
Burgundaviahere is something ironic: CIO recommends SUSE for thin clietns over ubuntu12:33
LaserJockoh Burgundavia, you're here12:35
Burgundaviahey LaserJock12:35
LaserJockyour former colleagues are bugging me today ;-)12:35
Burgundaviawhat about?12:36
LaserJockthe usual12:36
LaserJockDesktop Multiplier should be updated12:36
LaserJockBurgundavia: they're still trying to get it into Feisty12:39
Burgundaviaright, have you emailed them the SRU documentation?12:44
LaserJockno, I just gave an explanation an pointed out the release schedule12:45
Burgundaviagiven the binary nature of d-m, I would say an SRU is acceptable12:52
LaserJockyeah, but we don't do new upstream releases in -updates12:56
BurgundaviaLaserJock: what about flashplayer?01:01
LaserJockhmm, you're right01:02
Burgundaviathis is pretty much purely binary crap01:03
LaserJockI'm not sure if I can get away with an SRU (no data loss bug, etc.) but at least there is precedent there01:04
BurgundaviaI don't honestly trust Jason, so meh01:06
Burgundaviaremember, I have seen Userful's "QA" policies01:06
LaserJockhe's going to test his new package on Gutsy and get back to me01:10
LaserJockso I'm off the hook for a little bit01:10
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moquistBurgundavia: Yeah, that is ironic. I'm not sure how he could recommend SUSE for TCs unless he's ignorant of the entire direction of the LTSP.01:36
Burgundaviamoquist: likely he doesn't know about it01:37
moquistI thougt the comparison of SUSE-Windows and Ubuntu-Mac was interesting.01:45
moquistIt may explain part of why I can't stand SUSE.01:45
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sbalneavWell.  Multi host to do now.03:41
sbalneavMan, been a busy couple of days.03:41
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johanisrembetHari ini saya telah terima. Terima kasih atas kiriman 6 cd ubuntu.06:48
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encompasshowdy all... working on my GSoC project PyStart and hope you guys can help... I am looking for the deb package that would have this in it... I need this module to safely run students code inside of pystart.03:15
cliebowogra is around here somewhere....03:23
encompassdoes he know this kinda stuff?03:23
encompassI jsut found out it is part of the Zope system if it gives any hints03:24
ograthats in zope303:24
ograi dont know this kinda stuff ;)03:24
ograbut i know where to look03:24
=== encompass clicks
ograintresting that koffice duplicated the code here03:25
encompassthey did... they should have it as a separate package so I can use it :P  I don't see any other way of testing untrusted code then threw this.  But if I just use the egg then it screws up my program going into edubuntu sooner03:26
encompassogra: should I make a package of this along with my GSoC project?03:27
ogragiven that schooltool will likely be shipped again this release, we'll have zope aboard in edubuntu03:27
encompassIt would be a pain but my guess the only way03:27
ogratalk to doko, he makes such decisions for our python stack03:28
ograin case you want a separate package03:28
ograhving koffice ship its own *and* a third project using it might justify that03:28
encompassyeah... otherwise PyStart required zope3 :P03:28
encompasshow best should I talk to doko?03:29
encompassthrew pete?03:29
ograeither yourself in #ubuntu-devel or through your mentor03:29
ogradoko is a nice guy he wont eat you ;) just explain the prob03:30
encompassthanks I will hope over03:31
=== encompass hopes
=== encompass hops :D
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EelloeGoeden avond allen tesamen06:07
Eelloecan somone help me with a network problem ??06:09
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LaserJocknow where did RichEd run off too :-)06:51
jsgotangcogreetings from Bangkok06:55
LaserJockhi  jerome06:56
jsgotangcohey jordan, hows it going06:57
=== jsgotangco has a pretty toxic sched lately
LaserJockman, it's been rough07:02
LaserJockthe laser went down at work07:02
LaserJockI spent over a week debugging electronics, etc.07:03
jsgotangcoive been living in planes for 2 weeks already!07:08
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SimonAnibalRichEd, hey there, how are you today?07:39
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RichEdhey SimonAnibal ... struggling with a head cold and fuzzy brain ... courtesy of a 31 hour travel + jet lag + getting home to a snotty wife07:41
RichEdbut alive and kicking07:41
SimonAnibalRight on, I've been doing a bit of travel lately myself07:41
SimonAnibalExcept I was doing it for vacation07:41
SimonAnibalNot that it was relaxing because of that, but at least I was inflicting it on myself ;-)07:42
RichEd:) was just about to ask if the new job was opening up the world to you07:42
SimonAnibalI'm certainly learning a lot at the new job07:42
RichEdwhere did you go ? head down south for a bit?07:42
SimonAnibalI love it, and I'm exhausted as all getout after work07:42
RichEdjillc: ping07:42
SimonAnibalYeah, I went home to Venezuela for about 3 week07:42
RichEdSimonAnibal: nice ... me needs to get to South America some time ... may go to brazil in september07:43
SimonAnibalWell, assuming it's as beautiful as Venezuela ;-) you'll love it07:43
SimonAnibalHey, there's a conference going on here that might interest you in October07:44
RichEdSimonAnibal: I come from a Southern Continent myself ... real nature ... not the tame kind07:44
SimonAnibalThe guy who spearheads the 1:1 access program in the state is putting it up07:44
RichEdtom hoffman has already probed me about that ... it's being organised by our mutual connection - your and my first interaction mr huffman07:45
SimonAnibalRichEd, I was planning on going camping about as far from civilization as one can still get with a car, but my dad's car wasn't up to the task, so we postponed that for next year07:45
RichEd(and he's no relation to felicity i presume)07:46
SimonAnibalRichEd, nods, he was the keynote speaker at the CINLUG meeting you asked me to attend on Canonical's behalf07:46
SimonAnibalRichEd, I'm afraid that reference is lost on me07:46
RichEdSimonAnibal: use the thumb transport :)07:47
RichEdfeilicy huffman is one of the desperate housewives actresses ... married to william h macy07:47
SimonAnibalI see, Transamerica07:47
SimonAnibalI never got to see that one07:47
RichEdyes indeed :)07:47
SimonAnibalI did see Magnolia...07:48
SimonAnibalMike made it a point to get me a card about the conference when he saw my new boss at NECC this year07:49
SimonAnibalIt seems that next year's NECC will be taking place during my honeymoon, so I won't get to go to that one either07:49
SimonAnibal*shrug* I don't think I'll be worrying too much about it07:50
RichEddifficult choice ... option 1: surrounded by geeks ... option 2: alone with a new bride .... erm ...07:50
RichEdmind you ... some of the hacker types I know may chose option 1 :)07:51
=== RichEd heads off for some dinner
SimonAnibalRichEd, I would never live it down if I did07:51
SimonAnibalI've already had to push the wedding back a couple of weeks because of my new job07:51
=== RichEd whacks SimonAnibal over the head with a keyboard for even considering it ;P
SimonAnibalRichEd, richly deserved07:52
SimonAnibalif I had been serious, at least ;-)07:53
LaserJockI don't know07:54
LaserJockoption 1 can be a lot of fun07:55
RichEdwell if your jockstrap is made of light ... maybe :)07:56
RichEdbut if you are packing ... option 2 is better07:56
LaserJockI'm ... not even going there07:56
RichEdSimonAnibal prolly won't invite others along07:57
RichEdme heads off for some food before he (1) starves or (2) offends someone07:57
SimonAnibalUmmm, no, not for the honeymoon. We'll be alone (or as alone as possible, at least) on a tropical archipelago resort. I'm not usually one for going "non-native" and getting the fancy treatment, but I figure that if there's one time in life when it's appropriate, it's the honeymoon08:01
nixternalshhhhhh! you guys are talking to much in here :)08:04
=== SimonAnibal goes back to idling (food!)
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jillcHello from Arizona.08:22
LaserJockfrom Nevada08:22
bddebianHello from Pennsylvania08:23
ograhello from germany (even though i'm not officially here until meeting starts :))08:23
LaserJockogra: where in Germany?08:23
ograah, no its hesse in english ...08:24
=== ogra pats his dictionary
LaserJockI think it's weird how the same place is called different things in different languages08:25
jillcHi LaserJock, did you get storms yesterday?08:25
LaserJockkassel is just as good as hesse to me08:25
LaserJockjillc: hmm, no. It doesn't exactly storm too much here. I'm in Reno so probably too far north for you08:26
jillcprobably much cooler too!08:26
ograLaserJock, http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=kassel+heinrich-zille+str.+5&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=31.013085,58.886719&ie=UTF8&ll=51.293834,9.46279&spn=0.011942,0.028753&t=k&z=15&om=108:26
LaserJockjillc: perhaps, it's been 100+ this week08:27
LaserJockogra: it looks green08:28
jillcYes, 100+ here too.  Day after day08:28
ograkind of ...08:28
LaserJockogra: mine's not so green, http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=6482+Oneida+Ct,+Sun+Valley,+NV+89433&sll=50.526495,9.004442&sspn=4.358581,8.118896&ie=UTF8&ll=39.610978,-119.7628&spn=0.010315,0.015857&t=k&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=108:28
ograto be honest i didnt really examine the environment yet ... in the one year i live here08:29
ograseems like you have a nice view over the edge from that place08:29
LaserJockview of desert08:29
LaserJocksand and sagebrush08:29
jillcBeautiful sunsets though, yes?08:30
LaserJockalthough not as good as the Montana sunsets I grew up with ;-)08:30
jillcthere are few places that can rival Montana for their sunsets.08:31
LaserJockamen to that08:31
jillcwhen does the meeting start?  do I have time to grab a sandwich?08:31
LaserJockI think it's at noon08:32
ograif you go into #ubuntu-meeting and type: @now it will tell you :)08:32
LaserJockor maybe 1:0008:32
jillcokay, I'm off to make a PBJ.08:32
LaserJockit's at 1:00, UTC 20:00 -708:33
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LaserJockogra: how long does it take to drive to Frankfurt from your house?08:37
ograabout 2h08:37
ograhannover is nearer08:37
stgraberI won't be able to attend the meeting tonight :(08:39
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will_darn, freenode won't let me use my nick09:50
LaserJockwill_: that's no good, why not?09:52
will_says "will" is already in use09:52
will_also seems my nickserv password is not being accepted09:52
RichEdhey willvdl09:53
LaserJockmeeting in 7min?09:54
LaserJockor 6 now09:54
RichEd=== edubuntu meeting in 5 min === in #ubuntu-meeting ===09:54
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willvdlaha, it's me!09:55
RichEdLaserJock: 5.5 min09:55
LaserJockwillvdl: \o/09:55
RichEdhey will_09:55
willvdlhey hey09:55
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RichEdhow was the vacation willvdl ?09:56
willvdlit's still good :)09:57
RichEdhi mr hoffman09:57
th1ahi RichEd.09:59
th1aRichEd: We've got to catch up sometime soon.10:00
th1aOh, I'm in the wrong channel for the meeting.10:01
RichEdth1a: been looking at those dates for k12 open minds ... nothing else cose by that I can piggyback on10:01
RichEd=== edubuntu meeting now === in #ubuntu-meeting ===10:01
nixternaljust so you guys know, if there is any kde help you may need, I am available on that part if Riddell is busy or out partying past his bed time10:42
LaserJocknixternal: I think we need to make sure edubuntu-docs will work for khelpcenter10:43
nixternalwe will have to change <ulink type="ghelp" "whatever.xml"> ro <ulink type="help" url="help:/edubuntu/whatever">10:43
nixternalro? s/ro/to10:44
LaserJockdoesn't khelpcenter need HTML?10:46
nixternalnope, it can do .docbook, but not .xml10:46
LaserJockheh, so just rename the files10:46
nixternalyup, but you would still have to change the <ulinks> if you did them with the type="help"10:47
nixternalI want to .docbook for Kubuntu docs so you don't have to build anything10:47
LaserJockI don't *think* we have an ghelp links10:48
LaserJockbut we can check10:48
nixternalbut can Yelp do .docbook?10:48
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LaserJocknixternal: I have no idea, doesn't really matter though10:50
LaserJockI think they have to go to different paths anyway, so we can simlink or copy10:51
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RichEd---> meeting continuation ... here <---10:59
LaserJockso, the meeting proposal10:59
RichEdcan I chat about a proposed agenda for splitting the meeting into 2 x 1 hour10:59
RichEdto see if it makes sense ...11:00
RichEdThe old meeting agenda was:11:00
RichEd# Technical11:00
RichEd# Documentation11:00
RichEd# Art Work11:00
RichEd# Web Sites11:00
RichEd# Community11:00
RichEd# Management & Planning11:00
RichEd# Any other Matters Arising11:00
RichEdand that ran over 2 hours11:00
RichEdand the agenda was quite loose ... so things could drag out a bit11:00
RichEdso there has been a proposal  bounced around about splitting the meeting into 211:01
RichEd#1 technical - 1 hour - led by Oliver11:01
=== ogra_ nods
RichEd#2 community & contributors -  1 hour - led by Richard11:01
RichEdso I've played around with splitting the agenda, and giving it more structure ...11:02
RichEdwould this work ... as a starting suggestion:11:02
RichEd#1 : Edubuntu Technical - Product11:02
RichEd 1 HOUR led by Oliver11:02
RichEd * Development : General11:02
RichEd * Development : Activities for the past week11:02
RichEd * Current Release Cycle11:02
RichEd  - next deadline11:02
RichEd  - what's needed / outstanding11:02
RichEd  * Coding11:02
RichEd  * Testing11:02
RichEd  * Documentation11:03
RichEd  * Artwork11:03
RichEd * Upstream news11:03
ogra_do you plan a second doc run in the second part `11:03
RichEd(comment: where we are in the release cycle and next deadline i think would be good to have as a context each time)11:03
RichEdwell let me put that up:11:03
RichEd#2 Edubuntu Community & Contributors11:04
RichEd 1 HOUR led by Richard11:04
RichEd * Edubuntu Members11:04
RichEd  - new people applying / joining / introducing themselves11:04
RichEd  - approvals : 1st meeting of every month11:04
RichEd * Edubuntu Documentation Team11:04
RichEd * Edubuntu Handbook Contributors11:04
RichEd * Edubuntu Artwork11:04
RichEd * Edubuntu Advocacy11:04
RichEd * Websites11:04
RichEd  - www.edubuntu.org11:04
RichEd  - wiki.edubuntu.com11:04
RichEd  - community11:04
RichEd * Community General11:04
RichEd * Partner Projects11:04
RichEd * Upcoming11:04
RichEd  - Events / Conferences / Expos11:04
RichEd(comment: so the second part would revolve more around the LP group activities11:04
LaserJockRichEd: did you get my email about this?11:04
RichEdLaserJock: what was the subject ... let me check11:05
ogra_i dont think we should duplicate artwork and doc efforts ...11:05
RichEdnb ... the above is just a suggestion ... we need to decide as a group11:05
ogra_i'd put a * Genreal in place so if there are really art or doc issues related to tech we can discuss that there11:05
RichEdogra_: the first meeting would revolve around art for deadline ...11:05
LaserJockRichEd: "Edubuntu meeting notes"11:06
ogra_but the master part should stay in one hand for both11:06
RichEdbut the 2nd one would be more about the people ... and mentoring ... introducing people into the contributor community11:06
=== RichEd was trying to work out how to do this ... how would we resolve that ?
LaserJockwell, I've got a couple comments11:07
RichEdLaserJock: checking mail now ...11:07
=== RichEd listens intently
LaserJock1) this is too big and it's too rigid. We don't have people for most of that11:07
ogra_well, i wont have much to talk about in the tech part for docs ... and i see the content management/decisions rather in the second meeting11:07
LaserJock2) it seems like the idea was to divide technical from non-technical but it looks more like Canonical vs non-Canonical, which is not a good message11:08
RichEdLaserJock: that was not at all my intention ... it did not even occur to me11:08
ogra_to me neither, but now i know why i didnt like art and docs in the dev part :)11:09
LaserJockof course,  I know you don't intend that11:09
RichEdLaserJock: just scanned your mail ... we are on the same wavelength :)11:09
LaserJockmy suggestion, briefly, was the following:11:09
ogra_"#1 : Edubuntu Technical - Product" is the title :) we should soften that a bit11:10
RichEdperhaps a simple summary of the split i proposed above is almost:11:10
RichEd#1 work to deadline11:10
ogra_make that just "edubuntu development"11:10
RichEd#2 life outside the deadline and how to get involved11:10
LaserJock1) ogra's section be shortish 30min maybe with Development Team style reports from Edubuntu devs11:10
RichEdogra_: a thought just occured to me:11:11
RichEd#1 edubuntu-devel11:11
ogra_LaserJock, sounds good11:11
RichEd#2 edubuntu-usersd11:11
RichEd#2 edubuntu-users11:11
LaserJockyes, that's better11:11
ogra_LaserJock, well, thats usually what i do ...11:11
ogra_so beyond the fact that there are not many devs its similar to a distro team meeting :)11:12
RichEdogra_: the reason I see that we need art / docs potentially in part 1 is to note what is needed for deadlines11:12
RichEdthose actiond can carry over into part 2 for people to tackle11:12
LaserJockogra_: well, perhaps we need to more formally do that though, beyond just you11:12
RichEdsame for docs11:12
ogra_RichEd, right, i think if we face art or doc deadlines it makes sense for devs having docs to contribute to attend the second meeting11:13
LaserJockyes, part one should be status reports from the devels/leads11:13
ogra_LaserJock, so that would be you and me then ? :)11:13
LaserJockmostly to start with11:13
RichEdogra_: indeed ... but in part 1 the "project manager"  brings the action items to the table with status11:13
LaserJockbut also an art lead11:13
ogra_sbalneav if he attends11:13
LaserJockand if we get some more MOTUs them too11:14
LaserJockanybody working on a spec, etc.11:14
RichEdso that we help take the pressure off ogra and have less stuff rattling around in his head11:14
LaserJockwhat happens now is we start of with status reports and end in a free-for-all11:14
ogra_RichEd, my had isnt the worrying part of my body :)11:14
jillcI'm glad to know that other people's heads rattle too11:15
=== RichEd thinks we are getting somewhere ... taking shape better now
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LaserJockI think if we tie the first part to edubuntu-devel discussions11:15
LaserJockso we don't have to use the meeting for all tech discussions11:15
RichEdLaserJock: explan that in a few more words11:16
=== RichEd is slow with a head cold tonight
LaserJockwhen I get to the meeting I feel like I gotta get everything talked about11:16
LaserJockbecause this is the one time in the week when everybody is around11:16
pips1ogra: LOL11:16
LaserJockbut really when a topic needs a good discussion it should be moved to the mailing list11:16
LaserJockif it can be worked out in a couple minutes fine11:17
RichEdLaserJock: agreed ... but do you think there should be some crossover between the meeting and the mail list11:17
LaserJockbut I think the tech part would be good to be mostly a : this is what I did this week, this is what I'm doing next week, and this is problems I'm having11:17
RichEdlike would it make sense to discuss some of the mail list posts (solutions / unsolved issues) in the meeting11:18
LaserJockand if the "problems I'm having" is non-trivial it should go to the mailing list11:18
LaserJockwell, I would imagine it would go from IRC -> mailing list not the other way around, but it could11:18
LaserJockbut I think we can handle the tech part in probably 15 min normally11:19
RichEd^ LaserJock : agreed what I did, and doing etc. but i also think a quick recap of the current place in the 6 month dev cycle would help a lot11:19
RichEdhere is a paste of the significant stages in the cycle:11:19
pips1I agree too11:19
LaserJockmy point was that if we are effectively using the mailing list we don't need to use the meeting as a troubleshooting session11:20
RichEd* Toolchain Uploaded11:20
RichEd* Development Summit11:20
RichEd* Specifications must be finalized, translations exported from LP11:20
RichEd* Tribe CD 111:20
RichEd* DebianImportFreeze11:20
RichEd* Remaining upstream merges completed, Rebuild Test11:20
RichEd* Tribe CD 211:20
RichEd* Server Team Sprint (Mon-Fri)11:20
RichEd* Developer Sprint (Mon-Fri)11:20
RichEd* Tribe CD 311:20
RichEd* Tribe CD 411:20
RichEd* FeatureFreeze, /!\ UpstreamVersionFreeze , /!\ ArtworkDeadlineOne, /!\ UVF Universe11:20
RichEd* Rebuild Test, Upgrade Testing begins11:20
RichEd* ArtworkDeadlineTwo, /!\ NewPackagesFreezeUniverse11:20
RichEd* Tribe CD 611:20
RichEd* StringFreeze11:20
RichEd* BetaFreeze, /!\ GutsyArtworkFinalDeadline11:20
RichEd* Rebuild Test11:20
RichEd* BetaRelease11:20
RichEd* NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline, /!\ KernelFreeze11:20
RichEd* Rebuild Test11:20
RichEd* ReleaseCandidate, /!\ LanguagePackTranslationDeadline11:20
RichEd* FinalRelease11:21
RichEd* Development Summit11:21
LaserJockit should just be status reports and making sure everything is on track11:21
RichEdso i think a few words from ogra each week about what has passed and what is next would help (1) the process and deadlines and (2) the understanding of a lot of people11:21
RichEdso that they understand the cycle11:21
RichEdand the language11:21
RichEdogra_: agreed with me ? or LaserJock or both11:21
ogra_with you in any case11:22
LaserJockok, so, status reports from devs/team leads and then "upcoming deadlines"11:22
RichEdi'd be in favour of a weekly status ... report and update11:22
ogra_i'm not sure about the part of the weekly reports, since thats means to me to do it twice11:22
LaserJockogra_: well, it'll be mostly trivial11:22
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RichEdso that we have the same weekly template, with a few items updated11:22
ogra_(i am attending the distro team meetings a swell)11:22
LaserJockogra_: I'm not thinking as formal as the Devel Meetings11:22
RichEdogra_: i'd hope that you can tell us in IRC and someone else do the updates11:23
ogra_LaserJock, right11:23
LaserJockwhat you are doing now mostly11:23
ogra_RichEd, well, i have to mail in my weekly reports anyway... but i'm quite happy thats on an optional base for me atm ...11:23
RichEdit wouldf even be better if we had someone else walk you through the items each week, to make sure all things are convered, and updated11:23
ogra_a secretary :)11:24
RichEd <snap> like a secretary ...11:24
RichEdthen minutes become easier to take and publish and more effective11:24
LaserJockok, so is everybody on the same page for the first part?11:24
RichEdinstead of a list of the meeting conversation in all it's glory11:24
RichEdLaserJock: seems to me ... yes11:25
pips1LaserJock: I agree that we should try to keep the meeting time down to a necessary minimum, and I think the status updates will insure that, but I also see that sometimes, it happens that some developers that do volunteer work might attend a meeting "without warning" and they then need to discuss a certain thing they are working on, and that technical discussion might take up anywhere from 10-30 mins...11:25
ogra_pips1, thats why we have 1h for that :)11:25
RichEdi'm happy to make a wiki page with the proposede agenda (as per these discussions) down for editing / comments, agreement next week11:26
ogra_if we ever find we need more we can do that11:26
RichEdand i'll try to create a weekly status template11:26
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra
RichEdi'll also act as the secretary for a week or three to get the minutes going11:26
=== RichEd will *not* sit on ogra's knee while taking notes though
=== ogra was hoping for a miniskirt as well :P
LaserJockpips1: I think that's what the mailing list is for11:27
RichEdogra: what size are you ?11:27
jillcI need to run.  It was nice meeting all of you.  I've enjoyed it. You guys are funny.11:28
ograciao jillc, thanks for dropping by :)11:28
RichEdthanks jillc11:28
LaserJockjillc: yes, nice to meet you. Thanks for stepping up to help with art11:28
RichEdchat to you in email soon11:28
RichEdLaserJock: so for part two ... i think we are in agreement as well ... on intention11:28
LaserJockpart two should be user oriented11:29
RichEdmy thought was to based the meetings around the lp groups ...11:29
LaserJocktrying to get feedback, "How do I get involved?" etc.11:29
LaserJockI suggested in my email that we might do a Top 5 user complaints11:29
RichEdLaserJock: yep ... we're i'n agreement ... and the getting involved should be based around a group11:30
LaserJockmy concern is that we don't really have very strong groups11:30
RichEdwith tasks listed, and people to mentor / assist etc.11:30
LaserJockso we need to build that first11:30
RichEdand conversely, if we have a group in LP with 20 members, and none of them ever attends a meeting, how does that help ?11:30
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pips1LaserJock: yes, ideally, i agree. but I think there is a "soft" problem with the mailing list... people are more aware that a mailing post reaches a larger audience, so I suspect they hesitate to write about something that is not a bit thought out... but development discussions sometimes are also "informal" and "half baked", so people are more confortable with IRC for that...11:31
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RichEdand perhaps we also need a LP group to match the mail list ... edubuntu-users11:31
LaserJockpips1: kinda, but a meeting is not the place for it either ;-)11:32
=== RichEd is just throwing out ideas and is happy to be shot down if they do not make sense
LaserJockI think we have to many LP groups anyway11:32
LaserJockforget the groups/teams11:32
LaserJocklets focus on people first11:32
RichEdLaserJock: precisely ... so let's cull the dead wood11:32
RichEd(LP groups II mean)11:33
LaserJockonce we have enough people then they will naturally for teams11:33
LaserJockso to start with I think the second part needs to have two elements:11:33
LaserJock1) giving users a voice11:33
pips1Laserjock: ok, agreed. I'm all with you that we should be clear what we want to encourage ("idea process"), reality will always differ slightly :-)11:33
LaserJock2) giving people easy things they can do to help out11:34
pips1*("ideal process")11:34
LaserJockpips1: sure, there's always some room for that ;-) but the tech section should really take < 30 min11:34
RichEdLaserJock: i'd say swap the order ... 1) help out discussions ... contributors 2) user voice / discussions11:34
LaserJock5-10 for reports and say 20 for tech discussion11:34
LaserJockwell, I don't think the order is really that important11:35
LaserJockand making a rigid agenda doesn't work all that well11:35
LaserJockpeople should be adding agenda items to the wiki11:35
LaserJockit helps them show up when they are responsible for an item11:36
RichEdLaserJock: agreed on wiki agenda11:36
LaserJockyou just gotta provide enough reason for them to show up in the first place ;-)11:36
RichEdbut having sections to prompt ideas is good ... even if no items are filed for any particular week11:36
RichEdhow long would you see the meeting(s) ...11:36
LaserJockI think 1.5 hrs11:37
RichEdogra: doesn't tech take up to an hour around testing time ?11:37
ograit can, yes11:37
LaserJock30 min for tech, 1 hr for non-tech11:37
ograbut thats special time11:37
RichEdLaserJock: why not have 2 meetings 1 hour each11:37
RichEd1: edubuntu-devel11:37
LaserJockbecause that's an aweful lot for people doing both11:37
RichEd2\: edubuntu-users11:37
LaserJockI'd like to see 1 hr for the whole thing tbh11:38
pips1LaserJock: who would do both besides the people here, ie ogra, RichEd, possibly you?11:38
LaserJockI think many people would want to show up for both11:38
RichEdSo I think we can structure the part 2 in a way that ogra wold be able to leave after 90 mins11:38
LaserJockmaybe people wouldn't talk a lot during the first part11:38
LaserJockbut it's still interesting11:39
LaserJockbut of course all this can be adjusted11:39
RichEdthe last half of part two would be teacher / user / event / project stuff that would not be needed for the tech people11:39
LaserJockI'd say start with a sane length then adjust if we're either running out of time constantly or spending 1/2 the time twiddling our thumbs11:39
RichEdand the first half of part one would not be needed for the user people ...11:40
ograwell, there is overlap ...11:40
LaserJockI think it's going to be a fight to get people to show up, honestly11:40
LaserJockI don't see a lot of teachers on IRC11:40
ograin the mentioned testing times before release i need users to help testing11:40
RichEdbut if we split the meeting into 2 and aim at each mailing list for announcements and agenda ... I am sure we would get more users11:40
pips1for me, the problem is that i'm interested in a tech update, but often the tech goes into a long discussion and then general chatter, and I can hang around for that... just because I really want to be there for the last item "community", and then it turns out that the "community" item get's dropped altogether, because nobody is there anymore...11:41
RichEdogra: again, the proposal works for that ... the testing requirements are updated with status and deadline in the 1st meeting11:41
RichEdand community users can pick up tasks in part 211:41
ograwhich the users dont attend11:41
LaserJockpips1: yep, that's why I think we need short tech section with moving non-trivial discussions to mailing list11:41
RichEdogra: they do not need to understand how you wrote the code they are volunteering to test11:42
pips1*I can't hang around11:42
ograbut they want testplans and have questions11:42
LaserJockwell, there's certainly going to be overlap11:43
LaserJockthat's why I don't see this as two separate meetings11:43
ograi'm fine to attend the second meeting these times11:43
LaserJockmost people *should* attend both11:43
ograbut the structure doesnt reflect reality in this case11:43
RichEdogra; so we can move that sort of testing stuff to the first half of the second meeting11:43
ograright, that would be better11:43
LaserJockwell, the tech discussion should be discussing the tech aspects of the testing, what bugs came up, etc.11:44
RichEdogra: under : Edubuntu Testers11:44
LaserJockthe second section should have the "call to test"11:44
LaserJockwhich ogra really shouldn't have to do anyway11:45
ograLaserJock, it also needs testing plans etc ... i might miss something that a trivial question from a user points out in a discussuion for example ... i dont want to miss out on that11:45
LaserJockwell sure11:45
RichEdLaserJock: would you see that every person who tests would attend the tech meeting, or do the user level testers have a way of submitting issues11:45
ograso i want the dircet contact to the users during this time11:45
LaserJockargg, ok, just a sec11:46
RichEdwould it make sense to have a person who coordinates testing11:46
LaserJockin the second section we should have a "call for testing" which is go to the testing website, etc.11:46
LaserJockthen users should be also able to report problems11:46
pips1RichEd, testers are normally people who are already "half way" in-between users/newbies and developers/contributors11:46
ograRichEd, stgraber and heno do that already11:47
pips1RichEd: so I suppose testers will attend both anyway...11:47
ograRichEd, testing plans should be outlined in the specs already11:47
LaserJockhmm, I think we should focus on the topics rather than the people here11:47
ograwe should see that we have this in gutsy+111:47
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LaserJockpeople should come and go whenever11:47
LaserJockthe point is to group like topics to make it easier for people and to keep things to a sane time limit11:48
RichEdogra: do the testers fill out a test plan status on the wiki somwhere ... or via email ?11:48
LaserJockand considering that we usually have <10 people show up to meetings, I don't think we need to put so much effort into this, tbh11:49
ograhttps://iso.qa.stgraber.org/isotesting/build/Edubuntu is our piece of the pie there11:49
pips1testers for edubuntu (besides ogra, of course) have been 1-3 people in the past...11:50
RichEdwell would we be able to swell those numbers if the process became easier to understand and more accessible ?11:51
RichEdback to the bite size chunks theory11:51
ograi dont think so11:51
LaserJocknot really11:51
LaserJockthe process is already pretty darn easy11:51
pips1and generally, if somebody decides to do testing for a certain release, they will commit to do their testing seriously, at least during "crunch time"11:51
ograyou need the will to test ... there are no process changes that can change that11:51
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ogramotivating more people to get more and faster test results would be cool though11:52
ograbut tat lies in the advertisement realm ... not in the process11:52
pips1I think people decided to do some testing for a certain release, because they want to deploy that release or some reason, but then they might not do testing for the next release, but perhaps a later one further down the line...11:53
ograas LaserJock said, people come and go11:54
RichEdokay ... getting late and my battery is running down ... can i suggest that we ask LaserJock to do a wiki page with his agenda views ... and i'll add my 2c and so can anyone else ...11:55
pips1I agree with ogra that it would be cool do have more people to do testing towards the end of the cycle... even just having 5-10 people testing one education app each would be great...11:55
ograif he likes to :)11:55
ograpips1, yep, but thats neeeds more noise in the wild11:55
RichEdi'm happy to take the mail laser sent and extract that onto a wiki page11:55
LaserJockI'll do it, but I expect people to put in their $0.02USD11:56
RichEdand we can send each agenda to the mailing list(s) for comment11:56
LaserJockRichEd: I'd rather go from what we've discussed and redo. that email was a little ...scattered ;-)11:56
RichEdand agree on a loose plan next week ... which we can test for the rest of july11:56
ograLaserJock, i'd only have 0.02 .... but thats worth more :)11:56
LaserJockogra: I'll take it11:56
pips1I think we already have quite a bit of common ground11:57
RichEdi think mailing an invite to the mail lists got a few more people to attend tonight ... so if we keep up the noise and debate ... hopefully we'll attract more spectators11:57
RichEdand then we convert the spectators into playas11:57
LaserJockit's amazing how many people read Planet Ubuntu11:57
LaserJockand I can probably do some Fridge action as well11:57
cliebow_tell me..ill be there11:58
ograi did that back in breezy and dapper time (mailing announcements) ... somehow it grew over my head11:58
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LaserJockwe just need a secretary for ogra11:58
RichEdright ... pumpkin' time for me ... 12 bells about to strike ...11:58
ograRichEd, EC ?11:58
ograwe need three memebers to approve ppl11:59
RichEdanyone here who has applied for edubuntu-members ?11:59
pips11. ca. 30 mins *tight dev status report* plus 15-30 mins "reserve" dev (including testing stuff in testing crunch time) 2. newbie friendly stuff (We should really find a way to tackle the "bite size" idea that LaserJock has been talking about for ages ;-)11:59
ograRichEd, seems not ...11:59
ograsooo ....12:00
LaserJockemail the people that have email address in LP12:00
ogragoing once12:00
ograLaserJock, i thought that happened ....12:00
LaserJockand reject those that don't with a message that they need to contact us12:00
ogragoing twice12:00
RichEdogra: we get a lot of applicants for edubuntu-members via LP ... who we have never met in IRC or email12:00
LaserJockI didn't know if it did or not, I thought perhaps not?12:00
RichEdshould we better explain somewhere (in LP) what is needed / expected ?12:00
ograyes, but we need the CC for that12:01
ograEC is owned by CC IIRC :)12:01
ogradamned, found no acronym for is owned :P12:01
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pips1hey highvoltage12:02
ograanyway, lets finish this meeting officially now :)12:02
=== RichEd is confused again ... what group does the EC approve ?
ograRichEd, edubuntu members12:02
ograwhich are a part of ubuntu members12:02
ograthe kubuntu council approves kubuntu members12:03
ograwhich are as well a part of ubuntu members12:03
RichEdand to recap ... we said that edubuntu (the group) was reduntant12:03
ograubuntu members are owned by the CC12:03
RichEdand i'm happy to close on that note ...12:03
RichEdgoin thrice12:03
RichEdthanks ...12:04
RichEdLaserJock: i'll mail you a wiki page for the agenda12:04
pips1RichEd: when can I catch you on IRC in the next days?12:04
=== ogra cant lift the left arm ... to tired already
RichEdpips1: i'll be around tomorrow ... if my head-cold goes away tonight ...12:04
RichEdeven if i am in away mode, i12:05
RichEd'll check for pings12:05
pips1ok, I'll try to catch you tomorrow, then. Sleep well!12:05
RichEdnight all12:05
=== ogra goes as well
=== miguelon [n=migsol@] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockRichEd: ok, thanks12:06
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