
DaSkreechryanakca: I was going to say semantik but never mind12:20
ryanakcakwwii: ok12:22
ryanakcaDaSkreech: okies :)12:22
DaSkreechIt's a KDE4 app12:22
ryanakcayeah, looks cool, from what I see on kde-apps :)12:22
DaSkreechYeah It's just kdissert ++12:24
DaSkreech!info kdissert12:24
DaSkreech!info semantik12:24
ubotukdissert: mindmapping tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6.c-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 895 kB, installed size 2668 kB12:24
ubotuPackage semantik does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas12:24
nixternalahh, I need to map my mind...I am always losing it12:24
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kwwiiman, kpdf SUCKS12:49
kwwiialmost fscked up the printing of CD's due to it's lack of decent anti-aliasing12:50
fdovinglibpoppler sucks for pritning, xpdf is much better. there is a bug-report somewhere.12:51
kwwiimore and more I end up using gnome apps due to the fact that they simply work better :-(12:53
kwwiiexcept konqueror - I still love good old konqi :-)12:53
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nixternaluh oh08:57
=== Hobbsee DOOMS nixternal
nixternalto late08:59
nixternalI have been doomed since day one08:59
Tonio_yo Hobbsee ;)09:01
Hobbseeheya Tonio_!09:02
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=== nixternal beds
Hobbseenight oh doomed one09:11
Hobbsee!nixternal | nixternal09:11
ubotunixternal: Oh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!09:11
_StefanS_Tonio_: hey, you up for some hacking ? :)09:21
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Tonio__StefanS_: yup09:27
Tonio__StefanS_: kdebluztooth works :)09:27
Tonio__StefanS_: http://ubuntu.tonio.homelinux.org09:28
Tonio__StefanS_: please test09:28
Tonio_everything is just fine with me09:28
Tonio_except uploading a file09:28
_StefanS_Tonio_: sweet09:30
_StefanS_Tonio_: yes !! I see my mouse nmow09:31
_StefanS_Tonio_: I see the .service files are in place ;)09:31
_StefanS_Tonio_: and /usr/lib/bluetoothd-input|serial as well09:31
_StefanS_Tonio_: want me to dig into the file upload thingy?09:32
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Tonio__StefanS_: everything is done :)09:34
Tonio__StefanS_: just dist-upgrade using my repo and that'll work09:34
_StefanS_Tonio_: also file file upload?09:34
Tonio_nope, not yet.....09:34
Tonio_would be nice to investigate on that point09:34
_StefanS_Tonio_: well that was what I meant :) "want me to dig into the file upload thingy?"09:35
Tonio__StefanS_: yeah I know....09:35
=== Tonio_ needs both a cigarette and a strong french coffee
Tonio_brb, awaken this time :)09:36
_StefanS_gotta reboot09:36
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_StefanS_Tonio_: do you know any way to change the steps for the volume up/down in kmilo ?09:52
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_StefanS_Tonio_: have you tried to browse your phone's directories, and click the "Up" icon in konqueror? the path doesn't work correctly10:06
_StefanS_Tonio_: must be something with  konqueror10:08
Tonio__StefanS_: that worked with obex:/10:11
Tonio__StefanS_: looks like obex2:/ needs love :)10:11
_StefanS_Tonio_: probably ;)10:11
Tonio__StefanS_: you can compare with the code of actual kdebluetooth version10:11
Tonio__StefanS_: might find interesting things in the code to improve the second version10:11
_StefanS_Tonio_: right, what actual kdebluetooth version do you mean ?10:12
Tonio__StefanS_: the on in the repos10:12
_StefanS_Tonio_: kde's ?10:12
_StefanS_Tonio_: or ubuntu?10:12
Tonio__StefanS_: 0.99-beta210:12
Tonio__StefanS_: ubuntu10:12
Tonio__StefanS_: I'm sure we can get it to work pretty easilly10:13
_StefanS_Tonio_: right10:13
Tonio__StefanS_: eventually Riddell can commit to the kde svn branch btw10:13
Tonio_s/we/you :)10:13
Tonio_unfortunatelly I can only package and test10:13
_StefanS_Tonio_: what do you mean ? havent you got gutsy installed?10:14
Tonio_yes, but gutsy doesn't have the latest kdebluetooth in the repos10:14
_StefanS_nope, thats right.10:14
_StefanS_got it now10:14
Tonio__StefanS_: I need to write a MIR for this10:14
Tonio_will do that right now10:15
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_StefanS_Tonio_: do you know where the obex/obex2 code is in the package?10:15
_StefanS_ah got it.10:15
Tonio__StefanS_: I negociated a bit and we'll probably release with hidd enabled10:17
Tonio__StefanS_: that's usefull for autoreconnect, as the kdebluetooth frontend just replaces the hidd search10:18
Tonio__StefanS_: I tested disconnection and reconnection, works perfectly graphically btw, which is very good for us10:18
_StefanS_Tonio_:  hidd: sounds good. I have it disabled now, and mouse works anyways.10:19
Tonio__StefanS_: yes but you had to connect it right ?10:19
Tonio__StefanS_: did it work just while booting10:19
_StefanS_Tonio_: yep, it asked me when I logged in and turned on the mouse10:20
_StefanS_Tonio_: I had to accept the connection, and then it worked.10:20
_StefanS_Tonio_: (I dialog asked me..)10:20
Tonio_it asked you ? col :)10:20
_StefanS_Tonio_: yep10:20
Tonio__StefanS_: with hidd enabled, you shouldn't have to accept10:20
_StefanS_Tonio_: well I disabled hidd just to test what you said yesterday :)10:20
Tonio__StefanS_: requires testing to be sure that works, if it doesn't, no need to enable hid by default10:21
_StefanS_Tonio_: and it worked well without10:21
Tonio__StefanS_: how about rebooting with hidd enabled ? will it autoreconnect the mouse ?10:21
_StefanS_Tonio_: yep10:21
Tonio__StefanS_: hidd is just for autoreconnection afaik, the dbus thing just avoids using hidd cli as I said10:21
Tonio__StefanS_: oki great10:21
Tonio__StefanS_: so we need hidd enabled by default10:22
_StefanS_Tonio_: just to recap... I sorta tested the other way around, so first with HIDD = enabled, and it just worked with the mouse. Second I disabled HIDD, and was asked to verify that I indeed wanted to connect the mouse10:22
_StefanS_Tonio_: yes, enabling HIDD would be alot easier for the users. It just "works".10:23
_StefanS_Tonio_: I will look at that obex/obex2 thing10:23
Tonio__StefanS_: super, you rock :)10:24
Tonio_Hobbsee: ping ?10:24
HobbseeTonio_: semi-pong10:24
=== stdin contemplates the meaning of "semi-pong"
Tonio_Hobbsee: I just realised I promissed someone to get kplayer in the archives for gutsy :) I'm just doing the packaging, will you have some time today to review ?10:24
HobbseeTonio_: perhaps.  unsure.  i'm going out in a minute10:25
Hobbseestdin: meaning "i'm partially here"10:25
Tonio_Hobbsee: oki ;)10:26
stdinlike being out of shift with the space-time continuum ?10:26
_StefanS_stdin: where's stderr?10:26
stdin_StefanS_: off sick10:26
_StefanS_Tonio_: I have a feisty laptop around, I think I know what is causing it10:30
Tonio__StefanS_: great10:32
Tonio__StefanS_: talking about the "up" thing or the 32KB thing ?10:33
_StefanS_Tonio_: up thing at the moment.10:33
Tonio__StefanS_: k10:33
_StefanS_Tonio_: @bluetooth ..10:33
_StefanS_obex://[00:1c:35:4f:0a:45] :10/Card memory vs. obex2://00:1c:35:4f:0a:45@bluetooth:10/Card memory10:33
Tonio_hum interesting10:34
_StefanS_I find it funny as well, that the []  is removed also.. that part seems to work though10:34
Tonio_hum that kplayer is just so nice......... incredible10:36
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_StefanS_Tonio_: I just sent you a mail.. check out that debug10:41
_StefanS_Tonio_: I think it just cant get the source file filesize actually10:41
Tonio_hum oki but why is that required to upload the file ?10:42
Tonio__StefanS_: ho right, the file is read to be 32KB10:43
Tonio_how stupid.....10:43
Tonio__StefanS_: I suspect that's not that hard to fix right10:44
_StefanS_:) right10:44
_StefanS_I' will post back when I find something10:44
Tonio__StefanS_: by analogy with sql, I just suspect this is a matter of buffer definition or something ?10:44
_StefanS_Tonio_:  I'm not sure yet10:45
_StefanS_Tonio_: actually I believe a system call would reveal its correct size for putFile()10:45
Tonio_nixternal: ping ?10:46
Tonio__StefanS_: oki :)10:47
Tonio_nixternal: I just repackaged kplayer for revu10:47
Tonio_nixternal: didn't see anything in debian yet, so I though that due to freezes approaching, it would be nice to have something packaged....10:47
Tonio_nixternal: I didn't split the package at all, as only one backend is compatible, so I didn't see any need of package splitting10:48
_StefanS_Tonio_: thats just goofy... they miss the code for determining the filesize completely.10:48
Tonio__StefanS_: mouarf ;)10:48
_StefanS_Tonio_: looking at the download thing, its all there.10:48
_StefanS_Tonio_: getFile()10:48
Tonio__StefanS_: how stupid.........10:48
Tonio__StefanS_: do they test what they code sometimes ? :)10:53
_StefanS_Tonio_: well they surely havent tested this.10:54
Tonio_nixternal: just looked at the comments on the revu page for kplayer.... WTF is that ?11:08
Tonio_Reasons for non-advocation:11:08
Tonio_4) .desktop file shouldnt use a type extension for the icon11:09
Tonio_1) The kplayer binary still has 51% (4MB) in /usr/share11:09
Tonio_nixternal: do they smoke ?11:09
Tonio_nixternal: should we recode every app we package ?11:09
Tonio_the funny thing is this :11:09
Tonio_2) Consider using debian/kplayer.manpages instead of DEB_INSTALL_MANPAGES_kplayer := debian/kplayer.1 in debian/rules11:09
Tonio_-> consider doing the way I like and not the way you like, despite both ways are perfectly correct and work.....11:10
Tonio_so they expect we'll patch the build system to change the icon place, and then patch desktop files11:11
Tonio_just for absolutly no change to the user, and nothing anyone will figure out ? that's just ridiculous....11:11
Tonio_we should drop OOo from the repos then, it doesn't have icons in pixmaps too...........11:13
Riddelldesktop files shouldn't have the icon name extension in them, that is a bug11:15
Tonio_I know, but I wouldn't reject an upload for this, honnestly.....11:15
Riddellsaving 4MB*no-of-arches in the archives is a good idea11:15
Tonio_I would note it and ask to ping upstream....11:15
Riddell2 is daft11:16
Tonio_Riddell: I don't say the comments are bad, I just say than rejecting for this is stupid...11:16
Tonio_Riddell: we can drop 90% of packages in the archives then11:16
Tonio_Riddell: and concerning 1) except splitting the doc, where is the difference ?11:17
Tonio_Riddell: split to have datas in -common package, and make kplayer package depends on kplayer-common11:18
Tonio_doesn't make any difference to me.....11:18
Tonio_splitting the doc, I'd say why not, even if I don't see the need of this except for defualt inclusion to keep space on the cd....11:18
Tonio_Riddell: btw, those are good comments, but , imho, strange reasons for rejecting a package.....11:19
Tonio_Riddell: concerning the doc splitting, that also can be annoying since most people won't figure out the doc package, and miss the documentation...11:20
fdovingsplitting kplayer into 3 packages? - that sounds insane. isn't it just that little player-thing?11:20
RiddellI'd have a -data package and make the main one depend on it11:20
Riddellthis is just revu right?  it's not being rejected it's being reviewed11:21
Tonio_Riddell: I see your point in keeping 4mb datas in the archives, of course, but well, to many splitting makes dealing with packages supercomplex for the users....11:21
Tonio_Riddell: yes I know, but well, a too complex accepting policy is not always good...11:22
Tonio_look at the last comment...11:22
Tonio_Riddell: "forget this, I'll get the package in debian, and it'll be sync in ubuntu"....11:23
Tonio_fdoving: yeah it is just a little player.....11:23
Tonio_fdoving: I wouldn't split this one, except to go in main, as we need to take care of the size used on the cd11:23
Tonio_fdoving: if we start splitting every package to keep space in the archives, we will never see the end..... and dealing with packages will become a nightmare for the users11:24
Tonio_fdoving: lots of them already complain that for example typing openoffice in adept gives 200 results, what should they install then ?11:24
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fdovingdebian? :)11:26
Riddelluse adept-installer11:26
Tonio_Riddell: not everything is in it11:28
Tonio_Riddell: and btw how do you install an app documentation with adept-installer ?11:28
Tonio_Riddell: youhave to do it with adept..... that's the problem11:28
Tonio_Riddell: and I don't think missing the documentation of an installed application is good11:29
RiddellI've never suggested doing that11:29
Tonio_Riddell: I know, but that comes with the idea of splitting the package to keep space in the archives11:29
Tonio_Riddell: that's a consequence11:30
Riddellno it's not, as I said you make a -data package and make the full package depend on it11:30
Tonio_but yeah, that can be done for icons and things like that11:30
Tonio_Riddell: that is indeed more acceptable11:30
Riddellhowever, the true lesson is that if nobody sane bothers with revu then you'll end up with perniquerty people only reviewing stuff11:31
Tonio_Riddell: true11:33
=== LongPointyStick is now known as Hobbsee
Riddellapachelogger_: khalkhiapplet uploaded11:44
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apachelogger_Riddell: thx12:14
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
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Riddelloh jings, they added an embedded terminal to dolphin12:19
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Riddellapachelogger: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=6226 kopete-otr uploaded12:23
Riddellapachelogger: what's the status of kopete-thinklight ?12:26
=== apachelogger checks
apacheloggerRiddell: looking for tester of new permission setting included by upstream, and waiting for upstream to include a COPYING.LIB12:28
Tonio_Riddell: great, I use the embedded terminal a lot12:47
Tonio_Riddell: one thing I'd like to see in kubuntu and dolphin is the little zoom effect I added to konq12:47
Tonio_Riddell: I'll try to adapt the patch12:48
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kwwii_awaybut dolphin was supposed to be simple - here we go with the geek-ificaiton of the newest attempts to fix things12:52
=== kwwii_away is now known as kwwii
Tonio_kwwii, Riddell: true, but well, OSX is meant to be simple, without geek-ification, and has the same effect12:59
Tonio_the effect is not geeky, just smooth imho :)12:59
Riddellit doesn't have a terminal embedded in Finder!12:59
kwwiihaving a built in terminal is simply geeky12:59
kwwiithere is no need for it12:59
Tonio_kwwii: ho, the terminal........ yeah I can agree on that point12:59
kwwiithe zoom effect is a nice idea ;-)01:00
Tonio_kwwii: I just hope patching dolphin for this will not be too complicated01:02
Tonio_Riddell: we didn't resolve the problem if dolphin and ark..... I'll have a look on that point01:02
Tonio_Riddell: also, how can a user switch back to konq by default ?01:02
Riddellby changing the inode/directory mimetype preference (or removing the file that changes it in k-d-s)01:05
Tonio_Riddell: not very friendly....01:16
Tonio_Riddell: would be nice to be able to use the component chooser in systemsettings, but it might be too late to code this...01:17
Tonio_Riddell: would you have some time for a quick revu ?01:17
Riddellwhat's to revu?01:18
Tonio_Riddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=628401:21
Tonio_I think the package is ready this time01:21
Tonio_about nixternal comment, I'll of course sync once the package is in debian, but I'd like to have it ready for gutsy01:21
RiddellTonio_: a couple of comments (of which the first is the blocker) http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=628401:28
Tonio_Riddell: I was sure you were about to say that hehe :)01:30
Tonio_Riddell: what about elmo said the other day ?01:31
Tonio_did that only concern the debian/copyright or also the tarball ?01:31
RiddellTonio_: which part of what elmo said01:34
RiddellTonio_: you don't need all copyright holders, but I would say you need all licences mentioned in debian/copyright01:34
Riddelland at the least the licence text needs to be included in the tar01:34
Tonio_hum oki01:35
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mhbgood afternoon01:52
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Tonio_Riddell: should be okay this time02:15
Tonio_Riddell: also concerning the 2 space for the homepage02:15
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Tonio_Riddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=628402:27
Riddellapachelogger: seen my comments on your kio-sysinfo package?02:28
Tonio_Riddell: discovered a nasty bug in dolphin.....02:28
Tonio_Riddell: did you play with the "split" option ?02:28
Tonio_just ugly02:28
Riddellsplit seems to work02:28
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Riddellbut no icon previews in dolphin sucks02:29
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Tonio_Riddell: works, but isn't the second window position completly stupid ?02:39
Tonio_Riddell: yes, taht sucks, I agree02:39
Riddellit makes the information pane wider02:39
Tonio_Riddell: that's it02:40
Tonio_Riddell: and you have to resize manually everytime you activate this02:40
=== Hobbsee waves
=== sebas waves back.
Tonio_also you can only compress folders, not files...............02:40
Tonio_Riddell: honnestly, I start wondering if switching to dolphin is a good idea.....02:41
_StefanS_Tonio_: I'm still onto that readData() thing of bluetooth.. I'm getting closer :)02:41
Tonio_Riddell: lots of users will probably complain02:41
Tonio__StefanS_: you rock :)02:41
Tonio_Riddell: dolphin in kde4 seems great, but the kde3 version seems a bit limited for a all day long usage, no ?02:41
sebasNo :-)02:42
Tonio_sebas: talking about kde3 right ? :)02:42
sebas(But kde4's dolphin is cooler, that's right)02:42
_StefanS_Tonio_: its fast!02:42
sebasYes. I'm using it for months already02:42
RiddellTonio_: a couple of comments, nothing major http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=628602:42
Tonio_sebas: well, how do you for example compress a big text file with it ?02:42
=== _StefanS_ hopes the flickering is going to disappear in kde4
sebasTonio_: I don't, usually. When I have to, it's usually in kmail, and there's the tickbox02:43
Tonio_Riddell: thanks, I'll fix concerning the second point02:43
sebasSo, I've got limited usecases, but then it works fine for me.02:43
Tonio_Riddell: looks like a lot of package don't use capitalized "homepage"02:43
Tonio_sebas: my point is that I'm really unsure what it'll be for most people usage...02:44
RiddellTonio_: ok02:45
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sebasTonio_: Frankly, the autoresizing listview makes up for it for me at least.02:47
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
Tonio_sebas: using the split thing ?02:48
sebasNo, normal view02:48
Tonio_Riddell: how to know what are the licences for admin/ files ?02:48
sebasNo horizontal scrollbars like in konqueror, that annoyed the shit out of me.02:49
RiddellTonio_: well look at them, but you can get away with just saying "some files are LGPL"02:49
Tonio_Riddell: only acinclude.m4.in clearly has a licence in the code02:49
Tonio_also doxygen.sh has a licence, and that's it.....02:50
Riddellam_edit has a strange licence too02:50
Tonio_that admin/ content really bores me today :)02:50
Tonio_hum I should have grep "general" and not gpl hehe :)02:51
Tonio_but only one seems to be lgpl at least02:52
Riddelldon't list specific files, that way disaster looms02:52
Tonio_Riddell: no of course, I just wanted to do that for me :)02:54
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Tonio_to know about those licences in admin/02:54
Tonio_they caused me so many "NO" recently that I want to make it clear ;)02:54
fdovinghum.. my maxtor 1touch usb-disk died yesterday. i wonder if that has anything to do with the sync/async settings. it couldn't handle backups every night for more than 3 years. ohwell.02:56
_StefanS_Tonio_: now I can write 64kb ! thats twice as good :)02:57
Tonio__StefanS_: LOL02:57
fdovingTonio_: you can copy over the servicemenus from konq to dolphin.02:58
_StefanS_fdoving: let me handle all the copying .. as long as it isn't above 64 kb :)02:58
_StefanS_well back to hacking again ..02:59
fdoving_StefanS_: sure thing :)02:59
Tonio_fdoving: it is not a servicemenu for konq, but a lib03:04
Tonio_fdoving: dolphin kde3 isn't compatible with konqueror plugins, that's my problem with it03:04
fdovingTonio_: most things can be done with servicemenus.03:05
Tonio_fdoving: well I tried, but ark is hardly reproducible03:05
Tonio_fdoving: especially as the content of the context menu isn't static with it03:06
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=== Hobbsee points to the meeting tomorrow
Tonio_fdoving: honnestly, I'm playing with dolphin for a few days now and I start wondering if it is ready to be used as default for everyone....03:08
Tonio_Hobbsee: isn't the meeting today ?03:08
HobbseeTonio_: for you03:08
HobbseeTonio_: my today only lasts for another 52 mins03:08
mhbah :o)03:08
Tonio_Hobbsee: hehe oki :)03:08
Tonio_fdoving: especially since it'll be kinda hard to switch back to konq as default for noobs.....03:09
mhbHobbsee: have you worked on that "kubuntu-kde4" meta package?03:10
Hobbseemhb: nope!03:10
Tonio_fdoving: don't get me wrong, I'm not against dolphin, as I submitted the idea of dolphin in gutsy, but the more I use it, the more I'm a bit unsure if we're doing the good thing.....03:10
=== Hobbsee hasnt done much in the last week and a half, ubuntu stated
HobbseeTonio_: i'll second that.  it's still a little...well, very different, and missing some stuff03:11
Tonio_mhb, Hobbsee should't we wait for kde4 to be out to start the default settings for it ?03:11
Tonio_I mean to may things are going to change before the release, and we'll have to undo lots of things if we start now....03:11
Tonio_Hobbsee: very different isn't the problem, immature is an issue :)03:12
Hobbseethat's wha ti meant03:12
Hobbseemy brain is fried03:12
Hobbseei need more sleep03:12
Tonio_Hobbsee: like the bug on spliting windows, the lack of ark integration, of capability to switch back to konqueror, etc....03:12
mhbTonio_: may be, but we'd like to have a metapackage for KDE4, so that users are able to install pre-relase KDE4 easily03:12
HobbseeTonio_: exactly03:12
ScottKYou need to use kmail as your mail clieant (for Hobbsee from ubuntu-devel)03:12
mhbTonio_: finding packages like "kdeliba5" or "kde4base" is pretty hard03:13
Hobbseemhb: everything should be a dependancy of kde4base, it seems03:13
Tonio_mhb: ho sorry you talked about a metapackage, I though you meant starting a defualt settings thing added to a metapackage :) sorry for the stupid comment then03:14
ScottKHobbsee: As long as one doesn't use IMAP it's very good.  (IIRC you use IMAP, so ...)03:14
mhbstill, I'm for a cool-name package like "kubuntu-kde4". It's easier to remember and we can add the default-settings later)03:14
Tonio_ScottK: kmail is excellent for imap, but using the disconnected mode03:14
HobbseeScottK: yes, i use imap03:14
HobbseeTonio_: what's the point of disconnected imap?03:14
ScottKTonio_: Excellent disconnected or excellent when not disconnected?03:15
Tonio_Hobbsee: download the all messages every X minutes, like pop03:15
=== ScottK mistrusts imap generally.
Tonio_but doing the sync local/remote the way imap does03:15
Tonio_Hobbsee: the only difference is that you are not all day long connected03:15
Tonio_Hobbsee: pretty nice for my usage, pinging the server every 5 minutes03:15
Tonio_ScottK: kmail is excellent when using disconnected mode03:16
ScottKOK.  Understood.  Good to know.03:16
Tonio_ScottK: I don't know concerning the standard imap (aka connected) since I don't use it03:16
HobbseeTonio_: ah right03:17
ScottKThere were claims that it wouldn't suck anymore for 3.5.7, but I haven't tested it.03:17
Tonio_ScottK: btw disconnected is way better when spending lots of time reading my mail in the train hehe :)03:17
ScottKI bet.03:17
Tonio_ScottK: looks like they've patched lots of things yes, but well I may not be able to test as I spend 40% of my maling time in the train :)03:18
Tonio_disconnected mode is just de facto the mode I need03:18
Tonio_Hobbsee: have 3 minutes to review this please ? ;)03:18
ScottKMakes sense.03:18
ScottKOf course, patched lots of things may or may not get you all the way to doesn't suck.03:19
Tonio_ScottK: sure, anyone testing giving his opinion would be nice03:19
ScottKFigure out if Kmail IMAP still sucks -> TODO03:20
ScottKGot it.03:21
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_StefanS_Riddell: that was quite a kde4 upload ;)03:42
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_StefanS_Tonio_: it iterates through all the kbytes now, just need to memcpy to the buffer, which will be sent to putFile().03:47
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Tonio__StefanS_: great :)04:11
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Hobbseeuh oh.  meeting in 6 hours.04:57
mhbHobbsee: shouldn't you be sleeping now so you can wake up for the meeting? :o)04:58
Hobbseemhb: yeah, but i had to deal with motu blowing up and such04:59
=== Hobbsee is really, really tired at the moment
=== ScottK appreciates Hobbsee dealing too.
Riddellmotu blew up?05:01
HobbseeRiddell: Kmos05:02
ScottKRiddell: It looks to me like opensus just published an update for CVE-2007-3388 which affects qt3.  mitre.org doesn't list it yet: http://www.cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2007-3388 - Do you want the suse announcement?05:12
ubotu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-3388)05:12
ScottKIt's got the words "execute arbitrary code" in it.05:12
=== J-40 [n=jdong@SIMMONS-FIVE-TWENTY-THREE.MIT.EDU] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellScottK: presumably this one http://trolltech.com/company/newsroom/announcements/press.2007-07-27.7503755960 ?05:13
=== ScottK looks
ScottKWhat address is best?05:13
ScottKEmail address.05:13
HobbseeScottK: i'd suggest you give norsetto some of 'apt-cache unmet -i | grep Package''s that look sane to fix.05:14
ScottKOr yes, it's the same?05:14
=== Hobbsee has done so, in -devel. please help him :)
Riddellwhat am I being e-mailed?05:14
ScottKI thought your yes was a response to should I send you the opensuse announcement.05:14
ScottKI'm guessing that was wrong.05:14
ScottKIt was yes, it's the same...05:14
Riddellit waw05:15
ScottKOK.  Well just wanted to make sure you knew.05:16
Riddellyou either need to convince kees to prioritise it above the other security stuff he's doing, or wait for me to finnish with kde 4 and get on to it05:16
ScottKNo problem.  Just wanted to make sure it hadn't been missed.05:17
RiddellI'm really looking forward to compiling and testing 8 qts :)05:18
ScottKI'm sure.05:18
=== Hobbsee severely doubts that she'll make this meeting
Hobbseeas in, if i do, i'm likely not go;ing to be coherant05:32
=== n8k99 recommends sleeping on the rare occaision
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee is heading in that direction
Riddellneed a wakeup call?05:46
HobbseeRiddell: i seriously dont think i'd be coherant enough even for that05:47
Riddellfair enough05:47
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nixternalare we ready for some meeting love today?07:06
fdovingwhat time is the meeting?07:07
=== fdoving checks topic.
fdovingin 4 hours.07:08
nixternalTonio_: do you have any idea on how to properly relibtoolize the kplayer package? that is all I am working on right now in order to get it sponsored into Debian07:09
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fdovinghi bddebian.07:18
bddebianHello fdoving07:18
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Tonio_nixternal: what is the problem with this ?07:25
nixternalall of the lib files in the kplayer deb07:25
nixternalman, I just realised that this latest release is GPLv307:25
Tonio_nixternal: yes but what is the problem with the libs ?07:28
nixternalnone that I know of..I was just told by a DD that it needs to be relibtoolized07:28
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Riddellnixternal: !07:30
Riddellnixternal: of kplayer?07:30
nixternaluh oh07:30
nixternalRiddell: yes07:30
Riddellnixternal: well it's not distributable then, Qt being GPL 2 only07:31
nixternalya, that is why I just said the part about just realising that07:31
Tonio_Riddell: why relibtoolizing something as long as it builds, works and is nice ?07:31
Tonio_Riddell: argh, I didn't figure out this, indeed.....07:32
nixternalTonio_: I would like to know the same for future references07:32
RiddellTonio_: dunno, you'd have to ask whoever wanted it07:32
Riddelldebian qt-kde packagers like to keep their .diff.gz clean of anything outside debian/07:32
Tonio_Riddell: means no buildprep for example...07:33
Riddellmeans you run buildprep and put the diff into a patch07:33
Tonio_Riddell: in a certain way that's good, since that helps for easy package update07:33
Tonio_Riddell: stop me if I'm wrong, but is it really impossible to redistribute a gpl3 app using gpl2/only code ?07:35
ScottKAccording to GNU it is.07:35
Riddellit is impossible07:35
Tonio_grmpf, how stupid.....07:36
Tonio_nixternal: e should ping upstream about that....07:36
Riddellof trolltech for not updating to gpl 3?07:36
nixternalI read the RMS talk about how they are incompatible07:36
=== ScottK has gotten in enough trouble already and will just stay quiet this time around.
nixternalRiddell: no, for it being imcompatible07:36
Tonio_Riddell: nope, of the next version of the licence beeing uncompatible with the previous one......07:36
nixternalya, I can speeel07:36
Riddellthat's sort of the point of it07:36
Tonio_Riddell: but that would be possible with some "gpl v2 or higher" code right ?07:37
fdovingstupid gpl3.07:37
RiddellTonio_: sure, it's just qt that's the blocker07:37
Riddellnothing stupid about gpl 3 that I've noticed07:38
Tonio_Riddell: yes, but it means that atm, any qt or kde based gpl3 application is not distribuable07:38
Tonio_Riddell: because it has 2 different FREE licences that conflict, both licences coming from the same fundation ?07:38
Tonio_Riddell: that's one of the most stupid things ever.....07:39
Riddellchoosing a licence which makes your app undistributable is somewhat daft07:40
Tonio_Riddell: the guy probably didn't knew that07:40
Tonio_Riddell: but I'll have to ping him then....07:40
Tonio_Riddell: well whoever is the fault, this is just a stupid situation.... ;)07:41
Tonio_Riddell: I'll ping upstream toonight on that point07:42
=== Stecchino_ [n=bart@d54C56F83.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: one question (maybe stupid) come to my mind....07:46
Tonio_Riddell: how can a kde-app be licenced "gpl v2 or at your option any later version" if qt iv v2 only and v3 uncompatible ?07:46
Tonio_Riddell: doesn't make sense to me....07:47
nixternalTonio_: I emailed kiriuja about it. I don't blame him/her if they want to keep it GPLv3..we need more people pushing for the change honestly..and I hate this incompatibility issue07:47
Riddellso that we don't have to re-licence all of KDE when qt becomes gpl 3 happy07:47
Riddellnot all of KDE is "or later" though alas07:47
Tonio_Riddell: okay then it makes sense :) didn't thought about the fact qt might change :)07:48
Tonio_nixternal: I don't blame him at all, I just think that making the 2 licences uncompatible will oblige people to switch one day if they want to make their software distribuable07:49
Tonio_nixternal: same thing microsoft does with incompatibility to oblige people to upgrade their softwares07:49
Tonio_nixternal: same thing I hate07:49
=== ScottK notes that the kernel is v2 only and extremely likely to stay that way, so it has to stop somewhere.
nixternalya, that kind of kills a lot of things as well07:50
Tonio_nixternal: where is the "ability to choose" when to make a distribuable software, you have to use the licence that is choosen for you in the first place ?07:50
nixternalso no v3 kernel modules, you can't link to v2 stuff07:50
nixternalTonio_: when you find that answer, let me know :)07:50
Tonio_nixternal: so stupid........07:51
nixternalthat it is07:52
Tonio_okay so let's comment on revu so that people don't waste their time on it.....07:52
nixternalif only I read the last line of the changelog for KPlayer, it states "that all versions from this point on will be GPLv3"07:54
Riddellnixternal: linux modules would have to be gpl 2 or gpl2 or later07:54
Riddellsame as KDE07:54
nixternalso if it has the "gpl2 or later" then it is fine?07:54
nixternalgotcha..and Qt is gpl2 only, no "later" clause07:55
ScottKAs is a lot of stuff.07:55
Tonio_okay let's go to lunch, brb for the meeting07:55
nixternalI am glad I just learned that...I have been slowly working on an app, top secret, that was planned for GPLv307:56
nixternallunch time!07:56
nixternalScottK is buying07:56
ScottKSorry, not lunch time here.07:56
nixternalya, 2pm there07:56
nixternalRiddell: I see you are rocking on the KDE 4 packages btw...I hadn't even realised the x.92 release until the commit messages this morning07:57
Riddellit hasn't been announced yet07:57
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nixternalI didn't even realise it was time for that to even happen07:57
nixternalman, time is flying07:57
Riddellit's a pretty crappy beta to be honest07:58
nixternalthat stinks07:58
nixternalno major changes since the last release?07:58
Riddellprobably, but it all crashes07:59
nixternalI have to admit, my SVN copy has been rocking...I am trying to get all of the effects working because I am giving a KDE 4 talk in a couple of weeks at IIT07:59
nixternaland the more bling, the more Gnome to KDE converters I can get when October rolls around08:00
Riddelloptimism, that's what we want :)08:04
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_StefanS_Tonio_: hey.. it works ;)08:17
_StefanS_Tonio_: got it worked some hours ago, but had to attend to the family.08:17
_StefanS_Tonio_: first I thought it didn't work at all, but I forgot how slow bluetooth is ;)08:18
_StefanS_Tonio_: the patch is in your mail.08:26
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mhbhmm, so the edubuntu folks have only one hour for the meeting?08:46
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Tonio__StefanS_: you rock :)08:52
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nixternalwe have a little bit of a problem09:11
nixternalour meetin is at 21:00 UTC, and the Edubuntu meeting is at 20:00 UTC09:11
ubotuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 01 Aug 20:00: Edubuntu | 01 Aug 21:00: Kubuntu Developers | 02 Aug 20:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 07 Aug 15:00: Kernel Team | 08 Aug 12:00: Edubuntu | 09 Aug 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team09:11
nixternaltypically the Edubuntu meetings don't last all that long, so I don't think a delay will be all that big of a deal09:12
_StefanS_anyone got the highlights from last nights meeting?09:14
_StefanS_Tonio_: thanks :)09:15
mhbnixternal: that's what I said few minutes ago :o)09:16
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manchickenWhy doesn't kopete have the ability to ignore users?10:19
manchickenthat's so irritating.10:19
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prisca_i just installed kde4-dev and configured kdm to show kde4 in the list but when i choose it and login  i get kicked back to login screen10:32
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Riddellprisca_: did you add the three export lines?10:33
Riddellprisca_: look at the .xsession-errors10:35
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nixternalKubuntu needs a "beach" theme10:38
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prisca_kdecore (KLibLoader): WARNING: KLibrary: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libunixprintplugin.so: undefined symbol: NP_GetValue10:43
prisca_thats probably not the right error line10:45
ryanakcameeting in 5 minutes?10:53
mhbryanakca: it's delayed until the edubuntu folks finish10:55
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=== ryanakca nods
nixternalhaha, apachelogger what are you getting chears for?10:57
apacheloggernixternal: membership :D10:57
nixternaldidn't see you name on the list10:57
apacheloggerHarald Sitter (apachelogger) candidates for Kubuntu-members [WWW]  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HaraldSitter [WWW]  https://launchpad.net/~apachelogger10:57
nixternaloh, there it is10:57
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apacheloggervery well hidden :P10:57
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Riddell** kubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting11:00
Riddellkwwii: ping11:03
=== erenko is now known as erenko1
ScottKTonio_: The big problem right now for backporting clamav into Dapper/Edgy (Feisty is in good shape) is testing and updating the rdepends.11:43
ScottKTonio_: On -updates, we've been getting good work done in -security for Feisty, but Dapper/Edgy are still roadblocked by an ancient base clamav version.11:45
ScottKNot sure how to fix that.11:45
elcucoRiddell: is that meeting over?11:51
Riddellelcuco: nope11:51
elcucosweet, btw, where can i get the drupal theme used on the main site?11:52
=== erenko1 is now known as erenko

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