy paste the right stuff for the right channel and time.05:42
RyukZillaMeta4ical: will u answer me a question >o<?05:42
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Stuart_99Does anyone know how to fix my wireless problem?05:43
Meta4icalRyukZilla: Of course05:43
pete83Meta4ical:   ok so either reset your xserver, or reset the whole computer (might be more reliable, not sure)05:43
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File13Someone mentioned something about the ALSA settings not being saved but in my sound prefs all my volume sliders are on max05:43
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bruenigchalcedony, I am not quite sure even what you are talking about, I do know that you can write bash scripts that echo something and then use /exec -o, that is a pretty basic and easy to do thing05:43
chalcedonyi have too many things in gnome multi tab/vim windows already05:43
aRasinanybody know howto setup "Video-Mirroring" like windows does?05:43
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Meta4icalpete83: ctrl / alt / backspace to reset?05:43
chalcedonybruenig: hmmmm05:44
RyukZillaMeta4ical: >o< which will u use if u were a newbiew and u wanted to learn ur way to linux? Fedora Core or Ubuntu?05:44
Dr_willisasdf,  if thats the  case i wonder if an older (beta?) cd with a older kernel would work for you05:44
pete83Meta4ical:   yes, to reset the xserver05:44
chemturionhey there, so im having some trouble with synapatic package manager05:44
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Truman_Does anyone know where I might configure the font size that Firefox uses to display my bookmarks?05:44
bruenigasdf, try another distro, one that isn't so automagic, because when automagic fails in ubuntu, unless you already know how to do it, you are going to have a hard time fixing it05:44
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blankyhey do you guys think if a format a partition to ext3, I could share it somehow and on my windows box on the same LAN, access it using ext3 drivers?05:44
blankyand write/read to/from it ?05:44
Meta4icalRyukZIlla: I AM a returning newbie, and have gone through literally 50 distrubutions, that's not an exagerration05:45
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blankyhow would I go about doing that anyways, sharing a partition05:45
Meta4icaland although Fedora looked pretty, nautilus broke a lot even when I didn't do anything = /05:45
=== bruenig doesn't buy 50
Truman_Blanky:  You'd probably have to put the driver on every machine .. but I'd think it'd work05:45
Meta4icalI'm also finding the documentation on Ubuntu easier to read -- actual made for humans05:45
chemturionwhen i launch synaptic i get a message telling me that i need to manually run "dpkg --configure -a" which when i do i get the skype user agreement which I can't accept, so I cant complete the command so that I cant use the package manager05:45
blankyTruman_: think wont cut it, thanks anyways though, do you know how I'd go about sharing a partition?05:45
blankywould I need samba or something?05:45
RyukZillaMeta4ical: >o< so Ubuntus will be ur choise?05:46
blankyso, I would like to share a FAT32 partition on the LAN so my windows PCs can access write/to it05:46
lostchildAnyone here specialize in bizarre graphics problems?05:46
Truman_blanky: Once you install that driver, the ext3 drive shows up just like any other drive .. you'd just right click>properties>sharing05:46
bruenigchemturion, I recommend manually running dpkg --configure -a05:46
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aRasinanybody know howto setup "Video-Mirroring" like windows does?05:46
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Truman_blanky: You could always try it first; be a hell of a lot easier if it works, and you don't lose anything if it doesn't05:46
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blankyTruman_: uh, no not what I meant. On a linux only box, I will format a partition to ext3, then I want to shared that partition somehow so that my windows boxes on the LAN can access it, the windows boxes will have ext3 drivers so I could read the partition05:47
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blankyso I guess my only real problem is figuring out how to share a whole partition, or a directory I guess05:47
chemturionbruenig:Yeah I do that, then I get skype trying to install and it gives me a user agreement that I can't accept, i try hitting return dosnt work, so I'm stuck05:47
Truman_blanky: Oh, I'm sorry .. I thought you meant from windows.  My bad.05:47
bruenigchemturion, hit tab05:47
pete83chemturion: to get rid of the bad package, type: sudo dpkg -P packagename05:47
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blankyTruman_: it's alright05:47
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chemturionpete83: thanks05:47
chemturionbruenig: thanks05:47
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bruenigtab moves between fields and buttons in 99% of apps05:48
chemturionthanks tab worked!05:48
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aRasinanybody know howto setup "Video-Mirroring" like windows does?05:48
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bruenig!repeat | aRasin05:48
ubotuaRasin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:48
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Stuart_99 Hi everyone, I have a bit of a problem...my laptop's wifi is operational with the bcm43xx driver, however my connection is VERY SLOW (as in 93kbps) slow compared to when I run Windows on the same laptop and get 2500 kbps speeds.  What can I do to fix my laptop's wireless?05:49
pete83aRasin: what video card?05:49
bruenig!repeat | Stuart_9905:49
ubotuStuart_99: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:49
aRasinnvidia 760005:49
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:49
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RamSeizehow can i activate my desktop effects coz its said composite is not available, im using ati driver05:49
bruenigRamSeize, #ubuntu-effects05:49
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:50
likpokStuart_99: I know that when I had to use a broadcom wireless card, I had to get the firmware (admittedly, this was under gentoo)05:50
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lostchildI currently run an Nvidia 9200 on 7.04. All was well, until I get back from vacation turn the machine on and get odd distortion of images. It looks similar to what images appear like if you turn down the color depth. However my depth is set at 2405:51
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pete83aRasin: I mostly know ATI.. but check out this thread:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174&page=3705:51
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Meta4icalPete83: As you might have guessed, I got the black screen again and had  to boot into recovery mode and change the line back05:51
aRasinpete83 - will do, probley already gandered @ that thread though :P05:52
mypapitdo, probley already gandered @ that thread though :P05:52
Meta4icalPete83: If it matters at all, that line was originally "Default Sceen" and ShackJack suggested I change it to "aticonfig-Device[0] "05:52
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Meta4icalDefault SCreen AND aticonfig-Device[0]  both work, but yours didn;t :(05:52
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aRasinpete83 - yeah that thread doesn't cover the desired result im after :D05:53
NETWizzEver tried StreamTuner?05:53
pete83Meta4ical:   oh shit, I just noticed there are two places that had the old one05:53
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Meta4icalPete83: It's perfectly ok, It takes me 2 seconds to edit the line back05:53
aRasini've googled for weeks... nothing helps, figure irc might hold a guru or 2 who can do miricles05:54
pete83Meta4ical: ah, do you remember the paste url?05:54
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darkauraI got a gaming question is there a way to play Diablo normally in Ubuntu with it being able to save and see the menu?05:55
Meta4icalpete83: Of course :P http://pastebin.com/d62bdedf05:55
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NETWizzTry StreamTuner05:55
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NETWizzsudo apt-get install streamtuner && sudo apt-get install xmms05:55
NETWizzactually maybe just05:55
pete83Meta4ical: and that is your current one, which has no acceleration and uses VESA?05:55
NETWizzsudo apt-get install streamtuner xmms05:55
HorizonXPhi, is there a way i can tell Ubuntu to stop checking for updates on a specific package?05:55
bruenig!pinning | HorizonXP05:56
ubotuHorizonXP: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto05:56
Meta4icalpete83: Yep that's the latest,05:56
HorizonXPlol, we talked about this last night eh? lol05:56
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aRasinCan a person have 2 xorg.conf's and switch between the 2 via a link button or something.?05:57
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NutubuntuaRasin: you'd have to restart X, wouldn't you?05:58
yiyok1Hi, I'm having a serious problem while running world of warcraft with ubuntu.05:58
chalcedonyi looked at the idea of bash scripting but i don't think i can do this, i'm a mother, i just want to be able to help people, and for that i  need something more robust than sticy notes.05:58
aRasini dunno,, why im asking :)05:58
yiyok1The lag is just unbearable and I've tweaked it in almost any way possible05:58
Truman_aRasin:  You could make some sort of bash script to switch the name on two files, so you could have xorg.conf and whatever .. dunno about restarting x, tho; probably05:58
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pete83Meta4ical: ok... I think I'll edit it and post a new modification, ok?05:59
wastedfluidhi guys. openvz is running off fedeora.. imaging ubuntu 6.06.. the time on the fedeora clock is right, but on the ubuntu6.06LTS image, it's 3 hours off.. any way I can change this? you can't ntpdate on an imaged ubuntu.05:59
NutubuntuWell, if I understand how xorg.conf works -- which maybe I don't -- then not probably. AFAIK It's read when X starts. (Or restarts.)06:00
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Meta4icalpete83: sure, thanks a lot btw06:00
yiyok1Hi, I'm having a serious problem while Running world of warcraft with ubuntu. The lag is unbearable and I've tweaked it in almost every way possible.06:00
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brandoman043hi wondering if someone could help me quick.  i was forced to reinstall ubuntu due to a networking issue that i deemed unsolvable and now im having more network issues.  it seems taht after i got all the updates, ubuntu no longer wants to accept incoming connections06:00
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chalcedonythis seems to be a slow moment06:01
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pete83Meta4ical: also, out of curiosity, what card model is it?06:01
brandoman043im not familiar with the iptables but i thought http, stmp, ftp ect were not blocked by default06:01
Meta4icalpete83: It's a sapphire radeon x1550 pci-e (256mb)06:01
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:01
likpokbrandoman043: do you have iptables installed06:01
Meta4icalpete83: Do you want a link to the forum post again?06:01
reflousif I always want to mount a second drive to ubuntu, do I just hack out the fstab with a texteditors, or is there a GUI or something to do it for me?06:02
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:02
pete83Meta4ical: no, i've got it06:02
yiyok1Hi I'm having a serious problem while running world of warcraft with ubuntu. The lag is unbearable and I've tweaked it in almost every way possible.06:02
brandoman043likpok i can type the command in the terminal but i dont know what to do with it06:02
brandoman043any suggestions06:02
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likpokbrandoman043: If so, you could try iptables -F06:02
likpokas root06:02
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likpok(so sudo)06:02
likpokthat should flush the current tables06:02
likpokif that's the problem06:02
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brandoman043any other suggestions before i reboot06:03
brandoman043how might i check to see if http is blocked06:03
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brandoman043its on port 80 no?06:03
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likpokcheck to see if the modules are loaded?06:03
likpokyou could try to telnet to a port where you have something running06:03
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rodserlingyour isp could block incoming port 8006:04
brandoman043i just dont understand why i can ping websites but not actually get them to load in a browser06:04
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muditmy ubuntu is 32 bit .. so y is thr code for 64 bit machine in /usr/include/  ...  any ideas?06:04
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brandoman043im getting incoming connections on 2 windows machines tho06:04
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brandoman043thx for the help likpok i may return if i continue to struggle06:05
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jameszHi, before Im going to install ubuntu (feisty fawn), the message pop-ups from system tray and this is the screenshot I took: http://scrapshells.com/~james/srd.png .. DO you think this is no problem and be continune for installation? Anyone?06:06
wastedfluiddoes anyone know how to fix an clock(ubuntu 6.06LTS) that's off?  I can't use ntpdate, because it's imaged from openvz..06:06
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muditthe /usr/include has both folders asm-i386   and   asm-x86_64    folders06:06
pete83Meta4ical: still there?06:06
likpokjamez what that means06:06
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likpokis that there is no open source driver for your wireless card06:06
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Meta4icalpete83: Yeah, sorry I was reading the forums06:06
jameszlikpok: read the message in the screenshot06:06
likpokHowever, there is a propriety driver06:06
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File13How do i tell if i have a bluetooth device inside my laptop, it doesnt show on windows but on ubuntu sometimes i see a bluetooth module listed06:07
likpokyour card should work06:07
jameszlikpok: okay, but is it good?06:07
CompIsMyRxjamesz: looks like there is no open source driver for your card06:07
likpokyea, it should work fine06:07
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pete83Meta4ical: ok, I think I haven't missed anything this time...06:07
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Meta4icalpete83: Ok ;p06:07
jameszhmmm Do I need to test it right now for my wireless?06:07
mudithelloo... can anyone tell somehting about it06:07
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yiyok1Hi I am having a VERY serious problem with world of warcraft and Ubuntu. The lag is horribly unbearable, and I've tweaked it as much as it can go.06:08
Meta4icalpete83: were the problems obvious?06:08
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pete83Meta4ical: I wonder if I can send it to you as a text file...06:08
likpokyou could test it, just so you know how it all works06:08
reflousif I always want to mount a second drive to ubuntu, do I just hack out the fstab with a texteditors, or is there a GUI or something to do it for me?06:08
jameszCompIsMyRx: actually there should be as intel introduce the free driver software..06:08
Meta4icalpete83: You can try?06:08
jameszlikpok: okay06:08
pete83Meta4ical: well, it had like 2 of everything, and random garbage I deleted...06:08
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mzmaker05I need to report a problem06:09
mzmaker05E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.06:09
mzmaker05E: _cache->open() failed, please report.06:09
CompIsMyRxjamesz: perhaps not for that card yet, or if it's very recent, The repos won't have it up yet (they have to be in before the release of the distro to be added).06:09
yiyok1Hi I am having a VERY serious problem with world of warcraft and Ubuntu. The lag is horribly unbearable, and I've tweaked it as much as it can go.06:09
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CompIsMyRxyiyok1: I'm assuming you are using WINE correct?06:09
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Meta4icalsend again please, I was typing when you sent it and accidently made it cancel06:09
yiyok1Yes. ,pst defomete;y06:09
yiyok1most definetely*06:09
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mzmaker05E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.06:09
mzmaker05E: _cache->open() failed, please report.06:09
NETWizzHow can I block ping06:09
NETWizzI don't want ubuntu to answer ping06:09
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yiyok1compsismyrx: Yes, most definetely06:10
Meta4icalpete83: I never physically added anything but "disable" under the extensions part with composite since one of the guides said fglrx doesn't support it06:10
mzmaker05anybody can help?06:10
mzmaker05E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.06:10
mzmaker05E: _cache->open() failed, please report.06:10
Meta4icalit doesn't seem to be working06:10
CompIsMyRxyiyok1: tried this yet? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=312482&highlight=wine+wow06:10
mzmaker05happens when I install something06:10
likpokNETWizz: why not?06:10
yiyok1I've tried those tweaks06:10
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pete83Meta4ical: oh wait, you just reminded me of something06:10
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Truman_mzmaker05: Have you tried running dpkg --configure -a in terminal?06:10
yiyok1COmpismyrx: I tried those tweaks, Ineffective06:11
CompIsMyRxyiyok1: also, most irc clients auto complete names after a few letters are typed and you press tab06:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about share - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:11
pete83Meta4ical: ok, so you didn't get the xorg.conf file anyways?06:11
mzmaker05nolet me try06:11
Meta4icalpete83: I accepted it, but the transfer never started06:11
blankyhey guys anyone know of a walkthrough for sharing things using samba on ubuntu?06:11
yiyok1CompIsMyRx: alright.06:11
Truman_mzmaker05: You may have to sudo that, I dun remember06:11
Meta4icalpete83: you can use pastebin if you want, I can just save it myself06:11
CompIsMyRxyiyok1: just the lag is bad? not the framerate? That's a networking issue then06:11
pete83ok, maybe I'll reply to your forum post06:11
jameszlikpok: it doesn't worked..06:11
yiyok1CompIsMyRx: No no. It's the framerate, it's horrendous. I can't get into the game itself06:12
mzmaker05The location or file could not be found.06:12
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CompIsMyRxyiyok1: are you using Compiz Fusion, Beryl, or XGL while trying to play the game?06:12
yiyok1CompIsMyRx: Nope.06:12
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Vsop_vsop_vsop_vhey folks!!06:12
rocketsAre there any linux tools for customizing XP installation discs? Similar to nlite06:12
jameszCompIsMyRx: What should I do?06:12
CompIsMyRxyiyok1: have you tried running the game with the -opengl switch?06:12
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|rt|is it possible to install to an MD device from the live cd?  I installed mdadm and that brought my raid volumes up but the paritioner doesn't seem to look for md devices06:13
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Truman_mzmaker05: try sudo dpkg --configure -a06:13
yiyok1CompIsMyRx:  Erm, I edited the config.wtf of the game and put in set opengl.06:13
pete83Meta4ical: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=310836806:13
CompIsMyRxyiyok1: do you have the correct drivers for your card?06:13
yiyok1CompIsMyRx: Yes.06:13
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CompIsMyRxyiyok1: the proprietary ones?06:14
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yiyok1CompIsMyRx:  ??06:14
Meta4icalpete83: A guide specifically said turn composite off since fglrx doesn't support it? Section "Extensions"06:14
Meta4icalOption "Composite" "0"06:14
Meta4icalor should it be like that?06:14
Nutubuntu|rt|: I think you'll need the alternative CD to install a RAID, that or the minimal cd06:14
CompIsMyRxyiyok1: as in nvidia-glx or fglrx (ATI)06:14
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EvilbadwrongHow do I change my default window manager back to Metacity? ALT+F2 doesn't work....06:14
Vsop_vsop_vsop_vwhats a good dvd ripping software?06:14
Meta4icalpete83: that's how the config was by default06:14
yiyok1CompIsMyRx:  Erm, my card is onboard.06:14
Meta4icalpete83: the composite part sorry *06:14
CompIsMyRxyiyok1: Is it intel, nvidia, or ati?06:15
pete83Meta4ical: um.. so you are looking at my modified version?06:15
yiyok1CompIsMyRx:  ATI06:15
Meta4icalpete83: and then this said disable it, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI06:15
Meta4icalpete83: Yeah06:15
CompIsMyRxyiyok1: then you need the fglrx driver06:15
xof7How can I get the dev package for openssl? I cant find an install or a package for it06:15
yiyok1CompIsMyRx:  Which I can get How? :D06:15
Meta4icalI'm just wondering why this was put back to default though? Option "Composite" "0"06:15
CompIsMyRx!fglrx | yiyok106:15
ubotuyiyok1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:15
pete83Meta4ical: yeah, so anyways, backup your old xorg.conf, and try my new one06:15
EvilbadwrongI've lost all the titlebars on my windows....06:15
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yiyok1CompIsMyRx:  I put that in the terminal, right?06:16
xof7thats a feature06:16
Meta4icaloh you missed my messages lol06:16
yiyok1CompIsMyRx:  X Error of failed request:  GLXBadContext06:16
yiyok1  Major opcode of failed request:  142 (GLX)06:16
yiyok1  Minor opcode of failed request:  5 (X_GLXMakeCurrent)06:16
yiyok1  Serial number of failed request:  1506:16
yiyok1  Current serial number in output stream:  1506:16
EvilbadwrongThat's not a feature I want.06:16
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pete83Meta4ical: um, because it doesn't work with composite, so it might not crash as much with this option06:16
ajax4Hey guys. Everytime I put in a cd/dvd gnome brings up Nautilus and displays its contents. How can I turn this off?06:16
CompIsMyRxyiyok1: ?06:16
the_cyber_guyhi all :-)06:16
EvilbadwrongHow do I change it back? Someone help me, please?06:16
Meta4icalpete83: that was the default option when I tried with method 1 ;o06:16
Vsop_vsop_vsop_vis there a progy to burn dvds?06:16
yiyok1CompIsMyRx:  Those are my results after putting that command in the terminal.06:16
Meta4icaland 0 references the monitor doesn't it? so doesn't that keep it enabled?06:17
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pete83Meta4ical: yeah, but maybe other things have changed06:17
CompIsMyRxyiyok1: no, you are supposed to follow the link the bot sent you with your name in it to install the drivers06:17
ajax4Vsop_vsop_vsop_v: Use the built-in Gnome CD/DVD burner.06:17
the_cyber_guyproblems problems problems06:17
CompIsMyRx!fglrx | yiyok106:17
ubotuyiyok1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:17
Meta4icalpete83: Alright I won't argue, I don't know anything myself :P06:17
pete83Meta4ical: 0 means teh same thing as disable06:17
the_cyber_guya never ending session of problems06:17
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yiyok1CompIsMyRx:  Oh forgive me. I didnt't get the linkl06:17
Meta4icalpete83: Ok, I'll backup my other one and try this06:17
the_cyber_guyme too have them06:17
EvilbadwrongHow do I change my default window manager?06:17
yiyok1CompIsMyRx:  I got it now06:17
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yiyok1CompIsMyRx:  Thanks compismyrx I appreciate it06:18
the_cyber_guypls tell me what is this composition extension06:18
CompIsMyRxyiyok1: np, that's why I'm here :)06:18
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EvilbadwrongHow do I change my default window manager?06:19
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pete83Evilbadwrong: I think you can choose it in the login screen06:19
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EvilbadwrongHow, pete83?06:19
jamesz_CompIsMyRx: sorry got dc06:19
CompIsMyRxEvilbadwrong: depends, if you want xfce or KDE, it's easier than switching to rox, fluxbox, or enlightenment06:19
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EvilbadwrongComplsMyRx: I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. :)06:20
EvilbadwrongAll I want is my farking titlebars back! :P06:20
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pete83Evilbadwrong: the login screen has an "actions" menu in the bottom... if yours doensn't, then go to system>>administration>>login window,  and check to show the "actions menu"06:20
File13When i booted into windows XP and went back into Ubuntu i lost my sound in Ubuntu. I tried restarting into a cold boot and it didnt fix anything. Any ideas?06:20
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EvilbadwrongI'll try that then. Thanks. :)06:21
CompIsMyRxHe'll be back06:21
AnRkeywho manages the ubuntu forums?06:21
the_cyber_guywhen i try to enable desktop effects it says composition extension unavailable06:21
the_cyber_guywhats the problem06:21
the_cyber_guypls help me06:22
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CompIsMyRxthe_cyber_guy: what video card do you have?06:22
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pete83the_cyber_guy: it means your videocard/driver does not support desktop effects06:22
the_cyber_guysucking ati x20006:22
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CompIsMyRxthe_cyber_guy: aha, fun for you. You have to use XGL first06:22
brand0conhi.  my fresh installed and updated ubuntu isnt accepting incoming internet connections after i retrieved all updates.  i can ping urls but no page ever loads in a browser06:22
Meta4icalpete83: I'm having issues copying your .conf into place of the other, I tried cp xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf but when I view the file, it's blank06:23
CompIsMyRx!xgl | the_cyber_guy06:23
ubotuthe_cyber_guy: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:23
AnRkeythe_cyber_guy, maybe u need a small upgrade bud :D06:23
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HelpMeI need help06:23
brand0contried to iptables -F and no success06:23
the_cyber_guybut direct rendering is enabled06:23
HelpMeI'm trying to install a game called DOFUS06:23
HelpMeI downloaded it but i dont know how to install it06:23
Meta4icalnevermind I got it, ok I'm rebooting wish me luck06:24
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pete83Meta4ical: just "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and then paste in the text from the ubuntuforums06:24
ajax4File13: Something like that happened to me once. Run alsamixer and see if your PCM or Master channels were automatically put on "mute"06:24
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brand0conanyone help with my networking issue.  its almost as if the requests arent even being sent to the modem and the lights arent blinking really.  again this is a fresh updated install06:25
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pete83the_cyber_guy: are you using the fglrx driver?06:25
HelpMeSomeone pleas help me06:25
brand0conno page is loading yet i can ping urls06:25
CompIsMyRxthe_cyber_guy: #ubuntu-effects can help you better probably (dedicated to Compiz, desktop-effects, and Beryl)06:25
jamesdellhi, anyone can help to resolve this problem? http://scrapshells.com/~james/srd.png06:25
CompIsMyRxjamesdell: that's not a problem06:26
jamesdellCompIsMyRx: oh okay06:26
bruenigthat is such garbage, ipw3945 is not proprietary06:26
pete83jamesdell: that's a good thing... it's just warning you that the driver is not purely open source06:26
HelpMeI need to know how to install this game called DOFUS.  I alredy downloaded it from the site but now i have no idea how to install it06:26
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jamesdellpete83: i see.. but when I put my SSID and WEP key, it doesnt work..06:26
CompIsMyRxHelpMe: is it in a .tgz file or a .run/.sh file?06:26
brand0conHelpMe open it with the archive manager and find the install file06:26
CompIsMyRxjamesdell: you'll need wpa_supplicant probably06:27
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thinhi need help my system is read-only and gdm wont start06:27
=== Evilbadwrong [n=Evilbadw@71-212-49-146.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
thinhi was doing something with fstab06:27
pete83jamesdell: WEP? you sure you're not using something else?06:27
mzmaker05E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.06:27
mzmaker05E: _cache->open() failed, please report.06:27
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mzmaker05E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.06:27
mzmaker05E: _cache->open() failed, please report.06:27
jamesdellCompIsMyRx: so I need to change the authentication method in my router from WEP to WAP?06:27
mzmaker05please help06:27
thinhis there a way to fix it06:27
jamesdellpete83: Im sure06:27
bruenigit tells you what to do mzmaker0506:27
CompIsMyRxjamesdell: no06:27
EvilbadwrongOk...ALT+F2 is no longer working...is there another way to bring it up?06:28
mzmaker05what do u mean bruening?06:28
thinhi try to change the fstab file but i cant save it06:28
brand0connetworking pro anyone?  browser takes forever and a day to load a webpage.  its like requests arent being sent properly.  is there any way to check my iptables to ensure im not blocking connections06:28
jamesdellCompIsMyRx: so I have only to install wap_supplicant?06:28
CompIsMyRxjamesdell: wpa_supplicant06:28
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thinhi know what i change so i can change it back but i cant save it06:28
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CompIsMyRxjamesdell: also, I found the opensource driver for your card: http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/06:28
bruenigthinh, you need to edit it as root06:28
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EvilbadwrongHow do I change my window manager?06:29
jamesdellCompIsMyRx: I did follow up that before but got more errors during compilatiion06:29
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thinhhow do i login as root?06:29
CompIsMyRxjamesdell: you need alot of -dev packages06:29
EvilbadwrongYes, Dhemmon?06:29
dhemmonwhat window manager do you have?06:29
ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:29
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HelpMeHello, can somebody PLEAS help me install this game called DOFUS?   I downloaded it but i have no idea how to install it.  Any help would be awesome06:29
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ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo06:30
jamesdellCompIsMyRx: what are those?06:30
bruenigthinh, are you high06:30
EvilbadwrongI had tried to install Compiz Fusion....and the tutorial said to make it my default window manager. But nothing worked, so I uninstalled it. Now alt+F2 doesn't work for me to change it back to Metacity.06:30
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HelpMeAnyone wana help me here?06:30
thinhwhat u mean06:30
bruenigthinh, Nutubuntu just did that06:30
mzmaker05dpkg --configure -a06:30
CompIsMyRxjamesdell: the packages needed for things to be compiled. You usually have to install them separately from the packages used to normally run things06:30
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mzmaker05nothing happens06:31
EvilbadwrongAny ideas, dhemmon?06:31
bruenigmzmaker05, was there an error?06:31
dhemmonsorry Evil, i can't help you with that...06:31
jamesdellCompIsMyRx: okay, what packagename is it listed in synaptic or in repo?06:31
thinhi try to use sudo but it wont work06:31
mzmaker05root@mzmaker05-laptop:/home/mzmaker05# dpkg --configure -a06:31
mzmaker05Setting up clamav-base (0.90.2-0ubuntu1.2) ...06:31
mzmaker05chown: cannot access `/var/run/clamav': No such file or directory06:31
mzmaker05dpkg: error processing clamav-base (--configure):06:31
mzmaker05 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 106:31
EvilbadwrongAnyone? How can I change my default window manager?06:31
mzmaker05dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of clamav-freshclam:06:31
mzmaker05 clamav-freshclam depends on clamav-base (>= 0.90.2-0ubuntu1.2); however:06:31
mzmaker05  Package clamav-base is not configured yet.06:31
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CompIsMyRxjamesdell: honestly, there can be alot06:31
mzmaker05dpkg: error processing clamav-freshclam (--configure):06:31
mzmaker05 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured06:31
thinhsays the system is read only06:31
mzmaker05dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of clamav:06:31
CompIsMyRx!pastebin | mzmaker0506:31
ubotumzmaker05: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:31
mzmaker05 clamav depends on clamav-freshclam | clamav-data; however:06:31
mzmaker05  Package clamav-freshclam is not configured yet.06:31
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok06:31
mzmaker05  Package clamav-data is not installed.06:31
mzmaker05  Package clamav-freshclam which provides clamav-data is not configured yet.06:32
mzmaker05dpkg: error processing clamav (--configure):06:32
mzmaker05 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured06:32
EvilbadwrongGood lord...spam, much?06:32
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jamesdellCompIsMyRx: btw, about wapsupplicant, it is already installed..06:32
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nixternalyou beat me to it06:32
=== gnomefreak too slow should be sleeping
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dhemmonmy goodness, this is spam?06:32
CompIsMyRxjamesdell: hmm. Do you have network-manager-gnome installed? It greatly helps with wireless networking06:32
HelpMeanyone at all?06:32
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rob %Host!*@*06:32
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EvilbadwrongOk, let me try to ask this, then....how can I bring back the titlebars to my windows?06:33
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bruenigEvilbadwrong, were you messing around with beryl or compiz06:33
rudyi want try linuk06:33
EvilbadwrongYes, Bruenig.06:33
Meta4icalpete83: Black screen again, I had to revert to my old xorg.conf to boot back in06:33
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bruenigEvilbadwrong, do you want to use that or did you want to use metacity, it really is up to you06:33
jamesdellCompIsMyRx: yeah I have, that is what Im doing to modify the wireless. After I'd input WEP key, SSID, etc.. it doesnt work.. no DHCP ip address giving.. message comes out "connection timed out: disconnect. You are now connected on wire connection.."...06:34
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pete83Meta4ical: no error messages?06:34
thinhhow you fix a file that is read- only file system?06:34
Evilbadwrongbruenig: I want to use Metacity. I couldn't get Compiz or Beryl to work....06:34
CompIsMyRxjamesdell: sorry I don't know how to fix that :(06:34
ABC123what file system?>06:34
bruenigthinh, fstab is not on a read only file system06:34
Meta4icalpete83: Nope, it boots up as usual and then just as it would normally reach the login screen a completely black screen06:34
thinhi messed up in my fstab06:34
ABC123why is it on a read only file system?06:35
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Felarinthinh : just set it to defaults06:35
Felarinshould be fine06:35
thinhi accident change the root partion06:35
Felarinif it's an ntfs file system, you need to apt-get install ntfs-3g06:35
Felarinthen edit the fstab.06:35
thinhi try to change it using sudo06:35
jamesdellCompIsMyRx: lot's of people reported that it's working on their end, but mine is still doesnt. anyway thanks for help :)06:35
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thinhbut i cant edit it06:35
Evilbadwrongbruenig: when I hit alt+f4, nothing happens, so I can't edit my window manager and change it back to metacity.06:35
bruenigthinh, what command are you using06:35
CompIsMyRxEvilbadwrong: alt+f206:35
thinhsudo pico fstab06:35
bruenigEvilbadwrong, just run "metacity"06:35
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CompIsMyRxmake that metacity --replace06:36
EvilbadwrongHow, Bruenig?06:36
bruenigin terminal, in vc, I don't care06:36
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rodserlingdoes anyone have a problem with their ati card, and the fglrx driver freezing up on them in taxing programs06:36
rodserlingis that normal?06:36
pete83Meta4ical: what do you get for businfo with the command: "sudo lshw -class display"06:36
EvilbadwrongTHANK YOU, BRUENIG!!!06:36
thinhis there another way to get to it?06:36
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dhemmonits not normal rodserling, did you try to install ati official drivers with envy?06:36
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rodserlingill look into it06:37
thinhi used sudo and when i try to save it it says read-only file system so i cant change it06:37
Meta4icalpete83: it showed me display 0 and display 1, i'm assuming that's because my video card supports dual display .. anyways i got "bus info: pci@03:00.0"06:37
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dk0rwhen i have sessions manager call up fusion/awn @ startup, is there any way to hide the terminal thats opened in the process ??06:37
bruenigthinh, paste the command you used06:37
dhemmonfist, change your driver to vesa, restart, unistall all fglrx drivers, then download envy06:37
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thinhi use sudo pico fstab to edit it06:38
pete83Meta4ical: for both of them?06:38
thinhi know what i change that messed up06:38
bruenigdk0r, why is a terminal opened when you run those things?06:38
dhemmonand reinstall ati drivers with envy06:38
Meta4icalpete83: No, for display 1 it says "bus info: pci@03:00.1"06:38
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kclemons82hey i am having some problems getting my wired nic to work06:38
dk0rbruenig: i have no idea. but one is.06:38
bruenigpico? isn't that nano06:38
kclemons82any idea06:38
dk0rbruenig: a terminal is always opened @ startup06:38
thinhsame thing just a text editor06:38
bruenigthinh, if you are certain it is read only, just pop in the live cd and fix it06:38
dk0rautomatically, before the desktop is even loaded.06:38
thinhreinstall u mean?06:39
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bruenigno, mount it in the live cd, and edit it06:39
rodserlingok, thanks dhemmon06:39
dhemmonrodserling, here is the home page of envy: www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html06:39
thinhokey let me try that06:39
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rodserlingnvidia? i have ati06:39
kclemons82i cant get my network card to work any help06:39
bruenigI can't imagine what sort of errors you are getting as it constantly writes to /var06:39
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dhemmonno, no is for ati too06:40
pete83Meta4ical: using feisty?06:40
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thinhthank good for 2 computer i be dead in the water and will have to reinstall06:40
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bruenigcompetence > 2 computers06:40
Meta4icalpete83: yep, installed it just yesterday06:40
kclemons82how do you set up a wired network to the modem to get online??06:41
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thinhanyone able to help me with ext hd format as ext306:41
kclemons82i know its a noob question but its driving me nuts any help06:41
thinhi been trying to get to work and messed up my root partion06:42
dhemmonwhat you need thinh?06:42
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre06:42
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dhemmonhow you mess up your root partition?06:42
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bruenigthinh, I thought you were going to fix it in live cd06:43
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HelpM1I need help.  I need to know how to get to the flash player security settings06:44
kclemons82any advice at all on how to set up my internet conection???06:44
pike_kclemons82: can you be more specific?06:44
pete83Meta4ical: I made a slight change to the file, if you want to try again... in the Device section, I removed your two options06:44
Meta4icalk i'll try anything06:44
dhemmonright button in any flash, and you can access to security options...06:44
kclemons82yes i have a dhcp modem i cant get it to conect to06:44
kclemons82or transmit i guess06:44
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thinhyeah i am doing it right now06:45
pete83Meta4ical: it should be in the forum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=310836806:45
thinhwhat the command for mounting ext306:45
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dhemmonsudo mount device06:45
fiXXXerMetJust installed fluxbox from apt-get...  I don't see any programs for browsing my disk - what can I use?06:45
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thinhi mean the ext3 option06:45
dhemmonthe livecd automaticaly detect ext3 partitions, just double click and is mounted06:45
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bruenigfiXXXerMet, fluxbox is a windows manager, you can use any program that exists to browse your disk06:45
brueniga window manager has no effect on that06:46
fiXXXerMetbruenig: What does gnome use,then?06:46
clu3l3ssi'm having a bit of a problem with the nvidia restricted legacy drivers - they load and enable, but i only have two low-res settings to choose from.  ive checked the xorg.conf file, and all of the higher resolutions seem to be listed under all of the color depths. help?06:46
thinhi dont see it on the desktop or in nautilus06:46
Meta4icalpete83: Thanks pete, I'm rebooting now06:46
CompIsMyRxfiXXXerMet: gnome uses nautilus06:46
bruenigfiXXXerMet, I don't know, I am not even sure what you mean by browse your disk, do you mean filesystem or what06:46
clu3l3ssthe monitor is recognized in the conf file correctly as well.06:46
pete83Meta4ical: *crosses fingers06:46
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dhemmonuhm... try my places06:46
pike_clu3l3ss: what model monitor?06:46
clu3l3ssbenq 241w06:47
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kclemons82pike what info do you need06:47
CompIsMyRxclu3l3ss: have you tried nvidia-xconfig?06:48
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pike_kclemons82: i guess i didnt understand. youre trying to connect to a router that uses dhcp?06:48
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dhemmonthinh try in any nautilus window put this in bar: computer:///06:48
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kclemons82pike: no straight to the modem06:48
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dhemmonSORRY MY BAD ENGLISH!!! :)06:48
yurimxpxmanwhat audio codec would I use in VLC to create a wav file?06:48
thinhi got it manually mounted it hopefully it will start now06:48
CompIsMyRxyurimxpxman: pcm probably06:49
dhemmonyou create wavs with vcl?06:49
pike_clu3l3ss: gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf     then scroll to the horiz and vert number and replace em with Horizontal Fresh Rate, 31-81 kHz. Vertical Fresh Rate, 56-76 Hz06:49
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CompIsMyRxdhemmon: you can if you want to rip the sound only06:49
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pike_clu3l3ss: then save and alt-ctrl-backspace06:49
clu3l3ssCompIsMyRx: installing now.  i tried nvidias-settings, but it complained my driver was too old (legacy, old card)06:49
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matt56anyone using beryl with ubuntu?06:49
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dhemmonnice feature... thanks CompIsMyRx06:49
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=== Vuen [n=nick@bas9-ottawa23-1088837342.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Vuenhow do i determine the size of a folder and all its contents from the command line?06:50
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pike_kclemons82: i dont have any exp with pppoe and related stuff sorry06:50
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CompIsMyRxclu3l3ss: just run sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals06:50
yurimxpxmanCompIsMyRx: that's not an option06:50
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kclemons82anyone know how to connect stright to a cable modem?06:50
thinhi am trying to install ext hd using ext306:51
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thinhafter i format with ext3 it is read-only06:51
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CompIsMyRxyurimxpxman: go to preferences >> audio and change output module to file06:51
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dk0ri applied a new png for firefox's icon, and it looks pretty small.06:51
dhemmonthinh, I really dont understand what is your problem...06:51
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bruenigthinh, what it is mounted as is a mount option, it will only be read only if you mount it read only06:52
dk0rHow do I change the size?06:52
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Meta4icalpete83: Black screen, reverted to my old xorg.conf :p06:52
CompIsMyRxdk0r: right click it and select strech icon06:52
bruenigwhat does that mean06:52
thinhmy mtab looks like thins06:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:52
dk0rCompIsMyRx: Im on feisty. only option I have. Is 'Change Icon'06:52
thinh/dev/sdb1 /media/disk-1 ext3 rw,nosuid,nodev 0 006:53
pete83Meta4ical: doh06:53
bruenigthinh, just mount it with defaults06:53
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CompIsMyRxdk0r: where are you trying to change the icon size, on the Desktop?06:53
Meta4icalpete83: hm?06:53
dk0ron my AWN dock06:53
thinhwhat the full string?06:53
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CompIsMyRxdk0r: oh, I don't know how to do that in AWN.06:53
dhemmon/dev/sdb1 /media/disk-1 ext3 defaults 0 006:54
Meta4icali right clicked my icon and have the option ;o06:54
clu3l3sspike_: aha!  no vert or horiz settings in there now. i'll have to look up a sample to see how to put those in, or should i run the nvidia-xconfig?06:54
clu3l3ssCompIsMyRx: thanks m806:54
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dk0rAnyone know how to stretch/skew icons in awn docks?06:54
pike_clu3l3ss: id run nvidia-xconfig i guess but i normally go back and put my monitors specific settings. im just picky that way06:54
bruenig!ot | dk0r06:54
ubotudk0r: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:54
scottDkoDerDoes anyone know if there is an app for linux equivalent remotely to Cakewalk or Reason??06:55
thinhmount ext3 default=auto  /dev/sdb1 /media/disk?06:55
scottDkoDerAbleton Live?06:55
dk0r!ot | scottdkoder06:55
ubotuscottdkoder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:55
Shrimpy_hello, when i'm install feisty fawn i hangs at 61 percent. any way of checking wha the problem is?06:55
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=== DavidCraft [n=g@ip68-110-144-164.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigsomeone doesn't know about tab complete it appears06:55
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DavidCrafthow do I change the name of a server06:55
tupahow can I install Ubuntu Server from a USB card?06:55
pete83Meta4ical: maybe try the other pci busid?06:55
pete83scottDkoDer: like maybe rosegarden?06:56
bruenigthinh, mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mount/point06:56
CompIsMyRxtupa: from a USB stick, or to one?06:56
Meta4icalpete83: isn't that for my 2nd non-existant monitor though?06:56
LinuxProbiejava.com says my java plugin is out of date. how do I update it?06:56
pike_DavidCraft: the hostname command like sudo hostname something  but make sure it is reflected in /etc/hosts what i mean is   something  is a line in that file first06:56
scottDkoDerpete83: I'll check it out06:56
tupaCompIsMyRx from a USB Stick06:56
bruenig!info sun-java6-plugin | LinuxProbie06:56
ubotulinuxprobie: sun-java6-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 1 kB, installed size 72 kB06:56
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LinuxProbieI have java 6...06:56
pete83Meta4ical: well, I just thought since the screen was black for this busid, maybe they are reversed.. you know I am just brainstorming at this point06:56
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LinuxProbieand the java 6 plugin06:56
bruenigLinuxProbie, then don't worry about it06:56
HelpM1 I need help.  I need to know how to get to the flash player security settings06:56
CompIsMyRxtupa: is it in .iso form or is it ready to go when you boot up from a usb stick?06:56
Agipis xmms2 being developed for gutsy?06:57
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bruenigAgip, no06:57
Meta4icalpete83: lol oh06:57
thinh/dev/sdb1 /media/disk ext3 rw 0 006:57
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tupaCompIsMyRx, I don't have any iso, I'm asking what do I need to do, I only have a PC and a USB Stick06:57
thinhthat mtab but still i cant edit it06:57
scottDkoDerpete83: Looks hot!06:57
thinhi cant read or write to my ext hd06:57
Meta4icalpete83: I'm going out on a new limb and thinking that's not it, because I tried to enter my password/name at the black screen anyways and i got no sound or anything06:57
scottDkoDerpete83: How did you first hear about it?06:58
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LinuxProbiebruenig, there's a site I like to go to that I keep getting a java execption when I try to use the chat interface06:58
bruenigthinh, you should be able to06:58
Meta4icalleading me to assume that even if it did have the wrong monitor, shouldn't it still accept keyboard input?06:58
bruenigLinuxProbie, alright06:58
pike_thinh: as root? gksu gedit ??06:58
Agipbruenig: oh man that sucks06:58
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bruenigAgip, xmms2 isn't developed for any distribution in particular06:59
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pete83scottDkoDer: if you want to try rosegarden, before it will work you need to set up Timidity++ as a midi server. Here is a guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo06:59
NeozonzDoes the Ubuntu Live cd come with LVM support?06:59
thinhi dont know why but i cant use my ext hd just read only06:59
CompIsMyRxtupa: I'm figure out what you mean by that. If you just have a USB stick with all the files on it that you would need to boot the system. Try booting your computer from the USB stick by selecting it in your BIOS06:59
clu3l3ssCompIsMyRx: nvidia-xconfig isn't taking that argument.  reading the man page, but don't see --add listed.06:59
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Agipbruenig: but it can't be installed on ubuntu yet06:59
thinhthere is a lost+found folder in there06:59
scottDkoDerpete83: Thanks for the tips.06:59
bruenigAgip, sure it can, go get the source and compile it06:59
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tupaCompIsMyRx, ok, I have windows, and a usb stick, what do I need to download/do, do you have any good tutorial?06:59
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bruenigAgip, a distribution is nothing more than a bundling of applications07:00
tupaCompIsMyRx I want to install ubuntu on my PC not on the stick, but from the stick07:00
scottDkoDer<tupa> what do you want to do??07:00
CompIsMyRxtupa: so you want to put the install CD onto a USB stick basically?07:00
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NeozonzAnyone know if the Live CD comes with LVM support?07:00
tupa<scottDkoDer> install Ubuntu from a usb key, my CD-Drive is broken07:00
Meta4icalpete83: Thanks for the effort, I guess I'll sit tight and wait for someone to reply to the forum post. Would you perhaps mind helping me install WINE? ;o07:00
CompIsMyRxclu3l3ss: you don't need that option unless you want to run Beryl/Compiz Fusion07:00
pete83Meta4ical: hahahahaaaha07:01
scottDkoDernever booted from a stick07:01
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thinhhmm it still say owner root07:01
Meta4icalpete83: is that a no? ;o lol07:01
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pike_tupa:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation07:01
pike_tupa: might get you started07:01
Agipbruenig: already tried 2 times but it didn't worked07:02
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thinhused gparted to create the ext hd, does that have any effect?07:02
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CompIsMyRxtupa: it's actually pretty hard to do. You have to format the stick, run syslinux on it, then install the LiveCD iso to the USB disk.07:02
clu3l3ssCompIsMyRx: if i just run it without argument, it says it's using the xorg.conf file, makes a backup, and then dumps me back to the prompt.07:02
drgonzo_I've managed to screw up my Feisty install, can I just reinstall over the old screwed install?07:02
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Geminiaslol poop07:03
File13It wont hurt anything if i install a kubuntu application on ubuntu will it07:03
pete83Meta4ical: nah, wine is one of those things I stay away from... I use all linux software07:03
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO07:03
Shrimpy_when installing 7.04 it seems that it hangs at 61% like the computer is frozen or something. the mouse moves but clicks don't work. any clue on what might be gojing wrong?07:03
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fellacious"Ubuntu means... I am what I am because of who we all are" -- Canonical, Ltd.07:04
fellacious"In place of the old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an association, in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all" --Marx and Engels, the Communist Manifesto07:04
File13Does it matter if i install a kubuntu application under ubuntu?07:04
AgipFile13: no07:04
CompIsMyRxclu3l3ss: yes. Then you have to restart the X server by hitting Ctrl+ALT+Backspace07:04
Shrimpy_File13 it should work fine, maybe a little slowe but fine07:05
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AgipFile13: I use ktorrent and acetone iso under ubuntu07:05
File13Alrighty, because for a bluetooth tutorial it says to use konquor which is the kubuntu file browser07:05
File13Theirs no way i could switch the ubuntu browser to the konq by default could i? i quite like the layout of it07:06
AgipFile13: don't know that07:06
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AgipFile13: but you can use it as your browser07:07
|Zippo|somebody use s-video port with ubuntu?07:07
blankyhey guys I formatted a drive as ext3 using gnome partition editor, (a slave/secondary drive) and then I couldn't access it, upon reboot it automounted but it seems to be root only permissions, how do I fix this?07:07
blankysomeone please?07:07
pete83Meta4ical: ok, one last thing... type this, and say the output...:  "/bin/lspci | grep VGA"07:07
pike_File13: you can install and use nautilus but konq is so much a part of kde i dont know about changing default07:07
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AgipFile13: or you could switch to kubuntu07:07
Meta4icalpete83: Here ;p 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 715f07:07
Phydouxblanky, Login as root and change the permissions...07:07
File13nah, ill just stick with this ive vested to much in getting this working lol07:08
blankyPhydoux: log in as root...?07:08
pete83Meta4ical: that's all it says?07:08
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pike_File13: got your question backwards nm07:08
blankyPhydoux: wouldn't I first have to enable the root account? I'm sure there's another way07:08
Meta4icalpete83: Yeah, just that one line07:08
pete83Meta4ical: ok then, dead end07:08
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blankyhow would I change the permissions through the terminal, so that I could simply prepend sudo07:08
clu3l3ssCompIsMyRx: it restarts, but the monitor info is still missing in xorg.conf (modeline, horz, vert)07:08
cyanacthello, how can i start xmms into a GUI from a shell/bash script?07:08
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Phydouxblanky, you should have setup a root account on the install.07:08
Meta4icalpete83 lol07:09
drgonzo_can I install Feisty over an old, broken install of feisty without any problems?07:09
zerokill88how do i run ubuntu with no gui?07:09
pike_blanky: sudo chown $USER:$USER /media/whatever ??07:09
pike_blanky: chown -R i mean07:09
cyanactzerokill88: no07:09
blankypike_: so if it's a whole drive then...?07:09
zerokill88cyanact why not07:09
CompIsMyRxclu3l3ss: really? ugh. That means the old standard sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will have to occur. It can be nasty If you don't know the answers to the questions07:09
cyanacti have a gui but i want to start it in :007:09
blankyPhydoux: uh...no07:09
bruenigdrgonzo_, you don't install things on top of others, you would format the entire drive, so sure07:09
cyanactzerokill88: i suppose i could but i need xmms because it has a plugin i use07:09
blankypike_: because I formatted a secondary drive as ext3 but when it automounts its as root, so i want to lower the permissions07:09
thinhanyone know what to do with ext hd that doesnt allow me to write to it07:09
zerokill88cyanact what are you talking about?07:09
blankyand I wnat to make it available to anyone07:10
blankyhow would I go about doing that?07:10
clu3l3ssCompIsMyRx: hehe, yup, i started down that path and canceled out.  i'll give it another go.07:10
CompIsMyRxclu3l3ss: run this command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh" and answer the questions as best you can07:10
cyanactzerokill88: my bad, never mind thought you were answering my question07:10
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pike_blanky: ext3 will preserve its own perm so youd just mount it and chown whatever dirs you want. i dont know of another way with umask and stuff with ext3 in fstab dont think its possible07:10
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blankypike_: well...that sucks07:11
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drgonzo_bruenig, alright so when I reinstall does the ubuntu installer format the drive?07:11
blankyhow come it's not the same with my primary drive then07:11
zerokill88cyanact lol its cool anyway the command is init3 in terminal07:11
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prabsgood morning guys07:12
bruenigdrgonzo_, yeah... I have always manually fixed the partition, and when  you do that, you realize they are formatted, I guess when you go the automatic hide everything from me because I prefer to be ignorant way, it isn't as apparent07:12
punsadwhat is the 'standard' MTA for ubuntu.  I remember for debian, it was exim4 (for sarge)07:12
Meta4icalPete83: Thanks for the help, I appreciate it07:12
pike_blanky: once it is done once thats it just chown it or in file manager right click on it and in properties i guess07:12
pete83Meta4ical: did you ever use the firegl-control program?07:12
prabsive got compiz, kiba-dock, conky installed, i was wondering if there is anything left that is as cool as them eye candies? :)07:12
Meta4icalpete83: Nope07:12
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pete83Meta4ical: heh. You might try it.. in the package fglrx-control ... and the program is run by the command firegl-control07:13
prabsim so hungry to get more of such stuff07:13
pete83Meta4ical: actually, without a hyphen07:14
punsadprabs: I used to feel that way... but then realized it's all just a waste of time (for me atleast)07:14
blankypike_: yeah right click wont work, i mean, i cant change its properties07:14
prabsi like to waste time :)07:14
zerokill88while in terminal mode with no GUI, what is the xchat you download07:14
punsadprabs: me too!07:14
bruenigwhat is the xchat you download?07:14
blankyhey guys if I added an extra HD, what's the best way to format it in ext3 so i could use it, what program should I use?07:14
bruenigwhat the hell does that mean07:14
rodserlingi uninstalled my ati-fglrx drivers with ENVY and my computer still freezes/hangs when i play a demanding 3d fps game07:15
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prabspunsad: lol :) so anything else u might want to suggest?07:15
k1gwbGood evening everyone. I'd like my Ubuntu box to be a WAP/router. It is already the default gateway and dhcp network for my wireless and wired network, but I have a wireless router with dhcp disabled acting as the wap. I have a wireless card working in the Ubuntu bo and want to bridge the nextwork with it and set it up to be an access point. How do I go about doing that?  Is that ad-hoc?07:15
rodserlingcould my ati card be getting too hot?07:15
Truman_Did anyone see that article on iptables on digg?  Does anyone know if the same can be applied to HTTP if you just switch the port to 80?  (Article: http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net/techblog/article/block_brute_force_attacks_with_iptables/)07:15
pete83Meta4ical: and one other thing, I put a billion options in the xorg.conf file, which has a remote chance of working (see it at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3108368 ).. other than that, I have to go, and good luck07:15
Phydouxblanky, You have to do it as root. I dont know how you installed Ubuntu but I did the same thing and had to change the permissions as root...07:15
zerokill88Whats the textmode XCHAT called?07:16
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bruenigzerokill88, xchat doesn't have a text mode07:16
bruenigpidgin does07:16
Phydouxzerdith, Bitchx?07:16
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blankyzerokill88: irssi07:16
blankyPhydoux: well I don't have a root account heh07:16
bruenigzerokill88, oh you mean text mode irc client07:16
blankyI'm using feisty07:16
zerokill88bruenig yes sorry07:16
PhydouxMe too07:16
zerokill88blanky so its irssi07:17
blankyzerokill88: no, it's a good one though07:17
rodserlingis there a good terminal irc?07:17
blankytheres no text mode xchat07:17
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blankyrodserling: irssi07:17
Meta4icalpete83: AH I viewed that thread :P07:17
pike_blanky: gksu nautilus&  if ya want to launch your file manager as root so you can edit it07:17
omoorewoot woot .. ubutnu on a mac mini07:17
zerokill88blanky oh ok07:17
k1gwbI have another question too. Have two computers, networked. both have sound cards, only one has speakers. An y way to make a virtual sound card of some sort on the 2nd computer that sends the sound over the network and makes the other computer play it?07:17
omoorewireless-n-all :) (ok.. maybe i'm a bit too happy)07:17
blankypike_: sweet thanks man07:17
punsadprabs: ha!  there was something called Skydome I heard someone blathering on about 'skydome'07:17
Geminiaswhat do i use to decompress a .rar archive?07:17
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Geminiasi thought file-roller handled .rar but it is saying invalid format :S07:17
pete83Meta4ical: ah, ok then goodnight07:17
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:18
omoorethese lill mac mini's rock tho.. esp now that i have my trusty Linux on it :D07:18
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cyanactis there any way to start XMMS into a GUI from ssh?07:18
prabspunsad: cool! ima google it now07:18
omoorecyanact.. if you are connecting to a linux box from a linux box (ie, X11 client on client pc)...07:18
omoorecyanact: you can do ...07:18
clu3l3sspike_: thanks for the hand, i've got it working.07:18
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Meta4icalCould anyone help me install wine? Is their a guide I can follow? MY googling and ubuntuforums.org attempts failed07:18
punsadcyanact: is there a -display switch?07:18
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cyanactomoore: no not like that, this is for a car PC so need it on a startup bash script07:19
rodserlingmeta, you try synaptic pkg07:19
zerokill98blanky im in irrsi :)07:19
cyanactirssi rules07:19
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Frogzoo!wine | Meta4ical be sure to enable the budgetdedicated repo07:19
prabspunsad: thats a cube thing, im not a big fan of cube desktops :s07:19
ubotuMeta4ical be sure to enable the budgetdedicated repo: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.07:19
omoorecyanact: ahh07:19
punsadzerokill98: are you asking what sort of irc clients there are for terminal mode?07:19
omoorecyanact: you mean in the .bashrc   ?07:19
cyanactomoore: got it, `xmms --display :0` works07:20
blankypike_: what should I set the permissions to07:20
punsadprabs: neither am i07:20
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blankypike_: I mean, what should I change them to, from root, I want it so ANYONE can write/edit and stuff, what user would that be?07:20
blankythere's one called nobody, but there isnt one called anybody haha07:20
zerokill98punsad yes i was, blanky showed me irrsi and thats what im using right now. do you know of any others? especially ones where they have the servers listed already07:20
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Phydouxpike_, Thats a slick littlew command!07:21
punsadzerokill98: bitchx is what I use.  Somehow I got the impression it's the 'standard' irc client for debian (i'm an ex debian user)07:21
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zerokill98punsad ive heard of it, i always thought it was a server like apache. out of curiousity why are you a ex debian?07:21
Phydouxblanky, It might be user07:22
cafuegopunsad: not so much, irssi is (it has less annoying quit messages)07:22
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blankyPhydoux: okay thanks07:22
slowz3rhas anyone had experience with installing meta sploit or is there a repository07:22
punsadzerokill98: I'm actually a terrible person to give advice on irc clients.  all I do is type dialogue.. sometimes do a '/msg'... nothing fancy07:22
blankyokay guys I don't know much simpler I can get, if I added an extra drive, what's the best way to format it with ext3 so I can use it??07:22
Meta4icalOK thanks for the link, finished installing. I have a .msi here, not a .exe, is their an argument I put in to run it? or is it just    wine  blabla.msi07:22
ianmcorvidaeblanky: I'd use gparted.07:22
zerokill98punsad ya im the same way.what distro you using now07:22
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bruenigblanky, mkfs.ext307:23
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blankyianmcorvidae: that's what I used, but then when it finished and automounted I couldn't write to it?!07:23
blankybruenig: ^07:23
pike_blanky: ive not used gnome or nautilus in a while so not sure of the gui but you  need to add read 'r' at least. if you ls -l /media  youll see on the very left the perms you can add the r in the gui or you can sudo chmod +r /media/whatever also.07:23
ianmcorvidaeblanky: No idea.07:23
punsadzerokill98: actually - it was with great reluctance that I switched from debian to ubuntu... but my funds are limited, my server crashed, and the only spare box I had was a laptop which requires proprietary drivers.  debian is kind of a pain for non-free drivers if you have to get them working at initial installation07:23
bruenigblanky, that doesn't affect whether you can write to it07:23
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blankybruenig: well, I don't know what happened but I can't, it's owned by root07:24
bruenigblanky, mkfs.ext3 just formats it ext3, it is how you mount it that affects whether it can be written to07:24
thinhthanks for all the help guys i finally got my ext hd to work07:24
bruenigof course it is owned by root, you created it with root07:24
blankybruenig: I used gparted actually, ohhh so it's how it's mounted that affects it?07:24
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brueniggparted uses root07:24
bruenighence the password you have to type07:24
thinhi changed the ownership of /dev/sdb1 and /media/disk to get to work07:24
punsadzerokill98: I keep hearing that ubuntu 'is basically debian' - so I'm trying to go along with it07:24
rodserlingi tried ./configuring the irssi source, but it's telling me "install ncurses-devel package"?07:24
blankybruenig: oh okay so if I use mkfs.ext3, then i can write to it?!07:25
bruenigthinh, you should change the owner ship of /dev/sdb107:25
bruenigblanky, no07:25
blankythanks bruenig !!! I've been wondering that the whole time!07:25
blankyoh ... -_-07:25
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blankylook, I just wish I could do it as I do in windows, add a drive, format it as NTFS, and use it07:25
bruenigthinh, you shouldn't*07:25
zerokill98punsad probably the best distro out i beleive. in all my linux magazines it sounds like they are getting pretty big07:25
blankywhat is the equivalent on linux with ext307:25
blankybruenig: ?07:25
bruenigblanky, it has to do with permissions, not with how you create it07:25
thinhi am a little confuse07:25
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bruenigthinh, you shouldn't mess with the permissions of /dev stuff07:26
blankybruenig: okay so what should I do?07:26
rodserlingnevermind, got the lib file07:26
thinhbut i dont know how to get to work07:26
blankybruenig: I didn't change the permissions, it's automount or whatever07:26
bruenigblanky, where is it mounted07:26
blankybruenig: /media/disk07:26
blankyit was automounted by ubunt07:26
bruenigblanky, can you do sudo touch /media/disk07:26
bruenigblanky, can you do sudo touch /media/disk/file07:26
slowz3rdoes anyone know if htere is a repository that has metasploit07:27
thinhi works no by changing the ownership of dev/sdb107:27
rodserlinghow can i make a launcher/launch command icon on my desktop for a .sh file07:27
blankybruenig: /media/disk/file ?07:27
Frogzooblanky: gparted, then add an entry to /etc/fstab07:27
blankybruenig: I don't have any files on it yet07:27
bruenigblanky, yes run the second command07:27
blankyFrogzoo: oh, how, please?07:27
blankybruenig: no output07:27
rodserlingwhenever i try it, nothing executes07:27
dfgasis there a program i can make a catalog of my dvds in buy just inserting them into the drive?07:27
bruenigblanky, ok so it isn't read only07:27
blankyFrogzoo: I mean, what should I do as the line in fstab07:27
Frogzooblanky: google around07:27
bruenigblanky, you need just to chown whatever files on their to the write owner07:27
blanky*sigh* as I haven't done that, thanks anyways07:28
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bruenigblanky, chown -R username:username /media/disk will do it07:28
zerokill98hol cow how do you exit bitchx07:28
blankybruenig: THANKS!07:28
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blankyI really appreciate07:28
punsadzerokill98 (/quit)07:28
blankybruenig: would there be any chance that I could make it be anyone? not just a specific user?07:28
blankyor would I have to choose another FS for that07:28
punsadoh.. just saw the 'nm'07:28
clu3l3sspike_: well that's odd - i have the higher resolution desktop now, but anything 3d doesn't run, i.e. screen savers, tux racer, tux cart..  just doesn't come up.07:29
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bruenigblanky, it can only be owned by one person and one group, you can give universal permissions to everyone though07:29
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bruenigblanky, chmod 777 -R /media/disk07:29
Sonjeevcan anybody help me with a text install07:29
Myrtticlu3l3ss: resolution has nothing to do with if you've got 3d acceleration on or not07:29
blankybruenig: it works now, thanks!!07:29
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punsadSonjeev: what's your question?07:29
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thinhi should be okey to change the permission now and then change the dev/sdb1 back to root again right?07:29
blankybruenig: okay thanks, so that will give universal permissions to everyone?07:29
SonjeevOK, well i am using the alternate cd to install because i have an ati video card07:30
thinhits is a ext hd share drive for backup07:30
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bruenigblanky, right, at least for stuff already there07:30
blankybruenig: thanks I really really appreciate it07:30
pike_clu3l3ss: might want to pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file07:30
Sonjeevi installed properly, and am now booting into recovery mode so i can get a script because i cant use x07:30
bruenigblanky, the way it is setup before the chmod 777, would make it behave just like your home directory, that is probably the best way to do it07:30
blankybruenig: oh okay, but the previous command gives me the user permission for anything right, not just the files that were already there07:30
Sonjeevbut, i cant download fglrx drivers, cuz my ethernet doesnt work07:30
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Sonjeevhow do i set up ethernet from cmd line?07:30
r3dI got a question if anyone can help me on installing a new update of Mozilla Firefox through my Ubuntu 7.04 machine07:30
blankybruenig: I see, thanks, I honestly do appreciate the help07:30
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fraser17hi. for some reason i can easily connect to the internet from the livecd but not from the installation. can anyone help me?07:31
punsadSonjeev: is your adapter module installed?07:31
Sonjeevhow do i check that07:31
punsadSonjeev: ifconfig07:31
Sonjeevif i do ifconfig -a, i see eth007:31
bruenig!anyone | r3d07:32
ubotur3d: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:32
Sonjeevbut, if i just do ifconfig only loopback shows up07:32
r3dmy bad07:32
bruenigSonjeev, sudo ifconfig eth0 up && sudo dhclient eth007:32
punsadSonjeev: try ifconfig eth0 up07:32
fraser17for some reason, i am able to ping google, but firefox desn't let me connect to it07:32
n2diySonjeev: what happens if you do ifup eth007:32
punsadSonjeev: then try ifconfig and see if it shows up07:32
Sonjeevok i havnt tried the dhclient07:32
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punsadSonjeev: that's a useful one07:33
Sonjeevi did up, and it shows up but i cant see anything past the router07:33
Sonjeevill try dhc...im dual booting so im gonna have to restart...ill try to reconnect here on my laptop so i can work while i talk, brb07:33
clu3l3sspike_: pastebinned07:33
Sonjeevthanks for help07:33
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punsadSonjeev: do you have an ip address?07:33
punsadSonjeev: again - ifconfig07:33
Sonjeevi just assigned one to eth007:33
Sonjeevbut i didnt use dhc07:33
pike_clu3l3ss: url?07:33
Sonjeevi did like ifconfig eth0
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bruenigyeah you can't do that07:33
bruenigunless you are static07:34
clu3l3sspike_: http://pastebin.com/d2e83c3a507:34
bruenigthe router needs to give you one07:34
Sonjeevill brb, thx for tips07:34
bruenigand even that is not correct syntax I don't think07:34
punsadSonjeev: is there a dhcp server that should assign one? (bruenig's question)07:34
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zoidberg_guys...is there a nice automated application that will convert .m4a files to .mp4 or .mp3 files for ubuntu...perhaps an application that after the conversion will delete the .m4a version07:34
Sonjeevim hooked up through a router to a cable modem07:34
bruenigzoidberg_, ffmpeg mencoder transcode, I am sure they will all do it one way or another07:35
punsadSonjeev: your router may very well be a dhcp server which assigns ip addresses to all nodes07:35
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fraser17hello, i can ping websites, but firefox doesn't connect to them. it says connecting for ages and then it says 'connecion was refused'07:35
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punsadSonjeev: most routers can be interacted with by going to (or something like that)07:35
bruenighe's gone07:35
punsadfraser17: do other browsers work (e.g. lynx)07:36
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zoidberg_bruenig, what is the name of the package so i could download it from apt?07:36
Lego_Maniaccan someone help with grub?07:36
bruenigzoidberg_, those three are the names of the packages07:36
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punsadLego_Maniac: what's ur question?07:36
rodserlingis the wine.budgetdedicated.com rep down?07:37
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bruenigping it07:37
Lego_Maniaci have 2 hdds, /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, i want identical grub on both so i can move /sdb to become sda and boot07:37
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Lego_Maniaci know i can clone mbr with dd bs=51207:37
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Lego_Maniacbut when i booted sdb (after moving it to slot0), it hands after stage107:38
bruenigLego_Maniac, you would have to reinstall grub on the mbr when you switched between them07:38
MajorPayneHow do I disable that silly key ring?  When I click deny it should not prompt me again to store the password there on a later date.07:38
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Lego_Maniaci did dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=107:38
fraser17punsad, haven't tried yet07:38
bruenigMajorPayne, don't use networkmanager, use wifi-radar or some other less inane setup07:38
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Lego_Maniacthat should have cloned MBR07:38
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pike_Lego_Maniac: that looks right07:39
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blankybruenig: if I wnated to do mkfs.ext3, I just do mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb1 for example? no need for extra params?07:39
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bruenigbut wouldn't he have to change the options07:39
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Lego_Maniacstage2 hangs though...how do i diagnose?07:39
brueniglike hd(1,0)07:39
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zoidberg_bruenig, are any of the converters you told me GUI based?07:39
MajorPaynebruenig: I like networkmanager.  I just don't like the keyring.07:39
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bruenigblanky, if you already have it formatted, then you just need to set permissions07:40
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bruenigMajorPayne, well the two are inextricably linked07:40
bruenigzoidberg_, no07:40
blankybruenig: oh because I can now access it through my other windows computers, im sharing it with samba, but I can't write to it07:40
blankyis it because it's ext3?07:40
basixi have enabled X over TCP but i dont know how to connect to the remote X server. what client is needed to connect??07:40
blankyit's not?07:40
bruenigyou need to change the permissions like I said07:40
zoidberg_bruenig, is there any gui based one?07:40
blankybruenig: uh, like how?07:40
blankychmod 777 -R /media/disk ?07:40
bruenigblanky, scroll up and look for the chown and chmod stuff07:40
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Lego_Maniacbasix: X is reverse07:41
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Lego_Maniacyou run the server locally and the client is the "server"07:41
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bruenigzoidberg_, probably not, just read the man pages, it shouldn't be too hard since you are going audio to audio, so you don't have to deal with aspect ratio parameters and the like07:41
RoAkSoAxhello, i need some help. I've installed Postfix + Courier + Squirrelmail. i have my own domain and i can send emails, but when i send an email to my mailserver, i cant see it on squirrelmail inbox, can anyone help me?07:41
blankybruenig: but listen, you said that chmod 777 -R /media/disk only affects pre-existing files, what does that have to do with someone on a windows box on the same network writing to it?07:41
blankyI'm just wondering07:41
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punsadbasix: if you just want to run some apps, you can ssh to remote server, then add --display switch to the various appliccations.  When I used to do this, I'd open up an xterm, then from that xterm start other apps and it would show up on local machine, running from remote maching07:42
clu3l3sspike_: looks like glx is supposed to be loading in the xorg.conf - but no dice.  any idea where the log file is?07:42
bruenigblanky, it only affects preexisting files, the new files will be created in accordance with the umask, which means directories will be 755 and files will be 64407:42
bruenigblanky, like everywhere else on your disk07:42
blankybruenig: okay thanks bruenig I'm sorry for questioning, was just confused07:42
fraser17punsad, synaptic won't work either. also, it works on the live cd07:42
[Cz] S_p_or_t_oi'm trying to install hlds (counter strike linux server) i keep getting an error when launching stating another process is holding port 27015 - any tips on figuring out which process is using what port07:42
pike_clu3l3ss: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:43
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blankybruenig: after doing that should I restart samba or something?07:43
fraser17does anyone know why my computer would be able to ping websites but not able to use apt-get or synaptic or firefox????07:43
pike_clu3l3ss: other than that i have only passing familiarity with 3d issues07:43
blankybecause it still wont let me write to it07:43
punsadfraser17: sounds like your system isn't resolving hosts correctly07:43
bruenigblanky, I have never used samba, I don't know how it works07:43
blankybasically I want to share my ext3 partition on the network using samba (already did, I can browse it) and be able to write to it07:43
[Cz] S_p_or_t_ofraser17, are you using a firewall07:43
blankyI guess I'll have to format it as fat32 then07:44
fraser17punsad, i'm behind a nat router07:44
fraser17[Cz] S_p_or_t_o, behind a nat router07:44
bruenig!permissions | blanky07:44
ubotublanky: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux07:44
basixpunsad, i'd like to see the whole desktop. i've edited /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf to allow TCP connections. how do i connect to the X server07:44
RoAkSoAxhello, i need some help. I've installed Postfix + Courier + Squirrelmail. i have my own domain and i can send emails, but when i send an email to my mailserver, i cant see it on squirrelmail inbox, can anyone help me?07:44
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punsadbasix: sounds like you want XDMCP07:44
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fraser17punsad, do you know how to help it resolve hosts correctly?07:45
punsadbasix: e.g. you'd like to be able to see the login screen?07:45
punsadfraser17: what's in your resolv.conf?07:45
basixpunsad, yeah07:45
punsadbasix: I remember setting that up many moons ago.  There's like one line that you gotta uncomment or something silly like that07:46
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blankydoes anyone here know how I'd go about sharing a fat32 partition on the network so that other windows boxes could write to it?07:46
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varun_how do I compile a 32-bit version of an application on ubuntu?07:47
[Cz] S_p_or_t_oi need tips on figuring out which process is using what port07:47
bruenig!compile | varun_07:47
ubotuvarun_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:47
clu3l3sspike_: here's something, "glx is not supported with the composite extension".  what's the composite extension?07:47
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:47
varun_bruenig: thank you!07:48
fraser17punsad, is that /etc/resolv.conf?07:48
bruenig!thanks | varun_07:48
ubotuvarun_: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:48
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[Cz] S_p_or_t_oblanky,  r u doin a network shared or a network drive07:48
blanky[Cz] S_p_or_t_o: network share I think?07:48
basixpunsad, i did that07:48
basixpunsad, what client do i use for XDMCP?07:48
punsadfraser18: yes07:48
fraser17punsad, just 'nameserver" should there be more?07:48
fraser17punsad, just 'nameserver" should there be more? correction07:48
varun_bruenig: hm this doesn't have instructions for compiling a 32 bit app07:48
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blanky[Cz] S_p_or_t_o: it's a partition on my linux box, I want to share it so that windows boxes on the lan can write to it07:49
bruenigvarun_, compile a 32 bit app the same way you compile any other app07:49
punsadfraser17: seems like there should be more than that.  do those ip addresses mean anything to you?07:49
varun_bruenig: there is no separate flags or options?07:49
pike_clu3l3ss: gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and under device section for nvidia driver add line07:49
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pike_Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"    <-- maybe07:49
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punsadbasix: 'client' .. you mean on the local machine?07:49
bruenigvarun_, are you going to distribute this binary to a bunch of different computers or something? it will build against your system07:49
fraser17punsad, is my router's IP07:50
[Cz] S_p_or_t_oblanky, format it w/ linux, aptget windows networking and make sure the xp has simple sharing on07:50
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clu3l3ssOption "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"07:50
basixpunsad, yes07:50
clu3l3sspike_:  :)07:50
varun_bruenig: I have a 64-bit install, but I want to compile a 32-bit mplayer07:50
clu3l3sspike_: looks like a submitted bug.07:50
punsadbasix: is it another linux setup?07:50
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bruenigvarun_, you need to find all the libararies and headers it uses and then point it to those when you compile07:51
blanky[Cz] S_p_or_t_o: apt-get windows networking?07:51
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clu3l3sspike_: Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"07:51
slowz3rcan someone help me with this command "gem install -v=1.2.2 rails"07:51
clu3l3sspike_: trying that, brb.07:51
basixpunsad, yes07:51
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varun_bruenig: I see........so 32 bit versions of those libraries and headers, you mean?07:52
[Cz] S_p_or_t_oblanky, i don't remember the name of it and i could be thinking of ntfs07:52
bruenigvarun_, right07:52
RoAkSoAxcan somebody help me with PostFix+Courier+squirrelmail?07:52
blanky[Cz] S_p_or_t_o: uh...samba? thanks anyways07:52
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varun_bruenig: gotcha. much thanks.07:52
Phydouxblanky, I believe that would be the aptget windows networking mentioned earlier by someone07:52
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Clu3l3sspike_: that was it, my man, thanks for the help!07:52
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pike_Clu3l3ss: np. congrats :)07:53
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blankyPhydoux: yeah I figured, oh well thanks07:53
[Cz] S_p_or_t_oi need tips on figuring out which process is using what port07:53
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punsadbasix: can't really help you there.  Obviously.. the 'client' is X, but how to configure it... not quite sure.07:54
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Phydouxblanky, Someone mentioned a week or so ago about something called Automatix. They said stay away from it. It's no good, just in case you happen to venture into that :)07:54
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alecw1I just installed Java + Frostwire, but for some reason, my text won't appear when typing on Frostwire?07:54
Jordan_Ublanky, What problem are you having?07:54
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blankyPhydoux: thanks I've been using ubuntu since 4.04, I'm just new to samba heh07:54
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pawannot able to start synaptic manager07:55
blankyJordan_U: Hi! I'm trying to share an ext3 partition using samba (I got that part working) so that my windows boxes on the LAN can write to it, so far they can only read from them07:55
crackerboxcan someone tell me what this line of bash means:07:55
crackerboxprintf "uname -r:\n" >&307:55
blankyI already did chown me:me /media/disk, and chmod 777 -R /media/disk07:55
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pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ dpkg --configure -a07:55
pawandpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege07:55
PhydouxEW!!! Almost 2AM!!! I'm off to bed... Good luck blanky07:55
blankylater Phydoux07:55
pike_alecw1: you might run sudo update-alternatives --configure java   maybe the free java binary is still linked instead of sun07:55
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Phydouxnp Sorry I couldnt be more help07:56
Jordan_Ublanky, Oh, sorry I don't know anything about samba, I meant to ask basix what problem he was having with X :(07:56
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niuqthere is any app to change the size and name of a bunch of pictures??07:56
fraser17i followed the guide in the documentation on how to set up an internet connection and it still isn't working07:56
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blankyJordan_U: oh well thanks07:56
IdNotFoundcrackerbox: "uname -r" outputs your kernel version... it seems to be redirecting it somewhere I don't know07:56
alecw1ok, pike_, can you guide me through that?07:56
Jordan_Uniuq, imagemagic07:56
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Jordan_Ubasix, What problem are you having?07:56
punsadniuq: to do batch resizing: imagemagick07:56
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stanthecaddy22blanky: I have set up a similar share and all I did was put a flag of writeable = true in the share section of the smb.conf file07:56
pike_niuq: grab the imagemagick package it has a bunch of utilites. i use convert most often. theyre all command line though07:57
punsadniuq: to change the names, some bash scrips should work07:57
blankystanthecaddy22: seriously?! ext3?07:57
stanthecaddy22blanky: sorry, it is "writeable = yes"07:57
IdNotFoundpike_: I believe frostwire only loads with Sun's Java? (or at least 1.5.0)07:57
blankystanthecaddy22: yeah I have the same setting haha, are you using ext3?07:57
niuqpunsad: im not familiar with scripts07:57
stanthecaddy22blanky: ah sorry no, I missed that part. my mistake07:57
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pike_alecw1: just paste that command. i dont know if that is it but i was thinking ubuntu default install had the free jave jre07:57
blankystanthecaddy22: it's alright, as long as it works, what did you use, FAT32 ?07:57
Jordan_Ublanky, Make sure that whatever user samba runs as has write access to that folder07:57
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crackerboxanyone know what <&3 means in a script?07:58
blankyJordan_U: OHHHH!!!07:58
blankyJordan_U: thanks!07:58
punsadniuq: to do the renaming, for loops work really well. if you give me an example, I might be able to come up with the oneliner to rename a directory full of files07:58
pike_IdNotFound: alecw1 could be right i have little exp in java07:58
stanthecaddy22blanky: no its running on my linux fs which is ext207:58
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blankystanthecaddy22: oh, so not ext3 but ext207:58
blankystanthecaddy22: hmmm, weird07:58
alecw1pike_: I just did that07:58
alecw1giave me a HUGE list of options07:58
stanthecaddy22blanky: I will check my other settings real fast to see if I remember07:58
Sonjeevhello again, i had success configuring my ethernet, however, the fglrx drivers are not working and my when ubuntu boots my monitor turns off. can anyone help??07:58
deadmcIm trying to install a login in theme. It says drag and drop in gdm setup tool07:58
deadmcwhat is that?07:59
blankystanthecaddy22: Thanks I appreciate it07:59
basixJordan_U, i simply want to connect to a remote X server. thats all.07:59
niuqpunsad: an example?, what kind of example do you need?07:59
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Jordan_Ubasix, ssh -X ?07:59
niuqpunsad: well i have a bunch of pictures in a folder, and i'de like to put them in some order07:59
deadmcwhere can i find the gdm setup tool?07:59
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punsadniuq: example of example... here goes... rename a directory of jpgs by prepending a date07:59
niuqpunsad: i dont know something like       pic1.jpg    pic2.jpg    pic3.jpg07:59
IdNotFoundalecw1: try "java -version", what does it output?08:00
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Sonjeevcan anybody help me configure my ati radeon x850 xt from cmd line so i can boot into a gui???08:00
alecw1java version "1.6.0"08:00
alecw1Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0-b105)08:00
alecw1Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.6.0-b105, mixed mode)08:00
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basixJordan_U, ok i'll try htat08:00
Jordan_Ubasix, That will let you run GUI programs from a remote machine, which is what I think you want, though it is not technically connecting to the remote machine's xserver08:00
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pingpongbossIs there any chat client that would let me do video chatting for the AIM protocol?08:01
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Sonjeevi tried "apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx" but it didnt help...monitor still turns off when i boot08:01
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stanthecaddy22blanky: ok, actually it is running on ext3, what type of security do you have it set to, user or share?08:01
IdNotFoundalecw1: it could be incompatibilities with the Java 6, I am still on Java 5, so I can't really tell... can you install Java 5 ?08:01
blankystanthecaddy22: Sorry, how do I figure that out?08:01
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Jordan_USonjeev, Did you reconfigure X to use fglrx?08:01
Sonjeevi did08:01
Jordan_U!hi | rodserling08:01
uboturodserling: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:01
Sonjeev"aticonfig --initial"08:01
stanthecaddy22blanky: are you working from a graphical interface or the command line?08:01
punsadniuq: are all the jpgs named with a mish mash of naming conventions?08:01
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Sonjeevand "aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv"08:02
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blankystanthecaddy22: I just simply added another drive, formatted it as ext3, but then it was set to root so I did chown me:me /media/disk/, chmod 777 -R /media/disk, I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have done that08:02
Sonjeevis that what u mean?08:02
blankystanthecaddy22: I have access to both08:02
zoidberg_guys i'm looking for a good GUI audio converter that converts .m4a to .mp3?08:02
punsadniuq: I guesss they are .. hence you'd like to make them uniform08:02
niuqpunsad: all are named  something.jpg08:02
niuqpunsad: id like something like    1picture.jpg     2picture.jpg08:02
rodserlingIs there a way to boot into "configure mode" from xserver?08:02
niuqpunsad: something like it08:02
basixJordan_U, okie08:02
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alecw1rodserling, why not boot without XSERVER, just get the terminal?08:03
stanthecaddy22blanky: ok at the command line type: "sudo cat /etc/samba/smb.conf | grep security" and it will show the line as security = ...08:03
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blankystanthecaddy22: thanks08:03
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blankystanthecaddy22: security = user is commented out (it has a ; in front)08:03
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pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ dpkg --configure -a08:03
pawandpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege08:03
pawancant start synaptic manager08:03
pingpongbossany programs that would let me video chat for AIM?08:03
rodserlinghow do i do that alecw1?08:03
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alecw1rodserling, go into the GRUB menu on bootup, and switch to a different version, recovery mode.08:04
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zoidberg_can anyone help me plz?08:04
zoidberg_guys i'm looking for a good GUI audio converter that converts .m4a to .mp3?08:04
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stanthecaddy22blanky: ok, im not an expert at samba but the way I have mine set up is that security = user is not commented, and so to access the shares you have to use a username/password from the samba user list08:04
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rodserlingahh, yes. that's what i meant "recovery mode"08:04
rodserlingnot "reconfigure"08:04
blankystanthecaddy22: okay, but you can write to the shares too? not just read?08:04
punsadniuq: for that case, I don't think I could do a oneliner... it'd have to be a script08:04
Sonjeevcan anyone guide me how to reconfigure X to work with my ati radeon x850 xt? my monitor goes into powersave mode when i boot ubuntu08:04
pike_zoidberg_: audacity?08:04
niuqpunsad: i dont know if you need more info.... and im not sure what else you can need08:04
Jordan_Ubasix, And you will notice that ssh -X is often *much* faster than things like VNC because the window is rendered on your computer rather than rendered on the remote computer and transferred, as an example you can comfortably play 3D games over ssh -X if there isn't too much latency08:05
niuqpunsad: what do you mean?08:05
rodserlingalec, is there a way to stop xserver but leave the terminal?08:05
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stanthecaddy22blanky: on mine I am able to, but im not sure if that is the setting that would allow you to08:05
ariczzoidberg_ : try 'grip' ..08:05
slowz3rcan someone help me isntall subversion08:05
blankystanthecaddy22: I'll try it, thanks I apprecaite the help08:05
blankyI'm so desperate08:05
cafuego slowz3r sudo apt-get install svn08:05
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stanthecaddy22blanky: no problem, good luck!08:06
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punsadniuq: sometimes, bash scripts can just be typed at the commandline.  For more involved things, they need to be stored into a file and you'd have to type: examplebashscript.sh (to start the script)08:06
slowz3rcafuego: oo i was doing apt-get subversion08:06
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stanthecaddy22blanky: and make sure to back up the config file before you make the changes08:06
Jordan_Urodserling, ctrl+alt+F1 ( ctrl+alt+F7 to return to X ), to actually kill X run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"08:06
basixJordan_U, nope its not working.08:06
cafuegoslowz3r: Ah yah, you need the command (install) in there too :-)08:06
rodserlingthanks Jordan_U08:06
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basixJordan_U, assertion `GDK_IS_DISPLAY (display)' failed < - i get this error08:07
Jordan_Ubasix, What are you trying to do more specifically, do you have openssh server installed on the remote machine?08:07
slowz3rcafuego: ya i know i shorten it for irc sake..lol..and so now it canf find package svn08:07
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niuqpunsad: and in this case you'll store it in a file?08:07
slowz3rcafuego: any ideas08:07
basixJordan_U, yeah i have openssh daemon on the machine. all i want is something like windows remote desktop.08:08
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punsadniuq: yes.  it's just too much stuff to type again and again08:08
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niuqpunsad: so you will help me with that?08:08
Jordan_Ubasix, System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop08:08
cafuegoslowz3r: probably 'subversion' then.08:08
slowz3rhmm ill pay around with it08:09
cafuegoslowz3r: You can do an 'apt-cache search subversion' and it should list what's available.08:09
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slowz3rcafuego: thanks much08:09
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blankystanthecaddy22: I got it thanks!08:09
basixJordan_U, i only have ssh access to that machine right now. can i modify some config file to enable that?08:09
abhiberahey can anyone tell me how to do profiles in firefox on edgy?08:09
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stanthecaddy22blanky: congrats! glad I could help.08:09
blankystanthecaddy22: :)08:09
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Sonjeevplease...can someone help me configure ubuntu to work with my ati video card?08:10
Meta4icalis anyone here running steam?08:10
stanthecaddy22Sonjeev: whats wrong with it?08:10
crackerboxcan some one help me set a variable to the name of my video card08:10
Sonjeevwhen i try to boot ubuntu, the screen goes black08:11
Jordan_Ubasix, I am sure you can, I don't know which you would though, what is the local machine, what is the remote machine, and what command exactly did you run with ssh -X ?08:11
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Sonjeevi can boot into recovery mode and get a console terminal thingy08:11
Sonjeevi used apt-get to get fglrx drivers like the forum FAQ says08:11
Sonjeevbut it doesnt help...is there some configuration or driver i need to download?08:11
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punsadniuq: that PM I just gave you is an example of a oneliner script.  as you can see, they can get complicated08:12
stanthecaddy22Sonjeev: well the fglrx is the driver, but have you configured it to use the driver?08:12
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Sonjeevi did sudo aticonfig --initial08:12
knotthi all08:12
Sonjeevand sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv08:12
Sonjeevdoes that do it?08:13
Sonjeevor is there something else08:13
Lekremknott: hi08:13
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stanthecaddy22Sonjeev: do you have the terminal availible right now?08:13
Meta4icalsonjeev: I was in here LITERALLY an hour ago with your identical problem08:13
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Sonjeevyes i do stan08:13
Sonjeevhowd u fix it meta4ical???08:13
brownie17punsad, problem not resolved. no idea how to fix it08:13
Meta4icalSonjeev: I never said I fixed it ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51360708:13
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stanthecaddy22Sonjeev: ok, try typing "sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep fglrx"08:14
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Jordan_USonjeev, That should do it but as a stab in the dark try " sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh "08:14
Meta4icalstan mind if I follow along?08:14
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stanthecaddy22Meta4ical: not at all08:14
Guilthi. i've got a dell lappy..08:14
Jordan_USonjeev, Do what stanthecaddy22 asked first though08:14
Sonjeevstan, what i got was "Driver    "fglrx"08:14
Sonjeevthats all08:14
=== panique [n=rechner@dslb-084-060-157-012.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Meta4icalsame here :P08:14
Guiltanybody know if the dell linux works like it does for dell windows? (all drivers and utiilites customized)?08:14
punsadGuilt: is it the kind with ubuntu pre-installed?08:15
stanthecaddy22Sonjeev: hmm well that should indicate it is using that driver08:15
Guiltno. mine is a XPS 1210.. i don't think it's one of those "4" models08:15
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stanthecaddy22when the monitor goes black, does the led turn orange or something like its not getting signal?08:15
Guiltbut i'd be glad to hear if it kinda'08:15
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Sonjeevstan, YES08:15
Jordan_Ubasix, What OS  is the local machine, what OS is the remote machine, and what command exactly did you run with ssh -X ?08:15
Guilt works on all these models08:15
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Sonjeevexactly what it does08:15
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Meta4icalSonjeev: I missed it, what video card do you have?08:15
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Sonjeevati radeon x850 xt08:16
Meta4icalradeon x1550 here ;p08:16
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Meta4icalIf you find a fix, please contact me, I'll be contacting you when I get this fixed as well08:16
stanthecaddy22ok, so that probably means the settings for the monitor are incorrect08:16
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stanthecaddy22Sonjeev: try the following, first back up the config file by: "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak"08:17
brownie17hi, my internet seems not to be working. i am able to ping servers, but trying to view them in firefox does not work.08:17
Sonjeevhow do i change them?08:17
Sonjeevmet4ical, pm with email before u leave08:17
Sonjeevlets stay in touch08:17
Sonjeevstan, ok trying now08:17
Meta4icalI'm going to bed at like 6am ;p08:17
Guilti hate having to configure: fuse/ntfs-3g, nv-legacy, linuxant, lineak, *chm, *-codecs ...08:17
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assasukassehi everyone08:17
Guilt:P you know, it'd be great if dell can work out a solution like they do for windows.08:17
Guiltlike, with mediadirect and all08:17
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Sonjeevhey jordan_u, i did the command u told me and i have a list of video modes but none checked08:18
Guiltexcept it's free and it won't cost them a dime.08:18
assasukassei have a problem, lets see if u can help: i am in hong kong right now, and i am using a free wireless service but i cant send emails since my smtp refuses sending. is there any "free" smtp service maybe that needs registration but sends from everywhere?08:18
Sonjeevstan, give me 1 sec08:18
Guiltmy lap has support drivers for RHEL4 :P08:18
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brownie17guys i have discovered i have a DNS problem, when i used ping to find the IP address of google i was able to type the IP address into firefox and surf google like normal, but i still cannot typ www.google.com08:19
Jordan_USonjeev, Check the resolutions your card / monitor supports ( using space bar )08:19
Meta4icalstan I missed his problem, he tries to use fglrx and when he reboots it black sceens right?08:19
stanthecaddy22Meta4ical: yes, as far as I am aware08:19
Meta4icalOk I'm having the exact same issue as him08:19
Sonjeevok, im rebooting with 1280x1024 booted08:20
Sonjeeverr checked08:20
stanthecaddy22Sonjeev: ah good thats what I was going to have you do08:20
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Meta4icalSonjeev: I PMed you, did you get it?08:20
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Guiltbrownie: google.com uses the Host: header08:20
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stanthecaddy22Meta4ical: did you try the "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?08:20
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Sonjeevno luck stan08:21
Sonjeevled went orange08:21
Meta4icalwasn't it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51360708:21
Guiltex. if you tried telnet ip 8008:21
Meta4ical sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  ****08:21
Guiltand did: GET / HTTP/1.0<crlf><crlf>08:21
stanthecaddy22Sonjeev: when you were doing the step by step did it ask for the monitor's sync ranges?08:21
brownie17Guilt, not follwing08:21
Guiltit'd prolly throw you an error. but if you did: GET / HTTP/1.0<crlf>Host: google.com<crlf>08:21
stanthecaddy22Meta4ical: hmm well it is the same command but im not sure what the -phigh does08:21
Guiltit would prolly work.08:22
rodserlingis there a more relaxed irc channel?08:22
Meta4ical./join #ubunti-offtopic08:22
bruenigrodserling, ##linux08:22
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Guiltbrownie: is your name server set up right?08:22
Guiltperform: nslookup google.com and see if it works.08:22
Meta4ical./join #ubuntu-offtopic *08:22
brownie17Guilt, i've no idea. how do i chec this08:22
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Sonjeevmeta4ical, can u see my pms?08:23
GuiltOpen a terminal, type this: $nslookup google.com08:23
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Sonjeevstan, how do do i set the monitor ranges?08:23
Guiltdon't type the $. i'm assuming it's already displayed for you08:23
bruenigbut $nslookup isn't set08:23
Meta4icalSonjeev: No.. i had this issue with someone else and xchat, even when I did /msg <name> =/08:23
Meta4icalSonjeev: do you have msn?08:23
bruenigI guarantee you that is what he would say08:23
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Guiltjust type: nslookup google.com08:23
Sonjeevi think i have to register08:23
stanthecaddy22Sonjeev: if you know them you should be able to select advanced in that program you just did08:23
Sonjeevi can see urs08:23
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Guiltbruenig: did you try it?08:24
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brownie17Guilt, done08:24
rocketsHey when I try to compile a kernel using make-kpkg, i get a nothing to be done message08:24
bruenigGuilt, just a joke on the $nslookup08:24
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Guiltlol. i'm kinda' confused between you and brownie08:25
Guiltbrownie: so, did it display the IP addresses for google.com?08:25
Guiltor did it give a fail message?08:25
bruenigbrownie17 did a heck of a job iirc08:26
brownie17guilt, sorry. ahh yes it appeas to have done. and the appear to correlate with what i previously knew.08:26
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=== bruenig looks around for anyone who may have understood the reference
Guiltso, are you now able to type google.com and surf?08:26
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brownie17bruenig, not here08:26
brownie17guilt, no08:26
Guiltand, if it doesn't, check the connection settings in Firefox (if using a HTTP proxy)08:26
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bruenigcome on, after new orleans, the fema chief whose name was mike brown, bush told him "brownie, your doing a heck of a job"08:27
Guiltbrownie17: do these in order and tell me what happens08:27
brownie17guilt, says direct connecion. not using a proxy. would it help if i did? i know a few08:27
Guilt1. nslookup google.com08:27
Guilt2. if the last one gave an IP, try telnet <ip> 8008:27
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brownie17guilt, was in livecd for testing, now am going back to installation. two mins08:28
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Guilt3. if the last said it connected, try: telnet google.com 8008:28
Meta4icalSonjeev: yep?08:28
Sonjeevgot aim?08:28
Sonjeevi dont have msn08:28
brownie17bruenig, i'm not american, sorry lol08:28
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Meta4icalSonjeev: No ... um, want my email then?08:28
Guilt4. if the last said it connected, try surfing, ought to work. :)08:28
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bruenigwell, just know it was a hilarious moment08:28
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Meta4icaldid you get it?08:29
brownie17bruenig, i am astounded by your hilarity. well done08:29
bruenigbrilliant response08:29
Guiltthat is the best i can offer now. :) okay, i've gtg. brownie: just try all of them.08:29
brownie17guilt, thanks for trying08:29
Sonjeevill send u an email08:29
Guiltwill be back in a few. if it doesn't work, let me know.08:29
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Easthey anybody alive there ?08:30
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Jordan_UEast, no08:30
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Easthow are you guys ?08:30
bruenig!ot | East08:30
ubotuEast: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:30
abhibera hi i use ubuntu edgy with firefox i would like to know how can i create a new firefox profile on the same user account? i need to do this because i'm developing extensions and i want to be on the safe side.08:30
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bruenigabhibera, firefox -ProfileManager08:30
Sonjeevmet4ical, are u using x86-64?08:30
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abhiberabruenig: thanks :)08:31
rodserlingHere's a simple question. When I type, for example, "irssi" into the terminal, how does it know what directory to execute the program is in?08:31
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Meta4icalSonjeev: Though I have a 64bit cpu, everyone here advised the i386 arch to avoid problems :P08:31
brownie17was anyone listening to my conversation with guilt?08:31
Meta4icalSo nope08:31
Sonjeevhmm k08:31
Meta4icalSonjeev: we have the identical problem, only i don't think my monitor light goes orange, it remains green as if on08:32
Meta4icalbut a blakc screen08:32
bruenigrodserling, echo $PATH08:32
abhiberabruenig: then how do i activate that profile?08:32
Meta4icalSonjeev: Is this what happens to you? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51360708:32
bruenigabhibera, firefox -p profilename08:32
abhiberaok :)08:32
bruenigabhibera, it is a capital P08:32
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brownie17does anyone know how to fix my DNS problem? i am able to connect to any server, through ping or telnet, but not through firefox08:33
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abhiberaok so firefox -P profilename :)08:33
Sonjeevbasically, when i try to boot my monitor goes black and led goes to orange which is like low power mode08:33
bruenigabhibera, right08:33
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Sonjeevthat what u get?08:33
bruenigfirefox doesn't quite understand the obsession with lowercase in unix I suppose08:34
abhiberabruenig, thanks08:34
Ademanis there any place that posts security advisories for ubuntu?08:34
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bruenigAdeman, the forums has something about that08:34
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Meta4icalSonjeev: Mine boots all the way up until the point it would reach the screen where you login, and then goes black08:34
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Meta4icalI have to go into recovery mode and use the old xorg.conf in order to get back in08:34
cosinoshi boys i need some help to install java 1.5 jdk on ubuntu 7.04?08:34
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Sonjeevwhat driver do you use08:35
bruenigcosinos, sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk08:35
Meta4icalI'm forced to use vesa right now, but I want fglrx -- that's what causes the blakc screen08:35
bruenigsource what?08:35
Sonjeevfglrx causes black? or vesa causes it?08:35
Sonjeevi think we have a different issue then08:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lethal} - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:36
Meta4icallol bla08:36
brownie17![lethal] 08:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lethal]  - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:36
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...08:36
brownie17!seen [lethal] 08:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen [lethal]  - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:36
cosinos10x man it worked i had tryied from synaptic but it couldn't install it08:36
brueniggui, zzzzzzzzzz08:36
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cosinoswhere the java will be installed08:37
bruenigdpkg -L sun-java5-jdk08:37
cosinosi'm trying to run WebGoat on ubuntu08:37
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jnaircan i download universe packages as in cd/dvd iso ?08:39
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fyrestrtrjnair: no.08:40
brownie17does anyone know how to set my root password? i forget how and it didn't ask me to set it up when i installed08:41
jnairsudo -s08:41
astro76!root | brownie1708:41
ubotubrownie17: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:41
terapicodaveis doing an edgy to fiesty upgrade too risky or zzzz routine?08:41
Ademan_so there's no security mailing list or anything is there?08:41
brownie17astro76 oh classy08:41
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Ademan_terapicodave: i've never had a good experience upgrading ubuntu, however if you have your root directory "/" on one partition (maybe 10gb at absolute most) and /home on a different partition, you can upgrade without fear, or even reinstall totally without losing user data08:42
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MajorPaynehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Epiphany <-- I think if you do "sudo aptitude install epiphany" you will get the game called epiphany, not the browser.08:43
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terapicodaveok will do next time...will probably wait for the gibbon08:43
vladuz976Hi my scim input method stopped working and I cannot find out where to look for errors. can anybody here help?08:43
ticnailerhow can I get the sound driver for my machine?08:43
Ademan_terapicodave: yeah, i'm doing the same08:43
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nosferFARTuAdd>  seeking diplomacy players?08:44
nosferFARTuanybody up for a gunboat game- message me.08:44
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brownie17seriously guys, i would REALLy appreciate some help with my DNS problem. i can ping and telnet any server, but firefox is unable to resolve the host08:45
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Ademan_brownie17: you might try disabling ipv6, although i wouldn't think that's the trouble, it might be worth a try08:45
luboszis there a tool to mount bin/cue, iso and mds?08:45
Ademan_plus it's easy to do08:45
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.08:45
ticnailerI have an NVidia card ...how can I get the driver for it?08:46
ticnailerdoes anyone have an idea?08:46
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:46
Ademan_you can use the restricted driver manager08:46
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vladuz976is there a japanese ubuntu channel?08:47
ubotu #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 08:48
Ademan_brownie17: you navigate to about:config in firefox and modify the network.dns.disableIpv6  to true (should be able to doubleclick)08:48
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ticnailerI got the nvidia drver installed08:48
ticnailerthanks guys08:48
ticnailernow I can watch pron08:48
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ticnailerkind of08:48
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brownie17Ademan_, you fuking genius08:49
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siskelhow do i zip a file with the terminal?08:49
brownie17Ademan_, no-one else in two support channels could work that out with about 8 pages of pastebin, two lines you fix all my problems. i fucking love you.08:50
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Ademan_brownie17: haha i love you too man08:50
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Meta4icalAdeman_: Yes you are a genius, dare to tackle my ultimate problem? muahaha :)08:52
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terapicodavesiskel: you would use 'zip'08:52
brownie17Ademan_, how do i do that for all ubuntu, so at-get will work aswell08:52
Ademan_Meta4ical: i can certainly try lol08:52
Ademan_brownie17: oooh, good point, one sec, this MIGHT answer your question08:53
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv408:53
Ademan_well, hope that works anyways08:53
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:53
Meta4icalI guess the easiest thing to do is give you a link to the forum thread I made http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3108820#post310882008:53
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=== Ax3 makes up an impossible problem that Ademan_ can't possibly figure out
Meta4icali'd love you very much if you could help me fix this :P08:53
siskelterapicodave, zip name_of_file?08:53
Ademan_Meta4ical: lol, so much love today08:53
Jordan_Ubrownie17, What symptoms are you having, sometimes disabling ipv6 is not necessary and only covers up a problem08:54
terapicodavesiskel: just run 'zip' and it'll show you the syntax08:54
Ax3Ademan_, why are women crazy? #lol08:54
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Ademan_estrogen, next question!08:54
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Ax3fine you win hahaha08:54
brownie17Jordan_U, cannot resolve host for servers. can ping or telnet any server, but connecting in firefox and apt-get doesn't work.08:55
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siskelterapicodave, thanks....08:55
terapicodavesiskel: np08:55
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Ademan_Meta4ical: aw crap, ATI card?...08:55
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Jordan_Ubrownie17, Try opendns, your isp's DNS service is probably crap, mine is.08:55
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Meta4icalAdeman_: lol unfortunately yes, I'm confident it's not too difficult a feat for a guru like yourself :) as their's people on the forum who seem to have gotten it working without too much trouble08:55
MTxdhi there08:56
Jordan_Ubrownie17, http://www.opendns.com/08:56
MikeRotchi got ATI card08:56
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MikeRotchi am new though08:56
Ademan_Meta4ical: haha "guru", not at all, but i appreciate it anyways :-)08:56
brownie17Jordan_U, is it free?08:56
Meta4icalMIkeRotch: I've been on Ubuntu less than 24 hours total, newbie here too :P08:56
Jordan_Ubrownie17, Yes08:56
ericmt578Does anyone have experience with the Broadcom Wireless Chipset?08:56
Meta4icalI'm happy though, I figured out how to get my wireless card working all by myself, and the headset AND mp3 support08:57
Jordan_Uericmt578, Yes, have you tried fwcutter?08:57
MTxdhaving problemes with onboard "Intel High Definition Audio"  - I think not all Sound-Channels are used ! - only one ... playing games is like ... "krrr - commander - krrrr - roger that - krrrrrrrrrrr"08:57
EADGbrownie17: OpenDNS ips,
brownie17Jordan_U, does commenting out with # work in resolv.conf?08:57
ericmt578Not yet. fwcutter? I will look into it, thanks. Have it running, but  every once in a while it will stop working, have to boot into windows and enable the card.08:57
Jordan_Ubrownie17, IIRC yes but I am not 100% sure08:58
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Jordan_Uericmt578, So you are using ndiswrapper?08:58
Ademan_Meta4ical: so when you boot up you say it hangs with a black screen? no blue or anything? just a blankblack screen?08:58
ericmt578At the moment yeah, I blacklisted the Ubuntu default driver.08:58
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Meta4icalAdeman_: That's correct, I tried logging in despite being blind too, no sounds no nothing,08:58
NeoGeo64why does flash playback use so much cpu time??08:59
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Ademan_Meta4ical: have you ever tried ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a tty?08:59
Jordan_Uericmt578, The default driver supports most broadcom chipsets, but you need the firmware to actually use those drivers08:59
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Ademan_Meta4ical: crap sorry, can you give me a sec?08:59
ramseizeguys question, im installing flash 9, then i encountered " Please enter the installation path of mozilla" i type : /usr/lib/mozilla , and it said "PLease enter a valid installation path?" what seems to be the problem?08:59
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NeoGeo64What's GNOME's equivalent to Windows' ALT+TAB ?08:59
ericmt578Ahh, oh. Driver loaded firmware? So thats what I would need fwcutter for right?08:59
Elliot_Mdoes anyone know how i can change the icon of my trash bin on ubuntu 7.o408:59
Meta4icalAdeman_: Of course man08:59
Jordan_Uericmt578, NeoGeo64 alt + tab :)09:00
Meta4icalAdeman_: That was in reply to you having a sec, I never tried to ctrl+alt+f109:00
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Meta4icalElliot_M: You can change the theme of your desktop completely lol09:00
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brownie17hi guys, i need to update fom breezy to the latest. what should i change my repo list to?09:00
Elliot_Myes i kno i dont want to do that i just want to change the trash bin to a PNG09:01
Jordan_U!upgrade | brownie1709:01
ubotubrownie17: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:01
ramseizeguys question, im installing flash 9, then i encountered " Please enter the installation path of mozilla" i type : /usr/lib/mozilla , and it said "PLease enter a valid installation path?" what seems to be the problem?09:01
MikeRotchwrong path?09:01
ramseizewhat should i type?09:01
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cosinosboys i need help with instalation on java jdk09:02
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Jordan_Uramseize, Why not use the built in plugin installer in firefox or the package flashplugin-nonfree ?09:02
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MikeRotchmy mozilla is in /usr/lib/firefox/firefox09:02
Luciosramsieze: can use apt-get flash09:02
MikeRotchi got ubuntu feisty09:02
MikeRotchwell also a shortcut is in /usr/bin09:02
terapicodaveramseize: i had the same problem...just use the flashplugin-nonfree package in synaptic09:02
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MikeRotchso either i guess09:03
brownie17to update from 5.10 to current i have to do more than one update??09:03
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ramseizeok thanx09:03
MikeRotchwoo welcome09:03
Jordan_Ubrownie17, Yes, you cannot skip releases09:03
Luciosramsieze: sudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin09:03
Luciosramsieze: try that..mine work well09:04
MikeRotchramseize there is a folder called mozilla-firefox though in the /usr/ib09:04
cosinosi need help with instalation on java jdk on ubunu09:04
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Ademan_Meta4ical: well it brings you to a console where you can log in (text only),  if that doesn't work then xorg is actually freezing, which is a really bad sign, if you can get to it, then there's still hope, although there's hope either way09:04
Jordan_Uericmt578, If your card is supported ( http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/?go=devices ) then I would try removing ndiswrapper, un blacklising bcm43xx and installing bcm43xx-fwcutter09:04
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ramseizeguys is there a any java IDE Script, that i could use in linux? ?09:05
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ericmt578Jordan_U In process of doing so right now.09:05
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Ademan_Meta4ical: if it doesn't work it most likely means it's a driver problem, in which case it might be worth trying a newer or older driver version09:05
ramseizeguys is there a any java IDE Script, that i could use in linux ubuntu?09:05
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Elliot_Mso ne ideas on how to change the icon of the trash bin?09:05
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Ademan_ramseize: IDE script? or IDE? eclipse is a good java IDE if that's what you're asking09:05
Meta4icalAdeman_: I installed whatever it gave me from the Restricted Drivers Manager ;o09:05
brownie17i might download an iso and just restart, this should be quicker than updating through all new versions09:05
fyrestrtrramseize: Eclipse/Netbeans -- and any IDE written in Java :)09:05
ramseizeademan yes , does it have a linux version?09:05
ericmt578Thanks, off to test.09:06
Jordan_Ubrownie17, Is openDNS solving your ipv6 issues?09:06
fyrestrtrramseize: if it is written in Java, it will work on Linux.09:06
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ramseizei already have the program?09:06
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ramseizehow cani run it09:06
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fyrestrtrinstall the java sdk, then install the ide.09:06
sidhttp://rafb.net/p/6yqGxW32.html .. why won't a fat32 file system work? fdisk -l always says "linux"09:06
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fyrestrtrfor eclipse, you can just install it using synaptic or apt-get09:07
ramseizewhere can i get the sdk?09:07
MikeRotchfat32 is goooood09:07
Jordan_U!java | ramseize09:07
uboturamseize: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre09:07
Ademan_Meta4ical: well the most important line in your xorg log is this: "(EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable" i'm going to try googling it09:07
ramseizeok thanx09:07
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Jordan_Usid, Have you tried the -t switch with the mount command?09:07
Meta4icalAdeman_: yep the guide I followed advised me to look for errors, I tried googling that myself09:07
fyrestrtrramseize: once you install that, then just sudo apt-get install eclipse09:07
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Elliot_MIs there a way other then changing the theme of Ubuntu to change the icon of the Trash bin?09:08
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Ademan_Meta4ical: yeah it didn't turn up much... lol09:08
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Meta4icalI wouldn't care if I didn't plan on playing counterstrike lol ..09:09
sidJordan_U: yea, mount /dev/sda1 -t vfat /tmp; works... but this filesystem doesn't show up on a windows machine09:09
Meta4icalit got a gold on winehq for compatibility and it's my favorite game : p09:09
Jordan_UMeta4ical, Are you using fglrx?09:09
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R1ckanyone experienced with ati crossfire cards?09:09
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brownie17Jordan_U, yes opendns is god. thankyou so much. i can't beleive it's free09:10
Meta4icalJordan_U: That's what's causing the black screen, I'm TRYING to use fglrx :P09:10
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MikeRotchElliot_M if you already have icons you want to replace http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3395109:10
MikeRotchotherwise you could just use a diff theme no?09:10
Ademan_Meta4ical: yeah i play it all the time, or used to, i've been playing sven coop lately09:10
m0rt3mWhen trying to run the command 'sudo apt-get update' it asks me for a password.  what would this password be? Thanks. (I am a hardcore linux noob trying to install the ati linux drivers.)09:10
Jordan_UMeta4ical, Ademan_  AIGLX does not work with fglrx, that is what is causing the error "(EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable"09:11
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Elliot_Mye i have my own icons i want to use09:11
Ademan_Meta4ical: anywho, your xorg.conf is sorta wierd if you ask me, lemme read a bit more though09:11
fyrestrtrm0rt3m: it is your user password.09:11
sidm0rt3m: Whatever pass you used when you logged into gnome09:11
Ademan_Jordan_U: yeah but what in the xorg.conf is saying "use AIGLX"? i didn't see anything09:11
Meta4icalAdeman_: I didn't add anything to it :P09:11
m0rt3mit will not let me type my user password09:11
fyrestrtrJordan_U: yes it does work with fglrx.09:11
Ademan_Meta4ical: yeah, sometimes those configurators are sort of wierd09:11
Jordan_Ufyrestrtr, No, it does not09:12
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Jordan_Ufyrestrtr, It will break DRI if enabled09:12
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Ademan_Jordan_U: it explicitly turns composite off though09:12
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Meta4icalAdeman_: That might not be the current one, here http://pastebin.com/d59cf823009:13
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Meta4icalThe only change I made was under "Extentions", one of the guides told me to disable composite since fglrx doesn't support it09:13
Sonjeev_What causes me to get the error "Error: unable to open display (null)" when trying to do "glxinfo"09:13
Ademan_Meta4ical: well what immediately strikes me is the fact that you have two video devices, are you running a dual screen setup?09:13
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: are you trying to get fglrx to run, or trying to get desktop effects?09:14
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Meta4icalAdeman_: No, but my card has dual display support09:14
Ademan_fyrestrtr: trying to get it so xorg doesn't hang before gdm starts09:14
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Meta4icalI'm trying to get it to run period09:14
Jordan_UMeta4ical, Have you tried dpkg-reconfigure instead of aticonfig?09:14
Ademan_Meta4ical: maybe that's why it the second device is there, well lemme look a little farther09:14
Ademan_Meta4ical: actually that's a good idea Jordan_U had09:15
Jordan_U!xconfig | Meta4ical09:15
ubotuMeta4ical: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes09:15
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr: If you want to knock yourself out as well, I'd greatly appreciate it -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3108820#post310882009:15
Sonjeev_anybody know what "Error: unable to open display" is caused by?09:15
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Ademan_i'd back up the current xorg.conf    (rename it to something like xorg.old.nowork  or something)  and then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg09:15
Ademan_oh xserver-xorg09:15
Meta4icalI placed a backup in /home/ already  :P09:16
Meta4icalwhen the driver gave me blackscreens, I would revert to the old one in recovery mode09:16
fyrestrtrSonjeev_: many things, start with errors in xorg.conf09:16
Ademan_ah alright cool then09:16
aumi'm trying to mount a kodak dx3600 still/video camera as a flash filesystem - i can access camera fine in gtkam, but prefer to mount it into the filesystem, how do i mount it?09:16
ndanhey sup guys, sry to bother, just nn to back up. hmm mounting an old external hard drive, i've used others that were ntfs no prbs but this one mounts as read only...  did dmesg something about Option utf8 is no longer supported.  can't umount the drive to remount it differently though always says its busy...09:16
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Ademan_Meta4ical: then i definitely reccomend doing what Jordan_U (and by extension ubotu) said09:16
Sonjeev_how do i check for errors in it?09:16
Sonjeev_any tips?09:16
Meta4icalOk i'll try : )09:17
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Jordan_USonjeev, What are you doing when you get that error? ( what application are you trying to run and how )09:18
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Meta4icalyou want me to choose fglrx right off the bat?09:18
Meta4icalor stick with vesa?09:18
Ademan_Meta4ical: i think i'm gonna go afk though, i haven't gotten any work done all night lol, good luck, i'm sure the rest of the people here should be able to take care of you (probably better than me too)09:18
Jordan_UMeta4ical, Might as well just choose fglrx09:18
Ademan_Meta4ical: fglrx yeah09:18
Meta4icalOk ;p09:18
Meta4icalthanks for all the help Ademan_ :p09:18
Meta4icaland jordan i want to trap you here to continue to be help :)09:18
Sonjeev_im having problems getting a signal to my monitor when i boot.  im following some forum post that asks me to do the command glxinfo09:18
Sonjeev_the system hangs then says "Error: unable to open display (null)"09:19
Ademan_Meta4ical: heh no problem, i didn't fix it though lol, ok ok, i'm off now/afk09:19
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: have you tried disabling desktop effects?09:19
Jordan_USonjeev, Are you running that from a console or from within X ?09:19
Meta4icalI don't think they're on by default  and I never enabled them09:19
Sonjeev_i cant launch into X09:20
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Sonjeev_when i boot up, my screen goes black09:20
Jordan_USonicadvance1, You need X to run glxgears09:20
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Jordan_USonjeev_, ^^09:20
Sonjeev_? fakin a....im about to go back to xp09:21
Jordan_USonjeev_, And even with X running you can't start GUI apps from a console without telling it what display X is on09:21
Meta4icalJordan I'm stuck in the config already09:21
Sonjeev_i had to boot into "recovery mode"09:21
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: add this to your xorg.conf, Section "ServerLayout" Option "AIGLX" "false" EndSection09:21
Sonjeev_i cant boot ubuntu from grub bootloader09:21
Jordan_USonjeev_, What GFX card do you have ?09:21
Sonjeev_my screen goes black09:21
Sonjeev_ati x850 xt09:21
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: change the driver to fglrx, and restart X09:21
Meta4icalfyrestrt I'm doing  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg right now so could you remind me after09:21
Sonjeev_i followed the directions on the forums...doesnt do anything09:21
Jordan_USonjeev_, ATI cards are notoriously bad in Linux, ATI provides horrible support09:22
Jordan_USonjeev_, But you may still be able to get it to work09:22
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tupacan I trick the system into thinking my USB card is a cd rom?09:22
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: okay, paste the config file that it generates.09:22
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fyrestrtrJordan_U: actually, I have no problems with my ATI card.09:23
tupaI'm doing an installation, but I can't make the install application to read my usb card09:23
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: k, btw if that's a prodigy reference cool :)09:23
Sonjeev_what driver do you use09:23
Jordan_Ufyrestrtr, That doesn't change the fact that I an many others do09:23
fyrestrtrand the drivers, although not great -- do work; and yes, it is :)09:23
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tupato read from my usb card, I saved the iso there, and booted from USB instead of a CD rom09:23
Jordan_USonjeev_, Are you using fglrx?09:23
dehi made it!!!!09:23
dehoh yes!!09:23
fyrestrtrtupa: to mount the iso, mount -t auto -o loop somefile.iso /some/directory09:23
Sonjeev_i tried that....but it didnt change anything. on boot my monitor led goes orange and screen goes black09:24
Meta4icalJordan_U: How do I know which bus identifier to use? I'm afraid the default might be for a second monitor09:24
Sonjeev_im wondering if somehow my lcd monitor needs to be set up?09:24
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tupafyrestrtr do you know what directory does install reads as a disk?09:24
Jordan_UMeta4ical, I don't know, I am a single monitor man :(09:24
tupaor does it read directly from /dev/hd?09:24
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: its PCI:3:0:0 for your BusID09:25
Jordan_USonjeev_, What have you tried so far?09:25
Meta4icalare you positive? I've got 2 entries 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 715f09:25
Meta4ical03:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 717f09:25
Meta4icalI apologize that should've been one line09:25
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dehpardon me.... but i'm a bit lost... how do i add a user?09:25
Jordan_Ufyrestrtr, Where are you getting that from?09:25
fyrestrtrI am guessing it is dual headed.09:25
Sonjeev_ive done "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" like 5x and changed a bunch of stuff09:25
Meta4icalati radeon x1550 pci-e card? ;o09:25
Sonjeev_no luck09:25
Jordan_Udeh, System -> Administration -> Users and Groups09:26
Meta4icalI've got 2 entries for ATI, you're positive? :P09:26
dehi dnt have a gui09:26
fyrestrtrwell its not a big deal if it doesn't work.09:26
Sonjeev_lspci says 01:00.0 VG compatible controller: ATI Tech INC R48009:26
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fyrestrtrif it doesn't work on 3:0:0 then its 3:0:109:26
dehsorry.. Jordan_U, i dnt have a gui09:26
Sonjeev_and 01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Tech INc 48009:26
Jordan_UMeta4ical, Ok, I guess it doesn't work when you restart X ?09:26
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Jordan_Udeh, adduser09:27
Meta4icalI'm still creating a new xorg.conf with that config09:27
dehoh ok thank you09:27
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Jordan_Udeh, np09:27
Meta4icaluse kernel framebuffer device? y/n ?09:27
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Jordan_UMeta4ical, Just keep the default09:27
Elliot_MMikeRotch ye that thread isn very helpful ne other ideas?09:27
Sonjeev_interestingly, if i run "X" i get a gray screen with an X for a cursor09:27
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Sonjeev_but the screen i see is empty09:28
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Jordan_USonjeev_, Interesting... What happens when you run "startx" ?09:28
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ndanis there a way to force unmounting even if the device "which isn't busy" saying its busy?09:28
Meta4icalAh I'm lost with what mouseport to choose09:28
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Meta4icalI have a logitehc mx400, it's a usb laser mouse?09:29
Jordan_UMeta4ical, Anything you don't know keep default09:29
Sonjeev_LOL......that launched me into a desktop09:29
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Meta4icalthe default was/is ps/2 -09:29
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: yes, it is.09:29
Meta4icalthat's definetly not my mouse = /09:29
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Sonjeev_Jordan,...so that worked, any idea whats gonig on?09:30
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: your mouse driver is ImPS/209:30
Meta4icalthank you lol09:30
Sonjeev_am i going to have to do that every time?09:30
Sonjeev_to launch ubuntu?09:30
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Jordan_USonjeev_, No, if that works then it should just work when you boot, can you try rebooting again just to be sure?09:30
Sonjeev_ok ill try right now09:30
fyrestrtrSonjeev_: instead of rebooting09:30
grigorahi, I have a simpletech external drive and I would like to connect to it through the network, any ideas on how to do that? thanks09:30
fyrestrtrSonjeev_: type this sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart09:31
ProN00bhas anyone who used ntfs-3g write ever had data corruption or any other problems with it ? (i am asking for actual experiences, not hear-say)09:31
Jordan_Ufyrestrtr, That won't work correctly because he has started X seperately from the GDM and I would like to test it without other variables09:31
tupais there a distro to use linux while running windows?09:31
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fyrestrtrJordan_U: well he has to kill it first then.09:32
ProN00btupa, you mean running linux inside windows ?09:32
fyrestrtrtupa: install vmware on Windows and then install any distro you like in the virtual machine.09:32
tupa<ProN00b> yes09:32
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tupaI have seen some distro that does this09:32
Sonjeev_Jordan, i rebooted09:33
Sonjeev_screen went black and led went orange09:33
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tupaa friend broke his PC and he has no CD-Drive to install ubuntu09:33
ProN00btupa, fyrestrtr said it, you use a vm (virtual machine, imagine it as a simulated pc in a window), and then any distro that can do it09:33
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Jordan_USonjeev_, Strange, did you see the splash screen at all?09:33
Lustbladerhey.. where should i drop in suggestions for the ktorrent client???09:33
ProN00btupa, well, there are programs to install ubuntu from windows without the need for a cd09:33
Sonjeev_no, i see at the top loading kernel for a second09:33
Sonjeev_then the screen goes dead09:33
fyrestrtrLustblader: in launchpad09:34
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Lustbladerfyrestrtr: so i have to register???09:34
fyrestrtrSonjeev_: what do you mean by 'goes dead'?09:34
fyrestrtrLustblader: yes.09:34
Jordan_USonjeev_, OK, then the boot splash might be causing the problem09:34
Lustbladeroh kie09:34
Sonjeev_the screen like losses signal09:34
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Sonjeev_and the led goes orange which means power-save09:34
Lustbladerthx fyrestrtr09:34
Lustbladerbye all09:34
Sonjeev_what is boot splash?09:34
Meta4icalfyre: I finished with the xorg.conf09:35
fyrestrtrSonjeev_: the ubuntu logo that you see when the computer is booting with the progress bar.09:35
dehI'm sorry Jordan_U... are you still there? i have a question regaurding "adduser"09:35
Meta4icalI had to do some research for my vertical/horizontal ranges etc but I foudn them09:35
Jordan_USonjeev_, reboot again but this time when you see the grub menu press "e" to edit the kernel and "e" again to edit the long line and remove the "splash" at the end of it09:35
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Meta4icalJordan_U, fyrestrtr: What's next?09:36
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dehwhat on earth is this room number it wants me to enter?09:36
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: post the new xorg.conf at pastebin (or update your forum thread)09:36
Jordan_UMeta4ical, Have you tried restarting X?09:36
Meta4icalnot yet09:36
Jordan_UMeta4ical, run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"09:36
ProN00btupa, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=198355 this is a windows installer for Ubuntu09:36
Meta4icalHere you go: http://pastebin.com/d5d9f176809:36
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Meta4icalI'd rather wait till you review the xorg.conf if you don't mind :P09:37
Jordan_U!wubi | tupa ProN00b09:37
Meta4icalblack screens are no fun09:37
ubotutupa ProN00b: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html09:37
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tupaJordan_U that's exactly what I was looking for, didn't remember the name :P09:37
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dehdoes room number have any real significance? or is it a pointless number09:37
Meta4icalI have 19" Compaq S920 and got the information for my vertical/horizontal ranges on a product information page09:37
Jordan_Udeh, pointless09:38
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dehmight that be sarcasm, or are you serious?09:38
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Meta4icaldeh: I have a feeling that information is only important if you're connected to a LAN in a frat lol09:38
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dehits for a server09:39
Sonjeev_Jordan, removing splash works!09:39
phrecki have an amd mk-36 proc09:39
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: add this to your xorg.conf, Section "ServerLayout" Option "AIGLX" "false" EndSection09:39
phreckwhat kernel should i be running09:39
Jordan_Udeh, It is only used by programs to set a default much like how your full name is used as your real name by default in xchat09:39
Meta4icalall one line?09:39
Sonjeev_i cant believe i just spent 3 hours trying to download drivers and all i had to do was delete splash09:39
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Sonjeev_i want to kill myself09:39
fyrestrtrwell it doesn't matter, but I'll edit your pastebin09:39
Jordan_USonjeev_, Ok, now to make it permanent09:39
Meta4icaloh, alright09:39
dehI see09:40
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ritzcrackeranyone have experince with the sattelite p205-s273609:40
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Sonjeev_what do i need to do09:40
ritzcrackerand ubuntu09:40
Jordan_USonjeev_, In a run dialog run "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"09:40
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Thanks, but I recall when I was following a guide for fglrx that DRI had to be disabled or something, I left the defaults and _think_ it may be enabled now, just as the guide said composite should be disabled too09:40
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tbaurout of interest09:40
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: http://pastebin.com/d6784916d09:40
dehlol... i thought it had some metaphorical significance09:40
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: if you enable it via restricted-manager, then you don't change anything in xorg.conf.09:41
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Jordan_USonjeev_, Then look for a line like "# defoptions=quiet splash" and remove the splash portion09:41
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: it will do whatever is required.09:41
ericmt578Jordan_U: Hey thank you. It works perfectly.09:41
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dehI have a 10 GB partition that i diregaurded during installation... how do i access it?09:41
Sonjeev_jordan, whats a run dialog? i typed that into a terminal09:41
Sonjeev_and its prompting me for a password?09:41
krzeehey ive been working on my ubuntu installation on my dual-boot macbook-pro setup... right now im trying to turn up my fans, the docs all say to use /sys/devices/platform/applesmc/fan0_minimum_speed, but I do not have applesmc module, I installed 6.06, could someone point me in the right direction?09:41
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ritzcrackerWould anyone mind helping me out if they have a chance. I have pretty much got my res on my external monitor and my laptop tft where I want it. However I can not seem to get both monitors to work at the same time and I know there is a way I am sure its something simple I am missing09:42
Jordan_Uericmt578, no09:42
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krzee(to installing the applesmc module that is)09:42
Jordan_Uericmt578, *np :)09:42
Meta4icalok fyre: what do I do now? ;o09:42
fyrestrtrritzcracker: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Toshiba09:42
ticnailerok so I went in to the driver manager and the driver for the sond card is not in there... what can I do?09:42
pawancannot start synaptic manager09:42
Meta4icalOr how do I restartx or something to see if it works09:42
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: once you have saved the file, type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start09:42
ticnaileralso the driver for the wireless is not installed...09:42
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Sonjeev_what is the default root password?09:43
Meta4icalIf I'm not back immediately you know I ran into a black screen, so please be kind as I backup the old xorg.conf :P09:43
Jordan_Ukrzee, Don't use dapper on a macbook pro, it is more trouble than it's worth and on a macbook pro will probably be less stable too09:43
Meta4icalk hopefully be back soon, cross your fingers for me :(09:43
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Jordan_U!root | Sonjeev_09:43
ubotuSonjeev_: do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:43
pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ dpkg --configure -a09:43
pawandpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege09:43
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Um? one line of output      sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start09:43
ritzcrackeractually you can use sudo passwd root09:43
krzeeJordan_U damn, seems good so far, would you suggest feisty?09:43
ritzcrackerset a new root password09:43
Meta4ical * Starting GNOME Display Manager...                                     [ OK ] 09:44
ritzcrackerthen just su to root09:44
Meta4icalthat's all I got09:44
ritzcrackerbtw that wiki page does not display my laptop model :(09:44
Sonjeev_i used gksudo  gedit09:44
Jordan_Ukrzee, Yes, X will fail when you first boot, but to fix that you just need to install fglrx09:44
Sonjeev_and its prompting me fo rthe pw?09:44
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: not ctrl+alt+f709:44
Sonjeev_so what do i do?09:44
ticnailerdoes anyone know the step to installing a wireless driver?09:44
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: *now* hit ctrl+alt+f709:44
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr: That didn't do anything? :(09:44
Jordan_USonjeev_, It isn't asking for the root password, it is asking for your user's password09:45
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krzeeok, I have been using wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro for reference, should i continue to use that page or do you have something better i should use?09:45
pawanhow to repair synaptic manager09:45
grigoraanyone knows how to mount an nfs share off of a SimpleTech external drive?09:45
Sonjeev_oh, dug09:45
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: what do you see? a black screen? a cursor blinking?09:45
krzeethanx for that side note, wrote it down09:45
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ritzcrackerhey krzee09:45
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr: absolutely NOTHING happened when I did it, : P09:45
lindoghi guys   i am new to ubuntu and trying to resolve wireless network card - new installation/got stuck on root password i am sure i didn't set it09:45
Elliot_Mk thnx for ur help09:45
krzeehey ritzcracker09:45
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fyrestrtrare you back on the same screen where you typed sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start ?09:46
dehum... how do i see if my 10 GB partition is being recognized?09:46
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: I closed that window after I told you the output09:46
krzeedf, parted09:46
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Jordan_Ukrzee, I personally don't like some of the things that page suggests, wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBook is much better though some things do not apply ( though the only big difference is that the macbook pro uses an ATI card )09:46
fyrestrtrdeh: mount09:46
Meta4icalmy screen didn't blink or flicker or refresh etc, it's just as if I never did ctrl + alt + f709:46
dehi simply type mount?09:46
pitonpissr<---Running Feisty with Xchat --> Why do i have trouble with file transfers on irc.  I can get it going fine under windows so it's not firewall and i have the transfers set to autoreceive.  Any ideas?09:46
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: are you connected directly to the machine or are you on some remote connection?09:47
Meta4icalI'm connected directly09:47
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massctrlHi is here someone that managed to get ubuntu 7.04 working as a guest in openvz ?09:47
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: hit ctrl+alt+f209:47
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: do you see a login prompt?09:47
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krzeeJordan_U thank you i will check that out09:47
pawanwhen i start synaptic manager i am getting this error09:47
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krzeeill start hangin in here when im not IRC'ing commandline09:48
krzeethanx for the help =] 09:48
pawanE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:48
pawanE: _cache->open() failed, please report.09:48
krzeeyes ritzcracker ?09:48
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ticnailerhow do I install a wireless driver?09:48
Jordan_Uticnailer, What chipset?09:48
ritzcrackerdid you move recently?: trying to figure out if your the same guy im thinking of heh09:48
fyrestrtrpawan: open a terminal, then type sudo dpkg --configure -a09:48
krzeehey you're from SD ritzcracker, i just moved from there...09:48
krzeeLOL ya09:48
ritzcrackerits joel09:48
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krzeeill come back in after rebooting into osX09:49
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krzeenice handle :-p09:49
caneri cant use my wireless adapter (hp dv6097) with edgy. could soumeone please give me an hyperlink to some stuff to read about it??? i couldnt find a useful one.09:49
ritzcrackertalk to you when u get back09:49
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Jordan_Ucaner, First off Feisty is much better with wireless than Edgy, secondly do you know the chipset?09:50
ibtis there a guide for getting bleeding edge packages in ubuntu?09:50
ibtis that 'pinning'?09:50
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fyrestrtrcaner: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo start there09:50
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ritzcrackerI have now checked out the toshiba wiki page and there is not yet a page regarding my make and model, I know its possible since its just a simple intel 945 graphics integraded chip, can someone guide me to dual monitor setup with this best im missing something and I do not know what09:51
ticnailerdoes anyone know how to install a wireless driver on a laptop?09:51
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fyrestrtrticnailer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo09:51
ritzcrackeryah ticnailer i can help you09:51
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ticnailerthanks bro09:51
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ritzcrackerwhat kind of hardware are you running09:51
lkthomasguys, is there have any way to check my motherboard model ?09:51
Meta4icalfyre: I recieved errors as opposed to a completely black screen09:51
canerJordan_U thank you for your advice but i am really sorry that i wrote edgy. i am already using feisty :))09:52
fyrestrtrlkthomas: sudo apt-get install hwinfo then run hwinfo09:52
Meta4icalI copied the basics of them down because I believe it was copied to a log09:52
canerhow can i learn my chipset Jordan_U09:52
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:52
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ritzcrackerticnailer what kind of hardware are you running09:52
lindoghi guys   i am new to ubuntu and trying to resolve wireless network card not recognized - new installation/got stuck on root password i am sure i didn't set it at all09:52
fyrestrtrcaner: please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo09:52
Jordan_USonjeev_, Have you edited the file to remove splash ?09:52
Meta4icalit's 4 lines, is that ok to paste here or no?09:52
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ritzcrackerlindog in terminal type sudo passwd root09:52
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ritzcrackertype new password09:52
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ubotudo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:53
caner<fyrestrtr> thank you. i will have a look09:53
ticnailerI dont know ....whats the command?09:53
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fyrestrtrticnailer: you also need to go and read this > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo09:53
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krzeethere is no spoon!09:53
gumjohello, how do I check if I have latest nvidia driver09:53
ritzcrackerticnailer are you running a desktop or or laptop if so what are the specs make model, and what kind of wifi card are you trying to setup09:53
perlmonkeyhi Im running Ubuntu Feisty 7.04 on laptop (Toshiba Tecra 8200) every 4 minutes or so, the screen goes blank/into sleep mode, pressing any key brings it back, but its really annoying. any solution?09:53
Meta4icalfyre the errors i wrote down when it crashed are not in this log, so i'll manually tell you them09:54
fyrestrtrritzcracker: do *not* tell people how to set a root password.09:54
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fyrestrtrperlmonkey: check your power settings.09:54
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perlmonkeyfyrestrtr: do you know where those are at?09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
fyrestrtrperlmonkey: system > preferences > power management09:54
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perlmonkeyfyrestrtr: I don't have a "preferences" option :-/09:55
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ticnailerok s I got a rtl-8185 IEEE wireless lan controller...09:55
fyrestrtrperlmonkey: what are you running?09:55
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Meta4icalfyre what was that grep or whatever? sorry my wireless cut out09:56
perlmonkeyFeisty 7.04 with Xfce409:56
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log09:56
fyrestrtrperlmonkey: oh .. I don't know what it is on Xfce4.09:56
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corevetteis there an auto round corner feature in gimp?09:56
krzeeticnailer, the alfa!?09:57
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Here's the errors in the log -- http://pastebin.com/dc565cc709:57
bcbooterokay guys i know u know the answer so plz help me, im trying to untar the vmware package. but it says no such file/dir09:57
bcbootertar -xzf /Path/To/VMware-server-1.0.3-xxx.tar.gz09:57
Meta4icalIf it helps you in anyway, it booted into a command line where I logged into my user account and manually did startx09:57
bcbooteris the command i do09:57
perlmonkeyfyrestrtr: the power settings are in /etc/acpi tho right?09:57
bcbooterhow do i point the terminal to the desktop?09:57
Meta4icaland then I got a blue screen saying "Failed to start X server"09:57
fyrestrtrarcade: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenWebMail09:57
Meta4icaland here are the (EE)'s I got09:57
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fyrestrtrbcbooter: cd ~/Desktop09:58
n00dl3bcbooter: ~/Desktop ?09:58
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Jordan_Ubcbooter, Did you use tab completion to be sure you got it right?09:58
Meta4ical"(EE) Problem parsing the config file"   and  "(EE)Error parsing the config file"09:58
ritzcrackerticnailer does your system see the card and you are just having a driver issue?09:58
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olivecorevette: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/17016124/ ?09:58
fyrestrtrarcade: sorry.09:58
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Meta4icalthen right below "Fatal server error: no screens found"09:58
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Meta4icaldoes that help?09:58
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: re-paste your confic file.09:58
bcbooterJordan_U, what is tab completion09:58
Jordan_U!tab | bcbooter09:58
ubotubcbooter: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:58
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Meta4icaldid you catch what I wrote above too? ;o09:58
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dhclient - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
ticnailerritzcracker:I have a laptop and I am trying to set up a RTL-8185 wireless controller....09:59
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Jordan_Ubcbooter, Type the first part of a command / filename / nickname in IRC then press tab to auto complete it09:59
ticnailerdriver issue09:59
ticnailerfo sho09:59
phreckwtf i cant get rid of VMWARE player?!09:59
ritzcrackerokay one moment09:59
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: yes, repaste your config file09:59
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: where did it save the backup? I'm sorry I made a backup of my original xorg -- not the one I just generated09:59
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n00dl3minus: Heyo10:00
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minusfirst time on ubuntu!10:00
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Jordan_Uphreck, The package it broken and hasn't been fixed for months, it should have been taken out of the repos long ago IMHO but there is a way to get it to remove10:00
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: /etc/X1110:00
minusand i love it10:00
n00dl3minus: grats10:00
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bcbootertar -xzf /VMware-server-1.0.3-xxx.tar.gz10:00
phreckJordan_U: got a link for that way of getting rid of?10:00
jamesdellhi! My intel 3945AGB wireless network card is working well and it is connected to my wireless router. But the only problem is there has no ipv4 address received from dhcp and only ipv6...10:00
fyrestrtrbcbooter: tar xvzf ~/Desktop/VM<tab>10:01
n00dl3bcbooter: if that file is in your /(root) then yes10:01
fyrestrtrbcbooter: <tab> means hit the tab key10:01
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bcbooter tar xvzf ~/Desktop/VM10:01
Jordan_Uphreck, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vmware-player/+bug/5795710:01
minusjust trying to run some beryl but this laptop sucks10:01
Jordan_Uminus, What gfx card?10:02
bcbooteri feel retarded.10:02
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n00dl3bcbooter: tab is your friend10:02
minusnot a good one its old toshiba10:02
bcbooterhit tab in what?10:02
minusits 128mb10:02
bcbooterin irc wtf10:02
fyrestrtrjamesdell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv410:02
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Jordan_Uminus, I have beryl on a 4 year old intel integrated card on a laptop :)10:02
n00dl3Jordan_U: How does it run? :P10:03
minusand it works?10:03
ProN00bbcbooter, what are you trying to do ?10:03
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr, http://pastebin.com/10:03
Meta4icaloop ..10:03
bcbooterProNoob, im trying to install Vmware10:03
Jordan_Un00dl3, Fine without wobbly windows10:03
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers10:03
ProN00bbcbooter, vmware server ? you know what that is ?10:03
Jordan_Uminus, This ain't Vista ;)10:03
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n00dl3bcbooter: No, in the terminal. It auto completes w/e you are trying to type. Makes finding and spelling files much easier.10:03
bcbooteri just suck ass at linux10:03
ritzcrackerit appears that wireless card works on other versions of ubuntu.10:04
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:04
ProN00bbcbooter, no, you just genreally suck10:04
n00dl3ProN00b: lol, dont go hatin >_>10:04
bcbooterProNoob, thnx asswipe10:04
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ritzcrackerThere is a problem with the feisty 2//.6.2- feisty and the module needed for the card10:04
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ProN00bbcbooter, did it come to replace the "xxx" in "VMware-server-1.0.3-xxx.tar.gz" with the actual number ?10:04
Jordan_Ubcbooter, in a terminal try " cd ~Deskt < tab > "10:04
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xoRockneed help, is there any easy app for internet sharing?10:04
ProN00bbcbooter, people like you certainly are not the target market of vmware server10:05
bcbooteri got it10:05
minusthe whole 3d cube? etc.....10:05
Jordan_Ubcbooter, in a terminal try " cd ~/Deskt < tab > " actually10:05
Jordan_Uminus, Yup10:05
bcbooterJordan_U, i got it10:05
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minusthats weird10:05
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minusmine comp will just turn white and crash on me10:06
ritzcrackeri would suggest waiting for a fix or go back to an earlier version of ubuntu10:06
Jordan_Uminus, What brand card?10:06
jamesdellhi! My intel 3945AGB wireless network card is working well and it is connected to my wireless router. But the only problem is there has no ipv4 address received from dhcp and only ipv6... anyone how to solve?10:06
minuslet me check10:06
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: this is the xorg.conf file you are using?10:06
Meta4icalthat's the one I used like 5 minutes ago that gave me the blue screen10:07
n00dl3Meta4ical: blue screen? Oh noes :o10:07
Meta4icalI have an older xorg.conf using vesa I've been reverting to when the black screens happen -- and I used it this time10:07
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minuslol i dont know how to check its not windows10:07
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: okay just a minute10:07
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Meta4icalminus: i think its "lspci"10:07
Meta4ical; o10:07
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:08
Jordan_Uminus, System -> Prefs -> Hardware Information for a GUI alternative10:08
Meta4icalfyrestrtr, http://pastebin.com/d261c565710:08
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fyrestrtrjamesdell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisableIPv610:08
bcbooterthis is retarded10:09
bcbooteri go to the install dir10:09
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bcbooterthen sudo vmware-install.pl10:09
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bcbooterdoesnt work10:09
bcbootersays unknown command10:09
jamesdellfyrestrtr, ok10:09
fedbuddyI NEED A C COMPILER, anyone know one?10:09
minusati 920010:09
Jordan_Ubcbooter, sudo ./vmware...10:09
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WGGMkle sigh10:09
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n00dl3fevel: to compile...?10:09
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: are you sure about that pastebin?10:09
WGGMkcan anyone help me with a small situation with Kiba Dock???10:09
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:09
ThanatosDriveGuys, I'm getting the same error as this guy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31358/   But I don't know where to find ntfsfix 1.13.110:09
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:09
ticnailerthats gay10:09
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: I'm having issues with copy/paste when I close windows that I copied from, really sorry10:09
ticnailerbut thanks10:10
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ticnailerritzcracker: I have another question for you10:10
minusok so its ATI 920010:10
bcbooternow it says no such file/dir10:10
ritzcrackerokay shoot10:10
ritzcrackerwhat is it10:10
Jordan_UThanatosDrive, Don't use ntfsfix uneless you absolutely need to10:10
Meta4icalfyrestrtr, how about now? http://pastebin.com/d624c43710:10
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ThanatosDriveJordan_U: Problems?10:10
ticnailerritxcracker: why is your name ritzcracker? what does that represent?10:10
Jordan_UThanatosDrive, Run checkdisk from windows instead10:10
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: please use the ubuntu pastebin, pastebin.com is very slow.10:11
dehOK!!! i VI'd /etc/fstab.... i changed the mounting point for a 10gb partition to /home/ekap10:11
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ritzcrackerI guess I could ask you the same about yours10:11
Eltranhello, I made a very big crap10:11
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ritzcrackerjust something I've gone by since I was like 12 years old10:11
Jordan_UThanatosDrive, Linux support for NTFS is not to the point where it can fix a corrupted partition10:11
Meta4icalfyrestrtr, here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31998/10:11
dehanybody know if this'll make ekap's home the 10gb partition?10:11
n00dl3Eltran: Thanks for sharing :o10:11
ritzcrackergot it when I used to game alot with my friends because id always eat ritz crackers10:11
WGGMkHaving a situation with kiba-dock. When running ./autogen.sh in the dbus-plugins folder, it complains about pygtk-2.0 not found when its installed to /usr/share/pygtk/2.0. Any thoughts?10:12
Meta4icalfyrestrtr, I'm desperate to get this working, i'll literally send you some money through paypal10:12
jamesdellfyrestrtr, after restarting the system, what do next? issue the command again dhclient eth1?10:12
Jordan_Udeh, It should10:12
ubudoes any body know of a tool in feisty i can use to map my thumb button on my logitech g7 mouse?10:12
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: revert back to fglrx, restart X. When it crashes, pastebin the Xorg.0.log (save it somewhere first, as when you restart with vesa, it will overwrite the log).10:12
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ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv410:12
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: once I see that, then I'll know where to go.10:12
deh4 real?10:12
Jordan_Uubu, mouseemu10:13
EltranI had to install something for quake 3 in my / directory, so I did "sudo chmod 777 /*/*", I restart my computer and guess what ? I can't use sudo !!! so I use teh recovery mode and I do in root "chmod 0440 /*/*" and guess what ? I CANT USE CD LS MKDIR CTRLALTDEL !!!10:13
dehwow this is much easier than i imagined10:13
ticnailerjust wondering because that term was affiliated with a music group that I know of that is involved in drum corps....my name is ticnailer b/c I used to have friend named Nick taylor and then we just stared calling him tic nailer....just to answer your question10:13
minusok so can beryl and all its 3d glory run on an ATI 9200 integrated card????10:13
TaggardDoes anyone have a good tutorial on how to install Ubuntu on my Intel iMac?10:13
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: So how would I save it? just ... open with nano? and then =/10:13
Jordan_Udeh, Yup, *nix is awesome like that :)10:13
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Eltranand I restart teh computer again and guess what AGAIN ??? tty sh job control turned off on a stupid "busybox"10:13
ritzcrackergot ya10:13
Eltranwhat can I do pls ?10:13
bcbooterminus, beryl is overrated10:13
ticnaileralright then bro's10:13
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log ~/xorg-fglrx.log10:13
ticnailerpz out10:13
Jordan_UTaggard, wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBook should mostly apply10:13
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n00dl3Eltran: LOL10:13
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ubuJordan_U: thanks10:14
TaggardJordan_U: Ok10:14
minuswhat do you recomend?10:14
Jordan_Uubu, np10:14
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Eltrann00dl3 I know this is funny but this is serious dude I didn't know I was forbidden to do that10:14
sauvinIs there some facility built into linux to notify a running process of a change in a given directory's contents?10:14
Meta4icalOk fyre I'll be back soon p10:14
=== DavidCraft2 [n=g@ip68-110-144-164.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
dehhow can i set my machine's IP?10:15
Meta4icalwhat was the command to restart x or whatever?10:15
Eltranhow can I restore my important data with the busybox pls ? I got job control turned off since I done the shit10:15
ritzcrackerfyre I was wondering how come I can't tell people how to change root pass? I was just wondering :)10:15
WGGMkMeta4ical: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | start10:15
Jordan_U!fixres | Meta4ical10:16
ubotuMeta4ical: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:16
fyrestrtrritzcracker: because it is against ubuntu policy/rules, and generally, it tends to break things rather than fix it.10:16
Meta4icalWGGMk, start: missing job name10:16
ritzcrackerokay good to know10:16
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Jordan_Uritzcracker, If they don't know how to set the root password they probably shouldn't be logging in as root10:16
ritzcrackerlol true10:16
dehsudo -i dsnt count, right?10:17
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Meta4icalbrb fyre10:17
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Jordan_Udeh, sudo -i is fine as long as you tell people to be carefull10:17
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dehlol i'm a total n00b10:17
dehi wnt being telling anyone anything for quite a while10:18
ritzcrackercan anyone direct me to a url on setting up dual monitor in my xorg.conf I have tried many things can not get the damn thing to work10:18
dehbut might u tell me how to set my IP?10:18
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caneri have installed the windows wireless driver using ndiswrapper (broadcom BCM4310) but in the user interface there shows (hardware present:no) and the wireless adapter doesnt work. can anyone give an advic please.?)10:18
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fyrestrtrritzcracker: what video card?10:19
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Jordan_Ucaner, Did you try fwcutter before ndiswrapper?10:19
milosque pedoo10:19
canerJordan_U no i havent heard it10:19
canerwhat is it for10:19
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Jordan_Ucaner, It grabs the firmware for your card so you can use the native open source drivers10:20
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ubuJordan_U: how do u config mouseemu?10:20
ritzcrackerIntel Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS/940GML10:20
WGGMkok, can anyone tell me where pygtk 2.0 should be installed???10:20
canerJordan_U is it available via apt-get10:20
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slytherinritzcracker: If you are using Ubuntu 7.04 then install package displayconfig-gtk and type command 'displayconfig-gtk'10:20
milosalguien tiene el paquete "novia.deb"???10:20
Jordan_Ucaner, Yes10:20
ritzcrackerokay thx10:21
pawanwhat is desktop sharing10:21
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dehIRC is bloody confusing!10:21
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ubuJordan_U, how do u config mouseemu?10:21
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Jordan_Ucaner, If you haven't set up ndis wrapper yet and your card is supported by the drivers then you should just be able to install that package reboot ( or reload the driver manually ) and use your card10:22
giesen_anyone else have problems with ekiga stuttering worse than a drunken mule?10:22
dehi don't know why i plugged a mouse into my server...10:22
pawancan anybody share desktop with me10:22
Jordan_Uubu, I have only used it for setting F12 as right click for my mac10:22
dehno damn gui10:22
giesen_mouse is still semi-useful in console =)10:22
dehi use ctrl as a right click 4 my mac10:22
canerthank you Jordan_U i am trying to do what you say.10:22
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ubuJordan_U, i mean where is the config menu, i cant find it10:23
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DjDarkmanhy, does someone know, how to get my microphone working in linux?10:23
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pawanhow to install vnc client10:23
ritzcrackerI am using the config now but I am still getting nothing on both displays just my external monitor and i turned on the dual display10:23
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phirasis there any UI client to manage the packages in ubuntu ?10:23
Akuma_anyone heard of someone testing ubuntu on the Asus eee PC ?10:23
Meta4icalfyrestrtr, I couldn't get the log because it went to a blck screen10:23
Akuma_phiras: synaptics, or add/remove10:24
slytherinDjDarkman: It depends on which sound card you are using and if you have enabled the microphone form sound control options10:24
slytherinphiras: Synaptic10:24
Jordan_Uubu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook Is all I know ( search the page for mouseemu )10:24
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr, I KNOW i used the same xorg.conf as before because none of the others had the refresh rates I specified, so it's like the same config got 2 different things =/10:24
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: you need to open another terminal ctrl+alt+f2, login, and then grab it.10:24
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EltranU LIEK TO EAT TEA ?10:25
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ubuJordan_U, thankyou10:25
Meta4icalfyrestrtr, I remembered you said that, and I tried -- nothing10:25
Meta4icalalso tried f710:25
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: when you restart X, your console shifts to F7 (the default X console)10:25
slytherinAnyone here successfully installed tomcat 5.5 from repos and started it?10:25
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DjDarkmanslytherin: using an intergrated realtek that comes with an Acer Aspire 510010:25
DjDarkmanis it not supported?10:25
Meta4icaloh i didn't restart it = /10:25
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Meta4icali rebooted completely because i couldn't remember the command10:25
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WGGMkCould anyone help me with Kiba-Dock. Here is my paste bin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31997/10:25
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: here is what you should do.10:25
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MikeRotchare there any other desktops kind of like XFCE?10:26
moo2hi there. I installed feisty server and I would know if iptables is already available ? I found no init script10:26
MikeRotchother ones10:26
selinuxium_Can anyone recommend a good gmail notifier app? :)10:26
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slytherinDjDarkman: See if you get any help from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Acer?highlight=%28acer%2910:26
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DjDarkmanslytherin: doesn`t work with my other pc wich has Nvidia eighter....10:26
ritzcrackereverytime i try to test to get my 2nd display running i get this error.10:27
Meta4icalfyrestrtr,  would it be at all possible for you to look in your browser history for that pastebin I uploaded of the xorg.conf? the one I made when you gave me that command to redo the whole thing? if it's too much trouble thatr's ok10:27
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ritzcracker*********:~# displayconfig-gtk10:27
ritzcrackerxauth:  creating new authority file /tmp/guidance.25448/xauthority10:27
ritzcrackerGot pid 2546510:27
ritzcracker(0, 0)10:27
ritzcrackerdisplayconfig-gtk: Fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :9.0.10:27
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: reboot the computer. If it boots into X, log out of X. Then, hit ctrl+alt+f1. Login. Then type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop (this should stop the gnome login manager). Now you edit xorg.conf (or copy paste different version). Then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start -- this will take you to console 7, if nothing happens there, then ctrl+alt+f1 (get back to console 1). Now cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log ~/fglrx.log. *If* your computer completely 10:27
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ritzcrackerwhich I find kind of wierd becasue if I do not plug in my external monitor my tft on my laptop works fine10:28
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askvictorwhat is m-a?10:28
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slytherinritzcracker: Which graphica card is it?10:29
EltranU LIEK TO EAT TEA ?10:29
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ritzcracker Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML10:29
Meta4icalbut you're assuming I log into X -- which it doesn't10:29
Meta4icalit's an immediate black screen10:29
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Jordan_U!ops | Eltran10:30
ubotuEltran: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:30
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: okay, then re-install fglrx.10:30
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me_hi can someone help me. my dvd drive isnt listet in /dev/ (so i cant mount it) http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13294/10:30
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slytherinMeta4ical: please use nicknames to address people10:30
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: when did you get the syntax error?10:30
MyrttiEltran: behave!10:30
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canerJordan_U i downloaded fwcutter an it fetched the driver, i rebooted the system but still not working. do you think it can be because i am using amd64 system?10:30
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr, you mean the (EE)'s i manually told you?10:30
Jordan_Ucaner, Shouldn't make any difference, do you have ndiswrapper installed?10:31
slytherinme_: It should be mounted automatically10:31
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: yes.10:31
slytherinme_: I mean when you insert a DVD10:31
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr, the first time I booted up with the new xorg.conf it went into a login prompt, i logged in and did startx manually, at which point i got a blue screen and the syntax errors ;p10:31
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: why are you using startx?10:32
me_slytherin: i know but... there is no dvd device. linux didnt reconize one.10:32
Meta4icalfyrestrtr, that was just one time instance, it's never booted into the command line like that unless i go into recovery mode10:32
dehif i mount /dev/hda3 to /usr/ekap, AND i set ekap's home directory to /dev/hda3, will that like.... double assure that ekap's home is hda3?10:32
canerJordan_U yes i have installed it and extracted the .inf file from the executable of the windows driver. then i installed it (using a ui of ndiswrapper) it installed the driver but there writes"hardware present:no" does this make any sense?10:32
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Jordan_Ucaner, I don't think that bcm43xx ( the native driver ) will work with NDISwrapper installed but I also don't know if your sepcific chipset is supported10:34
rancidlmis it possible to bind the powerbutton to do the poweroff command?10:34
ritzcrackeranyone got any ideas?10:34
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: okay, then lets start with disabling the auto-start of X when you boot.10:34
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Ok10:34
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me_i think there is no dvd device :(  http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13295/10:35
slytherinme_: It might be refered with other names such as sda-something or hd-something10:35
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: from a console, sudo update-rc.d gdm remove10:35
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remcoare there known problems with certain brands of 6800 GT cards with regard to crashing and garbage on screen just before the installation screen?10:35
lsprocI am trying to install the binary nvidia drivers (as my card is unsupported by the restricted manager ones), but when X starts, it dies saying that nvidiactl can not be found or the device does not exist10:35
slytherinme_: At least try inserting a DVD10:35
rancidlmi have a ubuntu server pc that has no mouse kbrd and monitor.. but i when i am not using it i would like it to shutdown properly.. is there  a way i can bind the powerbutton to do a poper shutdown?10:35
me_slytherin tryed everything...10:35
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr: update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/gdm exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)10:36
canerJordan_U i have checked the website of ndiswrapper for supported chipsets. and i found the one in my machine. but there are not enough to help users how to install.10:36
me_slytherin: pls check this:  http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13295/ an tell me if u find a dvd device10:36
busta305i need help10:36
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove10:37
Jordan_Ucaner, Being supported by NDISwrapper and being supported by the native drivers are two different things10:37
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: then reboot the machine to make sure it worked.10:37
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: you should get the console prompt.10:37
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Meta4icalok, anything you want me to do while i'm there?10:37
busta305i need help with screen resolution10:37
slytherinme_: Can't really say. Sorry can't help you much. Got to go.10:37
TTilusrancidlm: log on and $ sudo shutdown -r now10:37
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Jordan_U!resolution | busta30510:37
ubotubusta305: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:37
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: I'll write it down on paper, it's no problem10:37
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TTilusrancidlm: sorry, it should be of course $ sudo shutdown -h now10:38
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TTilusrancidlm: the -h saying "halt"10:38
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: okay, once the computer restarts into console mode.10:38
pawanhow to install vnc client10:38
me_can someone else tell me if there is a dvd device?  http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13295/10:38
rancidlmTTilus: im actually gonna try this: http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/archives/linux-il/01-2004/8099.html  i found a way using the acpi kernel mod to make the powerbutton to a shutdown10:38
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lsproc!nvidia > me10:39
TTilusrancidlm: if you _want_ to tune, go ahead, but you can very well shut your box down from commandline10:39
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Jordan_Ulsproc, You can just do : /msg ubotu nvidia10:39
ritzcrackeranyone have experince using  Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML, i got a external monitor and the tft on my laptop they work indepedently but dual display I can not get to run, I know it is possible I just can not figure out how. I have tried display manager and everytime i try to test the laptop monitor with the external x just crashes10:39
phirashow can i instal a package with it's dependencies ?10:40
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lsprocit didnt help though :(10:40
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rausb0is there a tool similar to i855crt for i945gm?10:40
UberPsyXhi, have no window borders in beryl, ive found a possible solution, update my nvidia drivers, ive downloaded the new driver and run the correct command in terminal but it comes up with a message telling me i need to quit my x server, how do i do that?10:40
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: wait just a minute, let me give you a xorg.conf file to try.10:40
busta305whats the proper resolution for sdtv?10:40
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Jordan_Uphiras, Applications -> Add / Remove, Synaptic, apt-get install < package >10:40
lsprocUberPsyX: press CTRL+ALT+F1 then log in, then do: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:41
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: it's no problem, I'm desperate to get this fixed and am willing to try any messy/lengthly procedures you might have10:41
UberPsyXlsproc, thanks10:41
Jordan_Uphiras, In order of ease of use and power10:41
lsprocUberPsyX: but im having trouble getting the drivers to work10:41
busta305can any 1 tell me proper resolution for sdtv?10:41
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Time isn't an issue, and I thank you in advance for attempting to help me in the first place -- newbies like moi can't be very fun :)10:41
TTilusme_: does not look like you have  :(10:41
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UberPsyXlsproc, ok ill brb, just try this10:42
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: okay use this xorg.conf file > http://pastebin.com/d3f7689a810:42
ritzcrackerwhere are all those gurus at ;)10:42
me_ttilus: there is a UNCLAIMED by my ide device... does this mean that my ide controller doesnt work?10:42
TTilusme_: there is SATA with one disk and IDE with no devices10:42
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: save this in your home directory as fglrx-base.conf10:42
busta305can any 1 help me?10:42
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me_ttilus: but its not the ide controller himself?10:42
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: copy it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf (cp ~/fglrx-base.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf)10:42
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TTilusme_: dunno what it _really_ means, but i'd say it just does not have any devices attached10:43
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: start gdm ( sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start )10:43
me_ttilus: i know i got a harddisc with sata and a dvd drive with ide10:43
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me_ttilus: hm k thx u dont know how to fix it or?10:43
MikeRotchare there any other desktops kind of like XFCE?10:43
TTilusme_: you _have_ a dvd drive?10:44
busta305can any 1 tell me how change screen resolution for an sdtv?10:44
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: see what happens. If your system is responsive (which means, your keyboard works and ctrl+alt+f1 brings you back to your login screen), then cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log ~/fglrx-base.log -- and pastebin that so I can see it.10:44
TTilusme_: has it ever worked?10:44
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: if your system is not responding, tell me that too so I can tell you how to debug that.10:44
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: not responding means -- complete freeze -- keyboard doesn't work (caps lock light doesn't come on, etc.)10:45
me_ttilus: on windows yes, in the bios its listed and i instaled my linux with this drive...10:45
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TTilusme_: if the dvd _has_ worked, where?10:45
ritzcrackerhey fyrestrtr do you think when you are finished helping meta4ical you can lend me a hand I dont mind staying up but I do not know how much longer you plan to be online10:45
busta305i need help with screen resolution10:45
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: a black screen != not responding :)10:45
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fyrestrtrits is only 11:45 here.10:45
canerhey Jordan_U if my car is supported by ndiswrapper does that mean i can use my card to connect a wireless network?? or anything more is required?? i am sorry if this is a silly question but i am confused..10:45
TTilusme_: whoa, if you managed to install, then its definitely working, what happens if you insert cd or dvd?10:45
busta305can any 1 help me pls10:45
ritzcrackerok ill stay up10:45
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fyrestrtrritzcracker: what is your issue?10:46
me_ttilus: i think it worked once. but not any more10:46
me_ttilus: maybe the installation is using another kernel10:46
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TTilusbusta305: do not ask if anyone can help, just ask your question or state your problem10:46
busta305can any1 help me pls10:46
busta305sryy im new to this10:46
ritzcrackerfyrestrt: i am using the  Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML and my laptop allows me to use external monitor I am trying to setup dual display they each work as a seperate but when i try to run both and setup in display manager x crashes10:47
TTilusbusta305: we really can not help if you do not tell us whats wrong :)10:47
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: I've copied your xorg.conf into place of the other, now do I do  start    gdm ( sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start ) AFTER i reboot into text-mode or right now?10:47
busta305i cant change the screen resolution on my ps310:47
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fyrestrtrritzcracker: paste your log when x crashes.10:47
TTilusme_: what happens if you insert cd or dvd?10:47
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: after reboot10:47
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me_ttilus: nothing and if i try to mount it i get: special device /dev/hda does not exist10:48
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TTilusme_:  do you have any /dev/hd* devices?10:48
fyrestrtrme_: why are you trying to mount it?10:48
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dimebarMikeRotch: fluxbox? enlightenment?10:48
Jordan_Ucaner, If your card is supported by NDISwrapper then it is possible to get it to work, but ndiswrapper can be hard to configure whereas cards like those from intel work with no configuration at all10:48
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busta305can any 1 help me change the screen resolution on my ps3?10:48
Joelworkwhere does the gnome session , store its startup programs?10:48
Joelworkwhere does the gnome session , store its startup program settings , that I set through the sessions UI?10:48
me_ttilus: and i tryed everyting else. e.g. /dev/sr0 /dev/hdx ...10:48
TTilusfyrestrtr: drive does not work, and its not mounting automatically10:48
ritzcrackerfyrestrtr: i have many diff logs I am not sure which is what10:49
ritzcrackerfor xorg10:49
me_fyrestrtr: because nothing happens if i dont mount it10:49
TTilusme_: do you _have_ any /dev/hd* devices?10:49
me_ttilus: no10:49
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me_ttilus: thats the prob i have nothing which could be the dvd device10:49
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busta305i need help changing the screen resolution on my ps310:50
Frogzoobusta305: run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"10:50
canerthank Jordan_U i think i have to read the whole documentation for ndiswrapper10:50
stefgme_: have you already inspected dmesg ?10:50
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x89xcan anoyne help me with my video drivers ??10:50
ritzcrackerits a pretty big log file10:50
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Ok wish me luck :P10:50
ritzcrackershould i paste it in here10:50
ritzcrackeror show you another way10:50
TTilusme_: could you pastebin your lsmod output10:50
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:51
TTilusme_: and lspci too10:51
x89xcan anoyne help me with my video drivers ??10:51
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me_ttilus: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13297/10:51
Jordan_Ucaner, You could try asking in #ndiswrapper but they will probably tell you to compile ndiswrapper from source, which is not easy10:51
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Frogzoox89x: we don't know what your problem is10:52
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canerthank you Jordan_U anyway i have to try10:52
TTilus!anyone | busta30510:52
ubotubusta305: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:52
=== Ind[y] [n=indy@athedsl-144105.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
x89xFrogzoo : i have a via K8M890 chipset. i wnat the video drivers10:53
fyrestrtrritzcracker: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log > ~/xorg-dualscreen.log and then post that to a pastebin.10:53
x89xi got a link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome10:53
me_ttilus: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13298/10:53
Ind[y] When I apt-get update I get 404 Not Found errors. Will this be fixed later, or I must do something?10:53
TTilusbusta305: sorry, a late call  :(10:53
fyrestrtrInd[y] : on which url?10:53
ritzcrackerfyrestrtr: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32002/10:53
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Ind[y] fyrestrtr: gr.archive.ubuntu.com10:53
stefgme_: look at line 354 of your dmesg paste: [ 24.401603]  ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)10:53
Ind[y] fyrestrtr: There isn't even http://gr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ (that gives 404 too).10:54
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lsprociamWhen I try to load the nvidia binary driver (manually installed), it says it can not load nvidiactl10:54
Jordan_Ucaner, If you happen to have any intel cards lying around anywhere you might want to swap out your broadcom card with it :) Good luck though10:54
busta305when i tried to reconfiguere  the x server thingy it didnt find nothing10:54
lsprociamNo such device or address10:54
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fyrestrtrInd[y] : change your sources to point to a different mirror10:55
fyrestrtrritzcracker: pastebin your xorg.conf10:55
me_stefg: hm and what shall this line tell me? ( i thought my dvd is not sata... normally it should be ide)10:55
ritzcrackerok one second10:55
fyrestrtrritzcracker: and output of lspci10:55
Ind[y] fyrestrtr: Won't this mirror be fixed?10:55
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fyrestrtrit is probably temporary.10:55
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Complete lockup ... I tried ctrl+alt+f1 all the way to 0 and nothing10:55
busta305what is the lowest resolution that u can put??10:56
DjDarkmanalsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument10:56
dehumm..... I have a router... ( and i want my machine to be  uuuummmm..... how?10:56
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Could I have my GDM back now lol? or should I keep it off10:56
DjDarkmanwhat does this mean?10:56
Ind[y] fyrestrtr: I hope so. If this has not been fixed until tommorow, I will change my sources.10:56
canerJordan_U i think i can not dig into my laptop since i can not even install a driver for it. yes i know i am dumb :)10:56
TTilusme_: the ide adapter sure is there10:56
TTilusme_: where's your lsmod paste?10:56
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Jordan_Ucaner, Oh, forgot it was a lappy :(10:56
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: keep it off for now. We need to reinstall fglrx. How did you install it initially?10:56
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Jordan_Ucaner, Any pcmcia cards lying around ? :)10:57
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fyrestrtrdeh: system > administration > network10:57
bcbooterI LOVE UBUNTU10:57
me_ttilus: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13299/10:57
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: I initially installed it through the restricted drivers manager, when I followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI10:57
bcbooterI LOVE U10:57
busta305can any 1 pls help me install java ?10:57
dehfyrestrtr: I dnt have a gui10:57
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr: when it did not work, I did as it was advised and followed the install for 6.1010:57
stefgme_:  Without knowinf the details it tells you that the motherboard doesn't see sata ports 2 and 3. there might be some interface from ide to sata on the mobo. Checked the hardware for loose cables / connectors?10:58
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TTilusbusta305: 800x600 should always work (if anything)10:58
busta305how do i install java?10:58
dimebarbusta305: on feisty?10:58
Jordan_U!java > busta30510:58
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ritzcrackerhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32003/ there is my xorg conf and under it is the lspci10:58
gordonjcpbusta305: read what the bot just told you ;-)10:58
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Cokashmolacould anyone help me get alsamixer to load?10:59
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:59
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me_stefg: its not that easy because its a notebook. and as it told before its working with win xp. so i dont think there a probs with the cable or something else10:59
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fyrestrtrritzcracker: errm ... how did you generate this xorg.conf?10:59
ritzcrackerby using displaymanger10:59
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ritzcrackeri forgot to backup my oringal11:00
fyrestrtrwell it is not right.11:00
busta305ttilus my current screen resolution is 576*384 and i cant change it11:00
fyrestrtrfor one, it thinks you have two cards in your system.11:00
stefgme_: ok, there are no cables for this then. So the kernel doesn't see the ide interface...11:00
TTilusme_: when i compare to mine, you seem to be lacking modules cdrom and ide_cd11:00
Cokashmolawhen i type alsamixer on the command line, i get the message alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device11:00
dehcan anyone help me set my IP(dnt have a GUI)11:00
Cokashmolaany suggestions?11:00
TTilusme_: try $ sudo modprobe cdrom and see what gives11:00
gordonjcpdeh: what are you trying to do?11:00
fyrestrtrdeh: what is your ethernet device?11:00
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dehi'm tryin 2 make my IP
fyrestrtrritzcracker: is X running at all?11:01
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ritzcrackerits running on my external monitor thats it11:01
me_ttilus: nothing :(11:01
TTilusbusta305: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:01
dehgordonjcp:I'm trying to make my IP
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TTilusme_: which means it was a success11:02
me_ttilus: ah rly11:02
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TTilusme_: now $ lsmod | grep ide11:02
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defconanyone upgrade to kernel 2.6.23 ? is it ok?11:02
TTilusme_: see anything?11:02
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mOrO^which is easier to install a tar.gz or an .rpm?11:02
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defconmOrO^, rpm11:02
me_ttilus: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/13300/11:02
TTilusmOrO^: what do you want to install?11:02
defconmOrO^, rpm -vhU *.rpm11:03
defconthats it11:03
jussi01mOrO^: tar.gz11:03
defconwell if u like to compile11:03
dns_56use alien to convert rpm to deb11:03
defconmake ; make install11:03
stefgdefcon: you're loosing all restricted drivers from the repos if you do so. Know how to get your wifi/video working on your own?11:03
jussi01mOrO^: rpm may be easier, but not better11:03
Cokashmolawhen i type alsamixer into the command line i get the message :alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device11:03
ritzcrackeri found my oringal xorg conf11:03
ritzcrackerone sec pasteing11:03
TTilusmOrO^: usually you do not _have_ to use either, you have a lot easier way to install sw to your box, apt11:03
defconsefg yes I know how11:03
mOrO^dns_56: I should install alien?11:03
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: do you want me to repost what i said or are you busy atm?11:03
dehi VI'd "/etc/network/interfaces" but t3h dood who told me to do that went 2 bed.... what do i do now?11:03
Cokashmolawhen i type alsamixer into the command line i get the message :alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device11:04
ritzcrackerfyrestrtr: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32004/11:04
dns_56it is up to you, alien does a better job than just using rpm, source might be cleaner11:04
TTilusmOrO^: what's the software you want to install?11:04
stefgdefcon: so give it a try, you can always revert to the stock kernel if you run into trouble11:04
mOrO^TTilus: gnomealize11:04
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mOrO^actually gnormalize11:04
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dehgordonjcp: can j00 help me?11:05
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TTilusmOrO^: and you are sure there's no debian package for it?11:05
jussi01!rpm | mOrO^11:05
ubotumOrO^: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)11:05
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nicle_mOrO^: suggest using the tar.gz11:05
dns_56it's perl based, it should not matter that much11:05
mOrO^ttilus: no Im not.11:06
TTilusme_: that does _not_ look good  :(  it did not load cdrom module11:06
fyrestrtrritzcracker: I have no idea what is going on there, but that is not a dual screen setup. Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo?highlight=%28Xinerama%29#head-293c9ec6c621bad38a16cfc937e194152d87596611:06
busta305where do i type this " sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jre" to install java?11:06
Cokashmolacould osmeone help me?11:06
dehI really need help! My family's going to the beach in a few hours, and i want to be able to ssh into my machine b4 i leave!! CAN ANYBODY PLEASE HELP!?11:06
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:06
gordonjcpdeh: sorry, was in another window11:06
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TTilusmOrO^: you really should first look for deb package, it's native to ubuntu11:06
nicle_mOrO^: the rpm dep maybe make you crazy11:06
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gordonjcpdeh: why do you need to set the IP address to something that specific?11:06
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: do you want me to repost what i said or are you busy atm?11:06
ritzcrackerok thx11:07
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TTilus!anybody | deh11:07
ubotudeh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:07
Cokashmolawhen i type alsamixer into the command line i get the message :alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device11:07
mOrO^niccle:: OK, Im convinced... thanks.'11:07
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: what is the status? Have you reinstall fglrx?11:07
gordonjcpTTilus: actually he already asked a question...11:07
blackestI just got a Buffalo whr-g54s router anyone suggest which firmware is best in their opinion and why for it?11:07
me_ttilus: hm k :( so... is there any chance to fix this?11:07
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: no, you asked how i initially installed it :P11:07
bytecodenicle_: isn't there an advantage through using alien though, in that the use of a converted deb allows your package manager to "know" that you've installed the software, where as using the tgz bypasses your package manager entirely and dirties up your system with untracked installations and components??11:07
Cokashmolawhen i type alsamixer into the command line i get the message :alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device11:07
Cokashmolaany suggestions?11:07
gordonjcpdeh: try googling for something like "ubuntu set static ip"11:08
dehgordonjcp: i did11:08
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dehbut i doesn't seem to have worked11:08
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dehgordonjcp: I installed ssh11:08
TTilusmOrO^: http://gnormalize.sourceforge.net/ says "A Debian package for gnormalize can be found at http://sponsors.debian.net/viewpkg.php?id=204 ", i'd say you go for that11:08
Meta4icalyrestrtr: do you want me to repost what i said or are you busy atm?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI11:08
dehgordonjcp: then i set the IP11:09
Meta4icaloh wow..11:09
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TTilusdeh: did you install ssh _server_?11:09
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Cokashmolawhen i type alsamixer into the command line i get the message :alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device....any suggestions?11:09
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busta305how do i install java for ppc?11:09
Meta4icali'm beginning to despite the paste in ubuntu as it barely seems to work11:09
mOrO^ttilus: Thanks for the url.11:09
TTilusme_: i do not really have an idea  :(  i'd go for forums next11:09
dehgordonjcp: i did "apt-get install ssh"11:09
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fyrestrtr!java | busta305 (read this>)11:09
lsprociamWhen I modprobe the nvidia module (manually installed), nothing happens, no acknowledgement in dmesg11:09
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr: You asked how I initially installed the drivers, and I replied I tried both methods for 7.04 and 6.10 of this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI11:09
Cokashmolawhen i type alsamixer into the command line i get the message :alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device....any suggestions?11:10
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: what version of ubuntu are you running?11:10
TTilusdeh: you need ssh-server on the box you want to connect to11:10
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr: 7.04 *11:10
bytecodeMeta4ical: have you tried using glipper for managing your clipboard?11:10
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: why would you follow the instructions for 6.10 ??11:10
busta305read wat11:10
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: I followed them AFTER 7.04 and it advised me too if the instructions for 7.04 didn't work11:10
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: I'm sorry don't hit me ><11:10
me_ttilus: kk thx anyway11:10
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ritzcrackerfyrestrtr the i810switch doesnt work on my system :(11:11
dehgordonjcp: so "apt-get install ssh _server_"?11:11
defconI installed allot of things on my ubuntu, any program to explain exactly what is in /etc/init.d and what is needed and what is not11:11
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: grep fglrx /var/log/messages -- does that print anything on your screen?11:11
fyrestrtrdefcon: sudo apt-get install bum11:11
defconI have like 100 files in /etc/init.d/ and I want to sort them out11:11
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Heck yes, shall I pastebin it?11:11
defconthnx fyrestrtr11:11
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: how many lines is it?11:11
busta305can any 1 tell me how to install java for ps3?11:11
dehgordonjcp: so "apt-get install ssh _server_"?11:12
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TTilusdefcon: what do you mean by "sort them out"11:12
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TTilusdeh: no, sudo apt-get install ssh-server11:12
defconTTilus, I need to know which is needed11:12
defconand which are not11:12
dehgordonjcp: o0o11:12
defconbum= installed now how do I find out what I have to keep11:12
fyrestrtrdefcon: run it11:12
TTilusdefcon: do _NOT_ touch them!11:12
defconim in fyrestrtr11:13
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Here you go, 33 lines -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32005/11:13
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dehgordonjcp: "E: Package ssh-server has no installation candidate"11:13
busta305can any 1 tell me how to install java for ps3?11:13
fyrestrtrdefcon: that will tell you what to *disable* and what to keep.11:13
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: and here's where the guide said follow 6.10 instructions -- "This will hopefully enable fglrx in a painless way. If not, follow the instructions for Edgy."11:13
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fyrestrtrdefcon: don't start disabling stuff at random, it will lead to headaches.11:13
TTilusdefcon: if you think you have excess software on you box use package manager of your choise (synaptic or like) to remove unused packages11:13
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defconfyrestrtr, thankyou11:14
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busta305can any 1 tell me how to install java for the ps3 pls11:14
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dehgordonjcp: ya get my msg?11:14
defconTTilus, thankyou11:14
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TTilusdeh: weird, try sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install openssh-server11:15
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: there is something else at work here.11:15
defconi'll be sure to look into what is safe to disable11:15
hollandlucaswhy, oh why does iTunes have to suck that much at sharing?!11:15
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: :(11:15
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defconi dont need headaches, i already have one11:15
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TTilusdefcon: what do you mean by "safe to disable"11:16
TTilusbusta305: do not shout, my ears hurt11:16
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defconHey guys I compiled ck's patchset to the new kernel, is the http://www.kernel.org/patchtypes/mm.html -mm patchset better?11:16
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defconck's is running smooth11:16
dehTTilus: "openssh-server is already the newest version"11:16
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TTilusdeh: okay, you have server11:16
defconTTilus, things i dont need that I installed like atop11:16
busta305ive asked like 8 time and yall dont help me =(11:16
defconand firestarter11:16
dehi did LAMP11:17
caneri get "Access point:invalid" for wlan0 when i run iwconfig and my wireless isnt working. could someone tell the problem?11:17
TTilusdeh: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start11:17
defconi also see powertweakd11:17
TTilusdeh: to make sure you have it running11:17
Meta4icalbusta305: I have a feeling it has to do with what time it is :P11:17
TTilusdeh: then you can try to connect to that box from elsewhere11:17
wilrecarhello its me again. is there any way to use xfce on a reg ubuntu 6.10 without anything being broken11:17
defconcaner, make sure u have the ssid set correctly11:17
busta305well can u tell me how to install it?11:17
defconwep or wpa caner?11:17
dns_56it is suppost to be in apt, apt-get install sun-java5-bin11:18
Meta4icalbusta305: I'm just a newb myself, I really don't know11:18
Meta4icaldefcon: WPA! :)11:18
RaVeN_=[::SoulRaven::] => hi! cool nick! ;-)11:18
Meta4icaldefcon: I'm a newbie and even I know that one :P11:18
dehTTilus: "* Starting OenBSD Secure Shell server...               [fail"11:18
busta305any 1 pls tell me11:18
hollandlucasbusta305: It says on the wiki page11:18
TTilusbusta305: i do not.  i'd guess nobody online can.  maybe you should try searching forums and then asking there.  if you are really in burning hurry you might try commercial support alternatives11:18
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canerdefcon main problem is that i think i can get the wireless driver work?11:19
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dns_56busta305: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaPPC11:19
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Are you still here?11:19
busta305ok but can yall help me with the resolution?11:19
defconwhat wireless driver caner11:20
wilrecarcan i use xfce on ubuntu edgy regular easily and without breaking something??11:20
caneri used ndiswrapper for broadcom 4311 but it gave no results defcon11:20
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defconcaner, so its not showing up as installed?11:20
Meta4icalHHK: Hi11:20
dns_56xfce has worked fine for years, worked in breezy11:20
defconcaner, try ndiswrapper -l11:20
dehTTilus: eeek were leaving for the beach in 70 min11:20
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defcondoes it show up?11:20
dehTTilus: we're11:21
defconu need to modprobe ndiswrapper and echo ndiswrapper >>/etc/modules11:21
canerit installs with no errors but after (in the ui for ndiswrapper) there writes "hardware present:no"11:21
wilrecarthanks dns, but do i install in from synaptic?11:21
caneri think those brodcom4311 are problematic11:21
defconcaner, I had the same problem, but it did work lol11:21
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: what error did you get when you tried it for 7.0411:21
=== fyrestrtr mumbles stupid office meetings
dns_56i think so, there should be xfce4 or maybe xubuntu-desktop package can't remember11:22
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wilrecarroger that11:22
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: I didn't get ANY problems actually installing fglrx on my system, I recieved none, everything went smoothly -- other than the black screen11:22
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defconcaner, It took me 2 weeks to find a working config for my wpa to work, here is what works for me in my /etc/network/interfaces file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32006/11:22
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canerdefcon could you give me a link or smth to the instruction u used11:22
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canerto get it work11:22
TTilusdeh: "fail" umm, check /var/log/syslog (wasit?)11:22
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dns_56i have software raid 5 and lvm over the md device where i currently have fedora and a few partitions, i would like to install ubuntu but feisty does not detect the lvm2, what should i do: install gutsy? use debian install cd? debootstrap from fedora?11:23
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: I can't open restricted driver manager anymore = /11:23
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: if you get a black screen, that's a resolution problem. If your computer completely hard-freezes, that's another thing entirely.11:23
TTilusdeh: i cant really remember where sshd writes its log11:23
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: so you are telling me that with fglrx, your computer completely locks up?11:23
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defconcaner, did u get your key with wpa_passphrase11:23
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr: From my own newb experience, I'm thinking a hard-freeze, as I tried entering the password despite the black screen and NOTHING and your shortcuts to open a console gave nothing11:23
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Also the harddrive appears to stop spinning -- but i can;t be sure on that one11:24
TTilusdef: could be daemon.log too11:24
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: then the problem is with the module; let me look at some notes on it.11:24
canerdefcon no i cant evet search to find wireless networks around11:24
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Take your time, i'm doing my own googling / forum searching :P11:24
dehTTilus: hmmm11:24
defcontry iwlist wlan0 scan11:24
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TTilusdeh: why do you need to ssh?  could we accomplish the same some other way11:25
danigmhi all, someone know how can I see what chipset use my wireless card?11:25
ritzcrackerokay now i really messed things up lol11:25
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: lets start from the top.11:25
dns_56dmesg and lspci will give a lot of info11:25
defconcaner, Here is a step by step tutorial for your network card http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28199011:26
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Meta4icalfyrestrtr: k11:26
=== Walaky felpofozza Walaky felhasznlt egy nagy pisztrnggal,hogy sok kis pisztrngot fog ltni csillagok helyett
TTilusdanigm: lspci could show it11:26
bcbooteranyone know if the ati tv wonder tv tuner is supported?11:26
fyrestrtrbecause I want to know exactly what is going on with your machine; type this > sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic restricted-manager11:26
abhibera> hi i'm using firefox on edgy and i'm trying to develop a toolbar extension for firefox. when i go to Tools>Add-Ons, in the extensions window the extension name appears but the extension itself doesn't appear in my firefox11:26
abhibera why?11:26
canerhey defcon i am using amd64 system. does that make any difference11:26
defconcaner, no11:26
defconcaner, check out this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28199011:26
canerthanks defcon let me give it a try11:27
defconcaner, np11:27
canerdefcon ok11:27
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dehcould anyone tell me how to check why ssh won't run?11:27
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fyrestrtrdeh: ssh client or ssh server?11:27
dehfyrestrtr: server11:28
fyrestrtrdeh: you need to install it.11:28
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dehfyrestrtr: but it wnt run11:28
TTilusfyrestrtr: he has it11:28
Meta4icalfyrestrtr:  I can't open anything Under System > Administration anymore :(11:28
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: huh?11:28
defcononce u get it working, this config worked for me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32006/ certain network cards dont work with network-manager or nm-applet although yours might, u can still get a connection without it11:28
rausb0deh: ssh oder sshd?11:28
fyrestrtrwhat do you mean 'can't open'?11:29
TTilusfyrestrtr: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start says failed for deh11:29
ritzcrackerfyrestrtr: i810switch does not work, also i tried going to that page and setting things up simlar to the xorg on file there and that just kept X from loading at all11:29
TTilusrausb0: sshd11:29
rausb0deh: check if the package openssh-server is installed11:29
fyrestrtrTTilus: that is because you are in ubuntu, not some other distro11:29
TTilusrausb0: it is11:29
Meta4ical"Failed to run /usr/bin/restricted-maneger as user root" "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."11:29
dns_561, is it running? /etc/init.d/ssh restart11:29
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: oh that's easy to solve.11:29
Meta4icalis this due to us disabling that gdm thing?11:29
nicle_deh: what's the output of "/etc/init.d/ssh restart"11:30
Meta4icalit worked before reboot ;o11:30
TTilusfyrestrtr: /lastlog deh, i have tried to help him, but dunno where sshd logs to debug why it does not start11:30
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fyrestrtrdeh: what do you get when you type this sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart11:30
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rausb0TTilus: maybe the key files in /etc/ssh are missing11:30
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fyrestrtrMeta4ical: log out of X11:31
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dehfyrestrtr:[ ok ] ...... that mean its running?11:31
dns_56just reinstall it, apt-get --reinstall install openssh-server11:31
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: when you get back to your prompt, type /etc/init.d/gdm start11:31
fyrestrtrdeh: yes, it means its running11:31
Meta4icalok brb11:31
rausb0deh: check the output of   pidof sshd11:31
dehfyrestrtr: hmmmm well i cnt ssh in from my mac :\11:31
wilrecarid like to replace gnome with another window manager, is it possible to do this without breaking anything?11:31
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fyrestrtrdeh: is your mac on the same network?11:32
dns_56can you ssh from the same machine? could be firewall problems11:32
fyrestrtrwilrecar: sure.11:32
wilrecarhow exactly?11:32
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dehrausb0: 473611:32
fyrestrtrwilrecar: what do you want to replace it with?11:32
rausb0deh: okay, so the server is running11:32
dns_56most wm have a --replace, ie metacity --replace11:32
rausb0deh: now do this on your ubuntu machine:  nc localhost 2211:32
dehfyrestrtr: yea... i have a router (
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gigabytesis there a Qt theme that resembles the gtk one so that I don't see the difference between gtk and qt applications?11:33
dehfyrestrtr: yea... the mac is.......11:33
fyrestrtrwilrecar: just install it from repositories11:33
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: Ah thank you, anyways I'll wait here until you want me to do something :P take your time i have hours to spare :)11:33
fyrestrtrdeh: from the mac, in Terminal type ssh yourusername@yourubuntuserveripaddress11:33
dehfyrestrtr: the mac is .10011:33
wilrecarbut id doesnt say it will take off gnome, and i want to completely remove gnome11:33
fyrestrtrwilrecar: oh that requires a bit of tinkering (well, a lot of it)11:34
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wilrecaryeah, thats why i came here11:34
dehfyrestrtr: nothing happens11:34
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fyrestrtrdeh: ping your ubuntu machine's ip address from your mac11:34
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dehfyrestrtr: -.-11:35
dehfyrestrtr: how do i check my servers IP?11:35
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dehi thought i set it to .24211:35
dehfyrestrtr: i thought i set it to .24211:35
wilrecarjust a suggestion that might have already been said, access your router be typing its local ip in firefox, then tinker with it from there11:35
rausb0deh: type in   ifconfig   on the server11:35
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wilrecarif thats remotely related to the problem11:36
dehrausb0: o0o thx..... its .10511:36
minusi cant install stupid beryl everytime i run it it turns white, i running it on a laptop with an intergrated ati 9200 graphix can i get some help???11:36
dehrausb0: u know how i can set it to .242?11:36
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minuscan anyone help with beryl?11:37
dns_56i woud use compiz-fusion, it is the replacement of beryl11:37
fyrestrtrdeh: read the manual page for networking (man interfaces)11:37
n00dl3deh: dhcp? Your router can do it I believe.11:37
dehrausb0: zomg!!!!! this is so cool!!! it wrx!!!11:37
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minusthats a bitch too it wont run correctly11:37
dehnood13: i dno how11:37
fyrestrtrdeh: does your network have dhcp?11:38
rausb0deh: if you use the dhcp function of your router, you have to configure a fixed ip adress for the mac adress of your ubuntu server. if the router lacks this function, just configure a static ip address on the ubuntu server11:38
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: for your problem, I need to figure out why X is completely crashing.11:38
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dns_56you can run ifconfig, it will display your current ip address11:38
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: me too : )11:38
fyrestrtrMeta4ical: first thing is first -- is this a vanilla install of Fiesty or an upgrade?11:38
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n00dl3X is lots of fun =o11:39
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: It's a vanillia -- if by that you mean completely fresh, I haven't even used Linux/Ubuntu before11:39
dehfyrestrtr: how do i check :\11:39
fyrestrtrand what happened exactly when you used the restricted drivers manager?11:39
Tmiminus:  ?11:39
fyrestrtrdeh: check what?11:39
minussorry i thought it was someone else11:39
dehfyrestrtr: how do i check 4 DHCP?11:39
Tmiah ok :)11:39
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rausb0deh: you have to know whether you are using dhcp or not11:39
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rausb0deh: after all, it's _your_ router, so you have to know its config11:40
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n00dl3deh: odds are you are :o11:40
Meta4icalfyrestrtr: I went to the Restricted Drivers Window and clicked enable, at which point it downloaded all the files and then said it required a restart for the install to finish, so I restarted and bam -- hit the black screen11:40
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N[i] Xhello. i downloaded an executable file but when i click on it nothing happens... can anybody help me?11:41
dehfyrestrtr: i r just a n00b!!11:41
dehfyrestrtr: lol11:41
fyrestrtrdeh: pastebin the output of ifconfig11:41
dns_56Meta4ical: what graphics card you useing? nvidia or ati?11:42
n00dl3N[i] X: executable file....as in *.exe? :P11:42
Meta4icaldns_56: Sapphire ATI Radeon x1550 pci-e11:42
rausb0deh: and pastebin the content of the file /etc/network/interfaces too11:42
N[i] Xn00dl3: no, executable file as in ipodlinux installer for linux11:43
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chemturionhey there, Im having trouble with my audio11:43
dehok... i changed interfaces back to DHCP11:43
chemturionit was working eariler today but now i cant hear anything11:43
dehif config is up right now11:43
dehHWaddr is the mac address i'm lookin 4, right?11:44
wilrecarif it doesn't work by clicking on it then get in the terminal, change the directory to where the installer is then run it11:44
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wilrecarthat was for n[i] x11:44
rausb0deh: yes, hw addr is the mac address11:45
dehlemme try something11:45
N[i] Xwilrecar: so i could just drag it to the desktop and click on it again?11:45
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N[i] Xwilrecar: that doesnt work...   how do u run it through terminal?11:45
dehrausb0: crap11:46
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rausb0deh: hmm?11:46
dehrausb0: what am i supposed to use for "DHCP Client" on my router?11:46
wilrecarif its on your desktop, type /home/(your profile name)/desktop/(the installers name)11:46
seamus7I am installing from source gnome-games 2.19.6 but when I do ./configure I get a dependency no package error: "Some games need python, but python or pygtk not found" ... but I have pygtk installed already???11:47
dns_56Meta4ical: i don't know a lot about ati, whati would try and do is stop useing the proprietary driver for the moment and install the ubuntu updates11:47
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chemturionhey there i'm having trouble with my audio, i was playing and listening to music eariler today, but now i cant hear anything11:47
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dehrausb0: there's my old comp's name with the same mac address11:47
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Meta4icaldns_56: All ubuntu updates have been installed, and I'm currently using vesa right now -- but for my purposes I _need_ the fglrx drivers11:47
wilrecarn[i] x if that doesnt work make sure its ubuntu/debian supported or compile it from source11:47
metbsdanyone familiar with php?11:47
ameyerN[i] X: might require a chmod u+x  /home/(your profile name)/desktop/(the installers name)11:47
dehrausb0: and then a button beside it that says clone11:47
N[i] Xwilrecar i tried that. the file is called installer: nix@NiX9000:~/Desktop$ installer11:48
N[i] Xbash: installer: command not found11:48
rausb0deh: well i don't know your router11:48
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dehrausb0: w8!!!! nevermind!!! i got it!! w007!!!!!!!!!11:48
Meta4icalfyre are you still here?11:48
rausb0deh: ;)11:48
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ameyerN[i] X: .installer11:48
cosinosneed help with webgoat11:49
wilrecarn[i] x i cant help then, im a linux newbie11:49
ameyerN[i] X: erm, ./installer11:49
N[i] Xameyer: ./installer: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.0.9.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:49
wilrecarn[i] x is the installer a file on your desktop or is it in a folder on your desktop11:49
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dns_56Meta4ical: knowing little about ati, how old is the card? the linux drivers lag a little behind windows, and ubuntu is released every 6 months, it might be possible to install drivers manually but not recommended11:49
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N[i] Xwilrecar: its on the desktop -.-11:50
wilrecarjust install the lib then n[i] x11:50
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N[i] X1 sec11:50
Meta4icaldns_56: I'm not exactly sure how old the card is .. but not that new ... and I also tried installing manually with the guide I followed11:50
wilrecari suggest using synaptic and search for the lib name11:50
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Meta4icaldns_56: If Method 2 in this guide is considered manual? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI11:51
dns_56Meta4ical: does anything work, is it just a black screen, do you have 3d effects/compositing enabled?11:51
N[i] Xwilrecar: i cant find the libs11:51
seamus7What might pygtk be when it's listed as missing while installing a package from source? I searched and found that it IS installed. Not sure how to meet this dependency?11:51
Meta4icaldns_56: I don't think you were here when I distributed this, but I made a forum thread :P http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3108820#post310882011:51
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novato_brvou ter q passar o dia todo numa reuniao11:52
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wilrecarn[i] x: if you can find thel ibs in synaptic then try to find the origin of your installer and it should let you download the libs11:52
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N[i] Xwilrecar: ok let me see11:52
chemturionhey there, I'm having trouble with my Audio, I cant seem to get anything to play through my speakers or headphones11:52
wilrecarn[i] x:if that doesnt work then search for the libs on google and there should be a debian-compattible one11:52
ameyerN[i] X: it might be libssl0.9.711:53
N[i] Xok 1 sec11:54
Meta4icalfyre|work: Hello?11:54
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seamus7wilrecar: I went to gnome-games in synaptic, the older version, and right-clicked for properties; this listed all dependencies which revealed the naming convention of one for which I was looking. thanks.11:55
dns_56Meta4ical: there is a console tool nvidia-xconfig, there is suppost to be an ati equivalent that sets up a xorg.conf11:55
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esteem_How do I format my CF card (as in, format all defvices under '/dev/sdc1','/dev/sdc2') ?11:55
N[i] Xwilrecar, ameyer: i tried installing libssl0.9.7 and it gave me this Errors were encountered while processing:11:55
N[i] X selinux-policy-default11:55
N[i] XE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:55
ir1yeah aticonfig11:55
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wilrecarn[i] x: you lost me, why would you install the ssl dependencies for an ipod related application?11:56
Meta4icalcould someone help? fyre was helping me and left and he disabled the gdm11:56
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Meta4icalhow do I go about enabling it again so I have a login screen? ;o11:57
dns_56/etc/init.d/gdm start11:57
N[i] Xwilrecar: because ameyer told me to11:57
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Meta4icaldns_56: does that start it permantely?11:57
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Meta4icalI think he turned off the service or something11:57
x89xan anyone help me with zydas drivers ??11:57
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deh1rausb0: u still here?11:57
dns_56no this time, there is a tool in ubuntu for managing it and you can restart in a different runlevel to stop it next time11:58
wilrecarn[i] x: you said that when you tried to run the install it showed the name of the required lib, search that on google, there should be something ubuntu compatible11:58
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x89xcan anyone help me with zydas drivers ??11:58
deh1rausb0: got disconnected when the router restarted to set the IP11:58
dns_56in the grub menu press e and add 2 to the end to start in runlevel 2 (no gui)11:58
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N[i] Xwilrecar: 1 sec11:59
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N[i] Xi think i found the problem11:59
dns_56i have software raid 5 and lvm over the md device where i currently have fedora and a few partitions, i would like to install ubuntu but feisty does not detect the lvm2, what should i do install gutsy? use debian install cd? debootstrap from fedora?11:59
wilrecaralso, how are there to N[i] X's in different colors?11:59
wilrecari think im talking to the gold nix and ameyer is talking to the purple one12:00
deh1can any1 help me? i need the last line of "/etc/network/interfaces"12:00
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N[i] Xuhm.... both are talking to me12:00
N[i] Xand im the only nix in here12:00
wilrecari see you with a purple colored name and i see a nix with a golden colored name in a slightly bolder text12:01
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dns_56deh1: network-manager does not like it if you manually change that file, mine has : auto eth112:01
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x89xdns_56 : can you help me ?12:02
N[i] Xim off guys12:02
N[i] Xttyl12:02
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ameyerwilrecar: the installer script required that lib apparently12:02
wilrecarit did?12:02
jqgHow to keep my iptables rules from recover after reboot???12:02
ameyerwilrecar: I'd guess the iPod only  runs signed binaries12:02
deh1dns_56: waddabout "inet DHCP"?12:02
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x89xdeh1 : can an USB adaptor work as an access point in ubuntu ?? It runs in XP12:03
wilrecari saw his earlier response say the lib libcrypto.so.0.9.7 was required12:03
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dns_56iface eth1 inet dhcp     this sets the device to use dhcp, then: auto eth1  to make it come up on boot12:04
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dns_56man interfaces for config options12:04
Frogzoojqg: I use this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32012/12:04
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dns_56wilrecar: it depends on if it has drivers, some manufacturers do not help linux developers build drivers and stop people distrobuting the required firmware12:05
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wilrecarwait wait wait, you have lost me again12:06
jqgFrogzoo,thx,but no easy way?12:06
x89xcan anyone help me with Wifi ?12:06
wilrecarfrom my point of view he has an ipodlinux installer but it wont work because its missing a library, correct???12:06
Frogzoojqg: you save that as /etc/init.d/iptables & put a symlink to it in /etc/rcS.d/S37iptables12:07
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ameyerwilrecar: apparently12:07
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ameyerdarn, he let12:08
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wilrecarameyer: so why would he need the ssl dependency or a driver?12:08
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ameyerwilrecar: who  knows12:08
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lucahi everyone12:08
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x89xcan anyone help me with zydas drivers ??12:08
wilrecaroh well12:08
lucaI have some problems w/ beagle - at boot it seems sometimes to forget to have indexed some files - can someone help me?12:08
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ameyerwilrecar: perhaps the linux image he was attempting to install on the iPod needed to be cryptographically signed12:09
SpeakerManiaWhere are the default system font files?12:09
wilrecarand the lib he needed was the cryptographer?12:09
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dns_56luca: beagle-settings > indexing, do you have a directory marked as private?12:10
Tenenis this the correct place to ask for kubuntu help?12:10
wilrecartenen:nope, go to #kubuntu12:10
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ameyerI can see how openssl might be useful for signing stuff12:10
lucadns_56 no12:10
wilrecaroh i see your point12:11
lucathe point is that it DOES index everything...but sometimes at boot it forgets some of the indexed directories/files...12:11
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dns_56luca: indexing is not done constantly or you will loose performance, give me a sec i'll see how to run it manually12:12
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lucawhat I do not understand though is why he forgets things he already indexed :-/12:13
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wilrecarsigning off12:14
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xavicoolhi frenz... I can't install ubuntu7.04 on my system with d102ggc2mb and pentium d2.8ghz processor.. 6.06 installed without ny troubles12:14
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Tenendo ubuntu and kubuntu both use madwifi by default?12:14
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dns_56Tenen: don't think it would be legal to have by default12:15
rausb0Tenen: yes12:15
x89xcan anyone help !! with zydas drivers ?12:16
rausb0dns_56: the madwifi-ng driver is on the ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu cd12:16
lucaunrar is legal12:16
xavicoolpls some one help me12:16
Tenenthen why did ubuntu install it and kubuntu didnt12:16
dns_56my mistake then12:16
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rausb0Tenen: it is part of the linux-restricted-modules package12:17
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xavicoolhi frenz... I can't install ubuntu7.04 on my system with d102ggc2mb and pentium d2.8ghz processor.. 6.06 installed without ny troubles12:18
Ignitewhat do you mean by cant install?12:18
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Tenenman switching from gnome to kde seems to be a big pain in the ass only reason i dropped ubuntu for kubuntu12:18
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dns_56install 6.06 then upgrade?12:18
Tenenand now the wifi dont work12:18
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cmoi-jujui have no sound12:18
cmoi-jujusomebody can help me12:19
lucauhm personally actually I install ubuntu and then synaptic -> kubuntu desktop kde-core :P12:19
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rausb0Tenen: maybe it was disabled by the /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common file12:19
Tenenso how do i enable it im a mega newb12:19
rausb0Tenen: "wifi dont work" can have many reasons. it is not necessarily the driver.12:20
dns_56Tenen: select gnome/kde from the login window,12:20
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Igniteugh i spent like forever getting wifi to work on my Acer laptop under Ubuntu lol12:21
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ameyerTenen: one common reason is Network Mangler^H^H^H^Hager12:21
SpeakerManiaWhere are the default system font files?12:21
IgniteI had to use NDISWrapper, took forever! but once I figure it out, I could set it up in under 10 mins12:21
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FrogzooSpeakerMania: /usr/share/fonts/12:21
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Tenenwell my wifi worked 100% in ubuntu, now i swap to kubuntu and its 0%12:22
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Tenenso i know the card has support12:22
udienzMahyuddinhello All12:22
x89xcan a wifi max USB adaptor used as an access point in linux ??  i could use it in XP as an access point for my PSP and laptop12:22
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dns_56SpeakerMania: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/12:23
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rausb0x89x: the zd1211rw driver does not support AP mode yet12:24
dns_56Tenen: install ubuntu, then from ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kunbunt-desktop12:24
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x89xrausb0 : its a wifi max. So do i have an another option to create an access piont ?12:24
dns_56Tenen: after that you can apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop if you don't like gnome12:25
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RichW_hey i got a ultra simple question.. i made a launcher on the desktop that links to a folder.. I want to change its icon.. how can i do this?12:25
rausb0x89x: the brand is totally unimportant. what matters is the chipset.12:25
RichW_the default icon is best discribed as crap12:25
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dns_56ln -s target name12:26
xavicooli tried upgrading .... But it locks up12:26
rausb0x89x: the old zd1211 driver has limited AP mode support, not very stable. i think the AP mode support for usb wlan sticks in linux (also for other chipsets like ralink) is non-existent at the moment.12:27
B-rabbitRichW:right ckick> properties12:27
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RichW_B-rabbit: thats what i thought but its not there.. just crappy embelems12:27
rausb0x89x: the best AP mode support is in the madwifi driver, but that driver is only for pci, cardbus and minipci cards with atheros chipset12:27
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jqgFrogzoo,sorry,your shell would not run by default?12:28
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NaitsirkHow can I put two empty SATA-disks into SW Raid-1 in ubuntu desktop edition?12:28
x89xrausb0 : but why is it like that ? it works awesome on XP !12:28
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bytecodeRichW_ it's the little square next to the name attribute on the [BASIC]  tab - click the pic.12:28
rausb0x89x: it is not only a matter of the hardware. the driver simply cannot do this at the moment.12:29
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xavicoolwhile installing it shows some bios clock not linked error...12:29
RichW_bytecode: AHHHHHH didnt see that12:29
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B-rabbitRichW_:no you have to go to properties and click on the icon which is already there and it will give you the options12:29
bytecodeRichW_: yeah - it's kind of sublte until you give it a nice icon ;-)12:29
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rausb0x89x: remember, many drivers are based on reverse engineering, because the h/w manufacturers do not release specs to free software driver developers12:30
moldyhow do i change the display resolution used by kde in ubuntu?12:30
moldyi succesfully changed the resolution in gnome, but kde still uses another one12:30
x89xrausb0 : do you know about the PSP ?12:30
rausb0x89x: no12:30
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B-rabbitmoldy: system>preference>screen resouloutin12:31
Frogzoojqg: you might be missing /etc/iptables12:31
x89x damn ! I think i'll have to use XP then ! rausb0 !12:31
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deh1could u help me really quick?12:32
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deh1i dnt know where my www directory is12:33
deh1or public_html12:33
deh1whatever "apache2-default/" is in12:33
jqgFrogzoo,I have the /etc/iptables/rulset,but after reboot the S37iptables will call /etc/init.d/iptables without parameter, so it just echo "******", run nothing,I guess???12:34
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deh1B-rabbit: could u tell me how 2 navigate directories?12:34
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mtappendenHi all12:34
deh1how do i see what's in this directory12:34
deh1hi mtappenden12:34
mtappendenI have a Linksys router and connections expire after 86,000 seconds, or just under a day12:35
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mtappendenIs there any way to make them never exzpire?12:35
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deh1*shrug* i'unno12:35
Frogzoojqg: the rc scripts get "start" as $112:35
mtappendenThe only way we can seem to reconnect is to disable and renable wireless access each day, or restart the router each day12:35
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deh1hmmm.... that's not coo12:35
B-rabbitdeh1:yes, type 'whereis' command in the terminal followed by the name of the directory or sub-directory :)12:35
Frogzoojqg: so at startup it will load the ruleset previously saved in /etc/iptables/ruleset12:36
dns_56can you set shorter/longer leases or set a static ip/12:36
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B-rabbitthat you wan to find ,deh!12:36
mtappendendns_56: Not that I know of12:36
mtappendenWe only got the router last week12:36
mtappendenUpgraded from a NetGear which never had the issue12:36
jqgFrogzoo,I am not good at shell,you mean 'ln -s /etc/init.d/iptables start /etc/rcS.d/S37iptables'???12:37
deh1D-rabbit: "apache2-default/"12:37
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dns_56you still useing the netgear? are they both fighting over dhcp?12:38
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jqgFrogzoo, how to do it?12:38
mtappendenNo, the NetGear died, which was the reason for buying the Linksys12:38
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deh1D-rabbit: I'm tryin 2 figure out how to get some HTML visible to the web12:39
x89xcan anyone help with 3D drivers ???12:39
x89xi cant run a screensaver12:39
mtappendenThey did have our old NetGear, but we figured we may as well go for something else since that didn't last long. The Linksys was three times the price and so far not good :/12:39
bromixwhat card do you have x89x12:39
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x89xits a Via S3G graphic adaptor12:39
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x89xbromix : i installed the openchrome drivers12:40
B-rabbitdeh1:i don't know what you mean,could you be more specific12:40
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mtappendenThere is an option to disable NAT, but I can't see an option to assign static addresses12:40
x89xwhen i open the screen saver option, the screen starts sticking !! like hell ! bromix12:40
Frogzoojqg: 'sudo ln -s /etc/init.d/iptables /etc/rcS.d/S37iptables12:41
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Frogzoojqg: then 'sudo mkdir /etc/iptables'12:41
deh1D-rabbit: sorry... my laptop's battery died12:41
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bromixhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome  have you been therex89?12:41
jqgFrogzoo,yes,I have don it12:41
Frogzoojqg: sudo iptables -L shows your rules?12:42
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deh1could someone help me? i am trying to do a search for a directory12:42
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jqgFrogzoo, but I don't know how to use the 'start' as $1 after reboot?12:42
Frogzoojqg: sudo iptables -L shows your rules?12:42
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x89xdeh1 : what directory ?12:43
erUSULdeh1: use locate12:43
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jqgFrogzoo,now , it's nothing with -L12:43
x89xdeh1 : doesnt the search function work ?12:43
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nadisguys , i think my ubuntu did not auto link the net....12:44
nadisi did set that12:44
deh1x89x: well just tryin 2 find the folder where i should put my HTML (which i'm assuming is a subdirectory of apache2-default because outcast-colony.com has it as a subdirectory)12:44
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Frogzoojqg: well you need to setup your rules, then 'sudo /etc/init.d/iptables save' will create /etc/iptables/ruleset - after that, every time you reboot, your rules will be saved & restored automatically12:44
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deh1search said there was no such directory12:45
bromixwhat are you looking for in there deh?12:45
jqgFrogzoo, I am not sure, but I think your shell's has no $1 by default?12:45
x89xdeh1 : no idead dude12:45
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lindogHi can anyone help with networking ,wired one is working wlan - i cannot make sense out of it card is recognized i can see my 2 networks but still doesn't connect to any of them any idea what to do?12:46
bromixdeh, look in /var/www12:47
Frogzoojqg: you're telling me my script doesn't work?12:47
deh1yea i got it with "locate"12:47
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defconi did a benchmark with interbench for 2.6.20-16-generic vs 2.6.22-ck1 CK's Patchset on ubuntu check out the results here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32018/ and I dont really understand the output, which is faster ck's or the ubuntu generic and where can I find a better benchmark utility12:47
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:47
omunozala madrid12:47
moldyB-rabbit: that does not work for kde12:48
moldyB-rabbit: i did it now by editing xorg.conf12:48
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deh1how do i set up ftp?12:48
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd12:48
ubotuFTP servers: !ftpd, !proftpd, !pure-ftpd, !twoftpd, !vsftpd, !MuddleFTPd, !wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: !PureAdmin, !GProftpd (for !GNOME), !KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proftpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:49
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Frogzoo!info wu-ftpd12:49
ubotuwu-ftpd: powerful and widely used FTP server. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.6.2-25ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 279 kB, installed size 800 kB12:49
bromixanyone else impressed with CompizFusion?12:49
x89xcan i install beryl on my PC ??12:49
Frogzoobromix: nope12:50
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dns_56the thing i like about compiz fusion is that there are fish inside the cube12:50
x89x can i install beryl on my PC ?? anyone12:50
mtappendenAnyone know how I set up static IPs in Linksys routers?12:50
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bromixwell, are ya into eyecandy, Frogzoo?12:50
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Frogzoodns_56: an important feature12:50
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hollandlucasIs it safe to chmod 777 /var/www (on a development machine)?12:50
bromixwhat are your specs metappenden?12:50
jqgFrogzoo,wow!Success,thx a lot!12:51
Frogzoojqg: cool12:51
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mtappendendns_56: Any idea how I can use static IPs instead of DHCP?12:51
khelllhow can i install tahoma font?12:51
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lindogHi can anyone help with networking ? wireless one12:52
B-rabbitx89x:yes you can :) i installed it on my pc12:52
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jqgFrogzoo,a little problem,why the shell will use 'start' as $1, I didn't see you call 'start' explict!12:52
locokomo t llamas12:52
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RichW_Anyone want a game of Gnibbles?12:52
IdleOne!es | loco12:53
ubotuloco: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:53
RichW_nibbles game in gnome12:53
IdleOne!offtopic | RichW12:53
ubotuRichW: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:53
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dns_56mtappenden: system > admin >network > select the device > properties  > specify an ip address, netmask, gateway. you also need to setup the ip of your dns server12:54
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khelllhow can i install tahoma font12:55
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Ignitehow is everyone tonight12:55
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer12:55
ubotudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP12:55
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:56
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:56
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lindogHi can anyone help with networking ? wireless one12:57
deh1i installed ftpd.... now how to i run it?12:57
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B-rabbitlindog:pls ask the question straight away12:58
wykisHello, how do I make Asus U3000 Mini USB DVB-T tuner work, and how to use it thereafter?12:58
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idefixis there something wrong with the repositories?12:58
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dns_56do you have /dev/dvb/* devices ? check the linux-tv wiki12:58
RichW_How do I change my key layout? Some dialog im missing?12:59
x89xhow do i enalble desktop effects ??12:59
defconhow can I benchmark my computer12:59
CheshireVikingidefix, i've just had problems with the security repo, but after trying a couple of times it worked12:59
SoulRavenhy, i don't manage to enable the lame suport for ffmpeg......12:59
wykisdns_56: it's empty12:59
wykisdns_56: okay12:59
SoulRavenplase help me....01:00
x89xdns_56 : how do i enalble desktop effects ?? ?01:00
lindogB-rabbit:    wired network is working , wlan - i cannot make sense out of it card is recognized i can see my 2 networks but still doesn't connect to any of them any idea what  to do?01:00
dns_56you don't have the drivers which is a problem, you may need to compile them manually (too new for the mainline kernel)01:00
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idefixthe IP is not found01:01
wykisdns_56: sure, are they included with kernel?01:01
dns_56x89x: i use a script called makefusiondebs to compile compiz-fusion look around opencompositing.org forums for it01:01
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CheshireVikingidefix, you asked about whether something was wrong with the repositories, i was just replying to you01:02
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dns_56wykis lets join another channel, it will be to noisy here01:02
wykisdns_56: what channel then?01:02
wykisI'm getting the kernel now01:03
x89xdns_56 : i cant even run a screen saver ! the screen starts sticking like hell !01:03
xoRockneed help,  got and error on login, now im login with my other account in 7.04on the same comp, how do i fix my error acc?01:03
dns_56 join #3432401:03
coralHello, my windows tend to stuck on the desktop like this: http://www.neosoft.se/problem.jpg . Do someone know what happens, i am running xfce, 1,7 ghz celeron, S3 savage and 256 mb ram01:03
SoulRavenplease help me, y don't know how to enable the mp3lame suport on the ffmpeg......01:04
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RichW_How do i change my key layout from US to UK?01:05
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coralHello, my windows tend to stuck on the desktop like this: http://www.neosoft.se/problem.jpg . Do someone know what happens, i am running xfce, 1,7 ghz celeron, S3 savage and 256 mb ram01:05
RichW_nvm found it01:05
defryskcoral, mixed repositories perhaps ? also make sure to run nautilus with the --no-browser option01:06
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coraldefrysk: i use XFCE and not gnome01:06
ANTHONce-ce cutez01:07
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lindogmy wired network is working , wlan  doesn't connect- i cannot make sense out of it card is recognized i can see my 2  wireless networks but still doesn't connect to any of them any idea what  to do?01:07
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defryskcoral, it looks like your desktop is overtaken by nautilus01:07
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bromixlindog, what wireless card do you have?01:09
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lindogbromix: dlink 520+01:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aircrack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:09
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rausb0!info aircrack-ng01:10
ubotuaircrack-ng: wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.6.2-7ubuntu1.1 (feisty), package size 186 kB, installed size 528 kB01:10
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m_do anyone know how to use Aircrack or John the ripper? i'm a newbie01:10
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bromixand is your network encrypted?01:10
bromixif so, what type?01:10
rausb0m_: look in the aircrack-ng wiki, it's well documented there01:10
rausb0m_: and make sure you use aircrack-ng, not the old aircrack01:11
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lindogbromix: one is another one not i can see both but i do not know how to connect to any of them01:11
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esteem_Is there any way I am able to speed up a DD clone?01:12
defryskcoral, i ment run nautilus with the --no-desktop option01:12
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Polysicsi just noticed i haven't booted up windows in 3 days01:13
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coraldefrysk: But i am not using nautilus?01:13
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defryskcoral, and never used it either ?01:13
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EpsisI've got a problem, i hope someone can help. Ayway, i've got an old Dell Latitude LS, it runs Win2k. I really want it to run Ubuntu, and it's barely over the minimum requirement. Anyway, i've got a LiveCD to install Ubuntu with, but i can't get my notebook to boot from it. I can't do a network boot either... Anybody think they could help me out please?01:13
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coraldefrysk: yes i hav eused it01:14
coraldefrysk: but i thought it were deactivaded when i installed xubuntu01:14
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defryskcoral, if you have an starter for nautilus go to properties and set nautilus to nautilus --no-desktop01:15
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defryskcoral, then restart x and nautilus wont take over your desktop again01:15
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coraldefrysk: tell me again, where do i set nautilus to not start, where is "properties" if you be more exact01:16
lindogbromix: one is encrypted another one is not i can see both but i do not know how to connect to any of them it doesn't work01:16
snail_how do i disable desktop icons in gnome?01:17
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defryskcoral, do you have a starter for nautlilus in your xxfce4 panel ? if yes right click it select properties (or its equivalent) an set the executable to nautilus --no-desktop01:18
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coraldefrysk: uhm.01:19
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coraldefrysk: i think not01:19
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defryskcoral, currently i do not use xfce4 , so for more details try #xubuntu01:19
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defryskcoral, and ask hot to set up the --no-desktop option for nautilus01:19
defryskhot = how01:19
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rausb0coral: you can check if nautilus is running by typing  pidof nautilus  in a terminal window01:20
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rausb0coral: if that command returns a number, it is the process id (pid) of the nautilus process01:20
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coralrausb0: it didnt01:21
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coralxfdesktop --reload did get rid of it however01:22
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defryskcoral, A more permanent solution is to set the gconf key /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop to "false" (the --no-desktop will no longer be required).  This can be done using the graphical gconf-editor, or the command-line gconftool utility.01:22
EpsisI've got a problem, i hope someone can help. Ayway, i've got an old Dell Latitude LS, it runs Win2k. I really want it to run Ubuntu, and it's barely over the minimum requirement. Anyway, i've got a LiveCD to install Ubuntu with, but i can't get my notebook to boot from it. I can't do a network boot either... Anybody think they could help me out please?01:22
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erUSUL!install | Epsis01:22
ubotuEpsis: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate01:22
rausb0coral: then nautilus isn't your problem. i don't know how you managed to confuse xfce4. i run it regularly and never had such problems.01:23
rausb0defrysk: i don't think nautilus is used by xfce at all01:23
IdleOneEpsis, either you need to set bios to boot from cd or maybe you did not burn the iso correctly01:23
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defryskrausb0, if you start nautilus in xfce4 nautlus will take over the desktop in xfce401:23
stuart-can i run beryl decently with a fast computer but slow ass geforce 2 graphic card?01:24
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rausb0defrysk: yes, but you have to explicitely start it01:24
defryskrausb0, which he did01:24
IdleOnestuart-, #ubuntu-effects and please watch your language01:24
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Epsisi know i've burnt the ISO correctly, i can use it in different computers without a problem. And the bios is the weird bit...01:25
rausb0defrysk: he said he used it earlier, before installing xfce01:25
bromixseems to me that the latest compiz fusion runs quicker and uses less memory than Beryl did.01:25
rausb0defrysk: that doesn't sound like he ran it from xfce01:26
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defryskrausb0, possibly but i believe only what I see and I saw an xfce4 desktop overtaken by nautilus01:26
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rausb0defrysk: so why did   pidof nautilus  return nothing?01:27
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defryskrausb0, he had nautilus turned of again01:27
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defryskbut that does not reverse the desktop01:27
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kernelpanichi all01:28
rausb0defrysk: alright01:28
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m1rhi all01:29
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veriyahi can anyone tell me a detail step by step guide of ubuntu feisty installation with images01:29
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jonathan_I'm still using ubuntu 5.1001:30
m1rveriya , use alternate install cd01:30
bromixveriya, have you tried the Ubuntu forums under the Installation topic?01:30
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veriyai'v installed it01:30
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veriyai jus need a link for a webiste01:30
veriyawhich has the one with images01:31
veriyai knw how to install01:31
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veriyai need the images for an assigmnt m doin01:31
IdleOneahhhh well then do your own homework and google :)01:31
veriyayea i hav googled01:32
=== KevinTW [n=gusty3@221-169-13-105.adsl.static.seed.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
bromixveriya. for a dual boot?01:32
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IdleOneyou might learn something and it is more rewarding to have done the work yourself01:32
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veriyan i did find one long ago from digg.com01:32
veriyam jus tryin to find it again01:32
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veriyadude i have installed ubuntu01:32
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dns_56i think distrowatch or osnews had one a while ago01:33
defryskveriya, http://philwiltux.blogspot.com/2005/04/ubuntu-install.html01:33
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m1rdoes someone here uses OPTION Vodafone mobile connect card HSDPA+ ***???01:34
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lindogwireless network doesn't connect any help?01:34
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wisemanHello there.01:34
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ZeroA4lindog, what is the wifi chipset?01:35
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wisemanI want to install Ubuntu on an old Sony VAIO PCG-N505SN notebook. At boot sequence it cannot recognize the PCMCIA IDE CD drive :-(01:35
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wisemanCan you help?01:35
veriyadefrysk: dude this is not feisty01:35
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veriyathis is dapper01:35
bromixveriya... how bout this  http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p3.htm01:36
veriyan m searchin for a one with the installation images01:36
lindog ZeroA4  not sure it is dlink 530+ card01:36
veriyawhich i cant print screen wyl installing01:36
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bromixdid you look?01:36
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ZeroA4lindog, get sure! linux reconize card by chipsets... many brands use the sama chipset01:37
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idefixwill life ever be as beautiful as back in Y2K?01:37
ZeroA4lindog, lspci should tell you the chipset01:37
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ZeroA4idefix, 4201:38
veriyabromix: yea01:38
veriyathats ok i guess01:38
lindogZeroA4:  all i know that i can see my 2 wireless network but i cannot connect to  them01:38
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ZeroA4lindog, they have wep or wpa?01:38
lindogZeroA4:  it is texas instrument chipset01:39
veriyabut the one m searchin for is graphical one01:39
veriyai did find it once on digg01:39
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veriyabut m not able to find it on digg now01:39
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lindogZeroA4: 1 is WEP anothet one is open connection01:39
veriyam sure m using the wrong words to search for it01:39
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idefixwho owns PC, can you please open up port 80 for me?01:40
ZeroA4lindog, can you paste the lspci line of you chipset ? pvt please01:40
aldinhi, i want to connect to WEP-ed cnetwork is this ok, cause it doesnt work for me: aldin@linux:~$ sudo iwconfig eth1 essid mynet key s:mykey01:40
bromixi think i found it for ya01:41
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ZeroA4aldin, did you try connect by the network manager?01:41
SinderkingHello All01:41
veriyabromix: yea this one will do...even though its not the one i saw from digg before..01:42
veriyathnks bromix01:42
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate01:42
idefixthere is no unrar feature in ubuntu?!01:42
aldinZeroA4: i am on kubuntu 7.04 and Knetworkmanager works ok, but when dhcpserver is on my AP, i would like to have it without dhcp so i need konsole way01:42
bromixthere is a package you can download to do it01:42
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dns_56there is unrar in multiverse i think01:43
ZeroA4idefix, there is unrar in the repos... search for rar at the add/remove in applications01:43
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idefixW: Failed to fetch http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/r/rar/rar_3.30-2_i386.deb01:43
idefix  404 Not Found [IP: 80] 01:43
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SinderkingHow can I switch the language when I want to type in ubuntu ?? (Eng to Thai)01:44
lindogZeroA4:  Network controller: Texas Instruments ACX 100 22Mbps Wireless Interface01:44
idefixis Thai a beautiful langauge?01:44
SinderkingBut it's really hard to learn01:44
hollandlucascan you guys recommend a good HTML/PHP editor? (I've just switched to Ubuntu)01:44
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idefixSinderking is it a bit like indonesian?01:45
fyre|workSinderking: add the keyboard indicator panel applet.01:45
ZeroA4idefix, try change the repo server to the main one01:45
unagiwhat drivers do i need to install if ubuntu doesnt see my hard drive to install01:45
defryskhollandlucas, bluefish , quanta01:45
Sinderkingfyrework: could you please tell me how to do that?01:45
aldinhollandlucas: try 'quanta' it is great, it has autocompletiton for php html etc... great editor, and u can try 'kate' or 'gedit' (standard ubuntu/kubuntu text editors)01:46
bromixidefix...i got it from Synaptic01:46
Sinderkingidefix: absolutely not, it's more likely ... khmer, laos, burma01:46
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hollandlucasmmm, how about vim? it seems to be pretty light weight01:46
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ZeroA4lindog, in a terminal: "sudo iwlist ethX scanning" lists your networks?01:46
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exarkunHow do I make updatedb run at a different time of day?01:46
fyre|workSinderking: right click on the panel, then click on add to panel. Then scroll down and find the keyboard indicator applet. Click on it, and click Add. Once it is added, right click on it and go to Keyboard Preferences and add your keyboard. Then, to switch -- the default shortcut is pressing both the alt keys at once, but you can change that in keyboard preferences.01:47
lindogZeroA4:  ethX      Interface doesn't support scanning.01:47
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ZeroA4lindog, change X for the number of your wifi eth01:47
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ZeroA4mine is eth101:48
pedehelp with installation01:48
ZeroA4can be other thins too... like ath001:48
pedei need to mount root and swap...01:48
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pedewhat should i do ?01:48
idefixZeroA4 SPM couldn't stat source package lists :-(01:49
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ZeroA4idefix, after you changed server?01:49
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idefixyes and before also01:49
m_can anyone please help me with aircrack-ng?01:49
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idefixI unchecked 5 and 10 from the list01:49
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=== pede slaps ZeroA4 around a bit with a large trout
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pedecan you help me?01:50
idefixnot after slapping poor ZeroA4!01:50
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Sinderkingfyre|work: I can switch now  (Thank you very much, sire!)01:50
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter01:50
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pedeand for ubuntu?01:50
ZeroA4pede, don know... why you need to mount it?01:50
pedeit is partr of installation01:51
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ubuanybody know howto enable anti-aliasing in compiz or beyrl, im using AIGLX + open ati driver?01:51
pedestep 5 out of 601:51
ZeroA4pede, mine didnt need it01:51
pedeok i have 6.101:51
shadowmanceri am having an issue with the repositories, it keeps either saying it is forbidden or it times out, and i have tried a dozen different mirrors, does anyone have any suggestions?01:51
lindogZeroA4:  http://pastebin.ca/64042101:52
idefixit says "the following problems were found on my system!"01:52
ZeroA4pede you mean you need to mark one partition as root01:52
unagianyone have problems playing videos in firefox?01:52
pedeand a swap01:52
Sinderkingexcuse me people, i've just removed the whole top toolbar, how can I undo that01:52
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ZeroA4lindog, i guess linux part is working them... " iwconfig wlan0 essid netgear " should conect you... there is also the graphical network manager01:53
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ZeroA4lindog, "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid netgear"01:54
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ZeroA4lindog, "sudo dhclinet wlan0"01:54
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CheshireVikingshadowmancer, i've had problems this morning, i just kept trying a couple of times until it worked01:54
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tarzanphiliphello everyone.01:55
lindogZeroA4: ii can see it should but doesn't01:55
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shadowmanceri have been trying for the past week01:55
TrezkerAnyone want to guide me through ssh in nautilus?01:55
pedezeroA4, how do i mark one partition as root ?01:55
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ZeroA4lindog, i think you should not have 2 wifi networks on the same channel01:55
tarzanphilipCan I ask a question regarding Solaris Express Developer here?01:56
pedeand another as swap ?01:56
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Sinderkingsorry i was disconnected01:56
tarzanphilipor this is just for ubuntu?01:56
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CheshireVikingshadowmancer, i only had a problem this morning, not had any difficulties in the past week01:56
ZeroA4pede, the swap you do at the partition part... you can use Gparted... change type to linux swap01:56
Sinderkingexcuse me people, i've just removed the top panel bar how can i get it back with the same icons (i mean undo it)01:57
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pedei dont understand tha shit01:57
exarkunSinderking: How'd you remove it?01:57
pedeim a window01:57
drcodehi all01:57
drcodeWhere can I still download ubuntu breezy packges?01:57
pedenot a pinquin01:57
ZeroA4pede, the root you choose the mount point to be " / " at the install program01:57
bromixsinder...Right click on the bottom panel....select new panel01:57
exarkundrcode: From the breezy repo.01:57
Sinderkingexarkun: wait up man01:57
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exarkundrcode: It's right next to the dapper / edgy / feisty repos01:57
pedei have chosen / but what is the next step ?01:58
drcodei try lots without seccess01:58
ZeroA4pede, there are pages with screen by screen help01:58
pedefrom there it seems that i can do nothing / anything01:58
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PriceChilddrcode, packages.ubuntu.com should show mirrors of packages01:58
pedei dont see those pages01:58
Sinderkingexarkun: I perform a right click then chose "delete this panel"(by accident) and then the penel was removed01:58
ZeroA4pede, wait01:58
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tarzanphiliphello where can i ask some help for solaris OS?01:59
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drcodethere is no breezy there?01:59
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drcode dapper dapper-backports edgy edgy-backports feisty feisty-backports gutsy01:59
bromixdid you add it again from the bottom panel, Sinder?01:59
ramviHi! My organisation want to have webcasting / stream video from a conference. I are about to order some software, but I asked them to wait to see if there's any open source alternatives. So I ask you, humble Ubuntu community, is there any open source alternatives to streaming live video? (Thinking about the whole system. A webplayer that plays it, the encoder and everything.)01:59
Sinderkingbromix: I dont get it01:59
Desktomhey guys. Anyone knows how the tc program works? I am trying to limit traffic, but it won't work01:59
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Desktomi am using a script (http://pastebin.com/d5a4bb7af) but maybe there's something wrong with it02:00
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ubuAnybody know of a ati + anti-aliasing howto for compiz? i keep reading that its the Ati cards that can use anti-aliasing with compiz, but i cant seem to find a howto, only for nvida.02:00
PriceChilddrcode, ah that's changed recently.... ah well. Please remember breezy reached EOL about a month ago and is no longer supported.02:00
drcodeI know02:00
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drcodebut I want to download small pakge02:00
drcodeof ICQ02:00
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Sinderkingbromix: now I only have the buttom panel with trashcan and workspaces. The top is removed and I just want to get it back02:01
lindogZeroA4:  i turned off one and left encryption off one alive and still the same it only connect to wired network02:01
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ZeroA4lindog, humm remove the wired cable... try without it02:01
exarkunSinderking: You can't get it back.  You can make a new one, though.02:02
drcodeany idea?02:02
bromixwell, Sinder...you can right click on the end of the bottom panel and choose "New panel" and then add to it what you wanted,   menu, clock, etc.02:02
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drcodemybe I can download DVD or somthing?02:02
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lindogZeroA4: OK i will02:02
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SinderkingYou mean I cannot get my old panel with many icons back??02:02
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numpsziHello! How can i list all of the named pipes created on my system?02:03
exarkunSinderking: It's deleted, sorry.  As far as I know, there's no undelete for panels.02:03
bromixyou can, I can post to you what files you'll have to go rename in your home directory, then you'll have to log out and it will restore the default panel02:03
exarkunnumpszi: find / -type p02:03
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SinderkingMy god, that's okay. Thanks for your help02:03
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TTilusramvi: icecast?02:03
numpsziexarkun: Thank you, it works!02:04
kernelpanicwhats up02:04
linux1i bought some ibm blade servers, ls20 by mistake.  I haven't bought a blade center chassis yet and am looking to see if the chassis has serial. I can't find any serial info on this.  Does anyone have experience with something like serial to usb connections?02:04
ramviTTilus, thanks!02:04
Sinderkingbromix: could you please name those files02:04
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linux1i need the server to a read a serial data feed as we use some legacy stuff02:04
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PriceChildlinux1, you might want to try ##hardware02:05
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ZeroA4pede http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-eft-desktop-installation-with-screenshots.html02:05
linux1PriceChild - tks02:05
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TTilusramvi: i havent put up any real apps with it, but ive heard it has been used, maybe you should go for icecast community forums/irc to ask for assistance/consultation02:05
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stuart-do i HAVE to install the AMD ubuntu if i plan on changing my motherboard?02:05
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exarkunstuart-: no02:06
drcodeany idea about ubuntu packges for breezy?02:06
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PriceChildstuart-, I don't like the idea of changing something like the motherboard and keeping the same install... might still work but sounds nasty to me.02:06
exarkundrcode: http://ftp.cica.es/guadalinex/repositorio/guadalinex-flamenco/pool-ubuntu-breezy/02:06
PriceChilddrcode, Breezy has reached EOL and is no longer supported. Please backup and upgrade to Dapper.02:06
drcodetthanx exarkun02:07
bromixTo delete all your panel settings and restore the defaults.02:07
bromixlog in, right click your desktop and choose open terminal, type;02:07
bromixrm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel/*02:07
bromixThen logout and back in again.02:07
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Sinderkingbromix: perfectly, how do you know that ^^"02:07
jaimehallo kann da jemand germany02:07
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bromixexcept...alt-F2 to open terminal02:07
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exarkunin 1997 when your new motherboard probably would have had an ide controller which was supported by a different driver than the one on your current motherboard, and you built your own kernel because you're leet and you excluded all of the ide drivers except for the one for the motherboard you had at the time, then you would have needed to build a new kernel before you install the new motherboard02:08
CheshireViking!de | jaime02:08
ubotujaime: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:08
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exarkunbut, it's not 1997 anymore, you didn't build your own kernel, the one you have now has all the ide drivers in it, the new motherboard's ide chipset is supported by the same driver as the one you have now anyway, and in no case would you have needed to re-install the whole system ;)02:08
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PriceChildexarkun, try it and see then :)02:09
jay___what app can i use to video capture from my webcam?02:09
drcodeexarkun: how I can use it inside sources.list?02:09
PriceChildjay___, camorama?02:09
xoRocki need help to share my internet connection, someone pls PV me or point me where should i started02:09
exarkunPriceChild: I switched from a P4 to an AMD about 8 months ago, as a matter of fact. ;P02:09
PriceChildexarkun, as i said, it "should" work... but sounds nasty to em02:09
jay___what formats does it do?02:09
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Jason_anyone good with laptop boot problems?02:09
m_a bit02:09
m_Jason_: i can might help u02:10
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jay___i need to record video not images02:10
Sinderkingbromix: i'll restart my com now thanks again man02:10
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Desktomanybody here familiar with bandwidth limiting using 'tc'02:10
m_Jason_: what's ur problem?02:10
exarkunDesktom: it's really hard.  it's easier to use something like wondershaper (which is built on top of tc)02:10
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me2reshhi, i am trying to install dovecot and i have a problem, can anyone help ?02:11
Jason_m_ I've got an HP laptop that won't boot. It displays Buffer I/O error sr0 358120 (usb legacy off - using no apic nolapic)02:11
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Desktomexarkun: I'm using a script that I've got from a forum... it uses tc and iptables and some stuff I'm not familiar with... But it doesn't seem to work :)02:11
m_Jason_: do u know how to change boot derection?02:11
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me2reshhi, i am trying to install dovecot and i have a problem, can anyone help ?02:12
exarkunDesktom: Ah.  Well. :)02:12
exarkunDesktom: #netfilter might be a good place to ask02:12
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exarkunDesktom: but it usually takes a while to get someone's attention in there, so be patient if you do02:12
drcodeexarkun: ?02:12
exarkundrcode: Hi what02:12
Jason_m_ no. Not too linux experienced.02:12
exarkundrcode: Oh, sources.list, uhm02:12
exarkundrcode: I dunno, you have to figure out just what URL it wants02:13
Desktomexarkun: I will go there. I am patient :) thanks!02:13
drcodethanx again02:13
exarkundrcode: I could tell you, but I'd have to figure it out myself first ;P02:13
drcodeI will chceck it02:13
exarkundrcode: If you want, you can just find the .deb file manually, download it, and install it with dpkg -I02:13
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exarkuner, maybe dpkg -i02:13
exarkunI forget02:13
m_Jason_: ok... i think you have to press F8 or something just when u turn on ur computer. if u look hardly you wil see a message: Press (...) to enter setup02:13
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exarkundrcode: though if there are other deps, you'll have to satisfy them manually, if you do that02:14
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Jason_m_ for the BIOS menu? I misunderstood you. I can do that.02:14
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bubbleok don't laugh but i was going to change my username and home dir, so i changed the name manually in /etc/passwd.. now i can't execute sudo on anything anymore bringing me to a bit of a halt.02:14
martyyyrAnyone know if bind9 relies on interface names (such as eth0, eth1)?02:15
m_Jason_: in the BIOS menu, change to CD (if u trying to boot from CD)02:15
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bubblecan i boot in a different run level which wont require a user to log in02:15
jay___anyone at all. i have webcam need to record video anything i can use?02:15
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bubble?? webcam02:16
Jason_m_ OK, got that far. The live CD won't boot, though.02:16
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stuart-is there a guitar pro type program for linux or will i have to wine it?02:16
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Jason_It gets to the splash screen OK, but dies before starting X02:16
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m_Jason_:  ok... have u changed the boot settings so u don't boot from an USB or something?02:17
martyyyrstuart-: DGuitar, I believe it's called02:17
stuart-martyyyr, cool. i'll check it out02:17
refloushow do I check if ubuntu picked up my nvidia video card?02:17
lindo1 ZeroA4: with cable unplug it is working but only under manual configuration and roaming turned off02:17
exarkunreflous: look at the monitor02:17
exarkunreflous: do you see things? :)02:17
Jason_m_ The settings are 1.)CD-ROM 2.)HDD 3.) Floppy 4.) Removable devices.02:17
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martyyyrexarkun: lol02:17
m_Jason_: now i think i know what your problem is: try to download a new ubuntu image02:18
reflousexarkun: smart ass :P, it is possible to pickup the video card but not the accelerator02:18
exarkunreflous: okay, so you want to know if X is using direct rendering, I guess?02:18
martyyyrreflous: type  lspci in a console, and  "dmesg | grep nvidia"02:18
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stuart-martyyyr, have you tried it? java would run slow on my system, which i hope not02:18
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Jason_m_ I've tried that a few times also. It also passes the verification check02:18
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reflousmartyyyr: ok so lspci showed the nvidia card, but dmesg | grep nvidia didn't show anything02:19
martyyyrstuart-: I haven't, but a friend of mine has and he seemed to be pretty excited when he told meabout it...02:19
me2reshhow i can create ssl certificate02:19
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m_Jason_: ok.. then i can't help u...stty02:19
Jason_m_ for what it's worth Fedora and Mandriva won't boot either.02:19
exarkunmartyyyr: lspci will show it no matter what X is doing, though.02:19
CheshireVikingJason_, are you using the live cd or the alternate cd? I had a laptop that wouldn't run the live cd because of a bios bug, I had to install using the alternate cd which worked fine once it was installed02:19
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stuart-martyyyr, alright. will try later02:19
reflousexarkun: yeah, I want X to use the card02:19
exarkunreflous: If you want to know about X direct rendering (which makes the biggest difference for hardware accelerated rendering, which is what you care about, I guess), `glxinfo | grep direct'02:19
ramseizeQuestion: is there any 3d software application which i can use ib ubuntu or is compatible with ubuntu fiesty?02:19
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Jason_CheshireViking: The alternate CD can't initialize the filesystem and dies at approximately step 3 or 4.02:20
reflousexarkun: direct rendering: No :(02:20
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reflousexarkun: any idea how I fix that?02:20
Jason_I also tried making a bootable USB key which did the same.02:20
BlavaZkyHi, can someone help me with my freezing asus laptop, system freezes without cd in drive :/02:20
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exarkunreflous: you might need to install a 'linux-restricted-modules' package appropriate for your kernel02:20
ramseizeQuestion: is there any 3d software application which i can use in ubuntu or is compatible with ubuntu fiesty?02:21
ZeroA4lindo1, you should be able to select the open wifi network at the network manager02:21
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exarkunreflous: or the 'nvidia-glx' package02:21
CheshireVikingJason_, it sounds like there's some sort of hardware incompatibility, but i'm not sure how you'd go about solving that02:21
reflousexarkun: how do I tell which one I want?02:21
exarkunreflous: or you might need to change your xorg.conf to use the 'nvidia' driver instead of the 'nv' driver02:21
exarkunreflous: `uname -a' will give you your kernel version02:21
ramseizeQuestion: is there any 3d software application which i can use in ubuntu or is compatible with ubuntu fiesty?02:21
exarkunreflous: install the one which matches that02:21
bromixJason, forgive me, but what are the specs of that laptop again?02:21
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:21
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exarkunramseize: What is a "3d software application"?02:22
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ramseizelike 3d animation softwares02:22
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Jason_CheshireViking: I thought so, I used to have an _old_ version of Mandrake installed, *sigh*02:22
ramseizewhich i could design 3d animations/ you know02:22
reflousexarkun: it is an old card, so would it be nvidia-glx-legacy ?02:22
exarkunreflous: possibly, depends how old.  I don't know exactly where the cutoff is.02:22
exarkunreflous: `apt-cache show <pkg name>' gives a desc of the package, I think those packages have lists of cards they support in their desc02:23
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exarkunramseize: povray?  blender?02:23
ramseizeanything else?02:23
reflousexarkun: yeah I'm legacy :P thanks02:23
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exarkunramseize: k3d?02:23
ramseizewhich is best and easy to use?02:23
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exarkunramseize: they're all terrible and hard02:23
wolfalfahello, having trouble using the mic, any pointers please ? :)02:23
exarkunjust like all the windows 3d animation software ;)02:24
kidbuntuplease help. i'm having a problem. everytime I start my synaptic, my add/remove applications. it exits suddenly02:24
ramseizecan you suggest me on something02:24
reflousexarkun: so I reboot, and X should be using direct rendering now? (after installing the nvidia-glx-legacy)02:24
exarkunramseize: I don't really do any animation myself, so I can't really.02:24
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ramseizeohh ok02:24
exarkunreflous: it might ;)  try it.  if not, then you might have to change/add something else too.02:25
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reflousexarkun: haha, ok02:25
exarkunreflous: you probably don't need to reboot, btw02:25
reflousexarkun: oh ok02:25
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reflousexarkun: still no direct rendering on the glxinfo command02:25
exarkunreflous: ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a console, log in, and 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'02:25
reflousoh ok02:25
exarkun(you do have to do that though :p)02:25
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bromixkidbuntu...what happens if you type      sudo apt-get update      in a terminal?02:25
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kidbuntubromix: wait, i'm trying that.02:26
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kidbuntubromix: right now doing sudo apt-get update seems normal02:26
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Lustbladerhello every102:27
Pretor1abi have created a 20GB iso file (backup of a hard drive) - how can i write this to multiple DVD's please?02:27
reflousexarkun: hrm, now I get: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"02:27
reflousexarkun: from glxinfo02:27
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ubu_How do i enable Anti-Aliasing on My Desktop? Im running Feisty + Open Ati Drivers + AIGLX + Compiz Fusion. I hear many places say its the nvidia cards that can AA the desktop cube02:28
exarkunreflous: nvidia-glx-legacy might have been the wrong thing, then?  when you installed it, did anything else get uninstalled?02:28
reflousexarkun: no02:28
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Jordan09Hey, (I'm new) I installed beryl. But I want the beryl-manager command to run automatically at startup. How can I do so?02:28
reflousexarkun: and my card is in the list of cards for the legacy driver02:28
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Pretor1abokay - how about : anyone know good DVD\CD burining applications please?02:28
exarkunreflous: ah, okay02:28
Lustbladerfor linux??? Pretor1ab02:29
LustbladerPretor1ab: or for windoze?02:29
ubu_Jordan09: System>Preferences>Sessions02:29
CheshireVikingPretor1ab, i use k3b for burning cd's & dvd's02:29
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exarkunreflous: I don't remember what that particular error message indicates, unfortunately.  I get the feeling things just got worse, not better, but that might not be true.02:29
bromixkidbuntu....  type this in your terminal02:29
exarkunLustblader: Take a guess.02:29
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bromix  sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libvte.so.9 /usr/lib/libvte.so.4  02:29
exarkunreflous: Check /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:29
reflousexarkun: hahha ok02:29
Lustbladerno ideas mate02:29
ubu_Jordan09: add your commands you want loaded at startup there02:29
Jordan09Great ubu_, thanks! ;)02:29
exarkunreflous: See if it is using "nv" or "nvidia" as the driver02:29
Pretor1abubuntu using gnome02:29
ubu_Jordan09: np02:29
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bromixthen try and see if it works and let me know02:30
kidbuntubromix: ok i typed sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libvte.so.9 /usr/lib/libvte.so.4. whats next02:30
sapuroPretorlab u can get DVD\CD burning apps using automatix202:30
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Pretor1absapuro, what is automatix ?02:30
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reflousexarkun: hrm its using nv & saying I have a geforce4, I thought I had a 2, maybe I did install the wrong driver after all02:30
Pici!automatix | sapuro Pretor1ab02:30
ubotusapuro Pretor1ab: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:30
Pretor1ab!google automatix02:30
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bromixhit enter :p, close the terminal and try synaptic or add/remove again02:30
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux02:31
exarkunreflous: okay here's the scary part02:31
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kidbuntubromix: thanks. it works fine now. the command that you gave me. what does it do?02:31
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.02:31
exarkunreflous: try changing "nv" to "nvidia" and do the gdm restart again.  if something goes wrong, X might fail to start afterwards.  if so, change it back to "nv" and do "start" instead of "restart" to the gdm command02:31
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bromixkid...did you install compiz?02:31
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exarkunreflous: "nv" doesn't support hw acceleration, btw, so that's most likely the problem here.02:32
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reflousexarkun: hrm ok, I'm also thinking I have the wrong driver, should I switch drivers first?02:32
CheshireVikingPretor1ab, have a look at either k3b or gnomebaker - both of them are in synaptic02:32
kidbuntubromix: nope? whats compiz?02:32
sapurois ubotu actually a person or it just generates some sort of automated response?02:32
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stuart-i have nvidia installed, but i can't play ubuntu's chess in 3d because it says i need to install opengl-python. do i still have 3d effects running though? nvidia splash shows up at startup02:32
kidbuntusapuro: he's a bot02:32
exarkunreflous: are you talking about the "Identifier" string in xorg.conf?02:32
Pretor1abyes i forgot about gnomebaker thanks CheshireViking02:33
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:33
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exarkunstuart-: run `glxinfo | grep direct'02:33
reflousexarkun: yes, I'm also thinking it might be right :P02:33
sapurokidbuntu i knew tha.lol02:33
exarkunreflous: hehe :)02:33
exarkunreflous: in any case, it doesn't actually affect anything02:33
stuart-exarkun, direct rendering yes02:33
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kidbuntusapuro: then why are you asking?02:33
reflousexarkun: the wrong driver doesn't effect anything?02:33
exarkunreflous: it's just for the benefit of the person trying to update the config02:33
bromixLook on youtube...you'll want it :p   anyway...some package that you installed most likely downgraded libvte...which breaks Synaptic02:33
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exarkunreflous: basically, it's just a label for you02:33
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exarkunstuart-: then you have hardware accelerated 3d02:33
reflousexarkun: oh no, but I think its the correct label, so let me switch to the non-legacy driver02:34
ubu_Im running Feisty + Open Ati Drivers + AIGLX + Compiz Fusion. I would like to have Anti-Aliasing, I hear many places say its the nvidia cards that can AA the desktop cube02:34
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stuart-exarkun, thanks.02:34
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lyoohi, when I compile modules on ubuntu 7.04, it's report: make[2] : *** No rule to make target `arch/i386/kernel/msr.c', needed by `arch/i386/kernel/msr.o'.  Stop. how to resolve it?02:35
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reflousexartun: ok I switched drivers & put nvidia, now everything seems to be working (direct rendering: yes)02:35
sapuroPretorlab the best way I can explain to you what is automatix is that, its like a package that brings a few software that installs automatically on your system whithout you having to use the terminal to code. It comes with drivers, dvd/cd burning software, codecs and plugins, and a few more other types of software. I personally use automatix, just to install the main programs it brings, after that, I use the terminal02:35
exarkunreflous: :)02:36
reflousexarkun: thanks man, now I can try out this beryl prog :)02:36
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gsevilI've install w32 codecs but I can't play some wmv video. It's said that I didn't have MSS2 codec02:36
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Lustblader!\how to change the read/write prefernces on a non-system folder????02:36
gsevilsomeone know about it02:36
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sapurokidbuntu hey calm down, dont be mad man, I just asked because I just found it weird the answer that it gave me whithout me even asking. I'm kinda new using Xchat02:37
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gsevilDo somebody know about MSS2 video codec?02:37
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sapurogsevil try installing vlc, it plays most of the stuff that I know02:38
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canerhow can i check if my wireless adapter is working (the driver ive installed) or not if there is no wireless network available????02:38
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KuprinHey peeps. Still having trouble with the new box: it seems video related, but even the Alternate install cd goes to a blank screen or freezes (I've had both) when you get past the opening menu (which displays fine).02:38
sapurogsevil at the terminal: sudo apt-get install vlc02:39
Lustbladervlc plays everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1102:39
sapuroLustblader vlc hell yeah :o :D02:39
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canerLustblader but has problems with subtitles02:40
Lustbladeri know!!02:40
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canerhey Lustblader what is ur mother language02:40
Lustbladeractually it's malayalam02:40
Lustbladeran indian language02:41
Lustbladerbut english is what i use most of the time02:41
caneroh that must be a bigger problem if you want to use subtitles in your own lang.02:41
Lustbladeri understand english quite well02:42
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canerallright then02:42
Lustbladerit's just the japanese movies that trouble me02:42
canerbut i still love totem since it made quite good progress recently02:42
Lustbladerakira kurosawa's stuff02:42
sapurocaner why use subtitle in ur own language? :s02:42
ubu_I need some help. Im running Feisty + Open Ati Drivers + AIGLX + Compiz Fusion. I would like to have Anti-Aliasing, I hear many places say its the nvidia cards that can AA the desktop cube02:42
Lustbladerwindows has a really good player in k-multimedia player02:42
canersapuro . whats interesting with that :?02:43
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canerLustblader it worths for watching kurosawa films02:44
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Lustbladeryup caner02:44
Lustbladertoo sad it's windows only02:45
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canerhey how can i check if my wireless driver is working well if there is no wireless network around available02:46
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exarkuncaner: how can you check if your eyes are working if it's pitch black02:46
bromixubu...did you try with nvidia-settings?02:46
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canerexarkun goog analogy lol02:46
Kopfgeldjaeegermaybe "sudo iwlist scan", and if it takes more than 2 seconds it works? ^^02:46
geniiexarkun: Yes, very apt02:47
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exarkuncaner: If you have two wireless cards, maybe you can create your own network with one and join it with the other02:47
caner"eth1      No scan results"02:47
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caneris this good enough02:48
geniiexarkun: Damn I was just writing that very same thing02:48
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canerexarkun let me give it a try02:48
exarkuncaner: it means /something/ :)  it probably means it's working, but it doesn't /necessarily/.  the only way to see if it really works is to really use it :)02:48
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canerexarkun yes ur right i am going to the library02:49
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Max0__how do i change what files open with what programs? as if i download a.torrent file in firefox its passed to a script i made which then rtorrent picks up. but im trying to get the same thing to happen with lynx02:49
gsevilI don't have Internet at home, do what do I need to download to install vlc02:49
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toddyNow I have two kernel with every starting of my PC!how to del one of them?02:49
Lustbladergsevil: many files02:49
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gsevilIs vlc the only way to play wmv with MSS2 codec?02:50
Lustbladerur better off downloading the codecs n using the totem gsevil02:50
gsevili have install xine02:50
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Lustbladergsevil: get more codecs02:50
gseviland many codecs02:50
gsevilI've install all the codec from mplayer website02:50
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gsevilalso w32 codec from medibuntu02:51
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sapurogsevil u want to install vlc?02:51
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KuprinOkay, Ubu guys, I've just proven using an XP install graciously provided by the university that it is NOT my hardware that's causing my problems. Now I *know* all of my hardware is supposedly supported in Linux (I built this thing TO be used in Linux) and I'm wondering what's so wrong with Ubu that nothing works? My current problem is that regardless of livecd, I get blank screens, no booting, and lockups during loading.02:51
sapurogsevil at the terminal type: sudo apt-get install vlc and that should do it02:52
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gsevilI know, but I don't have internet at home, so sad02:52
gsevilI have to download so many packages02:52
gseviland don't know what i had, what I don't have to download02:53
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Lustbladerespecially with vlc02:53
sapurogsevil uuuhhhh..that's different. I dont know if I could use ubuntu whithout internet other than to do some programming02:53
CheshireVikinggsevil, http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/graphics/vlc at the bottom of the page is an option to download vlc and possibly its dependencies, maybe if you select the i386 or amd64 version that'll have everything you need02:53
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reflousif I want a drive to always mount on bootup, is the best way to just manually hack the fstab, or does ubuntu have some easy way to do this?02:54
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toddyNow I have two kernel with every starting of my PC!how to del one of them?02:54
Lustbladerreflous: go to root/boot/grub02:54
Lustbladern edit menu.lst02:54
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askandDo you have to type all this to make a box with a button in with C! :O http://www.gtk.org/tutorial/c39.html#SEC-HELLOWORLD02:55
Lustbladeraskand: yessssssssssssssss02:55
bromixMaxo..stilll here?02:55
askandLustblader: (N)02:56
Lustbladeraskand: that' why some ppl use visual c02:56
askandLustblader: whats that?02:56
reflouslustblader, shouldn't I just add it to the fstab?02:56
SORMANOVwhat is the best way to do a centralized caching server in my LAN for caching apt packages ?02:56
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Lustbladeraskand: visual c is a easier form of c02:56
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Lustbladeraskand: let's u concentrate on the coding bit02:56
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askandLustblader: oh ok..ill check it..thanks02:57
cinexhow do you change the font/resolution of a console ?02:57
Lustbladerreflous: go to root /boot/grub n edit menu.lst  and make it default os02:57
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exarkunaskand: switch to a better language02:57
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geniiSORMANOV: There are a few packages you may want to look at. apt-proxy  apt-cache and apt-mirror02:57
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exarkunaskand: developing in C isn't just wasteful, it should be criminal in most cases02:58
Lustbladercinex: got to syste>prefs>screen resolution02:58
armyriadWhere can I find a good tutorial on dual booting Ubuntu and Windows XP?02:58
exarkunaskand: try python or smalltalk or lisp02:58
cinexLustblader: I mean a text only console02:58
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Lustbladercinex: am clueless02:58
geniiSORMANOV: If hd space is a concern perhaps apt-proxy. apt-mirror gets the entire repo. The other is sort of inbetween02:58
moldycan i configure kdm in such a way that only a user's real name or only a user's username is displayed in the list of users?02:59
askandexarkun: hmm...i was told that pyhon wasnt good cause you had to use an interpreter?02:59
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exarkunaskand: most people who talk about programming don't have a clue02:59
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Lustbladerexarkun: totally!!02:59
bromixarmyriad... try this one  http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/02:59
SORMANOVgenii, what about apt-cacher03:00
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jamamanI just noticed today that mplayer, totem, and vlc all crash on my feisty setup whenever I try to play videos from my digital camera. These videos played fine up until a week or so ago. Any ideas?03:00
askandexarkun: ok..i looked at python earlier..it seemed easier03:00
armyriadbromix: Ok.03:00
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exarkunaskand: here's how you make a gtk window in python, fwiw03:00
exarkunaskand: import gtk; w = gtk.Window(); w.show(); gtk.mainloop()03:00
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exarkunaskand: putting a button that says "Hello World" on it in the window might take another line :)03:01
bromixarmyriad:  This ones nice too.  I think I like it better.  http://www.howtoforge.com/dual_boot_windows_xp_vista_ubuntu_feisty03:01
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askandexarkun: thats very good : )03:01
toddyNow I have two kernel with every starting of my PC!how to del one of them?03:01
geniiSORMANOV: It is like apt-proxy except it stores whatever packages you are getting often locally for less bandwidth use and faster setup03:01
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toddyhow could i deal with it?03:01
armyriadbromix: Ok, thanks.03:01
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brownie17hi. i'm triyng to run my fresh install of the new ubuntu, and it tells me everytime that on of my drives is corrupt. i don't need it and it's only small. how do i disabled it without disconnecting it03:01
brownie17it won't let me start up03:01
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Eclipseris it possible to boot the livecd without the crappy graphical crap03:01
Lustbladernope Eclipser03:02
Eclipserwell sucks03:02
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cinexEclipser: once it has booted, pres cntl+alt+f103:02
EclipserI know03:02
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cinexyou can then log in and kill kdm/Xorg if you want03:02
Lustbladeror press ctrl-alt-backspace03:02
cinexLustblader: that will jsut reestart it03:02
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Lustbladerdon tell him03:03
brownie17not very nice03:03
Lustbladeri got conned that way once03:03
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brownie17how do i run fsck manually?03:03
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brownie17startup is telling me i need to do it03:04
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askandexarkun: hrm is it hard to have "bash commands" in pythonprograms?03:04
cinexe2fsck /dev/ (if you have ext2/303:04
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cinexbrownie17: you will need to unmount the device forst03:04
sapurois anyone dual booting Vista/Ubuntu 7.04?03:04
brownie17is it unmount hdb103:05
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Lustbladeror brownie17 just use the live cd to format the faulty drive03:05
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exarkunaskand: To accept strings from user input and execute them as though they were being given to a bash shell?03:05
brownie17yeah i might have to03:05
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jamamanregarding my issue of video not playing, here's the output of vlc and mplayer: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d5693868e03:05
exarkunaskand: (#python exists and is a good place for python-specific questions, btw)03:05
bromixor, you could just set it to NONE in the bios03:05
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bromixthen it won't even see it03:06
grayhanewhat file format would be best to use second drive on a system using both ubuntu and windows in dual boot03:06
ubu_I need some help. Im running Feisty + Open Ati Drivers + AIGLX + Compiz Fusion. I would like to have Anti-Aliasing, I hear many places say its the nvidia cards that can AA the desktop cube03:06
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[gen2] nikihi03:06
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gsevilI have dual Vista and ubuntu03:06
brownie17Lustblader, might do that. is there a tool on the livecd to format a drive?03:06
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[gen2] nikii cant get my nvidia gfx card to work (gf4ti)... maybe because i had envy running before?03:06
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Lustbladeryup brownie17.. it's callet qtpart03:06
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grayhanegsevil, I want to have slave drive that can be read from both OS, what woudl be the best format03:07
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brownie17lustblader thankyou, hopefully im' right that hdb1 is only the drive i don't want!!!!03:07
Lustbladerfat 3203:07
YoshiBishiHi, I am wondering what the best firewall is for ubuntu03:07
gsevilI use NTFS03:07
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Lustbladerno props brownie1703:07
Ky|WorkDoes anyone know of any alternate ports that you can connect to MSN via?  My firewall has the default one blocked03:07
gsevilLinux can read NTFS03:07
brownie17grayhane, can't write to NTFS in linux03:07
bromixUbu....if you install nvidia-settings (restricted)  you can probably enable the AA right from there.03:07
gsevilu can03:07
zirodaybrownie17: actually you can03:08
gsevilinstall NTFS-config03:08
aranganyone could help me with avidemux2 "trouble initializing audio device" problem here?03:08
askandexarkun: yes..hm ok will go there03:08
bromixor ntfs3g03:08
LustbladerKy|Work: tried 1863 ??03:08
mOrO^Question: Ive installed RealPlayer, and it seems to be working...but when I click on an online stream Totem pops up and cant handle the stream. How do I change the file association for this?03:08
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brownie17ziroday, i've heard it's super dangerous03:08
bromixNTFS-3G   rather03:08
Ky|WorkLustblader: that's the default, and its blocked03:09
sapurogsevil are both Vista and Ubuntu running smoothly?03:09
bromixheeh, C'mon...it's ONLY windows03:09
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zirodaybrownie17: no, not at all, it is in fact moved to stable and widely used03:09
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ameyerbrownie17: you probably also could use ext3, but it's rather poorly supported by a 3rd party driver in windows03:09
ziroday!ntfs | brownie1703:09
ubotubrownie17: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:09
ubu_Bromix: where are theese settings? and they will apply to my ati?03:09
mOrO^!file associations03:09
LustbladerKy|Work: try 690103:09
geniisapuro I have a box with Vista/FreeBSD6.2/W2KPro/Feisty03:09
brownie17how do i find out which HD is HDB1???03:10
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Lustbladerbrownie17:  click n look at the data03:10
LustbladerKy|Work: also 6891 to 690003:10
bromixright click the file....choose open with03:10
CheshireVikingbrownie17, in a terminal, type "blkid" that'll tell you which partitions are linked to sda1/sda2 etc03:11
brownie17Lustblader, WHAT?  don't know which harddrive is called Hdb103:11
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gsevilto write NTFS u can also use ntfs-config. I'm using it, it's working very well03:11
geniibrownie17: If you put just: mount   it should tell you where the hard drives are mounted to in the filesystem03:11
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sapurogenii are they both running fine?cause i got two laptops, one with XP/Feisty, and the other with Vista/Feisty.the one with Vista/Feisty got problems in ubuntu.03:11
gsevil's problem03:11
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nicle_<brownie17>: sudo fdisk -l03:11
[gen2] nikii renember that vista beta ruined my partition tabler03:11
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[gen2] nikiso that i couldnt have linux partitions at the same tiome03:12
geniisapuro : I have each on it's own hd and they work fine03:12
Ky|WorkLustblader: no dice on either one.  I know that there has to be one working because my buddy is running the offical windows client with no problem :P03:12
YoshiBishiHello, I am wondering what firewall and/or antivirus to set up on ubuntu03:12
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CheshireViking!virus | YoshiBishi03:12
ubotuYoshiBishi: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:12
fyre|workI have dual boot vista/fiesty -- no problems, single 120 GB disk.03:12
gsevilI've install all vista,XP and ubuntu03:12
sapurogsevil ubuntu wont connect wireless, no sound, no desktop effects03:12
aranganyone could help me with avidemux2 "trouble initializing audio device" problem here?03:12
LustbladerKy|Work: tried port 80???03:12
gsevilthree boot, not dual03:12
YoshiBishiI understand that CheshireViking, but would like to be able to scan for window viruses as well =).03:12
brownie17nicle_, well i'm getting an error when i start up saying hdb1 is corrupt file system and i can't start up nless i run fsck, but it tries and it fails.03:13
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:13
brownie17nicle_, should i fresh install. just did it so no data lost03:13
YoshiBishiThanks fyre|work.03:13
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CheshireVikingYoshiBishi, i think in the article it gives the names of a few antivirus packages03:13
sapurogenii the funny thing is that, on that same laptop, with Vista/Feisty, I had a dual boot of XP/Feisty before, and it was running fine.03:13
Ky|WorkLustblader: yea, that's the first thing I tried.  with and without the HTTP method checked03:13
Ky|Workneither seems to work03:13
ubu_bromix: where are these nvidia settings? and they will apply to my ati?03:13
YoshiBishiOh okay, thanks a lot CheshireViking03:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clamav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:13
bromixI thought you said you had and NV chipset ubu03:13
fyre|work!info clamav03:14
ubotuclamav: antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.90.2-0ubuntu1.3 (feisty), package size 850 kB, installed size 1280 kB03:14
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geniisapuro: Mine is a tower, but I installed in order, fbsd, then w2k then vista then ubuntu. The main bootloader is grub03:14
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ubu_bromix: no stty i have ati, but ive heard nvidia can do the AA, havnet found a guide for ati03:14
ubu_bromix: no srryy i have ati, but ive heard nvidia can do the AA, havnet found a guide for ati03:14
Barr1Using Feisty: Where can i find "Network Manager", its installed in sypnatic, but how do i start it?03:14
sapurogenii yesterday i was told that it doesnt matter which OS u ur dual booting because one has nothing to do with the other one, and yet, I only got problems in that laptop when is dual boot Vista/Feisty03:15
Ky|WorkBarr1: Network Manager should be running by default03:15
fyre|workBarr1: system > administration > network03:15
gsevilsapuro what's your problem03:15
geniisapuro: Yeah, it should not matter. but sometimes it does03:15
TinidrilHello, is this the best place for questions about mdadm and meta devices in general?03:15
nicle_<brownie17>: is your fs ext3?03:15
brownie17nicle_, yes03:16
geniisapuro: Since each of my OS have their own hd there is no chance they are sharing some partition or so on.03:16
Barr1Network = Network Manager?....i uninstalled Network manager and still saw "Network"....im trying to get WAP to work, and never see the option from the drop menu03:16
sapuroBarrl if its not running by default, add it to your startup programs, in System, Prefferences, Sessions, and Startup Programs03:17
nicle_<brownie17>:  how  old your harddisk?03:17
brownie17if i'm putting an OS on a parititon, should it be primary or logical?03:17
sapurogenii u got two physical disks?03:17
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brownie17nicle, maybe 5 years03:17
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TinidrilI woke up this morning to find my 7.04 server frozen solid.  Only way I can get it to boot is to remove any member of my raid-5 software array03:18
geniisapuro i have 4 physical disks, all off my IDE on the motherboard. My DVD and CD are off a second IDE controller (Promise TX2 card)03:18
sapurogsevil I got problems dual booting Vista/Feisty. tried reinstalling both using different procedures, but still...03:18
nicle_<brownie17>: it may be the physical damage, and I have the same experience03:18
sapurogenii it aint a laptop, is it?03:18
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geniisapuro: No, I already said it was a tower03:19
brownie17nicle_, worked fine an hour ago03:19
sapurogenii lol...my bad :D03:19
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nicle_<brownie17>: and even I reformat my hd with other fs(such as jfs)03:19
sapurogenii my vista came pre-installed with the laptop, Vista Home Premium, which I dont like it very much03:19
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Sfinxhey everyone03:19
brownie17nicle_, damn03:19
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=== Sfinx just installed Ubuntu with Compiz-fusion
brownie17nicle_, okay it's installing and i'm going to bed. goodnight all03:20
nicle_<brownie17>: suggest u try the other fs03:20
geniisapuro: I dunno which version I have, they send em to me at work all the time (Microsoft).I think  probably the same.03:20
brownie17nicle_, if this donesn't work i will. thanks a heap03:20
SfinxAnyone able to install XGL with a recent ATI card?03:20
nicle_<brownie17>: :)03:21
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m1rvodafone mobile connect card help needed03:21
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sapurogenii a few weeks ago, I just completely deleted vista and installed XP on it, to dual boot with Feisty, feisty worked absolutely fine, and WinXP Pro worked fine as well, is just that, the laptop looked weird whithout vista on it.lol03:22
ubu_anyone know where i can see what refresh rate im running at?03:22
kaiyilenHey, I'm trying to use mkisofs to create an ISO of a directory on my machine however it appears to be truncating the file names of files. How do i make it preserve the original file names?03:22
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geniisapuro: Same bootloader on the XP/ubuntu vista/ubuntu setups?03:23
nicle_<sapuro> one of my friend did the same thing03:23
nicle_<sapuro>: vista is s**k03:23
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sapuroubu_ System, Prefferences, Screen Resolution that's where u'll find ur refresh rate03:23
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geniikaiyilen: There is a switch to use Joliet, man mkisofs  should have it in there somewhere03:24
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sapurogenii yep, I did exactly the same thing on both machines03:24
sapurogenii I think Vista is just a big problem03:24
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geniisapuro: I did notice after a fairly large set of upgrades on it i had to reinstall grub03:24
geniisapuro: It had messed with the mbr03:25
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ubu_sapuro: i mean the real refresh rate, like updates/sec, so i can properly match compiz to it03:25
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sapurogenii because, when I load vista, everything works fine, but when I load feisty oh man,problem starts, I got wireless, but no signal strength, and it wont accept my wep key.lol, I got no sound, I can't enable desktop effects, but hey, let's look at the bright side, I can connect to the internet, with a wire :o.lol03:26
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unagiwhat do i do if ubuntu wont recognize my hard drive to isntall it03:27
aranganyone could help me with avidemux2 "trouble initializing audio device" problem here?03:27
geniikaiyilen: There is also a switch called iso-level which will let you relax standard 8.3 naming and depth of directories if you don't want Joliet type CDs03:27
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nicle_<unagi>: is your hd  sata?03:27
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sapuronicle_ totally agree.lol...but if the laptop came with vista pre-installed and u pu xp, u'll notice a big difference :D...specially in graphics03:28
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geniisapuro: Hmm. I set my bios for non PNP OS because i had W2KPro on it. I think whats happening is vista configures PNP stuff in one config then Ubuntu tries to use it in the config it originally discovered things.03:28
bromixvista=WinME   WinME=Vista03:29
TinidrilAnyone have any advice on recovering a failed soft raid5 array?  mdadm wont even acknowledge that the members exist.03:29
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m1rsapuro , best special graphics is tty1 , u dont even need refresh rate03:29
geniibromix: Nah, ME is basically the last stab at 98 whereas the engine in Vista is the 2K/XP engine03:29
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bromixtoo soon, too much, system hog...barf03:31
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geniiTinidril: If you had 2 parts of the array on the same disk, kiss it goodbye03:31
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unagi_what do i do if ubuntu doesnt see my hard drive and cant install03:31
SoulChildwhich filesystem has the biggest file compression ?03:31
Tinidrilgenii I had three separate disks in a raid 503:32
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SoulChildxpoint: sure,.. reiserfs does have a smaller disk space usage !03:32
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unagi_anyone know what to do if ubuntu doesnt see ur hard drive during install?03:33
sapurogenii i'm just getting really disapointed with microsoft03:33
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sapuromlr r u talking about xp?03:33
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geniisapuro: I'm getting that way with ATI03:33
geniisapuro: :)03:33
bromixmy ATI works flawlessly in Ubuntu..even with the new compizfusion03:33
CorrosionXHey guys I always have some cronjobbed Fetchmail scripts that keep hanging and then the email doesn't deliver properly... do you think there's a way to put a time limit on the process and then kill it?03:34
Phydouxsapuro, I think we're all pretty much pissed at M$ at the moment03:34
nicle_<unagi_>: is your hd sata??03:34
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Travisi jsut got my shit workin tonight with my broadcom03:34
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unagi_nicle_: no its ide03:34
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bromixBC...there's some forum diggin03:34
geniiTinidril: Were you already running it in degraded mode then the second one went?03:34
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m1rif there were no M$ , what pc's would i get to repair ? :)03:35
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Travisim usin mepis now03:35
FunnyLookinHatIs there any way to set preferred wireless networks with network manager?  It insists on connecting to networks with lower signals than the one I want by default....03:35
nicle_<unagi_>: can u see it in bios?03:35
sapurogenii r u sure if I set my bios for non PNP, it wont mess it up?I dont like playing with the bios apart from doing overclocking.lol03:35
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sapuroPhydoux and they'r still getting richer.lol03:35
Travisis it hard to overclock?03:35
geniisapuro: Well, my bios was set that way BEFORE I installed any OS on it. If you change it now I dunno what may or may not happen03:36
pawanhow to install firefox03:36
sapurogenii lol03:36
Tinidrilgenii I was running with three drives when the system locked hard.  It would lock hard every time I tried to boot until I physicly disconnected one of the raid members.  I'm booting off a separate drive03:36
sapuroTravis no, but it can screw up ur system.lol03:36
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sapuroTravis I only do it if its a tower, never on a laptop.lol03:37
Travisim coo then03:37
sapuromlr tell me about mlr03:37
hyljeyou may want to underclock your laptop processor to make it eat less powerz03:37
geniiTinidril: Ah, OK. So your RAID setup configs etc is on the 3 drives not the drive you are boooting from then03:37
hyljebut its mundane as the display takes so much more energy03:37
Travisthat really works?03:38
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sapurogenii which way r u getting with ATI?03:38
Travisi had XP for a long time and i wanted to dual boot and messed up03:38
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Tinidrilgenii yes, the raid is for large storage, not booting03:38
Travisnow im learning linux03:38
Jack_SparrowTinidril: May I ask how many watts you have in that power supply?03:38
[gen2] nikihi03:38
squalla_i need help03:38
Travisi got a laptop03:39
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[gen2] nikican someone help me setting my geforce 4 up?03:39
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squalla_who can help me ???03:39
Travissorrry mane03:39
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Traviswhat u trying to do?03:39
geniiTinidril: Do you have /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf on the drive you are booting from?03:39
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sapuroTravis dual boot XP/Feisty is the best, u got the best of both worlds, cause u'll be using one of the best from Microsoft and off course. linux :o03:39
Pici!ask | squalla_03:39
ubotusqualla_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:39
unagi_why is it mandriva can operate my card reader but ubuntu cant?03:39
phanto1Envy installs ATI driver. How is that driver called ( not fglrx) ?  I tried to install the driver some time ago with envy and now with sh XXX.run but both aren't functioning with xgl on my RX1300. Xgl booting into distorted Gnome.03:40
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Travisthis mepis is the best for my pc now, cause of the broadcom03:40
TinidrilYes, the raid array is only used for storage.  /etc is on the single drive03:40
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Jack_SparrowTravis: No problems with broadcom in Ubuntu either.03:40
CorrosionXSo, does anyone know a way to keep a fetchmail process from hanging, or at least killing itself after x amount of time?03:40
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Travisi dont have the drivers from windows and dont know how to use the ndiswrapper03:40
geniisapuro: I am getting a bit disappointed with the ATI/AMD drivers because they so far won't release the source for them and the binaries like fglrx all seem to have some issues03:40
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Travisi had it03:41
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sapurogenii wasnt ATI supposed to be good?lol03:41
Jack_SparrowTravis: We dont need ndiswrapper for broadcom any more..03:41
Jack_SparrowTravis: 43xx ont 4403:41
geniisapuro: I used to be a big ATI fan when mostly I ran Windoze but have become disillusioned03:42
bromixI followed a tutorial and my ati/xgl installed without a hitch, runs sweet.  Play WoW on Ubuntu, and run CompizFusion all tweaked out.03:42
Travismine is a airforce somethin03:42
squalla_before (i have Screen resolution is 1024x768), after install it's have only 800x600 :(( ---> who can help me ?03:42
Travis44 some shit03:42
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sapurogenii my big problem is just the wireless, its recognising my network, but it has no signal strength, I'v installed ndiswrapper, which is not even working properly...and just getting fedup03:42
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squalla_i installed Nvidia driver03:42
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Travisi used to run that pclinux disstro03:42
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Travisim bad at installing crap03:43
sapurogenii lol...but for gaming, ur still better off using windows :o03:43
KrustFRGI just went to do and Update on my server for "tcpdump" and I got this error03:43
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KrustFRGW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tcpdump/tcpdump_3.9.5-2ubuntu1_i386.deb03:43
KrustFRG  Could not connect to security.ubuntu.com:80 ( - connect (113 No route to host)03:43
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Traviswhats this WINE prog03:43
squalla_my video card is RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro03:43
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geniiTinidril: Did you try something like:   sudo mdadm assemble /dev/md003:43
nextstatesqualla_: have you played with your xorg.conf file?03:43
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Travisyou can run windows progs with it?"03:43
squalla_i didn't with it03:43
miranda82_i unchecked the Intel Pro Wireless Driver, in the restricted drivers manager, and now, every time i try to boot i get either a kernel panic, either a BUG: scheduling while atomic, any way to load the driver again?03:43
bromixsapuro...what card do you have?03:43
sapurogenii and, vista, has something real good about graphics, it kinda like brings the best out of ur graphics card03:43
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phanto1bromix: there is a package which I once instaled but its missing from my curent distro and I dont remember its name.03:44
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nextstatesqualla_: that where you want to look, maybe an x channel would help03:44
Tinidrilmdadm: An option must be given to set the mode before a second device is listed03:44
sapurobromix r u talking about graphics card? ATI Radeon Xpress 200M03:44
KrustFRGsays is not Authenticated, how can I fix this, yet is from the Ubuntu repos03:44
Travisyes to me?03:44
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geniibromix: Well I'm glad at least someone is experiencing no ATI headaches :)03:44
squalla_x channel ???03:44
Travisabout that wine prog03:44
bromixyour wireless, sapuro03:44
squalla_what is x channel ???03:45
nextstatesqualla_: I mean a channel about x or xorg03:45
sapurobromix my wireless is Ralink03:45
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bromixi have the same... it's super easy, let me get you a link03:45
miranda82__i unchecked the Intel Pro Wireless Driver, in the restricted drivers manager, and now, every time i try to boot i get either a kernel panic, either a BUG: scheduling while atomic, any way to load the driver again?03:45
squalla_can you give me ?03:45
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nextstatetry #xorg03:45
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squalla_xubuntu ????03:45
unagi_ ide interface intel 82801fb fbm fr fw frw ich6 family ide controller rev 05........thats what i get with lspci03:45
sapurobromix it works fine if I dual boot XP/Feisty, no wireless problems whatsoever03:45
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geniiTinidril: Syntax may be more like:   sudo mdadm -A /dev/md0             (if it is md0 in fact)03:45
sapurobromix but when its Vista/Feisty ...03:45
geniiwork AFK03:45
Travisi was trying to run vista03:46
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Travisit sucks03:46
kalleball2how do you know if you've managed to install the ATI graphics drivers or if you're still running the default drivers?03:46
sapurobromix it spots the connection, but no signal strength, and plus, wont take my wep key03:46
Traviscouldnt gt my audio o work03:46
miranda82__i unchecked the Intel Pro Wireless Driver, in the restricted drivers manager, and now, every time i try to boot i get either a kernel panic, either a BUG: scheduling while atomic, any way to load the driver again?03:46
bromixdoesn't matter what you have for windows..  ubuntu doesn't look at it.03:46
sapuroTravis its good for gaming u know :o03:46
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unagi_well i like windows media center.........if linux could replicate that ill be happier03:46
Travisfor the ac'9703:46
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nextstatesqualla_: you will probably have to manually edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file03:46
bromixthey're totally separate, it would have nothing to do with your networking in Ubunutu03:46
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sapurobromix that's the big problem, because on the same machine, I tried XP/Ubuntu, and everthing worked fine :o!03:47
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TinidrilI changed assemble to --assemble and got : mdadm: no devices found for /dev/md003:47
Travison a desktop tho right?03:47
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TinidrilIf I list the devices it complains : no recogniseable superblock on /dev/sdb03:47
bromixyour problem is in configuration in Ubuntu.  Vista has nothing to do with Ubuntu03:47
Travislaptops arre kinda shitty with linux03:47
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sapurobromix i've tried like 10 times or more, reinstalling, using the same procedures, even tried the ones in ubunu help sites,but, nothing03:47
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Travisi liked ubuntu03:48
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Travismiss it03:48
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sapurobromix I've configured ubuntu exactly the same way I did before03:48
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SkryptI'm having a serious issue with Ubuntu. If left to idle for a length of time, the system completely freezes. When rebooting, the GRUB is not recognized. i've attempted to restore the GRUB via Super Grub but that doesn't work. I have to boot from the Super Grub CD. I disabled the screen saver and received a message about swap size being too small or something. (100MB Swap)03:48
Travisi miss xp too tho03:48
unagi_can anyone help me with ubuntu not detecting my hd03:48
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miranda_____i unchecked the Intel Pro Wireless Driver, in the restricted drivers manager, and now, every time i try to boot i get either a kernel panic, either a BUG: scheduling while atomic, any way to load the driver again?03:48
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sapuroTravis which one r u using at the moment?03:48
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systemd0wnunagi, you have the latest bios update?03:49
geniiTinidril: What RAID devices are in your /dev ?03:49
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systemd0wnunagi_, using raid or anything like that?   IDE drive or SATA?03:50
NixMani once saw a place (i think it was on the official ubuntu site) where you can download the original config files (like sources.list), anyone know of the location?03:50
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Tinidrilgenii It should be /dev/sdb sdc and sdd.  sdd is currently disconnected03:50
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unagi_not wanting to use raid but i believe it uses raid03:50
snikkeri've got two usb pen drive, but one is mounted in read-write, the second one in read-only mode. Why? (same filesystem for both pen)03:50
unagi_ ide interface intel 82801fb fbm fr fw frw ich6 family ide controller rev 05 is the lspci output for it03:50
krautICU: hello ;)03:50
ziroday!source-o-matic | NixMan03:50
ubotuNixMan: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:50
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NixManziroday: thanks03:50
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unagi_systemd0wn:  ide interface intel 82801fb fbm fr fw frw ich6 family ide controller rev 0503:51
bromixsapuru...is your card the RT2500?03:51
swmiller6My video card is rated for 32 bit color depth however I am only able to get 24 anyone know how I can get the full 32 bit color depth? The card is an ATI Express M20003:51
Travissap, im using mepis03:51
Tinidrilfdisk -l shows both sdb and sdc as Linux raid autodetect03:51
Travisit has worked besst so far03:51
geniiTinidril: there is some swith to specify the conf file, i think  if you reissue the mdadm with assemble and put --config=/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf   for it to find the component pieces it may try03:52
Travisiver tried em all03:52
=== KDan [n=KDan@87-194-122-30.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
zirodayswmiller6: that card is highly incompatible with linux. Im not sure if you can get 32 bit03:52
bytecodeHi, I have a "unchanging" mouse pointer problem on second display of my dual screen system. The mouse pointer icon does not change to indicate activity, i.e. dragging / resizing, busy etc. Whilst on the 2nd display. It stays as whatever pointer-icon it was, when it crossed the screen border. Functionality is not affected - you can still interact - you just don't get the pointer feedback. Feisty 7.04. ATI Technologies Inc RV03:52
bytecode380 [Radeon X600] . I used to have this problem with Dapper too - but I corrected it and can't recall how I fixed it.03:52
TinidrilPrior to last nights freeze up I have been up and working for a couple of months without any problems.03:52
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swmiller6ziroday:yeah kinda of what I figured03:52
bytecodecan anyone otther any pointers (no pun intended)03:52
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unagi_sigh i guess i just need to throw away this alienware laptop03:53
zirodayswmiller6: if you know how you can try edit your xorg. also are you using the radeon or fglrx driver?03:53
zirodayunagi_: ill have it03:53
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swmiller6ziroday: already tried that03:53
TinidrilThanks ginii I'll try that.  I'm just paranoid that I will do someting to ruin any hope of getting my data back. :(03:53
unagi_nah....no ones going to give me the price im asking for it so ill just throw it in the garbage03:53
unagi_3.4 p4 ht 2 gigs ddr2 quadro 140003:53
geniiTinidril: I understand03:53
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zirodayswmiller6: you using radeon or fglrx03:54
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geniiArgh, work again.AFK at least a few minutes03:54
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SuziQNo mass storage shows up in lspci.  BUT I have one.  Can I do some command to make it show up??  lspci doesn't do it03:54
unagi_i guess it could be used as a paperweight03:54
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miranda_-_is there any file that says what restricted drivers the system should load?03:55
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unagi_stupid alienware03:55
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swmiller6ziroday: fglrx03:56
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zirodayswmiller6: you could try the radeon driver. You might lose 3d but you might get 32 bit03:56
SuziQmiranda: not sure if addressing me or not, but answ = no.  Only my video card but that is okay03:56
swmiller6 I d rather keep the 3d03:56
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zirodayswmiller6: lol03:57
miranda_-_SuziQ, so. how does the restricted driver manager works?03:57
unagi_anyone want to buy my alienware laptop?03:57
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bytecodeHi - I guess no-one has any ideas re: my dual screen mouse pointer problem?03:57
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miranda_-_i unchecked the Intel Pro Wireless Driver, in the restricted drivers manager, and now, every time i try to boot i get either a kernel panic, either a BUG: scheduling while atomic, any way to load the driver again?03:58
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Phydouxunagi_, Not after you said it was 'stupid' :)03:58
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unagi_alienware is stupid03:59
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sapurobromix sorry for taking too long. My card is Ralink Wireless LAN Card V203:59
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unagi_but it has some nice stuff inside03:59
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:59
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attunixhow do i open the file menu in emacs03:59
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sapurobromix RT6103:59
jojonio; nuj04:00
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jojonun j;04:00
jojonb nip;04:00
jojonji b;io04:00
attunix!spam | jojon04:00
ubotujojon: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)04:00
jojon nu8ogt04:00
ziroday!ops | jojun04:00
ubotujojun: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok04:00
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avenger__what did I do?04:00
zirodaythank you Hobbsee04:00
Lost__Anyone have a clue as to how to install nvidia legacy drivers when the repository does not have the correct kernel to match the legacy driver?04:00
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attunixavenger__:nothing, as far as i know :P04:01
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miranda_-_is there any file that says what restricted drivers the system should load?04:01
miranda_-_i unchecked the Intel Pro Wireless Driver, in the restricted drivers manager, and now, every time i try to boot i get either a kernel panic, either a BUG: scheduling while atomic, any way to load the driver again?04:01
attunixhow do i open the file menu in emacs?04:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:02
eidolonhi folks, i have a mild gripe, and i'll admit i might be doing something wrong.  I love the adept updater - a nice clean inerface (even if it is gnome :) - but when i get package updates, I get a nice dialog saying the packages, and i can browse them, but i don't see -what changed-.  Why am i installling this update?  Are the 'developer changelogs' completely broken?  (Here's a screenshot of the update i got this morning, I don't know04:02
eidolon why I'm getting a tcpdump update) : http://www.homeport.org/~dbs/screenshots/adept-1.png04:02
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blackesthi i've got two routers one running tomato the other one is a belkin 7230 now i think i need to convert the belkin to be an access point but i am not sure how to configure tomato to allow the belkin to connect to it04:02
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NixManwhen i run "sudo apt-get update", it gets all the files, but then takes about a minute for "waiting for headers", this problem started recently, i've treid a new sources list, any ideas?04:02
attunixunagi_: i'm not talking about the computer; i'm talking about the text editor04:02
unagi_i didnt say anything04:02
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attunixunagi_: didn't you say !mac? :S i asked a question about emacs, and eMac is an apple computer (mac) and emacs is a text editor. sorry04:04
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NixManwhen i run "sudo apt-get update", it gets all the files, but then takes about a minute for "waiting for headers", this problem started recently, i've treid a new sources list, any ideas?04:04
eidolonNixMan: try a new mirror, or perhaps your DNS is hosed.04:04
unagi_yea, i was looking to see if ubotu said anything about running mac programs on linux04:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:04
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NixManeidolon: what do you mean, dns is hosed? i use opendns...explain a litte?04:04
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eidolona lot of times slow connects to remote servers are due to reverse dns failing.04:05
eidolon(or timing out)04:05
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IceLinkhi there04:07
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zodersgod bay04:07
zodersno adesternd04:07
IceLinkhow do i proof whether a connection is normal or with ndiswrapper?04:07
pimlottcwhat package is reponsible for automounting external volumes?04:08
NixManeidolon: ok...i changed my main server from "us" to the MAIN SERVER, workes better now..04:08
unagi_anyone in chicago?04:08
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Picizoders: Language?04:08
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eidolonthereya go.04:08
Piciunagi_: #ubuntu-chicago04:08
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unagi_blah blah04:08
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NineTeen67CometHi all .. Has anyone had issues with Vonage phones messing with their home networks? Were getting ready to pick a phone, and I don't want it to mess with my my web servers.04:08
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unagi_6 more hours in my layover04:09
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savetheWorldNineTeen67Comet: what are you talking about ? Be specidic.04:09
unagi_i dont know about this whole internet phone thing04:10
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unagi_what happens when a robber/rapists breaks into your home while the internet is down04:10
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unagi_dial up?04:10
NineTeen67CometWell, I know some Vonage phones use cat5 into the back of a cable modem, then your router plugs into the Vonage base .. and does not have open ports for web, ftp etc etc ..04:10
Pici!offtopic | unagi_04:10
ubotuunagi_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:10
dimebarunagi_: beat him to death with the handset?04:10
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unagi_pici you are sad04:10
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bromixstill here sapuro?04:11
Piciunagi_: Excuse me?04:11
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unagi_why jump all over me with the offtopic thing.........the question didnt even involve ubuntu04:11
NineTeen67Cometoff to the off topic ..04:11
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unagi_bye bye04:12
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unagi_dimebar: thats funny04:12
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sapurobromix yep....always04:12
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sapurobromix got any news?04:13
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paulux_i've a problem with my d-link g-12204:13
bromixHave you tried disabling network-manager, and editing your /etc/network/interfaces file?04:14
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kevor_Is the UUID of a harddrive dependand on other things in a system?04:14
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SuziQif my lspci command doesn't show a mass storage anything, does that mean it is not "loading"???04:14
geniiTinidril: Getting anywhere on the RAID thing yet?04:14
paulux_the problem is that sometimes the network go down04:14
bromixthat's all I had to do, is not use network-manager...and I manually put my essid and passphrase in and it's worked ever since.04:14
paulux_thank's a lot04:15
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SkryptMy system hangs. The last message in the System Log Viewer is: Jul 31 06:58:01 Eos kernel: [14891.741680]  PM: suspend-to-disk mode set to 'shutdown'04:15
SkryptWhat can I do?04:15
paulux_sorry for my english:D04:15
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cberloHi folks!  I know this is samba related, and I'm got a question to them as well, but I thought I'd try here:  using winbind, I can authenticate users on my domain without issue.  Now I'm trying to authenticate trusted domain members as well, and getting an error about "could not identify user (from getpwnam(user))".  Any ideas how to fix this?  Sequence for the trusted domain comes up as "DISCONNECTED", sequence -1.04:16
kevor_Anyone a clue why a HD with an install won't work on the one system and does work on the other system?04:17
kevor_must have something to do whith that UUID...04:17
rausb0SuziQ: are you sure your mass storage device is a pci device?04:17
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sapurobromix does that mean that everytime I login, I'll have to enter my essid and wepkey, or is it going to be done automatically?04:18
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geniikevor_: Bios may map the drive differently on the two boxes for instance.04:19
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kevor_genii: map the drive? what exactly does that mean?04:19
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geniikevor_: One computer might see the drive with X heads X sectors X cylinders   but computer2 sees it like Y heads Y sectors Y cylinders04:20
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kidbuntuCant find NVU editor in 7.0404:21
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tuxcrafterdoes somebody know's a open source linux app , that can sent mobile text messges (SMS)04:21
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geniikevor_: If you go into bios on the computer it works with and write down all the numbers for the drive, on computer2 put the drive in exact same spot on IDE and cable, in bios there, specify exactly heads,cylinders etc as you copied it from the one that works04:22
bulmertuxcrafter doesnt gaim do it for you?04:22
kevor_genii: i've checked, the new system (with a live cd by the way) with dumpe2fs, it gives me the same UUID04:22
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:23
kevor_well, the same HD in the new system gives me the same UUID04:23
CheshireVikingkidbuntu, you need to find kompozer, nvu has been replaced - have a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kompozer04:23
bromixno, it will save it in that file04:23
tuxcrafterbulmer: gaim cant send sms messages04:23
SuziQrausb0: sorry..stpped out...actually, mass storage (laptop) may be pcmcia??  in the same "slot" were the ntwrk card would go, if I had one?04:23
kidbuntuCheshireViking: thanks04:23
bromixi added a line "auto ra0"04:23
SuziQis there a way I can see the mass storage for a pcmcia slot??  (newbie here )04:23
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rausb0SuziQ: you mean cardbus slot?04:23
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kevor_genii: calm down ;P04:24
jshriverIs there a way of echo'ing the STDOUT of program in the backgroun?04:24
bulmertuxcrafter which sms server (brand) do you connect to?04:24
rausb0SuziQ: maybe it is an old pcmcia (not cardbus) card, that only shows up in lspcmcia04:24
sapurobromix I'll try that.i didnt know u had that same problem with wireless connectivity :o04:24
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tuxcrafterbulmer: I live in the Netherlands sms are small text messages you can send to mobile phones04:24
cypruserHow do I resize a NTFS partition?04:24
geniikevor_: At any rate, the uuid has nothing to do with the scenario i am saying.04:24
Picicypruser: Use gparted04:25
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tuxcraftertuxcrafter: programs like skype can send them04:25
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kevor_maybe you misunderstood..04:25
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kevor_let me try again :OP04:25
SuziQrausb0: sorry,totally FNG here...cardbus slot?  I don't know...I have a presario laptop and a TI1620 5-1 card reader in the same "area" as where the wireless card would go, but I have built in so I dont use a wrls card...does that make sense??04:25
bulmertuxcrafter: yes i know..but do you know what sms server your attempting to connect to? chikka ?04:25
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tuxcrafterbulmer: doesn't matter allong as it works04:26
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kevor_I've an old system, took out the HD and put it in a new one. The HD in the new system, and boot gives me an error the install cannot be loaded, for the /dev/disk/by-uuid/UUID number is not found04:26
tuxcraftertuxcrafter: I am looking for an floss linux app that can do it04:26
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rausb0SuziQ: built-in card readers can be pci devices or usb devices. try lsusb.04:27
cypruserPici: I tried with GParted but it doesn't let me resize it that much.04:27
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SuziQthe lspcmcia show "yenta cardbus"....is this why I cant get my TI 5-1 sd/mmc cards to work (been trying all links to SD/MMC things to get read/write)04:27
kevor_sorry if i seem a little fuzzy :)04:27
ubuntuEdgycan any one help me with dvdauthor. i run dvdauthor -o dvd/ -t /home/user/Desktop/1003_20070530201526.mpg. and im constant errors like WARN: Skipping sector, waiting for first VOBU...04:27
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rausb0SuziQ: and btw, not every sd/mmc reader is supported by linux04:27
geniikevor_: Ah, OK, that is more clear. Your original description given makes it like you removed the hd from one box, transplanted it to another and it was not working in the new box.04:27
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kevor_genii: exactly :)04:28
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SuziQrausb0: re: support, is it particular to BRAND types?  I have SD card and 1 MMC card, both aren't recognized04:28
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SuziQrausb0: sorry, misread comment04:28
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geniikevor_: The OS installed fine to the new HD ut it is giving the uuid errors then04:29
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SuziQapparently I have found A LOT of info re: TI1620 carbus type reader, but no ideas have worked04:29
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rausb0SuziQ: i meant the card reader, not the cards04:29
SuziQyes, sorry, I mis-read your comment04:29
kevor_genii: have not reinstalled, just migrated the HD :)04:29
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rausb0SuziQ: okay. i don't know about this TI1620 (probably texas instruments) reader either, sorry04:30
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Wagner_BR|SEhow can i see the status of firewall?04:30
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ejlepouttreok i have an issue in my user menu i guess you could call it have log out,switch user lock screen suspend and hibernate and the option to restart and shutdown are mising any ideas?04:30
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SuziQokay..thanks though...you taught me a new command though :)04:30
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rausb0SuziQ: lspci, lspcmcia and lsusb list devices on the pci, pcmcia and usb bus respectively04:31
SuziQmy lspcmcia command brings up YENTA cardbus...should I be reading up on YENTA???04:31
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rausb0SuziQ: no, yenta is just the cardbus bridge04:32
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SuziQthanks...just realized too, it is the same bus ID as the TI162004:32
SuziQoh well...will keep pluggin' away...04:32
rausb0SuziQ: but certainly not the same vendor/product id?04:33
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SuziQcam@cam-laptop:~$ lspcmcia04:33
SuziQSocket 0 Bridge:        [yenta_cardbus]          (bus ID: 0000:02:04.0)04:33
SuziQSocket 1 Bridge:        [yenta_cardbus]          (bus ID: 0000:02:04.1)04:33
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rausb0SuziQ: you can see numerical vendor/product id when running lspci -n04:34
rausb0SuziQ: no, them lspcmcia output isn't helpful04:34
SuziQlspci = 02:04.0 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI1620 PC Card Controller (rev 01)04:34
SuziQ02:04.1 CardBus bridge: Texas Instruments PCI1620 PC Card Controller (rev 01)04:34
SuziQ02:04.2 System peripheral: Texas Instruments PCI1620 Firmware Loading Function (rev 01)04:34
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SuziQlspci -n04:35
SuziQooppsss..SORRY...wrong screen04:35
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CheshireViking!paste | SuziQ04:35
ubotuSuziQ: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:35
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olskolirchey guys04:35
unagi!paste !paste !paste !paste !paste !paste !paste!paste!paste !paste !paste !paste !paste !paste!paste!paste v !paste !paste !paste v04:35
rausb0SuziQ: do not paste the whole output here. use pastebin please04:36
olskolirchow do i make my terminal buffer longer?04:36
unagisorry =/04:36
SuziQokay..thanks for paste04:36
cypruserI'm trying to use GParted to reduce the size of a NTFS partition. However, it can't reduce the size by more than 646 MB. How do I fix this?04:36
olskolirchow do i make my terminal buffer longer using Konsole04:36
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xtknightcyphase, that NTFS partition is probably using over 646MB of space04:36
ejlepouttrei have  log out,switch user lock screen suspend and hibernate and the option to restart and shutdown are mising any ideas?04:36
xtknightcyphase, it has files that are using that space04:36
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unagicypruser do u have any space to resize it?>04:36
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cypruserI used ntfsresize or something like that to reduce the size to 30G but it doesn't look like that happened.04:37
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unagihow big is the hd04:37
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Timmowould anyone be able to help me out with heartbeat2 ? i have Ubuntu 7.04 server04:37
Timmoplease :)04:37
cypruserIt's 44.69 GB.04:38
unagihow much is used04:38
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cypruserGParted says that 44.04 GB is used.04:39
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unagiironically 600megs differnce04:39
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Dr_LinkI put the disk in.04:39
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Dr_LinkIt completely ignores the ubuntu livecd bootloader and goes to Windows' bootloader.04:39
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unagiDr_Link: is the bios set to boot of the cd?04:40
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Dr_Link...how would I set this, and is it permanent until it's unset?04:40
Timmowould anyone please be able to help me out with heartbeat2 ? i have Ubuntu 7.04 server.  basically the servers keep going "split brain" ie apparently not communicating although i know there is a solid connection between them :(04:41
zuzuzzziphi all04:41
mabiousanyone able to help?04:41
SuziQcan someone help with pastebin thing...just so I have for future ref?  I see screen, but want to "test" paste to see what happens04:41
zuzuzzzipcan anyone help me with this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51353404:41
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unagisuziq open a terminal and type lspci and paste the output04:41
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sapuroDr_Link when  u put the cd in, restart ur computer and keep pressing F12, that should take u to the multi-boot menu04:41
Dr_Linkhardware restart or software restart?04:41
Dr_LinkI am assuming hardware.04:41
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unagii wish my webcam worked with ubuntu =/04:42
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Dr_LinkThis is a Dell. Ack.,04:42
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sapuroDr_Link hardware restart.completely restart the computer, if it doesnt work, shut it down and then turn it back on, and keep pressing F1204:42
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bromixzuz, did you try editing out the slashes?04:42
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Dr_LinkAlright then.04:42
zuzuzzzipbromix: where?04:43
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bulmerDr_Link: or put the "boot from cd" as the top priority and make the "boot from hd" way below on the bios, so it has time for the cdrom to be read..04:43
murlinn__bulmer: i don't think he should be editing bios settings just yet04:43
murlinn__one thing at at ime04:43
SuziQhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32041/ this is the url?  I did a lot of "copy" paste ...is that correct? or a shorter way?04:43
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unaginot like thats a hardcore bios edit lol04:43
bulmermurlinn_ he has been having this difficulty since yesterday..04:43
sapurobulmer but that way, it would always try to boot from the cd, which would kinda be time wasting :o, wouldnt it?04:43
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firefoxHello everyone04:44
unaginope SuziQ thats right04:44
m0r0nWhat meta package do I need to install make?04:44
mabushow come when I launch totem, it doesn't pop up? and vlc and mplayer both won't play an avi04:44
firefoxI am a newbie on linux04:44
bulmersapuro he has not seen it boot off the liveCD yet..04:44
unagii see u have an AMD04:44
murlinn__not if theres nothing in the drive04:44
mabiousmy restart and shutdown option are missing logoff anf switch user are still there pls help :/04:44
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mabusI don't care which media player I use, but I have w32codecs and I still can't watch this avi. any ideas?04:44
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firefoxcan I get some help please04:44
SuziQunagi: thanks...04:44
sapurobulmer but I think he didnt press F12 at the startup04:44
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:44
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unagifirefox just ask your question04:44
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Catsceofirefox: as you question and maybe we'll help04:44
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sapuromabus install vlc04:45
rausb0SuziQ: can you read german?04:45
unagiquit being such a newbie =)04:45
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mabiouswhats that04:45
sapuromabus it plays evertything04:45
bulmersapuro i dont know..anyhow, i am not sure if F12 is standard on all mobo as escape hatch during boot04:45
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mabussapuro: not this file04:45
sapuromabus how about give it a try :o04:45
mabusgives an error about not being able to use 3dfx, and hangs04:45
murlinn__bulmer, on dells it brings up the dell bootloader04:45
murlinn__to boot to the recovery partition, etc04:45
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unagiman thats back in the day04:46
mabussapuro: think I haven't installed and tried every player under the sun? :P already tried vlc, it is my fav after all04:46
unagivoodoo banshee lol04:46
bulmermurlinn__: ah okay...i dont have a dell :)..04:46
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SuziQrausb0: no..sorry, only eng.04:46
unagianyone remember voodoo cards?04:46
Ogedeiit seems that the libapache-mod-dav package works with apache2 as well -- but how can I install it without also pulling in apache1?04:46
chikitahello, i cant rename applications from principal menu, what can i do?04:46
firefoxI have a F3JP asus laptop but I have try to load ubuntu 7.04 but it comes with errors where i have to load up drivers can someone guild me how to fix this issue04:46
mabiousi do never had one though04:46
bromixi had 2 of em Unagi04:46
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unagia whopping 16mb memory04:46
murlinn__im tech support for the college, 95% of the machines on campus are dells :\04:46
mabussapuro: actually mplayer is the one that gives the error... vlc when launched from the terminal just makes the output as if it's playing hte file, but no video/audio to speak of04:46
unagior omg......tnt2 with 32!!!04:46
sapurobulmer usually F12 is the standard for Dell04:46
bromixyep, and then I got a 32 i was PROUD!04:46
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unagi32mb was screaming lol04:47
unagi32mb was screaming lol104:47
sapuromabus humn...intriguing...dont know anything else that I can think of04:47
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unagii could play half-life!!!04:47
Davy_Jonesmurlinn__: what do you think of dell computers?04:47
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Barr1Having probs with network manager, how can i get the little network strength scale icon to appear on my panel?04:47
unagidell sucks04:47
mabiousi seem to be missing option to restart and shutdown any idea how to get it back04:47
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Davy_Jonesi know dell laptops suck04:47
murlinn__Davy_Jones: as far as what04:47
rausb0SuziQ: i only found something a in german ubuntu forum. it seems TI card readers are still badly supported because TI don't give information to developers. if it runs at all, it should do with the tifm kernel module.04:47
zuzuzzzipmabious: add to panel04:47
chikitahello, i cant rename applications from principal menu, what can i do to rename it?04:47
bromixheh, i installed wifi-radar04:47
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murlinn__if you don't have the time or desire to build your own, dell's are great04:47
Davy_Jonesmurlinn__: hmm,  performance04:47
unagiwhats that04:48
sapurobulmer but then, there's only two more I think F2 or Del key, but many times, those 2 keys r to enter the BIOS04:48
murlinn__it all depends on how much you are willing to spend, like anything really04:48
zuzuzzzipbromix: where should i edit out those slashes?04:48
unagiwhy would anyone buy a name brand desktop04:48
SuziQrausb0: thnkx..I found a lot of the same in eng.  apprntly, there are 'fixes' to this, but despite my tries, it won't work04:48
mabiousthats thew thing zuzuzzzip that icon is there but the shutdown and restart are not in the menu but hibernate switch user etc are04:48
Ogedeimore generally: is there a way to add extra configuration info to a package when installing it with apt-get?04:48
murlinn__because they are cheap04:48
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zuzuzzzipmabious: weird, can't help you on that one :P04:48
sapurobulmer just a matter of giving it a try04:48
unagicheap they are04:48
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Davy_Jonesunagi: because the internal parts are tested and certified to work with each other04:48
unagibut cost you more $$ over time04:48
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unagiyea and when a component breaks out of warranty......you get to replace the whole machine04:49
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bulmersapuro if am not familiar with a mobo's feature..i tend to press f1-12 and see which of those responds...lolz04:49
unaginot a $50 motherboard04:49
Davy_Jonesunagi: i fried my motherboard once because i installed a gfx card that was not compatible04:49
m0r0nWhat is the name of the package with the most important tools for developers. I cant remember the name.04:49
chemturionhey there, all of the sudden I can't get any audio to play through my speakers or soundcard. I was listening to music OK yeserday, but now I get nothing04:49
murlinn__what kind of a developer are you ?!04:49
unagilol what do yo umean04:49
unagiyou installed pci-x in an agp slot?04:49
unagi::tries not to laugh::04:49
Davy_Jonesunagi: no, i'm not that stupid04:49
=== snailpapit too
sapurounagi wifi-radar allows u to see wireless networks that are on your range, I think like wireless connectivity doctor that comes in toshiba04:50
murlinn__must have taken creative use of a hammer somewhere...04:50
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snailpapitthough i dunno if that would fit04:50
unagiwell i honestly cant imagine what else you mean04:50
mabiousok does anyone else know i have no way to shut down unless i use power on pc which cant be all that good04:50
Busatam0r0n, do you mean build-essential ? or?04:50
rausb0SuziQ: i am a bit confused by this "firmware loading function"04:50
bulmerm0r0n: for developing what? certainly a debugger and compiler and ide's plus editors are good to have..lolz04:50
sapurobulmer lol...that's a good one...lol...I do that many times as well :D...ahahahaahaha04:50
m0r0nBusata, yes, thank you!!!!04:50
unagiwhat 'compatability' are you talking about04:50
Davy_Jonesunagi: i installed an agp in an agp slot.. the motherboard was a little old, and the card was probably the latest.. i turn the computer on and BAM04:50
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SuziQrausb0:  ?? huh?? what is that...frmwr ldng fnctn?04:50
chikitahello, i cant rename applications from principal menu, what can i do to rename it?04:50
chemturionhey there, im having trouble with my audio, I cant hear anything, it was working fine yesterday, does anyone have any idea?04:50
unagiincompatabilities dont fry your motherboard04:50
unagiit just doesnt work04:51
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rausb0SuziQ: i am a bit confused by this firmware loading function04:51
chikitahello, i cant rename applications from principal menu, what can i do to rename them?04:51
Davy_Jonesi don't know.. that's what happened04:51
unagitrust me04:51
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unagi22 years experience04:51
unagisomething else happened04:51
SuziQrausb0:...something about the modprobe command??04:51
bulmerchikita: how are you renaming them? can you give an example how you're doing it?04:51
rausb0SuziQ: your irc client seems to do funny things when someone write quoted text04:51
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unagiwifi radar automatically refreshes?04:52
Lunar_LampIf I want to restart X I can do ctrl+alt+backspace - but if I want to do that from within a script, is the best way to killall kdm (if using the kdm display manager)?  Is there a better way?04:52
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rausb0SuziQ: no, i meant the lspci output. there are two entries with pc card controller and one firmware loading function04:52
unagiLunar_Lamp: !X04:52
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:52
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unagithat one04:52
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bulmerLunar_Lamp: try this  /etc/init.d/gdm --help and it may give you the options04:52
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Lunar_Lampunagi, thanks :-)04:53
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unagii needed it for a script too04:53
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unagii had a problem where x would stop but gnome wouldnt come back up04:53
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[Thom] What is the Ubuntu equivalent of the expect(1) command?04:53
mabiousaha! i fixed it lol had a box unchecked in login window settings04:53
Timmowould anyone please be able to help me out with heartbeat2 ? i have Ubuntu 7.04 server.  basically the servers keep going "split brain" ie apparently not communicating although i know there is a solid connection between them :(04:53
chikitabulmer: right click on applications, edit, right click on application, properties. Then i change the name, press enter and nothing happens so i close the window but the name doesnt change04:54
[Thom] I get "command not found" when I type it into my session04:54
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bulmer[Thom] : thats not a bash command, nor an ubuntu command, i believe you have to install a util tool for expect04:54
SuziQrausb0: i see what you mean,but again, I am 'clueless' on this end...I just do what people tell me :(04:54
mabiousshow actions menu  wasnt checked therefor no shutdown or restart04:54
tcstechGood morning all.  We use Exchange 2007 (5.5) here and was wondering if anyone was able to get something working with it on the Ubunut front?04:54
Davy_Jones[Thom] : fortunetell :P04:54
mabiousim such a noob heh04:54
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Hylvehej, jag har ett problem04:55
Davy_Jones[Thom] : what does expect do?04:55
erUSULtcstech: the only "client" for exchange i know is evolution...04:55
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Hylvehar crashat X04:55
chemturionhey there, im having trouble with my audio, I cant hear anything, it was working fine yesterday, any ideas?04:55
clara_hola giles04:55
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PriceChildHylve, deutsch?04:55
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arrgI am having a few problems with ubuntu. I was messing about with System>Administration>services and i messed it up, i get "HAL failed to initalise" and i cant access most of the tools in system>administration iv tried reinstalling hal and gnome-system-tools04:55
chikitaclara_ q te pasa?04:55
HylvePriceChild: swe04:55
PriceChildtcstech, I don't think there's any equivalent to an exchange server I'm afraid04:55
SuziQrausb0: i will readup on it...the frmwr comment...04:55
PriceChild!se | Hylve04:55
ubotuHylve: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se04:55
m0r0nIs there a website to find out what repository is necessary to install a certain package? e.g. ncftpget cant be found04:55
Firefoxhello all04:56
tcstechYeah.. I installed Evolution... however the exchange connector does not support the newest version of M$ Exchange. :(04:56
[Thom] Davy_Jones: Responds to user prompts like "should this operation continue?" with y/n.  Stuff like that.04:56
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Firefoxcan i get some help please04:56
chikitabulmer: right click on applications, edit, right click on application, properties. Then i change the name, press enter and nothing happens so i close the window but the name doesnt change04:56
zuzuzzzipFirefox: jus ask the question04:56
PriceChildtcstech, using dapper, edgy or feisty?04:56
chemturionCan anyone help me with my audio problem? I cant hear anything, it was working fine yesterday, but now there is no noise04:56
bulmerchikita umm which version of desktop manager you have and dapper? i dont see that options of properties on my dapper04:57
satanasofhola, alguien por aki utiliza el automatix2 con festy en un amd64?04:57
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arrgany help would be greatly appreciated04:57
satanasofque tal la experiencia?04:57
pawanwhat is yellow dog linux04:57
PriceChildpawan, a linux distribution04:57
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Firefoxubuntu 7.04 doesnt load up on my asus f3jp laptop as the /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the error04:57
PriceChild!es | satanasof04:57
ubotusatanasof: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:57
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pawanfor what is it used04:57
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Davy_Jones[Thom] : i tried looking for such think with the apropos command, found nothing interesting :|04:57
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:57
tcstechI do not want to relace the server. For our uses, M$ SBS2003 is great.  And I can get kubuntu to talk to it just fine.  However I would like email/calendee/ect without opening a web browser04:57
unagibromix are u still here04:57
[Thom] Davy_Jones:04:57
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[Thom] Davy_Jones: ditto04:58
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bulmer[Thom] : thats not a bash command, nor an ubuntu command, i believe you have to install a util tool for expect04:58
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:58
zuzuzzzipchemturion: check your volume control and see if your optical (IEC958 or sumtin) isn't checked04:58
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zuzuzzzipor is if ur using optical04:58
[Thom] bulmer: Really?  It works on darwin and other flavors of linux04:58
tcstechI'm using kubuntu 7.04 Feisty... and luv it04:58
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arrg am having a few problems with ubuntu. I was messing about with System>Administration>services and i messed it up, i get "HAL failed to initialise" on boot and i cant access most of the tools in system>administration iv tried reinstalling hal and gnome-system-tools.04:58
chemturionzuzuzzip: where is the optical check located?04:58
badarI have to install vim plugins of Ubuntu fiest. The Ubuntu Vimhowto on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VimHowto says "~/.vim/ is the directory in which the user can add utility plugins, syntax highlighting plugins, and indent plugins." . But i don't have this directory in my home. What do i do?04:59
bulmer[Thom] : it may be working on those if the expect utility tool has been installed..some tools are just not installed on ubuntu04:59
zuzuzzzipchemturion: right click on your volume thingy in the notification area04:59
chemturionok, there04:59
zuzuzzzipchemturion: then 'open volume control'04:59
FirefoxI am a newbie with ubuntu / linux after seeing beryl in action with the 3d cube04:59
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[Thom] bulmer: any idea which package it's in?04:59
tcstechMan... the Monster energy drink must be kickin in muh typing is off this morning... o.o04:59
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zuzuzzzipchemturion: then do  'edit > preferences'04:59
bulmer[Thom] : nope, are you writing a script?04:59
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[Thom] bulmer: Yes04:59
Firefoxdoes anyone know please05:00
arrganyone free to help?05:00
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chemturionzuzuzzip: optical isnt selected05:00
FirefoxI checked the net for the issue using sudo commands but it doesnt seem to work05:00
chemturionzuzzzup: its not even an option05:00
tcstechFirefox, what video chipset does your notebook use?05:00
bulmer[Thom]  maybe there are other tools within perl or python may have similar functionality as expect()05:00
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[Thom] bulmer: I don't know how to use perl or python from within a script05:01
zuzuzzzipchemturion: well it could be anything why your sound isn't working05:01
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chemturionzuzuzzip: any ideas on how i should go about fixing it?05:01
CeltCan anyone help me with a GPG problem?05:01
Firefoxit uses x1700 tcstech05:01
zuzuzzzipchemturion: try pasting outputs from 'lspci' and 'asoundconf list' on the ubuntu forums or something05:02
bulmer[Thom] : ask people in #bash they may be able to point you to an equivalent to expect()05:02
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[Thom] bulmer: apt-get install expect05:02
[Thom] bulmer: seems to have worked05:02
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tcstechFirefox  did you do a install from the live CD?05:02
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bulmer[Thom] : there you go..sometimes you just have to try.. :)05:03
arrgi also get:" am having a few problems with ubuntu. I was messing about with System>Administration>services and i messed it up, i get "HAL failed to initalise" and i cant access most of the tools in system>administration iv tried reinstalling hal and gnome-system-tools" when trying to open any admin tools05:03
CeltI have a GPG problem when updating a repository.  When I run the GPG get key command, it runs, but then just hangs there.  I have a screen shot.05:03
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[Thom] bulmer: Thanks for your help.05:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wifi-radar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:03
Firefoxi used the both cd the desktop and alternate install as well05:03
stefanociao a tutti =)05:03
arrgGnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:05:03
arrgAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.05:03
tcstechfirefox does it install or is it failing durring the install?05:03
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alsurenchemturion: and also the output of groups for your user. I had a problem with sound the other day, and it was because my friend's user wasn't in the sound group05:04
Firefoxit fails during the install05:04
arrgand 6 errors about GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:05:04
arrgAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.05:04
stefanohi everybody05:04
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zuzuzzzipalsuren: could that also be a cause of my problem?05:05
tiffanieHi, everyone. I am having a problem with my sound. My sound has been working great, but all of a sudden it stopped working and I am not sure what to do about it. I am a bit new to Ubuntu, so if you explain something to me, explain it in layman's terms, please.05:05
tcstech<-- not a fan of asus05:05
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zuzuzzzipsounds only coming through one channel.. > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51353405:05
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CeltI know people are busy.  But if anyone can provide some assistance with GPG and updating repositories. I would appreciate it.  I'll be patient.05:05
bulmertcstech: why not? just curious..which mobo brand you prefer and why?05:05
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tcstechzuzuzzzip it is a mixer issue.  adjust the balance on the mixer back and forth...05:05
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Firefoxbut can you help please tcstech05:06
zuzuzzziptcstech: it's not; cause that doesn't do the trick :S05:06
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alsurenzuzuzzzip: no. It's just something that messed me up, because I'm an idiot05:06
zuzuzzzipalsuren: ok alsuren, I'll take your word for it :P05:06
Hylk0rWhen will the gnome-python-extras and pygtk packages be updated? Because I need the latest so I can use gksu205:06
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tcstechbulmer asus's quality has fallen... I have seen so many people with issues with asus boards right out of the box...05:07
erUSUL!gpgerr | Celt05:07
ubotuCelt: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Read the top section of http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:07
Celtubotu: I am actually not getting errors.  It just sits there and does this:05:08
Firefoxyeah I read up on the net about how many people have issue with asus05:08
Celtubotu:  It will sit there for hours.05:08
zuzuzzziptcstech: both channels go through the left channel05:08
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bulmertcstech oh okay, that confirms what i have heard, that they put cheap stuff on their mobo, they used to be quality not no more05:08
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alsurenCelt: ubotu is a bot, directed to talk to you by erUSUL05:09
Firefoxit has install and I get to choose with os I want to use so i guess grub has install05:09
Celtalsuren:  Now i feel stupid. lol05:09
tcstechfirefox try this.. get the network install mini.iso and do a base install with apic disabled. Then do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:09
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YANPDoes anyone know of a good dreamcast emulator that is easy to set up and use on ubuntu?05:10
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SuziQsorry, I may get "slapped" for this Q, but Im curious, Is user ubotu a person or computer generated??05:10
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_GoRDoN_ehh... could somebody help? When I'm listening cd with cdcd or kscd only right speaker is working but with amarok everything works fine.05:10
CheshireVikingSuziQ, ubotu is a bot05:10
PriceChildSuziQ, computer05:10
PriceChild!help | SuziQ05:10
ubotuSuziQ: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:10
CelterUSUL:  Ii actually dont get errors.   the gpg works and connects, but then it just sits there and does nothing.  Here is a screenie of what happens.05:10
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FirefoxI try to use the apt-get command but it doesnt help at all05:11
Davy_JonesSuziQ: it's a computer generated human05:11
Firefoxit cant find it05:11
alsurenCelt: try splitting the wget and apt-key commands05:11
SuziQDavy_jones:...lol :)05:11
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Celtalsuren:  THanks I'll try that.05:11
alsurenthat way, you can tell where the error is coming from05:11
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Ahmadhi guys, i'm new to ubuntu (just installed it),i'd like to know how to use my bluetooth dongle to transfer files.05:12
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Ahmadi also installed "Feisty kdebluetooth" but i cant seem to get it to see my other device.Any ideas?05:12
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alsurenCelt: (I suspect it is a typo on your part: I think "-O -" is how to get wget to output to the pipe. Not "-O-" )05:13
Firefoxwhat is the diff with kubuntu and just ubuntu and i know i am a newbie05:13
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tcstechKubuntu is ubuntu with KDE hottness05:13
zuzuzzzipFirefox: kubuntu is KDE desktop environment, ubuntu is gnome05:13
SuziQcan anyone recommend a good to read re: ubuntu for laypeoples??05:13
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Firefoxk thankyou05:14
tcstechand xubuntu is ubuntu with the light and sexy XFCE desktop.05:14
Firefoxis beryl already in 7.0405:14
yaccini have problems installing pam_kwallet :(05:14
Celtalsuren: I split the commands and ran wget http://archive.ubutnustudio.org/ubuntustudio.gpg -O- and it retrieved the key.05:14
yaccini cant find a .deb package05:14
zuzuzzzipis fluxbuntu lighter than xubuntu?05:14
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yaccinonly rpms for suse and they dont work with alien or something05:14
Celtalsuren: I am running the add, and now it just sits there.   sudo apt-key add -05:14
tcstechflux is lighter that xfce but nowhere as featured.05:14
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NutubuntuBe well all05:14
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tcstechxfce is like gnome light.05:15
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alsurenCelt: do you understand pipes?05:15
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YANPDoes anyone know of a good dreamcast emulator that is easy to set up and use on ubuntu?05:16
Celtalsuren: sortof, its been awhile since I ran alot of cli stuff.05:16
hendrixskiis there a way to add text into the middle a file from the command line?05:16
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hendrixskinot append it to the end like tail does... but like right after a particular line?05:16
Celtalsuren: what am I doing wrong?05:16
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Celtalsuren: I should have indicated which key to add?05:17
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alsurenCelt: wget http://archive.ubutnustudio.org/ubuntustudio.gpg, and then sudo apt-key add ubuntustudio.gpg05:17
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Celtalsuren: thanks a ton.  i'll try it now.05:17
hendrixskiIs there a command to put text into a specific part of a text file?05:18
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isaac_how do i format the hard drive if ubuntus on it?05:18
ritzcrackermorning all05:18
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alsurenCelt: if you want to know *why* that works, ask, and I'll explain05:18
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Zee1othi, I have VMware running a few OSs on feisty but it is using less than 100MB of memory for the OSs, is there a limit somewhere that is not allowing vmware to use more? because the guest OS has 1024MB assigned to it05:18
hendrixskiisaac_, gparted can format it for you :-) try it from the liveCD05:18
isaac_kk thnks05:18
Celtalsuren: ran the command but says it doesnt exist.05:18
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=== alsuren blushes
Celtalsuren: I double checked my spelling.05:19
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hendrixskiZee1ot, I know that on vmware server there's a way to adjust the amount of memory you give it... I would assume vmware player does not05:19
Zee1otit has 1024,05:19
alsurenCelt: did wget save the file as ubuntustudio.gpg?05:20
Zee1otbut only using 100 of it05:20
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flacohi... I'm ussing dapper... i was installing texmaker.. and when I run the script...show this error: /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found  , I was checking the repositories and the version 2.6 doen't exist!05:20
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sapuroSuziQ is a bot05:20
Celtalsuren: not for sure, it shows the pgp publlic key block, and ends it, like in the screenie I showed.05:20
Picisapuro: eh? a bot?05:20
Celtalsuren: I just retrieved it and didnt save it ?05:21
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Picisapuro: er, nevermind.05:21
sapuroPici yep why?05:21
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Picisapuro: I misread.05:21
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Zee1otthe problem is the VM has 1024 assigned to it but is only using less than 100 (when I know XP uses alot more than 100) so maybe feisty is limiting something?05:22
sapuroPici no prob05:22
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alsurencelt: /join ##help-celt05:22
hendrixskisoo... does anyone know how I can add text to the second to last line of a file and not just append it to the last?05:22
boggiemani need ubuntu support05:22
boggiemangfx support05:23
hendrixskiZee1ot, your guess is as good as mine... VMware is pretty proprietary and doesn't let the rest of us know just what it's doing and how or why05:23
mrsno__!didnt do anything05:23
mrsno__whats that command :I05:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about broke - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:23
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ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:24
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sapurolol ahahahaah ubotu is crazy :D05:24
vainehdoes anyone know how i can put a script that emails me into my shutdown process? i've put a similar script into my starup by placing a link to it in /etc/rc2.d/S92. i thought i could just put a similar link in as K02 but it didnt work. any ideas?05:24
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:25
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seriesanyone available to help?05:25
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hendrixski!ask | series05:25
ubotuseries: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:25
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boggiemancan i get some help in setting up my screen settings, it is set at default05:26
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seriesnew to ubuntu....went into the users menu and changed my like...home directory i guess to root and now it wont let me login >.>  gives me errors.  anyway to correct via terminal?05:26
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=== alsuren laughs heartily: I just told celt to paste the output of ls into a different channel
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Davy_Jones!ask | boggieman05:27
ubotuboggieman: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:27
Myzraelhey folks05:27
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alsurenI thought it was only certain channels that booted you for excess floods05:27
werpohi! i'm having some trouble while enabling ntfs writing support, can someone  help me?05:27
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boggiemani need to setup my screen settings05:27
Davy_Joneswerpo: install ntfs-config05:27
hendrixskiseries,  :-) wanting to be root is a common mistake for new users.  :-) don't worry, it can probably be fixed05:27
ritzcrackerI was having a problem last night and one of the guys and I were working on it and just could not figure it out05:27
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Davy_Jonesboggieman: System > Preferences > Screen Resolution05:28
hendrixskiseries, so it won't let you log in... but does a black screen with white letters come up?05:28
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ritzcrackerI am trying to get dual display working on my intel 945 graphics05:28
boggiemanits not in it05:28
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werpodone - what shoud i do next davy jones?05:28
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serieshendrixski -- i can get into the terminal if thats what u are asking...its just when the gui tried to launch it posts errors and kicks me out05:28
boggieman640x480 i need higher than that05:28
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Davy_Joneswerpo: Applications > System Tools > NTFS Configuration Tool05:29
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Davy_Jonesboggieman: do you have an nvidia graphics card?05:29
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hendrixskiseries, Ok.  So when you're in the terminal which directory are you in?  you can type in pwd to find out :-)05:29
ritzcrackerboggieman do you have dual display05:29
scarniahi to all, i want to recompile my kernel to gain some performance but i don't want to upgrade the kernerl version, only to recompile my actual kernel with some extra options05:29
boggiemanim not sure05:29
Davy_Jonesboggieman: when you go to Screen Resolution, what resolutions do you see?05:30
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boggiemanit being awhile since i instlled anything on it05:30
boggiemani see 640x480 rez05:30
scarniai actually have 2.6.20-16 installed in my system (latest from edgy repositories)05:30
werpothanks davy jones, btw, i have my ipod transferring songs from that partition to it, should i wait it to finish ??05:30
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Davy_Jonesboggieman: only?05:30
boggiemanyes only!!05:30
MyzraelI have a question people. I want to fix my XP installation by typing fxmbr from the cd command prompt. That will take care of that problem but XP will kill my grub bootloader. Is there an easy way to get it back after a fxmbr?05:30
boggiemancant chnge highter05:30
scarniai've read something about install linux-tree but i cannot find it05:30
Davy_Joneswerpo: yes, let it finish.. then unmount it and remount it05:31
Davy_Jonesboggieman: type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:31
boggiemanvery hard to read the screen its sooooo small05:31
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boggiemani typed (it /etc/X11/xorg.conf)05:32
werpoand btw, does anybody know how to make the xfce menus transparent without using beryl?05:32
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Davy_Jonesboggieman: in the menu go to Search > Find05:32
Davy_Jonesboggieman: search for 640x48005:32
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serieshendrixski -- it says im in /root05:33
boggiemanno files shown under 640x48005:33
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UberPsyXhelp, a window popped up and said something about a restricted driver so i clicked ok and it rebooted pc and apparently theres an error with my xorg.conf and i need to fix it to get GDM on again, help, im new to ubuntu and have no clue how to do this05:33
Davy_Jonesboggieman: in gedit, not in ubuntu05:33
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werpodoes anybody know how to make the xfce menus transparent without using beryl?05:34
hendrixskiseries, oh... I think this could be an easy one... you're not allowed to log into the GUI as root... Ubuntu does that for your protection05:34
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hendrixskiseries, so you probably need to create a new user05:34
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boggiemantheres alot of 640x480 text05:34
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serieshow do i go about doing that if i cant get into the gui?05:34
seriessorry.  im command dumb :p  zero day linux user05:35
Davy_Jonesboggieman: in the Section "Screen" part?05:35
boggiemananywhere i can send my txt?05:35
squeeHow do I make apache not start by default?05:35
Myzrael have a question people. I want to fix my XP installation by typing fxmbr from the cd command prompt. That will take care of that problem but XP will kill my grub bootloader. Is there an easy way to get it back after a fxmbr?05:35
Davy_Jones!pastebin | boggieman05:35
ubotuboggieman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:35
Myzraeland Just wondering. Is grub installed on the primary HD partition or on a seperate partition? I want to totally remove my windows vista C partition but don't want to damage a boot partition of grub.05:35
Davy_Jones!grub | Myzrael05:35
ubotuMyzrael: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:35
boggiemanwheres pstebin?05:35
hendrixskiseries, though... here's a dirty trick... that you must promise me you'll forget.... type in startx and it *will* get you into the graphical frontend as root.  then create a new user, add them to the "sudoers" group, and log out of root, then log back in as that user :-)05:35
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Davy_Jonesboggieman: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:36
Myzraelthanks ubotu05:36
MyzraelYou know the answer to my other question maybe as well?05:36
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hendrixskiseries, you think you got that?  'cause I have to leave in like a minute or two05:36
boggiemanwill i get help in pastebin05:36
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Davy_Jonesubotu is a computer generated dream world human05:36
Pici!paste | boggieman05:36
ubotuboggieman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:36
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serieshendrixski -- ok...well the reason i wanted to be root in the first place was to install nvidia drivers....it kept telling me when i ran it that it had to be run out of root....how would i go about that without doing what i did...haha05:36
Davy_Jonesboggieman: you won't get help in pastebin05:37
boggiemanwill i get help for it in pastebin05:37
Myzraelseries you would run it with "sudo nvidiadriverinstall filehere"05:37
Davy_Jonesboggieman: you can just paste some stuff05:37
hendrixskiseries, :-) you don't have to _BE_ root, all you need are root priveledges... which you can do from sudo05:37
boggiemandam- i kinda need the help now lol... eem05:37
Myzraelsudo "andherethecommand" gives you root priveliges05:37
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boggiemani found the Section "Screen"05:37
Davy_Jonesboggieman: did you see the 640x480 text?05:37
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hendrixskiseries, for example  "sudo make install nVidia-drivers" will run that command with root priveledges, but you're not logged in as root05:38
boggiemanand i see 640x48005:38
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Davy_Jonesboggieman: ok.. after the "640x480" text press space and insert "800x600"05:38
serieshendrixski -- ok i think i understand....thanks05:38
hendrixskiseries, because being logged in as root is dangerous :-( and everyone here will tell you the same thing: don't do it05:38
boggiemanit is outside the "modes05:38
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Davy_Jonesboggieman: in all the lines under Section "Screen"05:38
unagii dont think wifi-radar works05:38
serieshendrixski- gonna go try this now.  running back across the complex :D05:38
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Davy_Jonesboggieman: it should say Modes     "640x480"05:39
hendrixskiseries,   :-) hope that helps... I gotta go.  Good luck, and welcome to Ubuntu..  I'm sure you'll LOVE it... we've all made those kinds of mistakes, but the end goal is all worth it05:39
cachapahi, I need help. I just lost the sound on my system and have been searching everywhere on the net without any luck, so far05:39
Davy_Jonesthen you add "800x600" to that05:39
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boggiemanModes"1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400"05:39
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arrghow can i repair HAL, "failed to initialize HAL"?05:39
boggiemanand its repeated below 5times05:39
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cachapawhen I try to click on the volume control, it gives me a message saying that there is no sound card configured05:40
Davy_Jonesboggieman: what does it say beside Device?05:40
boggiemanIdentifier"Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE05:40
squeeHow do I make apache not start on boot?  I want it to only start when I run /etc/init.d/apache05:40
Davy_Jonesboggieman: hmm, it should work..05:40
unagiis it in sessions squee?05:41
squeeunagi, no05:41
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ritzcrackersquee theres an easy way to do it just do this05:41
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boggiemani need a higher rez dam,, ill tryed to save it says need permissions05:41
seriesis there a way to add a new user via terminal05:41
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ritzcrackersudo mv /etc/init.d/apache /var/05:41
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boggiemanwill reboot and be back05:42
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squeeritz, then just /var/apache start?05:42
ritzcrackerthen whenever you want to start it just type sudo /var/apache start05:42
squeealright thanks05:42
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Davy_Jonesboggieman: you probably didn't type sudo before gedit05:42
arrgI need help reparing HAL05:42
ryanakcahow do you enable syntax highlighting in vim? :syntax on   doesn't do anything :(05:42
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geniiDavy_Jones: That should be gksudo05:43
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cachapaanyone know how to make the system recongnize my sound card?05:43
cachapait was working before05:43
UberPsyXi think i broke my x server and need help fixing it, i have no iidea what im doing or whats wrong05:43
ritzcrackercachapa what kind of sound card05:43
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cachapaand suddenly it stopped working05:43
hormesisnullset: shite!05:43
armyriadIn the GRUB menu, I see a lot of kernels installed. Are they all necessary?05:43
cachaparitzcracker: intel integrated05:44
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nullsetlol hormesis05:44
ritzcrackergive me the output of lspci05:44
hormesisshittity dit05:44
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cachapa00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 03)05:44
Pici!ohmy | hormesis05:44
ubotuhormesis: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:44
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hormesis!ohmy | pici05:45
ubotupici: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:45
hormesis!ohmy | nullset05:45
ubotunullset: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:45
hormesis!ohmy | nullset05:45
cachapaaplay -l05:45
cachapaaplay: device_list:222: no soundcards found...05:45
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hormesis!ohmy | nullset05:45
zuzuzzzipmy god hormesis05:45
ritzcrackerokay, just out of good old fun05:45
ritzcrackerdo you seen your sound icon on the top right corner of your gui05:45
armyriadUbotu doesn't like you, hormesis. :)05:45
cachaparitzcracker: yes05:45
ritzcrackeropen it05:45
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eraccHi all. I was just asked if there is an OSS service like "GoToMyPC" for Linux? It has to work like GoToMyPC where there is a hosted service that allows connection without configuring one's router to forward a service.05:46
cachapabut hwen i click it there is an error message05:46
arrgi need help reparing HAL!!!05:46
hormesis!ohmy | armyriad05:46
ubotuarmyriad: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:46
hormesis!ohmy | armyriad05:46
hormesis!ohmy | arrg05:46
ubotuarrg: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:46
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hormesis!ohmy | nullset05:46
ubotunullset: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:46
ritzcrackerwhats the error msg05:46
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Pici!spam | hormesis05:46
ubotuhormesis: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)05:46
peeps_worki made a script in ~/bin, and I need to call it with sudo.  it appears that using sude doesn't include your regular path?05:46
hormesis!ohmy | ritzcracker05:46
uboturitzcracker: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:46
peeps_workit worked on another distro though05:46
hormesis!spam | pici05:46
ubotupici: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)05:46
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:46
Pici!ops | hormesis05:46
ubotuhormesis: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok05:46
ritzcrackeri didnt cuss05:46
hormesis!spam | nullset05:46
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o DBO] by ChanServ
ubotunullset: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)05:46
=== Kohvihoor [n=ebichu@213-35-249-186-dsl.kvm.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
teer2Hi - what is a command-line tool for playing a sound file with no GUI interface?05:46
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ritzcrackerwhat did i do wrong?05:46
cachaparitzcracker: something about no sound card being installed05:46
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@cpe-75-179-131-63.woh.res.rr.com] by DBO
DBOthanks Pici05:47
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Piciritzcracker: Ignore it.05:47
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liquiddoomteer2: I think there's a command called "play"05:47
ritzcrackerwill the mixer still open though even though theres an error05:47
Kohvihoorhas anyone used xfs filesystem?05:47
PiciThanks DBO :)05:47
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teer2liquiddoom: Thanks so much.05:47
cachapait was sudden. I was playing around with virtual machines, and i made a mistake with the user groups for my account05:47
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ritzcrackerfor example can u go to File, edit, help05:47
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cachapathe problem with the user groups is now fixed, but htis came from nowhere05:47
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Kohvihooris there something to be worried about, if i format my one disc into xfs?05:48
ritzcrackereven though it prompts you with an error05:48
UberPsyXi think i broke my x server and need help fixing it, i have no idea what im doing or whats wrong05:48
cachapathe volume control doesn't open05:48
armyriadYou should've banned ubotu, too. He was spamming too.05:48
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peeps_workis there a way to make a sudo command recognize the path of the user calling sudo?05:48
ritzcrackerone moment05:48
scarniaHi to all, how could i recompile my kernel (2.6.20-16) starting from the options it actually have?05:48
cachapaNo volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.05:48
Picipeeps_work: What do you mean?05:48
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teer2liquiddoom: Which package is it under?  splay ?05:48
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Dr_LinkAlright, I have a problem. I booted from the live CD, it worked fine, and while in the Installer, I got myself into the Partitioning stage of installation.05:48
barbiehi, i want to control openoffice impress via a remote shell(running on my mobile phone)... can i do so??/05:48
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Dr_LinkI had 4 partitions.05:48
codesniktell me please, how should i install software, not listed in repositories. is there a way to easily create a package for anything compiled from tarball with sources?05:48
peeps_workPici: i have ~/bin as part of my path, but when I use sudo to execute a script in that directory, it cannot find it05:49
Dr_LinkFree space, NTFS, Fat32, and Fat16.05:49
ritzcrackertry doing this05:49
liquiddoomteer2: no clue, sorry05:49
ritzcrackerin bios, disable the onboard sound device, and start up the OS05:49
Dr_LinkBut the free space is labeled as only 8 megabytes!05:49
ritzcrackerthen once in the os05:49
codesnikpeeps_work: sudo changes path to some "safe default"05:49
murlinn__Dr_Link: : one (if not both) of the FAT partitions are the recovery partitions from dell05:49
seriesis there a way to add a new user via terminal05:49
ritzcrackerenable it05:49
genii!packaging | codesnik05:49
ubotucodesnik: The packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports05:49
teer2liquiddoom: can you tell me the author by looking at the man page?  please?  :)05:49
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radhiosramirex: ve a #ubuntu-lat o #ubuntu-ar05:49
ritzcrackerand if it goes well the os should automadicly reinstall it05:49
peeps_workcodesnik, can I override that?05:49
arrgis there any NTFS or cd burning software or usb massstoragedevice drivers that will work without  HAL05:49
cachaparitzcracker: ok, I will try it05:49
ritzcrackerthe drivers for it05:49
radhiosramirex: este canal es en ingles05:49
=== UberPsyX needs desperate help regards x-server
murlinn__if you want to install ubuntu to your hard drive, your going to have to partition some space05:49
Dr_Linkmurlinn__: Ah. Well, in that case, where do I partition? Free space or NTFS?05:50
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arrgor could someone help me fix it05:50
liquiddoomteer2: I don't have it installed >_<05:50
cachaparitzcracker: if I don't come back, it's because it worked: thanks :-)05:50
codesnikpeeps_work: i thought this is something compiled into sudo executable05:50
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barbiei want to control openoffice impress via a remote shell(running on my mobile phone)... can i do so??05:50
murlinn__the free space should only be 8mb or so, can't install anything there :p05:50
teer2liquiddoom: :)05:50
codesnikpeeps_work: but maybe i'm wrong05:50
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peeps_workcodesnik, it didn't seem to do this on fedora core 505:50
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murlinn__what you need to do now is find a 3rd party partition tool and set aside some space from your ntfs partition05:50
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liquiddoombarbie: can your phone do X? openoffice is a graphical application and needs X forwarding05:50
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barbieliquiddoom, no i can run a terminal in my phone over bluetooth05:51
seriescan anyone help me with creating a new user via terminal?  i switched my user to root and now ubuntu wont let me login...can only get to a terminal05:51
peeps_workguess i just gotta copy my script to /usr/sbin05:51
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ritzcrackerseries: are you in the gui now or just terminal prompt05:52
barbienow i needa give an imp presentation, so i was wondering i can make this shell navigate my slides05:52
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arrgnever mind i just fixed it myself05:52
UberPsyXis there anybody here that can help me sort out my xorg.conf file to get GDM working please, getting rather desperate05:53
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taime1i am experiencing sound breaks in vlc only when i watch videos. the sound is replaced by a soft static. i have uninstalled vlc, removed the configuration files, and still have this problem. i cannot duplicate this problem on another machine. anyone know whats going on?05:53
j^2hey, if i'm running daper on a  machine but i need to update apache2...how would i do it?05:53
ritzcrackerseries: are you logged in as root rightn ow05:53
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tcstech you could 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'05:54
Dr_LinkCan someone help me with my partitioning issue?05:54
badarI had exact same problem on friend's computer as taime105:54
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tcstechUberpsyx have you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' ?05:55
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murlinn__Dr_Link: do you have a floppy drive05:55
cachaparitzcracker: errr... there's no option to disable the soundcard in the bios05:55
Picij^2: What do you need to upgrade it to?05:55
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Dr_LinkJust a hard disk and a CD+RW burner.05:55
murlinn__i have a free program i use at work, but its on a floppy05:55
badarHey taime1 r u sing Fiesty ?05:55
murlinn__i don't have a floppy on my home computer either, heh05:55
taime1badar: yes05:55
ritzcrackercachapa: are you sure you said it was intergrated right? it should be in intergrated perhipals or however its spelld05:56
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cachapathere's nothing like that in the bios05:56
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seriesritzcracker: the only thing i can get to is the terminal prompt05:56
ritzcrackerwhat kind of system do you have?05:56
UberPsyXtcstech, well i tried sudo dpkg-configure -phigh xorg.conf05:56
j^2Pici: it seems that it's running like 2.0.55 or something, really out of date05:56
ritzcrackerseries: useradd usernamehere05:56
cachapaan acer travelmate 4020.. two-year old computer05:56
ritzcrackerthen passwd usernameyouused05:56
badartaime1, i had the exact same problem as u on friend's PC. Couldn't find a way to sole though :(05:56
cachapait's a standard bios, but there are not a lot of advanced options05:57
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ritzcrackerso its a laptop05:57
taime1badar: damn... i love vlc... and i only have this problem on this machine...i run feisty on others and dont get that problem05:57
Picij^2: Yeah, that looks like the latest version published to the Dapper repositories.05:57
ritzcrackerlol i hate companys that limit options in bios when it comes to laptops05:57
j^2Pici: i'm sol?05:57
ritzcrackerokay let me think for a second05:57
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ritzcrackerill help ya figure it out05:57
Dr_Linkmurlinn__: Well, in this case... I dunno if I can install Ubuntu, I have free space, NTFS, Fat32, and Fat16 partition. But the problem with Free Space is that it says it's only worth 8 MB.05:57
seriesthanks ritz05:57
ritzcrackernp series05:57
Picij^2: If you dont want to upgrade, yes. Sorry :(05:57
j^2Pici: laammee thanks though :D05:58
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ritzcrackerWhat were you doing again when the sound stoped working?05:58
tcstechdisregaurd the freespace Dr_link  it is there to conform to partition sizes having to be a power of 2 ect.05:58
murlinn__Dr_Link: you have to resize your ntfs partition, and when you do the free space partition will grow, then you can use that05:58
cachapai was installing virtual machine software05:58
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cachapai think that was it05:58
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Dr_Linkmurlinn__: >_> How?05:58
tcstechyou really going to mess with partition sizes to regain 8mb?05:59
zuzuzzzipquestion: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51353405:59
cachapabecause i had to use the virtual box group to my user, but i made a mistake and removed the admin group05:59
murlinn__i don't know of a free program that doesn't destroy your data05:59
Dr_Linktcstech: No. I'm trying to get more space under "Free Space"05:59
=== Optimus55 [n=andre@cuscon30208.tstt.net.tt] has joined #Ubuntu
cachapathen i rebooted in single user mode to recover, and when i came back, i had no sound05:59
Dr_Linkmurlinn__: fdisk? >_<05:59
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murlinn__that will work, yes05:59
bimmelimthis morning my ubuntu desktop claimed that processor scaling ( setting frequency ) was not present. It worked fine the other day, but now the relevant /sys directories are gone. How do I fix this?05:59
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ritzcrackerokay do this boot into prompt instead of GDM05:59
murlinn__but you will lose all your data05:59
ritzcrackerand as root startx05:59
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ritzcrackersee if your sound works as root05:59
Dr_Link...murlinn__: Aww DAMMIT.05:59
canerhey i cant make bmc4310 wireless driver work. i ve installed a driver via nidswrapper. but in the ui of ndiswrapper there writes hardware present:no06:00
tcstechAhh  ..  well then..  best thing to do is to defrag the ntfs partition in windows and then run qtparted when back in ubuntu..06:00
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caneris there a way to get bcm4310 to work (feisty amd64)06:00
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murlinn__Dr_Link: are you seriously thinking about having ubuntu as your main os?06:00
caneri am about to cry06:00
tcstechits as easy as right click the ntfs part and select resize.06:00
Dr_LinkI want it as a second OS, NOT a main one.06:00
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marcospodes crer06:01
murlinn__if it was me, i'd just delete your fat32 and fat16 partitions, just make sure you have a windows install cd somewhere in case you ever have to reinstall06:01
WayahI need noobie help with setting up my sound on ubuntu06:01
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:01
UberPsyXtcstech, nope that didnt work06:01
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Dr_LinkI have an older Windows XP install...06:01
=== Tomsen [n=chatzill@h082218045059.host.wavenet.at] has joined #ubuntu
pike__Wayah: ?06:01
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. Help in #ubuntu-effects06:01
Dr_Linkbut I'm scared to delete those partitions.06:01
pike__Wayah: its prob just a setting in alsamixer like the volume is turned down and whatnot06:02
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murlinn__dell basically copies the install cd to that partition anyway, and adds drivers and such for your hardware06:02
murlinn__if you have the actual cd, i'd just use that06:02
tcstechqtparted would not let you resize the ntfs partition?06:02
=== Keyo [n=ap@p57ADE384.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
WayahI have the newest install of ubuntu but sound is only coming out of the right channel of my laptop06:02
murlinn__this way you can get a sizable (8-10gb) partition for ubuntu06:02
murlinn__Wayah: your sound cable is only half way plugged in !!06:02
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Wayahit is a laptop06:03
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tcstechyeah .. the 7.04 install CD should resize the ntfs partition for you if you let it...06:03
murlinn__well, i lose :(06:03
Wayahyup ;)06:03
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pike__Wayah: open a terminal and run 'alsamixer'  you can use the arrow keys to scroll through, the up and down arrows to up volume and the < and > keys to enable stuff MM'd out06:03
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Dr_Link<murlinn__> if you have the actual cd, i'd just use that <--- For if I need to reinstall, you mean?06:04
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pike__just run an mp3 while youre doing it or play a movie06:04
Dr_LinkOf course, I do have the driver CD.06:04
cachaparitzcracker: sound works under root06:04
ritzcrackerthought so06:04
murlinn__then shoot dell in the foot for taking some of your hard drive space and dedicating it to something you'll never use!06:04
cachapacould it be that i'm missing some required group for sound, or something?06:04
ritzcrackeryour using the repaired admin to login to gdm correct?06:04
Dr_LinkSo it'd be safe to delete those partitions, since Windows runs pretty much everything on NTFS, murlinn__?06:04
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ritzcrackernow try this06:04
murlinn__i would, yes06:05
ritzcrackeropen terminal right now and add a new user06:05
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ritzcrackerlogin to that new user see if sound works06:05
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pike__cachapa: if it isnt the default user created during install yeah. what does 'groups' command say?06:05
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murlinn__boot back into xp, and make sure you only have one drive showing up under local disks06:05
=== genii aims at some Dell marketing guy with a sawed-off shotgun
murlinn__and if you do, go ahead and delete the fat partitions and let the installer use that space06:05
tcstechits a Dell Dr_link?  why didnt you say so... that is just utilities for dell recovery, diag, ect ..useless for a power user.06:06
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cachapapike__: cachapa admin vboxusers06:06
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Dr_Linkpower user, tcstech?06:06
pike__cachapa: yeah youre missing some stuff06:06
tcstechits so they have something to do when you call their phone tech support06:06
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ritzcrackerare you still using vboxusers06:06
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ritzcrackeri see your problem now06:06
cachapai should remove it06:06
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cachapai uninstalled virtualbox06:06
ritzcrackerif you want06:06
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murlinn__yea, they have a program similar to remote desktop on it, that somehow goes through 90% of firewall rules...06:07
=== IceLink [n=IceLink@Wb8d4.w.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
IceLinkhey here06:07
tcstech"click this ...run that... its not covered under wrty srry... blah blah"06:07
ritzcrackerokay do the following ok06:07
seriesritzcracker - i couldn't get that to work for me.  here is a more in detail explanation of my problem.  under user accts i changed my user acct to root directory.  now ubuntu wont let me login...it keeps kicking me back out to the login screen.  so i change session to "failsafe terminal session" as that is the only way I can even get to anything.  using the commands u recommended i still could not establish a new user so that i would h06:07
IceLinki've got a problem with ndiswrapper...06:07
Dr_LinkI don't trust tech support.06:07
=== Cleri1 [n=benepal@bb-87-81-176-169.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sapuroDr_Link hey r u still here?06:07
bullgard4What is the most common use of the D program packe 'trac'?06:08
Cleri1hi my firefox just crashed, how can i get rid of the window i.e. 'CTRL+ALT+DEL' equivalent?06:08
tcstech<-- is a tech  (but not for Dell (but fixes them daily))06:08
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ritzcrackerwhatever editing program you use06:08
sapuroDr_Link did u manage to get the F12 to the multi-boot options?06:08
murlinn__<-- is also a tech, but not for dell, for a college06:08
ritzcrackergo to /etc/passwd06:08
IceLinkafter upgrading to feisty, it worked(!), after reusing my wlan-stick, it didn't work until i 'killed' prism2_usb, then i reused the stick again and it doesnt' work anyway, the msg does not change: "driver installed, hardware present (alternate driver: prism2_usb)06:08
ritzcrackerbe careful06:08
tcstechCTRL+ALT+ESC should start xkill06:08
bullgard4What is the most common use of the DEB program package 'trac'?06:08
Dr_LinkThat's how I got LiveCD to work.06:08
cachapaso uhhh.. what groups should i add?06:08
ritzcrackerwhere you see the user admin06:08
geniiseries: You need to revert the home dir for that user back to it's defaults. It can't run X because nothing in root's dir can be used by that name06:08
belgarath_Anyone know the difference between Geforce7600 GS and Geforce 7600 GT ?06:08
tcstechthen click the stuck window... program dies... muhaha ha06:09
ritzcrackerchange virtualbox06:09
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ritzcrackerto admin06:09
seriesgenii -- anyway to do that via the terminal06:09
cachapaand how do I remove the vboxusers group?06:09
Wayahpike_ look at your PM please06:09
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nullsetwhat should i get if i log in to another console06:09
nullsetand then become root06:09
geniiseries: Yes. Can you get actual root login?06:09
cachaparitzcracker: I already have admin06:09
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nullsetand type /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:09
ritzcrackeryou have one admin right06:09
ritzcrackerits the first set then it goes something like06:09
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geniiseries: Or, can you login your normal name just not into the gui06:09
empireeedcan i get some help? i had an old asus video card in my computer, i just installed an NVidia card (128MB) cause i heard it was supported, but the GUI failed and now im in a DOS screen..06:09
sapuroDr_link ok06:10
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Dr_LinkTurns out, the only drive I've got under Local Disk is C:, the NTFS drive.06:10
seriesgenii-  when i login via failsafe terminal session it says im in root directory06:10
sapuroDr_Link ok06:10
tcstechcleri1 did you try xkill on it?06:10
empireeedis there an easy way to get ubutu to reload and get my video driver installed06:10
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nullsetwhat should be the output ??06:10
ritzcrackerfor example06:10
murlinn__wipe the fat partitions !!!06:10
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cachaparitzcracker: can you tell me what file i should be editting?06:10
pike__empireeed: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose NV driver06:10
seriesgenii-- im logging in via my normal name but the gui wont allow me access...so i use failsafe terminal session.  just need ot know how to change the directory back06:10
ritzcrackerthe file is06:10
Dr_LinkSo it should be safe to delete the Fat16 and Fat32 partitions, right murlinn__?06:10
cachapai forgot the filename and path :P06:10
ritzcrackeri mean06:10
Dr_Linktime to reboot into Ubuntu.06:11
pike__empireeed: then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart to bring gui back06:11
geniiseries: OK. So do: mount -a -o rw06:11
ritzcrackerin there look for your user admin06:11
ritzcrackerlet me know when you see it06:11
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cachapacan't find a user admin06:12
geniiseries: The you should be able to write to files again. Then you need to run the vipw command and change the home dir in there to the proper home dir for that name.06:12
ritzcrackeryou dont see a user admin in /etc/passwd06:12
empireeedpike > thank you, but now it wants the size of my video card in kB and its a 12806:12
congtuholy cow! this room is huge06:12
werpoThanks to everybody who helped me here!!!06:12
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empireeedwould that be 128 000?06:12
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cachaparitzcracker: no06:12
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congtuwhy there are so many people use ubuntu06:12
sapurocongtu cause ubuntu rocks :D06:12
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ritzcrackerhit me up in private msg06:12
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cachapacat /etc/passwd |grep admin06:12
cachapagnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/bin/sh06:12
cachapai don't know how to private06:13
geniiseries: The vipw command uses some odd keystrokes.   If you mess up exit without saving by:  :q!06:13
cachapathis is a weird irc client :P06:13
ritzcrackeri just msg you06:13
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geniiseries: Otherwise just use    :q      if the edit was not messed up06:13
seriesgenii - saying "only root can do that"06:13
geniiseries so issue the command with sudo in front06:14
ritzcrackercachapa: do you any messanger aside from irc06:14
ritzcrackerhit me up, foreverlost451@hotmail.com06:14
ritzcrackerill be on ine a second06:14
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cachapaok tnx06:14
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geniiseries: If you did not do the mount -a -o rw     with sudo   it should have given you some error message also06:15
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pike__empireeed: choose the option to let it detect it. (leave it blank)06:15
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seriesi did sudo mount -a -o rw -- it just gave me terminal line again06:15
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empireeedit worked, now loaded. should i get a custom driver now? or leave the generic nvidia?06:16
pike__empireeed: bear in mind this is the open source driver. for 3d youd do the command sudo apt-get isntall nvidia-glx; sudo nvidia-xconfig    <-- or use the nvidia-glx-new or legacy.06:16
pike__empireeed: id get the nvidia driver myself. i like them fps games06:17
geniiseries: So then just do the:    sudo vipw             then, edit the home dir to the proper one, and exit with    :qw   or   :q   so it confirms overwriting. If you mess up the edit, exit with   :q!  instead and reissue the   sudo vipw06:17
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pike__empireeed: nv is fine for 2d though.06:17
geniiwork, AFK 1-2 mins06:17
empireeedi just wanted to use WINE for poker games.06:17
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pike__empireeed: youre good then06:17
empireeedi got world of warcraft too.06:17
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empireeednever played before but i just got it.06:17
pike__lol just remember the dpkg-reconfigure command to go back to nv if you get in trouble06:18
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empireeedill load the other one, i got my wireless usb adapter loaded, i love this ubuntu, just need to get more familiar.06:18
empireeedi wrote it down thanks06:18
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DBOempireeed, just in case... there is a program called irssi, it will let you get on IRC from a text console to get help06:19
Wayahif there is anyone that can tell a noobie how to get my sound to work please pm me06:19
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DBOempireeed, we dont want to lose you over some silly driver issue =)06:19
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DBOWayah, you want private help?06:19
empireeedil get that now, thanks DBO06:19
seriesgenii -  you still there?06:19
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empireeedthanks pike and DBO, i appreciate it.06:20
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Wayahyes DBO06:20
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DBOWayah, join #DBO , I will work with you there06:20
pike__empireeed: np check out tremulous if you decide to go 3d. nice online fps06:20
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thomas__Question: I have plugged in my microphone but it has not registered how do i register it it does not have a installation disc???06:20
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KokoBokoim noobie in linux06:20
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KokoBokoand have some questions06:20
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sapuroWayah try to use Alsamixer as ur sound device06:21
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geniiseries: Yes, i am around. At work so i get called away once in a while06:21
kalleballi've installed the ati proprietary drivers and all compiz fusion packages but when i run compiz --replace as the tutorial says, nothing happens, anyone here able to help out?06:21
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KokoBokowhen ive tried to install skype it writes me back libasound2 >1.0.12 libc6>2.3.6-606:21
SORMANOVhow can i prevent passwd from accepting simple passwords ?06:21
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CyberCodhello everyone06:21
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sapurokalleball how did u install the ati proprietary drivers?06:21
kalleballi used envy.06:22
CyberCodanyone have time to field a question about laptop sata harddrives?06:22
DitirisI can't install from a CD-ROM.  I get "bash: ./xinfo: Permission denied" even though I have execute permission for all files on the CD-ROM.  Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?06:22
kalleballi've tried to install them without it several times and it's always failed.06:22
sapurokalleball what exactly is envy?06:22
kalleballno idea.06:22
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kalleballsome script that downloads and installs ati/nvidia drivers.06:23
pike__script to install latest nvidia using the install from their site  i believe06:23
ubotuenvy is a script that may leave you envious of those who have not used it, use the resticted manager to install binary drivers or use the instructions on the wiki, this script may break your machine very badly!06:23
sapurokalleball u've  used something and u dont know what it is? :s06:23
kalleballnow i know what it is =p06:23
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YoshiBishihello, my ubuntu is royally fucked =/06:23
sapurokalleball where did u get it from?06:23
kalleballi've tried using the instructions on the wiki several times and it's fucked up royally every time.06:24
YoshiBishiYour session only lasted less than 10 seconds.  If you have not logged out yourself, this could mean that there is some installation problem or that you may be out of diskspace.  Try logging in with one of the failsafe sessions to see if you can fix this problem06:24
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:24
kalleballum...some site...i can find the url..06:24
YoshiBishiif i click on okay, or the x06:24
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YoshiBishimy ubuntu restarts itself06:24
DBOplease watch your language guys =)06:24
tckkalleball,   YoshiBishi, no foul language06:24
sapurokalleball please, and can u put it in the private to me,please06:24
CyberCodguess I'm invisible06:24
YoshiBishiim just mad that changing the splash screen resulted in my ubuntu not working anymore06:24
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tck CyberCod just ask06:25
tckdont ask to ask06:25
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pike__CyberCod: best to just throw the question out there and see if somone knows06:25
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kalleballsapuro: apparently i have to register to pm.06:25
derrinHi!   Anyboidy know about gtk-recordMyDesktop?   My install on feisty won't work - tells me "could not open/configure sound card".06:25
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CyberCodI need to replace a sata laptop drive... and i'm wondering if the connector placement is standardized06:26
sapurokalleball register to pm? dont really get what pm is.lol06:26
CyberCodor if I need to get the exact same drive06:26
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kalleballi registered...and set it to unfiltered...and sent you a pm.06:27
YoshiBishiHi, I changed my splash screen and login window and now my ubuntu doesnt work anymore...06:27
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awghi all.  quick question about upgrading: i'm currently on dapper, and would like to upgrade to feisty.  is there a recommended upgrade path, or will a direct upgrade work fine?06:28
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pike__!upgrade | awg06:29
KokoBokowhen ive tried to install skype it writes me back libasound2 >1.0.12 libc6>2.3.6-606:29
ubotuawg: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:29
armyriadI got error 17 while loading GRUB. How do I fix this?06:29
KokoBokowhen ive tried to install skype it writes me back libasound2 >1.0.12 libc6>2.3.6-606:29
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pike__awg: i upgraded to edgy then feisty as the jump straight to feisty caused badness06:29
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awgpike__: thanks.  i'll probably do that, to be safe.06:30
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KokoBokowhen ive tried to install skype it writes me back libasound2 >1.0.12 libc6>2.3.6-606:30
KokoBokowill someone help me?06:30
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KokoBokowhen ive tried to install skype it writes me back libasound2 >1.0.12 libc6>2.3.6-606:31
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YoshiBishiwhats wrong with this OS =_=06:31
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pike__KokoBoko: i often get around that by making a symlink to the old lib named the lib version its looking for. thats a lazy way06:31
teiwaz_idlegreetings all06:31
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KokoBokoexplain me06:32
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KokoBokoim noob06:32
KokoBokoin linux06:32
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kimohatgreeting to all06:32
kalleballis there a specific channel where i can get help installing compiz fusion?06:32
cabrioleurim noob too, in general.06:32
KokoBokoi just want to install skype06:32
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KokoBokowill u help me06:32
KokoBokoor not06:33
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cabrioleurKokoBoko, go to unofficial faq for ubuntu. http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty06:33
teiwaz_idleanyone know of a way to tunnel a full xwindow session over ssh?  I can run specific commands which work, but I'm looking for a whole xwindow session that's tunneled06:33
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pike__KokoBoko: what is the version in /usr/lib you get when you 'locate libasound' in a terminal. btw i never had any issue installing skype06:34
YoshiBishiHello, I just changed my splash screen and login window, now beryl doesnt run and half a dozen other things seem to be messed up.06:34
teiwaz_idleI've used xdmcp, but that's not secure, so I don't want to open it to wan-side connections06:34
cabrioleurAnd the instruction is up there.06:34
finalbetaKokoBoko: http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/06:34
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KokoBokoi downloaded the file06:34
KokoBokobut when i start it06:34
armyriadI got error 17 while loading GRUB. How do I fix this?06:34
preaction!enter | KokoBoko06:35
ubotuKokoBoko: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:35
KokoBokoit writes me back an error06:35
teiwaz_idleI've also gotten the ssh tunnel working lan side, so I know it can be done, I'm just having trouble finding which additional ports to open06:35
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pike__KokoBoko: you following these instructions? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype06:35
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KokoBoko1 second to copy u what it writes me06:37
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teiwaz_idlehrm... anyone have any ideas where else to look for help?  yes, I've RTFM, and googled for all I'm worth06:37
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=== genii puts on his flood glasses Just In Case
pike__KokoBoko: open a terminal and type 'locate libasound | grep /usr/lib' what does it say?06:37
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Clericwhen i use the terminal, i can type commands but when it asks for my password, i cant type any letters06:37
=== teiwaz_idle hopes the goggles do something this time ;)
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pike__Cleric: it doesnt echo them but it will work just type and hit enter06:38
stanthecaddy22Cleric: are you sure? when typing passwords it doesnt show any characters but it is being typed06:38
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geniiteiwaz_idle: What is your exact issue again?06:38
KokoBokopike__ /usr/lib/libasound.so.206:39
teiwaz_idlebasically, I'm trying to get a full xwindow session over ssh'06:39
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dakirahey.. any wifi pros here?06:39
geniiteiwaz_idle: OK, lemme poke around06:39
Clericpike & stan: yes but when i type in my password and press enter it states 'su:authentication failure'06:39
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teiwaz_idleI can run specific commands, and I can get it to work lan side06:39
geniiteiwaz_idle: OK, lemme poke around06:39
teiwaz_idlebut the second I go wan side, it's not working, and I can't for the life of me find out which additional ports I need to forward06:40
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KokoBokopike__ when i try to install skype it writes me error: dependency is not satisfiable libasound206:40
geniiSorry for dbl post06:40
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teiwaz_idle(what I'm going for is basically a secured xdmcp type connection)06:40
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pike__KokoBoko: this is a deb file? im not too up on dpkg06:40
cabrioleurKokoBoko, execute as root: apt-get install libasound206:41
teiwaz_idleas opposed to just VNC or running specific commands over an ssh cli06:41
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pike__teiwaz_idle: considered freenx?06:41
bimmelim_Please help:  /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq is gone. How do I bring it back?06:41
KokoBokohow to do it?06:41
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cabrioleurtype in terminal: sudo apt-get install libasound206:42
teiwaz_idleI saw that, but it looked like freenx either wouldn't run on ubuntu, or I couldn't connect from windows (I forget which, but I know I've tried it)06:42
peeps_workwhy can't the gnome system monitor show a scale for the network history06:42
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Xecuter88hi. has anyone got a solution for flash freezing when playing stuff on youtube etc?06:42
KokoBokoReading package lists... Done06:42
KokoBokoBuilding dependency tree... Done06:42
KokoBokolibasound2 is already the newest version.06:42
KokoBoko0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:42
dakiraI've got a dlink (pci) card with an atheros chipset, so I'm  using the madwifi driver. the interface wlan0 and the virtual interface ath0 have been automatically created. networkmanager won't allow me to connect to a wpa protected network. since I had this problem on another box where deactivating NM and just using /etc/network/interfaces helped, I did the same here. No dice.. I can't connect to the network. Also there is a funny ath0:avahi06:42
dakirainterface which seems to interfer with the ath0 interface.. any clues?06:42
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Xecuter88has anyone got the same problem?06:42
=== Aeudian [n=somewher@ip67-94-157-98.z157-94-67.customer.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
peeps_workit just shows percent, but you never know what it is a percentage of06:42
KokoBokocabrioleur ?06:42
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Clericcan anyone help me install java - im having issues with the terminal06:43
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AeudianIs there a way when using smbclient to connect to a server 2003, to take the smb share that you connect to and map it to a drive name on your desktop?06:43
teiwaz_idleuse cifs06:43
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teiwaz_idleyou trying to do it secure or not?06:43
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gubluntuhow do i open applications on another logged in user when remotely connected via ssh?06:43
j3gis there a easy way to update an installation withtout directly using the network? (like using pen drives or cds)06:43
gubluntulike firefox DISPLAY=somethinsomething ?06:44
KokoBokocabrioleur ideas ?06:44
teiwaz_idlesecure involves creating credentials, if unsecured, you can just manually type in username and pass in /etc/fstab06:44
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stanthecaddy22gubluntu: if you have the password type "su [username] " to log in as user then type commands06:44
xtknighthow do i get a count of the number of lines in a file that start with XYZ?06:44
teiwaz_idleaeudian, that was directed at you, sorry06:44
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gubluntustanthecaddy22: i tried06:44
gubluntustanthecaddy22: still says failed to open on display blah and blah06:44
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KokoBokopike__ ?06:45
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pike__KokoBoko: can you pastebin the output?06:45
stanthecaddy22gubluntu: ah i see what you are trying to do, my mistake. I'm not sure how to/if you can do that06:45
Aeudianteiwaz_idle so there is no way of doing it under smbclient? or with mount? reason being i am looking for a generic way of mounting these shares on linux and on OSX but OSX doesnt have cifs06:45
cabrioleurxtknight: cat -n06:45
amartoloshey guys, is reiserfs more useful than ext3? i just do office tasks like word etc, maybe some movies06:45
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teiwaz_idlesmbclient has some errors06:45
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teiwaz_idleI'm doing just that with cifs to connect to my windows 2k3 server06:46
phoenixzWhen I use the sudo command I get this: "sudo: cannot get working directory" any idea on how to fix this06:46
genii!compile > series06:46
tgelterhey all - what's the easiest way to capture video under *nix ? (Solaris specifically but I know I've seen video captured under linux)06:46
KokoBokoReading package lists... Done06:46
KokoBokoBuilding dependency tree... Done06:46
KokoBokolibasound2 is already the newest version.06:46
KokoBoko0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:46
teiwaz_idlecifs essentially mimics smb as far as your server is concerned, so no worries there I believe06:46
xtknightcabrioleur, ok i can get the number of each line with "cat -n", however i need to single out lines that start with a sequence of 3 bytes.  looking at the manual for cat, that doesnt seem to be possible06:46
pike__KokoBoko: yes that will already be installed06:46
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empire360when i type in gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces it is no longer bringing up the configuration file. anyone got a suggestion?06:47
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B-rabbitone quickii dumb question to ask guy's: can you have a laptop plugged in to your home desktop pc to create a network?06:47
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KokoBokobut it writes me then dependency is not satisfiable libasound206:47
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tgelterhey all - what's the easiest way to capture video under *nix ? (Solaris specifically but I know I've seen video captured under linux)06:47
xtknightcabrioleur, seems the correct command is cat file  | egrep "^AID" | wc -l   thanks though06:47
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Jack_SparrowKokoBoko: Could also be version number not correct06:47
Aeudianteiwaz_idle: so with cifs i am able to take the smb share and mount it as a drive letter and remove ti later on, cause it will only be used under VPN client06:47
murlinn__the easiest way is probably a camcorder...06:47
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teiwaz_idle//       /media/backedup2        cifs    defaults,ro    0006:48
KokoBoko  Depends: libasound2 (>1.0.12) but 1.0.11-7ubuntu3 is to be installed06:48
KokoBoko Depends: libqt4-core but it is not going to be installed06:48
KokoBoko Depends: libqt4-gui but it is not going to be installed06:48
teiwaz_idleconnects to my windows box, and mounts read only06:48
tgeltermurlinn__: I need to capture it in a professional way. this will be converted to flash and put as user documentation06:48
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teiwaz_idlewrong one, hold on06:48
FlameangelB-rabbit: You should be able to through an ethernet cable.06:48
cabrioleurxtknight, try wc -l06:48
KokoBoko  Depends: libasound2 (>1.0.12) but 1.0.11-7ubuntu3 is to be installed06:49
KokoBoko Depends: libqt4-core but it is not going to be installed06:49
KokoBoko Depends: libqt4-gui but it is not going to be installed06:49
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xtknightcabrioleur, i got it.  thanks06:49
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Jack_Sparrow!repeat > KokoBoko06:49
teiwaz_idle// /media/backedup cifs credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,ro 0 006:49
geniiDamn my flood glasses seem to be broken06:49
teiwaz_idlethat's my /etc/fstab entry to automount from a windows share06:49
DShepherdhow can i find out if my laptops camera supports jpeg? (camera = ID 0c45:62c0 Microdia )06:49
cabrioleurKokoBoko, what version of Ubuntu are you using?06:49
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nobleWhy do IDE drives show up as /dev/sda  in Fiesty and not /dev/hda  ???06:50
cabrioleurProbably you downloaded version for 7.0406:50
B-rabbitFlameangel:but i have only one ethernat  socket in the back of my cpu which i use for my internet connection06:50
teiwaz_idleyou can set who can mount it or not...06:50
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KokoBokohow to download for 6.1006:50
DShepherdnoble, i think its a know bug in feisty06:50
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Jack_SparrowKokoBoko: It looks like 1.0.12 is needed and only 1.0.11 is available in the repo06:50
nobleah ok thanks DShepherd06:51
DShepherdnoble, kool06:51
xtknightDShepherd,  noble, it's not a bug.  the kernel uses libata now which assigns SCSI devices to all disks attached06:51
geniiteiwaz_idle: BTW you may want to look into FreeNX, it works over ssh06:51
KokoBokoexplain me pls06:51
DShepherdxtknight, my bad06:51
teiwaz_idleso no one else has any ideas for a good rdp type connection?06:51
daedra!info freenx06:51
ubotufreenx: The FreeNX application/thin-client server based on NX technology. In component freenx, is optional. Version 0.6.0-0~seveas2 (feisty-seveas), package size 60 kB, installed size 272 kB (Only available for i386)06:51
FlameangelB-rabbit: Ah i see, well the only way i can think of is to get a wired router and use that, but there could be another way...06:51
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teiwaz_idleI'll check into it again, but I'm pretty sure I tried it.06:51
cabrioleurKokoBoko, skype for 7.04 needs new libraries, so you have to download older one or upgrade your libraries06:51
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xtknightnoble, nowadays UUIDs are used in fstab to refer to a device though.  you can type "blkid" to get uuids06:51
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teiwaz_idleyeah, certainly wouldn't hurt to try again, thanks much! :-D06:51
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FlameangelBy the way guys, On my network adapter, how do i manually set the DNS i want to use on my network?06:52
tsolerhello to all06:52
tsolerbeginer to ubuntu06:52
KokoBokohow to upgrade the libraries06:52
tsolerhow do i open a bin file06:52
DShepherdxtknight, nice. i never knew that06:52
DShepherdxtknight, the blkid thing06:52
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noblethanks xknight  - Yeah I just looked in my fstab and didn't know what was up06:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:52
xtknightDShepherd, ya been here since Edgy i think06:52
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KokoBoko how to upgrade the libraries06:52
DShepherdxtknight, kool06:52
tsolerhello b- rabbit06:53
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daedradoes ubotu have a channel?06:53
xtknightnoble, basically instead of "/dev/sda1" you will have "UUID=longUuidCode"06:53
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tsoleri need to install g earth but how do i run it?/06:53
cabrioleurKokoBoko: this would be the least problematic: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading06:53
sapuroberyl + aiglx rocks http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=c1lFYT_cLm806:53
xtknighttsoler, ./google_earth.bin06:53
Tornadoi want to add a new video card in my computer , and when i put the card in my computer xserver crashes06:53
daedraor can you msg it privately or something (ubotu)06:53
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|^marky^|could I get help finding a virtual drive software for ubuntu06:54
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KokoBokomy connections is only 1 mbit06:54
xtknight|^marky^|, what do you mean by virtual drive?06:54
KokoBokoit will be long06:54
B-rabbittsoler: go to computer >file system > and there you will have your bin directory06:54
|^marky^|well I have for example on windows poweriso06:54
|^marky^|which you can mount things to it06:54
cabrioleurKokoBoko. Just be ready to do the configuration again :-( Mine is a quarter of yours.06:54
Tornadoits a nvidia Gforce 406:54
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xtknight|^marky^|, mkdir -p /media/ISO && sudo mount /home/marky/something.iso /media/ISO06:54
tcstech|^marky^| just 'sudo mount NAMEOFFILE -o loop06:54
|^marky^|i didnt understand it06:55
Tornadocan anyone help06:55
|^marky^|this is my second day with linux06:55
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tsoleri need to restore file association cause double clicking opens bin files with abiword?06:55
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cabrioleurxtknight, I think you must add -o loop for isos06:55
xtknight|^marky^|, type the exact command i typed, and replace "/home/marky/something.iso" with the path to the ISO file.06:55
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tcstech'sudo mount NAMEOFFILE FOLDERNAME -o loop06:55
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xtknightcabrioleur, i think it autodetects06:55
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xtknightin feisty at least06:55
cabrioleurthat's neat06:55
empire360Pike_ are you good with networking issues? i got my internet working im just having a few small problems keeping the settings when the computer reboots.06:55
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:56
genii|^marky^|: On linux you don't need some special program to mount iso files. you just tell linux to mount the iso to some directory and tell it to use a loop device06:56
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imacmatt09i can never get ubuntu to work.........06:56
Tornadocan anyone help06:56
tcstechwith .iso it will auto loop\06:56
xtknight|^marky^|, it only works with ISOs though.  you can't do .bins, .cues, .imgs, .nrgs, or .mdf/.mds, or .ccd06:56
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=== KokoBoko [n=JokeR-@87-126-90-83.btc-net.bg] has left #ubuntu []
FuncanHi. I'm possibly being dense, but Feisty is the latest stable, but what are unstable & testing ATM?06:56
DShepherdTornado, i think you can reconfigure the xserver. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. hopefully with gusty this will be better06:56
xtknight|^marky^|, to do the other formats you'll have to find some other software.06:56
ConstyXIVFuncan: testing is gutsy06:56
B-rabbitTornado: ask your question straight away plzz06:56
geniiFuncan: Gutsy gibbon06:56
Tornadoi did06:56
xtknight!gutsy | Funcan06:56
ubotuFuncan: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+106:56
santaclaus33www.igotfree.com - FREE UNLIMITED Space & Bandwidth HOSTING06:57
tcstechFuncan gutsy..  <--- not quick enough ><06:57
|^marky^|but where must i type it06:57
genii!ops santaclaus3306:57
DShepherdTornado, do that when xserver crashes to pick up and configure your new card06:57
ConstyXIVFuncan: we don't really have a public "unstable" branch afaik06:57
xtknight|^marky^|, applications->accessories->terminal06:57
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Xecuter88has anyone gotten a solution for the flash-freezing-problem?06:57
santaclaus33www.igotfree.com - FREE HOSTING: UNLIMITED SPACE & BANDWIDTH06:57
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geniibah forgot ops call06:57
=== ivan82 [n=ivan82@r200-125-36-107-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
tcstech|^marky^| you would type that in a console..06:57
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xtknight!hi | ivan8206:58
ubotuivan82: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:58
geniidaedra: Yes06:58
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DShepherdhow can i find out if my laptops camera supports jpeg? (camera = ID 0c45:62c0 Microdia )06:58
bradley/NICK ThrobbingBrain6606:58
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empire360will this command give me the 3D nvidia drivers?  sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx-legacy06:59
Clericcan anyone advise as to where java should be installed? i want it to be available to all users06:59
Xecuter88has anyone gotten a solution for the flash-freezing-problem?06:59
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xtknight!nvidia | empire36006:59
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c-68-42-167-91.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] by DBO
ubotuempire360: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:59
FuncanCheers. I'll give it a spin, see if the kernel update finally makes battery life reasonable on my laptop...06:59
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cabrioleurXecuter88, http://grumpymole.blogspot.com/2006/10/ubuntu-firefox-flash-crash-this-fix.html06:59
bullgard4What can I infer from the dmesg message "ACPI: Sleep Button (CM) [SLPB] "? My laptop does not have any sleep button.06:59
Jack_Sparrow!hardware > DShepherd:06:59
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cabrioleurMr. Google is your friend.06:59
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Xecuter88cabrioleur: thank you :D06:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lg3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:59
ivan82somebody speaking spanish07:00
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xtknight!es | ivan8207:00
ubotuivan82: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.07:00
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cabrioleurbullgard4, don't you have a sleep button as fn + f(something)?07:00
phirasHow can I fix a broken package ?07:00
ConstyXIVADminS: yeah, i dont think ubuntu has looking glass in repos07:00
ivan82gracias flaco07:00
ivan82estoy iniciando07:00
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cabrioleurphiras, what is wrong with the package?07:00
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neuratixhow can i change the autocorrection-language in gnome?07:01
seriesI'm trying to install a nvidia graphics driver.....is a .run format.  whenever i do tho it tells me that I can't because X server is running and that i need to exit X before installing...can anyone tell me how to do this?07:01
|^marky^|just to make sure guys07:01
bullgard4cabrioleur: Ah! I have a small half-moon shaped symbol on my laptop's key F2. Thank you for your hint!07:01
|^marky^|mkdir -p /media/ISO && sudo mount /home/mark/ADAM Interactive Physiology 9 System Suite.nrg/media/iso07:01
xtknightseries, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:01
|^marky^|lie this right07:01
armyriadI used Partition Magic on Windows to try to resize some disks. It ended with an error about a corrupt ext2/3 file system. When I rebooted, GRUB had error 17.07:01
|^marky^|i must type it in the console07:01
xtknight|^marky^|, okay when you have spaces in the filename you must enclose it in double quotes07:01
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ConstyXIV|^marky^|: yup, you need quotes on the path07:02
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daedraseries - are you familiar with using command line?07:02
xtknight|^marky^|, besides, you can't mount an NRG07:02
phirascabrioleur :I don't know , But when I'm trying to install mysql-server , I get this error : E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).07:02
ConstyXIVthat too07:02
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xtknight|^marky^|, it only works with ISOs07:02
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DShepherdJack_Sparrow, thanks but nothing there helped07:02
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Jack_Sparrowarmyriad: What version of partition magic... 7, 8 or ?07:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nrg2iso - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:02
xtknight|^marky^|, you may need nrg->iso converter or other software.  google nrg linux :)  or maybe nerolinux can do it07:02
|^marky^|do you know some software i could use07:02
geniixtknight: I was just gonna comment on the nrg thing there07:02
ConstyXIV|^marky^|: you want something called nrg2iso07:02
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armyriadI think it was the latest version of Partition Magic.07:02
genii!info nrg2iso07:03
ubotunrg2iso: Extracts ISO9660 data from Nero ".nrg" files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-1.1 (feisty), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB07:03
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Jack_SparrowDShepherd: You might go to the mfg of the laptop and see if they have more info on that camera07:03
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ConstyXIVthere we go07:03
xtknight|^marky^|, besides this, there are some other issues with your command.  you don't have a space between the image filename and /media/iso.  also /media/ISO <-- the ISO needs to be capitalized like at the beginning of the command.  and this is if you're using an iso07:03
phirasWhat's the wrong guys !!07:03
cabrioleurphiras, you need additional packages. It names them in previous lines.07:03
DShepherdJack_Sparrow, ok thanks07:03
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xtknight|^marky^|, even if those things were fixed you could still not use an NRG with mount (but i think you understand that, just making sure007:04
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daedraxtknight: capitalised?!? not if the iso is actually lowercase07:04
phirascabrioleur : but it should be installed with the current software07:04
xtknightdaedra, no the /media/ISO mount point07:04
|^marky^|is there a site where i could download it07:04
ConstyXIVdoes anyone know if the camera on the dell XPS m1210 works in ubuntu?07:04
xtknightdaedra, he didnt use the same dir as he made07:04
|^marky^|yeah i understand07:04
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daedraxtknight: ah07:04
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Jack_Sparrowarmyriad:  We can get you back into windows without much problem, then you can try and fix partitions with the same program that you were using.07:04
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|^marky^|it is just complicated if you are used to windows07:04
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xtknight|^marky^|, at first.  then, it's just convenient :)07:05
cabrioleurphiras, are your trying to install it with apt-get?07:05
Dr_LinkSuccessful Ubuntu installation!07:05
Dr_LinkI am now enabled for Dual Booting.07:05
ConstyXIVand russian is confusing if all you know is english07:05
=== Dr_Link is speaking from Windows at the moment.
|^marky^|nrg2iso  this software , is there a special site where I could download it07:05
xtknight|^marky^|, sudo apt-get install nrg2iso07:05
ConstyXIV|^marky^|: just install it from ubuntu07:05
xtknight|^marky^|, it is in the repositories07:05
phirasHow can Iyes07:05
xtknight!info nrg2iso07:05
ubotunrg2iso: Extracts ISO9660 data from Nero ".nrg" files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-1.1 (feisty), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB07:05
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xtknight!universe | |^marky^|, besides that you may need to enable universe07:06
ubotu|^marky^|, besides that you may need to enable universe: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:06
ConstyXIVapt-get, aptitude, synaptic, gnome-app-install, pick your poison07:06
janeppo_Dr_Link, congratulations!07:06
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Dr_LinkNow, I am curious how to get my Intel PRO set Wirless card to work with Ubuntu.07:06
ConstyXIVmy old laptop had the most painless dualboot set up ever07:06
drj826On an Ubuntu Server 6.10 system I have 2 external USB drives connected.  They do not appear under /media.  How do I mount them?07:06
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ys76get yourself?07:06
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:06
Dr_LinkSo I can install XChat and get help directly insid eUbuntu.07:06
geniiDr_Link: I am picturing you rubbing your hands together in evil glee over there :)07:07
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Dr_Linkgenii: \o/07:07
ConstyXIVit was already partitioned in two, i just installed ubuntu in the second partition and it worked like magic07:07
junminhi guys, i got a problem of the sound now, i removed apt-get remove --purge alsa-base and then installed a alsa CVS version, and now trying to go back with the alsa-base deb, apt-get install alsa-base, but no sound, if i lsmod, i cannot see any snd*. somebody can help me please??07:07
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xtknightjunmin, i hate to mention it, but try rebooting?07:08
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xtknightjunmin, modules are loaded at startup time.  so that is the easiest way to do things07:08
junminxtknight, tried already07:08
xtknightjunmin, okay then reinstall your kernel image.  sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-`uname -r`07:08
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neuratixhow can i change the autocorrection-language in gnome?07:08
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drj826On an Ubuntu Server 6.10 system I have 2 external USB drives connected.  They do not appear under /media.  How do I mount them?07:09
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|^marky^|pfff complicated07:09
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Xecuter88cabrioleur, nope not working07:09
junminxtknight,  oh .. installing now07:09
act1v8I'm having some problems starting Ubuntu 7.04 as a LiveCD on a laptop.07:09
janeppo_windows := linux07:09
act1v8The screen is black after the bootsplash07:09
act1v8if I boot into safe graphics mode everything is ok07:10
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junminxtknight, i go to restart now..thx07:10
neuratixdrj826: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mount/point -t auto07:10
rafaelscjact1v8, how much RAM do you have?07:10
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janeppo_Actlv8, remove splash from the grub bootline07:10
act1v8rafaelscj: 512MB07:10
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act1v8janeppo_: I can't. it's a live cd07:11
rafaelscjact1v8, you can07:11
drj826neuratix: sda1, sda2, and sda3 are firewire devices.  How do I find the USB devices?07:11
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iShockHey: I wanna use some sort of VM to run windows Vista from inside linux..Can someone tell me how/07:11
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act1v8rafaelscj: how07:11
xtknight!vmware | iShock07:11
ubotuiShock: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers07:11
neuratixdrj826: sda4 perhaps :)07:11
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iShockxtknight: Which link?07:12
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neuratixdrj826: sdb and sdc etc07:12
WayahI am rebooting... brb07:12
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xtknightiShock, depends on what you want?  instructions?07:12
rafaelscjact1v8, I never did it, but you can find07:12
xtknightiShock, then yes..07:12
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janeppo_actlv8, I had the same problem: black screen after two lines of startup messages, safe mode DOES boot.07:12
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rafaelscjact1v8, there is a help option before start or install Ubuntu07:12
act1v8janeppo_: safe mode does boot... yes07:12
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xtknightiShock, vmware server is used to manage and install VMs, and with vmware player you start those VMs07:13
tcstechooh.. vm vista?  with their 3d desktop you will prolly have crap performance..07:13
janeppo_actlv8, for the live cd I had to type F4 and choose some explicit resloution, otherwise the screen would blacken.07:13
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drj826neuratix: sorry, sda1, sdb1, and sdc1 are firewire devices.  There is no sdd1.  /dev/disk/by-path shows the 2 USB drives, but I don't know what device files to mount.07:13
act1v8rafaelscj, janeppo_: I think that XOrg can't recognize the resolution07:13
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act1v8it can...07:14
tcstechYou should not have both vmware-server and vmware-player installed at the same time....afik it will not let you.07:14
janeppo_actlv8, what happens if you boot the cdrom, then type F4 before continuing?07:14
empire360hello, im running feisty and i recently configured my wireless adapter with the serialmonkey guide, and i must auto configure everytime i connect upon reboot. also, i am having problems getting the gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces to open, it appears to be freezing...07:14
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act1v8janeppo_: I am booting the cdrom07:15
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janeppo_actlv8, ...07:15
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IceLinki've got a strange problem with ndiswrapper07:15
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rapidHmm, I'm got a stupid problem.. I edit'd passwd and changed the user name of my current user to something else.. as i was going to move the home user dir after that.. now i can't sudo returning sudo: pam_authenticate: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.07:16
act1v8janeppo_: and it's act(one)v807:16
iShockSo...Anyone got time to help super much with VMware? I so dont get the instructions..07:16
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neuratixdrj826: i don't know how to find the devices on the server version, sorry07:16
janeppo_actlv8: ???? (-<07:16
junminxtknight, working already ...thx07:16
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lillohi, I've a problem with php5-interbase package in ubuntu feisty07:16
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drj826neuratix: no problem, I think I'm on the right path07:17
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Funcanrapid: At a guess, use id to get your current uid, su to the uid, then try sudo?07:17
bulmerrapid maybe if you boot from liveCd and mount the hd where /etc/passwd is, then recover07:17
janeppo_act1v8, oooooh, sorry07:17
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iShockSo...Anyone got time to help super much with VMware? I so dont get the instructions..07:17
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empire360i am having problems getting the gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces to open, it appears to be freezing...07:17
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act1v8janeppo_: well the VGA menu pops up07:17
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schighHow can I restart ALSA without restarting my whole computer?07:18
kevor_Uhm, what happened if my whole /etc/init.d dir is gone, iv'e not deleted it, nor has anyone with the rights to do so entered the box...07:18
bulmerempire360: freezing? kill the process and maybe use vim to edit that subject file07:18
act1v8janeppo_: 1280x800 isn't there07:18
janeppo_act1v8, make a choice, I did 1680x105007:18
bulmerkevor_: feisty?07:18
rapidfuncan: by su to the id, you mean, "su 1000?07:18
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kevor_bulmer: yes07:18
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act1v8janeppo_: there is nothing like it!07:19
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lillohi, I've a problem with php5-interbase package in ubuntu feisty07:19
janeppo_act1v8, some choice, I don't think it matters much, but I'm not sure07:19
bulmerkevor_:  i believe it uses something different..07:19
rafaelscjact1v8, did you use widescreen?07:19
bulmerkevor_: i cant think of the name off hand07:19
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Le_F0uhi all07:19
rafaelscjact1v8, 1280x800?07:19
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Le_F0uim having a problem with my ethernet card07:19
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rapidthat sucks doesn't it07:20
lillowhat is the problem?07:20
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Le_F0uit was working..but i removed the lan cable07:20
act1v8janeppo_, rafaelscj: um... dunno.. that's what I saw somewhere on Windows XP on the same machine07:20
Le_F0uwhen ive plugged it again07:20
janeppo_act1v8, so it detected my widescreen. it should detect your your screen's options07:20
kevor_hmz, i've a problem with booting, getting an error: INIT /etc/init.d/rcS not found?07:20
Le_F0uits not working07:20
kevor_is this related to the same problem?07:20
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Kohvihoorwhat to i put in fstab, so i could use hdb1 as regular user07:20
rapidle_f0u try, sudo ifconfig eth0 up07:20
Kohvihoorit has ext3 fs07:20
teiwaz_idlegenii, still around?07:20
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bimmelimI cannot create new users.  No home directory is created, and when trying to log in it says invalid uid. what to do?07:21
bulmerkevor_: upstart is the name07:21
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act1v8janeppo_, rafaelscj: I'll try with the last option 1024...07:21
lillodirectly sudo ifup07:21
schighHow can I restart ALSA without restarting my whole computer?07:21
nullsetWhenever i try to run a video file, the file runs slowlt07:21
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nullsetalso , i tried playing this file but mplayer said something about vo07:22
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james296how do I fix this problem with compiz fusion?07:22
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alex_can anyone suggest me another apt that let me burn dvd i try to burn an iso file but not for bootable just rescue file07:22
james296/usr/bin/compiz.real (video) - Warn: No 8 bit GLX pixmap format, disabling YV1207:22
alex_i got k3b07:22
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teiwaz_idleoh well, genii, if you alert on this, you solved my prob, thanks much! :-D07:22
janeppo_james296, what problem?07:22
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kevor_bulmer: when did this happen? :P07:22
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Dr_LinkWow, Ubuntu looks fun.07:23
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act1v8janeppo_: the same happens07:23
ufuntuhello i m trying to compile a kernel and i use vmware server when i am trying to boot i get an error can anybody help pls?07:23
janeppo_james296, sorry, no idea07:23
nullsetIt says "It seems there is no Xvideo support for you video card available"07:23
bulmerits been available since edgy eft07:23
nullsetI get this error when i try to play a video file07:23
alex_can anyone suggest me another apt that let me burn dvd (i used k3b) i try to burn an iso file but not for bootable just rescue file07:23
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nullsetCan anyone help me07:23
Le_F0urapid ive tried modyfing etc/network/interfaces07:24
act1v8let me see if something else happens with Fedora 707:24
Anlaralex_: right click, burn image to disc?07:24
Le_F0ulike ive read on the help site07:24
Le_F0ucant get it working :/07:24
james296itis causing my entire screen to go black except the top left portion...07:24
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werpowhich card is it nullset?07:24
rafaelscjact1v8, did you try Ubuntu 6.06 live cd?07:24
alex_Anlar, tried that but makes it bootable so i loose the iso07:24
james296when I enable compiz fusion07:24
Le_F0uthe led on the ethernet card is on07:24
ollyF1can anyone point to a definately workin guide to run feisty with full 3d acc on geforce 8800 ?07:24
nullsetWerpo : its my intel 845 in built 32MB card07:24
janeppo_act1v8, so I guess I was just dumb lucky when I tried the highest resolution.07:24
rapidle_f0u: that means the actual cabled link is fine, its a setting.07:24
Anlaralex_: yes, it writes the image 1:1, which you can again dd etc from the disc if you want07:24
act1v8rafaelscj: I've got it... I'll try it after fedora 707:25
Le_F0uyea the cable link is fine07:25
rapidle_f0u: what are you using on that network?07:25
act1v8janeppo_: yeah... :)07:25
janeppo_act1v8, last resort: try every single possibility.07:25
werpoweird, try doing a xorgconf again07:25
lillowhat's the message of the command sudo ifconfig ?07:25
Le_F0ujust setup a LAMP server about 3hours ago rapid07:25
lillois there eth0 ?07:25
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alex_Anlar, yes i know but thought that saved me some time next time ... so i dont have to burn it back to iso but i will do like u said07:25
janeppo_act1v8, I listened to the sound of my drives when booting with a black screen.07:25
Le_F0uit was working correctly..till i removed the cable07:25
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pike__ollyF1: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new; sudo nvidia-xconfig; sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart    <- id think07:25
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rapidle_f0u: looks like you shouldn't have removed that cable hey.07:26
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Le_F0ulillo ive type /sbin/ifconfig07:26
act1v8janeppo_: I can hear it to... but the screen is off :)07:26
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alex_Anlar, done thx bye07:26
nullsetwerpo : didn't get it ??07:26
Le_F0uthere's only the loopback interface07:26
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Le_F0unot the eth0 :/07:26
janeppo_act1v8, mostly it sounded quite normal, so I guess it's only the video not working.07:26
DitirisAnyone have any idea why I wouldn't be able to execute a setup file on a CDROM?07:26
Le_F0uloll yea rapid07:26
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rapidle_f0u: did you try ifup ?07:26
kevor_Uhm... i've no directories left in /etc/ ... how in the world did this happen/07:26
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act1v8janeppo_: yeah07:26
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Le_F0uno.whats the command?07:26
=== Le_F0u new to linux :x
=== mikebot [n=michaell@ip68-6-104-13.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
lillook you have to load the module for your ethernrt card07:26
mikebotHow can I make a link to Trash on my Desktop?07:27
thiebaudei have a problem with fash in firefox07:27
cyberphazany easy way to show dependencies that have no more uses? like where i removed the original package it had to install the dep for?07:27
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Le_F0ucan you tell me What?? to do lillo?07:27
rapidmikebot: err, right click on it, add to desktop?07:27
lillouse lspci command to view the type of your eth card07:27
janeppo_act1v8, same problem then, and my solution doesn't work for you, >:---<<07:27
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rapidwhy has the module just become unloaded?07:27
mikebotrapid: Can't find that option.07:28
pike__mikebot: the generic linux way would be ln -s /home/$USER/.Trash /home/$USER/Desktop/Trash  but id use gnome or nautilus instead07:28
cberloHey folks.  Back again.  Having some kind of issue with "getent" -- I've followed the directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto and can authenticate users from active directory; wbinfo -u provides a full list.  "getent passwd" only shows local users.  Any idea why this is happening?07:28
CrazyTBI'm on a new ubuntu installation and I have no flashplayer. Any suggestion?07:28
CrazyTBactually, I've been without flashplayer for about 2 weeks (when ubuntu has been installed here)07:28
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rapidmikebot: pike's method will work :-)07:28
Le_F0uand then lillo?07:28
ollyF1pike: already did that, but xserver wouldn't start then. seems that the nvidia-glx-new still doesn't correctly support 8800 cards. i managed to use the driver by manually copying libwfb.so from the original nvidia driver to the correct location07:28
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mikebotpike_: I use gnome, that will work?07:28
Dr_LinkGuess what OS I'm on?07:28
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Almindoris it possible to lock cd to be readible only by user who put it in07:28
pike__mikebot: itll work as a link yeah07:29
SuziQis there a command I can use to see if my Mass storage device (not USB) is recognized?07:29
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AlmindorI noticed ubuntu locks mounts by default to users, but not reading07:29
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ollyF1it's running now but i have the feeling that graphics are somewhat slow and choppy07:29
rapidle_f0u: i'd lsmod and see if its already loaded.07:29
mikebotpike_: Thanks.07:29
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lillowht's is the type?07:29
Le_F0uok im going to do it n come back.07:29
act1v8the same happens with fedora 7, janeppo_07:30
thiebaudei have a problem with flash07:30
Le_F0uim not in front of the pc lillo.brb07:30
mikebotCan you make folder invisible in ubuntu? ANd password protected?07:30
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DitirisCould someone help me with installing a program from a CDROM?07:30
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DitirisI get an error message when I try to run the script, even though I'm using the sudo command07:30
AnlarSuziQ: driver level "lshw", is it mounted "mount" at least07:30
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rapidditiris: "the script"?07:31
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AnlarSuziQ: also,you shouldn't see any errors when you plug it in and do "dmesg"07:31
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rafaelscjDitiris, what's the CDROM?07:31
Ditirisrafaelscj: It's the Xilinx ISE FPGA Development CDROM07:31
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Ditirisrapid: It's a setup script.  So I just do sudo ./setup from the CL, and I get sudo: unable to execute ./setup: Permission denied07:32
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SuziQAnlar:  thank you07:32
xtknightDitiris, try sudo sh ./setup07:32
iShockExcuse me: How can I resize my current partition without using a GParted Live CD?07:32
xtknight!gparted | iShock07:32
ubotuiShock: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:32
xtknightuse built-in ubuntu gparted07:32
iShockAll u had to say07:32
Ditirisxtknight: sudo: unable to execute ./setup: Permission denied07:33
Stormx2Ditiris: Is it executable?07:33
Stormx2Ditiris: Try chmod +x setup07:33
DitirisFile permissions are -rwxr-xr-x 1 20230 902    599 2006-12-01 18:09 setup07:33
cyberphazanway to find dependencies you no longer need by packages installed?07:33
Ditirisis there some easy way to copy the whole cd to a temporary directory?07:33
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Stormx2Ditiris: cp -av ?07:34
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act1v8can someone help please07:35
Stormx2act1v8: With?07:35
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act1v8with my screen problem07:35
AnlarSuziQ: if you see no errors/UNCLAIMED and stuff like that and it doesn't get automatically mounted for you, do "lsusb" and report a bug at launchpad.net so that they will add the usb ids to updates..07:35
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rafaelscjact1v8, Did the Ubuntu 6.06 work?07:35
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DitirisStormx2: Will cp -av * ~/temp work?07:35
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act1v8rafaelscj: I'll try now07:35
geniiDitris: Actually in that scenario I normally make an ISO like dd if=/dev/hdX of=/somewheretemp/isoname.iso    then loopmount the iso07:35
Stormx2Ditiris: Yeah.07:35
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xtknightDitiris, sudo mkdir -p /tmp/cd && sudo cp -av /media/cd /tmp/cd07:36
mikebotCan you make folder invisible in ubuntu? ANd password protected?07:36
SuziQAnlar: Thanks, but a newB here...what you just said went "swisssshh" right over my head07:36
geniiwhere hdX is devname of cd drive07:36
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iShockxtknight: I did sudo gparted...It will not allow me to do anything.07:36
AnlarSuziQ: :D07:36
ollyF1have a nice evening everyone07:36
Stormx2mikebot: Invisible? Put a dot at the start of its name.07:36
xtknightiShock, which drive are you resizing?07:36
mikebotStormx2: Thanks07:36
act1v8rafaelscj: what good will 6.06 do?07:36
Stormx2mikebot: password protected? Not sure. Ask in ##linux maybe?07:36
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iShockxtknight: /dev/sda1 (My linux partition)07:36
xtknightiShock, you can not resize a mounted partition so you will have to do it outside of your ubuntu.  easiest way is the GParted Livecd07:36
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iShock. . .07:37
iShockYou can do it on Vista :(07:37
mikebotStormx2: OK, thanks07:37
xtknightiShock,  you can?07:37
pike__mikebot: if you want no one else to access it just chmod 700 foldername then only root and you can look at it07:37
xtknightiShock,  i doubt it07:37
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rafaelscjact1v8, maybe it work07:37
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iShockxtknight: You can07:37
Stormx2iShock: No, you can't.07:37
iShockStormx2: Yes, you can.07:38
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Stormx2iShock: No, you can't.07:38
xtknightactually you can.07:38
iShockI HAVE DONE IT. There is an option in drive management... Open Help & Support and search for resize volume07:38
xtknightin vista but not in xp07:38
xtknightseems dangerous anyway07:38
mikebotpike_: How do I? do that07:38
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xtknighti dont even know how it's possible07:38
Stormx2Seems like a hugely stupid thing to do - to resize a partition while it's in use.07:38
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xtknightiShock, it doens't actually resize it during the OS, does it?  does it schedule a command to be executed and the next startup?07:38
=== iShock has to find his Ubuntu live CD and his VIsta CD
iShockNo xtknight, it does it right then07:39
iShockI have no ideah ow, but it did07:39
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xtknightoh wow yes that is a bad idea.07:39
iShockMicrosoft did it07:39
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xtknightmicrosoft does a lot of things :P07:39
iShockButtcrap, where is my Ubuntu Live CD :(07:39
iShockFound it07:39
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iShockOsht scratches!07:40
Stormx2Microsoft rip off millions every day, and we don't try to emulate THAT :D07:40
nullsetOnce i login into my ubuntu07:40
act1v8rafaelscj: it doesn't... Xorg failed to start07:40
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nullsetand logout, i can't login back07:40
iShockI mean07:40
nullsetthe computer just hangs07:40
rafaelscjact1v8, What video card do you have?07:40
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iShockHow can I shutdown in a terminal?07:40
Stormx2nullset: A common cause is that you've been using sudo where you should have been using gksudo.07:40
act1v8rafaelscj: ATI Mobility Radeon x70007:40
Stormx2iShock: sudo shutdown now07:41
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nullsetStormx2 : I dont get it07:41
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Stormx2nullset: Okay. if you do a normal boot, log in, and log straight out, does the problem occur?07:41
SuziQokay....I have a TI1620 cardbus reader, R there any cmnds I can use to see what it's resources are??  trying to t.s. my SD/MMC prob07:41
rafaelscjact1v8, this video card apears to work bad on linux07:41
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nullsetStormx2 : yesh!07:41
act1v8rafaelscj: I know... but it still works...07:42
Stormx2nullset: bah, no idea. There's probably a gdm log, or something. Check that07:42
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nullsetwhere ??07:43
=== baiattm [n=baiattm@] has joined #ubuntu
nullsetor somewhere else07:43
rafaelscjact1v8, You sad that it works on safe mode, so...07:43
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g3ezer-hi, i'd like to ask an expert about logging possibilities of the networking stuff in rcS, if anyone can answer that, please msg me07:43
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rafaelscjact1v8, install the restriced drivers package07:43
act1v8rafaelscj: so what?07:43
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Le_F0ulillo u here?07:44
Le_F0uor rapid07:44
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act1v8ok... but first I have to install Ubuntu.... and then will I be able to log in?07:44
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Le_F0uive done ifup07:44
rafaelscjact1v8, yes07:44
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Le_F0usudo ifup eth007:44
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Jack_Sparrowact1v8: yes07:44
Le_F0uits saying Device or resource busy07:44
act1v8rafaelscj: graphically ?07:45
act1v8Jack_Sparrow: ^^^07:45
chillshello; can anyone help me regarding mlpayer? i hav been using it ; but this time i got a weird error :s when i play any file it goes "seek failed" :S07:45
nullsetwhats is the best video player for ubuntu07:45
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Le_F0uwhen i do lsmod i cant see because its going too fast :x07:45
lillosorry i have to go out07:45
rafaelscjact1v8 maybe07:45
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Le_F0uerm ok lillo07:45
act1v8rafaelscj: maybe?07:45
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rafaelscjact1v8, I don't know07:45
rapidle_f0u: shift+backspace (tip)07:45
rapidpage up07:45
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Le_F0uoh thx07:46
Jokkhow to mount my windows partiotion in ubuntu ?07:46
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chillshello; can anyone help me regarding mlpayer? i hav been using it ; but this time i got a weird error :s when i play any file it goes "seek failed" :S07:46
Le_F0uand if its not loaded rapid07:46
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Le_F0uWhat?? should i type?07:46
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act1v8rafaelscj: I basically shouldn't break this laptop so at least I can log in, right?07:46
Jokkhow to mount my windows partiotion in ubuntu ?07:46
chalcedonyif pressing the quit does not start the shutdown procedure, what do i need to do?07:46
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nullsetmplayer is not responding, how do i kill it ??07:46
marti149mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda07:46
rapidLe_F0u: you should type ifconfig and read that for a display of your interfaces..07:46
geniiLe_F0u: Put more like:     lsmod|more07:46
SummerBreezehi guys07:46
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rapidle_f0u: and diagnose from there..07:47
SummerBreezedoes anyone know where to find c++ programmers and ubuntu?07:47
rafaelscjact1v8, try to install while using live CD07:47
Jokkmount: mount point /mnt/sda does not exist07:47
Le_F0urapid i get only lo when i type ifconfig07:47
Jack_Sparrowact1v8: is that a dual boot setup?07:47
HHP2KHey guys, I'd like to know if there's an application that allows you to type directly onto the desktop, instead of using a text editor and saving a document? Just simply.. text that sits there, such as a reminder note or something?07:47
curarenullset: type:   ps -ax  | grep mplayer07:47
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Le_F0uwith the ip not the 192.168...07:47
curareget the PID07:47
Le_F0uok genii07:47
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curarethen type kill <mplayer PID>07:47
act1v8Jack_Sparrow: no... if I delete windows I can't get it back, and + the laptop will become useless07:47
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AnlarHHP2K: tomboy, already intalled on every ubuntu desktop if you use for instance feisty07:47
Jokkmarti149 mount: mount point /mnt/sda does not exist07:47
chillshello; can anyone help me regarding mlpayer? i hav been using it ; but this time i got a weird error :s when i play any file it goes "seek failed" :S07:47
chalcedonyHHP2K: i have something called "sticky notes" that lets you make little reminders that sit there07:47
Jack_Sparrowact1v8: Why not just shrink up a couple gig and try dual boot.07:48
rapidLe_F0u: shrug, find the module for your card, rmmod it then modprobe it.. see how you go with that07:48
Le_F0uok rapid07:48
Jokkhow to mount win partiotion in ubuntu07:48
Jack_Sparrowact1v8: Sorry if I came in late but I have been working on a project07:48
act1v8Jack_Sparrow: is shrinking safe?07:48
HHP2Kchalcedony: I'd like it if there wasn't any visual overlay that the text sits on, just text.07:48
nullsetthanks curare07:48
chalcedonyi need to shutdown and reboot, if pressing the quit does not start the shutdown procedure, what do i need to do?07:49
Jack_Sparrowact1v8: You should always have a backup, but few people do... how much free space is on the windows partition?07:49
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:49
nullsetWhich is the best movie player for ubuntu07:49
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act1v8Jack_Sparrow: I think it's 19.5 GB07:49
chalcedonyJack_Sparrow: hmm never seen anyone do that.07:49
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Stormx2chalcedony: Do it from command like. open a terminal and "sudo reboot"07:49
Jack_Sparrowchalcedony: seen anyone do what?07:49
erUSULchalcedony: 'sudo shutdown -r now' or press the power button07:49
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:49
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse07:50
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DitirisOkay new error after copying CDROM to temporary location, probably why the first one failed: ./setup: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:50
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chalcedonyerUSUL: one assumes that it needs to go through some procedure to shutdown cleanly. I need to restart it wthout my son's help to fix things.07:50
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erUSULnullset: mplayer and xine-ui imho07:50
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Barr1How do i get the small network manager status icons to show on my menu bar?07:50
act1v8man I feel so bad07:51
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geniiwork, AFK 3-5 minutes07:51
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erUSULchalcedony: if you press the power button you trigger the shutdown procedure... it is not like unplugging the power cord ;)07:51
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kevor_all my direcotires are gone from /etc/ after doing an fsck, has anyone a clue what could have happened?07:52
kevor_and how to reverse it07:52
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Jack_Sparrowact1v8: I understand the dilema, but working on partitions without a backup always has at least a slight risk.07:52
chalcedonyatm i'm not liking it not being able to open a terminal window, which i would have done to make notes of what i was just told, for next time.07:52
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Barr1How do i get the small network manager status icons to show on my menu bar?07:52
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HHP2KSo nobody has any other ideas for a text on desktop application? Tomboy notes isn't what I'm looking for, I want something that simply allows me to type right onto the desktop.07:53
act1v8Jack_Sparrow: that's not the main problem... even if I do that there is a 65-70% possibility Ubuntu or any linux distro not working07:53
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erUSULkevor_: fsck puts recovered files in /lost+found/ but if it have cleaned up (due to a disk error) all your /etc dir you'd better do a backup of your home and a fresh install07:53
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act1v8just because I have the stupidest laptop ever made07:53
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schighHow can I restart ALSA without restarting my whole computer?07:54
janeppo_act1v8, Jack_Sparrow: I shrank my windows xp prof partition with gparted, no problem07:54
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Jack_Sparrowact1v8: Have you looked up your hardware setup to see if it has been successful before..?  What hardware?07:54
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iShockHelp: Gparted on my Ubuntu LIVECD cannot resize my linux partition..How can I fix that?07:54
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Jack_Sparrowjaneppo_: I do it all the time with great success... but nothing is failsafe..07:54
kevor_erUSUL: but how could it remove ALL my directories and including files, seems very strange to me...07:54
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Jack_SparrowiShock: HAve you unmounted the partition07:55
aliguori_I'm running gutsy and after an update this morning, all my fonts are bigger.  It was like this with the default install but after I updated, the fonts returned to a normal size.  Anyone know what may be the cause of this?07:55
act1v8Jack_Sparrow: the main bits are Intel Pentium Mobile (CPU), ATI Radeon Mobility X70007:55
iShockJack_Sparrow: Iunno. How can I do that?07:55
Jack_Sparrowact1v8: make and model?07:55
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act1v8Jack_Sparrow: make and model???07:55
Jack_SparrowiShock: right click the partition and select unmount07:55
preaction!gutsy | aliguori_07:55
ubotualiguori_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule - Roadmap and specifications: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy - Support in #ubuntu+107:55
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rafaelscjact1v8, I use Intel Mobile07:55
g3ezer-people, plz help: how can i log what's happening in the rcS level? one service fails to start up07:55
preactionaliguori_, go to #ubuntu+107:55
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ubutomschigh, i think sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart should work07:56
aliguori_preaction: thanks!07:56
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act1v8rafaelscj: well... I hate this laptop... it seems that the network card is the only thing that works well under linux :)07:56
erUSULkevor_: well if there was a massive error in your partition fsck will try its best to recover what it can your etc was lost anywat fsck only tries to recover some files and if it can it puts them in /lost+found/07:56
dk0rAnyone know how to stretch icons in awn's dock?07:56
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DitirisUhm, one last stupid question, where should I install my software?07:56
iShockCan google find a CD that you cant in your house somewhere? :(07:57
schighubutom, It worked, thanks.07:57
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HHP2KiShock: One day. :P07:57
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kevor_erUSUL: i'm looking in my /lost+found/ there are 1623 files and dirs there, all with a "#NUMBER" name..07:57
iShockIs there somewhere I can download Vista? =|07:57
act1v8iShock: install Google house... let it index your house and then search :) jk07:57
schighiShock, this is an Ubuntu chat room...07:57
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iShockschigh: You need a sense of humor. Go copy and paste one.07:58
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rafaelscjact1v8, Can't you do a dual boot?07:58
testefala viado07:58
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testebando de otarios07:58
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erUSULkevor_: that's the result of a very big/bad disk error (i mean hardware error your disk just have failed very badly)07:58
HHP2KHey guys, how would I configure ubuntu for two video cards (multi-monitor)?07:58
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schighiShock, no thanks. I've already custom-scripted one from scratch. Normally, it works quite well, but something about Vista must have thrown it off.07:58
testetalk poningru07:59
Jokkcant play .avi files07:59
act1v8rafaelscj: I can... but it's not that easy... what if something happens to the **beep** windows? then the laptop would become much more useless07:59
testefala ideais07:59
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testepreciso de ajuda no ubuntu07:59
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erUSULkevor_: as i said try to recover important files and do a fresh install in a new disk07:59
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Jokkcant play .avi files07:59
Jokkcant play .avi files07:59
testealgume pode ajudar07:59
shroomDoes anyone know about the Ubuntu Partner Programme? Specifically, my boss wants to know how much it costs before we apply.07:59
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erUSUL!avi | Jokk07:59
ubotuJokk: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:59
erUSUL!repeat | Jokk07:59
ubotuJokk: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:59
erUSUL!patience | Jokk08:00
ubotuJokk: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:00
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testealguem fala minha lingua por ai08:00
rafaelscjact1v8, what about PartitionMagic?08:00
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.08:00
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kevor_erUSUL: thanks, i'll try to see if i can manage to get some importand files from that dir...08:00
act1v8rafaelscj: it's the same08:00
testeplmais sou novato por aqui08:00
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testeestou com problemas08:01
JokkReading package lists... Done08:01
JokkBuilding dependency tree... Done08:01
JokkE: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.10-pitfdll08:01
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act1v8rafaelscj: what graphics card do you have?08:01
rafaelscjteste, tente #Ubuntu-br08:01
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erUSULJokk: enable multiverse and all repos08:01
testeok obrigadu08:01
iShockSorry about caps08:01
erUSUL!repos | Jokk08:01
ubotuJokk: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:01
iShockHere, I'll do it myself08:01
iShock!caps | iShock08:01
rafaelscjact1v8, Intel 945GM08:02
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act1v8rafaelscj: lucky you08:02
DitirisOh my god this is so much faster08:02
erUSULteste:  '/j #ubuntu-br' no cliente irc08:02
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Jokkcant understand08:02
PriceChild!ohmy | Jokk08:02
ubotuJokk: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:02
iShock!ohmy | Joikk08:02
ubotuJoikk: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.08:02
fenriggrub is unable to boot windows08:02
DitirisThis program takes about two hours to install on XP08:03
genii!klanguage | jokk08:03
fenrigcan somebody help me08:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about klanguage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:03
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DitirisIt's going to take less than two minutes.08:03
iShockUh oh, wheres my towel?08:03
geniibah it was already overdone anyhow LOL08:03
erUSULJokk: the package you tried to install is in the multiverse repo you have to enable it in order to be able to install it08:03
=== Ditiris hides iShock's towel.
PriceChildiShock, lets cut out the offtopic chatter please.08:03
Jokkhow to enable it08:03
Jokki cant understand this..08:03
iShockSowwy PriceChild, I'm giddy08:03
rafaelscjteste, Digite "/j #Ubuntu-br" no cliente IRC08:03
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hollandlucasiTunes sucks: You can't "read" shared music with any client but iTunes :-(08:04
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:04
Music_Shuffle!offtopic | iShock :P08:04
ubotuiShock :P: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:04
iShockBut seriously, how can I lose what I was holding less than 10 minutes ago? >.>08:04
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erUSULJokk: also some usefull packages like w32codecs are in third paarty repos (legal reasons) that you must enable if you want to install the packages08:04
act1v8hollandlucas: I think you can with Banshee08:04
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=== erUSUL bye
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Jokkerusul yep and ?08:04
hollandlucasactlv8: I don't think so... I read somewhere that Apple blocks *all* clients but iTunes08:04
hollandlucasI'll try it though08:04
iShockAbuse :(08:04
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act1v8hollandlucas: what version of iTunes.. iTunes 7 doesn't work well with Banshee08:05
hollandlucasI'm using iTunes 708:05
iShockO...Found it08:05
iShockwrong chan08:05
act1v8well... I think that iTunes can see Banshee, but Banshee can't see iTunes... i Think08:05
PriceChildiShock, Please stop with the offtopic.08:05
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hollandlucasactlv8: iTunes can read any DAAP source08:06
PriceChildact1v8, apple crippled the protocol that itunes uses to share music.08:06
iShockPriceChild: (06:05:50 PM) iShock: wrong chan08:06
iShockOh well08:06
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act1v8PriceChild: oh...08:06
hollandlucasI always thought Apple was quite commited to Free Software....08:06
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geniiApple made MacOS up to version 7.5 free08:07
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:07
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SonarxHello! Can anyone help me with an image quality problem I'm having with Ubuntu 7.04?08:08
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geniiPriceChild: OK08:08
hollandlucasSonarx, what do you mean by image quality problem?08:08
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SonarxWell to be frank its difficult to describe. Images displayed appear at what can only be described as a lesser color depth than the rest of the ui making look awful.08:09
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jimmygoonHow do I get firefox to use tap0 instead of eth008:10
hollandlucasI've never heard of that problem before :-(08:10
hollandlucasHave you tried different image viewers?08:10
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SonarxYes it appears in any image view, browser, even the desktop.08:11
hollandlucashave you tried a different desktop environment like KDE?08:11
SonarxI know it's not hardware as I've tried more than one graphics card I know to be good.08:11
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Solidhi, does anyone know how to make a snapshot of a window every 0.1sec, and save each one in a specific folder, like 1.bmp, 2.bmp....x.bmp.08:11
SonarxI haven't, however it was working 100% then, poof08:11
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hollandlucasI'd try something like KDE08:12
act1v8why does safe graphics mode work but the normal thing doesnt?08:12
fabio__|very difficult question, how can i get the I/O ports of the cdrom unit? thanks08:12
SonarxI'm sorry I have to go work calls. I will try back later.08:12
hollandlucasjust to make sure that your GNOME isn't f****d up08:12
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rafaelscjSonarx, Start on sefe mode and look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:12
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rafaelscjact1v8, Start on sefe mode and look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:13
eallikcan anyone recommend me a virtual machine (such as VMWare, but free/open source) to run under Feisty?08:13
hollandlucaswhat's weird about his problem is that only images are affected, not his normal desktop etc08:13
jribSolid: why not just record a movie at 10fps?08:13
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jribeallik: virtualbox08:13
Solidi want separate images jrib, this is for ripping sprites from several games08:13
jrib!virtualbox > eallik (see the private message from ubotu)08:13
hollandlucaseallik, yes. VirtualBox08:13
Solideallik, vitualbox is great08:13
eallikwhat about qemu?08:13
=== Trojaneyez [n=Trojaney@rtr.mkrtk.corp.pixius.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jokkhow to install Automatix08:14
PriceChild!automatix | Jokk08:14
ubotuJokk: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:14
ianmcorvidae!virtualizers | eallik08:14
ubotueallik: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu or !qvm86), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications08:14
hollandlucasJokk, see: getautomatix.com08:14
PriceChildJokk, what do you really want to do?08:14
Jokkto play avi files08:14
PriceChild!mp3 | Jokk08:14
ubotuJokk: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:14
PriceChildJokk, read that guide.08:14
hollandlucasif you're using Feisty it should automatically install the required codec08:14
Jokkcan deal with it08:14
eallikwhich one is the fastest for running XP?08:14
jribSolid: you could write some script that pauses .1 seconds and takes screen shots but I'm pretty sure your computer will become unusable (really jerky)08:14
PriceChildJokk, if you're running feisty, just open the video and it will install the codecs for you08:14
Solidjokk, just install the w32codecs package, no?08:14
hollandlucasonce you try and play an AVI file (btw: AVI is a container not a codeC)08:14
Jokkim with feisty08:15
PriceChildJokk, just double click the video08:15
Jokkbut it doesnt install the codec08:15
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hollandlucasanyway, gotta go now08:15
Jokkit doesnt work08:15
Jokkive tried08:15
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PriceChild!doesn't work | Jokk08:15
ubotuJokk: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.08:15
Solidjrib, sorry bad english. when i was on Win, i had a program named animget who could make those screens pretty quickly.08:16
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Layer8hi all!08:16
Jokkwhen i double click on the file08:16
Solidfor the scripts, i really don't know, i'm a real real newbie here...08:16
Layer8 i have a workgrop entry in my smb.conf but cant find this workgroup in my network!?08:16
Jokktotem player opens but it writes that it cant play the file08:16
PriceChildJokk, it will ask you whether you want to install codecs for it08:16
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Jokkit doesnt08:17
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Anlarif he has done that already, and it is some crappy intel indeo, ...08:17
eallikVMWare-player is freeware?08:17
jribSolid: I still think a video is a better way to go and then you can pull out the frames.  You can use 'import' to take screenshots if you prefer (it's part of imagemagick)08:17
PriceChildJokk, are you on x86, 64bit or ppc?08:17
Solidjokk, there is VLC media player too with08:17
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PriceChildSolid, lets fix the problem rather than workaround it :)08:17
Jokkpricechild x8608:17
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Jokksolid where08:18
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jimmygoonHow do I get firefox to use tap0 instead of eth008:18
Solidjokk, in the universe packages...08:18
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act1v8ok.. last time... can anyone help!?08:18
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eallikand what about kvm?08:18
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PriceChildJokk, Jokk I don't really believe you... except for various real media, ubuntu should install anything...08:18
act1v8I think that the resolution should be 1280x80008:18
Solidjrib, but how to capture only one window?08:18
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PthagHello. A while back, amarok stopped popping an icon onto the system tray in Gnome. Anybody have any idea what could have broken there?08:19
Jokkpricechild if u want..08:19
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PthagIt's only for this account, any other accounts I set up it works fine08:19
fabio__|maybe is there a way to know the i/o ports associated with /dev/hdb ? thanks08:19
=== _KP_ [n=partin@adsl-70-240-207-16.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
CydeWeysIs this a DNS issue or what?  When I type one hostname into my browser, it automatically resolves to hostname.domain.com.  But when I type the hostname of my new server into the browser, no such resolution occurs.  We're on a 10.* intranet.08:19
=== xstasi [n=xstasi@85-18-14-24.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
rafaelscjact1v8, did you look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf?08:19
CydeWeysDoes this need to be configured from the DNS server, or is there some option I can change under Ubuntu?08:19
act1v8rafaelscj: yes08:19
rafaelscjact1v8, what resolutios are listed there?08:20
act1v8rafaelscj: and there are only three resolutions 1024x784 (or something sim.)08:20
Dr_LinkI think I'll boot back into Windows now.08:20
=== vnese [n=hung@hoas-fe1bdd00-105.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Skiessihow often the repositories are updated?08:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about revolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:20
AnlarCydeWeys: yeah, you should add it to dns manually OR enable dynamic dns updates feature on the dns server and your server08:20
jribSolid: don't know offhand, try the documentation linked to in 'man import' or 'import -help'08:20
rlountCydeWeys, /etc/hosts until you have proper DNs set up.08:20
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:20
=== cheeez11 [n=cheeez11@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu
rlountadd your server there.08:21
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CydeWeysrlount: /etc/hosts doesn't work for other people's computers though08:21
cheeez11i need assistants with connecting my wifi08:21
CydeWeysAnlar: I thin kwe have dynamic DNS updates here, so how do I configure Ubuntu to work with that?08:21
rlountnope. you will need DNS for that.08:21
cheeez11i can't seem to figure out the ndiswrapper08:21
rafaelscjact1v8, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:21
cheeez11i'm kinda new at this08:21
vneseSkiessi: almost every week08:21
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act1v8rafaelscj: but how is that gonna help when my ubuntu is not installed08:21
Layer8how can I clean the smb cache on my gnome desktop?08:22
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jimmygoonCan someone tell me how to use tap0 instead of eth0 with openvpn?08:22
AnlarCydeWeys: either by tuning the dhcp client, or manually afaik08:22
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eallikwhy virtualbox provides both a closed and an open source version and why is the former non-free??08:22
facugaichhow can I extract some frames from a vid to make a .gif?08:22
CydeWeysAnlar: I have static addressing set up right now though?08:22
vnesehello, how can i increase my screen resolution, although it s at its max resolution08:23
rafaelscjact1v8, Can you restart X sever when runing on live cd?08:23
=== BriPed [i=brianman@c83-249-88-156.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #Ubuntu
rapidtry ctrl+alt+backspace..08:23
rlountCydeWeys, you will need access to whatever is serving dhcp/dns and make changes there for your server to be included.08:23
CydeWeysWhich file under /etc do I put the FQDN under?08:23
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AnlarCydeWeys: yeah in that case you have to manage the dns server's record with some tool or manually08:23
armyriadHow do I fix GRUB error 17?08:23
rlount/etc/hostname /etc/hosts08:23
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sp1nter is there a program that will actually organize podcasts08:24
act1v8rafaelscj: no... Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't work08:24
kubhow do I change the bash shell columns and lines to be different than the default 80x2508:24
jribeallik: try #vbox08:24
eallikjrib: thanks08:24
gordonjcpsp1nter: rhythmbox?08:24
rafaelscjact1v8, it can be wrong vertical refresh rate08:24
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rafaelscjact1v8, do you know the vertical refresh rate ?08:25
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jribkub: I think you can just pass --geometry to 'gnome-terminal' when you start it08:25
act1v8rafaelscj: I think i can actually: sudo killall Xorg works08:25
act1v8it restarts X08:25
Anlararmyriad: "sudo grub", then "root (hd0,0)" where the first number is counting from zero your hard disc and the second number is counting from 0 the partition. this is to where your /boot/ is! for instance hda1==hd0,0. then "setup (hd0)" using the same drive number but no partition number. and "quit".08:25
act1v8rafaelscj: no08:25
sp1ntergordonjcp: it doesnt seperate the podcasts just leaves them all together08:25
kubi'm trying to due it in ubuntu server without any gui installed08:25
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rafaelscjact1v8, At boot screen, can you set other vertical refresh rate?08:26
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act1v8rafaelscj: where do you set that?08:26
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jogishello how to set up irc server on my ubuntu feisty? plz help08:26
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armyriadI tried that but when I entered in "setup (hd0)" GRUB said it couldn't mount it.08:26
rafaelscjact1v8, there is somethink like "boot options"08:27
MonsieurBLhi all. I'm looking for help with ubuntuAMD64 on my Asus laptop, does anyone know where to get support?08:27
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act1v8rafaelscj: ok... and what do I change there?08:27
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jogishello how to set up irc server on my ubuntu feisty? plz help08:27
fevelCan anyone help me clean the squid cache or restart it...I modified a page in the server but the changes do not appear08:28
rafaelscjact1v8, the vertical refresh rate should be 60Hz08:28
jribMonsieurBL: support with?08:28
_KP_i have a usb disk drive that I have formatted as ext2. When I try to eject the disk, I get two messages. The first msg states that there is data left to write to the device. The second msg states that it can not eject the volume. I have searched the log files but nothing jumps out as an error. any suggestions?08:28
rafaelscjact1v8, is there any option like that?08:28
redhat9how can you save files or keep changes when using live cd?? thanks in advance for people who help me out. thank you08:28
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Desktomhi all. I have 2 interfaces eth0 and eth1. They have an ip like 192.168.0.x. I want to force the use of eth1 for routing to the subnet.. how do I do that ?08:28
genii_KP_ Put as mount option sync08:28
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_KP_genii, i'll try that08:29
MonsieurBLjrib: my setup is getting better day by day, but I still can't get the integrated webcam nor wifi to work08:29
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genii_KP_: Then it will always finish any pending writes immediately  when possible08:29
kubjrib, i am trying to adjust bash columns and width in Ubuntu Server without any gui installed08:29
jrib!webcam > MonsieurBL (see the private message from ubotu)08:30
jrib!wifi > MonsieurBL (see the private message from ubotu)08:30
rafaelscjact1v8, use hwinfo to discover you monitor's refresh rate on windows08:30
redhat9how can you save files or keep changes when using live cd?? thanks in advance for people who help me out. thank you08:30
jribMonsieurBL: don't know much about either of those, but check out those docs08:30
jribkub: oh I see, don't know how to do that08:30
act1v8rafaelscj: there is in safe mode an option for a refresh rate saying 61Hz08:30
=== soundray [n=rolf@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Desktomhey all. I have 2 interfaces in the same subnet. How can I force my machine to use eth1 to communicate to the subnet instead of eth0?08:30
rafaelscjact1v8, is there only it?08:31
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rafaelscjact1v8, hum...08:31
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_KP_genii: that didn't work. mount options are (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,sync). any other ideas?08:31
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rafaelscjact1v8>, you need the horizontal sync frequency (usually measured in kHz) and the vertical refresh rate (usually in Hz).08:31
geniiDesktom: Reverse their entries in the files: /etc/network/interfaces  and /etc/iftab08:32
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Desktomgenii: thanks! will try that08:32
rafaelscjact1v8>, try to know it under windows08:32
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MonsieurBLjrib: thanx for the links, any ideas why Camorama wouldn't see /dev/video ?08:32
duanebis there a programming channel?08:32
armyriadI don't know how I did it but the GRUB error 17 problem was mysteriously fixed!08:32
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redhat9how can you save files or keep changes when using live cd?? thanks in advance for people who help me out. thank you08:33
genii_KP_: not offhand. There may be some command to force sync now kina idea but i don't know offhand what it may be08:33
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_KP_genii: what is weird is that i can manually umount the drive just fine.08:33
jribduaneb: there's usually one for each programming language08:33
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jribMonsieurBL: maybe a permissions issue08:33
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soundray_KP_: can you repeat what the problem is for me?08:34
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_KP_i have a usb disk drive that I have formatted as ext2. When I try to eject the disk, I get two messages. The first msg states that there is data left to write to the device. The second msg states that it can not eject the volume. I have searched the log files but nothing jumps out as an error. any suggestions?08:34
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teratomawhich power daemon should i be using?08:34
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teratomaim running 3 or 408:34
teratomaor do they all do different things ?08:34
_KP_soundray: genii suggested I add sync to mount options. that had no effect.08:35
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rafaelscjact1v8, at /etc/X11/xorg.conf there is a section called "monitor"08:35
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soundray_KP_: hm, interesting one. Do you get the message about data left to write when you run 'sync ; sync' before the eject?08:35
rafaelscjact1v8, change it with correct values08:36
act1v8rafaelscj: wait... what command was I supposed to run in windows?08:36
genii_KP_ I just found an ancient keyboatd shorcut that may work for you.08:36
geniiTo "s"ync all filesystems, press "Alt+SysRq+s". You'll then see at the console:08:36
geniiSysRq : Emergency Sync08:36
geniiEmergency Sync complete08:36
kubanyone know how to change the bash shell columns and width in ubuntu server, no gui installed08:36
rafaelscjact1v8, Can you download Hwinfo?08:36
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act1v8rafaelscj: no08:36
_KP_soundray: haven't tried manually syncing the disks. let me try that.08:36
hendrixski:-( sed is hard08:36
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soundray_KP_: genii's suggestion does essentially the same as sync, although it can work in situations where no shell is accessible.08:37
serieshendrixski.  got a minute? :p08:37
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soundraykub: via the vga= boot parameter08:37
Meyvnwhere can i change the background color of tooltips?08:37
rafaelscjact1v8, ...08:37
hendrixskiseries, I was kind of hoping to get a questions answered myslef, buut yes, I have a minute08:37
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Kerttulican someone tell me how i can give non root user full write access to their directory on a remote ssh server??08:37
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seriesoop nm then.  dont let me interupt08:37
kubsoundray, where is that located08:38
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redhat9how can you save files or keep changes when using live cd?? thanks in advance for people who help me out. thank you08:38
rafaelscjact1v8 Control Panel > Video Pro.. > Setings08:38
rafaelscjact1v8, Advanced08:38
hendrixskiI'm trying to get sed to add text in the second to last line of a file08:38
_KP_soundray: doing a manual sync, and then an eject - I still get the messages.08:38
w30kub, In your grub's menu1st file put a "vga=<number>" line.  The number depends on what you want try vga=79108:38
hendrixskiI know sed -n "$="  gives me the number of lines08:39
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act1v8rafaelscj: I looked at it08:39
soundraykub: you have to add it in /boot/grub/menu.lst -- ideally to the line that begins with '#kopt='. Add 'vga=ask' to begin with, and enter 'scan' at the prompt you will see when you boot next.08:39
hendrixskiI can't seem to figure out how to turn that into a line number to add in sed08:39
hendrixskianybody know?08:39
hendrixskiI kind of need this to work like 3 hours ago08:39
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seriesI downloaded the drivers for nvidia cards from their website but its both telling me i need root to run (and therefor im using sudo) but then it says i need to run when x server isnt enabled.  any recommendations?08:39
soundray_KP_: is there a particular reason for you to use ext2 rather than ext3?08:39
rafaelscjact1v8, Monitor08:39
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act1v8rafaelscj: hold on a sec to boot into windows again08:40
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jrib!nvidia > series (see the private message from ubotu)08:40
darkfena313hello how do i install an exe file?08:40
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_KP_soundray: i tried ext3 first. when I got the problem, i thought that the journalling was the issue, so i reformatted as ext2.08:40
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jribseries: use the restricted drivers manager, don't download from the website08:40
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w30kub, if you put in vga=ask then the kernel will prompt you for a choice of listed mode numbers08:40
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geniiseries: logout to login screen. then choose session type of terminal or console. then login that way. Run the program, when it's done type exit08:41
jribdarkfena313: .exe's are usually for windows.  To install things on ubuntu, you should be using the repositories.  What are you trying to install?08:41
jrib!installing > darkfena313 (see the private message from ubotu)08:41
soundray_KP_: ah, you can go from ext3 to ext2 and back without reformatting... but the issue is something else now, of course.08:41
hendrixskiseries... log in in safe mode :-) because xserver is the graphical stuff... so if you never log into it, it won't be running :-)08:41
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hendrixskiI'm trying to get sed to add text in the second to last line of a file, and I need a hint... anybody???08:41
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act1v8rafaelscj: screen refresh rate: 60Hz08:42
w30series, at a command prompt type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:42
redhat9how can i save files or keep settings when using live cd? anyone can help me please?08:42
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rafaelscjact1v8, now you know only the vertical refresh rate...08:42
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_KP_hendrixski: use sed to locate the last line in the file, when it finds it, add the line you want, then print the contents of the last line.08:42
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w30series, then when you want X back type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:42
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soundray_KP_: have you tried running 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' during mount and eject?08:43
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rafaelscjact1v8, and you can't download Hwinfo...08:43
rafaelscjact1v8, so...08:43
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hendrixski_KP_,  $= locates the last line... then how do I get it to print the contents to the line above it?08:43
defdefHello! I know that I am in the wrong place (possibly a hostile place?) But I am looking for either someone to give me an answer, or direct me to an IRC channel that will have the answer08:43
hendrixski_KP_, typing "$=" a\ the line I want to add...... didn't work :-(08:43
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soundrayhendrixski: with bash rather than sed, 'tac filename | head -n 2 | tail -n 1' :)08:44
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hendrixskidefdef, if it's a question about Ubuntu you have come to the right place08:44
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w30defari, the answer is 4308:44
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rafaelscjact1v8, now check at /etc/X11/xorg.conf : I thing that you should know the syn frequency08:44
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hendrixskisoundray, oh... I'll try that08:44
w30defdef, the answer is 4308:44
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defdefI have 6 active directory users that have to log in to OWA, but we dont want them to log in to the domain locally. how can i accomplish that?08:44
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defdefor, where can i go to find an IRC channel that will know?08:45
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act1v8rafaelscj: I don't know that frequency08:45
_KP_hendrixski: did you add the /p to the end of the command08:45
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=== Secutor [n=mark@c-67-169-16-102.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hendrixski_KP_, what does the /p do again08:46
=== genii sips a coffee and ponders Life the Universe and Everything but mostly the number 43
rafaelscjact1v8, why can't you connect to the internet?08:46
_KP_kendrixski: prints the line08:46
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CoasterMasterHi. I'm having problems with my Dell Inspiron 6000 hanging when resuming from sleep.  I've searched Google and found a few topics on the subject, and the fix supplied (changing the line POST_VIDEO=true to POST_VIDEO=.  in /etc/default/acpi-support) didn't work.  Has anyone else had this problem (or knows another potential fix)?08:46
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_GoRDoN_I have a problem with Kscd. Player works with analog input from cd but it also drops left channel. If I choose to use digital there is no sound. I think the problem is empty device field below the driver(alsa) field so what I should put there.08:47
soundrayw30, genii: why 43? Has the universe evolved while I wasn't looking?08:47
kahrytangenii: The movie says 4208:47
act1v8rafaelscj: because I'd have to disconnect from here08:47
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defdefdoes no one know where I can go to find a server 2003 IRC channel?08:47
rafaelscjact1v8, Can't you share your connection?08:47
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geniisoundray and kahrytan <w30> defdef, the answer is 43    <-- twice08:47
act1v8rafaelscj: no08:47
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kahrytangenii: yet, in reality, the Hitchhikers say 4208:48
defdefi dont know what you mean by 43, i am sorry08:48
hendrixski_KP_, I'm gonna try soundray's thing with tac instead of sed... because I'm getting an error on trying to get to the last line and not on the add part :-(08:48
geniikahrytan: Yes :)08:48
rafaelscjact1v8, okay, start Ubuntu and let's try...08:48
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kahrytangenii: You must be screwing around08:48
armyriadHow can I increase the size of a partition that "/" is located on?08:48
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redhat9how can i save files or keep settings when using live cd? anyone can help me please?08:49
w30CoasterMaster, I had to uncomment the line # Save and restore video state? SAVE_VIDEO_PCI_STATE=true08:49
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hendrixskidef def... a microsoft server 2003 channel??08:49
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hendrixskidefdef, this is a linux channel08:50
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act1v8rafaelscj: I chose 800x600 32 to see what happens08:50
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defdefi know, i know. lol, sorry. its just that i was here a long time ago and everyone was so helpful08:50
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soundrayarmyriad: boot from a Desktop CD and use gparted to resize the partition where / lives. It may not be possible, depending on how your partitions are organized.08:50
rafaelscjact1v8, very good08:50
CoasterMasterw30: I'll give it a shot, thanks08:50
defdefand i cant find a windows server 2003 server channel08:50
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hagabakaarmyriad: you need to unmount the partition (so boot with another installation or liveCD), and use parted08:50
stefgarmyriad: you could use the Live CD, there's a gparted on it. But maybe it's better just to add a new partition and put stuff there08:50
defdefso i was wondering if anyone knew where i could find one08:50
armyriadOk, thanks.08:50
Anlardefdef: just try ##windows?08:50
hendrixskidefdef, If I knew I'd tell you... :-)08:50
stefgarmyriad: so what's eating up the space ?08:51
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hendrixskidefdef, I mean... I have a solution to your windows 2003 problems  :  install linux :-)08:51
soundray_KP_: have you tried running 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' during mount and eject?08:51
juano__hendrixski: lol08:51
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armyriadstefg: Huh?08:51
Anlarhendrixski: good, as a joke08:51
act1v8rafaelscj: the same08:51
act1v8I'm gonna cry now, ok?08:52
=== hendrixski was joking :-)
ADminShow i can copy folder through ssh connection ?08:52
rafaelscjact1v8, no08:52
_KP_soundray: yes, and there are no error messages in any of the log files.08:52
soundrayarmyriad: do a 'cd / ; sudo du -x | sort -n | tail' to find out what's using most of the space in /08:52
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soundrayADminS: with scp08:52
d4rkmonkey!hi > d4rkmonkey08:52
act1v8rafaelscj: what do you suggest?08:52
d4rkmonkeyit makes me feel special..08:52
stefgarmyriad: for what do you need more space? separating /var or putting /home on it's own partition is ususally wiser08:52
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Dr_LinkOK, who here has had a windows laptop that would go into Standby every time you'd shut the lid?08:52
rafaelscjact1v8, start on safe mode08:52
Dr_LinkIf so, does Ubuntu react the same way when closing the lid?08:53
ADminSsoundray: i couldn't find out with scp copying folders08:53
rafaelscjact1v8, and then edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:53
ADminSso can u advise plz08:53
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AnlarADminS: just mount the other place as scp/sftp with nautilus and drag&drop in civilized manner. this is not the middle ages08:53
d4rkmonkeyDr_Link, you can set what Ubuntu does when you close the lid08:53
soundrayADminS: scp -r for folders08:53
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act1v8rafaelscj: ok08:53
armyriadstefg: Oh, ok.08:53
ADminSsoundray: ok thx :)08:53
defdefAnlar: Thank you! thats what I was looking for.08:53
Dr_LinkIs there a default setting?08:53
d4rkmonkeyDr_Link, I think the default setting is just go into a blank screen or something like that08:53
d4rkmonkeyDr_Link, its really easy to change08:53
=== Dr_Link can believe it.
armyriadWhy should I put /home on its own partition?08:54
Dr_Linkbut I'm on Windows at the moment.08:54
rafaelscjact1v8, this is the last think to do :(08:54
hendrixskisoundray, the tac | head | tail thing only prints out the last few lines... is there a way I can then add a line of my own text just before the last line?08:54
Dr_LinkI think I'll reboot.08:54
d4rkmonkeyDr_Link, ok08:54
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Anlararmyriad: then you can reinstall linux without having to think of making backups of your personal data08:54
Le_F0uwhen installing LAMP server.is phpmyadmin installed also?08:54
act1v8rafaelscj: I know :(08:54
ADminSAnlar can you give me example for how to mount file using ssh connection08:54
Anlararmyriad: or install an other flavor, or windows, etc :)08:54
armyriadAnlar: Thanks.08:54
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geniiLe_F0u: No, not by default08:55
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Le_F0ui must apt-get?08:55
=== CoasterMaster [n=bmschwar@c-67-188-105-119.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefgarmyriad: to have your personal stuff and settings separated from the OS. the OS can usually just be reinstalled in case of trouble, but your personal data and settings  can not08:55
AnlarADminS: using scp you just do something like "scp -R mydirectory user@host.com:/somewhere/" and do not mount. but you can also mount ssh by using FUSE08:55
therethinkerIs there anyway that the update manager could be trying to update if there's no net connection, and if so, how can I stop it?08:55
geniiLe_F0u: Yes08:55
Le_F0uok thx08:55
rafaelscjact1v8, I am on Windows now, and I can boot on Ubuntu and copy my xorg.conf...08:55
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soundrayAnlar: not -R08:55
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armyriadOk. How do I put /home on a different partition?08:56
Le_F0uReading package lists... Done08:56
Le_F0uBuilding dependency tree... Done08:56
Le_F0uE: Couldn't find package phpmyadmin08:56
act1v8rafaelscj: what resolution do you have?08:56
CoasterMasterw30: no go :(   When I turn my computer back on, I see a flash of green and white lines and then the screen goes black08:56
grazienohi people, how can I know when using ubuntu, and trying to execute a program that doesn't ve been instaled?08:56
SrAfCiGeR/dns nc-71-48-16-204.dhcp.embarqhsd.net08:56
rafaelscjact1v8, 1280x76808:56
d4rkmonkeygrazieno, ... what?08:56
empire_im having problems my network interfaces configuration file will not open.. how can i restore a good version ??08:56
Le_F0uwhats the problem genii?08:56
Anlarsoundray: no? okay. :) I haven't done that on cli in years, Nautilus is just superior :)08:56
grazienothere is a way to find out, how can I get this?08:56
d4rkmonkeygrazieno, find what out?08:56
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grazienokinda tip or something08:56
gubluntuhow do i open applications on another logged in user when remotely connected via ssh?08:56
gubluntuim getting: (firefox-bin:7661): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:08:57
act1v8rafaelscj: that's close to mine08:57
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d4rkmonkeygrazieno, I'm sorry I have no idea what you're trying to say08:57
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utilizator_d_ubuhi, i'm using ubuntu 7.04 on a dell latitude d830 laptop, does anyone know a driver that works for a nvidia quadro NVS 135 M video card?08:57
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grazienod4rkmonkey, a moment :)08:57
rafaelscjact1v8, 1280X768 or 1280X80008:57
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soundraygubluntu: you want the firefox window on the remote machine or your local one?08:57
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act1v8rafaelscj: 1280x80008:57
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Anlarutilizator_d_ubu: quadros should work with the same drivers as the rest of the nvidias? they are just otherwise higher end08:58
peeps_workwhen I transfer files over samba, gnome shows a progress dialog with the speed of the transfer.  but when i look in gnome-system-monitor, it tells me a much different speed (almost 2x as much),  and that's the only thing being downloaded08:58
khelllam newbie to ubuntu and am having odd things08:58
peeps_workwhat gives08:58
w30CoasterMaster, do you have a sd card in your card reader alot? That will bork suspend big time!!08:58
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rafaelscjact1v8, have you start on Ubuntu?08:58
khelllwhy can't i c the restart button?08:58
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khelllalso the php never works08:58
khelllwith apache08:58
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CoasterMasterI do sometimes, but I don't right now.....but yes, occasionally I leave the SD card in there08:59
act1v8rafaelscj: I did start in safe mode08:59
grazienook, i will try it again08:59
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soundray!lamp > khelll, please read the private message from ubotu08:59
rafaelscjact1v8, press ctrl+f208:59
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gubluntusoundray: i want it to appear on the local machine which is running gnome.. i am logged in remotely via ssh console only08:59
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act1v8rafaelscj: nothing happens08:59
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rafaelscjact1v8, open console09:00
geniiLe_F0u: Did you first do:  sudo apt-get update      then   sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin09:00
khelllwhich one sundary09:00
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soundraygubluntu: you should start the ssh session with 'ssh -X user@remotehost'. Then the X connection for firefox will be forwarded across the link.09:00
VletI have an ati card with the proprietary drivers loaded; it seems like playing videos slows my system down, aside from the resizing of said movies being really slow, etc.. why? Is it just the driver?09:00
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_KP_soundray: just fyi ... i reformatted the drive as fat32 and I still have the problems.09:00
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grazienoi got a program in my ubuntu, that tells me ( when i try to execute something that is not installed ) how to get the program09:00
w30CoasterMaster, also don't have bios configured with boot from mem cards or memory sticks before harddrive09:00
rafaelscjact1v8, did you open?09:00
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grazienoi mean the program that tells me that09:00
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genii!info phpmyadmin09:01
ubotuphpmyadmin: Administrate MySQL over the WWW. In component universe, is extra. Version 4: (feisty), package size 3506 kB, installed size 13752 kB09:01
JestreDo I have to do something special to add a device to /etc/fstab by UUID?  At creation time?09:01
soundray_KP_: wow, that's really weird. Did you do a full fsck at any stage when you still had ext2/3?09:01
CoasterMasterw30: I'm pretty sure that I don't have anything like that configured, but I'll double-check09:01
johnficcaI have a thinkpad t40 with ubuntu 7.04, does anyone know how to get the modem to work for dial up Internet ?09:01
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto09:01
_KP_soundray: nope. I used gpartd to create the partitions.09:01
jribgrazieno: it's 'command-not-found'09:01
w30CoasterMaster, it will take the kernel foever before it gives up on finding a bootble image on a memory stick09:01
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khelllwhich one sundary09:02
soundray_KP_: did you reboot at any stage after the problem first occurred?09:02
rafaelscjact1v8, u're here?09:02
grazienoactually , it says how to get the "program who is not found "09:02
_KP_soundray: no, i have not rebooted.09:02
soundray!lamp | khelll09:02
ubotukhelll: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:02
act1v8rafaelscj: yes I opened console09:02
geniiLe_F0u:The universe repository should already be enabled, but if not you can do: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list   and remove the # from in front of all the repositories you want to use.09:02
grazienoit say that the program is not found and also say how to get it09:02
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jribgrazieno: the namy of the program that tells you that is 'command-not-found'.  What do you want to know?09:03
d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone know of any good 2D games for Ubuntu that are in the repositories?09:03
rafaelscjact1v8 type "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"09:03
deathbloomsAny 1 found a Gmail client for ubutnu?09:03
andreas__Hi. Is Kubuntu still more unstable than Ubuntu?09:03
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act1v8rafaelscj: I'm not that big of a noob :)09:03
ConstyXIVis it possible to use some bluetooth device to get audio from my BT laptop to a stereo?09:03
d4rkmonkeydeathblooms, do you mean one that checks to see if you have new email?09:03
grazienothe name of the program that tells me that the program is not found and also tells me how to get the program that i ve tryed to exevute09:03
soundray_KP_: in that case I suspect you've had it mounted twice to different mountpoints at some point, then it didn't unmount cleanly. I'd do a reboot, then try to reproduce the problem.09:03
ConstyXIVdeathblooms: any old mail client (like evolution) will do it09:03
khellland why the restart button sometimes is active an other is  missing completely09:03
rafaelscjact1v8 sorry09:03
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Music_Shuffle_andreas__, ymmv09:03
jribgrazieno: what is your question?09:04
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_KP_soundray: I'll give it a try. thanks.09:04
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ConstyXIVandreas__: your mileage may vary09:04
w30d4rkmonkey, solitare?09:04
Music_Shuffle_andreas__, Your Mileage May Vary = ymmv.  Pretty much, depends.09:04
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d4rkmonkeydeathblooms, pidgin (you'd have to compile though) can if you set it up for google talk too, but theres things like checkgmail I think so09:04
v3ctorandreas__: i have never had a stability problem with kubuntu09:04
act1v8rafaelscj: ok... done... continue09:04
w30d4rkmonkey, chess?09:04
johnficcahow do I check what modem I have and what driver I need for it?09:04
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deathbloomswhat do i put for server type ?09:04
jrib!dialup > johnficca (see the private message from ubotu)09:04
v3ctorjohnficca: lspci09:04
andreas__And now the million dollar question: what is my mileage??09:04
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto09:05
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rafaelscjact1v8, are you editing?09:05
UbuntuN00B_HbgHi all! I dont want to need to enter my password when my computer returns from stand by (closing the lid on the laptop)... can i change that?09:05
d4rkmonkeydeathblooms, for pidgin? I forget exactly... if you just want the email checking go for something like checkgmail09:05
Music_Shuffle_andreas__, 42.  Duh.  In reality, might as well try, but good luck either way :)09:05
v3ctorandreas__: some people have issues, some bug, some user error09:05
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ConstyXIVdeathblooms: it's pop.gmail.com, and you need to enable SSL, username is your full address.  for sending it's smtp.gmail.com, and enable tls.  user/pass is same09:05
rafaelscjact1v8, find the section called "monitor" :)09:05
grazienoI got something installed at my ubuntu, some kind of software, that tells me when i try to execute something like: "myprog" for example. it tells me taht i got no "myprog" installed and also say: "to get the myprog try : apt-get install myprog". this program thatgives me this information is what i want to know :)09:05
=== KevinTW [n=gusty3@221-169-13-105.adsl.static.seed.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
Jack_Sparrowjohnficca: Find the modem by going to a terminal and typing dmesg | grep ttyS09:05
act1v8rafaelscj: can we private talk please09:06
jribgrazieno: it is called: command-not-found09:06
rafaelscjact1v8, okay09:06
ConstyXIVgrazieno: what jrib said09:06
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w30UbuntuN00B_Hbg, go to system>preferences>power management and change it there09:06
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grazienok thanks09:06
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act1v8rafaelscj: can you read me?09:06
rafaelscjact1v8, okay09:07
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act1v8rafaelscj: ok I'm at secton monitor09:08
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UbuntuN00B_Hbgw30: cant find what to deselect there... ive deselected "lock screen on screen saver" since that seems to be related, but it doesnt help...09:08
khelllwhy can't i c the restart button?09:08
deathbloomshmm it shows i have no emails09:08
rafaelscjact1v8, read at private09:08
MocMy X Win seem to freeze for about 200ms every 2 second, what could be causing this issue ?09:08
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act1v8rafaelscj: are you registered to freenode?09:08
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ConstyXIVkhelll: it should be an option in shutdown09:08
rafaelscjact1v8, no09:08
rafaelscjact1v8, why?09:09
facugaichHow can I make a gif animation with some images?09:09
ConstyXIVdeathblooms: have you enabled POP from the gmail web interface?09:09
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act1v8rafaelscj: well you can't pvm me09:09
mooglinuxim having trouble editing my xorg.conf file, anyone think they can help?09:09
act1v8rafaelscj: go to #dada09:09
deathbloomswhere do i do that?09:09
deathbloomsto enable it09:09
facugaichI tried using gimp-gap09:09
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ConstyXIVdeathblooms: gmail.com09:09
olskolirci can't find my white font09:09
v3ctorolskolirc: what are you testing?09:10
olskolircmy xchat09:10
olskolirci have to set up my colors09:10
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deathbloomsok where at on gmail.com09:10
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TheCougardoes ubuntu o have a TFTP program built into it? particularly one with a gui?:)09:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:11
d4rkmonkeyDoes anyone know if there is a way to upgrade to Gutsy (tribe 3) through the update manager?09:11
olskolircwhite font?09:11
d4rkmonkeyLike... update manager -d or something I dunno09:11
jrib!upgrade > d4rkmonkey (see the private message from ubotu)09:11
khelllConstyIXIV , where to configure that09:11
d4rkmonkeyThanks jrib09:11
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jribd4rkmonkey: note that gutsy is still in development and you are likely to end up with a broken system09:11
ConstyXIVdeathblooms: in settings, "Forwarding and POP"09:11
olskolircahhh got it09:12
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olskolircbetter font09:12
lonranhi everybody09:12
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d4rkmonkeyYeah, I know jrib, but right now anything 3D freezes my system, and I heard it was fixed in gutsy09:12
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olskolircvery white font?09:12
lonranwhen using nm-applet it doesnt show my wireless card, why can it be?09:13
jribd4rkmonkey: make sure you have backups at least09:13
d4rkmonkeyjrib, yeah, thats probably something smart for me to do first.09:13
herbertHi, is there anyone who wants to help me with a Nvidia driver problem?09:13
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jrib!anyone | herbert09:13
ubotuherbert: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:13
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d4rkmonkeyjrib, I don't think the link you gave me has anything for gutsy right now...09:13
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ZmaXHi all. Anyone which CX4126x-like tv tuner works ?09:14
w30UbuntuN00B_Hbg, that must have been what I was thinking, sorry for the bum info09:14
ZmaXciao fra09:14
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UbuntuN00B_Hbgw30: no problemo! I hope some one knows how to disable the password when waking up from stand-by... and is willing to tell me how! ;)09:15
d4rkmonkeyjrib, I think I found how on the Ubuntu website though, thanks anyways for all your help09:15
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deathbloomsYaY ! got gmail client working09:15
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deathbloomsThanks guys09:15
Kromelwoot!  Deathblooms09:15
jribd4rkmonkey: k, what you said was correct anyway (-d)09:15
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deathbloomsNow i need to get my window boarders workingh\09:15
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deathbloomsand ill be in buiessness09:15
d4rkmonkeyjrib, yeah, when I do that I don't seem to get anything though...09:16
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d4rkmonkeyjrib, maybe I have an older version of the update manager or something weird like that09:16
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deathbloomsIs there a easy way to fix window boarders?09:16
hendrixskialrighty, this sed this is rediculous ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32072/  please help!09:16
Kromeldeathblooms, window borders are missing? you have Beryl installed?  (sorry, I just joined the channel abit ago)09:16
d4rkmonkeyjrib, do you know how to check my update manager's version?09:17
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ScarEyeHello everyone.  Got a quick question.  I downloaded Ubuntu 7.04 Server Edition is it possible to setup RAID 1 using ubuntu ?09:17
=== hendrixski thinks that sed's authors clearly did not intended for it to be used by human beings
TheCougarare any of the tftp client packages in the package manager gui based?09:17
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Kromeldeathblooms, it's been awhile since I've used beryl, but I used to have that problem.  Give me a moment and see if I can  remember the fix.09:17
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hendrixskiMay somebody please take a look at my sed script and tell me why it's not working ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32072/09:18
jribd4rkmonkey: apt-cache policy update-manager   but try #ubuntu+1 to see if anyone there can help you more09:18
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d4rkmonkeyjrib, ok, thanks for all your help09:18
Kromeldeathblooms, make sure "09:18
KromelOption "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"09:18
Kromelstupid client09:18
Kromelgoing to private message you, deathblooms09:18
khelllwhy can't i c the restart button?09:19
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FactoryHey guys. Does sleep/hibernate still not work correctly in ubtunu?09:19
threethirtyhi all09:19
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FactoryAnd if not, will it be further developed in the next release?09:19
WaxyFreshhi im trying to download all the data off a single website:http://www.checkmysource.com/ what commands would i use with wget to do this?09:19
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jribWaxyFresh: -r and a big -l ?09:20
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deathbloomsthis sucks09:20
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deathbloomsi cant minmize that screen09:20
deathbloomstry again09:20
jribhendrixski: do you want to add it to end of what is already on the second to last line or just a new line there?09:20
juliohquien lo croma09:20
threethirtya buddy of mine is trying to uninstall vmware and is getting this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32073/ he installd via synaptic09:20
Wiseguyhey guys, how do i get odf support in openoffice?09:20
juliohjojtiado y en cruz09:20
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jrib!es | julioh09:21
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ubotujulioh: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:21
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Dr_LinkEveryone is exiting with "Ex-Chat"09:21
P_Kablechecking for dlopen... no  what package do I need for this ?09:21
Dr_LinkWell, everyone on Ubuntu...09:21
Wiseguyis ODF and ODT the same thing?09:21
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Kromeldeathblooms, be sure that:   Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" is in your xorg.conf file under the Device section"09:21
Kromelack, stupid keyboard09:21
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deathbloomsKK back09:22
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Intel4004is there any new news on support for ICH7R intel ports for sata?09:22
therethinkerWhen I use VNC viewer to connect to someones computer, its always very red, it says that it corrected the colors:09:22
therethinkerRed 16 Green 8 Blue 0, how can I fix this?09:22
Kromeldeathblooms, be sure that:   Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" is in your xorg.conf file under the Device section.09:22
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hendrixskijrib, I want to add a few lines of text just before the last line  ... not append :-)09:22
jinxed-I just pluged in my external harddrive and it is recoginzed but I can only read the files, and I am trying to back up some files, how can I get it so I can write as well?09:22
deathbloomsi did that last time and my x server messed up09:22
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unagiis there a way that ubuntu can cook me breakfast in the morning09:22
sephyhey guys09:22
unagiis there a shell script for that?09:22
d4rkmonkeyunagi, yeah probably.09:22
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sephyis the power pc version of ubuntu still supported?09:23
geniijinxed-: What filesystem is on it?09:23
TheCougarhook your stove up to a controller board that is controlled by your ubuntu system09:23
jribhendrixski: well you *could* do something like   $i'foobar'    for what you are asking but if you asked me the third to last line I wouldn't know :)09:23
TheCougarsimple as that09:23
Kromeldeathblooms, really??  Are you absolutely sure that's what caused it to blow up?09:23
Dr_LinkUbuntu or Kubuntu?09:23
deathbloomshey Kromel I sent you a pm09:23
PriceChildsephy, only community supported from feisty onwards afaik09:23
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jinxed-genii, it is NTFS09:23
Kromeldeathblooms, I didn't get it.09:23
d4rkmonkeyunagi, I forget the exact package name, try google!09:23
jinxed-genii, i am running 7.0409:23
TheCougarno TFTP clients with a gui for ubuntu?09:23
genii!ntfs | jinxed09:23
ubotujinxed: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:23
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hendrixskiwhat's $i foobar??? I'm totally new to sed09:23
w30UbuntuN00B_Hbg, have you tried auto login? I have no Idea whether this would carry over to close lid or not?09:23
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jribhendrixski: insert instead of append09:24
juliohpero yo quiero que me lo cromen en ingles09:24
Ind[y] What is the similar of klipper for GNOME?09:24
PriceChild!ppc | sephy09:24
ubotusephy: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ09:24
deathbloomsok lets try this again what do i type in terminal to get to the script09:24
Dr_LinkThere it is again!09:24
jribjulioh: #ubuntu-es for spanish, here only english09:24
geniijinxed: Sorry shoulda been09:24
bimmelimplease help: I am getting "frequency scaling unsupported" from gnome-applet. This worked fine yesterday, but now it is broken. Also I cannot create new users. Could these problems be related?09:24
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UbuntuN00B_Hbgw30: autologin is active... doesnt help!09:24
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PriceChildDr_Link, yes because they're using the same client with the same defaults.09:24
genii!ntfs-3g | jinxed09:24
Intel4004When I try to installed 7.04 or 7.10 on a mobo wiht an ICH7R port I get ports not responiding from ata 1 to ata909:24
ubotujinxed: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:24
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Kromeldeathblooms, you get my private message dialogue?09:24
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d4rkmonkeyHey, wheres the file with all the repos in it?09:25
timposeyI know there is a forum specifically for xubuntu, but there seems to be no one home here and maybe someone can answer this question.  installing xubuntu I get the following message /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off09:25
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w30UbuntuN00B_Hbg, that is what I get for thinking. Change lid closing from lock screen configuration to do nothing configuration.09:25
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therethinkeris there a way to install the broadcom BCM-4306 without using the internet? The fwcutter package downloads the firmware in the middle of the installation, so that's no good09:25
Kromeldeathblooms, can you pastebin your xorg.conf file please?09:26
hendrixskijrib, hmmm09:26
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pike__timposey: do a google searchlike: 'site:ubuntuforums.org "/bin/sh" tty job control' i dont know the answer but i think its covered in forums quite a bit09:26
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act1v8X can't recognize my Monitor and my Graphics Card. Help!09:27
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deathbloomswhat do i type in terminal to bring up xorg09:27
lonranis there any program to connect to the skype network instead of skype09:27
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therethinkeract1v8: What's the card?09:27
act1v8lonran: no09:27
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SoulChildHey all ,.. how do i install a tar.gz package (sourcecode)???09:27
Billyis there a program like alchoal 120%, that will alow you to mount iso as virtual CD rom drives?09:27
pike__lonran: there are open alternatives though any sip client09:27
jribSoulChild: what are you trying to install?09:27
act1v8therethinker: Ati mobility radeon x70009:27
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caintonaapt-get install tar gzip09:27
Frostshocis there anyway of installing ubuntu on an Intel 82801ER Raid array09:27
jrib!iso > Billy (see the private message from ubotu)09:27
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ScarEyeCan ubuntu do softare RAID ?09:27
jribBilly: 'mount' does that by default09:27
juliohsomebody help me and I need to crom09:28
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SoulChildjrib: firefox from the homepage,... i don't want to use apt-get ,.. want to learn how to install from source09:28
UbuntuN00B_Hbgw30: well... its really when returning from suspend state, its not a laptop...09:28
Billyjrib: WoW I love ubuntu.. Thank you.09:28
fNatiC`hi guys09:28
jinxed-Hi, I am trying to make it so I can write to my external harddrive that is formated ntfs what should I do?09:28
pike__Billy: mount -o loop file.iso /media/cdrom09:28
therethinkeract1v8: Is it on a wireless connection, or a ethernet connection?09:28
w30Billy, use mount command and the loopback device09:28
MishuWhat i need to do to configure my shell so that i can have remote login for some guy?09:28
Kromeldeathblooms, nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:28
lonranpike_, to access the sip network yes, but the chat? can it be accessed too?09:28
fNatiC`i pasted http://pastebin.com/m309800df on a friend and he said that i broken my sources.list.. O.o09:28
fNatiC`how is that?!09:28
act1v8therethinker: what!?09:28
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juliohhelp me09:28
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jribSoulChild: not sure why you would want to do something that is inferior, but...09:28
pike__Mishu: install openssh-server and if youre behind a router foward port 22 to your comp09:28
jrib!language | julioh09:28
ubotujulioh: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:28
jribjulioh: you never asked a question09:29
stefgMishu: you need to sudo apt-get openssh-server09:29
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juliohsomebody help me and I need to crom09:29
jrib!firefox > SoulChild (see the private message from ubotu)09:29
Mishupike_, That will do?09:29
Paddy_EIREjulioh: whats up09:29
jribjulioh: what do you mean by "crom"09:29
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:29
deathbloomsok what do u want with it09:29
deathbloomsi have it up09:29
therethinkeract1v8: If the computer is hooked up to the net, you can use apt-get to install a package09:29
Mishupike_, Do i need to do any configuration or just create an account and provide it to that guy with IP addr?09:29
act1v8therethinker: no.. it's not connected09:29
orbisvicishey ... how can i start conky in fluxbox ... put in .fluxbox/startup and fluxbox stops09:29
pike__Mishu: yeah then just ssh ipaddress. you can ssh localhost  to test on the computer. that is command line login09:29
jrib!compile > SoulChild (see the private message from ubotu)09:30
act1v8therethinker: and Ubuntu isn't installed09:30
pike__Mishu: no user acccounts will be used so if you need to add somone youd sudo adduser09:30
Kromeldeathblooms, ahh, thought you wanted in.  I think an easier way for you is probably using gedit.  Go ahead and get out of nano.09:30
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jinxed-genii, I went to the page you said and did what it said, and now I can't even unmount my hard drive09:30
Mishupike_, If i want anyuser can get X is there any way?09:30
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pike__!ssh > Mishu09:30
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Kromeldeathblooms, and this time, do:   gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:30
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jinxed-I am having problems with my EXTERNAL drive, I can see it, and I can acess files, but I can't save to it, or write. What should I do?09:31
pike__Mishu: easy way is to ssh into the comp and run vncserver. then run a vncclient on the remote machine to connect to the server. really though ubuntu's remote session opton in the panel might be better for ya09:31
geniijinxed: what does mount command show just for that drive?09:31
act1v8what package09:31
deathbloomsim in09:31
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MishuOkay pike_ !09:31
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Kromeldeathblooms, copy the test in the conf file and paste it here:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/09:31
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Kromeldeathblooms, then send me the link for the pasted pastebin.09:32
jinxed-genii, Well I did what it said and it didn't work so I went to right click eject like I usally do to see if it would work after I reconnected but it won't even let me eject it09:32
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joaofprHi people09:33
deathbloomsis that what u need ?09:33
Kromeldeathblooms, thanks. give me a moment to look.09:33
stefg!ntfs | jinxed-09:33
ubotujinxed-: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:33
joaofprI am from Brazil09:33
NegatifzeoHow can I get permission to move files from my ubuntu partition to my OSX partition?09:33
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joaofprI need adress to Ubuntu chat in Pt-BR, please09:33
Hegemonany channels that have to do with resolution?09:33
stefgNegatifzeo: hthe linux hfs+ driver is readonly , IMHO09:33
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w30jinxed-, it's probably mounted read only (check /etc/mtab. If so umoun it and remount it rw . See man mount.09:34
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:34
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SORMANOVjust a philosophical question, i have two nodes cluster and need to name my nodes, what do you suggest me :)09:34
jinxed-stefg, I tried that already09:34
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attunixcan i boot my computer from an iso disk image?09:35
attunixi dont have any cd-r's nearby09:35
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jinxed-w30, I don't know what you are saying, I am new to linux09:35
leagrishello, can someone help mounting Windows shares with smbfs/cifs while share name is like SHARENAME (D) ?09:35
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:35
pitwalkerwith wubi from windows you can install, but i aware from this09:35
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse09:35
Kromeldeathblooms, okay, everything looks good except that you don't have Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" True" in your conf file.09:35
leagrisstefg, the problem is the space and the parenthesis inside the share name09:35
UbuntuN00B_Hbgw30: I thinks i found it! :) Modding "/etc/default/acpi-support " should work, theres an entry for locking screen! :)09:35
attunixpitwalker: no burnable cd's at all09:35
deathbloomsCan u past a new 109:36
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deathbloomsso i can just copy over all my stuff09:36
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stefgleagris: proper quoting should solve this09:36
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Kromeldeathblooms, do you mind to entertain me and put that back in, save it and reboot?  if it messes up on you, you can take that line back out and reboot.09:36
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leagrisstefg, can't quote anything inside fstab09:36
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w30jinxed-, you are going to need a Linux book because you can't get all the education you need in here.:=)09:37
deathbloomswhere do i put that line09:37
Kromeldeathblooms, in the terminal, type:  sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:37
deathbloomsbelow what09:37
stefgleagris: so use escapes...09:37
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therethinkerIs there a way to install bcm4306-fwcutter by downloading the firmware manually?09:37
Kromelokay, scroll down to where it shows your video card, under the device section.09:37
stefgleagris: or use fusesmb, which is easier anyway09:37
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leagrisstefg, does not seem to work either with //servername//SHARENAME\ \(D\) /mountpount ...09:37
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geniijinxed: Sorry for lag, I'm at work and had to go do some actual work09:37
jinxed-w30, well I may have to but I am about to have my computer repaired tomorrow and I need to back up my files09:37
w30UbuntuN00B_Hbg, wonderful, I will try to remember that too. Thank you09:37
Kromeldeathblooms, put it exactly under Driver "nvidia"09:38
jinxed-genii, no problem09:38
UbuntuN00B_Hbgw30: :)09:38
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deathbloomswhat do i put again09:38
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KromelOption "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"09:38
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geniijinxed: So, when you put in a terminal/console:  mount please tell me what it says for that hd (not the other ones)09:39
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stefgleagris: i'm no syntax expert, but might be something like \&20 fo a space09:39
deathbloomsok save and restart?09:39
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deathbloomseww wouldnt let me save09:39
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jinxed-genii, what do you want me to do?09:39
deathbloomsdont have permission09:39
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leagrisstefg, k will try this, do you now the code for ( and ) ?09:40
jinxed-w30, i checked etc/mtab and got this09:40
IceLinkhey there. i wanted to ask whether i have to install fglrx again after upgrading09:40
jinxed-/dev/sdb1 /media/EXTERNAL ntfs rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=222,utf8 0 009:40
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deathbloomssays check locaten09:40
Kromeldeathblooms, okay, close gedit and use the same command, but put sudo in front of it.  sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:40
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THeGhoskto tut ruskij?09:40
jinxed-genii, i am not sure how to mount or anything much in terminal09:40
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deathbloomssays command not found09:41
Kromeldeathblooms, oops!  sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:41
SkiessiTHeGhos:  -> #ubuntu-ru09:41
deathbloomssudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:41
stefgleagris: why not just using legal filenames ? :-)09:41
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Mishupike_, I get error authentication fail - i used the samethe pwd used for login and that is the only pwd i created09:41
w30jinxed-, have you tried sudo nautilus in a command prompt? maybe the permissions are just wrong on the files you want to copy. That will give you a drag and drop ability from the file browser for all files.09:41
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jinxed-genii, Although I found that my external harddrive is at media/EXTERNAL09:41
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leagrisstefg, because Windows insisting in adding a space and drive letter between parenthesis whan sharing a whole disk09:41
Bulazeemnoob question :'(.   what do i press to terminate an unresponsive program in ubuntu?   im pretty new and ctrl alt del does nothing =/09:41
pike__Mishu: failed for ssh or vnc?09:42
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Mishupike_, For Sudo install09:42
tylercntl c09:42
Mishusudo apt-get09:42
geniijinxed: OK, so try unmounting in terminal by:           umount /media/EXTERNAL09:42
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geniino N in umount09:42
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Mishusudo apt-get openssh-server09:42
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deathbloomskk now just restart my pc and come back09:42
pike__only your original user will be alble to sudo. if you type 'groups' youll see if you are a member of admin group if not then that user hasnt access to use sudo09:42
genii(before the m anyhow)09:43
jinxed-w30, when I did that there is a big lock icon next to my external folder09:43
jinxed-ok will try genii09:43
leagrisstefg, I can use that share with Gnome VFS but it has several caveat, twice slowre, does not map special letters accent correctly and is not permanent09:43
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Mishupike__, thats the only user i created!09:43
deathbloomswhat if it messes up09:43
stefgleagris: look at fusesmb09:43
deathbloomswhat do i do09:43
Kromeldeathblooms, yeah.  if it blows up.  in the terminal, use:  sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and remove that line.  then reboot.09:43
stefg!info fusesmb | leagris09:43
ubotuleagris: fusesmb: filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1 (feisty), package size 26 kB, installed size 140 kB09:43
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SkiessiBulazeem: System > Admin*something > System Manager (can't remember, I use localization)09:43
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pike__Mishu: do you see an admin group when you run groups command? ls /home also and see if other users are present there09:44
jinxed-genii, got: tom@tom-laptop:~$ umount /media/EXTERNAL09:44
jinxed-umount: /media/EXTERNAL is not in the fstab (and you are not root)09:44
leagrisstefg will look at it but the space and parenthesis may still be a problem inside fstab, I home not09:44
deathbloomskk brb09:44
leagrishope not09:44
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BulazeemSkiessi: ty very much =] 09:44
UnrestfulQuick question. I would like to install a SourceForge app named Zenoss.  I am at the download screen but not sure which RPM to download. Here's a link: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=16312609:44
stefgleagris: fusesmb doesn't need a fstab entry :-) (userspace)09:44
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:45
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Paddy_EIREUnrestful: there are debs there :D09:46
Paddy_EIREUnrestful: woops09:46
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jinxed-What would the lock icon next to my external harddrive mean09:46
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bimmelimdoes anyone know why I get "frequency scaling unsupported" all of a sudden???09:47
caintonajinxed: read only09:47
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Paddy_EIREUnrestful: never mind I cant be sure which you should go for as I am not familiar with the app, is it mentioned in the ubuntu forums09:47
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stefgjinxed-: check the filesystem on the external disk, might be corrupt09:47
uwflatlanderAnyone know a good tool to use to backup an ntfs partition other than partimage?09:47
Kromelunrestfull, here is an ubuntu install guide for Zenoss:  http://www.howtoforge.com/zenoss_network_monitor_ubuntu09:47
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UnrestfulThanks Paddy and Kromel :)09:48
jinxed-stefg how would I check the filesystem to see if it infact was corrupt09:48
bimmelimdoes anyone know why I get "frequency scaling unsupported" all of a sudden???09:48
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KromelUnrestful, it's pretty strait forward. Pretty much copy and paste the commands.09:48
=== Paddy_EIRE is really loving Linux Mint
ZnortflHello Ubuntu people, I have searched for a php-gtk2 package in the repo but I couldnt find it. Does anybody know if its there and if not, if there is a way to install it via apt-get09:48
stefgjinxed-: if it's ntfs you gotta use windoes' chkdsk09:48
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Dr_LinkWould anyone recommend against the Desktop Effects?09:48
deathbloomsumm nop09:48
Kromeldeathblooms, did it blow up?09:49
deathbloomsdid not work09:49
bimmelimdoes anyone know why I get "frequency scaling unsupported" all of a sudden???09:49
deathbloomsno it boated fine09:49
jinxed-stefg, it doesn't have windows on it though09:49
deathbloomsjust still no boardeer09:49
Paddy_EIREstefg: now that there is write access to ntfs partitions why not somethin similar to chkdsk in gparted09:49
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uwflatlanderDr_Link: Yes if you have an ATI video card09:49
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Kromeldeathblooms, give me a moment.  sorry for the waste of time so far.09:49
sapuroDr_Link recommend against the Desktop Effects? why? :s09:50
deathbloomsohh no no09:50
stefgjinxed-: there is no way to check an ntfs filesystem on linux. ntfs is proprietary, and all drivers are reverse engineered.09:50
Paddy_EIREDr_Link: what card precisely09:50
deathbloomsthank you09:50
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VonGuardi have a daper question09:50
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sapurouwflatlander I got it working with ati card09:50
jinxed-hmm well i am kind of screwed there, then how to people dual boot windows and linux?09:50
LazarethHello, can anybody help me with a slight problem? My playback of .mp3 lacks sound except for some sporadic quick sounds that sound like music played really quickly. I've installed the restricted codec packages and tried with three different (rhythmplayer, exaile, VLC) programs. All other kind of music files I've tried (.ogg mainly) works fine.09:50
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Paddy_EIRE!ask > VonGuard09:50
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VonGuardi have a laptop with dapper up to date, and it has a seemingly functional cisco aeronet 300 card in it. the card lights, the OS says its there, and the os seems to sign onto the wireless network fine09:50
shavexhow do you put a file on an external hard drive when it says i dont have permissions? i know i need to use root but im not sure what the command is to get it from my computer to the disk09:50
VonGuardbut no connectivity09:50
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VonGuardnot getting an IP or nothing09:50
Corsu les gens...09:51
WaxyFreshto install codecs on 64bit ubuntu,would i use the same as on normal ubuntu?09:51
uwflatlandersapuro: You can get it working, but the ati drivers are buggy and it's kinda hacky09:51
VonGuardeven though the wireless metter is full09:51
VonGuardand i am on that network with this machine09:51
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Kromeldeathblooms, can you "spin" the cube?09:51
CorsuY'a personne qui parle franais ?09:51
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VonGuardany ideas of what i can try to fix it?09:51
Paddy_EIREWaxyFresh: there is w64codecs and flash is an annoyance with 64 bit09:51
VonGuardifconfig shows no ip09:51
WaxyFreshshavex: gksu nautilius /place/file09:51
Kromeldeathblooms, okay, good.  brb, searching.09:51
bimmelimdo I have to reinstall ubuntu get "frequence scaling" to work again?09:51
deathbloomsHey let me check my xorg09:51
WaxyFreshPaddy_EIRE: well im useing 32 bit swiftfox09:51
deathbloomsi wanna make shure it saved09:51
Paddy_EIREWaxyFresh: must you use 64bit09:51
Dr_LinkSomeone call for me?09:51
rambo3VonGuard what type of card , is firmware installed?09:52
Dr_LinkI got a hilight alert from XChat.09:52
aristos_achaionCorsu: Je le parle un petit peu, mais pas courrament.09:52
WaxyFreshPaddy_EIRE: you sure?09:52
WaxyFreshPaddy_EIRE: i think ive had it working in the past09:52
VonGuardcisco aironet 35009:52
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:52
shavexWaxyFresh, and thats to the source? what about putting it at a destination?09:52
VonGuardand it was using an early cisco card before with no troubles09:52
VonGuardon the card?09:52
Paddy_EIREWaxyFresh: all I keep hearing and I run a 64 bit lappy but wouldnt touch a 64bit os09:52
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geniijinxed: Unfortunately I don't have enough time in a row to properly help you right now, i keep getting called to work and am at computer like a minute or 2 then it happens again09:53
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WaxyFreshshavex: nautilus is the file manager for ubuntu right? just type in /gksu nautalis a window will open up and you can browse whatever with rot access09:53
jinxed-haha its alright09:53
jinxed-whatever help you have is great09:53
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shavexWaxyFresh, ooo ok thank you!09:53
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rambo3VonGuard no firmware on this system09:54
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shavexWaxyFresh, actually it did nothing09:54
VonGuarduh... not sure09:54
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VonGuardprobbaly not up to date09:54
VonGuardnot sure how to update either, since it has no floppy drive and only runs dapper09:54
WaxyFreshPaddy_EIRE: im sure i had it working i used automatix to install swiftfox32 and the plugins,then when i installed the kubuntu desktop something got messed up and i need to reinstall all my codecs java and all that fun stuff09:54
WaxyFreshshavex: then i dont know09:54
Kromeldeathblooms, which nvidia driver are you using?09:54
rambo3VonGuard try googling couse i have other D-Link card and  one more and both need firmware. Google cisco aironet 350  firmware ubuntu09:55
pike__WaxyFresh: never admit to using automatix :)09:55
jinxed-Can someone help me get my external hard drive working?09:55
WaxyFreshshavex: did you type it into a terminal?09:55
Faldrienshavex: did it ask you for your root password?09:55
Paddy_EIREWaxyFresh: ohh, will automatix not handle that again (if you must use it) automatix is a good way to bork your system and its not supported09:55
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Paddy_EIREon this channel09:55
caintonajinxed: what is the problem with the drive?09:55
VonGuardrambo3, poop, there's an update, but only for windows09:55
VonGuardaddresses this very issue09:55
Faldrienshavex: try hitting alt + f2 and then typing 'gksudo nautilus'09:56
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shavexFaldrien, ok that opened the file browser09:56
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Kromeldeathblooms, you there bud?09:57
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Faldrienshavex: the file browser that is open has root access and you should be able to copy files on to your drive through it09:57
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geniijinxed: You said the hd is ntfs. Is there XP or something like that on it, or just formatted ntfs filesystem?09:58
File13Got a question about my sound. my sound was working alright in ubuntu but when i booted into XP then came back into Ubuntu my sound no longer is there. I tried doing a cold boot into Ubuntu as well and that didnt fix anything, any ideas?09:58
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NegatifzeoDoes anyone know how I can write to my mac HD from ubuntu?09:59
silokohi guys - now that beryl is discontinued does anyone know of an easy how-to to get the compiz-fusion add-ons (beryl functionality). the git source tree on open-compositing.org is unfamiliar to me!?10:00
deathbloomsim here10:00
Kromeldeathblooms, which nvidia driver are you using?10:00
deathbloomshow do i find out10:00
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crdlbsiloko, #compiz-fusion10:00
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silokocrdlb: ok man thanks10:01
deathbloomsthats the version10:01
tcstechok ...simple one... how the heck to I make the side button on my mouse behave in Konquer and firefox?10:01
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deathbloomshey i wanna check my xorg again to make shure it saved10:02
deathbloomswhat do i type again ?10:02
khellli have apache installed and i want to uninstall it10:02
khelllhow to do so?10:02
Kromeldeathblooms, okay.   sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:02
tcstechcat /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:02
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tcstechor that.10:02
Kromelhaha or that10:02
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=== Kromel still learning the commands
deathbloomsit saved10:03
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deathbloomsSection "Device"10:03
deathblooms    Identifier     "NVIDIA Corporation NV31 [GeForce FX 5600] "10:03
deathblooms    Driver         "nvidia"10:03
deathblooms    Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"10:03
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therethinkerkhell: sudo apt-get remove apache210:03
tcstechlooks good10:03
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WayahCan someone please help me privately to install ati xpress 200m video driver on my laptop10:03
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frojndis anyone here form France? how is written "CLIENE" the town that is famous by horses, near Taize ??10:03
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tcstechgood bye apache... I knew you so well...10:03
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orbisvicisare there any alternatives to xcompmgr ?10:03
malocite #Wine10:04
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:04
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Kromeldeathblooms, yeah, that part looks good.10:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about composite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xcompmgr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
shavexhow do i add files to a read only disk such as an external HD?10:04
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux10:04
jinxed-caintona it won't let me write to it10:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cdemu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:05
jinxed-genii, it is just formated NTFS10:05
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joose_hi all10:05
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Faldrienshavex: does your root user have write access?10:05
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SonarxHello! Anyone here an expert on Xorg and graphics problems?10:05
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shavexFaldrien, nope10:05
Kromeldeathblooms, did you install the driver? or did it come installed?10:06
Unrestful#quit "Work is calling"10:06
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BladeZHelp somebody. I try to install Ubuntu to my PC, but installation doesn't seem to see my 10gb unallocated partition.10:06
shavexFaldrien, i tried changing the premissions10:06
joose_i have question ... here is somebody from poland?10:06
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deathbloomsi installed it with envy10:06
Faldrienshavex: what file system does the hard drive use10:06
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geniijinxed: If it is just to be used for sharing between linux and windoze, I would recommend to format it to ext3 filesystem from linux, then use to access it from some windoze box the driver for ext3 at www.fs-driver.org10:06
Kromeldeathblooms, lets check out the #beryl channel.10:06
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shavexFaldrien, i think it uses NTFS but i use it just as a storage device, like it doesnt have an OS on it, but i think it might have come with NTFS10:06
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joose_i have problem i need help... please10:07
joose_somebody help me?10:07
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SonarxWhat's the trouble Joose?10:07
shavexjoose_, just type your problem10:07
pxl_nick PxL10:07
Jinxedgenii, how would i do that10:07
geniijinxed: Writing to ext3 from windoze is better and safer than writing to ntfs from linux10:07
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joose_im fresh user ubuntu...you know10:08
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geniijinxed: How do you format the disk?10:08
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joose_and i dont know where i can find my folders from windows10:08
blankyhey guys, what's a command that will let me mute all sound, and then unmute it after10:08
krzeegenii, writing to ntfs using fuse is safe, ive done it from osX using macfuse quite a few times10:08
blankyI tried 'sudo mute' but it didn't exist10:08
SonarxHave you mounted the windows partition?10:09
Jinxedgenii, yeah10:09
krzeeonly it is pretty slow10:09
blankyit only existed in a package called 'aumix' or something10:09
blankyanyone? please?10:09
Jinxedgenii, wouldn't I lose all my data10:09
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Jinxedgenii, I have a couple hundred gigs already on it10:09
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joose_no... i have windows first10:09
shavexFaldrien, do you know how i could change the permissions or how to write to the drive from Linux?10:09
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geniijinxed:Ah, then no formatting.10:09
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BladeZhelp, installation can't see 10GB UNPARTITIONED10:10
blankysomeone, please, how can I mute all sound with a command?10:10
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alpoanyone here use transparent aterm in fluxbox?10:10
geniijinxed: Need to muddle thru the ntfs-3g stuff then. Which device is it that is your external hd to the ubuntu? like /dev/sdb /dev/sdd  or something10:10
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blankysomeone please?10:10
blankyhow can I mute all sound with a command10:10
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jribblanky: some invocation of 'amixer', you'll have to read the man page10:10
SonarxOk I would open up nautilis and see if Ubuntu sees your windows partition.10:10
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blankyjrib: thanks10:10
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alpoaterm doesn't want to use my .Xdefaults in fluxbox10:11
SonarxPlease pardon my spelling.10:11
alpoand the #afterstep/#aterm guys have as much clue as I do10:11
Faldrienshavex: i did some googling, and found that ntfs-3g can be used10:11
geniijinxed: Best thing here i think is to use the pastebin. I'll ask you to find and copy the contents of some files for me to a website, then they can be examined for clues.10:11
alponever had that problem before10:11
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tcstech...still can't get the side button on muh mouse to behave in firefox & konquer... Any help?10:11
genii!pastebin | jinxed10:11
ubotujinxed: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:11
krzeeFaldrien, isnt that using fuse ?10:11
BladeZUbuntu sees my whole HDD as a whole, while i have 2 NTSF and 1 unallocated partition10:11
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tcstech:( BladeZ did you tell the installer to use entire HD?10:12
BladeZcan't make ubuntu to install in that 1 unallocated partition10:12
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BladeZno, bcause i want to keep my WinXP10:12
pike__BladeZ: dapper or feisty?10:12
geniijinxed: so the files of interest would be:   /etc/fstab         and the outputs of the commands:   blkid    and    fdisk -l10:12
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tcstechI do not remember... does the 7.04 live10:12
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BladeZthats feisty i think10:13
Faldrienkrzee: no, as far as i know, fuse is for mounting folders over SSH10:13
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krzeenoble, that is a use of it tho10:13
SonarxYes 7.04 is Feisty10:13
tcstech>.< enter too close to shift!!10:13
krzeenick completion10:13
krzeeno you can use fuse for much more than that10:13
krzeeincluding write to ntfs10:13
joose_i'm very fresh in linux and i dont know what i must doing10:13
BladeZwhat to do?? Partition Magic shows Error 177, so i can't open it10:13
SonarxCan anyone help me with an image quality problem?10:13
tcstechis qtparted on the liveCD?10:13
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faemirwhich jabber client do people here recommend? gajim? (on gnome)10:13
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SonarxNo but you can get qparted on a live cd all on its own10:14
shavexFaldrien, thank you!!!10:14
Kromeldeathblooms, you there?10:14
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Faldrienshavex: no problem.  did ntfs-3g work out?10:14
deathbloomsyea i got it10:14
deathbloomssudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2410:14
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lImItaOsomebody knows how to run a rom from command line in gens emulator?10:14
khelllhow can i know the name of the process on port 8010:14
Jinxedgenii, I tried to cd to /etc/fstab and it said not a directory10:14
deathbloomsUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".10:14
deathbloomsOption "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" added to Screen "Default Screen".10:14
deathbloomsBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'10:14
deathbloomsNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'10:14
Sonarxjoose_ click on places then computer it should list drives and removeable media.10:14
khelllor how can i destroy it at least10:14
BladeZI have to say, that the empty partition is an formated ex-MACOSX partition10:14
deathbloomsso ..10:15
deathbloomsshould i restart10:15
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geniijinxed: use:   gksudo gedit /etc/fstab10:15
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KromelDeathblooms, yeah.10:15
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KromelDeathblooms, but10:15
shavexFaldrien, im installing it right now... ill let you know if it works...10:15
Jinxedok btw genii here is url http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32085/10:15
joose_i have cd-rom and file system10:15
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lImItaOsomebody knows how to run a rom from command line in gens emulator?10:16
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khelllhow can i know the name of the process on port 8010:16
Kromeldeathblooms, if it blows up.  just rename the xorg.conf to xorg.old  and xorg.backup to xorg.conf.10:16
SonarxOpen file system and navigate to the media folder.10:16
Jinxedgenii, it didnt work I posted what happened in the pastebin10:16
deathbloomskk ill see what happends10:16
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SonarxIt should have your windows partition listed in there if not then you will have to mount it manually.10:16
geniijinxed: url please?10:16
deathbloomsi love it when i click restart it just sits there10:17
Kromeldeathblooms, if that doesn't help. we can look in the advanced settings in Ceryl.10:17
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Kromelerr Beryl.10:17
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joose_hov name my win partition?10:17
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SonarxThat I wold have to look up, hold on.10:18
Jinxedgenii, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32086/10:18
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SkiessilImItaO: http://tasvideos.org/Grrl.html in this? I think it's something like "gens romsfilename"10:18
teratomawhich of these power daemon related things, like acpi-daemon power-daemon, should i have enabled in bum?  or should i have them all on?10:18
lImItaOSkiessi: thank you10:19
blankyhey guys in alsamixer I accidentally pressed ENTER but didn't know what it did, and it doesn't seem to say in the man page, anyone know?10:19
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Skiessior is there other versions of Gens for Linux?10:19
=== Wiseguy [i=wiseguy@imma.cyber-terrorist.so.fearme.net] has joined #ubuntu
SonarxThis article should help you out joose_  http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=58510:19
geniijinxed: It seems you may be using KDE instead. Please try:   kdesu kate /etc/fstab10:19
joose_i dont see nothing from windows10:19
=== deathblooms [n=deathblo@CPE-76-177-99-29.natcky.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
deathbloomsYea know Luck !10:20
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SonarxWhat is listed there?10:20
joose_ok ... i check this10:20
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deathbloomsNo Luck10:21
lImItaOSkiessi: I installed a deb from ubutugames10:21
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lImItaOubuntugames, sorry10:21
SkiessiI don't know about that10:21
Kromeldeathblows. okay10:21
SonarxI think that will help you out, good luck!10:21
Jinxedgenii, something happened kind of10:21
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=== genii sips an extra large black coffee
Jinxedbut I don't think I have KDE10:21
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Kromeldeathblooms, sorry. lets try looking in Beryl's Advanced configuration.10:21
blankyhey guys how can I see how much free space i have from within the terminal?10:21
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SonarxI'm using 7.04 with an Nvidia 5200, which was working great. Now for some reason image quality has gone down the toilet. Any ideas?10:22
=== TheMasterSwordsm [n=tms@75-136-130-080.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kromeldeathblooms, advanced beryl options for rendering, and change it from automatic to XGL rendering10:22
geniijinxed: Is the user tom the first user that was made in ubuntu or the second or more in the names of users that were created? Usually the first user made can do the sudo type operations but users after that cannot.10:22
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Jordan09Hi all, i have a problem with my screen resolution is way to low for my screen. Any ideas?10:23
Le_F0uive downloaded phpmyadmin10:23
TiMiDoJordan09: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:23
Le_F0ubut i cant find the config.sample.inc.php :s10:23
Jinxedgenii, there is only one user.. me -> tom10:23
Le_F0uanyone got dis problem before?10:23
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Sonarxthe resoution or color depth Jordan09?10:23
Le_F0uits the latest version..10:23
Jordan09 the resolution10:23
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SonarxRun the command TiMiDo put out there, it should solve your problem nicely.10:24
geniijinxed: OK. Then we will use a more basic way.Do:  sudo nano /etc/fstab10:24
Krinke+OK 3Bld.0iuskX/10:25
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SonarxMight be best to run it with the xserver shutdown so the autodetect has a better chance to work.10:25
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Jinxedok i did that and it looks really weird now10:25
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geniijinxed: Just highlight with the mouse the text there and copy it. then paste the text to the pastebin website and supply a URL10:26
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Faldrienwhat is the pastebing website?10:26
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SonarxI'm having image quality problems with Feisty and Nvidia any suggestions? Drivers are working on a clean install. Image quality very low.10:26
PriceChild!paste | Faldrien10:26
ubotuFaldrien: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:26
Kromeldeathblooms, you find it?10:26
geniijinxed: You can exit the nano program by ctrl-x10:26
Jordan09The command brought up a strange panel, where do I go from here?10:26
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:27
zax1hi, i work in an office with about 20 computers and 3 suboffices - each suboffice use its own workgroup and some computers in each workgroup need to access other computers in other workgroups. there is no server - its all peer2peet. a week ago i swapped the aging mpdem/router for a newer one and a couple of days ago some computers started to loose computers in their own network, and the...10:27
zax1...computers that need access to computers outside their workgroup lost their connection to the those computers..... i can access the other computers using the UNC(\\server\share) but not browse the different workgrous, what am i doing wrong? and what do i do to get it right ?? thanks for your help10:27
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SkiessiSonarx: what kinda quality problems?10:27
SonarxEntering the defaults and allowing the autodetect to work should be fine.10:27
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:27
Jinxedgenii same url as before10:27
=== erUSUL [n=erUSUL@33.Red-81-34-30.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
SonarxWel Skiessi, its odd images and video appear as if the color depth has been lowered, however the rest of the ui is fine.10:28
geniijinxed: No, each time you paste something new the number changes in the URL10:28
Kromelwb, deathblooms10:28
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Jinxedoh genii haha didn't know10:28
Skiessi..no idea10:28
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Jinxedgenii this url: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32088/10:28
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Jordan09The problem I'm actually having (should be been more specific) but on the pull down list of screen resolution it offers me the resolution I use to have isn't there. It doesn't go high enough.10:29
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SonarxI was afraid you'd say that. Does it matter that my monitor is LCD?10:29
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:29
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Jordan09That was really, really badly worded10:29
geniijinxed: OK, that one was at least helpful10:29
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deathbloomsOk that messed it up big Time10:29
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SonarxYou could try adding the resoution your wanting to the xorg.conf10:29
Jinxedlol genii, hey also just found this do you think it is worth a try?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21700910:30
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VonGuard_i'm trying to upgrade from dapper to edgy10:30
Jordan09The problem I'm actually having (should have been more specific). On the pull down list of screen resolutions it offers, the resolution I use to have i10:30
Jordan09sn't there. It doesn't go high enough.10:30
deathbloomsyea now when i click to launch beryl it frezzez up10:30
VonGuard_and it's not working10:30
Kromeldeathblooms, ack!10:30
=== mountainview [n=darin@c-69-245-102-7.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
ubuntu_noobHelp please10:30
Kromeldeathblooms, you change it back?10:30
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VonGuard_the python-vte stuff was already installed, and yet i am getting the api error10:30
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deathbloomsi cant10:30
deathbloomsit frezzez up10:30
deathbloomsbefore i can10:30
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sapurocan someone help me out with the kiba-dock?10:30
deathbloomsand i have to restart10:30
VonGuard_plus, update manager stalls at item 56, saying it can't find packages.gz10:30
ubuntu_noobI think my installation is broken10:30
SonarxHow so ubuntu_noob?10:31
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teratomawhich of these power daemon related things, like acpi-daemon power-daemon, should i have enabled in bum?  or should i have them all on?10:31
Kromeldeathblooms, this happened after you changed the rendering?10:31
ubuntu_noobWhen I boot ubuntu, and log in, all I see is the light brown background colour and a grey box in the top left10:31
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ubuntu_noobwhen booting I saw avahi-daemon failed10:31
Kromeldeathblooms, okay, just a moment.10:31
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File13Have a sound problem, after i booted form XP to ubuntu my sound doesnt work. I tried a cold boot into ubuntu but that didnt do anything, any ideas?10:31
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SonarxYeah, I've run into that before. you might try reinstalling gnome.10:32
ubuntu_noobTalking to me Sonarx?10:32
fNatiC`how  is Java package called?10:32
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deathbloomsWell i have to go to work ill be back on around 9 or so... Hope you will be on Kromel. Thanks for the help. find any thing out send me a pm or email me at gundam401@gmail.com thats for all the help cya later10:32
geniijinxed: You need to change /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0    TO   /dev/sdb1     /media/EXTERNAL     ntfs-3g     defaults,locale=en_US.utf8   0    0          in the /etc/fstab10:32
VonGuard_Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/dapper-extras/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found10:32
Sonarxubuntu_noob: Yes sorry10:32
Lunar_LampHmm, I'm trying to install realplayer so I can listen to realplay clips of music from the amazon website - however, even after adding the medibutu repository, I can't install it as the package "realplay" isn't in there?!10:32
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VonGuard_i get that error about 40 times over, different packages every time10:32
ubuntu_noobOK, so just reinstall ubuntu..?10:32
sapuroFile13 try to change between Alsa Mixer and OSS Mixer in the sound devices10:32
VonGuard_do i need to modify my repositories before i move from dapper to edgy?10:33
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File13Did both, nothing10:33
VonGuard_cause the faq doesn't say that10:33
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File13Its set on my ALSA right now10:33
SirronTMI'm having issues with the repo's restricted Nvidia driver - I'm using an 8800GTS on Feisty10:33
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers10:33
Sonarxubuntu_noob: No hit ctrl+alt+f1 to get you to a terminal.10:33
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Kromeldeathblooms, I'll send you an email.10:33
=== mountainview [n=darin@c-69-245-102-7.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SynthaxxVonGuard_ > it's best to disable your custom repositories before updating10:33
Music_Shuffle_File13, reboots fix it always for me when all else fails.  =/10:34
Kromeldeathblooms, I would like for you compile the new nvidia driver later when you have time.10:34
Sonarxubuntu_noob: Then you can use apt-get to reinstall gnone. "sudo apt-get install gnome"10:34
File13Tried rebooting multiple times, nothing10:34
sapuroFile13 dont really know what else to do, usually sound works straight away, or if it doesnt, only thing I gotta do is change between those 2.sorry10:34
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FaldrienI have a vmware virtual machine file on my computer, can i use the vmware-player package to run it?10:34
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ubuntu_noobProblem solved after that?10:34
Sonarxubuntu_noob: Of course you can always reinstal, but best to avoid it if you can.10:34
TheMasterSwordsmMy new Ubuntu enabled desktop: http://i193.photobucket.com/albums/z145/IAmTheSwordsman/Screenshot1.png10:34
janeppo_Kromel, I missed out on the beginnning of you discussion with deathblooms. Recently I struggled a lot with nvidia drivers. So out of curiosity, can you explain what deathblooms problem is?10:34
=== Krizmo [i=Horse@bzq-88-155-106-162.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
SirronTMI'm having issues with the repo's restricted Nvidia driver - I'm using an 8800GTS on Feisty10:35
Krizmowhat the name of that guy: http://img508.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dudezk0.jpg ?10:35
ubuntu_noobOK, I'll try that10:35
ubuntu_noobI'll let you know.10:35
geniijinxed: You can reopen the file by again: sudo nano /etc/fstab           then put a # before the line you have now with the sdb1 in it. Then put underneath on its own line: /dev/sdb1     /media/EXTERNAL    ntfs-3g     defaults,locale=en_US.utf8   0    010:35
sapurocan someone help me out with the kiba-dock?10:35
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geniijinxed: then do ctrl-x   to exit and hit Y to save the changes10:36
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janeppo_SirronTM, I have 8800GTS on Feisty. The restricted drivers never worked for me. I did nvidia's install script for 100.11.14 (or 14.11)10:36
=== soenke [n=soenke@dslb-082-083-135-091.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
SonarxCan anyone assist with image quality problems? Images on my Ubuntu system appear as if they are at a lower color depth than the system is set at.10:37
defconok I added more apt repositories from debain.org I found them here http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?threadid=379597 and I noticed allot of upgrades, if I add these and install them will I have problems, like incompatibility?10:37
SirronTMjaneppo_: thanks, could you link me to that please?10:37
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janeppo_SirronTM, But first you better remove the lrm package. I kept them, and it is a bit tricky to have both the restricted drivers and the install script driver10:37
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SirronTMjaneppo_: can I just do that by de-enabling it in the restricted manager?10:38
janeppo_SirronTM, nvidia10:38
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Jinxedgenii ok I think I have it changed10:38
=== Trevinho [n=Trevi@host73-163-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
SonarxDoes anyone know of a channel more targeted at graphics and configurtions?10:39
VonGuard_thank you Synthaxx10:39
VonGuard_Synthaxx ++10:39
janeppo_SirronTM, I'm not sure, but if you want to keep some other restricted driver, than just keep the package.10:39
SonarxI can't spell today.10:39
Synthaxxhehe did it work?10:39
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Guest88hi my ubuntu is suck10:39
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s_v_e_1Hello and Good evening, Its nice to see more and more people on this channel - to see ubuntu spreading -10:40
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janeppo_SirronTM, then basically, you have to prevent them loading (/etc/default/..) and point modprobe in the right direction10:40
SirronTMjaneppo_: So when you say script you just mean the generic thing you can download from nvidia's site?10:40
Guest88suck like sucking10:40
jribdefcon: you are likely to end up with a broken system if you use debian repositories on ubuntu10:40
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Sonarxs_v_e_1: Do you know much about graphics configurations?10:40
w30Sonarx, try #ubuntu-effects10:40
defconjrib, thankyou10:40
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SkiessiGuest88: so what sucks?10:41
SonarxGuest88: Your gonna have to be a bit more descriptive than that if you want help.10:41
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geniiwork, AFK10:41
janeppo_SirronTM, yes, the right script for your architecture, -pkg1 for 32 bits,  pkg2 for 64 bits. Moment please.10:41
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ebuthAnyone familiar with a bug with desktop effects where a window's title bar at the top is missing?10:42
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janeppo_SirronTM,  http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_100.14.11.html10:43
sapurocan someone help?10:43
=== Meyvn [n=Arjen@cp708387-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Guest88i mean: ubuntu = pimmel kack betriebssystem10:43
TheMasterSwordsmSo I've got Ubuntu running perfectly on a Dual Boot.10:43
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janeppo_SirronTM, or  http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_100.14.11.html10:43
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TheMasterSwordsm...so what is a fun thing to do after you get Ubuntu?10:44
sapuroTheMasterSwordsm get beryl on it10:44
SirronTMjaneppo_: thanks very much, so you say I need to stop the other driver from loading - that means removing the restricted driver from the repo and preventing nv from loading?10:44
sapuroTheMasterSwordsm enable desktop effects on it10:44
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Dr_LinkI don't trust Desktop Effects, I like it running full speed.10:45
Dr_LinkAnyway, what is beryl?10:45
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TremitosI'll think about it10:45
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-82-3.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
janeppo_SirronTM, repo? you can't remove it from lib modules, because it is in /volatile10:45
Guest88PS3 ist Mist, C64 felst! ;)10:45
blankyDr_Link: ...haha10:45
=== DzedaY [n=dz3day@gpr2.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
blankyDr_Link: I suggest you look into compiz fusion instead10:45
Dr_LinkI'm serious.10:46
Dr_LinkWhat is it?10:46
janeppo_SirronTM, ru willing to uninstall the package?10:46
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stuart-.wmv runs slow and .rm doesn't play. how do i play those two formats in ubuntu?10:46
SirronTMjaneppo_: drivers boggle my mind. I think I should keep nv... as a fall-back you know?10:46
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janeppo_SirronTM, that's easier, but not necessary10:47
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sapuroDr_Link just because i got desktop effects, doesnt necessarily means that ur system will be really slow :o. I got it enabled in this laptop, and it runs perfectly fast10:47
ConstyXIVstuart-: get the linux realplayer for rm10:47
Guest88Ubuntu kannst du meines Wissens komplett (mitsamt der "Coder") in die Tonne kloppen.10:47
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sapuroDr_Link check this out, for u to see beryl working http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=c1lFYT_cLm810:47
ConstyXIV!de | Guest8810:47
ubotuGuest88: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:47
janeppo_SirronTM, that's OK, just keep the package.10:47
JakobsenWhoops.. I just upgraded my Ubuntu 7.04, and now I only have two desktops running Compiz.. Even though I have 4 in the desktop switcher applet on my panel.10:47
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SirronTMjaneppo_: Right, I'll give this a go then, thanks10:47
armyriadAfter making a separate home partition, Ubuntu won't load. There is just a eternal black screen after GRUB.10:47
SirronTMjaneppo_: might be back in a few minutes ^^ on windows ^^10:48
silokocould someone tell me how to start compiz  (compiz-fusion)10:48
janeppo_SirronTM, ru going to try the nvidia script?10:48
sapuroblanky is compiz fusion really good?cause I saw some videos, and, I didnt see much difference between it with just beryl10:48
Meyvnsiloko, you have it installed?10:48
SirronTMjaneppo_: yes I am10:48
silokoMeyvn: yes10:48
stuart-ConstyXIV, thanks. what about .wmv?10:48
blankysapuro: compiz fusion will be the new one, it will replace beryl10:48
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blankysapuro: but for the time being, while it's under development, you might have better luck with beryl10:49
Meyvnsiloko, then press Alt+F2 and run compiz --replace10:49
sapurotherethinker yes to what?10:49
sapuroblanky I think the best at the moment is beryl + aiglx10:49
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therethinkersapuro: That compiz-fusion > beryl10:49
blankysapuro: ...that's what I said10:49
sapuroblanky check this video out --> http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=c1lFYT_cLm810:49
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janeppo_SirronTM, the script probably wants to compile the driver. So it will ask you to install the kernel headers, and then bail out.10:49
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blankysapuro: videos prove nothing10:50
blankysapuro: but whatever, I already told you how it is10:50
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ubuntu_noobI still get the same error10:50
sapuroblanky calm down, dont get upset I'm just saying what I think, that doesnt mean I'm saying ur wrong :o10:50
janeppo_SirronTM, You can also first install the kernel header package. The generic package will choose the right version for you. Use the package manager.10:50
nitrocksI'd like to set up a vpn so that I can securely access my home network from work.. what would be the best software to use for this application?.. openvpn?10:50
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SirronTMjaneppo_: I've found a bit of a howto on a forum linked via the download page http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=72490 I'll give it a go10:51
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ebuthhow do i unmount a drive?10:51
Jordan09Hey, I just changed some stuff in my xorg file. Changed the screen res and loaded nVidia. However now, the I can't even open the console - it's just a white square.10:51
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blankysapuro: yeah I'm cool, I'm just saying, beryl right now might seem like it has 'better things' but that's because it's more developed, compiz fusion will replace beryl (You didn't know that?) but it's barely under development, but it will soon be much better than beryl10:51
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ubuntu_noobI still see no windows / taskbar, and a blank background when I log in.10:51
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dan__After doing automatic update of Wine I get the following error when trying to start a program I had no difficulty starting before10:52
dan__dan@dan-laptop:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Aktiespararna/Hitta kursvinnare$ wine HittaKursvinnare.exe err:module:import_dll Library MFC80.DLL (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\Aktiespararna\\Hitta kursvinnare\\HittaKursvinnare.exe") not found10:52
dan__err:module:import_dll Library MSVCR80.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\Aktiespararna\\Hitta kursvinnare\\HittaKursvinnare.exe") not found10:52
dan__err:module:import_dll Library MSVCP80.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\Aktiespararna\\Hitta kursvinnare\\HittaKursvinnare.exe") not found10:52
ubuntu_noobI installed ubuntu today, so a reinstall is no problem, would that fix anything?10:52
dan__err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\Program Files\\Aktiespararna\\Hitta kursvinnare\\HittaKursvinnare.exe" failed, status c000013510:52
dan__dan@dan-laptop:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Aktiespararna/Hitta kursvinnare$10:52
MikeRotch!paste dan_10:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paste dan_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:52
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:52
janeppo_SirronTM, that's fedora, ur ubuntu. You can use yum, but I would prefer synaptic10:52
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sapuroblanky well, if its under development, then it will get better :o!10:53
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Wiseguyhey guys, does anyone use an 80 gig ipod video with amarok by any chnace?10:53
dan__Yeah well I guess you need the error message to make some sense of the question, right?10:53
blankysapuro: of course :)10:53
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MikeRotchsure you do10:53
MikeRotchjust not the flood10:53
sapuroblanky wouldnt mind to give it a try10:53
blankysapuro: yeah, I tried it and it's great10:54
janeppo_SirronTM, u also need package build-essential10:54
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teratomawhich of these power daemon related things, like acpi-daemon power-daemon, should i have enabled in bum?  or should i have them all on?10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compizfusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
dan__Any ideas? I'm so fcking fed up with this.. Every time you upgrade Wine it gets worse..10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiz-fusion - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:54
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Lazarethanyone know why fdisk sees my external as not having a valid partition table and mount does not agree with me that it is ntfs, while my winblows box have no problems?10:54
sapuroblanky can u help me out on it?10:54
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:54
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:54
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bazzso is this (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsBelkin) page correct that an F5D6020 Ver. 2 will not work in feisty fawn?  (and if not, why the hell did it go from working to not working?)10:55
blankysapuro: http://vorian.org/?p=82 , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=499368 ,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49307410:55
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pike__Lazareth: sometimes you can run into issues like that. im not exp enougth to suggest a fix..10:55
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SirronTMjaneppo_: I've satisfied all the dependencies it mentions, now I'm dling the script10:55
MikeRotchanyone know any other desktop extensions kinda like XFCE????10:55
blankysapuro: http://fosswire.com/2007/07/11/how-to-compiz-fusion-on-ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn/10:55
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Lazarethdamn, my backup is on it and I kinda want my work on this box D:10:56
icebreezeok every single time i try to print to my windows xp shared printer cups just seems to stay paused.  I've setup cups/samba printing before and never ran into this problem.  the gnome printer utility just says.  Paused: job-hold-until-specified and Status- Ready /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb failed.  I'm not really sure what to do now.10:56
pike__MikeRotch: like window managers or environments?10:56
janeppo_SirronTM, ...10:56
blankysapuro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48131410:56
sapuroblanky so many websites.lol10:56
blankysapuro: I recommend the last two links I sent you10:56
refloushow do I get the screensaver to disable when I'm using mplayer in full screen?10:56
jrHey, im trying to install xvid cap and i get an XML parser error, can any 1 help?10:56
MikeRotchumm i dunno10:56
MikeRotchi just installed XFCE and i like it10:56
krzysz00_ /msg nickserv link <krzysz00> <kasia12>10:56
blankysapuro: in fact, do the last linke I sent you10:56
MikeRotchi dunno the diff in windows managers and environments though  haha10:56
sapuroblanky oh, ok, will try those ones then10:56
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Vorianblanky, you rang10:56
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blankysapuro: I was just sending you many so you could cross reference10:56
MikeRotchi thoguht you change it all at once10:56
blankyVorian: haha what's up10:57
pike__MikeRotch: a very minimal wm is fluxbox. its my wm of choice. icewm also and openbox blackbox etc. kubuntu-desktop is kde package you can install10:57
Vorianblanky, I just saw my name highlighted10:57
blankysapuro: I suggest the last link, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48131410:57
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jrthis is my error: checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool10:57
jr - when ./configure in terminal for xvidcap10:57
blankyVorian: it was your site that I pasted10:57
SirronTMjaneppo_: ah, I need to stop running X now, according to the script10:57
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MikeRotchawesome thanks10:57
Vorianblanky, kewl! thanks :)10:57
sapuroblanky u know that dock, that looks like one of those Mac docs, do u know how can I get it on ubuntu?I think is called kiba-dock or somethnbg like that10:57
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:58
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba-dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:58
SirronTMjaneppo_: do you reckon I should use recovery mode? Seems like the easiest option10:58
AlbarahaI can't find XChat, only XChat-gnome10:58
jrthis is my error: checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool10:58
Sly-GuyHas anyone here worked with the LTSP and thin clients?  Wondering on hardware recommendations.10:58
jr - when ./configure in terminal for xvidcap10:58
janeppo_SirronTM, listen10:58
LazarethI'm new to ubuntu and haven't had a linux box for ages, I remember the capability (from another distro?) to run several sessions at the same time, seperated by a hotkey - so that I for example could have a session dedicated to CLI10:58
BlGeneAlbaraha: whereis XChat10:58
mckninhey, how can I check what version of ubuntu I have on my system?10:58
therethinkerWhat's peoples fav. IRC client? Im using GAIM, but I assume something deticated wouldn't be better10:58
blankysapuro: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=268645 ?10:58
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jrLazareth,  u mean different workspaces ?10:59
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therethinkermcknin: gnome-system-monitor10:59
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likpokLazareth: linux does this pretty much by default10:59
tofaffyI have a dark theme (neutronium gilouche)...I have issues with text being white instead of black on some pages in firefox.10:59
LazarethNo, not in that10:59
allorderI try to burn a iso file and i get this error:  cd-rom is not in iso 9660 format any idea ?10:59
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tofaffyso it ends up beign whit eon white10:59
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mcknintherethinker: cmdline?10:59
therethinkermcknin: In the "System" tab10:59
janeppo_SirronTM, do you know about consoles ctrl+alt f1, and how to stop restart gdm /etc/init.d/gdm stop (restart)10:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xvidcap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:59
therethinkermcknin: yeah10:59
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ProN00bLazareth, you can switch to consoles with ctrl+alt+f* where * is 1 to 6 for consoles and 7 for desktop10:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xml-parser - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:59
likpokLazareth: The hotkeys are a little strange, however10:59
therethinkermcknin: or Alt+F210:59
LazarethThx Pro, that was what I was looking for10:59
SirronTMjaneppo_: ah, didn't know about that one, cheers11:00
likpokLazareth: as said, ctrl+alt for switching from an xserver11:00
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allorderI try to burn a iso file and i get this error:  cd-rom is not in iso 9660 format any idea ?11:00
mcknintherethinker: uh this is a remote machine...I need something from the cmd line11:00
sapuroblanky the last link u gave, is it for the dock?11:00
therethinkermcknin: oh11:00
mckninnot running X11:00
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blankysapuro: yes11:00
blankysapuro: haven't tried it, I'm out, use google man, 'kiba-dock kiba dock ubuntu howto tutorial'11:00
likpokLazareth: Once you are at a straight terminal you can just use ALT+F? to switch11:00
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MikeRotch'so liek with icewm11:01
MikeRotchi start a new session like XFCE?11:01
janeppo_SirronTM, So what you have to do: first go to console: ctrl+alt f1. If X is running, you go back by alt f7.11:01
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MikeRotchpike_ ^11:01
MikeRotcher pike__ ^11:01
SirronTMjaneppo_: ooooooooooooo clever11:01
janeppo_SirronTM, does that go ok?11:02
angasulehowdy, how do I activate the framebuffer? I have an nvidia card, I tried vga=normal at boot as well as vga=0x381 and neither worked11:02
Le_F0uhow can i install phpsysinfo?11:02
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Le_F0ui cant apt-get it..11:02
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janeppo_SirronTM, u kidding?11:02
SirronTMjaneppo_: no, I'm impressed11:02
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jrCan any 1 help me install xml parser?11:02
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Sly-GuyHas anyone here worked with the LTSP and thin clients?  Wondering on hardware recommendations.11:03
SirronTMjaneppo_: simple things like that escape me you know? Took me 10 years to realise what the Insert button does.11:03
jrCan any 1 help me install xml parser?11:03
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janeppo_SirronTM, sorry, some know, some don't. But once you are in concole, are you still chatting? or is it the same platform?11:03
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MattJjr, what's the problem?11:04
SirronTMjaneppo_: I'm going to try it now then11:04
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jrmattJ  im trying to install xvidcap, and when i try and configure it, it gives me an xml parser error11:04
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allorderI try to burn a iso file and i get this error:  cd-rom is not in iso 9660 format any idea ?11:04
janeppo_SirronTM, surely when ur in insert mode.11:04
SirronTMjaneppo_: ah hang on, I've got to stop X haven't I, not just get a console11:05
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angasuleallorder: are you sure the iso is in iso format? have you checked the md5sum?11:05
janeppo_SirronTM, try the simple ones first. Go to console, then back. Stop gdm, then restart it.11:05
MattJjr, can you paste the error message to pastebin? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11:05
jryea sure was about to ;p11:05
Chadwick|359So, an IT guy walks into a room, and asks why the heck he is getting an error from the feisty universe repo on his VPS, but his desk machine and laptop both seem to be having an issue. Error code (1), not in gzip format.11:05
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therethinkerwho needed to know what distro they were on?11:06
janeppo_SirronTM, once you feel confident, go to console, stop gdm, run the script, and REstart gdm11:06
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therethinkerwhoever it was:11:06
therethinkervi /etc/apt/sources.list11:06
therethinkerIts a cheap way of doing it, but you'll figure it out11:06
jrmattj, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32092/11:06
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janeppo_SirronTM, you stop X by "/etc/init.d/gdm stop"11:07
aguitelanyone helpme with my printer all in one11:07
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janeppo_SirronTM, u start X/gnome display manager by "/etc/init.d/gdm  restart"11:07
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LazarethI have a dysfunct cdrom-drive on this laptop that I don't want mounted (since it is constantly spamming my terminal with errors) but I can't seem to figure out how to unmount it...11:08
jrMattJ,  you there?11:08
SirronTMjaneppo_: when I try /etc/init.d/gdm stop it doesn't do anything11:08
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janeppo_SirronTM, u try that only in console mode.11:09
MattJjr, yep, thanks, I'm just checking it out11:09
jrMattJ,  ty much :)11:09
zerohello, i have an external drive and i want to save stuff to it, what would the path be?11:09
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Frederickfolks Im having the following error when trying to open orkut Connection to host www.google.com is broken. any ideas?11:09
jrzero, is it an external net drive?11:09
SirronTMjaneppo_: I was in console mode, should I try killall gdm instead?11:09
tofaffyI have a dark theme (neutronium gilouche)...I have issues with text being white instead of black on some pages in firefox.11:10
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janeppo_SirronTM, ctrl+alt f1 --- /etc/init.d/gdm stop -----11:10
jrzero, or a external, usb drive?11:10
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zerojr, its just a regular 320 gig usb external11:10
janeppo_SirronTM,  NNOOO11:10
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jrzero, ah ok it should be in your places: Usb Hardisk11:10
SirronTMjaneppo_: okok, I won't do THAT11:10
jrzero, or something relative to that11:10
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zerojr, i need the path because im trying to use a virutal machine creator and i need the virtual box saved there11:11
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SirronTMjaneppo_: but /etc/init.d/gdm stop doesn't work - it just acts as if I did nothing11:11
janeppo_SirronTM, in console mode, you find another console at alt+f2, alt+f3 etc, and X at alt+f711:11
MattJjr, just to check, is there a reason you are building from source?11:11
MikeRotchyea my external just says disk, but also an icon show on dekstop11:11
zerojr such as /etc/apt/usb or wahateer11:11
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jrmattj no idea just installing the only way i now how11:11
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aguitelanyone can helpme with my lexmark x1185 ?11:12
jrzero, hmm 1 sec11:12
janeppo_SirronTM, but alt+f7 does not bring you an X-session.11:12
MikeRotchwould be /media something11:12
MattJjr, there is a .deb here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=81535&package_id=8344111:12
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MattJjr, if you download that you can double-click it, or install in terminal with sudo dpkg -i filename.deb11:12
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janeppo_SirronTM, but in case you have a different manager, you can use /etc/init.d/?dm stop11:12
jrmattj, i can do that on dapper?11:13
jrzero, i think i found it one second11:13
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MikeRotchzero mine external usb is called /media/disk11:13
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zeromikerotch, thanks i just found it11:13
MattJjr, it doesn't suggest that it is for a particular release in the filename, so likely11:13
janeppo_SirronTM, nothing seems to happen, but alt+f7 only gives you a sessin if X/?dm is running11:13
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jrMattJ,  kk thnx :)11:14
nitrockswhat is the command to start network manager?11:14
SirronTMjaneppo_: ok, you have to use sudo it seems11:14
tcstechanyone ever used Plesk on ubuntu?11:14
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SirronTMjaneppo_: but it still doesn't work ::(11:14
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jrMattJ,  so i can double click .deb's for them to install?11:14
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Rexor_Moonk, got a problem, can anyone help?11:15
angasuleI still don't have a /dev/fb0 even though I tried vga=normal vga=0x381 and vga=ask (which seems to only show text modes)11:15
Lazarethhow do I remove a drive (such as a cdrom drive) from the listing under computer?11:15
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:15
MattJjr, yep11:15
Scuniziaguitel, check here for related info http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Lexmark-X118511:15
janeppo_SirronTM, so I would be surprised if11:15
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Rexor_MoonI need to know how to re-enable my menu buttons, like, I accidentally deleted something on the menu that keeps gaim running for instance11:16
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Rexor_Mooneven when I've closed gaim out, I have to right-click on gaim on the menu bar to really quit it11:16
katzBig beryl problems, when I start it my screen goes all white, nothing else shows and i have to use top to kill all the processes, any one know how to fix this?  Im a noob, so be specific as possible, the terminal scares me!11:16
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jrMattJ,  ok it said error: dependency is not satisfiable: libatk1.0-0 so im going to install from synaptic11:16
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Lazareth!ask how do I remove the listing of a drive shown under the place "computer" - the drive in question is dysfunctional and I can't seem to umount it, causes a lot of verbose errors in my terminals11:16
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MikeRotchit does that by default11:16
aguitelScunizi ,my printer is working but my scanner is not this is multifunction device11:17
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SirronTMjaneppo_: well, the script still says I'm running an X server :(11:17
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MattJjr, problem is, it is probably looking for a particular version of libatk11:17
jrMattJ,  it is still giving me the error11:17
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Scuniziaguitel, openprinting lists it for printing, however it's going to be real tough to get the scanner working.11:17
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jrMattJ,  yes i just installed all libatk1.0-0 components and stuff through synaptic11:18
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janeppo_SirronTM, i'm back again, I only have the 1 platform. Yes, sorry, u have to use sudo.11:18
crazy_how to install java plug in for firefox11:18
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aguitelmy problem is with xsane11:18
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aldertreecould anyone help me with shell scripts please?11:19
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SirronTMjaneppo_: the script still refuses to work, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop isn't stopping GDM properly - I can still get it by Alt-F7 and the script won't work11:19
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Scuniziaguitel, sane or xsane handle the scanner portion.. check out http://linux.die.net/man/5/sane-lexmark for basic guidance..11:20
janeppo_SirronTM, sudo /etc/init.d/?gdm stop11:20
jrMattJ,  you mean i need to find a newer version?11:20
Dr_LinkI'll brb11:20
janeppo_SirronTM, sorry, omit 'g'11:20
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MattJjr, Dapper's version is probably older than Feisty's11:20
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SirronTMjaneppo_: ok, I'll try that, thanks11:20
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jrMattJ,  bah i just upgraded yesterday from breezy lol11:21
MattJjr, you're a few releases behind :D11:21
SirronTMjaneppo_: it's as though it's only stopping GDM in that terminal - it keeps working in F7 and I need it to stop completely11:21
rambo3I am still running debian potato, and i am planing on upgrading step vise to ubuntu gutsy11:22
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lokieeehey guys, I just tried installing a flash plug in for firefox with the software manager, and the manager said it successfully installed, but when I looked at details it said Plugin NOT installed.11:22
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Rexor_Moonumm, do I have to repeat my problem?11:22
lokieeeanyone know what i'm doing wrong?11:22
jrMattJ,  yeah i know ;p11:22
MattJI used xvidcap in Edgy, but not Dapper (and now I'm in Feisty I use recordmydesktop)11:22
rafaelscjlokieee I think that you need to install manually11:22
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janeppo_SirronTM, and you have to start it again ...11:23
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jrMattJ,  k well ill upgrade to edgy now11:23
SirronTMjaneppo_: no, I don't, it says it's stopped, but it actually doesn't11:23
MattJjr, not Feisty? :P11:23
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SirronTMjaneppo_: looks like a bug, I'll log out and try another way, I'll be back in a while11:23
janeppo_SirronTM, can you find out what window manager you use? gdm=gnome, kdm=kde, ...11:23
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lokieeealright thanks rafael11:23
MattJjr, if you're concerned about stability, I found Feisty more stable than Edgy (and I heard the same from others)11:24
jrMattJ,  mabye tommorow, i didnt have much time yesterday11:24
jrMattJ,  same, iv heard fiesty is the best.. so far lol11:24
MattJI agree :)11:24
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Happujust wait for gusty ;)11:25
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MattJI usually tell everyone I won't upgrade, yet always within hours of the release I'm downloading the ISO :P11:25
jrMattJ,  upgrading as i stand here :/11:25
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janeppo_matti, Happu  feisty gutsy mtati hpapu11:25
drayenhumm anyone know an app that will close a program or reduce volume to 0 after a set time period? i used to use goodnight timer in XP, but hoped for something similar in Ubuntu11:25
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lokieeeI switched from mandriva powerpack 2007, and this distro rocks, it auto configed my wireless which mandriva just choked on11:26
nitrockshow do i access network manager in feisty?11:26
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jrwewt its only gunna take an hr to d/l11:26
lokieeeactually even windows couldn't auto config my wireless11:26
MattJjr, worth it :)11:26
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jrmattj, hope so :)11:26
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jrMattJ,  hehe i still have microsoft workspace 3.1 :)11:27
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janeppo_SirronTM, "ps -afx" gives you a nice tree of processes. where you can find your x-session and wndow-manager11:27
MattJjr, me too, on floppies :D11:27
MattJand DOS 6.211:27
jrlokieee, ubuntu had no problem finding mine11:27
jrmattj, :) same but i dont have dos lol11:27
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jrMattJ,  more like pancakes lol not floppies11:27
randomwalkerdrayen: if you don't mind the command line, it's trivial, use amixer11:28
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tschaubpostgresql question - I don't understand why "psql -U postgres ..." reports "could not connect to server" but "sudo su postgres -c psql" does connect to the server11:28
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jrMattJ,  you have any idea if airsnort will work on edgy?11:28
drayenrandomwalker: yeah a friend in another room suggested sleep and kill11:28
Lazarethokay... Newb here, what is the command to delete a directory in the terminal? rm does not work for the reason that the target is a directory, and -d doesn't seem to work either11:28
kitchetschaub: probably because it needs root perms to connet but anyways sudo su is sorta of redunant11:28
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drayenrandomwalker: amixer.... is that a CLI to the mixer?11:29
randomwalkerdrayen: exactly11:29
randomwalkerdrayen: man amixer11:29
sax_try rm -rf 'dirname'11:29
tschaubkitche: thanks - thought "sudo su postgres -c psql" ran that command as the postgres user - which would be different than "sudo psql"11:29
jrLazareth,  want to not be a newb? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=990636 <-- use this11:29
MattJjr, it appears to be in the repositories11:29
jrMattJ,  hm?11:29
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drayenrandomwalker: cheers11:30
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Lazarethsax_: thanks, worked11:30
Lazarethjr: I'll take a lookj11:30
kitchetschaub: nah it just makes it run as root sudo su - postgres would though11:30
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MattJjr, you can install it with synaptic11:30
jrLazareth,  :) helps me alot11:30
jrMattJ,  omg yes! finally easier ways to install stuff :)11:30
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jrMattJ,  :O its in dappers synap too11:31
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Albarahawhere can I find the original xchat deb?11:31
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kitcheAlbaraha: : sudo apt-get install xchat will install xchat11:32
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crdlb!info xchat | Albaraha11:32
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ubotualbaraha: xchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 295 kB, installed size 796 kB11:32
kitcheAlbaraha: xchat-gnome has nothing to do with xchat11:32
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khellli dont know why php never runs on my apache11:32
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khelllhow can i follow the problem11:33
Albaraha$ apt-cache search xchat11:33
Albarahaxchat-gnome - a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client11:33
Albarahaxchat-gnome-common - a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client11:33
kitchekhelll: did you configure apache correctly?11:33
sax_would apt-get install xchat/feisty install the original feisty deb if another is currently installed?11:33
crdlb!universe | Albaraha11:33
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ubotuAlbaraha: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:33
Walkermsg hvgotcodes11:33
crdlbyou need to enable universe11:33
khelllany tutorial for that11:33
hvgotcodeshey walker11:33
khellli dont know i followed something on the net11:33
Happusax_: if you installed it with dpkg11:33
hvgotcodesdid you register your nick?11:33
kitchekhelll: see if you have php for loading in your httpd.conf11:33
hvgotcodesthen we can pm11:33
hvgotcodesthanx for helping11:33
khellland it was working yesterday11:33
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khelllwhere does that file  exist11:34
Walkeralready registered11:34
dead1ockyou tell me ;)11:34
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walkerkthere we go11:34
kitchekhelll: /etc/httpd.conf or /etc/apache/httpd.conf depends on your OS11:34
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:34
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=== kitche thinks ubotu factiod for xchat-gnome should be changed to xchat-gnoem a fork of xchat and not a gnome frontend
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khellli found 2 things here11:35
khelllapache and apache211:35
khelllhow can i know which one is running now11:35
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khelllam using ubuntu 7.0411:36
kitchekhelll: umm it's hard to tell since both are httpd :) you can do http://localhost and see what the default page says\11:36
ksnipzhey guys, was wondering I'm looking into vpn solutions for a small office, and have an ubuntu box with samba shares, I was wondering would it be better to setup openvpn (server) on the ubuntu box, or on the router?11:36
sabgentoncan i tile cascade vertialy position windows11:36
sabgentonout of the box i mean11:36
sabgentonof do i need a package11:36
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kitcheksnipz: well openvpn on ubuntu actually seems like it's not compiled with SSL11:36
d4rkmonkeyCan someone using ubuntu feisty with all the updates and the command update-manager -d gives them the option to upgrade to gutsy  put their ~/.update-manager-core/meta-release file into something like pastebin and send it to me?11:36
khellllooks like apache211:37
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sabgentoni cant find the button to positon windows in gnome11:37
|FractO|somebody from MEXICO????11:37
kitched4rkmonkey: why can't you upgrade to gutsy?11:37
kitched4rkmonkey: or aren't you on feisty?11:37
d4rkmonkeykitche, it just doesn't let me. bug is found here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/12939211:37
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khelllok what should i find in that file11:38
d4rkmonkeykitche, I'm still on feisty.11:38
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ksnipzkitchie, I would have thought that OpenVPN by nature was ssl since its tag line is - an open source ssl vpn solution11:38
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kitched4rkmonkey: well it probably won't give you an option anyways since gusty is still in development11:38
d4rkmonkeykitche, no, its supposed to.11:39
kitcheksnipz: well I m jsut telling you what a developer I know found out11:39
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d4rkmonkeykitche, I got that command from official instructions on updating to gutsy11:39
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d4rkmonkeykitche, I was talking to someone else earlier today to make sure that the command worked, and it worked for him but not me11:39
kitched4rkmonkey: well you got a response for your bugreport they are asking for more information11:39
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khelllanyhow the httpd.conf is empty11:39
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d4rkmonkeykitche, thats not my bug report11:40
ondrejHi, is anyone here administering dogfood? I imported my openpgp key, it said I am going to receive an email, but I didn't get it. I tried that 3 times (the page says Keys pending validation...). I think it's some problem with the server again, does anyone know how to fix it please? Thanks a lot11:40
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d4rkmonkeykitche, thats why I'm not posting back, I'm asking here for someone else's file where they know it works11:40
AlienfluXis there a way to detect wireless networks11:40
AlienfluXon Ubuntu?11:40
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d4rkmonkeyAlienfluX, yes and its fairly easy as long as your wireless card works in Ubuntu11:40
kitched4rkmonkey: well you should post so they know other people are experiencing it sicne if they are not it will never be fixed11:40
khelllso what to do?11:40
AlienfluXi see it11:40
d4rkmonkeykitche, ok11:40
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kitchekhelll: you sure your in the right folder11:40
ariczHi, how do I change the name of a directory in console?11:40
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kitched4rkmonkey: post your meta-release file also so at least they have a point to look at11:41
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AlienfluXI'm just having trouble with it11:41
d4rkmonkeyyeah, I will. thanks kitche11:41
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AlienfluXshould it not auto detect?11:41
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SirronTMjaneppo_: yey, it worked11:41
khelllam here /etc/apache211:41
AlienfluXwhat's this roaming mode?11:41
khellli dont know if am in the right folder11:41
khelllhow can i know11:42
kitched4rkmonkey: since your file might be different the others11:42
kitchekhelll: ls -l httpd.conf and see if it exits or not11:42
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d4rkmonkeykitche, yeah, I'm gonna upload mine11:42
khelllit's there but it's completely empty11:42
bobgillHow can  I convert .flac to .mp3 ?11:42
khellli c a folder called : mods_enabled11:43
khelllit contains php_mod11:43
kitchekhelll: hmm I m not sure on how ubuntu is setup actually so that might be correct with how they split everything up into smaller files11:43
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khelllok then11:43
khelllhow to run php???11:44
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khelllthe httpd.conf is compleltey empty11:44
SirronTMjaneppo_: thanks for your help ^^11:44
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loca|hey guys, are you telling me that data removed by a "rm -rf" is unrecoverable ?11:45
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tarzeauloca|: depends on the filesystem11:45
loca|tarzeau, ext311:46
ariczloca| : I'm pretty sure you can recover it.. just google it;p11:46
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tarzeauloca|: well in ext2/3 deleted files are unlinked and the space is free to be used by others11:46
AlienfluXfrom my router11:46
AlienfluXi see that my laptop is connected11:46
tarzeauin a multiuser system such space can be reused very quickly if there's many writes11:46
pike__loca|: it think id consider it difficult to recover but not safely deleted to be secure11:46
AlienfluXbut it isn't working properly11:46
loca|aricz, if am here, it's that i didnt get anything googling 4 that11:46
tarzeauloca|: you don't have a backup?11:46
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tarzeauaricz: i'm pretty sure he can't11:46
ariczloca| : then you didn't search good enough.. but let me try help11:47
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loca|aricz, ok11:47
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loca|tarzeau, backup manager didnt work for 1 month11:47
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tarzeauloca|: bad luck for you :)11:47
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khelllwhat shall i do>11:47
=== sabgenton sayS:some must know can i tile cascade in feisty?
sabgentonin gnome11:47
Anlarloca|: nothing is overwritten, nor it is possible to guarantee that it was with some wipe utility. a professional can restore usually everything11:48
AlienfluXis there a way to connect to it?11:48
andy298I got a question11:48
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dstaduliswhat's the shortcut to address a line to someone? I have forgotten11:48
andy298I cant seem to get to install TLS11:48
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andy298As I don't know where to download it >.<11:48
kitchedstadulis: type their name out11:48
khelllhow can i uninstall apache server11:48
Dromardstadulis, type their name, and TAB for completion11:48
dstadulisah thanks11:49
kitchekhelll: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache2 for apache2 and apache for apache 111:49
Le_F0uhow can i make some commands available only to a group?11:49
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angasule I have a GF 7600GT, I can't get the framebuffer to work, the closest I got is with "vga=792 video=vesa" which does result in /dev/fb0 but the consoles are garbled, trying without video=vesa doesn't create a /dev/fb0 at all, I've googled to goatse and back and can't find a proper parameter combo11:50
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andy298Anyone know where/how I can install TLS?11:50
ariczloca| : http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Ext2fs-Undeletion.html11:50
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ariczloca| : just google for 'file recover linux" .. and you'll get heaps of links to various information on the subject. See if you can find anything.. good luck, hoho11:51
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loca|aricz, that's ext2 recovery11:51
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loca|didnt find any ext3 stuff11:51
tarzeauloca|: it's the same thing11:51
tarzeaujust that ext3 uses a journaling file11:51
RabidSnailI have a Radeon 7500 pci card that for some reason Feisty didn't autodetect. I tried adding it to the xorg.conf file but it didn't do anything. Suggestions?11:51
Dr_LinkAnyone know of a good c++ compiler that is Ubuntu compatible?11:51
AnlarRabidSnail: it is so old that it requires the legacy driver?11:52
ariczloca| : then google for 'file recover linux ext3'11:52
lokieeeeclipse with a c++ plug in11:52
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sabgenton!tile cascade11:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tile cascade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:52
RabidSnailNo, it's supposed to be supported by radeon.11:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:52
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Hexihmm... anyone able to get a Wisegroup MP-8866 Dual Joypad to work in Feisty?  Seems that it's recognized as I see it in the list when I do "lsusb" and even with jstest, it appears at the top as (HID 0925:8866)... however none of the buttons or sticks seem to generate any response in jstest or in any program for that matter.  Anyone have an idea?11:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cascade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:52
lokieeeI mainly use eclipse for java programming but i heard it also had a C++ plug in, and the ide is awesome11:52
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Anlarloca|: ext3 is alike ext2, but the journaling makes it impossible to guarantee that it is being stored at the same spot on the disc, meaning that shredding (overwriting) the contents is not reliable11:53
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victor__I have a small problem11:53
ubuntu_noobD: !11:53
victor__Whenever i add gnome terminal11:53
ubuntu_noobTwo installs of ubuntu ran fine.11:53
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ubuntu_noobI had to reinstalled for whatever reason.11:53
victor__to my autostart, the login gets really really slow11:53
ubuntu_noobIt doesn't run properly now.11:54
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ubuntu_noobI reinstalled again, and the same problem. ...11:54
victor__It takes loads of time for all the programs to start, any ideas?11:54
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MarkSchmidthi there, fellow ubuntians :)11:54
victor__Feisty Fawn is my dist btw11:54
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andy298Anyone know how I can install TLS?11:54
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ubuntu_noobI give up with Linux for now.11:54
lokieeeanyone know how I cain find out what graphics card driver and other info i have installed?  i'm running a nvidia 6800 gt11:54
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neverblueubuntu_noob, you will be back :)11:54
ubuntu_noobI will.11:54
Dromarubuntu_noob, neverblue is right11:55
andy298meh xD11:55
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neverblueit took me 3-4 years, and 5-6 attempts11:55
Hexiubuntu_noob, Dromar is right about neverblue being right11:55
Dr_LinkHow do I set what happens when I close the laptop lid?11:55
cas3lokieee: try lsmod11:55
neverbluebut that was before ubuntu :)11:55
ubuntu_noobIn, a few months when I get a new PC it will be my primary OS11:55
jrlol :P took me a few months lol11:55
ubuntu_noobBut for now XP will /have/ to do. :|11:55
jrim still working11:55
neverblueHexi, Dromar are both right about each other being right and about me being right :)11:55
Hexineverblue, haha =)11:56
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lokieeecas3, I see alot of stuff but I don't see graphic info11:56
ubuntu_noobMy first experiences were good with Ubuntu aswell, I want to carry on use.11:56
Dr_LinkHow do I set what happens when I close the laptop lid?11:56
ubuntu_noobSee you in a few months.11:56
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cas3lokieee: should either be nv or nvidia11:56
Hexithat reminds me of the city meeting scene from blazing saddles11:56
jrhello there partner11:56
MarkSchmidtjust a quick question - and I hope it really is quick... *G*11:57
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cas3lokieee: or try glxinfo | grep direct11:57
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janeppo_SirronTM, ur welcome11:57
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lokieeecas3 it says direct rending: Yes11:57
sax_Dr_Link, open power management preferences. You can choose what happens when you close the lid on ac power and on battery power separately.11:57
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Le_F0uim writing a script11:58
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MarkSchmidti managed to get compiz working with frlgx and xgl - but now my two-desktop-setting from gnome is gone... i can move the mouse to my second monitor, but I have no second desktop there.... any ideas?11:58
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fougwhat a good program for mounting virtual drives?11:58
Le_F0ui need an identifier for the actual user11:58
Le_F0uWhat?? is it?11:58
Le_F0uwhat is it?11:58
cas3lokiee: then it should be working, if you just type glxinfo it will show you a lot of info about your card11:58
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lokieeeahh i see, it says    glx version 1.4, cool thanks cas311:58
bagualashow do I set that I want to record from the mic of soundcard 1 ? I have two sound cards11:58
bensehow do i increase the number of workspaces on gnome 2.19.5?11:58
Dr_Linkthanks, sax_11:58
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janeppo_SirronTM, btw, when I checked, and tried to go back with alt-f7, my display just froze. It should have given me back my session just where I was when I left.11:59
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wastedfluidhi guys.  sudo doesn't work at all.. just did a fresh imaging from OPENVZ.  It just doesn't respond at all;  sudo fdisk -l returns nothing.. it just doesn't do anything.  nay ideas?11:59
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malociteahh, I can't connect to my work citrix server11:59
andy298How do I restart the X server?11:59
SirronTMjaneppo_: it seems buggy to me, I had to keep restarting and it was really messy.11:59
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Dr_LinkOK, time to test something11:59
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malociteahh, I can't connect to my work citrix server - it keeps saying you have not chosen to trust .....11:59
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janeppo_SirronTM, teaches me to always expect the unexpected. So I just restarted X11:59
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pike__wastedfluid: type 'groups' does admin show up?12:00
LazarethI have a dysfunctional cddrive on my laptop that I want to completely remove from ubuntu - I've tried umount (which didn't work), commenting it out of fstab and removed the point it is mounted at, any more ideas?12:00
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wastedfluidpike_; "admin" is my "user" i added from root.  "groups" shows "admin"12:00
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andy298Anyone who is able to help? :/12:00
janeppo_SirronTM, but WHAT is buggy? I guess the nvidia driver. It is the first public version that supports 8800gts, afaik12:00
SirronTMjaneppo_: oops! I kind of should have been comforting a friend who just got dumped :P... guess that teaches me to keep my phone charged12:01
Lazarethandy: crtl-shift-backspace I think12:01
wastedfluidandy298; ; type ctrl+shift+backspace12:01

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